S 75.A3g Cornell University Library 3 1924 017 321 252 Cotnell XHnivetsit^ LIBRARY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ENTOMOLOGY mew l?ork State College of Hgrtculture SLINGERLAND COLLECTION ^y^.±^7 2J...l.r,-.a^.. Cornell University Library The original of tiiis book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924017321252 QENERAL INDEX MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS, Including the Transactions of the STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, 1849 TO 1S50. AND THE ANNUAL REPORTS STATE BOARD OF AGRICULTURE, 1862 TO 1888. BY AUTHORITY. LANSING, MICH.: DARIUS D. THORP, STATE PRINTER AND BINDER. 1889. LETTEH OF TRANSMITTAL. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Office op the State Board of Aqrioulture, Agricultural College, July 1, 1&89. To Hon. Cyrus G. Luob, Governor of the State of Michigan : Sir — I have the honor to submit to yoa herewith as a supplement to my Annual Report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1889, the accompanying general index of the Agricultural Reports of Michigan from the first volume of the transactions of the State Agricultural Society in 1849 to the Twenty- seventh Report of the State Board of Agriculture in 1888. Very respectfully, HENRY G. REYNOLDS, Secretary of the State Board of Agriculture. PREFACE. This index is offered for the assistance of those who have occasion to refer to the pub- lished volumes of the Michigan Agricultural Reports in the belief that even an imper- fect help is better than no help at all. Four of the earlier volumes have neither table of contents nor index, and twenty -two volumes have only a table of contents of from one to four pages each. These statements suffice to show how difficult a task it has hitherto been to find the matter bearing on any given subject iu these reports. The feeling that whatever of value they did contain was to most people entirely unavail- able for want of a general index to the whole series prompted the present effort. It has been undertaken in the midst of the continual hurry of daily routine work and has unavoidably been often pushed aside to await a more convenient season, so that its compilation has stretched over a period of more than three years, and the result of the many interruptions can hardly fail to appear in its uneven texture. While this will injure the book as a work of art it is hoped that it will prove sufaciently useful to lead those who consult it to forgive its faults. Aqeicultueal College, i Mich., Nov. 13, 1889. f INDEX. Year. Page. Abandoned lands In America '86 216 NewEngland '83,267; '86 67 Abbe, Cleveland, notice of '81 375 Abbot ball '88 27,51 Abbot, T. C, acting secretary '62 5 address before legislature J '74 64 history of first years of Agricnltural College '81 358 the Agricultural College under the Board of Agriculture '84 255 on bill for establishment of experiment stations '83 33 paper on educational fallacies of the middle ages '81 208 prejudice against industrial schools '75 212 student labor at Agricultural College '74,98; '79 182. the social rank of farmers .' '80 258'- portrait of '84 255- report as president '74, 29; '75, 19; '76, 69; '77, 18; '78, 18; '79, 16; '80, 16; '81, 22; '83, 14; '84, 14 on orchard premiums '69 355 resignation of presidency '84 30 resolutions of Board upon '85 17 Abortion in cattle, blacli haw as remedy for '84 337 contagious '57 119 paperon.... '68,286; '59 200 prevention of. '84 334 Abrams, D. E. W., paperon manures '77 155 Abraxis ribearla, ill '74 143 Absence of Leguminosae in Pine Barrens '88 184 Abscess, article on '67 2,52 Absorption of ammonia, experiments on j '59 227 Academical year at Agricultural College '85 37 Acceptance of land grant from U. S "85 49 Accidents from use of insect powders '88 134 Accounts Agricultural College chemical department '75 27 farm department '65,230; '66,16; '67,10; '68,16; '69,13; '70,88; '71, 51; '72, 26; '73, 29; '74, 16; '75, 10; '76, 10; '77, 9; '78, 9; '79, 9; '80, 9; '81, 9; '83, 9; '84, 9; '85, 9; '86, 8; '67, 13; '88, 15. farm crops '73, 44; '74, 32; '75, 62; '76, 131; '77, 83; '78, 122; '80, 66; '83, 37. garden department '63, 27; '65, 231; '66, 19; '67, 12; '69, 18; '70, 44;; '72, 31; '73, 34; '74, 20; '75, 11; '76, 11; '77, 10; '78, 10; '79, 9; '80, 9; '81, 10;^ '83, 9; '84, 9; '86, 9; '86, ix; '87, 13; '88, 16. garden grounds >75 12 team '75 12 green house '75 n library '76, 14; '76, 89; '77, 11; '78, 11; '79, 10; '80, 10; '81 183 secretary. '64, 126; '65, 273; '66, 27; '87, 17; '68, 27; '69, 23; '70, 15; '71, 23; '72, 22; '73, 26; '74, II; '75, 7: '76, 7; '77, 7; .'78, 7; '79, 7; '80, 7; '81, 7;- '83, 7; '84, 7; '85, 6; '86, vi; '87, 6: '88, 8. 3 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. PagSr Accounts Agricultural College special appropriations '87,8; '88 W student labor '74,31; '75, 15; '76,13; '77,13; '78,12; '79,13; '80,64; '86, xv; '87, 11; '88, 13. treasurer.. '64, 121; '65, 259; '66, 29; '67, 31; '68, 41; '69, 45; '70, 31; '71, 44; '72, 23; '73, 27; '74, 12; '75, 8; '76, 8; '77,8; '78, 8; '79,8; '80,8; '81,8; '83, 8; '84, 8; '85, 7; '86, 7; '87, 7; '88, 9. vegetable garden '75 12 and business for girls '87 483 keeping of, by farmers. '76,273; '83 88 paper by Dr. Leacb '77 191 Rev. Charles Fox '51 200 of beekeeping '76 433 crops on premium farms. '50 143 raising potatoes '66 318 State institutions, how audited.. '85 44 to be kept '85 44 stock feeding, profit and loss '81 385 Accuracy, importance of, in experimenting.. '80 163 Accurate experiments, difficulties in making '76 201 Acme churn '84 168 tomato described , '88,241; '87 86 Acraspis erinacese '88 470 villosus '88 474 Acreage of peach orcharding '73 .50 Acre, cost of, in wheat '76 390 Acres burned over in U. S., number of '88 329 of land grant sold, record of '86, xii; '87, 14; '88 16 per head for pasture '79 169 Acre, taxation of, average, for twenty-five years '83 219 Act establishing Agricultural College of Michigan '54 6 NewYork '54 356 Forestry Commission '88 70 Live Stock Sanitary Commission '88 422 for bounty on manufacture of sugar '87 21 inspectionof commercial fertilizers '86 245 preventing adulteration of milk '66, 34app. spread of contagious diseases '68,455; '80 ICO Texas cattle disease '65, 178; '80, 93; '88 425 protection of ornamental trees and plants '64 10 regulation of cow sheds, etc '80 104 incorporating local agricultural societies '51 s State Agricultural Society '49 31 of Congress establishing experiment stations '87 28 providing for State Veterinarian _ '88 432 to encourage manufacture of sugar '87 21 Acts in aid of State Agricultural Society... '57 g relative to agricultural societies '57 9 highways and ditches '58 9 (See also " Bills " and " Laws.") Adams, Charles, paper on oleomargarine andbutterine '86 119 H. Dale, list of market apples by '87 157 paper on Canada thistles '80 191 fruit culture on the farm '77 3I8 Jervis D., premium farm '66 281 Mrs. W..T., paper on the farmer and district schools '83 227 Additional copies of report '85 42 Addition to mechanical building '88 49 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 9 Year, Page. Addition to water-works _ '88 49 Additions to library '88 63 Addresses at students' prayer meetings 75 26 by faculty, subjects of '74,26; '75 24 Address, Gov. Bagley '75 25 of welcome, Charlotte '87 374 Grayling '87 277 Three Oaks '87 267 Pres. Abbot, before legislature '74 64 of State Agricultural Society '87, 188; '88, 480,499 Willits, inaugural '85 23 Adler's workingmen's school, visit to '86 Ivi Admission of Michigan as a State _.. '71 192 to Agricultural College, conditions of '63, 88; '85, 37, 86, xvii discussed '86 231 of graded school graduates '84 17 standard of '86 xvii State fair, rules of '73, 166; '76 485 Adornmentof country homes, article by A. S. Dyckman '73 49 rural, bulletin by Prof. Bailey '85 157 Adrian institute '75, 189; '88, 388 Adulteration of food, paper by Peter H. Felker '79 72 honey. '88 170 milk, law concerning '66, 34app. seeds '77,382; '81 106 poem from Punch '77 890 Advancement of agriculture, obstacles to '75 185 Advance payments at Agricultural College ^. '85 16 tomato, described '86,341; '87 85 Advantage in draft '72 170 Advantages of Michigan for fruit '65 13 State forestry reserves '88 353 Advice, legal to farmers, by Judge W. S. Tennant '86 17 JEgeria acerni '88 228 excitosa '74 136 tipuliformis '74, 140; '83 436 A few injurious fungi, paper by Dr. W. J. Beal '84 200 African sorghum '81 132 Agard, Secretary L. B., report '87 507 Age for admission to Agricultural College '63 88 breeding sows '70 177 chickens for profit '. '66 329 setting out fruit trees '68, 436; '71, 133; '76 244 necessary to cheese U. '73 72 of cattle, how to determine - '57 125 hardwood trees used for manufacturing '88 333 horses, how to ascertain - '57 174 sheep, how to ascertain '58 186 rocks - - '86 146 trees, as related to diameter '88 348 wheat for cutting '69 181 students at Agricultural College.... '70, 9 ; '71, 8 ; '73, 9 ; '75, 23 ; '76, 74 ; '78, 43 ; '81, 38 ; '84 15 Agricultural and manufactured products compared 1 '84 394 Association. (See "Agricultural Societies, Michigan Associationjof.") Associations, visit to College '80 31 capabilities of northern counties, paper by Dr. R. C. Kedzie '78 386 Saginaw Valley '79 375 10 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page. Agricultural chemistry at the Agricultural College '78 26- experiments In '66,51; '68 129 notes on '71 246- paper by Prof. L. R. Flsk '68 538 Wm. R.Schuyler '52 240' utility of - '50 431 College of Iowa, President Welch on. '71 355 student labor at --- '71 359 Massachusetts '54 362 Michigan, abEorption of by Normal School '52,9; '63 23 University '64, 343, 354; '63, 24; '85 34 academical year defined '86 37 accounts '63, 5, 31; '63, 7, 101 ; 64, 7, 125; '65, 230, 265, 273; '66, 27, 35; 67' 6; '68, 27; '69, 23; '70, 15; '71, 23; '73, 22; '33, 26-; '74, 11; '75, 7: '76, 7; '77, 7; '78, 17; '79, 7; '80, 7; '81, 7; '83, 7; '84, 7: '85, 6; '86, vi; '87, 6; '88, 8 (See also "Accounts of Agricultural College.") act to establish '50,258; '54 6 admission, standard of '85, 37; '86, svii, 321 to graduates of high schools '84 17 address of President Abbot to Legislature on '74 64 age of students, '70, 9; '71, 8; '73, 9; '75, 22; '76, 74; '78, 43; '81 , 38; '84 16 agricultural character of '74 67 department of. (See "Farm Dep't of.") chemistryat '78 25 Society's cooperation with '80,363; '81 360 donation of library to '63 25 influence for '81 360 relations to. '78 5C&^ report on '67, 285; '68, 367; '80, 394, 400; '81, 47?, 553, 568; '83,28,391. report on stock at '81 475 student Inbor at '80 395 selection of site for '85 34 visit to '79,24,410; '81 433 agriculture at '78,29,33; '84 260 Board of, controlling '84 355 alumni. cSee "Agilcultural Coll. of Mich, graduates.") alumni association '84 28 apiary (see also "Apiary at Agr'l Coll.") '78, 34 ; '87, 43; '88 42 apple orchard (see also "Apple Orchard at Agr'l Coll.") _ '77 U63- appropriation for establishment '56, .'), 293 appropriations, 6pecial,'81, 16; '83, 16; '85, 15; '86, vi, xvi; '87, 8; '88, 10 total since organization-'85, 16; '86, xv; '87, 20; '88, 23 a professional school '74 68 arboretum (see also "Arboretum of Agr'l Coll.") '88 45 arms to be furnished for military drill '86 41 article on, by Abbot, Pres. T. C, general account of '78 19 early history of '81 368 historyunderBd.of Ag. '84 255- prejudice against '75 212 student labor at..'74, 71, 98; '79, 182 to legislature '74 64 Bagley, (Jov. Jno. J., message '73 J Balrd, Secretary R. G '83 180 Beal, Prof. W. J., on trees and shrubs at. .. '88 85 Butterfleld, I. H., report... '80, 394; '81, 568; '83 391 Fairchild, Prof. Gee. T., manual labor at.. '77 416 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 11 Year. Page. Aurloultural CoUege of Michigan, article on,by Fralick, Pres. Henry, in State Fair address '81 52» Geddes, Geo., in N. Y. Tribune 'T2 275 Harris, Joseph, on experiments at '74 83 Holmes, Prcf. J. C '83,12; '54 338 Jerome, Gov., message '83 is Johnson, Prof. Sam'l, on agriculture at 'Si 260 Little, Secretary Franic, on report of '79 453 Mayo, Perry, on benefits of- '80 203 Sheldon, Chas. W '78 297 Shearman, Francis, on establishment of '63 12 Smith, F. v., report '80 400 Tappan, Dr. Henry P., onestablismentof.. '53 15 Thomas, J. J., on experiments at '76 122 Walbridge, report on land grants to '57 285 Webber, Pres. Wm. L., in State Fair address '78 478 Wiliits, Pres., tallia on '86 215 assets '83, 15; '85, 11; '86, xi ; '87, 19; '88 24 barometer records for 24 years '88 581 (See also "Agr'l Coll. of Mich, meteorological record.") bee house (see also "A.piary").. '78,34; '88 42 plantsat. '78 61 beginnings of. (See "Agr'l Col. of Mich., early history.") big stone of class of '73 '83 20 board, cost of to students '77 12 of Agriculture, controlling; history '84 255 rules for farm department '63 45 Education controlling '85 34 botanical department, report of '75, 36 ; '76, 96 ; '77, 41 ; '78, 64 : '79, 33 ; '80, 41 ; '81, 96 ; '83, 52 ; '84, 45 ; '65, 83 : "86, xlii ; '87, 36; '68, 45 botanical department. (See aleo "Botanical Department of Agr'l Coll.," "Prentiss" and "Beal.") botanical experiments at. '88 178 garden '81,140; '88 45 laboratory described '86 xliii botany, course in '78 28 boundaries of farm , survey of '77 72 branch of University ? '54, 343, 354; '63, 24; '85 34 breeds of stock at '80 394 buildings, heating of '81 156 inventory.of '68, x; '88 20 new '88 26 bulletins (see also "Bulletins")'84, 307; '85, 47; '86, 223; '87, 152; '88, 197 cadets at State fair _ '88 461 number of '86 Ixvii catalogue of first students '56 262 cattle, breeds of '80 394 inventory of. '62, 31; '66, 11; '76, 23; '81, 57; '84, 34; '85, 68; '88, 32 milkreoord '81,58; '83 38 monthly weighings.- '83 38 purchase of '65 232 report on, by State Agr'l Soc _ '81 475 saleof '84, 34; '66, 66; '86, xxiv; '87, 32; '86 32 chemistry, department of (see also "Chemistry," "Kedzie," etc.) '78,25; '85 26 chemistry department, report of '63,51; '74,35; '75,27; '76,80; '77, 25; '78, 47; '80, 32;.'81, 86; '83, 47; '84, 40; '86, 78; '86, xxxii; '87, 34; '88, 41, 149. '85 34 '84 24 '77 12 '79 183 '83 15 '83 181 '86 38 13 OENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page. Asricultiiral College of Miohigan.ohemistry, summer class In '"° class stone - '^^ ^^ clipof woolat.... - '''' *^ committee on students' wages - conditions of admission '85,37; '86, xvii, 221 from graded schools '8* congressional endowment. (See "Agr'l Coll. of Mich, land grant.") constitutional provision for,. - "^ constitution of students' government cost of board to students labor system '74, 73; to State per student tuition '85 counties represented by students '70, 50; '72, 8, '74, 24; '75, 22, 75; '78, 43; '79, 21; '81, 37; '83, 22. course of study.. '72, 9; '74, 25; '76, 76; '77, 22; '78, 24, 44; '79, 21; •dO, 28; '85, 37. course of study discussed '84 25 forladies.... '79 174 in 1859 '81 373 lawasto '74,68; '85,37,38,41 select '63 14 short '63 27 technical or not '74 67 to include physical training '85 37 current expenses, law concerning '85 39 curriculum. (See above, "Course of Study.") dedication of '56 297 dedicatory ode '56 323 design of '85 37 documents to be furnished to '85 45 donation of Agricultural Society's library '63 25 dormitories '78 19, 46 number of students per room '68 7 drainage system '84 280 dutiesof President '85 39 to experiment station '88 26 early history, memorials '50 52 pleafor '50 433 petition. '54 341 resolutions and laws '50, 12, 258; '52, 9; '54, 6. 337 review of, by T. C. j-Vbbot '81 358 Shearman, Francis, on '53 12 Tappan, Dr. Henry, on '53 15 educational character of '85 37 labor at '84 27 value of student labor '79 ]83 Kducation, Board of, in control '81,368; '85 34 elevation of '78 119 endowment of... '63, 87, 121; '71, .364; '75, 21; '78, 21; '86 xi (See also "Funds and Assets.") English, course in '78 36 report of department '86, Ixiii ; '87, 48 ; '88 .53 ensilage experiments '85 100 entomolot^y, srudy rtf '78 33 MICHIGAN^AGEICULTURAL REPORTS. 13 Tear, Page. Agricultural College of Mlohigan.eBtabliBhment of. (See "Agr'lCol.of M., Early History of.") exhibition at State fair '75,43; '88 4B1 expense of attendance at , '85 16 experiments, convention about '71 291 discrimination favoring '88 138 required '74 78 salt as a fertilizer '79 267 silo and ensilage '85 100 students to assist in '63 47 (See also "Oattle, Experiments, Feeding," etc.) experiment station bulletins '88 197 duties to '88 26 report '88 137 faculty '74, 7; '78, Zi; '85, 20; '86, v; '87, 6; '88 5 rules '85 38 salaries of '75, 71; '76, 153; '77, 17; '78, 17; '79, 13; '80, 13; '83, 11; '84, II; '85, 9; '86, ix; '87, 12; '88, 14. salaries of , Gov. Bagley on '73 7 how determined '85 38 farm department. (See "Miles," "Gully," "IngersoU," "Johnson" and "Farm Dep't.") accounts. (See "Accounts, Agr'l Coll., Farm Department.") bulletins. (See "B. of Agr'l Col.," by Johnson, Prof. S.) cropping list-... '62, U, 21; '65, 228; '73, 39; '74, 32 ; '75, 62; '76, 131; '77, 83; '78, 125, 140; '80, 66; '81, 76; '83, 37; '84, 35; '85, 69; '86, xxvi; '88, 33. plan of management '84 268 report '62, 21; '63, 46; '66, 10; '67, 10; '6i '73, 42; '74, 30; '75, 61; '76, 129; '77, 81; '78, 12il, 154: '79, 34; '80, 6U; '81, 53; '83, 33; '84, 32; '85, 59; '86, xxi; 'n7, 30; '88, 27. report of commmittee of State Agr'l Society on '67, 285; '68, 367; '80,394, 400r '81, 475, 553, S68; '83, 28, 391. rotation system '77 412 rules for conduct of '63 4S silo '84,32; '85 100 steam power for '78 164 student labor on '77,81; '78 122 superintendent should be a profes- sor '63, 15; '64 110 farmers graduated from '74, 79; '78, 39; '83, 183; '85, 25; '86 49 Are at '88 60 first of its kind- '66 7,8 foundation of. (See "Agr'l Col. of Mich., Early History.") founders of- '85 23 fraternities at '77, 24; '78, 38, 46; '81, 43; 84 28 funds of, interest fund '85, 13, 15; '86, xili; '87, 15; '88 17 trust fund '81, 24; '85, 13; '86, xlli; '87, 15; '88 17 garden, small fruits In '. '78 78 (See also "Agr'l Col. of M., Horticultural Dept.") geology taught at '78 3S government of students by selves '71,358,368; '84 18 constitution for '84 24 rulesfor '81 195 14 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page. Agricultural College of Michigan.graded schools, admission from '84 17 graduates, occupation of. '72, 46 ; '74, 79; '78, 39 ; '83, 183 ; '85, 35 ; '86, 49 grange, visit of State '79,25; '83 88 grant of lands from U. S. (See "Agricultural College of Michigan, Land Grant.") grant of salt spring lands '85 34 swamp lands '62, 19; '66,17; '85, 11, 40, 63 law for sale of. '68,483; '85 40 grounds, map of '77 1 shrubs and trees on '78 85 surveysof '78 118 growth of '84 67 heating system of '81, 156; '86, lii ; '88 51 history '63,22; '72,35,275; '85 23 early '50, 12, 52, 253, 433; '52, 9; '53, 12, 15; '54,6,337,341 by Pros. Abbot '81 358 later by Pres. Abbot '84 255 of location '81 366 horse railroad to '85 57 horticultural department report.. . '62, 23; '63, 90; '65, 231; '66, 17; '67, 63 ; '68, 21 ; '69, 18 ; '70, 44 ; '72, 32 ; '73, 47 ; '74, 41 ; '75, 38 ; '76, 98 ; '77, 41, 69; "78, 65, 109; '79, 33, 42; '80, 41; '81, 84,98; '83,42; '84,37; '85, 71 ; '86, xxviii; '87, 64 ; '88, 36. horticultural department, students' labor on '76, 98; '77, 65; '78, 110 ; '79, 44. horticultural department. (See also " Horticultural Dep't of Agr'I College," "Prentiss," "Tracy," "Beal," "Bailey" and "Taft.") horticultural society, visit '83 28 horticulture at '78 28 hours for manual labor. '85 38 improved stoclt at '76 31 (See also "Cattle, Short Horns," etc., etc. I improvements at '88 49 inauguration of.- '81 369 income since foundation '85, 15; '86, xv ; '87, 20; '88 23 incorporation of with Normal School 'oJ, 9; '63 23 University.... '54, 343, 353; '63, 24; '85 34 Increase of students '74,79; '86 xvii interest fund. '85, 13, 15 ; '86, xiii; '87, 15; '88 17 inventory, general 176 15 summary.... '73, 28; '74, 14; '75, 16; '77, 13; '78, 13; '79, 12; '80, 12; '82, 12; '83, 10; '84, 10; '85, 10; '86, x; '87, 18 ; '88, 20. labor and study, combination of '74 61 laboratory, agricultural '88 35 botanical .gg xliil chemical '70,11; '71 8 horticultural '88 mechanical '86, xlviii ; '88 4» labor of students. (See "Agr'I Coll. of Mich., Students' Labor.") ladies, course for 179 17^ land grant from State, Salt Spring '50,258; '85 34 Swamp '62, 19; '66, 17; '85, 1], 40, 53 sale of '68, 483; '85 40 U.S., acceptance of '85 49 MICHIGAN AGRICULTUEAL REPORTS. 15 Year. Paga . Agricultural College of Miohigan,land grant from U.S.,aot conveying '83 121 board controlling, who constitute. '85 49 committee on. '88 1 oonditionsof '81,19; '85 53 examination of '85 47 forfeitures '86, xiv; '87, 16; '88 18 fund '70, 7; '72, 39; '81, 24: '85, 13; '86, xiii; '87, 15; '88, 17. funds from, diepoBition of '85 60 interest from.. '85, 13, 16; '86, xili; '87, 16; '88, 17 laws relative to, in full '85 47 location of '85 49 expense of, how paid '86 61 minimum price for, law of '68 456 minority report on '57 285 price per acre '68,456 '85 49 receipts from (see "Fund," above.) report regarding '57,285; '64 131 sales '77, 16; '78, 16: '79, 14; '80, 14; '81, 19; '83, 11; '84, 12; '85, 12; '86, xii, xiv; '87, 14, 16; '88, 16, 18. sales for 10 years '78 16 irregularities in '85 62 terms of '81, 19; '85, 49, 51, 63 titlesto '85 60 vacant by counties '88 19 eachyear '86 12 vote on, analyzed '59 368 landscapegardeningat-.- '75, 42; '77, 43; '79, 66; '85, 71, 76; '87 64 language at '76, 223; '78, 36; '84 29 law establishing '54 6 laws as to land grant '85 47 in direction of '62 9 of Congress relating to '81,189; '85 53 relating to in full '86 34 leading object of '86 50 lectures, Sunday evening '75 25 Wednesday '79 18 legal name of '85 37 Legislature, address of Pres't Abbot -. '74 64 appropriations '56 3,293 table of in full '86, xv; '88 23 proceedings relative to '54 337 librarian's report '73, 48 E; '74, 56; '75, 32; '76, 86; '77, 29; '78, 64; '79, 28; '80, 74; '81, 163; '83, 72; '84, 29; '85, 93; '86, Ixix; '87, 54; '88, 63 library, documents for.. '85 45 literature, course in... '78 36 localities represented by students.... '70,50; '72,8; '74,24; '76,22,75; '78, 43; '79, 21; '81, 37; '83, 22. location of, by latitude and longitude '78 118 selected by State Agr'l Society. .. 'i8, 20; '81, 366; '85 34 why apart from University '64 343 locations offered '64 404 manual labor at. (See "Student Labor at.") map of botanic garden '81 140 grounds '77 1 6 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page. Agricultural College of Michigan .mathematical dep't, report...- '75, 55 ; '76, 125; '77, 67; '78, 113; '79, 40; '80, 56; '83, 153; '83, 62; '84, 49; '85, 87; '86, xlvili; '87, 45; '88, 48. mathematics, course in. '78 37 mechanical dep't, report... '84, 29, 52; '85, 18, 28, 88; '86, Iv; '87, 26, 46;. '88, 67. shop, addition to '88 49 description of '86 xlviii t instruction '84 52 machinesin. '85 89 ■work '85,88; '88 60 memorial to Legislature '50 53 meteorological record.... '63,73; '64,247; '65,255; '66,3;J3; '67,489; '68,. 443; '69, 497; '70, 449; '71, 443; '72, 286; '73, 259; '74, 323; '75, 517; '76, 595; '77, 701; '78, 613; '79, 481; '80, 467; '81, 619; '82, 645; '83, 461; '84, 427; '85, 267; '87, 509; '88, 555. meteorological record, summary for 24 years '88 581 Miles, Dr. Manly, review of work of '73 30 military drill at '63, 13, 36, 9:i; '64,112; '78,38; '81,38; '83,27; '84, 18, 28, 259; '85, 17. 28, 41, 98; '86, Ixvii; '87, 53; '88, 61. military drill, equipment for '85 41,54 neglect of '84 28 required by law '85 53 ofBcer, detail of '85 54 milk, record at '81,58; '83 38 minimum price for lands. - '68 456 ministers preaching at- '75,19; '76 72 Mohn, H. B., resignation of '86 li name of , '. '85 37 need of - '54 441 normal school connection with '52,9; '63 23 number of students.... '56, 282; '63, 13; '63, 2.'!; '64, U5; '65, 227; '69, 9; '70, 8; '71, 7; '73, 7; '73, 9; '74, 24, 77; '75, 22; '76, 74; '78, 42; '79, 20; '80, 17; '83, 31; '84, 16; '85, 20. number of students few '74 77 objections to '56 232 objectsof - '63,85; '78 299 occupations of graduates.. '72, 46; '74, 79; '78, 39; '83, 183; '85, 25; '86,49 ode at dedication __ '56 323 officers '74, 7; '78, 23; '85,"20; '86, v; '87, 6; '88 5 (See also "Faculty," "Board of "Agriculture" and " Salaries.") openingof '56,297; '81 369 organization of _ '85 35 permanent improvements '85 63 petitionfor '54 341 physical training to be given by '85 37 pioneer in its field __. '66 7 political economy, course in '78 36 practical agriculture at '78 29,32 paper by Prof. Johnson '84 260 preaching on Sunday at '75,19; '76 72 prejudice against, paper by President Abbot '75 212 presidency of, requisites for '86 217 president, duties of '85 39 report of '74, 29; '75, 19; '78, 69; '77, 18; '78, 18; '79, 16; '80, 16; '81, 22; '83, 14; '84, 14; '85, 66; '86, xvli; '87, 24; '88, 25 professional school, n - '74 68 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 17 Year. Page, Agricultural College of Mlohigan,prof essors. (See "Agr'l Col. of Mich., Faculty of.") publications (866 also "Balletin" and "Reports") '84 28 public documents to be pupplied to '86 45 stock sales '84, 34; '86, 66; '86, xxiv; '8T, 33; '88 32 rainfall for 24 years '88 581 (See "Agr'l Col. of M., Meteorological Record.") reasons for existence '52 193 relation to Agricultural Society '78 500 reorganization of '85 34 subsequent history '84 255 report of '66,26,279; '65, 227; '66 7 State Agricultural Society on '67, 286 ; '68, 367; '80, 394, 400; '81, 475, 563, 668; '83, 28, 391. reports, what to contain '85 40 reputation of '74 80 required by State constitution '85 34 course of studies '85 37 resources of '83, 16; '85, 11; '86, xi; '87, 19; '88 24 rotation, system of '77 412 rules for conduct of farm department '63 45 of faculty '85 38 salaries '75, 71: '76, 153; '77, 17; '78, 17; '79, 13; '80, 13; '83, 11; '84, 11; '85, 9; '86, ix; '87, 12; '88, 14. salaries. Gov. Bagley on '73 7 how determined '85 38 sales of stock '84, 34; '85, 66; '86, xxir; '87, 32; '88 32 salt spring land grant '85 34 scheme of studies. (See " Agr'l Col. of Mich., Course of Study.") school year defined '85 37 scientific studies at '74 69 secretary's accounts. (See "Agr'l Col. of M., Accounts.") seed testing at '77 385 self government of students '71,358,368; '84 18 c6nstitution f or '84 24 rules for. '81 195 sermons in college chapel '86,19; '86 72 sewerto library building ,. '83 65 shearing recordtt '77 ^5 sheep barn account '77,95; '78 136 Icventoryof '66, 14; '76, 24; '81 57 shirking at '74 72 shops, description of. '86, xlviii; '88 49 instruction in '84 32 machines in.. '85 89 work in '86, 88; '88 60 short horns at, introduction '63 18 inventory '76,23; '86 68 sales of.... '84, 34; '85, 66; '86, xxiv; '87, 32; '88 32 shrubs and trees on grounds '78 85 silo, experiments with '84,32; '85 100 site of, by latitude and longitude '78 118 chosen by State Agricultural Society '85 34 hlstoryof selection '54, 343; '78, 20; '81 366 sitesofCered for '54 404 sleighs, inventory of '76 22 societies among students '77, 24; '78, 38, 46; '81, 43; 1'84 28 3 18 GENERAL INDEX Oi Tear. Page. Agricultural College of Michigan, sons of farmers as students.. '71 7 Southdown sheep at ...'06,14; '77 96 special appropriations. '81, 15; '83, 16; '86, 16; '86, vi, xvi; '87, 8; '88, 10 features of the course of study '75 21 students ..'63, 14; '74 80 species in botanical garden '81 140 sphere of .- '75 20 standard of admission '85, 37; '86, 221; '87 xvii State Agricultural Society. (See " Agv'l Coll. of Mich,, Agricultural Society.") State Board of Agriculture in control of '84 255 Education in control of '81,368; '85 34 fair, exhibition at '75 43 Grange visit to '79,25: '83 28 Horticultural Society visit to '83 28 statementof resources '85, 11; '86, xi: '87, 19; '88 24 States represented by students '70, 60; '72, 8; 74, 24; '75, 32, 75; '78, 43; '79, 21; '81, 37; '83, 22. steam heating system '81, 156; '86, 111; '88 Bl power on farm '78 154 pump '78 116 stock on farm, inventory '62, 21; '66, 11; '76, 23; '81, 57; '84, 34; '85, 68; '88, 32. stock on farm, sale '84, 34; '85, 66; '86, xxiv, '87, 32; '88 32 stone placed by class of '73 '73 20 street railroad to '85 57 students, ages of '70, 9; '71, 8; '73, 9; '75, 22; '76, 74; '78, 42; '81, 38; '84, 15. students' board, cost of.. '77 12 catalogue of first class of '56 283 government '71,358,368; '84 18 constitution '81, 195; '84 24 increase in numbers of. '74,79; '86 xvii labor '66, 11; '71, 361, 370; '72, 45; '81, 89, 373; '83, 36; '84, 27, 262; '88, 33. labor, accounts for '75, 13; '76, 13; '77, 13; '78, 12; '79, 12; '86, xv; '87, 11; '88, 13. labor, apportionment of '77 13 article on, by Abbot, Pres. T. C... '72, 45; '74, 71, 98; '79, 182; '81, 39. Bailey, Prof. L. H '86 xxviii Fairchild, Prof. Geo. T.... '77 416 Geddes, Geo.... '72 278 Harris, Joseph '68 8 Johnson, Prof. Sam'l '81, 78; '84, 262; '88, 33. Sheldon, Chas. W '78 800 Willits, Pres. Edwin '87 500 costof '74,73; '79 183 discussion on '71,376; '81 78 educational '63, 49; '79, 183; '84, 27; '86 xxviii farm dep't, report on '77, 81; '78, 122; '83, 36; '86, xxvii. fruits of '74 103 garden department, report on '76, 39; '76, 98; '77, 65; '78, 110; '79, 44. hours for '85 37 '63 25 '74 77 '86 xvii '68 7 '80 17 '84 23 '84 28 '84 28 '71 7 MICHIGAN AGRICDLTURAL REPORTS. 19 Year, Page. -Agricultural College of Michigan, students' later in 1859 '81 373 law regarding '84 21 morning hours for '74 72 physical benefits of '79 184 recommendation of '77 67 report of Agr'l Society on '80 395 routineof '85 76 success of system '68 7 to be changed periodically '63 17 wages for _. '69, 19; '71, 7; '85 39 committee on '65 39 students, number of.— '56, 282; '62, 13; '63, 25: '64, 115; '65, 227; '69, 9; '70, 8; '71, 7; '72, 7; '73, 9; '74, 24; '75, 22; '76, 74; '78, 42; '79, 20; '81, 37; '83, 21; '84, 15; '85, 20; '86, xvli.' students, number of at beginning '56,282; '62,13; few increasing '74, 79; in one room to one professor organization, constitution of _ publications societies '77,24; '78,38,46; '81,43; sons of farmers where from. '70, 50; '72, 8; '74,24; '75,22,76; '78,43; '79, 21; '81, 37; '83, 22. study, course of '63, 14, 27; '72, 9; '74, 25; '76, 76; '77, 22; '78, 24, 44; '79, 21; '80, 28. study, course of, technical or not '74 67 stump machine at '66 11 Suffolk swine at '66,15; '76 25 summary of resources '83,15; '85,11; '86, xi; '87,19; '88 24 Sunday seryices '75,19; '76 72 surveying, course in '76, 126; '77, 68; '79 40 surveys of farm '77 72 grounds - '78 118 suspension of term '85 37 swamp land grant '62, 19; '66, 17; '85 11,53 lawforsaleof '68,483; '85 40 swine at '66,15: '76,25; '81 58 talk on, by Pres't Willits '86 215 technology at, by Gov. Bagley '73 7 temperature records. (See "Weather Records.") temporary suspension '85 37 terms of admission -. '85, 37; '86, xvii, 221 thermometer record for 24 years, summary of '85 581 (See also "Agr'l Coll. of M., Metero ological Record.") treasurer's report '62,37; '63,105; '64,121; '65,259; "66,29; '67,31; '68, 41; '69, 45; '70, 28; '71, 44; '72, 23; '73, 27; '74, 12; '75 and each later volume page 8, till, '85, 7; '86, vii; '87, 7; '88, 9. trustfund '81, 24; '85, 13; '86, xiii; '87, 15; '88 17 tuition, terms of. '85 38 under Board of Agriculture '84 255 union with Normal school- '52,9; '63 23 University '54, 343, 353; '63, 24; '85 34 United States laws '81,189; '85 53 uses of '81 355 20 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page. Agricultural College of Michigan vacant lands '84, 18; '85, 14; '88, xiv; '87, 17; '88 19 value of - -- '71 218 veterinary department.... '78, 45; '80, 17; '81, 38; '83, 68; '84, 53; '85, 90-, '86,lxvi; '87, 53; '88, 55. visit of State Agricultural Society-.-- --..'79,410; '81 433 Grange-- '79,26; '83 38 Hortibultural Society - --- '83 28 weather record at '63, '73; '64, 247; '65, 341, 355; '66, 833; '67, ■ '68, 443; '69, 497; '70, 449; '71, 443; '72, 286; '73, 259; '74, 333; '75,617: '76, 895; '77, 701; '78, 613; '79, 481; '80, 467; '81, 619; '82, 645; '83, 461; '84, 437; '85, 267; '87, 509; '88, 555. weather record, summary of for 34 years '88 581 work done by - --- '75 21 zoological department report '74, 39; '75, 59; '76, 90; '77, 33; '78, 33, 58; '79, 31; '80, 35; '81, 92; '83,49; '84, 42; '86,79; '86, xxxiii; '87, 38; '88, 41, 166. New York — - - '54,358; '57 289 Ohio- - - -- '54 360 ooUegeg, advantages from -- - --- '60,251; '57 66 oo-education at '61 358 cooperation in experimenting - '71 395 course of study proper for, discussed '84 356 detail of military ofScers to --- '85 54 endowment of -- - '71 364 farm necessary to '71 353 few students at '74 77 independent or not - '85 19 in England - '54 366 Europe..- — '53,188; '71 378 manual labor at -- -- - — '71,351,376 prejudices against '75 313 remarks about, by Prof. Haven '63 675 President Welch '71 355 Williams '50 346 tendency to drift from agriculture '71 360 convention '75 513 national '83 39 department of Agricultural College, history of '78 39 report of (see ''Agr'l College of Mich., JFarm Dep't.") '87 30 departments of universities - '54 401 education, convention of friends of '71 291 discussed- - -- - - '77,169; '80 130 howtomake practical '63 48 in common schools '49,100; '83 311 France-- '54 379 Ireland '54 370 Russia '64 390 Scotland - '64 376 Switzerland - '54 384 Wurtemberg -- -- '54 386 letter on, from Prof. David Low.-- - '54 376 objects of--- '54 399 paper on, by George E. Breck - -- - '77 137 James Cook - '77 185 Prof. Geo. T. Fairchild '77 363 Prof.Gilman - -- '71 347 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 21 Year. Page. Agricultural education,paper on, by Hon. J. J. Woodman '77 135 plea for, by Mrs. J. C. Wilson .-. '86 192 report upon, by Prof. J. C. Holmes '54 338 (See also " Education.") experiments '67 39 convention of those interested in __ '71 291 difficulties of '84 65 foreign appropriations for '83 359 suggested by convention '71 343 (See also "Experiments, Agricultural.") Experiment Station, annual report of '88 137 officers of '88 6 text of bill for establishment of '87 28 exports '79 112 fairs. (See "Fairs, Agricultural.") fences, paper by N. Davidson Redpath '51 235 future of young men, address by .T. E. Taylor '76 156 implements, improved '66 259 improvements '76 478 institutions, foreign appropriations for '86 218 investigations, lecture by J. H. Gilbert '84 65 laboratory '88 36 laborers, English and Michigan compared '72 109 wages of, in Michigan '72 123 land grant board, constitution of '85 49 report upon '64 131 (See also "Agricultural College Land Grant.") lands of Michigan... '72 121 lectureship in University '53 444 museum at Normal School '67 285 operations at Agricultural College to be experimental '85 40 possibilities of Michigan pine lands '87 277 problem of the plains, by Dr. R. C. Kedzie '87 317 products, transportation of, by Prof. R. C. Carpenter.. '78 314 value of '77 429 progress - - '54 437 proverbs '78 201 resourcesof State '64 92 societies, article on management of _ '67 103 bene"flts of '57 55 paper by Mr. Chase "77 187 consolidation of. '73 146 duties of farmers to '77 255 early American '83 250 incorporation of, law for ■ '66, 36app. Michigan, list of '78,583; '79 454 Michigan Association of '76 590 inconvention '78,571; '79 445 report. '77 647 report of '87 506 sources of income '81 805 support by taxation '68 484 Society, State, appropriations for '54 6 constitution and charter of '75 413 donation of library... '63 25 government of , '76 523 incorporation of '49 31 22 GENERAL INDEX OF year. Page^ Agricultural Society, State, offtcers of '86 25t organic law. .-. --- '78 500 original constitution _._ _ '49 6 report, annual... ..'67,265; '73,145; '74, 153; '75,396; '76, 477; '77,437; '78, 473; '79, 291; '80, 350; '81, 437; '82, 516; '83, 337; '84, 338; '85, 184: '86, 254; '87, 187; 88, 479. report, annual, to be filed with Sec. State Board of Agr '85 36 when to be made _ '85 293 of committee on Agricultural College '67, 285; '68, 367; '80, 394, 400; '83. 28, 381; '81, 475, 553, 568. visit to Agricultural College '79,25; 83 28 University und Normal School- '54 19 taxation --. - '77 164 teaching at Normal School '52 9 University and Normal School '54 20 text-books- - - --- '75 404 uses of muck --- -- - - '75 230 value of Upper Peninsula, by Chas. Whittlesey .' '53 219 Agriculture, act for encouragement of ..- '54 3 advantages of --- --- ---- '78 202 American, defects of, by Hon. Sanford Howard _ '67 45 improvements in - '76 478 ancient systems of -- '77 236 and commerce compared - '84 292 literature, paper by Prof. G. T. Fairchild '76 318 manufacturing compared '76 236 other occupations compared '51 375 appropriations for benefit of --. '77 164 at Agricultural College .- _ '63 89 Board of, list of members - '87,4; '88 4 relation to experiment station '88 26 forestry commission. '88 70 department of, discussed --. '69 343 distribution of seeds by ___ '78 597 seeds from, tested ..- __ __ '81 118 experiments in, proposed '88 142 growth of -- '83 84 in common schools, Mrs. R. F. Johnstone '49,100; '83 211 Austria '69 228 Belgium, by Dr. Manly Miles '87 325 Europe, article on '69 207 infiuence of forest trees on '67 465 in France, article on '69 207 our foreign commerce, paper by Prof. G. H. Harrower '83 164 instruction in '63,26,48; '88 28 in theclassics '76 319 is it a science? by Mr. L. Shepherd ___ '78 185 knowledge needed for _ ___ _. '74 64 law for encouragement of '57, 5; '66, 33app. laws regarding '73 154 millennium of, paper by Ira H. Butterfield '81 345 needs of, paper by Prof. Sam'l Johnson. ■"86 43, obstacles to advancement of, by W. L. Carpenter '75 185 practical instruction in. _ '63 26 primitive _. _ ._ '76 157 proposed experiments in '88 142 Questions in ._ '78 120 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 23 Year. Page, Agriculture, relation of education to, paper by Secretary Balrd - '84 249 relation of signal service to '77 194 meohanies to '88 437 chemistry to, paper by Dr. R. C. Kedzie '60 365 report of professor of '69, 53; '70, 75; '73, 39; '74, 30; '75, 61; '76, 139; '77, 73; '78, 130; '79, 34; '80, 60; '81, 53; '83, 33; '84, 32; '85, 59; '86, xxl ; '87, 30; '88, 37. social rank of '80 358 State Board of, account of '78 33 suggestions for reorganization of '76 693 (See "Board of Agriculture" and "State Board of Agriculture.") study of - '50 469 teachers of, program of meeting '86 xxi use of steam in, paper by Prof. R. C. Carpenter '77 388 value of science to - _ '86 317 Agriculturist of experiment station '88 26 Agrostis Alba, or bent grass '71 107 Vulgaris, red top, description of '71 107 for pasture '65 139 Agrotians, ill '74, 109, 14& Agrotis, Cochrani, ill '74,110,144 devastator '74 117 fennica,ill '83 482' Bubgothica, ill '74 110 Aids to better farming, article by Dr. N. D. Thomas '75 169 Ailanthus tree described '78 85 Airelle rouge described '87 89 Air, passage of, through walls '77 332 pure, for animals '79 66 human beings '83 191 slacked lime for land '50 293 Albion institute '84 93 Albuminoids in food '78 406 offloeof '77 347 Alchemy, Judge Christianoy on '53 573 Alcohol physiologically considered, by Prof. A. J. Cook '84 382 Alcona county, discussion on future of '88 379 experiences in '77 313 fruit in, by Geo. H. Blush '88 385 Alden fruit factory. '73 70 process of fruit drying, by S. B.Mann '76 270 Alder, imperial cut leaved, described '78 85 notes on '85 138 smooth, described '78 85 woolly louse, kerosene emulsion for '86xxxix Alderney cattle, paper on, by M. L. Frink '80 322 (See also Jersey Cattle and Cattle, Jersey.) Aldrich, A. J., article on farmer's duty to himself and others '75 303 country roads '84 103 Frank, article on farmers' sons and their education '80 173 Alexander apple described '56 220 time of ripening '88 349 Alger, Gov. Russell A '86 iv Aliens, rights of - '73 118 Alignment of highways '87 348 Alimentary canal of the bee '76 330 Alkalis, effect of, on germination of seeds '87 127 Allegan County Institute '83 82 24 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page. Allegan County Society, report of. 'S6 *33 farmers' institute _. _ - '75 ?8 Allen, Jnc, premium drainage system -- '59 157 report on premium farm... - 'B'' "43 Allen's weeding hoe — - --- '^^ ^^* Alley's No. 9 strawberry -- '87 99 Ailing, Ethan, on Ohio dairying.. --■ '54 215 Allium, species of, described -- '87 94, 95 Alpaca wools - - '"^ ^^^ Alpena County Agricultural Society, report '80, 451; '81, 611; '83, 454; '85, 268; '86, 294; '87 260 Alpha tomato described.. '86,239, '87 83 Alpine rose... '76 421 Alsike clover hybridized with white — '79 193 Alternate rows, variation in '81 138 Aluminum, abundance of --- '87 461 Alumni Association of Agricultural College, officers of.. '73, 12; '84 28 meeting..-.. '73, 11; '76, '77; '79, 23; '81 28 necrology '81 29 occupations of members '70, 10; '73, 46; '86 49 Alvord, Major, experiments with potato culture '85 169 Alward, Robt,, paper on public policy and farmers' organizations '86 29 Amber cane as a forage crop. Bulletin No. 1.. '84 307 sugar plant. Prof. H. W. Wiley '87 416 bounty on manufacture of '87 21 culture, by Hon. Enos Goodrich. '83 246 sugar -. '85 44 paper by Frank S. Kedzie. '81 239 Ambition of parents for children '83 229 Amendments for highway laws '84 104 to constitution of Antrim Co. Society '88 563 Kent Co. Society '57 446 laws for protection of timber from theft '88 333 students' government. — '81 197 American agriculture compared with foreign.. — '52 515 defects of, paper by Sanford Howard '57 45 and European forests, management of, compared '88 124 arbor vitse '78 85 aspen '78 87 breeds of cattle '57,116; '81,'.276; '86 119 cattle, paper by E. Mason '57 116 colonization '54 314 dairymen's association, article on cheese _ '69 235 desert '88 336 elm , '78, 93; '88 371 usesof - '88 83 fortunes, immense *80 20O grasses, native, food value of '71 115 hay tedder '68 223 health, causes of being poor. '84 195 Heart cherry.... '56 238 horse... '57 157 ivy '78 96 larch '78 97 liberty and foreign oppression '50 374 medical association '76 81 merino sheep, article on '64 187 Pomological Society, currant list discussed '58 222 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 25 Year. Page. American Pomologioal ^ociety, fruit catalogue '58 233 grape list discussed '58 216 raspberry list discussed '58 221 strawberry list discussed '68 319 report of T.T.Lyon '58 205 reapers at world's fair ._ '59 360 red raspberry discussed '58 231 shipping, proportion of exports in '83 170 Summer Pearmain '. '66 218 sweet square pepper _ '87 93 wildcherry '56 240 yew '78 109 Ames' engine '. '77 300 Amberst, Mass., dairying experiments at '88 196 Amire Joannette pear described _ _ '68 266 Ammonia, experiments on absorption of '59 237 fixed by land plaster '75 263 necessity of, for wheat '77 134 Ammoniated bone super-phosphate, analysis of '86, 348; '87 174 Amount of pine remaining in Michigan ; "88 84 timber left in North America _ '88 136 plaster, per acre '75 264 seedperacre '76 185 Ampelidese _ - '88 86 Amphibolips, species of described '88,467, 468 Amusements at (airs '75 514 for farmers' boys '81,41.5; '87 475 Anacampsis cerealella '57 231 AnacardiacesB _ _ '88 87 Analysis. (See also Chemical Analysis.) of ashes - '85 178 clover, red and white --. '54 198 commercial fertilizers '86, 245; '87, 17.3; '88 153 corn, Indian '80 281 andmill stuffs '78 408 ensilage '85 103 fertilizers, law for '85,46; '86 245 reporton '86, 245: '87, 173; '88 153 flax '55 178 foods '69 340 lawn grass seeds '85 151 manures discussed '74 89 marls from various localities '85 146 mill! '77 77 from different breeds '78 173 peaches '80 150 potato '56 148 soils, discussed '85,208: '74,87; '76 380 limit of usefulness. '65 325 of northern counties of Michigan '78,49; '78,389; '87 318 sorghum '59,214; '87 417 straws, sundry '59 275 waters, by Prof. S. H. Douglass '53 265 wheat '77 430 and flour '77 361 at different stages of ripeness '81,236; '85 124 Analyst, need of public '83 98 26 GENERAL INDEX OF Yenr. Page. Anatomy, course in , '^B 5& of hoof - 76,268; '8T 392 Ancient fisti cultnre _,_ _ _._ 77 314 lake ridge '53 305 systems of agriculture _ '77 23& Anderson, Dr., lecture on rotation of crops -. - '6® H^ J. A,, essay on breeding and feeding swine '^^ ®8 II. P., report on department at State fair - '87,207; '88 502 Andrews, F. E., clover as a crop and fertilizer - '"^° W^ Hiram, paper on maintaining fertility of soil without stock '80 208 Hon. C. O., decline of yield of spring wheat .- - - '81 348 Andricus, species of, described - : '88 468-71 Angell, Elliott H., paper on duty of of farmers to insure against fire - '81 316 Pros., address before Convention of Agricultural Societies --- '7S 459 Angevine, S. H., article on mint growing -.- '88 453 Angoumois moth (anacamps-is cerealella) - '57 231 Animal tat, sources of, paper by Laws and Gilbert '67 211 foods, by Laws and Gilbert... '67 229 heat affecting cheese '68 240 sourceof.... '88 430 life in the pine woods '88 186 remains as manure '83 97 at large '86 18 law against '66, app. 43 diseases of, farm.. '84 334 distinction from vegetables '-"il 26& distribution of seeds by .- '88 7S domestic, parasites on, paper by Prof. A.J. Cook '78 438 form of indicating quality '76 346 loss in leaving unsheltered '79 64 medical treatment of, paper by A. J. Stockholm.. '81 264 ration for '78 415 spring poor '79 167 ventilation for '. '51 422 Anisopteryx vernata, ill '74 128-9 Paris green for '86, xl; '88 232 Anisota rubicanda '88 229 Anjou pear described, by T. T. Lyon '58 262 Anna grape discussed '58 218 Annapolis naval academy '86, 47, 204 visit to '86 Ivi Ann Arbor agricultural convention '67 299 Announcement of Secretary Board of Agriculture as to back reports '85 293 Annual address by Sanford Howard. '57 45 and biennial plants _ '72 254 bearing produced by thinning '75 118 cattle sale at the Agricultural College '87 33 expenseof attending Agricultural College '85 16 ilowers '76 106 reports of College departments, law concerning '85 40 faculty, law requiring.. '85 39 State Board of Agriculture, laws of '85 42 required by U. S. law '85 54 officers, law as to. '85 43 fSee also reports, accounts, Agricultural College, Society, etc., etc ) Anonacess '68 86 Answers to forestry questions '88, 102, 108. MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 27 Year, Page. Antenna cleaner of bee '87 US Anthomyia, ashes and gas lime for. .,_ _ _ '86 xli brassioas ' _ '74 119 carbolic acid emulsion for '86, xxxix; '87,43,449 raphani '74,121; '88 225 kerosene emulsion for '86 xxxvili,/ Anthonomous musculus, remedy for '88 165 Anthony, T. C, article on farm implements '64 HI Anthoxanthum odoratum, description '71 114 iinthrenus scrophularise, bulletin on '86 223 Antique implements ^... '76 157 Antler of deer in tree '75 386 Antrim County Agricultural Society "88 552 soil analyzed '78 394 Ants, destruction of '88 43,226 Apfel welsser tomato '87 82 Aphides '74,133,139 article on, by Prof. A. J.Oook '83 434 buUetinon, by Prof. A.J.Cook '87 169 notes on '87 452 Aphis cerasi, kerosene emulsion for '88 xxxix mail '74 139 experiments with '87' 41 Apiary. (See also Bee, Bees, Honey, etc.) article by Baker, Mrs. L. B. A woman's experience '76 431 Bingham,|T. F., Bee keeping for farmers '83 162 Cheney, A. B., Bees and bee culture '83 159 Shall farmers keep bees '76 489 Cook, Prof. A. J., honey bees '79,252,258; '87 437 Manual of bee keeping '75 315 Mistakes of bee keepers '76 189 prize essay on wintering bees '76 424 Cutting, H. D., Bees and their management '84 190 Fuller, Emmet, Practical bee keeping '74 293 Hilton, George E., Honey production '87 435 Kedzie, R. F., composition of honey '76 428 Pierce, A. B., Bee keeping '84 189 Porter, W. L., Relative merits of black and Italian bees '76 434 Stockholm, A. G., Hints to bee keepers '76 186 Tomlinson, Julius, Shall farmers keep bees '75 86 at Agricultural College, annual report of .'74, 40; '75, 357; '76, 94; '77, 12, 33; '78, 11, 34, 59; '79, 32; '80, 37; '81, 95; '83, .51 ; '84, 48; '85, 80; '86, xxxv; '87, 39; '88, 42. enlargement of recommended.. r, '84, 4L'; '86, xxxiv income from '77 36 inventory '76 68 black and Italian bees, relative merits '76 434 building new, at Agricultural College '87 43 colonies, multiplication of '75 337 without queens ''8 190 composition of honey, by R. F. Kedzie '76 428 experiments In '7ii, 359; '77, 35; '88 168 for farmers, by A. B.Cheney 'TO 429 T.F.Bingham J '83 162 Julius Tomlinson '75 86- women, by Mrs. L. B. Baker. '76 431 Mrs. R. F. Johnstone '84 213 foundation comb '77 38 28 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page. Apiary, honey, composition of, by R. F. Kedzie--. '76 428 Italian bees compared with black, by W. L.Porter --- '76 434 location for '75,311; '88 168 management of, by H. D. Cutting. 'f4 190 manual of bee keeping, by Prof. A. J. Cook - '75 315 Michigan interest in __ '78 488 mistakes of bee keepers, by A. J. Cook. '76 189 multiplication of colonies '75 337 new building for at Agricultural College '87 43 placing of - '75 341 premiums at State fair '85 260 profits of, by Mrs. L. B. Baker '76 431 queenless colonies -- --- '76 190 report on. (See Apiary at Agricultural College, annual report of .1 relative merits of black and Italian bees --- '76 434 situation for,.. - '75 341 statistics for Michigan — -.- '78 488 wintering bees '75,343; '76,188; '83,163; '84,191; '85 140 prize essay on, A. J.Cook --- '76 424 woman's fitness for managing .-- -. - '84 213 experience with.. '76 431 A pioneer orchard --- '73 69 Apoplexy (of oattlel article upon --- '67 243 parturient, treatment of '84 334 Apparatus of chemical department --. -.- '88 149 engineering department -. '88 48 mechanical department '88 57 Appeal from students' government '81 197 Appearances deceptive in dairy animals. -.. .- '87 371 Appetite increased by condiments --. '79 63 Apple, Agricultural College orchard, report on '73, 47; '74, 53; '75, 54; '76, 119; '77, 48; '78, 73; '79, 198; '80, 48; '81, 138; '83, 43. varietiesin '85,136; '87 102 Alcona county list of varieties _.. '88 386 Alden drying process ._. '76 270 Alexander '56 220 American Pomologioal Society's list of '58 232 Summer Pearmain _ '56 218 aphis '74,139; '83,434; '87 169 experiments with '87 41 article by Bailey, L. H., on time of ripening '88 246 varieties for market '87 164 Beal, W. J., oncultureof '7fi 366 pruning '75 360 starting an orchard __ '77 263 Clubb, Henry S., on the fruit regions of Michigan '73 49 Collins, H., on profitable fruit culture '78 270 Cook, A. J., on Fruit or insects, which? '75 91 insect enemies '74 123 Pyckman, Hon. A. S., on thinning fruit '75 116 English, B. G., on orchard management '84 198 Garfield, Chaa.W., on orchard '75 122 Hathaway, Benjamin, on long-keeping apples... '78 362 orchard management '71 123 Lyon, T. T., on fruit '56 199 report from American Pomological Society '58 205 Mason, Edward, on fruit trees... '56 209 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. '.i^ Yesiv. Page. Apple, article by Pray, Esek, on orchards and varieties '78 171 Ramadell, J. G., on the Ideal '88 296 Scott, E. H., fruit for the farmer '83 11» Thompson, J. P., our orchard system '70 a76 Waring, W. L., popular hardy varieties '70 286 artificial cross-fertilization of '73, 48a; '74, 48; '76 215 autumn varieties of '66, 200; '69, 444; '70,274,288 Bailey, L. H., bulletin on varieties for market '87 154 ontimeof ripening affected by latitude _.. '88 24ft Baldwin '56, 220; '70, 291; '71, 128; '78 363 discussed '58, 254; '70, 264; '84 199 bands for codling moth , '73, 48; '74, 54; '75, 93; '79 198 barklouse '74, 126, 298; '83, 429; '85, 174; '86, 138; '87 41 barrenness when young, cause of '87 145 Beal, W. J., article on culture of '76,366; '!7 263 pruning '75 360 startingan orchard '77 363 experiments '74,47; '76 119 hearing year affected by thinning '75 118 Bellflower (Bellefleur) '56, 220; '58 239 Belmont '58, 238; '71 131 best autumn varieties _ '56, 200; '69, 444; '70,274,288 early varieties '56, 199; '69, 444; '70, 273, 286; '76 367 familylist '58, 224, 237, 241; '71, 131; '83, 119; '84, 198; '88 303 for Alcona county '88 38ft hardy '. '70,286; '78 234 late '56, 201; '69, 444; '70,275,291 market varieties '87, 154; '88 303 six varieties., '58 237 summer varieties '56, 199; '69, 444; '70, 273,286; '76 367 twelve varieties '58,224,241 winter varieties '56,201; '69,444; '70,275,291 borer '56, 216; '74,124; '76,373; '79,151; '88 168 budding vs. grafting '71 124 bulletin on codling moth '85 171 time of ripening '88 246 varieties for market '87 164 CanadaRed '71,128; '75,168; '78 364 Cayuga Red Streak '70 290 Clubb, Henry S., articles on fruit regions of Mich '73 49 codllngmoth s- '76, 372; '79, 152, 199 ; '85, 171; '86, 135; '87, 41 ; '88 218 bands for '73,48; '74,54; '75,93; '79,198; '85 172 college orchard '75, 54; '76, 119; '77, 48; '78, 72; '79, 198; '80, 48; '81, 138; '83, 43; '85 136 (Mlins, H., article on fruit on the farm '78 270 committee report on varieties '58,224,232,251; '70,272,276 Cook, A. J., article on "Fruit or Insects?" - '75 91 insect enemies '74,123; '87,453; '88 218 cross breeding of '73,48a; '74,48; '76,215; '87 143 cultivation of orchards, experiments on '73, 47, 48; '76, 119, 369 culture (see also apple orchard) - '56,214; '76 369 articles on. (See Apple, articles on.) experiments in '73, 47; '76, 119; '87 134 inSonthern States - '58 329 looationfor '69, 425; '75, 167; '76' 366 preparation of soil for '76 36C profits - '78 370 soilfor - '75,167; '76 366 30 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page. Apple, description of varieties '56,318; '70,264,286; '71,128; '78 363 discussion upon '89,433; '70,203; '75,118; '78 362 storing. '78 173 treating frozen apples. - '^^ ^^ distance apart to set trees '68, 434 ; '75, 167; '83 120 distinguishing varieties by flowers -. - '^^ ^® drying by Alden process '76 270 Duchesse of Oldenburg '56,220; '70 287 Dyckman, A. S., on thinning '75 118 Dyer (Pomme Royale) '56 220 earliness of varieties in different latitudes '88 246 Early Harvest.. - '56 218 early varieties, list of '56,199; '69,444; '70,273,286; '76 367 effect of pollen on fruit '74,48; '81 138 seed - '74,48; '76 215 stock on fruit.-.. '71 139 English, B. G., article on orchard management '84 198 Esopus Spitzenberg '66 220 experiments in cross fertilization '73, 48a; '74, 48; '76, 215; '81, 138; '87 143 cultivation '73,47; 76,119,369; '87 134 grass culture '73 48 manuring '73 48 Fall Pippin... ..-- -- '56,219; '70 290 fall varieties '56,200,219; '69,444; '70,274,288 family use, varieties for '58,224; '71,131; '83,119; '84,198; '88 308 fertilizing flowers to cross varieties '73,48a; '74,48; '76,215; '81 138 flavor of northern grown fruit '69 464 frozen, treatment of '70 330 •Garfield, C. W., article by '75 122 Gate variety (Belm.ont) described '71 131 GoldenRusset '70,292; '78 365 grafting vs. budding. '71 124 Grand Traverse for growing '69,461,487; '73 86 varietiesfor '58,236; '69 488 Gravenstein described '56 319 Greening described '56, 221; '70, 292; '71 130 hardy varieties... '70, 286; '78 234 harvesting '76 374 Hathaway, Benj, article on long keeping varieties '78 363 orchard management '71 123 Herefordshire Pearmain '56 233 Holland Pippin '66 319 home use, varieties for '58, 224; '71, 131; '83, 119; '84, 198; '88 303 Horticultural Society's list '58,333; '70,273,376 Hubbardston Nonesuch '70 294 hybridizing of '73, 48a; '74, 48; '76, 215; '81, 138; '87 143 ideal the, by J. G. Ramsdell '88 296 Indian trees '69 461 influence of pollen on fruit ., '81, 138; '74, 48: '76 215 stock on fruit '71 139 Insect enemies '75 93 bark louse '74, 126. 398; '83, 429; '85, 174; '86 138 borer '66, 216; '74, 124; '76, 373; '79 151 bulletin on '85 171 codlingmoth '76, 372; '79, 152; '85 171 bands for. '73, 48 ; '74. 54 ; '76, 93; '79 198 '84 199 '86 135 '86 135 '79 198 '70 289 '70 330 '69 462 '56 219 '71 130 70 295 '70 287 83 246 MICHiaA.N AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 31 Year. Page. Apple, insect enemies,maggot '84 spraying witli arsenites worms '76, 372; '79, 152; '84, 199; '85,171; bauds for '73, 48; '74, 54; '75, 93; Jersey sweet keeping through winter '78, 173; qualities of northern grown fmit Kerry Pippin King of Tompkins County '71 Ladies' Sweet Large Yellow Bough... latitude affecting earliness of list of varieties. (See Apple, varieties.) location for orchard '69,425; '75,167; '76 366 Lyon, T. T., list of varieties '56, 199; '58,237,251 reportof American Pomological Society '58 205 Mackinaw orchards '69 461 maggots '84, 199; '87 453 Maiden's Blush '70 288 manure for '73,47; '76 119 market, varieties of '87,154; '88 303 Mason, Edward, article by '56 209 Michigan Pomological Society's list --. '70 272 moth. (See Codling moth.) Newtown Pippin _._ _ '56 321 Konesueh, Hubbardston '70 294 northern grown, flavor of ___ '69 464 keeping qualities of '69 463 localities, varieties for '69,461,488; '68 236 Spy '70, 2i.3; '71,129; '78 364 old trees, productiveness of ..- '73 69 orchard, articles on. (See Apple, articles on.) at Agr'l Coll., report on '73,47; '75,54; '76,119; '77,48; '78,73; '79,198; '80,48; •81,138; '83,43. at Agr'l Coll., varieties in '85,136; '87 102 bearing year affected by thinning '75 118 budding vs. grafting '71 124 cultureof '73,47; '76 369 distance apart for trees '68,434; '75,167; '83 120 experiments with '78, 47; '76, 119; '79 198 grass culture of '73 47 harvesting » '76 374 Indian '69 461 looatioufor '69, 425; '75, 167; '76 366 manuring experiments - --- '73 47 old, productiveness of '73 69 renovation of '69 462 plaster for '79 200 productiveness of old '73 69 profltof , '78 270 pruning ,. '75,360; '76 370 roots of -- '69 435 renovation of old — - '69 462 root pruning '69 435 setting out '76, 368; '77, 263; '84, 198; '68, 434; '75, 167; '83 120 situationfor '69, 425; '75, 167; '76 366 slanting position for trees '84 198 33 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page, Apple orchard, soil for '69, 435; '75, 167; spraying with Paris green -. '86, 135; starting of, paper by Dr. Beal. 76 366 218 77 263 86 135 66 218 79 2U0 '74 48 D, 272 ,276 78 234 78 171 76 366 73 69 78 270 68 234 76 370 69 435 71 131 88 296 70 286 78 364 thinning frnit on '75,117; '76,123,3 timber, value when old -. varieties for. (See Apple, varieties of; Apple, lists of; Apple, best, etc.) Paris green for codling moth... '86, 171; Pearmain, American Summer, plaster as a manure for pollen, efeect of, on fruit '81,138; '73, 48a; Pomological Society's list .-. '58, 232; '70, 272, popular hardy varieties '70, 286; Pray, Eaek, article by _ _ -- preparation of soil for productiveness of old trees _ -- - profit in culture of -- promising varieties of - ■- pruning '76, 360; roots - -- - - Rambo - -- --- Ramadell, J. G., article on the ideal' Red Astrachan -- "56, 218; Red Canada "71, 128; report of Agricultural College orchards.— '73, 47; '74, '53; '75, 54; '76, 119; '77, 48; '78, 72; '79, 198; '80, 48; '81, 138 ; '83, 43; '85, 136. report of committee on varieties '58,233; '70,272,276 West Michigan Horticultural Society Rhode Island Greening '66,221; '70,293; root grafts vs. stock grafts and buds '71 pruning - Roxbury Russet - - Russets, J. P. Thompson on - Scott, E. H., article Fruit for Farmers selection of varieties - --- (See also Apple, lists of; Apple, varieties of, etc.) setting out trees '76, 363; '77, 263; '68, 434; '76, 167; '83, 120; '84 shaped tomatoes '87 Sine Qua Non - ., . situation for orchard '69, 425; '75, 167; '76 soil for. (See situation for.) preparation for '76 southern culture of '58 Spitzenburg _,_ '56 spraying trees with Paris green '86, 135; '88 Spy .--. '70,293; '71,139; '78 starting an orchard '77, 263; '76 Steele's Red Winter '78 stock, eflCect of on fruit '71 grafts vs. root grafts '71 storage of '78 Strawberry, lilarly ._ '56 Summer Pearmain '56 varieties.. '66,199,218; '69,444; '70,373,286; '76 Swaar '56 Sweet Bough '70 varieties '56, 222; '70, 287, 289, 293, 295 Tallman Sweet '70 293 '68 428 71 130 71 124 69 435 56 222 70 281 83 119 76 367 198 '56 218 368 229 220 318 363 368 364 139 124 173 218 218 367 231 287 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 33 Year. Pago. Apple, tender varieties 78 233 thinning fruit '75, 116; '76,123,371 Thompson, J. P., article on orchard system '70 276 time of ripening in different latitudes '88 246 Tompkins County King _. '71 ]30 treatment if frozen : '70 330 tree. (See also Apple orchard.) bark louse '74, 126, 298; '83, 429; '85, 174; '86, 138; '87 41 barren when young, reasons for '87 145 borer '56, 216; '74, 124; '76, 373; '79, 151; '88 168 spraying to destroy insects '88 218 timber value '88 334 varieties, American Pomological Society lists ^ '58 232 article on, by Benjamin Hathaway '78 362 at Agricultural College '85 136 best 6 for family. 1 '58 224 100 trees _. '58 237 12 for 100 trees '38,224,241 20 '58 224 committee's report on... '70, 272,276 described '56, 218; '70, 264, 286; '71, 128; '78 362 discussed '69, 433; '70, 263; '75, 118; '78 362 distinguished byflowers '74 66 for Alcona county '88 386 autumn '56,200: '69, 444; '70, 274,288 family use '58, 224; '71, 131; '83, 119; '84, 198; '68 303 Grand Traverse region '58,236; '69, 461, 487 Mackinaw '69 461 market '87,1.54; '88 303 northern localities '58,236; '69 461 orchard of one hundred trees '58, 237, 241 thousand trees '56, 218; '58, 225, 251 ; '70, 295; '71, 128; '76, 387; '77, 265. summer '.56,199; '69, 444; '70,273,286; '76 367 West Michigan '68,430; '70 272 New York '70 283 winter '56,201; '69, 444; '70,275,291 hardy '70,286; '78 284 Horticultural Society's list '70,272,276; '58 232 in Agricultural College orchard '87 102 influenced by stock '71 139 promising '58 234 russets. '70 281 selection of '76 367 tender '78 233 winter '56,201; '69,444; '70,275,291 worthless '84 199 Wagener .'. '70,291; '71,129; '78 365 Waring, W. L., article on popular hardy varieties '70 286 Westfleld Seek no Further '56 220 West Michigan Horticultural Association '68 430 White Belleflower , '58 220 winter killing of, in Crawford county '87 314 winter varieties '56,201; '69,444; '70,275,291 worm '73,48; '74,54; '75, 9.3; '76,372; '79, 153, 198; '84,199; '85, 171; '86, xli., 135 (See also Apple, insect enemies of.) worthless varieties of. '84 199 34 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page. Apple, yearly bearing produced by thinning '''5, U7, 118; '76, 133,371 Yellow Belleflower '36 220 Appleton,T., paper on roads and road making '88 151 Application of knowledge, article by Burke Spencer '^^ '^ Application of manures, article by John A. Paton - '^5 134 prize essay, by Clias. Betts - '3- ^^^ Applied science _ -- '85 33 at Agricultural College - ''^^ ™ Appointment of members of Board of Agriculture, law of -- '85 35 Apprenticeships '84 253 Appropriations for Agricultural College '66, 3, STO; '72,40; '73,8; '7i, 14; '78,14; '81,24; '83,16;'85, la; '86, xv. f since organization '86, xv; '87, 30; '88 33 Experiment Stations, foreign '83 259 United States- -- '88 139 agriculture and other purposes compared - -- '77 164 by foreign States '86 318 State Board of.. '85 37 State Agricultural Society... '50,243; '53,3; '54,6; '56,5; '57,7; '58 9 Forestry Commission '88 128 weather service '88 301 tj State institutions '81 36 Apricot, American Pomological Society's list '.. - '55 3:33 described - — '56 333 Large, Early - '5.i 333 varieties described '56 234 Apricots, varieties on College grounds '87 107 AquifoliaceiB _ '88 86 Arab horse breeding _ '7i 150 Arabian Godolphin, letter on '54 307 horse, description of _ '7i 148 Arborculture, article by Hon. Leroy Parker... '78 306 Arbor day at the Agricultural College '88 864 bulletinon "88 363 in schools, by B. G. Northrup '88 365 suggestion of.. '73 53 Arboretum at Agricultural College '74, 51; '76, 110; '77, 40; '78. 79; '79, 188; '88 45 bulletin on growth of '86 250 relative growth of varieties '79 191 Arbor vitfe described '78, 85; '88 373 notes on _ '85 137 varieties of '85 137 Arch, Joseph, visit to America '7J 112 Area of pasture for one animal '77 171 pine in Michigan '88 307 Arizona wild potato _ '87 139 Arkansas, forestry in 'gg 120 Arlington tomato described '87 85 Armada Agricultural Society report '78, 572; '77 034 Farmers and Mechanics' Club, address before by Rev. R. G. Baird '72 81 institute __ '75,121; '81 213 Armour, Wm., on farming, past, present and future.. '77 181 Arms and accoutrements to be deposited at Agricultural College , '81,23; '85 41 Army worm.... '(j5 21,37 article by Prof. A. J. Cook '7,r, 278 black, article by Prof. A. J. Cook '83 432 Arnautka spring wheat, report on '69 104 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 35 Year. Page. Arnold, L. B., artiolo on value of oheeBS '69 235 Aronnd the house, paper by Prof. James Satterlee '84 318 Arrangements of farm details, paper by A. C. Glidden. '80 143 Arrhenatherum avenaceum '87 287 Arsenical wall paper dangerous -. '74 92 Arsenic, white, objections to '86 134 Arsenltes for codling moth '8o,173i '87, 172; '88 42 Art department at the State fair '87, 211; '88 498 Artesian well at the Agricultural College -.- '87, 25, 47; '88 51 Artizans, education for '75 274 indebtedness to '86 210 Artichokes, grafting with sunflowers '77 57 Articles of association, for cheese manufacture -. 'd5 135 of agricultural societies of Michigan '78 581 Cass Co. Agricultural Society '56 378 Clinton Go. Agricultural and Horticultural Society '56 402 Ingham Co. Farmers' Club --. _--.- '74 271 Kent Co Agricultural Society. .-- '56 644 amendments.- '67 446 Ottawa Co. Agricultural Society '55 786 Sanilac Co. Agricultural Society '59 519 State Pomological Society '70 260 Artificial characteristics of animals '72 190 Artificially grown timber compared with natural '88 333 Artificial swarming of bees '75 337 watering of farms '67 119 Ash, black, blue and green described '78 86 leaved maple - - '78 98 Mountain, described '78 86 prickly, described .- '78 87 trees in college arboretum '79 189 Michigan . — '88 370 white, age of maturing '88 333 black, swamp and water '78 87 Ashes, analyses of - '85 178 and muck mixed - - '59 351 as an insecticide - -- - '86 xli for lawns - - ..- '84 220 peaty soils : '86 177 wheat - '77 126 leached for wheat '75,201; '77 125 manurial value '55, 188; '63, 63; '64, 86; '78, 418; '83, 99; '88 287 buUetinon - '85 175 Rothamsted, experiments on '84 70 of coal valueless as manure., '83 101 hard coal valueless lor manure '85 178 on grass - '65,336; '66 56 sandy soils discussed -- '79 81 plaster and salt, experiments with. '88 287 soils most benefited by '85 178 value of - - '63 63 as manure. (See Ashes, manurial value of.) waste of - '77 398 Askew, Isaac, on Durham cattle '51 137 Shorthorn bull Quelph '63 121 Asparagus, how to raise for family '84 194 raising '53 154 36 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page. Aspect for dwelling house .- - '77 330 peach orchards -- ^^^ ^^^ sheep sheds _ _ '84 187 Aspen described '78 87 Assessment for roads, evils of , - '80 20& Assets of Agricultural College, summary of '85, 11; '86. xi; '87, 19; '83 24 Assistant instructors, need of at Agricultural College - --- - '80 40 Association of farmers - '71 205 Michigan agricultural societies '75, 612; '77, 647; '78, 571; '79, 445; '81 600 sportsmen as to a forestry reserve '88 353 students' club boarding - '84 27 sugar growers' --. - '67 304 Astrology, Judge Christiancy on --- - '53 573 Astronomical time at College -- - '78 119 Astronomy at the Agricultural College — . '75, 56; '76, 125; '77, 63; '78, 113; '66 It Atkins reaper and mower --- - - - '52 149 Atlantic forests of America, species in - '88 101 strawberry, notes on -.- '85,131; '87 99 Atmospheric drainage should not be stopped by wind breaks '88 350 influence from lake in fruit belt-. _ - '73 78 Attendance at Agricultural College '69 9 Attractions of farm life, by Hon. Thomas Mars - - '87 472 Auditors, Board of, to audit accounts of Board of Agriculture - '85 44 Augur machine for brick making.-. '87 465 Au Sable river, forest reserve at sources of '88 353 Austria, agriculture in... - — '69 223 Austrian appropriations for agriculture -- '83, 269 '86 218 pine -- '78 101 Autocrat tomato described '86,241; '87 85 Autumn apples '56,200; '69,444; '7(, 274,238; '76 368 frosts, 20 years' record of '50 428 Average annual expense attending Agr'l Coll .- '85 16 crop of wheat and corn in U. S '84 85 price per acre of land grant land '86 xii Averill, Mrs. J. G., paper on small fruit for women '84 206 Avery, Dr. John, address by '31 204 Hon. C. P., address before Genesee county society '56 455 Avon Agricultural Society report ^. '83, 451 ; '84 , 435; '85, 259; '87 506 Awarding committee rules, State fair '73, 170; '76 487 A woman's experience in bee-keeping, article '76 431 word about water, by Dr. R. C. Kedzie '38 335 Ayrshirecattleatthe Agr'l Coll.... '66, 13; '76, 23; '81, 568; '85 68 characteristics '57, 110; '58, 340; '64, 135; '7.5, 304; '76, 281; '79 1C9 paper on, by See'y Sanford Howard '64 135 milk compared with that of other breeds '76 179 B. Babbit, Mrs. Clarissa, donation by Baccalaureate, sermon by Prof. G. T. Fairchild Bacheler, Mr., essay on theory and practice of farming Bachelors of Science Back studies, making up ... volumes of reports Backwoods life '87 Bacteria— what are they '84 Badcock, Wm. H., gilt to Agr'l Coll '63 19 '73 10 '78 250 '85 20 '72 8 '85 295 '67 430 '84 201 '86 XX MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 37 Year. Page. Bad grammar '81 402 Michigan butter i! '78 182 Bagley, Gov., extract from address '75 25 message of '73 7 Bagley's ever-bearing raspberry discussed '68 221 Bailey, Mrs. H. C, poetry of the farm '86 14 Prof. li. H., bulletin on apples for market '87 154 rural adornment _ '85 157 tomatoes ..'86,233; '87 64 election of '85 17 horticulturist of experiment station '88, 6,26, 136, 143, 145 list of market apples by '87 156 notes on Boston experiment station '88 190 notes on fruits, etc _ '85 130 tomatoes - '86 233 on educational labor '86 xxviii multiplication of plants '87 429 paperon style infarming. '86 56 ten essentials of horticulture '88 285 windbreaks for fruit growing '88 350 reportof '8.5, 71; '86, xxvii; '87, 64; '88 36 rural adornment '85 157 Baird, Henry W., assistant secretary __ '88 5 Secretary R. G., address before association of agricultural societies '78 575 article on centennial exposition. '75 306 economy and farm management '77 393 farmers'boys '79 203 homes '76 375 occupation '81 386 feeding cattle '80 289 Michigan Agricultural College '83 180 relation of education to agriculture '84 249 requisites for success in farming '78 457 deathof '85 17 Baked soil, how remedied '57 52 Baker, L. W., paper on hedge fence or wire '85 268 Mrs. L. B., article on bee keeping '76 4.31 Bakewell, Robert, breeder of long horns --. -.- '80 235 principles of breeding '72,182; '87 364 Baking meat, points of. '83 200 powders, chemistry of '83 201 Balance of special appropriations on hand October 1st '86 xvi trade '83 173 Bald cypress '78 93 Baldwin apple described '56,220; '70,291; '71 128 by Benj. Hathaway '78 363 T. T. Lyon. '58 254 discussed '70,264; '84 199 profitableness of , '84,199; '87 155 time of ripening .*. '88 251 exyerimeut station '88, 144, 177 Gov. H. P., address by '70 360 Ball, Hon. Wm., address before association of agricultural societies '81 601 sheep breeders '79, 424, 434 on intelligence of farmers '78 243 paper on improvement of stock '79 166 sheep raising and wool growing '78 253 38 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page, Ball, Hon. Wm., paper on Short Horn breediDg and raising '83 32* snocessin farming '86 38 report of department at State fair. '87 330 John, description of Grand Rapids plaster beds '56 585 Ballard's Early sweet corn '85 137 Ballard, T. S., paper on Devonshire cattle _ _ '58 306 Balm of Gilead flr described '78 87 poplar described- _ '78 88 Balsam flr described '78,88 '88 373 notes on '85 138 uses of '. - '88 83 Bamber, A. M., notice of.... '83 21 Banbury improved onion '87 97 Bancroft Institute.... '87 269 Bands for codling moth '73, 48; '74, 54; '75, 93; '76, 373; '79, 153, 198; '85 172 Bangor Institute '80 137 Bank, A. D., article on stock raising '87 355 Bankruptcy, proportion of '51 301 Banks, Gov. N. P., address before State Agricultural Society '59 6S Banksian rose... '76 421 Bank's pine '78 103 Barber, E. W., gleanings from the census '88 310 Barberry '78 88 Barb horses. '57 153 Bark lice '74,136,298 article on, by A. J. Cook '83 429 bulletin on, by A. J. Cook '85 174 kerosene emulsion for '86 138 maple trees injured by - '88 230 removal of in cutting oak '88 335 Barley, article on by David Woodman, jr '77 143 chemical composition of grain. '73 224 straw. '59 275 cultivation of '50 274 notes on '71 98 statistics of in Michigan '78 484 value for manure after feeding '87 333 Barlow, A. P., letter on peach yellows '80 152 James, donation of land by, for experiments '88 176 Barnes, Ezra D., premium farm '66 276 Dr. J. B., article on small fruit culture '76 304 Hon. O. M., address before Ingham County Society '57 375 article, intelligence necessary to farmers '74 386 Norman, [report on Grand Traverse region '54 523 Barn for experimental feeding '84 33 suggestions as to building '79 334 Barns, ventilation of '79 66 Barnyard manure. (See also Manure and Fertilizer.) effect of, at Rothamsted '84 70 for wheat '76 393 how to produce in plenty '87 412 importance of '78, 294; '87 331 prize essay, by Chas. Betts '53 161 wasteof '77 398 Barometer records for twenty-four years at Agricultural College '88 555 Barrel churn for dairies '68 402 Barrels for fruit packing, laws as to size '67 456 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 30 Year. Page. Barren knolls for forests - - '88 316 soils ..- '72 230 causeof '65 303 composition of '65 211 trees when young, causes -.- '87 145 Barrens of Michigan, flora of --.. '88, 180, 182 problem of '88 171 Barrenness in cattle - -- - ' '69 267 domestic animals _.. '83 133 Barriers in front of fruit at fairs. '87 223 Barry County Agricultural Society report '64, 227; '65,275; '66,286; '67,404; '68,393; '69,364; '70, 363; '71, 401; '72, 133; '73,243; '74, 258; '75, 496; '76,573. report on seasons -. '69 112 Barry, Gov., on agricultural college idea '.'. '81 364 Bartholomew, Dr., article on fruit culture '75 166 Bartlett, Hon. John, donation by '62 15 pear described , _ - '58 262 S. M., report on agricultural teaching in University - '54 20 statement of corn crop - .." '53 124 Basis of forestry legislation, by Hon. B. E. Fernow '88 354 Baskets for fruit -.-. '68 440 peaches '73 53 hanging, for ihe hoase '78 269 Bassflsh described - '51 227 Basswood described - '?(', 86; '88 370 for planting. '88 233 Basswoods in college arboretum '79 189 Bates, John S., address before Monroe County Society '62 373 Thomas, Shorthorn breeder '69, 144; '80 242 family of Shorthorns '69 148 out crosses '72 198 Bathing, importance of, to health '83 194 Bath township, grant of swamp lands in '85 40 Battle Creek Farmers and Mechanics Union report '59 374 institute.. '80 189 Bauer, Chas., paper on the farmer's life -.. '81 32a Baugh's superphosphate experiments '70 102 Baxter, B. L., address before Lenawee Co. Society '57 464 Hon. Witter J., report by. '64, 28; '87, 211; '88 498 Bay City institute '78 306 soil analyzed 78 392 county, description and history of '77 661 Agricultural Society report '68, 394; '69, 366; '71, 401; '77, 655; '79 462 report on season "69 112 Bayley, James, on White Flint wheat '54 319 Beal, J. A., article on dairying "80 166 Porter, list of apples by '87 157 Dr. W. J., article by, apple culture '76 366 orchard?, pruning 'T5 360 starting '77 363 carniverous plants.^ '75 375 centennial timber collection '75 377 county fairs. '79 456 experiments and work of horticultural department '79 188 horticultural '76 200 farmers' garden __ '76 160 forest flres '88 338 40 GENERAL INDEX OF Tear. Page. Beal, Dr. W. J., article by, forest products of Michigan at the centennial '75 377 forestry '88 72 fungi, a few injurious '84 200 grasses.. ... '75,287; '83 106 for cold climates '87 379 the dairy - '71 91 horticultural experiments . '7li 200 improvement of county fairs -- - -- Tl* 456 grains, fruits, etc '78 445 Indian corn '80 379 Michigan forest products at centennial.. - '75 377 plant growth..,. 81 203 red clover '86 76 variation of '81 129 testing seeds '77 377 trees and shrubs at Agricultural College 78 85 botanist of experiment station , 'tS, 6, Ct'., 186, 141, 145, 171 brilletin on arbor day '88 363 botanical museum - "87 176 forestry convention '88 306 grasses '85 179 growth of trees in College arboretum.. - 'SO 250 lawn making and seeds for .. '85 151 vitality of seeds -. '84 382 director of Forestry Commission -.- — '88 71 election as Professor of Botany '70 8 experiments '78 68 on apple orchard... '73,47; '76 119 cross fertilization '73,480; '74 48 codling moth 73,48; '74 54 in gardening -. '80 50 on potatoes '74 49 running out '76 111 and tomatoes '77 53 in seed testing '77, 386; '78, 74; 81, 106; '83 56 lectures, etc., general resume of worlc done '81 102 station report '88 171 < farm insects, remarks on _ '7') 93 forestry report '88 71 hedge fence, opinion of '85 264 outside work done by '75,44; '76 124 questions asked of '83 53 remarks on farm insects -. '79 93 resumS of work for 10 years at Agricultural College 'SI 103 report of '73, 47; '74, 41; '75, 38; '76, 98; '77, 41; '78, 65; '79, .33; '80, 41; 'SI, 98; '83, 52; '84, 45; '85, 82; '80, xlii; '87, 36; '88, 45, 71, 171. Beans and corn, best depth for planting '88 216 germination of '88 239 wheat, relative exhaustion of soil by '66 128 cross breeding of '77, .'S7; '78, 454, 450; '83 44 culture of '50 276 garden culture of '84 194 Lima .' '53 153 straw, analysis of - '59 276 value for manure after feeding '87 333 Bearing rein, evil of '57 196 year of apples made constant by thinning -. . '75 118 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 41 Year. Page. Beasts damaging property, distraining of '83 301 Beautiful liomes for farmers, article by Jason Woodman '80 156 Beautifying country homes, article by Calvin Chamberlain '71 331 A. S. Dyokmau '73 49 Beauty, breeding for '81 273 of Hebron, best potato grown '85 170 Xo. 1 '83 40 notes on '83 39 Beardsley, L«vi, address before Muslcegon Co. Society '78 604 Beckwith, P. D., report by '64 15 W.G., address '70 317 report on Agricultural College '81 475 Bedding and furniture, inventory of, at Agricultural College '76 41 flowers at Agricultural College '78 81 plants shown in beds at State Fair '87 233 Bedford, Duke of, experiment on feeding of Devons and Herefords '58 321 Bedfordshire Champion onion '87 96 Bedroom ventilation _ '77 338 Bee bread, how made '75 338 culture for women '76, 431: '84 313 in Michigan '78 488 (See also "Apiary," " Bee Keeping," '*Bees," and " Honey.") enemies -.- '75 353 glue, how produced '75 329 house, new, at Agricultural College '87 43 keepers' calendar _ _ '75 355 keeping, inducements to '75 315 requisites to success '75 316 who may venture on '75 315 (See also " Bee Culture" and "Bees.' ') moth.. '75, 88, 353; '87 437 plants '75 343 atthe Agricultural College '78 61 smoker- '75 339 stabber described '87 440 veils '75 338 Bees and honey at State Fair '87,306: '88 495 areaneeded for pasture '83 163 article by Baker, Mrs. L. B., a woman's experience '76 431 Bingham, T. F., bees for farmers '73 163 Cheney, A. B., shall farmers keep bees?. '76 429 bee culture '73 159 Cook, A. J., manual of beekeeping '75 315 mistakes of beekeepers '76 189 some insect enemies '87 437 sting of worker bee '79 258 tongue of honeybee.. '79 253 wintering bees, prize essay '76 434 Cutting, H. D., on management of.. '84 190 Fuller, Emmet, practical points '74 393 Kedzie, R. F., on composition of honey '76 438 Pierce,«A. B., the apiary '84 189 Porter, "W. L., black and Italian bees '76 434 Stockholm, A. (3-., hints to beekeepers..- '76 188 Tomlinson, Julius, bees for farmers '75 86 artificial swarming of '^5 337 at Agricultural College. (See "Apiary at Agricultural College.") 