DUKE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 4 [ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2015 https://archive.org/details/digestofallordinOOsava A DIGEST OF ALL TH3 § xhimms &f % €i% of JlatammjL WHICH WHERE OF FORCE ON THE 1st JULY 1854 ; TOGETHER WITH AN • APPENDIX AND INDEX; COMPILED & ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED, BY ■# CHARLES S. HENRY, ESQ., AND PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF COUNCIL; SAVANNAH : PURSE'S PRINT. 1854. THIS DIGEST OP THE ORDINANCES OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF SAVANNAH, MADE PURSUANT TO A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL is RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED BY The Compiler, TO THE Hon. JOHN E. WARD, Mayor, Solomon Cohen, Montgomery Cumming, Charles Ganahl. Edwin E. Hertz, Alexander R. Lawton, John N. Lewis, John Mallery, Dominick A. O'Byrne, James P. Scriven, Charles Van Horn, and Robert D. Walker, [Members of the City Council for the year 1854.] ORDINANCES : OF THE CITY OF SAVANNAH. AUCTIONEERS. AN ORDINANCE, Prescribing the Time of Electing the Harbour Master, the f Health. Officer, and the Vendue Masters, for the City of Savannah. Section 1 . Be it ordained by the May or and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council as- sembled, arid it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same f That hereafter the Harbour Master, the Health Officer, and the Vendue Masters for the City of Savannah, shall be elec- ted at a meeting of Council on the first Monday in January annually, and at such other times as vacancies may occur, and that the present incumbents shall hold their offices until the appointment and qualification of their successors. Sec 2. And be it further ordained, That all Ordinances or parts thereof conflicting herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed. Passed in Council 3d October, 1844, W. THORNE WILLIAMS, Mayor. Attest: Wm. P, Bowen, Clerk Council. Note. See Acts of the Legislature passed 23d Dee. 1822, and 19th Dec, 1823. .Dawson's Compilation pages 438 and 452, as to the time for Election of Harbour Master and Health Officer, as also the Act of the Legislature passed 21st Dec. 1819, as to the time for the Election of Vendue' Masters and their number — Lamar's Dig. p, 1073. 1 2 AUCTIONEERS. AN ORDINANCE, To Regulate the Tax on Sales at Auction. Se c ; 1 . Be it ordained by the M ay or and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the passing of this Ordinance the follow- ing shall be the rate of taxes on sales at Auction in the City of Savannah and Hamlets thereof, (except such sales as are exempt from taxation by law) to wit: on the gross amount of sales, where the same does not exceed one thou- sand dollars one per cent, where the same exceeds one thou- sand dollars and falls short of three thousand dollars one half of one per cent and where the same exceeds three thousand dollars one quarter of one per cent. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That all ordinances or parts of Ordinances militating against this Ordinance, be and the same are hereby repealed. Passed in Council 29th Aug., 1850. R. WAYNE, Mayor. Attest: Edward G. Wilson^ Clerk Council. Note. See Act of the Legislature on the same subject, passed 21st Feb./ 1850 5 pamphlet Laws for 1840 and 1850, page 38. AN ORDINANCE, To be entitled an Ordinance to prohibit the sale at public outcry of Goods, Chattels, Wares, Produce and Merchan- dise, within the limits of the City of Savannah except by licensed Vendue Masters,by Sheriffs,Coroners or Constables, in execution of their duties and by Executors, Adminis-* trators or Guardians, and also to regulate and limit the right of Vendue Masters to sell under license. AUCTIONEERS. Sec. 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the passing of this Ordinance it shall not be lawful for any person whomsoever, not being a licensed Vendue Master or a Sheriff, Coroner or Constable, in execution of lawful process or an Executor, Administrator or Guardian, in the due execution of his trust to hold any public Vendue Sales or Auction whatsoever, or to expose for sale by himself at public outcry any Goods, Chattels, Wares, Produce or Merchandise, within the limits of the City of Savannah, And if after the passing of this Ordinance any person other than the person hereinbefore named, shall hold any public Auction whatsoever within the limits of the City of Savannah or shall expose to sale by himself at public outcry within the limits of the City, any Goods, Wares, Chattels, Merchandize or Produce whatsoever, such person so acting or offending shall be subject and liable to a fine for each and every such act or offence of not exceed- ing Fifty Dollars, to be imposed and recovered on informa- tion before the Mayor of said City. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That when an application for the office of Vendue Master, shall here- after be made the applicant shall set forth the store or place at which he intends to conduct or carry on his General Vendue or Auction Business, and no Auctioneer shall hereafter be permitted to hold, carry on or conduct any General Auction or Vendue Business at any other store or house than the store or place so set forth, unless by special permission of Council, and hereafter all licenses shall show the said store or place as set forth by the applicant and such licenses shall not be in any way assignable. Provided always, (Note. The balance of this Section repealed, see next succeeding Ordinance.) Sec 3. And be it further ordained, That no Ven- due Master shall hereafter be permitted to use his % 4 AUCTIONEERS. license in such manner as to allow any person other •than such Vendue Master to have any part or share ; of the commissions or profits, which may be made on the sales of such Vendue Master-: Provided, That if there be two or three partners and license be granted to one partner the license shall set forth the name or names of the other partner or partners, who may be allowed to receive a share of such profits, and if any licensed Vendue Master shall here- after use his license, that any person other than the person or persons named in the license shall receive a part or share ol the commission or profits on his sales, such licensed Vendue Master shall be liable to a fine of One Hundred Dollars, to be recovered on information before the Mayor of the City. And if any Vendue Master, licensed, shall carry on any general auction or sale at public outcry at any place other than the place named in his license, without special per- mission of Council, he shall be liable to a fine of one hundred dollars, to be recovered on information before the Mayor of the City. Sec. 4. Jind be it further ordained, That all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances conflicting with the provisions of this Ordinance, be and the same are hereby repealed. Passed in Council 1st July, 1852. RICHARD D. ARNOLD, Mayor. Attest: R. F. Aiken, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, To Amend an Ordinance, entitled an Ordinance to Prohibit the Sale at Public Outcry, of Goods, Chattels, Wares, Produce and Merchandise, within the limits of the City of Savannah, except by Licensed Vendue Masters, by Sheriffs, Coroners or Constables in execution of their duty, and by Executors, Administrators or Guardians, and also to regulate and limit the right of Vendue Masters to * Sell under License Passed in Council July 9th, 1852, AUCTIONEERS. 5 Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and Hamlets thereof in Council assembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That all of the second Section of the above recited Ordi- nance, be and the same is hereby repealed after the words provided always, and the following substituted in its place " That such license shall authorize said Vendue Master to hold special Auction sales at any point within the City, and at any time during the continuance of said license, for the purpose of selling any Goods, Wares, Merchandise Furni- ture, Vessels, Cargoes, or other property and to employ such other persons to sell for them as they may deem necessary for the time being 5 such sales to be made under the direction of said licensed Vendue Masters in good faith and .not with intent to defraud the corporation of the City of Savannah. Sec 2. And be it further ordained, That all Ordinan- ces or parts of Ordinances militating against the provisions ,3. And be it further ordained, That it shalr be the duty of the Marshal, and of the City Constables, to inspect the Bread so exposed for sale at least once -in each and every week, according to the Ordinances in such case made and provided. Sec". 4. And be it further ordained, That all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances militating against this Ordinance, be and the same are hereby repealed. Passed in Council 27th November, 1823. JAMES MORRISON, Mayor. Attest: M. Myers, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, To Repeal two Ordinances, one passed the 28th Feb., 1839/ Entitled an Ordinance to Repeal an Ordinance or parts of Ordinances establishing an Assize of Bread for the City of Savannah, the other passed the 14th March, 1839, Entitled an Ordinance to Repeal all former Ordinances in reference to the making and' vending of Bread. Sec. 1. Be it Ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- 10 BREAD, semhled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same* That the above mentioned Ordinances be, and the same are hereby repealed* Sec, 2. Be it further ordained. That the Ordinance to regu- late the assize of Bread, passed February 8th, 1798, and that other Ordinance, entitled an Ordinance to fix the profit of the baker and the manner to assize the Bread exposed for sale in the City of Savannah, passed November 27th, 1823, be revived^ and the same are hereby revived, and in full force from and after the passage of this Ordinance, except that the assize hereafter imposed, shall be on the terms and ratio hereinaf- ter named, viz ; Bakers' 10 Cents 5 Cents 3 Cents Price of Flour. Loaf to Loai to Loaf to Profit. Wei gh. Weigh. Weigh. 20 dollars. 4^ dollars. lib. 0 oz Olb. 8 oz 4} oz. 19 do. ^do< lib. 3 66 4 Olb. 8f" 5 " 18 do. do. lib. ll " Olb. 8f" 17 do. do. v lib. ol « ^ 2 Olb. 9i" 51 " 16 do. do. lib. O 66 O Olb. 91" 5f " 15 do. do. lib. 4 66 Olb. l(f " 6 " 14 do. do. lib. 51" Olb. lOf " 61 " 13 do. do. lib. 7 « Olb. Hi" 6j " 12 do. do. lib. 8 * Olb. 12 " 7 " 11 do. do. lib. 9|" Olb. 12f " 7l 66 f 2 10 da do. Mb. ill" Olb. 13f " 8 « 9 do. do. lib. 13 " Olb. 141" 81 66 8 do. do, 2 lb. 0 « lib. (f " 91 " ' 7 do. do. 2 lb. lib. ll" 10 " 6 J do. do. 2 lb. 4 2 '" lib. 2 " 101 « 6 do. do. 2 lb. 6 « lib. 3 " llj " do. do. 2 lb. 8 " lib. 4 " 12 " 5 do. do. 2 lb. 10 " lib. 5 " 121 « 4i do. do. ■ 2 lb. 12 " lib. 6 " 13 " Passed in Council July 29th, 1841. R. M. GOODWIF -Acting Mayor, Attest: M. Myers, Clerk Council BILLIARD TABLES & BOWLING ALLEYS. 11 AN ORDINANCE, To Require Bakeries to be Built of Brick. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same. That from and after the passage of this Ordinance no Baker shall carry on his trade within the City of Savan- nah, in other than a fire proof building. Sec 2. And be it further ordained, That all Ordi- nances and parts thereof, militating against this Or- dinance be, and the same are hereby repealed. Passed in Council April 7, 1842. WM. THORNE WILLIAMS, Mayor. Attest : Elisha Wylly, Clerk of Council. BILLIARD TABLES & BOWLING ALLEYS. AN ORDINANCE. Imposing a Tax on Billiard Tables and Bowling Alleys and for regulating the same. Sec, 1. Be it ordained by the M ay or and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Co uncil assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same. That from the date of this Ordinance the practice of imposing a monthly fine or tax on Billiard Tables be discontinued. Sec. 2. This Section is amended and superceded hj the first Section of an Ordinance passed in Council 29th December, 1853. See Ordinance im- mediately following this Ordinance. Sec 3. And be it further ordained, That the owners «or keepers of Billiard Tables and Bowling Alleys, 12 BILLIARD TABLES & BOWLING ALLEYS. shall make return thereof under oath to the City Treasurer,, and pay the tax thereon, at the same time as returns and payments may be required for the gen- eral taxes of the City, and in case of refusal or neglect to make return, they shall be liable to a double tax and the City Treasurer is hereby authorized and required to issue his execution for the same, in the same manner as in cases of other taxable property. Sec. 4. And be it further ordained, That in cases where Billiard Tables or Bowling Alleys are put up or opened for use, subsequent to the first day of January, in any year hereafter, they shall be subject to the same return and tax in proportion to the time as though in use on that day. Sec 5. And. be it further ordained, That it shall not be lawful for the proprietor of Billiard Rooms or Bowling Alleys to permit riotous, disorderly or noisy conduct within their respective premises, or to keep them open after 12 o'clock at night, to the annoyance of the inhabitants residing near such establishments. And for every violation of this Section such keepers or proprietors, shall be dealt with as in other cases of violation of the Ordinances of the City. Sec 6. And be it further Ordained, That all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances militating against this Ordinance, be and the same are hereby repealed. Passed in Council, Nov. 16, 1843. WM. THORNE WILLIAMS, Mayor. Attest: Joseph Felt, Clerk Council pro tern. AN ORDINANCE: To be Entitled an Ordinance, to Alter and Amend an Ordi- nance Entitled an Ordinance, imposing a Tax on Billiard Tables and Bowling Alleys, and for regulating the same ; Passed in Council, 16 Nov. 1843. Sec 1. Se it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem- BOARD OF HEALTH. IS -bled, -aud it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the passing of this Ordinance, the second Section of the said Ordinance, imposing a Tax on Billiard Tables and Bowling Alleys and for regulating the same, passed in Council, 16th Nov. 1843, shall- be and the same is hereby amended, so as to read as follows : That for eveiy Billiard Table kept and used for hire, within the corporate limits of the City of Savannah, there shall be paid annually by the owner thereof a Tax of One Hundred Dollars, and for every Bowling Alley kept and used within the corporate limits of said City, there shall be paid annually by the keeper thereof the sum of Fifty Dollars. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That all the provis- ions, as they are continued in the third, fourth and fifth Sections, of the said Ordinance, passed 16th Nov. 1843, be, and the same is hereby re-enacted and made a part of this Ordinance, and that all Ordinances militating against this Ordinance, be and the same are hereby repealed. Passed in Council, 29th Dec. 1853, JOHN E. WARD, Mayor. , Attest: Edward G-. Wilson, Clerk Council. BOARD OF HEALTH. AN ORDINANCE, To Establish a Board of Health for the City of Savannah. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That it shall be the duty of the Mayor, on the first meeting of Council in May next, and at the same time in .every year thereafter, to appoint two citizens from each ward 14 BOARD OF HEALTH. for the purpose of constituting a Board of Health, whose duty it shall be to meet at least once in each week, after their appointment, until the first meeting of Council in No- vember following. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained. That it shall be the duty of said Board to visit and inspect each and every lot r enclosure and yard in their respective wards, and where any filth or unwholesome collections may be found, the same to have immediately removed by information to the Marshal or City Scavenger, whose duty it shall be to imme- diately attend to such information^ and to have the owner or occupier of such lot, enclosure or yard, summoned: before the next Council thereafter, to answer for such neglect And any person who shall refuse admittance to any members of said Board to visit and inspect such lot, inclosure, or yard,, shall, on conviction thereof, be fined in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars.* Sec 3, And be it further cyrdained, That it shall be the duty of said Board to report all filth or unwholesome collections that may be found in any street, lane or wharf,, to the Mayor, whose duty it shall be to haye the same immediately removed by the proper officer. Passed in Council 10th July, 1823. AN ORDINANCE, To amend an Ordinance to establish a Board of Health for the City of Savannah, and for Ventilating and Cleansing Unoccupied Buildings within the said City. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as^ sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same That from and after the passage of this Ordinance it, * This section amended by the second and third sections of an Ordinance passed 20th April, 1827. BOARD OP HEALTHV 13 shall be the duty of the owner or owners of all untenanted or unoccupied stores, houses, or buildings^ within the limits of the City of Savannah, to cause the same to be opened and ventilated at least once in every week, until the tenth day of November next, and once in every week from the first day of May to the tenth day of November in each and every year afterwards. And that every owner of such un- tenanted or unoccupied stores, hoilses, or buildings, as aforesaid, who shall fail or omit to cause the same to be opened and ventilated, as aforesaid, shall, on conviction thereof, before Council, be fined in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars, for each and every failure or omission. Sec. 2v And be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty of the owner or owners of all untenanted or unoccu- pied stores, houses, or buildings, as aforesaid,, to cause the same to be white-washed or cleansed in such manner as the Mayor may direct and order, within five days after he or she, his or her agent or attorney, shall have received a written order to that effect from the Mayor; and that on any such owner or owner's failure or omission to comply with the order or requisition of the Mayor^ as aforesaid, he she or they shall, for each such failure or omission, be fined, on conviction before Council, for each and every such offence, in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars.. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty of the Board of Health and the City Marshal, to report to Council all and every person or persons who, shall offend against the provisions of this Ordinance ; and in case the owner or owners of any such unoccupied stores, houses, or buildings be absent from the City, and have no known agent or attorney residing within the same, that then and in such case the Mayor is hereby authorized to cause the same to be opened and ventilated as aforesaid, and if the same, in his opinion, require white-washing or cleansing, to direct and require the City Marshal to cause the same to be done, as afosesaid. The expense whereof shall be paid by the owner of said stores, houses, or buildings. Passed in Council 25th August, 1823. id ' BOARD OF HEALTH, AN ORDINANCE, To guard against the ill effects arising from Privies and Unclean Lots, and explanatory of an Ordinance passed 10th July, 1823, establishing a Board of Health. Sec. r. Beit ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sefnMed, and it is hereby ordained By the authority of the same. That from and after the passage of this Ordinance, it shall be the duty of the Board of Health, when through their ward committee, they shall discover the sink or sinks of any privy or privies to be surcharged, whether offensive or not, to give five days notice, by the Marshal or any City Constable, to the owner or owners, occupier or occupiers of the lot or part of lot, wherein such privy or privies may be located, or his her or their agenS or attorney, requiring that the evil complained of be removed ; and if after the expira- tion of such notice, the direction shall not have been complied with, it shall be the duty of the Marshal or Con- stable, peaceably to enter on the premises, and with proper aid, to cause the sink or sinks to be either dug out, and the contents buried, or filled up with earth, as the Board of Health may have directed.* Sec. 2. And be it farther ordained, That any person or persons owning or occupying any lot or part of lot as a yard, garden, or for any other purpose, shall keep the same clean and free from filth or impurity from animal or vegetable matter ; and when such lot or part of lot shall be ascertained by the Board of Health, through their ward committees to be unclean, and in bad order, they shall give one day*s notice of the fact by the Marshal or any City Constable to the owner or owners, occupier or occupiers, pointing out wherein the evil complained of consists, and with direction that it be forthwith removed. If, after such notice, the lot or part of lot shall continue unclean and in bad order, the *This section amended by Ordinance passed 2'0th October, 183Iv BOARD OF HEALTH, 17 Marshal or Constable shall enter peaceably on the premises,' and with proper aid, cause the filth or impurity to be removed, ready for the scavenger's carts, or sufficiently covered over with sand or earth, Sec. 3. And be it further ordained, That any owner or owners, occupier or occupiers of any lot or paTt of lot, re- fusing or neglecting to comply with the requisition of the notice served under either of the two foregoing sections,, shall be summoned before Council, and on conviction, be fined in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars. Sec. 4. Jind be it further ordained, That in all cases arising under this Ordinance, where the Marshal or Consta- ble shall incur reasonable expenses in carrying into effect its provisions, the amount of such reasonable expenses shall be paid out of the City Treasury, and be charged to the owner' or owners, occupier or occupiers of the lot or part of \ot f and shall be recoverable from such owner or oivners,. occupier or occupiers, by warrant of distress and sale, issued under the twelfth section of the amended charter of the City: Provided, always, That such amount shall have been first passed by Council, and provided also, that the owner or owners, occupier or occupiers shall be, in all cases,, entitled,, upon demand, to be heard by Council on any objections presented against the reasonableness of such amount. Sec 5. And be it further ordained, That in all cases where notice is required, if the owner or owners, occupier or occupiers be absent from the city, without any known agent or attorney, the prescribed notice being published in one of the gazettes of the city, shall be sufficient for the purposes of this ordinance. Sec. 6. And be it further ordained, That if any person or persons shall refuse admittance to, or shall oppose or resist the committees of the Board of Health when making inspection, or shall refuse admittance to, or shall oppose or resist the Marshal or Constable in the execution of his duties under this Ordinance, such person or persons shall o o BOARD OF HEALTH. on conviction before Council, be fined in a sum not exceed- ing thirty dollars, one half to be paid to the informer, the' other half to the Treasury of the City. Sec. 7. And, Whereas, doubts have arisen regarding the' duration or period of existence, from the time of appoint- ment of the Board of Health : Be it therefore ordained, That it is the true intent and meaning of the first section of the Ordinance passed on the 10th July, 1823, establishing a Board pf Health, that the powers of the Board appointed annually at the first meeting of Couricil in the month of May shall continue and be of full force for the full end and term of twelve months there- after, with full power in the Chairman of the said Board to convene the same whenever it may be deemed necessary for any of the beneficial purposes designed by this Ordin- ance, or by any other y regulating and providing for the said Board. Passed in Council 20th April, 1827. JOSEPH W. JACKSON, Mayor, AN ORDINANCE, To Compel Persons to Erect Sinks on Improved Lots. Sec. 1. Be if ordained by the Mayor and Jildermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council as* sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same^ That from and after the passing of this Ordinance, it shall be the duty of every owner or lessee, or their agents, of every lot within the limits of the city, whereon any dwell- ing house is or may hereafter be erected, to have attached to every tenement a privy, to be built and sunk occording to the proA/isions made and provided by the Ordinance on that subject * See Ordinance passed 25th August 1853, title " Nuisances.^ BOARD OF HEALTH. 19 Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That if any owner or lessee, or their agents, shall refuse or neglect to have a vault and privy sunk and erected within thirty days after notice given by Council, the same shall be done under direction of the City Marshal, who shall collect the amount expended for the same from the owner or lessee, or agent, or upon their refusing to pay, execution may issue to be levied upon the lands and tenements, goods and chatties, of said owner, as is pointed out by other Ordinances, and also ? to such fine as Council may impose, not exceeding thirty dollars. Passed in Council 22d September, 1831. 1 WM. R. WARING, Mayor. AN ORDINANCE, To Amend the first Section of an Ordinance entitled an Or- dinance, to guard against the ill effects arising from Privies and unclean Lots, and explanatory of an Ordi- nance, passed 10th July 1823, establishing a Board of Health. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That it shall not be lawful for the Marshal of the City, owner, occupier, Agent or any other person, to clean out or cause to be cleaned out, any sink or privy from and after the first day of July in each year until the end or last day of October in each year; and any persons violating this Ordi- nance, shall be fined in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars, to be collected in the usual manner and appropriated to the use of the Board of Health. Passed in Council 20th October, 1831. WM, R, WARING, Mayor. ■20 BOARD OF HEALTH, AN ORDINANCE, Requiring Keepers of Boarding and Lodging Houses to report to the board of health, persons taken sick. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That it shall be the duty of every person keeping a Board- ing or Lodging House, in the City of Savannah between the thirty-first day of March, and the first day of November in each and every year, to report in writing to the Chairman of the Board of Health, or to the Health Committee of the Ward, the name of every seafareing-man boarder or transient person, who shall be sick in his or her house, within twelve hours after such case of sickness, shall have occurred and for neglecting so to do, and on conviction thereof before Council, he or she shall be fined in a sum not exceeding Thirty dollars. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That the persons keep- ing the above mentioned houses, be compelled to give bond and security to the Chairman of the Board of Health, in the sum of Fifty dollars, for all expenses that might be incurred by the death of such person, if at the recommendation of the Chairman of the Board of Health or Ward Committee, the person so being sick be not immediately sent to the Hospital, and upon neglecting or refusing to comply with the requisitions of this Section, the persons keeping such houses, shall be fined in a sum not exceeding Thirty dollars. Sec 3. Repealing clause. Passed in Council, 3d Dec. 1829. W. T. WILLIAMS, Mayor. BOARD OF HEALTH. 21 AN ORDINANCE, Further to Protect the Health of the City. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the Vity of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof ] in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the passage of this Ordinance, no per- son or persons shall bring within the extended limits of the City, any negro or negroes Sick with any epidemical, pesti- lential, contagious or infectious disease, under penalty for «ach and every offence for each and every negro so brought of one hundred dollars. Said penalty to be adjudged by ^Council and enforced in the usual way. Passed in Council 19th July, 1849. R. WAYNE, Mayor. Attest: Edward GL Wilson, Clerk Council. .Note. Sections 2 and 3 of this Ordinance, obsolete. AN ORDINANCE, Further to Protect the Health of the City. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the M ay or and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the passage of this Ordinance, no negro or negroes shall be brought within the extended limits of the City from any of the neighboring plantations, for the purpose of avoiding any pestilential, epidemical, contagious or infectious disease, under penalty of Fifty dollars in each and every case and for each and every negro so brought in. Said penalty to be adjudged by Council and enforced in the usual way. Passed in Council 2d Aug. 1849. ' R. WAYNE, Mayor. A ttest: Edward G. Wilson, Clerk Council 2% BOARD OF HEALTH. AN ORDINANCE, To Protect the Health of the City. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assent' bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the date of this ordinance, there shall not be excavated or created within the extended limits of this City, any pond or basin for the holding of timber for Saw Mills, or for any other purpose whatsoever.* Sec 2. And be it f urther ordain ed, That it shall not be lawful at any time from the first day of May to the first day of December to allow the water to be drained off from any canal or basin within the extended limits of the city, so as to expose the bed thereof, unavoidable accidents and disas- ters excepted. Sec 3. And be it further ordained, That the flood gates of any and every canal or basin within the extended limits of the City, or within one mile thereof, shall be so con- structed that the tide shall flow in and out of the same for the space of at least one hour at each and every flood and ebb — or in default of such construction, that the flood gates of such canal or basin shall be opened at least once in every twenty four hours for the space of one hour on the flood and one hour on the ebb of the tide. Sec 4. And be it further ordained, That each and every violation of the 2d and 3d Sections of this ordinance, shall be adjudged by Council, and punished by a fine not exceed- ing one hundred dollars for each offence. Sec 5. And be it f urther ordained, That, in case the authority of Council is disregarded, it shall be the duty of the executive officers of the city to present the various canals and basins, wherein offences against #iis ordinance are committed, as nuisances, and require their abatement. Sec 6. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 6th Dec. 1849. R. WAYNE, Mayor, Attest: Edward G. Wilson, Clerk Council * 3cb titles Canal Basins, Commons and Grants. BONDS. 23 BONDS. AN ORDINANCE, To aid the Monroe Rail Road Company, and to authorize the Mayor and City Treasurer to sign Bonds to the amount of Fifty Thousand Dollars. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That this Council will subscribe or loan to the stock of the Monroe Rail Road Company the sum of Fifty Thousand Dollars.; in Bonds, and that the Mayor and City Treasurer be authorized to sign the same, payable in five, six, seven, eight and nine years, bearing an interest of seven per cent Sec -2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 3d November, 1842. WM. H, CUYLER, Chairman, AN ORDINANCE, To be entitled An Ordinance to amend an Ordinance en- titled An Ordinance to Aid the Monroe Rail Road Com- pany, and to authorize the Mayor and City Treasurer to sign Bonds to the amount of Fifty Thousand Dollars, passed on the third of November, eighteen hundred and forty-two. Sec, L Be it ordained by the Mayor and Jlldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That the words "The Monroe Rail Road Company," wherever they occur in the above entitled Ordinance be 24 BONDS. changed to the "Monroe Rail Road and Banking' Company/' . Sec. 2. And be it further ordained. That the interest on the Bonds authorized by the said Ordinance to be issued,, be payable annually from the date of said Bonds in the City of Savannah, and that in the absence of the Mayor the Chairman of Council be authorized to sign the same. Sec. 3. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 1st December, 1842, WM. H. CUYLER, Acting Mayor. Attest : Elisha Wylly, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, To authorize the Mayor to Issue certain Bonds. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and. Aldermen of fhe City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same f That the Mayor be authorized to issue a Bond or Bonds to Andrew Low & Company, payable in six, seven, eight and nine years, for the sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars, bear- ing an interest of seven per cent,, from the first- day of December, Eighteen Hundred and Forty-Two, in payment for the purchase of certain rail road iron $ Provided, That the said Andrew Low & Company shall deliver to the said Mayor certain Bonds of the corporation now in their pos-- session, for the said sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars. Passed in Council 28th February, 1843. RICHARD D. ARNOLD, Mayor. Attest i Elisha Wylly, Clerk Council AN ORDINANCE, To authorize and direct the Honorable the Mayor of the City of Savannah to subscribe, in behalf of the Mayor BONDS. 25- and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and Hamlets thereof, for Fifteen Hundred Shares, of One Hundred Dollars each, in the " South-Western Rail Road Com- pany," and to authorize the issuing of the Bonds of the City of Savannah, in payment of such subscription. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hmnlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That his honor the Mayor of the City be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to subscribe, in behalt of this cor- poration, for Fifteen Hundred Shares, of One Hundred Dollars each, in the South- Western Rail Road Company. Sec 2. Jind be it further ordained, That there shall be issued in the Bonds of the City of Savannah, One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars, to pay for such subscription. The Bonds shall be issued in sums of One Thousand Dol- lars each, bearing interest at seven per cent, per annum, the interest payable semi-annually in New- York, the principal payable at the end of twenty years at Savannah. There shall be attached to each Bond coupons or interest warrants for each half yearly sum of interest. The Bonds shall be in the following or similar form : State of Georgia, 1 Chatham County. J Know all men by these presents, That the Mayor and Al- dermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, acknowledge to owe to the South-Western Rail Road Com- pany the sum of One Thousand Dollars, lawful money of the United States of America, which sum the said Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, do hereby promise for themselves and their succes- sors, well and truly to pay to the said the South-Western Rail Road Company, or to the bearer thereof on the day of One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty-Nine, at the Treasury in the City of Sa- vannah, and the said the Mayor and Aldermen of the City 4 ' 26 BONDS. of Savannah and Hamlets thereof, for themselves and their successors, do hereby engage to pay an interest on the said sum of One Thousand Dollars, at the rate of seven per cent- per annum, in the City of New- York, to wit : On the first day of Eighteen Hundred and Fifty, and on the first days of , and in each and every year thereafter, upon the delivery of the coupons severally annexed, until the payment of the said principal sum. In testimony whereof, the Mayor and City Treasurer have signed these presents and caused to be hereto affixed the seal of said City this day of 1849* The Bonds shall be signed by the Mayor and Treasurer, and have attached thereto the seal of this corporation, with the attestation of the Clerk of Council, and the coupons or interest warrants shall be signed by the City Treasurer. Sec. 3. Jlndbe it further ordained, That the Treasurer shall number and keep a register of said Bonds. Sec 4. Jind be it further ordained, That the Mayor shall deliver the said Bonds to the President of the South- western Rail Road Company, in payment of said subscrip- tion, on the receipt of scrip for the stock subscribed for, and on the delivery of the bonds of the South- Western Rail Road Company to this corporation, in the penalty of One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars, with condition that the proceeds of said Bonds be expended for Iron Rails Chains and Spikes, for the South- Western Rail Road, and that this corporation shall have a lien on the same, until actually laid down on the Road, as aforesaid, for use, as security for the debt created by the Bonds hereby authorized. Passed in Council 2d August, 1849. R. WAYNE, Mayor, Attest : Edward G. Wilson, Clerk Council BONDS, 27 AN ORDINANCE, To authorize and direct the Honorable the Mayor of the City of Savannah to subscribe, in behalf of the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, for Two Thousand Shares of One Hundred Dol- lars each, in the Augusta and Waynesboro' Rail Road Company, and to authorize the issuing of the Bonds of the City of Savannah, in payment of such subscription. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same* That his honor the Mayor of the City be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to subscribe in behalf of this corpor- ation for Two Thousand Shares, of One Hundred Dollars .each, in the Augusta and Waynesboro' Rail Road Company, Sec. 2. And be it further ordained. That there shall be issued in Bonds of the City of Savannah, Two Hundred Thousand Dollars, to pay for such subscription. The Bonds shall be issued in sums of Five Hundred Dollars each,, bearing interest at seven (7) per cent, per annum, the interest payable semi-annually in New- York, the principal payable at the end of twenty years at Savannah. There shall be attached to each Bond coupons or interest warrants for each half yearly sum of interest. The Bonds shall be in the following or similar form : State of Georgia, 1 City of Savannah ] Kn'ou ' these presents, That the Mayor and Al- dermen of th iy of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, acknowledge to owe to the Augusta and Waynesboro' Rail Road Company the sum of Five Hundred Dollars, lawful money of the United States of America, which sum the said Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the hamlets thereof, do hereby promise for themselves and their successors well and truly to pay to the said, the Augusta and BONDS. Waynesboro' Rail Road Company, or to the bearer thereof, on the day of One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy, at the Treasury in the City of Savannah, and the said the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and Hamlets thereof, for themselves and their successors, do hereby engage to pay mi interest on the said sum of Five Hundred Dollars at the rate of seven per cent per annum, in the City of New- York, to wit-: On the first day of Eighteen Hundred and Fifty, and on the first days of and in each and every year thereafter, upon the delivery of the coupons severally annexed, until the payment of the said principal sum In testimony whereof the Mayor and City Treasurer have signed these presents, and caused to be hereto affixed the seal of said City this day of 1850. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained, That the Treasurer shall number and keep a register of said Bonds. Sec 4. And be it further ordained, That the Mayor shall deliver the said Bonds to the President of the Augusta and Waynesboro' Rail Road Company, in payment of said sul> scription from time to time, as the instalments on the said stock are called in. Passed in Council 17th January, 1850. R. WAYNE, Mayor. Attest: Edward G. Wilson, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, To authorize and direct the Honorable the Mayor of the City of Savannah to purchase in behalf of the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof the Springfield Plantation, and to authorize the issuing of the Bonds of the City of Savannah in pave- ment of such purchase. BONDS. 29 Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Mdermen of Nie City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That his honor the Mayor of the City be and he is hereby authorized and directed to purchase from N. A. Hardee, R. M. Adams, and F. H. Welman, Trustees of the minors of the late Joseph Stiles, the tract of land known as the Spring- field Plantation, at the rate of Twenty-Nine Dollars per acre. Sec 2. And be it further ordained, That there shall be issued, in Bonds of the City of Savannah, a sum sufficient to pay for such purchase The Bonds shall be issued in sums of Five Hundred Dollars each, bearing interest at seven per cent, per annum, the interest payable semi-annu- ally in Savannah; the principal payable at the end of twenty- five years at Savannah. The Bonds shall be in the follow- ing or similar form : State of Georgia, City of Savannah. Know all men by these presents, That the Mayor and Al- dermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, acknowledge to owe to one N. A. Hardee, R. W. Adams and F. H. Welman, Trustees of the .minors of the late Joseph Stiles, or to the survivor or successor, the sum of Five Hundred Dollars, lawful money of the United States of America, which sum the said Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof do hereby promise for themselves and their successors well and truly to pay to the said Trustees or to the bearer hereof on the day of One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy-Five, at the Treasury in the City of Savannah ; and the said the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, for themselves and their successors, do hereby engage to pay an interest a£ the rate of Seven per centum per annum, at the City Treas- urer's Office in the City of Savannah, to wit : On the day of Eighteen Hundred and Fifty, and in each and every year thereafter, until the pay- ment of the said principal sum. so BONDS. In testimony whereof the Mayor and City Treasurer have signed these presents, and caused to be hereto affixed the seal of the said City this day of Eighteen Hundred and Fifty. The Bonds shall be signed by the Mayor and City Treas- urer, and have attached thereto the seal of this corporation, with the attestation of the Clerk of Council Sec. 3. Jlndbe it further ordained, That the Treasurer shall number and keep a register of said Bonds, Sec. 4. Jind be it further ordained, That the Mayor shall deliver the said Bonds to the Trustees aforesaid, in payment of said purchase. Passed in Council 10th June, 1850. R. WAYNE, Mayor, Attest: Edward G. Wilson, Clerk Council AN ORDINANCE, ■To amend an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance to authorize and direct the Honorable the Mayor of the City of Savan- nah to purchase, in behalf of the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, the Springfield Plantation, and to authorize the issuing of the Bonds of the City of Savannah in payment of such pur- chase, passed the 10th day of June, 1850. Sec 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Mdermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same^ That the Bonds authorized by the second section of the above recited Ordinances shall have attached coupons or interest warrants for each half yearly sum of interest, which said coupons shall be signed by the City Treasurer. Sec 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 29th August, 1850. R. WAYNE, Mayor, Attest : Edward G. Wilson^ Clerk Council BONDS. 31 AN ORDINANCE, To authorize and direct the Honorable the Mayor of the City of Savannah to subscribe in behalf of the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, for One Thousand Shares, of One Hundred Dol- lars each in the South- Western Rail Road, to be used and appropriated by said Company, exclusively to the building and constructing the Twenty-One Miles of Road from Fort Valley to the Eastern terminus of the Muscogee Rail Road, and to authorize the issuing of the Bonds of the City of Savannah in payment of such subscription. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah^ and Hamlets thereof, in Council assembled ', and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the sa?ne. y That his honor the Mayor of the City be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to subscribe in behalf of this cor- poration, for One Thousand Shares, of One Hundred Dollars each, in the South- Western Rail Road, to be expended in the construction of the Twenty-One Miles of Road from Fort Valley to the Eastern terminus of the Muscogee Rail Road. Sec 2, And be it further ordained, That there shall be issued in Bonds of the City of Savannah One Hundred Thousand Dollars, to pay for said subscription. The Bonds shall be issued in sums of Five Hundred Dollars each, bearing interest at seven (7) per cent per annum, the interest payable semi-annually ; the principal payable at the end of twenty-five years at Savannah. There shall be attached to each Bond coupons or interest warrants, for each half yearly sum of interest. The Bonds shall be in the following or similar form : State of Georgia, ) City of Savannah, j Know all men by these presents, That the Mayor and Al- dermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, acknowledge to owe to the South Western Rail Road Com- pany the sum of Five Hundred Dollars lawful money of the 32 BONDS. United States of America, which sum the said Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, do hereby promise for themselves and their successors well and truly to pay to the said South Western Rail Road Company or to the bearer thereof, on the day of one thou- sand eight hundred and seventy-six, at the Treasury in the City of Savannah : And the said the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, for them- selves and their successors, do hereby engage to pay an in- terest, on the said sum of five hundred dollars, at the rate of seven per cent, per annum, to wit : on the first day of 1850 and on the first day of and in each and every year thereafter upon the de- livery of the coupons severally annexed, until the payment of the said principal sum. In Testimony Whereof, The Mayor and the City Treasurer have signed these presents, and caused to be hereto affixed the seal of said City, this day of 1851. The bonds shall be signed by the Mayor and City Trea- surer, and have attached thereto the seal of this corporation, with the attestation of the Clerk of Council, and the coupons or interest warrants shall be signed by the City Treasurer. Sec. 3. And he it f urther ordained, That the Treasurer shall number and keep a register of said bonds. Sec. 4. And be it further ordained, That the Mayor shall deliver the said bonds or their equivalent in money at the option of the Mayor, to the President of the South Western Rail Road Company, in payment of said subscrip- tion, from time to time, as the instalments on the stock are called in. Passed in Council 10th April, 1851. R. WAYNE, Mayor, Attest; Edward G. Wilson, Clerk Council, BONUS. AN ORDINANCE, To provide for the issuing of the Bonds of the City of Sa- vannah, to pay the subscription heretofore made to the Savannah and Ogeechee Plank Road Company. Sec. 1. Beit ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of 'the City of Savannah and Hamlets thereof in Council assembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That there shall be issued Bonds of the City of Savannah to the amount of Five Thousand Dollars, to pay for the City's subscription to the Savannah and Ogeechee Plank Road Company. The said Bonds shall • be payable in ten years, with interest at the rate of seven per cent, per annum ; the interest payable semi-annually, according to coupons to be annexed to the Bonds. Passed in Council 17th January, 1852. RICHARD D. ARNOLD, Mayor, Attest : R. F. Aiken, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, To provide for the issuing of Bonds of the City of Savan* nah to pay for a Lot of Land purchased for the site of the Water Works of the City, from Messrs. Amos Scudder, Alexander A. Smets, Rob't. Lachlison and Jas. Lachlison, Sec. h Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the author ity of the same, That there shall be issued Bonds of the City of Savannah to the amount of Twenty-Two Thousand Dollars, to pay for a lot of land purchased for the site of the Water Works of the City from Messrs. Amos Scudder, Alexander A. Smets, Robert Lachlison and James Lacklison. The said Bonds shall be payable in twenty years, with interest at the rate of 5 34 BONDS. seven per cent, per annum ; the interest payable semi-annu- ally, according to the coupons to be annexed to the said Bonds. Passed in Council 1st July, 1852. RICHARD D. ARNOLD, Mayor. Attest: R. F. Aiken, Clerk Council AN ORDINANCE, To provide for the issuing of Bonds of the City of Savannah, to pay for the construction of the Water Works for said City, Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same f That there shall be issued Bonds of the City of Savannah to the amount of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars, to pay for the construction of the Water Works for said City. The said Bonds shall be payable in twenty-five years, with interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum ; the interest payable semi-annually, according to the coupons to be annexed to the Bonds. Sec. 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 27th January, 1853. R. WAYNE, Mayor, AN ORDINANCE, To authorize the Mayor to subscribe for so much of the' extended stock of the Savannah Gas Light Company as the City is entitled to, and also to authorize the issuing of Bonds to meet said subscription. BONDS, 35 Sec. 1. Be it Ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That the Mayor be, and he is hereby authorized, for and in behalf of this corporation, to subscribe for Two Hundred and t Twenty-Five Shares of the extended stock of the Savannah Gas Light Company, being the amount which falls to the City in the apportionment of said stock. Sec 2. And be it further ordained, That the Mayor be, and he is hereby authorized to issue Bonds of the City, in. the usual form, to the amount of Five Thousand Dollars, bearing interest at the rate of seven per cent, per annum, and payable thirty years after date ; the proceeds of said Bondsto be applied in payment for the new subscription to the Gas Stock. Sec. 3. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 10th February, 1853. R. WAYNE, Mayor. AN ORDINANCE, To provide for the issuing of Bonds of the City of Savannah to pay for Improving the Navigation of the River and Harbor of Savannah. Sec 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby Ordained by the authority of the same, That there shall be issued Bonds of the City of Savannah to the amount of one hundred and sixty thousand dollars, to be advanced to pay for the improving of the navigation of the river and harbor of Savannah, the said Bonds shall be issued in sums of five hundred dollars, payable in thirty years with interest at the rate of seven per cent, per annum, the interest payable semi-annually according to the coupons $0 BONDS. to be annexed to the Bonds. The Bonds shall 'be signed >by the Mayor and City Treasurer and have attached thereto the seal of this corporation, with the attestation of the Clerk of Council, and the coupons or interest warrants, shall be signed by the City Treasurer, the City Treasurer shall number and keep a register of said Bonds. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That the proceeds of, or the moneys arising from the sale of said Bonds, shall be expended in such sums, and at the times, and in such manner as the Mayor shall deem most expedient for the purr pose of carrying on the proposed improvement. Sec 3. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 2d June, 1853. R. WAYNE, Mayor. AN ORDINANCE, To be entitled an Ordinance to authorize the Mayor to sub- scribe One Million Dollars, to the Savannah and Albany Rail Road Company and to issue Bonds of the City for the payment thereof. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and. Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as^ sembled, aud it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That the Mayor is hereby authorized to subscribe one million dollars to the Capital Stock of the Savannah and Albany Rail Road Company. Sec 2. And be it further ordained, That Bonds of the City bearing seven per cent, interest, shall be issued payable at the City Treasury in Savannah thirty-five years from the date thereof, for the payment of the instalments upon said sub- scription of one million dollars as the same may become due. The Bonds shall be issued in sums of one thousand and five hundred dollars, one third of the former, and two thirds of the latter; to the Bonds shall be affixed coupons BONDS. Cor the payment of semi- annual interest payable at the City Treasury in Savannah. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained, That said instal- ments, shall be paid in bonds or in money at the option of /the city. Sec. 4. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 23d Sept., 1853. R. WAYNE, Mayor. AN ORDINANCE, 'To provide for the Issuing of Bonds for the City, to pay the subscription heretofore made to the Opelika Rail Road Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the Pity of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That there shall be issued Bonds of the City of Savannah to the amount of one hundred thousand dollars, to pay the City's subscription to the Branch Road between Columbus, ( Ga. and Opelika, the said Bonds shall be payable in twenty years, with interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum, ,the interest payable semi-annually according to coupons to ,be annexed to the Bonds. Passed in Council 6th April, 1854. JOHN E. WARD, Mayos, 38 CATTLE LIMITS. CATTLE LIMITS. AN ORDINANCE. To Prevent Bulls, Cows, Oxen and Calves, and other Cattle from Running at Large. Sec. 1. This Section amended and superceded by Isi Section of ordi- nance, passed 10 March, 1853— See said ordinance immediately succeeding this ordinan< . Sec. 2. And be it farther ordained, That from and after the first day of March next, it shall not be lawful for any person to keep any bull, ox, steer, nor more than one cow within the limits aforesaid, (See ordinance, 10th March ? 1853,) unless such persons shall keep such cows in a house floored or paved and kept constantly clean and free from dirt, and if more than one cow shall be kept otherwise than is herein provided for, or if the cow house shall at any time he found otherwise than perfectly clean and free from dirt 9 the owner or keener of such cow or cows, shall be liable to a penalty of five dollars, and an additional fine of two dollars for every day such house shall so remain after notice to com- ply with this ordinance, and it shall be the duty of the City Marshal and any and all City Constables to take up and im- pound any cow, heifer, ox, bull, steer or calf found so going at large, and there at the pound to keep the sam e till such penalty, and all expenses of keeping be paid by the owner or his agent not exceeding sixteen cents per day for main- tenance, besides costs of advertising and sale, and if the same be not paid within ten days after being taken up, the animal so taken up, shall be sold by the City Marshal, on five days previous public notice to the highest bidder, the funds to be applied to the payment of the expenses of poundage and the penalty aforesaid, and the surplus to be paid over to the owner. Provided nothing herein named shall be so con- strued as to prevent cows being driven through the streets; CATTLE LIMITS. 39 to pasturage in charge of a competent driver, or with a view to bring them into or removing them from the City, and any- slave or free person of color guilty of any of the offences provided for in this Section, failing to pay the penalties prescribed may be whipped by order of the Mayor or any Alderman and may receive any number of lashes not exceed- ing twenty. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained, That the owner or owners of said cattle, shall for each violation of this ordi- nance, be fined in a sum not exceeding five dollars. Sec 4. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 11 Feb. 1841. ROBERT M. CHARLTON, Mayor. Attest: M. Myers, Clerk Council AN ORDINANCE, To be entitled an Ordinance to amend an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance, to prevent Bulls, Cows, Oxen and Calves and c ei cattle from running at large, passed in Council February, 1841. Sec 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the passing of this ordinance the pro- visions of the above recited ordinance be so amended and extended as to prevent bulls, cows, oxen, calves and other cattle running at large within the following limits viz: — - Gwinnett street on the South, prolonged East and West to the extended corporate limits of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, the Savannah river on the North and the corporate limits of the City of Savannah on the East and West. Sec 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 10th March, 1853. R; WAYNE, Mayor 4a CANAL BASINS. CANAL BASINS, AN ORDINANCE, To grant permission to the Canal Company to dig a Basin seventy-five feet wide for timber, and also to grant permis- sion to the Savannah Patent Brick Company to dig a Basin forty feet wide for the reception of flat Boats at their wharf on the canal. Sec. I. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same? That the Canal Company be and is hereby permitted to make a basin seventy-five feet wide for timber, &c, through the land of the Central Rail Road and Banking Company of Georgia, on the Western side of the canal and connected with the canal, Provided, that the same be located under the supervision of the committee on Dry Culture, and that all culverts and ditches which the said committee shall deem necessary by reason of said basin, shall be made by the said Canal Company at its expense. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That the Savannah Patent Brick Company, be and it is hereby permitted to make a basin forty feet wide, for the reception of flat boats at their wharf on the canal, Provided, that the same be located under the supervision of the committee on Dry Culture and that all culverts and ditches which the said com- mittee shall deem necessary, by reason of said basin, shall be made by the said Savannah Patent Brick Company at its expense. Sec. 3. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 7th April, 1853. R. WAYNE ; Mayor. CEMETERIES. 41 CEMETERIES. an ordinance; To amend and consolidate the various Ordinances of the' City of Savannah for the Regulation of Cemeteries or Burial Grounds in said City, and denning the duties of the Sexton thereof. Sec. 1. This Section is amended by an Ordinance passed the 27 th A-ugust ; - 1839, so far as to embrace the Hebrew Burial Ground as one of the Public Cemeteries — See next succed'mg ordinance — and is superseded in all other respects by the Ordinance passed June 3d, 1852, setting apart a certain por- tion of the Springfield tract of land to be called the Laurel Grove Cemetery.- See said Ordinance below. Sec, 2. This Section is also superseded by the 10th Section of the Ordi- nance of June 3d, 1852. Sec. 3. Jind be it further ordained, That all persons visiting any of the Cemeteries shall, whilst within the en- closures, conduct themselves in an orderly and correct manner, and any person behaving otherwise, or defacing any tomb, or headstones, or vaults, or enclosures, or trees, of otherwise injuring them, shall, if a white person, be fined in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars, and if a person of color, shall be subject to the same fine, or be punished with not exceeding thirty nine lashes*- Sections IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX. X, XI and XII. superseded and re- pealed by the provisions as they are contained in the said Ordinance of June' 3d, 1852, below. Sec. 1 3. And be it further ordained, That all fines and penalties inflicted by this Ordinance shall be recovered in the usual manner, one half of which fines, when collected, shall go to the informer, the other half to the use of the city.- Passed in Council 14th March, 1839. M. HALL MCALLISTER, Mayor, 6 42 CEMETERIES, AN ORDINANCE, To amend an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance to amend and consolidate the various Ordinances of the City of Savannah, for the regulation of the Cemeteries or Burial Grounds in the said city, and for defining the duties df the Sexton thereof Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Jlldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same 3 That the Hebrew Burial Grounds shall be considered and deemed public Cemeteries of the City of Savannah, and that the first section of the above entitled Ordinance shall be so amended as to include the same. Sec. 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 27th August, 1839. R, R. CUYLER, Chairman pro tern, AN ORDINANCE, To set apart and dedicate a portion, of the Springfield Plan* tation, lately purchased by the corporation of the City of Savannah, from the heirs and devisees of Joseph Stiles, deceased, for a Public Cemetery — to provide for a sale of the Lots in said Cemetery for purposes of sepulture, and for the protection, preservation, adornment and regulation of said Cemetery — and further to regulate future interments. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem* bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same > That so much of the Springfield Plantation as is herein set fourth and described, be, and the same is hereby set apart and dedicated as a Public Cemetery forever, to be known by CEMETERIES. 43 the name of Laurel Grove Cemetery — that is to say — The parcel of land begining at the northern fenc# recently built, running across the land purchased from the heirs of Joseph Stiles — between the lands of Dr. Bulloch on the East and the dam of the old rice field on the West, and running Southwardly between said lands of Dr. Bulloch and land of the heirs of Morel on the East and said dam on the West, to the corner of the bank on land of the heirs of Morel on the Eastern side — then from said corner Westwardly, to within sixty feet of the fence now running from a point near said corner in a South-westwardly direction— and thence by said fence and a line in the direction thereof, on the Eastern side, and by the said dam and a line in the direction thereof on the Western side to the Southern line of the said lands pur- chased from the heirs of Joseph Stiles. And that the space of sixty feet next to said fence and a line in the direction thereof, from said corner to the Southern line of said purchase, shall be a public highway or street forever, and be called by the name of Kollock street. Sec 2. Jind be it further ordained, That a piller of granite shall be placed at each of the comers of said land so set apart and dedicated, and a map of the land so set apart and designated shall be made by the City Surveyor, and re- corded on the county record, in order that the true location of the said Cemetery may be known and perpetuated. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained, That the plan of the interior of said Cemetery, made by James 0. Morse, and now in the office of the Clerk of Council, be and the same is hereby declared to be the true plan thereof, and that all the ways, passages, avenues and corners thereon delineated, shall forever be kept free and unobstructed for the use of those who may, at any time hereafter, become owners of lots in said Cemeteiy, and for the public, subject however, at all times to such rules and regulations, as may^from time to time be made by Council for the government of the same. Sec 4. Jind be it further ordained, That the Health and Cemetery committee, together with a committee of five 44 CEMETERIES. citizens of Savannah, to be appointed by the Mayor, shall constitute a Board, a majority whereof shall proceed to name the avenues, and also to number the several lots laid out within that part of said Cemetery which is now enclosed by a fence, and that after the said lots shall have been duly numbered for the easy ascertainment of the same, to offer said lots or as many thereof as in their judgment may be proper to the public, in the manner and upon the terms hereinafter mentioned. Sec. 5. And be it further ordained. That the lots in said Cemetery when offered for sale under the direction of the said Board, shall each be set up at a valuation of ten dollars, and shall be knocked of to the highest bidder above that valuation ; — [Amended — see next ordinance.] — that the time of sale of said lots thall be advertised for at least twenty days in each of the gazettes of the City of Savannah, and the sale shall be at or near the premises. The sales may be closed or continued from day to day, or be adjourned over to any future day, at the discretion of a majority of the said Board. Sec. 6. And be it further ordained, That purchasers of said lots shall respectively, on payment of the purchase money to the City Treasurer, and on their paying also one dollar to the Clerk for title, be entitled to receive from Council titles for the same ; but upon the express condition that the lot or lots conveyed shall not be aliened or conveyed away by the purchasers or their heirs respectively to any other person or persons whomsoever, provided the purchase money and title fee be paid within ten days from the day of sale; and if the purchase money in any case, be not paid within said ten days, the lots in relation to which the failure shall occur shall revert to the corporation of the City of Savannah. The title to be delivered to purchasers shall have inserted therein a clause of agreement declaring that the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, shall always have the right and power to regulate the man- ner of interments on the lots. CEMETERIES. 45 Sec. 7. *Rnd be it farther ordained, That all and ^singular the monies arising from sales of lots in said Ceme- tery at any time hereafter, shall he kept separate from all other monies in the Treasury and shall be used and expended ronly for the purposes of enclosing, protecting, famishing • and adorning the said Cemetery, under such regulations as Council may from time to time prescribe. And Whereas the crowded state of the Old Cemeteries renders it absolutely necessary that interments therein should cease at as early a day as possible.; and whereas it is ..the duty of Council to encourage the voluntary removal of remains now within the Old Cemeteries^ Sec. 8. Be it further ordained. That no interment of the body of any deceased person shall be made in either mf the present Cemeteries after his Honor the Mayor shall, ;under the direction of Council, give public notice in all the city gazettes that Laurel Grove Cemetery is prepared to receive all remains of deceased persons,* And Whereas it is the duty of Council, also to provide a suitable place for the interment of deceased free persons of color and slaves : Sec 9. Be it further ordained, That there shall be laid out in the So nth- western portion of the lands before set apart for the Cemetery fifteen acres of ground, which shall be used alone for the interment of the remains of de- ceased persons of color, under such regulation as Council may from time to time prescribe. Sec 10. Be U further ordained, That from and after the day of publication of preparation of said Laurel Grove Cemetery, shall be made by the Mayor as above provided for, . it shall not be lawful to inter any dead body in any other place, within the corporate limits of the City of Savannah, than in the said .Laurel Grove Cemetery, and in the present Hebrew Cemetery and any person who shall so inter or cause to be interred, or be in any manner concerned in interring any dead body within the corporate limits, save in Laurel Grove Cemetery and said Hebrew Cemetery, shall be subject * The balance of this Section repealed— see Sec. 2, next ordinance. 46 CEMETERIES. to a fine of five hundred dollars, to be recovered on infor- mation before the Mayor of said city, Sec. 11. And be it further ordained. That there shall be erected at, or near the said Laurel Grove Cemetery, a con- venient dwelling house, kitchen and stable, and also an out- house for the accommodation of laborers — and at the gate or main entrance to said Cemetery, there shall be erected a Lodge, and within the said Cemetery, there shall be erected a Chapel and a Public Vault, all under the direction of the Health and Cemetery committee. The dwelling, stable, kitchen and laborers' house, shall be placed in the keeping of an officer to be elected by Council as hereinafter provided.; The Chapel shall be for the use of all such as desire to have funeral service therein. The Vault shall be for the tempor- ary keeping of the remains of such persons as are to be carried away from the city. The Lodge shall be for a Porter to attend the gate. Sec 12. And be it further ordained, That Council shall on a day to be fixed by resolution of the Board, elect an officer to be called the Keeper of Laurel Grove Cemetery, to serve until the first regular meeting of Council in January next — and for the term of three years thereafter, and at the first regular meeting in January, 1856, Council shall elect such Keeper to serve three years. It shall be the duty of such Keeper to watch, protect, and keep in good order and condition the said Cemetery and the public property attached to the same; to keep at all times two able bodied laborers to work within the Cemetery grounds — to dig all graves promptly upon the written request of any person or persons— to attend the gate at the main entrance for the purpose of opening the same in the morning and closing it at evening, and to perform by himself and laborers such other service relating to the Cemetery and interments there- in as the Health and Cemetery Committee may prescribe^ The said Keeper shall have the use of the dwelling, kitchen and outhouses aforesaid, and of half an acre of land for a gar- demand shall receive as compensation for all his service, and CEMETERIES. 47 for the service, hire and maintenance of said two laborers, the sum of one hundred and twenty-five dollars per month during hrs continuance in office. And the said Keeper, for any failure to prepare a grave for the remains of any white person, at the written request of any inhabitant of the city, shall be subject to a fine not exceeding fifty dollars, to be imposed by the Mayor of the City. It shall also be the duty of such Keeper to keep a plan of said Cemetery, with the lots num- bered thereon, and to record all interments by the numbers of the lots ; and it shall also be his duty to keep, in a well hound book, a regular record, with correct dates, of all in- terments made within said Laurel Grove Cemetery — shew- ing the day of death, age and disease, or accident occasioning the death of the deceased^ and it shall be further his duty to send into Council a monthly perfect transcript -of such record. Sec. 13, And be it further ordained, That the present office of Sexton shall be abolished after -the first day of January next. Sec 14. And be it further ordained, That the Keeper of said Laurel Grove Cemetery shall collect for every grave of a white person which he may dig, and for every vault which he may open, the sum of one dollar and fifty cents, to be paid into the Treasmy ; and he shall collect a like sum when he may dig a grave for a colored person, or fifty cents for supervising the digging of a g^ave for a colored person, to be paid in like manner into the Treasury, and added do so be fined by the Mayor. Sec. 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 30th June, 1853. R. WAYNE, Mayor. AN ORDINANCE, Entitled an ordinance to repeal an ordinance to amend the 10 74 CITY OFFICERS. first section of an Ordinance, entitled an Ordinance to restore the office of Recorder of the City of Savannah, to declare the duties attached to said office, and fix the salary. Sec. 1. Be it Ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That the above recited ordinance be repealed. Sec. 2. Jlnd be it further ordained, That the said office of recorder be abolished. Sec 3. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 22d January, 1846. H. K BURROUGHS, Mayor. Attest: A. C. Davenport, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, Entitled an Ordinance to amend an Ordinance for the better denning the duties pointing out the oaths, and establish- ing the fees of the several City Officers therein specified and for the purposes therein mentioned, passed 2d Au- gust, 1839. Sec 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Mdermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That it shall be the duty of the Clerk of Council to furnish the city printer or printers, and to all the editors of news- papers in the City of Savannah, who may desire to publish the proceedings of Council, a copy of said proceedings within forty-eight hours after the adjournment, of the meet- ings of the City Council. Sec. 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 24th March, 1853. R, WAYNE, Mayor CITY OFFICERS. 75 AN ORDINANCE, To be entitled an Ordinance, to amend the 16th Section of an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance, for the better defining and enforcing the duties pointing out the oaths, and es- tablishing the fees of the several city officers therein speci- fied and for other purposes therein mentioned, passed in Council 2d August, 1839. Sec. 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Jildermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the sa??u, That the said 16th section, shall be amended so as to read as follows, viz: That Council shall at the second regular meeting in January instant, and at the first regular meeting in every January thereafter, elect a city printer, whose duty it shall be to publish the minutes of council, whenever they shall be furnished to him by the clerk and as soon thereafter as practicable, and also to publish all new ordi- nances and old ordinances when required, all notices, orders, proclamations, issued by or under the authority of council or committees thereof, or the officers thereof, the Mayor, or acting Mayor. And the said city printer, shall receive therefor the sum of five hundred dollars. Sec. 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 26th January, 1854. • JOHN E. WARD, Mayor. AN ORDINANCE, To increase the City Treasurers' Salary. Sec. 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the passing of this ordinance, the sal- ary of the City Treasurer, shall be fixed at the rate of twelve hundred dollars per annum, payable quarterly. Sec 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 20th April, 1854. JOHN E. WARD, Mayor.. 76 COURT OF COMMON PLEAS & OF 0. & T. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS AND OF OYER AND TERMINER. AN ORDINANCE, To elect a Clerk and Sheriff of the Court of Common Pleas and of Oyer and Terminer for the City ol Savannah. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and, Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That there shall be elected a clerk and sheriff of the Court of Common Pleas and of Oyer and Terminer, for the City of Savannah, on the first regular meeting of Council in Janu- ary next, who shall hold their offices for the term of three years. Sec 2. And be it further ordained, That the said clerk and sheriff' aforesaid, shall in future be elected once in three years and on the first regular meeting in January, who shall hold their said offices, for the term of three years from the period of their election. Sec 3. And be it further ordained, That the persons elected clerk and sheriff of the said court, shall before they enter upon the duties of their office, give bond with two good and sufficient securities to be approved of by the Mayor or chairman of council and the Finance Committee ; •the clerk in the sum of three thousand dollars, and the sheriff in the sum of five thousand dollars, conditioned for the faithful discharge of the duties of their said offices, and which bonds shall be made payable to the Mayor and Alder- men of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, and the said clerk and sheriff, shall at the time of giving their bonds before the Mayor or chairman of council, take and subscribe an oath similar to the oath of the clerk and sheriff COURT OF COMMON PLEAS & OF 0. & T. 77 of the Superior Court of this State, which said bonds and oaths shall be filed with the Clerk of Council. Sec. 4. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 8th December, 1825. W. C. DANIEL, Mayor. See Ordinance of 2d August, 1839. Title City Officers, Sec, 21. AN ORDINANCE, To regulate the manner of receiving the revenue of the Court of Oyer and Terminer, and to provide for paying its Officers and other expenses thereby accruing. Whereas, there is no established rule regulating the man- ner in which the fines, penalties aftd estreated bonds in the Court of Oyer and Terminer, shall be collected and for want of which, the finances of the city suffer materially for remedy whereof. Sec. 1. Beit ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the sarne 9 That from and immediately after the passage of this ordi- nance, it shall be the duty of the City Sheriff to keep a register of all fines, penalties and estreated bonds in the Court of Oyer and Terminer, and to make quarterly returns to council of the names of all persons, who may have been fined or whose bonds have been estreated. Sec 2. And be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty of said sheriff to collect all such fines, penalties or estreated bonds arising from said court; Provided, they can be collected and to make quarterly returns to council of all fines, penalties and estreated bonds, remaining unpaid and the condition of said fines, penalties and estreated bonds whether collectable or not collectable, as in his opinion may be ; whose duty it shall be to order such further proceedings 78 COURT OF COMMON PLEAS & OF 0. & T. against any defaulter by resolution as they may deem proper. Sec. 3. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 18th April, 184.4. WM. THORNE WILLIAMS, Mayor. Attest : Wm. P. Bowen, Clerk Council. Sections III and IV. superceded and repealed by the next succeeding ordi- nance. AN ORDINANCE, To amend an Ordinance to regulate the manner of receiv- ing the revenue of the Court of Oyer and Terminer, and to provide for paying its officers and other expenses there- by accruing. * Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and .Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That all monies collected by the Sheriff of the Court of Common Pleas and Oyer and Terminer for the City of Sa- vannah, from fines, penalties, estreated bonds, or from any other source, arising from the said court be, and the same are hereby directed to be paid over to the City Treasurer, after having first deducted from the amount collected the monies paid on bills which shall have been duly examined, and allowed by the Judge of said Court, in favor of the officers severally entitled to costs, and which, so examined and al- lowed by the Judge, and by him certified, shall have been left by the officers or officer entitled, or attested copies there- of in possession of the sheriff, before each quarterly return. Sec 2. And be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty of the Sheriff, in his quarterly return of monies received, to set forth the monies paid by him on the bills examined and allowed by the Judge, and to produce to the Treasurer, to be filed in his office, the bills entirely paid off COURT OF COMMON PLEAS & OF 0. & T. 19 And where bills have been paid by him only in part, then to produce the same or the attested copies thereof, and the. receipts of the officers or officer for such sums as may have been paid thereon, copies of which receipts, certified by the sheriff, and a memorandum of the amount of the unpaid bills shall be taken by and left with the Treasurer for exami- nation from time to time by the Finance Committee. Sec 3. And be it further ordained, That the City Treasurer shall not be responsible hereafter, for the payment of any bills which, according to the fourth section of the fourteenth division of the penal code of this State, or by any other law, are subject to the examination and allowance of the Judge of the said court. Sec. 4. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 19th September, 1844. WM. THORNE WILLIAMS, Mayor. Attest : Wm. P. Bo wen. Clerk Council AN ORDINANCE, To amend an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance to amend an Ordinance to regulate the manner of receiving the reve- nue of the Court of Oyer and Terminer, and to provide for paying its officers and other expenses thereby accru- ing, passed 19th September. 1844. Sec 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and wilder men of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That section first of the above recited Ordinance, be amended by adding thereto the following words, viz : That petitions for relief from jury fines shall be made to council before the fines are paid, else council can take no action upon them. Sec 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 17th April, 1S45. R. WAYNE, Mayor. Attest: Edward G. Wilson, Clerk Council. so COMMON. COMMON. AN ORDINANCE, For laying off into Lots certain parts of the Common ap- purtenant to this City, and for disposing of the same. Whereas, public utility requires that certain parts of the common be laid out and disposed of. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same. That all that part of the east and all that part of the west common situate and lying between the Bay and Broughton Streets, extending eastwardly to a public street of one hundred feet in Avidth, and Avestwardly to a public street of the same width, be, on or before the first day of November next, ensuring, laid off into one hundred and twenty lots: that is to say, eighty lots on the east, and forty lots on the west common, each lot to contain sixty feet in width and ninety feet in depth, with certain squares, streets and lanes, in and between the same, agreeably to the plan marked No 1, (one), hereunto annexed, and being so laid off, the said lots, or as many of them as can be, shall be sold and dis- posed of on the terms and conditions hereinafter mentioned; that is to say, the said lots shall be valued according to the estimate or schedule marked No. 2, (two), hereunto annexed, from one hundred and sixty pounds, to forty pounds lawful sterling money, inclusive, and the ground rent of the same shall be in the proportion and after the rate of five pounds per annum on every hundred pounds value, and it shall be in the option of the purchaser either to pay down the said valuation money or else to hold his or her purchase on ground rent, payable quarterly, as hereinafter mentioned. Sec 2. And be it further ordained, That said lots shall be put up at public auction in arithmetical progression, be- COMMON. 81 ginning at Number one, (1), in each ward, and so proceeding upwards, until they shall be all disposed of, (except as here- inafter excepted,) or until so many of them shall be dis- posed of as there appear bidders for ; and the said lots shall b"e respectively set up at the valuation contained in the said schedule annexed, and whatever sum or sums shall be bid upon the said valuation at the time of the sale of the said lots shall be considered as increase money, and shall be paid down in cash, and the person bidding most of such increase money shall be deemed the purchaser of the lot then under sale; and in regard to the said valuation money, it shall be in the option of the purchasers either to pay the same down in cash, or else to retain the same in their hands and the hands of their heirs and assigns forever, on a ground rent, which ground rent shall be at and after the rate of five pounds, by the year, for every hundred pounds value of the purchase, and so in proportion for any greater or lesser sums, payable in four equal quarterly payments into the City Treasury ; but it shall, nevertheless, at any time thereafter, be in the power of such purchasers, or their heirs and as- signs, to pay in the said valuation money, with what rent may be due up to that time, in full discharge and extinguish- ment of the said ground rent. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained, That a deed, by way of bargain and sale, shall be made to all and every pur- chaser or purchasers of the said lots, under the seal of the city, signed by the Mayor and a majority of the Aldermen for the time being, and attested by the clerk, who shall enter a docket or abstract of such conveyance in a book to be provided and kept for that purpose, and a note or memoran- dum of such docket or abstract, shall be marked on the said deed. And the said bargain and sale shall vest either an absolute or conditional estate in the purchaser according to circumstances, that is to say an absolute one, if the valua- tion money shall be paid down, or a conditional one, if the said valuation money shall not be paid down, this latter also to become absolute; if and when the said valuation money 11 82 COMMON. shall at any future time be paid into the Treasury, and an acknowledgment thereof under the seal of the city, signed by the Mayor and a majority of the Aldermen for the time being, and attested by the City Treasurer, shall be indorsed on such deed. And the said conditional estates shall amount to this ; that the use and occupation of the premises are forever secured to the purchaser, and others claiming under him or her on payment of the ground rent, but on failure therein for the space of fifteen days after the same shall become due, the said premises are to revert to the cor- poration, who shall immediately thereafter possess the power of re-entry, and having by means of their proper officer exercised such power and given a notice thereof, in writing posted on the premises, the lot or lots so entered upon with all improvements thereon, are to be considered at the expir- ation of ten days thereafter as absolutely revested in the cor- poration, and the said conditional estate therein determined, to all intents and purposes as fully as if the same had not been bargained for, or purchased, any sale or incumbrance or other act, made or suffered by the purchaser or purchasers or others under him, her or them to the contrary thereof, in any wise notwithstanding. Sec. 4. Same as section IV of Ordinance, passed 20 April, 1801, except that the buildings on the premises must be of the value of one hundred dol- lars, to excuse the party trom the forfeiture of ten per cent. [See said ordi- nance below.] Sec. 5. This section the same as section V. of Ordinance of 20th April. 180J. See section V of that ordinance. And whereas, it is expedient to appropriate a certain number of lots, for the use of certain religious, literary and benevolent Institutions within the City of Savannah and County of Chatham. Sec. 6. And be it further ordained, That four lots- be reserved and vested forever, in the Church Wardens and Vestry of the Episcopal Church called Christ's Church, and their successors in office — that three lots be reserved and COMMON, 83 vested forever, in the Trustees of the Presbyterian Meeting House and their successors in office — that two lots be re- served and vested forever, in the Trustees and Waj dens of the German Lutheran Church and their successors in office — that one lot be reserved and vested forever, in the Baptist Society — and one other lot in the Hebrew Congregation — also that eight lots be reserved and vested forever, in the Trustees of the Academy for the County of Chatham and their suc- cessors in office — and that two lots be reserved and vested forever, in the Commissioners of the Hospital and their succcessors in office ; and the said lots shall be hereafter particularly pointed out, and shall be for the sole use and benefit of the said Congregations, Academy and Hospital respectively and employed and appropriated as their respec- tive directors shall think fit and proper. Sec. 7. Jind be it further ordained, That not less than three months notice shall be given of the intended sale of the said lots, and such sale shall commence on the twelfth day of January next, at the vendue house in the said city, and continue from time to time until the said lots are all disposed of, as there appear bidders for, and the same shall be conducted by three or more commissioners, duly appoint- ed by order or resolution of the city council, for that purpose to be made and passed. Sec. 8. Jind be it further ordained, That the county surveyor, or any other surveyor, duly appointed and quali- fied, shall be, and he is hereby authorized and required to survey, mark, and lay out the said lots, under the inspection and direction of the said commissioners, to be appointed as aforesaid, or a majority of them, agreeably to the plan marked Number one (1,) hereto annexed. Passed in Council 28th September, 1790. J. HOUSTON, Mayor, 84 COMMONS AND GRANTS. COMMONS AND GRANTS, AN ORDINANCE, To amend an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance for laying off into Lots certain parts of the Common appurtenant to the city, and disposing of the same. Sec. 1 . Be it ordained by the M ay or and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same^ That the seven lots known by the numbers two, three, four, five, six, seven and eight, on the west common, at present footing the Bay, and by the above mentioned Ordinance laid out into lots, shall be sold on these terms, that is to sajr, that the purchasers thereof, respectively, and their heirs and assigns shall be entitled to claim no more than a street of forty-six feet in front of their lots, and all the rest of the ground, after leaving the said forty-six feet for a street extending therefrom to the bluff, shall be liable to be laid out and disposed of by the corporation of the city at some future time, as shall be thought best. Sec 2. And be it further ordained, That the names of the several squares and streets in the east and west parts of the common, by the above mentioned Ordinance laid out into lots, shall be as follows, that is to say : The square on the east common, which lies nearest to the trustee's gardens, shall be called Washington Square ; the other square on the said last common shall be called Warren square; and the square on the west common shall be called Franklin square ; and the several wards of the said ground laid out into lots, shall take their names respectively from the squares to which they belong, agreeably to the plan of the city, and the addition thereto made ; and the names of the several streets within the ground so laid out, as aforesaid, shall be as follows, that is to say : The streets running north and south on the outer part of the east common, and separating that from the COMMONS AND GRANTS, 85 trustee's gardens, shall be called East Broad street ; the next street running parallel thereto on the same common, shall be called Houston street; the next parallel street, Price street ; the next parallel street, Habersham street, and the next parallel street, which is the one between the old limits and the present additions on the said east common, shall be called Lincoln street, and the street running in the same direction of north and south, on the outer part of the west common, and separating that from Yamacraw and St, Gaul's lots shall be called West Broad street; the next street run ning parallel thereto, on the same west common, shall be called Montgomery street ; and the next parallel street, which is the one between the old limits and the present addition on the said west common, shall be called Jefferson street ; and all the streets which run through the said west common, by the said Ordinance, annexed to the city, in a direction of east and west, shall take their names from, and be called after the streets of the city as contained in the original plan of the town of Savannah. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained, That the following lots shall be those reserved for the use and benefit of the several institutions as mentioned and contained in the said Ordinance for laying off the said common, that is to say : For the Episcopal Church lots, Nos. (25, 26, 27, 28,)*twenty- five, twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight, in Washington square, and fronting on Duke street, (now Congress street- see section 1st of Ordinance passed February 21, 1803, here= after) ; for the German Lutheran Church lots, (39, 40,) thirty- nine and forty, in Warren square, and fronting Broughton street; for the Baptist Society lot No. (29) twenty-nine, (ex- changed for lot No. 19, in Franklin square, see next Ordin- ance,) in Washington square, and fronting Duke street ; and for the Academy lots, Nos. (29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 and 36,) twenty-nine, thirty, thirty-one, thirty-two, thirty-three, thirty- four, thirty-five and thirty-six, all in Warren square, the four first fronting on Duke street, and the four last on Broughton street ; and for the Hospital lots Nos. (33 and 34) thirty- 86 COMMONS AND GRANTS. three and thirty-four in Washington square, and fronting Broughton street, (said last mentioned lots sold and convey- ed to S. C. Dunning — see Ordinance 2d July, 1821, here- after,) and the said lots are hereby declared to be vested agreeably to the intention of the said Ordinance, for laying off the said common. And whereas, the Hebrew congregation, to whom it was intended to give one lot, of the value of seventy pounds, in the east common, have proposed to the corporation that in case they will permit them to relinquish the said lot in the east common, and to take lot No. (24) twenty-four, (see the next Ordinance,) on the west common, in Franklin square, and fronting the said square, which is valued at one hundred and fifty pounds, that then they will pay to the corporation the difference in value between the said lots, being eighty pounds sterling. Sec. 4. And be it f urther ordained^ That the said He- brew congregation, or such persons as shall be legally au- thorized to act for them, on their paying into the Treasury or otherwise securing to the corporation, agreeably to the mode and terms pointed out by the said recited Ordinance, the said sum of eighty pounds sterling, that then the said lot No. (24) twenty-four, on the west common, shall be, and the same is hereby vested in the said Hebrew congregation. Passed in Council 12th January, 1791. SAMUEL STIRK, Chairman, AN ORDINANCE, To vest in the Baptist Society in the City of Savannah, a certain lot of land and to release the Hebrew Congregation in the said city, from paying a certain sum of money and the annual instalment as by an Ordinance has heretofore been directed. Whereas, by an ordinance passed on the twelfth day COMMONS AND GRANTS. 87 of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-one, a certain lot in Washington Square, known by the number twenty-nine fronting Duke Street, was appropriated to the use of the Baptist Society, as a place to erect a house for the worship of Almighty God. And whereas on the petition of Ebenezer Hills, John Ham- ilton, Thomas Harrisson, John H. Roberts, John Milieu, Thomas Polhill and Samuel G. Sargeant, Trustees of the said Society. The Mayor and Aldermen of the said city, have by their resolution for certain reasons agreed to accept the relinquishment of the said lot, number twenty-nine in Washington Square and to vest in exchange therefor, the lor number nineteen in Franklin Square heretofore sold John G. Williamson, and by him relinquished in due form to the said Baptist Society for religious purposes. And whereas, by certain ordinances and resolutions of the City Council, the HebreAv Congregation in Savannah, were compellable to pay by their own stipulation the annual in- terest of four pounds per cent on the sum of eighty pounds, as well as the said sum on certain conditions, being a sum that they the said Hebrew Congregation, are to pay with the interest to the aforesaid city, for the difference in value of a lot originally intended to be appropriated to such Congreaa- lion and by them relinquished in exchange for the lot. number twenty-three on Franklin Square, now in their possession. And whereas, the said Hebrew Congregation by their pe- tition have prayed (and which petition is supported by the concurrence of a number of citizens, whose names are signed thereto,) to be released from their stipulation, to pay the said eighty pounds or the interest thereon, and the Council tak- ing the same into consideration, have by their resolutions agreed to the prayer of the petition. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same. That the lot number nineteen on Franklin Square be and is 88 COMMONS AND GRANTS. hereby intended to be vested in the said Ebenezer Hills, John Hamilton, Thomas Harrisson, John H. Roberts, John Millen, Thomas Polhill and Samnel G. Sargeant forever, and their successors in office, Trustees of the Calvinistic Baptist Soc- iety in Savannah, for the purpose of erecting a house for the public worship of Almighty God, and for other religious purposes as the said Society may direct and the said lot, number twenty-nine in Washington Square, originally appro- priated to the said Baptist Society, is hereby declared to have reverted to the City of Savannah, and shall be sold or other- wise disposed of as council shall at any time direct. Sec, 2. And be it further ordained, That the Hebrew Congregation in the said city, be and are hereby released from paying the the said eighty pounds or the interest thereof as heretofore stipulated, and the said lot number twenty-three in Franklin Square, now in the possession of the said Hebrew Congregation, is hereby declared to be absolutely vested in the said Hebrew Congregation forever, as a place for the erecting a house of public worship and for such other religious purposes as the said Congregation may direct Sec, 3, Repealing clause. Passed in Council 4th August, 1795. W. STEPHENS, Mayor. AN ORDINANCE, For laying off into lots, certain parts of the Common ap= purtenent to the city and for disposing of the same. Whereas, public utility requires that certain parts of the common appurtenant to the city, be laid out into lots and disposed of, &c. Sec 1 . Be it ordain ed by the Mayor and, A Idermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That all that part of the east, and all that part of the west COMMONS AND GRANTS, 89 common situate and lying between Broughton street and the southern boundary line of this city, extended, and be- tween East Broad street and the city, and the city and West Broad street be, on or before the tenth day of June next, en- suing, laid off into one hundred and twenty lots, that is to say : eighty lots on the east, and forty lots on the west common, each lot to contain sixty feet in width and ninety feet in depth, with certain squares, streets and lanes, in and between the same, corresponding with the plan of this city; and being so laid off, the said lots, or so many of them as can be, shall be sold and disposed of on the terms and con- ditions hereinafter mentioned, that is to say : the said lots shall be valued according to the estimate or schedule hereunto annexed, from six hundred to two hundred dollars, and the ground rent of the same shall be in the proportion of five per cent per year, and it shall in the option of the purchaser either to pay down the said valuation money, or else to hold his, her, or their purchase on a ground rent payable quarter yearly as hereinafter mentioned. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That the said lots shall be put up at public auction in numerical succession, beginning with No. (l) one, in each ward (except as herein- after excepted), or until so many of them shall be disposed of as there appear bidders for ; and the said lots respectively, shall be set up at the valuation contained in the said annexed schedule, and whatever sum or sums shall be bid over the said valuation, at the time of the sale of the said lots, shall be paid down in cash, and the highest bidder shall be the purchaser of the lot then sold ; and in regard to the said valuation money, it shall be optional with the purchasers either to pay the same down in cash or else to retain the same in their hands, and the hands of their heirs and as- signs forever, on a ground rent, which ground rent shall be at the rate of five per cent, per year, payable in quarter yearly payments, into the City Treasury. But it shall, nevertheless, at any time thereafter, be in the power of such purchasers, or their heirs or assigns, to pay the amount of 12 90 COMMONS AND GRANTS. the said valuation money, with whatever rent may be due at that time, in full discharge and extinguishment of the said ground rent. Sec. 3. This section the same as section 3d of Ordinance of 20th April, 1801. See next succeeding Ordinance. Sec. 4. This section the same as section 4th of said Ordinance of 20th April, 1801. See next succeeding Ordinance. Sec. 5. This section the same as section 5th of said Ordinance of 20th April, 1801. See next succeeding Ordinance. And whereas, it is expedient further to appropriate a number of lots for the use of religious, literary, and be- nevolent institutions within the City of Savannah and Coun- ty of Chatham: Sec. 6. Be it ordained, That one lot be reserved for and vested forever in the Church Wardens and Vestry, or others having the charge of the Roman Catholic Church about to be established in this city, and their suc- cessors. That two lots be reserved for and vested in the Elders of the Presbyterian congregation and their successors, for the time being, for the purpose of building a Presbyteri- an Church thereon. That one lot be vested in the Methodist congregation. That one lot be vested in the Episcopal con- gregation ; and that one lot be vested in the German Lu- theran congregation. Sec. 7. And be it further ordained, That the several squares and wards to be laid out under and by virtue of this Ordinance, that is to say: The square and ward between the city and West Broad street shall be known by the name of Liberty ; the square and ward adjoining the city on the east common shall be known by the name of Columbia ; and the square and ward adjoining East Broad street shall be known by the name of Greene. Sec 8. And be it further ordained, That the lots (17 and 18) seventeen and eighteen on Columbia square, shall be ap- propriated for the use of the Presbyterian congregation. That lot number (26) twenty-six, on Columbia square, be appro- priated for the use of the Episcopal congregation. That lot COMMONS AND GRANTS. 91 number (27) twenty-seven, on Columbia square, be appropri- ated for the use of the German Lutheran congregation. — That lot number (19) nineteen, Columbia square, be appro- priated for the use of the Methodist congregation, and that lot number nineteen, (19) on Liberty square, be appropriated for the use of the Roman Catholic congregation. Passed in Council 30th May, 1799. MATTHEW MCALLISTER, Mayor. AN ORDINANCE, For laying off into lots a ward on the Southwest part of the Common appurtenant to the city, and for disposing of the same, and more effectually to ascertain the description of the lots in Oglethorpe ward. Whereas public utility requires that a certain part of the common appurtenant to this city, be laid out into lots and disposed of. Sec L Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same That all that part of the Southwest common, situate am. bounded as follows, to the North by Liberty ward, to the South by the five acre lots, to the East by Jefferson street, and to the West by West Broad street, be laid off into forty lots, each lot to contain sixty feet in width and ninety feet in depth, with certain squares, streets and lanes in and between the same, corresponding with the plan of this city; and being so laid off, the said lots, or so many of them as can be, shall be sold and disposed of on the terms and condi- tions hereinafter mentioned, that is to say ; the said lots shall be valued according to the estimate or schedule hereto an- nexed from six hundred to seven hundred dollars, and that the said lots be set up at the original valuation, and the increase money bid thereon, shall be added to the same, 92 COMMONS AND GRANTS. and that the purchaser shall pay down in three days from the day of sale, ten per cent, on the whole amount and the balance to become the valuation money of the said lots ; and the ground rent of the same, shall be in the proportion of five per cent, per year; and it shall be in the option of the pur- chasers either to pay down the said valuation money or'else to hold his, her or their purchase on a ground rent payable quarter yearly as hereinafter mentioned. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That the said lots shall be put up at public auction in numerical succession beginning with No. (l) one, or until so many of them shall be disposed of as there appear bidders for, and the highest bidder shall be the purchaser of the lot then sold and in regard to the said valuation and increase money, it shall be optional with the purchaser, either to pay the same down in cash, or else to retain the same in their hands and the hands of their heirs and assigns forever, on a ground rent which ground rent, shall be at the rate of five per cent, per year payable in quarter yearly payments into the City Treasury, But it shall nevertheless at any time thereafter be in the power of such purchasers, or their heirs or assigns to pay the amount of the said valuation and increase money, with whatever rent may be due at that time, in full discharge and extinguishment of the said ground rent. Sec. 3. Jind be it further ordained, That a deed by way of bargain and sale, shall be made to all and every purchaser or purchasers of the said lots under the seal of the city, signed by the Mayor and a majority of the Alder- men for the time being, and attested by the clerk, who shall enter a docket or abstract of such conveyance in a book, to be provided and kept for that purpose, and a note or memo- randum of such docket or abstract shall be marked on said deed. And the said bargain and sale shall vest either an absolute or conditional estate, in the purchaser according with circumstances, that is to say; an absolute one if the valuation and increase money shall be paid down, or a con- ditional one, if the said valuation and increase money shall COMMONS AND GRANTS. 93 not be paid down — this latter also to become absolute if, and when the said valuation and increase money, shall at any future time be paid into the Treasury, and an acknowledg- ment thereof under the seal oi the city, signed by the May- or and a majority of the Aldermen for the time being, and attested by the City Treasurer, shall be endorsed on such deed; and the said conditional estates shall amount to this: that the use and occupation of the premises are forever secured to the purchaser and others claiming under him, her or them, on payment of the ground rent ; but on failure herein for the space of Twenty Days after the same shall have become due, the said premises are to revert to the cor- poration, who shall immediately thereafter possess the power of re-entry, and having, by means of their proper officer, exercised such power, and given a notice thereof in writing, posted on the premises, the lot or lots so entered upon, with all improvements thereon, are to be considered at the expi- ration of ten days thereafter, as absolutely revested in the corporation ; and the said conditional estate therein deter- mined to all intents and purposes as fully as if the same had not been bargained for or purchased, any sale or incum- brance, or other act made or suffered by the purchaser or purchasers, or others under him, her or them, to the contrary thereof in anywise notwithstanding. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained, That every purchaser in the class of those taking conditional estates shall at the time of receiving his or her deed of bargain and sale, give bond to the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah for the time being; with at least one good and sufficient se- curity joined therein, to be approved of in the City Council, in the penal sum of four times the annual ground rent of his or her purchase, conditioned for the payment of such rent quarterly, during the continuance of said conditional estate, without fraud or further delay; and also that in case of a re-entry made by the corporation or their officers as aforesaid, such purchaser shall and will forfeit and pay on the deter- mination of said conditional estate into the City Treasury at 94 COMMONS AND GRANTS. the rate of ten per cent, on the valuation money of his or her purchase, if there shall be no buildings erected thereon to the value at least of one hundred dollars ; but if there shall be any such buildings erected thereon to that value, then the same shall excuse the party from the said forfeiture of ten per cent. And in all 'cases the said buildings shall be appraised and valued by two or three citizens appointed by and sworn before the City Council. Sec. 5. Jind be it f urther ordained, That all lots, from time to time re-entered upon by, and revested in the corpor- ation in the manner before mentioned, within the space of five years from the first sales, shall be sold out again, on the same terms and conditions as the said lots are now directed to be sold and let out, upon a reasonable addition being made to the respective valuations for any buildings or im- provements that may be made on the said lots, respectively* Sec. 6. And be it further ordained, That the said square and ward laid out under and by virtue of this Ordi- nance shall be called and known by the name of Elbert square and ward, and the names of the several streets with- in the ground so laid out, as aforesaid, shall be as follows : That is to say, the street running east and west on the outer part of the south common, and separating that from the five acre lots, shall be called and known by the name of Liberty street ; the next street running parallel thereto shall be called and known by the name of Wilkes street ; the next parallel street shall be called and known by the name of Screven street ; the next parallel street shall be called and known by the name of Chatham street;* and the next parallel street,, which is the one between the limits of Liberty ward and the present addition on the said south common, shall be called and known by the name of South Broad street, and all the streets which run through the said south common, by thii * The names of these streets changed to those of Perry street, McDonough street, and Hull street— see section 6th of Ordinance passed the 19th July, 1815. COMMONS AND GRANTS. 95 Ordinance annexed to the city, in a direction north and south, shall take their names from, and be called after the streets of the city as contained in the plan of Franklin and Liberty wards. And whereas, it is necessary to ascertain the description of the lots in Oglethorpe ward : Sec. 7. And be it further ordained, That all that part of Oglethorpe ward from the river back to Jackson street, shall be called and known by the name of the first tything in the said ward ; that all that part from Joachim street back to Pine street, shall be known by the name of the second tything ; that all that part of Pine street back to the north line of Evanstmrg shall be known by the name of the third tything; that all that part called Evansburg shall be known by the name of the fourth tything: that all that part called New Leeds shall be known by the name of the fifth ty- thing, and that all that public lot of sixteen acres at the Spring Hill shall be known By the name of the sixth tything. And the names of the streets in the sixth tything, lately laid out into lots, shall be as follows : That is to say, the street running east and west, bounded by the main road to the south, shall be called Liberty street ; the next parallel street Spring street ; and the next parallel street, which is the one that separates that from New Leeds, shall be called Oak street ; and the street running north and south, cross- ing Spring street, shall be called Franklin street. Passed in Council 20th April, 1801. TH, GIBBONS, Mayor, AN ORDINANCE, To change and give new names to several streets in the City of Savannah. Whereas the names or titles of King, Prince, and Duke, are unknown to the constitution of Georgia, or the United 96 COMMONS AND GRANTS. States, and the permitting or suffering several streets in the city to be still called by those obnoxious names reflects high- ly on the police thereof : Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same. That the streets now called King street, Prince street, and Duke street, shall be, hereafter, called and known by the names following : That is to say, the street now called King- street shall be called President street ; the street called Prince street shall be called State street, and the street called Duke street shall be called Congress street. Passed in Council 21st February, 1803. CHARLES HARRIS, Mayor. AN ORDINANCE, For laying off a certain space of ground situate on the Bay, in the City of Savannah, and for selling and for disposing of the same, for the use and benefit of the said city. Whereas, it would be highly beneficial and greatly con- ducive to the peace, safety, and good order of the said city, were the streets and public places thereof properly . lighted in the uight time ; and, whereas, there is no specific fund appropriated for the said purpose, wherefor to raise a per- manent and lasting fund for such lights, without burthening the citizens with taxes : Sec 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Mdermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby Ordained, by the authority of the same, That all that space of ground situate and being on the Bay, bounded to the eastward by lots of Edward Telfair and Joseph Clay, Esqrs., to the southward by Bay street, to the westward by West Broad street, and to the northward by the strand as lately laid off into lots, each lot containing sixty # COMMONS AND GRANTS. 