'/• '/- /, '^-' i- • z*--'^ ^ CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY GIFT OF A, W. Momerie Cornell University Library arV14726 Defects of modern Christlanit olin.anx 3 1924 031 432 499 The original of tliis book is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924031432499 DEFECTS MODEEN CHEISTIANITY ' Truth is the property of God ; the Pdrsuit of Truth is what belongs to Man." Von MuUer. DEFECTS OF MODEEN CHEISTIANITY AND OTHEE SEEMONS ilreadjeS in &t ^etw's, ffiranltg ffiarims, 1881=2 BY THE EEV. A. W. MOMEEIE, M.A., D.Sc, LL.D. LATE FELLOW OF ST JOHN'S COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE ; PROFESSOR OP LOGIC AND METAPHYSICS IN king's college, LONDON THIRD EDITION, REVISED WILLIAM BLACKWOOD AND SONS EDINBUEGH AND LONDON MDCOCLXXXVIII ,/ CONTENTS. DEFECTS OP MODEEN CHRISTIANITY — I. RADICAL MISCONCEPTION AS TO THE NATURE OP CHBISTIANITT, II. WANT OF ENTHUSIASM, III. MISDIRECTED ENTHUSIASM, . IV. WANT OF PROGRESS (l.) V. WANT OP PROGRESS (ll.) VI. WANT OP DEVOTION TO CHRIST; JOB I. INTRODrCTOET, . II. CHAPTERS I.-III., III. CHAPTERS IV. -X., IV. CHAPTERS XI. -XVII., V. CHAPTERS XVIII.-XXI., . VI. CHAPTERS XXII.-XXVIII., VII. CHAPTERS XXIX. -XXXI., VIII. CHAPTERS XXXVIII. -XLII., 1 12 23 35 47 61 73 83 97 108 120 132 144 156 VI Contents. BLIHU S SPEECH JOB XXXII. -XXXVII., CHRISTIANITY AND PEE-CHRISTIAN RELIGION- I. PRE-CHRISTIAN RELIGION IL THE INCARNATION, III. THE ATONEMENT, IV. REDEMPTION, CHRISTMAS-DAT, THE REST OP FAITH, AGAINST OENSOEIOUSNESS, THE GREATNESS OP MAN, PUNISHMENT, THE GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT, THE TRIUNE GOD, . THE CONNECTION BETWEEN REASON AND FAITH- L THE RELIGIOUS USE OP REASON, II. THE LIMITATIONS OP KNOWLEDGE, III. THE FUNCTION OF FAITH, . 171 182 198 213 226 239 251 265 276 291 305 317 330 343 355 Defects of Modern Christianity. EADICAL MISCONCEPTION AS TO THE NATURE OF CHRISTIANITY. " Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven ; but he that doeth the will of my rather. " — Matthew vii. 21. TTTE are, in a sense, too familiar with the Bible. No doubt the fact that its words have fallen upon our ears from our earliest child- hood, has connected them in our minds with a number of associations which are of great, and almost priceless, value. But on the other hand, the very same repetition which tends to pro- duce and increase these associations, tends at the same time to obscure the full and exact meaning of the words themselves. The New Testament abounds in expressions which would 2 Defects of Modern Christianity. startle us 'if we were to hear them now for the first time; but as it is, they have little or no effect. We have heard them so often that we think we must understand them, and therefore we never attempt to fathom their significance. Take, for example, such sentences as these : " Labour not for the meat which perisheth." " Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth." " Seek ye first the kingdom of God." " He that taketh not his cross and fol- loweth after me is not worthy of me." " Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink His blood, ye have no life in you." "If any man come to me, and hate not his father and mother, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple." " Whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple." I propose to speak to you this Lent about some of the defects of modern Christianity. I want you to contrast the Christianity of Christ with the Christianity of Christendom, Christi- anity as it is with Christianity as it should be, Christianity as it is frequently misrepresented and misunderstood with Christianity as it is de- scribed in the words of its divine Founder. It is manifest, of course, that everything which Radical Misconception. 3 calls itself Christianity cannot be legitimately entitled to the name, for we find the most anti- thetical and contradictory systems laying claim to the same designation. One sect, for example, tells us that God loves all men, and wishes them to be saved ; another says that, with a few ex- ceptions. He hates them all, and has determined they shall be damned. One sect says that the disciple of Christ is bound to set an example of good conduct ; another says that it does not in the least matter whether his conduct be good, bad, or indifferent.^ This diversity in so- called Christian sects existed from the very first. St John found it necessary to exhort his readers to exercise a thoughtful discrimination. " Believe not every spirit," he said, "but try the spirits whether they are of God ; because many false prophets are gone out into the world." Iniquities have been perpetrated by professed Christians, and even in the sacred name of Christ Himself — iniquities as grievous and abom- inable as ever disgraced the most benighted ' One of my reviewers thinks there is no such sect But the above clause expresses precisely the doctrine of the extreme High Calvinists, who hold that an elect person does not sin, even when he commits actions which are in themselves wicked. Whittier speaks of " Antinomians free from law, Whose very sins are holy." 4 Defects of Modern Christianity. paganism. And the antagonists of Christianity often take advantage of these enormities, and urge them as arguments why a right-minded man must refuse to call himself a Christian. " To so many evils has religion persuaded men," exclaimed Lucretius and the old opponents of religion. "To so many evils has Christianity persuaded men," say the modern opponents of Christianity. This is a rhetorical device of which Swinburne has been fond of availing himself. But I was pleased to notice the other day — I daresay you noticed it too — in his son- net published in the newspapers upon the per- secution of the Jews, he rightly distinguishes the Christianity of Christ from the Christianity of Christendom. He does Jesus the justice to exculpate Him from the crimes which His pro- fessed followers have committed. He closes the sonnet with the following apostrophe : — " Face loved of little children long ago ! Head hated of the priests and rulers then ! Say, was not this Thy passion to foreknow, 'I In Thy death's hour, the works of Christian men ? " I do not intend, however, now to dwell upon flagrant and atrocious violations of Christian principle. I wish to criticise rather, respectable, mediocre Christianity. I wish to speak of that Radical Misconception. 5 kind of Christian (so called) who seems as in- nocent of doing anything very bad as he is of doing anything very good. By the expression " defects of modern Christianity," I do not mean, of course, to imply that all the defects to which I shall allude characterise, in their extremest form, all modern Christianity. God forbid ! I only mean to say, that they are characteristic of large classes of men and women who are wont to call themselves Christians. Priedrich von Logau once said — "The Lutherans, the Papists, « the Calvinists, are extant and flourishing, but | where is Christianity ? " There was this much truth in the sarcasm, that if we compare the members of these or any other denominations with the standard of excellence set up by Christ, we shall be compelled to acknowledge that some fall sadly short of that standard, and that others bear to it not the remotest resemblance. To-day I wish to call your attention to a very common, but a very fatal, misconception as to what Christianity really is. The misconception to which I refer consists in regarding Christ's religion as a__creed to be ^believed rather than, a life to be lived. Christianity, of course, like every other religious system, does imply and re- quire the acceptance of a creed. But it implies 6 Defects of Modern CkHstianity. and reqiiires infinitely more. Of two men who believe, or believe that they believe, identically the same creed, one may be a Christian and the other a pagan. And yet the Christian life is often represented as consisting simply in the adoption of a certain belief. The scheme of sal- vation has frequently been regarded as a device (kindly meant on the part of G-od, perhaps, but singularly ungodlike) — a device for making things comfortable to us, for saving us m our sins, for taking us to heaven with any amount of guilt and pollution we may choose to carry there. The man who has intellectually assented to the proposition that Christ died for him, or at any rate the man who has experienced some sort of moral spasm, which is dignified with the name of faith, — that man may dispense altogether with any attempt at right conduct. For him all good works are works of supererogation. He may not, perhaps, be any the worse for a few of them, but they are as unnecessary to his salvation as proficiency in the fine arts. It is seldom, however, believers in this doctrine can be brought to admit that they really hold it. When it is stated to them in plain English, they generally say that they believe something else. And no doubt there is a modified, and Radical Misconception. 7 less offensive, form of the belief, which is not uncommonly adopted. Many persons, for in- stance, put it in this way. They say that Christ's first and chief purpose was to procure our admittance into heaven ; but they admit that He had also a subsidiary and less important purpose — viz., to teach us to act rightly here. Now this doctrine is precisely the reverse of that which the Saviour taught. He was always re- iterating to His disciples the truth that their con- duct here was of paramount importance, since it was that which would determine their condition hereafter. The future reward or punishment He represents as the direct consequence of conduct. " Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the king- dom prepared for you : for I was an hungered, and ye gave me meat : I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink. — Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire : for I was an hungered, and ye gave me no meat : I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink." In no religion is so much stress laid upon right conduct, in none is so much right conduct required, as in the religion of Christ. "He tightened," says the author of ' Ecce Homo,' "in an incredible degree all the obligations, of morality. He rejected, as utterly insufficient, 8 Defects of Modern Christianity. what had been regarded by the Jews as the highest moral attainments. It is useless, He said, to refrain from injuring your neighbour, if, notwithstanding, you have the wish, the im- pulse, to injure him. The movement of hatred is, according to Christ, morally equivalent to a murder. And even if you have no such im- moral impulses, yet if your disposition towards your fellow-creatures be purely negative, if you are not actuated by an enthusiastic love and benevolence towards all mankind, you are morally good for nothing. Christ was not content, like the earlier moralists, with prohi- bitions, with condemning those who did wrong. He condemns those who have not done good. [The sinner whom Christ habitually denounces is he who has ^one nothing. This character comes repeatedly forward in His parables. It is the priest and the Levite who pass by on the other side. It is Dives, of whom no ill is recorded, exqept that a beggar lay at his gates unrelieved. It is the servant who hid in a napkin the talent committed to him. It is the unprofitable servant who has merely done what it was his duty to do. And Christ not only raised the standard of morality to the highest possible point; but further. He insisted far Radical Misconception. 9 more vehemently than previous moralists had done, upon the necessity of attaining the stand- ard. He does not say — This is morality, hut, as it is difficult of attainment, God will forgive your shortcomings. On the contrary, He says — To be moral in this high sense is life and peace ; not to he so is death and eternal damna- tion. " Every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand ; . . . and it fell ; and great was the fall of it." To say, then, that right-doing is unimportant for the Christian, or of secondary importance, is to give a flat contradiction to the words of Christ. He has never been more horribly blasphemed than by those professed disciples who insinuate that His gospel is not a gospel of right - doing. " The gospel," says Euskin, " ' let His life rule your lives,' is eternally true | and salutary. The gospel, ' let His life be I instead of your lives,' is eternally false and 1 damnatory." Euskin is right. The one is the gospel of Christ, the other is the gospel of the devil. They are as opposite as light and dark- ness; and yet, unhappily, the one is sometimes mistaken for the other. It is an appalling fact lO Defects of Modern Christianity. (unfortunately so common that we sometimes forget its deadly significance) that a sermon which aims at exhorting men to right-doing, would be characterised by some professing Chris- tians as not a Gospel sermon. Not a Gospel sermon! Then Christ did not preach the Gos- pel, did not even comprehend it. He must have been sent into the world too soon. If He had but enjoyed the advantage of listening to these enlightened critics, they would have instructed Him in the way of salvation ! In the Sermon on the Mount, Christ -does not tell His hearers that He is goiag to do everything for them, and that they may sit still and take their ease. No ! He gives His benediction to those who hunger and thirst after righteousness. " Except your righteousness," He warns them, " shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the ' kingdom of heaven." He exhorts them to let their light shine, so that men may see their good works. He commands them to avoid even an angry thought, or an unkind word, or a wanton look, and to be perfect even as their Father in heaven. " Every tree," He assures them, " which briugeth not forth good fruit, is hewn down and cast into the fire." " Many Radical Misconception. 1 1 will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Thy name ? and in Thy name have cast out devils ? and in Thy name done many wonderful works ? And then will I pro- fess unto them, I never knew you : depart from me, ye that work iniquity." " Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven ; but he that doeth the will of my Father." ^ 1 See also the sermons on " The Gospel " and on " The Prac- tical Nature of Christianity " in my ' Preaching and Hearing.' 12 Defects of Modern Christianity. II. WANT OF ENTHUSIASM. " Whosoever he he of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, ' he cannot be my disciple." — Luke xiv. 33. rriHERE are many persons in the present day ■*- who never manifest enthusiasm about any thing. The vvil admirari theory of life, suggested formerly by Horace, and reiterated by the love- sick hero of Tennyson's ' Maud,' is one of the gospels of the age. " Not bad " is about the highest praise which some persons would think it respectable to bestow. They consider enthu- siasm to be a sign of under-breeding, or at any rate of ignorance. They imagine it shows wis- dom to seem bored, to appear " used up " in the fruitless endeavour to discover something that has anything in it. They remind one of the Want of Enthusiasm. 13 lady of whom Steele said that she was much too " nice " to be quite alive. When the eccentric leader of one of the new cliques in English society tells us that there is nothing worth seeing in Switzerland, and that he considers the Atlantic a failure, he speaks not for himself alone, but for a large class of which he is the representative, and which forms his raison d'etre. Strong feeling, energetic action, earnestness, zeal, devotion, self- abandonment, all this is considered by many quite unsuitable for the upper classes. Just as Lord Chesterfield would have us never laugh, for fear of distorting our countenances, so we are often forbidden to be enthusiastic, for fear of disturbing the calm dignity of a monotonous existence. In religion the absence of enthusiasm is especially remarkable. There are, I fear, large classes of men and women who call themselves Christians, and who do not take the slightest interest in the religion of Christ. They profess Christianity merely because it is the correct thing to profess it. A few years ago, just before the mathematical tripos at Cambridge, a news- paper reporter called to interview the man who was expected to be senior, and asked him among other things what was his religion. " Oh," said 14 Defects of Modern Christianity. the mathematician, " you had better put me down as an atheist." " But," urged the reporter, " that will not sound well. May I not say that you are of the same religion as your father ? " "Certainly," he replied, "by all means. Call me a member of the Church of England." There are a great many persons who are members of the Church of England on the same principle, because they think it would not sound well to be members of anything else. If Episcopalianism became unfashionable, they would discard it as ruthlessly as a worn-out garment. If religion were to be blotted out of human life, they would not miss it — or rather, they would agreeably miss it. The tiresome social duty of going to church would be at an end for them ; and they would be saved a certain amount of expense — viz., the guinea or two they pay for their seat, and the threepenny-pieces they are obliged to put into the bag. They much begrudge this money ; but as things are, they feel that they gain by the transaction. — And these people, who are only dishonest pagans, have the audacity to call themselves Christians ! The common misrepresentation of Christianity, to which I called your attention in the last ser- mon, has tended to prevent men from recog- Want of Enthusiasm. 1 5 nising the extreme importance which attaches to enthusiasm in the Christian system. If Christ's religion consisted in the mere accept- ance of a creed respecting future destiny, it could never excite in us any strong or con- tinued emotion. It would be easier to feel en- thusiasm about the multiplication-table. That does lie at the basis of our daily transactions. But a future life, disconnected from the present, could never permanently affect men's hearts. The man for whom the only difference between Christ and Mohammed amounts to this, that if he believes in the one, he will be by-and-by, in theological language, saved; and if he believes in the other, he will be by-and-by lost, — such a man can never believe in Christ at all, except in a cold, matter-of-fact fashion which is the very opposite of Christian faith. If Christ's sole work is to take us to heaven, then we shall be satisfied, naturally and justly satisfied, with the smallest quantity of belief which will suffice for that purpose. Those who regard the plan of salvation as merely a device for escap- ing hell, need not feel at all insulted if the sarcastic language of Bailey's " Festus " is ap- plied to them : — 1 6 Defects of Modern Christianity. " Ye think ye never can be bad enough, , And as ye sink in sin ye rise in hope. ' And let the worst come to the worst, ye say. There always wiU be time to turn ourselves , And cry for half an hour or so to God. Salvation sure is not so vety hard ; It need not take one long ; and half an hour Is quite as much as we can spare for it." But Christ's religion is no mere creed about the future. It is a life to be lived in the present. And no life can be well lived without enthu- siasm. Do you suppose you would succeed in the army or at the bar if you were satisfied with passively believing that they were a good sort of institution — ^if you contented yourself with appearing at certain stated times on parade or in the law courts ? E"o indeed ! You cannot be successful without hard study, strict disci- pline, and persevering effort, through which nothing but enthusiasm can carry you triumph- antly. And if enthusiasm be necessary to live worthily the life of a soldier or a barrister, stiU more essential is it for him who would live the life of a Christian. Nothing else can possibly enable us to fulfil the requirements of Christ. Let us see what these requirements originally were, and let us inquire how far they are the same for ourselves. To the young man who asked what he must do to inherit eternal life, Want of Enthusiasm. 1 7 Christ replied that he must sell all that he had and give the proceeds to the poor. Another who professed himself ready to follow Christ, but asked permission first to attend his father's funeral, was curtly told to leave the dead to bury their dead. And a third was informed that if he really wished to become a disciple, he must not even go back to bid his relations farewell. " If any man come to me," said Christ, " and hate not his father, and mother, and wife and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. . . Which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it ? Lest haply, after he hath laid the foundation, and is not able to finish it, all that behold it begin to mock him, saying. This man began to build, and was not able to finish. . . . So likewise, whosoever he be of you that for- saketh not aU that he hath, he cannot be my disciple." These are hard sayings. What are we to understand by them? He could not possibly have intended that they were to be always literally obeyed. He could not possibly have meant, for example, to ignore or deprecate the 1 8 Defects of Modern Christianity. family affections as such. The very essence of Christianity is to show love and kindliness to all men. Christ could not, therefore, intend that those who had the strongest claims upon us should be treated with harshness and discourtesy. What He wished to teach was, that the family affections must be subordinate to the religious. When a man could not be loyal to an earthly love without being disloyal to Christ, then the earthly love must be suppressed. This expla- nation will help us, I think, to understand all similar injunctions. Christ spoke vehemently in order to startle men into attention. He was determined to be followed only by enthu- siasts — by men who were prepared, if need be, to sacrifice everything for His sake. Commands and exhortations, like those I have quoted, con- stituted His winnowing-fan, with which He got rid of half-hearted followers. At one time He was enormously popular. It was when He was being followed by a large multitude, that He insisted on the necessity of their counting the cost, before making any profession of disciple- ship. No one, he intimated, need attempt to follow Him who would be unwilling, if occasion arose, to forsake all that he had. The true dis- ciple must love his Master so much that, m Want of Enthusiasm. 19 comparison with this enthusiastic devotion, all other affections would appear but as hatred. But what is the significance for us of these and similar words ? The Dean of St Paul's, in his valuable lectures on the ' Gifts of Civilisa- tion,' says that they meant more for those days than for ours. I would rather prefer to put it in this way: not that they meant more, but that they were oftener susceptible of a literal obedience. They seem to me only strong and passionate modes of enjoining men to seek first the kingdom of God; and this injunction is as binding to-day as ever. Christ requires of His followers now, as then, a willingness to give up whatever clashes with His claims on them. The only difference is, that formerly they had more frequently to prove this willingness by the actual forsaking of everything. To be a Christian then, was to put one's self in opposition to society and to the State. Christianity could only be pro- cured a footing in the world by the fidelity, even unto death, of large numbers of its early pro- pagators. The call of Christ, which always demands the same spirit of self-denial, involved then as a rule severer actual sacrifices. His religion would have died almost as soon as it was born, but for the sufferings and martyrdoms 20 Defects of Modern Christianity. of its evangelists, which proved its power by showing what it was capable of helping men to endure. " The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church." Had His disciples been destitute of enthusiasm the name of Jesus of Nazareth would have been unknown to - day, or known only to the curious student of Jew- ish antiquities. At the present time. Chris- tian missionaries are the only persons who occupy the same kind of position as the early disciples. Missionaries frequently have, in the most literal sense, to forsake everything out of regard for their work. We cannot, however, all be missionaries. It is not desirable that we should. And therefore the need is not likely to arise in our case of forsaking everything for Christ. But the need is certain to arise of forsaking much. Nay, more, — Christ requires even from us the willingness, if need he, to forsake all. Unless we feel for Him an enthu- siasm sufficient to give Him the first place in our hearts, we cannot. He says, be His disciples, and we have no business to make any profession of Christianity. And enthusiasm, which is thus requisite to start us on the Christian career, is needed throughout the whole of its course. For Want of Enthusiasm. 