42 GENERAL INDEX OF Yeai-. Page. Bees, breedlngof '88 169" bumble, effect OQ red clover '81, l.JT; '86, T9; '79 193 bulletin on wintering, by Prof. A. J. Cook "85 UO care of, in spring '76 186 winter '85 113 cliaracteristics of different races _ --- '88 169 clover fertilized by '81,127; '79 193 comb foundation - '77 38 dampness in storing - '85 143 drones - - -- '75 321 experiments with - '75,359; '88 168 for farmers, by T. F. Bingham -- 'S3 163 A.B.Cheney - - Te 429 Julius Tomlinson '75 86 profit - ---- ---^ - '74_2n5- '76 189 feedingof -- -- .75, 334; '76, 188; '84 191 fertilizing clover --- '81, r.'7 ; '86,79; '79 1P3 German - 75 329 grapes injured by -- '75 Wl honey, composition of, by R. F. Kedzie -.- '76 428 how to multiply - .-. - '75 337 income from at Agricultural College '77 36 insect enemies of - — '87 437 Italianizing, method of --- '75 346 Italian, merits compared with black '75,329; '76,434; '83 159 keepers' mistakes, by A. J. Cook - -- '76 189 kinds to keep '83 159 location of apiary , '75 341 management of, by H. W. Cutting '84 190 manual of, by Prof. A. J. Cook 75 315 multiplication of .- '75 :537 obstacles to keeping.- - - - - '7.) 88 pasture area necessary for 83 163 place in the animal kingdom - '75 317 profit of _.._ '74, 2fl5; '76, 189,431 queens _ _ _.. ,_ '75 321 lack of ____ '76 190 races of described _._ _ _ 'S'6 169 relative merits of black and Italian. -- - _ 71;, 434; '75, 32il; '83 159 spring care of _ "76 186 sting of worker, article by Prof. Cook '79 258 storing dampness in __ '85 143 swarming of '76, 335; 76 187 artificially '75 337 tongue of honey bee, by Prof. A. J. Cook '79 2.i2 transferring '75 353 versus grapes _ _ _ '75 341 wax -75 355 who should keep _ _.. _ '75,315; '83 159 wintering 75, 343; '76, 188, +24; '83 163 bulletin on '85 HO dampness.. .- '85 143 foodfor '76,427; '85 143 losses in '85 141 packing for.... '84,191; '85 144 requisites for safety - "76 427 uniform temperature needed '85 144 MICHIGAN AGEICULTURAL REPORTS. 43 Year. Pagb. Bees, wintering, ventilation '85 143 without queens 78 jqo woman's experience with _ _ 76, 431; '84 213 Beehe, 0.,on the ideal grape '87 299 Beech, American, described _ jg sB in Michigan ___ '88 367 Beecher, Henry Ward, on booica 'so 333 Hon, N. A., list of apples by ,_ '87 157 paper on fruit culture on farms '78 230 remarks at Forestry Convention '88 306 Beef, article by Baird, Secretary R. G-., raising cattle for 'fO 389 Ball, Hon. Wm., on Shorthorns _ '83 333 Hendryx, J. R., feeding cattle for '77 157 IngersoU, Prof. Chas., beef and beef breeds '78 465 Ladd, H., feeding cattle in winter for '84 161 Mason, Edward '57 loi Tallent, Francis '58 373 • Tanner, Prof. Henry, breeding of beef stock '59 198 Taylor, J. E _ _ '80 m Wildey, E. A., beef raising for market _ '84 159 as food '80 178 compared with cheese '72 63 points about roasting '83 2(K) breeds, hy 0. L. IngersoU __ 78 465 choice of '80 391 eattle, points of '76,346; '80 320 when to sell '84 163 ehoiceof hreedsfor '80 291 gain in weight per day of different breeds _ '78 468 of Galloway cattle '65 50 qualities of Galloway cattle '76 331 Shorthorn cattle '76 349 raising cattle for, by Sec'y R. G. Baird.. '80 289 papers on 07, 101; '58, 373; '80, 111; '83 333 market, by E. A. Wildey , '84 159 relative proportion of to live weight of animal '78 467 roasting, points about '... '83 200 Shorthorns for '76,349; '58, 273; '83 322 stock, breeding of, by Prof. Henry Tanner.. '69 198' winter feeding of cattle for, by H. Ladd ; '84 161 Beetle, carpet, bulletin on ,. '86 233 Beetles, elaters '57 316 Beets, culture of '50 389 article on '74 291 in garden, by Geo. P. Butler '77 260 how to raise for family '84 194 manufacture of liquor from '69 335 notes on '79 45 quantityof seed for '88 334 Beet seeds tested '81 123 Beets, sugar from roots of.. '69,316; '80 145 Beggar's lice, how to exterminate '74 307 Begging, profits of '77 117 Begole, Gov., message on College '83 15 Belgian sands, cultivation of, Dr. Manly Miles '87 335 Belief in influence of moon '59 362 Bell cranberry. '75 144 44 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page. Belle Lucrative pear described .-. _ _ '58 265 Bellflower (Bellefleur) apple '56, 220; '58 239 Bell peppers, description of _ '87, 91, 93 Belmont apple .-. '58, 238; '71 181 Belts of timber, discussion on _. '69 449 trees arresting malaria '71 250 Bemis, Horace, address before Lenawee Co. Society '49 200 Ben Davis apple, time of ripening _ '88 253 Benedict, Hiram, premium farm _ _ '6U 278 Rev. W. U., address before Eaton Co. Society '55 493 Benefits of agricultural societies, by Mr. Cliase '77 187 forests - - '88 311 science to farming, paper on by Pres. E. W. Willits.. '84 292 spaying cattle - - '88 205 thoroughbred sires, by A. F. Wood '77 189 Bengal daily rose -.- '76 422 grass - -- '71 115 Benham, Henry D , obituary notice '81 29 Benjamin, Mrs. M., paper on women on farm '84 214 Bennett, Henry, report on land grants for Agricultural College.-- - - '57 285 O. W. c& G. P., bull " JVIatchless" '52 123 Benton Harbor peach growing --- '73 49 Benzie County Agricultural Society report '65, 276; '67, 406; '70, 364; '71, 403; 73, 244; '75 497 fruit region.- - - '73 86 Benzonia soil analyzed - - '78 393 Berberidaoete '88 85 Bergen's yellow peach .- - -- •... '56, 232; '58 268 Berkshire swine described '64, 181; '78, 197; '79, 285; '87 404 inventory of on College farm - '76 25 origin of - _ - '78 197 Berlin institute -- - '81 200 Bermuda grass, questions about, answered - '85 181 tomato, description of --- --- '87 81 Berrien County Agricultural Scciety report '50,263; '51,289; '52,215; '56.331; 57,299; '59,325, '64, 10: '65,276; '66, 287; '68, 395; '77, 672; '79, 465. address, by A. L. Mcllvane '51 290 'Wm. Smith Farmer '52 215 analysis of marl from '85 146 Institute - _ - '63 80 Berries, wild, of iVIichigan -- _ '75 79 culture of, for women, by iVIrs. J. G. Averill - '84 206 Berry boxes, facing the top of - '84 208 growing in northern counties '87 310 picking by boys _,- '84 208 the quart - '87 64 hats for.-- _ '84 209 rules for, at Agricultural College-- '87 65 L. G., report a^ treasurer '62,37; '63, 106; '64 121 Berry's bone dust '67 417 Best apples for family - '58,224,237,241; '71,132; '83, 119; 84,198; '88 296 other uses. (See "Apples," best.) breeds of cattle, by J. H. May. '77 176 for our climate, by D. W. Palmer '79 107 swine, paper by D. F. Vickery '78 196 breed of swine, paper by A. Whitney - '31 286 grapes '88 299 grasses for pastures - '65 126 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 45 Year. Page, Best peaches '88 296 pears, by Joseph Launin '88 297 strawberries for garden '83, 116; '88 300 Better farmiag, induoements to, by N. D. Thomas '75 169 Betting on horse racing at fairs '67 108 Betts, Chas., paper on farm fertilizers '78 291 prize essay on manures '32 160 report for St. .Joseph Co '64 66 Betulaceas '88 97 Beurre Bosopear described '56 227 d'Anjoupear described '58 262 d'Aremberg pear described '38 263 Diel pear described _ '38 266 Easter pear described '58 266 Benreault rose '76 421 Bidwell fruit drying machine '73 57 J. E., description of fruit farm _ ... '73 56 strawberry '85, 132; '87 98 Biennial and annual plants '72 254 Bigarreau cherry '56 239 Big crop of wheat '78 302 Rapids Institute '79 77 soil analyzed '78 394 stone, gift by class of '78 '83 20 Bill fish described '51 329 Bill. (See also "Act," "Law," etc.) for establishment of Agricultural College '34 6 Experiment Stations '83,30; '84 16 textof '87 28 Forestry Commission '88 70 government of State Agricultural Society '76 523 inspection of commercial fertilizers '86 245 regulation of cowsheds '80 104 relative to highways '58 9 to prevent spread of contagious diseases '68,455; '80,92,100 Billinghurst, E. C, paper on strawberry culture '84 204 Billings, Hon. S. R., paper on wheat culture.. - '84 144 Bills and claims at State Fair '73 172 Bingham, Grov. Kinsley S , address at dedication of Agricultural College '56 316 donation by.. '62 15 message on Agricultural College '81 365 Bingham, T. F., article, beel^eeping for farmers '83 162 Biography of Sanford Howard '70 65 value of for reading '80 327 Biorhiza fortioornis '88 470 Birch trees in Michigan '88 371 varieties of described '78,89; '88 97 Birdliceby Prof. Cook, illustrated '78 443 Birds and cherries -'--. '75 284 and insects. Prof A. J. Cook.. '75 277 as distributors of seeds '88 77 insect destroyers '75,61; '76,173; '83 439 cherry, killing of '75 278 food of young, by C. M. Weed '83 43fr frogs and toads, food relations of. '83 439 killing Cedar '75 278 of pine plains .- '88 187 46 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page. Birds, plea for by Judge Cooley '55 717 Birney, Hon. James, on cows in Holland.. ._ _ '78 309 the drainage system of Holland '78 354 Bisulphide of carbon for ants... - '83 234 Bitternut described '78 89 shootsforhop poles. -. _ '88 334 Bittersweet, climbing, notes on '85 138 Bixbee, IMartin H., how to keep fruit lands fertile ._ '88 289 Black army worm, by Prof. A.J. Cook '83 422 Black ash described '7S, 86; '88 370 bees and Italian, relative value of '76 434 Blackberries, American Pomological Society's list of '58 234 best varieties for Alcona county '88 386 cultureof '70, 438; '76, 307; '77, 211; '79 131 for farmers - '83 118 Kittatinny, time of ripening '88 263 Lawton, time of ripening '88 261 listot for West Wichigan '69 445 varieties of at Agricultural College.. '87 107 Blackberry, wild, value of '75 80 Black birch described '78 89 Blackbird crow, food of - '83 413 Blackbirds and insects, by Prof . A. J. Cook '75 277 robins as insect eaters. '75, 61, 277 Black Cap berries in College garden. '87 112 cherry '88 370 Defiance strawberry.. '79, 45; '87 VQ Forest in Germany '88 334 faced Heath sheep 'ij'i 177 Hamburgh grapes '56 243 Hawk horses - '64 82 Jack oak '88 368 Kerry cattle _ 79 108 knot, cause of '84 201 Lake fruit region '73 63 leg in cattle '69 267 maple '78 98 mustard, a weed '87 329 oak '78 100 Prince grape '56 243 raspberry culture for farmers '83 117 Blacksmithing, article on '72 93 for farmers, by E. D. A. True... '81 306 Blacksmith shop at Agricultural College '86 18 Blacksmith's tools at Agricultural College, inventory of '76 18 Black Spanish chickens '68 288 spruce '78, 10.5; '88 373 summer turnip radish... ._ '88 237 walnut '78, 108; '88 370 wheat stalk, isosoma. '84 322 willow , _ '78 108 gladder nut described _ _ '78 89 Blair, Austin, President of Board '62 5 Blake, Wm. A., address at Galesburg '81 220 Bland grape '56 243 Bleaching celery '88 287 Bligh, Uapt. Walter, on drainage '55 145 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 47 Year. Page. Blight In pears , '69, 175,483 copperas for _ 78 341 soft soap for '78 341 Bliss, B. K. & Sons, seeds from tested '78, 76; '81 114 Blister beetle '74 121 Blois, John T., paper on fence posts '76 292 Blooded cattle for new country, paper by Judge Isaac Marston '78 356 stock at Agricultural College '78 31 valueof, by J. E. Taylor '81 257 Bloodgood pear described _ '56 224 discussed '58 266 Blood horse, article by A. Y. More _ , '53 127 influence of in horses _ '65 104 manures, experiments "70 102 red onion _ _ '87 97 Bloom in winter, in house _ '78 267 Blossoming of corn '79 198 Blount's champion cluster tomato '87 84 prolific corn '80 284 Blue ash '88 370 Blue beech described '78 88 Blue bird, food of '83 412 damson plum '88 299 grass and June grass, identity of '77 150 description '71,108; '75 297 for pasture '65 129 questions about, answered '85 181 Imperatrice plum described '56 238 joint grass described '75 296 questions answered '85 182 stem grass, notes on '85 182 Blush, Geo. H., on fruit in Alcona county '83 385 Board at Agricultural College. (3ee "board of students and boarding".) drains '87 354 Board of Agriculture, account of members of '78 22 Agricultural College appropriations to be recommended by '85 44 under for 20 years '84 255 experiment station under '88 135 agriculturists to constitute one-half of membership '85 35 appropriations for Agricultural College to be recommended by '85 44 body corporate '85 35 bulletins to be issued by authority of '85 47 commercial fertilizers, sale to be licensed by '85 47 contracts by, members to have no interest in '85 45 corporate body '85 35 creation of '81,377; '85 34 f irmers to constitute one-half of membership '85 35 first members of — '85 41 history of Agricultural College under '84 255 in control of experiment station '88 135 law as to bulletins '85 47 commercial fertilizers '85 46 reports of secretary '85 42 creating, in full '85 34 prohibiting interest in contracts '85 45 licensing sale of commercial fertilizers '85 46 management of Agricultural College by '84 255 *8 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page, Board of Agriculture, membersliip, original '85 41 membership to be one-hall of farmers '85 35 members of _ '63, 3; '85, 34; '66, iv; '37,4; '83 4 notices of by T. C. Abbot - '78 33 prohibited from interest in contracts - - 'So 41 to constitute Forestry Commission.. - -. '88 70 original members of __ '85 41 powers of.... '85 38 purpose of '76 592 recommendation of appropriations by '85 44 report of Secretary law of '85 43 when required... '86 393 reports, wanted for exchange 85,295; '87 60 standing committees '83,18; '88 4 directors of Forestry Commission '88 7 Education in charge of Agricultural College '85 34 students, cost of at Agricultural College '76, 13; '77, 13; 78, 12; '79, 11; '85 16 trade essay '74 274 Boarding club system, account of '83 25 adoption of '83 65 constitution 'S3, 36; '84 35 hall, inventory, detailed '7i'> 40 summary '74 15 Boards, State, members prohibited from interest in contracts -. '85 45 reports of, law concerning '85 42 unnecessary under tile drains '88 438 Boars, etc., law prohibiting running at large '66 37app. Bog iron ore in Michigan '.>3 303 Monroe county '55 384 Wayneeounty _. '.55 368 lime formations in Michigan '.53 ..'CM meadows, how to plow '71 182 meadow, reclaiming, articles on '71, 181; '76, 141; '77, 184, 322; '86 175 spavin in horses ■ '57 193 Bogs, reclamation of, article by P. Hodgeman.. '77 33ii F. Holbrook... '71 181 Erastus Osborne '75 141 W.AsaRowe... _ 't6 175 J.N.Smith '77 184 Boiler house and chimney, description of '84 51 estimate for '83 63 Boilers for agricultural uses __ "77 291 Bond of Secretary State Board of Agriculture 'S5 35 Treasurer State Board of Agriculture '85 35 Bonds, war bounty, investment of College funds in '73,38; '86 xiii Bone dust and superphosphate '67 407 for wheat 77 126 spavin in horses '57 193 fertilizer, analysis of. -g- 174 superphosphate, analysis of ._ 'c7 174 Bones as a fertilizer '.5,5, 187; '64 86 chemical composition of '72 335 manurial value of ._ ,55, 187; '64 86 small, why desirable _ '76, 347 Book farming '56,805; '58,560; '71,219; '76, 180; '76,160; '78,460; '79,114; '80,250; '84 292 for school children, paper by Mrs. R. F. Johnstone W! 311 limits of ';i,i ;^28 MICHIGAN AGEIOULTURAIi REPORTS. 49 Year. Page Book fanning of Hon. JesBeBuell '55 806 paperbyO.B. Charles '80 159 Mrs. J. 0. Wilson '88 193 prejudioeragainst, T.C.Abbot '75 312 remarks on by Nelson W. Butts '53 415 (See also "Farmers, Education for.") Book-keeping, course In '75 69 for farmers '83 88 byBev. Chas. Fox '51 300 Dr. Palmer '76 272 Books and reading, by Prof. E. J. McEwan '80 331 for fruit growers '77 819 the home '76 381 on agriculture '75 iOi Bookwalter engine '77 297 Booth family of Shorthorns '69 149 pedigrees '72 186 Thos., Shorthorn breeder '69, IM; '80 238 rents at agricultural fairs _ '81, 605; '85 211 State Fair ....'87,201: '88 490 Borasicaeid, influence on germination '87 133 Borates, influence on germination... '87 133 Borden's milk condensing factory '72 67 Borer, apple tree. '74, 134; '77, 245; '88,168,228,386 how to fight... '76, 373; '79, 151; 'T4, 128, 297; '78 341 prevention of '79 151 currant '74, 140; '83, 436; '88 294 flat headed '74 125 maple tree '88 238 peach '74 136 small '74 138 plum '73 92 Borers and remedies '74, 297; '76, 373; '78,'341: '79, 151; '88, 228, 294, 386 in orchard trees '78 342 soap for '78 341 timber. '77 245 twig... '74 128 Borrowing capital to farm... '78 193 Bosc pear.. '88 298 Boston market tomato described '86, 239; '87 83 nectarine described. '56 233 pine strawberry discussed '58 230 squash pepper '87 93 Bostrichus bicandatus, illustrated '74 127 Botanical Department of Agricultural College, account of '78, 27; '85 26 bulletin on arbor day '88 363 forest trees, growing of forestry convention grasses lawns ' museum vitality of seeds '84 estimates for '81 report of.. '75, 38; '76, 98; '77, 41; '78, 64; '79, 33; '80, 41; '81, 98; '83, 52; '84, 45; '85, 83; '86, xlii; '87, 36; '88, 45. Experiment Station '88 171 description of grasses '71 95 •86 250 '88 306 •85 179 '85 151 '87 176 '84 332 '81 16 50 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. rage. Botanical expedition to pine woods - '^8 179 families _. _ -- '''1 ^2 garden at Agricultural College '7^, 81; '70, 197; '85, 84; '88 45 list of plants in - - - '81 141 Gazette, description of laboratory at Agricultural College - '86 xliii laboratory at Agricultural College, account of '80,43; '86 xliii library at Agricultural College - '73 S9 museum at Agricultural College '78,68; '87 176 donations to '86, xlvi; '87, 37; '88 46 survey of Soutlii'in Michigan.. '55 396 Botany at the Agricultural College '78, 27; '8', 103; '85 26 facilities for study of at Agricultural College '81 103 questions in '7.j, 40; '76. 101: '77, 4'!; '78 65 Bot flies in horse, cow and sheep, by Prof. A. J. Cook, illuiitrated '76 163 Bottle calves..,. '58 275 Boulders and stones, what to do with '59 395 of Michigan '33 295 Boundaries of college farm, survey of '77 72 Boundary dispute of Michigan. '71 198 lines, law of... '83 303 Bounty bonds, investment of College funds in '72 38 for tree planting ^ '76 311 on sorghum sugar '83,12; '87 3L report '83,12; '84 306 sugar, how paid '85 44 law for '8 5 44 Bouquet rouge pepper '87 90 Bouquets, arrangement of '75 369 Bourbon rose '76 423 Bow, Dennis, paper on wheat culture in Saginaw county '86 101 Box elder described '78 89 Boxes for honey '75 351 Boyden, E. L. premium farm '67 343 Boyden, Luther, statement as to Boyden wheat '51 171 Boyden's Late Mammoth strawberry '58 220 Boyden wheat, statement by Luther Boyden... '51 171 Boyer's Early Heart cherry. '56 238 Boys as berry pickers '84 208 educating for farm '79 82 farmers', education of, paper by Dr. 'Wm. B. Hamilton '81 333 N. P. Latta '83 208 funfor '81, 415; '87 475 making home pleasaift f or '80 173 onthefarm.. '71,233; '76,339; '87 475 how kept there, paper by Prof. B. J. MacEwan '81 406 paper by Mrs. M. J. Kutz '79 73 L. G. Palmer '79 78 prizes to '78 578 relation to the farm paper by Secretary B,. G. Baird '79 203 Bracelin, A. J., on bill for experiment station '83 32 Bradfleld, Edward, grape exhibit by '70 364 Braduer, Mrs. E. P. F., article on butter dairying '84 167 Bradshaw plum 'gg 298 Brahma chickens, account of '54, 311; '77 207 Brain on the farm, paper by Hon. M, Brown '79 81 use of, in manual labor, paper by T. C. Abbot '74 102 vs. muscle on the farm, by L. C. Drake '77 172 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 51 Year. Page. Brakes, how to kill _ '87 312 Bram flslidescribed '51 »30 Bran, analysis of ___ '78 410 as pig feed '58 383 Brandi County Agricaltur&l Society report '52, 205; '53, 353; '54, 409; '55, 441; '66, 277; '66, 289 '67, 406; '68, 396; '69, 366. description ofj •. '55 454 Branches and tops of trees, cleaning np of '88 125 Branch of University, Agr'l Coll. may be '85 34 Brandy wine raspberry '83 116 Brassington, J as., article on farmers' duties as citizens... '76 196 Bray, J. C, paper on stock feeding '81 283 Bread, chemistry of '83 200 expense for, compared with that of liquor '84 283 mold '84 200 Breaking pine stump land, proper depth for '87 312 upgrass land '87 289 Break- water on Cedar river.. '77 69 Breathing of walls '77 333 Breck, Geo. E., article on agricultural education '77 137 paperonfarm Jaw '84 126 Breeder, qualifications for success '72 184 Breeders of plants.-.- '. '76 213 Shorthorns, some famous -- '80 235 Breeding as a fine art '72,181; '76 255 Bakewell on the principles of '72 182 beans and corn - '"7 B6 bees - '75,334; '88 169 beef animals. (See Beef.) cattle, after-management of - '69 205 and care of, paper by T. F. Sotham -•. - '84 154 Shorthorns, paper by Hon. Wm. Ball '83 322 feeding for profit, paper by J. E. Taylor - '80 111 management, paper by Edward Mason - '57 101 Shorthorns, paper by Francis Tallant - '58 273 rearing, prize essay by Prof. Henry Tanner '59 159 article by John Starkweather - -- '51 212 Baird, Secretary R. G., article on '80 289 Ball, Hon. Wm., article on - '83 332 beef stock, paper by Prof. Henry Tanner - '59 198 Secretary R. G. Baird - '80 289 E.A.Wilde - - '84 159 Butterfield, I. H., Jr., article on by - '81 271 careof '59 199 afterwards - - '59 205 before -^ - '59 163 for beef, article by Secretary R. G. Baird - '80 289 E.A.Wilde - — - '8* 159 for dairy stock - '59,193; '87 370 Galloways - '65 39 heifers, too early.... --- '84,155; '58 279 management of afterwards - - - - - '59 205 before — '59 163 Mason, Edward, article on - - --- '57 101 Powell, E. A., article on - - '87 370 prematurely - '58,279; '84 155 Shorthorns, paper by Hon.Wm. Ball '83 323 62 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page. Breeding cattle, Shorthorns, paper by Francis Tallant - - '38 STi? Sotham, T. F., article on '84 154 Starkweather, Jno., article on -. '51 312~ Tallant, Francis, article on -- '58 273 Tanner, Prof. Henry, prize article on '59 159 Taylor, J. E., article on... '80 111 Wilde, E. A., article on '84 15^ chickens ....'68,287; '78 277 close, article by Prof . Manly Miles '7J 179- corn and beans '77 56, 57 dairy stock .' '59, 193; '87 370 does not improve aninaals '72 192 experiments in '79 38 fowlf- '68,287; '78 277 Galloways ...^ .-- '65 39 heifers too early '58,279; '84 155 hogs. (See Breeding swine.) horses, and management of, prize essay by Edward Mason.. '57 151 article on, by Hallowell, Milo '34 149 Mathewson, John M '83 141 Sherman, G.W - '74 277 Spooner, W. C, V. S -,. '65 91 for special purposes, by Sec. Sanford Howard '71 145 from broken down mares ..'57, 194; '83 146 Hallowell, Milo, paper by '84 149 Mason, Edward, prize essay by '57 151 mares that are broken down for '57,194; '83 146 Mathewson, J. M., article by '83 141 Percherons --. '71 394 profit of '74 278 Sherman, G. W., article by '74 277 Spooner, W. C, V. S., article by '65 91 importance of '76 212 in and in, article on by Prof. Manly Miles '72 179 in line. '81 278 and value of pedigrees, article by A. F.Wood '81 261 Miles, Prof. Manly, article by '72 179 mistakes in '81 262 necessary precautions in '83 128 pedigrees, value of, by A. F. Wood '81 261 pigs. (See Breeding swine.) plants, experiments in '77 56 poultry, prize essay by Mrs. F. Somerville '68 Z67 paper by Prof. A. J. Cook. '78 277 precautions necessary in '83 12f^ prematurely , '58,279; '84 155 principles of, article by Sir John S. Sebright '66 79 Bakewell '72 182 Sebright, Sir John S., on principles of '66 79 sheep, article by Mr. Burlingame '76 310 W. A. Dryer '76 342 CM. Fellows '84 183 A. Hewitt ..-.; '76 274 Edward Mason '56 155 W. C. Spooner, V. S '67 167 : S. C.Tarbell '87 396 R. S. Weaver ... '83 152 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 53 Year. Page. Breeding sheep, article by Jessup Wood '76 255 pedigrees in, by O. A. Miller '78 344 Sbortnorns, article by Hon. Wm. Ball '83 332 Francis Tallant '58 E73 sows. (See Breeding swine.) Spooner, W. C.,V.S., articles by '65,91; '67 167 stock, article by I. H. Bntterfleld, Jr '81 271 necessary precautions in '83 128 swine and feeding, article by Julius A. Anderson '75 98 Franli A. Gnlley '76 395 article by Milton J. Gard '70 171 care of '70 178 value of pedigree, by A.F.Wood 'SI 261 vegetable products '77,66; '78 445 Breeds, American '81 276 article on relative merits of, by Prof. O. L. IngersoU '75 300 value of improved, by W. E. Hale '83 127 at Agricultural College '66, 11; '79, 39; '80 394 monthly weighings , '81 58 comparative merits tested '75,300; '78,468; '85,64; '87 158,183 feeding steers of different '87 183 Hale, W. E., article by '83 127 IngersoU, Prof. Chas. L., article by '75 300 of cattle, American '81 276 analysis of millj from, by R. F. Kedzie '78 173 article on, byl. H. May '77 176 at Agricultural College, monthly weighings '81 US beef '78,465; '80 291 discrimination in premiums for '79 291 examination of students in '85 60 experiments for testing relative merit '85 64 feeding value of '87168,183 for beef: '80 291 article by Chas. L. IngersoU '78 465 in State '64 79 May, I. H.. article by '77 176 merits of '87 365 milk from analyzed '78 173 monthly weighings at Agricultural College '81 68 premiums for, discrimination in J '79 294 chickens '76,228; '78 274 English horses '65 94 hogs. (See Breeds of swine.) poultry '76,228; '78 274 sheep, characteristics '69 290 preferences '64 77 swine, article by Milton J. Gard .- '70 172 D. P. Jacobs '87 403 best, article by A. Whitney '81 286 D. F. Vickery '78 196 characteristics of, by Secretary Sanford Howard '64 167 relative merit of, by Morse W. Jones '79 284 relative growth per day '78 468 merits, by Prof. Chas. L. IngersoU '75 300 testing comparative merits of '85, 64; '78, 4*58 ; '75 300 Bregger, L. H., experiments by '88 113 Brewers' grains, value for manure after feeding '87 332 54 GENERAL INDEX OF Year, Page^ Brick for dwellings '77 334. machines _. '87 465 mailing, i-eport on '83 6t science of, by Prof. R. C. Carpenter '87 460 oven for Coll. kitchen: '78 115 Bridge over Cedar river _ '86, xxiii; '88 29 Bridges and highways, by Frank Davis -. '78 192 oonstruclion of should be permanent _ '87 351 for country roads '78 19± Briggs and Brothers' seeds tested '77, 386; '78, 74; '81 119 Prof. E. L., payer ttn deficiencies in country srliouls '83 213 Brighton grape.. '88 300 Brine for soaking seeds '69 190 British agriculture '54 435 forests '75 386 pastures '75 288 Broadcasting vs. drilling _ '64 145 Broadcast sower at Agr'l Coll '85 63 sowing, disadvantages of -.- '64 233 Brodie, Sec. Jno. M., annual report '87 261 Broken down brood mares '83 147" wind in horses - '.57 184 Bromine, influence on germination of seeds... '87 129 Bromua secalinus, or chess, account of ._ '71 112 Bronze foliage tomato described '86, 240; '87 81 Brood animals should be healthy '76 284 mares, broken down '83 147 management of '57 169 Broods late in season objectionable. '76 228 Brook's oatp, report on '69 103 Brook trout described '61 226 Broom, Hon. Jacob, address before State Agricultural Society '55 251 Brown, E. Lakin, paper on position and duty of farmers "77 278 sheep husbandry _ 'S3 213 Jeremiah, paper on vegetables ".)2 150 report by '64 12 L. R., paper on corn for soiling or fodder '76 261 N., paper on brain on the farm ';9 81 Professor, "V. S., paper on precocious development of animals '66 133 timon, paper on farmers' clubs '71 205 "Wm. A., list of market apples by 'W 156 paper on small fruits for market '79 128 Wm. D., herdsman at Agricultural College '88 5 Globe onion -- - '87 96 Spanish onion. 't7 96- weevil '57 239 Bruehus Pisi, illustrated '74 114 Bryant, C. T., on the ideal plum '88 298 Buchanan Institute '79 127 Buckeye mowing machine '66 265 phosphate, analysis of "81; 248 Bnckthorn described '78, 90; '88 86 wire fence described ._ '84 110 Buckwheat as green manure '79 159' chemical composition of.- '72 224 cultivation of '50 275- effectonsoil - .- '80 211 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 55 Year. Page. Buckwheatin orchards .-- '76 120 Michigan '78 484 mannrial value after feeding '87 332 Bine '78 102 Budding and grafting, discussion on '6fl, 445; '71 124 Buds, split and united '80 52 Bud variation '87 136 Buell, B. G., paper on hogs '81 287 Jesse, the " book farmer " '65 806 Judge, steeping corn seed '50 278 Buffalo carpet moth, bulletin on _ _.. '86 223 grass, description '71 109 questions about answered '85 380 superphosphate No. 2 analyzed '86,248; '87 174 Buffum pear described '68 263 Buggy peas '79 195 Bugle cranberry '75 144 Buhach. (See also Pyrethrum.) by Prof. A.J.Cook. '86, 136; experiments in use of _ '86, xli. ; Building, mechanical, addition to Buildings at Agr'l College, cannot be built from U. S, land grant interest committee on erection of '56, 295; '69, 9; '85,18; injuries to Inventory of '74,14; '75,16; "76,15; '85,10; '86, x.; in a lumber camp protection of against lightning, article by Dr. R. C. Kedzie Bull. See Bulls.) nUard hay tedder _ Bnlien, R. J., article on wheat culture Bulletins of Agr'l College by Bailey, Prof. L. H., No. 7, on fruits, etc 12, on rural adornment 19, on tomatoes 23, on apples for market 31, on tomatoes 40, on horticulture Bea', Dr. W. J., No. 5, on vitality of seeds 11, on lawn making 16, on grasses... 21, on forest trees 28, on botanical museum 32, on forestry convention 33, on arbor day Conger, Sergeant N. B., No. 35, on weather service Cook, Prof. A. J., No. 3, on wheat stalk isosoma .-- 8, on wintering bees 14, on codling.moth and bark louse 17, on carpet beetle _._ - 26, on codling moth and plant louse 39, on insecticides Grange, Dr. E. A. A., No. 6, on diseases of animals - 10, on disease of horses 22, on enzootic opthalmia 25, on laminitis 29, on maladie du coit 36, on spaying cattle.-. '88 •/Z3 '88 43 '88 48 '85 53 '88 4 '88 27 '87 24 '87 18 '88 83 '75 236 '85 62 '74 303 '86 130 '85 157 '86 233 '87 154 '87 64 '88 233 '84 332 '86 151 '85 179 '86 260 •87 176 '88 306 '88 363 '88 201 '84 322 '85 140 '85 171 '86 223 '87 169 '88 217 '84 334 '85 149 '87 152 '87 166 '87 181 '88 205 56 GENERAL INDEX 01- Bulletins of Agr'l College by Grange, Dr. E. A. A., No. 42, on heaves Johnson, Prof. S., No. 4, on feeding experiments, 13, on potato culture Page. 373 18, on wheat 24, on feeding experiments 30, on feeding experiments --- 34, onlpotatoes and oats 38, on wheat fertilizers,-- 41, on warm water for cattle Kedzie, Dr. R. C, No. 1, on amber cane- 9, on marl --- 15, on ashes for manure 20, on fertilizer analyses 27, on fertilizer analyses -- 37, on Jack pine plains Knapper, Louis, No. 3, on seed testing law requiring '84, 307 number 1, by Dr. Kedzie, on amber cane 3, by L. Knapper, on seed testing-- 1 3, by Prof. Cook, on wheat Isosoma -- 4, by Prof. Johnson, on feeding experiments 5, by Dr. Beal, on seed vitality 6, by Prof. Grange, on diseases of animals 7, by Prof. Bailey, on fruit 8, by Prof. Cook, on wintering bees 9, by Dr. Kedzie, on marl 10, by Prof. Grange, on a disease of horses 11, by Dr. Beal, on lawn making 12, by Prof. Bailey, on rural adornment 13, by Prof. Johnson, on potato culture 14, by Prof. Cook, on codling moth l-'>, by Dr. Kedzie, on ashes for manure 16, by Dr. Beal, on grasses 17, by Prof. Cook, on carpet beetle 18, by Prof. Johnson, on wheat 19, by Prof. Bailey, on tomatoes 30, by Dr. Kedzie, on fertilizer analyses- 31, by Dr. Beal, on growing forest trees 23, by Dr. Grange, on opthalmia, 23, by Prof. Bailey, on apples for market - 34, by Prof. Johnson, on feeding steers 25, by Dr. Grange, on laminitis 26, by Prof. Cook, on plant lice and codling moth 27, by Dr. Kedzie, on commercial fertilizers 28, by Dr. Beal, on botanical museum 29, by Dr. Grange, on a disease of horses 30, by Prof. Johnson, on feeding steers 31, by Prof. Bailey, on horticultural notes - 32, by Prof. Beal, on forestry convention.-- 33, by Prof. Beal, on arbor day - 34, by Prof. Johnson, on potatoes and oats 35, by Serg't Conger, on weather service 36, by Dr. Grange, on spaying cattle 37, by Dr. Kedzie, on pine plains 38, by Prof. Johnson, on wheat 39, by Prof. Cook, on codling moth 40, by Prof. Bailey, on horticulture '84 '85 '87 '87 '88 '84 '85 '85 '87 '88 '84 •85 '84 '84 '84 '84 '84 '84 '85 '85 '85 '85 ■85 '85 '85 '85 '85 '85 '86 '87 '87 '87 '87 '87 '87 '87 •87 '87 '87 '88 MICHIGAN AGEICULTURAL REPORTS. 57 SBulletins of Agr'l College, number 41, by Prof. Johnson, on warm water for cattle 43, by Dr. Grange, on heaves on adornment of country places amber cane as a forage crop analysis of Commercial fertilizers animals^ diseases apples for market arbor day _ ashes for manure barl£ louse beautifying country homes bees, wintering of black wheat stalk Isosoma botanical museum carpet beetle codlingmoth. '65,171; '87,169; commercial fertilizers, analysis of contagious diseases among horses _ country places, adornment of diseases of animalB hordes '85,149; domestic animals, diseases of early amber cane os a forage crop enzootic opthalmia experiments in feeding vitality of seeds feeding experiments '84, 326; fertilizer analyscF '86,245; forage crop, amber cane for forest products in botanical museum trees, growing of forestry convention _ fruits, notes on grasses for lawns .- growing forest 1 reep hardy ornamental trees and shrubs.. heaves, oxygen treatment of horses, a disease of '85,149; ' horticulture '87, 64; insecticides '85, 171; '87,169; isosoma nigrum jack pine plains laminitis lawn making maladie du coit manurial value of ashes - -- market; apples marl - museum of botanical department notes on fruit and vegetables oats and potatoes ornamental trees and shrubs pine plains plant lice _ potato culture '85, 167; report of horticultural department '87,64; ear. Page. '88 267 '88 273 '85 157 '84 307 '86 245 '84 334 '87 154 '88 363 '85 175 '85 171 ■85 157 '85 140 '84 322 '87 176 '86 223 '88 217 '£6 245 '87 180 '85 157 '84 334 '87, 166 ,180 '84 334 '84 307 '87 152 '84 326 '84, 317 ,332 '87, 158 ,183 '87 173 '84 307 '87 176 '86 250 '88 306 '85 130 '85 179 '85 151 '86 250 '85 130 '88 273 '87, 166 180 '88 233 '88 217 '84 322 •88 207 '87 166 '85 151 '87 180 '85 175 '87 154 'o5 146 '87 176 '85 130 '88 198 '85 130 '88 207 '87 169 '88 198 '88 233 58 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page. Bulletinscf Agr'l College, on report of weather service '88 201 rural adornment '85 157 seed testing --. - '8* 317 vitality -- '8* 333 shrubs and trees for ornament '85 30 signal service '88 ~0l spaying cattlo '8 8 205 tomatoes '86,233; '8T 64 trees for forests, growing of '86 250 ornament .- '85 130 value of ashes for manure... '85 175 vegetables, notes on '85 130 vitality of seeds '84 333 warm water for cattle '88 267 weather service '88 201 wheat ....-86,237; '88 211 stalk isosoma.. '84 322 wintering bees '85 140 who to prepare .-- '35 47 Bull-head fish described - - - ' ^^ Bull-nose pepper. •87 93 Bulls and bears on stock exchange '74 2,5 carcass of described - '59 W Bull sapling pine - - - '88 79 Bulls, law prohibiting running at large ..- '66 app. 37 liability for mischief by '83 286 points of ., — '59 189 Shorthorn, by Hon. Wm. Ball - '83 325 running with stock - '84 155 treatment of. .--- '58 296 Bumble bees, effect on red clover - '81, 137; '86,79; '87 471 Buncombe, talking ..- '84 239 Burbank's seedling, notes on '83 39 Bureau of forestry in Ohio '88 121 Buried seed?, vitality of '84 332 Burlingame, E. A-, paper on the railroad question '63 178 Mr,, paper on sheep '76 309 Burnett, E. A., paper on preservation of forests '88 459 Burning brick '67 467 of dormitory at Agricultural College '77 20 stubble for Hessian fly '76,171; '77 374 wheat midge... '57 254 quality of oil '76 217 Burrington, J. Q. A , paper on educational needs of farmer '80 250 report of department at State Fair '87,205; '83 494 Burr oak, described.. '78 100 galls on.. '88 474 uses of '88 368 wheat lands analyzed '78 389 Burr's new pine strawberry '58 220 Bush, Charles E., notice of '83 31 David, address Shiawassee county society '50 497 Bushel of grass seed, weight '69 206 wheat, cost of raising '76 390 Bushels, average yield of, for wheat and corn in the United States '84 65 Bushman, Prof., classiflcation of grasses '71 100 Business commit tep. State Agr'l_Society '85,202; '87,197; '88 487 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 59" Year, Page. Business life, proportion of failures in 151 30I: of graduates of Agr'l College _ '70 iq training for girls 157 483, Bussey Institute, donations from, to college '78 in. Butchering qualities of Shorthorns .' 176 319., Butler, Chas. H., paper on potato culture '84 193 Geo. P., paper on vegetable raising ._ ^ '77 253 Butter and cheese factories in Michigan _ _ '67,141; '66 205 article on dairying by Mr. J. O. Beal '80 166. Mrs. E. P. F. Bradner '8 167 profitably, by E. F. Preston ,8 182 dairy management by Mrs. Albert Granger '81 281 factories by Rufus Baker '66,205; '67 141 future manufacture of, by Mrs. G. M. Shattuck '83 329- Jersey cattle for, by Mr. M. L. Frink '80 222 making from 40 cows '88 401 making of, by Mr. Hicks _. ., '78 278- profitable dairying by E. F. Preston '78 181 substitutes for, by Chas. Adams '86 119- P. S. Kedzie '84 169 I.T. Sayre '84 177 winter supply of, by Mrs. C. H. Stevens '80 219- average price through the year _ '84 174 bad, Michigan product '78 182 coming slowly '87 383 dairying, poem on _ '84 167 experiments with '88 144, factories __ '66, 203; '67 141 feeding roots for, unprofitable '80 171 ice for making of-- 'S3 331 Jersey yields of - - '80 225 from 40 cows - - '88 401 making, ice for - '83 331 paper on by Mr. Hicks '78 278 rules for '84 168 thefuture of - '83 329 manufactured substitutes for - '84,169,177; '86 119 Michigan factories '67 141 quality '78 182 poem on - '84 167 price on average through year - '84 174 room, requisites for --- - '81 282 roots, not. desirable to feed for - '80 171 rules for making '84 168- substitutes. (See also Butterine and Oleomargarine.) law against - '84,172; '88 389 New York law against '84 175 paper on by F- S- Kedzie -- '84 169 I.T. sayre - '84 177^ resolutions against '84 179 testing quality of '88 409 winter supply of article, by Mrs. C. H. Stevens - '80 219 yield of Jersey cattle , '80 225 yields of - - '75 305- Bntterfleld, I. H., paper on breeding stock - '81 271 millennium of agriculture - '81 345- report on Agricultural College '80, 394 ; '81 , 668; '83 39L 60 GENERAL INDEX OF Y Butterfleld, I. H., report on Agricultural societies, meeting of - convention about contagious cattle disease department at State Fair.. '87, 203; Lapeer county resolutions on cattle disease 'Butterine, article on by Chas Adams Frank S. Kedzie... I. T. Sayre defense of. fooling experts laws against — legislation discussed N. Y. law against... process of manufacture protection against report of committee on Butternut described Button wood described Butts, Nelson W. , address before Genesee county society By-laws of Michigan State Agricultural Society '75, 414; '77, 443,503; students' boarding club association.. Cabbage butterfly (see cabbage caterpillar) experiments '78, 63; Illustrated caterpillar, article on by N. J. Strong exnerimente witli kerosene emulsion for 'f remedies for '79, 71; cut worms flea-beeile, tobacco for fly .-. germination of seed - leaf roller maggot '74, 119; carbolic acid emulsion for kerosene emulsion for moths Cabbages, how to raise for kitchen Cabbage worm (see cabbage caterpillar) paper on by N. J. Strong Cactus for house .,. Cadets, Agricultural College number of uniform of visit to State Fair Cady, D. L., article on noxious weeds Calcium for plants Calcophora llberata Virginica Calendar for bee-keepers of trees and shrubs.. Calf. (See calves.) Calhoun County Agricultural Society, address of Hon. Wm. M. Fenton R. F. Johnstone Hon. Jno. D. Pierce Stephen H. Preston '50, 265; Wm. K. Schuyler efiT. Page. '80 387 '83 380 '88 492 '69 113 '83 386 '86 119 '84 169 '84 177 '86 122 '84 175 84 172, 175 '86 38 '86 37 '84 175 '84 170 '84 176 ■84 91 '78 90 '78 90 '33 411 '81 558 '84 27 '87 454 '74 U9 '77 175 '78 62 56 xxxviii '86 136 '74 117 '86 xli '74 119 '88 241 '74 118 '87 42 '86 xxxix '86 138 '74 119 '84 194 '79 71 '-,7 175 '78 269 '80 17 '86 Ixvii '85 99 '88 481 '74 304 •83 93 '77 246 '77 245 '75 355 '87 119 '49 140 '54 421 '50 303 '59 315 '52 336 MICHIGAN AGRIUULTUEAL REPORT8. 61 Year. Page. Calhoun County Agricultural Society, address of Prof. J. E. Tenney '56 365 constitution '49 131 report—. '49, 131; '61, 305; '32, 227; '34, 419; '35, 461; '66, 355; '59' 325; '64, 229; '65, 279; '67, 407; '69, 367; '70, 365; '77, 674. farming adapted to, address by Steplien H. Preston ^ '50 265 geology of '54 272 report from --. '64 12 on season '69 112 sorghum growing in '84 310 wheat culture in '64 229 California, average grain crop '84 85 a visit to, by Dr, R. O. Kedzie '88 335 forestry in '88 121 irrigation, article on. '67 119 pyrethrum, by Prof. Cook '86,136; '88 43 experiments with '86 xll salmon, culture '77 316 State Grange on Michigan Agricultural College '74 82 Calkins on horses' shoes '79 242 Calves, birth, management of at and after _.. '59 163 premature, causes of '68 285 care of '58 275 health .■ '76 285 casting of prematurely, causes '58 285 cost of raising to maturity '67 122 daily increase in weight '69 263 feedfor '76,836; '84 162 feeding of, article by Edward Mason '57,120; '38,275; '70 126 flaxseed for '84 157 health of, how to care for '76 285 managementof from birth '59 163 oilmealfor '76 336 premature birth of '58 285 raised on the "bottle" '38 275 raleing ,. '75 183 in connection with cheese making '66 220 rations for at Hohenheim '84 152 treatment of '70 125 weaning of '70 127 Cambridge elm tree, evaporating surface of '66 app. & Campbell, E. P., article on and experiments in stock feeding '84 156 H., appointment as college carpenter '86 11 Hon. M. D., paper on social rank of farmers '86 188 Campine sands of Belgium - '87 325 Camphor, influence on germination of seeds '87 128 Camp in the lumber woods '88 83 Canada, forest preserves in - '88 125 method of dealing with forest flres '88 127 redapple '71, 128; '75, 168; '78, 365; '84, 199; '87, 155 thistle, discussion on.. '76, 317; '88 293 paper on by H. Dale Adams '80 191 salt as a remedy ' -- '74 306 Canada Victor tomato described -.- - '86, 240; '87 83 Canary grass, description of -- '71 114 Canlidates for admission to Agricultural College .- '63 88 Cane, as an early forage crop - -- '84 30T growers' aESOciation, report on '67 304 '62 GENERAL INDEX OF Vear. Page. Cane sugar, bounty on in Michigan '87 21 Canfleld, Jolin, fruit grower '73 82 <:!anker worm '63,21; '66, 71; '67, 77; '74, 128,299 article on '66 71 ^ Paris green for '86 xl Canned fruits exhibits at fairs useless -.- '87 223 meats as food '80 180 •Canning fruit --. _ --. '73 53 an industry for women _. '81 212 ■Cannon, Geo. H., paper on the wilds of Michigan '86 178 Mrs. L. E., poem " Let the secret out"... • '86 184 "Music" '86 200 " What can women do" '86 19» S. B., paper on farm draining '81 300 Capability of the Saginaw valley for agriculture, paper by Hon. Isaac Marston. '79 275 ■Capacity of Agricultural College water-works '86 liii English farms for stock '87 359 silo at Agricultural College '88 395 soils at Grayling to hold water '88 211 tohold water _ '87 323 tile drains and open ditches '77, 221; '86, 173: '88 436 ■Capillarity of soils '87,323; '88 211 ■Capital and labor, relations of armer to, paper by Hon. C. V. B. Pond '86 20 borrowing of for farming '78 192 cities of the world, north of 40° N. latitude '88 338 definition of '86 21 in farm implements '78,367; '81 310 in farming '72 87 Capitalist, the farmer a '86 24 Caprifoliacese '88 92 Capron, Hon. Horace, on soil exhaustion '81 348 Captain Jack Strawberry '79,'45; '87 99 Carbohydrates in foods.. '78 406 Carbolic acid emulsion, effect of on plants '86 xxxix for bark lice '85 175 curoulio. '88,224,394 Carbon and nitrogen in plants '72 249 various soils '84 87 Carcasses of animals to be disposed of '66 app. 38 Carcass of bull described '59 190 Cardinal tomato described '86,240; '87 84 Care and breeding of cattle, paper by T. F. Sotham '84 154 Shorthorns, address by Hon.Wm. Ball . management of poultry, by Prof. A. J.Cook Carelessness, legal, liability for of hunters causing forest fires settlers causing forest fires Care necessary in experiments '71 of farm implements, paper byH. Marhofl forests, importance of livestock in winter, by J. T. Fraser, V. S nursery trees _ sheep in winter.. '84 tools Carman, E. S., on Indian corn Carniverous plants, article, Dr. Beal Caro institute 'S3 332 '78 273 '83 292 '88 325 '88 116 '71 332 '81 310 '88 122 '79 60 '88 324 '84 183 '78 369 '80 285 '75 375 '83 87 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURA.L REPORTS. 63 Year. Page. Carpenter, Dr. on special development of animals ; 73 193 Carpenter, Ira, paper ou horses' hoof '76 288 Carpenter, Louis G., paper on irrigation in Colorado '84 298 reportof '81,159; '83 67 work of 'ij8 48 M. J. C, report of '87,53; '88 63 Prof. R. C, at farmers' institutes '88 53 outsidework '76 127 paper on clay working '87 460 drainage , '77, 215; '88 433 and its effects '83 268 capacity of tile '86 171 ofmuckswamps ,. '86 1.54 ofroads '76 399 profit of tiling '84 271 sizeoftile '86 171 farm implpments '75 148 horse power of steam engines '87 457 windmills '87 455 i mprovement of muck swamps '86 164 .Michigan roads '75 364 our patent system '79 209 road draining and tnrnpiking '76 399 making '75 107 roadsof Michigan '75 364 science of clayworking. '87 460 size of tile for draining '86 171 steam engines, power of '87 457 steam in agricnlture '77 283 swamp draining '86 154 tile drains, do they pay? '84 271 proper size of '86 171 tools on the farm '75 148 transportation of farm products '78 313 problem '84 IIT turnpiking and underdraining common roads '76 399 windmills '80,297; '87 45J remarks on school system '86 204 report '75, 55; '76, 135; 77, 67; '78, 113; '79, 40; '80. 56; '81, 153: '83, '63; '84, 49; '85, 87; '86, xlviii; '87, 45; '88, 48. W. L., article on obstacles to agriculture '75 185 shop at Agr'l College '85 18 Inventory of tools -- '76 IT Carpentering for farmers, by E. D. A. True '81 306 Carpet-beetle, by Prof. A. J. Cook, illustrated '86 333 Carp, flsh described '51 338 in college fishponds '84 52 Carpooapsa Pomonella '74, 133; '76, 372; '79, 152; '80, 377; '84, 199; '85. 171; '87, 41; '88 317 bandsfor '73,48; '74,54; '75,93; '79 198 Paris green for ..'66, xli, 135 Carr6 douxd'Amerique pepper '37 93 Carrot culture '50 290 article on ,. '74 393 in Crawford county '87 304 Carrots, analysis of '59, 27(i; '72 228 place in Flemish rotation ot crops 'd7 328 quantity of seed per acre '88 23 1 64 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page. Carrots, value for manure after feeding '87 333 Carruthers, Miss M., tlie debt we owe the pioneer -. '87 503 our future governors '88 462 Carson, Wm., seeds tested ; _ '81 120 Caruss, Mr. R. B., paper by, stieep husb.andry -. '77 179 Case, Hon. Arthur T., list of apples by _ '87 157 D. L., improvement of swamp by '86 160 Cash account Agr'l College '67,29; '68, 16; '69 13 premiums at State Fair '85 198 Cashew family '88 87 Cass County Agricultural Society, address by Heman Redfleld '51 825 G.B.Turner '53 363 constitution. '50,323; '56, 377 report-... '50, 323; '51. 313; '52, 251; '53, 363; '54, 449; '55, 465; '56, 377; '64, 15; '65, 279; '66, 290; '67, 419; '69, 112, 369; '70, 368; '71, 403. premium farm '66 283 report on crops '69 112 Cass, General Lewis, address before Kalamazoo Co. Agr'l Society '50 389 State Agr'l Society - '51 251 Oassidy, James, paper on gardening '80 332 household horticulture '78 263 plant houbes '77 433 progressive horticulture '79 133 roses __,.. '76 430 Cassopolis institute - - "SI 199 Caste in America. '86 If 8 Catalogue of Agr'l Coll. officers and graduates... '73 15 students. '56 283 apples recommended... '56, 199, 318; '58, 224, 23?, 237, 241, 251; '68, 430; '69, 444; '70, 273, 286; '71, 128; '76, 367; '77, 265; '78, 233; '83, 119; '84, 198. fruitsat College '85 1;^1 by T. T. Lyon '58 199 for Clinton county '56 400 Grand Traverse '69 488 west Michigan , '68 430 of the American Pomological Society '58 232 Michigan Pomological Society '70, 272, 286,362 market peaches "85 131 plants in Agr'l Coll. botanic garden '81 140 Catalpas, comments on '85 140 for timber „ 'fi^ 334 Catalpa Speciosa described '78 SO discussed '86 253 Catawba grape described '56 242 Catbird, food of '83 440 Caterpillar, tent, article on '74 130 prevention of '79 153 Catfish described '51 232 Catholes, draining of '81 305 Catstail or Timothy grass '69 199 Cattle. (See also Beef, Breeds, Breeding, Ayrshires, Devons, etc., etc.) acre of pasture, how many to '79 169 age of, how to determine , '57 125 American breeds of '57, 116; '81, 276; '86 116 analysis of milk from different breeds ., '78 173 and the farm, article by Prof. C. L. Ingersoll '76 382 annual sale at Agricultural College '87 32 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 65 Year. Page Cattle, appetite increased by condiments '79 63 article by Askew, Isaac, on Durhams '51 137 Balrd, Secretary B. G., on beef raising '80 289 Ball, Hon. Wm., on how to improye '79 166 Sliorthorns '83 322 Ballard, T. S., on Devons '58 305 Bank, A. D., on stock raising '87 357 Birney, Hon. Jas. W., on Holland '78 309 Butterfleld, I. H., on improvement of '81 271 Campbell, E. P., on feeding '84 156 Cook, Prof. A. J., on botfly '76 168 ticks '88 403 Flint, J. S., on Shorthorns '87 368 Frazer, J. T., V. S., on winter care of '79 60 Frink, M. L., on Jerseys '80 222 Gamgee, Prof. John, on diseases of _.. '67 243 Goodi-ioh, Hon. Enos, on Shorthorns 'SO 232 Grange, Prof. E. A. A., on contagious diseases of.. '88 415 spaying '88 205 Green, 0; W., on training of oxen '.53 216 Hale, W. E., on value of improved '83 127 Hendryx, J. R., on feeding for market __ '77 157 Howard, Secretary Sanford, on Ayrshires '64 135 Herefords --. '68 167 Shorthorns '69 121 IngersoU, Prof. Chas. L., on choice of breeds '75 300 beef breeds '78 465 relation of to farm '76 382 Johnson, Prof. Saml., on feeding ensilage '88 392 Ladd, H., on winter feeding for beef '84 161 Law, Prof. Jas., on feeding '69 245 Lees, F. P '78 379 Mason, Edward, on breeding and management.- '57 101 May, J. H., on best breeds '77 176 Merrick, Joseph, on Holsteins '81 290 Miles, Hon. Fabius, on running at large .,... '77 160 Neasmith, J. N., on cattle vs. grain raising '77 283 Palmer, D. W., on breeds for our climate, j '79 107 Phelps, Edwin, on improvement of '86 112 Pomeroy, Geo. E., on Devons '51 131 Potter, Rev. L. B., on how to make profitable '76 333 Smith, F. v., on Devons '51 132 Smolk, John, on running at large '77 158 Sotham, Thomas F., on Herefords '84 154 Starkweather, John, on breeding '61 213 Tallent, Francis, on beef '58 273 Tanner, Prof. Henry, on rearing and breeding __ '59 159 Taylor, J. E., on feeding for profit '80 111 Uhl, D. M., on meat '51 131 Wilde, E. A., on beef raising '84 159 Wilson, Dr. Jas. C, on Herefords '78 214 Woodruff, A. N., on profit of improved '83 130 at Agricultural College »'62, 17; '66, U; '81,57; '85,68; '88 32 milk record of '81 58 monthly weighings of '81 68 large on public highway, article by Hon. Fabius Miles '77 160 JohnSmolk '77 158 66 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page . Cattle, at large on public highway, prohibited _ ._ '66 app.37 State Fair, report on '87,203; '88 493 rules for...., '73 169 Ayrshires, article on, by Secretary Sanford Howard _ '64 135 at Agricultural Collese '66, 13; '?6, 23; '81, 568; '85 68 characteristics '57, 110; '58, 840; '64, 135; '75, 304; '76, 281; '79 1C9 milk compared with that of other breeds '78 179 barn at Agricultural College, account with '77 95 beef. (See Cattle for beef; see also Beef.) benefit of thoroughbred --. '77 190 beat breeds of, by J. H. May - .-. '77 176 Prof. Ingersoll '75 300 for our climate, by D. W. Palmer _ '79 107 "black quarter "or "black leg" in _ '69 207 botfly, article on, by Prof. A. J. Cook.... '76 168 breeding, by John Starkweather '51 212 and care of, by D. F. Sotham. '84 154 management, by Edward Mason '57 IQl rearing, by Prof. H. Tanner.. - '59 159 breeds of, American .- '.57,116; 'SI, 276; '86 116 analysis of milk from different '78 173 and feeding discussed . '86 114 discrimination in premiums '79 294 examination of freshman class in '85 60 which best? by Prof. C. L. Ingersoll '75 300 J. H. May. '77 176 for our climate, by D. W. Palmer '79 107 carcass of bull, points of '59 190 care of '84 254 commissioners on Texas cattle disease _-. '68 449 report '80,85; '81 425 condiments increasing appetite '79 63 contagious diseases of, bulletin by Dr. Grange '87 415 Crawford county, experience with '67 312 dairy use of ensilage '88 392 dehorning ._ '88 454 Devons, article on, by T. S. Ballard... '58 305 Geo. E. Pomeroy .- '51 131 F. v.. Smith '51 132 register of, in Michigan '58 303 discrimination in premiums to different breeds _ '79 294 disease, report of commissioners on '68,449; '80 86 diseases of. '57,144; '64,193; '65,177; '88,415,419 article by Prof- John Gamgee '67 243 on plague '66,177; '66 159 "black quarter" or "black leg" '69 267 laws concerning '65,182; '68 455 losses from ._ '78 243 milk fever '69 268 disease, Texas 68,449; '80,85; '81 425 dogs injuring '65 141 dressed weight compared with live '84 329 Durham. (See Shorthorn.) , ensilage as food for dairy stock _ '88 392 examination of Fieshman class on breeds of '85 60 experimental work with '88, 205, 392 feeding, article by E. P. Campbell _ '84 156 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 67 Year. Page. Cattle feeding, article by Prof. Jas. Law '89 245 discuseion on '86 114 experiments in ^.._ '84 326 for market, by J. R. Hendryx '77 157 profit, by J.E.Taylor '80 111 mixeddiet '69 249 regularly '77 157 rootsto '75,168; '77 154 value of improved stock as compared with scrubs '84 161 fencing against other people's '77, 158, 160 for beef, by Secretary R. G. Baird '80 289 Prof. Chas. L. Ingersoll '78 465 points of '57, 101; '58, !i73; '59, 198; '65, 50; '76, 331, 346; '77, 167; '80, 111, 320; '83, 322; '84, 159, 161. Galloways, article by J. N.Smith '76 330 description of '64, 81; '65, 39; '76 330 gestation, period of '67 119 glanders not affecting _ '88 419 grooming and feeding regularly '77 167 Herefords, by Secretary Santord Howard '68 187 T. P. Sotham '84 166 Jas. C. Wilson, M. D '78 214 described '64 80 Holland, by Hon. Jas. W. Birney '78 309 Holstein, by Joseph Merrick '81 290 house, feeding of '67 133 how many per acre for pasturage 1 '79 169 to ascertain age of '67 125 improve, by Hon. Wm. Ball '79 166 EdwinPhelps '86 Hi make profitable, by Rev. L. B. Potter '76 333 tie '80 168 improved stock, benefit of '72,85; '77,190; '83,127; '84 161 prices of '. '76 348 profitof, byA. N. Woodruff 'c3 130 relative feeding value of '84 161 improvement of , by I. H. Butterfleld •. '81 271 Hon. Wm. Ball '79 166 Edwin Phelps '86 112 injury to, by dogs '65 141 in Michigan .'. : '78 485 in orchards '77 267 Insect pests of '78, 438; '88 403 inventory of, at Agr'l College '81 57 Jerseys, by M. L. Frlnk '80 222 laws relative to diseases of '65, 182; '68 455 lice on, treatment of. '68 277 live and dressed weight compared '84 329 losses by disease.. '78 243 loss in leaving unsheltered '79 64 maintaining fertility of soil without '8U 208 management'of, before breeding '69 163 whilst breeding '58 199 merits of Shorthorns '51,213; '77 178 Michigan statistics .- '62, U7; '78 485 millS'fever '69 268 of diflferent breeds analyzed '78 173 68 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page. Cattle, milk record of , at Agr'l College _ '81 58 mixed diet necessary for '69 Hi> monthly weighings of, at Agr'l College '81 58 neat - '51, 131; '53 117 orchards as pastures for '77 267 parasiteson '78, 438; '88 403 parturient apoplexy 'li'.i 268 pasture, number of head per acre '79 ]li!i period of gestation of ''>7 119 plague, articles on.. '66,177 '66 159 conveyed by hides '66 Hi! premiums at State fair '85 2-32 discrimination between breeds '79 294 pointlessness of '81 2T9 prices of pure bred - '76 348 prohibited from running at large .. '6iiapp.37 profit of , by Rev. L. B. Potter .. '76 333 improved stock, by A. N. Woodruff '83 130 pure water for '76 308 raising for beef, by Sec'y R. G. Baird '80 289 in Crawford county - '87 312 on the farm, by A. D. Bank .. ... '87 :jr>7 vs. grain raising '84 141 ration for - '78 416 regularity in feeding '77 157 relation of, to farm, by Prof, C. L. Ingersoll '76 383 relative cost of feeding, well or ill '76 335 feeding value of, improved and common '84 161 report on breeds - 'ii4 79 reports of commissioners 'S0,b.')i '81 425 on diseases ■88,440; '60 86 restra.int of, from highways '66 app, '■iT; '77, 168, 160' roots, as feed for '75 168 sale at Agr'l College, proceeds of 'Ht 34 reportof '85,66; '86, x.xiv; '87 :i3 selling, rule for '87 357 Shorthorns, by Isaac Askew '51 137 Hon. Wm. Ball '83 l!22 J. S. Flint '.M7 368 Hon. Enoa Goodrich '80 2;)2 Sec'y Sanford Howard '60 121 Francis Tallant .. '68 273 A.F.Wood '71, ;!01l; '76 317 meritsof '51, 213; '.W, 106; '77 178 (See also Shorthorn cattle,) soiling - '.57 134 spaying of , bulletin on '8H 205 spring poor '79 167 State fair premiums ....'711, 2ii4, '81, 27ii; '85 233 rules '73 169 stunted '74 311 T^xasdisease '65, r,7; '66,159; '68,449; 't'0, 85; '8l,4;.'r,; '88 419 tickson '78, 438; '88 403 training of working oxen, by C. W. Green '53 216 tying, proper method of -- '80 16s value of improved, paper by W. E. Hale - '83 137 ventilation for '51, 422; ',57 130 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURA.L KEP0RT8. , 69 rear. Page. ■Cattle, vermin on 78, 438; '88, 103,407 versus grain raising, by J. N. Neaamlth '77 283 water for, importance of purity '76 308 weight, alive and dressed '84 329 weights, montlily, at Agr'l College •81, 66; '83 38 when to buy for winter feeding '84, 160, 162 winter care of, by J. T. Frazer, V. S '79 60 winter feeding for beef, by H. Ladd '84 161 Cauoassian, indebtedness to the wheat plant _ '77 341 Cauliflower, cultivation of '88 287 Cause of forest fires '88 115 heaves In horses ._ '88,275,279 maple trees dying '88 227 scabby potatoes '88 167 tyrotoxicon in cheese '88 391 Causes and remedies of forest flres '88 361 Caustic ammonia, experiments on absorption of, by various soils '59 227 Cayenne pepper ._ _ '87 90 Cayuga Red Streak apple, described , '70 290 Cecidomyia Destructor, article by Prof. A. J. Cook '77 363 Cedar Hill tomato '87 80 River, breakwater on '77 69 bridge '86 xxiii dam across '78 117 white, described '78 91 •Celastracete-.j '88 86 Celery culture, by Geo. P.Butler '77 261 formuok soils '88 169 how to bleach '88 287 raise for family use '52,153; '84 194 ■Cellar drains '79 122 ventilation '77 338 Cells of plants '77 378 Cembrian Pine. '78 102 ■Cemeteries, well water in neighborhood of '74 96 Census returns of Michigan fruit interests '75 83 tables for Michigan '50, appendix 2; '53 681 Centennial exhibition, benefits of, article by Sec. R. G. Baird '75 306 comments on '73,153; '77 21 listof forest products sent from Michigan '76 440 grasses sent from Michigan '76 103 Michigan forest products at, article by Dr. W. J. Beal '75 377 Central Fair Association, report '73 251 Michigan Agr'l Society report '66, 311; '67, 420; '68, 397; '69 371 park lawn grass seed '85 154 Centreville institute '78 261 Cereals, general account of '71 97 in Michigan and other States '78 487 mode of growth. '72 252 plaster for '75 259 preparation of soil for, by Eugene Davenport '81 222 Cerise peppers '87 89 Certificate from graded schools, admission to Agr'l College on '84 17 of purchase of College lands, effect of '85 50 Cestodes described by Prof. A.J.Cook '76 298 Chaff, cutting straw into and managementof '59 290 hives -'83,162; '84 43 ■^0 GENERAL INDEX OF ^'ear. Pnge.. Chalk marl aa top dreBsiog for wheat _ 'ft'.) 30S Challenge corn grower, analysis of 'Sii, :.Mti; 'st i7< Chamberlain, Calvin, article on homes 71 :.'31 Hon. Henry, article on sheep husbandry 'S" 117 list of market apples 'S7 Ift.'i member Board of Agriculture ....'83,3; 'SI, :i; 'W, I ; 'S« iv remarks at forestry convention _ '8K ;MM\ on cut worms '7.'j :,'83 difficulty of accurate oxperimeTilnlioii '83 261 Wm., address at Three Oaks Institute ','^7 L't'>7 inaugural address '.s."», isiti; "87, 1M»; 'S.s 480 remarks on agricultural lairs '7!) U9 report on Agr'l College. '83, a". 3.si Chamber of commerce, essay upon '71 ;.'7ft Champaign Sugar Mfi;. Co., of Illinois -- .. '.'^1 'JiO Champion amber wheat, notes on crop ... '.'fi;. i.':."*, ;.':iii; 'S,'< ^'13 strawberry . ■?!. '.S7 101 tomato -- ... 'S7 84 Chandler Farm visited by Farmers' Clnb '74 31!t swamp, improvement of '86 161 Change in time of Issuing reports '8,') 2!i:; Changes in faculty of Agr'l College . .. '.so, -Vi; 'SI, is, 'S.'i 17 Changing seed, advantages of diecusseri.. _ _ ... '7(1 206 Channel Island cattle, paper on, by M. L. Frink '80 -~~ Chapman, H. B., report of premium farm '.M, 174; '66 27',i Chapman's honey plant... . 'SS liii) Charaeterislic plants of northern Michigan '88, l.S-, 186 Characteristics of breeds of swine . cattle, A yrshires --. Galloways Shorlhorus _ .'. seasons Charges by Secretary Thompson (Hmrles, C. B., article on book farming onion raising ... . reclaiming swamp lands on slieep raising '84 swamp improved by Cliarlevoix County Agricultural Society report.. sorghum in '84 Charlotte Institute . .. '78, 17ii; Charring for preserving posts ... Charter and constitution State Agricultural Society . Chart! er radish Chase township, analysis of soil from Chatterton, Miss Jennie M., essay on farming . Chautauqua Literary Circle 'SI, course of study '84 influence on farmers' lioincH, by .Mrs. Naltzker Cheap drains for marshes labor production of food Cheat (see also Chess), description of Cheboygan county, article on geology of Check rein, evil of Cheddar cheese Cheese, American and English compared '6.'>, 138, l.',il '64 lli7 •04 13ft ■lift 30 '60 121 ■69 10ft '7S ,-,01 '80 IftO ',S8 2S0 ■81 116 '84 1S2 'SO 160 '71 402 '84 310 'S7 2; 3 '711 240 ■7ft 413 '88 338 '78 390 '76 2ft:) .7, 2;;: ;, 2:Jft '84 235 '84 232 '77 186 86 22 '76 237 '71 112 '7;! 103 'ft7 101; '65 Kis MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 71 Year. Page. Cheese, American, oomsumption of 72 63 in England '72 54 foreign marliets '66 151 and beef, relative cost '73 62 milk dairying, article by A. D. Power '84 164 article by Arnold, L. B., on food value of _ 'I'.g 235 making '68 239 Baker, Rufus, on factory system „ '66,189; '69 277 Dort, Mrs. D„ on making without pressing '51 160 Howard, Secretary Sanford, on Michigan factories '67 139 Mason, Edward, on making '57 141 Paton, John, on Dunlop cheeses .54 213 Power, A. D., on dairying '84 164 Willard, X. A., before Michigan Dairymen's Association - '73 53 Ohio Dairymen's Association '71 61 on dairying '70 153 factory system '65 133 as an article of food, article by L. B. Arnold '69 238 compared with beef '73 62 economy of _ '72 62 bad milk injuring '71 71 odors injuring _ __ '71 73 beef compared with it for food- _ _ '73 62 Cheddar. '65 138 Cheshire ___ _ '65 164 colorfor _ '65 160 commerce of '71, 8f; '73 75 composition of '69 240 consumption of, in United States '72 63 cost of , as food _ _ _ '71 !'0 compared ^A'ith beef _ _ '7- 62 cream _ '57 lit curing and marketing of '73, 53, 7o houses.. '71 66 dairying '6), 133; '7P, 153; '84, 164 decay of '68 239 domestic making of '51 160 Dunlop, how to make, by Jno. Paton '54 213 economy of, for food '73 63 English and American compared "65, 136, 156 market for American '73 54 exports '70 156 factories, experiments in '88 410 factory system, article on, by Rufus Baker '66,189; '69 277 X.A.Willard '65 133 in Michigan '87 139 origin of '72 61 vs. creamery butter '87 382- flavor of, how affected '65,140,163; '66,195: '67 150 food value of '69,235; '72 62 foreign markets for '65 151 Gloucester '57 142 injured by bad milk '71 71 odors '71 73 laws about manufacture of '66 app. 35 making, article on, by L. B. Arnold '68 239 Edward Mason '57 141 7^ GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page. Cheese making, discussion on '70,443; '80 171 factory system of '65, 133; '66, 189; '67, 139; '69 377 laws about _ '66 app. 35 versus creamery butter '87 383 marketing of.- '73 53 marketof 1868... '68 251 marketsfor Amerlcau-K-- '65 151 Micbigan Dairyman's Association, address '73 53 odors affecting '71 73 Obio Dairyman's Association, address '71 61 Parmeson '57 143 Paton's Dunlop '54 213 press not necessary for making '51 160 product '71 63 sage '57 143 skimmed milk. __ '57 143 smells injuring... .-. '71 73 Stilton, description '57 142 tyrotoxicon in. __ '88 391 United States consumption of '73 63 Chelsea Institute '83 83 Chemical analyses of ashes - '85 178 clover '54 189 corn '78,408; '80 281 ensilage ■. '85 103 fertilizers, bulletin on '86, 345; '77. 173 law for '8.5,48; '86,245; '88 153 to test value '71 306 flax '.55 178 foods '69 340 manures '55, 171; '73 335 discussed '71, 306; '74 89 marls from different locations... '85 146 milk '77 77 from different breeds __ _ '78 173 peaches '80 150 potatoes '56 148 soils at Grayling '88 211 limit of usefulness _ '65 335 of northern counties of Michisjan __ '78 3b'.i wheat '77 430 and flour '77 351 at different stages of development '81,337; '85 124 composition of fertilizers "71,306; '81; 346 soil affecting its temperature '85 138 atGrayling _ '88 311 article on, by Dr. Augustus Voelcker... '59 233 experiments on '68 137 vegetable substances '73 224 department of Agr'l College. (See Chemistry, department of.) laboratory at Agr'l College '70, U ; '71 8 manipulation, class in '73 8 properties of the soil, paper by Dr. Augustus Voelcker '59 223 Ohemicals, influence of, on germination of seeds '87 127 of agriculture -i '80 265 the maize kernel '80 281 Chemist, need of a State '83 98 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 73 Year. Pago. ■Chemist of experiment station '88, 26, 141, 149 Chemistry, agrluultural, at Agr'I OoUege '78 26 experiments in '68,51; '68 129 notes on '71, 117,246 paper by Prof. L. R. Fisk '58 538 Dr. R. C. Kedzie '80 265 Wm. R. Schuyler '52 240 utility '50 431 and agriculture, by Hon. Lewis Cass '51 260 Prof. L. R. Fisk '58 535 Dr. R. C. Kedzie, address.. '74 86 article '80 285 relations of '54,434,507; '71,219; '75,169; '86 195 economy of pig feeding, paper by J. B. Lawes '58 379 department of , at Agricultural College, account of '78,25; '85 26 accounts of '77, 11; 78, 11; '88 147 assistant '75,28; '76 82 bulletin on amber cane '84 307 ashes for manure '85 175 fertilizer analyses.'86, 246; '87 173 Jack pine plains '88 207 marl '85 146 instruction, course of '63, 89; 72, 8; 76, 80; '78, 26; '81 86 inventory in detail '76 53 laboratory described '70,11; '71 8 report of '63, 51; '74, 35; '75, 27; '76, 80; '77, 25; '78, 47; '80, 32; '81, 86; '83, 47; '84, 40; '85, 78; '86, xxxii, '87, 34; '88 41, 149 forfarmers '54, 507; '71, 219; '86 195 in housekeeping, paper by F. S. Kedzie '83 199 instruction in at Agricultural College '63, 89; '72, 8; '76, 80; '78, 26; '81 86 of agriculture '58,540; '75 169 grasses '71 117 pig feeding, by J. B. Lawes '58 379 plant life '71 247 soap making '83 203 thesoil '87 319 relation of to agriculture, article by Dr. R. C. Kedzie '80 265 address by Dr. R. C. Kedzie '74 86 service to agriculture, by Hon. Lewis Cass '51 260 utility to agriculture '. '50,431; '54 434 value to farmers '71,219; '86 195 Chemist, State, need of '83 98 Cheney, A. B., articles on bee keeping '76,429; '83 159 Cherokee, pedigree of '63 81 Cherry, Alcona county varieties '88 386 American Heart varieties '56 238 Pomological Societies' list of varieties --- '58 233 and strawberry, address by Henry S. Clubb '70 296 at Agricultural College '78, 72; '85, 135; '87 108 Bigarreau, described '56 239 birch described — '78 89 birds '75, 278,284 black, described '78 91 Beyer's Early Heart '56 28! choke described '78 81 74 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page.. Cherry culture '56,238; '70 305. currant, discussion on '58 223 description of trees '78 91 Downer's Late Red '56 239 grafted on wild stock '69 445 hardy varieties of. '78 231 insect enemies of '75,95; '74,137; '83,448; 'E6, xxxviii Knight's Early Black _.. '66 239 lists of varieties. (See also Cherry, varieties of.) '66,306; '58 233 Mayduke '56 239 Michigan wild varieties '75 79 Morello '56 239 orchard of Agr'l College '78,72; '85 135 pepper _ "87 89 plant louse, kerosene emulsion for '86 xxxix promising varieties of '58 235 red, described '78 91 slug, article by Clarence M. Weed '83 448 by Prof . A. J. Cook '74 137 kerosene emulsion for -- '86 xxxviii lime and road dust for '75 96 tomato described... '8(1, 242; '87 76 tree borer - '88 228 plant louse, kerosene emulsion for '86 xxxix trees described _.. ___ '78 91 varieties for Alcona county '88 386 home use '77 320 west Michigan 'dS, 430; '69 444 hardy _ "78 231 in college orchard '87 108 list of, American Pomologicai Society - '58 233 President Lyon '56 206 promising '58 235 wild '56 240 in Michigan '75 79 stock for grafting '69 445 Cheseboro, F. H., letter on peach yellows '80 151 Cheshire cheese '65 164 Chess and wheat '59, 604; '85 188 description of '71 112 in wheat. '50 311 will wheat turn to '81 131 Chester White swine. '64, ITS; '87 405 Chest founder, bulletin on '87 166 Chestnut, description of tree '78 92 oak, description of '78, 100; '88 368 Chest of bull, points of '59 190 Cheviot sheep described '. '56 171 Chewing food thoroughly, importance of '84 196 Chicago convention on experiments '71 291 parks, lawn seed mixture '85 152 Seed Co.'s seeds tested '77 386 Chickens, articles on. (See Chickens, raising of, articles on.) as insect destroyers '75 96 breeds of '76,228; '78 274 feed for '76 227 feeding of young '66 233. MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 75 Yeai*. Page, Chickens feeding vegetables to , '66 234 for the farm, by Dr. Coweil 77 20B hatched late objectionable '76 228 housesfor. '78 274 late hatching of objectionable '76 22& raising of, article by Clarke, J. A '66 225 Cook, Prof. A.J '78 27a Cowell, Dr '77 205 Dunlap, Mrs '76 224 Freeman, Dr. M '53 137 Miller, O. F. '74 280 vegetable food for '66 234 young, feeding of '66 233 Chief of Division of forestry, report of '58 118 Children, ambitious parents pushing '83 230 as insect exterminators '80 232 companionship for.. '77 130 cultivation of flowers by '78 190 education of farmers', by Jno. Griffin '78 189 for berry picking , '84 208 health of important '78 190 impressionable '79 105 of farmers, article on education of, by Jno. Griffin 78 189 pushed by parents' ambition.. '83 230 Childs, Hon. J. Webster, address at Rochester '75 178 Ypsilanti '76 235 on organization of farmers '79 112 as member of Board of Agriculture '78 22 biographical notice of '81 51 resolutions on death of '81 567 Chili pepper '87 90 Chillingham cattle '65 40 Chimney of College boiler house, extension of '86 liii China clay, analysis of. '87 463 Chinch bug '57 225 Chinese Arbor Vilte described '78 86 opinion of summer fallow '5i 523 Rose 76 422 sugar cane '80 147 article on '70 149 paper by Dr. August Voelcker '59 213 culture, by Hon. Enos Goodrich. '83 245 swine '64 172 Wistaria 78 109 notes on. '85 138 Chinquapin described "!S 92 Chippewa Co. Society report — '80 453 Chip process for curculio '75 94 Chisholm, Thos., premium farm '59 341 Chives described '87 94 Chloride of sodium, excess of, on land '65 207 Chlorine for plants - '83 93 influence on germination '87 329 Chlorophyl, relation of nitrogen to formation of --- '84 75 Choke cherry described '78 91 Choking of cattle, treatment for '64 211 Cholera among hogs "80 101 '^6 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page. ■Cholera among hogs, tar for 78 373 Christiancy, I. P., address before Monroe Co. Society... '53 558 Christopher corn '78 375 Chrysohothris femorata '74, 125; '88 238 Chubb, J. F., paper on Indian corn... '50 205 Chabflsh described '51 826 Church, Mrs. F. G., paper on farmers' daughters '80 172 Churn, barrel, for dairies '88 403 Churning in cheese factories '67 143 temperature for '68 249 Cicada, account of.. '68 165 Cinderella strawberry, notes on '85 132 Circuit of fairs discussed '81 447 Circular to farmers of Michigan ' '64 Circulation of air through walls _ '77 333 Circumstances, essay by Miss Nettie B. Wood '79 165 /Cirencester, experiments in top dressing wheat '59 298 Cirsinm arvense, paper by H. Dale Adams '80 191 Citizen, duties of farmer as, J. W. Brasslngton '76 196 Citizenship, duties of '79 97 City, attractions of '79 115 ideas of country life '71 239 •Cives, description of , '87 94 Civil engineering at Agricultural College '78 35 report of professor of '75, 65; '76, 126; '77, 67; '78, 113; '79, 40; '80, 56; '81, 153; '83, O.'; '84, 49; '86, 87; '86, xlviii. Civilization, dependent on co-operation '53 566 Clare county soil analysed '78 391 Clarlie, J. A., article on poultry '66 226 •Clark, Secy. A., on farmers' organizations , '86 35 George, paper on the fish of Michigan '51 226 premium farm '51 187 Jr., premium farm '51 196 No. 1 potato, notes on '83 39 Remain, paper on wheat culture '80 317 Wm. H., Jr., address at Armada '81 214 Class day exercises. '80 24 gift '. '83 20 Classical references to agriculture , '76 319 Classics, prejudice in favor of, as against industrial schools '75 213 why so prominent in college courses '84 256 Classification of tomatoes, principle of '87 69 wood for fuel. '86 liii of wool premiums '77 664 Class motto, 1881 '81 27 1882.... '81 28 1887 '88 25 Clawson wheat, article on, by David Woodman, Jr '77 141 comparative food value, by Dr. Kedzie '77 341 discussion upon '77 143 notes on crop '86, 227,331; '88 212 rating of by millers '77 343 report on '77 36 when best to cut '81,236; '85 124 4 198 and wheat, by C. W. Johnson '68 261 articleon,by Dr. Beal '86 76 variation of '81 129 rotative value '88 290 seed, bees necessary to formation of '79, 193; '81, 137; '86 79 cropof on oneacre ___ '59 153 seeding of '77,148; '88 451 seed, light or dark color of '86 87 premium on crop '78 599 quantity to sow per acre '75,116; '77 149 report of one acre crop.. '59 153 saving of '86 86 testing of '77 390 sickness '54,196; '73,259; '86 89 causesof 1 '72,262; '77 135 discussion on '86 91 stock needed with to sustain land '87 501 time to cut, sow or plow under. (See clover, when to cut, etc.) timothy compared with '55 580 relative proportion of each '75 116 value for manure of hay after feeding.. '87 333 varieties for one year sowing '87 283 vegetable physiology of '72 356 Voelcker, Dr. August, on culture of... '67,183; '66 83 wheat compared with '73 350 dependent upon '50,183; '68, 261; '72, 248; '77, 135; '81 225 when to cut ' '75, 114; '81; 251; '86 86 plow under '86 90 sow '75,102; '77 150 white, analysis of '64 198 hybridizing with alsike '79 193 winter killing of '77,151; '86 85 ■Clnbb, Henry S., address on fruit growing '75 78 region '69 454 horticulture '70 408 strawberries and cherries '70 296 article on agricultural laborers '72 109 report on Michigan fruit belt '73 49 80 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page. Club ■boarding system, account of -.. '83 25- constitution of_._ ._ - '84 2& establishment of -. -- '83 65 Clubs, Farmers', as educators - '71 205 Clustering of bees outside the hive - '75 339 Cluster of flowers, which forms fruit — "87 144 tomato --- -- '86, 243; '87 81 Clydesdale horses '64.82; '65,95; '71,161; '83 133 Coach horses - '57, 156; '71 158 Coal ashes, valueless as manure '83, 101; '35 177 fields of Michigan, paper by R. R. Lansing '63 228 statistics of '55 319- Eaton county - '53,325; '54 270 Ingham county - - -- '54 270 Jackson county -. '54 281 Shiawassee county '53 325 Coaline, constituents and cost of - '81 87 Coal oil, article by R. C. Kedzie ..- '76 216. Coarse fodder to be liept on farm -- '75 105 wool husbandry, paper by Judg^ W. W. Stickney - ..- '81 292 sheep --- '65 61 article by Wm. Gumming '75 89 vs. fine wool sheep, by L. W. Barnes - -- '87 398 Coates' Short Horns '89 142 Cobb, Wm. H., record of farm '78 598 report as general superintendent State farm - '87 21 1 onAgr'lCoU '80 394 testimonial to '88 507 Cobble stone drains '87 354 Cochin China chickens ' '5?, 139; '77 207 Cock chafers '57 212 Cocksfoot grass , '69,198; '71,109; '75,297; '85 179 Cockspur thorn '78 05 Codfish as pig feed _. '58 413 Codlingmoth '68,168; '74,299; '75,60; '79,152; '85,171; '86 135 arsenites for '80, i77; '85,173; '87,41,169,452; '88,43,217 artioleon '74, 123; '85, 171; '87, 169; '88 217 bandsfor '73, 48; '74, 54; '75, 93; '76, 372; '79 152 a failure '85 173 expense of _ '7n 200 experiment with_ '79 198 bulletin on.... '86, 171; '87, 169; '88, 217 conquered '73 72 discussion on '75 93, 97 experimented on '78, 62; '»7 41 hogs for '74 55 howtoflght '76, 372; '78, 342, 431; '83 317 in winter '74 55 lime for '76 215 London purple for '80,3(7; '88 217 not migratory '79 153 Paris green for '86 xll perfect remedy for 'S6, 135; '88 217 remedies for '74, 55; '78, 342; '85, 172; '88, 4,^,217 trap '73 92 winter habits of '74 53 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 81 Year. Page. Co-education at agr'l colleges '71 357 Coe's Golden Drop plum described '56 238 LateRodplnm described '56 238 Coffee tree described '78 93 Coflln joint, disease of '57,191; '87 395 Cold climates, grasses for, by Dr. W. J. Beal '87 279 peaches in ^ '76 205 degree of, endured by peaches '86 132 frames and hotbeds at college '77 60 water-proof fibre for '87 148 soils, resulting from wetness '81 223 what are '86 158 storage for fruit, S. W. Dorris '84 97 wave in central Michigan '65 246 winter of 1873, effect on fruit .-. '75 84 Coldwater Institute '75 202 Republican on lightning rods '75 245 Cole, H. T., paper on the farm horse '84 146 Coleman, M. L., report as treasurer -.. '85, 7; '86, vii; '87 7 Prof, lecture on pastures '70 139 Coleoptera, chapter on ___ '57 212 Cole's early red peach '56 231 Colic in cattle '67 258 in horses , __. '57 185 Collection of Michigan forest products at centennial, article on by Dr. Beal '75 377 fruit, how to limit for fairs '87 222 College, Agricultural. (See Agricultural College and Schools of A grioulture ) Christian Union '84 28 education, cost of - - '74 28 hall, general Inventory of - '76 65 men in Congress --- '74 28 prominent positions '74 28 Colleges, exchange of reports between -. -.. '85 54 for agriculture, utility of '71 218 Collier, Prof., on wasting manure '77 398 Colling, Chas. and Robt., Shorthorn breeders '80 235 Charles, Shorthorn breeder '69 129 Robert, opinion of pedigrees '69 128 Collins, H., paper on fruit culture for farmers '78 270 Colonel Cheney strawberry '79 45 Colonies of bees at Agricultural College apiary '77 34 how to multiply ._ '75 337 without queens — '76 190 Colonization of America '54 314 Colorado, forestry in '88 121 irrigation, paper by Louis G. Carpenter -. '84 298 potato- beetle '65, 29; '67, 71; '68 170 articleson '69,117; '74 106 Coloring butter. '78 280 Color of cheese '65 160 glass for (irecnhouses -- -- '77 425 Colors, arrangement of, in floral adornment '75 370 Colt, cost of raising to 3 years old '87 362 Colts or steers, relative profit - '87 361 Columbia pear described '56 227 plum described '56 236 Comb foundation, report on value of '77 38 11 83 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page. Comb honey, boxes for. '75 351 careof '75 339 production of, article by Geo. E. Hilton - '87 435 Combination, force of __ '71 210 of railroads .' '78,320; '84 120 Combined reaper and mower, Manny's - '54 225 reapers and mowers, discussion '75 157 not economical ._ '75 155 Combining labor and study __ -. '74 71 Comet, pedigree of. '69 138 Commencement exercises at Agr'l College '77, 20; '78, 41; '79, 19; '80, 23; '83, 19; '84 14 Commerce and agriculture compared - '84 292 chamber of, advantages of, by N. A. Dunning '74 274 Commercial aspects of tree planting... '88 322 fertilizers, analysis, bulletin on '86,215; '87,173 '88 153 by State Chemist '86 247 article on by Betts, Charles. '78 291 Gillette,J.H '79 160 Kedzie, R. F '79 245 cost of ---- '79 250 doubtful economy of '80 316 experiments with .". '70 103 inspection of, law for. "85, 46 '86 247 reporton... '86,246; '87,173; '88 151 samples to be sent to secretary State Board of Agriculture.. '85 46 useful chiefly in gardening '88 287 value per ton '87, 174,332 Commissioner of Agriculture, report '70 145 on Michigan fruit belt '70 338 Forestry 't8 358 Highways, laws for '87 351 Labor, paper by '^^6 20 Railroads, reply to forestry questions. '88 116 State Land Office to examine lands '85 47 Commissioners, cattle, report of. *80, 85; 'SI 425 Commission, Independent Forestry, organization of '88 7, 70 report of '88 69 Commissions on forestry '88 127 Committee of Agr'l College Faculty on club boarding system '84 27 students' wages '85 39 State Agr'l Society on Agr'l College '67,285; '83 28 on dairy experimentation '88 194 ensilage in England __ '88 396 oleomargarine, report of '84 91 c'oiiiraittees of Agr'l College Faculty '83 19 award at State Fair '73 170 Board of Agriculture '83,18; '88 4 State Agricultural Society '88 479 Common cattle, how to improve them, paper by Edwin Phelps '86 112 or improved? paper by M. K. Freeman '84 150 experiment '84 101 law, definition of '83 297 roads, article by Prof. R. C. Carpenter. '76 399 of Michigan, by Prof. R. O. Carpenter '75 364 paper on, by L. L. Treat '80 206 schools, agricultural teaching in '49 100 by Mrs. R. F. Johnstone '8;? 