97 feet ifl width and ninety feet in depth, according to the plan hereto annexed, be sold and disposed of on the terms and conditions herein mentioned, that is to say : The said lots shall be valued according to the estimate or schedule hereto annexed, from one thousand five hundred to two thousand dollars, and being so valued, the same shall be put up at public auction in numerical succession, unless otherwise ordered by council, beginning with the number one, until the whole, or so many of them as there shall appear bidders for, shall be disposed of; and the said lots shall be put up at the valua- tion aforesaid, and the highest bidder shall be declared the purchaser, and the increase money which shall be bidden on the same shall be added to the said valuation money, and the purchaser or purchasers shall, within three days after the sale, pay into the hands of the City Treasurer ten per cent, on the whole sum, which shall be deducted therefrom, and the balance thereof shall be thereafter deemed the valu- ation money, which said valuation money shall forever be irredeemable and remain a lien on the said lot for securing the payment of the interest, or ground rent, hereafter men- tioned, which ground rent or interest shall be five per cent, per annum on the said valuation money, and shall be paid quarterly into the City Treasury. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That a deed, by way of bargain and sale, shall be made to all and every purchaser and purchasers of the said lots, under the seal of the city, signed by the Mayor and a majority of the Alder- men for the time being, and attested by the Clerk, who shall enter a docket or abstract of such conveyance, in a book to be provided and kept for that purpose, and a note or memo- randum of such docket shall be marked on the said deed ; and the said bargain and sale shall vest the use and occupa- tion of the said premises forever in the purchaser or pur- chasers, his, her, or their heirs and assigns, subject, neverthe- less, to the payment of the interest or rent, and provisoes, clauses and conditions in this Ordinance contained ; and on failure of such quarterly payment of ground rent aforesaid, 13 98 COMMONS AND GRANTS. for the space of twenty days after the same shall b&ome due, the said premises are to revert to the corporation, who shall, immediately thereafter, possess the power of re-entry, and having, by means of their proper officer, exercised such power, and given a notice thereof, in writing, posted on the premises, the lot or lots so entered upon, with all improve- ments thereon, are to be considered, at the expiration of ten days thereafter, as absolutely revested in the corporation, and the said conditioned estate therein, determined, to all intents and purposes, as fully as if the same had not been bargained for or purchased : any sale, incumbrance, or other act, made or suffered by the purchaser or purchasers, or others under him, her, or them, to the contrary thereof, in anywise notwithstanding. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained, That all lots, from time to time re-entered upon, and revested in the corporation in the manner before mentioned, shall be sold out again on the same terms and conditions as the said lots are now directed to be sold and let out upon a reasonable addition being made to the respective valuations for any buildings or improvements that may be made on the said lots respectively. Sec 4. And be it further ordained, That all and eveiy, the sum and sums of money arising from the sale of the said lots, that is to say, as well the said ten per cent., so to be paid down as aforesaid, as the interest or ground rent, which shall become due on the same, is and are hereby pledged, and shall be appropriated and applied as a separate fund, to and for the purchase of lamps and other materials for lighting the city, as heretofore mentioned, and to and for no other use or purpose whatsoever. Passed in Council 27th June, 1803. CHARLES HARRIS, Mayor. COMMONS AND GRANTS. 99 l ; 2 ! 3 4 O 5 6 8 • O 5 — • CD *<; 00 1 — 1 Telfair CD 4 7 and to Clay. o «T o 11 10 9 8 1 t Reference. — Valuation by council, No. 1, two thousand dollars; No. 2, fifteen hundred dollars; No. 3, two thousand dollars ; No. 4, two thousand dollars ; No. 5, fifteen hundred dollars; No. 6, fifteen hundred dollars ; No. 7, two thousand dollars ; No. 8, two thousand dollars ; No. 9, fifteen hundred dollars; No. 10, fifteen hundred dollars; No. 11, two thou- sand dollars. AN ORDINANCE, For laying off into lots two wards appurtenant to the city, and for disposing of the same. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same. That all that part of the south common, situate and bound- ed as follows : That is to say, on the north, by South Broad street, on the south by Liberty street, on the east by the public burying ground, and on the west by Jefferson street, be laid off into one hundred and six lots, each lot to con- tain sixty feet in width and ninety feet in depth, with two wards, two squares, and certain streets and lanes, in and between the same, agreeably to the plan of the city. 100 COMMONS AND GRANTS. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That the said lots shall be valued by three inhabitants or lot-holders of the city, nominated and appointed by the Mayor, associated with two Aldermen, who, or a majority thereof, are hereby au- thorized to value and appraise the said lots, and so soon as the said inhabitants, lot-holders and Aldermen, or a majority thereof, shall have valued and appraised the said lots, a schedule shall be returned to the Clerk of Council, subject to the revision and approbation of the Mayor and Alder- men. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained. That if the valuation and^appraisment returned as aforesaid should be approved of by Council, the said lots shall be sold by the Marshal under the direction of the City Treasurer, he giving such public notice as may be directed by Council. Sec 4. And be it further ordained, That the said lots shall be sold in numerical succession, and agreeably to the valuation affixed thereto as aforesaid, and the increase money bid thereon shall be added thereto, and the purchaser of said lots shall pay to the Treasurer of this City, within thirty days after said sale, twenty per centum on the original valuation and increase money aforesaid, and the balance of said valuation and increase money shall become the amount of the consideration money of the said lots sold under and by virtue of the authority aforesaid : Provided nevertheless, That it shall be at the option of the purchaser or purchasers to pay down the whole of the valuation money if no more shall be bid, or if more, the increase money and valuation, or to hold the purchase upon a ground rent at the rate of six per cen- tum on said valuation, payable quarterly as hereinafter directed. Sec. 5. And be it further ordained, That the second, third, and fourth sections of an Ordinance entitled an Ordi- nance for laying off into lots a ward in the Southwest part of the Common appurtenant to this City, and for disposing of the same, and more effectually to ascertain the description of the lots in Oglethorpe Ward, passed April the twentieth, COMMONS AND GRANTS, 101 eighteen hundred and one, shall be of force and apply in the same manner, as is therein contained, to the lots herein directed to be sold and laid off, so far as the same are not repugnant to or can be reconciled with the previous sections of this Ordinance. Sec. 6. And be it further ordained. That the said lots shall constitute two wards and squares to be called and named the westward, Jackson Ward and Orleans Square, the east- ward, Brown Ward and Chippewa Square : and the names of the several streets within the parts of the common so laid off, shall be as follows, that is to say : the street running parallel to Liberty Street, as named in the above recited Or- dinance, shall be called Periy Street, (a continuation of Wilkes Street. See VI Section of Ordinance of April, 20th, 1801.) The next parallel street shall be called McDonough Street, (a continuation of Screven Street. See VI Section of above Ordinance, 20th April, 1801.) The next parallel street shall be called Hull Street, (a continuation of Chatham Street. See section of Ordinance as above,) The balance ol this section is repealed by 3d section of Ordinance passed 14th March, 1839. Sec 7. And be it further ordained, That lour lots in that part of the City hereby laid offj be reserved for the use of the City: two whereof shall be appropriated to the pur- pose of erecting a Court House whenever the city funds shall be sufficient to authorize the erection of one; and the other two for such public purposes as Council may deem ne- cessary, and that his Honor the Mayor be requested, and he is hereby authorized to select the lots so to be reserved. Sec S. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 19th June, 1815. THOMAS U. P. CHARLTON, Mayor, 102 COMMONS AND GRANTS. AN ORDINANCE. For laying oft a piece of surplus ground into lots contiguous to New Franklin Ward and for the disposal of the same Sec. I. Be it Ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savan nah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordain ed by the authority of the same, That all that surplus piece of ground situate and being on the Bay in New Franklin Ward, bounded westwardly by West Broad street, southwardly by a street to be forty feet wide, eastwardly by a street running between said surplus ground and the back line of the wharf lots, Nos. 10, 11, and 12, owned by the Steam Boat Company, and according to a plan of the same, be sold and disposed ol Sec. 2. And be it further ordained. That the said lots shall be valued, and, being so valued, shall be put up at public auction in numerical succession, beginning with lot No. — , until the whole or so many of them as there shall appear bidders for, shall be disposed of Sec 3. And be it further ordained, That the aforesaid lots shall be sold agreeably and subject to the same terms and conditions as are prescribed by an Ordinance passed 27th June, 1803, for laying off a certain space of ground situate on the Bay, and known as New Franklin Ward. Sec. 4. And be it further ordained, That the same lots shall hereafter be considered as part of the aforesaid ward, and included in the same for all the purposes of residence and other requisitions of locality, as are required by law or ordinance. Passed in Council 22d March, 1819. JAMES M. WAYNE, Mayor. AN ORDINANCE, To vest in the Wardens and Vestry of Christ's Church two lots in the City of Savannah. COMMONS AND GRANTS. LOS Whereas, the City Council on the first day of July, (by resolution of 17th June, 1816,) in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixteen, conveyed to the Wardens and Vestry of Christ's Church, of this City, two lots, known as numbers 47 and 48, in Brown ward ; and annexed to the same conveyance , a condition to build within four years, which condition is found for the present un- necessary. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That lots numbers 47 and 48 (forty-seven and forty-eight.) situate in Brown ward, be and the same are hereby fully and entirely conveyed and vested in the said Wardens and Vestry of Christ's Church, and their successors in office, ,in fee simple, for the use and benefit of the said Church and at its entire disposal. Passed in Council 11th May, 1820. THOMAS U. P. CHARLTON, Mayor. AN ORDINANCE, To empower the Trustees of the Methodist Church to sell lot No. 40, in Brown ward. Sec 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and tfie Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby or&ained by the authority of the same, That the Trustees of the Methodist Church have leave to sell lot No. 40, Brown ward, and appropriate the proceeds of sale of said lot in -such way as said Trustees may think proper. Sec. 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 5th June, 1820. THOMAS U. P. CHARLTON, Mayor. 104 COMMONS AND GRANTS. AN ORDINANCE, To make titles for lots numbers 33 and 34, Washington ward, to S. C. Dunning. Whereas, the said lots were given to the Savannah Poor House and Hospital Society, by whom they were sold to S. C. Dunning, who has paid for the same to the managers thereof. Sec. l. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That a fee simple title be given by Council to the said S. C. Dunning of the said lots. Passed in Council 2d July, 1821. JAMES MORRISON, Mayor. AN ORDINANCE, To vest in the Roman Catholic Church, of Savannah, two lots of land in the South Common, Brown ward, Nos. 33 and 34, in fee simple. Sec. 1 . Be it ordain ed by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and Hamlets thereof in Council assembled, and it is hereby ordained by 1 'the authority of the same, That lots numbers 33 and 34, ^n the City of Savannah, Brown ward, be and the same are hereby granted to and absolutely vested in the Roman Catholic Church, of Savan- nah, in fee simple. Sec. 2 Repealing clause. Passed in Council 27th June, 1822. JAMES MORRISON, Mayor. COMMONS AND GRANTS. 105 AN ORDINANCE, To Repeal an Ordinance passed on the twentieth day ot July, one thousand eight hundred and twenty, entitled an Ordinance to authorize the erection of a market in South Broad street. Section 4. This section repealed the Ordinance authorizing' a market in South Broad street. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That the name of Market street be and the same is hereby changed to that of South Broad street ; and that an Ordinance passed 1 9th June, 1820, be and the same is hereby repealed. Passed in Council 30th December, 1822. MOSES SHEFTALL, Chairman of Council. AN ORDINANCE, For laying off into lots certain parts of the common appur- tenant to the city, and for disposing of the same. Sec 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem - bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That all those portions of the south common delineated as within the lines (shaded red) on the plan hereto annexed be laid off into lots with such streets and lanes as are laid down on said plan, and that each one of said lots be sixty feet in front and ninety feet in depth — (amended by section 3d of Ordinance passed 28th March, 1837, immediately succeeding this Ordinance, making the depth of said lots one hundred feet) — as nearly as can be to correspond with the rest of the city. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That the said lots so to be laid off, between Abercorn and Drayton streets con- tinued, shall form part of a ward to be called Lafayette 14 106 COMMONS AND GRANTS. ward. The lots laid off and to be laid off between Dray- ton and Whitaker streets ' continued, shall form part of a ward to be called Jasper ward ; and those lots to be laid off between said Whitaker street continued and a line to be drawn parallel to and sixty-eight feet to the eastward from the eastern line of Curry Town, shall form part of a ward to be called Pulaski ward. The street running south of the southern range of all the said lots and parallel to Liberty street, shall be called and known by the name of Harris street: and the street of sixty-eight feet, next to Curry Town shall be called and known by the name of Tatnall street. Sec. 3. Jlnd be it further ordained, That the said lots so to be laid off, shall be numbered as follows : Those in Lafayette ward from No. (l) one to No. (10) ten, inclusive ; and those in Jasper ward from No. (l) one to No. (10) ten, inclusive ; and those in Pulaski ward from No. (l) one to (10) ten, inclusive. Sec. 4. Jlnd be it further ordained, That all the said lots so to be laid off, shall be valued separately by a com- mittee of council and a committee of three citizens, owners of real estate in the city, to be appointed by the Mayor, and such valuation shall be returned to this corporation in writing under the hands of said committees or a majority of them. The said lots shall be set up at the valuation so made, one at a time, at public outcry, to be made by the Marshal of the city, under the superintendence of the com- mittee on sales on the first Tuesday in April next, and what- ever amount shall, at the sale, be bid over the valuation of a lot, twenty per cent upon the aggregate of such increase and of the valuation money shall be paid into the City Treasury in cash, and the highest bidder shall be the purchaser of the lot then sold. In regard to the residue of the said valu- ation and increase money, it shall be optional with the pur- chaser to pay the same in cash or else to retain the same in his or her hands, receiving, in the latter case, a deed from the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the hamlets thereof, on condition of the quarterly payment of COMMONS AND GRANTS. 107 an annual ground rent to this corporation equal to the inter- est on the amount of the said residue, at the rate of six per centum, and on such further conditions and limitations as are hereinafter set forth or referred to. But it shall, never- theless, at any time hereafter be in the power of the pur- chaser, his or her heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns to pay into the City Treasury the said residue to be there- after discharged from the payment of said ground rent. Sec. 5. And be it further ordained. That the third section of an ordinance, passed the twentieth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and one, entitled an ordinance for laying off into lots a ward on the southwest part of the com- mon appurtenant to this city, and for disposing of the same, and more effectually to ascertain the description of the lots in Oglethorpe ward, shall be of force as part and parcel of this Ordinance and apply in the same manner as therein contained, to the lots herein directed to be laid off and dis- posed of, so far as the same is not repugnant to anything herein contained. Passed in Council 3d February, 1837. JNO. C. NICOLL, Mayor. AN ORDINANCE, To amend an Ordinance for laying off' into lots certain parts of the common appurtenant to this city and for disposing of the same, and to designate the width of Liberty street. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets the?*eof in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained, by the authority of the same. That the width of Liberty street except that portion of it which lies between Bull street and Drayton street continued, shall be one hundred and thirty feet. Sec 2. And be it further ordained, That the lane be- tween Harris and Liberty streets shall be of the width of 22\ 108 COMMONS AND GRANTS. feet, and that Harris street shall be of a width not less than 60 feet. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained, That the first section of the Ordinance whose title is above recited, be amended so as to read as follows, to wit: Each of said lots shall be sixty feet in front and one hundred feet in depth. Sec. 4. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 28th March, 1837. JNO. C. NICOLL, Mayor. AN ORDINANCE, To be entitled an Ordinance to carry into effect the act of the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, passed in December, 1838, and to extend the jurisdiction and limits of the City of Savannah^ to define the names of certain streets, and to lay off into lots certain parts of the common appurtenant to this city, and for disposing of the same. Whereas, by an act passed by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia at its last session, the limits of the City of Savannah were extended : Sec 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Alder men of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That the jurisdiction' and Ordinances of the City of Savan- nah be extended according to the provisions of said act, and be of force in the said extended limits, and that all persons and property in said extended limits be subject to the laws of the city (except otherwise provided) in the same manner as if the said persons resided, and the said property was situate within the old limits of the city. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That the streets in Curry Town shall take their names and be called after the streets running into said Curry Town from the other parts of the city and common. COMMONS AND GRANTS, 109 And Whereas, a doubt exists as to the proper names of certain streets, in consequence of the numerous and discrep- ent Ordinances relating thereto : Sec. 3. And be it further ordained, That the continu- ation of Abercorn, Drayton, Bull. Whitaker, and Barnard streets, from South Broad street to the southern line of the extended limits of the City, shall respectively retain the said names of Abercorn, Drayton, Bull, Whitaker, and Barnard- streets, and that the said streets shall retain the same name, from the Bay to the said southern line of the city. Sec. 4. And be it further ordained, That all those por- tions of the south common, lying south of Harris street, as are delineated within the lines (shaded red) on the plan hereto annexed, be laid off into lots, with such streets and lanes as are laid down on said plan, and that each one of said lots shall be sixty feet in front, and one hundred feet in depth : Provided, Nothing herein contained shall authorize any present interference with the jail enclosure. Sec. 5. And be it further ordained, That the said lots, to be laid off between Abercorn and Drayton streets, con- tinued, shall form parts of the ward called Lafayette ward ; and the lots to be laid off between Drayton and Whitaker streets, continued, shall form part of the ward called Jasper ward ; and those lots to be laid off between said Whitaker street continued and Tatnall street, shall form part of the ward called Pulaski ward ; and that the first street running south of Harris street, and parallel thereto, between the trust lots shall he sixty feet in width, and shall be called and known by the name of Macon street; and that the next street run= ning parallel therewith, and fronting on the squares, be also sixty feet in width, arid be called and known by the name of Charlton street ; and that the street running south of the southern range of lots, and parallel with Harris street, be also sir+y feet in width, and be called and. known by the name of Jones street; and that the lane between Charlton and Jones street shall be of the width of twenty-two and r half feet ; and that the square in Jasper ward shall be call 110 COMMONS AND GRANTS. and known by the name of Madison square, and that the square in Pulaski ward shall be called and known by the name of Pulaski square. Sec. 6. Jind be it further ordained, That the said lots so to be laid ofl (including the jail enclosure) shall be num- bered as follows: those in Lafayette ward from number (11) eleven to number (24) twenty-four, inclusive ; those in Jasper ward from number (21) twenty-one to (48) forty-eight, inclu- sive ; and those in Pulaski ward from number (1 7) seven- teen to number (38) thirty eight, inclusive. Sec 7. And be it further ordained, That all of the said lots so to be laid off, (exclusive of those situate within the jail enclosure,) shall be valued separately, by a committee of council and a committee of three citizens, owners of real estate in the city, to be appointed by the Mayor, and such valuation shall be returned to this corporation, in writing, under the hands of said committee or a majority of them ; the said lots (exclusive of the jail enclosure) shall be set up at the valuation so made, one at a time, at public outcry, to be made by the Marshal of the City, under the superintendence of the Committee on Sales, and what- ever amount shall, at the sale, be bid over the valuation of a lot, twenty per cent, upon the aggregate of such increase and of the valuation money, shall be paid into the City Treasury in cash, and the highest bidder shall be the purchaser of the lot thus sold. In regard to the residue of the said valua- tion and increase money, it shall be optional with the pur- chaser to pay the same in cash, or else to retain the same in his or her hands, receiving, in the latter case, a deed from the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the hamlets thereof, on condition of the quarterly payment of an annual ground rent to this corporation equal to the interest on the amount of the said residue, at the rate of six per cent per annum, and on such further conditions and limitations as are hereinafter set forth and referred to, but it shall, never- theless, at any time after said sale, be in the power of the purchaser, his or her heirs, executors, administrators, or as- COMMONS "AND GRANTS. Ill signs to pay into the City Treasury the said residue, and be thereafter discharged from the payment of such ground rent Provided however, that the valuation and sale of said lots, as specified in this section, shall uol be made until Council shall hereafter direct by resolution or otherwise. Sec S. .ind be it further ordained, That the third sec- tion of an Ordinance, passed on the 20th April. 1801, entitled an Ordinance for laying off into lots a ward on the southwest of the common appurtenant to this city, and for disposing of the same, and more effectually to ascertain the description of the lots in Oglethorpe ward, shall be of force as part and parcel of this Ordinance, and apply in the same manner as therein contained, to the lots herein directed to be laid off and disposed of, so far as the samp is nor repug- nant to anything herein contained. Sec. 9. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 14th March, 1839. M. HALL McALLISTER, Mayor. AN ORDINANCE, For laying off into lots certain parts of the common appur- tenant to the city, and for disposing of the same. Sec 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled. and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That all that portion of the south common delineated as within the lines (shaded) on the plan* hereto annexed, and bounded on the south by Liberty street, east by the Thun- derbolt road, north by South Broad street, and west by Hab- ersham street and the Old Cemetery, be laid off into eighty-six lots with such streets and lanes as are laid down on said plan, and that the same shall be called Crawford ward. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That all the said lots shall be valued separately, by a committee of council 112 COMMONS AND GRANTS. and a committee of three citizens, owners of real estate in the city, to be appointed by the Mayor, and such valuation shall be returned to this corporation in writing, under the hands of said commissioners or a majority of them. The said lots [reserving every other one of them to the city) shall he set up [ alternately — (repealed by the 1st section of an Ordinance passed 2d November, 1843, immediately succeed- ing this Ordinance,) — with the exception of two lots hereto- fore granted to the Widows' Society and the Female Asylum. (The lots granted to the Female Asylum are not within the limits of Crawford ward, but in Jasper ward. See Ordi- nance passed 23d February, 1839,) — at the valuation so made, one at a time, at public outcry, to be made by the Marshal of the city, under the superintendence of the committee on sales, o?i the second Tuesday in May next, (repealed— see 2d section of Ordinance passed 2d November, 1843, immediately succeeding this ordinance,) and whatever amount shall, at the sale, be bid over the valuation of a lot, twenty per cent, upon the aggregate of such increase and of the valuation money shall be paid into the city treasury in cash, and the highest bidder shall be the purchaser of the lot then sold, In regard to the residue of said valuation and increase money, it shall be optional with the purchaser to pay the same in cash, or else to retain the same in his or her hands, receiving, in the latter case, a deed from the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the hamlets thereof, on condition of the quarterly payment of an annual ground rent to this corporation, equal to the interest on the amount of said residue, at the rate of six per centum, and on such further conditions an$ limitations as are hereinafter 'set forth or refered to. But it shall, nevertheless, hereafter, at any time, be in the power of the purchaser, his or her heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, .to pay into the City Treasury the said residue, and to be thereafter discharged from the pay- ment of such ground rent And he it further provided, That the proceeds of the sale of these lots shall be exclu- sively applied to the extinguishment of the city bonds, now COMMONS AND GRANTS. 113 in existence, and issued for the debts now due for monies obtained from several banks of this city, to pay for the sub- scription, by the city, to the Central Rail Road, and for no other purpose whatsoever. Sec. 3. This section is the same, word for word, as the 8th section of the Ordinance passed 14th March, 1839, and immediately preceding this Ordin- ance. Sec. 4. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 11th February, 1841. ROB'T. M. CHARLTON, Mayor. Attest: M. Myers, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, To amend an Ordinance passed on the 11th day of Febru- ary, 1841, for laying off into lots certain parts of the common appurtenant to the city, and for disposing of the same. Sec 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That so much of said recited Ordinance as requires the al- ternate sale of the lots in Crawford ward, reserving every other one of them to the city, be, and the same is hereby re- pealed. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That the sale of the lots in said ward take place under the valuation heretofore placed upon the same, or under such valuation as may here- after be made by the Committee on Public Sales and City Lots and three freeholders, to be appointed by the Mayor, at such time as shall be deemed advisable by the Mayor and the Committee on Public Sales and City Lots ; the said sale to be made under the superintendence of the Committee on 15 114 COMMONS AND GRANTS. Public Sales and City Lots, by the Marshal of the City at public outcry. Sec. 3. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 2d November, 1843. Attest : Joseph Felt, Clerk Council pro tern. WM. THORNE WILLIAMS, Mayor. AN ORDINANCE, Entitled an Ordinance to lay off certan portions of the south common into lots, and offering them at public sale — to name certain wards and streets, and to change the custom heretofore pursued in the sale of lots. Sec. 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That all that portion of the south common lying between Tattnall and Drayton streets, extending southward three streets from Jones street, be laid off into lots, with such streets and lanes as are laid down on the maps of the city, with the exception of the street dividing lots known in the plan of the city as trust lots, which street is abandoned, and that each one of said lots be sixty feet in front and one hundred feet deep, as nearly as can be to correspond with the other portions of the city. Sec 2. And be it further ordained, That said lots, to be laid off between Tattnall and Whitaker streets, continued, shall form a ward to be called Chatham, and those lots to be laid off between Whitaker and Drayton streets, continued, shall form another ward to be named Monterey. And be it further ordained, That the first street south, and running parallel with Jones street, be named Taylor; the second street running parallel with Jones street, be named Gordon, and the third street be named Gaston. COMMONS AND GRANTS. 115 Be it further ordained, That the said lots, so to be laid off, be numbered, in each ward from one to forty eight. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained, That all those lots so laid off, shall be valued separately, by a committee of three members of council and three citizens, freeholders, or a majority of said committee, to be appointed by the Mayor, and that such valuation's may be affixed to each lot returned to this corporation, in writing, under the hands of said com- mittee, or a majority of them, shall be the valuation at which said lots shall be set up at public sale by the City Marshal, under the superintendence of the Committee on Public Sales and City Lots, on the second Tuesday in April next, or at such other time as may be ordered by council. Sections 4th and 5th of this Ordinance repealed by Ordinance passed 4th August, 1848, immediately succeeding this. Sec. 6. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 4th March, 1847. H. K. BURROUGHS, Mayor. Attest: A. C. Davenport, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, Entitled an Ordinance to amend an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance to lay off certain portions of the south common into lots and offer them at public sale, to name certain wards and streets, and to change the custom heretofore pursued in the sale of lots, passed 4th March, 1847. Sec 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That the fourth and fifth sections of the above recited Or- dinance be, and the same are hereby repealed, and that the said lots, specified in the said Ordinance, shall be sold upon U6 COMMONS AND GRANTS. the terms and conditions prescribed for the sale of other portions of the city domain, by existing Ordinances : Pro- vided, Nevertheless, that nothing herein contained shall effect any contracts of sales where the titles have passed under the provisions of the above recited Ordinance. Passed in Council 4th August, 1848. H. K. BURROUGHS, Mayor. Attest: A. C. Davenport, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, Entitled an Ordinance for the relief of certain purchasers of lots in Monterey ward. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That the persons who have heretofore purchased lots in said ward may, at their option, comply with the terms of the said Ordinance, or may surrender their titles and have new titles executed for the same upon the terms and conditions prescribed for the sale of other portions of the public domain: Provided, If any of said purchasers have paid less than twenty per cent, of the amount of pur- chase money, they shall, before changing their titles, pay up to that amount, and if any purchaser shall have paid more than twenty per cent, of the purchase money, no part of that excess shall be refunded, but the annual ground rent shall be assessed upon the amount remaining unpaid of the said purchase money. Sec 3. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 23d November, 1848. H. K. BURROUGHS, Mayor. Attest : A. C. Davenport, Clerk Council. COMMONS AND GRANTS. 117 AN ORDINANCE, To repeal an Ordinance entitled an ordinance to amend an Ordinance passed 4th March, 1S47. entitled an Ordinance to lay off certain portions of the south common in lots, and offer them at public sale, &c, passed 30th March, 1848, and to declare the plan of Monterey and Crawford wards. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That the above mentioned Ordinance, passed on the 30th day of March, 1S4S, be, and the same is hereby, repealed. Sec 2. And be it further ordained. That the lots here- tofore commonly called trust lots shall, in both Monterey and Chatham wards, have a width of sixty feet, and the streets between them shall be 60 ' feet wide, and the streets north and south of them shall also be sixty feet wide, so as to con- form to the plan of Jasper ward. Sec. 3. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 11th October, 1849. R. WAYNE, Mayor. Attest : Edward G-. Wilson. Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, For laying off' and selling that part of the city domain north of Gordon street and east of Drayton street. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That all that part of the city domain lying north of Gordon street and east of Drayton street, be laid off into lots by the City Surveyor, under the superintendence of the Committee on Public Sales and City Lots, that as many of said lots as may be necessary to complete the plan of Lafayette ward 118 COMMONS AND GRANTS. be added to that ward, and that the remainder be classed into three new wards. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained. That the new ward between Liberty street on the north and Jones street on the south, and the square appurtenant to said ward, be named and called Troup ward and Troup square ; and the new ward immediately to the south of Troup ward, with its ap- purtenant square, be named and called Wesley ward, Whit- field square ; and the new ward immediately to the west of Wesley ward, with its appurtenant square, be named and called Chatham ward, and Calhoun square ; and that the street between Taylor and Gordon streets be named and called Wayne street, and that all the new streets connecting with and continuing old streets already named, be consider- ed as part of said streets respectively, and distinguished by the respective names already in use. Sec 3. And be it further ordained, That the said lots, the laying off whereof is above provided for, be valued and sold in the usual manner, under the direction of the Committee on Public Sales and City Lots, at such time or times as to said committee shall appear expedient and proper; the terms of sale to be twenty (20) per cent, cash, on the aggregate of valuation and increase money, and interest on the balance of the purchase money, to be payable quarterly at the City Treasury, at the rate of six (6) per cent, per annum, with the privilege to the purchaser, his or her heirs, executors, or administrators, or assigns, of paying into the treasury the balance remaining unpaid of the purchase money and all interest due thereon, up to the time of said payment, receiv- ing, after such payment, a fee simple title. Sec 4. And be it further ordained, That the third sec- tion of an Ordinance passed the 20th day of April, 1801, entitled an Ordinance for laying orT into lots a ward on the southwest part of the common, &c, shall be of force as part and parcel of this Ordinance, and apply to the lots herein COMMONS AND GRANTS. 119 directed to be laid off and disposed of so far as the same is not repugnant to anything herein contained. Sec. 5. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 13th, March, 1851. R. WAYNE, Mayor, Attest: Edward G. Wilson, Clerk Council AN ORDINANCE, Denning the width, and designating by name, and bounding a street, lying to the south of the Ceutral Rail Road De- pot Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Jildermen the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby or darned by the authority of the same, That the Street running from West Broad street westwardly to the canal bridge, and south of the Central Rail Road Depot, shall be known and called Rail Road street. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That the width of said Rail Road street shall be fifty feet from the brick wall of the Rail Road Depot to the buildings on the south of the said depot, the sidewalks being included in said measurement. Sec 3. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 26th August, 1841. ROBERT M. GOODWIN, Mayor pro tern, Attest: M. Myers, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, To amend an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance to grant to and vest in the Georgia Historical Society lot No. (73) seventy-three, Lafayette ward, City of Savannah, in fee simple, and to repeal all Ordinances, or parts of Or- dinances, heretofore passed, militating against the same, 120 COMMONS AND GRANTS. passed in Council 2 2d July, 1847, and for other purposes. Sec. 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and, the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That the above recited Ordinance be and the same is hereby amended as that the word "Lafayette/' whenever the same occurs in the title and body oi said Ordinance, shall read "Crawford," and the word "Crawford" is hereby substituted therein in the place of the word " Lafayette." Sec 2. And be it further ordained, That the third section of the Ordinance granting to Charles B. Cluskey on ground rent five lots south of the Old Cemetery ; to attach the said lots and others to Crawford ward, and to prohibit the future purchasers and owners of certain other lots from building thereon in wood — passed 4th April, 1844 — be and the same is hereby revived. The 3d section of the Ordinance entitled an Ordinance granting to Charles B. Cluskey, on ground rent, five lots south of the Old Cemetery, to attach «aid lots and others to Crawford ward, and to prohibit the future purchasers and owners of certain other lots from building thereon in wood, passed April 4th, 1 844, and which is revived by the 2d section of the above Ordin- ance, passed 19th August, 1847, is in the following words : " Section 3. And be it further ordained, by the authority of the same, That the said lots, Numbered 69, 70, 71, 72, and 73, and also the lots sepa- rated from the same by Lincoln street, and Numbered 65, 66, 67, and 68, be, and the same are hereby attached to, and made parcel of Crawford ward." Passed in Council 19th August, 1847. H. K BURROUGHS, Mayor. Attest : A. C. Davenport, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, To repeal an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance authorizing the sale of certain lots to Charles B. Cluskey, and for other purposes, passed 4th April, 1844. COMMONS AND GRANTS. 121 Sec 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah, and Hamlets thereof in Council assembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That the above recited Ordinance be and the same is hereby repealed. Sec 2. And be it f urther ordained. That the committee on public sales and city lots proceed to re-value said lots and sell under the existing Ordinances. Sec. 3. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 10th June, 1847. H. K. BURROUGHS. Mayor. Attest: A. C. Davenport, Clerk Council AN ORDINANCE, To authorize the sale of a portion of Fig Island. Sec. 1. Be it ordained, by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hnmlets thereof, in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That the Mayor be authorized and required to offer for sale twenty-two acres of land lying and being in the county of Chatham, and known as a part of the eastern portion of Fig Island, commencing at the dividing line between the lands of J. W. Baldwin and the city,running north 11° west from the main Savannah river, across the island to the water pas- sage between Fig and Hutchinson's Islands, thence, east- wardly to an old dam now existing, running north 7° west, which will make the quantity of land twenty-two acres. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That the Ma} r or cause said piece or parcel of land to be valued by three freeholders of the City of Savannah and three Aldermen, advertised for sale fifteen days in both the city papers, then put up at public sale to the highest bidder over and above the valuation. The purchaser paying twenty per cent on the valuation and advance money, receiving a lease for the bal- 16 122 COMMONS AND GRANTS. ance at an interest of six per cent, payable quarterly with the condition that said land be kept in conformity to the ordinances regulating dry culture. Sec. 3. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 14th May, 1846. H. K. BURROUGHS, Mayor. Attest: A. C. Davenport, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, Entitled an Ordinance to authorize the sale of one acre of land on the eastern end of Fig Island, designated as lot L. Sec. 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That a deed of conveyance be executed to the United States for one acre of land on the eastern end of Fig Island, desig- nated as lot L. Sec. 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 22d July, 1847. H. K. BURROUGHS, Mayor, Attest: A. G. Davenport, Clerk Council AN ORDINANCE, Altering the mode of disposing of the city lots in New Franklin ward. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby Ordained by the authority of the same, That the city lots in New Franklin ward be hereafter sold on the following terms — the purchasers shall pay to the trea- COMMONS AND GRANTS. 123 surer of the city, within ten days after the sale, twenty per cent, on the valuation and increase money bid thereon, and an annual interest on the balance of said valuation and increase money of seven per cent, payable quarterly. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That the moneys to arise from such sale or sales and the annual interest to accrue upon the balances remaining unpaid shall constitute a part of the general fund of the city, subject to be disposed of in the same manner as the other funds, and that all Or- dinances or parts of Ordinances appropriating the proceeds of said lots to any special purpose be and the same are hereby repealed.* Sec 3. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 16th, January 1851. R. WAYNE, Mayor. Attest : Edward G. Wilson, Clerk Council AN ORDINANCE, For laying oft' into lots certain parts of the tract of land known as the Springfield Plantation, purchased by virtue of an Ordinance passed June 10, 1850, and for disposing of the same. Sec 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same. That all that portion of the Springfield tract of land num- bered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, S, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, IS, in the maps drawn by William Hughes, surveyor, be laid off into lots, with the numbers and boundaries described in said map. Sec 2. And be it further ordained, That all the lots so laid off shall be set up for sale at public outcry by the Mar- shal of the City, at the valuation made by the committee appointed by council, on the 5th December, 1850, under the * The 4th section of an Ordinance passed 22d June, 1803, and 3d section of an Ordinance passed 22d March, 1819, repealed by this Ordinance. 124 COMMONS AND GRANTS. superintendence of the Committee on Public Sales and City lots, and whatever amount shall, at the sale, be bid on the valuation of a lot, twenty per cent, upon the aggregate of said increase and the valuation, shall be paid into the city treasury in cash, and the highest bidder shall be the pur- chaser of the lot then sold. In regard to the residue of the said valuation and increase money, it shall be optional with the purchaser to pay the same in cash, or else to retain the same, or any portion thereof unpaid, in his or her hands twenty-four years from day of sale, receiving in the latter case, a deed from the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and hamlets thereof, signed and sealed by the pur- chaser also, on condition of the quarterly payment of an annual interest, to this corporation, equal to the interest on the amount of the said residue at the rate of seven per cent, and on such further conditions and limitations as are herein set forth and referred to, and with such covenants as are necessary to secure the purchase money and interest, to be expressed in the deed. But it shall, nevertheless, at any time hereafter, be in the power of the purchaser, his or her heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns to pay into the city treasury the said residue and interest. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained, That ten feet in width of said lots on their southern boundary is hereby reser- ved by the city for a ditch, to answer as a common drain for all of said lots. (Repealed in part — see next succeeding Or- dinance.) Sec 4. Jind be it further ordained, That the third sec- tion of the Ordinance passed the 20th day of April, 1801, entitled an Ordinance for laying off into lots, a ward on the southwest of the common appurtenant to the city, and dis- posing of the same, and more effectually to ascertain the description of the lots in Oglethorpe ward, shall be of force as part and parcel of this Ordinance, and apply in the same manner as therein contained to the lots herein directed to be laid off and disposed of, so far as the same is not repugnant to anything herein contained, and so far as the same can be COMMONS AND GRANTS. 125 made to apply to the location of these lots beyond the limits of the city, and the time of payment fixed upon. Sec. 5. And be it further ordained, That the sales of a portion of said lots, already made at public outcry, on the 9th January, 1851, are hereby confirmed and made valid, and that deeds be executed for said lots upon the terms and con- dition herein expressed. Passed in Council, 16th January, 1851. R. WAYNE, Mayor. Attest : Edward G. Wilson, Clerk Council, AN ORDINANCE, To repeal a part of the third section of an Ordinance for laying off into lots certain parts of the tract of land known as the Springfield Plantation, purchased by virtue of an Ordinance passed June 10th, 1850, and for disposing of the same, passed 16th January, 1851. Sec 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannvh and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That the third section of the above recited Ordinance, re- serving ten feet wide for a ditch be, and the same is hereby repealed, so far as regards lots 15, 16 and 17, providing a ditch giving a free flow of water and full drainage is made through said lots 15, 16 and 17, in lieu of said ten feet res- ervation ; said ditch to be made under the superintendence of the Committee on Dry Culture. Passed in Council 13th February, 1851, R. WAYNE, Mayor. Attest : Edward G. Wilson, Clerk Council. 126 COMMONS AND GRANTS. AN ORDINANCE, To gram permission to I. & J. Hines to excavate a basin for steam saw mill purposes. Sec* 1, Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled^ and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That I. & J. Hines be. and they are hereby permitted to make a lumber basin in the land recently purchased from the city out of the Springfield Plantation: Provided, Thai the same be located and made under the supervision of the Dry Culture Committee of Council, and that all culverts and ditches which the said committee shall deem necessary, by reason of said basin, shall be made by the said I. & J. Hines at their own expense. Sec 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 30th January, 185 1. R, WAYNE, Mayor, Attest: Edward G. Wilson, Clerk Council AN ORDINANCE, To authorize any person to make a half lot fee simple, and also to permit joint iessees of a lot to divide the same into two parts, and to receive titles for the same. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council 'as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That any person holding a lot in the City of Savannah as joint tenant or tenants, in common with another, under the ordi- nary city deed, may pay one half of the balance of pur- chase money due on the same, and upon such payment, shall receive a deed in fee for one half of said lot ; which shall be designated as the eastern, western, northern, or southern half, as the case may be. COMMONS AND GRANTS. 127 Sec. 2. \ind be it further ordained, That any lessee of a city lot may, on application to council, divide said lot into two parts, and receive seperate leases for the same, and in all cases referred to in this Ordinance, the parties shall severally pay for the deed issued. Passed in Council 27th February, 1851. R. WAYNE, Mayor. Attest: Edward G. Wilson, Clerk Council AN ORDINANCE, For laying off into lots certain parts of the tract of land known as the Springfield Plantation, purchased by virtue of an Ordinance passed June 10th, 1850, and for disposing of the same. N Sec. 1 . Be it ordained, by the M ay or and Aldermen of the City of Savannah o:nd Hamlets thereof in Council assembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That all that portion of the Springfield tract of land num- bered 19 and 20 on the map drawn by William Hughes, Surveyor, be laid off into lots with the numbers, letters and boundaries, as described on the subsequent map, drawn by said surveyor, dated 3d February, 1851. Sec 2. And, be it further ordained, That all that portion of the Springfield tract of land laid out into lots by the said Surveyor on the 3d February, 1851, and numbered from one to twenty-six, inclusive, be laid off into lots and re- numbered 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39,40,41, 42, 43,44,45,46,47, 48, 49, 50 and 51, with the boundaries described in said map, dated February 3d, 1851. Sec 3. And be. it further ordained, That the balance of the said Springfield tract of land be laid off into lots, with such numbers and boundaries, and valued and sold at such times and in such manner as the Committee on Dry Culture 128 COMMONS AND GRANTS. may, by resolution of council, hereafter to be obtained, deem proper and expedient. Sec. That no slave or free person of color shall be permitted to keep any dog in the City of Savannah, under the penalty of five dollars for eveiy such offence, and every slave or free person of color charged with keeping any dog or dogs, con- trary to this Ordinance, shall be brought before the Mayor ? at the police court, and on failing to pay such fine, shall be fiogged, not exceeding twenty lashes, at the discretion of the Mayor, and any slave or free person of color residing on any lot where no white person resides, shall be deemed and taken to be the keeper of any dog found on the premises, unless he or she can show who is the owner and keeper of the same ; and any white person residing on any lot where slaves or free persons of color also reside, shall be deemed and taken to be the owner or keeper of any dog found on the premises unless he or she, when called upon for that purpose, shall show who is the owner and keeper of the same. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That on every dog kept by any white person, or on his premises, there shall be paid a tax of two dollars to the city, and any dog or dogs kept as aforesaid, shall be included in the tax return of the owner and keeper thereof, or the head of the family or keeper of the house where such dogs are kept or harbored ; and on the payment of the said tax, the owner or keeper of such dog or dogs shall be entitled to receive from the City Treasurer a license for such dog to run at large for one year: * The 5th section of the said Ordinance, passed 11th November, 1842, is superceded by this Ordinance — see title "Taxes." Also, an Ordinance passed July 13th, 1843, prohibiting slaves and free persons of color from- Iseeping dogs within the corporate limits of the city. DOGS. 145 Provided, a collar shall be constantly worn by such dog having the name of the owner legibly stamped or engraved thereon, and Provided, also, that if at any time it shall be deemed unsafe to permit dogs to go at large, it shall be the duty of the Mayor to issue a proclamation forbidding the same ; and any dog found going at large after such notice, and until such proclamation shall be revoked, shall be killed, and the owner or keeper thereof shall moreover be liable to a fine of ten dollars : and any dog found in any lot, or going at large, contrary to this Ordinance, may be lawfully killed. Any person keeping any dog contrary to this Ordinance, shall be liable to a fine of ten dollars for every such offence, and for failing to make return of every dog liable to taxation, the owner or keeper thereof shall be liable to double tax as in other cases. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained, That the following oath, in addition to the oath now prescribed by law, shall be taken by all persons making a return of taxable property in the city, viz : " And I, A. B. do further swear that there is no dog kept by me on my premises, (to which shall be added the following, where a dog or dogs have been returned,) ex- cept such as has been duly returned. — So help me God. And it is hereby ordained, That every dog brought into the city, shall immediately be reported to the City Treasurer and a tax paid or license taken out for the remainder of the year, under a penalty of ten dollars on the owner or keeper of said dog, or the person on whose premises the said dog may be found, and any dog, at any time found in the city, shall be deemed and taken to be kept therein, and liable to the tax aforesaid, and it shall be the duty of the City Mar- shal and City Constables to ascertain all such persons as have failed to make the return required by the Ordinance, for which the said Marshal and Constables shall be entitled to one-half the penalty therein mentioned. Sec. 4. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 16th November, 1843. WM. THORNE WILLIAMS, Mayor. 19 146 DRAYS, WAGONS AND VEHICLES. DRAYS, WAGONS AND VEHICLES. AN ORDINANCE, To amend and consolidate the various Ordinances of the City of Savannah, regulating carts, drays, wagons and vehicles, and to prevent cruelty to animals. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the author ity of the same, That no person shall let, or drive, for hire, any cart, dray, wagon r or other carriage, within the city, without having obtained a license for so doing from the City Treasurer, for the time being, who shall number the same, and register the same, and for which license the sum of seven dollars for each dray, and five dollars for each cart, wagon, or other carriage, so intended for hire, shall be paid for the use of the corporation ; and in case any cart, wagon, dray, or other carriage shall be let or driven for hire, within the city, with- out having first obtained such license, and without having the number of such license, and no other, stamped on a tin plate, not less than three inches long, in some conspicious place on said cart, wagon, dray, or other carriage, so intend- ed to be let or driven for hire ; the owner or owners thereof shall, for every such offence, forfeit and pay a fine not ex- ceeding thirty dollars. Sec 2. And he it further ordained, That each dray^ cart, wagon, or other carriage, so intended for hire shal] be driven and managed by a sober, discreet, and able person, not less than sixteen, and not over sixty years of age ; and for a violation of the provisions of this section, the owners of such dray, cart, wagon, or other carriage, shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding thirty dollars. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained, That all licenses for driving carts, drays., wagons, or other carriages, within DRAYS, WAGONS' AND VEHICLES. 141" the city, shall expire on the first Monday in January, in each and every year, and every person who shall have obtained such license, shall be obliged, and they are hereby required^ at all times, (Sundays excepted,) when not actually engaged or pre-engaged to work for some other person, immediately to carry all goods, wares, merchandise, and commodities, on application being made and payment being tendered, and. for every neglect or refusal so to do, the owner or owners thereof shall be fined in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars. Sec. 4. And be it further ordained, That it shall not be lawful for any person or persons to ride on horseback in the city faster than in a canter, nor for any coachman or other person driving a coach or other carriage to proceed faster than a moderate trot, nor for any person driving a loaded cart, wagon, dray, or other carriage, used for the transportation of any articles of produce, wares, or merchan- dise, to proceed in a pace beyond a walk, (except bread carts, which may be driven at a moderate trot,) but all un- loaded carts, drays, or wagons, may be driven in a moderate trot in all wide streets : Provided, nevertheless. That the drivers thereof shall not be allowed to turn corners or pro- ceed through narrow streets or on wharves in any other manner than in a walk ; and any person violating any of the provisions of this section, or the owner or owners of such vehicle shall, on conviction, be fined, if a white or free person, in the sum of five dollars, and if the offender be a slave, his owner or employer shall pay a like sum, and on refusal to do so, the said slave shall be committed to jail, and there remain until his owner or employer shall have paid the said fine, together with all expenses ; and if a free person of color offending against this Ordinance, refuse or be unable to pay the aforesaid fine, such free person may be committed to jail, there to remain not exceeding ten days, or until the said fine and all expenses shall have been paid. Sec 5. And be it further ordained, That no carts, drays^ wagons, or other carriages, shall use the lanes of the city, put shall avoid driving through them, and in case any per- 148 DRAYS, WAGONS AND VEHICLES. son be found driving in or using the lanes as aforesaid^ without good or sufficient excuse, the drivers thereof, or the owner or employers thereof shall be fined in a sum not exceeding three dollars, to be collected and enforced in the same manner as is prescribed in the fourth section of this Ordinance. Sec. 6. Jind he it further ordained, That the following rates shall be allowed for loading and unloading and hauling: Dray age of cotton generally, under the bluff, 7 cents per bale. 66 66 (£ 66 66 66 g 66 66 66 Rice, 31J cents per load of 2 whole tierces. \ Up or under " . 31 J " " <• " 3 half " / the bluff. Bbls. of liquor and salted provisions, 5 at a load, under or above the bluff, 31 \ cents. Bbls. bread, flour, and dry bbls., 7 at a load, whether un- der or above the bluff, 31 \ cents. Tobacco, per hhd., 37 J cents. Grain, per bushel, up or under the bluff, 2 J cents. Pipes orhhds. liquor, up or under the bluff, 31 \ cents. Hhds. sugar, 1,200 lbs. or over, up or above bluff, 31 J cents, " •< 900 " not 1,200 " " " " 25 " Chairs, per dozen, 12 J- cents. Coal, per chaldron, $1. Wood per cord, $1. Hay, bundle, 9 cents. Iron, per ton, 2,240 lbs., 75 cents. Ballast, 75 cents, under or above the bluff. Lumber, per 1,000 feet, $1 25, under or up the blufi. Staves, " 1,000 88, " " " " " Shingles, " 1,000 50, " " " " « Bricks, " 1,000 $1 25, " " " " a Trunks of travellers, 2 J feet long, 12 J cents. Other baggage in proportion. Trunks under 2j feet, 8 cents, and other articles not enumerated may be charged in proportion, under or up the bluff, whether by dray or one horse wagon. Salt, in bulk, 3 cents bushel, under or above the bluff. " " sacks, 31 J cents per load, of 7 sacks, BRAYS, WAGONS AND VEHICLES. 149 Hauling to or from rail road depot to the city generally, 40 per cent on the highest above rates. From and to canal, from exchange, and like distances, 30 per cent on highest rates. From exchange to eastern wharf, and from canal to eastern wharf, fifty per cent on highest rates. From above exchange to eastern wharf, 10 cents per bale on cotton ; below, 8 cents per bale, and in proportion for dis- tances, on highest rates, not lower than the general rate. Sec. 7. *Btnd be it further ordained, That if any driver of a dray, cart or wagon shall be convicted of extortion, or charging more than the rates prescribed by this ordinance, the owner of the same shall he fined in a sum not exceed- ing thirty dollars, to be collected and enforced in the same manner as is prescribed in the fourth section of this ordi- nance, and the driver of said dray, cart or wagon may be discharged and incapacitated from driving and the license cancelled. Sec. 8. Jlnd be it further ordained, That whenever the services of a wagon, cart or dray may be required for hauling any quantity of the goods or other articles specifi- cally mentioned in this ordinance, less than a full load, the owner or driver of such wagon, cart or dray shall be paid double the rates specified in this ordinance, provided the same shall not exceed the price of a full load, except in the case of baggage, on which in no event shall an extra charge be made. Sec 9. Jlnd be it further ordained, That it shall not be lawful for any person or persons to overload any animal or animals of burden used within the city and hamlets thereof for the transportation of persons, goods, wares and merchan- dise, nor to use, work or employ, in any manner, any braised, -maimed or lame beast of burden, nor to cruelly beat, bruise, ill use or in any manner torture any beast of burden, and if any white person shall be convicted of violating any of ,the provisions of this section, he or she shall be fined in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars, and on the conviction of n 150 DRAYS, WAGONS AND VEHICLES. free person of color of the like offence, he or she may be fined in not exceeding thirty dollars, or be whipped, and if a slave, shall be convicted of a like offence, he or she may be whipped, or the owner or employer thereof, be fined in a sum not exceeding five dollars. Sec. 10. And be it further ordained, That all fines re- covered and collected under this ordinance, shall go, one half to the city and the other half to the informer, if such informer be a private person, but if such informer hold any office or appointment under council, or if it be the duty of such informer to lodge such information, he shall not receive more than one fourth of said fine inflicted^ and the remain- der shall go to the city. Sec 11. Jind be it further ordained, That all ordinan- ces and parts of ordinances, corresponding with this ordi- nance, be and the same are hereby superseded, and that all. ordinances and parts of ordinances militating against this ordinance, be and the same are hereby repealed. Passed in Council 8th, June, 1839. ROB ? T. M. CHARLTON, Mayor. See further as to Drays, Wagons, and Vehicles, 5th section of Ordinance passed August 19th, 1839— title "Streets,' 7 AN ORDINANCE, To amend the Tax Ordinance of the City, and to regulate drays, carts, wagons, trucks and other vehicles, and to fix the price of license for the same, Sec. h Beit ordained by the May or and Mder men of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the passing of this ordinance the fol- lowing rates for licenses shall be and are hereby established, exclusive of the fees now by law allowed, that is to say ; DRAYS, WAGONS AND VEHICLES. 15 1 For every dray or truck, drawn by one horse, Seven dollars, " " " if drawn by two horses, Ten dollars; a u u • « t h ree « Twelve " " « « " four " Twenty " For every cart or wagon drawn by one horse, Five dollars. « " « if drawn by two Ten * Every cart, wagon or other vehicle used as a Break wagon or for the purpose of exhibiting horses for sale, - Twenty-five dollars. For every omnibus, - - Twenty-five dollars. The said licenses to be taken out at the times and in the manner now prescribed by law. (This section amended, see succeeding Ordinance; see, also, 1st section previous Ordinance, amended by this Ordinance.) Sec. 2. And he if further ordained, That every four wheeled pleasure carriage used in the city and drawn by two or more horses, shall pay an annual tax of twenty dol- lars; and every four wheeled pleasure carriage used in the city and drawn by one horse, shall pay an annual tax of ten dollars; and every two wheeled carriage, gig or buggy, an annual tax of five dollars. Said taxes to be assessed and collected at the same time and in the same manner as are now fixed by the ordinances of the city. Sec. 3. Jlnd be it further ordained, That no four horse wagon, dray, cart, truck, or other vehicle, shall be permitted to be loaded with more than eight thousand pounds weight, passing over the plank road, nor more than three thousand pounds when off the same, and all others, to be regulated by the same rule, in proportion to the number of horses used, under a penalty of five cents for each hundred pounds over said prescribed weight ; one half to the informer the other half to the city. Passed in Council 20th December, 1849. R. WAYNE, Mayon 152 DRAYS, WAGONS AND VEHICLES, AN ORDINANCE, To amend an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance to amend the tax Ordinances of the city, and to regulate drays, carts, wagons, tru cks, and other vehicles, and to fix the price of licenses for the same. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the passing of this Ordinance, the first section of said Ordinance, passed 20th December, 1849, shall be amended by inserting the following, after the words for " every omnibus twenty-five dollars," to wit : For eveiy cab, hack, or other vehicle, not herein specified, if drawn by one horse 3 ten dollars ; if drawn by two horses, fifteen dol- lars ; if drawn by three horses, twenty dollars ; if drawn by four horses, twenty-five dollars. Sec. 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 10th February, 1853. R. WAYNE, Mayor. AN ORDINANCE, Amendatory of and in addition to the existing Ordinances of the City of Savannah, regulating the tax on pleasure carriages, used in said city. Sec 1. Be it or darned by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby Ordained by the authority of the same y That all pleasure carriages, of any description whatever which shall be brought within the City of Savannah, or purchased after the first day of January annually, and pre- vious to the first day of July ensuing, and used as such, the owner or owners thereof, shall pay to the city the tax pre- scribed on pleasure carriages by the existing Ordinances of ENGINE HOUSES. 153 the saict city; and that all pleasure carriages, of any de- scription, which shall be brought within the city or purchased after the first day of July in each year, and previous to the thirty-first day of December ensuing, and used as such, the owner or owners thereof shall pay to the city one-half of the amount of tax prescribed on pleasure carriages by the existing Ordinances of the City of Savannah. Sec. 2. Repealing clause. Passed in* Council 29th December, 1853. JOHN E. WARD, Mayor. Attest: Edward G. Wilson, Clerk Council. Note. — See Ordinance passed 29th December, 1853, title " Taxes."' ENGINE HOUSES.- AN ORDINANCE, To provide sites for Engine Houses, and to prohibit the 1 erection of new ones within the public squares. Sec 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That lots No. (66) sixty-six, Crawford ward, and No. (13) thirteen, Calhoun ward, and No. (18) eighteen, Forsyth ward, are set apart exclusively for the purpose of erecting engine houses thereon, whenever the same may be required. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That the erection of new engine houses is henceforth and forever prohibited, in any of the public squares within the corporate limits of the city. And whereas, it is desirable that the present engine houses be removed, when more suitable locations can be procured 20 154 EXCHANGE OF CITY LOTS. Sec. 3. Jlnd be it further ordained, That no addition shall be made thereto and no expense incurred except for the most necessary repairs. Sec 4. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 4th November, 1852. RICHARD D. ARNOLD, Mayor. Attest: R. F. Aiken, Clerk Council. EXCHANGE OF CITY LOTS. AN ORDINANCE, Providing for an exchange of ten lots in Crawford ward, for certain land property of James M. Wayne, lying south thereof, required for the extension of Liberty street, east- wardly. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Mdermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That the following lots, lying in Crawford ward, numbered 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, and 62, ten in number, be conveyed to the honorable James M. Wayne, his heirs and assigns, in fee simple, in exchange for seventy 'thousand six hundred and ninety-four square feet of land, to be conveyed by the said Jas. M. Wayne to the said the Mayor and Alder- men of the City of Savannah and the hamlets thereof, and their successors in office, being so much of the land of the said James M. Wayne, south of the, city and of the said ward, as lies north of the southern line of Liberty street, extending eastwardly to the land of the estate of William- son, and as is necessary for the prolongation of said street, with its full breadth of one hundred and thirty feet, to the western line of said estate. EXCHANGE OF CITY LOTS. 155 Sec. 2. And be it further ordained. That the Mayor be f and he is hereby authorized to cause two deeds of exchange to be prepared, one for each of the contracting parties, for the purpose of carrying into effect the foregoing section, and to execute the same on the part of the corporation, by signing the same, officially, and affixing the corporate seal. Sec. 3. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 2d May, 1844. WM. THORNE WILLIAMS, Mayor, Attest: Wm. P. Bowex, Clerk Council AN ORDINANCE, Providing for an exchange of one lot of land in Crawford ward, east of East Broad street, for certain land property of John Lewis, lying on the Thunderbolt road, required for the extension of Liberty street eastwardly. Sec 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, audit is hereby ordained by the authority of the same 7 That the lot lying in that part of Crawford ward, east of East Broad street, known by the Number (5) five, be con- veyed to John Lewis, his heirs and assigns, in fee simple, in exchange for thirty-four hundred square feet of land, to be conveyed by the said John Lewis to the said the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the hamlets thereof! and their successors in office, being so much of the land of the said John Lewis as lies north of the southern line of Liberty street, extended to the Thunderbolt road. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That the Mayor be, and he is hereby, authorized to cause two deeds of exchange to be prepared, one for each of the contracting parties, to carry into effect the foregoing section, and to execute the EXCHANGE OF CITY LOTS. same on the part of the corporation, by signing the same, officially, and affixing the corporate seal Sec. 3. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 27th June, 1844. W. THORNE WILLIAMS, Mayor. Attest : W. P. Bowen, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, Providing for an exchange of one lot of land in New Frank- lin ward for certain property of Dominick O'Byrne, lying southeast of Crawford ward, required for the extension of Liberty street eastwardly. Sec. 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That the lot in New Franklin ward, in the City of Savannah^ known by the number (15) fifteen, now under lease to Dom- inick O'Byrne, be conveyed to the said Dominick 0'Byrne ? his heirs and assigns, in fee simple, in exchange for eighteen thousand and three hundred square feet of land, and the houses thereon, and other improvements, lying south and north of the southern line of Liberty street extended, the property of the said Dominick O'Byrne, southeast of Craw- ford ward, and necessary to the prolongation of Liberty street, with its full breadth of one hundred and thirty feet, to the lands of John Lewis, and in further consideration of the sum of two hundred dollars, to be paid to the city by the said Dominick O'Byrne, by his note for that sum at ninety days. Sec 2. And be it further ordained, That the Mayor be ? and he is hereby, authorized to cause two deeds of exchange to be prepared, one for each of the contracting parties, for the purpose of carrying into effect the foregoing section, and to execute the same, on the part of the corparation, by sign- EXCHANGE OF CITY LOTS. 157 ing the same officially, and affixing the corporate seal, and also to take the said note. Sec. 3. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 27th June, 1S44. W. THORNE WILLIAMS, Mayor! Attest: Wm; P. Bowen, Clerk Council AN ORDINANCE, Providing for an exchange of one lot of land in Jasper ward, for certain land property of Michael Dillon, required for the extension, eastwardly, of Bay street, and also to au- thorize a deed to he made upon ground rent, to the said Michael Dillon for another lot in the same ward, in the event of such exchange being made. Sec 1. Be it Ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority oft %e same, That the lot lying in Jasper ward, known by the number (23) twenty-three, fronting on Madison square, be conveyed to Michael Dillon, his heirs and assigns, in fee simple, in exchange for ten thousand and five hundred square feet of land, to be conveyed by the said .Michael Dillon to the said the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the hamlets thereof, and their successors in office, being so much of the land of the said Michael Dillon, east of East Broad street, as is required to extend Bay street, with a breadth of seventy feet eastward, to the lands of the United States. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That the Mayor be, and he is hereby, authorized to cause two deeds of ex- change to be prepared, one for each of the contracting parties, for the purpose of carrying into effect the foregoing section, and to execute the same, on behalf of the corpora- tion, by signing the same officially, and affixing the corporate seal. 158 EXCHANGE OF CITY LOTS, Sec, 3. And be it further ordained, That after the said deeds shall have been duly executed, and the contemplated exchange made, then the said Michael Dillon shall be en- titled to receive, and the city council is hereby required to prepare for execution, by the Mayor and Aldermen, to be delivered to him, a deed for lot No. (24) twenty-four, in Jas- per ward, at a valuation of eight hundred dollars, the said lot, to be held by the said Michael Dillon, his heirs and assigns, upon ground rent payable quarterly into the treasury of the City of Savannah, calculated at 5 per cent, per annum, upon the said valuation money, subject to the same general provisions, and the same conditions of renting and sale, and with the same privileges as are prescribed by Ordinance for other lots in Jasper ward, and with the right of making the same a fee simple lot, upon paying into the treasury the said sum of eight hundred dollars, of which no part is re- quired to be paid now in advance. Sec. 4. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 11th July ? 1844. V/. THORNE WILLIAMS, Mayor, Attest : Wm. P. Bowen, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, To provide for the exchange of lot No. (11) Crawford ward, for lot No. (3) Thunderbolt road. Sec. 1. Be it or darned by the Mayor and Jildermen of t he- City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same y That lot No. (ll) Crawford ward, be conveyed to Isreal K. Tefft, as administrator, with the will annexed, upon the estate of Frances Dedeer Petit DeVillers, in fee simple, in exchange for lot No. (3) Thunderbolt road. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained. That the Mayor be, and he is hereby, authorized to cause the proper convey., s\nces to be prepared to carry into effect the foregoing section^ EXCHANGE OF CITY LOTS. 159 and to execute the same, on the part of the corporation, by setting his official signature thereto, and causing Jto "be im- pressed the corporate seal. Sec. 3. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 18th September, 1845. R. WAYNE, Mayor. Attest : Edward G. Wilson, Clerk Council. _ AN ORDINANCE, Authorizing a conveyance to the executors of the late John P. Williamson, or to trustees for the creditors of said Williamson, of" five lots of land in Crawford ward, in the City of Savannah. Whereas, it has been agreed between the Mayor and Al- dermen of the City of Savannah and hamlets thereof, of the one part, and the executors of the last will and testament of the late John P. Williamson, of the second part, that the said Mayor and Aldermen convey to the said executors five lots of land lying in Crawford ward, in said city, in exchange for 29,808 square feet of land, property of the late John P. Williamson, wanted to extend Liberty street east, to the Thunderbolt road. And whereas, the said 29,808 square feet of land have been duly advertised for sale at sheriff's Sales, to make a good title, and the corporation has become the purchaser, and the passage of an Ordinance has become necessary to enable the Mayor to execute a conveyance of the five lots : and whereas, the execution under which the said property was sold, was founded on a judgment in fa- vor of the Planters' Bank of the State of Georgia : Sec. 1. Now be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That the Mayor be, and he is hereby, authorized and re- quired to cause to be prepared, a deed, for the conveyance V6V EXCHANGE OF CITY LOTS. of the lots of land in Crawford ward, east of East Broad* street, known in the plan of said city by the numbers 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22, either to the executors of the last will and testament of the late John P. Williamson or to trustees for the creditors of the said John P. Williamson, according to legal priority, as the said executors and the said Planters' Bank of the State of Georgia shall determine ; and after the said deed shall be prepared, and the sheriff's title shall have been duly executed for the land purchased at sheriff's sales, aforesaid, then to execute the same by signing the said deed, officially, and attaching the corporate seal thereto, and ma- king delivery thereof. Sec. 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 5th September, 1844. W. THORNE WILLIAMS, Mayor. Attest: Wm. P. Bo wen, Clerk Council AN ORDINANCE, To be entitled an Ordinance, to provide for the exchange of two lots in Crawford ward, south of South Broad street,, for certain portions of land obtained from Bryan Foley and F. E. Tebeau, to extend Broughton street eastwardly. Sec. 1. Be it Ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That lot Number sixteen (16), in Crawford ward, bounded on the south by Hull street, and on the west by Houston street^be given in exchange to Bryan Foley for a certain portion or lot of land lying at the east end of the city and granted for the purpose of extending Broughton street east- wardly. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That lot Number fifteen (15), in Crawford ward, bounded on the south by Hull street, on the west by lot number sixteen (16), and on EXCHANGE OF CITY LOTS. 161 the east by lot number fourteen (14), and on the north by a lane, be given in exchange to F. E. Tebeau, for a certain lot or portion of ground at the east end of the city, for the pur- pose of extending Broughton street eastwardly. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained, That the Mayor be authorized to have deeds of conveyance prepared, to cany the abo\ r e Ordinance into effect. Passed in Council 5th February, 1846. H, K BURROUGHS, Mayor. Attest: A. C. Davenport, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, Providing for an exchange of one lot of land in Jasper ward ? for certain land, late the property of the estate of Edward Telfair, required for the purpose of widening a part of Bay street north of Jefferson street, and of lots Nos. one (l), and two (2), in Franklin ward, Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of thesamc? That the lot in Jasper ward, known by the No. thirty-four (34), bounded west by Bull street, north by a lane, east by- lot No. thirty-five (35), and south by Jones street, be con- veyed to Mrs. Mary Telfair and to the trustees of Mrs. Mar- garet Hodgson, in fee simple, in exchange for three thousand six hundred feet of land, part of a lot lately the property of the estate of Edward Telfair, required for the purpose of widening Bay street to the width of sixty-five feet north of Jefferson street and lots Nos. (l and 2) one and two, in Franklin ward. Sec 2. And be it further ordained, That the Mayor be, and he is hereby authorized to cause two deeds of exchange to be prepared, one for the corporation, the other for the said Mary Telfair and trustees for the purpose of carrying into 162 EXCHANGE OF CITY LOTS. effect the foregoing section, and to execute the same on be-* half of the corporation, by signing the same officially, and affixing the corporate seal. Sec. 3. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 16th April, 1846. H. K. BURROUGHS, Mayor, Attest: A. C. Davenport, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, For the exchange of certain parts of the municipal domain now occupied by the Savannah Poor House and Hospital for an equivalent, on certain conditions. Whereas, the Savannah Poor House and Hospital is now the occupant of certain parts of the domain of the City of Savannah, and whereas, properly to carry out the plan of Forsyth ward, it is necessary to exchange the said lands for others, and, whereas, the said exchange, being as well for the interest of the said the Savannah Poor House and Hospital, as for the city, both parties have agreed there- to upon certain conditions. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and, Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That his honor the Mayor be, and he is hereby, authorized and required to execute, under the corporate seal of the City of Savannah, a conveyance to the Savannah Poor House and Hospital of all that portion of the municipal domain lying between Gaston street on the north, Huntingdon street on the south, Abercorn street on the east and Drayton street on the west, in consideration of the relinquishment to be executed by the said the Savannah Poor House and Hospital, of all and every claim on any and every other portion of the public domain or property of the City of Savannah, and on the express condition that the lands herein- EXCHANGE OF CITY LOTS. 163 before described and directed to be conveyed, shall never be improved or used for purposes of pecuniary profit or for any other purpose than the care and comfort of the poor sick, according to the charitable intention of the founders of the said Poor House and Hospital, and on the further condition that the said land shall not in any manner, be subject to the debts, contracts, or engagements of the said Savannah Poor House and Hospital, but in case the said corporation shall, at any time, attempt to sell, or in any way incumber the said lands, or in case of the insolvency or dissolution of the said corporation, the said lands and all the improve- ments shall at once revert to the said the Mayor and Alder- men of the City of Savannah and the hamlets thereof. Sec 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 6th May, 1852. RICHARD D. ARNOLD, Mayor. Attest : R. F. Aikin, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, To carry into effect the report of the committee of freehold- ers appointed to open Price street fifty feet wide, from the southern side of Liberty street, and to continue Harris, Macon, Charlton, Jones, Taylor, Wayne, and Gordon streets, and the intervening lanes, to Price street. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Jlldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That his honor the Mayor be, and he is hereby authorized and requested to execute conveyances, under the corporate seal of the city, to the parties hereinafter mentioned, of the lots and fractions of lots hereinafter mentioned, in order to carry into effect the report described in the title of this Or- dinance, and adopted in council on the twentieth day of No- vember, A. D., 1851, to wit : 164 EXCHANGE OF CITY LOTS. To the owner or owners of garden lot No. (21) twenty- one, east, in consideration of lands taken therefrom, lots Nos. (7) seven, and (8) eight, and the eastern quarter of lot No. six (6), Troup ward. To the owner or owners of garden lot No. twenty- two (No. 22), east, in consideration of land taken therefrom, trust lots numbers nineteen and twenty (Nos. 19 and 20), and the eastern half of lot number thirty-two (No. 32), Troup ward,. To the owner or owners of garden lot (No. 33) number thirty-three, east, in consideration of land taken therefrom lot number eight (8), Wesley ward, lots Nos. thirty-three (33), and thirty-four (34), Troup ward, and the eastern half of lot No. 7 (number seven) Wesley ward. To the owner or owners of garden lots numbers thirty- four (34), forty-five (45), and forty-six (46), east, in consider- ation of land taken therefrom, lot number nine (No. 9), and trust lots numbers nineteen (No. 19) and twenty (No. 20), Wesley ward. To the owner or owners of garden lot Number forty-three, east, in consideration of land taken therefrom, trust lot Num- ber twenty-two, Wesley ward. To the owner or owners of garden lot Number forty-four (No. 44), east, in consideration of land taken therefrom, trust lot number twenty-three, Wesley ward. Sec. 2. Jind be it further ordained, That where, by the report of the committee before mentioned, fractions of lots are directed to be conveyed to the city, the Mayor be ? and he is hereby requested, not to deliver the conveyances from the city until the necessary titles to said fractions, from the proper parties, are delivered to him on the part of the city. Seg. 3. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 6th May, 1852. RICHARD D. ARNOLD, Mayor, Attest: R, F Aiken, Clerk Council. EXCHANGE OF CITY LOTS. 165 AN ORDINANCE, Providing for an exchange of five lots, in Charlton ward, for certain land property of Wylly & Montmoulin, required for the extension of Montgomery street, south, and of Hull street, west, to West Broad street; and, also, pro- viding for an exchange of eight lots in Charlton ward, for certain land property of Robert Habersham, required for the extension of the same streets, and for other purposes. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That lots Nos. 8, 9. 27, 28, and 29, Charlton ward, be con- veyed to Messrs. Wylly & Montmoulin in exchange for the portion of their land to be taken up in the extension of Montgomery street south, and of Hull street west, to West Broad street; and that lots Nos. 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 26, and 11, be conveyed to Mr. Robert Habersham in exchange for so much of his land as will be taken up in the extension of the same streets — these conveyances to be made by the Mayor of the City of Savannah and the hamlets thereof, so soon as good titles are made to the City of Savannah and the hamlets thereof, by the owners thereof, for the land in said streets extended. Sec. 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 2d June, 1854. JOHN E. WARD, Mayor. .Attest; Edward G. Wilson ; Clerk Council 166 EXHIBITIONS, EXHIBITIONS. AN ORDINANCE, For regulating theatrical representations and other public shows and exhibitions. Sec. X. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, audit is hereby ordained by the authority of the same } That from and after the passing of this ordinance, no person or persons whatsoever, shall within the limits of this city or of the jurisdiction of the Corporation thereof, represent or exhibit in public, for money, gain or reward, an}r play ? tragedy, comedy, farce or interlude, pantomine, rope or wire dancing .or walking, or other entertainment of the stage or parts therein, feats of acting in horsemanship or otherwise^ wax work, curious animals, music, or other public show or entertainment whatsoever, without permission previously obtained from the City Council, for making such representa- tion, show or exhibition. Sec 2, And be it further ordained, That upon an application in writing by any person or persons stating the nature of the representations or exhibition proposed, the names of the persons concerned, and the length of time during which he, she or they desire to represent, exhibit or perform it, shall and may be lawful for the City Council either to refuse altogether the permission applied for, or to grant the same for such length of time, and subiect to such restrictions and to the payment of such sum or sums of money as they may deem proper and expedient to be paid or secured, before such permission shall be granted. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained, That if any person or persons shall represent or exhibit or attempt to represent or exhibit any of the theatrical or other entertainments of the stage or parts therein, feats of activity or other entertainment, EXHIBITIONS. 167 show or representation whatever, either herein expressly named, or coming within the purview and meaning of this ordinance, publicly for money, gain or reward, without permission previously obtained as aforesaid, or if any person or persons having obtained such permission, shall violate any condition or restriction under which the same may have been granted, he, she or they, so offending, shall, for every such offence, forfeit and pay a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, each to be applied one moiety to the use of the city, and the other moiety to the use of the informer. Sec. 4. And be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty of the Mayor or either of the Aldermen upon information being given, or having reason to suspect, that any public representation, exhibition or show, for money, gain or reward, is making, or about to be made, in violation of the true intent and meaning of this ordinance, to issue his warrant directed to the City Marshal, commanding him that calling to his aid the constables of the city, and so many other citizens as may be necessary, he shall disperse the persons attending to view such performance, exhibition or show, and to arrest and imprison the performer or performers to be dealt with agreeably to this ordinance; Sec. 5. And be it further ordained, That the fines imposed in pursuance of this ordinance, shall be recovered by distrain and sale of the offender's goods and chattels. Passed in Council 14th February, 1799. MATTHEW McALLISTER, Mayor. AN ORDINANCE, To amend an ordinance passed February 11, 1799, entitled an ordinance for regulating theatrical representations and other public shows and exhibitions. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem* bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same) 168 EYHIBITION& That from and after the passage of this ordinance, the Mayor, or in case of his sickness or absence, the Chairman of Council, or in the absence or sickness of both of them y any two of the Finance Committee may grant the permis- sion or use the discretion mentioned in the first and second sections of the above entitled ordinance. Passed in Council 14th February, 1839. M. HALL MCALLISTER, Mayor, FIRE. 169 FIRE. AN ORDINANCE, To prevent the pernicious practice of boiling pitch, tar, and turpentine in the City of Savannah and the hamlets thereof, and for other purposes therein mentioned. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and immediately after the passage of this Ordi- nance it shall not be lawful to, or for any person or persons whomsoever, to boil, burn or set on fire, or cause to be boiled, burned, or set on fire, any pitch, tar, turpentine, oil, or other combustible matter, whatsoever, within the distance of thirty yards of any house, outhouse, store, or building within this city or the hamlets thereof. Provided always nevei y theless , that nothing herein contained shall be construed to extend to fires necessarily made by coopers, chairmakers, or black- smiths, in the pursuit of their several trades, and provided such persons shall make their fires in an enclosed building. (This section amended — see next succeeding Ordinance, passed Sth December, 1S06.) Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That no owners or occupiers of wharves, wharf lots, or public docks within the City of Savannah or hamlets thereof, shall suffer any fire to be made thereon ; and that no person or persons whoever shall careen any vessel, and use fire thereat, except at some wharf or place to the eastward of Andrew McCreadie's, or to the westward of Levi SheftalPs wharf. Sec 3. And be it further ordained, That from and after the passage of this Ordinance it shall not be lawful to or for any person or persons to store or lodge any pitch, tar, or turpentine on any wharf, or in any house, outhouse, store, or building whatever, within this city or the hamlets thereof, 22 170 FIRE. except at the several places hereinafter mentioned, limited and appointed for that purpose. Sec. 4. And be it further ordained, That all pitch, tar, and turpentine, which shall or may at any time or times hereafter be brought to or landed in this city, shall and may be stored and lodged on any wharf lot situated and being at the westward of the wharf lot belonging to Mr. Mordecai Sheftall, at Yamacraw, whereon the tobacco inspection ware- houses are built, and also on any wharf lot, or in any house, outhouse, store, or building on any wharf lot situate and being to the eastward of the wharf lot at present the property of Mr. Andrew McCreadie, and which lies to the eastward of the city, and at no other place or places whatsoever, within this city or hamlets thereof. Sec* 5. And be it further ordained, That the owner or owners, consignee or consignees of any raft of lumber or naval stores, or other person or persons having the charge, care or management of any raft of lumber, or naval stores, which at present may be in, or which may at any time or times hereafter be brought to this port, shall immediately or within six hours after the breaking up of such raft, remove the frame, hoops and binders, and oars thereof, or cause the same to be removed and carried above high water mark. Sections VI and VII repealed by Ordinance 11th March, 1825 — hereafter. Sec S. And be it further ordained, That if any person or persons shall in anyvvise offend against this Ordinance, ot shall neglect or reluse to comply with the same, he, she or they so offending shall for the first offence, forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding five pounds; and for every offence thereafter a sum not exceeding twenty pounds, one half to the informer or person prosecuting for the same, and the other half to the use of the city, to be levied on his, her or their goods and chattels by warrant of distress and sale^ under the hand and seal of the Mayor or any of the Aldermen. Passed in Council 1st November, 1791. THOMAS GIBBONS, Mayor. FIRE, 171 AN ORDINANCE, To amend the foregoing Ordinance, passed in Council, De- cember 8, 1S06. Sec 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby Ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the passing of this Ordinance it shall not be lawful for any person or persons whatsoever to boil, burn, or set fire to or cause to be boiled, burned, or set fire to any pitch, tar, or turpentine, rosin, or oil, in any quantity ex- ceeding four gallons within one hundred and fifty feet of any buildings in this city or the hamlets thereof. And it shall not be lawful for any person or persons' to boil, burn, or set fire to or cause to be boiled, burnt, or set fire to any pitch, tar, turpentine, rosin, or oil in any quantity over four gallons, above the lower line of James Wallace's wharf to the east, nor below the upper line of Bolton's, Yamacraw wharf to the west, anything contained in any former Ordi- dance to the contrary notwithstanding. Sec 2. And be it further ordained. That it shall not be lawful after the passing of this Ordinance, for any un- slacked lime to be stored in this city or the hamlets thereof, for sale or for use, above the lower line of Andrew McC rea- died wharf to the east, or below the upper line of Boltoms Yamacraw wharf to the west, nor there unless the building in which it is stored be one hundred yards from any other building. Sec 3. And be it further ordained, That the person owning or in possession of any store or place in which lime shall be stored in violation of this Ordinance, shall pay a fine of five dollars for each cask so stored, to be recovered in the usual summary manner before the city council. Passed in Council Sth December, 1806. JOHN Y. NOEL, Mayor. 172 FIRE, AN ORDINANCE, In addition to the fire Ordinances, and to amend the same. Whereas, great and alarming injury may arise to the city from the neglect of sweeping chimneys, and the Ordinance relating thereto is found, by experience, to be defective and inadequate to the evil : Sec. 1. This section superceded and repealed by section 29th of Ordin- ance of 15th April 1814. — See said Ordinance below. Sec. 2. And he it further ordained, That all and every person occupying a building or part of a building, with a chimney or chimneys thereto, in which fire is usually made, shall allow and permit the said contractor to visit, inspect, and cause to be swept the said chimney or chimneys, once in every calendar month, from the first day of October to the first day of April in every year, except kitchens? wash-houses and bake houses, which shall be swept once in every fortnight throughout the year,* and he, she, or they shall pay for such sweeping the fees hereinbefore allowed. (See 3d section of Ordinance passed 9th February, 1843 5 also, Ordinance passed 2d January, 1843.) And in case any person shall oppose or prevent the sweeping of any chimney, as before directed, he, she, or they, making such opposition, on conviction thereof, before the Mayor and Al- dermen, shall be fined in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained, That if the con- tractor for sweeping shall neglect his duty, in not causing the said chimney to be swept, perfectly neat and clean, or leave any chimney which ought to be swept, unswept for one calendar month, or unswept every fortnight, as hereinbe- fore directed, said contractor, on information before council of such neglect, shall, on conviction thereof, be fined in a sum not exceeding fifty dollars. And in case such improp- * Amended as to require bake and cook houses to be swept once a week. See Ordinance 31st October,. 182 3 7 below, FIRE. erly swept chimney or unswept chimney shall take fire, such contractor shall be liable and obliged to pay all the fines and penalties which, by the fire Ordinance, are inflict- ed on the occupier of the house whose chimney takes fire j and the said contractor is hereby made responsible and liable for ah said fines and sums of money: Provided, nevertheless, That said . contractor was not opposed or pre- vented from sweeping the said chimney. Sec. 4. Jlnd be it further ordained, That said contractor shall give notice in writing to every person, by leaving the same at the house, of the time and hour the chimney or chimneys is or are to be swept, which notice shall be given at least the day before, and such sweeping shall take place at a proper and convenient hour. And such contractor shall always keep an office, entitled a sweep office, where any person sending for a sweep shall be immediately accommo- dated with one, or as soon thereafter as possible. Sec 5. Jlnd be it further ordained^ That in all cases of neglect of the said contractor, not hereinbefore provided for, on conviction thereof before the Mayor and Aldermen, such contractor shall be fined in any sum not exceeding fifty dollars; and the said contractor shall be bound and obliged to abide and regulate himself according to such rules and regulations as shall be established respecting his office by the Board of Fire Masters,* and that any sweep boy, sweeping or offering to sweep chimneys in this city, unless requested and licensed by the contractor, shall, if a slave, receive twenty-five lashes, or his master pay a fine not exceeding ten dollars, and if a white boy, be fined in a sum not exceeding twenty dollars. Sec, 6. And be it further ordained, That from and after the passage of this Ordinance no vessel, ship, or boat lying at or near any wharf or store or alongside of any ship, vessel, or boat lying at or near any wharf or store, shall be allowed or permitted to kindle, light, or have, or keep any * Board of Fire Masters abolished by the 32d section of an Ordinance passed 15th April. 1814. 174 FIRE, fire in any caboose, fire-place, or otherwise upon or above* the deck of said vessel, ship or boat, unless said caboose^ fire-place, or other convenience for that purpose, be well and safely covered and surrounded with a good, secure, and sufficient caboose-house, or other convenience, or enclosure, to prevent the communication of fire or sparks from the said caboose, fire-place, or other convenience. Sec. 7. And be it further ordained, That the master, commander, or other person having charge of any ship, vessel^ or boat on board of which there shall have been kindled, lighted, or kept any fire or fires contrary to the intent and meaning of the sixth section of this ordinance, shall, upon conviction thereof before the city council, forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding fifty dollars for each offence if a white person, and if a colored person, he shall receive any number of lashes at the public market not exceeding thirty-nine, unless the fine inflicted by council for such offence be paid by such person of color, if free, or his master, if a slave, Sec 8. And be it further ordained, That all fines and penalties inflicted by this Ordinance shall be recovered as heretofore, before council, and one half of said fines to go to the informer and the remainder to the use of the city. Passed in Council 28th November, 1803. CHARLES HARRIS, Mayor, AN ORDINANCE, To amend an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance for prevent- ing as much as may be accidents which may happen by fire in Savannah, and for preserving the fire engines in said city, and for rendering the same as useful as may be in case of fire, and for other purposes therein mentioned, [This Ordinance with the exception of the following sections is super- ceded and repealed by the fire Ordinance passed 11th March, 1825, and others amendatory thereof. See said Ordinance hereafter.] FIRE. 175 Sec 29. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the 'City of Savannah, and Hamlets thereof, in Council assembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That at the expiration of the time for which the contractor for sweeping chimneys is elected by the Board of Fire Masters, and annually thereafter or sooner in case of vacancy, a contractor for sweeping chimneys shall be elected by the city council, who shall give bond and security for the faithful performance of the duties of his office. Sec. 31. And be it further ordained, That so much of the ordinance entitled an ordinance in addition to the fire ordinance, and to amend the same, passed the 28th day of November, 1803 as militates with this ordinance, be and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. 32. And be it further ordained, That the ordinance entitled an ordinance to prevent as much as may be, accidents which may happen by fire in Savannah, for preserving the fire engines ill said city, and rendering the same as useful as may be in case of fire and for other purposes therein mentioned, passed December 2d, 1799, and the ordinance to amend such ordinance, passed the 18th October, 1802, and all other ordinances for establishing a Board of Fire Masters, be, and the same are hereby 'repealed. Passed in Council 15th April, 1814. GEO. JONES, Mayor. AN ORDINANCE, Entitled an Ordinance to amend an Ordinance in addition to the fire Ordinance, and to amend the same, passed 28th November, 1803, and to repeal an Ordinance entitled an ■Ordinance in addition to the fire Ordinance, and to amend the same, passed 13th January, 1821, and for de- fining the duties of the contractor for sweeping chimneys ^ind providing for the mode of collecting his fees; 176 FIRE. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hnmlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the passage of this Ordinance so much of the second section of the Ordinance passed the 28th No- vember, 1803, as relates to the fees of the contractor for sweeping chimneys, shall be stricken out, and the following- inserted in its stead, the following fees shall be allowed for sweeping chimneys, viz : Six and a quarter cents for each story. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That from and af- ter the passage of this Ordinance, the Ordinance passed 13th January, 1821, be, and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained, That the contractor for sweeping chimneys is hereby empowered and directed to receive and demand his fees from the occupant of the houses in which chimneys are swept, and further, that the said contractor have the city laid off into twelve distinct sections ; that the first and second day of each month (pro- vided the same does not fall upon a Sunday) be employed by him in the sweeping of such a section, and so on to the expiration of the month, two days being devoted by him for the sweeping of each section, from one to twelve, and that council furnish the contractor with three hundred printed copies of this Ordinance. Sec. 4. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 9th February, 1843. RICHARD D. ARNOLD, Mayor. Attest : Elisha Wylly, Clerk Council AN ORDINANCE, In addition to and amendatory of the existing fire Ordi- nances of the City of Savannah and the hamlets thereof. Sec 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannvh and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- FIRE. 177 sembled. and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same. That at the first regular meeting of council in January, an j nually, there shall be elected two contractors for sweeping chimneys, the first for all that part of the city lying west of Barnard street, and the second for all that part of the city lying east of Barnard street. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That each of said contractors shall give the bond, take the oath, and within his district perform the duties now required and receive the fees now allowed the present contractor for the city, by the various Ordinances thereof. Sec 3. And be it further ordained. That when the contractors are unable to collect the fees for sweeping chim- neys, from the tenants they shall be entitled to collect the same from the owners of the house whose chimneys they have swept: Provided, they notify the owners or their agents of the delinquency of the tenant within twenty days from the time of sweeping such chimneys, and that all ordinances or parts of Ordinances militating against the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same are hereby repealed. Passed in Council 2d January, 1851. R. WAYNE, Mayor.- Attest : Edward G. Wiesox, Clerk Council, AN ORDINANCE, To be entitled an Ordinance to amend an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance, in addition to and amendatory of the ex- isting fire Ordinances of the City of Savannah and the hamlets thereof, passed in council, 2d January, 1S51 Sec. 1. Be it Ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled^and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the passing of this Ordinance, the first 23 178 FIRE. section of the above recited Ordinance be amended by insert- ing Bull street in lieu of Barnard street. Sec. 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 12 th January, 1854. JOHN E. WARD, Mayor. AN ORDINANCE, to prevent as much as may be accidents by fire in the City of Savannah. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of (he City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof , in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That it shall not be lawful, from and after the passing of this ordinance, for any person to put up and erect any house or building or buildings, for the purpose of carrying on and exercising the trade of a baker, brewer, distiller, sugar refiner, soap boiler, tallow chandler, chemist, or cotton ginner, within the limits of the City of Savannah^ unless the said houses, building or buildings, be built and paved with bricks, stones or tabbey, and be covered with slate or tile. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That any person or persons who shall hereafter carry on or exercise either of the said trades in any building or buildings, erected subsequent to the passage of this ordinance, or in any building now erected and not used and occupied as such, which building shall not be built, paved and covered in the manner specified in the preceding section of this ordinance, shall be subject to a fine of thirty dollars for each and every time such person or persons shall carry on or exercise either of the trades aforesaid. Passed in Council 15th November, 1821. JAMES MORRISON, Mayor, FIRE. 170 AN ORDINANCE, Entitled an ordinance, supplementary to an ordinance entitled an ordinance to prevent as much as may be, accidents by fire in the City of Savannah, passed 15th November, 1821. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the passing of this ordinance every person or persons who carry on the trade of a baker or keeper of a public cooking house shall be required to have the chimney or chimneys of their bake or cook house, or bake or cook houses swept once in every week, during the period of using the same. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That any person or persons, violating the above ordinance, shall, sn conviction, be fined in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars. Passed in Council, 31st October, 1823. JAMES MORRISON, Mayor. AN ORDINANCE, 'To prevent the dangerous practice of lighting, having, or using fire on board of boats, commonly called Augusta boats, while lying at the wharves in the City of Savannah. Sec 1. Be it ordained, by the Mayor and Aldermen of the Cfty of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That whenever after the passage of this Ordinance it shall be made to appear to the Mayor or any one of the Aldermen of said city that any fire or fires have been kindled, or lighted, or used except in a covered caboose, on board of any boat or other small craft, and particularly on board of boats com: monly called and known by the name of Augusta boats, 180 FIRE. lying at or being near any of the wharves of the City of Savannah, he shall forthwith issue a warrant directed to the Marshal of said city commanding him to compel the captain in case lie be a white man, or any white person on board said boat to give good and sufficient security by bond or otherwise to appear before the Mayor and Aldermen, at the next regular meeting of the City Council to answer for the said offence and abide by the decision of council ; and in case it should be made to appear that there be no such person on board, or commanding, or having direction of said boat, then to issue a summons requiring the person or persons to whom the said boat shall belong, or come consigned, to appear before council at the next regular meeting, and in case it shall appear that there is no such white person com- manding or having direction on board said boat, and no particular consignee residing in said city as aforesaid, then and in that case to issue a summons to the owner residing within the jurisdiction of the city, or the lessee or lessees of said wharf or water lot to appear and answer as aforesaid. And be it further ordained, That when the person or persons so cited to appear shall make default, or after appearance it shall appear to council that the said fire or fires were lighted, kindled or used on board said boat or boats, then and in such case council shall inflict a fine on said person so sum- moned in a sum not erceeding thirty dollars, to be levied by distress and sale of the defendant's goods and chattels in the usual manner of levies in such case made and provided, or where in cases in which security has been given, then, and in such cases, on the goods and chattels of said security as well as principal. Sec. 2. td?id be it further ordained, That when any of the said boats, called Augusta boats, shall be found moored or lying at any public wharf or wharves, of said city, so as to obstruct said wharf or wharves, or be found discharging, or taking in a cargo, or any part thereof, at such wharf or wharves, contrary to the Ordinance, (see title streets,) in such case made and provided, then, and FIRE. 181 in such case, the white person commanding or having di- rection on board said vessel or boat, if any such there be, or the owner or owners, consignee or consignees of such boat or cargo shall be summoned and obliged to appear before council in the manner provided in the foregoing sec- tion, to answer for such violation of the Ordinance and, on conviction thereof, shall be fined in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars. Sec. 3. Repealing clause, Passed in Council 11th, June, 1810. WM. B. BULLOCH, Mayor, AN ORDINANCE, To prevent shooting with fire arms in the City of Savannah, and to punish the offence of setting off squibs, crackers and other combustible matter, and for other purposes. Whereas, much danger is apprehended from the discharge of guns, pistols, squibs, or other instruments, wherein the article of gunpowder is used within the limits of the City of Savannah, by inconsiderate persons almost every evening. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the passing of this ordinance it shall be the duty of the Marshal of the city aforesaid, and the constables thereof, to inform against all and every white person found within the limits of said city discharging or attempting to discharge, any guns, pistols, or other fire arms, crackers or any other combustible preparation, and that the person so informed against be punished as hereinafter mentioned, if a free white person, to be fined in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars. Sec 2. Jind be it further ordained, That if any person of color be found so offending as aforesaid, such person of 182 FIRE. color shall receive corporal punishment, not exceeding texs lashes, to be inflicted by the officer present Passed in Council December 15, 1817. JAMES M, WAYNE, Mayor, AN ORDINANCE, For preventing and extinguishing fires. Whereas, the legislature of 1824, having enacted a law by which the City Council of Savannah is invested with power to appoint twenty-one fireman, and the said council,, in conformity with that law, having appointed to be fore- men S. B. Parkman, R. R. Cuyler, et al. : Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and. Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same 9 That the above mentioned individuals, appointed by council^ shall be formed into a company to be denominated the Sa- vannah Fire Company** Sections two and three superceded by Ordinance passed 8th December ? 1825. Sec. 4, And he it further ordained, That the said Fire Company shall select from their own body a chief, and such other officers as may appear to them to be necessary, and shall have power to make and establish a system of by-laws f which they may alter or amend at pleasure, for the manage- ment and direction of said company, provided such by-laws shall not be contrary to the provisions of this or any other Ordinance ; and the said company shall have power to fine or expel any of its members for violations of this Ordinance or the by laws of said company. And for the convenience of said company, it shall be lawful for them to employ a * See Act of Incorporation. Pamphlet Acts of 1824, page 131. FIRE. 183 clerk, either from among themselves or otherwise, who shall receive for his services a salary of eight dollars per month, which shall be paid by the City Treasurer to the order of the Chief Fireman. SECi 5. And be it further ordained. That the said com- pany, after the appointment of the said Chief Fireman, at any time, shall always make a report of the same to council, with the name of the individual so appointed, who shall be responsible to perform the duties, and shall possess the powers to be hereinafter specified in this Ordinance. Sec* 3. And be it further ordained, That the members of said Company, on the alarm of any fire, shall assemble immediately at said fire, with their engines and fire appa- ratus, under such regulations as the said company may choose to adopt And t^ie Chief Fireman and the other members of the said company shall, on such occasions of fire, wear some distinguishing badge, by which they shall be known, and the badge of the Chief Fireman shall differ from the badges of the other firemen, so that he may be * known and distinguished from them. Sec. 7. And be it further ordained, That from and after the passing of this Ordinance the said company shall be empowered to take charge of, and to have the care and man- agement of all the engine-houses, engines, buckets, fire- hooks, fire-hose, ladders, and other implements for extin- guishing fires, that now belong to, or may hereafter, be pro- vided by council Sec. 8. And be it further ordained, That in case of fire, the Chief Fireman shall have the supreme and absolute command of the firemen, of all persons connected with the fire department, and the entire aparatus that may be em- ployed for the extinguishment of fires; and in the absence of the said Chief Fireman, the above supreme authority shall devolve on some other fireman or firemen, according to such arrangement as shall have been previously provided by the fire company for such emergency. And it shall be the duty of the said Chief Fireman to examine or cause to 184 FIRE. be examined, twice, or oftener, in every year, into the con" dition of the engine-houses, engines, fire-buckets, and other fire implements belonging to the corporation, and make a statement of it to council, and if any addition or repairs should be required at any time, it shall be his duty, in co- operation with the engine committee, to cause them to be done, and a report of the expenditures be communicated by him to council at an early period after the work shall have been performed. Sec 9. And be it further ordained, That the City Mar- shal shall, immediately after the passing of this Ordinance, and thereafter in July and January of every year, take an account of the colored and negro firemen between the ages of fifteen and sixty, in this city, and shall make a return of the same to the Chief Fireman, to be subject to the orders of the fire company in managing the fire aparatus in such manner as they may deem best, in accordance with the pro- visions of this Ordinance ; and the said firemen of color and free negroes enrolled as aforesaid, shall assist to work the engines whenever called upon by the company in alarms of fire ; and it shall be their duty, whenever a fire breaks out, to repair immediately to the engine-houses,- or any other place or places that the fire company may have selected,, and each free-man so enrolled, shall furnish himself with a cap or hat, on which shall be put the initials F. C, to be worn whenever he is on duty; and all commands and orders of the fireman shall be promptly obeyed by the said free-men of color and free negroes ; and if the said free- men of color and free negroes, shall, on any alarm of fire,, fail to repair to the engine-houses or appointed places, as aforesaid, or shall refuse or neglect to obey the orders and commands of the fireman, upon due proof thereof, they shall be fined in a sum not exceeding ten dollars, or be im- prisoned in the common jail of the county not less than five nor more than fifteen days ; and all such cases shall be ex- amined and determined by the fire company. And when- ever the said fine and imprisonment shall have been decreed 185 by the said company, it shall be the duty of the Chief Fire- man to issue a warrant, directing the same to the City Mar- shal or any of the City Constables, who shall execute it, un- der a penalty of thirty dollars, to be inflicted on complaint and proof of neglect, by the city council. And the said free-men of color and free negroes enrolled as aforesaid, shall be exempt from the payment of any poll-tax. Section 10. Superceded by Ordinance passed 25th May, 1826, see Ordi- nance below. Sec. 1 1. And be it further ordained, That the fire com- pany shall have power to form,, from the free persons of color, free negroes and hired slaves above mentioned, as many axe-men, hose-men, hook and laddermen, as they may deem requisite, and to apportion their services after such mode as they shall approve, for the extinguishment of fires. And for the more effectually perfecting the said free- men and slaves in their duty, and keeping and preserving the fire apparatus from injury or decay, it shall be lawful for the fire company at least once in every month, to order out the said freemen and slaves for the purpose of playing off the engines, and drilling in the use of them, cleansing and keeping in good condition, the ropes, buckets, hose, ladders, &c, that they may always be fit for use. And if: any free person of color or free negro, shall neglect the said duty, it shall be lawful for the aforesaid company to inflict a fine not exceeding ten dollars for any such default, or at their discretion to subject the said free person of color, or free negroes, to an imprisonment for a term not exceeding- fifteen days, which fine or imprisonment shall be executed by the City Marshal, under a warrant issued and directed to him by the Chief Fireman.* Sec 12. And be it further ordained, That it shall be lawful for the Chief Fireman, or any of the members of the fire company, when a fire breaks out, to command any per- son or persons to aid and assist in filling the engines with * Amended as to slaves— see Ordinance passed 25th May, 1820. 24 186 FIRE. water, and in conveying the said engines and buckets to the place or places where the fire may be, and to aid and assist in extinguishing the fire under the direction of the firemen. And if any person or persons shall refuse or neglect to obey such command, it shall be the duty of the City Marshal, or any of the City Constables, or in their absence, it shall be lawful for any fireman, to arrest such person or persons, and bring him or them before the Mayor, or any of the Aldermen present, who is hereby authorized to commit him or them to the guard house until the next day, if at night, or if in the day time, to commit the said offender or offenders to the custody of a guard until the extinguishment of the fire, and thereafter take his recognizance, to appear at the next meet- ing of council, to answer for the said offence ; and on con- viction thereof, shall be fined in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars ; and the Clerk of Council shall, when directed by council, publish the same, with the name of the party, at least once, in the gazettes of the city. Sec. 13. And be it further ordained, That the fire com- pany shall cause to be returned after the extinguishment ot fires, and securely deposited in such place or places as are provided for them, the engines, buckets and other imple- ments belonging to the corporation. And if any person or persons shall detain or secrete any axes, buckets, or other public articles, he, she or they shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding thirty dollars for each bucket, axe, or other article so secreted. Section 13 repealed by 1st section of Ordinance passed 20th July, 1826. Sec 15. And be it further ordained, That in case of alarm by fire it shall be the duty of the City Marshal and City Constables to assemble at said fire with their staves of office, and report themselves to the Mayor, Chairman, or such Aldermen as may be present, and attend the fire during the continuance of said fire, and each and every of them shall obey all such orders and directions as may be given them by the Mayor, Chairman, or Aldermen present, for FIRE. 187 enforcing the provisions of this Ordinance, and for the preser- vation of the public peace, and it shall be their duty to re- move all idle suspected persons, or others that may not be actually and usefully employed in extinguishing the fire. And in case the City Marshal or any Constable of the City shall be absent from any fire within said city, or shall come with- out his staff, or fail to report himself to the Mayor, Chair- man or Aldermen present, or shall refuse or neglect to obey any order that may be given him as aforesaid, and cannot show a reasonable excuse to the city council for such absence, disobedience, or failure, he shall be fined in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars. Sec 16. Jindbe.it further ordained, That when any fire shall occur, it shall be the duty of the Mayor and Al- dermen to assemble at the place of said fire to enforce the provisions of this Ordinance, but not interfere in any man- ner with the said firemen in the exercise of the functions herein assigned to them. Sec. 17. Jind be it further ordained, That it • shall be lawful for the firemen, or any two of them, to enter into the houses, outhouses, stables, and yards of every owner or tenant of the same in Savannah, whenever they shall see occasion, and inquire, search for, and examine if any quan- tities of gunpowder, hay, straw, fodder, pitch, tar, rosin, turpentine, hemp, oil, tallow, unpacked cotton, or other com- bustible matters are lodged in any such place within said- city, which may be in danger of taking fire ; and if the said firemen, or any two of them, shall find that there is appa- rent danger that fire may be communicated by such com- bustibles, they shall admonish the owner or tenant of such house or houses to remove the same, and in case such per- son or persons shall refuse or neglect to remove the same immediately after such notice is given, the said firemen, or any two of them are hereby empowered and directed to remove the same, and have the same lodged in some more secure place, at the charge and risk of the owner or tenant ; and should the said firemen, or any two of them, be opposed 188 FIRE. in the removal of the said combustibles, it shall be their duty immediately to inform the Mayor or any three of the Aldermen, who shall cause the said combustibles or materials to be immediately removed at the expense of the offender or offenders, by written orders given to the Marshal, Con- stables, or City Guard, and such person or persons so offend- ing against this section of the Ordinance, shall be fined in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars, by Council, and the same recovered as usual in other cases. Sec. IS. And be it further ordained, That the said fire- men shall have power to examine into the situation of any chimney or other fire place in Savannah, and if they or any two of them shall think the same dangerous to the neigh- borhood, or that fire may be communicated thereby, they or any three of them are hereby empowered and required to order the same to be pulled down, altered, or removed, im- mediately, and in case the owner or tenant shall refuse or neglect to alter, remove, or pull down the same, it shall be the duty of the said firemen to make report to council, who are hereby authorized to order the City Marshal to cause the same to be pulled down, altered or removed, at the expense of the owner or tenant, and such offender shall be fined in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars for every such offence, refusal or neglect. Section 19th repealed by the 4th section of Ordinance passed 27th Octo- ber, 1825. See said Ordinance below. Sec. 20. And be it further ordained. That it may be lawful, at any fire, for the Chief Fireman, or in his absence the Directing Fireman, whoever the Fire Company may have provided for such an emergency, calling to his advice and assistance the Mayor, or in his absence, at least one Alderman, and he is hereby authorized and em- powered to order and command any person or persons to pull down or blow up any house or houses, or other build- ings which he may judge absolutely necessary to be pulled down or blown up for preventing the further spreading of the FIRE, 189 fire. And if any person or persons not so ordered and com- manded by the Chief Fireman or Chief Director as aforesaid ; shall aid or assist in any manner to pull down or blow up, or shall proceed with such purpose ro injure in any manner any house or houses during the progress of a fire, he or they shall be immediately arrested by any of the firemen, by the City Marshal, or any of the (. ity Constables, and they are hereby commanded to arrest such person or persons, and to bring him or them before the Mayor or any of the Aldermen, who is and are hereby authorized to take from such person or persons so offending, a recognizance for his or their appearance at the next meeting of council to answer for said offence, and on conviction thereof, shall be fined in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars. Sec 21. And be it further ordained. That it shall be the duty of the City Scavenger, on the breaking out oi any fire, to order his carts at the different places where the public buckets, fire hooks, ladders, and other implement? for the extinguishment of fire are kept, and to assist in carrying the same to the fire or such place or places as may be directed by the firemen, and after the extinguishment of the fire, shall repair in like manner with his carts, and col- lect under the orders of the firemen, all the buckets, hooks, ladders, ropes and other implements that shall have been employed and have them carried to such place or places, as the said firemen may direct. Sec. 22. And be it further ordained, That it shall not be lawful for any person or persons whatsoever, to ride in or through any part of a square street or lane, in which the in- habitants shall be assembled for the purpose of extinguishing fire, except the commandant of the militia, with such officers as may be necessary in attendance on him, and it shall be lawful for him or them to do so in snch cases only as may require that he should communicate with the Chief Fireman. And should any person or persons not of the above descrip- tion as herein excepted, attempt to ride in or through such parts of squares, streets or lanes, in which persons are 190 FIRE. assembled for the purpose of extinguishing the fire as aforesaid, such person or persons so offending, shall, on conviction thereof, be fined in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars. (Amended by Ordinance of 26th August, 1852.) Sec. 23. And be. it further ordained \ That to prevent, as much as may be, the great confusion which may arise from too many men under arms at the time of fire, it shall be the duty of the Mayor to request the commander of the militia for the time being, to fix the number of men necessary to be under arms in time of fire by a rotine, once in every three months, who shall be posted in such position and such other disposition made of them as may be most conducive to the safety of the city. Sec. 24. This section is superceded and repealed by the 2d and 3d sections of Ordinance passed 2d April 1846, dividing the city into Fire Districts, and to provide for giving alarms of fire. — See said Ordinance hereafter. Sec. 25. And he it further ordained, That every owner of a wooden house or houses, brick or stone-house or houses covered with wood, occupied as a dwelling house or kitchen, or store houses of more than one story, shall provide the same with a sufficient ladder, or have a scuttle or door cut through the roof of such house or houses large enough for a man to pass through conveniently, under the penalty of a fine not exceeding thirty dollars. (Amended; Ordinance 5th June, 1828. Sec 26. And be it further ordained, That it shall not be lawful for any person or persons to carry gunpowder without a secure and proper covering, in any wagon, cart, or dray , or otherwise brought through he squares, streets, lanes or wharves of the city, and every person or persons so offending, shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding thirty dollars. Section 27th repealed — see 2d section of Ordinance passed 9th May. 1850. Title Gunpowder. FIRE. 191 Sec. 28. And be it further ordained, That the master or commander of any ship or vessel, which shall or may at any time arrive at or in the harbor of Savannah, having on board more than fifty-six pounds weight of gunpowder, shall within twenty-four hours after his mooring at or opposite the city of Savannah, cause such gunpowder to be removed to the magazine, and the powder receiver shall there receive ' the same, and the harbor master is hereby required to give notice and inform the master or commander *of any such ship or vessel so arriving at or in the harbor of Savannah, of the duties required of him by this Ordinance. And any master or commander of any ship or vessel who shall refuse or neglect to comply with the terms of this ordinance, shall be liable to a fine not exceeding thirty dollars. This section amended and enlarged. — See Ordinance, 29th March, 1849, title, " Gunpowder/' Sec 29. And be it further ordained, That it shall not be lawful to keep any stove in the City of Savannah, unless the same be placed and fixed upon a sheet of lead, iron, copper, or some enclosed fire proof place, and the funnel of such stove be let through the light of the sash, and the vacant place around it be filled up with sheets of tin, or if it be let through the side or end of any other pail of a wooden house, then the hole through which it passes shall be at least one foot in diameter, and the space remain- ing shall be filled up with sheets of tin, so that the funnel aforesaid, be four inches equally distant from every part of the wood, and extended two feet from the house or eves of any roof; and when the funnel is carried through any part of the house that is lined, then it shall be let through a tube of tin which shall be at least three inches from the funnel, and the space between the tube and the wall shall be filled up with sheets of tin. And any stove or stoves erected or fixed in any manner other than is herein directed, shall be taken down at the expense of the owner, and the person or persons using such stove or stoves, shall be liable to a fine not exceeding thirty dollars for each and every such offence, FIRE. Sec 30. Repealed by Ordinance passed 27th October, 1825, Sec. 31. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 11th March, 1825. W. C. DANIELL, Mayor. AN ORDINANCE, To amend an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance for prevent- ing and extinguishing fires, passed 11th March, 1825. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That it shall be lawful for the Mayor, Chief, Second, and Third Firemen to ride on horseback through any part of a square, street, or lane in which the inhabitants shall be as- sembled for the purpose of extinguishing fires. Sec. 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 26th August, 1852. .RICHARD D. ARNOLD, Mayor, Attest: R s F. Aiken, Clerk Council AN ORDINANCE, To amend an Ordinance for preventing and extinguishing fires. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen oj the City of Savannah an d the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That the following be a ided to the second section of the said Ordinance, and be considered a part thereof, to wit : And that the number of said Company may always be FIRE. 193 complete, the Mayor of the city shall have the power to fill such vacancy from the persons so nominated until the meet- ing of council at which the regular appointment may he made. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That whenever any member of the said company shall contemplate an absence from the city for more than one month he shall provide a substitute to act in his place, during his absence, who shall be approved by the chief or commanding fireman, and such substitute, during the time of the absence of the principal, shall be subject and accepted as such to the above ordinance, and to all the by-laws, rules and regula- tions of said Company. Passed in Council 24th March, 1825. AN ORDINANCE, To amend the 2d and 3d sections of an Ordinance, passed 11th March, 1825, for preventing and extinguishing fires. Sec 1. Be it Ordained by the Mayor and Alder men of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That the 2d and 3d sections of the aforesaid Ordinance be amended to read as follows : that whenever any vacancy shall occur by death, resignation or otherwise in the said Com- pany, it shall be the duty of the members immediately to nominate a proper person to fill such vacancy, such nomi- nation to be made from citizens not under twenty-one, nor over fifty years of age, and the Chief Fireman or Command- ing Officer shall immediately communicate such nomination to council, who shall reject or confirm the same. Sec 2. And be it further ordained, That should Council reject any person or persons nominated by the fire company as above, it shall be the duty of the fire company immediately to nominate another pejson or persons in place 25 FIRE. of such as may have been rejected by council, until such vacancy be filled. Passed in Council 8th December, 1825. W. C. DANIELL, Mayor! AN ORDINANCE, Amendatory of the Fire Ordinance, passed on the 11th day of March, 1825. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and, the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the fame, That the sum of ten cents shall be imposed as a tax on every one hundred dollars on the value of improved real estate or buildings erected on lease within the jurisdictional limits of the city to be calculated and estimated from the returns made of such improved real estate, or the returns made of such buildings erected on lease, or the assessment or assessments made on either by Council. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That the monies received into the City Treasury, by virtue of the provisions of this Ordinance, shall be appropriated exclusively to the payment of the four new engines recently purchased, and the iron and hose necessary for the same, and to the keeping in repair the engines, engine houses, hose, city buckets, hooks, ladders and other fire apparatus. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained, That the tax col- lected by this Ordinance shall be collected and received by the Treasurer from year to year, as other taxes are usually collected by the Ordinances of the city in cases of default in not paying the same. Sec 4. And be it further ordained, That all Ordi- nances or parts of Ordinances so far as the same may be repugnant to this Ordinance, and all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances requiring the owners of houses to provide FIRE. 195 themselves with fire buckets be, and the same are hereby repealed. See 13th section, Ordinance passed 27th August, 1839, confirming this Ordinance, title "taxes." Passed in Council 27th October, 1825. JOSEPH W. JACKSON, Chairman of Council. AN ORDINANCE, To repeal all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances giving rewards to persons beating drums or ringing bells at alarms of fire. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Mdermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the passing of this Ordinance, no person or persons shall receive any compensation for giving any alarm of fire, by the ringing of bells or beating of drums. Sec. 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 16th March, 1826. W". C. DANIELL, Mayor. AN ORDINANCE, To increase the force under the control of the Fire Company, by making slaves who receive badges, subject to their orders, &c. It appearing to council that the number of free persons of color returned to the fire company by the marshal, are not sufficient towards a complete organization of the fire department of this city. FIRE, Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained, by the authority of the same. That immediately after the passage and publication of this Ordinance, that every male slave between the ages of sixteen and sixty years who receives a badge from the city shall be registered and enrolled under the Fire Company, subject to be called out to work on the fire apparatus and drilled at such times as the Fire Company may direct, such slave being- entitled to the sum of twelve and a half cents for each hour he is so employed, subject to the penalties hereinafter mentioned. Sec 2. And be it further ordained, That each of said slaves shall, on every alarm of fire, repair promptly to the post assigned him by the fire company, and be subject to the orders of such officers as said company shall direct, and that any one of said slaves who shall not repair to his post upon any summons for drill or working party within fifteen minutes after the time appointed, shall forfeit one hour's wages, and the same rate for every fifteen minutes absence, without an excuse satisfactory to the Fire Company ; one hour's absence to be a total default and subject the slave so in default to a penalty of fifty cents. Sec. 3. And be it f urther ordained, That any defaulter for not appearing promptly at his post on an alarm of fire, without a satisfactory excuse, on report of the same to the Mayor of the city, the badge of the said defaulter shall be forfeited, and no further badge allowed him, unless by order of council. Sec 4. And he it f urther ordained, That any wilful disobedience of orders shall subject each slave so offending to a prompt and immediate correction under the direction and superintendence of the master of the engine to which he may at the time be attached. Sec 5. And be it f urther ordained, That it shall be the duty of the Fire Company to keep, or cause to be kept, an accurate account of the time each slave is employed in FIRE. 197 working or drilling, and also of sue h penalties he may have incurred j and all wages due after the said penalties are deducted, shall be paid him quarterly. Sec. 6. And be it further ordained, That the man, whether he be a free man of color or one of the above described slaves belonging to an engine, who first gets to it on an alarm of fire, shall be entitled to the sum of one dollar, and the second and third men so arriving, shall be severally entitled to the sum of fifty cents. Sec. 7. Repealed. — See Ordinance passed 13th February, 1840 Sec 8. And be it further ordained. That when the penalties incurred by any of said slaves shall amount to the price given for the badge held by s nch slave, in default of the payment of such penalties the said badge to be for- feited, and said slave to be no longer entitled to the immu- nities and privileges of the same. Sec 9. Repealing clause. Passed in Council, 25th May, 1826, W. C. DANIELL, Mayor. AN ORDINANCE, To repeal the seventh section of an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance to increase the force under the control of the Fire Company, by making slaves who wear badges sub- ject to their order, passed 25 May, 1826. Sec 1. Be it ordained, by the Mayor and Mdermtr. the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof , in Council sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the. san.e- That the seventh section of the aforesaid cited Ordinance b and the same is hereby repealed. Passed in Council 13th February, 1840. ROB'T. M. CHARLTON, Mayor. Attest: M. Myers, Clerk Council. 198 FIRE. AN ORDINANCE, To amend an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance for prevent- ing and extinguishing fires, passed the 1 1th day of March, 1825. Sec. I. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Mdermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same. That the 14th section of the said Ordinance be, and the same is hereby repealed.and the following substituted therefor. Jind be it ordained. That for the encouragement of free persons of color, free negroes, and hired slaves who may be active in carrying the engines, ladders, fire-hooks, and other apparatus to extinguish fires, or who may be otherwise con- spicuously useful in extinguishing the same, rewards may be distributed by the Fire Engine Company to such persons, and in such manner and amounts (not exceeding in the whole for each fire thirty dollars,) as the said company may determine. And the order of the Chief Fireman therefor countersigned by the Clerk of said Company' shall be paid by the City Treasurer at sight. Passed in Council 20th July, 1826. AN ORDINANCE, Further to amend an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance for preventing and extinguishing fires. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Mdermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That the owner or owners of all buildings over one story high within the jurisdiction of the city, that are now de- ficient in ladders and scuttles, shall, before the expiration of thirty days from the date of this Ordinance, cause said buildings to be provided with a scuttle or opening in the FIRE. 199 roof, close to the ridge thereof, of not less than twenty-six by thirty-six inches, with steps up to it on the inside, so that a person can pass up and through to the ridge of the roof, with safety and facility. And the owner or owners of such buildings as shall not be so provided in the time above mentioned, shall be fined in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars, and a further sum not exceeding twenty dollars for every thirty days which such building shall remain so un- provided thereafter. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That when, at the , semi-annual examination of the Fire Company, the ladders, now upon the buildings requiring them, shall be found in- sufficient, it shall be the duty of the Chief Fireman to cause the owner or occupier thereof to be notified of such insufficiency, and require . that such building shall, within thirty da}^s thereafter, be provided with such scuttle and steps as are specified in the first section of this Ordinance. And if such building is not so provided within that time, the owner thereof shall be fined in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars, and a sum not exceeding twenty dollars for every thirty days thereafter which it may remain so unpro- vided. Sec 3. And be it further ordained. That eveiy building hereafter erected within the limits of the city, of whatever material, being over one story high, shall have a scuttle or opening in the roof, close to the ridge thereof, not less than twenty-six by thirty-six inches, with steps on the inside, as mentioned in the first section of this Ordinance. And the owner or owners of every such building, so to be erected, unprovided with such scuttle as aforesaid, shall be fined in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars, and a further sum not exceeding twenty dollars, for every thirty days which such building may remain so unprovided. Sec 4. And be it further ordained^ That it shall be the duty of the Chief Fireman to cause an account to be taken of such wooden building and buildings covered with wood, over one story high, as to have their scuttles in the roof so 200 FIRE. far from the ridge as not to admit a person to go thereon with safety and facility, and to notify the owners or occupiers thereof, to have the same provided with such scuttle and steps as are required in the first section of this Ordinance. And the owner or owners of such buildings as, thirty days after such notification, shall not have such scuttle so altered, shall be lined in a sum not exceeding ten dollars, and in a further sum not exceeding five dollars, for every thirty days which it may hereafter remain so unaltered, Sec. 5« Repealing clause. Passed in Council 5th June, 1828. AN ORDINANCE, To secure the City of Savannah from damage by fire. Whereas 3 the frequent visitations of this city by fire, the destruction of property and the loss of life occasioned thereby, admonishes the citizens of the evil of building other than fire-proof buildings; and whereas, there is no encourage- ment or inducement offered to individuals to erect fire-proof buildings so long as others are allowed to build of combus- tible materials in their immediate neighborhood, enhancing the cost of their insurance and subjecting them to almost inevitable loss of their property, when such combustible buildings take fire — for remedy whereof: Sec 1. This section superceded and repealed by 2d section of an Ordin- ance passed 15th August. 1830. see said Ordinance below ; also. Ordinance 29th May, 1845. Sec, 2. Jind be it further ordained, That no wooden building more than twenty feet high from the ground to the highest point to the root thereof, shall be removed from any one point within the said limits to any other point within the same limits, or from any point without the said limits to any FIRE, 201 point within the same limits, without the permission of the Board of Aldermen for the time being. This section amended by Ordinance passed 29th June. 1854. Sec. 3. And be it further* ordained, That all houses or buildings within said city and hamlets thereof, which have been or hereafter shall be, erected in the manner prescribed in this Ordinance within said limits, and which are now, or here- after may be, covered with slate, tile or incombustible compo- sition, shall continue to be so covered with slate, tile, or incom- bustible composition, and shall be kept effectually secured against fire in manner hereinbefore described. And if any person or persons being owner or proprietor of such house or other building, or having authority, or whose duty it shall be to repair the same, shall hereafter suffer such house or other building to remain in whole, or in part uncovered with slate, tile, or incombustible material, for the space of thirty days after he, she or they, shall be notified by any one of the city officers or fire department, he, she or they, shall forfeit and pay for such offence a sum not exceeding thirty dollars and shall be subject to a like fine for every thirty days afterwards that such house or building shall remain so uncovered. Sec. 4. And be it further ordained, That no house, building or shed of any kind or heighth whatsoever, shall be erected under or immediately on the bluff or to the north ol Bay street from the north end of West Broad street to the north end of East Broad street, unless all the external ends and- sides thereof, shall be built of brick, stone, tabby or tapia, except so much as may be necessary for doors and windows, and unless the roof of all such buildings shall be entirely covered with slate, tile or some incombustible com- position, and such wall shall be at least twelve inches thick in the lower story and eight inches thick above the lower story. (Amended. See Ordinance 14th May, IS 35.) Sec, 5. And. be it further ordained, That whenever 26 202 FIRE. hereafter a house or building of two or more tenements, shall be erected in the manner prescribed, in the 1st and 4th sections of this Ordinance, there shall be between every two tenements, a partition waif of brick or stone at least eight inches thick, to extend from the ground to at least four inches above the roof of such building, which, wall shall be coped with stone or brick. Sec. 6. This section superceded and repealed, see Ordinances 8th June, 1852, 26th August. 1852. 10th March, 1853. and 8th September, 1853. Sec. 7. And be it further ordained, That if any person shall violate the provisions of the 1st, 2d, 4th, and 5th sections of this ordinance, he, she or they, on conviction before Council, shall forfeit and pay for such offence a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, which penalty he, she or they, shall pay annually, until such house or building shall be removed or made conformable to the provisions of this ordinance to be levied and collected in manner pointed out by law. And every mechanic or artificer or other person who shall be instrumental in the erection, or building, or removal of any house or building, contrary to the provisions of this ordinance, he or they on conviction before council, shall forfeit and pay for such offence a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars. Passed in Council 3d April, 1834. WE THORN E WILLIAMS, Mayor. AN ORDINANCE, To amend the various Ordinances of the city passed for the purpose of preserving the City of Savannah from fire. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled^ audit is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That it shall and may be lawful for military or volunteer FIRE. 203 companies to fire salutes on public days, or on such other occasions as the officer in command of such company or companies may direct: Provided, hoivever, That such fire- ing take place between sun rise and sun set. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That the first sec- tion of an Ordinance passed on 3d April, 1834, entitled an Ordinance to secure the City of Savannah from damage by fire, be so amended and altered as to read as follows : That from and after the passing of this Ordinance, no house or building of any kind whatsoever, which shall be more than twenty feet from the ground, to the highest point of the roof thereof, shall be erected or built within the City of Savannah within the limits described, unless all the ex- ternal sides and ends thereof shall be built of or composed of brick, stone or tabby, or tapia, except so much as may be necessary for doors or windows, and unless the roof of such house or building shall be covered with slate, tile, or some incombustible composition, and the gutter secured against fire ; and no brick or stone wall shall be deemed sufficient within .the meaning of this Ordinance, unless the same shall be at least twelve inches thick in the lower story, and eight inches thick above the lower story. And all additions which shall be made to houses or buildings already erected and all houses and buildings which shall be erected on old foundations, in part or in whole, shall be deemed and considered within the provisions, restrictions, and regula- tions of this Ordinance. Sec. 3. Jind be it further ordained, That the title of an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance to prohibit the erection of wooden workshops or bakeries of any kind within the old limits of the City of Savannah, and for other purposes, passed on the 28th day of March, 1839, be altered and changed so as to read, an Ordinance to prohibit the erection or use of wooden workshops or bakeries of any kind within certain limits in the City of Savannah, to prescribe the quantity of lumber that may be kept in lumber yards or open places within certain limits of said city, and for other 204 FIRE' purposes connected therewith ; and that said Ordinance be so amended as to prohibit any person, under the penalty mentioned therein, from hereafter converting any building within said limits, into a bakery or workshop, or from using any building already erected for such purpose ; and that the third section of said Ordinance be so amended and altered as to permit twenty thousand feet, instead of seven thousand feet, to be. kept in the places mentioned therein, Amended, see Ordinance 13th June. 1844-, below. Sec, 4. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 15th August, 1839. ROBERT M. CHARLTON, Mayor. AN ORDINANCE, To amend the 3d section of an Ordinance passed 15th August, 1839, so far as it respects the quantities of lumber that may be kept in lumber yards or open places within certain limits of the City of Savannah mentioned in said Ordinance. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hwnlets thereof, in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same. That from and after the passage of this Ordinance, the said third section of the said Ordinance, passed 15th August, 1839, shall be so amended and altered as to permit sixty thousand feet of lumber instead of twenty thousand feet to be kept in lumber yards and open places within the said limits mentioned in said Ordinance : Provided, that in no lumber yard or open place within the said limits shall the 1 imiber be piled higher than fifteen feet. Sec 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 13th June, 1844. WM. THORNE WILLIAMS, Mayor. Attest : Wm. P. Bowen, Clerk Council FIRE. 205 AN ORDINANCE, To amend the second section of an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance to secure the City of Savannah from damage by fire, passed April 3d, 1834. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the passing of this Ordinance the se- cond section of the above recited Ordinance shall be amen- ded by striking therefrom the following words, to wit : " more than twenty feet high from the ground to the highest point to the roof thereof." Sec. 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 2.9th June, 1854, JOHN fc WARD, Mayor, Attest : Edward G. W ilson, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, To alter and repeal a part of an Ordinance passed 3d pril, 1834, entitled an Ordinance to secure the City of Savan* nah from damage by. fire. Sec. I. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council assem- bled., and it is hereby Ordained by the authority of the same, That so much of the 4th section of the aforesaid Ordinance as prevents the erection of wooden buildings in New Frank- lin ward, to the south of the wharf lots known in the. plan of the said city by numbers 10, 11, 12 and 13, owned and occupied by the steam boat company, be, and the same i ■ nereby repealed. Sec. 2. This section the same as the 6th section of the Ordinance 3d April, 1834, and is superceded by £he subsequent Ordinances the" ferred to. FIRE. Sec. 3. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 14th May, 1835. W. W. GORDON 5 Mayor. AN ORDINANCE, To be entitled an Ordinance to prohibit the erection of wooden buildings on the Bay street or under the bluff 5 between West and East Broad streets. Sec. 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Jildermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the passage of this Ordinance, no build- ing of wood shall be erected on Bay street, or under the bluff, from West to East Broad street. Sec. 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 23d January, 1845. R, WAYNE, Mayor. Attest : Edward G. Wilson, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, To extend the fire limits of the City of Savannah, Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and, Mdermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same. That all the provisions of the various fire Ordinances of the city be, and they are hereby extended, so as to prohibit the erection of any wooden building or shed under the bluff, or on any wharf lot between the eastern limit of the city and the Savannah, Ogeechee and Altamaha Canal. Passed in Council 23d May, 1850. R. WAYNE, Mayor. Attest : Edward G. Wilson, Clerk Council FIRE. 207 AN ORDINANCE, To prohibit the erection of wooden workshops and bakeries of any kind within the old limits of the City of Savan- nah. (See the title of this Ordinance as amended by the 3d section of the Ordinance passe dl5th August, 1839.) Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets the?*eof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That after the passage of this Ordinance, it shall not be law- ful for any person or persons to raise, erect, construct or build, (amended, see 3d section of Ordinance passed 1 5th August, 1839,) or remove from one place to another, any workshop of wood, or any bakery or public oven, for baking, within the following limits, to wit: between East Broad street and West Broad street, and between South Broad street and the river Savannah: Provided nothing herein contained shall preclude the erection of temporary work shops to aid in the erection of permanent buildings Sec 2. And be it further ordained, That any person erecting any workshops or bakeries as described in the first section of this Ordinance, shall be liable to a fine of one hundred dollars for each day the same shall remain, and the same shall be removed by the owners of said shops or ba- keries after ten days' notice, and if they refuse, then the same shall be immediately removed by the Marshal at the expense of the owners. Sec 3. And be it further ordained, That no lumber yard of any description, or open places for the stowing away of lumber beyond seven thousand feet, (now, as amended by the Ordinance passed 1 3th June, 1844, sixty thousand feet,) shall be permitted to be within the limits as described, viz : on the east by East Broad street, on the south by South Broad street, on the west by West Broad street, and On the north by the present boundary of the city, after the first day 208 FIRE. of July next, under the same penalties named in the second . section of this Ordinance. Sec. 4. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 28th March, 1839, M. HALL McALLISTER, Iviayoi. AN ORDINANCE, To amend an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance to secure the City of Savannah from fire, passed 3d April, 1S34. Sec. 1 . Be it ordain ed by the Mayor and A Mermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem- bled 9 and it is hereby ordained by the au thority of the same, That from and after the passing of this Ordinance, the first section of the above recited Ordinance be so amended as to read, that no house or building, of any description, be allow- ed to be put up within 1 lie prescribed fire limits unless the same be built of brick, stone, or some incombustible ma- terial. Sec. 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 29th May, 1845. R. WAYNE, Mayor, Attest : Edward G. W ilson, Clerk Council AN ORDINANCE, To prevent the further erection of wooden buildings and fires in the City of Savannah. Sec. L Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the passage of this Ordinance it shall not be lawful to put up, build, or erect any building or FIRE. 209 structure of wood, or any fence of wood, within the follow- ing limits in the City of Savannah, that is to say, between Savannah River on the North and Gwinnett street on the South, and East Broad street on the East, and West Broad street on the West, under a penalty of not exceeding fifty dollars, for each and every day such structure of wood shall remain up : Provided, nothing herein contained shall pre- vent the erection of temporary places to protect building materials. And provided further, that wooden fences may be put up westwardly of the east side of Jefferson street, and eastwardly of the west side of Abercorn street, and southwardly of Liberty street. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That it shall be lawful for the City Council upon special application, if in their judgment it shall not be detrimental to the public interest to allow the owner of any wooden buildings within the limits before described, to alter said buildings by changing the roof from a pitched to a flat one : Provided, the new roof shall be metalic, and shall not extend above the ridge of the former roof. Passed in Council 8th June, 1852. JNO. W. ANDERSON, Mayor pro tern. Attest : R. F. Aiken, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, To amend an Ordinance passed on the 8th day of June, 1852, to extend the fire limits of the City of Savannah, Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same. That the fire Ordinance passed 8th June, 1852, be so amend- ed as to permit the erection of wooden buildings not exceed- ing twenty feet in height, including the apex of the roof, in 27 210 FIRE. that part of the city known as Curry Town, bounded north by Jones street and east by Tattnall street Sec. 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 26th August, 1852. RICHARD D. ARNOLD, Mayor. Attest: R. F. Aiken, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, To amend an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance to amend an Ordinance passed on the 8th of June, 1852, to extend the fire limits of the city, passed 26th August 1852. Sec 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the passing of this Ordinance, the above recited Ordinance be amended, by striking out the words "Tattnall street," and inserting in lieu thereof, the words following to wit: "Montgomery street prolonged to Gwinnett street. Sec 2. Jind be it further ordained, That all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances conflicting with this Ordinance be, and the same are hereby repealed. Passed in Council 2d June, 1854. JOHN E. WARD, Mayor. Attest: Edward O.Wilson, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, To amend the existing fire Ordinances of the City of Savan- nah and the hamlets thereof. Sec 1. Be it ordained, by the Mayor and Mdermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- FIRE, 211 sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the passing of this Ordinance, the east- ern boundary of the fire limits of the City of Savannah and hamlets thereof, shall be as follows, to wit : commencing at the river, at the foot of East Broad street, and running thence southwardly along the east side of East Broad street, pro- longing said line until it intersects the prolongation of Gwin- nett street extended to the east. Sec. 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 10th March, 1853. R. WAYNE, Mayor, AN ORDINANCE, To be entitled an Ordinance to amend an Ordinance passed March 10th, 1853, en-titled an Ordinance to amend the existing fire Ordinances of the City of Savannah and hamlets thereof. Sec. 1. Be it Ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, audit is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the passing of this Ordinance, the first section of said Ordinance shidl be amended by striking out all that follows the words foot of East Broad street, and in- serting in lieu thereof, the following words : " and running southwardly along the east side of East Broad street, pro- longing the line until it meets the northern side of Liberty street, thence westwardly, until it reaches the eastern line of Price street, thence southwardly to Gwinnett street, extend- ed, to where it will intersect Price street." Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That this Ordinance shall cease to be of force as soon as the plan of the city shall have been extended over the area which is now em- braced between East Broad street, extended southwardly to Gwinnett street on the east, Liberty street on the north, Price 212 FIRE, street on the west and Gwinnett street, extended to the pro- longed line of East Broad street on the south. Sec. 3. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 8th September, 1853, R. WAYNE, Mayor. AN ORDINANCE, Requiring persons laying hearths to fire-places to lay them upon brick or stone arches, or on nagging or some other incombustible material. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and, Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the passing of this Ordinance it shall not be lawful for any person to lay or caused to be laid a hearth to any chimney now erecting or constructing or which may hereafter be made or constructed within the limits of this city, unless said hearth shall be laid upon a brick or stone arch, or on flagging, or on some other incombustible material, and any person violating this Ordinance, shall be fined in-* a sum not exceeding thirty dollars. Sec 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 25th February, 184 L R. M. GOODWIN Chairman of Council. Attest: M. Myers, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, To amend the fire Ordinances as regards the sweeping of chimneys. Sec 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the FIRM 213 City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same. That after the passage of this Ordinance it shall be optional with the owners or occupants of houses to have chimneys, wherein coal is exclusively burnt, swept or not. Sec. 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 30th December, 1852. R. WAYNE, Mayor, Attest: R, F. Aiken, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, To divide the City of Savannah into Fire Districts, and to provide for giving alarms of fire. • Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of theCity of Savannvh and the Hamlets thereof, in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the passage of this Ordinance, the City of Savannah and the hamlets thereof, be and the same are hereby divided into five general divisions, to be known as Fire Districts, according to the following plan and numbers : 1st District shall include all that portion of the city and hamlets bounded as follows: north by the river, east by a line commencing at the lowest point east of the Eastern Wharves, and running south to a point opposite the eastern terminus of South Broad street, south by South Broad street, and west by Bull street, which portion of the city 9% bound- ed shall be numbered and known as the First Fire District. 2d District shall include all that portion of the city and hamlets bounded as follows : north by South Broad street, east and south by the city commons, including all buildings within the corporate limits of the city, and west by Bull street, which portion of the city so bounded shall be num- bered and known as the Second Fire District. 3d District shall include all that portion of the city bound- 214 FIRE. ed as follows : north by the river, east by Bull street, south by South Broad street, and west by West Broad street, which portion of the city so bounded shall be numbered and known as the Third Fire District. 4th. District shall include all that portion of the city and hamlets bounded as follows : north by South Broad street, east by Bull street, west by West Broad, and south by the line of incorporation of the city, which portion of the city and hamlets so bounded shall be numbered and known as the Fourth Fire District. 5th District shall include all that portion of the City of Savannah known as Yamacraw, and bounded as follows: north by the river, east by West Broad street, south by the line of incorporation of the city and west by the canal, which portion of the city and hamlets so bounded and de- scribed, shah be numbered and known as the Fifth Fire District. Sec. 2. And he it further ordained. That it shall be the duty of the watchman in the cupola of the exchange, at the occurrence of fire, first to give a general alarm, by ringing the exchange bell continuously, for a space ol time not ex- ceeding two minutes duration, and then to designate the district where such fire may occur, by tolling the bell for the first district ; striking twice, with short intervals, for the second district; striking three times, with short intervals, for the third district ; striking four times, with short intervals, for the fourth district ; and striking five times, with short intervals, for the fifth district. Said ringing and tolling of the exchange bell to continue for a space of time not ex- ceeding thirty minutes duration, when it shall cease : Pro- vided, nevertheless. That if during the prevalence of one fire in any part of the city, there should occur a fire in another part of the city, then and in that case it shall be the duty of the watchmen in the cupola of the exchange, to designate the district where such second fire may occur, by tolling and striking the exchange bell in the manner above prescribed. Sec 3. And, be it further ordained, That it shall be the FIRE. 215 duty of the officer of the watch to cause the alarm of fire to be extended by ringing the bell of the guard house without cessation, from the discovery of any fire in the city till the same shall be subdued. Sec. 4. And be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty of the officers of the Fire Company, and of the city watch, to report all : neglects of the duties required by the provisions of this Ordinance, and upon conviction before the police court of Savannah, such offender, so convicted, shall be fined in a sum not exceeding ten dollars, or be dis- missed from service. Sec. 5. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 2d August, 1846. H. K. BURROUGHS, Mayor. Attest: A. C. Davenport, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, Entitled an Ordinance, to amend and to add to the fire ordinances now of force in the City of Savannah. Sec 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of i he City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That the Oglethorpe Fire Company, and the Washington Fire Company of the City of Savannah, shall each on their first regular meeting in January, in each and every year here- after, nominate respectively, out of their bodies respectively, their first two officers, and shall report said nominations to the Mayor and Aldermen- of the City of Savannah and the hamlets thereof, at the first meeting of said board thereafter, and the said Mayor and Aldermen shall confirm or reject, the said persons so nominated to them, and if they shall reject them or either of them the said Fire Companies shall proceed to nominate other persons in lieu of those rejected, and whenever the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah shall confirm said nominations, the said persons so confirmed, shall become the first and second 216 FIRE. officers of said companies and therefore ex-officio additional members of the Savannah Fire Company, but subject to all the rules and regulations of said Savannah Fire Company in the same manner as any other members of said Savannah Fire Company. Sec. 2. And be it farther ordained, That immediately upon the termination of their official position, either by resignation or otherwise, all the rights, duties and responsi- bilities created by this Ordinance, shall cease to exist, in them and be transferred to their successors. Sec 3. And he it further ordained, That no cistern, engine house, engine, fire plug, ladder, fire hooks, buckets, axes, nor any other property or apparatus used for extin- guishing fires, belonging to the City of Savannah shall be used at any fire by any person or persons' except under the direction, management, and control of the Savannah Fire Company through its acting chief and all orders given to any Fire Company through said acting chief or any member of the Savannah Fire Company acting by his orders shall be obeyed by all Fire Companies whether their acting first or second officers be present or not. Sec. .4. And he it further ordained, That the Chief Firemen or such person as may be acting in his place shall have power if any person shall violate any of the provisions of this Ordinance or shall refuse or neglect to obey any command to cause the City Marshal or any City Constable, or in their absence it shall be lawful for any fireman to arrest such person and bring them before the Mayor or any of the Aldermen presen t who is hereby authorized to con- mit him to the guard house until the next day, if at night, or if in day time to commit the said offender to the custody of a Guard until the extinguishment of the fire and thereafter take his recognizance to appear before the Mayor at the next ensuing Police Court, and on conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars. Sec, 5. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 1st October, 1853. R. WAYNE, Mayor, f IRE. 217 AN ORDINANCE, To amend the various Ordinances of the City of Savannah and the hamlets thereof, passed for the purpose of pre- serving the City of Savannah from fire. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen oj the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the passage of this Ordinance, no wood- en house, building, shed, fence, or structure of wood, which encroaches upon any public street, lane, alley, or place within the limits of the City of Savannah and the hamlets thereof, shall be altered or changed in any way or manner whatsoever. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That no wooden house, building, shed, fence, or structure of wood, shall be repaired within the fire limits of the City of Savannah and the hamlets thereof, unless permission therefor shall have previously been obtained from the City Council, who are hereby authorized to grant such permission upon receiving in writing from the Chief Fireman of the City of Savannah, a certificate that such repairs will not amount to a rebuild- ing of such house, building, shed, structure or fence. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained, That wherever and whenever the repairs upon any wooden house, building, shed, structure, or fence of wood, shall exceed a moiety thereof, the same shall be held, deemed and considered a rebuilding under this ordinance, and the Chief Fireman of the City of Savannah is hereby prohibited from granting the certificate mentioned in the second section of this ordinance. Sec. 4. And be it further ordained, That whenever hereafter any house, building, shed, or structure already erected within the fire limits of the City of Savannah shall be roofed or covered, it shall be roofed or covered with slate, tile, tin, or some incombustible composition. Sec. 5. And be it further ordained, That if any per- son or persons shall violate any of the provisions of this 28 218 FIRE, Ordinance, he, she, or they, on conviction before the police court, shall be fined in the sum of one hundred dollars per day for each and every day such house, building, shed, fence or structure shall remain repaired, altered, changed, or improved in any way or manner, whatever, or roofed or covered, contrary to the provisions of this Ordinance. And every mechanic, artificer, or other person who shall be in- strumental in. the rebuilding, repairing, altering, changing, or improving in any way or manner whatever, any wooden house, building, shed, fence, or structure, contrary to the provisions of this Ordinance, and all persons concerned in roofing and covering any house, building, shed or structure, contrary to the provisions of this Ordinance, he, she, or they, on conviction before the police court, shall be fined in the sum of one hundred dollars. One half of the fines im- posed by this Ordinance shall be payable to the informer, the other half to the City Treasury. Sec 6. And be it farther ordained, That it shall and may be lawful for the Mayor and Chief Fireman of the City of Savannah and the hamlets thereof, to cause any house, building, shed, structure, or fence of wood to be pulled down or removed whenever they shall consider the same a nuisance or dangerous, or in violation of the fire Ordinances of the said city. The expense of such pulling down or re- moval to be paid by the City Treasury, except in cases of nuisance or in cases of violation of the fire Ordinances, when it shall be borne by the owner. Sec 7. And be it further ordained, That any wooden building in the condition authorized by this Ordinance, may be removed from one part of a lot to any other part of the same lot, even though within the fire limits, provided the permission of council is first had and obtained. Sec 8. And be it further ordained, That it shall not be lawful for any person or persons, or body corporate to keep within any one enclosure more than two hundred and fifty cords of light or pine wood, and the Chief Fireman shall have authority to enter any enclosure and measure said FIRE, 219 wood; and on proof of more than the above quantity, the person or persons offending, shall be fined one hundred dollars for each day that the same may remain, to be paid to the fire company for its use and benefit. Sec. 9. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 29th June, 1854. JOHN E. WARD, Mayor. Attest: Edward G. Wilson, Clerk Council AN ORDINANCE, To relieve George Anderson from the penalty set forth in an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance to secure the City of Savannah from damage by fire, passed 3d April, 1834. Whereas, George Anderson made application to the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the hamlets thereof, in council met, for leave to make addition or additions to his wooden house on lot number (4) four, Derby ward, and city aforesaid, of wooden materials. And whereas, a committee of council, appointed for that purpose, examined into the expediency of said application: and whereas the same was granted by resolution of council aforesaid. Sec 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah, and Hamlets thereof in Council assembled, , and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same. That from and after the passing of this Ordinance, the said George Anderson is hereby relieved from and all penalty incurred against the aforesaid cited Ordinance, by erecting or having erected addition or additions to his wooden house of wooden materials, situate and lying on lot number (4) four, Derby ward, in the City of Savannah, aforesaid. Pro- vided, that the same be covered with slate, tile or other in- combustible materials. Passed in Council 9th November, 1837. M. HALL McALLISTER, Mayor. 220 FIRE. AN ORDINANCE, To relieve Charles L. Lodge from the penalty set forth in an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance to amend an Ordi- nance passed on the 8th June, 1852, to extend the Fire Limits of the City, passed August 26th, 1853. Whereas, Charles L. Lodge has erected a wooden build- ing on the corner of Huntington and Jefferson streets, in violation of the Ordinance entitled an Ordinance to amend an Ordinance passed on the 8th June, 1852, to extend the lire limits of the city, as said Ordinance restricts the heigh th of all wooden buildings to twenty feet, and his building is twenty-five feet high: And whereas, it has been proved under oath that he committed said violation in entire ignor- ance of said Ordinance and was not notified by any city officer until his building was so nearly completed that he could not pull it down or alter the plan without a very serious pecuniary loss, and he has no lot of ground whither he could remove it. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the passage of this Ordinance, the said Charles L. Lodge is hereby relieved from any and all penalty incurred against the aforesaid Ordinance by having erected a wooden building of more than twenty feet in height on the corner of Huntington and Jefferson streets : Provided that said building be covered in all its parts with slate, tile, or metal, and provided that no addition shall at any future time be made to the house of the same heighth as the pres- ent building. Sec. 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 25th August, 1853. R. WAYNE, Mayor. GRANTS. 221 GRANTS. AN ORDINANCE, To vest in fee simple in the Deacons of the Baptist Church of the City of Savannah, and their successors in office, lots Nos. 27 and 28, Brown ward. Sec. I. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained, by the authority of the same, That the lots known by the numbers (27) twenty-seven, and (28,) twenty-eight, be and the same are hereby absolutely vested in fee simple in John Shick, Horace Blair, and Thom- as T upper, deacons of the Baptist Church / of the said city, and their successors in office for the sole purpose of erecting thereon a place of worship for the use and benefit of said church, provided the same be erected within five years, Sec. 2. And be it further ordained. That the Clerk of Council be and he is hereby authorized to make out the necessary title for said lots numbers (27) twenty-seven, and (28) twenty-eight, Brown ward, and that he cause the same to be forthwith executed and delivered to the aforesaid dea- cons of said church, Passed in Council 12th February, 1829. W, THORNE WILLIAMS, Mayor. Attest: M. Myers, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, To vest lot No. (64) Brown Ward in the Hebrew Congrega- tion of the City of Savannah. Sec 1. Be it Ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- 223 GRANTS. sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same. That lot number sixty-four, (No. 64) Brown Ward be, and the same is hereby absolutely vested in Moses Sheftall, Abraham De Lyon, Isaac Cohen, David Leon, Jacob De Lamotta, Sheftall Sheftall, and Levi Hart, and their successors in office to, and for the use of the Hebrew Con- gregation of the City of Savannah : Provided, the said lot be used and appropriated solely for the purpose of con- tinuing thereon a place of worship for said congregation and appropriating it to no other purpose whatsoever. Passed in Council 12th March, 1829. W R. WARING, Chairman, Attest: M. Myers, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, Granting to the State of Georgia a lot of ground on which to erect an Arsenal, and repealing the Ordinance passed on the 12th of February 1829. Whereas, the General Assembly at its last session passed the following Act : "To authorize and provide lor the building of an Arsenal in the City of Savannah for the preservation and better security of the arms and munitions of war, the property of said State in said city." Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and. Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That a conveyance be made to the State of Georgia in fee simple for the purpose of building an Arsenal of brick or stone thereon of all that western half of Trust lot, letter G in Percival ward, fronting on Whitaker street, and extend- ing from thence eastwardly, 90 feet more or less, bounded on the north by President street, and on the south by York street : Provided, nevertheless, that the said half lot or parcel GRANTS. of land shall be appropriated solely as a site for an Arsenal and its appurtenances for the security and preservation of arms and munitions of war. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That the Ordi- nance passed on the 12th day of February, 1829, on this subject and other Ordinances or parts of Ordinances milita- ting against this Ordinance be, and the same are hereby repealed. Passed in Council March 26, 1829. W. THORNE WILLIAMS, Mayor. AN ORDINANCE, To vest in fee simple in the Trustees of the Unitarian Society of the City of Savannah, and their successors m office lots 35 and 36 in Brown ward. Sec 1. Be it ordained by the M ay or and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That the lots known by the numbers thirty-five (35) and thirty-six, (36) in Brown ward, be and the same are hereby vested in fee simple in John Davidson, Jeremiah Stone, Laomi Baldwin, Edward Padleford and Samuel Philbrick, Trustees of the Unitarian Society of said city, and their successors in office for the sole purpose of erecting thereon a place of worship for the use and benefit of said Society : Provided, the same be erected within five years. Sec 2. And be it further ordained, That the Clerk of Council be, and is hereby authorized to make out the neces- sary titles for said lots, numbers (35) thirty-five, and (36) thirty-six, Brown ward, and that he cause the same to be forthwith executed and delivered to the aforesaid Trustees of said Society. Passed in Council 30th June, 1831. Attest: M. Myers, Clerk Council. 224 GRANTS. AN ORDINANCE, To empower the trustees of the Unitarian Association to sell lots Nos, 35 and 36, Brown ward. Sec, 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby or darned by the authority of the same, That the Trustees of the Unitarian Association of Savannah have leave to sell lots Nos. 35 and 36, Brown ward : Provi- ded that the proceeds of the sale of said lots be appropriated to purchase a lot subject to the same conditions under which the original lots were granted. Sec. 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 18th April, 1833, Attest: M. Myers, Clerk of Council. AN ORDINANCE, To vest in certain persons herein named two lots of land in the City of Savannah and hamlets thereof, for the pur- poses herein mentioned. Sec. 1, Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled^ mid it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same. That from and after the passing of this Ordinance the two lots situate, lying and being to the east of the Old Cemetery, each containing sixty feet in front and ninety in depth, be and are hereby declare;; to be vested in Eliza Mackay, Elizabeth Lloyd and Mary E. Demere, in trust to and for the purposes of enclosing the same and erecting, con- structing and building i hereon a suitable and proper house or houses for such widows as they may deem objects of their bounty and charity : Provided always, that it shall not be lawful for the sain trustees or their successors to alien, bargain, sell, or convey in any manner, the said lots hereby granted, or to use them for any other purpose except that GRANTS. 225 of affording a refuge and place of habitation for such wi- dows, as the said trustees or their successors may deem ob- jects of their charity. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That if the said lots be converted to any other uses than the one above set forth, they shall be considered as immediately reverting to and vesting in the said Mayor and Aldermen, and their suc- cessors, as if they had never been granted by them, and it shall be lawful for any person under their authority to take possession of the lots hereby granted. Passed in Council 19th April, 1832. W.- R. WARING, Mayor. AN ORDINANCE, Authorizing a conveyance in fee simple to the United States of a piece of ground for new Barracks. Sec. 1 Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordain ed by the authority of the same, That upon the payment into the City Treasury of the sum of twelve thousand dollars, a conveyance be made in fee simple to the United States for the purpose of erecting barracks thereon for the accommodation of the troops of the United States, of all that piece of ground or parcel ot land situate, lying, and being on the South common of said city, extending from the southern line of Liberty street, as herein after defined. Two hundred and twelve feet six inches southernly, and from the eastern line of Bull street continued, three hundred and two feet six inches, to the western line of Drayton street continued embracing within said limits a space equal to the opposite ty thing, in Brown ward, including the lane. Sec 2. And be it further ordained, That the width of Liberty mm shall be one hundred and forty feet, (see 29 226 GRANTS. amendment, section 1 of Ordinance 28th March, 1837, title " Commons and Grants,") measured from the southern line of lots on said street and extending to the northern line of the piece of ground hereby granted. Sec. 3. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 22d August, 1833. W. THORNE WILLIAMS, Mayor, AN ORDINANCE^ To vest in George G. Faries, William King, and William Crabtree, Jr., two lots of land in the City of Savannah, in trust for the First Presbyterian Church in said city, and to authorize them to sell or to lease the same. Whereas, the association of christians in Savannah, known by the name of the First Presbyterian Church in Savannah, have not been incorporated by the General As- sembly ot the State of Georgia, and have applied for a do- nation of city property to give effect to said application. Sec. 1. 'Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem- bled^ and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That those two lots situated in Brown ward, Numbered thirty-seven (37) and thirty eight (38), be and the same are hereby granted and conveyed to and vested in George G. Faries, William King, and William Crabtree, Jr., and the survivors or survivor of them and the heirs and assigns of such survivor, in trust to and for the use and benefit of the said association of christians known by the name of the First Presbyterian Church in Savannah. Sec. 2. Jind be it further ordained, That the said George G. Faries, William King and William Crabtree. Jr., and the survivors and survivor of them shall be, and they are here- by empowered, at any time hereafter, to sell the said two lots, or either of them, in fee simple, or otherwise;, or to GRANTS. 227 grant leases for the use and benefit of the said First Presby- terian Church in Savannah. Passed in Council 26th June, 1834. W. THORNE WILLIAMS, Mayor, AN ORDINANCE, To vest in Samuel J. Bryan, Francis M. Stone, Laban Wright, Benjamin Snider, John B. Davis, Nathaniel Lewis, Murray Reed and William Quantock, one lot of land in the City of Savannah, in trust for the Methodist Episco- pal Church in said city, and to authorize them to sell or lease the same. Whereas, the association of christians in the City of Sa- vannah known by the name of the Methodist Episcopal Church have not been incorporated by the General Assem- bly of the State of Georgia, and have applied for a donation of city property to give effect to said application. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That one lot of land in said city, situate in Jackson ward, and numbered forty eight, be, and the same is hereby grant- ed and conveyed, and vested, in Samuel J. Bryan, Francis M. Stone, Laban Wright, Benjamin Snider, John B. Davis, Nathaniel Lewis, Murray Reed, and William Quantock, and the survivors and survivor of them, and the heirs and assigns of such survivor, in trust to and for the use and benefit of the said association of christians, known by the name of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Savannah, with full powers in said persons and the survivors and survivor of them and the heirs and assigns of such survivor at any time thereafter to sell the said lot in fee simple, or lease the same for the benefit of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Savannah. Passed in Council llth December, 1834. W. THORNE WILLIAMS, Mayor. GRANTS. AN ORDINANCE, To grant to the Central Rail Road and Banking Company of Georgia, five acres of land in Oglethorpe ward, and the low lands adjoining, and the right of way to said Company, through the city lands from thence to Mus- grove creek. Whereas, the said company has applied to this corpora- tion for the grant of a lot or parcel of land in the corporate limits of said city, for the erection of a depot, for their road, and for workshops and other appurtenances thereto, and for the right of way from such lot or parcel of land through the city property to Musgrove creek, and it is for the interest of the good citizens of said city that such depot should be located within the corporate limits of the city, whereby the most general good will be subserved ; and whereas, the deep interest which the corporation has in the enterprise for which this company is formed, requires that every reasonable facility should be given to the forwarding of the same. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That five acres of land, comprising within the lines of which West Broad street is the eastern boundary, Musgrove creek is the west boundary, the Augusta road is the south boundary and Oak street and a line down west, from its western termination, is the northern boundary, be granted to the said Central Rail Road and Banking Company of Geor- gia, in fee simple, with privilege to the said company, to locate the said five acres in any part of the said parcel of land comprised within the said boundaries, with the excep- tion of so much ground as may be requisite for a public passage to and from the spring,* and further, that the right * Amended in reference to the spring — see 1st section of Ordinance passed 20th August, 1838, GRANTS. 229 of way, of such width as the said company shall determine on, from the lot of five acres so to be located and selected, to Musgrove Creek, to be also granted to the said company, and that a conveyance of the said five acres of land and the right of way, be made to the said company, so soon as the said company shall have located the same; Provided nevertheless, that the same and every part and parcel thereof, shall be ^exclusively used, appropriated and applied to the necessary and useful uses and purposes of a Rail Road depot, work- shops, road and appurtenances, and that on failure or neglect so to use aad apply the same, the same shall revert and revest. in this corporation as if the same had never been granted. Sec. ,2. be it fwrthzr ordained, That the said company shall have full power and authority to close up and occupy all streets and lap es which shall be comprised within the five acres of land so to be selected by them or which shall be crossed by the £aid road in its passage from the said five acres of land to Musgrove's Creek, except a street or public passage way on the east bank of the canal, of at least forty feet in width which street, or passage way on the canal, said company shall always be bound to keep open and fit for all public purposes to which it is now applied. Sec. 3. Jind be it further ordained, That if the said company shall locate the said five acres of land or road so as to interfere with the proprietors of any buildings on the said city property, the said company shall be bound to pay to such proprietors a fair valuation for any building on the land so selected by them. Sec 4. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 24th November, 1836. JOHN C. NICOLL, Mayor. Attest : M. Myers, Clerk Council. 230 GRANTS. AN ORDINANCE, To amend an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance to grant to the Central Railroad and Banking Company of Georgia, five acres ol land in Oglethorpe ward, and the low lands adjoining, and the right of way to said company through the city lands, from thence to Musgrove's Creek, passed 24th November, 1836, Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same That the Central Railroad & Banking Company of Georgia,, shall be at liberty to enclose the spring at Spring Hill within the walls of their depot : Provided, that the said spring be walled up with brick of proper size, that the water be led from the spring outside of the wail which is about to be erected to the south thereof, by iron pipes, that a good pump be placed in the street or road for the public use, and tl at the water be led off by iron pipes to the low ground so as to keep a running stream from the spring, and according to a plan in the Clerk's office, signed by L. 0. Reynolds, engineer : Provided also, that the contemplated work be approved and sanctioned by the Committee on Pumps. Sec. 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council, 30th August, 1838. M. HALL McALLISTER, Mayor. AN ORDINANCE, To grant to the Central Rail Road and Banking Company of Georgia a part of the lot known as the Spring Hill lot. Sec. 1. Beit ordained by the Mayor and Mdermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby Ordained by the authority of the same 7 That all that part of the public lot of land, known as the GRANTS. 231 Spring Hill lot which lies between Oak street (after the same is widened to sixty feet and extended to the canal) and the land heretofore granted to the said company, and between the land so heretofore granted and West Boundary street, be, and the same is hereby granted to the said company for the purpose of a Rail Road depot. Passed in Council, 30th January, 1840. ROBERT M. CHARLTON, Mayor. Attest : M. Myers, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, To grant to the Savannah Female Asylum two lots of land in the City of Savannah, for the purpose of erecting thereon a building of brick for the accommodation of the orphan children in charge of said Society. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same. That all those two lots of land known in the plan of the west part of the city, by the Nos. 32 and 33 Jasper Ward, on the east side of Bull street continued, be, and the same are hereby granted to the Savannah Female Asylum, for the purpose of erecting a substantial building or buildings of brick for the use and accommodation of the Female Orphan children, under the charge of the Directresses of said Asylum. Provided, however, and this grant is on the condi- tio n that if the said lots be appropriated or diverted to any other use whatever, the same shall revert to the City. Passed in Council, 23d February, 1839. M. HALL, McALLISTER, Mayor. AN ORDINANCE, To be entitled an Ordinance to vest in the Vestry of the 232 GRANTS. Catholic Church of St. John the Baptist, and their suc- cessors in the City of Savannah, for the use of the Sisters' of Charity, (an institution to be established in said city,) two lots of land in said city, for the purpose of erecting thereon buildings for the accommodation of said sisterhood. Sec. 1. Be it ordained 'by 'the 'M r ay r or and *f21dermen of thg €ily of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem- hled y and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same. That all those two lots of land situate in said city, Lafayette Ward,, and known by the numbers (&5) twenty-five, and ($6) twenty-six, each containing (60) sixty feet on Liberty street, and (100) one hundred feet on Abercorn street Jf be and the same are hereby granted and vested in the Vestry of $he Church of St, John the Baptist, in the City of Savannah^ and their successors in office, for the use of an institution to be established in said city, styled a u Branch of the Sis- ters of Charity or Mercy," the object of which institution or association is charity, ministering to the poor and sick, and the instruction and education of orphans and children generally, of their own sex, without any distinction as to* religious belief, under the rules and regulations of their order.. Said two lots of land above mentioned are hereby granted as aforesaid for the purpose of erecting thereon a substantial building or buildings of brick or other durable material, to be covered with slate, tile, or metal, as a resi- dence for said sisterhood and to enable them to carry out the humane purposes of the institution : Provided that the buildings be erected on said lots within three years from the date of this Ordinance ; Jlnd provided further, and this grant is on the condition that if at any time said two lots and build- ings to be erected thereon be appropriated or diverted to any other purpose or use than above specified and more fully set forth in the petition praying the grant thereof, the same shall revert to the City of Savannah. Passed in Council 11th August, 1S42. W. THORNE WILLIAMS, Mayor. Attest: Elisha Wylly, Clerk of Council. GRANTS. 233 AN ORDINANCE, Granting a lot of land to the Trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Savannah. Whereas, certain persons, Ministers, Trustees and Stewards, of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Savannah, have petitioned Council to grant a lot of land for the purpose of enabling them to erect a house of religious worship for their colored members, of whom the number is represented to be very large, and under the exclusive instruction of white ministers, and Council considering the object to be good and the prayer of the petitioners proper to be granted. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That lot No. (10 ) ten in Crawford ward fronting north on South Broad street, be, and the same is hereby granted to F. M. Stone, Laban Wright, Asa Holt, Benjamin Snider, Emanuel Sheftall, Emanuel Heidt, James Porcher, Mordecai Sheftall, Jr., and William Quantock, Trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Savannah, and their suc- cessors in office, and assigns in fee simple for the purpose of enabling them to construct a house of religious worship for their colored members with full power either to erect such house thereon, or to sell the lot and apply it to the pur- chase of another lot within the city or otherwise, as to them shall appear expedient. Sec. 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council, 25th July, 1844. WM. THORNE WILLIAMS, Mayor. Attest : Wm. P. Bowen, Clerk Council AN ORDINANCE, To vest in the wardens and vestry of St. Johns' Church in Savannah one lot of land in Pulaski ward. 30 234 GRANTS, Sec. 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council asse?n bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That lot No. thirty-two (32) in Pulaski ward bounded north by a lane, east by Whitaker street, south by Jones street and west by lot No. thirty-one (31) be, and the same is hereby granted to and vested in the wardens and vestry of St. John's Church in Savannah, and their successors in office in fee simple, with full power to sell or otherwise dispose of the same for the benefit of said* Church. Sec. 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 19th September, 1844. AN ORDINANCE, Entitled an Ordinance to grant to and vest in the Georgia Historical Society lot number seventy-three (73,) Lafa- yette ward, City of Savannah, in fee simple, and to repeal all ordinances heretofore passed militating against the same. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same* That all Ordinances heretofore passed in council, which vest in the Georgia Historical Society the said lot number seven- ty-three (73), Lafayette ward, upon any condition or limi- tation, which is, or may be therein expressed, or which in any manner shall militate against this Ordinance be, and the same are hereby repealed. Sec 2. And be it further ordained, That the said lot number seventy-three (73), Lafayette ward, and City of Sa- vannah, with all and singular its rights, members, appur- tenances, and improvements, be, and the same is hereby, granted to and vested in the said Georgia Historical Society and its successors in office, in fee simple, absolute to have GRANTS. 235 and to hold the same unto the said the Georgia Historical Society and its successors in office forever. Passed in Council 22d July, 1847. H. K. BURROUGHS, Mayor. Attest : A. C. Davenport, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, To amend an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance to grant to and vest in the Georgia Historical Society lot number seventy- three (73), Lafayette ward, City of Savannah, in fee simple and to repeal all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances heretofore passed militating against the same, passed in council 22d July 1847, and for other purposes. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hwnlets thereof, in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That the above recited Ordinance be, and the same is here- by amended, as that the word " Lafayette " wherever the same occurs in the title and body of said Ordinance shall read "Crawford," and the word "Crawford" is hereby sub- stituted therein, in the place of the word "Lafayette.'* Sec 2. And be it further ordained, That the third section of the Ordinance entitled an Ordinance granting to Charles B. Cleskey, on ground rent, five lots south of the old Cemetery, to attach the said lots and others, to Craw- ford ward, and to prohibit the future purchasers and owners of certain other lots from building thereon in wood, passed 4th April, 1844, be, and the same is hereby revived. Passed in Council 19th August, 1847. H. E. BURROUGHS, Mayor, Attest: A. C. Davenport, Clerk Council. 236 GRANTS. AN ORDINANCE, To be entitled an Ordinance granting to the Justices of the Inferior Court of Chatham County, lots Nos. 11, 12, 13, and 14, in Lafayette ward, and the brick wall enclosing the same, and all the buildings and improvements on the same, within the said wall. Whereas, in and by a memorial of the honorable, the Justices of the Inferior Court of Chatham County, it is rep- resented to the city council, that after many embarrassments they have succeeded in accomplishing their wishes by the erection of a new jail and are waiting only until the walls have become sufficiently dry to authorize its being inhabited, to place it under the control of the city authorities, and also that " the cost of the building has not only exhausted the funds of the county, but it has also exceeded the means of payment," and they request them that an Ordinance be passed, or such other means adopted as will carry into effect the resolution of council, of the 19th of August, 1839: And whereas, by a report of a committee of council, adopted by council on that day it was recommended " that the proceeds of the sales of the four lots which will be laid off from the present jail lot to be given for the] purpose of aid- ing in the erection of a new jail," as well as the materials of the present jail, or an equivalent thereto in money. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That lots Nos. (11, 12, 13, and 14,) eleven, twelve, thirteen, and fourteen, in Lafayette ward, in the City of Savannah, and the wall now enclosing and all the buildings and improvements on the same and within the said wall, be and the same are hereby granted to the Justices of the Inferior Court of Chatham County and their successors in office and assigns in fee simple, this grant to take effect from and immediately after the delivery of the new jail to the city authorities. (The remaining portion of the section re- GRANTS, £37 pealed by Ordinance passed 10th June, 1847, immediately succeeding this Ordinance. Sec. 2, Repealing clause. Passed in Council 17th September, 1846, H. K BURROUGHS, Mayor, Attest: John C. Hunter, Clerk of Council. AN ORDINANCE, To amend an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance granting to the Justices of the Inferior Court of Chatham County, lots 11, 12, 13, 14, in Lafayette ward, and the brick wail enclosing the same, and all the buildings and improve- ments on the area, within the said wall, passed 17th Sep- tember, 1846. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Mdermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That so much of the Ordinance as requires the lots to be sold within one year and the buildings and wall enclosing the same to be removed within six months from the date of the said Ordinance be and the same are hereby repealed. Sec. 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 10th June, 1847. H. K. BURROUGHS, Mayor, Attest: A. C, Davenport, Clerk of Council; AN ORDINANCE. Whereas, Moses Eastman is about to erect a church on lot marked (W.) in Anson ward, fronting Oglethorpe square, and is desirous of placing the turrets of said Church on the ground allotted for porticoes, and whereas the owners of all the lots fronting on said square having acquiesced in the same.. GRANTS. . Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof] in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same. That the said Moses Eastman have leave to erect the towers or turrets of said church on the ground now alloted for porticoes, any usage or Ordinance to the contrary notwith- standing. Passed in Council, 25th April, 1850. R. WAYNE, Mayor. Attest: Edward G. Wilson, Clerk Council AN ORDINANCE, To authorize the Savannah Free School Society to sell lot No. 39 Brown ward, and to reinvest the proceeds of said sale, in another lot, to be by them selected, to be held by them upon the same conditions as are now annexed to their title to the lot No. 39 Brown ward. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of theCity of Savannvh and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That the Savannah Free School Society be, and they are hereby authorized to sell and convey absolutely, free from all incumbances, the lot of land No. 39 Brown ward, now in their possession under a grant from the corporation, And that they be further authorized to purchase, with the proceeds of said lot, another lot in the City of Savannah, to be selected by them : Provided, That all the rights re- served to the City of Savannah in the grant of lot No. 39 Brown ward, shall be expressed and contained in the title they may receive for the lot they may purchase. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That the said lot, when purchased by the said Free School Society, and the improvements they may place upon it shall be exempt, while used by them, from all taxation. Passed in Council 23d September, 1852. RICHA a) 1). ARNOLD, Mayor. Attest : R, F. Aiken, Clerk Council. GRANTS. 339 AN ORDINANCE, To be entitled an Ordinance to appropriate; and set apart a lot whereupon to erect an Engine House and Fireman's Hall. Sec. 1. Be it Ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same. That a lot of land, sixty feet in width, and ninety feet in depth, situate at the southwest corner of Abercorn and South Broad streets, be, and the same is hereby set apart for the purpose of having erected thereon a new Engine House and Fireman's Hall, for the use of the Savannah Fire Company. (See 1st section of Ordinance passed 3d No- vember, 18o3 — title "Commons and Grants. 5, Sec. 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 5th May, 1S53. R. WAYNE, Mayor. AN ORDINANCE, To give to the Savannah Floating Dry Dock Company and Iron Steamboat Company the control of the wharves hired or leased by them for their own use. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen oj the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained, by the authority of the same. That from and after the passage of this ordinance the Savan- nah Floating Dry Dock Company shall be entitled to the exclusive uses, control and management of the wharves leased or hired by said company for the purpose of docking repairing or building vessels. Sec 2. And be it further ordained, That the said Iron Steamboat Company, shall be entitled to the same privileges GRANTS. hereinbefore granted to the Savannah Floating Dry Dock Company. Sec. 3, Repealing clause. Passed in Council, 1 2th February 185a Attest: R. F s Aiken, Clerk Council AN ORDINANCE, To give to the Savannah Steam Rice Mill Company the control of the river front of the wharf owned by said company. Whereas, It is necessary to allow the said Company the privilege of occupying at ail times the said wharf head by vessels containing rice. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same*, That the Savannah Steam Rice Mill Company shall at all times hereafter have privilege of occupying the river front of the wharf by vessels containing rice, any law, usage, or Ordinance to the contrary notwithstanding. Passed in Council i J0th May, 185.2. JOHN W. ANDERSON, Mayor pro. tern. Attest: R. F. Aiken, Clerk of Council AN ORDINANCE, To set aside a lot of land for the future erection of a Guard House. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled^ and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same. That the lot of land situate at the southwest corner of Hab- GRANTS. 241 ersham and South Broad street, not exceeding ninety feet in width, by two hundred and seventy feet in depth, be, and the same is hereby set aside for the erection of a Guard House. Sec. 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 2d June, 1854. JOHN E. WARD, Mayor. . Attest : Edward G, "Wilson, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, To grant two lots of land for the future erection of a build- ing to be called the Massie Common School. Sec 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and A Mermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That lots numbered thirty-four and thirty-five, Calhoun ward, in the City of Savannah, be, and the same are hereby set aside for educational purposes, and for the purpose of having erected thereon, at some future period, a school house, to be designated the Massie Common School. Sec. 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 2d June, 1-854. JOHN E. WARD, Mayor. Attest: En ward G. Wilson, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, ,To appropriate and set aside a portion of Crawford ward, east, as the site for a new jail, and for other purposes. Sec 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, arid it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, 242 GRANTS. That the triangular space of ground in that portion of the city known as Crawford ward, east, bounded by East Broad street, the Thunderbolt road, and Perry, street, (except the lot heretofore conveyed to — — Lewis in exchange,) be set aside and appropriated for the site on which a new jail is to be erected. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That the Mayor be, and is hereby authorized to execute a conveyance of said space of ground to the Justices of the Inferior Court of Chatham County, for the purpose above recited, so soon as said Justices shall signify to him, in writing, their accept- ance of said location, and state that the erection of the new jail shall be commenced, bona fide, by the first day of J line, 1855. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained, That in the convey- ance of said space of land, the condition be inserted " that unless the erection of said jail be commenced bona fide, by the first day of June, 1855, said land shall revert to the city." Sec 4. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 15th June, 1854. JOHN E. WARD, Mayor., Attest: Edward G-. Wilson, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, To grant a certain right of way to the Savannah and Albany Railroad Company. Sec. 1 Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the au thority of the same, That the right of way is hereby granted to the Savannah and Albany Railroad Company, or by whatever name said Company may hereafter be called, with authority and per- mission to lay down and construct a single Railroad track GRANTS. 243 from the depot of said Company, over and across Liberty street, and through Randolph street, to the head of Lamar's Canal. The said track or right of way, shall not exceed twelve feet in width, and be located in the centre of Ran- dolph street so far as said track goes in said street, with per- mission to construct one turn out, in addition to the right of way already given, said turn out not to exceed four hundred feet in length along Randolph street from the head ol Lamar's Canal ; Provided, that said track north of Liberty street shall only be used to transport timber, lumber, locomo- tives, and all material to be used in constructing and equipping said Railroad. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That the said Com- pany shall be required before they commence to lay and construct said track and turnout along said streets, to establish a uniform grade of track, level with said streets, so graded by said Company, commencing from the northern line of the depot of said Company across Liberty street, through Randolph street to the head of Lamar's Canal, said grade as atoresaid to be preserved and maintained by the said Company, always at their expense, so that no obstruc- tions of any kind whatever shall at any time be presented to the free passage of the inhabitants of this city, across said track, and that the street shall be planked, so as to be on a level with the top of the iron on the track at every cross street, the full width of such cross street. Sec 3. And be it further ordained, That the rate of speed at which a car or cars on said track or turn out shall move, be drawn or driven, shall not exceed five miles an hour; Provided, that if the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council assembled, shall at any time hereafter determine that the pas- sage of locomotives or engines through Randolph street, north of Liberty street, constitutes a nuisance or serious in- jury to the city, they shall have power to prohibit absolutely the passage of the same between the south side of Liberty street, and the river along said Randolph street, and during 244 GUNPOWDER. the passage of any car or cars over and along said track and turn out, notice of the same shall be given by the ringing of a bell attached to the train then passing. Sec. 4. Repealing clause. Passed in Council, 26th April, 1854. JOHN E. WARD, Mayor. GUNPOWDER, AN ORDINANCE, For the better regulation of the Gunpowder [brought into the city, and for the appointment of a Superintendent of Gunpowder, with fees, and for other purposes hereinafter mentioned. This Ordinance, with, the exception of the following sections, is super- ceded by the 26th and 28th sections of an Ordinance passed ll\th March, 1825. See title Fire. Sec. 1 . Be it ordained by the M ay or and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of tliesmne y That at the first regular meeting of council in Novel eber next, (now at the first regular meeting of council in each audi every January annually,) (see 13th section of Ordinance 1 passed 2d August, 1839, title "City Officers,") there shall be 1 chosen by ballot a Superintendent of Gunpowder, to seive 1 for one year, who shall enter into bond with two or more* sufficient sureties, in the sum of two thousand Dollars, for.' the faithful performance of the duties hereinafter prescribed. Sec. 5. Jind be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty of the Superintendent of Gunpowder to attend every day, (Sunday excepted,) from the hours of six o'clock in the morning until twelve o'clock, at the place or places GUNPOWDER. 245 designated for the receiving and delivery of Gunpowder, and in case of non-attendance, unless good and sufficient ex- cuse be made to the Mayor and Aldermen, at a regular meeting of council, for each and every information so laid he shall he fined in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars. Passed in Council 16th October, 1819. T. U. P. CHARLTON, Mayor. For the Fees of the Superintendent of Gunpowder or Keeper of the Powder Magazine. See title " City Officers." AN ORDINANCE, Requiring the Superintendent of Gunpowder to provide wool- en socks to be used by all persons resorting to the magazine, and prohibiting the shipment of powder on board of vessels lying at the wharf. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That the Superintendent of Gunpowder shall hereafter cause to be prepared, at his own proper cost, four pair of woolen socks, to cover the feet, to be kept within the door of the magazine, to be worn by himself and all persons resorting thereto, to be put on before entering, and to be worn whilst remaining there. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That the said su- perintendent or any other person who shall refuse or neglect at any time to wear such woolen socks as aforesaid, whilst in the magazine, shall, on conviction before council, be fined in the sum of ten dollars for each offence, and if a slave, he shall be committed to jail and receive thirty-nine stripes, and the fine shall be inflicted upon his owner or employer, together with all costs and charges. Sec 3. And be it further ordained, That no gunpowder shall be shipped on board of any vessel, boat, or flat, whilst 246 GUNPOWDER. lying at any of the wharves of the city in any quantity ex- ceeding fifty-six pounds, hut that every vessel, boat, or flat, be- fore receiving such shipment, shall be hauled into the stream and shall not be permitted, after receiving the powder, to remain in any part of the river opposite to the city for a longer period of time than twelve hours. And for a viola- tion of this section, the captain, owner, agent or consignee of the vessel shall, on conviction before council, be fined in the sum not exceeding thirty dollars for each offence, and not exceeding thirty dollars for each hour such ship or vessel shall remain after the time limited. Sec. 4. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 8th March, 1835. WM. R. WARING, Mayor. AN ORDINANCE, To amend the fire Ordinances of this city, so far as relates to gunpowder in transitu. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and I he Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same That from and after the passage of this Ordinance, all gun- powder arriving at this port to be forwarded to the interior by rail road or river, may be transported directly from the vessel bringing it to the cars of the rail road or the boats for which it is destined, without being subject to be placed in the magazine or to fees to the keeper thereof: Provided, however, Thn t as soon as any vessel having gun- powder on board for such destination, be made fast to the wharf, it shall, without being suffered to remain on the wharf, at once be placed in a safe and proper conveyance, under cover of a tarpaulin, conspicuously marked "powder," and transported to the rail road depot, or to the landing of the boat for which it is destined. In the former case it shall GUNPOWDER. 247 at once be placed in a car or cars which shall be moved out of the depot, on the track beyond the canal bridge, until taken up the road. In default of this, it shall be placed in the magazine of the company, to be removed at its earliest convenience. In the case of river transportation, it shall not be allowed to remain on the wharf or in any store, but be at once put on board a boat, which shall be immediately hauled into the stream, above the city, as is now by law pro- vided. In default of any boat being in readiness for it, then said gunpowder shall be placed in the magazine of the city, as is now provided, subject to the usual fees. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained. That each and every violation of this Ordinance shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, to be levied on the party in fault. Sec 3. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 29th March. 1849. R. WAYNE, Mayor, Attest : Edward G. Wilson, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE. To alter and amend an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance for preventing and extinguishing fires, passed 11th March. 1825. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby Ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the passing of this Ordinance no mer- chant, factor, retailer, or dealer in powder, or any person or persons whosoever in this city shall retail, keep, or have in their possession at any time, a greater quantity of gun- powder than twenty-five pounds weight and on information given to the Mayor or any one of the Aldermen or any firemen, or the same coming by any means to their knowl- edge, of a greater quantity of powder than twenty-five 248 HARBOR MASTER, pounds weight in the possession of or within the enclosure or enclosures of any person or persons whomsoever at any one time the Mayor, or any Alderman, or fireman are hereby required to report the same to the city council, whereon proof being made, the offender shall be fined in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, for each and every pound over and above twenty-five pounds weight, the one half thereof to go to the informer the other half to the city. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That section 27th of the said Ordinance, passed 11th March, 1825, be and the same is hereby repealed. Passed in Council 9th May, 1850. R. WAYNE, Mayor. Attest: Edward G. Wilson, Clerk of Council. HARBOR MASTER, _ AN ORDINANCE, To amend the several Ordinances touching the office of Harbor Master, and to increase the duties, prescribe the amount of the bond, and regulate the salary of said officer. Sec. 1. Be it Ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That in addition to the duties already attached to the office of Harbor Master, said officer shall henceforth be required to file in the office of the Treasurer of the City, on the first Monday of every month, a full and formal Report, made up to the last day of the month immediately preceding, of all the fees which he shall have received, or which shall be due to him by virtue of his office, specifying the names of the HARBOR MASTER. 