afarnell JUttioersitg ffitfacarg Strata, S^etn $atk BERNARD ALBERT SINN COLLECTION NAVAL HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY THE GIFT OF BERNARD A. SINN. '97 1919 Comall Univerally Library V115.G7 B78 1860 A manual for naval cadets / olin 3 1924 030 751 790 Cornell University Library The original of tliis bool< is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. MANUAL FOR NAYAL CADETS JOHN M'NEILL BOYD CiPIAiir E.N. (.H.M.S. A.rAi) 'And well the docile crew that skilful urchin guides ^ — Byron SECOI«'D EDITION LONDON LONGMAN, GREEN, LONGMAN, AND ROBERTS 1860 TO THE COMMISSIONERS FOR EXECUTING!- THE OFFICE OF LORD HIGH ADMIRAL OF THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND, &c. HIS GRACE THE DUKE OP SOMERSET VICE-ADMIRAL THE HON. SIR RICHARD SAUNDERS DUNDAS, K.C.B. REAR-ADMIRAL THE HON. FREDERICK THOMAS PBLHAM, C.B. CAPTAIN CHARLES EDEN, C.B. CAPTAIN CHARLES FREDERICK SAMUEL WHITBREAD, ESQ. M.P. firstSewetorj/- REAR-ADMIRAL THE EIGHT HON. LORD CLARENCE EDWARD PAGET, C.B. M.P. &«!i«JSeM'ci!•- ..... .6 CHAP. III. WINDS. Atmospheric Aiiv-its Density. — Effect of Heat on Air. — Causes of Whirlmnds and Hurricanes Velocity and Perpendicular Pres- sure of Winds. — Barometer. — Weight of the Atmosphere.— Prin- ciple of the Barometer. — Aneroid Barometer. — Thermometer. — Table of comparative Degrees of different Thermometers. — Ad- miral Fitzroy's useful Rules. — Wind and Weather Journal. — The Siphon - 12 CHAP. IV. CONSTEDCTION. Wet Docks. — Locks. — Dry Docks. — ^Angle Blocks. —Culverts. — ^The Caisson or Floating Dam. — Slips. — Shores. — The Cradle. — Patent Xll CONTENTS. Slip.— Graving Dock. — Coffer Dam. — Floating Dock.— Timbers used in Ship- building. — Seasoning Timber. — Kyanising and Bnr- nettising.— Bramah's Forcing Pump. — Timber-bending Machines. — Mechanical Properties of Matgrials used in Construction. — Marine Glue, — its great adhesive Power. — Strength of Timber — of Cast Iron. — Transverse Strength of various Materials. — Table of Experiments on the Transverse Strength of Cast Iron Bars. — Tensile Strength and Power to resist Compression. — Iron. — Steel. — Soft Metal. — Vulcanised Indian Rubber. — Air Pumps. — Steam Pipes. — Weights, Size, and Specific Gravities of Substances used in the Construction of Vessels — Bolts and Nails. — Adhesion of Nail. — Mould Loft. — Sheer Drawing. — Sheer Plan. — Half- breadth Plan. — Body Plan. — Keel. — Stem. — Apron. — Knight- heads. — Stern-post. — Body-post A Frame of Timbers. — ^Dead- wood. — Keelson. — Beams. — Carlings. — Hawse Holes. — Breast- hooks and Crutches. — Biders. — Trussing. — Side Heelsons. — Steps. — False Keel. — Gripe. — Limbers. — Planking. — Channels. — Bill- boards. — Cat Head. — Head Knees. — Gammoning Piece. — Decks. — Biding Bits. — Port's Sides. — Spindle of the Capstan. — Com- pressors. — Scup pers. — Hawse Bucklers. — Hold. — Magazines. — Engine Eoom. — Caulking, Sheathing, and Coppering. — The Rudder — its Chocks.— The Figure Head. — The Pump. — Fire Engine. — Chain Pump. — Massie's Pump. — Bilge Pumps. — Body Post and After Deadwood. — Burthen of Ships. — Symbols used to characterise Vessels. — ^Amount of Materials for a 120-gun ship. Page 26 CHAP. V. PLOA.TIHQ. Difficulties in Launching. — The Bombay. — The Sulphur. — ^The Am- buscade. — Remarkable Triumph in the case of the Gorgon. — Sir Howard Douglass's Rules for estimating Bulk and Buoyant Capa- cities of Spars. — Table of Contents of Round Timber.— Rules for Measurement of Open Vessels. — Rafts of Ships' Ma*erials. — Rafts of Trees — Loss of Weight experienced by different Bodies when Immersed in Sea Water.— Specific Gravity— its Meaning. — Rule to determine the Magnitude of any Body from its Weight and vice versd -- ----.,04 CHAP. VL STOWAGE.. Use of Ballast.— Stability.— Weight of Bal'.ast informer and present Times. — Centre of Gravity. -Connection of Centre of Gravity CONTENTS. Xiii •with Displacement. — Eesultant of the Pressure of Water. — ^Dis- tribution of Weights. — Effect of Trim on Sailing. — Natural In- clination to " hogging." — Problem of Stability. — Ship heeling under Canvas. — Connection of Stability with Trim and Form. — Effect produced by moving certain Weights through different Spaces. — The Water Level. — Dr. Arnott on Fluid Resistance. — Ballast— Tanks - - , - - - Page 77 CHAP. TIL MECHANICAI/ POWERS. A Force. — Gravity. — Direction of a Force. — Telocity. — Power as distinguished from Strength. — Unit of Work. — The Motive Powers angmented, regulated and directed by Machinery. — Levers. — Wheel and Axle. — Capstan, — Leverage. — Patent Capstan. — Concentrated and diffused Powers. — A Train. — Tackles, — ^thelr Theory. — List of Tackles. — ^ Inclined Plane. — Wedge. — Screw. — Compound Machine. — Crane. — Compound Wheel and Axle. — Friction. — Friction in connection with Blocks - 92 CHAP. Tin. THE TELESCOPE. Achromatic Telescope Composition and Effects of Light. — ^Lenses. — ^Pencil of Rays. — Refracting Telescope. — Composition of Light. — Object Glass of an Achromatic Telescope - - 118 CHAP. IX. MASTS. Timber used for Masts. — Single Tree and Made Masts. — Hoops. — Rubbing Paunch. — Names of different Parts of a Mast. — Enees. — Tressle-trees. — Battens. — Bolsters. — Tenon. — Lower Cross Trees. — ^Tops. — Necldaces. — ^Lower Caps. — Top-masts. — Mizen- top-masts. — ^Top-mast Cross-trees. — Necklace for Hanging-blocks. — Top-mast Caps. — Fids. — Top Tackles. — Top-gallant and Royal Masts. — Heels. — Bowsprits. — Bee-blocks. — Gammoning Fish. — Saddle. — Bowsprit Caps. — Jib-booms.— Yards. — Average Talue of Spars. — Weight and Dimensions of Spars. — Masting Derricks. — Mast Strops. — Masting Spars. — Masting and Dismasting with own Resources. — Handling a Bowsprit. — Neat Performance in the History of Masting. — ^Lower Mast Sprung or Wounded. — Bow- sprits and Lower Tards. — The Thetis. — Lightning Conduc- tors - - 122 XIV CONTENTS. CHAP. X. bquipmknt: kigoino. Manufacture of Bopes. — Tarns. — Strands Hawser-laid Rope. — Cables. — Shroud -laid Eope. — SpunTarn. — Sennit. — Nettle Stuff. — Foxes. — Eeef Points or Gaskets. — Coir Kope. — Splices. — Worming, Parcelling, Serving and Backing. — Throat, Round and Flat Seizings.— Straps.— Table of Size of Hemp, Chain, and Wire Eope. — Ditto of Strength of Chain, Hemp, and Wire Rope. — Ditto of Threads and Weight of Bolt Rope. — Ditto of Number of Threads, Weights and Strength of Hemp Cables. — Ditto of Number of Threads and Weight of Ha\rser-Iaid Rope, three Strands. — Ditto of Number of Threads and Weight of Hawser-laid Rope, four Strands. — Ditto of Weight of Tacks. — Signal-halyards. — Blocks. — Table of Size of Rope Stropping. — Table of Weight of Wooden Blocks. — Ditto of Size and Weight of Purchase Blocks. — Hooks. — Metal Blocks.— Thimbles Iron Blocks. — Standing Rigging. — Running Rigging. — Cutting Out. — Mast-head Pendants. — Fore- most Shroud. — Stays. — Rigging Ship. — Placing lower Cross-trees. — Placing Tops. — Taking Tarns. — Bowsprit. — Gammonings. — Mau-ropes. — Stage.— Bobstay Collars. — Forestay Collars. — Bob- stays. — Bowsprit Shrouds. — Cap Bobstay. — Bumpkins. — Setting up Bowsprits. — Setting up Bobstays. — Rigging a Lower Mast. — The Cap. — Lower Lift Blocks. — Stays. — Turning in Lower Rigging. — Shrouds ends up. — Turning in Cutter Stay Fashion. Reeving. Lanyards. — Setting up Rigging — Stays. — Rattling. Futtock Rigging. — Comparison of Chain and Rope Gear. — Getting up Top-masts. — Placing Cross-trees. — Rigging Top- masts.— Necklace.— Tye Blocks.— Main-top-mast Back Stay. — Lanyards.— Jib Stay.— Topmast Caps.— Span Blocks.— Getting up Top-gallant Masts — Top-gallant Rigging.— Trysail Masts.— Jib- boom.— Jib Traveller. — Funnel. — Foot-ropes. — Guys. — Martin- gale.— Spritsail Gaffs. — Dolphin Striker.— Heel Chains.— Crupper. —Jib Stay.— Traveller.— Whiskers.— Flying Jib-boom. Page 148 CHAP. XL EQUIPMENT: RIGGING. Lower Slings.— Jeer Blocks.— Getting Lower Yards in.— Rig Lower Yards.— Lower Jeer Blocks.— Top-sail Sheet or Quarter Blocks Truss Strops — Clue Garnet.— Rolling Tackle.— Jaokstays Foot Ropes.— Yard Tackle.— Pendants.-Brace Blocks Leech Lines. CONTENTS. XV — Slings. — Rigging Topsail Tarda. — Mizen Topsail Yards. — Parrel. — Quarter Blocks. — Brace Blocks. — Topsail Lifts. — Bigging Upper Yards. — Lifts and Braces. — Heaving up Lower Yards. — Trusses. — Top-sail Halyards. — Fly-Blocks. — Crossing Top-sail Yards. — Upper Yard Ropes. — Spanker-boom and Gaff. — Topping Lifts. — Boom Sheets. — Throat Halyards. — Peak Hal- yai'ds. — Vangs. — Throat Downhaals. — Outhauler. — Brails. — Signal Halyards.— Running Rigging. — Jib Halyards. — Flying Jib Halyards. — Fore- top -mast Staysail. — Main-top-mast Staysail. — ^Top-gallaBit and Royal Staysails. — Main and Fore Staysail. — Second Jib. — Courses. — Clue Garnets. — Buntlines. — Leechliues. — Fore Bowlines. — Reef Pendants. — Topsails. — Sheets. — Cluelines. — Reef Tackles. — Topsail Cluelines. — Top-gallant Sails. — Top- gallant Buntlines. — Royals. — Fore-top Bowlines. — Main-top Bowlines. — Studding Sail Gear. — Studding Sail Booms. — Fore Guys. — Halyards. — Tripping Lines. — Fore-top-mast Stud-sails. — Tacks, Sheets, and Downhauls Topping Lifts. — ^Tack and Lower Halyard. — Blacking down - - - - - Page 193 CHAP. XIL KNOTS AND SPLICES. Worming. — Serving. — ^A Short Splice. — ^Eye Splice. — Long Splice.— Flemish Eye.— Cut Splice.— Wall Knot.— To Crown a Wall Knot.— To Double Wall a Wall Knot.— To Double Crown a Wall Knot. — Stopper Knot. — Shroud Knot. — French Shroud Knot. — Buoy Rope Knot. — Miscellaneous Knots. — Matthew Walker's Knot. — Single Diamond Knot. — Double Diamond Knot.— Sprit Sail Sheet Knot. — Turk's Head. — A Selvagee. — To lengthen a Rope by additional Strands. — ^Bends and Hitches. — Grummet. — Round Seizing. — Throat Seizing - - ... 217 CHAP. XTIL ANCHOB3 AND CABLES. Admiralty Anchors. — Porter's and Rodgers' Anchors. — Jury Anchors. — Mitchel's Screw Anchors. — Chain Cables. — Admiralty Specification of Chain Cables. — Splicing Tails. — Anchor Shackles. — Cable Swivels. — Cable Shackle. — ^Admiral Elliot's Splicing Shackle. — Sir Thomas Hardy's Mooring Swivel. — Messenger and Crane Chains. — Clear Hawse Shackle. — Slip Stopper. — Top Chains. — Mast-head Slings Table of STumber and Weights of Anchors, and Number and Size of Cables and Messengers. — Table XVI CONTENTS. of Splicing Shackles, Mooring Swivels and Chains, as to Weight and Value. — Kules for finding the Weight of Open-linked Chains. —To flnd the Weight that may be lifted by Chains. — Table of Strain, Size, Value, and Weight of Chain Cables and Anchors. — Dimensions of Lookers for 200 -fathom Chain Cable.— Getting in Cables.- Getting in Anchors.— Fish Davit Fish Block.— Waist - Anchor.— Cat-Block.— Cat.— Stock-Tackle.- Stream Anchors. — Gangers. — Object of the Buoy. — Hemp Cables - Page 236 CHAP. XIV. STORES AND PKOVISIONS. Hoisting in Spare Spars. — Getting in Provisions and Stores. — De- scription, Contents, and Weight of Packages and Iron Tanks. — Empty Casks. — Slop Clothing. — Marine Necessaries. — Forage. — Beligious Books. — Iron Tanks. — Weight of Provisions and Stores for a Ship of each Kate - - - - . . 2S3 CHAP. XV. OKDNANCB. Gun Metal. — Parts of a Gun. — Parts of a Gun Carnage. — External and Internal Appearance of Gun Carriage. — Parts of a Carronade. — ^Angle of Dispart. — Sights. — Line of Metal. — Centre of Metal. —Tangent Scale. — Calibre of a Gun. — ^Axis of a Piece. — Windage. — Vents. — Shot and Shell. — Mortars. — Proof Charges of Brass Guns. — Howitzers. — Table of Proof Charges. — Gunpowder. — Its Component Parts. — Powder Marks. — Cartridges. — Metal Cases. — Dimensions of Powder Packages. — Shell. — Metal Fuses. Blue Light. — Long Lights.— Slow Match. — Port Fires. — Bickford's Fuse. — Signal Kockets. — Congreve Rockets. — Carcasses. — Tubes. —Gun Cotton. — Lignine. — Field-piece Carriages, Table of their Weight and Dimensions. — Elevation and Plan of 9-pounder Brass Field Carriage — Weights and Dimensions of Small Arms in use. — Shot. — Canister. — Grape. — Shrapnell Shell. — Getting in Guns. — Duty- of the Gurnet. — Rigging Tard Purchase. Raising Guns - . - . . . 266 CHAP. XVL BOATS. Material and Value of Boats. — Carvel and Clinker. — Diagonals. Chain Slings.— Plug Ho!es.— Mast Steps.— Weights and Tonnage of Boats. — Coppermg of a 42-foot Pinnace Launch. — Fitting CONTENTS. XVll Gun Slides. — Hoisting in and stowing Boom Boats. — Mr. Tin- month's Experiments to ascertain the Properties of Spars. — Runners and Tacldes Securing Lizards. — Hooking on. — Foul Hook. — Hoisting out. — Yard Tackle Pendants. — Top Burtons. —Snatches. — Mode of stowing Barge and Pinnace. — Stowing Boom Boats in one — Advantages of - - - - Page 284 CHAP. xvn. sahos. Parts of Sails — Weight and Price of Canvas used. — Strengtheuers. — Eyelet Holes, Clues, and Foot Ropes. — Cutting. — Courses. — Top Sails. — Boom Main Sails. — Size and Proportion of Sails for different-sized Boats.-r-Different Modes of pointing Sails. — Table of Yards and Size of Canvas required for certain Sails for Ships of different Rates. — Table showing the Purposes for which the Classes are suitable. — Table of Weight of Sails. — Table of Time required to complete certain Sails of certain Dimensions. — Table of a Man's daily Work, and of Length, Number, and Weight of Points in Sails of different Class Ships. — Sail Tackle. — Bending Sails. — Topsails. — Courses. — Spanker. — Head Sails. — Jibs. — Lacings. — Top-gallant Sails and Royals. — Boom Main-sails. — Try-sails.— Studding Sails.— Making Sail.— Furling Sails • 294 CHAP. xvni. ACTION OF WIND UPON SAILS. Area and Centre of Effort. — Axis of Rotation. — Natural and direct Resistance. — Their Effect on a Ship's Progress. — Advantage of flat and Disadvantage of curved Surfaces. — Power of Sails illus- trated irom the Lever. — Carrying a good Helm — Tacking and Wearing - - ■ ■ - - - - 323 CHAP. XIX. MEASURES AND WEIGHTS. Measures of Time. — The Pendulum. — Compensation Balance. — Table of Length of Pendulum vibrating Seconds in different Latitudes. Tables of British Weights and Measures. — Miscellaneous Weights and Measures. — Relative Value of British and French Weights and Measures. — French Decimal System.— Relative Value of British and Foreign Measures of Length.-^Relative Value of British and Foreign Commercial Wteights. — Lead Lines. — Log Lines. — Measuring Distance by Sound - - - 331 XrUl CONTENTS. CHAP. XX. OKGAKISATIOir. Berthing.— Hammocks and Bags.— Clothing.— Watch Quarter and Station Bill.— Form of Watch Bill.— Conduct Book.— Form for Routine and Executive's Order Book.— Mvistering by Divisions. — Meals.— Cleaning Decks.— Wet and Dry Stoning.— Spitting Kida. — Collingwood's System of Arrangement. — Head Shoots. — Con- stant Attention to be paid to Ventilation. — Observance of the Lord's Day .-.---. - Page 843 CHAP. XXI. FBBPABmO FOB SEA. Xoadstone. — Compasses. — Cause of Variation of the Needle. — Mr. Barlow's Correcting Plate. — Steering Gear. — Tillers and Yokes Twiddling Lines. — Paint Work. — Life Buoys. — ^Night Signals. — Rules for Passing Ships. — Line of Battle. — Order of Sailing. — Line of Bearing. — Close and Open Order. — Inspection of Ships. — The Things to be attended to.— Loosing Sails - - - 368 CHAP. XXIL HANDLING BOATS. Steam Boats and Tackles. — Carrying Stores. — Store Warrants. — Carrying Sail. — Precautions before Shoving Off. — Passing to Lee- ward of a Vessel. — Steraway. — Small Helm.— Blowing oif Land. — Boarding. — Swinging at Ebb. — Management of Boats in Broken Water.— General Bnles for Rowing to Seaward..— Broaching-to. — Drognes. — Eules for attempting to Land through a heavy Surf. — Getting a Boat up on a Bekch. — Dangers to be apprehended on Boarding a Stranded Vessel. — Taking Boats in Tow. — Saluting. — Watering. — Warping. — General Duties. — Lowering and Hoisting. .^Hooking on for Hoisting. — Fitting Quarter Davits 367 CHAP. XXIII. ANCHORING. Anchoring on Signals — ^Mooring.— Position of the Anchors, and ■ Direction of Wind necessary to be considered in Mooring.— Taut Moor._^Mooring in aTide Way.— Foul Hawse. — Clearing Hawse. - Mooring Swivel."— Putting on the Swivel after Mooring.— Securing i Cables.— The Fastenings. — Unmooring.— Foul Anchor. — Anchor- CONTENTS. XIX ing. -Single Anchor. — Creeping for Anchors. — Carrying an An- chor out by Boats. — Stream Anchors. — Carrying Anchor by Boats when the Ship is ashore Heaving off. — Carrying Anchors with Boats. — Re-stowing Waist Anchors. — To stow the Waist Anchor with the Davits. — Striking Lower Tarda and Top- masts ..„--.--- Page 390 CHAP. XXIV. HANDLING THB SHIP. Experience, Promptitude, and Invention, necessary for Command, — Coiling Eopes. — Casting. — Tacking. — Sailing in Line. — Wearing. — Cracking on. — Taken Aback. — Man Overboard. — Taking a Ship in Tow under Sail Warping. — Shaking out Eeefs Fore and Aft Sails. — Setting Upper Sails. — Taut Gear. — Deadening Way, — Collision. — Setting Studding Sails — Taking in Studding Sails. — Taking in Sail. — Reefing Topsails. — Setting Courses.— Boxing off. — Taking in the Driver. — Taking the Jib in. — Sending Top- gallant Masts and Yards down.— Weather Brace carried away. — Weather Reef Tackle carried away. — ^Weather Topsail Sheet and Clueline carried away. — Main Tack and Clue (xamet gone. — Top- sail Brace and Parrel carried away. — Top-gallant Brace and Parrel carried away. — Bobstays gone — the best Remedy. — Pre- venter Braces, Lifts and Cluelines. — Reefing Topsails and Courses. — Reefing Courses. — Taking in a Course.— Reducing a Topsail. — Taking a Topsail in when Blowing Hard.^^Sending a Topsail up in Bad Weather. — Sending a Topsail up Reefed. — Unbending Sails. — Shifting Top-gallant Masts. — Shifting Topmasts. — Shifting Jib-boom. — Broken Spars. — Rudder gone. — To Steer with a Cable. — Landing the Rudder Slacking Lower Rigging. — Swifting in Rigging. — Cutting away Masts. — Casting Rigging adrift. — To get a Lower Yard down inside the Rigging — Trim- ming Sails. — Making Sail. — Backing and Filling. — Boats making for the Ship.— Dredging. — Club Hauling. — Heaving Down. — Scale of Blocks, Falls, Pendants, Strapping and Shrouds used in Heaving down different] Classes of Ships. — Captain Harris's Account of Heaving down, the Melville. — The Success and the Croesus repaired - - - - - US CHAP. XXV. STEAM ENGINE. The Marine Steam Engine.— Fuel. — Coal. — Patent Fuel. — Good Stoking. — Draft of Chimney. — Blast-pipe. — Damper.— Properties XX CONTENTS. of Stefim, — Newcomen'3 Atmospheric Engine. — Elastic Force of Vapour. — Temperature of Steam — Instrnments employed for testing.— Pressare of Steam.— Boilers.— Heat operates on Solida by Conduction, on Fluids by Connection. — Latent Heat.— Eadia- tion. — Marine Boilers. — Water Space. — Steam Cheat. — Flue Boilers. — Liability to bursting. — Communication or Stop Valves. —Feed Pumps.— Hot Well.— Water Gauge.— Priming.— Land Engines.— Reverse Valves.— Blow-off Cocks.— Brine Pumps. — Man-hole..^Mud-hole. — Steam Gauge.— Safety Valve.— Waste Steam Funnel. — Drip Pipe. — Steam Pipe. — Throttle Valve. — Force of Steam. — The Cylinder. — Eduction Pipe. — The Eccentric Slide Valves. — ^Expansive Gear. — Escape Valves. — Condenser. — Air Pump and Hot Well. — Kingston Valves. — Foot, Delivery, Blow-through, and Snifting Valves. — The Piston. — Piston Rod Stuffing Box. — Glands. — Direct-acting Oscillating Engine. — Dead Point. — Trunk Engines. — ^Indicator.— Horse Power. — The Screw. — Marine Propeller. — Pitch of a Screw. — The Slip. — Handling the Propeller. — Distilling Apparatus. — Action of Parts of Engine in Distillation. — Steerage of Screw Ships Page 347 CHAP. XXVL FLAGS. The Royal Standard.— Blazon of the Prince Consort's Standard. — The Prince of Wales's Standard. — ^Union Jack. — Admiralty Flag. — Flag of the CSnque Ports. — Signal Code - - - - 601 APPENDIX. List and Average Prices of Articles necessary for a Cadet's Equip- ment. — Chests and Drawers. — ^Admiralty Circular on Expense of Messes. — Article irom The Times. — Necessary Expenses and Official Pay of Young Officers. — Taking in a Course. — ^Falconer's Shipwreck cited. — Admiralty Circular on Qualifications of Naval Cadets. — Midshipmen, — their Examinations. — ^Instruction by the Naval Instructor.— List of Instruments and Books required by each Cadet. — Examination on leaving the Training Ship. — Form of Certificate to be given to Officers on passing for Midshipmen. — Form of the Passing Certificate in Seamanship for the Rank of Lieutenant or Master.— Form of Passing Certificate for a Lieu- tenant in Gtunnery. — ^Form of Passing Certificate at the Royal Naval College for a Lieutenant or Master. — Number of Observa- tions required to be taken by a Candidate before Examination 507 Over InterrofftLtory Pendant ask Sblp*B nsme in Nnvy List. Over Geographical ditto ask from whence Ship come. Under ditto ditto ditto -whither bonnd. AlwafB used In making Ship'8 name. IP Church MANUAL FOR NAVAL CADETS. CHAPTER L WATER AND AIB. The Theory of naval architecture is founded on those hranches of the science of watery fluids which are comprehended in the term Hydrodynamics. Those are — Hydrostatics, which treat of their pressure when at rest ; Hydraulics, which treat of them in motion ; and Pneumatics, which treat of the pressure and motion of air and other elastic fluids. The Questions then arise, what is water ? and what is air ? Every substance which comes under the cognizance of our senses is called matter, and is made up of atoms, each of which, however minute, has length, breadth, and thickness, and occupies a space into which another cannot enter until the first has been displaced. If, for example, we immerse a solid in a vessel full of water, a portion will overflow equal in bulk to that of the body which is submerged. This property of matter is called its Impenetrability. In some bodies the atoms are closer together than in others, and, although of similar volume, would have greater gravity. This is the Density of matter,* The quantity of space which * The earth is a mass of matter, about 5| times heavier than an equal Tolume'of water ; or, what is the same, the mean density of the earth is 5|. The total weight of the earth is more than 6,000,000,000 billions of tons. B 2 MANUAL FOR NAVAL CADETS. a body occupies, is called its Volnme or Bulk. AH bodies on or near the earth possess gravity (or weight), and tend towards the earth's centre with a force called centripetal, proportionate to their respective densities. Maids press equally in all directions, upwards, downwards, obliquely, and laterally. Solids press only downwards. The pressure of a fluid on a lighter body or a rarer fluid, arises from the heavier fluid seeking to maintain its own level, or the level of its own weight. The extraneous body is therefore driven upwards, as in the case of gases, steam, vapour, smoke, &c. Most substances are made up of two or more others, so in- timately associated, either by mechanical mixture or by che- mical combination, as not to be separable, except by extraordinary means. The component parts are held together by an attractive force called Cobeslon, which is greater in solids than in fluids, and altogether absent in gases. When solids are exposed to a certain degree of heat they change their state: some are con- verted into liquids ; liquids into vapours ; and again, by a like loss of heat, these revert to the liquid state ; and liquids, by due degrees of cold, are solidified. In others, the conversion is into smoke. This property of matter is called its extension. In some cases these substances may be taken to pieces, and each part further investigated — a property of matter which is called its Divisibility ; but when they resist all separation, they are called simple or elementary. Those substances which it most concerns us to considet in reference to the question we are investigating, are Oxygen, ■Nitrogen, and Hydrogen. Oxyeren is only known as gas. It is a little heavier than atmospheric air, and 740 times lighter than water. It is the principle of combustion or burning, and indispensable to the support of animal or vegetable life. All substances which are capable of combustion in common air, burn with far greater intensity in an atmosphere of pure oxygen ; but were it inhaled by animals in this form, they would expire from excess of vital action. IVltrogen, or azote, has neither colour, taste, nor odour. It extinguishes flame, cannot support life, and counteracts the activity of oxygen in that mechanical mixture of these two gases which compose our atmospheric air. < WATER AND AIE. • 3 Hydrogen is the lightest and most inflammable of all material substances, being bulk for bulk more than fourteen times as light as common air. 2,000 feet of this gas will weigh only 1 1 lbs. j while the same volume of common air will weigh 160 pounds. For this reason, it is used in the inflation of balloons. Phosphu- retted hydrogen is generated by the decomposition of animal bodies, and has produced such phenomena as the " Will o' the "Wisp," &c. Sulphuretted hydrogen is extremely poisonous, and is generated freely during the combustion of tallow or wax candles. During consumption by fire, fermentation, or decay of or- ganised bodies or vegetables, as well as during the respiration of animals, carbonic add gas is constantly produced. It is also thrown off by vegetation during the night ; but its noxious effects upon the atmosphere are neutralised by the larger quantities of oxygen which plants generate in daytime. It extinguishes light, and produces suffocation. Being heavier than air, it remains at the bottom of wells and mines, causing the " choke-damp," which, however, may be dispersed by throwing in water. A compound of this gas with hydrogen, called carburetted hydrogen, issues from stagnant waters, decomposed matter, and under the name of " fire-damp," produces explosions in coal mines. Air from the lungs of animals, when inhaled a second time, acts as a poison,, which is more or less deadly as the oxygen is more or less vitiated. A man consumes 26 cubic feet of oxygen daily, and generates nearly a cubic foot of carbonic acid hourly. Wood, much saturated, absorbs oxygen, and thus generates car- bonic acid gas ; and all vegetable matter emits carbonic acid at night. These are facts which naturally present serious objec- tions to unnecessary exposure in night-boatwork on rivers, and too frequent deck-washing, and demand every possible con- trivance for ventilation. " To form just conceptions of what Ventilation is, and how it is in general to be accomplished, an engineer has to consider that the ocean of air, called the atmosphere, which rests on the surface of the earth, and at the bottom of which men live, as certain aquatic animals live at the bottom of the sea, is about 50 miles high or deep ; and that the portion of this ocean which can be contaminated by any process of animal or vegetable life, or by the decomposition of organic bodies when dead, may be B 2 4 MANUAL FOE NATAL CADETS. regarded as less deep generally than the fiftieth part of one mile, estimated from the surface of the earth. This comparatively insignificant stratum, therefore, may be regarded as the home or lurking place of all epidemic diseases and insalubrious air ; the more exact statement, indeed, being, that these are generally confined to the still much smaller portions of air contained in houses, or other enclosed places. Then the fact is to be kept in mind, that the whole mass of the atmosphere at any moment over a city or other place, is always travelling away to leeward with the speed of the wind, and is carrying with it whatever impurity may ascend from below, which impurity is then resolved quickly into the pure elementary oxygen, carbon, &c., of which all effluvia consist. Man can no more contaminate permanently the deep atmosphere over him by his proceedings at t^e bottom of it, than 'he >can contaminate the Atlantic Sea, by what he may do on the shores. Then he has to learn, with the same mechanical certainty as he can substitute the pure water of a passing tide or river stream for defiled water near the shore, he may substitute pure air from the atmosphere iox any air near him that has become unfit for his use." * These substances enter into the composition of water and air, though in difEerent proportions. Water -consists of eight parts (by weight) of oxygen and one of hydrogen, and air mainly consists of one measure of oxygen and four of nitrogen. Both are fluids, and have many properties in common. The watery ocean extends over three parts of the earth's surface, and the aerial surrounds the -globe to n, height of 45 miles.f Both have impenetrability, inertia, and momentum. Bodies, specifically lighter, float upon their surface, and heavier bodies sink. Both gravitate towards the earth's centre, and press equally in all directions. This equality -of fluid pressure on the bodies of animals * Amott'B Fhyaics. t The surface of the sea is estimated at l.'iO millions of square miles, taking the whole surface of the globe at 197 miJtioDS. The Pacific Ocean covers 78 millions of square miles, the Atlantic 25, the Indian Ocean 14, the Southern Ocean to 30 degrees 25, the Northern Ocean ij, and the Mediterranean 1 mil- lion ; the Black Sea 170,000, the Baltic 175,000, the North Sea 160,000. The depth of the ocean is one of those secrets of Nature which the in- genuity of man has failed as yet to penetrate. It has been inferred from a sup- posed physical relation that it is equal to the height of the mountains. Lieut. Maury does not consider this supposition, or the different reports of soundings which have exceeded 2!i,000 feet, to be deserving of confidence. "WATER AND AIR. is sustained by the counteraction of fluids contained in their system ; and when the water inside a ship has risen above the level of a leak, the entrance of more will be considerably re- tarded. " This equality of pressure in all directions at any point in a fluid in equilibrium, is the fundamental principle from which all the reasonings of hydrostatics are to be deduced. The particles glide over each other with perfect freedom, each particle pressing equally on all the particles that surround it, and is equally pressed upon by these. It also presses equally upon the solid bodies which it touches, and is equally pressed upon by these." » This property of thus transmitting pressure, is one in virtue of which a liquid becomes a machine ;- for if a quantity be sub- mitted to compression, the effect is equally diffused through the whole ; and a given pressure, made on one inch of the surface of a fluid contained in a. vessel, is instantly borne by every inch of the surface of the vessel, however large, and by every inch of the surface of any body immersed in the fluid. Thus, in the hydrostatic press; which is used in the pro- cess of forcing the preservative solution into timber, if the small piston of « (-Fij. 3.) have only one thousandth of the area of the larger one, e, and be pressed down with a force of 500 lbs., it will cause the large one to rise with a force of lOOO-c times 500 lbs. In the construction of the Britannia Bridge, a press of this kind was made use of, which, lifted a weight of 1,144 tons. The internal diameter of the great cylinder was 22 inches, and that of the ram or smaller piston, 20 inches. Water is of the same density throughout, and is incompressible. Air has different degrees of density, and is elastic. To the gene- ral law that heat causes expansion and cold contraction, water is but partially obedient, while air obeys that law under all con- ditions. A cubic foot of distilled water weighs 1000 ounces avoir- dupoisk Sea water contains from 3 to 4 per cent, of salt. Fresh water boils at 212° Fahrenheit, and begins to freeze at 32°. Sea water freezes at 28|°. At this point, the atoms become fixed • Tomlinson*s Nat. Philosophy. B S Fig. 3. 6 MANUAL FOE NAVAL CADETS. in crystals, and continue to expand until they form ice, which being 8 parts in 100 lighter than water, floats on its surface.* Nine cubic inches of water become ten by freezing ; and a cubic inch, confined and frozen, expands with a force equal to nearly 13 tons, — a fact which, if not considered in the arrangement and management of those pipes and valves which in ships commu- nicate with the sea, may lead, and has led, to dangerous acci- dents, f Bodies of greater density than water, when completely im- mersed, lose just as much of their weight as that of the quantity of water they displace ; a consideration intimately affecting all such operations as the carrying of guns, anchors, rudders, &c., underneath boats, or weighing sunken vessels, &c. CHAP. II. DISPLACEMENT AND SHAPE. Bodies which float on the surface of water are borne upwards by a force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced ; but those bodies whose bulk does not displace a quantity of water equal to their weight will sink, unless floated in a vessel sufficiently large to displace a quantity of water heavier than their united weights. A ship, therefore, destined to carry a certain amount of tonnage, must be so constructed as to displace a quantity of water equal to that amount, and her own weight besides.. This consideration involves the distinct connection of hydrostatics with naval architecture, especially as affecting the subject of displacement. • Liebig tells us that " during the act of freezing, the temperature remains at 23° Fahrenheit. Nevertheless water may be cooled as low as 5° without becoming solid, if the fluid be in a state of perfect rest, but that the least dis- turbance is sufficient to effect congelation." t Ice ^ inches thick will bear Infantry. 4 „ Cavalry or light guns. 6 „ Field-guns (heavy). 8 I, 24-pouaders on sledges. U. S. Manual. DISPLACEMENT AND SHAPE. 7 Ploating bodies immerse a portion of their bulk in the fluid on which they are borne. They float because they are specifi- cally lighter than the fluid j that is, a given mean measure of the one is lighter than a given mean measure of the other. On placing such bodies on water, they sink until a balance is es- tablished between their weight and that of the water pushed aside to permit its immersion. The portion immersed displaces exactly its own form and bulk of the fluid, and the weight of that bulk of fluid is precisely equal to that of the floating body. The body being the ship, and the fluid, water, the amount of water thus removed will be her dlsplaoement. The number of cubic feet contained in the body below its line of flotation is obtained from the drawings, and will be the exact measure of the quantity of water displaced. Then the weight of a given measure of water being known, the weight of the quantity of water displaced (and consequently the weight of the floating body at any line of flotation) may be known also. But this is a simple question of mensuration. The builder is not to accom- plish his w^ork simply in reference to the quantity of materials he has at his command. He has a certain amount of weights in the form of men, guns, masts, and stores (according to the rate of the ship ordered to be built), given him as data of pro. cedure, and he must so manage his material, as to produce a structure capable of accommodating those weights, without detriment to the necessary amount of buoyancy. There is little or no remedy if the attempt turn out a failure. If on being equipped, it appeai-s that the form and dimensions of the part immersed are not such as to displace a quantity of water equal to the weight of the ship and her material, the ship will sink so low in the water, as to be inefficient for her purpose; and she must in that case be reduced to a lower rate by the withdrawal of a certain quantity of guns, ballast, and stores. On the other hand, if it appears, on being equipped, that the form and dimen-" sions of the part immersed are such as to displace a greater* weight of water than that of the ship and her material, she will be so high as to be crank, leewardly, and otherwise defective. It would be needful in this case to increase her ballast and other weights to a degree that would affect her sailing qualities. This discrepancy might be owing to ignorance or miscalculation on the part of the architect, or to mistake or fraud on the part B 4 8 MANUAL FOE NAVAL CADETS. of the shipwright ; for there must not only be propriety of dimensions, but suitability of materials. In other words, the dimensions may be out of proportion for the purpose for which the vessel is required ; or the scantling may be stouter or slighter, the timber greener or better seasoned, or specifically heavier or lighter. Having thus briefly considered the subject of the ship's capacity, it is desirable to treat of that of Sbape, a question which involves the laws of hydraulics. We know that water in motion presses more or less upon an obstacle exposed to its action, according to the position and form of that obstacle; and that an object moves through water at rest with more or less facility, according to its shape. The hand placed in running water perpendicularly or horizontally, offers different amounts of resistance; and, moved in that position through still water, encounters different amounts of resistance. The great question then to determine was that of the form of a vessel which wonld oppose to the water the least possible resistance; and to that question have our various schools of ship-building applied themselves with more or less success. Bluff bows and fine runs, " the dolphin's head and mackerel's tail," were for a long period considered the main desiderata. The "bruise waters" gave way to "long bows and full after- bodies ; " the " long hollow floor " to the " peg-top " pattern ; narrow "cribs " to excessive breadth of beam; light draught of water to deep draught; and enormous quantities of ballast to none whatever. Each and all of these systems have had their respec- tive advocates ; all bent upon ascertaining that particular form which could be most easily propelled, or in other words, offer the least resistance. Numerous experiments were made with a view of solving this question. Pieces of wood of equal bulks, but of different shapes, were drawn across the surface of a water trough by equal powers of traction, and that which performed the transit in the shortest time was considered to have furnished the desired model. But when this shape came to be tested by the rnder trial of practice, it was found to be a success only under partial circnmstances. In strong breezes and smooth water it succeeded to admiration ; but in opposite circumstances, and with a, propelling power acting in any other direction than the parallel, it proved to be a failure. The reason of this soon became obvious. SufScient DISPLACEMENT AND SHAPE. 9 consideration had not been bestowed on the fact that a vessel's lines and shapes alter relatively to the state of the water through which she moves. In other words, the ship which opposed com- paratively little resistance to a smooth sea, presented unexpected resistance to a broken one. The forms of fish again were sup- posed to supply the desired pattern ; but here it was overlooked that the rapidity of the motion of the fish depends probably quite as much on muscular power, as upon peculiarity of shape. In the case of birds, for example, it is notorious that speed of flight does not always depend on equality or even similarity of bulk. All this tends to prove, that while great importance is to be attached to the question of shape, no degree of excellence in that respect will necessarily ensure rapidity in sailing. That depends on many considerations besides ; such as the adaptation of the weight to be carried to capacity and form, the distribution of that weight in the vessel, harmony between shape and rig, and, above all, the handling of the ship. Craft of undoubted speed have ceased to be constant winners after a change of owners j and some of the old school ships have held their own with modern ones. That may be the result either of seamanship or of trim, or of both, — questions which will come more appropriately under notice in a diflerent section. One fact has been established by experiments made in refer- ence to the question of Form in our own days. It has been proved that (due attention being paid to construction) rapidity of sailing is in proportion to increase of bulk. Of this our own navy exhibits many illustrations. To select one — The Duke of Wellington is equally remarkable for speed and handiness; proving that as far as her dimensions have gone, increase of size promotes rather than hinders velocity. But the most remark- able application of the theory which modern times furnishes is presented in the instance of the Great Eastern, now in process of construction. In the case of this vessel, it has been carried to such a singular extreme as to warrant notice. Her distinguishing feature is length. The Atlantic waves are calculated rarely to exceed 28 feet in height, and 600 in length, whilst in moderate gales, they are about 300, and in fresh weather about 120 feet in length ; and it is expected that as the ship will be water borne, even in extreme circumstances, by two waves at the same time, she will 10 MANUAL FOE NATAL CADETS. bestride the heaviest seas, and thus aroid those descents into the troughs which compel shorter-Teasels to traverse additional space, and so to lose time in struggling upward against a powerfully resisting medium. The annexed sketch {Fig. 4.) is on a scale of proportion. The ship is of iron, 692 feet long over all, 83 feet beam, 114 feet across the paddle-boxes, and nearly 60 feet deep : the sides are tied together by double decks and 10 transverse bulk-heads. As to the comparative excellence of wood and iron in ship- building, Mr. Fairbairu remarks : " Iron ships of the same external dimensions as wooden are both lighter and stronger, and consequently have more space for cargo. Their original cost is less, but their comparative durability is not yet decided." But the whole of this subject of ship-building, with reference to the question of fluid resistance, is admitted by the most eminent writers and the more experienced practical men to be one, even now, of extreme difficulty. The creation and failure- of the several schools of naval architecture are but so many steps towards the ultimate discovery of the form according tq which ships should be constructed. Builders of high reputa- tion have carried out their own theories only to arrive at the discovery that results did not correspond to the expectation. Naval men have done the same, and with the same result. Both — the scientific architect and the practical seaman — have foun4. out that scientific knowledge, and practical experience, separately, have failed to solve the problem. It was probably this which led Mr. Fincham to say: — "The theory of resistances remains in about the same condition that it was left by Du Buat, and experiment has done little since the date of Colonel Beaufoy's labours And until the perfection of a theory of naval architecture shall have been sought in new inquiries on this subject, the naval architect must look chiefly to the navy itself for suggestions to improve the forms of ships. " This last acknowledgment appears to suggest the only probable plan for the construction of vessels answering under trial to the theoretic anticipations of their designers. That which has failed under separate talents, may possibly succeed under conjoint ones. Abstract science and personal experience may, when combined and assistant to each other, give us the great desideratum. Since the above quotation was written, we DISPLACEMENT AND SHAPE. 11 /( ./ 12 MANUAL FOR NAVAL CADETS. have seen its idea reduced to fact in one of our own naval departments. Practical knowledge and seaman-like experience preside over one of our most important Boards; and the modern ships which grace our navy are the best illustrations of the soundness of the remark of the distinguished architect whose views I have cited. CHAP. UI. The composition and extent of atmosplierlc air, its nature a£ far as regards subjection to the law of gravity, the absence of cohesive attraction among its particles, and their equality of pressure at every point, have already been noticed. We have now to consider its weight, compressibility, elasticity, mobility, and the different purposes to which these properties are applied in connection with naval architecture. Air is of different degrees of density through- out ; a cubic foot weighing on the average V2 oz. The particles of the lower strata, yielding to the pressure of those above, become so much reduced in bulk that there is usually as much air within 3| miles of the earth as there is altogether beyond that altitude (Fig. 5.) f and the whole body exerts a pressure of 1 5 pounds on every square inch of the globe's surface, equal to 15 tons on the human frame. Air expands in proportion to the diminution of pressure, and when entirely extracted from a close vessel, a vacuum is formed. To compress air into twice its density requires a force of 15 lbs. 3 oz., into four times its density, 45 lbs. 9 oz., and so for other diminutions less one. In a thoroughly exhausted receiver animals soon expire, vegetation and combustion cease, gunpowder will not explode, smoke descends, bodies of different densities fall with equal rapidity, water and other fluids turn to vapours, sound is in- distinctly heard, and heat imperfectly transmitted. The nature of a vacuum, the elasticity of air, and the force of atmospheric pressure will readily be understood by alternately closing and opening the vent during the common operation of washing out a gun barrel. WINDS. 13 Scale of miles. Fig. 5. Supposed Limit of th< Atmosphere. " J^p&ftJM 2 inches 3 inche!) 4 inches 5 inches Feet. A. Himalaya - -- - 28,000 B. Alps (Mont Blanc) -15,650 C. Andes (Sorata)- - 25,250 d. Ben NevU - - - 4,350 e. Snowdon • - • 3^557 /. Humboldt and Bonp- land on Chimborazo I8|576 Feet. g. Dalkdth Mine, Corn- wall .' - - -. 1,440 A. Gay-Lussac's Balloon Ascent, in 1804 - 23,000 t. Cirri) or Mare's Tail Clouds 30,000 to 30,000 k. Rain Clouds 1,000 to 7,000 /. Deepest soundine by Ross, in the Third Antarctic Voyage - 27,600 14 MANtTAL FOE NAVAL CADETS. Air conveys, but is a bad conductor of, heat. The solar rays pass through it, and their heat is radiated from those bodies (as earth and sea) on which they fall. Hence, the lower strata are first heated, and, being thus rarefied, necessarily ascend, their place being supplied by colder ones.* Some quarters of the globe — as the equatorial regions — receive more heat than others. Land derives more heat from the sun during the day than sea, and cools more rapidly during the night. Currents of air are thus created, and this is the chief cause of such periodic winds as trade winds, monsoons, land and sea breezes. Sir Humphry Davy says, "the immediate cause of the. pheno- mena of heat is motion, and its laws are precisely the same as those of the communication of motion : " and another writer re- marks that " every body moved in a right line and continually reacted upon, is necessarily turned into a circle; every atom projected with velocity into a medium of atoms, is necessarily . turned into an orbit, greater or less as the force of the projection, or the intensity of the atomic motion called heat. When re- duced in bulk, the orbits are reduced, and their motion or heat imparted to other bodies around." This rotatory motion, gathering force from opposition, from collision with currents of different densities and gravities, or from the results of rarefaction, is presumed to be the leading cause of wtairlwlnds and burrleanes. In application of the subject of hurricanes to the management of vessels. Colonel Eeid recom- mends that a ship caught on the right side of a hurricane be put on the starboard tack, and when caught on the left side, on the port tack, as the wind will gradually draw aft, and the danger of the ship being taken aback by its heading will be thus avoided. Admiral Fitzroy also supplies a concise rule for avoiding the centre or strongest part of a hurricane, cyclone, typhoon, tornado, or circling storm. Thus: — " With your face toward the wind, in north latitude, the centre of the circling storm will be square to your right. In south latitude, square to your left. " The apparent veering of the wind, and the approach or retreat of the dangerous centre, depend on your position in the circular whirl or sweep. " Draw a circle; mark the direction of the rotation by an arrow with the head towards the left hand (against the movements of ■WINDS. 15 a watch's hands) in north latitude ; but towards the right (or with the hands of a watch) if in south latitude. The direction of the wind, and the bearing of the centre, show your position in the meteor, for such it is, though perhaps hundreds of miles in diameter; and the veering of the wind, or the contrary, and its change in strength, will show how the meteor is moving bodily — over a region of the world, revolving horizontally — or inclined at a certain angle with the horizontal plane. " If the observer be stationary, in north latitude, and the centre pass on his polar side, he will experience a change of wind from southward by west towards north ; but if it pass between him and the equator, the change will be from southward by east towards north, but otherwise in south latitude, as his place in circles sketched will show more clearly than words." It would carry ns beyond the limits of this work to enter at greater length on the consideration of the important subject of the nature and laws of these revolving storms. Nor is it necessary to do so, as that subject will be found lucidly treated of in a short pamphlet pitblished by order of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty*, and also in a work written by a distinguished American ofScer.f The subject of the velocity of wind as demonstrated by its per- pendicular pressure on the squrn-e foot, has come under the experiments of Mr. Smeaton. To him we are indebted for the following tiible, intended to show these relative proportions, and so to give an adequate conception of the force of air in motion. The firet column shows its velocity, and the second its power of pressure. ,,., ,. . _ Perpeudicular force on one square foot in Miles per hour. •■ lbs. avoirdupois. 1 . . . O'OOS Hardly perceptible. 2 . . . 0-020? 3 . . . 0-044 J Jnst perceptible, 4 . . . 0-079 5 . . . 0-123 Grentle. • " Remarks on Revolving Storms/* + The " Physical Geography of the Sea," by M. F. Maury, LL.D., Lieut. 17. S. Navy. In this admirable book, the author has included a philosophical account not only of the winds, but also of the currents of the sea, its tem- perature and depths, the wonders that are hidden there, and the phenomena that display themselves at its surface j and this in a manner which must not 16 MAMUAL FOB NAVAL CADETS. Miles per hour, 10 . 15 . 20 . 25 . 30 . 35 . .40 . 45 . 50 . 60 . 80 . 100 . Ferpendicnlar force on one square foot in lbs. avoirdupois. , 0-492 1 . 1-107 J , 1-9681 3075 J , 4-429 1 , 6-027 J . 7-873 1 . 9-963 J , 12-300 , 17-715 , 31-490 , 49-200 BriGk. Very brisk. High Wind. Very high wind. Storm. Great storm. Hurricane. Violent Hurricane. The principal use to the sailor of that well-known instrument the Barometer is to announce atmospheric changes, and so prognosticate storms. Many instances are on record of seamen having been, by its motions, warned of the approach of danger when there was little or nothing in the appearance of the sea or sky to excite alarm. It may therefore be instructive to devote a few pages to the explanation of its principles and construction ; as well as quote some practical observations and rules respecting its use as a weather glass ; premising that in, or rather at the approach of foul weather, the atmosphere is lighter, and in fair weather heavier. The weight of the atmosphere may be ascertained by placing an exhausted tube in a vessel filled with fluid. The fluid being forced by the atmospheric pressure on its surface, will mount into the vacuum, till the weight of the air and that of the fluid in the tube balance each otherj the fluid in the tube will then represent a column of air of the height of the atmosphere, and the diameter of the tube. Water, under the weight of air, will rise in a vacuum to a height of 34 feet. . But mercury being 13 times heavier than water, will only rise ^ part of that quan. only be interesting to all, but especially instructive and useful to those who go down to the sea in ships. He has fairly " Laid his hand upon the Ocean's mane, And play'd familiar with his hoary loclis.-' WINDS. 17 tity. This is the priuciple on which the Barometer is formed. A glass tube, usually 36 inches in length, and one-third of an inch internal diameter, closed at on^ end and open at the other, is dried, and, care being taken to prevent the introduction of air, filled with quicksilver under an exhausted receiver. The open end is then stopped, the tube inverted and plunged upright in a vessel full of quicksilver. The stopper being taken out, the quicksilver in the tube will fall until it is balanced, leaving the upper end in vacuo. The weight of this column of quicksilver will be about 15 lbs., and its height about 30 inches. Were the tube suflSciently long, and water employed instead of mereury, it would be supported at a height of 34 feet. If a barometer were carried to any high position, the mercury would fall in pro- portion to the height, indicating thereby a decrease of atmo- spheric pressure. In this way, making allowance for variation of temperature, the height gained is at once indicated. The column of mercury falls about ^ of an inch for each hundred feet of elevation above the sea level, but varying when it becomes much more elevated. " The tides are affected by atmospheric pressure, so much that a rise of one inch in the barometer will have a coiTCsponding fall in the tides of nine to sixteen inches, or say one foot in each inch. " Vessels sometimes enter docks, or even harbours, where they have scarcely a foot of water more than their draught ; and as docking, as well as launching large ships, requires a close calcula- tion of height of water, the state of the barometer becomes of additional importance on such occasions." It will be observed that the surface of the mercury is convex when ascending, concave when falling j a difference arising from friction, or a tendency of the particles of quicksilver to cling to the sides of the tube. The height of the mercury in the tube is measured by a scale of inches, divided into tenths, and by the Vernier, which is a scale of eleven tenths divided into 10 equal parts, so as to divide the scale of tenths into hundredths. By this arrangement we obtain the broad or rough height of the mercury, and (when extreme precision is required), the additional fractional quantities. The vernier being moveable, is adjusted to the level of the mercury, and the number of degrees between that level and the last degree c 18 MANUAL FOR NAVAL CADETS. Fig. 6. on the barometrical scale, which the mercury has represents exactly the ascent or depression of the fluid. In .the figure the height of the column is more than 29*5 inches, hut less than 29'6. In order to measnre the hundredths of an inch, we place the zero or top of the vernier scale exactly IcTcl with the top of the mercury, and observe that of all the lines on the vernier only one can coincide with a line on the scale. In the figure the line marked 6 on the vernier, coincides with a line on the scale : and as from the top of the mercury to these coincident lines there are 6 pairs which do coin- cide, and as each pair deviates hy^l^th of an inch more than the pair below it, the uppermost pair must evidently differ by ijgths of an inch. We thus get the height of the mercury in one figure, which is 29| inches, and iggths inch ; or, expressed decimally, 29-56.* In his " Directory for the Pacific Ocean," Mr. Findlay observes : " The barometer measures the weight of the atmosphere above its place, in exactly the same manner that other ponderables are weighed in a balance. The weight of the column of mercury in the tube is exactly equivalent to that of a column of air of similar diameter the height of the atmosphere ; therefore, any change in the one affects, or is affected by the other. Now it has been found that strong winds lower the barometric column, therefore there is less superincumbent air at those times ; and this principle indicates some of the atmospheric conditions which forebode the approach of or alteration in a storm. The mean height of the barometer varies considerably in various parts of the world, and therefore its changes, rather than its absolute height, is the most important consideration." " The barometric scales, as arranged in Europe for European purposes, have a tendency to mislead : fair, change, set- fair, or stormy, mark the * See Tomlinson'B Pneumatics. WINDS. 19 heights of the mercury indicative of a totally distinct character in the atmosphere in the • tropical regions or elsewhere, and ought therefore to be disregarded or obliterated from those barometers which are to be used in other regions. It is perhaps to this cause that the opinion is owing that the barometer is useless in these parts." The same writer remarks, " The great advantage of the Aneroid Barometer, is, that being more sensi- tive than the mercurial one, its variations occur simultaneously with their causes. Its mechanj^m consists of a small metallic cylinder, which is exhausted of its internal air. The sides of this cylinder are prevented from collapsing by a series of springs and levers, which latter act on a moving hand, showing the equivalent of the height of the mercury in an ordinary barometer. The differing atmospheric pressure on the exhausted cylinder causes its sides to close with greater, or the springs to separate them with less, external pressure, thus varying the index with the condition of the atmosphere. Like other pieces of mechanism it is liable to derangement, and, as in the case of chronometers, unless some means be used to detect any variation from the correct standard, they must not be implicitly relied on. It must therefore hold the relative value to the mercurial barometer that the job watch does to the ship's chronometer. By testing its action, and remarking its variable index error by the ordinary barometer, it will hold a high place among the usefill instru- ments to aid navigation."* The Ttaermoineter is an instrument founded on the principle that most bodies — fluids especially — expand by heat and contract by cold. It is used for the purpose of measuring the amount of heat in the atmosphere, or other substances brought into contact with, or the vicinity of it. In construction it dilfers from the barometer in having the tube closed at each end. The mercury contained in the tube moves in a vacuum, caused by the ex- pulsion of the air by boiling the mercury, and then closing the top of the tube by means of the blow-pipe. There are three descriptions of Thermometers in common use, all constructed on the same principle, but differing in the divisions or graduations of their respective scales. Fahrenheit's thermometer is generally used in this country, and Reaumur's and Celsius's (or the Centi- • Directory for the Pacific Ocean, p. 1209. C 2 20 MANUAL FOE NAVAL CADETS. grade) on the Continent. To convert degrees of Reaumur into those of Fahrenheit, the most convenient rule to follow is to multiply by 9, divide by 4, and add 32 to the quotient ; or, after multiplying and dividing as above, to subtract 32 from the quotient, as the degrees may be positive or negative. Thus, 28° X 9=^^ = 63 + 32 = 95° J 4 28° X 9=?^S63-32 = 31° And to convert degrees of Celsius into those of rahrenheit, the following rule may be adopted, namely : Multiply by 9, divide by 5, and add or subtract 32 to or from the quotient, as the degrees may be positive or negative. Thus, or, 36° x9=— = 63 + 32 = 95°; -5 35°x9 = ?i^ = 63-32=31°. 5 "The following table will give at one view the comparative degrees of' these three instruments from 212° Fahrenheit to 32°, or freezing point. Reaumur, Centigrade. Fahrenheit. Reaumur. Centigrade. Fahrenheit. 80 100 212 36 45 113 76 95 203 32 40 104 72 90 194 28 35 95 68 85 185 24 30 86 64 80 176 20 25 77 60 75 167 16 20 68 56 70 158 12 15 59 52 65 149 8 10 50 48 60 140 4 5 41 44 55 131 32 40 50 122 The principal uses of the thermometer on board ship are to determine the state of temperature between decks and in the engine room, to indicate the approach of icebergs, and to mark the stages of the conversion of water into steam. WINDS. 21 Admiral Fitzroy gives us Ihe following useful rules in his "Weather Guide": — " The Barometer shows weight and pressure of the air, the Thermometer heat and cold, or temperature. The state of the ail foreieUs present weather; the longer the time between the signs and the change foretold hj them, the longer such altered weather will last, and on the contrary, the less the time between a warning and a change, the shorter will be the continuance of such foretold weather. *'* Long foretold, long last. Short notice, soon past/ " * First the rain, and then the wind. Topsail sheets and halyards mind. But when the wind's before the rain. Hoist the topsails up again.* "In endeavouring to foretell weather, the general peculiarity should always he remembered, that the barometric column usually stands higher with Easterly than it does with Westerly winds ; and with winds from the polar regions higher than with those from the direction of the Equator. Hence the highest columns are observed with North-east winds in Northern lati- tudes, and with South-east in the Southern Hemisphere. " If the barometer has been about its ordinary height, say near 30 inches at the sea level, and is steady, or rising, while the thermometer falls, and dampness becomes less, North-westerly, Northerly, or North-easterly wind, or less wind, may be ex- pected. " On the contrary, if a fall takes place with a rising thermo- meter and increased dampness, wind and rain (or snow) may be expected from the South-eastward, Southward, or South-westward. " Exceptions to these rales occur when a North-easterly wind with wet (rain or snow) is impending, before which the baro- meter often rises (on account of the direction of the coming wind alone) and deceives persons who, from that sign only, expect &ir weather. " When the barometer is rather below its ordinary height, say, near 29 j^ inches, (at the sea level onfy), a rise foretells less wind, or a change in its direction towards the Northward, or less wet ; but when the mercury has been low, say near 29 inches, the first rising nsnally precedes and foretells strong winds, (at times C 3 22 MANUAL FOR NATAL CADETS. heavy squalls) from the North-westward, Northward, or North- eastward; after which violence a rising glass foretells improving weather, if the thermometer falls. But if the warmth continue, probably the wind will back (shift against the sun's course), and more Southerly, or South-westerly wind will follow. " The most dangerous shifts of wind, and the heaviest Northerly gales, happen after the mercury first rises from a very low point. *** First rise, after very low. Indicates a stronger blow.' " The greatest depressions of the barometer are with gales from the South-east, Southward, or South-west; the greatest elevations with winds from North-west, Northward, or North-east. " Although the barometer generally falls with a Southerly, and rises with a Northerly wind, the contrary sometimes occurs ; in which cases the Southerly wind is dry, and the weather fine ; or the Northerly wind is wet and violent. When the barometer sinks considerably, high wind, rain, or snow will follow ; the wind will be from the Northward if the thermometer is low (for the season), from the Southward if the thermometer is high. " Sudden falls of the barometer, with a Westerly wind, are sometimes followed by violent storms from North-West or North. " If a gale sets in from the Eastward or South-east, and the wind veers by the South, the barometer will continue falling until the wind becomes South-west, when a comparative li'.U may occur; after which the gale will be renewed, and the shifting of the wind towards the North-west will be indicated by a fall of the thermometer as well as a rise of the barometer. " Wind usually veers with the sun, (right-handed in Northern places, left-handed in Southern parts of the world). When it backs more wind or bad weather may be expected. " Instances of fine weatlier with a low glass occur exception- ally, but they are always preludes to a duration of rain or wind, if not both. " After being warm and calm weather, rain or a storm is likely to occur ; or at any time when the atmosphere has been heated much above the usual temperature of the season. "There may be heavy rains or violent winds beyond the horizon, and the view of an observer, by which his instruments WINDS. 23 may be affected considerably, though no particular change of weather occurs in his immediate locality. " Whether clear or cloudy, a rosy sky at sunset presages fine weather; a red sky in the morning bad weather; a grey sky in the morning fine weather. " * When the aun sets in a clear. An easterly wind you need not fear,* " Soft looking or delicate clouds foretell fine weather, with moderate or light breezes ; hard-edged oily -looking clouds, wind. "A dark, gloomy blue sky is windy ; but a light bright blue sky indicates fine weather. " Generally, the softer clouds look, the less wind (but perhaps more rain) may be expected ; and the harder, more ' greasy ,' rolled, tufted, or ragged, the stronger the coming wind will prove. Also a bright yellow sky at sunset presages wind; a pale yellow, wet: and thus, by the prevalence of red, yellow, or grey tints, the coming weather may be foretold very nearly. " After fine clear weather the first signs in the sky of change are usually small, curled, streaked, or spotted clouds, followed by au overcasting of vapour, that grows into cloudiness. This murky appearance, more or less oily or watery, as wind or rain will prevail, is a sure sign. The higher and more distant the clouds seem to be, the more gradual, but extensive, the coming change of weather will prove. " Misty clouds forming or hanging on heights, show wind and rain coming. When sea birds fly far to seaward fine weather may be expected ; when they hang about the land, expect stormy weather, " When distant objects are unusually visible, wet if not wind may be expected. Unusual twinkling of the stars, halos, wind- dogs, and the rainbow, are more or less significant of increasing wind if not approaching rain. " Squalls are generally preceded, or accompanied, or followed by clouds; but the very dangerous 'white squall' of the West Indies and other regions, is indicated only by a rushing sound and by white wave crests. " ' Descending squalls ' come slanting downwards off high land, or from upper regions of the atmosphere, c 4 24 MANUAL FOE NAVAL CADETS, " A squall- cloud that can be seen throngli, is rot likely to bring so much wind as a dark continued cloud extending beyond the horizon." In keeping the Journal, for the sake of brevity, the force of the wind and state of the weather are expressed thus : — WINDS. 0. Calm. 1. Light air: just perceptible. 2. Light breeze : ship going from one to two knots. 3 Gentle breeze : from two to four. 4. Moderate : four to six. 5. Fresh when royals can be carried. 6. Strong breeze : first reef and top-gallant sails. 7. Moderate gale : double reefs, topsails. 8. Fresh gales : treble reefed topsails and courses. 9. Strong gale : close reefs. 10. Whole gale: close reefed main-topsail. 11. Storm: storm staysails. 12. Hurricane: no canvas. WEATHER. b. Blue sky. p. Passing showers. c. Cloudy. q. Squalls. d. Drizzling rain. r. Rainy. f. Foggy. s. Snow. g- Gloomy weather. t. Thunder. h. Hail. u. Ugly threatening weather. 1. Lightning. V. Visibility of objects. m. Misty. w. Wet dew. 0, Overcast. jf- f under any letter denotes a great degree. " Cirrus " expresses a cloud, like a lock of hair, consisting of streaks, wisps, and fibres, vulgarly called " mares' tails." " Cu- mulus," a cloud in dense convex heaps in rounded forms de- finitely terminated above, indicating saturation in the region of air, and a rising supply of vapour from below. "Stratus " is a continuous extended level sheet, but must not be confounded with the flat base of the Cumulus. " Cumulo-stratus," or anvil- shaped cloud, is said to forerun heavy gales. "Nimbus," a SIPHON. 25 Fig. 1. dense cloud spreading out into a crown of " Cirrus" above, and passing beneath into a shower. The Slpbon, which is so useful in discharging the contents of one cask into another, in such places as the hold or between, decks, where it would be difficult to raise one uppermost, is constructed on the principle of atmospheric pressure. The tube A f b, is filled with fluid, and the open ends being stopped, it is then inverted, as in the figure, and the ends are opened. In some cases, the tube is placed in the vessel, and the air withdrawn by suction through a small mouth-piece on the bent part ; upon which the tube be- comes filled with fluid. The pressure of the fluid in f a, tending to cause it to flow out of the tube, is equal to the weight of a column A p, reaching from A, to the level of the highest portion of the tube ; also the pressure of the external fluid at a, tending to cause it to flow into the tube, is equal to the weight of a column of the height A c, together with that of a superincum- bent column of air; hence the fluid is pressed at a inwards, by the weight of a column of air, diminished by the weight of a column of fluid o p. At B, the fluid is pressed into the tube, by the weight of a column of air, diminished by the weight of a column of fluid d q. So long then as the column d q is greater than the column c p, the fluid is pi'cssed into a with greater force than into b, and therefore moves in the direction a f B, until the surface c comes to the level of d. The column will, however, be broken when c p is more than 30 inches in height if the fluid be mercury, and when more than 34 feet in height when the fluid is water. Thus a siphon cannot be made to raise water more than 34 feet, or mercury more than 30 inches j or to raise it at all in a vacuum.' * Moseley's Mechanics. 26 MANUAL FOR NAVAL CADETS. CHAP. IV. COKSTBtTCTION. Ships are built or repaired, according to] circumstances, on a Slip, in a floating, or dry, or wet Dock. Where there is a regular and considerable rise and fall of tide, excavations are made in the land near the water, faced with solid masoniy, and mostly having entrances fitted with gates or Caissons, which serve either to retain or exclude the tidal waters as desirable. Those on a larger scale, and which are always kept full of water, are called wet docks or basins. These are, in fact, artificial harbours, in which vessels are always kept afloat whilst undergoing internal repairs, loading or unloading, fitting for, or being kept ready for going to sea. Commercial wet docks usually have " locks " (as in a canal) attached to them, so as to admit of the entrance and egress of vessels at any time of tide without losing more water than necessary. In Naval wet docks, the ships generally requiring as much water outside as in, one barrier in the form of a caisson is used, but which is seldom worked excepting at high water. The Dry Dock is both deeper and narrower. It is deeper because it is necessary to have more water in the dock at the time of docking a. ship than at its entrance. This is for the purpose of gaining depth enough for the Angle Blocks on which the keel of the ship is to rest, and is effected by having the floor of the dock somewhat below the low water mark. Then after closing the entrance, the dock is drained either by pumping, or letting the water run off with the falling tide through channels, called Culverts. It is narrower, because when not water borne, the ship requires to be supported by Shores ; which, abutting on the sides of the dock, bear against those of the ship on being set taut by wedging. (.Fig. 8.) Formerly, the ship when in dock rested on a row of square blocks of wood, which were kept in their place with ballast. In order to get at her keel for repairing or coppering, &c., it was necessary to lift her bodily off the blocks by numerous shores simultaneously driven up with wedges. This operation not only involved the services of hundreds of mechanics, but strained CONSTEUCTION. 27 1 ^_i^i -5li?;| 28 MANUAL FOn NAVAL CADETS. the ship at every fastening in consequence of her being thus borne in the air. The Angle Blocks, which were introduced by Sir T. Seppings, admit of removal and replacement in succession at such places as require repair, not only with a very few hands but without the least concussion to the ship. The Caisson, or Floating Sam, is a vessel whose length is equal to the breadth of the dock entrance. Both its ends are formed like the bow of a ship, and the keel is continued up each stem. It is ballasted and fitted with valves or penstocks, and so formed that when full of water and in its place across the entrance, the stem and keel fit accurately into a groove cut in the masonry on the sides and across the bottom of the entrance, the passage of water being thus prevented. When it is necessaiy to remove the Caisson, the water is either run off at low water or pumped out ; and as the entrance is widest at the top, the Caisson on being floated up on the rising water becomes cleared of the grooves and is withdrawn. One has lately been made for Portsmouth of iron. It is 72 feet long on top, 21 feet wide, 29 feet deep, and 57 feet 7 inches long at the bottom ; has 4 pumps and 100 tons of ballast; the weight of hull is 150 tons. These figures may convey a general idea of the weight of iron sea-going vessels. The Slip is an inclined plane formed of solid masonry on the banks of a harbour or river, and carried out some distance beyond the low water mark. Naval Slips have flood gates. The ship's keel is laid on this on blocks, inclining to the horizon at an inclination of | of an inch to a foot in her length. As the fabric rises it is supported by Shores; and when the ship is completed, the Cradle is placed underneath, and her weight by a process of wedging transferred to it. (.Fig. 9.) When set close up in its place, this cradle fits like an outside framing of bottom timbers. It is supported by " stopping-pieces," and shores called poppets, resting upon sliding ways which extend along the slip in lines parallel to the keel. These ways are well soaped ; all other supports and fastenings are knocked away, and the ship glides into the water. The cradle then disengages itself, and the ship is carried into the dry dock for the purpose of having such fastenings as were temporarily cleated on the bottom, for the top of the cradle to bear against, removed, and the process of coppering effected. CONSTEUCTION. 29 30 MANUAL FOR NAVAL CADETS. The Patent Slip is an adaptation of tlie common slip to the purpose of repairing vessels. Carriages in number according to the length of the vessel, fitted with cog-wheels and working on corresponding racks, are run out under the bows of the vessel. When secured upon these she is hauled up either by capstans or steam machinery. The Graving Book, according to naval distinctions, is open. In it vessels are grounded at high water, for the purpose of re- ceiving trifling repairs on the fall of the tide. Before the intro- duction of copper sheathing, they were used for the purpose of breaming or cleaning the bottom by fires. In the construction of these docks, serious difficulties and great expenses are in- curred. The soil may be so porous that the excavations may be swamped at every high tide, so rocky as to require the severest labour, or so soft that artificial foundations for the masonry have to be formed. They are also subject to the inconvenience of being dependent on tidal action and sufficient depth of water. In building the sea walls, the foundations are laid dry by means of the Coffer Dam, which is an enclosure outside the work Fief. 10. formed by a double row of iron-shod piles driven into the bottom so close together as to be nearly water-tight. Clay is rammed in between them, and the water inside pumped out. In 1812 an COWSTErCTION. 31 artificial foundation for the sea wall at Sheerness was formed by building hollow masses of brickwork 22 feet square on plat- forms of timber somewhat above the line of flotation. After being floated to the site of the intended wall, they were raised sufficiently high to appear above water at low tide, then filled with shingle, and sunk. Flat-bottomed craft were placed over them at high water, which, as the tide fell, pressed them through the mud. Artificial, as well as natural, stones are used in the construction of marine works. The artificial, either Beton or Concrete, is a mixture of gravel, sand, lime, and water. In building the new mole at Algiers, Beton was employed in large masses of 20 tons each, formed in cases that became disengaged on lowering them into their places. In what is called random work (^pierre perdue) the masses are thrown into the water and left to arrange them- selves ; but in regular building, each block of stone is fitted so accurately as to forbid the use of slings, and is suspended by an iron instrument of a dove-tail form, called a " Lewis " {Jig. 11), which is introduced piecemeal into a corresponding hole in the centre of the stone. The margins of rivers or harbours do not always afford facilities for the construction of slips or docks just in those plases where it is desirable to build or repair ships. The ground may be already occupied ; the banks may be shallow and marshy ; or there may not be a sufficiency of tide. Kecourse is then had to a floating doolct which is a wooden, water-tight, flat- botlomed, box-shaped vessel of sufficient capacity to bear, when afloat, the weight of the vessel, workmen, and materials em- ployed on her. In some cases this float works in an enclosure of masonry, at the bottom of which, when full of water, the float lies. When the vessel is brought over it, the valves are closed, the water is pumped out, and the vessel is carried up on this great stage to a dry level. When the repairs are completed, the valves are opened, the stage sinks, and the vessel floats out. Bat, in general, the float is open at the top, and one end is fitted so as to remove or turn down when requisite. Not being 32 MANUAL FOR NAVAL CADETS. connected with any other structure, it may be moved, whether laden or unladen, to any part of the harbour. On turning the end down, or removing it, the float sinks sufficiently to admit the vessel. On replacing it, and pumping the water out, she remains dry. Where there is " rise and fall," the float is beached at high tide ; the water rans off on the ebb ; the end is caulked in ; and on the next flood the float, being flat-bottomed, is hauled still further up. Moreover, however valuable for hauling up vessels slips may be, there is always difficulty and strain with large ships. In America, vessels are brought over a sunken hollow raft ; on the exhaustion of the water from which, the ship is borne to the surface and lies on a cradle high and dry, with a surrounding platform for the shipwrights to work on. Thus the ship is kept in a horizontal position, without risk of strain, and is always floatable. , A very complete substitute of this kind for the regular dock is Taylor's. It is made of iron, with double sides in compartments. Its entrance is closed by a Caisson, and the pumps are worked by a steam-engine. When the ship is received, and the gate closed, the water is immediately run oif to an equal level into the empty compartments, and the remainder pumped out.* The Timber chiefly used in the construction of a ship is oak, elm, fir, teak, larch, and mahogany. Timber is purchased by the load, a measure which contains 40 feet of rough timber, averag- ing in weight about one ton. An 80-guu ship consumes as many as 2000 trees, averaging about two tons each. Timber is divided into three sorts, viz., Square, which is the full size of the tree, having only its sides squared off ; Thick Stuff, which is square timber cut into different thicknesses from 4| inches to 10, but the whole depth of the tree ; and Plank, which runs from 4 inches down to li; all under that size being called Board. Deals occur in lengths of 10, 12, and 14 feet, varying in thick- ness from 3 inches to § inch, and averages 9 niches in breadth. • A very elaborate account of docks of all kinds will be found In a volume recently published by Mr. Stewart of America. CONSTRUCTION. 33 Those which are | inch thick, are flat deals; 11 inch are whole deals. Kyanlslng and Burnettlsing' are somewhat similar pro- cesses, by which timber, canvas, and cordage are so readily seasoned as to be preserved from the injurious effects of dry rot, mildew, &c., and premature decay. In the former of these, the article is steeped for a certain length of time in a solution of cor- rosive sublimate and water. In the latter, as used in Her Ma- jesty's dockyards, canvas and cordage are immersed for 48 hours in a solution of chloride of zinc and water, in a wooden tank, in the proportion of 1 lb. of the chloride to 4 of water. Timber is placed in a wrought iron chamber, which contains about 20 loads at once ; and after the air is exhausted from both timber and chamber, by means of an air pump which is worked by a steam- engine, the solution is forced into the timber by a Bramah's forcing pump, which exerts a pressure upon it equal to 150 lbs. on the square inch for eight hours. " Unless wood is previously well seasoned, to char or paint it accelerates decay by preventing the natural escape of the juices ; seasoning requires from two to eight years."* The difficulty and expense involved in procuring suitably curved timber for ship-bnilding purposes, as well as the labour and waste incurred by " conversion," seem about to be diminished by timber-bending machines. In these, straight timber, having gone through a process of steaming, is bent into the desired form ; not only increasing its value, but economising time and avoiding that impairment of strength which is consequent on cutting wood against the grain. We are told, for instance, that in one of these machines a piece of straight oak, 14 feet long and 1 6 inches square, whose value is about Si , after being bent into the requisite angle is enhanced to three times its value, and that ten such pieces may be thus shaped in as many hours.t MECHANICAL PKOPKKTIES Or MATERIALS USED IN CONSTRTTCTION. a- V c J Timbers are joined together by scarphing, morticing, halving, dovetailing, &c. {Jig. 12), and when great strength is required, it is usual to make use of coakings, .bolts, and iron bracings. * Aide Memoire. t Nautical Magazine. 34 MANUAL FOE NAVAL CADETS. Marine Glue has been very successfally used in joining wood-work. The best ordinary glue is made from the skins, horns, and feet of animals. The materials afler repeated boilings and skimmings are run off into moulds and dried ; but marine glue is com- posed of india-rubber (or caoutchouc) and shellac dissolved in naphtha. Its great adhesive power has been tested thus : Two pieces of African oak 18 inches long by 9 inches wide, and 4J inches thick, having a bolt of l| in diameter passed through them from end to end, were joined longitudinally by this glue. TWenty- four hours afterwards an endeavour was made to drag them apart by applying a strain to the extent of 19 tons. At this point one of the bolts broke, but the junction of the wood re- mained perfect. Two blocks of African oak of similar dimensions, but bolted in a different manner, so as to apply the strain at right angles to the junction made with the glue at the centre. The wood was torn asunder but the joint remained perfect. No transverse section of the wood can be glued, since there is no restoring the continuity of the fibres.* The strength of timber is variable, being affected not only by • For other experiments see the Uoited Service Journal, 1843. CONSTRUCTION. 33 its place of growth, but by degrees of seasorjing. Trees that have been grown ou mountainous districts are stronger than those grown on plains. Koots and trunks are stronger than branches. The strengtb of oast Iron is not reduced bv increase of temperature, provided it be not heated so as to be red hot. The tensile force of wrought iron is nearly four times as great as that of cast iron. The tenacity of metal is sometimes increased by hammering or wire drawing ; that of copper being nearly double. The consolidation is produced chiefly at the surface, and hence a slight notch with a file will materially weaken a hard metallic rod. The strength of beams is affected by the form of their trans- verse sections ; thus a rectangular beam (submitted to transverse pressure), with its narrow side horizontal, is stronger than with its broad side horizontal in the same proportion as the broad side is wider than the narrow one. A beam whose transverse section is wedge-shaped, placed with its narrow edge upwards, supported at each end, the strain being on any intermediate point, is stronger than another whose section is equal, but whose form is rectangular. If, however, , such beam be supported at only one point, it should be placed I with its narrow edge downwards. An iron bar 4 inches deep, and | inch thick, will carry nearly four times as much as a bar of 1 inch square, though the quantity of material is the same in both cases. By increasing the distance between the supports of a beam, the strength is proportionately diminished ; twice the distance weakens it by one half, half the distance will enable it to bear twice the pressure. If the pressure be equally distributed over the whole beam, instead of being concentrated at one point, the power of suspen- sion will be twice as great as if it were applied at the middle Each point of a beam has greater sustaining power the nearer it is to the point of support, so that in loading, less weight should be thrown on the centre than elsewhere. If a beam be twice as broad as another, it will be twice as strong; but if it be twice as deep, it will be four times as strong. The strength of a beam supported at both ends, is twice as great as that-of a single beam of half the length which is fixed D 2 36 5IANUAL FOE NAVAL CADETS. at one end; and the strength of the whole heam is again nearly doubled, if both the ends be firmly fixed.* The.following figures are the results of experiments made on the transverse strengtb of various materials similarly formed. strength of a piece 1 foot long, and 1 inch square. English oak - - 964 pounds. M - 436 11 Biga oak - 714 i» Riga fir - 369 »» Dantzic yellow fir - 870 )» American pine - 658 »> „ white spruce fir 570 »» „ red pine - 447 »» New England fir or yellow pine 367 >» Cast iron bar . - 2691 In the next Table we have the results of experiments made on the transverse strength of cast iron bars, all having the same section, but difi'erently formed. De9CripLion of Cast Inon Bars. A bar of I inch Bqu.ire - - - Half the above bar -.---_ A bar of 1 inch square, the force acting in the di- rection of the diagonal . . - - - Half the above bar, do. Bar of 2 inches det>p by i inch thick ; or the depth to the breadth as 4 to 1 . Half the above bar, do. - - . - _ Bar of 3 inches deep by J inch thick; or the depth to the breadth as 9 to 1 - - - - Half of the bar, do. - - - - Bar 4 inches by ^ inch thick ; or the depth to ' the breadth asl6tol - -'. Kdge or angle up - . - - . „ angle down --.-.- Hair the first triangular bar, angle up Half the second triangular bar, angle down A feather edged or X bar, 2 inches deep by 2 wide, with the edge up - - - DiBtance ofSup' porta. ft. 111. 3 2 8 1 4 2 8 1 4 2 8 I 4 1 4 1 4 Weight tliat broke the piece. lbs. 897 1P86 2320 851 1687 2185 4503 3588 6854 3979 1437 840 30.'i9 1656 3108 Weiuhl that would break a piece 1 ft. lonft and 1 in. deep of the same propor- tions as the specimens. lbs. 2691 28gon,".by Captain Key, R. N. TLOATING. 67 III case this work should not be within reach of reference, the dimen- sions of one of the camels, whose buoyancy was equal to 62 tone, may be useful. The planking was of 3-inch fir, doubled at the edges, and nailed on over 7 frames, whose scantling was 9 inches by 5. Fig. 28. Length Height Breadth on top - Breadth of bottom 38 feet. 7 feet 4 inchesi 5 feet 10 inches. 10 feet 4 inches. Although not exactly a case in point, the story of another heaving oif which occurred lately will prove the value of a familiar acquaintance with natural science. The ship had been run stem on very hard, and after unavailing efforts to get her off, hung on a rock abaft the fore-mast. The weights were run aft ; balks of timber were placed athwart ships before the place where the ship hung, projecting through the ports ; perpendicular shores were placed under these from the ground ; stages slung to the balks, and wedges prepared for driving between their outside ends and the shore heads. Opportunity was then taken of the first increase of water to set up the wedges, remove the after weights, and heave in on the purchases at the' same time. On this, the ship started immedi- ately; and, by a repetition of the same process of leverage, was completely cleared of the shore.* {See Jig. 28.) * The dark lines are meant to show the first position ; the dotted ones the second. F 2 68 MANUAL FOR NAVAI- CADETS. In using tanks or casks the internal capacity is fonnd by multi- plying the gallons by 10, which is the number of pounds in a gallon of water ; subtracting the weight of the tank or cask, the floating power will be attained. One cubic foot of water is equal to 6-25 gallons, and each gallon to 277-274 cubic inches. Haying borrowed from Mr. Edye the means of ascertaining the bulk of the regular spars, we shall refer to Sir Howard Douglas for the following Rules and Tables for ascertaining the buoyant capacities of irregular ones. "To find the quantity of timber required to float a given weight, the solid content must be first known. " To find the solid content of a tree 30 feet long, having the girth of the two ends 65 and 52 inches : — " Multiply the square of the mean girth expressed in feet and decimals, by 07956 (the area of a circle whose circumference is 1), and the product by the length. 4-33 5-41 «<7r^ 4'87' X -07956 x 30 = 56-6 cubic feet. 2^9*74 Mean girth 4-87 Or, multiply the square of l of the mean girth by twice the length : — 5) 4-87 mean girth of former tree, •974 and -974» x 60 = 56-92 cubic feet. "The quantity of water displaced by the total immersion of a piece of timber is equal to its solid content, and the difference between its weight and that of the fluid displaced, is the weight the tree will float. The weight, for instance, of a cubic foot of sea water is 1026 ounces, and that of male fir 650, which, there- fore, will float 476 ounces. " If the content of a tree in feet be multiplied by the difference between its specific gravity and that of the fluid, the product will be the weight in ounces which the tree will float. Thus, a fir tree whose content is 56-6 feet ; 56-6 x 476=26,941 ounces or 1684 pounds in sea water. FLOATING. 69 " To find the content of square or four-sided timber : — Multiply the mean breadth by the mean thickness, and the product by the length. Table, containing the contents of round timber. Length. Mean Girth. Content. Length. Mean Girth. Content. feet. inches. feet. feet. inches. feet. 25 12-5 25- 43-.54 30 30 16' 30 56 52-25 35 17-5 35 60-96 25 14-21 25' 46-72 , 30 32 17-06 30 58 56-06 , 35 19-9 35 65-4 25- .16-05 25- 60- 30 ■ 34 19-26 30 . 60 60- 35 1 22-47 35 J 70- 25- 18- 25- 53-37 30 ■ 36 21-6 30 62 64-05 35 1 25-2 35 74-72 25" 20-05 25 56-88 30 . 38 24-06 30 . 64 68-26 35, 28-07 35 79.-64 25- 22-22 25 60-5 30 40 26-66 30 66 72-6 1 35 31-11 35 84-7 25- 24-5 25' 64-21 30 > 42 29-4 30 68 77-05 35. 34-3 35 89-89 ' 25- 26-88 25 68-05 30 44 32-25 30 70 81-66 . 35 37-63 35 95-27 25- 29-38 25' 72- 30 > 46 35-26 30 72 86-4 35 41-14 35 100-8 25- 32- 25 76-04 30 . 48 38-4 30 74 91-25 35 44-8 35 106-5 25 = 34-71 25- 80-21 • 30 \ 50 41-65 30 76 96-26 35 1 48-6 35 112-3 25' 37-55 25" 84-5 30 ■ 52 45-06 30 78 101-4 35 1 62-57 35 J 118-3 25' 40-5 30 ■ 54 48-6 35 56-7 ■' F 3 70 MANUAL FOE NAVAL CADETS. "The length ofapiece of timber is ISfeet 6inches ; the breadth at the great and small ends, 1 foot 6 inches and 1 foot 3 inches ; and the thickness Ifoot 3 inches and 1 foot: required the content : — 1 6'5 the mean breadth ; 13 '5 the mean thickness. 16-5 X 13-5x222 1728 - = 28-6 cubic feet. "A fir tree, ] foot square and 25 feet long, will float about 703 pounds. Cut into inch plank, it will make three cases of the same size as the solid, excepting 6 pieces 1 foot square for the ends, and 9 for interior compartments to give strength ; a case of this size will float about 1212 pounds."* EXAMPLES FOR HEASURINQ OPEN VESSELS. A' barge is 10 feet long, 5 feet broad, 4 feet deep outside mea- surement : thickness of planking, 2 inches ; weight of timber per cubic foot, 50 pounds. To what depth will the barge sink when loaded with 4 tons ? Content of exterior, solid=10 x 5 x4 = 200 ; interior, ='9| x 4| x3|=l 72-92 ;.'. timber in the barge = 200 — 172-92 = 27-07 cubic feet. Weight Timber in barge =27'07 x 50 = 1353. Weight displaced water = 10 x 5 x depth x 62-5 = 3125 + depth .'.3125 X depth = 1 353 + 4 x 2240 ; and depth, = 3-3 feet. Eequired the same when the planking is 3 inches thick ? Answer, 3-5 feet. What load will just sink the barge ? Answer, 4-9 tons. What load will sink the barge 3 feet? Answer, 3-58 tons. How far will it sink when empty ? Answer, -433 feet. RAFT MADE OF SHIP'S MATERUXS. (^Fig. 29.) A quick way to rig a gun raft, in a ship of the line, is to range the forty butts, empty and well bunged, close together length- ways, in double rows, fore and aft on each side of the quarter- deck, 20 on each side. Lay a jibboom or mizen-topmast, or spar of that length, on top of each row, letting the ends project equally. Lash the casks to the spars, and each cask to its • Essays on the construction of Military Bridges. FLOATING. 71 neighbour, figure-of-eight ways, so that they will not separate on being moved. Hoist them out, and place them one on each side of a boom boat ; steady them there. Lay two spare half anchor stocks flat side downwards across the boat, the length of the gun slide apart. Chock them up underneath from the gunwale strake, and lash their ends well down to the spars. Place the gun slide on the stocks, either securing the foremost end with a lashing, or boring a hole for the fighting bolt. Lash a smaller spar across the ends of the large ones ; put the gun on the slide, and, allowing for recoil, fit a breeching, with a piece of hawser Fig. 29. F 4 72 MANUAL FOE NAVAL CADETS. long enough to clench over the foremost ends of the large spars. The boat serves as a cabin, besides giving some 5 tons additional buoyancy. The ammunition would be carried by a small boat veered astern. Four butts, slung under the bows of a 32-foot barge, will give her sufficient buoyancy for a 32-pounder ; and if a platform of hammocks be formed in the bottom, it may be fired without injury to the boat. BAIT OP TREES. {Fig. 30.) This raft was composed of firs of an average diameter of 10 inches, and made in four sections, each of these being 30 feet long and 13 feet wide. They were crossed on the upper surface of their longest united length by spars 52 feet long, each placed top and butt alternately; the whole structure measures 52 by 30 feet. Fig. 30. The spars used were cut at a distance of half a mile from the beach, and were selected, felled, lopped, cut into requisite lengths, transported, and formed into a raft in two days, of seven working hours, by 20 carpenters and a working party of 100 men. Eight 52-foot spars were first cut and placed in pairs on the beach, perpendicular to the water, into which their small ends pro- jected ; each of these spars being about 8 feet apart from its fellow. Their butts and middles were chocked up, so as to give FLOATING. 73 greater inclination for launching. Posts were then driven in as at p. Daring the transportation of the long spars, the carpenters were employed preparing eighty balks of 13 feet long each, and these were carried off and placed, as at b b. Lastly, twelve 30-foot spars were placed on the balks, as at R R, and these balks and last- placed riders w6re cross-lashed together. The pegs were then Fig. SI. rff < — '- ! — H i )n ^ W 1 jj : — 1 % ^^ !