[Housk op Representatives— Secret Session] HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Jan. 9, I864._0rder be printed. [By Mr. Lyon.] RESOLUTIONS ()F INSTRUCTIONS. Resolved. That the !»il] under consideration, together with the bill t lay taxes, be recommitted to the Special Committee, with instnn tions : 1 1st. To provide for a ta.x per cent, upon the outstanding 2 circulation. i 2d. To lay taxes, on property, profits, income, trades, pi- lous, credits,^., sufficient, in addige*to the tax in kind to raise, under the act of 1863, am! the new act, an amount sufficient to 1 absorb the remainder of tin- currency outstanding. 3d. To authorize a new issue of treasury not»s to the amount 2 of $200,000,000. $ 4th. For any defect in meeting the expenses of the Govern- 2 ment for 1S64, to authorize the issue of dollars in six ! per cent, coupon bonds, to be exempt from taxation, with a pfcdge i of impost duties, to secure payment of principal and interest #/3