2 1 Christian morality is not merely negative, it is positive in the -highest degree. You will see better what I mean if you contrast Christianity with Judaism. A man did not require enthu- siasm to make him a good Jew. There was enthusiasm, doubtless, among the psalmists and prophets, among the wiser and nobler members of the nation, as there always is among the good and great. But this was not necessary to make them Judaically religious. The requirements of Judaism were few and simple : they consisted merely in abstaining from certain clearly defined sins, and offering certain clearly defined sacrifices. But Christ's redeeming work is something very different. It consisted in the creation within His disciples of a passionate devotedness to the welfare of their fellow-men.'' The ideal Jew is the man who never injures his neighbours. The ideal Christian is the man who is always doing them good. And for this, what but enthusiasm can suffice ? It would be easier for an imbecile to become a philosopher, than for a cold-hearted man to live the Christian life. " If," says the author of ' Ecce Homo,' " there sometimes appear in the history of the Church instances of a tone which is pure and high without being enthusi- 1 See sermon on Redemption. 22 Defects of Modern Christianity. astic, it will probably be found that all that is respectable in such a mood is but the slowly subsiding movement of an earlier enthusiasm, and all that is produced by the lukewarmness itself is hypocrisy and corrupt conventionalism. Christianity is an enthusiasm, or it is nothing." It behoves us, therefore, to ask ourselves. Does Christ stand first in our affections ? Are we enthusiastically endeavouring to live the Chris- tian life ? Are we, for example, more anxious about the Christ-likeness of our character than we are about our dividends or about our per- sonal appearance ? You remember some lines of Manrique's, which have been translated by Xongfellow : — " Could we new charms to age impart, And fashion with a cunning art The human face, As we can clothe the soul with light, And make the glorious spirit hright, With heavenly grace, — How busily each passing hour Should we exert that magic power ! What ardour show ! Yet leave the free-bom soul within In weeds of woe. " Should we ? God forbid ! 23 Defects of Modern Christianity. III. MISDIRECTED ENTHUSIASM. "The Samaritans did not receive Him, 'beoause His face was as though He would go to Jerusalem. And when His disciples James and John saw this, they said, Lord, wilt Thou that we command Are to come down from heaven, and consume them, even as Elias did ? But He turned and rebuked them, and said, Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of. " — Luke ix. 53-55. TN the last sermon, I drew your attention to the want of enthusiasm, which is too often apparent in modern Christianity. Now let me ask you to consider the misdirected enthusiasm which frequently characterises it. The next worst thing to being destitute of enthusiasm altogether, is to expend it on the wrong ob- jects. The words I have read as a text afford a very suggestive example of my subject. " Shall we 24 Defects of Modern Christianity. command fire to come down from heaven, and consume them?" Here was enthusiasm, and enthusiasm for Christ; but it was expending itself in unchristian, and even anti- Christian, channels. '' He turned and rebuked them, and said, Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of." Ye think that ye are Christians, but as yet ye are not. Ye do not even know why I am come into the world. " The Son of man is not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them." We are constantly meeting in our everyday experience with instances of misdirected enthu- siasm. For example, there are persons who will shed floods of tears over the imaginary griefs depicted in a novel or on the stage, who are hard- ness itself to the real sufferings around them in actual life. Their entire stock of sympathy is expended on fictitious objects. They have none left for practical life. There are persons, again, who feel the greatest interest in morality, — but unfortunately it is in the morality of other people. They never tire of pointing out defects in their neighbours' characters, but they take no pains to discover any in their own. And there are others who waste all their enthusiasm upon trifles. A great national calamity fails to move Misdirected Enthusiasm. 2 5 them ; but if anybody utters a syllable derogatory to their own personal dignity, they are beside themselves with excitement. Now, in every case in which enthusiasm is mis- directed, it is worse than wasted. For its expen- diture in the wrong direction necessarily involves its absence in the right. If it is wasted upon trifles, there will be none left to bestow upon matters of real importance. Like all the other forces with which our nature has been endowed, our power of enthusiasm is a strictly limited quantity. It may be diminished by careless- ness ; it may be increased by care ; but it is at the best incapable of anything approaching to indefinite expansion. How important, then, that it be always wisely and justly bestowed ! The very meaning of the word suggests that enthu- siasm should not be given to anything and every- thing, but that it demands a worthy object. It signifies, etymologicaUy, to be full of the Deity — to be, as we say, inspired. The term " enthu- siasm " has been used, I know, by Locke, Isaac Taylor and others, in a bad sense — for the working of a diseased imagination, or for the stupidity of an unreasoning prejudice. But in modern English and in common speech, we sig- nify by enthusiasm the taking a deep and ardent 26 Defects of Modern Christianity. interest ia any object or pursuit. And truly there is no power possessed by man so deserving of being called divine, as the power of becoming in this sense enthusiastic. Without it, as I pointed out in the last sermon, no life can be successful. With it, if duly applied, no life can be altogether a failure. But alas for the man who wastes the inspiration, which he needs to bring him triumphantly through the great struggles and conflicts of his career ! There are three cases, it seems to me, in which the enthusiasm of Christians — many of them good and earnest Christians — has been misdirected; I refer to what may be called the Puritanical, the Theological, and the Eitual- istic enthusiasms. By the Puritanical enthusiasm, I mean the giving up and anathematising certain practices and amusements, not on the ground that they are wrong, but on' the ground that they are " worldly." This is the result of a mistake regarding a passage in St John's Epistle. " If any man love the world," he says, " the love of the Father is not in him." Now it is often forgotten that, in the very same Epistle, " the world " is defined as " that which lieth in wickedness." Nothing, then, can be legitimately Misdirected Enthusiasm. 2 7 called worldly, in the bad sense of the term, merely because it is fashionable or common. It is as absurd to suppose that everything fashionable is bad, as it would be to suppose that everything unfashionable is good. The Bible has nothing to say against the world except in so far as it is wicked. "I pray not," said our Lord, " that Thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that Thou shouldest keep them from the evil." So that the worldliness which is to be avoided by the Christian, is only another name for evil. Much mischief has arisen from supposing that it was something else. Classing together things which differ, always leads to great confusion, and in moral matters often ends in great sins. To believe in the wickedness of what is essentially harmless is to make a most fatal mistake. Those who exhaust their enthusiasm in hating what is not wrong, will have little — if any — left for hating what is. There are persons who think it more wrong to play a game of chance than to do a mean or ungenerous action. They must not be surprised at the accusation urged against them by Butler in his ' Hudibras ' : — " They compov/nd for sins they are inclined to, By damning those they have no mind to.'' 28 Defects of Modern Christianity. And even less extreme cases of misdirected enthusiasm will have a very injurious efifect upon the young. If they are taught that it is wi'ong to break the Commandments, wnd that it is wrong to play at certain harmless games, what is the result ? Why, this : when they come to discover that the games an harmless, and cannot therefore be sinful, they begin to doubt whether the importance of the Commandments has not been equally overrated. Their notions about right and wrong become hopelessly disturbed, and not unfrequently they end in believing that there is nothing wrong in anything. I have known cases — ^you have known cases — where young lives have been shipwrecked by the severity of their puritanical training. The parents thought they were driving their children to heaven, when all the time they were really driving them in the opposite direction. Enthu- siasm — like some powerful physical force — if it be exercised at random, is dangerous in pro- portion to its strength. Then, secondly, there is what may be called the Theological waste of enthusiasm — manifested by persons who bestow on theology an amount of ardour which ought only to be given to religion. Theology and religion are sometimes supposed to Misdirected Enthusiasm. 29 be one and the same thing; but there are no two things in the universe more different. The- ology is a collection of facts, or supposed facts, scientifically arranged and formulated. Eeligion is a state of heart and a mode of life. A the- k ologian is not necessarily religious, any more than a physiologist or an astronomer. There is no more connection between the knowledge of theology and the practice of religion, than be- tween the knowledge of geography and the pos- session of a landed estate. Theology, at best, is but theory. Indeed it has not unfrequently happened that those whose business it has been to teach the theory, have been in their lives conspicuously unchristian. The theologians have disagreed, and terrible has been the hatred, grievous has been the bloodshed, that have fol- lowed their disagreement. Instead of letting their enthusiasm go forth in the direction of doing aU possible good to all men, they have too often wasted it in seeking to do all possible harm to those who hold different opinions from themselves. You remember the scene in ' Bleak House,' where poor Jo is dying. He is asked if he ever knew a prayer, to which he gives his usual answer that he " never knowed nothink." And then he goes on to explain that city mis- 30 Defects of Modern Christianity, sionaries had often come into the wretched alley where he lodged, but that they had been mostly occupied in pointing out each other's errors to their benighted congregations. " Different times," he said, " there was genelmen come down Tom- All- Alone's a-prayin', but they all mostly said as t'other ones prayed wrong." Alas ! alas ! how often the devil's purposes are effected in the Saviour's name ! Our world would be infinitely better than it is if but a tithe of the enthusiasm, now expended on theology, were devoted to the task of living a religious life. Men are so busy shouting their party shibboleths, which Christ once and for ever condemned, that they have neither time nor heart to do the one sole work which He intrusted to their hands. They have been so anxious to be orthodox that they have forgotten to be good. And once more, there is, as it seems to me, a Eitualistic waste of enthusiasm. I have nothing to say against ceremonies and vestments as such. Personally I do not care to see them multiplied ; but that, of course, is no argument against them. What I do very strongly deprecate, however, is that so much enthusiasm should be expended on these matters. They have simply nothing to do with Christianity as Christ understood it. There Misdirected Enthusiasm. 3 1 is a pious sound about the word " vestment " ; but, after all, it is only the Latin equivalent for what, in common speech, we call clothes. Just try and imagine, if you can, Christ delivering a discourse, or the apostles engaged in a discussion, as to the garments in which they should proceed to convert the world. And yet the question of clothes has destroyed the unity of the English Church. I shall be told, of course, that the Eitualists are not fighting merely ^r vestments, but for principles. It was ingeniously suggested, some time ago, that they were in reality carrying on the designs of the Eeformation, inasmuch as they were fighting for freedom — freedom against the tyranny of the bishops and the State. Very well. But even so, I ask, is it worth while ? This alleged tyranny is only exercised in regard to what Christ at any rate would have considered minor matters. I admit, of course, that at present there is a discrepancy between the Prayer-book and Lord Penzance, which common-sense demands that we should annul. What is called the " ornaments rubric" says that officiating clergymen are to wear the vestments worn in the reign of Edward the Sixth. These are the very vestments which 32 Defects of Modern Christianity. the unfortunate Eitualists are prosecuted for wearing. Lord Penzance has decided — on what grounds I do not know — that this rubric is no longer legal. Now no one can suppose that either the rubric or Lord Penzance is divinely inspired. Therefore, since we cannot obey both, why should we not obey whichever will lead to peace ? You say this is mean. I say it is not. The rubric, you observe, is called the orTiaments rubric. To seek peace by discarding ornaments is not mean. To seek war by retaining orna- ments is not noble. If a particular vestment be distasteful to my parishioners, — why, in the name of peace and quietness, can I not be con- tent without it ? " If it make my brother to offend, I will not wear it while the world standeth, lest I make my brother to offend." But there is another side to this question. While I cannot understand the ritualistic en- thusiasm for vestments, still less can I under- stand the anti- ritualistic enthusiasm against them. There cannot be anything more un- christian in a berretta than in a college-cap. Why, then, while the one is considered harm- less, should the other be subjected to such fierce hatred ? The stole is an illegal vestment ; and yet you find it even in churches where the Misdirected Enthusiasm. 33 sermon is preached in a black gown. I am wearing one at this moment. It never seems to . excite anybody's ire ; and yet the sight of some equsjlly innocent ecclesiastical garment will rouse many Churchmen to fury. The enthusi- asm expended by the Church Association and its friends, in hunting up or creating aggrieved parishioners, and otherwise persecuting the Eitualists — all such enthusiasm seems to me even more misplaced than that of the Eitualists themselves. In some recent prosecutions, the vestments worn by the clergymen were not dis- tasteful to his congregation. Yet meddlesome outsiders must step in, persuade three parish- ioners to declare themselves aggrieved, and so try to get the pastor removed from people who were devoted to him. Surely this is the very prostitution of enthusiasm. I have been obliged this morning to tread on delicate ground. You may not all agree with me. But that is a matter of small importance. I am not here to give you opinions. You are not here to receive opinions from me. We are met rather, I take it, to think things over to- gether. And even if, in the end, we must agree to differ, it does not necessarily follow that our thinking will have been in vain. The import- e 34 Defects of Modern Chnsttanity. ant thing for you and for me, is to do our best to discover Christ's idea of Christianity, and to let our enthusiasm go forth into the same channels in which His was wont to flow. If this be our earnest and constant endeavour, then, although we may sometimes make mis- takes, although we may, like the Boanerges, incur the rebuke, " Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of," it wUl be a gemile rebuke — one of pity rather than of condemnation. 35 Defects of Modern Christianity. IV. WANT OF PEOGRESS (I.) " I have yet many things to say unto you, hut' ye cannot hear them now. Howbeit when He, the Spirit of truth, is come. He will guide you into all truth."— John xvi. 12, 13. "He that helieveth on me, the works that I do shall he do also ; and greater works than these shall he do." — John zir. 12. TVWAEFS — that is to say, people who- have ^ never grown — are much more common in the moral than in the physical sphere. To be a dwarf is with some the very ideal of moral per- fection. The notion of progress is repugnant to them. It reminds them of earthquakes, and revolutions, and everything that is disagreeable. Happiness and monotony are, in their estimation, synonyms. They are content to be everlastingly thinking the same thoughts, reading the same books, and engaged in the same pursuits, which 36 Defects of Modern Christianity. they have been accustomed to think and read and engage in as long as they can remember. They live in a state of the most perfect com- placency regarding themselves and their ances- tors. There could not, they believe, be wiser or better people ; and consequently they consider it impossible to improve on the institutions and modes of life and forms of thought which have been patronised, and are still being patronised, by such worthy gentlemen. If one attempts to point out to them defects in anything they have adopted, from theology down to sanitary arrange- ments, they have one invariable reply — -that what was good enough for their forefathers is good enough for them. There, perhaps, they are right. For such people it is probably too good. Even if they could be brought to see that any improvement was theoretically desirable, nothing would ever induce them to effect it. Change is so fatiguing. The game, they fancy, would not be worth the candle. They would rather dite under bad arrangements of their ancestors, than live under improved arrangements of their own. To such persons the idea of progress in re- ligious matters is peculiarly abhorrent. They justify their spiritual stagnation by asserting that JVani of Progress. 3 7 progress in religion is tantamount to scepticism, irreverence, and what not. The people who never think always have a pious horror of those who do. The human mind they seem to regard as an invention of the devil's, for they take special pride in living as if they did not possess one. Their conception of the Christian religion is, that it consists in the blind acceptance of some, one, else's creed. When they have accomplished this feat, they imagine themselves relieved from all further responsibility. They will have no deeper insight into Christianity at sixty years of age than they had at six. But they do not want it. They have a pleasing assurance that when they learnt the Catechism they mastered Truth. The portion of their creed which they most thoroughly comprehend and value is the doctrine that Christ did everything. From this they proceed to draw the comforting coroUary that they need do nothing; and to give them their due, they act up to this corollary with marvellous consistency. Now this state of spiritual coma, which dares to call itself Christianity, is the very opposite of the religion of Christ. Our Lord's belief in progress is strikingly illustrated by His treatment of the Bible. He acknowledged the inspiration 38 Defects of Modern Chrishamty. of the Scriptures. " He always spoke of them," says the author of ' Ecce Homo/ " with the utmost reverence, and He seems never to have called in question the Jewish idea that they were the infallible oracles of God. Yet He regarded them in a sense critically, and introduced canons of interpretation which by their boldness must have astonished the religious men of the day. He regarded the laws of Moses, though divine, as capable of becoming obsolete, and also as incomplete. On the question of divorce, He de- clared the Mosaic arrangement to have been well suited to the hard-heartedness of a semi- barbarous age, but to be no longer justifiable in the advanced condition of morals. So too in the matter of oaths, the permission of private revenge, and other points in which the Mosaic legislation had necessarily something of a bar- baric character, He unhesitatingly repealed the acts of the lawgiver and introduced new pro- visions. But not only did He find the Mosaic code in part obsolete ; He found it throughout utterly meagre and imperfect. And this was inevitable. Between. thie rude clans that had listened to Moses in the Arabian desert, and the Jews who in the reign of Tiberius visited the Temple courts, there was a great gulf. The Want of Progress. 39 hard-heartedness of the primitive nation had given way under the gradual influence of law, and peace, and trade, and literature. Laws which in the earlier time the hest men had probably found it hard to keep, could now serve only as a curb upon the worst. The disciples of Moses were subject to lawless passions which they could not control, and the fiercest ebulli- tions of which seemed to them venial misfortunes rather than crimes. Self-restraint of any kind was to them a new and hard lesson. They listened with awe to the inspired teacher who told them not to covet their neighbour's wife or property ; and when they were commanded not to murder, they wondered doubtless by what art or contrivance it might be possible to put a bridle on the thing called anger. But how much all this was afterwards changed ! If one like Paul had gone to a Christian teacher, after the new enthusiasm of humanity had been ex- cited in him, and asked for instruction in moral- ity, would it have satisfied him to be told that he must abstain from committing murder and robbery ? These laws, to be sure, were not obsolete (like those about divorce and revenge), but the better class of men had been raised to an elevation of goodness, at which they were 40 Defects of Modern Christianity. absolutely unassailable by temptations to break them. Their moral sense required a different training-^far more advanced instruction." Now Christ expressly and plainly declared He was labouring under the same kind of disadvan- tage as Moses, and that therefore His own teaching must also be limited and elementary. " I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now." The Jews had made great moral advances since the days of Sinai, but they were still incapable of comprehending the deepest truths of Christianity. They were not, however, always to remain in the intellectual and moral condition in which Christ found them. He seemed able to do but little for them during His lifetime. But He Himself declared that their progress was to continue long after He had passed away. He promised them the inspiration of the Spirit of God to carry them forward, far beyond the point to which He Himself was able to lead them. "When the Spirit of truth is come," Christ said to them, "He will guide you into all truth." The same idea of the progressiveness of Christianity is even more strikingly suggested by the second part of our text. " He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works Want of Progress. 4 1 than these shall he do." Mark you, Christ asserts this not only of those immediately around them, hut of every one who should hereafter become a disciple. The expression is perfectly general, — " he that believeth on me." This assertion of our Lord's may sound some- what startling, and yet it was but the simple truth. The explanation of it was given by Christ Himself. " Greater works than these shall he do ; because I go unto my Father." Christ had to die before it was possible for the mighty achievements to be accomplished, which Chris- tianity was ultimately destined to effect. Just think how little Christ was able to make of His disciples while He was alive. They were always misunderstanding Him and His work : wanting to call down fire from heaven ; wanting Him to declare Himself king of the Jews ; wanting to sit on His right hand and on His left hand in His kingdom ; wanting Him to show them the Father — to make God visible to their bodily eyes; wanting to censure a man for doing good, because, as they put it, " he foUoweth not us "; wanting their Master to live and not to die, when life would have meant the most igno- minious failure and death was the sublimest victory ; wanting Him to do, and wanting to do 42 Defects of Modern Christianity. themselves, anything and everything that was incompatible with His great plan. This was how they- treated Him until the end. When that canie, they all forsook Him and fled. And these were the most devoted of Christ's followers. No wonder, then, that He said, " He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also ; and greater works than these shall he do." There are in the world to-day a vast number of men and women — the converts, it may be, of very mediocre teaching and preaching — who understand Christianity far more clearly, and work for it far more wisely, than did the best of the disciples during the lifetime of the Saviour. Let me entreat you to ponder over the fact that Christ, as plainly as words can do it, has declared progress to be an essential element in His system. Both by precept and example He condemned the worship of the -past, — that most foolish and pestilent of aU idolatries. To any one who thinks at all it is a self- evident truth that as the world grows older it must, or at any rate it ought, to grow wiser. But, curiously enough, the converse has . been more generally assumed as axiomatic, viz., that it was wisest — as wise as it could be — in its Want of Progress. 