==; . i ^ removed, the ways covered with sea-weed, and the four rafts launched. Twelve more long spars were launched along with the other eight ; and the rafts being brought with their longest sides together, the large spars were hauled across them, and the whole became united by lashings in several places. (Fig. 31.) We have said that bodies ^of greater -densities than water, when completely immersed, lose just as much of their weight as that of the quantity of- water they displace; and it will be well to remember the use that may be made of that hydrostatic law in the case of raft or boatwork. - With a raft constructed for the purpose of floating a shipwrecked crew, a great portion of cargo might be carried underneath, the raft being thereby relieved of weight; A cask of salt beef, for example, of 300 pounds, thus disposed of, would only weigh 11.6 pounds. , In carrying guns, anchors, propellers, rudders, &c., underneath boats, a certain quantity of their weight would also be sustained by the water. For example, a gun is (say) 67 cwt., and 7 inches in the bore. The weight of the gun in pounds divided by 440, which is the number of pounds of iron in a cubic foot, gives a quotient of 17"054, which is the number of cubic feet in the gun. 17'054 (ubjc feet of water multiplied by 64, which is the weight 74 MANUAt, FOB NAVAL CADETS. of a cubic foot of water, gives ns 1091"456 as the weight of the water which is displaced by the gnn : hence by the hydrostatic principles which we have already considered, the difference between these two sums, viz. the weight of the gun, 7504 pounds, and that of the water, 1091 pounds, shows that the gun, when suspended under water, weighs only 6413, or about 9 cwt. less than it would in the air. Putting the tooipion taut in, and closing the vent, would, of course, add to the displacement, and consequent diminution of weight ; for a cylinder of the same dimensions as the bore would contain 2'672 cubic feet ; the weight of water displaced would then be 1262, and that of the gun 6242 pounds, about 11 cwt. having been lost by immersion. The weight of an anchor, propeller, rudder, or mass of stone, &c., when under water, can, of course, be estimated in like man- ner, especially as the Tables furnished contain the actual and specific gravities of such different substances as we are likely to come in contact with. The following are the results of some experiments made for the purpose of ascertaining the loss of weight experienced by different bodies when immersed in sea water. In air. In water. Brass (cast) Iron - . . - Shingle ballast - Cordage . - . Small arms Lead- - - . Copper - . . Salt beef - . - Coals . - . A suit of clothes and a pair of boots, which weigh 7 pounds in the air, when well saturated with water, only weigh in water 1 pound. — Art Manual. SPECIFIC GBAVITT. The scientific term • specific,' which is always used in a com- parative sense, means that the proportions of the body spoken gf Ua.' oz. lbs. oz. 16 14 2 28 24 14 7 112 14 11 9 10 9 9 8 3 4 1* 7 1 2 nOATING. 75 have reference to that of some other body. Specific gravity — or, in other words, the comparative density of different substances — enables a calculator to ascertain the bulk of a substance, if its weight be given, or the weight if the bulk be given. To effect this, of course, requires the existence of a standard ; and with respect to solids and liquids, that standard is distilled water, of which 1 cubic foot weighs 1000 ounces avoirdupois. The Specific Gravity of a solid body is ascertained (in ge- neral) by ascertaining the difference of its weight in air and in water. It may be that some substances are heavier and some lighter than water. In the former case, the weight in air, then in water, must be obtained, and the first quantity being divided by the difference between the two quantities, the result will be the specific gravity of the body. On the other hand, some sub- stances are lighter than water. In that case, their weight in air is united to that (in water) of a second substance applied to it to make it sink, and the sum of the two reduced by the weight of both in water. If we then divide the first quantity by the dif- ference obtained by reduction, the result will be the specific gravity of the substance. It is sometimes convenient to find the specific gravity of Fluids. To do this, we must take some solid substance, heavy enough to sink by its own weight in the fluid, whose specific gravity we have previously ascertained, which we must weigh both in the fluid and in the air. If we take the differ- ence between these two weights, and multiply it by the specific gravity of the solid, and divide the product by the fluid's weight in the air, we shall arrive at the specific gravity of the fluid.* " The specific gravity of a substance is, therefore, the number of units of weight contained in a certain known volume or bulk of it; which known volume or bulk is usually taken to be one unit of the whole volume or bulk. The units of weight used in measuring the specific gravity of a body, are not the same with those used in determining its ordinary weight. Thus we do not say that the specific gravity of a body is so many pounds in the cubical foot, or inch, meaning by the term, 1 pound, the weight * Generally speaking, it is convenient to take the rule that one cubic foot of water = 1000 oz. avoirdupois. But sometimes, as above, water may be taken as unit ; thus water sp. gr. 1 or 1000 ; iron 8 or 8000 ; platina, 21*5 or 21,500 the latter numbers expressing absolute weight in ounces of a cubic foot of the substance. 76' MANUAL FOR NAVAE CADETS. of a certain quantity of water, determined as explained. But to measure the specific gravity of a body, we always take, for our unit of weight, the weight of a quantity of water of the same volume with one unit of the volume of the body, whatever that unit may be. Thus, if the volume is measured in cubic inches, the unit of weight used in fixing its specific gravity is the weight of one cubical inch of water. ".. . . "The specific gravity of the body is, in point of fact, no other than the number of cubical inches of water equal in weight to one of its cubical inches. So, if the body be measured in cubical feet, its spe- cific gravity is the number of cubical feet of water whose weight shall equal one of its cubical feet. Thus, in the table of specific gravity the number 8-900 stated as the specific gravity of copper, means that each cubical inch, or cubical foot of copper weighs the same with 8-900 cubical inches or cubical feet of water. Thus, knowing the number of cubical feet in a body, and knowing its specific gravity, we can tell how much water it is equal in weight to, by multiplying their specific gravity by the number of cubical feet — this specific gravity being, in fact, the number of cubical feet of water equal in weight to each cubical foot." * Rule. — To determine the magnitude of any body from its weight : — Ae the specific gravity : to its weight in ounces : : 1 cubic foot : its contents in cubic feet or inches. To determine the weight from the magnitude : — As 1 cubic foot, or 1728 cubic inches : contents :: its specific gravity ; weight. * Moseley's Mechanics, STOWAGE. Y7 CHAP. VI. The Stowage of a ship has reference to stability, speed, easiness of motion, economy of space, and convenience of access, and is, therefore, a subject of the greatest importance. In the distribution of the disposable weights, the first thing to be considered is the Ballast. Its quantity, which is proportionate to the weight of guns, masts, and other top weights, is determined by the builder when designing the ship, whose form and size are so arranged that she will carry the proposed quantity without being too much immersed. The purpose of ballast is to increase that quality in a, ship called Stability, which enables her as much as possible to resist inclination, and to recover her upright position. And as it seems impossible to accomplish this without the existence of some weight which will counterbalance the disturbing forces of wind and water and the top hamper of the armament, the supply of ballast is, in the first instance, stowed on the bottom of the ship. ■ For, the weights above water are generally fixtures ; whereas those below, such as water, provisions, fuel, &c., are necessarily diminished by consumption. If, therefore, there were no ballast, and the weights below water-level were removed or reduced, the equilibrium would be dangerously affected, and the ship could neither fight her guns, nor carry a sufficiency of sail to be weatherly or speedy. It is true that a partial remedy would be found in filling the tanks with salt water, but it must be well remembered that mere immersion does not give stability. With her crew sitting on the thwarts, or standing up, or seated on the bottom, a sailing boat will have the same immersion, but very different degrees of stability. The VTeiebt of Ballast in modern times is much less than formerly, on the idea that the increased solidity of the several appliances required in a ship added miich to her stability. Whether this were a correct supposition or not, other circum- 78 MANUAL FOK NAVAL CADETS. stances defeated the supposed advantage. Thus, Mr. Fincham observes: — "In the year 1783, the larger class of three-decked ships had 340 tons of shingle, and 140 tons of iron ballast. In 1812, they had 60 tons of shingle and 340 tons of iron ballast ; and when, some years later, iron tanks were supplied for the ground tier, the use of shingle was discontinued. The extent of change that has taken place may be illustrated by the ' Oaledonia,' of 120 guns. In 1814 she had 340 tons of iron ballast and 60 tons of shingle ; and on being fitted out in 1835 she had no shingle, and only 177 tons of iron ballast ; and at the present time, the ballast of three-decked ships varies from 100 to 230 tons." " Fixed rules have been given at difiPerent times to determine what quantity of ballast should be used, and at present it is much less than it was formerly, as the greater dimensions which are now given to ships have increased their stability, whilst the solidity of the timbers of the frame, chain cables, iron tanks, and other heavy weights, which are now put on board ships, increasing the weight below, and lowering the centre of gravity, have still further added to the stability. The advantages in point of stability which were thus gained, have been partially lost by the recent increase in the weight of the armament whieh is now borne by ships in the British navy, an increase which is not wholly balanced by the greater quantity of shot and shell that is stowed in the hold." * Thus, the experiences of former times appear to be in favour of ships carrying large proportions of ballast. The days of St. Vincent supply instances of lengthened cruises made by ships in company in large numbers. The fleet of Nelson chased across the Atlantic twice, each ship holding her place^ Whether these remarkable facts were the consequences of powerful stability resulting from ballast, or merely those of a very h_jgh order of seamanship, they are deserving of deep consideration. As, in general, stability will be increased by increasing the depth of the centre of gravity below the centre of buoyancy or displacement, it may be well to define these terms. The Centre of Gravity of any body is usually defined as that point upon which the body would balance itself in any position, when acted upon solely by the force of gravity. Its tendency is * Fincham'a Outlines. STOWAGE. 79 always to assume the lowest position that it can have com- patibly with the conditions in which the body is placed ; con- sequently, when it is in such lowest position, the body will be in stable equilibrium. The same definition is applicable to the centre of gravity of any system or combination of bodies. Suppose a rod to have two equal weights, as at A and b. The point o, upon which it would balance, is the common centre of gravity of those weights. But if any increase or diminution of weight were to take place on either side of c, the balance would be destroyed, and o would no longer be the centre of gravity ; and to restore the balanocj the prop must be moved towards that side where there was a preponderance of weight; from which it appears that the relation Fig. 32. ■o ^ o. between the centre of gravity and the weights on either side of it, is the same as that between the fulcrum of a lever, or the point of suspension of a balance and the weights which keep it in equilibrium. In scientific investigations, the centre of gravity of any body or system of bodies, is used to represent the body or system itself, all the mass and weight being considered as concentrated at that point, and all measurements which concern their weight or its eiFects being referred to that point. Thus, reverting to the example above, the pressure weighing down upon the prop at c is equal to the sum of the two weights A and b, and, in any calculation involving the joint efiect of those weights, that pressure and the point c at which it acts would be substituted for the action of the individual weights. A ship with all her weights in is, in fact, a system of bodies connected together, and composed of the hull, Stores, &o., each article having its centre of gravity, and the whole combined having one common centre of gravity, upon which, when floating at rest, the ship may be said to balance herself. 80 MANUAL FOR NAVAL CADETS. But the water exerts a pressure upwards equal to the whole weight of the ship. Hence, in all questions affecting the flota- tion or the motions of a ship, we have to consider the effects of two antagonist forces, — the weight of the ship and the pressure of the water, — each of which must be treated as acting through its own centre of gravity ; that of the former being called the centre of gravity of system, that of the latter, the centre of gravity of displacement, or immersion, or buoyancy. A ship floating in the water, displaces a quantity of water equal in weight to the whole ship and her contents, and equal in bulk to that portion of her which is immersed. The result is that the water,. in supporting the ship, presses upon all the part which is immersed with an upward pressure equal to her weight. As the surface of the part pressed upon is of an irregular shape, and as all fluids exert their pressure at right angles to the surface upon which they press, it follows that, in sustaining the ship, the water presses in an infinite variety of directions, the whole of which combined, may be represented hy a vertical line passing through the centre of gravity of a body of uniform density corresponding in shape and dimensions to the immersed part of the hull of the ship. This line is called the Resultant of the pressure of the water, and the centre of gravity through which it passes, the centre of gravity of displacement. When the ship is upright and floating at rest, these two centres are in the same vertical line, the ship herself, by the action of her own weight, adapting her trim so as to bring them into tha;t position. But in a seaway, this state of things is disturbed. The accumulation of water in the form of a wave, changes the direction of the different pressures on the hull, and with them the resultant of the pressure ; and the motion of the ship which follows, is simply a series of efforts on her part to recover her state of equilibrium or balance. For instance, a sea pressing on the bow draws the resultant of the pressure further forward than the centre of gravity of system. That point being no longer adequately supported, sinks until a sufficient pressure on her after body has been regained to bring the resultant back into its old position. As the body of the sea, caiTying its resultant with it, passes under the centre of gravity of system, tie ship is balanced for a moment at her ordinary trim ; and as it passes aft the balance is again disturbed,. and the bow sinks STOWAGE. 81 until it is again restored. The rolling motion is produced by the same process. From what has been said on the relative position of the centres of gravity and displacement, it will appear, that if it be de- sirable that a ship should float at a certain trim, it will be re- quisite to arrange the weights in her so as to insure their common centre of gravity being in a certain position. This arrangement is accomplished when the sum of the moments of the weight before the point determined on as the centre of gravity is equal to the sum of the moments abaft it*, because the effect of any weight in influencing the position of the centre of gravity is in exact proportion to its distance from it ; a small weight at a great distance producing the same effect as twice the weight at half the distance. If the trim of the ship were the only consideration, this arrangement would be simple enough, but the effects of the weights on pitching and rolling motion must also be considered. It is a law in mechanics that, while the effect of a weight in merely depressing or balancing the arm of a lever, is as its distance from the fulcrum or axis, the momentum or power of the weight in motion (as when a ship is pitching or scending) is as the square of that distance. Thus, suppose 2 guns each weighing 5 tons, placed the one at 40 and the other at 50 feet from the centre of gravity. The moments of these guns, when the ship is at rest, will be as 5 X 40 = 200 to 5 X 50 = 250, their difference being 50 ; whereas their momenta will be as 5x40^=8000 to 5 x 50'= 12,500, the difference being 4500. These figures will give some idea of the extent to which heavy weights placed at the extremities of a ship may aggravate her pitching in a sea-way, and show the wisdom of concentrating them as much as may be convenient. There are many disposable weights, in the distribution of which we may develop, or fail to develop, or even defeat, the design of the builder; for although a ship when at rest may be apparently in the best sailing irim, it does not follow that she is so in reality. A certain line of flotation might be produced by stowing one half of the disposable weights in the fore end, and one half in the other; or the whole might be stowed in the centre. In either case the ship might, according to the copper marks, be correct as to * Tlie term " moment " meaning the product of any weight multiplied into its distance from the centre of gravity. a 82 MANUAL FOE NAVAL CADETS. a stipulated measnre of draught, but the instant she entered uneven water the difference in the modes of stowage would be manifest. In the former case she would plunge heavily, strain her fastenings, and break her cordage or machinery, and stop her way; in the latter, all would be the reverse. For a ship, when at rest, is not equally water-borne at all points. The fuller midship sections are pressed upwards, whilst the finer extremities are sustained, partly by the water and partly by their connection with the central body. There is, consequently, such a constant tendency in the foremost and after ends to droop, that when ships are cleared of their material, it is found necessary to load them with ballast, until all parts derive support from the water, and thus to correct as much as possible the natural inclination to " hogging." It can easily be understood that, by stowing weights at the extremities, not only is the " hogging " tendency encouraged, but (when, as in a sea-way, the water has altogether receded from under the fore-body and the wave has passed the centre) the ship will plunge heavily until the bow meets with a material resistance. In this way, the best of ships unfairly acquire an unenviable reputation for pitching. Foreseeing these possibilities, we find one architect saying, " A ship badly constructed, whose faults are to be corrected by stowage, will sail badly ; and that which is well constructed, if badly stowed, will do no better; the. stowage, therefore, is an essential, difficult, and delicate part of a ship's economy, to perfect which the officers do very properly to act in concert with each other."* And, another, " A ship of the best form will not show her good qualities except it is at the same time well rigged, well stowed, and well worked by those who command it." f "If," writes a third, "we were to rely confidently upon all that has been said of the great effects on the sailing of ships, resulting from the moving of small weights, we should hardly know how to limit the importance of stowage; but whilst the extent to which small changes are said to affect the sailing of ships, may seem ques- tionable, the fact is established beyond all dispute, that along with alterations in the trim of most ships their sailing qualities are altered. Experience has shown that the magnitude of such » Du Hamel. t Chapman. STOWAGE. 83 effects depends greatly on the form, some ships being more easily put out of trim than others. The investigation of the subject requires yet to be pursued by practical' means, for hitherto much is uncertain."* There appears to be more ground for the belief in the effect of small changes on the sailing of ships than this eminent architect seems prepared to admit. The story of the difference of the speed between two horses hitherto equal, arising from the circumstance of one rider having inadvertently carried the key of the stable in his pocket, is cer- tainly not much more incredible than the recouds of ships under trial. But without contending for the possibility of speed being dependent on such extreme nicety, there can be no question about the tender sensibility of some ships. During one of the trials between the "Barham" and "Vernon," the captain, on coming on deck after a very short absence, exclaimed that there was something wrong. It proved that a 5-inch hawser, which had been spread on the booms- near the mainmast to dry, had been in the interval reeled up near the bowsprit. On another occasion, when both ships were sailing abreast on a wind, and neither gaining, the men who were lying on the deck round the mainmast were caused to stand up, and instantly the " Bar- ham " moved ahead. The " key " to this refinement of sailing quality was found on the quarter-deck ; but the principle and cause of the success evidently lay in a great attention to stowage. And this brings us to the problem of stability, or the resistance of a ship to the pressure of her canvas, which is capable of the same explanation as the pitching and rolling motions. The pressure of the sails acting at their centre of effort on the masts heels the ship over, and, in doing so, virtually alters the shape of her immersed portion; by which alteration the resultant of the pressure of the water and the position of the centre of gravity of displacement are also changed. The centre of gravity of system remaining fixed, the resistance to the heeling power ■ is the effort of the ship to recover her state of equilibrium, and to bring the two centres of gravity back into the same vertical line. In the annexed figure, A b c represents a ship heeling under canvas : her centre of gravity of system being at Q i A B the * Fincham's Outlines. G 2 84 MANUAL FOE NAVAL CABETS. water line, and d her centre of gravitj of displacement when upright : d 6 her water line, and d her centre of gravity of displacement when heeled over ; its position, having under- gone a change consequent on the change of form from A B o to o 6 c, produced by the inclination d E, is now the resultant of Fig. 33. the pressure of water. The action of the different forces may be thus briefly explained. As the ship, on heeling, turns round an axis passing through her centre of gravity, a a may be considered as a lever, s the centre of effort of the sails pressing in the direction s T to heel the ship, d the displacement (equal to the whole weight of the ship) pressing upwards in the direction of the re- sultant d Eto right her. Draw o H at right angles to da. By a principle of the lever, the power exerted by any force, acting obliquely on a lever, is STOWACiE. 85 proportionate to the distance from the fulcrum at which it acts, that distance being measured on a line perpendicular to its line of action. In the case before us, therefore, the displacement or weight of the ship multiplied into G H, constitutes the force ex- erted to right her. From this it appears that the longer the line o H can be made at a given angle of inclination, the greater will be the stability of the ship. This may be done in two ways, 1st, by lowering the centre of gravity of system, which is effected either by adding to the quantity of ballast, or by lowering some of the weights already existing in the ship ; 2ndly, by drawing the centre over to windward, by means of shifting the ballast. The point g illustrates the first method, and g' the second. In either case a perpendicular drawn to the line d e from these points would be longer than g h.* Both these methods of increasing stability are practicable, and are constantly resorted to in boats. The first, by filling the breakers, and making the men sit down in the bottom of the boat ; the second, by making the men sit up to windward. Of the two, the former is unquestionably the safer, as the increase of stability is permanent on either tack ; whereas, when the latter method is adopted, if the boat should be suddenly taken aback, before there is time for the men to regain their proper seats, all the gain of stability on the one tack is exactly so much loss of stability on the other ; and an upset must be the conse- quence. This catastrophe has been known to happen in passing under the stern of a ship, in a strong breeze, from the eddy wind taking the sails in reverse. See article on Handling Boats. It has been supposed that efficient stability could be given under all the circumstances to which a man-of-war is subject by Form alone, without any ballast; a supposition founded on the results of further experiments with models. Masts were erected on forms, each having different shape, but being perfectly homo- geneous, and weights intended to measure their several inclina- * The point E at which a vertical line, drawn from the true centre of gravity of displacement, cuts another that has been drawn from the former one, is called the niet& centre. By studying the direction of the different forces, as indicated by the arrows, it will be obvious that unless this point be above the centre of gravity, the vessel would upset. , G 3 86 MANUAL FOE NATAL CADETS. tions were attached to lines, leading from the mast beads over adjoining pulleys. Fig. .34 Here we were supposed to have discovered the form for stabi- lity unerringly, and amateurs flattered themselves that tbey had solved a question whigh the most experienced architects have Fig. 36. Fig. 37. admitted to be " pregnant with the most intricate difficulties ; to surmount which seems to exceed the force of human under- standing." STOWAGE. 87 "Fig. 34 exceeded yfj. 35 in stability, till the weights amount- ed to 13| lbs., after which the excess was with fig. 35 ; 36 was inferior to 34 and 35; and 37 inferior to all. Thns the power applied was similar in its effects to the farce of the wind!"* If the experimentalist had ever been in broken water, he might have discovered what is well known to every coxswain of a jolly- boat, that when a vessel is taken in a squall, having no way on, she inclines much more at first than she does after gathering way; and this is such a practical illustration of what Clairbois himself says on this very point that it seems unnecessary to argue on the unprofitable nature of all such experiments and the utter fallacy of the conclusions which have been drawn from them. " There is a Hydrostatic or Theoretic stability, which is only true when the ship has no progressive motion, yet under other circumstances, it differs widely from the Hydrodynamic or Practical stability." f In the above case, stability is considered with reference to only one disturbing element, the wind ; but the effects of water in motion are entirely overlooked. In fact, experiments made in cisterns, however interesting in a lecture- room, and successful in Virginia Water, are inapplicable to the rough practice of seafaring vessels. How far the stability or general efficiencies of a ship should be derived from weight, a^id how far from form, is a question which must be decided by judg- ment and experience gathered under canvas. The laws by which their action is regulated, and the manner in which their influence may be augmented or diminished, constitute a depart- ment of knowledge in which every sea officer should be well grounded. The following Table will convey an idea of the effects which may be produced by moving certain weights through different spaces. It gives the weight which it will be necessary to move a distance of 40 feet, either aft or forwards, in order to produce an alteration of 1 foot in the trim of the ship. * Experiments by Mr. Gorge, mentioned in Charnock's History of Marine Architecture. Since making tlie above lemarks, a recent number of the Me- chanics' Magazine criticises some repetitions of these experiments. t Clairbois' Treatise on Naval Architecture, translated by Captain Strange, K.N. O 4 88 MANUAL FOE NAVAL CADETS. Class of Vessel and Number of Guns. Length, feet. Breadth, feet. Weight to he moved a dis- tance of 40 feet. Tons. 1st Rate - - 120 306 55 112 2nd Bate - 84 193 52 90 4th Kate - - 60 174 44 58 5th Bate - 46 160 41 38 6th Rate - 28 120 34 22 Sloop - - 18 112 31 14* The most certain mode however of preserving trim, is by use of the Water Level. A leaden pipe bent upwards at both ends is let into the lower deck beams under the planking, in a fore and aft line, as nearly amidships as the hatchways will permit, the ends are terminated with glass tubes, which are gra- duated, and for greater security brought up alongside some convenient stanchion. On the tube being filled, the water rises to its level at each end, and the ship's most perfect trim marked off when she is perfectly still. Any subsequent alterations in the trim, either from expenditure of stores, or variations of wind, are immediately denoted by the levels, and may be at once rectified by the movement of dispos- able weights, such as shot, any number of men, &c., so that at sea, when it would be impossible to discover the trim by the copper marks, it may be thus ascertained without difficulty j and the effects of alterations in the force of the wind, otherwise imperceptible, are declared by the amount of pressure by the head, indicated by the level, f This instrument will appear the more valuable when it is remembered that, on carrying a press of sail, a, ship always settles considerably by the head ; and that unless this tendency be corrected by moving weights from the fore-body, (supposing the sails to be well trimmed,) the increased resistance will neu- tralise the propelling force. For although, as a general rule, the gain by carrying a press of sail is little as compared with the risk, yet there are times when that little might be of much * Crueze on Naval Architecture. t In the absence of a better, a temporary level may be constructed with a length of good hose. STOWAGE. 89 consequence ; and we should be prepared, not only with good gear to press on with, but with a good instrument to inform us that speed is undiminished, if not increased. Few things are more fallacious than the appearance of speed which a vessel's movement presents. Judging from the quantity of water dashed from her bows, and the noise made by her pas- sage through the waves, one would infer a high rate of progress. But it is found that all this time the ship's bows are unduly depressed, and that the commotion of the water, supposed to be evidence of speed, is, in fact, only evidence to more water being displaced than is necessary. Thus, in a ship of the " Bar- ham's " length and size, the depression has occasionally amounted to 18 inches j the remedy adopted being, not that of reducing sail at the expense of propelling power, but of adjusting trim, and that by the help of the instrument described. In treating on the subject of fluid resistance. Dr. Arnott ob- serves : — "A boat which moves one mile an hour displaces a certain quantity of water, and with a certain velocity ; if it move twice as fast, it of course displaces twice as much water, and requires to be moved by twice the force on that account ; but it also displaces every particle with a double velocity, and requires another doubling of the power on this account : the power then being doubled on two accounts, becomes a power of four. In the same manner with a speed of three, three times as many particles are moved, and each particle with three times the velocity; therefore, a force of nine is wanted to produce it ; and so for a speed of four, a powerof sixteen is wanted ; and for a speed of five, a power of twenty-five. The corresponding num- bers, up to a speed of 10, are shown in the following table: — Speed - - - 123456789 10 Corresponding resistance 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100 So that the force of 100 horses would only drag a boat 10 times as fast as the force of one horse. Arithmeticians express the relation shown in this table, by saying ihat the power required to move a body in a fluid increases as the square of the speed." " If an engine of 49 or 50-horse power would drive a boat 7 miles an hour, two engines of 50, or one of 100, would be re- quired to drive it 10 miles, and three such would only di'ive it 12 miles. For the same reason, if all the coal which a ship 90 MANUAL FOR NAVAL CADETS. could conveniently carry were just sufficient to drive her 1000 miles, at the rate of 12 miles per hour, it would drive her 3000 at the rate of 7 miles per hour; and nearly 6000 at the rate of 5 miles per hour." * These remarks are not only interesting, but strictly practical : for they go to prove that, supposing we can counteract the tendency to settle by the head, and preserve trim, we shall beat another ship if we can out-carry her. BALLAST Is of iron in "pigs,'' of different weight and dimensions, cast with a hole in each end. No. to a ton. Length, ft. m. Breadth, ft. in. Depth, ft. in. Cwt. Qrs.; Lb». 7 3 6 6 2 3 12 9 2 S 6 6 2 24 11 2 6 6 1 3 7 16 1 6 6 4i 4| 4 1 12 18 1 6 5 20 1 5 5| 1 . 21 2 4 4 3 22 40 1 4 4 TANKS. The Tanks are selected from the results of measurements made with a skeleton frame, the intervening spaces being filled in with battens, as they are stowed and chintzed. They are slung for hoisting by a toggle in the manhole ; but the motaent it can be dispensed with, the lid is shipped, so as to exclude dirt. When the bottom (the ground tier) is stowed, the others follow. Whilst watering, the rod of the pump is a useful correction for a careless officer in the holds : often when the tank has delivered 100 tons, the greatest quantity of the water has, from neglect in shifting the hoses, found its way to the Bilge8.f * Elements of Fhyeics. + The state of the well should be regularly reported in harbour, just as at sea. Not very long since, a ship nearly ready for sea was found on a Sunday afternoon with the holds full of water. The first lieutenant, who had no superior in the serf ice, was (for once) out of the ship, and his deputy had ueg. lected this customary duty. STOWAGE. TAKKS. (,Fig. 38.) 91 i* \. ^ \ \ N°l : 600 GALLS. > ^ i N S \ C3 \ . — j I N°2 BOO V \ !% CD N. ; i : : i 1 N9 3 400 \ h \ CD \. 1 3.7 200 ^ \ i^ ^■. •cd" \ ■■V, 4.1 N9 10 375 / ^ \/ \ \ \ CD ■\^ N° 9 100 ^ \! K°4 £00 ^K;.' "^^ \s 1 1 ; 3.7 N9 II 264 / / Sj^ \/ / / IHl / \. \ \^ A 120 ^ -^ "■--,, ■ "^^.-,1 3 3 ?fii C=? _ ^ : 1 SO GALL? >>^ \l G 30 'T^- :*?=■::: V : ! OIL 20 /^ J /"" / r!^ \^ 'i^i D SO ^ % \ ^ N9I2 110 ) 92 MANUAX FOE NAVAL CADETS. CHAP. VIL MECHANICAL POWEBS. Mechanics is the science which treats of forces applied to bodies either directly, or through the agency of some machine. Any cause which alters, or tends to alter a body's state of rest or motion, is called a Force. The force with which we are most familiar, is that which attracts every body on the earth's surface towards its centre, and which causes the body, if free, to more towards that point ; and if restrained, to press against the obstacle which prevents its motion. This force is called Gravity. The amount of the pressure exerted by different bodies varies with their magnitude. Thus, the pressure exerted by a mass of lead containing 2 cubic feet, is twice as great as that of a mass containing only 1 cubic foot. Gravity is a uniform force, or in other words, exerts the same influence on all bodies which contain the same amount of matter. The pressure actually exerted by a heavy body in consequence of its tendency to fall to the earth is called its Gravitation ; and that which is exerted by a certain definite bulk is called a Pound. All forces may be measured by the number of pounds weight which they could sustain if applied in a direction opposite to that of gravity, i. e. vertically upwards. Besides the magnitude, it is necessary to take into considera- tion the Direction of a force. By this is meant the straight line in which it' tends to move the body, if free, and not coun- teracted by any other force. Thus, if a force is produced by a thrust of a rod, its magnitude is measured by the number of pounds weight it would support if it were to act vertically upward ; and its direction is that of the rod's length. Forces applied to a body are said to be in equilibrium, when the body," if originally at rest, still remains so after their applica- tion, or, if in motion, continues to move in the same manner as before, or as if they had not been applied at all. Velocity is the degree of quickness or slowness of a body's motion ; and, if uniform, is measured by the number of feet MECHANICAL POWERS. 93 described in a Unit of time. The units of time usually employed are a Second and a Minute. The latter is the unit generally employed when the motion of machines is considered. The principal Moving Powers are the physical force of men and animals (or living agents) ; the expansive force of steam and gunpowder ; the action of water, and of wind ; and the elastic force of metals when formed as springs. Always directing motion, it is absolutely necessary that an officer should know how (without overtasking) to apply the " moving powers " to the greatest possible advantage, as well as to form a right estimate of " work." Great care must be taken to have a clear understanding of the proper meaning of the term poweri as used in matters of science. It is quite distinct from strength, or force, or pressure. It always has reference to a quantity of work performed, or which could be performed. Por instance, if it be said that a man can lift off the ground a piece of iron of 300 pounds weight, there is no information as to the power of a man — speaking scientifically — conveyed by the knowledge of this fact, which merely indicates his strength. But if it were stated how many such pieces he lifted to a given height, and placed upon a truck in an hour or in a minute, the amount of work which he performed would then be known, and this would be the measure of his power. If one man loaded a truck with pieces of iron weighing 300 pounds each, and another man had to perform a similar duty with pieces of 150 pounds each, the latter must lift double the number of pieces to do the same amount of work. In this case each of these pieces must have been raised from the ground to the truck in half the time of the others ; that is, two lifts for one must have been made. The quickness with which the weights were lifted is called the Velocity with which they have travelled, and this, in the case of the light weights, was double that of the heavy ; and hence half the weight, raised with double the velocity, gives the same amount of work done within the same space of time, and the same amount of power is said to have been exerted. In a similar manner, let it be supposed that a man in a given lime raises 10 pieces of iron, each weighing 300 pounds, that is 3000 pounds in all, 1 foot high, and that another man raises one 94 MANUAL FOE NATAL CADETS. of these pieces in 10 lifts one above another, each of 1 foot high, that is 10 feet in all, this will be the same number of equal lifts, and the two men will have done an equal amount of work. If the weights raised be multiplied respectively by the distances to which they have been raised, the result will be the power ; that is, the same amount of power is exerted to raise 300 pounds 10 feet high, 3000 pounds 1 foot high, or 1 pound 3000 feet high. Moreover, the work done by men and animals varies according to the manner in which they exert their strength ; and in con- sequence of their difference of form a general comparison is impossible. A man can carry a weight equal to his own, and yet his average force when thrusting at the height of the chest is reckoned at but 30 pounds. A horse cannot draw up a hill as much as three men could carry up the same ; yet on a level road he would draw as much as seven men could. And either of these agents might, by a single great effort, perform a piece of work, and becoming exhausted, be unfit for further labour; whilst another, by a series of moderate ones, might in due time effect as great a result. So that physical force being intermittent, it can only be estimated by its effects ; and hence it is that time becomes an essential part of the consideration, the question embracing, not merely the amount of action, but also the time in which it is developed. Weight and time, and height or distance, being then inter- changeable with each other, it will easily be understood that it becomes a convenient mode of expressing the power of a man or horse, to say that one man or one horse can raise a given number of pounds one foot high in one minute. A Vnlt of work represents the labour required to raise 1 lb. weight through the space of 1 foot, and has the same relation to work as a foot (which is the measure of space) has to distance, or a pound to weight. The labour expended in raising a body is found by multiplying the weight of the body in pounds by the space in feet through which it is raised. Supposing a man to raise a weight of 1 pound 1 foot high, he does a unit of work ; if he lifted a weight of 160 pounds 30 feet high, he would have performed 4800 units of work, or (according to the above rule) 160x30 = 4800. Again, if a man handed thirty 32-pound shot over the gun- wale of a boat, 1 foot high, he would perform 960 units of MECHAOTCAL POWERS. 95 work. Say that he handed at the rate of one shot a second, and that another man worked at the same rate with a luff gigger and net filled for him with three shot at a hoist, the second man would only perform the same number of units of work ; for whilst the force of the first man was exerted through a space of 1 foot in a certain time, that of the other was exerted through three times the space of 1 foot in the same time. In other wordsj one would hand through 1 foot, and the other would haul through 3 feet of the tackle fall. Again, if a man carry a 56-pound shot, at the rate of three miles an hour, and another of 42 pounds at the rate of four miles, the effect would be the same, viz. 168. In the application of physical force, the individual weight of the agent must be considered as well as his muscular force. If a man be 150 pounds weight, and he went 40 feet up the rigging, and let himself down in a bowline knot on the end of a single whip, the other end being fast to a weight somewhat lighter than his own, he would raise that weight 40 feet, and perform a number of units of work equal to the number of pounds in that weight multiplied by 40. If the end, however, were made fast to some machinery (such, for instance, as the barrel of a winch to which some weight was attached) the efficiency of the force employed would be 150 x 40 = 6000, and this can be caused to raise a weight of 6 pounds through a space of 1000 feet, or a weight of 1000 pounds through a space of 6 feet, or a weight of 6000 pounds through a space of 1 foot. For the me- chanical effect produced by a machine is measured by the work done in a given time, or by the product of the force exerted, and the distance gone through in a unit of time in the direction of that force. But, in thus making use of a man's individual weight, it must be observed that, except whilst raising his body, his muscular force is at rSst ; whereas in moving about whilst labouring, (as in working the capstan or " walking away " with a tackle fall or single rope,) he exerts his strength, both in thrusting or hauling, in addition to carrying his body ; and the more nearly that is a load to him, the less can he do in addition. So that, when we can have a choice in the mode of application, it behoves us to consider how to place our men at their work. "The very best and most effectual posture in a man is that of rowing, wherein he not only 96 MAinJAL FOE NAVAL CADETS. acts with more muscles at once for overcoming the resistance than in any other position, hut as he pulls backwards, the weight of his body assists by way of lever." * This remark will, of course, apply to the case of men "facing their work " at a " standing pull," for if we can place them with their feet hearing against any fixture, we have just the same pos ■ ture. " The mean effect of the labour of an active man, working to the greatest possible advantage, and without impediment, is found, upon a moderate estimation, sufficient to raise 10 pounds, 10 feet in a second, for ten hours in a day ; or 100 pounds I foot in a second, or 36,000 feet in a day, or 3,600,000 pounds 1 foot in a day." f The Motive Powers are augmented, regulated, and directed by machinery of different descriptions. By these mechanical con- trivances, a small force is enabled to overcome a great resistance, or raise a great weight, as in the case of Tackles, Levers, Screws, Wedges, and Cog-wheels whose circumferences bear upon axles of other wheels. Intermittent motion is converted into uniform motion, as in the case of the balance wheel of the land steam engine: continuous motion is obtained, as in the case of the rotatory leverage of the capstan ; great velocity is generated, as in the case of the common spinning-wheel, or driving wheel of some steam engines, where the circumference of a large wheel acts upon that of a smaller one ; and the moving force is made to impart motion to a weight in a direction different from that in which the force itself moves, as in the case of leading blocks, of tackle falls, or the cranks, side levers, eccentric, &c. of the engine. But these, and many other advantages afforded by machinery, cannot be obtained without proportionate disadvantage j for what is gained In force is lost in velocity or time ; and what is gained in speed or time is lost in force ; or, which is the same thing, when force is economised, it is at the expense of time ; and, when time is saved, force is expended. This is a law in mechanics ; and as power is compounded of the weight or mass of a moving body, multiplied into its velocity, it is evident that there is no increase of power properly so called in the agency of machinery. In moving a great weight, a small force moves through a » Desaguliers. t Engineers' Pocket-Book. MECHANICAL POWKKS. 97 space as many times greater than that through which the weight moves, as the weight is greater than the force ; or, the rate at which the weight is moved is so many times slower than that at which the force moves, as the weight is greater than the force. In generating a rapid velocity, the force moves through a space as many times less than that through which the weight moves, as the force is greater than the weight. And in varying the direc- tion of motion, a greater quantity of the force is consumed in overcoming friction, than would he the case did it act directly on the weight or resistance. The Lever, Wheel and axle, Pulley, Inclined Plane, Wedge, and Screw, arc commonly called the Mechanical Powers. The Wheel and axle, and Pulley, arc varieties of the Lever, and the Wedge and Screw of the Inclined Plane. In their separate condition, they are " simple machines," and when any number of them are combined, they form a Compound machine. LETER. Xevers are of three kinds. When the fulcrum is between the force and the weight, the lever is of the first order. (Fig. 39.) Fig. 39. J i Such is the steelyard (Jig. 45), or pump brake, or the hand- spike as it is used in " raising " the breech of a gun at the order " Elevate." (Fig. 40.) Fig. 40. 98 MANITAI. FOB NAVAL CADETS. When the weight is between the fulcrum and the force, the lever is of the second order. {Fig. 41.) Z n Such is an oar, or a handspike as used in " pointing " a gun. (Fig. 42.) ^ " Fig. 42. When the force is between the fulcrum and the weight, the lever is of the third order. (,Fig. 43.) Fig. 43. b^ wQ Such is the foot-board of a turning lathe. The steering wheel acts as a lever both of the first and second order. (,Fig. 44.) " Of whatever kind the lever may be, the conditions of equi- librium of the power and weight will be such that they are inversely as their distances from the fulcrum, this being the general condition of equilibrium for all machines which turn round a fixed axis. It follows, therefore, that in the above figures we shall have f : w, : fa : eb ; or, if ^ express the distance MECHANICAL POWERS. 99 of the power from the fulcrum, and w the distance of the weight from the fulcrum, we shall have F : -w: : w : p, or, which is the same, p xp=w x w. Fig. 44. " This statement is a repetition of the general principle aifecting machines which turn on an axis, in virtue of which, forces upon them are in equilibrium, when their moments round the axle are equal. The moment of the power is p x p, and the moment of the weight is w x w. The tendency of the power to turn the lever round its fulcrum in the direction of the power, is expressed by the moment p x p, and the tendency of the weight to turn the lever in the contrary direction is expressed by w x w." * The distance of the force from the fulcrum is called its Leverage ; and the effects of force will be proportional to its leverage. Thus, if we remove the force to double its distance from the fulcrum, its effect will be doubled; or to half its distance we shall diminish its effect to one half. Fig. 45. *' Hand-book of Natural Philosophy. E 2 Engineers' Pocket Book. 100 MANUAL FOE NAVAL CADETS. If we suppose the hook of the short arm of the figure to be one inch from the centre of support, E a pound weight on the long arm will always balance as many pounds suspended at the short arm, as the pound is removed inches from the ful- crum, supposing it to be slung horizontal ; thus in the figure 1 balances 4, To ascertain the proportionate length of leverage necessary to support a weight in equilibrium with a lever of the first order, divide the weight to be raised by the force to be applied, and the quotient will be the required proportion. Por instance : — Required the proportionate length of leverage to balance a weight of 3 tons, with a force equal to 12 cwt? Then 3tons = 60 Here the long arm is 5, and the short 1, inches, feet, or yards, as the case may be, and an additional pound will raise the weight. But, although this is effected by a force of only one fifth of the weight, no " power " is gained, for the weight passes through only one fifth of the space which the force does. The products, therefore, arising from the multiplication of the respective weights and velocities are the same. Example 2. — A weight of 1 ton is to be balanced with a lever 8 feet in length, by a force of 4 cwt. ; required at what part of the lever the fulcrum must be placed ? 20 cwt. , . , ^ j.^^ =5 ; that is, the weight is to the power as 5 to 1 ; o therefore, = li foot, from the weight. Example 3. — A weight of 40 pounds is placed 1 foot from the fulcrum of a lever : required the power to balance the same when the length of the lever on the other side of the fulcrum is 40 X 1 5 feet ? — z — = 8 pounds. — Answer. (2.) When the fulcrum is at one extremity of the lever, and the force at the other, let this rule be adopted : As the length of the lever is to the distance between the weight and the fulcrum, so is the weight to the force. Example 1. — Required the force necessary to balance 120 pounds, when the weight is placed 6 feet from the force, and two feet from the fiilcrum. As 8 : 2 : : 120 : so.— Answer. Example 2.— A beam 20 feet in length, and supported at MECHANICAL POWERS. 101 both ends, bears a weight of 2 tons at the distance of 8 feet from one end, required the weight on eaoh support. ^ — — = £\) leet 1 6 cwt. on the support that is furthest from the weight ; and — ^ — =24 cwt. on the support nearest to the weight. This lever shows the reason why two men carrying a burthen (as a cask upon a pole) between them may hear unequal shares of weight in reference to their strength. If the pole were 8 feet long, and the cask 1 cwt., placed in the centre, each man will bear 56 pounds ; but if placed 5 times nearer one man than the other, the former will bear 5 times as much as the latter. Or if the men were 12 feet apart; the cask being 240 pounds, and 4 feet from the first man, he will sustain twice as much as the other : the first carrying 160 pounds, and the second 80 pounds, for 160x4 = 80x8. (3.) When the weight to be raised is at one end of the lever, the fulcrum at the other, and the force is applied between them. Rule. — As the distance between the force and the fulcrum is to the length of the lever, so is the weight to the force. Example. — The length of the lever being 8 feet, and the weight at its extremity 60 pounds, required the force to be applied 6 feet from the fulcrum to balance it. As 6 : 8 : : 60 : 80 pounds. — Answer. " A combination consisting of several levers acting one upon another, as represented in the figure, is called a Compound lever. Fig. 46. pi A p-' ^ pi A^^ " The force at p produces an upward pressure at p', which bears to p the same proportion as p' r to p f. Therefore, the efiect at p', is as many times the force as the line P p is of p' p. Thus, if p p be ten times p' f, the upward pressure at p' is ten times the force. The arm p' f' of the second lever is pressed upwards by a force equal to ten times that at p. In the same-manner this may be shown to produce an effect at p" as many times greater than p' as p' p' is greater than p" p". " Thus, if p' p' be twelve times p" p", the effect at p" will be, H 3 102 MANUAI- FOE NATAl CADETS. twelve times that of p'. But this last, was ten times the force, and therefore p" will be 120 times the force. In the same manner, it may he shown that the weight w is as many times greater than the effect at p", as p" p" is greater than w f". If p" p" be five times w p", the weight will be five times the effect at p". But this effect is 120 times the force, and therefore the weight would be 600 times the force. " In the same manner the effect of any compound system of levers may be ascertained by taking the proportion of the weight to the force on each lever separately, and multiplying these numbers together. "In the above example, these proportions are ID, 12, and 5, which, multiplied together, give 600. The levers are of the first kind ; but the principles of the calculation will not be altered if they be of the second or third, or some be of one kind and some of another." * ■WHEEL AND AXLE. "Whatever advantage may be gained by the combined action of lever upon lever, their applications involve so many incon- veniences as to render such contrivances unfit for many purposes. The same results are however obtained by the 'Wriieel and azl^, which acts as a revolving lever, imparting a continuous, instead ef an intermittent motion ; economising space, and possessing the same mechanical properties as the straight lever. For thci radius of the wheel is the long arm of the lever, and that of the axle, the short one : the centre of the axle being the fulcrum.f Moreover, the circumferences of different circles bear the same proportion to each other, as their respective diameters do; conse- quently the advantage gained is in proportion as the circum- f«reniee or diameter of the wheel is greater than that of the axle, and when the force acting on the cireumference of the wheel is to the weight, as the radius of the axle (or barrel) is to that of the wheel (say spoke or capstan bar), the force and weight will * Hand-Book of Philosophy t This will serve to explain the connection between short tillers and small barrelled steering wheels ; as well as show the objection to cutting capstan bars for the salce of convenience in stowage, or on account of their length inr terfering with guns or bulkheads. MECHANICAI> POWERS. 103 be balanced. If the semi-diameter of the wheel in the figure be six times greater than that of the barrel, the weight or resistance Fig. 47. ■will be balancea by a force of one sirth of its amount. But what is gained in force is lost in time, for the force must move through six times the space as the weight, and the weight rise or move slower in proportion. In the Capstan, the axle is placed vertically, the wheel, (or levers, or bars,) moving horizontally. Its power is to be estimated just as above mentioned. Its great utility consists in its position, enabling us to apply force at every lever at the same time.' Let^^. 47 be a capstan, the semi-diameter of whose barrel is 2 feet, the bars, 14 in number, being 14 feet long. We have here a simple machine; and by applying any of the motive powers to the extremity of its bar or bars, that power is made to operate with seven-fold effect. The force or useful effect of a man performing work by thrust- ing at the height of the chest is 30 pounds. Hence, if we place one man at the end of each bar, we have the means of sustaining a weight or resistance which is equal to 2940 pounds.* If the weight or resistance were greater than 7 times the power, we must either put on more hands or more machinery. The main-yard, for instance, is 5 tons; but if we reeve five parts of gears, a power of 1 ton on the fall would balance it. If we take the fall to the capstan, 420 pounds, or the force of * By the term '* useful effect " is meant the degree of force which a man or brute can maintain throughout a worlting day, ■* H 4 10-t MANUAL FOR NAVAL CADETS. 14 men at tlie tar ends, would balance it, and if we add 14 more men, they could raise it with ease. It may often he difficult if not impossible to compute the amount of weight or resistance we have to contend with ; hut we are always able to calculate the amount of our moving power, and it may be useful to know how to do so. Say that we place 5 men at each bar, we have then a physical force equal to 2l00 pounds; but we must no longer consider the machine as one affording a seven-fold advantage; for, giving each man 2 feet elbow room, the leverage of the outside circle of men would be as 7 to 1 ; the second would be as 6 ; the third as 5; the fourth as 4; and the fifth as 3 to 1. Now, to ascertain the total amount of this combination of manual force and mechanical power, we may either multiply the former by the mean of the leverage, or multiply the force of each circle of men by their respective leverages. * Leverages 7 Number of men 70 „ 6 Force of each 30 pounds „ 5 „ 4 2100 pounds 3 5 5)25 10,500 pounds Mean 420x7 = 2940 pounds 420 X 6 = 2520 pounds 420x5=2100 pounds 420 X 4 = 1680 pounds 420x3 = 1260 pounds 10,500 pounds Thus we see that with such a capstan 70 men may move a weight of about 4J tons, connected with the barrel by a single * In the event of placing an extra hand at each swifter, their force, 29401bs., must be added to,these results; or in using the second mode of calculation, the force of the outer circle of bands ma; be counted as 840x7=5880. MECHANICAL POWERS. 105 rope or chain, a task Tvhich -would require the force of 350 men to accomplish if unaided by machinery. But in the capstan, as in other machines, there are dis- advantages as well as advantages ; for in moving the weight (say 12 feet) the capstan must make one round turn, and the 70 men must exert their force through an average space of 60 feet and 60 units of time ; whereas the 350 men in moving the weight 12 feet, would only exert their force thi'ough that space and a similar number of units of time. In the first of these cases, force is economised at the expense of time and space. In the latter, time and space are gained, but at the expense of force. It should be observed that while an equal share of work fell on each of the 350 men, the inside men at the bars carried the weight of their bodies through 36 feet, and the outside men theirs through 84 feet, so that in long heaves we should frequently " change rounds." • In the Patent Capstan, the drum-head is connected with the barrel by moveable bolts, and when these are down, the whole machine revolves together as in the case of one of common con- struction ; but when greater power is required, the bolts are withdrawn, and '"' the wheel- work shown in the figure (Jig. 48.) is thrown into gear. The leaves on the spindle act on cog wheels, which act upon an annular wheel on the barrel; the spindle and barrel revolve in opposite directions, the former making 1 turn whilst the latter makes 3, affording a gain of 3 to 1. By means of cogs or teeth, the axle of one wheel is brought * In thrusting, as at the capstan, it is the muscular force more than the in- dividual weight which tells, especially when the drum is placed high, and the men are short ; as is evident from the attitude. Some French ships have thicker drums, and 2 tier of bars, on the lower of which the shorter men are stationed ; so that the force is not only well to the full extent of the lever, but suitably arranged as to height. One power, so important as to deserve the name of a prime mover, must not be forgotten, and that is the fiddler ; but for work which is intermittent, such as anchor work, to be a good one, he must have graduated at the Bars, else be will not understand how to keep step, or modify and excite pace. 106 MANUAL FOE NATAL CADETS. to bear on the circumference of another on the same principle as that which obtains in a combination of levers, and the conditions of equilibrium are also similar. The convenience of this combination ■will be comprehended by bearing in mind, that If, for example, we want to raise or move a weight through the space of 100 feet with as small an exertion of force as 1 pound, that force must move through a space of 100 feet, by whatever kind of machine we may employ. Now, it is more convenient to describe 50 circles of 2 feet in circumference with the arm, than to make one great vertical stroke of a lever of 100 feet, or move round a circle 100 feet in circumference with a horizontal one. Such a combination of wheels is called a Train. The cogs on the surface of the wheels are usually called teeth ; those on the axle, leaves ; and the axle having leaves, the pinion. "When arranged, as in fig. 49, the power is said to be Concentrated. If the diameter of all the axles be multiplied together, and also that of all the wheels be multiplied together, then the power will be to the weight as the product of the axles is to that of the wheels. Or the conditions of equilibrium may be obtained by multiplying together the number of teeth on all the wheels, MECHANICAL POWERS. 107 and the number on all' the pinions, the power being on the weight as the product of the latter is to the former.* Leaves on the axle b of the first wheel a act on teeth on the circumference of the second wheel e ; and as there are six times as many teeth as there are leaves, e is turned once for every six turns of a. In the same manner e, in turning six times, turns f once ; therefore, the first wheel turns 36 times for one turn of the last ; and as the diameter of a (to which the power is applied) is 3 times as great as that of the axle d (which has the resistance), three times 36, or 108, is the difference of intensity between weights or forces that will balance here. When great velocity is required, the circumference of a large cog wheel is made to act on that of the axle or rim of a smaller one, in which case the power is said to be diffused. Were there 48 teeth on the rim of the larger wheel and 16 on the smaller, one revolution of the former would produce three of the latter, and in a train thus arranged, it is evident that the wheel farthest from the force would move with the greatest rapidity. The extent of motion that can thus be obtained, may be comprehended by studying the number of revolutions made by the second hands of a watch, or those of a driving wheel when used with the propeller shaft. Tackles {Jig. 50) are named according to the number of blocks employed; and the arrangement and size of gear. The rope rove is the Fall ; the part made fast the Standing part : and the parthauled on, the running part, or end, or frequently also the fall. Small tackles are usually called Jiggers; larger ones Barton's ; still larger. Luffs; a heavy tackle or combination of such is a, Purchase. A rope rove through a single fixed block is a whip, as infig. 50, No. 1. Rove through a single moveable block, a Double whip : this on a large scale is a Runner, as in Nos. 2. and 16. Rove through two single blocks, the upper one being fixed, a double whip, as in No 3. Rove through two single blocks, the upper one being moveable, a Gun-tackle purchase, as in No. 11. • Arnott's Physics. 108 MANUAL FOE NAVAL CADETS. Fig. 50. MECHANICAL POWERS. 109 Rove through a double and single block, the standing part being fast to the single block, a Luflf-tackle, as in Nos. 8. 12, 13. Rove through two doubles, the standing part being fast to one of them, a Twofold Purchase. Rove through two threefold blocks, the standing part being fast to one of them, a Threefold Purchase, as in No. 9. Rove through two fourfold blocks, the standing part being fast to one of them, a Fourfold Purchase, as in No. 10. Combinations of tackles may be made variously; thus : No. 5. is a Whip upon whip. No. 16. is a Runner and tackle. Nos. 4. 6, 7. 14, 15. are Spanish Bartons. The increased advantage is found by multiplying their respective advantages into each other ; for example, in No. 5. it is double on the first whip, and double on the second, 2x2=4, giving a fourfold advantage. In No. 16. it is double on runner, and quadrupled on the tackle ; or 2 X 4 = 8, giving an eightfold advantage. Perhaps the theory of tackles will be best understood thus : — In No. 2. the strain is equally distributed between each part of the rope ; and there being two parts employed in sustaining the weight, it is balanced by an exertion of power equal to one half of its weight ; and the same principle applies to tackles of all kinds. Reeving the fall, as in No. 3, merely gives a more con- venient lead, for the blocks which are fixed afford no mechanical advantage. The general rule for ascertaining the power necessary to raise a weight with a tackle, is to divide the weight by twice the number of sheaves in the lower block, the quotient being the answer. Thus, in the threefold purchase No. 9, a power of 20 ewt. would balance a weight of 6 tons (friction not considered). The more precise rule is to divide the weight to be raised by the number of parts of rope leading to, from, or attached to the lower block ; the quotient being the power required to produce equilibrium, provided friction did not exist. Thus : in the case of a fouifold purchase, the standing part of the rope being fast to the lower block, the weight, 3000 lbs. would be balanced by the power of 330 lbs. To ascertain the amount of purchase required to raise a given weight with a given power ; divide the weight to be raised by the power to be applied, and the quotient will be the number of cords (or parts of ropes) which must be attached to the lower 110 MANUAL FOR NAVAL CADETS. block, thus : to balance a -weight of 19 tons with a power of 43 cwt. nine parts of rope at the moving block would be neces- sary. And as, in working such a purchase, there would be much friction and consequent increase of strain, a 3-inch rope, which is equal to bearing a strain of nearly 60 cwt., should be used. To ascertain what amount of weight given tackling will raise, the weight that the single rope will bear is multiplied by the number of its parts at the moving block. The proper size of ropes and blocks to be used as tackling may be determined by reference to such Tables as those on pages }52 and 161 ; and the amount of allowance that should be made for the consequences of friction by considerations similar to those advanced on pages 118 and 158 of this work. LIST OF TACKLES. The figures on the tackles in the engraving denote the advan- tage ; — thus, In No. 5, it is 4 to 1 ; in 14, 16 to 1 ; that is to say, a weight of 1 lb. on the fall of No. 5. would balance a weight of 4 lbs. on the lower block — or in other words, one man with this tackle could suspend as great a weight as four could without it LIST OF TACKLES. — Fig. 50. No. 1. Whip. No. 10. Fourfold. 2. Double Whip. 11. Gun tackle purchase. 3. Ditto. 12. Luff, single block to 4. Whip upon whip. the weight 5. Double ditto. 13. Ditto, double block to 6. Spanish Barton. the weight. 7. Ditto. 14. Spanish Barton 16 to 1. 8. Luff-tackle. 15. Ditto 81 to 1. 9. Treble. 16. Runner and tackle. 17. Signal halyard down-haul. The " Establishment " of spare disposable tackles of a ship are — Four runners and tackles, with their respective lashing blocks. Four long tackles, the double blocks having a lashing eye. Two MECHANICAL POWEBS. Ill mizen bartons. Four yard tackles; and, as there are great numbers of fitted blocks and spare ends of coils, any number of luffs may be rove -when requisite. It must be observed that too much attention cannot be paid to {he maxim, that fixed blocks give no gain, for tackles admit of different applications. For instance, in No. 1. there is merely a lead ; whereas in the runner In Nos. 16. and 2. with the same reeve of rope, but having a moveable block, a resistance of a certain amount would be overcome by about one half of its amount. Also in Nos. 12. and 8. the advantage is 3 to 1 j whereas in 13, with the same kind of tackle, it is 4 to 1. In tackles, as in other machines, there is no increase of " Power ;" for — the mechanical effects produced by any machine being measured by the work done in a given time, or by the product of the force exerted, and the distance gone through in a unit of time, in the direction of that force — whatever is gained in force is lost in time ; and whatever is gained in time, is lost in force.* The convenience of a machine consists in enabling a small force working by a succession of efforts through a great space to raise a great weight, or to overcome a great resistance through a small space. The ascent of a weight attached to a tackle is as many times less than the descent of the force as the weight itself is greater than the power : thus, in a twofold purchase the force being one, and the weight 4 cwt., and it being required to raise the weight 1 foot, each part of the rope must be shortened 1 foot, and the force descend through 4 feet. One man may be able, with a tackle having 10 plies of rope, to raise a weight which it would require 10 men to raise at once, without a tackle. But if the weight is to be raised a yard, the 10 men will raise it, by pulling at a single rope, and walking 1 yard, while the single man at his tackle must walk until he has shortened the 10 plies of rope of 1 yard each ; that is, he must walk 10 yards, or ten times as far as the 10 men did. In both cases, therefore, we have just the same quantity of man's work * Thus, the answering pendant is easily but slowly hauled down by one boy. Put a raoveaWe block on the bight, as in No. 17., and to run away with it we shall require several boys. In the first case we economise force, but spend time ; in the latter, we expend force but gain velocity. 112 MANUAL' FOB NAVAL CADETS. used to accomplish the same end ; in the one case performed by 10 men in 1 minute, and in the other hy 1 man in 10 minutes ; and if the work continues longer, say a whole day for 10 men, it will last ten days for the single man : there is, therefore, no saving of labour from using tackles, but a loss, because of the friction. The same is true of all other machines ; none of them save labour, but they allow a small force to take its time to pro- duce any requisite magnitude of effect. The real advantages of machines are, that one man's effort or any small power, which is always at command, by working proportionately longer, will answer the purpose of the sudden effort of many men, even of thousands, whom it might be most inconvenient, or expensive, or even impossible to bring together.* From all this, it may be observed, that when the resistance or weight is great, it may generally be overcome by a judicious ar- rangement of force ; and that when machinery can be dispensed with, direct handling is the quickest of all modes for moving weights. INCLINED PLANE. The Inclined Plane acts as a mechanical power by sustaining a portion of the weight which is being raised by its assistance. When the power acts in a direction parallel to the slope {fig. 51), and is to the weight as the height of the plane is to P^ gj the slope, the power and weight will be balanced ; but when the power is applied in a direction parallel to the base, it will only be to the weight as the weight- is to the base. In fig. 51 the plane is twice as long as it is high, and 1 pound at B balances 2 at A. If the plane were inclined to the horizon one third of its whole length, a body could be kept from rolling down it by a force equal to a third part of the weight of the body. Examples. — If a plane be 6 feet high, and with a slope of 15 feet, what weight will 150 lbs. sustain ? As 6 : 15 : : 150 : 375. — Answer. • Arnotl*s PhysicB, MECHANTCAL POWERS. 113 It is required to raise a field-piece or cask, &c., weighing 1000 lbs., to a boat's gunwale, or a cart, or bank, &c., whicb is 5 feet high, with a plane formed of skids 14 feet long ; what force must be exerted to prevent either of these weights from rolling down ? As 14 : 5 :: lOOO lbs. : 357| lbs.— Answer. If a rope be passed round the weight, one end being fast, and the other hauled on, it would be a Parbuckle, and would aftbrd the same advantage as is shown in the tackle marked 2. When two bodies are forced from one another by means of a wedge in a direction parallel to its back. Rule. — As the length of the wedge is to half its back or head, so is the resistance to the power. Example. — The breadth of the back or head being 3 inches, and the length of either of its inclined sides 10 inches, required the force necessary to separate 2 substances with a force of 150 lbs. As 10 : IJ :: 150 : 22J lbs. — Answer. WTien only one of the bodies is moveable. Rule. — As the length of the wedge is to its back or head, so is the resistance to the power. Example. — The breadth, length, and force, the same as in the last example. As 10 : 3 : : 150 : 45 lbs. — Answer. The Screw is a cord wound in a spiral direction round the periphery of a cylinder, and is, therefore, an inclined plane, the length being the circumference of the cylinder, and the height the distance between two consecutive cords or threads of the screw. Hence, the nearer the spirals are to one another, so much greater is the force of the screw. Rule. — As the circumference of the screw is to the distance between the threads, so is the weight to the power. Example. — The circumference of a screw being 8 inches, I 114 MANUAL FOE NAVAL CADETS. and its pitch, or distance between the threads, 1 inch, required the power to raise 648 pounds ? As S : 1 : : 648 : 81 pounds Answer. When a winch or lever is applied to turn the screw, the power of the screw is as the circle described by the handle of the winch, or lever, to the Interval or distance between the spirals. The different powers — the lever, wheel, tackle, and screw — admit of various combinations, and, when combined, form what is called a compound macbine. Thus in a ship we have the lever acting on wheel, as in the side lever or sway beam of the engine acting on the paddle, and as in the patent capstan ; wheel upon lever, as in the steering gear ; tackle upon lever, as in the compressor ; and wheel upon tackle, as in the capstan or winch. The Crane is a familiar machine, and the mechanical advan- tage of it may be generally determined by finding that of each Fig. 52. part separately. Let the radius of the handle a (Jig. 52) be six times that of the pinion b ; the radius of the wheel w ten times that of its axle round which the fall is passed, and a power of 30 pounds be exerted j then as the threefold tackle is 6 to 1, we have 30 x 6 x 10 x 6 = 10,800 pounds: a weight which might be raised by a force equal to 30 pounds. , The Compouna vrbeel and Axle (Jig. 53) is of Chinese MECHANICAL POWERS. 115 origin. It differs from others, inasmuch as with the common kind power is gained only hy increasing the wheel and diminishing the axle ; whilst, with this contriyance, the less difference there he between the diameters of the two cylinders the greater will be the power. As the rope unwinds from the small, it is taken up by the larger one, and is shortened at each turn by the difference of the circumferences. " If the weight rises j an inch only, while the handle of the winch describes a circle of 50 inches, 1 pound force at the winch will balance 100 pounds at D." • It is evident the uncoiling rope acts in favour of the handle. FRICTION. Friction may be defined to be that which interferes with one surface moving freely over another, and depends conjointly on the inequalities of those surfaces, and the force of pressure upon them. Friction is independent of the extent of the surfaces in contact, or of the velocity with which they move upon each other. The surfaces being of the same nature, a double pressure will produce a double amount of friction ; a treble pressure, a treble amount, and so on. Friction is increased by time : thus, it re- quires the application of a greater force to move a weight along a horizontal plane from its position of rest, than to keep it after- wards moving on the same plane. Friction is greater in cases where the fibres of two moving bodies are parallel, than when those of one are at right angles to those of another. It is also greater when the natures of the bodies are different, than when similar ; and it is always greater with soft, and less with hard substances. Thefriction of hard metals against hard is estimated at |; whilst that of softer, such as tin upon tin, is about | of the pressure. By the employment of unguents, the irregularities are filled up, or the surfaces somewhat separated, and friction is dlminished.f Thus, to drag a square stone of 1080 pounds weight along the floor of a quarry, required a force of 758 pounds ; over a floor of planks, 652 pounds ; placed on a frame of wood and dragged * Arnott's Physics. t In the case of most machines | of the pressure Is a fair estimate of the frictiOD. I 2 116 MANUAL FOH NAVAL CADETS. over planks, 606 pounds ; after soaping the woodwork, 182 pounds ; placed on rollers 3 inches in diameter, and dragged along the floor of the quarry, 34 pounds. Thus placed and dragged over planks, 28 pounds ; and on. interposing the rollers, 22 pounds.* "When a weight hangs by a tackle at rest, all the parts of the fall hear au equal strain, and the weight will be balanced by one at the end of the fall as many times less as there are parts of the rope at the block to which the larger weight is suspended. But directly the fall is hauled upon, this is no longer the case. In, consequence of friction, there will not be an equal strain on all parts of the rope ; and it becomes necessary in calculating the practical power of the tackle, not (as before) to multiply the force by the number of parts of rope at the moving block, but to find the strain or tension on each part, and add all together. To do this exactly, is extremely difficult, if not impossible ; as the different tensions of the parts depend upon so many varying circumstances. Such, for instance, as the flexibility of the rope, which differs according to its size, newness, dryness, and material ; the relation of the diameter of the sheaves to that of the pin ; the material of these and their condition, upon all which the amount of resistance caused by friction depends, AU we can do is to give some rough rule which may be to some extent practically useful. If A B D (fig. 54) be the sheave of a block turning from A by B to D, c being the centre of the pin, then the friction will act at the point E in the direction e f, and with a leverage E c. This will have to be overcome by the fall acting along d g, with leverage c D. The longer therefore c d is in proportion to e c, the easier will the resistance by friction be overcome ; consequently, the l^ins being the same, the greater the diameter of the sheave, the easier the block will work. The same rule applies to the capstan as well as the block. The longer the bar, the more easily will the resistance of the friction on the spindle be overcome.! * Large round shot, when confined by strong grooved " ways," form effi- cient and convenient rollers. t *' The loss by friction is less as the bars are longer, or as power is applied at a greater distance from the axis, It is least of all when the pressures are , so distributed round the capstan as to be reducible to a ' couple.' The case MECHANICAL POWERS. 117 If the rope -which passes round the sheave of the block be small, it will be more flexible ; a less force will be necessary to Fig. 54. " nip " it round the pin, and there will he less resistance by friction against the inside of the shell of the block. Perhaps we shall not be far wrong in ordinary cases if we estimate one sixth of the original force to be consumed by friction each time that the rope passes round a sheave. Thus, supposing the tension or strain on the hanUng part to be 6, that on the next will be 5, the next 4, the next 3, and so on. So that if the strain on the fall of a two-fold tackle be 6, the tensions or strains on the parts of the rope will be represented by the figures 6, 5, 4, 3, and their sum 18 will nearly represent the power of the tackle instead of 24, which it would have been had there been no' friction j or about one fourth of the force would have been con- sumed by it. in which the moving pressures upon the capstan are reducible to a couple manifestly occurs when they are arranged round it in any number of pairs, the two pressures of each pair being equal to one another, acting on opposite sides of the centre, and perpendicular to the same line passing through it. This symmetrical distribution of the pressures about the axis of the capstan is therefore the most favourable to the working of it, as well as to the stability of the shaft which sustains the pressure upon it." — Moseley's Mechanics. 1 3 118 MANUAI. FOE NAVAL CADETS, Suppose a weight of 24 to be suspended by the above tackle. If the fall -would just bear a -weight of 6, the four parts would be sufficient to suspend the -weight ; but if it were required to raise it, we must have a rope at least one third stronger ; or equal to sustain a weight of 8. The tensions would be, according to the above rule— 8, 6|, 6| and 4, and their sum wiU be 24, which is what we require to lift. From these considerations we gather, that work is lightened by using large blocks and small ropes ; that the Boatswain's rule, that the hauling part of a fall bears double the strain of the standing part, is not far -wrong ; that as the pin of a block is more worn on one of its sides, it should be frequently turned ; and that as sheaves nearest the standing part do least duty, they should be shifted occasionally -with the others.* CHAP. VIII. THE TELESCOPE. To comprehend the general principles on which the Acbro- matlc Telescope is constructed, it will be necessary to un- derstand certain facts respecting the composition and effects of Light " Vision or Sight is produced by the rays of light, which fall from the sun (or other source of light) on an object ; being re- flected from thence, so as to fall upon the retina or back part of the eye ; thus, the moon is seen by the rays of light which fall on it from the sun, being reflected back to the eye ; and a tree or house, or any other object, is seen by the daylight which falls on the tree or house, being in like manner reflected on the eye."t Transparent bodies of various forms are called ^Lenses, and rays of light passing through any lens undergo certain changes in their direction, according to its form and density. Thus, the tendency of a convex lens is to concentrate parallel rays * See page 158. t Bell's Bridgewater Treatise. THK TELESCOPE. 119 passing through it, and bring them all to one point or focus ; whereas that of a concave lens is to disperse them, hy throwing them more apart from each other. The density of the lens, or transparent medium, effects similar changes ; a ray passing from a rarer to a denser medium, as from air into water, or glass, is said to be refracted or bent from its straight direc- tion — an effect, which may he observed in the bent appearance of an oar when dipped in the water. A set of rays diverging from any point is called a Pencil of rays ; the central ones being called its Axis. The distance of the focus of a double lens equally convex on both sides is equal to the radius of the curve. From the nature of a convex lens the axis of each pencil will pass straight through the lens, but its other rays will be collected on the axis in a focal line, at a distance beyond the lens equal to its radius. If all light be excluded except that which passes through the lens, and a screen be placed at the focal distance, the rays from the object will present an inverted image of it on the screen. It may be said, in passing, that this is what takes place in the human eye. Its principal apparatus is a double convex lens, called the crystalline humour, which is protected by a transparent coat called the cornea. Between these, and surrounding the crystalline humour, is a membrane, the iris, having a circular hole called the pupil, furnished with a muscular provision, by which its openings may be enlarged or diminished. In the back part of the eye, is an expanded network of nerves (the retina), which is connected with the brain by means of the optic nerve. The visual rays from the object pass through the pupil to the convex lens, which produces their inverted image on the retina, whence the optic nerve communicates their impression to the brain. An inverted image being formed in the tube of the telescope by the object glass A b, at ra m (Jig. 55), is presented in the natural position of the object by means of the different refractive powers of other lenses at m n, where it is viewed by the eye-glass, g h. The use of the eye-glass is to cause the rays emerging from e p to converge sufSciently to focalise on the retina ; and thus the image is not only as minutely examined as though the object were close, but, being magnified in proportion to the focal length of the lens, is distinctly visible in all its details. For it is a law I 4 120 MANUAL FOR NATAL CADETS. ill optics that we see everything in the direction of that line in ■which the rays approach us last. Thus, for instance, in fig. 50, Fig. 55. a pencil of rays is shown diverging from the extremities of the smaller arrow ; which rays, heing refracted hy the lens, are re- Fig. 56. ceived in the eye precisely as if they emanated from the larger one. Such, in general language, is the Refracting Telescope ; but the term " achromatic " involves a few words on the composition of llgtat as well as the substance of lenses. By darkening a room, and placing a glass prism in an aperture in the closed shutter, so that a ray of solar light will pass through it, it has been shown Ihat such light is a compound of other lights, all of which have different colours, and different degrees of refrangibility : and that in passing through transparent media, or lenses of unequal thick- ness, it becomes decomposed. In this mode of analysing light, the different rays are dispersed, and appear on the wall as in the order represented in fig. 57. Now, such being the com- position of light, and as lenses act more or less like prisms, dispersing colour, it follows that the image of an object formed by single lenses must, from this interference of colour, THE TELESCOPE. 121 be indistrnct. This, opticians tried in vain to overcome, until it ■was discovered that, by composing and combining two or more Fig. 57. ?~^ — 1 t^^ »1.LC .-. => — . 'llDlto -t==~~. BLUE OREEH «Umv t^ lenses of different kinds of glass, eacb having different degrees of dispersive power, and so forming them as to re&act the rays in counteracting directions, this chromatic aberration could be removed. Thus — The object glass of an achromatic (free colour) telescope is • Fig. 58. composed of a double convex lens of crown glass outside, and another of flint glass, double concave, inside. " By the refractive power of the convex crown glass lens (Jig. 58), the red rays in the pencil of light p q would, if not interfered with, proceed in the direction Q 6. But the refractive power of the concave flint glass lens, c a, acts from its form in a direction contrary to that of A B, causing the rays either to diverge from the axis, x y, or to meet it in points beyond v and r, towards t. Suppose the curvature of this lens to be such that the red rays in the pencil p Q would, after refraction in both lenses, meet the axis in F (the ray Q i, r taking the direction b f), then the dis- 122 MANUAL FOR NAVAL CADETS. persive power of this kind of glass exceeding that of the other kind, the violet rays in the refracted pencil will tend farther away from the axis than the red rays do, and thus will tend towards the latter ; the ray Q c r, for example, taking the direc- tion c F, It is conceivahle, therefore, that the curvatures of the surfaces of the lenses may he such that, in each incident pencil, the red and violet rays (the extreme rays of the spectrum), shall after refraction unite at the place of the image : and that thus the fringe due to these colours, may he destroyed, In uniting these rays, the others are hrought so near together, that,>for ordinary purposes, the image is as free from colour as can he desired." * CHAP. IX. The tlmlier used for masts and yards is principally Scotch, Norwegian or Riga firs, or Canadian pine. Besides these, the Indian poon-wood, and the New Zealand cowdie are occasionally used for masts. Pine may be distinguished from firs by the structure and growth of their leaves : those of the pine are slender and filaceous, and more or less long according to the species, two, three, or more of those thin leaves proceeding from the same bud. The leaves of the fir are straight and separate, and aU proceeding from one slight stem, similar t» the teeth of a comb. The timber from Canada consists chiefly of the white or yellow pine, and the white, red, and black spruce. The standing masts are generally made of yellow, and the topmasts of red pine : the white, red, and black spruces are but little used except for small spars. The finer and more compact the grain, the nearer the concen- tric layers are to circles or ellipses, and the closer they are con- nected, the stronger is the timber, and the less likely is it to be * National Encyclopedia. MASTS. 123 defective. Also, as resin is not only beneficial in giving strength and elasticity, but in presei-ving timber from insects, fermenta- tion, and decay, the more strongly it is charged with that matter the better. The colour of good firs should be of a bright yello\r, ■with a reddish cast alternately. When on the contrary, the layers are open with tints of pale red near the heart, and white spots intermixed; or of a dark red, with the resinous particles of a blackish colour, the timber is in a state of decay. Like- wise if when cut transversely, the wood is not of a uniform colour, but interspersed with veins, and the smell either gone or fetid, it may be considered near a state of decay. The shavings of good timber will beartwisting several times, whereas those of bad are brittle. In examining timber, all rind galls and rotten places are bored into and laid open. If the butts or knots have a sus- picious appearance, small portions of the former are sawn off until the extent of decay is ascertained; and the latter are struck with the mallet to see that they are not artificial knots put in with hot resin to supply the place of bad knots that have been bored out. Masts are most liable to decay at the heel, partners, and cap ; bowsprits at the cap, under the gammoning, and at the heel. Masts are most liable to spring at the partners, taU of cheek piece, and hounds ; bowsprits at the cap, and on top between the gammoning and cap. When a spar " buckles " or what is called having the grain upset, and the fibre in different parts takes a sinuous form, it is a sign of much weakness. When the outer fibres are found broken in the form of steps, or what is called Jacob's ladders, the defect seldom admits of repair. Mast timber is specified as inch masts, and hand masts. The former are square and are described by their number of inches in diameter ; the latter are taken in their natural round state, those which measure less than six hands in circumference are termed spars ; those from six to five, cant spars ; from five to four, barling ; and from two to one, small spars. The smaller kind of standing, or lower masts, as well as yards, are made when possible of one stick, and are then called single tree; the larger are composed of several pieces 124 MANUAI, FOE NAVAL CADETS. No. 1. HADE MASTS. Fig. 59. No. 2. No. 3. ] [ MADE MASTS. Fig. 60. No. 6, 125 m No. 6. ■s IT !• 126 MANUAL POB NATAL CADETS. Fig. 61. MADE MASTS. 127 arranged in various manners, and united by scarphs, coaks, and iron hooping, tliese are called made masts or made yards. Tbe boops are either driven on while hot, or else being made with hinges, are drawn tightly together by screws — those of the latter kind are called clasp hoops. The hoops of masts are covered on the fore part by a batten called the rubblngr pauncb which prevents their edges from injuring or retarding the lower yards, whilst striking or getting them down. No. 4 is au athwart ship view, and No. 5 is a fore and aft view of a conunon made mast, in which the principal pieces are cc the spindle, which is frequently made in two pieces; the side trees, bb ; the fore and aft fishes, dd ; and the cheeks, aa. No. 2 is an athwart ship view of a made mast, in which aa is the spindle; bb the cheeks; ec the side trees, and dd the lengthening piece. No. 1 and 6 are sections of Sepping's made mast. These masts are composed of several square pieces, varying in length, and placed end to end, with their butts under the hoops. They are formed with both ends alike, so that in case of injury the defective pieces may be replaced by sound ones, or shifted end for end. " The different parts of a mast are distinguished by the names of the body, the hound and the head ; the part from the lower end to the place where the rigging stops * is called the bounding ; from thence to the upper end is called the beadlnir; from the uppermost deck downwards, is called the bowsing. The portion of mast from the lower part of the heading to the termination of the projecting wood left for the purpose of strength, and for supporting the mast above f, is called the bounds % ; the upper or projecting part of the hounds is called the stops ; and the space from the lower part of the hounds to the heel, is called the body of the mast." Tbe Knees, as shown in No. 4, p. 124, are formed of Elm, and are bolted to the fore-sides of the hounds pointing outside of the fore and aft line, thus affording more support to the tressle-tree, and giving more space for the jeer blocks. • The eyes of the rigging. t The topmast. t Or cheelts. 128 MANUAL FOB NATAL CADETS. The Tressle-trees aa, No. 4, p. 124, are also of hard wood; in length l| of the top, staned fore and aft on each side of the projecting part of the hounds, are let in, bolted together, and are plated on their upper fore part in the wake of the topmast fid. Their after ends are fitted with clasps and lugs to which the truss blocks are pinned. The Battens are slips of wood nailed on the mast-heads over the hoops, which prevent the rigging from catching on the upper ones when getting it over, and from being frayed by lower ones when placed. Tlie Bolsters are soft wood chocks, placed at the sides of the mast-heads, and nailed on the tressle-trees ; they are rounded on the upper outside edges, and being of the same breadth as the tressle-trees, overhang them as much as the trees are let in. Their use is to preserve the rigging from the bad effects of a " dead nip " on a sharp edge. Tlie Tenon is that part of the heel which enters the step ; all masts are iron hooped at the shoulder of the tenon.- Tlie loTrer Cross Trees are of hard wood, in length ^ of the top's breadth, stand athwart ships in scores on the tressle- trees, one abaft the mast-head, the other before the heel of the top-mast, and are secured by saucer-headed bolts, driven through, and nutted under the tressle-trees. This is a most important fastening. In stripping ship, carpenters will be " drifting " and unclenching their bolts, if not forbidden. In a case where these cross bolts were started, the trees were upset whilst the half-tops were being tripped, and tops, trees, and the men on the mast-head fell, and were smashed on. the deck. Some years afterwards, when paying off a line-of- battle ship, these same bolts with others had " only just been drifted," in spite of a given warning, and the same consequences would have followed, had not the danger been discovered in time. The lower sling cleats are nailed | of the length of the mast- head upon its after part. Ekings are pieces of wood placed in the wake of hoops, so as to form a round underneath them, TOPS, Tops are made of fir, and are in breadth at the fore-eroes MASTS. 129 tree j and at the after one ^ the whole length of the top-mast ; fore and aft they are | of their breadth at the fore cross-tree. Tops are made hoth -whole and in halves. They are strengthened by upper cross-trees which stand immediately- over the lower ones, to which they are secured by four fore- locked bolts in each. The edges are fitted on each upper side, with iron rims for the fiittoek plates ; there is a lubbers-hole hatch cut on each side, which, if enlarged, would be stiU more convenient for sending up and do-wn sails, spars, and caps. Sockets for the hand-rail stancheons are let into the after rim ; in the middle of the fore-part, a hole is cut for the lower yard slings, and a hard wood or iron bolster is fixed on it abaft the hole over which the chains ride. NECKLACE. The Necklaces are chain strops, made with ears and screws (page 130). Two of these are hove on round each lower mast, below the knees, for the purpose of securing the fnttock shrouds. The ears are placed at the after part of the mast, so as not to be injured by the lower yard. Mizen masts are sometimes fitted with a hoop for this purpose. LQ-WEB CAPS. ItOxreT Caps were formerly made of elm, but are now generally made of mahogany ; the smaller kind of one piece, the larger frequently in two, which are coaked together. Both sorts are strengthened by bolts driven through and clenched, as well as by an iron hoop one third of the depth of the cap in breadth. They are in breadth two diameters, and in depth, one inch less than the diameter of the top-mast. They have four eye bolts for the top blocks, which stand with their eyes athwart ships, on the lower side, their ends being clenched on iron-plates on top. The after ones are placed in a line with the middle of the mast-head, the fore- most ones in a line with the centre of the hole for the top- mast. They have also an iron-plate bolted on the upper side -with an eye on each end, to which the lower lift blocks are secured. K 130 MANUAL rOS NAVAL CADETS. Fig. 62. MASTS. 