211 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 83 Year, Page. Common schools, proper scope of '76 222 value of 76 220 Communicabillty of pleuropneumonia '87 389 Companionship for children '77 130 Comparative cost of wheat, oats and corn '88 4M fattening qualities of different animals '67 215 food value of peaches when sound and with yellows, by Dr. B. C. Kedzie '80 149 food value of varieties of corn and mill stuSs, Dr. R. C. Kedzie '78 404 profltof nut-bearing and sugar trees _. '88 242 sheep and cows, by John E. Day '75 129 dairy farming '76 246 other stock '76 277 wheat and potatoes '81 231 statement of entries at State Fairs for 8 years '67 275 valneof forest products '88 126 yield of varieties of potatoes '75 51 Comparison of agricultural and manufactured products '76 236 flora of eastern and western Michigan '88 185 premium farms _ '67 362 timber grown naturally or cultivated '88 333 treesof Mich, with rest of world '88 lOi » varieties of wheat '81 75 Compensation of members of State Board of Agriculture '85 35 Secretary of State Board of Agriculture '85 37 Competition among railroads '78 317 asaremedy forrailroad extortion '84 120 universal at State Fairs '83 356 Complimentary tickets, report regarding '80 387 ■Composition of clover hay _ '67 189 onsandand clay '54 198 commercial fertilizers _ _ '86 246 corn , '80 281 fermented hay '67 194 honey, article by R. F. Kedzie ^ '76 428 land plaster '75 267 maize kernel _ '80 381 milk '76 279 from different breeds of cattle, R. F. Kedzie '78 173 muck '75 227 soil affecting its temperature, paper by Dr. R. C. Kedzie '85 128 at Grayling '88 211 soils '65 208 spraying solution. '88 218 straws '59 275 vegetable substances '72 224 wheat '77 430 and flour '77 351 Compost for clover, experiments with '68 131 heap at Agricultural College '75 47 howto make '63 61 valueof '58 550 Composting manures '75,131; '78 295 advantages of '- '63 62 economy of '83 95 experiments In '63,51; '66 51 muck '63, 51; '66, 51; '75, 236; '78 294 Compulsory education '76 221 84 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page. Concord grape -. - '76, 308; '88 299 discussed for listing -- -■ '58 216 not mildewed--- '85 13^ Concrete roads -- - '^^ ^^^ Condemning land for highway - '**'^ ^^^ Condensed milk, article on '^'^ 386 factory — - 'W 67 Condiments for animals. - --- '''" "3 Condition of colonies in college apiary--. '77 34 Ingham county swamp lands, I. B. Woodhouse - '79 175 tree, how to tell --. - -. '88 123 powders. - '81 265 Conditions of U. S. land grant '85 53 Conducting agricultural fairs, paper by D. M. Gardner '81 314 Conduction of electricity, article by Dr. Kedzie '76 358 Conductivity of rods and bands -. '75 345 Conductors for electricity- '75 238 Cone, Mr. Linus, article on influence of weather on crops '51 221 thorough drainage '53 157 note on jointer plows - '33 147 premium farm '51 175 statement concerning '53 129 wheat crop, statement concerning '50 486 Cones of Jack pine, experiments with.. '88 77 Confusion in names of trees. '75 378 Conger, Hon, Jas. L., address before Genesee county society '54 497 Sergt. N. B., report of weather service '88 201 Congress, act donating lands to agricultural colleges '63,121; '81,189; '85 53 appropriation from, for experimentation '88 139 Hatch experiment station bill '84,16; '87 28 lawyers or farmers in '80 258 law of, endowing agricultural colleges '81 189 requiring annual report '85 54 laws relative to Agr'I Colleges '85 53 proportion of members from colleges.. '74 28 report of Hon. D. S. Walbridge on Agr'I College land grants '57 285 ConiferiB--.. '88 99 Coniferous evergreens, list of hardy - '85 158 Connecticut, forestry laws of '88 120 Conotrachelus nenuphar '74, 133; '87 40 Conqueror tomato described _. '86,239; '87 80 Consecutive terms for one teacher '83 214 Conservatories, by James Cassidy '77 423 Conservatory, new, at Agr'J College, account of '74 42 Consolidation of agricultural societies _ '73 U5 rival railroads '34 120 Constant temperatures, seeds tested at '81 112 Constipation in foals '79 61 Constitutional provision for founding Agr'I College '81, 363; '85 34 Constitution and charter of State Agricultural Society '75 413 for farmers' club '71 211 of Association of Agricultural Societies of Mich '78 581 Calhoun County Agricultural Society '49 132 Cass County Agricultural Society '50,335; '56 378 Clinton County Agricultural Society '56 402 Club Boarding Association '83,26; '84 25 Eaton County Agricultural Society '55 471 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 85 Year. Page. Constitution of Genesee County Agrlcnltaral Society, by J. Begole '50 330 Howell Agricultural Club '63 504 Ingham County Agricultural Society '57 355 Farmers' Club '74 271 Kent County Agricultural Society '55 644 amendments to '57 446 Lenawee County Society '49 191 Livingston County Society ; '63 486 Macomb County Society '50 439 Michigan State Agricultural Society '49, 6; '55, 3; '57, 13; '58, 33; '77, 440; '78 681 Wool Growers' and Sheep Breeders' Association '79 417 Monroe County Agricultural Society '49 213 Montcalm County Agricultural Society '56 644 Oakland County Agricultural Society '49 224 Ottawa County Agricultural Society '55 786 St. Clair County Agricultural Society '53 617 St. Joseph County Agricultural Society '52 426 Sanilac County Agricultural Society '69 519 State Agricultural Society '49,6; '55,3; '57,13; '68,33; '77,440; '"8 581 Students' Club Boarding Association... '83, 26; '84 25 Government '81, 196; '84 24 Organization.. '84 23 VauBuren County Agricultural Society '51 476 Washtenaw County Agricultural Society .'49,231; '59 577 United States, course of instruction in. '81 177 Construction and maintenance of highways, paper by A. L. Drew '87 348 of drains ...'77,227; '86 165 paper by Prof. B. C. Carpenter '83,268; '88 433 ' railroads '72 123 roads 71 283 by A. L. Aldrich '84 103 A. L. Drew '87 348 silos '88,293,398,449 stone drains '88 438 vs. instruction at manuAl training schools '86 lix Consumption at the State prison "74 91 of cheese in U.S '72 63 crops on thefarm '76 384 wheat in Great Britain '84 84 Contagion producing glanders i '88 419 Contagious diseases, article by Dr. Manly Miles. '87 390 of cattle, articleon...' : '65 177 laws about. '68 465 preventing spread of '80 85 horses, by Dr. E. A. A. Grange '87 180 live stock, by Dr. E. A. A. Grange '88 415 pleuropneumonia '87,389; '88 415 typhoid among cattle, description of '65 199 Continuation or rotation of crops, by Robert TJ re '77 236 Continuous cropping, possibility of. '72 258 growth, important for stock '81 289 Contract, laborer violating, can recover partial pay '83 300 Contracts, boards making, members of prohibited from Interest in '85 45 law of. '84 127 what constitutes valid '84 127 Convenience in farm arrangements '80 143 Conveniences for home '71 263 '75 513 '81 BOO '88 366 '57 234 •83 29 •67 2V9 '86 198 '81 206 '83 199 '8i 195 '84 282 'T'J 260 86 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page'. Conveniences in the household, paper by Mrs. Delano '80 231 Convention about agricultural experiments. '71, 391; '85 X' Texas cattle disease _ '68' 449 forestry, proceedings of '88 306' of agricultural societies of West Michigan • Association of Agricultural Societies '77,647; '78,571; '79,435; Michigan trees Joint Worm National agricultural - State agricultural _ Conversation, art of Cookery, instruction in Cooking, chemistry of, paper by Frank S. Kedzie in farmhouses, paper on, by Rev. G. H. Wallace Cook, Prof. Albert J., article on alcohol, effects of '84 apiary, division-board feeder, ill..- - insect enemies of the bee.- '.37 437 manual of, ill '75 315 mistakes of bee-keepers _._ '76 189 wintering bees '76,434; '85 140 Army worm, ill '75 378 black ". '83 433 barkliocill '83,439; '85 171 bee-feeder, ill '79 260 bee-keepers' manual, ill '75 315 mistakes _ '76 189 bee, insect enemies of - '87 437 sting of worker, ill '79 258 tongue of, ill 'I'.t 253 bees, wintering of '76,424; '85 140 birds and insects '75 377 black army worm, ill '83 433 borer, currant '83 436 botflies, ill '76 162 carpet beetle -- '86 333 chicken raising '78 273 ' codlingmoth '85, 171; '87, 169; '88 217 currant borer '83 436 destruction of insects '68, 163; '74, 106; '78, 431 ; '81, 246; '83, 243, 433; '86,133; '87,449. division-board feeder, ill _ '79 260 entomology, practical '83 423 manual of, ill '74 106 effects of alcohol on human system _ '84 2S~ four important insecticides '86 133 fruit or insects, which _. '75 91 geology, industrial '86 142 Hessian fly, ill '77 363 industrial geology '66 143 injurious insects, ill '68,163; '74,106; '87 449 destruction of '78 431 insect enemies of the bee '87 ■t37 insecticides '81,246; '83,243; '86, xxxviii; '87,40,437; '88 217 four important ._ '86 133 insects and birds _ '75 277 injurious to farm, garden and orchard, ill... _ '74 106 orfruit '75 91 noxious '87 449 that attack timber and shade trees, ill '77 343 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 87 Year. Page. Cook, Prof. Albert J., article on insects, three worst, ill i '75 276 two new in Michigan '80 273 isosoma '84 322 management of poultry * '78 273 mistakes of bee-keepers '76 189 morphology of legs of hymenopterse '87 443 noxions insects j '87 449 parasites of domestic animals, ill - -- '78 438 physiological effects of alcohol '84 282 physiology, practical - '83 187 plant lice '83,434; '85,171; '87,169; '88 217 pork worm '76 296 poultry management. '78 273 practical entomology '83 422 physiology. '83 186 pyrameis cardui '83 4.17 sting of worker bee, ill.. '79 258 strawberry leaf roller '83 438 three worst insects, ill '75 276 ticks '88 403 tongue of honey bee, ill '79 252 tree planting '88 227 trichina spiralis, ill '76 296 two new insect pests in Michigan '80 273 wheat stalk isosoma.. '84 322 wintering bees '76,424; '85 140' ' worker bee's sting, ill. '79 258 bulletin on bark louse and codling moth, ill '85 171 carpet beetle, ill '86 223 codling moth and plant louse '87,169; '88 217 insecticides '88 217 treesetting '88 227 wheat stalk isosoma, ill ^ '84 322 wintering bees '85 140 ensilage discussion '88 293 experiment station work proposed '88 141 forestry questions answered '88 108 manual of the apiary '75 315 practical entomojogy '74 106 morphology i)f legs of hymenopterse '87 442 notes on practical entomology '83 422 outside work '75, 60; '76 92 report of '74,39; '75,59; '76,90; '77,33; 78,58; '79,31; '80,35; '81,92; '83, 49; '84, 42; '85, 79; '86, xxxiii; '87, 38; 88, 41, 165. on apiary '75,357; '76 94 experiment station department '88 165 E. J., article on corn culture '87 415 silo and ensilage '88 448 Prof. George H.. report on ensilage '85 111 James, article on education for farmers '77 165 f;ook's Favorite tomato described..^ '86, 239; '87 83 Cooledge's Early Red Rareripe peach '56 231 Favorite peach discussed '58 269 Coolers, advantages of for dairies...! '88 402 Cooley, Dennis, donor of herbarium, biographical notice of '63 20 herbarium # '63,19,42; '78 29 Judge Thomas M., " Plea.f* the Birds " i '55 717 addressJ)efore Monroes County Agricultural Society '55 710 Cooling of milk '68 250 88 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page, Cooling rate of, in muck soils. _. '86 158 Cooperation for farmers..- '75, 193; '76 237 article by Robert Alward '86 29 * Gov. G. G. Luce '87 271 in cbeese making '65 133 harvesting .- '75 192 necessary to civilization. '53 566 of colleges in experimentation - '71 295 Cooperative creameries, discussion on '87 382 Coopersville described '71 429 Copies of report, printing of extra.. ^ '85 43 Copley, Hon. W. B., address '75 137 Copperas for blight '78 341 disinfection.. '75 46 influence on germination of seeds — '87 133 Copper, electrical conductors '76 358 lightning rods '75 242 mining statistics ..- '55 300 Coppice woods, disadvantages of '88 124 Cordage, Kyanized .. '50 139 Cord of wood, what constitutes '83 398 Coreus tristis (see also squash bug) '74 115 Corey, J. D., article on hedge fences '79 98 Corky elm '78 93 CornacesB '88 91 Corn, analysis of. '72, 224; '78 408 article by Beal, Dr. W. J '80 379 Brown, L. R., on value for soiling and fodder '76 261 Chubb, J. F '50 205 Cook, E. J., on culture '87 415 ensilage '88 448 Flanders, E. P '81 252 Gard, Hon. Milton J '78 373 Hayden, A '75 160 Hunter, John M.. '81 228 Kedzie, Dr. R. C, on food value compared with other mill stuffs '78 404 Langley, W. B '78 281 Miles, Dr. Manly, on planting in hills or drills... '68 117 Preston, Stephen H '50 278 Sparks, Levi '79 142 Strong, Wm.. _ '77 310 Woodman, David, Jr '77 141 as green manure '79 159 ashes of cobs, value as manure '85 177 average crop in'the United States 'S4 85 price for 5 years '78 345 blossoming of '79 198 breeding of '77 68 chemical analysis of '72, 224; '78 408 classification of varieties '80 284 cob ashes, value as manure '85 177 compared with other mill stuffs for feeding '78 4(14 roots for feeding ...'67, 60; '75 158 composition of.. '73, 224; '78 408 costof crop '73,44; '75,66; '77,92; '88 443 raising '75, 161; '78 378 per bushel '36 26 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 89 Year. Page. Corn crop, accounts with '73,44; 75,66,181; 77,92; '78,378; '86 26 average in the United States '84 85 price for 5 years '78 345 test for ensilage '88 448 costof '73,44; '75,66,161; "77,92; '78,378; '86 26 Increased by good seed '80 286 in United States, value of '54 320 large, records of '51, 171; '52, 188; 53, 124; '58, 203: '68, 420; '77, 145; '78, 599; '80 282 premium '58,203; '78 599 statements of '51,171; '53.122,124; '68,420; '77 145 value of In United States '54 320 crossing, effect of '80 283 the first year '79 198 with foreign stock '80,287; '81 135 cultivating deeply - '77 313 in drouth -.- '79 118 cultivation of '50,278; '81 255 articles on... '60, 205; '75, 160; '77, 142, 310; '78, 281, 373; '79, 142; '81, 228, 252; '87, 308, 415; '88, 387. discusslonon '77,314; '79 147 in northern counties '87 308 cutting for ensilage, time for '88 293 deep culture of '77 313 dent, analysis of '78 408 weight of yellow and white _. '77 144 depth of sowing, experiment on '83 41 dried, or put in silo for fodder -. '85 118 drilled or hilled, experiments on '66,117; '71 346 drouth harmless to, with thorough culture '79 118 ear for seed, which to select '81 133 early planting of '75,162; '79 144 enemy of- - '88 166 ensilage, best variety for '88 448 or corn fodder? '85, 101-118 time to cut, for ..- .''. --. '88 293 experiments on varieties of , '78 49 with. - ,. '68,133; '69 87 discussed '71 332 fall plowing for '79 147 fertilizing flowers of '81 132 fodder, ensilaged or dried '85, 101-118 or soiling '76 261 food value of... '80 183 compared with other mill stuffs '78 404 roots.. '67,50; '75 158 yellow and white dentcompared '77 144 foreign stoeli; crossed with '79,198; '80,283,287; '81 135 germination of '88,239,244 green manure, value of '79 159 ground for - - -. '81 253 gypsumfor '75,263; '78 162 harrowing of. — '79 147 harvesting of '78 377 height of stallss '80 280 hill culture or drill culture '68,117; '71 346 manuring in the '50 279 number of seeds to a '79 148 90 GENERAL INDEX OI Year. Page Corn, house at Agr'l College _.. '78 155 improvement o£ '78, G75; '81 134 increase of crop from good seed '80 286 Indian, paper on, by Dr. W. J. Beal ,.. '80 279 influence of pollen on __ '79, 198; '80, 283, 287; '81 135 in orchards '75 119 land plaster for '75,263; '78 162 large crops of '51, 171; '52, 188; '53 124; '.58, 203; '68, 420; '77, 145; '78, 599; '80 283 manurial value after feeding '87 332 ofcobashes '85 177 green stalks '79 159 manuring crop in the hill "50 279 marking field for - 78 282 too shallow '79 145 Michigan statistics of 78 483 mill stuffs compared with, for feeding '78 404 mixed with smut, result of '83 45 moth '57 230 nutritive value of yellow and white '77 144 observations on '71 97 orchards planted with... '75 119 planted at various depths, results of '83 41 early '75, 162; '78, 376: '79 144 in hills or drills '68,117; 71 346 planting, time for '75,16?; '78,376; '79 144 plaster as a manure for 75, 263; 78 162 plowing in fall for 79 147 pollen, effect of in first year '79, 198; '80, 283, 287; '81 135 premium crops of '58, 203; '7S 599 (See also Corn, large crops of.) preparation of for food '80 183 soil for. '81 224 price of for 5 years '78 345 in Detroit.. '55 310 pruningroots of '79, 46, 193; '81 134 reoordsof heavy crops.... '61, 171; '52, 188; '63, 124; '58, 303; '68, 420; 77, 145; '78, 599; '80 282 relative merits of white and yellow '78 412 value of for soiling and fodder '76 261 forfeeding '67, 50; '75, 158; '78 404 root, pruning of '79, 46, 193; '81 134 rot from early planting '75,162; '79 144 seed, ia the upper ear on the stalk best for? '81 133 number of to plant to a hill '79 148 selection of '77,311; '78,449; '80, 284; '81 2.55 soaking of '50 278 testing of '81 122 valueof good '80 286 shallow marking for '79 145 smut '80, 288; '83 45 soaking seed '50 278 soil for '81 253 preparation of '81 224 soiling, valueof '76 261 sown (See also C6rn planted) at various depths '83 41 stalk, enemy of '88 166 stalks, height of '80 280 sugar from '80 148 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 91 Year. Page. Corn, statistics of, in Michigan _ '78 48a steeping seed of _ '60 278 sugar from stalks of ._ '80 148 threshing of _ '87 385 time necessary to mature _ '80 283 to cut for ensilage '88 293 plant '75,162; '78 ' 37& United States crop of.. '54, 320; '8* 85 upper ear of stalk for seed '81 133 value of ashes of cobs - '85 177 forfeeding '67,50; '75,168; '78,404; '80 IS* manure after feeding '87 332 in United States '54 320 varieties of, classified .__ '80 284 experiments with __ '78 49 weight of yellow and white dent. '77 144 white and yellow, relative merits '78, 413; '77 144 wild '80 288 yellow and white compared. '77, 144; '78,408,412 yieldsof .'51,171; '52,188; '53, 124; '58, 203; '68,420; '77,145; '78,699; '80 282 Cornell experiment station, dairylngat '88 195 Corns on horses' feet '76, 2£9: '87 396 Corporations for cheese-making, laws incorporating '66 app. 35 Corporations, how to deal with '86 36 rule of '56 31 Correlation of parts in animals '72, 193; '76 346 Coryell, MissE. D., paper, practical education for women. '79 172 Mr. C. E., paper on best cow for farmer.. '76 279 Cost and price of farm products, article by Prest. G. T. Fairchild '77 113 value of root crops, article by G. W.Warren '79 89 of Agr'l College '74,82; '83 181 greenhouse '74 44 beet root sugar '69 224 board at Agr'l College '77 12 building a silo '85 101 calf grown to maturity '57 13;f cheese making '71 90 college education '74 28 colts at 3 years old '87 362 commercial fertilizers '79 260 constructing good roads '75,110,367; '76,406; '78 193 corn crop '73,44; '75,161; '78,378; '88 444 cow kept through winter. '70 447 raised from calf '57 122 crops, article by Inman Cowdry '88 441 R. A. Peet '88 445 at Agr'l College '75,62; '78 125 dairy house for experimentation '88 194 drainage '66, 314; '67, 296; '75, 200: 77, 229; '81, 302; '84 281 of marshes '77 185 roads. '76 408 drains in Ingham county '79 178 education at colleges '74 28 experimenting '64,98; '71 322 farm implements '81 311 in Michigan '78 366 machinery '75 165 92 GENERAL INDEX OF ~\'ynr. Page. Costof farm products compared with price, article by Pres. (i. T. Fairchild '77 113 feeding and of neglecting farm animals '"1 335 fencing '76,34'.); '711 99 hedge- '85 'Mr-, wire - '84 110 fertilizers - '79 250 forestry reserve '88 353 good roads _ '76, 110, 367; '76,406; '78 183 grading roads '75 113 grains per bushel '86 35 hedge fences - "85 3ir> horse raising - - 'H3 148 irrigation '(>7 119 land for forestry reserve '88 853 landscape gardening '76 182 lightning rods '75 341 living in Michigan compared with England '73 133 machine use on farms '75 155 maple sugar '88 343 marsh drainage '77 185 neglecting farm animals '76 ;135 tools - '83 240 poor roads — '75 110 railroads per mile '7.'< 324 raising calf to maturity '57 123 raising horses -. '83 148 roads '75, 110,367 constructing '78 108 draining '76 408 grading '75 112 turnpiking '76 406 root crops '77, 155; '79 89 silo '85 101 steam power at the Agricultural College... '78 154 for farm use '77 288 students' board at Agricultural College '77 12 sugar from beet roots '69 324 maple tree '88 343 thinning fruit , '75 117 tile '83 105 at the Agricultural College '84 35 draining '68, 314; '67, 296; '75, 200; '77, 229; '81, 802; '84 281 tools on the farm '81 311 in Michigan '78 366 uniforms at the Agr'l College _.. '85 17 wheat raising '74, 301; '76, 390; '80, 318; '84 143 wintering cattle '70 447 wire fences '84 110 Cost per mile of railroads '78 324 Oostiveness in calves i .". '69 173 Costume for women in garden '84 2U9 Cotswold sheep, account of '65,57; '67,167; '69 295 article on, by Wm. Gumming '75 89 .Tudge W. W. Stickney '81 293 at the Agr'l College, clip of '77 96 description of.... '66 15 inventory of '76 24 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 93 ' I Year. Page. CotBWold sheep, expenments In feeding '68 47 (>otton, Job. B., Instructor at Agr'l College '88, 5, 48 Cotton seed meal, value for manure after feeding '87 333 value of crop '54, 318; '83 165 wood, described '78 93 for wind breaks '88 334 Couch grass, description '71 113 how to exterminate.-- '88 387 Council, village, powers relative to tree planting -- '88 129 Counties, analyses of soil from northern '78 49 containing unsold Agr'l College lands.... '77, 17; '78, 17; '79, 15; '80, 14; '81, 21; '83, 12; '84, 13; '85, 14; '86, xiv; '87, 17; '88, 19. forestry reports from "88 103 in which Agr'l College lands have been sold '78,16; '81,19; '87,16; '88 18 represented by students at the Agr'l College '73,8; '73,9; '74,33; '75,32; '76,75; '78,42; '79,30; '80,37; '81,37; '83,23. soil from northern, analyzed - '78 49 Country grounds, decoration of, by Hon. Charles W. Garfield '76 174 homes '71,231,252 adornment of, article by Hon. A. S. Dyckman '73 49 Prof. L. H. Bailey '86 50 article by Secretary R. G. Baird '76 375 Miss ChattertoD - '76 253 Secretary L. H.Ives .--- - '74 384 life, article by Bela Hubbard - -- '50 315 charms of '71 339 population gaining on that of the cities '77 454 roads, article on, by A. L. Aldrich '84 103 0. B. Stetson '71 263 school, relation of farmer to, by Mrs. W. T. Adams '83 237 schools, deficiencies in, by E. L. Briggs '83 313 versus city - '77 454 County agricultural societies, law to encourage '57 9 list of Michigan '78 583 reports from '49, '139; '50,361; '51,287; '52,203; '53,351; '54,407; '55,432; '56,339; '57,397; '58,481; '59,331; '64,327: '65, 275; '66, 386; '67, 404; '68, 393; '69, 364; '70, 363: '71, 401; '73, 133; '73, 243; '74, 352; '75, 496; '76, 573; '77, 647; '78, 571; '79, 445; '80, 451; '81, 600; '83, 451 '84, 425; '85, 258; '86, 294; '87, 260, 506 ; '88, 553. whenneeded '85 293 fairs, how improve them? by Dr. W. J, Beal '79 456 reports of crops.,. '. '69 111 taxes, list of items '83 218 Course in beekeeping, by Prof. Cook '75 315 of study at Agr'l College '63, 12; '73,9; '74,35; '75,23; '76,76; '77,22; '80,28; '83 23 in 1859 - '81 372 mechanicarts '85 88 practical agriculture '78 33 proper scope of '75,21; '84 256 specialties of - '75 21 technical or not 7 --- '74 67 to be determined by Board of Agricalture '85 38 what to include '85 37 for common school '76 222 .winter lectures proposed '67 287 Courtesy, value of '86 191 54 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page. Court reports for Agr'l College library '85 45 Cover for frames in bee hive ._ '75 350 Coyering soil to preserve fertility _ '8ii 70 Cowdry, iDinan, article on cost of crops _ '88 441 Cowell, Dr., paper on poultry for farmer "!^ 205 Cow grass '88 89 (.lowing strawberry '87 99 Cowley, B. P., article on corn -.. - '88 447 Cow pox, account of '84 208 Cows, best for the farmer, paper by C. B. Coryell-. '76 279 breeding for dairy, by E. A. Powell - '87 370 cost of wintering '70 447 for farm work ..- '*7 328 Cow sheds in Holland '78 310 inspection of '80 103 nnventilated - '58 282 Cows, how to tie '80 168 in Holland, paper by Hon. Jas. Birney - '78 309 Jerseys, article by M. L. Frink -.. - '80 222 management of after breeding '59 205 milk fever in, by Dr. E. A. A. Grange '88 411 milk product of nineteen '84 164 pointsof excellence .-. '76 282 premium, performance of '53 185 versus sbeep, article by J. E. Day - '75 129 warm water for '88 267 Cox, James, report of West Michigan Agricultural Society '83 451 Crab-apples at Agricultural College '85, 136; '87 107 Crab-apple barren when young, reasons for '87 145 described '. '78 92 hybridizing of. '87 143 Crab-apples for west Michigan '68 430 Crab louse illustrated '78 443 Cramming chickens '66 236 Cranberries for muck soils '86 16© Cranberry culture '56,248; '75 144 marshes '73 63 law regarding trespass upon '68 457 peppers '87 88 tree described '78 92 Crandall, Chas. S., foreman of horticultural department '88 5 Cranks on the farm '87 355 Cranston's Excelsior onion _ '87 98 Crapo farm, Herefords and Shorthorns on '78 214 Gov., breeding of Herefords by '78 215 Crapser, Mr. Albertus, premium farm '68 518 Cravath, I. M., ode at dedication of Agricultural College '56 322 Crawford, A., paper on fine wool sheep '83 155 county, early and late frosts, limits of '87 311 institute.. '87 377 reporton sorghum growing '84 311 root crops in '87 303 soils, cultivation of. Dr. M. Miles '87 325 yield of crops... '87 334 Early peach '56,231; '68 269 time of ripening '88 256 Late peach '58 270 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 95 Year. Page. Crawford Late peach, time of ripening '88 258 Cream cheese '57 144 Creameries, cooperative, discussed '87 382 receipts from, througll a season '87 385 Cream, proper temperature for raising '78 181 replaced by flax seed in calves' food '84 157 Credit, value of '79 98 Crescent Seedling strawberry '79,130; '84,205; 'o5, 132; '87 101 OreveCceur fowls, description of '77 208 Criminals, educated - - '73 27 Crippen and Freeman's Shorthorn cow "Shaker Lady" '55 223 Hon. J. B., donation of animals to Agr'l College '63 18 Crippled trees, treatment of 1 '76 242 Criterion tomato described '86,242; '87 77 Crocker Chemical Works, analysis of fertilizers '86,248; "87,174; '88 152 Crocodile pine '78 102 Crop correspondents at the State Fair '85 193 Cropping continuously, possibility of '72 258 without manure '72 230 list at the Agr'l College '73,39; '74,32; '76,131; '78,140; '80,66; '81,76; '83,37; '84,35; '85, 69; '86, xxvi; '88, 33. Crop report of Agr'l College '62, 17, 21; '65, 228; '75, 62; '76, 135; '77, 83; '78 125 inventory.-- '76 22 State '66,9; '66,67; '67,69; '69,111; '70,123; '71,399; '72 131 supervisors, discussion on '87 266 with weather indications '88 203 reporting systems, paper by Robert L. Hewitt- '81 606 rotation. (See crops, rotation of.) Crops, average in Manitoba '84 86 United States --- - '84 85 benefit of salt to -- - - '79 264 consumption of, on the farm. '76 384 cost of, by laman Cowdry --- - '88 441 R. A. Peet '88 445 effect of deforestation on - '88 108 for muck soils - '86 169 orchards - - '69,475; '75 119 reclaimed swamplands -- - - - '84 117 influence of weather upon, paper by Linus Cone-- '51 221 inventory of, at Agr'l College -- - '76 22 large yields '52 188 manurial value of - '87 332 premiums on '78 599 rotation of, article by Ingersoll, Prof. Chas. L --- '77 406 Johnson, Prof. S. W — '72 221 Kedzie, Prof. R. C - '72,213; '84 133 Merrick, Wm. H - '81 226 Owens, A. H - - '76 314 Reynolds, Rev. G. M '76 311 Sanborn, Prof. J. W..- - '87 413 Swift, A. B '87 409 Ure, Rob't - '77 236 discussion on -- - '76 316 for general farming '88 440 horticulture - '88 286 light soils '88 380 salt for - - '79 264 90 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Pftge Cross, Andrew, experiments on spontaneous generation '71 7i' bred cattle at the Agr'l College J , 'O.'i ~-'.' breeding of apples '73, 48a: '74 48 beans .- '78, 454; 'W 44 weight of product "TS irjii corn '80,287 '81 136 effects of- -- 'SO 283 fruits '76,215; 73,48a; '74, 48; '79, 19B; '37 142 hogs - '70 175 horses, article by W. C. Spooner, V. S - '«.'> 93 plants '76 310 articleby Dr. W. J. Beal... .. 'TS 450 sheep '67, 157: "69 299 small fruits '7!i 195 tomatoes '7:i 194 wheat. '77 56 Crossing and hybridizing, notes on '87 143 railroad tracks, law of 'f>'S 306 Crossman Brothers' seeds tested 77, :!8(i: 'SI, 1^1; '8;! 57 Croswell, Gov., on Agr'l College in message '7ii 16 Crowberry family _ 'ss 99 Crow black bird, food of '83 443 Crowding animal development vs. stunting '»7 361 Crown Girdler ofrstrawberry, article by Clarence M. Weed 'S:i 425 Crows eating cut-worms instead of corn '7r, 173 Crozier, A. A., paper on potato rot 'S6 103 Crystal City strawberry, notes on '85, K32: "87 90 Cucumber beetle illustrated '74 123 tree described '7S 92 Cultivated tomatoes, synopsis of -.- '87 74 Cultivating Canada thistles to death - '88 293 corn ^ 81 255 deeply '77 3)3 indrouth '77,314; '79,119; '87 336 gardens, necessity for. '88 285 orchards '76, 369; '77 :;07 apples - '73, 48; '87 184 peaches - '73 98 too late in the season '75 119 versus mulching them '76 243 versus drouth '37 336 wheat '74 383 article by Hon. George Geddes '69 169 with the rake '75 48 Cultivation and weeds '75 48 as a remedy for Canada thisUes '88 293 of corn, article on, by Arthur Haydon '75 160 VVm.Ptrong.. '77 310 cranberrio; '75 144 fish '77 3M flowers, article on, by Chas. W. Garfield -. 'if 369 Mrs. R. D. Palmer '84 203 forests, article by J. Austin Scott '88 317 on waste lands by L. D. 'Watkins '88 316 fruit, article by Dr. Bartholomew '75 168 (See also Cultivation of small fruits; Fruit culture, etc.) in Saginaw Valley by Dr. Palmer '77 201 '74 291 '77 153 '79 89 '76 420 '76 304 •79 128 '77 209 '76 268 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 97 Year. Page. Cultivation of fruit In west Michigan by Jacob Ganzhorn .-. '69 411 grapes, paper by Dr. L. C. Whiting '77 242 pine plains '87,311,314 Dr. Manly Miles '87 325 roots, article by Henry A. Hawley '74 H. S. Rogers '77 Gr. W. Warren roses, by James Cassidy small fruits, article by Dr. J. W. Barnes Wm. A. Brown , E.F. Guild W. H. Reynolds by women, by Mrs. J. G. Averill '84 206 discussion on '68 440 the pine plains '87,311,325 varieties of grain, David Woodman, Jr '77 140 wheat, article by President Chas. L. Ingersoll '76 389 Secretary Franlc Little '77 428 A. C. Satterlee '76 182 W.R.Schuyler '77 123 Lieut. Gov. Sessions '76 328 Cultivators '71 179 inventory of, at Agr'l College '76 16 Culture from books, paper by Prof. E. J. MaoEwan '80 331 higher standard of, for housekeepers, by Mrs. Perry Mayo '77 133 mental and moral, by Mrs. T. B. Fox '86 196 versus weeds '75 48 Culverts for roads '76 287 Cumberland strawberry '83,110; '85 132 Gumming, Wm., address on long wool sheep '75 89- Cupuliferro '88 97 Curb in horses '57 192 Curculio '69,437; '74,133; '7o,9J,285; '76,172; '86,141; '87,40,451; '88,42,223,294 Cure for foot and mouth disease., '69 229 Curing cheese and marketing it, article by X. A. Willard '73 -53 housesfor '71 66 hay, article on, by Hon. R.Ferris '75 114 Dr. Augustus Voelcker '67 183 Currantborer, articleson, byProf. A. J. Cook.... '74,140; '83,436; '88 294 measuring worm '74 143 saw fly or currant worm, remedy for j.. '74, 141; '87, 41, 454 Currant?, culture of '66,246; '77 212 varieties of '70 428 discussed '58 222 for Alcona county '88 386 home use '77 320 west Michigan... '68,431; '69 444 in College garden '87 108 promising '58 236 recommended by American Pomological Society '58 234 President T. T. Lyon '56 208 Currant tomato '86,243; '87 74 worm '74 143 hellebore for '76 171 Current account, Agr'l College, appropriations for '85,15; '86 xv disbursements '86, vili ; '87, 10; '88 12 estimates '81 13 13 98. GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page. Current account, Agr'l College, laws respecting _ : '85 39 (See also Agr'l College current account.) Gurtenius, Hon. F. W., address before Kalamazoo County Society --- '51 3''''> premium farm '51 177 Curtis, H. W., article on helps to improvement '76 219 Cushman, Mrs. Samuel, on home influence _ '79 104 Custard apple family _ --- '88 85 Customs dues '83 322 Cuthbert raspberry '83 117 Cut-leaved alder '78,85; '85 138 poplar '78 lOi weeping birch '78 89 Cut of mechanical laboratory '86 xlviii Cuts of tomato plants '87 74-79 Cutting and curing hay, article on by Hon. R. Ferris '75 114 decayed and dangerous trees near railroads '88 130 hay, when to do it '75,114; '76 371 H. B., paper on bees '84 190 logs for lumber, description of methods '88 79 pine in Michigan.. '88 80 potatoes for seed, deep or shallow '83,44; '85 168 Cuttings, propagation from '78 266 Cutting straw fodder into quarter inch lengths 09 290 timber unlawfully, penalty for '88130, 183 rtrees when decayed and dangerous to railroads '88 130 wheat green '77 147 time for '77,343; '85 121 Cut worms, article on by Prof. A. J. Cook '74 107 cabbage, article on by Prof. A. J. Cook '74 119 climbing, article on by Prof. A. J. Cook '74 144 discussion on... '76, 96, 164, 283 fall plowing for '75,61,164; '86 140 freezing not fatal to '86 140 how to avoid '76 316 obstructed '73 61 on corn '77,312; '78 281 fruit trees '74 299 plowing for.... '75, 61, 164; '86, 140; '87 266 remedies '74, 111; '79, 70; '84 194 Cyclone nozzle '86, 135; '87, 43, 453 Cyphomandra betacea '87 73 Cynlpidae, study of by Prof. C. P. Gillette '88 466 Cypress, bald.. '78 93 Dactyles Glomorata dcEcriptiou '7J, 109; '87 285 Dahlman, Theodore, secretary's report '87 506 Daily gain in weight of different breeds '7R 468 ration of ensilage '85 109 in feeding experiment '87, 163, 184 Dairy, article by Arnold on principles of cheese making '68 239 Beal, J. O., on profits in '80 166 Dr. W. J., on grasses for '71 91 Day, Jno. E., on sheep growing compared with '75 129 Granger, Mrs. Albert, on management of '81 281 Hicks, B., on butter making '78 278 Horton, George B., president's address '88 388 Howard, Sec'y Sanford, on products of '68 2'27 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 99 Year. (Dairy, article by IngersoU, Prof. C. L., on milk fever 78 Johnson, Prof. Sam'l, on ensilage for Lockwood, Mrs. E. L., on management of 40 cows Monrad, J. H., on experiments in Powell, Prof. B. A., on breeding coTVs for Power, A. D.,on cheese and milk .■- Preston, E. F., on profits in Sober, W. B. H., on profits in Tanner, Prof. Henry, on stock breeding for WlUard, X. A., on cheese conditions of profit qnestions about breeding cows for. Prof. B. A. Powell Henry Tanner _ breeds, records of '75, 305; business, growth of in Michigan _ butter making, B. Hicks cheese, age for export and milk, A. D. Power cheese making, L. B. Arnold , X. A. Willard ■committee on expe'riments, recommendations cow, breeding for excellence of '59, 193; Devons feed for '70,130; milk fever. Prof. IngersoU.. points of excellence records of yield '75, 305; scrub or well bred? _ warm water for .,. Devon cows for discussion on 'TO. 436,443; '75,131; '78, 185; '86, 118; ensilage for feeding in, by Prof. Johnson ■experiments, article on, by J. H. Monrad at Amherst, Mass Cornell experiment station Geneva, N. Y Guelph,Ont committee's report on cost of - -- '88,14' importance of exports - - '70,153; '83,167; farming, discussion on... _.. .'70, 436; grasses for _ — reports on (See also dairying.) feed for cows - '70, 130; forty cows in, Mrs. E. L. Lockwood grasses for. Dr. W. J. Beal _ house for experiment --- implements at State Fair Dairying, diflaculties of - --- discussion on '70,436,443; '78,185; '66,118; for profit, E. F. Preston - in Michigan '83, 357; Ohio, by Ethan Ailing or creameries? - 71 Page. 242 392 ■101 408 370 164 181 2U 193 53 230 153 370 193 370 3S9 278 155 164 2;:9 53 196 370 326 392 242 182 370 367 267 326 400 392 408 195 195 195 195 194 ,194 391 389 118 91 88 401 71 91 88 194 85 250 75 131 88 400 78 181 88 389 54 215 87 383 100 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page. Dairying, poem, Mrs. E. P. Bradner '84 l(i7 profltP, J. O. Beal '80 16B B. J. Preston '78 181 W.E.H. Sober 'T« 244 X A. Willard _ '70 153 reports upon '64 76 valueof Devons. 'o8 326 Dairy inspection '80 103 interests of Michigan — 'S3 357 Saginaw %'aUey '86 9 laws... - '66app. 34 making, curing and marketing cheese '72 53 management, Mrs. A. Granger '81 281 E. L. Lockwood __ 'SK 401 Dairymen's Association of Michigan, address of G. B. Horton _ '88 388 X. A. Willard- '72 K\ annual meeting - '88 388 experiments proposed '88 144 Ohio, address of -\. A. 'Wiliard '71 61 Dairy, Michigan interests in '83,357; '66,9; '88 389 milk fever in cows '78 ;;42 taints in '68 230 of forty cows, a woman's management-.. '88 401 Ohio regulations - '88 389 report on '54 215 or creameries - '87 383 points of a good cow -- '7S 182 principles of cheese making '68 2.i9 products, Sanford Howard '68 227 State Fair, report on '87,212; '88 49.") quality affecting profit "78 181 profits, by J. O. Beal - '80 166 E. F. Preston '78 181 W. E. H. Sober '76 244 X A. Willard '70 1.53 recommendations of committee on experiments --- '8H 196 records of yield of breeds '75 3ii6 Holstein Friesians '87 373 regulations in Ohio "88 389 reports on intoresl.- '64 76 Saginaw county statistics '86 9 stock, breeding tor, by Prof. E. A. PosTell '87 370 Henry Tanner '59 193 points of-. '69 194 taint in milk, causes of '68 230 versus slieep raising '75, 129; '76 246 warm water for cows '88 267 women managing. '88 401 Dakota, forestry In... '88 121 Damage from snow drifts caused by deforestation '88 113 Damages by stray or unruly cattle '83, 289, ,901 liability for '83 289 to College property '87 34 Damage to forests by fire, article by Uno H. Hillman '88 361 from locomotive sparks .- '88 115 reported by supervisors '88, 103, 115 Dam over Cedar river '78 117 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 101 Year. Page. Damp houses 77 331 Dampness in storing bees '85 142 Dancing at liome '76 381 Daniel Boone strawberry, notes on.. '85, 132; '87 101 DanieU, A. J., on economy in use of timber _ '88 359 H. A., paper on poultry '83 158 Prof. Wm. W., remarljs on experimenting '71, 31JJ, 325 Dinger in using poison for insects '81,246; '86 135 of overpraning '88 301 too much forest '88 840 Dangerous trees near R. H. track, law for cutting ^ '88 130 D'Anjou pear '88 298 Danvers onion __ '87 97 Darnel, description of '71 112 Darwin, Clias , on fertilization.. '78 451 views on breeding discussed _ '72 198 Dite of loafing of treeb '87 119 Daturas, notes on '88 235 Daughters of farmers, Mrs. F. G. Oliurch '80 172 S. T. DeForest '77 128 D ivenport, Eugene, preparation of soil for cereals '81 222 relation of sugar maple to forestry '88 341 ^ reply to forestry questions '88 109 DjiVidson, Simeon, premium corn crop '58 203 report on clover, oats and wlieat ___ '59 153 D ivis, B. F., report as college treasurer '. '87, 7; '88 9 Erasmus, reports on vineyards '69 360 Franlc P., article on hiffliways and bridges '78 192 H. W,, listof apples by '87 157 P. C, pear orchard '69 361 Davison thornless raspberries, merits of _ '76 307 Diwson, ThomaF, article on increasing fertility of farms '75 135 Dj,y, J. E., article OQ Michigan '71 189 sheep versus cows '75 129 Dj,yton Hedge Fence Co.. '85 264 Deid animals to be taken care of '66 app 38 languages, why so prominent in college courses '84 255 Dean, A. J., report as treasurer of State Agricultural Society '73, 238; '74, 157, 219; 75, 411 ; '76, 561; '78, 518; '79, 303; '80, 367; '81-2. 452, 534; '83, fc62; '84,354; '85, 223; '87, 218; '8?, 479. on Agr'l College '83 391 statement relative to " News " article '78 604 L. L., on raising cane , '81 215 Daanston system of drainage _ '56 146 Dearborn seedling pear described '56, 225; '58 263 Death risk in sheep husbandry '83 1.54 Debauchery from fairs "83 335 Debt, evils of '53 468 (or farmers '49,176; '50,231; '54,510; '78,192; '81 335 imprisonment for 'TJ 117 to inventors. '86 208 pioneers. Miss Carruthers '67 503 State, of students of State Institutions '75 25 Djbts, business, per cent of loss on '51 201 Decatoma varians I '88 470 Decatur infctitute '75 136 102 GENEBAL INDEX OF Year. .. '88 Page^ 130 23!l- 160 174 279 Decayed trees near railroad track, law for cutting. Decay of American ctieese _ '67 Deciduous trees, list of hardy ornamental -._ '85 planted at Grayling _ Decline in fruit product .__ '70 Decoction of tobacco for ticlcs, -. Decoration of country homes '71, 258; '80 1S6 C. W. Garfield '76 175 Decrease of temperature hy deforestation '88 109 Dedication of Agr'l College '56,397; '81 369 Deeds of swamp land grant '85 40 Deed to real estate, what it conveys '84 126 Deep or shallow drains '77 232 planting of seeds '84 317 plowing. '80 21f plowing for wheat... '76 184 Deer's antler in tree '75 386 Defective ventilation in public building '74 91 Defects in horses traded '83 304 of American agriculture by Sanford Howard '57 45 of highway laws '84 104 Deficiencies in country schools, by E. L. Briggs '83 313 Definition of timber DeForest, Mrs. S. T., article on farmers' sons '77 128 Deforestation, climatic efllect of effect on mapl^ sugar manufacture... Degeneration of society.. Degrees conferred i,See Agricultural College, Report of President.) Dehorning cattle, discussion on Delano, Mrs. Myron, paper on household conveniences Delaware fruit exchange grape discussed mildewed Demonology, Judge Chris tiancy on Denison, President, remarks on Agricultural Colleges Denominational statistics of Michigan Dent corn (See also Corn.) Deodorizers for closets Deodorizing value of muck '75 Department accounts. Agricultural College... '66, 16; '67, 10; '6P, 16; '69, 13; '70, 38; '71, 51; '73, 26; '73, 29; '74, 16; '75, 10 ; '76, 10; '77, 9 ; '78, 9 ; '79, 9; '80, 9 ; '81-3, 9; '8;i, H; '84, 9; '85, 8; '86, viii; '87, 13; '88, 15. Agricultural, bulletin by '84, 336; '85, 167; '86,337; '87, 158,183; '88,198,211,267 of Agriculture of U. S. discussed '69 343 distribution of seeds by '78 597 good work of '78 286 President Willits on '87 501 seeds tested... , '81 118 mathematicf, general inventory of '76 59- reports '73, 30; '74, 23; '75, 19; '76, 69; '77, 18; '78, 19; '79, 16; '80, 16; '81-3, 33; '83, 14; '84, 14; '85, 50; '86, xvii; '87, 34; '88, 25. law for.. '85 40 Departments of universities as agricultural colleges.. '85 19 Dependence of civilized men on one another '53 566 Depredations of insects, Prof. A. J. Cook '78 431 Depressaria haracllana '80 275 Deptford onion '87 518 88 109 86 197 88 454 80 221 88 395 58 316 85 134 63 673 71 360 55 291 78 374 75 46 75 235 Michigan agricultural reports. los Year. Page. Depth for planting potatoes '74 49 experiment - '75 49 plowing pine stump land '87 312 sowing seeds '77 381 results of experiment '83 41 wlieat '64,158,233 of drains -.., '79 121 Grand Traverse bay '73 98 tile in muck '79 181 Description of grasses '69 195 silo at Agr'l College '88 395 Deserted homesteads '88 182" New Englaudfarms '86 57 Deserts resulting from lack of water '88 337 Desert, the great American '88 336 Design of Agr'l College '85 37 Destruction of injurious Insects, A. J. Cook '78,431; '80 273 property, law concerning '88 130 timber '66app. 1 young forest growth by fire '88 328 Detailed inventory '76 15 Detail of military officers to Agr'l College '85 54 Detection of butterine and oleomargarine '84 176 Deterioration of land '77 430 how remedied '57 46 Detmers, Dr , remarks on experimenting , '71 316 DeTocqueville, visit to Saginaw valley '77 263 Detroit and Milwaukee R. R., description of.. '55 336 butter substitutes sold in '64 170' commerce, statistics of '53, 246-253; '64, 229; '55 304 Free Press on Agr'l College Botanical Expedition '88 190 grain business '53 253 house of correction, ill ventilation of '74 91 lumber business '53 251 Monroe & Toledo railroad described — '55 340 navigation and shipping business '53 253- oleomargarine sold at '84 170 permanent location of State Fair at '88 505 rainfall at '71 451 sale of butter substitutes in.. - '84 170 Seed Co.'s seeds tested ....'77,385; '78.74; '81 118 shipping business '53 253 State Fair, permanent location "- '88 608 statistics : '55 304 Tribune on Agr'l College '73 8 water- works... '54 253 Development of domestic animals '66 139 plants •. '81 384 seeds, article by Prof . W. W. Tracy '76 230' Devon cattle and Glamorgans compared for feeding '58 322 Herefords compared. '58.321; '78 216 article on by Ballard, T. S '58 305 Howard, Sec'y Sanford '66 99 Pomeroy, Geo. E '51 131 Smith, F.V '51 132 at Agr'l College, introduction of '63 18 inventory of '66, 12; '76 SS- 104 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page. Devon cattle, breerling of : '78 U7 bull, "Matchless," portrait of --. '52 122 "Prince of Wales," portrait of '66, frontispiece dairy qualifications -.. '58,326; '66 108 described '64 19 economy of feeding '51 133 tor light soils '87 331 In Michigan, register of -- - '58 363 Mr. Quarlley's - - '73 188 pedigrees of, in Michigan '68 363 steer, experiment in feeding '78, 468; '87,162, 185 Dewberries, varieties of in college garden '87 107 I>e\vey, D. P., paper on sheep husbandry '78 225 H. R., paper on farmers' sons _ '84 231 L. H., notes on botanical expedition.-- - '88 186 Hon. T. D - ---- - '86 Iv Dew, influence on forests '67 201 Dewitt township, grant of lands in -- - '85 40 Diabrotica Vittata -- - '74 122 Diagram showing relative expense for liquor --- - '84 283 Diameter of Merino wool '76 345 Southdown wool- -- __ '76 345 trees a8 related to age - -- '88 348 Diamond soluble bone, analysis of - - - '87 174 Diana grapes '56 243 Diarrhoea among poultry -.- '06 237 Diary on a farm, desirability of -- '80 165 Dicerca divaricata --- -- - '88 228 Dickie, Gilbert A., obituary notice of - '81 29 Dickson's Defiance onion - '87 98 Diehl wheat ,- - '67 60 how much seed per acre '69 179 notes on - , - '86,232; '88 213 rating by millers -- --- '77 343 Diet for farm laborers - --- -_ '76 413 Differences of climate in the same latitude.- - '88 338 Different breeds, feeding value of, bulletin on -- '87 158 management of forests in America and Europe - '88 124 varieties of grain, article by David Woodman, Jr '77 140 Difficulties in making accurate experiments..- - - '70 201 of enforcing foi-estry legislation- '88 116 fruitgrowing - -- '88 350 tree growing.- - - '88 348 Diffusion process of sugar manufacture -- -- '87 22 Digestion, process of - '83 189 Digestive organs, diseases of - _ '67 354 Dining room, detailed inventory of at Agr'l College '76 45 Diploma from graded school, admission to Agr'I College by '84 17 Diptera, chapter on - ',-,7 235 Direct and indirect taxation, paper by Chas. F. Howe.- --- '63 217 Direction of mountain ranges as affecting growth of trees '88 103 winter winds as affected by deforestation '88 113 to have house face '77 331 Director of experiment station, report of - '88 138 Weather Service, report of-.- - '88 201 Directors of Forestry Commission -- - '88 69, 306 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 105 y Disadvantages of coppice wood Disbursement account of Agr'i College (See albo Agr'l College Accounts.) Disbursements at &tate Fair _ of Experiment Station _. farm department borticnltural department weather service » Discharging hired men, law of * Discharge of drains compared with rainfall _-_ Discipline at Agr'l College Discoveries, scientific, how made Discrimination by railroads in favor of agricultural experiments freight rates "Discussion on agricultural education *77, 169; fairs - Alcona county at Harrisville institute. ashes ._, bot flies cattle breeds and feeding vermin clover - '77, 150; seeding cooperative creameries corn and seeds -.. culture - - '77, 314; crop rotation curculio _._ cut worms dairy farming dairying '78, 185; dehorning cattle diseases of horses' feet district schools drainage '75,193; '77,231,234; of muck soils _. ensilage --. at Fremont evolution in farming fairs - farmers' organizations _ farm fruit culture _ _ fruits farming compared with other occupations. light soils - farm machinery fish culture _.. forest fires at Harrisville institute forestry laws fruit growing — - fruits in Saginaw valley fruit thinning Galloway cattle - -- grapes -- - - grass .-- -- grasses — - - ear. Page. '88 124 '86 viii '73 236 '88 146 '88 15 '88 15 '88 201 '83 317 '77 219 '81 45 '76 201 '84 119 '88 138 '78 327 '80 130 '79 149 '88 379 '79 81 '76 169 '86 114 '88 407 '86 90 '88 451 '87 382 '77 144 '79 147 '77 413 '75 285 '75, 164, 283 '86 118 '88 400 '88 454 '87 394 '83 230 '79 124 '86 170 '88, 396 ,449 '87 379 '86 54 '76 590 '86 35 '78 272 '79 152 '79 126 '88 382 '88 432 '77 314 '88 378 '88, 331 ,358 '78 344 '77 201 '75 118 '76 332 '88 300 'T7 181 ',~r 35 106 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page. Discussion on laay and cattle '75 10& hedge fences '''■' 101 Hessian fly '77 375^ Herefords - '78 225 hog management '78 363 improvement of stocli '73 171 insecticides '76,173; '86 139 Jersey cattle and pleuro pneumonia '87 388 life membership tickets __ ^ '77 657 lightning rods - -. '7'). 241, 345 light soils .-. - '8i;,72, 221 manures -. 'Tit, 103; '83 101 milk analyses 'J8 180 fever '7y 247 in cows "88 414 orcharding -. '7ti 243 peachsroning '83 114 permanent pastures '77,171; 't6 141 Donation by student to Agr'l College- '86 xx of land by Congress lo Agr'l College '50, 2.58; '63 121 (See also Land Grant and Agr'l College of Mich. Land Grant.) individuals to Experiment Station .-. '88, 145, 148, 176 State to Agr'l CoIIhl'p '85, 34, 63 library by State Agricultui'al Society '63 25 Donations to Agr'l College.-.. '63, 35. 3;t; '64, int; '65, 23.'; '66, 20; '07, 13; '68, 34; 'iw, 19; '7il, !>2; '71, 67; '73, 19; '73, 21; '71, fl; '75, 391; '76, 148; ';7, 44, 101; '78, 142; '79. 48; '80, 76; '86, xx Botanical Department '8', 61; '84, 47; '85 85 .Musem.M - '1-6, xlvi; '87 37 Centennial timber collection '75 389 Farm Department--. '81,78: '85. 62; '86, xxiii; '87 31 Horticultural Department '86, sxx; '87, 148; '88 89 library '81,167; 'rf3, 71 ; '84. («; '.sS, 93; '86, ]xi.\-; ',•^7, 55; '88, 6t, 67 timber collection '75 389 Zoological Museum '71,22; '84, 11, 'S5, 81; '86, xxxv: '87,40; '88 44 Donelson, Abel S., premium farm _ '54 495 Door-step, repair of 'S4 318 Dorking fowls, description of-.. '68, 288; '77 208 for eggs ',52 137 merits of.-- - _- '51 155 Dormitories at the Agr'l College - '78, 19, 46 Dormitory, burning of '77 20 Dorr, L, E., "Sheep for Northern Michigan Pine Lands" '68 383 S. '\¥., description of fruit house '84 !i7 Dorsetshire 8he3p - 'il7 173 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 109 , Year. Page. Dosing animals '81 265 Dort, Mrs. D., cheese miking without pressing '51 160 Doryphora 10-lineata— Say '68, 170; '74 10« Doty, Dnane, commencement address by '73 13 Doubleti-ees, arrangement of _ .-- '72 167 Double working fruit trees '71 125 Douglas fruit region '73 60 Douglass, C. C, report of Michigan geology '54 261 Prof. S. H., report <}n analyses of waters '53 265 Doura tor ensilage '81 72 Dourinn, huUetin on '87 180 Dowagiac institute '78 361 Downing strawberry '87 9& time of ripening '88 264 Downer's late cherry '56 239 Draft and whifHetrees '73 165 horses.. '71, 160; '83 133 article by W. P. Lomas '53 131 Percherons '71 393 power of.. '72 179 of agricultural implements '66 266 plows '71 166 on country roads '71 274 diflEerent roads '78 315 pin, place for '72 169 Drainage, article by Agricultural Society's committee on '67 293 Andrews, Hiram, on, for farms '81 303 Birney, Jas., on Holland system for Saginaw valley '78 354 Cannon, S. B., on, for farms '81 300 Carpenter, Prof. R. 0., on construction. '77, 215; '83, 268; '88 433 for muck swamps '86 154 roads..... '76 39» profit of tile drains '84 271 size of tile.... '86 171 Charles, C. B., on swamp '84 117 Cone, Linus, on thorough '53 157 Hodgman, Frank, for marsh lands '77 323 Holbrook, F., for bog meadows '71 181 Howard, Sanford, on when needed '57 51 Ingersoll, Ghas. L., on farm '75 194 Kidder, C. B., on farm '79 118 Mason, Edward, on thorough '55 145 McPherson. Donald, on farm '80 339 Miles, Dr. Manly, on improvements in tile laying '73 140 Miller, A., of Saginaw swamps '78 348 Noble, S. B., on thorough '- '66 261 Palmer, Chas., on marsh lands '78 301 Preston, Jno., with tile '81 398 Rawsun, G. S '84 113 Rich, .Jno. T '81 295 Rogers, Frank F '83 103 Rowe, W. Asa, of swamp lands '78 258 Smith, J. N., of marshlands '77 184 Upton, A. E , on tile '87 352 Webber, Wm.L '77,232; '78 335 Woodhouse, 1. B., of Ingham county swamps '79 175- at Agricultural College.... '6?, 32; '64,280; '88 Hi 110 GENERAL INDEX OF Drainage at Agricultural College, teaching in -, atmospheric, windbreaks should not prevent - Bligh-Deanston, system of. --, by wells .1 '83,271; coat of '66,314; discussions on -.. '66,314; '70,431; '75,198; '77,331,234; drawbacks to Dutch system for Saginaw valley , - efCects of, on plastered soils - soils — - - report of committee of agricultural society Elkington system of - --- examination m. at Agr'l College -- extent of, in Michigan - --- fertility leached out of soil b5 ? for bog meadows, by F. Holbrook --. - cereals -- - - farms, articles on '52,157; '55,145; '56,261; '75,194; '77,232; '78,335; 79,118 '81, 296, 298, 300, 303; '83, 102; '84, 113; '87, 352. gardens grass lands -- '75,292; '64,278; health _ highways. (See drainage for roads.) house -- marsh lands, articles on "71,181; '77,184,332; '78,301; (See also drainage for swamps.) meadows ...--- '71,181; '75,292; muck lands swamps orchards.. - '77,284; atmospheric permanent pastures, injury by ..- plastered soil°, effect of roads, articles on , '71,269; '76,286,399; '80,206; importance of '78, 192; methods of ear. '85 jinaw swamplands '78, 348, 354 swamplands, articles on '78, 258, 318; '79, 175; '84, 117; efCect of. '. , of Ingham county (See also Drainage of marsh lands.) importance of, for highways - improvements in tile laying. increased productiveness from influence of, on health Ingham county swamps injury to permanent pastures by laws for swamp lands.. - '66, app. 40, 42; ordinary '56, 5; leaching soils profitof .«... '71,216; '78,304; '80,342; '83,284; protection from frost by. rainfall tables report of committee of Agricultural Society on scoops shape of ditch for tile.... size of tile to use Page. 60 350 146 168 281 124 272 354 262 341 293 147 60 89 274 181 223 '80, 161 378 305 161 154 341 350 278 262 350 106 402 '84 154 258 175 192 140 217 160 175 278 465 468 274 271 280 219 293 113 233 171 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS, 111 Year. P»ge. Drainage, Smith's system of '55 U8 thorough, articles on '52, 157; '55, 145; '56 !i61 tile, improvements in laying '73 140 tools '55, 158; '73 143 inventory of at A.gr'1 College... '76 31 what lands benefited by '57,51; '80 339 Drained soils, why warmer '78 338 Drains, board , '87 354 cobblestone '87 854 construction of. Prof. R. C. Carpenter , '78, 227; '83, 268; '88 433 depth for '77,232; '79 121 discharge of , protection for '77,219; '83 272 fall or grade necessary for '76,411; '77, 223, 233; '79, 124; '86,163; '88 434 filling in, care necessary '73 143 Ingham county, cost of '79 178 leaching out fertility from soil '84 274 location of '77,233; 'S3 273 of boards ' '67 354 cobblestone '87 354 open, for marshes '77 186 objections to '84 114 outlet of, protecting '77,219; '83 372 sags in, how to avoid '73 141 stone '88 438 survey for '77 223 Drain tile machine .- '70 431 method of laying to grade '88 436 shape of preferable '88 438 Drake, L. C, paper on brain and muscle on farm - '77 173 Draper's self recording thermometer '88 150 Drawing at Agr'l College, report '76, 126; '77 68 industrial, at Agricultural College '78 114 Dress for women in fruit culture '84 209 qualityof discussed * '50 350 question of '77 133 Dressing fowls '76 229 Drew, A. L., article on highways '87 348 Dried peaches with yellows '80 152 seeds, plants from, after soaking. '87 145 Drift formation '54 316 Drill, military at Agr'l College '63, 13, 86, 93; '64, 112; '78, 88; '81, 38; '83, 27; '84, 18, 28, 259; '85, 17, 28, 41, 98; '86, Ixvii; '87, 53; '88, 61. equipment for '85,41, 54 neglect of '84 28 required by law '85 53 Phosphate, fertilizer, analysis of '87 174 seed regulator '71 177 Drills for wheat - '79 156 or hills for corn '71 346 versus broadcasting for wheat '64, 145, 158,233 Drinking customs of English agricultural laborers.. '72 109 physiological effects of '84 283 water warmed for cows '88 267 Drinks, in human diet, value .- '80 187 Drives and grounds at Agr'l College '78 80 walks, comments on, by 0. W. Garfield '76 179 Drive well, patent '79 230 112 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page. Drive wells, draining by '86 168 Drone bees described _ '75 321 Drouth and flood, relations of, to tile draining '88 149 cultivating corn in 'V9 119 culture of corn in __ _ ._ '77, 31?, 3U Dro^lths in Crawford county *87 336 Drugging animals - - '81 268 Druid Hill peach ..-- '56 232 Dryer, VV. A., paper on breeding sheep '76 343 Drying fruit '78 272 by Alden process, S. B. Mann --. '76 270 peaches cheaply "7;' 61 Dryocampa senatoria '68 166 Dryophanta papula - 'S8 470 Dry soils warmer than wet '86 170 time, cultivating corn in '77,313,314; '79 119 Duchesse D'Angouleme pear described '58 265 Duchess of Oldenburgh described ...'. '56,220; '70 287 Duck raising '6S 297 Ducks, care of '66 239 Dumont, J. B., paper on peach culture '83 111 Duncan strawberry '87 100 Dunes, utilization of, for fruit -. --. '73 67 Dung, analysis of '55 174 Dunlap cheese, statement by John Pat ton '54 213 Mrs, article on poultry raising '76 224 Dunmore pear described '56 226 potato, notes on '83 39 Dunning, N. A., essay before Ingliam County Club '74 274 Durability of post set top end down... '70 191 Durand, Prof. W. F., appointment of '87 26 article on relation of mechanics to agriculture '88 427 report of 88 57 Duration of life in Michigan compared with England .• ». '72 124 Durham cattle, ancient excellence of '80 233 article on, by Askew, Isaac '51 137 Ball, Wm '83 322 Flint, J. S. '87 368 Goodrich, Enos... '80 232 Howard, Secretary Sanford... '69 18] Tallant, Francis '58 273 Wood, A. F '74,300; '76 347 butchering qualities of '76 349 described 'n7 106 merits of '51,213; '77 177 pricesof '76 348 (See also Shorthorns.) Durkee, Mr., on crop rotation _ 77 414 Dusting plaster tor curculio '88 226 Dutch cattle '69 122 oven for Agricultural College kitchen '78 115 windmills '80 302 Duties of Boardof Agriculture '88 26 officers of students' government '81 197 President of Agr'l College., '85 39 Secretary of Board of Agriculture '84,19; '85 40 Duty and position of farmers, by Hon. E. L. Brown... '77 278 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 113 Year. Page. Duty and privileges of farmers, by T. F. Moore '80 187 of farmers as citizens, by Jas. Braasington '76 196 by Wm. Newton .' '78 198 to insure against fire, by Elliott H. Angell '81 316 society, by A. J. Aldrioh '15 203 shall we perform it? Geo. F. Lewis '77 253 Dwarf Orangefleld tomato described '86,239; '87 80 pears, varieties for west Michigan „. '69 m whytender '71 127 pear trees '68 439 pine '78 102 Dwelling, aspect of '77 330 materials for _ '77 331 Dwellings, sunlight in '77 339 Dyckman, A, S., article on rural adornment '72 49 the ideal peach - '88 296 thinning fruit .- '75 116 description of fruit farm '73 56 member of Board of Agriculture '78 23 Dyer apple described '56 220 Dyke on Cedar river '77 69 Dykes for Saginaw Netherlands, by Hon. Jas. Birney '78 354 Dynamics of country roads '71 374 Dysentery. '67 259 among bees --. '75 88 Dyspepsia, cause of. '84 195 Earliest frosts in Crawford Co '87 811 tomatoes. '86 236 Early amber cane as a crop '84 307 forage crop '84 307 sorghum described '81 132 American Agr'l societies '83 250 and late hay cutting '75 106 Ann peach described.. '66 231 Black July grape '56 244 breeding of heifers '84 155 chickens '66 229 Crawford peach, time of ripening '88 256 cuttingof timothy '76 371 wheat '77 147 Dwarf tomato described '87 81 experiences in Michigan '67 430 Flat Red onion '87 97 germinations, how produced '88 243 harvest apple, by T. T. Lyon '58 237 harvest, described '56 218 harvest apple, time of ripening '88 246 History of Michigan Agr'l College, by President Abbot '81 358 long scarlet short top radish '88 238 maturity of animals '66 133 Minnesota sweet corn '85 137 Oakley wheat, notes on... '86 231 Ohio potato, notes on '83 39 Orleans plum, described '66 236 planting of corn , , '79 144 plowing. Impoverishing land '79 159 15 114 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page. Early Purple Guigne cherry, described '56 330, 238 Red Globe onion described _ '87 97 Richmond tomato described _ _ __ '87 80 round dark red radish '88 237 deep scarlet radish '88 237 onion described '87 97 scarlet globe radish '88 238 strawberry discussed '58 219 turnip radish '88 237 rooted radish '88 237 strawberry described '56 218 Tillotsou peach described '56 231 white radish '88 236 Stutgart radish '88 236 Yellow Cracker onion '87 97 yellow nectarine described '56 233 Yorlc peach discussed '68 268 Earnings of railroads excessive '86 32 Earth closets at College '75 46 form of, how explained... ... '86 143 Easter Beurre pear described '56 227 Eastern Industrial Schools, report of visit to '86 Iv Michigan, characteristic flora of '88 185 East Saginaw, arrangements for fair at '74 210 Institute '86 7 proposition for fair '73 163 proposition for State fair '74 197 Eaton County Agricultural Society, address before '55 493 constitution.. '55 469 report, '55, 469 ; '59, 375 ; '65, 279 ; '67, 429; '68, 397 ; '69, 371, '70, 370; '78, 686. coal '53 325 early history of '67 429 report on crops. '69 113 report on geology of '54 361 Geo. W., obituary notice of '81 30 Rapids Institute 'S3 85 Echinops sphoerocephalus '88 169 Eclipse stallion, description of '71 150 Economical education '74 74 at Agr'l College '78 300 feeding '87 376 geology of Mackinaw, article on '73 103 Economy. '79 96 and chemistry of pig feeding, by J. B. Lowes '58 379 system in farming, by Cortland Hill '77 182 in farm management '77 393 by Frank A. Gulley '79 227 use of timber, by N. J. Daniels '88 369 not parsimony '83 237 of Agr'l College '77 138 direct roads , '80 154 educational Agr'l College '78 300 goodroads '71,284; '75,364; '78 194 the household, prize essay by Mrs. Greene '57 277 farm, paper by Prof. SamuelJohnson '83 237 training in, for girls '87 483 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 115 Year. Page. Eden, Mason Co., soil analyzed 78 391 Edmunds, Hon. J. M., address on forests '68 375 Educated criminals 74 27 farmers, see also education for farmers -- -.. '7S 170 laborers, training of. Prof. Geo. T. Fairchlld '77 417 Educating boys for farm '79 83 farmers' boys, N. P. Latta '83 208 (See also education for farmers' boys.1 Education, advantages of ._ '75 266 tosoldiers '80 123 affecting social status _ '80 259 agricultural, article on by T. O. Abbot '75 212 G. E. Breok '77 137 discussed '71 348 (See also education for farmers.) and agriculture, R. G. Balrd '84 249 article by Abbot, President T. C. , on agricultural '74, 65 ; '75 21 2 prejudice against Industrial '75 213 student labor in '79 183 Aldrioh, Frank, on farmers sons' need of '80 172 Balrd, Secretary B. G., on relation to agriculture '84 249 Barnes, O. M., on farmers' need of '74 286 Breok, Geo. E., on agricultural '77 137 Brown, M., on value to farmers' sons '79 82 Burrington, J. Q. A., on farmers' need of '80 260 Conger, Jas. L., on farmers' need of '64 501 Cook, Jas., on profit of for farmers '77 165 Coryell, Miss Eva, on women's '79 172 DePorest, Mrs. S. T., on farmers' children needing '77 128 Fairchlld, Prof. Geo. T. on industrial arts in. '78 418 labor.bettered by.. 77 417 practical '77 363 schemeof '77 360 whoneedsit '75 266 Field, C.F '79 101 Green, Dr. Mary E., industrial for boys and girls '87 478 Griffin, Jno., for farmers' children. '78 189 Hamilton, Wm. B., for farmers' boys '81 333 Harger, James, for farmers. '78 239 Hays, G. P., D. D., on profit of '74 27 Hutohins, J. W., of farmers '87 491 Latta, N. P., of farmers' boys '83 208 Mayo, Mrs. Perry, does it lead to extravagance? '80 194 MoLouth, Prof. Lewis, industrial '87 839 Pray, Dr. Geo., of farmers '80 122 Sherwood, Alva, for farmers '87 488 Taylor, R.L '81 329 Webber, Wm. L., industrial '87 341 Willard, E. R., practical '78 286 Wilson. Mrs. J. C, for farmers '86 192 at Agr'l College,!eoonomy of '78 300 compulsory — '76 221 does it lead to extravagance? paper by Mrs. Perry Mayo '80 194 pay, address on, G, P. Hays, D. D '74 27 economy of, at Agr'l College of Mich , '78 800 116 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page.- Education for farmers '49, 99; '54, 501, 713; '55, 805; '71, 219, 348; '73, 84; '74, 65, 286; '75, 170, 175, 212; '78, 340; '77, 137, 165, 375; '78, 239, 460; '80, 122, 250; '81, 200; '84, 249; '86, 192; '87, 488, 491. boys '77, 128; '78, 189; '79, 82, 207; '80, 172; '81, 333; '83 208 children — '77,128; '78 189 daughters - '80 172 girls - -- '76,340; '87 478 laborers -- "n 417 soldiers - -- '80 123 women, paper by Miss Eva D. Coryell - '79 172 health increased by '75 272 how. to improve '76 220 increasing money making power - '74 27 industrial, for boys and eirls, Mrs. Dr. Mary B. Green '87 478 Prof. McLouth '87 339 by Hon. Wm. M.Weber '87 341 arts in — '78 418 prejudice against --- '75 212 labor as a means of '72, 59; '77, 67, 417; '79, 183; '80, 21; '84, 39, 52; '86 xxvii objects of --- '57 282 practical, by Geo. T. Fairchild '77 353 E. R. Wlllard '78 286 produotiveof health --.. '75 272 profitable '74 27 schemeof, by Geo. T. Fairchild '77 360 State Board of, in charge of College '81, 358; '85 34 technical. Gov. Bagleyon '73 7 in Europe '53 188 who needs it, Geo. T. Fairchild (article) '75 266 Educational Association, National, paper before on student labor _ '77 417 fallacies of middle ages '81 208 labor at Agr'l College '77, 67; '79, 183; '80, 21; '84, 39, 52; '86 xxvii Prof. Geo. T. Fairchild on.. '77,417; '78 418 reasons for _ '72 59 needs of farmers, J. Q. A. Burrington '80 250 systemot Michigan '77 464 value of farmers' clubs '71 205 grange '86 198 Educators, agricultural fairs as '78 577 Eel pout described '51 230 Effect of deforestation on climate and crops _ '88 108 maple sugar manufacture '88 '109 peach crops .,. '88 110 drainage, by Prof. R. C. Carpenter '83 268 glacial epoch on trees _ '88 102 latitude on flowering of plants _. '88 246 nitrogenous fertilizers— experiments.-- - '81 74 Eggs as food -- - - '80 182 production of - --- - '68 30O Egyptian irrigation - - - '54 431 tree planting, effects of --- - -- '66app. 14 wheat - -_- '55 198 Eiformige Dauer tomato described '87 80 Eight rowed flint corn, analyses of - '78 409 Eighty.seven, class of -- -- '88 25 Elaphidium parallelum, ill - '74 128 Elater beetles - - --- '57 216 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 117 Year. Page. Eldourlne, bulletinon '87 180 Eldredge, Hon. R. P., address before Macomb County Agricnltural Society '50 447 EleagnaoesB '88 95 Election officers State Agricultural Society, rules '76 485 of secretary of State Board of Agriculture '85 35 Elections at State fair. '85 195; '86,260; '87 230 Electrical conduction, paper by Dr. R. C. Kedzie '76 358 influenceon milk '71 79 Electricity and conductors '75 246 discussion on '75 241 favorable to growth of fungi '71 84 Elevation affecting orchard trees '75, 120; '88 285 of Agr'l College '78 118 great lakes '55 284 Elgin, 111., price of milk at '86 118 Elkington's system of drainage '55 147 Elk Rapids soil analyzed - '78 394 Ellis, Mr. Edwin, methods of farming '87 360 Elm, American '78, 93; '88 371 new uses for '88 83 tree at Cambridge, evaporating surface -- '66 app. 8 varieties of — '78 93 Elocution, Instruction in - '87 50 Elpaso onion described '87 95 Elruge nectarine described '56 233 Emblements, meaning of - - '84 137 Emery tomato described --- '86,241; '87 85 Emmet Co. Agricultural Society report- -.. '71,407; '85 262 geology of ---- '73 103 Emigrants, inducements to --- '72 116 Emigration from the west - '71 238 on parallel lines '71 236 Empetraceae '88 99 Empire superphosphate, analysis of '86 248 Employees, law of '84 128 committee on '88 4 Employment for women by Mrs. Geo. A. Perry '87 481 Emulsion of carbolic acid as an insecticide '86 xzxix kerosene, experiments with. '86xxxviii formula for '86 140 soap and kerosene '88 294 turpentine as an insecticide Encouragement of agriculture, laws for Endowment of Agr'l College '63,87,121; '71,364; '78,21 insufficient for a university Enemies of the bee '75, 88, .351; plum '88 298 (See also insect enemies of fruits.) Engineering department, apparatus of '88 48 reportof '75,55; '76,125; '77,67; '78,113; '79,40; '80,56; '81,153; '83,63; '84, 49; '85, 88; '86, xlviii; '87, 45; '88, 48. Engines, horse power of , Prof. R. C. Carpenter '87 457 portable '77 297 self-propelling '77 293 England, agricaltnral education in '57 288 American cheese in '73 54 disparity of wealth to number of people '50 398 '86 xl '57 5 '86 xi 75 21 '87 437 118 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page.. English Agr'l College '54 36& experiments with top-dressing wheat - --- '59 298 agrionltnral laborers, character of - '73 126 compared with Michigan -.- '72 109 practice '59 594 appropriation for agricultural experiment '86 conducting, proper methods of '81 314 conveyances, admission tickets for. '77 661 county, improvement of '79 456 date for holding, discussed '75 516 debauchery from '83 335 disoufsionon '75, 512; '76, 590; '78, 675; '79 149 interestin '72 82 permanent location of State '81,447; '83,353; '85,381; '86,256; '87, 189. rules '77 652 season tickets '77 651 special attractions at '75 614 time for holding fair '75 616 vehicle tickets '77 651 educational value of '73, 462,577 entries at State '67,276,382; '68,372; '69,308; '70,237; '73,234; '74, 215; '75,487; '76, 557; '77, 662; '87, 194; '88. 484. forSyears '67,275; '70 227 lOyears.. '68 372 full list of '77 562 how early to be made ^ '81 603 expenditures '67,270; '73,238; '74,157,219; '76,411; '76,561; '78,518; '79,303; '80, 367; '81-3, 452, 534; '83, 362; '84, 354; '85, 323; '87, 318; '88, 479 reduction of '81 446 fasthorsesat '67, 267; '72, 82; '76, 513; '78, 478; '81,316; '83 264 French _ fruit, preparation of, for exhibit at gambling at (see also fast horses at) '83 grounds, sale of liquor on horse racing at '67,267; '72,82; '75,613; '78,478; '81,316; Improvement of local - interest in, how maintained liquor, sale of, on grounds location, permanent, discussed '81,447; '83,353; '84,381; '86,256; management of _ '67, 103; market use of '72, 75, S3 objectBOf , - - '67 105 premanent location of State.. '81,447; '83,353; '84,381; '86, '266; '87 189 '69 208 '87 222 '83 336 '76 592 '83 304 '83 260 '79 456 '72 82 '76 592 '87 189 '81 314 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 139 Year. Page. Fairs, agricultural, premiums at, for boys '78 578 racing '67, 267; '72, 82; '75, 513; '78, 478: '81, 315; '83 264 preparation of fruit for exhibit at '87 223 printing tickets for '80 387 prizes at, for boys '78 578 proper method of conducting '81 314 property at, responsibility lor , '78 479 racing horses at '67,267; '72,82; '75,513; '78,478; '81,315; '83 264 reductionof expenses '81 446 report of Saint Louis, by C. W. Greene '80 380 State... .'67, 265; '73, 145; '74, 153; '75, 398; '76, 477, '77, 437; '78, 473; '79, 291; '80, 350; '81-2, 427, 515; '83, 337; '84, 338; '85, 184; '86, 254; '87, 187; '88, 479. to be filed with Sec. State Board of Agriculture '85 36 whentobe made '65 293 responsibility for property at '78 479 rules and regulations '73,165; '76 483 discussed '77 652 Saint Louis, report on '80 380 sale of liquor at '76 692 sales of cattle, produce, etc., at '72, 75,83 season tickets '77 651 special attractions, policy of i '75 514 speed premiums at '67,267; '73 82; '75,513; '78,478; '81,315; '83 264 stooksales at '72, 75,83 swine at '87 408 tickets for wagons, etc '77 651 printing of '80 387 season '77 651 time for holding ^ '75 516 treasurer's report.... '67, 270; '73, 238; '74, 157, 219; '75, 411; '76, 561; '78, 518; '79, 303; '80, 367; '81-2, 452, 534; '83, 362; '84, 334; '85, 333; '87, 218; '88, 479 universal competition at ___ '83 356 wagon tickets for '7r 651 Fairy, pedigree of - '58 366 Fallacies, educational, of middle ages '81 208 Fall frosts in Crawford Co '87 311 twenty years' record '50 428 of drains '77,232; '79 124 how to determine proper '88 434 open - '83 270 road '76 411 leaf, period of j '87 119 rivers '. '79 120 Fallow culture bad for light soils '77,123; '87 334 discussion of . ." '75,152; '80 317 for insect killing '76 356 weed killing '78 354 wheat '50, 180; '69, 176; '80,217; '81 227 objects of '64 231 objections to '50, 317; '77, 123; '87 334 to kill insects '76 356 Fallpippin apple '- '56, 2i9: '68, 239; '70 290 plowing discussed '76, 316; '87 301 forcorn "79 147 light soils '87 334 to kill cutworms '75,61,283 17 130 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page. Fall plowing to kill cut worms ueeless '86 140 sowing, late, to avoid Hessian fly '77 370 web worm '74,133,299 False red top, description of.- j '71, 109; '75 297 questions answered __. '8B 181 Fameuse apple described _ '70 289 by T. T. Lyon '68 247 for market '87 165 Families of plants '71 92 trees and shrubs in Michigan '88 85 Family apple orchard -. _ '71 131 characters in animals '72 195 tickets at fairs discussed- _ '77 651 Fancy breeding '83 324 prices for animals to feed '80 293 Farcy and glanders, report on '80, 92; '88 418 Farm. (For Agr'l College farm see Farm department.) accounts, article by Fox, Rev. Chas '51 200 Leach, Dr. M.L '77 191 Palmer, Dr.O '76 272 Young, A. C '83 88 of Agr'l College. tSee Farm department accounts.) acreage, average in Michigan '86 179 Agr'l College. (See also, Farm department.) condition of '63 16 educational purpose of _ '63, 14, 45 map of _ _, '77 1 use of in student labor _ '62 and garden tools, by Prof. Frank A. Gnlley '78 366 animals, diseases of. Dr. E. A. A. Grange.. '84 334 apiary. (See Farmers, bee keeping for.) arrangements and conveniences, by A. C. Gtlidden '80 143 at agricultural colleges, need of '71 352 attractions of , by Thos. Mars '87 472 attractive, how to make, by T. C. Abbot '74 71 (See also Farmers' boys and farmers' homes.) average size in Michigan '86 179 bee keeping on (see also Apiary) _ '75, 86; '76, 429; '83 162 big or small? '49, 97; '54, 825; '84 130 book-keeping. (See Farm accounts.) borrowing money to buy.. '50, 231; '78, 192; '81 325 brains used on the, article by M. Brown '79 81 can it be made profitable? J. J. Snook '86 41 capital invested in '78,367; '86 24 chicken yard '77 204 coarsefodder on.properuse of, D. W. Abrams '77 156 Henry Evershed '69 265 A. C. Satterlee '76 183 Colleffe. (See Farm Department of Agr'l College.) committee of Board of Agriculture '88 4 condition of Agr'l College '62 16 conveniences, by A. C. Glidden '80 143 cost of, productions '77 113 dairy, value of '80 165 debts on '49,176; '50,231; '53,468; '54,510; '78, 192; '81 325 decoration. Prof L. H. Bailey '88 66 deed of, what conveyed by '84 126 '88 10 '88 35 87,168 ,183 '88 198 '88 198 '88 267 '86 227 •88, 2U '85 68 '88 i MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS, 131 Tear. Page. Farm department of Agr'l College, acconnt of, descriptive '78 29 accounts of, financial '65, 280; 'Ce, 16; '67, 29; '68, 17; '69, 13; '70,38; '71,31,51; '72,24; '73,29; '74, 16; '75, 10; '76, 10; '77, 9; '78, 10; '79, 9; '80,9; '81,9; '83, 9; '84,9; '85, 8; '86, vlii; '87, 13; '88, 15. Agr'l Society's report on '67, 285; '68, 367; 80, 394, 400; '81, 475, 553, 668; '83, 28, 391. appropriations for '87, 8; assistants needed bulletin on feeding experiment '84, 326; oata and potatoes potatoes '85, 167; warm water for cattle wheat. -- and fertilizers '88, cattle on committee of Board on Management of cropping list '62, 17, 21; '65, 228; '73, 39; '74, 32; '75, 62; '76, 131; '77, 83; '78, 125, 140; '80, 66; '81, 76; '83, 37; '84, 36; '85,69; '86, xxvi; '88,33. description of '78 29 detailed inventory, '76 15 disbursements (see Accounts of) '69,14; '88,15,147 donations to '81, 78; '85, 63; '86, xxiii; '87 31 ensilage, experiments on '85 100 expenses. (See Farm Dept. accounts.) experiments '66, 55; '67, 39; '74, 85; '79, 35; '83, 33; 84, 33, 326; '85, 64; '88, 29, 142. feeding cattle '84,326; 87,158,183 with ensilage '85 100 implements '84,33; '88 28 improvements on '85,63; '88 28 inventory, detailed _ '76 15 summarized '73, 28: '74, 14; '75, 16; '76, 25; '77, 13; '78, 13; '79, 12; '80, 12; '82, 12; '83, 10; '84, 10; '85, 10; 86, x; '87, 18; '88, 20 oats, bulletin on '88 198 potatoes, bulletin on '85,167; '88 198 receipts. (See Farm Dept. accounts.) report.— '63, 31; '63, 46; '66, 10; '67, 10; '69, 9; '73, 42; '74, 30: '75, 61; '76, 129; '77, 81; '78, 120, 164; '79, 34; '80, 60; '81, 53; '83, 33; '84, 38; '85, 69; '86, xxi; '87, 30; '88, 37. report of com. of State Agr'l Soc. on. .'67, 385; '68, 367; '80, 394, 400; '81, 475, 563, 568; '83, 28, 391 rules of Board of Agr. for conduct of '. '63 45 wantsof '73 40 wheat bulletins '86,227; '88 211 disbursements. (See Farm Department accounts.) diseases of live stock on, Dr.Grange.- '84 334 division of labor on. Prof. Geo. T. Fairchild '75 189 domestic life on (see also Parmer's wife. Farmers' boys and Farm life) '84 216 drainage, article by Hiram Andrews '81 303 & B. Cannon '81 300 C. L. IngersoU '75 194 C. B. Kidder '79 118 Donald McPherson '80 a39 132 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page. Farm drainage, article by F. F. Rogers '83 102 (See also. Drainage, article on.) economy, article by Sec'y R. G. Baird '77 393 Prof. F. A. GuUey '79 3OT Cortland Hill '77 183 Prof. S. JolinBOn '83 237 (See also Farming, article on.) educational purpose of , at AgrU College 'B3 14,45 employees, article by E. B. Hayes '80 244 In France „ '69 212 laws relating to '83 317 statistics of - - '86 27 ensilage experiments — - '85 lOO Farmer a jack-at all trades '71 213 and his hired man, law between.. '83 317 English definition of '78 199 his own mechanic, article by E. D. A. True '81 306 Farmers, accounts for. (See Farmers, book-keeping for.) and lawyers, comparative influence '. '84 258 in Congress '80 258 Mechanics' Society of Homer, report of '59 370 Union of Battle Creek, report of '58 374 society '74, 65; '75, 203; '79, 94; '80, 258; '83, 230; '86 188 stockbreeders' convention '67 299 the highway '83 313,315 apiary. (See Farmers, beekeeping for.) as capitalists '78,367;. '86, 24,25 citizens, article by Jaa. Brassinston '76 196 .laa. L. Conger '51 515 politicians '74,65,317; '76,198; '80,258; '84 258 bee keeping for. (See also Apiary, article on.) article by T. F. Bingham -. '83 162 A.B.Cheney '76 429 Julius Tomlinson '75 86 benefit of signal service to '77 194 book-keeping for, article by Rev. Chas. Fox '51 200 Dr. M.L. Leach '77 191 Dr. O. Palmer '76 272 A.O.Young '83 88 borrowing money '50,231; '78, 192; '81 325 boys, article by Abbot, Pres't T. C, on home attractions for '74 71 Aldrich, Frank, on education of. '80 172 Baird, Sec'y R. G., on position of '79 203 Brown, Simon, on keeping on farm '71 228 DeForeat, Mrs. S. T., on how to benefit '77 128 Dewey, H. R., on relation to world '84 231 Greene, Mrs. Dr. Mary, on training for '87 478 Griflin, Jno., on education of '78 189 Hamilton, Dr. Wm. B., on education of. '81 323 Kutz, Mrs., plea for '79 73 Latta, N. P., on education of '83 208 MacEwan, Prof. B. J., on keeping on farm '81 406 Palmer, A. R., on reading for '84 236 L. G., on " fitting for the fair" '79 78 at College '71 7 capital and labor, by Oom'r C. V. R. Pond '86 20 carpenter shop '71,213; '81 306 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 133 Year. Page. Farmers, oliemistry f or '5i 507 children. (See Farmers' boys and Farmers' daughters.) citizens. {See Farmers as citizens.) club, Ingham county, paper on hedge fences '85 283 visit to Chandler farm "!i 319 Saginaw county, report '78 609 clubs, article on, by J, Webster Childs '79 114 F. N. Shepard '87 502 constitution (or '71 211 educational influence of '71,205; '74 66 (See also Farmers' organizations.) cooperation for '76 287 daughters. (See also Farmers' boys.) article by Mrs. F. G. Church _ '80 172 S. T. DeForest '77 128 Kutz I , '79 73- debt burdening '49, 176; '50, 231; '53, 468; '54, 510; '78, 192; '81 325 to inventors '86 208 diet, article on, by Rev. &. H. Wallace '84 195 district schools, claims of on _- — _ '83 227 duties and position ...