43 childhood. If men had held this creed at the beginning, they would never have emerged from their primeval barbarism, If the primitive savage had thought himself omniscient, the world would have been even now uncivilised. But sav- age though he was he knew a good deal better than that. And as time goes on and men grow reaUy wiser, they become more and more dis- satisfied with their present achievements. Out ancestors tried like freemen to make advances upon their ancestors. Alas for the heritage they have bequeathed us, if we have been transformed thereby into slaves ! In physical science we do not hesitate to assert our own rights. Th&re we demand the liberty of making progress. And why should we not do so in theology? If any one supposes that inspiration makes a difference and renders progress impossible, I reply that it does make a difference, but that it renders progress imper- ative. The greater the inspiration which is claimed for the Scriptures, the greater becomes the opportunity and necessity for progress in the study of them. If they are really worthy of being called divine, it is not surely to be imagined that their full significance for all time will be discovered on a single careless reading. 44 Defects of Modern Chnstiamty. Men can only see in the Bible, as in any other book, what they bring with them the power of seeing; and their faculty of spiritual vision should be continually gaining strength. But, for some unaccountable reason, this faculty is frequently supposed to have been steadily dete- riorating, since the time of what are technically called the Fathers. There are many persons who have the greatest contempt for modern theology — who believe, in fact, that all theology, properly so called, must be of necessity ancient. Any one who expresses an original opinion is at once extinguished by them with the assertion that he is no theologian. They imagine that the farther they go back, the more likely they are to get at the mind of Christ — always pro- vided that they do not go quite to His own words, but stop at the interpretation put upon them by some primitive expositor. Of all curious delusions this is perhaps the most singular. In the spiritual world, as in the natural, every age should make new discoveries — discoveries which may, or may not, be inconsistent with the older views, but which in aU cases amount to a fuller, clearer, deeper insight into the truth of God. " Fresh notions," says Walter Savage Landor, Want of Progress. 45 " are as disagreeable to some as fresh air is to others ; but the inability to bear them is equally a symptom of disease." The healthy mind is not concerned with the oldness or newness of a doc- trine, but simply and solely with its truth. We owe a debt of gratitude to all the thinkers of the past. But we do not compliment them, we insult them, by acquiescing in their ideas as final. This you may say is quite self-evident. "What is the good of insisting on it at such length ? I have insisted on it for this reason : it is not every one who sees its applicability to spiritual truth. Many who admit we are under no obligation to square our opinions with those of Aristotle, hesitate to apply the same rule to St Augustine. And therefore I ask once more, if we make progress in our study of nature, shall we make no progress in our study of God ? Year after year we learn to know something more of the material world beneath us ; and shall we be content with what we already- know, or think we know,, of the Divine Spirit above us ? If any one says that theology should not be progressive, that it is a perfected science and must therefore be stationary, he is guilty, how- ever unintentionally, of the grossest blasphemy. For he virtually asserts that God is the one 46 Defects of Modern ChrisHanity. Being in the universe who can be easily and completely fathomed.^ " Do not orouch to-day and worship The old Past, whose life is fled ; Hush your voice to tender reverence — Crowned he lies, but cold and dead. For the Present reigns our monarch, With an added weight of hours ; Honour her, for she is mighty — Honour her, for she is ours. She inherits all his treasures. She is heir to all his fame, And the light that lightens round her Is the lustre of his name. She is wise with all his wisdom ; Living on his grave she stands ; On her brow she wears his laurels, And his harvest in her hands. Noble things the great Past promised. Holy dreams both strange and new ; But the Present shall fulfil them : What he promised she shall do." ^ See also sermons on "Truth "and "Kight Thinking" in my 'Origin of EvU'; sermons on "Bigotry," and paper on " Dogma and Philosophy " in my ' Preaching and Hearing.' 47 Defects of Modern Christianity. V. WANT OF PEOGRESS (ll.) " I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit when He, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth." — John xvi. 12, 13. "He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also ; and greater works than these shall he do." — John xiv. 12. TI^E have seen already how strikingly these passages illustrate the fact that progress is an essential feature of the Christian, religion. In the last sermon, I spoke about progress in knowledge. I pointed out the absurdity of sup- posing that either we or our ancestors knew all that was to be known about God and His truth. Even in nature men are always making fresh discoveries. And if, as we believe, the Bible is a yet higher revelation, it is simply impossible that its significance can have been completely fathomed. 48 Defects of Modern Christianity. But growth in knowledge is not the only development which vital Christianity will dis- play. Freshness of ideas is good, but it is not everything. There should be a corresponding advance in wisdom — wisdom being applied know- ledge, or knowledge put into practice. The practical habits and modes of action of Christians in the nineteenth century, instead of being far behind, as is too frequently the case, should be far in advance of those which belonged to Christians in the first century. No religion is capable of undergoing such changes as Christianity, which is proved by those which it has already actually undergone. Since the Saviour's time, it has been subjected to one transformation at any rate so thorough and complete, that a superficial observer might fancy it had been altogether destroyed. This change is due to the fact that formerly Christ's Gospel was opposed, whereas now it is supported, by the State ; formerly it was despised by the upper classes in society, whereas now it has become a recognised part of the social system. Nearly all Christ's precepts and exhortations were given to men who were about to live in the midst of hardship, penury and persecution, with the possible climax of a martyr's death. Want of Progress. 49 Yet to-day it is only in very exceptional cases that any of these sufferings are experienced by the followers of Jesus in virtue of their disciple- ship. Nearly everything that Christ said was uttered on the supposition, that those to whom He spoke would have to give up all connection with the world — all interest in its commerce, its professions, its amusements, and its various pursuits. But you, who profess and call your- selves Christians, do not so understand your Christian duty. There is, of course, a ridiculous sense in which the term " world " is sometimes used, as repre- senting some half-dozen amusements for which the persons who abuse them do not happen to care, and which, on this account, they imagine must be pre-eminently sinful. But of the world, in that sense, the Bible says nothing. St John uses the term as a synonym for wickedness, and in this sense his commandment applies to all nations and to all times. " The world which lieth in wickedness," the world as far as it is wicked, the, sin of the world, we are bound as Christians to hate. As regards the world in the ordinary sense of the term, according to which it stands for human life with its varied interests and pursuits, there D 50 Defects of Modem Christianity. is an enormous difference between our position and that of the first disciples. By them these interests and pursuits had to be given up, by us they have not. You all believe this. At least you all act as if you did. You do not give up the common interests of life. You are engaged during the week in purely secular pursuits ; you pay calls and give parties ; you eat and drink and pass your time, pretty much in the main as other persons do who make no profession of Christianity. But not so the early disciples. Such a state of things was then impossible. At first a profession of Christianity was abso- lutely incompatible with a comfortable or even tolerable life. And this arose not so much from anything peculiar in Christianity, as from the peculiar opposition with which it met. While this opposition lasted the profession of Chris- tianity inevitably entailed physical disaster and social ruin. But it was not desirable that this state of things should last for ever. On the contrary, the full benefits of Christianity could only come to men after the opposition had passed away. Christ said nothing to His disciples about their participating in the world's occupations and pur- suits; and yet this participation, since it has Wani of Progress, 5 \ proved itself legitimately practicable, is mani- festly an advance upon the isolation .of the early Church. It would not surely he' for the.good of the human race, that Christianity should always be in antagonism to civil law and to the refined and cultured classes. Manifestly it ;must be better for it to acquire, as it has actually done, an influence in the State and in society, that thereby the State and society may be regenerated. It came into collision with them 'in tlie first in- stance, not for the sake of collision, but^ for the sake of ultimate harmony. " Society,'' says Dean Oharch, " as weU as religion, is God's creation and' work. If we have anything to guide us as to God's wiU in the facts of the world, if we see His providence in the tendencies and conditions amid which we live, and feel that in them He is our teacher and interpreter, — we must believe social order, with its laws, its necessary inci- dents and pursuits, is God's will for this pres- ent life. He meant us to live in the world ; and for the world, what we call society — the rule of law, the employment of business, the increase of wealth, the embodiment of public force and power, the cultivation of our infinite resources, the continued improvement of social arrange- ments — all this is indispensable. There is no 52 Defects of Modern Christianity. standing still in these matters; the only otter alternative is drifting back into confusion and violence. If the necessities of our condition, with all the light thrown upon them by long experience, are no evidence of God's purposes, we are indeed in darkness; if they are, it is plain that man, both the individual and the race, has a career here — that he has been furnished for it, I need not say how amply, and was meant to fulfil it." In spite of the early collisions be-' tween society and the Gospel, it soon became evident that there was nothing necessarily antag- onistic between them, and at the same time it appeared that Christianity was intended for a wider purpose than had been disclosed at first. " Even war and riches, even the Babel life of our great cities, even the high places of ambition and earthly honour, have been touched by Christ's spirit, have found how to become Christian." And Christianity has been transformed, no less than society, by this change in their mutual relations — ^transformed, not indeed in its essen- tial character of self-denial, but in the manner in which this self-denial is manifested. Thank God, there are other, and in some respects higher, ways in which self-denial may be exhibited than by martyrdom. Wani of Progress, 5 3 But now that physical suffering has ceased to be the necessary concomitant of the profession of Christianity, the outward aspects of that religion have assumed a totally different form. And so remarkable a change, the occurrence of which cannot possibly be denied, should lead us to expect other important modifications and develop- ments. Doubtless as time goes on there must be many such. In one sense the morality which Christ taught was perfect and complete. It was so in its fundamental principles. The golden rule, as far as we can see, is final and unalterable — equally adapted for the nineteenth century as for the first, as obligatory in heaven as upon earth. We cannot conceive of any collection of sentient and intelligent beings, for whom it would not be well if one and all of them ob- served this law. But our method of observing it, the particular actions which we perform in obedience to it, should be more or less different from time to time, since in every succeeding age men should attain to a higher ideal of life. Christ gave His disciples certain suggestions for carrying out in detail the new commandment. But a literal adherence to these suggestions is by no means the whole of our Christian duty. 54 Defects of Modern Christianity. We may succeed in accomplishing much more than it was possible for the original disciples even to imagine. Hence, to be acting in strict harmony with the letter of the Gospel precepts, wUl often amount to being altogether out of harmony with their spirit.: Let me explain. Christ was always insisting, in the strongest terms, upon the paramoujjt duty of relieving the distresses of our suffering fellow-creatures. He said little or nothing about the necessity of preventing these distresses. The latter was a problem which for many reasons the, disciples were then incapable • of comprehending. ,> But it is with the latter that we to-day .should chiefly concern ourselves. "No man," sa-ys the author of ' Ecce Homo,' " who loves his kind, can in these days rest content with waiting as a servant upon human misery, when it is, in so many cases, possible to anticipate and avert it. Prevention is better than cure ; and it is now clear to all that a large part of human suffering is preventible by improved social arrangements. Charity wUl now, if it be genuine, fix upon this enterprise as greater, more widely permanent and beneficial, and therefore more Christian, than the other. It will not, indeed, neglect the lower task of relieving and consoling those who Want of Progress. 55 have actually fallen into calamity. But when it has done all that the New Testament enjoins, it will feel that its task is not half fulfilled. When the starving man has been relieved, modern charity inquires whether any fault in the social system deprived him of his proper share in nature's bounty. When the sick man has been visited, and everything done which skill and assiduity can do to cure him, modern charity will go on to consider the causes of his malady — what noxious influence besetting his life, what contempt of the laws of health in his diet and habits, may have caused it ; and then inquire whether others incur the same danger and may be warned in time." Similarly in regard to another important problem of the age, — the problem viz., as to how we may elevate the tastes and brighten the lives of the lower classes. We are only now beginning to recognise the important part played by recreation in the proper development of the race. And it is our duty to apply this new knowledge, so far as we possibly can, to the amelioration of the lives of our poorer brethren. We owe a debt of gratitude to Mr Besant for the valuable suggestions and the healthy stimulus contained in his 'All Sorts and Conditions of 56 Defects of Modern Christianity. Men.' That book, as you know, has already led to the formation of Toynbee Hall and the People's Palace. And undertakings of this kind, though quite foreign to the spirit of the first century, though they never entered — never could have entered — into the minds of the early disciples, are nevertheless part of our present Christian duty. It is but seldom, however, that these larger views have obtained as to the scope of the Gospel of Christ. There is no doubt a great deal of reflective and scientific philanthropy now in existence, but it would not generally be re- garded as forming an essential portion of the Church's work. Philanthropy is too often sup- posed to be something different from Christi- anity. It certainly is not the whole of Christ's religion, but just as certainly it is a part. It is true that the Church has to care for the spirits of men, but it is not less true that she has also to care for their bodies. It is true that she must endeavour to make men better, but it is not less true that she must also endeavour to make them happier. That this is her duty, according to Christ's conception, no one who honestly reads his N"ew Testament can possibly doubt. All vital Christianity therefore — every Want of Progress. 5 7 Church, in so far as it is alive — will take the utmost pains to discover new and .better ex- pedients for the diminution and prevention of aU the ills to which flesh has hitherto been heir, but from which it may be conceivably relieved. This should be as much the recog- nised duty of the Church to-day, as was that " relief of widows in the daily ministrations " which is mentioned in the Acts of the 'Apostles. Those for whom Christianity means the accept- ance of a creed wUl of course deny this. The business of religion, as they understand it, is to take themselves — and perhaps a few others — to heaven. Philanthropy, they imagine, lies alto- gether outside its sphere. They don't trouble themselves much in relieving actual distress ; and as for making systematic efforts to prevent it, as for trying to increase the happiness of men here on earth, — aU this they look upon as a sort of foible, with which those who are sure of heaven need not in the least concern them- selves. Yet, strange to say, — I know nothing stranger in the history of human error, — they seem to think that they are disciples of Christ. Lastly, and in a word, let me call your atten- tion to the want of progress in character which is too often apparent among modern Christians. 58 Defects of Modern Christianity. Though the outward aspects of Christianity may change, though in one age it may be associated with sufPering and distress and in another with prosperity and comfort, — the Christian life has an unfailing characteristic, it is always gov- erned by the law of progress. As time passes on, it should be evident that we are becoming better men and women, as well as wiser. Other- wise, it "is but a mockery for us to pray the prayer, " Thy kingdom come." If we are in a lethargic and stagnant state, we are ourselves in- superable obstacles to the prayer being answered. Christ's kingdom can never come in its full glory while a single unperfected member re- mains. But how many there are who make no serious effort after moral perfection ! Not to speak of those who, as they grow older, dis- tinctly deteriorate, who become more grossly selfish, more fussily thoughtful for their own comfort and more rudely neglectful of other people's, more troublesome and exasperating to all who have the misfortune to live in the same house with them, — not to speak of such as these, who have no right to the name of Chris- tain, how many there are who have really felt an affection for Christ, and who endeavour, fitfully and feebly, to serve Him, who are yet Want of Progress. 59 quite contented to remain year after year and decade after decade in the same spiritual state — ^in Christ indeed, but merely babes in Christ ! Let us see to it that this be not our condi- tion. Let us see to it thiat we grow in grace. Let us remember, in regard to moral as in regard to mental acquirements, that we have not already attained neither are already perfect. " Let us forget the things that are behind, and reach forth unto thoae that are before ; let us run with patience the race set before us in the Gospel; let us press toward the mark, for the prize of our high calling" — for that perfected character which should eventually be ours. But we shall not attain it without steady, patient, and unceasing effort. No one ever did. In the words of the poet who has just passed away : ^ — " The heights by great men reached and kept Were not attained by sudden flight ; But they, while their companions slept, Were toiling upward in the night." Such toil, however, is far sweeter than ignoble rest. There is no higher joy than the con- sciousness that aU the capabilities of our nature are being steadily developed. You who are 1 Longfellow. 6o Defects of Modern Christianity. living thoughtful, serious, progressive lives, have often, I daresay, been shocked at meeting again, after a few years' interval, some friend of your boyhood or girlhood. He was then your equal in attainments, if not your superior. But now you seem to be separated from him by an in- finite gulf. He has the old thoughts and aims and sympathies and conversation, which were once yours also but which now you have com- pletely outgrown. The contrast between your present self and him is so great, that you can hardly believe you ever lived on so low a level. How sorry you feel for him ! And truly he deserves your pity He has but one use, and that is to serve as a warning. If ever you are tempted to relax in your efforts for personal progress and for the progress of the world ; if ever you are wearily inclined to let the world take its chance, and not to trouble yourself any more about your own development, — think of your poor stagnant friend, and your flagging energies will be revived. You wUl feel that you would rather do anything, and bear any- thing, than allow yourself, even for a moment, to play such a contemptible part. 6i Defects of Modern Christianity. VI. WANT OF DEVOTION TO CHRIST. " Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink His blood, ye have no life in you." — John vi. 53. rPHE Saviour intended that affection, passionate -^ affection for Himself, should be the motive power in His followers' lives.-'^ He knew that no other influence would be strong enough to comform them to His own perfection. He repeatedly insisted upon it as being absolutely essential to the true disciple. And yet in the present day personal devotion to Christ is con- spicuous, in the majority of professing Christians, either by its absence or at any rate by its ex- treme feebleness. There are many who pride themselves on their orthodoxy, who talk glibly ' See sermon on Redemption, p. 224. 62 Defects of Modern Christianity. about the divinity of Christ, who worship Him at stated intervals with their lips, but who in their hearts are utterly indifferent to Him. Not- withstanding all they say, they have never felt for Him the slightest gratitude or sympathy or affection. And even of His genuine followers, there are but few nowadays who love Him as did the first disciples or their- immediate successors. " The prevalent feeling towards Him among religious men is "an awful fear of His super- natural .greatness, and a disposition to obey His commands, arising partly from dread of future punishment and hope of reward for doing right, and " partly from a nobler feeling of loyalty, which however is inspired rather by His- office than by His person. Beyond this we may discern in them an unceasing conviction that He requires more personal devotion, which leads them to spasmodic efforts to kindle the feeling by means of violent raptures of panegyric, and by repeating over and getting by rote the ardent expressions of those who really had it. That is wanting for the most part which Christ held to be all in all, — spontaneous, free, genuine devotion." Now, why is it that men love Christ less in Want of Devotion to Christ. 63 the nineteenth century than they ' diii in the first ? One, perhaps the chief, reason is the un- due influence -which has been exerted by theology, and the undue importance which has been attrib- uted to it. In a previous sermon,^ I pointed out to you that there was no necessary connection between theology, and religion ; that the former was of comparatively small, the latter of the greatest possible moment ; and that enthusiasm was wasted .when bestowed upon theology to an extent which religion alone deserved. In no case may the bad effects of such misspent energy' be seen more strikingly,,, than .in the personal relation which too frequently* subsists between Christ and His . professed . djaciples. They have substituted belief, for. affection, dogma for devotion. I will, not say that those who are strongest in theology , are, as a rule, weakest in religion. But whatever may have been the result of their labours upon the -theologians themselves, there can be little doubt that the effect of these labours upon the world in general • has been to obscure, rather than; elucidate, the real Christ. Homoousianists and Homoiousianists, Arians and Athanasians, Docetse and Apthardocetse, Sabellians and So- ' P. 29. 64 Defects of Modern Christianity. cinians, Ebionites, Monarchians, Patripassians, Theopaschites, Manicheans, Nestorians, Mono- physites, Agnoetae and Aktistetse, Ktistolatrae and Phthartolatrse, Monothelites and Dyothe- lites, Nominalists and Eealists, and a host of others, orthodox, heterodox, and doubtful, have all been hotly engaged in metaphysical dis- cussions as to Christ's nature and essence ; but the chief effect of their cloudy logomachies has been to conceal the beauty of His character and the charm of His life. Had there been less the- ology in the world there would have been more religion. It was not for profound and diversi- fied knowledge, it was not for scientific classi- fications and formulae, that Christ asked, but for love. His chief strength lay, as He Himself knew full well, in his power over the human heart. But the multiplication of theological dis- cussions and controversies has diminished this power, and made Him less attractive than of yore. He is too frequently regarded as a sub- ject for curious speculation, rather than as a Be- ing to be loved. He has been transformed from a man into a dogma. And however much hatred dogma is capable of inspiring, it is quite incap- able of exciting any love. This leads me to suggest a second reason Wani of Devotion to Christ. 