249 vessels and tire charges against each, and to pay over to the Treasurer at the time of filing such report the entire amount received by him as exhibited in such report and for failure to comply with these requirements^ he shall be subject to a fine or dismissal in the discretion of Council. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That the Harbor Master before entering on the performance of his duties shall execute a bond to the corporation with two sureties to be ap- proved by Council, or the Mayor in the sum of two thousand dollars conditioned for the faithful performance for the duties of his office. Sec. 3. Repealed — See Ordinance below. Sec. 4. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 16th October, 1845. R. WAYNE, Mayor. Attest : Edward G. Wilson, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, To be entitled an Ordinance to regulate the Harbor fees of the port of Savannah. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the passage of this Ordinance the harbor fees on all merchant vessels of the United States, except as hereinafter excepted, and on all foreign vessels entering upon the same terms as vessels of the United States shall be, one cent and an half per ton, according to the tunnage in the vessel's register or papers. Sec. 2. And be it farther ordained, That all foreign vessels not entering upon the same terms as vessels of the United States shall pay double fees or three cents per tun. 32 250 HARBOR MASTER. Sec 3. And be it further ordained, That the Harbor fees on all regular coasting packets, shall be one cent per tun. Sec 4. And he it further ordained, That the fees above prescribed, shall be paid at the Harbor Master's office within forty-eight hours after the arrival of the vessel. Sec 5. And be it further ordained, That ocean steamers regularly plying to this port, and steamboats and other vessels regularly running between auy of the ports of South Carolina and Florida and this port, shall be allowed instead of the fees hereinbefore prescribed to pay at the Harbor Master's office, one cent per ton quarterly. Sec 6. And be it further ordained, That vessels steadily plying or trading within the limits of this State, shall be exempt from the hereinbefore prescribed fees. Sec 7. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 1st March, 1849. R. WAYNE, Mayor. Attest : Edward G. Wilson, Clerk Council, AN ORDINANCE, To increase the salary of the Harbor Master. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same. That from and after the passing of this Ordinance the salary of the Harbor Master shall be twelve hundred dollars to be paid out of the fees of his office, said salary to be paid at such times as are now provided by the ordinances of the city. Sec 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 24th April, 1851. R. WAYNE, Mayor. Attest: Edward G. Wilson, Clerk Council. HEALTH OFFICER, 251 AN ORDINANCE, To be entitled an Ordinance to repeal an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance to improve the navigation of the Savannah River, passed in Council the 7th December, 1848. Sec, L Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same 9 That the aforesaid Ordinance "entitled an Ordinance to im- prove the navigation of the Savannah River/' passed in Council the seventh day of December, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and forty-eight be, and the same are hereby repealed. Sec. 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 29th December, 1853. JOHN E. WARD, Mayor. Attest : Edward G. Wilson, Clerk Council. Further as to the duties of the Harbor Master, see title "City Officers." See pagei 01 and 62. HEALTH OFFICER. AN ORDINANCE, To prescribe the duties and to fix the salary of the Health Officer. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen oj the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, andit is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the passage of this Ordinance, it shall be the duty of the Health Officer to visit all vessels arriving in the port of Savannah from places infected with the small pox or other disease of a contageous and malignant char- 252 HEALTH OFFICER, acter, when any port shall be thus infected, he shall require, by public notice in the gazettes of the city, all pilots and captains of vessels arriving from the infected port, to bring their vessels to anchor at some convenient place below the city, there to remain, without communication with the city or adjacent country, until visited by him. If a disease sub- jecting the vessel to quarantine, is found to exist on board, he shall order her to proceed to the quarantine ground op- posite Fort Jackson, and shall immediately make a report to the Mayor of the nature of the disease, and recommend such measures as are in his opinion best calculated to pre- vent its introduction into the city or adjacent country. He shall give the requisite medical attendance to the sick on board of vessels performing quarantine, or to such as shall be removed therefrom to hospitals, either temporary or established, and shall inspect such vessels from time to time, until he deems them in a condition to proceed to the city with, safety. After the performance of quarantine, he shall order fumigations, ablutions, or other purifying processes, calculated to disinfect unclean vessels, previous to their coming up to the city, and shall fully carry into effect the 1st section of the act of 1805, regulating quarantine in the port of Savannah. It shall furthermore be his duty, when required by the Mayor, to visit persons in the city supposed to be infected with small pox or other diseases of a con- tagious and malignant character, and to give his opinion upon the nature of the disease, and the best means of pre- venting its extension. Upon the removal of such persons to temporary or established hospitals in the city or country, it shall be his duty to visit the patients in said hospitals. It shall likewise be his duty, when a question arises as to the condition of cargoes of damaged corn and other provisions, fruit, hides and other articles of a perishable nature, calcu- lated by their putrification to cause disease, to visit the vessels thus laden, and to make such recommendations to the civil authority as the case may require. HEALTH OFFICER. 255 "Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That from and after the passage of this Ordinance, the salary of the Health Officer shall be three hundred and fifty dollars, in full, for all and singular the sendees that he is required to perform by this Ordinance. Sec. 3. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 22& May, 1828. AN ORDINANCE, To authorize and require the Health Officer to procure and constantly keep vaccine matter. Whereas, it is proper that the city should be at all times provided with a supply of good vaccine matter, and since it has been found in private medical practice impracticable to have it always ready when wanted : Sec 1. Beit ordained by the May or and Aider men of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That after the passage of this Ordinance, it shall be the duty of the Health Officer to procure and keep constantly on hand a sufficient supply of good vaccine virus, with which he shall supply those physicians who may at any time call on him for it in reasonable quantities, and for which he shall be paid by said physicians at the rate of three dollars a grain, troy. Passed in Council 31st Jauuary, 1839. ROBERT M. CHARLTON, Mayor pro term AN ORDINANCE, To repeal an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance to increase the duties and the salary of the Health Officer, passed 26th January, 1843. 254 HEALTH AND DRY CULTURE, Sec 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah , and Hamlets thereof in Council assembled^ and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same v That from and after the expiration of the term of office of the present Health Officer, the above Ordinance be, and the same is hereby repealed. Passed in Council 30th November, 1843. WM. THORNE WILLIAMS, Mayor, Attest : Joseph Felt, Clerk Council HEALTH AND BPT-CTJLTTTRE. AN ORDINANCE, To improve the health of the City of Savannah and for other purposes. Whereas, any plan calculated to improve the health of this city, will greatly add to its population, and increase its prosperity in every respect And whereas, the citizens in town meeting assembled on the eighteenth day of the pres- ent month, did adopt certain resolutions annexed to a report of the committee previously appointed, which report and resolutions recommend a change of culture of the low lands contiguous to this city as essential to the health of the inhabitants, and to effect that object, also ? recommend that contracts be entered into with the proprietors of said low lands for a perpetual change of the wet to a dry culture, that the city council do authorize and direct the proper officer of the corporation to sign and execute said contracts; that a sum be raised by loan on the faith of the city prop- erty, which the said contracts may require ; that a certain por- tion of the resources of the city may be set apart and appro- priated for the punctual payment of the interest and gradual HEALTH AND DRY CULTURE. 255 extinguishment of the sum obtained ; and that a board of commissioners be organized, of which the Mayor shall be a member ex-ofhcio, to direct the application of said loan and to be invested with all necessary powers in relation to the health of the city, upon the aforesaid plan of a change of culture. And Whereas, it does appear to council that the mea- sures recommended in said report will have the effect of so ameliorating the health of this city as to check if not to prevent the ravages heretofore produced by autumnal fevers, and to render it a safe and healthy residence, which from its dry, high, and advantageous situation, nature intended it should, Ay'D Whereas, an object of more importance could not occupy the attention of council, or justify more satisfactorily the application of the funds and resources of the city. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That the Mayor do forthwith sign and execute such con- tracts with the proprietors of the low lands in front and on the eastern and western extremities of this city, as he in conduction with the commissioners hereinafter appointed, shall approve: the condition of said contracts to be a per- petual change of the present wet to a dry culture under such penalties and with such reservations as to occasional irri- gations and overflowings of the land, as said Mayor and commissioners may agree to and designate. Sec 2. And be it further ordained, That as soon as the said contracts shall have been entered into and duly executed by the Mayor, with the advice and consent of the commissioners associated with him, eacii of said contracts shall be delivered to the CI k of Council to be by him kept among the records of the corporation, after the same shall have been recorded by the clerk of the superior court of Chatham County. - 258 HEALTH AND DRY CULTURE, Sec. 3. And be it further ordained. That annexed to each contract there shall he an accurate and exact survey of the land upon which a dry culture is to take place, designa- ting its quality and number of acres, which shall be refer^ red to and specified -in the contract Sec. 4. Jlnd be it further ordained, That the sum of seventy thousand dollars be, and is hereby appropriated for the purpose of complying with the payments which may be mentioned and contained in said contracts and the said sum shall be raised and obtained in the following Manner: The said sum shall be converted into stock to be called "City Land Stock/' and payable in certificates or scrip, signed by the Mayor and countersigned by the City Treasurer, each certificate shall have the following form : HEALTH AND PROSPERITY. City Land Stock,, 1 Savannah, March 31,1817. j The Corporation of the City of Savannah promise to pay the sum of dollars, due on contracts with the Mayor and Aldermen for a change of culture of low lands with seven per cent, interest, payable S3mi-annually from day of the principal to be extinguished by annual instalments within ten years pursuant to the directions and provisions of an Ordinance passed the 24th day of March 1817." The said sum of seventy thousand dollars shall be divided into certificates of one thousand, five hundred,, and one hundred dollars each, and the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to deliver to any member of said Board of Commissioners who may be appointed for that purpose by the Board, the certificates to the fall amount of stock hereby created to be by him deposited in any bank or banks of this city, and that such member of said board be, and he is hereby also authorized to insert the name or names of payee or payees and the date when interest is to commence when a loan or loans shall become necessary. HEALTH AND DRY CULTURE. 257 Sections oth, 6th and 7th of 'his Ordinance appointing- and organ r zing a Board of Commissioners repealed. See section 4th of Ordinance passed 24th May, 1822. Sec. 8. And be it further ordained, That the faith of the City of Savannah and the public property are hereby pledged as a security for the redemption of the aforesaid stock, to be effected within ten years as by the appropriation of the annual revenue and taxes of the city hereafter mentioned. Sec 9. And be it further ordained, That in aid of the foregoing pledge for the purpose of paying the interest of said stock, and the gradual extinguishment of the princi- pal, the rents of the city lots are hereby set apart and specifi- cally appropriated. Sec. 10. And be it further ordained, That the annual surplus revenue of the City together with said rents and other taxes shall be, when collected, paid over to the said Board of Commissioners by the City Treasurer to the amount of ten thousand dollars annually, to be by them so appro- priated and applied as may within the time mentioned, honorably extinguish the interest and principal of the debt thus contracted by the corporation of Savannah. Sec. 11. Repealed. Passed in Council 24th March, 1817. THOMAS U. P. CHARLTON, Mayor. AN ORDINANCE, To amend an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance to improve the health of the City of Savannah, and for other pur- poses, passed 4th March, 1817. Sec, 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, S3 258 HEALTH AND DRY CULTURE. That the farther sum of fifteen thousand dollars be and the same is hereby appropriated, for the purpose of complying with the payments which may be mentioned and contained in the contracts entered into between the City of Savannah and private individuals, for the change of culture on low lands in the neighborhood of Savannah. Passed in Council 17th May, 1819. JAMES M. WAYNE, Mayor. AN ORDINANCE, To carry into effect the dry culture system, and for other purposes. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Mdermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same. That a committee, composed of three members of the Board of Aldermen, shall be appointed by the Mayor, immediately after the passing of this Ordinance, and annually thereaf- ter upon the election of a new Board of Aldermen, which shall be called the Dry Culture Committee, generally to superintend the examination of the rice lands in the vicinity of Savannah subject to the dry culture system, by contract, and particularly to report to council each and every neglect of the contractors, for the same to fulfill strictly their en- gagements with the city, and it shall also be the province of the said Committee of Dry Culture to recommend, from time to time, to council such measures as to them may appear best calculated to give efficiency and utility to the dry culture system. Sec. 2. Jlnd be it further ordained, That the said Dry Culture Committee shall cause to be accurately examined and inspected, by some person or persons well qualified for the duty, the rice lands subjected by contract to the diy cul- ture system, at least once a month during the months of HEALTH AND DRY CULTURE. 259 May, June, July, August, September, and October, and at such other times as to the said Dry Culture Committee may appear meet and expedient, and the person or persons so examining shall be required to submit to the said committee a minute and particular report of the condition of the lands so examined at the time of examination, and the report shall contain a particular account of the condition of the land, its banks ■ and embankments, ditches, trunks, &c, of each contractor for dry culture, and whether the same are in the condition required by the contracts with the city ; and such report shall be submitted to council by the Dry Culture Committee, at the first meeting of council after it shall have been made, and then shall be published. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained, That for each ex- amination of the rice lands contracted for dry culture, and reported as above required to the Dry Culture Committee, the person or persons so examining and reporting shall, upon a certificate from the said Dry Culture Committee, or their Chairman, be entitled to demand and receive such sum as the committee may think proper: Provided, always, That not more than seventy-five dollars be paid for any one examination and report of the condition, &c., of all the lands subjected to dry culture. Sec 4. And be it further ordained, That so much of the dry culture Ordinance passed on the 24th day of March, 1817, as authorizes the appointment of a Board of Dry Culture, and the appointment of an Inspector of Lands subjected to the dry culture system, and granting a salary to the same, be, and the same are hereby repealed. Passed in Council 24th May, 1822. JAMES MORRISON, Mayor. 2 GO HEALTH AND DRY CULTURE. AN ORDINANCE, To compel the owner or owners of low grounds within the limits of the City of Savannah to drain and to place and keep the same in a dry state. Whereas, it is expedient to the health of the citizens of Savannah, that the low grounds or lands within the limits of the city should be drained and kept in a dry state. And whereas, experience has shown that individual owners of the said low lands will not voluntarily incur the expense of placing and keeping the said low lands in such a state as to render the same innoxious. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Jildermeri of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That the owner or owners of low lands or grounds within the limits of the City of Savannah at their proper expense, shall before the first day of January next, drain the said low lands, and place the same in a dry state, and shall make, dig, cut and open such ditches, drains and canals, as shall be necessary for the draining the said lands, and keeping the same in a dry state, and shall make, throw up, and build such dams and mounds as shall be fit, able and sufficient to resist and exclude from the said lands the waters from the inland swamps, streams and ponds, and also the usual ebbing and flowing of the tides ; and in case the owner or owners of any such low lands, shall, on the day aforesaid, have failed or neglected to have drained the said lands, or shall have done the same ineffectually, or shall have failed or neglected to open, cut, dig and make any canals, ditches and drains, or to throw up, build and make such mounds, or dams as shall be sufficient to drain and keep the same in a dry state, and to resist and exclude from the said lands the waters from the inland swamps, streams and ponds, and also the usual ebbing and flowing of the tide, then and in such case it shall and may be lawful for the marshal of the said city, and he is hereby empowered HEALTH AND D.RY CULTURE. 261 and required to cause the said low lands, or any part of them to be drained in the manner herein contemplated, and to cause to be opened, cut and dug, such canals, ditches, and drains, as shall be necessary for the draining such lew lands, and keeping the same in a dry state, and to cause to be thrown up and made such mounds and dams as will, in his opinion, be sufficient and able to resist and exclude from the said lands the waters of the inland swamps, streams, or ponds, and also the usual ebbing and flowing of the tide. And, if any person shall hinder, disturb or molest the said marshal, or the person or persons by him employed in the execution of his or their duties, such person or persons shall on conviction, be fined in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars for each and every such hindrance, disturbance, or moles- tation. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty of the Inspector of dry culture from time to time, to visit and inspect the said low lan ds 5 and to report the situa- tion of the same, and if at any time he shall report the same to be net well drained, or shall report the ditches and drains to the same to be foul or requiring repair, or the dams or mounds to be insufficient^ then, and in such case it shall be the duty of the said marshal, and he is hereby required to notify to the owner or owners of such lands the report of the inspector, and to require him, her or them, to remedy ihe evil complained of within fifteen days thereafter, and in case any such owner or owners of such lands shall fail or neglect to remedy the evils complained of within the time prescribed, then it shall be the duty of the marshal to cause the same to be done in like manner as is hereinbefore pro- vided, and the said owner or owners shall be subject to a penalty of five dollars, for each and every acre so reported to be not well drained, and which he, she or they, shall so fail or neglect to dram and put in proper order within the time prescribed, to be recovered in any court having com- petent jurisdiction thereol 262 HEALTH AND DRY CULTURE. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained, That all sums of money expended by the marshal in the execution of the duties required of him by this Ordinance, shall be recovera- bis by distress and sale of the goods and chatties of such offender or offenders, and may be recovered in any court having competent jurisdiction thereof. Passed in Council 25th June, 1824. JAMES MORRISON, Mayor, AN ORDINANCE, To prohibit the cultivation of rice within one mile of the present boundaries of the City of Savannah. Whereas, by an act of the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, passed at its last session, the jurisdictional limits of the City of Savannah and the hamlets thereof, were ex- tended to one mile beyond the present boundaries, so as to enable the Mayor and Aldermen of the said City of Savan- nah and the hamlets thereof, for the time being, to prohibit the cultivation of rice within the said extended limits t Now, by virtue of said act : Sec 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen cj the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same? That from and after the passage of this Ordinance, the culti- vation or rearing of rice shall be, and is hereby prohibited, within the said extended limits of said city, or at any place within one mile beyond the present boundary of the same. Sec 2. And be it further ordained, That any person who shall plant, rear, or cultivate rice, or cause it to be planted, reared, or cultivated, in contravention of the pro- visions of this Ordinance, shall be subject, and is hereby made subject to a penalty of one hundred ($100) dollars for each and every day that he, she, or they, shall so plant, rear, or cultivate rice, or cause it to be planted, reared, or HEALTH AND DRY CULTURE. 263 cultivated, each and every day of such planting, rearing, and cultivating, being considered as, and is hereby declared to be a separate and distinct offence. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained, That whenever lands within the limits aforesaid, shall be planted or culti- vated in rice, or attempted to be so planted or cultivated by any person or persons, other than the owner or owners of such lands, that such owner or owners shall likewise be con- sidered as offenders, within the intent and meaning of this Ordinance, and are hereby made subject, as well as the ten- ant or tenants, cultivator or cultivators of said lands, to the penalties hereinbefore recited. Sec. 4. And he it further ordained, That all fines, forfeitures and penalties incurred and imposed for a viola- tion of the provisions of this Ordinance, shall be levied and collected by warrants of distress and sale of the offender's goods and chattels, (if any to be found,) otherwise, of lands of such offenders, in manner and form established by law. Sec 5. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 26 th January, 1826. W. C. DANIELL, Mayor. AN ORDINANCE, Entitled an Ordinance, to carry more fully into effect the plan and system of reducing to and keeping in a state of dry culture, the low lands around the City of Savannah, and to provide for the removal of such nuisances cr cause of disease, which may affect the citizens thereof, cr in any wise injure their health. Whereas, the culture of rice upon the lands around the City of Savannah, which by contract are subject to dry cul- ture is a violation of the true intent and meaning of the said contracts, and is prohibited by the Ordinances of the city, and is manifestly injurious to the health of the citizens; 364 HEALTH AND DRY CULTURE. and whereas, power is vested in the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the hamlets thereof, by act of the General Assembly to carry into full effect the system of dry culture, and to remove all nuisances or causes of disease which may effect the health of the citizens. And whereas, it is the right, and has become the duty of council to exert the powers thus conferred upon them : Sec. 1. Be it Ordained by the Mayor and Mdermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That it shall be the duty of the Mayor, whenever he shall receive information that rice is planted or cultivated upon any of the lands around the city, subject to dry culture con- tracts, to serve a notice upon the owner, tenant or cultivator of the said land, or any person having the charge of the same, or his, her, or their agent, requiring the said person to desist from the said culture, and to destroy the said rice if growing, or to appear before council at a time and place in- such notice to be specified, not exceeding ten days from the date thereof, to show cause if any they have, why the said growing rice should not be removed and destroyed as a nuisance. Sec. 2. And he it further ordained, That if the said owner, tenant, cultivator, or other person shall not, upon the said notice, comply with the terms of the same, or shall fail- to appear before councillor if having appeared, no sufficient cause should be shown why the said rice should not be re- moved, and its culture abandoned. That in such case the said Mayor and Aldermen may direct the City Marshal forthwith to remove the said rice, and to destroy the same effectually, wherever it may be planted or growing on the said dry culture contract Sec. 3. And be it further ordained, That the expense incurred by the city authorities in enforcing this Ordinance shall be assessed upon the owner of the land from which the nuisance shall be removed, and shall be collected by execution to be issued therefor, as in other cases of dues to the city. HEALTH AND DRY CULTURE. 265 Sec. 4. And be it further ordained. That nothing in this Ordinance shall be so construed as to prevent an action for, and recovery of damages for violation of the dry cul- ture contracts between the owners of lands and the corpor- ation of Savannah. Sec 5. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 29th May, 1848. H. K. BURROUGHS, Mayor. Attest: A. C. Davenport, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, To be entitled an Ordinance to carry more fully into effect the plan and system of reducing to and keeping in a state of dry culture, the low or swamp lands lying about the City of Savannah, and for removing nuisances and causes of disease. Whereas, the City of Savannah has recently become the purchaser in fee simple of that tract of land called Spring- field, lying on the south-western border of the city, which purchase was made for the sole purpose of reducing to and keeping in a state of dry culture, the said tract of land which is low and swampy and has been in its wet state the cause of disease to the people of Savannah. And, whereas, it is the duty of the City Council to remove the said cause of disease, and to place the said tract of land in a dry and healthful state. And, whereas, the Legislature of the State have conferred upon the city government, ample power for the discharge of that duty. And whereas, it is essential to the dryness of the said lands and to the protection of the health of the citizens that the said tract of land should be perfectly drained in the natural course of the water to the extent of its drainage capacity and that the flow of the water through the said drains should not be impeded. 34 266 HEALTH AND DRY CULTURE. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council assent bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same. That it shall not be lawful for any person or body corporate by any embankment, dam or work to be erected, or which may have been heretofore erected across the natural channels of drainage of the said Springfield tract or any other tract, or in any other manner to impede the now of water from the said tract through the drains which have been or may be constructed for the purpose of drain- ing the said tract of land or through the natural channels and outlets thereof to the Savannah river. And it shall be the duty of all persons or bodies corporate who may have lawfully acquired a right of way over said tract, or may have constructed embankments or dams across the said tract, to cause sufficient culverts to be built under the same, so that the drainage of said lands shall not be impeded. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That whenever in- formation shall be given to the Mayor of any impediment to the drainage of said lands, having been caused by any person or body corporate, it shall be the duty of the said Mayor to summon such person or corporation, or his or their agent, to appear before council, and it shall be the duty of council to investigate the said charge, and to pass such order for the removal of the said impediment to the drainage of the said lands, or for the construction of proper culverts, as the nature or exigency of the case may require, and for the protection of the health of the inhabitants of Savannah. Sec 3. And be it further ordained, That when any person or body corporate shall impede the drainage of the tract of land aforesaid, or shall neglect or refuse, upon due notice, to remove their obstructions or to provide suf- ficient culverts through their embankments for the complete drainage of said lands, the expense of enforcing this Ordi- nance and of removing the said obstructions, and for pro- viding sufficient culverts shall be collected from such person HOUSES NUMBERED, 267 or body corporate by warrant of distress or by an action on the case for damages. Passed in Council 29th August, 1850. R. WAYNE, Mayor. Attest : Edward G. Wilson, Clerk Council. HOUSES NUMBERED. AN ORDINANCE, To require the owners of houses in the City of Savannah to number them, and defining in what manner it shall be done. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained, by the authority of the same, That the owner of every lot or lots upon which a dwelling- house, store, or other building has been erected shall after the passage of this Ordinance be required to number the said house or houses after the manner and within the time hereinafter provided. Sec 2. And be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty of the street and lane committee of this board to pro- vide some competent person, painter, brazier or other artist, who shall proceed forthwith under the direction of the said committee, to number the houses on each street with paint in large figures, and in a legible and durable manner, unless the tenant, occupant, or owner of such house shall elect a more costly and elegant method, in which case it shall be left to his or her option as to the cost and materials, whenever such cost may exceed the cost in the general plan for num- bering the city at large. 268 HOUSES NUMBERED. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained, That there shall be levied upon every house within the corporate limits of the city not facing upon the lanes and alleys such sum as the street and lane committee shall require to defray the cost of numbering such house and the same sum upon every door of each tenement house to be paid at the time of numbering the same, to the order or by the authority of the street and lane committee, and upon the failure of every such owner of a house or houses, said owner or owners shall forfeit and pay into the City Treasury the sum of one dollar for which execution shall immediately thereafter issue. Sec. 4. And be it further ordained ] That every house completed or now building shall be enumerated by whole numbers whether upon whole, half or quarter lots. Sec. 5. And be it further ordained, Upon the streets running from east to west, the houses shall be numbered with the even numbers on the north side and the odd num- bers on the south and commence at the eastern terminus of said streets. Sec 6. And be it further ordained, That upon those streets running north and south, the even numbers shall be on the west side, and the odd numbers on the east and com- mence in the northern terminus of said streets as nearly as practicable. Sec. 7. And be it further ordained., That those streets west of West Broad street and in Yamacraw, which are not continuations of any streets heretofore named, shall be numbered upon the same general plan, but independently, viz : commencing at the eastern terminus, and the even numbers on the north and west sides. Sec 8. And be it further ordained, That no houses shall be numbered for the present further west than Farm street, and further east than the western end of the eastern wharf company's land, and further south than Harris street, except in Curry Town, which shall be numbered inde- pendently as in Yamacraw. INFORMERS AN D WITNESSES. 269 Sec. 9. And be it further ordained, That this Ordi- nance shall be in full force from the passage thereof, and the tax upon each and every house shall he considered due upon the completion of the numbers upon that house, and shall be paid to the workmen or artist as he progresses on tailing to do which the owner shall pay as heretofore pro- vided, and all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances militating against this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Passed in Council 24th February, 1842. W. THORNE WILLIAMS, Mayor. Attest : Elisha Wylly, Clerk Council. INFORMERS AND WITNESSES. AN ORDINANCE, To compel informers and witnesses to attend and give testi- mony on information laid before council. Sec. I. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hmnlets thereof, in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That when any information is laid before council, or the clerk, against any person or persons, it shall be the duty of the informer or informers to attend council and give testi- mony on such information or informations, and in case of his, her, or their neglecting to attend and give testimony, such informer or informers shall be fined in a sum not ex- ceeding five dollars, unless excused by council for some good and sufficient cause. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That in all infor- mations laid before council, it shall be the duty of the clerk to issue, and of the marshal to serve subpoenas on such witnesses or witness, as may be material to the trial of said •370 INFORMERS AND WITNESSES. information, requiring such witness or witnesses to appear and give testimony before council on the information stated in such subpoenas, and such witness or witnesses being duly summoned and not attending, shall be fined in any sum not exceeding five dollars, unless excused by council, for some good and sufficient cause. Passed in Council 30th May, 1808. CHARLES HARRIS, Mayor, AN ORDINANCE, To amend an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance to compel informers and witnesses to attend and give testimony on information laid before council, passed 30th May, 1808. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and, wilder men of tkeCity of Savammh and the Hamlets thereof, in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the passage of this Ordinance, the pro- visions and penalties of the above entitled Ordinance shall be held to extend, so as to compel the attendance of in- formers and witnesses before the Police Court. Passed in Council 22d July, 1839. ROBERT M. CHARLTON, Mayor, INSPECTORS, WEIGHERS, &c. 271 INSPECTORS. WEIGHERS, MEASURERS, AND GUAGEHS. AN ORDINANCE, To appoint Measurers and Inspectors of Lumber, ranging timber, staves, shingles, and other timber, measurers of salt, peas, com, and other grain, and of wood, inspectors and guagers of liquors, weighers of cotton, tobacco, rice and hay. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Alder men of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the scmie, That from and after the passage and publication of this Or- dinance, no person or persons whatsoever, except those ap- pointed by this Ordinance, shall measure salt, peas, corn, and other grains, when sold ; inspect and measure boards, scantling, staves, shingles, ranging timber, cypress logs, oak, and other timber, cord and measure wood, or inspect or guage liquors, under the penalty of the sum not exceed- ing, thirty dollars for each offence. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That at the next regular meeting of council, after the passage of this Ordin- ance, and at the first regular meeting of council in January of each subsequent year, and on such other occasions as may be deemed necessary, there shall be appointed not exceeding five (now not exceeding twelve, see 3d section of Ordinance passed 25th March, 1 843, below,) measurers of lumber and inspectors of staves; not exceeding two measurers of wood; not exceeding two inspectors and guagers of liquors; not exceeding six weighers of cotton, rice, tobacco, &c; and not exceeding three measurers of salt, peas, corn, and other grain; each of whom, before entering upon the duties of his office, shall take and subscribe the following oath " I, A. B„ 272 INSPECTORS, WEIGHERS, &c. (do solemnly swear or affirm, as the case may be) that I will faithfully and impartially discharge the duties of the office to which I have been elected, according to the Ordinances of the city. So help me God." Sec. 3. Jind be it further ordained, That no person so appointed a measurer of salt, peas, corn, and other grain, or of wood, or a measurer and inspector, of lumber, staves, shingles, or other timber, shall be directly or indirectly con- cerned in the sale thereof as principal or agent, and each inspector or measurer appointed by virtue thereof, shall enter into bond in the name < »f the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the hamlets thereof, with one or more good and sufficient securities, to be approved of by the Mayor, in the sum of iive hundred dollars each, for the faithful performance of Ids duties. (See 3d section of Or- dinance passed 23d March, 1843, below.) Sec. 4. And be it further ordained, That each measurer and inspector of lumber appointed in the manner aforesaid and after complying with the requisites of this Ordinance, shall receive a license, and for the same shall pay to the City Treasurer fifteen dollars., for the use of the city, (now ten dollars, see 5th section of Ordinance passed 23d March. 1843, below,) and fifty rents for his own fees, together with the sum of one dollar to the Clerk of Council for his fees. That each measurer of wood shall receive a license, and for the same pay to the City Treasurer the sum of five dollars for the use of the city, and to the City Treasurer, for his fees, fifty cents, and to the Clerk of Council, for his fees, the sum of one dollar. And each measurer of salt, peas, corn, and other grain, shall receive a license, and for the same pay the City Treasurer the sum of fi ve dollars for the use of the city, and fifty cents for his fees, and one dollar for the fees of the Clerk of Council. And each weigher of cotton, rice, tobac- co and hay, shall receive a license, and for the same pay to the City Treasurer the sum of ten dollars for the use of the city, and fifty cents for his fees, and to the Clerk of Council one dollar for his fees. And each inspector and guager of INSPECTORS, WEIGHERS, &c. 273 liquors shall pa\ to the City Treasurer the sum of fifteen dollars for the use of the city, and fifty cents for his fees, and to the Clerk of Council one dollar for his fees. And each license shall be signed by the Mayor and attested by the clerk, with the seal of the city thereto. Sec. 5. And be it further ordained, That all lumber, staves, shingles, scantling and timber, for exportation shall be first inspected and measured by the proper officer ap- pointed by this Ordinance, and the measurement of each piece of lumber, scantling and timber, shall be correctly marked thereon, but that nothing herein contained shall prevent the sale for home consumption of said articles without inspection or measurement, except when required by the purchaser. (See 6th section of Ordinance passed 23d March, 1843, and 1st section Ordinance passed 29th May, 1845, below.) Sec. 6. This section is supercede*! and repealed ly the 9th section of Ordinance passe I 25th August 1842, and by the 4th section of Ordinance passed 23d March, 1843. See said Ordinances hereafter. Skctioxs 7 and 8. These sections are repeakd by the 9tk section of Ordinance passed 25th August, 1842. Sec 9. And be it further ordained, That ah fire wood shall be regularly inspected by the said measurers of wood, who shall be authorized to demand and receive from the seller of said wood the sum of 13 J cents per cord, and that each cord of wood so measured^ shall be four feet high, four feet wide, and eight feet long, and shall be so measured as to include in said measurement only one half of the scarf. (This section amended. See first section of Ordinance passed 31st January 1833.) Sec 10. And be it further ordained, That every vessel loaded wholly or in part with lumber of any description, cleared at the custom house of this district for any port (other than a port in this State,) shall receive a certificate of the measurement of such lumber, to which certificate when for a foreign port, the seal of the city shall be affixed, and for which the measurer or inspector of said lumber shall re- 35 274 INSPECTORS, WEIGHERS, he. ceive as his compensation the sum of one dollar, and the Clerk of Council for affixing the seal of the city, the sum of fifty cents, to be paid by the shipper thereof. Sec. 11. (First part of this section superceded.) And each inspector and guager shall be entitled to the following fees to be paid by the owner or seller : For inspecting each pipe 12j cents ; for guaging 25 cents ; for inspecting each hogshead 12 J and for guaging 20 cents j for inspecting each barrel or quarter cask 12 J and for guaging 10 cents ; but the fees shall be lessened one half for all exceeding ten casks, inspected or guaged at one time. And no guager and inspector shall be licensed who shall not produce to council a satisfactory certificate of his integrity, knowledge and ability to execute the duties of his office. Sec. 12. And be it further ordained, That one of the weighers of cotton, rice, tobacco, hay and other goods, ap- pointed under and by virtue of this Ordinance, shall be located in Market square, and the others at convenient places, whose duty it shall be, upon application for that pur- pose made to them, to weigh all such cotton, rice, tobacco, hay, and other articles presented, for which they shall sev- erally be entitled to the following fees to be paid by the person selling the same : for each bale of cotton 6 J cents, including labor at the scales ; for each tierce of rice 6 J cents ; for each hhd. tobacco 6J cents; for each bundle of hay 6 J, cents; and for other goods agreeably to rates prescribed in the usual rules of the Chamber of Commerce. Sec, 13. Repealed, see last section of Ordinance passed 30t*h August, 1827, immediately succeeding this Ordinance. Sec. 14. And be it further ordained, That every and each measurer and inspector of lumber, boards, scantling, staves, shingles, ranging timber, cypress logs, oak, and other timber, and every and each measurer and inspector of fire- wood, inspector and guager of liquors, measurers of salt, peas, corn, and other grain, weighers of cotton, rice, tobacco, and hay, who shall be convicted before the Mayor and INSPECTORS, WEIGHERS, &c. 275 Aldermen of a neglect or violation of his duties or the provisions of this Ordinance, shall be fined in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars for every and each offence, one half of the said fine for the use of the city, the other half to the informer, and if deemed necessary by the said Mayor and Aldermen, be dismissed from office. Sec. 15. And be it further ordained, That any person who shall hereafter sell any lumber, ranging or other timber, staves, or shingles, for exportation, or wood, or cargoes of salt, or part of cargoes, or quantities exceeding one hundred bushels, (except when measured by the officers of the cus- toms,) cow-peas, or other grains, without being first inspected and measured by the proper officer appointed under this Ordinance, shall, upon conviction before council, be fined for such offence in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars, to be recovered in the manner pointed out in the 1 3th section of this Ordinance. Sec. 16. And be it further ordained, That all cotton, jice, hay, or tobacco may, at the direction of the purchaser, seller or shipper, be weighed by any one of the weighers appointed by virtue of this Ordinance, whose duty it shall be upon application being made to him, to weigh said articles. Sec. 17. And be it further ordained, That any person .or persons who shall refuse or neglect to pay the fees which shall be due for inspecting, guaging, weighing, measuring, or counting, or for the performances of any other duty au- thorized by this Ordinance, shall, upon conviction before council, be fined in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars for each offence, and the property shall in all cases be liable to the payment of the fees. Sec. 18. And be it further ordained, That any measurer, inspector, weigher, or guager, who shall remove from the city, or be absent, or disabled from attending to his duties, shall forfeit his appointment, and council shall be at liberty to fill such vacancy at any regular meeting thereafter. 276 INSPECTORS, WEIGHERS, &c. Sec. 19. And be it further ordained, That the Ordinance on this subject, passed on the 27th April, 1826, and all Or- nances or parts of Ordinances militating against this Ordir nance be and the same are hereby repealed. Passed in Council 15th March, 1827. AN ORDINANCE, To define more fully the duties of measurers of corn, peas and other grain and salt in this city. Sec. 1. Beit ordained by the Mayor and Jlldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the passing of this Ordinance it shall be the duty of each and every city measurer, before entering on the duties of his office, to provide himself with two or more good, substantial measures of the following description, viz: each measure shall be au iron bound oaken tub, with an iron bar across the top, and an iron rod or post united to the middle of said bar, and leading thence through the centre of the bottom of the tub, and secured in such a man- ner as to prevent the cross-bar from binding or becoming otherwise displaced, said measure to be of the capacity of one half a bushel agreeably to the city standard, and also be inspected and branded by the Clerk of the Market, as re- quired by city Ordinances. Each measurer shall likewise provide himself with one or more shovels or scoups of such size and capacity that three times the full ol a scoup shall be sufficient to fill a half bushel tub. Sec 2. And be it further ordained, That the manner ol measuring corn, peas, and other grain, and of salt in the city, shall be as follows, viz : The measure shall be placed on its bottom in a horizontal position, and the measurer shall fill or cause the same to be filled, by means of the above de- scribed scoup, and the contents made level, and even with INSPECTORS, WEIGHERS, &c. 277 the top of the measure, by gently drawing a strickle across the same; and the measurer shall keep a correct account of the quantity so measured, and if any measurer shall use or caused to be used for the purpose of measuring any corn peas or other grain or salt, any measure different from the one above described in this Ordinance, or use the same in any other manner than the one above described, shall, on conviction thereof, be fined in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars for the first offence, and for a second offence shall be dismissed from office. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained, That all cargoes or parts of cargoes of corn, peas, or other grain, and of salt, (except when measured by the officers ot the customs) shall, when sold from on board, and at all times from store, or else- where when required,* be measured or cause to be measured, by a city measurer for which he shall be entitled to receive the following compensation, viz : for any quantity not exceeding five hundred bushels, one cent .and a quarter of a cent per bushel, and for all quantities exceeding five hundred bushels one cent per bushel, to be paid b]^ the seller, and no other measurement than that of a city measurer shall be deemed lawful, except when done by consent of parties. And amy person or persons refusing or neglecting to comply with the provisions of , this section of the Ordinance shall be liable to ^penalty not exceeding thirty' dollars. Sec 4. And be it further ordained, That the 13th section of an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance to appoint inspectors of lumber, ranging timber and staves, shingles and other timber, and other measurers of corn, peas and other grain, &c, and of salt, and together with ail Ordinances or parts of Ordinances, so far as they milhrte against this Ordinance, be and the same are hereby repealed. Passed in Council 30th August, 1827. *This section explained and defined by next succeeding Ordinance. 278 INSPECTORS, WEIGHERS, &c ? AN ORDINANCE, To explain and define more particularly the duties of mea- surers of corn and other grain and of salt Sec. 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem? bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same? That all salt (except when measured by the officers of the customs) corn, peas, and other grain, sold from on board of vessels in the port or City of Savannah, shall in every case, be measured by one of the inspectors and measurers appoint- ed by Council, and that the said articles when sold from store or elsewhere shall be measured at the requisition of the purchasers. Sec. 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council, 11th October, 1827, AN ORDINANCE, To amend an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance to appoint measurers and inspectors of lumber, ranging timber, staves^ shingles and other timber, measurers of salt, peas, com? and other grains, and of wood, inspectors and guagers of liquors, and weighers of cotton^ rice, tobacco and hay. t Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Mder men of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same ? That from and after the passing of this Ordinance, all fire wood shall be regularly inspected and measured by the measurers of wood, whenever required by the purchaser or seller, and the said measurer shall be authorized to demand and receive twelve and an half cents per cord, one half of which amount to be paid by the seller of said wood and the other half by the purchaser. Sec 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council, 31st January, 1833, INSPECTORS, WEIGHERS, &c. 279 AN ORDINANCE. To amend an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance to appoint measurers and inspectors of lumber, ranging timber, staves, shingles, and other lumber, measurers of salt, peas, corn and other grain, and of wood, inspectors and guagers of liquors, and weighers of cotton, rice, tobacco, and hay, passed 15th March, 1827. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained hy the authority of the same* That all spirits distilled within any of the United States or territories thereof, and imported into this city, for sale shall, as soon thereafter as practicable, be inspected and guaged by one of the inspectors and guagers of liquors ap- pointed under the Ordinance to which this is amendatory, who shall mark the cask containing the same in a distin- guishable manner, with the proof or degree of spirits of such liquor or spirits, and also the guage or capacity, together with the outs or deficiency of liquor in such cask; and every consignee, agent, or owner of domestic distilled spirits who shall neglect or refuse to cause the same to be so in- spected and guaged, or who shall sell or offer them for sale, without such inspection and guaging, shah for each offence, upon conviction before council, be fined in a sum not ex- ceeding thirty dollars. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That the inspectors and guagers shall determine the proof or degree of spirits of liquors by them inspected, by Southworth's hydrometer, and the S on said hydrometer shall be the standard for first proof, and that they shall also determine the guage or capacity of casks by them guaged, by the method author- ized and adopted by the United States treasury department. Sec 3. And be it further ordained, That if any person or persons shall after the inspecting and marking of any cask, as heretofore mentioned, fraudulently alter the mark, or after the cask shall have been emptied of spirits, shall £80- INSPECTORS, WEIGHERS, &c. put other spirits therein without first obliterating the whole of the inspector's mark, such person or persons shall in every case be fined, on conviction before council, in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars. Sec. 4. Jind be it further ordained, That so much of the above recited Ordinance as militates against this Ordi- nance be and the same are hereby repealed. Passed in Council 7th June, 1827. AN ORDINANCE, *Po amend an Ordinance to appoint measures and inspectors of lumber, ranging timber, staves, shingles, and other timber, measurers, of salt, peas, corn, and other grain, and of wood, inspectors, and guagers of liquors, and weighers of cotton, rice, tobacco and hay. Sections 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th and 6th, of this Ordinance superceded and repealed by the 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th and 6th sections of Ordinance passed the 23d March, 1843, immediately succeeding this Ordinance. Sec. 7. And be it further ordained? That in consequence of the great quantity of timber known by the dealers under the denomination of loblolly, (a species of pine without lasting substance, and therefore valueless) exported as mer- chantable pine to the great and manifest injury of the credit and character of our market, such quality of pine shall not be considered merchantable, and upon the conviction of any measurers and inspectors aforesaid having measured and in- spected loblolly pine timber as merchantable, he or they shall be fined in a sum of thirty dollars, forfeit his license, and be declared and rendered ineligible to his said office of measurer and inspector. Sec 8. And be it further ordained, That all hay sold in the city shall be re-weighed, and any seller refusing to have the same re-weighed, shall be fined in a sum not less than three dollars nor more than thirty dollars. INSPECTORS, WEIGHERS, &c. 281 Sec. 9. And be it further ordained, That so nn^cli of the third, sixth, seventh, and eight sections of the Ordinance to which this is an amendment as refers to the measure- ment of 1 Limber and staves, and all Ordinances or parts thereof, militating against this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Passed in Council 25th August, 1842. W. THORNE WILLIAMS, Mayor. Attest: Elisha Wylly, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, Amendatory of an Ordinance passed 25m August, 1842, entitled an Ordinance to amend an Ordinance to appoint measurers and inspectors of lumber, ranging timber, staves shingles and other lumber, &c. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby Ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the passing of this Ordinance, ranging timber, scantling, plank, boards, and other descriptions of sawed lumber, shall be deemed merchantable only under the following requirements, viz: ranging timber shall be sound and measured, free from pin holes and waning edges, scantling, plank, boards, and other descriptions of sawed lumber, shall be sound and show at least half heart of the contents of each piece. Nevertheless, if any scantling, plank, boards, and other descriptions of sawed lumber, shall be split, decayed or fractured, more than two feet, and less than one-third of the length of said scantling, plank, boards, &c, in that case, such a split, decayed or fractured part shall be left out, and not counted in the said measure- ment. Sec. 2. Jind he it further ordained, That staves and shingles, shall likewise be deemed merchantable only when 36 .232 INSPECTORS, WEIGHERS, &c. made, shaped, formed and conditioned as follows, viz: white and red oak staves must be free from knots, splits, and worm holes, and that all oak staves shall be classed as red oak. The dimensions of pipe staves shall be fifty-four inches long, not less than three inches wide, and one inch thick on the thinest edge ; hogshead staves forty-two inches long, not less than three inches wide, and three quarters of an inch thick on the thinest edge ; pine staves, forty-two inches long, not less than three inches wide, and five-eighths of an inch thick ; shingles not less than twenty inches long, three and a half inches wide and three eighths of an inch thick. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained, That the number of measurers and inspectors of lumber, appointed by virtue of this Ordinance, shall not exceed twelve, and that their appointment shall be made annually, on the first meeting of Council in January, or at any other time a vacancy shall occur. They shall produce satisfactory evidence of their moral character, fitness and qualifications, for the faith- ful discharge of their duties, not to be interested in the profits arising from the sale of lumber to be inspected and measured by them, though they may be employed as clerks by the factors or sellers, and each shall enter into bond in the name of the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savan- nah, and the Hamlets thereof, with one or more' good and sufficient securities approved by the Mayor in the sum of five hundred dollars each for the faithful performance of his duties. Sec. 4* And be it further ordained, That each measu- rer and inspector shall receive the following fees as his com- pensation, one half to be paid by the seller, the other half by the purchaser, the labor necessary for the admeasurement and inspection of lumber will be furnished by the factor or seller, viz : for inspecting and culling oak staves seventy- five cents per thousand, for shingles twenty cents per thou- sand, for inspecting and measuring ranging timber twenty live cents per thousand feet, for sawed lumber thirty cents per thousand feet. INSPECTORS, WEIGHERS, &c. 283 * Sue 5. And be it further ordained, That each measu- rer and inspector of lumber appointed in the manner afore- said, and after complying with the requirements of this Ordinance, shall receive a license and shall pay for the same to the City Treasurer, ten dollars for the city, and fifty cents for his own fees, together with the sum of one dollar to the Clerk of Council for his fees. Sec 6. And be it further ordained. That all timber, sawed lumber, oak staves and shingles, bought or sold within the jurisdiction of the city, shall be inspected, measured, counted and culled by the measurers and inspectors ap- pointed by virtue of this Ordinance, and that any other person or persons inspecting, measuing, counting and cull- ing ranging timber, sawed lumber, oak staves, and shingles, shall, upon conviction of the same, be fined in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars. And in case of any violation of this Ordinance by any measurer and inspector aforesaid, or by any factor or seller, he or they shall be fined, upon conviction of the same, in a sum not exceeding thirty dol- lars for the first and second offence, and for the third offence the measurer or inspector shall forfeit his license, and be removed from, and declared forever after ineligible to the same office. Sec. 7. Repealed, see 1st section of Ordinance passed 4th Sept. 1845. Sec 8, And be it farther ordained, That all fees shall be paid by the seller or factor, he charging half measure- ment and inspection to the buyer. Sec. 9. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 23d March, 1843. RICHARD D. ARNOLD, Mayor, Attest : Elisha Wylly, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, To be entitled an Ordinance to compel sellers of timber, 284 INSPECTORS, WEIGHERS, &c, scantling, planks, boards, and all the descriptions of sawed* or hewn lumber, to have the measurement marked upon each piece. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, audit is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the passage of this Ordinance, all tim- ber, scantling, plank, boards, and other descriptions of sawed or hewn lumber, sold within the corporate limits of the city, shall have the measurement cut upon each piece ; and any seller or owner of such timber, failing to have the same done shall be fined, for such offence, in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars. Sec. 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 29th May, 1845. R. WAYNE, Mayor. Attest: Edward G.Wilson, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, Entitled an Ordinance to alter the Ordinance as regulating the sale of hay, &c. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That the section 7th of an Ordinance passed March 23d, 1843, regulating, among other matters, the sale of hay, be, and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. 2. And he it further ordained, That the section 8 th of an Ordinance passed 25th August, 1842, touching the same subject be, and the same is hereby revived and de- clared to be in full force and virtue. Sec. 3. And he it further ordained, That his honor the Mayor shall be authorized, on application made to him, INSPECTORS, WEIGHERS, &c 2S5 to delegate to the City Marshal, or any other city officer, power to weigh hay, under this Ordinance and the Ordi- nance of the loth March, 1827, and when so called up- on, such officer shall be entitled to six cents for each bundle weighed, to be paid by the seller, he charging one half to the buyer. Sec. 4. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 4th September, 1S45. R. WAYNE, Mayor. Attest : Edward G. Wilson, Clerk Council AN ORDINANCE, Entitled an Ordinance to amend an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance to establish the office of weighers of hay, and to elect officers. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Ham lets thereof in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That the office of weighers of hay be, and the same is hereby created, and that at the first regular meeting of council, after the fifth day of February in each succeeding year there shall be elected two weighers of hay, and the fees for each bundle so weighed, shall be six and a quarter cents, to be paid by the consignee or consignees of said hay. Sec 2. And be it further ordained, That, the weigher of hay be authorized and compelled to obliterate all marks that may be found on any bundle of hay, and be required to keep a book containing a correct statement of each ]ot of hay that he weighs. He shall also mark on each bundle, in plain figures, the gross weight thereof Sec 3. And be it further ordained, That the purchaser or purchasers of any lot or lots of hay, afloat or in store, 286 INSPECTORS, WEIGHERS, &c. shall be allowed a deduction of five per cent tare on the gross weight of said hay. Sec. 4. And he it f urther ordained, That any one ob- jecting to have his or their hay weighed, on landing from the vessel, and proceed to sell or store, in violation of this Ordinance may be fined by his honor the Mayor, in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars. Sec. 5. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 10th June, 1847. H. K. BURROUGHS, Mayor, Attest : A, C. Davenport, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, To be entitled an Ordina ace to amend an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance to establish the office of weighers of hay, and to elect officers, passed 10th June, 1847. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same. That from and after the passage of this Ordinance, it shall be the duty of the weighers and inspectors of hay when any bundles of hay are so wet as materially to effect the weight of said bundles, they shall not be compelled to weigh such bundles, but shall make such deductions from the original weights as they may find to be the average loss of weight on such as they are enabled to weigh in said cargo, and when a whole cargo is wet so that they cannot ascertain the true weight of any part thereof, it shall be the duty of the weighers to make such deductions from the original weights as in their judgment is the usual loss in weight, and for so weighing they shall receive the same fee as if they had weighed the wh ole cargo. Sec. 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council, 25th August, 1853. R. WAYNE, Mayor, INSPECTORS, WEIGHERS, &c s 287 AN ORDINANCE, Entitled an Ordinance regulating the sale of corn, rye, barley, wheat and oats. Sec. 1. Be it Ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the passage of this Ordinance all corn, rye, barley, wheat, and oats bought and sold within the City of Savannah shall be bought aivd sold under the following regulations, viz : Every bushel of corn shall weigh fifty-six pounds, every bushel of rye fifty-six pounds, every bushel of barley forty-eight pounds, every bushel of wheat sixty pounds, and every bushel of oats thirty-two pounds : Pro- vided, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to make it unlawful for the purchaser and seller to agree for the sale of the foregoing particularly described commodities by measurement, as heretofore, instead of by weight. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That in the weigh- ing of the above mentioned produce the weights now used and required by council shall be used by the seller or sellers. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained, That every white person who shall sell corn, rye, barley, wheat or oats, con- trary to the provisions of this Ordinance, shall, for each and every offence, forfeit and pay a sum not less than five dol- lars and not exceeding ten dollars ; one-half to be paid into the City Treasury, and the other half to the informer. Sec 4. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 28th October, 1847. H. K. BURROUGHS, Mayor, Attest: A, C. Davenport, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, Entitled an Ordinance for the inspection of flour, and for the appointment of inspectors. 288 INSPECTORS, WEIGHERS, && Sec. 1 , Be it ordained by the Mayor and Mdermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the passage of this Ordinance, the City Council shall appoint one or more inspectors of flour for the City of Savannah, who shall give bond and security to be approved by council, in the sum of one thousand dollars for the faithful discharge of the duties of his office, and whose duty it shall be to inspect, when called upon, in the manner herein provided, any flour which may be brought to this market for sale. Sec. 2, And be it further ordained, That every barrel of flour shall be examined by the inspector in the following manner: he shall provide himself with an instrument not exceeding five-eights of an inch in diameter, with which he shall penetrate through to the other head, and having obtained a sample, he shall plug the hole with a round piece of soft wood to prevent the entrance of water. S hould the said inspector judge the flour to be merchantable accord- ing to the provisions of this Ordinance, he shall provide himself with brands, with letters three-fourths of an inch in length, with which he shall brand each barrel according to quality, viz : "superfine," "fine, 5 ' "middling," "first/ 7 or "second." He sha'l brand the word "Savannah," on each barrel, and the initial letters of his name, and his compen- sation shall be three cents per barrel, to be paid by the owner or consignee of the flour. It shall also be the duty of the inspector to inspect and brand half barrels and bags of flour, and to brand them in the same manner as afore- said, and he shall receive the same compensation for them as for barrels. Sec. 3. Jind be it further ordained, That all barrels containing flour brought for sale to this market, shall be well made of good seasoned materials, and tightened with thin hoops secured by four nails in each chime hoop, and three nails to each upper bilge hoop, and of the following dimensions : the staves of whole barrels twenty-seven INSPECTORS. WEIGHERS, &c. 289 inches long, and the diameter of the head seventeen inches ; the staves of half barrels, twenty-two inches in length, and the diameter of the head thirteen inches. And all barrels truly taxed on the same head with the mill brands shall be deemed merchantable barrels, the brand or mark to be so distinctly put on as not to be easily erased, and the name or brand of the mill, where said flour has been manufactured, shall be placed on the head of each barrel, and the said in- spector is hereby directed not to brand any barrel of flour which has not been prepared, agreeably to the requirements of this Ordinance, under a penalty of one dollar for each and every barrel otherwise branded, and the inspector shall cause all barrels which are unmerchantable, but are susceptible of being so repaired as to be made merchantable to be repaired at the expense of the owner or owners. Sec. 4. And be it f urther ordained, That each barrel of flour shall contain one hundred and ninety-six pounds nett of flour, and each half barrel shall contain ninety-eight pounds nett of flour, and the said inspector shall not brand any barrel or half barrel of flour, containing a less quantity of flour than is indicated by this Ordinance, under a penalty of one dollar for each and every violation or infraction. . Sec 5. And be it further ordained, That the said in- spector on his appointment shall make oath or affirmation before the Mayor of the city, that without fear, favor, or respect to persons, he will diligently, and to the best of his ability, knowledge, and skill, inspect all flour offered to him for inspection, and will brand the same according to the provisions of this Ordinance, and will, in all respects, faith- fully discharge the duties of his office. Sec 6. And be it further ordained, That no inspector ot flour shall purchase directly or indirectly, any flour, unless for the use of himself or family under the penalty of ten dollars for each barrel or package purchased by him in vio- lation of this Ordinance. Sec 7. And be it further ordained, That all fines in- curred under this Ordinance, shall be appropriated thus, one 37 290 INSPECTORS, WEIGHERS, &c half to the informer and the other half to the City Treasury. Sec. 8. And be it further ordained. That it shall be the duty of the inspector to inspect Indian corn and corn meal in bags or in barrels, when requested by the owner or con- signee to do so, and he shall brand such only as he deems to be sound and merchantable, for which his compensation shall be three cents per bag or barrel, to be paid by the owner as aforesaid. Sec 9. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 14th October, 1847. H. K. BURROUGHS, Mayor. Attest : A. C. Davenport, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, To establish an inspection of turpentine in the City of Sa- vannah. Sec l. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah, and Hamlets thereof, in Council assembled, and, it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That the office of inspector of turpentine be, and is hereby created. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That an inspector of turpentine be elected at the next regular meeting of council, after the passage of this Ordinance, and annually thereafter, at the first regular meeting in January. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained, That additional inspectors may be elected whenever it shall be necessary to do so in order to carry this Ordinance into full effect. Sec 4. And be it further ordained, That from and after the passage of this Ordinance the following regulations shall be of force : 1st. Each barrel of soft turpentine shall be of the weight of 350 lbs. gross, and free from water or other extraneous matter. t INSPECTORS, WEIGHERS, &c. 291 2d. Each barrel shall be formed of good and sufficient staves, three-quarters of an inch thick, not exceeding five inches wide, not less than thirty or more than thirty-two inches long; the heads not less than one or more, than one and a half inches thick, and secured with twelve good hoops; total weight of the barrel not being over sixty lbs. 3d. If the turpentine be fraudulently mixed, it shall be condemned by the inspector and delivered to the owner. 4th. Inasmuch as it is difficult for , the makers of the turpentine so to regulate the size of their barrels and quan- tity of contents, that each barrel shall weigh precisely the number of pounds required by this act, it is provided that the inspector shall, after careful examination of the barrel submitted, make out two fair bills of the same, the one for the seller and the other for the buyer, in which he shall designate the quantity and quality of the same, after proper deductions for water, &c, and making proportionate allow- ance to the seller when the barrel shall weigh more than the required number of pounds, and the same allowance to the buyer when the barrel shall weigh less. 5th. Each barrel of turpentine, after inspection, if found in conformity to this act, shall be branded or marked by the inspector as follows : the pure or virgin turpentine with the letter V; the yellow dip, S ; the hard, H. 6th. The fee for inspection of turpentine to be five cents per barrel, to be paid by the purchaser when passed, and by the seller when condemned. 7th. Every inspector appointed under this Ordinance, shall give bond and security in the sum of two hundred dollars for the faithful performance of his duty, and be sworn before the Mayor. 8th. If any inspector shall inspect any turpentine con- trary to the directions of this Ordinance, he shall forfeit and pay the sum of thirty dollars for each offence ; one-half to the informer and one-half to the party agrieved. Sec. 5. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 27th October, 1849. R. WAYNE, Mayor. ,292 JAII^ JAIL, AN ORDINANCE. To constitute the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Sa- vannah and hamlets thereof the Commissioners of the Jail of the County of Chatham, and to prescribe the mode of election of the Jailor thereof, and other officers and their duties. Sec. 1 Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordain ed by the a uthor ity of the same, That from and after the first day of January, eighteen hun- dred and thirty-five, the direction, management and con- trol of the Jail of Chatham County shall be vested in the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the hamlets thereof, who shall be the commissioners thereof, with ail the rights and duties thereto appertaining. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained , That the said Mayor and Aldermen shall, on the thirtieth day of December, instant, proceed to the election of a Jailor, to take in charge the management of said Jail, who shall hold his office for the term of three years, unless sooner removed by the said Mayor and Aldermen for any misconduct, which shall, in their opinion, furnish sufficient cause. Sec 3. And be it further 07'dained, That the salary of said Jailor shall be fifteen hundred dollars per annum, and lie, the said Jailor, shall appoint his own deputy, who shall be approved of by the said Mayor and Aldermen, and who shall be compensated by the said Jailor from his salary, and that he, the said Jailor, shall give bond, with good and sufficient security, in the sum of twenty thousand dollars, and they shall each take and subscribe the following oath, before the Mayor or acting Mayor of said city before they enter on the duties of their respective offices, to wit : " I do JAIL. 293 solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be,) that I will well and truly do and perform all and singular the duties of Jailor (or Deputy Jailor) of the County of Chatham, and that I will humanely treat all criminals who may be brought to Jail, and not suffer them to escape by any negligence or inattention of mine. So help me God." Sec. 4. And be it further ordained. That the liabilities and duties prescribed by the existing laws of the State of Georgia as applicable to the jailors of the several counties shall be and continue in force, and that the fees, as prescribed by law, shall continue, and that the said Jail shall be subject at all times, to the visit and inspection of the Justices of the Inferior Court of Chatham County, and of the grand in- quest of said county and city. Sec 5. And be it further ordained. That the said J ailor shall keep regular books of account, and shall make proper entries therein of the times of receiving criminals, and prisoners, and of their discharge, and of all sums re- ceived or paid by him as such Jailor, and shall make monthly returns and payments on the first of each month to the Mayor or acting Mayor of the City of Savannah, and which said monthly accounts shall, at all times, be subject to the inspection and approval or disapproval of the said May- or and Aldermen, and be preserved on file in the office of the City Treasurer. Sec. 6. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 25th December, 1834. W. W. GORDON, Mayor, Note. — By the 1st section of an Ordinance passed in Council 8th Novem- ber, 1842. entitled an Ordinance to reduce the salaries of the City Officers therein named, &c, the Jailor's salary was reduced from $1,500 to $1,200 per annum — by the following Ordinance it was again reinstated at the origi- nal salary of $1,500. AN ORDINANCE, To be entitled an Ordinance to restore to the Clerk of Conn- 294 LAMPS, cil the salary and fees affixed to said oifice by the Ordin- ance passed 2d August, 1839, and for the increase of the salary of the Jailor. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That the salary of the Jailor be increased to fifteen hundred dollars per annum, Sec. 3. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 16th January, 1851. R. WAYNE, Mayor. Attest: Edward G. Wilson, Clerk Council. LAMPS. AN ORDINANCE, To amend and consolidate the various Ordinances of the City of Savannah, relating to the erecting and lighting of lamps in the streets and public places in the City of Savannah, Sec. 1. This section is repealed by the 2d section of Ordinance passed loth August, 1850, immediately succeeding this Ordinance. Sections 2 and 3. These sections are also superceded and repealed by the succeeding Ordinance, and the introduction of gas lights into the city by the "Savannah Gas Company. The following sections applicable to the City Lamp Contractor, and to all persons injuring the City Lamps are nevertheless considered as of force. Sec. 4. And he it further ordained, That the lirst regular meeting of Council in January, in each and every year, (ten days previous notice having been first given in the public gazettes) council sh 1 proceed and elect a lamp contractor, whose duty it shall be for the ensuing year to superintend and take care of the public lamps of the city and to furnish the oil, wick and every material which may LAMPS. 295 be necessary for lighting all the public lamps, and also a sufficient number of persons for lighting and cleaning the said lamps, and that he shall also be required and bound to keep all the said lamps and the posts supporting the same in clean and good order, and to repair the same whenever the same may be injured or broken, and to cause the same to be lit at or before dark every night throughout the year, and shall be kept burning until daylight (except during the time of moonlight.) and. that every contractor shall be required to enter into good and sufficient security to be approved of by council, for the faithful performance of his contract; and for any failure or neglect of the said lamp contractor to per- form any of the duties of his office, he shall be fined not exceeding one hundred dollars, and whenever any flagrant violation or neglect of his contract shall be made manifest to the Mayor, the said Lamp contractor may be dismissed from office. Sec. 5. And be it further ordained, That if any per- son shall break, injure or destroy any of the public lamps, he, she or they may be fined, if a white person, in a sum not. exceeding thirty dollars, and if the said offence shall be com- mitted by a free person of color or slave, he or she shall be whipped at the discretion of the Mayor, unless the guardian ot such free person, or the owner of such slave shall consent to pay the fine assessed by the Mayor, and in all cases it shall be in the discretion of the Mayor to order the offender whether white, free person or slave into custody, until the fine shall be paid or the punishment inflicted. Sec. 6. And he it further ordained, That council may, at any subsequent meeting by resolution direct the erection of a lamp at such public place as circumstances may in their opinion imperiously designate. Sec 7. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 22d July, 1839. ROBERT M. CHARLTON, Mayor. Attest : Joseph Felt, Clerk Council pro tern, 296 LAMPS. AN ORDINANCE, For the protection of the public gas lamps, and for other purposes. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and, Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem- bled \ and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the sftme. That if any person shall break, injure, deface, or destroy any of the street lamp-posts or lanterns, or shall, without due authority, light or extinguish the gas in any the said lan- terns, he, she or they may be fined, if a white person, by the Mayor or acting Mayor, in a sum not less than thirty dollars, nor more than fifty dollars, one half to the informer; and in default of payment, may be committed to jail, for such period as in the discretion of the Mayor or acting- Mayor may seem proper. And if said offence shall be com- mitted by a free person of color or slave, he or she shall be whipped, at the discretion of the Mayor or acting Mayor, unless the guardian of such free person of color, or the owner of such slave, shall consent to pay the fine assessed by the Mayor or acting Mayor. And in all cases it shall be in the discretion of the Mayor or acting Mayor to order the offenders, whether white, free person of color or slave, into custody until the fine shall be paid, or the punishment in- flicted. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That the first sec- tion of an Ordinance passed in council July 2 2d, 1839, which section regulates the arrangement of the public lamps be, and the same is hereby repealed ; and that section four, providing for the election of a lamp contractor be, and it is hereby declared to have no reference to the gas lights estab- lished, or to be established, in the streets, public buildings, or market Sec. 3. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 15th August, 1850. R. WAYNE, Mayor, Attest : Edward G. W ilson, Clerk Council. LAMPS. 297 AN ORDINANCE, Entitled an Ordinance to require the suspension of lighted lamps at night on all vessels and craft lying in the river Savannah and not moored at any wharf. Sec. 1. Beit ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the twenty-fifth day of February, inst- ant, it shall be the duty of the master or commander of every vessel or craft, of whatever description, not moored at some wharf within the limits of the city, and lying in the stream of the river Savannah, within the said limits or be- low the same, between the city and Tybee, to suspend and keep suspended, during all the hours of night, at the mast- head, or in some prominent part of the rigging of such ves- sel or craft, a lamp properly trimmed and lighted, sufficient- ly large and brilliant to give timely notice of the presence of such vessel or craft to all navigating the stream. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That for any viola- tion of this Ordinance, the offender shall be fined in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars, upon information and convic- tion before the police court. Sec, 3. Repealing clause* Passed in Council 19th February, 1846. H. K. BURROUGHS, Mayor. Attest : A. C, Davenport, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, Entitled an Ordinance to require the suspension of lighted lamps at night, on all vessels, and craft in the river Sa- vannah, under weigh. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council as™ 38 298 LICENSES. sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the thirty-first day of January, instant, it shall be the duty of the master or commander of every vessel or craft of whatever description, under weigh, within the limits of the city or below the same, between the city and Tybee, to suspend and keep suspended during the time said vesseror craft is under weigh at night, alighted lantern at the bowsprit or jib-boom, so that another vessel or craft may know how she is standing. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That for any viola- tion of this Ordinance the offender shall be fined in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars, upon information and convic- tion before the police court, one-half to the informer and the other half to the city. Sec 3. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 16th January, 1851. R. WAYNE, Mayor, Attest: Edward G. Wilson, Clerk Council. LICENSES.- AN ORDINANCE, To amend an Ordinance regulating shops, stores, and bar- rooms, and for granting licences for retailing spirituous liquors, or for vending goods, wa r ^s and merchandise in the streets, lanes, alleys, and sc within the City of Savannah and its extended lim: Sec. 1. Be it Ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council as- sembled, audit is hereby ordained by the aidhority of the same, That from and after the passage of this Ordinance all shops, stores, and bar-rooms, within the extended jurisdictional LICENSES. 299 limits of the said city as defined in its amended charter, passed at the last session of the legislature of this State, and all persons owning, keeping, superintending, or visiting the said shops, stores, or bar-rooms, shall be, and are hereby- made subject to the existing Ordinances in relation to those subjects, except such as shall be repealed by virtue of this Ordinance. T ec. 2. And be it further ordained, That every per- son who shall hereafter keep, within the City of Sa- vannah, or its extended jurisdictional limits any store, bar- room, tavern, inn, hotel, ordinary, oyster house or cellar, confectionary, eating house, punch, porter, ale, or beer houses, for the sale of liquors, or otherwise sell or dispose of malt, vinous, or spirituous liquors, cider, beer, punch, or other strong drink, under any name whatever, in any quantity other original package, cask, or vessel, as impo: J, shall first o m a license for the same, as is here- inafter prescribed, according to the class for which it is in- tended to be used ; in default whereof, he, she, or they, up- on conviction before council, shall forfeit and pay, for each and every offence, a sum not exceeding thirty dollars. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained, That licenses for retailing liquors shall be classed and numbered as follows, viz : Class number one, for keeping liquor stores, authorizing the holders to sell malt, vinous or spirituous liquors in any quantity not less than a quart : Provided, the same be not drank or consumed at the place where sold, and every person to whom such license may be granted, shall pay twenty-five dollars. Class number two, for retail shops, &c., authorizing the holders to ? sell malt, vinous, or spirituous liquors in any quantity, with permission to drink or consume the same at the place where sold, and every person to whom such license may be granted, shall pay thirty-five dollars. Sec. 4. And be it further ordained, That every per- son obtaining a license of either of the two classes, or a pedlar's license, who shall transgress the terms, violate the conditions or infringe the provisions of such license, as de- 300 LICENSES, fined in this or any other Ordinance, shall upon conviction before council, forfeit and pay, for each offence, a sum not exceeding thirty dollars, and shall, for a third offence, for- reit such license, and shall not be entitled to obtain another until the expiration of two years thereafter. Sec. 5. And be it further ordained, That the form of the license shall be as follows : This is to certify that has given bond and security accoiding to the Ordinances of the city, in the sum of two hundred dollars for his faithful compliance with the laws of the State, and the Ordinances of the city, which now are or may hereafter be of force respecting shops, stores, bar-rooms, taverns, retailers of spirituous liquors, so far as the same relate to the City of Savannah Therefore, the said is hereby authorized to keep a liquor store, to retail not less than a quart, as defined in class number one, or a retail shop as defined in class number two, as the case may be in the house where he now resides in street, ward, and in no other place whatsoever in the City of Savannah, from the day of in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and until next ensuing, and no longer. Given under my hand and the seal of the city, the day and year first above mentioned. Sec 6. And be it further ordained, That the Mayor is hereby authorized to grant the license upon the applicants paying the sum required therefor, and giving bond with two or more approved securities, in the sum of two hundred dollars, conditioned for the due observance of the Ordinances of the City and laws of the State and every license shall con- tinue in force for one year and no longer. Sec 7. And be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty of the City Treasurer to make a fair and just entry in a book to be kept by him for that purpose of the names and places of abode of all such persons as shall have obtained licenses, the names of their securities, the class of licenses granted, and of the sum received for the same, LICENSES. 30i Sec. 8. And be it further ordained, That no license shall authorize the holder to sell liquors or exercise autho- rity under it in more places than one, nor at any other place than the one designated in such license, without first giving notice to the Clerk of Council of his or her removal, where- upon the Clerk shall obtain from the Mayor, or in his absence from the Chairman, a certificate on the back of such license, specifying the place of removal Sec 9. And he it further ordained, That if any person f or persons without a license, shall sell at any time any malt vinous or spirituous liquors in any quantity or parcels other than as imported in the original packages, casks or vessels and deliver the same in smaller quantities or at different periods of time with intent to evade the provisions of this ordinance, such person or persons upon conviction before council shall forfeit and pay for each offence a sum not ex- ceeding thirty dollars. Sec. 10. And he it further ordained, That any person obtaining a license pt class number two for retailing, shall have plainly and distinctly painted in letters not less than three inches in length oyer the door on the outside of the house or shop wherein the liquors are sold and fronting the street, lane or square, the name of the person so licensed together with the words "licensed to retail spirituous liquors," and e^ery person violating this section shall be fined for each week succeeding the first ten days after ob- taining the license, in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars. Sec. 11. And be it further ordained, That if there shall be found in the shop or enclosures of any retailers of liquors within the jurisdictional limits of the city after drum-beat at night, any negro or person of color, not the property of the owner of said shop or retailer of liquors, who shall not have been sent there by their owners or guar- dians, and who shall be without a written ticket to that effect, the person or persons so entertaining or harboring such negro or person of color, shall be fined for each offence in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars, and the city marshal^ 302 LICENSES, city constables, and city watch are hereby authorized to en- ter the premises where such negroes or persons of color are harbored and commit them to thes common jail from which they shall not be discharged until they shall have paid the expenses of such commitment. Sec. 12. Jind be it further ordained. That it shall not be lawful for the Mayor to grant any license to any person who may have retailed liquors without a license, until the applicant shall have paid into the treasury in addition to the fine imposed on such persons an amount for the time he so retailed without a license^ at the rate per annum of the class required, as pointed out in Lie third section of this Ordinance. Sec. 13, Jlnd be it further ordained, That it shall not be lawful for any person to follow the occupation of a pedlar or vend any goods, wares, or merchandize, in any street, lane, wharf, or improved lot or square, within the corporate limits of the city without a license, and the Mayor is hereby authorized upon application to grant such license in the manner pointed out in the 6th section of this Ordinance for issuing licenses to retailers, and such license shall continue in force for one year from its date and no longer, and every person at the time of receiving such pedlar's license shall pay to the city treasury the sum of fifty dollars, and every person who shall be convicted of vending as aforesaid, and acting as a pedlar without a license shall forfeit and pay for each offence a sum not exceeding thirty dollars. Sec. 14. Jlnd be it further ordained, That it shall not be lawful for any pedlar or vender of goods, wares or mer- chandize, as aforesaid, to occupy with tables, benches or stands of any kind, any part of the streets lane s, alleys, squares, or wharves, or to spread his, her, or their wares or merchandize on the ground for sale, under the penalty of thirty dollars for each offence. Sec. 15. This section is obsolete, LICENSES. Sec. 16. And be it further ordained, That all fines, forfeitures and penalties imposed by virtue hereof, shall be levied and recovered by warrants of distress and sale as pre- sented in the twelfth section of the amended charter of the city, one-half to the use of the city and the other to the in- former, and in case of neither lands, goods or chatties being found of such offender or offenders, he, she or they, shall, at the discretion of Council, be imprisoned in the common jail of the county, provided that no imprisonment shall exceed ten days and nights. Sec 17, And be it further ordained, That an old Or- dinance for granting licenses to persons keeping billiard tables and retailing spirituous liquors within the limits of the City of Savannah and the hamlets thereof, and for other purposes therein mentioned, and the several amendments of the sa _ ; and an Ordinance to oblige persons keeping any equality or E. 0. tables, or other instruments of a similar con- struction, used or intended for the purpose of gambling, to take out a license for the same, and for other purposes therein mentioned ; and an Ordinance to compel pedlars within the City of Savannah, to take out licenses, and for imposing restrictions relative to them ; and an Ordinance for granting licenses to persons retailing spirituous liquors^ or vending goods, wares, and merchandise in the streets, lanes, alleys, and squares within the limits of the City of Savannah and the hamlets thereof, passed 15th October, 1824; and an Ordinance regulating shops, stores, and bar-rooms, and for granting licenses for retailing spirituous liquors, or vending goods, wares or merchandise in the streets, lanes, alleys, and squares within the City of Savannah and its extended limits, passed 6th July, 1826; as likewise an Ordinance for grant- ing licenses to persons retailing spirituous liquors, or vend- ing goods, wares, or merchandize, passed 6th July, 1826, to- gether with all other Ordinances or parts of Ordinances mil- itating against this Ordii nee be, and the same are hereby repealed. Passed in Council 12th October, 1826.' JOSEPH W. JACKSON, Mayor. d04 LICENSES. The foregoing Ordinance of 12th of October, 1826. contains all the pro- visions of the Ordinance of loth October. 1324, and supercedes it. By the Ordinance of 15th October, 1824, the old Ordinances on the subject of licenses, passed 9th Sept , 1799, 23d July, 1810, 29th April, 1814, 22d Feb. 1819, and oth April, 1819, amendatory, are repealed, and is itself repealed by the last section of the foregoing Ordinance, so that at the time of the passing of that Ordinance it was the only one of force regulating licensee for retailing spirituous liquors. AN ORDINANCE,* To amend an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance for regula- ting the hire of drays, carts, and wagons,, as also the hire' of negro and other slaves, and for the better ordering free negroes, mulattoes, or mustezoes, within the City of Sav- nah, and for the purposes herein mentioned. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen oj the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof ] in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same. That it shall be the duty of the City Marshal and City Con- stables, or either of them to seize as forfeited to the use of the city, all articles which may be exposed for sale by ven- ders of small wares throughout the city without the proper license and the person so vending shall, by the Mayor or either of the Aldermen be committed to jail to be released on payment of three dollars, together with all costs and charges incured. Sec 2. And he it further ordained. That the goods so seized by the Marshal or Constables, shall be immediately exposed to sale at the market by order of the Mayor or any one of the Aldermen, and the proceeds of the sale be paid over to the Clerk of the Board of Health for the use of that body. Passed in Council 22& October, 1829. WE THORNE WILLIAMS, Mayor, LICENSES. 305 AN ORDINANCE, To regulate the granting of licenses to retail spirituous liquors within the extended limits of the City of Savannah. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hwnlets thereof, in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same. That all and singular the provisions of the Ordinances of the city in relation to the granting of licenses to retail spirituous liquors, be, and the same are hereby declared to be in full force within the extended limits of the city. Sec. 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 11th March, 1847. W. THORNE WILLIAMS, Mayor. AN ORDINANCE, Entitled an Ordinance to prohibit granting licenses for re- tailing spirituous liquors to free persons of color, and to render null and void all licenses granted to white persons to retail spirituous liquors which are obtained or used for the benefit of free persons of color, and to punish such white persons. Sec 1. Beit ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the passage of this Ordinance, no license shall be granted to free persons of color to retail spirituous liquors, cordials or other articles containing spirits. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That no such license shall be granted to white persons for the benefit of free per- sons of color, and that if any license granted to any white person shall be used for the benefit of any free person of color, for the purpose aforesaid, the said license shall be for- feited, and the person or persons who shall suffer such use 39 306 LICENSES. of such license, upon conviction, shall be fined in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars, for each and every offence.' Sec. 3. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 10th July, 1834. W. THORNE WILLIAMS, Mayor. AN ORDINANCE, To prohibit the vending or selling, by wholesale or retail, any goods, wares, merchandize, or articles, from on board ships or vessels, or from the wharves, within the City of Savannah, without a license. Whereas, the city is deprived of a considerable revenue, and the merchants and shop keepers thereof injured by the sale of goods, wares any merchandize from on board ships or vessels, by persons who do not contribute in any meas- ure for the revenue of the city, for remedy whereof : Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Jildermen o the City of Savannvh and the Hamlets thereof, in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the passage of this Ordinance it shall not be lawful for any person or persons to bargain, sell, or vend, by wholesale or retail, any goods, wares or merchan- dize, or articles, from on board any ship or vessel, or from any of the wharves of the city, brought into the city by said ship or vessel, unless the person or persons so desiring to sell shall first obtain a license, by paying into the City Treasury the sum of fifty dollars, with the usual fees ; and on said payment the clerk shall issue a license certificate, under his hand and the seal of the city, Avhich shall be null and void as soon as the goods, wares, and merchandize, are sold, which constituted or made the cargo of said ship or vessel, and a new license shall be obtained for every new or different cargo brought in any said ship or vessel, if the LICENSES. 307 same be exposed for sale or sold on board any said ship or vessel or on any wharf. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That any person or persons violating or attempting to violate or evade the above section of this Ordinance or any part thereof, shall be fined by the Mayor in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, one-half of which shall go to the informer. Sec 3. And be it further ordained, That this Ordin- ance shall not effect nor operate on ships or vessels laden with the productions of the Floridas or South Carolina, nor shall it compel any person to take a license for the sale of tropical fruits, nor for apples and cabbages brought by any ship or vessel into this port Sec 4. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 31st December, 1840. ROBERT M. CHARLTON, Mayor, AN ORDINANCE, To levy a tax on transient retail merchants. Sec 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That hereafter every transient retail merchant shop or store- keeper, whether coming to the city on his own account or as representing a branch of some mercantile house else- where, who contemplates residing in the city for a less time than twelve months, shall be required to take out a license from the Treasurer of the City, for Avhich he, she, or they shall pay five hundred dollars, and on refusal or failure to pay said tax,' within five days from the time of opening such store, he, she, or they shall forfeit and pay double the amount aforesaid, for which execution shall immediately issue, as in such cases made and provided. Sec 2. And be it further ordained, That whenever it shall come to the knowledge of the City Marshal, or shall be 308 LICENSES. brought to his notice by any citizen that any person or per- sons are about to establish such store or shop it shall be taken as presumtive evidence of transient residence that such person or persons have rented such store or shop for a less time than one year, unless such tenant had previously been a permanent resident of the city. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained, That the provisions of this Ordinance shall extend' to dealers in all articles whatever. Sec. 4. And be it further ordained, That whenever a transient dealer as aforesaid, shall become a permanent resident it shall be the duty of the City Treasurer at the ex- piration of the year to refund to such person or persons such amount as may be necessary to reduce the tax of such per- son or persons to a level with that of permanent citizens. Sec 5. And be it further ordained, That any person offering for sale silk or fancy goods, jewelry, or other finery at any boarding or other house shall be considered as coming within the provisions of this Ordinance. Sec. 6. And be it further ordained, That no part of this Ordinance shall be so construed as to refer to Captains of vessels trading from the decks of their vessels under license of the city authorities. Sec. 7. This section is obsolete. Sec. 8. And be it further ordained, That whenever such person or persons as may be presumed to come under the provisions of this Ordinance or whose families do not reside in the city shall rent a store for a whole year and shall re-let it with a view to avoid the provisions of this Ordinance he, she, or they shall be liable to the whole tax until such time as they may offer sufficient evidence to the Mayor that such cessation of business was owing to misfortune or other unavoidable and unforseen causes and not a desire to avoid the provisions of this Ordinance. Sec. 9. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 16th November, 1843. W. THORNE WILLIAMS, Mayor, LICENSES. 309 AN ORDINANCE, To be entitled an Ordinance to amend an Ordinance to lay a tax on transient dealers. Sec, 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Jildermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same. That whenever any transient dealer shall be brought before the Mayor for the violation of the above recited Ordinance, and it appearing to his honor that the evidence is not suf- ficient for the conviction of the offender, and that in all prob- ability means have been taken to ei ude the provisions of the Ordinance, in such cases the Mayor may require the party complained of, to give security in the amount of five hun= dred dollars, and two securities for the faithful payment ot the same to abide the issue for the twelve months recited in the Ordinance. Sec 2. And be it further ordained, That all street pedlars of whatever kind or degree shall be liable to all the penalties of this Ordinance, and it shall be the duty of the Marshal to seize any such found in the streets oi the city, unless he, she, or they have previously taken out a license as required in the provisions of the aforementioned Ordi- nance. Sec. 3. Repealing clause. Passed in Council, 7th March 1844. WM. THORNE WILLIAMS, Mayor. Attest : Wm. P. Bowen, Clerk Council. LORD'S DAY OR SABBATH. LORD'S DAY OR SABBATH. AN ORDINANCE, To amend an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance for enforcing the observance of the Sabbath or Lord's Day. Whekkas, the due observance of the Lord's Day is strictly enjoined as a principal part of the true service of God, and the breach thereof is of the most evil tendency. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and. the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained: by the au thority of the same, That if any person or persons whosoever shall disturb any congregation tolerated by the laws of this State, who are assembled together at any church or public place of wor- ship to perform divine service, or shall cause any riot or disturbance thereabout, or therein, he, she, or they shall, for every such offence, be subject to a fine not exceeding thirty dollars, and in default of payment of the same, it shall be lawful for the Mayor or either of the Aldermen, or any jus- dee of the peace to commit him or them to the common jail for a space of time not exceeding ten days, and if such offender be a slave, to order him or her to be punished by whipping on the bare back not exceeding thirty-nine lashes. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That no tradesman, laborer Or other person whosoever shall do or exercise any Jabor or business of their ordinary calling on the Lord's Day, (works of necessity, charity, and the absolute and necessary avocations of the family excepted) and every person of the age of discretion or fifteen years, and upwards offen- ding herein, shall for every such offence be liable to a fine not exceeding thirty dollars. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained, That no person whosoever shall publicly cry, show forth, or expose to sale ni any shop, store, warehouse, or other place any goods, LORD'S DAY OR SABBATH. 311 . wares, merchandise, fruit, herbs, or any thing whatsoever, except medicines and ice, upon the Lord's Day, or any part thereof, nor sell, nor barter the same upon pain that every person so offending shall forfeit the goods so cried, shewn forth, or exposed to sale, and be liable to be fined, in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars : Provided always, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to prohibit the dressing of vituals in families, or the dressing and selling to any persons except negroes, of vituais and. refreshments in any inn, tavern, or vitualing house, nor the baking of bread, if it be done early in the morning, nor the slaughtering of meat after divine service in the afternoon. But the occupi- ers, proprietors, agents, or owners of all cook-shops are hereby prohibited the sale of vituals to negroes on the Sabbath Day, and any sale shall subject the owner or occu- pier of said shop to a fine not exceeding thirty dollars, and if a negro the punishment of thirty-nine lashes, and all such shops may be entered and examined as if they were retail shops, and the presence of negroes in the same shall be held and considered as a violation of this Ordinance. Sec. 4. And be it further ordained. That no wagoner, carter, drayman, butcher, driver, or their servant or servants, or other persons whatsoever, shall ply about the city or hamlets with their wagons, carts, or drays, nor load or unload any goods, wares, merchandize, or produce, except the baggage of passengers, nor drive cattle, sheep, or swine, within the jurisdiction of the same, on the Lord's Day, or any part thereof, under the penalty of fine not exceeding thirty dollars for each and every such offence. Sec. 5. And he it further ordained, That no vessel, boat or water craft of any kind whatever shall be allowed to load or unload at any of the wharves or docks of this city or the hamlets thereof on the Lord's Day, (cases of imminent danger or urgent necessity only excepted,) under the penalty of a fine not exceeding thirty dollars. Sec. 6. And be it further ordained, That no tavern- keeper, inn-keeper, or other person keeping any house of 312 LORD'S DAY OR SABBATH. entertainment shall suffer any feasting, drinking, gaming, rioting or other disorderly and indecent conduct whatsoever on the Lord's Day, within their houses, out-houses, or en- closures, under a penalty of a fine not exceeding thirty dollars for each and every such offence. Sec. 7, And be it f arther ordained, That no public sports or pastimes, as bear bating, bull bating, horse racing, riding race-horses through the streets of the city, or lor exer- cise from stables, foot-bail, shooting, hunting or fishing, in- terludes, or plays, dancing, singing, fiddling, or other music for the sake of merrimen r, or any other sports or pastimes or disorderly conduct whatsoever, shall be used on the Lord's Day, and all and every person or persons offending in the premises shall forfeit for every such offence a sum not ex- ceeding thirty dollars. Sec. 8. And be it further ordained, That for the better preservation of decorum and good order on the Lord's Day, the Marshal, attended by two or more Constables, is hereby required, on every Sunday, during divine service, to walk or ride through the city and hamlets, to observe, sup- press, and apprehend all offenders whatsoever, who shall be found acting contrary to the intent and meaning of this Or- dinance, and to enter into any public house, tippling house, dram shop, negro cook shop, or other house or enclosure, wherein they hear any not, noise, or indecent behaviour, or wherein they suspect any assembly of disorderly persons or ne- groes for the purpose of suppressing the same and apprehend- ing the offenders. And in case admittance or entrance be re- fused, then the said Marshal or Constables are required to apply to the Mayor or either of the Aldermen, or to any Magistrate of the city, for a warrant or order to break open any of the doors of the said house or enclosure, and enter therein. And an} person or persons who shall refuse en- trance to the officers aforesaid, shall, for every such offence, be liable to a fine not exceeding thirty dollars. Sec. 9. And be it further ordained, That if there shall be found in the shop or inclosure of any retailer of spiritu- LORD'S DAY OR SABBATH. 