■.'77;»278; '78 198 privileges^ '89 189 ascitizens '54, 515; '76, 196; '83 313 tosoclety .-. - '75, 203; '79, 94; '83 230 duty to insure '81 316 education, article on, by Abbot, Pres't T, C '74,64; '80 258 Baird, Sec'y R. G - '78 460 Brown, M '79 81 ■Simon '71 219 Burrington, J. Q. A '80 250 Conger, Jas. L ^ '54 501 Oook, James '77 165 Harger, James '78 239 Howell, Geo - '81 326 Hutchins, J. W '87 491 Lathrop, E. H '49 99 Pray, Dr. Geo '80 122 Sherwood, Alva '87 488 for their children. (See Farmers' boys and Farmers' daughters.) what they can do by themselves '87 491 entomology a help to '57 257 food, article on, by Rev. G. H. Wallace - '84 195 fruit orchards. (See Farmers' orchards and Farmers, small fruits for.) garden, article by Beal, Dr. W.J '76 160 Cassidy, James_ '80 336 Lincoln, L. C - '76 195 Tracy, Prof. W. W '84 193 geology for '54 503 graduating from the Agr'l College '74 79 (See also Agr'l College graduates, occupation of.) healthy homes for, by Dr. R. C. :^edzie - '77 328 HighSchoolof Pennsylvania .' '57 289 highways important to '83 313 hired help, law about -- '83 317 homes, article by Baird, Sec'y R. G - '76 375 Brown, Simon '71 228 Chatterton, Miss '76 253 134 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page.^ Farmers' homee, article by Kedzie, Dr. R. C, on health in '77 328 Naftzker, Mrs., on Chautauqua influence on '84 233 Snyder, F. '81 311 Sumner, Mrs. J. J '84 216 Woodman, Jason, on beauty in '80 156 how educate their boys ? Dr. Wm. B.Hamilton '81 333 themselves? J. W. Hutohins. '87 491 (See also Farmers' education.) insect enemies, three worst '75 376 (See also Insects, etc., etc.) in society, articles on '79,94; '83 330 institutes '75, 72; '76, 154; '77, 111; '78, 168; '79, 58; '80, 109; '81, 198; '83, 80; '84, 88; '86, 1; '87, 263; '88, 381. institute at Adrian '75,189; '88 388 Albion '84 92 Allesan — '75 78 Armada '75, 121; '81 213 Bancroft '87 369 Bangor '80 137 Battle Creek '80 189 Bay City '78 306 Berlin '81 300 Berrien Centre '83 88 Big Rapids '79 77 Buchanan --. _. '79 137 Caro .- '83 87 Cassopolis - '81,199; '88 381 Centreville.-. '78 361 Charlotte ..- '78, 170; '87 273 Chelsea , '83 83 Climax '77 274 Coldwater '75 202 Decatur '75 186 Dowagiao '78 360 East Saginaw '86 7 Eaton Rapids '83 85 Farmington. '81 315 Flint '78 198 Flushing '84 91 Fremont '87 283 Galesburg.... '81 219 Grand Rapids. '83,86; '88 305 Grass Lake '86 10 Grayling.. '87 277 Greenville '76, 165; '81 204 Hanover '87 265 Harrisville '88 378 Hastings '81 213 Hillsdale '76 366 Howell '78 236 Hudson '80 162 Hudsonville '86 1 Ionia '80 109 Ithaca '88 281 Jeddo '81 216 Lansing '76 326 Lapeer '81 209 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 135 Tear. Page. Fanners' institute st Leslie '81 199 Macon '81 210 Manchester '79, 93; '84 95 Marshall '77 112 Mason A '79 184 Monroe '84 97 Otsego i '83 82 Owosso '76,295; '88 281 Oxford '80 204 Paw Paw '77,134; '84 94 Plymonth '84 88 Quincy '86 U Rochester '75,178; '86 2 Rockford "79 59 Romeo '79 HI Saginaw- '77 199 St. Johns '77 178 St. Lonis '86 4 South Haven '88 281 Tecumseh '77, 162; '88 281 Three Oaks '87 268 Traverse City '76 199 Trent '81 217 Vassar '80 228 Ypsllanti '76 235 institutes, applications for '75 77 benefltof '77 187 by local societies '79 452 committee on '88 4 history of '75 72 how to obtain '75 75 law establishing '85 37 plan of - '75 73 record of , for seven years. ^ '81 41 series of '75, 72; '76, 154; '77, HI; '78, 168; '79, 58; '80, 109; '81, 198; '83, 80; '84, 88; '86, 1; '87, 262; '88, 281. suggested '67 287 suggestions relative to '76 154 intelligence of '78, 242; 1 '81 205 neceesaryto. Article '74 286 (See also Farmers, education for.) jacks at all trades 71 213 kitchen garden '76, 160, 195; '80, 336, '84 193 law, lectures on, by Judge Parrlsh '83 285 legal advice to, by Judge Tennant '86 17 life, article on, by Chas. Bauer -. '81 323 Miss Miller '76 337 D. M. Orr '83 232 manufacture of sugar by '81 241 Mechanics and Stockbreeders' Ass'n of Jo'nesville, report '66 303 Michigan, needs of, by Gov. Luce '87 270 need of veterinary science '77 400 orchard, article on, by Adams, H. Dale '77 318 Beecher, N. A '78 230 Clubb, Henry S '70 439 Collins, S '78 270 Roe, Dr. J. M '79 150 136 GENERAL INDEX OF rear. Page. Farmers' orchard, article on, by Scott, E. H '83 118 organizationF, address by J. Webster Childs '76,237; '79 113 and public policy, by Robt. A) ward _ '86 29 as educators, by Simon Brown _ '71 205 discussions on '74, 66; '80, 214; '86 35 politics for.... '74, 65, 317; '76, 198; '80, 258; '84 258 position and duty, by E. L. Brown __ _ '77 278 dutyof. William Newton '78 198 poultry for, article by Dr. Cowell _. '77 204 railroads and ..\ _ _.. '83 176 reading, article by A. R. Palmer '84 336 (See also Farmers' education.) relation of railroads to, by Pres't W. O. Hnghart '83 178 to capital and labor, by Com. C. V. R. Pond.... '86 20 district schools, by Mrs. W. T.Adams '83 227 highways '83 313 shop '81 306 signal services benefits to '77 194 small fruits for, by W.A.Smith '83 115 H. Straub. '78 383 social duties of '75, 203; '79, 94; '83 330 sooialrantof _ '74, 65; '80, 258; '86 188 solution of transportation question, by E. G. Burlingame '83 178 sons. (See Farmers' boys.) successful, what constitutes? by J. G. Noble --. '80 212 sugar manufacture by _ '81 241 swindling of '71 214 table, article on by Rev. G. H. Wallace .-. '84 195 taffy for '81 356 tenant, disadvantages of _._ '57 378 vegetable garden, article by Beal, Dr. W. J _ '76 160 Caasidy, Jas '80 336 L. '76 195 Tracy, W.W '84 193 veterinary science for '77 400 wife, article on by Benjamin, Mrs. M '84 214 Brown, Simon '71 227 Freeman, Mrs '87 486 Sumner, Mrs. J.J '84 216 Treat, Mrs. E. W '86 185 Upton, Mrs '79 85 legal rights of _.. '83 310 may be a lady '86 185 (See also Farmer's education and Farm life.) working too hard '83 233 workshop '81 306 Farmer, William Smith,' address before Berrien Co. Agr'l Society -.- '52 315 Farm experiments. (See Experiments and Farm Department experiments.) fences, article by J. P. Finley '76 347 Clark Lawrence .' '84 109 N. Davidson Redpath '51 235 Geo. Taylor '80 344 fertility of, how to maintain. Thos. Dawson '75 135 fertilizers. (See also Manure.) article on by Chas. Betts '78 291 J. H. Gillette '79 160 Dr. R. C. Kedzie - '83 91 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 137 Tear. Page. Farm fertilizers, coarse fodder for. D. W.-Abrams 77 166 Henry Evershed '59 ,265 A. 0. Satterlee 76 183 green manurlnK. Dr. R.;o. Kedzie '76 350 superphosphates. Prof . R. F. Kedzie '79 345 yardmanure - '76, 392; 78, 295; '84 70 fruit culture, article by Adams, H. Dale '77 318 Beecher, N.A ,— '78 230 Clubb, Henry S '70 439 Collins, H •. '78 270 • Roe, Dr. J. M '79 150 Scott, E.H '83 118 garden, article by Smith, W. A '83 115 Straub, H '78 383 gardens. (See Farmers' garden.) great men from the ^ '76,418; '86 5 green ufianures for, by Dr. R. O. Kedzie '76 350 hedges, article by N, Davidson Redpath '51 235 homes. (See Farmers' homes.) horse, article by H. T.Cole '84 146 Prof. E.J. MaoEwan '83 131 house account, Agr'l College,'.(see also Farm Dep't accounts) '77,11; '78 10 detailed inventory '76 49 how to keep the boys there '71,223; '81 406 (See also Farmers' boys.) makeitpay. Silas Moody _ '88 441 Implements, article by Anthony, T. C '84 HI Carpenter, Prof. R. C --. '75 148 GuUey, Prof. F. A '78 366 Holbrook, (Jov. F '71 165 Howard, Sec'y. 1 '66 239 Marhoff, H '81 310 at Agr'l College '68, 10; '76, 19; '84, 33; '85, 62; '88 28 discussion on '70,167; '88 432 mechanical principles of '75 149 neglect of- '83,239,263 report on, at State Fair. '87,209; '88 503 valueof in United States '75 148 Farming, American and foreign compared '52 515 articles on. (See also Farmers' education, articles on.) article by Abbot, Pres't T. C, on how to make attractive '74 71 Abrams, D. W., on manure '77 155 Bacheler, Mr., on theory and practice of - '78 250 Bailey, Prof. L. H., on style in. - '86 56 Baird, Sec'y R. G., on economy in '77 393 occupation of _ _ '81 386 relation of farmers' boys to '79 203 success in '78 457 Ball,Wm„ on success^in '86 38 Bauer, Ohas.,onlife of --- '31 323 Betta, Chas., on manures - '78 291 Brown, M., on brains in - '79 81 Simon, on influence of Farmers' Clubs '71 205 Burrington, J. Q. A., on education in '80 250 Cass, Lewis - '51 251 Charles, C. B., on education in '80 159 Gurtenius, F. W., on comparison with other occupations '51 375 138 GENERAL INDEX OF Farming, article by Devereaux, J. R., on Upper Peninsula Evershed, Henry, on straw in FairchilJ, Prof. Geo. T., on cost and price of products- division of labor In Fisk, Prof. L. R., on science in Fox, Rev. Chas., on accounts in G-ard, Milton J Gillette, J. H., on fertilizers Glidden, A. C, on oonveuieuces in GuUey, Prof. F. A., on economy in Hall, C. L., on light soil Hayes,;E. B., on labor losses in... Hill, Cortland, on system in Hinkson, Geo., on mixed husbandry Hodge, H. C, on amount of land for Howard, Jaa., M. P., on, European Hubbard, Bela IngersoU, Prof . Chas. L., on live stock in wheat raising Johnson, Prof. Samuel, on economy in Kedzie, Prof. R. C, on green manuring manures R. F., on benefit of signal service in Kingsley, Jas., on American and foreign compared Leach, Dr. M. L., on accounts in Lothrop, E. H.. Mars, Thos., on attractions of Maynard, A. B ' McKay, on comparison with other occupations Miller, Misa, on life of Moody, Silas, on profits in Morris, J. H Orr, D. M., on life of Palmer, Dr. O., on accounts in Palmerlee, Lucius, on mixed husbandry Parrish, Judge, on legal aspects of— 16 lectures Parsons, Luke H Peabody, J. H., on evolution in Pierson, E. D., on small things in Preston, Stephen H Satterlee, A. C Snook, J. J., on profit in Steokert, Jacob, on plains Sumner, Mrs. J. J., on domestic life of Taylor, Geo., on fences Tennant, Judge W. S., on legal aspects of Van Buskirk, J., on light soil Vinton, Henry, on profit of Williams, Jas. R... Willits, Prest. Edwin, on benefits of science to Wilson, Mrs. J. C, on scientific Woodman, Jason, on talent in Young, A. C., on accounts in as an occupation, article by Sec'y R. G. Baird. (See also Farming compared with other.) beekeeping In connection with. (See Farmers, beekeeping for.) ear. Page. '72 107 '59 265 '75 189 '77 113 '68 535 '51 200 '70 159 '79 160 '80 143 '79 227 '86 70 '80 244 '83 261 '77 182 '81 318 '84 130 '69 207 '54 325 '76 382 '76 389 '83 237 '76 350 '83 91 '77 194 '52 515 '77 191 '49 93 '8f '76 472 412 '79 126 '76 337 '88 441 '88 439 '83 282 '76 272 '75 134 '83 285 •55 803 '86 53 '80 162 '50 265 '76 182 '86 41 '87 297 84 216 '80 344 '86 17 '88 380 '80 216 '50 225 '84 292 '86 192 •84 229 '83 'SI 88 asft MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORT^ 139 Tear, Page. Farming, benefits of science to '84 392 iJook. (See Book-farmers, and Farmers, education for.) bookkeeping in. (See Farm accounts, articles on.) coarse fodder, use of in. (See Farm fertilizers.) compared with other occupations '51, 201, 375; '79, 126; '81 386 comparison between American and foreign '5SJ 615 debtin '60, 281; '78,' 192; '81 325 division of labor in. Prof. G. T. Fairchild '75 189 doesitpay? by Henry Vinton '80 216 (See also Farming, profit in.) economy In, articles on '77, 182; '79, 227; '83 237 education in. (See Farmers' education and Book-f arming.) evolutionin. -T. H. Peabody '86 53 fertilizers for. (See Farm 'fertilizers.) foreign and American compared '62 515 for posterity. Dr. R. C. Kedzie '76 354 healthy, should be '77 328 how to make attractive '74,71; '87 472 in Europe, by Jas. Howard, M. P '69 208 Michigan --. '77 453 Scotland 100 years ago, Lewis Oass -. -._ *61 259 Upper Peninsula of Michigan '72 107 labor. (See Farm labor.) legal questions of, lectures of Judge Parrish on '83 285 article by Judge Tennant '86 17 light soils, article on, by C. L. Hall '86 70 Jacob Steckert '87 297 J. VanBuskirk '88 380 discussion on '88 382 see also Grayling institute '87 277 manures, (See Farm fertilizers.) mixed, articles on '75,124; '81 318 on the plains, (see also Grayling institute) '87 297 profltof '55, 809; '80, 216; '86, 41; '88 441 relation of farmers' boys to, by Seo'y R. G. Baird '79 203 (See Farmers' boys.) requisites 'for success in '78,457; '88 38 rules for profitable '55 809 scientifically. Prof . L. B. Fiak '58 560 style in, Prof. L. H. Bailey '86 56 success in, (see also Farming, profit in) '78,457; '86 38 system and economy in '77 182 theoryand practieeof '78 250 Farm insects, talk on, by Prof. W. J. Beal '79 92 inventory of Agr'l College, in detail _-. '76 15 investment - - '78,367; '86 24 kitchen garden. (See Farmer's garden.) labor, article by E. B. Hayes '80 244 division of. Prof. G. T. Fairchild '75 189 inFrance '69 212 law regulating '83 317 statistics of -. '86 27 landscape gardening on '86 56 large or small? '49,97; '54, 325; '84 130 law, article by Geo. E. Breok '84 126 Judge Tennant '86 17 seriesof lectures on, by Judge Parrish.... '83 285 140 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page. Farm life, article on by Chaa. Bauer '81 323 Thos. Mars '87 472 Miss Miller '76 337 D. M. Orr. 'S3 233 Mrs. J. J. Sumner. '84 216 (See also ^Farmers' wife, Farmers' boys. Farmers' education, etc.) machinery. (See Farm implements.) management, articles on '70, 169; '77, 393; '79 237 (See also Farm economy and Farming, articles on,) committee of Board of Agriculture on '88 4 manures. (See Fertilizers.) map of Agricultural College.. '77 1 men produced on '76,418; '86 5 Michigan acreage '86 179 mortgages '49,176; '50,231; '53,468; 54,510; 78,192; '81 325 what covered by '84 126 object of, at Agr'l College to be educational '63 14,45 orchards. (See Fa.rmers' orchard.) poetry of the, by Mrs. H. C. Bailey '86 14 poultry yard '77 201 premium, of Adams, Jeryis D '66 281 Barnes, Ezra D '66 276 Bartlett, Samuel '50 150 Benedict, Hiram D '66 278 BoydenE. L.... '67 351 Chapman, H. B '66 279 Chisholm, Thos '59 341 Clark, George '51 187 Jr '51 196 Cone, Linus '50, 152; '51, 176; '53 129 Crapser, Albertus '58 518 Curtenius, Fred.. '51 177 Edgar,Wm.H '50 148 Gage, Justus. '54 147 Greene, 0,W '53,138; '68 274 Hathaway, Benjamin '66 283 Kinney, Amos A '50 150 Knight, Godfrey '50 147 Leach, Payne K i '50 150 Miller, W.H '51 187 Rappleye , '51 191 Rising, E.W '67 357 Shearer, J '50 157 Tlbbits, J. S '54 177 Woodward, L '67 345 questions on entering for '51,41; '54 141 report of committee on '50, 142; '51, 175; '63, 127; '54, 140; 66, 373; '67 343 producing prominent men... - '76,418; '86 6 products at the State fair, report on. '87,205; '88 494 cost and price of, Prof. G.T, Fairohild '77 113 transportation of, Prof. R. C. Carpenter. " '78 314 proper use of straw on '59 265 robbed by sale of coarse fodder from '76 183 rules for conduct of Agricultural College '63 45 Farms abandoned in New England '83 367 Farm, sale of, what passes with deed '84 126 schools in France '54 383 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 141 Year. Page. Farms in Michigan, acreage of '86 179 Farm, size beat for '49,97; '84,325; '84 130 small fruits on '78,383; '83 116 things on '80 16a straw on, proper use of, article by D. W. Abrams '77 155 ^ Henry Evershed '59 265 A. C. Satterlee '76 183 success on, by Wm. Ball '86 38 superphosphates for, by Prof. R. F. Kedzie '79 245 talent on, by Jason Woodman '84 229 tools (see also Farm implements), by F. A. GuUey. '78 366 use of in student labor at Agricultural College '62 8 vegetable garden. (See Farmer's garden.) wages, are they excessive? '84 143 woman's work on. (See Farmer's wife.) wood lot, management of, by A. C. Glidden '88 347 B. Hathaway '88 319 work, is it made too hard ? '83 233 yard manure '76,392; '78,295; '84 70 (See also Barn-yard manure. Farm fertilizers, etc., etc.) Farmington Institute '81 215 Farquhar's Faultless tomato '87 83 Farr, Geo. A., alumni oration '73 12 Farriery, article on '72 93 Fast horses at fairs '67,267; '72,82; '75,513; '78,!:478; '81,315; '83 264 descended from the pack horse '65 97 walking horses, value '77 284 Fatalist, bull, pedigree of '63 77 Fatality of cattle diseases '65,182; '87 181 Fat in animals, article on : '67 211 sources of. > '78 411 Fattening animals, paper by E. P. Campbell '84 158 suggestions for '79 63 cattle, article by Henry Shultes '75 103 for market, paper by J. B. Hendryx '77 157 qualitlesof different animals '67 215 swine ., '75 99 Fatty degeneration of'animals '69, 267; '72 200 Fecundity, influence of conditions on '73 203 Peed, amount of for animals, how to estimate '75 129 and manure, relation of '76,384; '87 333 at State Fair, furnishing of '84 381 barn for experiment '84 33 cost of permonth, per head '84 163 effect of, on milk '78 176 Feeder, division board for bees 1 '79 260 Feeding and breeding hogs, article by Prof . Frank (JuUey '76 395 swine, article by J. A. Anderson '75 98 animals, teaching principles of '85 61 bees '75, 334; '79, 260; '84 191 calves '59, 163; '69, 253; '70, 126; '75, 183; '78,285,336 article on, by Edward Mason '57 130 at Hohenbeim experiment station '84 152 experiment in '79 193 flaxseed '84 157 with bottle '58 275 cattle, article by Bray, J. '81 383 142 GENERAL INDEX OP Year. Page. '84 156 Feeding cattle, article by Campbell, E. P Hendryx.J _ -. Hooper, Mr Johnson, Prof. Sam'l, for milk -. Ladd, H., for winter Law, Prof. Jae, --- Lesaiter, Jno : — Potter, Rev. L. B - Shultes, Henry ., , Stewart, Prof. E. W - Taylor, J. E Wildey, Ed. A blooded or natives, compared _ comparative cost of liberal or scant treatment - corn, improved method of - dairy cows '70, 130; Devons. '58, 331; economy in .- discussion on ensilage.- experiment in value of examination in, at Agr'l College - experiments.... '51, 132; '58, 321; '78, 165, 215, 468; '64, 33, 326; '85, 64, 87, 158, 183; '88, 142, 394 for beef - '84 161 manure '76, 384; market _ milk. - profit --- '80,111; winter -- — grades or natives grain, results of Hereford.s '58, 321; '78, 215, 468 improved method of. -. -. roots --- '75,158; Shorthorns '51,132; '58,321; '78,215; chickens '68,291; corn, improved method of. Devon cattle '51,132; '58,821; ensilage L experiment in experiments. (See Feeding cattle experiments, Feeding;pigs experiments, etc., etc, grain, result of. .- hay in excess to horses hogs. (See Feeding pigs.) horses injudiciously '84, 142; lambs, experiments in manure from, value of '76, 384; peach trees -- pigs, article by Anderson, J. A GuUey, Prof. Frank Lawes, J. P., on chemistry and economy of Viokery, D. F - experience with - experiments '65,59; '68,73; '69,53; '70,75; '73,108; summary of results - - plants 157 125 374 161 245 183 835 102 288 111 159 161 335 288 178 215 132 114 449 103 110 61 159 374 285 161 161 117 154 161 227 288 215 449 103 117 142 149 183 332 112 98 395 379 196 316 329 119 248 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 143 Year. Page, Feeding poultry '68, 291; '78 227 rootstoBtock '75,158; '77 154 sheep, article by W. A. Dryer '76 342 JessupWood '77 258 (See also Sheep husbandry.) experiments in '56, 183; '67, 39; '68, i7;?'84 331 in Silesia '56 175 methods of... '. '87 402 results with store animals '84 . 331 steers of different breeds '84,32,326; '85,54; '87,158,183; '88,142, 394 stock, article by E. P.Campbell '84 156 E. A. Wildey '84 159 • profit and loss account '81 285 swine. (See Feeding pigs.) Fee for commercial fertilizer license '86 46 iFeejee tomato described : '86, 241; '87 86 Fees of students, exhibit of. '87 10 '88 12 Feet and hoofs of horses, R. Jennings, V. S , '79 125 legs of horses, Edwd. Mason '57 186 horses, how to keep sound, Ira Carpenter '76 288 Felker, P. H., paper on adulteration of foods '. '79 72 Felling timber, proper season...: '76 292 Fellows, C. M., article on sheep husbandry '84 183 Fence about the house lot '84 219 amount needed for fields of given size '70 160 article by Baker, L. W., on wire or hedge '85 263 Bloist, Jno. T., on lasting posts for '76 292 Covey, J. D., on hedge '79 98 Finley, Jno. P.. on farm '76 247 Lawrence, Clark, on farm '84 109 Redpath, N. Davidson '61 235 Taylor, Geo., on hedge '80 345 burden of to farmer '76,250; '79,99,232 cattle inside or outside of ? '66, 37 app.; '77 158 corners, trees in '88 321 costliness of '76,250; '79,99,232 designs for rustic - '51 242 excess of '79 233 forfarm. (See also Fence, article on.) '76,247; '84 109 future '85 263 house lot '84 219 hedge, articles on '51,235; 79, 98; '80, 345: '85 263 objections to '84 109 or wire? '85 263 hurdles '51 246 kyanizing posts for '76 292 law '66, 37 app.; '76,251; '83 293 lawful, what constitutes '83 314 necessary for given fields '70 160 necessity of for farming '80 344 objections to rail '76 249 posts, protection of : '76 292 rail, objection to '76 249 rustic, designs for '61 242 tax '76,250; '79,99,232 trees in corners of '88 321 144 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page. Fence, what constitutes a lawful '33 314 wire - '51,249; '84 110 Fences, uselessness of -. '76 253 wire or hedge ? by L. W. Balier '85 263 Fennville fruit region '73 62 Fenton, G-ov. Wm. M., address before Calhoun County Agricultural Society '49 140 Shiawasseee County Agricultural Society '56 750 State Agricultural Society '49 13 road described --. '84 108 Ferguson, Davis, portrait of horse '52 135 Fermented hay, composition of '67 194 Fermenting straw fodder _._ "59 290 Fernow, Hon. B. B., on proper basis of forestry legislation '88 354 report of, on forestry in other States '88 118 Fernsfor ornament __ '76 108 how to kill in ground '87 312 Ferris, Hon. R., article on hay making. _ '75 114 Ferry, D. M. & Co., first and best pea '85 137 lawn grass seed analyzed '85 153 seedstested '77, 386; '78, 75; '81, 114; '83, 58; '85 134 Fertile de Pallns currant discussed '58 222 Fertility of soils, article by Andrews, Hiram, on maintaining without stock '80 208 Dawson, Thos., on how to increase. '75 135 Howard, Sanford, on restoration of '57 46 Miles, Dr. Manly, on how maintained '87 825 covering to preserve '86 70 exhaastion of former '84 135 how to increase '75 135 maintain '70 162 on light soils... '87 325 without stock '80 208 increased by rotation of crops ^ '76 313 three methods '79 230 loss of '77 430 maintaining '70,162; '80,208; '87 325 preserved by a covering.. '86 70 restoration of '57 46 rotation of crops increasing '76 313 Fertilization, cross. (See Cross-breeding and Hybridizing.) ofplants '78 451 of Indian corn flowers '81 132 melon and squash flowers '77 55 Fertilizer, clover as a, '81 251 Fertilizers. (See also Farm fertilizers. Commercial fertilizers and manures.) analysis of, law for '85, 46; '86 247 report on '86,245; '87,173; '88 151 and potatoes. '78 161 article by Betts, Chas '52, 160; '78 291 Gillette, J. H '79 160 Kedzie, Dr. R. C '83 91 Prof. R. F.... '79 246 Schuyler, W. R '67 407 bulletin on analysis of '86, 245; '87, 173; '88 151 commercial '80 316 cost of '79 250 law for analysis '85,46; '86 247 report of analysis '86,245; '87,173; '88 151 MICHIGAl!! AGEICULTURAL REPORTS. 145 Tear. Page Fertilizers, cost of '79 250 discussion on '79 163 experiments with '63,67; '66,55; '67,53; '69,93; '70,102; '73 123 nitrogenous '81 74 on grass lands '65 236 potatoes '78 161 grasses treated with '86,235; '87 292 inspection of law for '86,46; '86 247 reporton '86, 245; '87, 173; '88 151 law for inspection of '85,46; '86 247 nitrogenous, eflectsof '81 74 potatoes treated with '78,161; '85 167 relative value of '87 333 top dressing with '66 56 wheat treated with '67 417 Fertilizing soils, three ways of '79 230 Fescue grass '87 288 grasses '69 201 questions about answered '85 180 Festuca Elatior, description '71,112; '87 288 Ovina, sheep's fescue '71 HI Fever, milk or puerperal in cows '57 145 by Dr. Grange '88 411 typhoid, among swine '80 101 Fiction, value of '80 328 Field, 0. F., paper on education '79 101 Field crops, premium on '78 599 experimente, size of plats for '71 303 with manures '73 123 Fields, oblong, advantages of '80 144 report of Agr'l College farm '75,62; '76,129; '77,83; '78 125 (See also Farm Dept. of Agr'l College report.) Field work to be under a professor '63 15 Fighting insect enemies, article by James Satterlee '76 170 Figures for sheep and dairy business '76 246 on manufacture of maple sugar '88 343 Filbert. in College arboretum '78 94 Fillbasket tomato described '87 77 Filling in drains, method of '73 143 silo, manner of, at College '88 395 Finance committee report, StateFair '75,496; '76,560; '87 221 (See also State Agricultural Society treasurer's report.) of Board of Agriculture on '88 4 Finances of Agricultural College, early history '63 29 general statement- '83 15 State Agricultural Society '67 270 (See also Agricultural Society treasurer's report.) Finch's Prolific strawberry, notes on '85 132 Finch strawberry '87 100 Fine raw bone, analysis of '- '87 174 wool sheep '87 399 by A. Crawford '83 155 Finger grass, notes on '85 182 Fink, Albert,' article on railroad problem '84 133 Finley, John P., article on farm fencing '78 247 Fire clay, analysis of '87 462 destroying pine plain lands I '87,301,344 19 146 GENERAL INDEX OF Fire, destruction of property by, in tlie United States fanging of compost insurance agalast, by farmers In Williams Hall, Agr'l College _ liability for spreading of places in dwellings proof powder, nature and coat of -- property destroyed by, in the United States protection at Agr'HCollege '81, 157; '84, 51; test powders, nature and cost of _ -.; wardens, supervisors as Fires, forest. article on, by Arthur Hill Uno H. Hillman Canadian, regulation of -. causes of - - '88, 103, 115, damage from, as reported by supervisors .-. destruction of pine plains lands by .'. Michigan experience with origin of '88, as reported by supervisors preventing byllegislation, A.rthur Hili prohibition of, from April to November — Saginaw valley Firing of woods and prairies, laws concerning First annual report of Experiment Station Fish as pig feed, by J. B. Lawes business of Detroit Commission exhibit at Saginaw _ culture, paper by Hon. E. R. Miller ._ of Michigan, paper by Geo. Clark ponds at College Fisher, E. B , paper on fruit culture Fishermen as pioneers Fisk, Prof. Louis R., aidress before Ingham Co. Society notice of work at Agr'l College Fission, reproduction by Fitch, Hon. Morgan L., address before Van Buren Co. Society Fitting sheep for sale Fitz, Herbert, on agriculture.. Fixtures on real estate, what are they? Flagg, Mr., remarks on experiments - Flag staff, gift of to College Flanders agriculture, by Dr. Miles E. P., paper on corn raising Flannel undergarments Flash test for oils Flat-headed borer remedy for onions described turnip for field crop Yellow Danvers onion described Flavor of cheese 'C5, 140, 163; how affected i , northern apples Flax culture ear. Page. '88 339 '63 61 '81 316 '88 50 '83 292 '77 335 '81 88 '88 ,=39 '87 47 '81 87 '88 326 '88 72 '88 325 '88 361 '88 127 5, 3-. 5,361 '88 103 i7, 301, an '71 443 15, 335, 361 '88 103 '88 335 •88 128 '77 272 '78 131 '88 138 '58 413 '55 315 '74 218 '77 314 '51 226 '84 15,52 •80 247 '77 214 '58 535 '81 371 '78 25 '76 297 '52 484 '76 343 '76 331 '83 295 '71 337 '86 XX '87 326 '81 252 '83 195 '76 218 '74 125 '88 386 '87 95 '78 381 '87 97 '66 195 '67 150 '69 464 '50 377 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 147 Year. Page, Flax euUnreand analysis '65 178 seed for calves. '84 157 Flea beetle, tobacco powder for '86 xli Fleas, article by Prof. A. J. Cook '78 438 Fleece, color of '78 227 merino, average weight '78 382 minimnm weight of that pays '83 156 points of, described '78 226 premium '65 277 Fleeces scoured, report on '67 424 "stnfEed" — '67 453 Flemish agriculture '87 326 Beauty pear described_ '56,226; '58 262 Flesh-eating plants, article on, by Dr. W. J. Beal '75 375 Flint Asylum, ill-ventilation '74 91 corn '78 374 analysis '78 409 Institute _ '78 198 J. S., article on Shorthorns '87 368 Flint's lawn grass '85 153 Flint wheat, by James Bayley. - '54 219 Flinty wheats, compared with soft _ '81 233 valne compared with soft '85 131 Floating logs and timber, protection of, amendment of law _ '88 133 down stream - ^ '88 81 Flood and drought, relation of to tile drainage '88 148 Floods, relation of to destruction of forests '88 460 Floral adornment, Chas. W. Garfield '75 869 Floraof Eastern and Western Michigan compared '88 184 Michigan '88 85 Northern Michigan '88 180 pine barrens '88 77 Southern Michigan '55 398 Western Michigan _ '88 186 Floriculture, article on by Mrs. R.tD. Palmer '84 203 for children, benefits of '78 190 women '84 213 Flour and wheat composition '77 35 damaged by keeping '77 346 grown wheat in, treatment of '55 196 nutritive value of_ '77 344 testing quality '77 349 Flowerbeds, arrangement of ^ '75 369 at AgT'l CoUege '78 81 culture, by Mrs. B. D. Palmer '84 203 for children ___ '78 190 women '84 213 fruit forming, in cluster, which one is it 7 '87 144 Flowering and fruiting, as affected by latitude '88 246 dogwood '78 93 of timothy grass '77 57 Flower of cluster that forms fruit '87 144 Flowers, etc., cut, arrangement of. Chas. W. Garfield '75 369 dangerous to health '78 269 Flowers for beds and bouquets '76 106 of squash and melon vines, fertilization of '77 55 Flow of streams as affected by deforestation '88 108 148 GENERAL INDEX OF Tear. Page. Flushing Institute '81 91 Fly, Hessian, article by Cook, Prof. A. J '77 36J Geddes, Geo '69 182 Hill, Rev. Geo. S. J., B. A.. '57 23ft Osborne, G '78 288 Fly powder for insects '86 136 Foal, daily increase In weight of '09 263 Foals, constipation in '79 61 Fodder, coarse, not to be sold from farms '77 156 corn, discusBion on '76 263 growing of '76 262 value for manure after feeding _ '87 332 from straw cut into quarter inch lengths '59 290 Folding sheep '56 164 Foliage, effects of emulsions for insecticides on '86 xl injury to, from spraying '88 224 structure of '72 248 Folwell, Pres't, remarks on agricultural colleges '71 361 Fondante D'Automne pear described '68 265 Fontaign'B freckle cure, nature and cost '81 88 Food. (See also feed and feeding,) adulteration of, paper by P. H. Felker '79 72 affecting health '81 397 amount of, needed per 100 lbs. live weight '76 385 analyses of '69 240 animal relations to, by Lawes & Gilbert '67 229 article by Arnold, L. B., on cheese as '69 235 Cook, Prof. A. J., on health and. '83 187 Gilbert, J. H., OTi relations to animal life '67 229 Johnson, Prof. Sam'l, on milk producing '87 374 Kedzie, Dr. R. C, on value of corn and mill stuffs '78 404 wheats as '77 341 Lawes, J. B., & Gilbert, J. H., on relations to animal life '67 229 Smart, Dr. A. R , '80 174 Wallace, Rev. G. H., on farmers' use of '84 195 Weed, Prof. C. M., on birds', frogs' and toads' '83 439 cheap production of '76 237 cheese as, value of '69, 235; '72 62 economized by warm stables '74 314 equivalents in labor '76, 413; '80 176 for adult horse '70 135 bees in winter '85 142 milk production '66,222; '87 374 habits of American farmers '- '84 195 health affected by '76, 385; 81,397; '83, 187; '84 196 labor equivalent of '76, 413; '80 176 manure varied by '72 273 milk producing '66,222; '87 374 of birds, frogs and toads '83 439 on farmers' tables, Rev. G. H. Wallace '84 195 proper quantity of, for human beings '83 188 animals, per cwt '76 385> ration per cwt. of living animals '76 38f relations of birds, frogs and toads, by C. M. Weed '83 439 to animal life, by Lawes & Gilbert '67 229 Foods, analysis of '69 240 Food supply affecting breeds '72 191 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 149 Year. Page, Food, value of manure from '76 386 beef '80 178 compared with cheese '72 82 canned meats '80 180 cereals' '80 183 cheese and beef, compared '72 62 cheese, article on, by L. B. Arnold '69 235 corn '80 183 and roots '67 50 corns and mill stufEs, by Dr. R. C.Kedzie '78 404 eggs '80 182 flesh '80 179 milk '80 181 mutton '80 17.8 oysters '80 181 peaches when sounder with yellows, paper by Dr. Kedzie '80 149 porls '80 179 quail '80 180 straw '59 269 variety In '84 196 vegetables— '80 184 wheats of different varieties, by Dr. R. O. Kedzie '77 341 values of different substances '87 376 variety in, value of »... '84 196 warmth as an economizer of '74 314 waste of, on farm '83 263 workvalueof '76, 413; '80 176 Foot and mouth disease, remedy for. L '69 229 of horse, article by John T. Fraser, V. S '79 235 Dr. E. A. A. Grange '87 392 bulletin on disease of '87 166 Forage corn, growing of. '76 262 early amber cane for '84 307 grasses '71 99 plants for pine plains '88, 171, 210 lecture by Dr. Beal '75 287 report on, at State Fair '87 208 value of spurry for '87 330 Force pumps for insecticides '87, 43, 171 spraying orchards. - '88 233 Forcing development in animals - - '66 145 Foreign and American farming compared '52 515 appropriations for agricultural education '86 218 experiVnents '83 259 commerce, agricultural products in, paper by Prof. Geo. H. Harrower '83 164 customers of American agricultural products '83 171 grapes '56 243 periodicals in College library '81,165; '83,72; '87,57; '88 65 "" Forest and Garden," notes from '88* 122 area owned by German government '88 358 the State, Chas. W. Garfield '. '88 352 (See also Forest reserves.) articles on (See Forests, articles on). a satisfactory, article by W. J. Beal , '88 123 climatic influence of. (See Forests, climatic influence of.) commissions '88 127 culture, article by Leroy Parker '78 206 150 GENERAL INDEX OF Tear. Forest culture, article by J.Austin Scott (See also Forest preservation and Forests, articles on.) danger of excess of fires - - article by Arthur Hill Uno H. Hillman... Canadian regulation of causes and remedies, Uno H. Hillman causes of - Page. 317 '88 340 '88 72 '88 325 '88 361 '88 127 '88 361 '88,103,115,325,381 discussion on '88, lOii, 378, 382 laws for prevention of '88 326 article by Arthur Hill '88 325 In Michigan. '71 448 Saginaw valley '77 272 origin of '88,103,115,325,361 laws of Michigan '88 129 (See also Forestry legislation.) management in Southern Michigan '88 72 planting, encouragement of, Uno H. Hillman '88 360 planting in Egypt, effect of '66, 14app. preservation '68,280; '88, 72 313,330 article on by E. A. Burnett '88 459 preserves. (See Forest reserves.) products in College museum, bulletin on '87 176 of Michigan at centennial, by Dr. Beal '75,377; '76 440 value of '88 126 protection. (See Forest preservation.) regulations. (See Forestry legislation.) reserves, Canadian '88 125 German '88 358 governmental '88 127 should the state maintain , article by C. W. Gariield '88 352 Forestry and botany, department of '88 141 nursery at college '76,110; '77 46 appropriation '87 8 article on, by Uno H. Hillman '88 360 (See also Forests, articles on.) bill, introduction of in legislature '88 308 commission '88 45 act providing for '88 70 board of directors of '88 306 organization of '88 70 recommendations of '88 128 report of '88 69 State independent '88 7 commissioner, appointment of '88 356 convention, proceedings of '88 306 Egyptian experience in '66, 14app. German education in '54 387 in Southern Michigan '88 72 other States, report of B. E. Fernow. '88 118 law, ignorance concerning '88 114 Forestry laws of Michigan '88 129 legislation, difficulty of enforcing- '88 116 in France '88 334 need of, in opinion of supervisors '88 103 proper basis of, by B. E. Fernow '88 354 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 151 Year. Forestry legislation, State - legislative memorial upon legitimate use of money in memorial to legislature from Board o£ Agriculture proposed experiments in relation of maple sugar to, by Eugene Davenport report of professor of '83,53; '84,45; '85,82; '88,xlii; '87,36; statistics gathered by supervisors -Forests, American and European, management of compared. and wheat culture, by L. D. Watkins article by Davenport, Eugene, on maple sugar and — Edmond, J. M Fernow, B. E., on legislation and Garfield, Chas. W., on reserves. State -. Hillman, UnoH.,on planting Kedzie, Dr. R. C, on agricultural influence of Parker, Leroy, on culture of Scott, J. Austin, on culture of Watkins, Li. D., on wheat culture affected by benefit of British '75, 387; census facts relating to cleaning up after felling timber climatic infiuence of '64,88; '66,3 app.; '67,201; Herschel's opinion. __ ^ Page. 355 66 app. 1 127 app. 1 112 311 15 128 124 316 341 275 354 353 360 465 206 317 316 '88, 31, 35U 101 310 125 75 IW 13 app. '88 '88 Humboldt's opinion '66 13 app. on dew , on rainfall temperature winds consumption of cultivation of on exhausted soils (See also Forest culture.) destruction of in relation to floods insects „ '66, 26 app.; if dew affected by...J effect on climate. (See Forests, climatic influence of.) European and American, differences in management of exhausted soils for cultivation of facts from census --. floods following destruction of fruit growers benefited by health infiuencedby humus forming in infiuence of on agriculture, Dr. R. C. Kedzie dew in Lapeer county, Mich insects in '66, 26 app. ; Lapeer Oo legislation about. (See Forestry legislation.) management of observations on succession of, by Dr. W. J. Beal of America and Europe, management of Great Britain '75, 387; Michigan description of. r 201 ) 157 i 8 app. 15 app. ) 100 i 316 79 88 '64 100 460 351 201 124 316 310 46a 350 2Sy 361 465 201 117 351 117 123 74 124 101 86 isa 152 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page. Forests of Michigan in 1828 obeervationa on succession of, by Dr. W. J. Beal questions about to supervisors report on South America or wind brealis? planting of, how to encourage, by U. H. Hillman preservation of '68, 280; '88, 72, article by E. A. Burnett protection, value of questions to supervisors about rainfall affected by _ relation of maple sugar manufacture to reports on Michigan by supervisors reserves of. (See Forest reserves.) study of, by Americans succession of, in Northern Michigan. Dr. W. J. Beal. sugar maple, relation to supervisors' reports on Michigan temperature affected by tempering climate trespass in, laws about , uses of waste of -- value of knowledge of vs. railroads , wheat culture related to. L. D. Watkius wind breaks or winds affected by ___ '66, 15 app. Forest trees, bulletin on growing of fruit of seeds of. Foretelling weather for farmers ___ Forfeited lands of Agricultural College land grant '84, 12; '85, 13; '86, xii, xiv; '87, 14, Forks for unloading hay __ _ Formation of local agricultural society, laws for ^ muck swamps ._,'. , seeds, article by Prof. Tracy Form for open drains of animals an indication of internal qualities, article by Dr. Manly Miles earth, how explained Forms, various, of seeds Form to be sought in horse breeding Fortunes, excessive immense, in America. Foul brood among bees Foundation for honeycomb of agricultural colleges stone, the, essay by Mrs. C. G-ordon. Founder, bulletin on Foundersof college Fountain pump for spraying insects Four important insecticides, paper by Prof. A. J. Cook., year rotation '88 110 '88 74 '88 103 '64 88 '75 387 '88 352 '88 360 2, 330 459 '88 459 '88 313 '88 103 '75 157 '88 341 '64 86 '88 103 '88 122 '88 74 '88 341 '88 103 '66,8 app. '64 88 '88 130 '68 275 '68 276 '88 122 '88 126 '88 316 '88 352 86,15 app. '86 250 '88 374 '88 375 '77 194 16; '88, 16 '66 268 '67 10 '86 156 '76 230 '83 270 '76 346 '86 143 '78 226 '76 232 '11 145 '86 33 '80 200 '75, 88, 346 '77 38 '71 364 '78 248 '87 166 '85 23 '86 135 '87 453 '86 133 76 314 MICHIGAN AGRIOULTUKAL REPORTS. 153 Year. Page. €'owl meadow grass, description of '71, 109; '75 297 for pasture '65 129 queBtions answered '85 181 Fowls, breeds of '76 228 management of, paper by Prof. A. J. Cook '78 275 prize essay on keeping '68 287 winter care of '78 275 Wox, Prof. Chas., address before Jackson County Society '63 444 Rev. Ohas., paper on farm accounts '51 200 Statistical History of Michigan '55 283 Mrs. T. B., paper on practical culture '. '86 196 Fox-tail grass '71,114; '75 296 Fralick, Henry, address as president of State Agricultural Society. '81, 444, 525 article on hpw to Improve our fairs '83 250 presentation of medal to '74 201 remarks at joint meeting of agricultural societies '79 416 on Agricultural College '81 539 permanent location of StateFalr '83 353 report of department at State Fair '87,209; '88 497 Frames for hives_ '. , '75 349 S'rance, agricultural education in '54,379; '57 287 shows in '69 208 agriculture of '69 207 appropriations for agricultural experimentation '83 259 purposes '86 218 beet root sugar manufactured in '69 216 conditionof farm laborers in '69 212 timber regulations in '88 334 Franco-Prussian war, advantage of education In '80 123 Frankfort fruit region '73 86 Franklin, Freeman, paper on experiment stations '83 255 Fraser, John T., V. S., lecture on winter care of live stock... '79 60 paper on horse's foot '79 235 Frauds in seed peddling '88 201 sheep sales '76 343 Fraud, what constitutes '84 127 Freckle cure, nature and price '81 88 Freeman, Mrs. A. A., article on woman's work on the farm '87 486 Dr. M., statement on Brahma fowls '54 211 paper on poultry '51,161; '52 137 M. R., paper on improved stock as compared with common '84 150 Free pass system '83 179 Free Press, article on Agricultural College '73 8 botanical expedition '88 190 Free schools '72 117 text-books '76 221 Freezing young clover '77 151 Freight rates, discrimination in - '78 327 Judge Tenant on '86 18 Fremont, discussion on creameries '87 382 ensilage '87 379 Farmers' Institute, report on '87 262 French, H. T., asst. in farm experiments '88 5 work of.. '88 201 agricultural education '54,379; '57 287 exhibitions '69 208 agriculture '69 20r 154 GENERAL INDEX OE Tear. Page. French appropriations for agriculture '83, 259; '86 318' beet root sugar manufacture '69 216 breakfast radish '88 237 horses '57,156; '83,132 laborers, farm '69 212 merino buck, by Walter Wright '51 189 peasantry '69 212 timber regulations '88 334 upright tomato described '86, 243; '87, 88 varieties of tomatoes '87 66 Fresh air tor people '83 192 Freshets caused by deforestation '88, 111, 315 Fringe tree '78 94 Frink, M. L., paper on Jersey cattle Frog of horse's foot '76, error of cutting spotted, food of , Frogs, toads, and birds, food of , by C. M. Weed Frosted wheat Frost, effect on muck effect on young clover protection from by drainage Frosts, early and late in Crawford county exemption from early, in Grand Traverse region limits of in Saginaw Valley Frost, twenty years' record of Frozen apples, treatment of plants, thawing out Frllhe rothe tomato described. Fruit. (See also Apple, Cherry, Peach, etc.. Orchard, Small fruits, etc.) affected by stock '71, 189; Alcona county, by Geo. H. Blush Alden drying process, by S. B. Mann article by Adams, H. Dale, on culture by farmers.. Averill, Mrs. J. G., on women growing Bailey, Prof. L. H., notes on windbreaks for Barnes, Dr. J. B., on family supply Bartholomew, Dr., on culture of Beal, Dr. W. J., on apple orchard '75, 360; '76,366; improvement of Beecher, N. A., on culture by farmers Bixbee, Martin H., on keeping orchards fertile Blush, Geo. H., on Alcona county Clubb, Henry S., on Michigan fruit belt twelve papers— growing strawberries and cherries Collins, H., on culture by farmers Cook, Prof. A. J., on insect enemies Dorr, S. W., on cold storage for Dyckman, A. S., on thinning English, B. G., on culture of Fisher, E. B., on culture of Ganzhorn, Jacob, on Michigan fruit belt Garfield, Chas. W., on exhibiting at fairs preserving orchards 222 289: 87, 393 72 96 445 439 329 226 151 280 311 2 201 428 330 266 81 203 385 270 318 206 130 350 304 166 263 445 230 289 385 454 49 78 296 270 91 97 116 198 247 411 222: 241 '87 310 '58 205 '66 199 '88 301 '76 270 '56 209 '69 490 '78 838 '77 201 '50 29T '69 461 '79 150' '83 118 '66 109 '83 115 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 155 Tear. Page. Fruit, article by Garfield, Chas. W., on getting out orchards '78 193 Gill, G. W., on preserving orchards '76 241 Glidden, A. 0., on fruit exchange '88 295 Guild, E. F., on how to grow '77 209 Hathaway, Benjamin, on growing '71 123' Linderman, A. T., on testing of by State '70 333 Love, G. W., on growing small., Lyon, Pres. T. T., on American Pom'l Soc'y meeting catalogue of- '66 pruning Mann, S. B., on Alden drying prooess Mason, Edward, on culture of Parmalee, Geo., on Old Mission for Partridge, B. F., on orcharding Plessner, Dr. M. O., on Saginaw Valley for '77 Preston, S. H., on culture of Roberts, Geo. L., on Old Mission for Roe, Dr. J. M., on culture by farmers Scott, Bvart H.', on culture by farmers Smith, Rev. L. M. S., on Michigan fruit belt W. A., on Itinds for farm and garden Straub, Henry, on family supply '78 383 Walker, Dr. J. B., on Grand Traverse region for '69 488 at Agricultural College '62, 24; '85,71; '87 102 (See also Agricultural College.) Old Mission, Grand Traverse Co '69, 461, 488, 490 Spring Lake '68 428 State Fair, how to exhibit, by C. W. Garfield '87 22» baskets '68 440 belt of Michigan '65, 13; '66, 109; '69, 411, 454; '70, 338; '73, 49; '75, 78; '78 485 Berrien county yield of '88 282 canning '73 53 for women. '84 212 capabilities of Grand Traverse region _ '69 461 catalogue, by T. T. Lyon '56 199 for Clinton county '56 40O West Michigan '68,430; '69 444 of American Pomological Society '58 232 census returns for Michigan '75 83 cold storage for, S. W. Dorr '84 97 winter, effect of, on '75,84; '87 147 crop of 1874. '73 100 culture, articles on. (See Fruit, articles on.) as a business. Dr. W. J. Beal '76 374 difiiculties attending '88 350 for farmers '77, 318; '78, 230, 270; '79, 150; '83,115,118 discussion on '70 439 importance of '56 248 in Alcona county '88 385 Michigan. (See Fruit belt of Michigan.) Saginaw Valley '77 201 profitsof '78 270 discussions at Old Mission '69 461 drying '73, 57; '78 272 by Alden process '78 270 effectof coldwinteron '75 84 exchange, by A. 0. Glidden '88 295 156 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page. Fruit exhibits at fairs, how to prepare '87 223 experiments with '68 U3 (See also Experiments, Hybridizing, Apple experiments, etc.) farm culture of. (See Fruit culture for farmers.) flowerof cluster which forms '87 H4 forests of benefit to '88 350 for Saginaw Valley , '77 204 the family, article by Dr. J. B. Barnes _ '76 304 Henry Straub '78 383 farm and garden, article by W. A. Smith '83 115 farmer, article by E. H.Scott '83 118 garden at the Agricultural College '62,25; '85 71 (See also Agr'l College Horticultural Department.) gathering, proper method of '76 242 Grand Traverse region for '69, 461, 488, 490 grower, bool{ for '77 319 how aided by forests '88 350 legal protection of '69 443 growers' association, report -^-— '*8 431 of Michigan, protection of '88 295 prospects '69 457 grower, wind breaks for, by Prof. L. H. Bailey '88 350 growing. (See also Fruit, articles on, and Fruit culture.) article on by B. Hathaway '71 123 E.F. Guild '77 209 difficulties of '88 350 in Michigan. (See Fruit belt of Michigan.) high ridges for '88 285 history of in Michigan. (See also Fruit belt of Michigan.) '75 78 house, by S. W. Dorr. '84 97 howto market '78,272; '88 295 improvement of '78 445 in Crawford county '87 313 Grand Traverse county.. '69, 488,490 influence of stock on '71, 139; '76 203 Fruiting and flowering, time of as affected by latitude '88 246 Fruit, insect enemies of, by Prof. A. J. Cook '75 91 (See also Cook, Prof. A. J., insects, codling moth, curculio, etc.) inspection of '88 295 institute at Grand Haven '88 281 lands, how to keep fertile, Martin H. Bixbee '88 289 of West Michigan '70 338 (See also Fruit belt of Michigan.) price peracre '69 412 lists. (See Bruit catalogue.) marketing of '78,272; '88 295 Michigan. (See Fruit belt of Michigan.) statistics. '73,100; '75 83 wild species '75,79; '88 374 notes on, by Prof. L. H. Bailey '85 180 of forest trees '88 374 Old Mission '69 490 on the farm, by Dr. J. M. Roe '79 160 fSee also Fruit culture for farmers.) orchard, Dr. W. J. Beal on '75,360; '76,366; '77 263 preservation of, by G. W. Gill '76 241 setting out of, by O. W. Garfield '78 193 (See also Fruit, articles on.) MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 157 Year. Faee. Fruit packages '68,440; '73 62 law as to size of ^ '88 45ft plants affleoted by winter '87 147 at Agricultural College, list of '87 103 poisoned by Paris Green , '86 135 profits of culture '78 270 protection by wind-breaks '84,199; '88 85a pruning of '68,438; '76,370; '88 301 questions as to thinning '76,205,371 raising. ( See fruit culture.) region. ( See fruit belt of Michigan.) reports on '64 74 ridges for '88 285 Saginaw county for ,. '77 201 small, culture of , article byG. W.Love '87 310 for women, article by Mrs. J. G. Ayerill '84 206 stock, influence of '71,139; '76 203 storage, cold, by S. W. Dorr. '84 97 testing of , at State gardens, by A. T. Linierman '70 33a thinning of '76,205,371 article by A. S. Dyckmau '75 lift profit in '75 117 time of maturing as affected by latitude '88 246 trees, age for planting. X. '68 436 article by Edward Mason _ '56 209 Hon. B. F. Partridge 78 338 barren when young, cause '87 145 oausesof failure '78 344 distance of, from wind-break. '88 351 double working of '71 126 infiuence of stock '71,139; '76 203 propagation of '71 123 pruningof. '68, 438 ; '76, 370; '88 301 transplanting __ '68 438 wind-breaks for. -.. '84,199; '88 350 value of, in family '57 279 Van Buren county, yield of. '88 282 varieties. ( See fruit catalogue.) wind-breaks for '84,199; '88 350 winter injuries '75, 84; '67 147 women growing, article by Mrs. J. G. AveriU '84 206 yield in Allegan, Berrien and Van Buren counties '88 282: Fuel, classification of wood for '86 liii estimates '81 14 question '88 352 Fuller, Emmet, bee keeping, article on '74 293 Fulton Market tomato described '86, 239; '87 83 Fultzwheat, IJavid Woodman, Jr., on '77 141 Function of green leaves '87 280' Fund, Agr'l College Interest '85, 13; '86, xiii; 87, 15; '88 17 trust '81, 24; '85, 13; '86, xiii; '87, 15; '88 17 Funds for Experiment Station '88 26 Fun for farmers' boys .-. '81 415 Fungi, growth of , effected by electricity _ '71 84 Injurious, paper by Dr. W. J. Heal '84 200 in milk '72 65 on wheat, paper on '57 261 158 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page. Furniture, detailed inventory of '76, 21, 41 mottia In, remedies i '86 233 Fur trade in Michigan '55 387 varieties of, described -. '78 87-88 *'Future Governors, Our," by Miss MoUie Oarrutliers- '88 463 of asriculture, t)y J. E. Taylor - '76 156 butter making, by Mrs. i}. M. Sliattuck. '83 329 of Saginaw marshes, paper by Hon. A. B. Miller '78 348 Gad-flies, article by Prof. Cook --- '76 162 Gage, Justus, account of Colorado beetle '68, 170; '69, 117 address to Agricultural Society '52 171 statement of premium farm --. - '54 147 ■Gail, Borden, condensed milk. .-. '73 67 Gain in weight of fattening animals '84 158 or loss in weight while feeding on ensilage. -. '85 116 per day in feeding experiments '87, 163,184 Gait for farm horses "83 136 Gaits of horses -. - - '71 153 Gale, G. W., article on merinoes '51 143 Galernca Xanthomeloena --- '88 233 Galesburg Institute '81 219 Gale, seeds tested '83 58 Galleria cereana '87 438 Gall-flies '77 366 study of , '88 466 •Galloway cattle '64, 81; '76, 333; '79, 109; '80, 113, 891 article by Secretary Sanford Howard '65 39 J.N.Smith '76 330 at Agricultural College, descriptive list ..., '66, 13; '76, 24 experiment in feeding.... '84, 326; '85, 64; '87, 158, 183; '88, 394 compared with Devons for feeding '58 333 crossed with Shorthorns '65 45 description of '64 81 discussed '76 332 feeding experiment. '68, 323; '84, 326; '85, 64; '87, 158, 183; '88, 394 for careless men '76 332 inventory of at Agricultural College '66, 13; '76, 24 noteson '80 291 points of '80 113 horses '65 95 Galls on burr oak '88 474 red oak... '88 475 swamp oak '88 472 white oak '88 471 Gambling at fairs '67 108; '83, 335 •Game chickens '68 288 Game, protection of in State forestry reserve '88 .353 Gamgee, Prof. John, article on diseases of cattle '67 243 Gangrene.. .- '67 248 Ganzhorn, Jacob, article on fruit culture '69 411 Gapes in chickens '66 238 Qard, Milton J., article on corn culture '78 373 farm management '70 159 hog raising .- '70 171 as member of board '78 23 report of department of State fair '87 206 'Garden about a home '71 254 '76 195 '87 428 '84 193 '88 45 '59 478 '87 174 '86 248 '75 48 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 159 Year. Page. ■Garden and farm tools, article by Prof . F. A. GuUey '78 366 " Garden and Forest," notes from '88 122 •Garden, article by Bailey, Prof. L. H., on manure for ,. '88 286 Beal, Prof. W. J., on farm '76 160 Cassidy, Jas., on farm '80 332 household _ '78 262 Gnlley, Prof. F. A., on implements for '78 366 Latta, Prof. W. C, on improved methods in '80 228 Lincoln, L. C, on farm '76 Reynolds, H. C on fruit and vegetable Tracy, Prof. W. W., on farm botanic, at Agricultural College.. ^ cheap manure for City phosphate, analysis of superphosphate, analysis of 'culture by ralte '75 department of Agricultural College, accounts—. '63, 27; '65, 231; '86, 19; '67, 12; '69, 18; '70, 44; '72, 31; '73, 34; '74, 20; '75, 11; '76, 11; '77, 10; '78, 10; '79, 9; '80, 9; '81, 10; '83, 9; '84, 9; '85, 9; '86, ix; 87, 13; '88, 15. bulletins. (See Bulletins of Agricultural College by Bailey and Beal.) condition of '62 16 detailed Inventory '76 25 donations to '86, xxx; '87 148 estimates '81 14 experiments by Dr. Beal '79 188 (See also experiments, horticulture.) inventory in detail '76 25 laboratory '88 37 object of '62 23 report of, '62, 23; '63, 90; '65, 231; '68, 17; '67, 53; '68 21 '69, 18; '70, 44; '72, 32; '73, 47; '74, 41; 75, 38; '76 98 '77, 41, 59; '78, 64, 109; '79, 33, 42; '80, 41; '81 84, 98 '83, 42; '84, 37; '85, 71; '86, xxvii; '87, 64; '88 36 report of Pres't Willits on '86 xix rules for conduct of '63 46 students' labor on '78 110 work of '79 188 drainage necessary for '79 161 farmer's '76,160,195; '78,383; '80,336; '83,115; '84 193 fence '84 219 fortesting newfruits ^ '70 333 fruit, by H. C. Reynolds '87 428 implements '80 230 article by Prof. F. A. GuUby '78 366 improved methods in, W. O. Latta '80 228 hardening, articles on. (See garden, articles on.) -Garden, manure supply for ..'59,478; '88 286 testing of new fruits in State '70 333 tools '78,368; '80 230 •Gardner, D. M., paper on proper method for conducting agricultural fairs.. '81 814 ■Garfield, Chas. W. article onapple orchard '75 122 floral adornment '75 369 forest reserves '88 352 landscape gardening. '76 174 transplanting orchard trees, '76 193 letter on peach yellows '80 149 160 GENERAL INDEX OF Tear. Page- Garfield, Chas. W., member of Board of Agriculture '88 4- notice of '77 19- report of horticultural department ^ '77 59' to State Agricultural Society '87 332 resolution relative to Board of Agriculture '76 592 Mrs., strawberry, notes on '85 132 Prest., resolutions on death of '81 436> Gar fish described '51 329 Garget in cattle _ , '64 235' Garlic described '87 94 Gases as plant food '83 92 Gas in milk - '68 243 Gas-lime as an insecticide _ _._ '86, xli, 138- Gas, oxygen for heaves '88 273 Gastritis '67 25T Gastrophilus equi, ill..- '78 16i Gate money at State Fair '85 223 slide '79 217 Gates, report on at State Fair '87 220 Gathering fruit, proper method of '76 242 Gauge of railroads '78 331 Gaylordsoil analyzed. __ '78 393 Geddes, David, paper on light soil— how to work '86 65' George, article on Agricultural College - '/3 375 wheat- '69 169 Geese raising.. '66, 241; '68 295. General farming. Hon. O. H. Morse '88 439 farm management. '70 159^ Grant tomato described '86,339; '87 83 inventory. '76 15 Generation, spontaneous '71 82 Genesee County Agricultural Society, address before, by Avery, G. P '58 455' Butts, Nelson '53 411 Conger, James.. '54 497 Higgins, Alvin S '57 322 Sutherland, J. G '65 584 Walker, Levi '51 349 constitution '50 329 report '50,339; '51,339; '52,255; '53,387; '54,461; '55,503; '56, 433 ; '57, 301 ; '58, 497 ; '59, 370; '64, 235 ; '65, 280; '66, 291; '67, 445 ; '68, 398 ; '69, 372 ; '70, 370 ; '71 408 ; '73, 143 ; '73, 246 ; '76, 673 ; '77, 676 ; '78, 688. .,, crop report .". '64,20,22,27; '69 112 history ., '54 463 sorghum in '84 311 wool growing '- '67 450 wheat land and clover '72 263 Geocorls tristis, kerosene emulsion for. '86 xxxis Geography, how to teach '78 439 Geological specimens to be furnished Agricultural College museum. '85 45 surveys by States. '54 327 terms, glossary of.. '55 386 Geology at the Agricultural College , '75, 59; '78,34 for farmers. '54, 503; '86, 194 Industrial, paper by Prof. A. J. Cook '86 142- of Michigan, report on '53, 378; '54,261 northern '88 183: MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS, 161 Tear. Page. Geology of Michigan, northern part of southern '54 291 Monroe county, report of '55 373 North America, determining variety of forest trees '88 101 Wayne county '55 355 Geometers '65 22 George Fourth peach discussed '58 26B Georgia, agricultural education in '57 291 Gerber & Sons' fertilizers analyzed '86 248 German agricultural experiments '84 65 amber wheat '81 75 bees '. '75 329 carp, in College fl&h ponds '84 52 experiment stations '83 260 government, possession of forestarea '88 358 language at Agricultural College '84 29 varietiesof tomatoes "87 86 war, education in '80 123 Germany, Black forest in '88 334 Germination of seeds '77 380 beans and corn '88,239,244 cabbagesand radishes '88 245 chemicals, influence of, on _ '87 127 how hastened - '88 243 Jack pine '88 77 Germination of seeds kept on ice '87 145 notes on '88 238 peas '88 244 radishes '88 245 temperature for.. '77 382 time required for '77 381 wheat '77 127 Gestation, care during '57 173 in cattle, period of '57,119; '59 203 of domestic animals '83 122 sheep, period of '55 185 Gestrelfte tomato described '87 81 Getting logs to mill '8S 81 Giant clover (see also Clover) '88 89 Emperor pepper described '87 92 Kocca onion '85, 137; '87 96 Stuttgart radish, white '88 236 Gibson, S. W., article by, on small fruits for farm '87 425 Gidley, Townsend E., article on peach culture '69 427 Gift of graduating class '83 20 to college from student '86 xx Gifts to library. (See Donations.) Gilbert, J. H., article on sources of animal fats '(57 211 lecture on agricultural investigations '84 65 John, report on department at State Fair '87 207 Giles, J. C, portrait of horse. '52 135 Gill, G. W., article on preservation of orchards '76 241 Gillet, D. D., article on Saxton sheep '51 147 shepherd dog '51 217 Gillette, C. P., article on study of cynfpidis '88 466 workof '88 41 J. H., paper on farm fertilizers '79 160 Gillman, Prof-, address on experimenting "71 347 31 163 GENERAL INDEX OF Tear. Page, Gilmore, Isabella (Jo., soil analyzed '78 390 Ginkgo tree '78 94 Girdled trees, objectionable to health -- '50 356 Girdler, strawberry crown, article byClarenoe M. Weed '83 425 Girls and boys on farm, by Mrs. Kutz - '79 73 industrial training '87,340,478 domestic work for - '87 484 education of __ '59 483 Industrial training for, by Dr. Mary E. Green '87 478 suggestions about training '77 131 Glacial epoch, efEect of on trees '88 103 Gladding hay fork '66 269 Glamorgans and Devons compared for feeding '58 323 Glanders and farcy '80, 92; '88 418 Glasnevin model farm '54 373 Glass, color of, for greenhouses '77 435 insulators '75 241 Glatte American tomato described --. '87 84 Gleanings from the census, by E. W. Barber '88 310 Glendale strawberry, notes on - '83, 132; '87 99 Glidden, A, C, address as president of Association of Agricultural Societies .-- '78 571 before Association of Agricultural Societies '77 647 article on "The Fruit Exchange" '88 295 in reply to Forestry Commission '88 109 paper on how to manage the reserve farm wood lot '88 347 clover culture '77 148 farm arrangements and conveniences '80 ]43 mixed husbandry '84 139 Globe onion described _ '87 95 Gloucester cheese, description of. '57 143 Glout Morceau pear described '56, 227; '58 266 Glucose - - '80 148 Gluten in wheat '77 343 uses for food '77 345 Glycerine for horses' feet '79 340 Goadby, Dr. Henry, notice of '81 375 Godolphin Arabian, article on '54 207 Goitre, how avoided '84 185 in lambs '78 383 sheep discussed '84 185 Gold, Mr. Questions on soil exhaustion '73 221 "Gold-drop," pedigree of. '72 188 Golden Ball onion described '. '87 96 butter. Article by Mrs. E. P. F. Bradner '84 167 Dawn mango pepper described. '87 93 Globe radish '88 237 Queen pepper, described '8T 93 tomato described , '86,242; '87 82 rod honey '78 98 lusset apple '70 293 described by Benj. Hathaway... '78 364 for market '87 155 Trophy tomato described '86,242; '87 83 Upright pepper described '87 93 G)ld Medal wheat, rating by millers '77 343 pieces used in curding cheese '66 201 where to expect to find - '86 147 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 163 Tear. Page. sheep husbandry '84 180 Hayes, E. B., losses and imperfections on farm '83 261 paper on farming and farm labor '80 244 TuscolaCo. report '83 457 Hays, Prest. Geo. P , D. D., address by -. "'4 27 Head louse, illustrated '78 443 of bull, description '59 189 Heads of wheat, product of seeds from different pirts of '79 35 1'74 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page. Hiads of wheat, selecting for seed '80 133 Health afteoted hy drains '79 122 food '81 397 and education '75 272 article by Dr. R. C. Kedzie on Homes and '77 328 Relations of Chemistry to Public '74 86 A. F. Whelanon Domestic Animals' - '76 283 at Agricultural College '87 86 causesof Amerioanlack of '84 95 chemistry related to public '74 86 conditions of '60 356 drains affecting '79 122 education and _ '75 272 flowers in rooms affecting --_ - '78 269 food affecting - '81 397 homes of farmers. -. '77 328 Influence of swamps on '78 258 injury to, from cut flowers in rooms '78 269 Michigan, Dr. Brodie on -.. - '53 263 of animals, domestic, by Dr. Whelan. , '76 283 affected by domestication '66 141 children, importance '78 190 Saginaw Valley '77 270 public, relations of chemistry to, by Dr. R. O. Kedzie _ '74 86 seekers' resort '78 403 swamps affecting __ '78 258 Healthy homes for farmers, by Dr. Kedzie '77 328 Heart, eflect upon, of alcohol... '84 283 Heart-life in work '74 102 Hearthstones in dwellings '77 335 Heating of hay in the stack '67 193 system of Agricultural College, details of '81, 156; '86, lii; '88 5J Heat, rate of loss by different soils '86 158 Heaves, causes of, in horses '88, 275, 379 hereditary, in horses '88 278 prevention of_ '79 60 remedy for '88 264 treatment of '88 151 Heavy corn, record of '77 145 Hedge fences, article by L. W. Baker '85 263 J. D. Corey '79 98 N. Davidson Redpath.. '51 238 Dr. Tappan on English '53 195 Geo. Taylor '80 345 discussed '79 101 maintaining _ '80 348 objections to '84 109 Heffner'sNo. 1 strawberry '87 100 Heifers, early breeding of ._ '84 155 management of '58 279 yearling '59 175 maturity of '83 121 premature breeding of '58 279 Height of fruit tree top '71 137 Hellebore for currant worms '74, 143; '76 171 insects '78 434 Hellriegel's, Dr., experiments '72 267 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 175 Tear. Page. Helotropha atra '88 166 Helps to Improvement, by H. W. Curtis '76 219 Hemiptera '57 225 Hemlock ^ '78,95; '85 138 spruce '78 105 description of '88 373 notes on '85 138 Hemingway, report by '64 44 Henderson, Peter, & Co., analysis of seeds from '78, 76; '81, 116; '85,134,154 Henderson's extra selected Tropliy tomato '87 83 Henderson strawberry '87 100 Wm. A., obituary notice '81 34 Hendryx, H. J., on crop rotation '. _ '77 414 J. R., address on root crops '75 140 feeding cattle for market '77 157 Hen bouses, Iteeping clean '77 208 manure, composting '79 91 mite, ill '78 444 Henry, Prof. Joseph, article on electrical conduction '76 358 Berbarium, Cooley, at Agricultural College '63, 13; '63, 19, 43; '78 29 Herbemont grape discussed '58 217 Herd book for sheep, discussion of '79,125,427 Herd's grass. (See also Timothy grass.) byS. H. Preston '.tO 282 description of '69, 199; '71, 106; '75 296 of Pennsylvania '85 181 questions about answered '85 179 Heredity, laws of '72 183 the test for dairy animals '87 372 Hereford cattle, article by Secretary Sanford Howard '68 187 T. F. Sotham '84 156 Dr. J. C. Wilson '78 214 as milkers '68,211; '78,223 work animals '68 210 at Smithfield Club show '68, 219; '80, 113 beauties of '84 166 bred by Gov. Crapo '78 215 in and in by Mr. Price '72 187 compared with Devons for feeding '58 321 Shorthorns, why less known '68,202; 78,223 descriptions of '57,104; '64, 80; '68. 190,291; '78, 4ii6; '79,107 discussed '75,302; '78,226 feeding experiments '58, 321; '78, 214, 468; '84, 32, 326; •8.5, 64;:'87, 162, 184; '88, 142, 394 in and in breeding of by Mr. Price '72 187 New South Wales - '78 218 Inventory of, at Agricultural College --. '76 24 milk qualities of '68,211; '78,223 notes on '80 291 oxen of '68,210; '78,225 prizes to - '80 113 sales of '78 220 at Agricultural College '87 33 Shorthorns compared with '68, 202; '78, 223 (See also Hereford cattle feedingHexperimBUts.) size of - '68 203 steer in feeding experiment. (See Hereford cattle feeding experiments.) vs. Shorthorns '78 214 176 GENEEAL INDEX OF , 182; '76, Herefordshire pearmain described _ Hermaphrodite forms Herring, fresh water, described Hersey, Hon. Edmund, on potato culture Hesiod on Agriculture. _ _ Hessian fly '57,235; '64,70; '67,59; article by Prof. Gooli Rev. Geo. S. J. Hill, B. A Gr. Osborne ■.. discussion on -. on wheat plats Hewitt, A., article on sheep husbandry' Robt. L., paper on State crop reporting systems Hibbard, J. W., article on improved live stoclc Hicliory ^ shell bar]£, age of maturing _ ._ trees In Michigan .._ HicliP, B., paper on butter maiing _ Hide of bull, points of Hides capable of carrying disease _ _ Higgins, Alvin S., address before G-enesee County Society. Higher standard of culture for houselieepers, Mrs. Perry Mayo Highland cattle described sheep at college- --- inventory of _ High breeding, discussion on of horses, paper by John M. Mathewson farming school for farmers, Penn graduates admitted on certificates _. test oil discussed , Highways. (See also Roads.) acts relative to. (See Highways, laws of.) and bridges, by Franli P. Davis the farmer, legal relations of, by Judge Parrisli _. animals at large in, acts relative to '66, 37 app, articles on '77, 158; article by Aldrich, A. L '. Carpenter, Prof. R. C, on construction of Davis, Frank P., on bridges and Drew, A. L., on construction and maintenance of Green, Sidney Hayden, A. W., on improvement of Parrish, Judge, on law of the _ Smolls:, J., on cattle at large in Treat, L. L Webber, Wm. L., law of, discussion on bridges and, article on, by F. P. Davis cattle at large on, acts relative to '66, 37 app. articles on '77, 158: changes proposedjin laws relating to commissioner of, to lay out drains, act requiring common, article by L. L. Treat _ condemnation.of land for _ construction of, article by Prof. R. C. Carpenter A. L. Drew ear. Page. '66 222, '76 291 '51 227 '85 169 '76 318 170; 79,68 '77 363 '57 203 '78 388 '77 375 '78 156- '79 35 '76 274 '81 606 '87 am '78 95 '88 333 '88 370 '78 2T8 '59 190 '66 161 '57 323 '77 132 '57 112: '86 15 '76 24 '72 180 '83 141 '79 228- '57 289 '84 17 '76 216- 78 192- 83 313 3P .,43 app. 86 18- 84 103 75 107 78 192 87 348 76 286- 80 163- 83 313 77 158 80 208 78 479 78 192 P ,43 app. 86 18 87 351 68 458 80 206 83 313 75 lor 87. 34& MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 177 Year. Page, Highways, cost of constmoting well '78 193 discussion on '78 195 drainage for, importance of good '78 192 drains to be laid out for, by commissioner '68 458 economy of good '78 194 hills should be avoided by '71 287 improvement of, article byA. W. Hayden '80 153 labor, assessment for, evils of '80 206 land condemned for. '83 313 laws relative to, changes in, proposed (see also below) '87 361 discussed by Prof. Carpenter '75 109 Judge Parrish '83 313 Tennant '86 18 Wm. L. Webber '78 479 improvement of (see also above) '84 104 laying out drains for. - '68 458 shade trees along '88 129 text of , in full '58, 9, 23 maintenance and construction of '87 348 shade trees on, act relative to '88 129 stock running at large on ^ '66, 37 app., 43 app. articleson '77,158; '86, 18 takingland for '83 D13 tax for, assessment of as labor, evils of '80 206 disposal of '76 286 trees planted along, act relative to '88 129 width of '78 192 track '87 349 working out tax for. '80 206 Hilgard, Prof., remarks on experimenting '71 326 Hill, Arthur, on prevention of forest fires '88 326 quantity of pine in Michigan '88 310 Courtland, article on system in farming... '77 182 G. S. J., prize article on insect enemies to wheat '57 203 Hilling potatoes, object of '53 2U HlUman, F. H., workof '88 41 UnoH., on encouraging forest planting '88 360 forest fires _ '88 361 Hillof corn, number of seedsfor '79 148 Hillsdale County Agr'l Society, address of R.F.Johnstone '55 567 D.L.Pratt '59 390 report of.... '52,279; '53,421; '54,531; '55,547; '56, 465; 'E 7, 332; '58, 522; '59, 389; '64, 238; '65, 284; '66, 298; '67, 456; '68, 405; '69, 386; '70, 383; '71, 420; '72, 140; '73, 248; '74, 261; '75, 498; '76, 588; '77, 679. premium farm '66 279 report from '64 28 sorghum in '84 311 institute '76 266 Hills or drills for corn, experiment '68 117 planting corn '71 346. to be avoided by roads '71 267 Hilton, Geo. E., article on produ ction of honey '87 435 Hinds, Henry H., member of live stoc k sanitary commission '88 421 Hinkson, Q-eo., paper on mixed farming '81 318 Hints for Arbor day, bulletin on '88 363 to bee keepers, by A. G. Stockholm '76 186 Hired man and farmer, law as to '83 317 23 178 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page. Hired men, law of '84 138 Hiacock, B., assistant engineer '88 6 Historic account of Monroe county _ -. '84 98 Historical and statistical Michigan, by Rev. Chas. Fox '55 283 History of Agr'l College of Michigan '63, 23; '72, 35; '81, 358; '85 38 after reorganization. '84 255 byGeo. Geddes '72 275 early '5U, 12, 62, 258, 433; '62, 9; '53, 12, 15; '54, 6, 337, 341 agriculture,- - - '76 166 association of agricultural societies '77 647 BayCo... '77 655 crop rotation '77 407 Eaton Co '67 429 farmers' institutes '76 72 fruit growing in Michigan '73,50; '75 79 Galloway cattle '65 39 green manuring '76 350 Ingham Co. Club '74 271 institutes, farmers' '75 72 Michigan '71, 189; '77 213 fruitgrowing '75 79 peach growing '73 50 potato culture ._ '53 203 rotation of crops '77 407 Saginaw marshes, by Albert Miller _ '78 348 Shorthorn cattle.- '69,121; '80 Zi2 whiffletrees '72 165 windmills „ '80 297 report of Professor of '81, 177; '83, 70; '84 66 value of, for culture. '80 327 Hives, chaff, value of '83 162 construction of, at Agricultural College '77 36 discussion on '74 294 for wintering bees '85 144 points of '83 160 sawdust about '76 97 shadefor.. , '75, 340; '76 97 what style to use.. '75 347 Hodge, H. C, paper on large or small farms '84 130 Hodgeman, Frank, address at Climax '77 274 paperonmarsh lands '77 322 Hoe for woman's use '84 2Q7 Hoeing or raking '75 43 Hoes, light or heavy '70 168 Hofwyl School of Agriculture '54 384 Hog. (See also Pig and Swine.) article by Anderson, J. A., on breeding and feeding '75 98 Buell, B. G., on management of. Gard, Milton J., on raising the GuUey, Prof. Frank A., on breeding and feeding Howard, Secretary Sanford, on characteristics of breeds Jacobs, D. P., on breeds of. Jones, Morse W Lawes, J. B., on chemistry of feeding the Vickery, D. F., on the best breed of '78 Wells, Henry B., on management of Whitney, A., on best breeds of '81 '81 287 '70 171 '76 395 '64 167 '87 403 '79 281 '58 379 '78 106 '78 361 '81 286 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 179 Year. Page. Hog, breeding and feeding of '70, 175; '75, 08; '76 395 breeds of '87 403 best — '78,198; '81 286 charaoteristloB '64 167 cholera, report on '80 101 symptoms of '88 420 tar for .■ '78 373 codling moth fought by means of the '74,65; '80,277; '84, 199 cross breeding of '70 175 out worms destroyed by '75 164 daily gain in weight of '78 197 discussion on management of '78 362 diseases of '78, 273; '79, 287 ; '80,101; '88,420 economy In feeding, by J. B. Lawes '68 379 essentials of a good _ '87 406 feeding and breeding '75,98; '76 395 chemistry of, by J. B. Lawes ^ '58 379 experience in, by J. "VanBuskirk '87 316 gain in weight per day '78 197 Insects destroyed by '74,55; '75,164; '80,277; '84 199 management of, by H. B. Wells '78 361 on the farm '87 357 origin of '79 281 pens '70 180 points of '75 101 size of skeleton '75 101 weight, gain per day , '78 197 Hohenhelm experimental farm, calf feeding at '84 152 description of -' '53 189 Holbrook, Gov. F., article on bog meadows , '71 181 farm Implements '71 176 plows .■ '71 165 Holcaspls '88 470 Holdsworth, Wm. S., instructor in drawing '88 5, 57 Holland Bigarreau cherry described _ '56 339 cattle, article by James Birney '78 309 Joseph Merrick '81 290 ( See also Holstein cattle.) City described '71 428 drainage system for Saginaw valley marshes '78 354 pippin described '66 219 windmills In '80 304 HoUoway, Col. F. M., address by '72 266 experiment with plaster. "75 365 report on greenhouse '80 44 Hollow walls as rat vaults '77 334 HoUy family '88 86 Holmes, Sec. F. C, report '87 260 Prof. J. C, address on State Agricultural School '54 338 death of '88 509 letter on canker worm '66 73 on establishment of Agricultural College '53 12 report, as Secretary Agricultural Society. '66 17 work in founding College '81 362 Holstein Friesian cattle '69 122 article by Jas. Birney '78 309 Joseph Merrick '81 290 180 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page. Holgtein Friesian cattle, artlcleby B. A. Powell '87 372 at the Agr'l College '85 168 feeding expt.--'84, 33, 326; '85, 64; '87, 160, 184; '88, 143. 394 saleof '87 33 butter recorda.-- '83,339; '87 373 color of '78 310 compared with natives -— '78 358 otherbreeds '78 179 dairyreoords '83,329; '87 372 feeding experiment '84, 33, 326; '85, 64; '87, 160, 184; '88, 142, 394 merits '76 282 saleof '87 33 Home adornment, by A. S. Dyokman '72 49 article by Baird, Sec'y R. G., on The farmer's '76 375 Chamberlain, Calvin, on Where and what to make them '71 231 Chatterton, Miss Jennie M., on The farmer's '76 253 Cushing, Mrs. Sam'l, on Influence of '79 104 Dyckman, A. S., on Adornment of '73 49 Hall, Miss Annie, on Culture in the '75 181 Ives, L. H., on Country .- '74 284 Johnstone, Mrs. R. F., on Work for women in the '84 210 Kedzie, Dr. R. C, on Healthy, for farmers '77 328 MacEwan, Prof. E. J., on Life of the '81 393 Millard, Mrs., on Lights and shadows of - '80 119 Satterlee, Prof. Jas., on Surroundings of the '84 218 Snyder, F. (J., on The farmer's '81 341 Wartman, Mrs. Jacob, on Surroundings of the '84 224 Wines, Mrs. C. H., on House and '83 325 Woodman, Jason, on The farmer's ^ '80 166 aspect of '77 330 beautifying of.— '72, 49; '80 156 conveniences.-- — - '71 353 country. (See Home, farmer's.) culture, by Miss Annie Hall '75 181 farmer's '71, 238; '74, 384; '76, 353, 375; '81 341 beautiful '72,49; '80 156 healthful '77 328 fireplaces in - - - '77 335 health conditions in - *77 338 house and, by Mrs. Wines..- '83 235 improvements around '71, 357; '84, 318, 224 influences, by Mrs. Cushing - - , '79 104 instinct - '71 334 life, paper by Prof. E. J. MacEwan '81 393 lights andshadows by Mrs. Millard '80 119 location of , - '84 218 love - -- '76 380 making pleasant for boys '80 173 meaning of word - '71 232 orchard, varieties for - '84 198 relation of to health --- '77 328 surroundings, paper by Prof. James Satterlee '84 318 on, by Mrs. Jacob Wartman -.- '84 324 teachings, article by Miss Annie Hall -- '75 181 where and what to make it, Calvin Chamberlain --- — '71 231 work for women, article by Mrs. R. F. Johnstone - '84 210 Homer farmers and mechanics' society report.- '59 370 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 181 Tear. Page. Homer on agriculture __. _., '76 318 Homestead law, e£Eeot on wages '72 115 Homesteads, deserted '88 182 Homestead superphosphate, analysis of '86, 248; '87, 174 systemof America '72 114 Honduras sorghum '81 132 Honesty, value of » '79 98 Honey (see also Apiary, Bees, etc.) ; '75 326 adulteration of '88 170 article by Baker, Mrs. L.B., on production of, by wom6n '76 431 Bingham, T. F., on bees for farmers '73 182 Cheney,;A. B.. on bee keeping '83 159 for farmers '76 429 Cook, Prof. A. J., on Apiary, manual of "75 315 bee, enemies of '87 437 sting of '79 258 tongueof '79 252 wintering of '76 424 mistakes of bee-keepers '76 189 Cutting, H. D., on production of... '84 190 Fuller, Emmet, on practical bee-keeping '74 293 Hilton, Geo. E., on production of '87 435 Kedzie, Prof. E. F., on composition of- '76 428 Pierce, A. B., on the apiary '84 189 Porter, W. L., on Black Italian bees '76 434 Stockholm, A.G., on hints to bee-keepers '76 ]86 Tomlinson, Julius, on farmers' production of '75 86 bee (see also Bee and Bees.) alimentary canal of '75 320 articles on (see honey, articles on, etc.) enemies of,article byProf. A. J. Cook '87 437 natural history of '75 319 neuters '75 319 races of '75 329 sting of '75 319 tongue of, article by Prof. A. J. Cook '79 252 wintering of, article by Prof. A. J. Cook '76 424 workers '75 319 board, described '87 437 boxes '75 351 composition of, article by K. F. Kedzie '76 428 consumption of '74 295 dew ;. '75 341 report on '84 44 extracted '74 294 extractor , '75, 333; '77 38 for farmers, address by Julius Tomlinson '75 86 from honey dew '84 44 locust '78 98 marketing of. '77 37 plants.. '. '75,343; '76 97; '77 39 listof '75, 343; '88 169 production '76,186,429; '83,159; '87,435 by women '76 431 report on at State Fair .' '87 206 sorghum, description of *81 132 sources of '75,326,341,342 182 GENERAL INDEX OF Tear. Page. Honey storing of -.. -. '75 339- strained or extracted '74 394 testsfor '88 170 winter supply for bees '76 427 Honeysuclile family '88 93 Hoof, horse's, article on, by Ira Carpenter '76 388 Jno. T. Fraser, T. S... '79 235 E. A. A. Grange, V.S '87 393 Elchard Haigh, Jr '73 93 R. Jennings, V.S '79 125 described '57,188; '73,94 glycerine good for '79 240 Hoolter's seedling strawberry discussed.. '58 219 Hooper, Mr., article on stock raising. '70 125 Hoop poles, notes on timber for, Prof. James Satterlee '88 334 Hop and tobacco superphosphate analyzed '86 248 chemical composition of... '72 226 culture '50 276 essay on '66 175 in Michigan '66 173 report on '67,67,446 hornbeam '78 96 houses '66 182 liilns '66 172 phosphate, analysis of '87 174 superphosphate, analysis of '86 348 tree, or Hornbeam tree '78 96 Hopliins, Hon. M. L., address before Ottawa county society '58 62J Hornless cattle, article on, by J. N. Smith '76 330 sheep '76 343 Horn-tailed borer '88 228 Horse, age of, how to determine '57 174 American, the '67 157 article by Cole, H. T., on The Farm '84 146 Grange, E. A. A., V. S., on diseases of the '85, 149; '87 180 heavesin '88 378 HoUiwill, Milo, on breeding of the '84 149 Howard, Secretary Sanford, on the '71 145 Lomas, W. P., on the draft '52 131 MacEwan, Prof. E. J., on the ideal farm '83 131 Mason, Edward, on breeding and management of '57 151 Mathewson, J. N., on high breeding of '83 141 Moore, A. Y., on the blooded '52 137 Orange Judd & Co., on the Percheron '71 391 Sherman, G. W.,"on breeding the. '74 377 Spooner, W. C, V. S., on breeding the '66 91 barn, account at the Agricultural College '77,95; '78 135 blooded, the, article on, by A. Y. Moore - '52 127 bot fly, article on, by Prof. A, J. Cooli '76 164 breeding, articles on '65,91; '74,277; '84, 149 and management of , by E.Mason '57 161 frombrolsen down beasts '57 194 evilof '84 149 high, by J. N. Mathewson '83 141 principlesof '83 143 broken- winded '57 184 brood mares, important to have sound '57,194; '84 149 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 183 Year. Page, Horse, cheok-reln, evil of '57 196 chestnut described -. '78 93 soils for '85 140 clipping of '79 61 discussed .