65 why Christ is less loved now than He once was. Various causes have tended to throw His humanity into the background, whereas He Himself always brought it into prominence. Strongly as He insisted upon His divinity, the title by which He most frequently called Him- self was the Son of man. But how diificult we find it now to feel that He really was bone of our bone and flesh of our flesh, in all things made like unto His brethren ! " Many calling them- selves Christians," says Dr Abbott, "and being in a certain sense Christians, have passed through life worshipping Christ as God, but have never even for an instant realised the fact that He actually sorrowed, pitied, was tempted — much less that He grew in wisdom and learned obe- dience by the things which He suffered. How few believe, at least in their hearts as well as with their lips, that He was a perfect man, endowed with human motives as well as human flesh ! Are there not some of us who might confess, if we searched our hearts, that we have been more touched by the story of the death of Socrates, more thrilled by the familiar and ficti- tious miseries of King Lear, than by the narra- tive of the sorrows of Jesus of Nazareth ? And why ? Why, but because our hearts have not E 66 Defects of Modern Christianity. yet realised that He, being man, endured for US the mental and spiritual sufferings of human- ity, as well as the mere bodily agonies of human flesh?" Did- you ever see the Passion-play at Ober Ammergau ? If not, you will probably ima- gine that it must be irreverent and repulsive. But if you have, you will, I think, agree with me in believing that it serves a legitimate and highly useful purpose. It enables the specta- tor, for once in his life, vividly to realise the humanity of the Eedeemer. It is the simplest and most effectual method of instructing the minds and touching the hearts of the ignorant Bavarian peasants. And it releases for a time the educated visitor from the deadening effect of custom ; it revivifies for him the Gospel narra- tive, and makes him feel that the earthly life of the Man of Sorrows is no mere dogma, but a fact. And you need not be afraid that a vivid realisation of Christ's humanity will necessarily make you sceptical about His divinity. On the contrary, it is in the superhuman beauty of His human life that we have the strongest, the only thoroughly convincing and irrefutable, proof of the fact that in a very special and unique sense He came forth from God. It is not by reading IVani of Devotion to Christ. 67 disquisitions upon His divinity that we best see the God-likeness of Christ. It is rather by studying His human life as it is unfolded in the Gospels, and in one or two books which have succeeded in catching the spirit of the Gospels. It seems to me that a simple work like ' Philochristus ' will have an effect in drawing men to Christ, which could not be attained by ten thousand volumes of systematic theology. His divinity will never be proved by reason- ing. It can be seen only in Himself. That is a beautiful idea, and a true one, which Dr Abbot puts into the mouth of PhUochristus, the imaginary disciple whose autobiography he is writing: "It seemed not to us as if we honoured Jesus by calling Him God ; but it seemed rather as though we were striving to honour G«d by saying that He was one with Jesus, for saying this seemed the same as saying that God was Love." There is a third cause which may have con- tributed to the coldness of heart so frequently manifested by professed disciples of Christ — ^viz, a misunderstanding of the word of belief. There are a goodly number of foolish persons who never think or even read for themselves, and who therefore really do not know that they 68 Defects of Modern Christianity. ought to love Christ. They have heard the words, " God so loved the world that He gave His only hegotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." They seize upon the word "belief" and ap- ply it to their own case. They do not disbelieve in Christ : therefore they believe in him ; there- fore they are heirs of eternal life, and have done everything which is required of them according to the divine scheme of salvation. They do not know, or they never remember, that this belief was explained by Christ to consist in eating the flesh and drinking the blood of the Son of man, — than which anything more different from their own spiritual condition could not possibly be conceived. There are, in fact, two totally dis- tinct kinds of belief. There is one which does not, and there is one which does, affect conduct. There is one which is merely intellectual, and consists in understanding the terms of a pro- position and assenting to it, or not denying it ; and there is another which is emotional, and necessarily passes into action. There is one which produces no perceptible change in a man's life ; and there is another which effects in it a complete revolution. Let me illustrate this. You believe in Mohammed and you believe in Wani of Devotion to Christ. 69 your wife. The first belief simply means, that you have been given to understand that a cer- tain man, named Mohammed, was the founder of a certain religion, called Mohammedanism. You may take an antiquarian interest in this religion; but it does not and cannot have the slightest effect upon your thoughts or feelings or actions. If by some curious accident you had never heard of Mohammed at all, your lives would not be thereby in the slightest degree affected. But does your belief in your wife merely amount to a piece of historical informa- tion that there is such a person ? For good, or for bad, it must be something very different from that. If for good — if your marriage is at all an ideal one — you and she form, as it were, a " two-celled heart beating with one full stroke." She has given a new direction to your thoughts, a new motive to your energies, a new stimulus to your ambition. You have been transformed by your love for her into a different man, into a superior being. Life without her, you feel, would be but a protracted death. She is your "other dearer life in life," "your own self's better part." All that is implied in your belief in her, and would pass through your mind if the belief were ever called in question. 70 Defects of Modern Christianity. This simple illustration will suffice to show that there is the greatest conceivable difference be- tween the active belief which is embodied in life, and the passive belief which is not. Un- fortunately, it has been very common in Chris- tendom to suppose, that faith in Christ consists merely in giving a mental assent to certain propositions regarding Him. And so a most unchristian Christianity has been invented, in which the acquiescence of the intellect is sub- stituted for the outgoings of the heart. To every adherent of this spurious Christianity belongs the reproach, which was once addressed to the Church at Sardis : " Thou hast a name that thou livest, hut thov, art dead." The justness of this accusation can only be denied by giving the lie to Christ. " Except," said He, " ye eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink His blood, ye have no life in you." No words could express a closer or more absolute union. They imply that the nature and characteristics of the Master are " to pass into and become " the nature and char- acteristics of the disciples. And there was a time when some of his followers actually experienced this strange transformation, when some of them were able to say: "For me to live is Christ. It is not I who live, but Christ who.liveth in me." Want of Devotion to Christ. 7 1 How many are there, I wonder, in Christendom to-day, who could honestly say the same ? If you do not love Him, it must be because you do not know Him. Either he is seldom in your thoughts, or you think of Him as a dogma rather than a person. Try and picture Him to yourself as of old He lived, and talked, and worked in Palestine. Eemember how wonder- fully, like no one before or since. He combined all conceivable excellences. He had the tender- ness of the most womanly woman, and at the same time the strength of the manliest man. Though invincible by the temptations which assailed Himself, He was always ready to make the most generous allowance for those who failed and fell. He lived much with God, but this seemed to bring Him only nearer to man. He delighted in solitary communion with the Father, but He was fond also of mingling with His neighbours at their social meetings and festivi- ties. He was keenly alive to the paramount importance of the Spirit and eternity ; and yet no one was ever so thoughtfully considerate for men's temporal and bodily welfare, — He minis-, tered to them in their bereavements and in their diseases. He was not unmindful even of their hunger and thirst. He had the most sensitive 72 Defects of Modern Christianity. nature, which yearned inexpressibly for sym- pathy, and yet He never, for the sake of sym- pathy, swerved from the path of duty. Though all His followers deserted Him, under the con- viction that their confidence had been misplaced. He persevered unto the end. He avoided no effort. He shirked no sacrifice. He shrank from no anguish, by which He might serve the race in revealing God and reconciling man. Think of this and much more in that sad, beautiful, sublime career. Think of Him till you love Him and your love has made you like Him. Nothing short of this will make you what Christ would call a Christian. " Except ye eat the flesh and driak the blood of the Son of man, ye have no life in you." To Job. I. INTEODUCTORY. rPHE Book of Job is one of the least read books in the Bible ; but at the same time, there are few more worthy of our serious atten- tion. If justice is to be done to it, it must be studied as a whole ; and when so examined, it will be seen to stand, both as a work of art and as a book of spiritual instruction, upon the very highest level. In regard to this matter all com- petent critics are agreed. "I call that book," said Thomas Carlyle, " apart from all theories about it, one of the grandest things ever written with the pen. There is nothing, either in the Bible or out of it, of equal literary merit." Similar testimony is borne by Mr Froude. "It is a book," he declares, "of which it is to say little 74 Job : Introductory. that it is unequalled of its kind. One day, perhaps, when it is allowed to stand on its own merits, it will be seen towering up alone above all the poetry of the world." With regard to its date, there has been great diversity of opinion. Some have held that it was of pre-Mosaic origin, written in the age of the patriarchs. For this view there are no good grounds. The hero, it is true, is represented as having lived in that period, but there is nothing to suggest that the book was written contem- poraneously. It has also been placed in the Mosaic period : and, according to a Jewish tra- dition, had Moses himself for its author. This view has little to support it except some trifling affinities to the style of the Pentateuch, and the fact that its writer, in common with Moses, evidently had a considerable acquaintance with Egypt and Arabia. That the book was not written 'before the time of Solomon is sufficiently proved by one characteristic alone — viz., its catholicity of spirit. Such a spirit did not exist among the Jews until that date. It seems to have been the result of the new and wider relation into which they had begun to enter with the more cultivated nations of antiquity. The aim of yob : Introductory. 75 the Solomonic literature was, as Godet says, to find something deeper than Judaism, to dis- cover the man beneath the Israelite, and to discourse of that Eternal Wisdom whose deUght is in all the children of men. This is very strikingly illustrated in Job. Neither the hero nor any of the subordinate characters are Jews ; the place where the events are said to have occurred is out of Palestine ; the worship de- scribed in it, consisting of sacrifices offered by the father of the family, was common among the Gentiles ; and from beginning to end there is no allusion to Jewish history or institutions. " Such a noble universality," says Carlyle, " reigns through the book, that one feels as if it were not Hebrew. It is all men's book." Delitzseh and others assign the Book of Job to the Solo- monic era, when this spirit of catholicity at first arose. There has long, however, been a tendency among scholars to refer it to a much later date. Ewald thinks that it belongs to the great pro- phetic period, and that its author was contem- porary with Jeremiah. To this Mr Froude objects that the prophetic period was an era of decrepitude, dissolution, sin and shame. The energies of the prophets were devoted to rebukes 76 yob: Introductory. and warnings and exhortations. In such a time men would be too absorbed with the present for searching, like the writer of Job, into the deepest mysteries of existence. On the other hand, Dr Samuel Davidson says, it is not likely that the problem of misery would have forced itself upon men's attention during the prosperity of the Solomonic age. He considers Job to have been the outcome, directly or indirectly, of some great national calamity. The literature called Chok- mah or Wisdom, — which sprang up in the time of Solomon and continued to flourish for many centuries afterwards, — Dr Davidson divides into three periods : (1) The period of principles, to which belongs the Book of Proverbs ; (2) The period of problems, when Psalms xxxvii., xlix., and Ixxiii. were written ; and (3) The period of exhaustion, when men had given up all attempt to solve the mysteries of existence. To the last division belongs the Book of Ecclesiastes. Job, says Dr Davidson, was certainly not produced in this period. And he also thinks that it cannot be placed in the first, because the doc- trine of evil belonging to that period is the doctrine of the friends, a view from which this book signalises the final departure. The spirit of Job is that of the Psalms above mentioned yob: Introductory. 77 and of the prophets ; and it must therefore, he thinks, have been written between the seventh and fifth centuries B.C. In regard to the subject-matter of the book, there has been no less diversity of opinion than in regard to its date. Some have thought that it was in the strictest sense historical. This was the ancient opinion both among Jews and Christians. Those who credited Moses with its authorship said that he wrote the opening and closing chapters and compiled the dialogues, from MSS. which he met with during his residence in Midian, in which MSS. the various speeches were supposed to be reported accurately and verbatim. This view, so far as I am aware, has at present no eminent supporter. Others have regarded the book as purely a work of imagination, having no foundation in fact. In the Talmud, for example, we read, " Job did not exist. He was not a man but a parable." The fact of his existence, however, seems to be assumed by the sacred writers Ezekiel and St James. Further, as Ewald justly remarks, the invention of a story without foundation in facts — the creation of a person who had no real historical existence — is wholly alien to the spirit of antiq^uity. And again it is hardly likely that yS Job : Introductory. in any era, however catholic, a Jew would have taken a Gentile to represent the most perfect of men, had the representation been purely fictitious. The truth probably here, as elsewhere, lies between the two extreme theories. The book is neither altogether historical nor altogether imaginary. The main facts of the story were literally trup, and they happened in the patri- archaL age. Job's history was handed down traditionally from generation to generation, grow- ing in volume and beauty, till it was taken up by a post-Solomonic poet and worked into its pres- ent exquisite form. This was Luther's opinion. " I look upon the Book of Job," he said, " as a true history ; yet I do not believe that all took place as it is written there, but that a pious and learned man of genius brought it into it its present form." But who that man of genius was, the world will never know. Now let us inquire for a moment into the purpose of the book. This is generally in- adequately, not to say incorrectly, conceived. According to the popular notion, the writer merely wished to refute the common theory that good men were necessarily prosperous. On the contrary, it seems to me that this theory is rather confirmed than refuted. It is indeed Job : Introductory, 79 shown that the merited prosperity may not come at once. But Job is declared m the, end to have become twice as prosperous as ever. Again, many critics suppose that the chief intention of the book is to prove the power of an unselfish love for God. " Hast thou con- sidered my servant Job," says Jehovah to Satan, "that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil ? " To which Satan re- plies : " Doth Job fear God for nought ? Hast not Thou made an hedge about him, and about his house, and about all that he hath on every side ? Thou hast blessed the work of his hands, and his substance is increased in the land ; but put forth Thine hand now, and touch all that he hath, . . . put forth Thiae hand now, and touch his bone and his flesh, and he will curse Thee to Thy face." The book was written, say certain critics, to refute this cynical supposition. But inasmuch as the supposition is never men- tioned after the second chapter, it can hardly be supposed that the whole poem was written to refute it. In fact no poem, worthy of the name, was ever written to prove or disprove anything. Art cares nothing^ for demonstration. The purpose of the book is someSiing far 8o Job: Introductory. higher than to refute any definite theory or teach any definite doctrine. It is the history of a soul in its struggle after God. The scene of the drama is the heart of Job. Here is a man who by his losses, his bereavements, his horrible disease, and above all by the iIl-ady^ed.££Hiyer- sation of his friends, is driven to the very verge of madness. He had been a good man — the best of men. He had been pious and devout, not merely in outward conduct, but he had lived, as he thought, in filial communion with God. Now, however, it was as if the great Father were dead. Surely He would not otherwise be deaf to such passionate entreaties. Perhaps, after all, he had been but worshipping a phantom of his own imagination; or worse, perhaps the powerful Being, in whom he had believed as a loving God, was but a malignant fiend who took pleasure in insulting him — who had once made him glad only to increase his present anguish. But no ! when he remembers his past experience, there was something too real, too beautiful in it, to admit of this supposition. He will still trust. Perchance the old blessedness may re- turn. And yet, and yet, — and so he goes through all transitions of despair and hope ; " now praying and trusting ; now utterly cast yob: Introductory. 8i down ; now quiet and submissive ; now violent, and ready even to blaspheme ; and at last rising suddenly to a height of rapture in which every- thing disappears in a beatific vision of God." To foUow him in his spiritual experience will be for us a matter not merely of speculative interest, but of real practical value. Job was assailed by no fiercer doubts than may come to us. At any time we may be overtaken by the most terrible calamity. And if not, unless we be very thoughtless, our spirits will sometimes be weighed down by an oppressive sense of the mystery of existence. The waste and cruelty so apparent throughout nature ; the deadly regularity of law going on its relentless course, in spite of the entreaties and groans of the myriads whom it tortures and prematurely slays ; the necessity of believing, if we are to believe at all, not only without seeing, but even in opposi- tion to what we seem to see ; the consciousness that we have sought for God and found Him not, so that there is nothing for it but to say with Job, " Behold I go forward, but He is not there ; and backward, but I cannot perceive Him : on the left hand, where He doth work, but I cannot behold Him ; He hideth Himself on the right hand, that I cannot see Him ; " — such F 82 Job: Introductory. feelings as these may at times weigh upon our spirits like a nightmare, and lead us to exclaim with the poet : — " Who shall read us the riddle of life ? The continual sequence of pain, The perpetual triumph of wrong. The whole creation in travail to make A vietoiy for the strong ? How are we fettered and caged. Within our dark prison-house here ! We are made to look for a loving plan ; We find everywhere sorrow and fear. We look for the triumph of Good ; And from all the wide world around, The lives that are spent cry upward to heaven From the slaughter-house of the ground, Till we feel that Evil is Lord. \ And yet we are bound to believe, — I Because all our nature is so, — In a Ruler touched by an infinite ruth For all His creatures below. Bound, though a mocking fiend point To the waste and ruin and pain ; Bound, though our souls should be bowed in despair ; Bound, though wrong triumph again and again. And we cannot answer a word." The study of Job may help us. He who had fathomed to its deepest depth and its blackest darkness the abySs of despairing scepticism, at- tained eventually to the joy of joys — the hap- piness of a calm and unwavering faith. And so, God helping us, may we. 83 Job. II. CHAPTERS I.-III. rpHE Book of Job naturally divides itself into -*- seven parts. I. The prologue, contained in the first and second chapters, setting forth the early history and circumstances of the hero, and explaining the origin of that terrible mental conflict which it is the chief business of the poem to portray. II. Job's curse, contained in the third chapter. III. A discussion, extend- ing from the 4th to the 25 th chapter, as to the connection between suffering and sin. This discussion, as we shall see, is not introduced for its own sake. It is no mere piece of intel- lectual gymnastic. Its purpose is to unfold and explain the struggle which is going on in the heart of Job. IV. Job's soliloquy in chapters 84 yob: Chaps, i.-iii. 26-31. V. (Chapters 32-37 are an interpola- tion.) The discourse of Jehovah in chapters 38-41. VI. Job's final confession of faith, in the first six verses of the last chapter. VII. The epilogue in the remaining verses. The prologue and the epilogue are but the setting of the poem. They describe the temporal circumstances of the man with whose spiritual experiences the poem itself is concerned. They are written in prose — in order, as I imagine, that they may not be confused with the main action of the drama, which lies in the heart of Job. Many parts of the prologue are fuUy as dramatic and imaginative and poetical in spirit as anything that follows. But had the poetical form been adopted, it would have interfered with the essential unity of the drama as conceived by the author. He intended it to describe the pro- gress of a soul from darkness to light, from scepticism to faith. And to this purpose every- thing is subordinated. We are introduced in the outset to a highly prosperous and a truly good man. He had pro- perty which, estimated at the present value of money, must have made him what we should call a millionaire. He had, we are told, seven sons and three daughters. Large families in Job : Chaps, i.-iii. 85 those days were peculiarly prized, and sons were more valued than daughters : girls, I am sorry to say, were not thought of much account. He was no less good than prosperous : he was a " perfect and an upright man, fearing God and eschewing evil." One characteristic feature of his religious life is mentioned in particular. It seems that his sons were in the habit of holding festive gatherings periodically at each other's houses. There could have been no harm, no impropriety, in the festivals, for their sisters were always invited to join them. But when the feast-days were over. Job offered up sacrifices on behalf of his children. " It may be," he said to himself, " that my sons have abandoned God in their hearts." He was afraid that they might have been led, by their very happiness, into forgetful- ness of God. In a word, for prosperity he was the " greatest man in all the East," and for good- ness "there was none like him on the earth." Now it was such a man as this that, accord- ing to the old tradition, had once been overtaken by the direst calamities with which ever mortal was afflicted. Tradition gave the facts, but it was puzzled by them ; for up to the time when this book was written, suffering was regarded as invariably retributive. The poet wishes to 86 Job : Chaps, i.-iii. intimate, at the outset, that suffering may- have a far higher — viz., a didactic — purpose. It may teach lessons which there are no other means of learning. Job's sufferings, for ex- ample, and the way in which he bears them, go far to prove that men are capable of an unselfish love for God. With a view of suggesting to us the didactic use of suffering, the poet introduces us into the court of heaven. The Ministers of State — " the sons of God," a-s they are here called — are represented as coming to report themselves, and with them comes a being called in Hebrew the Adversary and in our author- ised version Satan. Herder, Eichhorn and others say that he is intended for a divinely commis- sioned recording angel. It seems pretty evident however, that he had not received his commis- sion, like the rest, from the hands of the Lord, for he is asked, " Whence comest thou ? " His is a self-appointed task. He goes about mis- representing goodness, and trying to make out that it is merely a form of evil. He is the impersonation of cynicism. We do not un- fortunately need to go out of the world to find his like. Literature abounds in definitions like the following : Pity is the consciousness that the same calamity might happen to our- Job: Chaps, i.