313 Oils liquors, or any negro cook shop within the jurisdiction- al limits of the city on the Lord's Day, any negro or negroes, not the property of the owner of said cook shop, or retailer of liquors, the Marshal or Constable may enter the premises and take such negroes to jail, and the person or persons so harboring and entertaining such negroes shall be fined in a sum ; not exceeding thirty dollars. Sec. 10. And be it further ordained, That the fines, penalties, and forfeitures, herein imposed, shall be levied and recovered in the usual manner and applied, one-half to the informer or informers, who shall prosecute the same, to effect, and the other half to the use of the city. Sec/ 11. And be it further ordained, That no person shall be prosecuted or molested for any offence contained in this Ordinance, unless such prosecution be commenced within thirty days after the offence was committed. Sec. 12. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 11th April, 1839. ROBERT M. CHARLTON, Mayor. AN ORDINANCE, Entitled an Ordinance to prohibit slaves and free persons of color^ from promenading the streets of the City of Savan- nah and Hamlets thereof, on horseback on the Sabbath day. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the passage of this Ordinance it shall not be lawful for any slave or free person of color to ride on horseback through the streets of the City of Savannah or Hamlets thereof, on the Sabbath day without written per- mission from their owner, or guardian, on business of necessity to be specified in said written permission. 40 314 LORD'S DAY OR SABBATH Sec. 2. And be it further ordained^ That it shall be the duty of the Marshal, City Sheriff, and Constables to arrest and report all offenders of this Ordinance to the Mayor, whose duty it shall be to fine or punish all such in his judgment and wisdom shall seem equitable and just as violations of other Ordinances tor the good order peace and dignity of the said city and hamlets thereof. Sec. 3. Repealing clause Passed in Council 16th April, 1846. H. K. BURROUGHS, Mayor. Attest: A. C. Davenport, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, To "^mend an Ordinance, entitled an Ordinance for en- forcing the observance of the Sabbath, or Lord's Day, passed in Council 11th April, 1839. Sec 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as-* sembled, audit is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the passage of this Ordinance every person who shall thereafter keep within the City of Savan- nah or hamlets thereof, or its extended jurisdictional limits,, shop, store, bar-room, tavern, oyster house, or cellar, confec- tionery, eating-house, porter, ale or beer house, shall, on every Saturday night at twelve o'clock, close and keep shut the door or doors, and window or windows of such shop, store, bar-room, bar in a or attached to a tavern, oyster house or cellar, confectionery, eating house, porter, ale or beer house, until the hour of twelve o'clock Sunday night. Sec, 2. And be it further ordained, That no person whatsoever, shall exchange, barter, sell or offer or expose for sale, after twelve o'clock on every Saturday night, and until twelve o'clock Sunday night, any goods, wares, merchan- dize, fruits, herbs, malt, vinous or spirituous liquors, or any other strong drink, or any other things whatsoever, except medicines, ice and milk. LOANS, 315 Sec. 3. And be it further ordained, That if any person or persons who shall violate any of the provisions of this Ordinance, he. she or they shall, upon conviction thereof before the Police Court, be fined in a sum not less than twenty dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars for each and every violation — one half of such fine to be paid to the^ in- former ; the other half into the City Treasury. Sec 4. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 27th July, 1854. MONTGOMERY GUMMING, Acting Mayor. Attest : Edward G. Wilson, Clerk Council. LOANS. AN ORDINANCE, Entitled an Ordinance to raise the sum of five hundred thousand dollars on the faith and pledge of property be- longing to the City of Savannah, for the purpose of pay- ing the instalments on the subscription of the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and hamlets thereof, for five thousand shares of stock of the Central Rail Road and Banking Company of Georgia, as the same may hereafter be required and fall due. Whereas, at a meeting of the citizens of Savannah, held on the 14th day of October, 1833, for the purpose of deliber- ating on the propriety of establishing a communication by Rail Road or Canal between the City of Savannah, Macon, and Columbus, a committee was appointed for the purpose of ascertaining what amount the corporation of the City of Savannah would be disposed to take, in so noble an under- taking. And whereas, the corporation of the City of Savannah deeply feeling the importance of such an undertaking to the LOANS. future prosperity of the city, and after due consideration of the application made to them in behalf of their fellow- citizens, did — Resolve, That it would cheerfully promote, as far as it legally could, every object which has in view the opening of a channel of communication with the interior of the State, and that the resources of the city and its financial condition would warrant the expectation that the sum of $500,000 could and would be raised by the city to aid the accomplishment of the object, if necessary. And whereas, the corporation of the City of Savannah^ being satisfied, not only of the practicability, but of the deep interest which the citizens of Savannah have taken in advancing this great undertaking, have redeemed their pledge by subscribing for five thousand shares of the stock of the Central Rail Road and Canal Company of Georgia. And whereas, an object of greater importance could not occupy the attention of the corporation, or justify more satis- factorily the application of the funds and resources of the city than the one now in progress by the Mayor and Alder- men : Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council assem bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That the sum of five hundred thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated for the payment of the instal- ments which may hereafter become due, or be required or demanded of this corporation for their subscription of five thousand shares of the stock of the Central Rail Road and Canal Company of Georgia. Sec 2. And be it further ordained, That the sum of five hundred thousand dollars, appropriated as aforesaid, shall be converted into stock, which shall be denominated City Stock, for internal improvement, and payable in certifi- cates or scrip, at such times, and of such amount as coun- cil shall direct, which shall be signed by the Mayor and countersigned by the City Treasurer, and shall be redeem- LOANS. 317 able at such time as the said Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the hamlets thereof, shall, from time to time hereafter, direct, at the time of issuing thereof. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained, That each certifi- cate or scrip shall have such form as council shall hereafter direct. Sec 4. And be it further ordained, That the faith of the City of Savannah, and all the public property of said corporation, are hereby pledged as security for the eventual redemption of said stock at the time the same shall be made redeemable as aforesaid. Sec 4. Repepding clause. Passed in Council 23d July, 1835. W. W. GORDON, Mayor. AN ORDINANCE, r To create stock for the purposes of internal improvement. Whereas, -fey. an . Ordinance passed the 23d day of July, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-five, the sum of five hundred thousand dollars was appropriated for the payment of the subscription by the city for five thpusmd shares of the stock of the Central Rail Road and Banking Company of Georgia, and it was ordained that said sum should be converted into stock payable in certificates or scrip, at such time and in such amount, and to be redeemable at such times as council should direct : Sec 1. Be it ordained by the M ay or and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That the Mayor, in conjunction with the Committee on Finance, be, and they are hereby authorized to negotiate for the loan of five hundred thousand dollars, or any less sum, for the purpose aforesaid, and that they effect such loan or loans on the best terms they can ; the rate of interest, the 318 LOANS. place where payable, and the time when the same shall be redeemable, and that for the redemption and payment the public domain and all other property belonging to the city be, and the same are hereby pledged. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That for the pur- pose of consummating the loan or loans which may be ef- fected under the authority given by this Ordinance, and that passed on the 23d day of July, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-five, and hereinbefore referred to the Mayor, be and he is hereby authorized to convert such loan into stock, to be denominated City Stock, for internal improvement, and to issue certificates or scrip for such amounts, bearing such interest, payable at such places, and redeemable at such times, as to him, in conjunction with the Committee on Finance, shall seem most advisable. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained, That the certificates or scrip shall be signed by the Mayor and countersigned by the City Treasurer, and shall be of such form as shall be determined upon by the Mayor and Committee on Finance. Sec 4. Repealing clause. Passed in Council, 26th May, 1838. M. HALL MCALLISTER, Mayor. AN ORDINANCE, To provide for the payment of the interest on the city loan of five hundred thousand dollars, lately negotiated with certain banks of the city, and to provide a place of deposit for the funds of the city. Whereas, the interest on said loan will amount to the sum of thirty-five thousand dollars per annum and is to be paid semi-annually in the City of New- York : And whereas, the Central Rail Road and Banking Company of Georgia, has engaged to guarantee the payment of said interest. Sec 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the LOANS. 319 City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That all dividends on the stock in the Central* Rail Road and Banking Company of Georgia belonging to the City, and so much of the rents to be received from city lots as may be necessary for the purpose be, and the same are hereby appropriated and pledged for the payment of the said interest on said loan, and such dividends and so much of said rents as may be necessary shall not be appropriated to any other purpose until the said loan is paid off. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That the City Trea- surer shall deposit and keep all the money and funds of the city which may be or which may come to his hands in the Central Rail Road and Banking Company's bank in this city. And it shall be the duty of the treasurer to see that the funds of the city hereby pledged are punctually applied towards the payment of the said interest, and to apply any other funds of the city not otherwise appropriated or which may hereafter Be appropriated which may be found neces- sary for that purpose. Provided, that nothing herein con- tained shall be construed to prevent the corporation of the City of Savannah at any time from appropriating any of its funds (except the dividends of the Railroad stock and so much of the said rents as are appropriated by the first section of this Ordinance) to any object or for any purpose ; and provided that nothing herein contained shall be con- strued so as to prevent any future council from changing the place of deposit of the city funds by the treasurer at any time. Passed in Council 31st January, 1839. ROBERT M, CHARLTON, Mayor. AN ORDINANCE, To raise money on loan for the purposes of contributing to works of internal improvement and to improve the City of Savannah. 320 LOANS. Sec. 1 . Be it ordained by the M ay or and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets t Hereof in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That his honor the Mayor and the Committee of Finance, be, and they are hereby authorized to borrow' or raise on loan for the use of the city, for the purpose of contributing to works of internal improvement, and to improve the City of Savannah a sum of money not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars, at a rate of interest not exceeding three per centum per annum. , Sec 2. And be it further ordained, That notes or cer- tificates shall issue for monies borrowed as aforesaid, in sums not under the sum? of one dollar, which shall be paya- ble at such time as the Mayor and Committee of Finance may direct, and shall be signed by the City Treasurer; and for the faithful payment and redemption of such notes or certificates, the faith and property of the city are hereby pledged. Sec 3. And be it further ordained, That the money raised under this Ordinance, shall, from time to time be ap- plied in contribution and aid of such works of internal im- provement, and to such public improvements in the city as' council may by resolution direct. Passed in Council 21st December, 1839. ROBERT M. CHARLTON, Mayor. Attest: M. Myers, Clerk Council. MARKET, 321 MARKET. AN ORDINANCE, For regulating the public market in the City of Savannah, Sec. 1. Be it or darned by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That a public market shall be held every day in the year, (Sundays excepted) in Ellis Square, at which place all kinds of Butcher's meat, poultry, fruit, fish, vegetables, and all other kind of provisions may be sold under the regulations hereinafter contained. Sec 2. And he it further ordained, That a clerk shall be appointed by Council, whose duty it shall be to close the market precisely at ten o'clock in the morning, from the first day of November in every year, to the first day of April following ; and from the first day of April to the first day of November at nine o'clock in the morning, except on Satur- days, when the market shall continue open until nine o'clock at night, from the first day of April until the first day of October, and from the first of October until the first of April, until eight o'clock at night, and the closing of the market shall be announced by the ringing of the market bell. Sec 3. And he it further ordained, That the market Committee or a majority thereof, shall let or rent out to the highest bidder the public stalls in the said market on the first Monday in December of every year hereafter, (now first Wednesday in December of each year. See Ordinance passed 17th November, 1853,) by public outcry, after notice in the public gazettes of the city, at which sales the mar- shal or his deputy shall attend and act as public crier, under the direction of the said Committee ; and the marshal shall immediately thereafter furnish the Treasurer with a state- ment of said sales, and pay over the amount received to- 41 322 MARKET. gether with such notes as shall be taken for the credit part of the sale allowed by the Committee (the renting of the stalls now required to be for cash. See 1st section of Ordinance 14th November, 1853,) provided, always, that the said committee or a majority of them shall select and re- serve three of the stalls for the use and accommodation of the planters and persons from the country, who bring or send their stock or produce to market, and who shall pay into the hands of the clerk double the fees hereinafter ennu- merated on ail articles brought and exposed for sale in the said stalls. Sec. 4. Jind be it further ordained, That a Clerk of the Market shall be appointed by the Mayor and Alder- men in Council assembled, at their first regular meeting, after the first day of January, of each and every year, or if not then appointed at any other subsequent regular meeting who shall hold his office or appointment until he be regu- larly re-appointed or a successor duly appointed or qualified, the said Clerk shall give bond with good and sufficient se- curity to the Mayor and Aldermen in the sum of one thou- sand dollars, to account for all monies received by him as Clerk, as aforesaid, and faithfully to do and perform all the duties required of him by this Ordinance or any other Ordi- nance regulating his further duties, and before entering on the duties of his office or appointment he shall take before the Mayor, Chairman of Council, or any Alderman, the fol- lowing oath or affirmation : "I, A. B., do solemnly swear (or affirm as the case may be,) that I will well, and truly, and faithfully discharge all the duties imposed on me as Clerk of the Market of the City of Savannah, by any of the Ordinances of the city, and that I will faithfully, justly, and fairly account for all monies col- lected and received by me as Clerk, as aforesaid, under the Ordinance or Ordinances now in force, or which may be hereafter passed, so help me God." After which he shall receive a certificate from the Mayor under the seal of the City, stating that he is duly appointed MARKET. 323 and qualified Clerk of the Market In case of neglect or misconduct of the Clerk of the Market on due complaint made thereof. Council is hereby authorized to remove the said clerk, and council is further authorized and empowered in case of the death, resignation, or removal of the said Clerk to appoint at any regular or special meeting thereafter, a successor who shall be invested with all the power, authority, and immunities of a clerk of a market, under this or any other Ordinance. Sec. 5. *Jlnd be it further ordained, That the said Clerk shall be authorized and he is hereby authorized to col- lect and receive from the owner or seller of any meat, vic- tuals, provision or any other articles of food, brought to the market for sale the rates and sums following, viz : that is to say for every ox, steer, cow or heifer, twelve and a half cents ; and six and a quarter cents for every calf, sheep, iamb, hog, or goat ; for every piggin, pail, or firkin of butter or lard, six and one quarter cents ; fifty-cents for the use of each stall that may now or hereafter be assigned for the sale of fish ; six and one quarter cents for every basket of crabs; twelve and a half-cents for every basket of shrimps and prawn ; and six and one quarter cents for every pail of opened oysters ; also for marking and seating every mea- sure, six and a quarter cents ; for marking and sealing every weight, six and a quarter cents ; and for weighing in the public scales for every draught exceeding thirty pounds six and a quarter cents, and for every draught under thirty pounds, two cents. The said Clerk shall quarterly and even' quarter pay to the City Treasurer all monies which he may receive as clerfc of the market over and above the sum of $225, if he shall receive an amount over and above that sum and which quarterly sum making an annual salary of $900 or any less sum which he may receive, not amounting to the said annual sum, $900, shall be in full of all services and expenses incurred as clerk of the market, and so in propor- tion for the time he shall have acted as clerk in case of death resignation or removal therefrom. 324 MARKET. Sec, 6. And be it further ordained, That the Clerk of (he market shall attend the same regularly from daylight and close the same at the time and hours hereinbefore directed. He shall sweep, clean, or cause to be swept clean the said market every day in the year, and also such space ol ground as shall be marked out and fixed by the Market Committee, as connected w ith the same, and shall likewise clean or cause to be cleaned all the stalls for large and small meat, vegetables, fish or other articles. He shall keep two or more scales and weights for the convenience of weighing- butter and other small articles. Sec. 7. And be it further ordained, That when any seller of meat or other articles of provisions charged by this Ordinance, shall refuse to pay the sum required under the same, the clerk is hereby authorized to levy upon and retain such meat or other articles, until such charge be paid, or until one or more of the Market Committee order the release thereof And if the said charge be not paid before the clo- sing of the market, and the article or the articles remain in the possession of the clerk, the same shall be disposed of «as may be directed by the member of the Market Com- mittee present, or in his or their absence as the clerk may see fit. And if any person or persons shall oppose, obstruct, insult, or abuse the Clerk of the Market in the execution of his office or duty, such person or persons shall be fined in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars. Sec 8. And be it further ordained, That if the Clerk of the Market shall neglect any of the duties required of him by this or any future Ordinance he shall be liable to a fine not exceeding thirty dollars, and according to the nature of the charge brought against him, to removal from office by council as already provided. Sec 9. And he it further ordained, That the butchers shall if required by any person or persons, with the appro- bation of the Market Committee, divide their small meat as follows : every calf, heifer, hog, goat or lamb, the quarters thereof shall be divided into two parts, the loin from the MARKET. 325 leg, or the breast irom the quarters, and the quarters of bee^ shall be cut up into pieces so as to suit the buyers. These regulations to commence at the opening of the market, and continue to the hour before roieiitkmed ; and any person or persons neglecting or refusing to comply with the tenor of this section shall for every neglect or refusal, be fined in a sum not exceeding ten dollars, and every person cutting up meat, shall wear a long white apron, every day whilst at market. Sec 10. And be it further ordained^ That from and im- mediately after the passage of this Ordinance, every butcher or person killing an ox, cow, heifer, or grown meat cattle, and exposing the same for sale within the city shall take the hide and head of each animal slaughtered, attached to each other and not severed, and the said head with the ears and horns on of every such animal, he shall carry to the market, and show the clerk, whose business it shall be to keep a book for that purpose, where he shall regularly enter the ear and horn marks, (if any ) of such animals, with the day of the month the same was brought to market, and the book shall be kept open at all times during market hours for the purpose of inspection of every person, under for- feiture of a sum not exceeding thirty dollars for every neg- lect of any butcher or other person bringing the same, and for the neglect of the clerk in not taking the marks, or for his entering improper or false brands and marks, he shall suffer the like penalty. Sec. 11. And be it further ordained. That it shall not be lawful, after the passing and publication of this Ordi- nance, for any person or persons whatsoever, to bring to or near either of the markets aforesaid, any of the offal, or in- side of any bull, steer, cow, heifer, calf, sheep, or hog, except the haslet, clean tripe, and lard and tallow when melted, and rough tallow : Provided, the same is free from any un- pleasant smell ; and any person or persons so offending shall pay a fine not exceeding thirty dollars. Sec 12. And be it further ordained, That if any butch- 326 MARKET, er shall ersct, or from and after the passage of this Ordi- nance, keep any pen or enclosure for the purpose of keeping or slaughtering any cattle, calves, sheep, or goats, within a mile of the corporate limits of the city, he shall be prohibit- ed from selling in the market, and may be fined in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars for each offence. (This section amended, so as to include all hog pens — see first section of Ordinance passed 2d January, 1840, immediately succeed- ing this Ordinance,) Sec. 13, And he it furt her ordain ed, That if any person or persons shall expose or offer for sale in the said market, or in any other place within this city, any blown, puffed up, or unwholesome meat, or provisions of any kind, it shall be the duty of any Alderman, or the Clerk of the Market or City Marshal, on complaint being made to him or them, or upon the view of either of them, to examine into the same, and if the said meat or provisions shall appear to be un- wholesome, the same shall be considered as a nuisance and condemned, and be immediately buried under ground, burnt, or otherwise destroyed, by order of the officers of the city so inspecting and condemning the same, and such per- son or persons so offending, shall be moreover fined in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars. Sec. 14. And be it further ordained, Thar, no person or persons shall be allowed to bring to the market of this city, or expose to sale, at said place, any butter,, vegeta- bles or other similar articles of consumption, not the growth or manufacture of this State or South Carolina. Nor shall any person or persons whosoever, expose at said market, and for sale, any codfish, mackerel, or salmon, unless by special license, which shall be granted on the petition of any person or persons applying for the same, he, she, or they, first paying into the treasury of the city the sum of fifteen dollars, for inch license, which shall last ior the space of one year, and shall not be used by any other person but the one or those named in the said license. And every person or persons offending against this section of the Ordinance, MARKET, 337 shall, on the order of any of the Market Committee, Clerk of the Market, Marshal, or City Constable, immediately withdraw and remove such article or articles, and in case of neglect or refusal to withdraw or remove the same, such article or articles shall be seized and forfeited, and be dis- posed of as may be directed and ordered by any of the Market Committee, Clerk of the Market, or Marshal Sec. 1 5. Jind he it further ordained. That if any per- son or person who shall buy or cause to be bought, con- tracted for, or cause to be contracted for at the market, or on its way to the market, or at any other place within the limits of the City of Savannah/ 1 '- any meat, fish, or poultry, game, or wild fowl, eggs, fish, vegetables, or provisions of any kind, usually brought to market, and shall sell or cause the same to be sold or exposed at the market, or at an}r other place within the City, (or who shall purchase or contract for any of the aforesaid articles in quantities greater than shall be requisite for the use and consumption of the fami- lies of such persons,) or who shall dissuade persons from bringing their provisions to market, or induce them to en- hance the price when there shall, if made manifest to the conviction of any Aldermen, the Clerk of the Market, or the City Marshal, forfeit such articles of provisions, so pur- chased or exposed tor sale, which shall be taken and sold by the Clerk of the Market; and such persons shall also, upon conviction/} 1 (and every person, other than such as shall be permitted to sell in market by the Ordinances of the city, who shall be found possessed of, or to have purchased or contracted for any of the aforesaid articles of provisions, in * Amended by adding the following words, " after the setting and before the rising of the sun." See section 1st of Ordinance passed 12th January, 1854, below. t Amended by inserting the following words, " be fined, if a white person, in a sum not less than ten, nor more than fifty dollars, and if a negro, in a sum not more than ten dollars, or to receive not less than twenty lashes, on failure to pay said fine/' See 1st section of Ordinance passed 12th January, 1854, below. 328 MARKET. greater quantities than are requisite for such person's own use, shall be deemed guilty of a violation of this section) : Provided, that nothing herein contained shall prevent per- sons who own stalls in the market from carrying their pro- visions through the city after market hours, keeping no fixed stand, hut moving from place to place, or country negroes, on Saturday, selling their articles, who have proper tickets from their owners. *1 ml provided further, that nothing herein contained shall, be so construed as to prevent any per- son buying or selling b;- ' on, salted or cured meat, cabbages, onions, beets, and all such articles as are usually imported into the city and sold in large quantities. Sec. 16. And he it further ordained, That council may at any time, by resolution, forbid and prevent any free person of color or slave from selling or disposing of any articles of food, or other articles usually sold at market, for any offence committed by a free person of color or slave, contrary to the laws of the State or Ordinances of the city, and no person of color having a badge to sell small wares, shall be permitted to purchase or sell any fruit whatever, at or in the vicinity of the market before nine o'clock in the morning, and in case 6f a violation of this section of the Ordinance by any such person of color, he or she shall be fined in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars, and the articles so exposed to sale shall be forfeited, and as such seized by the Clerk of the Market. A nd no slave shall act as butcher, cut up meat, or sell the same, unless in the presence of the owner, employer, or employers, or his, her, or their agent, being a white person. And if such slave does act as butch- er, cut up meat, or sell, < >r offer the same for sale, contrary to the provisions of this section, his owner or owners, employ- er, or employers, shall be fined in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars. Sec. 17. And be it further ordained, That if any slave or slaves shall sell or offer for sale any kind of poultry, provisions, or fruit, at market, or other public place in this city, (fresh fish excepted) without a ticket from his, her, or MARKET. 329 their owner or owners, overseer, or employer, particularly enumerating the articles so exposed or offered for sale, it shall and may be lawful for any white person to take possession of all such articles as are not enumerated in the ticket, and to apprehend the said slave or slaves, and carry him, her, or them before the Mayor or any Alderman, who is hereby author- ized to examine into the case, and to discharge the said slave or slaves, and the articles so taken possession of, or to con- demn all such articles not specified in the ticket to the use of the informer, or direct the same to be kept until further ordered. Sec. 18. Jlnd be it further ordained, That no butcher bringing meat of any kind to market for sale, at any of the stalls, and that no other person bringing live stock or any other species of provisions to market, for sale, shall be per- mitted or allowed to keep any wagon, cart, or any other carriage, vehicle, horse, mule, ass, or ox, nearer to the said market, or for a longer time than the Market Committee or Clerk of the Market may direct, and such butcher or other person shall be compelled to draw up his, her, or their wag- on, cart, or vehicle, in such manner and in such places as any one of the Market Committee, or said clerk, shall think most convenient for the sale of the articles so brought, nor shall any person or persons, be allowed or permitted to feed with grain or forage, any horse, mule, ass, or ox, or any other animal, at the said market, or within the limits pre- scribed by the said committee or clerk. And it shall be the duty of the Clerk of the Market, City Marshal or City Con- stables, to enforce and carrry into effect any order of the Market Committee respecting the rules and regulations pre- scribed in this section ; and any person or persons offending against the same shall be fined by any one of the Market Committee or Mayor, in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars, and execution shall be issued immediately thereafter, and served, and executed on the property of the offender or of- fenders, in his, her, or their possession or agency, and the cause of such complaint, bv the Marshal, his duputy, or 42 330 MARKET. any City Constable, and sold at the market, on five day's notice ; and after paying the said fine, and fifty cents costs, the surplus shall be paid over to the offender or offenders, or his, her, or their agent or agents. Sec. 1 9. And be it f urther ordained, That from and after the passage of this Ordinance, it shall be the duty of the Market Committee, and Clerk of the Market, from time to time, and as often as they may think proper, to examine the scales of all persons buying or selling in the market, or in any part of the city and prescribe the manner of sus- pending the same. And all persons neglecting or refusing to conform to such direction, shall be fined in a sum not exceeding thirty ($30) dollars. Sec 20. And be it further ordained, That the Clerk of the Market is hereby authorized and required, from time to time, to examine into the weights and measures of all and every person or persons buying or selling in this city, and subject to this Ordinance, and for this purpose he shall have free access to any wharf, lot, store, shop or building, in which the said weights and measures are used, and to try the same according to the known and acknowledged standard, and if miy person be found deficient in the same to take, seize, and destroy or cause to be seized and destroyed such false weight or measure, and all and every person so offending against the provisions of this section, shall be fined in any sum not exceeding thirty dollars ; and, further, the name of such person, after con- viction of the offence aforesaid, shall be published in one or more of the public gazettes of this city, by the Clerk of Council, whose duty it shall be to have the same published, together with the amount of fine, unless, after conviction, council shall otherwise order. (See further, as to the duties of Clerk of the Market, 4th section of Ordinance passed 24th March, 1842 — title "Weights and Measures." Sec 21. And be it further ordained, That if any per- son or persons shall buy or sell in this city any article or commodity usually bought or sold by weight or measure, MARKET. 231 hereafter, to be used and not sanctioned by this or any other Ordinance, or shall have, in his, her, or their possession, any false weight or measure, every such person or persons, so offending, shall be fined not exceeding the sum of thirty dollars, and his, her, or their name and description, after conviction, shall be published, as ordered by the section of this Ordinance, last above recited, at the discretion of council. Sec. 22. And be it further ordained. That if the Clerk of the Market shall mark or seal any weight or measure which is not agreeable to the standard or shall refuse to mark and seal such as are agreeable thereto, on tender of the charges herein before allowed, he shall, for every such offence, be fined in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars. Sec. 23. And be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty of the City Marshal or his deputy, and one or more City Constable, as may from week to week be required by the Marshal, to attend at the said market every day at sun rise, and continue his attendance at market until nine o'clock of the morning and also on every Saturday after- noon until the closing of the market, for the purpose of aid- ing and assisting the Mayor or any Aldermen, Clerk of the Market, or Marshal, in the performance and execution of any of the duties devolved on any or either of them under this Ordinance or any other which may be passed in rela- tion to the market, and in case of neglect or default of duty or attendance as aforesaid, in such Marshal or Constable, he shall be fined in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars. Sec. 24. And be it further ordained. That it shall not be lawful for any vender of meat to weigh the same at any other scales than those attached to his own stall, and all persons neglecting to have scales of their own or weighing at any other scale than those affixed to their own stalls, or using other weights than those of the scales so affixed, shall be fined in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars, ($30.) Sec, 25. And be it further ordained, That it shall not be lawful for any person to sleep or lie down upon the pub- lic stalls in the market in the night or day time, and eveiy 332 MARKET. person so found, shall be taken up by the Marshal, City Constables or City Watch, and upon the conviction thereof before the Mayor, fined by him in a sum not exceeding six (6) dollars. Sec. 26. And he it further' ordained, That all fines, imposed on any white person or persons of color slave or slaves, shall be recovered unless otherwise directed by this Ordinance, as heretofore usually practised, under the Ordi- nances of the city ; and that in all cases where any free person of color shall be fined and the said fine is not paid within the time limited by the conviction and sentence awarded thereon, such other reasonable punishment by con- finement in the common jail shall be imposed on such of- fender as may be just and proper, and in case of slaves vio- lating this Ordinance, the owner or owners thereof, shall be fined for such offence, and if such owner or owners shall refuse to pay the same within the time limited by the con- viction and the sentence awarded thereon, such slave shall be confined in the common jail at the cost and charges of the owner or owners, for such time as may be just and proper. Sec 27. And he it further ordained, That all fines accruing under this Ordinance, shall be applied as follows, to wit : one moiety to the use of the informer, and the other moiety or half part to the use of the city, except where the Ordinance may otherwise specially direct, and except in such cases where the Market Committee or either of them come to a knowledge of the offence by his or their own view, in such case the fine or forfeiture shall accrue to the city only, and all fines shall be levied by distress and sale of the offender's goods and chatties by warrant, under the hand of the Mayor, with the seal of the city, and be directed to the Marshal of the City or any Constable of the same. Sec 28. And be it further ordained, That each and every person violating this Ordinance the penalty for which has not hitherto been designated shall be fined if a white person in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars, if a free person of color or slave in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars, and MARKET. 333 on failure to pay the sum, to be punished hi such manner as before directed in like case by this Ordinance. Sec. 29. And be it further ordained. That all and every Ordinance or Ordinances heretofore passed for regulating the market or markets in the City of Savannah appointing com- missioners to superintend the same, and for other purposes connected therewith, be, and the same are hereby repealed. Passed in Council 22d July, 1839. ROBERT At. CHARLTON, Mayor. AN ORDINANCE, To amend an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance for regula- ting the public market in the City of Savannah. Sec 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, audit is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the passage of this Ordinance, it shall not be lawful for any butcher, under the penalties prescribed in the twelfth section of the above entitled Ordinance, to erect or keep any pen or enclosure, for the purpose of keep- ing or slaughtering any hogs, within one mile of the corpor- ate limits of the city ; and that this section shall be taken as an amendment to, and a part of the said twelfth section. Sec 2. And be it further ordained, That the prohibition contained in the fifteenth section of the above recited Or- dinance, against any person or persons contracting for or buying any meat, fish, or poultry, game or wild fowl, eggs, vegetables, fruit, victuals of any kind usually brought to market, over and above the quantity required for the use of their own families be repealed, so far as relates to the pur- chase of hogs, sheep, or calves, for the purpose of cutting up and exposing for sale in the public market. Sec 3. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 2d January, 1840. ROBERT M. CHARLTON, Mayor. Attest: M. Myers, Clerk Council 334 MARKET. AN ORDINANCE, To amend an Ordinance passed in council July 22d, 1839, regulating and setting forth the day on which the stalls in the market shall be rented. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the passing of this Ordinance, the stalls in the market shall be rented on the first Wednesday in December of each year, and that the terms of renting or sales shall be cash. Sec. 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 19th November, 1853. R. WAYNE, Mayor. AN ORDINANCE, To be entitled an Ordinance to amend section 15th of an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance for regulating the public market in the City of Savannah, passed in council 22d July, 1839. Sec. 1. Be it Ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the smne, That the fifth line of section 15th of aforesaid Ordinance be amended, so as to read "within the limits of the City of Sa- vannah, after the setting and before the rising of the sun and the twenty-third line in said section of said Ordinance be amended so as to read " to be fined, if a white person, in a sum not less than ten nor more than fifty dollars, and if a negro, in a sum not more than ten dollars, or to receive not less than twenty lashes, on failure to pay said fine. 7 ' Sec 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 12th January, 1854. SOLOMON COHEN, Mayor pro tern. MARKET. 335 AN ORDINANCE, To amend the existing Ordinances regulating the public market of the City of Savannah. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen oj the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the au thority of the same. That any person or persons who shall buy or cause to be bought, contract for or cause to be contracted for at the market, or on its way to the market, or at any other place within the limits of the City of Savannah, any meat, fish, or poulty, game or wild foul, eggs, fish, vegetables, fruit, vict- uals, or provisions of any kind usually brought to market, and shall sell, or cause the same to be sold, or exposed at the market or at any other place within the city, or who shall . purchase or contract for any of the aforesaid articles in quantities greater than shall be requisite for the use and consumption of the families of such persons, or who shall disuade persons from bringing their provisions to market, or induce them to enhance the price when there, shall, if made manifest to the satisfaction of any Aldermen, the Clerk of the Market or the City Marshal, forfeit such articles of provisions so purchased or exposed for sale, which shall be taken and sold by the Clerk ot the Market, and such person shall also upon conviction be fined in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars for each offence ; And every person other than such as shall be permitted to sell in the market by the Ordinances of the city who shall be found possessed of, or to have purchased or contracted for any of the aforesaid articles or provisions in greater quantities than are requisite for such persons own use, shall be deemed guilty of a viola- tion of this section : Provided, that nothing herein contained shall prevent persons who own stalls in the market from carrying their provisions through the city after market hours keeping no fixed stand, but moving from place to place, or country negroes, on Saturday, selling their articles, who, have proper tickets from their owners ; And provided further 336 MARKET. that nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to prevent any person buying or selling bacon, salted, or cured meat, cabbages, onions, beets, and all such articles as are usually imported into the city and sold in large quantities. Sec. 2. And he it further ordained, That if any person shall cut, mutilate, break, deface or injure the market build- ing or any of the stalls or other appurtenances to the said market, such offenders shall be fined for such offence in a sum not exceeding fifty dollars, one half the fine to be paid to the informer. Sec 3. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 30th January, 1851. R. WAYNE, Mayor. Attest: Edward G, \ Vilson, Clerk Council. Note. — Sonmch of the 1st section of the foregoing Ordinance, in italics, as forbids any person from purchasing at the market any of the articles enumer- ated in quantities greater thai shall be necessary for the consumption of the families of such persons, declai ■< d void by the Supreme Court as being in con- travention of an act of the legislature passed 13th Dec, 1809 — Clayton's Dig. 540, Haywood vs. Mayor and Aldermen, 12 Geo. Rep. 404. See also 15th section of Ordinance 22d July, 1839, supra and amendments thereto. AN ORDINANCE, To be entitled an Ordinance for the further regulation of the public market in the City of Savannah. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained, by the authority of the same, That from and after the passing of this Ordinance it shall not be lawful for any person or persons whatsoever to sell or expose for sale, or barter, any quantity of butcher's meat, known as beef, veal or mutton, at any place within the limits of the City of Savannah, except only at the public market thereof, under such regulations as are now in force for the government of the same. MARKET, 337 Sec. 2. Jind be it further ordained, That for each and every violation of this Ordinance, the offender shall be fined in a sum not exceeding fifty dollars, one-half of the fine to go to the informer. Sec. 3. Jind be it further ordained, That nothing in this Ordinance shall prevent the sale on board steamships or other vessels of beef, veal, or mutton, imported from other places, nor shall it be construed as repealing that portion of the market Ordinance of July 22d, 1839, which permits persons having stalls in the market to carry their provisions through the streets after market hours. Sec 4. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 17th November, 1853. R. WAYNE, Mayor. AN ORDINANCE, To compel certain persons to take out badges. Sec 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen oj the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the first day of January next and every January thereafter, all colored persons residing in the city and the extended limits thereof, before exposing any vegeta- bles or grist for sale in the market, shall take out a badge for which they shall pay the same sum as venders of small ware. Sec 2. Jind be it further ordained, That said persons aforesaid, having badges, shall not entitle them to sell any kinds of poultry, but their having those articles in posses- sion shall be taken as proof that they have purchased the same for sale again, and it is hereby made the duty of the Clerk of the Market to seize and sell the same as pointed out by the market Ordinance, and any person violating this Or- dinance, shall be fined not exceeding thirty dollars, to be 43 338 MARKET. whipped not exceeding thirty lashes at the discretion of the Mayor, and all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances, militating against this Ordinance be, and the same are hereby re- pealed. Passed in Council 16th December, 1840. ROBERT M. CHARLTON, Mayor. Attest : M. Myers, Clerk Council AN ORDINANCE, To be entitled an Ordinance to regulate the sale of poultry and game, fruit and fish in or near the market of Savan- nah. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the passing of this Ordinance no person (except those who bring poultry and game, fruit and fish from the country in carts or otherwise) shall sell any poultry or game, dead or alive, fruit or fish, in or near the market of Savannah, without taking out a license for the same. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That the price of said license shall be one thousand dollars, with five dollars fee to the Clerk of the Market, that said license shall be granted by the Clerk of Council, and continue in force for one year. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained, That the excep- tion in the first section shall only apply to persons actually living in the country, and bona fide bringing said articles into town, and for any violation of this Ordinance, the of- fender shall be fined by the Mayor, in the sum of one hun- dred dollars. Sec 4. And be it further ordained, That nothing in this Ordinate shall be so construed as to prevent the Chaii man of the Market Committee from granting permis- NEGROES, SLAVES, &c. 339 sion to any person or persons to sell poultry or game, frnit or fish in or near the market, when good and sufficient rea- sons shall appear for the granting ot the same : Provided, nevertheless, That this permission shall, in no instance, be granted to any person or persons buying poultry or game, fruit or fish to sell again. Sec. 5. Repealing clause. JOHN E. WARD, Mayor. Attest: Edward G. Wilson, Clerk Council. NEGROES, SLAVES* &0. AN ORDINANCE, For consolidating the various Ordinances of the city in re- lation to the regulation of slaves and negroes, and for the better ordering of free negroes, mulatioes, and mestizoes, within the City of Savannah, and for other purposes con- nected therewith. Sec 1 Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof , in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the passage of this Ordinance it shall not be lawful for any owner or other person having the care, charge, or government of negro or other slaves, to let or hire, or permit to be employed or hire out of their respec- tive families or houses any such negro or other slave (except slaves not mechanics owned by any resident of the city and hired out by the month,) within the limits of the city with- out a badge being first had and obtained from the Clerk of Council, who shall keep a proper book in which the nams of the person obtaining such badge shall be fully registered, and where the same is fci a negro or other slave, his or her 340 NEGROES, SLAVES, &c. nime and occupation, and the name of the master, owner, or person having charge of such slave shall be also therein inserted. And for the said badge the several sums follow- ing shall be respectively paid into the city treasury, to wit : for any slave to exercise the trade of cabinet-maker, house or ship carpenter, caulker, bricklayer, blacksmith, tailor, barber, baker, or butcher for hire, the sum of ten dollars if the owner or owners of said slave be resident in the City of Savannah, but if the owner or owners of said slave be non- residents of the City of Savannah, the sum of twenty dollars shall be paid for a badge for each and every mechanic slave as aforesaid, and for all other slaves being mechanics or handcraft tradesmen, or hire as also for pilots, fishermen, boats, and grass cutters, and hucksters, the sum of eight dollars, if the said slave be owned by a person or persons resident, or fifteen dollars if owned by a person cr persons non-resident in the city; and for every female slave being a porter or any other daily laborer for hire, the sum of two dollars and fifty cents, and for every male slave being a porter or other daily laborer, the sum of four dollars if the said slave be owned by a resident, or ten dollars if said slave be owned by a non-resident of the city. And the said badge shall be suspended and be exposed to public view on the breast of the said slave whilst at work or ven- ding ; and if any slave for whom a badge has been taken out, be found working or vending without having his or her badge so suspended, such slave shall, by order of the Mayor, Chairman, or any two Aldermen, receive not exceed- ing thirty-nine iashes on the bareback, to be carried into execution by any city officer: Provided, that if any person having charge of any slave so offending, shall pay the sum of three dollars, such slave shall be exempt from corporal punishment. Sec. 2. Jlnd be it further ordained, That in future all badges shall be granted for one year, commencing on the first day of January in every year, and ending on the thirty- first day of December following, and any person or persons NEGROES, SLAVES, &c. 541 taking out a badge, at any time hereafter, for a shorter period, he, she, or they, shall pay the same sum as if the badge had been taken out for a year. (The latter clause of this sec- tion amended as to resident citizens—see 2d section of Ordi- nance passed 29th December, 1853, below,) Sec. 3. And be it further ordained, That if any owner or other person having charge of negro or other slaves, shall let out to hire or suffer any slave to work out or to sell fruit, garden stuffs, grass, or other commodities of any nature or kind whatsoever, without having first taken out a badge, as aforesaid, he she or they shall be liable to a fine not exceed- ing fifty dollars; and said slave may be committed to jail, there to remain until said fine and all expenses are paid : Provided, that nothing herein contained shall be held to extend to plantation or country negroes, who may sell any articles produced or raised in the country, on producing a ticket from their owners or other persons having charge of them, which ticket shall particularly specify the articles so to be sold. On failure to produce such ticket, such country slave shall be liable to be dealt with in the same manner as slaves belonging to the city without a badge, as aforesaid. Sec. 4. And be it further ordained, That any free negro, mulatto, or mestizoe, who shall sell, or offer for sale, in this city, any small wares of any description, shall be obliged to take out a badge for the same, for which he or she shall pay to the treasurer the sum of eight dollars, and if any free negro, mulatto or mestizo?, shall sell, or offer for sale, any small wares, as aforesaid, without having taken out a badge, as aforesaid, he or she shall be liable to a fine not exceeding twenty d hilars, or to whipping, at the discre- tion of the Mayor, Cnairman, or any Alderman. Se^ 5. And be it further ordained, That no person whatever, keeping a public or open store or shop, within the jurisdiction of the city for the purpose of vending goods, wares or merchandize, or retailing spirituous liquors, shall on any pretence, employ or permit any negro, or other slave or free person of color, whatever, to attend in any such 342 NEGROES, SLAVES, &c. store or shop, for the purprso of dispos'nij .of sir/ such goods, wares, or merchandize, or spirituous liquors, unless in the presence of the employer of such slave or free person of color, or in the presence of the clerk, apprentice, or some other white person, specially authorized by such employer, (such clerk, apprentice, or other white person being above the age of sixteen years.) And any shopkeeper or re- tailer of spirituous liquors, offending or acting in violation hereof, shall, for every such offence, forfeit a sum not ex- ceeding fifty dollars. Sec. 6. And le it farther ordained, That no badge shall be issued to any negro slave, as a vender of small wares unless he or she is old, decrepit, and infirm, and un- able to do hard labor, and no other articles shall be vended by such slave than those enumerated in the license. And upon any violation of this section of the Ordinance, the owner or employer of such slave so offending, shall pay a fine not exceeding fifty dollars. Sec. 7. And be it further ordained, That nothing contain- ed in this Ordinance shall be construed to prevent bakers from sending abroad bread by their own servants, or chim- ney sweepers from exercising their business without badge. Sec. 8. And he it further ordained, That any free negro, mulatto, or mestizce, of the age of sixteen years and up- wards, living or residing within this city, shall be obliged, yearly, and every year, to register his or her name, in the office of the clerk of council, in a book to be kept for that purpose, with the numbers of his or her family, occupation and place of residence, snd in case of removal si a 1 previ- ously give notice thereof in said office, and if any free per- son of color shall neglect or refuse to report himself or her- self, as aforesaid, or shall neglect to give previous notice of his, her or their intended' removal, as before required, every such person so offending, shall forfeit a sum not exceeding fjur dollars. Sec. 9. And be it further ordained, That no slave or sLves shall have, hold, occiq y, res.de, or sleep in any house, NEGROES, SLAVES, &c. £43 out house, building, or enclosure. oth?r than his, or her owner, or his or her owners representative, without first ob- taining a ticket from his, her or their owner or owners, or from the agent or agents of his, her, or their owner or owners, expressly describing the place which such slave or slaves is or are allowed, respectively to occupy, reside, or sleep in, and specifying also the time for which the aforesaid permission shall continue, which shall not exceed fifteen days. And every slave holding, occupying, residing, or sleeping in any house, out house, building or enclosure, without obtaining the permission aforesaid, shall be committed to prison by any one of the Aldermen, there to receive, not exueeiing thirty lashes on the bare back, unless the owner cr owners of such slave or slaves shali previously pay a fine of three dollars for each of them so offending, with all the costs and charges. Sec. 10. And be it further ordained. That no person shall be permitted to let or hire to any slave, within the City of Savannah, any lot, house, or out house, tenement or room, either within his or her enclosure, or elsewhere. And every person so offending, shall, for each offence, forfeit and pay a fine not exceeding fifty djllars. Sec. 1 1. And be it further ordained, That no negroes or persons of color being more in number than seven shall at any time (except when attending funerals or public worship on Sunday between the rising and setting of the sun, or on any other occasions provided for by this or other Ordinances of the city,) assemble or meet together either in any house, building, or lot within the city unless some white person is present or stays on the premises ; or in any stre.it, lane, alley, or other public place of the city, unless some white person is with them. And it shall and may be lawful to and for any Alderman, or the City Marshal, or City Con- stables, or any of the officers or privates of the City Watch, or any other white person to apprehend all such negroes and people of color, and any of them so assembled and met together above seven in number without any white 344 NEGROES, SLAVES, &c. person being on the premises or present with them as afore- said, and for that purpose they or ?ny of them are hereby authorized and required to enter into any house, building, or lot, in the city where the said negroes and persons of color are so illegally assembled. And every negro or person of color apprehended as aforesaid shall be confined in jail until they are brought before the Mayor, Chairman, or any two Aldermen, who may adjudge and order such corporal punishment or either for the said offence as he or they in his or their discretion may deem proper. Sec. 12. And be it further ordained, That no assembly or meeting of slaves or persons of color shall take place in any pla^e or part of the city for the purpose of dancing or other merriment without a written permission from the Mayor, or Chairman, or any two Aldermen; and no such meeting shall continue after eleven o'clock at night; and for a violation of any part of this section the owner or oc- cupier of such premises where such meeting shall take place, shall pay a fine of not exceeding fifty dollars; and it shall be the duty of the City Marshal, City Constables, officers and members of the City Watch, and other officers of the city, to enter upon said premises where said unlaw- ful meeting is held, and to carry every such negro or person of color to the guard house or jail to be there confined and and proceeded against as all negroes or persons of color taken up after the ringing of the bell are directed to be dealt with. And if any person shall deny admittance or make resistance to any of the aforesaid officers in the exe- cution of their duty the person so offending shall pay a fine not exceeding fifty dollars. Sec. 13. And be it further ordained, That not more than two negroes or other slaves from the same plantation shall be permitted to come within the limits of the city on the same day or night; and the said slaves so found within the city either with or without tickets shall be arrested by any of the city officers or watchmen and remain in custody until the usual fees and any costs that may have been incur- red shall have been paid. NEGROES, SLAVES, &c. 345 Sec. 14. And be it farther ordained, That if any person shall teach or cause to be taught any slave or free person of color to read or write within the City of Savannah, or who shall keep a school for that purpose he or she shall he fined in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars for each and every such offence, and if the offender be a slave or free person of color, he or she may also he whipped not ex- ceeding thirty-nine lashes. Sec 15. And be it further ordained. That no person of color shall keep or maintain a common, ill-governed or disorderly house within the City of Savannah, to the en- couragement of idleness, gaming, drinking or other misbe- havior, or to the disturbance of the citizens ; and it shall not be lawful for any negro slave or free person of color in said city to be engaged in playing or betting at any game of cards, dice, checks, dominoes, or billiards, or by or with any other instrument, article or articles, thing or things whatsoever, at any time heretofore used, or which maybe hereafter used for the purpose of playing or betting upon, or winning or losing- money, or any other article or thing of value whatever; and any person violating any of the provisions of this sec- tion may be arrested by any of the city officers or watchmen, or any other white person, and upon conviction may be fined in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars, or be whipped in not exceeding thirty nine lashes. Sec 16. And be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty of the City Marshal and Constables, and all other persons are authorized to arrest any slave or free person of color found quarreling or fighting in the public streets, squares, alleys, or lanes of the city, or otherwise disturbing the public peace or decency, and to bring them before the Mayor or any Aldermen who shall sentence said slave or free person of color to such number of lashes as he may think just and proper. Sec 17. And be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty of the City Marshal, and City Constables, and all other persons are authorized to arrest and confine or disperse 44 346 NEGROES, SLAVES, &c all slaves or free persons of color who may follow, precede, or in any manner attend any military or civic parade or procession (excepting always musicians or others in actual employment in such parades or processions, servants sent on business to some person in such parades or processions, slaves of deceased persons decently attending the funerals of such persons, and badge- women at any place of military drill provided with their usual articles of sale,) and the City Marshal and City Constables may inflict any moderate chastisement on any slave or free person of color violating the provisions of this section. Sec. 18. And be it further ordained, That it shall and maybe lawful for the owner of mechanic slaves, to hire his, her or their slave or slaves to any person whatsoever and for such slave or slaves being mechanics to undertake any work, or for their owner or owners to contract for any work to be performed by such slave or slaves : Provided always if any person or persons shall employ or contract with any mechanic slave or slaves without first having the written permission of his, her or their owner or owners, such person or persons so employing or contracting with such slave or slaves shall on conviction be fined in a sum not less than five dollars, nor more than thirty dollars. Sec. 1 9. And he it further ordained, That a general ticket, given by the master, owner, employer, or guardian of a negro or person of color, shall pass the bearer thereof until ten o'clock at P. M., but that, in order to pass a negro or free person of color after ten o'clock P. M., a special ticket shall be given, which ticket shall specify the hour when it is to expire, and may be given, both before and after ten o'clock P. M. : Provided, however, that no ticket shall pass the bearer thereof after midnight, whether it be dated before or after that hour, unless the time when it is given, and the object in view, and the place to which the bearer is sent, are distinctly specified. Sec 20. And be it further ordained, That if any person or oersons whosoever shall counterfeit any of the badges NEGROES, SLAVES, &c. 347 required by this Ordinance, he or she shall upon conviction thereof, if a white person forfeit and pay a sum not exceed- ing forty dollars, and if a free person of color he or she shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding forty dollars or receive not. more than fifty stripes on the bareback at the discretion of the Mayor, Chairman, or any two Aldermen, and if a slave he or she shall receive not more than fifty stripes on the bareback, at the discretion of the Mayor, Chairman, or any two Aldermen. Sec. 21. And be it farther ordained, That all fines, for- feitures, and penalties incurred and imposed by virtue of this Ordinance may be levied, collected and enforced in the man- ner prescribed by the existing laws of the State passed in reference to the City of Savannah and the corporate author- ities thereof ; and the monies arising therefrom shall go one half to the informer or the person who shall prosecute the same to conviction, and the other moiety to be paid into the City Treasury for the use of the city. Sec 22. And be. it further ordained, That all Ordi- nances and parts of Ordinances heretofore passed for the regulation of slaves and negroes, and for the better ordering of free negroes, mulattoes and mestizoes within the City of Savannah, (save and except an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance prescribing the mode and period of quarantine of vessels arriving in the port and harbor of Savannah, having free persons of color on board, and requiring such persons to be arrested and confined in jail, and for other purposes, passed on the 25th February, 1830, which is hereby declared to be in full force,) be and they are hereby repealed. Passed in Council 2d August, 1839. ROBERT M. CHARLTON, Mayor. ' Attest : Joseph Felt, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, Amendatory of and in addition to the existing Ordinances 348 NEGROES, SLAVES, &c. of the City of Savannah, regulating the tax on negro slaves, and the price of badges, and licenses on vehicles. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof ] in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the passing of this Ordinance, each and. every person or persons who may hereafter come into the City of Savannah with the bona fide intention of residing and carrying on business in said city, shall be allowed to take out badges for each and every slave bona fide owned by him, her, or them, upon paying therefor the same tax and price for badges and licences for vehicles as are required from resident owners. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That from and after the passage of this Ordinance, all badges issued or licenses for vehicles taken out by residents of the City of Savan- nah, between the first day of July, and the thirty-first day of December, shall be issued or taken out at one-half the several sums prescribed for badges or licenses for vehicles by the existing Ordinances of the city. Sec. 3. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 29th December, 1S53. JOHN E. WARD, Mayor. . Attest : Edward G. Wilson, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, Prescribing the mode and period of Quarantine of Vessels arriving in the Port or Harbor of Savannah, having free persons of color on board, and requiring such persons .to be arrested and confined in jail and for other purposes. Whereas, by a law passed on the 23d December last, it is enacted: That all ships or vessels coming into an^ port of this State by sea, from any port or place in any other State NEGROES, SLAVES, &c. 349 or any foreign country, having on board free persons of color employed as servants, mariners or in any other capa city or as passengers, shall be subject to quarantine for the space of forty days. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by ike authority of the same, That every vessel hereafter arriving in the port or harbor of Savannah, by sea, from any port or place in any other State or any foreign country, having such free negro or free person of color on board, shall be brought to anchor in such part of the river as council may horn time to time prescribe, and shall there remain for forty days sub- ject to all the restrictions, pains and penalties prescribed by the quarantine laws of this State, Provided nevertheless, that upon the confinement in jail of such negro or negroes by the captain or consignee of such vessel, and upon their giv- ing bond to the Mayor and Aldermen, for each negro with two or more approved securities, in the penal sum of two hundred dollars, to carry him, her or them away on the sailing of such vessel, and to pay ail the expenses of his, her or their detention then and in that case, such vessel may by a permit from the Mayor be released froni quaran- tine and be allowed to load and unload. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That the City Marshal and Constables, and the officers and members of the city watch are enjoined, and it is hereby made their duty at all times of night or day to arrest such free negro or negroes or free persons of color arriving as aforesaid and found on shore, or who shall have had any communication with any person of color residing in this State, and bring him, her or them before the Ma^ror who shall thereupon commit such free negro or negroes to jail to be detained until the vessel in which he, she or they arrived, shall be ready to proceed to sea. And it shall likewise be their duty to arrest every negro or person of color, who shall have any communication whatever with any free negro or person of 350 NEGROES, SLAVES, fee- color, so arriving in any ship or vessel and bring him, her or them before the Mayor who shall sentence the said negro to be whipped, not exceeding thirty-nine lashes. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained, That the captain of any vessel, who shall neglect or refuse to comply with any of the requisitions of this Ordinance, or who shall not within twenty-four hours after his vessel shall have come to anchor, give the bonds hereby required, and shall not have caused to be committed to jail the free negroes or persons of color, brought into port in the said vessel shall upon convic- tion before council be fined in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, to be recovered of his goods and chattels, lands and tenements by warrant and distress of sale, and in default thereof, to be committed to jail, for a period not exceeding three months, or may at the discretion of council, or of the Mayor be indicted in the Superior Court, of the County, in conformity with the provisions of the act . afore- said, or of the Quarantine laws of the State. Sec 4. And be it further ordained. That the regular Packets trading between this port and those of South Caro- lina, having free negroes or free persons of color on board, as part of their crews, and belonging to either State, shall be exempt from the operation of this Ordinance, Provided that those which do not belong to this State shall not be permit- ted to remain after the sailing of the vessel, under the pen- alties of the 4th section of the Act of December 22, 1829, above recited. Passed in Council, 28th February, 1830. WM. THORNE WILLIAMS, Mayor. Note. See Act of the last Legislature of Georgia, passed and approved 7th February, 1854, which materially chaDges and modifies the provisions of the Act 23 Dec. 18£9, and upon which the foregoing Ordinance is founded. NUISANCES. 351 NUISANCES. AN ORDINANCE, For defining what shall be considered public nuisances and for preventing, punishing, and removal of the same. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hmnlets thereof, in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from after the passage of this Ordinance it shall not. be lawful for any person to put any gutter or spout to convey filth from the kitchens into any street or lane of the city, and any person so offending shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding fifty dollars for each and every offence, and the said gutter or spout shall be forthwith removed. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That no privy shall be hereafter erected within the limits of the city, unless the same be built or sunk, with brick or stone, at least six feet below the surface of the lot upon which it is sunk, and be built at least one foot above the surface; and if any person shall violate this section, he, she, or the owner, or lessee of the premises shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding fifty dollars for each and every offence, and the said privy shall be rebuilt in the manner prescribed by this Ordinance, or be filled up. (Amended, see Ordinance passed 25th August, 1853, immediately succeeding this Ordinance. Sec 3. And be it further ordained, That it shall not be lawful for any person to cast, throw out, or suffer to fall from the upper or second stories of buildings within the limits of the City, any bale or bales of cotton or other goods what- soever, but the same shall be lowered by a sufficient rope or tackle in so gradual a manner as to allow persons passing under, sufficient time to pass out of the way, and the occu- piers of buildings out of which such cotton or other goods, shall be cast, thrown or suffered to fall contrary to the pro- NUISANCES visions of this Ordinance, shall be deemed the offenders, and shall for each and every offence be fined in a sum not exceeding fifty dollars. Provided, That this section shall not Lie construed to allow persons to stop and thereby prevent the lowering of cotton and other goods. Sec. 4, And be it further ordained, That if any person shall appear in any of the public streets, lanes, squares, or docks in this city in a state of nakedness, or who shall in any manner whatsoeve r wilfully make any indecent and public exposure of his or her person or of any other person, he or she may be arrested by the City Marshal, or City Con- stables, or any white person, and shall be fined for each and every such offence in a sum not exceeding fifty dollars -if a white person, and whipped not exceeding fifty lashes if a slave or free person of color. Sec. 5. Jindbe it farther ordained, That it shall not be lawful for any person to swim or bathe in the river opposite the city, that is to say, from the western side of West Broad street to the western side of the Eastern Wharf Company, at any hour after seven o'clock in the morning until sunset, under the penalty of not exceeding fifty dollars if a white person, and whipping not exceeding fifty lashes if the offen- der be aslave or free person of color. .Sec. 6. And be it farther ordained, That no horse, gel- ding, mare, colt, filly, mule, or jackass shall at any time be permitted to go at large within the limits of the city, and for a violation of this section the owner or owners of such animal shall be fined for each and every offence, and each and every such animal running or going at large in a sum not exceeding five dollars. And the City Marshal, or City Constables shall take up the said animal, if the owner thereof is unknown, and empound the same until the said fine and costs are paid: and if the said animal be not claimed in ten days, it shall be the duty of the City Marshal to sell the same at the pound, giving at least five days notice in one of the gazettes of the city, of the description of the animal and the time and place of sale, and he shall pa}? - the net proceeds, NUISANCES, 353 after deducting the fine and costs, into the treasury of the city subject to the order of council, who may and shall cause it to be paid to the owner of such animal so sold, when required. Sec. 7. And be it further ordained, That it shall not be lawful for any person to smoke a segar or pipe in any of the streets, lanes, alleys, wharves, or public squares within the City of Savannah, under the penalty of two dollars for the first offence, and not exceeding five dollars for each sub- sequent offence if the offender be a white person, and under a penalty of not exceeding three dollars or whipping not exceeding ten stripes if the offender be a slave or free person of color. (This section repealed so far as white persons are concerned. See section 2d of Ordinance passed 23th Octo- ber, 1839.) Sec. 8. And he it further ordained, That if any horse, mare, gelding, colt, mule, ox, cow, or calf, or any other an- imal of like kind, shall be found at large in the city whose appearance shall be offensive to the sight from its poverty, sickness, or sores, the same shall be removed by the Marshal or any city officer from the precincts of the city at the ex- pense of the owner or owners thereof; and if any person shall resist or oppose any officer in the discharge of such duty, he or she shall be fined a sum not exceeding fifty dollars. Sec 9. And be it further ordained, That if any per- son shall water any animal of any kind within thirty feet of any public pump, (except the pump at the base of the Exchange,) he or she shall be fined, if .a white person, in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars, and if a slave or free per- son of color in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars, (to be paid by the owner of such slave,) or to be whipped not ex- ceeding thirty-nine lashes. Sec 10. And be it further ordained, That it shall not be lawful for any cow, steer, heifer, or calf to be or go at large within the limits of the city from the setting of the sun to the rising of the same, and the owners of such cattle so 45 354 NUISANCES. found at large, shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding five dollars for each and every time any such animal shall be found at large ; and it it shall be the duty of the City Marshal, and City Constables to take all such cattle so found at large contrary to the provisions of this Ordinance, and empound them until the said fine and all costs are paid ; and if the said animal be not claimed in five days it shall be the duty of the City Marshal to sell the same at the pound, first giving at least five days notice in one of the public gazettes of the city, of the description of the animal, and the time and place of sale and he shall pay the nett proceeds, after deducting the fine and costs, into the City Treasury, subject to the order of council, who may and shall order the same to be paid to the owner of such animal when required. Sec. 11. And be it further ordained, That any bull found at large within the limits of the city shall be consid- ered as a nuisance, and may be killed by any person. Sec. 12. And be it further ordained. That if any person shall at any of the public pumps wash any animal, carriage, clothes of any description or any other thing, or do any other act whereby filth or dirt of any kind shall be thrown upon or near any of the said pumps, he or she shall forfeit and pay a fine not exceeding ten dollars if a white person, and if a slave or free person of color, he or she may be whipped not exceeding twenty lashes, unless the owner of such slave, or guardian or friend of such free person of color will pay the fine imposed. Sec. 13. And be it further ordained, That if any per- son shall wash or dry any articles of clothing, or expose the same for the purpose of drying in the streets, lanes, or squares of the city, he or she if a white person shall be fined in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars, and if a slave or free person of color commit the said offence, he or she may be whipped not exceeding twenty lashes, unless the owner of such slave, or the guardian or friend of such free person of color will pay the fine imposed. NUISANCES, 355 Sec. 14. And be it further ordained, That it shall not be lawful for any person to cure hides, whether by means of salt, exposure to the sun, or otherwise, within the cor- porate limitsof the City of Savannah, and for each viola- tion of this section the offender shall, if a white person, pay a fine not exceeding thirty dollars, and if a slave or free person of color, in a like penalty or be whipped at the dis- cretion of the Mayor, Chairman, or any two Aldermen. This section amended by sections 1st and 2d of Ordinance passed 4th May, 1854, below. Sec. 15. And be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty of the Marshal to require the removal of any hides, cured or not, which may be offensive or in the opinion of the Health Officer injurious to the health of the city, and should the owner, possessor, or claimant of such hides neg- lect or refuse to remove the same within six hours from the period of his or her being so required by the Marshal, the removal shall then be made by the Marshal or any City Constable at the expense of the owner, possessor, or claimant, who shall, in addition thereto, for each and every such refu- sal or neglect, be fined in a sum not exceeding fifty dollars, or if a slave or free person of color, may be fined in a like manner or be whipped at the discretion of the Mayor, Chair- man, or any two Aldermen, Sec. 16. Jind he it further ordained, That it shall and may be lawful for any person to seize and take, or kill any hog or hogs, goat or goats found at large in the City of Sa- vannah, and to appropriate the same to his or her own use, so that the same be carried forthwith, after being seized, without the limits ot the City. Sec 17. And be it further ordained, That it shah not be lawful for any person to retain or keep hogs within the the limits ol the city north, of the north line of Jones street extended eastwardly and westwardly ; and each and every person so offending shall, if a white person, be fined in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars for each and every such 456 NUISANCES. offence, and if a slave or free person of color shall be fined in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars or be whipped at the discretion of the Mayor, Chairman, or any two Aldermen. This section amended so as to embrace the whole corporate limits of the city. See Ordinance 21st April, 1853, below. Sec. 18. And be it further ordained ] That it shall not be lawful for any owner or agent of a steam rice mill to ex- pose or cause to be exposed in a large heap or any other manner the chaff produced by the said mill, so as to subject it to the influence of the sun and rain, within the distance of half a mile from the present corporate limits of the city. And for a violation of the provisions of this section, the person so offending may be fined in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars for each and every such offence, and the said chaff shall be removed by him, or on failure to do so, it shall be removed to a proper distance by the City Mar- shal at the expense of said owner or agent. Sec 1 9. And be it further ordained. That it shall not be lawful for any person or persons to throw, cast, or deposit or to cause to be cast, thrown or deposited in Savannah river or on its banks below high water mark, within the ex- tended jurisdictional limits of the City of Savannah, rice chaff or any substance of whatever nature or kind which might in any degree lessen the depth of the water in said river, or any part thereof within the limits aforesaid, and each and every person so offending shall for each and every such offence be fined in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars if the offender be a white person, or if a slave or free person of color, he or she shall be whipped not exceed- ing fifty lashes, unless the owner, employer, or guardian of such slave or free person of color shall pay the fine not ex- ceeding one hundred dollars, which may be inflicted or assessed against said slave or free person of color for such offence. NUISANCES, 357 Sec. 20. And be it further ordained, That all fines and forfeitures incurred under this Ordinance, shall be col- lected and enforced in the manner pointed out by law, and one half of the money received from said fines or forfeitures, shall be given to the informer and the other half shall go to the city. Sec 21. And be it further ordained, That all Ordi- nances or parts of Ordinances corresponding with this Ordi- nance, be and the same are hereby superceded, and that all Ordinances and parts of Ordinances militating against this Ordinance be and the same are hereby repealed. Passed in Council 2d August, 1839. ROBERT M. CHARLTON, Mayor. AN ORDINANCE, To be entitled an Ordinance, to amend an Ordinance enti- tled an Ordinance, for defining what shall be considered public nuisances, and for the prevention, punishment and removal of the same, passed 2d August, 1839. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council a'ssem bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the passage of this Ordinance, that when any privy built within the corporate limits of this city, with a vault under it shall have a flue connected with said vault and extending one foot or more above the roof of said privy, and the floor of the privy shall be one foot above the surface of the earth, and if any person violates this sec- tion he or she, or the owner or lessee of the premises, shall on conviction before the Mayor forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding fifty dollars, for each and every offence, and for each and every day that the said privy remains without the aforesaid flue. Sec 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 25th August, 1853. R, WAYNE, Mayor, 358 NUISANCES. AN ORDINANCE, To amend an Ordinance, defining what shall be considered public nuisances, and for the removal of the same, passed 2d August, 1839. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor an d Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same. That from and after the passing of this Ordinance the pro- visions of said Ordinance, prohibiting the keeping of hogs within certain limits, be and the same are hereby extended so as to embrace and include the whole corporate limits of the City of Savannah and the hamlets thereof. Sec. 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 21st April, 1853. R. WAYNE, Mayor. AN ORDINANCE, To be entitled an Ordinance to amend an Ordinance, entitled an Ordinance, for defining what shall be considered pub- lic nuisances, and for preventing, punishing and remov- ing the same by adding another section thereto, and to repeal so much of 7th section thereof as relates to white persons. Sec. L Be it ordained by the M ay or and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem- bled, and, it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That it shall not be lawful for any person to smoke any segar or pipe in the public market place in the City of Sa- vannah, under the penalty of two dollars for the first offence and not exceeding five dollars for each and every subsequent offence if the offender be a white person, and under the pen- alty of not exceeding three dollars or whipping not exceed- ing ten stripes if the offender be a slave or free person of color. Sec 2. And be it further ordained, That so much of the NUISANCES. 359 7th section of the aforesaid recited Ordinance as relates to white persons be and the same is hereby repealed. Passed in Council 24th October, 1839. ROBERT M. CHARLTON, Mayor. Attest : Joseph Felt, Clerk Council pro tern. AN ORDINANCE, Amendatory of an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance for de- fining what shall be considered public nuisances, and for the prevention, punishment, and removal of the same, passed 2d August, 1839. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Mderrmen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof ^ in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That it shall be lawful for any person to cure hides whether by means of salt, exposure to the sun or otherwise upon lots, numbers thirty-foar and thirty-five Mill-street, in the City of Savannah, upon taking out a license and paying therefor annually the sum of twenty-five dollars. Sec 2. Jlnd be it further ordained, That the said lots, numbers thirty-four and thirty-five, Mill-street, and the building thereupon, shall at ail times be subject to the in- spection of the Committee on Health and Cemetery, the City Marshal, the Mayor of the city and the Health Officer; and in case either of said city officers or committee, shall at any time deem the said curing of hides to be offensive, then the hides so deemed offensive shall be removed by the owner or occupant of the lots and buildings above described within twenty-four hours from the time of receiving such notice, under penalty of the sum of one hundred dollars, to be re- covered by information before the Police Court — one half of said fine to go to the city, the other half to the informer. Sec 3. Repealing clause. Passed in Council, 4th May, 1854. JOHN E. WARD, Mayor. Attest : Edwabb G. Wilson, Clerk Council. 860 PILOTAGE, PILOTAGE. AN ORDINANCE, To prescribe the mode and manner of electing Commission- ers of Piiotage for the port and harbor of Savannah, to prescribe their term of office, and duties. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same. That the number of Commissioners of Pilotage for the port and harbor of Savannah shall be seven, a majority of whom shall compose a quorum for the transaction of business. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That whenever a vacancy shall occur in the said board by death, resigna- tion or otherwise, it shai.1 be the duty of council to fill the same by an election after ten days notice in one or more of the gazettes of the City of Savannah, and the person thus elected before he enters u pon his duty as such Commissioner, shall take and subscribe t he following oath or affirmation, to wit : I do solemnly swea c (or affirm) that I am a citizen of the United States, and an inhabitant of the State of Georgia, and that I will truly and faithfully discharge the duty of a Commissioner of Pilotage without fear, favor or affection. So help me God. Sec. 3. And be it farther ordained, That six months absence shall be considered to vacate the seat of a Commis- sioner of Pilotage, and council shall proceed to fill the va- cancy in the manner already designated Sec. 4. And be it further ordained, That the said Com- missioners or a regularly constituted quorum thereof shall have power and authority to prescribe to th e several pilots of the bar and harbor of Savannah, and all other persons, such orders and regulations as the said Commissioners may deem proper in reference to such subjects as may fall within the PILOTAGE. 361 jurisdiction of said Commissioners : Provided, such orders and regulations are not repugnant to the laws of the State or Ordinances of the city, and that the said Commissioners of Pilotage shall exercise all the powers and privileges, and perform all the duties prescribed by the various statutes of the General assembly of the State of Georgia, in such case made and provided. Sec. 5. And be it further ordained, That all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances directing the annual election of Commissioners of Pilotage, be and the same are hereby re- pealed, and the Commissioners of Pilotage now in office shall continue as such without any new election, and coun- cil shall hereafter only fill such vacancies as may from any cause occur in said Commissioners of Pilotage from time to time. Sec 6. And be it further ordained. That all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances corresponding with this Ordinance be and the same are hereby superceded, and all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances militating against this Ordinance be and the same are hereby repealed. Passed in Council, 2d August, 1839. ROBERT M. CHARLTON, Mayor. Attest : Joseph Felt, Clerk Council. Note. For the various powers and duties of the Commissioners of Pi- lotage for the Bar of Tybee and River Savannah. See Cobb's Dig. from pp. 35 to 53, 46 PLANK ROAD. PLANK ROAD. AN ORDINANCE, To regulate the transport of iron, timber, plank, boilers, and hoop-poles over the plank roads and through the streets of of the City of Savannah, and the passage of vehicles over the Plank Road. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savann ah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That after the lapse of one month from the passage of this Ordinance all rail road iron, bar iron, boilers, hoop-poles, timber, plank, boards, and lumber, shall be transported length- wise, and not crosswise, upon any truck, car, wagon, dray, or vehicle of any description passing over the plank roads, or through any of the streets within the limits of the City of Savannah, and for every violation of this section the per- son so offending shall be fined in a sum not exceeding twenty dollars. Sec 2 And be it further ordained, That all vehicles of every description shall keep to the right in passing over the plank road, and for every violation of this section the person or persons offending shall be fined in a sum not ex- ceeding twenty dollars. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty of the City Marshal and Constables to see that the provisions of this Ordinance are strictly enforced. Sec 4. And be it further ordained, That every person informing of a violation of this Ordinance shall be entitled to receive one half the fine imposed. Passed in Council, 24th February 1853. R. WAYNE, Mayor. POLICE COURT. POLICE COURT. 363 AN ORDINANCE, To establish a Police Court for the City of Savannah, Sec. 1. Beit ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of 'the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in .Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That the Mayor of the City of Savannah, and in case of his absence or sickness, the Chairman of the Board of Alder- men he and he is hereby authorized and required to hold a court, at the Mayor's office in the Exchange, every day at 10 o'clock, A. M., (Sundays excepted,) for the purpose of hearing all complaints against riotous and disorderly persons, and determining the same in a summary manner. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That in all cases in which persons are now liable under any Ordinance of council, to be tried before the Mayor and Aldermen at the regular meeting of council for riots or disorderly conduct of any kind, the Mayor or in his absence or sickness the Chair- man of the Board of Aldermen shall, in said Police Court, take cognizance of the said offender, and have power to fine the offender or offenders in a sum not exceeding thirty dol- lars for each and every offence of the character aforesaid. Sec. 3 And be it further ordained, That any person fined under this Ordinance by the Mayor or Chairman shall have the right, on payment of fines and costs, to appeal to council, and council shall hear and determine such appeal. Sec. 4. And be it further ordained, That when any person is arrested under any Ordinance of the city, for riot- ous or disorderly conduct on a Saturday night or on the Sabbath day, such person shall be committed to jail until the following Monday morning when he shall be brought for trial before the Police Court. 364 POLICE COURT, Sec. 5. And be it further ordained) That it shall be the duty of the City Constables in rotation, according to a list to be made and published by the Mayor in writing in his office, and served on such constables, to attend at the said Police Court, preserve order and enforce the judgments and sentences of said court. Sec. 6. And he it further ordained, That a record of the proceedings of the said Police Court shall be kept by the Clerk of Council and submitted to the council at every regular meeting, and it shall be in the power of council to remit any fine in part or in whole, which may be imposed in said court Sec. 7. And be it further ordained, That the Mayor or Chairman shall have concurrent jurisdiction with the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah in council assem- bled, for offences or violations of any of the Ordinances of the city, by any person or persons whomsoever, and he may inflict or impose such penalty on such offender or offenders as the Ordinance violated or offended against by such per- son or persons, authorizes : Provided, That in all cases where fines or penalties are imposed by the Mayor, the par- ties shall have the right to appeal to council upon the pay- ment of all costs. Sec. 8. And be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty of the Marshal or any City Constable on receiv- ing the order of the Mayor or Chairman, to summons before the Mayor or Chairman during the hours prescribed for holding his court all person or persons offending against the Ordinances of the city. Sec. 9. This section repealed, see Ordinance passed the* 22d January. 1846, abolishing the office of Recorder. See title " City Officers." Sec. 10. And he it further ordained, That all fines im- posed by the Mayor shall be collected in the same manner as if they were imposed by council. Sec 1 1. And he it further ordained, That it is the duty of the Mayor, and it is hereby required of him, to superin- POLICE COURT. 365 tend the general police of the city, to have an eye on all the officers of the city and others in the employment of the city, to see that they perform the duties required of them by the Ordinances of the city, and to report to council all viola- tions or neglect of duty. Sec. 12. And be it further ordained, That in case of the absence or sickness of the Mayor and Chairman, any three Aldermen shall exercise the same authority as this Ordinance confers upon said officers in all cases brought before the said Police Court, and their act shall be of the same validity as those of the Mayor and Chairman. Sec 13. And be it further ordained, That this Ordinance shall take effect and be acted on after the first day of Janu- ary next. Sec. 14. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 8th December, 1838. M. HALL McALLISTER, Mayor. AN ORDINANCE, Entitled an Ordinance to authorize the Mayor of the City of Savannah and the hamlets thereof, to take recognizance and bind over persons charged with offences against the Ordinances of the city, for their appearance before the Mayor and Aldermen of the city, and to commit and im- prison in certain cases. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of . the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the passage of this Ordinance, the Mayor of the City of Savannah and the hamlets thereof shall have power, and is hereby expressly authorized to bind over and take recognizance in such sum and with such security or securities as he may deem adequate and neces- sary, all and every person or persons who may be brought up before the said Mayor in the Police Court of the City, 366 POLICE COURT. charged with any infraction, violation of, or offence against any of the Ordinances of the said City of Savannah, and whose trial and punishment for said offences may by law require the co-operation of the said Mayor and Aldermen or a majority of them, or when the punishment adjudged by the said Mayor in said Police Court requires by law to be confirmed by the Board of Aldermen in council assem- bled, for the appearance of such person or persons so offen- ding and charged before the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah in council assembled, at the next meeting of council regularly to be held thereafter. Sec. 2. Jind be it further ordained, That in case of the neglect or refusal of any person or persons to give the recognizance authorized in. the foregoing section when the same shall be required that the said Mayor is hereby author- ized and empowed to commit such person or persons so neglecting or refusing to give such, recognizance so required, to the common jail of the county of Chatham until the next regular meeting of council. Sec. 3. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 4th January, 1847. H. K. BURROUGHS, Mayor. Attest: A. C. Davenport, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, To preserve the peace and good government of the City. Sec 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and A Idermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same. That any person who shall in the night or day disturb the peace and quiet of the city in any manner whatsoever, or shall be guilty of any riotous, disorderly, or improper con- duct, within the limits of the City of Savannah, if a white person such person shall, on conviction before the Police POLICE COURT, 367 Court, be fined in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars or be imprisoned not exceeding thirty days, or both at the discretion of the Mayor, or person or persons presiding at the Police Court ; and if a slave or free person of color, shall be subject to the punishment hereinbefore prescribed, or receive corporal punishment at the discretion of the Mayor or persons or persons presiding at the Police Court. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That any person who shall at a fire disturb the peace and quiet of the city or disobey the orders of the Mayor or Chief Fireman, or who shall be guilty of any riotous, disorderly or improper con- duct, such person shall be sent to the guard-house or jail until the fire is extinguished, and then may be discharged on his recognizance to appear before the next Police Court, and in default of giving a recognizance to be kept in the guard-house or jail and brought before the Mayor who may order the fine and punishment mentioned in the first section : Provided, That nothing herein contained shall be construed to interfere with the powers of the Chief Fireman. Passed in Council 2d June, 1854. JOHN E. WARD, Mayor. Attest *. Edward G. Wilson, Clerk Council. PORT WARDENS. AN ORDINANCE, To regulate the duties and fix the fees of Port Wardens, for the Port of Savannah. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That, on the first Monday in January, (now on the first reg- 36S PORT WARDENS. ular meeting of council in every January— See section 1 3th Ordinance passed 2d August, 1839, title City Officers,) in each year, there shall be appointed five persons to act as Port Wardens, for the port of Savannah, who shall be com- missioned by the Mayor under the seal of the corporation. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That the said Port Wardens, be and they are hereby required to keep a fair record of all their proceedings, to appoint a clerk for that purpose, and to furnish extracts or copies of the same at the request oi any person or persons, and they shall have and use a common seal to be annexed to all extracts or copies of proceedings furnished by the clerk aforesaid, and the clerk shall be, and he is hereby allowed the same fees for searches, extracts, copies or certificates, as are allowed for the like services to the clerk of the Superior Courts of this State. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained, That the said Port Wardens, at their first or any subsequent meeting} be and they are hereby authorized to make such rules and regulations as may be conducive to the good order and a proper discharge of their duties and enforce the same by reasonable fines to be, when imposed, deducted by the clerk out of the sums collected for the use of t he Port Wardens so fined, and the said clerk before he enters on the duties of his office shall give to the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah, a bond, with two good a net sufficient securities in the sum of five hundred dollars, conditioned, for the faithful perform- ance of his duties as clerk as aforesaid, and he shall take and subscribe, before the Mayor or Chairman of Council, the following oath or arlimation : "I do solemnly swear (or affirm as the case may be) that I will truly, faithfully, and impartially discharge all the duties required of me as Clerk of the Board of Port Wa rdens for the Port of Savannah to the best oi my ability, and shall only certify as clerk such papers or documents as are duly passed and approved of by the said Port Wardens — So help me God." Sec, 4. And be it further ordained^ That the said Port PORT WORDENS. 369 Wardens or any two of them or more if required by the persons applying for the survey as aforesaid, shall have pow- er and they are hereby authorized to act upon any survey and to perform all the duties required of them by this Ordinance. Sec. 5. And be it further ordained, That at the request of any owner of a vessel, master, merchant or consignee, it shall be the duty of the said Port Wardens or any two or more of them as atoresaid, upon the arrival of any ship or vessel within the port and district of Savannah in distress, or which may receive damage therein, or be in a leaky situa- tion or condition or on board of which there may be goods, wares or merchandise damaged or supposed to be damaged, to examine and survey the said ship or vessel in her hull, masts, spars, sails, rigging and other apurtenances, and to report and certify the state thereof, and the repairs neces- sary to fit her for sea, so that she may be fully seaworthy noting particularly the damages which appear to have been sustained by the perils of the sea, and the probable expense of repair as distinct from such as may become necessary from negligence or ordinary decay and to assist the said Port Wardens in such examination, they shall have access to the log book of such ship or vessel. Also to examine and survey the stowage of the cargo of any ship or vessel and to report and certify, if the same be properly stowed and secured and to examine and survey any such goods, wares and merchandise damaged or supposed to be dama- ged and to report and certify, if the same be damaged or not, and in case of damage the rate and degree of damage; and in surveys of packages of merchandise, they shall designate particularly the portion injured and in no event recommend a sale of the parts not damaged, and generally to do and per- form all the things, which by the custom of merchants in the port of Savannah have been usually performed on surveys; and particularly to advise and recommend such measures in relation either to said ship or vessel and cargo, as may be deemed best suited to promote the interest and benefit of all concerned. 47 370 PORT WARDENS. Sec. 6. And he it further ordained, That the said Port Wardens or any two or more of them as aforesaid, when called upon the survey of any vessel, shall have power to employ a carpenter or carpenters to open the ceiling, strip the shething, bore the timber and perform such other work as shall be necessary to enable them to make a correct survey, and to employ such laborers and other persons necessary to move, open or cooper or otherwise arrange any goods, wares or merchandise they may survey, the expense of all which shall be paid by the owner, master or consignee of said vessels or goods. Sec. 7. And he it further ordained, That if any person or persons other than those authorized by this Ordinance, (except persons appointed by order of Court,) shall act or officiate upon any survey or perform any of the duties herein required of the said Port War dans he or they shall severally forfeit a sum not exceeding thirty dollars, to be recovered upon conviction before City Council to the use of the said Wardens. Sec. 8. This section superceded and repealed by the 1st section of an Or- dinance, passed 2Ud Feby. 1843. See said Ordinance below. Sec 9. And he it f urther ordained, That the clerk of the said board of Port Wardens, shall collect all sums due to the said board or either of the Port Wardens for services rendered, persuant to this Ordinance, and for which he shall be entitled to such compensation as the Port Wardens shall fix, and shall quarterly make a statement of the same so received, and pay over to each Port Warden his share thereof &c. (Amended see succeeding Ordinance,) and shall also make a quarterly return of the sums received to the City Treasurer to be by him laid before the City Council at their first meeting thereafter. Sec 10. And be it further ordained, That each Port Warden so appointed before entering upon the duties of his of- fice, shall take and subscribe before the Mayor or Chairman of Council, the following oath or affirmation as the case may be, PORT WARDENS. 371 1 do solemnly swear or affirm that I will truly, faithfully and impartially to the best of my understanding discharge the duties required of me by the Ordinances of the City Council, as Port Warden of the City of Savannah, So help me God: which said oath or affirmation after being sworn to and subscribed, shall be filed with the records of Council by the clerk thereof. Sec. 1 1. Jlnd be it further ordained \ That if the said Port Wardens or any of them shall neglect or refuse to per- form the duties enjoined by this or any other Ordinance, he or they, unless sufficient cause be shown to the contrary, shall severally torfeit and pay a sum not exceeding thirty dollars, to be recovered on conviction before the City Council to the use of the informer, or shall be removed from office at the discretion of council. Passed in Council 14th March, 1824. JAMES MORRISON, Mayor. AN ORDINANCE, 'To amend an Ordinance, entitled an Ordinance, to regu- late the duties, and fix the fees of the Port Wardens of the City of Savannah, Sec. lo Be it Ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of 6 the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as* se?nbled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the passage of this Ordinance each Port Warden, shall be entitled out of the monies collected by the clerk for services rendered by the Port Wardens, to payment only of the fees received in the particular case in which the services were rendered; so that each Port War- den shall be compensated according to the amount of labor performed by him,— and it shall be the duty of the clerk, or in his absence his deputy, to summons the Port Wardens to act upon all surveys in rotation, if their attendance can 372 PORT WARDENS. be obtained, and in case of failure to summons as aforesaid, he shall be fined in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars on conviction thereof before council, one half to the use of the informer, and the other half to council. (See 1st section Ordinance 7th March, 1844, below). Sec 2. Jind be it further ordained, That it shall not be lawful for any Port Warden to certify any survey, unless the same has been held by him in person, and any Port Warden herein offending shall on conviction thereof before council, be dismissed from office. Sec. 3. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 29th May, 1834. W. THORN E WILLIAMS, Mayor. AN ORDINANCE, Entitled an Ordinance, to amend an Ordinance to regulute the duties and fix the fee:3 for the Port Wardens of the City of Savannah. Sec 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the passage of this Ordinance, the 8th section of the present Ordinance shall read: that for the services to be performed by virtue of this Ordinance, there shall be paid to each of the Port Wardens, officiating, by the owner, master or consignee of any vessel or cargo, the fol- lowing sums to- wit: For each survey on the hatches of a vessel, - |1 00 " " " a vessel, - - - 3 00 " " " " and cargo, - 3 50 " " " a cargo, - - - 2 50 " " on the stowage of the hold of a vessel, 2 50 u " " goods after they are landed, - 2 00 Provided, That the said vessel or goods be at or within PORT WARDENS. 373 the present extended limits of the City of Savannah. If between the present extended limits of the city and five fathom hole, then fifty per centum in addition to the above enumerated rates, — if below five fathom, and not below Long Island, seventy-five per centum in addition to the first enumerated rates, — if below Long Island double the enum- erated rates, — if the Port Wardens are required to furnish a boat and hands ten dollars per diem, for such boat and hands shall be paid them. In all cases where the Port Wardens, shall be employed more than one day in the per- formance of any duty required by this Ordinance, the said Pert Wardens thus employed shall be entitled to similar fees for each day so employed. Sec. 2. Repealed see next succeeding Ordinance. Sec. 3. Repealing clause, Passed in Council 23d February, 1843. RICHARD D. ARNOLD, Mayor. Attest : Elisha Wylly, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, Entitled an Ordinance to repeal an Ordinance so far as re- lates to an equal division of money received by Port Wardens. Sec 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor andJlldermen of the City of Savannah-and the Hamkis thereof, in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That so much of the second section of an Ordinance passed 23d February, 1843, regulating the division of money re- ceived for services by Port Wardens be and is hereby repeal- ed; and that the 1st section of an Ordinance passed 29th May, 1834, be substituted in lieu thereof, and shall be in full force from and after the passage of this Ordinance. Passed in Council 7th March, 1844. WM. THORNE WILLIAMS, Mayor. Attest: Wm. P. Bowen, Clerk CpunciL $74 PUBLIC ; PROPERTY, AN ORDINANCE, To amend an Ordinance to regulate the duties and fix the fees of Port Wardens for the port of Savannah, so far as relates to the Clerk of the Board. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and. Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same y That the Clerk of the Board of Port Wardens shall be in attendance at some convenient place from 9 to 1 o'clock^ each day « that it shall be lawful for the Clerk of the Board to appoint a deputy, who shall take, the same oath as the principal : Provided, in case of neglect or misconduct of said deputy, the principal and his securities shall be liable to the penalties, fines, &c. now prescribed by Ordinance. Sec. 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council, 6th April, 1854. JOHN E. WARD, Mayor, PUBLIC PROPERTY. AN ORDINANCE, More effectually to preserve the public property belonging to the city, preserving the trees planted therein, and pre- scribing the mode of planting them and for the protection of the public rows of trees an4 the side walks and foot= ways and other purposes. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the au thority of the same, That it shall not be lawful to "take away any of the fire ladders or hooks from the place where they usually are of PUBLIC PROPERTY. $75 ought to be deposited under any pretence whatever unless it be for public purposes. Sec. 2, And be it further ordained, That if any person is convicted of wontonly destroying any of the public pumps,or parts belonging thereto, or of digging up, cutting down, remov- ing or injuring any tree, post or inciosure, which has been already planted or erected in or on any street, lane, square or wharf in said city, or which may be hereafter erected as aforesaid, or of driving any hook or other piece of iron into any of the trees as aforesaid (whether planted by individ- uals or otherwise,) or of hitching a horse to any tree planted as aforesaid, or of painting, marking, breaking, defiling or in any wise injuring any public monument or other pub- lic property, now erected or which may hereafter be erected in or on any street, square, lane or wharf in said city, he or she shall be punished as is hereinafter specified, Provided, nevertheless, that nothing herein contained, shall prevent the Mayor or acting Mayor or the Street or Lane Committee from permitting the removal of, cutting down or trimming any tree or trees, whenever a proper cause is made known to him. (This section amended, see Ordinance passed 28th July, 1853, below.) Sec 3. And be it further ordained, That if any person shall ride, lead or drive any horse, mule or other animal usually ridden or used for draft, in any sort of carriage what- soever within or between the double row of trees in the centre of South-Broad street, or the double and trible row of trees on the Bay (except through or across the said trees, when they are intersected by the streets) or who shall ride, lead or drive the same, over any of the sidewalks or foot- ways within the said city, he or she shall be punished as is hereinafter specified Sec. 4. This section which prescribes the mode and manner in which the trees are to be planted throughout the city, is superceded and repealed, by 2d section Ordinance passed 30th Jany. 18-10, See title streets. Sec 5, And be it further ordained, That upon the con- PUBLIC PROPERTY. viction of any violation of any of the provisions of this Or- dinance the offender may be fined in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, at the discretion of the Mayor, Chairman or Alderman presiding at the police court or of the council or if the offender be a slave or free person of color, corporal punishment not exceeding fifty lashes, may in like manner be ordered for each and every offence, unless the master or employer of such slave, or guardian or friend, of such free person of color will pay the fine imposed upon such slave or free person of color; and the said fines and forfeitures may be ievied, recovered, collected and enforced in the man- ner prescribed by law, and one half thereof shall be paid when collected to the informer, and the remainder shall be paid to the City Treasurer for the use of the city. Sec. 6. And be it further ordained 7 That all Ordi- nances and parts of Ordinances corresponding with this Or- dinance, be and the same are hereby superceded, and all Ordinances and parts of Ordinances, militating against this Ordinance, be and the same are hereby repealed. Passed in Council 2d August 1839. ROBERT M. CHARLTON, Mayor. AN ORDINANCE, To protect the public and private buildings of the city from; defacement. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same r That it shall not be lawful for any person to paste or affix any paper or advertisement upon any building wall or tree, within the city; and for a violation of this Ordinance the person affixing or causing the same to be affixed, or the per- PUBLIC PROPERTY. 377' son for whose use and benefit the same may be done, shall be fined for each offence in a sum not exceeding five dollars, one half to go to the informer. Passed in Council 25th March, 1852. RICHARD D. ARNOLD, Mayor. Attest: R. F. Aiken, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, To be entitled an Ordinance, to amend an Ordinance enti- tled an Ordinance to preserve the public property &c.,- passed 2d August, 1839. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Mdermen of the City of Savann ah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That so much of the section 2d of the Ordinance, entitled an Ordinance to preserve the public property &c, passed 2d August, 1839, as now reads "or of hitching a horse to any tree planted as aforesaid," be altered and amended so as to read as follows: "or of hitching any animal to any tree planted as aforesaid, or to any part of the fences, railings, gates or enclosures of the public squares, places or buildings or to any one of the public pumps or lamp posts." Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That the follow- ing words be added to the said amended second section of said Ordinance of 2d August, 1839. " Jind provided also, That it shall be the duty of the Marshal, City Constables or other public officer, discovering any animal hitched as is hereinbefore prohibited, not only to file an information against the owner, rider or driver of such animal, but to take the animal itself and impound it, until the payment of all fines and costs which may fall upon the offender, as well as the expenses of impounding or until good and sufficient 48 PUBLiC PROPERTY. security shall be given for the payment of such fines, costs and expenses. Sec. 3. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 27th July, 1853. R. WAYNE, Mayor, Attest: Edward G. Wilson, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, To protect the Savannah river from washing in of sand by rain water falling from the roof of houses on or below the bluff. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That three months from and after the passage of this Ordi- nance, each and every building situate on or below the bluff shall be provided with leaders and gutters, and each wharf lot, shall be provided with a close drain under ground of some imperishable materials, to be connected with the said leaders and sufficient to conduct off into the river all rain water that may fall on the roofs of such buildings. Sec 2. And be it further ordained, That for each and every violation of this Ordinance a fine of thirty dol- lars shall be levied, said fine to be imposed and recovered in the usual manner. Sec 3. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 4th November, 1852. RICHARD D. ARNOLD, Mayor. Attest: R. F. Aiken, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, . For the protection of public and private property in the lim~ its of the City of Savannah^ and for other purposes. PUBLIC PROPERTY, 27 § Sec 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same i That from and after the passage of this ordinance, no per- son or persons shall, within the limits of the City of Savan- nah, write, carve, indite, paste, paint or in any manner deface or cause to be written, carved, indited, pasted^ paiuted or in any manner defaced or write or cause to be written, any marks or letters with any materials whatsoever upon any public building, the property of the City of Sa- vannah or of the United States, or upon the property of any person or persons, corporation or corporations. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained. That it shall not be lawful for any person within the limits of the City of Sa- vannah, to cut, destroy, or injure in any manner, any of the public trees in the streets or squares, or any of the palling,, benches or boxes around the trees, or any other property of ,the City of Savannah. Sec 3. And be it further ordained, That it shall not be lawful for any person within the limits of the City of Sa- vannah to cast, throw or fling any stones, brick-bats, or any other thing in the squares, streets, lanes or alleys, or in any other public place in the City of Savannah, or in, or at, or against any of the trees or boxes around the trees in said city. Sec. 4. And he it further ordained, That it shall be tfye duty of any and every officer of the City of Savannah, who shall see any person violating any of the provisions of this Ordinance, immediately to arrest such person and take him or her to the guard-house, there to be detained until discharged by the written order from the Mayor or any one of the Aldermen of the City of Savannah; and any officer failing or neglecting so to do, shall upon conviction before the Police Court, be fined not less than ten dollars. Sec 5. And be it further ordained, That if any person shall violate any of the provisions of this Ordinance, he shall, or they shall, on conviction before the Police Court if 380 RAFTS. ail adult person be fined in a sum not less than ten dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars — one half to be paid to the informer, the other half to the City Treasury, and in default of the payment of such fine and all costs, the person so offending shall be imprisoned in the common jail of the County of Chatham, for not less than five days, nor more man thirty days; and if a slave or free person of color, shall be fined in a sum not less than ten nor more than one hundred dollars, or receive not less than ten nor more than thirty-nine lashes, at the discretion of the Mayor or person or persons presiding at the Police Court Sec. 6, Repealing clause. 'Passed in Council 4th May, 1854. JOHN E. WARD, Mayor, RAFTS, • _ AN ORDINANCE, To define and prescribe the limits within which rafts of timber, lumber and wood, may be confined and kept in the Savannah Front River, and for other purposes. Sec, 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Jlldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as* sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same^ That from and after the first day of June next, all rafts of timber, lumber, and wood shall, after the expiration of four days after the same has been brought in the Savannah Front River, be confined and kept within the following limits, to wit : On the south side of said Front River, to the south side of a line drawn from the extreme point of the wharf known as the mill wharf of W. B. Giles & Co., to the ex- treme point of the wharf known as the Upper Steam Rice RAFTS. 381 Mill wharf. On the north side of said river, they shall be confined and kept to the north side of a straight line drawn parallel to the line of piling driven along the wharf commonly called Smets' wharf, and forty feet south of said line of piling. The said line so drawn, being extended east and west until it reaches Hutchinson's Island. Sec 2. And be it further ordained, That the proprietors of the shores on Hutchinson's Island, within said line so drawn, be, and they are hereby authorized to excavate and dig out to the extent of two hundred feet back from the present shore line on the Front River, and to such depth as may be necessary for the confining and keeping of rafts of timber and wood. Sec. 3. And be it farther ordained, That nothing in this Ordinance shall be so construed as to prevent the owners of rafts or persons engaged in the lumber trade from confining and keeping their rafts in the channel known as Fig Island channel, between Fig Island and Hutchinson Island. Sec. 4. And be it further ordained, That if any person or persons shall confine, keep or moor, any lumber, rafts, wood or timber, at any other point or place jn the Savannah Front River for a longer period than four days, after the same has been brought into the Savannah River within the limits of the City of Savannah, such person or persons so offending shall on conviction before the Police Court, having first been duly notified to attend the same by a summons, to be served by the City Marshal or a City Constable, on the person so offending, specifying the time and place of the meeting of the same, which summons may be served on the owner of the said lumber, wood, raft or timber, or any person found in charge of the same, be fined in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars for each day that the same may have been confined, moored, or kept contrary to the provisions of this Ordinance — one-half of the fine to be paid to the informer, the other half to be paid into tbe City Treasury; and that said raft, lumber, wood or timber shall be subject to the payment of said fine, which shall be paid within twelve 382 RAFTS; fte-nrs after the same shall have been imposed; and In de> ku'X of such payment, it shall be the duty of the City Mar* shal, under and by virtue of an execution to be issued by the Clerk of Council, to proceed to levy upon said raft or rafts, lumber, wood, or timber, and after advertising the same for two days, he shall proceed to sell the same for the pay-? ment of the said fine and all costs and expenses. Sec. 5 a And be it further ordained. That if any lumber, rafts, wood or timber, shall be found moored at any point or place in the Savannah Front River, for a longer period than four days after the same has been brought into the river within the limits of the City of Savannah, and no person shall appear to be the owner, or have charge of the said lumber, rafts, wood, or timber, it shah be the duty of the City Marshal or any City Constable to seize the said lumber, raits, wood, or timber, and to report the facts to the person or persons holding the Police Court, when a fine of not ex^ ceading one hundred dollars shall be imposed by the said court for each day that the same may have been confined moor- ed, or kept contrary to the provisions of this Ordinance, one half of the fine to be paid to the informer, the other half to be paid into the City Treasury;, and the said Marshal shall, under and by the written order and direction of the person or persons holding the Police Court, after advertising the same for two days, proceed to sell the same for the payment of the said fine and all costs and expenses, shall pay over the residue of the proceeds of said sale to the owner of the said lumber, rafts, wood, or timber, or to any person by him duly authorized to receive the same. Sec. 6. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 18th May, 1854. JOHN E. WARD, Mayor,, Attest: Edward G„ Wilson, Clerk Council. SALES. SALES, AN ORDINANCE, Pointing out the duties and manner of selling and disposing of re-entered lots, or property sold for taxes, or assess- ments under any Ordinance of this city, and for other purposes. j Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained, by the authority of the same, That from and after tiie passage of this Ordinance, no sale of lots or other property by virtue of any Ordinance for the collection of rent, taxes, or assessments shall take place but on the first Tuesday of each month, at the Court House, hi this city. Sec 2. And be it further ordained, That from and after the passage of this Ordinance, the Marshal, before selling any lots or property in arrears for rent, taxes, or assessments, shall advertise the same for at least thirty days, and state (if real estate) the number of ty thing, ward, square, and street of the said lot or lots, and also the name or names of the owner or owners of the said lot or lots as may appear in the 1 ook; of the Treasurer from the last person who paid the rem, taxes, or assessment, and in all cases the property so advertised shall be fully described. Sec 3. And be it further ordained, That from and after the passage of this Ordinance, the sale of all real estate ad- vertised for rent, taxes, or assessments due to the city, shall be made by the Marshal's offering in the most public and audible manner, the described premises for lease for one year, and if no bid be given therefor, to offer the same pub- licly and audibly for two years, and in the case of no bid, then to proceed until he offers the premises for lease for t( n years, and if no bid be given at a lease of ten years, he shall 384 SALES. then proceed to offer the same in fee, subject to the same conditions of the Ordinances under which the premises are held, and the said Marshal is hereby authorized to execute a lease or leases, or deed in fee simple for the premises sold under this Ordinance. Sec. 4. And he it further ordained, That all property advertised under this Ordinance be placed in one column of papers in which the same are advertised, headed u City Marshal Sales," and that in no instance (if* possible) the advertisements be scattered in such papers. Sec. 5. And be it further ordained, That all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances, so far as the same are repugnant to or militate with the provisions of this Ordinance be and the same are hereby repealed. Sec. 6. And be it further ordained, That ail sales of real estate made by the Marshal or sold under any Ordinance of the City, the same shall be superintended by a special committee of council, whose duty it shall be to attend such sales and direct the Marshal or officer selling as circum- stances may require. Sec. 7. And be it further ordained, That in all notices given by the Marshal for the re-entry of lots, the name or names of the owner or owners, or of the person or persons who last paid rent, shall be inserted (with a full description of said lots,) in the advertisement. Passed in Council 20th December, 1816. THOMAS U. P. CHARLTON, Mayor, AN ORDINANCE. Entitled an Ordinance to restrain the sale, disposition, or lease of any lot or lots of land, store, or building, until the final expiration of any anterior lease or leases, and actual possession of the premises vested in the city. Whereas, offering, or exposing for sale, or lease any lot SCAVENGER. 385 or lots, store, or building belonging to the city which is -or may be under an anterior lease is a most unprofitable and injurious manner of disposing of public property, as few persons will buy or lease property the possession or benefit whereof is delayed for years or months. Sec. 1.. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hwnleis thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That no lot or lots of land, store or building belonging to the city, and under lease, shall at any time hereafter be sold, disposed of dr leased by council or any of its officers, until the final expiration of such former lease or leases, and actual possession of the premises vested in the city. Sec. 2. And be it further orddined, That any sale, disposition, or lease of any lot or lots, store, or building belonging to the city disposed of or leased contrary to this Ordinance shall be void and of no effect. Sec. 3. Repealing clause. Passed in Cortjicil 19th June, 1820. THOMAS U. P. CHARLTON, Mayor. SCAVENGER. AN ORDINANCE, To amend and consolidate the Ordinances regulating the duty and office of the Superintendent of Streets and Lanes, and to prescribe the manner and time of removing offensive matter and filth from the city, and for other pur- poses connected therewith. Sections 1 and 2. These sections are superceded and repealed by Ordi- nance passed the 29th May, 1853. See said Ordinance immediately suc- ceeding this. 49 SCAVENGER. Sec. 3. *Rnd be it further ordained, That all occupants of houses, merchants, shop-keepers, grocers, and tradesmen, (carrying on trades under roof and residing above the bluff,) shall be compelled every day in the week before seven o'clock A. M., to sweep the foot-walk before their respective houses and lots, or so much of the lot as is occupied by each for the space of six feet from the foundation of the house, piazza, railing, or fence, (as the case may be) and collect the rubbish therein and therefrom, and deposit the same ready for the Scavenger's carts. Sections 4 and 5. These sections are superceded and repealed by Ordi- nance passed 29th December, 1853, immediately succeeding- this Ordinance. Sec. 6. Jind be it further ordained, That the owners, tenants, or occupiers of houses shall keep within their yards or enclosures respectively a box. or barrel of sufficient size in which shall be deposited all the offal,*filth, rubbish, dirt, and other matter generated in said builcftng and enclosure, and the said filth of every description as,, aforesaid, shall be placed in said box or barrel from the first day of April to the first day of November, before the hour, of seven o'clock, A. M., and from the first day of November (inclusive) to the last day of March (inclusive,) before th>e hour of eight o'clock, A. M., and such matter so placed shall be daily re- moved (Sundays excepted) by the Superintendent to such places without the city as shall be designated by the Mayor or a majority of the Street and Lane Committee. Sec 7. Jlnd be it further ordained, That it shall not be lawful for any person to throw or put into the streets, lanes, or squares, or common within or without the city, any dead hog, goat, dog, cat, fowl, or other dead animal, and that all horses, cows, hogs, dogs, goats, calves, and other animals of such size, which may die or be found dead within the limits of the city, shall be removed and carried beyond the limits of the same, and buried at least six feet under ground by the owners thereof, or his, her, or their agent, or servant, and SCAVENGER. 387 at his, her, or their own expense, which burial shall take place within two hours after the death of such animal^ unless such death shall happen in the night, in which case such dead animal shall be removed within two hours after sunrise, and if the owner of such dead animal shall not re- move the same within the time above directed, then the same shall be removed and buried as aforesaid by the Superinten- dent of Steets and Lanes at the expense of the owner. And it shall be the duty of such Superintendent, at the request . of the owner, or any other person, or when- ever any '(lead animal shall be found any where within the limits of the"e$y, to remove and bury the same without de- lay and the said 'Superintendent shall be entitled to receive for the use of the city, from the owner of any such dead animal, for removing^d burying the same, the following fees, viz : for a hog, dog,'* goat, or calf one dollar and fifty cents, for a horse, cow, or other large animal, three dollars. And the said Superintendent shall make a quarterly return to the City Treasurer ofiull monies received by him for the use of the city, and shall pay the same to the said treasurer. Sec. 8. And be it fycrther ordained, That every keeper of an inn, tavern, or stable within the city, and every other person within the city who shall keep, and have the manage- ment, care or charge*pf more than four horses, mules, oxen, or cows, as together exceed four in number, in any one stabe, yard, or other en closure within the city, he shall re- move or caus^g to be removed ,at least once in every twenty- four houi^,- *at. -mis, her or their own expense, all the dung, filth, or litter made and caused by keeping the aforesaid animals, to such places as may be pointed out for the deposit of the filth and rubbish removed by the Superintendent of Streets and Lanes. ... - Sec 9. And be it further ordained, That every house- holder or occupant of a house shall keep the yard, cellar, enclosure, or premises so occupied, clean and clear of and free from all putrid and Stinking water or other putrid or offensive matter or thing whatsoever, and it shall be the 3S8 SCAVENGER. duty of every house-holder or occupant of a house to throw into the privies attached to their yards or enclosures, a peck or a sufficient quantity of lime once a month during the months of May, June, July, August, September, October, and November. 'Sec. 10. Jlnd he it further ordained, That tor any vio- lation or omission of the said Superintendent of any thing directed to be done by this Ordinance, the said Superinten- dent may be fined by the Mayor, Chairman, or Alderman presiding at the Police Court, or by the Mayor and Alder- men in Council assembled in an^ sum not exceeding one hundred dollars for each offence, and the said Superinten- dent may be, for any flagrant violation or omission of duty, suspended by the Mayor, or acting Mayor, who shall report the same to council and the said council may remove the said Superintendent from office, or inflict such other penalty as they may deem proper. And whenever the said Superintendent shall be suspended or removed, the Mayor, or acting Mayor shall appoint some fit and proper person to act as Superintendent until such vacancy be filled by an election as in other cases of vacancy. Sec. 11. Jlnd be it further ■ordained ] That if any person or persons, other than the Superintendent, shall violate any of the provisions of this Ordinance, . or omit any of the duties imposed on him, her or them by this Ordinance, he or she, if a white person, shall be fined in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars for each and every offence, at the discre- tion of the Mayor, acting Mayor or Aldermen presiding at the Police Court or of the council, but if, the offender be a slave or free person of color, he or she shall receive corporal chastise- ment not exceeding thirty-nine lashes as may seem proper to the said Mayor, or acting Mayor, or Aldermen presiding as aforesaid or the council, but the said corporal chastisement may be dispensed with at the discretion of the authority passing the sentence, if the guardian or friend of such free person of color, or the master or employer of such slave, or any white person will pay such fine not exceeding thirty SCAVENGER. 289 dollars for each offence, as may be assessed against such free person of color or slave. And all fines collected shall be paid one half to the informer, and the other half to the treasurer of the city for the use of the city. Sec 12. And be it further ordained, That all Ordinances and parts of Ordinances corresponding with this Ordinance be and the same are hereby superceded; and that all Ordi- dances or parts of Ordinances militating against this Or- dinance be and the same are hereby repealed. Passed in Council 15th August, 1839. ROBERT M. CHARLTON, Mayor. AN ORDINANCE, To change the manner of keeping the streets and lanes in the City of Savannah clean, and to prescribe the duties of the Superintendent Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the passage of this Ordinance, the work of the Scavenger's department, shall' be given out by con- tract and proposals for performing the same, shall be received as hereinafter specified. All bids must be handed to the Clerk of Council before ten o'clock, A. M., on the day of election, notice of which election shall be given ten days previous to the time at which said election shall take place. And each bidder shall enclose with his bid the names of two or more securities, who shall bind themselves in a sum which shall exceed the amount of the bid for which he proposes per annum to do the work by one thousand dol- lars for the true and faithful performance of the duties of Superintendent. The City Council shall at its first regular meeting in. January next, and at the first regular meeting of council in January of every third year thereafter, select from 39Q SCAVENGER. those who shall submit their proposals, one who shall be de- clared elected Superintendent, who shall execute a bond to. the city, in the amount above required, to be approved by the Mayor, and enter upon the duties of his office within ten days after said election, upon failing to give such bond, or neglecting to enter upon his duties within the said time, his election shall be deemed void, and the City Council, at its next regular meeting shall elect some other person in his place, Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That the person who is elected such Superintendent, shall before entering upon his duties provide himself with a sufficient number of able-bodied men and horses or mules and carts, to perform the duties of the department as hereinafter described, which men, teams and carts shall all be approved of by the Mayor.,, and none shall be employed in the department but such as are able and efficient; and it shall be the duty of the Su- perintendent to cause the men so employed to pass through all parts of the city daily, Sundays and general holidays excepted, with the carts and take up all offal, filth, manure, oyster shells or other rubbish, or that may be collected in barrels and boxes, or that may be found in any street, lane or square within the city and carry the same to such place as may be determined by the Mayor or Chairman of the Street and Lane Committee; Provided, That all manure shall be at the- disposal of the Superintendent, and to be carried beyond the limits of the city, ' Sjec. 3. And be it further ordained. That it shall be the duty of the Superintendent to report to the Mayor or acting Mayor, every Monday morning the number of hands and teams employed in the department, and the condition of the streets, lanes and squares, and on every alarm of fire, it shall be his duty to repair to the place of the fire with such of his teams as are not actually loaded, and carrying off the offal, at the time of such alarm being given, and be subject to the orders of the Mayor or the person or per-r sons acting in his place; and for neglecting or failing to per- form all the requirements of this Ordinance, the said Super- SCAVENGER. 391 Intendent shall, upon conviction before the Mayor or person Or persons presiding at the Police Court, be subject to a fine of not less than five or more than fifty dollars for each of- fence, one half to go to the informer, the other half for the use of the city; Provided nevertheless, for any charge of gross neglect or misdemeanor, he the said Superinten- dent shall be liable to be tried before council and removed from office, or be fined in such sum as council may order and direct; and in case of removal from office, a new elec- tion shall be held at the next meeting of council, to fill his place for the unexpired residue of his term, and notice of such election shall be given by the Clerk of Council ten days before the time at which said election will take place. Sec 4. And be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty of the said Superintendent to see that the public squares are also daily examined, and any offal, or rubbish that may be therein found, shall be removed by his carts, and it shall be the further duty of said Superintendent to furnish the Chairman of the Street and Lane Committee with the hands, teams and carts belonging to the Scaven- ger's department one hour each day, from the first day of November to the first day of May, and two hours per day from the first day of May to the first day of November Sundays and days succeeding general holidays excepted, for the purpose of assisting in grading, leveling or filling up any of the streets, lanes or squares, and it shall be the duty of the said Superintendent to keep two or more ploughs, and after every heavy rain to go through the city and open with said ploughs, such places as need opening to let the water off more freely. Sec. 5. And be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty of the Superintendent to take charge of and feed all cattle or other animals whatsoever liable to be impound- ed, or that shall be impounded by the City Marshal or any City Constable, and to deliver up said cattle or other animals to their owners on the customary fees being paid, for the fulfilment of which duty the Superintendent shall have SCAVENGER. possession of all the buildings belonging to the city and at- tached to the pound, and may use the stables for keeping the mules or horses engaged in the Scavenger's Department, and shall keep the same in good repair at his own expense and it shall further be his duty to be at the said pound, or have some agent there at two stated hours each day, when cattle or other animals are within, for the purpose ot deliv- ering said cattle or other animals to their owners when called for; and further, he shall well and truly pay all monies collected for thus delivering up cattle or other ani- mals to the City Marshal — the money allowed by Ordi- nance for feeding cattle or other animals impounded being excepted. Sec. 6. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 29th December, 1853. JOHN E. WARD, Mayor, Attest: Edward G. Wilson, Clerk Council. STREETS. SALARIES. 393 AN ORDINANCE, To authorize the payment of the Salaries of the City Offi- cers monthly. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same* That from and after the passing of this Ordinance the sala- ries of the city officers shall be paid monthly instead of quarterly, as hitherto. Sec 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 27th July, 1843. RICHARD D. ARNOLD, Mayor, Attest : Elisha Wylly, Clerk Council. STREETS, PORTICOES, PAVEMENTS, TREES AND DUTIES OF CITY SURVEYOR. AN ORDINANCE, To establish rates of landing, shipping and storage on the Canal lots belonging to the Corporation of Savannah. Sec 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen o f the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the passage of this Ordinance the Treasurer snail receive for the use of the city the several rates hereinafter mentioned and referred to, for the landing 50 394 STREETS. of produce and other goods, at the lots belonging to this corporation situated on the Canal at the western section of this city, for shipping of the same, and for storage thereof to- wit: RATES OF LANDING. For Wood twenty-five cents per cord; Light wood posts, Ceder posts, and other logs each one half cent. And on all other produce or goods the same rates as are established by an act of the Legislature, passed on the twenty-second of December, eighteen hundred and twenty-nine ; entitled "An Act to establish rates of dockage, wharfage and storage in the City of Savannah, and to repeal all laws or parts of laws militating against the same, — for shipping of produce and goods the same rates as for loading goods or produce lying on a lot longer than two nights after two working days, and also for every week thereafter, shall be subject to the payment of landing rates. Sec. 2. Jlndbe it further ordained. That if any person or persons shall ship from, or land at, or cause to be shipped from, or landed at, or suffer to remain on any or either of the said Canal lots within the City of Savannah, any fire- wood, lumber, rice, cotton or any produce or merchandise whatever, subject to the payment of the foregoing rates he, she or they, as the case may be, shall make a return thereof under oath within forty-eight hours after the charges shall have been incurred to the City Treasurer; and any person or persons refusing or neglecting to make return as is herein required, shall for each offence on conviction before council be fined in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars. Passed in Council 1st December, 1831. W. R. WARING, Mayor, AN ORDINANCE, To name the street as laid out by Commissioners under the' Act of the Legislature of Georgia, passed December, 1832. STREET'S, 395 Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the tity of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same? That the street laid out by Commissioners, under the Act of the Legislature of Georgia, passed December, 1832; run- ning from the Canal to West-Broad street, and nearly in a parallel line with the river and Indian street, shall be known and designated as Canal street Sec. 2. And he it further ordained, That the street so named as aforesaid, shall be thirty feet wide, as laid down on the map drawn under the direction of the Commissioners. Passed in Council 4th April, 1833, AN ORDINANCE, For regulating the election, qualification and duties of the City Surveyor, to fix the number of feet of porticoes., railing, enclosures and pavements and to regulate the same, and for the better keeping the squares, streets and public places, and wharves and docks of the City of Sa- vannah free and clean of obstruction, and for other pur- poses connected therewith. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That on the first regular meeting of council, in each and every January, a Surveyor for the city shall be appointed,, who shall before he enters into the duties of his office enter into bond with two securities in the penal sum of two thousand dollars, for the faithful and correct performance of the duties precribed by the Ordinances of the city, and the said Surveyor shall take the usual oath prescribed by the Ordinances of the city to the officers thereof. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That no lot holder ,or occupier of any lot, shall lay the foundation of any 396 STREETS. building or fence on the line of any lot, or part of a lot, owned or occupied by him or her, unless such line is first ascertained by the City Surveyor, and after the line as aforesaid is ascertained, such owner, or occupier, shall not place any building, fence or other thing appertain- ing thereto, so as to effect the right of the city, and unless the said Surveyor is present (except as is hereinafter specified). And it shall be the duty of the City Surveyor to report to the Mayor or council, all encroachments by individuals or other- wise that now exist or that may hereafter be made on the public squares, streets, lanes, docks or commons of the city ; and it shall also be the duty of the City Surveyor on the application of any lot holder to attend and stake off such lot, within twenty-four hours after such application is made. Sec. 3. *Rnd be it further ordained, That the City Sur- veyor shall be entitled to demand and receive the following fees to-wit: For surveying a lot and finding and placing stakes eighteen inches long at the angles of said lot, $2 00 For attendance and directing the placing a house or fence, ------ - 3 00 For sub-dividing a lot already laid off, - .- - 1 00 The balance of this section is superceded and repealed by Ordinance passed 26 August, 1852, and 29 Dec. 1853,— see Ordinances hereafter. Sec. 4. And be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty of the City Surveyor to keep a complete map of each tything in this city on a scale of twenty feet to one inch, to be bound in a suitable book, and therein record the site and dimensions of all buildings in such tything, and on the margin and at the foot of such map make a note of such delineations of such buildings or improvement and the date of his attendance; and the said City Surveyor shall when thereto required deliver over to his successor in office all records and documents which relate or appertain to the du- ties thereof. STREETS. 397 Sec, 5. And be it further ordained, That no person shall bring, lay, put, or cause to be brought, laid, or put, any timber, bricks, stones, or other materials for building, or fire wood, goods, wares, and merchandise, or other bulky thing whatsoever, and permit and suffer the same to con- tinue and remain in any square, street, lane or alley within the said city, for a longer time than six hours ; nor shall any person permit or suffer any cart, dray, wagon, or carriage, of any sort, to stand and remain in any square, street, lane, or alley, longer than such time as aforesaid; nor shall any person, without previously obtaining the written consent of the Mayor and two-thirds of the members of the city council, place, erect, or construct, or cause to be placed erected or constructed, in any square, street or lane, or other place, of or in the City of Savannah, any booths, tent, or other obstruction ; nor shall any person dig or cause to be dug, any hole or pit, in any square, street, lane, or alley, whereby the free passage of persons on foot or on horseback, or in or with any carriage, may be in any wise obstructed or rendered unsafe. And any person offending against the provisions of this section, shall, on conviction, be subject to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars for each and every offence, if a white person, or corporal punishment if the offender be a slave or tree person of color. And in case the person or persons making, causing, permitting or suffer- ing such encroachments, obstructions, and nuisances as aforesaid, shall refuse or neglect to remove the same, forth- with, after notice given to him, her or them, for that pur- pose, then the same (in such cases as will admit thereof,) shall be removed by the Marshal and Constables of the city, or any of them, at the proper expense of the person or persons so offending. And if any person or persons shall molest or trouble the said Marshal or Constables, in the execution of such, his or their duty, such person or persons shall on conviction thereof, forfeit [and pay a fine of not exceeding one hundred dollars, if a white person, or corporal punishment if the offender be a slave or free person of 398 STREETS color: Provided always nevertheless That any person or persons actually building or repairing, or about to build or repair any building, may collect and lay all such materials as ma^ be necessary for such building or repairs, in the square, street, lane, or alley next adjoining to the place or spot whereon such buildings or repairs are intended to be made, And provided, that such materials be so enclosed in a sufficient space (and no more) as will effectually prevent the spreading into the strees, lanes, or squares, and the said space so enclosed, shall in no case extend beyond ten feet on any street, lane or square ; and during all such time as such materials shall so lay in any square, street, lane, or alley, the owner or proprietor of such materials shall cause a lamp or lantern, with a good and sufficient light therein, to be securely hung up, placed or fixed on a post or other- wise, at each of the two corners of such enclosure, and in such manner as clearly and plainly to show the place and extent occupied by such materials. And the said lamp or lantern shall be lighted at or before dark, in the evening, and shall continue to burn until day light And the City Marshal and City Constables are hereby enjoined to notice and report to the Mayor all encroachments, obstructions, or nuisances mentioned herein. Sec. 6. And he it further ordained, That all dirt, litter, or rubbish, created by the erection or repair of any building now erecting or that may hereafter be erected or repaired,, shall be carried off by the person or persons owning said building or engaged or interested in or conducting such buildings or repairs to the place of depositing the scaven- ger's filth, or to such other place as may be pointed out by the Mayor or any one of the Street and Lane Committee. And if such litter, dirt or rubbish, shall remain on any of the streets, lanes, or squares for a time exceeding five days, it shall be the duty of the Marshal, and he is hereby re- quired, to employ any number of carts or wagons that may be necessary, and to have the same removed to such place or places as may be designated as aforesaid, at the expense STREETS. 39S> of the persons owning said building or engaged or interest- ed in or conducting the same ; and any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be punished as is hereinafter directed. Sec. 7 This section, in relation to the ground to be allowed for steps or porticoes to houses, on the public streets and squares, is superceded and repealed by the 1st section of Ordinance passed 30th January, 1840 — see said Ordinance immediately succeeding this. Sec. 8. And be it further ordained, That no railing or enclosure shall be erected by any person within the city unless the same shall be extended by the person putting it up, to the line of his or her lowest step, and in no case shall a railing or enclosure be erected within the line of the lowest step, and if a railing be extended beyond the line of the lowest step, the person erecting the same shall carry it out to the space allowed for steps, and no step or impediment shall be erected in any lane in the city to exceed two feet. (See this section amended and explained by Ordinances passed 7th August, 1845, and 12th November, 1846, below.) Sec. 9. This section, in relation to the number of feet to be allowed for pavements, is superceded and repealed by the 2d section of Ordinance pass- ed 30th January, 1810, immediately succeeding this Ordinance. Sec. 10. And be it further ordained, That all encroach- ments and obstructions, contrary to the provisions of the 7th, 8th and 9th sections of this Ordinance, and all other obstructions not herein particularly enumerated, shall be removed in the manner pointed out by the 5th section of this Ordinance, and the offenders and persons molesting or troubling the City Marshal and Constables in the execution of their duty, shall be punished and dealt with in the man- ner prescribed by the said fifth section of this Ordinance. Sec 11. And be it further ordained, That when the City Marshal or City Constables shall be engaged in the removal of any encroachment or obstruction, under any 400 STREETS. section of this Ordinance, he or they shall be entitled to re^ ceive ten dollars each, per day, whilst thus employed, and that all other person or persons acting under said Marshal or Constables, shall receive such compensation as the May- or, acting Mayor, or Street and Lane Committee shall allow, not exceeding three dollars per day, each, which charges shall be paid by, or recovered against the person or persons interested' or concerned in the encroachment or obstruction so removed, and who ought to have removed the same. Sec. 12. And be it further ordained, That whenever the City Marshal or City Constables are ordered, under the pro- visions of this Ordinance, to remove or cause to be removed any encroachment or obstruction, the same shall be marked out and directed, under the superintendence of the City Surveyor or the Street and Lane Committee, or a special committee of council, to be appointed for that purpose, and the said committee or officers, are hereby authorized to call to their aid and assistance the City Watch, who are hereby required and enjoined to aid and assist in the premises. Sec. 13. And be it further . ordained, That no person shall be permitted to erect or place any steps, decending into any vault or cellar, underneath any building within the city, and which [said steps shall extend beyond the limits of the lot upon which said building is erected, but upon the express condition that nag stones or bricks shall be placed the whole length of said lot or lots, upon which said building shall or may be erected, extending as far into the street as this Ordinance directs in the case of pavements; and the first step of said stairs, descending as aforesaid, shall be laid parallel with the front of said building, and shall not extend into the street, as far as said flag-stones or brick, by eighteen inches ; and the cellar door shall be well secured with iron, and the end which extends into the street shall be level with said nag-stones or brick, and the end next to said building shall not be elevated more than two inches above the pavement. And all offenders, op- posers, and encroachments against the provisions of this STREETS. 401 section, shall be dealt with as is prescribed in the fifth sec- tion of this Ordinance. Sec. 14. And be it further ordained, That as soon as council shall deem it expedient, after the passage of this Ordinance, the Committee of Streets and- Lanes shall pro- ceed, with the aid of the City Surveyor and Marshal, to graduate and level the several squares, streets and lanes, within the city, or such parts thereof as to the said commit- tee may seem necessary, and to cause the said squares, streets and lanes to be cut down or raised up, as may be necessary, in order to produce a proper level, and the said City Surveyor shall determine the proper standard of eleva- tion, whereby to regulate the same. (The balance of this section stricken out — see 1st section of Ordinance passed 2d July, 1840, below.) Sec 15. And be it further ordained, That no person shall be permitted to increase or lower the height of the side walks in front of his or her lots above or below. (This section is amended here by striking out certain words and •inserting in lieu thereof the following: "the level or grade directed by the City Surveyor, and a majority of the Street and Lane Committee/ 7 — see 1st section of Ordinance passed 2d July, 1840.) And no person, without the permission of the Street and Lane Committee, shall throw any dirt, filth, or rubbish, or any matter or material whatsoever, in any street, lane or square, by which the proper level, as estab- lished, may be destroyed. And all offenders and encroach- ments against the provisions of this section, shall be dealt with as prescribed in the fifth section of this Ordinance. Sec 16. And be it further ordained, That whenever any person owning or leasing, or possessing any lot, (this section is here amended by striking out the following words "between East and West-Broad streets, and South-Broad street and the Bay" — see Ordinance 3d November 1S42, berow), shall pave, or in any manner alter the surface of a public street in front of his lot, he shall be bound to con- form to the levels and inclinations, (this section is here 51 402 STREETS. amended by striking out certain words and inserting in lieu thereof the following words a marked and prescribed by the City Surveyor" — see 1st section Ordinance 2d July 1840, below), whose duty it shall be to grade and stake down the place to be paved or otherwise altered both on the line of the lots and the limits hereinbefore determined on the street, driving a stake at every ten feet of line, and the said Surveyor shall attend within five days after he shall be re- quested to do so. (The next two succeeding paragraphs of this section are repealed and superceded by the provisions as they are contained in Ordinances passed, 28th August, 1851, 26th August, 1852 and 29th December, 1853. See the last three Ordinances under this title.) And any pave- ments hereafter to be made which shall not conform to the provisions of this section, shall be considered an encroach- ment and may be removed in the manner specified in the fifth section of this Ordinance. And the person violating the same, or the owner, lessee or possessor of the lot, may be fined by the Mayor, or acting Mayor, or Aldermen pre- siding at the Police Court, or by the Council, in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, and a like penalty may be inflicted upon any person who shall alter the position of any of the stakes so placed by the City Surveyor.- Sec. 17. And be it further ordained^ This section is superceded by the provisions as they are contained in an Ordinance, entitled an Ordinance to regulate the paving of the side walks in the Cfcy of Savannah, passed 28th Aug., 1851. See said Ordinance below. Sec 18. And he it further ordained, That the fronts of all the wharf lots within the limits of the City, east of West Broad street, shall consist of only double solid heads, and that the space between the two solid heads, shall be filled up with stone or wood, and that it shall be unlawful to erect any platform, stage or improvement in front of the said wharf lots, other than double solid heads, to be built of solid logs or ranging timber and filled up with stone or wood. And that any front or head, erected or set up in any manner, or STREETS. 401 &{ any materials different from those prescribed by this sec- tion, shall be taken down and removed by order of the City Council, and the expense of taking down and removing the same, sha,ll be chargeable on the wharf, and recoverable by distress and sale of said wharf and improvements, in the usual manner; and any person offending against the pro- visions of this section, may be fined in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, for each week such improper front or head shall remain. Sec. 19. Snd be it further ordained, That no person shall bring, deposit, lay, or cause to be brought, deposited or laid on any or either of the public docks, wharves or landing places, at the north end of, or opposite to the streets in this city, any boards,plank,ranging timber, staves, fire wood, shingles or other lumber whatever, and no person shall ship from or land at, or cause to be shipped from or landed at any of the public wharves or docks within the City of Savannah, any rice, tobacco, cotton, lumber, corn, bales, packages, trunks or any species of merchandise, whatever; and no person shall erect or cause to be erected on any of the public wharves, scales or triangles for the purpose of weighing or ascertaining the weight of any article whatever. Provided, That nothing con- tained in this section shall be construed to prevent any Planter from landing out of his boat or canoe the product of his or her plantation, either for sale or for family use, but in no case shall he or she be allowed to occupy the said public wharf or dock longer than is absolutely necessary. And all offenders against the provisions of this section, shall be dealt with as is prescribed in the fifth section of this Ordi- nance, and the said articles maybe seized and retained until the fine imposed be paid, Sec. 20. And be it further ordained, That it shall not be lawful for any person to make fast any boat or other water craft, or to land oysters, clams, or other shell fish at any of the wharves or public docks in this City, other than at the public dock adjoining Wayne's wharf, and at the public dock fronting East Broad street. 404 STREETS. Sec. 21. And be it further ordained, That it shall not be lawful for any person to remove any sand from the bank of the bluff of this City. (The balance of this section re- pealed. See section first Ordinance May 2d, ] 844 ? below. Sec 22. And, be it further ordained, That all persons owning or erecting any parapet wall bordering on or rang- ing with any street leading to the river Savannah, or any of its wharves, or running at right angles, or in any manner diverging from said streets, shall at their expense erect and at all times keep in good repair, a good and sufficient ban- nister or balistrade of wood or iron on such wall, which said banister or balistrade shall be at the proper distance from the brink of said wall, and shall be of not less than three feet high and calculated by its strength and construc- tion to afford protection to passengers. Sec 23. And be it further ordained, That it shall not be lawful for the master, owner, consignee or any other person concerned, to land ballast from any vessel, unless the same be immediately removed to such place as may be pointed out by the Marshal of the City, or any of the Street and Lane Committee. Sec 24. And be it further ordained, That the Mayor or acting Mayor may give permission (without which it shall be unlawful,) to any owner, consignee or agent of any cot- ton or other bulky merchandise which may have been en- damaged by rain or water in its transportation to Savannah, to expose the same while in its wet condition, not exceed- ing three days, in any public place contiguous to the store or warehouse in which it is intended to be deposited when dry : Provided, That nothing herein contained shall authorize any such exposure in any of the lanes ; nor of any hides or other article of merchandise whatever which may be injurious to the health, or disgusting to the smell of the citizens, nor of any cotton not packed in bags. Nor shall any person be authorized to obstruct, block up or in any manner interrupt with cotton or other merchandise the free passage of any citizens on foot or horseback, or in a STREETS, 405 carriage through any of the public squares, streets or places whatsoever. And all offenders and obstructions against the provisions of this section, shall be dealt with as is prescribed in the fifth section of this Ordinance. Sec. 25. And he it further ordained, That all offenders against any of the provisions of this Ordinance, not other wise specially provided for, shall be punished and fined as is prescribed by the fifth, section thereof, and all encroach- ments on the public property not specially enumerated herein, may be removed in the manner pointed out in the Jfifth section. And all penalties and fines (when not other- wise specially provided for herein,) shall be enforced and collected in the manner prescribed by the existing charter and laws relating to the City of Savannah, and all fines when collected shall be paid one half to the City Treasury, for the use of the city, and the other half to the informer. -Sec 26. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 19th August, 1839. ROBERT M. CHARLTON, Mayor. AN ORDINANCE, Amendatory of the various Ordinances of the City, passed in relation to steps, porticoes, pavements and trees. Sec 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That the number of feet upon the public squares and streets of this city which it shall be lawful to occupy for steps or porticoes to houses or for side walks or pavements, shall be as follows: — On streets thirty-seven and a half feet in width and forty teet in width, four feet six inches for steps and porticoes, and four feet beyond that line for pavements. On streets forty-five and fifty feet in width, five feet for 406 STREETS, steps and porticoes, and four feet beyond that line for pave* ments, On streets from sixty to eighty-five feet in width, six feet for steps and porticoes, and four feet beyond that line for pave- ments. On streets one hundred feet in width, seven feet for steps and porticoes, and five feet beyond that line for pavements. On streets one hundred and forty feet in width, eight feet for steps and porticoes, and seven feet beyond that line for pavements. On the Bay five feet six inches for steps and porticoes,, and four feet six inches beyond that line for pavements. In squares in front of all trust lots, (except those lying east of Lincoln street and west of Jefferson street,) ten feel for steps .and porticoes, and six feet beyond that line for pavements. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained. That the trees shall be planted one foot beyond the line allowed for pave- ments, and the said trees shall be planted twenty feet from each other unless otherwise provided, but in streets forty- five and fifty feet in width they shall be planted twenty-two and a half feet apart, except south of Liberty street, where they shall be planted tiventy-jive feet from each other, and in streets of sixty to eighty-five feet in width running north and south, the trees shall be planted twenty -two and a half feet apart when planted north of Liberty street, and twenty five feet apart when planted south of Liberty street. And in streets of sixty to eighty-five feet in width, run- ning east and west, they shall be planted twenty feet apart. And in streets one hundred feet in width, they shall be planted twenty-two and a half feet apart, and in rear of all trust lots, wherever situate, and without reference to the width of the street, they shall be planted twenty feet apart Sec. 3. Repealing clause. Passed in Council, 30th January 1844. ROBERT M. CHARLTON, Mayor. Attest : M. Myers,, Clerk Council STREETS. 407 AN ORDINANCE, To amend an Ordinance, entitled an Ordinance, for regula- ting the election, qualification and duties of the City Sur- veyor; to fix the number of feet for porticoes, railings, enclosures and pavements, and to regulate the same, and for the better keeping the squares, streets and public places and wharves and docks of the City of Savannah free and clear of obstruction, and for other purposes connected therewith, passed on the 19th August, 1839o Sec, 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That the fourteenth section of the above recited Ordinance shall be amended by striking out therefrom- the words, "from and conforming to the accompanying map" and that the fif- teenth section of said Ordinance, shall be amended by striking out therefrom, the words, "the common level of the streets, as ascertained in the accompanying map," and in- serting in lieu thereof, "the level or grade directed by the City Surveyor and a majority of the street and lane com- mittee.' 7 And that the sixteenth section of said Ordinance shall be amended by striking out the words, "marked in the accompanying map, for which purpose he shall call on the City Surveyor/' and in lieu thereof shall be inserted "mark- ed and prescribed by the City Surveyor." Sec. 2. Jlnd be it further ordained, That any owner of a lot, who shall consider him or herself agrieved by the acts of the City Surveyor and street and lane committee under this Ordinance, he or she shall have the right to ap- peal to Council for its decision. Sec. 3. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 2d July, 1849, ROBERT M. CHARLTON, Mayor* Attest: M. Myers, Clerk Council ■ 406 STREETS. AN ORDINANCE, To amend the several Ordinances of ttie City in reference' to pavements or side walks. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That the space allowed for steps and porticoes in the nar- row streets running east and west, on the side adjoining the trust lots, shall be four feet in width and no more, and that the space allowed for pavements, contiguous to such trust lots, shall be two feet beyond the line allowed for steps and porticoes and no more. Sec. 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 25th March, 1841.. - AN ORDINANCE,. To amend an Ordinance for regulating the election, qualifi- cation and duties of the City Surveyor, to fix the number of feet of porticoes, railings, enclosures and pavements, &c, passed 19th August, 1839. Sec 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That the sixteenth section of the above recited Ordinance, shall be amended by striking therefrom the words "Between East and West Broad streets, and South Broad street and the Bay." Sec 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 3d November, 1842. W. H. CUYLER, Chairman, Attest: Elisha Wylly, Clerk Council. STREETS. 409 AN ORDINANCE, To amend an Ordinance to regulate the public streets of the City. Passed 19th August, 1839. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hmnlets thereof, in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That so much of the section twenty-one of the above recited Ordinance, as permits any one to dig under the bluff for white sand, be and the same are hereby repealed. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That any person who shall dig or remove sand or earth, or deposit sand, earth or other material, at any point hereafter under the bluff, or any where else upon the public domain, or in the streets or lanes of the City, without authority previously obtained in writing from the chairman of the committee of streets and lanes, shall be fined five dollars for the first, ten dollars for the second, fifteen dollars for the third and twenty dollars for the fourth offence and so on at the discretion of the Mayor, the half of which fines shall go to such Marshal, Constable or other public officer as may report the offender for breach of this Ordinance. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained, That any slave or free person of color violating this Ordinance, his owner or guardian shall be held liable for the offence. Sec. 4. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 2d May, 1844. W. THORNE WILLIAMS, Mayor Attest : Wm. P. Bo wen, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, To amend and explain the eighth section of an Ordinance, entitled' an Ordinance, for regulating the election, qualifi- cation and duties of the City Surveyor, and to fix the number of feet of Porticoes. Passed the 1 9th August, 1839, 52 410 STREETS. Sec. 1. Be it Ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordainedby the authority of the same^ That nothing contained in the eighth section of said Ordi- nance, above mentioned, shall be so construed as to permit any railing or enclosure to be erected beyond the line of the lot, unless in front of a dwelling house, and that no brick or other fence, other than an iron or wooden railing, shall in any case be erected or put up beyond the line of the lots. And that no railing of any description, shall be erected in front of a vacant lot or lots not actually having a dwelling house thereon, and that whenever any railing is erected, in pursuance of the eighth section, as amended and explained by this Ordinance, the line of the lot shall be defined and enclosed, either by the house, or an inner fence. And that the said railing shall be erected as prescribed by said eighth section, as amended and explained by this Ordinance. Sec 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 7th August, 1845. R. WAYNE, Mayor. Attest: Edward G, Wilson, Clerk Council. r AN ORDINANCE, To amend an Ordinance, entitled an Ordinance, to amend and explain the eighth section of an Ordinance, entitled an Ordinance, regulating the election, qualifications, and duties of the City Surveyor, to fix the number of feet to Porticoes, &c. Sec 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That the Ordinance above mentioned be so amended, as to permit open railings, either of iron or wood, to be erected opposite the side walks of a dwelling house. Provided the STREETS. 411 game shall not extend beyond one half the space allowed for said railings, as set forth in the eighth section, aforesaid Sec. 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 12th November, 1S46. H. K. BURROUGHS, Mayor. Attest: A. C. Davenport, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, To amend an Ordinance, entitled an Ordinance, for regu- lating the qualifications and duties of the City Surveyor^ to fix the number of feet of Porticoes, Railings and En- closures, and Pavements, and to regulate the same, &c. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That the space allowed for Porticoes, on Jones, Taylor, Gor- don and Gaston streets, be six feet, and for Pavements eight feet. q Sec 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 29th April, 1847. H. K. BURROUGHS, Mayor, Attest: A, C. Davenport, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, Amendatory of the various Ordinances of the City of Sav- annah, passed in relation to Steps, Porticoes, Pavements, &c v &c. Sec 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That in lieu of Porticoes or Steps, it shall be lawful for the 412 STREETS. owner or owners of brick or stone houses, to erect columns thereto, not exceeding eighteen inches in diameter, Provided the covering thereof is not less than ten feet high, and pro- vided also, that the columns shall be placed outside the curb stone and touching the same. Sec. 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 15th March, 1849. R. WAYNE, Mayor, Attest: Edward G. Wilson, Clerk Council, AN ORDINANCE, To regulate the paving of the side walks in the City of Savannah. Sec 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Mdermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after* the passage of this Ordinance, every owner of a lot, piece or parcel of ground, within the corpor- ate limits of the City of Savannah, whether the same be owned in fee simple, or held under the usual title from the City, shall be bound within six months of the notice given, to place a good and sufficient pavement or side walk of first quality of bricks or flag stones, the curb of which shall in every instance be of curb stones, along the whole length and depth of said lot, which may front on any street or square of the city, and said pavement or side walk shall be of the width now prescribed by the Ordinances of the city, and of such height and level, as shall be marked out by the City Surveyor. And any person failing to comply with the above notice, within the time aforesaid, then the City Sur- veyor and City Marshal shall cause the same to be done and return the amount of costs and charges to the Mayor and Aldermen, who shall order the City Treasurer to issue his execution for the same, against the owner or lessee of STREETS. 413 the lot, which shall be levied and collected as all other ex- ecutions for taxes and assessments on real estate. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That all persons who have hitherto neglected or refused to have their side walks paved in front of their lots, under the present Ordi- nances of the City, shall be forthwith notified by the Marshal to do so, within the time specified in the first section of this Ordinance, and on failing to comply, the Marshal and the City Surveyor shall proceed, as in case of default, under said first section. Sec 3. And be it further ordained, That all pavements or side walks now finished, or that may hereafter be finished in any manner, than that prescribed in the first section of this Ordinance, shall be kept in good order and repaired from time to time as the same may require repairs, by the owners or lessees of the lots. And on failure to repair and keep in order, as aforesaid, it shall be the duty of the City Marshal to give notice to the owner of the lot, or to his agent, whether the same be held in fee simple or under the ordinary City title; that the pavement is in bad order or requiring repairs. And if the same is not attended to within thirty days, then the City Marshal shall proceed as is directed in the first sec tion of this Ordinance, in case of default under the same. Passed in Council 28th August, 1851. R. WAYNE, Mayor. Attest: Edward G. Wilson, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, Further to define the duties of the City Surveyor, and to increase his Salary. Sec 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That it shall be the duty of the City Surveyor, to make for 414 STEAM BOATS. the city all necessary surveys of the Springfield plantation, and all city grades and other duties required by the different committees of council for public purposes, also the laying down of pavements. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That the Salary of the City Surveyor, shall be one thousand dollars per annum ? with such labor, as the committees of council shall allow to aid in the surveys. Passed in Council 26th August, 1852. RICHARD D. ARNOLD, Mayor. Attest: R, F. Aiken, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, To be entitled an Ordinance to define certain duties of the City Surveyor. Sec 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem* bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same 7 That it shall be the duty of the City Surveyor, in addition to the duties now prescribed by existing Ordinances, under the direction of the Mayor or the committee on Streets and Lanes, to superintend and examine any public work or im- provement in progress in the city, to lay out the public squares and parks, and fix the position of trees to be planted in the squares, parks or streets. Sec 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 29th December, 1853. JOHN E 0 WARD, Mayor, STEAM BOATS. 415 STEAM BOATS. AN ORDINANCE, To regulate the speed of Steam Boats, while running with- in the limits of the wharves of the City of Savannah. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after its passage no Steam Boat shall, while passing the line of wharves in the city, exceed in speed five miles per hour. Every Steam Boat so violating, the owner or owners thereof, shall be subject to a fine not exceeding thirty dollars, for each and every offence. Sec 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 28th November, 1844. W. THORNE WILLIAMS, Mayor. Attest: Wm. P. Bowen, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, To render more effective the service of the New York and Savannah Atlantic Navigation Company. Whereas it is of vital importance, both to the public and company . aforesaid, that its operations should be free of de- lays and hindrances to which its Steamers might be unavoid- ably exposed, if subject to the rules and regulations of the Port, with respect to the berths of vessels. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Mdermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the passage of this Ordinance, the agent or agents of the company aforesaid, shall have the entire 416 STEVADORES, PORTERS OR LABORERS, control, independent of the Harbor Master, of Anderson's lower wharf, or other wharf or wharves that they may own,> hire or lease, for the service of the company aforesaid. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That should any vessel or vessels not belonging to the company aforesaid, be moored at, or lying alongside the said company's wharf or wharves, without their permission, it shall be the duty of the Harbor Master whenever requested by the agent or agents of the company aforesaid, to remove or cause to be removed without delay, the intruding vessel or vessels aforesaid. Sec. 3, Repealing clause. • Passed in Council 3d August, 1848. H. K. BURROUGHS, Mayor, Attest : A. C. Davenport, Clerk Council STEVADORES, PORTERS OR LABORERS. AN ORDINANCE, To be entitled an Ordinance for the better regulation of Stevadores and other Laborers receiving badges from the City. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That on proof of any Stevadore or other laborer having de- frauded the person or persons hired by him in the stowing of cargoes, or other work, of their just dues by retaining a part or refusing to pay over such amounts as are due the said Stevadore or laborer, having a badge from the City, shall forfeit the same, and shall not be entitled to receive another STEAM ENGINES, 417 badge, until it shall be made to appear, that he hag paid all sums due to such hired person or persons. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That the hearing of such proof against such Stevaclore or laborer, shall be before the Mayor, once a fortnight, at such time as he may appoint, and his decision shall be final in the case, or subject to re- vision by the board as are his decisions in the police court If the person charged be found guilty, he shall be dealt with as prescribed in the third section of this Ordinance. Sec. 3. And he it further ordained, That if any Steva- dore or laborer found guilty of cheating, or withholding the money due his hired men, and declared disqualified to re- ceive a badge from the City, be found at any time engaged in the business of a Stevadore or laborer without a badge, on proof thereof to the Mayor, said Stevadore or laborer shall be fined in the sum of twenty-five dollars, or receive thirty -nine lashes at two different and distinct periods, at the discretion of the Mayor, by the hands of the officer des- ignated by him, and at such place as he may direct. Sec. 4. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 10th August 1843. RICHARD D. ARNOLD, Mayor. Attest : . Elisha Wylly, Clerk Council. STEAM ENGINES. AN ORDINANCE. To prohibit the erection or use of Steam Engines within the corporate limits of the City of Savannah, without the permission of the City Council of said city. Sec. 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem^ 53 TAXES. bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same; That from and after the passing of this Ordinance, no Steam Engine shall hereafter be erected or used within the corpo- rate limits of the City of Savannah, and the hajxilets thereof, without first obtaining the permission of the City Council of said city. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That if any person' or persons, shall violate any of the provisions of this Ordi- nance, he, she or they shall on conviction before the police court, be fined in a sum not exceeding twenty-five dollars per day, for each and every day such Steam Engine shall be erected or used, one half of the said fine to be payable' to the informer, the other half into the City Treasury. Sec. 3. Repealing clause. Passed in Council, 2d June, 1854. JOHN E. WARD, Mayor*- Attest: Edward G. Wilson, Clerk Council. TAXES. AN ORDINANCE, To amend an Ordinance, entitled an Ordinance, to impost a tax on Agencies of Insurance and on dealers in Lottery Tickets, passed 3d day of March, 1838. Sec's. I, II, andlll. These sections which imposed a speci- fic tax on all Agencies of Insurance Companies established in this city, and pointing out the mode and manner in which the same was to be collected, are superseded and repealed by the second and fourth sections of an Ordinance passed 13th March 3 1851. See said Ordinance below. TAXES. 419 Sec. 4. And be it further ordained, That from and after the first day of September next, there shall be anniaally*paid to the City Treasurer, for the use of the city, by each and every person who shall for money or other valuable thing or reward, sell, dispose of, deliver, or for another receive or order, any lottery ticket or any part or share of a lottery ticket, or who shall advertise, exhibit any sign, or otherwise offer to do so the sum of one hundred dollars, which sum shall be paid to the Treasurer, before such person shall as aforesaid, sell, dispose of, or deliver, or for another receive, or order, or advertise, or exhibit any sign, or otherwise offer to sell, dispose of, deliver, receive, or order any lottery ticket or any part or share of any lottery ticket. And if any per- son shall for money, or other valuable thing or reward, sell, dispose of, or for another receive, or order any lottery ticket, or any part or share of a lottery ticket, or advertise, or ex- hibit any sign, or otherwise offer so to do, without having previously paid the said sum of one hundred dollars to the City Treasurer, he or she shall on conviction before council forfeit and pay the sum of one hundred dollars, for each and every time, he or she shall so sell, dispose of, deliver, or for another receive, or order any lottery ticket, or shall ad- vertise, exhibit any sign, or otherwise offer to do so. Sec. 5. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 30th August, 1838. M. HALL MCALLISTER, Mayor. AN ORDINANCE, To amend and consolidate the various Ordinances of the City of Savannah, for raising a fund for the support of a Watch in the City of Savannah, and to prescribe the mode of assessing and collecting Taxes in the City of Savannah, and for other purposes connected therewith. 420 TAXES. Sec. I. This section which imposes a certain specific fax on ail real estate and improvements in the city, is super- seded and repealed, by first section Ordinance passed nth November, 1842, and first section Ordinance passed 27th November, 1849. See said Ordinances below. Ssc. 2. This section which imposes a specific tax on stock in trade, &a, is also superseded and repealed, with the exception of the following paragraphs which are still in force, and are not superseded and repealed. See hereafter first section Ordinance passed 11th November, 1842, and 27th November, 1849, also third section of Ordinance, 16th November, 1843, and first section Ordinance, 3d February, 1848, eleventh section Ordinance, 24th January, 1842. — ■ Also by Ordinances passed 20th December, 1849, and 10th February, 1853. Title "Drays, Wagons and Vehicles." Be it further ordained, That every male white inhabi- tant, above the age of twenty-one years and below the age of sixty years, shall pay a poll tax of one dollar. And that every free negro or person of color (except such as may be enrolled in the Fire Company and exempted by the Ordi- nances., in such cases provided,) an inhabitant of this city and exercising any trade or handicraft, or the business of a huckster, carter or drayman, shall pay a poll tax of ten dol- lars, over and above their taxable property and badges, and that every other free male negro or person of color, from the age of sixteen to forty-five, (except as aforesaid,) and females from the age of fourteen to forty-five, shall pay a tax of six dollars and twenty-five cents, over and above their taxable property and badges. And the owner of every saddle horse within the city, shall pay a tax of five dollars, (except members of the Georgia Hussars, and the City Constables and City Marshal) Sec. 3. This section which imposed a monthly fine or tax on billiard tables, repealed. See Ordnance 16th Nov- ember, 1853, Title "Billiard Tables and Bowling Alleys." TAXES. 421 "Sec* 4. This section is repealed by the eleventh section of Ordinance passed 24th January, 1852. See said Ordi- nance below, Also, by Ordinance passed 29th August, 1850. See title "Auctioneers." Sec. 5. And be it further ordained, That each free person of color who may remove to the city to reside therein, from any other part of the State, shall pay to the Treasurer the sum of one hundred dollars, within thirty days from the date of his arrival as aforesaid, which said sum shall be in addition to any poll or other tax assessed by this Ordinance upon free persons of color. And if the said sum be not paid as aforesaid, the Mayor upon information being lodged with him of said default, shall and may issue his warrant, under his hand and seal, directed to the Marshal or any of the City Constables to execute, directing him or any of them to arrest and commit to the common Jail, such free person of color so in default, and the said free person of color shall be confined therein until the said sum of money is paid, or he, or she be discharged by order of Council, or due course of Law. Note.— So far as the imprisonment of . the said Free Persons of color is authorized by the foregoing section, it is declared unconstitutional and void by the Supreme Court of Georgia. See Cooper and al. vs. The Mayor, and Aldermen of the City of Savannah. 4 Georgia Reports pp. 65. Sec, 6. And he it further ordained, That in future the City Treasurer shall perform the duties of a Receiver of Tax Returns, of all taxable property in the City of Savannah.: that it shall be the duty of the said City Treasurer, to en- quire into and take an account of all real estates, stock in trade, slaves and other taxable personal (property) within the city, and also an account of all free persons of color, (who are not exempt from the payment of City Taxes, by enrollment on the list of the Fire Company,) noticing their trades, occupation and employments. And the said City Treasurer shall keep an assessment book or digest of all 422 TAXES. property liable to taxation, with the value of the same, the names of the persons owning the same, and all other per- son or persons liable to pay any City Taxes, arranged in alphabetical order, with the amount of such persons tax op? posite to his or her name, in conformity to his or her return or assessment, and the said City Treasurer shall begin his said duties on the first day of January annually. Sec. 7. Jhul he if further ordained, That all and every person or persons, who are, or may be liable to pay any tax now imposed or hereafter to be imposed by any Ordinance of the City Council, shall on or before the sixteenth day of February, annually, (except otherwise provided by this or any other Ordinance in force,) return a particular account in writing to the City Treasurer, of all the lands,, buildings, slaves, carriages, chairs and vehicles of all descriptions, subject to taxation, and saddle horses not used for draft, (ex- cept the horses of the Georgia Hussars, City Marshal and City Constables,) and of all other property subject to taxa- tion within the city, which he, she or they on the first day of January, in the said year owned or possessed, either in his, her or their own right, or in the right of any other person or persons whatever liable to pay City Taxes, specifying the situation of the said lots and buildings and the value thereof, the amount of their stock in trade, the number of slaves, laborers or tradesmen, and whether their owners be resident or non-residents, the number of wheels and description of taxable carriages, the number of saddle horses and other property subject to taxation, and shall state also their pro-r fession, whether Attorney at Law, Physicians, Auctioneers, Commission Merchants, Factors or Brokers and their polls., (when above the age of twenty-one years and below the age of sixty years,) which return, shall be attested in the words following. (See the oath as amended and which is now to be ad«? ministered in full, in first section of Ordinance immediately succeeding this Ordinance.) TAXES, 423 And the said City Treasurer or acting City Treasurer is hereby authorized and required to administer said oath and no return shall under any pretence be received by him un- less the same be on oath or affirmation as aforesaid. And in case any person or persons owning any taxable property, or liable to any taxation within the city, whether it be on property, profession or poll, shall neglect or refuse to make such return or returns, and account to the City Treasurer as aforesaid, on or before the said sixteenth day of February in every year, he, she or they shall be deemed as a defaulter or defaulters, and shall, by the said City Treasurer, be doubly assessed and be double taxed for ail his, her or their taxable property, profession or polls, according to the best informa- tion he the said City Treasurer can obtain of such taxable property, profession or polls, and from such assessment and double taxation there may be an appeal to the City Council, at any time within ten days after the time required to close the digest. And if it shall appear to the City Treasurer that the property returned and valued, is valued at a sum below its real value, he shall be at liberty to call on the Finance Committee of Council, whose duiy it shall be to ascertain the value of the same, and the City Treasurer will make his assessment from such valuation.* And the said City Treas- urer shall complete his assessment and digest of the pro- perty required, by the first day of April in every year, and return the same to the City Council, and thereupon take the following oath, viz: I do solemnly swear, that the statement or schedule which I now render of the taxable property of the persons therein named, is just and true to the best of my judgment, knowledge, information and belief. — So help me God. Sec. 8. And be it further ordained, That whenever any person shall hereafter commence business or acquire a stock * See Ordinance passed 23d February, 1854, hereafter authorizing' the Mayor to appoint three freeholders annually, to assess the value of the Seal Estate and improvements within the City subject to taxation. TAXES. in trade within the city, at any time after the first day of January, and before the first day of April in any year, and which shall not have been returned as of the first of Jan- uary, in conformity with the provisions of this Ordinance such person or persons shall on or before the first day of May, make a return on oath of the greatest amount of value of such stock in trade, which such person or persons may have been possessed of at any time between the first day of January and the first day of April, in default whereof, the City Treasurer shall assess and double tax such person or persons in the manner and under the rules prescribed for other defaulters, (and for that purpose he shall add a sup- plement to his digest,) from' which assessment, an appeal may be had to Council; and execution, as in other tax executions. Sec. 9,. Jlnd he it further ordained, That all taxes now imposed, or which may be hereafter imposed by any Ordi- nance, shall unless otherwise directed by any existing Ordi- nance, or any Ordinance hereafter to be made, be paid to the City Treasurer on or before the first day of May in each and every year, (now fifteenth day of May, in each and every y^ar. See first section Ordinance 12th April, 1849, immediately succeeding this Ordinance,) and it shall be the duty of the said City Treasurer, immediately after the said first day of May, in each and every year, (now fifteenth May,) to issue executions against all and every person who shall not on or before said day have paid his, or her or their taxes. And it shall be the duty of said Treasurer, to make a duplicate list or schedule of the same, containing the names of the persons in default and the sums due by them, and he shaii forthwith place the said executions in the hands of the City Marshal, and shall take from the said Marshal duplicate receipts for the said several executions, stating that he had received the same for immediate collection. And one of the said schedules or lists shall remain on record in the office of the Treasurer, and the other shall be delivered TAXES. 425 fcy him to Council whilst in session, and shall be filed by the clerk with the records in his office. Sec. 10, And be it further ordained, That on the delivery of the executions, and the receipt thereof by the Marshal, the Treasurer shall open an account in the books of the treasury against such Marshal, who shall be charged as in- debted to the Corporation of Savannah, to the amount of the executions so received by the Marshal, and he, the said Marshal and his securities, shall be chargeable for the same, unless collected or otherwise accounted for by this Ordi- nance. Sec. 11. And he it further ordained, That it shall be the duty of the said Marshal, to collect the amount of the several executions received by him from the Treasurer with- in sixty days after the receipt thereof, and pay such amount over to the Treasurer, and in case of non-payment of the same by the persons against whom the said executions are issued, the said Marshal shall levy upon any goods and chattels, of said defaulters, and if none to be found, or the same be insufficient to discharge the whole amount due, as aforesaid, then the houses, lots or other real estate of said de- faulters, or so much thereof as will pay the taxes due with costs, and he shall advertise and sell the same at public outcry in such manner as the Ordinances regulating sales prescribes. And in case of insolvency or absence, where no property can be found of the defendant or defaulter, it shall be spe- cially rep'orted to Council by the said Marshal, who shall have credit for the same or so much thereof as shall be allowed by Council or a committee thereof. And all exe- cutions which shall not be collected, levied on property, or returned as due by insolvent or absent persons without pro- perty and approved by Council, within three months from and after the date of the said Marshal's receipt to the Treas- urer, as aforesaid, the said several amounts thus uncollected or unaccounted for, as required by this Ordinance, shall be- come absolute sums due to the Corporation of the City of Savannah, and assumed by the said Marsha], which he shall 54 426 TAXES. pay to the Treasurer within ten days after the order of council for the payment thereof, or the same shall be collect- ed by due course of law, against the said Marshal and his securities. And the Treasurer and City Marshal shall be each entitled to the sum of fifty cents on each execution^ which shall be paid by the defendant or defaulter, and the Marshal shall also be entitled to his usual commissions on all sales made by him under such executions, to be deducted from the proceeds of the property sold. Sec 12. And be it further ordained, That if no property of any free person of color can be found to satisfy any tax execution issued against him or her, he or she shall be obliged to work on the streets, or elsewhere for the benefit of the city, under the direction of the City Marshal, until the said tax is paid, allowing one dollar for males per day and fifty cents per day for females, for such work/ Sec 1 3. And be it further ordained, That the tax im- posed by an Ordinance passed the 27th October, 1825, en- titled an Ordinance amendatory of the Fire Ordinance passed the 11th day of March, 1825, be and the same is hereby in all respects confirmed. And the following Ordi- nances are also confirmed, viz: An Ordinance entitled an Ordinance to impose a tax on the branches, offices and agencies of institutions and companies, Whose capital or money is used for banking purposes, passed on the first March, 1838, as amended by an Ordinance passed the 16th August, 1838, entitled an Ordinance, to amend an Ordi- nance to impose a tax on the branches, offices and agencies of institutions and companies whose capital or money is used for banking purposes, passed on 1st March, 1838,* and an Ordinance passed on the 30th August, 1838, entitled an Ordinance, to amend an Ordinance to impose a tax on agencies of insurance and on dealers in lottery tickets, pas» : * The Ordinance of 1st March, 1838, and as amended by Ordinance 16th August, 1838, are superceded and repealed by Ordinances passed 29th Dec, 1842, 26th Jan., 1843, and 16th Nov., 1843. See said Ordinances hereafter, TAXES, 427 sed on the 3d March, 1838. And all other Ordinances or parts of Ordinances, except those above particularly enu? merated, in any manner imposing a tax, and all Ordinances ,or parts of Ordinances militating against this Ordinance, be and the same are hereby repealed. Passed in Council 27th August, 1839. R. R. CUYLER, Chairman pro tern, Attest : Joseph Felt, Clerk Council, pro tern. AN ORDINANCE, Entitled an Ordinance, to amend an Ordinance, entitled an Ordinance to amend and consolidate the various Ordi- nances of the City of Savannah, for raising a fund for the support of the City Watch of Savannah, and to pre- scribe the mode of assessing and collecting taxes in the City of Savannah, and for other purposes connected therewith. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That in place of the oath prescribed to the persons making returns of taxable property, by the seventh section of said Ordinance. The following oath shall be administered, viz : I, do solemnly swear (or affirm as the case may be) that the return which I do now give, is a just and true account of all the property liable to, or chargable with City tax, which on the first day of January of the present year I was posses- sed of, entitled to, or interested in, in my own right, (or if the case be so as Guardian, Executor, Administrator, Agent or Trustee,) that I believe the said return to be in all res- pects a correct and honest one. That I have practised no equivocation, reservation or fraud in the same. And that the value of said property where named, is the fair- and pro- 428 TAXES. per value thereof. Ail which I swear (or affirm) to the best of my knowledge, recollection or belief. — So help me God. Sec. 2. Repealing clause. * Passed in Council 21st December, 1339.. ROBERT M. CHARLTON, Mayor. . Attest: M. Myers, Clerk of Council AN ORDINANCE, To alter the ninth section of an Ordinance, entitled an Or- dinance, to amend and consolidate the various Ordinances of the City of Savannah, for raising a fund for the support of a Watch in the City of Savannah, and to prescribe the mode of assessing and collecting taxes in the City of Sav- annah, and for other purposes connected therewith, passed the 27th August, 1839. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same. That the first paragraph of the ninth section of the above recited Ordinance, be so altered as to read as follows, "Be it further ordained, that all taxes now imposed, or which may hereafter be imposed by any Ordinance, shall (unless other- wise directed by any existing Ordinance or an Ordinance hereafter to be made,) be paid to the City Treasury on or before the fifteenth day of May in each and every year, and it shall be the duty of the said Treasurer immediately after the fifteenth day of May, in each and every year, to issue executions against all and every person who shall not on or before the said day have paid his, her or their taxes. Sec. 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 12th April, 1849. R. WAYNE, Mayor, Attest: Edward G. Wilson, Clerk Council. TAXES. AN ORDINANCE, Amendatory of and -in addition to the existing tax Ordi- nances of the City of Savannah, for raising supplies for the support of >the City Watch and for other purposes. Whereas in the opinion of this board the revenue of the city arising from ordinary sources, and from taxation under the^existing tax Ordinances will be inadequate to meet the de- mands upon the city for the ensuing year, by reason of the debt contracted by the subscription to the stock of the Central Rail Road, and of the deficiency in the usual revenue by the suspension of dividends by the Central Rail Road and Banking Company of Georgia. And whereas in consequence thereof it is deemed by this board, expedient and necessary to continue the Ordinance of the last year, adding fifty per cent on the amount of taxes imposed by the previously existing Ordinances of the city. And whereas there are various pursuits, occupations and business, yielding lucrative incomes and profits to those en- gaged in them, which now bear none or a very inconsidera- ble portion of the burden of taxation, and it being consid- ered by this board expedient and just, as far as possible to equalize that burden among all classes of citizens in pro- portion to their advantages and means. Sec. 1. This section which added fifty per cent on the taxes imposed by previously existing Ordinances for the year 1842, is superseded and repealed by Ordinance passed 22& November, 1849. See said Ordinance below. Sec. 2. And he it further ordained, That on the gross amount of sales of all negroes, goods, wares and merchan- dise, or other commodity, article, or thing sold, within the corporate limits of the City of Savannah, by any person or persons whomsoever, upon or for a commission, premium, per centage or other profit, charged or to be charged thereon, .or on joint account, and when not included in the returns as •stock in trade, and whether for cash, or credit, between the 43.0 TAXES, twenty-fourth day of January eighteen hundred and forty- two and the last day of April eighteen hundred and forty-* two inclusive, and annually thereafter, between the first day of May in each and every year, and the last day of April in each succeding year inclusive, there shall he paid by the person so selling, whether commission merchant, broker or agent of any nature or kind whatsoever, fifty cents on every hundred dollars of the amount of such sales respec- tively. Provided that this clause shall not extend to Bice, Cotton or Lumber sold by any Factor, or goods, wares or merchandise sold at public auction by Vendue Masters, That all and every person or persons selling or disposing of negroes, goods, wares, merchandise or other commodity^ article or thing, on or for a commission, premium, per cen- tage or other profit charged, or to be charged thereon, shall on the first day of May next, and annually thereafter on the first day of May in each and every succeeding year, deliver on oath a true and just return of the amount of sales, made by him, her or them within the period aforesaid to the Treasurer of the City of Savannah at his office, and then and there shall take the following oath. I, A . B., do solemnly swear, (or affirm as the case may be) that the return which I now give in, contains a just and true account of the gross amount of sales of all negroes, goods, wares, merchandise, or other commodity, article, or thing, sold by me on commission, between the twenty- fourth day of January, eighteen hundred and forty-two and the last day of April, eighteen hundred and forty- two in- clusive, (and on the first day of May and the last day of April in each succeeding year, as prescribed in this section, as the case may be) subject to taxation by the preceding clause. — So help me Gob. (See this section amended as to the time when the above return is to be made. See fifth section of Ordinance passed 13th March, 1851, below. Sec. 3. This section which imposed a tax on the gross amount of sales of all rice, cotton, and lumber upon, or for TAXES'. k commission, is repealed by Ordinance passed 22d Septem- ber, 1842, immediately succeeding this Ordinance. Sec. 4. And be it further ordained. That if any person or persons selling or disposing in the City of Savannah, of any of the articles or things mentioned in the second and third sections of this Ordinance, and who is required by those sections to make a return of the amount of sales thereof, shall fail or neglect to make such return, at the time and in the manner herein prescribed, every such person or persons shall be liable to a tax of two hundred dollars, (now one thousand dollars. — See fourth section Ordinance 11th Nov- ember, 1842, below,) to be paid into the Treasury of the City of Savannah, on the time and times prescribed for making said return, and on failure to pay the same, execu- tion immediately to issue, by the City Treasurer, against the goods and chattels, lands and tenements of all and every person so making default. Sec, 5 and 6. These sections are superseded and repeal- ed by the first and third sections of an Ordinance passed the 13th March, 1851. See said Ordinance below. Sec. 7. The first paragraph of this section imposing a specific tax on resident Dentists, is superseded by first sec- tion Ordinance 13th March, 1851, below. The remainder of this section is considered as of force and is as follows : And that every transient non-resident Dentist, be required before he commences the exercise of his p?:ofession to ob- tain from the Mayor a license, for which he shall pay twen- ty-five dollars and fees, and upon neglect or refusal to do so, shall be liable to pay double the above amount, to be re- covered by execution to issue as in other cases. Sec 8. This section repealed by Ordinance passed 27th March, 185L See said Ordinance below, TAXES. Sec. 9. And he it further ordained, That all and every transient non-resident person or persons, who shall bring into the City of Savannah, for the purpose of vending in said city, any stocks of Fancy or Dry Goods, Toys or other merchandize, whether the same be to sell on their own ac- count or for that of others, shall be liable to a tax of fifty dollars, to be paid into the City Treasury in advance, before such article or articles are vended. And that on failure to pay the same, the City Treasurer shall immediately issue execution for the collection thereof Sec. 10. *Rnd be it further ordained, That all horses and mules brought into the City of Savannah for sale, shall be liable to a tax of one dollar on each and every head to be paid into the City Treasury by the owners or agents, having charge of said- horses or mules, in advance, and before vending the same 7 and that on refusal or neglect by any owner or agent to pay the said tax, such owner or agent shall be liable to a penalty of one hundred dollars, for which sum executions shall be issued, immediately upon such refusal or neglect for the re-> covery of the said tax. Provided, that the amount of one dollar be refunded on each horse and mule carried away unsold, Sec. 11. Jind be it further ordained, That so much of the fourth section of the existing tax Ordinance, entitled an Ordinance to consolidate, &c, as imposes a tax upon goods, wares and merchandise sold on commission at private sale, and requiring a return to be made of such sale, and also the Ordinance of the 13th December, 1841, amendatory Of the said fourth section ; and all existing Ordinances im- posing any tax upon commission merchants, on account of sales on commission or income derived therefrom, and all previously existing professional tax, together with all other Ordinances or parts of Ordinances, conflicting with this Ordi- nance, be and the same are hereby repealed. Passed in Council 24th January, 1842. WM. THORN E WILLIAMS, Mayor.- Attest: Elisha Wylly, Clerk Council TAXES 433 AN ORDINANCE, To repeal in part an Ordinance amendatory of and in ad- dition to the existing tax Ordinances of the City of Sav- annah, for raising supplies for the support of a Watch, and for other purposes, passed the 24th day of January, 1842. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the M ay or andJl Mermen o f the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That the eighth section of the above described Ordinance be and the same are hereby repealed. Passed in Council 27th March, 1851. R. WAYNE, Mayor. Attest: Edward G. Wilson, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, Entitled an Ordinance, to amend an Ordinance, passed on the 24th day of January, 1842, entitled an Ordinance, amendatory of and in addition to the existing Ordinances of the City of Savannah, for raising supplies for the sup- port of the City Watch and other purposes. Sec. 1. Whereas it is the opinion of this board that so much of said ordinance as is contained in the third section authorizing a city tax on the gross sales of Rice, Cotton and Lumber sold in this market is unwise, unjust and impolitic. bEc 2. And whereas, in consequence thereof it is deem- ed by this board necessary and expedient to repeal so much of said ordinance as is hereinbefore recited, Be it therefore ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Sav- annah and Hamlets thereof in council assembled, that the same is hereby repealed. Passed in Council 22d September, 1842. RICHARD D. ARNOLD, Mayor. Attest: James Cleland, Clerk Council pro tern, 55 434 TAXES. AN ORDINANCE, Amendatory of and in addition to the Tax Ordinance of the City of Savannah, for raising supplies for the support of a Watch, and for other purposes. Whereas, it is manifest that the revenue of the City from the existing tax ordinances is insufficient to meet its current expenses. Sec. 1. Beit ordained by the May or and Alder men of th& City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same. That instead of the tax now imposed on real estate and stock in trade, in the City of Savannah, there shall be levied the following tax, that is to say, on all houses, buildings, lots and wharves within the said city, as well unimproved as improved, (excepting lots held by lease from the corporation and the lots and buildings belonging to the Academy of Chatham County, and all other charitable institutions now exempt by Ordinance,) the sum of one per cent for every hundred dollars value thereof. And on all stock* in trade ihe sum of one per cent on every hundred dollars value thereof, Sec. 2. This section is superseded and repealed by ther first and third sections of Ordinance passed 13th March, 1851, below. Sec 3. Jind be it further ordained, That no transient person selling at private sale under the name of any resident merchant, auctioneer or other resident, shall be exempt from the payment of the tax imposed by the ninth section of the ~ Ordinance entitled an Ordinance, amendatory of and in ad- dition to the existing tax Ordinances of the City of Sav- annah, for raising supplies for the support of a Watch, and for other purposes, passed the 24th day of January, 1842. (See said ninth section above, and also an Ordinance passed TAXES, 435 16th November, 1843, entitled an Ordinance to levy a tax on (transient) retail merchants, title "Licences." Sec. 4. And be it further ordained, That any person failing to make the retain contemplated (in the second sec- tion of this Ordinance,) and m the second section of the Tax Ordinance, passed on the 24th day of January, 1842, shall be liable to a tax of one thousand dollars. Sec 5. And be it furt her ordained, That the owner of each dog in the city shall pay a tax of two dollars, and the master or head of each family, shall be deemed the owner of every dog upon the lot on which said master or head of a family resides. (See this section as amended by an Ordi- nance passed 16th November, 1843, title "Dogs." Sec 6. This section is amended by the next succeeding Ordinance, passed 29th December, 1842, and then repealed by first section of Ordinance passed 16th November, 1843, below. Sec 7. And be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty of the Cashier, President, manager or chief clerk of all and every snch Bank, Insurance or Trust Company, or in- corporated Joint Stock Company, or any agency of such Bauk, Insurance or Trust Company, or incorporated Joint Stock Company, to make return to the Treasurer of the city of all such capital stock. Sec 8. And be it further ordained, That the time, mode and manner of making tax returns, the assessment and val- uation of property, and the collection of taxes and forfeiture shall remain as now in force, under the existing Ordinances of the cit}^. Passed in Council 11th November, 1842. WM. H. CUTLER, Acting Mayor. Attest: Elisha Wylly, Clerk Council. t 436 TAXES. AN ORDINANCE, Amendatory of the tax Ordinance, passed on the 11th Nov- ember, 1842. Sec. 1. Be if ordained by the Mayor and Jlldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That the sixth section of the tax Ordinance, passed 11th November, 1842, be stricken out, and in place thereof the following shall be inserted. (That all stock in the capital of any bank, (the Central Rail Road and Banking Company excepted,) insurance or trust company or any incorporated joint stock company in this city, shall pay an annual tax of one per centum every hundred dollars, of the mar- ket value of said stock.) This paragraph repealed, see first section Ordinance 16th November, 1843, below. — And that all bank agencies, shall be taxed one per cent on the amount of capital by them employed in the business of banking, or in the purchase of bills of exchange, or other paper negotiated. And any such agencies which shall fail to make returns, or shall make returns not approved of by the Finance Committee, shall pay the sum of Three Thousand Dollars. Passed in Council 29th December, 1842. RICHARD D. ARNOLD, Mayor. Attest: Elisha Wylly, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, Amendatory of an Ordinance, passed on. the 29th Decem- ber, 1842, entitled an Ordinance amendatory of the tax Ordinance, passed on the 11th November, 1842. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savan nah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same. That so much of the said amendatory Ordinance as is con- TAXES. 437 tamed after the words "market value of stock" in the tenth line, and before the words "or any other paper negotiated" in the thirteenth and fourteenth lines, be stricken out, and interlined to read "and that all bank agencies shall be taxed one per cent on the largest amount of capital by them em- ployed in the business of banking, or in the purchase of bills of exchange," Passed in Council 26th January, 1843. RICHARD D. ARNOLD, Mayor. Attest: Elisha Wylly, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, Amendatory of and in addition to the tax Ordinances of the City of Savannah, for raising supplies for the support of the City Watch and for other purposes. Sec. L. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, audit is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That so much of the tax ordinance, passed on the 11th Nov- ember, 1842, and the 29th December, 1842, as imposed a tax on the capital stock of the chartered Banks, Insurance or Trust Companies or Joint Stock Companies of the City, be and the same are hereby repealed. Provided nothing herein contained shall be construed to repeal the tax impo- sed by the said tax ordinance of the 29th December, 1842, upon the agencies or branches of any Bank established in this city. Sec. 2. And be it f urther ordained, That upon all divi- dends of pro fits declared by any Bank, Insurance or Trust Company, or any incorporated Joint Stock Company a tax of two and a half per cent shall be paid upon the amount of such dividend, on the amount or that part of the capital employed in this city ; and it shall be the duty of the Pres- ident of such Bank, Insurance or Trust Company, or incor- 438 TAXES. pirated Joint Stock Company, at the time when any dividends are declared by the respective institutions, to make a return of the amount thereof to the Treasurer of the City, and to pay the tax hereby imposed, and if any Bank, In- surance or Trust Company, or incorporated Joint Stock Company, shall fail to make such return at the times hereby required, or to pay the tax hereby imposed, it shall pay the sum of fifteen hundred dollars, to be collected by execution. S^c. 3. \flnd be it further ordained, That every slave within the City of Savannah, on the first day of January, or who shall come to reside in the City at any time during the year, shah be subject to the following tax. Those over twelve years of age and under sixty, shall be subject to a tax of four dollars, and any slave working out or employed in the city, where the owner resides out of the city, shall be subject to a tax of fifteen dollars, over and above the cost of his proper badge.* Provided, That this section shall not ex- tend to slave mechanics, within the ages last mentioned, working out or employed as mechanics within the limits of the City of Savannah, who shall be subject to a tax of ten dollars. Every free person of color within the City of Sav- annah carrying on any trade or art, or being a mechanic and under the age of sixty years, shall be subject to a tax of ten dollars. And every slave coming into the city after the first day of January, and who may be required by the Ordinance to take out a badge, shall be liable to the tax here- in assessed, to be paid at the time of taking out said badge, And all slaves whose owners reside out of the city, hired or working in stores or warehouses, or on board Steamboats, Steamboat companies, wharves or driving drays or wagons, shall be required to take out a Porter's badge. Sec. 4. This section is superseded and repealed by first and third sections of Ordinance, passed 13th March, 1851^ below. * Repealed by Ordinance 19th Oct, 1854— see appendix. TAXES. 439 Sec. 5. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 16th November, 1S43. WM. THORNE WILLIAMS, Mayor. Attest : Joseph Felt, Clerk Council, pro tern. AN ORDINANCE, Entitled an Ordinance, amendatory of an Ordinance, entitled an Ordinance, amendatory of and in addition to the tax Ordinances of the r ity of Savannah, for raising supplies for the support of the City Watch, and for other purposes, passed in council 16th November, 1843. Sec 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That section third of the above recited Ordinance be amend- ed by striking out that portion relating to slave mechanics whose owners reside in the city, and inserting in lieu there- of the following, f, that all slave mechanics hird out by the month or year, whose owners reside in the city, shall in ad- dition to the regular mechanics badge pay the tax assessed upon other negroes of four dollars per head. Sec. 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council, 3d February 1848. H. K. BURROUGHS, Mayor. Attest : A. C. Davenport, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, To reduce the taxes of the City of Savannah. Sec 1 . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same > 440 TAXES. That from and after the passing of this Ordinance the ex- isting tax Ordinances of the City he so amended as to reduce the tax on Real Estate twenty-five per cent, and the tax on Negroes twenty-five per cent, and the tax on Stock in trade twenty-five per cent, and the tax on Income twenty-five per cent. Sec. 