11902i AUG1 91540 LAWS OP THE MISSISSIPPI, PASSED AT A CALLED ANDREGELAR SESSION OF THE MISSISSIPPI LEGISLATURE. HELD IN JACKSON AND COLUMBUS, DEC. 1863 AND NOT. 1863. IMI'iji n SELMA, ALA. COOPER & KIMBALL, STATE PRINTERS.. 1864. TABLE OF CONTENTS CALLED SESSION DECEMBER 1862. CONSTITUTION OF MISSISSIPPI from pag 17 to 41 CONFEDERATE STATES..45 to 64 CHAPTERS. PAGE. 1 AN ACT to amend an act entitled an act to re¬ vise and reduce into one, tlie Militia ' and Volunteer Laws of this State... 65 2 better provide for the families of soldiers 68 3 making certain appi opriations therein > named 72 t4 to increase the manufacture of Arms. - .. 73 5 to authorize persons who may have sold arms to, the State, to be paid therefor. 73 6 • to authorize the appointment of two Medical Commissioners, to especially , attend to the sick and wounded sol¬ diers from this State, in the Confeder¬ ate Army, and for other purposes 74 7 to provide for a guaranty by, the State of Mississippi of the Bonds of the Confederate States 75 8 to tax unauthorized issues of paper mo¬ ney 77 9 to suspend for a limited time the collec¬ tion of the tax therein named ".. 77 10 to amend an act approved January 29th, 1862, to suspend for a limited time cer¬ tain parts of the statute of limitations 78 11 supplemental to au act entitled " an act to* suspend for a limited time the col¬ lection of the tax therein named."... 78 4 CONTENTS—CALLED SESSION—DECEMBER 1862. CHAPTER. PAGET. 12 AN ACT in relation to tlie Penitentiary 79 13 to, procure salt for indigent families of soldiers, and for otlier purposes 79 14 to further provide for the public defenses 81 15 to authorize the impressment of slaves and other personal properly for mili¬ tary purposes 81 16 to aid in strengthining the Army of the Confederate States 8T 17 to authorize the removal of the judicial and other public records of counties and for other purposes * 89 18 in relation to executors, administrators and guardians .\ .. . *..... 91 19 further to amend an act entitled " An act to incorporate the town of Canton, and to repeal all former acts incorpo¬ rating the same." * 92 2G for the relief of certain public officers. 93 21 to legalize the assessment in the counties of Yazoo, Lawrence and Carroll 94 22 for the relief of Thomas M. Rae, As¬ signee of James B. TVigiriuton 95 23 to prohibit the distillation of spirits from grain, molasses or sugar 95 24 for the relief of Captain Henry Jami¬ son, of Attala county 96 25 Preamble and Resolution explanatory of the rea¬ son inducing the Legislature to sus-» pend for a limited time the collection of the Military Tax imposed by the Ordinance of the Convention....... 97 51330T7IjA.R. SESSION NOVEMBER, 1SG3. CHAPTER. PAGE. 1 AN ACT to provide for organizing and '-disciplin¬ ing the militia of this State 101 2 resolution for the relief of certain counties 108 3 to allow the sheriffs and tax collectors additional time to collect the taxes for the year 1862, in certain cases... 1(10 4 to extend the time of assessing the taxes in this State for the year 1803 100 5 to amend " An act for the relief of the Judges pf the Circuit Court of this State, in certain caf es" 110 6 authorizing the Sheriffs of this State to receive Confederate Treasury Notes in -payment of runaway slaves sold, and fur other purposes Ill 7 to revive aud amend " An act to extend. the time for the collection of the taxes of the current fiscal year," approved December 20, 1801, and for oilier purposes Ill g to better provide for the families of soldiers 113 g to compensate soldiers in the State ser¬ vice jn certain cases 123 q for the relief of tax-payers in certain cases, and for other purposes ... 123 6 CONTENTS—REGULAR SESSION—NOVEMBER, 1863. CHAPTER. , PAGE. 11 AN ACT to legalize the removal of personal property from this State hy. guardians executors, administrators, and other trustees, under certain circumstances, and for other purposes 124 ^2 to amend thelawof divorce and allimony 125 13 to amend the impressment law of this State. 1 126 14 to amend chapter 32 ol the Revised Code, so far as the same provides'for registration and sale of estrays 127 15 to compel railroads to keep lights, fire and water on their cars 127 48 to provide for obtaining juror3 in the Circuit Courts of this State 123 17 to be entitled an act to regulate the fees of jailors in this State in certain cases 129 18 to repeal au act entitled u An act to au¬ thorize the appointment of two Medi¬ cal Commissioners to especially attend to the sick and wounded soldiers from this State in the Confederate Army and for other purposes," approved January 1, 1863 129 13 to provide for the speedy recovery of personal property wrongfully taken or detained 129 21 > to suspend the Levee Tax authorized to be assessed by the Boards of Police of the Mmsissippi River Levee District 138 21 in relation to overseers of public roads on the boundary line between two or more owners of land *. 139 22 to authorize the State Treasurer to re.- ceive from the delinquent tax collectors of the several counties in this State the military bonds or notes falling due the 1st of June. 1863 and 1864, in paymentof the amounts due from them on account of the Military Tax for the year 1861 139 23 to provide for the payment of claims of deceased soldiers 140 fcONTENTS—^REGULAR SESSION—NOVEMBER 1863. 7 CHAPTER. PAGE. 24 AN ACT for the relief of families of soldiers in the counties therein mentioned, and for other purposes 140. 25 to authorize Probate Clerks in this State to record anew any deede or other in¬ struments required by law to be re¬ corded, when the rfecords have been lost, mutilated or destroyed 142 26 to encourage the manufacture of cotton and wool cards in this State 143 27 to procure cotton and wool cards for indigent families of soldiers and citi- zens of this State 144 28 to encourage the manufacturing of wine_ from the native grape 146 29 compelling railroad companies to be re¬ sponsible for freight and baggage.... 146 30 to amend article 32, section 8, of the Revised Code 147 31 to authorize the removal of the records, books and papers belonging to any court of records, and for other pur¬ poses 148 32 to exempt County Treasurers from mili¬ tary duty 149 33 to regulate the pay of Registers and Receivers of the several Land Offices of this State 150 34 to provide for the exemption of certain ' officers from service in the Provisional Army of the Confederate States 150 35 for the relief of the Mississippi State Troops captured at Yicksburg « 151 36 for the disposition of aliens residing within the limits of the State of Miss. 152 37 amendatory of the Revenue Laws of this State 153 38 to provide for the punishment of parties falsely representing themselves as government agents 156 39 to punish parties making illegal seizures and impressments in this State 156 40 to amend an act entitled " An act to aid in strengthing the Army of the Con¬ federate States.": 159 8 CONTENTS—REGULAR SESSION—NOVEMBER, 1863. » CHAPTER. PAGE. 41 AN ACT to amend the law relative to sueing out the writ of "habeas corpus 15# 42 to enable the railroad companies of this State to pay the monies borrowed by them 160 43 to provide for the redemption t>f lands sold to the State for taxes at the office of the Auditor of Public Accounts.. 161 44 amendatory of article 6, chapter 3, page 292 of the Revised Code, and for other purposes 162 45 to amend an act entitled " An act to pro¬ cure salt for the indigent families of soldiers, and for other purposes," approved January 1st, 1863 163 46 to amend section 7, chapter 6, Revised Code of the State of Mississippi, so far as the same provides compensation for the 'State Printer, and for other purposes 166 47 to change the time of holding the Pro* bate Court of Scott county 167 48 Jbr the relief of John W. Cox, of Win¬ ston county, and to remove the civil disabilities of said minor 168 49 to remove the civil disabilities of Sydney Moore Jackson, a minor of the county of Rankin 168 50 to amend the School Laws of Itawamba county 169 51 for the relief of G. S. McMillan, Dis¬ trict Attorney for the Second Judicial District of the State of Mississippi.. 170 52 to remove the civil disabilities of Josiah II. Askew, a minor 171 53 to remove the civil disabilities of Adol- phus* II. Ware, a minor 171 54 to authorize the Board of Police of the county of Itawamba to make an ap¬ propriation out of the County Treas¬ ury to pay the tax assessor for taking the number of children between the ages of six and eighteen years, &c., 171 • CONTENTS—REGULAR SESSION—NOVEMBER, 1863. 9 CHAPTER. PAGE. 55 AN ACT to remove the civil disabilities of Thos. M. Smedes ....... 172 56 to provide for the relief of' destitute families of Yazoo county. 172 57 to amend an act entitled " An act to in¬ corporate the Mississippi Manufactu- . ping Company," Approved April 11, 1852 173 - 58 to pay clerks, inspectors und returning officers of elections of Hancock. Lau¬ derdale and Newton counties, and in¬ crease the per diem of the members of the boards of police 173 59 to be entitled an act to remove the civil disabilites of Wm. VY. Brooks, a minor 174 60 to authorize the Speaker of the House of Representatives and President of the Senate to appoint Messengers be- tweeen the two houses 174 61 to incorporate the Southern College of of Medicine and Surgery 175 62 to incorporate the Alabama and Missis¬ sippi Rivers Railroad Qotnpany 176 63 to remove the civil disabilities of Wal¬ ter McDougal, a minor 178 64 to increase the salary of the * Governor of this State 178 65 for the relief of the First Battalion Mis¬ sissippi State troops, commanded by Major Har-per 17 9 66 for the relief of James Reedy, Sheriff and Tax Collector of Holmes county 180 67 making certain appropriations for the State Institute for the Blind 181 68 to amend the law in relation to the in¬ stitution for the Deaf and Dumb.... 181, 69 to be entitled an act relative to the estab¬ lishment of a temporary Penitentiary 182 70 to authorize the Judge of the Probate. Court of Lowndes county to appoint a receiver for the absent legatees of Dr. Samuel B. Malone .. 184 10 contents—regular session—november 1863. chapter. page. '71 AN ACT to amend an act entitled "An act to amend the charters of the Columbus Life and General Insurance Company and the Mississippi Mutual Insurance Company," approved Jan. 25, 1862.. 184 72 for the relief of William Beachum, of Itawamba county, and for other pur¬ poses 185 73 to aid in supplying the loss of the re¬ cords and papers in the Circuit and Chancery Courts of Chickasaw county and for other purposes 186 74 for the relief J. D. W. Duckworth, Sheriff and Tax Collector of Smith.. 190 75 to provide for the payment of certain informal claims against the State of Mississippi 191 76 for the relief of Thomas J. Fortson... 192 77 for the benefit of Moses E. Enochs.... 193 78 for the relief of Thomas A. Mitchell, of Pontotoc county ."193 7f9 for the relief of Isham Dansby, of New¬ ton county.,, 194 80 to amend an act entitled an act to amend the law in relation to the State University 1S4 81 to authorize the Boards of Police of Winston, Noxubee and Choctaw counties to borrow money from the school funds ©f said counties foivthe use of the destitute families of sol¬ diers in said counties 195 82 for the Telief of the Probate Clerk of Lauderdale county 196 83 to supply soldiers of the State of Mis¬ sissippi, either in the State or Con¬ federate service, with shoes and clothing 196 84 for the relief of Bobert Haywood Whitley 197 85 to increase the salary of the Probate Judge of Monroe county 198 CONTEXTS—REGULAR SESSION—NOVEMBER 1863. 11 CHAPTER. PAGE. 8G AN ACT to repeal the fifth section of an act en¬ titled "An act to reduce the county tax of Greene county," approved De-' cember 5, 1861 198 87 to compel Anderson Bean, Ex-Sheriff, to pay over certain money to the Treasurer of Chickasaw county, and for other purposes 198 88 to be entitled an act to amend "An act to incorporate the Bank of Jack¬ son, and other Banks," 199 89 for the relief of the Probate Clerk of Newton county 200 90 making certain appropriations therein named 200 91 to authorize Mrs. Maria E. Wadling- ton, Guardian of the minor children of Douglas S. King, deceased, to sell slaves belonging to her wards, and for other purposes 202 92 making appropriations for the Military Service for the next fiscal year 202 93 to authorize the State Treasurer to em¬ ploy a clerk 203 94 for the relief of George It. Fall 203 95 to increase the salary of the Probate Judge of Itawamba county 204 98 to change the name of Mildred Harris, of Itawamba county 204 97 to change the time of holding the Pro¬ bate Court of Lawrence county 204 98 to enable the counties of Lowndes, Ok¬ tibbeha and Noxubee and the city of Columbus, to settle up and close their subscription to the capital stock of the Mobile and Ohio Railroad Com¬ pany ..... 205 99 for the relief of Samuel M. Meek 205 100 for the relief of Cooper & Kimball, State Printers 206 101 to remove the civil and legal disabili¬ ties of Samuel B. Jones, of Sunflower county 206 102 for the relief of John A. McNeil 207 12 CONTENTS'—REGULAR SESSION—NOVEMBER, 1863. CHAPTER. PAGE. 103 AN ACT to authorize the Board of Police of Jasper county to correct the levy of ' the poor tax of said county 207 104 for the relief of Thomas Harris and James L. Burk, of Scott county 208 105 to enable the Board of Police of Mon¬ roe county to levy a tax for the sup¬ port of the dependents of soldiers, eic., from said county- 208 106 to repeal an act reducing the salary of the Probate Judge of Rankin county 209 107 further to provide for soldieis and other families in the county of Attala 209 108 to authorize the Board of Police in Wayne county to discharge the duties of school commissioners, and for other purposes 210 109 to authorize the Board of Police of Jackson county to employ the free negroes of said county in certain cases 219 110 .to increase the salary of the Probate Judge of Lauderdale county 211 111 to remove the civil disabilities of An¬ thony D. Goydon, a minor, of Lau¬ derdale county, so far as to render him legally qualified to make a last will and testament 211 112 t;> amend an act entitled "An act to appropriate fines, forfeitures, licenses and runaway slaves, in the county of Jones," approved December the 4th, 1861 212 113 ^°r the relief of William C. Nickle, tax assessor of ranola county 212 114 to authorize Nareissa L. Barksdale to emancipate her slave John 214 115 to authorize the repair of the Mobile and Ohio Railroad, between Okalona and Saltillo, in this State, and for other purposes 213 116 for the relief of D. II. Mnury.- 215 117 for the benefit of the Lunatic Asylum.. 215 CONTENTS—REGULAR SESSION—NOVEMBER, 1863* 13 CHAPTER. PAGE. 118 AN ACT to authorize and require the Governor to cause to bo prepared and printed a sufficient amount of bonds bearing eight per cent, interest, for the pur¬ pose of calling in and taking up the Treasury Notes issued by law for military defense of this State 215 119 to provide for the destruction of cer¬ tain bonds and Treasury Notes in the Auditor's and Treasurer's offices, and for the registering and destruction of cotton notes 217 120 to authorize the Treasurer to use the Three Per Cent. Fund in payment'of the current expenses of the'State... 218 121 to provide lor the examination of the offices of Auditor of Public Accounts and State Treasurer 218 122 to enable the High Court of Errors and Appeals of this State to prevent injustice to suitors, and to correct some.of the evils arising from the present state of war 219 123 for the relief of the heirs and distribu¬ tees of J. S. Terrel, Jr., deceased... 220 124 to increase the salary of the Probate Judge of Kemper county . 221 125 to authorize the President of the Board of Police of Winston county to bring suits for the collection of notes made payable to the Swamp Land Commis¬ sioners of said county, and for other purposes 221 126 to amend an act entitled " An act to amend the Charter of the City of Jackson," approved August 6th, 1861, and an act entitled " An act supple¬ mental to an act to amend the Char¬ ter of the City of Jackson," approved * August 6th, 1861. .i 222 127 to remove the civil disabilities of Henry B. Luckett, a minor 223 128 to remove the civil disabilities of Jas. II. Matthews, a mii\pr, of Marshall county 223 14 CONTENTS—REGULAR SESSION—NOVEMBER 1863. CHAPTER. PAGE. 129 AN ACT to repeal an act entitled " an act to re¬ duce the taxes of Hancock county, and for other purposes," approved December 16th, 1861 • \ ... 224 130 to cha-ge the name of Nancy Delaware Wyatt to that of Nancy Delaware Gibbs, and to enable Joseph Gibbs and wife to adopt her as their child. 224 131 to remove the civil disabilities of Wm. Dice Hooker 225 132 to amend chapter eight of the Devised Code establishing the fees of certain officers, so far as it relates to the Pro¬ bate Clerks of the counties of Leake and Dankin 225 133 DESOLUTION, joint, requesting the Governor to do.alt things necessary to protect the people from illegal impressments.... 226 134 of thanks to the mothers, wives sis¬ ters and daughters of this State 226 135 resolution of thanks, etc 227 136 joint, instructing our Senators and re¬ questing our Depresentatives 227 137 joint, instructing our Senators and re¬ questing our Depresentatives for cer¬ tain purposes therein named 228 138 joint, whereas, Govervnor Brown, of Georgia, in his late message to the Legislature of that State, remmended that they should set apart and appoint Thursday, the 10th day of December liext, as a day of fasting, deep humil¬ iation and prayer, and appealed to the Congress of the Confederate States, and the Legislatures of the States to co-operate *... 228 139 requesting Congress to repeal the sub¬ stitute law 229 140 joint, in reference to the President's ordc* removing slaves 229 141 joint, to print a certain act 230 142 joint, granting leave of absence to the Hon. Try an M. Yancy, of Marshall county 230 CONTENTS—REGULAR SESSION—NOVEMBER 1SG-3. 15 CHAPTER. PAGE. 143 RESOLUTION, joint, conferring certain powers on the Governor 230 144 to donate clothing to Herndon Rangers 231 145 in relation to the State University.... 231 146 joint, of confidence in His Excellency, President Davis • 232 147 granting leave of absence to James S. Hamm, etc., and S. M. Meek, etc.... 233 148 joint resolution 233 149 in relation to the Trustees of the State Lunatic Asylum, the Institutions of the Blind and Deaf and Dumb 233 150 urging Congress to pass a law relative to the currency 234 151 joint, for the purpose of compiling the Constitution of this State and the Constitution of the Confederate States 234 152 granting leave of absence to Hon. Wm. II. Kilpatrick...' 235 153 in relation to State Printer 235 154 joint, for defraying certain expenses... 235 CONSTITUTION of the STATE OP MISSISSIPPI. Article I. Declarations of Rights. I § V. Executive Department: Militia. II. Distribution of Powers. | VI. Impeachment. III. Legislative Department. I VII. General Provisions; Slaves. IV. Judicial Department. | Amending Constitution; Schedule. ARTICLE I. declaration of rights. That the general, great and essential principles of liberty and free government may be recognized and established, we declare : Section 1. That all freemen, when they form a1 social compact, are equal in rights ; and that no E uam men, or set of men, are entitled to exclusive, sepa- and natural rate public emoluments or privileges from the com- nshts- •munity, but in consideration of public services. Sec. 2. That all political power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority and established for their benefit; and, therefore, they have, at all times, an inaliena¬ ble and indefeasible right to alter or abolish their form of government in such manner as they may think expedient. —L 18 constitution of mississippi; Sec. 3. The exercise and enjoyment of religious profession and worship, without discrimination, shall forever be free to all persons in this State : Provided, that the right hereby declared and estab¬ lished shall not be so construed as to excuse the acts of licentiousness, or justify practices inconsis¬ tent with the peace and safety of the State. Sec. 4. No preference shall ever be given by law to any religious sect or mode of worship. Sec. 5. That no person shall be molested for his opinions on any subject whatever, nor suffer any civil or political incapacity, or acquire, any civil or political advantage in consequence of such opin¬ ions, except in cases provided for in this Constitu¬ tion. Sec. 6. Every citizen may' freely speak, write and publish his sentiments on all subjects, being Freedom of responsible for the abuse of that liberty, speee . ^ shall ever be passed to curtail or restrain the liberty of speech or of the press. Sec. 8. In all prosecutions or indictments for libel, the truth may be given in evidence ; and if be Tgiven in it shall appear to the jury that the matter charged evidence in ag libelous is true, and was published with good all prosecu- , in* i i n ,i -111 tions for u- motives, and tor justifiable ends, the party shall beU be acquitted ; and the jury shall have the right to determine the law and the facts. Sec. 9. That the people shall be secure in their persons, houses, papers and possessions, from un¬ reasonable seizures and searches ; and that no war¬ rant to search any place, or to seize any person or thing, shall issue without describing the place to be searched, and the person or thing to be seized, as nearly as may be, nor without probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation. Sec. 10. That in all criminal prosecutions, the accused hath a right to be heard by himsell, or The accused counsel or both, to demand the nature and cause convicted, of the accusation ; to be confronted by the witnes¬ ses against him ; to have a compulsory process for Obtaining witnesses in his favor ; and, in all prose¬ cutions, by indictment or information, a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury of the country where the offence was committed ; that he cannot be compelled to give evidence against himself; nor constitution of mississippi. 19 can he be deprived of his life, liberty or property, but by due course of law. Seo. 11. No person shall be accused, arrested or detained, except in cases ascertained by law, and' according to the form which the same has prescribed • and no person shall be punished but in virtue of a law established and promulgated prior to the offence, and legally applied. Sec. 12 That no person shall, for an indictable offence, be proceeded against criminally by infor- inTndictiwe mation, except in cases arising i-n the land or naval offencea- forces, or in the militia, when in actual service, or by leave of the court for misdemeanor in office. Sec. 13. No person shall, for the same- offence, be twice put in jeopardy of life ,or limb ; nor shall any person's property be taken or applied to pub¬ lic use without the consent of the Legislature, and without just compensation being first made there¬ for. Sec. 14. That all courts shall open, and every person, for an injury done him in his lands,.goods, person or reputation, shall have remedy by due course of law, and right and justice administered without sale, denial or delay. Sec. 15. That no power of suspending laws shall be exercised except by the Legislature or its authority.' Sec. 16. That excessive bail, shall not be re- excessive quiyed, nor excessive fines imposed, nof cruel pun- bail- ishment inflicted. Sec. 17~ That all prisoners shall, before con¬ viction be bailable by sufficient securities, except fencesIehaf-" for capital offences, where the proof is evident, or bea? corpus, the presumptiop great; and the privilege of the c" writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, un-' less, when in a case of rebellion or invasion, the public safety may require it. Sec. 18. That the person of a debtor, when there is not strong presumption of fraud, shall not ^,be°^btor be detained in prison after delivering up his estate t>r;soa<;d.lm" for the benefit of his creditors, in such a manner as shall be prescribed by law. Sec. 19. No conviction for any offence shall work corruption of blood or forfeiture'of estate ; the Legislature shall pass no bill of attainder, ex- 20 constitution of mississippi. post facto law, nor law fbr impairing the obliga¬ tion of contracts. Sec. 20. No property qualification for eligibili¬ ty to office, or for the right of suffrage, shall ever be required by law in this State. Sec. 21. That the estates of suicides shall de¬ scend or vest as in cases of natural death ; and if The estates any person shall be killed by casualty, there shall of suicides. ke no forfeiture by reason thereof. Sec. 22. That the citizens have a right, in a peaceable manner, to assemble together for their ofTpetitiln! common good; and to apply to those invested with the powers of government for redress of grievan¬ ces, or other purposes, by petition, address or re¬ monstrance. Right to ^EC* Every citizen has a right to bear arms bear a-ms. in defense of himself and of,the State. Sec. 24. No standing army shall be kept up without the consent of the Legislature ; and the Nojstanding military shall, in all cases and at all'times, be in ceP™ &c.ex" strict subordination to the civil power. Sec. 25. That no soldier shall, in time of peace, be quartered in any house without the consent of the owner, or in time of war, but in the manner to be prescribed by law. Sec. 26. That no hereditary emoluments, privi¬ leges or honors shall ever be granted or conferred in this State. Sec. 21* Emigration from this State shall not Emigration, be prohibited, nor shall any free white citizen of &0, this State ever be exiled under any pretence what¬ ever. trial by Sec. 28. The right of trial by iury shall remain jury- inviolate. Sec. 29. No person shall be debarred from prosecution prosecuting or defending any civil cause for or of suits. against him or herself, before any tribunal of this State, by him or herself or counsel, or both. Sec. 30. No person shall ever be appointed or Tenure of elected to any office in this State for life or during office' good behavior ; but the tenure of all offices shall be for some limited period of time, if the person appointed or elected thereto shall so long behave well. CONSTITUTION OP MISSISSIPPI. 