131 TOP-MASTS. Top-xuasts are almost always made of one stick, the only- addition being the Hounds and filling pieces on the fore part and sides of the heel. Their half dumb sheave below the fid- hole, and the live sheave above it, are cut diagonally through the mast in opposite directions. These are for the ropes (the top-tackle pendants) which are used in striking or getting up the masts. In main-top-masts, the live sheave is cut from the after eight-square on the starboard side, to the foremost one on the port side. In fore-top-masts, it is cut from the after eight- square on the port side to the foremost one on the starboard side. As the live sheave gear is used as the main purchase, whilst that of the dumb is merely pulled up as a preventer, this manner of cutting the sheave holes brings the working falls on opposite sides of the deck, and thereby gives more elbow room to the crew. nnzen-top-masts are cut at the hounds with a sheave-hole for the top-sail halyards. The heels and hounds of all top-masts are iron hooped, and the upper part of their fid-holes iron-plated. The top-mast cross-trees and tressle-trees are let in and bolted together, forming one fitment, as in p. 130. The tressle- trees are in length |, the given length of the top-gallant-mast. The foremost cross-tree is twice the length of the tressle-tree, and is connected at each end with a sweep-piece, the middle of which is secured on the fore ends of the tressle-trees; this sweep-piece is faced with leather, and preserves the top-gallant sail from chafe and entanglement with the mast-head fitments. The after cross-tree is about one foot longer than the fore. An iron strap ties the frame together near its extremities. The ends of the cross-trees are scored, and fitted with roUers for the top-gallant shrouds and pins to keep them in place. The hole for the top-mast head is iron-plated on the under side. The fore sides of the tressle-trees are fitted with cheeks and sheaves, and their foremost ends with eye-bolte, none of which are calcu- lated to bear great strain. (See Rigging Top-masts.) The cross-trees being festened by fore-locked bolts may be shifted when requisite. The XTecUace for the hanging blocks is placed, and the S 2 132 MANUAL FOK NAVAL CADETS. ■bolsters after Tjeing scored out, are fitted on top of them, and nailed on before issue. It is well to have more than one of the lower links of each leg open linked, lest after getting the mast rigged and on end, the legs prove to he too long. Top-masts Caps are made out of one piece in the same proportion to the top-gallant mast, as the lower cap is to the top-mast. They are iron-hound, and have four eye-holts standr ing athwart ships on the lower side, two heing abreast the after, and two abreast the foremost part of the round hole. The points of these bolts are clenched on top. These bolts are for the mast ropes, and as the foremost bolts are very far forward, care must be taken that the hauling parts are never taken to them. A sheave is sometimes placed inside the cap band, which is intended to be used in lieu of a block, but as blocks have more sweep and play, they are preferred. Fids for top-masts are diflFerently fitted. The common one is an iron bar, thrust edge upwards through a corresponding hole in the heel of the mast, both ends resting on the tressle- trees. These should always be secured in the top with a strong lanyard j for when dragged out whilst striking top-masts in a gale, they are frequently left lying on coils of wet rope, and are very liable to be rolled out. In some top-masts the fid hole is cut away upwards on one side, and downwards on the other ; the fid pivots on a bolt on one side of the centre, and is thus made heaviest on the side of the downward cutting in the mast. The tressle-tree also is cut away on that side, and the ciitting is covered by the arm of an iron lever, which as it pivots on the tressle-tree, may be placed fore and aft, or athwart ships at pleasure. When the mast is fidded, the heaviest end and the fid rest on the lever, which is then lying along the top of the tressle-tree ; the other end being borne by the opposite tressle-tree. In striking, the Top Tackles are hauled well taut, the pin which secured the lever from moving is taken out, and a jigger on the lever end pulls it out from underneath the end of the fid : which then falling down through the cutting in the cross-tree stands aslant inside the heel of the mast, and admits of its being lowered. (JFig. 63.) In Adding, when the fid is squared, the lever is hauled in underneath, and is pinned as before. The advantage masts; 133 here is that masts may he struck without -waiting to let go any gear, and also that the fid is more readily squared than the moveable one is handled. Fig. 63. TOF-GALLAKT AND BOYAL UASTS. Top-Gallant and Royal IKasts are formed in one, the only addition being the pieces on the sides and fore part of the K 3 134 MANUAL FOR NAVAL CADETS. heel. The hounds are worked out of the stick, and those of the top-gallant masts are hooped. Main-top-gallant masts are made with a live sheare hole for the mast rope cut from the after eight-square on the star- hoard side to the foremost on the port. Fore-top-gallant are cut for these ropes from the after port side : but as top-gallant masts are frequently " converted " spars, this must not he taken as a general rule ; and the possibility of an exception should be borne in mind when handling these spars. The mast-heads are each cut with a sheave hole for the yard rope ; and the heels with athwart ship holes for the fid. The heels of Top-gallant Masts are frequently cut open under- neath the fid hole, so as to admit of snatching the bight of the mast rope in a sheave which is placed in the cutting. When there is length enough of heel, holes are bored below the sheave and a bolt is rove through them, and fore locked whenever the rope is scored. In some cases a mere catch is placed across the bottom of the cutting. Both these fitments are intended to keep the rope in its place in the event of the lizard slipping off when the mast is moving. Should it do so, the mast tilts over end, and if the fastening on the heel is strong enough, the rope brings it up. A bolt is strong enough : a clump is not. If the heel is too short for a bolt, put in two clump sheaves in lieu of one large one, and then there will be sufficient space. The Heels should be fitted with catch irons on the foremost side, to prevent them from being swayed through the tressle- trees — an accident by no means unfrequent. Top-gallant fids are of wood, in two pieces which are pinned together when in place. By cutting a lizard hole aslant through the mast, something more than the length of the top-mast head from the royal sheave holes, time wiU be gained in sending the top-gallant mast up ; for the royal rigging and royal yard rope may be placed and rove simultaneously with the casting off of the lizard : other- wise there must be two stoppages. Nothing is more common in the chapter of accidents than misfortunes with top-gaUant masts ; and nothing is easier than to bum out a hole through the mast, athwart it, a little below the MASTS. 135 lower side of the top-mast cap -when the mast is fidded. Have an eye bolt, with a lanyard spliced into it, kept constantly at the top-mast head. Splice the end of the lanyard round a shroud that it may never be mislaid. Always keep it in the hole whilst striking until the fid is out, and enter it when the mast is going up the instant the. hole appears above the tressle- trees. Bowsprits are single tree, or made of four principal pieces, the upper and lower trees or main pieces, and two side fishes, which are doweUed, bolted, and hooped together in the same manner as made masts. In single tree bowsprits the wood is left on the outer end so as to form stops for the rigging, and thus avoid the ii^urious effects of nailing on cleats. Made bowsprits are cleated for the purpose of preventing the collars from working aft. That part of the bowsprit which rests upon the stem is called the bed ; inside of that the scarph or bowsing ; and | of the given length in from the outer end, the beeseating, or head. Rees are now done away with. The Bee-blocks are hard wood chocks bolted on each side of the bowsprit close to the cap, and pierced with sheave-holes cut in reference to the par- ticular lead of rope : in these the fore-top mast stays, and some- times the fore and fore-top bowline and fore guys, are rove. Gammonings fisli is a stout piece of wood secured on the upper side of the after half of the bowsprit, which protects the spar from being injured by the gammoning ; it is scored out for the chain in the wake of the stem holes. Saddle for the heel of the jib-boom is fixed on the bowsprit 5 of the boom's length from the cap. Bowsprit Caps are in length five, in breadth two, diameters of the jib-boom : in thickness one inch less than the diameter of that spar. They are iron-bound, and strengthened by bolts driven through and clenched ; four of these are eye bolts, hav- ing their eyes on the after side ; to these the heel chain and man ropes are secured. A bowsprit cap being liable to be dragged off when fouled, is fastened by an eye bolt driven through it and the spar : the eye projects beyond the lower part of the cap, and the point is K 4 136 MAJsruAL roK naval cadets. nutted on top of the bowsprit. This fastening is frequently- forgotten by a candidate when questioned on the subject of tak- ing off caps. Jib-booms are made eight-square at the heel, with a notch on the top for the crupper ; an iron shod score across the heel for the heel chain, and a sheave hole through that end of the spar for the heel rope. The point is shouldered for the rigging, and squared to receive the flying boom iron, so that the flying boom will stand on the starboard upper quarter of the jib-, boom. The extreme outer end is scored for the top-gallant stay, and inside the shouldering a sheave is placed for the jib-stay. The flying boom steps in the cap, is shouldered for the rig- ging, has a sheave in the point for the royal stay, and another in the heel for the heel rope. These spars are frequently made for small vessels in one piece. Lower and top-sail yards are fitted at the hoops with eye bolts through which the jack stays are rove. . All yards are made of fir. The lower and topsail yards are" formed either of one stick, or of two pieces joined by vertical Boarphing or tongueing. They are strengthened in the slings (or middle parts) and quarters by oak battens, and in different parts of their whole length by iron hoops. The quarter irons are secured on lower yards by clasp hoops, and may be easily removed ; yard-arm boom irons are fixtures. MASTS. 137 Average Value of Spars, Tbree- Two- Large Small Spars. decKer. decker. Frigates. Frigates. Value. Value. Value. Value. £ £ £ £ ■Mast - - 430 to 473 333 to 432 256 to 334 88 to 248 Top - - 100—117 96—117 66— 96 32— 61 •S-i Top -gallant 16— 21 16— 21 11— 16 7— 11 ^ Yard - - 116—153 102—153 79 — 102 30— 54 .Top-yard - 40— 44 38- 44 32— 38 15— 29 'Mast - - 339 — 366 299 — 341 216 — 300 63 — 210 (B ■ Top- mast - 91 — 107 91 — 107 62— 91 30— 60 o -i Top-gallant 12— 16 11— 16 8— 10 5— 8 ^ Yard - - 79 — 102 56 — 102 45— 54 24— 41 .Top-yard - 32— 38 29— 38 25— 29 11— 21 Mast - 99 — 100 79— 99 60— 84 37— 59 S Top - - 41— 48 38— 48 26— 38 13— 26 Top-gallant 7— 9 7— 8 6— 7 4- 7 ^ Yard - . 28— 33 26— 33 22— 26 11— 22 Top-yard - 17— 23 15— 23 13— 15 8 — 13 Bowsprit - - 174 — 185 140 — 176 100 — 140 30 — 99 Jib-boom - ~ 29— 30 27— 30 21— 27 8—18 Spanker-boom - 38 - 44 33— 44 27— 33 12 — 25 The following Tables of weight and dimensions of spars are taken from Mr. Edye's ".Calculations ; " but they do not include those of such great size as are now in use In the new class of first rates. f 1 Lengtb. Weight. ,=• ^ Length. Weight. •^ B Length. Weight. cfi to yds. in. tons.'cvt. yds. in- Ions. cwt. jds. to. tona. cwt. ISO 36 28 15 18 120 39 32 20 2 120 27 8 5 8 M 36 15 12 84 39 22 20 84 27 8 5 6 74 32 30 10 4 74 36 14 6 74 4J 24 23 3 16 .•iO ^ 32 30 10 18 50 36 14 6 SO a 26 16 5 1 .•in g 30 6 9 7 50 g 33 6 12 16 .10 ti 24 3 11 4R 0) 27 18 6 4 46 a 30 7 18 46 i^. 21 25 2 9 afi o 26 34 6 2 26 g 29 12 7 16 26 20 25 2 8 2R 21 18 2 9 28 23 24 3 2 28 ^ 18 1 9 18 19 33 2 13 18 22 27 3 2 18 in 1.5 18 1 7 10 IS 6 1 17 10 138 MANUAL FOR NAVAL CADETS. i S Length. Wdght. » ^ Length. Weight .=. 1- Length. Weight. ED CO 110 Ul m 5ds. In. tons. cwt. ;cli;. in. tons. cwt. ydfl, in. tons. cwt. m 30 13 3 15 120 34 28 5 3 120 24 20 1 7 84 29 33 3 15 84 34 IS 6 3 84 •a 24 27 I 7 74 ■E 23 4 2 15 74 i 32 8 4 4 74 ^S 23 18 I 1 50 28 4 2 16 ,10 32 8 4 4 m 'T 23 IS 1 1 60 ^ 28 4 2 15 m 32 28 4 4 50 a 23 18 1 1 46 V 23 29 1 16 46 e 27 9 2 10 46 .a 19 24 13 % o 23 19 1 16 26 CO 26 34 2 10 26 i 19 24 13 •i» 18 12 16 28 s 21 i 1 28 =■ IS 18 6 18 18 6 12 18 18 7 12 o 10 16 11 lU 16 11 11 a. i Length. Weight i. i Length. Weight .& s Length. Weight. » m Tds. in. tons. cwt. yds. in. yds. in. tons. cwt. no 20 34 2 6 110 22 34 2 11 120 16 17 17 84 . 20 26 2 6 84 J 23 2 11 84 s 16 28 17 74 1 19 8 2 2 74 21 22 2 6 74 1 16 32 16 fiO R 19 8 2 2 SO a 21 22 2 6 SO 16 32 16 m 19 8 2 2 60 i. 21 22 2 6 60 1 16 32 15 46 S' 16 34 I 4 46 a 18 1 8 46 13 24 9 26 01 15 10 1 4 26 a 18 1 8 26 V, 13 18 9 W g 12 26 11 28 ■« 14 14 12 28 *> 10 29 5 18 b, 12 6 10 18 S 12 3!i 11 p{ 10 10 12 7 10 10 12 7 i 1 Length. Weight. 1 i Length. Weight. s 1 Length. Weight jds. in. tons, cwt yds. in. tons. cwt. yds in. tons. cwt. 120 1 21 18 1 120 24 20 1 9 120 -6 16 12 8 84 21 20 1 84 s 24 27 1 9 84 fi 16 12 8 74 20 18 16 74 >, 23 18 1 2 74 15 13 6 .10 r! 20 18 16 60 — 23 18 1 2 .10 ~ 15 13 6 60 s 20 IS 15 50 ? 23 18 1 2 .10 16 13 6 46 17 28 13 46 i 19 24 14 46 13 20 4 26 ■s 17 20 13 26 a 19 24 14 26 ^ 13 12 4 28 13 24 4 28 16 18 6 28 10 12 1 18 s 14 4 18 ■s 14 4 N 10 f» 12 IS 4 10 s 12 18 4 S .i 13 Length. Weight % Length. Weight & S Length. Weight m 0} oo yds. in. 10 12 tons. cwt yd. in. tons, cwt yds 120 ' ■ U B 120 11 17 7 12(1 ,, 8 8 3 84 a 10 6 84 ^ 11 18 7 84 II R 8 3 74 S 9 22 U 4 74 11 (1 8 74 R 2 60 M1*J 9 22 4 SO ■&., 11 8 60 R n 2 60 g"! 9 22 U 4 60 g.n4 11 8 60 R n 2 46 7 29 U 3 46 ae 9 u 4 46 n no 2 26 7 33 3 26 a 9 (1 4 26 s fi V7 2 28 s 6 13 1 28 C4 7 7 2 28 6 1 18 & 8 22 U 2 18 y 8 22 2 .B 10 6 18 1 10 6 18 1 a MASTS. 139 .i i Length. Weight. # 1 Length. Weight. 1 i Length. Weight. Si 03 to yds in. tons. cwt. yds. in. tons. cwt. yds. in. tons. cwt. 120 as 1 11 3 12(1 17 IK 1 1 120 23 7 1 2 84 23 25 11 84 16 24 1 1 84 ■ 23 13i 1 2 74 ,; 22 8 8 73 1 16 17 74 & 22 27 17 50 ■c 22 n 8 8 50 Ifi 17 50 o 22 27 17 60 S* 21 18 8 8 60 16 n 17 60 "f 22 7 17 46 1 18 fi 4 19 4fi 1» 6 10 46 ■s 18 21 15 26 18 4 4 17 26 £ 13 1 10 26 19 12 15 28 14 !ll 2 1 28 11 e 28 a 14 23 8 IS 14 Ifi 1 13 18 9 3 IS 19 12 19 10 12 1 1 10 9 3 10 16 32 10 ilOguns 90 guns 80 guns 70 guns 50 guns 56 guns 26 guns 18 guns IS guns cwt. qr. ™t .qr. cwt. qr TY cwt. qr. cwt. qr. cwt. qr. rr Bowsprit cap Fore lower cap 10 2 » 2 9 i 6 1 4 3 2 14 2 14 2 13 2 13 2 10 1 5 3 5 4 1 IVIain lower cap , 14 2 14 2 13 2 13 2 10 1 9 3 5 4 1 Mlzen lower cap . 6 3 9 3 5 4 1 3 1 2 1 3 1 2 Studding sails: — Lower booms No. 2 30 26 n 23 20 15 7 2 7 6 2 Main-top booms No. 2 20 17 19 13 9 2 5 4 2 4 Fore-top booms No. 2 13 II 9 2 9 6 2 3 2 3 2 2 Main-top-gallant booms . No. 2 7 2 6 2 6 5 3 2 2 1 3 1 2 Fore-top-gallant booms . No. 2 B 4 3 2 3 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 The hounds, tressle-trees, chain necklaces, bolsters, mast-head hattens, howsprit cap and hoom-irons are fixed in their places before the spars are issued from the mast-house. Ships are ' masted ' b;' sheers rigged either on the Dock sides, on a hulk, or from their own resources. To rig small sheers. Two spars of about equal length and strength are placed side by side, having their heels near the place where it is desirable they should stand, and a lashing is passed round the heads, which becomes tautened when the heels are separated. The heels are lashed so as to prevent them from sliding from their place ; the working tackle and guys are secured over the head lashing ; the heads are lifted off the ground, and the sheers uprighted by the guys. To get up a heavy pair, the process would be similar, except- ing that the tackle would be used in uprighting, and the heads would be lifted to a certain height by a small pair. 140 MANUAL FOE NAVAL CADETS. Large sheers on the margin of sea walls are got up after securing the heels on shore, by lifting the heads with - tackle irom the mast-head of a vessel moored in front, and the aid of a small pair raised at their heels. In Hulks the heels of the sheers are stepped on a stool huilt on the side ; the heads are home off by a spar (a spur), stepped against the mast at the deck, and supported by guys and tackles from the mast-head. The mast is purposely bmlt, and of great strength, and the vessel is counter ballasted. iFig, 64.) Fig. 64. In places where there are no regular masting establishments, the process of fitting a sheer hulk, and masting a ship would be so similar that one description will answer for both. Small spars are hung over the side as Fenders. Suitable sheer spars being brought alongside, are either parbuckled, or hoisted by Derricks to the upper deck, largest ends forward, and placed with their small ends crossing on the taffiail. A lashing is passed round these small ends, over which the two purchase blocks, gantUne blocks, and fore and aft guys are secured. The MASTS. 141 heels of the sheers are placed at the sides, nearly ahreast the mast hole on chocks of hard wood, and after being cleated, are lashed from forward and aft, through the adjoining ports. The deck is shored up underneath. The purchase and fore guys are carried as far forward as possihle, the falls being taken to the capstan. If the sheers are very large, additional guys — belly guys — are put on half-way up the sheer legs. A small pair of sheers are raised inside the large ones, about half way aft, their heads di-ooping rather aft. Tackles are led from these to each leg of the large sheers, somewhat abaft the line of the heels of the small ones. The fore guys of these small ones must of course be strong. Runners and tackles are best. The large sheers are rsiised to a certain height by the tackles from the small sheer heads. A pull on the runners lifts them still higher, and then the main pxirchase does the rest. (,Figs. 65, 66.) Fig. 65. The Mast Strops, which are warped ones, are lashed on the masts before launching. To these, the lower purchase blocks are toggled j gantlines and knotted man ropes are put on the mast-heads ; and the mast being hove up into an upright posi- tion over the deck, the heel is directed into the partners, and lowered into its Step. It is usual to take a mast in or out on that side on which the after-most sheer-leg stands.* * The gantlines should be stopt together under the blocks, so as to prevent them from unreeving. When such an accident occurs, the men being aloft, 142 MANUAL FOE NAVAL CADETS. In the ease of a ship, the sheers are moved forward or aft hy deck tackles, the guys being carefully attended at the same time. In getting the howsprit in, the sheers are drooped over the bows plomb out to the length of the bowsing. In all cases of drooping, extra lashings are put on the heels from the direction to which the sheers droop. Fig. 66. The Masting Spars are got down by lashing their heads sepa- rately to the lower mast, casting their cross-lashing off, and lowering them down by tackles which are triced up by the gantlines. In Masting or Dismasting with one's own resources, it is necessary to measure the lengths for slinging the masts very accurately, so as to make sure of carrying the heel clear of the upper deck, and yet avoid, if possible, top-heaviness. When the spars are short for the work (as in the case of the top-masts of a high ship), the masts must be slung so low as to make top-heavi- andthe sheers removed — hauling lines are made ftom the unlaid yams of the man ropes and gantline block strops. MASTS. 143 ness unavoidable. In going out, when the heel of the mast is near the upper-deck partners, tackles are put on ahore from each side of the upper deck, and a particularly strong and long one led from below through the lower mast-holes, is lashed to the heel, and well cleated each way. These tackles are tautened, until when, the heel being clear of the partners, they are eased away, and the mast lowered head foremost overboard. In coming in, the mast is slung above the balancing point and hoisted up with an extra tackle alongside the sheers ; the Fig. 67. purchases are then lashed low enough down, and the heel is confined to the side by the turns of a greased hawser passed through the ports ; or, in a merchant ship, through the ballast-hole. When the heel is nearly up to the highest bight, deck-tackles are lashed on from all sides, which are cleated in their place. These are tautened as the mast rises, and guy the heel, when high enough, into the mast-hole. In handling a Bowsprit with our own resources, the fore -top- mast is of course struck, and the fore-mast secured with runners and tackles. Hang the heel of the top-mast with a hawser, and unreeve the ends of the pendants from the top-mast ; unhook the top-tackles, send the eyes of the pendants down abaft the top, 144 MAinjAI, FOR NAVAL CADETS. hook on the top-tackles, carry them aft, and lash the lower hlocks to the skids ; if not long enough, tall the falls -with the main ones. Place the spare fore and main-top masts -with their heads across the forecastle netting, and lash them together, their heels being on each side of the fore-mast ; on the upper side of these mast-heads, lash the two main-top blocks, and on the lower a threefold purchase block. Send the points of the fore-top pendants down over the fore-top, reeve them through the top-blocks on the spars, and make the ends fast to the fore- Fig. 68. mast head.* Reeve a fall through the purchase block ; upright the spars with the long tackles, led from the fore-mast pendants ; secure the heels to the side ; shore the deck underneath ; lash well from forward ; droop with the top tackles, until the heads over- look as far from the fore side of the hole as the length of bowsing ; lash the lower purchase block a little more than halfway out on the bowsprit, and put a long tackle from the sheer heads to the * The pendaDtB probably will not admit of being doubled until the sheers are raised by the long tackle. MASTS. 146 bowsprit cap. Let the bowsprit come up, or hang athwart ships when suspended, so as to clear the figure head ; top or lower, to liking, with the top tackles. The purchase fall should lead to the deck in a line with the sheers. A neat performance in the history of KXasting on one's own resources was in the case of an English line-of-battle ship, which, having lost her own main-mast, helped herself in one ope- ration to that of a captured frigate. Sheers were formed of the main top-masts, whose heads were supported by guys set up to the fore top-masts which were rigged out tiirough the main;" deck ports on the off-side. A derrick was made of the main yard, which was secured at its lower quarter to the sheer leg on the working side, the pressure at this point being relieved by an athwart ship spar, thrusting outwards by means of a tackle led across the deck. The purchase on the upper arm of the derrick took the mast out, the frigate was dropt astern, the mast Fig. 69. lowered until the sheer purchase " looked " well up and down, when that tackle brought it in.* Besides carrying duplicates of all spars, except the lower ones, * When, in dismasting, a mast is jammed in tlie step, a gentle roll given to the ship will start it. 146 MANUAL rOR NAVAL CADETS. ships are supplied with wooden and iron Fishes. The former are nearly long enough to reach from the deck to the lower mast hounds; the latter are about 18 feet long, and are invaluable articles. There are also rough spars of different sizes, as well as spare anchor stocks, and large oak planks, all of which are available for jury rigging in emergency. When a Xower mast is sprung or wounded below the head, it is supported by runners and tackles, the fish are placed up and down, and lashed round the mast by wooldings which are set taut by wedging. If the head is sprung, the top-mast is struck, the heel hung by a top chain, chocks are placed between the masts, and wooldings passed round all. (Fig. 70.) The bowsprit may be strengthened in a similar manner by rigging in the jib-boom. Fig. 70. Bowsprits and Lower Yards may be fished in several ways ; and altogether replaced by a combination of ship's materials. In all ships the main top mast, driver boom, and mast fishes MASTS. 147 are alioat the same length as the howsprit : these, with two studding-sail booms, being woolded together form even more than its girth. Top stud-booms are half the length of their yards and with a top sail-yard and some small spars for fiUini pieces are readily ' lashed up ' into a good substitut for a lower yard. The fore yard of the " Thetis "was carried away a the slings into two separate pieces. These wer sent down, stript of the rigging, and battens place 1 straight along the deck, with their lower sides down wards, the ragged ends trimmed, and the fractui shut in by bowsing the pieces together with tackles o different sides. Two iron fish were then nailed on th fore-side of the middle, and the yard chocked steadil as it lay. The after part of the middle was then ci t away in a form to receive a half-anchor stock, whic was bolted through to the yard. One long fish, whic had meanwhile been tapered and hollowed, was place 1 at the after side of the yard, shutting in the ancho stock, and nailed on. Chain straps were then passe I round all in several places and set taut with iro wedges ; between these the wooldings were hove oi and work having been commenced at S a. m., the yar I was in its place and sail set on it by 5 p.m. The shi[ had meanwhile been turning to windward, a mize top-sail having been set as a fore top-sail, and reefed main top-sail bent to the spare main top- sail yard as a fore-sail. The hoops taken off the bunt c ( the yard were driven on the ends of the fish, and thi yard did duty long after without showing a symptoi of weakness. (,Fig. 71.) LIGHTNING CONDUCTORS Were formerly made of wire rope or chain. It haj however, been proved that the electric-fluid will in variably select for itself the line of shortest conductio: offered by the best conductors, either in building! ships, &c. For instance, in lowering the masts, th bights were frequently left hanging slack, and a sea man, happening to be in contact at the moment of action, became the shortest course. L 2 148 MANUAL FOE NAVAL CADETS. They are now made of copper (which is the best of conductors) nailed on in double strips, about 1^ inches wide and 4 feet long each, on the after side of masts and lower side of jib-boom and bowsprits. The connection is formed at the caps by a hinged flap, which may be turned back whilst handling the spar, but should always be replaced. Each upper mast-head is adapted to receive a spindle which terminates the conductor at top, and the lower ends of the conductors are connected with bolts passing through the ship's bottom. Besides this there are similar strips of copper leading under the decks, from the fore and main masts to the stem and stem ; and others which traverse the beams, and terminate also in bolts through the bottom, which are clenched on the sheathing. When the top-gallant-masts are down, the spindle should be placed on the top-mast head. CHAP. X. EQUIPMENT. RIGGING. Excepting the wheel ropes, which are usually of hide, all Rope used in the navy is hempen. The size of rope is denoted by its circumference, and its nature by the mianner of its fabrication. It is either white or tarred, contains three or more strands, and up to the size of five inch, is made up in Coils. The hemp is first spun into Tarns or Threads, each of which is supposed to be equal in strength to bear a weight of 100 pounds. Several yarns spun up together form Strands. Three or four strands laid up together form Bawser-lald rope. {Figs. 72, 73.) Three such three-stranded ropes laid up together form Cable : the smaller kinds of which are called Cablets and Hawsers. {Fig. 74.) Yarns are spun up right handed. Strands intended for right-handed rope are spun up left-handed; and those for left- handed rope right-handed. The large four-stranded hawser-laid rope which is made up round a small rope in the heart, being chiefly used for standing EQUIPMENT : RIGGING. 149 rigging, is commonly called Staroud-Iald rope. The rope re- presented in the sketch Figt. 72, 73, is right-handed. Fig. 73. Fig. 72. Fig. 74. Threads of an inferior quality wrought into the form of rope are called Etimholine, or twice laid ; those twisted up moderately taut, and seldom exceeding 9, are called Spun yarn. Spun yam plaited into a soft flat rope is called Sennit. Threads, usually two, unlaid, rubbed down, twisted up the reverse way, and then spun up together right-handed, are called xrettle stuff. Threads twisted together by hand in short lengths, are called Foxes. Foxes plaited together after forming an eye, make Reef Points or Caskets. " In hawser-laid rope the strength of each yam ' is greatest in the smaller sizes : thus, in a 12-inch rope the average strength is 76 pounds; in 6-inch, 78 pounds ; in I|-inch, 93 pounds ; in 1-inch, 95 pounds ; and in |-inch, 104 pounds per thread. " All rope made with 4 strands is weaker than that which is made with 3 in proportion of about |. " A strain of half the full length of any rope or chain, con- stantly or even frequently applied, will eventually (before its evident decay from wear) break it : this maxim applying witJt greater force to crane chain than to chain cable, and with still greater force to rope, particularly cable laid."* Italian hemp is * Tinmouth. I. 3 150 MANUAL FOE NAVAL CADETS. considered superior to all others. Three-and-a-half-incli ropes were tested in 1856 ; and whilst the one make of Riga hemp hroke at 3 tons 15 cwt., that of Neapolitan did not carry away until a strain of 5 tons was applied. Cat-falls, gunners' gear, bolt rope, lanyards of lower rigging, topsail ties, halyards, lifts and braces are all made of Italian hemp. Coir Rope is made from the fibres of the cocoa-nut tree. It is equal in strength to hempen rope of the same size, and is but two thirds of the weight. As it floats it is most useful for warps, but decays rapidly when stowed away wet. The rough rule for measuring the strength of ropes, is to multiply it by its circumference and divide by five ; but this applies only to the very best cordage. To ascertain its weight, the square of Its circumference divided by 4 equals the weight of a fathom in pounds ; or multiply the square of the circumference by the length in fathoms, and divide by 480 for weight in cwts. The general rule for coiling down ropes is, right-handed rope with the sun, left-handed ropes against the sun. (See Bitting Cables.) When ropes are broken, they are joined by Splices. If they reeve through blocks, a Long splice is used ; otherwise a Short splice. In short splices when there is no service,, the ends should be put through twice each way ; when the ends are served down, once and a half is suiBcient. All splices are weaker than the rope itself by one eighth. When a strand of a rope is chafed, it is cut out and another interwoven in lieu. When rope is exposed to much chafe, it is preserved by filling up the openings with spun yarn or strands, n process which is called 'Worming'. This is covered with strips of taiTcd canvass ; which is called Parcelling, and this is again with turns of spun yam, called Serving. Tar before worming; worm and parcel with the lay, and serve against the lay, as a general rule ; but. as it is an object to exclude wet, the eyes of standing rigging are parcelled towards the centre: thus the upper edges are covered after the manner of slate roofing. Backing is smaller stuff laid in after worming, so as to make the rope more round. Tbroat Seizings are put on when ropes cross ; the turns are EQUIPMENT : EIGGING. 151 passed round and round six over seven, without any crossing turns. Round Seizings have two cross turns. Flat Seizings have no riding or upper turns. All Seizing Stuff should be well stretched before use ; and excepting throat seizings, are generally hove on over parcelling. Rope intended for particular purposes, where much strain is only borne at one end, are made up tapered, so that the hauling part is light, whilst that which is belayed is stout. Such are lower tacks and sheets. Of the three different modes of turning in dead eyes, the splice is the weakest ; the cutter stay fashion next ; and the old way of securing with throat and end seizings, is so strong as to break the rope.* In forming cables, the splicing tails are stronger than the arti- - ficial eye, but the tails must be well covered. Straps made of small rope are said to be Warped ; when of yams, Salvagee. The warped are stronger than rope of the same size. Two men can worm and serve seven fathoms of 3| inch rope in an hour j or worm, parcel, and serve 3 fiithoms of 7-inch in an hour. Three men can worm, parcel, and serve 2 fathoms of 12-inch in an hour. One man can make 9 feet of 9 yam sennit in an hour. Six men can make an Elliott's eye in 1 day In a 24-inch cable. Four men can do the same with a 15-inch cable: but will re- quire an occasional help for a pull. Table showing the sized chain or wire rope which is used as a substitute for hempen rope. Hemp. Chain. Wire. 3 - ^ - - 1| 4 - 3 B - - 11 5 - 1 2 - - 2 6 - 1 - 2| 7 - 3 - - 3 8 - 7 8 - - 31 9 - 1 - - 4 10 - 1| - - 4| 11 - 1| - - 5 152 MANUAL FOE NAVAl CADETS. Table, showing the strength of chain, hemp, and wire rope. Hawser Laid Rope. Bound Linked Crane Chain. Wire Rope. e H ■cS a i 1 P ' .r=- P P cwts. lbs. lln. tons. lbs. tons. 12 2940 40 -o 1- 730 30^6 15,569 % 40 120 20 I'i 36-7 62-3 27-0 36 108 18 11 33-6 57-4 24-7 % 32 96 16 101 30 7 52-8 22^6 30 90 15. 10 2136 27-0 1p 48-4 20-6 4 28 84 14 H 25-2 44-1 18-8 3| 24 72 12 9 1712 22-6 40-1 17-0 3| 20 60 10 8| 20 2 36-3 15-3 7,481 17 SI 8- 8 1379 180 32-7 13-6 3 15 45 7- 6- n 15-8 29^3 12-0 6,490 2| 13 39 7 13-8 IS li 26-1 10-5 5,600 11 33 5- 61 120 231 91 4,500 9 27 4- 6 834 10-3 g0^4 7-9 4,000 2 7 21 3 2 1- 51 712 8-7 B 4 17-3 6-8 3,449 l| 5 15 5 .7-2 14-6 . 5-6 2,900 3 9 .*! 413 59 12-0 4-6 2,538 1 2 6 1 4 4-7 ^ 9-7 3-8 2,001 31 37 77 3'0 1,583 3 203 2-8 5-9 2-3 1,060 a| 21 4-3 1-6 827 2 1-4 P 30 1-1 S81 If 1-23 1-9 •75 392 11 1 •88 s 1^0 •42 •56 1 ■51 s 2 •46 , •28 ■ EQUIPMENT : RIGGING. 153 ■a S >§ n n < i i 1 JS ^ (N r-i OT CM CN CM E ^ WO«WCT(NOO 1 in-<*om«)OTi*(Nco i-H d CO -ntOt*Q0CO i M era t 1 rH|(N .«5O(0T(«OX'3'«tTt< jQ O* ^ . HIN i-'(NCO-<*'WeDI>-0OQO i 1 1 cotOTj-cncoeoeooos ^Cl ^ (N f-i (N (N £OC0C0OC0OtNCTi-< jSOO^CQTiit^OStN-'*' 1 lO-^OcOCOO-^WCO •-■Offi — cooomioeo rH CT CO ^ CO CO OS Hid ^dco-^wtot^ooao a .J cwts. qrs. lbs. 1 3 2 1 3 4 3 18 4 3 21 7 15 9 2 21 12 2 18 14 1 9 ■A tNOSOOSOSOOSOSCO i-i IM CO ■* CO J>- ^c<)coT*0)00— <^M(MlNCq(NC0CQC0«'*-*Ttf»0»0i£3(0O eDO««)O(MT)>«0a0OT^.C3000CsOO'-'CMCOTPOiO«Dt* b5 H|« HfM HlW HiN H|« r-l|M rt|M rt|« rH|« * Cables, 101 Fathom, 20-thread Yarn. ■qjSuaJIS ^ ip-->t^Ti'0OCOCOinQO{Mt-TjCO(NOOCOOOCOQO« (NCOifSl^OiOCOSOOO— '»i7C0«l>-(N«>eN m = CN ^"oo -^^^ To T;!r« ^V ^"oo %^a. ^"o I-I JEQTJIPMENT : RIGGING. 155 Table, sJwwing the number of Threads and Weight of Hawser-laid Hope, three strands, tarred, 113 fathoms. SO-thread Yarn. 26-thread Yam. 30-thread Yam. Siie. Thxead. ^IS'l WeiBht, White. Weicht, White.' Weight, Tarretl. Thread. WeiBht, Tarred. Thread. i cwts. qrs.lb8. cwts,qrs. Ihs. cwts.qr! .lbs. 17 cwtB.qn .lbs 20 6 cwts.qr' .lbs. 17 6 i G 2di 21 25 1 2 9 25 9 1 9 OM 10 1 H 1 H 1 12 12 1 6 12 li 12 1 20 1 14 1 12 1 20 15 1 20 18 1} 18 2 16 2 4 2 2 11 21 2 8 24 H 21, 3 2 14 2 16 3 2 27 2 24 30 2 27 3 24 3 6 3 4 3 21 33 3 2U 39 n 33 1 20 3 26 1 1 22 42 1 24 61 2i 42 1 2 1 1 1 24 1 1 23 51 I 2 63 2| SI 1 3 8 1 2 2 I 2 1 3 5 63 I 3 4 75 3 V 60 2 iG .1 3 4 1 3 4 2 16 75 2 16 90 H G9 2 1 24 2 6 2 8 2 1 26 87 2 2 105 3* 81 2 3 IG 2 1 18 2 1 20 2 3 18 102 2 3 20 123 H 93 3 1 8 2 3 2 2 3 4 3 1 10 117 3 1 12 Ml 4 108 3 3 12 3 24 3 16 3 3 2 132 3 3 4 159 *i 120 4 1 4 ... 4 1 4 150 4 1 4 180 H 135 4 3 8 4 2 4 4 3 5 168 4 3 4 201 H ... ... ... ... ... 6 1 12 225 5 168 6 5 4 3 20 6 2 18 207 5 3 20 249 5^ 201 7 20 6 3 26 6 7 3 22 252 G 2J0 8 2 8 7 16 7 16 8 8 300 6} 282 10 8 8 1 16 8 1 12 10 3 351 7 327 11 2 20 9 2 26 9 2 24 11 2 17 408 H 37.5 13 1 16 11 18 11 16 13 1 13 468 8 426 15 24 12 2 20 12 2 24 15 1 534 H 483 17 1 14 1 14 14 1 12 17 25 603 9 540 19 I 4 16 8 16 8 19 1 4 675 9J 603 21 2 4 17 3 22 17 3 20 21 2 1 753 10 66G 23 3 4 19 3 8 19 3 12 23 3 8 834 lOJ 735 26 1 21 3 14 21 3 12 26 25 918 11 8117 28 3 8 24 2 24 28 3 5 1008 Hi 832 31 2 26 1 26 24 31 1 23 1101 12 960 34 1 4 28 2 28 2 8 34 1 4 1200 156 MANUAL FOR NAVAL CADETS. Hawser-laid, four strands, tarred, 106 fathoms. 20-thread Yam 25-thread Yam. . SOHhreadYam. Size. Thread. Weight. Size. Thread. Weight. Size. Thread. WeiBbt. iwta. qn.1l>i. EWta.qT«. bs. cwts. qrfi.lb8. 3 61 2 (1 17 11 21- 2 11 H 25 H 6» « I 21 26 3 U If 30 2 26 A 82 2 3 17 2 34 3 25 2 38 3 19 3| 95 3 1 12 ik 43 1 26 2i 61 I 26 4 108 3 3 t •i 91 1 1 24 21 63 1 2 2 4i 121- 4 1 3 2¥ 64 1 3 111 2sL 72 I 2 27 4 13t 4 2 27 3 73, 2 11 8* ■"89 2 17 4 H 85 2 21 3 3 101 2 1 21 fl' 169 5 3 if: 3# 102 2 3 2C 122 2 3 22 H 204 7 24 4 115 3 1 6 3 139 3 1 t2 fi 243. S 2 IC 4 132 3 3 5 4 15(> 3 3 3 6i 286 10 13 4 149 4 1 3 4* 177 .4 1 5 7 329 II 2 16 4 4i 166 4 3 2 n 198 4 3 4 7^ 377 ,13 1 in 220 5 1 9 8 ,^0* 10* 429 490 546 611 672 741 'l6 17 19 21 •/3 26 19 1 9 1 7 2 13 3 2 24 5 7* 209 252 299 350 405 465 6 7 n 8 2 10 U 2 13 1 (■ 27 10 16 12 a 245 5 3 20 Hawser l.iid, 106 laclmnis. four strands, tarred, 30- thread. Shrouds and^tays. 'i 25 2 11 II 815 2H 3 9 8 633 15 1 7 >l 30 2 16 m 893 31 2 10 8* 602 17 1 (i 2 38 3 19 !2 671 34 1 11 9 670 19 I 1 a 51 1 26 9J 751 21 2 11. a 63 1 2 2 10 828 23 3 5 2f 72 1 2 27 10* 913 26 27 3 89 2 17 11 1003 28 3 a M 101 2 1 21 UJ 1097 31 2 4 H 122 2 3 22 12 1195 34 1 11 3? 139 3 1 12 i'4 1297 37 1 9 4 1!)6 3 3 3 13 1404 40 1 11 ti 177 3 1 3 13i 1510 43 1 17 3 198 220 245 4 3 4 6 1 9 5 3 20 Tachs, 25 -thread yarn, tapered. Weight. %t r%. 3 hi. 3iin. 4 in. Hin. Sin. Si in. 6 in. Hin. 10 17 24 1 3 1 12 1 21 2 3 2 16 2 20 1 7 1 21 2 7 2 24 3 16 1 6 1 1 4 1 2 30 1 26 2 1- 3 1( 1 8 1 I 8 1 2 10 1 3 20 2 1 C 40 2 16 3 VS 1 14 1 1 21 1 3 2 2 13 2 2 8 3 60 3 ."■ 1 9 1 1 11' 1 3 .' 2 24 2 2 17 3 24 3 3 60 3 22 1 1 6 1 2 21 2 17 2 2 17 3 2C 3 3 12 4 2 C 70 1 V, 1 2 2 1 3 2.'' 2 2 1 3 11 3 2 2! 4 2 6 1 80 1 1 2 1 2 27 2 1 C 2 3 13 3 2 5 4 27 5 16 6 90 1 1 201 1 3 23 2 2 4 3 20 3 3 26 4 3V 5 3 4 6 3 EQUIPMENT : RIGGING. 157 Siffnal-balyards stu£f is made of strands that have been laid up in opposite 17375, so as to lessen that tendency to taking in turns -which is so inconvenient in hoisting flags.* It is laid up in lengths of 113 fathoms, and from | to \\ inch in circumference. Blocks of ships are made of elm, having either metal or lig- num vitse sheaves, with a metal touching and iron pin. Their size is denoted by the length of the shell, and their quality by their degree of flatness or thickness, number of sheaves, scores for stropping, and nature of stropping. For instance, a brace block is (say) 20-inch, single, thin, and double scored. A tye block is, single, thick, and iron bound. Clump Blacks are made shorter and thicker, and have metal sheaves, which are smaller in diameter than those of other blocks which reeve the same sized rope. Tack and sheet blocks are of this description. SliouldeT blocks are made with a projection left on one side of the top of the shell, which bearing against the place of connection, prevents the falls from being jammed. Such are Purchase and Fore tack blocks. The Fiddle block is a large and small single block made on end in one piece, each being equally large in the swallow. The parts of rope are kept more clear of each other in this kind of block, and as they do not cross, there is less friction ; but as the upper sheave is smaller in diameter, there is a loss of power. Sister blocks are also two in one on end, but are of the same size. They are only used where two different ropes lead from similar directions, but well apart, as in the case of topsail lifts and reef-tackles. Strop bored blocks have a projection left on each side of the lower part of the shell, through which the strop passes, and which is supposed to keep small gear out of the swallow. They are used for reef-tackles and clue garnets. Iron stropped blocks have either a swivel or standing hook. In the case of snatch blocks, the binding is cut through to • In fitting flags, Sennit distance lines are less liable to take turns than is rope of any other kind. 158 MANUAL FOR NAVAL CADETS. receive the rope, and is connected by a clamp, which should be locked whenever the rope is rove. Blocks should frequently be examined, not only as to strap- ping, but also by knocking the pin out, and inspecting the bouching. The loss of power, and strain on rope occasioned by a worn bouch is considerable. The working blocks of tackles, (for instance, the fly-block of top-sail halyards) are always more worn than the lower ones, and therefore without waiting until the sheaves shriek and become dumb, the blocks should be shifted or the sheaves transposed. This remark applies also to quarter-davits. Thatsheave on which the hauling part of the rope works does most duty : for although it is assumed in mechanics that strain is equally bom by all parts of a rope in a tackle, practice proves that the hauling part is most worn and strained. If, for example, we have a weight of 3 cwt. suspended by a luff-tackle, the upper block being fixed, and we hang a weight of 1 cwt. to the fall, the 3 cwt. would be balanced, but the fixed block would bear a weight of four cwt. And there is something of this kind which calls for greater strength, and frequent altera- tion in upper blocks (see p. 118). All blocks which stand horizontally — as lower brace blocks — > must be placed with the square end of the pin upwards ; as, when the shell shrinks, it is liable to fall out if placed otherwise. Banging:, Tye,- and Quarter blocks undergo great strains when bracing sharp up ; if the former are two blocks, the weather halyards should be eased up sufiaciently. Cat Blocks are liable to split, if not unhooked before fishing the anchor. So are Teer Blocks, if hove together, as some- times happens in the excitement of heaving up lower yards. The Language of Blocks is a most useful study. When their natural desire to " look to their work " is not gratified, they complain loudly. " If that block could speak, what would it say?" was a favourite question of a celebrated old officer who was not friendly to the over neat rigging mania that ob- tained in those times, when foot-ropes were stopt up, and gear was unrove to make a ship look " nice." There is a regular proportion for the size of rope stropping ; and the blocks are fitted either with a hook and thimble, a lashing eye, or with a tail. The splice of the strop is always placed at the lower part of the block. A block is double stropped when it is desirable to give it a EQUIPMENT : RIGGING. 159 different stand to what it would have with a single one, as in the case of brace blocks. Gun Tackle Blocks are usually stropped with a grummet. One man can fit about 11 of these in a day of 9I hours' work : or 12 common, serving his own strop. Blocks should be three times the size of the rope rove in them. The standing part of the rope in small tackles is either spliced into the strop of one of the blocks, or clenched into a becket in the strop. In the latter way , the rope can more readily be temporarily applied to other purposes, or disconnected or stowed away in places which might be too small to contain the blocks also. In the case of two fold blocks, the splice or becket is placed on one side of the lower part of the strop, so that the standing part of the fall may look straight into its reeve. In the case of large tackles, the standing part of the fall is brought up alongside the fixed block and secured either round the neck of its strop, or to the place at which the block is attached. When the standing part is made fast at the moving block, it is generally rove through the becket and clenched round the neck of the strop. This keeps the block upright whilst overhauling down, and prevents a " Thorofoot." In either mode of applying the tackling, the block will be re- lieved of some strain by taking the standing part to the fixture or to the weight. Table of size of rope stropping. Blocks. Hflpe. Blocks. Rope. Blocks. Rope. Blocks. Rope. 5 1 10 3 IS 6 20 7 6 H 11 3J 16 6 21 S 7 2 12 4 17 6 8 2i 13 *i IS 6 9 2* U ^ 1!) 7 Block strops if covered at all, should be so with matting laced on. A pointed strop is seldom dry ; soon decays invisibly, and breaks without warning. 160 MANUAL FOK NAVAL CADETS. Weight of wooden blocks. Descrip- tion. Size. Weight Descrip- tion. ' Size. WeiRht. Descrip- tion. Size. Weight. In. cwt. qrs. ti>s. in. cw(..]-B. lbs. In. cwt. qr8.Jbs. Single. 4 5 Of 1 Double. 4' 1 1} " 6 1 '* 6 3 Treble. 6 4 " 7 2 3 ' 7 n „ 7 6 '* 8 " 8 D 6 „ 8 8 " 9 ."i 9 8 ,^ 9 10 " 10 6| ' 10 10 „ 10 14 '* u 8 11 14 ,, 11 18 " 12 12 J 12 20 ,j 12 23 " 13 16 jj 13 27 It 13 1 3 " 14 18 14 1 3 14 1 14 ' 15 20 jj 15 1 7 „ 15 1 24 " 16 24 ^j 16 I 11 „ 16 2 7 17 27 J, 17 1 24 „ 17 220 Ig 1 4 J 18 2 3 1) 18 3 * 19 I 13 J, 19 2 1.5 19 3 18 " 20 1 21 jj 20 3 „ 20 1 1 10 '1 21 1 24 jj 21 3 .8 „ 21 1 1 19 " 22 2 6 j^ 22 1 4 J, 22 1 2 " 23 D 2 26 jj 23 1 24 ,, 23 1 2 10 '* 24 3 2 24 1 1 17 „ 24 1 2 20 25 3 18 2.5 1 2 4 25 1 3 17 ", 26 1 8 !! 26 1 3 2 26 1 2 14 The largest sized blocks made in one piece are 28 inches. Careening blocks, -vrhich are built, are as large as 42 inches, and are usually made with metal sheaves. The principal obj eotion to many fold blocks is that the partitions cannot without being unwieldy be made thick enough to resist great pressure at the middle part of the pin. Upon the perfect straightness of which pin diminution of friction greatly depends. Table of the size and weight of purchase blocks, and the number allowed to each rate. No. No. No. Size. Fonr- fold. Weight. Three fold. Weight. Two- fold. Weight. in. cwt. qrs. lbs. cwt. qrs. lbs. cwt. qrs. lbs. 42 ■>. 8 3 >.. 8 7 1 36 ■ •. 6 6 2 ... 5 Ships of Line 3U 1 4 3 8 1 3 3 >•■ 3 2 1st Class Frigates 28 1 3 4 1 2 2 2na „ 26 1 3 I 2 3rd „ 24 1 2 3 20 1 1 3 ,, 5th „ 20 >•* 2 3 20 ^ 7th 17 ... ••• 2 2 9 ^ ^ Remaining Ships 7 and Brigs - i 16 >•• ••• 2 2 ... 15 ... ... 2 1 23 EQUIPMENT : RIGGING. 161 Fig. 75. Hooks. There are no rales laid down for the relative proportion of hooks to blocks, and as they are al-ways liable to open and break, it is safer, unless they are evidently very strong, to use a shackle, lashing or strop and toggle. More accidents happen from open hooks than from chain or cordage. Great support may be given a hook by slipping a link or shackle over the point, thus, ^5'. 75.* Figures 76, 77, 78, and 79, represent sections of hooks at their curved parts on a scale of half the actual size. These proportions have been adopted in the iron factories, and are warranted to bear the weights noted on each. As the inner fibres of the curve are exposed to a tearing asunder strain, whilst the outer bear only a crushing strain, the upper edges of these hooks are thickest. Fig. 76. Fig, 77. Fig. 78. Fig. 79. Metal Blocks being very much shorter in the shell than wooden, are frequently used under circumstances in which wooden ones would for want of space be impossible or incon- venient, such as steering gear, lifting machinery, mounting and dismounting guns. They are also used as quarter blocks in ships fitted with chain top-sail sheets. TtalmUes are made both perfectly round, and also with the ends nearly joined. Two are sometimes united for the purpose of giving easy play to the adjoining strops or block, as well as a different stand ; as in fitting lower and top-sail brace blocks. * One great advantage in Bothway'B blocks is, that the hook may be un- shipped and. a shackle substituted at pleasure. M 162 MANUAL POK NAVAL CADETS. Iron Slocie. Weight to Diajneter Thickness size of Steof Length of WeiBhtof Weiehtof Blicks. CBTXy. of Sheaves. of Sheaves. Ropeosed. Block. (Double.) (Treble.) tons. in. in. in, dlam. in. lbs. lbs. li n 1 H 6i 9 lOi 21 3i 13 II Iff 2 K H 15 18 3} 35 n i H S3 26 6 ^f IJ 3 ^ 10 29 35 (Quad- ruple). 8 8i li 3* 11 P 16i 89 n 11 9f n 4 l^ 125 110 In dealing with iron gear, it is well to bear in mind that the limit of elasticity of wrought iron bars of 1 inch square, is about 10 tons, within which it stretches about 10555 part of an inch to each ton of strain, returning to its former dimensions on the remoTal of strain. Beyond this the fibres become permanently fixed, and the brealsing strain is about 25 tons. The rule in practice is not to subject such iron to more than 5 tons on every square inch of section. STANDING RIGGING. Each mast is supported from forward by " stays," fr^>m aft by " back-stays," and sideways by " shrouds." In order to connect additional supports when necessary, each lower and top- mast has its " pendants"." The fore-mast is supported from forward by the bowsprit, and therefore the bowsprit has an extra number of stays. These above-mentioned ropes constitute the Standing Xisging. BITNNING BIGGING. Each upper-mast is provided with the means of lowering or raising it ; in top-masts called " top-tackle gear," in top-gaUant- masts, " mast ropes." Each yard is supported in its middle (the lower by " chain slings," the upper by " ties ") and at the arms by "lifts." Each yard is moved about by its own "braces," carries a sail, and is fitted with a " jack-stay," to which the head of the sail is bent. Each saU has its sheets for spreading and halyards for hoisting it ; also its " clue garnets," or " clue lines," or " down hauls," or buntlines, or leechlines, &c. &c., for EQUIPMENT : EIGGING. 163 taking it in ; and each yard is provided -with a " foot rope " for the men to stand on whilst furling the sail. These and such like ropes constitute the Running IUsirlngr< CUTTING OtIT. To cut the lower shrouds out of the " warp." To the length of the mast from the " deck to the lower side of tressle-tree," add the height of the thickness of the tressle-tree and bolster (on one side), and the depth which the chains are below the deck ; take this as a perpendicular, and the length froili the mast-hole to the outer edge of the channel as a base, and the hypothenuse will be the length of one leg of the first pair. Fix two pegs in the ground this length apart ; make the bare end of the warp fast to one of them, and fake the warp round and round both pegs, each turn outside the other until you have got the number of pairs required. When there is an odd shroud on each side, carry their bight of the warp Ij fathom beyond the others, cut through all at the standing end, and mark the bights in their middle, numbering from the first pair in the centre to the last outside. After thus cutting out the rigging, each piece of rope is hove out taut by tackles on the bare ends, the rope usually stretch- ing one inch in a foot ; their middle parts are then wormed, parcelled, served, and formed into eyes of one round and a quarter of the mast-head in length by seizings. Mast-Iieaa Pendants are formed in like manner. The after leg is cut one-third the length of a shroud, and the fore- most one about one fourth of that length, so that when the runners are made fast to them and employed in staying the masts, the tackles may support the mast at two places, and thus prevent its bellying, besides leading clear of each other. A thimble is spliced into the end of each leg. When there is an odd shroud its eye is formed by a splice ; it is placed aftermost and called a swifter. Single pendants are generally formed in the eye with a cut splice. The Foremost Sbroud is always served the whole way down ; and if the upper part be done with thick sennit or small rope, there will be no occasion (except in very heavy motion) for swab-like mats. The other shrouds are served one third the length of the mast from deck to lower side tressle-trees. u 2 164 MANUAL FOR NAVAL CADETS. The Stays are fitted with lashing (Flemish) eyes, the half collar being spliced into the long part. The eye itself is abont twice the length of the cross-tree. The Bobstay and Bowsprit sbroud collars are made with lashing eyes : the latter with long and short legs ; and if the shroud be chain, with a thimble instead of a heart. The Pore stay collars are frequently made of warped straps. The Bobstays are leathered or served with sennit in the wake of the stem hole, and the collar seiaings protected by a bolster. SIOGINO SHIP. The masts having gantlines on their heads are placed according to design in their proper attitude by means of wedges driven in at the " partners." Battens are supplied for the purpose of measuring their stand, preserving their straightness, and guard- ing against belly, whilst setting up the shrouds and stays. PLACmrc lOWEB CKOSS-TKEES. The starboard gantline is bent to the middle of the foremost cross-tree on its upper side, and stopped to the port arm three parts out; this supposes the cross-tree to be on the starboard side of the deck. When the arm is well over the tressle, cut the stop, sway across, and so on with the others. Bolt them well down immediately. PCACINC TOPS. There is no rule as to whether the tops go on before or after the rigging. The mast is less disturbed in the partners, if the runners are first steadied up ; but the men work better and more safely, fewer things fall from aloft, and the eyes of the rigging are better placed if the tops are put on at once. A word about taking: turns. The cleats all stand aslant, and many a man, especially in fitting out, does not know how to take one properly. If it be taken the wrong way, on the order to lower it jambs ; and most probably, when he is trying to clear it, the rope goes with a jerk out of his hands. The wrong way to deal with a weight is this ; at the word " high enough," give the cp-der " belay " or take a turn ; " anybody " tries to do so ; the men on the fall " stand easy ; " many let go ; the weight that EQUIPMENT : EIGGING. 165 took the whole party to raise, is suddenly borne by but a few of them and begins to fall ; " anybody " misses his " catch ; " down by the run goes the weight on top of somebody, and the faU, thus jerked away, " whips " everybody off their feet. Or else anybody does catch his turn ; but it is thus ^g. 80), and the rope must be pulled up again to clear it. The right way is to name one or two men to attend the stopper, seeing that it is a dry one, and warning them not to quit until ordered ; two more at least to belay and lower, and to see that there is a clear place to belay at. At the word, " high enough," give the order " stopper ; " when that is done, " belay," and then, " off-stopper ; " — the turn will be taken thus — (Jig. 81). Fig. 80. Fig. 8i. With very heavy weights, there ought to be a turn kept during the hoist, and the slack given in. In lowering, one man should stand behind and pay the fall clear of kinks into the other's hands ; this especially should be done in lowering boats. The least surging occurs in lowering, when you can have figure-of-eight turns over two normans or pollards, or cleats. Lowering on the capstan is very trying to rope ; as, from the turns having a tendency to rise in a spiral direction up the whelps, it is necessary to surge occasionally, that is,' suddenly to slack the rope, that it may return to its place. The two cap- stans that may be observed revolving in opposite directions at the sheers, are arranged with the view of obviating this danger. They are connected by toothed wheels, and the rope is carried round each in the figure-of-eight fashion. In working the capstan, keep the pauls down, stationing a blacksmith to attend them, and always swift the bars. To get the tops over (say) Main-half-top starboard. Bring both gantUnes to the starboard side of the mast-head ; send the hauUng parts down between the cross-trees, and the bending ones abaft the after cross-tree. Lay the half-tops on the deck M 3 166 MANUAL FOR NAVAL CADETS. on their o-wn sides, tops upwards, and foremost ends forwards. Hitch the ends of the gautUnes round the middle of the lubher's hole trap, and stop them down to the top rim at the futtook plate hole, ahreast this hitch. Lash hoards — an ordinary deal will answer — athwart the tressle- trees, on their foremost and after parts ; drive holts into these hoards, in a line with the centre of the mast-head, leaving their upper ends projecting ahout six inches. Bend the mizen gantline to the after part of the half-top through one of the stanchion holes. Trice up, and guy aft clear of the after cross-tree. When the top hangs on the side of the mast-head, it is easily placed with reference to its fore and aft Fig. 82. Fig. 83. Starboani Half Top. Port Half Top. position, and on lowering and bearing off the rim, the middle parts wiU hear against the holts, and the top will fall exactly in its place on the cross-trees. In sending up whole tops, (say main,) place the gantlines on each side of the mast-head, having the hauling parts between the cross-trees and the bending ends abaft the after ones. Stand the top athwart ships on the deck on its after end, having its lower side facing forward, and let it lean with its fore edge against the after part of the main mast. Bend the gantlines on their own sides, by passing them from EQUIPMENT : EIGGING. 167 before the top, and consequently along its under side, through lubber's hole, through an after futtock plate hole, so as to keep the top heaviest on the fore part, and hitch the ends to their own parts. Stop the gantlines to the fore part of the top through Fig. 84. Fig. 85. holes made for the purpose ; bend the mizen gantlines to the after part through the Stanchion holes, guy aft and sway away. When the stops are up to the blocks, the foremost edge of the top will be pointing over the mast-head, and by hauling on the mizen gantlines it will be prevented from tilting aft when the stops are cut : this being done, the gantlines are pulled up, the tops fall over the mast-head, and is placed on the cross-trees, and bolted down. (.Figs. 84, 85.) A mizen top is more easily sent up on the fore side, on ac- count of the aid derived from the main gantline. Send it up after-part uppermost, bending the gantlines to the foremost fut- tock holes underneath the top, and stopping them at the after part of the top, guying off with the main gantline. In short, in sending up whole tops from abaft, sling so as to be top- heavy on the fore part ; in sending down, sling so as to be top- heavy on the after part. As the mizen generally goes up and comes down before all, it must be top-heavy on the after part in the former, and on the fore part iji the latter case. M 4 168 MANUAL FOE NAVAL CADETS. BOWSPKIT. The Bowsprit is filled up at the hole, and thus derives sup- port there from the timbers, as the masts do at the partners ; hut it is also secured by two chain or rope-lashings called Gam- monings, passed over the fore ends of that filling piece on top of the bowsprit called the gammoning fish, and through holes in the stem. Chain is now invariably used, but the process of passing and setting up is similar. The fish and holes are tarred, the ends of the chain passed over the bowsprit (from the starboard side) through the holes in the stem, and shackled to their own parts ; the turns are then passed with the other ends, so that the foremost ones on the bowsprit are the aftermost ones on the stem. Each turn is hove taut, as it is passed by reeving the gammoning through snatch- blocks made fast to the bobstay holes on the cutwater, bringing the bight through the hawse hole and toggling on to tackles led from the capstan. Before shifting the tackle, each turn is secured by nails driven through the chain into the gammoning fish or saddle, and also by wedges driven into the stem hole. The last are frapping turns, passed over some well greased hide, and set up by a tackle on a runner led through a block on the bumpkin. The outer gammoning is set up first ; otherwise from its greater power of leverage the inner would be slackened. (,Fig. 45), page 99. With rope gammonings, racking turns of spun-yam would be used instead of nails. Chain gammonings have been found to stretch considerably after much use, and should therefore receive the earliest atten- tion when about to refit. The man-Topes are spliced into eye-bolts on each side of the cap, and set up to the knightheads. When the forestays are up, these are attached to them by stirrups. The stagre is made of two spars; their heels secured on the head rails, and their heads crossed, lashed together, and sus- pended from the bowsprit ; a platform of gratings enables the men to " clothe " the bowsprit. The bowsprit is secured outside, downwards by the bobstays and sideways by the shrouds ; the forestays pull upwards, and EQUIPMENT : RIGGING. 169 if they did so outside the botstays, the spar would he strained; they are, therefore, generally secured between them. The rigging of the bowsprit is connected with that spar by collars, which are made of single rope strops with lashing eyes in their ends, and hearts seized in their bights. The hearts in the Bobstay collars are seized in the middle of the bight ; and a bolster is stopt on between the fore end of the heart and after part of the seizing on the upper side, to protect the seizing irom chafe. The Sbroud collar hearts are seized in about one-third from the end. The Forestay collars are double strops, with lashing eyes, having double scored hearts secured in the middle of their bights by seizings on each side. The splice of Ihe strop lies in the larger score on the outside of the heart, and the inner turns of the seizings lie in scores cut on the inside of its legs. All these collars are Added out first, and then hove on taut round the bowsprit before their respective cleats, by lashings set up with a Spanish windlass. When the forestay collars are warped straps, the lashing and heart is on the upper quarter. In some cases the strap is rove through its own part without any lashing. This warped strap plan is not " establishment," and therefore there is no pattern. The difficulty is to keep them from slewing round ; their great utility is neatness, holding less wind, less liability of being shot away, and affording more room for handling the jib-boom. The best kind, as they nip hardest, are made of small chain. The heart fashion has one merit which the warps have not ; that is, in the case of the crupper breaking or slipping, the heel of the jib-boom is prevented from flying up high enough to wring the cap. The bobstay collars are lashed on top s the forestay collars below, and the shroud collars on top of the spar. Bobstays after being wormed, parcelled from their middle part towards their ends, and served with sennit, are rove, middled, and spliced; the hearts seized in, with the splice in the wake of Hie score s and the lanyards set up with tackles. These lanyards, as well as those of stays, "are more certain of bearing equal strain on all parts if set up on both ends and all together j and as the collars now lie well apart, there is. no 170 MANUAX FOB NAVAL CADETS. difficulty experienced in securing the lanyards at one and the same time. Bowsprit Slirouds are now mostly of chain or wire rope, haying a rope lanyard at the collar, or a slip at the bows ; the latter being the readiest fitment for getting clear of the bowsprit when carried away. The bowsprit collars should if possible be hove on before the spar is shipped. The Cap bobstay is an extra fitment ; reaching firom the lower stem hole to a bolt placed in the bowsprit on its under side, abaft the dolphin striker. When possible, the collars should be lashed on before launch- ing the spar. The Bumpkins are stepped on the bows, clamped at the head rails, and secured downwards with chain braces con- nected by lanyards to an iron band near its point The foretack blocks are placed on outside the band. Whichever way the collars may be fitted, the clothing com- mences at two thirds the length of the bowsprit from the knight- head. This is the customary proportion ; and if it admits of the foreyard being braced up as much as the mainyard, there can be no great object in carrying it further out. We must believe that this proportion was the result of long experience among mast makers : for it is often only when a spar has been returned to their hands that injuries are detected -, and they are therefore the best judges as to the amount of strain which a spar can bear. It is, however, more desirable than ever to get a good angle for the lower stays. Some steam ships contrive to carry courses effectively with the fore and aft sails when steaming near the wind, on occasions where the other square sails would not nearly draw. The following is the order in which the bowsprit rigging occurs in each method, reckoning from inside : Heart plan. (Fig. 86.) 1. Inner bobstay collar. 2. Bowsprit shroud, do. 1. Forestay, do. I. Bobstay, do. 2. Bowsprit shrouds collar. 1. Forestay, do. 1. Bobstay, do. EQUIPMENT : BIGGINS. 171 Si trap or bale sling plan. 1. Inner forestay collar. 1. Bobstay collar. 1. Bobstay, do. In this way the forestay is 2. Bowsprit shrouds, do. placed inside for convenience 1. Forestay do. in removing the collar when 1. Bobstay, do. requisite. 2. Bowsprit shrond, do. Fig. 86. SETTING UP EOBSTAT3. When from want of space a difficulty is experienced in set- ting the lanyards up on each end, the next best method is this: — Make the standing parts of the lanyards fast with a running eye round the bowsprit close to their respective collars, and reeve as many turns through the hearts as may be without riding : the object then is to set up in a line with the stand of the bobstays as much as possible. If there is any place on the stem 172 MANUAL FOB NATAL CADETS. ■where the lower blocks of the luffs can be hooked to, take them there : if not, they must either be hooked to straps on the lower parts of the bobstays or to the hawse holes. Hook the doubles below, the singles to the lanyards ; lead the falls inboard through blocks on the bowspirit, and put long tackles again upon these. If the lanyards are rove with their standing parts on opposite sides alternately, the blocks may be kept clear of each other. When every thing has been drawn into its place, shorten up for a final pull, and walk all three down together * ; rack the turns, and pass the riders, pulling them up short of cutting into the lower turns : rack these again, half hitch, seize down, and expend the end. A shorter but less orthodox way is, to put the single blocks of the long tackles on the lanyards, hook the doubles at the hawse holes, lead the falls through blocks on the bowsprit, and put tackles on them. The standing parts of the lanyard are also sometimes made fast with running eyes above the hearts of their respective collars. When they are round the bowsprit, the coUars — when round the neck of the collars the seizings — are relieved of a certain amount of strain ; but a£ the breaking of seizings would only involve the chances of a spring, whilst the carrying away of the collars would most likely include the loss of the spar ; the most experienced riggers prefer taking the end round the bowspirit. Besides this, the standing part looks more directly to its reeve, does not kink the heart, and leaves more space for rendering the other parts. Bowsprit caps are taken off and put on, after first fitment, with the jib-boom, just as the lower caps are with topmasts ; to do so point the spar, lash it, heave out, bumping it beneath. The connecting bolt will be found on top of the bowsprit (see page 135). RIG A LOWER MAST. Shift the gantlines to the after part of the tressle-trees for the rigging. Put a large toggle on the end of each gantline, and bend rounding lines to them. In sending up the rigging, put a stout temporary seizing on each pair of dirouds, about one * The rule however is — spt the outer one up first — for the same reason as that noticed with respect to gammoning, page 168. EQUIPMENT : RIGGING. 173 third down, and instead of bending the gantline, insert the toggle nnder the seizing, and stop the upper part of the eye of the shroud to the gantline. When the holster is tarred, and covered with canvass, the starboard pendants are first put on, then the port ; their longest legs being aft. Trice the runners up, and lash them to the after legs of the pendants, clap the long tackles on the short ones, and take a good up and down pull on all fotir pendants, which will settle the foundation of the lower rigging very much. Pass a lashing across abaft the mast from one after pendant to the other, and carry the runners forward hand taut. The rule is then to place the foremost pair of starboard shrouds on first, then the foremost pair on the port side, and so on ; but in the absence of very experienced riggers, there is more cer- tainty of keeping the mast perfectly straight, if the after swifters are put on the first thing after the pendants, and the mast placed by them and the runners at once. On future occasions of setting up rigging, the convenience of being thus able to place the mast in the first instance will be found considerable. In either case where the mast is large its straightness will be best preserved by lashing the runners to the mast on its fore part, one at the hounds and the other near the belly, and to keep the lower one on as long as possible, even after the stays are up ; so that the mast being thus a fixture at every point, the rigging is given time to draw in to exactly equal degrees of tension. When there is time, it is well to pull and beat down each pair, of shrouds as they are placed ; and if the runners are fast to the mast, all four legs of the pendants are available for attaching tackles to. Too much care cannot be taken in getting the eyes drawn into their proper places at once. Slack rigging in heavy weather is frequently caused, not so much by its " giving out," as by its " settling down " at the mast-head. It is also very important that the seizings should not " ride." It is more convenient to place the futtock rigging and scotch- men before setting up very taut. The Cap is sent up through lubber's hole by the gantlines, both of which are brought to the same side for this purpose. It is placed in the top with its lower side downwards, and will be more easily got through the hole if it be sent up before setting 174 MANUAL FOE NAVAL CADETS. up the rigging. As there is enough space, and as the men are less exposed to danger, the riggers prefer this mode to sending the cap up before all.- The lower Hit blocks are double, and are stropped into the eyes of the iron hand on the cap, before sending the cap aloft. Chain is now generally used for strapping, connected by a shackle. The gantlines are shifted to the mast-head for the Stays, which are triced up with their legs on each side of lubber's hole, and the eyes are lashed one above the other abaft the mast-head. In some cases the stays are carried over the foremost cross- trees, for the purpose of giving more room for the lower yard to brace up. If the rigging is short, luffs are hooked to salvagee straps on the ends of the shrouds, and thus pulled down. Indeed, if there is a command of time, it is well to do this, whatever length the shrouds may be ; for they can be much better marked for turning in when taut up and down, and the ends will be as small as the standing part. TURNING IN LOWER RIGGING. There is a confused and unmeaning way of speaking about " turning in dead eyes." One says, " with the lay j" another, " right-handed ; " another, " with the sun ; " another, " pass the end underneath the up and down part ; " another, " throw the end to your right." The puzzled candidate for the passing day, makes a tour of channels j for the question, " How do you turn in a dead eye ? " is inevitable : he cannot escape it, often cannot find out how to answer it. Let us speak about the right way first, and the present custo- mary way afterwards ; the former has reference to the good of the rope ; the latter chiefly to appearance. Take a piece of small right-handed rope, and hold about six inches of it taut out in both hands ; twist it up tightly, and keep twisting as you bear your hands towards each other : the rope will make a natural curl, thus : EQUIPMENT : RIGGING. Fig. Sr. 175 You have, in making the « turn in," kept the turn or twist in the rope ; it is now as closely laid up at the bent part as any other, and consequently as little open to receiTe wet. Again, with a similar piece of rope, untwist, and on bearing your hands together, it will form a natural curl, thus : Fig. 88. Yon have taken a turn out, and the strands lie open to wet. It is true that, in making a turn with a large rope, you would neither twist nor untwist, but nearly the same effects would be produced. Whether then in the loft or in the nettings ; whether with our own shroud rope, which is always right-handed rope, or with foreign, which is sometimes left; the only thing necessary to 176 MANUAL rOH NAVAL CADETS. Fig. 90. consider in the matter of turning in a dead eye, is to keep the turn in the rope, the reason being " so as to keep the ■wet out." If the shrouds are to he ends up, put a dead eye in the first curl, as in fig. 87, with its upper hole next the cross, (the scores being always well tarred first,) pass spun yam seizings through the lower holes round the sides of the curl to keep the dead eye in its place. With a bolt through the upper hole (^fig. 89) and a strand, rig a Spanish windlass, and heave the end close to, and taut in (" breaking in " is the term), pass a throat seizing round the Fig. 89. cross. Make the standing part of the shroud fast somewhere, haul the dead eye hand taut from thence and make it fast. With a jigger on the standing part, pull the end taut up along it, heaving the curved parts together at the same time ; pass the quarter and end seizings (the quarter is a round one), and cap the end. {Fig. 90.) To turn in cutter stay fashion -, put a temporary seizing on the cross of the curl as in fi^. 87 ; carry the end round the standing part, and heave it taut alongside its own part.; then EQUIPMENT : EIGGING. 177 seize those two end parts together with a throat seizing, making the eye as small as possible, put a quarter seizing (a flat one), on as well, about six inches nearer the end ; cut the temporary seiz- ing on the cross, open out the clench, put in the dead eye, drive the clench down, keeping the dead eye with a little cant against the pull of the lanyard. In all cases shrouds are placed with their ends inwards; other- wise the ends would be exposed to fray and wet. K put over the mast-head properly, these shrouds will naturally hang with their ends forward on the starboard side, and aft on the port side ; but all ends will be inside, and the dead eyes will stand fore and aft without any sheer batten. It is merely because this is not thought sightly that altera- tions are made, and the general practice now is to turn rigging in with the ends inside and aft : the strict rule, however, still * No. 1 is a starboard shroud, as seen from outside ; No. 2 is a port shroud, as seen from inside the ship. 178 MANUAL FOR NAVAL CADETS. o1)tains. " With the lay " is the rule : ends aft and inwards is merely the present custom. Two seamen should turn in a dead eye with 11 inch rope in a workmanlike manner in 2 hours. When channels are fitted with iron gear the shrouds are seized into thimbles. (,Fig. 92.) These plates occupy the place of the lanyards, as a, 6 in A. The lower plate b, formed as a link (shown wholly in B), is attached to the chain plate ; the upper plate, a, is double, receiv- ing the shroud on a thimble through its hight ; both are adapted for reefing, and are secured together by riding bolts, 1 and 2. For setting up, a screw purchase is attached in connection with both plates, as shown in D. Directions. — A and C represent a profile and front view of the plates as first fixed, and previous to any application of the screw, the shroud being turned in as taut as possible by tackle. D shows the application of the screw purchase. For the process of setting up, take out bolt 3., which is always free, merely serving as a guide pin. Nos. 1. and 2. are the riding bolts, and consequently bear the strain of the shroud : fix the screw on the plates, as in D. Fix connecting bolt 6. into the hole previously occupied by the guide bolt 3., and work the screw upwards or downwards to adjust the proper distance for con- necting 7. This done, commence heaving down as soon as the action of the screw relieves the riding 1. and 2. : withdraw No. 1. only. The upper hole in plate B being sufficiently longitu- dinal (say J inch) to give it freedom the moment the strain is off. No. 2. pin may be left in till the shroud is hove down as taut as desired, and No. 1. pin properly secured again to its advanced place. No. 2. is then shipped in advance and the point secured, on which the screw is " come up " and unshipped, and the guide pin replaced. The operation on this shroud being now complete, the same process is continued to the rest of the shrouds successively. These fitments interfere less with ports than dead eyes, and set up more easily ; but would occasion more damage if struck by shot. REEVING THE I.ANTABDS. Xanyards are always rove of well stretched rope. The rule is to reeve them so as to have the standing part under the end of EQUIPMENT : EIGGING. 179 Fig. 92. n 2 180 MANUAL FOR NAVAL CADETS. the shroud j thns the strain in pulling up is throim chiefly on the upright part of the shroud, to the relief of the seizing. The Chains are usually prepared with eye-holts having thimbles, into which the standing ends of, the lanyards are spliced. These eye-bolts are driven on the after side of each dead eye, so as to meet the arrangement of turning in we have alluded to. The hauling part of the lanyard also leads better in sitting up than if it were in the after hole. In the absence of eye-bolts the end is secured round the strop of the lower dead eye, or else it is knotted inside the upper one. Lanyards are always half the size of the shroud. BETTING UP RIGGING. After the Knnners are set up take the first pull with the long tackles alone, greasing the entering parts of the lanyards well. PuU up in pairs, with their opposites ; beat the eyes and clenches down, putting a wad of junk on the part struck to preserve the rope. Commence with the foremost shrouds ; and if the runners give out as the after ones' are tautened, pull them up again. As the mast is secured in the partners by the wedges, it may be pre- served in its natural straight line by due attention to the battens. For the final pull, keep the after swifter fast, let go the rest. Set up the stays, and when fast, let go the upper runner, or both if abreast each other ; hook lufiFs to strops on the shrouds, toggle their lower blocks to the lanyards, hook the long tackles on to their falls with Blackwall hitches, having end enough for round- ing down with, and pull up as before in pairs and opposites, beginning forward. If the stays give out, they must be pulled up again. Set the swifters up with the long tackles alone. The Lanyards are secured by racking turns taken on aU parts, passing the ends taut through between the upper ends of the upper dead eyes and the shrouds, and expending them round the shroud. It is not unusual to half hitch the lanyards, but the Eiggers do not adopt the custom. The number of pulls which rigging should have depends so much on the state of the weather, as to forbid roles. If a fine dry night and warm morning succeeded a satisfactory puU on the preceding day, one pull about noon would take down as much as was good for it ; but even then, that must be to an ex- tent dependent on the destination of the ship. To plunge sud- EQUIPMENT : RIfiGING. 181 denly into a -wet, cold climate with very taut rigging -would be ruinous ; but going into a hot one, the tauter the better. Stays are usually turned in with hearts or round thimbles, either cutter stay fashion or end up. The main stays are some- times passed round the cross piece of the fore bitts and secured to their own parts. Such fastenings, however, are neither so readily made as lanyards, nor admit of the stays being so easily slackened. These will be found important considerations whilst setting up the rigging on future occasions, as everything stands fast until the stays are adjusted and secured. Stay lanyards, when possible, should be rove on their bights, and set up on both ends at the same time. The top burtons on luffs will be sufficient setting up purchase, so that the long tackles need not be withdrawn from their employment on the shrouds. The eyes and lashings must be kept clear of each other at the mast head, and the fork of the stays exactly middled whilst pulling up. Stay lanyards which set up on the end are rove on the same principle as that which applies to those of the shrouds ; namely, the standing part under the end part of the stay. The eyes of the stays are usually triced up whilst setting up the shrouds at first, and are never set up until the rigging eyes are beaten down. The mast meanwhile hangs on the runners; which when lashed to the pendants, cause the mast to belly forward, affording an additional reason for lashing the runners to the mast, one being close up to the tressles. Network of rope is preferable as a covering for lanyards to matting. It is more easily made and removed ; and as it admits air, and does not retain wet, is a better preservative. BATTLtNG.* RattUne stuff should be well stretched before use. In sparr- ing and rattling the rigging, commence from below ; a departure from the horizontal is more readily detected there than it would be aloft, and the trouble of rattling down afresh in the event of error avoided. Let all the spare ends of spars be aft, other- wise they will interfere with lower yards and saUs going up. * In stripping ship, it is usual to leave a line of rattlines on a pair of shrouds to the last moment. See that the shrouds are pairs, else the object will be de- feated and the work be clumsily managed. Jl3 182 MANUAL FOR NAVAL CADETS. In refitting rattlines, sling a spar with a span on a whip outside the rigging ; two men can thus attend themselves, and avoid the delay of shifting seizings on a hatten. Rattlines are clove hitched crossings outside on the intervening shrouds, and seized to the foremost and aftermost hut one. An occasional one, a catch rattline, is carried to the after swifter. Rattlines are placed fifteen inches apart, jmd secured at the ends, (flat of the eye fore and aft) with nettle stuff. K on splicing the eye the rattline be a little too long, and the rope has been well stretched, it may be twisted up. In rigging of nine shrouds a man will clap on four rattlines in an hour. Marling spikes must he fitted with lanyards, which should be hitched to the shrouds, or worn round the neck. The two lower rattlines are made of rope sufficiently strong to hear the weight of the several men who crowd there whilst waiting for orders to go aloft. Before sparring, the shrouds are slightly frapped together in a fore and aft line, and when the rattling is completed the frap- pings are cut away. rUTTOCK BIGGING. Futtock rlgglngr is sometimes of rope. The lower ends of the shrouds are lashed to the lower rigging, which is either sup- ported there by a " spider " from the mast, or " cat harpen legs " from the shrouds themselves to their opposites. Although in a large sized gang the rope fitments are lighter, there are so many reasons against them, that they have become obsolete. A comparison of chain and rope gear ran thus : — Futtocks - - - - Necklace or harpens Coppering masts - * - Gammoning . - - - Protecting woodwork - Ch^. Rope. Weieht. Value. . Weifiht. Value. cwt.ats.lb6. 12 3 12 7 27 29 2 18 1 a £ t. i. 14 13 13 17 5 6 3 35 19 1 2 6 6 cwt. qiB. Ib&. 8 16 4 3 18 n 2 u £ a. d. 12 17 9 10 10 11 16 19 3 50 24 72 19 24 2 27 40 7 11 The dead eyes of the top-mast rigging are iron strapt, and those recently made swivel as the lower ones do. They are EQUIPMENT : EICMJING. 183 connected -with the necklace of the lower masts hy chain and iron bar shrouds : the foremost ones are usually chain. If the lower rigging has been well placed, there will he no difficulty in leading each futtock between the lower shrouds, and placing iron Scotchmen to prevent chafe ; but if the lower shrouds ride, there will not only be difficulty in reeving them, but constant fray afterwards. This is a fitment that demands great ^tention, for thick iron plates and a whole strand have been cut through In some ships during a gale. GETTING UP TOP-MASTS. If possible bring the top-maits alongside, so that the hawsers may be used in the live sheaves without shifting. Let us say main-top-mast in the water on the starboard side. Lash a top block on starboard side of main-mast head. Take as large a hawser from the capstan through the top block as it will reeve ; reeve the end through the mast hole in the top between the stays, and then through the live sheave hole in the top-mast from aft forward (the after side will be known by the lightning conductor), and hitch it securely. Lash the hawser taut up from the hitch round the mast about two-thirds from the heel ; hook the long tackle of that side to this lashing, and prevent the lashing from slipping up by backing it from the fid hole with a stout piece of rope. Heave the mast up with the capstan and long tackle, keeping the heel aft so as to clear the head of the top rim. Lower it down main hatchway until the head can be pointed through the stays and mast hole ; then heave up, plac- ing the round hole of the main cap over the mast hole, and land the heel of the mast on the deck close to the main-mast. Of course if the top-mast is shorter than the distance between the lower side of the tressle-trees and the deck, it may be entered at once without being lowered down the hatchway, the mast being hung or chocked up at the heel whilst the hawser is being doubled. Cast the lashings and end of the hawser off, trice its end up with the port gantline through the mast hole, and hitch it round the mast head on the port side. Heave up ; and when the mast head is sufSciently through the cap, lash them together. Heave up again, and by means of slue ropes on the heel, the cap may be placed on the main-mast head. Place the N 4 184 MANUAL FOE NAVAL CADETS. cap shore, and as it is liable to work out, secure it with a lan- yard. Land the mast on the deck again. If it be short, the head must be lashed round the main-mast before its top is clear of the tressle-trees. . Light up the hawser ; hook both top blocks to their respective bolts on the after sides of the cap. Hitch the end of the hawser now to tj^ foremost cap bolt on the port side ; reeve the port top tackle pendant through its top block, and heave the top-mast up for trial, entering the fid. Lower the mast, single the haw- ser, lash it as before, using the tackle, and place the mast on the deck, heel aft on the starboard side. Get the other top-mast up in like manner, putting gantlines on the head when through the cap, and fidding it for trial before rigging. Try the cross trees on the spare mast, and then place them on the main cap with the top-mast gantlines j lower the top-mast until the cross trees can be placed on the top-mast head, then heave the mast up to the striking mark. Reeve the port pendant through the dumb sheave ; round the upper top tackle block up nearly as high as the necklace ; haul the pendant taut through, and half hitch its end in the foremost cap bolt starboard side, seizing the end down. Haul this tackle taut, and belay ; then unreeve the hawser and reeve the starboard top tackle gear, using the live sheave ; haul in taut, belay, rack, and coil up the falls. The other masts are to be similarly handled, bearing in mind that the live sheave of fore top-mast is on the port side, and that the mizen top-mast is certainly short, may be entered at once, and must not be landed up and down the mizen-mast without a head lashing. Stow the spare fore and mizen top-masts on the port side, the former heel aft, the latter head aft CROSS TREES. To place cross trees on a lower cap without the aid of the top-mast Suppose it to be the main and on the portside — unreeve the starboard gantUne, pass its end up through the round hole in the cap, down before all, and bend it underneath the cross tree to its port tressle-tree ; bend the port gantline also to the port tressle-tree, and stop it out along the starboard cross tree ; bend a guy from the fore top. Trice up and guy off. Throw a couple of ropes' ends over the lower cap, from the starboard side of the top ; bend them to the starboard EQUIPMENT : RIGGING. 185 ends of the cross trees. Cut the stops, weigh down, and the gantline through the cap hole will carry the cross tree on top of the cap. KIGOING TOP-MASTS. The Hecklace is a chain strop, having two open linked legs on each side. This is placed on the mast head above the cross trees, and then the bolsters, which are scored out under- neath, are fitted snugly on top of them, forming a smooth rounded foundation for the rigging. The necklace and bolsters are secured on the cross trees before sending the cross trees aloft The Tye blocks, which are iron stropped are shackled to the foremost of the necklace legs on each side : and as these blocks are pressed against the mast by the rigging and drag of the weather halyards, the edges of their binding should be well rounded off, and the pin ends covered with leather before shackling on : this last-mentioned operation will be more easily performed before setting up the rigging than afterwards. These blocks are frequently called hanging blocks, in contra- distinction to those on the top sail yards through which the tyes reeve, and which are also called tye blocks. The experi- ment of shackling hanging blocks to bolts driven and clenched through the tressle-trees was once tried in a three-decker and a ninety gun ship in the Mediterranean ; the fitment in both ships carried away, and the plan was for ever discarded. Put the gantlines on the cross trees, and place the rigging ; pendants first, then shrouds, commencing with first pair starboard side ; then the back stays ; then the stays. Top-mast pendants have but one leg. The sister blocks are seized in between the foremost shrouds below the seizing before sending the shrouds up ; but these blocks have been tried in pendants separate from the shrouds, and found very efScient. Top-mast rigging is fitted in the eyes, and turned in with the dead eyes just as the lower rigging. The upper fore top-mast stay is rove through a sheave in the bees on the starboard side ; and the lower one, after hav- ing been passed through hanks for the stay-sail, is rove in the bees through a sheave on the port side, which is placed abaft the other, so that the luff of the sail when set, may be clear of the starboard stay. The main top-mast stays are rove accord- 186 MANUAL FOE NAVAL CADETS. ing to the nature of the estahlishment. If the ship has a large fore-trysail, these stays are rove through iron hound hlocks on the fore-mast head near the cap. If not, one sets up in the fore-top ; and the other, after reeving through a clump hlock on the after-part of the fore-mast below the top, sets up on deck. In this latter case, the lower stay of the two should be well pro- tected with chafing battens, as the main braces usually cross over it. The mizen top-mast stay sets up in the main top. The masts being rigged, the sail tackles are hooked to the mast heads, the top burtons to the pendants, and the top tackle falls manned. As the dumb sheaves are only preventers, the bulk of the strength is thrown on the life falls, and the masts fidded. When the fid is in, equalise the strength and lift the masts ; let go the live gear, and by lowering on the other, the masts will bfe slued square. When full rigged, this effect is produced generally by taking top-^llant braces from one mast to the cross trees of another. When the mast is placed, the sail tackles, having been carried forward, are steadied up. When the tackle blocks are thus down, they can be squared and the pendants marked at the nips in the tops, taking care that there will be drift enough for un- fidding — allowing for stretching — and also that after the mast has been lowered, in " striking," the upper blocks wiU not be so high as to hook the futtock rigging on pulling up the tackles. In reeving the falls, commence by reeving first through the lead- ing block on the lower block, and have the swivel block upper- most; so that turns may more readily be taken out of the falls. If there are no reeving lines kept in the top blocks, the top-sail bunt lines wiU carry the pendants up quite as well ; bend them to the pendants about half way down, and stop the becket, the end to the bunt line. With top blocks hooked, top tackle gear should be rove, with the jeers brought to, in less than ten minutes ; therefore they should always be nnrove after use.* The foremost Main-top-mast Back Stay is mostly fitted as a shifting one, having a runner and tackle instead of a dead eye. * It has been recommended, in cases where top tackle gear is suspiciously worn, to truss lower yards to whilst fidding top-masts ; for, in the event of the gear breaking, the heel of the mast would be brought up by the yard. As such precautions haTe been found to be successful in the arrest of danger, the suggestion is very valuable. EQUIPMENT : KIGGING. 187 French ships sometimes have stout long tackles, which are used for hoisting pinnaces out with; the back stay, being hauled out to the lower yard arm, is secured there with a strop and toggle, and the lower block is overhauled to where it may be wanted. All back stays should be served with sennit in the wake of braces, so as to avoid the use of matting. The Iianyards are rove either with a knot on the standing end, under the end of the shroud, or else passed with a running eye round the neck of the lower dead eyes. The rigging is set up with a Runner and the Top Burtons, the falls of which are led on deck. The fore Top-mast Stays, after reeving through the sheave holes at the bees, pass through holes in the sprit sail gaffs, and set up in the head. They are well served some distance up, to protect them from the chafe of the jib sheets. The Jib Stay is sent up before them, but the legs are passed down through their collars, and lashed abaft the mast head below them ; thus being more clear of the foot of the top gallant sail, and less straining to the mast head. Some jib stays are fitted with the end to a slip at the jib-boom, and set up on deck abaft aU after passing through a block at the mast head. The Jib and Stay sail Halyard Blocks are shackled on to the necklace at fore top-mast head ; but a better lead is found by substituting eye-bolts for those which connect the foremost cross tree to the tressle-tree. These being driven from beneath, and clenched above, afford means for hanging the head halyard blocks in a favourable position. The top-masts are fitted, either with rail clasp hoops or else the shrouds are crossed abreast the hanging blocks by futtock staves, which serve to confine the top gallant rigging below the cross trees. The Top-mast Caps are sent up by the two mast-head gant- lines sent down before all, the blocks of which should be placed as high as possible. Hitch the ends to the foremost eye-bolts, seize them to the after ones, and stop them at the fore part of the square hole. When the cap is up to the blocks, bend ropes* ends to its after end ; pull down on these as the stops are cut and the gantlines are pulled up, and the cap will find its place. 