\ [House of Representatives—Secret Session.] HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVE'S. December 31, 1S63.—Read « ' ' first and secon 1 time*, postpone 1, aud,or lerb'd to he printed, and made the special order for Monday next, and from day-trjTlay. / 4 [By Mr. Bovck, from Special Oommittee on Currency.] .A, To be entitled An Act to regulate the currency, and provide means for carrying on the Government. I Section 1. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do 2 enact, That the taxes falling due after the first day of January, 3 A. D., one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, except the 4 duties on exports, be, and the same are hereby, made payable in 5 specie, or in tax certificates hereafter to be issued, or in the out- 6 standing treasury notes, at their specie value. 1 Sec. 2 That the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to 2 issue tax certificates, in anticipation of the taxes for two years. 4 1 Sec. 3. That the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to issue bonds, hearing six per cent, interest, payable semi-annually, 3 their redemption to be secured by a pledge of specific taxes, the 4 interest to be paid in tax certificates at their specie value, said 5 bonds to be free from taxation, which bonds the Secretary of the 6 Treasury may from time to time, as thd public exigencies may 7 require, sell for what they will bring in tax certificates, or use S for the liquidation of any indebtedness by the Government, when s 9 the same may be practicable. I Sec. 4 That the authority heretofore granted to the Secretary / • / t of the Treasuiy to issue treasury notes, is withdrawn. > 1 Sec. 5. 'That the outstanding treasury notes are no longer 2 fundable, except at their specie value. 4 4 1 Sec. 6. That the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized, ♦ V 2 whenever he may think expedient, to sell from time to time, for 4 \ 3 tax certificates, any cotton, tobacco, or naval stores, belonging I 4 to the Government, which may not otherwise be required for the 5 public service.