21 CONCLUSION, To guard against transgressions of the high [)mver3 herein delegated, we declare; that thing in this article is excepted 6ut ilhHhe powers of government, and shall forever remain in¬ violate ; and that all laws contrary thereto, or to the following provisions, shall be void. ARTICLE II. DISTRIBUTION OF. POWERS. Sec 1. The powers of the government of the State of Mississippi, shall be divided into three dis- Dhtribution tinct departments,' and each of-them confided to'a of Powers, separate body of Magistracy fo-wit: those which are legislative to one, those which are judicial to another, and those which are executive to another. Sec. 2. No person, or collection of persons, be¬ ing of one of those departments, shall exercise any power properly belonging to either of the others! except in the instances hereinafter expressly direc¬ ted or permitted. ARTICLE III. legislative department. Sec. 1 Every free white male person of the age of twenty-one years or upwards, who shall be a citizen of the Confederate States of America, and shall have resided in this State one year next preceding an elec¬ tion, and the last four months within the county, city or town, in which he offers to vote, shall be Qualifled deemed a qualified elector ; and any such qualified elector.1 e elector, who may happen to be in any county, city or town, other than that of his residence, at the time of an election, or who shall have removed to any county, city or town within four months pre¬ ceding the election, from any county, city or town, in which he would have been a qualified elector had he not so removed, may vote fqr any State or district officer, or member of Congress, for whom he could have voted in the county of his residence, 22 constitution of mississippi. or the county, city or tpwn from which he rifay. have so removed. Sec. 2. Electors shall, in all cases except in tl^qs^ of treason, felony, or breach of the peace, be Eiec'ors. ty to pVed< arrest during their' attendance"bif a&c'tTohs, ancl' going and returning from the same. SeC-. 3. The first elections shall be by ballot, and all future elections by the people shall be reg¬ ulated by law. .Sec. 4. That legislative powers of this State shall be vested in two distinct branches the one to be styled " the Senate," the other, " the House of Representatives," and both together " the Legis¬ lature of the State of Mississippi;" and the style of tlieir laws shall be, " Be it enacted by the Legis¬ lature of the State of MississippiB ' Sec. 5. The members ot the House of Repre¬ sentatives, shall be chosen by the qualified electors, and shall serve for the term of two years, from the day of the commencement of the general election anil no longer. Sec. 6. The representatives shall be chosen every two years, on the first Monday and day fol¬ lowing in November. Sec. 7. No person shall be a representative unless Quaiiftca- he he a citizen of the Confederate States of America, tions. and shall have been an inhabitant pf this State two .years next preceding his election, and the last year thereof a resident of the county, city or town for which he shall be chosen, and shall have attained the age of twenty-one years. Sec. 8. Elections for representatives for the Elections sevcral cdunties shall be held at the places of hold- where*5 heui!' ing their respective courts, or in the several elec¬ tion districts into which the county may be divi- w»e a : Provided, that when it shall appear to the city or town legislature that any city or town hath a number of separate rf free white inhabitants equal to the ratio then fixed, presentatrn. SU(pn cpy 0y town shall have a separate representa¬ tion, according to the number of free white inhabi¬ tants therein, which shall be retained so long as such city or town shall contain a number of free white inhabitants equal to the existing ratio, and thereafter, and during the existence of the right of separate representation in such city or town, eleo* constitution of mississippi. 23 tions for the county im which, jsuch city or tbwn, en¬ titled to separata rephesentettion, is situated, shall Residuum, not be held in such city or town : And provided, that if the residuum or fraction of any city or town, entitled to separate representation, shall, when ad¬ ded to the residnm in the county in which it may •lie, be equal to the ratio fixed by law for one rep- ' resentative, then the aforesaid county, city or town, haying the largest residuum, shall be entitled to such representation : And provided^ also, that when 'there are two or more counties adjoining, ■ which have residuums over and above the ratio then fixed by law, if such residuums, when added together, will amount to such ration, in that case one repre¬ sentative shall be added to that county, having the largest residuum. Sec. 9. The Legislature shall, at- their first ses¬ sion, and at periods of not less than every four, nor Eaumirati0n more than every sixvears, until the year 1845, and and appoi-- tionment thereafter at periods of not less than every four nor more than-every eight years, cause an enumer¬ ation to be made of all the free white inhabitants of this State, and the whole number of representa¬ tives shall, at the several periods of making such enumeration, be fixed by the Legislature and ap¬ portioned among the several counties, cities or towns entitled to separate representation,' eccord- ing to the number of free white inhabitants in each;' and shall not be less than thirty-six nor more than Number f one hundred ; Provided, however, that each coun- r e presertta- ty shall always be entitled to at least one repre- tives> sentative. • . " Sec. 10. The whole number of senators shall; at the several periods of 'making the enumeration be- Senators>&c* fore mentioned, be fixed by the Legislature, and apportioned among the several districts to be es¬ tablished by law, according to the number of free Number>&c- white inhabitants in each, and shall never be less than one-fourth nor more than one-third of the whole number of representatives. Sec 11. The senators shall be chosen by the How ehftaen qualified electors, for four years, and on their be- dat¬ ing convened in consequence of the first election, 6 ' they shall be divided by lot from their respective districts into two classes, as nearly .equal as can' 24 COMSTTTUTIOXT OF MISSISSIPPI. be ; and the seats of the senators of the first class shall b# vacated at the expiration of the second year. Sec. 12. Such mode of classifying new addi- tional senators shall be observed as will as nearly as possible preserve an equality of members in each class. Sec. 13. When a senatorial district shall be composed of two or more counties, it shall not.be entirely separated by any county belonging to an¬ other district-, and no county shall be divided in forming a district. Sec. 14. No person shall be a senator unless he be tions^f'senl a citizen of the Confederate States of America, and ator«- shall have been an inhabitant of this State for four years next preceding his election, and the last year thereof a resident of the district for which he shall be chosen, and have attained the age of thirty years. Sec. 15. The House of Representatives, when speaker of assembled, shall choose a speaker and its other of- andotheTo? ^cers' axi^ ^ie Senate shall choose a president and fleers. 61 " its officers, and each' house shall judge of the quali¬ fications and elections of its own members, but a contested election shall be determined in such manner as shall be directed by law. A majority of each house shall constitute a quorum to do busi¬ ness, but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day, and may compel the attendance of absent members, in such manner and under such penalties as each house may provide. Sec. 16. Each house may determine the rules "of Powers of ^s own proceedings, punish members for disorder- each house ly behavior, and with the consent of two-thirds, expel a member, but not a second time for the same cause ; and shall have all other powers necessary for a branch of the Legislature of a free and inde¬ pendent State. Sec. 17. Each house shall keep a journal of its journals of Proceedings, and publish the same ; and the yeas yeas and and nays of the members of either house, on any nays. question, shall, at the desire of any three members present, be entered on the journal. Sec. 13. When vacancies happen in either Vacancies, house, tlie Governor, or the person exercising the constitution of mississippi. 25 powers of the Governor, shall issue writs of elec¬ tion to fill such vacancies. Sec. 19. Senators and representatives shall, in ■■ all ca-es, • except of treason, felony, or breach of fr0miTS; the peace, be privileged from arrest during the ses- exception, sion of the legislature, and in going to and return¬ ing from the Same, allowing one day for every twenty mile3 such member may reside from the place at which the legislature is convened. Sec. 20. Each house may punish, by imprison¬ ment diying the session, any person, not a member, for disrespectful or' disorderly behavior in its pre¬ sence, or for obstructing any of its proceedings : Provided, 'such imprisonment shall not, at any one time, exceed forty-eight hours. Sec. 21. The doOrs of each house shall be open, except on such occasions of great emergency as, in the opinion of the house, may require secrecy. ' Sec. "22. Neither hohse shall, without the con¬ sent of the other, adjourn for more thail three days, nor to any other place than thatin which they may be sitting. Sec. 23.. Bills may originate in either house, and be amended, altered or rejected by the other, but no bill shall have the force-of a law until, on three several days,,it be read in each house, and free dis¬ cussion be allowed thereon, unless four-fifths of the house in which the bill shall be pending may- deem it expedient to dispense with this rule ; and every bill, having passed both houses, shall be signed by" the speaker and president of their respective houses. Sec. 24. All bills for raising revenue shall ori¬ ginate in thp House of Representatives, but the Senate may amend or reject them, as other bills: Sec. 25. Each member of the legislature shall, receive, from the public treasury, a compensation Com for his services, ^which may be increased or dimin- tionTt6®8* ishcd by law, but no increase of compensation shall members. take effect during .the session at which such increase shall have been made. Sec. 20. No senator or representative shall, during the term for which he shall have been elect¬ ed,' nor for one year thereafter, be appointed to any civil office of profit under the State, which shall have been created or tlqe emoluments of which shall 26 CONSTITUTION OF MISSISSIPPI have been increase*} during such term, except such offices as may be filled by elections by the people; Members an<^ no memher of either house of the legislature not eligible shall, after the commencement of the first session to office. 0f the legislature'after his election, and during the remainder of the term for which he is elected, be eligible to any offiee or place, - the appointment to' which may be made, in whole or in part, by either branch of the legislature. Sec. 27. No judge of §my court of law or equity, secretary of state, attorney-general, clerk of any Officers not cour^ record, sheriff or collector, or any^person eligible to holding a lucrative office under the laws of the legislature. Confederate States of America, or of this State, shall be eligible to the legislature : Provided, That officers in the militia, to which there is attached' no annual salary, and the office of the justice of the peace, shall not be deemed lucrative. • Sec. -23. No person who has heretofore, or here¬ after, been a collector or holder of. public moneys, Defaulters. have a seat ^ either house of the legislature until such person shall have accounted for, and paid into the treasury, all sums for which he may be accountable. ^ Sec. 29., The first election for senators and representatives shall be general throughout the when hoi d'm State, and shall be held on the first Monday, and day following, in November, 1833 ; and thereafter there shall be biennial elections for senators to fill the places of those whose term of service may have expired. Sec. 30. The first and all future sessions of the legislature shall be held in the town of Jackson, in Seernment.v* the county of Hinds, until the year 1850. During the first session thereafter, the legislature shall have "power to designate, by law, the permanent seat ol government: Provided, however, That unless such designation be then made bylaw, the seat of gov eminent shall continue permanently at the town of Jackson. Thq first session shall commence on the third Monday in November, in the year 1833 ; and in every two years thereafter, at such time as may be prescribed by law. Sec. 31. The governor, secretary of state, treas¬ urer, auditor of public accounts and attorney-gener¬ al, shall reside at the seat of government. 1 CONSTITUTION OF MISSISSIPPI. 21 ARTICLE. IV. judicial department. Sec. 1. The judicial power of the State shall judicial be vested in one high court of errors and appeals, Power. cia and such other courts of law and equity as are hereafter provided for in this constitution. Sec. 2. The high court of errors and appeals High Court shall consist of three judges, any two of whom shall LdAppeffif. form a quorum. . The legislature shall, divide the State into three districts, and, the qualified electors of each district shall elect one of said Judges for the term of six years. Sec. 3. The office of one of ,said judges shall be Jud eg vacated in two years, and'one in four years, and howeieet- one in six years—so that, at the expiration of office?™ °f every two years, one of said judges shall be elected as aforesaid. • Sec. 4. Tl^e high court of errors and appeals jurisdiction shall have no jurisdiction but such as properly be¬ longs to a court of errors and appeals. •Sec. 5. All vacancies that ipay occur in said court, from death, resignation, or removal, shall be vacancies, filled by election as aforesaid : Provided, however, That if the unexpired term do not exceed one year, the vacancy shall be filled by executive appoint¬ ment. Sec. 6. No person shall be eligible to the office of judge of the high court of errors and appeals, who shall not have attained," at the time of his election, the age of thirty years. Sec. 7. The high court of errors and appeals shall be held twice in each year, at such place as Where hol, the legislature shall direct, until the year eighteen den. hundred and thirty-six, and afterwards at the seat of government of the State. • Sec. 8. The secretary of state, on receiving all Fast eiec- the official returns of the first* election, shall pro- lon' "ceed forthwith, in the presence and with the assis¬ tance of two justices of the peace, to determine,-by lot, among the three candidates having the highest number of votes, which of said judges shall serve for the term of two years, svhich shall serve for the 0fflC|.rm of term of four years, and which shall serve for the 28 CONSTITUTION OF MISSISSIPPI. term of six years; and, having so determined the same, it shall be the duty of the^Governor to issue commissions accordingly. Sec.4#. No judge shall sit 011 the trial of any Cause when the parties or either of them shall be when Judge connected with him by affinity or consanguinity, or dis qua1 . wjjen may interested in the same, except by consent of the judge and of the parties; and when¬ ever a quorum of said court are sitdated as afore¬ said, the Goyernor of the State shall in such case especially commission two or more men of law knowledge, for the determination thereof. Sec. 10. The judges of said court shall receive salaries: f°r their services a compensation to be fixed by law, which shall not be diminished during their continuance in office. Sec. 11. The judges of the circuit court shall judges of "be elected by the qualified electors of each judicial ircm s. aQ(j j^old their offices for the term of four years, and reside in their respective districts- Sec. 12. No person shall be eligible to the office Quaiifica- of judge of the circuit court, who shall not at the tions. ^me e]ecti011} },ave attained the age of twenty-six years. Sec. 13. The Stale shall be divided into conve- Circuits. Dient districts, and each district shall contain not less than three nor more.than twelve counties. Sec. 14. The circuit courts shall have original Jurisdiction jurisdiction in all matters, civil and criminal, with¬ in this State ; butip civil cases only when the prin¬ cipal of the sum in controversy exceeds fifty dollars. ■ Sec. 15. A circuit court shall be held in each county of this State, at least twice in 'each year ; chancery anc* the judges of said court shall interchange cir^ Courts. cuits with each other, in such manner as may be prescribed by law, and shall receive for their servi¬ ces a compensation to be fixed by law, which shall not be diminished during their continuance in office. Sec. 16. A separate superior court of chancery Jurisdiction shall be established, with full jurisdiction in all mat¬ ters of equity: Provided, however, The legislature may give to the circuit courts of each county equity jurisdiction in all cases where the value of the thing or the amount in controversy does not exceed five hundred dollars; also, in all cases of divorce, and constitution of mississippi. 29 for the foreclosure of mortgages. The chancellor shall be elected, by the qualified electors of the whole State, for the term of six years, and shall be at least thirty years old at the time of his election. Sec. 17,. The style of all process shall be "The styieofpro- 'State of Mississippi," and all prosecution's shall be1 ces9, carried on in the name and by the authority of "The State of Mississippi," and shall conclude,. " against the peace and dignity of the same." Sec. 18. A court of probate shall be establish- Co^tobate ed in each county of the State, with jurisdiction in all matters testamentary, and of administration in. orphan's business, and the allotment of dower, in cases of idiocy, and lunacy, and of persons non compos mentis. The judge of said court shall be elected by the qualified electors of the respective counties, for the term of two years. Sec. 19, The clerk of the high court of errors and appeals shall be appointed by-the said court, 01erk> for the term of four years ; and the clerks of the probate and other inferior courts, shall be elected by the qualified electors of the respective counties, and shall hold their offices for the term of two years. Sec. 20. The qualified electors of each county shall elect five persons, for the term of two years, Po^*rd of who shall constitute a board of police for each coun¬ ty, a majority of whorq. may transact business ; which body shall have full jurisdiction over roads, highways, ferries and bridges, and all other matters of county police ; and shall order all county elec¬ tions, to fill the vacancies that may occur in the offices of their respective counties. The clerk of the court of probate shall be the clerk of the board of police. • Sec. 21. No person shall be eligible as a mem- aligCa- ber of said board, who shall not have resided one' tions*1' year in the county, but this qualification shall not extend to such new counties as may hereafter be established, until one year after their organization: and all vacancies that may occur, in said board Va c ancie9. shall be supplied by election as aforesaid to fill the unexpired term; Seq, 22. The judges of all the courts of this State, and also the members '.of the board of the 30 constitution of mississippi. conserva- county police, shall in virtue of their offices, be Peacef ths> conservators of the peace, and shall be, by law, vested with ample powers in this respect. Sec. 23. A competent number of justices of the constables, peace and. constables shall be chosen in each county by the qualified electors thereof, by districts, who shall hold their offices for the term of two years • justices of the jurisdiction of justices of the peace shall be lim- the Peace, ited to causes in which the principal of the amount in controversy shall not exceed fifty dollars; in?all causes tried by justices of the peace, the right of appeal shall be secured, under such rules and regu¬ lation! as shall be prescribed by law. . Sec. 24. The legislature may, from time to time, courts.1"1 °r establish such other inferior courts as may be deem¬ ed necessary, and abolish the same whenever they deem it expedient. Sec 25. There shall be an Attorney-General elected by the qualified electors of the State, and a competent number of district-attorneys shall be General!65" elected by the qualified voters of their respective districts, whose compensation and term of service shall be prescribed by law. Sec. 26. The legislature shall provide by law, for determining contested elections of judges of the high court of errors and appeals, of the circuit Elections?** an^ p'Obate courts and other officers. Sec. 27- The judges of the several courts o this State, for willful neglect of duty or other rea- judses, sonable cause, shall be removed by the governor, howremov- 01-j the address of two-thirds of both houses of the e ' legislature ; the address to be by joint vote of both houses. The cause or causes for which such remo¬ val shall be required, shall be stated at length in such address, and on the journal of each house. The judge so intended to be removed, shall be no¬ tified and admitted to a hearing in his own defence, before the vote of such address shall pass; ■ the vote on such address shall be taken by the yeas and nays, and entered oh the journals of each house. Sec. 28. Judges of probate, clerks, sheriffs and officers in- other county officers, for the willful lleglect of duty, dieted. Qr misdemeanor in office;, shall be liable to present¬ ment or indictment by a grand jury, and trial by constitution of mississippi. 31 a'petit jury; and, Upon conviction, shall beTemov- cd from office. ARTICLE V, EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. Sfic. 1. The chief executive power of this State Shall be vested in a Governor, who shall hold his office for two years from the time of his installation. Sec. 2. The Governor shall be elected by the qualified electors of the State. The returns of every te°5u?er of election for governor shall' be sealed up and trans- offlce: mjtted to the seat of government, directed to the Secretary of'State, who shall deliver them to the ecLW 61ec*" Speaker of the House of Representatives at the next ensuing session of the legislature, during the first week of which session the said speaker'shall open and publish them in the presence of both houses of the legislature. The person having the highest number of votes shall be Governor ; but if two or more shall be equal, and highest in votes, then one of them shall be chosen Governor by the* joint ballot of both houses t)f i the legislature. Con- contested tested election for Governor shall be determined Governed* by both houses of the legislature in such manner .as prescribed by law. 1 Sec. 3. The Governor shall beat least'thirty years of age, shall have been a citizen of some one of the States composing the Confederate States o America, for twenty years, and shall have resided in this State at least five years,next preceding the day of his election, and shall not be capable of Quaiifica- bolding the office more than four years in any term tlons* ' of six years. SeC.. 4. He shall at all times receive for his ser- vices a compensation, which shall not be increased tiSn?ensa" or diminished during the term for which he shall be elected. Sec. 5, He shall be commander-in-chief of the my and navy of this State, and of the militia, de£?™chief except when they shall be called into the service of the Confederate States of America. Spc. 6. He may require information, in writing, from the officers in the executive department, on any subject relating to the duties of their' respective offices 32 CONSTITUTION OP MISSISSIPPI. Sec. 7. He may, in cases of emergency, convene to Convene Ihe legislature at the seat of government, or at a and adjourn different place, if that shalL have become, since tare. eg,s a" their last adjournment, dangerous from an enemy or from disease ; and in case of disagreement be¬ tween the two houses with respect to the time of adjournment, adjourn them to such time as he shall think proper, not beyond the day of the next stated meeting of the legislature. Sec. 8: He shall, from time to time, give.to the Governorof legislature information of the state of the govern- ' ' ment, and recommend to their consideration such measures as he may deem necessary and expedient. "Sec. 9. He shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed. Sec. 10. In all criminal and penal cases, except Power of in those of treason and impeachment, he shall have Governor.- p0wer t0 grant reprieves and pardons, and remit fines, and in case of forfeiture, to stay the collec¬ tion until the end of the next session of the legis¬ lature, and to remit forfeitures by and with the ad- . vice and consent of the Senate. In cases of trea¬ son, he shall have power to grant reprieves by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, but may respite the sentence until the end of the next ses¬ sion of the legislature. Seo. 11. All commissions shall be in the name commss- ^y authority of the State of Mississippi, be sions. sealed with the great seal, and signed by the Gov¬ ernor, and be attested by the Secretary of State. Sec. 12. There shall be a seal of this State, which shall be kept by the Governor, end used by 9eiLze: he him officially, and shall be called the Great seal of the State of Mississippi. Sec. IB. All vacancies not provided for in this Constitution, shall be filled in such manner as the legislature may prescribe., Sec. 14. The Secretary of State shall be elected secretary by the qualified electors of the State, and shall con- ofsta'e. tinue in office during tbe term of two years. He shall keep a fair register of all the official acts and proceedings of the Governor, • and shall, when re¬ quired, lay the'same, and all papers, minutes and vouchers relative thereto, before the legislature, constitution op mississippi. 