-. '79 67 ooa(ih, the '57 166 colicof the '57 185 cost of feed for, per year '70 136 cost of raising _._ '83 148 cross breeding of - '65 91 defects in pedigree of '71 151 diseases of the '57,182; '86,149; '87,180,278 distemper ^ '67 ISS doctors, by A. J. Stockholm '81 364 domestic, history of '57 151 draft, the, by W. P. Lomas '53 131: English. '57 16t English drs,ft '83 133 evil of check rein '57 198 exhibition. National, at Kalamazoo '69 433 experiments with '88 273 farm, articles on '83,131; '84 146 bestgaitfor '77,284; '83 13» fast walking, value of '77 284 feed, cost of, per year '70 136 feet and legs of '67 186 limbs, by R. Jennings, v. S '79 125 Jno. T. Fraser, V. S , '79 235 flesh as food '80 179 food for '57 178 food for adult. '70 135 foot, article on, by Dr. E. A. A. Grange '87 392 paper by Ira Carpenter. '76 288 Bulletin on disease of J '87 166 fork '64 165 French '57 156 gait best for farm '77,284; '83 136 hay fed in excess to '84 148 heavesin. ( See also horse, diseases of tbe.) _ '88 275 high breeding of the, by J. N. Mathewson '83 141 history of the domestic '57 151 howto judgeof age '57 174 hunter, the, described '71 152 ideal farm, by Prof. E. J. Mao Ewan '83 131 importance of sound breeding stock '57,194; '84 149 judging by scale of points -- '83 137 medical treatment of, article by A. J. Stockholm '81 364 Morgan, the '67 168 National exhibition of, at Kalamazoo '59 433 pedigree of, defects in '71 151 Percheron, article on, published by Orange Judd & Co '71 391 points of the perfect, scale of. — '83 137 power, estimate of '73 173 meaning of term '87 457 of steam engines, by Prof. R. C. Carpenter '87 467 premiums on at State Fair '85 236 racing at fairs '67, 107, 267; '72, 83; '75, 513; '81 316 184 GENERAL INDEX OP Year. Page. Horse racing at fairs, article on, by P. C. Purdy. '83 26i detrimetital '78 478 prohibited where society receives tax money - '68 484 radish, how to cultivate - -- '88 386 railroad to Agricultural College '85 57 rearing of -- '70 134 State Fair premiums '85 236 report on.. '87,204; '88 493 rules '73 169 scale of points for judging '83 137 shoe nails.. '72 100 shoeing, article on '73 93 points in '79 241 shoes, discussed '87 394 sound breeding stock, importance of '57,194; '84 149 thick wind in.. '57 184 ticks '88 403 trades, legal aspects of '83 304 trotting at fairs. (See Horse racing at fairs.) ventilation for '57 195 value of fast walkers '77,284; '83 136 Horses of Michigan '57,163; '64, 81; ;78 485 Horticultural Dep't of Agr'l College. (See Garden Dep't of Agr'l College.) exhibits, report on, by T. T. Lyon - '58 75 experiments, paper by Dr. Beal. '76 200 laboratory '88 37 literature. *77 319 Society allowance at State Fair '85 202 report, when required '85 394 visit at College '83 28 teaching at the Agr'l College '76,101; '78, 27, 67; '79, 301; '85, 73; '88 ,37 (See also Garden Dep't of Agr'l Coll. report.) Horticulture at the State Fair, report on. '87 333 cultivation needed in. '88 285 in the household, by Jas. Cassidy ^ '78 263 ectures on. (See Horticultural teaching.) progressive, by Jas. Oassidy ~... '79 133 questions in. (See Horticultural) teaching.) succession of crops in '85 386 teaching of. (See Horticultural teaching.) ten essentials to success in '88 285 Horticulturist of Experiment Station '88 26 Horton, Hon. Geo. B., address as President of Michigan Dairymen's Association '88 388 memberof Board of agriculture '87 4 Hot-beds and cold frames '77 60 Hotohkiss, G. W., statistics as to pine yet remaining in Michigan '88, 84, 310 Hot shoes for horses' feet '87 394 water heating at college '88 51 Houdan fowls, description of '77 208 Houghton seedling gooseberry. '76 807 Hours for library being open at college '83 89 sleep..! '81 396 of labor at Agricultural College '85 37 House and Home, paper by Mrs. 0. H. Winds '83 225 climbers for '84 221 direction to have face '77 331 drains '.. '79 133 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 185 Year. Page. House flies and lice, notes on, by Prof. Cook '87 454 for aoiary '87 43 importance of sun for '84 220 location of '84 218 materials for '77 331 of correction, at Detroit, ill ventilation of '74 91 plants, paper on, by James Cassidy '78 262 shading of '78 263 points about, by Charles W. Garfield '76 178 surroundings, paper by Prof . Jas. Satterlee '84 218 whereto locate '76 378 Household conveniences, paper by Mrs. Delano '80 219 furniture, by Samuel Zug '51 162 horticulture, paper by James Cassidy '78 262 Housekeepers, higher standard of culture for '77 132 Housekeeping, paper on chemistry of '83 199 trainingiu '76 341 Houses, extravagant '76 379 for plants, by James Cassidy '77 423 Housing sheep '76 343 Hoven in cattle, prevention of '86 89 Hovey seedling strawberry '70 427 strawberry , '87 101 tomato described '87 88 Howard, D. W., report of department at State Fair. '87,213; '88 501 Hon. James, article on agriculture '69 207 M. A., invitation to emigrants '72 129 e M. D., report by '64 60 Sanford, address before Agricultural Society '57 45 Sec. Sanford, accounts. ( See accounts of Agricultural College.) article on horse breeding '71 145 long woolsheep '69 281 Shorthorn cattle '69 121 swine '64 167 biography of. '70 55 circular to farmersof Michigan '64 7 memoir upon '70 55 portrait •. '73 1 report of. '64 7 Texas cattle disease '68 449 on Ayrshire cattle. '64 135 on forest destruction '66, 1 app. Howard's plow '77 298 How can we make our country fairs better, by Dr. Beal '79 456 crops grow '72 250 Howe, Chas. F.. paper on direct and indirect taxation '83 217 wheat culture '79 163 Howell Agricultural Club, constitution of '53 504 Geo., paper on farmers' need of literary discipline '81 326 institute '78 236 pear '86 298 strawberry '87 99 How farmers are solving the transportation question, by E. A. Burlingame '83 178 much it costs to raise crops, article by R. A. Feet ,-- '88 445 shall farmers educate their boys, paper by Dr. Wm. B. Hamilton '81 333 the boys be kept on the farm, paper by E. J. MacEwan '81 406 we improve our common cattle, by Edwin Phelps '86 112 186 GENERAL INDEX OF Year, Page. How shall we iniprove our stock, by Hon. W. Ball 79 166- to amuse young people on farms '87 475 bleach celery _ '88 287 feed tor milk, article on '87 314 keep our fruit lands fertile, by Martin H. Bixbee. '88 289 make farmers' sons and daughters eminent, essay -.- '77 138 farm life attractive, by Hon. Thos. Mars '87 472 stock pay, paper by Rev. L.B.Potter '76 333 the farm pay, by Silas Moody _ '88 441 manage the reserve farm wood lot, by A. C. Grlidden '88 347 Benjamin Hathaway '88 319 market fruit '88 295 set trees '88 231 tell condition of a tree --. '88 123 transplant trees _ "88 318 Hubback, description of t _ '69 130 pedigree of '57 107 Hubbard, Bela, address before State Agricultural Society '54 309 advocating an Agricultural College '50 12 against union of College with University '63 22 geological report --. '55 355 memorial to Legislature '50 53 paper on country life , '50 215 report on geological observation '53 278 resolution proposing Agricultural College '50 13 work in founding Agricultural College '81 362 Hubbard, S. D., remarks on meat trade of Europe _ '77 132 Hubbard's Curled Leaf tomato described '86,238; '87 81 Hubbardston agricultural report '73 251 Hubbardston Nonesuch apple , '58, 248; '70 294 Huckleberry family '88 93 Huddleston strawberry '87 101 Hudson gage plum described '66 256 Hudson institute __ '80 163 Hudsonville institute '86 1 Hugart, Prest. W. O., paper on relations of railroads to farmers '83 176 Huggett, Mayor, address at Charlotte '87 274 Huling superb plumWescribed '56 237 Hull, Wm.", paper on essential oil plants ___ '78 283 Humboldt's opinion on climatic Influences of forests '66 13app Humphrey, Pres. E. O., address before State Agricultural Society.... '75, 397; '76, 477; '77, 453; '78, 476; '84, 384; '85, 193. Humus, a source of nitrogen in plants '81 383 deprived of nitrogen '86 97 furnished by wood lot _ '88 363 in soils '87 32ii theory of soil exhaustion '73 3L4 value of. , '88 361 Hundred Days' tomato described '86, 339; '87, SO Hungarian, appropriation for agricultural experimentation. '83 259 grass '71 114 Hungry animals, loss from _ '86 45 Hunter horses _. '71 152 how bred '65 106 Hunter, John M., paper on corn culture '81 328 Hunters causing forest fires .'■ '88 325 Hunt, Hon. J. B., address before Oakland county society '51 445 MICHIGAN AGRKJULTUEAL BEPORTS. 187 Year. Page. Hunt's Tawny Nectarine '58 233 Hurdle fence '51 246 Huron county report : '69,390; '70, 381 Husbandry, mixed, paper by Geo. Hlnkson '81 321 Prof. Samuel Johnson '80 314 A. C. Towns '81 321 HutcMns, J. Weston, article on education of farmers '87 491 Hybrid China rose '76 420 grafts '80 52 Perpetual rose '76 422 seeds, yield of '76 206 Hybridizing, an experiment in '88 235 clover '77,55; '79 193 noteson '76,209; '87 142 small fruits '79 194 Hyde, A. O,, president's address : '88 499 report as marshal '81 551 of department, StateFair '87 208 testimonial to '88 507 Hydrogen for plants '83 93 Hygiene of domestic animals '76 283 Hylobius pales '77 250 Hylurgus terebrans, ill '77 250 Hymenoptera '57 232 Hy menopterous Insects, morphology of legs of. Prof. A.J.Cook '87 442 Hyperchiria lo '88 229 Hypericaceae - '88 8S Hyphantria textoy. 111 '74 133 Hypoderma bovis, ill '76 168 Ice for butter makers '83 331 germination of seeds kept on '87 145 house at College '79 41 water for animals '79 64 Ida, pedigree of. '58 386 Ideal apple, by J. G. Ramsdell '88 296 farm horse, paper by Prof . MacEwan '83 131 forest '88 133 grape, O. Beebe '88 299 peach, A. S. Dyckman '88 296 pear, .Joseph Lannin : '88 297 plum, C. T. Bryant ,.-- '88 298 strawberry, A. G. GuUey '88 300 Idleness among bees, causes and remedies '76 191 of queen bee '76 151 Ignorance concerning forestry law '88 114 Ignorant dosing of animals '81 268 Ignotum tomato described '87 85 Ilicinesa '88 86 Illinois State Fair, policy of furnishing feed at '84 381 forestry in '88 130 Illuminating oil. paper by Dr. R. C. Kedzie '76 216 Illustrations of tomato plants '87 74-79 Immense fortunes in America '80 200 Immigration, advantages to Michigan '73 109 Imperfections on the farm, papers by E. B. Hayes '83 261 Imperial cut-leaved alder described '. '78 85 noteson '85 138 188 GENERAL INDEX OB Year. Page. Imperial Ottoman plum described. - '56 236 Impermeable walls -- - - --- '77 333 Implements. (See also Tools.) article by Anthony, T. C, on farm.- --- - '84 HI Carpenter, Prof. R. C, on farm. '75 148 Gulley, Prof. Franli A., on farm and garden --- '78 366 Holbrook, Governor '71 165 Howard, Secretary San ford, on improved '66 266 MarhofE, H.,onfarm '81 310 care of - - '83,239,263 discnssion on ._ '88 432 forthefarm '70,167; '75,148; '81,310; '84 111 garden '78,366; '80 230 tile laying '73 142 improved. __ '66 259 mechanical principles of --. '75 149 neglect of '83,239,263 on Agricultural College farm '6a, 10; '76, 19; '84, 33; '85, 62; '88, 28 report on, at State Fair.. '87,209; '88 603 value of, on farms in United States '75 148 Importance of dairy experimentation '88 391 good breeding of seeds '76 212 studying and caring for forests.. '88 122 thoroughbred stock, paper by Judge Isaac Marston '78 3.56 Important mistakes made by bee-keepers '76 189 Importation of cattle, prohibited '65 178 Imports at Detroit '55 319 Imprisonment for debt '72 117 Improved agricultural implements. '76 259 breeds, value of, paper by W. E. Hale '83 127 dent corn '83 45 large yellow tomato described '86,242; '87 82 live stock. (See Improved Stock.) methods in the garden, article by W. C. Latta '80 228 sheep, introduction of '76 275 stock '74 300 at Agricultural College '78 31 compared with common '84, 150, 161 for profit, paper by A. N. Woodruff '83 130 the general farmer '87 366 old opinions of '87 355 valueof '83 127 Improvement, helps to, article by H. W. Curtis '76 219 of cattle. '69 128 paper by I. H. Butterfleld '81 271 corn '78,375; '81,134 country life, paper on '50 215 grains, fruits and vegetables. '78 445 horses, article on '74 277 Indian corn '78,375; '81,134 muck swamp, paper by Prof. Carpenter '86 164 roads, paper by A. W. Hayden '80 153 seed wheat '69, 181; '76, 208 waste places, by Geo. B. Wilkinson '78 230 wheat '69,181; '76,208 wild fruits '76 209 improvements about the house '71 267 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 189 Tear. Page. Improvements In American agriculture '76 478 tile laying _ '73 140 ot farm department '88 28 In and in breeding, article on, by Dr. Manly Miles '72 179 SirJno. S.Sebright '66 82 definition of '73 180 of swine '75 98 remarkson, by Wm. Ball '83 332 Inaugural address of President Willita .' '85 23 Inauguration of Agricultural College '81 369 Income of Agricultural College apiary '77 36 since foundation '85, 15; '86, xv; '87, 20; '88 23 societies, sources of '81 605 Incorporation of fruit growers '69 466 State Agricultural Society, act of '49,31; '77 440 Increase of students at Agricultural College '86 xvii Increased interest In fruit growing '73 75 planting of trees '88 227 price of lumber _ '88 84 rainfall '88 314 uses of bard woods ., '88 84 Increasing fertility of farms, article by T. Dawson '75 135 Indebtedness of Agricultural College, statement of '75 18 farmers '49,176; '60,231; '63,468; '64,510; '78,193; '81 325 to inventors, paper by Prof. Lewis McLouth '88 208 pioneers, by Miss Carruthers '87 603 Independent Agricultural Colleges '54,401; '63,24; '85 19 forestry commission '88 7 reportof. '88,69, 306 State of Monroe '84 99 India, letter from - _ '85 5 Indian apple trees '69 461 corn. (See corn.) farming '73 90 reservations '73 77, 91 tribes of Michigan '71 189 wheat, article on, by Ellas Morris '88 446 Indications of weather telephoned '88 203 Indirect taxation, paper by Ohas. F. Howe '83 217 Inducements to better farming, article by N. D.Thomas '75 169 Industrial arts and sciences in education, by Prof. Fairchild '78 418 drawing, reporton '78 114 education. (See also Industrial schools and Industrial training below.) article by Baird, Secy. B. G '84 249 Dodge, Wm. B.. '86 48 Fairchild, Prof. Geo. T '77, 416; '78 418 Green,Dr. Mary '87 478 McLouth, Dr. Lewis '87 339 Webber, Wm. L '87 341 exhibitions discussed - '78 576 experimentation '83 258 geology, paper byA.J.Cook '86 142 impulse, remarkson '85 31 schools '71 348 prejudice against, by T. 0. Abbot '75 212 reportof visitto '86 Iv training for boys and girls, by Dr. Mary Green '87 478 190 GENERAL INDEX OF Tear. Page. Induatrial training for girls - - '87 340 reason for '72 69 university impossible with present Agricultural College endowment '75 31 Industries, neglected, for women '84 211 Inequalities in condition of Englisli people '50 396 Infeoundity in domestic animals - '83 123 Inflammation, article on '67 249 Influence of chemicals on germination _ '87 127 deforestation on flow of stream '88 108 peach crop '88 109 dew on forests i '67 201 forest trees on agriculture, address by Dr. Kedzie '67 485 home, paper by Mrs. Samuel Cushman '79 104 moon, belief in _ '59 362 parents, which greatest '76 214 stock upon graft '71, 139; '76 203 weather on crops, by Linus Cone '51 221 woman on the farm, paper by Mrs. M. Benjamin '84 214 Infringement of patents.- '79 209 Ingersoll, Prof. Chas. L., article on beef breeds _ '78 465 breeds of cattle '75 300 farm draining '75 194 live stock in relation to farming '76 381 milk fever in cattle '78 242 rotation of crops. _ '77 406 veterinary science '77 400 wheat culture. 78 389 experiment in feeding '78 165 withmilk '77 75 plaster on corn _ '78 165 superphosphate '78 161 wheat and Hessian fly... •. '78 156 noticeof '77,19; '78,30; '79 23 reportof '77,73; '78,120,154; '79 34 supplementary report '78 154 Ingham County Agricultural Society, address by Hon. O. M. Barnes '57 375 Prof. L. R. Fisk '58 535 Hon. E. Lawrence '59 409 Hon. R. E. Trowbridge '74 309 constitution '57 354 report '56, 507; '57, 354; '58, 524; '59, 408; '68, 411; '69, 391; '70, 390; '72, 147; '76, 581; '79, 466. coalfields '53 230 drained swamp lands, condition of, by Commissioner I. B. Woodhouae '79 175 Farmers' Club, article on Board of Trade.. '74 274 countryhomes '74 284 hedgefences '85 263 horse breeding '74 277 intelligence in agriculture, by Hon. O. M. Barnes '74 286 peaty soils '86 175 poultry raising '74 280 root culture. '74 291 history, etc '74 371 geology of '54 261 sorghum in '84 311 Inhaling bad odors '71 73 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 191 Tear. Page. Inheritance, law of In animals '73 183 Injudiolons feeding, cause of disease '85 U9 Injured trees, treatment of '76 242 Injuries by insects '79 68 Injurious effects of winds '66, lapp. fungi, paper by Dr. W. J. Beal '84 200 insects. (See insects.) weeds, article on '74 304 Injury, liability for '83 290 to CoUese property , '87 24 foliage from spraying '88 224 forestsby fires '88 73 property, law regarding. ,' '88 130 Inoculation for pleuro-pneumonla '80 99 Inorganic foods '80 187 Inquiries about different breeds at College '79 39 Inquilinae, notes on '88 467 Insect eating birds '75, 61, 277 plants, article on, by Dr. Beal '75 375 enemies. (See Insects.) Insecticides. (See also Insects, articles on.) article by Prof. A.J. Cook '83 243 on four important '86 133 (See also Insecticides, experiments witb.) danger in use of poisonous '81,246; '86 135 discuasionon : '76,173; '86 139 experiments with '81,246; '86, xxxviii; '87,40; '88 217 Insects. (See also under the names of the several insects, as Army Worm, Codling Moth, etc.) Agricultural College garden troubled with '77,60; '78 112 and birds, paper by Prof. A. J. Cook '75 277 apples injured by '66 216 (See also. Codling Moth, Apple Borer, etc.) Army worm '75 278 black '83 422 article by Beal, Dr. W. J., on .'. '79 92 Cook, Prof. A. J., on army worm ._. '75 278 black '83 422 bark lice '83429; '85 171 bees, division board feeder for '79 260 insect enemies of '87 437 manual for keepers of '75 315 mistakes of keepers of '76 189 tongue and sting of '79 252 wintering of '76,424; '85 140 birds and '75 277 botflies '76 162 carpetbeetle '86 223 codlingmoth, '74,123; 85,171; '87,169; 88,217 currant borer '83 436 worm '74 143 enemies of the bee '87 487 fruit or '75 91 Hessian fly '77 363 injurious '68, 163; '78, 431; '80, 273; '87, 449 insecticides.. '81, 246 ; '83, 243; '86, xxxviii, 133; '87, 40, 169; 88, 217 isosoma '84 322 manual of injurious '74 106 193 GEINERAL INDEX OF Year. Page. Insects, article by Cook, Prof. A. J., on morphology of legs of liymenopterEB '87 442 parasites of domestic animals '78 438 plant lice '83 434 porkworm '76 296 shade trees Injured by '77 243 strawberry leaf roller '83 438 ticka_. '88 403 trichina spiralis '76 296 wheat stalk isosoma '84 322 Hill, Rev. Geo. S. J., on wheat enemies among '57 203 Howard, Secretary Sanford, on Injurious '65,21; '66,71; 67,71 Rowe, W. A., on injurious '74 296 Satterlee, James, on how to flght them '76 170 Skeela, Fremont E '79 68 Weed, Clarence M., on cherry slug '83 448 eateraof '83 439 strawberry crown girdler '83 425 bark lice '83,429; '85 171 beas. (See above. Insects, articles by Cook, Prof. A. J., on. See also Bee and Bees.) birds and '75 277 hot flies - '76- 162 carpet beetle '86 233 classification of, by mouth parts -. '78 432 codling moth . — '74,123; '75, '91; '85, 171; '87,169; 88,217 cornstalk enemy '88 166 cricket, mole '88 166 currant borer '83 436 worm - '74 143 danger in using poison for '81,246; '86 135 depredations of '78, 431; '88 165 description and seven orders of '57 207 destruction of noxious, paper by Prof. A. J. Cook '80 273 discussion on -. -. '75 96 enemies of the bee '87 437 forests affecting •66,26app.; '88 351 fruit or '75 91 gardens infested by '80 331 of Agricultural College troubled with '77,60; '78 112 gas lime for '86 138 green corn enemy '88 166 hellebore for '78 434 Hessian fly '57, 236; '64, 70; '67, 59; '69, 183; '76, 170; '77, 363; '78, 156, 288; '79, 35, 68 injurious '65,21; '66,71; '67,71; '68,163; '74,106,296; '78,431; '80 273 manualof -. _. "74 106 toapples '56. 216; '75, 91; '78, 343; '80 277 (See also Apple borer. Codling moth, etc.) farmand garden. _- '74 106 mapletrees ._ '77,243; '88 228 orchards.. '75, 91; '78, 343; '80 277 peaches '75 94 timber trees '77, 243; '88 228 wheat '57, 203; '69 182 manualof '74 108 mole cricket '88 165 notes on noxious, by Prof. A. J. Cook... '87 44S> Paris green for. (See Paris green as an insecticide.) poison for, danger in using '86 135 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 193 Tear. Page. Insects, poison for, discussion on '76, 173; '88 139 (See also Insecticides.) ravagesof '78, 43l! '88 165 relation of forests to .■ '66, 26 app.; '88 351 remarlsson !. '68 163 remedies for depredations of '78 433 strawberry enemy '88 186 tran8form.ation of : ,. '78 431 vs. fruit '75 91 wlieat injured by '57,203; '69 182 Inspection of commercial fertilizers, circular to manufacturers and dealers '86 245 law for 1 '85 48 reporton '86, 245; '87, 173; '88 151 dairies '80 103 fruit '88 295 meat '80 105 seeds by government '83 107 Institute at Adrian '75,189; '88 388 Albion '84 93 Allegan '75 78 Armada '76,121; '81 213 Bancroft '87 269 Bangor '80 137 Battle Creek '80 189 Bay City '78 306 Berlin '81 200 Berrien Centre '83 80 Big Rapids '79 77 Buclianan '79 127 Caro 1 '83 87 Cassopolis '81,199; '88 281 Centrevilie '78 261 Charlotte '78,170; '87 273 Chelsea - - '83 83 Climax '77 274 Coldwater . — '75 202 Decatur , '75 136 Dowagiac '78 361 East Saginaw^ '86 7 Eaton Rapids '83 85 Farmington '81 215 Flint '78 198 Flushing '84 91 Fremont '87 262 Galesburg '81 219 Grand Rapids '83, 86; '88, 305 Grass Lal^e '86 10 Grayling '87 277 Greenville - '76, 155; '81. 204 Hanover '87 264 Harrisville '88 378 Hastings --- '81 212 Hillsdale '76 266 Howell '78 238 Hudson - ^. '80 182 Hndsonville - '86 1 Ionia '80 109 25 194 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page. Institute at Ithaca '88 281 Jeddo- __ '81 216 Lansing '76 326 Lapeer '81 209 Leslie "81 199 Macon. '81 210 Manchester '79, 93; '84, 95 Marshall .•_ '77 112 Mason "79 164 Monroe '84 97 Otsego - '83 82 Owosso. '76,295 '88 281 Oxford '80 204 Paw Paw '7.7,134; '84 94 Plymouth '84 88 Quincr. - 'S6 11 Rochester '75,178; '86 2 Rocltford '79 59 Romeo '79 111 Saginaw '77 199 St. Johns '77 178 St. Louis '88 4 South Haven , '88 281 Tecnmseh. _ '77 162 Three Oaks '87 266 Traverse City '76 199 Trent '81 217 Vassar '80 228 Ypsilanti '76 235 of technology, visit to '86 Ivii Institutes, applications for '75 77 henefltsof '77 187 by local societies '79 452 history of organization of '75 72 how to secure '75 75 law establishing '85 37 organization of '75 72 plan of '75 73 record for seven years '81 41 eeriesof 1876 '75 72 1877 '76 154 1878 '77 111 1879 '78 168 1880 '79 58 1881 Ji. '80 109 1883 '81 198 1883 '81 211 1884 '83 80 1885 '84 88 1886 '86 1 1887 _ '87 263 1888 '88 379 suggested '67 287 suggestions relative to '76 154 Institutions, State appropriations to.. '81 26 regulations relating thereto '85 <:3 Instruction at Agricultural College, what to include.... '85 37 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 195 Year. Page. lastruotion in agriculture '88 28 military tactics required by law '85 53 DC construction in manual training schools '86 lix Instructors, proportion of , to students '80 17 Instruments for weather observation '65 242 of chemical department '88 149 State weather service '88 202 Insurance ags^nst Are, duty of farmers '81 316 of djollege buildings '76 71 Insulation of lightning rods '75 239 Intellect for farmers '74,286; '78,239; '81 205 (See also Education and Farmers' J'iducation.) Intelligence gained from boolis, paper by Prof. B. J. MacEwau '80 321 Intemperance of English agricultural laborers '72 109 Inter-breeding, discussion of '72 180 (See also In-and-in-breeding.) jnterest from United States Land Grant '85,15; '86, xv; '87,20;' '83 S3 how disposed '85 50 not to be used for buildings '85 53 fund of Agricultural College '85,13; '86, xiii; '87,15; '86 17 in contracts, members of board prohibited from '85 45 Internal qualities of animals indicated by form '76 346 International expositions, discussion '54, 711; '75 806 superphosphate, analysis of '86 248 Invention, progress of '53,571; '86 208 Inventions, how patented '79 211 some principal '59 364 Inventors and education '75 270 our indebtedness to, paper by Prof. Lewis McLouth ' '86 208 protection of - '79 215 Inventory of Agricultural College, how made '85 43 in detail , '76 15 summary of '72, 42; '73, 28; '74, 13; '75, 16; 76, 13; '77, 13; '78, 13; '79, 12; '80, 12; '81, 12; '83, 10; '84, 10; '85, 10; '86, x; '87, 18; '88, 20. boarding hall '74, 15; crops experiment station farm department '75, 16; garden department '75, 17; greenhouse models '76 59 museum specimens '76, 58; '78 59 president's office '76 66 State Fair property ...- '79, 302; '80, 378; '81, 465, 541; '83, .369; '84, 356; '85, 209; '87, 196, 202. '88, 491. Investigations, agricultural, lecture on, by J. H. (Jilbert '84 65 Iodine, discovery of '84 251 water, effect on germination of seeds '87 128 Ionia County Agricultural Society, constitution of '53 433 report of '52, 281; 'u3, 423; '64, 545; '65, 286; '66, 303; '67, 459; '68, 411; '69, 303; '70, 393; '72, 146; '75, 500. geology of '54 272 sandstone '54 286 sorghum in - '84 313 Institute '80 109 Iosco county soil analyzed '78 394 '76 41 '76 22 •88 22 '76 15 '76 25 '76 30 1S6 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page, Iowa, forestry in '88 ISO Ireland, agricultural instruction in '34 363 cattle of, described -. '57 114 potato rot in '55 239 Irish juniper '78, 96; '85 138 russet described '. - - '56 223 Iron bridges for country roads '78 194 for plants - '83 93 in soils '87 331 the Southern Peninsula - '53 336 Upper Peninsula - '53 2;.'2 making in Detroit, S. H, Kimball '53 225' mines of Michigan -.. '71 198 shop value of worls done in '88 60 Ironwood '78 96 Irregularities in sale of Aetrioultural College lands -. -. ._ '85 53 Irrigating ditches affecting meteorology of Kansas '88 333 Irrigation. _ '76 205 articleson '67,119; '84 298 benefits of '64 90 Company at Manistee '73 84 for grasses '71, 119; '75, 291 ; '87 294 in Austria '69 229' Colorado, paper on, by L. G. Carpenter '84 298 Egypt '54 431 Kansas '88 338 value of, by Sanford Howard. '57 49 Isabella County Agricultural Society, report '73 149 soilanalyzed '78 390- sorghum in '84 313 grapes '56 243 Is agriculture a science ? Paper by Mr. L. Shepherd '78 185 Isham, Warren, paper on wheat growing '50 16T Island Beauty tomato described '87 84 Islands of Michigan '86 181 Isolation, effect of, on farm labor '75 192 of farm life '81 408 IsoEoma nigrum, ill '84 323 Italian and Black bees, relative merits of '76 434 bees '75 329 tongue of '75 330 Italianizing bees. '73 316 Italian rye grass '69 195 description '71 112 Ives, L. H., article on country homes '74 284 Ivory Ball tomato described '87 83 Ivy, American '78 96 poison '78 96 Ixodes '78 444 bovis, description of '88 405 Jack pine '78, 103; '87,298; '85 77 lands '87 298 plains '88,144,171 bulletin on '88 £07 flora of '88,77,180 plants characteristic of '88 182 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 197 Year. Page. Jackson, Chas. L., obituary '81 34 County Agricultural Society, address by Chas. Fox '53 iil Rev. Elijah PUoher.. '56 556 report '53,427; '55,585; '56,515; '57,388; '64,238; '65,288; '66, 304; '68, 412; '69, 394; '70, 392; '72, 149. geology of '54 281 sorghum in , '84 312 expenditures of State Agricultural Society at '69 354 Prison, ill ventilation of '74 61 Question of locating fair permanently.. "68 387 State Fair at '69 311 tomato described '87 81 Jacobs, D. P., article on breeding swine '87 403 Jacque's rareripe discussed '58 289 Jamaican tree tomato ^ '87 73 James' keeping onion described. '87 96 Jamestown weed, hybridizing of '87 144 Japanese buckwheat '88 169 vegetables '77,5?; '79 196 Jarring for curoulio '88 223 Jarv6s& Hooper's superphosphate for wheat '78 161 Drill Phosphate, analysis of '88 248 Jaundice '67 262 Jaunegrosse lisse tomato described '87 83 long pepper described. '87 90 ronde grosse tomato described '87 82 JeddoInstitQte.... '81 216 Jefferson plum described '66 237 Thomas, improvement in plows by '84 112 Jelly, why it won't set ■- '83 203 Jennings, Prof. Robert, V.S., paper on horses' feet and limbs '79 125 milk fever '78 247 Jersey cattle and pleuro pneumonia , '87 388 article on, by M. L. Frink '80 222 at the Agr'l College '85 68 feeding experiment '84, 326; '85, 64; '87, 183, 183; '88, 142, 394 inventory of '76 24 butter record '80, 225,457 dairy records '87 372 discussed '76,280; '80 114 experiment in feeding '84, 326; '85, 64; '87, 163, 183; '88.142,394 milk of, compared with that of other breeds '78 179 yield of .— '80 225 Queen strawberry '85,133; '87 101 Red hogs '79 284 Sweet apple '70 289 Sweeting apple '56 219 Jewel strawberry '87 101 Jimson weed, hybridizing of '87 144 Jockeying horses, legal aspect of '83 304 in sheep sales '76 343 Johnson, Cuthbert W., article on clover and wheat '68 261 effect of dew on forests '67 201 grass, questions answered '85 181 Prof. Samuel, article on agriculture '88 43 practical '84 260 ensilage for dairy use '88 392 198 GENERAL INDEX OF Tear. Page, Johnson, Prof. Samuel, article on farm economy '83 237' milk prodnctlon '87 374 mixed husbandry '80 314 bulletin on feeding experiments '84, 326; '87,168,183 oats and potatoes '88 198 potato culture '85 167 potatoes and oats '88 198 warm water for cattle '88 267 wheat '86 237 and fertilizers '88 211 discussion on ensilage '87 379 atudentlabor '81, 79; '86, xxvii experiments with ensilage '81,69, 416 nitrogenous fertilizers '81 74 seede sown at different depths '83 41 wheat '81 75- (See also Johnson, Prof. Sam'l, bulletins.) report of '80, 60; '81, 53: '83, 33; '84, 32; '85, 59; '86, xxi; '87, 30; '88 27 upon by Agr'l Society committee. '80 394 S. W., article on clover '72 248 soil exhaustion and rotation '72 231 W. C, article on cultivating the plains '87 311 Johnstone, Mrs. Robt. F., article on agriculture in common schools '83 211 home work for women '84 310' Sec'y Robt. F., address before Calhoun County Society '54 431 Hillsdale County Society '55 567 death of '80 362 report of State Agr'l Society.... '67, 378; '68, 368; '69, 303; '70, 331; '79 391 wool growers and sheep breeders' association '79 417 resolutions on death of '80 393- Jointerplow '53 147 Joint meeting of societies at Agricultural College '78, 478; '79, 24, 418; '80, 31; '83 28 Joints of tile drains, how to treat '77, 231, 334 Joint worm '57 233 convention Jonas, Samuel, letter on management of straw... Jonathan apple, T. T. Lyon. Jones corn.. Morse W., paper on hogs Journal of farm operations Jucunda strawberry '70,427; '79,130; Judges at fairs '80, 363; experts one or three Judging horses, scale of points for Judson, C. H. donations by Juglandacete June berry... Juices of sorghum cane analyzed. June grass, description of '71, 108; '75, 397; for pasture questions about, answered Juniors at Agricultural College Junior exhibition program... '77, 24; '78, 43; Juniper, Irish note on Swedish '57 234 '59 290 '58 249 '78 375 '79 281 '63 46 '83 116 '81 315 '87 323 '81 603 '83 137 '85 81 '88 96 '78 96 '87 417 '87 389 '65 139 '85 181 '85 20 '80 24 '78 96 '85 138 '78 96 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 19 9' Year. Page. Kalamazoo Agricultural Convention '75 &IZ County Agricultural Society, address of Gen. Lewis Cass '50 369 F. W. Curtinlus.. '51 375 Hon. Edwin Lawrence '52 304 Hon. Joseph R. Williams '49 163 report—. '49,161; '50,359; '51, 365; '52,285; '64,649; '57,411; '58, 562; '59, 612; '64, 239; '65, 287; '66, 305; '69, 395; '71, 420; '74,- 263; '75, 503; '76, 583; '77, 633; '78, 593; '79, 468; '80, 456; '81, 813. geology of '54 372 premium farm '66 271 reportfrom. '64, 30, 42 sorghum In '84 313, fruit region '73 59 location of fair at '69 345 national horse exhibition i. '59 , 433 Kansas, experiments on potatoes '76 116 forestry in '88 121 rainbelt '88 336 Kaskasliia Indians '71 191 Kay, Rev. R. A., address before Lenawee county society '57 578 Kedzie, A. S., reply to questions of forestry aommlssion '88 115 Prof. Franks., article on butter substitutes .'. '84 189 chemistry in house keeping '83 199 national sugar bowl '80 144 sorghum suKar '81 239 Dr. R. C, analysis of cheese '67 145 fertilizers '86, 245; '87, 173; '88, 151 northern soils '78, 49, 389 article on. (See also Kedzie, Dr. R. C, bulletin on, etc.) agricultural capabilities of northern counties '78 386 ashes lor manure '85 175 a word about water '88 335 chemistry as related to agriculture '74,86; '80 265 Clawson wheat '77 341 climatic effects of forests '66, 3app.; '67 465 comparative food value of kinds of corn and mill stuffs '78 404 wheat '77 341 sound and diseased peaches '80 14* crop rotation and soil exhaustion '73, 213; '84 13S electrical conduction '75,236; '76 358 farm manures '76,350; '83 91 (See also articles on Ashes, Marl, Muck, Plaster and Salt.) ' fertilizer analyses "86, 245; '87, 173; '88 152 food value of sound or " yellows " peaches '80 149 forests affecting climate '66, 3app.; '67 465 green manuring '76 350 gypsum '75 256 healthy homes for farmers '77 338 illuminating oils '76 316 influence of forest trees '67 465 land plaster '75 256 lightning rods '75,236; '76 358 (See also articles on Ashes, Marl, Muck, Salt and Plaster.) manures for the farm '76,350; '83 91 marl '85 146 meteorology of Central Michigan '65 341 200 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page. Kedzie, Dr. K. C, article on muck '63,53; '75 224 nitrogen in plants. '81,379; '88 93 northern soils of Michigan analyzed '78, 49, 386 peaches with yellows aa an article of food '80 149 plaster '75 256 problem of the plains '87,317; '88 207 public health, relation of chemistry to... — '74 86 relations of agriculture to chemistry '80 265 chemistry to agriculture '74 86 relative food value of corn and mill stuffs '78 404 different wheats '77 341 sound and diseased peaches '£0 149 ripening of wheat •81,233; '85 121 rotation of crops '72,213; '84 133 salt in agriculture - '79 263 soil exhaustion -.. '72 213 soils of northern counties '78, 49, 386 soil temperatures.. '68,137; '85 128 sorghum '84 307 sources of nitrogen in plants '81,879; '86 93 swamp muck '63,53; '75 224 temperature of soils '68,137; '85 128 water, a word about '88 335 wheat, ripening of '81,233; '85 121 wheats, food value of different '77 341 yellows peaches as food '80 149 bulletin on amber cane '84 307 ashes for manure '85 175 fertilizer analyses '86, 245; '87, 173; '88 161 marl '85 146 pine plains '88 207 cheese analysis '67 145 clover experiments '68 131 compost experiments. '66 51 corn experiments '68 133 description of laboratory '71 8 experiments with clover "68 131 compost .!... '66 51 corn.... '68 133 soil temperatures '68, 137; '85 128 top dressing meadows '64 117 farmers' institutes proposed by. '75 73 fertilizers, report on '86, 245; '87, 173; '88 151 laboratory, description of '71 8 meteorological records '63, 73; '64, 247; '65,241, 255; '66, 323; '67, 489; '68, 443; '69, 497; '70,449; '71, 443; '72, 286; '73, 259; '74,323; '75, 517; '76, 595; '77,701; '78,613; '79, 481; '80,467; '81,619; '82,645; '83,461; '84,427; '85,267; '87,509; '88,555. meteorological records, 24 year's summary '88 581 meteorology of Central Michigan '65 241 outside work of '76 81 reportof department.... '63,51; '74,35; '75, 27; '76,80; '77, 25; '78,47; '80, 32; 81, 86; '83, 47; '84, 40; '85, 78; 86, xxxii; '87, 34; '88, 41, 149, report on climatic influence of forests '66,3app. resolution proposing farmers' institutes '75 73 soil analyses '78, 49,386 temperatures, experiments on '68, 137; '86 128 top-dressing meadows, experiments in '64 117 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 201 Tear. Page. Kedzle, Dr. R. C, weather observations. (See Kedzie, Dr. R. C, meteorological records.) work at Agricultural College '63,40; '78 25 Prof. Robert F., ai'ticle on analysis of milk from different breeds '78 173 composition of honey '76 428 signal service and agriculture '77 194 superphosphates for the farm '79 245 leaving Michigan '80 25 obituary notice of '81 33 Wm. K., experiments in seed soaking '69 190 obituary notice '81 32 Keeler, Mrs,, article on social culture '75 183 Keeney, A. J., report from Monroe county '64 51 Keeping farm accounts. (See also Farmers, bookkeeping for.) farming accounts, by Dr. M. L. Leach '77 191 ciualities of northern grown apples '69 462 quality of onions '81 125 Kelley, W. F., address at Berlin '81 200 Kellogg, Hon. Jno. R., remarks at dedication of college. '56 298 Kelsey, Mr. E. P., paper on wheat culture '80 131 Kenaston, 0. A., Secretary pro tern "63 5 Kent Co. Agr'l Society, address by Rev. S. S. N. (Sreeley '59 467 B. Prince '53 467 constitution '65 644 amendmentsto , '57 430 report '61, 361; '52, 319; '53, 459; '54, 569; '55, 619; '56, 669; '67, 430; '58, 571; '69, 442; '64, 240: '65, 287; '66, 306; '67, 480; '68, 414; '69, 396; '70, 392; '71, 420; '72, 47; '75, 508; 77, 687; '78, 600. description of '54 570 geology of _. '54 275 sorghum in '84 312 sheep, description of '69 298 Kentucky, advice against locating in '49 152 blue grass and June grass, identity of '77 150 description '65, 129; '71, 108; '75, 297; '87 289 questions answered '85 181 coffee' tree described '78 92 strawberry '85,132; '87 100 Kerosene and lard, remedy for ticks '88 407 dangerous '74 91 emulsion, experiments with '86, xxxviii; '87 41 for bark lice '84,90; '88 230 currant borer '88 294 how to make '86 138 notes on, by Prof. A. J. Cook u '87 4B4 oil,aTtiole by Dr. R. C. Kedzie '76 216 lamps, powder to prevent explosion of '81 87 Kerrycattie '57, 115; '79 108 pippin, described '56 219 Kew gardens, donation by '78 22 Keyes' tomato, described '87 81 Kidder, C. B., paper on farm drainage '79 118 Kidney iron ore '54 279 Kiegley, Mr. A., address at Berrien Center '83 81 Killing cherry birds '75 278 of apples in winter in Crawford Co '87 314 sheep by dogs- '83 287 Kilns for brlckmaking '87 463 86 203 GENERAL INDEX OF Tear. Page. Kimball, S. H., paper on iron-making in Detroit '53 325- Kind of farming that pays best, by (}eo. A. Smith '87 469 Kinds of hardwood used in manufactories '88 835 manures for market gardening '88 287 property destroyed by forest fires '88 lift timber, new uses for '88 83 trees to plant '88 232 King, A. Sidney, letter on manufactories '75 407 Humbert tomato, described '86,242; '87 77 of Tompkins Co. apple, described '71 130 Kingsley, Hon. James, address before Washtenaw Co. Society '52,513; '59 593 Kipp, Prest., inaugural address to State Agricultural Society '74 157 Kissing in Europe •. '69 213 Kitchen, chemistry of the, by F. S. Kedzie '83 199 department for Agricultural College. -. '81 206 furniture of Agricultural College farm house, detailed inyentory '76 41 garden for the farmer, by L. C. Lincoln '76 196 manure for '59 478 (See also Gai-den, articles on, etc.) Kittatiny blackberry, time of ripening '88 263 Knapper, Louis, bulletin on seed testing '84 317 florist '88 5 report of garden department- - '81 84 Knapp, Pres., on experiment station '83 30 Dr. S. A., paper on hedge fences ;- '85 264 S. O., orchards '65 16 Knight's early black cherry described '56 239 monarch pear described '56 228 Knots in trees, specimens of _ .' 75 386 Knowledge, application of, article "by Burke Spencer '76 238 for farmers '74 286 (See also Education for Farmers.) of forestry, value of '88 123 Krausbiatter tomato described '87 81 Kutz, Mrs, M. J., paper on boys and girls on the farm '- '79 73 Kyanized cordage. '50 139 Kyaniziug fence posts '76 292 Kyloe blood in cattle '69 13& Labels for commercial fertilizers '85 46 importance of at fairs - '79 457 of zinc '77 45 Labor and ca.pital, by Com'r 0. V. R. Pond '86 20 study, combination of at Agricultural College '74 71 (See also Labor Students.) article by Hayes, E, B., on farm '80 344 Pond, C. V. R., on capital and. '86 20 Russell, E, L. on thoughts about '88 456 (See also Labor, students at Agricultural College articles on.) assessment of, for roads, evils of system '80 306 children should be taught to do. '81 337 dignity of, questioned '50 353 farm, paper by E. B. Hayes '80 244 isitpaid toohigh? ....' '84 143 statistics of '86 27 food equivalent for '80 176 manual at Agr'l College. (See Labor, students', at Agr'l College.) on premium farm '67 350- MICHIGAN AGRICULTURA.L EEPOETS. 203 Tear. Page, Labor road, assessment o( '80 206 saving Implements at Agr'l College farm '68 10 skilled and unskilled igg 22 students', at Agr'l College (see also Manual labor and Student labor) '63, 93; '66, U; "68, 8; '71, 351, 361, 370; '72, 45; '77, 67, 414;' 78, 300; '81, 39, 373; '83, 36; '81, 27, 262; '88, 33. accounts of departments for '75, 15; '76, 13; '77, 13; '78, 12; '79, 12; '86, xv; '87, 11; '88, 13. advantage of '74 71 apportionment of '77 13 (See Labor, students', accounts of depts. for, above.) article by Abbot, Prest. i. C, on.... '72, 45; '74, 71, 98; '79, 182; '81, 39 Bailey, Prof. L. H., on educational features of '86, sxviii Fairohild, Prof. Geo. T '77 416 Geddes, Geo '72 278 Harris, Joseph '63 8 Johnson, Prof. Sam'l.. '81, 78; '83, 36; '84, 262; '68 83 Sheldon, Chas W '78 300 Williams, Prest. Joseph '56 307 "Willits, Prest. Edwin '87 500 costof '74, 73; '79 183 discussed 71,376; '81 78 educational '63, 49; '79, 183; '84, 27; '86, xxviii effect of, on students '64 110 expense of '74,73; '77 422 farm dept., report on '74, 31; '77, 81; '78, 122; '80, 64; '81, 78; '83, 36; '84, 262; '86, xxvli; '88, 33. garden dept., report on... '75, 39; '76, 98; '77, 65; '78, 110; '79 44 hours for '74,72; '85 37 howexpended '79 12 importance of '71 351 in 1859 '81 373 law regarding , '84 21 not to be all in one department '63 17 objects of '63 85 physical benefit of. '79 184 reform in '75 39 report of Agr'l Society committee on '80 395 routine of '85 7ft success of system '68,7; '71 361 to be changed periodically '63 17 wagesfor '69, 19; '71, 7; '85 39 committee on '85 39 Iowa Agr'l College '71 359 thoughts on, by E. L. Russell '88 456 Laboratories, to be in charge of faculty '85 39 Laboratory, agricultural '88 36 botanical, account of '80,42; '86, xliii chemical, description of '71 8 estimatesfor '70 46 entomological, notes from, by Prof. Cook '83 423 horticultural, description of. '88 37 Laborer, breaking contract, law of wages '83 299 Laborers, education for, advantages of '72 59 employed in lumbering '88 83 farm, English and Michigan compared '72 109 20i GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page. Laborers, farm, in France '69 213 law as to by Judge Parrish - '33 317 La Oauoasse currant discussed '58 223 Lachnosterna fusca, ill — '74 111 Ladd, E. P., orchards '73 ' 95 H., winter feeding of cattle for beef - '84 161 H. A. paper on soil exhaustion '86 73 Ladlea as students '70 12 at agricultural colleges^. '71 370 work for '74 67 sweet apple - '70 295 sweeting apple, by T. T. Lyon '58 243 described '66 332 what they can do with small fruits, paper on, by Mrs. J. G. Averill '84 206 Lady, definition of - '86 185 farmer's wife may be, paper by Mrs. E. W. Treat., '86 185 Lake City soil analyzed '78 392 county soil analyzed. _ '78 391 Society, report '76 586 E. R., paper on quality of timber as affected by rapidity of growth '88 335 work of '88 46 influence of, on temperature in cold winters '75 86 on climate '65 14 Michigan fruit belt '66 109 rocks - - '54 294 Fere Marquette and surroundings -_- '73 73 region, average grain crop '84 85 ridge, ancient -- '53 305 trout described '51 231 winds affleoting fruit belt '73 75 Lakes, dimension and elevation of great '55 284 Lamb feeding, experiments In '56 183 Lambing, time for '87 397 Lambs, care of '84 188 goitre in '78 383 ' treatment of '70 131 Lameness of horse, reasons and cure '79 240 Lamprey described '51 231 Lamps, explosion of '76 317 powder to prevent explosion of kerosene '81 87 Land abandoned in New England •. '83 267 cloveringof -' '79 330 condemnation for highway '83 313 deed to, what conveyed by _ '83, 395; '84, 136 donated to Agricultural College. (See Land Grant to Agricultural College.) experiment station '88 148 drainage. (See Drainage.) for forest area, cost of ,. '88 353 grants by monarchs '80 198 grants to railroads '86 32 etc., excessive '84 183 grant to Agricultural College from State '50 258 saltspring '85 34 swamp '62, 19; '66, 17; '85, 11, 40, 53 saleof '68,483; '85 40 United States. (See Agricultural College of Michigan, Land Grant from United States.) MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 205 Tear. Page. Land holders in England '50 396 in Mich., as affected by climate, hy John Waterberry '78 344 plaster, lecture on, by Dr. Kedzie '75 258 mannrial use of (see also plaster) '55 183 public, squandering of '84 138 , trespassers on, law regarding '88 131 removal of timber from when sold for taxes '88 135 restingof '73, 320; '80 317 sale of, what conveyed by deed '83,295; '84 126 sales of Agricultural OoUege. (See Agr'l College of Mich., Land Grant from U. S., sales.) sold for taxes, removal of timber from, law '88 135 Landreth, David, seeds tested L '81, 117, ISl Landreth's (Jolden ball onion '87 9& Landscape gardening, article by C. W. (Jarfield '76 174 cost of _ '76 182 money value of '76 177 Questionsin '75, 42; '77, 43; '78, 66 ; '85 76 report on, by Professor '75, 38; '85, 71; '87, 64; '88 36 rules for '86 62 synopsis of lectures on '85 76 value of '86 58 Langley, W. B., paper on corn culture '78 281 Language and literature, course in '85 91 department of, report of '87 48 ungrammatical '81 402 Languages, dead, why so prominent in college courses '84 255 Langworthy, A. W., report on Grand Traverse region '54 523 Lannln, Joseph, on the Ideal plum '88 297 Lanphere, A. T^ on lightning rods '75 245 Lansing and Saginaw railroad, described __ '55 P41- coudensed milk factory '87 38ft institute '76 326 meeting of State Agricultural Society '87 227 R. R., paper on Michigan coal fields '63 228 township, swamp lands in _ '85 40 Lapeer Co. Agr'l Society, report of '57, 477; '64, 41; '65. 288; '66, 308; '67,463; '68,416; '69, 397; '70, 393; '71, 421; '72, 149. forests '88 117 report on crops '69 113 statistics '53 479 institute '81 209 Larch, varieties of — '78 97 Lard and kerosene for ticks '88 407 Lard-like oil I '76 218 Large and smalls farms, paper by H. C. Hodge '84 130 early apricot described '56 233 early York peach described '56 231 discussed '58 268 flat tripoli onion described '87 98 globe tripoli '87 96 grains, selection of, for seed '77 128 Mexican onion described '87 95 red rareripe peach discussed '58 269 red tomato described '87 80 trees .. '88 78 bad for transplanting '76 194 white summer turnip radish '88 236 206 GENERAL INDEX OF Tear. Page. Large yellow tomato described '86, 243; '87, 83 Larne National Agricultural School '54 374 Late Crawford peach, time of ripening '88 358 fall sowing for Hessian fly '77 370 Ohio potato, notes on „ '83 39 or early hay cutting - '75 106 red rareripe peach. '56 333 sowing for Hessian fly '79 70 strawberry apple by T. T. Lyon _ '58 337 Later growth in pines stronger than earlier growth _ '88 335 Latest frosts in Crawford county '87 311 Lathes in workshop '85 88 Latin, why so prominent in college courses '84 255 Latitude and longitude of Agricultural College '78 118 effect of, on season of flowering.. '88 246 time of ripening of apples '88 246 Latta, N. P., paper on education of boys.. '83 208 W. C, paper on improved methods in garden '80 328 Lauraceas '88 95 Laurel family '88 95 oak '88 368 Law, Prof. James, article on cattle feeding '69 345 experiments on animals '81 270 Law about adulteration of milk '66 34app. Agricultural College '54, 6; '63, 125-, '72, 85, 295; '73, 8; '81, 180; "85, 34 bulletins '84, 307; '85,47 congressional "81, 23, 189; '85, 53 constitutional provisions '85 34 course of study.. '74 68 endowment of '81 189 establishing. '54 6 experiment station '83, 30; '84, 16; '87, 28 French '54 381 in full '85 34 lands in full '85 47 New York '54 356 reports '81, 23; '85, 42, 54 summary of '73 38 education in France '54 381 societies, local '56, 4; '67, 9 incorporation of '54,3; '66, 36 app- reports of '85 293 support of '68 484 society. State '76,523; '78,500 aid for '50,243; '53, 3; '57, 6 incorporation of. '49, 31; '57, 5 agriculture '57,5; '66, 33 app.; '68, 455 discussed '73 154 for encouragement of '57 5 report of Board of '81,33; '85,43,54 animals at large in highway '66, 37 app., 43 app.; '77, 168 barrels for packing fruit, size of '68 456 Board of Agriculture '86 35 reports '85 43 bounty on sorghum sugar '8.5, 44; '87,21 butter substitutes '84. 172 cattle at large in highway '66, 37 app., 43 app.; '77, 158 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 207 '80 104 68 457 '58 9 68 458 68 465 87 38 81 126 83 285 86 17 '83 319 '86 247 '88 3^6 '88 70 Tear. Page. Law about cattle, contagious dieeasea of '65,178; '68,455; '80,93,100; '88,425 sheds '80 104 commercial fertilizers, inspection of '85,46; '86,245 construction of highways '87 35 contagious diseases '65,178; '68,455; '80,93,100; '88,435 cow sheds _ cranberry marshes, trespass on diseases. (See Law about contagions diseases.) ditches. (See also Law about drainage) .- drainage of swamps '66, 41-43 app.; experiment station '83, 30; '84, 16; farm, article on by Geo. E. Breck Judge Parrish Tennant products, sale of fertilizers, inspection of '85, 46; flresin forests forestry commission '88 forests '88, 103, 112, 129, 354 B. E. Fernowon '88 354 preventing fires in '88 335 French agricultural education '54 fruitgrowers, protection of '69 packages, size of '68 protection of '68, 486; '69 highways '.58, 9; '83 animals at large in '66, 37 app., 43 app.; '77 article by Judge Parrish '83 construction of '87 improvements needed in '84 in full '58 S tree planting on '66, 38 app, incorporation of agricultural societies -• '64, 3; '66, 36 app State Agricultural Society '49, 31; Independent Forestry Commission inspection of commercial fertilizers '85, 46; land grant to Agricultural College live stock at large '66, 37 app., 43 app.; Live Stock Sanitary Commission milk adulteration ., '66, 34 app. New York Agricultural College nuisances - oleomargarine orchards, protection of '68, 486; '69, ornamentallplants, protection of. packages for fruit, size of planting trees on the roadside prevention of forest fires - prohibiting stock from running at .large '66, 37 app., 43 app.; protection of fruitgrowers — orchards ornamental trees and plants... vineyards - reports of Agricultural College '81, 33; societies Board of Agriculture roads. (See Law about highways.) 381 443 466 461 308 158 308 351 104 '57 5 '88 70 '86 247 '85 47 '77 158 '88 423 6,34 app. '54 356 6.38 app. '84 173 9, 442, 451 '54 10 '68 456 6,38 app. '88 326 '77 168 '69 443 '69 451 '64 10 '68 485 85, 43,54 •85 293 '85 43 208 GENERAL INDEX OF Tear. Page. Law about roadside tree planting. '66,38 app. saleof farm products '83 319 State swamp lands '68 483 Sanitary Commission '88 423 size of fruit packages '68 456 sorghum sugar bounty. '85,44; '87 21 State Agricultural College. (See Law about Agricultural College.) Society. (See Law about Agricultural Society, State.) Board of Agriculture. (See Law about Board of Agriculture.) Forestry Commission '88 70 Live Stock Sanitary Commission '88 423 swamplands, sale .of '68 483 stock at large in the highway '68, 37 app.; 43 app.; '77 158 substitutes for butter '84 172 sugar bounty.... '85,44; '87 21 swamp lauds, drainage of '66, 40-42 app.; '68 465 saleof. State..'. '68 483. tree planting on roadside '66; 38 app- protection '54, 10; '69 451 trespass on cranberry marshes '68 457 vineyards '68 485^ congressional about Agricultural College '85 53 reports '81,23; '85 54 farm, article by George E. Breok 'M 126- Judge Tennant '86 17 series of lectures on by Judge Parrish , '83 285 French, about agricultural education '54 381 Prof. James, article on cattle feeding '69 245 experiments on animals '81 270- incorporating agricultural societies. (See Law about incorporation of, etc.) of correlation in parts '72 193^ the farm. (See Law, Farm.) of the road '83 308 Lawes & Gilbert, experiment on food rAations to animals '67 229 sources of animal fat '67 211 lecture on investigations of '84 65 opinion on size of experimental plat '71 303 J. B., paper on chemistry and economy of pig feeding '58 379 Lawful fence, what constitutes '83 313 Lawn about house, care of, by James Satterlee '84 219 at Agricultural College '75, 45; '76, 108; '78 80 comments on, by C. W. Garfield '76 179 grass, best kinds of '83 110' Central Park mixture '85 154 Chicago Park mixture '85 153 D. M. Ferry's mixture '85 153 Flint's mixture '85 153 from Sibley '85 154 oatssown with '84 219 seed analyzed '85 151 what is it? '87 146 making, bulletin on '85 151 manure for _ '84 220 preparation of soil for '85 155 Lawrence, Clark, article on farm fences '84 109 Hon. Edwin, address at Ingham Co. fair '59 409 Kalamazoo Co. fair '62 304 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 209 Year. Page, Lawrence pear, described '68 263 Lawrenoe'B Favorite plum, described _ '58 237 Lawton blackberry '79, 131; '83 118 time of ripening '88 261 Geo. W., list of market apples by '87 156 Lawyer, every man Ms own , '86 17 Lawyers and farmers, comparative influence '84 258 In Congress '80 258 Layerage for multiplication of plants... '37 431 Layering of potatotops '74 49 Laying out a gardenl. '80 229 an orchard '71,134; '77 265 tile '83 283 to grade, method of '88 436 Leach, Dr. M. L., on farmer's accounts _ '77 191 Leached ashes as manure '83 99 forwheat '75,201; '77 125 manurlal value of ' '63,63; '85 175 Leaching of exposed manures '52 162 fertility by drains '84 274 Leading object of Agricultural College '85 .50 Lead pipes for carrying drinking water '53 275 Leaf beetle, strawberry, paper by Prof. A. J. Cook '80 273 Leaf rollers, experiments '78 63 perfect remedy for '86 135 strawberry '83 438 Learning for farmers (see also Farmers, Education for) paper by Mrs. J. C. Wilson '86 193 Leasehold farmers '57 377 Leases for booths. State Fair '85 207 Least fall for open drains '83 270 Leather wood '78 97 Leaves, feeding with soup '79 193 function of- '72 248 when green '87 280 period of falling. '87 119 sleep of '86 80 Leaving the farm, why do boys do it ? '79 204 Lecture on agricultural observations, by J. H. Gilbert '84 65 Lectures at College, subjects of '76 77 before College societies '84 18 by faculty members, subjects '74 26 Wednesday afternoon '75, 24 winteroourse proposed '67 287 Lectureship on agriculture, in University '53 444 Leek described '87 94 Leelanaw Co. Agricultural Society report '68, 416; '71 422 orchards -. _. '73 90 Legal advice to farmers, by Judge Parrish '83 285 W. S. Tennant '86 17 protection of orchards '69 441 rights of farmer's wife '83 310 test oil discussed '76 216 Leghorn fowls, description of _ '77 207 Legislation aflEecting College. (See Law about Agricultural College.) against spread of cattle diseases. (See Law about contagious diseases.) control of '72 114 for preservation of forests '88, 103,113. 27 310 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page, Legislation proper basis of forestry, by Hon. B. E. Fernow '88 354 to prevent forest flres, by A. Hill '88 325 Legislative aid to Agricultural College '87, 20; '88 23 State Agricultural Society '50, 243; '53, 3; '57 6 Legislators, educated '75 373 Legislature, act to establish agricultural school.. .j- '50 258 address before, by Pres. T. C.Abbot '74 64 Dr. R. C. Kedzie '74 86 introduction of forestry bill into '88 308 memorial to for Agricultural College '50 52 Legitimate use of money in forestry '88 137 Legs and feet of horses '57 186 of bull, points of '59 190 hymenopterous insects, morphology of, Prof. Cook... '67 442 Legumes for manuring , _ '76 356 LeguminosEe, absence of on pine plains '88 184 family '86 77 trees and shrubs in Michigan '88 88 Leicester Longhorn cattle described '57 115 Leicesters, Devons and Herfords compared for feeding _. '58 322 Leicester sheep _ '69 292 by J. Shearer '51 150 Judge.W. W.Stickney '81 293 described '56 168 effectof on wool market _ '68 401 Leicestershire swine '64 175 Leipsic model farm described _ '53 189 Lenawee Co. Agr'l Society, address by Baxter, B. L '57 464 Bemis, Horace '49 200 Patterson, Dr. M. A '50 417 Snow, Fielder S '52 340 constitution '49 191 report-— '49, 191; '60, 403; '51, 305; '52, 325; '58, 507; '54, 581; '57, 454; '65, 288; '67, 462. analysis of marl from '85 146 sorghumin _ _ _ '84 313 Length of parsnip roots '74 52 rotations '77 411 Lenoir grapes. '56 343 Lepidoptera '57 227 Leptoglossus phyllopus -. '87 440 Leslie institute -. 'SI 199 Lessiter, John, article on feeding stock '75 183 report of department at State Pair '87,205; '88 494 on College '83,28,381 Lesson of the season, paper by O. R. Pattengell '84 141 Lessons on growing forest trees ..- '86 250 Lester's perfected tomato described '86, 241; '87 86 Letter from Joseph Harris, regarding experiments '74 83 India l ._ '85 5 C. O. Thompson on technical education '85 19 Let the secret out, poem by Mrs. L. E. Cannon '86 184 Lettuce, best kind '85 137 Leucania unipuncta, ill ._ '75 278 Leveling for drain line '77 234 Lewie, Geo. F., a scold at the recreant citizen '78 312 our duty, shall we perform it? '77 253 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 211 Year. Page. lilabillty for damage by beasts '83 301 sheep killed by dogs '83 287 Liberal education '77 364 Liberty, American, contrasted wltb oppression '60 374 Librarian's report '73, 48o; '74, 56; '75, 32; '76, 86; '77, 29; '78, 54; '79, 28; '80, 74; '81, 163; '83, 72; '84,29,57; '85, 93; '86, Ixix; '87, 54; '88, 63. Library, Agr'l College accounts '75, 14; '76, 89; '77, 11; '78, 11; '79, 10; '80, 10; '81 163 court reports for '85 45 donations to (see also Librarian's Report) '87 55 exchange list of '87 60 hours open '83 78 In charge of faculty '85 39 public documents for '85 45 U. S. statutes for '85 45 value of '62 14 Society, donation of '63 25 law for. '52 10 public documents for '57 7 building sewer to '83 65 In house '76 381 Licensed commercial fertilizers '86 248 License for sale of commercial fertilizers '85,46; '86,245; '87 173 Lice on bar]£ of trees, remedy for '85 174 cattle, treatment of '58 277 domestic animals, article by Prof Cook, illustrated '76, 162; '78 441 fowls '. '77 208 scale, remedies for '85 174 Llebig on plaster '75 261 superphosphates '67 407 Liebig's mineral theory of exhaustion '72 217 manures '74 88 Life, duration of,in Michigan '72 124 farm,paperby Chas. Bauer '61 323 Bela Hubbard '50 215 D. M. Orr '83 232 Mrs. J. J. Sumner '84 316 home, paper by Prof. E. J. MacEwan '81 393 Mrs. Millard '80 119 membership tickets '78 580 discussion upon '77 651 objections to .,. '81 603 Light, effect on plants '57 326 soils, amber cane for.. '84 308 clover and plaster for. .- '86 74 cultivation of, article by Gfeddes, David '86 65 Hall, C. L '86 70 Miles, Dr. Manly. '87 325 VanBuskirk, J '88 380 discussed '86,72,221 rotation of crops for '88 381 summer fallow hurtful to .., '77 123 Lightning rods. Cold water Republican on '75 245 for farmers, by B. C. Kedzle '75 236 report on '76 82 Lights and shadows of home lite, by Mrs. Millard '8C 119 LUac '78 97 Lima bean raising ^ '53 153 313 GENERAL INDEX OF Tear. Page. Limlaer-twig apple, time of ripening ._. '88 355 Lime, air slacked for land '50 293 as manure -. '55, 186; '83 100 .bog, formations of in Michigan '53 298 deposits - '73 104 dust for curculio '88,22-1,294 effect on germination '87 127 for chickens.-. '66 228 codling moths '76 215 curculio '88, 224, 294 smut '77 146 gas for insects. '88 138 in soils... '87 331 necessary to plants '66 215 plants, grasses '58 547 rock of Michigan '53 289 stone deposits '53,289; '73 104 of Lake Huron '64 297 Little Traverse bay : '54 300 value of powdered, for land '85 148 superphosphate of '79 249 superphosphates, report on '67 407 water, how affecting germination '88 244 Limit of property of State Agricultural Society '78,479; '79 294 Lincoln, L. C, article on gardening for farmers '76 194 Lincoln sheep, essay on '75 89 Lincolnshire sheep, by Judge W. W. Stickney '81 293 description of '69 284 swine '64 175 wool '69 284 Linden family '88 85 orbasswood for planting '88 233 tree described '78 97 in college aboretum '79 189 Linderman, A. T., article on test garden '70 833 H. J., letter on peach yellows '80 161 Llnebreeding '81,278; '83 832 and value of pedigrees, paper by A. F. Wood '81 261 Lines, boundary '83 303 Linnffius, distinction between natural kingdoms , '51 269 Linseed meal, value for manure after feeding '87 332 Liquid manures, constitution of.. '55 173 importance of saving '68 548 prize essay, by Chas. Betts '53 165 taxed... '69 477 value '76 235 compared with solid '72 273 Liquids, value of for drinking... '80 187 Liquor at State fair '76,696; '88,866; '85,194; '88 481 diagram showing relative expense '84 283 manufacture from beet roots '69 226 physiological effects of, by Prof. A. J. Cook... '84 283 List of apples for home and market '88 303 use '84 198 byE. H.Scott.. '83 119 Western New York '70 283 pomologicai society '70 278 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 213 Tear. '70 '88 List of apples recommended time of ripening bulletins complete crops of farm department forest products at the centennial fruits and ornamental shrubs for Michigan, by T. T. Lyon West Michigan '68, 430; grapes, Mr. Bradfleld for glass culture grasses for the north market peaches '83,111; '86,131; members of State Board of Agriculture '73, 15: '74, 3; '75, 3; '80, 3; '81, 3; 83, 3; 'I '85, 4; '86, iv.; '87, 4; '88, 4. officers of Agricultural College '86, v; '87,5; peaches. (See list of market peaches.) pears for home use -. 100 trees, T. T. Lyon premiums at State Fair '73, 174; '74, 229; '75, 417; '76, 493; '77, 627; '78, 534; '79, 370 '81, 571; '83, 393; '84, 396; '85, 232; '86, 263; '87, 233; '88, 520. questions sent to northern counties southern counties of Michigan supervisors species in Agricultural College Botanic garden strawberries to plant trees and shrubs in Michigan Litchfield Union Agricultural Society Report. '83,456; '85, ! Literary discipline, paper by George Howell Literature, Agriculture in, article by Prof . Fairchild for fruit growers , reportof department of, at Ag'l College.... '74,35; '75,30; '76,83; '77,28; "78,36,53; '80, 73; '81, 160; '83, 69; '84, 55; '85, 91; '86, Ixiii; '87, 48; '88, 53. Litigation, advice against _ '86 Little, Albert, premium corn crop '78 Hon. C. D., opening address at Saginaw '77 Sec'y Frank, Kalamazoo Co., report by.... '57, 411; 58, 563; '69, 613; '64, 30; '66, 306; '74, 2f 503; '76, 582; '77, 683; '78, 593; '79, 468; '80, 456; '81, 613. Mich. Ass'n of Agricultural Societies, report '77,647; '78,573; '79 on agricultural fairs '81,604; '83 paper on wheat culture '77 Gem tomato described '87 Traverse Bay region, geology of '54 Turk (see also Curculio) '75 272 246 197 33 440 102 199 444 354 219 382 302 '84, 3- Llttlejohn, Hon. F. J., address before Kent Co. Agr'l Society Livingston Co. Society Live stock. (See also, cattle, sheep, etc., stock, breeds, etc.) article by Ball, Wm., on how to improve Cook, Prof. A. J., on parasites on Fraser, Juo. T., "V. S., on care of ." Grange, E. A. A., V. 8., on diseases of reproduction in Hale, W. E., on improved breeds, value of Hibbard, J. W., on improved for farmers Hooper, Mr., on raising Ingersoll, Prof. Chas. L., on relation of to farm. what to keep Potter, Rev. L. B., on making profitable '70 '55 '79 '78 '79 '88 '83 '83 '87 '70 '76 '75 '76 320 360 iO, 416; 114 108 103 140 116 85 507 326 318 319 '79, 26. 17 599 199 i2; '75, 449 333 428 83 391 94 306 667 166 438 60 415 131 137 366 125 383 300 333 214 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page. Livestock, article by Scott, M. W., on lieeping '87 362 Sotham, T. F., on breeding and care of '84 154 Taylor, J. E., on value of pure bred '81 257 Woodruff, A, M., on profit of purebred '83 130 at Agricultural College. (See also Agricultural College of Michigan.). '68, 13; '76 23 '81, 57 State Fair, rules for. fSee also State Fair.) '73,168,171; '76 487 breeding and care of, paper, on by T. F. Sotbam '84 154 care of, by John T. Fraser, V. S... '79 60 contagious diseases in. Dr. E. A. A. Grange '88 415 continuous growth of, important - '81 289 farm, by Prof. C. L.Ingersoll- '76 382 feeding well or ill, economy of '76 335 growth of, should be kept continuous '81 289 Improved for farmers, by Jas. Hibbard '87 366 profit of, by A. N. Woodruff '83 130 valueof, by W. B. Hale '83 137 J.E.Taylor '81 257 Improvement of, by Wm. Ball '79 166 parasites on, A. J. Cook '78 438 profitable, how to make, L. B. Potter '76 333 profit of thoroughbred, by A. N. Woodruff '83 130 pure bred, value of , by J. E. Taylor '81 257 raising, by Mr. Hooper '70 125 ration for '78 415 relation of to farm, by Prof. C. L.Ingersoll '76 382' reproduction in domestic, paper by Dr. E. A. A. Grange. -. '83 121 Sanitary Commission '88 421 laws of Michigan '88 422 thoroughbred for profit, paper by A N.Woodruff '83 130 value of improved breeds, by W. E. Hale '83 127 J.E.Taylor '81 257 in general farming '88 440 U. S '75 300 waterfor '76 308 what to keep, by Prof. C. L. Ingersoll '75 300 weight per cwt. of beef '78 467 Living, cost of in Michigan '72 123 Livingston Co. Agricultural Society, address of Hon. F. J. Littlejohn '55 667 constitution. '63 483 report '52, 357; '53, 483; 54, 593; 55, 655; '66, 589; '65, 290; '66, 308; '67, 463; '69, 399; '70, 395; '71, 423. Livingston's Beauty tomato described '86, 241; '87 86 Favorite tomato described '86,240; '87 84 Perfection tomato described '86,241; '87 85 Load of logs, largest ever drawn '88 81 Local agricultural societies, laws of incorporation '54, 3; '56, 4; '57, 9; '66, 36 app. of Michigan, list of '78,583; '79 454 society reports.... '49,129; '60,261; '61,287; '62,203; '63,361; '54,407; '55,432; '66,329; '57, 299; '68, 481; '59, 331; '64, 227; '65, 275; '66, 273; '67, 265; '68, 393; '69, 364; '70, 363". '71.401; '72,133; '73,243; '74,258; '75,496; '76,572; '77, 647; '78, 571; '79, 445; '80, 461 ' '81, 600; '83, 451; '84, 425; '85, 258; '86, 394; '87, 260, 506; '88, 562. society reports when needed. '85 293 rates on railroads ■- '80 328 Location for raising fruit '88 285 of Agricultural College '64,343,404; '56,296; '73, 35; '78, 20, 118 by latitude and longitude '78 118 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 215 Year. Page. Location o( Agricultural College, history of '54, 40i; '81,368 lands '85 49 expenses of, how paid '85 51 sites offered for '54 404 apiary '75 341 fairs discussed '81 315 fair. State. (See Location of State Fair.) home '84 218 house '76 378 orchards '70, 420; '71, 132; '76, 386; '78, 171; '88, 285 roads '86 151 State Fair. '68, 385; '69, 341; '73, 161; '74, 197; '77, 460; '81, 315; '85, 27, 195; '86, 256; '87, 189; '88, 508 permanent.... '69,341; '81, 315; '85, 27, 195 at Detroit '88 508' offers for '86 256 f reasons against '77 469 remarks of Pres't Chamberlain on '87 189 vote on '86 256 Locke on education '75 267 LockWQod, Mrs. E. L., on making butter from 40 cows '88 401 Lieut. Jno. A., appointment to Agricultural College '84 18 report of '85,98; '86, Ixvil; '87,53 Locomotives on farms '77 293 setting Are to forests '88, US, 326 spark arresters on '88 357 Locust, seven year, account of '68 165 varieties of ». '78 97 Lodeman, B. G., instructor in languages '88 5 Logan grape discussed '58 218 Log-houses, beauty of '76 222 Logging roads in Michigan '88 81 Logs cut for market '88 84 for lumber, cutting and removing of. '88 79 largest load of , ever drawn '88 81 LoUium Italicnm, description of _. '71 112 perenne '71 112 Lomas, W.P., article on draught horses '52 131 Lombard plum described '58 236 Lombardy poplar '78,104; '85 140 for wind-break - '88 334 London Purple as an insecticide '80, 277; '81, 247; '85, 173; 86, 134; '87, 41, 172, 451; '88, 217, 2S0 danger of use_ '81 247 for codling moth. (See L. P. as an insecticide.) X Hyperchiria lo '88 230 Long, (Jeo. W., obituary notice '81 33 Horn Leicester cattle described '57 114 Island market gardens '87 346 keeping apples, paper by Benj. Hathaway '78 362 or short rotations '77 411 peppers described '87 90 red pepper described '87 91 shepherd radish '88 238 timber, cutting of '88 81 white Vienna radish '88 236 wooled sheep '86,177; '65 61 article on by Seo'y Sanford Howard '89 281 essay on, by Wm. Gumming- '75 89 316 GENERAL INDEX OF Y ear. Page. Long yellow cayenne pepper described _ '87 90 French pepper described '87 90 Longevity o£ trees - '50 383 Longfellow, improved strawberry .__ _. '87 100 Longworth's prolific strawberry discussed '58 220 Longyear, Ephraim, report as treasurer '72, 23; '73, 27: '74, 12; '75, 8; '76, 8; '77, 8; '79, 8; '80 8 '81, 8; '83, 8; '84, 8; '86, 7. Loomla, Prof., on lightning rods '75 254 Lord strawberry, notes on -. '85 132 Loss by fire in the United States '88 329 forest fires... '88 328 from bad hay making '67 188 cutting hay too early or too late '67 197 under-fed animals '86 45 wasting manures - '87 332 of cattle by disease k '65 184 or gain in weight while feeding on ensilage '85 116 Losses and imperfections on the farm, by E. B. Hayes '83 261 Lothrop, Hon. E. H., address to State A gricultural Society '49 93 Lotus in botanic garden '84 46 Louise Bonne de Jersey pear described '56,226; '58,265; '88 297 Lound, Thomas, article on root crops in Crawford county '87 303 Lease affecting maple trees '88 230 family, by Prof. A. J. Cook '78 442 Love, &. W., article on small fruits '87 310 Low, David, letter on agricultural education — '54 376 Prof., on short-horn cattle '69 121 Lower strawberry '87 100 Lubricators for farm implements '75 152 Luce, A. A., reply of, to questions of forestry commission '88 110 Cyrus G., remarks at Bancroft institute "87 270 joint meeting at Agricultural College '79 416 on Agricultural College , '76,222; '83 29 Luck in farming : '49 165 Lumber business of Detroit '53 261 camp, a '88 83 consumption of, for fences '79 99 cutting and removing logs for '88 79 destruction of '71 244 interests of Michigan... '73,121; '88, 79, 307 Saginaw county '56,827; '77 271 prices of , in different years '88 84 product in Michigan ^ '88 307 trade journals, clippings from '88 84 Lumbering in Michigan '88 79 laborers employed in _ '88 83 Lumbermen, names of pine trees as known to '88 79 Lunar influences, belief in '69 362 Lung plague of cattle '80 95 Lupin, yellow, for green manuring '81 73 Luster wool '69 286 Lycopersicum esouientum, synopsis of '87 76 pimpinellifolium '86 243 synopsis of __ '87 74 Lyman Seed Co.'s seed tested '78 75 Lynx hybrid sorghum.. _ '81 331 Lyon, T. T., best apples for market '87 156 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. ^17 Tear. Page. Lyon, T. T., 'best apples for one thousand trees '58 251 sis kinds for 100 trees '58 336 twelve kinds for 100 trees '58 241 peaches for Mich, use '58 267 pears for family use '58 257 fruit catalogue by '56 199 letter on peach yellows - '80 151 nurseries... '73 58 on pruning '88 301 timber destruction as affecting temperature '78 210 reply of , to questions of forest commission - '88 110 report as delegate to American Pomological Society _ '58 205 on forest destruction '66, 1 app. horticultural exhibits '58 75 Lytta attrata, ill '74 131 cinerea, 111 '74 121 Macadamized roads -. '71,271; '75 113 description of preparation '76 39? MacEwan, Prof. E. J., paper on books and reading '80 321 home life '81 333 horse, the ideal farm '83 131 how shall boys be kept on farm '81 406 making a public speech '84 237 report of '80, 73; '81, 160; '83, 69; '84, 55; '85, 91; '86, Ixiii; '87, 48; '88 52 Machinery, brick making '87 465 ditching '79 122 farm, article on, by Prof. R. C. Carpenter '75 148 careof '81,310; '83 263 cost of using -- '75 155 improved '66 259 MoCormiok's harvesting '51 156 neglectof '81,310; '83 263 value of, in U. S '76 148 forces utilized by '75 141 for sorghum manufacturing '81 243 in Agricultural College shops '85 89 report on, at State Fair '87 207 supplanting manual labor '66 259 tile making- '55,162; '70 431 Mackinac County Economic 'Geology, article on '73 103 Mackinaw, apples at '69 461 Macomb County Agricultural Society, addreps by Hon. B. P. Eldrldge '50 447 constitution of *50 439 report of '50, 439; -51, 407; '53, 39); '53, 527; '55, 679; '56, 621; '58, 580; '59, 487; '64, 240; '65, 391; '66, 309; '68. 417; '69, 400; '70, 396; '73, 151; '75, 508. rules '58 580 report '64,48; '69 114 sorghum in '84 314 statistics of '50, app. 104 Institute '81 310 Maorodactylus subspinosus, ill '74 145 Macroslla quinquemaculata, ill - '74 116 Mac Vicar, Dr. J. G., on quantity of nitrogen in soil '59 311 Madder family '88 93 Madeline pear described — '56 224 Madras Agricultural College, letter from '85 5 318 GENERAL INDEX OF ' Year, Page, Magazines in college library '88 65- Maggie strawberry _ '87 100 Magnesia in soils --- '87 322 manures, effect at Rotbamsted '84 72 Magnesinm for plants.- -. '83 9S Magnolia - -— '78 98 Magnoliaoeae '88 85 Magnolia, Michigan climate upon '86 250 Maiden bair tree... - '78 98 Maiden's blusb, apple. '70 288- Maine, forestry in '88 118 Main entrance to College grounds '76 71 Maintaining soil fertility without live stock, paper by Hiram Andrews '80 208 Maintenance of country roads '71 263 highways '87 348 Maize (see also Corn), article on, by Dr, W. J. Beal '80 279 culture of, by J. F. Chubb '50 205 Arthur Hayden '75 160 chemical composition of '72 334 Making a public speech, article by Prof. E. J. MacBwan '84 237 butter from forty cows, by Mrs. E. L. Lockwood '88 401 roads, article on '75 107 up back studies '73 8 Maladle Du Co'it, bulletin on '87 180 Malaria from out flowers '78 269 Malayponltry discussed '51 155 Male bark lice '83 431 Malicious injury and destruction of personal property '88 130 Mallophora Orcina '87 442 Mallory, C, F., report by '64 48 Malthus' theory versus Agricultural chemistry '80 268 Malt sprouts, value for manure after feeding '87 332 Mammoth clover '86 89 cluster raspberry '76, 307; '83, 118 Pompei onion '87 98 zitta onion... '87 96 trauban tomato described '87 84 Management and breeding of cattle, by E, Mason '57 101 shorthorns, by I rauois Talant '53 273 ofbees, by H. D. Cutting '84 190 cattle before breeding '59 163 while breeding '59 199 cows after breeding '59 205 dairy. '81,281; '88,401 farms, economy in, by Secretary Baird '77 393 Frank A. Gulley '79 237 farm wood lot, by A. C. Glidden '88 347 Benjamin Hathaway '88 319 forests in America and Europe '88 133 Southern Michigan '88 73 orchards, by B. G. English '84 198 B. Hathaway '71 123 permanent pastures '77 171 poultry.. '66 225 swine, paper by Henry B. Wells '78 361 the dairy, paper by Mrs. Albert Granger '81 281 Manchester Institute. '79,93; '84,95- MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 219 Year. Page. Manchester strawberry '83, 116; '84, 205; '87, 101 notes on '85 132 Mange in cattle, remedy for '88 408 Mangel wurzels, culture of, article on '74 291 value of, for manure after feeding '87 832 Mangolds (mangel wurzels), analysis of ^ '59 276 Manistee city gardens '73 81 county agricultural society report '71, 423; '77, 688; '80, 463; '85, 262; '87, 261; '88, 554 fruit region '73 80 lake '73 80 Manitoba, average grain crop of '84 86 yield of crops '84 86 Mann, Horace, on professors '80 321 S. B., essay on Alden fruit drying '76 270 report as cattle commissioner '80,85; '81,425 Manny's reaper and mower '54 225 Manual labor, (See also Labor, students' at Agr'l College, and Students' labor.) at Iowa Agricultural College - '71 359 inlndustrlal education '77 414 schools '71 361 why failing '78 425 operations, tralulngln '80, 19, 21 training, by Pro£ McLouth '87 339 Hon. Wm. L.Webber '87 341 for boys and girls, Dr. Mary E. Green '87 478 reasonfor '72 59 schools, construction orlnstruotion at '86 lix visit to '86 Iv Manufactured and agricultural products compared '84 294 butter, article upon, by I. T. Sayre '84 177 Manufacture of cheese '57 141 lumber in Michigan '88 307 maple sugar - '88 343 potato starch '53 157 sorghum sugar, bounty on '87 21 sugar, article by Hon. Enos Groodrioh.. '83 245 byfarmers '81,241; '88 343 Manufacturers, experimentation by '83 258 Manufactures at State Fair, report on '87,210; '88 496 Manufacturing and agricultural profits compared '76 236 Manure, analysis of '55,174; '72 225 ashes - '85 178 as a test - '71 306 commercial fertilizers '85,46; '86,245: '87,173; '88,151 discussed '74 89 marls '85 146 and feed '76 384 marJiet gardening, by Prof. L. H.. Bailey '88 286 potatoes ''^8 161 apple orchards and '69,443; '73,48; '76,242 application of, article on, by J. A. Paton '75 134 by Sanford Howard '57 47 experiments in '61,117; '65,235; '66,55,57; '68,99,122; '69,73; '70,93; '71, 346; '73, 123. article by Abrams, D. W '77 155 A ndrews, Hiram, on green '80 208 Bailey, Prof. L. H., on supply of, for gardening '88 286 220 GENERAL INDEX OF Tear. Page. Manure, article by Betts, Chae '53,160; '78 291 Everahed, Henry, on coarse fodder for '59 265 Fisk, Prof. L. R., on philosophy of '58 535 Geddes, David, on sandy soils and '86 67 Gillette, J. H., on farm '79 160 Howard, Sanford, on saving '57 47 Kedzie, Dr. E. 0., on analysis of fertilizers '86,245; '87,173; 88,151 ashes for '85 175 onfarm '83 91 green '76,350; '83 96 marl '85 146 muckas '63,53; '75 224 plaster (gypsum) , '75 256 salt '79 263 Prof. Robt. F., on commercial '79 245 Mason, Edward '55 169 Miles, Dr. Manly, on green '87 329 Paton, J. A., on application of '75 134 Satterlee, A. C, on coarse fodder for ._ '76 183 Schuyler, W.R '67 407 ashes, value of, as - '85 175 coarse fodder for '59,265; '76,183 commercial, analysis of 85, 46; '86,245; '87,173; '88,151 article on, by Prof . R. F. Kedzie '79 245 cost of '79 260 composting of '63, 62; '75, 134; '78,295; '83, 95 how done '63,51,61; '66,51; '75,47,236; '78,294 increased value from '58, 550; '83, 95 conveyed with land by title deed , '83 296 corn treated with '68 133 cost of commercial '79 250 discussion about '50,292; '79,163 orchards and '76 243 effects of different kinds, Lawes and Gilbert '84, 67, 72 experiments '63, 67 ; '66, 55 ; '67,53; '68.109; '69,81,93; '70,102,107; '73,123,127; '81,74 as to application of.. '64, 117; '65, 235; '66, 57; '68, 99; '69, '73; '70, 93; '71, 346; '73, 123 volatile constituents of '66 51 by Lawes & Gilbert '84, 67, 70, 72 on apple orchard '73 48 corn '68 133 grass lands. '65,235; '87,292 potatoes '78 161 root crops '68 109 summaryof '73 127 farm supply of '79 230 yard '76,392; '78,295; '84,70 comparative effect of '84 70 feed affecting value of '76,386; '87, 332 fields without, improving in fertility '79, 228; '84, 70 for apple orchard '69, 443; '73, 48 ; '76,243 corn '68 133 farm '75 125 farm, article by Chas. Betts '52,160; '78,291 J. H.Gillette '79 160 Dr. B. C. Kedzie..-. '83 91 garden '88 286 grasses '64,117; '65,235; '66,55; '75,291; '84,220; '87,292 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 331 Tear. Page. Manure for lightaoils '86 68 orchards '69,448,483; '73,48; '76, 243; '88, 289 pears '69 483 potatoes '78 161 root crops '88 109 sandysoils , '86 67 wheat '65,201; '67,417; '77,124; 84,70 garden, supply of '88 288 grass and '65,235; '75,291; '84,220; '87,292 green '75,125,171; '79,230; '88,287 article on by Hiram Andrews '80 208 Chas. Betts '78 292 Dr. R.O.Kedzie '76,350; '83,96 crppsfor, by Dr. Manly Miles '87 329 for gardens '88 287 light soils '86 68 orchards '88 289 wheat '77 125 history of '76 350 systems of.