-iii. 87 selves. Love is our belief that we need the beloved object. Liberality is the vanity of giving. Friendship is a mere traf&c, in which self-love always proposes to be the gainer. Gratitude is a lively sense of favours to come. Virtue is doing right according to the will of God for the sake of happiness. All these def- initions imply that human beings, during their progress from the cradle to the grave, are in- capable of a single unselfish thought, of a single generous emotion, and that the best of men are but hypocrites skilfully acting a part, — " Who, trimmed in forma and visages of duty, Keep yet their hearts attending on themselves." On the same principle Satan, when Job is men- tioned to him as a man whom even he would be unable to traduce, throws out the suggestion that the person in question was religious only because he found it paid, that he served God merely for what was to be got out of Him. " Do you think so ? " says Jehovah ; " try him and see." And he tries him. The arch-cynic is here represented as being almost omnipotent for mischiefc On one day Job loses all his property and all his children. But he does not curse God as Satan had predicted. He falls on 88 Job: Chaps, i.-iii. his face and worships. " The Lord gave," he said, "and the Lord hath taken away; blessed he the name of the Lord." The Adversary, however, does not consider himself beaten. With diabolical evil-minded- ness he suggests, that the loss of Job's children was nothing to him so long as his own health was spared : let that be touched and he would appear in his true colours — selfish to the core. Again Jehovah replies, "Try him and see." And now the ruined, childless man is struck with elephantiasis — the worst form of leprosy — ^the loathsomeness of which it is impossible for me here to describe. Job, when he feels himself smitten, goes and sits down on the meebele, — ^" among the ashes" as we have it in our version. This was a heap of refuse lying outside a town or village. It was usually burnt once a-month, and so became a firm, compact mass. It was the regular resort of the homeless and destitute, and of those who were afiflicted with any contagious disease which prevented their being admitted into the society of their fellows. His wife^ finds him in this position, — the ' The commentators have generally treated Joh's wife with great unfairness. yob: Chaps, i.-iii. 89 greatest man of the East sitting beside outcast beggars ! Poor woman ! she could bear it no longer. She had not uttered a complaint at their loss of property ; she had been silent when her children died ; but this more immediately con- cerned her husband, and therefore, like a true woman, she felt it more acutely. She, for her part, now comes to the conclusion that religion is a mistake. " Curse God, and die," she says. " It will be a relief to curse Him. He can but kill you for your pains ; and then at any rate you will have done with this terrible Enemy." Or she may have meant to be even more sarcastic in her expostulation ; for curiously enough in Hebrew the same word, derived from a root meaning to kneel, signifies both to curse and to bless. She may therefore have intended to say, " Bless Him again, and you can only expect to lose your life. You blessed Him once, and He took away all your possessions ; you blessed Him a second time, and He gave you the worst of all possible diseases ; try it once more, and He will kill you for your pains." But Job holds on his way unmoved. The God whom he had loved was, even yet, dearer to him than aught beside. He could have said with Xavier : — 90 Job : Chaps, i.-iii. " My God, I love Thee not because I hope for heaven thereby, Kor yet because who love Thee not Must burn eternally : Not with the hope of gaining aught Nor seeking a reward. But as Thyself hast lov^d me, ever-loving Lord." As yet Job utters no word of complaint. He even attempts, as best he can, to justify the Almighty. " Shall we receive good," he asks, " at the hand of God, and shall we not receive evil ? " Evidently then Job's previous religious- ness had not been mere self-seeking; for now he had nothing, less than nothing, yet he still continued to worship. The author's purpose in this part of the prologue is to suggest to us that he knows the assertion of the adversary to be false. He wishes us to understand that he assumes the possibility of an unselfish piety. Worship, he thinks, should be independent of rewards and punishments. He is possessed and inspired by the idea that God is worthy of being served for nought. Job appears to be fully conscious of the depth of his misery only after the arrival of his friends, who came according to etiquette to pay him a visit of condolence. His affliction and his disease have made such havoc that at first Job: Chaps, i.-iii. 91 they do not recognise him. The only real kind- ness in their power was to mourn with him in silence, and this for a time they did. " They sat round the ash-heap for seven days and seven nights ; and none spake a word unto him ; for they saw that his grief was very great." All this time Job remained brooding over his grief. At last a change comes over him ; his patience gives way ; he is calm no longer, but breaks forth into into a passionate malediction. This is the beginning of the poem. — Perish the day wherein I was lorn. Let it 'he turned into darkness. Let not God regard it. Let those who decide what days are to he urducky join me in cursing it. Let it he a day of blackness and terror and grief, nay, let it pass out of the calendar and he altogether forgotten, because it allowed me to he horn. If it was necessary that I should come into the world at all, why did I not forthwith eocfpire ? I should now have been sleeping quietly with kings and princes, in that happy spot where all are equal and all are at peace; where the prisoner is at liberty and the slam is free; where the wicked cease Jrom troubling and the vjeary are at rest. Or if T could not die as soon as I was horn, ^ 92 jfob: Chaps, i.-iii. why was I not allowed to expire when life became unlearaile? As it is, sighs and groans are my only food. My worst fears, since I became afflicted, have been more than realised. Trouble eometh upon trouble. Death T regard as the msst 'precious treasure. To the grave I look forward as to a happy home. Why is life forced upon me? This brings us to the discussion between Job and his friends. Eliphaz was probably the oldest of the three, for in the East the greatest respect was paid to age, and he always speaks first. He was decidedly the wisest and the' best of them, — a more original thinker, a more gentlemanly controversialist, and a more sym- pathetic, or rather a less unsympathetic, friend. He had something of " the vision and the faculty divine." He had heard voices and talked with spirits from the unseen world ; and it is on this experience that he now bases his argument. Bildad has nothing of his own to bring into the discussion, but he is great in proverbs and in the opinions of the Fathers. He thinks as he does because his reading has shown him that such were the views of his ancestors. Zophar is neither a thinker nor a scholar. He is an ignorant and vulgar bigot. He could hardly yob : Chaps, i.riii. 93 say when or how his opinions first came into his head; he has never asked himself why he believed anything. The fact that his ideas are his own is their all-sufficient justification. A man so pleased with himself is naturally very hard upon others. Accordingly we find Zophar more cruel in his treatment of Job than either of the other two. The discussion consists of three parts. The friends speak in each part, and are separately answered by Job, except on the last occasion, when Zophar, with more sense than we should have been inclined to credit him, holds his tongue.^ The discussion springs out of Job's malediction, which has aroused their orthodox zeal. According to their view of matters, he ought to have been confessing his sins instead of cursing his fate. " A little sympathy on such an occasion would have been worth a good deal of theology." But theology was their strong point, and so they begin to talk it. Their speeches are throughout based on the assumption, that rewards and punishments — of a physical and palpable nature^ — are meted out strictly according to moral 1 See note, p. 139. ' As to other rewards and punishments, see a sermon on " Retribution " in my ' Origin of Evil.' 94 Job : Chaps, i.-iiu desert, that none but the wicked suffer, and that their sufferings are in exact proportion to the magnitude of their sins. This assumption in the old oriental theology is, if you come to think of it, very curious and suggestive. One would have imagined it a most patent truth that, so far at least as superficial observation can detect, men are not dealt with according to their deserts. No doubt violations of natural law are followed by disastrous physical consequences ; and so, if detected, are violations of social law. But with moral offences it is different : there is no visi- ble punishment which invariably follows them. Nature, moreover, often destroys the innocent, and society frequently persecutes its benefactors. Since the world began, the best men, to all out- ward appearance, have often been the most un- fortunate, and the worst men the most successful. The manifest want of adjustment between men's deserts and their external circumstances is, with our modern theologians, one of the strongest arguments for a future life. But formerly, it had been assumed that the adjustment was absolutely perfect. The facts, numerous enough and striking enough, which contradicted the assumption, the older theologians never seemed to see. " Experience," says Mr Froude, " when yob : Chaps, i.-iii, 95 it contradicts our cherished convictions, is like water dropping on the rock, which it wears away indeed, hut only after thousands of years." This theory, as to the exclusively retributive nature of suffering, had formed part of Job's own the- ology; and, as we shall see, the difficulty, or rather the impossibility, of reconciling it with his own experience was one great source of his mental distress. His friends were quite sure he deserved his afflictions. Men are generally very sceptical as to the merits of their neighbours. They were also sure that he should have en- dured them with patience. Other people's troubles are so easily borne. They begin by hinting vaguely that he must have been guilty of some heinous crime, and they exhort him to repentance, in order that he may be forgiven and restored to his former prosperity. But after- wards, when he has indignantly denied their accusations and in the bitterness of his spirit accused God of injustice, they no longer content themselves with hints, but make definite charges against him, anything serving their purpose that happens to suggest itself in the excitement of the moment. His anger cools as theirs gets hotter. At first, when their insinuations were vague, he was half afraid lest his friends might 96 Job: Chaps, i.-iii. be right ; but afterwards the accusations lose all force by their very definiteness, and he becomes quite sure that they must be wrong. He no longer troubles himself about them. They have put themselves beyond the pale of controversy. Though at first they angered him, they have on the whole been leading him to the attainment of peace. Eliphaz by his misinterpreted visions, Bildad by his misapplied quotations, Zophar by his self-complacent stupidity, have been driving him nearer to God. The want of human sym- pathy has been helping him to believe that God, though more just than man, is at the same time infinitely more merciful. As Faber has beauti- fully expressed it : — " There is no place where earth's sorrows Are more felt than up in heaven ; There is no place where earth's failings Have such kindly judgment given. But we make His love too narrow By false limits of our own ; And we magnify His strictness With a zeal He will not own. For the love of God is broader Than the measure of man's mind ; And the Heart of the Eternal Is most wonderfully kind." 97 Job. III. CHAPTERS IV. -X. T HAVE already given you a general idea of the discussion which extends from the 4th to the 25th chapters of the Book of Job. We must now look at this discussion a little more in detail. It is opened by Eliphaz. He acknowledges Job's previous piety, but at the same time sug- gests to him that suffering can only result from sin. He then exhorts him to repent and to be- come pious again, assuring him on these terms of a brilliant future. He begins apologetically — My conscieoice compels me to say something to you. Might I venture to speak without your being vexed? Sow is it that you, who have so often comforted the distressed, are dismayed as soon as calamity comes vpon yourself? Instead of despair- G 9 8 Job : Chaps, iv.-x. ing, you should remember that the innocent never perish. It is only the wicked who are consumed. You need not be ctshamed to own your sin, for all of iis are sinners. This was re- vealed to me once in a vision. In the darkness of the night, when deep sleep falls upon men, a fear came upon me and trembling, a wind swept over my face, and there stood before me a Presence, whose form I could not discern. It spoke in a clear, soft voice, and asked, "Shall mortal rrtan, who is sooner crushed than the moth, be pure in the sight of God his Maker, who chargeth even the- angels with folly ? It cannot be." Ask any of the holy ones themselves, and they will confirm my doctrine. I have watched the wicked, and always found it ill with them. Their property is enjoyed hy robbers. Their children ruin themselves with lawsuits. They themselves prematurely pass away. But this suffering is no accident; it is the punishment of sin. And since all men are sinners, suffering must come, more or less, to all. Man is born to trouble as the sparks fly upward. Your grief is but an extreme illustration of the com- mon rule. Were T in your plajce, I would have recourse to God. Forgiveness and happiness may seem more than you can hope for ; but God is always doing great things past finding yob : Chaps, iv.-x. 99 out. He is continually exalting those that are cast down. Happy is the man whom God cor- recteth. Despise not His christening. It is for your good. His purpose is to make you reflect. God only hruises in order that He may heal. Betum to Him, and your prosperity will be re- stored — nay, increased. In famine He will sus- tain you. In war He will protect you. You will laugh at all forms of danger. Wild beasts will never hurt you. Even the stones of the field will be in league with you, and, instead of obstructing your crops, will give them a more luxuriant growth. Your children will be multiplied as the very grass of the land. You shall go down to the tomb in a ripe old age, like a shock of corn fully rife. This, Job, is my eoeperience. Hear it and learn it for your good. Such is the gist of the speech of Eliphaz, as contained in the 4th and 5 th chapters. If he must preach rather than sympathise, he could not well have preached a better sermon. The harshness of the insinuation that affliction was a judgment, he delicately tempered, by suggesting that suffering was common to man, and by as- suring Job of a happy future if he would but repent. Still it was evident that he had not realised the greatness of the sufferer's grief. lOO yob: Chaps, iv.-x. Had he done so, he would never have at- tempted to assuage it by theology. In the 6 th and 7th chapters we have Job's reply. He begins with upbraiding Eliphaz, and ends with upbraiding God. True, I have been passionate, hut m/y passion is as nothing if com- pared to my grief, which is heavier than the sands of the sea. The poisoned arrows of the Almighty are rankling in my soul. You might have guessed what I was suffering when you heard my complaint. Not even a Vrute cries out without cause ; still less would a rational man. Your moralisings are insipid and disgusting to me. You threaten me with death, if I do not confess that I am guilty. Death is the very thing that I desire. I am not afraid to die, for I have never broken the commandments of the Holy One. Oh that God would crush me out and out, instead of preserving me for this lingering torture ! I would dance for joy under any pain that might speedily end in death. You promise me a happy futwre, if I do confess. But there can be no future for me. It is too late to hope for restored health. I am not made of stone or brass. It is the part of friendship to show pity, otherwise the afflicted may be led into despair and cdheism. My brethren have deceived me. They are like a brook. Job: Chaps, iv.-x. loi which in the winter-time, when it is not wanted, rolls along in a full, turbid stream; hit in the summer, when the parched and thirsty caravans are in need of water, it has dried wp. If I had asked you to give me anything, to help me in any difficulty or danger, I should not have been surprised at your refusing. I never expected your friendship to be good for as much as that. But I only asked for pity, and even this you refuse. You tell me I have sinned, but you do not tell me how. As for the bitter language of my curse, any one but a monster would make allowance for the frenzy of despair. And what I said ahout my innocence was quite true. I can repeat it in perfect calmness. I would not lie to your fa^e. Bo you suppose I have lost all sense of the difference between right and wrong ? You have drawn a pretty picture of a divine Father ; but it would have been truer to the facts if you had talked about a divine taskmaster. Man has a hard service to perform upon earth. As a slave pants for the shadow of night, which will release him from his work, so man pants for death, when his misery will end. As for me, I have been allotted days of vanity and nights of weariness. And there is no prospect of any com- pensation. For this life of ours is but a breath ; I02 Job: Chaps, iv.-x. it has no sooner come, than it has gone from us for ever. Man goes down to Hades, and returns never- more. Me vanishes like a cloud that is dissolved. He will never again see good. God, why dost Thoub torture me thus? Is it lecause Thou art afraid of me ? Can such a poor, worn- out wreck as J, he an object of terror, like an ocean or a sea that needs to be restrained? Let me alone. My days are but a vapour' at the best. Why must I be harassed throv^howt my little span ? Why shouldst Thou give Thyself so much trouble about siuch a pitiful creature as man ? Is it worth Thy while to come inspecting me morning by morning, putting me to the proof moment by moment, scaring me with dreams, terrifying me with visions, making my life a burden too heavy to be borne ? Wilt Thou never take 2%ine eyes off me. Thou spy iipon men ? Perhaps I have sinned, hut what harm have I done to Thee ? If my sin is so distasteful to Thee, why couldst Thou not pardon it, and cause it to pass away ? As for me, I must soon lay me down and mingle with the dust. Job has no sooner ceased than Bildad comes forward, " with a little store of maxims preach- ing down the sufferer's heart." He makes no apology for venturing to speak, but bluntly be- Job: Chaps, iv.-x. 103 gins with a rebuke. How long will you continue to rage? Do you suppose God is unjust? He would not ham killed your children unless they had been grievous sinners. To you an opportunity 0/ repentance has been granted, inas- much as He has spared your life. If you will but become again pure and upright. He will make you more prosperous than ever. Mark me, I do not offer this as my own private opinion. I am but of yesterday and hnow nothing. What I am teaching you has been handed down to us from antiquity, where all wisdom, is to be found. The ancients tell us that a rtian who forgets God can no more prosper than a tree can live without water. They tell us that the hope of the wicked is doomed to disappointment, its foundation being as frail as a spider's web. They tell us that the wicked will perish like a plant growing in stony soil, which is soon destroyed, and leaves no trace of its ecdstence behind. Such is the sinner's joyful career ! But if you will turn to God, your mouth may even yet be filled with laughter. In chapters ix. and x. Job speaks again. He points out that omnipotence is no proof of justice. He tries to show that God is in actual fact unjust; and he concludes by passionately expostulating with the Almighty. I04 Job: Chaps, iv.-x. You say God rewards the good. Well, I know He does; at least He rewards those whom He chooses to consider good. But how is an innocent man to establish his innocence, if God refuses to acknowledge it? He is an almighty Adversary. LooTc at His action in the world around iis. He causes earthquakes and eclipses and tempests, out of mere capricious fury. And not content with devastating nature. He must now he crossing my path, — at least so it seems by the disasters that have been happening to me. He has seized upon my property and my children and my health, and I am powerless to resist Him. I cannot even say to Him, What doest Thou? I am so weak that I dare not complain. I can only sup- plicate my Adversary for mercy. If I ventured to call Him to account, and He were to appear in answer to my summons, I should have no hope thai He would listen to me. He would but redouble my sufferings. He would take away my breath, so that I should be speechless. He would ask me ironically, " Have you summoned me to a trial of strength ? If so, I am ready for you. Or is it a trial of right that you want ? What can be the good of impeaching me ? " I should be so confused and terrified that, however innocent I knew myself to be, I should declare that I was Job: Chaps, iv.-x. 105 guilty, though I should demise myself for doing so all the while. It is all one to me whether I live or die ; so I may as well ^eak out my mind. This talk of yours about His punishing the guilty is non- sense. He destroys the guilty and the guiltless alike. If there is any difference, the guilty have the best of it. The earth seems to ie given over into the hands of the vncked. At the calamities of the righteous, God only laughs. My days are swifter than a courier, and they will soon he over; so that there will be no time for compen- sation. Besides, I know Thou unit not clear me. Well, if I must be guilty, I must be. Thou hast determined to have it so. Were I to wash myself in snow-water and cleanse my hands in potash, Thou woiddst thrust me into a ditch, and make me so foul that my very garments would shrink from contact with me. I am helpless. He says I am guilty, and I cannot disprove it ; for He is God, and I am only man. There is no arbiter to come between us, no mediator to reconcile us and explain us to one another. If there were, I would speak and not be afraid : for I am innocent ; I know no cause for fear. And speak I wUl, even a^ U is. I can hut lose the life which I loathe. In the bitterness of my soul I will say io6 Job: Chaps, iv.-x. unto God, Show me wherefore Thou contendest with me. Is it becoming in Thee to oppress the weak, to give prosperity to the wicked, to demise the very work of Thine own hands ? Can it he that Thou hast only human eyesight, that Thou hast been misled as to m/y real character ? Or is it that Thy days are numbered, and that Thou hastenest to glut Thine anger before Thou art no more? Thou knowest I am not guilty, yet Thou inventest sins of which to accuse me. Thy hands fashioned me, yet now Thou art destroying me. Oh rememher how soon I must return to dust! Orux thou didst grant me favour. Once Thou didst watch over me and guard me. But Thou must have been hiding malice in ThAne heart all the time. Thou wast preserving me only to amuse Thyself with my anguish. That this was Thy purpose, I know. It mattered not whether I was innocent or guilty. Sad I done wickedly. Thou wouldst have taken vengeance on me. Had I been righieous. Thou wouldst have been doubly angry. Thou wouldst not have permitted me to hold up my head; Thou wouldst have suborned witnesses to convict me; Thou wouldst have proved Thyself omnipotent for my discomfiture. Oh to be as though I had not been ! Would thai I had been carried from the womh to the grave ! But yob: Chaps, iv.-x. 107 as it is, forbear ! Get Thee gone ! Leave me alone, that I may know some little comfort, before I go away into the land from which there is no return — that land of disorder and of gloom, where the very light is darkness. In this state of mind we must leave him for the present. The burden of his complaint, you will have noticed, has been twofold. He laments, first, that God, by so grievously afflicting him, has virtually declared him to be pre-eminently sin- ful; and secondly, that his little span of life is being wasted in anguish, when it is the only life he will have. He has spoken words which fall little, if at all, short of blasphemy. But these words were the natural product of his ; creed. The theology in which he and his three friends had been instructed, contained at least two seriously erroneous doctrines. It taught that suffering was an invariable proof of the ( divine displeasure; and it also taught that human life ended with the grave. It is in the light, or rather in the darkness, of these doc- trines, that Job has hitherto been studying his experience. No wonder he despairs. io8 Job. IV. CHAPTERS XI.