33 shall perform other duties as may he required of ' him by law. Sec. 15. Every bill which shall have passed both houses of the legislature, shall be presented to the Governor ; if he approves, he shall sign it J but if to sign™^ not, he shall return it, with his objections, to the returnbilw: house in which it shall have originated, which shall enter the objections at large upon their journals, and proceed to reconsider it; if, after such recon¬ sideration, two-thirds of the house shall agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent, with the objections to Veto: the other house, by which it shall likewise be recon¬ sidered : if approved by two-thirds of that house, it shall become a law: but in such case, the vote of both houses shall be determined by yeas and nays; and the names of the members voting for and . against the bill shall be entered on the journal ol each house respectively: if any bill shall not be returned by the Governpr within-fix days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the same shall become a law in like manner as if he had signed it, unless the legislature, by their .adjournment, prevent its return ; in which case it shall not become a law. . Sec. 16. Every order, resolution or vote 'to which the concurrence of both houses may be neces¬ sary, except resolutions for the purpose of obtain¬ ing the joint action of both houses, and on questions of adjournment, shall be presented to the Governor, and, before it shall take effect, be approved by him, or. being disapproved, shall be repassed by both houses, according to the rules and limitations pre¬ scribed in the case of a bill. Sec. 17. Whenever the office of Governor shall become vacant, by death, resignation, removal from office of office, or otherwise, the president of the Senate shall exercise the office of Governor until another Governor shall be duly qualified ; and, in case of the death, resignation, removal from office, or other disqualification of the president of the Senate, so exercising the office of Governor, the speaker of the House of Representatives -shall exercise the office until the president <>f the Senate' shall have been chosen; and when the office of Governor, president of the'Senate, and speaker of the House, shall be- 3—L 34 constitution of mississippi. come vacant in the recess of the Senate, the person' Farther acting as Secretary of State for the time being, provision, shall, by proclamation, convene the Senate, that a president may be chosen to exercise the office of Governor. Sec. 18. "When either the president or speaker of the House of Representatives shall so exercise said office, he shall receive the compensation of the Governor only; and his duties as president or spea¬ ker shall be suspended, and the Senate or House of Representatives, as the case may be, shall fill the vacancy until his duties as Governor shall cease. Sec. 19. A sheriff and one or more coroners,, a treasurer, surveyor and ranger," shall be elected in each county, by the qualified electors thereof/ who shall hold their offices for two years, unless sooner removed; except that the coroner shall hold his office until his successor be duly qualified. Sec. 20. A State Treasurer and Auditor of Pub- Treasurer lie Accounts shall be elected by the qualified elec- and Auditr. o^. ^ gtat6j wjj0 ghaH hold iheir offices for the term of two years, unless sooner removed. militia. Section 1. The Legislature shall provide by Miii«a. ^aw> f°r organizing and disciplining the militia of this State, in such manner as they may deem expe¬ dient, not incompatible with the Constitution and the laws of the Confederate States of America in relation thereto. Sec. 2. -Commissioned officers of the p^iilitia Militia offi-' (staff officers and the officers of volunteer compa¬ cts: nies excepted,) shall be elected by the persons lia¬ ble to perform military duty, and the qualified electors within their respective commands, and shall be commissioned by the Governor. Sec. 3. The Governqp shall have power to call powers of forth the militia to execute the laws of the State, csd^ou^mi- suppress insurrection, and to repel invasion. litia. constitution op mississippi. 35 ARTICLE YI. impeachments. Section I. The House of Representatives shall have the sole power of impeaching. Sec. 2. All impeachments shall be tried by the- Impeach. Senate: when sitting for that purpose, the senators ment. shall be on oath or affirmation: no person shall be convicted without the concurrence of two-thirds of the members present. Sec. 3. The Governor and all eivil officers shall Extent of, be liable to impeachment for any misdemeanor in of-* &c' fice ; but judgment in such-cases shall not extend further than to removal from office, and disqualifi¬ cation to hold any office of honor, trust or profit under the State; but the party convicted shall nev¬ ertheless, be subject to indictment, trial and pun¬ ishment, according to law, as in other cases. ARTICLE VII.. general provisions. Section 1. Members of'the Legislature, attor-' neysafid counsellors'at law, and all officers, execu- 0afh of of_ live and judicial, before they enter upon the duties fice. of their respective offices, shall.take the following oath or affirmation, to-wit r " I do solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be) that I will support' the Constitution of the Confederate States of America, and the Constitution of the State of Mis¬ sissippi, so long as I continue a citizen thereof, and that I will faithfully discharge, to the best of my abilities the duties of the office of, , accord¬ ing to law—So help me Cpd." Sec: 2. The Legislature shall pass such laws to prevent the evil practice of duelling, as they may Duelling- deem necessary ; and may require all officers before they enter upon the duties of their respective ofin ces, to take the following oath or affirmation : " I do solemnly swear, (or affirm, as the case may be,) that I have not been engaged in a duel, by sending ol* accepting a challenge to fight a duel, or by fight¬ ing a duel, since the first day of January, in the 36 constitution op mississippi. year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ' thirty-three,, nor will I be so engaged during my continuance in office—So help me God." Sec, 3. Treason against the State shall consist only in levying war against it, or in adhering to Treason. -tg enem|eSi giving them aid and comfort, No person shall be convicted of treason, unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, Elections.^ or his'own confession in open court. Sec. 4. Every person shall be disqualified from holding an office or place of honor or profit under the authority of this State, who shall be convicted of having given or offered any bribe to secure his convicts c^ec,^on* Laws shall be made to exclude from of- eic°iVied fice or suffrage those who shall' hereafter be con- from office. victe(i df bribery, perjury, forgery, or other high crimes or misdemeanors. The privilege oi the free suffrage shall be supported by laws regulating elec- suffrage. tions, and prohibiting, under adequate penalties, all undue influences theiin, from power, bribery, tu¬ mult, or other improper conduct. Sec. 5. No person who denies the being of a Atheists; God, or a. future state of rewards and punishments, sfiairhold any office in the civil department of this State. Sec. 6, No laws of a general nature, .unless When laws otherwise provided for, shall be enforced until sixty f£tmt0 ef" days after the passage thereof, Sec. 7. Nor money shall be drawn from the "treasury, but in consequence of an appropriation drawn from made by law; nor shall any appropriation oi money treasury. for ^ SUppprt of an army be made for a longer tern than one year. Sec. 8. No money from the treasury shall be appropriated to objects of internal, improvement, unless the bill for that purpose be passed by two-' thirds of both branches of the Legislature; and a' regular statement and account of the receipts and expenditures of public moneys shall be published annually. Sec. 9. N exercise their respective offices until they shall be superseded pursuant to the provisions of this con¬ stitution, and until their successors be duly quali¬ fied. Sec. 4. All laws now in force in the State, not repugnant to this constitution, shall continue to operate until they shall expire by their own limitation, or be altered or repealed by the Legis¬ lature, Sec. 5. Immediately upon the adoption of this constitution, the President of this Convention shall issue writs of election, directed to the sheriffs of the several counties, requiring them to cause an election to be held on the first Monday and day following in ^December next, for members of the Legislature, at the respective places of holding- elections in said counties ; which elections shall be conducted in the manner prescribed by the existing election laws ol the State ; and the members of, the Legislature, thus elected, shall continue in of¬ fice until the next general election, and shall con¬ vene at the seat of government on the first Mon¬ day in January, eighteen hundred and thirty-three : and shall, at their first session, order an election to be held in every county of this State, on the first Monday of May and day following, eighteen hun¬ dred and thirty-three, for the State and county officers lifider this constitution, (members of the Legislature excepted,) and the other officers then elected shall continue in office until the succeeding general election, and after, in the same manner as if the election had taken place at the time last aforesaid. Sec. 6. Until the first enumeration shall be made, as directed by the constitution, the appor- How long tionment of senators and representatives among Officers * constitution of mississippi. 41 the several districts and counties in this State, shall first eiect- remain. as at present fixed by law. * • tinu^inot P. RUTLUS $. PRAY, fice- President of the Convention, and Representative from the county of Hancock. Attest : John H. Mallory, Secretary. AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION, slaves, The Legislature shall have, and are hereby vest¬ ed with power to pass such laws, regulating or prohibiting the introduction of African slaves into this State, as may be deemed proper and expedient. Adopted February 2d, 1846. bo\rd of police. The qualified electors of each county shall elect five persons, by districts, for the term of two years, who shall constitute a Board of Police of each county, a majority of whom may transact business; which body shall have full jurisdiction over roads, highways, ferries and bridges, and all other matters of county policy; and shall order all county elec¬ tions to fill vacancies that may occur, in the offices of their respective counties. The Clerk of the Court of Probate shall be Clerk of the Boards of County Police. .Adopted March 12th, 1852. chancery court. Chancery Courts, witfi full jurisdiction in mat¬ ters of equity, shall be held in each judicial dis¬ trict by the circuit judge thereof at such time and CONSTITUTION OF MISSISSIPPI. place as may.be directed by law. The Superior Court of Chancery, and the several Vice-Chan¬ cery Courts, shall continue as now organized, until the first Monday of November, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven, for the disposition of cases now depending therein. The Legislature shall provide by law for -the preservation of the records of the said Superior Court of Chancery and of said Vice-Chancery Courts, and also for the trans¬ fer of all causes, that may Temain undetermined therein, to other courts, for final decision, Adopted February bth, 1856. TENURE OF PUBLIC OFFICERS. All public officers in this State, Legislative, Ex¬ ecutive and Judicial, whose terms of office expire at the general election to be held in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven, or at any subsequent general election, shall continue to hold their offices until the first Monday of January next following the expiration of said terms, and until their successors shall be qualified: Provided, such of said officers as are required to give bond for the discharge of tin ir duties, shall give bond and se¬ curity for the said extended term, as may be pro¬ vided by the Legislature; and the terms of office of all officers chosen at the general election.in the 'year eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, or at any subsequent general election, shall commence on the first Monday of January next succeeding the elec¬ tion, and shall continue for the time now fixed by the constitution, and until their successors shall be qualified. Adopted February 6, 1856. ELECTIONS. All general elections by the people of this State shall be held on the first Monday in October, and be concluded in one day; on the first Monday in October, 1<>57, and biennially thereafter, an elec¬ tion shall be held for Representatives in Congress, and all State officers and members of the Legisla¬ ture, except for officers and senators entitled to hold constitution OF mississippi. ,43 over after November, 1857, who shall continue in office until their successors are entitled to succeed them therein. The Legislature shall convene on the first Monday of November, 1857, and biennial¬ ly thereafter, but may be especially convoked by the Governor at other times. The Governor's of¬ ficial term shall commence on the third Monday of November, and that ot the Secretary of State, Auditor of Public Accounts, State Treasurer, and Attorney General, on the fist Monday of January next after his and their election; but the Attorney General shall hold his office, as heretofore,-for the • term of four years. On the first Monday of Octo¬ ber, 1858, and biennially thereafter, an election Shall be held for all county^ district, judicial and ministerial officers, (except officers who may then ,be entitled to hold over after, January, 1859, or until the time Of holding another election;) and the official term of all such officers then and' there¬ after elected, shall .commence on the first Monday of January next after this election; but all such officers elected in 1855, or previously, whose offi¬ cial terms, in. the absence of this provision, would expire in November; 1857, shall continue in office until the first Monday of January, 1859. Adopted February 2d, 1856. amendment vii. That the following words be and they are hereby inserted in the Constitution of this State and form a part thereof, to-wit: "That the amendment to the Constitution voted for by a majority of the qualified 0^fenur® of electors in this' State at tfie last general election, known as the tenure of office amendment, and which was,added to the Constitution by an act of the Legislature of this State, approved the nth day of February, 1856, be abrogated, so far as it fixes the terms of office of members of the Legislature, and in lieu thereof the following section, adopted, and inserted in the Constitution : Sec. —. The term of office of members of the Legislature shall be for the period now fixed by the Constitution, and shall commence from and after their election, and expire at the next general CONSTITUTION'OF MISSISSIPPI. election thereafter at which their successors are elected. Approved November 19th, 1857. AMENDMENTS BY -THE STATE CONVENTION. Be it ordained and declared, and it is hereby or- , dained and declared, 'That the Legislature shall have power to fix the time of holding all elections, and may adjust the terms of office to conform to any changes hereafter to be made, and may fix the time for the commencement of its biennial sessions. Be it ordained and declared, and it is hereby or¬ dained and declared, That if any part of the pres¬ ent Constitution of the State of Mississippi shall be in conflict with any ordinance passed by this Convention, such part of the said Constitution Shall be held to be abrogated and annulled to the extent of such conflict, but no further. Adopted January 26th, 1861. WILLIAM S. BARRY, President of the Convention. CONSTITUTION OP THE. CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMIRl CA. We, the people of the Confederate States, each State acting in its sovereign and independent character, in order to form a permanent federal Government, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility,, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity—invoking the favor and guidnnce of Almighty God—do ordain ,and establish this Constitution of the Confederate States of America. SECTION I.—LEGISLATIVE POWERS. All legislative powers herein delegated shalj be vested in a Congress of .the Confederate States, Coco^g|ess! which shall consist of a Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives.! Article I. Distribution of Powers. II. Executive Department. III. Judicial Department, IV. General Provisions. [' V. Constitution, how amended. I VI. Successor tp Provisional Govern- ment, etc. » | VII. Constitution, hdw ratified. PRE A'MBLE ARTICLE I, 40 CONSTITUTION OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES. SECTION II.—HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. # L The House of .Representatives shall be corn- Members Pose(^ members chosen every second year by the how eieet'd. people of the several States ; and the electors in each State shall be citizens of the Confederate States, and have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the State Legislature ; but no person of foreign birth, not a citizen of the Confederate States, shall be allowed to vote for any officer, civil or political, State or federal. 2. No person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained the age of twenty-five years, and Quaiificati'n a citizen of the Confederate States, and who of members shall not, when elected, be an inhabitant of that State in which he shall be chosen. 3. Representatives and direct taxes shall be apportioned atnong the several States which may TaxeB, how be included within thri Confederacy, according to apportioned ^their respective numbers—which shall be deter¬ mined by adding to the whole number of free persons, including those bound to service for a term of years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three- fifths of all slaves. The actual enumeration shall be made within three years after the first meeting of the Congress of the Confederate States, and within every subsequent term of ten years, in such Ratio of manner as they shall, by law, direct The number represent®- of Representatives shall not exceed one for every lon" fifty thousand, but each State shall have, at least, one Representative ; and until such enumeration shall be made, the State of South Carolina shall be entitled to choofee six, the State of Georgia ten, the State of Alabama nine, the State of Florida two, the State of Mississippi soven, the State Of Louisiana six, and the State of Texas six*. 4. When vacancies happen in the representation Vacancies from any State, the executive authority thereof how mied.' shall issue writs of election to fill such vacancies. 5. The House of Representatives shall choose their Speaker and other officers, and shall have the overnnCnt so*e Power of impeachment; except that any ju- of House, dicial or other federal officer, resident and acting solely within the limits of any State, may be im-' CONSTITUTION 0F THE CONFEDEKATE STATES. 47 peached by a vote of two-thirds of both branches of the Legislature thereof. SECTION III.—SENATE. 1. The Senate of the Confederate States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, chosen Senators for six years by the Legislature thereof, at the owelect'd- regular session next immediately preceding the com¬ mencement of the term of service ; and each Sen¬ ator shall have one vote. 2. Immediately after they shall be assembled, in consequence of the first- election,; they shall be 0^?£ureof divided as equally as maybe into three classes.' C6' The seats of the Senators of the first clasS shall be vacated at the expiration of the second year; of the second class at the^ expiration * of the fourth year; and of the third class at the expiration of the sixth year; so that one third may be chosen every second year; and if vacancies happen by resignation, or otherwise, during the recess of the vacancies Legislature of any State, the Executive thereof may make temporary appointments until the next meeting of the Legislature, which shall then fill such vacancies. ' ' 3. No person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained the age of thirty years, and be a Qimiifiea- citizen of the. Confederate States; and who snail 0ons- not, when elected, be an inhabitant of the State for which he shall be chosen. 4. The Vice President of the Confederate States shall be President of the Senate; but shall have no vote, unless they be equally divided. 5. The Senate shall choose their other officers ; officershow and also a President pro tempore in the absence of chosen, the Yice President, or when he shall exercise the office of President of the Confederate States. 6. The Senate shall have the sole power to try all impeachments. When sitting for that purpose, impeach- they shall be .on oath or affirmation. When the t?Sd.s how President of the Confederate States is tried, the C,hief Justice shall preside; and no person shall be convicted without the concurrence of two-thirds of the members present. 48 constitution of-the confederate states. Penalty. 7. Judgment in cases of impeachment shall not extended further than to removal from office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any "office of honor, trust or profit under the Confederate States; • but the party convicted shall, nevertheless, be liable and subject to indictment, trial, judgment and pun¬ ishment according to law. section iv. 1. The times, places and manner,of holding Blectiong jtt elections for senators and representatives shall be each state, prescribed in^ach State by the Legislature thereof, subject to the provisions of this.Cofis'itution ; but the Congress may, at any time, by law, make or alter such regulations, except as to the times and places of choosing Senators'. 2. The Congress shall assemble at least once in congress to everJ Jear ) and such meeting shall be on the first meet: Monday in December, unless they shall, by law, appoint a different day. section v. 1. Each House shall be the judge of the elections, o or m to re^urns anc^ qualifications of its own members, and do°bu^nes! a majority of each shall constitute a quorum to do business ; but a smaller number may adjourn from day to'day, and may be authorized to compel the attendance of absent members, m such manner and under such penalties, as each House may provide. 2. Each House may determine the rules of its proceedings, punish its members for disorderly be- howIeexpei- havior, and, with the concurrence of two-thirds of led- the whole number, expel a member. 3. Each House shall keep a journal of itspro- • ceedings. and from time to time publish the same, bekejpt?110 excepting such parts as may in their judgment re¬ quire secrecy; and the yeas and nays of the mem¬ bers of either House, on any question, sbal,l at the desire of one-fifth of those present, be entered on the journal. 4. Neither House, during the session of Congress, shall, without the consent of the other, adjourn for more than three days, nor to any other place than that in which the two Houses shall be sitting. CONSTITUTION OF MISSISSIPPI. 33 shall perform other duties as may he required of him by law. Sec. 15. Every bill which shall have passed both houses of the legislature, shall be presented to the Goiornor Governor ; if he approves, he shall sign it; but if to sign or not, he shall return it, with his objebtions, to the returnbUIs:: house in which it shall have originated, which shall enter the objections at large upon their journals, and proceed to reconsider it; if, after such recon¬ sideration, two-thirds of the house shall agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent, with the objections to Veto.' the other house, by which it shall likewise be recon¬ sidered : if approved by two-thirds of that house, it shall become a law; ■ but in such case, the vote of both houses shall be determined by yeas and nays, and the names of the members voting for and against the bill shall be entered on the journal of each house respectively: if any bill shalll not be returned by the Governor within six days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the same shall become a law in like manner as if he had signed it, unless the legislature,,by their adjournment, prevent its return ; in Which case it shall not become a law. Sec. 16. Every .ordet, resolution or vote to which the concurrence of both houses may be neces¬ sary, except resolutions for the purpose of obtain¬ ing the joint action of both houses, and on questions of adjournment, shall be presented to the .Governor, and, before it shall take effect, be approved by him, or. being disapproved; shall be repassed by both houses, according to the .rules and limitations pre¬ scribed in the case of a bill. . Sec. 17. Whenever the office of Governor shall become vacant, by death, resignation, removal from oao® of office, or otherwise, the president of the Senate shall exercise'he office of Governor until another Governor. shall be duly qualified ; and in casepf the death, resignation, removal from office, or other, disqualification of the* president of the Senate, so exercising the office of Governor, the speaker of the House of Representatives shall §xercise the office until the president of the Senate shall have been chosen; and when the office of Governor, president of the Senate, and speaker of the House, shall be- 3—h 34 CONSTITUTION OP MISSISSIPPI. come vacant in the recess of the Senate, the person Fnrthar acting as Secretary of State for the time beings, proton. ghan5 by proclamation, convene the Senate, that a president may be chosen to exercise the office of Governor. Sec. 1.8. When either the president or speaker of the House of Representatives shall so exercise said office, he shall receive the compensation of the Governor only; and his duties as president or spea¬ ker shall be suspended, and the Senate or House of Representatives, as the case may be, shall fill the vacancy until his duties as Governor shall cease. " Sec. 19. A sheriff and one or more coroners; a treasurer, surveyor and ranger, shall be elected in each county, by the qualified electors thereof, who shall hold their offices for two years, unless sooner removed ; except that the coroner shall hold his office until his successor be duly qualified. . . Sec. 20. A State Treasurer and Auditor of Pub- Treasurer lip Accounts shall be elected by the qualified elec- aad Auditr. ^Qrg gta^ wjjo gh£H hold their offices for the term of two years, unless sooner removed. MILITIA. Section 1. The Legislature shall provide by Militia. ^aw» for-organizing and disciplining the militia of this State, in such manner as they may deem expe¬ dient, not incompatible with the Constitution and the laws of ,the Confederate States of America in relation thereto. Sec. 2. Commissioned officers of the militia Militia offi- (staff officers, and the officers of volunteer coinpa- cers; njes excepted,) shall be elected by the persons lia¬ ble to perform military duty, and the qualified electors within their respective commands, and shall be commissioned by the Governor. Sec. 3. The Governor shall.have power to call Powers of forth the militia to execute the laws of the State, to suppress insurrection, and to repel invasion. Jitia. constitution op mississippi. 