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 22d November, 1849. R. WAYNE, Mayor. * Attest : Edwaud G. Wilson, Clerk Council. • AN ORDINANCE, For levying certain taxes, and repealing the Tax Ordinance passed 13th February, 1851. Whereas it appears expedient to the Mayor and Alder- men of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in council assembled, to impose and levy the taxes hereinafter specified, for the safety, benefit, convenience and advantage of said city. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the Oily of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That each commission merchant and auctioneer, factor, res- ident or doing business in the City of Savannah, and each and every other person or persons who shall pursue the busi- ness or calling of a merchant, and whose stock in trade is not taxed, shall pay into the City Treasury the sum of twen- ty dollars, and each lawyer and physician and dentist, shall pay the sum of ten dollars. Provided, That nothing herein contained shall prevent any person, above included, from making a return of his gross income derived from commis- sions (whether ordinary or guaranty commissions,) charged on purchases and sales of any article whatever, on procuring and collecting freights, on receiving and forwarding goods, TAXES, 441 6n all rroney negotiations, on the purchase or sale of stocks, or other evidences of debt, or arising from the pursuit of his profession or calling and paying thereon one per centum, in lieu of the above specific tax, the above return and taxes to be made and paid, for the present, on the first Monday in May next and thereafter at the same time that returns are now made under the general tax Ordinances of the city. Sec. 2. And he it further ordained, That a tax of four per cent shall be levied, assessed atid paid on all premiums up. to five thousand dollars, and of one per cent on all sums above that amount received by Insurance companies or agents of Insurance companies, after deducting all losses of insurance effected at said offices in this city, during the year prior to the returns. And every agent or company failing to make said returns, shall be taxed in the sum of one thousand dollars. The next return under the above to be made on the 1st January, 1852, for premiums received since the date of the last return, and on the 1st January, in each and every year thereafter. Sec 3. And be it further ordained, That the Ordi- nance passed on the 13th February, 1851, and all parts of Ordinances imposing a tax on income as derived from the sources specified in the first section of this Ordinance, be and the same are hereby repealed. Sec 4. And be it further ordained, That in all cases of default under this Ordinance, the City Treasurer shall issue executions as now provided by law. Sec 5. And be it further ordained, That the returns by commission merchants, of the gross sales by commission under the existing Ordinances, shall be made the present year as therein prescribed, but hereafter it shall be made, and the tax paid at the time specified in the general tax Or- dinances of the city. Passed in Council 13th March, 1851. R. WAYNE, Mayor, Attest : Edward G. Wilson, Clerk Council 442 TAXES. AN ORDINANCE, Amendatory of and in addition to the existing Ordinances of the City of Savannah, regulating the tax on negro slavesj and the price of badges and licenses for vehicle. Sec. 1. Be it Ordained by the May or and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council as- sembled, audit is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the passing of this Ordinance, each and every person or persons, who may hereafter come into the City of Savannah, with the bona fide intention of residing, and carrying on business in said city, shall be allowed to take out badges for each and every slave bona fide owned by him, her or them, upon paying therefor the same tax and price for badges, and licenses for vehicles^ as are required from resident owners, Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That from and af- ter the passing of this Ordinance, all badges issued, or licenses for vehicles taken out by residents of the City of Savannah, between the first day of July and the thirty-first day of December, shall be issued or taken out, at one half the several sums prescribed for badges, or licenses for vehicles, by the existing Ordinances of the city. Sec. 3. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 29th December, 1853. JOHN E. WARD, Mayor. Attest: Edward G. Wilson, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, Entitled an Ordinance, to amend an Ordinance, entitled an Ordinance amendatory of and in addition to the existing tax Ordinances of the City of Savannah, for raising sup- plies for the support of a Watch, and for other purposes* passed 24th January, 1842. TAXES, 443 Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hnmlets thereof in Council as- sembled^ and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That all and every person or persons residing in the City of Savannah, who shall bring, or cause to be brought into said city, for the purpose of vending in said city, any stock of fancy or dry goods, toys, fire crackers or other kinds of fire works, or any other merchandize whatever, usually sold be- fore, during or after Christmas or other holidays, whether the same be to sell on their own account or for that of others, shall be liable to a tax of thirty dollars, to be paid into the City Treasury in advance, before such article, articles or merchan- dize are vended. And that on failure to pay the same, the City Treasurer shall immediately issue executions for the collection thereof. Provided, That this section shall not be construed to extend to any person or persons, renting and keeping store or shops yearly for the vending of goods, wares, merchandize or other articles above specified, and who pay an annual tax to the City on the same. Sec 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 26th January, 1854. SOLOMON COHEN, Mayor pro. tern. AN ORDINANCE, To authorize the Mayor of the City of Savannah, annually to appoint three freeholders to assess the value of the real estate and improvements within said City and to prescribe the compensation of such assessors. ■ Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, audit is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That the Mayor of the City of Savannah, shall on the last Monday in February, instant, and^on the^first Monday in February annually thereafter, appoint three freeholders of 444 TAXES. the City of Savannah, who shall he called assessors, and , whose duty it shall he within the period of three weeks thereafter, to assess the value of all the real estate and im- provements in the City of Savannah, and to report such as- sessments to the City Treasurer, before the last meeting of council in March, annually. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That the said asses- sors shall view the lots and improvements before they affix a valuation on the same, and designate in their report the location and assessment upon each lot and improvements respectively, from which assessment an appeal may be had to council, within one month after the assessment has been made. Provided the taxes on such assessment shall first have been paid to the City Treasurer. For discharging the duties aforesaid, each appraiser shall be entitled to receive from the City Treasurer the sum of one hundred dollars. Sec 3. And be it further ordained, That all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances, militating against the provisions of this Ordinance, be and the same are hereby repealed. Passed in Council 23d February, 1854. JOHN E. WARD, Mayor. AN ORDINANCE, To exempt from taxation lot letter E, Percival Ward and the improvements thereon, known as the Armory Hall build- ings. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained, by the authority of the same, That the eastern part of lot, letter E, Percival Ward, and the improvements thereon, known as the Armory buildings and belonging to the Chatham Artillery, be and the same ar© TAXES. .445 'hereby exempt from City taxation, while the same is used by the aforesaid company for military purposes. Sec. 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 29th June, 1854. JOHN E. WARD, Mayor.. Attest: Edward G. Wilson, Clerk Council AN ORDINANCE, To exempt from taxation the property of the Georgia His- torical Society. Sec, 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That lot number (9) nine and improvements, Jekyl tything, Derby ward, in the City of Savannah, the proper.y of the ■Georgia Historical Society, be and the same is hereby ex- empted from city taxation while the same is used for a library, and for purposes connected with the Georgia His^ torical Society Sec. 2. Repealing clause. . Passed in Council 3d June, 1854. JOHN E. WARD, Mayor. Attest: Edward G. Wilson, Clerk Council 440 WATCH AND POLICE, WATCH AND POLICE, AN ORDINANCE, To amend and consolidate the various Ordinances of the City of Savannah heretofore passed, for establishing ? organizing, and regulating a regular Night Watch or Guard, for the protection of the City of Savannah, and regulating the pay of the same; also, for establishing and organizing in addition thereto, a regular Day and Night Guard or Police, for the protection, good order and gov- ernment of said City, pointing out the duties and regu- lating the pay of the same, and for other purposes con- nected therewith. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same. That on and after the first day of July next, the number of privates now enrolled in the present existing Night Watch of the city, shall be, by the Mayor of the city, reduced to the number of fifty, who shall receive the sum of twenty- five ($25) dollars, per month ; subject to such regulations as are hereinafter contained. Sec 2. And be it further ordained? That from and after the first day of July next, there shall be added to the Po- lice of the City of Savannah, twenty privates, who shall be known and designated as the Special Police of the City of Savannah by day and by night; that each and all of the said privates shall be appointed by the Mayor, subject to the approval of Council, and the said privates shall hold their respective offices for the term of three years from the date of their appointment, unless in the meantime, removal therefrom for inefficiency or improper conduct, and the pay of such privates shall be five hundred ($500) dollars per annum. WATCH AND POLICE. 447 Sec. 3. And he it further ordained, That the officers of the said Police and City Watch shall consist of a Captain, two Lieutenants, and two mounted and two foot Sergeants; who shall hold their office for the term of three years, unless removed for inefficiency or improper conduct. Sec 4. And be it further ordained, That the sa'ary of thp said Captain of said Special Police and City Watch, shall be two thousand dollars per annum ; that of the first Lieutenant shall be twelve hundred dollars per annum; and that of the second Lieutenant shall be eleven hundred dollars per annum; the first mounted Sergeant the sum of seven hundred dollars per annum; and of the second six hundred dollars per annum ; the first foot Sergeant seven hundred dollars per annum; and the second, six hundred dollars per annum-. Sec 5. And be it further ordained, That the officers and privates of the police created by, and appointed under this Ordinance, shall be clothed with all the powers and liable to perform all the duties of the Constables of the City of Savannah, and shall be Constables, of the said City. Sec 6. And be if further ordained, That for the Police organized by this Ordinance, the city will furnish at its own expense, and feed twenty-two horses for the privates and two mounted sergeants, and that the other officers shall furnish their own horses— the horses of the Lieutenants to be fed at the expense of the city. Sec. 7. And be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty of the Captain, Lieutenants, mounted Sergeant and mounted privates to be at all times at the command, and in the service of the city. Sec 8. And be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty of the Captain of the Police and Watch, to have kept at the guard house a well bound blank book, in which may be recorded the loss of any property, and any reward that may be offered, with any other remarks that the loser may desire to make or any other fact which any person may desire to call the attention of the police^ which shall at all 448 WATCH AND POLICE times be subject to the inspection of any, of the officers of the City of Savannah. Sec. 9. Jind be it further ordained, That from and after the said first day of July next, the entire organization, con- trol and management of the existing City Watch, and of the Police created by this Ordinance, shall be under the control of the Captain of the Police and City Walch, under the control and direction of the Mayor, or such persons or person as may be acting in his stead, subject to such Ordi- nances, rules and regulations, as may from time to time be passed by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah ; and the said Police, and the said City Watch, officers and privates, shall be dressed and armed in such manner as the Captain of the said Police and City Watch may from time to time direct, with the approval of the Mayor or such per- sons as may be acting in his stead. Sec. 10. And be it further ordained, That no person shall be appointed under the provisions of this Ordinance^ unless he is a citizen of the United States, and can read and write. Sec. 1 1. Jlnd be it further ordained, That the officers and privates shall, before entering upon the duties of their office, take and subscribe the following oath: " I do solemnly swear, or affirm, (as the case may be,) that I will during my continuance in office, to the best of my skill and ability, faithfully discharge all the duties which may be required of me; and that I will in all cases conform to the Ordinances of the City, and forthwith report all viola- tion of the Ordinances which may come to my knowledge." And for a faithful discharge, the Captain of the said Po- lice shall enter into a bond, with security to be approved of by the Mayor, in the sum of four thousand, dollars; and each lieutenant in the sum of two thousand dollars; and each sergeant and mounted private in the sum of five hun- dred dollars; and the Mayor shall order copies of such oath or affirmation to be printed in a book to be obtained for that purpose, and each deponent or affirmant shall take and sub- WATCH AND POLICE. 449 scribe the said oath or affirmation before the Mayor or acting Mayor; and the same shall be kept among the records of council; and the footmen shall give bond, with security to be approved of by the Mayor, in the sum of fifty dollars. Sec 12. Jlnd be it further ordained, That from the first day of April (inclusive) to the first day of October (exclu- sive) of each year, the members of the City Watch shall be at the guard house and commence their tour of duty at the hour of nine o'clock at night; and from the first day of October (inclusive) to the first day of April (exclusive) of each year, the members composing the City Watch shall as- semble at the. guard house and commence their tour of duty at eight o'clock at night, at which respective hour the guard house bell shall cease to be rung ; and the said members shall continue on duty until twenty minutes before sunrise, or the ringing of the bell next morning, at which signal they shall repair and re-assemble at the guard house, there to be dismissed or retained, as circumstances may require; but they shall not take up any slaves or persons of color after day light, without good cause ; and the said City W T atch shall be subject to the orders of the Mayor or acting Mayor, and may be compelled to do any further or other duty, either by day or by night, whenever the Mayor or acting Mayor and Captain may deem it advisable or necessary to demand their services. Sec. 13. Jlnd be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty of the Captain of the Police and the City Watch, or officers in command at the guard house, to dispose of the Policemen and Watchmen in such manner as that all parts of the city may be equally guarded and protected, as far as practicable, and he shall divide the privates into two divi- sions, to be denominated the first and second divisions, and each division to be distributed as aforesaid when on active duty ; and only one division shall be on active duty at a time, except in cases of alarm or other necessity, when they shall be marched to the place of danger or necessity, as the officer in command or Mayor may order; and the 57 Watch and police. said officers and privates of the Police and City Watch are hereby required to arrest, at night, and take into custody all felon's and rioters, all disorderly or suspected persons, who may be found misbehaving themselves or in any manner disturbing the public peace or quiet; and all person who may in any manner, assault, or oppose, or resist them when" engaged in the discharge of their duty; and all slaves and free persons of color who may be found out of his or her house or enclosure or his or her, owner or employers house or enclosure, after the ringing of the guard house bell at night, unless the said slave or free person of color be ac- companied by a white person over the age of ten years, or be provided with an open written ticket, drawn according to the directions of the city Ordinances, and signed by some white person having legal authority to sign the same, and' the said person thus arrested shall be carried to the guard house, and the white person shall be detained until the next morning, when they shall be carried to the police court as hereinafter directed : Provided nevertheless, That no white person shall be detained at the guard house, unless it shall appear to the officer in command at the guard house that there was just cause for the arrest. Sec. 14. And be it further ordained, That it shall be' the duty of the officer in command at the guard house, whenever at the time of dismission of the guard he may have a prisoner or prisoners in charge, to leave on duty at the guard house a sufficient force to keep such prisoner or prisoners in custody until the police court hour, when it shall be his further duty to deliver him or them at the police office, (except on Sundays, when the said prisoner or prisoners shall be dwelt with as the Ordinance regulating the police court provides,) and the Mayor, acting Mayor or any three Aldermen may enquire into the circumstances of each case presented for examination, and make such order thereon, or affix such punishment either by fine or imprison- ment as the laws of the State, the Ordinances of the city and the nature of the case require^ and one-half of the fine WATCH AND POLICE. 451 Collected shall be paid to the arresting Policeman or Watch- man, and the other half to the city : Provided, that no fine shall be inflicted for any one offence, beyond One Hundred Dollars. And if the said prisoner or prisoners be charged with felony or breach of the peace, the Mayor or Alderman presiding as aforesaid at the police court may at his or their discretion order the prosecution of said prisoner and turn them over to a Magistrate of the county for that purpose. Sec. 15. And he it further ordained, That the sum of Fifty Cents shall be demanded and received at the guard house for the apprehension of each and every slave or per- son of color, arrested under the provisions of this Ordinance,, if he or she be demanded and released before eleven o'clock, P. M., but if demanded and released after that hour, then 4he sum of One Dollar shall be demanded and received for each person. as aforesaid; and the said sum shall in all cases he equally divided between the arresting Policeman or Watchman and the city ; and if it be not paid before eight o'clock the next morning, the said slave or free person of color shall be committed to Jail, there to remain until the said fine and all costs are paid. Sec 16. And he it further ordained, That if any of the officers or privates of the City Watch or Police after having taken up any prisoner or person in the execution of their duties, shall receive a bribe for liberating any person so apprehended, or if any of the said officers or Watchmen shall be guilty of violent, injurious or improper conduct whilst on duty to any person or persons, or if the said officers Policemen or Watchmen shall in any manner misbehave in or neglect their duties as Policemen or Watchmen, the said offender if a private may be fined or dismissed or both, at the discretion of the Mayor or acting Mayor, and his bond may also be put in suit. And the said officers may also be fined or suspended or both at the discretion of the Mayor or acting Mayor, which suspension shall be reported to Council at the next regular meeting thereof, or sooner if the Mayor or acting Mayor shall deem it advisable, and the said 452 WATCH AND POLICE, Council shall act on such information and reinstate or dis* miss said officer as to the said Council may seem proper.— And whenever any officer is thus suspended , or whenever it may be necessary to fill any vacancy temporarily, the Mayor or acting Mayor shall have the power to make such appointment and fill such vacancy, until the next meeting of Council. And Council shall at all times have the power to fill any vacancies in the same manner as the vacancies of other offices of the city are filled. And the Mayor or act- ing Mayor as the head of the Police, shall have and exer- cise a general superintendence over the officers and mem- bers of the City Watch and Police, and may at any time direct the mode and places in which .the Policemen or Watchmen shall be stationed, and shall give his directions accordingly to the officer in command at the guard house, by whom such orders shall be obeyed an d distributed. Sec. 17. And he it further ordained. That one Watch- man shall be stationed during the hours aforesaid, in the steeple of the Exchange, and he shall be furnished with a good and sufficient lantern, and he shall give the alarm to the citizens in all proper cases, by the ringing of the Ex- change bell and [by] hanging his lantern in the direction from which the cause of alarm seems to proceed, and a sem tinel shall always during guarcl hours, or whilst the watch are on duty be stationed at the guard house door, whose duty it shall be to communicate any alarm to the officer in command and to the officers and privates not in actual seiv vice; and the guard house bell shall be rung in all cases of alarm. Sec. 18. And be it further ordained, That no Watch^ man assigned for the first watch or division, shall leave his ward or station until the relief guard shall have relieved him at his post ; nor shall any watchman assigned for the second guard, leave his ward or station until the hour for discharge ing the guard shall have arrived and been announced by the ringing of the guard house bell, or such other signal as the Mayor or Captain of the Police and night Watch may designate. WATCH AND POLICE. 'Sec. 19. And be it further ordained. That if any per- son shall be convicted before the police court or council of resisting, opposing or molesting any of the officers or mem- bers of the City Watch or Police in the execution of his or their duty, the offender may be fined in a sum not exceed- ing One Hundred Dollars for each and every offence, to be collected and enforced as the laws and Ordinances provide. And the said officers or privates of the City Watch and Police are authorized and empowered in case of urgency or necessity, to demand the aid and assistance of any citizen or citizens, and all and every person refusing or neglecting to give such aid and assistance when required, may on con- viction before the police court or council, be fined in a sum not exceeding One Hundred Dollars. Sec. 20. And- be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty of the Captain of the City Watch and Police to make out a monthly Pay Roll of the officers and members of the Watch and Police, to be presented to the Mayor or acting Mayor on the first of each month for his approval and order thereon. And the said Captain shall make a re- port in writing to the Mayor or acting Mayor or any three Aldermen at the police office every morning by ten o'clock, in which he shall detail the order and rotine of duty of the several divisions, sub-divisions and patrol, note the miscon- duct or any irregularity of every and any Watchman or Policeman on duty, and shall relate the occurrences of the night ; and the Lieutenants shall report to the Captain the occurrences of that portion of the night in which they may have been on duty, to enable the Captain to make the report required of him by this section, and shall attend at the police office at 10 o'clock for the further explanation to the Mayor of such occurrences. Sec. 21. And be it further ordained, That the Mayor or acting Mayor shall appoint ten men of good repute and citizens of the United States, whose names shall be entered in the Mayor's office and with the Captain of the City Police and Watch, and who shall be styled " Supernumera- 454 WATCH AND POLICE. ries," and who shall report themselves every night at the guard house in the same manner with the other Watchmen and under pain of fine for absence, and in case of the ab- sence of any of the regular Watchmen any one or more of the supernumeraries as circumstances may require shall be employed to fill such vacancy or vacancies for the night, and all the said supernumeraries not in actual service shall repair to the guard house in all cases of alarm, and may be employed as the officer in command may direct, and when so employed the said supernumeraries shall stand in the same capacity and be subject to the same rule and dis- cipline as the regular Watchmen, and the salary of such supernumeraries on actual service shall be deducted from that of the absent regular Watchman, and the former shall be paid the same rate as the latter. And the said super- numeraries shall take and subscribe the same oath and give the same bond and security as prescribed in the case of the regular W atchmen, before their names shall be entered on the list of supernumeraries. And whenever a vacancy shall occur in the City Watch by any means, it shall be the duty of the Mayor to appoint a person from the list of super- numeraries to supply such vacancy, and also to appoint another supernumerary in the room of the individual thus transferred to the regular W atch. Sec, 22. And he it further ordained, That it shall be the duty of the Captain of the City Watch to retain the arms of the Watchmen in the guard house, (except when required for duty,) and at least once in every week thereafter to inspect the same and see that they are kept and preserved in good order. Ssc. 23. And be it further ordained, That hereafter it shall be the duty of the officers and privates of the City Watch to assemble at the guard house at nine o'clock on every Sunday morning, and on all other days set apart by the civil authority for religious observances, as well as upon such other occasions and at such hours on these occasions &s the Mayor in his discretion shall order^ prepared to per- WATCH AND POLICE. 455 form the duties of a City Police. On Sundays they shall continue on duty until dark, and at all times until dismissed in pursuance of orders from the Mayor. And the Mayor is hereby empowered to regulate from time to time, the num- ber of officers and privates required to be on duty; the number of relief; the hours of service of each relief; the arms and marks of office to be used, and all the other details necessary to efficiency. Sec. 24. And be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty of the Watchmen to preserve peace and good order throughout the day, and to arrest and carry to the guard house, all rioters or disorderly persons, and all violates of the laws of the State or Ordinances of the city; subject to the general or special instructions of the Mayor from time to time ; for which purpose they are hereby vested with the power and authority of City Constables. And the officer on duty shall cause all persons so arrested to be brought before the police court the next morning at 10 o'clock: Provided, That any white person may be released until that hour, upon entering upon a recognizance in the penal sum of one hundred dollars and with an approved security in the like sum jointly and severally; and that ail other per- sons may be released until that hour upon the master, owner or guardian or other approved white person, entering into bond in the sum of one hundred dollars; conditioned in either case for the appearance of the persons charged with the offence, at the police court at 10 o'clock the next morn- ing. And the Mayor is hereby vested with authority to ex- amine into and hear and determine on the case so brought .before him, and to inflict such penalties as the Ordinances prescribe in relation to persons arrested by the Watch at night, and to turn over for examination by the Justices of the Peace, all persons charged with offences against the laws of the State. Sec. 25. And be it further ordained, That when upon other occasions than Sundays and days set apart for religious observances, the Watch shall be called out, they shall be 45% WATCH AND POLlCR subject, and also on those days and on Sundays in addition to the duties set forth in the preceding section, to perform such other police duties as the Mayor may prescribe, not inconsistent with the laws of the State and Ordinances of the City. Sec. 26. And he it further ordained, That from and after the passage of this Ordinance, it shall be the duty of each and every Policeman and Watchman of the City of Savannah, to place upon the information docket the names of any and all persons who shall at any time be guilty of violating any of the existing Ordinances of the City of Sa- vannah, and shall report to his honor the Mayor all viola- tions of the said Ordinances which may come within his of their knowledge at any time, either at night whilst engaged on duty, or during the day, or any other time when such- violation of any of the Ordinances aforesaid, shall come within his or their knowledge. Sec. 27. And be it further ordained, That any Police- man or Policemen, Watchman or Watchmen, who shall or may be guilty of neglect to inform against any person or persons, who shall at any time be guilty of violating any of the existing Ordinances aforesaid, such Policeman or Policemen, Watchman or Watchmen, shall upon conviction of such neglect of duty, be fined in a sum not exceeding ten dollars, or be dismissed, or both, at the discretion of the Mayor. Sec 28. Repealing clause. Passed in Council, 22d June, 1854. JOHN E. WARD, Mayor, Attest: Edward G. Wilson, Clerk Council WATER WORKS. WATER WORKS. 457 AN ORDINANCE, To provide for the care and management of the Savannah Water Works. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That the Mavor shall appoint two Aldermen and three citi- zens at large, to constitute a Board of Commissioners for the care and management of the Savannah Water Works, who shall hold their offices until the third Monday in Dec- ember, in the year 1855, at which time, and annually there- after, the Mayor shall appoint, as their successors in office, a like number of Aldermen and of citizens at large. Sec 2. And be it further ordained, That the persons so appointed shall meet and organize themselves into a Board, by the choice of a chairman, from their own number, and may make such rules and regulations for their own govern- ment as they may deem expedient. Sec 3. And be it further ordained, That in the event of vacancies in said Board by death, resignation, removal or otherwise, the Mayor shall have power to fill said vacancies. Sec 4. And be it further ordained, That the said Board shall have power to make rules and regulations for the government of the Water Works, and to digest a system of revenue to be derived therefrom, all of which shall be sub- mitted to the City Council for its approval. Sec 5. And be it further ordained, That the said Board shall, on or before the first Monday of November, annually, present to the City Council a report of the condition of the Water Works, and of the lands and other property connect- ed therewith; an account of all receipts and expenditures; 58 458 WATER WORKS. together with any information or suggestions which they may deem important, and shall, at the same time, submit to' the City Council the report of the Superintendent and En- gineer, and that of the Secretary . Sec. 6. And be it further ordained, That the chairman of the said Board shall exercise a general supervision over the Water Works, the property connected therewith, and over all officers and agents. Sec. 7. And be it further ordained, That all bills for expenditures by the said Board shall be certified by the chairman. Sec. 8. And he it further ordained, That the said Board shall have power to make all necessary repairs of the works,- but shall not make any addition to said works, nor extend the mains and pipes of distribution without the approval of Council being first had and obtained. Sec 9. And be it further ordained, That no one or more of said Board, shall be interested directly or indirectly in any contract entered into by them with any oth er person,, nor shall they be interested either directly or indirectly, in the purchase of any material to be used for the Savannah- Water Works. Sec 10. And be it further ordained, That the said Board shall have power to appoint and remove the following offi- cers and employees, to prescribe their duties, and to fix their salaries, provided said salaries be approved of by the City Council: First. A Superintendent and Engineer. Second. A Secretary or water registrar, who shall also be clerk of the Board. Third. An assistant Engineer. Fourth. Such number of turncocks, firemen and laborers, as may be found necessary for the proper and economical management of the works. Sec 11. And be it further ordained, That the Secretary or water registrar, shall pay over to the City Treasurer all water rents collected by him in accordance with the rules WATER WORKS, 459 and regulations for the government of the works, to be hereafter adopted by the Board of Commissioners. Sec. 12. And be it further ordained, That the City Treasurer shall keep an account current with the Water 'Works, and whenever the receipts shall accumulate, so that there shall be a surplus, not needed for the payment of current expenses, including interest, or the alteration or ex- tension of said works, it shall be the duty of the Mayor, to invest the same in some safe stock, so as to make it availa- ble for the payment of interest and principal of the City Bonds issued for the Water Works. Sec. 13. And be it further ordained, That if any person shall open any hydrant within the limits of the City of Sav- annah, or lift or remove the cover of the same, without the license of the said Board, or of the Superintendent and En- gineer, or the Secretary, except in case of fire, and then only under the direction of the Fire Company, he, she or they so offending shall be liable to a penalty of not less than ten, nor exceeding one hundred dollars, one half to be paid to .the informer, the other half into the City Treasury, Sec 14. And be it further ordained, That if any person shall make any opening or connection with any pipe or reser- voir, without the license mentioned in the preceding section, he or she so offending shall be liable to a penalty of not less than ten nor more than one hundred dollars, one half to the informer, the other half into the City Treasury. Sec 15. And be it further ordained, That if any person shall turn on or turn off the water in any of the pipes or reservoirs, without the license mentioned in the thirteenth section, he, she or they so offending, shall be liable to a pen- alty of not less than ten nor more than one hundred dollars, one half to the informer, the other half into the City Trea- sury. Sec 1 6. And be it further ordained, That if any person shall destroy, deface, impair, injure, or wantonly force open any gate or door, or in any way whatsoever, destroy, injure r deface any part of the engine houses, reservoir-building, 460 WATER WORKS. or other buildings, or the appurtenances, fences, trees or fix- tures, thereunto appertaining, or any water pipes, gates, cis- terns, hydrants, fountains, or any fixtures or other property appertaining to the City Water Works, he, she or they s$ offending, shall be liable to a penalty of not less than ten nor more than one hundred dollars, one half to the informer, the other half into the City Treasury. Sec. 17. And be it further ordained, That if any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be violated by any slave or slaves, or free person of color or free persons of color, such slave or slaves, free person of color or tree persons of color, shall be fined in a sum not less than ten, nor more than one hundred dollars, or receive not less than ten, nor more than thirty-nine lashes, of the discretion of the Mayor, or person or persons presiding at the police court. Sec 18. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 4th May, 1854. JOHN E. WARD, Mayor, Attest: Edward G. Wilson, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, To amend an Ordinance to provide for the care and man- agement of the Savannah Water Works. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That the Board of Commissioners of the Savannah Water Works may, from time to time, authorize and license plumb- ers to make and repair connections with the water pipes under their control, and any person not duly authorized or licensed as aforesaid, who shall make such connection, shall, on conviction before the police court, pay a sum not exceed- ing one hundred dollars — one half of the fine to be paid to the informer, the other half to be paid into the City Treas- WATER WORKS, 461 nry. Each licensed plumber shall give bond in the sum of two hundred dollars, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duty of his office. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty of the plumbers, to make returns in writing to the office of the Secretary, on the completion of all connections made by them, giving a description of the premises, location of service cock, length of service pipe, number of feet from the easterly or westerly line of the lot or premises where the pipe enters the same, and the size of the service pipe, the number of the hydrants, baths, water closets, fountains, street washers, apparatus for garden hose, or other apparatus supplied therefrom, together with the name of the occupant or owner of such premises. It shall be the duty of the Su- perintendent to inspect the connections, and upon being approved by him, he will allow the water to be turned on. Sec 3. And be it further ordained, That if any plumber shall neglect or refuse to make the return required by the preceding section, or shall make a false return of connections and fixtures attached thereto, he shall, on conviction, pay a sum not exceeding fifty dollars, and be subject to removal or withdrawal of his license. Sec. 4. And be it further ordained, That the material of all service pipe, connecting with the distributing pipes, shall be approved by the Board of Commissioners. Sec 5. And be it further ordained, That no supply of water will be granted to any house, except on the written application of the owner or occupant of the same, at the office of the Board. Sec 6. And be it further ordained, That all connec- tions made with the distributing pipes, shall be provided with a good and sufficient stop-cock therein, located at the main pipe, for the purpose of stopping or shutting off the supply of water whenever the same shall be necessary. Sec 7. And be it further ordained, That upon receiving a permit to connect the service with the distributing pipes, there must be paid such sum as the Board of Commissioners 462 WATER WORKS, may require, to cover the expense of the service cock and inserting the same, which service will be inserted by persons employed by the said Board for that purpose ; and any per- son not so employed, who shall tap or bore any main or distributing pipe, for the purpose of inserting a service cock therein, or for any other purpose, shall, on conviction, for- feit for each offence a sum not exceeding one hundred dol- lars and costs, one half payable to the informer, the other half into the City Treasury, Sec. 8. And be it further ordained, That if the connec- tion or branch pipe, stop or hydrant'cock, through which the premises of any person shall have been supplied with water, shall become leaky or out of repair, it shall be the duty of such person forthwith to have the same repaired; and if such person shall neglect to have the same repaired within twenty- four hours after notice, he, she or they, on conviction before the police court, shall be fined in the sum of ten dol- lars, and if such person shall continue to neglect to have the same repaired, the supply of water on such premises shall be shut off. Sec. 9. And he it further ordained, That if any person shall, by any false key or otherwise, after the water shall be shut off from any premises, cause or suffer such premises to be supplied with water, such person, his aiders and abet- ers, each and every, shall, for every such offence, be subject to a penalty not exceeding one hundred dollars and costs — »• one half to the informer. Sec. 10. And he it further ordained, That if any per- son shall knowingly and unnecessarily waste the water on his premises, he, she or they shall be liable to a penalty of not less than ten dollars and costs ; and the supply of water may be withheld from such premises, Sec 1 1. And be it further ordained, That if any per- son shall wilfully polute the water in the reservoirs or pipes he, she or they, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than fifty nor more than one hundred dollars and costs, one half WATER WORKS. 463 payable to the informer, the other half into the City Treas- ury. Sec. 12. And be it further ordained, That the officers and employees of the Board of Commissioners may, when directed by the Superintendent at any seasonable hours, en- ter upon any lot or premises to inspect the condition of the Water Works, and make such alterations and repairs therein, or do such other acts as shall be deemed by them necessary and appertaining to their duties ; and any person whose pre- mises are or maybe supplied with water, in pursuance of this Ordinance, shall be deemed and taken to assent to the terms and requirements of the same, or any Ordinance amendatory thereof. Sec. 13. And be it further ordained, That in all cases where any servant, apprentice or minor shall be guilty of any breach of this Ordinance, the master, mistress, employ- er, parent or guardian of such, so guilty, shall be responsi- ble for, and subject to the payment of the penalties imposed for such breach or violation. Sec. 14. And be it further Ordained, That it shall be the duty of every person whose premises may be supplied with water, to prohibit persons from procuring any water from such premises, under a penalty of twenty dollars and costs, and the supply of water may be shut off from such premises, at the discretion of the Board of Commissioners, and every person who may use the water without paying therefor, upon conviction before the police court, shall be subject to a penalty of twenty dollars and costs, one half payable to the informer, the other half into the City Treas- ury. Sec. 15. And be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty of all persons regularly employed on the works, to report to the office of the Board in writing, any leaks or un- necessary waste of water that may come to their knowledge^ also any violations of this Ordinance. Sec 1 6. And be it further ordained, That private founts ains or jets shall not be used more than three hours each 464 WATER WORKS. day, unless specially permitted and on additional payment, and the right is reserved to suspend their use, whenever in the discretion of the chairman of the Board of Commission- ers the public exigency may require. Sec. 17. And be it further ordained, That the supply of water may be withheld from all premises when the Ordi- nances, rules, or regulations adopted by the City Council and the Board of Water Commissioners have in any man- ner been violated, and the supply not again let on, except upon a rectification of the cause of withholding the same f and satisfactory assurance given that no further cause of complaint- shall arise, and upon payment of the sum of two dollars to cover the expense of shutting off and letting it on. Sec. 18. And he it further ordained, That all fines re- ceived for penalties under this Ordinance, shall be placed by the City Treasurer to the credit of the Water Works. Sec 19. And be it further ordained, That if any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be violated by any slave or slaves, or free person or persons of color, such slave or slaves, free person or persons of color, shall be fined in a sum not exceeding $100, or receive not less than 10 nor more than 39 lashes, at the discretion of the Mayor or per- son or persons presiding at the police court. Sec 20. And be it further ordained, That the rates to be charged for water shall be payable semi-annually in advance at the office of the board, on the first day of May and November, (and on the first Monday thereafter, when said day shall fall on the Sabbath,) and rateably for any fraction of a term ; and on failure to pay the same within three months, ten per cent, will be added to the assessment for collection; and if not then paid promptly, the water shall be shut off, and not again let on to said premises until arrearages are paid, and at least two dollars in addition for shutting off and letting on. Sec 21. And be it further ordained, That the rates when assessed shall be final and conclusive, subject only to levision by the board, WATER WORKS, 465 Sec, 22. Jlnd be it further ordained, That it shall be the fluty of all persons who may desire water for building pur- poses, to make application at the office in writing, accom- panied by an estimate of the amount of brick, perches of stone, or yards of plastering for which it is required, and pay the rate assessed therefor before using the same; and any person using water in violation of this section shall be subject to the penalties provided for in sections 7th and' 14th of this Ordinance. Sec. 23. And be it further ordained, That the following shall be the rates to be charged annually for the use of the water, Provided that no house shall be assessed at less then five dollars: WATER RATES. Dwelling houses when valued for the assessment of taxes as follows: Valuation. Water Rate. $1,000 - $5 00 over 1,000 and not exceeding $2,000 6 00 " 2,000 66 66 66 3,000 - 8 00 " 3,000 66 66 66 4,000 10 00 " 4,000 66 66 66 5,000 - - 12 00 " 5,000 ee 66 66 6,000 13 00 " 6,000 a 66 66 7,000 - - 14 00 " 7,000 66 66 66 8,000 15 00 " 8,000 66 66 66 9,000 - - 16 00 " 9,000 (6 66 66 10,000 17 00 " 10,000 66 66 66 15,000 - - 18 00 " 15,000 66 66 66 20,000 20 00 Which latter sum shall be the maximum for any private family. If the houses are occupied by more than one white family, an additional rate will be charged. The commissioners are hereby authorized to assess the valuation of the improvements upon the fee simple lots, 59 400 WATER WORKS. HOTELS. Hotels, taverns and hoarding houses, not including water for baths or for uses within the house, will be charged for each bed for boarders and lodgers within the same $1. STORES. For stores and offices $5. For each water closet more than one, five dollars additional, and for each urinal or wash- hand basin, more than one, $2,50 additional. STxiBLES. Private stables, including water for washing Carriages, $6, for each horse over two, $2. Livery stable, including water for washing carriages, for each stall, $2. Omnibus stables for each horse, $2. Truckmen's stables, for each horse, $2. HOSE. For the right to attach a hose -§ inch orifice, for washing houses and pavements in addition to the charge for other uses, not less than $3. PRINTING OFFICES. For each printing office, according to the number of presses used, not including supplying of steam engine, $6 to $40. REFECTORIES. Confectionaries, eating houses, provision shops, refresh- ment and oyster saloons, according to the amount of water used, $5 to $40. STEAM ENGINES. For stationary steam engines, working not over twelve hours per day, on each horse power $6. BUILDING PURPOSES. For each thousand brick or pearch of stone laid, and for each barrel of lime used for plastering 5 cents. BAKERIES. For the average daily use of flour, for each barrel the uim of $3 per annurm, and in no case less than $25. WATER WORKS. 467 FOUNTAINS. Fountains are only to be used at the discretion of the Board of Commissioners, and shall be charged by special contract. No fountain will be allowed when the water is not used for other purposes. BATHS. Hotels, taverns and boarding houses, shall be charged for each tub exceediug one, the sum of $5. Public bathing es- tablishments shall be charged for each tub $5. Private families are allowed as many tubs as they may desire. WATER CLOSETS. For every water closit beyond one, the sum of $5 each. License for sprinkling streets, watering gardens, and mat- ters not hereinbefore embraced, are reserved for special con- tracts by and with the Board of Commissioners, who shall have authority to made special contracts, and to make such alterations in the foregoing rates as in their judgment the interests of the city may require. Sec. 24. And he it further ordained, That until the first day of November next, the water will be furnished gratis to all who will make the necessary connections for its use, under the rules and regulations of the Board of Com- missioners, except when the same is used for manufacturing purposes, or as a source of revenue. Sec. 25. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 22d June, 1854. JOHN E. WARD, MayoL Attest: Edward & Wilson, Clerk Council 46S WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES, AN ORDINANCE, Regulating Weights and Measures in the City of Savannah. Whereas by a law of the Congress of the United States, standard weights and measures have been adopted to the end, that uniformity may be established throughout the Union. And whereas a set of the said standards have been deposited in the custom house of this city, as models from which others may be made, and whereas it is necessary and proper that the weights and measures of this city should be made to conform thereto. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the M ay or and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assem- bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same 3 That the Mayor be and he is hereby authorizeo} to cause to be made a measure of brass or other proper metal of one yard in length, to be graduated and sub-divided according to the aforesaid standard deposited in the custom house, with the proper divisions engraved thereon and likewise two sets of the pound weight and its component parts to be made of similar metal, and to conform to the aforesaid stan- dard. And the said measure and one set of the weights when completed, shall be confided to the custody of the Clerk of Council, and the other set of weights to the Clerk of the Market, who are each hereby made responsible for the preservation and safe keeping of the same. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That so soon as the measure and weights required by the first section of this Ordinance shall be completed, the Mayor shall by his Proclamation give notice thereof, and require all persons in- terested to apply to the Clerk of Council, or to the Clerk of the Market, for the purpose of having their weights and measures made to conform to the standards aforesaid, and WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. 469 the clerk shall thereupon stamp or cause to be stamped with the letters ( C. S. ) ; each measure when found correct and likewise each weight, when made of a material that is ca- pable of receiving the impression. Sec, 3. And be it further ordained, That every person using weights or measures, for the purchase or sale of arti- cles of any kind or nature whatsoever, shall be required to adjust the same by the standards aforesaid, within three months from the date of the proclamation of the Mayor, and every person refusing or neglecting to comply with this provision, shall upon conviction be fined in a sum not ex- ceeding thirtv dollars for each offence. Sec. 4, And be it further ordained, That it shall not be lawful for any person to purchase or sell by any other weights or measures, than those adjusted and made to con- from to the standard prescribed in this Ordinance ; and it shall be the duty of the Clerk of the Market, under the dir- ection and superintendence of at least one member of the Market Committee, annually between the first day of Octo- ber and the first day of December, and at any other time or times to examine and compare the weights and measures used in the market, and by all other persons buying or sell- ing by weight or measure, and to cause every person using false weights or measures to be put upon the information docket, who upon conviction shall be fined in a sum not .exceeding Thirty Dollars for each offence. Sec 5. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 24th March, 1842. WM. THORNE WILLIAMS, Mayor, Attest: Elisha Wylly, Clerk Council, APPENDIX. AN ORDINANCE, Amendatory of the existing Tax and Badge, or License Ordinances of the City of Savannah. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council as- l nbled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the passing of this Ordinance, the rate of taxation and price or sum of money to be paid into the City Treasury for licenses or badges for negroes or other slaves, shall be the same, where the owner or owners of negroes or other slaves be non-resident of the City of Sa- vannah, as where the owner or owners of negroes or other slaves, be resident in the City of Savannah. Sec. 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 19th October, 1854. JOHN E. WARD, Mayor. Attest: Edward G. Wilson, Clerk Council. AN ORDINANCE, To amend an Ordinance, entitled an Ordinance, regulating shops, stores, bar rooms, and for granting licenses to retail spirituous liquors, or for vending goods, wares and mer- chandize in the streets, lanes, alleys and squares, within the City of Savannah and its extended limits. Passed 12th October, 1826, 472 APPENDIX. Sec. 1. Be it Ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the f-L imlets thereof in Council as- sembled, and it is hereby ordji; l heauthorityofthesame 9 That hotels shall be •■. v the provisions and liabili- ties of the tenth section oi the above recited Ordinance:' Provided, the proprietors of such hotels shall have obtained a license from the Clerk of Council, called a hotel license, for which they shall pay the sum of Eighty Dollars, under which said license they shall have all the privileges granted to retailers of malt, wines or spirituous liquor. Sec 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 25th August, 1854. JOHN E, WARD, Mayor. Attest: Edward G. Wilson, Clerk Council AN ORDINANCE, Granting unto the Savannah Lumber Manufacturing and Plaining Machine Company, the privilege of constructing a timber basin on the west side of the bavannah and Altamaha Canal, directly opposite the Mill of said company, upon certain conditions. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof, in Council as sembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the passing of this Ordinance, the privilege of constructing a timber basin on the side of the Savannah and Altamaha Canal, directly opposite the Mill of said company, shall be and the same is hereby granted unto the Savannah Lumber Manufacturing and Plaining Machine Company, upon the following conditions: 1st. The Directors of the Ogechee Canal Company, shall be required to turn off the water on the tide level once in three days. APPENDIX, 473 ■ 2d. The written assent shall be obtained of the proprie- tors of the adjacent dry culture lands. 3d. The city shall receive bonds to indemnify it against damages to the dry culture lands, and against all damages which may be sustained by the city, and against all claims which may be made against the city, in consequence of the erection of the said timber basin. 4th. The basin shall be constructed upon a plan to be approved of by the dry culture committee, and under the superintendence of a person to be appointed by said com- mittee, and paid for his services by the company petitioning for the grant. 5th. That privilege to exist only so long as council may hereafter deem proper and upon the extinguishment of the privilege, the land to be delivered in dry culture order and the basin to be uniformly weil filled with earth. Sec. 2. Repealing clause. Passed in Council 10th August, 1854. JOHN E. WARD, Mayor. Attest: Edward G. Wilson, Clerk Council. AN ACT, To extend and define the Corporate limits of the City of Savannah. Sso. 1. Be if enacted by the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives of the State of Georgia, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the corporate limits of the City of Savannah, be and they are hereby extended and denned as follows, to-wit: "Begin- ing at a point on the western side of the mouth of Bilbo's canal, and running thence in a direct line to a Granite stone near the culvert on the Thunderbolt road, and which stone marks the line of the present city limits, thence along the 60 474 APPENDIX, north side of the Thunderbolt road, the west side of Waters* road, the north side of Lover's lane and its line prolonged to the line of the Springfield plantation; thence along the boundary line of the said plantation to the bifurcations of the Augusta and Louisville road, and thence to a point on the River bank ten chains west of W. B. Giles & Go's mill, thence along the line prolonged to Hutchinson's Island, thence along the shore line of Hutchinson's Island to the east end of it, thence to the point of begining." Sec. 2, And be it further enacted by the authority afore- mid^ That all persons residing within the said extended and defined limits, shall be entitled to the privileges of citizen- ship, under the same restriction and conditions, as the resi- dents of the wards already laid out, and that all persons and property within the said extended and defined limits, be and are hereby declared subject to, and bound by all' the Ordinances and regulations of the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and the hamlets thereof, which are now of force or may hereafter be ordained and established; With this provision nevertheless, That the said corporate authorities shall have no power to tax any part of the lands or other property, brought within the extended limits by this Act, until the plan of the city shall be regularly and bona fide extended over such part. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, by the authority afore- said, That all laws and parts of laws militating against this Act, be and the same are hereby repealed. JOHN E. WARD, Speaker of the House Representatives. JOHN D. STELL, President of the Senate. Approved February 13th, 1854. HERSGHEL V, JOHNSON, Governor, INDEX, AUCTIONEERS. 'When to be elected by Council, § 1st Ord., 3d Oct., 1844, 1 Not more than six to be elected, § 9th Ord. 2d Aug. 1839, 62 Amount and condition of bond, " " " 62 " to be paid for license and fees, « « 63 Penalty on conviction for collusion, &c., " " 63 Tax to be imposed on gross amount sales, section 1st, ordinance 29th August, 1S50, 2 All persons except licensed Vendue Masters, Sheriffs, Coroners, Constables, &c, prohibited from holding any public sale or auction within the city, penalty for so doing, § 1st Ordinance 1st July, 1852, - 3 Applicant for office to specify the store or place at which he intends to carry on his general auction business, § 2d Ordinance 1st July, 1852, - 3 Licences not assignable, § 2d Ordinance 1st July, 1852, 3 Auctioneer prohibited from using his license in any manner, so as to allow any person except his partner to share in his commissions and profits. Penalty for so doing, § 3d Ordinance 1st July, 1852, - - 4 License to authorize auctioneer to hold special auction sales at any point in the city, bona fide, § 1st Ordi- nance 24th February, 1853, - - - 5 See title City Officers, § 9th - - - 62 GEORGE ANDERSON. Relief o£ See title Fire, - 219 476 INDEX ABSENCE. No officer holding any appointment under council (the Mayor and City Printer excepted,) permitted to absent himself from the city for more than twenty-four hours without permission from the Mayor. If beyond thirty days, permission to be granted by council. See title City Officers, Ordinance 2d August, 1839, § 18th, 66 Any member of the Fire Company contemplating an absence from the city for more than one month, re- quired to provide a substitute to be approved of by the Chief fireman. See title fire, § 2d Ord. £4th April, 1825, 193 Any measurer, inspector, weigher or guager who shall remove from the city, or be absent, &c., to forfeit his appointment. § ISth, Ordinance 15th March, 1827, 275 Six months absence considered sufficient to vacate the seat of a Commissioner of Pilotage. § 3d Ordinance 2d August, 1839, - 360 BREAD. Bread from page - - - - - 5 to 11 BAKER. Required to imprint on every loaf of bread offered by him for sale, the initials of his or her name, and the Nos. 1, 2 or 3, according to the quality of the bread. Penalty for neglecting so to do, § 1st Ord. 8th Feb. 1798 6 Penalty if the bread be deficient in weight, according to the assize. § 2d same Ordinance, 6 Penalty for adulterating the purity of the flour in any manner, further than is necessary to the well making or baking thereof. § 3d same Ordinance, - 6-7 Powers of the Mayor and Aldermen to enter premises of bakers at all times of the day, to inspect, try, and weigh the bread there found, and if found wanting in goodness of material or deficient in weight, &c., their duty. § 4th same Ordinance, 7 INDEX 477 Penalty if baker refuse to allow, or hinder, or resist the same being done, § 5th same Ordinance, - 7 Duties of the City Treasurer, or in case of his absence or sickness, those of the City Clerk, as to the mode and manner of ascertaining the monthly price of the several qualities of flour, in order to affix the assize. § 6th same Ordinance, 7 Form of Treasurer's or Clerk's certificate of same, and p enalty for neglecting or refusing to make same § 7th same Ordinance, - 8 The profit of the baker on each barrel of flour fixed at $4 50. § 1st Ordinance 27th November, 1823, . 9 Duty of Marshal and City Constables in reference to the inspection of the bread. § 3d same Ordinance, 9 Certain Ordinances in relation to bread repealed, and above ordinances, 8th February, 1798 and 27th Nov. 1823, revived and declared to be of force. § 1st and 2d ordinance 29th July, 1841. 10 Table of the assize fixed, - 10 Bakers not permitted to carry on their trade-in any other than fire proof buildings. § 1st Ord. 7th April, 1842, 11 Chimneys of eveiy bake or cook house to be swept once a week, during the period of using same. Penalty for neglecting same. § 1st and 2d ordinance 31st October, 1823, title Fire 179 BADGES. See title Fire, § 6th Orel. 10th March, 1825, - 183 " § 1st, 3d & 8th Orel 25th May, 1826, 196-7 " Market, § 16th " 22d July, 1839, 238 " " § 1st and 2d « 16th Dec. 1840, 337 " Negroes, § 1st, 2d, 4th, 6th and 20th Ord. 2d August, 1839, 339, 340, 341, 342, 346 " " § 1st and 2d Ord. 29th Dec. 1853, 348 " Taxes, § 3d " 16th Nov. 1843, 438 . " Appendix, Ordinance 19th October, 1854, 471 478 INDEX. BILLIARD TABLES & BOWLING ALLEYS. Monthly tax thereon discontinued, § 1st Ord. 16th Nov, 1843, - - - - - - - 11 How and at what time owners thereof are to make their return and pay tax to City Treasurer. § 3d same ordinance, - - - - - 12 When opened after 1st January in any year, to be sub- ject to same return, and payment of a proportionate tax, section 4th same ordinance, - - - 12 Proprietors of same not to allow any riotous or disor- derly conduct within their premises, and prohibited keeping open after (12) o'clock at night Penalty for violation, section 5th same ordinance, - - 12 Tax on billiard tables, $100. On bowling alleys, $50, Section 1st ordinance 29th December, 1S53, - 13 BOARD OF HEALTH. Mayor to appoint at the first meeting of Council in May of every year, two citizens from each ward, to constitute a board of health. Section 1st ordinance 10th July, 1S23, - - - - - - 14 Duties of said board and Marshal and Scavenger point- ed out. Sections 2d and 3d same ordinance, 14 Owners of all untenanted houses, stores, &c, required to open and ventilate same, from first May to tenth November, in every year. Duties of Mayor and Marshal in relation to same. Penalty against owner failing or omitting to do so. Sections 1st, 2d and 3d ordinance 25th August, 1823, - - - 15 Duties of Board of Health and Marshal in relation to sinks or privies surcharged, whether offensive or not. Section 1st ordinance 20th April, 1827, - 16 Not lawful for Marshal or any other person to clean out any privy, between first July and last day of October, in each year. Section 1st ordinance 20th Oct 1831, If INDEX. Duty of persons owning or occupying any lot to keep same clean. Duty of Board of Health and Marshal upon neglect of same. Sections 2d, 3d, 4th and 5th, ordinance 20th April, 1827, - - - 16-17 Penalty against all persons refusing admittance to, or opposing, or resisting the committees of the Board or Marshal in the execution of their duties. Section 6th same ordinance. - - - 17-18 Powers of Board of Health to continue from their ap- pointment, for the term of twelve months thereafter. Section 7th same ordinance, - 18 Duty of every owner, or lessee, &c„ of every lot where- on any dwelling house is, &c, to have attached to every tenement a privy to he built and sunk accord- ing to ordinance. Penalty for refusing or neglecting so lo do. § 1st and 2d Orel. 22d Sep. 1831, and § 1st Ord. 25th Aug. 1853, title Nuisances, as to how and in what manner privies are to be built, - 18-19 Duty of keepers of all boarding or lodging houses, between 31st March and 1st November, in each year, to report to Board of Health the name of each board- er or transient person taken sick therein, within 12 hours thereafter. Penalty for neglect. Section 1st and 2d ordinance 3d December, 1829, - - 20 No person permitted to bring within the city any negro or negroes sick with any epidemical, pestilential, contagious or infectious disease, or for the purpose of avoiding the same, from any neighboring plantation. Section 1st Ord. 19th July, 1849, and 2d Aug. 1849. 21 No pemd or basin for holding timber for saw mills, &c., to be excavated or created within the extended limits of the city, after passing of this ordinance. Section 1st ordinance 6th December, 1849. - - 22 Not lawful at any time from 1st May to 1st December, to allow the water to be drained off from any canal or basin, within the extended limits of the city, and penalty therefor. Sections 2d, 3d, 4th and 5th same ordinance, 23 480 INDEX.. BONDS. • For City's subscription of $50,000 to Monroe Railroad' Company, payable in bonds in 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 years. § 1st Ord. 3d Nov. 1842, and 2d § Ord. amendatory thereof 1st December, 1842, - 23-24 Bonds to Andrew Low & Co. Ord. 28th Feb. 1843. 24 For City's subscription for 1500 shares in South West- ern Railroad Company, payable in bonds to be issued, ordinance 2d August, 1849 - 25-26 For City's subscription for 2000 shares in the Augusta and Waynesboro' Railroad Company, payable in bonds to be issued, ordinance 17th Jan. 1850, 27-28 Bonds of the City to be issued in payment for the pur- chase of the Springfield Plantation, ordinances 10th June and 29th August, 1850, - - - 29-30 For City's subscription for 1000 shares in South-west- em Railroad from Fort Valley, Ord, 10th April, '51. 31-32 For subscription to the Savannah and Ogeechee Plank Road, ordinance 17th January, 1852, - 33 For the purchase of a lot of land for the site of the Water Works of the City, ord. 1st July, 1852, - 33 For the construction of said Water Works, ordinance 27th January, 1853, 34 For subcription to the extended stock of the Savannah Gaslight Company, ordinance 10th Feb. 1853, 35 For improving the navigation of the river and harbor of Savannah, Ord. 2d June, 1853, - - 35-36 For subscription to the capital stock of the Savannah and Albany Railroad Company, Ord. 23d Sept. '53, 36-37 For subscription to the branch road between Columbus Ga. and Opeiika, Ord. 6th April, 1854, 37 CATTLE LIMITS. Not lawful to keep any bull, ox, steer nor more than one cow, within certain limits, miles same be kept in a house floored or paved, and kept constantly clean, and free from dirt. Sec. 2d Ord 11th Feb. 1841, 38 INDEX 451 Penalty for a violation thereof, § 2d Ord. 11th Feb. ? 41, 38 Duty of City Marshal and Constables to take up and impound any of said animals found going at large, and sell same upon five days notice, if penalty ex- penses and costs be not paid by owner, § 2d same ord. 38 Penalty against owner, slave or free person of color for a violation of above ordinance,, sections 2d and Sd 39 Limits defined within which said cattle are not permit- ted to run at large, sec. 1st Ord. 10th March, 1853, 39 CANAL BASINS, To authorize and permit the Central Railroad & Bank- ing Company of Ga. and the Savannah Patent Brick Company, to make and excavate certain basins for timber and flat boats, under certain restrictions. Sec. 1st and 2d ordinance 7th April, 1853, - 40 Appendix. See Ordinance, 10th August, 1854, 473 CEMETERIES. Penalty against all persons whilst within the enclo- sures of any of the Cemeteries, conducting them- selves disorderly, or defacing or injuring any tomb, head stone, vault, enclosure or tree, section 3d Ord. 14th March, 1839, ------ 41 The Hebre y bin ial grounds to be considered and deem- ed public cemeteries of the city. § 1st ord. 27th Aug. '39, 42 A portion of Springfield Plantation set apart as a public Cemetery, to be known by the name of Laurel Grove Cemetery, Sec. 1st, 2d and 3d, Ord. 3d June, 1852, 42-43 The health and cemetery committee with five citizens to be appointed by the Mayor to constitute a board to name the avenues, number the lots, and offer them for sale, section 4th Ord. 3d June, 1852, - 43-44 The lots to be set up at a valuation of ten dollars and the time of sale to be advertised for at least ten days, Section 5th, - 44 61 4S2 INDEX. Purchaser of lot on payment of purchase money to J City Treasurer and fees, to receive from council a title upon certain conditions. § 6th same Ord. - - 44 Purchase money for said lots to be kept separate from all other monies in the Treasury, section 7, - 45' No interment of any deceased person to be made in either of the old Cemeteries or in any other place, (the Hebrew excepted) after' Mayor's proclamation, that Laurel Grove Cemetery is prepared to receive such remains, section 8th, - 45 Penalty for a violation thereof, section 10th, - 46 A portion of said cemetery set apart for the interment of colored persons, section 9th, 45 The improvements to be made at Laurel Grove Ceme- tery, section 11th, - - - - - 46 A keeper of said cemetery to be elected by council, for three years. His duties and salary, and penalties for neglect of his duties, section 12th, - - 46-47 The old office of Sermon abolished, section 13th, - 47 The fees which the keeper of Laurel Grove Cemetery is required to collect and pay into the City Treasury, section 14th, - 47 By whom the interments in said cemetery are to be regulated and prescribed, section 15th, 47 Penalties against any person white or colored, who shall remove, deface or in any manner injure any monument, railing, enclosure, ornament, tree or plant within said cemetery, or shooting any gun, pistol, rifle or other firearm therein, section 16th, - - 47-48 A certain portion of said cemetery set apart for the in* terment of paupers and strangers, section 17th, 18th, 48 The Mayor to appoint a person to protect the old cem- etery, his duties and salary, section 19th, - 49 Health and cemetery committee authorized to sell any reverted or unsold lot at private sale for $10 after public sales closed, section 20th, - - - 49 INDEX. 483 fTo person permitted to bid off or purchase in his own name, more than one of the lots in said ceme- tery, section 1st, ordinance 10th March, 1853. - 49 Mayor's proclamation closing the old brick cemetery, for the purpose of interment, 50 Every Undertaker superintending a funeral required to keep a correct record, in a well bound book of all in- terments made by himself or assistants in any other place than Laurel Grove cemetery, and showing the nativity, age &c, of deceased, section 1st, ordinance 20th October, 1853, ----- 50-51 ; Said Undertaker required to hand to the Clerk of Coun- cil, a regular monthly transcript of said record, and also to furnish a weekly report of same to secretary board of health, section 2d, ordinance above, - 51 Duty of Clerk of Council to copy said monthly tran- script as also that of the keeper ot Laurel Grove ceme- tery in a book to be kept for that purpose, and his compensation therefor, section 3d, ordinance above, 51 Penalty against every person acting as an Undertaker or Sexton failing to comply, and perform the above duties, section 4th, ordinance above, - - 51 •The head of every family or keeper of any public or private boarding house &c, from whence a dead body shall be removed, for burial in any other place than L. G. C. who shall employ no Undertaker, required within 12 hours after such burial to make special report thereof, to the Clerk of Council under penalty of $30 for neglect, section 5th, ordinance above, 51-52 The duties of the keeper of L. G. C, whenever appli- cation is made to him to deposit the remains of any deceased person in the public vault, section 1st ordinance 9th March, 1854, 54 No remains to be admitted into said vault, except in air exhausted cases or cases filled with deoderizing pow- der, — the body of any person who may have died of small pox y never to be deposited therein, § 1 st ord„ above 54 481 INDEX, The fees to be demanded and collected by the keeper L. G. C. for deposit of remains in said vault, and his duty to pay same when collected into City Treasury, section 3d ordinance above, ... 54 No other vault in said Cemetery to be used for rent or hire, penalty therefor, section 2d ordinance above, 55 Remains of any deceased person left in said public vault for one month, to be removed therefrom within, the next sixty days after notice to do so, and if not then removed, to be interred by keeper in that por- tion of the cemetery allotted to strangers, unless some friend or relative shall provide a lot, section 3d ordinance above, - - - - 55 The remains of deceased persons taken from any vault in the old cemetery, and which are inoffensive may be deposited in the public vault, free from charge of entrance fee, but subject to a daily charge of 25 cents, section 4th ordinance above, 55 A certain portion of Laurel Grove cemetery, set apart for the special use of the members of the Hebrew congregation and for the interment of Isrealite?, ordi- nances 17th Nov. 1853, and 4th May, 1854, $2,53,55, 5$ CITY OFFICES. Mayor, his duty on the 2d Monday in Nov. in each year to publish an account of the receipts and ex- penditures of the city for the year ending 31st Oct. preceeding, section 2d ordinance 26th June, 1854, 57 To have an office in the exchange building section 1st ordinance 10th Feby. 1853, - 57 To be Chairman of the committee on Finance section 2c! same ordinance, - 57 His general duties pointed out, § 3d,4th, ord.lOth Feb. ? 53, 57,58 His salary to be $2500 per annum, section 5th, - 58 The duty and power of the Mayor to suspend any city officer, for any flagrant violation of duty and report game to council, &c. ? sec. 19th Ord. 2d August 1839, 66 INDEX. 485 For his various other special duties, see titles, police court, market, negroes, fire, watch, .&c, * CLERK OF COUNCIL, To keep his office at the exchange and attend thereat daily from 9 o'clock, A. M. to (2) o'clock, P. M. Sun- days excepted, sec. 2d ordinance 2d August 1839, 59 His general duties prescribed, section 2d, - 59-60 His salary and fees of office, section 20th, - - 67 His bond and oath of office, sections 14th and 15th, 65 CITY TREASURER. To keep his office at the exchange and attend thereat from 9 o'clock, A. M. to 2 o'clock, P. M., section 3d ordinance 2d August 1839, - v - • - 60 His general duties prescribed section 3d, - - - 60 His fees of office, section 20th ordinance above, 67-68 His salary, section 1st ordinance 20th April 1854, 75 His bond and oath of office, section 14th and 15th ordinance 2d August 1839, - - - - 65 His duties as to the receiving returns and collecting taxes, sections 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th of ordi- nance 27th August 1839, title taxes, - 421-425 CITY MARSHAL. His general duties prescribed, sections 4th and 6th, ordinance 2d August, 1839. - - - 60-61 "His bond and oath of office, Sees. 14th and 15th, - 65 His salary and fees of office, Sec. 20th - - 68 His duties and responsibilities as to the enforcement and collection of tax executions, § 11th and 12th Ord. 27th August, 1839, title Taxes, - 425-426 480 INDEX. CITY CONSTABLES. Tiieir number and duties prescribed § 5th (3rd. 2d Aug. '39, 61 Their oath and bond, Sec. 14th and 15th, 65 Their fees of office, section 20th, - - 69 Their salary, section 1st Orel 30th June, 1852, - 73' city port Wardens, When and how many to be elected, § 7th Ord, 2d Aug, ? 39, 61 Their oath, section 10th ordinance 14th March, 1824, title Port Wardens, - 370-371 Their bond, Sec. 15th ordinance 2d August. 1839, 65 As for their general and special duties, see title Port Wardens. CITY HARBOR MASTER. When and by whom elected and his general duties, section Sth ordinance 2d August, 1839, - 61-6$ His oath, section 14th, ? ? - - - 65 His further duties general and special, section 1st, Ord. 16th October, 1845, = - 248-249' IPs bond, section 2d, same ordinance, - - 249 Harbor fees, and when and by whom to be paid. Sees. 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th and 5th, Ord. 1st March, 1849, 249-250 His salary, Sec. 1st, Orel, 24th April, 1851, - 250 See title Harbor Master. -CITY VENDUE MASTERS OR AUCTIONEERS. When and how many to be elected, Sec, 9th, ordinance 2d August, 1839, - - - - 62-63 Their bond and general duties, Sec, 9th, » 62 Penalty for collusion or malpractice, Sec. 9th, 6| For their duties and liabilities generally, see title Auc- tioneers, from page I to 5. CITY PUMP CONTRACTOR. W|ien and by whom elected, § 10th, Ord. 2d Aug. '39, §§ INDEX. 487 The amount of his bond, and his oath, Sees. 14th and 15th, same ordinance, - 65 His duties generally, Sec. 10th, ordinance 2d August, 1839, and 15th December, 1853, - - 63, 73 CITY MESSENGER. His duties generally, § 11th, ordinance 2d Aug. 1839, 63 His oath and bond, § 14th and 15th " " 65 His salary, Sec, 1st ordinance 28th May, 1S46, 72 His special duties and extra compensation therefor. See resolution of Council 21st April, 1853, 72 KEEPER OF THE GUARD HOUSE. His duties, Sec. 11th, ordinance 2d August, 1839, 63 His salary, Sec. 2d, " 8th January, 1S46, 71 CITY PRINTER. When to be elected, his duties and compensation, Sec* 1st, ordinance 26th January, 1854, - 75 Duty of City Clerk to furnish City Printer, r &c, with the proceedings of Council within forty eight hours after adjournment, Sec, 1st, Ord. 24th March, 1853, 74 KEEPER OF CITY CLOCK. When elected, his duties and compensation, Section 17th, ordinance 2d August, 1839, - 66 KEEPER OF THE POWDER MAGAZINE. When and by whom elected, § 1st, Ord. 16th Oct., 1 SI 9, 244 His bond, " " a « ib. His duties generally, § 5th, " " " 244-245 His special duties, § 1st and 2d, a 8th Mar., 1832, 245 His fees of office and duties, § 20th * 2d Aug., 1859, 69 See title Gunpowder. 488 INDEX. As to the duties of the Clerk of the Market, City Sur- veyor and Jailor, when to be elected, their bond, oath and fees of office, see tithes "Market," "Streets," and "Jail." Not lawful for any officer of Council . or any person holding any appointment under Council, with any salary connected thereto, to be concerned directly or indirectly, in any contract with the City Council, their agents or officers, of a pecuniary character, and penalty for so doing. § 12th, Ord. 2d August, 1839, 64 COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. Clerk and Sheriff of said Court to be elected by Coun- cil, and when, Sec. 1st Ord. 8th December, 1825, 76 To be elected for three years. Sec. 2d same ordinance, 7 6 Clerk's bond, $3000. Sheriff's bond, $5000, and each to take and subscribe samq oath as Clerk and Sheriff of Superior Court, Section 3d, same ordinance, 76 Special duties of said Sheriff as to the collection of all fines and penalties inflicted by said Court and to make quarterly returns thereof to Council. Sees. 1st and 2d, Ord. 18th April, and 19th Sep. 1844, 77, 78, 79 Petitions for relief from Jury fines, to be made to coun- cil before said fines are paid, § 1st, Ord. 17th Apr. '45, 79 COMMONS AND GRANTS. All that part of the east and west common lying be- tween the Bay and B rough ton streets, to be laid off into lots and sold, § 1, & 2, Ord. 28th Sept. 1790, 80-81 Nature of the conveyance to be made by Council to pun haser of same, Sec. 3d, same ordinance, 81-82- Washington, Warren and Franklin squares designated and named ; and the wards attached thereto. East and West Bread, Houston, Price, Habersham, Lin- coln and Jefferson streets, also designated and named, Section 2d, ordinance 12th January, 1791, 84-85 INDEX 489 Certain lots designated for the use of the Episcopal, Lutheran and Baptist Churches, and for the Academy and Hospital and vested therein, Sec 3d, same Ord, 85 Lot No. (19,) Franklin Square, vested in the Trus- tees of the Baptist Society, in exchange for lot No. 29, Washington Square, and lot No. 23, Franklin Square, vested In the Hehrew Congregation,- section 1st and 2d ordinance 4th August, 1795, - 88 All that pari: of the east and west common situate be- tween Broughton Street and the southern boundary line of the city, extended and between East and West Broad streets, laid off into (120) lots, 60 by 90 feet and to be sold upon certain terms and conditions, sections 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th and 5th, ordinance 30th May, 1799^ - - - - - 88,89,90 Liberty square and ward, Columbia square and ward, and Green square and ward, designated and named section 7, ordinance above, - 90 Certain lots designated and vested in the Presbyterian, Episcopal, Lutheran, Methodist and Roman Catholic Congregators, section 8, - 90-91 All that part of the south-west common bounded north by Liberty ward, south by the five acre lots, to the east of Jefferson street and west by West Broad street, to be laid off into 40 lots and to be sold upon certain terms and conditions, sections 1st, 2d, 3d. 4th and 5th, ordinance 20th April, 1801, 91, 92, 93, 94 Elbert square and ward, and Liberty, (Wilkes, Scriven, Chatham, now Perry, McDonough, and Hull streets,) South Broad, Oak and Franklin streets, designated and named, sections 6th and 7th, ordi- nance above, 94-95 President, State and Congress streets, designated and named, section 1st, ordinance 21st February, 1803, 96 A certain piece of ground situate on the Bay, bounded east by lots of Edward Telfair, and laid out into 62 INDEX. lots, valued and to be sold upon certain conditions and restrictions therein specified, sections' 1st, 2d, 3d. and 4th, ordinance 27th June 1803, - - 96,&?,98 Ail that part of the. south common, bounded north by South Broad street, south by Liberty street, east by the public burial ground and west by Jefferson street/ laid out into (106) lots, and to be sold, upon certain terms and conditions, sections 1st 2d, 3d, 4th and 5th, ordinance 19th June, 1815, - - 99-100 Jackson ward and Orleans Square, Brown ward and Chippewa Square, and Perry, McDonough and Hull streets, designated and named, sec. 6th, Ord. above, 101 A surplus piece of ground situate on the Bay in New Franklin Ward to be sold upon certain terms and conditions, and to be considered as part of said ward, section 1st, 2d, 3d and 4th, ordinance 22d March, IS 19, and section 1st and 2d, ordinance 16th January 1851, - - - - 102,122,123 Lots No. 47, 48, Brown ward, vested in fee simple in the wardens of Christ's Church, section 1st, ordi- nance 11th May, 1820, - 103 Trustees of Methodist Church empowered to sell lot No. 40, Brown ward, - - - - 103 Grant for lots No. 33 and 34 Washington ward to S. C. Dunning, ...... 104 Grant of lots No. 33 34, Brown ward in fee simple, to the Roman Catholic Church, - - - 104 A certain portion of the south common to be laid off into lots, (60 by 100) and to be sold upon certain terms specified, section 1st, 2d, 3d 4th and 5th, ordinance 3d February 1837, - - 105,106,107 Lafayette, Jasper and Pulaski wards, designated and named, and Harris and Tattnall streets, section 2d, ordinance above, - - - - 105-=! 06 Width of Liberty, between Bull and Drayton streets, continued to be 130 feet, &c, sections 1st and 2d ordinances 28th March, 1837, - - - 107-108 INDEX. 491 The Jurisdiction a'nd o?€mances fee city, to he of force in the extended limits over persons and property therein, section 1st. ordinance 1 4th March, 1839, 108 The streets in Curry Town to be called after the streets running therein, section 2d, - - - 108 The continuation of Abercorn, Drayton, Bull, Whitaker and Barnard streets, from South Broad street to the southern line of the city, to take the same names, section 3d, ------- 109 All that portion of the south common lying south of Harris street to be laid off into lots 60 by lOOf. valued and sold upon certain terms and conditions, sections 4th, 6th 7th and 8th, Ord. above, 109,110,111 The lots between Abercorn and Drayton Streets, to form part of Layfayette ward, those between Drayton and Whitaker streets, part of Jasper Ward, and those between Whitaker and Tattnall streets, part of Pulaski ward, section 5th, ordinance above, - - 109 Macon, Charlton & Joness Street, designated and named 109 The square in Jasper ward to be called Madison square, and that in Pulaski Ward, Pulaski square, section 5, Ordinance above, - 109-110 All that portion of the south common, bounded south by Liberty street, east by Thunderbolt Road, north by South Broad street, and west by Habersham street to be laid off into (86) lots, with streets &c, and to be valued and sold upon certain terms and conditions, and to be called Crawford Ward, section 1st, 2d, and 3d, ordinance 11th February, 1S41 and ordinance 2d November, 1843, - - 111,112,113 All that portion of the south common lying between Tatnall and Drayton Streets, extending Southwardly three streets from Jones Street to be laid off into lots 60 by lOOf. and to be valued and sold upon certain terms and conditions, sec. 1st and 3d ord. 4th March 1847, and sec. 1st, Ord 14th August, 1848, 114,115,116 492 INDEX. I The lots between Tattnall and Whitaker streets, con- tinued to form a Ward to be called Chatham ward, • and those between Whitaker and Drayton streets continued to form a ward to be called Monterey, Taylor, Gordon, and Gaston streets, designated and named, section 2d, - - - - ^ 114 The width of the Trust lots in Monterey and Chatham wards, and the streets between them to be 60 feet each, section 2d, ordinance 11th October, 1849, 117 All that part of the city domain north of Gordon and east of Drayton streets, to belaid off into lots, valued and sold upon certain terms and conditions, sections 1st 3d, and 4th, ordinance 13th March, 1851 117-118 Troup ward and Troup square, Wesley ward and Whitfield square, and Chatham ward and Calhoun square, designated and named and the street be- tween Taylor and Gordon streets to be called Wayne street, and all the other new streets to take the name of the old ones, running into them, section 2d, ordinance above, - - - - - -118 Railroad street designated and named, and its width defined, sec. 1st and 2d, Ord. 26th August 1841, 119 Lots No. 69, 70, 71, 72 and 73, and also the lots sepera- ted therefrom by Lincoln street, and numbered 65, 66, 67 and 68, attached to and made part of Crawford ward, and to be re-valued and sold under the existing ordinance, section 2d, ordinance 19th August, 1847, and sec. 2d, Ord. 10th June, 1847, 120-121 The eastern portion of Fig Island, containing 22 acres, authorized to be sold, - 121-122 Grant of one acre of said Land on the Eastern end of said island designated as lot L to the United States, 122 A certain portion of the Springfield tract of land to be laid off into lots valued and sold upon certain terms and conditions, sections 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th and 5th, ordinance 16th January, 1851, - - 123,124,125 INDEX. 493 A certain other portion of same tract to be laid off into lots valued and sold upon certain terms and condi- tions, sections 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th, ordinance 13th March, 1851, - - - 121,1.28 Crrant of permission to J. and J. Hines, to excavatea timber basin on the land purchased by them out of Springfield plantation, - - - - -126 Joint lessees of a lot authorized to apply to council to divide same and receive separate leases, or to make half of lot fee simple &a, Ord. 27th Feb. 1851, 126-127 Forsyth place and ward designated and named, and lots therein to be laid off, valued and sold upon certain terms and conditions, Ord. 24th April, 9 51, 128-129 The width of Gaston street reduced to (7 5) feet and the depth of the lots fronting South thereon to be increased 120 feet upon certain terms, conditions and limitations, sections 1st 2d and 3d, ordinance 31st July, 1851, - v - - -, 130,131,132 All that portion of city domain bounded north by- South Broad street, south by Liberty street, east by Abercorn; and west by Floyd streets, attached to Brown ward, and to be laid off into lots valued and sold upon certain terms and conditions, sections 1st, 2d, and 3d, ordinance 3d November, 1853, Fireman's Hall to be erected on one of said lots set apart, See Title Grants page 239, - 132,133 A military parade ground set apart and dedicated for the. use of the volunteer companies of the city under certain specified conditions &c. ordinances 11th August 1853, and 19th November 1853, 133,134,135 -Grant to the subscribers of the Savannah Hotel Compa- ny, certain privileges upon certain special conditions, ordinance 11th August, 1853, - - 135-136 The Savannah Medical College to be exempt from the payment of ground rent and taxes on their lots 13th and 14th Wesley ward and improvements, ordinance 8th September 1853, - 136 404 INDEX. All that portion of city domain lying south of Gaston street, west of Barnard, north of Gwinnett, and east of Tatnall streets, to be laid off into lots, valued and sold upon certain terms and conditions, and to be called Charlton ward, Ord, 9th March, 1854, 137-138 4-U that portion of the City domain lying north of Gaston, south of Gordon, and east of Drayton streets, to be laid off into lots, and to be added to Calhoun ward, ordinance 9th March, 1854, - *■ 138-139 See further Title Grants, page 221 to 244 0 DISPENSARY. A competent apothecary who may choose to put up the prescription of any respectable graduate in medicine, for the indigent sick, authorized to do so, and charge same to the city upon certain special conditions, section 1, ordinance 29th June, 1854, - - 140 Apothecary who has complied with said conditions, required to send in then bills with vouchers annexed at least two days before the regular meeting of council, section 2d, Penalty against any person who shall obtain medicine at public expense by misrepresentation &c, sec. 3d, 141 Ordinance of 14th July; 1853, establishing dispensary districts and physicians— Repealed, section 4th, 141 DONATION. An annual donation of $100 made by the City to the Washington National Monument Society, on the anniversary of the birth day of Washington, Ord. 3d June, 1852. - - - - - 141-143 DOGS. No dog permitted to go at large within the city, unless muzzled and having a collar around his neck with owners name engraved or stamped thereon. Penalty for a violation thereof, sec. 1st, Ord 1 1th April, 1833., 142 INDEX. 49 No dog permitted to be brought by any person or to come within 30 feet of the Market House, during market hours. Penalty therefor, sec. 2d, same (3rd. 142 The Mayor or in his absence, the Chairman, or in the absence of both, any two Aldermen, authorized to issue order &c, to marshal, &c., at any time requiring them to kill and destroy any dog or dogs not accompa- nied by the owner or muzzled, found at large, &c., Penalty against marshal &c, for neglect or disobedience of same, and against all persons resisting or interfering with marshal, sec. 3d, ordinance 11th April, 1839, and section 2d, Ord. 16th November 1843, - 143-145 No slave or free person of color permitted to keep any dog within the city. Penalty therefor. Section 1st, ordinance, 16th November, 1843, - 144 A tax of $2, imposed on every dog kept by any white person in the city, and to be included in the tax re- turn of the owner, Section 2d, same ordinance, 144 On payment of said tax, City Treasurer to grant license to the owner for his dog to run at large for one year, upon certain conditions. Penalty for keeping a dog contrary to ordinance, or failing to make return. Section 2d, same ordinance, - - 144-145 The oath to be taken by every owner of a dog liable to taxation, at the time he makes his general return for taxes, Section 3d, same ordinance, - 145 Every dog brought into the city immediately to be re- ported to the City Treasurer by owner, to pay tax and take out license for remainder of the year. Penalty for neglecting same. Sec, 3d, same ordinance, 145 DRAYS, WAGONS AND VEHICLES. No person permitted to let or drive for hire, any cart, dray, wagon, or other carriage within the city, with- out first having obtained a license for so doing from the City Treasurer, Sec* 1st, Ord. 6th June, 1839,, 146 INDEX, Required to have the number of such license stamped on a tin plate, &c., and fixed in some conspicuous place on said cart, waggon, or dray, § 1st, same Ord. 146 Each dray, cart, wagon or other carriage for hire, re- quired to he driven by a sober, discrete and able per- son, and not less than 16 nor more than 60 years. Penalty for a violation, Sec. 2d, same ordinance, 146 All licenses for driving carts, drays, &c, to expire on the 1st Monday in January, in each year, § 3d, same, 147 Penalty for neglecting or refusing to carry goods, &c., when not actually engaged or pre-engaged, (Sundays excepted,) upon application made, and payment ten- dered, Section 3d, same ordinance, - 147 The rate or speed prescribed in which persons may be permitted to ride on horse back, or. drive carriages or loaded vehicles through the streets and lanes of the city.. Penalty for a violation, § 4th same Ord. 147 Ho carts, drays, wagons or other carriages permitted to use the lanes of the city, or be driven therein, with- out good and sufficient excuse, Penalty therefor, Section 5th, same ordinance, - - 147-148' Kates of Drayage prescribed, Sees, 6th and 8th, 148-149 Penalty against driver for extortion, Sec, 7th, 149 Penalty for overloading any animal of burden or using &c, any bruised or lame beast, or cruelly beating or illusing the same, Section 9th, £ #- - * 149? How the fines when recovered, &c., are to be paid and to whom, Section 10th, - 150 The rates for licenses established for every dray, truck, cart, wagon, break wagon, four and two wheal pleas- ure carriages, cab, hack or other vehicle, as they may be drawn by one, two, three or four horses, § 1st and 2d, Ord. 20th Dec, ? 49, and § 1st Ord 10th Feb. '53, 151-2 All pleasure carriages brought into the city or purchased after 1st January, annually, and previous to 1st July,, ensuing, and used as such, owner to pay full annual tax, and if brought within the- city, or purchased after INDEX 497 1s t July and previous to 31st December, ensuing and used as such, owner to pay one half the annual tax. Section 1st, ordinance 29th December, 1853, 152-153 No four horse wagon, dray, cart or other vehicle, to be loaded with more than 8000 lbs. weight, whilst pas- sing over the plank road, nor more than 3000 lbs. when off the same, and all others in proportion to the number of horses. Penalty for violation thereof. Section 3d, 20th December, 1849, - 151 ENGINE HOUSES, Lots (66) Crawford ward, (13) Calhoun ward, (18) Forsyth ward, set apart for the erection of Engine houses thereon. Sec. 1st, Ord. 4th , November, 1842, 153 The erection of New Engine Houses in any public square in the city, forever hereafter prohibited, and no expense to be incurred on the present engine houses, except for the most necessary repairs. Sec. 2d and 3d, same ordinance, - - 153-154 EXCHANGE OF CITY LOTS. Ten lots in Crawford ward, Nos. 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61 and 62, to be conveyed to Hon, James M.- Wayne, in exchange for certain lands of his necessa- ry for the prolongation of Liberty street, ordinance 2d May, 1844, - *>_ . V. 154-155 Lot No. 5 Crawford ward, to be conveyed to John Lewis for same purpose, Ord. 27th June, 1844, 155-156 Lot No. 15 New Franklin ward, to be conveyed to D. O'Byrne for same purpose, Ord. 27th June, 1844, 156-7 Lot No. 23 Jasper Ward, to be conveyed to Michael Dillon, in fee in exchange for certain lands of his necessary to extend and widen Bay street eastwardly^ ordinance 11th July, 1844, - - 157-8 Lots Nos. 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22, Crawford ward, to be conveyed to Executors of the late John P. William- son, or to Trustees fpr his creditors, for land belonging 498 INDEX. to said estate necessary to extend Liberty street east to Thunderbolt roady ordinance 5th Sept. 1844, 159-160* Lot No. 1 1 Crawford ward, to be conveyed to I. K. Teft, administrator of DeVillers, for lot No. 3 Thunderbolt road for same purpose, Ofd. 18th Sept, 1845, 158-9' Lots Nos, 1 5 and 1 6 to be conveyed to F. E, Tebeau and Bryan Foley, in exchange for certain lands of theirs necessary to extend Broughton street east, ordinance 5th February, 1846, - - 160-1 Lot No. 34 Jasper ward, to be conveyed to Mrs. Mary Telfair and to trustees of Mrs. Margaret Hodgson, in exchange for 3600 feet of land, necessary for widen- ing a part of Bay street, north of Jefferson street, &c. ordinance 16th April, 1846, - - 161-3 ; A certain portion of the city domain to be conveyed to the Savannah poor house and hospital, upon certain conditions, in consideration of a relinquishment to be executed by it of all claim to every other portion of the city domain, ordinance 6th May, 1852, 162-163" Lots No. 7 and 8, and the eastern quarter of lot No. 6, Troup ward; Trust lots No. 19 and 20, and the eastern half of lot No. 32, Troup ward ; lot No. 8, and the eastern half of lot No. 7, Wesley Ward, and lots Nos. 33 and 34, Troup ward ; lot No, 9, and Trust Lots, Nos. 19 and 20, Wesley ward ; and lots Nos. 22 and 23, Wesley ward, to be conveyed to the owner or owners of Garden lots, Nos. 21, 22, 33, 34, 45, 46, 43, 44 east, in exchange for land taken therefrom, to open Price street, fifty feet wide, and to continue Harris, Macon, Charlton, Jones, Taylor, Wayne and Gordon streets. Ord. 6th May, ? 52, 163-104' Lots Nos. 8, 9, 27, 28 and 29, Charlton ward, to be conveyed to Wylly and Montmoulin, in exchange for a portion of their land necessary for the extension of Montgomery street, south of Hull street west of West Broad street ; also lots No. 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 26, and 11 to be conveyed to Mr. Robert Habersham for same purpose, ordinance 2d June, 1854, - 165 INDEX, 499 EXHIBITIONS. No show or exhibition of any kind to be represented by any person or persons whatsoever, within the limits of the city for money, gain or reward, without the permission of council first had and obtained, section 1st, ordinance 11th February, 1799, - 166 Application for such permission to be made in writing, stating the nature of such exhibition, the persons concerned, and the length of time he or they desire to exhibit, whereupon council may grant same, subject to restrictions and conditions, or reject same, section 2d, - - - - ** r - - 166 Penalty for exhibiting without such permission being first obtained, section 3d, - - - - 166 Duty of the Mayor or either of the Aldermen upon information given them &c, that any public exhibi- tion or show, for money &c, is making, or about to be made in violation of above ordinance, section 4th, 167 How the fines imposed are to be recovered, section 5th, 167 Any two of the Finance Committee, in the absence or sickness of the Mayor or Chairman, authorized to grant the permission specified in the foregoing ordi- nance, section 1st, ordinance 14th Feb'y 1839, 167-168 ELECTION. The election of all City Officers unless otherwise provided by a law of the State^ or an ordinance of council of force &c, to take place on the first regular meeting of Council in January in each and every year. The duties and powers of the Mayor and Aldermen in case a vacancy shall occur by death, resignation, removal, disability, or any other cause, section 13th, ordinance 2d August, 1839. Title, City Officers, - 64 500 INDEX. FERE. No owner or occupier of wharves, or public docks with- in the city, to suffer any fire to he made thereon, and no person whatever permitted to careen any vessel, or use fire thereat, except at some wharf to the east- ward of Andrew McCredie's, or to the westward of Levi SheftalPs wharf, Sec. 2d, Ord. 1st Nov. 1791, 169 Unlawful for any person to store or lodge any pitch, tar or turpentine, on any wharf or in any house, out house, store, or building, within this city, &c. ? except such wharf, lot, house, &c, shall be to the westward of Mr. Mordecai SheftalPs lot at Y amaeraw, and to the eastward of Andrew McCredie's lot, and at no other place or places whatever. Sec. 3d and 4th, 169-170 The owner or consignee, &c, of any raft of lumber. &c. required within six hours after breaking up the same to remove the frame, hoops, binders and oars, above high water mark. Section 5th, same ordinance, 170 Penalties for a violation of the above ordinance, § 8th, ib. Unlawful for any person or persons to boil, burn or set fire to, &c, any pitch, tar, turpentine, rosin or oil, in any quantity, exceeding fonr gallons, within one hun- dred and fifty feet of any buildings in the city, or to do so above the lower line of James Wallace's wharf to the east, or below the upper line of Bolton's Yam- acraw wharf to the west. § 1st, Ord. 8th Dec. 1806, 171 Unlawful for any person to store any unslaked lime in this city, for sale or use above or below the above des- cribed limits, nor there, unless the building in which it is stored, be one hundred yards from any other building. Penalty for so doing, Sec. 2d and 3d, 171 Every person occupying a building, or part thereof with a chimney thereto, required to allow and permit con- tractor to inspect and sweep same, once in every month from first October to first April in every year, and kitchen and wash house chimneys once a fort- night throughout the year. Penalty for preventing or opposing his so doing, § 1st, Ord, 28th Oct 1803, 172 INDEX 'Bake and cook houses required to be swept every week, -■during the period of using the same. Penalty for violation. § 1st and 2d, Ord. 31st October, 1823, 179 Penalties against contractor for sweeping chimneys for neglect of his duties, § 3d and 5th, Ord. 1S03, 172-3. Contractor required to give notice in writing to every person, by leaving it at the house, of the time and hour the chimneys, &c, is or are to be swept, and to be a proper and convenient hour, and to keep an of- fice to be entitled a sweep office. Sec. 4th, same Ord. 173 Two chimney contractors for sweeping chimneys, to be elected by council, ;at its first regular meeting in Jan. annually, one for all that part of the city west of Bull street, and the other for all that part of the city east of Bull street. See Sec. 29th Ord. 15th April, 1814, and Sec. 1st, Ord; 2d Jan. 1851, and Sec. 1st, Ord. 12th January, 1854, - - 175, 177-8 Each contractor to give bond, take the oath, and within his district, perform all the duties now required, and receive the fees now allowed by the ordinances of the city, section 29th, ordinance 15th April, 1814, and section 2d, ordinance, 2d January, 1851, 175, 177 The fees of -the- contractor for sweeping chimneys, and from whom he is authorized to demand and collect the same, sections 1st and 3d, ordinance 9th Feb'y 1843, and section 2d, ordinance 2d Jan'y, 1851, 176-177 No ship or vessel or boat lying at or near any wharf, or store, or alongside any other .ship, vessel, or boat, allowed or permitted to kindle or keep any fire in any caboose, &c.j upon the deck of said vessel, and unless said caboose &c, be well and safely covered &c, to prevent the communication of fire or sparks. Penalty against master, for violation thereof, sec. 6th and 7th, Ord. 28th Nov. 1803, 173-174 Ordinance on same subject as above, but more specifi- cally applicable to the boats commonly called 502 INDEX Augusta Boats, sections 1st and 2d, ordinance 11th June, 1810, - 179,180,181 Duty of city marshal and constables, to inform against any person, (white or colored) who may be found discharging within the city, guns, pistols, crackers, &c. Penalty therefor, sections 1st and 2d, ordinance 15th December, 1817. - - - 181-182 The Savannah Fire Company formed, section 1st, ordinance 11th March, 1825 - 182 Said company to elect from their own body a Chief Firemen and other officers, to make and establish by-laws, to fine or expel any of its members, and to employ a clerk, sec. 4th, Ord: above, - 182-183 To report to council the name of the individual selected by them as Chief Fireman, section 5, - - 183 Duty of the members of said company on the alarm of any fire, section 6th, - 183 Badge of Chief Fireman to differ from that of the others so that he may be known, - 183 Said company to have the charge, care and manage- ment of all the engine houses, engines, &c, belong- ing to the city, section 7th, - - - - 183 The Chief Fireman in case of fire, to have the supreme and absolute command of the firemen, and the entire apparatus, employed for the extinguishment of fires. His special duties pointed out, section 8th, - 183,184 Duty of City Marshal in July and January of every year to take an account of the colored and negro firemen between the ages of 16 and 60, and make return thereof to the Chief Fireman. Duties of said firemen of color, and free negroes (enrolled) when a fire breaks out or otherwise. To be exempt from the payment of any poll tax to the city when enrolled. Penalty for neglect or disobedience of orders, section 9th, ordinance above, - - - - 184-185 Said Fire Company authorized to form from the free persons of color, free negroes, and hired slaves, axe- INDEX. 503 men, hose-men and ladder-men, &c., and drill them once a month* Penalty against any free person of color or free negro neglecting his duty. § 11th 185 The general powers and duties of the Chief Fireman, and the members of the Fire Company, when a fire "breaks out, when engaged in extinguishing same, or otherwise, such as the drilling the free negroes, &c, entering houses in search of gunpowder, pulling down or blowing up houses, &a, and the penalties against all persons intervening, obstructing or dis- obeying the orders of said chief or other fireman in the premises. Sec. 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 20, of Ord: 11th March, 1825, and Sec. 2 and 4, Ord. 5th June, 1828, and Sec. 5th, Ord. 25th May, 1826, 185, 186, 187, 188, 196, 199, 120 Duty of the City Marshal and City Constables on every alarm of fire, and during the continuance thereof; Penalty against them in case of absence from fire without reasonable excuse, or refusing or neglecting to obey the orders given them. Section 15th, Ordi- nance 11th March, 1825, - - - 186-7 Duty of the Mayor and Aldermen to assemble at the place of the fire, to preserve order, but not to inter- fere in any manner with the firemen. Sec. 16th 187 Duty of City Scavenger on the breaking out of any fire Sec. 21st, Ord. 11th March, 1825, and Sec. 3d, ordi- nance 29th Dec. 1853, title Scavenger. - 189 Not lawful (under penalty prescribed,) for any person to ride in or through, any part of a square, street or lane in which the inhabitants shall be assembled for the purpose of extinguishing a fire, except the com- mandant of the militia and his necessary officers, and the Mayor, Chief, and second and third firemen. Sec. 22d, Ord. 11th March, 1825, and Section 1st, ordinance 26th August, ? 52, - - 189, 192 Duty of the Mayor to request the commander of the militia, &c, to fix the number of men necessary to 504 INDEX be tinder arms, in time of fire by rotine, once in every three montlis. Sec, 23d, Or A 11th March, ? 25, 190 Every owner of a wooden, stone or brick house, cover- ed with wood and occupied as a dwelling or kitchen or store house, of more than one story high, required to provide same with a sufficient ladder, and scuttle cut through the roof, of specified dimensions, with steps to it on the inside, so that a person can pass up and through to the ridge of the roof, &c. Penalty for neglecting so to do. Sec. 25th, Ord, 11th March, '25, and Sections 1, 2, 3 and 4, Ordinance 5th June, 1828, - I , 190, 198, 199, 20® Unlawful for any person to carry gunpowder in any wagon, cart or dray, through the squares, streets, lanes and wharves of the city, without a secure and pro- per covering over the same. Penalty for so doing. Section 28th, ordinance l lih March, '25, and Sec. 1, Ord. 29th March, ? 49, title gunpowder. " - 190, 246 The duty of every master or commander of any ship or vessel arriving at or in the harbor of Savannah, having on board more than 56lbs, of Gunpowder to cause the same to be removed to the magazine within (24) hours after his mooring at or opposite the city. Duty of harbor master in relation thereto, penalty against master &c, for refusing or neglecting to com- ply, section 28th ordinance 11th March, 1825, 191 The mode and manner in which all stoves and stove pipes, are to be erected and fixed in any house in this city, section 29th, ordinance above, » 191 The duty of the lire company in case any vacancy shall occur by death, resignation or otherwise of any of its members, and their duty in case council shall reject any person or persons nominated by them, sec. 1st ord. Mar. 24, 1825 and sec. 1st and 2d ord, 8th Bee, 1825, . . * .. . . 192,19^ INDEX. 505 i A tax imposed of ten cents upon every $100 value of improved real estate or buildings erected on lease. — The monies received therefrom to be exclusively ap- propriated to keeping in repair the engine-houses, engines, hose &c,, sec, 1st, 2d, 3d Ord, 27th Oct. '25, 1 94-5 JjTo person to receive any compensation for giving any alarm of fire &c, sec. 1st ordinance 16th March '26, 195 All male slaves who receive a badge from the city be- tween the ages of 16 and 60 years to be registered and enrolled under the fire company, and subject to all the orders and discipline of said company. Each slave to be entitled to 12 | cents for each hour so em- ployed, subject to penalties, sec, 1st ord. 25th May '26, 1 96 Duty of said slaves upon every alarm of fire, or other- wise, Penalty for neglect of duty without sufficient excuse, and for any wilful disobedience of orders, sections 2d, 3d, 4th and 8th ordinance above, 196-197 Duty of the fire company to keep an accurate account of the time each slave is employed in working and drilling, and also penalties incurred. All wages due after deducting said penalties to be paid slave quar- terly, section 5th ordinance above, « - 196-197 The compensation to be allowed to the man free or slave who first gets to his engine upon an alarm of fire, also to the second and third man, sec. 6th ord. above, 197 When the penalties incurred by any slave shall amount to the price of the badge held by such slave, in de- fault of the payment of penalties, badge to be for- feited, sction 8th ordinance above, - - - 197 The fire company authorized to distribute rewards not ex- ceeding $30 for each fire to such free persons of color or slaves who may have been conspicuously active and useful in and at the extinguishment of any fire to be paid by the City Treasurer, at sight upon the order of the Chief Fireman, section 1st ordinance 20th July 1826, r • / - ~* ' % - - 198 64 509 INDEX The fire limits of the city as now defined and bound* ed, viz r commencing at the River, at the foot of east Broad street, and running southwardly along the east side of East Broad street, prolonging the line until it meets the northern side of Liberty street, thence westwardly until it reaches the eastern line of Gwin- nett, street^ extended to where it will intersect Price street. See section 1st, ordinance 10th March, 1853, and section 1st, Ord. 8th Sep. 1853, - 211,212 No wooden building (now erected) permitted to be re- moved from any point within said limits, or from any point without said limits, to any other point within the same, or from one part of a lot to another, without the special permission of the Board of Alder- men for the time being, section 1st, ordinance 3d April 1834, section 1st and 7th, ordinance 29th June, 1854, and sec. 7th, Ord. 29th June 1854, 200,205,218 Same prohibition as to any workshop of wood or any Bakery or public oven for baking, within certain defined limits, or erecting such shop^ bakery or oven within said limits. Penalty therefor, section 1st and 2d, ordinance 2Sth March, 1839, - 207 Unlawful for any person to put up, build, or erect any building or structure of wood, or any wooden fence, within the following limits : between Savannah River on the North^ Gwinnett street on the South, East Broad street on the east, and West Broad street on the west, except temporary erections of wood to protect building materials and wooden fences, west- wardly of the east side of Jefferson street, and east- wardly of the west side ot Abercorn and south- wardly of Liberty street, section 1st, ordinance 8th r June, 1852, _ - - , 208,209 Lawful for Council upon special application to allow the owner of any wooden building (now erected) to alter same by changing- the roof from a pitched to a flat one, provided the new roof be metalic and does not extend above the ridge of the former roof, section 2d, ordinance above, - - - - 209 No house or building of any description, now allowed to be put up within the above prescribed fire limits, unless the same be built of brick, stone, or some incombustible material, and unless the walls thereof shall be at least twelve inches thick in the lower story, and 8 inches thick above it, and the roof covered with slate, tin, or some incombustible coniDosition. Penalties for violation of same. See section 1st, ordinance 29th. May, 1845 — section 3d, 4th, 5th and 7th, ordinance 3d April, 1834 — section 1st of ordinances 23d January, 1845, and 23d May, 1850 — section 2d, ordinance 15th August 1839, and section 4th, ordinance 29th June, 1854, .