188 MANUAL FOE NAVAL CADETS. The Span Slocks are single, hanging one on each side of the fore and main top-mast caps, for the top-mast studding sail halyards : the strops lie on top of the caps, and are seized to the cap holts on each side. The fore top-mast is also fitted with span fiddle hlocks in long pendants on each side for the lower stud sail halyards, and top- mast stud hoom topping lift. GETTING tip TOP-GALLANT MASTS. Lay the masts on the deck abreast their respective lower masts ; heels aft, and lightning conductors upwards. Reeve the mast ropes from the deck through lubber's hole, either through a block or cheek on the after side of the cap, through the mast hole, down before all on that side of the lower stay on which the top-gallant mast is j reeve it then through the lizard, downwards through the sheave hole ; take two half hitches with the end of the lizard through the royal sheave hole, or burn out a hole 18 inches below it aslant through the mast, and reeve the lizard through this. But whichever way it be done, there will be frequent mishaps unless two good hitches are taken with the lizard : send the end of the mast rope up on the same side of the stay through the mast hole, and make it well fast to the foremost bolt in the top-mast cap on the opposite side. TOP-GAIiLANT KIGGING. The Eyes are seized in the bight, stay spliced in. With fore-top-gaUant mast, put the stay, first over the funnel, then flying jib-stay, flying jib-halyard block, starboard shrouds, port shrouds, and backstays : the others, excepting the jib-stay and block, are rigged in like manner. The stay being low- est is more clear of the sail. Sway the mast up until the head has well entered the mast hole, then mark the mast rope at the bitts with a piece of bunting through the strands ; cast off the lizard. If the rigging has not been placed on the funnel aloft, send it up abaft with a mast-head gantline bent on below the seizings, and stopped to the funnel ; place the ftinnel on the cap over the round hole, and enter the mast head to steady it. If the royal rigging goes on a funnel, send it up the same way, and fix it on the royal mast head. Ship the truck, reeve signal halyards, sway the mast, reeving royal halyards and lifts ; settle EQUIPMENT : EIGSING. 189 the top-gallant funnel in its place, and when the sheave is ahove the cap, reeve the top-gaJlant yard rope. Lash the span blocks for top-gallant studding sail halyards, send the stays dovra before all, score the rigging in the cross-trees, and reeve it through the rail hoops, and the top-gallaut lifts through the thimbles in the shrouds. Lash on the Jacob's ladder abaft all, and fid the mast ; steady up the stay at once, for as it is underneath, we do not ■wait for the rigging eyes to be pulled down. Connect the ends of the shrouds in the tops with a long splice, having a double block with a thimble in the upper part of its strop running on the bight thus formed, so that it may be always fairly middled ; with this block and another made fast to the lower rigging, reeve a tackle, and set up. In sending top-gallant masts up whilst rolling, these tackles are carefully attended. Royal funnels are not " supplied," but are frequently made on board. Sometimes, a projection from the upper edge goes through the truck, and is secured there as a nut on top. Another way for Royal Rigging is to have the rigging and truck placed on a piece of wood exactly similar to the mast head itself above the sheave hole, cut out underneath, and into which cutting the mast head enters. Care must be taken here that the conductor be reached by the spindle. There is usually a Grummet put on the mast under the lower edge of the funnel. Some top-gallant masts, as well as top- masts, have a metal rack on the foreside of the heel, with a .paul on a bolster, which stands across the tressles ; this serves to bring the mast up in the event of the mast ropes carrying away. Top-gaUant Mast Ropes should be frequently surveyed, the nip at the standing part freshened, the rope turned end for end, and worn places cut out. When the mast is sent down, the mast rope is parcelled in the wake of the top rim ; and when the masts are up, all the lightning conductor plates on the Caps must be placed in connection. The Fore-top-gallant Stay passes over a score on the jib- boom end ; the Fore-royal Stay over one on the flying boom- end. Both these reeve through a sheave in the dolphin striker, and set up in the head. The Main-Top-gallant and Royal Stay are sometimes brought 190 MANUAL FOK NAVAL CADETS. to the fore cap ; but usually the top-gallant only ; the royal reeving through a hole in the after fore-top-mast cross tree. Mizen-top-gallant stay is brought to main-top ; mizeu-royal to main cap. TRY-SAtL HAST8. All ships hare a main and mizen try-sail mast, and some have a fore. Brigs have no main : some have a fore. They are coppered for the greater part dovrn, and the after sides have hoops for the sails rove on them, they are stept with their heads through a hole in the top. Their heels rest either on the deck, or in a crutch on the mast hoops. THE JTB-BOOM Is pointed over the knight-heads: a whip on the "fore stay takes it into its place on the bowsprit, with the end pointed through the cap hole, lightning conductor downwards. The heel rope is rove through a block at the cap passed inside the stays, through the sheave hole in the heel of the boom, and hitched to the other cap bolt. Tbe jrtb Traveller, if intended to be used, is then put on the boom. Tlie Funnel, having a grummet driven on close down to protect the eyes of the rigging from being cut by the edges of the flange, is then fitted on the boom .end, which, after being tarred, receives the eyes of the rigging in the following orSer : — Foot-ropes. The eye of these is formed by a cut splice, and the ropes are knotted, or turk's-headed, at every three feet. When the boom is hove out the after ends of the ropes are secured to the upper bolts of the caps on each side, sufficiently slack to admit of the furiers leaning to the best advantage over the spar, and for greater convenience as to increase of spread, the ropes are seized to the guys on each side about eighteen inches abaft the eyes of the rigging. The safety and efficiency of the furiers may be greatly in- creased by seizing jack stays along the top of the boom, and hanging the bights of the foot ropes in stirmps. Guys. One on each side of single rope with an eye splice at each end, one of which goes over the tunnel, the other over EQUIPMENT : KIGGING. 191 the end of the sprit-sail gaff. Starboard one is placed first on the funnel, then the port. The Martingale. Single rope ; eye splice at each end, one of -which goes over the funnel, the other over and close up to the shoulder on the point of the dolphin striker. In some cases the martingale is a chain, shackled to an iron band on the boom end and dolphin striker, the back ropes having a thimble seized into their bight shackling to the same band on the dolphin striker. Tbe Sprit-sail Gaffs are whipt out jaws foremost by bur- tons on the top-mast stays. Tbe Solpbln Striker in like manner by a whip on the cap. The gaffs are slung close outside the outer bobstay collar, and the dolphin striker just inside the cap by jaw ropes round the bowsprit. The lower eye of the martingale and eyes of the back ropes are placed over the lower end of the dolphin striker, and the eyes of the after guys, jumpers, jib guys, and topping lifts over the ends of the gaffs. The fore-top sail tackle, or jib halyards, are made fast to the outer end of the boom, which, keeping as much strain on them as win keep the heel from rising off the saddle, is rigged out by the heel rope and secured by the heel chain and crupper. When out to its proper place the heel of the boom should be abaft the saddle and well abaft the lower part of the stay heart, so to ensure bringing up the heel in the event of the sail tackle or halyards breaking. The bowsing will thus be about one third of the spars' length. Tbe beel chains are round, linked, and of different lengths, having a slip on one leg and a large link on the other j these are shackled to the lower bolts of the cap on each side. The long leg is passed inside the collars, scored in the heel of the boom, and is connected with the short one (which is passed inside the outer collar) by the slip ; thus preventing the boom from working in when the heel rope is let go. Tbe Crupper is a piece of round chain which, passing under the bowsprit outside the inner shroud collars, is scored in the notch on top of the boom's heel, and connected by a slip at the side abaft the inner fore stay collars; thus keeping the heel down when the tackle on the point is let go. 192 MANUAL FOE NAVAL CADETS. Great nicety is required in keeping these chains of a correct length, for if too long, the hoom works inwards and upwards at the heel, throwing gaffs and dolphin striker out of drawing ; and if too short, causing much delay in shifting the spar. The chain should be cut so that the slips may occur at places where they will he most free of being nipt by rigging ; and as the spar Is not weakened by making a hole cut horizontally through the heel outside the outer fore stay collar, a heel chain Is lightened of useless weight and more readily connected when shortened and roTC there. On pulling up the sprit- sail lifts and guys, the gaffs come nearly horizontal. The back ropes are steadied up, and the sail tackle removed. The Tib Stay is rove through its hanks, through the sheave hole in the boom end, through another iu the dolphin striker ; and its end, which is pointed and " becketed," set up iu the head. The Traveller is supplied in case it should be thought desirable to bring the jib-stay and tack to it, setting the stay up by reeving it through a block at the mast head, and fitting the end with a tackle on deck. In such case the traveller is worked by an outhauler through the sheave hole iu the boom. The object of this kind of fitment is to admit of the jib being eased further in ; but excepting for the second jib, it is now seldom employed. Small ships have Whiskers, iron out-riggers projecting from the cathead, instead of sprit-sail gaffs ; through the ends of which the jib guys are rove, setting up in the fore chains, but clear of the anchor flukes. The mere weight of jib-boom rigging is very considerable, and when this gear is always kept taut, the spar is invariably badly warped. When the jib-boom is fitted with a funnel, it is very convenient to fix two iron projections on the fore part of the bowsprit cap, under the round hole outside ; these serve to support the funnel exactly in a line with the hole whilst shifting the boom. A seizing, half way out on the boom, passed round the flying boom, gives great support to each spar. Tbe Vlylae Tib-boom is rigged out on the starboard side by a heel rope from the jib-boom end ; the heel steps in a cleating on the foreside of the bowsprit cap ; the martingale reeves through EQUIPMENT : KIGGING. 193 the dolphin striker, the guys through the -whiskers or gaffs, setting up in the head. When the jib stay sets up on deck, make the standing part fast at the boom end by a slip, and when the jib is bent, make the tack fast round the boom with a strop and toggle ; keep a short piece of rope spliced into the eye at the end of the stay, and in shift- ing or unbending the jib, after hauling the sail down, hitch this piece of rope taut to the stay above the hanks, knock off the slip and haul in the sail and stay. As the out-haul block remains at the boom end, the out hauler will carry the stay and new sail out. Another way is to reeve the end' as usual through the jib- boom and dolphin striker after passing it through the hanks. Make the down-haiJ block and tack of the sail fast to the boom end with a strop and toggle, but also lash them both so slackly to the stay above the sheave hole that the strop and toggle will bear the strain when the jib is set. To shift jib, send a man out, haul down, let go the stay and toggle, and the down haul will bring the sail and stay in without a stoppage. The new sail is rove on the stay, the tack being seized to it as before, and hauled out by the reeving line ; the bight of the halyards is passed round the sail near the tack to keep it off the bowsprit. A ring bolt let in flush with the wood on top of the heel of the jib-boom is convenient for handling the spar, as also are double stay-sail halyards for shifting it. CHAP. XI. EQUIPMENT : RIGGING. LOWER SLINGS Are chain straps round the lower masts' heads, to which the lower yards are hung. The after parts are cleated up clear of the rigging eyes, and the foremost hang down through holes cut in the fore part of the tops amidships, before the foremost cross- trees. ■ There is a slip in the foremost end by which the slings on the yard are connected, o 194 MANUAL FOE NAVAL CADETS. 7eer blocks at the mast head are douhle or treble according to size of ship, double strapped -mth lashing eyes, Trhich, after passing through holes in the tops, are secured abaft the lower mast head. GETTING LOWER YARDS IN. Boom Irons are easily broken, and if there is no jetty or other place to guy off to, rig the fish davits in the fore parts of the fore and main chains, on opposite sides. Lash the jeer blocks on the yards before launching, bring the yards alongside under the davits, having the proper yard arms forward, as the case may be. Reeve three parts of the jeers, hoist the yards up with the fish to the bunts, taking through the slack of the jeers j guy the yards as square as possible when they are above the net- tings; i»ut off guys on the yards, to prevent the davits from canting inboard, overhaul the fish, ease in the off guys, and heave up the jeers. Land the yards nn chocks in the nettings, and lash them. Lower yards are also got on board by stopping out the mast-head purchase, (whether jeers or hawser) on the fore-mast quarter ; but the rising arm butts against every pro- jection on the side, and generally staves in the hammock netting. mo LOWER YARDS. The lower Jeer blocks are single, thick, double scored, fitted with two single strops, having long and short legs, with an eye in each end. The blocks thus stand fore and aft, one on each side of the slings of the fore and main yards ; looking straight into the swallow of the mast-head jeer blocks. The long legs are passed round the after part of the yards, and the eyes are connected on the fore side wiih a rose lashing. The Cross j ack yard is fitted in the middle with a metal band having a lug, to which a shackle for the slings or jeer block is connected. The Top-Sail sbeet or quarter-blocks are single, thick and double stropt ; thus standing athwart ships one on each side under the fore and main yards, close outside the jeer- strops. The eyes of the strops are lashed together on top of the yards, and the blocks prevented from being dragged outwards with the puU of the sheets by a span lashed round the strops of EQUIPMENT : RIGGING. 195 each pair above the blocks and nnder the yard. The cross jack yard is usually fitted with a double block in the bunt, through which the top-sail sheets reeve from their own sides passing down on the opposite ; thus permitting the yard to brace np better. The more closely quarter blocks, and the places for belaying top-sail sheets can be brought together, the less strain is there on gear, and the further and more easily (imless the sheets be started) will yards brace up. The Truss Strops come next ; they are usually of rigging chain, double ; with a thimble rove through the bight abaft the yard. (See page 202.) The Clue gramet blocks are single stropt, standing athwart ships outside the truss strops, underneath the yard, a little before, the centre, so as to be clear of the topsail sheets. The Rolling tackle strop is generally a grummet ; a thimble is seized in it on top of the yard, and then it is driven taut up on the quarter. Tackstays go on first over the yard-arms. The eyebolts on the yard are served with rope yams, and the upper eyes of the stirrups are then placed over them ; the jackstays are then rove through the eye-bolts, and are set up in the bunt of the yard. Bead-earing Strops are next pot on. Then the Foot Hopes, which, after being rove through the stirrups, are secured abaft the yard in the bunt. In large ships, it is very convenient to fit quarter foot ropes, which crossing the bunt from each quarter, enable the men to get a footing on that part of the yard. Flemish horses, also, at the yard arms (as in topsail yards) facilitate reefing courses. Then the Vard tackle pendants, the splice being placed under the yard. The pendants are brought taut along the yard, by tricing lines which are rove through checks on the after side of the yard ; and it is usefiil to fit a strop and toggle round the yard and pendant close to the block, so that the yard tackle may be worked from that point when necessary. Then the Brace Blocks. The yard arm strops are single ; those on the blocks are double, placed so that the blocks may lie horizontal. For greater ease in bracing up, the largest o 2 196 MANUAL FOE NATAL CADETS. Wocks on the main yard are sometimes placed on the fore side, and all the pins must be square ends upwards. Lastly ]tlft Blocks ; these are single, and single stropt. The Iieecli line and Slab line Blocks are seized to the jack-stay for a full due, when, on bending sails, their proper position is determined. The Slings are double chain strops, vhich, being passed round the yards between the jeer strops, are rove through a shackle in their bight. There are large shackles in the upper ends through which, when the yards are up in their places, the tongues of the mast-head sling slips are passed and secured. AVhether the bight part should be before or abaft the yard is a disputed point. Whichever way tends most to prevent the yard from being slued by the pull of the sail must be best. Turk's-head all foot ropes on each side of the stirrups ; other- wise, when the yards are manned, the men of light weight will be thrown too high, whilst those who are heavy will scarcely be able to reach over the yards. Moreover, if a foot rope carries away, which sometimes happens when the men are tossing up, they will be ^eatly endangered. The Fore yard is rigged just as the main, excepting that there are no brace blocks on the fore side. The Cross jack yard is fitted with truss strops, lifts, brace blocks, jack-stay, and foot ropes; there are generally iron bands, to which the slings and topsail sheet blocks are con- nected. In some cases, the topsail sheets are rove through one double block in the hunt of the yard underneath, reaching the deck on their opposite sides. In this way, the yard braces np easier. Cheeks, having sheaves nailed on the after side of lower yard- arms, are very useful for whips or reef burtons. Repairs required at lower yard arms may frequently he effected without sending the yards down by bracing up on oppo- site tacks until the yards lock in, and then slinging a platform of gratings. EIGGING TOPSAIL YARDS. Hoist the topsail yards in, with reference to the yard-an^ that is to be forward in going up. Try all the boom irons and EQUIPMENT : KIGGING. 197 tie blocks to both sets, and mark corresponding notches on all parts with a cold chisel before sending one set of yards aloft, and stowing the other set of yards and iron fitments away. ,. Fore and Main Topsail Yards are fitted alike. The Mizen Topsail Yard has only one band and not any boom irons. Tye • bands are two iron bands in the middle part of the yard, having lugs on top to which the iron bound swivel tye blocks are con- nected by a bolt and forelock ; the bolt ends should be covered with leather, and the edges of the binding smoothed down so as to preserve the mast from chafe. These lugs on the bands stand athwart ships ; thus giving play to the shackling, which would be nipt as the yard sally's over to either side if they stood fore and aft. The swivel per- mits the tye block to adapt itself to the stand of the tye when the yard is braced up. The Parrel is to the yard what the traveller is to a boat's yard. It is made of two pieces of rope, which are wormed, parcelled and served ; one piece being longer than the other : the four ends have eyes spliced in ; the short is placed x>n top of the long leg, its ends being equally distant from those of the other. They are then marled together, covered with leather, and seized together at the short ends. The Parrel, when in use, is placed abaft the mast, with the seam of the leather out- side ; the long ends are passed round the yard from underneath, outside the tye bands, and are lashed to the short ones ; and a greasy mat is secured to the yard between it and the mast. The Quarter Blocks are double, single stropt, lashing eye, put on outside the parrel, and are lashed to each other undef the yard, as are those under the main and for the same reason. Some prefer reeving the top-gallant sheet and clue line through separate blocks, as an accident to one sheave of the double block renders two ropes unserviceable. The Cap clue line is considered the best fitment of any. The Rolling tackle strop. Served eye bolts, head .earrings, jack-stay, stirrups, foot ropes, lift and brace, as before men- tioned. The Flemish horse is a yard-arm foot rope, reaching from the neck of the boom iron to the outer quarter of the yard. It is put on after the lift. O 3 198 MANUAL FOB NATAL CADETS. The Yard arm strops are single, the Brace blocks two Stropt, placed on account of the up and down spread of the braces, perpendicular. Preventer hrace pendants are very convenient fitments, the double whip being put on without risk or delay. Topsail lifts are both double and single : the former kind, after reeving through the sister blocks, are rove through blocks at the yard-arms which go on outside all the other rigging : the ends are secured at the mast head. With single lifts, the end goes with a spliced eye over the yard-arm. The double lifts relieve the sister blocks and top-mast rigging of much strain. The Cheeks for the top-gallant sheets are scored out as snatches, so that the bight of those sheets may be thrown out, instead of unreeving the end when about to send the yard down. The Foretop-sail yard is rigged as the main. In the case of the mizen, the Flemish horse is spliced into an eyebolt at the yard-arm, and the brace blocks face forward, BIOGING nPPEK YARDS. With Top-gaUant yards the jack stays are kept in place by means of leather beckets, which are nailed on top of the yard, their ends setting up in the bunt. The parrels are fitted with lashing eyes. The foot ropes set up on opposite quarters. A grummet-strop is worked on each quarter, in which a thimble is seized. Through this the lizard is rove when the yard rope is stopped out. The yard-arms are generally fitted with snatch cheeks for the royal sheets, and the earring of the sail when bent is passed through the sheave hole. Quarter blocks are double, the strops being fitted with lashing eyes ; but as these yards are so frequently sent up and down, it is usual to fit strops on the yard, to which the quarter-blocks are hooked or shackled, the blocks remaining at the mast-head when the yards are down. Slings, to which the yard ropes may be bent without opening out the sails, are also convenient. The Lifts are single, having an eye splice which goes over the yard-arm. EQUIPMENT : EIGGING. 199 The Braces are fitted either double, or single -with whips on the ends. Royal yards are fitted with jack stays, foot-ropes, lizard strops, quarter hlooks, parrels, as are top-gallant yards. The eye holts in the arm ends of these yards are generally removed, the jewel blocks being fitted with strops, which go over the yard-arms, and the tripping lines are bent to the foot ropes. I.IFTS AND BRACES. In reeving Running gear, as the difference of length in ships of the same class occasionally causes the establishment to run short, it is safest, and, generally speaking, most economical to *■ reeve and cut." Pass the end down through the coil before hauling it off. Brace all the yards about ; overhaul yard tackles well down ; run the topsail yards up for clue lines ; take a good stretching pull, and leave a long enough end before cutting. The ends of the Jeers, being fitted with becl«ts, are taken three times round the capstans, then passed through leading blocks and holes in the deck and rove, beginning aloft from aft forward ; then either hitched round the yards, or, what is better, to strops on the yards for the purpose. The Main preventer braces reeve through blocks on the foremast under the tressle-trees, and are frequently crossed, not only to give the brace a greater angle in bracing up, but also that one order for lee or weather braces may suffice ; and also that in tacking, the main-brace men may stand clear of the main-tack men. The After main'braces have a tackle on the standing part, the hauling end reeving through a leading block on the quarter. Both parts are rove through the cringles of tricing lines, so that the lee ones may be triced up clear of the quarter davits, &c. The Fore braces are led from the main bitts through lead- ing blocks on the main-mast under the tressle-trees, through the brace blocks, and then made fast alongside the leading blocks. It is well to fit these also with tricing lines from the main stay on the shifting main topsail yard side, so as to be able to frap the brace in whilst shifting. o 4 200 MANUAL FOR NATAI. CADETS. Cross-Jack braces lead to the main-mast, and for the same reason given for the main, are frequently crossed. When so, the leading Mocks should run very freely, so that the lee brace may not girt the trysail when set. These braces have been led aft to the poop of large ships with great advantage in manoeu- vring. For there is always more trouble in getting a ship off the wind than to it, and more risk incurred generally in bearing up than otherwise. A ship will often hang with the wind abeam, and the hehn hard up, to a dangerous extent, when a ready touch of the after braces, and tack tricing line, (which may be given by the quarter master and signal man,) would release the ship from her balance. The Fore and main lifts are rove from the deck through the foremost sheave of the cap lift block first, so that the hauling parts which are the overhauling ones may not jam against the lee top-mast rigging on bracing up ; then rove full, the end being fast round the yard-arm with a running eye ; but it is best to clench the end, leaving about two or more fathom spare in lieii of topsail eheet stoppers. (Sec Preventer Lift, Chap. XVI.) The Cross-JaclE lifts are single, being either rove through cap blocks, or passed over a saddle which is scored out on top of the cap. The Tard tacltles falls are rove through the upper sheaves of the fiddle, or after sheaves of the double blocks in the pen- dants, then rove full and made fast to the lower blocks. The quarter tricing lines are rove through blocks in the bunt and quarters of the yards bent to the strops of the upper blocks. The bill tricing lines are rove through blocks under the tops, and bent to the necks of the strops of the lower blocks. This gear is well overhauled, so as not to hang the yard in going up. The Fore topsail braces are rove from the main bitts, through leading blocks under the main tressle-trees, then through others on the fork of the main stay, through the yard-arm blocks, and up to the main top-mast head, where they are made fast. The leads on the stay serve to keep them clear of the foot of the main topsail. The MCaiii topsail braces are rove from the mizen bitts, through leading blocks on the mizen mast, then through the yard blocks, and up to the mizen top-mast head, where they are made fast. The mizen top-mast is much relieved by carry- EQUIPMENT-: EIGGING. 201 ing the ends through leads down to the after part of the mizen chains.* The nxizen topsail braces go to the main cap ; The Top-gallant braces to the top-mast heads ; The Royal braces to the top-gallant mast-heads. The IKEizen upper braces lead variously to the main top. In large ships, the top-gallant braces are double ; the lift, brace, and top-gallant studding halyard block being marled together. Double braces are, however, inconvenient on account of the block, and a strong single brace, having a vrhip on it under the lead, seems to give sufficient purchase. The Topsail lifts are rove from the deck through lubber's hole on each side, through the lower sheave of the sister blocks. Top-gallant lifts are rove from the tops on each side, through thimbles which are seized into the top-gallant shrouds below the eye seizings, and go with an eye splice over the yard-arms. The Royal lifts go from the tops in like manner, through thimbles in the royal rigging. In crossing upper yards, the work wiE be more quickly and neatly effected by having the lower lifts tailed and worked on deck. Moreover, the yards will be more readily squared, and the tops cleared. HEAVING UP LOWER YARDS. The fore bowlines are bent to the fore yard ; these, as well as the preventer main, and cross jack braces and lifts, are attended, so as to keep the yards off the masts, and steady. The after main braces are overhauled, and triced up, the capstan bars are shipped and swifted f , the pauls let down against the " walk back " turn, and care being taken to stop heaving in time, so as not to split the jeer blocks by heaving them together, the yards are hove up. A few hands on the lifts will keep the yard square whilst going up, and thus lighten the heave ; for * Fitting the After mizen top-mast back stays' with a runner and tackle, so as to set up the weather one well aft, also gives much support. f It is not necessary to say more, than that great disasters have occurred from neglecting the use of the swifter and paul, and it is well to remember that no small accident can happen with a capstan* 202 MANUAL FOE NAVAL CAEtETS. Fig. 93. the least tilt -woods the sheaves, and thereby increases friction very considerably. Connect the slips, lash the tongues points aft with good spun yam, mark the jeers for future service at the hitches of the bending, and at the stoppering places on the hauling parts, walk back ; and when the slings have got the weight, unreeve the jeer falls, and reeve the short ones, which are in fact pre- venter slings, and should never be dispensed with. The "Britannia,'' for one instance among many, carried away her chain main yard sUngs twice during her last commission, the yard being brought up each time by the preventers. The hauling ends of the lower lifts, which may be tapered, are fitted with a purchase which must be moveable, on account of strik- ing the yards ; and none seem to be more approved of than as in the sketch, fig. 93, the end itself composing the tackle. Get the length for yard tackle falls, and tricing gear, cut, trice up, and square yards. Trusses are either of chain or rope as preferred. The standing ends are rove through the thimbles in the strops on the yards, crossed abaft the masts above the futtock rigging, and made fast to the quarters of the yards ; the hauling ends are pulled up by tackles from the after ends of the tressle-trees. There is one of these pendants on each side of the fore and main yards ; but the cross jack yard has only one, both ends of which reeve through thimbles on the yard, and are set up with tackles as above mentioned. The eyes of these pendants, when of rope, are made Flemish pattern, so as to unreeve whilst striking lower yards. The most approved fitment is to have the thimbles on the yard connected to the truss strop by a shackle, and thus without nnreeving any gear, the whole fitment, whether of chain or rope, maybe disconnected. The pendants are kept up in a line with EQUIPMENT : EIGGING. 203 the yard, hj means of thumb cleats, on the after part of the mast, which with chain gear is iron shod. In fitting Jiiis gear for the first time, the yards must be moved sharp up, before cutting the rope or chain. The pendants are kept well greased; and are fitted with tricing whips for the purpose of overhauling them ; chain ones overhaul their own weight so completely on being let go, that the yard hangs at once, pivoting on the slings. TOP-SAII, HALTABDS. The Topsail halyards are runners and tackles, a fact worth remembering in the event of one being suddenly injured. The fore and main have one pair on each side, the mizen only one pair. One pair of the fore and main is fitted with double blocks above and single below, the others with singles only. The upper ones are the " Fly-Blocks." The doubles are rove on opposite sides, and are used with the watch : the singles are also on opposite sides, and are used with the hands. The runner part is called the tye. The main is single on the starboard side ; the fore and miaen are single on the port side, and these tyes are, for the purpose of shifting the yards and squaring the fly-blocks, cut long enough for the ends to reach the deck with a fathom to spare when the fly-blocks are rounded close up : these ends are tapered and plaited. The ends of the double block tyes are cut long enough merely to hitch round the top-mast head, when the fly-blocks are square above the lower caps, and the yards are on the caps. The single fly-blocks are triced up when doubling the tye with a whip on the back stay. The fly-blocks travel on a Jack stay which carries the halyards clear of the deck when the tye carries away, and also prevents the fly-blocks from striking the top when the halyards are let go. This latter tendency should impress the necessity for keep- ing men clear of the tifter part of the top when about to lower the topsails. CROSSING TOP-SAIL TAKDS. To send top-sail yards up. Lay the main on the starboard side of the deck with its port yard-arm forward : the fore and 204 MANUAL POE NATAL CADETS. mizen on the port sides with their'starboard yard-arms forward.* The foremost yard-arms will thus be the upper ones. Hook the sail tackles to the strops on the upper quarters of the yards ; round the long tie hsdyards close up, and hitch the ends of their tyes taut through the tye block next the lower yard-arm. Let the sail tackle and tyes be outside of the lower stays, and in the case of the main outside of the fore brace. It is well to fit a trapping on both parts of the fore brace with large hanks ; the line being led through a block on the main stay, gathers the brace in on such occasions. Take the boom irons off, and have chocks fitted for the lower yard-arm irons to step in. Lead the sail tackle falls on the main deck, and by working the long tye falls on their own sides, there will not be any one under the yards. Sway up and down, bearing the lower yard-arms amid- ships as the upper ones rise from the deck ; and the latter wiU not butt against the top. When up and down, bear the lower yard-arms forward, that the men in the tops may work close to the upper yard-arm : put on the brace blocks, lifts, Flemish horse, jewel blocks, and boom irons ; the lower lifts should be tailed with a piece of strong rope long enough to lead in board a couple of fathoms through a block in the chains ; sway away. When the bunts of the yards are just above the caps, if the upper yard-arms are clear of the cross-trees, ease up the sail tackle, pull up the lower lifts, gather down the braces, tautening the fore and main. Parrel the yards. Reeve the short tyes, make them fast, haul them taut, and belay. Then let go the long tyes, round up their fly-blocks, carry their ends to the mast head, square the fly-blocks, and secure the standing parts of the long tyes by passing the bights round the mast-heads, seizing them to their own parts. Then clench their ends round the standing parts, ready for shifting yards, taking care that when the bights are cast off, and the clenches run down to the tie blocks, there will be drift enough for pulling up the long tye halyards. The weight of topsail yards is always kept off the caps by keeping the lifts at a certain length. This should suggest the absolute necessity for hauling the topsail halyards taut, and • If there are daYit topping lifts the mizen-top yard will go up best with its upper arm aft. EQUIPMENT : RIGGING. 205 ■belaying them -when the yards are lowered ; especially before sending men on the yard to reef or furL In squaring yards, get them amidships first of all. When the pipe from the boat that may be ahead persists in " Top away," and the lift on the side denoted is very taut, answer the pipe " top away," but check the opposite lift. A contradictory order will be avoided, and a rope saved. The upper yards should be squared first, because we may then pipe down from aloft, and square the others from the deck. UPPER YARD HOPES. The top-gallant and royal yard ropes are bent to the top- gallant and royal yards, after being rove through the grummets and lizards, and the yards are left suspended by them so as to let them stretch and take the turns out. (See Bending Sails.) When not across, the royal yards are usually kept in fine weather in the top-mast rigging, and the top-gallant yards in the lower rigging. With the latter, the lower yard-arms enter into beekets on the shrouds, and the upper are stopped in the same shroud; thus, one shroud bears the whole weight of a top- gallant yard, which, with its sail when wet, is something con- siderable. To instance the dangerous nature of this mode. Sending top-gallant masts and yards down in a certain ship, the top-gallant yard was lowered, the lower yard-arm (ap^ parently from the lowering place) caught in the becket, and the upper ai-m stopped in ; the yard rope was let go, and a smart top- man employed in the fore part of the top, unreeving it It turned out that the lower arm had only rested on the outer edge of the hammock netting, and there it might have remained ; but a man running down the rigging shook it, so that the lower arm slipped off, and down. The upper arm being released, fell inwards, glancing the lower one off out of the chains : the yard shot overboard, whipping the yard-rope and topman out of the top and killing him on the spot. The fashion of " up and down the lower masts " is now pre- valent. The lower yard-arm steps in a shoe, and the upper is confined to the lower mast by a grummet with a line rove throngh an eye bolt in the mast batten : this grummet is slipped off by a line from aloft. 206 MANUAL FOE NAVAL CADfeTS. SPANKER-BOOM AND GAFF. The jawB of the hoom rest on a. saddle, which is secured to the mizen trysail mast, with cleats and clasp hoop. The gaff works on the same mast ; both gaff and boom have jaw ropes ; that of the former has trucks on it. The boom rests in a crutch on the taffrail when not in use, but when required it is lifted and supported by double topplngr lifts. These are differently fitted ; in some, the tackles are on the end of the lifts, the lower blocks hooking on to the boom, with the falls led through snatches on the side of the boom. In others the lifts lead through the snatches j one tackle is led along under the boom, and hooked on to the weather lift ; when that becomes the lee one, it is stopped and the tackle shifted. In others the end is brought down to the chains or side, and set up there with a tackle. The bights are rove through iron-stropt clump blocks hooked on to the boom. The lifts reeve at the tressle-trees, either through a clump block or cheeks. The Boom sheets are rove through double blocks on each side of the boom and quarter ; the standing part in ships being spliced into an eye bolt at the boom end, and the hauling part led through a sheave or leading block at the ship's side. The Throat halyards are rove through a double block or chock at the mast-head and single hook block below, round the strop of which the standing part is hitched. The Peak halyards are rove in ships through a double iron-stropt block at the mizen cap, and two such singles on the gaff about one third from the end ; the standing part js rove last through the foremost of these blocks, and made fast at the mast- head. In boom main-sails it is brought through a mast-head block and fitted with a " peek purchase." The Van^s orpeaK downhaul are two single whips on tie after end of the gaff, and brought to each quarter.* The Throat downhauls are similar whips on the jaws of the gaff, and are led amidships. The Outhauler is led through a sheave at the boom end • If these are put on at the outer peak halyard block strap, no harm will be- fall the gaff if the vangs are foul when swaying the peak up in the dark. EQUIPMENT : RIGGING. 207 through a clump, with either a lashing eye or a clip hook in it and made fast at the boom end, or rove through another sheave, and a tackle put on its end. The brails, inner and outer, are led through blocks at the under side of the jaws of the gaff, through cheeks or blocks on the gaff to the after leech of the sail. The Throat brails are led from blocks at the jaws, straight to the after leech ; and the foot brails are led from blocks, seized on to a span half way down the trysail mast, to the after leech. These brails are each in one piece of rope, and -when the sail is bent and hauled up, the position for the brail is ascertained, and its bight seized on the after leech. The Throat and peak brails should bring as much of the leech as the length of the head of the sail taut along the gaff when hauled up. Boom mainsails hare no brails. The sheet is a fixture, and the sail is -worked by the halyards, downhauls, reef pendants and tack tricing lines. The Trysail gaff is like the other, but much smaller. The Signal halyards are two small single whips at the outermost point of the gaff, brought to each quarter in harbour, and are hitched to the boom when it is in use. Peak halyard blocks are most readily shifted if hooked inwards. Jack stays on the after ends of spanker booms are most necessary, but not usual, although perfectly unobjectionable. RUNNING RIGGING.* The Jib halyards are single, rove from aft through a block at the fore- top-mast head. The sail, is bent to the stay with hanks. The downhaul is rove from the forecastle through a block at the jib-boom end, then through the hanks and hitched round the bend of the halyards. The sheets are double whips with pendants, which are made with an eye in the bight, that is connected -with the clue by a strop and toggle. The Flyin^r jib halyards are single, rove from aft through a block at the fore-top-gallant-mast head. The sail is bent to the stay with hanks j the downhaul is rove from the forecastle through a block at the flying boom end ; then through the hanks, and made fast round the bend of the halyards. * See Reere and Cut, p. 199. 208 MANUAL FOE NAVAL CADETS. The Pore-top-mast staysail halyards are single, rove from aft through a hlock at the fore-top-mast head ; the sail is hent to the stay -with hanks ; the downhaul is rove from the fore- castle through a block at the howsprit end, through the hanks, and made fast round the bend of the halyards. By reeving these halyards double, they become useful for shifting the fore-topsail, or the jib-boom. For convenience in stowage, lacings passed against the lay of the stays are substituted for hanks at the lower part of the luff of the head sails. A good lead may be found for jib and stay- sail halyards, by connecting the foremost leg of the fore-top- mast cross-tree with the tressle-trees by eye bolts, in lieu of those which are clenched on each side. The eye bolt, being driven from underneath, is clenched or forelocked on top, and the halyard blocks are stropt into the eyes. The jib and staysail sheets, are pendants and whips, the bight of the pendants being made fast to the clues with strops and toggles, and the whips rove inside the fore tacks. The nXaln-top-mast staysail runs with hanks on the lower top-mast stay, and is usually fitted with brails as well as downhaul. The Top-irallant and royal staysails have stays, which are triced up along with the sails. The Main staysail is fitted with beckets or grummets, and works on a stay which is rigged for the purpose of setting it. The Fore staysail runs with beckets or grummets on a stay of its own, which is unrove in settled fine weather. The halyards are a double whip, and the sheets luff with the hooks weU moused. Downhaul reeves through the beckets to the head. The Second jib runs also on a stay of its own which is made fast to the traveller, setting up at the mast-head or on deck. It is set occasionally when the jib cannot be carried, by hauling the traveller out half way on the boom, and hoisting' with jib halyards. The down haulblock is fast to the traveller, and the jib sheets to the clue. A tackle from a strop at the traveller to the dolphin striker, set up before the stay admits of carrying on without buckling the boom. The Courses are hauled down forwards by tacks which are EQUIPMENT : EIGGING. " 209 of tapered rope rove doutle through clomp blocks at the clues of the sails. They are hauled down aft on each side by sheets which are also tapered. These clumps are connected with the clue either by separate lashings, or by shackles rove through the clue and eyes of the blocks, one shackle uniting one clue with two blocks. "When so, the bolt should be a screw with a nut. This remark wiE apply to the topsail sheets when thus fitted, and the condition of these fastenings should be a subject for report at evening muster or morning overhaul. The standing parts of the fore-tacks are fast with a running eye or slip to the bumpkin — of the main with slips to a skid beam. The standing parts of the sheets are hooked ^nd moused. The sail is hauled up at the clues by the olue garnets. They are rove from the deck on each side, through the blocks on th^ inner quarter of the yard, through blocks lashed at the clues, and then made fast round the quarter of the yards, outside the yard blocks with timber hitches. The practice of fastening the clue garnet block to the tack shackle may be. convenient in shifting courses, but is too dangerous to be recommended. At the foot by buntllnes, which are differently fitted. When there is drift enough, they are rove with single legs and double whips ; one leg and one whip on each side of each course. The ends of the legs are rove through thimbles spliced into the inner holes at the foot of the sails, and made fast at the outer holes, Others are whips with two legs made as a span. At the sides by leeclillnes. These ropes are led from the deck through blocks hung under the after and fore part of the tops on each side, through those on the outer part of the yard, led down before the sails and bent to cringles in the leech. The slab lines are led from the bunt of the yards through blocks on the outer part of the yards, led down abaft the sails, and bent to the leech line cringles. The leech and slab line blocks are so placed on the yards, that when the course is hauled up, the leech of the sail is hauled taut along the yard from the yard-arm. When leech or bunt lines are double, they are usually a span, having a block on the bight ; the block of the whip is connected with the span block by a strop seized in between both ; but as such fitments are liable to take turns, it is best to put a swivel between these blocks. P 210 llANUAL FOE NAVAL CADETS. Main Bnntlines are genCTSilly led aft, over the davit topping lifts. Thus, in hauling np the main-sail, the men are not only more under inspection, but turning round from the clue garnets to the buntlines, they keep up such a continuous run that the sail may be carried to the last moment when necessary. The Fore Bowlines are rove from the forecastle, through blocks at the fore stay on each side, and are toggled to bridles in the leech of the fore-sail. The main bowline is a light run- ner and tackle reaching from the fore-mast ; it is connected with the bridle on the luff of the main-sail when it is set, by a slip toggle. The Beef Pendants are rove through clump blocks at the lower yard-arms, through similar ones on the leech of the sail at the reef band, and made fast to the boom iron. Fit these blocks on the sail with clip hooks, tail the hauling ends of the pendants, carry these ends through leading blocks at the caps and bring them on deck ; then taper them from thence with a lighter piece of rope and cut them long enough to admit of lowering the sail from the yard-arm by this rope from the deck : thus, in reefing and bending, the cumbersome burton will be dispensed with. The Topsails are hauled down at the clues to the lower yard- arms by sbeets. These ropes are rove from the deck through the quarter blocks on the lower yards, then through the cheeks at the yard-arms, then through the sheet blocks on the clues, and then are clenched at the yafd-arms, both parts leading before the lower lifts. They are hauled np at the clues by the Cluellnes. These ropes are led from the deck through lubbers' hole ; through the quarter blocks on the topsail yards ; through the clueline blocks at the clues of the saUs ; and then hitched round the quarters of the topsail yards. At the foot by Buntlines. These ropes are led from the deck through lubbers' hole, through blocks or cheeks at the top- mast heads, passed through the thimbles of the span bef6re all, and are toggled to the foot of the sails. The object of the span is to girt the foot of the sail amidships when hauled up. At the side by reef tackles. These ropes are led from the deck through lubbers' hole, through the upper sheaves of the EQtriPHENT : EIGGlJSrG. 211 Fig. 94. sister blocks, then through the sheave holes in the yard-arm, then through the reef tackle blocks, -which are made fast to the leeches of the sails below the reef bands, and then are clenched, to the neck of the boom irons. Reef tackle blocks occasion trouble at times by the earrings and reef points getting into them. Seize two round thimbles into the bights of grummet strop. Score the top of the block out in a line with the sheave ; lay the middle of the grummet in this score, and strop the block as usual. Reeve the tackles through the thimbles, and they will never be fouled. Topsail Cluelines are sometimes fitted with whips and pendants. The advantage here is, that they are never fouled by reef points s but in having the puU so far from the work there is a loss of purchase. Both of these arrangements act indifferently as downhauls when braced up ; for the lee ones cannot be used at all on account of the nip round the lee rigging and the weather ones bear all the strain. Moreover if the parrel goes, or the yard be broken, the clues must remain sheeted home. They are also fitted by taking the quarter block, and stand- ing parts to the lower caps ; having downhaul tackles on the yards. The advantage here is, that after having clewed up, the clue-line is done with ; for nothing of it is lost in lowering the yard. Also, the power is nearer its work. The hoist is lighter j for the downhaul is more readily overhauled in hoist- ing than are cluelines in any other form. The clues ai'e safer in shifting the yard ; or, when the yard is sprung, the yard it- self is more quickly shifted, there being no clue quarter blocks to cast loose. It takes less rope and the downhaul is a more efScient downhaul than are the cluelines. They are, however, being unusual, apt to be neglected whilst about to hoist. Top Sail and top gallant cluelines are rove in the foremost, top-gaUant and Royal sheets in the after sheaves of the quarter blocks : so that as the sails blow forward whilst being clued up, the clueline may not ride the sheet, as would be the case were the sheets rove in the foremost sheaves, r 2 212 MANUAL FOE NAVAL CADETS. The Top-grallant Sails are spread at the foot by sheets. These ropes are - led from the deck through lubbers' hole, through the quarter blocks on the" topsail yards, through the cheeks at the yard-arms, and made fast with a strap and toggle to the clue of the sail. They are hauled up by Cluellnes. These ropes are led ftom the deck through lubbers' hole ; through the quarter blocks on the top-gaUant yards, and made fast to the clue of the sails. By reeving them through short spans in the foot of the sail near the clue, furlers are much assisted. Top-gallant Bnntllnes are not always fitted ; but in large ships these, as well as inner reef tackles on the top sail yards, are indispensably necessary. As there are no reef lines, or points in the top-gallant sail which may be grasped, buntlines forward work, and dispense with those great efforts aloft which are always attended with unnecessary risk of life. The Royals are spread at the foot by sheets. These ropes are led from the deck through lubbers' hole, through the quarter blocks on the top-galUmt yards, through sheave holes or snatches on the top-gallant yard-arms, and are made fast to the clues of the sails. They are hauled up by cluelines ; these ropes are led from the deck as most convenient, through the quarter blocks on the royal yards, and then bent to the clues of the sails. The Fore-top bowlines are led from the forecastle through blocks on the bowsprit end to the leeches of the fore-topsall. The fore-top-gallant bowlines are led from the forecastle through blocks on the jib-boom end to the leeches of the top- gaUant sail. The Kalntop bowlines are led from the deck through blocks at the fore-top to the leeches of the main-topsail. The niain top-gallant bowlines are led from the deck through blocks at the fore-top-mast head to the leeches of the main-top-gallant sail. STUDDING SAIL GEAR. Studding: sail booms are usually sent up by being slung with a span, and when the balance is correct, it answers ; but the safest, easiest, and neatest w^ay is to send the ends of the topsail buntUnes down before aU. Bend them to the heel lash- EQUIPMENT : EIGGlNGf. 2l3 ing of the top-gpallant stud booms. Mark these booms in the middle with a notch or copper nail. Splice a small piece of rope into the jack-stay on the topsail yard half the length of the boom from the yard-arm iron. Trice up and pass the end of the rope round the boom; haul it out and lower until the mark is at the place where the rope is fast. Take a turn with the rope over the yard, lower the buntline, and the boom will pivot horizontal, and may be entered in the iron without trouble. Send the clue ropes down, maJcingthe upper blocks fast under the tops at the boom-jigger holes. Cross them and bend on to the inner ends of the top-mast stud booms. Bend the top- mast stud halyards on the outer ends about eight or ten feet from those ends. Trice up and the booms will lie along the lower yards ; and if the points are outside of the outer irons, a pull on the clue ropes will bring them in; whilst a pull on the halyards will land them on the inner irons, upon which they may be rigged out. These evolutions may be performed to- gether. When the booms are in place, clamp the irons and secure all the heels. The Top Stud Booms are raised at the heels when necessary, by unclamping the inner irons, and pulling up Jiggers which are fitted for this purpose. The Top-gallant Stud Booms are raised by Tricing lines. The Studding-sail booms can only be kept in their exact places weU, and all equally rigged out, by splicing small pieces of rope — distance lines — into their heels, and hitching the ends to the jackstay bolt some six feet taut out. Moreover, as in quick reefing the top-gallant stud booms are not always toggled, these distance lines will, in the case of an omission, prevent an accident. Kower studding sail booms pivot on goose necks at the fore chains. The outer arms are supported by topping lifts, which ai-e led from the deck on each side through leading blocks under the fore-top abaft the fore-yard. The fore guys are led from the forecastle through blocks at the bowsprit end under the jib-guys, and are spliced into eyes on the boom strap. The after guys are led from the after part of the gangways, and are also spliced into the boom straps. P 3 214 MANUAL FOE NAVAL CADETS. Fore guys have also teen fitted double, with a block on the boom, both parts being led from the bowsprit through leading blocks on the whisker ends ; the object being to dispense with the use of the lizard. The great spread thus obtained is con- Tenient ; but a lower sfadding-sail taken aback would endanger the jib-boom. When the booms are fore and aft, their after ends are supported by crutches on the sides ; and the position of these crutches, as well as that of the rigging on the boom, is important as far as concerns the readiness of the sheet anchor. The iron hoop on the boom is easily moved further in or ont. There are also fitments In the main chains, in case it be thought desirable to set the lower studding sail on the main- mast. The stndding-sail gear of the fore yard is gathered up to its quarters on each side by whips, called gear tricing-lines. The bights are stopt snng along the yard, and the ends taut up and down the fore rigging. It not only prevents delay, but saves the waist hammocks from being trodden down, if the ends of tacks and broom braces are tailed with small stuff, and stopt along the ridge ropes as far aft as the main rigging. Xiower studding-sail balyards are generally crossed in their lead abaft the fore-mast, so as to afford more working space when setting stndding-sails on one side. The Fore lower stad-saUs are spread at the heads outside when the booms are out, by the onter balyards, which are led from the deck through lubbers' hole, through the upper sheaves of the fiddle blocks at the fore top-mast-head, then rove before the boom through blocks at the top-mast stud boom end ; and then bent to the middle of the yards, to which the outer half of the heads of the sails are laced ; inside by light double whips called the Inner balyards, which are led from the fore top rims to the inner comers of the head ; at the foot out- side, by the tacks, which are led from the after part of the gangways through blocks on the lower boom ends, and bent to the lower outer clue. The inner comers are spread by the sheets. They are taken in by the tripping: lines, which are ropes led from the deck on each side, abaft the fore-yard, through blocks at the top rims ; then through leading blocks at the inner EQUIPMENT : RIGGING. 215 arms of the studding-sail yards, and bent to the tacks of the $ails. The Fore top-mast stud-sails are spread at the head by balyards, which are rove from the deck through lubbers' hole through the span blocks at the top-mast cap before the yard, through the jewel block at the yard-arms, and bent to a yard to which the head of the sail is laced. At the foot they are spread outside by tacks ; which are led from the main rigging through tack blocks on the boom ends, and bent to the outer clue. The inner comers are spread by the sbeets ; one being led from the deck, and the other from the top, passing under the heel of the boom. They are taken in by downbauls, which are led from the deck before or abaft the boom, according to circumstances, through blocks on the tacks of the sails, through cringles on the leech, and bent to the outer arms of the studding-saij yards, The Fore top-mast stud booms are supported by topping lifts, which lead from the fore-top through the lower sheaves of the fiddle blocks to the boom ends, and also by braces which lead from the main rigging. The Main top-mast stud-sail is set in like manner, the tack being led aft to the quarter. The Top-gallant studding sails are spread at the head by the halyards, which are led from the deck through lubbers' hole through the span blocks on the top-gallant mast-head, passed before the yard through the jewel blocks on the top-gallant yard- arms, and bent to a yard to which the heads of the sails are laced. At the foot outside they are spread by the tacks, which are led from the after part of the tops, under the topsail braces, through blocks at the top-gallant stud boom ends, and bent to the outer lower clue ; and at the inner by the sheets which are led over the topsail yard to the top. They are taken in by a line from the top, which is bent to the inner arms of their yards. The Top-mast stud booms are rigged in and out by a jigger led along the lower yard. When the booms are out, they are secured by a heel lashing to the quarter iron. Main top stud booms have no topping lift F i 216 MANUAL FOE NAVAL CADETS. Tack and lover balyard blocks on top-mast stud bqoms are generally single stropped, and are thns very unyielding ; the tack one especially so wMlst hauling the sail down, thereby fendangering the boom. They have been found to answer ■well ■when fitted ■with t-wo strops, having thimble on thimble. Studding sail halyards are rove before all, because, as Ihe sail blows forward, the rope is not nipt by the yard as it would be were it rove abaft. BLACKING DO-WN. When the rigging is in its place, advantage is taken of a warm day to rub it down with a mixture of two parts of vege- table to one of mineral tar. The thinner, or rather the hotter it is, the better. If not prevented, petty officers will always send their fags Sibout this work ; and as such men are not aware of the con- sequences of hot weather, they use an unnecessary quantity, to the ultimate injury of decks, atniings, and white clothing. Tar is obtained by smouldering the heart- wood of the pine in stacks, nearly as in making charcoal, and collecting the sap in trenches. It is refined by heating it in an iron vessel to drain off the water and pyroligneous acid ; and after a while pouring off the purer part, leaving the earthy residue. Pitclx is made by boiling do^wn tar, either by itself or -with resin. Turpentine is the first running from resinous trees, such as pine J resin is the residue after obtaining spirits of turpentine by distillation from the raw produce. KNOTS AND SPLICES. 217 CHAP. XII. KNOTS AND SPLICES. WORMING. (Fig. 95.) SEBTING. (Fig. 96.) A SHOBT SPLICE. (JFig. 97.) 218 MANUAL FOB NAVAL CADETS. Unlay, and place the ends of -the strands as in the sketch ; hold the strands A D c {fig. 97) and the end of the rope b fast in the left hand, or, if the rope be large, stop them doim to it with a rope yam: then take the middle end 1, pass it over the strand A and under c. Perform the same operation -with the other ends, by passing them over the first next to them, and through under the second, on both sides, when the splice will appear thus : — Fig. 98. repeat the operation, passing the ends over the thil'd and under foiurth ; whip them and trim theni off. Fig. 99. AN EYE SPLICE. Open the strands, put the end h through the strand next to it ; pass i over the same strand and throqgh the second ; and the end k through, the third on the other side. (Fig. 99.) A LONG SPLICE. (Fig. 100.) Unlay the ends for some distance and place them as for a short splice. Unlay one strand (as 4) for a considerable length, and replace it with its opposite one, 3. Then unlay 2, and replace it with 1, The middle strands, 5 and 6 are split; an overhand knot is made in the two opposite halves, and the ends led over the next strand and through the second, as the whole strands were in the short splice ; the other two halves are cut off. The strands 3 and 4, and 2 and 1 are similarly disposed of. KNOTS AND SPLICES. 219 Fig. 100. A FLEMISH EYE. {Fig. 101.) Unlay one strand of a rope, and form an eye by placing the two remaining strands along the standing part of the rope. Lay up strand 1 roTmd the eyg. Taper, marl, and serve all the ends down. Fig. 101. 220 MANUAL FOE NATAL CADETS. A CUT 8PMCE. Cut a rope in two, and form an eye by splicing the ends, in the same manner as in the eye splice, into each other's standing part. Fig. 102. A WALL KNOT. Unlay the end of a rope, and -with the strand 1 (Jig. 103) form a bight, holding it down Fig. 103. on the side of the rope as at 2. Pass the end of the next, 3, round the strand 1, the end of strand 4 round the strand 3, and through the bight which was made at first by strand 1, haul them rather taut, and the knot will appear as in^. 104. TO CBOWN THIS KNOT. Lay one of the ends, a, over the top of the knot {fig. 105) s lay 6 over it, and c over b, and through the bight of a : haul them taut, and the knot with the crown will appear likej?^. 106 ; which is drawn open in order to render it more clear. This is called a Single Watt and Single Crown, KNOTS AND SPLICES. Fig. 104, 221 Fig. 105. Fig. 106. TO DOUBLE WALL THIS KNOT. Bring, the end b underneath the part of the first -walling next to it, and push it up through the same bight d: do the same 222 MANUAL FOE NAVAL CADETS. with the other strands, pushing them up through two bights, and the knot will appear like fig. 107, having a Double Wall and Single Crown. Fig. 107. Fig. 108. TO DOUBI-E CEOWN THE SAME KNOT. Lay the strands by the sides of those in the single crown, pushing them through the same bights in the single crown, and down through the double walling. It will then be like fig. 108 ; viz., single walled, single crowned, double walled, and double crowned. KNOTS AND SPLICES. A STOPPER KNOT Fig. 109. Is made by single and double walling, without cro-wning,atliree stranded rope against the lay, and stopping the ends together as in Jig. 109. 223 A SHROrD KNOT. Place the strands as for splicing (Jig. 110), then single wall Fig. 110. the ends of one rope round the standing part of the other, fig. HI. Taper, marl, and serve the ends down. Fig. 111. A FRENCH SHROUD KNOT. Place the ends as in fig. 110, draw them close. Lay the ends 1 , 2, 3 back on their own part, b. Single wall the ends, 4, 5, 6 224 MAHUAI, FOB NAVAL CADETS. Tonnd the Wglits of the other three, and the standing part B, and it will appear as in^. 112. Fi^. 112. A BUOY BOPE KNOT. Unlay the strands of a cahle laid rope, and also one of the small strands out of each large one ; laying the large ones up as before, and leaying the small ones out as in fig. 113 ; then Fig. 113. single and double wall the small strands round the rope, worm the ends, and stop them down. Fig. 114. Fig. 114. KNOTS A.ND SPLICES. 225 Fig. 115. Fig. 116, Fig. 117. Fig. 118. Ftg. 119. Fig. 120. lia. Half Hitch. .116. Two Half Hitches. 117. Half Hitch. ,','?• P™?!"?"?,' ""■ Figure-of eight Knot, 119. Bowhne Knot: 120. Running Bowline. 226 MANUAL FOB NATAL CADETS. Figi 121. Fig. 122. 121. Reef Knot ]23> Bowline on a bight* 123. Timber Hitcli. 124. Clove Hitch. 125. Blackwall Hitch. 126. Inside Clench.* * An outside clench is formed by seizing the end outside ; the outer is more readily cast adrift. As the end jams the inner is more secure, and is used for Breechings. KNOTS AND SPLICES. 227 MATTHEW walker's KKOT. Open the strands and take the end 1 fig. 127 round the rope and through its own tight ; the end 2 underneath, through the bight of the first,- and through its own bight, and the end 3 underneath, through the bights of the strands 1 and 2, and through its own bight. Haul them taut, and they form the knot fig. 128. Fig. 127. Fig. 128. . SINGLE DIAMOND KNOT. TJnlay the end of a hawser laid rope for a considerable length, and with the strands as io^fig. 129 form three bights down its side. Put the end of strand 1 over strand 2 and through the bight of strand 3. Then put 2 over 3 and through the bight formed by 1 and the end of 3 over 1, and through the bight of 2. Haul these taut, lay the rope up again, and the knot will appear like ^^. 130. Q 2 228 MANUAL I'OE NATAL CADETS. Fig. 129. Fig. 130. Fig. 131. A DOUBLE DIAMOND KNOT. With the strands opened out again, follow the lead of the single knot through two single bights, the ends coming out at the top of the knot, and lead the last strand through two douhle hights. Lay the rope up again as before, when it appears as in fig. 131. A SPRIT SAII. SHEET EHOT. Unlay two ends of a rope as in fig, 132. Make a bight with the strand I ; wall the six ends together against the lay of the rope in the same manner as the single walling was made with three, putting the second over the first, KNOTS AND SPUCES. 229 Q 3 230 MANUAL FOR NAVAL CADETS. the third over the Eecond, the foiirth over the third, the fifth over the fourth, the sixth over the fifth and through the bight vhich -was made hy the first ; haul them rather taut, and the single walling mil appear like fig. 133 ; then haul taut. To crown this, take 5 and 2 across the top of the -walling, passing the other strands alternately over and undeir those two, when it will appear as injSy. 134. A titrk's head Is worked rotmd a rope with a piece of long line. Make a clove hitch as in fi^. 135, bring the bight d under the bight g, and take the endup through it ; it will then appear like^. 136. Make another cross with the bights, and take the end down, after which foUow the lead, and it will form a knot as in fig. 137. Fig. 135. Fig. 136. Fig. 137. KNOTS AND SPLICES, 231 A SELVAGEIS Is made by laying rope yams in a bight, and marling them down -with spun yarn. TO LENGTHEN A. ROPE B¥ AN ADDITIONAL STRAND. Cut the strand (^^r. 139) and unlay it as far as b, and there cut the strand b. Unlay those two strands the same length {fig. 140), and cut the strand c at d. Draw the two parts of the rope asunder to the proper distance, laying the end part of the longest strand, d, on one side over the shortest on the other, e. Introduce the additional strand, e, lay it on at d to e, and then follow up the lay with the two longest strands to a. The ends are knotted and pushed through, as in the long splice. Fig. 139. q4 232 MANUAL rOB NAVAL CADETS. Fig. 141, Fig. 142. Fig. US. Fig. 146. 141. Magnns Ritch. 142. Fisherman's Bend. 143. Rolling Hitch. 144. CatV paw. 14ii. Carrictt Bend. 146, Sheet Bend. KNOTS AND SPtlCES. Fig. 147. 233 Fig- 1*8. Fig. 149- pig. 151. 147. Sheepshanks 148. Hawser Bend. 149. Harness Hitch. 150. ■prolong. Hitrh, 161. Midshipman's HitcBi 234 MANUAL FOB NAVAL CADETS. A ORUMMET Is made by unlaying a strand of rope, /ji. 152, placing one part over the other, and with the long end/ following the lay till it forms the ring,^. 153. Splice the ends in. Fig. 154. A ROUND SEIZING. Splice an eye in the end of a seizing, and place it as in Jig. 154. Pass 6, 8, or 10 turns, according to the size of the rope, heaving them taut ; then bring the end up as iajig. 155, and pass the riding turns hand taut. These are always one less than the first Push the end up through the seizing, and heave on two cross turns, secur- ing the end as in^. 156. KNOTS AND SPLICES. 235 Fig. 155, Fig. 156. A THROAT SEIZING. Is passed with riding tamE, but not crossed or parcelled. A bight is formed hy placing the end A over the standing part B in ^3. 157. The seizing is then hove on. The end a is brought np and seized to the standing part, as in fig. .158. Fig. 157, Fig. 158. 236 MANUAL FOK NAVAL CADETS. CHAP. XIII. ANCHOKS AND CABLES. The Admiralty anchors are formed piecemeal : the shant arms and palms are ■wrought out of iron bars, hammered together into solid masses called " Blooms," and then scarphed together. Stocks are in length equal to the whole length of the shank. When of iron, they are 20 per cent, the weight of the anchors, and reeve through a hole in the shank, a curve at one end, and a shoulder and pin in the centre, preventing them from being easily disengaged, but also admitting of their being laid along the shank for convenience in stowage.* Wooden stocks are of oak in two pieces, left sufficiently apart in the middle to give greater binding power to the hoops, and to admit of their being driven up when the wood shrinks. In breadth and depth, they are at the middle ^th, and at the ends ith, of their length. Porter's anchors are made with the intention of being more portable : the shank is connected with the arms at the crown by a bolt. The palm is small, and made with a horn on the back, which is meant to assist in opening the lower arm when it takes the ground. They are troublesome to fish, and difficult to sweep ; but they are readily taken to pieces, do not require very large boats to carry them out, and are put together with- out delay. When on the ground, the upper arm is shut close down on the shank ; and if the anchor has been properly let go, a ship may ride with a long scope of cable all round the com- pass for a whole season of variable winds without fouling. It does not " bite " readily on soft ground, and therefore, is not a favourite for harbour work where it is necessary to bring up short. It should be let go with little more cable than wiU reach the bottom, and then " snubbed " hard to make it open. * On next page will be found sketches of different anchors (^.-159). Thus, a, b. The Admiralty wooden-stocked anchor, c. The arras of Porter's anchor, d. The crown end shank of Porter's anchor, f. The palm of ditto. /. The arms of Rodgers' anchor, g. The iron stock of ditto. A, i. The Admiralty iron-stocked anchor. ANCHORS AND CABLES, Fig. 159. 237 238 MANUAL FOE NATAL CADETS. Rodgers' anchors are made ■with a small pahn, and frequently with an iron stock, 'vrhich ships on, over the head of the shank, and under the shackle. It bites readily. It cannot, however, be unstocked without unshackling the cable, and is not so easily swept as the broad-palmed ones are. Fancy has been at work among the "mud hooks," and pro- duced other kinds of anchors not worth our consideration. Those Supplied to the navy are of the most approved form, and have undergone the requisite ordeal as to strength ; but the truth is, that no one kind of anchor can have its superior merit endorsed by a committee however sagacious, and a bad sailor will be like the bad reaper ; for the best anchor will fail if it be let go without care, or remain on the bottom without attention. The hoops of wooden-stocked anchors should be hardened up after very hot weather. Two sheet anchors were let go by -a. line of battle ship during a winter gale at Vonrla, and th? stocks were knocked off by striking the side in letting go. The hoops were slack, and proper care had not been taken to ar- range the tripping strop. JURY ANCHORS. A jury anchor has been formed with broken shanks and flukes thus : — " The two shanks were carried close out to the palms of the anchor, on opposite sides, and then lashed with top-sail sheet chains. The two stocks were secured together with chains of the same description. An iron bar was lashed across the Fia 160 shanks, securing in the centre the remaining piece of the shank. A length of stream chain was then passed round the rings, down along the shanks, with a round turn round each palm and shank, then back and secured. By this means, when strain comes on the arms, it is thrown on the chain by the shanks being in- clined to draw through the small lashings ; while in so doing, the stream chain acts as a vice, and the more the shank draws, the firmer is the arm grasped by the round turn Milnes- Jury Anchor- °^ ^^ ^^^ '^^^^' ^^^^ <^« ANCHORS AND CABLES. 239 Stream cable prevents the shanks from drBTving out altogether. This anchor was found quite efficient." • A whaler that had parted, brought up, and rode out a heavy gale in Table Bay, by slinging and letting go a boiler with a cable made fast to the spans. Guns are a resource, when without anchors. Haul the cable from the hawse hole along the side, by a warp from aft, keeping it up with slip ropes from the ports, and lash it to a certain number of guns round their chase ; pass the ends of the breech- ings round the cable, and secure them on top of the gun : heave all over board together. In weighing them, ho'ist them with the cat, as they reach the hawse hole, and take them in through the bow-port. There are also very powerful screws made use of for mooring purposes which, having a broad flange nearly four feet in dia- meter, present a resistance, when entered into the ground, equal to that of ten square feet. This is not only much greater than that of an anchor, but is less liable to be fouled by other ground tackle. The chain is connected with Fig. 161. a revolving collar. The screw- ing down is eflfected by a key, which is placed piece by piece as the screw is lowered; the collar admitting of the turning, without fouling the cable. When the screw has been sunk to the desired depth, the key is removed. The foundation for the light- house on the Maplin Sands was Mitchel's Screw Anchor, formed on pilings shod with these screws. CHAIN CABLES. All the Chain gear pertaining to ships, excepting the rudder * Captain Milnes' Report on a jury anchor rigged on board H. M. S. * Snake." 240 MANUAL FOE NAVAL CADETS. chains, is made of wrought iron. The size is denoted by the diameter of the hars of which the links are composed. Admiralty Specification of Chain Cable. " The iron chain cables are to he made in 12| fathom lengths, with one swivel in the middle of every other length, and one joining shackle to each length, and of the weight specified. " The several sizes of chain cables being distinguished by the diameter of the iron of their common links, this diameter forms the unit of the scale of dimensions in the accompanying draw-^ ings, by which the dimensions of the various parts of the cables of all sizes, and of the articles to be connected therewith, are to be proportioned. Thus, the length of a common link is to be 6 diameters, and its breadth 3-6 diameters of its iron : and the length of an end link is to be 6-5 diameters, its breadth 4 dia- meters, and the substance of its iron 1-2 diameters of the iron of a common link ; and so on for all the parts of cables of all sizes, and articles to be connected therewith, which are to be' made as near as practicable to the dimensions shown by the drawings. " The diameter or transverse section of the iron of the links, and of the various parts of the swivels, shackles, and other articles to be connected with the cables, is not to be less, taking the mean of the greatest and least dimension at any one section, than that specified herein, or shown by the drawings. Also the length of the various links, swivels, shackles, and other articles is not to be more than ^ of the diameter of the iron of the common links over, nor their width more than i such dia-: meter over or under that specified or indicated as above-men- tioned. " The stay pins are to be of cast iron, not exceeding the weights specified, and are not to be wider at their ends than the diameter of the iron of the links in which they are inserted, nor at their middle part than ^ of such diameter, meaning longitudinally, of the links. " Both the end links of every length of a cable, as well as those of Sir Thomas Hardy's mooring swivels, splicing tails, and splicing shackles, are to be made parallel-sided witibout stay- pins, and with the substance of their iron A of a diameter ANCHORS AND CABLES. 241 larger than the diameter of the iron of the common links of the cable to which they belong, as shown by the drawings, and so as to admit the joining shackles to be inserted or taken out of them in connecting or disconnecting any two lengths of the same, or of different cables, of the same size, by either end; also to receive the bolt of the lai-ge shackle for connecting any length of cable of the same size by either end with the anchor. " The enlarged links connected with the end links, and with each end of the swivels, are to be made ^ part larger in the diameter of their iron than the common links of the cable they belong to, and with a stay-pin in proportion. " The splicing talis of the different sizes, for connecting iron and hempen cables together, are each to consist of one end link, without a stay-pin, followed by one enlarged link, fourteen common links, and then another enlarged link, all with stay- pins, and all the before-mentioned links are to be of the same size as those of the iron cable, to which the splicing tail is to be attached ; also of a triangular link, no wider nor longer than necessary, of iron 1"3 diameter of that of the common links, connected at its narrow end with the last-mentioned enlarged link, and at its broad end with three short-linked chains (without stayjpins) called taHs, the first link of each of which, connected with the triangular link, is to be of iron ^ diameter of that of the common links, and the remaining links of each tail, about sixty-five in number, are to diminish gradually in size to iron of J of the diameter of that of the common links before men- tioned. " The steel tinned pins for retaining the joining shackle bolts, and the forelocks for the large shackle-bolts, are not to follow the exact proportion agreeably to the diameter of the iron of the common link, laid down for other parts of cables. " The length of the steel pins to be such, that the points do not come through the shackles by the diameters of their points. All the steel pins are to be filled with dovetail chambers, to receive the leaden pellets at their heads. "In order to prevent the forelock in the bolt of the large shackle being accidentally displaced, a steel pin in the lead pel- let is to be introduced through the bolt and the forelock. The split in the forelock is to be retained. " The iron square linked mooriijg phains are to be made in B 242 MANUAX FOK NAVAL CADETS. lO-fathom lengths, and the length of each link is to he 3 feet, so that each chain will consist of 20 links." " Drawings hareinbefore referred to. " Showing the proportions of iron chain cables, mooring chains, and other articles connected therewith, to he supplied for Her Majesty's Navy. Fig. 162. Anclior Shackles. X y. Fin and lead pellet through the bolt and forelock. Fig. 163. Cable Swivels. ANCHOKS AND CABLES. Fig. 164. 243 Splicing Stiackle, on Admiral the Hud. George Elliot's Flan. REFERENCES, Two Views of the various parts of a Cable are here shown. Av Large shackle for connecting any length of cable of 12^ fathoms with the anchor. B. End links, without stay pins. C. Enlarged links, with stay pins. D. Common links. E. Swivel in the middle of every other length. F. Joining shackle for connecting either end of any length with any other length of the same size. The written dimensions on the links, &c., signify so many diameters of the iron of the common links of the cable, thus forming the scale for all sizes. In the mooring chains and gear, the unit is the thickness of the iron of the link. B 2 244 MANUAL FOR NATAL CADETS. Fig. 166. Mooring Swivel, on Sir Thomas Hardy's Plan. ^r^ YJ ANCHOKS AND CABLES. 245 Ships are supplied with 36 ' lengths,' or 450 fathom of large chain cable, -vrhioh is divided into three or four cahles, and two gangers as most requisite. They are also supplied with a stream cable, chain messenger and top chains. nsessenger cbaln is made in open oblong links, which are alternately long and short. It is connected by n peculiar splicing piece. Crane cbain is made in open oval links. Having no stay, its strength as compared to stayed chain is as 7 to 9 : but being more flexible, it is used for rigging and maohineiy purposes. The Clear Hawse SbacUe is made long enough to clasp a cable link, and admit of a hawser being rove through its bight. It is.nearly obsolete, and a Slip stopper, such as is used for stoppering the cable, Jig. 167, and tricing it up in the chain lockers, ig made use of for clearing hawse purposes instead. Fig. 167. The advantage of the stopper in clearing hawse is, that it is easier applied and taken off ; besides, a length of chain may be shackled on to it, and a wet hawser avoided. Top cbains are geni^^y crane, and Mast-bead slings of cable pattern. A first rate's slip stopper fqr the cable is about 8 cwt. ; a sloop's about 1 Cwt. A first-rate's mast-head and yard sling about 32 cwt. ; a sloop's about 6 cwt. " The proof strain of chain cables is about 630 lbs. in each circular inch of the iron bolts of which it is njade. Thus, a cable made of one inch iron, contains on one side of the linl; 8x 8 = 64 circular eighths; which, being multiplied by 630 Ibsj, gives 40,320 Ibs.^ or eighteen tons." * ^ * Radimeatary Art of constructing cranes, &c H 3 246 MANUAL FOE NAVAL CADETS. N CO ■a e a a I- ■s 1 i 'S S 5 » » 1 1 2 »- «- y a* ? i CQ •-< i-« 1 — rt « eo ^ -^ 1 1 u 1 } i S «= " 2? 1 i 2 « =0 s' a* -. ^ , - - - = 1 c » it II "1 1 ? S t- •» »< 1 S ■* o> 2 2f S* — i 6 ^ « c^ eo -^ ,W i i 'v 5 s » * H 2 1 1 1 « I;- 00 -"J" (N en 00 (M » >«|B] -4CB 1 = i i X i :^ i . ' - - - i (N ^ C4 -v ^ M t 1 B 2 '- S S 1 1 -f " S 2 «> i 1 1 SIT c 5 2" dr ■9 f ■" " 2? '1 " - - - 1 '. Joining shackles for cables under one inch - - - -361,, Swivels for cables of one inch and up- wards - - -337,, Swivels for cables under one inch - 6 5 „ To find the weight of open linked chains. The square of the diameter of the link, measured in eighths of inches, will give the weight per fathom in pounds. Stayed chain will be about one-twelfth more. To find the weight that may be lifted by chain. Divide the square of the diameter of the links, taken in eighths of an inch, by eight ; the quotient will give the number of tons. The working load of chains should not exceed one-third of the proof strain. R 4 248 MANUAt FOB NATAl CADETS. Chain Cables and Anchors. Proof Strain. Size Cbain. Value per cwt. Weight per 100 fathoms. Weight of corresponding anchors. Proof of Anchors. tons. inches. e I. i. cwt. cwt. tons. 91| 2| 15 4 243 100 to 88 67 to 62 811 2| „ 316 87 to 75 61 to 56 72 2 19 192 74 to 63 56 to 50 631 1| ti 168 62 to 52 49 to 43 551 13 ■■■■4 f) 147 51 to 42 43 to'37 471 15 ^8 )J 126 41 to 35 37 to 32 401 ^2 91 108 34 to 28 31 to 27 34 If »> 90 27 to 22 27 to 22 28| -il 16 75 21 to 16 21 to 17 22| ^8 SJ 60 15 to 12 16 to 13 18 16 4 48 11 to 9 12 to 11 13| ^ 16 9 36 8 to 6 10 to 8 10 3 4: 17 10 27 51 to 5 7 to 6 8| tt 18 7 22 4to 3 6 to 5 7 f 1 1 18 2±t0 2 4 5| ^ 1 2 3 15 4| 1 2 1 2 7 12 11 to 1 3 3| 7 1 4 9 Four pounds to the ton is about the scale by -which anchors are supplied to ships. , Dimensions of Lockers for iOO-faihom Chain Cabh.* Size. Cubic feet. Size. Cubic feet. Size. Cubic feet. 2| 355 ' If 180 1 73 2| 331 1| 156 I 56 2 288 If 131 3 4 46 If 245 1| 115 11 16 33 If 220 ! 1| 99 * Add fifty to each of these dimeusions to provide for hurried stowage. ANCHOI^S AND CABLES. 249 Chain caWes are meant to be worked -with the curves of all the shackles forward, so as to render readily round the bitts and through the passages on being veered. This is a necessary condition, and must be remembered not only when handling the cables, but also during surveys, when many transpositions take place. " Knuckles aft," or, in other words, curves forward is the rule. GETTING nt CABLES. Before putting the cables in the lighter, mark them with a piece of iron wire at every length, commencing from the anchor end. Copper or spun-yam soon decay. Put wire round the stay-pin of the link next abaft the first shackle, again round that of the second link next abaft the second shackle, round that of the third link next abaft the third shackle, and so on. Thus in heaving in the number of an incoming shackle, or at any time, the quantity of cable that is out can be known. Put the cables in the lighter with their anchor ends at the bottom, ranging them side by side, and place all the slips and smaU gear separate. Lay the lighter across the bows, and take the cables in through the inner hawse holes, with double whips led along the deck'outside the bitts. The cable ends are secured to chain strops (necklaces) which in sailing ships go round the heel of the main mast. Chain slips, long enough to reach to the top of the lockers, are shackled to the necklaces ; the slips are stopped up and down the sides of the lockers, and when the ends of the cables are connected to the slips, and the tongues of the slips lashed down, the cables are faked away in the lockers. In this way the riding cable may readily be cast adrift when requisite, or connected to another when it is desirable to veer two cables on end. The ends of the cables must be passed down through the compressors, so as to control the cables in their descent. In steam ships (the shaft interfering with such an arrangement as we have described), the slips are secured to ring bolts in the sleepers on each side, and then triced up as above. The object for doing so is, that the end of one cable may be slipt altogether, or connected with another without disturbing the whole locker. The gangers, and cable enough for bendiiig, are left on deck. The stream chain has generally a separate locker. The messenger is run round the capstan and manger rollers. 250 MANUAL FOK NATAL CADETS. the turns taken out, the after tight placed on the sprockets, and the rollers being at their aftermost positions, the ends are adjusted as to length, and connected with a peculiar splicing shackle. The manger rollers are moveahle, so that they may be adapted to the gradual stretch of the messenger. The mooring swivel, figure 166, is supplied for the purpose of keeping the cables clear 'of turns when the ship is moored. (See Mooring.) GETTING IN ANCHORS. If the Anchors are in a separate vessel from the cables, put the gangers along with the anchors, and place the waist anchors with their stocks on end. Should the stocks have been already cleated, let the upper arms be upwards. Rig both davits on the same side ; one in the fore part of the fore chains for fishing the bower, and the other about half the length of the shank before the after bill board for the waist anchor. The Plsb davit is rigged with a long tackle lashed to the mast-head pendant, and hooked to the middle eye bolt in the head of the davit as a topping lift ; a large double and double • stropt block, and another single and single stropt, both having eyes large enough to go over, are placed on the davit end. . The eyes of the fore and the after guys are then put over, and the ends set up taut with a lanyard. The Fisb block is double, double stropt into a large hook, and dragged into its place when at its work by the back rope. The fish fall is rove from inboard through the single block on the fore side of the davit end and full through the others, the standing part being made fast to the fish block. In some fitments the hauling part of the fish fall is carried to the mast- head, a luff is placed from a bolt underneath on the bends to the davit ends as a martingale, and when the latter tackle is eased, the fall answers the purpose of a topping lift. These are the usual methods of rigging the davit ; but when it is erected elsewhere than under the direct support of a mast, it is differently fitted. For the TWalst ancbor. — Eig the davit head with fore and aft guys, a three-fold block for the purchase, and a runner block for the topping lift. If there be no good place for a step, form one with cleats. Reeve the runner, place the davit, lashing the heel slackly so as to allow for topping ; make the runner and tackle fast on the opposite side of the deck, reeving its fall ANCHORS AND CABLES. 251 through a lead, and helaying abaft. Eeeve the purchase with a piece of rope as large as the cat fall, using another three-fold hlock. Make the standing part fast to the davit-head, and lead the hauling one across the deck through a lead aft. Steady up the guys and lash the lower purchase block on the upper side of the shank about half way from the crown, the crown of course being aft. If the yards are up, their tackles are useful on each end of the anchor to steady it and keep it square ; if not, any tackle outside the fore rigging on the upper stock will do. If on weighing, the anchor is not well poised, it must be relashed. When it is up high enough, the fall is belayed, the davit topped by the runner, the stock and shank painters are passed and bowsed to, the tumblers are raised and placed under the shank, and the anchor lowered on them and secured, keeping the edge of the flue well on the bill board. The upper arm is confined by a slip lashing, and a tripping strop is passed round the lower one. If the ganger is in the lighter, it will save trouble to bend it before hauling ahead. For the Bower ancbor — the cat-fall is rove from inboard, through the foremost sheave in the cat-head, the foremost in the cat-block, and so on full, the end being timber hitched round the inner and after part of the cat-head. The cat-block is iron bound, three-fold, with a standing large hook pointing inwards, and the fall is first rove through its fore side, that the other parts may not ride whilst hauling them taut through, when the tackle is led forward. The Cat is hooked to the ring of the anchor, the fish to the inner flue, and a tackle put on the upper stock. Whichever way the anchor lies in the lighter, unless it is raised by the tackles simultaneously, the vessel will be stove. When high enough, the topping-lift brings the flue on the biU board, and the cat-stopper and shank painter are passed. All these stoppers or painters should be passed under and over so that, when let go, their ends will be thrown downwards ; else they will some- times come inboard with a most dangerous jerk. The cat and fish are unhooked, and a similar operation per- formed on the other side. The bower chains are hauled out of the inner hawse holes by- hawsers led through leading blocks made fast on the stock of their anchors, and shackled on to the rings. The object of the stook<^ackle is to throw the lower end of 252 MANUAL FOE NAVAL CADETS. the stock off the bov, otherwise, it would turn inwards, over the slack cable, and the anchor would come up foul. The omission of this essential duty in stowing an anchor has inter- fered with many a passing certificate. Stream ancbors are conTeniendy stowed when placed flat on the deck amidships at the bows of the boom boats ; anywhere but on the sheet anchors. They are usually carried out by a boom boat; and when the tackles have hoisted the boat out, the main yard and fore-stay are immediately available for hoist- ing out the anchor. The outer ends of the gangers being shackled to the waist anchors, the inner ones are hauled in through the outer hawse holes, and are secured inboard, being thus ready for connection with a third or fourth cable when requisite. The lashing of a ganger carried away in a first rate when at sea in a gale ; the bucklers and hawse plugs were dragged outj and a serious amount of water shipped before the mischief was remedied. The bights of the gangers are stopped up outside, clear of the ports.* The buoys and bnoy ropes are now put on the anchors ; the bower cables are hauled in taut and bitted. Thus, hook a block to the eye-bolt which is over the bitt head, reeve a hook rope in it, and hook on the cable a little abaft the cross piece of the bitts. A. few careful observations will teach the very link that should be hooked. Light forward the chain ; trice up the bight, Fig. 168. letting the after part fold over to the side on which the cable is, and then throw it over the bitt head, as in fig. 168 ; the * At sea, with the cables bent, hawse plugs, scored out to fle the cable, should always be driveo into the hawse holes before securing the bucklers. STORES AND PEOVISIONS. 253 Btarboard caUe, a, being 'with the sun, and the port cable, b, being against the sun. The object of the buoy is to indicate the position of the anchor when on the bottom ; and the buoy rope is supposed to be equal to weighing the anchor, in the event of the ship having slipped, or the cable having parted. Care is taiken that the buoy rope is not longer than is necessary to let the buoy watch at the highest time of tides where used. Hemp caVIes are usually made with a shackle spliced into one end, and it is well to fit the other in a similar manner. (,Fig. 165.) When supplied with splicing tails, the end is unlaid for some distance ; and, after leaving length enough for the tails, laid up again. It is now open enough in the strands to admit of being fidded out for splicing. Put a seizing on at the place from whence it is unlaid, open the strands of the tails, taper and plait them down, finishing with a piece of rope. The chain tails are puddened, and hitched down ; then proceed with the chain and rope tails as with a common splice, expending the ends along the lay of the cables, and seizing them down. Coil hemp cables, both in the lighter and tier, right handed, clenching the lower end in the heart of the tier to a chain strop round a beam, and lashing down to an adjoining one.* CHAP. XIV. STOEES AND PEOVISIONS. Topmasts of large ships weigh as much as three tons, and should 'therefore be hoisted in with the yards and stays. If the fore ends of spars take the fore rigging or backstays, a pull on the after main brace will clear them j but as a general rule, it is a sign of indifferent contrivance, and it certainly is unsafe to touch braces when yards are bearing weights. * la fitting out and'paylng off. large ships are soraetimes placed at moorings ^here they take the ground at very low vater ; so that unless allowance be made for this possibility, whilst lashing lighters for the night, if the ship should ground, the timbers are either torn out of .the lighter, or else lashings are carried away, and she gets adrift. 254 MANUAL FOR NATAL CADETS. The fore stay is occasionally taken to the after, and the main stay to thejforemost ends of a long spar, and thus kept clear of the rigging ; when this is done care must he taken in lowering, for the spar is very apt to " sally " fore or aft. In slinging spars alongside, wet and its consequences may he avoided by running a large hoop up on the spar, stopping the end of the slings, or lashing to it, and turning it round. Booms should he secured with strops having lashings at each end ; certainly on one end : long lashings passed turn hy torn are very tedious, both in securing and casting loose. In hoisting in spars that are in the water, it is sometimes not easy to see that the tackles are properly hooked to the strops. Accidents have happened hy hooking the stay to one bight of a strop passed twice round the spar, and the yard tackle to the other bight. All goes well whilst there is an equal strain on each tackle, but on easing in the yard, the spar rolls suddenly out of the strop. The heel of a top-mast went through the deck of the * * * * in this way. Provisions, water casks, &c. are usually hoisted in by the " quarter " tackle and small stay. Jammed fingers on deck, broken heads in the lighter or launch, the paintwork outside, and gang boards, will all be saved by working the lower block of the tackle with a light tricing whip on the yard. The stay hooks to the cap with a lizard on the main-stay, so as to over- look the hatchway, and it is well to fit its lower block with a second strop for the quarter, which may thus be unhooked be- fore lowering down the hatchway. In putting on a whip for the quarter, it should he on the lift, and bent on the pendant some distance down, having the hook stopt above the bend. The heavier the lower block of the quarter the better, as it will overhaul down more easily. In hoisting in water casks that have been rafted, lift them with can-hooks into the stem sheets of a boat ; then sling them, and much delay will be avoided. In starting water, it may be of consequence to remember the curious fact in hydraulics, that more water issues from a vessel through a short pipe, than through a simple aperture of the same diameter with the pipe ; and still more will come if the pipe he funnel shaped. All lime should be slaked before being received on board. STOKES AND PROVISIONS. 