Duke University Libraries Additional Inst Conf Pam #341 DTToaaoosp ADDITIONAL Ii\STKUCT[ONS TO COLLECTORS AND ASSESSORS OF CONFEDERATE TAXES. Office of CoMM;ssroNER of Taxes, ) Richmond, llaich Ist, 1864. i The folio wine; additional instructions, adapted to the amendments of ihe tax laws of '863, and to the act imposing additional taxes, ap- proved l7th Felruarj, 1864, will be duly observed by all officers en-' gaged in the a-sso.sment and collection of taxes for the Confedcrato iStatcs : 1. Interest-bearing Treasury notes, usually known as the 7.30 notes, are no longer to be received in payment of taxes. 2. No certificate of deposit for taxes made sinc6 17 Lh February, 1864, will be received in payment of taxes. Any money received on such certificate must bo returned as illegally paid. 3. Retail dealers whose quarterly sales exceed $100 and are less than $500, shall pay $25 specific tax, and where their q.uarterly sales exceed $500 tho t^pocific tax shall be §50 as heretofore. Where such sales arc less than $]()0 tho pg-rty is exempt from the specific tax. 4. f2very person who?e busint ss it is tu sell or offer to sell slaves, shall be deemed a wholesale dealer. 5. Contractors working for, and selling their own products exclu- sively to Iho Cohfederato States, to an amount not exceeding §5,000 a year, and dealers that sell exclusively to consumers, and not to others to sell again, aie declared retail dealers. 6. Distillers are required, as heretofore, to pay 20 per centum on sales, and also 20 per centum on the value of all liquors distilled for others. This refers exclusively to general distillers, and not to dis- tillers of fruit for ninety days or less. The tax on distillers is declared to be a lien on the still or stills, and upon the other articles or fix- tures used, and shall have priority over all other liens. 7. Twenty days are allowed )egistered persons to make their quar- terly returns, after the expiration of a quarter, and paunejit ol the tax is required to be made within such time as the C'olleiitor shall designate ; time not to be less than ton, nor more than thirty days from date of notice. 8. When the income on any manufacturing or mining business, is 'Y"derlred.-f ;-?';iJJ:/..4>r'vHuotionj2Slii4^^^^ H-9'^ ^^'O^ from the ore, there shall be deducted the cost of labor, food and iiecescian repairs. ' 9. When the farmer or planter shall tail to deliver his taxes in kind, aj requited br law, bs is reqairtd to paj fiT9 tiinss the estimatO'i Talue of ike fiortiim uoi