85 ARTICLE VI. impeachments. Section !. The House of Representatives shall have the sole power of impeaching. Sec. 2. All impeachments shall be tried by the Senate: when sitting for that purpose, the senators shall be on oath Or affirmation: no person shall be convicted without the concurrence of two-thirds of the members present. Sec. 3. The Governor and all civil officers shall be liable to impeachment for any misdemeanor in of- fice ; but judgment in such cases shall not extend further than to removal from office, and disqualifi¬ cation to hold any office of honor, trust or profit under the State; but the party convicted shall nev¬ ertheless, be subject to indictment, trial and pun¬ ishment, according to law, as in other cases. ARTICLE VII. general provisions. Section 1. Members of the Legislature, attor¬ neys and counsellors at law, and all officers, exeqn- 0atIl of Qf_ tive and judicial, before they enter upon the duties' fice. of their respective offices', shall take the following oath or affirmation, to-wit: " I do solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be) that I will support the Constitution of the Confederate States of America, and the Constitution of the State of Mis¬ sissippi, so long as I continue^ citizen" thereof, and that I will faithfully discharge, to the best oY my abilities the duties of the office of , accord¬ ing to law—So help me God." Sec. 2. The Legislature shall pass such laws to prevent the evil practice of duelling,.'as they may Duelling- deem necessary ; and may require all officers before they enter upon the duties pf their respective offi¬ ces, to take the following oath or affirmation : " I do solemnly swear, (or affirm, as the case may be,) that I have not been epgaged in a duel, by sending or accepting a challenge to fight a duel, or by fight¬ ing a duel, since the first day of January, in the I mpeach- ment. -^Extent of, &c■ 36 CONSTITUTION OF MISSISSIPPI, year of our Lord one thousand' eight hundred and thirty-three, nor will I be so engaged during my continuance in office^—So -help me God." Sec. 3. Treason against the State shall consist only in levying war again&t it, or in adhering to Treason. jtg cnemieSi giving .them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason, unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the* same overt act, jneetions.at or his own confession in open court. Sec. 4, Every person-shall be disqualified from > holding an office or place of honor or profit under th,e authority of this State, who shall lie convicted • of having given or offered any bribe to secure his convicts e^ecl^011' Laws shall be made to exclude from of- exeiuiel fice or suffrage those who shall hereafter be con- from office, dieted of bribery, perjury, forgery, or other high crimes or misdemeanors. The privilege of the free, suffrage shall be supported by laws regulating eiec- Suffrage. tions, and prohibiting, under adequate penalties, all undue influences thei in, -from power, bribery, tu¬ mult, or other improper conduct. Sec. 5. No person who denies the being of a Atheists: God, or a future state of rewards and punishments, shall hold any office in the civil department of this State. , Sec, 6. No laws of a general nature, unless when laws otherwise provided for, shall be enforced until sixty rct:nt0 ef" days after the passage thereof. Sec. 7. No money shall be drawn from the m o n e treasury, h»nt in consequence of an appropriation drawn from made by law; nor shall any appropriation ol money treasury. for ^jie gllpp0rf; 0f an army be made for a longer term than one year. Sec. 8. No money from the treasury shall be appropriated to objects of internal improvement, unless the bill for that purpose be passed by two- thirds of both branches ,of the Legislature; and a regular statement and account of the receipts and expenditures of public moneys shall be published annually. Sec. 9. No law shall ever be passed to raise a loail of money upon the credit of the State or to state Loan. p]ec]ge ftllith of the State lor the redemption of any loan or debt, unless such law l>e proposed in thff^ Senate or House of Representajives, and be constitution 0e mississippi. 37 agreed to by a majority of the members of each house, and entered on the journals, with. the yeas and nays taken thereon, and be referred to the next sueceding Legislature, and published for three months previous to the next regular election, in three newspapers of this' State; and unless a majority of each branch of the Legislature so elected, afteP such publication, shall agree to gnd pass such a law ; and in such case, the yeas and nays shall be taken and entered on the journals of each house* Provided, that nothing in this sec-, tion shall be so coustrued as to prevent the Legis: lature from negotiating a further loan of one and a half millions of dollars, and vesting the same in stock reserved to the State by the charter of the Planters' Bank of the State of Mississippi. And provided further, That the Legislature may raise a loan of money ahd pledge the faith of the State for the payment thereof, when required to • suppress insurrections, repel invasions, or provide for the defense of the State. Sec. 10. The Legislature shall direct, bylaw, suite in what manner, and in what courts, suits may be against .thfe brought against the State. - 1 tate' Sec. 11. Absence on business of this State or of the Confederate States of America, or' on a visit, or necetsary private business, shall not cause '"ens ip" a forfeiture of citizenship or residence once tained. Sec. 12. It shall be the duty of the Legislature to regulate by law, the cases m which deductions from^iur- shall be made from salaries of public officers for ies- neglect of duty in their official capacity, and the amount of such deduction. Sec. 13. -No member of Congress, nor any per¬ son holding any office of profit or trust under the Confederate States, (the offide of postmaster ex- from (.ffiee. cepted,) or any other State of the Confederacy, or under any foreign power, shall hold or exercise any office of trust or profit under this State.- Sec. 14. Religion, morality and knowledge be1- ing necessary to good government, the1 pleserva- gchools aDd ticm of liberty pnd the happiness of mankind, ed u e aticu. schools and the means of bducation, shall forever be encouraged hi this State. 38 CONSTITUTION OF MISSISSIPPI, Sec, 15. Divorces from the bonds of matrimo* Divorce.?.' PJ shall not be granted bat in cases provided for by law, by suit in chancery. Sec. 16, f Returns of all elections by the people Election re- s^ia^ ma^e to the Secretary of. State, in such turn?. manner as. may be prescribed by law. -Sec. 17. No new county shall be established by the Legislature, which shall reduce the county or counties, or either of them, from which it may be cxmties— taken, to less contents than five hundred and sixty-' new' six square miles ; nor shall any new county be 'laid off cf less contents. Sec. 18. The Legislature shall have power to admit to all the rights and privileges of free white citizens of this State all such persons of the Choc- indian?. taw and Chickasaw tribes c>f Indians as shall choose to remain iu this State, upon such terms as the Legislature may, from time to time, deem proper. slaves. Section 1. TherLegislature shall have no pow¬ er to pa?s laws for the emancipation of slaves with- tfon oi; out the consent of their owners, unless where the m3de- slave shall have rendered to the State some distin¬ guished service, in which case the^ owner shall be. paid a full equivalent for the slave so emancipated. They shall have no power to prevent emigrants to this State from bringing with them such persons as are deemed slaves by the laws of' any one of the United States, so long as any person of the same age or description shall be continued in slavery by the la\ys of this State ; Provided, that such person or slave be the bona fid$ property of such emi- v'fe t'l d°of 8Tan^s'! an<^ provided, also, that law? may be passed crimes. to prohibit the introduction into this State of slaves who may have committed high crimes in other States. They shajl have power to pass laws to permit the owners of slaves to emancipate thenij saving the Tights of creditors, and preventing them from becoming a public charge. They shall have full powpr to oblige the owners of slaves to treat them with humanity, to provide for them necessary ^lothing and prqvisi6ns,to abstain from all injuries constitution" of mississippi. 39 to them ^tending to life or limb, and in ease of their neglect or refusal to comply with the direc- Treatment tions of such laws, to have such slave or slaves of slaves; sold for the benefit of the owner or owners. Sec. 2. The introduction of slaves into this State as merchandise, or for sale, shall be prohibi- me^han*- ted from and after the first day of May, eighteen diee. ■ hundred and fifty-three; Provided, that the actual settler or settlers shall not be prohibited from pur¬ chasing slaves in any other State in this Union and bringing them into this State for their own individual use, until the year eighteen hundred and forty-five. Sec. 3. In the prosecution of slaves for crimes 'Of which the punishment is not capital, no inquest ofTiayes! by a grand jury shall be necessary ; but the pro¬ ceedings in such cases shall be regulated by law. mode of revising the constitution. Whenever two-thirds of each branch of the Legislature shall deem any change, alteration or amendment necessary to this constitution,, such proposed change, alteration'or amendment shall.be read and passed by a majority of two-thirds of each house respectively, on each day for three sev- constitution eral days; public notice thereol , shall then be now revised given by the Secretary of State, at least six months preceding the next general election, at which the qualified electors shall vote directly for or against such change, alteration or amendment; and if it shall appear that a majority pf the qualified elec¬ tors voting for members of the Legislature shall have voted for the proposed change, alteration or amendment, then it shall be inserted, by the next succeeding Legislature, as a part of this constitu¬ tion, and not otherwise. schepule. SecIion 1. All rights vested, and all liabilities incurred, shall remain the same as if this constitu- Tested.shu tion had not been adopted. 40 constitution of mississippi. Sec. 2. All suits at law or in equity, now pend¬ ing in the several courts of this State, may be transferred to such courts as may have proper ju¬ risdiction thereof. • Sec'. 3. The Governor, and all officers, civil and military, now holding commissions under the au- offieers, 4c. thority of this State, shall continue to hold and, exercise their respective offices, until they shall be Superseded pursuant to the provisions of this con¬ stitution, and until their successors be duly quali¬ fied. Sec. 4. All laws now in force in the State, not repugnant to this constitution, shall continue to operate until they shall expire by their own limitation, or be altered or repealed by the Legis¬ lature. Sec. *5. Immediately upon the adoption of this, constitution, the President of this Convention shall issue writs of election, directed to the sheriffs of the several counties, requiring 'them to cause an election to be held on the first Monday and day following in December next, for members of the Legislature, at the respective places of holding elections in said counties ; which elections shall be conducted in the manner prescribed by the existing election laws ol the State ; and the members of the Legislature, thus elected, shall continue in of¬ fice until the next general election, and shall con¬ vene at the seat of government on the first Mon¬ day in January, eighteen hundred and thirty-three : and shall, at their first session, order an election to be held in every county of this State, on the first Monday of May and day following, eighteen hun¬ dred and thirty-three, for the State and county officers under this constitution, (members of the Legislature excepted,) and the other officers then elected shall continue in office until the succeeding general election, and after, in the same tnanner as if the election had taken place at the time last aforesaid. Sec. 6. Until the first enumeration shall be made, as- directed by the constitution, the appor- o Ho# long tionment of senators and representatives among constitution op mississippi. 41 the several districts and counties in this State, shall first eieet- remain as at present fixed by law. . P. RUTIAJS R. PRAY, fi<*- President of the Convention, and ' Representative from the county of Hancock. Attest : * John H. Mallory, Secretary. AMENDMENTS TO .THE CONSTITUTION. slaves. The Legislature shall have, and are hereby vest¬ ed with power1 to pass such laws, regulating or prohibiting the intrbduction of African slaves into this State, as tnay be deemed proper and expedient. Adopted February 2d, 1846. board op police. The qualified electors of each county shall elect five persons, "by districts, for the term of two years, who shall constitute a Board of Police of each county, a majority of \riiom may transact business; which body shall have full jurisdiction over roads, highways, ferries and bridges, and all other matters of county policy ; and shall order all coUnty elec¬ tions to fill vacancies that may occur in the offices of their respective counties. The Clerk of the Court of Prbbate shall be Clerk of the Boards of County Police. Adopted March 12th, 1852. chancer"? court. Chancery Courts, with full jurisdiction in mat¬ ters of equity, shall be held in' each judicial dis¬ trict by the circuit judge thereof, at such time and CONSTITUTION OF MISSISSIPPI. place as may be directed by law. The Superior Court of Chancery, and the several Vice-Chan¬ cery Courts, shall continue as now organized, until the first Monday of November, one thousand eigbt ' hundred and fifty-seven, for the disposition of cases now. depending therein. The Legislature shall provide by law for the preservation of the records of the said Superior Court of Chancery and of said Vice-Chancery Courts, and also for the trans¬ fer of all causes, that may remain undetermined therein, to other courts, for final decision, Adopted February 6 th, 1856. TENURE OF PUBLIC OFFICERS. All public officers in this State, Legislative, Ex¬ ecutive and Judicial, whose terms of office expire at the general election to he held in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven, or at any subsequent general election, shall continue to hold their offices until the first Monday of January next following the expiration of said terms, and until their successors shall be qualified: Provided, such of said officers as are required to give bond for the discharge of their duties, shall give bond and se¬ curity for the said extended term, as may be pro* vided by the Legislature; and the terms of office of all officers chosen at the general election in the year eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, or at any subsequent general election, shall commence on the first Monday of January next succeeding the elec¬ tion, and shall continue for the time now fixed by the constitution, and until their successors shall be qualified, Adopted February 6,1856. ELECTIONS. All general elections by the people of this State shall be held on the first Monday in October, and be conclnded in One day; on the first Monday in October, 1<>57, ami biennially thereafter, an elec¬ tion shall 'be held for representatives in Congress, and all State officers apd members of the Legisla¬ ture, except for officers and senators entitled to hold CONSTITUTION OP MISSISSIPPI. 43 over after November, 1857, who shall continue in office until their successors are entitled to succeed them therein. The Legislature shall convene on the first Monday of November, 1857, and biennial¬ ly thereafter, but may be especially convoked by the Governor at other times. The Governor's of¬ ficial term shall commence on the third Monday of November, 'and that ol the Secretary of State, Auditor of Public Accounts, State Treasurer, and Attorney General, on the fist Monday of January iiext after his and their election; but the Attorney General shall hold his office, as heretofore, for the term of four years. On the first Monday of Octo¬ ber, 1858,, and biennially thereafter, an election shall be held for all county, district, judicial and ministerial officers, (except officers who may then be entitled to hold over after' January, 1859, or until the time of holding another election;) and the official term of all such officers then and there¬ after elected, shall commence on the first Monday of January next after this election; but all such officers elected in 1855, or previously, whose offi¬ cial terms, in the absence ol this provision, would expire in November, 1857, shall continue in office until the first Monday of January, 1859. Adopted February 2d, 1856. amendment yii. That the following words be and they are hereby inserted in the Constitution of this State and form a part'thereof, to-wit: "That the amendment to the Constitution voted for by a majority of the qualified ofgceenure of electors in this State at the last general election, known as the tenure of office amendment, and which was, added to the Constitution by an act of the Legislature of this State, approved the nth day of February, 1856, be abrogated, so far as it fixes the terms of office of members of the Legislature, and in lieu thereof the following section, adopted and inserted in the Constitution : Sec. —.-The term of office of members of the Legislature shall be for the period now fixed by the Constitution, and shall commence from and after their election, and expire i\t the next general CONSTITUTION OF MISSISSIPPI. election thereafter at which their successors are elected. Approved November 19th, 1857. AMENDMENTS BY THE STATE CONVENTION. Be it ordained and declared, and it is hereby or¬ dained and declared, That the Legislature shall have power to fix the time of holding all elections, and may adjust the terms of office to conform to any changes hereafter to be made, and may fix .the time for the commencement of its biennial sessions. Be it ordained and declared, and it is hereby or: dained and declared, That if any part of the pres¬ ent Constitution of the State of Mississippi shall be in conflict with any ordinance passed by this Convention, such part of the said Constitutioii shall be held to be abrogated and annulled to the extent of such conflict, but no further. Adopted January 26th, 1801. WILLIAM S. BARRY, President of the ConYention. CONSTITUTION op the HBIRATG STATES «P AMBICA. Article I. distribution of Powers. II. Executive Department, III. Judicial Department. IV. General Provisions; V. Constitution, how amended. VI. Successor to Provisional Govern¬ ment, etc., VIL Constitution, how ratified. PREAMBLE. We, the people of the Confederate States, each State acting in its sovereign and independent character, in order \t but jn a manner to be ' prescribed by law. 15. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against seared of unreasonable searches and^ seizures shall not be violated; and no warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, ■and particularly describing the place to be searched, tand the persons or things to be seized. 16. No person shall be held to answer for a capital capital or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a nSd.es hovv pTesentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases 'arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or. limb; nor be compelled, in any criminal case, to be a witness against himself; nor be deprived of life, liberty or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property1 be taken- 'for public use, without just compensation. • 17. In all criminal prosecutions the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an speedyuiai impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have beeu previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defence. 18. In suits at common law, where the value in. Suits at controversy, shall exceed twenty dollars, the right' m mon 0f ^r;a| Py jUIy s]iap be preserved; and no fact, tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re examined in any court of the Confederacy than according to the rules of the common law. constitution of the confederate states. 55 19. Excessive bail shall not bo required, nor bJj?cessive excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual pun¬ ishments inflicted. * 20. Every lawor resolution Saving the force of law, shall relate to but one subjeet, and that shall be expressed in the title. section x. 1. No State shall enter into any treaty, alliance, gtates pro*. or confederationgrant letters of marque arid habited oer- reprisal; coin money; make any thing but gold ^ pnvile' and silver coin a tender in payment of debts; pass any bill of attainder, or ex post facto law, or law impairing the obligation of contracts; or grant any title of nobility. 2. No State shall, without the consent of the 'Congress, lay any imposts or duties on imports or im^arteand exports, except what may be absolutely necessary exports, for executing its inspection laws; and the net produce of all duties and imposts, laid by any State on imports or exports, shall be for'the use of the treasury of the Confederate States : and all such laws shall be subject to the revision and con-' trol of Congress. 3. No State shall, without the consent of' Con¬ gress. lay any duty on tonnage, except on sea-going tonnaga3 °D vessels, for the improvement of its rivers and har¬ bors navigated by the said vessels ; but such duties shall not conflict with any treaties of the Confederate States with foreign nations ; and any surplus revenue, thus derived, shall, after making such improvement, be paid into the common trea- gtateg n sury; nor.shall any State keep troops or ships of not keep war in time of peace, enter into any agreement or tim^o'f compact with another State, or with a foreign.peace- power, or engage in war, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent danger as will not admit of' delay. But when any river divides or flows through two or more States, they may enter into compacts with each other to improve the naviga¬ tion thereof. 56 CONSTITUTION t)E ThE CONFEDERATE STATES. ARTICLE II. SECTION, I.—EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. 1. The executive power shall be vested in a President of the Confederate States, of America. He and the Vice President shall hold their offices for the term of six years ; but the President shall not be re-eligible. The President and Vice President shall be elected as follows'? 2. Each State shall appoint, in .such manner as President the Legislature thereof may direct, a number o'f ^owelect'd-" electors equal to the whole Dumber of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress ; but no Senator or Re¬ presentative, or person holding an office of trust or profit under the Confederate States, shall be appointed an elector. ' 3. The electors shall meet in their respective Duties of States and vote by ballot for President and Vice electors. President, one of whom at least, shall not bean inhabitant of the" same State with themselves ; they shall name, in their ballots the person voted for as President, "and in distinct ballots the person voted for as Yice President, and they shall'make distinct lists of all persens voted for as President, and of all persons toted for as "Vice President, and of the Votes how Illl*n'3er v°fes" foT each, which list they shall sign eounted. and certify, and transmit, sealed, to the seat of the Government of the Confederate States, directed to the President of the Senate. The President of the Senate .shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates, and the votes shall then be counted; the person having the greatest number of votes for President sliall be the President, if such number be a majority of the Whole number of electors appointed and if no Such person have such majority, then, frbm President the persons having the highest numbers, not ex- Bhoesent0by ceeding three, on the list of those voted for as House. President, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by States, the representation from each State hav¬ ing one vote ; a quorum, for this purpose shall CONSTITUTION OP THE CONFEDERATE STATES. 