255 In completing provisions and stores, Tfrlien stronghanded, the more lighters that can he had the better. Every yard davit, or other projection may have a ■whip, and especial working party. The lighters must, however, he stowed with reference to this simultaneous clearance, so that there may be no delay in wait- ing for articles that should be stowed in certain order in the holds. Each cask has its contents and date of package marked on it ; and the provisions are stowed in such proportions that one day's allowance of every kind can be got out without breaking bulk. The newest sort are placed lowest, and all casks are stowed bung up. Billets of wood (" Dunnage ") are packed under the " chines," so that not only is the whole stowage made secure from the danger of shifting, but a sufficiency of fuel for the ovens is daily forthcoming. A press of work such as this, unavoidably affords opportuni- ties for trickery ; and as in the early history of a ship there are always some who are more skilful with a gimlet and piece of straw, than with a marlingspike and piece of rope, spirit casks should be struck down and secured in the spirit room without a moment's delay. A young officer will find that the stowage of holds offers favour- able opportunities for learning the use of hale and butt slings, can-hooks, levers, wedges, &c., besides being very useful in carrying out the orders against naked lights. The keys of all store rooms are kept in the first lieutenant's cabin, and are supposed to be absent from thence only during the actual issues of stores. In ships where the bread-room has been made a mess place, and the fore store-rooms a lounging place for idlers, the natural consequences have been foul air, dirt, and danger. From such causes, the * * * was twice on fire during one commission. The engineers' stores are in such constant demand when under steam, that their store-room must be kept open : but it must be remembered that hemp or cottpn, &c. with oil and lamp black, &c. (such as " wipes," for instance), generate heat, and will eventually ignite spontaneously on exposure to air. When the lamps are put in order, oil " lights up " better than candles. A pint of good oil will bum eleven hours in an argand lamp, and give light equal to that of three six-mould candles. 256 MANUAL FOK NATAL CADETS. Admiralty, 1st Jan. 1842. List of the imerage Contents and Weights^/ the different Packages and Iron Tanks usually supplied to Her lHajesty's Ships. PEOVISIONB AND VIOTIJAUlING STOKES. DescriptioD. FackageB. 1 A-verage. a A °*=^ o O Gross. Tare. Net. m lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. BiBCuit Bag 112 Gals. 114 2 112 Puncheon 72 804 142 662 Hogshead 54 615 119 496 Rum - Barrel |Hhd. 36 25 420 293 90 63 330 230 Kilderkin 18 213 47 166 Small Cask 12 142 32 110 ^ Hogshead 54 634 106 528 ■i Barrel 36 426 74 352 OS White Wine- ^Hhd. 25 306 63 243 Kilderkin 18 223 47 176 Small Cask 10 Slh. pieces. 130 32 98 1 i Salt Beef ■ Tierce Barrel =38 26 41b. piecps. S02 355 198 147 304 208 .1 1 Salt Pork ■ Tierce Barrel 80 52 513 341 193 133 320 208 lbs. Barrel 336 388 52 336 S Flour - JHhd. 250 294 44 250 1 ' Kilderkin 168 201 33 168 iHhd. 168 333 165 168 .O •» 150 339 189 150 Suet - ■ Kilderkin 115 250 135 115 Small Cask 70 184 114 70 ,, 56 132 76 56 ■ Barrel 336 388 52 336 Raisins iHhd. 224 266 42 224 Kilderkin 168 200 32 168 . Small Cask 112 140 28 112 STORES AND PROVISIONS. 257 Description. Packages. 1 Average. i-!^ g iss 5 GroEi. Tare. Net. |s| Bus. lbs. lbs. lbs. r Barrel 5 376 54 322 Peas iHhd. 32 283 43 240 Kilderkin 2 7- 193 32 161 f Barrel 414 54 360 IHhd. 5 3- 307 44 263 Oatmeal - - Kilderkin 213 32 181 Small Cask 24 146 26 120 ■ )> 2 lbs. 121 20 101 c Barrel 392 465 73 392 iHhd. 280 339 59 280 Sugar Kilderkin 168 216 48 168 -a Small Cask 140 173 33 140 ^ J, 112 142 30 112 C3 Chocolate ■ JHhd. Small Cask 108 55 135 71 27 16 108 55 Tea - 1 Chest 1 Chest 83 36 Gals. 109 52 26 16 83 36 i Puncheon 72 664 140 724 Hogshead 54 662 119 543 ■g Barrel £6 450 88 362 '% Vmegar - ■ IHhd. 25 317 65 252 Kilderkin 18 230 49 181 ■s Small Cask 12 152 32 120 lbs. i r Hogshead 242 330 88 242 " Tobacco -j Barrel 160 225 65 160 o§ IHhd. 126 180 54 126 o [ Kilderkin 83 121 38 83 f Barrel 244 289 45 244 ■Soap - \ IHhd. 113 141 28 113 \ Small Cask 55 72 17 55 Lemon Juice Case 72 183 111 72 iCase 36 93 57 36 No. f Small Cask 36 200 65 135 24 168 78 90 Tongues < 18 146 79 67 1 12 92 47 45 258 MANUAL FOR NAVAL CADETS. EMPTY CASKS, ETC. Description, Packages. Average . |.H Length inches. Capa- city in Gals. Weight lbs. Is"^ Leager 59 164 270 Butt 63 110 1?6 Puncheon 41 72 144 Hogshead 37 54 108 Tight Water . Barrel 31 36 80 "3 Casks. 1 Hogshead 2S 25 62 S Kilderkin 25 18 53 03 Small Cask. ... 12 34 P „ ... 8 24 . Barricoe ... 10 25 ^ r Kit ... 6 H Mess Utensils ■ Keg Can ... If 6 6 Barricoe H 16 o r To hold 56 lbs. 16 30 .s Bread Casks J „ 30 .'." 12 25 g I » 20 ... 10 21 s Lemon Jaice -j Cases, whole „ half ... ... 42 24 s Biscuit Bags i Large Small ... ... 2 STOKES AND PROVISIONS. 259 SLOP CLOTHING. DeBcription. •-{ Blue Cloth Jackets, No. 1. A. - Do. No. 1. B. Do. No. 2. - Blue Cloth Trowsers, ' No. 1. - - : Packages. Do. No. 2. -! } Blue Cloth in the piece for Jackets, No. 1. Do. in the piece for If Trowsers, No. 1. \ Do. in the piece for f Jackets, No. 2. - \ Do. in the piece for f Trowsers, No. 2. \ Duck in the piece - •! Hannel in the piece i White knitted f Worsted Jackets \ White wove "f Worsted Jackets J Blue wove f Worsted Jackets ,\ Stockings - Mits - Worsted Caps Large Small Large Small Large Small Large Small Large Small Large Small Large Small Large Small Large Small Large Small Large Small Large Small Large Large Small Large Small Small Large Small 50 25 50 2S 50 25 Pairs. 50 25 50 25 Yards. 69 34i 67 33i 64 32 62 31 296 148 230 115 No. 50 25 50 50 25 Fairs. 150 100 75 100 No. 100 50 Average. Gross. Tare. Net, lbs. 163 81 119 59 139 71 108 53 108 53 149 75 1| 2 li 112 a 56 2 169 3 84 2 116 3 58 2 189 3 93 2 75 3 37 2 69 3 35 2 57 2 54 2 27 1| 70 2 47 ^ 36 2 42 2 53 2 30 1 ie = lbs. 160 79 116 67 136 69 106 106 146 73 109 54 166 82 113 56 186 91 72 35 66 33 55 52 251 45| 34 40 51 29 6 2 3 3 6 2 511 3 3 6 2 3 2 5 5 2 9 8 1 4 2 5 6 2 10 4 10 2 6 5 3 2 9 5 4 2 10 3 7 4 2 4 4 4 3 2 9 2 7 3 7 2 B 2 260 MANUAL FOK NAVAL CADETS. SLOP CLOTHING. (Continued.') \ ^ Description. Packages. 1 Average. ■a sSs 8 Gross. Tare. Net. SSQ Bale. Yards. lbs. lbs. lbs. ft. in. Blue Baize in the \ piece - - J Large 80 No. 85| 1| 84 6 3 Blue Serge Frocks Small 25 Yards. 33| 1 33 1 8 Blue Serge in the I piece - J Small 80 No. 33| 1 5 33 1 8 Blankets Large 25 115 3 112 9 Shirts - - - 1 Large 100 102 2 100 4 4 Small 50 52 2 • 50 2 6 Handkerchiefs Small Case. 100 Si 1 3 8 ^ Caps, for Boats' f Crews - - 1 Large 100 ... ... ... 7 4 SmaU 50 ... ... ... 3 7 Pairs. Shoes - - - 1 Barrel 100 199 73 126 iHhd. 60 122 63 59 Bale. No. Flushing Jackets - Large 25 Pairs. 129 3 126 9 6 Do. Trowsers it 25 Yards. 87 3 84 6 9 Flushing in the piece "1 for Jackets - J » 48. 143 3 140 8 7 Flushing in the piece "1 for Trowsers - J 30 102 3 99 5 10 »» BOTS' SLOPS. No. Blue Cloth Jackets Large Small 50 25 104 52 2| 2 101| 50 5 6 3 5 Blue wove Jackets >» 50 33 2 31 2 2 White knitted do. - )) 50 53 2 51 2 11 Shirts - » 100 Pairs. 80 2 78 4 1 Shoes - iHhd. 50 No. 93 SO 43 Hair Bed - ... 1 H 1 7| I S STORES AND PEOTISIONS. 261 UARIKE NECESSARIES. DeBcription. Packages. S Average. ki 1 Gross. Tare. Net. iSj No. f Barrel 100 115 67 58 Foraging Caps - -| Bale. Large Small 50 12 32 8 2 1 30 7 3 2 Gray Cloth Trowsers f in materials - \ Half-boots - - 1 Large Small Barrel iHhd. Pairs. 12 6 50 25 28 14 187 98 1 1 73 50 27 13 114 48 1 1 7 Hay in bundles : 4| lbs. per cubic foot. Trusses supposed to -vreigh 56 lbs., but vary from 52 to 58 lbs. Straw in bundles 3^ lbs. per cubic foot vary from 30 to 40 lbs. Oats, 3-64 cubic feet per cwt Barley, 2-38 do. Wheat, 2-36 do. RELIGIOUS BOOKS. Description. Facl^ages. i Average. Gross. Tare. Net. No. lbs. lbs. ' lbs. ft. in. Bibles - Prayer books *■- Psalters Testaments - Set's. 10 10 10 10 ... ... 28 9 4 9 7 2 1 3 ; Large 318 253 60 193 7 11 Library Books - For Frigates 173 148 35 113 4 8 Small 111 126 30 96 3 10 B 3 262 MANUAL FOB NAVAL CADETS. IRON TANKS. Description. Capacity in Gallons. Weight when empty. ill is-H cwt, qrs. lbs. ft. in. fNo. 1 - - 600 10 1 14 98 3 Whole-! „ 2- SOO 8 2 16 82 L ,, 3- 400 6 3 25 65 8 r „ 4 New - 200 4 2 25 33 2 Half J » SKider 200 4 2 25 33 2 "^^'^ „ 6 Flat - 193 5 1 20 32 4 L „ 7 Old - 200 4 1 24 32 10 Quar- f „ 8 - ter t „ 9 Rider 100 2 3 20 16 6 100 2 3 20 16 6 f „ 10 Large Bilge < „ 11 Old - L „ 12 Small 375 264 110 6 2 5 2 3 25 2 6 61 8 43 9 18 9 Bread Tanks - Tanks made to mould ... ■ Weight to he given ■when issued. Iron Tar Casks 27 13 2 1 19 12 I- 7 1 8 Water is computed at 210 gallons per ton. STORES AND PEOVISIONS. 263 Weight of Provisions ani Stores complete for a Ship of each Bate. Number of Guns - - 120 90 80 Number of Men 1000 sao 750 tons, cwt qn. lb. tons. cwt. qr3.1b tons, cwt qrs. lb. Provisions for four months 142 17 2 117 4 3 107 4 2 Tare . - . . . 35 13 1 29 13 2 ' 26 16 24 4 months. 4 months. 4 months. 1 Water .... 500 410 375 Tare ..... 100 82 75 Anchors and Stocks - 26 8 24 12 22 12 2 Chain and hempen cables . 77 75 5 67 9 2 Wood 30 27 25 Coals ..... 92 80 65 Marine and Medical Stores 6 4 1 27 5 2 7 4 i 2 Purser's slops and neces- saries .... 7 15 3 610 5 II 2 Seamen and their effects. including officers* stores 137 10 112 15 103 2 2 Bowsprits .... 13 5 12 18 10 12 Fore-masts, yards, &c. 33 15 33 4 28 5 3 Main-masts, yards, &c. 45 10 44 9 37 17 S Mizen-masts, yards, &c. . IS 14 17 2 12 11 2 Spare gear - - 19 2 19 2 17 13 Rigging and blocks - 67 16 65 18 2 63 10 Sails, complete ... 13 11 2 12 17 12 13 1 Boats and their gear . 10 7 2 9 10 2 117 10 2 1 17 Boatswain's and carpenter's stores . - - - 97 1 2 83 5 83 5 Firehearth . - - - 13 14 1 24 9 6 1 7 7 6 2 10 Armament complete, in- eluding gunners* stores - 603 15 1 498 1 I 411 S 3 Total . . . - 2088 7 1 4 1774 8 1 3 1572 12 23 8 * 264 MANUAL FOR NAVAL CADETS. Weight of Provisions and Stores complete for a Ship of each Rate. (Continued.) Number of Guns • 70 . 50 40 SG Number of Men - - 650 500 350 250 tn. ct. qr .lb . tn.ct. qr. lbs. to. ct. qr. lbs. tn. ct. qr. lbs. Provisions for four montlis 92 18 2 71 9 2 .50 3 32 17 2 Tare .... 23 4 3 18 2 2 12 12 3 1 8 70 4 montbs. 4 months. 14 veeb. 14 weeks. Water .... 326 260 153 86 5 Tare . . . - 69 SO 30 4 17 5 Anchors and Stocks - 21 12 18 14 2 IS 3 3 9 16 Ciiain and hempen cables ... 66 6 69 2 45 3 2 8 29 18 Wood . . . - 20 15 10 6 Coals . . . - 66 30 20 00 11 00 Marine and medical Stores 4 I 2 14 3 8 2 9 10 1 11 2 Purser's slops and ne- cessaries . 4 18 3 15 3 I I 18 2 83 Seamen and their ef- fects, including offi. cers' stores 89 7 2 68 16 48 22 31 12 2 Bowsprits ... 10 3 2 8 19 2 6 12 1 4 2 2 Fore-masts, yards, &c. 24 14 1 22 1 17 17 10 17 1 Main.masts, yards, &c. 33 6 3 29 7 3 22 19 1 ,14 19 3 Mizen-masts, yards, &c. 11 4 2 9 19 7 16 2 4 16 2 Spare gear . . . 14 6 13 7 2 9 11 6 6 3 21 Rigging and blocks 59 3 1 66 14 2 9 47 90 28 8 3 Sails, complete . 11 IS 3 11 3 2 20 9 7 10 5 19 1 Boats and their gear . 10 2 1 17 8 17 2 23 8 17 2 23 7 14 I 16 Boatswain's and car. penter's stores - 83 S 66 1 2 7 66 I 2 7 35 10 Firehearth . . - 6 19 2 10 4 16 1 12 3 16 3 3 17 Armament complete. including gunners' stores 360 15 1 270 11 3 205 5 3 105 8 1 Total - 1393 7 2 13 1090 4 2 15 775 12 1 463 4 16 STOKES AND PROVISIONS. 265 Weight of Provisions and Stores complete for a Ship of each Hate. (Continued.) Number of tiuna IS 16 12 S Number of Men 175 130 130 80 tn. ct. qr. lbs tn. ct. qr, lt)S. tn. ct qr. lbs. tn. ct. qr. lbs. FroTisions for four months . . . 25 1 IS 17 2 18 11 2 11 8 3 Tare - - - 6 12 2 4 14 2 4 14 2 2 19 1 I'i ^eeks. 12 veeks. 10 weeks. S weeks. Water - - - - 63 12 48 15 40 20 00 Tare - - 13 2 2 9 70 8 4 Anchors and Stocks - 8 9 10 6 17 1 6 13 1 4 13 Chain; and hempen cables ... 23 11 1 19 15 3 16 18 11 14 4 1 Wood - - - - 4 00 3 2 10 2 Coals - . . - 10 10 9 8 9 Marine and Medical Stores 1 03 7 16 15 90 Purser's slops and ne- cessaries - - - 2 12 1 16 1 12 3 18 3 Seamen and their ef- fects, including offi- \ cers' stores 24 1 1 17 17 2 17 17 2 11 00 Bowsprits ... 3 43 2 18 2 5 1 11 3 Fore-masts, yards, &c. 9 14 8 4 6 13 5 10 Main-masts, yards, &c. 12 18 3 10 60 8 10 6 9 Mizen-masts, yards, &c. 4 6 10 Spare gear 6 2 4 6 10 3 12 2 9 Rigging and blocks 23 I 1 15 53 13 3 9 12 1 Sails, complete - 4 IS 3 4 2 3 13 1 2 19 1 Boats and their gear - 2 17 2 8 2 9 2 2 9 2 16 10 Boatswain's and car- penter's stores - 35 10 19 2 19 2 12 7 Firehearth - 2 16 1 8 2 ' 6 21 2 6 21 1 14 Armament complete, including gunners' stores 80 3 2 54 13 3 40 83 16 .4 i Total - - 3 69 2 2 24 ' 65 6 1 21 27 13 4 38 15 2 4 From Fincham's OutlineE of Ship Building. 266 MANUAL FOK NATAL CADETS. CHAP. XV. Guns are composed of Iron or Gun metal. Iron guns, being less expensive than others, are used where lightness is not of consequence.* Gun Metal is an alloy of 10 parts of tin to 88 of copper. Bronze is an alloy of 11 parts of tin to 100 of copper ; and bell metal consists of 22 parts of tin and 78 of copper. Iron ordnance is valued at about 151. per ton, and Gun metal at about 4| {Fig. 174.) 1. Groove. 2. Rear chock bolts. 3. Rear chocks. 4. Side loop. 5. Housing ears. 6. Fore chocks. 7. Horse shoe plate. 8. lighting bolts. Slide. (.Fig. 174.) Fig. 175. Carriage. (JFig. 175.) 1. Joint bolt. 2. Joint chocks. 3. Pintail bolts. 4. Pintail plate. 5. Drop bolt. 6. Elevating screw plate. 7. Side loops. 6. Rear loops. 9. Nut of bolt for groove piece. Howitzers have no dispart ; a patch on the muzzle making that part equal in height to the hase ring. The Angrle of Dispart is that number of degrees which the axis of the bore would point above the object aimed at when laid by the surface of the gun. The Sigbts are two notches cut on the upper part of the base ring and swell of the muzzle. The Xiine of metal is an imaginary line drawn along the surface of the metal between the two sights. The Centre of metal is indicated by notches on the side of the base ring and swell of the muzzle, corresponding with the axis of the piece. The Tanirent scale is marked with degrees for elevation, found hy multiplying the length of the piece in inches from the hase ring to the swell of the muzzle by 017455, the product giving the length of each nearly. By subtracting the Dispart from this product, the length of the tangent scale above the hase ring for one degree of elevation wUl he obtained. The Calibre of a gun is the diameter of its hore, 270 MANUAL FOE NATAX CADETS. The Axis of tlie piece is the centre of the here length-ways, vrindag^e is the difference between the diameter of the bore and that of the shot. The Vents of all ordnance are two-ninths of an inch in dia- meter. The tabular length of guns is measured from the base ling to the muzzle, and is exclusive of the cascable. The 10-inch and 8-inch guns have the gomer, or conical chamber, and a less thickness of metal behind the charge than the 68-pounders and heavy shot guns, as may be observed by the place of their vent, which is in the base ring. There are two descriptions of 10-inch guns, four of 8-inch guns, and three of 68-pounders. One calibre for each class ; but the projectiles used in the 8-iuch gun are not identical in the land and sea services, and necessitate different Tables for the two services. The 10-inch hollow shot, or naval shell, weighs 82-pounds ; it is made up to an average weight of 86 pounds for firing by filling with sand and plugging it. Same for land and sea. The 10-inch shell for mortars weighs 86 pounds, and contains 4 pounds 13 ounces of powder j burster, 2 pounds 10 ounces. The 10-inch naval shell weighs 82 pounds, and contains 5 pounds Oj ounces ; burster, 5 pounds 8 ounces. The external diameter is 10"'01 greater than of the land shell, reducing the windage ; the thickness of metal is 0""296 less than of the land shell, hence the difference of weight. Hollow shot and shell for guns may be distinguished from shells for mortars by being made without ears. The 8-inch hollow shot for land servioBj weighs about 47 poimds, being in fact the shell plugged; but for sea service 56 pounds. The 8-inch land service shell weighs empty, 46 pounds ; the naval shell weighs empty, 48 pounds; both contain the same bursting powder, namely : 2| pounds ; the difference is in the diameter of shell and thickness of metal, which is 0"'065 greater for land than for sea service. There are four calibres of 32-pouuders ; viz., three of 6"*41 ; one of 6"-375 ; five of 6"-35 ; and four of 6"-30. There are three 24-pounders, having no diversity of calibre or projectile ; but the calibre of the 24-pounder brass howitzer is O'lOS less than that of the iron 24-pounder, OEDI*A.NCE. 271 There are two calibres of IS-pounders ; viz., two of 5""292 ; three of 5"'17. Both classes are in use for land or general ser- ■vice : these projectiles being alike for land and sea. In the class of 12-pounders (four), and 9-pounders (four), there is no diversity of calibre or projectile ; but the calibre of the 12-pounder brass howitzer is 0-043 less than "that of the iron or brass 12-pounder gun.* Mortars differ from guns in being shorter, thicker, having the trunnions at the breech, and being used solely for the pur- pose of firing shell. They are distinguished by the diameter of the bore and weight of metal, and are mounted on a solid fram- ing of timber called the bed {fig. 176). Sea service mortars are heavier in proportion to the diameter of their bore than those for land service. The 13-inch sea mortar weighs 101 cwt, bed 83 cwt. ; 10-inch, 52 cwt., bed 55 cwt Fig. 176. The strength of all ordnance is tested by firing heavy ch of powder and shot ; as well as by hydraulic pressure. PROOF CHARGES OF BRASS GUNS . Gun - - - - pounder Charge in pounds ... 12 4 9 3 6 2 3 1 Brass mortars and howitzers are fired twice with their chambers full of powder, and with a shell — the former at an elevation of seventy-five degrees, the latter at twelve degrees. Iron mortars are fired with a charge equal to the full chamber, and with a solid shot whose diameter iS similar to that of the shell. * Hand-book, Field Service. 272 MANUAL FOR NAVAL CADETS. Table — Proof charges of the undermentioned Iron Ordinance. Nature. Length. Weight. Charge. ft. ID. cwt. lbs. oz. Guns 10-inch 9 4 86 20 }j 8-inch 9 65 20 a it " " 8 10 60 18 3* a - - 8 52 16 )J 6 8| 50 14 >f 6 8 -pounder 10 10 112 30 it a "■ " 10 95 28. a it ~ ~ 9 6 88 25 }i 66-pounder 11 98 28 >j ti ~ ~ 10 87 25 3t 42-pounder 10 84 25 99 it " " 10 75 25 it „. 9 6 67 23 32-pounder 9 6 58 21 8 ^^ ti 9 6 56 21 8 ti ti " 9 7 64 21 8 ^^ •J ~ ~ 9 46 12 ^^ J) " 8 48 to 50 21 8 it It ~ 9 50 18 it it " 8 6 45 16 )) >t " ~ 8 42 14 it 7? " ~ - 8 41 12 a 7/ - - 7 6 40 12 a P7 ~ 7 6 39 12 a 71 " " ~ 6 6 32 10 a jj - 6 25 9 a a ~ 5 4 25 9 ti 24-poxinder 9 6 50 18 ti tt 9 48 18 „ - 8 37 10 it it 7 6 41 15 it it " 6 6 33 12 tt 18-pounder 9 42 15 tt ti ~ ~ 8 38 15 ;>t it 7 22 7 tt 6 20 7 it ti - - 5 6 15 5 ti 12-pounder 9 34 12 9) tt ' 8 6 33 12 ORDNANCE, 1* ABLE — contwued. 27» Nature. Length. Weight. Charge, a in. cwt. lbs. oz. Guns, 12-pounder 7 e 29| 12 „ 9 -pounder •- 8 6 281 9 ti 3) " " 7 6 26 9 »l i» 7 25 9 „ 6-pounder - 8 6 23 6 jj » ~ " 8 22 6 it » " ~ 7 6 21 6 „ - - 7 20 6 jj ») ~ " 6 6 18 6 » it " ~ 6 17 6 Carronades, 68-pounder 5 4 36 13 „ 42-pounder 4 6 22 9 „ 32-pounder 4 17 8 „ 24-pounder 3 9 13 6 „ 18-pounder 3 4 10 4 „ 12-pounder 2 8 6 3 „ 9-pounder - 4 8 2 4 „ 6-pouiider - 2 9 4| 1 8 Guns, 24-pounder 6 20 6 „ 12-ponnder 6 21 10 „ 9-pounder - 5 6 17 8 „ 6-pounder - 4 11 11 5 Howitzers, 10 inches - -. - 41 12 8 inches - 21 8 „ 5i inches - - ■ 15 6 Mortars, 13 inches - 100 20 11 „ 10 inches - - 52 9 8 „ 13 inches 36 9 „ 10 inches - - 18 4 >j )) "^ ^ - ■ 16i- 4 „ 8 inches - - 9 2 „ .81 2 GUNPO'WDEIl. The component parts of Gunpowder are 77 pounds of salt- petre, 10| of sulphur, and 16 of charcoal, in every 100 pounds. Cylinder powder is made from charcoal that has heen burnt in iron cylinders. Pit powder, from that, which has heen burnt X 274 MiLNUAL rOH NAVAL CADETS. in common pits. 1 pound of powder measures 32 solid inches. A cubic foot weighs 58 pounds. Powder is marked thus : L. 6., or large grsuin ; F. G., fine grain ; R. A., for rifle arms ; R. S., re-stoved. Red characters denote the hest quality; white; an inferior one. ' Whole powder barrels contain 100 pounds ; half barrels, .50 ; ind quarter barrels, 25 pounds. Filled cartridges are stowed in cases; the wooden cases are square, copper-lined, the mouth ■faeing secured with a luted bung, as well as a lid. Those con- taining distant cbargres are marked with black letters ; those Containing tuU, with light blue ; and those containing re- duced, with blue letters. The cartridges are also known by their number of bands or lioops ; the distant having three j the full, two j and the re- duced, one hoop. ' The metal cases are hexagonal, and are similar in contents and marks to the wooden ones. There are, however, some •frhich for convenience in stowage at the bottom or sides of the magazine, are formed otherwise. These cases are made of a Composition of copper and tin. Ball cartrldire is packed in quarter barrels ; and blank in half barrels. The cbarses for heavy guns are usually about one-third of lihe shot's weight; for light guns about one-fourth; and for carronades from one-eighth to one-sixteenth. Dimensions of Powder Packages. Nature. Whole. Half. Quarter. Inches. inches. inches. 1 Barrel, depth 20 16 14 „ diameter - 16 13 10 Case, length 17 13 10 „ breadth 17 13 10 „ depth - . . 20 17 14 Wooden cases cost about 1/. 15». each. Metal cases about Is. 2d. per lb. ORDNANCE. 275 lO-inch shell boxes are 12, 8-iucli are 10, and 6-incli are 8 inches square. The hulk of 100 lO-inch shell boxes is about 87, of 100 8-inch, 64, and of 100 6-inch, 38 cubic feet. The fuse holes of shell fitted to receive metal fuses are bouched with gun metal, and are in such cases air of the same diameter. Metal fuses are of three natures, viz., the 3-inch, which is driven with mealed powder, and will bum seven seconds ; the 4-inch, which is driven with flise composition, and will burn twenty seconds ; and the short range, which is also driven with the composition, and will burn two seconds. These have a metal screw cap ; the fuse itself is screwed in to the left, and the cap unscrews in that direction. Two of these fuses may be connected by cutting off the screws of the caps, and riveting or soldering their tops together, taking care to enter the longest one into the shell. Fuse composition is made with 3 pounds 4 ounces of pulver- ised saltpetre, 1 pound of sublimed sulphur, and 2 pounds 12 ounces otpit mealed powder. One inch is supposed to bum in five seconds ; but when driven with mealed powder they bum twice as much in the same time. BLUE LIGHTS. Blue lights are composed of 1 pound 12 ounces ground salt- petre, 7 ounces sublimed sulphur, and 2 ounces of red orpiment. One of these lights will burn half a minute. LONG LIGHTS. Long lights are composed of 7 pounds of ground saltpetre, 1 pound 12 ounces of sublimed sulphur, and 8 ounces of red orpi- ment. One of these will burn for six minutes. SLOW MATCH. Slow match is made with slackly laid up white hemp rope, which is dipped in a solution of lime water and saltpetre. One yard will burn for about three hours. T 2 276 MANUAL FOU NAVAL CADETS. PORT FIBES. Common port fires are composed of 2 poimds of sutlimed brim- stone, 1 pound of mealed cylinder powder, and 6 pounds of pulverised saltpetre. One of these, -wliicli is 16 inches long, will bum for fifteen minutes. bickford's fuse. Bipkford's fuse is a tube of powder sewn round with tarred twine ; the outside being covered with pitch. It bums at the rate of twelve feet in five minutes, and is not to be extinguished, even by water. SIGNAL ROCKETS. Signal rockets are composed of 4 pounds of pulverised salt- petre, 1 pound of sublimed sulphur, and Ij pound of log-wood charcoal. They are of 1 pound and i pound. CONGBBVE ROCKETS. Congreve rockets are driven on the same principle as signal rockets. Their case is of wrought iron, and may be used either as shot or shell rockets. In the latter case the fuse is adapted to the length of flight. They occur as 24, 12, 6, and 3-pounders. CARCASSES. Carcasses are hollow shot perforated with three holes, filled with a composition made of 6 '4 ounces of pulverised saltpetre, 2 pounds 8 ounces of sublimed sulphur, 1 pound 14 ounces of pounded resin, 10 ounces of pounded antimony, 10 ounces of tallow, and 10 ounces of turpentine. They are fired as are shell, and are almost inextinguishable, burning about ten minutes. Common quiU tubes are filled with a composition of mealed powder mixed with spirits of wine ; the heads of detonating tubes with a composition of 230 grains of chlorate of potassa, the same quantity of antimony, and 73 grains of pulverised ORDNANCE. 277 GUN COTTON. Gun cotton is made by dipping common ■well cleaned cotton about thirty seconds in strong nitric acid, lien placing it in water which is often renewed, in order to free the cotton from the acid with which it is impregnated. Care is then taken that all the knotty particles of the eotton are properly disentangled, and that it is properly driedi After this the preparation is ready for use, and may be exploded either by percussion, as fulminating, or ignition, as gunpowder. Cotton in its unprepared state is Lignine, a compound of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen ; but after the action of the nitric acid, we find another element present, namely, nitrogen, a sub- stance entering into the composition of nearly all our explosive bodies. After various experiments, it has been found that when used in great quantities, only one half of the equivalent weight of powder is necessary to produce the same results ; but, although well adapted for mining purposes, it is, in consequence of its attendant dangers by friction, percussion, and heat, inapplicable to military purposes. FIELD-PIECE CABBIAGES. The field carriages for naval service are similar in construction to those for land service, but of smaller dimensions. Table of their Weight, Dimensions, Sfc. Weight of the - - . 24-poaiider. 12-pounder, light. Howitzer carriage, body - „ „ wheels Howitzer limber, body „ wheels „ „ ammunition cwt. qrs. lbs. 7 12 2 3 20 2 4 2 3 20 4 2 16 cwt. qra. lbs. 4 1 7 1 3 26 1 3 16 1 3 26 3 2 19 Number of rounds carried Diameter of wheels (ft., inch.) Track from out to out (do.) - 20 4 2 4 2 24 3 6 3 8 I 3 278 MANUAL FOR NAVAL CADETS. ELEVATION aF A 9-POUNDEK BRASS FIELD CARRIAGE. Fig. 177. A. Block, or Trail. B. Cheeks, or BrficketB. C. Axle-tree. D. Ogee. E. Trunnion holes. F. Wheel. G. Felly. H. Spok^, , 1. Nave. J. Tire, or streak, K. Rivets. L. Tire, or Streak bolts. a. Eye, or Capsquare bolts. b. Gapsquares. c. Axle-tree bands. d. Bracket bolts. £, Ti-ansom bolts. /. Trunnion plates. ORDNANCE. 279 PLAN OF A 9-POUNDER BRASS FIELD CARRIAGE. Fig, 178. g. Portfire clipp^ A. Locking plate. i. Trail plate bolt. k. Trail plate. 1. Trail plate eye. m. Chain eye bolt. n. Locking chain. o. Breast, or advancing chain. p. Trail handles. q. Handspike shoe. r. Handspike pin. S. Handspike ring. t. Axle-tree arms. V. Drag was hers. V. Nave hoops. w. Elevating scre^. X. Handles of elevating screw. y. Elevating screw box. T 4 ^ o Izi QQ {^ < ^ ^ s m P4 ^-N 09 CO 7; o & ^ DD n s 03 Iz; fe ■S Si ■«1 > Tt E =3 M h ^.-z O 1 1 a WJ |3 n n H < n n B U s ^ la F4 H s o 19 ^ CO H !zs u pi f- -< ?■ m 1 1 Naval Rifle for seamen. This Arm is entirely re- placed by the 1853 pattern rifle. ^■3 & CD 00 to o o o ■.* ^ CO CO CO 00 to w »« w o CO 1 CO 1 « « ^"?ir ST « ?!r III . i O O O Oi Ob CO I-H 1— 1 CO OS i o o t a 4 ^1 ■S to »f3 CD CO to W o CO if 4i r- ■* O *^ t^ rH Tj< CO •* •* -^ CO o 1 t r-l I-H CT Oi OS rH rH O r-l »-l 00 rH ■s .s to CO CO lO* rH rH rH rH rH r-l rH rH rH o n? a 00 00 CT *-- ** !> in 1 o •* i-H co 1 i CO CO CO CO cs O « CO CO » " ■ " 28 - 6 3 Cutter - 20 . 8 2 Jolly - 18 - 7 1 » ~ " ■ 16 - 6 Dingy - - - 14 - ■ 4 2 J) ■ ~ ~ 12 . 3 1 Gig - - - 22 5 BOATS. 287 Fig. 182. Coppering of a 42-foot Pinnaoe Launch. Height of coppering 3 ft. 4 in. aft, 3 ft. lin. forward. Bottom, 78 16-oz. sheets ; 30 lb. nails. Keel, 8 28-oz. sheets ; 8 lb. nails. Weight of boat thus, 4 tons 16'1 cwt. The iron bowsprits which are fitted to boom boats, are only intended for use when the gun Is mounted ; and should invariably be unshipped before going alongside. The least collision will materially injure the stem. Unless fitted so as to pivot in lugs on the breast hook, they are most difficult to ship in a sea way, and the attempt is frequently attended with loss. Pin the heel first, and turn the point over with the jib halyards. For general purposes, wooden bow- sprits are found to be a great means of saving repairs. With these provisions for the stem, and the shoeing on the heel of the mast, the equipment for boom boats is perfection. In fitting gun slides for boats, if the hole through which the bolt reeves that connects the slide with the thwart be made oblong instead of circular, the gun may be lowered without being dismounted. Run the gun forward (say bow gun) : a few hands can support the after end of the slide ; whilst the thwarts are unshipped, lower that end of the slide, and let the gun run down. To raise the gun ; run it up, raise the after end of the glide, and ship the thwarts. HOISTING IN AND STOWIKG BOOM BOATS. The large screw ships have two launches, which must be Stowed abreast, and well aft, clear of the funnel. In this case the booms, i. e. the spare-topmasts, hand masts, fish pieces, &c., are stowed on each side, as close as may be safe to the funnel casing, and the crutches secured to the deck outside of them. The top-sail yards lie under the boat outside these crutches. 288 MANUAL FOE NAVAL CADETS. The main-stay " looking " so much up and down requires no span ; its pendant is hung up through the fore part of lubbers' hol^, and hooked round the heel of the top-mast to its own part, or to the main-yard slings. The fore-stay pendant hooks to a strop underneath the after part of the fore-top, and is guyed aft to the main-top by a span, so as to plomb the place where the bow of the boat is to be stowed. The longer this pendant is, or, in other words, the longer the span, the better ; and every inch is of value. In the course of a series of experiments made under the direction of Mr. Tinmouth, with the view of ascertaining the Fig 183 properties of spans, the ropes were ar- ranged with different lengths of bight, as in the Jig. 183. It was found that whilst rope of a certain size broke with a strain of 7 tons when at an angle of 311°, the same sized rope carried away with a strain of 6| tons when at an angle of 291°. From these and similar results he concludes that where -a span is so „" ' placed as to have a less angle than 30°, the strength of the two parts of rope or chain of which it is composed, is less than the strength which one such part would have, if placed in a direct line with the strain. This reasoning applies not only to spans such as are used in hoisting in boom boats, but also to slings of all kinds, and espe- cially to the important subject of mooring. As applied to the latter, the properties of the span have already been scientifically discussed, " and may be practically shown by stretching a small line between two points, and suspending a weight in the middle ; ascertaining what weight it will bear, and afterwards trying what the same line will bear vertically. The latter will be the ship at anchor ; the former the one moored."* The runners and tackles are used for hoisting in heavy boats, but as the runner is inconveniently long, it is usual to reeve some spare rope as a launch's purchase. This is arranged in much the same way. A double block is spliced into a pendant, * Heaving down the " Melville." Captain Harris, R.N, BOATS. 289 and the fall is rove through another double block ; or else it is rove through a double and single, according to choice. The pendant is rove through a sinooth round thimble or a clump block, which, being fitted with a strop and toggle or double tails, serves the purpose of a lizard in guying the purchase out to the lower yard-arm. Either mode is preferable to a hook and thimble, because the hook may be fastened with a kink as in fig. 184, or in fitments where the lizard is shortened with a view to carrying the boat well clear of the side, it may be so nipt as not to stand straight to its work, and in both instances be liable to break. Riggers always prefer strops and toggles to iron work. The end of the pendant is spliced into a hook and thimble, and when triced up is passed over the cap and hooked to its own part. Lower reef tackles when tailed are very useful for tricing up runner tackles, and we have already said that top-sail bunt- lines answer well for pendants. Heavy launches have four ring bolts at each end ; and it is sometimes thought advisable to use not only the runners and stays, but also the yard and long tackles, distributing these tackles among the several ring bolts. It may be allowable to remark that there is a practical difficulty in keeping an equal strain on all, and that if the large tackles carried away, the small ones would not support the weight. When there is much scending motion the main-yard tackle is hooked on forward, and the fore-yard tackle aft in the boat, or else guys from forward and aft outside all are made fast to her, the gims are run in, ports lowered, and fore top'-gaUant and royal back stays, on the incoming side, frapped in. If rolling, the boat is bound to the side as she rises by slip ropes from the ports, opportunities being taken to run her clear of the walist anchor. No manner of whips from lower boom ends, or stern fasts from quarter davits would keep her off the anchor. More- over as the after guy would be in the way, the lower boom is fore and aft on these occasions, and never out when ships are " rolling heavily." Merely tossing a boat out or in, during fine or pre- vious to bad weather, is such a trifling operation, that it seems unaccountable why boats should be left in the water for any considerable period, especially at night ; but it becomes a grave affair when a heavy launch is scending in a seaway from under the main-yard to the fore ; and too many precautions can scarcely be taken. Boom jiggers, especially fore ones, are fre- u 290 MANUAL rOE NAVAL CADETS. queutly forgotten ■when bracing yards in ; and if kept fast are very apt to wring a boom iron. In secTiring lizards the tails should he passed twice round thp yard-arm, hut not round the pendant. This last noticed mode is sometimes adopted in the belief of greater strength ; but as the pendant does not render so well through the tails as through the thimble alone, the greatest strain is brought on the weakest part of the lizard. If a whip is used for tricing up, see that the end of the bend is so short that it will not get into the block. In large ships spread is a matter of greater consideration than topping : in small ships it is necessary to top them well, and this operation should be performed before moving the braces, because after braping in, the lifts become nipt by the top-mast rigging. Put on preventer lifts or top burtons (see page 292), place the yards, and when the trusses and lee rolling or yard tackles are taut, pull all the lifts and topsail sheets taut. The main yard should be placed so as to carry the boat's bow clear of the waist anchor, and the fore-yard as little braced in as may be compatible with that object, bearing in mind, that the more it is braced in, the more does it need support from forward ; there- fore back it up with a tackle or two parte of a hawser from the bow-sprit cap to the yard-arm ; and when it i^ fast, check the opposite fore brace. Fiq. 184. •"^'^ hooking on in the boat, see the turns out of thp tackles ; and in hooking on the stays aloft, remember that launches have come Aayfu in consequence of the stay having been hooked with a kink, although the hooks were of faultless construction and proportion. (JPig. 184.) Put luffs on the off side anchor stock and main rigging for hauling the boat over with. If there is a choice, put the short leg of the fore slings forward. The objection to short spans with rope applies alsp to chain ; and slings may be lengthened with some stream chain shackles. Four hands will be sufficient in the boat, after she is baled out and prepared for hoisting. Lead the falls so that the men will never be tmder Foul *^® ^°^* when she is over the deck. Have leading hook. men to pass lizards, connect ends of purchases, stop- per, and belay ; as well as seconds to the belaying men, whose BOATS. 291 duty will be to " light (io,'' vliilst taking tte turn, and pay the fall clear in Iqwering. Working on an upper deck, it answers well in coming in to put the men helonging (o the ipre part of the ship on the ip^in-yacd, m^ thpse belonging 1p the after part on the fore-yard, as, when the yards are high enough all hands wiil be on theii: own stations ready fop stays or other duty. Run the slack of thjg st^ys in ^s thjC boat rises, When there is ^uph slack left to run away with, the chances are in favour of a bight getting -vfell i)?tp the swallow of the lower blpcls be- fore the men can be stopped ; the boat will then be c^igd in by one part of the rope, and a heavy surge is inevitable. The men in the boat must be warned to sit tight, and then the stays let go. The higher the yards are hoisted, the greater will be the strain on the fore-yard. Commence easing in the fore-yard as soon as the fore-stay is bearing weight. When the keel is high eupugh to clear the crutches, lip^alover with the off guys. If the boat is required to go forward, slack the main-stay ; if aft, the fore-stay. If there are two launches, hoist the off side one in first i don't wait for a few inches as to fore and aft line ; go on with the other, and complete the duty afterwards with the stays. In hoisting out, take the nearest launch first, for reasons mentioned above. The purchase sjfould be, triced up and un- hooked the instant it lias donp its duty, without waiting for stays, and the men who are stationed at the lizards should re- main in the futtocks ready to inspect or disconnect their gear. If braces and tajckles are satisfactorily arranged, put bracing in and hoisting marks on the gear, remembering that the higher the boat is hoisted, not only is there more time occupied, but the fore-yard is more strained. The officer carrying on forward is too frequently changed ip his station to be enabled to tell by (the eye ; but £|. boats^yaiu of tlie genuine kind will pride himself on grazing the ■vf^ist nettings. When hoisting out ifi, a. tide or sea w?iy, have a boat-rope passed from forward led on);side aU, and bpnt to the boat before she touches the water. Yard tackl^ pendants become very much injured in the splice of the eye by wet, and Hie falls by chafe when kept aloft i besides being no handief than when kept on deck with a whip on the yard for their use. If kept on deck fit the end with a thimble U 2 292 MANTJAI, FOE NAVAL CADETS. and hook, and have a strop made of two parts of rope marled together in the thimble with a thimble in its bight large enough to take the hook. Make this strop long enough to go round the yard, bend the yard whip two feet down the pendant, and stop the strop up on the whip. Top burtons are usually used for preventer Ufts, and are diffi- cult to carry out to the lower yard-arms, especially when topped much. A spare lift, formed of a piece of thick rope having a hook and strop with a thimble at each end, has been found to answer well. This is kept middled over the lower cap. When required, one end is hauled out to the yard-arm by a small line, the strop passed round the arm and hooked, whilst the other end is set up with a lanyard in the top. If the topmeu neglect making it very taut, the standing lift may be checked as the tackles are hauled taut. Snatches on the lower yard-arms are convenient for scoring top-mast stud halyards in for yard- whips. Keep a hank on the halyard with a line fast to it. Carry the line out to yard-arm ; after cutting the stop of the halyards, haul out and score them ; the end of the halyard being on deck, is all ready for bend- ing. Barges and pinnaces are hoisted in with the yard tackles and stays alone ; and, bearing inmind how frequent is this operation and the constant exposure of this gear, every opportunity for examining the eye at the yard-arm, and the state of the falls and blocks should be taken. In very large sailing ships the barge and pinnace are stowed on each bow of the launch ; but in others all three are abreast, and so crowd the gangways that it is necessary to work many ropes on the main-deck. They may be fitted thus : — Put the launch in her place ; stow the booms. Support her by curved crutches, the heels of which work in pairs of lugs on the skid-beams, and the tops in clamps which fit on the rubbing- streak ; these clamps have lugs between which the point of the crutch enters, and is secured there by a pin through all parts ; thus the clamp pivots, and the crutch pivots. Have three of these crutches on each side of the boat, and let them be long enough to bear taut against her ; fit all the thwarts of the launch and barge to unship ; fit the stem gratings to ship on ledges fastened fore and aft, about eight inches apart. Let this vacancy BOATS. 293 be filled by a board when the boat is in use ; the gratings are fixtures. Put the barge inside the launch ; her keel will enter between the grating ledges. ' Put chocks between the outside of the barge and inside of the launch in the wake of the crutches. Put the pinnace inside the barge, and in like manner her keel will stand all along on the barge's keelson. In making these arrangements, take care that the thwarts are not turned with the points of their finger bolts downwards ; and lay the oars on each side on the bight of a piece of rope from the gunnel ; so that when the inside boat is out, they may be parbuckled up to the gunwale whilst the thwarts ai-e being shipped. In hoisting the launch in, the crutches are held nearly up- right ; and the clamps being turned back, their inside ends catch her side whilst being lowered, and drop into their place. The crushing power and consequent security of these crutches may easily be shown by starting the chocks on which the keel rests : when borne by them alone, her sides would be actually stove in. These fitments were first adopted in the " Thetis," and then carried out in the " Phaeton " and " Arethusa ; " and when it was demonstrated that the boats preserved their shape, could be manned and armed from the booms without delay, that the gang- ways admitted of working three guns brought from an unengaged side, that the spars were always come-at-able, that the boats were less in the way in their place on the booms than in the water, and that the rain awning could be spread at sea as well as in harbour, besides affording at quarters a very commanding position for small-arm men, — were greatly approved of. Fig. 185. Boom boats stowed in ohe. U 3 294 MANUAL FOR NATAL CADETS. Launch, 36 feet ; Barge, 32 feet j Pinnace, 30 feet. Laoncli above deck _ ft. - 6 in 6 Gunwale of Barge above Launch - - 8 Pinnace above Barge . - 1 2 Extreme height - - 8 6 Deck clear of skids on each side, 8 ft. 10 in. The dotted line shows the position of the crutch when hoist- ing the launch in. CHAP. XVIL Sails. All canvass used in the navy is flaxen, made in fcloths of 40 yards in length, and in breadths of 2 feet and 18 inches. These cloths are rolled up in sepii-ate packages, called bolts. The stoutest beiiig No. 1, from -which the canvass increases iix fine- ness, and diminishes in strength to No. 8. Sails derive tteir name ftom the mast, yard, or stay, upon which they are set : and excepting the jibs aid spanker are made up of 2 feet wide canvass. In all square sails, the upper part is called the head ; the lower the foot,. the side the leeches, the lower corners, the clues; and the upper comers, the earings. In fore and aft sails, such as the spanker, boom main sail, trysail, the upper inner comer is called the nock, the outer the peek, the lower inner comer the tack, and the outer one the clue or sheet. In such as jibs, the upper corner is the head, the outer the tack, and the inner the sheet. The cloths are sewn with sail twine, the seams being double : those of courses, topsails, lower stay sails, trysails, and spanker are ll inch wide, and stuck (treble seamed down the middle of the seam) ; those of other sails are 1 inch wide. There are about 140 stitches to each yard ; and one man can sew 100 yards in 9i hours single seam. SAJLS. 295 The foot of square sails is roached, so as not to be girted by any boat, netting, or stay, that may stand in the line of their middle parts ; Topsails are somewhat hollowed on their leeches, so as to avoid longyard-arms for the lower reef earings ; and in all sails, those cloths which are cut in any other direction than straight across with the thread (or woof), are said to be goted. No. of Canvass. Weight of Bolt in PoulidS. Price per Yard. Wtiat generally used for. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 44 41 38 35 32 29 24 21 s. i. 101 10 9| 8| 81 71 7 b 61 Courses ; Stay Sails. Topsails. Mizen topsail. Second Jib; Spanker. Jib, top lining; T. Gt. Sails. Studding Sails. Royals; T.Gt. Stud Sails. Flying jit). Sails are supplied ready made, only requiring fitting with points, earings, bowline bridles, bebkets, robands. Their, edges are tabled, and stitched to the bolt rope. The tabling of large sails is strengthened at the clues and foot by a third fold of canvass sewn in it. Small eyelet holes are worked through the tabling ; and canvass and rope are then marled together. The roping of the clue is stoutest ; tapering off to the leech rope, "the foot rope is woiMied,' parcelled, and served. In square sails the rope is always sewn on the after side ; in fore and aft sails On the port side. The tabling and clue patches are sewn on the after side of square, and on the port side of fore and aft sails. The sails are strengthened with additional canvass at those places most exposed to strain and wear : in square ones, in the wake of cringles along the leeches on the foreside, called lining ; in the wake of buntUnes on foreside, called buntline cloths ; across the foreside, called reef and belly bands ; and in the case 4 296 MANUAL FOE NATAL CADETS. of top-sails on the afterside, called the top linings. Fore and aft sails are strengthened at the clues by tack pieces ; and jibs sometimes with a strain band. The eyelet holes are all bound by a grummet : those for ro- bands and points are placed alternately two and one in the head, and two upper reefs ; the third and fourth reefs have two in each cloth. The clues of Courses are formed with a stouter piece of rope than the foot rope or leech ; its ends being tapered and spliced into them about four feet from the clue. The clnes of Topsails are formed by the foot rope which is carried up and tapered into the leech rope. The thimbles in these clues are seized in. The cringles for earings, reef tackles, bowlines, &c. are formed of bolt rope strands, worked round the leech rope, through eye- let holes in the tabling. Main topsails have four bowline cringles and three bridles. Fore and mizen hare three bowline cringles and two bridles on each leech. The reef tackle pendants are spliced into their own cringles, and after being rove through the eye of their block strops are clenched into the upper bowline cringles. In conse- quence of the downward lead of the fore top bowline a third bridle would be useless in the fore topsail. Bowline cringles have no thimbles. Courses have two reef bands on the foreside ; each being l the depth of the sail in the middle from the head ; with a belly band half way between the lower reef and foot. Topsails have four reef bands, on foreside, the lower of which is at half the depth of the sail j the belly band, also on the fore- side, is half way between the lower reef and the foot. All top-gallant sails have three bowline cringles ; the foot rope is spliced between the two lower ones, and is served, and marled a short distance in leech and foot. It seems to be impossible that, consistent with convenience and safety, the spars of ships should be different in form from what they are at present. Had masts a great rake, the loss of a stay would be ruinous ; were they long enough to set a sufficiency of fore and aft sails, the ship conld never be relieved of top weight, and the sails would be unmanageably large. At aU events the sail maker has to cut to given measures, and to adapt his sail to any attitude in which the mast may be placed. Fore side of Topsail, 298 MANUAL FOE NAVAL CADETS. Were a sail to he exactly square, there would be little art in cutting ; but as a ship's sails are, mostly, anything but square there is much skill required in the arrangement of every cloth. In cutting out, and making them up, it is a primary object to adapt and cut the numerous gores -which, -when brought together, ■will produce the ultimate form required, ■vrith the least possible ■waste of canvass ; and this has been obtained by the long study and practical experience of the master sail makers in Her Ma- jesty's dockyards, as the waste canvass in cutting out a large suit is trifling. This is effectedby their method of casting the number of inches contained in each gore, so that when they are brought together they shall be equal to the number contained in the after leech cloth ; this is in reference to fore and aft sails, but the same theory applies in the parts of square sails. The bolt rope sewn on the hollow or straight leeches of square sails (or marled on their foot), is put on with sufficiency of slack canvass to admit of that stretch of rope which arises from the action of the wind, or the constant strain or pull upon the margin of such sails ; and the necessary allowance for the stretch of the whole is made in the calculation of dimensions of such sails. But in the leeches of fore and aft sails, as also in the round foot of spankers, jibs, &c. &c., a sufficient quantity of slack rope is introduced to keep the foot from curling up to leave the after lefech of these sails free, and also to compensate for the amount of stretch those parts of the sails above uajned are constantly liable to. Spankers are made with an allowance to stretch of 3^ inches in each 3 feet of the foot, 1^ in each 3 feet of the head, and 2J in each 3 feet of the length of the leech. Sails are always bent to their yard or gaff with the roping next the spar, otherwise the stitches would be cut through by friction. In the sails, in figs. 188 and 189, there are three gores in each ; and puUed as they are at one comer, it will be most diffi- cult to bring an equal strain on every part of each cloth, and thus make them stand well. Now, where there is no necessary restriction as to form (as in the case of yachts), we may throw the same amount of canvass into such a shape as will, to a great extent, dispense with goring, and so dispose of such as may be absolutely needful as to render it harmless. 299 Fig. 189. The whole novelty and nearly all the efficiency of the " America's " sails were owing to their goreless shape, the can- vass heing cut as much as possible on the thread or woof, — that is, at right angles to the warp ; and then to the adoption of the system common in the South Sea hoats of lacing the sails taut to the spars. la Jig. 190, each cloth is pmled bodily dotrawards, and every single thread in the web is stretched ; and when properly set. 300 MANUAL FOE NAVAL CADETS. Fig. 190. such sails will rattle, on being tapped on, like a canvass bed bottom. The only gore is at the mast, to which being unyield- ing, it may be taunted to liking with a lacing. Such sails, however, require unusually strong gear: the masts, having great rake, must be very stout ; the stays, partners. Fig. 191. gaffs, peek halyards, of large proportions. The thicker the canvass the better; and if of cikton, this advantage will be gained without increase of weight. SAILS. 301 The cutter's sails, Jig. 191., are on the same principle, and are evidently rising ones. Si-foot Pinnace. — Fig. 192. Sails. Cloths in Head. Cloths in Foot. Yards in Luff. Yards in Leach. Tol»l Yards. Fore Mizen Jib 6| 1 1 8 7| 8 51 5| 8| n 62 44 29 S6-foot Zaunch. — Fig. 193. Sails. Clotlis in Head. Cloths in Foot Yards in Luff. Yards in Leach. Total Yards. Fore 6| 8| 6 8| 69§ Mizen - 5| 8 5 n 47 Jib 1 8 8| 6 8i; 31 40-foot Launch. — Fig. 194. Sails. Cloths in Head. Cloths in Foot. Yards in Luff. Yards in Leach. Total Yards. Fore - Mizen - Jib 7| 6 1 10 9 9 5| 7 10| 8 9 91 56 36 302 MANUAL FOB NAVAL CADETS. i2-/pgt Launch. — Fig. 195, Sails. Cloths in Head. Cloths hi Foot. Yards in Luff. Yards in Leach. Total Yards. Fore Mizen Jib SI 1 9 9 8| 8 12* 81 9 107 60i 391 Fig. 192. 34-foot Pinnace. Fig. 193. 36-foot Launch. SAIL9. 303 Fig. 194. 42-foot Launch. The sketches of vessels of this and preceding pages are drawn to the following scale : — b I I I I I 1 dtz ± The figs, 192, 193, 194, 195. are drawings on a scale of the beautiful sails that are supplied for service, and which always stand well, when properly set. 304 MANUAl FOE NAVAL CADETS. Fig. 196. SAILS. 303 Courses are pointed by passing the end of the point from aft, through the eyelet holes ; a line is then rove through the eye of the points, the ends of Trhich are secured at each side to the leech, and the point hauled home. There are no after legs. Top Sails are pointed by putting the ends of the pairs of points from opposite sides of the sail, through the eyelet holes, reeving the ends through each other's eyes, and hardening them together with sheaves. Boom main-sails and drivers are pointed by stitching the middle parts of the points in holes " stabbed " in the seams of the sails. As in reefing, there is only slack sail to be tied up, heavy pointing is unnecessary. Many sails have latterly been fitted vrith beckets in lieu of points, the points being secured to the yard. These beckets are differently formed. (Fig. 196.) One -way is to put both ends into the same hole from the fore side, knotting them on the after. Points jamb in these. Another way is to form the loop wider, by making it reach from hole to hole, knotting as before. This mode wrinkles the reef band, and prevents it from being hauled out taut. A third plan is to have a line fast from cringle to cringle across the after part of the reef bands, and to form the beckets on the fore side with another line, one end of which is made fast to the cringle ; the other is rove through the first eyelet hole, passed twice round the after line, out again, and so on across the fore part, and made fast to the opposite cringle. On the same prin- ciple, some put the bights of the foremost lines through the holes with a hard kink, reeving the after line through the kink. This is more quickly done, and nips harder. A fifth plan is to weave the two lines different ways right across, in and out of the holes, stitching the crossings. Either of these three last answers well : a great objection to the two first is that there is nothing to lay hold of abaft the sail. The great advantage of beckets is that the sails sheet home without fouling, as do reef points. The points are made split far enough down to admit of being toggled. They and the toggles are generally secured to the jack-stay ; but if the j aok-stay carried away, and the earings held on, the yard would most probably go on top in the slings. For this reason, it is best to make the points long enough to go round X 306 MANUAL FOE NAVAL CADETS. the yard, reeving through their own eye underneath and abaft the jack-stay, seizing the toggle, either to the yard or to the neck of the eye. (See fig. 197.) As the last-mentioned mode was found to he sufficiently strong and capahle of being readily clapt on or shifted to a new yard, it has, with some slight alteration. Fig. 197. Jack-stay and reef point. become official. In some ships two jack-stays are fitted with a Tiew of keeping the reefs more distinct. A comparison of weights between reef points and beckets is greatly in favour of the latter. Thus, in a suit of sails for a first rate, the weight of points would be about 10 cwt., whereas the beckets and their appurtenances, for a similar suit, would not exceed ik. SAILS. 307 The Number of Yards and Size of Canvass required for certain Sails for First Class Ships of different rates. Sailk o 3 fa 00 ff g S g S 60 u n 1 1 1 8 92 No. Flying Jib - - 7 230 7 230 7 230 7 210 7 210 7 18t 7 148 S 110 7 130 8 110 Jib ... - 5 450 5 450 S 450 a 382 5 35S s 330 6 262 6 201 6 210 200 6 180 Fore Course 1 933 1 770 1 850 1 674 1 720 63( 1 463 2 369 a 376 a 369 2 324 Fore-top Sail - „ lining - a 928 66 s 796 S4 s 796 54 a 664 48 a 614 46 a 667 43 3 436 34 4 316 24 4 347 28 316 24 298 22 Fore-top-gallant Sail 289 3S4 5 254 5 212 a 195 6 177 7 141 7 102 7 108 7 102 7 92 Fore Royal 7 130 7 114 7 114 7 97 7 90 7 84 7 66 8 60 8 62 8 50 8 46 Main Sail ■ 1 1003 1 I0J2 1 1090 1 892 1 918 1 806 1 590 2 469 a 624 a 524 2 461 Top Sail - . . „ lining - 1022 76 1017 73 a 1017 73 a 848 62 a 796 54 2 72» 52 a 667 43 3 406 30 3 436 34 3 406 30 3 372 28 Top-gallant Sail 6 324 5 324 324 5 274 254 5 230 e 177 7 127 7 141 7 127 7 120 Royal ... 7 144 7 144 7 144 7 124 7 114 7 106 7 84 7 60 7 66 7 60 •7 66 Mizen-top Sail . „ lining 3 520 38 ■3 520 38 3 520 38 3 436 34 3 406 30 3 372 28 4 316 24 5 227 18 4 260 20 Top-gallant Sail 6 164 6 164 6 164 7 141 7 127 7 120 7 102 7 73 7 77 Royal ... 7 78 7 78 7 78 7 66 7 60 7 66 8 60 8 37 8 40 Spanker ... 4 536 4 680 4 620 4 520 4 570 500 380 4 280 4 310 1 460 1 430 Since the formation of this table, spankers, jibs, and flying jibs, are made of 18-inch canvass. X 2 30S8 MANUAL FOE NAVAL CADETS. .ji 1 e:^ ^ 1 ' 1 5 £ 1 E S n 1 i^l ^ C4 1 1^=1 = ^ l = i|i = 1 eq :|:;| : 1 CI S : .-£ : :S : g : ■.£ : : g : - i o OJ :S : :£ : :.H • 00 c . .g E : -.g : : -g : : t* S ■.:":■. -.S :■ ■ S ••••£■■■■ ■■■a '■■■ ■■ co 1 ; ;| : = =1 i : : : in 1 m| = = : 1 : : : : = ^ . . £ . . ..jj . . . . . . eo 1 : :| • ; : :i • • ■ 1 : : I § & "fe. f», ~ ■£ ^ S I si"" ►g ■= '§ "h ^ a, « *( « " « a, ►O JO o . £ r~ " E-t h, fi ■B* °3 1 I i op I t ■a eSomc4cxf-i<-ri-^ vr>t*-r«iou;tninicior»-h» □0 00 00 OQio coco too* CO 0)00 oo o : s ! r ; : ! : t^o^o • •••■••: .00001^ ■'oo^^aiootojoi 0(0ocoa>0)t^i>ome>iao n^' into son t^o^D ^' OifB oomoomcotommoTr ^oi — mc4_::: o Site 00 CO >-' — — — —<.-<^^— e>ic>)e4 ctofMotocoiM-weoaice ■tfirsr-^^*- — — ^00 — 00 oo^xooooaoaoi^t-co-v oo^«ooaaom0^a>^la iNoiTai^o&itsmoccuso coccn»coiOiQtctneQ?)e4 - CT CO :«■ — « M ^.w m H 11, SAILS. 311 Unquestionably, all topsails and courses should be fitted with reef lines. It is well to fit all fore and main topsails aUke, as to length of points in the different reefs, in the event of having to use a fore top-sail on a main top-sail yard. Sails are sometimes made use of for the purpose of stopping leaks, by thrumming them, as in making a mat. A quick way to prepare a sail for this purpose, is to pour hot pitch on it, and then tread oakum over it. The following Tables show the number of pairs and poil|itf of different lengths which one man can laake in a day, and also the length, number, and weight of points in the sails of each class of ship. One Man's Work per day. Feet. Inches. Pair. Feet. Inches. Pair. 6 6 4 : 4 3 7 6 5 1 4 7 5 9 5 3 9 8 5 6 5 8 6 8 5 3 ^ i 3 3 9 5 6 1 3 10 4 9 6 ! 2 9 12 4 6 6 2 6 13 \st and 2nd Class Ships Reefs. ft. in. ft. in. No. of points. Fore Course ... 3 6 98 Fore Topsail, 1st reef - 5 6 4 6 98 2nd „ - 5 9 4 6 120 3rd „ - - 6 6 5 9 140 4th „ - 6 6 6 6 154 Main Course 3 6 112 Main TopsaU, Ist reef - 5 6 4 6 112 2nd ,, - 5 9 4 6 130 3rd „ - - 6 6 6 9 164 4th „ - - 6 6 6 6 176 Mizen Topsail, 1st reef - 3 6 3 74 „ 2na „ - 4 3 6 80 3rd „ - - 4 6 4 100 4th „ . . 4 6 4 6 120 Total No. of points, 1678 : Weight of do., 12 cwt. 1 qr. 4 lbs. z 4 312 MANUAL FOK NAVAL CADETS. 3rd and 4th Class Ships. No. of Reefs. ft. in. tt. in. pointe. Fore Course - . - 3 6 84 Fore Topsail, 1st reef - 5 3 3 9 84 2nd „ - - 5 6 4 3 96 „ 3rd „ - - 5 9 4 9 120 4ih „ - 6 6 132 Main Course . - - 3 6 96 Main Topsail, 1st reef - 5 3 3 9 93 „ 2nd „ - 5 6 4 3 110 3rd „ 5 9 4 9 140 4th „ - 6 6 156 Mizen Topsail, 1st reef - 3 6 3 60 „ 2nd „ - 4 3 6 84 „ 3rd „ 4 6 4 90 4th „ 4 6 4 6 100 Total No. of points, 1448:.Weightof do., 11 cwt. qrs. 15 lbs. 1st and 2nd Class Frigates. Reefs. ft. in. ft. in. No. of points. Fore Course - - - 4 84 Fore Topsail, 1st reef - 5 3 3 9 76 2nd „ - - 5 6 4 3 80 „ 3rd „ 5 9 4 9 124 4th „ - .- .5 9 5 9 128 Main Course - - .- 4 96 Main Topsail, 1st reef - 5 3 3 9 96 2nd,, - .- 5 6 4 3 100 3rd „ - .- 5 9 4 9 148 4th „ - 5 9 5 9 152 Mizen Topsail, 1st reef - 3 6 3 60 2nd „ - 4 3 6 64 » 3rd „ - 4 6- 4 96 4th „ - - 4 6 4 6 100 Total No. of points, 1404: Weight of do., 10 cwt. qrs. 14 lbs. SAILS. 313 3rd and ith Class Frigates. No. of Reefs. It. in. it "■• points. Fore Course - - - 3 6 72 Fore Topsail, 1st reef - 5 •3 3 9 74 2nd „ - 5 6 4 3 78 „ 3rd „ - 5 9 4 9 116 „ 4th „ - 5 9 5 9 120 Main Course 3 6 84 Main Topsail, 1st reef - 5 3 3 9 84 2nd „ - - 5 6 4 3 88 „ 3rd „ 5 9 4 9 132 4th „ - 5 9 5 9 136 Mizen Topsail, 1st reef - 3 6 3 56 2nd „ - 4 3 6 60 „ 3rd „ - 4 6 4 88 4th „ 4 6 4 6 92 Total No. of points, 1270: Weight of do., 6 cwt. 1 qr. 11 5th and 6th Class Frigates. No. of Reefs. it. in. it. in. points. Fore Course - . . 3 6 64 Fore Topsail, 1st reef 4 6 3 6 64 2nd „ - - 4 9 3 9 68 3rd „ - 5 9 .4 9 104 4th „ - - 5 9 5 9 108 Main Course - . - 3 6 76 Main Topsail, 1st reef - 4 6 3 6 76 2nd,, - ' - 4 9 3 9 80 3rd „ - 5 9 4 9 120 41h „ - - 5 9 5 9 124 Mizen Topsail, 1st reef - 3 6 3 48 „ 2nd „ - 3 9 3 3 52 „ 3rd „ - 4 6 3 9 84 4th „ - - 4 6 4 88 Total No. of points, 1156 : Weight of do., 5 cwt. 2 qrs. 9 lbs. 314 MANUAL FOE NAVAL CADETS. ^th and &th Class Frigates. No. of Reefs. 11. In. ft. in. points. Fore Course 3 56 Fore Topsail, 1st reef* - 3 6 3 56 2nd „ - 3 9 3 60 3rd „ - 4 6 3 9 88 4th „ - 4 6 4 6 92 Main Course - - - 3 64 Main Topsail, 1st reef 3 6 3 64 2nd,, - 3 9 3 3 68 .. 3rd „ - 4 6 3 9 104 4th „ - - 4 6 4 6 108 Mizen Topsail, 1st reef - 3 2 6 • 44 2nd „ - 3 6 3 48 „ 3rd „ - 4 3 6 72 4th „ - - 4 4 76 Total No. of points, 1000 : Weight of do., 3 cwt. 1 qr. 20 Ihs. Isl and 2nd Class Brigs. Reefs. ft. in. ft. in. No. of points. Fore Course - - 3 52 Fore Topsail, 1st reef - 3 6 3 6 52 „ 2nd „ - - 3 9 3 3 56 3rd „ - 4 6 3 9 84 4th „ - - 4 6 4 6 88 Main Course - - - 3 60 Main Topsail, 1st reef - 3 6 3 56 2nd „ 3 9 3 3 60 „ 3rd „ - 4 6 3 9 92 4th „ - - 4 6 4 6 96 Total No. of points, 692 ; Weight of do., 2 cwt. 3 qrs. 8 lbs. SAILS. 313 SAIL TACKLE. It is our business to handle spars and sails under suoh very different circumstances, that it is impossible to make a law for the arrangement of the sail tackle and its fall as usually -worked. The sail tackle is heavy, and supposed to be strong enough singly for shifting top-sail yards with, but although equal to the weight of these spars, experience has shown that it is not able to stand the heavy and sudden strains which are thrown on it when the spar butts, as it so often does, against the tops, and conse- quently the long tye is generally used in addition. This plan is not only safer, but on an average, quicker. The tye is so strong that the sail tackle may be rove of lighter rope, and kept in the top altogether without inconvenience. Round it up long enough to reach from the top-mast head to the lower cap, and coil it on the top battens ; send the fall on deck, place it in a constant lead and keep it coiled up in a rack. In large ships the main deck is the best place for the fall, as there is not only more run, but the men will be less exposed in shifting yards. Thus every one will know where the sail-tackle fall is, and when in any case the tackle is used aloft, the fall may be worked without delay or mistake. Fit a strop on the top-mast head, on the side opposite the long lie, and stop it along the legs of the stay. Keep a rounding line with a weight on its end coiled down on the lower cap, and a tricing whip from the top-mast head inside the rigging for the sail-tackle. In shifting yards, the lower block of the tackle, when triced up, will be flush with the yard. If for sails, the rounding line is hooked on to the lower block, and the end thrown down to the deck, before or abaft the main yard, or through lubbers' hole, as the case may require. As with the sail tackle thus worked nothing can be done with the rounding line until the yards are down, the top-sail should be lowered as soon as possible, and the weather clue line run up. BENDING SAILS. Fit all the square sails with gaskets ; seiz^them on theirhead at equal distances ; make the lanyards a fathom long j and put marks with knots, so that when hailing the yard from the deck the gasket that may be alluded to can be denoted by its number from the bunt. 316 MANUAL FOE NATAL CADETS. By tying sails up with temporary fastenings, there is not only great waste of spun yam, but injury done ; for ignorant hands always cut at the sail in cutting loose, instead of entering their knife and cutting towards themselves. It will prevent many vexatious mistakes, if the courses are marked at the bending places of the different gear with a piece of duck sewn on the sail bearing the initials of the particular rope which should be made fast there ; (thus, S. I. L., Starboard Inner Leech line, and so on ;) and also to plait some bunting into the robands at these places ; for in sending eourses up furled, nothing will go well unless the leech lines be fast to the head of the sail exactly under their own blocks which are on the yard. There can be no question about the superior neatness and efficiency of making it a habit to send saUs, both up and down, made up just as if furled. Indeed, when blowing strong at anchor head to wind, there is no alternative. In making them up, the main point to aim at is keeping the yard-arms as light as possible, so that the sail may haul out taut all along more easily. Lower the upper yards, and stop the yard ropes out of the way. Seize the setting strops to the heads of the sails at the middle eyelet holes ; let them always remain there, and when using them after the sail is rolled up, carry the foremost leg round the after one, and seize its bight to its own parts. Top men are very apt to cut this seizing too soon ; but by having the strop fast to the head, their mistake may be partly remedied by a pull on the sail tackle, which is always hooked to the after leg. Haul the head of the Topsails along the deck after sides down- wards ; gather all the slack canvass back from the head; lay the second reef band along the head, and haul this and the head taut fore and aft by the earings. Bring the leeches as far as the reef tackle cringles along the head ; knot the fourth reef earing into the third reef cringle, and the third into the second ; carry the clues into the quarters about six feet over the head ; bring the buntline toggles about a foot over the head between the clues j coil all the remainder of the roping so as not to ride, leaving the bowline cringles out ; face the foot and gather up ; then face the SAILS. 317 head and roll up ; pass the gaskets taut ; stop the clues up abaft the head after having passed them over the fore part of the hunt ; seize the strop ; hook the sail tackle ; knot the second reef earing into the first reef cringle, the first into the head; and stop the head earings along the top of the sail on each side. Send the huntlines down on the same side of the lower stay with the sail tackle. Toggle them, and then hitch their bights round the quarters of the sail on their own sides about a fathom outside the strop. Bend a bowline of the side to the strop of the sail tackle block to guy it off the top rim. When the clues of the sail have been swayed above the top rim, and the turns slewed out, take turns with sail tackle falls and huntlines. Bend the reef tackles to the second reef cringles ; and keep a good strain on the huntlines as the sail tackle is lowered on hauling the reef tackles out. K the quarters are allowed to get below the yard, they are not easily raised. Carry the head earings out to the yard-arms ; haul the head of the sail taut along the yard ; tie the robands ; lash the clue lines ; shackle the sheets ; bend the reef tackle to its proper cringle ; toggle the bowlines ; cast the hitch off the huntlines and the seizing off the strop ; toss the saU up, &c. COUKSES. Haul the heads of the Courses taut along, roping downwards (». e. after sides on the deck) on top of the setting strop, and make the earings fast. Gather the sail back from the head, and then lay the second reef band on the head, hauling its earings also taut out. Bring the leeches in taut, as far as the inner leech line cringle, and lay them on the head. Lay the clues over the head, about six feet on each side of the middle of the sail, £ind the buntline toggles about a foot over the head between them. Place the men along the head, and gather up as in furling ; throw the skin over ; let the men step across, and roll up ; pass the gaskets, footing them well taut : let go the earings, coU and stop them up ; pass the foremost leg of the strop over the bunt of the sail, round the after leg of the strop, and seize its bight to its own parts. Make the stay whip fast well up on the slings, and hook on to the after leg of the setting strop. Sway the sail up and down, till its after part is aft, and when clear of turns, hook the reef tackles to the second reef cringle over the tacks and sheets, and haul the arms out to the sides, lowering the whip sufficiently 318 MANUAL FOE NATAL CADETS. to bend the bunt lines, leeoh lines, tacks, sheets, and clue garnets. Hang the clues to the strop of the whip block before the bunt of the sail. Get the distance of each leech line block on the yards from the slings irith a piece of line, and rack the leech lines to the heads of the sails, exactly at those distances from the middle of the sail, tailing care that the leech lines are clear of each other and the inner one racked inside the outer. Overhaul the clue garnets, and tacks, and sheets well. If bending all together, trice booms up, sway the courses close up with the stay whips, and the topsails with the sail tackles. When the clues of the topsails are over the top rims, send sail- fiirlers aloft, man the reef tackles and leech Unes, lay out, and haul all the sails out together. If the leech lines have been racked just under each leech line block, the courses will haul taut along the yard, so that two hands might bend the courses. Round up the clue garnets, bring to the heads of the sails, cut the seizing of the setting strop, leaving the stop on the head, pass the lanyards of the gaskets round the jack stays. When the robands of courses are made longer than usual they answer quite well for reef points, and on all the yards it is very convenient to have two on each quarter, long enough to pass round the sail when the gear has been so ill bent as not to haul it quite taut along the yard. Sway the gaff three feet off the boom, guy the peek over a little to the side on which the saU lies ; make the guy and halyards fast. Secure the head earing by putting in two eyebolts or " lugs " some two inches apart on the under side of the jaws, score the wood out between them, put the head cringle in edgeways, run a bolt or toggle through all, and seize it ; lay the head of the sail along the gaff, passing it through the brails, but by no means aUow it to be stretched in the very least degree. The disease of ' drivers ' commences on the taffrail, and not in the sail loft: the afterguards jiggers occasion all the perpetual doctoring of spankers, and abuse of our own sail cutters. Lace from the throat, and then make the peek earing fast with up and down and outer turns. SAILS. 319 Let go guys, vangs,, brails, &c. &c. : s-way the gaff up, seizing the hoops on ahove the reefs as the sail rises. Reeve a soft greasy lacing below this, passing the turns before the mast, make the tack fast on the boom close to the mast, and hoist the luff up well taut. Put a light whip on the boom near the end, gather the sheet of the sail out, top the boom, and reeve the outhauler through whichever of the reef cleats on the boom the sheet when barely hand taut, reaches ; if it is short of them, lash a block on the boom for the purpose, and bend and take through the slack of the outhauler ; then raise the peek, belay and rack all the halyards, and let the sail hang thus as long as convenient. As it is used, it will now give out, equally all over, the outhauler being proportionally shifted out, and it wiU stand as well as any canvass not cut on the thread can do. Seize the brails on the after leech in their exact places the first time the sail is hauled up, as before described. HEAD SAILS. Make the JilJS up as if they were furled : mark the stays with a yam at the nips at the boom ends, and overhaul them and the downhauls in on the forecastle. Unhook the reeving lines, and reeve the stays down from head to tack, and the downhauls up from tacks to heads through the cringles ; make the downhauls fast to the heads, and the reeving lines to the stays. Stop the luff of the sails to the stays above the marks. Bend the halyards to the heads, and take a hitch with their bights round the sails, near the hanks, making fast with a seiz- ing. Pull up the halyards, haul out on the reeving lines and down hauls, and lower the sails to their places ; toggle the sheets, set up the stays, cast the hitch off the halyards, make fast the tacks, and reeve the lacings. Xiaclngs on fore and aft sails are passed from the sail round the fore part of the stay or spar only not in round turns, those on the stays against the lay. Carry the stay sail out by the halyards and downhaul, seize the hanks on outside, and toggle the sheets. TOP GALLANT SAILS AND ROYALS. Lay the yards on the deck, reeve the yard ropes through the grummets and lizards, and clench them round the bunts 320 MANUAL FOK NAVAL CADETS. or slings, if so fitted. See that the parrels and quarter blocks are properly seized on; bring the sails (roping next the yard) to the jaekstays with the robands, and to the yard- arms with the earings, avoiding stretching, by " riding down the head," &c., and keeping the turns of the top-gallant earings clear of the royal sheet sheave holes ; fiirl the sails, keeping the bunt low, leaving the bridles and clues out, and pass the gaskets well taut. Stop the yard ropes down with the lizard and grummet on the upper yard-arm sides ; overhaul the lifts and braces, hang the bight of the lower royal braces with a yam at the top-gallant mast heads. Observe that nine out of ten of the mistakes made with upper yards are occasioned by the impetuous rush of the working parties, which either carries the yards past the riggers, or else whips them out of the lower lifts before there is time to take their slack down ; therefore, station an experienced man who will bring all to a stand still on the rise of a finger with his back stopper : name men to rig each upper and each lower yard-arm, to bear off in the top, and then take down the slack of each of the lower lifts, to bear off on the cross trees, and to parrel. Sway the yards up, keeping the top-gallant below the royal. When the upper yard-arms are over the top-mast and top- gallant stays " stopper," make the working parties face forward, and mark the yard ropes at the bitts with a piece of bunting put through the strands ; knock the grummets off ; rig the yard- arms ; haul the lower lifts taut -, and sway across by gathering the yard ropes up hand over hand, and slipping the lizard hitch (if used) when it is high enough, parrel immediately ; square by the lifts, and then cut the stop of the lower royal brace ; bend the sheets, and clue lines, and bow lines ; make a tackle in the tops with the bights of the halyards, the upper block of which toggles to the standing part. See that the top-gallant masts are upright, and then get squaring marks on the lifts. BOOM MAIN SAILS. The Boom maln-sall is bent like the driver, but the sheet is made fast to the boom, sometimes to a traveller, which is eased in or hauled out at pleasure. Two at least of the reef pendants are always rove ; the others are rove as required. The whips SAILS. 321 on each side of the jaws of the gaff aet as downhauls, or for the purpose of tricing the tack up. The wear and tear, and unequal stretch on the sheet of a boom mainsail is much decreased by having reeving lines through the reef cleats, through the reef cringles to beckets in the ends of the pendants, and keeping the pendants unrove from the sail and stopped up on the after end of the boom. TRY SAILS. Main try-sail is brought to the gaff with a lacing, and to the mast with hoops, having brails led as the driver. Try-sail gaffs are usually fixtures, or " standing." In some cases the pendants by which they are hung are carried out to the point of the gaff, and the head of the sail, instead of being laced, is made to run in or out on the gaff by means of hoops and out and in haulers. They are said to be more manageable in this way. STUDDING SAILS. The Studding sails are laced to their yards, furled square on their heads, tacks, sheets, and downhaul cringles being left out, and are tied up with " centipede " gaskets. On being bent, they are more tidily kept when stopped up and down the masts and covered. On the booms they are " caulked " in, and in the rig- ging they hold wind, strain the shrouds, and have no chance of being kept dry. A ready way with a lower studding sail, is to make the sail up square on the whole of the head, and have a strop with a slip toggle round it, at the place where the halyards are to be bent. Trice it up and down the mast by its middle ; stand the yard on the deck with its outer arm downwards, and let the part with the yard be outside of that without any ; secure them in that position. When you want to set it, run the part without the yard (which is in fact the inner part of the head) up with the inner halyards ; bend the outer halyards to the yard j cast off the stops ; pull the tripping line up so as to clear the lower yard arm of the nettings J and then run the halyards out slip- ping the toggle when the yard is half way up. All this will be done with much less time, soiling of hammocks, and bungling than otherwise. T 322 MANUAL FOE NAVAL CADETS. It is usual to unbend stud sails if not much in use, bending them as required. The -whole business of bending sails, has been-often done, without a word of preparation, in order and precision in a line-of'battle ship in fifteen minutes. MAKING SAIL. After bending, it is well to make all sail and move the yards about to show eTcrything its place j getting braces, buntlines, &c. &c., marked so as to avoid occasion for unnecessary noise and delay in shortening and furling sail, squaring yards, &c. &c. In sheeting home topsails, the ^eets, if double, should be stopped together, having hands at the lower yard-arms, outside the lifts, to cut the stops when they have reached them ; and in all cases before letting fall, the men should be warned off the outer quarters of .the lower yards. The fall of the sheets is very violent, and the bights frequently get under the feet of the people on the lower yards. In loosing courses, it is not neces- sary to trice the booms up ; and when the outer gaskets have been cast off, if there are no reefs to shake out, the men should come in off the yards ; the booms and quarter-gaskets will keep the sails up. ' When about to haul to a bowline, if there are reefs in, let fall first, and shake the reefs out. Before hauling out, warn people out of the fore part of the tops, and in all places where they are likely to be holding on by the buntlines. PniULING SAILS. The yards are usually marked on the quarters, so that the men may be kept within certain bounds before the A B is a lever supported by a fulcrum at c, its arms being of equal length; w is a weight attached to one of these arms. If that were the only weight attached to it, the lever would at once be thrown off its level. To restore it to its level position, it 330 MANUAL FOK NATAL CADETS. would be requisite to attach another weight equal to w to the other extremity — or it might be restored to its level by placing a larger weight v)' nearer the fulcrum. The law by which the relations of these weights are goyerned is this, that the product of either weight multiplied into its distance from the fulcrum must be equal to the product of the other weight multiplied into its distance from the fulcrum ; or if there are more weights than one on each side of the fiilcrum, the sum of the products on one side must equal the sum of the products on the other. In the case before us, suppose the arms of the lever to be each 12 feet in length, and the weight to to be 3 lbs. — 3 x 12=36. Then any weight as w placed at tte extremity of the other arm of the lever must also be 3 lbs., being at an equal distance from the fulcrum ; but supposing it desirable to restore the level of the lever by placing a weight nearer the fulcrum (say at 9 feet from it), as at w', tben the number of pounds weight of w' must be such as when multiplied into 9 feet, wUl make 36, which in the pre- sent instance would be 4, as 4x9=36. The same principle holds good whether the lever be moving in a vertical or hori- zontal plane. If the lever a b were fixed on a vertical axis passing through the point c, so that its motion should be in a horizontal plane, the power requisite to alter its direction would require to be proportioned as above. To apply this to the power of the sails on a ship, we may consider the ship herself as a lever turning round a vertical axis, called her axis of rotation, and the areas of the sails may be considered as so many weights or forces acting on her to turn her round her axis, the distances from the axis being measured from their centres of effort. It will be obvious that if we want to turn the ship away from the wind (or " bear up "), the full effect must be given to the sails that are nearest the bow ; and the sails nearest the stem, or on the opposite side of the axis, (which may be assumed to be nearly at the middle of the ship) must as far as possible be neutralised ; and vice versa, to bring the ship's head up to the wind, the head sails must be neutral- ised, and the full effect given to the after sails. It will also be obvious that to keep the ship on a straight course, the amount of sail set on each side of the axis of rotation must be balanced by a consideration of ihe distances of the several sails, or, to speak more correctly, the distances of their centres of effort, from that axis. MEASUKES AND WEIGHTS. 331 Upon this balancing of the sail depends that quality of a ship called " carrying a good helm," by which it is meant that when all sail is set on a wind, the rudder hangs nearly in a line with the keel, very little action of the helm, and that only weather helm, being required to keep the ship from deviating from her course. The axis of rotation being a shifting line, this correct balance can never be attained by mere calculation — but an approximation sufficiently near for all practical purposes, has been arrived at by naval architects by means of comparison with ships known to have carried a good helm. The desirable result has usually been attained by placing the common centre of effort of all the sails a few feet before the middle line of the ship, subject of course to some little modifica- tion to meet peculiarities in the form of particular ships. From what has been said, it is to be hoped that the reader win have little difficulty in comprehending the principles which govern the different manoeuvres executed on board a ship, such as Tacking and Wearing. But he must bear in mind that these manoeuvres are not entirely carried out by means of the sails, but that the rudder plays the most important part. Now the action of the rudder is dependent on the speed with which the ship passes through the water, and this again upon the power of the sails. The example of the Lever must therefore be followed with some limitation. In Wearing, for instance, while we to a certain extent neutralise the after sail, it is desirable to keep such an amount of sail in full action as to keep up the speed of the ship. This is done by not only keeping the head sails full but the main top-sail also, or very slightly lifting, the mizen top -sail and driver alone being neutralised. Again, in tacking under ordinary circumstances, so much advantage is derived from keeping way on the ship to the last moment before the sails shake, that none of the head sails are neutralised at all. CHAP. XIX. MEASUKES AND WEIGHTS. The earliest mark of time with which man could have been acquainted, must have been the successions of light and dark- 332 MANUAL FOE NAVAL CADETS. ness, or the division of a certain portion of time into day and night. After that, .the observation of the movements of the heavenly bodies, the length and direction of shadows, the rise , and fall of tides, the escape of water from vessels, and the consequent subsidence of the fluid within — would all suggest themselves as so many means of marking the rate at which time was passing. The sun-dial of Ahaz, the clepsydra, the sand-glass of the Greeks, the notched candle of the Saxons, were all inventions, more or less satisfactory, for ascertaining its movements ; and there is good reason for believing, that the Eastern astronomers, in early ages, measured time during their observations by the vibration of the pendulum. We know that a revolution of the earth on its axis is the natural measure of our time ; that the time intervening between the appearance of a star, or the sun, on the meridian of a place, and its reappearance is called, in the former case, a sidereal day, which is twenty-four hours ; and in the latter a solar day, which in consequence of the earth having advanced on its orbit, is on an average nearly four minutes longer. But it may not be quite understood how science has improved upon primitive modes, and constructed a machine which, self-acting for several days (if need be), and independent of temperature and the visibility of heavenly bodies, computes time with almost undeviating accuracy. When a pendulum, however long or short, is set in motion, every swing, vibration, or oscillation which it makes, until it comes to a staud-stiU, is performed in exactly the same amount, of time. These times will be greater or less, as the pendulum is long or short ; and it may therefore be made to perform any number of vibrations in a given time. Say that it is made to beat 86,400 times in a day, and that we divide that number into certain portions, calling them minutes and hours, and the vibrations themselves seconds. The next re- quirements naturally will be to contrive some means for keeping the pendulum in motion for that, or even a longer, period. This is effected by a train of wheel-work, which is kept revolving during the descent of a weight suspended by a cord wound round one of its axles. One of the teeth of that wheel which is in contact with the MEASTIRES AND WEIGHTS. 333 axis of the pendulum is disengaged in a particular direction at each vibration, and thus the pendulum in return regulates the velocity of the descent of the weight. An indicator and dial on the end of the last axis of the train will express this velocity j and this velocity is the time as measured by the pendulum in the instance, of a common clock. It was soon found that if the weight at the end of the pendulum were equally divided — one half being fixed at each end of it, and the pendulum itself placed horizontally on an axis at its centre, and kept in motion by the constant pressure of a spring having a proportionate degree of strength — the same consequences would foUow. This arrangement, which is just the Balance Wheel produced in smaller proportions and adapted to smaller scales and any attitude or position, became the fundamental principle of the Chronometer and pocket watch. The compensation balance is a beautiful contrivance for counteracting the effect of changes of temperature, which, by causing an ordinary balance to expand and contract, occasion a variation in the extent of its vibration, and consequently in the rate of going of the timepiece of which it forms the essential feature. This correction is effected by forming the rim of the balance of two semicircular slips of metal, fixed at one end only, and each consisting of a very narrow riband of steel joined to an outer rim of brass. Each of these slips consisting thus of two metals differently affected by heat, is capable of altering its shape with every change in the temperature to which the chro- nometer is exposed, in such a way as to keep the vibrations of the balance always the same. The pendulum is also employed as an instrument in the measurement of space as well as time. For things which we caU fathoms, yards, feet, inches, &c., have no existence, except- ing that which they derive firom the pendulum. The number of vibrations which a pendulum of a given length will make in a given time will depend on the locality of the in- strument. In different latitudes, there is required n. different length of pendulum to perform the same number of vibrations. In the latitude of London, for example, a pendulum 39 'IS inches long, will vibrate seconds, whereas near the Equator, a lesser 334 MANUAL FOR NAVAL CADETS. length would be required to perform the Bame duty ; and it may be observed that the bulbs are usually made capable of adjust- ment by means of screws. " This difference is explained by the flattened shape of the earth, and the consequent diminished force of gravity near the equator. " Now, as a pendulum in this country, vibrating seconds at the level of the sea, would invariably be of a certain length, that length was adopted as a basis for a system of uniform measures throughout the British Islands ; and in the absence, or total loss of the ordinary means, the standard measure could be declared with a line and plummet." Table of the length of pendulum that will vibrate seconds at every fifth degree. Degree. Inches. Degree. Inches. Degree. Inches. 0, 39-027 35 39-084 70 39-177 5 39-029 40 39-097 75 39-185 10 39-032 45 39-111 SO 39-191 15 39-036 50 39126 85 39-195 20 39-044 55 39-142 90 39-197 25 39-057 60 39158 30 39-070 65 39-168 The system of Vrelgbts in England is arbitrary, almost every county having a quantity of its own. In France the measures, weights, and coinage have a definite relation to the dimensions of the earth. The meridian of Paris measured from the pole to the equator, is divided into ten million parts, each of which is called a Metre. This metre is 39-376 inches in length, and has been adopted as the basis of a decimal system ; the multiples and divisions being expressed by a certain prefix to the metre. As boat midshipmen are frequently employed upon commis- sariat service, the following tables may be found nseflil. MEASURES AND WEIGHTS. 335 BRITISH ■WEIGHTS AND MBASUEES. Troy Weight. Grains 24= 1 dwt. 480= 20 = 1 oz. 5760 = 240 = 12 = 1 lb. Avoirdupois Weight. Drachms. 16= 1 oz. 256= 16= 1 lb. 7168= 448= 28= 1 quarter. 28672= 1792= 112= 4= 1 cwt. 573440 = 35840 = 2240 = 80 = 20 = 1 ton. •1 lb. = 14 oz. 11 dwts. 15^ grains Troy. 1 oz. = lS dwts. 5| grains Troy." N.B — 7000 Troy grains make 1 pound Avoirdupois; hence 175 pounds Troy are equal to 144 pounds Avoirdupois. Apothecaries' Weight. Grains 20= 1 scruple. 60= 3= 1 drachm. 480= 24= 8= 1 oz. 5760 = 288=36 = 12 = 1 lb. Long Measure. Inches. 12= 1 foot. 36= S= 1 yard. 72= '6= 2= 1 fathom. 198= 16|= 5|= 2f= Ipole. 7920= 660= 220 = 110=40 =1 furlong. 63360= 5280 = 1760=880=320=8 = 1 mile. A mile contains 80 chains, land measure, and a chain 100 links of 22 yards ; an inch contains 12 lines. 336 MANUAL rOK NAVAL CADETS. Measure of Ike Circle. Seconds (") 60 = 1 minute (') 360= 60= 1 degree (°) 32400= 5400= 90 = 1 quadrant. 129600 = 21600= 360 =4 = 1 circumference. Wine Measure. Pints 2= 1 quart. 8= 4= 1 gallon. 336= 168= 42= 1 tierce. 504= 257= 63 = 1| = 1 hogshead. 672= 336= 84=2 =1|=1 puncheon. 1008= 504 = 126= 3 = 2 =11=1 pipe. 2016=1008 = 252 = 6 = 4 = 3 = 2=1 tun. Ale and Beer Measure, Pints 2 = 1 quart. 8= 4= 1 gallon. 72= 36= 2= 1 firkin. 144= 72= 18= 2 = 1 kilderkin. 288 = 144= 36= 4 = 2= Ibarrel. 432 = 216= 56= 6 = 3= 11=1 hogshead. 576=288= 72= 8=4= 2 =11=1 puncheon. 864 = 432 = 108 = 12 = 6= 3 =2 =l|=lbutt. N.B. — The pint, quart, and gallon, for wine, ale and beer, and grain or com, measure the same with regard to their mag- nitude ; 8 of these gallons make 1 bushel ; and 1 gallon contains 277-274 cubic inches, or 10 lbs. of distilled water, at 62 degrees Fahrenheit. Dry Measure. Pints 8= 1 gallon. 16= 2= 1 peck. 64= 8= 4= 1 bushel. 256= 32= 16= 4= 1 coom. 512= 64= 32= 8= 2= 1 quarter. 2560=320 = 160=40=10= 5=1 wey. 5120=640 = 320 = 80 = 20=10 = 2=1 last. MEASURES AND WEIGHTS. 337 Cloth Measure. Inches 21= 1 nail. 9= 4=1 quarter. 36 = 16=4=1 yard. 27 = 12 = 3 = 1 Flemish ell. 45 = 20 = 5 = 1 English ell. 54 =24 = 6 = 1 French ell. Square Measure. Inches 144= 1 foot 1296= 9 = 1 yard. 39204= 2721= 301= i pole. 1568160 = 10890 =1210= 40 = 1 rood. 6272640=43560 =4840 =160 = 4 = 1 acre. 10 square chains make 1 acre ; 640 acres make 1 square mile ; 30 acres 1 yard of land; and 100 acres 1 hide of land. Solid Measure. Inches 1728= 1 foot 46656=27 = 1 yard. 1 cubic foot = 2200 cylindrical inches =3300 spherical inches =6600 conical inches. MISCELLANEOUS WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. 1 acre Scotch, 1-271 acres English, or - 6084 sq. yds. 1 acre Irish, 1-638 acres English, or - 7840 sq. yds. 1 harrel, imperial measure - - 9981'86 cub. in. „ soap - 256 lbs. 1 bushel, imperial measure 2218'19 c. in. Winchester - 2150'42 c. in. barley 50 lbs. coal - - 88 lbs. flour or salt - 56 lbs. oats .... 40 lbs. ■wheat - - - - 60 lbs. 1 chaldron coals, Newcastle - - 53 c-wts. 1 sack ----- 112 lb. 338 MANUAL FOE NATAL CADETS. 1 chain . - . . 1 clove of wool - , . 1 fodder of lead, Stockton - „ „ Newcastle „ „ London 1 gallon, imperial measure „ distilled water, 60° „ proof spirit or oil „ former wine measure „ former ale measure „ Irish measure 1 league - - - - 1 geographical mile „ degree 1 nautical mile (mean) 1 gross ... 1 great gross 1 hand - - 1 hundred of deals „ nails - „ salt 1 last of salt - - - „ gunpowder „ potash, soap, pitch, or tar „ flax or feathers - 1 link - - . . 1 line - - . 1 load of bricks - - - „ com - - - „ hay or straw - „ lime „ planks, two-inch „ sand „ timber, squared „ timber unhewed 1 mile 1 pack of wool - - . 1 palm 1 pole, woodland „ plantation 100 links. 7 lbs. 22 cwt. 22 cwt. 19| cwt. 277-27 cub. in. 10 lbs. 9 3 lbs. 231 c. in. 283 e. in. 217-6 c. in. 3 miles. 1-15 Eng. ms. 69-12 Eng. ms. 6075-5 feet. 12 dozen. 12 gross. 4 inches. 120 in No. 120 in No. 7 lasts. 18 barrels. 24 barrels. 12 barrels. 17 cwt. 7'92 inches. l-12thof anin. 500 in No. 40 bushels. 36 trusses. 32 bushels. 300 sq. ft. 36 bushels. 50 cub. ft. 40 cub. ft. 80 chains. 240 lbs. 3 inches. 18 feet. 21 feet. MEASURES AND WEIGHTS. 339 1 pole, ChesHre - 1 sack of coals - „ wool - 1 seam of glass 1 cuMt 1 span 1 military space 1 stone of meat or fish - horseman's weight „ glass 1 thousand of n«ils 1 truss of new hay „ old hay „ straw 1 tun of Tegetahle oil „ animal oil 1 cable's length 24 feet. 224 lbs. 364 lbs. 124 lbs. 18 inches. 9 inches. 5 feet. 8 lbs. 14 lbs. 5 lbs. 1200 60 lbs. 56 lbs. 36 lbs. 236 gallons. 252 gallons. 120 fathoms. EELATIVE VALUE OF BRITISH AND FRENCH WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. FRENCH DECIMAL OR MODERN STSTEM. Weights. British. - 15'434 grains. 1-5434 „ 015434 „ 0-015434,, - 154-34 „ 3-527 oz. avoird. - 3-2154 oz. troy. - 2-6795 lbs. troy. 2-2048 lbs. avoird. - 26-795 lbs. troy. > - 22-048 lbs. avoird. ' - - 1 cwt. 3 qrs. 241 lbs. - 9 tons 16 cwt. 3 qrs. 12 lbs. Measure of Capacity. - 61-028 cubic inches. - 1-761 imperial pint * The Litre=a cubic decimetre. Z 2 French. Gramme - Decigramme Centigramme - Milligramme - Decagramme - Hectogramme or Kilogramme or Myriagramme - or Quintal - Millier or bar - Litre* 340 MANUAL FOB NAVAL CADETS. Decilitre - - 6-1928 cubic inches. Centilitre - - 0-6103 „ „ Millilitre - - - 00610 „ Decalitre - - - 610-28 „ or - - 2-2 imperial gallons. Hectolitre - 3-5317 cubic feet. or - - - 2-75 imperial bushels. Kilolitre - - - 35-317 cubic feet. Myrialitre - - 353-17 „ ,, Measures of Length. Metre - - 39-371 inches. Decimetre - 39371 „ Centimetre - 0-39371 „ Millimetre - - 0-039371 „ Decametre - 32-809 feet. Hectometre - 328-09 „ Kilometre - - 1093-6 yards. Myriametre - - - 6-2138 miles. Measures of Superfioes. Are* - - - 119-60 square yards. Deciare - - 11-960 „ „ Centiare - 10-764 square feet. Milliare - - 155-00 square inch. Decare - 1196-0 square yards. Hectare - - - 2-4712 acres. Measures of Solidity. Steret - 35-317 cubic feet Decistere - - 3-5317 „ „ Centistere - 610-28 cubic inches. Millistere ' - - - 61-028 „ „ Decastere - - 13080 cubic yards. Heotostere - - 130-80 „ Note The decimetre, centimetre, and millimetre, are re- spectively formed by dividing the metre by 10,000, and 1000 ; and the decametre, hectometre, kilometre, and myriametre, by * The Are=a square decimetre, t The Stere^a cubic metre. MEASURES AND WEIGHTS. 341 multiplying the metre by 10, 100, 1000, and 10,000 ; the other measures and weights of the decimal system are formed in a like manner from their respective units. RELATIVE VALUE OF BRITISH AND FOREIGN MEASURES OF LENGTH. Country or Name No. equal to Country or Name No. equal to flace. sure. 100 Eng4 feiBt. ' Flace. sure. 100 Eng. feet. Amsterdam - Foot 107-71 Naples - Palmo 115-60 •Antwerp . >■■ 106-76 Prussia Foot 97-16 China - ... 