— '55,177,189 yellow lupin for '81 73 gypsum as '75 256 Lawes & Gilberts' experiments with '84 67 lawns, treated with, what best '84 5520 light soils and '86 68 liquid and solid '72 273 article on '62 165 constitution of -. '55 173 importance of saving '68 548 taxed '59 477 value of '72,273; '75 235 market gardens, supply for, of '88 286 marlas a _ — '85 146 mineral (See also Ashes, Marl, Plaster, Salt, etc.) '65 171 eflectof, at Rothamstead '84 70 muckasa '63,53; '75 224 neeessityof, in horticulture '88 285 nitrogenous, experiments with '81 74 notes on '60 292 object of - '83 92 orchards and '69, 443, 483; '73, 48; '76, 243; '88, 289 pear orchards and '69 483 philosophy of - - '58 535 pile on Agricultural College garden '75 47 plaster as '75 256 plowing under '78 296 potatoes and '78 161 production of, on the farm '77 156 report upon '64 84 root crops and --- '68 109 Rothamstead experiments with --- '84 70 sale of, included in sale of farm '83 296 salt as a — 'TO 263 sandysoils and — '86 67 savingof -- '57, 47; '76 388 in Belgium '87 327 liquid '58 548 333 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page, Manure, saving of sundry waste substances for '69 478 shelter for '53, 163; '55 172 special for grasses '75 291 root crops '68 109 supply for market gardening _ '88 386 swamp muck for ., '63,53; '75 224 value of '76, 383; '81, 403; '87 332 afEected by feed '76,386; '87 332 ashes '85 175 commercial- '87, 174, 332 dependent on what '71, 306; '76, 386; '87 333 liquid '75 235 not appreciated '73 213 swampmuckfor '63,53; '75 324 table of '87 333 to farm -. '76 383 volatile constituents of, experiment on '66 51 wasteof '63, 53; '72, 266; TT, 398; '83, 262; '87 332 vrheatand '55,201; '67,417; '77 124 without '84 70 Manvel windmill '85 63 Many flowered rose '76 421 Maple segerian '88 328 borer "88 238 ornamental varieties of '85 160 relative growth of different varieties '87 125 sugar, amount produced in United States '88 346 article by Dexter "White '51 161 in its relation to the forestry problem, by Eugene Davenport- ._ '88 341 manufacture affected by deforestation _ '88 109 of - '88 243 tree bark louse '88 230 insect enemies of '88 228 trees, how affected by tapping '88 345 large proportion of, that die '88 327 varieties of, at College '78 98 notes on '85, 139, 160 relative growth of '87 125 Map of college grounds '77 1 Michigan peach belt '73 49 Marentette, Madame, trained horses at State fair , '88 481 Mares, broken down brood '57,169; '76,284; '83 147 management of brood _ _ '57 169 maturity of '83 121 Margin of profit in farming '81 391 Marsh, H., paper on farm implements and their care '81 311 Marie Fontaine's moth and freckle cure, nature'and cost '81 88 Marjolin described '87 141 Market apple orchard, varieties for : '58 351 apples, list of best -.. '88 303 varieties of, bulletin on -. '87 154 champion tomato described .- '86,340; '87 84 culture of small fruits, by Wm. A. Brown.- '79 128 facilities for fruit ---. '88 286 of Michigan '65 13 fairs -.. '72 75 feeding of stock, paper by Ed. A. Wildey.. '84 159 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 223 Year. Page. Market gardening and the manure supply therefor, L. H. Bailey '88 286 gardens on Long Island '87 346 grapes, best variety '88 299 peaches. (See also peachesi, varieties of, for market.) listof '83, HI; '86,131; '88 302 price of wheat, elements in '84 118 Marketing farm products '71 213 fruits '78,272; '88, 286,295 pork '70 181 wool '37 398 Markham, W. G., letter on registration of sheep '79 427 Marking corn '78 282 shallow '79 145 Marks of good dairy cows *i'8 182 Marl as top dressing forwheat '59 303 bulletin on, by Dr. B. C. Kedzie '85 146 deposits of, Michigan '63 298 Monroe county '55 382 Wayne county '55 365 for land '50 393 peach borers ; '73 67 from Barry county analyzed '85 146 Lenawee county analyzed '85 146 Otsego county '85 147 St. Joseph county analyzed '85 146 used at Grayling '88 209 value of '85 147 Marriage, law of C... '83 310 Married woman's rights '83 310 Mars, Hon. Thomas, address at Buchanan Institute '79 127 how to make farm life attractive -- '87 172 Marsh, J. G., article, hay raising on the plains '87 306 Marshall, Farmer's Institute at , '77 112 William A., orchards '73 95 Marsh hay as affecting heaves '88 277 lands, article by Hodgeman, Frank, on treatment of '77 322 Miller, Hon. Albert, on past and future of Saginaw '78 348 Osborn, E., on reclaiming '75 141 Palmer, Chas., on reclaiming. '78 301 Bowe, W. Asa, on Michigan '78 258 treatment after drainage '86 175 Smith, J. N., on reclaiming '77 184 Wilkinson, Geo. B., on improvement of '78 236 best grasses for '83,110; '87 284 discussion on treatment of '77 327 draining of '56,261; '81,305; '83,103 on Agricultural College grounds '62 22 laws relative to '66, app. 40, 42; '68,465 grasses for -- '83,110; '87 2S4 improvement of, paper by Geo. B. Wilkinson '78 236 law for drainage of '66, app. 40, 42; '68,465 Michigan, by W. A. Rowe '78 258 past and future of Saginaw, by Hon. Albert Miller '78 348 plowing too soon after draining '86 170 reclamation of '75, 141; '77, 184; '78 301 Saginaw, past and future of '78 348 treatment of '77 327 234 GENERAL INDEX OF Tear, Page. Marsh lands, Waynecounty '55 358 what to do with '77 332 Mafston, Hon. Isaac, on agricultural capabilities of the Saginaw Valley '79 265 improvements in agriculture _ '79 451 thoroughbred stock for a new country '78 358 reportof Bay county agricultural society '77 655 Martin, R. A., paper on greatest good of greatest number '80 197 Martin's Amber wheat, notes on '86,327,231,233; '88 213 Maryland agricultural college -. '57 390 exhausted lands '87 501 forestry in.... '88 120 Mason county agricultural society report '72 153 soil analyzed '78 391 sorghum in... '84 314 Mason Edward, paper on fruit trees '56 209 potato culture '53 203 rot '55 233 prize essay on breeding and management of cattle '57 101 clover culture '54 198 draining '55 145 horses. '57 151 sheep husbandry.. '56 155 wheat culture '65 193 farmers' club, article before, by Hon. 0. M. Barnes '74 286 on bee-keeping '74 293 injurious insects.. '74 396 wheat raising '74 303 institute '79 164 Lyman, obituary notice of '81 35 Massachusetts Agricultural College. '54,362; '57 290 forestry '88 118 Institute of Technology '86 Iviii use of salt in agriculture '79 269 Masters of science '85 31 Mastication, importance of. '84 196 Matchless, portrait of '52 123 Materials for house '77 331 Mathematics at the Agricultural College '63,92; '78,33,114 department inventory '76 59 report.... '75, 55; '76, 125; '77, 67; '78, 113; 79, 40; '80, 56; '81-3,153; '83,63; '84, 49; 85, 87; 86, xlviil; '87,45; '88, 48. Mathewson, John M., paper on high breeding of horsea '83 131 Maturity of animals, early '66 133 sexual '83 121 plants, early, gained by seed selection '78 453 wheat '77 343 atdiflerent periods '81 235 experiments on '85 131 Mauchamp sheep, history of '68 303 May beetle, article on '57,314; '66,74; '74 111 May Duke Cherry '56 239 Mayflower tomato described. '86,241; '87 85 May, J. H., paper on best breeds of cattle '77 176 king strawberry '87 100 Maynard, Hon. A. B. address '76 413 Mayo, Perry, on Agricultural College '80 202 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 225 Year, Page. Mayo, Mrs. Perry, paper on education leading to extravagance '80 J94 standard of culture for housekeepers. '77 132 May the drainage system of Holland be applied to Saginaw Valley, by Hon. James Birney '78 854 MoAroy extra red strawberry, discussed '58 221 McCaudless, Mr., article on pasture grasses '69 19.5 McCormick harvesting machines '51 166 reaper at world's fair '59 360 McCreery, Hon. Wm. B .'83,3; '84,3; '85,4; '8fi, iv; '87,4; '88 4,7 McDonald, Mayor, address by '78 3C8 McGhee's white wheat, notes on '86 232 Mcllvaine, Ebenezer, address before Berrien county society '51 290 McLouth, Prof. Lewis, article on industrial education '87 339 our indebtedness to inventors '86 208 report of '86 Iv resignation of professorship '87 25 visit to industrial schools '86 Iv McPherson, Donald, paper on farm drainage '80 339 Meadow, article on grasses for, by Dr. W.J. Beal '71, 91; '75, 287; '85, 179; '87 279 Mr. McCandless '69 195 management of '65 119 permanent, by Hon. C. E. Mickley '77 170 raising hay on, by Henry Shultes '75 102 Dr. Augustus Voelcker '67 183 reclaiming from bog, by Hon. F. Holbrook '71 181 compared with pastures '87 291 drainage for '75 293 injuring '84 278 experiments in top dressing '64, 117; '65, 235; '71, 119; '88 215 fescue : '65, 129; '69, 201; '85, 180; '87 288 fox-tail '89 202 described '71,110; '75 295 questions answered '85 180 grass '69 200 grasses, article by Dr. W. J. Beal -71,91; '75 287 for cold climates, by Dr. Beal '87 279 questions about, answered '85 179 hay, analysis of '67 190 how long to be left seeded '75 105 to make, article on '75 102 irrigation of '71 119 management of, article on '65 119 permanent '65 125 by Hon. 0. E. Mickley '77 170 plaster for '. '75 259 prizes for best '75 300 reclaiming from bog, article on '71 181 top dressing of '84, 117; '65, 235; '71, 119; '88 215 Means for encouraging forest planting, by Uno H. Hillman '88 360 of preventing forest flres '88, 133, 116 Mean temperature at the college for six years '69 108 Measly pork '80 179 Measuring worm '65 21 currant '74 143 Meat as food discussed '80 178 canned, as food '80 180 exports '83 166 inspection '80, 85, 105; '88 417 29 226 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page. Meat of animals affected by pleuro-pnemnonia. '88 417 prevention of sale of diseased.. '80 85 Mechanic Arts, course in, at the Agricultural College '85 88 the farmer his own, paper by E. D. A. True '81 306 Mechanical condition of the soil, effect of '72 233 department of the Agr'l College, apparatus of '88 58 appropriations for '81,18; '87 8 committee of the board on '88 4 laboratory.- '81 158 additionto '88 49 description of '86 xlviii work done In '88 60 purposes of... '81 38 report '83, 391 ; '84, 29, 50, 53; '85, 18, 28, 88; '86, Iv; '87,36,46; '88,57. shop workin... '84,50; '88,60 education in Europe '63 188 Mechanics of farm Implements '7ft 149 our indebtedness to, paper by Prof. Lewis McLouth '86 208 relation of, to agriculture, by Prof. W. F. Duraud. '88 427 standing committee of the Board of Agriculture on '88 4 Mecosta County Agricultural Society, report of- '77 689 soil, analysisof '78 393 Medal, presentation of, to Hon. Henry C. Fralick. '74 201 Medical treatment of domestic animals, paper by A. J. Stockholm '81 264 Mediterranean wheat '50,269, 429 by A.Y.Moore '54 217 objections to '59 353 Meeting of State Societies at the Agricultural College '79,410; '83, 28 teachers of agriculture '86 xxl Meetings of officers of the experiment station '88 145 the State Board of Agriculture _ '85 35 Melittia cucurbitae '74 116 Mellophagus ovinus, ill '78 440 Melons, experiment in crossing '83 44 Mellowness of soils from drainage '79 119 Membership tickets, life, objectionable '77,651; '78,580; '81,603 Membersof faculty of Agricultural College.- '56,381; '63,30; '73,16; '74,7; '85,20; '86, v; '87, 5; '88, 5 Members of State Agricultural Society, rules '73, 165; '76,483 Board of Agriculture '73,15; '84,3; '85,4,41; '86, Iv; '87,4; '88,4 compensation of '85 35 how appointed '85 35 original '85 41 Education '56,381; '73,15 Boards prohibited from interest in contracts '85 45 Memoir Jof Sanford Howard '70 55 Memorial for Agricultural College '50 53 Men as domestic animals '87 359 MenispermaceSB '88 85 Menominee Co. Agricultural Society report '73 154 Merchants, per cent of failures among '51 301 Meridian, observations of '77 73 tawnship, swamp lands in '85 40 Merino fleeces, weight of '78 383 at Agricultural College '77 95 French, article on '51,139; '68 303 mutton '76 345 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 337 Tear. Page, Merino sbeep, advantages of '64,78; '76,257; '87 401 article by A. Crawford , '83 155 G. W. Gale '51 148 Seo'y Howard, on American '64 187 Mauchamp '68 303 the Rich flock '65 77 Wells & Dickinson flock '65 69 Walter Wright on French '51 139 (see also Sheep, articles on.) at the Agricultural College '66,14; '76 24 breeding in and in of certain families '. '72 188 qualities of '78 255 compared with coarse wools '87 398 Hampshiredowns '83 150 Oxforddowns '86 41 description of ; '56 172 French '. '51 139 Mauchamp _ '68 303 Hammond flock '72 188 Hampshiredowns compared with '83 150 introduction of , '50,315; '76 309 Inventory of at Agricultural College '66,14; '76 24 Mauchamp family of '68 303 mutton of '76 345 Oxforddowns, compared with '86 41 points of '76 342 profits of '84 180 Rich family of- '65,77; '72. 189 wool clip at Agricultural College. '77 95 diameter of '76 345 weightof '78 382 Meritorious animals only to receive prizes '78 680 Merrell.Mrs. M. J. C, report as librarian '83, 72; '84, 57; '85, 93; '86, Ixix; '87, 54; '88, 63 Merrick, Jas., paper on Holsteln cattle '81 290 Wm. H., paper on rotation of crops '81 226 Merrill, President Parker, address '86 4 Iterritt, Prof. W. H., paper on peaches for profit '86 128 Merrltt's patent tree protector '65 26 Message of Gov. Bagley '73 7 Begole on college '83 15 Croswell on coUege '79 16 Messenger horses '83 143 Meteorological characteristics of year '65, 7; '66 63 observations, remarks on '88 160 records.. '53, 339; '54, 305; '55, 425; '56, 275: '63, 73; '64, 247; '65, 255; '66, 323; '67, 489; '68, 443; •69, 497; '70, 449; '71,443; '72, 286; '73, 259; '74.323; '75, 517; '76, 595; '77, 701; '78,613; '79,481; '80, 467; '81, 619; '82,645; '83, 461; '84, 427; '85, 267; '87,609; '88, 555. summaryof for25yeara '88 680 Meteorology of Central Michigan, article by Dr. R. C. Kedzie '65 241 Grand Traverse county '65 249 department of '88 141 Method of laying tile to grade '88 438 Importance of '80 163 In farming, paper by E. L. Russell '77 162 Methods of drainage, by Prof. R. C. Carpenter '77 216 Mexican potatoes grown at Agricultural College '87 139 228 GENERAL INDEX OS Ti ar. Page, Mezerenm family _ '88 S5 Miami strawberry. '87 102 Michigan, admitted as a State '71 192 agricultural capabilities '53,319; '78, 482 487 College. (See Agricultural College of Michigan.) flrstof Its liind '66 7 suggestion of '60 12 societies, State Association of '75, 512; '78, 690; 77, 647; '78, 571; '79, 445; '81-2, 600. Society, State (see State Agricultural Society & Agricultural Society, State.) area '86 179 article by G. H. Cannon on the wilds of _ _ '66 178 J. E. Day '71 189 Rev. Chas. Fox on history and statistics of '55 283 C. P. Reynolds '77 21S Jno. M. Waterberry , J '78 344 Association of Agricultural Societies.. '75,512; '76,590; '77,647; '78,571; '79,445: '81-2 600- Board of Agriculture, law relative to, in full '85 34- (See also Board of Agriculture, and State Board of Agriculture.) botanical survey of pine plains of '88 17» southern part of '55 396 boundary dispute '71 198 Carbon Works' fertilizers '79 248 analysesof. '86, 248; '87, 174: '88 162 superphosphate for wheat '78 161 Central Railroad Co., donation of land by '88 145 described '55 333 cheese factories, article on - ., '67 139 climate, effect on value of lands '78 344 coal fields, by R. R. Lansing '53 328 compared with other States agriculturally '78 487 corns and mill stuffs, food value compared, by Dr. Kedzie '78 404 crop reports, acc't of _ '81 606 Dairymen's Association, address before '72 53 meeting of, at Adrian '88 388 Devon cattle register _ '58 363 early history of_ '71 W9 English laborers adapted to '73 112 farmers, needs of, by Gov. Luce '87 270 fertilizer, analysis of _ '86 248 first suggestion of agricultural college in '50 12 fish, paper by George Clark '51 236 flora of pine plains ^ '88 179 southern portion _ '55 398 forest products at the centennial, by Dr. Beal. ___ '75, 375 ; '76, 440 forestry laws '88 12» forests described '86 183 in 1838 '88 llO forest trees '88 78 forty years wheat product '78 482 fruit belt '66,109; '70,338 map of '73 49 series of articles on, by Henry S. Clubb '73 49 capabilities '65 13 growers, protection of '88 295 growing, address at Allegan '75 78 regions described in detail '73 49 MICHIGAN AGRKJULTURAL REPORTS. 229 Year. Page, Michigan geology, report on '53, 278; '54, 261 grain market compared with that of other States '78 345 Herefords 'tiS 216 historical and statistical, by Rev. Chas. Fox '55 263 history 'n,"l89 : '77,213 horses '57 163 indnceraents to immigration '72 109 Islands .'. '86 181 land and water area '86 179 lands as affected by climate and markets '78 344 large trees in '88 78 latitude, same as that of Rome '88 338 laws relative to forests '88 ]29 Legislature, memorial to, for Agricultural College '50 53 lumber interests '72 121 markets ---- '78 844 meaning of name. '71 189 mineral wealth v '71 197 mutton, sheep for '83 151 name, meaning of '71 189 oil test discussed '76 216 pastures '75 293 pine plains lands '87 277 their agricultural possibilities '88 378 quantity left '84,307; '88 310 population, growth of '55 294 nativity of, by States '55 289 railroads '84 124 reports, bound volumes for exchange '87 60 copies wanted '87 60 resources '71 196 roads, article on, by Prof. R. C. Carpenter ." '75 364 salt, origin of '86 150 signification of name-. '71 189 soil of '72 120 soils, analyses by Dr. Kedzie '78, 49, 389 sportsmen on State forestry reserve '88 35J State Agr'l College. CSee Agr'l College of Michigan.) Society. (See Agr'l Society, State, and State Agr'l Society.) association of agricultural societies. '75, 512; '76, 590; '77, 647; '78, 571; '79, 445; '81-2, 600 board of agriculture. (See Board of agriculture and State board of agriculture.) statistics .' '.53,681; '56 283 swamp lands, paper by W. Asa Rowe '78 263 trees and shrubs, list of , '88 85 compared with those of rest of world '88 101 convention of '88 366 large '88 78 water area _ _. '86 179 power '72 120 wheat, forty years' record of -_. '78 482 map '78 400 merits of ^ '76 183 wheats, relative value for food, by Dr. Kedzie '77 341 wildernesses, paper by B. H. Cannon '86 178 wool growers and breeders, report of association ' '79 417 statistics '79 440 'Mlckl'iy, Hon. C. E., article on permanent pastures '77 170 230 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page. Microtee in disease '87 390 Middle ages, educational fallacies of, by President Abbot '81 208 States, average grain crop _. '84 85 Middlings, analysis of _ '78 410 value for manure after feeding '87 332 Midge, not affecting early wheat '65 10 wheat '57,235; '69,187; '74 113 prize essay on '57 203 Midland county soil analyzed _. '78 391 sorghum in '84 314 Migratory, codling moth not '79 153 fairs - --. '84 381 Mikado tomato described '86,243; '87 87 Milbauk cattle '80 234 Milch cattle, losses by disease. '78 243 management of '57 137 cow, how to choose '78 184 Milco, G. N., Buhach grower '66 137 Mildew on grapes '73, 56; '85 134 remedyfor _.. '73 93 on wheat - '69 186 paper on -. '57 261 Mileage of different railroads '78 322 Mile of road, cost of '78 193 Miles, Hon. Fabius, on cattle at large '77 160 Dr. Manly, address on cooperative experimenting '71 295 article on close breeding '72 179 cultivation of light^soils '87 335 form in animals Indicating quality '76 346 Texas cattle disease - '68 449 whiffletrees and draught '73 165 experiments, address on cooperation in '71 295 comments of Joseph Harris on. _ _ '74 83 in manuring grass lands '64, 117; '65, 235; '66 55 field north of boarding hall.... '66, 57; '68, 122; '69, 87; '70, 107; '73, 123. numbers : '68,99; '69, 73; '70, 93 3 '68, 109; '69, 81; '70, 102; '73, 127 6 '69, 93; '70, 111; '73, 132 pig feeding '66, 59; '68, 73; '69, 53; '70, 75; '73, 108 summary of '73 120 sheepfeeding '67,39; '68 47 sowing corn in hills and drills. '68 117 tile laying '73 140 with n'ew grains '69 103 remarks on contagious diseases of domestic animals ..- '87 390 Galloway cattle '76 332 Hereford cattle '78 225 report of. '65, 236; '60, 65; '67, 39; '68, 47; '69, 63; '70, 75; '73, 39, 42, 123; '74, 30 on Texas cattle disease. '68 449 work at Agricultural College '63,40; '78 30 Military companies at the State Fair , '73, 172, 241 department of Agr'l College.--- '63,13,86,93,129; '64,112; '78,38; '81, 38; '83, 27; '84,14, 18, 28, 259; '85, 17, 28, 41, 53, 54, 88; '86, Ixvii; '87, 53; '88, 61. act for establishment of '63, 129; '84, 18; '85, 54 committee of board of agriculture on '88 4 report '85,98; '86, Ixvii; '87, 53; '88,61 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 231 Year, Page. Military department Of Agr'l College United States law '84, 18; '85,53,64 officers, detail of to college, law of '85 64 Milk adulteration, law regarding '66, 34app affected by feed '78 176 analyses '69, 257; '76 279 of, from different breeds '78 173 and cheese dairying, by A. D. Power '84 164 article by L. B. Arnold, on cheese making _ '68 239 Ewing,Mr.,on condensed '87 386 Granger, Mrs., on treatment of '81 282 Johnson, Prof. Sam'l; on feeding for '87 374 Kedzie, Prof. R. F., on analysis of, from aifferent breeds '78 173 Powell, Prof. E. A., on production of '87 370 Power, A. D., on dairying '84 164 Willard. X. A., onmfr. of '65, 133; '66, 191; '68, 230; '71, 61; '72 53 as an article of food '72 62 bad, causes of '65,153; '68,235,243; '71,73; '72,64,69; '78,175,184 injuring cheese '71 71 prevention of sale of '80 85 breed affecting composition of '78 173 cause of poor '65,153; '68,235,243; '71,73; '72,64,69; '78,175,184 tyrotoxiconin '88 392 cheese spoiled by taints in .- '71 71 composition of '69, 257; '76 279 affected by breed '78 173 condemnation of unwholesome, bylaw '80 "85 condensed, article on '87 386 Borden's '72 67 conditions affecting quality '65, 153; '68, 235, 243; '71, 73; '72, 64, 69; "i8, 175, 184 coolers for dairies, advantages of '88 402 crop, value of '71 62 experiments with '77 75 fever in cattle 1- '57,145; '64,203; '69 267 article on, by Dr. E. A. A. Grange '84,334; '88 411 Prof. C. L. IngersoU '78 242 prevention of '78 247 symptoms of '84 334 treatment of '84 334 food value of '72 62 Galloway '65 51 good, how to insure '68,235; '72 69 Hereford '78 223 mirror ... .- .. -. -- '78 183 poor, causes of '65,153; '68,235,243; '71,73; '72,64,69; '78,175,184 prevention of sale of '80 85 price of, at Elgin, Illinois '86 118 production, article by Prof . SamuelJohnson on feeding for '87 374 E. A. Powell on breeding for '87 370 foodfor '66,223; '87 374 records for, should cover entire year '87 373 product of 19 cows '84 165 value of '71 62 quality of Hereford '78 223 quality of, how affected '65,153; '68,235,243; '71,73; '72,64,69; '78,175,184 tokeepgood. '68,235; '72 69 record of 19 cows '84 165 records '75 305 233 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page, Milk records of Agricultural College _ '80, 58; '83 38 Ayrshires -. _ '64 139 Devons... '58,326; '66 108 HerefordB '68,211; '78 223 Holsteins '83,329; '87 372 Jerseys '80 225 on ensilage '85 112 should cover a full year '87 373 shops, regulation of. '80 104 souring by thunder '71 79 taints in... '65,153; '68,243; '71,73; '72,64; '78,175,184 howto prevent '68,235; '72 69 tests of yield should cover a full year. ; '87 373 treatment of, article on, by Mrs. Granger. '81 280 typhoid fever carried by '80 104 tyrotoxicon in, cause of.. '88 392 unwholesome, law to prevent sale of '80 85 value as an article of food '72 63 of product '71 62 yields. fSee Milk Records.) Milking, quality affected by breeding '72 203 Millard, Mrs., essay oq lights and shadows of home life '80 119 Millennium of Agriculture by Hon. Ira H. Butterfleld '81 345 Miller, Hon. Albert, paper on paper on past and future of Saginaw marshes '78 348 C. A., on sheep husbandry '79 429 pedigrees... '76 344 registration '79 437 Hon. E. R., paper on fish culture '77 314 G. W,, paper on potato culture '81 230 Hon. H. L., address at dedication of Michigan Agricultural College '56 297 Miss, paper on farm life '76 337 O. F., article on poultry raising '74 280 plenro pneumonia bill, resolutions regarding '87 263 sorghum '81 132 W. H., premium farm '61 189 Millers' association, resolution of '77 343 Millers, attitude of, toward Olawson wheat '77 144 Millet... '71 115 for ensilage '81 73 Mill feed, analysis of '78 410 Milling, patent process '77 352 Millionaires, evil of '86 33 in America '80 200 Millis, Eugene D '84 14 Mills for brick making '87 465 Belle tomato described '87 84 Joseph, report as treasurer... '65,259; '66,29; '67,31; '68,41; '69,45; '70,28; '71 44 Hon. W. S., address before Sanilac county society '59 537 Mill stuffs, analysis of '78 410 and varieties of corn, food value compared, by R. C. Kedzie '78 404 Mineral manures '55 171 effect at Rothamsted '84 70 springs in Wayne county '55 369 theory of exhaustion '72,217; '74 88 wealth of Michigan '71 197 Miner strawberry '87 100 Miniature rose. '76 428 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 233 Year. Page. Minimum price for College lands, laws regarding '68 466 temperature at Grand Haven '69 412 Ministers preaching at the Agricultural College '75, 19; '76 72 Minnesota amber sorghum '81 243 forestry in '68 120 Minority report on land grants to Agricultural Colleges '67 285 Mint growine, by Sam. H. Angevine '88 452 Miring horses in plowing swamps '71 184 Mirror carp, at Agricultural College '8i 52 escutcheon '78 183 Missaukee county soil analyzed '78 392 Missouri Agricultural College rotation '87 412 State Fair, report upon by C. W. Greene '80 380 Mistakes made by bee keepers, article by Prof. A. J. Cook '76 189 Mrs. Garfield strawberry '85, 132; '87 99 Misunderstanding in sale, effect of '83 320 Mites, by Prof. Cook '78 443 remedy for '88 404 Mixed husbandry, advantages of '50, 253; '79 447 article by Hon. M. J. Gard '70 1£9 A. C. Glidden '84 139 Geo. Hinkson '81 318 Samuel Johnson '80 314 R. F.Johnstone. : '65 568 Lucius Palmerlee '75 124 A. D. Saxton '83 265 A. C. Towne '81 321 lawn grass seeds analyzed '85 151 mineral manures, effect at Rothamsted - '84 70 Mixon peach, old tree, time of ripening '88 259 Mixture of for grasses for pastures '70 139 Models, general inventory of '76 59 Modes of cutting trees '88 335 Mohn, H. B., resignation of '86 U Mojave desert '88 336 Molasses raising for farmers '83 248 Mold board, best shape for '71 168 in bread '84 200 lacking in soil of the pine plains '87 301 Mole cricket '88 166 Moles, questions about __. - '77 58 Monarch of the West strawberry '79 130 Money, farming for. '81 389 paper by Secretary Baird '78 457 Silas Moody '88 441 farming on borrowed '49,167, 176; '50,231; '53,468; '54,510; '78,192; '81,325 from college lands, disposition of '85 50 legitimate use of, in forestry '88 127 making power increased by education '74 27 profit not a proper test of the Agricultural College '63 9 value of landscape gardening '76 176 Mongrel poultry '77 206 Monohammus titillator ill '77 247 scntellatas '77 248 Monopoly of railroads '78 326 Monrad, J. H., article on dairy experiments '88 408 Monroe, Senator C. J., address of welcome by '88 282 234 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page. Monroe County, account-of '54,607: '64,51,56; '84,98 Agrioaltural Society, address of J. S. Bates '53 373 Judge I. P. ChriBtiancy '58 558 Thomas N. Cooley '55 710 Hon. Wm. H. Montgomery '51, 417; '54, 621 Rev. A. K. Strong '56 6^0 constitution '49 211 report '49, 211; '60, 461; '51, 415; '52, 363; '53, 543; 54, 607; '65, 695; '56, 647; '57, 494; '65, 294; '69, 401. bog ore in '65 384 deposits of marl in _-. '55 382 Geological Report of '55 373 historic account of '84 98 marl deposits .-. _. '55 382 report from '64 51,66 on crops _ '69 114 geology of- '55 373 soil of '55 374 sorghum in _ '84 314 statistics '53 925 sulphur springs in '55 383 wet prairie '55 376 Independent State of '84 89 Institute --- '84 97 Montcalm County Agricultural Society, constitution of _ '66 637 report '55, 693; '66, 637; 57 509 soil analyzed '78 392 sorghum in. -. '84 315 statistics '53 937 Montgomery, Hon. Wm. H., address before Monroe County Society. '51,417; '54 621 Monthly weighings of cattle at College '81,58; '83 38 Moody, Silas, on How to make the farm pay '88 441 Moon, belief in influence of '59 368 Moon seed family '88 85 Moore, A. Y., agricultural teaching in University '54 20 article on the blood horse -. '52 127 cattle portraits '52 125 letter on godolphin Arabian '54 207 on Mediterranean wheat '64 217 Charles F., member of live stock sanitary commission '88 421 E. S., resolutions -.. '85 187 Geo. D., reply to questions of Forestry Commlesion '88 112 T. F., address on duties and privileges of farmers '80 188 Moores, J. H., replies of to queslions of forestry commission '88 115 Moorpark apricot described '58 234 Moose wood. '78 99 Morello cherry described '66 239 Morganhorses '57,168; '64, 81; '84 147 Morgan, Justice, letter about Morgan horses '57 169 Morning labor at Agricultural College '74 72 Morphology of legs of hymenopterous insects, by Prof. Cook '87 442 Morris, Ellas, article on Indian wheat - '88 446 Morris' white rareripe peach described '56 232 Morse, Hon. C. H., address at St. Louis '86 4 article on general farming '88 439 John G., premium essay on wheat culture '49 112 Mortgage riddenlfarms '53 126 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 235 Year. Page. Mortgage, legal power of '84 46S Mortgages for farmers '49, 167, 178; '50, 231; '54, 510; '78, 192; '81 335 Morton, C. C, paper on sheep '. '78 381 Moth and freckle cure, nature and cost '81 88 buffalo carpet, bulletin on '86 223 clothes '74 150 steam for '74 151 Mothers, need of cultivated '77 132 Motley, Thomas, on Jerseys - , '80 225 Motto of class of '84 '84 14 Mould board, shape for '71 168 In bread '84 200 lacking in Northern Michigan soil '87 301 Mountain ash described '78 86 maple '78 99 pine '78 103 Mountains affecting climate in America '88 338 growth of trees '88 102 Mount Vernon strawberry, notes on '86, 132; '87 lOO Month, diseases of '67 254 Moveable frame hives _ - '75 347 State fair, reasons for '77 460 Movers, chronic... '71 238 Mower, Eureka '85 63 Mowers and reapers combined, discussion '75 157 not economical '75, 155, 169 Inventoryof - '76 16 Mowing grass, when to do it '75 291 pastures '75 293 Mrs. Garfield strawberry '85,132; '87,99 Muck, analysis of - '75 227 and ashes mixed, as a fertilizer '59 351 nightsoil composted '66 61 plaster, mixed, as afertilizer '75 264 article by Dr. R. C. Kedzie on agricultural uses of '63, 51; '75,234 as a deodorizer '75 235 fertilizer '59, 351, 392; '63, 66; '65, 206; '66, 56; '78, 294; '88, 387 ashes mixed with. '59 351 beds. (See also Bog, Marsh, Meadow, Swamp, etc.) cultivation of after drainage, article on, by W. A. Rowe '86, 175 ; '88, 28» drainage of, article by Prof. R. C. Carpenter '86 154 Drain Commissioner I. B. Woodhouse '79 175 plowing of '71 183 chemical composition of - '75 227 uses of '75 331 composting of — - '83,95,101; '87,337 with ashes '59 351 nightsoil - '66 51 plaster '75 264 deodorizing, influence of '75 235 fertilizing, value of '59, 351, 392; '63, 65; '65, 236; '66, 56; '78, 294; '88, 287 grass land treated with '63, 65; '66, 230; '66,56 how to utilize, by Judge Pratt '59 393 land, treatment of. (See Muck beds.) manurial value of. (See Muck, fertilizing value of.) mixed with ashes and plaster '59. 351; '76, 264 nightsoil composted with -'- '66 51 236 GENERAL INDEX OF Tear. Page. Muck, nitrogen supplied by means of __ '75 28S plowing of. --- _- '11 182 properties of '86 187 settling of, after draining - '79 179 soils after drainage, article by W. A. Rowe. — '86 175 cropsfor '86, 169; '88, 289 (See also Muck beds.) swamps, drainage of, article by Prof. R. C. Carpenter '86 154 • Drain Commissioner I. B. W oodhouse '79 175 tile laying in - - '79 181 top dressing grass land with '63, 65; '65, 236; '66, 56 uses of - '59, 351, 892; '63, '53; '75, 231; '83, 95 Muhlenbergia, glomerata, notes on '85 182 Mulberry - '78 99 culture - '50, 314; '66, 244 mania in America - '54 323 red - '88 371 varieties of in college garden '87 110 Mulching orchards, discussion '75, 121; '76, 243 strawberries '70 302 to protect against cut worms - '88 294 Mullet described ." '51 230 MuUey cattle, article by J. N. Smith '76 330 Multiplication of plants, article by Prof. L. H. Bailey '87 429 Mumford, Rev. Thos., sermon on State Fair - '53 345 Muun, Henry, foreman of farm - '88 5 Munro, G. C, resolutions on death of '83 387 Murrain in cattle, article on '67 246 Murray, A. J., V. S., report as cattle commissioner '80,85; 81 425 lecturerat Agricultural College '81 38 Murtfeldt, C. W., remarks on experimenting.. '71 340 Muscle «s. Brain on farm, by L. C. Drake '77 172 Museum of agriculture at Normal School '67 285 Museums of the Agr'l College, botanical '78, 68; '85, 83; '86, xlvi.; '87 37 bulletin on '87 176 faculty to have charge of '85 39 general, accounts '77,12; '78 11 donations to.... '71, 22; '84, 44; '85, 81; '86, xxxv.; '87, 40; '88, 44 inventory of '76,59; '78 69 report on '74,40; 75,36; '76,93; '77,33; '78, 58; '79, 31; '80, 38; '81 96. veterinary Music, a poem by Mrs. L. E. Cannon at home _ Musical instruments, report on at State fair Musk rose Muskegon county agricultural prospects location markets produce soli harbor fruit region lake orchards river, wood reserves at head waters of Muskelonge described. -- Mustard as a catch crop,. Mutton discussed as food _ '88 56 '86 20 '81 404 '87 207 '76 421 '78 601 '78 601 '78 602 '78 602 '78 602 '73 71 '73 72 '88 363 '51 231 87 329 '80 178 MICHIGAN AGRIOULTURAL REPORTS. 337 Year. Page. Mutton of Cotswold sheep '65 6t Merino sheep '76 345 or wool .'. '87 396 sheep for Michigan '83 151 Mutual assistance among farmers '71 205 dependenoeof people '53 566 influence of stock and scion 'T6 203 Myrlcacess '88 97 Mytilaspis '68, 168; '74, 126; '85 171 Naftzker, Mrs., paper on Chautauqua influence on farmer's home '84 23'i Nails for horseshoes '72 WZ Naked fallow for insects '78 356 weed killing '76 354 wheat '50,272; '69 176 fallows, objections '50 317 Name of State Agricultural College '85 37 Society '73 157 Names of pine trees as known to lumbermen '88 79 trees, confusion of '75 378 Napthaand illuminating oils '76 217 Narrow guage logging roads '88 82 railroads '78 331 Nasbey's mammoth onion '87 97 National Agricultural convention '83 29 bee keepers' convention; prize essay on wintering bees '76 424 crop reports '81 608 educational association, paper on manual labor, by Prof. Fairohild '77 415 horse exhibition at Kalamazoo '59 433 sugar bowl, paper by F. S. Kedzie '80 144 Nationalities of laborers employed in lumber woods '88 83 Native American grasses, food value '71 115 and thoroughbred cattle compared '78 358 cow's milk compared with that of other breeds '78 179 fruits, improvement of '76 209 shrubs in Michigan '88 101 trees of Great Britain '88 101 Michigan '84 220 preferable for wind breaks '88 351 Nativity of Michigan population '55 289' Natural grafting, Bpecimensof '75 385 grasses for cattle in Crawford county '87 313 history of potato '53 203 Society, papers presented before '78 38 rotation of forests '88 74 style in landscape eardening '86 59 Nature, diversities of, paper on, by Robert Ure '86 182 Naval academy '86 204 report of visit to. .• '86 " Ivi T. D. Wilson on '86 47 Navel ill in calves '59 174 Neapolitan hogs '64 179 marzajola '87 96 Nearpass, Sec'y C. P., report of Oceana county '78 608 Neasmith, J. N., paper on stock farming vs. grain farming '77 283 Neat cattle, by D. M. Uhl '51 131 statement by J. D. Yerkes '53 117 Neatness about home --- '84 222 value of '81 399 238 GENERAL INDEX OF Tear. Page. Nebraska, forestry In '88 120 Neck of bull described '. '59 189 Necrology of graduates '81 28 Nectar, honey from, report upon _ '84 44 is It changed in becoming honey? __ __ '76 429 secretion by plant lice, Prof. Cook _ '83 433 Nectarine, Boston '56 233 early violet '56 333 elruge - --- '56 236 Hunt's tawny -. '56 233 Nectarines, American Pomological Society, list of '58 332 varieties of in College orchard '87 110 Neeazana sorghum '81 133 Need of more veterinary science among farmers, by Prof . Ingersoll - '77 400 Needs of Agriculture, paper by Prof. S. Johnson '86 43 Michigan farmers, by Gov. Luce '87 370 Neglected industries for women - '84 311 Neglect of tools, cost of '83 340 Negligence, liability for '»3 293 of hired men, law of '83 318 Nellis' selected trophy tomato described '87 83 snowball tomato described '86, 242; '87, 82 Nelumbium speciosum - '84 46 Nematodes (trichina) '76 299 Nematus ventrieosus ill - '74, 141; '87, 41 Nesbit's Victoria tomato described '86, 243; '87, 76 Nests for chickens '66 327 Nettle family '88 95 tree '78 100 Neuroterus nigrum -._ '88 475 vesicula '88 471 Neuter bees '75 319 Nevins, Geo. C, reply to questions of forestry commission '88 116 Newaygo County Agricultural Society report '73, 262; '74, 268 Institute '87 263 New apiary at Agricultural College -. '88 42 Newbold, Chas., improvement of plows by '84 112 New cardinal tomato described - '86,240; '87, 81 contagious disease among horses, bulletin on '87 180 crops - '65 17 account of '66 169 Dwarf Early Red squash pepper described 1. '87 93 England average grain crop '84 85 farms deserted '83,267; '86 57 Hampshire, forestry in '88 118 insect ravages -.- '88 165 Jersey, forestry in --. '88 130 pitch pines on sands of '88 125 tomato described - '87 85 Michigan, paper on, by C. P. Reynolds '77 213 Mission orchards '73 88 Queen onion described '87 95 Red Apple tomato described '86,240; '87 84 Squash pepper described '87 93 South Wales for Herefords '78 217 Sweet Spanish pepper described -.- '87 93 uses for certain kinds of timber - '88 83 MICHIGAN AGBICULTUEAL REPORTS. 239 Tear. Page. New varietlesof potatoes '75 53 raising of '76 117 White Apple tomato described '86,242; '87 82 New Yorls Agricultural College '67 289 act incorporating '54 856 exports '83 16« experiment station dairying '. '88 195 forestry in '88 119 law against butter snbstitntes '84 175 market tomato described '86,239; '87 83 trades school, visit to '86 ivi Tribune, article on Michigan Agricultural College '72 275 New Yorker reaping machine '68 285 Newaygo county agricultural society report '73, 252; '74 268 farmers' institute '87 263 Newbold, Chas., Improvement of plows by '84 112 News, Evening, article about State fair receipts -"- '78 504 Newspaper reading - '80 336 Newspapers in Agricultural College library '76 88 Newton, Sir Isaac as a laborer '74 100 Hon. Wm., address on position of farmer '78 198 Niagara, advice against going to, to locate '49 152 grape '88 300 Nickel plating fluids, constituents and cost _ '81 87 Nigh's superb strawberry '67 99 Nightshade family '88 95 Night soil, chemical composition of '72 225 composted with muck, experiment In '66 51 for manure '87 335 utilization of '63 62 Nlmmo, E. H., assistant in State weather service '88 7, 202 Nisbit'B Victoria tomato '86,243; '87 76 Nitrate of soda on wheat, experiment by August Voeloker '59 293 Nitre, sweet spirits of '81 267 Nitrogen accumulators '72,249,271; '76 352 article by Dr. R. C. Kedzie on sources of '81,379; '86 93 consumers '72 271 for plants '83 94 how to buy for farm use '79 246 humus asourceof '81 379 lEf clover hay '68 265 soil, quantity of '59 311 soils .'. '87 334 needed in the soil '72 271 of plants, source of , paper by Dr. R. C. Kedzie '81 379 sources of, by Dr. R. C. Kedzie '86 93 producers '72,249,271; '76 352 proportion in soil '72 269 relation to chlorophyl '84 75 sources of '80 269 for clover '88 292 what becomes of it in soil '84 76 Nitrogenous fertilizers, effect of, experiments '81 74 Nixon,^Hon. Robt., address at institute '78 168 nozzle for insecticides - '87 43 pump described '87 171 JTobe strawberry '87 99 240 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page. Noble, J. G., paper on what constitutes a successful farmer '80 212' S. B., paper on clover culture '56 25i? thorough draining '56 261 prize essay on potato culture '56 147 Nocera oaion described '87 96 Noctua cubicnlaries '57 229 Noisette rose '76 421 Norfolk rotation '73,237; '77,412; '84,136 trotters '65 97 Normal School, agricultural branch of. '53 12 museum -.- '67 285 amendment of laws of, relating to agricultural school '52 9 gift from agricutural society. - '67 392 union of Agricultural College with '63 23 visit of Agricultural Society to. '54 19 Norman horses '71,160; '83,132 North America, amount of timber left in '88 126 division of forests of '88 101 Devon cattle in Michigan, register of_ '58 361 paper on, by T. S. Ballard. '58 305- Northern climates, list of grasses for '87 282 Michigan (i. e>. north part of Lower Peninsula; for U. P. see Upper Peninsula.) Agricultural Society... '79 47U union with State Agricultural Society '73 145 article by L. R. Dorr on sheep for the pine plains - '88 383 Dr. R. C. Kedzie on agricultural problem of '87 317 soilsof '78 389 Manly Miles on agriculture for '87 325 O. P. Reynolds '77 213 flora of '88 180 geology of '54 291 noteson, by L. H. Bailey '88 190 peculiarities and possibilities '88 188- soil, analysis of '78 49 Spy apple described '56, 221; '70, 293; '71, 128 discussed '75, 168; '8), 199 for market, bv L. H. Bailey '87 155 remarks on by Benjamin Hathaway '78 363 T. T. Lyon '58 244 Northport, account of "67 80 fruit region '73 89 mean temperature at '69 473 Northrop, B 1., on the observance of arbor day in schools '88 365 Northwestern Dairyman's Association, address on grasses '71 91 Fertilizer Co., analysis of fertilizers from '86, 248; '87, 174; '88 152 Norton, Miss Helen S., donation by '85 81 Hon. John M., address of welcome '86 3 Norton's Virginia Seedling grape '68 217 Norway maple '78 98 oats, report on '69 103 pine '78 103 age of maturing '88 333 description of '79 373 spruce '78,106; '85 87 note on '85 137 Nose, value of sensitive '83 196 Nostrums for chickens '66 234 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Ml Tear. Page. Notes on animal life in pine woods, by L. H. Dewey '88 186 crossingand hybridizing '87 142 germination '88 238 manures .^ '50 293 Northern Michigan, by L. H. Bailey '88 190 noxious insects, Prof. Cook '87 449 onions '87 94 peppers '87 88 potatoes '87 189 reproduction in domestic animals, by Dr. Grange '83 121 strawberries '87 98 timber for hoop poles, by Prof. James Satterlee '88 334 tomatoes at Agricultural College '87 66 promissory, law of _ '83 299 Noxious insects (see Insects), destruction of, paper by Prof. A. J. Cook '80 373 notes on, by Prof. A. J. Cook _. '87 449 weeds, article on __ '74 304 Nozzles for spraying pumps , '88 223 Nuclei of bees '75 336 Nuisances, law against '66app. 38 Number of ears on stool of wheat '76 394 native shrubs in Michigan _ '88 101 reports to be published '85 42 species of trees as affected by geological conditions _ '88 101 in Michigan '88 101 students at the Agricultural College '63, 13; '63, 25; '64, 115; '65, 2;i7; '66, 47; '67 7 '68, 7; '69, 9; '70, 8; '71, 7; '72, 7; '73, 9; '74 24 '75, 22; '76, 74; '77, 22; '78, 42; '79, 20; '80 27 '81-2, 37; '83, 21; '84, 16; '85, 20, 57; '86 xvli '87, 24. at its beginning '63 25 discussion on '74 77 in one room '68 7 Nuneham onion '87 96 Nursery of forest trees at Agricultural College '74,60; '76,110; '77,46; '78 79 trees, care of, when received '78,340; '88 324 purchasing '77 263 Nursing sows, care of '78 196 Nut-bearing and sugar trees, comparative profit from '88 341 trees, by Prof. James Satterlee '88 308 native of Michigan '75 79 Nutritive value of cheese, article on '69 235 flour. '77 343 yellow and white corn '77 144 Oak family. (See Oaks and Oak tree.) Oakland Co. Agr'l Society, address before, by Hon. J. B. Hunt '51 445 W. W.Phelps '53 60O Andrew J. Poppleton '52 407 Prof. A. S. Welch' '55 772 report .... '49, 233; '50, 477; '51, 431; '53, 393; '53, 679; '54, 6D3; '55, 725; '56, 659; '57, 518; '58, 591; '66, 312; '67, 483; '68, 418; '71, 424; '73, 154; '73, 253; '74, 268; '75, 509; '76, 587; '77, 690. premium farms. '. '66,274; '67 345 Oaks, description of '85,149; '88 97 following pine forests '88 75 in Michigan '88 367 notes on varieties '85 139 31 342 GENERAL INDEX OF Tear. Page. Oaks, slope of branches in __ '88 369 removal of bark in cutting _ '88 335 varieties of, at College '78 100 Oak tree caterpillar '68 166 in poetry '88 368 Oat grass, tall, questions about, answered '85 180 Oats, average price for Ave years '78 345 black Swedish, report on ,. '69 lOJi Brooks, report on '69 103 chemical composition of '72 334 cost of crop '75,64; '77, 91; '86, 26; '88, 442 crossing of, discussed '73 179 cultivation of '50 274 excelsior, report upon... '69 103 experiment with '88 198 in Michigan, statisticsof '78 484 notes on, by David Woodman, Jr '. '77 143 Norway, report on '69 103 preparation of soil for '81 324 Prince Edward's Island, report on '69 103 report of one acre crop '59 153 Russian '81 76 SchOnen, report on '69 103 Somerset, report upon '69 102 sown fit various depths '83 41 surprise, reporton '69 103 straw, analysis of '59 375 value for manure after feeding '87 333 varieties tested '88 199 wild '71 113 with lawn grass '84 219 Obituary notices of graduates '81 39 Objections to Agricultural College '56 233 Objects of Agricultural College '63,9,26,85; '78,299; '85 50 education '54 399 experiment '64 97 Obligation of graduates of the Agricultural College to the State '75 25 Oblong fields '80 144 Observanceof arbor day at Agricultural College »... '88 364 Observations (or meridian '77 73 of climate, how made '65 343 meteorological. (See Meteorological observations.) on disease of eyesof sheep '87 153 succession of forests in Northern Michigan '88 74 Observatory at Agricultural College '80 58 Observers, voluntary '88 303 Obstacles of agriculture, by W. L. Carpenter '75 185 Occupation of farming '81 386 Occupations, numbers engaged in different '61 376 of Agricultural College graduates '70, 10; '72, 46; ^6 49 University graduates '86 49 women, by Mrs. Geo. A. Perry '87 481 Oceana county affected by lake winds.. , '73 75 Agricultural society report 'T3, 155; '78 608 for fruit 1 '73 75 sorghumin.. '84 314 topography of... '73 76 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 343 Tear. Page. ■Ocean freights on grains '83 167 Ode at dedication of Afrrioultnrai College '56 323 Odors, bad, what they mean '73 196 Odors injuring cheese '71 73 CEstris ovis, ill '76 187 Offences against property, law of '88 130 Office of straw on the farm, prize essay by Henry Evershed '59 265 Officers of Agricultural College '63, 30; '70, 8; '73, 16; '74, 7; '85, 20; '86, v; '87, 5; '88, 5 additional needed '87 26 alumni association '84 28 changes among '80,26; '81, 26; '83,18; '85,17 committees of '83 18 experiment station '88 136 meetings of '88 145 how elected '85 38 salaries of '75, 71: '76, 153; '77, 17; '78, 17; '79, 13; '80, 13; '81, 13; '83, 10; '84, 11; 85, 9; '86, ix; '87, 12; '88 14. students' government association '81 196 organization '84 24 experiment station '88, 136, 145 State Agricultural Society '49, 9; '50, 7; '51, vii, 3; '52, vli; '53, vil; 54, vii; '55, vii; 56, t; '57, 1; '58, vii; '59, 9; '67, 277, 388, 402; '68, 335; '69, 340, 346, '358; '70, 188; '73, 209; '74, 208; '75, 455; '76, 526; '77, 438; '78, 474; '79, 292; '80. 350; '81, 427, 439, 515, 522; '83, 337; '84, 338; '85, 184; '86, 254; '87, 187; '88, 479. duties of *... '73 165 rules relative to '76 483 students' organization : '81, 196; '84, 24 Offices of President and Secretary of Agricultural College, inventory '76 66 political for farmers '74 317 Ohio Agricultural College, plans for '54 360 dairying in, by Ethan Ailing '54 214 dairymen's association, address '71 61 dairy regulations by State -_ '88 389 forestry in _ '88 120 orchard crops in, decline of..-, '70 279 Stock Importing Company '69 163 valley average grain crop '84 85 Oil, distillation of, described '76 217 illuminating, article on, by Dr. Kedzie '76 216 meal for calves '76 336 Michigan test, discussed '76 216 essential, plants producing, article on, by Wm. Hull '78 283 for farm implements '75 152 Olntmentof sulphur and kerosene, remedy for ticks '88 407 Old fogyism in farming. '87 363 hall, burning of, at Agricultural College '77 20 Mission, description of '64 523 fruit discussions '67,85; '69, 461 region '73 86 minimum temperature '67 83 Mixon free peach, discussed '68 269 timeof ripening '88 '259 pastures '65 119 value_ '. '75 290 pines tougher than youngplnes '88 335 Oleacese '88 94 Oleaster family '88 95 244 GENERAL INDEX OF Tear. Page. Oleomargarine, article by Ohas. Adams '88 119 Prof. Franks. Kedzie '84 16» I. T. Sayre '84 177 detection of '84 176 discussion of.. '86 123 law against. '84 172 N. Y. law against '84 175 process of manufacture.. '84 170 report of committee on '84 91 Olive family 's8 94 Oliver, Mr. Adam, landscape gardener '76 71 One-horse plow clevis '71 179 Oneida county system of cheese-making '65 154 Onion, classification and description of varieties. '87 94 crop at Agricultural College '77 63 culture '52, 152; '77, 259; '84, 194; '88 288 improvement by selection of seeds. '79 193 Improving keeping qualities of '81 124 maggot '87,42; '88 288 notes on '75 49 varieties of. '87 94 weight of. '75 49 Open ditches, capacity of '86 173 faultsof '83,104; '84 114 fpr marshes. '77 186 formfor '88 288 /Opening of Agricultural College '72 38 Opinions of supervisors as to needs of forest legislation '88 103 Oppression, foreign '50 370 Opthalmia of sheep, bulletin on '87 152 Optimus tomato described '87 85 Orangefleld tomato dcEcribed '86, 239; '87 80 Orchardgrass '69, 198; '71, 109; '75, 267; '87 285 opinions of experts on , '87 286 questions about, answered. 1 '85 179 Orchards. (See also Fruit, Apple, Cherry, etc., etc.) advantagesof Michiganfor. '65 13 Agricultural College '63, 84; '76, 118; '78, 72; '81 51 apple, varieties in '87 103 pear, varieties in '67 110 plum, varities in '87 110 article by Adams, H. Dale, on the farmer's '77 318 Beal, Dr. W. J., on apple '76 366 pruniuKof '75 360 starting of.. .— '77 363 Beecher, N. A., on farm. '78 330 Bixbee, Martin H., on maintaining fertility of '88 389 Dyckman, A. S.. on thinning fruit on... '75 118 English, B. G., on management of '84 198 Garfield, Chas. W., on apple '75 122 Gill, G. W., on preservation of '76 241 Hathaway, Benjamin, on management of.. '71 133 Linderman, A. T., on State test '70 333 Partridge, Hon. B. F '78 338 Plessner, Dr., on Saginaw valley.. '77 201 Pray, Esek, on apple '78 171 Roe, Dr. J. M., on farm '79 160 Thompson, Sec. J. P., on system in '70 276 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 245 Tear. Page. Orchards, best varieties for '88,298,303 cattle in i '77 267 cropping '69, 475; '75 119 cultivation of '71,136; '77 267 late in the season '75 119 or mulching '76 243 deforestation an Injary to '88 108 discussion on '76 243 distance apart for trees '68,434; '75 124 elevationof site a protection from frost.- '75 120 farm '70,439; '77,318; '78,230; '79,150 fertility of, how to maintain '88 289 hogs running in, to destroy insects '80 277 how to plant and grow '75,123; '78 230 Injured by deforestation '88 108 insect enemies of. (See also codling moth, insects, etc.) '74,106; '78 342 late cultivation of '75 119 layingout '71,134; '77 265 location of '70,420; '71,132; '76,366 elevation important to '75 120 managementof '71,123; '84 198 Michigan's adaptation for '65 13 mulching or cultivating of '76 243 Ohio, declineof. '70 279 pasturingof '78,231; '79 152 peach, best varieties for '88, 296, 302 pear, best varieties for '88 297 premium '69, 361, 363 varieties in Agricultural College '87 110 plats of, importance of '77 267 plum, best varietiesfor '88 298 varieties in Agricultural College '87 110 premium '67,364; '69,355,359; '70,322 pear, P. C. Davis '69 361 B.P.Powell '69 363 preparation of soilfor '78 339 preservation of '76 241 profltfrom _ '73 64 protection of '71,133; '75 123 law for '69 451 pruning '68,438; '71, 136; '75,360; '77,267; '79, 151 record of profitable '73 64 premium '67, 364; '69, 355, 359 ; '70, 322 pear. '69 361 Saginaw valley '77 201 setting out '77 263 proper distance apart for trees '68,434; '75, 124 what toconsiderin '75 123 site for '70,430; '71, 132; '76, 366 elevationof '75 120 sprayingpump for '88 220 State test, article by A. T. Linderman '70 333 system, article by Secretary J. P. Thompson '70 276 test '70 333 thinning f rait in, by A. S. Dyckman '75 116 varieties bestfor '88 286 in Agricultural College '87 110 246 GENERAL INDEX OF Tear. Page. OrchardB, windbreaks for '84 189" Orchard trees, distance apart for — '68, 434; '75, 134 propagation of '71 12 Manny's _ __ '64 225 Reapers, American, at World's fair '59 360 and mowers, combined, discussion '75 157 improved --. _. '66 362 public trial of '66 263 Reaping machine, "New Yorker" _. '68 285 Rearing live stock, article on. (See also Live Stock, Cattle, &c.) '70 125 Rebecca grape discussed '58 217 Receipts of Agricultural College. (See also accounts. Agricultural College.) estimate of - '81 13 experiment station from U. S. treasury- - '88 146 from sale of land, (See Agricultural College of Mich., land grant from U. S. saleb.) since foundation '85, 15; '86, xv; '87, 20; '88 23 Statefair. (See also State fair.) - .--.'81,452,534; '85 225 questioned by Detroit Evening News -- -- '78 48& Reclaiming swamp lands, article by Carpenter, Prof. R. C — '86 154 Charles, C. B - -- '84 116 Hodgman,F -- - - '77 322 Hoi brook, Hon. F -- '71 181 Miller, A -.-- - '78 348 Palmer, Chas - - '78 301 Rowe, W.Asa -- -.- '78 262 Smith,J.N - '77 184 VVoodhouse, I. B "79 175 Recommendations of dairy expt. committee - '88 196 forestry commission '88 128 Recommendation of (Jov. Bagley for Agricultural College - '73 7 Begole " " - '83 15 Croswell " " -- ..-. '79 16 Jerome " " '83 15- Records of Agricultural College open to inspection '85 36 dairy breeds '75 305 farm operations. (See also Agr'l College of Mich., Farm Dept. report '63 46- frost lor twenty years -- '50 428 garden department (see Agr'l College of Mich. Hort'l Dept. report) '77 64 growth of varieties of trees - "87 125 Hoistein-Friesian animals '87 372 milk at Agricultural College..- - '83 38 soil temperatures at Agricultural College '88 154 Grayling '88 160 sunshine '88 150 transactions of State Board of Agriculture to be kept by secretary - '85 36 weather at Agr'l College (see also Meteorological Observations at Agr'l College) '88 555 Recreation for farmers' boys - '81 415 Red ash described '78 87 astrachan apple, by T. T. Lyon "'68 246 described- '56,218; '70 286 Canada apple, by Benjamin Hathaway '78 364 T. T. Lyon -- -- - '58 2H described..- - '71,128; '84 199 discussed '75,168; '87 155 Cardinal pepper described.. '87 92 cedar described '7^ 91 distribution and characteristics of '88 373 river breakwater. '77 69 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 379 Tear. Page. Red cherry peppers described '87 89 tomato described '86,248; '87 76 cloyer. ( See also Clover.) and wheat, article on, by Prof. C. W. Johnson '68 261 article by Prof. W. J. Beal... '88 76 Influence of bamble bees on '86 79 variation of '81 129 cluster pepper described __ '87 90 currants, varieties of , In college garden '87 108 elm '78, 93; '88, 371 forcing turnip radish '88 237 French peppers described '87 90 grape currant discussed '58 222 horse flsh described '51 230 Italian Tripoli onion '87 98 maple '78, 98; '88, 370 Masculine apiicots described '56 234 mulberry '78, 99; '88, 371 oak '78 10» galls on ". '88 475 pine '78, 103; '88, 79, 333, 373 plum tomato described ..- '87 77 polled cattle for light soils _ '87 331 rareripe peach discussed... '58 269' raspberries, varieties of, in Agricultural College garden. '87 112 sucker fish described - '51 228 tomato pepper described '87 93 top grass described '75 296 for hay '75 115 pasture '6) 129 questions answered '85 181 . Valencia cluster tomato described '86, 240; '87, 84 Weathersfleld onion '87 97 iledfleld, Heman, address before Berrien County Society '51 325 Redpath, M. Davidson, prize essay on potato culture '53 144 paperon fences '51 235 Reduction of improved sheep '76 275 Reed, F. L., report of department at State Fair '87, 206; '88, 496 upon Agricultural College.. '81, 567; '83, 391 canary grass, notes on (See also Reed grass.) '85 182 grass, description of '71. 112; '75, 296; '85, 182 Reed's Island Beauty tomato described '87 84 Refertilizing soil '77 452 Reforestation, desirability of '88, 109, 112 Reform of system of farming, by E. L. Russell '77 162 Rcfundingson account land grant '86 xiii Refuse salt as a fertilizer '.9 261 Register of Devon cattle of Michigan '58 363 weather observations '85 267 Registration of sheep, letter from W. G. Markham '79 427 reporton '79 437 resolutions on '79 433 Regular feeding of fat cattle '77 157 horses '84 148 Regnlation of dairies and cow sheds, laws for '80 104 Regulations concerning State Institutions '85 43 for trotting at State Fair '74 197 280 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page. Regulations of State Agrienltural Society '81 560 Pomological Society _ '70 341 students' government '81 196 Regulator seed drill described _ _ '71 177 Rein, evil ot chect. '57 196 Reine, Claude, plum described '66 336 Reissue ot patents '79 313 Relation of Agricultural College farm to instruction '63 45 chemistry to agriculture, paper by Dr. R. C. Kedzie '80 265 education to agriculture, by Secretary R. Gr. Baird '81 349 farmer to district school, paper by Mrs. W. T. Adams '83 227 law. '83 291 farmers' sons to the world, by H. R. Dewey '84 231 live stock to farmer, paper by C. L. Ingersoll '76 382 mechanics to agriculture. Prof. W. F. Durand '88 427 railroads to farmers, by Pres. W. O. Hugart '83 176 sugar maples to the forestry question, by Eugene Davenport '88 341 capital to farmer, by Hon. C. V. R. Pond '86 30 veterinary science to agriculture, by Dr. E. A. A. Grange '86 123 Relative. food value of different wheats, by Dr. R. C. Kedzie '77 341 giowthof different kinds of trees '87 125 inarboretum '79 191 merits of breeds of hogs '79 284 Herefordsand Shorthorns, experiment '78 315 Italian and black bees. '76 434 profit ot sheep and cow, article by J. E. Day '75 139 value of albuminoids and carbo hydra' es in food. '78 408 corn and roots for feeding '67 50 for soiling and fodder '76 261 Religious exercises at college.. '75 19 Remains, animal, as manure '83 97 Remedy for anthomyians - '87, 449; '88 225 anthonomus musculus '88 16 J ants '88 43 apple tree borer '74 125 armyworm '83 424 bark lice '74 127 blister beetles '74 122 botflies - '76 162 cabbage cut worm '74 118 cabbagewonn '77, 175 ; 'W, 450 ; '88 225 canker worm '65,25; '74 129 carpet beetle '86 325 climbing cutworms '74 144 clothes moth.. '74 151 codling moth '74,133; '86,173; '88,42,217 cucumber beetle '74 122 curculio '74, 134; '88,43,323,294 currant borer '74 141 worm '74 143 cutworms '74,111,144; '88 288 defects of American agriculture, by Sanford Howard '57 45 foot and mouth disease '69 2'29 forest fires '88 361 gooseberry saw fly '74 141 hessian fly... '77 370 leaf roller '74 145 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 281 450; Remedy for mange in cattle May beetle midge in wheat mildew mites _ onion maggot _ '77,176; '87, patent frauds __. pea weevil peach borer pear slugs _ _ phylloxera plant lice ^ plum curculio '74,134; '88,43,223,294 potato bug, how to use radish fly '74,121; '77,175; '87,450; rose chafer saperda cretata _ saw fly - squash borer bug vine root borer - strawberry weevil striped oucvtmber beetle : flea beetle tent caterpillar,- tomato worm twig pruner vtrmin on cattle .- web worms -. wheat midge. wire worm Removal of bark in cutting oak subordinate officers wood from lands sold for taxes, law regarding Removing logs for lumber Renewing pasture lands '65, 121; Rennet for cheese making Renovation of worn out pastures '65, 121: Rent for booths at agricultural fairs State Fair Renting farms Reorganization, history of Agricultural College prior to, by Pres. Abbot ' of Agricultural College '81, 377; Repairs by farmers of buildings, estimate Replies to Forestry Commission from Davenport, Eugene - • Kedzie, A. S - Luce, A. A Lyon, T. T Moores, J. H ^. Kevins, Geo. H Northern counties Rich, Jno. T Spaulding, Y. M Southern counties Supervisors... questions about grasse", by Dr. W. J. Beal ar. Page. '88 408 '74 113 '74 113 '73 93 '88 404 '86 225 '79 :mi '74 114 '74 136 '74 138 '74 150 '74 139 13, 223, 294 '74 108 '88 225 '88 43 '88 168 '74 141 '88 294 '74 115 '74 117 •88 165 '74 l-'3 '74 119 '74 121 '74 116 '74 128 '88 407 '74 133 ■74 113 '74 113 '88 335 '85 39 '88 135 '88 79 '70 140 '66 1U9 '70 140 '81 605 '88 490 '57 378 '81 358 '85 34 '81 306 '81 17 '88 109 '88 115 '88 110 '88 110 '88 115 '88 116 '88 114 '88 116 '88 113 •88 108 '88 103 '85 179 283 GENERAL INDEX OF Tear, Page. Report of Agr'l College (see also Report of Board of Agriculture, Report of Faculty, Report of President, Report of Secretary, Report of Farm Department, etc., etc.; '56, 25, 279; '65, 227; '66, 7. law for exchange of, with other colleges '85 54 of United States relative to '81,24; '85 54 onrelationof farm to instruction '63 45 to State'Supt. of Pabliclnstruction. -. '85 43 department of Agr'l College. (See Report of Farm Dept. Agr'l College.) societies. (See also Report of State Agr'l Soc'y and Report of County Agr'l Soc'y.) to be filed with Secretary of State Board of Agriculture '85 36 when needed _ '85 293 American Pomological Society '58 205 analysis of commercial fertilizers '86, 246; '87, 173; '88 162 apiary '74, 40; '75, 357; '70, 94; '77, 12, 33; '78, 11, 34, 59; '79, 32; '80, 37; '81, 95; '83, r,l ; '84, 43; '86, 80; '86, xxxv: '87, 39; '88, 42. Board of Agriculture, back volumes of, wanted for exchange '85,295; '87 60 law relative to — . '85 42 tobeannual '85 64 contain analysis of fertilizers '85 46 what to contain '85, 40, 46 botanical dept. of Agr'l College.--- '75, 38; '76, 98; '77, 41; '78, 61; '79, 33; '30, 41; '81, 98; '83, 52; '84, 45; '85, 82; '86, xlii; '87, 36; '88, 45. survey of Southern Michigan '55,396; botanist of experiment station.. cattle commissioners '68, 449; '80, 86; sales at the Agricultural College '84, 34; '85, 66; '86, xxiv; '87,32; charges relative to State fair receipts chemical dept. of Agr'l College '63, 51; '74, 35; '75, 27; 76, 80; '77, 25; '78, 47; '80, '83, 47; '84, 40; '85, 78; '86, xxxii; '87, 34; '88, 41. chemist of experiment station.-- - -.. '88 149 commercial fertilizer analyses .- '86, 246; '87, 173; '88 152 county agricultural societies '49, 129; '50, 261; '51, 287; '52, 203; '53,351; '54, 407; '55, 432; '56, 329; '57, 297 '58, 481; '59, 321; '64, 227; '65, 275; '66, 286; '67, 401; '68, 393; '69, 364; '70, '72, 133; '73, 243 '74, 258; '75, 496; '76, '78, 571; '79, 445; '80, 451; '81, 600; '83, '86, 258; '86, 294; '87, 260, 506; '88, 553. to be filed with the Secretary of the State Board of Agri- culture- '85 36 when needed.- - '85 29,5 departmentsof the Agr'l College '73,39; '74,23; '75,19; '76, 69; '77,18; '78, 19; '79,16; '80, 16; '81, 22; '83, 14; '84, 14; '85, 56; '86, xvii; '87, 24; '88, 25. lawfor-- '85 40 directorof experiment station - '88 138 weather service '88 201 district agricultural societies. (See Report of county agricultural societies.) drainage committee of State Agricultural College '67 293 engineering department of Agricultural College. (See R. of Mathematical and E. Dept. of Agricultural College.) English Department of .Agricultural College '71, 37 ; '75, 30 ; '76, 83 ; '77, 28 53; '79, 26; '80, 73; '81, 160 '84, 55 ; '85, 91 ; '.36, Ixiii ; 87, 48 Entomological Dept. of Agr'l College. .--'74, 39 ; '75, 59 ; 76, 90 ; '77, 33 ; '78, 33, 58 '88 179 '88 177 '81 4'^6 •88 32 '78 504 33;' 81 ,86; 363; '71, 401 572; '77, 647 451; '84, 425 '78 36 '83 69 '88 52 '79 31 '86 xxxiii '80,35; '81,93: '83, 49: '84.42; '85, '87, 38 ; '88, 41. entomologist ot experiment stMtion.- '88 165- MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 283 Year. Page. Report of experiments (see also Experiment) '64, 117; '85, 235; '68 51,55 committee on '88 194 experiment station '88 137 faculty of Agr'l College '63,13; '83,37; '64,107; '66,47; '72,9; '74, 23; '75, 2.i; '76,74; '77, 20; '78, 41; '7o! 19; 80, 23. law requiring '85 39 (See also Report of Departments.) farm dept. of Ag'l College '63, 21; '63, 46; '66, 10; '87, 10; '69, 9; '73, 42; '74, 30; '75, 61; '76, 129; '77, 73, 81; '78, 120, 122, 154; '79, 34; '80, 80; '81, 53; '83, 33; '84, 32; '85, 59; '86, xxi; '87, 30; '88, 27. fertilizer analyses '86,246; '87, 173; forestry commission convention dept. at Agr'l College '83,51; "84,45; '85,82; '86, xlii; '87,36; in other States garden dept. (See Report of Horticultural Dept.) geology of Michigan '53, 278; 54,281; Monroe Co greenhouse ,. '73,48c; '74,42; '75,44; '76,105; '77,44; '78,81, '88 152 '88 69 306 45 117 '88 182 '55 373 '80 44 history, dept. of, at Agr'l College '81, 177; '83, 70; '84 58 Horticultural dept. of Agr'l Coll '62, 23; '63, 90; '65, 231; '68, 17; '67, 53; 88, 21; '69, 18; '70, 44; '72, 32; '73, 47; '74, 41; '75, 38; '76, 98; '77, 41; 59; '78, 64, 109; '79, 33, 42; '80, 41; '81, 84, 98; '83, 42, '84, 87; '85, 71; '86 xxvii; '87, '64; '88, 36. societies, when required '85 294 land erant 67,285; '84 131 language dept. of Agr'l College. (See B. of English Dept. of A. C.) librarian of Agr'l College '73, 48e; '74,58; '75,32; '76,86; '77,29; '78,54; '79,28; '80,74; '81, 163; '83, 72; '84, 29, 57; '85, 93; '86, Ixix; '87, 54; '88, 63. accounts.. '75, 14; '76, 89; '77, 11; '78, 11; '79, 10; '80, 10; '81 183 local agricultural societies. (See R. of County Agr'l Soc.) Lyon, T. T., Amn. Poml. Soc '58 205 mathematical and engineering dept. of Agr'l Coll... '75, 55; '76, 125: '77, 67; '78, 113; '79, 40; '80, 56; '81, 153; '83, 82; '84, 49; '85, 87; '88, xlviii; '87, 45; '88 48 mechanical dept. of Agricultural College '83,391; '84,29,50,53; '85,18,28,88; '88, Iv; '87, 26, 48; '88, 57. military dept. of Agr'l Coll. (see also Military dept. of Agr'l Coll '85, 98; '86, Ixvii; '87, 53; '88, 61. museum (see also R. of Entomological Dept. of Agr'l Coll.)... '74, 40; '75, 38; '76, 93; '77, 33; '78, 58; '79, 31; '80, 38; 81, 96. Oalsland Co. Agr'l Soo. (See Oakland Co. Agr'l Soc, Report of.) oleomargarine committee 'Jit 91 premiumfarms '50, 141 ; '54, 140; '66,273; '07 343 President Abbot '74,29; '75,19; '76,69; '77,18; '78,18; '79,18; '80,18; '81 22 '83, 14 ; '84, 14. Willits '85, 56 ; '86, xvii ; '87, 24 ; '88 25 Professors. (See Report of Botanical, Entomological, &c., departments.) saleof cattle at Agricultural College '84,34; '85,66; '86,xxiv; '87,33; '88 33 secretary of Board of Agr. ( See R. of Bd. of Ag. and Agr'l Coll. of Mich., accounts.) experiment station '88 146 State Agr'l Society. ( See Report of State Agr'l Society.) Sheep Breeders' Association '79 417 sorghum making - -. '83,12; '84,306; '87 21 State Agricultural College. (See Report of Agricultural College.) 284 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page. Report of State Agricultural Society (seeal-o Premium list of the State Agricultural Society).. '49, 33 ; '60, 3 ; '51, 7 ; '53, 13 ; '6S, 9 ; '54, 15 ; '55, 10 ; '56, 17; '57, 17 '58, 37 ; '59, 9 ; '66, 273 ; '67, 265 ; '68, 335 ; '69, 303 ; '70, 167 '73, 145 ; '74, 153 ; '75, 396 ; '76, 477 ; '77, 437 ; '78, 473 ; '79, 291 '80, 350 ; '81, 437 ; '82, 515 ; '83, 337 ; '84, 33» ; '85, 184 ; '86, 354 '87, 187 ; '88, 479. committee on Agr'l College '67, 285; '68, 367, 400 ; '80, 394 '81,475,553,568; '83,28,381 charges against treasurer '78 504 law as to pu Wishing of '57,6; '85 293 when required '85 293 officers, laws relating to - '85 42 when required.-- '85 293 sugar raising, how to be made '85 44 superintendent of farm. ( See Report of farm department.) garden. (See Report of horticultural department.) supervisors on forestry questions - --- '88 103 treasurer of Agr'l Coll '62,37; '63,105; '64,121; '65,259; '66,39; '67,31; '68,41; '69,45 '70, 31 ; '71, 44 ; '73, 23 ; '73, 27 ; '74, 13 ; '75 and each later vol- ume page 8, till '35, 7; '86, vii ; '87, 7 ; '88, 9. State Agr'l Society '49,135; '50,59; '51,281; '53,199; '53,143; '55,269,377 '56, 27; '57, 21; '58, 72; '59, 25; 'ij7, 270, 388; '68, 376 '69,343,352; '70,232; '73,238; '74,157,219; '75,411 '70, 561 ; 77, 482 ; '78, 518 ; '79, 303 ; '80, 367 ; '81, 452 '82,534; '83,362; '84,354; '85,223; '87,218; '85,486 veterinary department of Agr'l College '78,45; '80,17; '81,38; '83,68; '84,53; '85,90 '86, Ixvi; '87,52; '88,55. visit to industrial schools - --- '86 Iv Walbridge, Hon. D. S., on Congressional land grant "57 285 weather service - '88 301 West Michigan asricultural and industrial society '22 451 woolgrowers' and sheepbreeders' association - '18 417 zoological department. (S' e report of entomological department.) relation of farm to instruction - '63 45 to congress by Hon. D. S. Walbridge on land grants for agricultural colleges '57 285 superintendent ot public instruction -- '85 43 Reports, back volumes of. wanted and to exchange '85,295; '87 60 exchange of, between colleges - '85 54 law of United States regarding - '81 23 Reproduction by fission - -- , '76 297 in domestic animals, paper by Dr. Grange - '83 ' 121 of plants -- '76 233 Reputation, value of --- - - -- '79 98 Requisites for admission to State Agricultural College - '85 37 poultry keeping - - _ "76 311 successful farming, by Secretary Baird - '78 457 bee-keeping - - - -- '75 331 wintering bees.-- '76 427 Reseeding pastures, article on policy of - - - '65 121 Reserve farm wood lot, how managed, A. 0. Glidden - '88 317 Ben j. Hathaway '. - '88 319 torefcts, owned by state, by C. W. Garfield -- - - '88 352 Residence of students - - - '72 8 Resignation of faculty '63 27 President T. C. Abbot '84,30; '85 17 Redolutions against butter substitutes --- - '84 179 at joint meeting at college - - - '79 415 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 285 Tear. Page. Resolutions of Michigan Sportsman's Aasooiation regarding forest reserves '88 353 State Agricnltural Society on College (see also Report of State Agricultural Society committee on Agricultural College) '67 387 Resolution ot State millers' association '77 34$ Regolutions on death of Secretary Howard '70 73 resignation of Pres. Abbot '85 17 relative topleuro pneumonia bill '87 263 Resources of Agr'l College. (See also Inventory of Agr'l CoUege.l '72, 42 ; '83, 15 ; '85, 11 ; '86, xi ; '87, 19 ; '88, 24. Michigan '71,196; '72 109 agriculturally '64 93 Northern Michigan ___ '88 18S Respiration of walls __ '77 333 Responsibility for stray cattle _ '77 158 of societies for property at fairs '78 479 Resting of land. (Seealso Fallow culture.) '73 220 Restoration of organic matter to soils '87 329 farms by means of stock '76 388 fertlUtyto soil "57 46 Reversing posts to preserve them '76 249 Reynolds and Tracy orchards ■. '73 96 C. P., Our New Michigan '77 213 Geo. M., address before Shiawassee county society '.i2 455 Rev. G. M., on rotation of crops '76 3U H. C, article on small fruit 'K7 428 Henry G., Secretary of Faculty of Agricultural College '88 5 State Board of Agriculture '88 4 Experimental Station '88 6 report '88 145 Forestry Commission '88 7 W. H., paper on small fruits '76 268 Rhamnaceae '88 86 Rhetorical work at Agricultural College '84, 55; '87 51 Rheumatism in cattle '59 179 Rhode Island Bent Grass, questions answered '85 183 Greening, by Ben j. Hathaway '71,130; '78 365 T.T.Lyon , '58 248 Edward Mason _ '56 231 W. L. Waring '70 293 for market '87 155 timeof ripening '38 360 Rhodites Radicum '88 467 Rhubarb, how to raise for family '84 194 wine - - '65 19 Rhus Cotinus, notes on _ '85 138 Ribbon beds at the Agricultural College '76 105 Rice '71 97 cut grass, notes on '85 183 upland - '79 38 value of crop '54 318 wild, possibilities of '50 393 Rich and poor in England -. '50 396 Hon. John T., answers to forestry questions.. '88 117 paper on drainage '81 396 stock of merino sheep '65, 77; '73 189 Richardson, Geo. F., on farmers' organizations '86 36 Richmond, Chas. H., address before Michigan association of agricultural societies '79 446 386 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. .. '81 '63 Page. Rickenbrode wheat Bulge, ancient lake Ridges, best for fruit '88 385 Right of way, law of - '83,295,308 Rights in law of the farmer's wife '83 not enjoyed in England _ _ '73 Rinderpest, article on... '65,177; '66 carried by hides.. "66 Ringbone '57,192: '79 disctisslon of '87 Ripeness, degree of, in wheat at different dates '81 Ripening of apples, time of in different latitudes '88 tomatoes, tables '87 , wheat, paper by Dr. R. C. Kedzie ..-. '81,233; '85 Rising, Hon. B. W '86, iv; 87, 4; '88 report of dep. at State fair '87 on premium farms '67 River Raisin bottoms, soil analyzed '78 Rivers affected by tile draining '88 fall of '79 River water, temperature of '88 Roach fish, described '51 Road, arlicle by Aldrioh, A. L., on country '84 Appleton, T., on making.. '86 Carpenter, Prof. R. C, on common, compared with railroads '78 making '75 the Michigan '75 turnpiking and nnderdraining '76 Davis, Frank P., C. E., on highways and bridges '78 Drew, A. L., on construction and maintenance '87 Green, Sidney, on making '76 Hayden, A. W., on improvement of the '80 Parrish, Judge, on law of the '83 Stetson, C. B., on country '71 Treat, L. L., on common '80 Webber, Wm. L.,on taxes for the '78 bed, grading of '78 permanent '71 bridges for the country '78 building. (See road making.) characteristics of agood. '75 common, by h. L. Treat '80 compared with railroads , 78 construction of. (See road making.) cost of good '75, 110; '78 poor '75 turnpiking '76 underdraining '76 country, article by A. h. Aldrich '84 C. B. Stetson '71 direct, important to have '71, 266; '80, 154; '86 discussion '78 ditches '78 draft on different '71,274; '78 drainage '71,269; '76, 286,399; '80 cost of... '76 fall necessary for '76 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 287 Tear. Page. Road, drainage necessity for '78, 192; '84 106 side ditclies for ._ '78 193 draught on. (See Road, draft on.) economy of direct '80 154 good '59,390; '71,284; '78 194 good,eostof __ '76, HQ; '78 193 what constitutes a '75 log grades, load possible at different '75 ill grading '78 192 horses.... _ '71,153; '83 134 improvement of the '80 153 labor, evil of assessment of '80 208 (See also Road making. Road law, and Road work,) law of the '88 308 laws, improvement of "84 104 load possible at different grades '75 ill locationof '71,266; '80,154; '86 151 loss from a poor '75, no, 364 lumber, sprinkling of, in winter '88 80 maintenance of '87 348 making, articles on '75, 107; '76, 286; '86, 151; '87 348 proper time for 1 '78,193; '87 351 Michigan, the '75 364 planting shade trees by side of '66, 30 app.; '76, 311; '88 114 law as to '66 38 app. poor, expensiveness of '75, HO, 364 rail, compared with common '78 314 rollers, importance of '78 193 route for.. '71,268; '86 151 should bedireot '80 154 shade trees. (See Road, planting shade trees by.) sideditchee for '78 193 slope of '76 403 sprinkling in lumbering operations '88 80 surfaces, different kinds of '75 113 draft on different '71,274; '78, 315 system, errors in '75 366 tax, discussed by Wm. L. Webber '78 480 money, payment of '80 206 working, of '86 152 tnrnpikingof '76,399,406 underdraining of '76 408 width of '78 192 Roadwork assessment, evil of '80 206 time for '78, 193; '87,351 Roadster horses '71, 153; '83, 134 Hoasting meat, points to observe in '83 200 Robbing of hives by bees, how to prevent '75 353 Roberts, E. O., on potato culture '54, 231; '55, 227 rot '35 229 Prof. I. H-, remarks on student labor '71 376 Robertson, W. R., letter from '85 5 Robins and blackbirds insect eaters '75 61 insects. Prof. A.J. Cook '75 277 food of '83 441 Rochester institute - '75, 178; '86, 3 tomato described '86,241; '87, 66 288 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page. Rook bass described '51 327 elm 78 94 maple „ 73 98 Rockford institute 79 59 R deciduous trees tougher '88 335 pine softer _ '88 335 sugar maples _ '8S'' 345 Secretary and treasurer of experiment station, report of '83 146 of the State Agr'l Society, report '49, 33; '60, 3; '51, 1; '52, 1; '53, 9; '54, 15; '55, 10; '56, 17 '58, 48; '59, 26; '67, 270; '68, 368; '69, 303; '70, 331; '73, 145 '74, 310; '75, 396; '76, 477; 77, 456; '78, 482; '79, 299 '80, 863; '81, 448; '82, 630; '83, 356; '84, 350; '85, 197 ■86, 254; '87, 192; '88, 483. Board of Agriculture, accounts... '63, 31; '63, 101; '64, 135; '65, 273; '66, 27; 67, 17 '68, 27; '69, 23; '70, 15; '71, 23; '72, 22; '73, 26 '74, 11; '75, 7; and each year thereafter, till '85, 6; '86, vi; '87, 6; '88, 8. analysis of fertilizers to be filed with '85 46 bondof '85 35 compensation of '85 37 custodian of books.. '86 36 dutiesof '85 36 inventory of office '76 67 report '62, 5;;'63, 7; '64,7; '65,237; '66, 7; and each year thereafter to '74, inclusive. (See also See. St. Bd. Ag. accounts.) lawasto '85 42 to have custody of books '85 36 Pomological Society, report of '70 259 Section line roads '71 266 Sedges, description of '71, 117; '75 287 Seed adulteration (see also Seed testing) '77, 382; '81 106 poem from " Punch " '77 390 amount to sow per acre of clover '77 149 grasses '83 109 wheat '69,179; '76 185 given length of drill '88 234 hill of corn '79 148 296 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page. Seed, article on formation and development of, by Prof. W. W. Tracy '76 230 improvement by changing, selection, &c., by Dr. W. J. Beal '78, 445; '81 106 testing of, by Dr. W.J. Beal '77 377 vitality of, by Dr. W.J. Beal '84 333 beet, tested.. '81 122 brine (or soaking to liasten germination '69 190 changing of '76,206; '77,144; '78 447 clover, amount of, to sow , '77 149 saving of '86 86 corn, how much to sow per hill '79 148 to procure (see also Seed corn, selection of) '78,449; '80 284 Increased yield from good '80 286 selection of '77,311; '78, 449; '80,284; '81,133,254 testing of '81 122 upper ear for '81 133 depth to sow '77 381 resultsat diflEerent '83 41 development of '76 230 distribution by government '63; 43; '78,597; '85,36 nature '76, 233; '86, 251; '88, 78 dried or soaked, proportion of plants from ,. '87 145 drill described '71 177 drills, inventory of, at Agricultural College '76 16 ■ear of corn best for '81 133 end of potato '74 49 experiments. (See' also Seed testing.) with, changing '76 206 corn '81 133 jack pine '88 77 potatoes '74 49 soaking '87 145 food from '76 231 forest tree '88 375 how distributed. '86 251 formation and development of '76 230 forms of various '76 332 frauds in (See also Seed adulteration and Seed testing) '88 201 .germination of '77 880 after being kept on ice '87 145 soaked '69 190 government distribution of '63, 43; '78, 597; '85, 36 inspection of (See also Seed testing.) '83 107 grass for lawns, what is it? '87 146 how much to sow '83 109 how deep to sow '77, 381 ; '83, 41 distributed by nature '76, 283; '86, 261 ; '88,78 much to sow. (See Seed, amount to sow.) ice for keeping , '87 145 improvement of, by Dr. W. J. Beal '78 445 increase of cropfrom good '80 286 inspection of, by State. (See also Seed testing.). '83 107 jack pine, experiments with '88 77 Japanese, vegetable '79 196 kept on ice, germination of '87 145 large, not necessarily the best '78 448 moth, the parsnip '80 275 natural distribution of '78, 338, '86, 261; '88 78 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 297 Year. Page. Seed onions improved by selection of '79 192 peddling, frauds In (see also Seed adulteration and Seed testing) '88 201 per acre. (See Seed, amount to sow.) pine, experiments with '88 77 potatoes, best end of '74 49 cutting of '85 168 quality of, important (See also Seed, selection of) '55,575; '78 447 quantity to sow. (See Seed, amount tq sow.) running out (see also Seed, changing of) '77 144 saving of clover « '86 86 selection of '55, 575; '76, 234; '77, 145: '78 447 corn '. '77, 311; '78, 449; '80, 284; '81,133,254 onion '79 192 wheat '76,394; '77 127 size not a sure test in selecting '78 448 soaking of , to hasten germination '69,190; '87 145 sown at various depths, results of '83 41 sprouting more than once '81 123 State inspection of (see also Seed testing) '83 107 steeped in brine '69 190 testing '78, 74; '80, 50; '83, 56; '88 143 article on, by Dr. W. J. Beal '77,377; '81 106 at constant temperature '81 112 beets ---- - '81 122 corn '81 122 lawn grass - '87 146 tomato, variation of '87 70 tree '88 375 how distributed naturally 1 /'86 261 upper ear of corn for '81 133 variation of '76,232; '87 70 various forms of , '76 232 vegetable from Japan '79 196 vitality of '74, 306; '79, 191; '84, 317, 332; '88 74 wheat, amount to sow '69, 179; '76 185 from different parts of head, product from '79 36 improvement of '69 181 selection of. '55, 207; '64, 232; '76, 394; '77, 127; '78 449 sprouted, use of '81 123 Seeds, their formation and development, article by Prof. W. W. Tracy '76 230 Seedage, for multiplication of plants '87 430 Seeding clover, discussion on '88 451 for wheat, discussion on. - '88 292 Seedling gooseberries - '79 195 Houghton's gooseberry --- - '76 307 potatoes '53 209 Seigler, Mr., remarks on leached ashes for wheat. - '75 201 Selandria cerasi, kerosene emulsion for - '83, 448; '86, xxxviii rosae, kerosene emulsion for -- '86, xxxviii Select courses of study at the Agricultural College '63 14 Selection,of seed. (See Seed, selection of.) timber species for growing '88 83 Selecting trees for planting in America '88 123 Self education of farmers, by J. W. Hutchins '87 491 government at agricultural colleges '71, 358, 368 recording^;hermometers '88 152 support for girls, article on '87 478 298 GENEEAL INDEX OF Year. Page. Selleck, Geo. M., donation by '85 62 Selling cattle, how to select for -. '87 358 coarse fodder a mistake '76 183 Separate establishment of Agricultural College '63 24 Separation for multiplication of plants '87 432 Sermons at college, by whom '75, 19; '76 72 Sermon on State fair, by Rev. Thomas Mumford — '53 345 Serrate, Early York, peach, discussed.. '58 268 Servants, law of - '84 128 Service berry - '78 105 Sessions, Lieut. Grov., paper on wheat culture -. - '76 328 Setaria Italica grass - - '71 115 Seth Boyden strawberry - '79 130 Setting eggs '66 232 out fruits and vegetables, article by C. W. Garfield '76 193 orchard trees (see also Orchard, setting out, etc.) '71,134; '75,123; '76,368; '77, 266; '78, 340. Settlement of Michican, degree of 'Ti 125 Settling of muck in draining '79 179 Seven year rotation : '76 315 Seventeen year locust, account of '68 165 Seventh year fallow for land '76 315 Sewage, utilized as manure '76 384 Sewer to library building '83 65 Sewers, efficient as health protectors '79 121 Sex, breedingof, at will '83 126 Sexton, W. K., reply to questions of forestry commission '88 112 Seymour, Morgan & Allen's self raker '66 265 Shad-bush '78 105 Shade trees advocated- '51 424 by roadsides '66, 30app. culture of, by Hon. LeRoy Parker '78 207 in highways, law regarding... '88 129 insects attacking, by Prof. A. J. Cook '77 243 Shading house plants. _ '78 263 Shag bark hickory '78 95 Shaker Seed Co. 