-XVII. TT is now Zophar's turn to speak. He has -*- only the same doctrine to preach as Eliphaz and Bildad, and he is a vastly inferior preacher. But, with the self-conceit natural to an ignorant man, he seems to think that he alone can satis- factorily answer Job's arguments. Yowr hoastfwl icibblings about your purity shall not go unanswered. Would that God might ap- pear to you as you have wished ! He would soon make you conscious of your guilt. You would then see that your punishment was less than you deserved. What do you know about God ? Are you acquainted with the heights and depths and lengths and breadths of the divine yob: Chaps, xi.-xvii. 109 perfection? Iniquity cannot he hid from Him, a'nd natMing can hinder Him from jpunishing it. He sees evil even when He seems to see it not. A man may be as stupid and intractable as a wild ass's colt, but Gqd can make him wise. Do you, therefore, draw near to God, having first put away your iniquity. Then you will once msre be able to hold up your head. The light of pros- perity will dawn upon you, arid become brighter than the glory of noon. Peace and hope and safety will be yours, and many will pay court to you. But as for the wicked, they shall perish. Their hope is as fleeting as the sigh of an expiring man. Job in his reply gives a long harangue on the power of God. He wishes his friends to see that he can be as eloquent on this subject as they can; but in opposition to them he maintains that Providence, so far from being strictly retributive, is arbitrary, or at any rate inexplicable, in its action. He declares that he will summon his divine Adversaiy to a formal trial ; and, as though the trial had been already instituted, he demands to be informed of what he is accused. But failing to elicit any response, he relapses again into his old despond- ency. For a moment it occurs to him that there no Job: Chaps, xi.-xvii. may be a future life: but he dismisses the thought as a vain delusion. No doubt hut ye are the people, and wisdom vnll die unth you. Wliy, you have been uttering truisms. I know l^iese things, and every one knows them as well as you. To think that I should have become a laughing- stock to my friends, — /, the just, the innocent, the religious man, a laughing-stock ! It is the way of the world to treat the unfortunate with contempt. But as for the wicked, they are never unfortvmate. Tranquil are the tents of the spoilers. Those who recognise no God but their fist are always prosperous. What you say about the power of God is true enough, but not original. Any one may see the hand of Jehovah in bird and beast and fish, no less than in the human race. From Him every creature derives its breath. You have been quot- ing proverbs, but proverbs are not to be accepted indiscriminately. We must inquire if they agree with facts. No doubt wisdom is to be looked for in the aged, but in its perfection it exists only in God. If we would be wise, we must examine His ways for ourselves; and when we eacamine them, what do we find ? Why this, that they are alto- gether inexplicable. What He destroys is never Job : Chaps, xi.-xvii. 1 1 1 repaired. From His prison-house there is no deliverance. He sends on men now a deluge, and now a drought. With Him undovhtedly is wisdom and strength; but that is all we can say. We cannot see the reason of His actions. Men are deceived, and deceive one another, because He vnll have it so. Kings and priests, senators and judges. He carries away into captivity. The strong He makes weak, the wise foolish, the eloquent speechless; upon the nobles He pours contempt; the most cherished secrets He brings to light. At one time He exalts a nation ; at another time He destroys it. At one time He makes it prosperous; at another He plunges it into adversity. The leaders of the people He deprives of their leadership, and they find themselves wandering in a pathless waste, groping about in darkness, staggering like drunken men. This is the result of my experience. Yov, have only been patching up old saws; and a bungling piece of patchwork you have made of it ! The wisest thing you could do would be to hold your tongue. My answer to you is this: You do not believe what you say. You say it because you think it is the correct thing to say. You have been telling lies for God. You have been, playing the part of sycophants. But He will not be imposed on by your flattering speeches. 1 1 2 y^ob : Chaps, xi.-xvii. He, does not want your dishonest support. He will only punish you for your pains. You have threatened me with His appearing. But what if He appears against YOU ? Your old saws will not avail you then. Be silent. Come what will, I am determined to speak out. He may slay me — He very likely will, hut I will defend myself. This surely should speak for my acquittal. A sinner would not dare to come before Him. I am ready to begin pleading. I have set my cause in order. I know that I have right on my side. Where is the man that can bring any accusation against me ? There is no such man. If there were, I should die, of shame. But Thou must grant me two conditions, God, or the trial will not be a fair one. Remove my pain, so that I may think ; and divest Thyself of Thy Majesty, so that I be not affrighted. Then I am ready to be either plaintiff or defendant. Do Thou acame, and I will answer. Or let me speak, and do Thou respond. Art Thou silent ? Then I must open the case for myself. How many are my iniquities ? Show me my transgressions. Thou mukest no reply? Why dost Thou hide Thy face and treat me as a foe ? Is Thy eonditct worthy of Thee ? I am feMe as a driven leaf. Wliy dost Thou hunt me ? The sins that I com- yob: Chaps, xi.-xvii. 113 mitted in my early years, when I knew no letter, have been long since put aside. And yet Thou dost punish me for them with this hitter punish- ment, confining me to the ash-heap, where I lie wasting away. And mine is no isolated case. Man that is horn of woman inherits all her frailty. He lives hut a few days, and even those are full of trouble. He is fragile as a flower, and fleeting as a shadow. Oan it he right that a creature so frail and evanescent, so loaded with sorrows, should he dogged with an incessant and suspicious vigilance, and called to a stern, judicial account ? Canst Thou expect a clean thing to come out of an unclean? Thou hast ordained man's days to he few and evil. Thou hast given him hut a paltry nature, of which hut little can he made. Canst Thou not let him alone in his misery, till the days of his servitude are over ? Man is the most miserable object in the world. Even a tree may hope to renew its life from time to time ; hut man giveth up the ghost, and where is he ? When he lieth down, he riseth nevermore. Bat may it not be that mun shall rise again ? Oh that Thou wouldst keep me in the under-world until Thy wrath be past ! Perchance man rtiay live even after he has died. Oh that Thou wouldst appoint some time in that future life for the res- H 114 yob: Chaps, xi.-xvii. toratim of Thy favour ! If only I had such a hope, I would wait patiently all through the days of my servitude. Surely it will he so. Thou must yearn towards the work of Thine own hands. But no ; instead of this yearning towards me, Thou art dogging my steps, watching eagerly to catch me in sin, treasuring up against me my every slip. As water wears down the stone, as floods wash away the soil, as everything in nature changes and passes away, so dost Thou destroy the hope of man. Thou prevailest against him, and disfigurest him. Thou bringest him into such a condition that he cares no longer for his nearest Join. He can think only of himself and of his pain. So ends the first part of the discussion. In the second, the friends no longer try to prove that the good always receive good from God, They content themselves with reaffirming that the evil always receive evil. They begin to treat Job as a hardened sinner for whom there can be no hope. They do not now urge him to repent. Job, on the contrary, is making progress faith-wards. At times he is as sad as ever, as impatient of the truisms of his friends, as fierce in resenting the wrong done him by God and man. But on the whole he is calmer than yob : Chaps, xi.-xvii. 1 1 5 before : he begins to hope ; sometimes he does more than hope — he feels certain that all will by-and-by be well. Of this we shall meet a remarkable illustration in the next sermon. Eliphaz opens the second part of the discus- sion as he did the first. He is still less incon- siderate than the other two. But even he is by this time very wroth. He tells Job that he is self-condemned — condemned by his own impious language ; and then he paints a sombre picture of the doom that awaits the wicked. Having no more visions to relate, he now falls back, like Bildad, upon tradition. Ycni say you are as wise as we are ; iut you do not talk like a wise man. Your arguments prove nothing. Your words are as meaningless as the wind. When a man, once noted for piety like yourself, behaves in this way, he brings religion into contempt. Your own mouth convicts you, for you say that God is unjust. Pray, are you the oldest member of the hwman race ? Bo you belong to the Privy Council of the Almighty ? Has no one any wisdom but yourself? What do you know that we do Tiot know ? Why, on our side are hoary -headed men, older than your father. With delicacy and consideration we have offered you the consolations of God, but you have spurned ii6 Job: Chaps, xi.-xvii. them. How is it thM you are so carried away with passion, as to speak blasphemy ? You talk about your sinlessness. Why, the very angels are not faultless ; the heavens are impure in the sight of God: how, then, can man be pure? Man drinheth in iniquity like water ; he is altogether loathsome and unclean. Listen to me, and I will give you the result of my experience. What I tell you is supported by the authority of my ancestors, who were never corrupted by heathen superstitions. As long as the wicked lives, he suffers torment and is in slavery. Terrible sounds are ever in his ear. Even in times of peace the spoiler falls upon him. He is marked out for the sword. He. cannot tell where he may find bread to eat. He is in constant dread, until at la^st he is destroyed. He set himself against God, and proudly dared the Almighty's curse : but he shall never be rich. Any wealth he may acquire soon passes away. He has no hope of ever escaping from the darkness that envelops him; nay, he knows that a yet darker day is coming. The only light he will ever see is the fire that shall consume his children. He himself wUl be destroyed by the breath of God's mouth. Fool that he is, let him expect nothing but evil as a reward for his deeds ! He shall die prevMturely, yob : Chaps, xi.-xvii. 1 1 7 his children having perished be/ore him. The punishment of his doings is mischief, disappoint- ment, ruin. Job begins to reply to Eliphaz with a few sarcastic personalities, but soon turns to God in a passionate utterance of mingled complaint and entreaty, interspersed by occasional flashes of hope. Tou are miserable comforters, all of you, with your empty truisms. What can induce you to talk as you do ? Suppose you were in my place, and I were to string together maxims against you, and shake my head in disapproval of you, and offer to console you with heartless words, how would you like it ? But ah me ! neither speech nor silence can make much difference to my grief. My strength is exhausted. I am shrivelled up. My emaciation is a witness against me. God, like a beast of prey, is pursuing me with glaring eyes and gnmhing teeth. My friends are at His heels, ready to devour me. He seizes me by the throat. He shakes me and rends me in His fury, and then flings me to the yelping pack. He has set me up as a target : His arrows are flying all about me ; they pierce to my inmost soul. He has stormed me like a fortress, and laid me low in the very dust. My eyes are red with weeping. The shadows ii8 yob: Chaps, xi.-xvii. of death are gatheririg about me. And all this when I have done no iniquity, when I have teen a sincere worshipper of God. earth, earth, that refuseth to drink the Hood of the inno- cent, let my blood lie on thy breast, crying out in my behalf until I be avenged! I feel that I have a witness in heaven. I will turn from the friends who mock me, and look up beseechingly unto God. Though He is my Adversary, I will ask Him to be my Arbiter — to right me even though He condemn Himself — to declare me innocent before my fellows. But it must be quickly done ; for in a few short years I shall have reached the end of that path along which no traveller returns. My life is fast ebbing away. There remains for me nothing but the grave and the mockers who perpetually pravoke me. God, wilt Thou not give me some present pledge of my future justification ? Wilt Thou not bind Thyself to appear for me ? They are so heartless and foolish. Thou wilt never give the vic- tory to them ! They have been untrue to the duties of friendship ; and they or their children must suffer for it. As for me, I am become a byword, an object of scorn, among men. My eye is dim with grief. My lirribs are wasted into shadows. Good men are astonished and indignant at the treaiment I am receiving. Nevertheless I Job: Chaps, xi.-xvii. iig ayn righteous. I will hold on my way, amd in the end I shall find support. Do not go away, my friends. Return to your argu- ments. I am ready for you. There is not a wise man among yov,. My days are run out, my most cherished purposes are frustrated. You would try and persuade me that light may arise out of darkness. But it cannot he. If I have any hope, it is to reach my home in Sades. I have grown so familiar with the thought of death, that I say to the grave, Thou art my father ; and to the worms. Ye are my sisters. Death is my only hope; and it will be realised when I mingle with the dust. Once again we must leave Job in the very- depths of his divine despair. But it is, you will observe, a (£mwe_despair. It is caused by the conviction that some unaccountable misunder- standing has arisen between himself and God. Acutely as he feels his sufferings, he declares that he could bear them all with patience, if only he had the most distant hope of this mis- understanding being removed. Even when his words come nearest to blasphemy, we can detect in his heart the unspoken cry, — " Whom have I in heaven ' but Thee ? and there is none upon earth that I desire besides Thee." I20 Job. V. CHAPTERS XVIII. -XXI. TT7E have now reached Bildad's second speech. He gives a graphic account of the punish- ment which overtakes the sinner, working into his description with cruel ingenuity, some of the very calamities which had fallen upon Job. Bow long will you continue to speak without having anything to say ? What business have you to treat us as though we were unreasoning brutes ? You talk of God rending you in His anger, but it is you who are rending yourself with your furious passion. What is the good of it ? The divine laws are unulterdble. Do you suppose they are going to be set aside, that you may escape the punishment of your sins ? TJie prosperity of the wicked does not last. His ambitious schemes Job : Chaps, xviii.-xxi. 1 2 1 only end in ruin. He is taken in his own snares. Sis footsteps are dogged hy alarms. Destruction lies in wait, ready to devour him. Leprosy, the first-horn of death, eats away his limbs. He is torn from his home and dragged before the King of Terrors. He is hunted out of the world and thrust into darkness. Strangers dwell in his tent. His children are destroyed by brimstone. He leaves no survivors behind him. His very name is forgotten in the land; or, if remembered, it will only be with horror and disgust. Such is the doom of him who knows not God. Job in his next speecli declares, more emphat- ically than ever, that his sufferings are not reconcilable with any known principle of divine government. He makes one final appeal to his listener's pity — an appeal of heartrending pathos. But they offer no response. As they sit beside him in grim silence, he feels more keenly than ever his loneliness and misery. It was well that they did not respond ; for only after their persistent cruelty had made him supremely con- scious of the magnitude of his woe, did he gain a belief in the resurrection of the dead. He once dismissed the idea of a future life as a delusion. But at last he sees it in a new light; it appears to him to be a necessary 122 Job: Chaps, xviii.-xxi. truth. He, sitting there on his ash-heap, rotting away in agony ; his friends, whose lives had certainly not been better than his own, looking down upon him with self-complacency and con- tempt, — what possible justification, what conceiv- able explanation of this could there be, but the fact that there was another life, in which such inequalities would be corrected ? So certain does he now feel in regard to the resurrection, that, before declaring his belief in it, he caUs special attention to what he is about to say, implying that it is not the transitory feeling of the moment, but a profound and unalterable conviction. How long will you rack my soul with your words ? You ham shamelessly overwhelmed me with reproaches. You have exhausted every form of insult. If I had sinned, you need not have troubled yourselves, for you. would not he answerable for it. But if you must meddle with me, let me tell you, I have NOT sinned. T have not brought my misery on myself, like your " wicked man." I am not taken in my own snares. It is God who has fking His net about me; and in doing so. He has treated me wrongfully. I protest against the wrong, but I am not answered. I cry aloud, hut I get no justice. He has blocked up my way so yob : Chaps, xviii. -xxi. 1 2 3 that I cannot pass. Se has surrounded me with darkness. He has stripped me of my honour, and taken the crown from my head. All is over. Even of my hope He has hereft me. He is so enraged that He is sending forth His troops in lattle array against me. He has made me such an object of loathing and contempt thai my neigh- bours will have nothing to do with me. My kins- men stand aloof from me. My acqimintance have forgotten me. My servants treat me as a stranger, and will neither obey my commands nor listen to my entreaties. I am become offensive even to my wife. The very children despise and ridicule me. My bosom friends abhor me. Those whom I loved are turned against me. All that I had has been taken away. I am reduced to the shadow of my former self. Have pity on me, have pity on me, ye my friends, for the hand of God hath smitten me ! Are you not satisfied with what I am already suffering ? Why must you join with God in persecuting me ? But stop. I see a great light. I should like what I am about to say to be written down, to be graven on the eternal rocks. I know that there lives for me an Avenger, and that He will by-and- by stand over my grave, and pronounce my cause just. My body will be destroyed, but without it 124 Job: Chaps, xviii.-xxi. I shall see God. Yes, I myself shall see Him. Gome, happy day! As for you, 1 if you persist in persecuting me, beware of the \ sword of my Avenger. Zophar now speaks again. To a man like \ him there is no sin so heinous as that of heresy. Job had by this time clearly proved himself heterodox. He did not receive the accepted notions about suffering, and he was full of new-fangled ideas of his own — as, for example, this theory about a resurrection. And such a heretic had ventured to threaten him — Zophar — with the divine disapproval. No wonder the foolish man was angry. And he thought, of course, that he did well to be angry. " His wrath was but the resentment of wounded pride, but he mistook it for the inspiration of religious zeal." The wicked man whom he now describes, in whose portrait he intends that Job shoiild see himself, is no ordinary sinner, but a very mon- ster of iniquity. The penalties attached to such extravagant wickedness Zophar proceeds to enu- merate, in language the coarseness of which I shall be obliged- to do him the injustice of somewhat toning down. He begins in a con- fused sort of way. He feels he must say some- thing, but he hardly knows what. yob: Chaps, xviii.-xxi. 125 / am burning to reply. I am ashamed at hav- ing been sicbjected to such reproaches. I have an answer in my head, if I could only bring it out. Do not you know that from the beginning of the world, the triumph of the wicked has only endured but for a moment ? Though in his pride he exalts himself to the very heavens, he shall be cast aside like the vilest refuse. He shall pass away like a dream, perishing completely as if he had never been. He will be compelled to restore his Ul-gatten gains. His children will have to beg from those whom he once impoverished. He shall go to the grave in his youthful vigour. As a gourmand dallies with a dainty morsel, which when it is swallowed turns to poison within him, so he voluptuously lingers over his sin, which in its effects wUl be gall and wormwood. The days of his luxury will come to an end. His dishonest gains he will have to disgorge. He ill-treated and despoiled the poor; his greed knew no bounds; n/}thing was safe from it. But his enjoyment shall not endure. In the fulness of his abundance he shall be straitened. Everything that can make a man wretched shall come upon him. In the midst of his gluttonous feasting he shall find him- self surfeited — surfeited with fire and brimstone from God. If he escapes one danger, it shall only 126 Job: Chaps, xviii.-xxi. he to fall into another. He lives in constant dread. Sis treasures are doomed to destruction. Fire from above shall devour everything that he hath. Heaven and earth shall unite to reveal his iniquity and to ensure his ruin. He and his children shall be utterly destroyed. This is the portion appointed for the wicked by the Lord. Job in his reply follows Zophar's speech almost point by point, and shows that, generally speaking, the wicked are not visited by any of the punishments which Zophar has mentioned. Let me at least have the consolation of answering you. Give me a fair hearing ; and after that, if you are not convinced, you may mode me as much as you please. My complaint is against God, and I have good ground to make it. If you would but look at me, you must be struck dumb with astonishment. Even as I think of it I tremble. Why is it that the wicked live on to old age and acquire power? Their homes are free from fear. Their children are established prosperously around them. They are visited by no chastisement from God. Their flocks thrive and multiply. Their children may be seen in troops, dancing for joy. Their days pass away in mirth. Even when death comes, it comes kindly and suddenly. Yet they have been saying all their Job: Chaps, xviii.-xxi. 127 lives, " Depart from us, God, for we do not care to know Thee; what is the use of serving the Almighty ? " Their pro^erity comes I know not whence; hut however it comes, I would have none of it. Far from me he the devices of the wicked. How seldom is the pros- perity of the wicked cut short ! How seldom does God apportion them any calamity ! How seldom does He hlast them with the destruction they deserve. God, you will say, punishes the children for the in- iquities of the fathers. But that is no punishment at all. It is the sinner himself, and not his chil- dren, who should drink the wrath of the Almighty. What cares the wicked man for his -posterity, so long as he is allowed to live out his time in peace ? In setting up your own opinions against facts, you are virtually sitting in judgment upon God. You say that retribution should he exacted ; hwt it is not, not even in death. Death is as uncial cts life. One man dies after years of prosperity ; another in hitterness of soiil hefore he has ever tasted good. They lie doum side hy side in the dust, and the worms do their work upon them hoth. I know what you are hinting at, when you say that the uncked are destroyed. But it is not true. It may have heen so in your small eocperiemce. But ask those whQ 128 Job: Chaps, xviii.-xxi. have, travelled, ask those, who have seen more of the world, and they will tell you a different story. They will tell you that many a proud and cruel despot has altogether escaped calamity. He is so powerful that no one dares accuse him, that no one can retaliate on him. He is carried to the tomb in pomp. A monument is erected in his honowr. The clods of the valley lie softly upon him. His success induces many to follow him along the same flowery, well-trodden path of sin. Your arguments are fallacious, and your consolations are just as worthless. So ends the second part of the discussion. The more the friends persist in asserting their doctrine that the wicked only suffer, and that they suffer in proportion to their wickedness, the clearer does it become to Job that the doc- trine is contradicted by experience. But they remain blind to the contradiction. In most debates three out of four debaters argue, not for truth, but for victory. So it was here. How completely the minds of the three were closed against new ideas, is curiously illustrated by the fact that they take no notice of Job's assertion regarding a future life. They pass it by as unworthy of comment. They had never before heard any mention of such a doctrine ; and to Job: Chaps. xviii.