94-41 Riga - ... 111-21 Copenhagen - 9716 Russia - ... 87-27 Dantzic 106-19 Sardinia Palmo 122-69 France - 91-46 Sicily 125-91 Genoa - Palmo 123-45 Spain - Foot 107-91, Hamburg Foot 106-38 Sweden ... 102-73 Lisbon - ... 92-73 Venice ... 87-71 Malta ... 107-52 RELATIVE VALUE OF BRITISH AND FOREIGN COMMERCIAL -WEIGaTB. No. No. Country or Place. Weights. equal to 1 cwt. British. Country or Place. Weights. equal to 1 cwt. British. Alexandria - Rottolo, 119-84 Malta - Rottolo 64-17 For. Naples - Cantaro 56-99 Amsterdam - Pound 50-79 gro Flem. Persia - Batman 88-31 Algiers - Rottolo 94-12 Portugal Pound 110-68 Barcelona Pound 126-97 Prussia - 108-60 Cairo Rottolo 117-89 Riga - ... 121-51 China - Catty 8400 Rotterdam ... 102-82 Constantinople Oke 39-53 Russia - ... 124-08 Copenhagen - Pound 101-55 Sardinia ... 128-00 Cyprus - Rottolo 21-35 Sicily - ... 160-00 Dantzic - Pound 108-42 Smyrna - Oke 39-53 France Livre ior59 Spain Pound 110-40 usuel Sweden - ... 149-33 Genoa - Pound, 145-69 Trieste - ,,, 90-75 heavy Tripoli Rottolo 100-00 Hamburgh Poimd 104-86 Tunis - Rotul 100-85 Japan - Catty 86-15 Venice Pbund, 50-79 Leghorn Pound 149-61 new Madeira ... 110-79 Z 3 342 MANUAL FOB NAVAL CADETS. I.EAD LINES. Band X«ads are from about 7 to 14 pounds -weight. The lines are marked thus : at two fathoms black leather ; at three, ditto two pieces ; at five, white ; at seven, red ; at ten, black leather with a hole ; at thirteen, blue ; at fifteen, white ; at seventeen, red j and two knots at twenty. Deep Sea Kead line is marked in the same way up to twenty fathoms, then one knot at twenty-five fathoms, three at thirty, &c. , The unmarked portions, one, four, six, eight, nine, eleven, twelve, fourteen, sixteen, eighteen, nineteen, SiC, are called " deeps ; " thus, for instance, in calling or chanting the sound- ings, the leadsman cries " mark seven," or " quarter less seven," or " and a quarter seven ; " and in the case of deeps, " deep six," " quarter less six," " and a half six," &c. &c. LOG LINE. The first part of the log line is stray line, its object being to permit the " log ship " to get well clear of the influence of the eddy water in the ship's wake. No account of it is taken ; but at the first mark, the divisions for the measurement of the ship's pace commences : this mark is a piece of white bunting. The divisions are denoted by knots which are at distances from each other, bearing the same proportion to a nautical mile that the time run by a sand-glass does* to an hour. If one of these knots pass in the interval, the ship is sailing at the rate of one mile an hour ; if two knots pass, two miles an hour ; and so on. " In this operation, a 28-8econd glass is generally used ; in which case the knot should be 47 feet 3 inches, which bears the same proportion to 6075'5 (the feet contained in a mean nautical mile) that 28 seconds do to 3600, the seconds contained in an hour. When a 14-second glass i6 used, the knots must be doubled, or a log line having half -knots used. The length of the knot is frequently taken as little as 44 or 45 feet, by which means the sailing of the ship is overrated. This is done with a view that the reckoning of the ship may be on the safe side in making land. This space of 47 feet 3 inches is considered as made up of tenths." * * Inman's Navigation. OKGANISATION. 343 MEASnRING DISTANCE BY SOUND. Sound flies at the rate of 1 142 feet in a second, or about a mile in 4| seconds ; or a league in 14 seconds ; or 13 miles in a minute ; but sea miles are to land miles nearly as 7 to 6, there- fore sound moves over a sea nule in 5| seconds, nearly, or a sea league in 16 seconds. Sound can be heard nearly twice as far on the water as on the land. Thus, by observing with a watch or otherwise, the time which passes between the flash of a gun and the sound of the discharge, the distance from the place of the discharge may be reckoned. The same with lightning. The banks of rivers sometimes echo any sharp noise produced upon the water, and this in a dark night on a broad river may be useful ; for by striking the water a smart blow with the flat of an oar, and observing the time between it and the echo, the distance from the bank may be guessed at. Time may be counted by the pulsations of the blood, which, for a man in health, are usually 75 in a minute,* CHAP. XX. ORGANISATION. BESIBING. As there can be no discipline established until the hammocks and bags are marked and issued, and the berthing list completed, the earliest attention should be given to these matters. Hammock cloths take a long time in drying, and should be drawn and fitted as soon as possible. The forecastle cloths stand all the better for being sewn with the seam athwart ships. In berthing, the lower deck guns must be run in and howsed as at sea. Boatswain's mates are berthed at the hatchways, other jPetty oficers next the sides ; thus they get a little more space, and protect the mess traps. The guard and quarter-masters are best disposed of in the wings, or anywhere out of the gangways ; so that should the deck be cleared early, those men who have had night watches may not be disturbed. * What to observe; Z 4 344 MANUAL FOB NAVAL CADETS. HAMMOCKS. Hammocks should be fitted with three bottom and two head- stops, made of good nettle stuff and whipped. They are usually- marked on the head, and when hung on the gantlines must be stopped on with the numbers downwards and inwards. The trouble of fitting hammocks so as to lace up, is well bestowed ; they are not so readily soiled or worn out as those which are daily dragged to pieces with seven turns of a greasy tarry lashing. Moreover, they scrub clean in half the time, and are more quickly laced up. The spare suit should always be taken in, ready slung and stowed away. A shift can thus be made without disturbing bags, they cannot be used for deck cloths or wrappers, and the men have more space in their bags for their clothes. In large ships, hammocks should be piped down by watches, and in bad weather the mate of the watch should look out for a clearing off so as to get them down dry. The only way to air bedding effectually and tidily, is to stop the blankets on the gantlines by the station bill for scrubbed hammocks. The best way to mark bags is with a round piece of hide sewn on the bottom with a grummet round it, and having the number cut on the hide. Bags should bear the owner's number on the ship's books, and thus go with him wherever stationed. What a cabin is to an oflcer, a resting-place for his bag and diddy box is to a man. The fitments on a lower or orlop deck ought to be very important that interfere with a place for the permanent stowage of bags. If we take into considera- tion the time spent in getting bags up and down, and in chase of the owner of a stray one, who perhaps has spent the best part of his meal hour in search of it, amidst the confusion of the transit ; the time spent in vexatious inquiries into pilferings occurring in consequence ; the discomfort to a man arising from his inability to shift his wet clothes, or put on old or new ones, and the positive worry that all this occasions — we will think seriously before we " routine " bags twice a day up and down hatchways. Bags, as affecting the comfort or discomfort of the ORGANISATION. 345 men, are matters of very large importance. Men cannot work heartily in their mustering clothes. Ten minutes expended in shifting to working dress for a press of -work, will be caught up before an hour is over. A U that the men call elbow-grease is in the jumpers. If we have our hags stowed, so that we can lay hands on each particular one, we may adapt our dress to every circumstance. We shall always have good clothes for muster, good work out of working rig, and good heallth from timely shifts on account of weather. Mustering the liberty men with their bags before leaving, and then stowing their hags under charge until the return of their owners, are not only checks to sales, but also to theft. CLOTHING. " Working dress " need not be so vague a term as to admit of variety of colour and material. The best rig is a suit of duck, made large enough for wearing over all, to be put on whilst coaling or refitting, and to be scrubbed and taken in as hammocks are. Let the men appear in their night uniform, all blue, at even- ing muster ; shifting at a certain period according to the season. The dress for the day to be announced before breakfast, if possible; the forenoon watch coming to muster in that uniform. On Sundays it is well to let the men, if in white, bring their blue, frock to muster, as it frequently becomes cold during church. A certain quantity of clothing is necessary for each man. In mustering clothes, let them parade that quantity ; if they are short, take their names down for sufficient material to complete. What they may have above the establishment is of no conse- quence. Much time is lost at muster from noting each article specially. ■WATCH QCARTEK AND STATION BILL. Ships are supplied with a table of complement, and a scheme for the quarter bill. By the latter the system for fighting is officially arranged. It is left to the option of the officer in command to dispose of his strength for the purposes of working ship, as he may think best. It is an approved method to take the table of complement for the particular rate, and from the 346 MANUAl FOK NAVAL CADETS. whole complement, deduct the officers, marines, idlers, stokers, and second-class hoys. The remainder gives the number of men disposable for the watch bill. As the artificers and signal- men are included in the idlers' list, from the remainder take sufficient numbers for quarter-masters and boatSTrains' mates ; and then, as an approximate for equalising the strength and giving every man stationed aloft about a fair proportion of can- vass to handle, calculate thus : As the number of yards of can- vass in the courses and topsails, &c., is to the "remainder," so is the number in (say) the main-sail to the number of main-yard men, and so on. Of course, it will be remembered that some canvass is lighter than others, and that from stay and studding sails, fore-top men do more work aloft than the main, and therefore should be equally strong. Divide the first-mentioned remainder into two watches, each watch into two " halves," and each " half" into two " parts ; " the odd numbers being in the first halves, the even in the second halves, beginning with number " one " in each watch. Thus we can keep two, four, or eight watches without an additional set of stations and numbers to remember, which is the case with a ship's company divided into three watches. The first parts are usually sail loosers and furlers; the second, upper-yard men and second company of small arm men ; the third parts, sail furlers, spare boats' crews, and third company of small arm men ; the fourth parts, boats' crews and spare hands for duties aloft, but generally working on deck. The first halves of the port watch wear one stripe on the left arm, and the second two. The first halves of the starboard watch wear one stripe on the right arm, and the second two. For want of space, numbers are printed instead of words in the annexed form of watch bill, and represent these ; — No. 1. Man's number on the watch bill. 2. His number on the ship's books. 3. Quarters. 4. Boat. 5. Duty aloft; such as F. Y. F., fore-yard furler; F. Y. L. F., Fore yard loose and furl ; C. L. F., Cross, loose, furl top-gallant yard. In working ship with the watch, keep the second halves to •O , eo 1 •a 1 « a A ■O . Q4 « s JS «« 1 ^ ? ■e s ■ti" eo s Pi p4 1S •^ . £ ■fl- Atf M r1 1 ■ 1 £ t^ "W ^ » w Pi B 1* Fm cep^ !z; & & ■* ^ eo "rt S a clear side of three inches for every foot depth of hold measured from the deck to HANDLING BOATS. 369 the water ; but this is not applicahle to an open vessel j and as leakage would not be apparent in the well with a cargo of sand, or any other liable to saturation, it should be carried in mode- rate quantities. Remember that a laden boat carries her way longer than a light one, therefore shorten sail or unrow in good time. As they are apt to take under chains, ports, or other projec- tions from the ship or wharfs, never toss oars up whilst going or coming when there is any considerable motion. When ordered on boat-duty, it is well to remember your men's meal hours, either taking the provisions in the boat, or warning the master-at-arms that the crew will be absent. See that the gear — masts, sails, oars, fenders, boat-hooks, baler, anchor and cable, painter, flags, breakers, water, rudder, awning, and stanchions — is complete, and that the crew are properly dressed. It has been found very convenient to keep a quarter-case in each boat, containing a pistol, flash-pan, powder, caps, a rocket and blue light, hatchet and a few nails, &c. A boat ofBcer is always supposed to have his spy-glass, watch, and signal-book at hand ; and it is well to make certain that orders are rightly comprehended before leaving the ship. CARKYING SAIL. If about to sail, get the sails taut up before shoving off ; see that the yards are slung, so as to set the sail smoothly. Ship the rowlocks ; make all the men who are not about to spring the boat off, sit down : haul up ; sheer off ; in fenders. As a general rule in sailing, insist upon the crew sitting down on the bottom boards of the boat. Meeting on opposite tacks, the boat on the port tack passes to leeward. Boats, &c., running give way to those on a wind. Never stretch the head of your sails in bending them, put them to the yards and gaffs barely hand taut. The hauling end of lug halyards is always long enough for a downhaul. Splice an eye in its bare end, and put this eye over the hook of the traveller before hoisting. Keep your weights amidships, and never belay the sheets. Before reefing on a wind, tell the men off for the different duties ; the two bowmen to gather down on the luff; two B B 370 MANUAL FOE NAVAL CADETS. •leather hands by the halyards, and downhaul j the lee hands to tie the points ; one strokesman to attend the sheet, the other to assist the coxswain in reefing the mizen. No person need stand up. Neat two-handed boatmen never jump about on the thwarts, or show more than their heads above the gunwale. Do not luff up ; check the dieets ; lower enough to shift the tack hooks easily ; gather the fore-sheet aft, that the men may reach the foot of the sail without leaning over the lee gunwale; shift the sheet ; tie away ; slack the sheet ; hoist ; resume places, and haul aft. Should the mizen be reefed more quickly than the foresail, do not haul its sheet aft until the boat has steerage way on, else she will get in the wind, and lose time. There is another way of doing all this. The officer steps into his boat without a clear understanding of orders, or the least consideration for his crew. " Shove off ; " " Hoist away." Everybody stands up or sits on the gunwale, and " carries on ; " the mizen is up first ; the boat comes nearly head to wind, and goes chopping astern ; the officer puts the tiller the wrong way ; the foresail is hoisted all aback, and the boat tilted over to windward. Some one who has got an oar out on that side to pull her head round, " catches a crab ; " she comes round ; the sail binds against the mast, and will not come down ; there is no downhaul ; and if not upset, the crew contrive to gather the sail into the boat by hand. At length, her head is pointed the right way ; the sails are hoisted, and the sheets are hauled aft simultaneously, and are of course badly set. So much lee-way has been made, that it is not possible to weather the nearest ship ; and if there is not a " run-foul," the boat bears up, and runs further to leeward, or else the sails are lowered, and the oars are got out. At length they get away under sail. It freshens ; the officer has got a foolish notion that it is proper to " crack on," and, moreover, he has a " water-proof," and can afford to be in- different about wetting his men. The boat is dragging on her side, the crew are sitting on the thwarts, and much more lee- way is made than if the boat was more upright ; at length a reef is ordered without any preparation. All hands stand up, and snatch at the foot of the sail through the lee gunwale, and the nominal officer resigns his command to that cherub, whose particular duty it is to " look out " for the natural consequences. HANDLING BOATS. 871 In boom boats, set the jib before setting the foresail ; taking care to have the runners hand taut before hoisting. The jib is the forestay ; and if the foresail be set first, the mast head is dragged aft, and the after-leech hangs slack. If obliged to set the jib after the foresail, ease the fore-sheet off whilst hoisting the jib, and let the mast-head go forward into its place. In shoving off when the ship is not head to wind, poll well clear of her before making sail. Remember in running that you cannot cari^ all the canvass on a wind that you can before it j therefore make ready for rounding to. Rimning with much sail dead before it in a gig is very dan- gerous : if the wind comes a little on the sheet quarter (say starboard}, it is safest to haul up to port ; and when the wind is on the port quarter, haul in the sheet, lower, shift the sail round, resume course, and hoist on the port side. When you want a pull on the halyards, let go the sheet ; if in the fore, check the mizen at the same time. Dipping a lug is the neatest handed affair a boatman has to do. You must tell the men off ; the bowmen to bear the forg part of the sail out, the two next to gather fhe sheet of the sail forward and pass it round, the after hands to unhook and hook Fig. 2U. the sheet, the others to sit fast, shifting the halyards and hand- ing the foot along, and hoisting when ready. Do not lower B B 2 372 MANUAL FOE NATAL CADETS. until the fore part of the sail has heen aback sufficiently to bring the wind on the other bow, unless it is smooth and you have great way on ; but the sheet may be unhooked the moment the sail lifts. Keep your halyards with a mark, so as not to lower the yard more than is necessary for dipping the after yard arm ; you will have more back sail to carry you round, and less slack sail on top of your men. Attend the mizen sheet in case the boat should " come to " whilst re-hoisting fore-sail. (_Fig. 214.) If your men are all sitting to windward in a, breeze, make them occupy their proper places amidships, before passing to leeward of a vessel. There is not only an eddy wind under the stem of a ship that is riding head to wind, but also frequently an indraught of water. And it is not uncommon to see an inexperienced young officer trying to pass close under the stem, suddenly taken aback, and his mast-head, which at one moment was looking quite clear of the boom, thrown to windward and entangled by it (See page 85, and Fig. 215.) Hailing or interchanging hails with the gun-room, on passing astern, is just as improper as the above course is foolish. When caught in a hard sudden squall, put the helm down at once, let fly the fore sheet ; and as such squaUs frequently veer more or less, lower the sail : for if it came aback there would be difficulty in getting it down, danger and stemway from keeping it up. In moderate squalls, and where the officer is confident of himself and his men, it is best to ease off the sheets sufficiently to relieve the boat ; keeping such steerage way on as to ensure a touch of lee helm and a pull on the mizen sheet bringing her into the wind should the squall increase. When the wind fails, get out oars at once. If your men have had a long pull, the commanding officer will at your representation excuse them from further duty, but unless already fatigued, your business is •to perform the service expeditiously. A s the breeze springs up be careful with the lee oars, lift the looms out of the rowlocks and lay them on the gunnel as it occasionally freshens, and • when the danger of " catching crabs " is likely, lay them in altogether. When in consequence of the boat's inclination the -weather oars barely strike the water, it is a sign that all oars should be in, and, the crew seated in the boat's bottom. HANDLING BOATS. Fig. 21 S. 373 S ? 3 374 MANUAL POK NATAL CADETS. The remarks about handling ship apply equally to a host*. You may bring her to such nicety of trim under sail, that in moderately smooth Trater she will go round without any assistance. Putting the rudder right across the stem deadens the way ; 42° is considered the extreme of efficiency. When there is no way on, or when the boat is tied by the stem — as in towing, when the tow-line is fast to the wrong place, as the stem ring bolt, — the rudder has no eflfect ■whatever. If your boat hangs in stays, and has just lost, or is about to lose her way, you may (possibly) get her head round by a jerk of the tiller, but it looks very silly to be going through the motions of steering when there is no way on. During sternway, the rudder has a different effect to what it has when there is headway. If when going ahead, you were to unship the rudder, and could point the stem, say three points on either bow, the bow would glance off in the direction towards which the stem pointed. It is precisely so with the rudder in stemway. If the helm is put a-starboard, the rudder points out on the port quarter, the water presses on the star- board side of the rudder, and the stem glances off in the direction to which the rudder points. It must be observed that in stem-way, when the rudder is over to either side, much strain is brought on the braces and pintles. Consequently when ships are taken aback in a squall or sea way, it is usual to secure the helm amidships. In all cases of steering, endeavour either by trimming sails or disposition of weights to reduce the boat to what is called a " small helm," that is, that very little effort will be required to move the boat's head either way. For when the rudder is dragged much across the stem, the -vfay is retarded. Weather helm will be induced by allO^Dg the boat to be pressed by the head, and this may be caused by ibe bowmen sitting forward, or by press of sail, or both.- If the bows are clear, a pull on the jib sheet might relieve the helm, but not as a matter of course ; for if the jib was already flat, it might be the cause of depres- sion, and a few inches checked would perhaps answer the pur- pose. Then themizeflmight be the cause, and an inch of that sheet might be the remedy. But it will be of no use to attempt trim- HANDLING BOATS. 375 ihing until the sails are taut up and well set ; and then the officer in command can make Ms arrangements andalteratdon of trim, until the hoat may be so nicely balanced that, by sending the bowmen forward and letting go the tiller, she will go about of herself. If the bow is deep, and the stem light of draft, the former is not so easily blown from the wind as the latter. If, on the contrary, the stem be deep, and the bow light, the bow is readily thrown to leewani by the conjoint action of wind and sea. In the first of these cases — supposing the sail to be well balanced — the boat would carry weather helm — in the last lee helm, but in either, her way would be more or less diminished. The drag of cross helm might be decreased by reducing sail at one of the extremities, but at the expense of speed — whereas by trimming weights, all sail might be carried, and speed increased. Boats blown off the land, or otherwise adrift, haye ridden out heavy seas by riding at their spars, which, after being lashed up in a bundle, were thrown overboard, with the cable bent span- fashion to them. When such a measure is resorted to, the sails should be loosed on attaching their yards to the spars ; they will thus con- tribute greatly to breaking the sea, and if weights be fastened to the clews, the boat's drift will be much retarded. Two oars, at least, should be retained in the boat, in case of breaking adrift. Sails or spars towed astern whilst running in a heavy sea, will very much diminish the risk of being pooped. If it comes on to blow when you are detached, you will most probably be signalled to remain where you are till it moderates. If you return, either round to ahead, down masts, out oars and drop down j or else, if you have confidence, shoot up under the stem, and down masts before getting under the quarter boats. Before going alongside a vessel under weigh and hove to, observe if she have head or stemway, and in any case get the masts down before dosing her ; otherwise, if the bowman fail to catch hold, and the mast head be fouled, a capsize is nearly a certainty. Wait imtil the ship has gathered headway, and B B 4 376 MAUUAL FOB NAVAL CADETS. then go alongside. Whilst there, have a stern as -well as a how rope, hut do not let them he made fast in your hoat. Do not shoye off during sternway, else the ship in settling to lee- ward and falling off will hring you under her hows, and with her stem and dolphin striker cut you down. In heing towed by a vessel, if alongside, contrive to have the rope from as far forward as possible, so as to avoid riding at a short stay : never malce it fast, hut toggle it with a stretcher through the aftermost of the foremost sling bolts, so as to be able to slip in an instant. Steady it near the stem with the bight of - the lazy painter passed over it. If being towed astern, the closer the better. And when about to be cast off, either be dropped astern clear of other boats, or be handy with your oars, so as to shoot out clear of other boats which may be in tow. Do not permit other boats to hang on by your boat. If other ropes are not supplied, get more of your own towline, and after securing its bight, as before said, pass its end aft ; and if it is not long enough, bend the nearest boat's warp on to it, other- wise your stem or stem will be dragged out. When you go on duty to another ship, return to your boat the moment that you have delivered your message, and wait for orders. If in a tide-way, ask for leave to hapg on by the boom. A careless oflBcer goes below ; his boat's crew block up the gangway, commence conversing through the ports, are dis- respectful to strange ofiicers, and bring a bad name on their own ship. When a boat ofiBcer must be absent from his boat, he should leave his coxswain in charge, with positive orders concerning his duty. In coming alongside lay the fenders out and get the bowsprit in In good time, especially if it be an iron one. The general rule is to keep the main yard of the ship end on ; but that must depend on tideway, and whether the boat is heavily or lightly laden. The boat should be baled out, slings hooked, and otherwise prepared for hoisting, before reaching the ship. Make due allowance for the rate at which the tide is going past the ship, or the rate at which she may be moving, when making for her. A current frequently sets close along shore in the opposite direction to the one that is going by the ship ; and HANDLING BOATS. 377 therefore, a little judgment may save a long pull. At Spithead, for instance, when the ship is swung at ebb, with her head to the eastward, the tide will run strong towards that direction along Southsea Beach, and a boat pulling straight for the ship from the harbour would be carried very much astern ; whereas by dropping down with the tide, close along Southsea Beach, until well ahead of the ship, very little e£fort will carry the boat on board. An inquiring boat-officer will learn more of the theory of local tides and currents by a chat with a waterman, than can be found in books ; and by observing — when abroad — the manoeuvres of native boatmen, much labour and risk will be avoided. Before leaving a ship or place in thick weather, whether you have a compass or no, get a, bearing of the whereabouts you intend reaching. MANAGEMENT OF BOATS IN BROKEN WATER.* 1. Acquire the habit of sitting down in a boat, and never stand up to perform any work which may be done sitting. 2. Never climb the mast of a boat even in smooth water, to reeve halyards or for any other purpose, but unstep and lower the mast in preference. Many boats have been upset, and very many lives lost from this cause. The smaller a boat the more necessary this and the foregoing precaution. As a general rule, there is far more danger when running for the shore before a broken sea, than when being propelled against it on going from the land ; the danger consisting in the lia- bility of a boat to broach-to and upset, either by running her bow under water, or by her being thrown on her beam-ends, and overturned broadside on. Viewed from to seaward, a surf has never so formidable an appearance as when seen from the land ; persons in a boat out- side the broken water are therefore apt to be deceived by it. They should accordingly, if practicable, proceed along the laud outside the surf, until abreast of a coast-guard or life-boat station, or fishing village, whence they might be seen by those on shore, who would then signalise to them where they might safest attempt to land, or warn them to keep off ; or who might * Instructions for the Management of Boats, published b^ the Royal National Life-Boat Institution, 378 MANUAL FOR NAVAL CADETS. proceed in a life-boat or fishing-boat to their aid, the gene- rality of coast fishing-boats being far better able to cope with a surf than a ship's boat, and the coast-boatmen being more skil- fiil in managing boats in a surf than the crews of ships. If in the night, double precaution is necessary — and it will in general be much safer to anchor a boat outside the surf until daylight than to attempt to land through it in the dark. Where a surf breaks at only a short distance from the beach, a boat may be veered and backed through it, from anoth«r boat anchored outside the surf, when two or more boats are in com- pany ; or she may be anchored and veered, or backed in from her own anchor. As a general rule, speed must be given to a boat rowing against a heavy surf. Indeed, under some circumstances, her safety will depend on the utmost possible speed being attained on meeting a sea. For if the sea be really heavy, and the wind blowing a hard on-shore gale, it can only be by the utmost exertions of the crew that any headway can be made. The great danger then is, that an approaching heavy sea may carry the boat away on its front, and turn it broadside on, or up-end it, either effect being inmiediately fatal. A boat's only chance in such a case, is to obtain such way as shall enable her to pass, end on, through the crest of the sea, and leave it as soon as possible behind her. Of course if there be a rather heavy surf, but no wind, or the wind off shore, and opposed to the surf, as is often the case, a boat might be propelled so rapidly through it that her bow would fall more suddenly and heavily after topping the sea than if her way had been checked ; and it may therefore only be when the sea is of such magnitude, and the boat of such a character, that there may be chance of the former carrying her back before it, that full speed should be given to her. It may also happen that, by dareful management under such circumstances, a boat may be made to avoid the sea, so that each wave may break ahead of her, which may be the only chance of safety in a small boat ; but if the shore be flat, and the broken water extend to a great distance from it, this wiU often be impossible. The following general rules for rowing to seaward may there- fore be relied on : — HANDLING BOATS. 379 1. K BufiBoient command can be kept over a Ijoat by the skill of those on board her, avoid or " dodge " the sea if possible, BO as not to meet it at the moment of its breaking or eurling over. 2. Against a head gale and -heavy surf, get all possible HOISTING. In XowerlniTi have a boat rope from well forward, outside all ; ship rudder and tiller, put the plug in, and quarter ladders HANDLING BOATS. 389 oyer ; boat-keepers hold on by life-lines, keep steadying lines fast until the boat is in the water, unhook the after tackle first. A stem boat should always be lowered with runners. In Hoisting, when there are eyes in the tackles of quarter boats and hooks in the " slings," the thwarts and boat-keepers are not fished out of the boat. The boat should be hauled up with a rope from well forward, a careful hand steering her mean- while, and the foremost tackle should be hooked first. When the tackles are hooked, the keepers should hold the blocks taut up by the standing part of the fall ; the steadying lines are secured to eyebolts in the gunwale. When the ship is scending and rolling, you should cross the life lines, and have hook ropes fast to the slings from the ship through the ports well attended, so as to bind the boat as she rises to the side ; the lower deck ports should be either lowered or triced back. Send all your crew except four at the most out of the boat ; make them go up by the chain ladders, and not on the life lines. When the boat is up, pass the bight of the life line through the slings over the davit end twice, and hitch before attempting to belay the fall. Pass the gripes round the boat clear of turns. Have squaring marks put on the falls, so that she may always sit square on the davits. Ship the rowlocks and rudder. If there be no scuttle which opens of itself, take the plug out the moment the boat leaves the water. Send the end of your cable and make it fast as far forward as possible outside all, and stop it up to the chains with a cut yam. See that your fenders are in, fill your water breaker, and if the weather be hot, put the cover on square and smooth during the day, taking it off at night. The following has been found a useful mode of fitting quarter davits. Place eye-bolts in the bends under each davit, flush with the side and about two feet above the copper. Fit a clump block on each davit about two thirds of their length from the step. Bring pendants having lizards on them from each bolt, reeve them through the clumps, and set them up with lanyards. In hoisting haul taut the pendants, and make the lizards fast taut to the tackle blocks ; this will prevent the boat from flying out, and after a few feet hoist from striking the side. If when nearly up the pendants take the gunnels, they may then be slackened ; but in lowering they must be tautened M c c 3 390 MANUAL FOE NAVAL CADETS. soon as possible. The further out these pendants are on the davit the better. In a stem boat in a tide way, or ship going ahead, do not at- tempt to haul across the stem or hook the stem tackle, nntil all is ready on deck, and then hold hard by the life lines, for the boat will suddenly fly forward, as she leaves the water. The driver out haul, or a whip from the boom end, will guy the boat off the ship's rudder. CHAP. xxni. ANCHORING. Ships on being discovered within signal distance of the senior officer are required to show their number, and on this being recognised, that officer gives the ship her pendants ; and although a fresh ship may try to reply with the answering pendant, he will not be satisfied until the pendants be repeated by the ship herself, as an evidence of a clear understanding. In this case of signalling the answering pendant is not use4. There are other signals which, if replied to by the pendant, would also imply inexperience. Local signals, or temporary additions to the signal books' general orders, and copies of the pendant board and squadron routine, should be procured without delay after joining com- pany. If ordered to anchor on a certain bearing, it is intended that the ship to which the signal is made, is to bear, when anchored, in that direction from the ship making the signal ; and if with open hawse to a certain point, it is to be understood that the anchors are to be laid out at right angles to that point. It must not be supposed that merely letting go two anchors, as in mooring, makes a ship safer. What then is the reason for doing so ? If a ship let go her single anchor (say in twelve fathoms) in the very centre of a harbour which we will call about two ANCHOEING. 391 hundred fatiioms tride, and steep to all round, and then veered one hundred fathoms of cable, she would occupy every part of the harbour, as the wind or current happened to move her. If it be desired to keep her stationary in the centre, shortening the cable into twelve fathoms would not effect it, for the first puff of wind would cause her to start her anchor. But let us ascertain from what quarter theprevaiHng heaviest tnnds blow ; weigh, haul over, and let go an anchor in that direction one hundred fathoms from the centre ; then with a warp haul the ship over in the very opposite direction, veering the cable two hundred fathoms from the last position, and then let go the second anchor. Now heave in one hundred fathoms of the first cable, veering one hundred on the last, and we shall have got the ship moored in a stationary position in the centre of the harbour ; and many other ships (suppose one on each side) may share the harbour by similar means, as shown by the full lined ships ia fig. 216. Fig. 216. WORTH Whether we moor with a whole, or merely half a cable each e c 4 392 MANUAL rOK NAVAL CADETS. way, or lay the anchors out in any direction (so long as they are in opposite ones, and one cahle is moderately taut before we let go the second anchor) is of no consequence as far as concerns the principle we are considering. Now with regard to the direction. Say that the prevailing gales are northerly, and one comes on from that quarter so heavy that we should veer cable. If the other ships have at- tended properly to this contingency, all may veer simultaneously without fouling each other, and the riding cable of each ship will grow straight to their weather anchors : in other words, they wUl all have open berths and open hawse, as shown by the dotted line ships in^^. 216. It is clear, that with a long scope of cable, we have all the additional weight of the chain in our favour, that the ship's bows are less dragged downwards than at a short stay, and the pull on the anchor being horizontal, the palm bites all the harder. When we wish to make the best use of our power, we must get as close to the resistance as possible. We do not want to move the anchor ; and some officers prefer veering even as much as two cable on end to letting go other anchors. The weather- most ship in the sketch is at a " short stay : " she is disBlacing great quantities of water, sustaining proportionate shocks, ship- ping heavy seas, straining her cable, and breaking her anchor out of the ground. (Fig. 217.) Now suppose that one or both of the other ships had moored without regard to the position of our anchors and the direction of the prevailing gales. As long as the weather was fine, and we did not want to move, it would be of no great consequence as shown by the fuU-lined ships in fig. 218. But we want to move. B, has overlaid our south anchor and we cannot pick it up. A, has overlaid our north anchor, and we cannot pick it up. Or it comes on to blow hard ftom the northward, and we want to veer ; but B is in our way, and we must hold on until it pleases him to veer, and he, either from neglect or ignorance in thus mooring his ship, sees no distress. A has swung close to our port bow, as in the dotted line ship, fig. 218, his starboard cable is sawing at our weather one ; both A and B, moreover, are riding on spans, and our ship and A see much distress. ANCHOEING. Fig. 217. 393 394 MANUAL FOE NAVAL CADETS. Fig. 219. ANCHORING. 393 At length we will suppose that b veers cable, and then that we and A veer cable j our new positions would be as in fig. 219, and if a sudden luU or shift of wind occurred, the distress would be general. For we, as well as B, would have to wait for A, and B for us, before enough cable could be shortened in to keep the ships clear of each other. Thus then it is that, when the admiral desires to have his ships as close together as possible, he orders them to moor ; and to prevent collisions whilst veering or picking up their anchors, he points out the direction of the anchors. To preserve likewise an imposing and well dressed line, he specifies the quantity of cable that is to be veered by each, and also enforces the use of buoys, that each ship may be enabled to ascertain the position of an- other's anchors. These are some, but not all, of the reasons for mooring. For instance in a river too narrow for a ship to swing in at single anchor without grounding, or too shoal to do so without striking on the upper pee of her anchor, and perhaips settling on it as the tide fell, it would be necessary to make her a fixture. But this also would require consideration. By laying the anchors out in a line with the stream, the anchors would be in the best posi- tion for holding in the event of freshes or gales coming on, in concert with the tide ; but, excepting the small distance she could sheer by the action of the helm, her exposure to collision from an enemy's fire-ships or rafts dropping down with the tide, or from vessels navigating the river, would be great ; whereas, by having the anchors athwart the stream, either cable could be veered, and the ship quickly moved to one side or other. It is in such a case as the latter, that Porter's anchor is so useful ; for, admitting of disconnection, it can be carried into shoaler water than the ship could reach, and greater scope of cable in consequence given. As to mooring in an open anchorage, it is recommended by some and decided by others that the anchors should be laid out open hawse to seaward, or at right angles to the prevailing wind ; that iSj supposing the wind to be north, the anchors should be laid out east and west. And also that they should not be too far apart ; the usual rule for veering cables being to three times the depth of water. The advantage of this mode consists in the ship having it 396 MANUAL POK NAVAL CADETS. in het power under sach or similar circtunstances, to veer away on both cables during a gale from the prevailing quarter, so as to bring the anchors about a couple of points on each bow, and therefore in a favourable position for holding. Having shown in Jig. 183 the properties of a span, it requires no other diagram to prove that the nearer the anchors are together the better, and that this theory is to a certain extent good. Some hold that the anchors should be laid out in the direc- tion of the prevailing worst wind and its opposite, so that when a gale comes on, the lee cable may be hove in as the ship is dropt by veering on the weather one until she is over the lee anchor, — thus keeping the slack chain clear of it — when both cables may be veered on and both anchors brought right ahead. When, however, the shallow nature of some of our best anchorages, and the great length and draught of our large ships are considered, it will be evident that no precise rules can be laid down. In Plymouth Sound, for example, we have only thirty feet at low springs, so that a ship of 300 feet in length, and drawing 27 feet, moored in either of these ways, would be in great danger of settling on one of her anchors at low water. Indeed, when possible, it is better to ride at single anchor in an open anchorage ; for not only do you thus have it in your power to let go a second in the very direction of a gale, but also of sheering clear of any ill-found craft that may bring up in your hawse. A taut moor is very injurious to the copper, and trying to the swivel, and when it is used, there should be a liberal allowance of chain. The objection to a slack moor is that if turns are taken in the cables, they generally occur so low down as to be dificult to clear. If we purposed mooring with the swivel with four shackles each way in ten fathoms water, and we veered seven on the first anchor let go, then by letting go the second anchor, and heaving in to the fourth, we should have a fair proportion ; for the end of the second cable would be carried round to well inside the hawse hole of the first, and connected at its fourth shackle to the swivel ; and thus there would be a whole length of slack chain, which, together with the coming ANCHORING. 397 home of the anchors, would he sufScient allowance for an average rise of water. To moor in a tide way when the anchors are to be laid out in a line with the tide, and the wind is not too strong in an opposite direction to prevent the ship from dropping with the tide, it is usual to let go the first anchor, so that by veering, the ship may be carried with the tide to the proper place for letting go the second ; but where the anchors must be laid out aslant or athwart the tide, there is some difficulty involved, and considerable skill required. Under steam it is thought best to unbitt what will be the lee cable (calling that point to which the tide runs the lee), get the line of bearing on, let go the lee anchor, steer straight on (regulating the way so as to stop when there is cable enough run out), then to let go the weather one, and middle the cables. A Screw (for reasons which, if space permits, we shall endeavour to explain in the chapter on Steam), will not always take a ship straight astern. Under saU, if the wind is nearly from the same quarter as the tide, get the line of bearing on whilst to windward, run down upon it (regulating sail to strength of wind and tide) ; let go the weather anchor, veering away roundly, steer straight on, and drop the second anchor where there is enough of the weather cable run out. This is what is called a running moor. The objection to this expedient is the great strain which is neces- sarily brought on every article concerned in bringing the ship up. Marking the buoys with colours peculiar to the ships to which they belong, is a means of removing much perplexity from the mind of a new comer, when looking for a berth on joining a squadron. The state of the hawse may he known by fixing two pieces of silk thread to the compass card in the direction of the anchors, and fastening their ends to some place above it ; for, for every turn in the cables there will be found a corresponding one in the threads. pom HAWSE. Knowing what open hawse is, let us see what foul hawse means. 398 MANUAL FOE NAVAL CADETS. The natural consequence of the ship pivoting is, that the cables become twisted together. If she is " taut moored," these turns -will occur close to the hawse holes, and the nip will be very severe, but being within reach they are readily cleared. If she is " slack moored," they will occur under water, and are very troublesome, but not so injurious to the cable. In either case the hawse is " foul,"and until it be cleared yon are in danger of parting, should it blow ; moreover, you can neither shorten in cable nor veer. As the question " How is the hawse ? " is often put, we will endeavour to answer it. Let us suppose a ship to have her small bower (the port one) out north, and her best bower (the starboard one) out south ; her head north, and the hawse open. She swings to a breeze or current with her head to west ; there will then be a " cross," small bower uppermost. (_Fig. 220.) Fig. 220. Fig. 221. Fig. 222. Fig. 223. Follow her head on to south, there will be the same result. Follow it to east, there will be an " elbow," small bower under. (Fig. 221.) north, the same. west, a " round turn." {Fig. 222.) south, the same. east, a " round turn and elbow." (.Fig. 223.) north, the same. west, two round turns ; and so on. Had the wind followed the ship regularly round, the conse- quences of foul hawse would have been inevitable ; but if the ANCHOEING. 399 ■wind had been variable tbey might have been prevented. If, for instance, when the head was west with a cross, the wind had come from east, and the spanker had been quickly hauled out to the boom on the port quarter, the stem would have been carried round by the southward to west and the cross taken out. On the other hand, if the ship had been left to chance, and her stem had been carried by north round to west, the cross would have become an elbow. In a tide way with the first of the current coming up astern, a move of the rudder would carry the stem round in the required direction, providing there was no adverse wind. An unexpected order to sail would find a foul hawse ship unprepared. The ready compliance of a clear hawse ship would bring her credit, and that might be due to the personal vigilance of the officer in charge of the deck at the time when the wind or tide changed ; for without disturbing a single man from his meals or bed, the sentries and quarter-master could haul the sail out. Asto veering, asin^^r. 216. The ship would sheer about more or less, as the wind struck either bow ; therefore it would be necess.ary to heave in the slack of the lee cable to steady her. Moreover, were the slack chain not hove in, its bight would be dragged foul of the lee anchor. CLEAKING HAWSE. How to clear hawse is the next question. This may be done in calm weather, when there is no current, with the screw and steam. With the helm hard-a-starboard a few dashes at full speed will send the stem to starboard, and vice versa ; or it may be towed round by boats, or hauled round by hawsers. The method generally adopted is the following : — If the turns are above water, put the clear hawse-shackle or the slip- stopper on the lee cable, below the turns ; pass the end of a large hawser through the outer hawse hole on the lee cable side ; reeve it through the roller part of the shackle or the shackle of the slip, then back through the same hawse hole and make it fast round the after bitts ; clap the deck tackle on the other part ; rowse it well taut, and make it fast also at the same place. Or shackle the end of the stream chain to the slip, and a wet hawser 400 MANUAL FOR NAVAL CADETS. vill 'be aToided. Observe, we are going to speak only of the lee cable. If there is a shackle in the cable before the forebitts, you need not unbitt. Bend a hawser on to the cable a few links before the shackle, seizing its end well ; keep it taut, " light to " the cable abaft the shackle, and unshackle ; unreeve the hauling ends of the fore-bowlines from the bows, and pass them down before all to the cables ; hand one of them in through the lee cable hawse hole, and bend it to the foremost end of the cable, putting stops on from the bend to the hawse hole, which are to be cut as the cable is thus carried steadily outboard; ease the hawser and haul the end out with the bowline. The use of the hawser is to preserve hold of the cable in case the clearing shackle should carry away. With the bowlines and any other contrivance you like, the end of the lee cable is " dipt," and untwisted from the other, and then hauled back through its own hawse hole, and re-shackled : the deck tackle hauls it in taut; and when taut round the bitts, along the deck, through the cowl, stoppered, and the compressor tackle bowsed to, the slip is knocked off and the hawse is clear. When the turns are low down, it will be necessary to heave in on the weather cable, and if the turns are too tant together to admit of the slip being put on, the cables are lashed together as low down as possible, and the same process of clearing carried out. Another way is to put the mooring swivel on, and then to slew the turns out with levers and whips. It must be observed, that as the ship is riding by the weather cable, it would be dangerous to unshackle it ; and therefore the lee one is disconnected for the purpose of dipping the end. MOORING SWrvEL. It is to avoid this fouling of hawse that the mooring swivel is brought into use. K it is intended to moor with the swivel, it is most convenient before coming to, to run up what will be the weather cable ; putting the swivel in it (generally at the fifth shackle), and pay- ing it down again. ANCHOEING. 401 When the cables are middled after mooring, let the s-wivel be above water, hang the lee cable with the slip as befoi-e, connect its outer end with the spare lower leg of the swivel, and its inboard end with the spare upper one, haul the lee cable taut and secure it, put some rounding on the cables to preserve the copper from galvanic action, take the slip off and middle the cables, or bridles, as these parts are now called. TO PUI THE SWIVEL ON AFTEE MOORING. This is usually done at slack water, which is in fact the best time for aU cable operations, as there is then less strain and consequently less liability to break adrift. Too much importance cannot be attached to the manner In which cables should at all times be secured ; and as a constant rule, the riding one should never be unshackled before the bitts. Merely heaving in enough to admit of hanging the riding cable by the slip to a deck bolt before the bitts, and shackling the swivel on before all, would not only betray very defective " Seamanship," but expose the ship to great risk. During the unavoidable absence of the chief-executive from the lower deck of a certain line-of-battle ship, this monstrous error was once committed j the bolt broke, and the ship fortunately brought up on her lee anchor, but In the hawse of her next astern. Heave in the shackle of the cable by which the ship is most rode, sufficiently far to admit of the cable being well secured, whilst the swivel is being shackled abaft the securities. Then ease it out, and deal with it as before. Some officers prefer bringing the outer end of the other cable into the riding cable hawse hole, and shackling it to the swivel whilst inboard. There is no great choice. The important thing to attend to is that the ends are secured. The swivel should be put on with the cup upwards, as It may be more efficiently lubricated when in that position. As there is an odd link on one side, and an even number on the other, it is well to make a rule of putting the odd one on the starboard chain. Without some such law, there will be frequent mistakes, and always difficulty in discerning the particular cable when all are hove in board to take the swivel off. Another way of putting the swivel on. Is to put the chain slip on the lee cable, bring the end of the stream chain to it after D D 402 MANUAL FOE NAVAL CADETS. passing it through the riding cable hawse hole, and then heave the hight of the lee cable inboard alongside the weather one. In such case, both bridles, as well as the legs, are connected at once. The decks are less encumbered, and the ship supposed to be equally safe, when one of the bridles is unshackled, and bent to the ganger of the sheet anchor in preference to having a third cable on deck. The stream chain in such case is usually bent as a bridle in lieu of the large bridle. The swivel is hove well out of the water, hanging mainly by the remaining large bridle. The advantage of this way is, that the stem is less injured, and turns cannot occur in the chains without being at once evident. SECUBINO CABLES. Let us now examine the fastenings. The principal are the Clenching, Bitting, and Compressing. In addition to these are the Deck and Ring stoppers, which are made fast to the large shoulder rin^ bolts in the decks. No severe strain should be brought on these bolts except in the direction to which the shoulder points. Deck stoppers are shackled or hooked (according to fitment) to the ring bolts, the knot part hauled taut forward, twisted round the cable, and lashed to it with its lanyard. Ring stoppers are middled over the cable, and the ends, after being passed through the ring bolt, dogged forward along the cable. Thus, as the cable tautens, the nip of the bight is also tautened. If it blow heavily, or is likely to do so, the cables are double bitted, i. e., bitted to the aftermost of the foremost bitts in addi- tion. In doing this, the cable is well lashed, and opportunity taken of a loll for slacking up abaft, whilst the bight of the chain is thrown over the second bitt head. The Bitt stopper is similar to the Ring stopper. It is rove through a hole in the knee of the bitts, and is used chiefly for the hemp cable. In Veering cable during bad weather, great care is taken, not only to do so during a lull, but also to slacken and tauten all the fastenings at the same time. Cable is veered not only on account of the long scope we have ANCHOEING. 403 spoken of, but also to " freshen the nips ; " and in doing so, it is well to keep the shackles and swivels free of bitts and hawse holes. UNMOOEINO. In unmooring, the lee anchor is picked up first, because whilst heaving in on the weather-cable, the ship's movements can be controlled by the helm ; whereas were the weather one picked up first, the ship would drift down unmanageably towards the lee one at the risk of fouling that anchor, and injuring other ships, besides probably getting too near a lee shore. When the tide is very strong in the opposite direction to the wind, the ship will sometimes be tide rode, and lie with her broadside to the wind. So many circumstances require consideration in this case, that we shall leave it for personal observation to find out which would be the proper anchor to begin with. One restriction would be a cross, and this would probably involve the lower cable first, or else a dip, or shift ; for were the upper one worked, not only would the cables grind, but the anchor on breaking ground would foul the lower cable. Fore-top men always work before the bitts. Main-top men abaft the bitts. If the hook ropes are led round the rollers, and the people properly stationed, the messenger is run up into its place with- out a check. Place the links of the messenger on the sprocket of the cap- stan, see the turns taken out of the chain, and splice the ends, heaving it taut if necessary with the rollers that are in the manger. Let us suppose the best bower (or starboard anchor) first, and the mooring swivel on. Pass plenty of nippers before the bitts round the port cable and messenger ; reeve a hook rope through the bitt block, which is fast to the beam just over the bitt head ; hook on to the bight of the chain that is round the bitts, and pass the end round the messenger abaft the bitts ; cast all the fastenings off the best bower cable ; light it to and heave in on the small bower, and if fast to the proper link the hook rope will nnbitt it. When the swivel is at the bitts, put the port D D 2 404 MANUAL FOE NATAL CADETS. slip on the test tower chain and hang the best bower bridle ; (both of these are now in board on the port side ;) walk back the capstan until the shackles of these two parts of chain are slack enough ; paul the capstan whilst the men are working among these bights of ch^in ; disconnect the best bower froni the mooring swivel ; connect its ends ; haul taut the starboard compressor, and slip best bower, stopper small bower before all, and bitt it • ; now bring to best bower as we did small bower ; unbitt it, place cable and messenger on the cross piece, ship the bitt pin and heave in, veering away so roundly on small bower, that it shall hang up and down clear of the copper ; take the nippers off when abreast the second bitts ; hold on smaU bower when nearly over best bower (this will be known by the cable marks). Let the nippers go further aft j bowse to the starboard com- pressor, and keep enough best bower chain on deck for catting and bitting. Marking the anchor part of the cable for catting dispenses with much noise and delay. The best bower buoy may be got hold of now. If it be a heavy heave, put the long tackle on the cable, or run the end of a hawser thrice round the fore capstan, and hitch it round the cable and messenger close to the hawse hole ; man it with the spare cable hands (all ex- cept the nipper men are standing idle), and heave both capstans. If still heavy, clap a lashing block on the cable, reeve the hawser through, and make its end fast to the bitts ; take racking turns with dry nippers (if the cable is greasy, throw sand on it). The moment the anchor starts, off with the purchase, and the after capstan will do the rest. "When the anchor is at the hawse hole, warn the men to stand to their bars, for they are apt to stand easy after a heavy heave. Put the slip on the cable before the bitts, and walk back the cap- stan, bringing the weight of the anchor gradually on the slip ; then paul the capstan (because, should the slip carry away whilst the nippers are on, the messenger would drag the capstan round before the men were clear of the bars t) ; then off nippers. * In ships having a great space before the bitts, it would not be necessary to unbitt small bower. Whether the swivel be taken off small bower now, or when it is hove in again on shortening in that cable, would be a matter of choice. All things considered, time would be gained by deferring this duty. t This is by no means improbable, especially if the cat has been smartly hooked and well hauled on by numbcrt of spare hands on the upper deck. ANCHORING. 405 FODL ANCHOE. Now were the question put on a passing day, " What is to be done under the above circumstances ? " probably the answer given would be an account of how to clear the anchor. But there is a whole cable out, the ship is veering about, and it is necessary that the small bower should be hove in immediately ; and as that is done in just the same manner as the other, we shaU proceed to clear the starboard anchor while the port cable is being hove in. If the cable is foul of the stock, hook on the cat to the ring. The cat-back is managed by the cat-back rope. Cat and fish falls are apt to ride, therefore see that they are scored before hauling taut. When the cat is taut in all its parts, stand clear the cable and knock the slip off^ when there is cable enough stuck out, stopper and bitt it. A few turns of the chain may be taken out by slewing the anchor round with ropes to the stock. If not, hang the cable near the shackle to the oat-head, ease the anchor far enough down to slacken it, and then unshackle it, take the turns off the stock, shackle the cable, and hoist the anchor up again, pass the cat-stopper and unhook the cat. In all chain cable operations, the invaluable pellet of lead must be used with every pin. Cat-blocks when close up would, from their great breadth, be split, if kept hooked whilst fishing the anchor. Hook the fish on the inner arm from forward aft, put a taclde on the after end of the stock abaft the cat-head, haul the fish and stock tackle, and, as the fluke rises with the fish, the lower end of the stock wiU be thrown clear of the bows by the tackle, otherwise it would foul the chain and bind.* When the fish is up, either slack the martingale and pull up, or, if no martingale, pull up the topping lift, and when the fluke is on the bill board, pass the shank painter under and over f , and unhook the fish ; take the tackle off and haul the chain taut in. Should the cable have so fouled the anchor as to bring it up crown upwards, hook the cat to a good strop on the crown ; haul * See page 252. f See page 251. D D 3 406 MANUAL FOE NAVAL CADETS. the cat, and veer cable until the anchor plombs the cat-head with the crown awash ; then hook the fish to another strop on the crown, and to relieve the fish, hang the cable with a rope from the cat-head to the hawse hole ; hoist the crown up with the fish, hook the oat to the ring, and hoist it up, pass the stoppers, unshackle, aud clear the chain. If the davit gear is much worn, cat the crown in the first place, hang it with the cat-stopper, then hook the cat to the ring before all, and the fish to the arm ; case down the cat-stopper, hauling on the cat and fish at the same time. The after davit guy should be backed with a luff in either case. We seldom get over a foul anchor, without having a man overboard. Sailors will not be slung in a bow line knot, unless forced ; and even when so slung cannot work efficiently, " Clear haw^e breeches " are inexpressibly useful. Make them of painted canvass, roomy aud wooden soled at the feet, well roped and fitted with two spans long enough to clear a man's head when bent to a rope. In these a man can work dry, effectively, and safely, ANCHOEING. When it is optional, moor in northern latitudes with reference to the chances being strongly in favour of gales beginning at south-west, and ending at north-west. ^ For the same reason, in northern latitudes, lie at single anchor with the small bower (the port anchor) and if you have to let go a second, you will have opeii hawse. Shortening " all saU " together in coming to an anchor, how- ever well done aloft, cannot but crowd the decks at a time wKen you want silence and the power of carrying out a sudden altera- tion in your plans. Except when you want to " charge " into a station with great way, or catch breezes over the land with your lofty canvas, the seamanlike way to come to is under topsails, after the courses and upper sails have been " whipt in," and the upper yards well squared by the boatswain's mates from the tops. You can then feel your way with the topsails, deaden it with a check of the braces, freshen it with a small addition of canvas, or stop it by throwing aback. When about to shorten sail, get the marks of the lee lower lifts down ; clue up ; man all the braces and trusses, and lower and square all together. ANCHOKING. 407 Coming in, -whilst blowing hard, get as much sail reefed and furled as you can spare with prudence, the top-gallant masts on deck, top tackle gear rove, studding sails out of the rigging, the cables double bitted, sheet cables bent, nettings clear, lower booms clear of waist anchors, middle deck guns out of way of gangers. If running, round to without after sail towards that side on which the first anchor you intend letting go'is stowed ; and as a vessel drifts more slowly when broadside than end on, let go the weather anchor when the wind is abeam. Letting go and stowing the sheet is capital practice for the youngsters ; therefore, when it blows strong, never hesitate or " wait tiU she drags." Either down with the second or third anchor, or veer more than one cable on end. Make it a law to bend sheet cable whenever (if not sooner) you let go your second anchor. In other words, always have another anchor ready for letting go. The order generally is " put the lead over the side ; " put the deep sea lead over also, but put it over the bows. If you cast it dear of the cables, it will be a more certain indicator of the ship dragging her anchor. If you break adrift from one anchor, it is best to let go two at the same time. If you have not double bitted before coming to, do so without delay. You not only relieve the wood work, but can veer with less jerking. Always double bitt before anchoring in deep water. If you are likely to use the sheet, get the lower boom, guns, and ports out of the way, and hang the cable taut &om the fore end of the chains ; for if you let it hang iu a long bight from the anchor to the hawse hole, its weight wiU drag the anchor forward the instant you let go, and the inner bill will (in many ships) catch the after dead eye and hang the anchor. If you ease off well and hang the cable, you may throw the anchor off the tumbler, clear of everything. Should you use a buoy, do not part with it until veering obliges you. A sheet buoy is very apt to foul the bower cables. When there is much sea on, the rudder chocks save the braces, pintles, tiller, and wheel ropes from severe strain. (See Budder, Chap. XXIV.) K you want to back your anchor with another one, on D D 4 408 MANUAL FOE NATAL CADETS. account of dragging, or the danger of doing so, put an anchor shackle on the riding cable ; shackle the end of the backing anchor <;able (taken outside all) to this ; look out for, or give the ship a sheer, and let go. The rolling motion may be checked, when at anchor, pro- vided there be not too much wind, by making sail and bracing by. This is no unimportant object, especiallyin handling boats. No one that could help it would moor in a roadstead. At single anchor a ship is ready for sea, and her remaining anchors are disposable for a gale from any quarter. SINGLE ANCHOn. In coming to an anchor, it is desirable to ruil the cable out straight, clear of the anchor, after letting go. To do this we must either wait for stemway before letting go, or else let go whilst there is headway on, and pay out roundly. For the former there must be wind enough (if there is no tide) to force the ship astern. In the latter there is the chance of damaging the copper and snapping the chain, and thus of running on board of a vessel which we had reckoned on clearing. It is evidently an unnecessary risk in strong breezes, and there- fore only adopted in light, when the risk is small. The object in thus laying out the cable is, that not only will the anchor be clear, but that (excepting in strong breezes or tides), the ship wiU ride far from her anchor by the mere weight of the chain, where it rises from the bottom. As long as this is the case, the anchor will be clear ; but when she comes to be carried near her anchor (which is known by the buoy), it will be necessary to take measures to prevent this ; and it may be done by an early attention to the state of the wind or tide. If, for example, the ship Was riding to a moderate north wind and a strong tide set in from south, she would naturally be carried over her anchor, and the chain would foul it ; but if the jibs had been set, she would have sailed in a semicircle round her anchor, and swung to the tide to the northward of it. The short of what is called " trending," is keeping the ship away from the buoy ; and when it comes rapping on the copper at night, it is a sign in most cases, that there is no one " at home " on deck. The ship should if possible be sheered past her anchor on the ANCHORING. 409 same side j and if she should have gone over, or quite round it, the anchor should he sighted without delay : for a turn of the cahle round the palm will hreak it out of the ground with as much ease as is experienced in weighing an anchor with the huoy rope, which is always made fast at the crown. The inconveniences of hoating experienced in an outsider are trifles compared to the dangers that are inseparably connected with an inshore anchorage. A close lee shore in a gale, with one ship drifting in the hawse, and another too close astern to admit of veering, are the prices which must he paid for having what is sometimes called " a snug herth," A real good berth is to he weU to windward, at single anchor, and (on making up for the night) to havfi the boats in and up, topsails treble reefed, a reef in the mainsail, stay sails bent, top-gallant masts on deck, yards pointed to the wind, cable ready for slipping, driver double reefed, guns secured, rain awning sloped. Being thus ready for the worst, the ship may be called " snug." When becalmed at night in a tideway or current, in the neighbourhood of foul ground or land, ease an anchor down to the hawse hole with a slip rope hawser, and then lower it by the cable a few fathoms below the ship's draught. The chances will he in favour of its bringing the ship up before, perhaps, striking the ground. Ships draw less water at a great inclination, than when upright ; therefore, when heaving or backing off from the ground let the people " sally," by the toll of the bell, from side to side — one bell to starboard, two hells to port — striking nearly at the last of each roll. If on sand, she will displace it on each side. A fresh pull on the purchase will be required after every rolling. CREEPrNG FOB ANCHORS. Ships are sometimes unable to *eigh their anchors from stress of weather or haste, in which case the Chain, having a huoy rope and buoy fast to it, is " slipt." Again when the cable has parted, the only trace of the anchor is the buoy. But buoys frequently are washed away, and as the whereabouts of the anchor is \ ^ known, it is "crept for" in the direction of the compass bearings.* * Light loses about half Its intensity every fifteen feet under water ; but it is said that a convex lens burns at twenty-five feet under the surrace of the 410 MANUAL FOE NAVAL CADETS. Boats having a rope with weights on the bight, which keep it at the bottom, row on parallel lines at some distance apart. When the rope comes in contact with the flukes of the anchor, the boats cross each other's path ; a hawser is hauled round the fluke by bending its end to an end of the creeping rope ; an anchor shackle is put on both parts of the hawser, which run- ning down to the anchor jams them together, so that they do not slip off whilst weighing the anchor. Of course the best way to sweep will be to row in a line with the shank, and nothing is so eficient to sweep with as a piece of small chain. If there be a tide running, it will save boats' crews much toil to lay two small kedges out before commencing to sweep, by which the boats can be warped to and fro. In creeping for a cable, two fish-hooks joined at the eyes, and kept apart with their hooks in the same direction by a few small battens lashed across their backs, form an excellent creeper. It is dragged by the eyes, and kept hooks downward by a small back rope. Boat's anchors also form creepers ; but, as the back rope is the only means of disen- gaging the creeper from anything it may become entangled with at the bottom, it must never be omitted. CAEBTING AN ANCHOR OUT BY BOAT. With boats having tubes fitted to their bottoms, the anchor is lowered down, and the flukes are hove up to the boat's bottom Fig. 224. sea, in a diving bell. Substances which reflect strongly may be seen with the water telescope at the depth oftweWe fathoms. Cables are sometimes rubbed bright on the bottom, and might therefore be spied with the glass. It might be worth while to paint anchor stocks white on this account. ANCHORING. 411 by two parts of a stout rope, the bight of which is round an arm of the anchor; the ends are led up through the pipes and brought to the windlass. (.Fig- 224.) The stock is hung horizontally from the stem. Heavy guns are carried in much the same way. STEEAM ANCHOE. In carrying the stream anchor out, receive it athwart the after part of the boat. Hoist it out by the ring ; when the crown is below the gun- wale, hang it with a rope from the bottom bolt round the arms, Fig. 225. and as it is lowered, bear the stock over the opposite gunwale, and bend the cable on under the stock after you have rolled the anchor aft. In this way you can steer, which you cannot when you place the flukes over the stem, with the stock resting athwart the boat on two fore and aft spars (_fig. 225). Moreover, you can puU the after oars. Of course with a short anchor you have no alternative. Place the midship thwart across the stem, lay two capstan bars fore and aft, and land the anchor on this platform fore and aft, with the flukes over the stem. 412 MANUAL FOR NAVAL CADETS. It is ■well to fit the Stream with slings, in which case it can be landed in its place across the boat without a moment's delay. When likely to weigh a stream or other heavy anchor by boat, put a block on the crown and reeve a double buoy rope through it before letting go. CABBTING ANCHOB BY BOAT WHEN THE SHIP IS ASHOBB. The quick way to lay a bower out when it is too dark and too urgent to be bungling with bottom tubes and spar lashings over two boats is, " out boats, rig fish davit." If it be breezy, you will want to haul out with a small anchor, so put the kedge and hawser at once in a pinnace. An officer with the cutters will meanwhile have sounded and decided on the direction for the bower, and shown his position by the flash pans or light. The barge will help the pinnace to tow. Send the end of the deep sea lead-line with them, and when they have run out a hundred fathom of it in the right direction, let go the kedge, and bring the end of the hawser to the ship's bow. While the davit is being rigged, two large thimbles are seized into two strops, which are clapt round the outer arms of the anchor, and the end of a short buoy rope rove through them, which is stopt to the shank to keep it middled. A long pair of slings are put round the shank before the stock, and lashed to its upper end to keep the stock perpendicular. Round the shank also, and with its ends stopt up and down the upper end of the stock, is passed the bitt stopper, or some such piece of rope ; hook the fish to the inner arm from aft forward ; hook the cat to the stock slings, and ease the anchor down, keeping the shank horizontal and the stock perpendicular until it is about four feet under water ; bring the launch's stern against the stock ; haul her side in close to the fish ; secure the stock end of the anchor to the stern by the ring-stopper, pass- ing the turns through all the stem ringbolts ; bring the ends of the buoy rope in taut on each side through the rowlocks, and secure their bights through the foremost ringbolts ; ease up and unhook cat and fish ; stop a length of chain round the boat outside, and then range as much more chain in the bottom as is intended to be carried out, stopping it in several places. ANCHOEING. 413 and making the end well fast that it may not fetch way in veering. Fig, 226. When about to let go the anchor, make sure by a cast of the lead that yoa have cable enough outside the boat to reach the bottom, and hang it well to the stern that no more may run out. If there be a greater quantity of chain in the boat than can be ranged in one layer, there will be damage done unless you dis- connect at the first shackle and bring the length next the anchor to the upper one of all the cable paid down, so that you can veer from the top of the fakes, and not from underneath. Let go the anchor with the boat's bow/romthe ship, cither cut- ting or slipping all its fastenings together. Lash a capstan bar athwart the stern ; lay the cable over it and veer away cau- tiously fathom by fathom. If the end of another cable is brought to you, join it ; hang the joining shackle outside your boat, and throw the bight out, letting both parts hang from the stem over the bar — that is to say, have no cable now remaining in the boat, and when all is clear, slip the bight. This proceeding will suggest the necessity of always talcing punches, pellets, and hammers in a boat, when setting out on an anchor expedition. HEAVING OFF. Ships sometimes get hard and fast after grounding, from neglecting to lay anchors out before lightening. In some cases, the water close under the stern is too deep for anchoring. It is reported that the bower anchors of an English man-of- war, that had grounded in the St. Lawrence, were transported over the decks ; and, being let go from the quarters with a 414 MAlftTAL FOR NATAI- CADETS. purchase on each, -which was carried to the bows, the ship was hove off. CAKRTING ANCHOBS WITH BOATS. When the boat is unequal to the weight, sling four empty butts in pairs, marrying their slings, and " snaking " them, so as to prevent them from being shaken off. Bung the casks well, weigh the stem of the boat, and bear the butts underneath. This will increase the buoyant power of the boat about two tons. With a large launch prepared in this manner, the anchor may be lowered, and hung with its stock horizontally across the upper part of the stem as in Jig. 227, and a whole cable carried out Of all methods this is certainly the quickest, and moreover the boat will tow more easily than with the anchor entirely under her bottom. Fig. 227. If the anchor were too heavy to admit of its being carried in this manner, its flukes must be hove up under the bottom, and the stock secured in the perpendicular, as in fig. 228. The pinnace launches are not equal singly to carrying a large anchor out, and therefore both must be used. The anchor is lowered down awash with the stock horizontal and the flukes perpendicular. If a bower, this is done by using a hawser as a long cat stopper through the ring ; hooking the fish to a strop round the inner arm on its after side, and flam- ming the davit well off. The boats are hauled up stem fore- most, and the breadth of the anchor's palm apart from each other on each side of the shank. The stock is hung with slip ropes passed from the after-sling ring bolts of the boats over a spar lashed across their stems. A spar is lashed across the gunnel of both boats before the palm, so that neither boat may approach or separate further: this spar is chocked up at the ANCHORING. 415 gunnel, the ends of the thwarts, and amidships from the keel- son, and the palm of the anchor is secured to the middle of the spar with a strop and toggle or a lashing passed handy for cutting. The buoy rope must be under the spar. The hempen bower cable may be bent at once, and its bights borne by other boats as the launches haul out. A waist anchor is more readily handled in this way than a bower. In lowering the waist anchor by the tackles into a boat, hook the main tackle on the inner arm, and the fore tackle inside on the lower stock, so as to lay it with the stock athwart ships. Fig. 228. RE -STOWING WAIST AKCHORS. It is common to use the same arrangement of tackles for re- stowing waist anchors as is made in hoisting the launch in. Suppose the starboard anchor : The main yard is braced forward, and the fore yard aft on the starboard side, and both secured in that position. Put a strong preventer brace on the starboard fore yard from the bowsprit cap, and a burton on its quarter for the cable. Cat the anchor on the right slue, with the upper stock aft; hook the main runner and main tackle to a strop on the crown, and mowse their hooks ; hook the fore-runner to the 416 MANUAL FOE NAVAL CADETS. ring, and the fore-tackle to a strop made fast to the ring, and lashed half-way up the upper stock ; pass a hawser over the cat-head stopper- cleat, through the anchor ring, and make its end fast round the cat-head. Hook the yard hurton under the cat-head inside the hawser to the cable, about three fathoms from the ring ; ease the anchor down by the hawser ; let it hang with the ring awash and unhook the cat. (The use of the hawser is to avoid the difficulty there would be in overhauling the cat aft.) Haul taut all the gear, easing away the hawser, and paying out cable, bearing in mind that the more the anchor is slacked away under the yards, the more equally will the runners operate. Keep the bight of the chain up with the burton, and the upper stock with the fore-tackle. If the drift is long, put another tackle from the cat-head on the cable, so as to relieve the burton, and let the anchor go aft freely ; when up, the main tackle — and if not, the fore-stay — will bring the fluke in on the bill board. In very long ships, the yards must necessarily be braced very much in, and, consequently, the pee of the anchor will bind very much against the side in going aft, bringing severe strain on the yards ; and when it is remembered that their principal duty is to carry sail, and that injury may be done them whilst lifting weights, without their exhibiting any present symptoms of distress, it seems unwise to employ them for purposes which can be better effected with other means. At all events, when lower yards are struck, there is no alternative, and the davit, as already described, is brought into operation. TO STOW THE WAIST ANCHOR WITH THE DAVITS. Rig both davits, one a little before the place where the stock stows, and the other at where the fluke stows. Use the cat- fall and cat-block (taken from the opposite side) for the foremost one, and the usual fish gear for the after one. When the anchor is up to the hawse hole, hook, haul taut and belay the cat-head cat and stick out cable; hook the after cat to the anchor ring, and the fore yard burton to the cable as before ; pay out chain ; lower the anchor well down, so as to overhaul plenty of cat, and then hoist the anchor right up to the foremost davit, and fish it with the other one. This is only one more ANCHORING. 