's seeds tested '78, 75; "81 118 Shall farmers keep bees? article by A. B. Cheney ., '76 429 Shallow ditches in muck land _. '79 179 marking for corn _ '79 145 or deep drains _ _ '77 233 planting of seeds '84 317 plowing, discussion. -- _. '80 218 Shanghai poultry, advantages of '51 153 for esgs '52 138 Shape of tile, best for under draining _ '79 124 Sharp, Hon. John C, report of department. State fair '87 219 Sharpless strawberry. _ '83, 116; '87 101 Shattuck, Mrs. G. M., paper on the future of butter making.. ." '63 329 Shearer, J,, Leicester sheep '51 160 paper on plows and plowing '52 141 Shearing, late, objections to _ '76 278 points about .-. __ '87 397 record, at Agricultural College _ '77 95 sheep, curing cuts '56 167 Shearings, public, how to conduct '65 83 public, suggestions for _ '66 243 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 399 Tear. Page. Shearman, Francis W., on eatabliehment of agricultural school '53 12 Shears for tile laying '73 HO Sheds for farm implements '81 310 sheep, aspect of '84 187 Sheep, account with, on Agricultural College farm '77,95; '78 136 acre pastures how many '84 189 age of, how to determine '56 186 Agricultural College flock of. ( See Sheep at the Agricultural College.) American Merino, article on '64 187 area necessary for pasture '84 189 article by Ball, Hon. Wm., address to sheep breeders '79, 424, 434 on keeping : '78 253 valueonfarm '86 40 Barnes, L. W '87 400 Bray, J. C, on feeding "81 283 Brown, E. Lakln '.53 213 Burlingame, Mr '76 309 Caruss, R. B '77 179 Chamberlain, Hon. Henry '83 147 Oook, Prof. A. J., on bot fly attacking '76 167 tiekson '78,440; '88 403 Crawford, A., on fine wool- - '83 155 Cumming, Wm., on long wool '75 89 Day, Jno. E., on profit of, compared with cows '75 ' 129 Dewey, D.P ._ '78 225 Dorr, L. R., on pine lands of northern counties for '88 383 Dryer, W. A '76 342 Fellows, C. M... '84 ^83 Gale, G. W., on Merino '51 143 Gillet, D. D., on Saxon - '51 147 Grange, Dr. E. A. A., on disease affecting eyes of '87 152 Hayden, A. W - '84 180 Hewitt, A.. '76 274 Howard, Secty. Sanford, on American Merino — '64 187 Cotswolds - '65 57 Dickinson Merinoea '65 69 Long wooled '69 281 Merinoes '64,187; '65,69,77 Michigan reports on '64 77 public shearings '65,83; '66 243 Rich Merinoes '65 77 South Down '65 67 Wells & Dickinson Merinoea '65 69 Markham, W. G., on registration of '79 427 Mason, Edward '56 155 Miles, Dr. Manly, on experiments in feeding '67, 39; '68 47 Miller, C. A., on breeding up '76,344; '79 429 Morton, C.C - '78 381 Quackenhush, T. V - j '84 187 Schuyler, Wm. R '32 247 Shearer, J., on Leicester '51 ' 150 Spooner, W. C, V. S.,ou cross breeding of - '67 157 Stickney, Judge W. W '81 292 Stow, E. H '88 455 Tarbell,S.C • '87 396 Weaver, R. S '80,253; '83 152 Wood, Jessup '76 255 300 GENERAL INDEX OF Tear. Page, Sheep, article by Wright, Walter, on French Merino - '51 139 Yvart, M., on Mauohamp '68 303 at the Agricultaral College, accountwith '77,95; '78 136 descriptive list of : '66 14 inTentory '76,24; '81 57 State fair, premiums on. (See also Premium List.) '79,426; '85 20 J report on _ '88 501 rulesabout '73 169 barn account at the Agricultural OoUege '77,95; '78 136 hot fly, article by Prof . A.J. Cook '76 167 Breeders' and Wool Growers' Association, address before ^ '79, 424, 434 report '66,295; 67,450; '68,400,402; '79,417 breeding, cross, article on by W. C. Spooner, V. S '67 157 pedigrees in '76,344; '79 429 principles of '66 88 buying, time for - '84 160 care of, wool buyers' rules for '67 301 compared with dairy cows forprofit.. '75,129; '76 246 otherstock -..- '76,277; '83,148; '84 183 coat of fencing for '83 155 keepingayear '56,178; '83 148 compared with other stock '75, 129; '76, 246, 277; '83, 148; '84 183 sheltering '56,181; '87 269 Cotswold. (See also Cotswold sheep.) Cotswolde, by Sect'y Sanford Howard — '65 57 description of '69 295 cows, compared with, forprofit '75,129; '70,246,277; '83,148; '84 183 crossbreeding of _ '65,93; '67 157 cuts in shearing, cure for -. -. '56 167 dairying compared with, for profit '75,129; '76 246 death hazard of .^ '83 154 Dickinson merinoes __ '65 69 disease affecting eyes of '87 152 diseases of _ '56 187 discussion on '75,133; '79 125 housing, painting, sweating, &c '76 344 dogs killing '83 287 how reared '51 221 Down breed of- '65 67 ease of fencing in _ '83 155 economy of shelter for '56 181 stall feeding _ '66 178 enzootic opthalmia __ '87 152 experiments in feeding '67, 39: '68, 47; '84 331 exportation from Spain '79 429 eyes of, disease aflfecting '87 152 fatting for market. (See Sheep, feeding for market.) feed for '75,89; '76 385 feeding. (See also Sheep, articles on, and Sheep husbandry.) experiments in '67,39; '68,47; '84 331 for market '81 284 rationfor '75,89; '76 385 Silesian practice _ '56 175 stall, economy of '56 178 fencing in, ease of '83 165 fine wool. (See also Sheep, articles on, and Sheep, merino.) article by A. Crawford _ '83 155 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 301 Tear. Page. Sheep, " fitting " for sale .-. '76 343 fleece, large '52 183 fly (bot), article by Prof. A. J. Oook '76 167 folding of '56 164 for Grand Traverse region '67 97 Northern Michigan pine lands '87,316; '88 383 form of '78 226 French merinos '51 139 Grand Traverse region for '67 97 Hale's rack described '64 161 herd book. (See Sheep registration of.) history of merinoes '87 365 hornless '76 344 horses compared with, for profit '84 183 housing of '76 343 husbandry (see also Sheep, articles on) '77 433 discussed '75 133 profits of '75,129; '76,246,277; '78,230; '83, 148; '84,160,180,183 importation of , from Spain : '79 429 improvement of, by thoroughbred sires :'. '77 190 inventory of, at Agricultural College '76,24; '81 57 keeping, cost of '83 148 (See also Sheep, profit of.) Kent, described '69 298 killing, by dogs '83 287 dogs, how reared '51 221 large yield of wool '53 183 " larkspurred " '87 152 Leicester. (See also Leicester sheep.) '51,150; '69 293 letter on registration of .'. '79 437 Lincolnshire '69, 297; '81 293 longwooled '56,177; '65,57; '69 295 article by Wm. Gumming '75 89 Secretary Sanford" Howard '69 281 loss on -- '84 183 Mauchamp, history of , M. Yvart '68 303 Merino. ( See also Sheep, articles on.) article by Crawford, A '83 155 Gale, G. W '51 143 Howard, Sec, on American. '64 187 Rich '65 77 Wells & Dickinson '65 69 Wright; Walter, on French '51 139 history of .— '87 365 Michigan, for mutton producing '83 151 northern counties of , for - '67,97; '87,316; '88 383 reportson '64,77; '78,486; '79 440 mutton producing, for Michigan -- '83 151 northern Michigan for - -- '67, 97; '87, 316; '88 383 number of , at Agricultural College - - '76,34; '81 57 in Michigan -- '''9 'WO opthalmia '87 152 paintingof '76,343; '84 186 pedigrees (see also Sheep, registration of ) '76 344 per acre of pasture, numbei; of - '84 189 pine lands of Michigan for '87,316; '88 383 premiums on, at State Fair. (See also Premium list.) '79,426; '85, 20 302 GENERAL INDEX OF Tear. Page 230; '84, 160, 180 Sheep, profitableness of compared with dairying- ._ '75, 129; '76 otheratock '76, 277; '83, 148; '84 public shearings. ( See Sheep 8hearinp;s.) pure bred sires improving flock of '77 rack, Hale's, described.. '64 rationfor '76,385; '83,148; '84 registration of, article on '79 report on '79 report on, at State Fair '79,426; '85,20; '87,213; '88 from counties. '64 public shearings '65, 88, 284,294; '66 registration of '79 Rich, flock '65 Romney Marsli breed of _ '69 rough handling of '84 rules of .state Fair for exhibits of '73 wool buyers for care of '67 Saxon, by D. D. Gillet '51 shape of '78 shearing, cure for cuts made by '56 public '65,83, 284,294; '66 articles on, by Secty Howard '65, 83; '66 sheds, aspect of '84 shelter for, economy of '56 in summer '87 Silesian, methods with '56 sires should be thoroughbred '77 Southdown, account of '66, 169; '65, 67; '81 at Agricultural College, description of ._*. '66 inventory of '76 wool clip of... '77 diameter of wool of '76 Spanish importations '79 stall feeding, economy of '56 State fair premiums on '79, 426; '85 reports on '87,213; '88 rules for exhibit '73 statistics of Michigan '78,486; '79 store, feeding '84 sulphur for '84 ticks on '76 summer shelter for '87 "sweating," for sale-. '76 Texel breed of '69 thoroughbred sires, improvement by '77 tick, by Prof. Cook '78,440; '88 time to buy for feeding '84 value of, on farms, by Hon. Wm. Ball '86 washing of '56 debated '83 objections to '76 Wells and Dickson, merinoes '65 winter care of '84 without horns '76 wool buyers' rules for care of '67 wool, yield of '52 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 303 Year. Page. Sheep, wrinkly 'Si 187 yearly cost of '83 148 Sheep's fescue '69,201; '71 111 notes on.. '85 180 questions answered '85 '180 Sheepshead fish described '51 239 Sheldon, C. W., paper on Agricultural College '78 297 Geo. L., what shall we do with straw '81 343 pear '88 297 Shell-harli hickory '78 96 age of maturing '88 333 Shelter belts of timber. (See also Timber belts.) '65,247,250; '69,449; '71,183,244 by Hon. LeRoy Parker '78 207 for farm animals, economy of '74, 314; '79, 64; '84 151 sheep '66,181; '87 269 imiplements '81 310 manures, importance of '52 163 Shelton, Prof. E. M., on hedge fences '85 264 Shepard, F. M., article on farmers' clubs '87 602 Shepherd dogs, article by D. D. GSillet '. '51 217 Mr. L., paper, Is agriculture a science ?. '78 185 Sheridan, Olare Co., soil analyzed '78 391 Sherman, G. W., article on horses '74 277 Wexford Co., soil analyzed '78 394 Sherwood, Alva, article on education for farmers '87 488 Shiawassee Co. Agricultural Society, address of Bush, David '50 497 Fenton, Hon. Wm. M '66 750 Kay, Rev. Richard '57 578 Parsons, Andrew '51 467 Luke H '53,025; '55 802 Reynolds, Geo. M '52 465 Wade, B. F '54 706 report '60,491; '61,465; '62,443; '63,631; '54, 693 ; '55, 789 ; '56, 733; '67, 656 ; '65, 296; '68, 320; '70. 398; '71, 433; "72, 159; '75,511; '76,688; '77,693. coal '53,231,824 premium farm '66 276 sorghum in '84 315 "Shiner fish described ■ '51 226 Shingledeoker, Prest. I. A., article by .- '71 403 Ship canal at Sault St. Mary, described '55 351 Shipping, American, proportion of exports in ^ '83 170 business of Detroit '53,263; '54 229 ■Shirking work at Agricultural College '74 72 Shirts, E. J., fruitgrower '73 76 strawberry '87 99 Shoe for horse, applying hot '87 394 clips on -. '79 125 flat, advantagesof '79 242 proper weight of '72 100 should be light '76 391 Shoeing horses '76 290 article on '72 93 points about - '79 241 Shoemaker, J. P., report of department, State fair '87,312: '88 495 Shoes, pair of, for an acre of wheat — - '49 160 Shop work at Agricultural College --- '84,62; '85,88; '88, 57, 60 304 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page. Shops at Agricultural College, description of. (See also Mechanical department.) '86 xlviii enlargement of '88 49 machines in __ '85 89 for farmers, by E. D. A. True '81 306 Short course in college _ _ '63 27 Shortening of maple sugar season by deforestation.. '88 109 Shorthorn bull Guelph, portrait '53 120 points of, by Hon. Wm. Ball '83 325 Young Splendor '52 118 bulls, advantage of using '77 190 cattle, American '69 151 ancient, excellence of '80 233 article. (See also beef, articles on, Breeding Cattle, Breeds of Cattle and Cattle, articles on.) by Askew, Isaac '51 137 Ball, Hon. Wm _ '83 332 FUnt,J. S '87 368 Goodrich, Hon. Enos '80 232 Howard, Sect'y Sanford _ '69 121 Lee, F. P '78 379 Tallant, Francis '58 273 Wood, A. F '74,300; '76 347 at the Agricultural College, descriptive list of '66 11 feeding test with other breeds. .'78, 216, 468 ; '84, 33, 326; '85, 64 : '87, 158, 183 ; '88, 394. introduction of '63 18 inventoryof '76 23 sales of '84, 34 ; '85, 67 ; '86, xxiv ; '87, 33 ; '88 32 beef qualities of-. '76,349; '79 109 benefit of pure bred sires '77 190 breeding and care of, by Hon. Wm. Ball '83 322 Francis Tallant --. '58 273 butchering qualities '76,349; '79 109 compared with Herefords '68,200; '78 214 other breeds '58 321 crossed with (^ralloway '65 45 Devons compared with _ '68 331 described '57,106; '64 79 fancy prices for '75,303; '76 348 feeding tests '58,331; '78,214,468; '84,32,336; '85,64; '87,162,185 Galloways crossed with,. '65 45 Herefords compared with '58,331; '68,200; '78 314 (See also S. H. Cattle, feeding tests.) history of '80,233; '81 361 inquiries about, compared with other breeds '79 39 management of. (SeeS. H. Cattle, articles on.) meritsof '51,313; '75, 303; '76, 281; '77 177 milk of, compared with that of other breeds _•.. '78 179 production of '79 109 notes on '80 293 pricesfor '75,303; '76 348 at College sale '84,34; '85,67; '86, xxlv; '87,33; '88 32 cow Rosedale,- portrait of '69 120 Shaker Lady described '55 333 Star of Braithwaite, portrait of '69 167 Short milk tests misleading '87 313 Shorts, aiialysis of '78 410 MICHIGAN AGRICULTUKAL REPORTS. 305 Year. Page. Shorts, value for manure after feeding '87 333 Shoulder of bull described '69 189 Showers, table of '77 219 Shrinkage of wool in washing 1 '65 71 Shropshire sheep '67 175 Shrubs and trees, calendar of '87 119 made from trees '87 146 of Michigan compared with those of rest of world '88 101 list of '88 85 Shrubs, ornamental, how to place '84 221 landscape use of '76 180 list of hardy '85 159 notes on, by Prof . Bailey '85 131 on Agricultural College grounds, account of '78 85 listof '87 115 Shulte's, Henry, essay on hay raising and cattle feeding '75 103 on use of straw '78 416 Siberian arbor vitae _ ___ '85 147 described ._ '78 85 pea tree '78 101 sorgimm '81 133 Sibley, Hiram, & Co., seeds tested '81,120; '83,57; '85 154 Sickness at Agricultural College '87 25 Side hill plows '71 173 Signal service. (See also Meteorological Records and Weather Service.) and agriculture, by R. F. Kedzie '77 194 bulletin of — '88 201 station - - '84 15 movement for '83 37 Silesian merinos at Agricultural College, descriptive list '66 14 sheep feeding '56 175 wool, diameter of '76 345 Silicates, efEeot on germination of seeds '87 133 Silicon for plants - '83 93 Silk culture for women '84 213 worm fever '50 311 raising in America - '85 323 Silky wool '68 314 Silo. ( See also Ensilage.) and ensilage, article by E. J. Cook '88 448 at the Agricultural College, description of '84, 32; '87, 31; '88, 39, 395 construction of '88,293,308,449 cost of building. '85 101 covering '85 102 discussion on, at Fremont '87 379 early use of principle of '59 290 filling of .- '85 101 Silt basins - '77,222: '83 275 Silver King onion described - '87 95 maple '88 370 mining in Michigan '55 288 plating fluid, constituents and cost '81 87 polish, nature and cost '81 88 poplar ^''8 104 Skin onion described - '87 95 Simpson, Lieut. W. L., report of - '88 61 Sinolaire, George, article on dairy farming - '86 117 39 306 GENERAL INDEX OF Sine Qua Non apple described.. Single life for women Sink drains holes- Sire, prepotency of , remarkable instance Sires, benefit of thoronghbred — grade, folly of nsiug,. - '78, 373: Siskowit fish described - Site. (See also Location.) foradwelling '76, 378; '77,329; an orchard '70,420; '71,133; '76,366; '77,263; '78,171; of Agricultural College. (See location of Agricultural College.) Sites offered for Agricultural College Six var. of apples for 100 trees, T. T. LyoH Size of farms, best '49, 97; logs cut for market plat for experimenting of tile how determined paper by Prof. R. C. Carpenter Skeels, Fremont E., paper on injurious insects Skelton, on agriculture _ Skidder, steam, for logs Skilled labor, training of, by Prof . Fairchild wages of Skimmed milk, difference from new milk Skin of bull, points of Skunk, value of Slanting position for apple trees Slaughterhouse, inspection of Slavery, effect on agriculture - on the farm Sleep, value of plenty of '81, 396; Sleighs, Inventory of Slide gate... - Tear. Page. .. '58 218 .. '87 482 .. '79 123 Slippery elm Slope of drains, how to determine.. roadway Slosnm, Hon. A. B., address at Hudson Slow and quick soils Slug cherry, kerosene emulsion for pear>nd peach rose. Sluge, article by C. M. Weed how to fight Sluices for roads.. Small animals for light soil farms bones, why desirable Chili pepper described fruit culture, article by Averill, Mrs. J. G., on women and.. Barnes, Ur. J. B Brown, Wm. A., on market. Clubb, Henrys Gibson, S. W., on garden Guild, E.F Love, G. W Reynolds, H. C 385 258 189 151 230 218 385 404 337 130 84 303 221 435 171 68 325 82 414 78 174 59 190 81 255 84 198 80 105 64 325 83 233 '83 198 76 23 79 217 '78 94 '81 299 '76 403 '80 162 87 320 , xxxviii '74 137 '76 423 '83 443 '86 135 '76 237 '87 330 '76 347 '87 90 '84 206 '76 304 '79 128 '70 ■124 '87 426 '77 209 '87 310 '87 428 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 307 Year. Page. Small fruit culture, article by Reynolds, W. H '76 268 Smith, W. A., on garden '83 115 Straub, Henry '78 383 at the Agricultural College '78 73 discussion '68,440; '69 447 forgardens '83,115; '87 425 market '79,128; '84 208 Michigan, northern counties '87 310 western counties '. '68,440; '69 447 women '84 206 fruits, crossing of '79 195 , farming '78 368 farms in France _ '69 215 or large, paper by H. 0. Hodge '84 130 mills proportionately costly '87 455 things on the farm, paper by E. D. Pierson '80 162 Smart, Dr. A. R., paper on food '80 174 Smells, bad, what they indicate '83 196 Smilax family '88 100 Smith, Adam, on farmers '59 67 F. Hart, report of dept. at State Fair '88 496 F. v., on Devon cattle '51, 132; '52 123 report on Agricultural College '80 400 Hon. Geo. A., on kind of farming that pays best '87 469 H. &., pioneer orchard '73 69 J. N., paper on Galloway cattle '76 330 reclamation of marshes '77 184 W. A., paper on small fruit for farm and garden '83 115 Smithfield club cattle show, Herefordsat '68 219 prizes '78,466; '80 113 Smith's system of drainage '55 148 Smock windmill '80 302 Smoketree '78 105 notes on '85 138 Smoker for bees ^. '75 339 Smolk, Mr. John, paper on stock running at large '77 168 Smooth alder described '78 85 Smut, cause of '84 201 in wheat '69,188; '77 140 paper on '57 261 prevention of '57 272 mixed with corn, effect '83 45 nose corn, analysis of -. '78 409 on corn '80 288 Snell, Prof. E. S., on lightning rods '75 265 Snook, J. J., paper " Can the Average Farm be made Profitable ?" '86 41 Snow apple - '70 289 T.T. Lyon '58 247 for market '87 155 ball '78 105 drifts, damage done by, because of deforestation , '88 113 Hon. Fielders., address before Lenawee County Society '52 340 sowing clover on '77 150 Snuffles in sheep '77 180 Snyder, F. 0., paper on the farmer's home '81 341 raspberry '83 119 Soaked seeds dried, plants from '87 145 308 GENERAL INDEX OF Tear. Page, Soaking seeds in brine '69 190 Soap for pear bliglit _ '75 95 making, chemiatry of '83 203 soft, as an insecticide '87 42 for bark lice-- - - - 'f*5 174 orchard trees - '75,93; '78 341 suds, use as manure '69 47S Soapberry family - - - - - '88 S7 Sober, W. E. H., article on proflts of dairying '76 244 Social culture for farmers by Mrs. Keller '75 183 duties of farmers - '73,208; '79,94; '83 230 rank of farmers, paper by.Pres. T. C. Abbot- 74,65; '80 258 Hon. M. D. Campbell - '86 188 Societies, agricultural, article on benefits of, by Mr. Chase '77 187 management of - '67 103 laws relating to incorporation of-- - '66, 36 app. Mich. State association of.- '76, 612; 76, 590; '77, 647; '78, 371; '79, 440: '81 600 reports of. (See Report of County Agr'l Soc. and Report of State Agr'l Soc.) farmers', policy of, by Robert Alward -- '86 29 students' at the Agr'l College '77, 24: '78, 38, 46; '81, 43; '84 28 Society and the farmer, paper by Geo. S. Rawaon - '79 94 degeneration of '86 197 farmers' duties to - - '75,203; '79,94; 'S3 230 reports. (See Local Agr'l Society Reports.) State Agricultural, report of. (See Agr'l Society, State, report of.) thsfarmer in, paper by Mrs. A. M. Woodrnff '83 230 Sod, old, infested with cut worms - -- '81 256 Soda, e.Tcessiye use in cooking 'S3 201 manures, effect at Rothamsted '84 72 Sodium for plants - - '83 93 Soft coal ashes for manure - '65 177 maple - -- - '^8 99 soap as an insecticide. -.- _ '87 42 for bark lice 'S3 174 orchard trees - - -- '76,93; '78 341 wood ashes, value of, for manure '85 177 Soil, agricultural capabilities of, in northern counties of Michigan '7S 386 analysis of '65,208; '76,330; '67 321 article by Dr. Augustus Voelcker.-- -- '59 223 discussed - '74 87 from Grayling - '88 211 Northern counties -.. _ '7s, 49 ; '86 182 3Iichigan - '78 389 article by Andrews, H., on maintaining fertility of '80 208 Davenport, Eugene, on preparation of, for cereals '81 222 Dawson, Thos., onhow toadd to fertility of '75 135 Geddes, David, on how to work light '86 65 Hall, C. D„ on farming on light '86 70 Howard, Sect'y Sanford, on restoring exhausted '57 45 Johnson, Prof. 8. W., on exhaustion of- - --_ '72, 221, 248 Kedzle, Dr. R. C, on agricultural capabilities of, in northern counties. .'78, 386 ; '87, 317; '88, 207. amber cane for light '84 308 chemistry of the '87 319 culture of light '78, 386 ; '84, 308 ; '87, 317 ; '86 207 exhaustion of the - '72 213 nitrogen of the '81,379; '86 93 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 309 Tear. 8, 137 ; '85 '86 '59 '87 '59 Page. 128 73 311 325 311 '65 203 '59 223 178 52 203 ■Soil, article by Kedzie, Dr. R. C, on temperature of the Ladd, H. A., on exhaustion of the Macvicar, J. G., D. D., on nitrogen of the Miles, Dr. Manly, on culture of light Pierre, M. J. I., on nitrogen in ., Van Buskirli;, J., on culture of light Voeloker, Dr. Augustus, on causes of barrenness of chemical properties of '59 ashes most beneficial to what kind of '85 baked, how remedied '57 barrenness, causes of '65 capillary action of '78,396; '86,70; '87 323 chemical composition of. (See also Soil, analysis of.) affecting fertility '65,203,208 Its temperature... - '68,137; '85 128 properties of, by Dr. Voelcker '59* 223 chemistry of the, by Dr. R. C. Kedzie '87 319 clovering of. (See also Clover and Green manuring.) cold '78,338; '81,226; composition of. (See Soil, analysis of, and Soil, chemical compos, of.) cooling oflE of covering, to preserve fertility '80, 210; cropping of, eflEeot on culture of light. (See Soil, light, culture of.) drainage of. (See Drainage.) drained, warmer than undrained draining of, to remedy "baking" enrichine. ( See Soil fertility, increase of.) exhaustion (see also Soil, fertility of ) '53,472; '77,430; '81,348; article by Prof. S. W. Johnson Dr. R. C. Kedzie H. A. Ladd by wheat production _ defined fertility. { See also Fertility of soils and Exhaustion of soils.) increase of - '75,135; '76,313; maintenance of, without live stock restoration of '57, 46; fire injuring - '88, 182,328 for building on cereals, preparation of corn, preparation of dwelling house to be built on garden, preparation of house plants maple trees orchards preparation of. peach growing '69, 419; potato culture f sugar maple timber trees, preparation of wheat '55,199; '69,171; Orayling, analysis of. light, amber cane as a crop for culture of, article by Geddes, David : .• Hall, O. L .' 9, 419; '71, 133; '75, 167; '79 230 '86 158 '86 158 •86 70 '72 254 '78 338 '57 52 '86 216 '2 22 J ,248 '72 213 '86 73 '59 348 '72 223 •79 230 '80 208 '77 452 i8, 182 ,328 '77 329 '81 223 '81 253 '77 329 '80 228 '78 265 '88 347 '77 263 '78 339 '75 167 '85 167 '88 347 '88 320 '76 183 '88 211 '84 308 '86 65 •86 70 310 GENERAL INDEX OP Year. Page. Soil, light, culture of, article by Kedzie, Dr. R. (J '78,386; '84,308; '87,317; '88 207" Miles, Dr. M '87 335 VanBuekirJi, J '88 380 discussion on '86,231; '87 320 limestone for, value of '85 148 maintaining fertility of, without stock, paper by H. Andrews- -.- '80 208 marl a benefit to '85 148 mechanical condition of, effect on crops '72 232 Michigan, agricultural capability of, from northern counties '78 386 analysis of '78 389 from northern counties '78,49,386; '88 182 moisture affecting temperature '78,338; '81,226; '86 158 capacity- '78, 397; '86, 70; '87 323 nitrogen, quantity of, by Dr. Macvicar -. '59 311 sources of, by Dr. Kedzie '81,379; '86 93 'northern Michigan, agricultural capability of '78 386 analysis of '78,49,386; '88 182 preparation of, for corn _ _- '81 253 garden '80 228 grain crops, paper by Eugene Davenport '81 232 orchards '78 339" potato culture .- '85 167 timber trees '88 320 protection of surface of '80 210 quantity of nitrogen in, by J. G. Macvicar, D. D. '59 311 " quick " or " slow " '87 320 removing crops from, effect of '72 254 resting of. (See also Fallow culture.) '80 317 restoration of . (See also Soil exhaustion and Soil fertility.) '77 452 article by Sanfnrd Howard '57 46 seeds buried in, vitality of '84 332 sources of nitrogen in, by Dr. R. C. Kedzie- '81,379; '86 93 surface protection of. '80 310 temperature affected by, chemical composition '68, 137 ; '85, 128 ; -86 153 drainage '78,338; '81 226 at Agricultural College '88, 154, 159 Grayling '88 160 of different kinds of '68,137; '85,138; '86 158 unproductiveness in, causes of '65 203 variation of, on adjacent plats _ '71 345 warmorcold. (See also Soil temperature.) _ - '86 168 water capacity of. (See also Soil moisture.). — _ '78,397; '87 .333 weathering of - '72 227 wet. (See also Soil moisture, Drainage, &c.) why warmer when drained '78 338 wheat, exhaustive to. (See soil for wheat.) *59 348 Soiling, advantages of '76 252 cattle , '57 133 value of corn for '76 261 vs. pasturing '87 291 Solanaceee '88 95 Solanum, Jamesii, grown at the Agr'l College. '87 140 maglia grown at the Agr'l College '87 140 Soldiers, advantage of education to '80 123 Solid illuminating oils '76 218 Some insectenemies of the bee; A. J. Cook '87 437 means for stimulating forest planting, by Uno H. Hillman '88 360 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 311 Year. Page. Sons and daughters of farmers, how to elevate 77 128 of farmers, education of, paper by Mr. Frank Aldrioh '80 172 their relations to the world, by H. R. Dewey '84 231 (See also Farmers' sons.) Sorghum, analysis of '59 214 audits products, article on, by Blank '70 149 article by Goodrich, Hon. Enos, on culture of '83 247 Kedzie, Prof. F. S., on sugar from '80,147; '81 239 Dr. B. C, on culture of, on light soils '84 307 Richard, Juo., on culture in Michigan '65, 17 ; '66, 169; '67 65 Root, Daniel, on manufacture of sugar from '87 22 Voelcker, Dr. August, on analysis of, etc '59 213 Wiley, Prof. H. W., on sugar value of '87 418 association '67 304 bounty on s^gar from '83,12; '84,306; '87 21 lawfor '85,44; '87 21 Chinesecane '59,213; '70 147 compared with sugar cane '87 421 culture in Genesee county '67 HT Michigan '65,17; '66,169; '87,65,306; '70 149> diffusion process of manufacture '87 22 ensilage from '81 72 experiment#with '81,90; '84 308- Saooharatnm, paper by Dr. August Voelcker '59 213 seed, distribution of- '84 41 sugar, account of - '80 147 bountyon '83, 12; '84, 306; '87 21 lawfor '85,44; '87 21 varieties of '81 132 vulgaria described- '81 133 Sotham, T. F., paper on breeding and care of cattle '84 154 Soules wheat, statement of crop '51 170 Sound breeding horses '57,169.194; 'T6, 284; .'83, 147; '84 149 Sour feed for pigs. '78 197 gum tree '78 95 milk by thunder '71 79 Source of animal fat '67 211 heat '88 430 chemicals of agriculture '80 288 nitrogen for clover '88 292 in plants, paper by Dr. R. 0. Kedzie '81,379; '86 93 South American forests '75 387 Carolina bee stabber '87 440 Germany, black forest in '. '88 334 Haven fruitgrowing '73 55 institute, program of. '88 281 soil analyzed '78 390 Southdown sheep, account of '56,169; '65,67; '81 295 at the Agricultural College, description of ■-- '66 14 Inventory of. '76 24 wool clip of '77 96 diameter of wool '76 345 Southern bee-killer '87 441 counties, answers to questions of forestry commissions '88 108 Michigan, forestry management in '88 73 percentageof woodlandin '88 312 same latitude as Rome '88 338 312 GENERAL INDEX OF Tear. Page. Southern States, average grain crop _.. '84 85 Soutbport white onion __ _ '87 95 Sowing grains at various depths, results of '83 41 grass seed, proper quantity per acre '83 109 wheat _ '55 206 late to escape Hessian fly '77,370; '79 70 tlmefor _ '69 180 Sows. {See also Swine.) care of, while nursing _ __ _ '78 196 for breeding _ '70 177 Spain, laws regarding exportation of sheep : 'T9 429 Spanish fever, report of cattle connnissioners on --. '80 86 Spark arresters, enforcement of the use of '88 357 Sparks, Levi, paper on corn culture. _. '79 142 Sparrow, white throated, notes on '88 187 SpauldiDg, Prof. V. M., reply of, to questions of forestry commission -._ '88 112 Spavin, in horses •_ '57 193 Spaying cattle - '88 205 Speaking, cultivation of '84 237 Spearmint culture, by Wm. Hull '78 285 Spear's preservative fluid, nature and cost -. -.- '81 88 Special appropriation, account -- '86, vi, sv, xvi ; '87,8; '88,10 estimates '81,15; '83,16; '85,15 manures, experiments with -. — '69,93; '73 127 for grasses - '76 291 root crops '68 109 premiums at fairo '77 658 students of Agricultural College '63,14; '74 80 Specialties of Agricultural College, course of study '75 21 Species in botanic garden at Agricultural College '81 140 of timber to be selected for growing '88 83 trees in Great Britain. _. .- '88 101 Mich., nnmberof '88 101 Specimens of Mich, forest productions at Centennial '76 440 museum, inventory of -— '76,59; '78 59 Speckled trout described '51 226 Speech making, article on, by Prof. E. J. McEwan '84 237 Speed of railroads - '75 108 storms - '77 198 premiums at agricultural fairs... '67, 108, 267; '72, 82; '75, 513; '76, 591; '78, 478; '81, 315; '83 264 Spelt '55 198 Spencer, Burke, article on the application of knowledge '76 238 Spencer's shepherds' calendar '76 323 Spergula Arvenais as a catch crop '87 329 Sphere of AgriculturarCollege '75 20 women, Mrs. Geo. A. Perry '87 481 Spider ticks, by Prof. Cook '78 443 Spirituous liquors at State fairs '76, 595; '83,356; '85,194; '88 481 Spitzenburg apple.... '56, 220; '78 233 described, by T. T. Lyou , '58 239 discussion of '70 266 Splenic apoplexy '67 243 Splint inhorse's leg — '57 190 Split buds united '80 52 Spontaneous generation '71 82 Spooner, W. C, V. S., article on breeding horses '65 91 cross breeding of sheep '67 157 Sports, vegetable, value of, by Prof. W. J. Beal '78 447 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 313 Year. Page. Sportsman's association on State forestry reserve '88 353 Spotted frog, food of '83 445 trout described '51 gge Sprain in horse's leg. '57 191 Spraying apple trees with paris green '80, 277; '81, 247; '85, 173; '86, 135; '87, 43, 173,451; '88, 218, 230 forcurculio '88 223 injury to foliage by '88 224 mixture, strength of '88 219 nozzles , '87 43 pumps '88 219 time for. '88 219 Spread of cattle disease, prevention of , .' '65 178 contagious diseases, report on pre'^ention of '80 85 Spring beetles described j '57 2I6 frosts In Crawford county '87 311 Lake fruit region '73 66 statistics ; '68 428 scenery '73 66 village described '71. 429 or fall plowing '87 301 poor animals '79 167 wheat. '77 434 Hon. C. C. Andrews on decline of yield '81 348 new variety, report on '69 104 Springport Agricultural Society report '73 254 Sprinkling roads in lumbering operations '88 80 Sprouted wheat for seed " '81 123 Sprouting of seeds a second time '81 123 Sprouts' hay fork and knife '66 269 Spruce, hemlock '85 138 oriental, notes on '85 138 varieties of '78 105 white, notes on " '85 137 Spur pruning 1 '56 212 Spurry as a catch crop '87 329 Spy apple. (See Northern Spy apple.) Squash borer, remedy for '74, 116; '88 294 nug '74,50,115 kerosene emulsion for '86xxxix pepper '87 S3 vine root borer, ill '74 116 Squashes, crossing of, experiment in '83 44 how to raise for family '84 194 Squirrels as tree-planters '88 374 Stables for cows, unventilatel '58 283 ventilation of '79 66 Stacking and securing hay, article on '67 183 Staff tree family '88 86 Stage at which to cut wheat (see also Wheat, when to cut) '69 181 Staghorn sumach '78 107 Stagnant water lor cows '78 185 Stairs, saving of -■■. '80 222 Stalk, growth of , affected by plaster '. '75 264 Stalks of corn, value for manure after feeding '87 332 Stall feeding cattle '.57 133 sheep '66 178 Stallions, etfa., law prohibiting running at large '66app.37 314 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page. Standard of admission to Agricultural College 'S6 svii pears. (See also Pears, standard.) '69 444 Standing committees of Board of Agriculture '83,18; '88 4 State Agricultural Society '85,135; '88 47» Stanley, T. A., donation by "So 81 Star of Braithwaite, pedigree of '69 167 Starob, extraction of, from potato '53 157 sugar. - - _ - '80 148 Starkweather, G. A., address of welcome at Plymouth '84 89 John, on working cattle '51 138 paper on breeding of Shortborns --. '51 213 premium orchard. '67 364 report on agricultural teaching at University.. '54 20 statement of corn crop '53 125 Starting an apple orchard, by Dr. Heal --. 77 263 Starving animals, loss from -.- -. '86 45 cir crowding them 1 '87 361 State, admission of '71 19? Agricultural College. ( See also Agricultural College of Mich, and State Board of Agr.) Agr'l Society committee's report on. '67, 285; '68, 367; '78, 500; '80, 394, 400 '81, 475, 553, 568; '83, 28, 381, 391. cooperation with '80,363; '81 360 donation of library to '63 25 influencefor 1 '81 360 selecting site for '54,343; '78,20; '81,366; visiting '79,24,410; '81,433; appropriations for '56,3,393; '81,15; 'K), 16; '85,15; '86, '87, 8, 20; '88, 10, 33. Board of Agriculture in control of, history of cooperation of State Agricultural Society with exhibitions at State Fair '75, 43; history of. (See Agricultural College of Michigan, history.) influence of State Agricultural Society for ■_ library of State Agricultural Societ7 donated to name of report on, of State Ag. Soc '67, 2S5; '68, 367; '80, 394, 4O0; ' 568; '83, 28, 381, 391. site for, selection of '51.343; '78,20; '81,366; State Fair exhibits '75,43; visit to, of State Agricultural Society '79, 24, 410; '81, 433; (3-range - '79, 2.i; Horticultural Society convention. (See State association of agricultural societies.) Exiieriment Station. ( See Experiment Station.) Fair. (See also Fairs, agricultural, and State Agricultural Society.) Agricultural College exhibit at '75, 43; building expenses for 11 years - entries. ( See Entries at State Fair.) expenses for building for 11 years feed furnished free, policy of ground rent paid by liquor on grounds of '76,592; '83,356; '85,194; location of '73,161; '74,197; '77,460; '81,315; '84,339; expenses of, for 11 years permanent at Detroit '68, 383; '85 34 , '83 28 vi, XV xvl '84 255 '80 363 '88 481 '81 360 '63 25 '85 37 81, 475, 553, '85 34 '88 481 •83 28 '83 28 '83 28 '88 481 '84 340 •73 236 '84 340 '81 381 '84 340 '88 482 •85 185 '84 340 '69 341 '88 608 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 315 Tear. Page. State Agricultural Fair, location of, permanent, offera for '86 Z5ft reasons against '77 460 remarksofPres. Chamberlain on.'85, 197; '87 189 Fralick on '83 353 -* voteon '86 256 rent of grounds, expense of. '8t 340 report of treasurer. ( See State Agricultural Society report of Treasurer.) rules. ( See State Agricultural Society rules.) sermon on, by Rev. Thos. Mumford '53 345 trotting horses at '67, 267; '73, 82; '75, 513; '78, 478; '81, 315; '83 364 rules for '74 197 Society, act for incorporation of '49,31; '57, 5; '76, 523; '77 440 publication of reports of _ '57 6 to appropriate money for '53,3; '56,5; '57,7; '58 9 supply library of , with public documents '52,10; '57 7 address before, by Gov. N. P. Banks '59 63 Hon. Jacob Brown '55 351 Gov. Fenton "49 13 Hon. Justus Gage '53 171 Hon. Sanford Howard '57 45 Hon. Bela Hubbard '54 309 Dr. Tappau-.. '63 169 Agr'l College and. (See State Agr'l College, Agr'l Society committee's report on, etc.) aid from State treasury to '53, 3; '56, 5; '57, 7; '58 9 appropriations for. (See above.) bill for government of - '49,31; '57, 5; '76, 533; '77 440 building expenses '84 340 business committee's statement '84,355; '85,303; '87,197; '88 487 cash premiums of (see also State Agr'l Soo. premium list) '84 351 charges as to gate receipts of '78 484 charter of. (See State Agricultural Society, constitution of.) oonstitutioQ of (see also Stite Agr'l Soc, inoor. of)-. '49, 6; '55, 3; '57, 13; '58, 33; '75, 413; '77, 440; '78, 581. cooperation with Agr'l CoUega '80,363; '81 360 documents, public, for library of '53,10; '57 7 donation of library to Agr'l College '63 25 election of officers '86,360; '87 230 methodof — - '85 195 executive committee '85,185; '86,354; '87,187; '88 479 meetings '68, 365 ; '69, 340; '84, 343; '87 188 expenditures '^ *^ for building and rent for 11 years '84 340 feed furnished by, at fairs, policy of '84, 381 finance committee "^^ ^^ gate receipts, charges relative to - '78 484 government of, bill for (see also St. Ag. Soc, con. of)-..- '49, 31, '57, 5; '76, 523; '77, 440. ground rent paid by, for 11 years '8* 340 incorporation of '«,31; -57,5; '76, 633; '77 440 Influence for Agricultural College '81 360 inventory of property '79,302; '80,378; '81,465,541; '83,369; '84,356; '85, 309; 87,196,202; '88,491. laws, relative to. (See State Agricultural Society, act, etc.) library, donation of, to Agricultural College '63 25 public documents for '53,10; '57 T 316 GENERAL INDEX OF Tear. Page. State Agricultural Society, limit of property of '78,479; '79 294 liquor on fair grounds '76, 593; '83, 3S6; '85, 194; '88 483 location of fair. (See State Agricultural Fair, location of). members, rules as to „ '73,185; '76 483 officers of. '49, 9; '50, 7; '51, vii, 3 ; '53, vii; '53, vii; '54, vii; '55, vii; '56, v; '57, 1; '58, vii; '59, 9; '67, 277, 388, 402; '68,335; '69,340,346, 358; '70, 188; '73, 209; '7i, 308; '75, 455; '76, 536; '77, 438; '78, 474; 79, 292; '80, 350; '81, 427, 439, 615, 532; '83, 337; 84, 338; '85, 184; '86, 354; •87, 187; '88, 479. duties of - '73 165 election of _ '85 195 rules, relative to '76 483 original constitution of '49 6 permanent location of. (See Slate Ag'l Fair, location of.) premium list.... '49, 37, 70; '50, 23, 93; '51, 15, 85; ^53, 61; '53, 79; 54, 79; '55, 89; '56, 97; '57, 59; 'uS, 145; '59, 85; '67, 313; '68, 337; '69, 313; '70, 190; '73, 212; '74, 329; '75, 458; '76, 528; '77, 527; '78,524; '79, 370; '80, 416; 81, 484; '82, 671; '83, 393; '84, 398; '85, 332; '86, 363; '87, 333; '88, 530. premiums, cash, amount of '84 351 property of. (See State Agricultural Society, inventory of property.) limit of '78,479; '79 294 public documents for library of- '52,10; '57 7 publication of reports of '57 6 receipts, cliarges relative to '78 484 regulations. (See State Agricultural Society rules.) rent of grounds '84 340 report.. '49, 33; '50, 3; '51, 7; '52, 13; '53, 9; '.54, 15, '55, 10; '56, 17; '57, '17; '58, 37; '59, 9; '66, 373; '67, 265; '68, 835; '69, 303; '70, 187; '73, 145; '74, 153; '76, 396; '76, 477; '77, 437; '78, 473; '79, 291; '80, 350; '81, 427; '82, 515; '83, 337; '84, 338; '85, 184; '86, 254; '87, 187: '88, 479. law for publication of '57 6 of committee on Ag'l College.. '67, 385; '68, 367; '78, 500; '80, 394, 400; '81, 475, 553, 56S; '83, 28, 381, 391. finance com. (see also State Ag'l S'y, report of Treas.). '76, 560 Secretary.'49, 33; '50, 3; '61, 1; '52, 1; '53, 9; '54, 15; '55. 10; '56, 17; '58, 48; '59, 26; '67, 270; '68, 368; '69, 303; '70, 221; '73, 145; 74, 210; '75, 396; '76, 477; '77, 456; '78, 482; '79, 299; '80, 363; '81, 448; '83, 530; '83, 358; '84, 350; '85, 197; '85, 354; '87, 192; '88, 483. Treasurer. '49, 125; '60, 59; '51, 281; '52, 199; '53, 143; '65, 269, 377; '56, 27; '57, 21 ; '58, 73; '59, 25; '67, 370; '68, 376; '69, 343, 352; 'iO, 232; '73, 238; '74, 167, 219; '75, 411; '76, 561; '77, 482; '78, 518; '79, 303; '80, 367; '81, 452; '82, 534; 'S3, 362; '84, 354; '85, 223; '87, 218; '88,486. when required '85 293 rules and regulations '68, 79; '73, 165; '74, 197; '76, 483; '77, 444, 602; '78, 98; '79,356; '80,401; SI, 560. for trottingjat fairs '74 197 site for Agricultural College chosen by '86 34 Treasurer's report. (See State Ag'l Society, Report of Treasurer.) trotting at fairs, rules for '74 197 visit to Agricultural College '79, 24, 410; 'SI, 433; 'S3 28 aid. (See Appropriations.) analysis of commercial fertilizers '83, 98; '85, 46; '86, 246; '87, 173; '88 163 appropriations. (See Appropriations.) association of agricultural societies '67,299; '75,512; '76,590; '77,647; '78,571; '79,445; '81,600 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 317 Tear. Page. State Board of Agrioalture, account of members of '78 23 Agricultural College appropriations to be recommendert by.. '85 44 under, for 20 years '84 255 Experiment Station under '88 136 agriculturists to constitute one-half of the membership. '85 35 appointment of members, how made '85 35 appropriations for Ag'l College to be recommended by.- '85 44 body corporate '85 35 bond of Secretary and Treasurer '85 35 bulletins to be issued by authority of > '85 47 commercial fertilizers, sale to be licensed by '85 47 committeesof '83,18; '88 4 compensation of members '85 35 contracts by, members to have no interest in '85 45 corporate existence of '85 35 creation of '81,377; '85 35 election of oflBcers of '85 35 Experiment Station under '88 135 farmers to constitute one-half of membership '85 35 first members of '85 41 Forestry Commission composed of members of '88 70 history of Agricultural College under '84 255 incorporation of '85 35 interest in contracts by, forbidden to members of- '85 45 law about, in full '85 35 as to bulletins _ '85 47 commercial fertilizers '85 4ft reports '85,36,42 prohibiting interest in contracts '85 45 license of commercial fertilizers by '85 46 list of members. (See St. Bd. of Agr., members, list of.; manaeement of Agricultural College by '84 255 meetings of '85 35 members, appointment of - - '85 36 compensation of '85 35 half of number to be farmers. '85 35 interest in contracts forbidden to '85 46 list of '63, 3; '73, 15; '74, 3; '75, 3; '80, 3; '81, 3; '82, 3; '83, 3; '84, 3; '85, 4, 41; '86, iv; '87, 4; '88, 4. original '85 41 notices of, by T. C. Abbot '78 22 to constitute Forestry Commission '88 70 vacancy among, how filled '85 36 officers, how chosen '85 35 original members of — '85 41 powers of '85 37 purpose of '76 592 report of. (See Report of Bd. of Ag. and Report of Agr'l College.) secretary (see also Secretary of the State Board of Agricul- ture, Accounts, etc.) '85, 36, 42 Treasurer. (See Report of Treasurer of Agr'l College.) sale of swamplands by '86 40 Secretary's bond '85 35 report (see also Secretary of the State Board of Agricul- ture, accounts) '85, 36, 42 standing committees of - '83,18; '88 4 swamp lands to be sold by '85 40 318 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Fage. State Board of Agriculture, Treasurer's bond. '85 35 report. (See Report of Treasurer of Agr'l College.) vacancy on, how filled '85 35 Education in charge at Agricultural College '81,368; '85 34 Health, work on, by Dr. Kedzie '76 81 census tables '. '50 app. chemiat, law relative to '85 46 need of - '83 98 reportof. '86, 245; '87, 173; '88 153 Commission, Forestry. (See Forestry Commission.) Commissioner of Labor, paper by '86 20 crop reporting systems, paper by Robert L. Hewitt '81 606 duty of farmers to - - '75 209 Entomologist recommended -. '73 153 resolutions about '73 155 Experiment Station. (See Experiment Station.) Fair. (See State Agricultural Fair and State Agricultural Society.) farmer's duties to.. '75 209 forest reserve. (See also forest reserves.) advantage of. '88 353 article on, by Hon. Chas.W. Garfield '88 352 object of '88 127 Forestry Commission. (See Forestry Commission.) legislation. (See also forestry legislation.) _ '88129,355 Grange on free pass system. '83 179 visit to Agricultural College '79,25; '83 28 history of '71,189; '77 213 Horticultural society. (See also State Pomological society.) allowance at State fair '85 203 report, when required '85 294 visit to Agricultural College '83 28 inspection of commercial fertilizers. (See State Chemist.) seeds. (See also seed testing.) '83 107 institutions, appropriations to '81 26 laws relating to 'E5 43 lands '72 118 Millers' Association, resolution of '77 343 ofiicers, reports of, law concerning '85 42 Pomological society. (See also State Horticultural society.) articles of association '70 260 report '70 259 premium list '70 344 rules and regulations '70 341 remarlis of President Griggs upon '73 156 prison, ill ventilation '74 91 tax items, list of.. '83 218 test garden, article on ' '70 333 veterinarian '85 18 buUetin of '84, 334; '85, 149; '87,152,166,180; '88,205,273 weather service, bulletin of '88 201 committee on. '88 7 States represented by students at the Agr'l College.... '70, 50; '72, 8; '74, 24; '76,22; '76,75; '78,43; '79,21; '81,37; '83,23. Station, Experiment. (See Experiment Station.) tomato described '87 88 Stations for displaying weather signals '88 203 Statistics and history of Michigan, Rev. Charles Fox '55 283 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 319 Tear. Page. Statistics of agricultural exports '83 164 Detroit commerce '54,329; '55 304 farm labor '86 37 Michigan '50, app.; '63, 681; '55, 283 pine in Michigan '88 310 Saginaw county agricultural society '55 837 wheat in Great Britain for 30 years '84 83 Stealing timber, penalty for '88 133 Steam engines, horse power of, by Prof. R. 0. Carpenter '87 457 heating system of Agricultural College, detailed account of '81,156; '86 lii reporton '87,47; '88 51 In agriculture, by Prof.R.O. Carpenter _ '77 288 power, provision for, at College farm ." '78 154 pump at Agricultural College '77, 71; '78 116 road rollers '78 194 skidder for logs '88 83 Stearns, J. N., list of market apples by .'S! '87 156 Steckert, Jacob, article on grain raising on the plains '87 297 Steele, George E., reporton Grand Traverse region '67 103 Steele's red winter apple. (See Red Canada apple.) Steeping corn seed '50 378 Steer feeding experiments. (See Feeding cattle, experiments.) Steere, B. W., reply to forestry questions '88 113 Steers of different breeds, bulletin on feeding of. (See also Experiment feeding steers.).. '87 183 or colts, relative profit of '87 361 Steps for door, repair of '84 318 saving of .-. '80 223 Sterility, cause of '65 203 in domestic animals 'S3 133 Sterling, Seot'y J. C, annual report— .'80, 363 ; '81, 448 ; '33, 530 ; '83, 358; '84, 350 ; '85, 197 ; '86, 254 ; '87, 192 ; '88, 483. J. M., grape culture - '67 368 pear described '58 263 Stetson, C. B., article on country roads '71 263 Stevens, Mrs. C. H., paper on winter butter '80 219 Stevens' Genesee pear described '66 226 Stevens institute of technology, visit to '86 Ivii Stewart, Prof. E. W., on improved method of feeding '80 388 Stickney, Judge W. W., long and medium wool husbandry '81 393 Stilton cheese, description - '57 143 Sting of the worker bee, paper by Prof. A. J. Cook _ '79 258 Stinging, dread of.. - '76 433 Stock. ( See also Cattle, Sheep, Horses, Breeds, &c., &c.) affecting rotation of crops - '76 387 scion '71,139; '76 303 and root grafting. '71 134 appetite of, increased by condiments '79 63 ^^ article by Baird, Sec. R. G., on keeping for beef '80 389 Ball, Hon. Wm., on how to improve '79 166 Bank, A. D., on management of '87 355 Bray, J. C, on feeding '81 383 Butterfleld, Hon. I. H., Jr., on breeding '81 371 Campbell, E. P., on feeding '84 156 Cook, Prof. A. J., on parasites on. '78 438 Flint, J. S., on Short Horns '87 368 Fraser, Jno. T., V. S., on winter care of '79 60 Freeman, M. R., on improved vs. common '84 150 320 • GENERAL INDEX OF Tear. Page. Stock, article by Grange, E. A. A., V. S.,on diseases of '88 415 reproduction of '83 131 Hale, W. E., on value of improved breeds - '83 137 Hibbard, J. W., on improved, for farmers '87 366 Hooper, Mr., on raising - '70 125 IngersoU, Prof. Chas. L., on diseases of - '77 400 milkfever '78 243 relation of , to farm '76 383 what kind to keep.. '75 300 Lessiter, Jno., on feeding - '75 183 -Miles, Hon. Fabius, on running at large of '77 160 Dr. Manly, on principles of breeding '73 179 Neasmith, J. N., on comparison with grain farming. '77 283 Potter, Rev. L. B., on making profit from .- '76 333 Powell, E. A., on breeding dairy '83 370 Scott, M. W., on keeping '87 362 Sebright, on principles of breeding ..- '66 79 Smolk, on running at large of '77 158 Sotham, T. P., on breeding and care of '84 154 Spooner, W. C, V. S., on breeding horses - '65 91 cross breeding sheep '67 157 Taylor, J. E., on value of pure bred '81 357 Wartman, J., on grade - '84 151 Wildey, Ed. A., on feeding .. '84 159 Wood, A. F., on benefit of thorough bred sires '77 189 raising. '74 300 Woodruff, A. N., on thoroughbred, for profit '83 130 at Agricultural College. ( See also Agricultural College of Michigan, cattle.) improvement of. *81 55 inventory of '62,31; '66,11; '68,12; '76,33; '80,394; '81,57; '84,34 '85, 68; '88, 33. monthly weighings '83 38 pedigrees of '63 77 purchasesof '65,232; '87 34 report on, by State Agricultural Society. '81 475 saleof '84, 34; '85, 67; '86, -xxlv; '87, 33; '88 33 fairs, rules for '73,168,171; '76 487 sales of '72 83 at large, articles on '77158,160 law prohibiting .- '66 37app State fair, rules for -73, 168,171; '76 487i sales of '73 83 benefit of thoroughbred sires for '77 189 breeders' convention '67 399 breeding, articles on. (See also stock breeding, principles of.) '81,271; '84 154 for dairy use _ , '87 370 horses. — '65 92 necessary precautions in '83 128 physiology of 'T2 201 principles of, articles on '66,79; '73 179 sheep -_ '67 157 breeds, improved, value of '77, 189; '78, 373; '81, 367; '83, 137, 130; '64, 150; '87 366 inquiries concerning different '79 39 what kind to keep '75 300 care of, in winter, by Jno. T, Eraser, V. S '79 60 carrying capacity of English farms '87 359 common vs. improved '77, 189; '78, 373; '81, 257; '83, 127, 130; '84, 160; '87 366 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 321 rear. Page. Stock, compared with grain for profit '77,283; '84 141 condiments, increasing appetite of '79 63 contagious diseases of ^ '88 415 continuous growth of, important for pioflt '81 389 convention '67 299 crops contingent on '76 ,387 cross breeding of, by W. C. Spooner, V. S '65,93; '67 167 dairy, breeding of, by E. A. Powell,. '87 370 discussion on '7C 433 diseases affecting '77,400; '78,343; '88 415 experimental feeding. (See Experiment feeding cattle, pigs, etc.) farming compared with grain farming '77,283; '84 141 discussed '70 433 feeding '75,183; '81,283; '84,156,159 . experiments. (See Experiment feeding cattle, pigs, etc.) profit and loss account of ^ 'SL 385 well or ill, economy of '76,335; '79 167 fertility of farm increased by '75, 173; '76, 388; '87, 501; '88 440 maintained without-- '80 208 for farms '70 164 necessityof - '75, 173; '76, 388; '87, 501; '88 440 light soils may be small '87 330 grade, article on, by J. Wartman , --- '84 151 siresfor '77, 189; '78,373; '84 151 graft inflaenced by - '71, 139; '76 203 grafts vs. root grafts - '71 124 growth of, should be continuous '81 289 housed well, easy to feed '74,314; '79 64 howmanyhead per acre on pastures '79 169 impirtance of continuous growth for '61 289 improved, value of '77, 189; 78, 373; '81, 257; '83, 127, 130; '64, 150; '87 866 improvement of, article by Hon. Wm. Ball '79 166 at Agricultural College -_ '81 55 influence of on scion '71, 139; '76 203 inquiries about different breeds '79 39 inventory of, at Agricultural College '63, 21; '66, 11; '68, 12; '76, 33; '80, 394; '81, 57; '84, 34; '85, 68; '88, 33. keeping. (See Stock article, and Stock breeding. Stock feeding. Stock raising, etc.) kinds to keep - '75 300 law restraining bulls, stallions, etc., from road '66, app. 37 loss from disease -- '77,400; '78 243 leaving unsheltered - -- '74,314; '79 64 in feeding — _ '76,335; '79,167; '81,285,289 number, per acre of pasture - '79 169 objects of keepina '80 319 parasites on, by Prof. A. J. Cook '78 438 pedigrees of, at Agr'l College '63 77 physiology of reproduction in domestic -- '72 201 premiums, discussion on '69 343 principles of breeding- '66,79; '72 179 profit and loss account with '81 285 from, how to make - '76,333; '79 167 of, compared with grain '77,283; '84 141 pure bred compared with scrub... '77, 189; '78, 373; '81, 257; '83, 137, 130; '84, 150; '87, 366 purchases for Agricultural College '65,233; '87 34 pure bred sires, importance of '77, 189; '78, 373 '84 151 pure' bred, value of. (See Stock, profit of pure bred.) 41 323 GENERAL INDEX OF Tear. Page. Stock raising, articles OE (see also Stock, article) '70, 125; '74, 300; '87 355 compared with grain raising '77,288; '84 141 discussed... _- '70 433 for beef '80 289 improving farms '76,173; '76,388; '87 601 ration for '78 415 relation of, to farm, by Prof. Chas. L. IngersoU '76 382 reproduction in domestic '73,201; '83 121 restoring exhausted soils '75,173; '76,388; '87 601 rotation of crops, dependent on '76 387 running at large, articles on '77, 168, 160 law prohibting "66, app. 37 sales at Agr'l College '84, 34; '86, 67; '86, xxiv; '87, 32; '88 33 fairs '72 83 sanitary commission '88 421 laws of Michigan '88 422 scion mfluencedby '71,18!); '76 203 shelter for, economy of '56, 181; '74, 814; '7!), 64; '84, 151; 't<7 269 shorthorn. (See Shorthorn cattle.) sires should be full blood animals '77, 189; '7.8, 373; '84 151 sriiall, for light soil farms '87 33U "spring poor" — '79 167 thoroughbred. (See Stcik, improved.) unsheltered, loss ou.. '56,181; '74,314; '79,64; '84,151; '87 269 value of improved. (See Stock, profit of pure bred.) in general farming '7.5,173; '76,388: '87,501; inU. S water for what kind to keep, article by Prof. IngersoU winter care of, lecture by John T. Fraser, V. S Stockbridge Union Agricultural Society report '78, 611; Stockholm, A. G., essay on bee keeping A. J., paper on medical treatment of domestic animals "81 Stomach, effect of ou views of life Stomachs of cattle Stone drain, construction of Stone, gift of, by class pine... the foundation, paper by Mrs. C. Gordon walls... Stonehenge, principles of horse breeding Stones and boulders, what to do with _. Stool of wheat, number of ears to Storage for fruit, cold, S. W. Dorr Store sheep feeding, results of Storing apples, discussion of Storms, rate of traveling Stoves or fire-places - - Stow, E. H., article on sheep Strained or extracted honey... Strange, Dalston P., obituary notice of Stra.sburg onion radish Straub, Henry, paper on small fruits Stiaw, analysis of, from different plants '.59, 275; article by Evershed, Henry, on proper office of, on the farm.. Sheldon, Geo. L., on what shall we do with it '88 440 '75 300 '76 308 '75 800 '79 60 '7!l 475 '76 186 ■81 264 '81 397 '69 261 '88 438 '83 20 '78 103 '78 248 '51 245 '83 143 '59 395 '76 394 '81 97 '84 331 '78 173 '77 198 '77 335 '88 455 ■74 294 '81 30 '87 98 '88 336 ■78 303 '73 224 '59 265 '81 843 MICHIGAN AGBICULTURAL REPORTS. 323 Year. Page, Straw, article by Shultes, Henry, on use of ; '78 416 as food , '59 269 formaklng beef '80 295 for fodder, cut into quarter inch lengths '69 290 manure, for wheat '76 393 selling, a mistake '76 183 stack, turning animals out to, in winter '79 60 Strawberry. (See also Fruit, Small fruit, Garden, etc.) American Pomologioal Society's list of varieties of '58 234 discussed '58 219 article by Averill, Mrs. J. G., on culture of, for women '84 207 Bailey, Prof. L. H., on varieties of '85,131; '87 98 Barnes, J. B., on culture of. '78 304 Billinghurst, E. C, on culture of '84 204 Brown, Wm. A., on culture of '79 129 Clubb, Henry S., on culture of ';0 296 GuUey, Alfred G., on The Ideal '88 300 Smith, W. A., on culture of, on the farm '83 116 Strauh, Henry, on culture of ___ __ '78 384 Atlantic, notes on '85 131 best varieties. (See Strawber;^y varieties.) Bidwell, notes on <$ '85 133 Charles Downing, time of ripening. '88 264 Cinderella, notes on '. '83 132 Crescent, notes on '85 132 crop, large '73 79 crown girdler, article by Clarence M. Weed '83 425 Crystal City, notes on '85 132 culture. (See Strawberry article.) by women, paper by Mrs. J. G. Averill '84 207 forthefarm, by W. A. Smith '83 116 Cumberland '85 132 Daniel Boone, notes on .• '85 132 discussion on varieties of '58 219 Downing, time of ripening '88 264 French's Prolific, notes on '85 132 Glendale, notes on '85 132 ideal variety of, by A. G. GuUey '88 300 Jersey Queen, notes on '85 132 Kentucky, noteson '85 132 large crop '73 79 leaf beetle, paper by Prof. A. J.Cook '80 273 roller '80 438 list of varieties. (See Strawberry, varidties). Lower, notes on '85 132 Manchester, notes on... '85 132 Miner's, noteson '85 132 Mt. Vernon, noteson '85 132 Mrs. Garfield, noteson '85 132 mulching for '70 302 noteson '77,63; '79 44 by Prof . Bailey '85,131: '87 98 Piper.notes on '85 132 planting, time for '70 301 promising varieties of '58 236 Prouty, a failure '85 132 ripening, time of '88,264,265 324 GENEEAL INDEX OF Tear. Page. Strawberry Roan corn, analysis of '78 40* setting out 70 299 time for ; 70 301 soil for 70 299 synopsis of varieties '87 98 treatment after fruiting '76 306 the ideal, A. G. Gully '88 300 time for planting '70 301 time of ripening of Downing... '88 264 varieties of '70, 427; 77, 310; '83, 116; '84,205; '85,131; '87 98 American Pomological Society's list of '58 234 discusSBcl by American Pomological Society '58 219 for Alcona county '88 386 West Michigan '69 445 in Agricultural College garden '87 113 promising '58 236 synopsis of... '87 98 Vick, notes on '85 132 Vineland, notes on '85 132 Wilson's Albany 70 302 time of ripening of '88 265 Streams, flow of, as effected by deforestation '88 108 Street railroad to Agricultural College '85 57 Strength of spraying mixture '88 219 timber as affected by rapidity of growth '88 335 Striped bug, remedy for '76 171 cucumber beetle... '74 122 flea beetle '74 119 maple '78 9& tomato described '87 81 Strong, Rev. A. K., address before Monroe Agricultural Society... '56 650 N. G., jiaper on cabbage worm '77 175 Wm., paper on corn culture '77 310 premium clover seed crop '78 599 Strowbridge, broadcast seeder '85 62 Structure of foliage of plants '72 248 Stubble, burning of, for Hessian fly '76, 171; '77 374 wheat midge '57 254 chemical composition of '72 244 plow. '71 in students, admission of, requisites for '63,88; '85 37 age of - '70, 9; '71,8; '73, 9; '75, 33; '76, 74; '78, 43 ; '81, 38; '84,15- admission '63 88 board, cost of '77 12 catalogue of first class of '06 283 conditions of admission '63,88; '85 37 constitution of organization of '81,195; '84 23 self governmental system '84 24 cost of board of '77 12 counties represented by '70,50; '72,8; '73,9; '74,23; '75,22; '76,75; '78,43; '79,20; '80 37 ; '81, 37 ; '83, 33. farmers' sons 7], 7 fees '87, 10; '88 12 few in number, reasons for.. '74 77 first class, catalogue of '66 283 government ., 71,358,368; '84 18 constitution _ '81,195; '84 24 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 325 Tear. Page. Students, increase in numbers of '74,79- '86 xvii labor, account of. (See S, L. articles on.) accounts of dej)artments for '69, 19 ; '71, 7 ; '74, 31, 73 ; '75, 15 ; '76, 13 ; '77, 13 ; '78, 12; '79, 12, 183; '80, 64 ; '86, xv ; '87, 11; '88, 13. advantageeof '64,110; '74,71; '77 67 physically Vt, jg^ Agricultural Society's report upon '80 395 apportionment of 77 13 article on, by Abbot, Pres't T. C '72,45; '74,71,98; '79,182; '81 39 Bailey, Prof. L. H., on educational features of. '86 xxviii Falrohild, Prof. Geo. T '77 416 Geddes, George '73 278 Harris, Joseph '68 8 Johnson, Prof. S '81,78; '83,36; '84,262; '88 33 Sheldon, Chas. W '78 300 Williams, Pres't Joseph '56 307 Willits, Pres't Edwin '87 500 at the Iowa Agricultural College _ '71 J559 benefits of '74,71; '77,67; '79 184 change in kind of, periodical '63 17 committee of Agricultural Society on '80 305 on wages for '85 39 cost of. (See also S. L. accounts of departments for.) '74, 73 ; '77, 422 ; '79 183 discussed '71,370,376; '77, 67 ; '79, 183 ; '81 78 disposition of, on garden department '77 65 educational '63,49,93; '77, 67; '79,183; '84,27; '86 xxviii efEect of, on students '64, 110; '79 184 expense of. (See also S. L. accounts of departments for.). .'74, 73; '74, 423 ; '79 183 farm department, report on '66,11; '74,31; '77,81; '78, 123; '80,64; '81,78; '83, 36; '84,262; '86, xxvii; '88,33. garden department, report on '75, 39; '76, 98 ; '77, 65 ; '78, 110; '79 44 hours for '74,72; '85 37 how apportioned _ '77 13 howexpended '79 ]3 importance of '71 351 in 1859 '81 373 mechanical department '88 57 lawre^arding '84,21; '85, 37,39 morning hours for _ '74 72 not to be all in one department '63 17 objects of. '63 85 on farm. ( See S. L. farm department, report on.) discussed '71,376; '81 78 to be educational '63 49 garden. ( See S. L. garden department, report on.) periodical change to be made in '63 17 physical benefits of '64,110; '79 184 recommendation of. '77 67 reform in ■ '75 39 report of Agricultural Society's committee on '80 395 on. (See S. L. farm department report and S. L. garden department report.) routine of '85 76 success of system '68,7; '71 361 supervision necessary '87 64 wagesfor. '69,19; '71 7 committee on '85 39 326 GENERAL INDEX OF Students, number of '56, 282; '62, 13; '63, 25; '84, 115; '65, 227; '66, 7, 47; '68, 7; '69, '72, 7; '73, 9; '74, 24; '75, 22; '76, 74; '77, 22; '78, 42; '79, 20; '83, 21; '84, 35; '85, 20, 57; '86, xvii; '87,.24. at beginning.... '56, 282; '62, 13; few increasing '74, 79; in one room.. to one professor organization, constitution of. publications.- ._ societies '77,24; '78,38,46; '81,43; sons of farmers -. states represented by. ( See Students, wbere from.) wages.- '69, 19; committee on Year. ); '70, 8; '80, 27; Page. '71,7 81,37 • 25 77 xvii 7 17 23 28 28 7 7 39 76, 75; '78, 43; '79, 21; '80, 27; '81, 37; '83, 32 where from '70,60; '72,8; '73,9; '74,24; '75^ worl5. ( See Student's labor.) in mechanical department '88 57 Study and labor, combination of (see also Student's labor, articles on) _. '74 61 course of '63. 12, 27; '73, 9; '74, 35, 68; '75, 23; '76, 76; '77, 22; '78, 24, 44; '79, 21; '80, 28; '81, 372 '83, 23. for common schools '76 223^ in 1859 '81 372 mechanic arts _ '85 88 practical agriculture '78 32 law regarding '74 68 proper scope of '75,21; '84 256 specialties of. '75 21 technical or not? '74 67 to be determined by Board of Agriculture '85 38 what to include. '85 37 of agriculture '50 459 Cynipidae, by C. P. Gillette '88 466 forests by Americans '88 122 zoology for farmers '86 195 Stuffing fleeces with dead wool _ '67 453 Stump lands, cultivation of, by Dr. Miles '87 325 J.Van Buskirk '87 314 dlscussionon '86,6,221; '87 277 theproblemof, by Dr. Kedzie.. '84,308; '87,317; '88 207 machine on Agricultural College farm '66 11 sorghum '81 132 Stung, dread of being '76 433 Sturgeon described '51 233 Sturtevaut, blower '85,18, 89 Dr., suggestions on corn '80 287 Style in farming, paper by Prof. L. H. Bailey '86 56 Subjectsof Wednesday afternoon lectures '74, 26; '75, 34; '76, 77; '79 18 Sub-soiling, discussion '76 316 Sub-station at Baldwin '88 177 Harrison '88 177 Oscoda '88 175 Walton '88 178 Sub-stations, disbursements of '88 147 Substitutes for butter. ( See also Butter substitutes, Butterine and Oleomargarine.) paper by Frank S. Kedzie '84 167 J. T. Sayer... '84 177 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 327 Substitutes for butter, resolutions against Success for fairs, elements of in bee keeping, requisites horticulture, ten essentials to ___ on the farm, by Hon. Wm. Bali requisites for, paper by Sec. Baird what constitutes it, paper by J. G. Noble - thoroughness essential to, by Mrs. Sykes... Succession of crops in horticulture. forests in Northern Michigan Successive crops, exhausting soils _ without manuring, effects of grass crops for 40 years _.. , wheat crops for 40 years at Rothamsted Sucker, fish, described-. Suffolk swine '64, 173; '75,100; at Agricultural College inventory of.. Sugar. (See also Sorghum .) article by Davenport, Prof. Eugene, on Maple Howard, Jno. M. P., on beet Kedzie, Prof. F. S, on national sugar bowl White, Dexter, on maple beet root, article on manufacture of beets berry tree bounties in Congress bowl, national, paper by Frank S. Kedzie cane and sorghum compared cornstalk .' crop, value of, in the United States growers' association maple, amount produced in the United States by Dexter White in its relation to the forestry question, Eugene Davenport tree described soil for uses of starch tax on value of crop Sulky plows, discussion on - Sulphate of lime, lecture on by Dr. Kedzie Sulphur and kerosene ointment for ticks to kill sheep ticks '76,345; for striped bug springs, account of uses in treating animals - Sulphuric acid in soils Sumach, dwarf, wild, notes on varieties of Summary of experiments in pig feeding with manures - inventory. (See' Inventory.) meteorological observations resources of Agricultural College '85,11; '86, xi; '87,19; soil, temperatures at Agricultural College Year, 84 83 75 Page. 179 254 331 285 338 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page. Snmmary of weather, records at Agricultural College for 2i years - '88 580 Summer apples --.. '56,218; '69, 444; ''7K, 273, 286; '76 367 list of, by T. T. Lron '66 199 chemistry class '70,11; '71,8; '72 8 fallow bad for light soils '50, 817; '77, 123; '87 334 Chinese opiniou of.. '52 523 discussion of '75,158; '80 317 for insect killing '76 356 weed killing. '76 354 wheat '60, 180,272; '64,231; '69,176; '80,217: '81 227 objectionsto '50,317; '77,123; '87 334 Franc Real pear described... '56 225 frosts in Crawford county '8/ 311 Sumner, Mrs. J. J., domestic life on the farm '84 216 Sun and shade temperatures '88 150 • Sunapee strawberry. '87 101 Sunday evening lectures '75 25 services, conducted by whom '75,19; '76 72 Sun Dew plant, description of '75 875 Sunflsh described... '51 226 Sunflowers grafted with articliokes '77 67 Sunlight in the house '77,339; '84 220 Sunset tomato described '87 83 Sunshine, record of '88 150 Superintendent of farm, report of. (See Report of Farm Dept. of Agr'l College.) to be a professor .- '63, 15; '64 110 garden, report of. (See Report of Horticultural Dept. of Agr'l College.) Public Instruction, report to '85 43 Superintendents of State Agricultural Society. (See Report of State Agr'l Society.) reports. State fair '87,188; '88 492 .Superpho&phatc, analysis of '86, 248; '87 174 cost of '83 98 effects at Rothamstead '84 72 for the farm, paper by Rob'tF. Kedzie... '79 245 on potatoes. '75 50 wheat '79 37 experiments regarding '78 161 report on '67 407 Supervision, additional necessary for student labor '87 64 Supervisors as fire wardens '88 826 collection of forestry statistics by '88 128 forestry questions sent to '88 103 Supply of water for the West '88 340 Surface conduction of electricity '76 358 of soil, protection of '80 210 Surprise oats, report on '69 103 wheat, notes on '86,232; '88 213 Surroundings of the home, paper by Prof. James Satterlee '84 218 Survey for drains '77 223 of Agricultural College farm boundaries '77,72; 78 118 Surveying at Agricultural College, report on. (See also Report of Mathematical and Engineering Department of Agricultural College.). '75, 56; '76, 126; '77, 68; '78, 118; '79, 40 Suspension of college, temporary Sussex cattle described Devons and Herolords compared for feeding Sutherland, Hon. J. C, address before Genesee county society. Swaar apple, by T. T. Lyon 85 37 57 105 58 322 '55 534 '58 243 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 329 Year. Page, Swaar apple, desori bed '56, 231; '78 233 discussion of '70 265 Swallow, Prof., remarks on experimenting ___ 71 323 Swamp ash described >73 37 land grant to Agr'l College '62,19; '66,17; '85,11,40,53 amount yet unsold ._ '85,11; '86, xi; '87,19; '88,24 law for sales from '68,483; '85 40 salesfrom '85, 15; '86, xv; '87, 20; '88 23 lands. (See also bogs, marsh lands, meadows, etc.) article by Carpenter, Prof. R. C, on improvement of '86 154 Charles, C. B., on reclamation of '84 116 W. S., on crops for '88 288 Hodgman, F., on what to do with '77 323 Holbrook, Hon. F., on reclamation of _ '71 181 Miller, Hon. Albert, on Saginaw. ._ '78 848 Osborne, E., on reclamation of '75 141 Palmer, Chas., on reclamation of '78 301 Pratt, Judge __. '59 391 Rowe, W. Asa, on Michigan __ '78 258 treatment after drainage '86 175 Smith, J. N., on reclamation of '77 184 Wilkinson, Geo. B., on improvement of '78 236 Woodhouse, Com'r I. B., on Ingham county '79 175 cropsfor '84, 117; '86, 175; '88 288 discussion on treatment of _ '77 327 drainage of, law regarding '66, app. 40, 42 drained, condition of in Ingham county '79 175 cropsfor '84, 117; '86, 175; 88 288 health affected by '78 262 Ingham county, condition of '79, 175 law as to drainage of '66, app. 40, 43 treatment of, after drainage '86 175 maple _ '78 99 muck. (See muck.) oak, galls on '88 47:? white oak '78, 100; '88 -368 Swan Brothers on Herefords '78 220 Swarming of bees '75 325 artificial '75 337 Sweating sheep for sale '76 343 Sweden, appropriations for agricultural experiments in '83 259 agriculture in '86 218 Swede turnips. (See ako Roots, Ruta Bagas and Turnips.) analysisof '59,276; '73 244 cultnreof '50,289; '52 518 value for manure after feeding '87 332 Swedish juniper '78 96 Sweet Bough apple described '56, 318; '70 287 corn, early '85 137 Gale family, representatives of , in Michigan '88 97 gum tree '78 95 Mountain pepper described '87 93 potatoes, cultivation of...' '50,213,288 scented vernal grass, description of '71 114 spirits of nitre for horses '81 267 Spanish pepper described '87 93 water white grape described '56 344 330 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page, Swift, A. B., article on rotation of crops '87 401^ Swindling farmers '71 314 Swine. (See also Hog and Pig.) advantages in feeding, compared with other stock - '80 117 and how to handle them, by B. G. Buell _ '81 :i87 articles on. (See Hog, article by Anderson, etc.) at Agricultural College, description of _ '66 1& inventoryof '78,25; '81 57 fairs '77 408 State fair, premiums on '85 243 reporton .-. '87,205; '88 494 Berkshires - '79 285 origin of '78 197 bestbreedsof '78, 196; '81 286 breeding and feeding of, articles on '7C,175; '7.5,98; '76 395 discussion on '75 100 breeds of, article on.. '87 403 best, articles on '7?, 196 ; '81 286 characteristics of, by Sect'y Howard '64 167 chemistry of feeding, by J. B. Lawes '58 379 Chester White '79 283 cholera, reporton, by A. J. Murray, V. S '80, 101, 103 symptoms of '88 420 tarfor '78 273 close breeding of - '75 98 cross breeding of '70 175 daily gain in weight '78 197 description of, at Agricultural College '66 15 discussion on, breeding '75 100 management '78 3&Z diseasesof '78,373, '79,287; '80,101,103; '88 420 economy in feedinj^, by J. B. Lawes '58 379 English breeds '79 283 essentials of good '87 406 Essex - '79 285 feed for, in winter '78 196 feeding and breeding '75,98; '76 395 chemistry of, by J. B. Lawes. '58 879 experience in, by J. "Van Buskirk .''. '87 316 profit of, compared with feeding other stock '80 117 gain in weight, per day... '78 197 grade, proSt of '76 397 in Michigan '78 487 inventory of, at Agricultural College '76, 35; '81 57 Jersey reds 79 284 management of , by H. B. Wells '78 361 origin of '79 281 pens for '70 180 plague. (See Swine cholera.) points of '75 101 Poland China '79 283 premiums on, at State fair '85 243 profit in feeding, compared with other stock '80 117 of grades.. '76 397 report on, at State fair '87,205; '88 494 skeleton of '75 101 Suffolk '79 285 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 331 Tear. Page. Swine, weight of, gain per day in '78 197 Swiss pine... '78 103 Switching, cost of, at State fair '85 202 Switzerland, agricultural education in.., '54 384 Swivel plows, principleof '71 168 working of '71 172 Sycamore '78 108 maple '78 99 Sykes, Mrs. O. M., paper on thoroughness necessary to success '80 139 Symmetrical mind training '75 S68 Symptoms of cattle plague '65 198 disease in animals '85 334 of eyes in sheep '87 152 glanders '88 418 milk fever '84,334; '88 411 plenro-pneumonia in cattle '88 415 Texas fever '88 419 Synchromstic table of studies '79 21 Synonymy in tomatoes '87 67 Synopsis of onions '87 94 strawberries '87 98 tomatoes '87 74 Synoptical table of tomato experiments '87 88a Syringing plants, directions for '78 435 Syrup production for farmers. (See also Sugar and Sorghum.) '83 248 System and economy in farming, paper by Cortland Hill '77 182 reform, paper by E. L. Russell '77 163 In orcharding — '70 376 of boarding in clubs, establishment of '83 65 education, by Prof. Geo. T. Fairchild '77 360 Systems of crop reporting, by Robt. L. Hewitt '81 606 Systematic manual labor in industrial institutions, by Prof. Geo. T. Fairchild — '77 415 Table of manure values.. '87 332 showers '77 219 tomato experiments '67 88a showing average expense at college '85 16 the farmer's, paper by Rev. G. H. Wallace '84 195 Tactics, military. ( See also Military department of Agricultural College.) instruction in, required by law '85 53 reportof instruction in '87 53 Taffy for farmers - - '81 338 Tail of bull, points of - '59 190 plowing by -- ''2 166 Taintsinmilk '68, 243; '72, 64; '78 184 Talent on the farm, paper on, by Jason Woodman. '84 229 Talk on farm insects, by Prof. W. J. Beal .--. '79 92 Tallant, Francis, paper on breeding and management of Short Horns '.58 273 Tall corn stalks : - '80 280 meadow fescue '87 288 oat grass described '87 387 questions answered '85 180 Tallman sweet apple '™ 293 Tamarack tree --- ''8 Tan bark for peach borers '75 Tanks and pumps for windmills '80 313 Tanner, Prof. Henry, prize essay on breeding and rearing cattle. 108 159 Tannery ash for manure '85 177 332 GENERAL INDEX OF Tear. Page. Tansy culture, by Wm. Hull '78 285 Tappahannook wheat _._ ._ '69 Hi rating by millers ._ '77 343 Tappan, President Henry P., address before State agricultural society '63 169 on Rstablishment of agricultural school -- '53 15 Tapping, effect of, on maple trees -— _ '88 345 Tar for hog cholera - '78 273 Tarbell, S. C, article on sheep husbandry _ ._ '87 396 Tares, use of, for fodder _ _ '69 290 Target practice, report of, at the Agricultural College '87 53 Tariff, effects of '83 223 ouwool '67,454; '78,229; '87 400 Tasteful decorations about the home '71 257 Taste of peaches when sound or with yellows '80 149 Tawas, Iosco Co., analysis of soil from '78 394 Tax, county, items of '83 218 of fence, maintenance '76 250 State, items of '83 218 Taxation, direct and indirect, paper by Chas. F. Howe '83 217 for support of agricultural societies '66, 36 app.; '68, 484; '77 653 of farms '77 164 liquid manure '59 477 railroads '84 125 per acre for twenty-five years '83 219 Taylor, Bronson, address of '84 92 George, paper on fences "SO 344 J. E., address on agricultural future of our young men '76 156 article on cattle breeding and feeding '80 111 value of pure bred stock '81 267 Jas. F., list of market apples, by '87 156 Hon. J. L., orchard and garden of '73 81 E. L., paper on education ._ '81 329 W. A., experiment by. '88 245 Tea raising in America '54 323 Teacher, qualifications for '83 214 Teachers continuing at one school '83 214 duty of parents to watch '78 190 of agriculture, meeting of '81,53; '83 34 topics discussed by '86 xxi Team accounts '76 10 for plowing, two or three horses best for? '75 161 Teats, treatment of sore '59 207 Technical character of Agricultural College.. _ '74, 68; '80 21 education. Gov. Bagley on '73 7 in Europe '53 188 in U. 8. compared with foreign '75 311 training not education '75 267 Technology at Agricultural College '73,7; '80,21; '85 28 Technological education, by Prof. Geo. T. Fairchild '7S 418 schools... 74 67 independence necessary to '85 19 Technology, visit to schools of '86 Ivii Tecumseh institute '77 162 Teeswater cattle described '57, 106; '69 125 Teeth, diseases of.. '67 355 of cattle as test of age, paper on '57 ]26 horses, test of age ',57 174 MICHIGA>f AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 333 Year. Page. Telford roads, description .yj g^j . ,jg ^q Temperature, bodily, effect of alcohol upon. "... ' '54 239 climatic, affected by bodies of water '69,118; 75 86 elevation '69,416; '75,120; '88 285 forests '66, 6 app.; '88 ]09 at Agricultural College. (See also Meteorological records.) mean for six years '69 108 tweuty-flve years '88 580 Grand Haven, minimum '69 413 Northport '09 473 fatal to peaches '86 1,33 records of. (See Meteorological records.) in sun and shade '88 150 constant, seeds tested at _ 'gj^ H^ deforestation affacting '66, 6 app.; '88 109 elevation affecting _ '69,416; '75,120; '88 285 for bees in winter should be uniform '85 143 "tattle _ '57 133 churning _ '68 249 cream raising _ 'yg ^gl germination of seeds __ '77 333 mil)£. - '78 184 peaches 'gg 333 raising cream '78 jgj forests affecting.... '66, 6 app.; '88 109 Grand Haven, minimum '69 413 lakes affecting '69,418; '75 86 mean, at Agricultural College ; t '69,108; '88 580 minimum, which peaches will endure '86 133 Northport __ 's9 473 of clay affected by adding muck '75 231 river water '88 150 records. (See Meteorological records.) seeds tested at constant '81 113 soil '88 160 affected by composition '68,137; '85 128 drainage '78 338 at Agricultural College '88 154 Grayling '88160,210 dependent on composition, paper by Dr. R. C. Kedzie '85 128 rate of lowering in different soils '86 158 sun and shade '88 160 uniform for bees in winter '85 143 Tempering clay for brick-making '87 460 Ten-acre orchards '73 82 Tenant farmers ^ "57 377 Tender roots of fruit trees '71 127 Tennant, Judge, W. S., legal advice tofarmers '86 17 Tennessee Agricultural College '57 290 Tenney, Prof. J. E., address before Calhoun county society '56 365 Tent caterpillar '68,168; '74,130,298; '75 87 perfect remedy for '86 135 prevention of '79 151 Tents, rent of, at State fair '85 207 Terms, consecutive, for one teacher '83 214 of members Board of Agriculture, expiration of '87 4 sale. Agricultural College lands .