-xxL 129 minds so constituted it would therefore seem but the wandering of a diseased imagination. I had better, perhaps, ask you specially to notice exactly what it was that Job said upon this subject. The passage in our Authorised Version is very much mistranslated. In my paraphrase of his speech I gave you his mean- ing in modern English. A more literal trans- lation of the Hebrew would be this : " I know that my Avenger liveth, and He wiU stand at last over my dust ; yea, after my skin, when my body is destroyed, without my flesh I shall see Him. I shall see Him for myself, through my own eyes and not through those of another. For that my heart pines away within me." A Hebrew would understand by the Avenger the nearest relative of the deceased, whose busi- ness it was to take cognisance of any wrongs that had been done to his departed kinsman. Job's idea then is, that there will come a time when God, who seems now to have forsaken him, will act the part of this avenging friend — that the Almighty will one day stand solemnly over his grave and conclusively vindicate his character. Further, Job believes that he himself will be then alive : though his flesh will have seen cor- ruption, yet with the eyes of a spiritual body he I I30 Job: Chaps, xviii.-xxi. ■will behold his divine Avenger. It was a mar- vellous anticipation of St Paul's teaching, that the death of the natural, is the birth of the spiritual, body. "Flesh and blood cannot in- herit the kingdom of God." " Thou, sowest not the body that shall be. . . .It is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body." " We know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle [our physical body] were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands [a spiritual body], eternal in the heavens." While, then, the friends are gaining nothing by the discussion. Job has already gained much ; he has won in fact " the blessed hope of ever- lasting life." His experience, so far, is beauti- fully expressed by some lines of Mr Greg's : — "Around my path life's mysteries Their deepening shadows throw ; And as I gaze and ponder, They dark and darker grow. Yet still, amid the darkness, I feel the light is near ; And in the awful silence God's voice I seem to hear. But I hear it as the thunder. Or the murmuring of the sea ; The secret it is telling, — But it tells it not to me. Job: Chaps, xviii.-xxi. 131 Then I ask the wise and learned If they the thing can show ; But the longer they discourse thereon, The less I seem to know. So I seek again the silence, And the lonely darkness too ; They teach me deeper lessons Of the Holy, Vast, and True. And I hear a voice ahove me Which says, — ' Wait, trust, and pray ; The night will soon be over, And light will come with day.' To Him I yield my spirit. On Him I lay my load : \ Fear ends with death ; beyond it I nothing see but God." ! Job. VI. CHAPTERS XXII. -XXVIII. TXTE have now reached the third and last part of the discussion. Eliphaz is by this time so very angry as to be scarcely distinguish- able from poor Zophar. He accuses his suffering friend of the most vulgar and brutal crimes. At the close of his speech, however, he seems to feel some little compunction, for he once more promises the divine forgiveness to Job if only he will repent. Qod gains nothmg ly the goodness of the good. He loses nothing by the badness of the had. Sis motives in punishing men must be disinterested^ and therefore just. You have summoned Him to your bar but He will not condescend to argue with you. Nor is there any need. Your iniquities yob: Chaps, xxii.-xxviii. 133 are great and endless. You have distrained the poor, wh&n you yourself were well off. Yon have stripped the beggar of his raiment. You have withheld bread from the famishing, and water from the faint. You have acted as if no one hit your strong proud self had any business in the land. You gave no assistance to the widow ; and you wrested from the orphans their means of support. This is why you are beset with dangers and alarms. This is the cause of the mental darkness which envelops you, and the flood of misery which is overwhelming you. Do you think God is so eocalted that He cannot see men's doings ? Do you suppose that, as He dwells above the clouds, the sinner is hidden from His view ? It is an ancient path you are treading, — the path of the men of sin who were swept away prematurely by the Deluge. This was their punishment for say- ing, " What is the use of serving the Almighty ? " Suddenly their firm foundation became a flowing stream. They had been for a time in great pros- perity ; — but far from me be the devices by which such prosperity is attained ! We righteous rejoice when we see the discomfiture of our adversaries — the wicked. We laugh when tliey and their sub- stanM are destroyed. Make friends now with God, and then peace 1 34 y^^b : Chaps, xxii.-xxviii. and, •prosperity will retwm to ycni. Listen to His precepts, and cherish them in your heart. Give up your sin,, and you will he restored. Learn to regard gold as dross, and God will become your treasure. You will be able to hold up yowr head before the Almighty. He will no longer be deaf to your prayers. Yowr enterprises will all be aitended with success. Your votive offerings mil be accepted. The light of prosperity will ever shine upon your path. Nay, you will be able, by quoting from, your own experience, to cheer those who are cast down. Your prayer will prevail, even for those who are not without sin. Job in his reply complains that God is hid- ing Himself from him — that he hides , Himself from the race. He points out how large classes of men live, through no fault of their own, in the most abject misery and servitude, while their oppressors have a good time of it and go down to the grave in peace. Yet God never interferes. So far from retribution being regular, as the friends say, it would seem as if there were no such thing as Providence. / will still persist in my complaint. Loud and bitter as it is, it does not express my anguish. Oh that I knew where I might fmd Him ! I would press even to His throne. I would lay my yob: Chaps, xxii.-xxviii. 135 case hefore Him, aTid pour out argument upon argument ; and then I should hear what He had to say againM me. Instead of contending with me in the greatness of His strength, He would listen to tne ; and, as I am upright, I should he acquitted once for all hy my Judge. But I do not know where to find Him. Behold, I go towards the east, but He is not there ; and west- ward, but I cannot perceive Him: towards the north, where He is working, but I cannot see Him ; and southwards He concealeth Himself, so that I cannot find Him. If He would try me, I should corns forth as gold. I have walked, God knows, in His way. I have obeyed His command- ments. I have "preferred His will to my own. But He is not to be turned from His purpose. What He has decreed for me He will carry out. It is His UfSual way. Therefore I am trovhled at His presence. When I think of His decrees, I am afraid. I am unmanned and rendered speech- less, not by my sufferings, but hy the thought that they have been inflicted on me by Ood. It is He who has filled me with confusion. Why does not God appoint days of judgment, so that those who believe in Him might SEE some- thing of His providence ? The wicked steal their neighbours' possessions, and rob even the widow 136 Job: Chaps, xxii.-xxviii. and the fatherless, reducing them to such poverty that they have to eat roots and herbs, like the wild asses of the desert. Or if they are taken on to the estates as serfs, not so much as clothes and shelter are given them for wages ; and they are drenched by the winter storm, unless they can find a cleft of the rock in which to hide themselves. The oppres- sors will steal the very infant at the breast and sell it into slavery. There is none so poor as not to be robbed by them. Their slaves carry their corn, but are left to hunger; and tread the wine-vats, but die of thirst. The cities too, like the country, are full of groaning slaves ; and mingled with their groans, you may hear the cry of wounded soldiers, whose lives the oppressors have flung away. Yet God heedeth Twt their wrongs ! Then there is another class of evil-doers, such as the murderer, the thief, the adulterer. To all of these the light is hateful. They shut themselves up in the daytime, but come forth in the dark to their housebreaking work. Night has no terrors for them, but they are as frightened of the dawn as of the shadow of death. It mny be that the heritage of such men is cursed, but they themselves glide quietly down the stream of life. They have passed away before the curse comes into effect. They are cut off by no terrible catastrophe. Death removes them in as gentle a yob: Chaps, xxii.-xxviii. 137 manner as the snow is melted by the sun. They plundered the vei-y widows, and God saw them doing it, hut none the less He sustained and pro- tected them. They lived in ease, they were for- tunate, they died in a ripe old age. Which of you can say that this is not so ? Bildad's third and last speech is perhaps his best. It is the least unkind, the least irrelevant, and the shortest. He no longer attempts to prove his old thesis. He no longer recriminates his friend. He merely restates a doctrine fre- quently mentioned by Eliphaz — the doctrine, viz., of the infinite distance between God and man, and the consequent impurity of the latter. This has, of course, nothing to do with the main argument, as to whether great suffering be a sign of great sin. But it is relevant to Job's asser- tion that he is sure of a complete acquittal. With God is absolute dominion. He r^ileth the multitude of the heavenly host ; and by His rule they have peace. His glory shines through them all. Hven the moon's silver sheen appears soiled in His eyes. The very stars to Him seem impure. How, then, can that worm — man — be pure ? The awesomeness of the divine Majesty, upon which Bildad has thus briefly touched, has a fascination for Job in his present mood ; and so,' 138 yob: Chaps, xxii.-xxviii. after a few personalities, he begins to discourse upon it himself. / aw, weak and in need of help ; hut do you suppose thai your speeches are any good to me? You have poured out a flood of words ; hut do you think they contain instruction ? You give forth your commonplaces as if they had come to you hy special revelation. As for the ma- jesty of God, yes, even in the under-world His presence is felt. The very shades of the dead writhe with fear when He looks at them. He stretched out the vault of the heavens, and poised the earth in space. He restrains the waters in clouds as it were in vessels ; hut these very clouds hide His throne from our view. He has sur- rounded the earth by an ocean, which extends to the confines of darkness. The mountains are con- vulsed hy His anger, and they quake. He rouses the sea into a storm ; and when it is fiercely rag- ing. He smites it, in its pride, into a calm. When the dragon swallows up the sun and so causes an eclipse, God drives him away, and the heavens again hecome bright. And these are BUT parts of His ways. He reveals Himself to us in nature gently, as hy a zephyr. But the thunder of His omnipotence, deafening hy excess of sound, who can hear ? yob: Chaps. xxii.'Xxviii. 139 Here the formal discussion may be said to end. Chapters xxvii. to xxxi. constitute what is generally called Job's soliloquy. He now rises into a higher style of speech, called in the English version parable, or, as it should rather be, strain. This term is never used except for discourse of a peculiarly elevated type. He begins by modifying some of his previous state- ments. He found, on reflection, that he had not done sufficient justice to the arguments of his friends, and that he had pushed the facts which he adduced in opposition further than they would legitimately go. He now admits that, as a rule or at any rate very frequently, the wicked are punished.^ But he feels this wiU not explain the mystery of his own suffer- ing. Great though his anguish be, it is not the anguish of the wicked, for he can still cUng to God. The fact is, as he proceeds to show in 1 Many critics say that verses 13-23 were really uttered by Zophar. But they are not at all in Zophar's style. And it seems more likely the poet would represent Job as admitting, after he became calmer, that very often the wicked are overtaken by visible punishments. Yon will observe, however, that "the wicked" are here described as being altogether, hope- lessly destroyed, in contrast to Job himself, who has a hope after death (v. 8), and who is able, even in the midst of his trouble, to call upon God and confidently invoke Him for justice (9 and 10). 140 Job: Chaps, xxii.-xxviii. chapter xxviii., they had all been attempting to solve an insoluble problem. Why he has been called upon to suffer was, and must continue, a mystery. He points out the limitation of human faculties, and maintains that while man is cap- able of marvellous attainments, there are yet many matters of which he must always remain ignorant. Men's achievements in mining opera- tions seem to have struck him as the most stupendous proof of human power. He gives, therefore, an eloquent account of the miner's work ; and then goes on to contrast man's knowledge in such matters with his ignorance in regard to the purposes of God. We may dig into the earth, he says in effect, and ab- stract its hidden treasure, but we cannot pene- trate into the heart of God. " His ways are past finding out." As God liveth, though He hath denied me justice and embittered my soul, while I live I will never speak the thing that is Tiot true. Far he it from me to alloto that your charges against me are just. Till my last expiring breath I will maintain that I am innocent. My conscience does not reproach me. It is not I who am wicked, but my foes. Wretched as is my lot, it is not the lot of a sinner. However prosperous he may he in life. yob : Chaps. xxiL-xxviii. 1 4 1 he, has nothing to hope for after death, as 1 7iow have. He does not, as I do, delight himself in God, and confidently invoke Him for jvstice. God does not hear his prayer a^ He will hear mine. I will explain to you how the hand of God is manifested upon the wicked; and yet you have seen it for yourselves, so that there is no excuse for your foolish speaking. This is the doom of the wicked. He may have many children, but they shall perish hy the sword or hy famine ; and if any survive, they shall he destroyed hy a pestilence — iy a pestilence so dreadful that not even their widows will follow them, to the grave. He may amass gold as though it were hit dust, and raimervt a,s though it were of no more value than mire, but eventually his property shall all be enjoyed by the righteous. The house which he builds himself is fragile and destructible as the moth's. His riches vanish in a moment ; and in the twinkling of an eye he himself is no more. Terrors overtake him like a flood. Beaih shall carry him away siidderdy like a whirlwind. God shall shower evils upon him without sparing, and men shall regard his discomfiture unth scornful derision. The cause of my suffering cannot be discovered. It is one of the unsearchable secrets of God. Man 142 Job: Chaps, xxii.-xxviii. has found, the, veins of silver and the places where gold-dust may he washed out. He has discovered the iron-mines, and the rocks which contain copper. In his mining operations he invades the kingdom of darkness; and, passing through the subter- ranean rocks, penetrates, as it were, into the very Uackness of death. He sinks his shafts deep down below all human }idbitaiions, and carries on his work far away from the sound of human footsteps. The under parts of the earth he blasts by fire, in order to reach the precious stones and the nuggets of gold. The path thither neither the eagle nor the hawk have seen, neither the lion nor the tiger have trodden. This is man's prerogative. No difficulty can stop him. He assaults the granite rock, and uproots the mountain from its base. He dams vp the waters, and turns them into channels of his own con- triving. Bid what of wisdom? what of the understanding which comprehends the divine pro- cedure ? That is beyond man's faculties. He knows not .her abode. She is not to be found with mortals. The sea saith. She is not with me. The abysmal depth which feeds the sea replies, Nor with me. Neither silver nor gold can buy her. Corals and crystal are not to be mentioned in comparison with her. The topaz yob: Chaps, xxii.-xxviii. 143 of Ethifypia is inferior to her. The price of wisdom is beyond pearls. Where, then, does wis- dom dwell, and how shall she he obtained ? Her cbbode is hidden from every living eye, yea, even from the fowls of heaven with all their powers of divination. Hades and death, which reveal so many secrets, have to confess that they have heard hut the va^guest rumours of her. He only who can look to the ends of the earth, who can observe all that is under heaven, God alone, has seen the abode of wisdom. When He was weighing out the winds and rrmism%ng the waters, giving a law to the rain and traciiig a path for the lightning, then He saw her and gave her a place in His creation. But He perceived that she was beyond the reach of human faculties. Man can never comprehend things as God comprehends them. We may attain to perfect goodness, but not to ■perfect knowledge. To man, therefore. He said, — " The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and to depart from evil is understanding'' 144 Job. VII. CHAPTERS XXIX.-XXXI. TN the last sermon, we broke off in the middle -*- of Job's soliloquy. Having summed up the debate, he now falls into a less argumentative and a more pensive mood. He gives a pathetic description of his former prosperity, full " of the tender grace of a day that is dead." We learn that he was the sheikh, not of a nomadic, but of a settled clan ; that his estate was situated in the suburbs of a well-ordered city ; that he had held the office of a judge, and had been uni- versally respected and beloved. After review- ing his former life, he passes on to contrast with it his present position. Instead of being rever- enced by the highest, he was now despised by the lowest. The base-born churls, to whom he yob: Chaps, xxix.-xxxi. 145 refers as the most virulent of his insulters, were probably the aborigines of the Hauran, conquered and dispossessed by the superior race of which Job was chief. They would no doubt be glad of an opportunity for revenging themselves, such as was afforded by his present misery and help- lessness. Job brings his soliloquy to a conclu- sion by reasserting his uprightness, and giving a minute description of the irmocency of his past life. His conduct, we shall see, had fallen little, if at all, short of that inculcated by the Sermon on the Mount. Oh that I were, as in months of old, in the days lohen God kept guard over ine, when I walked in the light of prosperity, which He caused to shine ahov,t me, — in those golden days of the autumn of my manhood, when the Almighty dwelt as a friend in my tent, when my children were yet about me, and nature showered her choicest blessings on me with unstinted prodigality ! If I went into the city, and sat in its gate as a Judge, young men withdrew as being unworthy even to salute me, and the grey - headed arose and remained staTiding. Princes and nobles were silent when I unshed to speak. All who had ever seen me or heard of me, had something to say in my praise. For I rescued the helpless out of their troubles, I filled K 146 Job: Chaps, xxix.-xxxi. the widow's heart with joy, and I saved many who were on the point of perishirig. I was so upright a judge, that I seemed as it were to he clothed with righteousness and crowned with equity. I was eyes to the Hind, and feet to the lame, and a father to the poor. T pleaded the cause of the alien for whom no one cared, and I took the prey out of the very teeth of the oppressor. So I thought to myself, I shall lengthen out my days like the phoenix, and when death comes at last, it will find me still in my happy home. I thought that I was like a tree abundantly nmirished by water and by dew, and that my glory and strength would be perennial. Men waited for my advice, and never gainsaid it. My discourse seemed to them as refreshing as harvest -showers. However despondent they were, my smile was able to revive them. I sat among them as their leader, as their king, as one who comforteth mourners. But now, instead of the old respect, they that are yoimger than I insult me. The fathers of those who mock me were thievish outcasts, whom I would not have trusted a^ I did my dogs. And they themselves are enervated creatures, having not strength enxmgh to perform any decent work. They are lean from famine ; their only bread is what they can find in the desert-wastes. They Job: Chaps, xxix.-xxxi. 147 gnaw wild roots like beasts. They have heen driven away from human society like the thieves that they are. Base - horn wretches, they were hounded out of the land. They dwell in gloomy caverns, or herd together among the bushes. The jargon that they talk sounds like the braying of an ass. These are the men to whom I have be- come a by-word — a theme for their comic songs ! They shun me, and hold themselves aloof ; or if by accident they come near me, they do not hesi- tate to spit in my face. They insult me withovi restraint. They set themselves studiously to destroy me. They bring accusations against me — me, who was once their judge ! They press upon me like besieging troops, this rabble of outcasts, so helpless but for evil. They cast up their works against me ; they make wide breaches in my ramparts ; they pour in through the ruins they have effected. I am terrified at their violence. And so my pristine honour is driven away, like a cloud before the blast of the storm. My soul is dissolved in complaint. Days of misery hold me in their power, and will net de- part. In the night my bones are pierced with anguish, and my gnawing pains never sleep. My torture clings to me like a closely fitting garment. Thou hast humbled me to the dust. I cry to 148 Job: Chaps, xxix.-xxxi. Thee, and Thou answerest me not. I stand up to attract Thy attention, and Thou unit not look at me. Thou art changed. Thou hast become very cruel to me, and dost press me hard in Thine 07nnijootence. Thou dost cause me to vanish like a cloud before the storm. I know that Thou hast determined to bring me to the grave — the. house of assembly for all living. It is no good praying when He raises His hand against one. And yet I cannot help crying out, useless cos my cry may be. What am I the better for having sympathised with the lonfor- tunate ? Instead of the bright prosperity which I expected, the blackness of adversity has come upon me. This is why my heart is so indignant. My skin is blackened by the fever of my leprosy ; it bums into my very bones. The shrieks that I utter are shrill as those of a jackal. The melody of my life has been changed into grievous discord. I was chaste even in my very looks ; for I knew that God beheld all my ways, and would bring calamity upon the sinner. If I have ever tv/rned aside from the paths of rectitude at the bidding of evil inclinations, if there is any stain of sin upon my character, then let my harvests fail and let the fruit of my labours be enjoyed by others. Were yob: Chaps, xxix.-xxxi. 149 God only to weigh me in an even balance, He would discover my integrity. If my heart has ever been ensnared hy my neighbour's wife, then may my own wife become another's slave. It would have been in me an infamous crime; I should never have prospered ; it would have been my ruin. If I had ever refused justice to my servants, I should not be now demanding it before the bar of God : for are we not the children of the same Father ? If I have been unmindful of the necessities of the poor ; if I have increased the widow's sorrow, in- stead of helping her in her distress, as it was my lifelong practice to do; if I have neglected the fatherless, instead of treating him as a son ; if I have seen any perish for lack of clothing, instead of warming them with the fleece of my own flock; if I have used my judicial authority to the detri- ment of the orphan, — then may my shoulder fall from its socket, and may my arm be broken at the joint. I could not have done such things, for the fear of the Lord was ever before me. If I have set my affections upon gold, and exulted in the great- ness of my wealth ; if I have dishonoured God by kissing my hand to the sun or to the moon ; if I have cursed my enemies, or even rejoiced in their adversity; if I have not opened my doors to all comers ; — the men of my household will testify to ISO Job: Chaps, xxix.-xxxi. my hospitality; if, like so rtmny, I have been guilty of sins which I kept secret, for fear of losing the esteem of my inferiors and iny peers : Oh that there was one who would hear me ! I present my written vindication to my Almighty Adversary. Oh that He, in return, would write out my indict- ment ! I would njot conceal it, for there would he no fear of its revealing my shame. I would wear it as a badge of honour, as a symbol of victory. I would tell Him all my doings. I would hide nothing from Him. I would come before Him, not as a guilty sinner, but with the pride and dignity of a prince : If I have been guilty of any griev- mis sin ; if, for example, my land cries out against me that I have wrongfully possessed myself of it, if it weeps for its rightful lord, if its fruits have come to me by robbery or murder, — then in future let thistles spring up instead of wheat, and instead of barley noisome weeds. So ends the soliloquy. Here follows in our version, the speech of Elihu. But those best able to judge are agreed, that this speech did not belong to the Book of Job as it came from the hands of the author. The chief arguments against its genuineness are the following. 