ldm< Duke University Libraries A bill to be en Conf Pam 12mo #19 C. 5.a i*-j&-4 -3.1? ' 10 t 2. *&LA*& [House of Representatives, No. .] HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, September 8, 1862. Or tiered to be printed. [By Mr. Gray.] A. BILL To be entitled An Act to amend " An act to further provide for the public defence,'' approved April 16, 18G2. 1 Section 1. The Congress of the Confederate States of 2 America do enact, That the President be, and he is • 3 hereby authorized to call out and place in the military 4 service of the Confederate States, for three years, unless 5 the war be sooner ended, all white men who are residents (') of any of the Confederate States, between the ages of 7 thirty-five and forty-five years, and also those who may 8 have attained the age of eighteen years at the time the y call or calls may be made, and who are not, at such ■1 H» times, legally exempted from military service: which 11 call or calls shall be made under the provisions and ac- 12 cording to the terms of this act and of the act to which it 13 is an amendment : and nothing herein contained shall be 11 understood as repealing or modifying any part of said 15 former act. except as hereinafter stated. 1 Sec. 2. From the number of those enrolled, those first 2 called into service shall be such portion from each State 3 as may be necessary to recruit to their maximum number 4 the companies, squadrons, battalions, and regiments 5 which were organized and in service from such State on 6 the IGth of April, 1862, and now in service ; and then 7 there may be called into service such further number 8 from each State as may be necessary to recruit the com- 9 panies, squadrons, battalions, and regiments raised and * 10 organized from such State since the said 16th day of 11 April. And, after the existing organizations from any 12 State have been fully recruited, the President may, at 13 his discretion, delay further calls until further recruits 14 are necessary ; or he may call for the surplus remaining, 15 and others, being able-bodied men over forty-five years 1 6 of age, who may volunteer, to be organized into new 17 companies, squadrons, battalions, and regiments of such ■ 1 8 different arms of military service as he may direct. 1 . Sec. 3. All who may be called into service shall be 2 entitled to a bounty of fifty dollars, to be paid when 3 mustered 'in ; and those called into service to recruit ex- •1 isting organizations shall, in no event, be assigned co 5 companies from oilier States ; but they shall be allowed (') to select the company from their own Statu which they 7 may prefer to join until it is recruited lo its maximum ; 8 the selection to be made according to such regulations as the Secretary of War may prescribe. 1 Sec. 4. The elections for officers of companies, squad- Si rons. battalions, or regiments which may hereafter be 3 ordered either to iill vacancies, or for new organization.-, 1 shall be held after at least live days' notice has been 5 given of the time and place ; and the olHcers elected shall 6 be examined as to their qualification within two months 7 after their election, by a Board of Examiners composed 8 of competent military officers assigned to that duty in 9 each military department. If they be reported qualified lU by the board they shall be commissioned by the Presi- 11 dent. but. if not qualified, then the election shall be void. I 12 and their places filled by promotion according nior- 1 .'! ity of those found qualified ; and the offices so vacated 11 by promotion shall be filled by new elections, but always 15 subject to examination as aforesaid before being com- 1 6 missioned. 1 Sec. 5. The regiments now in service, and others thai 2 may hereafter be raised and organized from each State 3 shall, as far as practicable, be formed into separate lui- 1 gades ; and brigades from each State shall he command- 5 ed by officers who are citizens of their respective States. 6 And appointments of Brigadier and Major Generals from 7 citizens of each State shall be made, so that the number 8 of such officers in the Provisional Army from the several 9 States shall be proportioned to the number of troops 10 raised or called into service from the respective States. 1 Sec. 0. The President is authorized to suspend the 2 execution of this act, or of the act to which it isamend- ;'• atory, so far as relates to the enrolment and calling into 4 service of soldiers enrolled, in any locality where he bc- 5 heves such suspension will promote the public interest ; 6 Provided, That nothing in said acts shall be so construed 7 as to prevent the acceptance of volunteers for three 5 8 years, or for the war if it be sooner ended, from such lo- 9 calities, but the President is authorized to accept such 10 volunteers, who shall be organized, as far as practicable, 11 according to the provisions of said acts, and such regu- 12 lations as the Secretary of War may prescribe. 1 Sec. 7. Tins act shall take effect from its passage, ex- 2 cept in the States of Louisiana. Arkansas and Texas, in 3 which Stales it shall lake effect on the thirtieth day after 1 its passage. Hollinger Corp. pH8.5