Ccmf #/53 Duke University Libraries Estimate of an Conf Pam 12mo #158 DTTDEfl7Db+ Confederate States of America, > Treasury Department, January 31, 1862. \ Hon. Howell Cobb, President of Congress : Sir — I have the honor to transmit herewith an estimate of an additional appropriation required for the service of the Government, for the year ending February 18th, 1862.. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, 0, G. MEMMINGER, Secretary of the Treasury,. Confederate States of America, \ Treasury Department, Register's Office, January 31, 1S62. ) ESTIMATE of an additional appropriation required for the service of the year ending February 18, 1862. To pay to the Mobile and Great Northern Railroad Company the difference between fifteen and twen- ty-four per cent, duty, on railroad iron, with- drawn from warehouse at Pensacola, Florida, in the month of May, 1861, per act of May 21st, 1861, - $1,11022 C. T. JONES, Acting Register. J 'Z Confederate States of America, To the Mobile and Great Northern R. R. Co., Dr. To difference between 15 per cent, and 24 percent, duty, paid to Joseph Sierra, Collector of Cus- toms for the District of Pensacola, Florida, on railroad iron, bolts, etc., withdrawn from ware- house in the month of May, 1861, as shown by First Auditor's Report, on said J. Sierra's ac- count of Customs for that month, No. 163, - $1,110 22 Treasury Department, J First Auditor's Office, January 31, 1861. ) I hereby certify that the foregoing statement is correct. BOLLING BAKER, Auditor.- STATEMENT of entry of railroad iron, fishing plates and bolts, at the Custom-house at Pensacola, for the Mobile and Great Northern Railroad, imported in the barque Comet, D. C. Rogers, master, from London, England, to- wit : 1,947 bars railroad iron, - - - - 1,025,500 lbs. 2,884 fishing pieces, 27,034 ¥ 51 bags bolts, 10,306 " ENTERED FOR WAREHOUSE, DECEMBER 24, 1860. Invoice cost, .£2484-6-4 charges, 64-7-8 £2548-14-2 Dutiable value, in dollars, - - - - $12,335 75 Rate of duty 24 per ct. — amount of duties, 2,960 58 The rails, fishing pieces and bolts were withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, and the duties on the same paid at the rate of 24 per cent., during the month of May, 1861. I, Joseph Sierra, Collector of the District and Port of Savannah, do hereby certify that the above statement is cor- rect and true, as per the books in my office. Witness my hand and seal, at the Custom-house, at Pen- sacola, this 6th day of January, 1862. JOSEPH SIERRA, Collector,. peRrruLife* pH 8.5