1. Elihu's speech destroys the connection between Job's last remarks in the soliloquy and the yob : Chaps, xxix.-xxxi. 1 5 1 speech of Jehovah. The latter is introduced with the words, — " The Lord answered Job," and this implies that Job had just been speak- ing. 2. Elihu's speech weakens the speech of Jehovah, inasmuch as it anticipates the appeal to the divine power and wisdom, upon which so much stress is there laid. 3. It is inconsistent with the speech of Jehovah, for it professes to give a logical solution of the mystery of suffer- ing. 4. The language and style of Elihu's speech differ greatly from those which we find in the rest of the poem. It must have been written, according to Dr Samuel Davidson — who is perhaps the highest authority on the subject — at least a hundred years later than the original work. The Eev. Samuel Cox, to whose book I am indebted for many useful suggestions in the pre- paration of these sermons, has made an eloquent defence of the speech. His strongest reason, however, for believing in its genuineness is, that " it adds something to the argument of the poem ; that it meets and refutes the main positions taken up by Job." But as I endeav- oured to show you in my introductory remarks, and as we shall see more clearly still in the next sermon, the poem is not an argument at 1 5 2 Job : Chaps, xxix. -xxxi. all. It is the history of a soul's experience. The long discussion which Job is represented as carrying on with his friends, is only intro- duced for the sake of unfolding and explaining the various stages of doubt and despair through which the sufferer passed. Elihu's discourse, on the contrary, completely destroys the unity of the poem. He had attained, no doubt, to somewhat clearer views, as to the meaning of suffering and the dealings of God with man, than were possessed by the afflicted patriarch.^ But just for that very reason, we may be sure, such a speaker would never have been introduced by the author of the poem, who was an artist of the very highest type. A true poet does not, of course, work in everything that he knows, but only such portions of his knowledge as will con- duce to the perfecting of his poem. The fact that the author of the Book of Job could have thrown light upon some of Job's difficulties, was no sort of reason for his doing so. He conceived of Job as a man in whose mental experience these diffi- culties had never been logically answered. In the poem therefore, which is devoted to describ- ing Job's experiences, logic would be out of place. If argument had been the poet's aim, there surely ' See pp. 171-181. yob: Chaps, xxvx.-xxxi. 153 would have been a splendid display of it in the climax of the poem — viz., in Jehovah's speech. But there is none. That speech is not an argu- ment at all, but a mere outburst of feeling. It is an appeal to the emotional side of Job's nature, not to the intellectual. But the copyist I who interpolated Elihu's speech did not see the purport of the poem. Though strong in logic, he was weak in art. He imagined that the author's chief purpose was the discussion of mental diffi- culties, not the description of mental experience. He was probably, like the character whom he interpolated, a young man, full of the impetu- osity and conceit from which very few young men are altogether free. As he read the poem, he was astonished to find that his own pet ideas had not been introduced. Feeling that he had it in his power to answer some of Job's objec- tions, and to set the three friends right, he could not bear that this ability should be wasted. As the discussion goes, ia his view of it, limping along, he feels constrained to interfere. He fancied he was coming to the assistance of the poet by strengthening his argument, when in reality he was only spoiling his poem. In the original poem then. Job's soliloquy, which finished in chapter xxxi., was immedi- 154 Job: Chaps, xxix.-xxxi. ately followed by Jehovah's speech, which begins in chapter xxxviii. This speech we shall have next to consider. In the meantime, let us just notice the state of mind in which Job at present finds himself. He is now comparatively calm. He has attained to a belief in the resurrection of the dead, and therefore his affliction can never again appear to him so desperate as it did, when he supposed that Ms little all of life was being swallowed up in calamity. But the most fervent faith dn another world wUl never make it agreeable to suffer in (his. He is still as much puzzled as ever in regard to the why and wherefore of his afflictions. He knows of no other meaning in suffering than punishment ; and punishment, he is sure, he has done nothing to deserve. He longs as much as ever for an explanation. He has found out that the solu- tion of the problem is beyond the reach of human faculties. But he wants a special rev- elation. He would like to hear an explanation from the lips of God Himself. He no longer gives vent to blasphemous recriminations against God. He no longer explicitly accuses the Almighty of injustice and tyranny and cruelty ; but he is, nevertheless, quietly, despondently sceptical. God, at any rate, he feels,_j)iust yab : Chaps, xxix.-xxxi. 155 have forgotten him. There is a verse in Aus- tin's " Human Tragedy " which exactly expresses his mental condition. We have all, I suppose, at times felt constrained to ejaculate the same bitter cry : — " Stupendous Power ! that, secret and afar, Sitt'st on Thy throne, where none may come to Thee, fling the gates of heaven ajar. That for one moment suffering flesh may see Thy face, and what Thy darkened judgments are ! Are war and sin and sorrow Thy decree ? Is Fate our Father ? Thou art supremely strong. And we so weak ! How long ? Lord, how long ? " i.s6 Job. VIII. CHAPTEES XXXVIII.-XLII. TXT'E have now come to the speech of Jehovah. ' ^ " The Lord answered him out of the whirlwind." This is the oriental way of saying that it was the sight of a storm, which led Job into some such train of thought as that which follows. Generally speaking, men see God most distinctly in what is strange and appalling. In Longfellow's "Evangeline" we read for example: ' ' Keenly the lightning flashed, and the voice of the echoing thunder Told her that God was in heaven and governed the world He created." The same truth is asserted by the falling dew. But for one who will observe God speaking in the still small voice, there are — even in the yob: Chaps, xxxviii.-xlii. 157 nineteenth century — thousands who will hear Him in the thunder-peal. And the ancients were even less affected than we are by any natural phenomenon which was quiet and com- monplace. This was the reason why the poet adopted a storm as the vehicle of the divine suggestions. Jehovah's speech is somewhat as follows : — Who is this that obscures the ways of Providence by his foolish words ? Prepare now for the con- test with me which thou hast desired. I vnll question thee, and answer me if thou can^st. Where wast thou when I founded the earth ? Tell me, how was it done ? Who determined its measurements ? and on what were its foundations laid ? Did you hear God's elder children rejoicing over this new creation ? Who was it, at the birth of the sea, Trmde clouds into garments for it, and mists into swaddlin^-dothes ? Who was it that re- strained the ocean as by bars and gates, and said to it, " Hitherto shall thou come, but here shall the pride of thy waves be stayed " ? Hast thou ever commanded it to be night, or taught the dawn when it was to appear and disperse the works of darkness ? — Row wonderful is the dawn ! All the features of the landscape stand out in relief, and the earth decks herself with her gayest colours. Night is the 158 Job: Chaps, xxxviii.-xlii. sinner's day, but with the dwwn his fell purposes are stopped. — ITast thou gone to the sources of the sea, or traversed the abysses of the ocean ? Save the gates of death been opened for thee ? Tell me, dost thou know the earth in all its length and breadth ? Where does light dwell, and where darkness ? Evidently thou leddest them to their place, and hast often since been to visit them ! How vast must be the number of tljy years ! Hast thou entered the store-house of the snow, and seen the arsenals of hail which I reserve for con- flict with my enemies ? How is the light and how is the wind distributed over the earth ? Who is it that forms channels for the rain, so that it waters definite portions of the earth; and even unpeopled deserts are not forgotten ? Do you know the father of the rain, or the sire of the dew-drops ? Are you acquainted with the mother of ice and of hoar-frost ? How is it that water becomes compressed, as it were, into stone ? Canst thou string together the stars that form the cluster of the Pleiades, or unbind Orion's belt ? Canst thou make the constellations appear in their season ? Hast thou determined the influence which they shall exert upon the earth ? Dost thou know the laws which govern them ? If thou commanded, will the clouds bring rain ? If thou callest for yod : Chaps, xxxviii.-xlii. 159 the lightnings, will they say, Here we are ? Who is it that tilts the clouds, so that their contents are poured upon the earth as from bottles ? Turn now to the animal creation. Canst thou find prey for the lion ? When the young ravens cry unto God in their hunger, canst thou provide them with food ? Canst thou trace the life of the rock- goat from its beginning ? Who was it gave the wild ass his love of freedom, and Tnade him dwell in the wilderness in scornful cont&mpt of men ? Canst thou make a slave of the bison, and compel him to plough thy fields or to carry thy com ? Hast thou given birds their instincts ? Why is the stork so careful of its young, and the ostrich so careless? The latter, on the approach of the huntsmen, leaves her eggs to be trodden underfoot. She is as indifferent as though they were not her own, for God hath denied her wisdom. Dost thou give the horse his strength ? Hast thou provided him with his quivering mane ? Hast thou given him his caracole ? His very snorting spreads terror. He rushes in his pride against the arms of the enemy. He laughs at fear, and is not dismayed though the arrows rattle upon his side. He recoils neither from sword nor from spear. He cannot contain himself at the sound of the trumpet. At every blast he neighs aloud in his i6o yob: Chaps, xxxviii.-xlii. eagerness for the battle. He scents it from afar, with the thunder of the captains a-nd the shouting. Is it thy cunning that taught the hawk to fly southward in tlu, winter-time ? Both the eagle build its eyrie on the top of lofty crags, because thou hast so comrnanded it ; or didst thou implant in him his propensity to swoop down at the sight of blood ? Then Jehovah said to Job, Will the eensurer of the Almighty still contend with Him ? Let him who accused God now reply. Then Job an- swered and said, Lo I am weak, what can I reply ? I must be silent : I have spoken, but I will say no more. In plain English, Job hints that he is being overwhelmed rather than answered. So Jehovah speaks again. Prepare thysdf for the contest like a man. I will question thee, and answer thou me. Wouldst thou impugn my jus- tice, and condemn me to clear thyself? Hast thou, then, an arm of power like God ? or canst thou thunder with a voice of terror like His ? Deck thyself now with pomp and majesty like mine, and array thyself in glory and splendour. Give free course to the floods of thy wrath. Humble the proud with a look. Trample the wicked in the dust, and cover their faces with the shadow of death. Then I will praise thee as thou hast been praising thyself. yob: Chaps, xxxviii.-xlii. i6i / vnll acknowledge that thy power is equal to my ovm. Behold now the hippopotamus, whom I made as well as thee. His hones are like tubes of brass, and his ribs like bars of iron. He is God's master- piece. With his tusk he can mow the grass as with a scythe. He is not put about even though the river overflows its banks and bursts upon him. Yet, strong as he is, men put cords through his nostrils and catch him, even when he has his eyes wide open. The crocodile on the contrary, because I have otherwise ordained, thou canst not catch. Canst thou pass a rope through his nostrils, or pierce his jaws with a hook ? Will he entreat thee with soft words for thy mercy ? Will he sell himself to thee into slavery ? Canst thou muke a plaything of him for thy children ? Are the fishermen able to trade in him? Thou canst make no impression on his hide. If thou offerest him battle, woe betide thee; thou wilt not do it a second time. He is not dismayed when he sees thee ; no one would be so daring as to anger him. — And yet thou wouldst venture to stand up against me, his Maker, who am under obligation to no man, to whom all things under heaven belong. — / wUl not he silent about his members and the beauty of his structure. Who can lift up his coat of mail ? Who will open the doors of his L 1 62 Job: Chaps. xxxviii.-xlii. face? Rmhvd about his teeth is terror. What a pride he takes in his shielding scales, fitted together so closely that not a hreath can come between them ! Sis eyes with their red glow are like the eyes of the morning. Fire and muike seem to •pour forth from his nostrils, so that his breath might kindle coals. In his neck dwells swperhv/man strength. Despair springs up before Mm. He is as destitute of fear as the hardest stone. When he rouseth him^df ths bravest are filled with terror. Let any one attack him, it will be in vain. Sword and javelin and dart are all useless against him. He regards iron as draw, brass as rotten wood, avd sling-stor^es as so much chaff. Arrows do not move him. The club affects him no more than stubble. He laughs at the shaking of the spear. He is armed underneath with spikes like those of a threshing-sledge. He causes the sea to boil like a caldron. He leaves a glistening track behind him, which gives to the water the whiteness of hoary hair. There is not his like upon earth. Created devoid of fear, he can look the loftiest boldly in the face. He is king of all the sons of pride. Then Job answered and said, / know that Thou canst do all th/ings, and that nothing is too hard for Thee. Thou saidst, " Who is yob: Chaps, xxxviii.-xlii. 163 (hat is obsau/rvng Providence with foolish words ? " I confess I have spoken of things I understood not. When I said, "Listen to me while I ask Thee questions," I had hut heard of Thee with the hearing of the ear ; hut tww mine eye seeth Thee : therefore I retract, and repent in dust and You will observe that this confession of sin is not a renouncing of his integrity. The sin he acknowledges is not one of which a human being could have made him conscious. He had been aU along, as is expressly stated in the epilogue, far more righteous than his friends. But he now began to feel " That merit lives from man to man, But not, God, from man to Thee," — that however much better he might be than the rest of his neighbours, he was yet not faultless in the sight of God. He perceived that Grod was r . ■ not only more powerful than man, but also holier x^i and wiser, more to be trusted than the treach- j erous human heart, than erring human reason. I need not detain you more than a moment over the epilogue. I must just remind you that, like the prologue, it is written in prose, and belongs, not to the poem itself, but merely to its 1 64 Job : Chaps, xxxviii.-xlii'. setting. The most interesting verse in it is the first. The Lord said to Eliphaz, " My wrath is kindled against thee and against thy two friends ; because ye have not spoken of me aright as my servant Job hath." At times Job had spoken foolishly ; but stiU he had honestly, by terrible mental conflict, worked his way to the conclu- sion that God would do him justice sooner or later, in the next world if not in this. Whereas his friends had been telling lies to prove their piety. They had groundlessly accused him of the niost grievous crimes, rather than admit a defect in their orthodox theology. The only other noteworthy point in the epilogue is Job's restoration to prosperity. It reads in our modern eyes like an anti-climax: the attainment of faith is something so infinitely higher than the possession of " fourteen thousand sheep, and six thousand camels, and a thousand yoke of oxen, and a thousand she-asses." But at the time when the poem was written, any other dAtuymirmnt would have been considered unsat- isfactory. Every one then believed that good conduct must necessarily lead to good fortune. So that in no other way could Job have been thoroughly vindicated in the estimation of con- temporary readers. Job: Chaps, xxxviii.-xlii. 165 For the few moments that remain to me, I must return to Jehovah's speech. Is it not very | disappointing ? We could not help hoping that ' it would throw some light upon the mystery of existence ; but it does not. Job complains that he is suffering wrongfully, that the ways of Pro- vidence are apparently unjust and capricious. Jehovah's only reply is to enumerate instances illustrative of His own omnipotence. The answer seems altogether irrelevant, and yet it satisfied Job. How was this ? It is curious and instructive to notice that all books of a similar nature are equally disappoint- ing. " From the ' Confessions ' of St Augustine down to Newman's ' History of my Eeligious Opinions,' there have been hundreds of books which have professed to give the history of an inquiring human spirit, sounding its dim and perilous way across dark seas of doubt to the clear rest and haven of faith. But read which of these books we may, we find in it two singular phenomena. First, so long as the author sets forth the doubts and perplexities by which he has been exercised, we find his words instinct with life and passion and power — they commend themselves to our understanding, and excite our sympathy ; we find that he is happily expressing 1 66 ^ob : Chaps, xxxviii.-xlii. thoughts and emotions which have often stirred within our own souls. But, — and this is the second and more striking phenomenon, — no sooner does he begin to tell us what it was that solved and conquered his doubts, than a thick bewildering haze settles down on his words ; they neither commend themselves to our sympathies nor convince our judgment. We cry in disappointment, ' Is that all ? ' What is there m thai, to induce faith ? The man has not fairly met one of his doubts, nor solved one of his problems; he has simply evaded them, and crept by an illogical by-path to a tame and impotent conclusion." The fact is, a complete logical solution of the problem of existence is unattainable byus. Every thoughtful man from the beginning has puzzled over it, and still it remains unsolved. Logic in this matter can go but a very little way. Last year I discussed with you the mystery of suffering from the logical point of view,^ and you remember how little we were able to make of it. We could just discover that sometiTnes suffering was productive of good ; but we could only hope, we could not prove, that in all cases it was beneficent. Hence it is that 1 See ' Origin of Evil.' yob: Chaps, xxxviii.-xlii. 167 no man has ever been driven to faith by logic. But though scepticism cannot be destroyed by argument, it may be conquered by emotion, and it is for the sake of rousing emotion that the ' author represents Jehovah as appealing to nature. The poet of nature has told us : — " One impulse from the vernal iroods May teach us more of man, Of moral evil and of good, Than all the sages can." The purport of Jehovah's speech is to inspire Job with awe and trust, by giving him a keener sense of Nature's mysterious sublimity. Of course the speech is ancient, not modern, in its tone and tenor. Men in the time of Job had but a very superficial knowledge of natural phenomena. They had attained to no general conceptions, such as those of law, force, con- sciousness, life. They had but little apprecia- tion for the beauty of natural scenery. It was the unusual that chiefly attracted their attention. It is curious that the first half of Jehovah's speech produces less effect upon Job than the second. He is sUenced by the mention of light and dew and rain, the instinct of birds and the gentler phases of nature ; but he is not subdued. It is the description of the hippopotamus and \ 1 68 yod : Chaps, xxxviii.-xlii. the crocodile which bends his haughty spirit. A modern poet would, of course, have omitted the second half of the speech and amplified the first. He would have pointed out how the conflicting forces of the external world work together for the production of harmonious and desirable results. He would have drawn at- tention to some of the innumerable instances of beneficent adaptation with which Nature teems. Above all, he would have laid stress upon the fact that she is at times so passing fair, and that her beauty makes us conscious of "A presence that disturbs us with the joy Of elevated thoughts." But the aim of the modern poet would have been identical with that of the author of the Book of Job, viz., to suggest, as vividly as possible, the wonderfulness — awesome and at the same time hope-inspiring — of the world and of life. The Book of Job has frequently been com- pared to Goethe's 'Faust ' and to the 'Prometheus' of ./Eschylus. And no doubt there are interest- ing analogies between them. But understood as it ought to be understood — -^egaxded^as^Jhe history of a soul — the poem which most closely resembles it is Lewis Morris's "Evensong." yob: Chaps, xxxviii.-xlii. 169 There the poet, like poor Job, passes through all phases of doubt and despair, and like Job he event- ually attains to faith. But in the modern poem, just as .we might naturally expect, God is found by the troubled soul, not in a thunderstorm, but in the quietness and beauty of eventide. "And through all the clear spaces above — O wonder! glory of Light ! — Came forth myriads on myriads of worlds, the shining host of the night, — The vast forces and fires that know the same sun and centre as we ; The faint planets which roll in vast orbits round suns we shall never see ; The rays which had sped from the first, with the awful swift- ness of light, To reach only then, it might be, the confines of mortal sight. wonder of Cosmical Order ! Maker and Ruler of aU, Before whose infinite greatness in silence we worship and faU! Could I doubt that the wiU which keeps this great universe steadfast and sure, Can be less than His creatures thought, full of goodness, pitful, pure? Could I dream that the Power which keeps those great suns circling around. Takes no thought for the humblest life which flutters and falls to the ground ? 170 yob: Chaps, xxxviii.-xln. Faith ! thou art higher than all.— Then I turned from the glories above, And from every casement new-lit there shone a soft radiance of love : Young mothers were teaching their children to fold little hands in prayer; Strong fathers were resting from toil, 'mid the hush of the Sabbath air ; Peasant lovers strolled through the lanes, shy and diffident, each with each. Yet knit by some subtle union too fine for their halting Humble lives, to low thought, and low, but linked, to the thinker's eye, By a bond that is stronger than death, with the lights of the farthest sky: Here as there, the great drama of life rolled on, and a jubilant voice Thrilled through me ineffable, vast, and bade me exult and rejoice : ' Exult and rejoice, soul ! ' sang my being to a mystical hymn, As I passed by the cool bright wolds, as I threaded the pine- woods dim ; ' Rejoice and be sure ! ' as I reached my home under the hill, Wrapt round with a happy content, — and the woeld and MY SOUL WERE STILL." 171 Eliku's Speech. JOB XXXII. -XXXVII. TTTHEN" we were considering the Book of Job, we omitted altogether the speech of Elihu, which is manifestly an interpolation. It interferes with the unity and natural develop- ment of the poem. It attempts a logical solution of some of the difficulties Job had started, and a logical solution is altogether alien to the spirit of the poem itself. It is curious to notice the different opinions which have prevailed among commentators as to the worth or worthlessness of Elihu's remarks. One, for example, calls him a pert and braggart boy, of weak and rambling speech; while another believes that his teaching is too wise and author- itative for merely human lips, and so supposes him to have been the second person in the Trinity. Instead of "Elihu, the son of Bara- 172 Elihus speech. chel, the Buzite, of the tribe of Earn," as we have him described in our version, the latter commentator reads : " Elihu, the blessed son of God, of the lineage of the Most High." In reality, however, Elihu speaks just as a moder- ately intelligent scribe might be expected to speak. And if we take his speech by itself, out of connection with the poem which it mars, it becomes interesting and suggestive. The new speaker is introduced with the remark that his wrath was kindled against Job for justifying himself, and against the friends for condemning him without being able to prove that he had done wrong. He begins apologetically. / am young and ye are old. . But, after all, it is not years which teach wisdom ; that only comes from the inspiration of the Almighty. Therefore listen to me. None of you has refuted Job. I gather from your silence that you have perceived your failure. But as for me, I am full of words. I can restrain myself no longer. I must speak out. And I intend to speak plainly my honest conviction. Although I am hut a man, I feel that I am inspired by the Almighty. I could hardly believe my ears, Job, when you said, " I am pure and spotless and free from sin. God is spying out all my ways, determined to Elihtis Speech. i "jt^ c