- '85 49 '88 101 '70 333 '73 97 '88 507 '88 507 '88 394 '88 409 '77 349 '76 204 '69 103 •88 170 '87 373 '76 204 '88 425 'SO 86 '68 449 '88 419 '88 407 '69 299 '76 331 '75 404 334 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page. Terma of, tuition at Agricultural College '85 38 U. S. land grant '85 53 reasons for arrangement of, at Agricultural College - '75 26 Tertiary period, trees during. .._ ._ Test garden for pomology, article on orchard of Reynolds & Tracy __ '73 Testimonial to W. H. Cobb ._ : .__ A.O.Hyde Testing breeds, ejsperiments for. '58, 321; '78, 216; '84, 32, 61, 326; '85, 64; '87, 158, 183; butter _ flour - - ._ fruits, varieties of. -. grains, new -.- '69 hoQey milk yields, period of comparison slionld include a full year seeds. ( See Weed testing.) varieties of fruits .., Texas cattle disease, acts to prevent spreading of '68, 455; '80, 92; report of cattle commissioners on delegates to convention on _ symptoms of ponies, infested by ticks Texel sheep, description of Textbooks free on agriculture, list of... '75 Tliawing out frozen plants '78 266 Theory and practice of farming, by Mi . Bacheler '78 250 Thermometer records. (See Meteorological records.) self-recording '88 150 Thermometers, how tested '65 243 of chemical department '88 150 Thicli wind in horses '57 184 Thinlsing farmers '49 184 Thinning apples... '76, 123, 205, 371 fruit, article on, by Hon. A. S. Dyokman '75 116 profit of '75 117 peaches. '83 113 Third premiums '84 382 Thistles, Canada, article on, by H. Dale Adams '80 191 liow to exterminate '74, 306; '76, 317; '88 293 Thomas, J. J., on Michigan Agricultural College... '74 83 experiments '70 123 L. A., address at Oxford 'SO 204 Dr. N. D., article on aids to better farming '75 169 Thompson & Edwards' fertilizers '88 153 Rev. Ghas. 0., letter from '85 19 Secretary J. P., address on orchard system '70 276 charges by '78 488 report. '77, 456; '78 482 Thompson's Seasons, extract from '76 319 Thorhnrn & Co., seeds of, tested '78, 76; '81 113 Thorley Cattle Food Company, donation by .,. '85 62 Thorn hedges '51 236 Thoroughbred horses, article by A. Y. Moore '52 137 peculiarities of '65 98 purity of blood '71 150 sires, value of '77,189; '84 151 MICHIGAN AGRICDLTUKAL REPORTS. 335 Year, Page. Ttioroughbred stock. (See also Breeding, Breeds, Stock, etc.) article by Freeman, M. R., on advantages of '84 160 Hale, W. E., on value of '83 127 Hibbard, J. W.., '87 366 , Marston, Judge Isaac, on value of, for new country '78 356 Taylor, j; E. on valueof '81 257 Wood, A. F., on use of sires from _ '77 189 Woodruff, A. N., on profit of '83 130 compared wltb common '78,358; '84 150 first purchase of, at Agricultural College '63 18 for new countries '78 3,56 profit of '79,171; '83 130 siresfrom '77,189; '84 151 value of, paper by W. E. Hale '83 127 J.E.Taylor '81 257 Thorough drainage. (See Drainage, articles on, etc.) prize essay by Edward Mason '55 145 paper by Linus Cone .._ '53 157 S. B. Noble _ '56 261 report on effects of '67 293 Thoroughness necessary to success, by Mrs. O. N. Sykes '80 139 Thorp, C. J., remarks on language at College __ '75 223 Thoughts on gardening, paper by Jas. Caasidy '80 U22 labor, article by E. L. Russell '88 456 Three course rotation _ _._ '72 236 horse plows discussed _ _. '71, 170; '75 161 whifldetrees -. '71 180 Oaks, account of '87 267 institute _ '37 266 term year, reason for _ '75 26 worst insects. Prof. A. J. Cook _ '75 276 Threshing corn 'b7 385 engine '77 298 wheat, time for '79 157 Thrift and unthrift, paper by Hon. Joseph R. Williams. '49 163 Thrips '57 227 Throat, diseases of '67 256 Through rates on railroads .- '78 328 Thrush described '87 394 in horse's foot '57 189 Thunder solving milk '71 79 Thunderer raspberry discussed '58 221 Thurber, Dr., Superintendent of Horticultural Department, report of '62 23 Thymelacese- '88 95 Tibbits, J. S., statement of premium farm. '54 177 T. S., superintendent of farm, report of '62 21 Ticket printing for fairs '80 387 Tickets for conveyances at fairs discussed '77 651 life membership '77,651; '78 580 Ticks, article on, by Prof. A. J. Oook '76,162; '78,440; '88 403 development of -. '88 403 discussion on _ '88 407 on horses in Van Buren county '88 406 sheep, sulphur for '76 345 Texas ponies - '88 407 remedy for - '88 403 Tidiness, value of ; -- '81 399 336 GENERAL INDEX OF Tilden tomato described- '86,241; Tile, cost per thousand at Agricultural College draius. ( See also Drainage, articles on, &c.} action of capacity of '77,331; '83,375; '86,163,171,173; construction of '73,140; '81,299; '83,271; '84,115; tools for (see also above). -.. -- cost of '66,314; '77,339; '81, 303; '83, 103; discussions on '66,314; '70,431; '76,198; '77,331,234; '79,124; ditch for, shape ot effects of, on flow of rivers.. soils '67,3S3; '75,262; '80,341; fall necessary to -- laying In muck soils '79, 181; method of '73,140; '81,299; '84,115; profit of. '71,216; '78,304; '80,342; '83,284; '84,111,271 rivers affected by '88 315 shape of ditch for size of tile for '77,221; '83,275; '86,163,171,173; surveys of, should be made tools for construction of kilns '55, 164; machines making, science of, by Prof. R. C. Carpenter shape of '77,231; '79, 134; '83, 105; size of.... '77,221; '86, 163,171,173; for long drains Tilia Americana, for planting - Tiliacese ar. Page. '87 85 'f4 35 ■84 273 ■88 435 '88 483 '73 142 84, 35, 281 '88 439 '77 233 '88 315 ■84 274 '79 124 '86 161 ■88 436 Tillingbast, Isaac, seeds from, tested -. Timber. (See also Trees, Pine, Lumber, Forest, Forestry and Forests.) amount of, left in North Amei'ica, article (see also Trees, (tc, articles on)... article by Cook, Prof. A. J., on insect attacks on - _. Daniels, Prof. A. J., on economy in use of Glidden, Hon. A. C, on preservation of, on farms Hathaway, Benjamin, on preservation of, on farms Lake, E. R., on quality of, affected by rate of gro^"th Lyon, T. T., on effects of destruction of Parker, Hon. Leroy, on culture of Satterlee, Prof. James, on growingfor hoop poles artificially grown, value of belts '65,247,350; VI, 250 ; discussion on __. best kinds of trees to plant for _ consumption of culture, paper by Hon. Leroy Parker _ cutting, time for.,. _ ._ unlawfully, penalty for _ definition of destruction of, effects from, by T. T. Lyon economy in use of , by Prof. A. J. Daniels _ for hoop poles ._ green, for tools, evil of grown artifically, value of.,. ._ hard wood, used in manufacturing hoop poles .„ insects attacking, article by Prof. A. J. Cook... 435 77 73 73 142 87 467 01 163 87 460 88 438 88 435 83 275 u 85 119 '88 126 '77 243 '88 369 '88 347 '88 319 '88 335 '78 210 •78 207 '88 334 '88 333 6,323 ,350 '69 419 '88 333 '79 99 ■78 207 ■76 293 ■88 130 '88 84 ■78 210 '88 350 '88 334- 75 154 '88 333 88 333 '88 334 '77 243 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 337 Tear. Page. Timber, kinds of , best to plant , '88 333 usedin manufactures '88 833 laws for protection of '88, 130,133,135 lot, management of '88, 319, 347 value of '88 323 manufactures of '88 333 new uses for certain kinds of '88 83 penalty for stealing '88, 130, 133, 135 planting, rules for '88 319 preservation of, in farm wood lot '88, 319, 347 products of Michigan at Centennial '76 440 quality of, affected by rapidity of growth '88 335 removal of , from lands sold for taxes, law regarding '88 135 scarcity of '71 244 stealing of , penalty for '88, 130, 133,135 time to cut _.. '76 393 tools from green '75 154 trees, best kinds of to plant '88 333 how to plant '88 319 in Agricultural College arboretum _ '79 188 insects attacking, by Prof. A. J. Cook _ '77 343 value of - '88 349 grown artificially '88 333 waste of , in clearing '88 115 when to cut - '76,393,293 Time, comparative solar, at Agricultural College '78 118 for building roads '78 193 cutting clover for hay --. '86 86 cornfor ensilage - '88 398 hay '67, 184; '71, 131; '75, 114, 291; '76 371 timber '76,292,293 timothy (see also Time for cutting hay) '75,114; '78 371 wheat : '50, 193; '69, 181; '77, 147, 343; '79 167 article on, by Dr. R. C. Kedzie , '81 235 experiments on '85 131 holding fairs '75 519 plantingcorn '75,163; '78 376 planting potatoes 1 - '85 168 plowing under clover for green manure '86 90 pruning '70, 268; '75, 861; '78 231 setting out strawberries - '70 801_ sowingclover '75, 103; '77 ISO" wheat -- '50, 193; '64, 234; '69, 180; '79,70,155 spraying orchards to kill insects -- '88 219 of ripening of apples in different latitudes - --- '88 246 solar, comparative, at Agricultural College - '78 118 Timothy (or Herd's grass) '50, 292; '69, 199; '71 , 106; '75, 296; '87 284 and clover compared '56 680 how much of each '75 116 chemical composition of '''3 224 cutting of, time best for - '67, 184; '71, 131; '75, 114, 391; '76 371 flowering of "'''' 67 4 questions about, answered -- '85 179 seed, raising of, discussed '87 471 value for manure after feeding '87 332 whentocut. '67,184; '71, 121; '75, 114, 291; '76 371 Tinea Granella '67 230 43 338 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page. Tin pipes for carrying drinking water _ _ '53 377 Title to land, what it includes '83 295 Toad, food of _ '83 447 Toads, frogs and birds, food relations of, by C. M. Weed '83 439 Tobacco, chemical composition of _ '73 335 crop, value of '54 317 culture in Michigan '65 18 decoction as an insecticide -._ '86, xli; '87, 43: '88 403 for ticks '88 403 evils 0^ - /- '81 398 introduction of --- - '54 313 phosphate, analysis of _ .- -.. '87 174 superphosphate, analysis of. '88 248 value of crop - '54 317 Toledo Manual Training School, account of '86 Iv Toll roads and farmers - -- -- --- '83 315 Tom Thumb tomato described --.. '86,338; '87 81 TomateS, tige roide --- -- '87 88 de Laye described --. '87 88 Tomato, Acme, described '86,241; '87 86 Advance, described '86,241; '87 85 Alpha, described '86.339; '87 83 article by Bailey, Prof. L. H,, on varieties of the '86,233; '87 66 Butler, Geo. P., on culture of the '77 259 Autocrat described '86,341; '87 85 Boston Market, described '86,239; '87 83 Bronze Foliage Trophy, described '86,240; '87 84 bulletin, by Prof. L. H. Bailey, on varieties of the '86 233 Cardinal, described '86,240; '87 84 Climax, described : '86,341; '87 86 comparison of varieties '68, 152; '70, 118; '77, 53; '87 88a Conqueror, described '86,339; '87 80 Cook's Favorite, described.. 1 '86,239; '87 83 Criterion, described '86,342; '87 77 crossing of '79 194 cultivated varieties, synopsis of '86,337; '87 74 cultureof. '77, 359; '84 193 Currant, described '86,343; '87 74 earliest '86 236 Emery, described '86,241; '87 85 Essex, round, red, smooth, described '86 240 experiments, grafting with potato '74,49; '77 57 root pruning '79 193 with varieties '68, 152; '70, 118; '77, 53; '87 88a Feejee, described '86, 241; '87 86 French Upright, described '86,243; '87 88 Fulton Market, described "86,239; '87 83 G-en. Grant, described. '88,239; '87 83 Gestreifte, described... ._ '87 81 Golden Queen, described '86,243; '87 82 Trophy, described '86,243; '87 83 grafted with potato '74,49; '77 57 Green Gage, described... 'f B, 243; '87 82 Hathaway, described... ^. '86,240; '87 84 Hubbard's curled leaf, described '86,338; '87 81 Hundred Days, described '86,239; '87 80 illustrations of '87, 74-79,88-88 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS, 339 * Year. Tomato, Improved Large Yellow, described '86, 342; '87 King Humbert, described „ '86,242; '87 Large Yellow, described '86,242; '87 Lester's Perfected, described '86,241; '87 like peppers '87 Livingston's Beauty, described '86, 241; '87 Favorite, described '86,240; '«" Perfection, described '86, 241; '87 Market Champion, described '86, 240; '87 Mayflower, described '86, 241; '87 methods of training. '86 Mikado, described 'S6, 243; '87 Nain Hatif pepper '87 New York Market, described '86, 239; '87 Nellis' Selected Trophy, described '87 Snowball, described '86,242; '87 notes on, by Prof. L. H. Bailey '87 Orangefleld, described '86,239; '87 Paragon, described '86, 241; '87 pear-shaped, described '86,243; '87 Perfection, described __ '86 Persian, described '86, plants, illustrations of _ Precursor, described '86, Prize Belle, described pruning roots of Queen, described Red Cherry, described Red Valencia Cluster, described reports on experiments with Rochester, described root pruning of rot Rouge Grosse Hative Naine Hative Pepper described Scoville described synonymy of. synopsis of varieties test comparative, of varieties. (See Tomato experiments with varieties.) Tilden, described - '86,241; '87 times of ripening of different varieties - '87, Tom Thumb, described .- '86,238; 87 training of ." '86,234 '87 trials of varieties. (See Tomato, experiments with varieties.) Trophy, described '86, 240; '87 Turner Hybrid, described '86,243; '87 varieties of, experiments with. ( See Tomato, experiments with, varieties.) notes on._ '86, 233; '87, f synopsis of '86,237; '87 times of ripening '87 Vicks' Criterion, described '86, 342; '87 White Apple, described '86,242; '87 worm : -• '88,167; '74 Yellow Cherry, described '86, 242; '87 Plum, described '86,243; '87 Victor, described '86, 242; '87 8, 162; '70, 118; '74, 49; '77, 63, 67; '79, 242; '87 '87, 74-79, ^39; '87 •, 240; '87 , '79 1,240; '87 1,242; '87 i,240; '87 193; '87 Page. 82 77 82 86 93 86 84 85 84 85 234 87 93 83 83 82 66 80 85 76 241 83 86-88 81 84 193 84 ,76 84 88a 86, 241; '87 , '79 86, 235 ; '87 '87 '87 , '87 '86,241; '87 , '87 '86, 237 ; '87 72 81 81 93 85 67 74 85 88 a 81 71 83 87 6,73 74 88a 77 82 116 76 77 83 340 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page. TomliDson, J., address on Bees _ '75 86 Tongue o( the honey bee '79 253 ulceration of __ _ '67 255 Too much forest, danger of _ '88 34a Tools, article on, by T. C. Anthony '84 111 Prof. R. C. Carpenter.... '75 148 F. A. Gulley '78 368 bnylne of '78 371 careof— '78,370; '83 239 cost of neglect of -- '83, 240, 263 for underdraining '55, 158; 73 143 greeri tinab-ar unsuitable for '75 154 in Agricultural College workshops --. '86 xllx invr-ntory of, at Agricultural College... '76, 17, 25 mechanical principles of '75 149 neglect of, on farm '83,240,263 painting of _ '78 370 Top end down of posts _ '81 139 dressing meadows and pasture lands - '88 215 report of esperimont in , '61, 117; '65, 235; '66, 55; '71 119 or plowing under manures '68, 99; '69, 73; '70, 93; '78 296 wheat, experiments in 1 '59 393 of fruit tree, height for '71 137 or root -rafting '76 243 Tops and branches, cleaning out from forests '88 125 Toulouse geese '68 296 Towne, A. C-, paper on mixed husbandry '81 321 Townshend, Norton S., letter on Agricultural Colleges '54 360 Township fire wardens '88 326 Track of highways, width for _. '87 349 Traction engines _ _ '77 293 on country roads _ '71 274 different roads... _ __ '78 315 Tracy, Prof. S. M., experiments with potatoes '77 52 Will W., article on cut wprms ___ '84 194 farmer's garden '84 193 seeds '76 230 experiments with tomatoes.-- '70 118 report on garden department - - -. '69 18 Trade, balance of - '83 173 board of, essay on '74 274 marks -.. '79 213 Trades school, report of visit to '86 Ivi Trading for farmers.. '49 179 horses, legal aspects of _ '83 304 Training dogs '51 219 manual, at Agricultural Colleges (see also Manual training) '80 21 orchard trees (see also Pruning) '79 151 tomatoes, methods of '86,234; '87 71 Trains carrying weather signals _ _.. '88 202 Transactions of Michigan wool growers' and sheep breeders' association '79 417 State Agricultural Society. (See Pieport of State Agricultural Society.; Transformation of insects _ _ '78 431 Transmission of disease among stock _ '80 101 Transparent blanche currant discussed. '58 222 Transplanting, article by C. W. G-arfleld '76 193 trees '68,438; '77,266; '88,231,318 time for _ '76 244 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 341 Year. Page. Transportation facilities of MioMgan '72 ii9 of farm products, article by Burlingame, E. A '83 178 Carpenter, Prof. li. C '78,313; '81 117 Harrower, Prof. Geo. H '83 164 Hughart, Prest. W. O '83 176 Tenuant, Judge W. S '86 18 Traverse City, description of _ '67, 79; '73 91 Institute 76 199 soil, analysis of _ '78 392 fruit region : '73 86 region, geology of '54 291 Treadwell wheat ,'. '67 60 rating by millers '77 343 Treasurer of Agricultural College, report of ,. '82, 37; '63, 106; Hi, 121; 65, 259; '66, 29; '67, 31; '68, 41; '69, 45; '70, 31; '71, 44; '72, 23; 73, 27; '74, 12; '75, 8; '76, 8; 77, 8; '78, 8; '79, 8; 80, 8; '81, 8; '83, 8; 84, 8; '85, 7; '86, vii; 87, 7; '88, 9. Board of Agriculture, how chosen.- .» '85 35 Experiment station, report of ._ '88 146 State fair, report of....... '49,125; '50,59; '51,281: '52,199; '53,143; '55,239,277; '58,27: '57, • 21; '68, 72; '59, 25; '67, 269, 388; '68, 376: '69, 343, 353; '70, 233; '73, 238; '74, 157, 219; '75, 411 ; '76, 561; '77, 482; '78, 518; '79, 303; '80, 367; '81, 453; '83, 531; 83, 362; '84, 354; '85, 223; '87, 218; '88, 486. charges against '78 504 Treat, Mrs. E. W., article, "Farmer's wife maybe a lady" '86 185 Mr. L. L., paper on our common roads '80 206 Treatment of contagious typhoid cattle plague '65 200 domestic animals, medicinally, paper by A. J. Stockholm '81 264 heaves '88 379 hog cholera '88 420 mllkfever '78,246; '88 413 pleuro-pneumonia '88 417 soil at Grayling '88 209 trees afterfelling '88 335 Texas fever '88 420 Trebons onion '87 96 Tree. (See also Trees, Timber, Forest, Forests, Orchards, Fruit trees, etc.) belts '65,247,350; '69,449; '7), 350; '88,316,323,350 borer. (See Borer and Borers.) deer's antlers in.. '75 386 peddlers '69, 474; '77,264,321 tomato described '86,243; '87,73,88 Treeless plains.. '68 283 Trees, act to encourage roadside planting '66, 38 app. protect plants and — - '54 10 shade '88 129 age for setting out '68,436; '71,133; '76 244 of, as related to diameter '88 348 Agricultural College collection of '78,80,85; '87 115 and plants, act to protect from theft '64 10 shrubs, calendar of '87 119 on Agricultural College grounds.. '78,80,85; '87 115 article. ( See also Forests, Orchards and Timber, articles on.) by Bailey, Prof. L. H., calendar of shrubs and '87 119 notes on hardy ornamental '85 13p windbreaks for fruit growers '88 350 342 GENERAL INDEX OF Trees, article by Barber, E. W., gleanings from the census abont Beal, Prof. "Wm. J., Centennial exhibit of, from Michigan.. descriptions of species at Agricultural College destruction of, by forest flres '- growing of forest... large specimen lumbermen's names for pine Michigan, compared with other ... succession of, in forests wood lots on Michigan farms Cook, Prof. A. J,, on choice of, for shade. Garden and Forest, on Kedzie, Dr. R. C, on climatic influence of Satterlee, Prof. Jas., on nut bearing... as fence posts shrubs at Grayling Experiment station attacked by insects... _ barking after felling barren when young, reason for benefits of ^ bulletin on growing forest shade -w buying from nurseries - - calendar of shrubs and census, facts about.. - Centennial exhibit of Michigan choice of varieties for shade climatic influence of. ( See Forests, climatic influence of.) confusion in names of '75, 378; common varieties of condition of, how to determine cultivating or mulching culture. ( See also Tree planting.) article by Dr. W. J. Beal Leroy Parker on arable land cutting of decayed and dangerous, law of dates of leafing out and casting leaves decayed and dangerous, law for cutting descriptive list of species on Agricultural College grounds destruction of '66, app. 1; by fire in farm wood lots distance apart to set orchard '68,434; '75,124,167; '83,120; for windbreak from orchard dwarfed to shrub form exhibit of Michigan at Centennial exotic in Michigan experimental plantations at Grayling... fall of leaf of, calendar of Michigan species famous specimens fence row, growth of flres destroying. (See Forest flres.) for planting, best varieties. '75, shelter, (See Timber belts.) timber Page, 310 377 85 '88, 72, 328- 250 78 79> 101 74 72 337 38, 132-12r 3 app. 308 321 146 173 243 335 145 311 250 227 264 119 310 377 227 79 381 133 243 250 207 333 129 119 129 85 244 ;, 328 72 333 351 146 377 101 173 119 383 321 386 ; '88, 123, 282 '88 333 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 343 Year. Page. 250 74 333 '«8 123 310 76 243 88 173 88 78 Trees, forest, growing of succession of _ treatment after felling Garden and Forest, articles on gleanings atout, from the census grass culture, of orchard ■. '69,443; '73,48; '74,54; Grayling experimental plantation of great specimens 60, 383; growing of . (- '71 251 how many to plant per acre. (See also Trees, distance apart to set.) '88 333 to set and care for '64,438; '76,193,244; 77,266; '88,231,318 tell condition of '88 123 treat after felling _.. , '88 33& injured '78 24? Influence of, on climate. (See Forests, climatic influence.) iugrass _ '69, 442 : '73, 48 ; '74, 54 ; '76 243. injured, treatment i)f '76 242 insect attacks upon shade ._- '77 243; protectors for '65 26- kinds to plant '75,386; '88, 123,232,333. large '50,383; '88 78- law for cutting, dangerous near R. R. tracks '88 129* protection of '54.10; '88 129 roadside planting , '66, 38 app. list of hardy ornamental '85 160 Michigan '88 85 species on Agricultural College grounds '78,80; '87 115 with descriptions '78 85 lumbermen's names for '88 79" Michigan exhibit at Centennial '75 377 species of '88 85 compared with rest of world '88 101 mulching of '76 243 names of, confusion in '75.378; '88 79 notes on ornamental '85 130 number to plant per acre {See also Trees, distance apart) 88 333 nursery, buying of.. '77 264 nut-bearing. Prof. J. Satterlee '88 308 orchard, barren when young, cause '87 145 distance apart to set. (See Trees, distance apart.) ornamental, at Agricultural College '78 80 listof hardy '85 160 notes on -- '85 130 pruning of - '84 221 planted at Grayling experimental farm '88 173 planting of, age for '68,436; '71,133; '76 244 commercial aspect of '88 322 day for '72 53 distance apart for. (See Trees, distance, etc.) Egyptian experience in '66, 14 app. for timber - '88 319 kinds for '75,386; '88,123,233,333 344 GENERAL INDEX OF Trees, planting of, methods '68,437; Year. Page. , 227, 231, 318, 376 on roadside '71, 251; law to encourage ' ornamental preservation of, in wood lots profit of growing, for timber __ protection of, bylaw.. '54 from insects '65, 26; afforded by (See also Timber beltsL '66, 250; pruning of ornamental purchasing from nursery rainfall influenced by. (See Forests, climatic influence of.) rare varieties of. records of growth of roadside planting of. '7.', 251; law regarding. rotation of '68, seeds of, how distributed — setting out of. (See Trees, planting of, methods.) shade, advocated choice of kinds to plant for health value of insects attacking, by Prof. A. J. Cook.. law regarding shape for ornamental-. - shelter afforded by. ( See Timber belts.) species of Michigan compared with those of rest of world on Agricultural College grounds '78, 80, 85: rare _ _ specimens of large... '50, 383; valuable succession of, in forests '88,74, timber, planting of.. befit kinds for time of leafing out of different training of ornamental transplanting of. ( See Trees, planting of, method.) treatment of, after felling injured trimming of (See also Pruning) uses for valuable , varieties rare variety of, greatest in warm climates village, law protecting ;young, why often barren Trematodes described Tremex columba Trend of mountain ranges affecting growth of trees Trent institute Trentham Fill-basket tomato, described. Trespass collections on Agricultural College lands... '86, laws regarding In forests, law of on cranberry marshes- public lands, law regarding 76 311 38 app. ; 51 88, 72, 347 10; 88, 129 '77 243 316 221 264 > 378 r 125 3 311 38 app. 345, 346 5 251 51 '84 75 424 227 251 243 129 231 85 101 115 378 75 384 :, 345, 346 319 333 119 221 335 242 231 83. 384 378 374 129 145 298 228 102 317 15 294 130 457 131 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 345 Tear. Page. 'Trial by students, rules of igX jg; Trichina spiralis, by Prof. A. J. Coot 76 296 Triohinobis, symptoms and treatment of '76 303 Triennial catalogue 73 J5 meeting of alumni ___ 178 73 Trifles on the farm, paper by E. D. Pierson _ '80 163 Tritolium bybridum._ igg jgg medium '86 89 pratense _ '86 77 Trimming fruit trees. (See Pruning.) potatoes, experiment in '73 50 shade trees '8^ 221 Trip of committee on dairy experimentation '88 30 Triticum repens description. (See also Quack grass.) '71 113 Trollope's Victoria strawberry discussed '68 221 Troop, Jame?, entomological work of '84 42 Trophy tomato described '86, 240; ; "87 83 Trotting at State fair, rules '74 197 horses at fair8--'87, 107, 267 ; '68, 484 ; '72, 82; '73, 172; '74, 313 ; '75, 513 ; '78, 478 ; '81, 315; '83, 264 descended from pack horses '65 97 peculiarities of '71, 154; '83 134 Trout, lake described __ '51 231 speckled, described '31 226 Trowbridge, Chas. A., paper on Iron In Upper Peninsula '53 223 Hon R. E., address,' '74 309 of welcome '76 326 Ti-ue, E. D. A., paper, "The farmer his own mechanic" '81 306 value of pure bred stock, paper by J. E. Taylor '81 257 Trust fund of Agricultural College '81, 24; '85, 13; '86, xiii ; '87, 15 ; '88 17 Tuition of Agricultural College, terms of '85 38 Tulip tree '78, 108; '88 3b7 Tupelo tree.. '78 108 Turbine windmills '80 305 Turkey raising '66,240; '68 292 Turk's-cap tomato described - '87 81 Turner, Brunson, address at Flushing '84 93 G. B., address before Cass Co. Society '53 366 hybrid tomato described '86,243; '87 87 Jas. 11, paper on treatment of abortion '84 336 raspberry '83 117 'Turning to the right on the road, law of '83 309 Turnips. (See also roots.) analysis of '59,276; '72 324 article on, by Henry A Hawley... '74 291 J. R. Hendrix '75 140 as a catch crop -- '87 329 crop '74 34 cultur4of - - '50,288; '53,518; '78 381 for green manure - '87 336 stock, discussion - '75 158 in Crawford Co - - - '87 305 notes on - -- '^ i« value of, for manure after feeding '87 332 "Turnpiked roads, cost of - '76 406 Tnrnpiking and underdraining roads, by Prof. R. C. Carpenter '76 399 how done '''6 403 Turpentine emulsion ae an insecticide '86 xl 346 GENERAL INDEX OF Turpentine emulsion effect on foliage _ ___ Tuscarora corn, analysis of _ _ Tuscola County Agricultural Society report '67, 485; '68,433; '69,403; '70,400; '71 159 ; '73, 254 ; '74, 368 ; '83, 457. Tuscola county, report from Tusser, on agriculture Tutors, individual --. Twaddle, Dr., paper on G-uernseys _._ Twenty-four years' summary of weather record at Agricultural College - Twenty-six dollar phosphate, analysis of - '86, 248; Twenty varieties of apples, best, l)y T. T. Lyon Twig borers - pruner Twitch grass, peculiarities and extermination of. (See also Quack grass ) Two horse plow horses or three, for plowing insect pests new to Michigan, paper by Prof. A. J. Cook years' course of study at Agricultural College - Tying cattle.. .- Tyler raspberry Type breeding- _. _ Typhoid fever of cattle swine --- Tyrotoxicon in cheese, cause of Tyson pear described — -.- Uhl, David M., communication about neat cattle statement of corn Ulceration UUucus tuberosus, grown at Agricultural College - - Underdraining. (See also Drainage and Tile drains.) and turnpiking common roads, article by R. C. Carpenter article by John Preston A.E.Upton does it pay? article by Prof. R. C. Carpenter '77,315,239; roads cost of - report on effects of Underdraina, surveys of - Underfed animals, loss from Undergrowth a protection against forest fires Underwood, D. K., report of Michigan fruits Uniforms, military Union Agricultural Society of Litchfield, report '81,613; '83,456; '84,426; St. Joseph Valley, report Springport, report farmers' club, article presented before, on Michigan of Agricultural College with Normal .School. (See Normal School union, etc.) University. (See University.) purple plum... .1 school graduates admitted to College on certificate Village grape discussed United States endowment of Agricultural Colleges grain production land grant. (See also Agr'l College of .Michigan, land grant from U. S.) acceptance of actconveying '63, 121; '81,189; disposition of ar. Page.- '86 xl '78 409 435 ; '7a '69 115 '76 .331 86 303 '80 225 '88 680 '87 174 '58 245 '74 127 '74 128 '88 387 •71 170 '75 161 '80 373 '63 27 '80 168 '83 118 '83 323 '65 198 '80 101 '88 ,391 '58 367 '51 133 '51 171 '67 353 '87 140 '76 399 '81 398 '87 362 '84 271 '76 408 •76 410 '67 293 '77 72 '86 45 '68 338 '58 224 •85, 17,99 '85 262 '87 .507 '73 253 '71 189 •88 299 '84 17 '58 317 '81 189 '79 446 '85 49 '85 53 '77 15 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 347 Year. Page. United States endowment income from 70 7 interest from , ig5 13 not to be used for buildings '85 63 laws relative to Agricultural College reports '81,23: '85 54 Colleges -85 45 military officers detail to Agricultural Colleges. '. '85 54 Naral Academy, visit to '86 Ivi statates for Agricultural College library '85 45 Uniting split buds '80 » 53 Universal competition ig3 355 Universities, agricultural departments of '34 401 University, Agricultural College may be branch of '85 34 lectureship in '53 444 and Agricultural College, reasons for uniting '54 343 union of '63 22,24 graduates, occupation of ,.__ '88 49 visit of Agricultural Society to. _ '54 19 Unleached ashes as manure '83 99 for cabbage maggot. '86 xli wheat '77 125 value of _._ '75 202 Unmanured fields, improving of '79 229 Unproductive soils, cause of '65 203 Unprofitable stock feeding '76 337 Unsheltered animals, loss in feeding '56,181; '74,314; '79, 6t; '84,151; '87 269 Unsound brood mares '57, 169; '76, 284; Unwholesome milk, prevention of sale of Unworthy animals receiving prizes Upland rice Upper Peninsula, description exhibits '78 farming, letter from J. R. Deveraux.. iron production of '53,223,225 Upright tomatoes, described '86 243 Upton, A. E., article on under draining ' '87 352 Mrs. J. A., paper on Polly and the kettle '79 85 Ure, Robt., paper on diversities of nature '86 182 rotation of crops '77 236 Urine, chemical composition of '72 225 Urtioacese '88 95 Use of spruces andflrs '88 83 straw, article by Henry Shultes '78 416 steam in agriculture, article by Prof. R. C. Carpenter '77 288 timber, economy in, by Prof. A. J. Daniels '88 359 Usury, what constitutes.. '84 130 Utilitarianism, by Prof. Lewis McLouth '87 340 Utilizing barren knolls for forests '88 316 Vacancy in presidency of Agricultural College, how filled '85 38 State Board of Agriculture, how filled '85 35 Vacant lands of land grant '77,17; '78,17; '79,15; '80,15; '81,21; '83,12; '84,13; '85,12,14 '86, xii, xiv; '87, 14, 17; '88, 16, 19. Vacations at Agrioultu ral College '81 43 reasons for arrangement of '75 26 Vaccineacese 'S8 93 Valencia cluster tomato, described '86,240; '87 84 Valid contract, what constitutes -. - '84 127 Valuable trees '75 384 '80 85 '78 580 '79 38 '86 179 '78 479 '73 107 348 GENERAL INDEX OF "Valuation of Agricultural College property. ( See Inventory.) elements in commercial fertilizers Value of Alden fruit drying process, S. B. Mann.. ashes as manure '55,188; '63,63; '64,86; '78,418; '83,99; '84, 70; 'S.j, 175; crops for manure - different wheats for food _ ensilage for feeding .-. farm implements in Michigan .- investment - --- forest protection products -- hardwoods in manufactures -. hay crop and pasture lands implements on Michigan farms investments in farms _ _. .-- improved breeds of stock, article by W. E. Hale (See also Improved stocl£. Live stock improved. Pedigree, auce of, Breeding, Breeds, &c., &c.) manure, dependent on what from different crops. -. Michigan lands affected by climate and markets milk crop -. pedigrees, paper by A. F. "Wood (see also Value of improved breedd; pine stump land, discussion _ property destroyed by fire in the United States pure bred stock, paper by J. E. Taylor (see also Value of improved breeds) straw, by Dr. R. C. Kedzie - - stump land.. timber, discussion on lot wheat for food as affected by variety - production of Michigan work done in Mechanical department Van Buren Agricultural Society, address by Hon. ^Morgan Fitch constitution Year. Page. report. •51,475; '53,477 '58,648; '.59,574: '71, 4-U ; '73, 163 '81, 616. '53, 633 ; '66, 330 ; '73,357; '54, '55, 835 ; '68, 437 ; '77, 699 ; '56, 781 '69, 409 '79, 476 county, report from sandstone sorghum in statistical report Van Buskirk, Mr., on cultivation of pine stump lands Vandevere apple, by T. T. Lyon Van Hoosen, Joshua, paper on Common Schools Vanilla grass, notes on Van Mons Leon le Clerc Pear described Van Vliet, P. J., statement on wheat crop Variation of animals, causes buds.. crops in adjoining rows soil on adjacent plats red clover tomatoes Varieties influenced by stock on whicl] grafted of apples (see also Apple, varieties) '56, 218; '84, IPS; '81,138; 174 370 287 332 340 110 366 25 313 126 307 13 127 import- 306 344 '51 329 257 418 6 349 322 340 439 60 434 475 '57, 583 ; '70, 405 ; '80,463; 9 115 4 287 4 316 490 3U 2.o4 201 182 226 170 191 136 46 345 129 '58,237,241; '88, 303. •70, 76 77, 265; '78, 203 173 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 349 Year. Page, Varieties of apples described '71,128; '78 362 for home orchards '84 198 market, bulletin on '87 IM hardy '70 , 286 berries for northern counties '87 310 corn. '80 284 and mill stnfEs, comparative value, by Dr. R. G. Kedzie '78 404 experiments with '78 49 forensilage '88 450 cranberry '75 144 fruits on Agricultural College grounds. '87 102 grain, article by David Woodman, Jr '77 140 new, report upon '69 102 grass '69 195 for English pastures '75 288 pastures '65 132 maples, notes on '86 139 peaches, best (see also Peach, varieties) '69, 423; '75, 168; '77, 320; '86, 131; '88 302 susceptible to yellows '83 114 pears. ( See Pear, varieties.) plums for home use (see also Plums, varieties) '77 320 potatoes, comparative value of '68, 150; '74, 51; '75, 51; '85 169 size as compared with hens' eggs '77 49 will they run out '76 111 raspberries .• '77,211; '87 310 roots to grow '77 153 yield of '79 45 small fruits '79 129 strawberries (see also Strawberry, varieties of).. '70, 437; '76, 305; '77, 210; '83, 116; '84 205 notes on '79,44; '87 98 tomatoes, comparison of. '87 73 experiment with , '68,152; '70,118; '77 53 noteson '86,233; '87 66 synopsisot '86,237; '87 74 table of times of ripening '87 88a wheat. '55 197 asaflCected byhessianfly '78 158 bulletin on , '86 227 comparisonof '81 75 described '77 434 experimented with '88 212 relative values for food '77 341 testing of (see also Testing fruits, grains, seeds, etc.) '76 204 too many in orchards '70 278 Variety in food, value of - '84 196 soils affecting experiments '71 297 Vsissar Institute - - — '80 228 Vaughan, J. C, lawn grass seed from, analyzed '85 152 Vegetablelbone superphosphate analyzed '86, 248; '87 174 garden, accounts of (see also Q-arden dept. of Agr'l College) '63, 27; '75, 12; '78 111 report on (see also G-arden dept. of Agr'l College) '76 UO gardening, synopsis of lectures on '85 73 mould, lack of , in soil of Northern Michigan '87 301 physiology, by LewisCass '51 265 Vegetables, article by Bailey, Prof. L. H '85 130 Beal, Dr. W. J., on the farmer's supply '76 160 improvement of '78 445 350 GENERAL INDEX OF Vegetables, article by Butler, Gfeo. P., on raising - Latta, W. C, on improved methods of growing Lincoln, L. C, on farmer's supply - Tracy, Prof. Will W., on growing -. - as food _ distinction from nainerals _ - - premiums on, at State fair preservation of, in winter profits of growing - seeds of, from ,Tapan __ _._ Vehicles at State fair, report on _. '87, 206; Veil for bee lieepera Velvet grass Ventilation, defective in public buildings for animals bees, article on in winter - cattle - '51, 4^3; '57,130; horses -. '57, 195; human beings - importance of , of homes _ new laboratory _ _. stables '57, 195; through walls Venus fly trap, description of Vermin on cattle. (See also Ticks and Parasites.) Vermont, forestry in --- Vernal grass, description. .- — Veterinarian of Experiment station ' State Veterinarians, letters from, regarding heaves _ _._ ___ .._ Veterinary department of the Agr'l College, bulletins. (See Grange, Dr. B. A. A., bulletin, committee of the Board of Agriculture on.. museum of report of.... '78, 46; '80, 18; '81, 38; '83, 68; '84, 53; •86, Ixvi; '87, 52; '88, 55. museum at the Agricultural College _ practice, paper by J. A. Stockholm science in Europe need of, by Prof. C. L. Ingersoll relation of, to farming, by Dr. E. A. A. Grange utility of surgeons.. Viburnuu Prunifolium, remedy for abortion Vicar of Wakefield pear described '56, 327; Viok, James, seeds from, tested '78, 77; strawberry, notes on.. '85, 132; Vick's Criterion tomato described '86, 242; Vickery, B. F., paper on beat breeds of swine Victor, Galloway bull Victoria (Nisbit's) tomato tomato described Vienna radish, long white Viewing committee at State fair, rules Views, making the most of attractive Village, attractions of Year. 77 Page. 258 228 195 193 184 269 248 231 261 196 496 338 113 91 422 294 142 282 66 191 91 336 '85 '85, 332 375 407 119 113 1,143 18 274 4 66 27, 90; 56 264 218 400 123 79 403 337 266 118 101 196 54 243 76 236 170 MICHIGAN AGBIOULTURAL REPORTS. 351 Year. Page. ^Village improvement societies 71 258 trees, care, planting and protection of, la\y regarding '88 129 Vincent, Col. N. H., address of welcome '79 77 Dr., account of Chautauqua _ '84 233 Vine family _ '88 86 growing. (SeeGrapep, articles. onO Vineland strawberry '87 101 notes on '85 138 Vines, ornamental, list of hardy ._ '85 160 squash, fertilization of flowers of '77 55 Vineyard at Agricultural College '76, 109; '78 73 vai;ietiesin '87 107 premium '67,368; '70 3^2 protection of '68 485 Vinton, Henry, paper, "Does Farming Pay?" '80 216 Violet olive shaped radish '88 237 turnip radish '88 237 Virealie pear, described '56 225 Virgilia tree, described '78 108 Virginia, abandoned lands in '86 216 creeper '78 108 notes on '85 138 Visit of societies to Agricultural College '78, 83; '79, 410; '80, 31; '81, 433; '85, 196; '86 608 to eastern industrial schools - '86 Iv Vltaoese '88 86 Vitality of buggy peas '79 195 seeds '74,306; '79 191 bulletin by Dr. W.J. Beal '84 332 Mr. Louis Knapper '84 317 in soil - '88 74 Voelcker, Dr. August, article on causes of barrenness in soils '65 203 chemical properties of the soil '59 223 Chinese sugarcane '59 213 hay makiuf '67 183 experiments with top dressing on wheat... '59 293 on red clover '86 82 Volatile constituents of manures '66, 5l; '68 134 Volinia Farmers' Club, article on farm management '70 159 hog raising '70 171 report .- '67,419; '69 379 Volumes added to library '88 63 of back reports wanted and to exchange '85 295 Voluntary observers of weather '88 203 Wade, E. F., address before Shiawassee county society '54 706 Marvin R., report by .- '64 10 Wagoner apple described 'TO, 291; '71 129 by Benj. Hathaway. '78 365 discussed '70 265 Wages, farm, are they excessive --- '84 143 effect of homestead law on.. '73 115 in Cass county - '64 19 > Michigan - '''2 123 of deserting laborer, law of '83 300 skilled or unskilled l«tbor 1 '86 22 students '89.19; '".7; '85 39 at Iowa Agricultural College '71 359 committee on rate of '85 39 352 GENERAL INDEX OF ■tear. Page. Wages of students, reason for paying _ '74 73 paid for student labor '69, 19; '71, 7; '74, 31; '75, 15; '76, 13; '77, 13; '78, 13; '79, 12; '80, 64; 'S6, xv; '87,11; '88,13. Wagons, inventory at Agricultural College '76 19 Walbridge, Hon. D. S., report to Congress on lands for Agricultural College.-. '57 285 WaldrOD, C. B., assistant in botanical dept - '88 5 Walker, Dr. J. B., letter on Grand Traverse climate -- - '69 487 Levi, address before Genesee Co. Society -- - '•''1 349 Walker's system of roads. '76 400 Walking gait for farm horses .- - '77, 384; '83 136 Walks and drives, comments on, by C. W. Garfield... '76 179 " Walks and talks " at Agricultural College, by Joseph Harris '68 8 Wallace, Rev. G. H., paper on farm table '84 195 Wall paper, dangers in '74 93 Walls, rat proof '77 334 respiration of ! '77 333 Wainut, black 78, 108; '88 370 family.. '88 96 Walton and Whann Co., fertilizers of '87,174; '88 153 Experiment station at '88, 144,178 Wants and exchanges of Agricultural College library '87 60 of farm department - ''3 40 War bounty bonds.. '73 38 investment in '86 xiii Waring, AV. L., hardy apples '70 286 Warm soils, what are? '86 158 Warming water for dairy cows, experiment '88 267 Warmth, as economizing food. (See also Shelter tor farm auimals.).. "71 313 Warrant account '02,31; '63,101; '64,125 ; '65,265; '66,35; '67,17; '68,39; '69,35; '70,17; '71,24; '72. 34; '73, 28; '74, 13; '75, 8; '76, 8; '77, 8; '78, 8; '79,8; '80,8; '81,8; '83,8; '84, 8 ; '85, 8 ; '86, viii ; '87, 10 ; '88, 13, Warranty, implied in sale '84 128 in horse trade, effect of '83 306 Warren, G. W., paper on root crops '79 89- Midland Co. soil analysed , '78 391 Wartman, J., paper on graded stock '84 151 Mrs. Jacob, paper on home and surroundings '84 224 Washed fleeces, shrinkage of , '65 71 Washing sheep '56, 166; '78 257 discussed '83,157; '87 399 follyof '78 383 objectio)ito '76,278; '87 402 the body, importance of '83 194 Washington pear described '56 235 Washtenaw county agricultural society, address by Prof. Haven '53 665 Hon. James Kinghlty '53,513; '59 593 constitution of '49,331; '59 575 law incorporating '56 3 report '49, 331; '50, 505; '53, 501; '63, 649; '54, 731; '56, 791; '58, 648; '59, 575; '66, 322; '67, 488; '69, 115. sorghum in , , '84 317 Wash water, saving of '59 478 Waste land, loss on '77 394 use of, for forests '88 316 of manures „ '63,52; '72,266; '77,398; '87 332 poor roads '75 364 timber in clearing '88 115 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 353 Tear. Page. Waste on the farm, paper by E. B. Hayes . . tgg 281 places, Improvements in, paper by Geo. B. Wilkinson '78 236 Water ash, described wo 07 a word about, by iJr. R. C. Kedzie '88 335 capacityof varloussoils '78,397- '87 333 culture, results from 179 263 drinking, tin pipes for carrying '63 277 for animals.. '76 house plants 1^8 263 ice cold, for animals 179 ^^ lack of, causing deserts >88 337 lead pipes for carrying ^ '53 275 lime, deposits of _ 173 lQ^ in soil at Grayling _ _ '88 2II pack for milk fever in cows >88 412 pipes at Agricultural College '78 116 lead .53 275 power in Michigan '72 130 proof fiber for cold frame '87 148 pure, for home use _ _• '77 340 relation of, to soil ! '78,397; '87 323 supply of Agricultural College. ( See Water works of Agricultural College.) for homes __ _ _ '76 378 of the West : '88 340 tinpipesfor carrying drinking '53 277 transport for farm products. '78 314 warmed for dairy cows '88 267 works of Agricultural College '83, 63: '84, 51 ; '86, liii; '87, 25, 47; '88 49 Detroit '54 253 Waterbury, Jno. M., paper on value of Michigan lands '78 344 Watering house plants '78 263 Watkins, Hon. L. D., paper on utilizing barren knolls '88 316 Watrous, Gurdon, premium farmer •. '54 496 WauBhakum corn '80 280 Wax, whence obtained L '75 327 Wayne, Alexander, on fruit raising _ '87 313 county, bog iron deposit in '55 368 geological report of '55 355 marshes - '55,358,365 mineral springsin '55 369 peat deposits.: '55 367 sorghum in '84 316 Wayside tree planting - '76 311 Wealth and education - --- '75 372 desire for '86 190 Weaning calves '70 127 Weather characteristics of year (see also Weather records) '65, 7; '66, 63; '67, 55; '68, 155; '69, 105; '70, 119; '71, 445; '73, 290; '73, 261. grumblers '79 95 influence on crops, paper by Linus Cone - - '51 221 protection of farm implements from -- '81 310 records.— '53, 339, 344; '54, 305; '55, 435; '56, 275; '63, 73; '64, 347; '65, 255; '66, 333; '67, 489; '68, 443; '69, 497; '70, 449; '71, 443; '72, 286; '73. 259; '74, 323; '75, 517; '76, 595; '77, 701; '78, 613; '79, 481; '80, 467; '81, 619; '82, 645; '83, 461; '84, 427; '85, 267; '87, 509; '88, 555. remarks on '88 150 summary of, for 9 years '72 290 25 years '88 580 45 354 GENERAL INDEX OF Weather relation to agriculture, by R. F. Kedzie „ _ service appropriations, statement of account with '87, 8 bulletin of.- crop report _ organization of _ station, movement for Weather signals on railway trains -. _.. Weathering muck, effects of Weathering soils Weaver, R. S., paper on sheep breeding _ _ husbandry _ Web worm.- Webber, Lake county, soil of, analyzed President W. L., address before State Agricultural Society '78, 477; article on drainage '77, 232; industrial education.. Saginaw Valley remarks on dairy Interests of Saginaw Valley education horse racing at fairs Long Island market gardening Wednesday afternoon lectures subjects Weed, Clarence M., article on food relations of birds, toads and frogs pear and cherry slug strawberry crown girdler entomological work by Master's degree killing discussion Weeding hoe, Allen's Weeds and culture noxious, article on punishment for neglect to destroy railroads required to free right of way from Weeks, Prof. Robert D., notice of Weeping birch, described cut-leaf poplar , elm.. Weevil attacking timber trees eaten peas Year. 77 Page, 194 10 201 203 202 27 203 226 227 153 253 '74, 122, 299 78 79 '88 pea.. wheat '55,217; '57, 221; Weighings of stock, monthly, at A gricultural College '81, 58; Weight, gain in fattening animals young animals or loss In feeding ensilage of beans from cross fertilization bushel of grass seed feed for animals, how to estimate Hereford cattle hoes horses' shoes merino sheep onions. yellow and white dent corn Welch, President, remarks by, on Agricultural Colleges MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 355 Year. Page. "Welch, Prof. A. S., address before Oakland county society '65 773 Well, artesian, at Agricultural College '87, 26; '88 51 draining by '83,371; '86 168 patent on drive '79 2^0 water, danger in '74 95 Weller, H. S., address before Grand River Valley society '30 345 Welles, B. F., drainage by drive wells. '86 168 Wells & Dickinson's merino sheep, description of '65 69 Wells, Hon. Franklin, department report at State fair '87, 212; '88 498 member State Board of Agriculture '78 23 president State Board of Agriculture.... '83, 3; '84, 3; '85, 4; '86, iv; '87, 4; '88, 4 Forestry Commission '88 7 term expires '87,4; '88 4 hall, description of ^ '78 19 Henry B., paper on management of swine. '78 361 Hon. Hezekiah G., in memoriam '85 23 memberof State Board of Agriculture '78 23 notice of '83 16 Welsh onion described _ '87 95 Wentworth, Hon. John, on Kerry cattle '79 108 West, W. E., seedstested '83 57 Western Union Chemical Co., analysis of fertilizers - '86 248 Westfleld Seek-No-Further, T. T. Lyon '68 255 West Highland cattle described '57 112 Michigan Agricultural and Horticultural society report '70 406 Industrial society report '79,478; '83 451 fruit culture _ '69 411 lands '70 333 Lake Shore Horticultural association '68,428; '69 415 Wet lands, article on, by Erastua Osborne '75 141 pack for milk fever in cows '88 412 season, harvesting wheat in _ '65 194 soils, cold - '81,333; '88 176 Wethersfleld onion '87 96 Wexford county soil analyzed , '78 394 Weymouth pine - '78 103 Whale oil soap, experiments with '87 42 for kerosene emulsion '86, xxxviii What can women do ?— poem by Mrs. Cannon '86 199 with small fruits ?— paper on, by Mrs. J. G. Averill '84 206 constitutes a successful farmer?— by J. G. Noble '80 213 do we get in lawn grass seed? - '87 146 I know of forest culture, J. Austin Scott .-. '88 317 it costs to raisecrops.— article by Simon Cowdry '88 441 shall we do with our marsh lands?— by F. Hodgeman... '77 323 straw?— paper by Geo. L. Sheldon '81 343 peaty soils after draining? '86 175 read?— paper by Miss Nettie F. Wood. '83 205 to feed for milk, article on '87 374 Wheat, acre of, cost of '74, 301; '75, 64; '76, 390; '77, 91; '80, 135, 318; '84, 143; '86, 25; '88 441 tor a pair of shoes '49 153 how much seed for - '55,207; '69, 179; '76,185; '78 449 after clover , - '50,182; '68.261; '77 125 seed - '73 264 corn '76 184 oats '79 155 summer fallow.. '50, 180, 272, 317; '64, 831; '69, 176; '77, 133; '80, 217, 317; '81, 227; '87 334 356 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page. Wheat, after wheat for forty years _ '84 TO age for cutting.... '50,193; '69,181; '77,147,845; '79,157; '81,335; '85 134 ages, analysis of, at different -- '85 134 amount of seed per acre. '55,207; '69,179; '76,185; '"8 449 an acre of, for a pair of shoes -.- '49 153 analysis of ..- '73,334; '77 430 at different stages of growth '85 134 flourand '77 351 straw of- - '59 275 and beans, relative exhaustion of soil by '66 128 chess '50, 311; '59, 604; '81, 131; '85 183 clover, article on relation of '68 361 characteristics compared '73 350 relationof '50, 182; '73, 264; '77 135 forest culture, by Hon. L. D. Watkins '88 316 Hessianfly '77, 363; '78, 166, 288; '79 70 superphosphates, experiments with '78 161 annual, if allowed to head out, otherwise perennial.. '73 351 Arnatka Spring, report on '69 104 article by Bayley, Jas., on White Flint '. '54 319 Deal, Dr. Wm. J., on improvement of, brbreeding '76, 208, 311; '77, 56; '78, 445 '81, 123, 131. Billings, Hon. S. R., on culture of '84 144 Bow, Dennis, on culture of, in the Saginaw Valley '86 101 BuUen, R. J., on raising- '74 303 Capron, Hon. Horace, Oora'r of Agr., on a specialty of '70 145 Clark, Remain, on culture of '80 317 Cone, Linus, statement on premium crop - -. '50 486 Cook, Prof. A. J., on Hessian fly '77 363 Isosoma '84 833 Geddes, Geo., on culture of - - --,. '69 169 Gilbert, J. H., on expsriments with, at Rothamsted '84 65 Hall, L. C, on outlook for- '84 143 Hill, Rev. Geo. S. J., on diseases of '57 381 insect enemies of '57 203 Howard, Sec. Sanford, on drill and broadcast sowing '64 145 Michigan reports of '64 70 Howe, Chas. F., on culture ot.... '79 153 Ingersoll, Prof. Chas. L., on culture of '76 389 experiments with.. .-- '77,78; '79 35 Hessian fiy --.. '78 166 Isham, Warren, on growing '50 167 Johnson, Prof. Cuthbert W., on clover and '68 361 Samuel, on experiments with '81, 75; '83, 41; '86, 237; '88 311 Johnstone, Robt. F., on culture of '55 570 Kedzie, Dr. R. C, on food value of varieties -- '77 341 ripenin:; of - '81,333; '85 131 Wm. K., on steeping in brine for smut '69 190 Kelsey, E. P., on culture of - '80 131 Larey, Hon. Samuel S., on culture of - '64 229 Little, Sec'y Frank, on culture of -- '77 429 Mason, Edward, on culture of '55 193 Moore, A. Y., on Mediterranean '54 217 Morris, Elias, on Indian- --- - '88 446 Morse, .TolinG., on culture of '49 113 Osborne, G., on Hessianfly '78 288 Potter, Rev. L. B., on culture of '70 328 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 357 Tear. Page, Wheat, article by Preston, S. H., on culture of '50 26T Sattei'lee, A. C, on culture of '76 i83 Schuyler, W. B., on culture of '77 123 Seesione, Lt. Gov. Alonzo, ou cultureof '76 328 Van Vleet, P. J., statement of crop '51 170 Voelcker, Dr. August, experiments, top dressing '69 293 Williams, P. R., on culture of _ '80 133 Woodman, David, Jr., on culture of '77 no ashes for .75^ 201; '77 125 ashumanfooVi _ '77 341. 'so 183 at Agricultural College (See also Wheat, experiments) '81, 75; '86, 227 : '88 211 Rothamsted , _ _ '84 65 August, price of 179 159 average crop in Great Britain ; '55,571; '84 83 Michigan (see also Statistics of Michigan) '77,429; "80 134 UnitedStates '54,319; '84 85 price during May and August "79 159 lor five years '78 345 in Detroit '55 309 beans compared with, as to effect ou soil '66 128 belt '. '78 399 bigcropsof. '50,486; '51,170; '77,434; '78,302; '84 83 blue stem, notes on '50 370 bone dust for ^ '67,414; '77 126 Boyden, by Luther Boyden '51 171 breeding for improvement of '76,208,211; '77,66; '78,445; '81,123,131 brine-steeped seed for escaping smut , '69 190 British statistics of '84 83 broadcast sowing or drilling '64 145 bulletin on varieties of '86,227; '88 211 burning stubble for midge '57 254 bushel, cost of. (See also Wheat, cost of crop.) -. '86 '25 care of, in wet harvest season --. '55 194 characteristics of, compared with clover '72 250 chemical composition of. (See Wheat, analysis of.) chess developing from..- '50, 3U ; '59,604; '81, 131; '85 183 Clawson, value of '77, 141, 341 cleaning seed of - clover compared with, as to effect on land clovering land as a preparation for -— '50, 182; '68, 261; clover seed as a crop preceding clover seeding with - compared with clover as to effect on land - potatoes for profit '81 comparison between hard and soft varieties of '77, 341; '81, 233; competition of Michigan with western composition of. (See Wheat analysis of.) considerations affecting value of grain — - '77, 341; corn preceding ., - cost of crop '74,301; '75,64; '76,390; '77,91; '80,135,218; '84,143; '86,25; after summer fallow per acre - '76 390 bushel '86 25 crop, accounts. (See Wheat, cost of crop.) average yield in United States '84 85 cost of. (See Wheat, cost of crop.) decline in '73 155 '72 250 '77 125 '72 264 '88 292 '72 260 '81 231 '85 121 '86 43 '85 124 '76 184 '88 441 '80 218 358 GENERAL INDEX OF Tear. Page. Wheat crop, exhaustion of soil "by '69,348; '66 128- experimental. (See Wheat, experiments.) large—. '50,486; '51,170; '77,434: '78,303; '84 8J of Great Britain '65,571; '84 83 Michigan '64, 70 ; '77, 429 ; '78, 482 ; '80 134 United States, averaRe yield of '84 85 value of '54 319 premium -.- '60,486; '51 170 cross breeding of '76,208,211; '77,56; '78,445; '81,123,131 cultivating of, discussed '86 103 culture, articles on. (See Wheat, article, etc.) discussion on '76,329; '79,159; '84,143; '86 102 in Calhoun county '64 229 Grand Traverse county.. '67 89 Saginaw county - '86 101 outlook for '84 143 cutting, time for '50,193; '69,181; '77,147,343; '79,157; '81,335; '85 134 damage to straw, by insects '84 323 debt of Michigan to '84 145 decline in production of '73 155 deductions from report on '64 70 deep plowing for '50 179 depth for planting '64 158 experiment with '83 41 description of varieties '77, 141, 341, 434 Detroit market price for '55 309 development for. '81 384 different parts of head, relative value for seed :- '79 36 periods of growth, analysis at '85 124 varieties, relative food value... '77 341 discussion on cultivating '86 103 growing...: '76, 329; '79, 159; '84 143 seeding with '88 293 diseases of '55, 213; '57 361 does it pay? '84 143 drilling in or broadcast sowing. '34 145 early varieties of '77 141 ears, number on one stool '76 394 which part of, best for seed '79 36 elements in price of '84 118 enemies of (see Wheat, insect enemies of.) English yields of '55,571; '84 83 Etrurian '50 269 exhaustion of soil by '59,348; '66 128 experiments, bulletin on '86,227; '88 311 by Dr. W. J. Beal '76,208,211; '77,56; '78,445; '81,123,131 Prof. Chas. L. IngersoU '77,78; '78,158; '79,35 Sam'l Johnson '81,75; '83,41; '86,227; '88,211 Lawes and Gilbert... '84 '65 Dr. August Voelcker '59 293 in improvement of.. '76, 308, 311; '77, 66; '78, 445; '81, 133, 131 sowing at various depths. '83 41 with Hessian fly.. '78,156; '79 .35 manures.....'. "59, 393; '73, 134; '76, 392; '78, 161; '84 65 varieties '81, 75; '86, 337; '88 312 exports '83 166 fallowing land for '50, 180, 272; '64, 231; '69, 176; '80, 317; '81 23T MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 359 Year. Page "Wheat, fallowing land tor, cost of '80 218 objeotionsto '50, 317; '77, 123 ; '87 334 famine '76 892 fertilizers for , '65,201; '77 124 ashes '75,201; '77 125 bonedust '67,414; '77 126 experiments with '59, 293; '73, 134; '76, 392; '78, 161; '84 6^ salt -. '77 128 superphosphates '78 161 flint, compared with soft '81,233; '85 121 white '54 219 flour, analysis of '77 351 following clover, corn, etc. (see Wheat after clover, corn, etc.) food value of different varieties '77,341; '80 183 forest culture related to '88 316 forty years on the same field _ '84 70 record of '77,141; '78 482 fruits of- '84 145 Fultz, described '77,141,341 germination of '77 127 grading of -.. '77 435 g'rain, considerations affecting value '77 341 Grand Traverse, culture of '67 Sff* Great Britain's statistics of 1 '55,571; '84 83 green, cutting of (see also Wheat, age for cutting) '77 147 growing. (See Wheat culture.) successively on same field *84 82 harrowing in spring - '64 234 harvest '69 181 time for '50, 193; '69, 181; '77,147, 343; '79, 157; '81, 235; '85 124 wet - '55 194 heads, n'amber of, on one stool.- '76 394 seed from different parts of -- '79 36 Hessian fiy, attacks on '57, 235; '64, 70; '67, 59; '69, 182; '76, 170; '79, 35, 68 articles on '57, 203; '77, 363; '78, 156, 288 late sowing for - '50,192; '79 70 varieties proof against '77,372; '78 158 how much seed per acre -*-- '55,207; '69, 179; 76, 185; '78 449 imported seed '55 575 improvement of seed '69, 181; '76, 208, 211; '77, 56; '78, 445; '81, 123, 131 indebtedness to '84 U5 Indian, article on, by Elias Morris '88 446 insect attacks on (see also Wheat, Hessian fiy, and Wheit midge) .... '55, 215; '57, 203; '69, 182; '84, 322. Isosoma, bulletin on - '84 322 killing of, by winter - '69 185 large yields of '50,486; '51,170; '77,431; '78,302; '84 83 late sowing of '60,193; '79 70 leached ashes for - '''5 201 manures for - '55, 201; '75, 201; '77, 124, 128 ashes '75,201; '77 125 experiments with '73,134; '76 392 atRothamsted '84 - 65 superphosphates '78,161; '79 37 top dressing '59 293 manurial value of ,^after feeding tostock '87 332 mapof Michigan ■ '^8 400 360 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page. Wheat, market price of, elements determining '84 118 for five years _ '78 345 in Detroit ___ '55 309 May and August '79 159 maturity i>f, at different periods of growth -. '81 235 stage at whicli to cut '50, 193; '69, 181; '77, 147, 343; '79, 157; '81, 235; '85 124 ilay, priceof '79 159 Mediterranean '60,269; '54 217 merits of Michigan '76 183 methods of growing (see also Wheat culture) '50 498 Michigan, competition of, with western '86 43 map - ,. '78 400 merits of. '76 183 production. '77,429; '80 134 record for forty years. '78 482 reports.. _ _ '64 70 midge '57,245; '69,187; '74 113 burning stubble for.- '57 254 prizeessayon _ '57 245 mildew on '69 186 oats„as a preparation for _ _ _ '79 155 one acre of, for a pair of shoes __ '49 143 outlook for '84 142 pedigree (see also Wheat seed). '76 394 per acre, cost of (see also Wheat, cost of crop) '76 390 bushel, cost of (see also Wheat, cost of crop).. '86 25 perennial if not allowed to head out '73 251 periods of growth, analysis at difEerent '85 124 niaturity at different '8i 235 planting. ( See Wheat sowing.) plaster for '75, 261,265 plowing for '50,179; '65,201; '79,154; '81 225 potatoes compared with, tor profit '81 231 premium crops of (see also Wheat, large yields of ) .__, '60,486; '61 170 essayson '49,112; '5o 193 insect enemies of...' '07 203 preparation of soil for..... '60,179; '55,201; '79,154; '81 225 price of. ( See Wheat, market price of.) production. ( See Wheat crop.) profit of... - '84 143 compared with potatoes.. _ '81 231 pruning roots of '79 193 quantity .of seed per acre. '55, 207; '69, 179; '76, 185; '78 449 question, report on '77 26 raising. ( See Wheat culture.) cost of. ( See Wheat, cost of crop.) record for forty years - '77, 141; '78, 482; relative food value of varieties, by Dr. R. C. Kedzie report on '64, 70; ripening of, article by Dr. R. C. Kedzie '81, 233; root pruning of Rothamsted experiments with yields under varying conditions rust - -- Saginaw county, culture of salt for ^ soaking seeds to prevent smut '84 65 77 341 '77 28 '85 121 '79 193 '84 65 '84 81 '69 186 '86 101 '77 128 '69 190 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 361 » Year. Page. Wheat, saving seed for '77,127; '78, M9; '80 133 scarcity of '78 393 seed, amount of per acre '55, 207 ; '69, 179 ; '76, 185 ; '78 449 breeding. (See Wheat seed, improvement of.) cleaning '79 156 from different parts of head '79 36 imported '55 575 improvement of '69,181; '76,208,211,394; '77,56; '78,445; '81,123,131 selectionot '77, 127 ; '78, 449 ; '80 133 sprouted, use of '55,196; '81 123 steeping in brine for smut '69 190 seeding land to clover at time of sowing '88 393 shoes, one pair for an acre of - '49 153 smut in '69,188; '77 148 soft compared with flinty varieties '81,233; '85 121 soil, exhaustion by '59,348; '66 128 preparation for '50,179; '55,201; -79,154: '81 326 soils '55,199; '69,171; '76 183 sowing of _ '55 206 amountof seed for '55,207; '69,179; '76,185; -78 419 broadcast or drilling in '65 145 depthfor '64,158; '83 41 late for Hessian fly '50,193; '79 70 tlmefor '64,234; '69,180; '79 155 specialty, article on, by Horace Capron, U. S. Com. of Agr '70 145 spring harrowing of - .-. '64 234 sprouted, for seed '55,196; '81 123 stages of growth, analysis at different ..- '85 124 degree of maturity at different , '81 335 stalk IsoBoma, bulletin on '84 333 statements about premium crops -- '50,486; '51 170 statistics for Great Britain - '84 83 steeping seed in brine to destroy smut '69 190 stool, number of ears on one - '76 394 straw, analysis of - '59 375 damage to byinsects - '84 333 stubble burning for midge '57 *354 successive crops of , on same field for forty years - 84 70 summer fallow for. (See Wheat, fallowing land for.) superphosphate on '78,181; '79 37 the agricultural barometer -- '86 98 time for harvesting '50,193; '69, 181; '77, 147, 343; '79, 157; '81, 235; '85 134 sowing - '60, 193; '64,234; '69,180; '79,70,155 threshing ^^ '''9 157 top dressing for, experiments with --- '59 .293 Traverse region for growing 7 - '67 89 turning into chess - '50, 311; '59, 604; '81, 131; '85 183 United Kingdom's production of - '84 83 value of food - '80 183 of different varieties.-- '77 841 for manure after feeding to stock --- '87 332 of crop in United States '5* 319 grain, considerations affecting '77 341 varieties of, as affected by Hessian fly '77,372; '78 158 described '55, 197; '77, 141, 341, 434 early '''^ 1*1 experiments testing.- - '81,75; '86,237; '88 213 362 GENERAL INDEX OF Year. Page. Wbeat, varieties of, relative value for food '77 341 weevil '57 221 western competition in production of -.- '88 43 wet harvests, how to protect in '55 194 when to harvest, etc. (See Wheat, time for harvesting, etc.) white blue stem, notes on '50 270 flint, by James Bayley '54 219 winter killing of '69 185 worm '57 229 yield when grown successively on same fleld '84 82 in United States '84 85 large '77,434; '78 302 under various conditions at Rothamsted '84 81 Wheel cultivator '68 273 Whelan, Dr. A. F., on hygiene of domestic animals '76 283 When to cut ensilage, etc. (See Time for cutting, etc.) Whiffletrees. (See Whippletrees.) Whip grafting, discussion '69 445 Whippletrees and draught, article on '72 165 for three horses '71 180 White apple tomato '86,242; '87 82 arsenic, objections against, for insects '86 134 ash described. '78,87; '88 370 in Agricultural College arboretum '79 189 Australian wheat, notes on , '86 232 bellflower apple described '56 220 birch described '78 89 blue stem wheat, notes on '50 270 cedar described "78 85, 91 currants, varieties in Agricultural College gardens '87 108 dent corn, analysis of '78 , 408 Dexter, on maple sugar '51 161 doyenne pear described '56 225 E., address at Battle Creek '80 189 elm '78 94 flsh, culture of '77 317 described. '51 229 flint wheat, by James Bayley '54 219 giant Stuttgart radish "88 236 globe onion '87 95 grub, article on '66 74 imperial peach discussed '58 269 Italian Tripoli onion described '87 95 Lake and its surroundings... '73 74 Lisbon onion described '87 95 mammoth sorghum described '81 132 maple '78 99 Muscat grape '66 243 mustard as a catch crop '87 329 oak '78 100 ageof maturing '88 333 galls on.... '88 471 oil corn, analysis of '78 409 olive-shaped radish '88 236 or yellow corn, comparison of '78 412 Portugal onion '87,95, 98 pine '78, 103; '88, 100, 372 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 363 Year. Page. "White pine, names for 'gg 79 picture of '88, facing page 78 poplar - '78 i04 soliOnen oats, report upon 'gg 102 Spanisli onion described '87, gg spruce '78 io7 notes on '85 137 use of •_ '88 83 Strasburg radish _ '88 236 sweet water grape : '66 244 summer turnip radish '88 236 tomato described '87 83 Vienna radish, long _■ '88 237 wash on trees _ '75 97 washed walls, why quielily soiled '77 333 willow , '78 108 wood '78, 108; '83 333 Whitehall fruit region , '73 74 Whiting, Dr. L. C, paper on grape culture '77 242 White-oil corn, analysis of '78 409 Whitewash on trees •. '75 97 Whitewashed walls, why quickly soiled _ '77 333 Whitewood '78 108 age of maturing '88 333 Whitman's fountain pump '86, 136; '87 453 Whitney, A., paper on best breed of hogs '81 286 C. L., report from Muskegon county '78 601 Whittlesey, John, letter on peach yellows - '80 151 Whittlesy, Chas., paper on agricultural value of Upper Peninsula '53 219 Wholesomeness of cheese '60 2;te Whortleberries for marsh lands '77 324 Whortleberry, value of '75 79 Width of ditch, should be least possible '88 437 highways. '78 192 track for highways '81 349 Wife of farmer, legal rights of '83 310 Wild animals of pine plains - '88 188 apples of Michigan '75 79 berries of Michigan.... '75 79 cherries of Michigan '56,240; '75 79 corn --- '80 288 fruits, improvement of '76 209 of Michigan '75 79 garden at Agricultural College '78,81; '79,197; '85,84; '88 45 list of plants in '81 141 goose plum '88 300 nuts of Michigan '75 79 potatoes grown at Agricultural College '87 139 rice, possibilities of '50 392 trees and plants,'ornamental value of - '88 188 Wilder, Marshall P., article on pear culture '58 210 Wlldey, Ed. A., paper on stock feeding '84 159 Wilds of Michigan, description of, paper by G. H. Cannon '86 178 Wiley, Prof. H. W., article on sorghum '87 416 Wilkinson, Geo. B., paper on waste places, how to improve them '78 236 Willard, E., report by '6* 56 E. R., paper on practical education '78 285 364 GENERAL INDEX OF Tear. '66 WiUard, James, article on auack grass X. A., article on cheese making * _ dairying '68,230; '70,163; '71,61; '73 Williams, E. R., address at Ionia 'SO paper on wheat crop '80 fruit drying process __ '73 Hall, description of .. erection of fire in - Jesse L., originator of cheese factories _ Pres't Joseph R., address at dedication of Agricultural College before Kalamazoo county Agricultural Society .. State Agricultural Society first president of Agricultural College remarks on agricultural schools student labor _ '56 Williamson plowing engine '77 Willits, Hon. Edwin, annual report as director of Experiment station '88 president of Agricultural College '85,56; '86, xvii; '88, 35. election to presidency of Agricultural College inaugural address lecture on benefits of science to agriculture _ portrait of _ remarks at (irayling institute.. -. institutes.- South Haven institute on Agricultural College Experiment station work farmers' organizations. manual labor system patent right system school system soil exhaustion , Willow family uses of varieties of j Willson, Dr. James C, paper on Herefords vs. Shorthorns Mrs. J. C, paper on book farming... Wilson blackberries strawberry '58,330, '70, 30J, 437; '79, 13n; '84,205; time of ripening T. D., on naval academy Wiltshire sheep Winchell, Prof. Alexander, on union of University and Agricultural College N. H., article on economic geology of north part of Lower Peninsula Wind breaks. ( See also Timber belts.) best trees for '88, 334, 351 better than a wide forest '88 352 distance to plant from fruit trees '88 351 for fruit garden '85 71 for orchards '84, 199; '88, 385, 350 native trees preferable for '88 351 of timber....'. _ '69 449 should not be too dense '88 351 Wlndbroken horses '67 184 galls on horses' legs '57 191 Page. 387 191 53 109 133 57 19 7 60 154 399 163 325 869 346 309 396 138 87,34 17 23 393 1 345 497 384 315 846 36 499 213 303 '87 498 98 373 108 314 193 131 311 265 47 163 343 103 79 '87, 101: MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 365 Year. Page. Windmilla, article by Prof. B. 0. Carpenter '80 297 on power of, by Prof. R. C. Carpenter '87 455 on Agricultural College farm '85 63 Wind rosette '66, 33app. Window gardening, by James Cassidy _ '78 262 Windows open for human beings '83 192 Winds affected by forests '66, 19 app. ' of Central Michigan -- - '65 245 effect of, on crops _ '66, 1 app. from lake affecting fruit belt '73 75 passage through walls '77 333 prevailing '77 330 Wine company in Michigan '73 74 plant culture in Michigan '65 19 Wines, Mr. C. H., address at Chelsea institute '83 84 Mrs. C. H., paper on house and home '83 225 Winsor Chief strawberry '87 101 Winter apples.nist of '69, 444: '70, 275, 291; '76 368 byT. T.Lyon - '56 201 bloom in house '78 267 butter, paper by Mrs. C. H. Stevens-.. '80 219 care of bees il... '75, 343; '76, 188, 434; '83, 163; '84 191 bulletin on '85 140 cows - '70 447 fowls ., '78 375 live stock, lecture by J. T. Fraser, V. S '79 60 orchards '77 267 courses of lectures '67, 387; '85 37 effects of, on fruit. - '87 147 feeding, object of '80 117 of cattle for beef, by H. Ladd. '84 161 food supply for bees -,... '76 427 green berry '70 425 institutes by local societies '79 453 killing of apples in Crawford county '87 314 clover - '86 85 wheat '89 185 lectures proposed - '87 287 meetingsof State Agricultural societies '85 228 Nellis pear described '58 263 preservation of vegetables '80 231 premiums, report upon '89 359 protection of orchards ''''' ^87 ventilation of bees in - '85 142 wheat, article on '89 170 notes on -- '88 327 protected by trees - '88 316 winds, direction of, as affected by deforestation '88 113 Wintergreen berry - '" ^* Wintering bees.. - -- ''=' 3«: '76, 18B; '83,163; '84 191 bulletin by Prof. Cook.-... - '85 140 '76 424 prize essay .- '° *** cow, costof , '™ ^'^ Wire fences compared with hedge fences '85 263 costof '8i 110 description of different - - '84 110 objections to - '°1 ^9 366 GENERAL INDEX OF Wire grass described -- '71, 108; for pasture - or hedge fence, paper by L. W. Baker worm described --- how to fight '74,113; '75,285; '76,172; '79,70; naked fallow for --- salt for Wisconsin, forestry in. Wiseman, James, foreman iron shops - - Wistaria, Chinese - -- -- not hardy --- --. Witch grass, description of (see also Quack grass) estermination of hazel family - Woman suffrage - -- Woman's experience in beekeeping Women, dress for, in gardening. education of '59,* 483; employment for, article by Mrs. Geo. A. Perry home work for, article by Mrs. R. F. Johnstone practical education for, paper by Miss Eva D. Coryell rights of, before the law i what they can do with small fruits, paper by Mrs. J. G. Averill work for, on the farm of, on the'farm paper by Mrs. M. Benjamin Freeman - Upton Wonder of Italy tomato described Wood, A. F., address at Mason article on line breeding and the value of pedigrees Shorthorns '74,300; thoroughbred sires report of department at State fair '87, 205; on Agricultural College as fuel '86, liii; ashes. (See Ashes.) boxes, points about classification of, for fuel cord of, what it is Miss Flora, article on agricultural fairs Jessup, essay on sheep breeding Miss Nettie B., essay on circumstances F., paper on " what shall we read" reserves owned by State, C. W. Garfield shop of Agricultural College. (See Mechanical Department of the Agricultural College, and Shops at Agricultural College.) shop of Agricultural College, value of work done in ticks, description of Woodbine Woodhouse, Drain Com'r I. B., paper on condition of drained swamp lands Woodhouses, need of.. .- Woodland in Southern Michigan, percentage of Woodlands of Michigan, advantages of Wood-lot in relation to humus in the soil managenlent of the farm, by Benj. Hathaway Hon. A. C. Glidden ear. Page. '75 297 '65 129 '85 268 '57 317 '88, 168, 294 356 '76 '75 '78 '83 •71 '76 '87 '84 '79 '84 '49 '71 '84 '87 '79 '87 '79 •81 '76 285 120 5 109 138 113 387 91 216 431 209 340 481 210 172 310 206 109 227 214 •80 •86 '83 '74 '76 •64 76 164 261 347 189 494 29, 381 352 222 liii 298 307 265 165 206 352 60 404 108 175 221 312 86 361 319 34T MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 367 Wood-lot, value of Woodman, Hon. David, address at Bangor letter to executive committee Agricultural society David, Jr., article on varieties of grain wheat culture on crop rotation Jason, article on beautiful homes for farmers talent onjthe farm _ Hon. Jonathan J., address at Paw Paw member of Live Stock Sanitary Commission on crop rotation remarks on education..- report on climatic influence of forests Woodruff, Mrs. A. M., paper on the farmer in society A. N., paper on improved stock for profit No. 1 strawberry Woods and prairies, law regarding the firing of Wood's early frame radish i Woods, influence on agriculture, article on, by Dr. R. C. Kedzie Woodward, Dr. C. M., on manual training schools Lysander, premium farm _ Wood worth, Philip B„ assistant in chemistry work of Wool, advantage over wheat alpaca — articles on. (Seef Sheep, articles on.) article by Hon. Wm. Ball, address to woolgrowers '79, 424,434 on woolgrowing '78 253 Wm. Gumming on long staple '75 89 Secretary Sanford Howard on long varieties of - - '69 281 Judge W. W. Stiokney on long and medium '81 292 S. C. Tarbe 11 on mutton or '87 396 clips at Agricultural College '77 95 color of, before sheariQg_ '78 227 compared with mutton for profit - '87 396 wheat for profit --- '76 257 ' conditions essential to production of good '67,301; '68 308 desirable points of '78,226,254 diameter of '76 345 essentials for production of good quality.. '68 faults in marketing '65 Growers'and Sheep Breeders' Association... '79 Association '67 report '67 ar. Page. '88 322 '80 137 '87 214 '77 140 '77 140 77 414 80 156 '84 229 '77 134 •88 421 '77 414 •80 196 '66 3 app. '83 230 '83 130 '87 101 '88 131 '88 238 '67 465 '86 Ix '67 343 '88 5 '88 57 '78 257 '69 282 growing, address by Hon. Wm. Ball — 79 andsheepraising, by Hon.Wm. Ball '78 encouragement of '67 in Genesee county '*7 profits of - "i'8 compared with mutton '87 wheat. '76 husbandry long and medium, paper by Judge W. W. Stickney '81 large yield from flock — r 'o2 long, is it hair? '^ staple, article by Wm. Gumming - '75 varieties of, article by Howard, Sec. Sanford '69 low price of, remedy for '84 283 417 300 450 424 253 268 450 255 396 257 292 183 162 89 281 181 368 GENERAL INDEX OF Wool, market, effect of Leiceatershires on. marketing, faults in matton compared with, for profit points of good '78,226,254 premiums classification of ' price for 50 years production, by Hon. Wm. Ball product of, 1868. profit of, compared with mutton wheat... rulesfor betterment of... '67, 801; scoured, report on statistics of Michigan " stuffed" :.. tariffs '67, 454; tests '65,83; washing debated '78, 229; folly of weight of fleece in different breeds of sheep counties - wheat compared with, for profit Woolen goods, moths in, remedies. undergarments Woolly louse, kerosene emulsion for (see also Plant lice) Worcester free institute, visit to Worden grape.. Work at Agricultural College (see also Student labor) in shops (see also Workshops at Agr'l College) routine of for women, article by Mrs. Geo. A. Perry at home, article by Mrs. R. F. Johnstone in shops at Agricultural College of Agricultural College Forestry Commission women on the farm, by Mrs. M. Benjamin Freeman on Agricultural College grounds. physical value of routine, at Agricultural College value of different foods for Worker bee, sting of, paper l>y Prof. A. J. Cook.. Working bees cattle, by John Starkweather training of, by C. W. Brown Workingman's school of New York, visit to.. Working models, inventory of out the road tax roads, article on too hard on farm Workshops at Agricultural College described enlargement of equipment of '85,89; instruction in.. work in '84,52; '85,18,88: tor farmers Eir, Page. '68 401 '65 28S '87 396 8, 226, 254 '79 428 '77 654 '78 256 '79 434 '68 401 '87 396 '76 257 '68 S08 '67 424 '79 440 '67 453 '78 229 '66 243 '83 157 '7S 383 '65 61 '78 382 '76 257 '86 225 '83 195 86, xxxix '86 Ivii '88 300 '77 66 '88 57 '85 76 '87 481 '84 210 '88 57 '75 21 '88 89 '84 214 '87 486 '77 66 '74 99 '85 76 '76 413 '79 258 •75 319 '51 138 '53 216 '86 Ivi '76 69 '86 152 '71 261 '83 233 '81 158 '86 xlviii '88 49 '86 xlix '84 32 '88, 57,60 '81 306 MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 369 Year. Page. World's fair '54 711 American reapers at '59 360 Worm, cabbage, paper by N. J. Strong '77 175 Worms eating corn plant '77 313 in flower pots '78 266 Worry, folly of '81 399 Worthless varieties of apples '84 199 Wright, Dr. John, report on botanical survey '55 396 Walter, desoriptlon of French merinoes '51 139 Wrinkly sheep '84 187 Wurtemberg, agricultural education In '54 386 timber regulations in '88 334 Wyandotte Indians - '71 190 Wysor wheat, notes on '86 233 Year, academic, at Agricultural College, defined '85 87 Yearling heifers, management of '59 175 Yeast, life of '87 390 Yellow barlied oak : '78 101 bellflower apple described '56,220; '58 239 bell pepper described '87 93 cherry tomato described '86,242; '87 76 corn or white, which is best torswine? '78 412 fSee also Dent corn and Yellow dent corn.) Danvers globe onion '87 97 onion described '87 97 dent corn '78 375 analysisof '78 408 globe onion - - '87 96 Jeflerson tomato, described - '87 83 lupin for green manuring - '81 73 Newtown pippin described '56 221 or white corn - '78 413 plum tomato described '86,243; '87 77 rareripe peach described- -- '66 232 raspberries, varieties in College garden '87 113 Strasburg onion - '87 97 summer turnip radish '88 237 victor tomato described '86,242; '87 83 wood '78 109 Yellows, peach, article on food value of fruit affected with, by Dr. R. C. Kedzie. '80 149 discussion of '73,61; '83 112 fruit affected with, drying of - '80 152 poisonous or not ? '80 151 varieties susceptible to - '83 114 Yerkes, J. D., statement of neat cattle '52 117 Yew, American '''* ^"^ Yield of crops at Agr'l College. (See Farm department of Agr'l College, cropping list.) inCasscounty > '^* 16 Crawford county compared with other counties '87 334 Genesee county - '8* 20 different counties '69 111 gta^te '65, 9; 66, 67; '67, 69; '68, 159; '69, 111; '70, 123; '71, 399; '73, 131 fruit in Allegan, Van Buren and Berrien counties '88 282 hay with top dressing '88 216 varieties of potatoes - '77 49 wheat, experiment '88 214 Increase of 'T« 328 47 370 GENERAL INDEX OF Tear. Page. Yield of wheat, per acre in Michigan for 40 years '78 482 Yields, large, of various crops '53 188 Yorkshire-Leicester sheep _ '81 293 swine '64 174 described '87 405 York white chaff wheat '81 75 Young, A. C, address at Caro '83 87 birds, food of ^ '83 439 chicks, feeding of '66 233 O. W., report of department at State fair '87,209; '88 503 on Agricultural College '83 391 Duke of Devon, pedigree '58 366 Men's Christian Association of Agricultural College '84 28 Napoleon, buck '51 139 people on farms, amusement for '87 475 "Young Sampson," portrait of '52 134 Splendor," portrait of --. '52 119 Young trees barren, why? '87 145 Ypailantl institute '76 236 Zack Taylor, pedigree '58 365 Zea Mays, paper by Prof . W. J. Beal '80 279 Zinc labels '77 45 Zimmerman wheat '81 75 Zittau onion '87 96 Zoological department of Agricultural College, account of '63,91; '78 33 bulletin on bark louse '85 171 bees, wintering of '85 140 carpet beetle '86 323 codling moth '85, 171; '87, 169; '88, 217 insecticides '88 217 plant lice- '87 169 tree planting '88 237 wheat stalk isosoma '84 322 wintering bees '85 140 course of study In '63, 91; '75, 69; '78 33 disbursements of '88 147 donations tO— . '63, 33; '64, 104; '65, 333; '68, 20; '67, 13; '68, 24; '69, 19; '70, 52; '71, 22, 57; '72, 19; '73, 21; '74, 9; '75, 393; '76, 152; '77, 106; '78,162; '79,63; '80,81; '84,44; '85, 81; '86, xxxv; '87, 40; '88, 44. estimates '81 15 experiments (see also next title). '78, 62; '81, 246; '85, 80; '86, xxxviii; '87, 40; '88, 42, 217. report.... '74, 39; '75, 59, 357; '76, 90; '77, 33; '78, 58; '79, 31; '80, 36; '81, 93; '83, 49, 423; '84, 42; '85, 79; '86, xxxiii; '87, 38; '88, 41, 165. Zoologist of Experiment station, report of _.- '88 165 Zoology, value of, to farmers --- '86 196 Zug, Samuel, article on household furniture '51 leg Zymotic pleuro-pneumonia in cattle '88 415 ': ;/.