57 coiisisfc of a member or members from two-thirds of the States, and a majority of all the States shall, be necessary to a choice. And if the House of vjoePre3i_ Representatives shall not choose a President, when- dent when ever the right of. choice shall devolve upon them, president?9 before the fourth day of March next following, then the Vice President shall act as President, as in case of the death, or other constitutional disa¬ bility of the President. 4. The person having the greatest .number of Viee votes as Vice President shall be the Vice President, sident how if such number be a majovity of the whole number e eted' of electors appointed; aud, if no person have a majority, then, from the two highest numbers on the list,'the Senate shall choose the Vice President; aquorum for the purpose shall consist of two-thirds, of the whole number of Senators, and a majority of the whole number shall be necessary to achoice. 5. But no person constitutionally inelligible to Eligibility, the office of President shall be eligible to that of t Vice President of the Confederate States. 6. The Congress may determine the' time of. Election choosing the electors, and the day on. which they fh«°cfnfe3! shall give their votes ; which day shall be the same eracy. throughout the Confederate States. 7.- No person except a natural born citizen of the Confederate States, or a citizen thereof, at,the dency. time of the adoption of this Constitution, or a citizen thereof, born in the United States prior to the 20th of December, 1860, shall'be eligible to the office of Presidentneither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained the age of thirty-five years, and been fourteen years a resident within the limits of the Confederate States as they may exist at the time of his election. ci°sf Tacan- 8. In case of the removal of the President from office, or of his death, resignation or inability to discharge the powers and duties of the said Dffice, the same shall devolve on the Vice President; and the Congress may, by law, provide for the case of removal, death, resignation,-or inability,. both of the President and Vice President, declaring what officer shall then act as President, and such officer shall .act accordingly until the disability be removed or a Pxesident shall be elected, 58 constitution op the confederate states. 9. The President shall' at stated times, receive com pen, for his services a compensation,.which shall neither President: be increased nor diminished during the period for which he shall have been elected 'r and he shall not receive within that period any other emolument from the Confederate States, or of any of them, oath to be before he enters on the execution of his administer- office, he shall take the following oath or affi.rm.a- ed" tion: • "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the Confederate States, and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the constitu¬ tion thereof. section «. 1.'The President shall be Commander-in-Chief theTreVi- the army and navy of the Confederate States, dent. and of,the militia of the several States, when called into the actual service of the Confederate States; he may require the opinion, in writing, of the'principal officer in each of the Executive De¬ partments, and upon any subject relating to the duties of their respective offices, and he shall have power to grant reprives and pardons for offences .against the Confederate States, except in cases of impeachment. , 2. He shall have power, by and with the advice officers and consent of the Senate, to make treaties, pro howappom- y^e(j tw0_tthrclg of the Senators present concur.; and he shall nominate, and by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint ambassa¬ dors, other public ministers and consuls, Judges of the Supreme Court, and all other officers of the Confederate States, whose appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by law ; but the Congress may, by law, vest the appointment of such inferior officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the courts of law,1 or in the heads of departments, i officers 3. The principal officer in each of the Executive how remov-. Departments, and all persons connected with the -e diplomatic service, may be removed at any time by the President, or other appointing power, when CONSTITUTION OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES.' 59 their services are unnecessary, or for dishonesty,*, incapacity, inefficiency, misconduct, or neglect of duty ; and when so removed, the removal shall be reported to the Senate, together with the reasons therefor. ' 4. The President shall have power to fill all vacancies that may happen during the receSs of the Vacancies Senate,, by granting commissions which shall expire wmied. at the. end of their next session; but no person rejected by the Senate shall be reappointed to the same office during their ensuing recess. SECTION III. 1. The President shall, from time to time, gjve 'to the Congress information, of the state of the siJehnet £raey* Confederacy, and recommend to their considera- £°n°7egSne tion such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient J he may, on extraordinary occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them ; and in case of disagreement between them, with respect to the time of adjournment, he may adjourn them to Such a time as he shall think proper j he shall receive ambassadors and other public ministers1; he shall take care that the lawfe be laithfully exe¬ cuted, and-shall commission all the officers of the Confederate States!. SECTION IV. 1. The President, Vice President, and all .civil officers of the Confederate States, shall be removed penalty for from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, impeachm't treason, bribery or other high crimes and misde¬ meanors. ARTICLE III. SECTION L—JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT. 1. The judicial power of the Confederate States shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such ciaJhp0^uerg~ Inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The Judges, both of the Supreme apd Inferior Courts, shall hold their 00 CONSTITUTION OP THE CONFEDERATE STATES. offices during good behavior, and shall, at stated times, receive for their services a compensation, which shall not be diminished during their contin¬ uance in office. SECTION II. 1. The judicial power shall extend to all cases Extent of arising under this Constitution, the laws of the Powerc 1 a 1 Confederate States, and treaties made or which shall'be made under their authority ; to all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls ; to all cases of admirality and maritime jurisdiction ; to controversies to which the Con¬ federate States shall be a party ; to .controversies between two or more States ; between a State and citizens of another State where the State is plain¬ tiff ; between citizens claiming lands under grants of different States, and between a State and the citizens thereof, and foreign States,-citizens or sub¬ jects ; but no State shall be sued by a citizen or subject of any foreign State.. ■The su- 2. In all cases affecting ambassadors, other pub- preme ce'rt. uc ministers and consuls, and those in which a State * shall be a party, the Supreme Court shall have original jurisdiction. In all the other cases before mentioned, the Supreme Court shall have appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and- fact, with such ex¬ ceptions, and under such regulations, as the Con¬ gress shall make. .. Trial b crimes, except in cases of Ji-ry.ia impeachment, shall be by jury, and such trial shall be held in the State where the said crimes shall have been committed ; but when not committed within any State, the trial shall be at such place or places as the Congress may by law have directed. SECTION III. penalty for 1* Treason against the Confederate States shall treason. consist only in levying war against them, or -in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No penson shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same may, by general laws, prescribe the. manner in which such aots, records and proceedings shall be proved, and the effect thereof. section ii, 1. The citizens of each State shall be entitled to Ri ht of all the piivileges and immunities of citizens in the property ik several States, and shall have the right of tr ansit slaves-« . and sojourn in any State of this Confederacy, with 'their slaves and other property ; and the right of property in said slaves shall not be thereby impaired. 2. A person charged in any State with treason, felony, or other crime against the laws of such Refugees 'State, who shall flee from justice, and be found in romjustlc® another State, shall, on demand of the Executive Authority of the State from which he fled, be de-- livered up, to' be removed to the Stare having jurisdiction of the crime. 3. No slave, or olher person held to service or labor in any State or Territory of the Confederate Fugitiva ' States, under the laws thereof, escaping or lawfully denVered carried, in o another, shall, in consequence of any up- law or regulation"therein, be discharged from such service or lobor; but shall be delivered up' on claim of the party to whom such slave be longs,^or, to whom such service or labor may be due. section iii. 1. Other States may be admitted into this Con- federacy. by a vote of two-thirds of the whole House how »dmi£ of Representatives, and two-thirds of the Senate, ted- 62 CONSTITUTION OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES. the Senate voting by States ; but no new State shfijl be formed or erected within the jurisdiction of any Other State; nor any State be termed by the junction of two or more States, or parts of States, without'the consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned, as well as of the Congress. 2. The Congress shall have power to dispose of t Property and make all needful rules and regulations concern- rLe°stotes! property of the Confederate States, inclu¬ ding the lands thereof. 3. The Confederate States may acquire new New terri- territory ; and Congress shall have power to legis- quired°Wand *an(f provide governments for the inhabitants governed, of all territory belonging to the Confederate States, lying without the limits of the several States ; and may permit them, at such times and in such manner as it may by law provide, to form States to be ad¬ mitted into the Confederacy. In all such territory, the institution of negro slavery, as it now exists in the Confederate States, shall be recognized and protected by Congress, and by the Territorial protected Ui Government; and the inhabitants of the several territories. Confederate States and Territories shall -have the right to take to such Territory any slaves lawfully held by them in any of the States or Territories of the Confederate States. 4. The Confederate States shall guarantee to Form of every State that now is, or hereafter may become, fo/statesnt a mcmf,er °f fhis Confederacy, a republican form of 'government, and shall protect each of them against invasion, and, on application of the Legis¬ lature (or of the Executive, when the Legislature is not in session,) against domestic violence. ARTICLE Y. I. Upon the demand of any three States, legally assembled in their several Conventions, the Con¬ gress shall summon a Convention of all the States, to take into consideration such amendments to the Constitution as the said States feball concur in sug¬ gesting at the time when the said demand'is made; and should any of the proposed amendments to the .Constitution be agreed on,by the said Convention —voting by States—and the same be ratified by Constitu'ion how amend¬ ed. CONSTITUTION OF l^E CONFEDERATE STATES. 63 the Legislatures of two-thirds of the several States, or by Convention in two-thirds thereof—as one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the general Contention—they shall thenceforward form a part of this Constitution. But no State shall, without its consent, be deprived of its equal representation in the Senate. ARTICLE VI. 1. The Government established by this Consti¬ tution is the successor of the Provisional'Govern- stolon *?s meat of th'e Coniederate States of America, and ?ubcAs®?/ n i ii/ i ii • . to Pro vis- all the laws passed by the latter shall continue m ionai oov- force until the same shall be repealed or modified ; and all the officers appointed by the- same shall remain in office until their successors are appointed and qualified, or the offices abolished. 2. All debts contracted and engagements entered into before the adoption of this Constitution shall be as valid agjynst the Confederate States, tinder this Constitution as under the Provisional Govern¬ ment. 3. This Constitution and the laws of the Con¬ federate States, made in pursuance thereof, andajl treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the Confederate States, shall be the supreme law of the land ; and the Judges ir> every State-shall be bound thereby, anything in the Con¬ stitution or laws of any -State to the contrary not¬ withstanding. 4. The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the members'of the several State Quaimca Legislatures and all executive and judicial officers, both of the Confederate States and Jof the several •' States, shall be bound by oafh o? affirmation to support this Constitution ; but no religious test shall ever bereqilired as a qualification to any office or public trust under the Confederate States. tf. Tfie enumeration in the Constitution of cer¬ tain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people of the several States. 6. The-powers not delegated to the Confederate ^served State? by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to rights. 64 CONSTITUTION OF THB CONFEDERATE STATES. the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people thereof. ARTICLE VIL 1. The ratification of the Convention of five howSratifi°d States shall be sufficient for the establishment of this Constitution between the States so ratifying •the same. 2: When five States shall have ratified this Con¬ stitution in the manner above specified, the Con¬ gress, under the Provisional Constitution, shall' nent*Go£ prescribe the-time for holding the election of Pres- howTsn' ident an(l Vice President; and, for the meeting of izedandges- the Electoral College; and for counting the votes taj»hshed. anc[ inaugurating the President. They shall also prescribe the time lor holding the first election of Members ,6f Congress under this Constitution, and, the time for assembling the.same. Until the assem¬ bling of such -Congress, the Congress under £he Provisional Constitution shall contyme to exercise the legislative powers granted them—not extending beyond the time limited by the Constitution of the Provisional Government. LAWS of the STATE OE MISSISSIPPI. CHAPTER I. AH" ACT to amend an act entitl ed " An act to revise and reduce info one the Militia and Volunteer Laws of this State. Section 1. Be it enacted by the legislature of the State of Mississippi, That for the government of the State troops now in active service, or that ±imy regu_ may hereafter be called into active service, under 1 * * i on s the act to which' this is an amendment, the Army * op Regulations and the Articles of War of the Con¬ federate States, and the act of Congress approved October the 13th, A. D. 1862, entitled." an act to relieve the array of disqualified, disabled and in¬ competent officers," are hereby adopted,, and the Governor and Commanding General shall, by ap¬ propriate orders, adapt the same to the State troops. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That all officers and soldiers of the State troops, while in active service, under orders of the Governor, shall be en¬ titled to the same rations and clothing, and the same commutations, as are allowed to officers of the same rank and soldiers of the Confederate States army. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, tThat the Gover¬ nor is hereby authorized to place the State troops, 5—L 66 laws of mississippi. so organised and in service, under the command, of the Confederate States Commander of the Depart¬ ment of which the S.tate of Mississippi may form a part, for service within the State ; provided, they shall not be transferred for a longer period than that provided for in the act to' which this is an amendment. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That all persons between the ages of eighteen and forty years, or suCh other age as m&y be called for by the Con¬ federate Government as conscripts, now in the mili¬ tary service of the State, as officers, non-commis¬ sioned, officers and privates, whether in the militia persons service or volunteer companies, who are not ex- Lmpsofi™ empt from conscription' under the exemption act struction. 0f Congress, nor excused from conscription by or¬ der of the Secretary of War, shall be discharged from service by the commanding officers, and shall be placed in the camps of instruction of their re¬ spective districts by said commanding officer. Any officer failing to perform this duty shall be liable to be court-martialed and fined, or otherwise pun¬ ished in the discretion of such court martial. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of- all officers in the military service of the State to arrest and forward to their respective Fines or commands all absentees without leave, and desert- ers, belonging to the State or Confederate States scripts. army, and deliver them to the nearest military post, or to the nearest Provost Marshal; they shall , arrest all conscripts absent without leave and for¬ ward them to the camps of instruction. It shall be the duty of all, civil officers in each county to arrest and .confine such absentees and deserters, and conscripts, on the requisition of the commanding officer, and on failure to perform this duty such military or civil officer shall be liable to indictment, and on conviction shall be fined one hundred dollars in each case. ,Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That the com- . panies of State troops now in the field may be to bc^ned*. filled to the number required by the act to which this is an amendment, by draft, as proyided for in said act, from companies not in active service, and all officers not in active service shall be liable to such draft. laws op mississippi. 67 Seo. 7. Be it further enacted, That all regular¬ ly established physicians, who have been engaged Exemption in the practice of their profession for the past five year3, all school-teachers who are and have been regularly engaged in teaching twenty or more scholars for the past two years, shall be .exempt from service under this act, and the act to which this is an amendment. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That all pfficers Pay 0f 0fg- who have heretofore, or shall hereafter be in active cers- service, and whose pay is not specifically fixed by statute of the State, shall be paid according, to. rank. "Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That in all cases in which companies now in the State service can- when^o'te not be filled up to the required number by draft, £eafsollda'" the Governor shall cause said companies to be con¬ solidated and reorganized in Such manner as the Governor may prescribe. Sec. 10., Be it further enacted, That all dis- Digchar es charges heretofore granted upon certificates of revoked, physicians, approved by the county surgeons, be. and the same are hereby revoked , arid held for naught. Sec 11. Be ft iurther enacted, That the Major- General, when in ac'ive service, shall be entitled gtaff of Ma to the same staff with officers of the like rank in jor General the service.of the Confederate States, and that the law fixing the salary of the Major-General be, and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. 12. Beit further enacted, That all white male persons above the age of eighteen years and under the age of fifty years, residing temporarily or permanently in this'State, and pot specially ex¬ empted by law, shall be liable to serve in the militia of this State. Sec. 13. Be it further enacted, That the Gov¬ ernor be, and he is hereby authorized to appoint Xhree regi- three or more persons to raise from the militia, ™aevaj^y®o- in such sections of the State as the Governor may be formed, designate, three regiments of cavalry, which shall be organized and elect their officers under the di¬ rection ol the MajAr-General\ and while in active service shall be amenable to the commands Of the Confederate States commander in this department. LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. Sec. 14. Be it further enacted, That if -upon a sufficient showing in writing, the Governor shall believe that the public interest, or the safety of any part of the people would be promoted by per- ma.y°«xeuRe mitting any person, ordered or drafted into the ? s,,0Tfi service, to remain at home, he shall have power to iro&jj ararc. . _ , , _ # A excuse such person from ttie said service. Sec. 15. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect from and after its passage. Approved, January 3, 1863. CHAPTER II. AN AO T bitter to provid.3 for the Families of our Soldiers. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississppi, That it shall be the 'duty of the Boards of Police of the several counties in Names of this State, to ascertain as soon as possible the b«'a'sec«r° Ponies of all soldiers, whether volunteers or con- taiaed- scripts, who have been op may be mustered into the service of the Confederate States, from their respective counties, 'whether such soldiers enlisted in, or were, or shall be attached to any company raised in such county, or elsewhere, within'or without this State, with the names of the compa¬ nies to which they belong ; and also the names of all persons belonging to the militia of the State, who, at the time of making out the roll" hereinaf¬ ter provided for, shall be, or shall have been, in the actual Service of the State in the field, with the names or other designation of the companies to which they belong or did belong ; and a roll of such names and companies shall be made out by the Clerks of the Board of Police, and recorded r««£*ded.be in his office, and a copy thereof transmitted to the Auditor of Public Accounts on or before the first day of March next, Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the sum of Appropri*. ^ve hundred thousand dollars he, and the same is tion. 1 hereby appropriated, payable out of the Treasury Notes issued under the provisions of an act enti¬ ty " an act authorizing the issuance of Treasury laws of mississippi. 69 Notes on behalf of the State," approved January 29, 1862, which sum the Auditor of Public' Ac¬ counts shall proceed, on and after the fifteenth day of March next, to distribute among the sev¬ eral counties in proportion to the number of names contained in the rolls to be returned as provided in the first section of this act; provided, however, that if no roll shall have been received from any county at the time of making such distribution, the Auditor shall make the distribution to such county in proportion to the number of napies con¬ tained in the roll returned from such county in pursuance of an act entitled " an act to create funds for the support of destitute families ot vol¬ unteers 111 this (State, and for other purposes," apt proved December lfitlp 1861) apd the share al¬ lotted to each county shall be paid over -to the Ti ■easurer of such county when applied for, and shall be used and applied by and under the orders of the Boards of Police of such counties, to aid and relieve the destitute families of soldiers, 'actu¬ ally in the service of the Confederate States or of this State, and of soldiers who have died, or be¬ come disabled from wounds or disease, received or contracted while so in' the actual service of the Confederate States or of this State, and also of destitute families wholly or in part dependent upon any soldier, so in actual service, dead or dis¬ abled. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the Boards of Police of the several counties shall appoint one or more suitable persons, whose duty it shall be to investigate and determine who are the proper beneficiaries of the said fund, and to what extent, Fund, h«w and to report the names of such families or per- ftPPhed- sons to the said Boards, and to administer and ap¬ ply thejsaid fund to the aid and relief of such fam¬ ilies and persons, subject to such rules and regula-' tions as the said Boards may prescribe ; an,d said persons so appointed shall have power to pur¬ chase and distribute useful and necessary articles for the use of such destitute families and persons and the Clerks of said Boards of Police shall issue warrants on the Treasurer, payable out of said fund, on the written order of such persons, so ap- 7,0 laws of mississippi. pointed to, administer the said fund, or a majority of. them. ' Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That a special tax to be called the Military Relief Tax, of fifty per cent upon the regular State tax of the present fiscal year, and of each succeeding year, until oth¬ erwise provided, shall be levied and- collected by Tax ta be the Tax Collectors of the several counties in the collected, game manner and subject to all the laws, restric¬ tions and penalties that apply to and regulate the collection and payment into the treasury of other State taxes ; and the tax so collected shall consti¬ tute a fund for the aid and relief of the destitute families and persons mentioned, and intended in and by the second section of this act, and shall be used and applied to that purpose, in the same man¬ ner as is provided in the third section of this act. