[House Bill, No. 122.] HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, May 26, 1864.—Read first and second times, placed on the calendar and ordered to printed. [By Mr. Russell, from Committee on Judiciary.] A. BILL To be entitled An act to amend the army regulations with respect to gaming by disbursing officers and others entrusted with public funds. 1 Section 1. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do 2 enact t That the regulations for the army be so amended in para- 3 graph number eight hundred and ninety-seven, article.xl., that 4 if any disbursing officer, agent or other person entrusted with 5 public money or funds for the military service or for any dis- 6 bursements connected therewith, shall bet at cards or any gamo 7 of hazard, or be, directly or indirectly, interested in any such 8 bet, His commanding officer shall suspend his functions and 9 require him to turn over all the public funds in his keeping, and 10 shall immediately report the case to the proper bureau of the 11 War Department; and if the offence shall be proved, to the satis- 12 faction of the President, or be established by th$ finding of a 13 military court, the person so offending shall be dismissed from 14 his office or employment. 1 Sec. 2. The military courts shall have jurisdiction of such % offences..