417 davit to rig than usual, and can be done whilst shortening in cable. In fact, the only difference of time between stowing a bower and waist anchor in this way is that which elapses whilst hooking the second cat ; for, although the length of haul on the after cat is greater than that on the main one, we lose none in handling the stock tackle. Five minutes' difference would be a liberal allowance, and yet how often is the sheet anchor grudged, from the imaginary difficulty about stowing it 1 STEIKING LOWER YARDS AND TOPMASTS. The old custom whilst riding out a gale, was to strike top- masts, keeping the lower yards up, seeing that not only do the yards hold less wind when pointed aloft than when square be- low, but that in the event of parting, sail might be made. And one ship did succeed in getting off a lee shore under these very circumstances. The heels of the topmasts were hung by haw- sers in addition to the top tackles, and the topsails were set close reefed over reefed courses. In lifting to take the fids out, topmen will not start the rigging lanyards if they can avoid it, because in sending masts and yards up afterwards, they like to find the rigging aU ready taut for them to run the moment the fid is in. The rigging is generally much shrunk Irom wet whilst the mast is struck ; and unless the lanyards are actually overhauled, the strain on top blocks and cap bolts is excessive, and accidents are frequent in consequence. Topsail lifts, buntlines, and reef tackles must also be lighted up ; and before lowering the masts, the backstays and halyards must be hung taut from the top. Indeed, to make a good run with the masts in going up, all this gear should be hauled up above their usual nips and stopt. Of course, when striking, if rolling heavily the rigging must be very carefully eased ; the lower yard should either be braced up or lowered out of the way, and sail tackle put on the mast head, or the buntlines racked to haul down with, so as to take advantage of a lull for unfidding and lowering rapidly. If the yards are to be struck whilst rolling, cross the yard tackles to opposite sides of the deck, and check the after main braces whilst lifting the slip out. When the masts and yards are down, haul the stays taut with jiggers, and pull them up 418 MANUAL FOK NAVAL CADETS. through their nips and hang them there. Rack the clue garnets under the yards. When the lower or flying jib booms are left out after striking lower yards and topmasts, or pointing yards to the wind, It looks more Uke negligence than design. In sending up lower yards and topmasts, have jiggers on stays and backstays ready for setting up. K there is a fight for an inch for Adding, either something is fast, or there are not hands , enough on the dumb sheave tackle, or the heel Is wooded in being pulled aslant by the live one ; therefore, divide the men at once, slack the live tackle a little, and then one long pull to- gether will toss the mast up. Top sail lifts are generally the cause of a heavy pull. The nip is short in the sister-block, and unless the lift be hauled through and hung outside the block, it will give trouble. It is the same with top-gallant rigging j haul it up a few inches through the nips, hang it there, stop it taut into the topmast rigging from the cross tree, and then stop the bights taut up and down the topmast rigging ; thus the rigging will not only be well overhauled, but the unsightliness of loose gear at the mast head will be avoided. In sending top-gallant masts up, the men must be warned to cut the stops on the bights only, as they go aloft. Tricing the after main braces up, overhauling the sheets of courses, and letting the bunt of courses fall (of course refurling)' before sending the lower yards up, lighten work. The bunt of a large main sail will, after heavy rain, contain more than half a ton of water. See that the heels of the booms are fast, for if not, and the yards tilt, they will slip overboard and wring the irons. CHAP. XXIV. HANDLING THE SHIP. In the government of the peopled deck there is scope for ad- ministrative talent of the highest order. To be prompt with the right command, judicious in the selection of sufficient means ^and no more), in the control of reserves, in the anticipation of HANDLING SHIP. 419 ihe next move, and contrivance that the present command have some reference to the future, in the adaptation of resources to various circumstances, — all this cannot be learned in any other school than one " under canvass," or by any other pupil than a cordial lover of his profession. The military art may, in a great measure, be reduced to rules. It is almost a certainty that an order wiU produce certain results. The commander moves his pieces with nearly the precision of a chess-player. He literally can say to a man " Do this, and he doeth it." At the note of a bugle, columns form line, consolidate in masses, or deploy into fractions ; a battle is declined, or an inevitable disaster is converted by successful generalship into an honourable retreat. But the seaman is dependent on two uncompromising agents ; and, however he may accommodate his circumstances to their movements, over them he has no positive control. Britannia may rule the waves in song, but, as the sea-sick dominie ob- served, " She can not rule them straight." Tides, seas, and winds will rise and fall, and wait for no man. The seaman must take them as they come, and be ready with his resources ; and even after his best exertions, his gain or loss is in their power. A shift of wind threw three of thirteen ships out of the brunt of the battle of the Nile. The " Culloden," commanded by an officer whom Nelson had named " the Non- pareil," grounded on a sunken rock. Fogs and calms obscured the signals and retarded the movements of Howe. A gale scat- tered the hard won trophies of Trafalgar, and prevented the entire destruction of the enemy ; and it was in the full convic- tion of the impossibility of adhering rigidly to fixed rules; that the genius of Nelson threw himself so trustfully on the bravery of his men and the undirected ability of his captains. These observations are not made with the intention of drawing an invidious comparison, but to magnify our own profession in the estimation of young sea officers ; so that they may take a large estimate of the qualifications for command. If the wooden walls be made up of " Hearts of Oak," the " thin Red line " is composed of materials as precious ; and soldiers and sailors can entertain no rivalry that is not of a friendly and honourable character. It is true that steam may place his forces more at the disposal E £ 2 420 MANUAL FOE NAVAL CADETS. of the naval Commander-in-Chief than formerly, but bearings may get hot, shells may drop into the best masked engine-room, and machinery of the most perfect description may fail at the hour of need ; and -without meaning to maintain the infallibility of sailoring, it is not very certain that coal -vrhips -will altogether outliTe tacks and sheets. It has been observed by an officer, whose high scientific attain- ments place him beyond the suspicion of disparaging theoretic knowledge, that however informed, taught, and improved by book-learning naval officers may be, they are aware that sea- manship is the most essential part of their education ; that it can only be learnt afloat and by practice j that it needs certain qualities of head, eye, character, and constitution, not easily or quichly acquired ; but therefore proportionately valuable. Nei- ther the differential calculus nor dynamical study will enable an officer to manage his ship in a gale of wind, or an action. He must neither overlook nor undervalue plain duties, while studying mathematics and philosophy. COIIilNO EOPES. The most wonderful of all orders that may be found in the old standard routine watch bill orders, is that of " coil up ropes at 3.30 A.M. Holystone decks at 4." How it operated, those who sailing in the line, or in doubtful weather, have spent many dark and anxious hours with their power of action thus straitened, and who have often been alphabetically noticed at daybreak for being out of station, can best say. Nor are we without positive examples of the fatal consequences of such practices. I have always had stools made with grating tops, on which the working ropes were coiled abaft their belaying places. The fore-topsail brace on top of the fore-brace, main topsail buntline on top of its clueline. Top-gallant clueline on top of its sheet, and so on : and thus the officer of the watch could touch, a rope without hesitation ; moreover the perpetual coiling up and flemishing down was altogether avoided. CASTING. When there is plenty of sea room, and the wind is fair, it is best to cast under the head sails : and to make sail when before the wind. HANDLING SHIP. 42 1 In casting with the square sails set, ships invariably gather stemway the moment that the anchor breaks ground. On this account, and under these circumstances, it is considered a good general rule (in the case of a foul wind), to cast with the head towards the nearest of neighbouring dangers to make a stern board while the anchor is being catted, then to fill and make sail enough to insure going about in stays when requisite. When there is not room enough to admit of going much astern, set the main sail before starting the anchor, and have a purchase all ready to clap on the cable the moment that the anchor promises to give a heavy heave ; otherwise the ship may go tripping it astern into shoaler water, and certainly will be unmanageable until it is at the bows. When close to a lee ' shore with too much wind or sea to get the anchor easily, or when you cannot afford to go astern, the ship must be cast with a spring, and the anchor abandoned. Thus, supposing that the ship is riding at the starboard anchor and that it is determined to cast to port, brace the yards up on the starboard tack, have the sails ready for setting, with the number of reefs in that may be necessary j hoist the top-sail yards up sufficiently high for setting the topsails, and cast as many gaskets off as can be spared. Pass one end of a buoy rope in through the riding cable hawse hole, and make it fast to that cable close before the hitts, put a buoy on the outer endj and hang it outside all to the bumpkin. If riding with nearly a whole cable out, prepare to disconnect its end from the slip in the locker, drive the pellets out and see the cable clear for running. If riding with only part of a cable out, you may be able to disconnect further up, and thereby save so much chain j but it would not be prudent to unshackle until the ship is sure of going the right way, for a flaw of wind might bring her to, after having gone off to port a certain number of points, and it would then be necessary to hold on for another trial. In such case unusual strain would be brqught on the cable fastenings, and if they carried away or rendered and the cable were un- shackled, you would be adrift ; . but were it still connected, the clench would bring you up. Pass the end of a hawser from the starboard quarter outside all, and make it fast for a spring to the riding cable at the hawse hole ; haul it taut, make it fast, and have an axe ready for cutting E E 3 422 MANUAL FOR NAVAL CADETS. it. Haul the head sheets aft on the starboard side. Be all ready to loose and make sail and Teer cable. Put the helm a-starboard, and •when the ship's head is sheering to port, hoist the head sails, veer away cable, and put the helm amidships ; when the head saUs have taken -well, and the ship is evidently swinging from her quarter by the spring, disconnect the cable, warning the people to stand clear of the end, and let go the buoy. Set the courses, and then the topsails, if not able to set all at once ; and when the wind is well on -the starboard beam (and not sooner, otherwise the ship wiU fly into the wind before she has steerage way enough to keep her out of it), cut the spring, trim the head sails, and when you have good way on, bring her gradually to the wind. When you have room, and are pitching, it will be best to get the anchor up before making sail. By so doing you will ease the chain, nippers, capstan, messenger, &c. &c. When about to get under weigh (the ship being tide rode, and the wind aft), the comparative strength of wind and tide must be well considered before coming to the decision to make sail and weigh, or to weigh first and make sail afterwards. For it looks ill to see a ship under canvass forging ahead over her anchor, tearing the copper off her bottom, breaking the nippers, and sheer- ing unmanageably about before breaking ground ; and it is equally bad management when the anchor is hove up, and the ship is drifted by the tide without steerage way. If the wind were light, it might be necessary to make nearly all sail before breaking ground ; or if moderate, merely to loose them. If it were blowing strong, the ship might stem the tide ■without any sail ; but in this latter case, it would be well to have a head sail set, so as to prevent the possibility of breaking the Sheer whilst stowing the anchor. TACKING. In turning to windward, if the ship be in trim, her weights well disposed, her sails not only well set but judiciously ba- lanced, there will be a lively strain on the weather wheel ropes, yielding to the influence of a single spoke, but challenging again, the ship will not " bore," or pitch, or flam as if about to beat her head to pieces, or bury her bows in a head sea. Her liead wiU rise and fall in easy graceful undulations ; there wiU HANDLING SHIP. 423 be a tremulous motion in the tiller, a sensible pulsation wiich is said to be an infallible sign of good trim, denoting the amount of life and energy in the whole thing. Like a well mouthed pulling horse, if the wheel be let go at the moment when the pull is strongest, she wiU dart ardently into the wind, and go round of her own accord. Let us take her then at one of these moments. Ship on the stai'board tack. Haul the spanker boom amidships, pull up the lee topping lift, let go weather one, ease off the head and fore sheets, let go top-gallant bowlines, check lee head braces, and steer her round. The head braces are checked not merely because the wind is thus thrown out of the sails on the fore mast, but also because, were this not done, the port fore yard arm iron would be caught by the port preventer main brace on hauling the main yard, involving delay in hauling the head yards whilst the foul is being cleared, and risk of life in doing it : for if the men go out for this purpose on the main yard, that yard is unsteady whilst the brace is necessarily slack ; and if they go out on the fore, the order may be given from aft to haul the head yards before the men have got in off the yard arms. If the order to let go top-gallant bowlines were delayed, the fore one would either carry away, or tear the leech out of its sail. When the head sheets are let go, there will just be time enough to pull up jib guys, stays, and halyards, sheets and halyards oif upper sails. * When the after sails " touch," run the main tack up as high as the bowline will permit, else on hauling the after yards the tack and sheet blocks will get inside the main rigging where its spread is greatest, and interfere with getting the main sheet aft ; raise the main sheet, shorten in the lee main tack until the after leech is taut from the yard arm to the chess-tree ; see that the starboard main sheet is clear outside and gather it in taut ; bear starboard breast back stays aft ; trice starboard main brace up, and see that the after parts of the lee one are clear of the davitSj with a hand at the lee tricing line ready to let go as the yard goes up on the other tack. * New gear is alvvays"giving out. If topsail yards have much drift betweea the hanging blocks, it is best to take a pull on the lee halyards before goirg about. E E 4 424 MANUAL FOR NAVAL CADETS. The first run with the main sheet and preventer main brace requires great activity, but not much strength. These Topes have many fathoms of slack to be run through before the heavy pull comes. So have your men stationed in gangs ; one to run or rather rush away, and the others to strike in. It is from in- attention to this arrangement that we see jibs make an awkward " halt " in the middle of the stay when being set, and the main yard fly back square after having been " up." The Main Braces will of course be worked forward on both parts. If we have several pieces of bunting let into the belaying part, there will be no delay in making it fast when the yard is round, and then hauling on the other. The weather preventer main brace, and main top bowline should be hauled quite through the sheaves, hung by a stopper, and faked down clear before going about ; a kink during the swing of the yard would spring it. I find it is necessary to remind the reader that the main braces which lead forward are the preventer braces, and those which l«ad aft are the main braces. Hauling the main yard with the latter is an almost unknown practice. A theoretical officer in the for sometime persisted in his fancy for work- ing the main brace, and hauling the lee one taut when on a wind, but after being detected in the act of rowsing the main tack down with the whole of the watch, the lee main brace being taut as a bar, and entirely forgotten, he was so thankfal for the interference which saved the yard, as to content him- self with customary manners afterwards. After the main-top sail " lifts," it will gradually become aback from the middle outwards. When the weather outer cloths have taken aback, the ship's motion will then throw the sail alternately forward and aft; take it as it bellies aft, and having your men awake at the bowlines and braces, " main sail haul." The wind will then have been about two or more points on the bow, and will chase that side of the topsail aft, carrying the main yard up in one swing on the other tack, where it will remain if the brace has been smartly worked. The slack of the after bowlines is run through simultaneously with the braces, and a turn caught with them so as to prevent the yards from flying square when the braces are lazily handled. Forecastle men always set about shifting over the head "feANDLING SHIP. 425 sheets, and hauling up the lee fore clue garnet ai the -word " helm's a lee," and unless strictly prohibited from doing so, until the ship is head to wind, the jibs and after part of fore- sail become back sails, stopping the ship's way, retarding her approach to the wind, and sometimes causing her to miss stays. Man head braces and bowlines, fore tack and sheet, get the tack as far forward and the sheet as far aft as possible. See that the bights of the former are not under the cathead, or those of the latter under the guns or anchor. A few hands will be sufficient for running away with the slack of the head braces at first ; the far greater number should stand by to clap on when the slack is nearly through. If she is flying off fast, you may haul the head yards a little before the main topsail is full ; if not, it is better to make sure of the head yards being quite full when hauled. Whether it be from great lateral pressure of the water before gathering good way, or the bulk of the people being before the centre, ships are apt to come to, after an early haul of the head yards, and hang in the wind ; perhaps involving " boxing off," at all events causing more loss, than if you had made a late haul with them. Should she be inclined to pay off too much, dela,y bracing sharp up until she begins to come to. When the yards are braced sharp up, and sails trimmed, the lifts are pulled up first, then the weather braces, and then the bowlines. Kopes are coiled down clear, slack of weather lower sheets, and lee tacks and lee bowlines hauled through. As for the helm, if touched at all, the ship should be steered round, and if found necessary to put it hard down, it should be righted whenever the fore topsail takes well aback. The " touchiness " of a ship's trim is nearly incredible, and often unaccountable ; one will be carrying a press of sail all day to keep station, and at night be stirring her leader up under half the same quantity of canvass ; one day we hear that a notorious clipper " won't sail a bit," and the " dummies " cutting all the work out to windward. During one commission a ship is fast or slow, the next quite the contrary. All this but goes to prove that generally there is sailing in a ship, and that if she cannot be a flyer she need not be a slug. So trim, trim, trim ; a " pocket " jigger and half a dozen 426 MANUAL FOE NAVAL GADETS. hands may do it all. It does not follow that, with a slack weather helm, a pull on the driver sheet is the remedy ; perhaps an inch of the jib sheet or fore hrace would have been better. Nor, until you study the ease and try, can you decide whether a check of the boom sheet, or a reef in the driver, or a pull on the lee head braces or jib sheet is the best cure for a taut one. When you think of these things, remember in your boat how yon can correct weather helm, without reducing after sail, by a pull on the jib outhaul or sheet, and vice versa ; and also what a change can be made by shifting a sitter his own breadth. When there is much sea on the bow, or when there is a swell with little wind, the ship will require coaxing. Take oppor- tunities when she is inclining to come to, to haul the head sails down ; ease the helm down, haul over the boom, and check the head bowlines and lee head braces. Look out for stem way, and if the sails have taken aback, and it is not intended to use the rudder for steering purposes, put it amidships and pass the twiddling lines. The main yard should not be hauled, nor head sails reset, nor fore tack started until the wind is decidedly on what was the lee bow. The later the haul of the main yard, the heavier wiU be the work ; and as allovring it to bring up square for even a short time would probably cause the ship to miss stays, care should be taken to ensure a good haul. In tacking, mast-head men are required for the purpose of attending the breast backstays, so that the lee ones may be home aft, and the weather one set up in the proper time. In breezy weather, the head yards should be eased forward with a turn on the weather braces. SAILING IN LINE. When performing any evolution in the line, if sail will ensure it, do not hesitate to make a sufficiency, even if it should be taken in immediately afterwards. Missing stays, or taking up much time and space in wearing, throws other ships into danger and disorder. You may have been carrying enough sail to keep your station, but it does not follow that you have enough to carry you round when the signal for an evolution is made. If your leader is dull, but doing his best and in his station, of course you must HANDLINU SHIP. 427 not encroach on him ; but you must he handy with your can- vass, and sharp in freshening your way with it, just before your own turn comes to go about. In every evolution " in succession," the eye of the Chief is on each performer as he goes round, and when after a bad one he asks for the name of the officer of the watch, the query is generally followed by an invitation to the flag-ship, — not to dinner. When about to leave the main yard square in stays, make a late haul, else the brace will go. The rule for going about in succession in close order in the line is, to put the helm down when your next ahead is four points on the weather bow ; in open order, five points. In wearing, begin when he is on your lee bow. As ships when sailing in line are not at liberty to disturb the order of sailing, the naval candidate should receive what is commonly called " cut and di-y " answers to " catch questions " with great caution for, if he is made up merely in that vague manner, he will surely miss stays ; for example, he may have learned that the proper thing to do in the case of a weather brace gone is to bear up, or in that of a man overboard to heave to, and be taken aback when his examiners tell him of a close lee shore or another ship close astern. In Tacking with a strong breeze, there is danger to the masts from the pressure of the sails when aback, as they are then supported only by the stays. This is sometimes so imminent, that when the sails begin to shake and- are no longer useful in carrying way, the topsails are lowered, and only hoisted again \rhen the ship is round on the other tack. There is also danger of the ship missing stays from the pressure of water in a sea way on the weather bow, in which case the stem way is so great as to risk the rudder fastenings and stem fitments. Again, when it is blowing strong, it is not possible to set enough sail to carry the ship round. In these, or other cases, when there is enough of sea room, the ship's head is got round on the other tack by " Wearing." If they have been in "use, put preventer braces on the lee side 428 MANUAL FOE NAVAL CADETS. ■before going round ; brail up the driver* ; let go the after tow lines ; ease off the main tack and sheet ; put the helm up and spill the after yards, taking down the slack of the lifts and trusses. When the -wind is on the quarter, brace in the head yards and square the after ones; -when the wind is aft, shift over the head sheets, and (if working -with the -watch) run the head yards right up on the new tack, for if smart you will get the foresail well set in good time whilst it is becalmed. Ease the after yards forward as the wind is dra-wn on the quarter ; gathering aft the main sheet, and hauling down the tack. Set the driver, ease the helm, and put it a-weather as she comes to, else the ship will fly up in the wind. When working with the watch, it is best to haul the main sail up before wearing ; and if you want to wear short, you must not brace the head yards up until you have nearly got the wind a-beam on the other tack. When blowing so hard as to be under Stay sails, and perhaps close reefed main topsail, wearing requires great care, as to the very time when to bring the -wind and sea a-beam on either tack. Unless you prefer running the risk of having a sea come on board, ports stove in, boats washed away and tiller snapped, you wiU pat the ship off and bring her to the wind during one of those temporary smooths which occur in the heaviest seas. The more way you have on, the more powerfully will the rudder act ; so by all means set the foresail, hauling it up when before the wind. The trusses must be attended during the evolution, and rolling tackles and preventer braces put on before it is com- menced. The mizen and main trysail will of course be dovni, but if you put luffs on for sheets from the opposite side, and steady them whilst going round, it is much better not to haul the stay sails down. Unship the galley funnel if it be in the way, but if you attempt to carry the main staysail sheet round before it after hauling down, you will be a long while without sail enough over the body of the ship, and will very probably take a sea in. The relieving tackles must be attended. As there will now be much working of gear aloft, the yards should be kept off the lee rigging and stays, and bunts of courses clear of lower stays. * See taltbg in driver. HANDLING SHIP. 429 By getting the people aft, the ship's head will go off more readily. In all cases, weai-ing strains gear less than tacking. Some officers advise keeping the main-topsail -somewhat full whilst first bearing up, but much depends on the position of the main mast. In ships where the engine is forward, and this mast is unusually far aft, such a measure would be attended witli delay in paying off. CHACKINO ON. " Cracking on " perpetually through everything, conveys the idea of " making a capital passage.'' Certainly good runs have been occasionally made under a constant press of sail with continuous breezes, but then experience proves their rarity. How often after straining every spar, rope, and sail, wetting and rewetting before the men's clothes have had time to dry, do sbips wait for days in stark calms for winds. It is well to reflect on the risk to the ship, and exposure of the crew, caused by a wanton desire to hold on to the last, and drag through a squall when the ease is not urgent. If you are reck- less enough to carry on without any precaution in threatening weather, or unfeeling enough to do so with your men " standing by," whilst you in an armour of waterproof defy the weather, the chances are always in favour of an ugly cloud bringing you wind enough to oblige you to shorten sail. Rain is the general accompaniment ; and as the men cannot work in tarpaulins, they are drenched during the operation, and remain so whilst damages are being repaired which a little common sense might have avoided. TAKEN ABACK. " Taking aback " is scarcely an admissible term. Sudden shifts of wind are not very frequent, for generally a lull or calm intervenes, or the wind shifts gradually round. In either case there is time to get the main sail and driver in ; steer th^ship's head off, or brace the after yards round to meet the new comer. As it is impossible to do anything until these two sails are disposed of, there can scarcely be an excuse for finding them set whilst there is a prospect of a serious change of wind or weather. When appearances are very threatening, and it is difficult to 430 MANUAL FOR NAVAL CADETS. say from which quarter the storm will break, the wise course to ptirsue is to clue everything up (if not furl), keeping a fore stay sail set. And the officer of the watch must not always take it for granted that somebody is looking after scuttles and lower deck ports. Hauling courses up in a calm or when ahack cuts up the ratlines very much. These sails will be raised more properly by using the buntlines and lecchlines only at the first. If the wind is light, haul the lee clue forward with the tack, and then haul up. MAN OVEBBOAKD. Every ship has a particular station bill for this occurrence, but as it happens under so many different circumstances, it is impossible to prescribe. The best preconcerted arrangements are often inapplicable, and success depends mainly on the presence of mind of the officer of the watch and the man at the life buoy. A cool hand will drop the life buoy sometimes within reach of a man ; a " bothered " one will either not let go at all, or do so before the man has got near the stem. If on a wind, there can be no question about " going about ; " leaving the main yard square on the other tack, and lowering the boats when ready. If sailing off the wind, everything light must be let fly, the weather clue garnets run up, after yard braced up, and the ship rounded to. Or, if well manned, wear ; shorten sail, and stand towards the man on the other tack.* Hands with their wits about them must endeavour from aloft to keep the man in sight. The boat's pendants and the " pull ,to port," " pull to .starboard," and " you go well " signals must be bent on instantly, so as to be ready to hoist and correct each other. If at night, have blue lights and rockets ready for show- ing the ship's position to the boat. If in the fleet, the ship's position lights should be shown as quickly as possible. "As the boats are supposed always to have the means of flashing or firing, you will know their whereabouts. Netfulls of cork shaving or old corks kept at different parts of the upper deck, are most useful whilst bathing ; the men are encouraged to " take the water," knowing that one of these * In all cases of letting fly gear suddenly, never forget to warn the look-out men who are on the yards. HANDLING SHIP. 431 will be pitched right into his hands when he is fatigued ; and in the case of a man overboard it will most probably be in the power of the person who gives the alarm thus to afford imme- diate relief J they can also be sent in boats when you must risk a capsize. It is recommended by some in such a contingency to square the main yard and heave to at once, but such a recommendar tion overlooks the possibility of ships sailing in line and being disconcerted if not imperilled by the obstruction. The officer of the watch who followed such advice would certainly be roused out of his " quiet " theory into activity by the bowsprit end of his next ship astern. The opinion of officers of high reputation and general expe- rience who have vrritten on this subject may be profitably reproduced. The most important considerations, when a man falls over- board, are : First, the quickest and most effectual method of arresting the ship's progress, and how to keep her as near the spot where the man fell as possible. Secondly, to preserve entire, during these evolutions, the general discipline of the ship, to maintain silence, and to enforce the most prompt obedience, without permitting foolhardy volun- teering of any kind. Thirdly, to see that the boat appointed to be employed on these occasions is secured in such a manner that she may be cast loose in a moment, and when ready for lowering down that she is properly manned and fitted, so as to be efficient in all respects when she. reaches the water. Fourthly, to take care in lowering the boat neither to stave or swamp her, nor to pitch the men out. And, lastly, to have a sufficient number of the sharpest sighted men in the ship stationed aloft in such a manner as to give them the best chance, not only of discovering the person who is overboard, but of pointing him out to the people in the boat, who may not otherwise know in what direction to pull. It is conceived, that all these objects may be accomplished with very little, if any, additional trouble, in all tolerably well- disciplined ships. Various opinions prevail among officers as to the first point ; but, I think, the best authorities recommend that, if possible. 432 MANUAL FOB NAVAL CADETS. the ship should not merely he hove aback when a man falls overboard, but that she ought to be brought completely round on the other tack. Of course, sail should be shortened in stays, and the main yard left square. This plan implies that the ship being on a vrind, or from that position to having the wind not above two points abaft the beam. But, on one tack or the other, this will include a large portion of the sailing of every ship. The great merit of such a method of proceeding is, that if the evolution succeeds, the ship, when round, will drift right down towards the man. And, although there may be some small risk in lowering the boat in stays, from the ship having at one period sternway, there will, in fact, be little time lost if the boat be not lowered till the ship be well round, and the stern- way at an end. There is more mischief done generally by lowering the boat too soon, than by waiting till the fittest moment arrives for doing it coolly. And it cannot be too often repeated, that almost the whole depends upon the self-possession of the officer of the watch. This important quality is best taught (like every thing else of the kind), by experience ; that is to say, by a , thorough and familiar practical knowledge of what is right to be done under all circumstances. Jt may be permitted for every other person in the ship to feel alarmed and shocked when the sounds reach his ears indicative that a man is overboard ; but the officer in command of the deck ought to let it be seen and felt by his tone of voice, and by the judicious promptitude of his orders, that he at least, is perfectly master of himself, and knows distinctly what course it is best to adopt. " If the ship be running before the wind, or be sailing large and under a press of sail, the officer d|ast exercise his judgment in rounding to, and take care, in his anxiety to save the man, not to let the masts go over the side, which will not advance but defeat his object. If the top-gaUant sheets, the topsail and top- gallant halyards, be let fly, and the head yards braced quickly up, the ship, when brought to the wind, will be nearly in the position of reefing topsails. Under these circumstances, it will hardly be possible to bring her about, for, long before she can have come head to wind, her way will be so much deadened that HANDLING SHIP. 433 the rudder may have ceased to act. Still, however, I am so strong an advocate for the principle of tacking, instead of merely lying to, -when a man is overboard, that, even under the circum- stances above described, as soon as the boat was lowered down and sent off, and the extra sail gathered in, I would fill, stand on till the ship had gained head way enough to render the evo- lution certain, and then go about, so as to bring her head towards the boat. It must be recollected that when a ship is going well off the wind in the manner here supposed, it is impossible to round her to so quickly as to replace her on the spot where the man fell, to reach which a great sweep must be made. But there seems to me no doubt, that in gvery possible case, even when going right before it, the ship will always drift nearer and nearer to that spot, if eventually brought to the wind on the opposite tack from that on which she was luffed up."* " If the occurrence should take place when the ship is close hauled, and no doubt about tacking, the best officers are of opinion that the ship shonld be tacked immediately, siuaring the main yard, and lowering the quarter boat or boats in stays. I have seen this tried several times by throwing pieces of wood over- board from different parts of the ghip ; these pieces of wood gene- rally came between the lee bow and lee quarter, after the ship was well round on the other tack. If a man should fall over- board when the ship is before the wind, round her to immediately with the head yards aback." f "It matters little what manoeuvre a ship goes through provided she gets her boat away in safety, and avoids stem way ; . . . to lower the boat with any degree of safety, the vessel's way must either be stopt, or her way at aU events deadened ; the better way of producing the effect admits of more than one opinion. The manoeuvre which subjects a vessel to control under head and not stem way is in all cases the one to adopt ; the latter motioi( more especially in small vessels which are only provided with e^ stem boat, cannot but tend to increase the danger and difficulty, and often lead to fatal results. If the officer of the watch allow the main yard to fly square before he has taken the main sail off the ship, or at all events one of its clews, it wiU defy the efforts * Captain Basil Hall's Fragments. t Captain Liardet's Professional Recollections. 434 MANUAL FOB NAVAL CADETS. not only of his watch hut of the hands themselves as they run on deck to haul It up. " The mancEuvre of tacking andheaving to are open to certain objections which seem hardly to he counterbalanced by the ad- vantages which it offers. The ' lee boat ' is always specified in the order as the one to be lowered ; and as this order would in all probability be carried literally into effect, the ofiScer of the watch wouldfindhimself after having gone smartly about, dealing with a boat on his weather quarter ; by going round, the absent boat is at night deprived of the benefit of the ship's stem lights, which, were the ship hove to on the same tack, would point out the direction in which to search for the man. " The advantages consist in this, that the ship, owing to the change of tack, naturally drifts towards the man, giving the boat a less distance to pull." * "When it is borne in mind that in the line there would be no alternative, — that a mistake about a lee boat could be guai-ded against by using the term starboard or port, — that in the event of the boats being scarce able to live, or having shipt water, lost oars, or of their crews being exhausted, the ship would by tacking be in the immediate position for affording succour : the subject is left to the reader as one deserving the greatest consideration. TAKING A SHIP IN TOW UNDER SAIL. Both ships must steer in line ahead on a preconcerted compass course, suficiently off the wind to ensure steady steerage, and under easy sail. When the stemmost ship is close to her leader, her way can be deadened by touching the sails with the braces ; and if the leader has thrown a buoy overboard with a light line fast to it, it can be picked up from the dolphin striker of the other ship, and a hawser hauled in. If the attempt is made on a wind, the buoy will generally be carried past the weather bow of the ship astern. We should always pass to windward of the ship that we mean to tow. The resistance offered by the Log-ship when it is towed with the pin fast, will give an idea of what may be done with some * Captain Kynaston on Casualties at Sea. HANDLING SHIP. 43-5 boards towards -warping a ship in a calm. Lash two mess- tables athwart two gratings ; span each grating from its four corners, and seize an eye in middle of their bights. Tow this out by a boat in which a warp is carried ; pay and go. When far enough, sling as many shot to one side of the float as will cause it to be quite immersed edgeways, making lines fast to the shot slings that they may be raised when requisite for the pur- pose of laying the float out again. SHAKING OUT REETS. . In shaking reefs out, becketed sails do not require to be braced in; but all square sails are much better set by checking lee braces and letting the yards hang naturally whilst hoisting. In shaking reefs out, throw the points asunder ; ease the reef tackles down as the reefs are cleared ; and do not wait until the sail is hoisted to get a puU on the sheet. When a point is found jambed on hoisting, either settle the halyards' at once or girt the sail well up with the buntlines. Checking the halyards grudgingly, only delays the duty ; settle them roundly at once, so that when the men get on the yard, there will be no risk from jerking and lowering with a half turn. The halyards wiU be fast, the reef tackles and buntlines well taut, and a slack leech presents an easy earing. Lowering with men on the yard is most unseamanlike and dangerous. In heavy breezes, the quick and safe way is to pipe " Hands reef Topsails." Lower, shake out, mend reefs, and hoist. FOKE AND AFT SAILS. The sheets of fore and aft sails should be steadied aft before hoisting, and eased carefully as they are hoisted. SETTING trPPEK SAILS. In setting upper sails in fine weather, let the Loosers (after casting off the outer gaskets) stand on the mast-heads, " let fall, sheet home, and hoist " at once. In breezy weather make them come down before hoisting. If on a wind, you wiU get the sails better set, and without carrying away gear, by keeping the ship lifting, or by checking roundly the lee braces; hauling lee sheets home first. A^en taking these sails in, do so before the F F 2 436 MANUAL FOE NAVAL CADETS, furlers reach the ma«t-head ; for their additional -weight there with the sail set may carry the already complaining mast over the side. Many a top-gallatat purchase carries away in hoisting because the foot rope has got under the cap. TATJT GEAB. In all transitions from dry warm weather to cold or wet, the gear " takes up " surprisingly. Halyards, sheets, &c., should be slacked in due time, especially at night ; and also in calms, or light winds with heavy swell, when great streun is produced by Tiolent flapping of the sails. DEADENJKG WAT. Backing the mizen topsail is considered very objectionable, and in the line is expressly forbidden. To square the main yard on a wind, it is only necessary to let go the braces, bowlines, main sheet, &c. ; and all this can be done by the lee wheel and look-out men. If it be a fresh breeze, ease the preventer brace, remembering the strain on stays. On a collision in steaming, upright the screw. In that case gear dragging overboard will not foul it, otherwise it will. On a collision taking place when in soundings, it is generally best for the weathermost ship to anchor. When two ships are becalmed near each other, either send the boats of both to tow the lightest, or of the one that lies in the most favourable position (with reference to swell) for being moved ; or else, run warps out from the quarter of one to the bow of the other, or vice versa, and both may thus be sprung ahead and steered clear of each other. In passing dangerously close by another ship or other obstacle, remember that when the helm is put over to prevent collision it is the stem that moves, and that while the bow may be thus saved from touching, the stern may be fouled; but that if the hehn be quickly shifted when the bow is just clear, the stem will be thrown out. Many a " touch-and-go shave " has been thus effected by judgment and nerve. HANDLING SHIP. 437 SETIIHft STUDDIN© SAILS. In setting studding sails, after the lifts and burtons are up, and the leeches of top-sails and top-gallant sails are steadied hy the bowlines, so that the men may not be jerked off the yards by the flapping, trice the top-mast and top-gallant stud-sails up high enough to lie over the brace blocks, and rig all the booms out at the same time ; then man all the halyards and tacks, cut and slip the stops, and hoist away all together. In setting stud-sails in a strong breeze, if you can keep the ship away until they are becalmed, you will get them up and well set when the gear would not stand otherwise. You will carry the top-mast stud-sail as long as it will do good by using the lower halyards as a martingale ; making a knot on the bight in the top, and then rowsingthe bending end down taut in the fore chains. When the heel of the boom gets adrift, the outer point is raised by knotting the bending end of the lower halyards and pulling up on the hauling part ; a line which is made fast to the knot before tricing up brings the end down when requisite. Remember that with top-mast and top-gallant stud- sails, the yards not only bear the weight of the sails, but also the down- ward drag which increases as the wind does, forcing the belly of the sails forwards, and acting like a span : therefore have the lifts and bartons well up before hoisting. In bracing forward, studding sail tacks, boom braces, and topping lifts require careful attention. In bracing in, unless the boom brace be manned, the chances wiU be in favour of the boom going anywhere but in a line with the yard. In dipping the main top-mast stud-sail before the sail, the wind will be just enough on the opposite quarter to glance off the top-sail and blow the inner leech aft. If the course can be altered, the sail may readily be handled, otherwise the short way is to haul down, stop the bowline in on the main yard, and set the stud-sail before all. It is no manner of use to dip a lee fore top-mast studding sail. TAKING IN STUDDING SAILS. In taking top-mast stud-sails in, it is well to start the tacks a F r 3 438 MANUAL FOR NATAL CADETS. little, so as to settle the tack blocks to their work before hauling down. In hauling down, ease away the tack before the outer arm of the yard touches the l)oom end ; and if the tack jambs, which is not unfrequent, rig the boom in at once. The leverage is great, and boom irons are frequently broken in this way. With lower stud-sails which have been carried with the yards much forward, get a good pull of the tack and after guy before starting anything, else the lower boom will fly forward when the tack is let go, Should the boom get under the bows, and the top-mast stud boom be in, put the lower halyards with a bowline knot round the lower boom, and haul them out with the lower tack j then, with these and the topping lift from the foreyard, it may be got up. If not, secure the. heel, disconnect the gooseneck, and whip the spar up heel foremost. Of course, if the ship can be kept away, and the foreyard braced in, all will be easier. TAKING IN SAIL. In taking top-gaUant sails in on a wind, keep the weather sheet fast until the yard is down, which wiU be done all the sooner by hauling in the weather brace at the same time ; then get the lee clue line and buntline up. Lay the yard and keep it lifting, and rather aback with the helm until the gaskets are If before the wind, keep both sheets fast until the yard is down ; then clue up and brace by. The same practice applies to royals. The parrels of these yards are generally slack, and the yards should be bound when possible against the rigging by bracing in. A royal carried too long before, and a top-gallant stud-sail carried too long near the wind, are the most difficult jobs that fall to a topman's lot to handle. Beyond a certain pace, these sails set as above cannot do the least good. If the " trimmer " is consulted whilst carrying a press of lofty saU before the wind, the ship will be found to be excessively out of trim by the head. Near the wind, the top-gallant stud-sail is fore and aft, bellying HANDLING SHIP, 439 to leeward, and taking the wind out of the powerful forward pressing top-gallant sail. Before the wind, stud-sails may be becalmed by a spoke of the helm, but the royal has no buntline ; every bound of the sail shakes the top-gallant mast like a whip stick, and the men cannot " handle " it. There is no proper alternatiTe but to let fly the clue lines, and let the sail blow to pieces If the men have been allowed to go aloft to try and remedy the mischief, they won't come down, and cannot be made to hear until they have had a try. It becomes a point of honour with them not to give it up ; and at last some bold fellow goes down the lift, and if not jerked off, passes the gasket from the yard-arm in. Then as to the stud-sail. — It is easy for the officer to say, " In royals ; haul down '' — and to walk the deck as if he had done his share of the work ; but ask the men, or take your place on the flying boom when the spar is pointing in the direction of the lee cat-head, and the sheets are banging like a volley of flails against it, as if the clerk of the weather was dying to lasso the poor furlers with their bights ; or get up on the top-sail yard, when the stud-sail tack or halyards are let go (and you must let go one or other), and the sail flies away to leeward before the top- gallant sail, blowing out like a mandarin's streamer, doing all it can to walk off with the top-gallant mast, and bid you good- bye. Then the lee top-gallant sheet cannot stand it any longer, and cracks, and the top-gallant yard goes fore and aft, and the weather top-gallant lift has a jigger on it, and wiU not yield. So away goes the whole of it, and it is " nobody's " fault, because " the right order " was given. Or else the weather top-gallant brace goes, and we have the same consequences. Or, all the gear holds on, and the sail, after an effort, wisps itself up round the topmast stay, from whence it is finally cut adrift ; and the only consolation in the matter is the self-satisfied way with which the epitaph " Lost overboard by accident " is written in the log, and the yards of " number seven," which the topmen contrive to save for other than public purposes.* * " The difference I observe in the expense of sailing the ships is incredible. Some men who have the foresight to discern what our first difficulty will be, support and provide their ships by enchantment, one scarce knows how ^ while F F 4 440 MANUAL FOE NAVAL CADETS. It -would be easy to ascertain the rate of sailing in different ships beyond which small sails are unaTailing, and thus to establish some general regulations about them. It would be easy to confine the carrying of the lower studding sail to a certain force and direction of wind, ensuring the benefits of a full fore sail, and ayoiding the trouble that occurs when the lower boom and sail go under the bows ; for instance, when the jib is drawing, the lower studding sail cannot be doing any good service. We must again call attention to the use that may be made of the helm. When the men perceive that you understand how to throw a sail into their hands, with a turn of the wheel — either becalming it by bearing up, or spilling it by a careful luff — they wiU work with confidence and good will. BEEFING TOPSAILS. If sailing with the squadron in moderate breezes, run the yards in nearly square, else the men wiU lose time in getting on the weather yard arm. It is considered neat to hand upper sails whilst reefing, letting fall as the topsails are hoisted ; at least, the top-gaUant sheets should be hauled taut after lowering their halyards to correspond with the reef. When double or treble reefing on a wind with courses set, on account of weather, bear in mind that the outer arms of the topsail yards are unsupported, and are unequal to the strain that may injudiciously be brought to bear on them, by over manning the reef tackle on deck. When the yard is laid, the duty of the reef tackle is to give the earing men plenty of slack leech between itself and the yard ; and if it cannot effect this without much straining (and this can easily be judged of by observing the tautness of the leeches behw the reef tackles on each side,) raise the clues at once with the clue lines sufficiently for the purpose. Pull the hunt lines well up so as to girt the sail in for the bunt points. Nothing is gained by permitting men to get out on the yard for reefing in a strong breeze until the yard is laid and the sail others, less provident, would exhaust a dockyard and still be in want." - CoUin^wood's Letters. HANDLING- SHIP. 441 ready for them. Yard arms have been wrung off in the endea- vom- to make the reef tackle do all the duty of other gear, and the earing men's lives saved only by a seeming chance. In reefing with the watch keep all the people on the deck until the yards are quite ready, and use the double halyards in hoisting. The men employed at the yard-arms in reefing will work all the better by having the foot ropes carried out to the boom iron, instead of being spliced round the yard-arm, or else having the Flemish horse brought into the quarter of the yard. In reefing at night in the line, observe if your second ahead and astern have more or less sail than top-sails. If you have been sparing them courses, you will be run into ; and if they have been sparing them to you, you will run into your leader, unless you are alert. After every evolution, (especially at night), make the petty officers report their ropes, and almost immediately after reliev- ing the watch. A few fathoms of the main brace checked by one hand will often just regulate the pace and keep the ship in station j and, if let go at the instant, arrest danger. When all reefs are out, it will often be necessary in bracing sharp up to check the weather topsail halyards. SETTING COURSES. In trimming forward, get the tacks down before the lee bracks are near their marks. In setting courses on a wind, before hauling on board check lee braces ; for the bunt of the sails may be nipped, and at all events the tacks will come better down. Boxing oJf. From neglect at the helm, ships are brought " up in the wind '' or caught in that position, by the wind shifting a few points forward. If there is good way on, the helin, if put quickly up, will " pay her off." If she does not answer it at once, she will come round, for the jibs are shaking, and the weather halves of the square sails forward are aback and " levering " the head round against the helm. But if you instantly brace the head yards quite round 442 MANUAL FOE NAVAL CADETS. the other way, the " leverage," is all in your favour, and you will keep the ship on the same tack by this process, called " boxing off." But whilst you are doing this, you will be going astern, therefore remember the rudder, and also, if in the line, what is close astern. In squadron sailing, keep an eye on the wheel, especially at the times of a fresh relief. TAKING IN THE DEIVEH. To take in a driver, much trouble and time vrill always be saved by bracing the cross jack yard in well, before starting the sheet. Man the lee brails best. When wearing in the line, or obliged to bear up suddenly, the after leach of the driver over the lee cross jack yard-arm nearly neutralises the helm. When thus situated, let fly the mizen topsail sheets and throat hal- yards. When wearing in the line in succession, never reset the driver until well on the lee quarter of the stemmost ship. In taking the first reef in a, driver or boom mainsail, it is not necessary to start the peak halyards. Lower the throat well ; get the boom amidships, and lee topping left well taut, so that the men may get at the foot of the sail on the lee quarter. Belay the reef tackle to the boom. If it is taken to the bitts, and the reef cringle is close down, something will carry away when the boom is eased over after reefing, at the first plunge of the ship. Double reefed drivers in a heavy breeze require pre- venter peak halyards and boom sheets. A mizen burton is the best for the former, a luff for the latter. If worked by brails, the outhaul should be shifted to the inner cheeks on the boom ; for the foot of the sail is not calculated to bear such a strain as would he brought on it by hauling out to the boom end : more- over, the sail would be distorted. In reefing, the canvass is to be tied (not rolled up), and the points should be knotted on their bights. If it is reefed with a pendant, the tack tricing line becomes a working rope of much consequence. It wiU relieve the ship when necessary from the effects of weather helm ; and if triced up in doubtful weather, wiU drag the jaws of the gaff down the moment the throat halyards are let go. In reefing, the pendant of the last reef is stoppered to the boom, whilst the reef tackle is shifted to the next. HANDLING SHIP. 443 In furling, crutch the toom and belay both sheets. The peak downhauls are not strong enough for peak guys whilst the men are leaning on the gaff; therefore, pass the ends of the boom sheets over the gaff ends as well, and from each side. The utility of boom jackstays will now be expe- rienced. TAKING THE JIB IN. If the men are ready at the cap to lay out, the ship need not be five minutes off her course, if kept away for the purpose of becalming it. None but the very best seaman can master a jib that has been carried into a strong breeze, and unless assisted by the helm they are in great peril. There is an art in slack- ing the jib sheet at the right time when hauling down. If the downhaul carries away, the top-gallant bowlines have the same lead ; and bowline knotted at the masthead round the jib-stay wiU bring the sail down. The jib-stay should be slacked in rough weather whenever the sail is taken in ; there is always time enough to pull it up whilst the sail is being loosed. A rope rove through a hole in the bowsprit cap, and spliced into the foot rope, far enough out to haul it taut in along the boom, is a great help to furlers. SENDING TOP-GALLANT MASTS AND YARDS DOWN. Always stop the yard ropes out to leeward. Tell your men off before sending them up ; so many to " off purchase," " to light up," to stop out, to unbend sheets and clue lines; Put a tripping-line on the weather yard-arm, and send the yard (if at sea), down through lubbers' hole. The topmen will not let go the Jacob's ladder lanyards, be they ever so taut, unless you make them. They like keeping them thus, so as to be ready to " shin up " and rig the royal yard the instant (if not before) the fid is in — a most dangerous practice. Pull up ; if rolling, attend the rigging falls and back- stays, but keep a fair strain on stays, take the main fid out, then the preventer ; put a heel rope on ; lower to the rigging mark ; if the mast hangs, a pull on the yard rope will start it j clap two half hitches on the lizard (you may have a little trouble to get it through lubbers' hole, bracing forward, &c., but it is worth 444 MANUAL FOR NAVAL CADETS. it). Lay the mast fore and aft the deck, and parcel the mast rope for chafes in the wake of the top rim. You will now have a good opportunity of overhauling mast ropes and masthead sheaves. Misunderstanding often occurs from the vagueness of pipes ahout top-gallant masts ; therefore, make a law, that " down top-gallant masts " means on deck ; " strike top-gallant masts,'' that yard ropes are not unrove and masts only lowered to the hounds ; " howse top-gaUant masts," that heels are nearly on the topsail yards, top-gallant yard ropes of course unrove. When upper yards are sent down at sea, ship on a wind. It should be rememhered, if she goes on the other tack, how the yard ropes lead, and how the yard-arms lie, in case they might he suddenly wanted. If the yards are likely to be long down, it will he worth while to lessen the bunts by opening the clues out along the yard ; they will thus stow much more snngly. In sending top-gallant masts down at sea or shifting them, the question of before or abaft the topsail yards must depend on circumstances. If on a wind, the heel of the mast can generally be cleared abaft the yard by lowering the yard half way down •, but if the parrel be taut, and the mast hole not rounded away previously in the fore part, there wUl be difficulty. On the other hand, if the weather side of the topsail be clued up, the buntHnes hauled up and yard squared, it must be thrown quite aback, else the sail will belly forward and foul the heel of the mast. This might be inadmissible in racing or squadron sailing j' and yet in an average number of cases, perhaps, it is the quickest ■«'ay. WEATHEK BBACE CARRIES AWAY. When this occurs, it is generally at the first burst of a squall, on a wind, nearly all reefs out, and consequently, when there are no preventer braces or parrels on the yard : for as wind strengthens to stiff double reefed topsail increasing breezes, all prudent seamen take the precaution of clapping on these addi- tional supports. When a weather brace carries away, there being no preventer, the yard immediately becomes a lever ; the stay, or parrel, or truss, being the Fulcrum ; the lee rigging, the Weight ; and the wind, the Power. HANDLING SHIP. 445 The remedy will depend on the amount of Power. If it be small, a new brace is rove, or the old one is repaired with a long splice. In substituting new running rigging for old, when the run of the lead is not lost, the ends are spliced, or stopped together ; and, as one is run off, the other enters its place j otherwise, men must be sent aloft to reeve the gears. When the power is great, the yard or parrel will be the next thing to gp ; for the yard flies fore and aft, and even the mast as well as the yard is in such instant danger that the remedy must be quick as the order. The lee sheet must be eased off roundly, lee clueline and buntline hauled up. The danger would be increased by bearing up before this were done, for as the wind came abeam, it would act with still greater force upon the sail. Both cluelines or downhaul tackle, and lee bowline should then be hauled on, and, if necessary, about two fathoms of the weather clue raised, so as to throw the wind more out of the sail. If these measures fail to start the yard, the sail must be clued up altogether, the buntlines being well manned whilst doing so ; and then the bowline and downhaul or clue lines will bring the yard down ; when it may be steadied by lashings from the rigging whilst the damage is being repaired. Or, after starting enough lee sheet to save the yard, the course may be hauled up, and the lower yard squared, lowering the topsail as it comes aback ; setting the course again when the topsail yard is lashed. Should the ship not be in the line or on a lee shore, she may if preferred be kept away (after the lee clue is run up) until the yard is down and secured. If it be a lower brace, lower the topsail, letting fly the lee sheet, and hauling in the weather brace if needful. Ease off the sheet of the course, short of splitting the sail, let go the tack (for the first important duty is to save the yard), and clue up. One scend might break the brace, the next would break the yard ; but there would just-be time enough between the scends for a quick ready officer to start all the principal gear that would relieve the spar. If this accident occurs forward, the weather helm must be attended to. A quartermaster who knew his duty would drop the peak, or let fly the mizen topsail sheets without waiting for orders, while the officer was occupied in saving the yard. 446 MANUAL FOK NAVAL CADETS. Accidents to the tack of a course, clue garnets, &c., teing carried away, may, -when circumstances permit, be repaired by bearing up and hauling aft the sheet of the damaged side. ■VTEATHEB KEEP TACKLE CAKRIED AWAY. This occurs generally whilst reefing, in consequence of undue strain produced by want of skill in not placing the yard so that the wind will nearly be thrown out of the sail. The men should be ordered in off the yard instantly ; the weather clue line, and as much as can be got of the buntlines hauled up, and enough of the sheet clewed up to admit of bracing the weather arm aback or nearly so ; the men may then venture out, and pass a sea gasket working from the arm inwards, until the reef cringle is reached, when the tackle can be rove afresh. Starting gear with men on the yards is one of those fearful blunders which always inspire topmen with such distrust of the ofiicer who commits them, that they never work well aloft in his watch on deck. (See reefing topsails.) WEATHER TOPSAIL SHEET AND CLUELINE CARRIED AWAY. When this happens on a wind, the clue flies forward and may be steadied by the bowline, but as the yard might be sprung on the weather quarter from the upward pressure of the sail, it should immediately be relieved- by checking a couple of fathom of the lee sheet. The lee clue, buntlines, reef tackles must then be hauled up, the yard lowered and squared, the bowline being eased away as the sail comes aback ; when so it will lie quiet, and the bowline may be sent with a hauling line from the fore- top into the main, rove before the sail through a leading block on the topmast, and the leech thus hauled in along the yard, so that the sail may be handed if needful, and new gear rove ; an attempt to " hand the leech in" before lowering, clueing up and squaring would not only be useless but dangerous. If the course is not set, check lee sheet as above, round in weather lower and topsail braces, lower and throw the sail aback, easing away the bowline. MAIN TACK AND CLUE GARNET GONE. Check main sheet to ease the yard, for the same reasons given in taking in a course. The danger of the sail being split will HANDLING SHIP. 447 depend much on the position of the main stay. In many ships it would bring the tack up, so that the tack could be steaded by the weather sheet, and a new rope rove; if not, the top-sail would have to be clued up, and then the course, the main yard squared, and the weather sheet gathered in same time, or, circumstances permitting, bear up and haul weather sheet aft. TOPSAIL BRACE AND PARREL CARRtED AWAT. This rarely happens where the security of the parrels, tacks, and sheet fastenings, and all that gear which is likely to be handled whilst exercising, are made matters of special report. In a strong breeze on a wind, when the yard is nipped so hard by the lee rigging and stay that it cannot be got down by the cluelines or downhaul, after clueing the sail up, send the end of a hawser up abaft the top to the topmast head ; pass it round both tyes, and make it fast to the after cap bolt. Haul down on the hawser, easing away the halyards until the yard is on the cap ; clap on the new parrel ; lash the yard by the quarters to the topmast rigging, and then repair the braces. When this accident occurs under low sail, the yard would fly so far forward as to suggest considerable danger to it and the mast from the force with which the yard would fly aft, if the sail were thrown aback by squaring the main yard. This latter mode is, howjever, recommended by some of our best seamen, who having tried it successfully, are best able to judge of its merits. If the wind is aft, clue up, hoist the yard close up to the hanging blocks and haul the lifts taut. This will keep it steady until the hawser is passed round the tyes. TOP-GALLANT BRACE AND PARREL CARRIED AWAT. In this case, where sending men to the masthead is' out of the question, and cluelines have failed, there is every chance of losing the mast if you hold on, and of the clues getting round the stay if you let go the sheets. The lower and topsail yard must be braced by, and the ship, if necessary sufficiently touched with the helm, to throw the top-gallant sail slightly aback. 448 MANUAL FOE NATAL CADETS. BOBSTAT8 GONE. Not having 136611 able to realise an instance we can only submit -what seems to be the best remedy. As this accident would probably occur whilst pitching heavily, the greatest activity should be displayed in letting go every rope that drags the head of the foremast aft and securing that spar with tackles ; if clear of the land, the helm is put hard up, di-iver taken in, after sails spiit, the main yard being worked with the after braces, main topsail lowered, and stay slackened. Chain stream cable run out of a main or middle deck port from well abaft the foremast ; passed over the bowsprit outside the rigging, and through the corresponding port on the opposite side ; the runners passed through the adjoining ports, their pendants across the stem, over the cable on the opposite side, back up through the port and secured inboard. The cable might be lashed meanwhile at the bowsprit so as to make the bight a fi:sture ; pull up the runners, easing the cable down until both parts are nipped at the lower part of the head knee or cutwater. When the spar is secure, anchor shackles with a length of stream chain fast to them (also crossed) may then he put on each outer part of the jury bobstay, and, on these being hove down, the runners may be removed before being frayed and cut through. It is customary to say that the proper thing to do in the case of broken bobstays, is " bear up and pass the messenger out of the hawse holes, over (he bowsprit and heave down : " but a glance over the bows will convince any learner that the sup- port thus given would even in a three decker be trifling, whilst in a frigate such as Fig. 13. it would be nothing, moreover the quantity of water shipped in the larger vessel on opening her hawse holes would greatly inconvenience, if not endanger her safety. Bobstay collars are not unfrequently found damaged, and if all were to go together the danger would be equal to that of the case considered above. As these collars are constantly soaked on the upper side during wet weather, it would be well to fit them with chain oi; wire rope. PREVENTEB BEACES, LIFTS, AND CLUELINES. Preventer brace pendants, made long enough to reach from the yard-arm to the top, are not only quickly attached to the HANDLING SHIP. 449 whips, but the risk sometimes incurred in sending men on the yards greatly diminished. Preventer topsail braces have more drift and a more downward pull than the standing ones ; and, therefore, should never be so taut, or be hauled upon, until the lifts are well up. In carrying a press of sail. Burtons on the topsail yards give great support, especially if they have been pulled up in concert with the standing lift when the sail was being hoisted, or during a good " lift." The general rule for topsail lift jiggers, is to put them on when the second reefs are talten in. And it is good to make a habit of putting the spare parrels and preventer braces on when the third are taken in. When top-gallant yards are sent down on account of weather, throw the top-gallant sheets out of the snatches; reeve them through the bow line bridle of the topsails up before all, and hitch them to the lugs of the tye blocks. They will be found to act even better than leech lines of courses when taking in top- sails. When braced up yard tackles are too short, and even when tailed pull downwards against the lifts. From their greater length, therefore, sail tackles are generally used as preventer lower; and the topmast studding sail halyards, for preventer topsail braces. REEFIKG TOPSAILS AND COURSES. Haul up the courses, lower the topsails, and round all the weather braces in to touching ; the reef burtons and reef tackles will now haul out easily. Haul taut topsail halyards, lee braces, lifts, trusses, and rolling tackles, and haul the topsail buntlines well up out of the way of the men on the lower yards. If a becketed topsail, the fourth reef earing hauls out before the yard, as the others ; with pointed topsails, that earing is passed abaft the yard. As with four reefs in the topsails it is always good to keep the sheets eased off some four feet, they may be hauled up thus far when the reef tackle is being hauled out ; but if the yards are well laid, the sails will be both quicker and more easily reefed if the practice of entirely clueing up top sails for a third or fourth reef is dispensed with. Of course when courses are 450 MANUAL FOK NATAL CADETS. set the topsails must be differently handled. After reefing courses the leech and slab line blocks will require to be shifted farther out. It is recommended to haul the sheets of courses aft first, and haul the tack down, letting the yard go forward at the same time ; but if there is option, it is preferable to get the topsail up while lifting, the lift taut, and then draw the lower tack down, easing braces, trusses, and rolling tackles to liking ; bearing in mind that as the lee foremost topmast shrouds should not be too much pressed by the lee quarters of the topsail yards, there is no good object gained in bracing lower yards quite up. Under such sail as this there is generally much motion, and the chafe in the nips of the stays, as well as in the wake of sharp up yards, is beyond the power of protection from any descrip- tion of service or Scotchmen. A head sail should always be set, and great care should be observed whilst taking in reefs that the ship is not taken aback. Moving the yards for the purpose of trimming sails, or indeed for any purpose, when the men are on them, is most perilous ; for the foot of the topsails will sweep the lower yards, and the lower yards themselves be for a time quite adrift. REEFING COURSES. When there is much motion, it is considered more ship-shape to defer reefing the courses until the top-sails are reefed and reset. By so doing, the ship is kept more steady whilst the people are aloft Lower yards should be well placed before sending men on them for the purpose of reefing or furling courses. When it becomes necessary to perform either of these operations at sea, there is generally considerable motion ; and an attempt to remedy neglect or want of judgment in this particular, by handling the braces whilst men are on the yards is always attended with great danger to them — especially in the case of main-yard men, who are mostly composed of inexperienced hands — for the yards on becoming released from the nip of the stays, lee-rigging, and trusses, will not only " sally " from side to side, but soend vio- lently fore and aft. Whilst getting a pull on the tacks of courses, petty officers frequently make use of a bad habit of letting go the lower lifts, thereby exposing the yards to great risk of being sprung until HANQLING SHIP. 451 again supported by these ropes. It should he remembered that the object aimed at is not to pull the weather yard-arm down, hut to tauten the weather leech ; and this is not effected by merely getting the tack block nearer the bumpkin or chess- ti-ee. If the yard is already in a horizontal line, the lift should he kept fast, the bowline let go, and the luff of the sail made taut by putting a tackle on tlie tack. When it is proper to slack the lower Ufts, whilst getting tacks down, the topsail lifts, top boMines, and lee main brace (if taut) should also he slacked off at the same time. As in securing a lower yard under a press of sail, a pull on the_ weather brace slacks the truss, and a pull on the weather truss slacks the brace, it is advisable to haul these ropes taut together. TAKING IN A COURSE. The most proper way to take in a courseduring heayy weather has beeri a matter of controversy ever since the times of the Great Harry. Before that period the yards were lowered on the deck when it became necessary to take in the sail. In hauling up the weather clue garnet first, the weather yard-arm, released from the downward pull of the tack, and bent upwards by the bellying canvass of the course and drag of the topsail sheet, is in great danger of being carried away underneath in the nip of the stay : moreover, as the bulk of the sail goes bodily over to leeward the instant the tack is let go, it is not properly embraced by the hunt and leech lines. When all tjie gear is hauled close up, there remain one or two balloons on the lee side, which, throwing themselves backwards over the yards and furlers as the ship comes nearer the wind, and then leaping forward bursting with wind as she falls off, are not to be controlled in any other, way than sending men to the yard- arm by the lift, and making them work from thence inwards with the sea gaskets. When it is determined to haul up the weather gear first, the sheet should be slacked off short of splitting the saU by shaking heavily j and then all the lee gear hauled well taut before starting the tack. In this way the lee leech and huntline will grip the sail nearly at their proper places, and the difiiculty we have alluded to be partially diminished. G G 2 452 MAN0AL FOK NATAL CADETS. In hauling the lee clue garnet up first, the canvass is gripped by the leech and buntlines to leeward of their natural place in the first instance ; and then, by their pulling inwards as the sail is clued up, the canvass that would otherwise have been slack is stripped of wind, and hauled in taut along the lee yard-arm. Whatever canvass may be left slack on the weather side after hauling up the weather gear, is blown into the weather side of the bunt, where it is steadied and bound against the mast and stay, and is easily secured.' Doubtless, an experienced hand will take the canvass off the ship cleverly in either of the ways above noticed ; but we find it well to caution beginners against arbitrary directions which seem to be derived from no better authority than a few rhyming words from the " Shipwreck." * We have informed the reader that a difference of opinion ex- ists on this subject, and admit that as far as the Sail itself is concerned either of these ways are equally safe ; but we hold that whilst there is no risk to the yard in hauling up the lee clue first, there is positive risk to it in starting the tack for the purpose of hauling up the weather one first. Even though the sheet be a little slacked off previously. An officer whose ability and experience will be universally acknowledged, writes thus: — " It blows very hard. You cast your eyes to windward and see nothing but the chance of the squall increasing. If you are not absolutely obliged to run the risk of carrying on through all, of course you will take the fore- sail in. At this doubtful moment observe the fore yard-arms, more particularly the weather one ; and you will find they have rather a downward tendency ; but watch while you are taking in the fore sail, and you will soon see the yard-arms, particularly the weather one, buckle up to that degree that it will make you extremely anxious for the safety of the yard. " Many times have I had a perfect fright when the fore tack has been eased away in running up the gear, to see the weather yard-arm spring up as if nothing could possibly prevent its being carried away. In thinking on the subject it occurred to me how frequently you can carry a foretop mast studding sail much longer by making a martingale of the lower studding sail halyards : upon this principle I have tiied a burton from the weather fore * See Appendix. HANDLING SHIP. 453 yard arm to a ring bolt on the deck, or fast to the chains, directly under the fore yard, and well housed taut as a martingale previous to taking in the fore sail, and found it to answer be- yond my expectations. I mention the fore yard, but of course it could be applied with equal good effect to the main yard." This passage g(jps to prove the existence of " particular " danger to the weather arm of the yard, on running up the weather gear, that is, on starting the tacks ; and although the " which clue line " question is not touched on, we may observe that the more reduced the sail, the less would be that danger. If the leeside of the sail were clued up, the risk would be small com- pared with what it would be were the sheet nearly aft and the whole sail fuUof wind on starting the tack. With regard to the clue_ line question, the same oiEcer remarks : — I have continually tried both weather and lee clue lines, in taking in square sails when blowing hard, and for several years felt coniident there was nothing like taking in a sail by the weather clue ; however, I found this method liable to several objections : in the first place, you are more likely to get the sail over the lee yard-arm ; secondly, if your weather brace should be carried away in taking in a topsail, your lee rigging would be much endangered. In hauling up the lee clue line first, you have rather a heavier, but a more steady strain, than when you haul the weather clue up first ; with the weather clue, the sail is kept longer shaking, and jerks more, in consequence of which, you try the yards, block strops, and braces more." * REDUCING A TOPSAIL. To the catch question. How would you reduce a topsail ? the customary answer is. Cut it at the belly band ; one that, if not supported by better reasons than we have met with, is quite too superficial. Were an eighty gun ship's main top sail, which is 31 cloths in the head, 50i in the foot, and 61 feet deep, laid out, it would be found that, owing to the hollowing of the leech, a line drawn from clue to head earing cringle, would be about 34 inches from the leech at the belly band and fourth reef cringle j so that if a piece were cut out across the sail at or between either of these places, on bringing the canvass together, the leech of the * Liardet's Professional HecoUections. G Q 3 454 MANUAL FOE NATAL CADETS. lower part would extend beyond that of the upper in proportion to the depth of the quantity cut out, involTing much roping and tabling, -which are long operations, requiring very skilful ■workmanship. Moreover, as the fourth reef in a topsail is so placed, that when taken in, the yard will be far enough off the cap to admit of its bracing up about 3 or 4 poinU, if the superfluous hoist were taken out at the belly band with reference only to its having "become stretched and having too much hoist," it might be found that on taking in the fourth reef, the sheets would not come home by fathoms proportionate to the blunder even when the yard-was on the cap. We would rather advise a candidate to whom such a question were put, to ascertain in what particulars the sail is too large. When a sail has merely too much hoist to admit of its going taut up, it is usual to cut out a piece across under the head tabling : if it also had too much spread, the middle cloth or more would be taken but. It is true that the appearance of a sail thus cut is damaged by the loss of uniformity in the first reef, and that top men are given an advantage whilst completing in single reefing, with ships having whole topsails ; nevertheless such is the customary as well as the readiest and easiest mode, and the one that even in the case of a sail altogether too large, such as might be supplied by a larger to a smaller ship, would (want of artificers and leisure considered,) be adopted. If, for instance, a sail had about six feet too much hoist and spread, ihe first reef might be cut off, the three middle cloths cut out, and the sail put together by any men who could, under the directions of a practical seaman, handle a palm, needle, and marlinspike. When the sail is reduced in the first reef, you must furl with two reefs, for there won't be skin enough with the first only. A course should be cut in the same way. TAKING A TOPSAIL IN WHEN BLOWING HARD. Excepting as to the tendency of the weather lower yard- arm to fly upward, which is chiefly owing to the pull of the topsail sheet, all that we have remarked upon the subject of taking in a course in heavy weather, applies to taking in a topsail. If there be no course set below, and the ship be on a wind, round in the weather lower and topsail brace until the sail lifts. HANDLING SHIP. 455 Let go the halyards and Uft-jiggers, clue the yard down, haul taut and helay the halyards. If there are hands enough, and there be three or four reefs already in the sail, all the gear may be run np together; if not, haul up the lee first, then the weather. If the top-gallant sheets hare been rove round the dues, as before described, they will bring all the slack sail taut along the yard. Belay the clue lines, and steady up the topsail sheets, braces, and rolling tackle before sending the men up to fbrL* Before the wind, there is often great difficulty in getting the bunt of the topsails secured for furling, and it is not nnfrequent to carry away the bnntUnes in the attempt. When this happens there is every probability of the sail being split and lost, unless the ship be rounded to and the sail thrown aback. When the course may not be altered, steady the bowlines, overhaul the top-gallant mast rope down before all, send its end up abaft the sail, and make it fast to the cap, lash a snatch block to the top- mast above the yard, score the mast rope in it, and haul up on the deck end. If the Course be set, the lower yard cannot be braced in, and the topsail must be " spUt " by rounding in the weather topsail brace, and hauling up the lee clue line at the same time. When this is done, haul up the weather gear, lower and secure the yard for furling, SENDING A TOFSAXL UP IN BAD WEATHER. It has been recommended to send a topsail np in bad weather, through the weather side of lubbers' hole, because the sail is thus prevented from flying to leeward. However well it may go up in this way, great labour is involved in get- ting it across the fore part of the top afterwards ; and there is considerable risk of finding a " turn " in the sail upon hauling it out, in consequence of having bent the gear in so crowded a place. Let us suppose the main topsail. If on a wind, send the sail tackle and topsail buntlines down to windward before the main lift and main top, and abaft the main yard. Send the weather topmast studding sail halyards down abai't the main Uft. Hook the sail on clear of turns with the after side aft (the roping of square sails is always on the after side) ; toggle the buntlines, * Topsails will stand ver}' long in strong gales, if the sheets are kept well eased off and stoppered, but the nips must be frequently freshened, C G 4 456 MAKUAL FOR NAVAL CADETS. and then hitch their bights round the quarters of the sail on their own sides ; bend the studding sail halyards round both legs of the sail. Sway the sail up, keeping it to windward steadily with the stud-sail halyards. When the setting strop is as high as the yard, pass a rope's end from the top round it and the topmast, so as to keep the middle seam of the sail amid- ships. Bend the reef tackles over the lifts ; toggle the bow- lines ; shackle the sheets and clue lines ; carry the ends of the head earings to the yard-arms ; cast off the studding-sail hal- yards i haul taut the reef tackles ; sway the sail well up, and pull up the weather buntline, so as to light that arm of the sail over the weather main lift.* Haul out the reef tackles, easing the sail tackle and buntlines down, until the sail is in a line with the yard. SENDING A TOPSAIL UP EEEFED. Becketed sails are particularly convenient for being sent up reefed to any extent. Lay the head on the deck, after side downwards, and place the reef bands one by one according to the number of intended reefs on the head; pass the head robands through the number of rows of beckets, and bitch them to their own parts on their bights. If four reefs, bring the reef tackle cringles to the yard-arms, and make the sail up as before de- scribed, bearing in mind that the arms will be heavy; conse- quently, in making up, as much slack sail as possible should be gathered into the bunt. When sails are sent up furled with the intention of being immediately set, the more clue there is left out the better, as sheet blocks are easier handled in the top than at the quarters of the yard. Moreover, a great portion of clue may be steadied out in sheeting home before cutting the setting strop adrift If in haste with the sail, and it be a becketed one, haul the sail along the yard as before said, pass the points from the yard through the beckets, following the lead of the robands, toggle them; secure the earings, and make sail at once: the head can be brought to afterwards. * It must be well remembered that in carrying courses in such a breeze as would demand all this precaution, it would be the extreme of bad sailoritig to let go a Ion er lift for the purpose of clearing a sail. HANDLING SHIP. 457 Pointed topsails are sometimes sent up reefed in the foot; but it has been found best to tie the points round the head as if the sail were on the yard, then to furl as if on the yard, keeping the head clear all along. UNBENDING SAILS. In unbending sails, it makes a neat evolution to "furl from a bo-wline." Pipe "furl and unbend;" run the reef tackles nearly out, and the bunt will be quicker furled; stop the upper yard ropes out. When the topsails and courses are furled, stop them up with their gaskets, and let them hang in a few small slip ropes. Cast off leech lines, reef tackles, slab lines,. &c. Unshackle topsail sheets and clue lines, single the head eariugs, hook the sail tackles and stay whips to the setting strops. Guy the lower booms a little aft if they are out, else the fore sail will fall on the topping lifts ; pull the sail tackles up enough to lift the hunt of the topsails off the yards, and to let the arms fall clear of the stays. Sway the upper yards, and ease in all earings at the same time ; station the sails for sides, point the topsails on the side of the lower stay they are intended to pass, and then lower booms, upper yards, and sails together. SHIFTING TOP-GALLANT MASTS. The most important matter in shifting top-gallant masts hastily is, on receiving the heel of the down coming mast on deck, to slue the turns out of the mast rope ; then to carry the heel aft, keeping it from turning, and laying it on the deck with the lightning conductor (or after side) upwards alongside of the new mast, which should also be placed in like manner. A leading man should be stationed on the deck sufficiently far forward to see that the mast rope is clear of turns above the top rim ; and to hold each part above the lizard widely separate, whilst the bight and lizard are shifted to the new mast. In this way the rope is certain of being clear. Two half hitches on the lizard, and the use of the preventer fid, should invariably be insisted on. 458 MANUAL FOR NAVAT. CADETS. SHIFTING TOPMASTS. In shifting topmasts, it saves time and avoids risk to work ^Tifith two parts of the hawser rove through the live sheave hole, and a lizard for a mast rope. The lizard should be made with a smooth round thimble, seized into a stout piece of good rope, its ends being tapered as salvagee tails. These tails grip the mast underneath the hound pieces when it is lowered sufficiently, and they should be kept from slipping down by a lashing from them to the mast head. When the mast is lowered until the cross-trees are near the lower cap, the length of surge that will be requisite for starting them is determined by the time they have been on the mast head as well as by the length of the mast. If its head be inside the lower tressle-trees when the heel is landed on deck, there is no danger to be apprehended ; only it is well to place bundles of swabs or coils of working ropes, &c., underneath, so as to receive the heel in the event of the hawser breaking. If the mast head come short of the tressle-trees, a long surge would be a risk. Generally speaking, a six feet surge is sufficient to start the cross trees ; but whatever may be the length agreed on, the cap shores should be in place, and their lanyards fast before giving it. The surge is given by unreeving the top tackle pendant, stop- pering the hawser at the bitts or leading block (overhauling enough of it for the purpose), then making it fast, and when " from under " aloft, slipping the stopper. When the fid is out of the old mast, we may commence with the new one. Let us suppose it to be main, and on the starboard side. Run the mast aft, brace the main yard sharp up on the starboard tack, lash a runner block on the after side of the mast about three parts up from the heel, reeve the main jeers irom the capstan through the leads, upper jeer block, between the fork of the stays, through the runner and jeer block, bring the end down between the fork, half hitch it round the mast above the runner block, and hitch the bare end through the fid hole — this will prevent the block from slipping up. Heave the mast up, bearing the heel well over to port to keep the head clear of the main yard, lower the heel down the main hatchway until the head is under the HANDLING SHIP. 4o9 stays. It will now hang clear of the other mast, and he ready for pointing. Meanwhile the old mast perhaps has been surged, and the lizard passed. Bear its heel into the starboard side of the main hatchway, and lower it until the head is under the stays, pull the head foi-ward with the main-top bowline to keep it clear of the top rim. Heave up until the heel is clear of the coam- ings ; carry the heel aft with a mizen burton, and lay the mast on the deck. When the old mast has been rove up high enough for its last lower, the jeers may be taken to the capstan, and the new mast hove up and pointed when done with the old mast. Reeve the hawser in the new one, heave it taut ; off jeers, heave up, and when placing the rigging, reeve the preventer top tackle, and then fid the mast. In sailing ships, the heel of the down coming mast may be landed in the hold, and left there until the work of the new one is finished. In fidding the new mast, it must be remembered how much quicker the double whip hawser is than the threefold and double whip top tackle j and therefore, when the fid hole is abreast the lower yard, care should be taken that the capstan is worked very slowly, and the top tackle allowed a fair share of strain. Were this evolution performed at sea, and there was much motion, the top-sail yard should be well secured athwart the fore part of ihe top, and the yard tackles hooked on the mast- head so as to steady it until pointed. SHITTING JIBBOOm. In sending the new spar out, it is of the first consequence to keep the point well up, and single jib halyards are scarcely equal to this purpose ; if they cai-ry away, the bowsprit cap will be wi-ung. In most large ships the stay-sail halyards are rove double, and if that sail is not set, they answer well. The next resource is the sail tackle, and the only objection to its use is that a signal to bend or shift topsails or topsail yards, made whilst it was em- ployed with the jibboom, would cause confusion. The practice of leaving the flying jibboom quite out whilst shifting the jibboom is a mere harbour " trick," and as it has 460 MANUAL rOR NAVAL CADETS. nothing to do with seamanship, we need not explain how it is done. BROKEN SFAR8. There can be no rules given for sending broken spars down. The first thing to be attended to is their being steadied and pre- vented from falling on deck, or tearing sails : the next, to sling and guy them clear of the gear. The cleverest thing of this kind that we have heard of, was in the case of a shivered top- mast, which, after being fished with small spars above the cap, was got safely down by sawing off the lower ends of these spars as the mast was lowered. It is considered a useful addition to the usual arrangements for general quarters in steam ships, to pass stout " frappings " round the lower rigging on each side, so as to be able to gather it in, in the event of the fall of a mast. Such ropes hanging slack under water, would be very apt to entangle the paddle or screw. RUDDER GONE. Rudder bands were the origin of rudder chains. In ancient times vessels had frequently a rudder at each end, and in bad weather, the rudders were triced up, whilst the ship " drove ; " being let down again when moderate. When rudders became hung as at present, the fastenings remained for the purpose of retaining the rudder when bumped off on the ship's grounding, and seamen made use of them for steering purposes when any injury befell the rudderhead. The possibility of this latter application has sometimes been overlooked ; and not only have the fastenings on the rudder not been sufficiently far down, but common bolts Inserted instead of a strong metal strap which should clasp a large portion of the after part. A. few years since in a three-decked ship during a gale, the rudder-head carried away, and when tackles were put on the rudder pen- dants, the ring-bolts drew, and they proved to be but rag-bolts. As the gale abated, a large ring-bolt was driven into the after part of the rudder ; to this the runners were brought from each quarter, and the ship was steered during a strong breeze and great swell into Malta Harbour. In arranging: the gear of the temporary rudder in a screw HANDLING SHIP. 461 ship, it -vrould be necessary to take the guys through the screw aperture under the after bearing, and from thence up on their opposite sides. They should of course be well covei-ed at the nip. When the guys lead to the quarters, they should be turk's- headed, so as to keep them clear of torn copper. To steer with a cable. — Pay through a mid-ship stern port, nearly as much cable as is intended to be overboard. Lash a spar across the stern, having a large block at each end ; middle a hawser round the capstan, taking three or four turns ; lead the ends through the blocks on each side in the ports that are a little abaft the capstan, then through blocks on the spar, and make them fast to the cable, expending the spare ends inboard ; then veer the cable out a little more. A party of hands on the capstan bars will now be able to guy the cable out on either quarter as desirable. The capstan will in fact do the duty of the wheel. Some rudders weigh as much as ten tons. In shipping or unshipping them, the bolts overhead should be clenched. By crossing the runners, the lashing blocks will look better into the rudder hole. It was a common practice during heavy gales and seas, both at anchor and at sea, to insert the rudder chocks, and thus by steadying the rudder head prevent the dangerous and violent motion of the tiller, tiller ropes, and wheel, which occurred whenever a sea struck either side of the rudder itself. It has also been customary when Lying-To, in very bad weather, to lash the helm hard a-lee, and with the aid of proper after sail, keep the ship close to the wind, bowing the sea ; being thus more weatherly, and less exposed to the danger of ship- ping seas than would be the case if she lay with her broadside to both wind and sea. The propriety of either of these practices is a question which has! not been sufficiently discussed : but as damaged rudders are defects certainly more frequent in modem than in former times, the causes are well worth the consideration of all who may be enabled to ascertain under what circumstances these disasters may have occurred ; — for example, if at anchor or at sea, in a sailing or screw ship, was screw up or down, was rudder chocked amidships, or lashed hard a-lee, was there a yoke or tiller, was rudder controlled by the power of a well-manned wheel and 462 MANUAL FOB NAVAL CADETS. relieving tackles, or were the wheel ropes quite slackened, and the motion of the tUIer carefully attended to with relieving tackles alone ; was the rudder an old pattern one, having the main piece straight — or new, having the main piece curved ; — if at sea, and helm hard a-lee, on which tack was ship ; and if at anchor, was ship riding head to wind, or more on one cable than the other; if on one, which ? and in both cases on which side was the rudder sprung ? It may safely be said that the old practices referred to in this article are very questionable ; the fineness of the run, the large aperture in the dead, wood, the dash o( water from the screw, the increased size and weight of the rudder itself, the necessary alterations in its gear, all conspire to render the steering appa- ratus more liable to injury than heretofore. We venture to suggest that the chocks should only be used, for the purpose of steadying the rudder head whilst a new tiller is being shipped ; or for keeping it amidships when heaving the ship off the ground. Perhaps in lying to, the same effects as lee helm might be produced by keeping the screw down : but this would pro- bably depend on its form ; that is, if it were right or left-handed, and which tack the ship was on. I.AKDING THE RCDDEB. Reeve the runners and tackles ; lash the runner blocks round the beams, over the rudder head, or hook top blocks to the bolts that may be there. Reeve the runners through them, and make them fast through the tiller hole. If a very heavy one, double them ; put a buoy and rope on the rudder from outside ; cross the purchases to the opposite sides of the deck. Lash the driver boom down ; put a long tackle on it from the mizen-mast head for a preventer lift, and pull it and the standing topping lifts taut; lead a hawser through a block at the mizen-mast head, through another on the boom at the lifts, and put a running eye on the end with a slip stop-rope on the eye. Lift the rudder out of the braces, opening the helm port that it may rise : fish the heel of the rudder with the hawser, and when it has caught, which it readily will below the lower pintle, heave the heel up, lowering the head, until both are nearly HANIttlSTG SHIP. 463 awash. Place the hoats on each side of the rudder j lash spars across their'gunwale strake at the after thwart and broadest part of the bow : chock the spars up from the keelson and thwarts, and hang the rudder to them by slip lashings, remembering that the head is considerably the heaviest part. If it has to be sent into very shoal water, put it on a raft of casks. A propeller, gun, anchor, or other weight too heavy for one boat, can thus be carried by two. SLACK LOWEU RIGGING. On changing suddenly from a frosty to a hot climate, the rigging " gives out " sometimes to a dangerous extent.* This is increased by the roUiug motion ; and casting it loose for the purpose of setting up becomes a very critical operation, especially when there is not wind enough to steady the ship. When it is decided to do so, the distance from dead eye to dead eye is taken with battens which are cut to measui-e, and the quantity to be taken down of each shroud is determined on and marked on its own batten. Take one mast at a time ; get up a good muster of luffs, salvagee strops, njppers, &c., and have a long tackle on each pendant. Get top-gallant masts on deck, and the lp\^er yards braced in so as not to press on the rigging that you are employed on, and have the sails furled on that mast. Hook on to the lanyards of the two foremost pair of shrouds on each side ; put the luffs on the others, all ready for their turn ; station men to. nipper, rack, ring down, attend battens, and secure lanyards ; put the nippers and racking on slackly ; look out for a still moment, slip the bights of the lanyards and run the shrouds down to the marks, heave the nippers and rackings taut j do not be particular about the orthodox way of securing the lanyard, hitch them instantly one pair at a time, round the shrouds ; you can do that afterwards during another still moment, and so on. The stays, if necessary, would of course have been set up previously. * 173. 464 MANUAL FOR NAVAL CADETS. In a breeze, if you could steady the ship on a wind, you would take your lee rigging down to the marks, and finish that .of the other side, after getting the ship's head round on the opposite tack. SWIFTING IN BIGGING. But occasionally the rigging Is too slack, and the motion is too great to admit of its being started. In this case swifting in is the remedy. Lash a spar horizontally fore and aft outside the rigging high enough up to insure the shrouds being clear of the nettings as much as possible, when pulled inwards. Lash a single block round each shroud where the spar crosses, and let its lashing include the spar. Secure corresponding blocks on each side of the deck as low down as may be ; a spar outside and lashing through the ports are safest, for the side bolts can scarcely be trusted for this work. Weave a hawser from each side of the deck through the blocks on its own side and those on the opposite rigging, and set all four ends up and secure them simultaneously. CUTTING AWAY MASTS. Leave a few shrouds fast, and frapped in on that side towards which you desire the masts to fall ; and long enough stumps for the heel lashing of jury masts. CASTING BIGGING ADRIFT. In casting loose to turn in rigging afresh, the weather should be very fine indeed, and water very smooth, when the whole is adrift at once. A sudden swell setting in, or a heavy squall coming on when every shroud was in hand, and topmasts perhaps on end, would endanger spars and seamanlike re- putation. TO GET A LOWER YARD DOWN INSIDE THE RIGGING. Let us suppose the mainyard port side of the deck. Unbend the sail, send booms down, unreeve the gear, reeve three parts of the jeers. Put a sail tackle on the starboard yard arm from the topmast head, single the lifts, put a burton from (he port yard arm to the mast at the partners, or hook the port HANDEING SHIP. 465 yard tackle to the starboard side, and have long tackles from the fore and mizen masts overhauled ready for the yard-arms. Unsling, top on the sail tackle, haul down the port arm, lowering the jeers so as to clear the starboard top rim. When the port arm is down, hook the mizen tackle to it, haul on it, lowering the jeers, and attending the sail tackle. Hook the fore tackle under the mainstay to the starboard yard-arm, ease up sail tackle. A luff on the bunt will now guy the yard off to the side, when it can be landed as couTenient. It will be necessary with either yard to clear away a boom boat on the side the yard is intended to be laid on. In sending this yard up from the deck, a tackle from forward will be necessary for the purpose of carrying the lower arm for- ward as the yard rises nearly up and down. TRIMMING SAILS. When with the yards braced forward^ the wind shifts to aft, the after yards are trimmed first, otherwise litey might take on what had been the lee side, in which case the ship would be " brought by the lee," and in danger of coming flat aback, gathering stern way, damaging her rudder, and of being pooped. When with the wind aft, it shifts suddenly to the beam, the helm if possible must be put up enough to prevent the sails from being taken aback, and to preserve steerage way, whilst the head yards are braced forward, and all the fore sails filled. The after yards are then trimmed. If it were a squall or strong breeze and good way on, it would be best to let the sails remain touching, until the small sails were taken in. Boom braces, studding sail tacks, lift jiggers &o., are apt to be forgotten in the hurry of bracing forward, and none but in- telligent men who understand how the weather fore brace, fore- top mast stud boom brace and tack, lower tack and after guy, affect each other should have the handling of those ropes. (See Taken aback.) MAKING SAIL. As the wind frequently goes down much more rapidly than the sea, the fastenings of a ship and aU her gear become greatly strained, unless proper sail be made as a gale begins to break. H H 466 MANUAL FOE NAVAL CADETS. Indeed some slips will not behare ■well during a gale, unless well pressed with sail, and this may be done by avoiding taut sheets, good arrangement of preventer gear, and frequent freshen- ing of nips. Boiling motion in calms may be much lessened by bracing up. BAOKIN& ABD PILLING. This is a mode of working a vessel to windward under sail with a favourable tide and commanding breeze, through a pas- sage, or river too narrow and intricate to admit of always gathering sufficient way for tacking, or of shooting ahead in stays, even if she were put about. It is usually performed under topsails, with the occasional aid of jib and driver. The different shoals and banks are avoided, if close astern, by filling and standing off, if close ahead, by taking in the fore and aft sails, throwing all aback, and making a stem board. The ves- sel's head is directed towards either shore, as most requisite, by taking a favourable opportunity for tacking, or letting her fall round off and wearing. In some open places she is hove dead to, and carried broadside on with the current. In others that are particularly narrow, the sails are braced by, so that the ves- sel drifts stem foremost, but with just enough resistance to the tide to admit of her being sheered with the helm to either side. As neither of these operations can be attempted without a thorough knowledge of the current, eddies, soundings and shoals, and the degree of handiness of the vessel, they are seldom prac- tised where steam can be applied for towing purposes. BOATS MAKINQ FOB THE SHIP. Get the lower booms, guns, and ports out of the way, and have warps, as described p. 388. When necessary to veer a rope astern it is better to do so by boat — a buoy drifts slowly, and fre- quently is brought up by the bight of the line on the ground. If under weigh, do not permit boats to shove off during stemway. DKGDQINQ. Dredging is a manceuvre often resorted to when it is necessary to carry a vessel with the current or tide, either without or HANDLING SHIP. ,467 against -wind, through passages or rivers too intricate or too nar- row, rapid, and sinuous to be navigated under sail. It is conducted on the principle that the helm of a vessel anchored and tide rode, has an effect in altering the direction of her bows similar to that which it would have, were she moving through the water ; it being always borne in mind that she will sheer more readily from than to her riding cable side. The art consists chiefly in preserving steerage way, and this is- done by heaving in so short that the vessel " shoulders her anchor " and is earned by the stream in its direction, yet not so entirely with it as to become unmanageable, and prevent her being sheered from side to side as the nearness of danger may require. This is effected by veering and heaving in cable according to those inequalities of the ground which affect the holding power of the anchor, and by shifting the helm. As opportunity offers, the drifting is increased by raising the anchor quite off the ground, and when danger is imminent it is avoided by bringing up on it altogether. CLTTB HAULING. You might have lost your rudder, or be too near the land to admit of Wearing, or there is too much sea on to tack, and you want to get the ship on the other tack. If in soundings, lead the end of a stout hawser from the lee (suppose the starboard) side aft, outside all, and bend it to the ring of the lee anchor for a spring. The quick way to get this end forward is to send a hauling line rove through a lead on the cathead aft for it. Take opportunity, when she is inclining to come to, to help her with the sails ; and when she is about to stop, let go the lee anchor. This will bring her head to wind ; tauten and hold on the spring, veer cable when you see her head going off to port, and haul the after yards. When you are sure of her, slip the cable, cut the spring, but do not be too quick with the head yards. HEATING DOWN. When ships have sustained injuries in their bottom, and there are no opportunities afforded for docking, recourse is then had to heaving down. Tackles are brought from the mastheads either to the shore or some other vessel, and these being hove on, turn H H 2 468 MANUAL rOE KATAL CADETS. A Scale of Slocks, Falls, Pendants, Strapping, Shrouds, Sfc, used Heaving Down Purchases. Blocks and Strapping Falls. Lashing for Purchase Blocks. Outrigger. II P i o 1 o s e: 1 g s 1 s 1 e i. § 1 E Z 1 1 1 1 S % n ■s S to 1 en o a ■s in. m 13J 10 9 1 1 a 1 5 3 3 2 2 5 1 h n 3 2 2 _ & 4 i > '/> g a 1 in. H 1 B a. o. C) 2« 20 12 12 o 1 rn, 6 5 4 i R o n 1 1 S g 2 a o 1 1 12 a ■a 1 i; E a Z 18 2 9 7 - o J S 8 7 6 Tom. 1700 and *- upwards From 1700 ) to } 1000. ) From 1000 ) to [ BOO. j Under ) .