• 208,20 1,202,206,203,2 17 -That portion of the city, known as Curry Town, bounded north by Jones street, east by Montgomery street, prolonged to Gwinnett street, excepted from the provisions of the foregoing ordinances, sections 1st of ordinances 26th June '52, and 2dJune, ? 54, 209,210 A certain portion of new Franklin ward also excepted from provisions of above ordinances, section 1st, ordinance 14th May, 1835, - - 205 No lumber yard of any description, permitted to be in the city within the following limits, viz: on the east by East Broad street, south by South Broad street, and west by West Broad street, and North by the present boundary of the city. Sixty thousand feet of lumber now permitted to be kept in Lumber yards, or open places without said limits, provided the same be not piled more than fifteen feet high, section 3d, ordinance 28th March, 1839, and section 1st, ordinance 13th June 1844, - - 207,204 Unlawful to lay a hearth to any chimney in the city unless the same be laid upon a brick or stone arch, &c. Penalty for violation, sec. 1st, Ord. 25th Feb'y, '41, 212 508 INDEX. Optional with the owners or occupants of houses wherein coal is exclusively burnt to have their chimneys swept or not, ordinance 30th Dec. 1852. 213 The city divided into five fire districts., each district hounded, section 1st, ordinance, 2d August, 1846, 213-4 The duties of the Watchman in the Capula. of the exchange at the occurrence of fire specially pointed out, section 2d, ordinance 2d August, 1846, - 214 Duty of the officer of the Watch, to cause the alarm of fire to be extended by ringing the bell of the guard house, without cessation until subdued. Section 3d ordinance above, - - - 215 Duty of the officers of the fire company and City Watch to report all neglect of duties required by foregoing ordinance. Penalty therefor, sec. 4th, Ord. above, 215 Duties of the Oglethorpe and Washington fire compa- nies specified and pointed out, sections 1st and 2d, ordinance 6th October, 1853. - - 215,216 No cistern,, engine house, engine, fire plugs, &c, nor any other property or apparatus, used for extinguish- ing fires, and belonging to the city shall be used at any fire ; by an^ person or persons except under the direction, management, and control of the Savannah Fire Company's "Chief Fireman," section 3d, ordi- nance above, - - - - 216 Powers of said Chief Fireman or such person as may be acting in his place, in case any person shall violate the provisions of the foregoing sections or neglect or refuse to obey any command, section 4th, ord. above, 216 No wooden house, building, shed, fence or structure of wood, which encroaches on any public street, &c, permitted to be altered or changed, (hereafter) in any manner whatsoever, section 1st, Ord, 26th June, '54, 217 No wooden house, &c, within the fire limits, permitted hereafter to be repaired, unless by the permission of council to be founded on a certificate in writing from Chief Fireman, that such repairs shall not amount to a rebuilding, section 2d, ordinance above, 217 INDEX. 509 Whenever the repairs upon any wooden house &c., shall exceed a moiety thereof, it shall be deemed a re-building, and Chief Fireman prohibited from granting certificate;, section 3d, ordinance above, 217 Whenever hereafter, any house erected within the fire limits shall be roofed or covered, it shall be with slate,- tile, tin, or some incombustible composition, section 4th, ordinance above, - - 217 Penalty against all persons, and especially against any mechanic or artificer, who shall violate or be instru- mental in violating any of the provisions of the above ordinance, section 5th, , - 217 Lawful for the Mayor & Chief Fireman to cause any house, building, or structure of wood to be pulled, down and removed whenever the]: shall consider the same a nuisance or dangerous, or in violation of the Fire Ordinances, section 6th, ordinance above, 218 Any wooden building in the condition authorized by the above ordinance, permitted to be removed from one part of a lot to another, even though within the fire limits ; if permission from Council is first obtained, sectipn 7th, ordinance above, - - 218 Unlawful for any person or body corporate to keep within any one enclosure more than 250 cords of light or pine wood. Penalty for so doing. Powers of Chief Fireman in relation thereto, section 8, 218 Ordinance to relieve George Anderson from the penalty of Fire Ordinances, ordinance Sth November, 1837, 215 Ordinance to relieve Charles L. Lodge from like penalties, ordinance 25th August, 1853, - 220 GRANTS. Grant to John Shick, &c, Deacons of the Baptist church, for lots No. 27 and 28, Brown ward, ordi- nance 12th February, 1S29, . - \ - - 221 Grant to the Hebrew Congregation, for lot No. 64, Brown ward, ordinance 12th March, 1829, - 221,222 510 INDEX. Grant to the State of Georgia of all that western halt of trust lot letter (G) Percival ward for the purpose of building an arsenal thereon, ordinance 26th March, 1829, - . - - 222,223 Grant to John Davidson and others, trustees of the Unitarian Society for Lots, Nos. 35 and 38, Brown ward, Ord. 30th June lS31,and 18th April, 1S33, 323,224 Grant to Eliza Mackay and others, in trust to. erect thereon a house or houses for indigent widows, two lots east of the old brick cemetery,, ordinance 19th April, 1832, - s . - - 224,22^ Grant to the United Stages in fee simple of all that parcel of ground extending from the southern line of Liberty street 212 feet, 6 inches south and from the eastern line of Bull street, 302 feet, 6 inches, to erect Barracks thereon, ordinance 22d Aug. 1833, 225,226 Grant to George G. Faries and others as trustees for the First Presbyterian church, lots No. 37 and 38, Brown ward, ordinance 26th June, 1834, - £26 Grani to Samuel J, Bryan, and others, as Trustees for the Methodist Episcopal Church, lot No. 48, Jackson ward, ordinance 11th December, 1834, - . 227 Grants to the Central Railroad & Banking Company of Georgia for 5 acres of land for the purpose of a Rail Road Depot, under certain limitations, and also for all that part of the public lot of land known as the Spring Hill lot, as bounded therein, ordinance 24th Nov. '36, 30th Aug. '3S, and 30th Jan. '40, 228,229,230,231 Grant to the Female Asylum for lots No. 32 and 33, Jasper Ward, ordinance 23d Feb. 18 39, 231 Grant to the vestry of the Catholic Church of St. John the Baptist for the use of the Sisters of Mercy, for lots No. 25 and 26, Lafayettte ward, Ord. 11th Aug. 1842, 232 Grant to F. M. Stone and others, trustees for the Methodist Episcopal church for special purposes, lot No 10, Crawford ward, ordinance 25th July, 1844, 233 (Jrant to the wardens and vestry of St. John's Church, lot No. 32, Pulaski ward, ordinance 19th Sep. 1844, 23i IN DEP. 511 Grant to the Georgia Historical Society, of lot No. 73, Crawford ward, ordinance 22d July, 1847, and 1 9th August, 1S47, - 234-5 Grant to the Justices of the Inferior Court, lots No. 11, 12, 13 and 14, in Lafayette ward, ordinances 17th Sept. 1846, and 10th June, 1847, - 236,237 Grant to Moses Eastman, the privilege of erecting the towers and turrets of a church on lot (W) Anson ward on the ground allotted for porticoes, ordinance 25th April, 1850, - 238 Grant to the Savannah Free School for lot No. 39, Brown ward, with permission to sell same upon certain conditions &c, ordinance 23d Sept. 1852, 238 Grant of a lot of land at the Southwest corner of Abercorn and South Broad streets, for the purpose of erecting .thereon a new engine house and firemen's hall, for the use of the Savannah Fire Company, ordinance 5th May, 1853, - - - 239 Grant to the Savannah Floating Dry Dock Company, and the Iron Steamboat Company the exclusive use of the wharves, leased or hired by them, ordinance 12th February, 1852, - - * 239,240 Grant to the Savannah Steam Rice Mill Company, the privilege at all times of occupying the river front of their wharf by vessels containing rice, ordinance 20th May, 1852, - , - - ■ r . 240 Grant of a lot of land at the southwest corner of Habersham and South Broad streets for the erection of a guardhouse thereon, ordinance 2d June, 1854, 241 . Grant of lots Nos. 34 and 35, Calhoun ward, for educational purposes, and erecting thereon at some future time a school house to be designated as the Massie Common School, ordinance 2d June, 1854, 241 Grant of a triangular space of ground, situate in that part of the city known as Crawford ward, east, to the Justices of the Inferior Court of Chatham count)", whereon to erect a new jail$ upon certain conditions, ordinance 15th June$ 1854. - - - 242 512 INDEX. Grant of the right of way to the Savannah and Albany Rail Road Company to lay down and construct a single track from their depot over and across Liberty street, and through Randolph street to the head of Lamar's canal, upon certain conditions ordinence 26th April, 1854, - ■• - ■ 242,243,244 GUNPOWDER. Superintendent of gunpowder to be elected by council for one year, on the first regular meeting in every January* To give bond with securities in the sum of $2,000,&a, section 1st, ordinance 16th' Oct, 1819, 244 His duties, and penalty for neglecting same, sec. 5, 244,245 His fees. See Title City Officers, section 20th, Ord, 5th August, 1839, -* - * - ; ' - 69 Required to have made and prepared at his own cost,, four pairs of woolen socks, to cover the feet, to be kept within the magazine, and to be worn by himself, and all persons entering therein, and whilst remain- ing therein, section 1st, ordinance 8th? March, 1832, 245 Penalty for refusing or neglecting so to do> section 2d, 245 No gunpowder to be shipped on board any vessel, boat or flat, whilst lying at any of the wharves of the city, in any quantity exceeding 56 lbs,,, and every vessel &a, before receiving said shipment, to be hauled into the stream, and not permittee! to be there, opposite the city more than twelve hours,. Penalty therefor, section 3d, ordinance above. - 245,246 All gunpowder arriving at this port, and to he forwarded to the interior, by Railroad or river, permitted to be transported directly from the vessel, having on board the same, to the cars of the Railroad or boats under certain special restrictions without being placed in the magazine. Penalty, ordinance 29th March, 1843, 246,247 Unlawful for any person or persons, whosoever in this city, to retail, keep, or have in their possession at any time, a greater quantity of powder than 25 lbs. Penalty for so doing, sea lst&2d,ord, 9th May, '50, 247,248 INDEX 513 Duty of every master or Commander of any ship or vessel arriving at or in the harbour of Savannah, having on board more than 56 lbs. of gunpowder to cause the same to be removed to the Magazine within 24 hours after mooring, at or opposite the city, Duty of Harbour Master in relation thereto. Penalty against master, &c, for refusing or neglecting to comply, section 28th, ord. 11th March, 1825. Title, Fire, - - * - 191 HARBOUR MASTER, To be elected by Council on the first Monday in January in each and every year. See Title Auctioners, ordinance 3d October, 1844* - 1 To give bond with two securities in the same of $2000, for the faithful discharge of his duties, section 2d, ordinance 16th October, 1845, - - 249 His duties, general and special. See Title City Officers, Fire, &c, section 8th, ordinance 2d August 1839, section 23th, ordinance 11th March 1825, Title Fire, &c., section 1st, ordinance 1 6th October, 1845, 61,191,243 Harbour fees for the port of Savannah, and when, where, by, and to whom, the same are to be paid, section 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th and 5th, ordinance 1st March, 1849, ----- 249,250 All vessels steadily plying or trading within the limits of this State, to be exempt from, the payment of said fees, section 6th, ordinance above, - * 250 Habour Masters salary, 120Q per annum, payable out of the fees of his office, &c, ordinance 24th April, 1851, 250 Ordinance 7th December, 1848, in reference to the ap- propriation of surplus harbor fees to improve the navigation of the Savannah river, repealed, Ord. 29th December, 1853, - 251 HEALTH OFFICER. His general and special duties particularly pointed out, section 1st, ordinance 22d, May, 1828. - 251,252 His salary, section 2d, same ordinance, - 253 65 415 INDEX His duty to procure and keep constantly on hand, a sufficient supply of good 'vaccine virus, ordinance 31st January, 1839, - - - - 253 HEALTH AND DRY CULTURE. Mayor authorized to execute contracts with the pro- prietors of low lands, in front and on the eastern and western extremeties of the city, for a perpetual change of wet to a dry culture, &c, section 1st, ord/ 21st March 1817, - - -. 255 Said contracts as soon as they shall be executed and re- corded to be delivered to the clerk of council for safe keeping, section 2d, ordinance 24th March 1817, 255 Annexed to each contract to be an accurate survey of the land upon which the dry culture is to take place, section 3d, same ordinance,- - 256' Seventy thousand dollars appropriated for the above purpose, to be raised by stock to be called City Land; Stock. Form of the Certificate to be issued lor said stock, section '4th, - 256 The faith of the city and the public property pledged for the redemption of said stock, within ten years, section Sth 9th and 10th, Ord. 24th March, 1817, 257 The further sum of $15,000, appropriated for the above purpose, Ordinance 17th May, 1819, - - 258 A committee of three Aldermen to be appointed by the Mayor annually to be called the Dry Culture Committee. Their general and special duties pointed out, section 1st & 2d, Ordinance 24th May, 1822, 25S,259 The inspector of Dry Culture not to be paid more than $75, for any one examination and report of the con- dition of all the lands subject to Dry Culture, sec. 3d, 259 The owner or owners of low lands, within the limits of the City of Savannah, required to drain same and place same in a dry state. Duty of Marshal in case he or they fail or neglect to have same done according to the requirements of this section. Penalty against INDEX. any person who shall hinder, disturb, or molest the Marshal, &c. in the execution of his or their duty,, section 1st, ordinance 24th June, 1824, - 260,261 Duty of the Inspector of Dry Culture and Marshal in relation to said Land, &c, when in a bad condition. Penalty against the owner of said land, failing or neglecting to comply with marshal's notice, seetion 2d, ordinance above, - - - 261 How the monies expended by the Marshal in the ex- ecution of his duty, shall and may be recovered, section 3d, same ordinance, - - - 262 The cultivation or rearing of rice within the extended limits of the city, or at any place within one mile beyond the city boundary in 1826, prohibited under a .specific fine and penalty. How the same is to be re- covered. Section 1st, 2d, 3d and 4th, Ord. 26th January, 1825. . _ _ •# 262,263 Duty of the Mayor whenever he shall receive infor- mation that rice is planted or cultivated upon any of the lands around the city, subject to the Dry Culture contracts, section 1st, ordinance 29th May, 1848. 254 Penalty in case the owner, tenant, cultivator, &c, of said lands, shall fail ti comply with the notice served upon him by the Mayor, or shah fail to appear before council, or having appeared, show no suffi- cient cause, &c, section 2d, ordinance above, 264 How, and against whom the expense incurred by the city in removing the nuisance is to be assessed and collected, section 3d, ordinance above, - 264 Nothing in the foregoing ordinance to be so construed as to prevent an action for recovery of damages for a violation of the dry culture contract by the city against the owner, section 4th, ordinance above, - 265 Unlawful for any person or body corporate by any em- bankment, dam or work which has been or may be erected across the natural channels of drainage, of the Springfield tract or any other tract of land to impede 516 INDEX, the flow of the water through the drains or natural channels or outlets of said tract of land to Savan- nah River, sec. 1st, ordinance 29th August, 1850, 266 Duty of the Mayor whenever information shall he given him that such impediment exists, section 2d, ordinance above, - r* - 266 Penalty against any person or body corporate who shall impede the drainage of said tract of land, or who shall, upon due notice, neglect or refuse to remove the same, section 3rd, ordinance above, 266 HOUSES NUMBERED. The owner of every lot or lots, upon which a dwelling house, store or other building has been erected, required to number the same, section 1st, ordinance 24th February, 1842, - - - § 267 Duty of the street and lane committee in relation to the same, section 2d and 3d, ordinance above, 267,268 The mode and manner prescribed in which the houses &c, in the city are to be numbered, sections 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th, ordinance above, - - 268 The tax to be imposed upon each house to be considered due upon the completion of the numbers on that house, and to be paid by the owner to the workman or artist, section 9th, ordinance above, * 269 INFORMERS AND WITNESSES. Duty of the Informer or informers to attend Council or the Police Court and give testimony on any informa- tion or informations preferred by him or them. Penalty for neglecting so to do. Sec. 1st, ordinances 30th May, 1808, and section 1st, ordinance 22d July 1839, _ - - 269,270 Duty of Clerk to issue and marshal to serve subpoenas, on such Avitness or witnesses as may be material to support same. Penalty against witness duly subpcened, and not attending to give testimony, sec. 2d, ordinance 30th May, 1808, - - 269 INDEX 517 INSPECTORS, WEIGHERS, MEASURERS AND GAGERS. No person or persons whatsoever, except those appoint- ed by Council authorized to measure salt, peas, corn, or other grains when sold, inspect and measure boards, scantling, staves, shingles, timber, &c, or inspect or gage liquors. Penalty for so doing, section 1st, .ordinance 15th Marc^i, 1827, and section 6th, Ord. 22d March, 1843. - - - 271,283 ^Council to appoint at its first regular meeting in Jan'y, annually, not exceeding twelve measurers and inspectors of lumber, staves, &c., not exceeding two of woo$ ; not exceeding two inspectors and gagers of liquors ; not exceeding six weighers of cotton, rice, &c., not exceeding three measurers df salt, peas, &c, section 2d, ordinance 15th March, 1827, and section > 3d, ordinance 23d March, 1843, - - 277,282- ~N6 persons appointed to either of the above offices to be concerned directly or indirectly in the sale of the articles measured and inspected or in the profits thereof, as principal or agent, section 3d, ordinance 15th March, 1827, and section 3rd, ordinance 23d March, 1S43, - - + - * .272,28.3 Each inspector and Measurer to enter into bond with good and sufficient securities ki the sum of $500 each for the faithful discharge of his duties, section 3d, ordinance 15th March, 1S27 — section 3d, Ord. 23d March, 1S43 — section 1st, ordinance 14th Oct. 1847, Flour, and section 4th, ordinance 27th Oc tober, 1849. Turpentine. - ■ - 272,2S2,2S8,29I Each Measurer and Inspector &c, to take and subscribe oath and receive a license to be signed by the Mayor and attested by the Clerk of Council, with the seal of the City thereto, for which he shall pay Treasurer a specific sum for the City and fees, sections 2d and 4th, ordinance 15th March, 1827, section 5th, ordinance 23d March, 1843, and section 5th, ordinance 14th October, 1847, - - - 272,283,283 All lumber staves, shingles, scantling and timber, bought or sold within the city, for exportation, re- quired to be first inspected and measured by the proper officer appointed as above, and the measure- ment of each piece of timber, scantling, planks, boards, or other sawed or hewn timber, to be correctly marked thereon. Section 5th, ordinance 15th March, 1827, section 6th, ordinance 23d March, 1843, and section ' 1st, ordinance 29th May, 1845, - 273,283,284 Penalty against any other person or persons inspecting, measuring, counting, or culling same, section 6th, ordinance 23d March, 1843, - - 283 All fire wood to be inspected and measured hy the inspectors of wood, whenever required by purchaser or seller. Fees fo'rsame. Dimensions of a cord of wood, specified, section 9th, ordinance 15th March, 1827, and section 1st, ordinance 31st JanV, 1843, 273,278 Every vessel loaxled wholly or in part with lumber of any description and cleared at the Custom House for any foreign port to receive a certificate of the measurement of such lumber, with the seal of the city affixed. Fees for the same, section 10th, Ord. 15th March, 1827, - - -- , 273,274 Fees of the inspectors and gagers of liquors, section 11th, ordinance, loth March, 1827, - - 274 Fees of the weighers of cotton, rice, tobacco, hay, and other goods to be paid by the seller, section 12th, ordinance above, - - - - 274 Penalty against any Measurer and Inspector who shall be convicted of a neglect or violation of his duties, section 14th, ordinance above, - - 274,275 Penalty against any person who shall sell lumber &c, for exportation, (except when measured by the officers of the customs,) without being first inspected and measured by the proper officer appointed by council, section 15th and 16th ordinance above, g75 INDEX 51* Penalty against any person or persons who shall neglect to pay the fees due for inspecting, gaging, weighing measuring, &e., section 17th, ordinance above, 275 Any measurer, inspector, weigher or gager who shall remove from the city, or be absent or disabled, to forfeit his appointment &c., and sec. 18th, ordinance above, - - - - 275 Every measurer of corn, peas, or other grain and salt, to provide himself with two or more measures of a certain specified description, and also with one or more shovels or scoups, section 1st, ordinance 30th August, 1S27, - 276 Penalty against measurer for using any other measure different from the one described. The mode and manner pointed out in which corn;, peas and other grain, and salt are required to be measured,; section 2d, ordinance 30th August, 1827, - 276,277 All cargoes or parts of cargoes of salt, corn, peas, or other grain, sold from on board vessels, (except when measured by the officers of the customs) to be measured by one of the City Inspectors and measu- rers, When sold from store or elsewhere to be measured only at the requisition of the purchaser. No other measurement than that of a City Measurer to be deemed lawful, except when done by the consent of parties. The fees allowed for measuring the above articles. Section 3d, ordinance 30th August, 1827, and section 1st, ordinance 11th Oct. 1827, 277,278 All spirits distilled in any of the United States or Terri- tories, and imported into this city for sale, required to be inspected and gaged by one of the city gagers His duties in relation to same. Penalty against consignee, agent or owner who shall neglect or re- fuse to have same done, section 1st, ordinance 7th June, 1827, - ' - - - 279 Inspector and gagers to determine the proof by South- worth's Hydrometer, section 2d, - * 279 INDEX Penalty against any person or persons who shall, after inspection &c., fraudulently alter the mark or put other spirits in the cask without first obliterating' the same, section 3d, ordinance above, - 279 Loblolly pine timber declared not merchantable, and penalty against any inspector who shall measure and inspect same as merchantable, section 7th, ordinance 25th August, 1842, - - - 280 What descriptions of ranging timber, scantling, plank, boards and other descriptions of sawed lumber, staves, and shingles, shall be deemed merchantable, sections 1st and 2d, ordinance 23d March, 1843, 281 The fees to be paid each measurer and inspector of lumber, one half by the seller, the other by the pur- chaser, sections 4th and 8th, 'ordinance above, 282,283 Not to exceed twelve measurers and inspectors of lum- ber, &c, to be appointed. Required to produce to council satisfactory evidence of moral character fitness and qualification to discharge duties. To re- ceive a license and pay treasurer therefor, $10 and fees, section 3d and 5th, ordinance above, 282,283' Penalty against any person not a licensed inspector for inspecting, measuring, counting, and culling ranging timber, sawed lumber, oak staves and shingles, section 6th, ordinance above, - - - 28 $ All hay sold in the city io be re-weighed. Penalty -against seller for refusing to have the same done, section 8th, ordinance 25th August, 1842, and section 2d, ordinance 4th September, 1845, and section 4th, ordinance 10th June, 1847, - - 280,284,286 The office of weighers of hay created, and two weighers of hay to be elected by council annually, at its first regular meeting after the 5th day of February in each year. Fees of said office, and by whom to be paid, section 1st, ordinance 10th June, 1847, - 285 The general and special duties of the weighers of hay, prescribed and pointed out, sections 2d, and 3d, INDEX. 521 ordinance 10th June, 1847, and section 1st, ordi- nance 25th, August, 1853, - - 285,286 The weight regulated by which com, rye, barley, wheat and oats are to be bought and sold, with proviso, section 1st and 2d, ordinance 28th October, 1847, 287 Penalty against every whjte person for every violation of said ordinance, section 3d, - - 287 One or more inspectors of flour to be appointed by Council for the city, section 1st, ordinance 14th October, 1847, - 288 His general and special duties as to the inspection of Flour, &c, pointed out and prescribed, section 2d, 3d and 8th, ordinance above, - - 288,290 His bond, and'amount thereof, section 1st, - 2S8 His oath, section 5th, - - - 289 Each barrel of Flour to weigh 198 lbs., and each half barrel 98 lbs. Penalty against inspector branding any barrel or half barrel, containing a less quantity, section 4th, ordinance above, - - 289 No inspector of Flour permitted to purchase directly or indirectly any flour, unless for the use of himself or family. Penalty for so doing, section 6th, Ord. 14th, October, 1847, - 289 The office of Inspector of Turpentine created. To be elected annually at the first regular meeting in January, sections 1st, 2d, and 3d, ordinance 27th October, 184S, - 290 The general and special duties of Inspector of Turpen- tine, specially declared. His fees and amount of bond fixed. Section 4th, ordinance above, 290,291 JAIL. The Iviayor and Aldermen constituted Commissioners of the Jail of Chatham county, section 1st, ordinance 25th December, 1834, ' - - - 292 A Jailor for said Jail to be elected by council on 30th December, 1834, and to hold his office for three years 66 52# unless sooner removed for sufficient cause, section 2d, ordinance above, - 292 His salary to be $1500 per annum, section 3d, ordinance 25th December, 1834, and section 2d, ordinance 16th January, 1851, - - - 292,294 His oath and bond,- &c, section 3d, ordinance 25th December, 1834, - - - 292,293 His duties, general and special, pointed out, sections 4th and 5th, ordinance above, - - 293 LAMPS. A lamp contractor to be elected by council at its first regular meeting in January annually, upon ten days previous notice. His duties an d penalty for neglecting to perform them, section 4th, ordinance 22d July, 1839, - - - - - t 294,295 Penalty against any person who shall break, injure or destroy any of the public lamps, lamp posts, lantherns, or light or extinguish the gas in the same, section 5th, ordinance 2 2d July, 1839, and section 1st, ordinance 15th August, 1850* - - - 295,296 Council may by resolution direct the erection of any oil lamps at such public places as circumstances may permit, Section 6th, ordinance 22d July, 1839, 295" The master of every vessel, of whatever description, lying in the stream of the Savannah River, required to suspend and keep suspended during all hours of the night at the masthead or in some prominent part of the rigging a lamp properly trimmed and burning, &c. Penalty for neglecting so to do, section 1st and 2d, ordinance 19th February, 1846, - 29f The master of every vessel &c, under weigh, required to suspend and keep suspended at the bow sprit or jib boom, a lighted lanthern at night, during the time such vessel is under weigh. Penalty for neglecting so to do, section 1st and 2d, ordinance 16th January , 1851, - • v - - - 298 INDEX 523 LESSEES. Joint Lessees of a city lot authorized to apply to council to divide same and receive separate leases, or to make half of a lot fee simple &c. See Title Com- mons and Grants, ordinance £7th -February, 1851, 126,127 LICENSES. All shops, stores and bar rooms within the extended limits of the city, and all persons owning or visiting . same, declared to be subject to all existing ordinances in reference thereto, section 1st, ordinance 12th October, 1826, ' - - 298,299 Svery person who shall keep within said limits a store, - bar-room, tavern, inn, hotel, ordinary oyster house or cellar, eating house, punch, porter, ale or beer house, for the sale of liquors in any quantity other than in the original cask, package, or vessel, required to take out a license for the same. Penalty for neglecting so to do, section 2d, ordinance above, - - 299 43aid licenses to be classed and numbered (l) and (2.) Every person to whom license No. 1 is granted, to pay therefor $25, and for No. 2, $35, section 3d, 299 Penalty for a violation of any of the conditions of said licenses, or that of a pedlar's license, section 4th, 299,300 The form of said licenses, section 5th, - - 300 Applicant for license required to give bond with two or more approved securities in the sum of $200 con- ditioned for the due observance of the ordinances of Jthe city, and the laws of the State. Every license to continue for one year and no longer. Duties of City Treasurer on license granted, sections 6th and 7th, ordinance above, - 300 No license to authorize holders to sell liquors &c, under it in more places than one, nor at any other place than that specified therein, without first giving notice to clerk of his or her removal &c., section 8th, 301 524 INDEX. Penalty against any person without license who shall sell or deliver at any time, or at different times, any malt, vinins, or spiritual liquors, in any quantity or . parcels other than as imported in the original casks, packages, or vessels, section 9th, ordinance above, 301 Every person obtaining a license of class No 2, for retailing, required to have plainly and distinctly painted in letters not less than three inches in length, over the door, on the outside of the house or shop &c,, and fronting the street, lane, or square, the name of the person so licensed, with the words --''Licensed to Retail Spitituous Liquors." Penalty for a violation thereof, section 10th, ordinance above, - 301 Penalty against any retailer of liquors in whose shop or enclosure any negro or person of color not his own property, shall be found after drum beat at night without a written permission from his, her or their owner or guardian. Duty of City Marshal and City Watch if such be the case, section 11th, ordinance above, - 301,302 Not lawful for the Mayor to grant a license to any person who may have retailed liquors without a license ex- cept upon certain terms and conditions specified, section 12th, ordinance above, - - 302 Not lawful for any person, to follow the occupation of a pedlar, within the limits of the city, without a license for which he shall pay $50. Mayor authorized to grant said license for one year and no longer.. Penalty for violation thereof, section 13th, - 302 Not lawful for such pedlar to occupy any part of the streets, lanes, squares or wharves, with tables, benches or stands of any kind, or to spread his, her, or their wares, &c, on the ground for sale. Penalty for so doing, section 14th, ordinance above, - 302 Plow all fines &c„ imposed by foregoing ordinance are to be levied and recovered, section 1 6th, ordinance above, - - - - 303 INDEX, 525 Certain specified ordinances on the subject of licenses. &c, repealed, section 17th, ordinance above, - 303 ;Buty of City Marshal to seize and sell as forfeited, all articles which maybe exposed for sale by venders of small waref, without a proper license. Penalty against such venders for so doing, sections 1st and 2d, ordinance 22& October, 1829, - - 304 All the provisions of the ordinances of the city in rela- tion to the granting of licenses to retail spirituous liquors, declared to be in fall force within the extended •limits of the city, section 1st, Ord. 11th March, 1830, 305 No license to be granted, to free persons of color to retail' spirituous liquors, and no such licenses to be granted to any .white person for their benefit Penalty against white persons using a license granted them for the benefit of any free person of color, sections 1st and 2d, ordinance 10th Jul}', 1834, - 305,306 Unlawful for any person to bargain, sell, or vend by wholesale or retail, any goods, wares, or merchandise, from on. board any ship or vessel, or from any of the wharves of the city without first obtaining a license, and paying .therefor : .£>50, and fees. Said license to be null and void, as soon as said goods are sold. , Penalty for a violation or evasion of same, sections 1st and 2d s ordinance 31st December, 1840, 305,307 Above ordinance not to apply to ships or vessels loaded with the productions of the Floridas or South Caro- lina, or having on board tropical fruits, apples and cabbages, section 3d, ordinance above, .- 507 Every transient retail merchant, shop, or storekeeper, whether coming to this city on his own account, or as representing a branch of some mercantile house elsewhere, and who contemplates residing in the city for a less time than 12 months, required to take oat a license and pay therefor $500. Penalty for refusing or failing so to do within five days from the opening his store, section 1st, ordinance 16th Nov. 1S43, 307 426 INDEX What shall be considered and taken as presumptive evidence of such transient residence. Duty of the Mayor whenever such transient dealer shall he Drought hefore him for a violation of the above ordi- nance, sections 2d and 8th, ordinance 16th Nov. 1843, and section 1st, of ordinance 7th March, 1844, 308,309 The provision of the Ordinance of 16th Nov., 1843, to extend " to dealers in all articles whatever," and to any person offering for sale any silk or fancy goods, jewelry, &c, at any boarding or other house. Sees. 3d and 5th, ordinance above, - - 308 Duty of City Treasurer when such transient dealer shall become a perminent resident, sec. 4, Ord. above, 308 No part of said Ordinance to apply to .Captains of ves- 1 sels, trading from the decks of their vessels under license, section 6th, Ord. above, - - 308 411 street Pedlars of whatever kind or degree to he lia- ble to all the penalties of the above Ordinance. Sec, 2d, ordinance 7th March, 1844, - - 309 See further as to Licenses, Auctioneers - pages 3 and 4 Dogs, - - 144, 145 Drays, Wagons' and Vehicles, - - 146, 150,151 Inspectors, Weighers, &c, - - 272 Market, .... 326, 338 Nuisances, - r 35$ Taxes, .... 000 Water Works, - - - 000 LORD'S DAY OR SABBATH. Penalty against any person or persons who shall dis- turb any congregation assembled at any church or public place of worship, or who shall cause any riot or disturbance thereabout or therein, section 1st, Ord. 11th April, 1839, - - - 310 No tradesman, laborer or other person to do or exercise any labor or business of their calling on the Lord's INDEX, 527 Day (works of necessity, &c, excepted.) Penalty therefor. Section 2d, Ord. above, - 310 No person whatever permitted to exchange, tarter, sell or offer or expose for sale, after (12) o'clock on every Saturday night, until 12 o'cloek on Sunday night, any goods, wares, merchandise, fruits, herbs, malt, vi- nous or spiritous liquors, or any other things whatso- ever^ except medicines, ice and milk. Penalty^ for so doing. Section 3d, Ord. 11th April, 1839, and sees. 1st, 2d and 3d, Ordinance 27th July, 1854, 311, 314, 315 The occupiers, proprietors, agents or owners of all cook shopSj prohibited the sale of victuals to negroes on the Sabbath Day, Penalty therefor. Sec. 3d, Ord. 11th April, IS 3 9, Proviso. - - 311 Unlawful for any wagoner, carter, drayman, butcher or driver, &c, to ply about the City with their wagons, carts or drays on the Lord's Day, or load or unload any goods, &c., except the baggage of passengers* Penalty for a violation thereof. Sec- 4th, ord. above, 311 Unlawful to load or unload any vessel of any kind, at any of the wharves or docks of the City, (cases of urgent necessity, excepted,) on the Lord's Day. Pen- alty therefor. Sec. 5th, Ord, above, - 311 Unlawful for any tavern keeper or other person keeping any house of entertainment, to suiter any feasting, drinking or gaming, &c 3 on the Lord's Day, within their houses or enclosures. Penalty for so doing. Section 6th, Ord. above, - - 311,312 No public sports or pastimes of any kind whatsoever, to be had or used by any person or persons on the Lord's Day. Penalty for so doing, Sec. 7th, Ord. above, - - - - - 312 Duties of the Marshal and City Constables during Di- vine service on the Sabbath. Section 8th, Ord. above 312 Penalty against any retailer of spirituous liquors or owner of any negro cook shop, if any negro or negroes shall be found therein on the Lord's Dayy not being 528 INDEX.. their property. Duty of Marshal, &c. Section §th, ordinance above, - - - 312, 313 No person to be prosecuted or molested for any offence contained in the foregoing ordinance, unless such prosecution be commenced within (30) days after the offence was committed, section 11th, - 31 3 Not lawful for any slave or free person of color to ride on horseback through the streets on the Sabbath Day without a special written permission from owner or guardian. Duty of Marshal, City Sheriff and Con- stables in relation thereto, sections 1st and £d, ordi- nance 1 G th April, 1848, - - 313,314 Eyery person keeping within this City or its extended Jurisdictional limits, any shop, store, bar-room, tav- ern, oyster house or eeliar, confectionary, eating house porter, ale or- beer house, required to close and keep shut the same,, from every Saturday night at 12 o'clock, until 12 o'clock on Sunday night, succeed- ing. Penalty for a violation thereof, section 1st, 2d and 3d, ordinance 27th July, 1854, - 314 LOANS. The sum of $500,000 appropriated for the payment by the City for its subscription, for 5000 shares of the stock of the Central Railroad and Banking Company of Georgia, section 1st, ordinance 23d July, 1835, 31 & Said sum to be raised by loan on certificates of stock, to be denominated "-City Stock for Internal Xmprov- nlents," for the eventual redemption of which, with interest when payable, the faith of the City and all the public property is pledged as security, sections 2d, 3d and 4th, ordinance 23d July, 1835, sections 1st, 2d and 3d, ordinance 28th May, 18.38, and section 1st, ordinance 31st January, 1839, 316, 317, 318, 31 & The Treasurer required to deposit and keep all the funds of the City which may come to his hands, in the Central Railroad and Banking Company's Bank.. INDEX. 529 His duty as to the application of said funds. Proviso, section 2d, ordinance .3 1st January, 1839, - 319 A loan ot $100,000, authorized to be made by the Mayor and committee on Finance for the purpose of contributing to works of Internal Improvement and to improve the city, sections 1st, 2d and 3d, Ord. 21st December, 1839, 320 LUMBER. Sixty thousand feet of lumber, now permitted to be kept in lumberyards, &e., without certain limits. See Title Fire. - - - * *- 204,207 MARKET. A public market to be held every day in the year, (Sun- days excepted) in Ellis square for the sale of all kinds of butchers meat, poultry, &c., section 1st, Ord. 22d July, 1839, - 321 A clerk of the market to be appointed by council at its first regular meeting in January annually. Kis bond and oath of office. After qualification to receive a .certificate from the Mayor, under the seal of the city that he has been duly appointed and qualified. Penalty for neglecting his duty or misconduct in office. In case of death, &c., co uncil to appoint a successor at any regular or special meeting, sections 2d, 4th and 8th, ordinance above, 321,322,323,324 The Market Committee &c, on the 1st Wednesday in December, annually to let or rent out for cash the stalls in the market at public outcry, after notice, re- serving three stalls for accommodation -of planters, &c., who are required to pay clerk double fees tor use of same. Marshals duty at, and after said renting, section 3d, ordinance 22d July, 1839, and section 1st, ordinance 19th November, 1853, - 321,322,334 Salary of clerk of the market, and how to be paid, section 5th, ordinance 22d July, 1839, - 323 67 530 IN MX The general duties of the clerk of the market, section 2d and 6th, ordinance above, - - 321,324 His special duties, and penalty for neglecting the same, sections 7th, 8th, 10th, 13th, 18th, 19th, and 20th, ordinance above, - - 324,325,326,329,330 The market fees which the Clerk is authorized and re- quired to collect and receive and pay over to the city Treasurer quarterly deducting his quarter's salary yierefrom, section 5th, ordinance above, - 323 Penalty against any person opposing, obstructing, insulting, or abusing the clerk of the market, or refu- sing to pay the fees demanded by him in the execu- tion of his office, section 7th, ordinance above, 324 In what manner butchers are required to divide their small and large meats. Penalty for neglecting or refusing so to do. Every person while cutting up merit required to wear a long apron, section 9th, ordi- nance above, - - 224,325 Every butcher or other person killing an ox, cow, heifer, cr grown meat cattle, and exposing same for sale in the City, required to take the hide and head attached with the ears and horns on to the market and show same to clerk. Duty of clerk thereupon, Penalty against butcher and clerk for neglect or violation of duty, section 10th, ordinance above, 325 Penalty against any person who shall bring to or near market, any of the offal or inside of any slaughtered animal (the haslet, clean tripe, lard and tallow, when melted, or rough tallow excepted.) Penalty for so doing, section 11th, ordinance above, 323 Penalty against' any butcher who shall erect or keep any pen or enclosure for the purpose of keeping oi slaughtering any cattle, calves, sheep, goats or hogs, within one mile of the corporate limits of the city v section 12th, ordinance above, and section 1st, ordi- nance 2d January, 1840, - - 325^326,333 INDEX. 531 Penalty against any person who shall expose or offer for sale hi the market, or in any other place In the city, any blown, pnffed up, or unwholesome meat, or provisions of any kind. Duty of any Alderman, Clerk of the Market and City Marshal, on complaint made of same, or upon view thereof, section 13th, ordinance 2 2d July, 1S39, - - 326 No person permitted to b/ing to the market, and there expose for sale any butter, vegetables, &c, not the growth or manufacture of this State, or of Souih Carolina, nor any codfish, mackerel or salmon, with- out a special license, and paying therefor, $15. Penalty for a violation thereof, sec. 14th, ordinance above, - - - - 326,327 No person permitted to buy, or cause to be bought, contract for, or cause to be contracted for, at the market, or at any other place within the limits of the city, after the setting and before the rising of the sun, any meat, fish, poultry, game or wild fowls, eggs, vegetables, provisions of any kind, or sell or cause the same to be sold at the market, or at any other place within the city, nor purchase, or contract for any of the aforesaid articles, in quantities greater than is requisite for the use and consumption of the families of such person. Penalty for so doing, section 15th, ordinance 22d July, 1S39, section 1st, ordinance 30th January, 1851, and section 1st, ordinance 12th Jan'y 1854. See notes thereto. - 327,334,335,336 Council may by resolution forbid any free person of color or slave from selling at the market for any offence committed by either, contrary to the laws of the State, or the ordinances of the city. No person of color having a badge to sell small wares, permitted to pur- chase or sell any fruit at or in the vicinity of the market, before 9 o'clock in the morning. No slave permitted to act as butcher, &c, unless in the presence of his owner or employer, or his agent Penalty for 5$2 INDEX; a violation thereof section 1 6th, ordinance 2 2d July, 1839, - - - - 32$ No slave permitted to sell or offer for sale at the market or at any other place in the city any kind of poultry, provisions, or fruit, (fresh fish excepted) without a special ticket from his or their owner, overseer, or employer authorizing same. Penalty for a violation thereof, section 17th, ordinance above, - 328,829 No Butcher or other person permitted to keep any wag- on, cart or other carriage, horse, mule, ass or ox near- er to the market, or within any other limits, or for a longer time, than the Market Committee or Clerk may direct ; nor to feed with any grain oi forage, any horse, &c, at the Market, or within the limits pre- scribed. Penalty for a violation of the same, section ISth, ordinance above, - - - 329, 330' Duty of the Market Committee and Clerk from time to time, &c, to examine the scales of all persons buying or selling in the market or in any part of the city, and to prescribe the manner of suspending the same. Penalty against all persons neglecting or refusing to comply with such direction. Section 19th, ordi- nance above, - - - - 330' The Clerk of the Market authorized and required from time to examine into the weights and measures of all and every person buying or selling in the City, and to try the same according to the standard. Penalty against any person convicted of buying or selling by false weight or measure, sections 20th and 2 1st, ordi- nance 22d July, 1839, and section 4th, ordinance 24th March, 1842. See title Weights and Measures, 330-31 Penalty against Clerk of the Market for marking or sealing, any weight or measure not agreeable to the standard, &c, section 22d, ordinance 22d July, 1839, 33! Not lawful for any vender of meat to weigh the same at any other scales or with any other weights, than those attached to, and belonging to his own stall. Penalty therefor, section 24, ordinance above, i££ INDEX 533 Duty of City Marshal or his deputy and one or more City Constables, to attend at the Market every day at sunrise, and continue there until 9 o'clock, A. M. Also on every Saturday afternoon, until the closing of the Market Penalty for every neglect or default. Section 23d, ordinance above, - - 331 Unlawful for any person to" sleep or lie down upon the public stalls in the Market, either in the day or night time. Penalty therefor. Section 25th, - 331 How the fines &c, imposed by said ordinance of 22d July, 1839, are to be recovered and applied, &c. Pen- alty for violations which have not been designated* sections 26th, 27th and 28th, ordinance above, 332, 333 Penalty against any person who shall cut, mutilate, de- face or injure the Market building, or any of the stalls, or other appurtenances to the same, section 2d, ordinance 30th Jan., 1851, - * 335 Not lawful for any person or persons, to sell or expose for sale or barter, any beef, veal or mutton, at any place within the limits of the City, except only at the public market, &c. Penalty for a violation thereof. Sections 1st and 2d, ordinance 17th Nov., 1853, 336, 337 The above provisions not to be so construed as to pre- vent the sale of said articles from on board Steam-: ships or other vessels when imported from other places, &c, section 3d, ordinance above* - 337 All colored persons residing in the City or its extended limits, before exposing a»y vegetables, grist, &c., for sale in the Market, required' to take out a badge, for which they shall pay the same sum as venders of small wares. Said badge not to entitle them to sell any kinds of pouluy. Penalty for «so doing. Sees* 1st and' 2d, ordinance 17th Dec, 1840, 337, 338 .No person (except those who bring poultry and game, fruit and fish from the country in caits or otherwise) permitted to sell any poultry, or game dead or alive, 3$4 INDEX. fruit or fish in or near the market, without taking out a license for the same and paying therefor the sum of $1000 and fees. Sections 1st and 2d, ordinance 29th June, 1854, - - - - ; 328 The exception in the first section only to apply to per- sons actually living in the country, and bona fide bringing said articles into the City for sale. Section 3d, ordinance above, - - - ' 33-S- Powers of the chairman of the market committee in relation to said license. Restriction on said power, section 4th, ordinance above, - - 338,33-9 >■ i NEGROES. Not lawful for any owner, &c., of negro slaves to hire them out of their families or houses (except slaves not mechanics, owned by any resident of the city and hired out by the month,) within the limits of the city, without a badge being first had. and obtained, from the clerk of Council His duties in relation to same, section 1st, ordinance 2 cl August, 1839, - 339 The price of said Badge for any slave to exercise the trade of a cabinet maker, house or ship caipenter, caulker, bricklayer, blacksmith, tailor, barber, baker, or butcher, $10, if owner be a resident or non-resident section 1st, ordinance above., See also ordinance passed 19ch October, 1854, Appendix, - 34a For all other slaves, "being mechanics or handcraft tradesmen on hire, or as pilots, boatmen, grass cutters and hucksters, $8, if owner be a resident or non resident, section 1st, ordinance above, See Ord. 19th October, 1854. Appendix. - ~ 340 For every female slave being a porter, or other daily laborer for hire $2.50, and for every male being the same, $4, if owned by a resident or non-resident, section 1st, ordinance above. See ordinance 19th October^ 1854, Appendix,. * - 34® INDEX. S$5 Bakers and chimney sweepers excepted from the pro- visions of this ordinance, section 7th, ordinance above, - — - - 342 How said badge to be suspended and worn by slave, Penalty for a violation thereof, section 2d, ordinance above, - . - - - 340 All badges to be granted for one year commencing en the 1st January, and ending on 3 1st December, follow- ing ; but badges taken out by residents between the 1st July and 31st December authorized to be issued to them at one half the yearly sum above specified, section 2d, ordinance 2d Aug. 1S39, and section 2d, ordinance 29th December, 1S53, ordinance 19th Oct. 1S54. Appendix. - - , # 340,341,348 Each and every person who may come to this city with the bona fide intention of residing and carrying on business therein, allowed to take out badges for each and every slave, bona fide, owned by him, her or them, upon paying therefor the same price as is required from resident owners, section 1 st, ordinance 29th December, 1853, - - 348 Penalty against owner of slave &c, who shall hire out, or suffer any slave to work out, or to sell fruit, &c., without first having taken out a badge. Proviso as to country negroes. Section 3d, ordinance 2-d August. 1839, - - - - m 341 Any free nogro, mulatto &c, who shall sell or offer for sale any small wares of any description required to take out a badge and pay the 'treasurer therefor $S. Penalty for a violation thereof, section 4th, ordinance above, - - - - - 341 No badge to be issued to any negro slave as a vender of small wares, unless he or she is old, decrepid and infirm, &c, and no other articles shall be vended by such slave except such as are specified in the license. Penalty for a violation thereof, section 6th, ordinance .above, - - _ $42 136 INDEX, No slave or free person of color permitted to be em- ployed in any public store or shop by the owner thereof, for the purpose of vending goods, &c., or retailing spirituous liquors, unless in the presence of the employer or some other white person, specially authorized by him. Penalty therefor, section 5th, ordinance above, - - 341,342 Every free negro, mulatto, &c., of the age of 1 8 years, ' and upwards, required yearly and 1 every year to register his or her name, in the office of the clerk of Council. Penalty for neglecting so to do, section 8th, ordinance above, - 342 No slave or slaves permitted to have, hold, use, occupy, reside or sleep in any house, building or enclosure, other than that of his owner, &c, without first obtaining a ticket from his owner, and describing the place and the time for which such permission is given, not to exceed 15 days. Penalty for a violation thereof. Section 9th, ordinance above, - 342,343 No person permitted to let or hire to any slave within the city, any lot, house, or out house either within his or her enclosure or elsewhere. Penalty for so doing, section 10th, ordinance above, - — 343 Not more than two negroes from 4he same plantation permitted to come within the city on the same day or night Penalty therefor, section 1 3th, ordinance above, *• - - -• - * 344 No negroes or persons of color, more than seven, (ex- cept when attending funerals, or public worship, on Sunday or other occasions, authorized by any ordi- nance) permitted to assemble in any house, building or lot, or in any street, lane, alley, or other public places of the city, unless some white person is with them. Duty and powers of the city officers in rela- tion thereto. Penalty for a violation of this section. Section 11th, - 343. INDEX, 537 No assembly of slaves or persons of color permitted to take place in any part of the city for the purpose of dancing or other merriment without a written permis- ' sion from the Mayor, chairman, or any two Aldermen and no such meeting shall continue after 11 o'clock at night. Penalty against the owner or occupier of premises where such meeting shall take place without permission. Duty of city marshal, constables and city watch in such case specified, and penalty for re- sisting same section 12th, ordinance above, 344 Unlawful for any person to teach, or cause to be taught any slave or free person of color to read or write within the city, or to keep a school for that purpose. Penalty therefor, section 14th, - - 345 Unlawful for any person of color to keep or maintain within the city a common, ill-governed, and disorderly house, &c. Unlawful for any negro, slave or free person of color to be engaged in playing or betting at any game of cards, dice, &c. Penalty therefor, section 15th, - - - - 345 Duty of city marshal and constables, &c., to arrest any slave or free person of color, found quarrelling or fighting in the public streets, &c. Penalty therefor, section 16th, ordinance above, - — 345 Duty of city marshal &c, to arrest, confine or disperse all slaves or free persons of color who may follow precede or attend any military or civic parade or procession with certain exceptions, particularly specified. City marshal &c, authorized to inflict moderate chastisement on any slave or free person of color, violating the provisions of this section. Section 17th, ordinance above, - 345,346 Lawful for the owner of mechanic slaves to hire them out. Penalty against any person who shall employ or contract with any mechanic slave without first ob- taining the written permission of his owner, section 18th, ordinance above, - - - 34$ 68 538 INDEX, A general ticket given by the master, owner employer/ or guardian of a negro, or person of color, sufficient 1 to pass the bearer until (10) o'clock, P. M., but in order to pass the bearer after 10 o'clock, P. M., a t ' special ticket must be given which shall specify the hour when it is to expire, and may be given before or after 10 o'clock, P. M. No ticket, whether dated before or after that hour sufficient to pass the bearer after mid- night, unless the time when given the object in view, and the place to which the bearer is sent, be distinctly specified therein, section 19th, ordinance above, _____ 346 Penalty against any person or persons who shall coun- terfeit any of the badges required by this ordinance, section 20th, ordinance above, - - 346,347 How the fines, forfeitures, &c, incurred and imposed under this ordinance, are to be levied, collected, en- forced and applied, section 21st, - - 347 Ordinance prescribing the mode and period of quaran- tine of vessels arriving in the port of Savannah, having free persons of color on hoard, sections 1st, 2d, 3d and 4th, ordinance 28th February, 1830. See note thereto, - - - 349,350 NUISANCES. Not lawful for any person to put any gutter or spout to convey filth from the kitchen into any street or lane of the city. Penalty therefor, section 1st, ordinance 2d August, 1839, _ _ _ 351 No privy to be erected within the limits of the City, unless built or sunk with brick or stone at least six feet below the surface of the lot, and one foot above and to have a flue connected therewith, extending one foot or more above the roof, section 2d, ordinance 2d August 1839, and section 1st, ordinance 25th August, 1853, 351,357 INDEX Not lawful for any person to cast, throw out or suffer to fall from the upper or second stories of buildings any bales of cotton or other goods whatsoever, &c., Penalty against the occupier of buildings out of which the same is so cast or thrown, section 3d, ordinance 2d August, 1839, - ~ 351 Penalty against any person who shall appear in any of the public streets, lanes or squares of the city in a state of nakedness or who shall make any indecent exposure of his or her person or that of another, section 4th ordinance above, - - 352 Unlawful for any person to swim or bathe in the Savan- nah River opposite the city, within certain limits, at any hour after 7 o'clock, A. M., until sunset, Penalty therefor, section 5th, - - 352 No horse, gelding, mare, colt, &c, permitted to go at large within the limits of the city. Penalty therefor against owner, &c. Duty of city marshal and con- stables in relation thereto. Section 6 th, - 352 Not lawful for any slave or free person of color to smoke a cigar or pipe in any of the streets, lanes, &c., within the city, nor in the market house. Penalty therefor, section 7th, ordinance above, section 1st, ordinance 24th October, 1839, - - 353,358,359 Duty of the Marshal or any city officer to remove from the precincts of the city, at the expense of the owner, any animal found at large in the city, whose appearance shall be offensive to the sight from its poverty, sickness, or sores. Penalty against any per- son who shall resist or oppose any officer in the dis- charge of such duty, section 8th, ordinance 2d Aug. 1839, - 353 Unlawful for any person to water any animal within 30 feet of any public pump except the pump at the base of the exchange. Penalty therefor, section 9th, ordinance above, - - - 353 540 INDEX, Not lawful for any cow, steer, heifer or calf to go at large within the limits- of the city from the setting to the rising of the sun. Penalty against the owner therefor. Duty of city marshal, &c. 5 to take an im- pound of said cattle and sell same upon five days' public notice. Section 10th, ordinance above, section 1st, ordinance 11th February, 1841. See Title Cattle Limits, ordinance 10th March, 1853, 353,354,38,39 Any bull found at large in the city may be killed by any one. Section 11th, ordinance 2d August, 1839, 354 Unlawful for any person to wash any animal or car- riage, &c, or clothes of any description, &c, at any of the public pumps of the city, &c. Penalty for so doing. Section 12th, ordinance above, - 354 Unlawful for any person to wash or dry any articles of clothing, &c, in any of the streets, lanes or squares of the city. Penalty therefor, section 13, - 354 Unlawful for any person to cure hides, &c., within the corparate limits of the city, (except on lots No. 34 and 35, Mill street, upon certain restrictions, and there only upon taking out a license, and paying therefor annually, the sum of $25. Penalty therefor, exclusive of the foregoing exception. Duty of the Marshal in relation to hides. Section 14th and 15th, ordinance above, and section 1st and 2d, ordinance 4th May, 1854, - - - 355,359 Lawful for any person to seize and take or kill and ap- propriate to his own use, any hog or hogs, goat or goats found at large in the city, &c, section 16th, ordinance 2d, August, 1839, - 355 Not lawful for any person to retain or keep within the corporate limits of the city any hog or hogs. Penalty for so doing. Section 17th, ordinance above, and section 1st, ordinance 21st April, 1853, - 355,358 Unlawful for any owner or agent of a Steam Rice Mill, to expose or cause to be exposed in a large heap, &c, the chaff produced by said mill, so as to subject it to the influence of the sun and rain within half a mile INDEX. 541 from the corporate limits of the city. Penalty for so doing, section 18th, ordinance 2d Aug, 183 9. - 556 Unlawful for any person to throw, cast or deposit &c, in the Savannah River, or on its banks below high water mark, &c, any rice chaff, or any other sub- stance, which may in any degree lessen the water in said riven Penalty for so doing, section 19th, - 356 How the fines and forfeitures incurred are to be collected, enforced and applied, section £0th, ordinance above, 357 PILOTAGE. The number of the Commissioners of Pilotage to be seven a majority of whom to constitute a quorum, section 1st, ordinance 2d August, 1839, - 360 In case of a vacancy by death, resignation, &c, council to fill same by election after ten days' notice, &a Oath of a commissioner of pilotage, section 2a, 360 Six months absence sufficient to vacate the seat of a commissioner, section 3d, - 360 Powers and duties of the commissioners of pilotage, section 4th. ordinance above, - - 360,361 PLANK ROAD. All Railroad iron, bar-iron, boilers, hoop, poles, timber, plank, boards and lumber required to be transported length-wise and not cross- wise upon any car, wagon or other vehicle passing over the plank roads, or through any of the streets of the City. Penalty for a violation thereof. Section 1st, ordinance 24th February, 1853, 362 All vehicles passing over the Plank Road to keep to the right under a penalty on person offending, no't ex- ceeding $20 section 2d, S62 Duty of city marshal and constables to see this ordinance strictly enforced. One half of the fines to go to the informer, section 3d and 4th, ordinance above, 362 POLICE COURT. The Mayor or in case of his absence or sickness, the Chairman of Council, required to hold a court in the Exchange, every day at 10 o'clock, A. M., (Sundays INDEX excepted.) In ease of the absence or sickness of the Mayor and Chairman, any three Aldermen to exer- cise the same authority, sections 1st and 12th, ordi- nance 8th December 1838. - 363,&65 Any person who shall in the day or night disturb the peace and quiet of the city or be guilty of any riotous or improper conduct within the same to be tried before. the Mayor and in Police Court, Penalty therefor, against white person, free person of color and slave, section 2d, ordinance above, and section 1st, ordinance 2d June, 1854, = 36 3,3 6 £ Any person who shall at a fire disturb the piece and (quiet of the city, or disobey the orders of the Mayor or Chief Fireman, or -who shall be guilty of any riotous, disorderly or improper conduct to be sent to the guard house or jail, until the fire is extinguished,, and then to be discharged upon his recognizance to appear before the police court, to answer for said ' offence, &c., section 2d, ordinance 2d June, 1854, 367 Any person fined under foregoing ordinances may ap- peal to council on payment of fine and costs, &c, section 3d and 7th, ordinance 8th December, 1838, 363,364 Any person arrested for riotous and disorderly conduct on Saturday night or on the Sabbath day to be com- mitted to jail until the following Monday morning, when he shall be brought before the Police Court, for trial, section 4th, ordinance above,* - 363 Duty of the city constables in rotation, &c, to attend the Police Court, preserve order, and enforce the judgments and sentences of said Court, section 5th, 364 A record of the proceedings of the Police Court, to be kept by the Clerk of Council and to be submitted to council at every regular meeting. Power of council to remit any fine in part or in whole which may be imposed in said court, section 6th, ordinance above, 364 Duty of marshal and constables on receiving the order of the Mayor or chairman to summon before them INDEX, 543 during the hours prescribed for holding his court all person or persons offending against the ordinances of the city, section 8th, - 364 All fines imposed by the Mayor to be collected in the same manner as if imposed by council, section 10th, 364 General and special duties of the Mayor as the head of the police &c, section 11th, - 264,365 The Mayor authorized to bind over and take recogni- zance with security in such sum as he may deem adequate from all person or persons brought before him in the Police Court charged with a violation of any of the ordinances of the city to answer for said offence before the Mayor and Aldermen, section 1st, ordinance 4th January, 1 847, - - 365,366 In case of neglect or refusal of any such person to give such recognizance, the Mayor is authorized to com- mit such person to the common jail of Chatham county, until the next regular meeting of council, section 2d, ordinance abovej - - 366 • PORT WARDENS. Five Port Wardens for the port of Savannah to be ap^ pointed by council at its first regular meeting in January in every year and to be commissioned by the Mayor under the seal of the city, section 1st, ordinance 4th March, 1824, - - 367,368 Duties of the said port wardens generally, section 2d, ordinance above, - - - - 368 Port wardens authorized to make such rules aiid regula- tions as may be conducive to the good order and a proper discharge of their duties and to appoint a clerk to enforce same by reasonable fines, section 3d, 368 Clerk of port wardens before he enters on the duties of his office required to give to the Mayor and Alder- men a bond with his securities in the sum of $500 for the faithful discharge of his duties. The oath of said clerk, section 3d, - - - 368 INDEX The special duties of the said port wardens or any two or more of them, section 4th and 5th, ordinance above, - - 369 The said port wardens authorized to employ a carpen- ter or carpenters, and such laborers &c, as may be necessary to aid them in the proper discharge of their duties. The expense thereof to be paid by the owner, master, or consignee of the vessel, section 6th, ordinance above, '. «- - - 370 No person or persons, other than those appointed under the foregoing ordinance, or by order of court author- ized to act or officiate upon any survey &c. Penalty for so doing, section 7th, - - - 370 Duties of the clerk of the port wardens specified and pointed out and penalty for their neglect, section 9th, ordinance above, and section 1st, ordinance 29th May, 1S34, - - - 370,371 The oath required to be taken by each port warden, section 10th, ordinance 14th March, 1824^ - 371 The bond to be given by each port warden, section 15th ordinance 2d August 18S9. Title City Officers, - 65 Penalty against port wardens or any of them, who shall neglect or refuse to perform the duties enjoined and required, section 11th, ordinance 14th March, 1824, - . - - - 371 Not lawful for any port wardens to certify any survey, unless the same has been held by him in person. Penalty for so doing, section 2d, ordinance 29th May, 1834, - - ~ 372: The fees of the port wardens, section 1st, ordinance 22d February, 1843, - 372,373 Clerk of the board of port wardens to be in attendance at some convenient place each day from 9 to 1 o'clock. Authorized to appoint a deputy who shall take the same oath he does, but for whose neglect or misconduct said clerk and his securities to be held responsible, section 1st, ordinance 6th April, 1854, 374 INDEX 545 PUBLIC PROPERTY. Not lawful to take away any of the fire ladders or hooks from the place where they are usually kept, un- less for public purpose, section 1st, ordinance 2d August, 1839, - *' - S74 Unlawful for any person wantonly to destrc^, &c., any of the public pumps or parts thereof, or to dig up, cut down, remove, or injure any tree, post or enclosure, on any street, lane, square or wharf of the city, (whether planted or erected by individuals or other- wise) or drive any hook or other piece of iron into any of said trees, or in any manner destroy or injure any public monument or other property of the City of Savannah. Penalty for so doing, sections 2d and 5th, ordinance 2d August, 1839, and sections 2d and 5th,« • ordinance 4th May, 1854, : - - ♦ 375,379 Unlawful for any person to hitch any animal to any tree planted as aforesaid, or to any part of the fences, rail- ings, gates or enclosures of the public squares, places or building, or to any of the public pumps or lamp posts. Penalty for so doing. Duty of City Marshal and Con- -stables'in relation thereto, sec. 2cE and 5th, ord. 2d Aug. 1839 and sec. 1st and 2d, ord 28th July, 1853, 375,377 Unlawful for any person to ride, lead or drive any horse, mule or other animal, within or between the double row of trees in the centre of South Broad Street, or the double and treble row of trees on the Bay, (except through or across the said trees, when they are inter- sected by the streets,) or over any of the sidevv T alks or footways of the city. Penalty for so doing, sections 3d and 5th, ordinance 2d August, 1839/ • -' 375 Unlawful for any person to write, carve, indite, paste, paint, or in any manner deface, or cause the same to be clone, any marks or letters with any materials whatsoever, upon any public building, the property of the city, or of the United States, or upon the pro- perty of any person or persons, corporation or corpo-- 546 INDEX, rations. Penalty for so doing, section 1st, ordinance 25th March, 1852, and sections 1st and 5th, ordinance 4th May, 1854, - - 376,379' Unlawful for any person to cast, throw, or fling any stones, brickbats, or any other thing in the squares, streets, lanes or alleys of the city, or in, at or against any of the trees, or boxes around the trees in the city, Duty of every officer of the city in relation to said offence. Penalty therefor, sections 3d 4th and 5th, ordinance 4th May, 1854, - - 379 PRIVIES, How the same are to be sunk and built, and with what materials. See Title Nuisances, section 2d, ordi- nance 2d August, 1839, and section 1st, ordinance 25th August, 1853, - - - $£t£&f # RAFTS. # ( # Limits prescribed within which all rafts of timber &c.,- brought into the Savannah front river shall be con- fined after the expiration of four days, section 1st, ordinance 4th May, 1854, - - - 380 The proprietors on the shore of Hutchinson's Island, authorized to excavate to the extent of (200) feet back for the confining and keeping rafts of timber &c., section 2d, ordinance above, - - 381 Lawful for the owners of rafts to confine and keep them in the Fig Island channel, section 3d, - 381 Penalties for a violation of this ordinance, enacted and prescribed, section 4th, ordinance above, - 381 Duty of the Marshal and city constables, in case any rafts of timber, &c, are found moored in Savannah front river for more than four days. Duty of Mayor, &c, in Police Court, upon complaint and information of same, section 5th, - - 383- INDEX. 547 RECORDER. Office abolished. See Title City Officers, section 2d, ordinance 22d January, 1846, 74 ■SALARIES. Of City Officers to be paid monthly instead of quarterly, section. 1st, ordinance 27th July, 1843, - 393 SALES. No sale of lots or other property foi the payment of rent taxes or assessments due the city to take place but on the first Tuesday in each month, at the Court House, section 1st, ordinance 30th December, 1816, - 383 Duty of City Marshal before selling any lots or property in arrears for rent, taxes, &c, to advertise the same for at least (30) days, and state therein the number, tything, ward, square, and how same is situated, with the owner's name, &c, section 2d, ordinance above, 383 All property advertised as aforesaid, to be placed in one column of the paper in which it is advertised, and to be headed "City Marshal's Sales," section 4th, ordinance above, - 384 The duty of said marshal when offering said lots, &c, for sale, prescribed as to the mode and manner, section 3d, ordinance above, *-. , - 383 All sales of Real Estate made by the Marshal, or sold under any ordinance to be superintended by a special committee of council. TKteir duty in reference thereto, section 6th, ordinance above, - 384 In all notices given by the marshal for the re-entry of lots, the name of the person who last paid rent, with a description of said lot to be inserted therein, section 7th, ordinance above, - 384 No lot of land &c, belonging to the city, and under lease to be sold or disposed of, or leased until the final expiration of such former lease or leases, &c, section 1st ordinance 19th June, 1820, - - 385 548 INDEX. Any sale of such lot made, declared to be void and of no effect, section 2d, ordinance above, - - 385 SCAVENGER All occupants of houses, stores, &c., residing above the bluff, required to have swept the footwalk before their houses and lots every day in the week before seven o'clock, A.M., section 3d, ordinance 15th Aug. 1839, 386 The owners, tenants, and occupiers of houses, required to keep within their yards or enclosures, a box or barrel of sufficient size, in which shall be deposited within certain months and hours prescribed, during the year, all the offal, filth, &c, generated in said building or enclosure. Penalty for neglecting so to do, sections 6th and 11th, ordinance above, 386,388 Unlawful for any person to throw or put into any of the streets &c, or common without the city, any dead hog, goat, dog, cat, fowl, or other animal. All horses, i cows, or other animals of such size, as may die or be found dead within the limits of the city, the owner thereof required to remove and bury same without said limits, within two hours thereafter, &c, or request Scavenger to have same done. If owner neglect or refuse to have same done the Scavenger required to do so. His fees therefor. Penalty against owner or Scavenger for violation or neglect of duty. Sections 7th, 10th and 11th, ordinance above, - 3S6,3S8 Every keeper of an inn, tavern, or stable, and every other person or persons within the city who shall keep within their premises more th~~ f&iir horses, mules^ oxen, or cows, &c, required at least once m everyr 2$ hours, at his own expense, to remove all the dung, filth and litter, to such places as mc: 1 ■ \ ointed out by Superintendant of streets, &c. Penaity for ne- glecting so to do, section 8th and 11th, ordinance above, . - - 387,388 INDEX 549 Every occupant of a house required to k-e%p his pre- mises clean, &c., and to throw into the privy attached thereto^ a -peck of lime once a mouthy frpm May to November, inclusive. Penalty for neglecting so to do. Sections 9th and 11th, ordinance above, 387,383 Penalties against the Scavenger for* any violation or omission of anything directed to he done by him under the 'foregoing ordinance, section 10th, ordi- * above, - - - 388 The work of the Scavengers department now to be given out by contract. Proposals or bids therefor to be handed to the Clerk of Council before 10 o'clock; A. M., on the day of election. Contractor to give bond with two or more securities, in a sum exceeding his bid by $1080, for the faithful performance of his duties^ section 1st, ordinance 29th December, 1853, 3S9 Council at its first regular meeting in every January, to select from those who submit their proposals, one who shall be declared elected as Superintendent &c, and who shall enter upon the duties of his office within ten days thereafter. Upon his neglecting so to do or give the required bond, his election to be deemed void, and council to elect another in his place, section 1st, ordinance above, - - 389,393 Duties of the person who shall be elected such Superin- tendent both general and special Sections 2d, 3d, 4th and 5th ordinance above, - 390 5 39l -Penalty against said Superintendent for neglecting or failing to perform all the duties required of him. section 3d, ordinance above, - - 39Q In case of his removal from office, council, to proceed at its next meeting thereafter, to elect some other per- son in his place for the unexpired term, the clerk of council giving ten days notice of the time of such election, section 3d, ordinance above ? ~ $91 550 INDEX STREETS. The rates for the landing and shipping produce, &c, y at or from the lots belonging to the city, situate on the canal. Shippers duty. Sections 1st and 2d, ordinance 1st December, 1831, f'^Sk " 393,3*94 Canal street named and designated and its width ascer- tained, section 1st and 2d, ordinance 4th April, 1833, 3-95 A surveyor for the city to be appointed by council at its first regular meeting in every January. To give bond with two securities in the sum of $2000, &a, and take the usual oath, section 1st, ordinance X9'th. T August, 1839, - - * 395 Duties of the City Surveyor* both general and special, pointed out, sections 2d, 4th, 14th and 16th, ordi- nance 19th August, 1839, and section 1st, ordinance % 6th August, 1852, and section 1st, ordinance 29th December, 1853, - ; - • . 39*6, 40% 4 13, 414 His salary, section 2d, ordinance 26th August, 1852, 414 His fees of office, section 3d, Ore! 19th August, 1839, &9(> No lot holder or occupier of any lot permitted to lay the foundation of any building or fence on the line of any lot or part of lot owned or occupied by him unless such line is first ascertained b) city surveyor &c., section 2d, ordinance 19th August, 1839, 3-96 No person permitted to bring, lay, or put in any street, &c., within this city any timber, bricks, stones, or ' other materials for building, (except such persons as are actually building or repairing or about to build or repair, any building, under certain special restric- tions) or any fire wood or goods, wares or merchan- dise, nor any cart, dray, wagon or carriage of any sort 7 and suffer the same to remain and stand therein, for a longer time than six hours. Penalty therefor, section 5th, ordinance above, - - 397 No person without previously obtaining the written consent of the Mayor and two-thirds of the Council, permitted to erect or construct any booth, &c., in any INDEX. 551 square, street or lane of the city. Unlawful for any person to dig, &c., any hole or pit, in any square street "or lane of the city. Penalties therefor, section 5th, ordinance above, - - - 397 Duty of Marshal and city constables to remove all the foregoing encroachments, obstructions and nuisances, in case the person or persons making same neglect or refuse so to do, and to report to the Mayor all other encroachments, &c, in the city, section 5th, ordinance above, - - - - 397 Duty of persons building or repairing any buildings to cause the dirt, litter, &c, caused thereby to be re- moved to the place for depositing filth, &c. Duty of the Marshal in case the same shall remain in any street, lane or squares over five days, section 6th, ordinance above, - ' - ' - 398 How all encroachments and obstructions of the streets, &c, are to be removed. Penalty against all persons, molesting City Marshal in their removal. Compen- sation to be allowed City Marshal and others, for services in removing: Any encroachment &c., ordered to be removed to be marked out and directed by city surveyor, '&c., sections 10th, 11th and 12th, ordinance above, = - - - 399,400 No railing or enclosure to be erected by any person, within the city, unless *the same shall be extended to the line of the lowest step^ and in no case within that line. No step or impediment to be erected in any lane in the city to exceed two feet, (see this sec* tion amended and explained by ordinances passed 7th August, 1S45, and 12th November 1846,) section 8th, ordinance 19th August, 1839, section 1st, ordi- nance 7th August, 1845, and section 1st, ordinance 12th November, 1846, - 399,410,411: y No person permitted to erect or place any steps de- scending into any vault or cellar, which steps shall extend beyond the limits of the lot upon which the 552 INDEX, building is erected, but upon certain express condi- tions and restrictions specified. Penalty for a viola- tion thereof, section 1 3th, ordinance 19th Aug. 1839, 4GG The Committee of Streets and Lanes with the aid of the City Surveyor authorized and required to graduate and level the squares, streets and lanes of the city, &c. The City Surveyor to determine the standard whereby to regulate the same, section 14th, ordinance above, . — - - - 401 No person permitted to increase or lower the height of of the side-walk in front of his lot above or below the level directed by the City Surveyor, or do any thing by which the same shall or may be destroyed. Penalty for so doing, section 15th, ordinance above, 401 ilow the front of all wharf lots are to be constructed, &c. Unlawful to erect any platform, stage or im- provement in front of same., Penalty therefor, section 18th, ordinance abo T &e,, , - - ff « 400 No pei son permitted .to bring, deposit, or lay on any of the public docks, wharves, or landing places at the north end or opposite to the streets in the city, any boards, plank, ranging timber, &c., or ship from or land at any such public dock, &c,, any rice, tobacco, cjoiton, lumber, corn, &a, or erect thereon any scales for weighing any article whatsoever. Penalty for a violation thereof, section I 9th, ordinance above, 403 Not lawful for any person to make fast any boat or other water craft, or to land oysters, clams, &c», at any oi the wharves and public docks, other than that adjoin- ing Wayne's wharf, and the one fronting East Broad Street, section 20th, ordinance .above, # ®M 40S All persons owning or erecting any parapet, wall, border- ing on any street, leading to the river or any of its wharves, &c, required at their own expense to erect and -keep same at all times strong and in good order, and of certain materials specified, section 22d, ordi- nance above^ - * * - , - 404 INDEX. 553 Unlawful for the Master, &c,, of any vessel to land bal- last therefrom, unless the same be immediately re- moved to such place as may be pointed out by mar- shal, &c, section 23d, - - - 404 The Mayor or acting mayor, authorized to grant permis- sion to any owner, consignee &c., of any cotton or other bulky merchandise, damaged by rain &c s ,inits transportation to the city, to expose the same in its wet condition, not exceeding three days in any public place contiguous to the store, &c, in which it is to be deposited, when dry, under certain provisions and re- strictions, section 24th, ordinance above, - 404,405 Unlawful for any person to obstruct or block up, &c, with cotton, &c, the free passage of any citizen on foot or horseback or in any carriage, through any of the public streets, squares or places of the city, what- soever. Penalty for so doing, section 24th, ordinance above, _____ 494 Penalties against all offenders not otherwise specially provided for, and how said penalties and fines are to be enforced, &c, section 25th, ordinance above, 405 The number of % feet upon the public squares and streets which it shall be lawful to occupy for steps and por- ticoes to houses or for side- walks, generally, and espe- cially on Jones, Taylor, Gordon and Gaston streets, section 1st, ordinance 30th January, 1840,section 1st, ordinance 25th March, 1841, section 1st, ordinance 29th April, 1847, and section 1st, ordinance 15th March, 1849, - , - 405, 406, 40S, 411, 412 How the trees in the city are to be planted in the streets and squares, and their distance from each other specified, section 2d, ordinance 30th January, 1840, 406 Any owner of a lot who shall consider him or herself aggrieved by the acts of the city surveyor and street and lane committee to have a right to appeal to council for its decision, section 2d, ordinance 2d July, 1840, - - - 407 70 554 INDEX Penalty against any person who shall dig or remove sand or earth from under the bluff or any where else in the city without special permission, section 2d, ordinance 19th August, 1839, sections 1st, 2d and 3d, ordinance 2d May, 1844, - - 404,40&' Every owner of a lot, piece or parcel of ground within the coiporate limits of the city, whether owned in fee simple or under title from the city required within six months of the notice given, to place a good and sufficient pavement or sidewalk of brick or flag stones along the length and depth of his lot &c. Penalty for failing or neglecting so to do, section 1st and 2d, ordinance 28th August. 1851, - - 412,41 3 ; All pavements or sidewalks now finished to be kept in good order and repaired from time to time as the same may require repair. Penalty for neglect Duty of City Marshal in reference thereto, section 3d, ordinance above, - 413 STEAMBOATS. Unlawful for any Steamboat while passing the line of wharves in the city to exceed in speed five miles per hour. Penalty against the owner of steamboat so doing. Section 1st, ordinance 22d November, 1844, 41 5 The agent or agents of the New York and Savannah Atlantic Navigation Company, permitted to have the entire control, independent of the Harbor- Master, of Anderson's lower wharf or any other wharf or wharves they may own, hire or lease. Duty of Harbor Master in case any vessel be found moored thereat, sections 1st and 2d, Ord. 3d Aug., 1848, 415,416' STEVADORES. Penalty against any stevadore or other laborer having a badge from the city on proof of his having defraud- ed any person or persons hired by him to work, of their just dues, section 1st, ordinance 10th Aug. 1843, 416 INDEX. 555 'The hearing of such proof to be before the Mayor once a fortnight, &c., and his decision to be final or subject to revision by ^Council on appeal. Penalty therefor, section 2d and 3d, ordinance above, - = 417 ■ STEAM ENGINES. No Steam Engine to be erected or used within the cor- porate limits of the city without first obtaining the permission of Council for that purpose. Penalty for so doing without such permission, sections 1st and 2d, ordinance 2d June, 1854, ~ - 418 TAXES. All and every person engaged in the sale, disposition or delivery of any lottery ticket or any part or share thereof, to another, for money, gain, &c., required to pay to the City Treasurer annually for the use of the city, $.100. * Penalty for neglecting so to do, section 4th, ordinance 30th August, 1838, - ~ 419 A poll tax of $1, to be paid by every male white inhabi- tant, above the age of (21) years, section 2d, ordi- nance 27th August, 1839, - 420 Every free negro or person of color, (except such as may be enrolled in the Fire Company or exempted by ordinance, &c.,) an inhabitant of this city, and exerci- sing any trade or handicraft, &c, to pay a poll tax of $10, over and above his taxable property and badges, and every other free male negro or person of color, from the age of 16 to 45, (except as aforesaid) and females from the age of 14 to 45, to pay a tax of $6.25, over and above their taxable property and badges, section 2d, ordinance 27th, August, 1839, and section 3d, ordinance 16th November, 1843, 420,438 The owner of every saddle horse, (except members of the Georgia Hussars, city constables and city marshal} to pay a tax of $5, for same, section 2d, ordinance 27th April, 1839, - . - 420 656 INDEX. Every free person of color who may remove to this city to reside therein from any other part of tins State, to pay a tax of $100, to the treasurer within thirty days from the date of his or her arrival, section 5th, ordinance above, - - - 421 City Treasurer to perform all the duties of a receiver of tax returns. His duties as such receiver, and to begin same on the first day of January, annually, section 6th, ordinance above, - - 421 All persons liable to pay any tax to the city now im- posed or hereafter to be imposed by ordinance re- quired to make a return in writing to City Treasurer on or before 16th day of February, annually, &c, section 7th, ordinance above, - - 422 Oath to be administered to all persons making a return of taxable property as above, section 1st, ordinance 21st December, 1839, - - - 427 Special oath as to Dogs. See title Dogs, section 3d, ordinance 16th November, 1843, - - 145 City Treasurer authorized to administer said oaths, sec- tion 7th, ordinance 27th April, 1839, . - 422 Every person failing to make return on or before the 16th February in every year to be deemed a defaulter and to be double taxed by city treasurer, from which there may be an appeal to council within ten days after the time required to close the digest, section 7th, ordinance above, - - - 423 If the property returned is valued below its real value, City Treasurer authorized to call in the Finance Com- mittee to value same. See as to real estate, ordinance 23d Feb. 1854, (note,) section 7th, - - 423 City Treasurer required to complete his Digest by the 1st April in every year, and return same to council. The oath to be taken by him on making said return, section 7th, ordinance above, - - 423 Every person who shall commence business or acquire a stock in trade at any time between 1st January, INDEX. S57 and 1st April in any year required to make return thereof to Treasurer on or before the 1st May en- suing. Penalty in case of default, section 8th, All taxes imposed by any ordinances to be paid Cicy Treasurer on or before the 15th May in each year. In case of default City Treasurer's duty, sec- tions 9th and 10th, ordinance above, and section 1st, Duty of City Marshal-to collect the amount of the execu- tions received by him from treasurer within 60 days af- ter receipt thereof, and pay the amount over to City Treasurer. His duty in case of the insolvency or ab- sence of the defendant or defaulter, and no property to be found, section llih, ordinance 27th April, 1839, 425 All executions not collected or returned by marshal as due by insolvent or absent persons, without property, within three months from their, receipt by him to become sums absolutely due the city by him and which he is required to pay to the City Treasurer within ten days after order of tlie council, &c., sec- tion 11th, ordinance above, - - 425 The fees allowed City Treasurer and City Marshal on -each execution &c. Marshals commission on sales made, section 11th, ordinance above, - 426 If no property of any free person of color can be found, to satisfy any tax execution against him or her, he or she obliged to work on the streets, &c, under direc- tion of Marshal, until the same is paid, allowing $1 per day, for males, and 50 cents for females, section 12, ordinance above, - 42g Sundry specified ordinances confirmed and amongst them the tax imposed by an ordinance passed 27th October, 1S2 5, entitled an ordinance amendatory of the Fire ordinance, passed 11th March, 1825. See said ordinance, title Fire, (page 194) and section 13th ordinance above, - - 420,427 ordinance above, 423 ordinance 12th April, 1849, 424,425,428 558 INDEX. On the gross amount of sales ot all negroes, goods, wares, merchandise or other commodity, sold within the corporate limits of this city, by any person or persons whomsoever for a commission &c., between the 1st May, and the first day of April in each suc- ceeding year, there shall be paid a tax of 50 cts. on every hundred dollars, of the amount of such sales by the person so selling. Proviso. When the return of the amount of such sales are now to be made to the City Treasurer, and the oath to be administered by him to the person or persons making said return, section 2d, ordinance 24th January 1842, and section 5th, ordinance 13th March 1851, - 429, 330, 441 A tax of $1000, to be assessed against the person or persons neglecting to make said return &c. On failure to pay same, City Treasurer to issue his exe- cution therefor, section 4th, Ordinance 24th January 1842, and section 4th, ordinance 11th Nov., 1842, 431,435 Every transient non-resident Dentist before he com- mences the exercise of his profession required to obtain from the Mayor, a license and pay therefor a tax of $25, and fees. On neglect or refusal so to do, to be double taxed, section 7th, ordinance 24th, January, 1842, - 431 Every transient non-resident person or persons who shall bring into this city for the purpose of sale therein, any stocks of fancy or dry goods, toys or other merchandise, whether the same be to sell on his or their own account or for that of others, or whether the same be sold at private sale under the name of any resident merchant," auctioneer, &c., lia- ble to a tax of $50, to be paid into the treasury in advance before such articles are sold, section 9th, Ord, 24th January 1842, and section 3d, ordinance 11th November 1842, - - - 431,4 34 Every resident person or persons who shall bring sim- ilar articles of merchandise for sale into the city be- INDEX 559 fore, during or after Christmas or other holidays &c., liable to a tax of $30 to paid into the treasury in advance, &c., section 1st, ordinance 26th Jan. 1854, 443 All horses or mules brought into the city for sale, the owner or agent thereof liable to pay a tax of $1, for each and every head. On refusal or neglect to pay same, liable to a penalty of $100, for which execution is immediately to issue, proviso, section 10th, Ord. 11th November, 1342, - - - 432 All previously existing ordinances imposing any tax upon commission merchants on account of sales on commission or income derived therefrom and all previously professional tax ordinances, repealed, sec- tion 11th, ordinance 11th November 1S42, - 432 A tax of f per cent, to be paid upon every $100, value of all houses, buildings, lots and wharves within the city improved or unimproved, (excepting lots held by lease from the corporation &e.,) and upon all stock in trade, section 1st, ordinance 11th November 1842, section 1st, ordinance 22d Nov. 1849, 434, 440 The owner of each dog in the city to pay a tax of $2 for him. The oath required to be taken by owner at the time he makes his general return for taxes, sec- tion 5th, ordinance 11th November 1842, and section 2d and 3d, ordinance 16th Nov. 1843, tide dogs, 435,144,1 54 All Bank Agencies required to pay a tax of one per cent, on the largest amount of capital by them em- ployed in the business of banking or in the purchase of bills of exchange. Duty of cashier, president or chief clerk, of such agency to make return thereof to treasurer. Failing to do so, to pay the sum of $3000, section 7th and Sth, ordinance 11th Novem- ber, 1842, section 1st ordinance 2 £,th December, 1842, and section 1st, ordinance 26th January, 1843, 435,436,437 A tax of 2 J per cent imposed upon all dividends of profits declared by any Bank. Trust Company or any incorporated Joint Stock Company on the amount 5S0 INDEX. ■ of that part of the capital employed in this City.- Duty of the President of such Bank, &c, to make return thereof, to City Treasurer at the time when any dividends are declared, and to pay said tax. On failure to do so to pay the sum oi $ 1500 to be collected by execution, section 2d, ordinance 16th Nov, 1843, 437 Every slave within this city, on the first day of January in each year, or who shall come to reside in the city at any time during the year, between the ages of 12 and 60, to be subject to a tax of $4, now $3, section 3d. ordinance 16th November, 1843, and section 1st, ordinance 22d November, 1S46, reducing said tax, 25 per cent, - 438,440 If working out and owned by a non-resident to be sub- ject to a tax of $15, over and above the cost of his proper badge, section 3d, ordinance 16th November, 1843, Repealed. See appendix, Ordinance 19th October, 1854, and the tax now the same as for slaves of resident citizens, - - t ;< 438 Every free person of color within the city carrying on any trade or art or being a mechanic and under the age of 60 years subject to a tax of $ 10, section 3d, ordinance above, - 438 All slaves of non-residents hired or working in stores or warehouses, or on board of steamboats, steamboat company's wharves, or driving drays, or wagons re- quired to take out a porter's badge, section 3d, ordi- nance above, - - - - .438' All slave mechanics belonging to resident citizens and who are hired out by the month or yeai to pay the tax assessed upon other negroes in addition to the cost of mechanics badge, ordinance 3d Feb'y, 1838, and section 1st, ordinance 22d November, 1849, 437,448' Every resident commission merchant, auctioneer or factor whose stock in trade is not taxed, required to pay a specific tax of $20 annually. And each lawyer, physician and dentist, "the sum of $10, provided that INDEX. 56 3 same shall not prevent said persons from making a return of the then gross income derived from com- mission, &c.j charged on purchases and sales, &c., or' arising from the pursuit of their profession or calling and paying thereon one per cent, in lieu of the above specific tax. The above returns and taxes to be made and paid at the same time that returns are now made under the general tax ordinances of the city. Section 1st and 5th, ordinance 13th March 1851, * m - - - - . 440,441 The ordinance of 13th February, 1851, and all parts of ordinances passed imposing a tax on income as de- rived from the sources above specified, repealed, sec- tion 3d, ordinance above, - - - 441 A tax of four per cent to be levied, assessed and paid on all premiums of insurance up to $5000 and one per cent above that sum received by insurance compa* nies or their agents after deducting all losses of insu- rance effected at said office during the year prior to the return. Return -to-be made by agent on the 1st January in each year, failing to make which, liable to be taxed $1000, section 2d, ordinance 13th March, 1851, * 1 - .M ' - ; 441 In ail cases of default under foregoing ordinance, City Treasurer to issue his execution as now provided by law, section 4th, ordinance above, 441 Every person who may hereafter come into the city with the bona fide intention of residing and carrying on business therein, allowed to take out badges for each slave, bona fide owned by him, her or them upon paying the same tax and price for badges, and licenses for veh icles as are required from resident citi- zen, section 1st, ordinance 29th December, 1853, 442 The Mayor required on the last Monday in February, annually, to appoint three freeholders of the city to be called assessors, whose duty it shall be to assess the value of all real estate and improvements in the 71 563 INDEX, city, and report same to city treasurer before the last meeting of Council, in March, annually, section, 1st ordinance 23d February, 1854, . - - 443 The special duties of said assessors and the compensa- tion allowed to each for their services, section 2d, ordinance above, - - — 444 An appeal from such assessment may be had to coun- cil within one month after the same is made upon payment of the tax thereon to City Treasurer, section 2d, ordinance above. - . - - 444 Lot No. 9, and improvements, Jeckyl, Ty thing, and Derby ward, the property of the Georgia Historical Society, exempted from taxation, section 1st, Grd. 3d June, 1854, - - - - 445 ; The eastern half, of lot, letter E, Percival ward and im- provements belonging to the Chatham Artillery," ex- empted from taxation, section 1st, ordinance 29th June, 1854, - . - - - 445- WATCH. From and after the 1st July, 1854, the privates enrolled in the existing night Watch to be reduced by the Mayor to (50) and receive $25 per month, section 1st' ordinance 22d June, 1854, - '- , - -£46 * From and after the above date there shall be added to the police of the City, 20 privates to be known as . the special police of the city, all of whom are to be appointed by the Mayor, subject to the approval of council, and to hold their offices for the term of three years, unless sooner removed for insufficiency or improper conduct, pay of each private to be $500 per annum, section 2d, - - 446 The officers of said police to consist of a Captain, two Lieutenants, two mounted and two foot Sergeants, who shall hold their offices for a term of three years, unless sooner removed for inefficiency or improper conduct, section 3d, - - - 447 The salaries ot each of the above named officers of the police fixed, section 4th, - - 447 INDEX, 563 The said officers and privates of the said special po- lice to be clothed with all the powers and perform all ' the duties of city constables and to be at all times at the command and in the service of the city, sec- tion 5th and 7th, - 447 The city to furnish and feed at its own expense (22.) horses tor the privates and two mounted sergeants, and to feed the horses of the lieutenants, sec. 8th, 447 The duties of the captain of said special police and city watch pointed out, sec. 8th 13th, 20th and 22d, 447 The entire organization, control and management of the city watch and the police to be under the con- trol of the captain, and control and direction of the Mayor, section 9th, - 448 No person to be appointed an officer or private of said special police, unless he be a citizen of the United States, and can read and write, section 10th, 448 The oath and bond of the officers and privates of the said police and city watch. Duty of the Mayor in reference thereto, section 11th, - - 448 The time prescribed for the setting and discharge of the city watch throughout the year. The duties of said watch specified. Power of th 3 Mayor to compel said watch to do any further or other duty by day or be- night when to him shall seem advisable and neces- sary, section 12th and, 18th, - - 449, 452 Duties of the captain or officer in command at the guard house, as to the disposition of the policemen and watchmen and of any prisoner in custody at the time they are about to .be discharged, section 13th, 14th and 24th, - - - 449,450,455 Duty of said officers and privates of the police and city watch to arrest at night, &c all felons and rioters, &c., and all slaves or free persons of color, who may be found out of the house or enclosure of his or her owner, after the ringing of the guard house bell, with- out a written ticket drawn and signed according to I#4 INDEX. the direction of the ordinance, or not accompanied by some white person over the age of ten years, and to commit same to the. guard- house. The duty of the officer in command at the guard house in such case pointed out, see. i 3th and 14, - 449, 450 The various duties and powers of the Mayor as the head of the said police and city watch particularly pointed out, sections 14th, 16th, 21st, 23d, 24th and 25th, ~ - 450, 451,453,45.4, 455 The fees to be demanded and received at the guard house upon the release of any slave or person of color who may have been arrested and confined there- in. How said fees are to be divided, section 15th, 451 Penalty against any officer or private of the city watch, or police who shall be convicted of receiving a bribe for liberating any person or persons arrested by them in execution of their duty, or who shall be guilty of ctny violent or improper conduct whilst on duty to any person, or who shall misbehave or neglect their duties, section 16th, - - - 451 The duty of the watchman who maybe stationed in the steeple of the exchange at night, to give the alarm to the citizens in all proper cases by ringing the ex- change bell, &c. The duty of the sentinel at the guard house in reference thereto, section 17th, 462 No watchman permitted to leave his ward or station at night before he is properly relieved or discharged, section 18th, , - - N 4o2 Penalty against any person who shall resist, oppose or molest any of the officers or members of the city watch or police in the execution of their duty, section 19th, - - - - - 453 Duties of the captain and lieutenants of the city watch and police as to the monthly pay roll of the officers and privates and their report in relation thereto to the Mayor, section 20th, - - 453 INDEX. The special duties of the officers and privates of the City watch, &c., on Sundays and on all other days set apart for religious observances and upon other occasions. The powers of the Mayor in relation thereto, sections 23d 24th and 25th, - 454,455 Duty of each and every policeman and watchman to place on the information docket the names of any and all persons who shall at any time be guilty of vio- lating any of the ordinances of the city, and which shall or may come to their knowledge, sections 26th and 27th. - 456 WATER WORKS. The Mayor to appoint two Aldermen and three citizens at large to constitue a board of commissioners for the care and management of the Savannah Water Works, section 1st, ordinance 4th May, 1854, 457 The persons appointed to meet and organize them- selves into a board by the choice of a chairman and to make such rules, &c, as they may deem expedient for their own government, section 2d, - 457 In case of vacancies by death, resignation, removal, &c, the Mayor to have the power to fill same, section 3d, 457 Said board to have power to make rules and regulations for the government of the said Water Works, &c, subject to the approval of Council. The duties of said Board, section 4th and 5th, - - 457 The Chairman of said Board to exercise a general 1 supervision over said works, its officers and agents, ' and to certify all bills for expenditures, sections 6th and 7th, - - - - - 458 Said Board to have power to make all necessary repairs to the works, but not to make any additions thereto, without the approval of council first obtained, section 8th, - - - - 458 No one or more of said board to be interested directly or indirectly in any contract entered into by them INDEX with any other person, &c, for said water works, section 9th, - 458 Said Board empowered to appoint a superintendent, engineer, secretary, an assistant engineer, and such number of turncocks, firemen and laborers as may be necessary, &c., to prescribe their duties and fix their salaries, the latter to be approved by council, sec, 10th, 458 The Secretary to pay over to the city treasurer all water rents collected by him. The duties of the city treasurer and Mayor in relation to said fund so paid over, sections 11th and 12th, - - 458,459 Penalties against any person who shall open any hydrant, or lift or remove the cover of the same, or who shall make any opening or connection with any pipe or reservoir, or who shall turn on or .off the water in any of the pipes or reservoirs without license' from the board or engineer, or secretary, sections 1 3th, 14th and 15th, - 45B Penalty against any person who shall destroy, deface, impair, injure, or wantonly force open any gate or door or any other property appertaining to the city water works, section 16th, - - - 459 Penalty against any slave or free person of color who shall violate any of the foregoing provisions of this ordinance, section 17th, - - - 460 The Board of commissioners to authorize and license plumbers to make and repair connections with the water pipes. Each licensed plumber ^to give bond in $200, conditioned tor the faithful performance of his duties. Penalty against any person who shall make such connection without being duly licensed, section 1st, ordinance 22& June, 1854, - - 460 Duty of said plumbers to rhake returns in writing to the secretary on the completion of all connections made by them with a description of the premises &c. Duty of the superintendent to inspect the same. Penalty against any plumber neglecting or refusing to make the INDEX 167 above return, or making a false return of connections sections 2d and 3d, ordinance above, - 461 The material of all service pipe connecting with the dis- tributing pipes to be approved of by the board. All connections made with the distributing pipes to be provided with a good and sufficient stop -cc 61c, &c. No supply of water to be granted to any house except upon written application of owner, &a, at the office of the board, sections 4th, 5th and 6th, - 461 Upon receiving a permit to connect the service with the distributing pipes there must be paid such sum as the board may require to cover the expense of the service cock and inserting the same Penalty against any person not employed for that purpose who shall tap or bore any main or distributing pipe, section 7th, *: - - - . *- l ' 461 If the connection pipe, &e., through which the premises of any person has been supplied with water- shall be- come leaky and out of repair, his duty forthwith to have the same repaired. Penalty for neglecting said duty 24 hours after notice, section 8th, - 462 Penalties against any person or persons who after the* water has been shut off , from any premises, shall let it on by any false key or otherwise ; or who shall knowingly waste the water in his premises, or who shall- wilfully pollute the water in the reservoirs or pipes, section 9th, 10th and 11th, - - 462 Duties of the officers and employees of the board when directed by the superintendent &c., to enter upon any lot, &.C., and inspect the condition of the water works, &c., and make alterations, &c.-, section 12th, - 463 The master, mistress, employer, parent or guardian of any servant, apprentice or minor, guilty of any breach of this ordinance to be responsible therefor, and to be subject to the penalties imposed, section 13th, - - - 463 INDEX. Penalty against any person whose premises may be sap-- plied with water, permitting any other person to use the same. Penalty against any person using the water without paying for same, section 14th, 46$ Duty of all persons regularly employed in the works to report to- the office of the board in writing all leaks or unnecessary waste of water, that may . come to their knowledge, section 15th, - - 46S Private fountains and jets not to be used more than (3) hours each day without special permission and addi- tional payment, section 18th r - - 463 When the supply of water may be withheld from all premises and on what conditions it may again be let on, section 17th, - - - 464 All fines received for penalties to be placed by the Treasurer to the credit of the works, section 18th, 464 Penalty against any slave or free person of color for a violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance,, section 19th> r - - - 464 How and when the rates to be charged for the water shall be paid and to whom. Penalty for neglecting to pay same as provided and required, section 20th, 464- The rates when assessed to be final and conclusive subject only to revision by the board. Duty of ; ail persons who may desire water for building pur- poses specified, section 21st and 22-d, - 464,465 The rates specified and to be charged dwelling houses, hotels, stores, &c.^ &a, annually,, for the use of the water, but no house to be assessed at less than $5, section 23d, — - 465, 466, 467 WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. The Mayor authorized to have made a measure of brass or other metal of one yard in length graduated &c, according to the U. S. standard deposited in the cus- tom house and two sets of pound weights and its eemponant parts of similar metal, section 1st, ordi- . nance 24th March 1842, - 468 INDEX. 569 As soon as the same shall be completed the Mayor by his Proclamation, to give notice thereof, and to require all persons interested to apply to the clerk of conncil or clerk of the market and have their weights and measures made conformable thereto, section 2d, ordi- nance above, - - - 468 Duty of every person using weights and measures for the purchase or sale of articles to adjust the same by the said standards within three months of the Mayor's proclamation. Penalty for neglecting so to do, section 2d, ordinance above, - - - 469 ^Unlawful for any person to purchase or sell by any other weights or measures, section 4th, - - 469 Duty of the clerk of the market, under the direction of at least one of the market committee, annually be- tween 1st October and 1st December, and at any other time or times to examine and compare the weights and measures of all persons buying or selling by weight or measure, in the market or otherwise, and. to cause every person using false weights or measures .to be placed on the information docket Penalty on conviction therefor, section 4th, ordinance above, 466 iSee further as to weights < and measures, title Market, sections 21st and 22d, ordinance 22d.JuIy, 1839, 330,331 APPENDIX. The rate of taxation and price to be paid for licenses or badges for slaves, the property of non-residents to be the same as that assessed against resident citizens, section 1st, ordinance 19th October, 1854, - 471 Hotels to be exempt from the provisions and liabilities of the 10th section of ordinance passed 12th October, 1826, provided, proprietor take out an hotel license, and pay therefor, eighty dollars, section 1st, ordinance 25th, August, 1S54, - .- - 472 Privilege of constructing a lumber basin, on the side of the Savannah and Altamaha Canal, grant- 72 570 INDEX- ed to the Savannah Lumber Manufacturing and Plaining Machine Company, upon certain specified conditions, section 1st, ordinance 10th Aug., 1854, 472,473 The Act of the Legislature of Georgia, passed 13th February, 18 54, extending and defining the corporate limits of the City of Savannah, - - 473,474 ADDENDA AND EBRATA. Addenda. To the end of the note at the bottom of page (l) add, "see section 5th, Act of the Legislature, passed 25th December, 1843/' Pamphlet Laws, page 57. Errata. At page 53 in the 6th line of the 3d section for prest, read present, Addenda. At page 141, at the end of the 4th section, add "passed in council 29th June, 1854." Errata. At page 172, in the 12th line of the 2d section, read, "passed 2d January, 1851," for 2d January 1843. Errata. In the note at the bottom of page 223 for 20th August, 1838, read "30th August, 1838." Errata, At page 262, and end of the 3d section, read "passed in council, 24th June 1824," for "25th June 1824," 9 Errata. At page 305, succeeding the repealing clause, read "passed in council, 11th March, 1830," for "llth March, 1S47." Errata. At page 338, read "passed in council 17th Decem- ber, 1840," for "16th December, 1840." Errata, At page 340, in the 14th line from the top of said page, read "boatmen," for "boats." Errata, At page 353, in the 10th line of the second section, read, "see section 2d of ordinance passed 24th October 1839," for "23d October, 1839. Errata. At page 384, at the close of the 7th section, read "passed in council 30th December, IS 16," instead of "28th December, 1816." Errata. At page 406, after repealing clause, read, "passed in Council 30th January, 1840," for "30th January, 1841." / C7 J .. 1 Date Due Form 335. 45M 8-37. Vol. Date (for periodical) Copy No. 352.0753 S264D 351153