•iOO } Tons. ) 2 2 1 1 4"6) 36) SI 13 .11 in. Ill H 8} n 13' 13f 106 IOC 10 10 10 10 Lower Deck, 5. Main. Deck, 6. 7 B 4 Lower Deck. 4 Main Deck, 4. 6 4 3 the bottom up out of the water. The ahove Tahles supply us with a list of the nature and quantity of materials necessary in the operation, and the remarks are abridged by permission from the notes of an officer who was engaged in the heaving down of H.M.S. " Formidable." The " Formidable " was moored headand stem off the careen- ing wharf, and completely cleared out ; hammock nettings removed ; the partners of the fore and main masts on the main and upper deck taken up, and the ship prepared for heaving down on the starboard side. Bulkheads were built on the main deck ; one being at the HANDLING SHIP. 469 in Heaving Down the different dasses of H.M. Ships at Malta. 4J 4J Mast- head Pen- dants. Blocks and Falls for Betting up Masthead Pendants, Strapping, &c. a . 6S tn. {41 in. in. Urns. \ in. 14H Right ing Tackle under Bot- tom. Right- ing Tackle Upper J- Shores for Masts and Lashings for Ditto. £3 3^ fore ends of the skids, the other at the after, and another which extended across the front of the poop. The starboard lower deck ports were barred in. Scuttles closed and boarded over ; main deck ports on that side, excepting the four between the bulkheads, closed, boarded over, shored from inside, and all were caulked in and payed. The starboard chain pump dills were plugged and covered, and the pigeon holes between the bulkheads closed up. Five bilge pumps were rigged, two at the fore, two at the main, and one at the after hatchway ; in the squares of which stages were erected for the working parties. The lower deck was scuttled H H 3 470 MANUAL FOE NAVAL CADETS. abreast these hatchways to permit the passage of water from the orlop. The masts were stripped of everything excepting the lower rigging, and fished on the fore and after sides, with single spars reaching from the lower deck to the tressle-trees. These were lashed in nine places and wedged taut. They were supported on the starboard side by shores, the heels of which rested on elm planks in the water ways ; the deck being shored up underneath. Of these there were thiree ; the first reaching to within 6 inches of the tressle-trees ; the second, one third lower ; and the last, another third below the second ; their upper ends being cham- fered were lashed to the masts. The bellies of the masts were further supported by horizontal shores of 3-iiich oak boards which projected from thence to the main shores, three of them butting on the first, and one on each of the others. The heels were also shored in the holds on the port side. On the port side the masts were secured by out-riggers com- posed of balks of timber, which butting against the coamings and, bitts, &c., projected thrbugh the ports. Of these the main had five on the lower deck 40 feet long and 2 feet in the square, and four on the main deek 35 feet long and 18 inches square. The fore had four on the lower and three on the main deck of simUar proportions, and the outer ends were shouldered and cleated about 18 inches from thence for the rigging to butt The out-rigger martingales Were 8-inch rope, fitted with thimbles in their ends ; their middle taken with a round turn over the ends of the spars and seized, and set up with lan- yards ; those of the main deck to chocks in the lower deck ports, and those of the lower deck to shackle bolts which were driven through the ship's side and forelocked. The preventer rigging for the main mast consisted of eight shrouds and one pendant of 13-inch rope. The latter were fitted with a long and short leg, and an eye splice in the end of each. In placing them on the mast-head the long leg, which set up to the foremost lower deck out-rigger, was put foremost, the short one to the foretaost main deck out-rigger. Two pair of shrouds were placed over the mast-head to form a bolster, then the purchase blocks, then the remainder of the shrouds ; lastly, the pendant with a lashing eye. This rigging HANDLING SHIP. 471 was pulled up by double 20-incli blocks, double stropt, the eye of the shroud being taken through the strop and toggled. The lower blocks strops went over the end of the out-riggers, the falls were 7-inoh. The fore-mast was secured just as the main, excepting that it had but one fish, and that was on the after side. The i^nners were carried forward on each mast to support the stays. "The mizen mast was additionally supported by the long tackles. The wedges being i'emoved, the masts were steadied over against the port partners, aftfer which the starboard rigging was tautened. The purchase lashings were set up by the ninner pendant, from one mast-head to the other. The tripping cables were brought from the opposite side of the harhoUr, under the bottom, and secured through the starboard upper deck ports to the port side, one being forward and the other aft. The Fore Chains were broken downwards (although previously shored) by the pressure of the foremost of these cables when heaving down. The heaving down occupied twenty minutes, and the ship was cased up once to set up rigging ; on which occasion, it was found that the long shore of the main-mast had butted against and injured the tressle-tree. When first down, the fulness of the buttocks caused the stem to rise so high as to be inconvenient for the workmen, therefore eighty butts were secured under and beloT^ the fore chains before heaving down the second time. This had the desired effect of keeping the keel parallel, and enabling the repairs to be carried on at the gripe and stem at the same time.* A very insti'uctive lesson on this subject will be found in an account of the heaving down of the " Melville," published by Captain Harris. That officer remarks that the ship leaked when down as much as 268 tons in ninety-six minutes, although nine hand-pumps and 6.te engines were at work all that time, a quantity which it took 210 minutes to pump out when righted ; but that she leaked less when the main deck ports, which we observe were open in the Melville and Formidable in. the first instance, were closed, fle also calls attention to the importance of preserving the original distance between the fore * It is. well to nail battens fore and aft on the deck before heaving down, otherwise it is most difficult to pass along. a H 4 472 MAN0AL FOR NAVAL CADETS. and main-mast heads, when setting up the rigging afresh ; otherwise in heaving down, the masts spread apart, and the purchase falls do not look straight into their sheaves. In the case of the Melville's pumps, the lower ones discharged into tubs on the lower deck, into which the lower ends of the upper pumps were placed. In cases where the vessel has been dismasted, or where it would be impossible to procure sufficient length of purchase falls, &c., the bottom is turned out of the water by means of Spur derricks. H.M. ship " Success," for instance, was thus repaired. The upper ends of the derricks were cleated on the ship's side, the lower, to which the purchase blocks were lashed, Fig. 229. were secured from rising by turns of the chain cable, that were passed under the bottom from the opposite side, being steadied by guys led from forward and aft. (Fig. 229.) The after bearings of the " Croesus," a screw ship of 2500 tons, were, in the absence of a dock, recently repaired by means of a caisson, which, when placed, enclosed the heel of the ship from the foremost stem post aft. It was formed sloping at the fore part from the base to the top, and sufficiently open at that part to admit the heel, the dimensions being 22 feet at base, 15 feet at top, 20 feet in depth, and 9 feet in breadth. Displacement about 100 tons. It was sunk by loading it with chain cable, which was removed -when the caisson was drawn forward into position by guys, and was kept free by constantly working two seven-inch pumps ; STEAM ENGINE. 473 the Stem of the ship being raised in consequence nineteen inches. Vessels draw much less water when hove down keel out, than Vhen upright or heeling over. Recently, a vessel that had been driven so far up on shore during a heavy gale and unusually high tide as to he considered irrecoverable, was sold for the mere value of her timbers; the purchaser floated a flat-bottomed barge alongside of her at high water, and with this barge hove the vessel keel out by her masts, and then warped both craft into deep water. Sharp-bottomed vessels having run ashore, if shored up smartly, are in less danger of being injured by the irregularities of the ground than fuller ones ; but either should be cleared of top hamper immediately, guns bowsed, ports and scuttles closed, and the ship kept upright whilst, the shores are being placed under the channels. Additional shores should be wedged up as the water ebbed. CHAP. XXV. STEAM ENGINE. In this, as in other scientific subjects, our object is to excite a taste for inquiry and lead on to better books. It is, therefore, only pretended to give an outline of the general nature of the Marine Steam Engine, referring readers to those comprehen- sive explanations that have been published by more qualified writers.* " The simplest view of the marine steam engine is to consider it as a propelling machine, moved by vaporised water. To turn water into vapour or steam there are boilers arid furnaces. From the boilers steam passes to the cylinder, in which a piston moves, the piston (generally) carries a rod which works a crank, the crank turns a shaft, and the shaft a wheeL or screw." * Marine Steam Engine, by Proressor Maine. Ditto, by Robert Murray, Esq. Ditto, by Captain Robinson, R.N. Ditto, 'by Lieutenant Gordon, R.N. Useful Information for Engineers, by Fairbairn. tire's Dictionary of Arts. Brandt's Manual of Chemistry. Tomlinsou's Nat. Pliilosophy. 474 MANUAL FOK NAVAL CADETS. Coal is usually supplied in bags containing about 224 lbs., and therefore running ten to the ton. An average ton of coal requires 48 cubic ffeet of stowage room ; but as coal of equal eyaporative powers varies in degrees of compactness so much that 100 tons of one kind will stow in a space that 80 of another would fill, bulk must not be taken as a sure mode of ascertaining the number of days' fuel that may be on board the ship. " Pateilt fuel is a mixture of coal and other substances. Its object being to combine great evaporating power, with freedom from sulphurous or other noiious qualities, with durability in form and nature, compactness for stowage, non-liability to spontaneous combustion, or generation of gases, and economy ; a combination of qualities possessed by no one kind of coal." When Coal is closely confined, the bunkers become charged with dangerous inflammable gases ; and when exposed to mois- ture, heat is generated, and what is called spontaneous com- bustion produced. Ventilation and dryness are therefore to be studied. A quarter of a pound of good coal will produce 25 cubic feet of steam, which is equal to one horse power. The evaporative power Of doal is dependent on the quantity of carbon it contains ; Welsh is superior to and less bulky than Newcastle, and all coal is superior to wood as one to three, and to peat as one to six. At whatever pressure steam may be generated, it requires the same quantity of fiiel to evaporate a given volume of water. Hence it is economical to use high pressure steam. Oxygen, as we have already shown, is the principle of burn- ing, and one pound of coals requires as much as 240 cubic feet of air for its combustion. Hence it is, that if there be delay in clearing the stoke hole of ashes, or neglect of ventilation by windsails, removing hatchway gratings, &c., the fires get low, and then the steam. The same consequences follow when the fires are only replenished at great intervals, and then so profusely as to retard combustion. By good stoking is meant little at a time and frequent ; and STEAM ENGINE. 475 as this cannot be done without great toil, the ship •will often move slowly, when a few spare hands lent from the watch would make more difference than shaking two reefs out with all hands. The relative consumption of fuel is independent of the power of the engine ; and is modified hy the construction of the furnace and handling of the fires. In marine engines it has heen found to vary from seven to twelve pounds per horse power per hour. " The draft of a chimney arises from the difference between the weights of the colimin of rarifled air within, and of the column of air without ; the greater the perpendicular height of the chimney and the hotter the air within it, the greater this difference, and the greater therefore the draft. Horizontal or oblique passages diminish the draft by cooling the air, before it arrives at the effective portion of the flue. Sometimes as in locomotives, the waste steam escapes through the chimney, being thrown up into it by the blast-pipe." A pipe led from the steam chest to the uptake in a marine engine is a partial adoption of this mode. Should the fires burn more fiercely than necessary, the draft is diminished by regulating a damper placed across the inside of the funnel. Steam. The V^o leading properties of Steam are its expansive force and its facility -^'ff- 230. of condensation, both which are shown by the use of a glass tube as in the figure. Let a represent a glass tube with a bulb at its lower end. It is held in a brass ring to which a wooden handle is attached, and contains a piston c, which (as well as its rod) is perforated, and may be opened or closed by the screw at top, d\ it is kept central by passing through a slice of cork at e. When used, a little water is poured into the bnlb and carefully heated over a spirit lamp ; the aperture in the piston rod being open, the air is thus expelled, and when steam freely follows it, the screw may be closed, when, on applying cold to the bulb (as 1 ffl o 476 MANUAL FOR NAVAL CADETS. for instance, putting it on the surface of a little mercury in a glass), the included steam is condensed, and a yacuum formed, •ffhioh causes the descent of the piston, in consequence of the air pressing upon it from above. On holding again the hulb over the lamp, steam is reproduced and the piston again forced up : and these alternate motions may he repeatedly performed by the alternate applications of heat and cold. Such an open-mouthed vessel formed of metal, having steam injection and eduction pipes at the bottom, with a moveable piston inside, was the atmospheric engine of Newcomen, A jet of steam having thrust the piston upwards, was condensed by a jet of water, and drawn off through the eduction pipe, whilst the atmosphere pressed the piston downwards into the vacuum formed underneath it. Such a vessel formed of metal, closed at each end (the rod of the piston moving through a steam tight hole in the lid) with apertures at top and bottom for the entrance and escape of steam, which presses alternately above and below the piston is the modem steam engine. The mechanical effect in both engines being produced by connecting the end of the piston- rod with machinery. " Sea water contains in 1000 parts 34 of solid matter, of which about 25 are common salt During the ordinary state of the atmosphere, i. e., when the barometer is 30 inches, the temperature of fresh water when boiling in an open vessel; is 212°, that of salt water 213°. At 28 inches the fluid boils at 208° i and in some places where the barometer usually stands at 21 inches, it boils at 195°. These are points to be remem- bered, because the temperature at which water boils has not only a certain relation to the pressure of the steam formed, but also denotes the extent to which it has become impregnated with salt. " Vapour rising from water, heated to 165° Fahrenheit, pos- sesses an elastic force capable of supporting a column of mercury 10'8 inches high, and its density is such that 80 cubic feet of such vapour contains one pound of water, whereas 321 cubic feet of steam, of the density corresponding to a temperature of 212°, and a pressure of 30 inches of mercury, weigh one pound. From this we may calculate, when the temperature of the water is given, the elasticity and specific gravity of the vapour." The temperature of steam generated in an open vessel at an STEAM ENGINE. 477 ordinary pressure of air, nfevei- exceeds 212°. Whereas in a close one, its temperature, density, and elasticity may be carried to any extent consistent witli the safety or strength of the vessel in which it is formed. Also the temperature at which a solution of salt boils, under a given pressure, varies Consider- ably with the strength of the solution. The more concentrated the solution is, the higher will be its boiling temperature under the same pressure. And as in boiling, the purer portions of the boiler water are constantly evaporating in the form of steam, whilst the grosser ones accumulate in the form of brine with each new supply of sea water, it becomes absolutely necessary to make frequent examinations of the water, so as to blow off this sediment before it adheres to the boilers. (See Boilers.) The instruments employed for this purpose are the Thermo- meter and Hydrometer, or the Salimometer. The first of these indicates the temperature of the water ; the second its density or degree of saltness ; the last is a water gauge, in which the duties of the two former are combined. When steam has a pressure of 1.5lbs. per square inch, it is said to be of one atmosphere, and so on. In expressing the pressure of steam in a boiler, that part which is neutralised by the atmosphere, and therefore has no tendency to burst the boiler, is not taken Into account. Thus when it is said to have a pressure of lOlbs. per square inch, it in reality has a pressure of lOlbs + ISlbs. The true nature of heat is not known ; it operates on solids by conduction, and on fluids by connection. In the former process it passes through the body without derangement of its particles ; in the latter those which are nearest the heat are displaced. " If heat be applied to a vessel of water, the particles near the bot- tom are heated first, and expanding become specifically lighter and ascend ; colder particles occupy their space, and ascend in their turn, and thus a current is established." Thus heat is conveyed throughout the whole volume of water, raising its temperature until it rises in the form of Steam. On attaining a temperature of 212°, the water does not acquire any more heat, although transmission continues ; it passes into the steam, and there exists under the name of htent 478 MANUAL FOE NAVAL CADETS. heat, to an extent which, judged from its effect —for it is not indicated hy the thermometer — is roughly estimated at 1000°. It is this power of retaining a great amount of heat, that makes steam so useful in raising quickly the temperature of water into which it is thrown, as in the case of hatbs aijd buildings heated by pipes. It is evident the more particles that can be brought under the influence of the heating power the sooner will steam be raised. BoOers, therefore, are placed with their longest dimen- sions horizontally. Fire places are ranged along the bottom, and their flues carried sinuously through their interior, thus giving what is called a greater " heating surface." * It is, moreover, necessary in marine boilers that, as a precau- tion against fire, the furnaces and flues should be contained within the boiler, being thus surrounded by water. Heated bodies radiate heat more or Jess according to the na- ture of their surface ; the dark and rough radiating and absorb- ing more than those which are bright and polished ; hence it is that boilers, and frequently cylinders, are covered with wood or felt, &c. Marine boilers are made of wrought iron or copper plates, stayed and riveted together, and sufficiently strong to resist a pressure of 100 lbs. on the square inch. Those of cylindrical or hemispherical form are strongest. The loss of strength on account of the joinings is about 35 per cent.f Those through which the flame and hot air from the furnaces are conveyed to the funnel by one or more passages large enough to admit a workman, are called flue boilers : those having several layers of small tubes for the transmission of the heat, are called tubular boilers. The portion of boiler surrounding these flues or tubes is called the Water Space, and that above them the Steam Chest. As the water and heat in tubular boilers lie in alternate strata, steam is more readily generated in these than in flue boilers. Flue boilers occupy a third more space, and are nearly one third heavier than tubular ones of an equal evaporative power. * There are other reasons for this arrangement which are equally strong, but not so evident. t " Every description of boiler used in manufactories or on board steamers, should in my opinion be constructed to a bursting pressure of 400 to 500 lbs. on the square inch ; and locomotive engines, which are subjected to a much severer duty, to a bursting pressure of 700 to 800 lbs." — Fairdaikn. STEAM ENGINE. 749 Flues are easily cleaned, but difficult to repair. Tabes are repaired easily, and cleaned with difficulty ; so much so that when they are very small, it is advisable to keep one boiler un- employed as a stand by, in case of the others being choked simultaneously. Leaking or injured tubes may be plugged with wood, or closed by Iron rods rove through and nutted at each end over plates. In the construction of boilers, copper is preferred to iron : for although four times as dear, it is a better conductor of heat, does not corrode, is valuable even when worn out, only rends instead of blowing to pieces on explosion, and is not subject to the adhesion of those briny and limy deposits, which form in very hard incrustations on iron. These deposits being bad conductors of heat are very dan- gerous ; for when they interrupt the passage of heat to the water the bottom of the boiler becomes red hot and expands, the scales crack, and are detached, water passes through the openings and coming into contact with the heated metal, is suddenly con- verted into steam of such excessive pressure that the iron already deprived of five sixths of its strength in consequence of being at red heat is burst asunder with violence. The same effects may be produced by suddenly replenishing the boiler after a neglect of proper water supply — the cold water first causing this internal coating to contract and separate from the bottom, and then becoming immediately vaporized. Or, in the entire absence of such formations, by coming into instant contact with the red hot metal. When the water has become low, and the boilers seen or supposed to be red hot, the fires should at once be drawn, and no water introduced until the iron has cooled down. When engines are of such size as to require more steam than can be supplied by one boiler of ordinary size, additional ones are attached, for there is a limit to size, inasmuch as the liability to bursting increases with extent of surface. The boilers are fitted so as either to be independent of each other, or communicate their products through the Steam Pipe which is common to all. The boilers are filled with water by means of the hand pumps, donkey engine, or blow out cocks, to about twelve inches above the flues or tubes. Communication or Stop valves are for the purpose of 480 MAJSrUAL FOE NAVAL CADETS. separating the boilers from each other, or fi-om the engine when requisite. They are -vrorked by hand in the engine room.* Feed pumps are force pumps, of sufficient power to orer- come the pressure in the boiler. They are worked by the engine itself, and supply the boiler at each stroke with as much water as has been expended in evaporation, blowing off, and condensing. This water Is supplied from the Hot Well, being more fresh and warm than that drawn direct from the sea ; and is conveyed to the boiler through the Feed Pipes, being regu- lated by cocks and valves of peculiar construction. The lower pai't of the uptake is in some vessels enclosed by a water casing — thus heal is economised, for the temperature of water supplied to the boiler by this arrangement, is so high as to involve the use of a safety valve in the casing. A neglect of this precaution recently proved fatal. Water eaxise. The necessary quantity of water to be ad- mitted is determined by observing the level in the glass " Water Gauge," which is on the outside of the boiler — this level cor- responding with that inside. The supply is regulated very carefully ; for the consequence of allowing the water to get too high in the boiler is that it boils over into the steam pipe, and injures the cylinder, or is discharged in the form of " priming:." Priming may also be occasioned by insufficieticy of steam space in the boiler. The consequences of its getting low have been already pointed out. We may notice, in passing, that in stationary Land Engines the boiler supplies itself by means of an inside float, which being suspended from a valve, communicates with a reservoir of water. As the water in the boiler is consumed, the float descending opens by its weight the valve, and admits a sufficiency. Reverse valves are placed opening inwards to the boilers, so that, when, by withdrawing the fires steam is condensed, or when, from neglecting the fires, steam is not generated in pro- portion to the demand of the engine, and falls below the pressure of the atmosphere, vacuum and consequent collapse are avoided. Blow-off cocks. To remedy the ill effects of deposit as muci as possible, a portion of the boiler water is blown off * In more than one instance the engineers have been driven by fire or ex- plosion from the engine-room ; and there being no means on declt of shutting the steam oiT from the engines, the vessel steamed ahead on her destruction. STEAM ENGINE. 481 occasionally by means of a cock at the bottom of the boiler, ■which communicate by valves through the vessel's bottom with the sea. Brine pnmps are an improvement on the blowing off process. They are worked by the engine, and so arranged that a quan- tity of brine is discharged at each stroke, while a corresponding quantity of water too inconsiderable to effect the general tem- perature of the boiler water is supplied to it by the feed pumps. Man-bole is an aperture in the upper part of the boiler, through which when the water is run off, the cleaners enter. ncud-bole is an aperture in the lower part of the boiler, for the purpose of raking out deposit. Steam gauge. Steam, like air, is elastic, and if generated in a close vessel may be retained until compressed into an elastic force, which needs be restricted only by the strength of the boiler. This force is measured by the amount of its pressure in pounds on every square inch in the surface of the piston, or that of the surface which contains it; and is indicated by the Steam Gauge, which is a bent iron tube, partly filled with mercury, and placed vertically on the front of the boiler, into which its end opens. At a temperature of 212°, its elastic force is equal to that of the atmosphere, and it will therefore support a column of mercury 30 inches high: at 230^ it will support 42 inches, and so on. The mercury in this tube will of course be at the same level in both its branches when the steam in the boilers and the atmosphere press equally, but will rise in the longer leg as the pressure of the steam increases, and will thus by its rise indicate the amount of that pressure. If the elastic force of steam were suddenly to increase, the mercury would overflow or be blown out altogether, and thus this gauge would become an additional safety valve. Safety valve. When steam is raised from boiling water, it occupies 1800 times as much space as the water from which it is raised. When first generated, its force is that of one atmosphere ; at 320° it is equal to five; at 356° to ten, at 416° to twenty, at 590° to one hundred atmospheres. One cubic inch of water converted into steam, will prbduce a mechanical force sufficient to raise a ton weight a foot high. I I 482 MANUAL FOK NATAL CADETS. So great a pent up force naturally suggests danger, and pro- vision is made in the Safety Valve, for the escape of steam -when it exceeds the pressure which the holler is calculated to resist. On this occurring, the valve, which is suitably loaded, is raised hy the superahundant force of the steam itself ; and when the steam has become diminished to the required pressure, it closes. The waste steam flinnel carries off the surplus steam from the safety valve, its upper end is usually formed into a globular shape, in which much of the sediment thrown up by priming is collected. The drip pipe along side of the waste steam pipe carries this sediment down through the ship's bottom. Steam pipe conveys the steam from the boiler to the cylinder. It is made of copper, and as straight and short as possible ; its usual area is one square inch per horse power. Tbrottle Valve. — The resistance to a marine engine varies. For instance, when a ship plunges her wheels in the water, the resistance is great, and the revolutions few. Again, when a ship pitches heavily, the screw is at times more than half out of the water, and the resistance small, so that we require some contrivance by which a supply of steam, varying in proportion to the resistance, shall be supplied to the cylinder with a view of preserving it, or its gear, from the consequent danger of rupture. This is effected by the Throttle Valve, which is placed in the pipe that conveys steam from the boiler to the cylinder. In ships this valve is adjusted by hand from time to time, and during very heavy motion, re- quires constant manual attendance ; but in land engines, it is worked by an apparatus called the Governor, which deriving motion from the engine makes the latter self-regulating in this respect. When the steam is thus partially checked, it is said to be wire drawn. Vast as is the force of steam, it is the most controllable of all the motive powers ; for having performed its duty of urging the piston through the cylinder in whatever direction the engineer determines, it is led off into a separate chamber, the condenser, %nd deprived of its energy in an instant. Heat gave it being ; cold resolves it into its former condition of water. Two ounces STEAM ENGINE. 483 of water will in a second condense 200 inches of steam, and re- duce their expansive force to one fifth. The Cylinder is made of cast iron, bored exactly cylindrical in its inner surface, closed by steam-tight lids, and cased in felt and wooden clothing. In a double-acting condensing engine, as a ship's, when the steam has acquired a certain amount of strength, it is permitted to issue through the steam pipe ; and is discharged in jets alter- nately above and below a moveable piston working in the cylinder — escaping from thence into the Condenser by the Eduction pipe on one side of the Piston, while it is active on the other. This arrangement is effected by a system of openings or pas- sages, which are regulated by the engine itself, through the instrumentality of a wheel fitted on the shaft, having its axis on one side of its centre, and turning in a brass collar, to which the levers of the valves are •connected- by rods : the rotatory motion of the shaft thus conveying a fore and aft one to the rods. This apparatus is called the Eccentric (^j. 231). Those Fig. 231. passages which admit are the steam, and those which emit are the exhausting, passaged. The Slide valves which close these passages act in concert ; so that, for instance, the lower exhausting and npper steam passages are open, whilst the npper exhausting and lower steam ones close simultaneously. A vacuum more or less complete is I I 2 484 MANUAL FOE NAVAL CADETS. fonned on one side of the piston, while the entering steam presses upon the other -with nearly an unopposed force.* By means of a contriTance called the Expansive Cear, the movement of a valve in the steam pipe is so managed that the admission of steam to the cylinder is " cut off" at certain points of the stroke of the piston. For water is sometimes carried with the steam into the cylinder, accumulating at its bottom ; and were the piston permitted to " travel " the whole length of the cylinder, it would come in contact with this incompressible accumulation, and produce fracture. Moreover, by the use of this gear, the steam is economised when desirable. The slides being set with reference to the strength of the steam, the admitting aperture is closed at a par- ticular moment when the piston is moving, and the remainder of the stroke is effected by the expansion of the steam which has just been admitted. Escape Valves. — The water that may have entered the cylinder by priming from the boiler or from the condenser by improper regulation of the injection, is carried off by the escape valves, which are fitted at the top and bottom of the cylinder. Condenser. — On its arrival in the adjoining chamber (the condenser) the steam is received with a. cold-shower bath, the supply of water for this purpose being admitted through the Injection valve, from a pipe which communicates with the sea, by means of a Kingston's valve in the ship's bottom. This supply is regulated by a Sea-cock at the bottom, and an In- jection cock near the Condenser.f The steam, being re-converted to water, is made to flow along with that used in condensation, through the foot valve, towards the Air Pump which carries it to the Hot Well, from whence • The apparatus for admitting and shutting off steam from the cylinder called the Throttle Valve is usually worked in the engine room. The evil conse- quences of having no means on the upper deck for stopping the supply were shown in the case of a merchant ship not very long since. A fire having Jjroken out in the engine room, gained so rapidly, that the engineers had to desert that quarter of the ship ; and when it became desirable to stop the vessel tor the purpose of lowering the boats, it was found to be impossible, and she steamed furiously aliead until almost the moment of sinking. t High pressure engines are not furnished with Condensers, Air pumps, or ■Waste pipes, the steam that has operated on the Piston being allowed to escape Into the air. STEAM ENGINE. 485 the quantity necessary for replenishing the boilers is conyeyed by the action of the hot-water pump back again to the boiler,' the residue being forced overboard through the waste water pipe. All these different yalves and pumps, excepting the Kingston valves in the ship's side, are worked by the engine. The Foot Valve is placed at the bottom of the condenser, opening into the air pump, so that the water and air cannot return to the condenser. - The Delivery Valve is placed at the top of the air pump, opening into the hot well, so that the water and air cannot re- turn to the air pump. The Slow-ttarougli Valve is placed at the bottom of the slide valve casing, and is for the purpose of admitting a current of steam through the engine before starting, so as to clear it of water and air. The snlflin^ Valve is placed at the foot of the air pump, for the purpose of allowing the water and air to escape when blowing through. The Piston is made of iron, hollow, and rendered steam tight at its contact with the cylinder by metallic rings thrust outwards with springs or packing. The piston rod works through a steam tight packing on the lid of the cylinder contained in the stuffing box, and com- pressed by the glands ; and as it always must of necessity, when thus arranged, move in a line with the cylinder, whether that vessel be horizontal or upright, some contrivance is re- quired by which its linear motion may be converted into the circular which is demanded by the Paddle or Screw. The cylinder must either be adapted to the motion of the rod, or the motion of the rod to that of the double handles called cranks which turn the shaft. In the first of these cases, the cylinder is made very much in the form of a great Howitzer, and pivots In like manner on the trunnions. These are bored through, and thus steam is admitted. The head of the rod is connected immediately with the crank, and thus, this beautifiilly simple and compact arrangement becomes a " Direct acting oscillating engine." By placing two such engines beside each other, and fixing their respective cranks at different angles on the shaft, one is always actively carrying the other past the centre I I 3 486 MANUAL FOB NAyAL CADETS. of the axis, or through what is called the Dead point i whilst the other is in its neutral position. In some engines, where the cylinders are fixtures, the motion 6f the rod is kept in the line of the cylinder hy the parallel motion, and is communicated to the crank by an intermediate system of side-rods, side-levers, and connecting rods, or by making the piston hollow as in Trunk engines. In the case of a Side Lever Engine, the rod is fitted with a cross which forms, as it were, the shoulders ; from these hang the arms, the side- rods, grasping the ends of the great handles, the side levers, or sway beams, at the extremities of which rise the connecting rods that turn the cranks. One Engine on each side of the ship working cranks differ- ently set, as before described, turn over the Dead point, and ex- cepting the parallel motion, which we leave as matters for per- sonal investigation, we have but to inflate the lungs of the machine to produce rotatory motion. Trunk Engines are always direct action ones, and may be comprehended by conceiving the piston rod to be very much larger in diameter than usual, projecting (steam tight) through both ends of the cylinder, and hollow, having a connecting rod, one end of which pivots in the centre of the piston or trunk, and the other turning the crank. Fig. 232 represents a Trunk cylinder engine, as seen from the fore part of the engine room. Fig. 232. Fig. 233. is the same engin'e as 'seen from the port side. STEAM ENGINE. Fig. 233. 487 D Coupling and bearing. c. Crank, p. Steam pipe. s. Shaft. T. Trunks. Fig. 234. is tlie same engine as seen from the deck. Fig, 234. I I 4 488 MANUAL FOK NAVAL CADETS. With a single engine, such as we have on shore, the dead point is disposed of by means of a great balance wheel haying a heavy rim, which is placed on the end of the main shaft. This wheel, receiving motion in the first instance from the engine, absorbs a certain amount of moving force, by which it carries its way through this critical moment, and regulates the speed of the engine by its uniform motion. " A force of fifty pounds per second, imparted to a loaded wheel, will so accumu- late as to enable it to overcome a resistance of nearly 500 pounds in ten seconds." The necessity for this balance wheel in the case of but one land engine, and its inapplicability to marine purposes, will serve to explain why two engines are required in a ship. Whilst the power of the machine may be measured by ex- ternal symptoms, such as length of stroke, and pressure of steam on the gauge, &c., there is a mode of ascertaining what is going on in the very heart of the cylinder itself j for it must be borne in mind that the efficiency of the entering stream will be depen- dent on the completeness of the vacuum on the opposite side of the piston. Indicator. — The more dense and powerful the steam, the greater quantity of water will it be composed of, for low pres- sure steam is but a small quantity, and high pressure is but a larger quantity of water and vapour ; therefore, the stronger the steam the more active should be the condensing apparatus, and if it be not doing its duty as well as the boiler, the vacuum will be indifferent, and the great force of steam neutralised. Now by attaching an instrument called the Indicator to the main cylinder, we have a tell-tale which, regulated by the internal condition, supplies us with a self- written report in the form of a diagram, not only of the performances of the steam, but also of the extent of vacuum. The Indicator has been called a steam Stethoscope, and may be said to tell the condition of the spirit of that imaginary monster which seems to lie fettered and obedient at the bottom of a great ship. This little instrument may be applied to the cylinder, boiler, or other places ; a minute hole only being re- quired to admit steam when it is fixed. It is a very small cylinder in which is a piston bearing against a spiral spring, and carrying a pencil, pressing lightly upon a paper attached STEAM ENGINK. 489 to a roller which revolves as the piston moves, having a line attached to the machinery. One stroke is made as the piston goes each way, and the result is a complete figure or diagram, traced on the paper, which shows very nearly how the engines are performing, and afterwards, when carefully measured and calculated, what is the actual power exerted hy the steam. This index affords not only a measure of the whole power, but also shows the power exerted at each part of the stroke. • " The height at which the pressure of the atmosphere solely would keep the pencil of the Indicator, is shown by a line drawn across the paper by the pencil while influenced only by the atmosphere. The length of the.figare is divided into equal parts by any convenient scale, and the pressure of the steam above the line, and below (which might be called exhaustion) is measured by the scale to which the indicator is divided ; one-tenth of an inch usually representing one pound pressure on a square inch. Then mechanically, with compasses, a certain number of eqni-distant ordinates are measured, and their mean length taken, as representing the average pressure on the piston during one stroke. This mean pressure multiplied by the velo- city of the piston (or the number of feet travelled by it in a minute), and again by the area of the piston in square inches, gives a product which, divided by 33,000, gives the indicator horse power, or indicated power of the engines." This indicated power is seldom less than twice the nominal or contract power of the engines. Horse Power. — As it has elsewhere been shown that Weight and Time, and Height, or Distance, are interchangeable with each other, it will easily be understood that it becomes a convenient mode of expressing the power of a man, or a horse, to say that one man or one horse can raise a given number of pounds one foot high in one minute, inasmuch as multiplying by one does not change the figures. A horse power is reckoned at 33,000 pounds raised one foot high in one minute, this having been found by experiment to be about the amount of work actually done by a good horse of average strength. To measure the horse-power of a steam engine, it is necessary to know the total number of pounds pressing continuously, or rather on an average, upon the piston, 490 MANUAL FOR KAVAL CADETS. which is the amount of weight to he moved; and also the velocity with which this weight is being moved, or the distance through which it travels in one minute. The former is found by multiplying the area of the piston by the average pressure of the steam upon each square inch ; this average having been either found by the Indicator, or assumed from a knowledge of the pressure of the steam as generated in the boiler and used in the engine. The distance through which the piston travels in a minute is found by multiplying the length of stroke which it makes in going from one end of the cylinder to the other, and back again, by the number of such strokes made in a minute. The total pressure on the piston of any engine, and the velocity or total distance travelled by the piston in one minute being obtained or known, the power of that engine is then calculated as a common rule of three sum. Thus : As 33,000 lbs. multiplied by 1 foot high in 1 minute (which represents one horse power) is to^he total pressure in lbs. on the piston, multiplied by the velocity of the piston in feet in 1 minute, so is 1 horse power to the horse power of the engine as sought. In speaking however of an engine generally, the length of stroke is the distance travelled by the piston, from the top to the bottom of the cylinder, or vice versa, and not a whole stroke, or the distance from a starting point back again to that starting point, which is equal to a revolution of the crank. The duty of an engine is the amount of work done in reference to the quantity of fuel consumed. The Modulus or useful effect of a machine is the fraction which expresses the amount of work compared with the power applied, which is expressed by unity. Thus if the work performed be only |, the other third would have been lost in friction, and the actual product § would be the mo- dulus. The cost of engines varies from 20?. to 60/. per horse power, according to the intrinsic value of the materials used. An engine of 450 horse power, weighs on an average alto- gether, about 300 tons. Thus, for example : — STEAM ENGINE. 491 50 tons 97 „ 56 j> 50 )) 5 ft 5 )> Weight of engines - „ boilers - . - „ water in ditto „ propeller gear „ copper pipes „ coal boxes* - - „ stores and spare gear - 24 „ 287 „ THE SOKEW. The Marine Propeller is a screw placed on an axis parallel to the keel, having its thread more or less inclined to the perpendi- cular. Turned in one direction it bears against the water and the vessel ; the water offering the greatest resistance, the vessel recedes and is moved ahead. Turned in the opposite direction its tendency is to draw the water towards the ship ; but again the water asserts its superiority, the ship follows the screw and goes astern. When the screw is tried in the basin, the ship's bows bear against, and are secured to, the wall. The ship then of course becomes the fixture, and the water the body that moves. The enormous power of the screw is never seen to greater advantage than during this experiment. The scene presented by the agitation of the water in this struggle for supremacy reminds a spectator of the eddies and convulsions of a maelstrom, and he is inclined at some moments to fancy that either the vessel will break up under the pressure, or the strong opposition of stone blocks themselves be forced to give way. The propelling action of the screw, unable to project the ship, flings the water astern with tremendous force, and the opposite action, after straining the bow fastenings to the uttermost, ex- pends its force on the water, which it draws towards the stem in rapid and tumultuous currents. The annexed figure will probably convey a better idea of the propeller than can be gathered from a mere description. In this piece of a screw there are two threads, and it is evident there might be more or less. But as the propellers used in the navy are generally two threaded, that is the class represented heie, * Xhes? contained 220 tons of coal, ~' "' 492 MANUAL FOE NAVAL CADETS. Fig. 235. § .§ f tJ « k. •§2 5 g 3 fl Hi t a td V m Ul > !_, j ^ H, ^ < 507 APPENDIX. A FEW remarks on the personal outfit, expenses, &o., of a Naral Cadet may be of service to candidates. The following price list of articles necessary for a cadet's first equipment may be taken as -a fair sample of such estimates. Some of the prices are less than those charged by outfitters generally ; and, as the compiler of this one seems to have given general satisfaction, we may assume that the articles are good, and the prices sufficiently remunerative. £ s. d. 1 Registered Improved Iron-bound Sea Chest, No. 3637., with Improved Zinc Wash Tray and Foot Bath - - - 4 10 1 Not Registered, from - - - - 2100 1 Dress Coat, Vest and Trowsers - - 5 5 1 Superfine Uniform Round Suit - - 3 10 1 Second Cloth ditto 350 1 Double-breasted Blue Waistcoat - - - 14 6 1 White Cashmere ditto - - - -0146 6 Indian Jean ditto, at 7s. 6SHU>IIEl!^. ■To qualify a Midshipman for a Lieutenant's Commission, he must have attained the Ml of 19 years, and have completed 5| years actual service in Her Majesty's Navy, including the time awarded him on leaving the training ship. XI. AU Midshipmen, until they shall have passed their ex- aminations for Lieutenant, are to keep a book in which the Ship's reckoning is to be worked out and noted," and when they are at sea this book is to be sent in every day to the Captain, instead of the slip of paper containing a day's work, which is now usually presented. It is also to be produced at their Ex- aminations ; and during the last six months of their service as Midshipmen it must contain the working of the Observations as given in Sheet B. XII. A Midshipman when he shall have served two years and a half in that rank will be required to pass the following Examination: — L L 3 518 MANUAL FOR NATAL CADETS. 1. In practical Navigation, showing that he understands the principle of Navigating a Ship from one distant port to another, by Dead Reckoning and by his own Observations ; and that he can explain the principles of the same ; and that he can also take and work a double Altitude and Azimuth. 2. A sufficient knowledge of a Chart to enable him to place thereon the position of the Ship by Observation as well as by Cross Bearings ; and to lay oflf the True and Compass Courses. 3. Such knowledge of Nautical Surveying, as may enable him to measure a base line and determine positions by angles, and the manner of ascertaining heights and distances. 4. If he has served in a Steam- Vessel, an acquaintance with the different parts and working of the Steam Engine. 5. A proficiency in French to be attained if he has had an opportunity. 6. He must be a good practical observer, and his Sextant must be produced in good order. 7. He must produce Log Books kept by himself from the time of his entry into a Sea-going Ship, and Certificates of Good Conduct. 8. He will likewise be examined as to his progress in the knowledge of rigging of Masts, Bowsprits, &c., in getting tops over and placing a Jower cap, in setting up rigging, and especially as to the precautions required in staying lower Masts ; in hoisting a quarter or stem boat up in a strong .. breeze with a Sea on ; in making up a course and topsail for bending at Sea ; in shifting topmasts, yards, and sails at sea, and the effect of the sails on the Ship both in tacking and wearing ; in the detail arrangements for mooring and un- mooring Ships and getting under way, and the use of the Hand and Deep Sea-Leads. He must likewise know the Great Gun and Small Arm Exercise, the use of Tangent Sights, the charges for the Guns of the Ship, and be able to exercise the men at his quarters. A report of the progress he has made in each of the above subjects is to be made to the Secretary of the Admiralty in the Half-yearly Return. This Examination is to be conducted by the officer in com- mand, not below the rank of Commander, and the next Senior Officer in the Ship, and the Examinations in Navigation, in APPENDIX. 519 the presence of a Captain or Commander, by two Naval Instruc- tors when it may he practicable, or hy a Naval Instructor and a Master, or where there is no Naval Instructor hy two Masters, that in Gunnery hy a Gunner or other competent Officer ; and the Candidate is to he made to take and work out his own Ob- servations for Latitude, Longitude, Variation, &c., as the case maybe. 1st or 2nd Class Certificates are to be given according to the merit of the Candidate, in the Form A, page 522, or he is to be rejected if found incompetent. XIII. A Midshipman, having completed his term of service, and being nineteen years of age, may be provisionally examined by the .Captain or Commander of such Ship or Vessel, with the aid of other competent Officers — Lieutenant, Master, or Second Master, when no other Ships are present, in the Forms Nos. II. III. IV. ; and if they find him to be duly qualified, they are to give him a Certificate to that effect, dated on the day of such examination, and the Captain may forthwith give him an acting order as Mate : but he must be re-examined on the first oppor- tunity that shall afterwards ofi^er by three Captains or Com- manders, and if he passes successfully, he will receive from the Commander-in-Chief, or Senior Officer, an acting order as Mate to take rank according to the date of the first Certificate. The Examining Officers are to be most strict in their investi- gation of the qualifications of Officers, and they are to see that everything required by these Regulations has been complied with by the Candidate, and that he produces Certificates of Good Conduct from Captains he has served under from the time of his discharge from the Training Ship. XIV. All Acting Mates and Midshipmen will be required to undergo the following final Examinations : — 1. In Seamanship — on board the Training Ship at Ports- mouth. 2. In Gunnery — on board the " Excellent." 3. In Navigation and the Steam Engine — at the Eoyal Naval College. Acting Mates who have already passed abroad are to present themselves for Examination on board the Training Ship at Portsmouth at the first Examination Day after their arrival in England, or after being paid off, and having passed in Gunnery ; 520 MANUAL FOE NAVAL CADETS. they are then at liberty to select either 1st, 2nd, or 3rd Exami- nation Day at the Royal Naval College. XV. Any Officer rejected on his first Examination at the College -will incur the forfeiture of three months' seniority in his rank as Mate. He may present himself on the next Examina- tion Day, but a second rejection will incur the forfeiture of three months more seniority ; he may again present himself on the next Examination Day, but a third rejection -will cause his name to be removed from the List of the Navy. XVI. Officers when they have passed their final Examination at the Royal Naval CoUege, as provided for in these Regulations, ■will be confirmed from the date of their first Certificate. The non-appearance of an Officer for Examination at the Royal Naval College at the times required by these Regulations will be considered as an acknowledgment of his not being qualified, and he will be dealt with in the same manner as if he had been actually rejected on each day on which he may have omitted to appear, unless under certified ill-health, to be duly reported at the time. XVII. Naval Instructors are to keep a School Journal or Register, which is to be produced when required by the Captain of the Ship or the Examining Officers, and the Captain is to allow them reasonable access to the charts and chronometers, for the purpose of instructing the Officers in their use. XVIII. The Captains of H.M. Ships are to take care that a convenient place is set apart and proper hours are fixed for instruction by the Naval Instructor, and all Acting Mates and Acting 2nd Masters, as well as all executive Officers under that rank, are to attend, and care is also to be taken that they are regu- larly instructed in Practical Seamanship, Rigging, and the Steam Engine, and a Monthly Examination Day is to be established. XIX. This Circular is to come into force on the 1st of April, 1860, and is to apply to all Cadets who may enter the Service after that Sate. List of Instruments and Books which each Cadet will be re- quired to have on entry : — Sextant. Case of Mathematical Instruments containing a good pro- tractor. . Appendix. 521 Spy Glass. French Grammar and a Dictionary containing Sea Terms. A Book on Navigation. Euclid's Elements. Book of Geography. (Sullivan's 2s. Ed.) Book on use of Mathematical and Nautical Instruments. A Book on the Steam Engine. Colenso's Arithmetic and Algebra. Jean's Trigonometry. Boyd's Naval Cadet's Manual. The Ship's Library -will contain Books of Instruction. No. t The Examination on leaving the Training Ship will embrace all the subjects of the former Examination, except Latin, and in addition to them it will include. In Algebra — Simple Equations. The Elements of Geometry. Plane Trigonometry and the solution of Practical and useful problems. Spherical Trigonometry, the mode of solving Triangles, and its application to Simple Astronomical Problems. In Navigation — A Day's Work and Meridional Altitudes, Longitude by Chronometer, Construction and use of Charts. Nautical Instruments. To explain and use the Sextant, Azimuth Compass, Artificial Horizon, and Theodolite. The use of the Globes, with correct definitions of Latitude, Longitude, Azimuth, Amplitude, and other circles of the Sphere. French and Drawing. Explanatory Lectures will be given on the Steam Engine, practical Astronomy, Nautical Instruments, Mechanics and Hydrostatics, and other subjects of general interest and in- struction. Certificates must be produced, approved by the Captain, from the Master of the Ship, that the Candidate has gone through and is competent in the course of instruction in Rigging and Seamanship, and from the Naval Instructor, as to the Candi- 522 MANUAL FOE NATAL CADETS. date's attention to the Tarious branches of his education, as Well as to his general conduct whilst on board the Training Ship. Form of Certificate to be given to Officers on passing for Mid- shipmen, and at the intermediate Examination, We hereby certify that Mr. has served the required period of time with the following ratings in H. M. Ships, as follows : — And we find his professional knowledge to be — In Seamanship, In Gunnery, In Navigation, we consider him qualified, and have granted him • class Certificate. Candidate's Signature. Date of Birth. Signature of Examining Officers. No. II. Form of the Passing Certificate in Seamanship for the Hank of Lieutenant or Master. In pursuance of an Order from T^e whose names are hereunto annexed, have called before us Mr. and find by his Certificate of Baptism, that He is of the proper age, as required by the Queen's Regula- tions ; that he has served in the following Ships for the under- mentioned periods ; — * l!( or 2nd. APPENDIX. 523 Ships served in. Dale of Ratings. Time served. Remarks. Entry. Discharge. Y. D. He produces Certificates of Good Conduct, for the period re- quired by the Regulations, from the Officers under -whom he has served ; especially from We have stricUy inquired into the said Mr. professional knowledge in all the details of an Officer's and Seaman's duty, under the following heads, against each of which we have stated our opinions of his proficiency : — I. State of his Log Book from the date of his first appointment to a Sea-going Ship, and if it con- tains Track Charts and sketches of Headlands, &c. II. His Acquaintance with the Stowage of Ships' Holds. III. Knowledge of Masting Ships, fitting Rigging and Sails, Rigging Ships, Mooring and - Unmooring, Shifting Masts' Yards, Laying out Anchors, Rigging Sheers, &c., and his practical knowledge of the de- tails of a Seaman's duty in all its branches. IV. As Officer of a Watch, the practice of Working and 524 MANUAI, FOE NAVAI, CADETS. Manoeuvring Ships under all circumstances of Wind and Weather, Shifting Sails, &c. * V. Acquaintance with the name and use of the parts of the Engine Soiler, &c.; construction and principle of the fingine; practical working of the Engine and Boiler. VI. Date of Provisional Exa- mination, and hy whom. Note. — The Examining Offi- cers to state whether this Officer has any knowledge of the Flags and Signals and the manner of performing the Evolutions of a Fl6et ; also of Stationing a Ship's Company. And after a careful consideration of this Officer's examina- tion, we are of opinion that he is f to take charge of and perfoi-m the responsible duties of Officer of a Watch on board any of H. M. Ships, and is entitled to a { class Certificate. Given under our Hands at this day of Captain, H.M.S. Captain, „ Captain, „ Candidate's Signature atfull'\ Length - - J Place where Bom, Date o/""i Birth, and Age on enter- l ing the Service - -J N.B. — In the cass of an Officer passing for a Master, the Examination is to be conducted in the presence of a Captain or Commander by three Masters. * When an officer passes for Seamanship on the Home Station, his know^ ledge of steam need not be inquired into, f Qualified or not qualiQed. X 1st, 2nd, 3rd. APPENDIX, 525 No. III. Form of Passing Certificate for a Lieutenant in Gunnery. In pursuance of the Orders of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, dated Mr. belonging to H.M. Ship has been examined in the following subjects connected with Naval Gunnery, against each of which is shown the Nos. he obtained. Subjects. Full Numbers. Numbeis obtained. I. The established exercise of Great Guns, as laid down in the Gunnery Book, and the fitting of Gun Gear . II. Use of Tangent Sights, &o., Charges, Elevations, and Ranges of the different Guns ...,.., III. The Stowage and Working of Maga- zines, Fitting Fuses, and the use of Shells and Rockets _ . IV. Disparting Instruction, and subjects connected therewith v. Cutlass and Rifle exercise VI. General questions on Naval Gun- nery, as contained in the Gunnery Book, and Drilling Quarters .... 120 20 30 40 30 40 * Total . . , . 280 I consider him qualified, and recommend his being granted af class Certificate, Given under my hand, on board Her Majesty's Ship this day of 18 Approved, Gunnery Officer, ain. * 260 Nos. must be obtained to qualify for a Ist Class Certificatej 230 for a 2nd ; and 200 for a 3rd, t 1st', 2nd, or 3rd, ■526 MANUAL rOE NAVAL CADETS. No. IV. Form of Passing Certificate at the Royal Naval College for a Lieutenant or Master. In pursuance of the Orders of the Lords Commissioners of the A dmiralty, dated we have examined Mr. as to his knowledge of the undermentioned subjects, in which he has obtained the following numbers : — Full Numbers Numbers. obtained. I. Practical Navigation 200 II. Theory of Navigation 200 III. Use of Nautical Instruments . 100 IV. Outlines of Surveying, Laying down Positions and Soundings, and use of Charts 75 V. Prevailing Winds, Currents, &c. 75 VI. Name and use of the parts of the Steam Engine and Boiler 50 VII. The elements of Mechanics and Hydrostatics 200 VIII. French* . . . . 100 Total 1,000 He has a (good or fair) knowledge of Drawing. Note.— 800 Numbers qualify a Candidate for a 1st Class Certificate, and 600 must be obtained for a 2nd Class Certificate. After a full investigation we find that he is competent to navi- • Although no other modern language than the French has been specified as a subject of examination, yet proficiency in any other language should be favourably noted in the Certificate. Officers passing for the rank of Master, are not required to be examined in French. APPENDIX. 627 gate any of H.M. Ships, and is entitled to a* class Certificate. Captain of H.M.S. " Excellent," Approved, and Superintendent of the Royal Naval College. Admiral and Commander- in-Chief. Professor of the Royal Naval College. B. Number of Observations required to be taken by a Candidate during the last six months of his Service, before he can be Examined at the Eoyal Naval College for the rank of Lieu- tenant or Master. No. of Obs. 1. — To find the index correction By Sea Horizon - " " " "1 By measuring the Sun's diameter oflF and on the j" 10 Arc - - ■' 2. — To find Latitude By altitude of Sun or Stars, near the Meridian 5 By Meridian altitude of Sun ... lo By Meridian altitude of Moon or Stars - 10 By altitude of Pole Star 10 3. — To find Longitude by Chronometer By altitude of Sun 10 By altitude of Moon or Stars - 10 4. — To find variation of Compass By altitude of Sun and Compass hearing - 5 By time at ship noted and Compass hearing 3 By Amplitude . - . - 5 5. — To find Latitude By double altitude of Sun or Stars 3 6. — To find Longitude By Lunar 5 528 MANUAL FOK NAVAL CADETS. 7. — To find error and rate of Chronometer by altitudes on shore with artificial horizon By single altitude - 5 By equal altitudes - - 2 I hereby certify that Mr. has observed and worked out the above number of Observations during the last six months, whilst serving in H.M.'s Ship Naval Instructor. Approved, If no Naval Instructor, Captain Master By command of their Lordships, C. PAGET. To all Commanders-in-Chief, Captains, Com- manders, and Commanding Officers of Her Majesty's Ships and Vessels. APPENDIX. 529 TAKING IN A COUBSE. Those who are content to learn this lesson in seamanship from a century old poem, and consider Falconer's maxim conclusive, should extend their study heyond his often quoted couplet : for, in fact, the question in the " Shipwreck " is not put as it is to us, hut whether the weather clue Is to he hauled up or the sheet " let fly" first ; and this makes a great difference. It arose, according to the author of the poem, from the fact that the experience gathered in the course of two hard squalls had con- vinced some of the officers of the ship that they had something to learn in the art of handling gear ; for we read on the approach of the first squall, which had given timely warning : — " Beneath its driving force the waves engage, And foaming white, the whirling surges raise. Now black with pregnant ruin ic impends. And cataracts with storm tempestuous blends. Impelled by mighty pressure, down she lies; Brail up mizen, quick the master cries; Man the clue garnetts — Let the Main-sheet fiy ,- In thousand shiv'ring shreds it rends on high ; The Main-sail, all in streaming ruins tore, Loud flutters, like the hollow thunder's roar." Surely this conduct should not he noticed otherwise than as a caution to yoimg officers. '• The watchful seaman, with sagacious eye," would have taken the mizen off his ship hefore the squall struck her, and have stood thus prepared to hear up when he hegan to feel its force. No hetter seamanship, however, appears in the next manoeuvre, which occurred on a wind : — " The ship no longer can whole Topsails bear. And hopes of milder weather disappear. Bowlines and halyards are cast oif again, The clue-lines manned, andsheets let fiy amain y Clued up each topsail, and by braces squared. The mounting crew ascend and spread each yard." We suTjmit that the lee sheet eased off, lee clue-line hauled up, and' weather hrace rounded in, at one and the same time, would "be hetter practice. If too short-handed, the lee clue raised suffi- 530 MANUAL FOR NAVAL CADETS. ciently to let the lee yard-arm go forward, and thus permit the ■weather brace to be got well in, would be almost equally good. A new mainsail haying been bent and set, we read : -^ *' To reef tlie courses is the master's care. The watchful sailors ready at command. Swift as the orders giv'n the brails are mann*d. But here the doubtrul officers dispute. Till skill and judgment Prejudice conrute. Some first the fluttering lee sheet would let go. Thus might the sail again to ruins blow; Th' experienced mariner, in practice tried, This dang'rous method ever will avoid; Who would secure, with art, the ilutt'ring sail Should never first the lee-yard arm embrail ; . To windward, ready, waiting the command, At the clue garnett tack and brails they stand ; The tacks eased off, involved the double clue, Between the pendent blocks ascending flew ; The sheet and weather brace they now stand by, Buntlines and lee clue-garnett next apply ; Then all prepar'd, " Let go the sheet,*' he cries. Loud rattliug, jarring, thro* the blocks it flies; Beneath the lee yard-arm expanding, fills. Till close embraird, and squared, the belly spills: The foresail then secured with equal care. Again to reef the main-sail then repair. While some above the yard o'erhaul the tye. Below, the downhaul tackle others ply ; Jeers, lifts, and brails a seaman each attends. Along the mast the pond'rous yard descends ;' When down sufficient, then securely brace The downhaul, for a rolling tackle place. ' The earings and reef-lines are prepared. Then, climbing pliant shrouds, they man the yard: At each yard-EX. Barometer, the, 1 6. aneroid, 19. Admiral Filzroy's rule:, 21. Bartons, 107. Basins or wet doeks, 26. Battens, 128. Beams, 48. strength of, 37. Bed of bowsprit, 135. Bee-blocks, 135. Beef, salt, quantity and weight usually supplied, 256. Bending sail, 315. Berthing, 343. Bickford's fuse, 276. Bilge-pumps, 61. Bill-boards, 50. Biscuit, quantity and weight usually supplied, 256. Blacking down, 216. Blackwall hitch knot, 226. Blocks, 157. clump, 157. shoulder, 157. ■ fiddle, 157. sister, 157. —. — iron stropped, 157. banging, tye, and quarter, 157. cat, 158. jeeir, 158. language (^blocks, 158. stropping, 1S8. ^— - gun tackle blocks, 1 59. table of size of rope strop- ping, 159. — — weight of wooden blocks, 160. — ^ table of size and weight of purchase blocks, &e., 160. - hooks, 161. thimbles, 161. metal blocks, 161. — — clue-garnet^ 162. brace-blocks, 161, 195,197, 198. lift-blocks, 129, 196, 199, 215. — — leech-line and slab-line blocks, 196. Blocks — continued. - peak'halyard blocks, 206. reef tackle blocks, 210. ^^— tack and lower halyard blocks, 216. Blue-lights, 275. Boarding, rules to be observed respecting, 875. Boats, 284. various kinds of, 284. value of, 284. — — chain slings, 285. — ^— booms, S87. handling boats, 367. towing, 384. saluting, 385. watering, 385. warping, 386. general duties, 387. lowering and hoisting, 38S. ■ Bohstays, 164, 171. bobstay collar, 164, 171. setting up bohstays, 171. Body of masts, 131. Body post,_46. Bolsters, 128. Bolts, 43. table of relative adhesion of, 44. Books, religious, in store, 261. Boom boats, hoisting in and stowing, 287. Boom mainsails, bending, 320. Boom sheets, 206 Boom mainsail, 207. bending, 320. Booms, studding-sail, 212. lower, 213. Bower anchor, getting in, 251- Bowline knot, 225. running bowline, 225. bowline on a bight, 226. Bowlines, fore, 210. foretop, 212. maintop, 212. Bowsprit, the, 135. bed, 135. scarph, or bowsing, 135. beeseating, or lead, 1 35. bee-blocks, 135. INDEX. 535 Botrsprit — continued. gammoning fish, 135. saddle, 135. bowsprit caps, 135. rigging the bowsprit, 168. - manropes, 168. —^ stage, 168. bobstay collars, 169. shroud collar, 169. forestay collars, 169. bobstays, 169, bowsprit shrouds, 170, cap bobstay, 170. plugholes, 285. ' mast steps, 285. weights and tonnage of boats by builders' measure- ments, 286. coppering a 42-foot pin- nace launch, 287. bumpkins, 170. order in which bowsprit rigging occurs, 170. Brace, topsail, and topgallants, and parrels carried away, 447. Brace-hlpcks, 161, 195, 197, 198. Brails, 207. — - throat and peak, 207. Brass guns, proof charges of, 271. Breast-hooks, 48. Bumpkin, 170. Bunt-lines, main, 209. topgallant, 212. Buoy, object of the, 253. Buoy ropes, 253. Buoy-rope knot, 224. Bumettising timber, &c., 33. Burthen of ships, rules for find- ing the, 62. Cable shackles, 243. swivels, 242. Cables, 148. chain, 239, et seq. splicing tails of different sizes, 241. Cables-^continued, drawings of chain cables, &c., 242. table of the number and size of cables supplied, 246. prices of shackles and swi- vels, 247. getting in cables, 249. hemp cables, 253. securing cables, 402. Caisson, or floating dam, 28. Calibre of a gun,- 269. 6. Camels, use of, 64, 6. Canister shot, 281 Cannon. See Ordnance. Capacity of a ship, 6, 7. Caps, lower, 129. top- mast, 132, 187. bowsprit, 135. Capstan, 53, 103. spindle of the, 51 . whelps, 51. drum-head, 51. sprocket wheel, 52. double capstans, 53. mechanical powers of the capstan, .103. Carbonic acid gas, 3. Carburetted hydrogen, 3. Carcasses, 276. Carlings, 48. Carrick bend knot, 2g2. Carronades, 268. Cartridges, 274. Casks, empty, number, &c., usu- ally supplied, 258. Casting, 420. Cat, 251. Cat-block, 251. Cat-head, 50. Cat's-paw knot, 232. Caulking, 55. Centre of gravity, 78. Centre of metal. See Ordnance. Certificates, form of, 524. Chain cables, 239. Admiralty specification of, 240. various chains, 240. MM 4 536 INDEX. Chain — continuecl. table of the number and sizeof chain cables supplied, 246. ' table of weight and value of mooring chains, 247. to find the weight of open linked chains, 247. ■ to find the weight that may be lifted by chains, 247. table of the proof strain, size, value per cwt., and weight per 100 fathoms, 248. dimensions for lockers for 200-fathom chain cable, 248. working chain cables, 249. Chain necklaces, 131. Chain pump, 59. Chain slings, 285. Chains, messenger, 245. Channels, 49. Cheeks, 196. Chocolate, quantity and weight usually supplied, 257. Choke-damp, 3. Clothing, 345. list of slop clothing usu- ally supplied, 259. outfit, articles of, 507. Clouds, various kinds of, 24. terms for, 24, Clue-garnet blocl^s, 162. Club hauling, 467. Clue-lines, topsail, 210. topgallant sail, 21 1. Coal, 474. Coffer-dam, 30. Coir rope, 150. Coliesion, attraction of, 2. Collisions, 436. Compass, the, 358. Compensation balance, 333. Compression, tableof the strength and power of materials to re- sist, 38. Compressors, 353. Conduct book, 350. Congreve rockets, 276. Construction of ships, 26. docks, 26. ■ angle blocks, 26. Construction of ships— continued, caissons or floating dams, 26. the slip, 28. •^^— the cradle, 28. the patent slip, SO. the graving dock, 30. the coffer dam, SO. floating docks, 31. timber used in ship-build- ing, 32. mechanical properties of materials used in ship- build- ing, 33. tables of substances used, 40. bolts, 43. drawing and plan of a vessel,- 44. mould loft, 44. steer drawing, 44. steer plan, 44. — — half-breadth plan, 46. body plan, 46, keel, 46. stern, 46. apron, 46. knight heads, 46. stern post, 46. body post, 46. frame of timbers, 47. deadwood, 48. keelson, 48. beams, 48. carlings, 48. ■ hawse holes, 48. breast hooks and crutches, 48. riders, 48, side keelsons, 49. steps, 49. false keel, 49, gripe, 49. limbers, 49. planking, 49. ■ channels, 49. bill boards, 50. cathead, 50, — — head knees, 50. gammoning piece, 50. INDEX. 537 Construction of ships — continued. decks, SO. riding bits, 50. — — ports', sides, 51. capstans, 51. — ^ compressions, 53. scuppers, 54. hawse hucklers, 54. hold, 54. ■ magazines, 54. — — engine-room, 54. caulking, 55. sheathing, 55. . coppering, 55. figures on the stem and rudder, 55. ' rudder, 55. rudder chocks, 55. figure head, 56. pumps, 59. fire engine, 59. chain pumps, 59. Massie's pump, 60. bilge pumps, 61. ' body post and after dead- wood, 62. measurement for tonnage«62. amount of materials in a 120-gun ship, 64. Coppering, 55. sheathiug, 55. copper sheets, 55. foot pinnace launch, 287. Cost of a i20-gun ship, 64. Courses, bending, 317. reefing and taking in, 449, 451. hauling down, 208. Cracking on, 429. Cradle of a ship, 28. Crane, the, 114. Crane chain, 245. Creeping for anchors, 409. Cross-jack yard, rigging, 195. Cross-trees, lower, 128, 164. .^ top mast, 131. rigging cross-trees, 184. Crutches, 48. Curving timber for ships, 33. " Cutting out" the rigging, 163. Dam, floating, or caisson, 28. Davit, rigging the, 250. Deadening way, 436. Dead* eye, turning in a, 174. Dead wood, 48. Decks, construction of, 50. cleaning, 354. Density of matter, 1. Diamond knot, single, 227. double, 228. Direction of force of a body, 92. Discipline. See Organisation. Dispart, 268. angle of dispart, 269. Displacement and shape of ships, 6. Distance, measuring by sound, 343. Distilling apparatus, 495. Divisibility of matter, 2. Docks, wet and dry, 26. graving dock, 30. floating docks, 31. Taylor's floating dock, 32. Downhauls, 215. Drawing, or plan, of ships, 44. sleer plan, 44. half-breadth plan, 46. body plan, 46. Driver, taking in the, 442. Drum head of capstan, 51. Earth, density of the, 1. Engine-room, the, 54. - Engineer's stores and store-room, 255. Equipment, 148. rigging, 1 48. prices of articles necessary for a cadet's equipment, 507. Extension of matter, 2. Eye-bolts, 129, 199. Fids for topmasts, 132. topgallant, 134. Field piece carriages, 277. Figure head, 56. Figures on stem and stern of a ship, 55. Fire-damp, 3. 538 INDEX. Fire-engine, 59. Fish-davit, rigging, 250. block, rigging, 250. Fisherman's bend Icnot, 232. Fishes and fishing, 146, 147. Flags of vaiious kinds, 501 Flat seizings, 151. Flemish e>'e, 219. ■ horse, 197. Floating a ship, 64. " camels," 64. " rafts," 70. Floors, 47. Flour, quantity and weight usu- ally supplied, 256. Fly-blocks, 203. Flying jibboom, 192. jib halyards, 207. Forage stores, 261. Fore guys, 213. Fore lower stud sails, 215. Fore topsail-yards, rigging, 198. Fore topmast stay-sail halyards, 208. Fore topmast stud-sails, 215. Fore topmast stud-booms, 215. Foxes, 149. Frame of timbers, 47. Friction, IIS. Furling sails, 322. Futtock rigging, 182. GafiF, 206. try-sail gafF, 207. Gammoning fish of bowsprit, 1 35. Gammoning piece, 50. Gaskets, or reef points, 149. Gear, taut, 436. Glue, marine, 34. Grape-shot, 281. Graving-dock, 30. Gravity, centre of, 78. —— specific, 74. " Great Eastern," steam-ship, shape of the, 9. Gripe, 49, Grummet, 234. Gun-carriages, 267. Gun-cotton, 277. Gun-metal, 266. Guns. See Ordnance. G unpowder, component parts of, 273. cartridges, 274. dimensions of powder pack- ages, 274. Guys, fore, 213. Halyards, topsail, 203. throat, 206. peak, 206. signal, 207. jib, 207. flying jib, 207. fore topmast staysail, 208. Hammocks, 344. Handling boats. See Boats. Handling the ship, 418. coiling ropes, 420. —^ casting, 420. . tacking, 422. ■ sailing in line, 426. wearing, 427. cracking on, 429. taken aback, 429. ' man overboard, 430. taking a ship in tow under sail, 434. warping, 434. shaking out reefs, 435. fore and aft sails, 435. setting upper sails, 435. taut gear, 4S6. deadening way, 436. collision, 436. ' setting studding sails, 437. taking in studding sails, 437. taking in sail, 438. reefing topsails, 440. setting courses, 441. boxing off, 441. taking in the driver, 442. taking the jib in, 443. sending top-gallant masts and yards down, 443. — — weather brace carried away, 444. weather reef tackle carried away, 446. INDEX. 539 Handling the ship— continued. weather topsail sheet and clue line carried away, 446. main tack and clue garnet gone, 446, topsail brace and parrel carried away, 447. top-gallant brace and par- rel carried away, 447. . bobstays gone, 448. preventer braces, lifts, and clue lines, 448. reefing'topsEuls and courses, 449. taking in a course, 451. reducing a topsail, 453. taking in a topsail when blowing hard, 454. sending up a topsail in bad weather, 455. sending atopsail up reefed, ■ 456. unbending sails, 457. shifting top-gallant masts, 457. shifting topmasts, 458, shifting jibboom, 459. —— broken spars, 460. ^— rudder gone, 460. landing the rudder, 462. slack lower rigging, 463. swifting in rigging, 464. ^^— cutting away masts, 464. casting rigging adrift, 464. — .— to get a lower yard down inside the rigging, 464. trimming sails, 465, making sail, 465. backing and filling, 466. boats making for the ship, 466. dredging, 466. club bawling, 467. hearing down, 467. Handspike, or lever, 96. Harness hitch, 233. Hawse, foul, 397. clearing, 399. Hawse bucklers, 54. Hawse holes, 88, Hawse — continued. shackle, the clear, 245, Hawser, 143. Hawser bent knot, 233. Hawser laid ropes, 148. Head-earring strops, 195, 197. Head-knees, 50. Head-sails, bending, 31 8. Heading, 127. Heaving down, 467. Hemp cables, 253. Hitch knots, half, 225. two half hitches, 225. timber hitch, 226. clove hitch, 226. Blackwall hitch, 226. magnus hitch, 232. rolling hitch, 232. hawser hitch, 233. midshipman's hitchj 233. Hold, the, 54. Hooking on boats for hoisting, 389. Hooks, 161. Hoops, 127. Horse power of steam-engines, 489. Hounding, 127. Howsing, 127. Hurricanes, 14. Hydrogen, 3. Hydrostatic press, 5. Ice, power of, to sustain weights, 6 note. Impenetrability of matter, 1. Inclined plane as a mechanical power, 112. Indian rubber, vulcanised, 39. Inspection, 364. Iron, compared with wood for ship-building, 10. strength of cast iron, 35. tensile force of wrought iron, 35. malleable iron plates, 37., table of the weight of one foot of flat bar iron closely hammered, 41. 540 INDEX. Iron — coTitinued. ' table of the weight of square and round iron, one foot in length, 43. — — ordnance, proof charges of, 273. See Ordnance. Jackstays, 162, 195, 207. ^-^ jackstay and reef point, 306. Jeer blocks at the mast head, 194. Jib, taking in the, 443. Jib halyards, 207. Jib flying, 207. Jib stay, 136, 187, 192. Jib traveller, 1 90. Jibboom, 136, 190. rigging, 190. . jib traveller, 190. funnel, 190. foot ropes, 190. •^^ guys, 190. martingale, 191. spirit-sail, gafis, 191. . ' dolphin strikers, 191. heel chains, 191. crup'per, 191. jib stay, 192. traveller, 192. flying jibboom, 192. whiskers, 1 92. . shifting, 459. Jiggers, 107. Journal, mode of stating the force of the wind and weather in the, 24. Jury anchors, 238. masts, 142. Keel, the, 46. false, 49. Keelson, 48. side keelsons, 49. Knees, 127. Knight-heads, 46. Knots and splices, 217. wall knot, 220. to double wall, 221 . . to double crown, 222. stopper knot, 223. shroud knot, 223. Knots and splices — continued. French shroud, 223. buoy rope, 223. various knots, 224. Matthew Walker's knot, 227. single diamond, 227. double diamond, 228. — ^ sprit- sail sheet, 228. Turk's head, 230. ' salvagee, 231. grummet, 234. round seizing, 234. throat seizing, 235. Kyanising timber, &c., 33. Lamps preferable to candles, 255. Lanyards, reeving the, 178. Lead lines, 342. weight of, 342. deep sea lead line, 342. Leech line blocks, 196. Lemon juice, quantity and weight usually supplied, 257. Lenses, 118. Level, water, 88. Lever or handspike, the, 97. Life buoys, 361. Lift blocks, 129, 196, 199, 215. Light, composition and effects of, 118. Lightning conductors, 147. Limbers, 49. Line of metals. See Ordnance. Log line, 342. Long lights, 27S. Lower caps, 129. Lower cross-trees, 128. placing, 164. Lower mast, to rig, 172. Lower slings, 193i Lower studding-sail halyards, 214. Lower yards, 136. rigging, 194. ^^— heaving up, 201. to get a lower yard down inside the rigging, 464. Luffs, 107. INDEX. 541 Machinery, powers of, 96. Magazines, construction of, 54. Magnus hitch, 232. Main top mast stay-sail, 208. Main top mast stud-sail, 215. Mailing sail, 322. Man overboard, 430. Marine glue, 34, Marine necessaries, 261. Marling spikes, 182. Massie's pump, 60. Mast-head slings, 245. Mast steps, 285. Masting ships, 139. ^—^ masting or dismasting with one's own resources, 142. Masts, 122. '^— single tree, 123. made masts, 124. . hoops, 127. rubbing paunch, 127. hounding, heading,, and bowsing, . 1 27. body, 127. knees, 127. tressle trees, 1'28. battens, 128. bolsters, 128. tenon, 128. lower cross trees, 1 28, tops, 128. — — necklace, 129. lower caps, 129. top masts, 131. top gallant and royal masts, 133. - bowsprit, 135. average value of spars,137, - weight and dimension of spars, 137. — — masting, 139. Materials, amount of, in a, 120- gun ship, 64. Matter, properties of, 1. Meals, 354. Measurement for tonnage, 62. — '■ common rule, 62. Parliamentary rule, 62. rules for measurement of open vessels, 70. Measurement for tonnage — con- tinued. Measures and weights, 331. ■ See Weights and Measures. Mechanical powers, 92. gravity, 92, direction of a force, 92, forces in equilibrium, 92, . velocity, 92. principal moving powers. 93. a unit of work, 93. the lever or handspike, 97. compound lever, 101. wheel and axle, 102. tackles, 107, — ■■ — inclined plane, 112, • wedge, 113. screw, 113. ^— crane, 114. compound wheel and axle, 114. friction, 115. cutting away msists, 464. Messenger chain, 245. Messes,!- expense of. Admiralty , Circular on, 510. article from " The Times " on, 510. Metal, tenacity of, 35. soft metal, 38. Mllnes's jury anchor, 238. . Mitchell's screw anchor, 239. . Mizen top msists, 131. Blooring, 390. unmooring, 403. Mooring chains, table of weight and value of, 247. Mooring swivel, 400. Mooring swivel on Sir Thomas Hardy's plan, 244, - tabl^ of weight and value of mooring swivels, 247, to put on the swivel after mooring, 401. ' Mortars, 271. Mould loft, 44. Moving powers, principal, 93, 542 INDEX. Kails, adhesive force of, 43, 44. Necklaces, 129. Nettle stuff, 149. Night signals, 363. Nitrogen, or azote, 3. Oatmeal, quantity and weight usually supplied, 257. Ocean, area of the, 4, note. - depth of the, 4, note. Oirdnance, 266. gun metal, 266. principal parts ofa gun, 266. parts of a gun-carriage, 267. - external appearance of a gun-carriage, 267. ^—^ internal appearance, 268. parts ofa carronade, 268. weight of ordnance, 268. dispart, 268. angle of dispart, 269. sights, 269. line of metal, 269. ■ centre of metal, 269. tangent scale, 269. calibre of a gun, 269. axis of a gun, 270. windage, 270. vents, 270. length of guns, 270. - weight of shot and shell, 270. mortars, 271. — — strength of ordnance, proof charges, 271, 273. gunpowder, 273. cartridges, 274. dimensions of powder packages, 274. shell, 275. blue lights, 275. long lights, 275. slow match, 275. portfires, 876. Biekford's fuse, 276. - signal rockets, 276. - Congreve rockets, 276; carcasses, 276. tubes, 276, OrdnAnee-^continued, gun cotton, 277. field-piece carriages, 277. table of their weight, di- mensions, &c., 277. elevation of a 9-pounder brass field-carriage, 278. plan of a 9-pounder brass field-carriage, 279. weight and dimensions of small arms in use in the British service, 280. shot, 281. canister shot, 281. shrapnell shell, 281. getting in guns, 281." to rig a yard purchase, say, starboard side, 282. Organisation, 343. berthing, 343. hammocks, 344. bags, 344. — ^ clotliing, 345. watch quarter and station bill, 345. form of watch bill, 347. conduct book, 350. routine, 352. meals, 354. . cleaning decks, 354. Sunday, 356. Outfit, articles and expenses of, 507. ^-^ Admiraltycircularon,511. Outhauler, the, 206. Overhand, or figure of eight knot, 225. Oxygen, 2. Paint work, 361. Parcelling, 150. Parrel, the, 197. Paunch, rubbing, 131. Peak halyards, 206. — — peak halyard blocks, 207. Peas, quantity and weight usually supplied, 251 Pendants, mast-head,' 162. —— single, 163. - yard tacklf, 195. INDEX. 543 Pendants — continued, preventer brace, 198. reef, 210. Pendulum, 333. table of the length of pen- dulum that will vibrate seconds at every fifth degree, 334, Pitch, 216. Plane, inclined, considered as a, mechanical power, 1 12. Planking, 49. Plugholes, 285. Fork, quantity and weight usually supplied, 256. Porter's anchors, 236. Portfires, 276. Ports' sides, 51. Powers, raeohanica1,principal, 92. Preparing for sea, 358. compass, 358. steering gear, S60. ^ paint-work, 361. life-buoys, 361. night signals, 362. rule of the road, 362. — - inspection, 364. -—^ loosing sails, 366. Provisions. See Stores and Provisions. Pumps, 59. common pump, 59. fire-engine, 59. chain-pump, 59. Massie's, 60. bilge, 61. pump-dale, 60. Purchase, 107. Qualifications of naval cadets, Admiralty Circular on, 517. Quarter blocks, 197, 198. Quarter irons, 1 39, Quarter tackle and small stay for hoisting in provisions, water casks, &c., 254. Raft made of ship's materials, 70. of trees, 72. Raisins, quantity and weight usually supplied, 256. Rattling, 182. marling spikes, 182. sparring, 182. Reef knot, 226. Reef pendants, 210. Reef points or gaskets, 149. Reef tackle blocks, 210. Reefs, shaking out, 435. Reefing topsails and courses, 449. Reeving the lanyards, 178. running rigging, 199. Riders, 48. Riding, bits, 50. Rigging, 148. ropes, 148. blocks, 157. standing rigging, 162. running rigging, 162, " cutting out," 163. rigging ship, 164. lower cross-trees, 164. ' tops, and placing tops, 164. r- bowsprit, 168. — — setting up bobstays, 171. ^— rig a lower mast, 1*72. upper yards, 198. lifts and braces, 199. heaving up lower yards, 201. trusses, 202. topsail halyards, 203. crossing topsail yards, 203. upper yard ropes, 205. spanker boom and gaff, 206. running rigging, 207. studding sail gear, 212. blacking down, 216. slack lower rigging, 463. swifting in rigging, 463. casting rigging adrift, 464. Rockets, signal, 276. Congreve, 276. Rodgers' anchors, 236. Rolling tackle strop, 197, 199. Rope, 148. sizes of ropes, 148. strands, 148. hawser-laid rope, 148, cable, 148. shroud-laid rope, 149. 544 INDEX. Rope — continued. ' spun yarn, 149. sennit, 149. nettle-stufF, 149. foxes, 149. reef points, or gaskets, 149. strength of ropes, 149. splices, ISO, 217, worming, 1 50. parcelling and serving, ISO. backing, ISO. throat seizings, IS I. round seizings, ISl. flat seizings, 151. straps, ISl. table of size chain or wire lope used as a substitute for hempen rope, ISl. strength of hemp, chain, and wire rope, 1 52. . number of threads and weights of different sized bolt ropes, 1S3. and of different size hemp cables, 154. —^ number of threads and. weights of hawser-laid rope, of three strands, tarred, IIS fathoms, 1S5. hawser-laid, four strands, tarred, 106 fathoms, 156. tacks, 25-thread yarn, ta- pered, 156. signal-halyard stulT, 157. to lengthen a rope by an additional strand, 231. Round seizings, 150. Routine, 352. Royal stay-sails, 208, yards, rigging, 198. spread at the foot, 211. Ro}'a1s, bending, 319. Rubbing paunch, 127. ., Rudder, the, S5. ; rudder-chocks, 56. jury rudder, 56. the woodlock, SS. new pattern rudder, 57. tegiporary rudder, 58.- Rudder — continued. ■ handling ship when rudder gone, 460. landing the rudder, 462. Rule of the road, 362. Rum, quantity and weight usu- ally supplied, 256. Running rigging, 207. Saddle of bowsprit, 131. Sails, 294. sail cloth, 294. sail making, 294. — ~ parts of a'sail, 294. — . sails forvariousvessels, 295. points and beckets, 305. number of yards and size of canvass required for certain sails for first class ships of different rates, 307. ^— purposes for which the classes are suitable, 308. - - weight of sails, 309. number of yards of canvass in a ship of each class, &c., 310. one man's work per day, 311, length, number, and weight of points in the sails of each class of ship, 311, 314. sail tackle, 315. bending sails, SIS. topsails, 316. — — courses, 317. spanker, 318. headsails, 319. top gallant sails and royals, 319. boom main sails, 320. try sails, 321. studding sails, 321. making sail, 322, 46S. furling sail, 322. — - action of wind upon sails, 323. ^— centre of effort, 324. axis of rotation, 325. loosing sails, 336, S36. carrying sail, 369. INDEX. 545 Sails^^-coTttinued. ' hoisting fore and aft sails, 435. - setting upper sails, 436. setting studding sails, 437. taking in studding sails, 437. taking in sail, 438. —— reefing topsails, 440. setting courses, 441 . unbending, 457. — — trimming, 465. Sail tackle, IS6, 315. Saluting, 3S5. Screw, the, 491. handling th& propeller, 494. as a mechanical power, 45, 114. Scuppers, 54. bow scuppers, 54. Sea, area of the surface of, 4, note. Sea walls, mode of building, 30. Seizings, 151, round, how to make, 234. throat, how to make, 235. Selvagee knot, 231. Sennit, 146. Serving, 150,217. Setting up rigging, 180» Shackles, anchor, 242. Shape of ship, 8. ^^— "TheDukeofWeliingtdn" and the " Great Eastern," 9. Sheathing, SS. Sheepshank knot, 233. Sheer drawing, 44. plan, 44. Sheers, small, 1 39. - large, 140. Sheet bend knot, 232. Shell, 275. weight of shell, 270. Shot, 281. canister, 281. grape, 281. —^ shrapnell, 281. — — weight of shot & shell, 270. Shrapnell shot, 281. Shroud laid rope, 149. Shroud knot, 223. French, 223. Shrouds, 163. . bobstay and bowsprit shroud collars, 1 70. forestay collars, 170. Side keelsons, 49. Sights of guns, 269. Signal halyard stuff, 157. halyards, 207. Signal rockets, 276. Signals, night, 362. Siphon, use of the, 23. Slab-line blocks, 196. Slings, lower, 193, 198. topsail, 201. r mast-head, 245. Slip, the, 28. the patent slip, 30. Slop-clothing stores, 259, 260. Slow match, 275. Soap, quantity and weight usually supplied, 257. Sound, measuring distance by, 334. Spanker, bending^ 318. —^ boom, 206. Sparring, 182. Spars. See Masts. Specific gravity, 74. Spindle of the capstan, 51. Splices, 150, 217. . short splice, 217. eye splice, 218. ^— long splice, 21 8. Flemish eye, 219. cut splice, 220. -^— to lengthen a rope by an additional strand, 231. Splicing shackle, on the Hon. G. Elliott's plan, 243. table of weight and value of splicing shackles for cables of various sizes, 247. Sprit sail sheet knot, 228. Sprocket v^heel, 53. Spun yarn, 149. 546 INDEX. Squalls, prognostics of, 23. Stability of a ship, 77. Stays, 162, 164, 181. Steam, properties of, 475. Steam-engines, 473. boilers, 477. parts of the engine, 479. the screw, 494. handling the propeller, 494. distilling apparatus, 495. ^-— steerage of screw ships, 499. Steam-pipes, 39. Steel, 38. Steering gear, 360. Stem, 36. ~Steps, 49. Sternpost, 36. Stirrups, 195, 197. Stocks of anchors, 236. Stock-tackle, object of the, 251. Stopper knot, 223. Stopper, slip, 245. Stops, 127. Stores and provisions, 253. hoisting in spare spars, 254. ' mode of hoisting in and stowing away provisions, water casks, &c., 254, 255. contents and weights of various packages and tanks, 265' slop clothing, 259, 260. marine necessaries, 261. — — forage, 261. religious books, 261. ■ iron tanks, 262. — weight of provisions and stores complete, for a ship of each rate, 263. carrying stores, 368. Storms, rules for foretelling, 22. Stowage, 77. — — ballast, 77 ' tanks! 90. — — provisions, water casks, &c., 255. Strands of ropes, 148. Straps, warped and salviige, 151 Stream anchor, getting in, 252. Stropping, 157, 195,197. Studding-sails, bending, 321. setting, 437. taking in, 438 , Studding-sail booms, 212. Suet, quantity and weight usually ■ supplied, 256. Sugar, quantity and weight usually supplied, 257. Sunday, due observance of, 356. Swivel, mooring, or Sir Thomas Hardy's plan, 244. —— prices of swivels of various sizes, 247. Tack-blocks, 214. Tacking, SSI , 422. Tackles, 107. the fall, 107. ■ ■ the standing part, 109. ' sketches of tackles, 108. . list of, 110. Taken aback, 429. Taking turns, 164. Tangent scale, in ordnance, 269. Tanks, 90. ^— iron, in store, 262. Tar, 216. Taylor's floating dock, 32. Tea, quantity and weight usually supplied, 257. Telescope, the, 118. ' composition and effects of light, 118. the refracting telescope, 120. — — the acromatic telescope, 121. Tenon, 128. Thermometer, the, 1 9. ^— Fahrenheit, Reaumur, and centrigrade, 19. ^— comparative degrees of the three instruments, 20. uses on board ship, 20. Thimbles, 161. Throat halyards, 206. Throat seizings, 150, 235. Timber, used in ship-building, 32. kyanising and burnettising 33. timberbendingmachines,33 strength of timber, 34, 36. INDEX. 547 Timber — continued, —— table containitig the eon- tents of round timber, 69. timber used for masts, 122. Timber hitch-knot, 226. Tobacco, quantity and weight usually supplied, 257. Tongues, number and weight usually supplied, 257. Top chains, 245. Topgallant sails, 212. Topgallant, bending, 319. Topgallant stay-sails, 208. Topgallant studding-sails, 215, Topgallant rigging, 188, 189. Topgallant masts, 129. fids, 134. rigging, 185. getting up, 188. ■ sending down, 443. shifting, 458. Topmtet cross-trees, 129, 131. Topmast stud-booms, 212. Topmast tressle-trees, 131. Topmasts, 128, 129. mizen topmasts, 131. ■ cross-trees and tressle- trees, 131. necklace, 131. caps, 132, fids, 132. striking and lidding, 132. — — getting up, 1 83. rigging, 185. shifting, 458, Topsails, 210. ^-^ bending, 316. • reefing, 440. topsail brace carried away, 447. • ' reeving 449.- -^— taking in a topsail when blowing hard, 454. sending up a topsail in bad weather, 455. ■ sending a topsail up reefed, 456. Topsail clue-lines, 21 1. Topsail halyards, 203. Topsail lifts, 198. Topsail yards, 136, rigging, 196. main topsail yards, 196, crossing topsail yards, 203. Top tackle-gear rigging, 162. Tops, in rigging ships, 164. placing tops, 164. Towing boats, 384. taking a ship in tow under sail, 434. Tr$5sle-trees, 128. Trim, Sl,et seq. Tripping-lines, 214. Truss-strops, 195. Trusses, 202. Trysail gaff, 207. Trysail masts, 190. Trysails, bending, 321. Tubes, 276. Turk's head knot, 230. Turning in lower rigging, 174. Upper yards rigging, 205. Vangs, or peak down-haul, 206. Velocity of a body, 92. Ventilation, 3. Vents of guns, 270. Vernier, the, 17. Vinegar, quantity and weight usually supplied, 257. Vulcanised India rubber, 39. Waist anchor, getting in, 250. i stowing, 415, 416. Walker's, Matthew, knqt, 227. Waiytnot, 220. to double wall, 221. to double crown, 222. Warping, 386. Watch quarter,, and station bill, 345. form of watch bill, 347. Water and air, 1. composition of water, 4. density of water, 5. weight of bodies immersed in, 75. Water casks, mode of hoisting in; 254. 548 INDEX. Water — amtinued, mode of watering, 385. Water level, use of the, 88. Wearing, 331, 427. Weather, Admiral Fitzroy's rules for foretelling changes in, 21. ^^— mode of expressing the state of the weather in journal, 24. Weather-hraoe carried away, 444. Wedge, the, as a, mechanical power, 113. Weight of bodies immersed in water, 75. Weight of a 120-gun ship, 64. Weights and measures, 331 . French, 334. ^-^ tables of British weights and measures, 335, 339. relative value of British and French weights and mea- sures, 341. relative value of British and foreign measures of length, 341. — ' — relativevalueof British and tbreign commercial weights, 341. — ^ weight of lead lines, 342. of log-line, 342. — — measuring distance by sound, 343. Well, state of the, 90. "Wellington, Duke of," her shape, 9. Whelps, 51. Wheel and axle, 102. ^ compound, 114. ropes, 148. Whirlwinds, 14. Whiskers, 193. Windage, 270. Winds, 14. expansion and contraction of air, 14. hurricanes and whirlwinds, 14. - Smeaton's table of the ve- locity of the wind, 15. the barometer, 16, mode of ascertaining the weight of the atmosphere, 16. the Vernier, 17. ^-^ the aneroid barometer, 19. the thermometer, 19. journal of the force of the wind and the state of the wea- ther, 24. action of wind upon sails, 323. — — centre of effort and axis of' rotation, 324, 325. Wine, quantity usually supplied, 256. Wire-rope, 151. Wood and iron in ship-building, comparative excellence of, lO, Worming rope, 150, 117. Yard tackle pendants, 195. Yards, 136. lower and topsail, 136. to rig lower yards, 194. fore yards, 196. cross jack yard, 1 Q6. ' topsail yards, 196. the parrels, 197. • fore topsail, 1 97. —- — rigging royal, 199. heaving up lower yards, 201. crossing topsail yards, 203. rigging upper yards, 198. Yarns or threads, 148. THE DND. LOETDQN FBIKIED BY SPOTTISWOODB j KEW-STltKBT SQUARE '/