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That the Boards of Police may continue, up to the time of the dis¬ tribution of the said Military Relief Tax, to fur¬ nish-to the Auditor additional rolls of soldiers from their respective counties who may have been previously overlooked, or who may have entered the service of the Confederate States or of this r&uimlybe State after the return of the former rolls, and may furnished, continue to do so in every year while this act shall be in force, and, it shall be the duty of the Auditor, in every year, as soon as the time for the payment of taxes into the treasury shall have ex¬ pired, to distribute the proceeds of said Relief Tax among the several counties in proportion to the number of names contained in the .said rolls at the time of such distribution, and shall issue his war¬ rant for the share of each county in favor of the Treasurer thereof, as soon as ascertained ; and if more of the" tax shall be afterwards paid in, he shall continue to 'make additional distributions thereof until the whole shall be exhausted. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That the Collec¬ tor of Taxes in each county, before he shall enter a»drecli\el upon the collection of said tax, and the Treasurer additional ever7 county before he shall receive any money bonds. 'appropriated under this act, shall severally give an additional bond, in the same manner and form as now required by law, in a penalty sufficient to LAlVS OP MISSISSIPPI* 71 cover the amount that may come to their hands by virtue of this act, to be determined by the Judge of Probate of the proper county : and if any Tax Collector or Treasurer shall fail to give such bond before the time when any portion of the money appropriated by this act ought to come to his hands, such officer shall forfeit his office, and the same shall be declared vacant and an election or¬ dered to fill the same, in the same manner as pro¬ vided by law in the case of failure to give his offi¬ cial bond at tfye proper time. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That in case the amount of said fund to which any county may be entitled, shall be greater than the amount neces- ho°7®rp1^ sary for the relief of the destitute families intended Prut^pro" to be provided for, the Board of Polic'e of such county may appropriate the overplus to the pur¬ chase of clothing and other necessaries"for the sol¬ diers furnished by such county, or to paying any debt contracted by such County for military pur¬ poses. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That the Tax Col¬ lector shall be allowed one and.one-half per cent, commission for the collection of the said relief tax, ing r^iTef and the Treasurer shall be allowed one per cent. tax" on the amount that shall come to his hands lor all his services in relation thereto. * Sec. 9., Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the .County Treasurer to keep a sepa¬ rate, full and complete account and record of all moneys received and disbursed by him on account of the said relief fund provided by this act, with the names of all persons who may receive relief under the provisions thereof. Sec. 10. Be it further enacted, That the act en¬ titled " an act to extend the powers and confirm the acts of the Boards of County Police in certain cases," approved the 2d day of August, 1862, be and the same • shall remain and continue in full force and effect. Sec. 11. Be it further enacted, ^That the tax au¬ thorized by the first section of an act entitled " an act to create a fund for the support of destitute families of volunteers in this State, and for other purposes," approved December 16, 1861, be and is lawg op mississippi. hereby abolished for £he future, and that none of the provisions of the said act shall apply to the mdney appropriated or the taxes collected by vir¬ tue of this act, and that this act shall take effect from its passage, Approved, January 3, 1863. CHAPTER III. AN ACT making certain appropriations thefeiy named. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the following sums be allowed out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated : Art. 1. To L. Julienne, for stationery furnished the Legislature, the sum of ninety-five dollars and seventy-five cents, say $95 75. ,, Art. 2. To W. W. Hardy, for work and labor in Senate and Hall of House of Representatives, the sum of forty dollars ($40) instead of the sum of forty-two dollars and fifty cents, as asked for in jhis account. Art 3. To J. A. Horne, for the services of the boy Jeffrey for twenty days, the sum of forty dol¬ lars (say $40,) and to our faithful negro man, Jef¬ frey, for his own use, the sum of fen dollars. Art. 4. To Wm. Beaeham, for two guns deliv¬ ered to Capt. H. W. Martin, the sum of thirteen dollars ($13.) Art. 5. To Messrs. Cooper & Kimball (Missis¬ sippi an office) for public printing and Daily Mis- sissippian, this session, the sum of three hundred and twenty-nine dollars and eighty cents ($329 80.) Art. 6. To James Daniel, for hire of boy A. Reid for twenty day's services in attending the House of Representatives, at two dollars per day, the sum of forty dollars ($40.) Art. 7. To- A. Yirden, for hire of boy Isaac Hendrix for twenty day's services in attending the ■House of Representatives, at two dollars per day, the sum of forty dollars ($40 ;) also,- the further sum of three dollars for paste furnished this House. LAWS OP MISSISSIPPI. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall "be sufficient authority for the payment of the re¬ spective sums of money hereinbefore specified ; Provided, that the Auditor of Public Accounts . shall be, and he is hereby required to take from the persons, respectively, to whom appropriations are herein made, a receipt in full to this date, for ser¬ vices and items stated in their respective claims, and that this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved January 3,1863, CHAPTER IY. 'AN1 ACT to increase the manufacture of arms, Section 1. JBe it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the sum of twenty- thousand dollars be and the same is hereby appro¬ priated out of the military fund, to be expended under the direction of the Governor in tfie pur¬ chase of additional machinery and tools, and in¬ creasing and enlarging the State gun-shop now lo¬ cated at the town of Brandon. Sec, 2. Be it further enacted, That said gun-shop shall be governed by such rules and regulations as the Governor shall prescribe therefor. Sec-, 3. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved January 1,1863. CHAPTER Y. AN ACT to authorize persons who may hare sold arms to the State to bo paid therefor. Whereas, arms have been collected in the va¬ rious counties of this State, under an act entitled " an act to provide for the collection of arms, ap¬ proved January 29, J862," and whereas, said arms were re-valued by some officers not authorized by law, and paid £pr according to such valuation, therefore— u laws of mississippi. Section' 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That all arms collected from the citizens by the sheriffs of the several Counties, under the provisions of said act, and val¬ ued byf the commissioners appointed under the sec¬ ond section thereof, shall be paid for as appraised by said commissioners. And it shall be the duty of the Chief of Ordnance forthwith to examine all accounts for arms thus sold and received by the State, and to approve the same as appraised by said commissioners. And upon said approval be; ing made, the Auditor of Public Accounts shall issue his warrant upon the treasury in favor of the sheriff of their' respective counties for the accounts remaining due and unpaid. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect .and be in force from and after its pas¬ sage. • • A pproved January 1, 1863. CHAPTER VI. AN ACT to authorize the appointment of two Medical Com¬ missioners, to especially attend to the sick and wound'ed soldiers frpm this State in the Confederate army,, and tar other purposes. i Section' 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the Governor be, and is hereby empowered and required to appoint coinmis- two Medical Commissioners, whose duty it shall be appointed.* ^ie various hospitals and camps of the army of the Confederate States, and'to carefully examine the condition of all sick and, wounded sol¬ diers from the State of Mississippi; to receive vol¬ untary donations of medicines, clothing, or other articles for the use of such sick and wounded sol¬ diers, arid to see especially to the proper distribu¬ tion of such medicines and other articles ; and in all' cases to afford to said soldiers all the care, aid and assistance within their power, and from time to time to report to the Governor fully their acts and doings and everything connected with the ob¬ jects of their appointment. LAWS OP MISSISSIPPI. *75 Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That upon the ap¬ pointment of said Commissioners the Governor shall furnish each of them with proper evidence of Eridence of their appointment, and also with letters of request appointme't to the Surgeon General of the Confederate States, and Medical Director of the army of Mississippi and East Louisiana, to permit them to pass into the camps and hospitals in which soldiers of this State may be found, for the purpose of performing the duties required of them, as specified in the first section of this act. . Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the Governor shall have full power and control of said Commis- P°wer of i r . ...I T. . taorernor sioners, and may at any time withdraw or dismiss ow com-/ one or both of them, as he may deem right. He missloner- shall also have power' to appoint their successors, in case of removal, death or resignation. Sec. 4. Be it further' enacted, That Said Comj missioners shall receive an annual salary for their services of twenty-five hundred ($2500) dollars Sal«ry- each, payable quarterly out of the military fund. Sec. 5. Beit further enacted, That the sum of ten thousand ($10,000) dollars be appropriated out of the military fund, to' be drawn subject to the approval, of the Governor, on the order of said Commissioners, or either of them, to be1 applied to the purchase of medicine, clothing or othet articles which in their judgment may be necessary to the «oPn?ropna* speedy care and comfort of said sick and wounded soldiers, when such medicine and comfort cannot be furnished by the Confederate Government. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect and be force from and after its passage/' Approved January 1, 1863, CHAPTER Ylt AN ACT to provide for a guaranty by the State of Mississippi of the Bonds of the Confederate States. Whereas, The Confederate Government' is en¬ gaged in a war for the maintenance of the rights' and independence of the several States, and it is 76 laws of mississippi indispensable to the successful prosecution of the same, that the financial credit of the Confederate Government should be'upheld ; and, whereas, the State of Mississippi has full confidence,in the sol¬ vency and credit of the Government of the Con¬ federate States, and is willing to guaranty the same as fully as by the constitution the Legislature has power to pledge the faith of the State; there¬ fore— $ec. 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the .State of Mississippi, That the. Governor of the State, for 'the time being, be and he is hereby au¬ thorized and directed to endorse the guaranty of the State upon the bonds of the Confederate States Governor of America, upon tfye application of the Govern- bends.d°rs* menf °f the said Confederate States, to an amount equal to the proportional share of .the State of Mississippi of the feum of two hundred millions of dollars, in the ratio of the representation of said State in the House of Representatives of the Con¬ federate Congress, thereby pledging the faith and the, funds of the State for the payment of the prin¬ cipal of the said bonds and the interest to accrue thereon: Provided, that such of the bonds as shall be sold within the Confederate States shall be dis- . posed of to the highest bidders ; *and provided fur¬ ther, that in the sale, either in this country or abroad, of these, bonds, this State and the citizens thereof shall have the right to purchase the bonds under its guaranty in preference to all purchasers at equal bids. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this law be referred to the next succeeding Legislature, and that it be published for three months previous to the next regular election in three -newspapers of Publication this State, to be designated by the Governor, and to be made. ^ Qovernor pe directed to see that said pub¬ lication is made and report to the next succeeding Legislature his action in the premises. Approved January 3,1863, laws of MISSISSIPPI. CHAPTER YIII. AN ACT t» tax unauthorized issues of paper money. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That if any person, with¬ out express authority of law, shall have issu^, or may hereafter issue, any note, bill, card, or paper, with intent to put the same in circulation as change-notes or money, or permit to remain in cir¬ culation as change-notes or money, such person shall pay a State tax of one hundred per cent, upon the highest amount of such issue in , circula¬ tion at any time after the first day of March next, said tax to be assessed and collected as other State taxes : Provided, that this act shall not apply to the issues of any county,-city or incorporate town. Sec. 2.- Be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the Auditor .to forward a copy of this act to the several assessors of taxes in the different coun¬ ties in this State. Sec, 3. Be it enacted, That this act take effect' from and after its passage. Approved January 3, 1.863. CHAPTER IX. AN ACT to suspend for a limited time the collection of the tax therein named. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State-of Mississippi, That thd collection of the tax imposed, by the ordinance of the State Conven¬ tion, entitled 4i an ordinance to raise means for the defense of the^ State," adopted January 26, 1861, be and the same is hereby suspended until twelve months after the close of the present war between the Confederate States and the United States, and that it shall not be lawful for the Tax Colleotors of the several counties to collect the said tax until twelve months after the close of the said war, and that this act shall take effect from and after its passage. Approved January 3, 1863. LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. Chapter x. AN ACT to amend an act approved January 29th, 1862, t® suspend for" a limited time certain parts of the Statute Of Limitations. SecifOn 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the. State of Mississippi, That the fifty-seventh chapter of th6 Revised Code of this State, entitled " an act for the limitation of actions," and all oth¬ er acts and parts of acts limiting the time for the commencement of any civil action or proceeding in any court of this State, and all acts limiting the time for probating and registering claims against the estates of deceased persons, be and the same are hereby suspended until twelve months after the close of the present war, or until otherwise pro¬ vided by law. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the time al¬ lowedly law for the redemption of any land here- tofore'sold for taxes of any kind, the time for fhe redemption of which has not already expired, and of any land hereafter to be sold for taxes of any kind during the continuance of the present, war, shall be and the" same hereby is extended until two years after the close of the said war. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted', That this act'sfiall , take effect from and after its passage, 'Approved December 31st, 1862. CHAPTER XI. an act supplimentary to the act entitled 4< an aet to suspend for a limited tima the collection of the tax therein named. «• Section I. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the provisions of the act to suspend for a limited time the collection of the tax therein named, passed at the present session, shall not apply to the collection of the taxes imposed upon goods, wares and merchandise sold by transient persons or venders, but that the LAWS OP MISSISSIPPI. 79 collection of taxes froip such transient persons or venders shall be collected in the manner and time heretofore prescribed by law. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this abt shall take effect from its passage. Approved January 3, 1863. CHAPTER XII... AM ACT ia relation to the Penitentiary. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State Mississippi, That the Superintendent of the Penitentiary be, and he is hereby authorized to contract for and employ such additional labor in the Penitentiary as he can make useful in the sev- eral branches of manufacture conducted in that establishment. . Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That article thir¬ ty-one, of chapter sixty-five, of Revised Code, is, hereby repealed ; and that hereafter the pay of the Gbard of the Penitentiary shall be as follows : The Sergeant of the Guard shall receive seventy- five dollars and the privates fifty dollars per month, as the Inspectors shall agree, and • the In¬ spectors shall appoint one of the Guards • as • Door¬ keeper or Turnkey of the prison, at a salary of. sixty dollars per month. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect from its passage. Approved December 29, 1862. CHAPTER XIII. AN ACT to procure salt for the indigent families of soldiers, and for other purposes. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi* That the sum of five hun¬ dred thousaira dollars, or so much thereof as the Appropria. Governor may deem necessary, be, and the same is hon. hereby appropriated out of the military fund ere- 80 laws op mississippi. ated by "an act entitled an act to authorize the issuance of Treasury notes in behalf of the State," approved January 29th, 1862, for the purpose of procuring salt for the 'people of this State, and particularly for the indigent families of soldiers ; and the Governor is authorized to appoint an Governor to agent or agents, to obtain said salt by mining or agents?1 n otherwise, in this State or elsewhere, and have the same transported to such points in the State for distribution and sale as he may designate, there to be sold at its cost price to such persons as need the same for their own use, under such regulations as he may prescribe-: Provided, in all cases", that the indigent families of. soldiers shall be first sup¬ plied, and in case labor and means of transporta¬ tion cannot be procured upon reasonable terms, the Governor is authorized to impress such slaves Governor and other personal property -as will, in his judg- authorized metit, enable him to accomplish the purposes of this to impress. . 7 rT,1 . , . f . r . , act. The agents under this act shall receive such reasonable compensation out of said fund as the Governor may see proper to allow. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That no impress¬ ment shall be authorized of a,ny railroad or its appurtenances, except where some one of the -sev- KaUroads eral railroads in this State shall fail or refuse to pressed.- furnish, upon the requisition of the Governor, suf¬ ficient transportation, not exceeding three cars per day, for the transportation of salt, and a like number, if in the opinion of the Governor neces¬ sary, for the transportation of grain. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the Gov¬ ernor shall cause to be kept an account of all salt purchased by him, and all money expended under be kept?9 to the provisions of this act, and shall also keep an account of all sales of said salt, and shall report the same to the next; session vf the Legislature, and any portion of said sum appropriated in the first section of this act, unexpended by the Gov¬ ernor, and the net proceeds of the sales of such salt shall be deposited in the public treasury. Sec. 4. Be it further euaoted, That the agents Bonds of under this bill shall be required to gi»e bond in agents. the penal snm of twenty thousand. dollars, if act¬ ing for the State, with security to be approved by laws op mississippi. the Governor4, whic)l bohd shall be filed in the office of the Auditor of Public Accounts 5 and if' an agent or agents shall be appointed for a county, he or they shall be required to enter into bond in, the penal sum of five thousand , dollars, with secu¬ rity to be approved by the President of the Board of Police of the proper county, and said bond shall be filed and recorded in the Probate Clerk's 'office of the proper county, and shall be condi¬ tioned that the agent will disburse the money, fwhich may be by him received, according to law, and faithfully discharge the duties of his office,, . Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect from its passage. Approved January 1st, 1863., CHAPTER XIY. AM" ACT to further provide fob the jaublic defense. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the Governor be, and he is hereby.authorized and empowered to turn over to Captain Y. L. Terrell, for the use of his command now in the Confederate service, two Hughes' breech-loading guns, with harness, ammu¬ nition, etc., for the same, taking his receipt condi¬ tioned for the safe keeping and return of the same after the close of the present war, or at the expi¬ ration of the term of service of said command. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the Govern¬ or shall also be empowered as above, to turn over a suitable number of sabres and pistpls to arm the gunners employed in the use of said guns, and tfiat this act take effect from and after its passage. Approved December 31, 1802. CHAPTER XY. AN AQT to authorize the impressment of slaves and other personal property for military purposes. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of 82 LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. the State of Mississippi, That to provide for the public safety by aiding the military forces of this State and of the Confederate States engaged in -defending the same, to repel invasion and repress insurrection, the Governor of this State be, and m sfyve[m- he *s hereby invested with full authority to im¬ press si'v's, press all able-bodied male slaves between the ages sTsTe'nce, of eighteen and fifty years, or so many thereof as arm™, etfeam he may deem necessary, or as may be required by boats', Ac. the military necessities or exigencies of the State, or as may be called for or required by the military commander of either the State or Confederate forces therein, with the use of tools and imple¬ ments, wagons, teams and harness, which may be necessary to render the labor of the slaves so im¬ pressed effective; also subsistence for the same ; also timber cut and growing, and lumber, as well as arms and ammunition and ordnance stores, and subsistence for State troops actually in service ; also steamboats and other water crafts; also steam engines, cars and railroad transportation ; and . such impressment shall be made by the Governor upon his written order to any military commander, or such other person as he may ergpower to make the same ; but no properly exempt from execution or distress by the laws of this State, except slaves, shall< be impressed under the provisions of this act; Provided, however, that no railroad, steam- engines, cars or railroad transportation shall be impressed until the Governor shall have given no¬ tice in writing to the Company of the amount and character of the transportation required, and the purpose for which and time when such transporta¬ tion shall be required, and such company shall have refused or failed to furnish the same in a rea¬ sonable time; and that, in the impressment of slaves, the owner, agent or overseer, or person in possession, shall first be notified in writing*of the number and description of slaves required, the purpose for which, and the place where they are to be employed, and the probable time^ their services may be required ; and that, in the impressment of subsistence, it shall not be lawful to take from any family, plantation or company any provisions that may be mecessary.for the use or support of Such laws op mississippi. 83 Family, plantation or the persons in the employ of such company for the space of six months. And provided further, that it sliall not be lawful for ' the Governor to make any impressment under this act without the concurrence and approbation, ex¬ pressed in writing, of the commander of the Con¬ federate forces in the department. • Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the owners of all slaves impressed into the military service ' under tha foregoing section, shall be entitled to the same pay, rations, clothing or commutation thlrefor, for each of them, as privates in the mili- Biaves-y ° tary service of this Sthte, the said pay to be made monthly, in advance, by warrant on the State Treasury, upon the requisition of the Governor to the Auditor, founded upon the return by the ^>arty making the impressment; but if the owner or owners of such slaves so impressed shall refuse to receive such compensation, then the party making* the impressment shall act as arbitrator in behalf of the State, and the owner shall select a disinter¬ ested party to act as arbitrator in his behalf, and they to select an umpire in case of disagreement, who shall proceed to assess the monthly-value of' the service of the slave or slaves so impressed, and the award shall be final. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That for all per¬ sonal property, other than slaves, impressed under the provisions of this act, the party making such impressment shall assess a just compensation for the monthly value of the same, when the use or service alone is imp'ressed ; but when the property is absolutely taken, he shall assess the just valua¬ tion of the same, and pay the same as heretofore provided; but if the owner or owners- of such property shall refuse < to receive the said assessed pay pre_ value as compensation for the same, then the value perty im- of the same shall be settled by arbitration in the pressed- manner provided for in the foregoing section in the case of slaves, and the amount so found due to the owner or owners shall be paid by the Governor in tho manner provided for in the first section ■ hereof in the case of slaves. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the party making said impressment under the order ot the 84 laws op mississippi. Governor, as hereinbefore provided, shall, as soon as the same is'made, make to the Governor a de¬ tailed report of the same, showing the number and description of the slaves and other property by him impressed, together with the names of the owners thereof, and the amounts' severally due to each of -them, and also of such property as may be taken absolutely, and at the time of the impress¬ ment shall give to the owner of such property a receipt or vjpitten statement containing the same particulars required to be embraced in said report, and an order on the Governor for the amount dtfe, and the Governor, upon receipt of such order Pay, how showing the same, shall issue his requisition upon drawn. the Auditor, who shall issue his warrant ii\ favor of tho owner or owners, for the amount due him, her or them ; and for all property, the service of whiph has been impressed, the Governor shall* in like manner, issue his requisition in favor of the owner or owners for one month's pay in advance, and shall continue1 to issue such requisitions month¬ ly. in a^ance, so long as said slaves or other prop¬ erty shall be retained in service under this act. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That the Governor is hereby authorized and directed to furnish, to be used*in this State, to the commander or command¬ ers of the Confederate forces within this State, on such terms as may be mutually agreed upon be-, tween.them, such an amount of slaves or other per¬ sonal property, to be impressed under the provi¬ sions of this act, as in. their opinion may be neces¬ sary or can be advantageously employed in giving greater efficiency to the operations of said forces. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That in all cases of impressment of slaves under this act, the owner or owners of every thirty slaves impressed may se- how7select- lect a white man to attend on such slaves, to per- ed- form such duties connected with their labor, po¬ lice, security, comfort and health as the Gov-, ernor may direct, who shall receive two dollars for each day's service. Sec. 7.' Be it further enacted, That if any per¬ son or persons, or their agents, fail or refuse to comply with the order of any party or agent au¬ thorized by the Governor to impress slaves or oth- laws of mississippi. 85 or personal property under this act, it shall he the when posse duty of the sheriff of the proper county, or his to° be1 sum- deputy in his absence, on the demand of such moiied- agent, to summon an armed posse comitatus from the male residents of said county, and proceed to the plantation of such person and seize and take possession of double the number or quantity of property so demanded for impressment and deliver the same to said agent, at such place as said agCnt may demand, not out of the county aforesaid." Syc. 3. Be it farther enacted, That any person- in charge Or possession of slaves or other property subject to impressment undei1 this act, who shall resist any officer or agent of ,the Governor im- Penalty for •pressing said slaves or other property, or who shall denlerSpro- fail or refuse to deliver the same, on demand, to im~ such officer or agent, or who shall remove or con¬ ceal the same with intent to avoid impressment, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on convic¬ tion thereof shall be fined not less than three hun¬ dred dollars and imprisoned not less than three months, and it is hereby made the duty of the offi¬ cer or agent to return such person or persons to the Clerk of the C'irfiuij; Court of the county in which the offense has been committed, whose duty it shall be to report thp same for prosecution to the District Attorney, before the adjournment of the grand jury ; and all fines imposed under this act shall be added to the fund for the support of indigent families of soldiers in the .county. Sec. 9. Bo it further enacted, That if any sheriff .or deputy sheriff fails or refuses to comply with the provisions of the seventh section hereof, or if any person summoned by him to act' as a member of such posse comitatus, shall fail or refuse *so to do, unless prevented by sickness or some other suffi¬ cient excuse, such sheriff and such person shall be ^nes and liable to indictment, and on conviction shall be £r® ™ J^cae* fined not less than one hundred dollars and im¬ prisoned not less than one month, at the discretion of the judge ; and in case of such conviction of such sheriff he shall forthwith be removed from office. Sec. 10. Be it further enacted, That all impress¬ ments of slaves made under this act shall be made 86 law-s of mississippi. as equally as tlie same can with reasonable conve¬ nience be made. Sec. 11. Be it further enacted, That the Gover¬ nor shall prescribe rules and regulations, which shall be observed by all military commanders and other persons having charge of slaves hereby im- oteerred.be pressed for the employment of suitable overseers or managers for the same, and also for the neces¬ sary care, protection, health, medical treatment and return of said slaves. Sec. 12. Be it further enacted, That if any slave impressed under.this act shall die or become per¬ manently disabled by reason of neglect' or want of proper attention 0£ care on the part of any of the staves when agents or officers of the Government of the State4 dYsabfed to or the Confederate States, or shall be killed, dis- be paid for. or taken by the enemy, the owner of such slave shall be entitled to be paid all damage sus¬ tained thereby out of the State Treasury, and it shall be the duty of the Governor, on application gf the "owner, agent, overseer, manager or person having possession of such slave, to appoint one suit¬ able -person as arbitrator on behalf of the State ■ and such owner, agent, overseer, manager or other person shall appoint an arbitrator on the part of sucli owner, who shall proceed, under oath, to as¬ certain the value of such slave or other damage sustained by such owner,'with power-to appoint an umpire in case of disagreement, and the awafd 6f a majority of them, made in writing, shall be filed in the Auditor's office, and the Auditor shall issue .his warrant for the amount of such award,, whenever the Legislature shall have made-an ap¬ propriation for that purpose. Sec. IB. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect and be in force from and after its pas¬ sage, and continue in force for and during the con¬ tinuance of the present war. Approved, January B, 1863. law3 of mississippi. 87 CHAPTER XVI. AH ACT to aid in strengthpning the Army of the Confederate States. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the sheriff of every county in this State,, by himself or his deputies, diligently to inquire into the number of persons permanently or temporarily Duty of residing in.his county, subject to the Conscription enro!faeon- Laws of the Confederate Congress, and within the scripts, ages called for by the Confederate military author¬ ities, without being entitled to any exemption under the Exemption Act of said Congress. All such conscripts he shall enroll, transmit their najmes and require them forthwith to report for military service to the proper Confederate officer ; and he may, and shall have authority, if necessary, ■ to arrest such persons, and to adopt the measures he may deem needful tq ensure the execution of his orders, and the delivery of such conscripts to the proper Confederate officer or camp of instructipn. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That it shall'also be the duty of said, Sheriff to arrest every strag¬ gler, deserter or other absentee, without leave from the Confederate army, who may at any time &c- their rqturn to duty on or after the expiration of . the same. He shall have authority to demand and inspect the papers of any person belonging to the army who may be in his county at any time, and in case of the refusal,'failure or inability of such person to exhibit satisfactory papers, accouhting for his absence from duty, the Said Sheriff shall immediately arrest such absentee, and have him re¬ ported to his proper commander ; and as soon as may be, delivered to his order, or to the officer in command of the nearest military post of Con- . federate troops. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That in the ex- ,88 laws op mississippi. sheriff may eqution of the duties of his office and the enforee- rtracers.11 ment of the authority' with which he is hereby in- Tested, the said Sheriff may, if necessary, imprison stragglers and deserters from the army in the jail of his county, and may employ agents and guards when requisite to keep or deliver any of his prisoners, as hereinbefore directed—and in such cases he shall be allowed his proper expenses, for which it shall be the duty of the Governor to make requisition upon the Auditor, who shall issue his warrant therefor upon the Treasurer of the State. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, And in case of neglect or failure by any Sheriff, in any particular, Fmes' to perform his duty, shall be liable to indictment, and, on conviction, shall be fined not less than one hundred nor more than One thousand dollars, and be imprisoned not more than two months, at the discretion of the Court. Sec, 6. Be it further enacted, That each of said Sheriffs shall,, in his county, be authorised to call for any assistance to ihe extent of the po-sse comi- tatus of the same, whenever necessary for the exe¬ cution of the duties hereby imposed ; and if any tefusing fto party thus summoned by hita fail or refuse to ren- aidthe she- (jer the required aid, such person shall be subject to thq samp penalties declared by law in cases refusal to respond.to the lawful summons of a Sher¬ iff in the forcible execution of his office. If re¬ sisted, any of said Sheriffs will, when necessary, call upon the nearest military commander, and re¬ quest the aid of a detachment of troops sufficient for the enforcement of-his authority in his county under this act. . Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That it shall be Dut the duty of the Clerks of the Circuit and Probate cieAs, Courts, the Probate Judge, members of the Board loadr§s of of Police, Justices of the Peace and Constables in tiges6' con- each county to give prompt information to the stabi'es, &c. Sheriffs thereof of any conscripts, stragglers or de¬ serters from the army, to aid him at all times in the execution of his office, and, in his absence, any of said civil officers shall arrest such con¬ scripts, stragglers or deserters as may fie found inf his county, and deliver such prisoners to said sher- laws op mississippi. 89 iff, or to the proper Confederate authority,—and for this purpose any of said civil officers shall have power to command the posse comitatus of his county. If any of said county officers shall neg¬ lect or fail in the execution of the duty hereby enjoined, he shall be subject to indictment, and, upon conviction, shall forfeit his office, and may be further fined or imprisoned at the discretion of the Court. Said civil officers shall be allowed by the Govcrner reimbursements of his reasonable ex¬ penses iu obeying the requirements of this act. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That every Sher¬ iff shall take the receipt of the proper officer of the Confederate Government for every conscript, deserter, straggler or absentee without leave, whom Fee fer ar he may arrest and deliver to such officer, and shall de- be entitled to five dollars for every such person de- ser ers' c' livered by him to such Confederate officer—and the Auditor shall issue his warrant therefor, on the production of such receipt ; -and such Sheriff shall also be entitled to receive from the State Treasury the actual expenses incurred by him in the arrest and delivery of-such conscripts, stragglersj.desert- ers or absentees without leave, for which the Au¬ ditor shall issue his warrant, on the production to him of a detailed account of said expenses, sworn to by the Sheriff or Deputy Sheriff, by whom the said expenses were incurred. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its pas¬ sage. Approved Jan. 3, 1863. CHAPTER XYII. AN ACT to authorize the removal of the Judicial and other public records of counties and for other purposes. "Whereas, By reason of the invasion of the State of Mississippi by the armed forces of the United States, the Judicial and other public records of the several courts of said State in many of the counties of the same are liable to be destroyed by the said public enemies thereof: 90 laws op mississippi. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the' Clerks of the Circuit and Probate Courts and of the Boards of public re P°^ce an(^ ^he Jnstices of the Peace in the several cords to be counties of. said State, when the approach of the removed, public enemy is imminent or may be reasonably ap¬ prehended, shall have power, and are hereby required in addition to their other public duties, to provide for and remove the said public records to someplace of safety within the county if practicable, bat if not, then to the most convenient place ol safety,' having regard to the transaction of the public business of said county, and the said Clerks .shall safely keep the said records and return the same to the proper office when required by the Judges of said Courts or by the Boards of Police •who shall exercise their supervisory care over said records as heretofore^ Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That during the present war when in the opinion of any Court of , this State it shall be unsafe or impracticable to hofdin0! hold said Court at the place now appointed by court. law, said Court may appoint some convenient place for the holding of said Court within the proper county, upon' reasonable public notice to be given of the. same} or may omit the holding of said Court by an official notice to that effect. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That said Clerks in the event of such removal, shall be entitled to Comperisa- such compensation therefor as shall be allowed tionof ci'ka. tbem by the Boards of Police of the proper county, payable out of the County Treasury. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the removal of the public records of aoy county previous to o/Vacorda -^e passage of this act, on the approach of danger legalized, or the reasonable apprehension of danger to such records from the cause above mentioned, is hereby approved and legalized as if such removal had been authorized by an existing law at the time of such removal, and that this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved December 31st, 1862. LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. 91 CHAPTER XTIIT. AM ACT in relation to Executors, Administrators and Guardians, Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That executors, adminis¬ trators and guardians, be and they are hereby aitthomed temporarily to remove from this State Removal of the property of the estates under their control. property- whenever the approach of the enemy may render such removal expedient or necessary; Provided, the Probate Judge of the county where such ad¬ ministration Or guardianship is pending, shall approve such removal, which approval shajl be afterwards entered on the minutes of the Court by1 direction of the Judge ; And providedfurther, that the sureties of such administrator, executor, or guardian, shall first give their consent in writing, attested by a credible witness, and endorsed on or filed with the bond of such executor, administrator or guardian, to such removal, or in case such cOnsent cannot conveniently be obtained, that such executor, administrator or guardian,' shall first enter into bdnd in a penalty equal to the full yalue -of the property proposed to be removed, with good sureties, to be approved by the Judge granting such order, which bond shall be conditioned in the form, or to the effect following, to-wit: " Whereas, the above bound Bond (executor, administrator, or guardian, of , as the case may be,) has obtained the order of the Probate Court (or Judge) of the county of — for the temporary removal from the State of. the personal property in his hands as (executor admin¬ istrator or guardian,) as aforesaid. Therefore, the condition of this obligation is such, that if the aboye bound (executor, administrator or guardian,) as aforesaid, shall faithfully, truly and promptly perform and discharge all the duties required of him by law, or by the order of the Court, then this obligation to be void,- otherwise to remain in force," which bond shall be filed and recorded in the said Court. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That said appro- 92 * laws op mississippi. yal shall be granted in term time or in vacation upon a proper showing by said executors, admin¬ istrators and guardians, that it is absolutely neces¬ sary to remove said property. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That any receiver appointed by any Court or Judge, be and heis hereby ' authorized, to temporarily remove from this State, Receiver to or to any other part of the State, the property in perty!epr°* his charge, whenever the approach' of the enemy renders such removal necessary or expedient; Provided, any Judge of the High Court of Errors and Appeals, or any Circuit Judge, shall approve such removal, in writing, which approval shall be afterwards entered on the minutes of the court having jurisdiction of the cause in which said Receiver has been appointed, such Receiver giving bond, or procuring the assent of his sureties ag , herein provided in the case of executors, adminis¬ trators and guardians. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That it shall be> the duty of any executor, administrator, guardian or receiver, obtaining any such order of removal promptly to report to the court, under oath, the place to which the said property shall have been removed, and the disposition made thereof, and to account to the said court, for the,use, proceeds and profits of the same; and to return the said property to this State, whenever ordered by the court so to do ; and the sureties on his original bond who may have consented to such removal, as well as the sureties on such new bond, if given, shall be bound and liable in case of any failure to comply with the provisions of this act. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved January 3, 1863. CHAPTER XIX. AN ACT further to amend an act entitled " An act to incor¬ porate the town of Canton, and to repeal all former acta incorporating thet game." Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of laws op mississippi, the Stat? of Mississippi,- That whenever a vacancy shall occur, or shall have occurred, in the Board of Selectmen of the city of Canton, so that there shall not be a sufficient number of said Selectmen to constitute a quorum, for three successive meet¬ ings of the Mayor and Selectmen of Said city, either regular or called by said Mayor, the said Mayor shall be and is hereby empowered to order an election to fill the vacancy in' said Board occasioned by the absence of the members so ab¬ sent or failing to attend, or who may have resigned; which election shall be held, in the manner and upon the terms provided in the 5 th section of the aforesaid act of incorporation in relation to vacan¬ cies in said office by death, resignation • or other- wbe. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That until there be a sufficient number of said Selectmen attending to constitute a quorum at any of the meetings of said Board referred to in the preceding section hereof, the Mayor shall have power to appoint patrols in and for said city. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That all parts of the original Charter and amendments thereto of said city, inconsistent with the provisions hereo:, be and the same are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That tlys act shall be in force from and after its passage. Approved December 23, 18G2, CHAPTER XX. AN ACT for the relief of certain public officers. Section* 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That all county officers •elected at the last general election in any county now occupied wholly or in part by the public ene¬ my, may, at any time within ninety days after the passage of this act, qualify and give bond before any person in the said county authorized by law to administer oaths, and such bonds if approved by such officers, in the manneyrequired by law within laws of mississippi. the time aforesaid, shall be as valid as if given oh or before the day of the commencement of the term of office, and such office shall not be vacated by the failure to give such bond*at. the time and in the manner now required by law; and this act sliall take effect from its passage. Approved December 31,. 1862. CHAPTER XXI. AN ACT to legalize the assessment in the counties of Yazoo, Lawrence and Carroll. " "Whereas-, A. B. Johnson, Tax Assessor of Yazoo county, is and was during the year 1862, an officer in the Confederate states Army,, and in conse¬ quence thereof could not attend in person to the duties of his office, and his deputy,*in consequence of extreme bad health, could not complete said assessment; and whereas, a competent person could not be procured in timp to complete and file said assessment within the time prescribed by law, but said assessment was completed and filed on the day of November, A. D. 1862. There¬ fore, SEcflON 1, Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi,' That said assessment and the filing thereof, be and the same is hereby made legal and valid. Sec. 2» Be it further enacted, The provisions of this act apply to the county of Lawrence for the year 1862, and to the county of Carroll for the years 1861 and 1862. Sec. 3. Be.further enacted, That this act take v effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved December 31, 1862. LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. CHAPTER XXII. AN ACT for the relief of Thomas M. Rae, Assignee of James B. Wigginton. Section 1. Be it enacted by' the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the second section of the act Of the Legislature of the State of Mis¬ sissippi, approved December 3d, 1S58, entitled "An act to authorize James B, Wigginton to establish and keep a ferry across the Mississippi river at Rodney," be so amended as to authorize Thomas M. Rae, the assignee of said James B. Wigginton, to keep and carry on said ferry with a competent, number of flatboats and skiffs, for the transporta¬ tion of pas»engers, animals and freight, across said river at Rodney, instead of a boat propelled by steam or horse power ; and that this, authorization and relief, shall continue during the period of the present war, and for four months thereafter. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That all the privileges conferred by the above relief act upon said James B. Wigginton and his assigns, be con¬ firmed to .said Thomas M. Rae, assignee of said Wigginton, and to the assigns of said Rae, notwith¬ standing his failure to keep on ferry a boat pro¬ pelled by steam or horse power. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be deemed a public act and slrall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.' Approved December 23,1803, CHAPTER XXIII. AN ACT to prohibit the distillation of spirits from grain, molas¬ ses or sugar, Seotiqn 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the*State of Mississippi, That it shall not pe lawful for any person to distill any spirituous liquor from corn, rye, or other grain, sugar or molasses, or to purchase or knowingly sell any corn, rye or other grain, sugar or molasses, for the purpose of being used in the distillation of spirituous liquor, and laws op mississippi. any person offending against the provisions of this act shall be liable to indictment and on conviction shall be fined not exceeding five thousand dollars and imprisoned in the county jail not exceeding six months. Seo. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect from and after the tenth day of January, 1863. Approved, January 3, 1863t CHAPTER XXIV. AN ACT for the relief Captain Henry Jamison, of Attala County. , 'Whereas, It appears by the certificate of the Auditor of Public Accounts that on the 16th of September, 1861, thesaid Auditor issued a warrant on the Treasury amounting to six hundred and thirty dollars in fayor of Captain Henry Jamison, on account of militia department, which warrant was numbered 638 ; and whereas, it appears by the certificate of State Treasurer, that said war¬ rant has never been paid ; and whereas, it appears by the affidavit of the said Jamison, that on the 6th day of February, 1862, in their retreat from Fort Henry, in the State of Tennessee, said war¬ rant was lost; therefore, Section ,1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the Auditor of Public Accounts is hereby authorized and required to issue his duplicate warrant on the Treasury in favor of Capt. Henry Jamison for the sum of six .hundred and thirty dollars, in lieu of a warrant numbered 638, issued on the 16th day of September, 1861, for like amount in favor of said Jamison, and that this act take effect from its passage. Approved, December 31, 1862. LAWS op mississippi. CHAPTER XXV. PREAMBLE and Resolutions explanatoiy of the reasons in¬ ducing the Legislature to suspetnl for a limited time the collection of the military tax imposed by ordinance of the Convention. Whereas, on the 26th day of January, A. D. 1861, the Convention of the State of Mississippi, by an ordinance entitled " an , ordinance to raise means for the defense of the State," directed a loan of money to be effected to the extent of OnC mil¬ lion of dollars, for which' certificates and notes were to be issued payable i# one,-two and three years, equal amounts each year, for the redemption of which the faith of the State was by said ordi¬ nance pledged ; and whereas, it was further pro¬ vided by said ordinance that the said, loan of money should be secured by =a special tax of fifty per Cent. upon the regular State tax, to be col¬ lected by the several tax collectors in the State in the mode pointed out in .said ordinance; and whereas, it was further1 provided by the seventh section of said ordinance that the tax imposed thereby should " be irrepealable by the Legislature until such certificates and notes should be fully paid and satisfied and whereas, by the ordinance of the same Convention, of the thirtieth of March, 1861, entitled " an-ordinance to define the powCr of the Legislature of this State in relation to the ordinances and resolutions adopted by this Con¬ vention, power was given to tfie Legislature to re¬ peal or modify any part or the whole of the ordb •nance of January the 26th, A. P. 1861, except the single clause declaring the tax to be irrepealable 5 and whereas, an the present Condition of the State of Mississippi, involved m war, a large part of the northern portion of the State being in, the posses¬ sion of the enemy, nearly all of our western bor¬ der beleaguered by their armies and fleets, threat¬ ened with invasion on the east, and our territory already occupied on the southern border, with two- thirds of the cotton crops of the State destroyed Tinder the authority of the Confederate Govern¬ ment, and gold and silver driven from the country 7—L LAWS OP MISSISSIPPI. by reason of the blockade of our ports*, and the prevalence of the war throughout the Confeder¬ acy, it is & physical impossibility to collect this tax in gold and silver; and whereas, neither the Uni¬ ted States nor the Confederate States of America, nor any State. ,nor any institution, public or pri¬ vate, on this continent, known to this Legislature, are redeeming their obligations in specie ; and whereas, no nation, to meet its admitted' obliga¬ tion, is bound upon principles of public and na¬ tional law to ruin or destroy its people ; and whereas,, it is the deliberate opinion of the Legis¬ lature that, under th%ordinances referred to, this Legislature has the unquestionable power, in good faith, to postpone the collection of said tax with¬ out in the slightest degree interfering with the levy of the tax itself, and it is both its right and duty to'do so, aS the trustee and representative both of the creditor and debtor's interest ; and whereas, it is the sincerq purpose of this Legislature, so far as it lies in its power, to secure to the creditor the sure payment of his debt and interest, with every guarantee provided by the ordinance of the Con¬ vention preserved intact, and at the same time to rescue the debtor and the country from ruin, and in accordance with these views passed at the pres¬ ent session an act to suspend for a limited time the tax aforesaid j therefore, Resolved by the Legislature of the State of Mis¬ sissippi, That in passing the act at the present ses¬ sion to suspend for a limited time the collection of the tax imposed by said ordinance, it was not the .purpose or intention of the Legislature" to do any act to impair the validity or to cast a doubt upon the legal obligation of the State to pay said notes and certificates, (an obligation which this Legisla¬ ture recognizes to its full extent,) but on the con¬ trary. in good faith to preserve and secure the rights of creditors and to provide for the certain and ultimate payment of the same, and at the same time to protect the people of the State from a ru¬ inous and w'anton sacrifice of property in the pres¬ ent extraordinary and wholly unanticipated exi¬ gencies in which the entire country is placed. laws of mississippi* Resolved, That this preamble and resolution be published with the act referred to, explanatory of the reasons and purposes inducing this Legislature to pass said act. Approved January 3d, 1863* OFFICE OF SECRETARY OF STATE,) Jackson, Miss., March 6, 1862. j , This is to certify that the foregoing printed abts, Resolutions, etc., passed at a called session of' the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, held in the city of Jackson in the months of December, 1862, "and January 1863, $re just and true copies from the originals now in the office of the Secretary of State. Given under my hand, and the great seal L. S. of the State of Mississippi affixed,, the day and year above written. C. A. BROUGHER, Secretary of State. LAWS AND RESOLUTIONS PASSED AT IKE iM'Bi SESSION, IBb3, CHAPTER I. an act to provide for organizing and disciplining the Mi'itia of this State. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the staff -of the in-cLef. r Commander-in-chief to be appointed by himself, shall consist of one Adjutant General, with the rank and pay of Colonel; one Quartermaster General, who shall also be Commissary and Paymaster 'General, with the rank and pay of Colonel; one Chief of Ordnance, with "the rank and pay of Lieutenant Colonel; one Inspector General, with the rank and pay of Major; one Assistant Inspector General, with the rank and pay of Captain, and one Sur¬ geon General, who shall also "be Medical Purveyor, . with the rank and pay of Major. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That there shall »f be but one General officer, and he a Major General, eraior eB~ an 1 the one now in office shall continue therein, until his successor is duly elected and qualified, as hereinafter provided, and he and his successors in office shall be entitled to the following staff: One Assistant Adjutant General, qnq Assistant Inspector General, one Assistant Quartermaster General, one Aid, and such other staff officers as the Governor may, upon his application, assign to duty in his staff; provided, the entire staff does not exceed, in 102 laws of mississippi. rank and number, the staff appointraen ts granted by the army regulations to-officers of like rank in ■ the Confederate service. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the Militia and Yolunteer services of this State shall be or- orgaaized°w ganized as the troops are in the provisional army of the Confederate States, with the same class, rank and number of officers ; subject, however, to such modifications as the Commander-in-Chief, to meet the emergencies, may prescribe ; provided, that no General officer shall be elected or appointed, ekcept the one provided for in section 2. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That all organi- zatjone now in active service shall remain as they are, subject to the command of the Major General, until otherwise ordered by the Commander-in-Chief. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That all officers and privates, when in active service, shall be en- cws,°&c?ffi" titled to the same subsistence and quartermaster's stores, medical attention and pay as are allowed to officers and privates of the Confederate States Army. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That for the or¬ ganization, discipline, and government of the State ^TSroops! troops, hereinafter provided, the army regulations, articles of war, and rules and regulations for the government of court martials of the Confederate States are' hereby adopted. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That all free white males residing permanently or temporarily to Service1.9 & this State, including exempts and discharged soldiers From the Confederate service, all who may have substitutes in the Confederate Army, between the ages of seventeen years and fifty years, except such as may be hereinafter exempted, shall be liable to military service under this act, and shall be organ¬ ized by the election of all proper officers into companies, regiments, or battalions, in such manner, and within such districts as the Governor may pre¬ scribe, and when thus organized,'the Governor shall have power to oppefint competent persons to drill the same, with such pay as he may determine. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That the militia howeLcted officers shall be elected by ballot, and commissioned as provided by the Con'stitution of this State ; the' laws op mississippi. 103 candidates receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected. The officers for the vol¬ unteer service may be appointed by the Governor, Or elected, as in case of militia officers, as he may determine will best subserve the public interest. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That at each general election for State officers, there shall be of held an election, as provided in sections 7 and 8, for all company and field officers ; provided, any com¬ pany, regimental or battalion district, formed Or prescribed by the Governor, be qualified to elect company, regimental or battalion officers, and at the same time an election shall be held for Major General, to be chosen by the elci tors at large ; said election for Major General shall be held by the sheriffs of the respective counties in. the same manner as the election of civil officers are held, and biennially thereafter, but the person so elected shall hold his office until his successor is commis¬ sioned. Any vacancy ^occurring in the office of Vacancies Major General, shall be filled • by election, arid the °w person re-elected shall hold "his office until the next general election, and pntil his successor is commis¬ sioned, and in case of other, vacancies, they shall be filled by promotion and ^elections as provided for in the provisional army of the Confederate States. SeC. 10. Be it further enacted, That the Gover- companies nop may, at his discretion, give authority to any ll op mississippi. Sec. 22. Bo it further enacted, That any person, when ex-before being called into active service, liable* to drii!d.from muster duty, shall be excused from said duty upon the certificate of any practicing physician- that he is unfit to perform said duty, said certificate to be approved, by the commander of his company, and. officer commanding the muster or drill; provided, his name shall remain on the company muster roll subject to the call of the Governor for active service. Sec. 2h. Be it further enacted, That the Surgeon General and two Assistant Surgeons, shall be as- How dis- s^ned lb the duty of examination of all persons charged, called into active service, who shall .claim to be '1 •unfit for military duty, and upon their certificate of disability, they shall be honorably discharged from said.service. Sec. 24. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the Adjutant General of the State to obtain by purchase or otherwise, the requisite num- Artny r©* & u i at i cms ber of army regulations and articles of war to furnished. resopj C0Sfc the yari0us military offioers of this State, and upon the order of the Adjutant General, the cost of the same shall be paid by the Quarte master General,, the money arising from, the salb of said army regulations and articles of War by the Adjutant General to be refunded by him to the Quartermaster General. Sec. 25. Be it further enacted, That it shall be Pa of the duty of the Governor of this State to report troops.7 0 the number and character of troops called into active service for State defence to the Confederate States commander of the department of which the State of Mississippi may form a part, .also to the President o'f the Confederate States in order that the two forces, State and Confederate, shall act in concert apd in conjunction with each other, and when so*acting, the Governor shall, if practicable,- negotiate for the payment of said troops, by the Confederate authorities, through State Quarter¬ masters. Sec. 26. Be it further enacted, That it shall not bo lawful for any officer of this State or of the u>°baeoccu- Confederate States to take possession of any dwell- pied. ing house occupied • by any person without the LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. 101 written consent of the owner or occupant thereof. Any officer of the State or of the Confederate State violating the provision of this act shall be subject to indictment, and on conviction, shall be fined in a sum not less than one thousand dollars, nor more than five thousand dollars. Sec. 27. Be it further enacted, That to strength¬ en and encourage a continued and more determined indepen- resistance in ihe border counties, the Governor is dentSG0Uts- hereby authorized to receive as many companies, to be known as independent scouts, as he may think the service of the State requires said companies to be Officered and commissioned as other companies of the State service, and shall consist of not less than 50 men, or more than one hundred, rank and file. Sec. 28. Be it further enacted, £hat the Gover¬ nor be and he is hereby authorized and requested to may°exeuse excuse from militia service any person not ex; *hen- empted by this act, when it shall satisfactorily appear that the public interest will be promoted by excusing such person from service. Sec. 29. Be it further enacted, That the only exemptions from military duty under this act shall Who ex- be those of State, district and county officers now eB1rted- exempted by law, telegraph' operators, railroad agents and operators, mail contractors and post¬ masters, ministers of the Gospel having pastonal charges by the appointment or rules.of their re¬ spective denominations, mechanics and others en¬ gaged in,the manufacture of arms and munitions gf war, the District Attorneys of this State and guards actually employed at the State Penitentiary, all regularly established physicians who have beeii engaged in the practice of their profession for the past five years, all school teachers who are and have been regularly engaged in teaching twenty or more scholars for die past two years, and the law reporter of the High Court of Errors and Appeals, also the commissioners appointed by the Boards of Police under all acts providing for indigent families, and printers actually engaged in their profession, and all persons now actually engaged in any county of this State as millers ; provided, only one person shall be exempt for each set of mills in the State. 108 laws of mississippi. Sec. 30. Be it further enacted, That the present militia organizations shall remain as now organized until the troops are organized as provided for in this act, Rnd that all laws and parts of la"W"s in conflict with this act be and, the same are,hereby repealed, and that this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved, December 9, 1863. CHAPTER II. A RESOLUTION for the relief of ecrtain counties. Whereas, the President of the Confederate States in the course of last spring issued a procla¬ mation urging fhe people throughout the land to .raise nothing but food crops, " saying that nothing but the want of food could cause our subjugation; and Whereas, this request was patriotically obeyed by the people of this State generally; and where¬ as, the counties of Issaquena,Washington, Bolivar. Coahoma and Sunflower have been so unfortunate empt'iefrom as placed behind the line of the enemy, so paying Con- that the tax in kind cannot be collected; and e erate tax wijereaSj ^he counties of Warren, Yazoo, Adams, Carroll, Tallahatchie, Itawamba, Lafayette, Panola, Tippah, Tishomingo, DeSoto, Tunica, Marshall, Madison, Pontotoc, Claiborne, Jefferson, Wilkin¬ son and Hinds are in part similarly situated; and whereas, a clause in the Confederate tai bill pro¬ vides, that when the tax in kind cannot be col¬ lected or hsed, the money value thereof shall be demanded; and whereas, the counties and parts of counties above mentioned are ready and anxious to pay the tax in kind; and whereas, it is no fault of theirs that th'ey are so placed that the tax in .kind cannot be used, and having no other means of raising money beside their crops, and feeling that a grievous wrong would be- done them if forced to raise money instead of a tax.in kind: therefore, Be it resolved by this Legislature, 1st, That our Senators be instructed,, our Representa¬ tives in Congress be requested to speedily present laws op mississippi. 109 this matter to the Secretary of the Treasury, and urge a suspension of this tax until such time as our produce cap be made avail aide to the Govern¬ ment, and should they be unable to obtain relief in this way, they are then to lay the case before Congress, and urge the most speedy action thereon. 2d, That this resolution shall not apply to any locality in said eountips, except where the money is demanded instead of the tax in kind. . Approved, December 1st, 1863. CHAPTER III. AN ACT to allow the Sheriffs and Tax Collecto-s additional, time to collect the taxes for the year 1862, -in certain cases, • ' Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the sheriffs and tax col¬ lectors of the several counties of this State, who were prevented from collecting the State county and military taxes for the year 1862, by reason of the invasion of the enemy, or any other "cause, be authorized and required to collect said taxes for the year 1862, now unpaid, at the same time and in the same manner aS the taxes for the year 1863 are, or may be collected, and it shall be the duty of the auditor to receive and settle with the said sheriffs and tax collectors in the same manner as though the taxes of the year 1862 had been regularly col¬ lected. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, that this act shall take effect and be in force from and after i,ts pas¬ sage. Approved, November 26, 1863. CHAPTER IY. AN act to extend the time of assessing the taxes in this State, for the year 1863. .Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the Duty of ^ State of Mississippi, That the tax assessors of sors. 110 LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. the several counties of t.his State where the regu¬ lar assessments have not for any cause been made and returned, are hereby authorized and required to Assess the taxes in their respective counties for the year 1863, to be completed and returned to the proper office as now required, by law, on or before the third Monday in January, 1864. Sec, 2- Be it further enacted, That the assess¬ ments made and returned in accordance with the 'provisions of this act shall be as legal and valid as if made and returned as now required by law. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the boards of police of the said several counties respectively, Duty of upon the day in which said returns are required Poifceds °f be made by this act, shall examine and correct the same according to law, a^d that this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved, November. 26, 1863. CHAPTER v. AH ACT to ntaend ftn act for the relief of the Judges of the Circuit Courtj of this State, in certain cases. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That section one of an act entitled an act for the relief of the judges of the Circuit Court of this State, in certain cases, ap¬ proved November 21st, 1861, be and the same is hereby so amended that hereafter no deduction shall be made from the salary of any circuit judge in this State, on account of his failure to hold any term of the court in his district, provided such failure be occasioned by the presence or proximity of our enemies, or by any of the casual¬ ties of war. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, that this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its pas¬ sage. Approved, November 27, 1863. laws op mississippi. Ill CHAPTER VI. AN ACT authorizing tha Sheriffs qf this State to receive Con¬ federate Treasury Notes in payment of runaway Blaves sold, and for other purposes. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the • State of Mississippi, That the sheriffs of this State be and they are. hereby authorized to receive in payment of runaway slaves sold under the provis¬ ions of law, Confederate treasury notes. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the several boards of police shall be authorized to use for county purposes any funds paid ...into the treasury ,of their respective counties by the sheriffs thereof, a,s proceeds of rpnaway slaves, provided that said boards of police hold themselves liable to refund to the Claim of any owner of slaves so sold when called oh. • Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, that this act be in force from and after its passage. Approved, November 26,1863. CHAPTER VII. AN act to revive and amend'an act to extend the time for the collection of the taxes of the current fiscal year, approved December 20, 1861, and for other purposes. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the time for the collec¬ tion of all the State and County taxes for the fiscal year, commencing on the first day of May last, and each succeeding fiscal year thereafter, and the same is hereby extended, as follows, to wit: Im- Duty of tax mediately after the first day of June next, and colleotors- annually thereafter, the tax collector shall proceed to collect the taxes by distress and sale of personal property, and to advertise the lands of all persons wlio shall not have previously paid their taxes for sale on the first Monday of July following. The tax deeds to purchasers shall be filed with the probate clerk, on or before the second Monday of the said, month of July, and the collectors shall at 112 laws op mississippi. the same time, file with the said clerk, the list of all the lands sold to the State, or to individuals, and shall at the same time present to the board of police of his county, the report of the insolvent and delinquent tax payers; and the said boards of police in each county of this State shall meet on the second Monday of July next, and annually thereafter, to receive and act upon the same; and the clerk of said board shall make a certified list of the allowances to said tax collector, 'and trans¬ mit the same to the auditor of public accounts, on- or before the twentieth day of said month of July* The collector shall.be allowed an additional com- com^pensa- pensation of five per cent, on taxes collected after ieot»r. ° the said first day of June, and they shall pay over all taxes collected to the State and County trea¬ surer within thirty days after the first day of July, in each year, or be subject to all the penalties im¬ posed by law, for not paung over such taxes within thirty days after the first day of June, and alb the laws regulating'the collection of taxes shall apply to the collection of said tax, exe'ept so far as they are altered by this act. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, that the time whentaies allowed- by law to persons owning property in Suort0 Au" counties iu which they do not reside, within which they may pay taxes on such property in the office of auditor of public accounts,-be and the same is hereby extended to the first Monday in May next, and annually thereafter; that the same shall be paid in said office by such persons, pursuant to the terms and conditions prescribed in chapter three, section eight, article thirty-two of the Revised Code, and the auditor shall transmit to the several collectors a list of such payment by the first day of June following. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That so much'of trfm ta™ pt "the property belonging to any person who is now or may hereafter be engaged in the military or naval ^ervice of this State, or Confederate States, as by law is now exempted from distress and sale under execution, shall also be exempted from dis¬ tress and sale for the taxes due from such person : Provided, this exemption shall not be so construed as to destroy the lien wnich the State or county may have on said property for said taxes. LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. 113' Sec. 4. Be it farther enacted, That this act take effect and he in force from and after its passage. Approved, December 1, 1863. CHAPTER VIII. AN ACT to better provide for the Families of Soldiers. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of , the"State of Mississippi, That it shall be the duty p0f£etoSap- of the boards of police of the several counties of this State to meet as early as practicable after the e s' passage of this act, and to appoint one competent and discr^ec person, who is hereby denominated commissioner, in each police district of their re¬ spective counties, to ascertain the names of all soldiers who have been, or may be hereafter, mus- c?mmiS°i tered in the service of the Confederate States, or sioners. of this State, from their respective counties ; and, also, the,number of persons dependent upon each of said soldiers, who need assistance, whether such dependent persons are the wives or children, or near relatives, of said soldiers, who have4 been heretofore assisted or supported by them, and to report the same, together with the names of any disabled and indigent -soldiers therein, to the said .boards of police at the earliest practicable day ; and the roll of said names shall be made out by the commissioner adting in each of said police dis¬ tricts, and by him taken to the clerks of the boards of police of the several counties, whose duty it shall be to record them ; it shall be the duty of said commissioner, and of said boards of police, either separately or conjointly, from time to time, to correct and amend said roll, so that it may cor¬ rectly set forth the number and names of persons to receive aid under the provisions of this act, and a copy of said roll shall be made out by said cleTks, and transmitted to the Auditor of Public Accounts, on or before the "first day of March next; said commissioners, in the discharge of their duties, shall have power to appoint one or more assistants if necessary, who shall be subject tp all the pains 8—L 114 laws op mississippi. and penalties of this act, and to administer oaths and hear testimony touching the wants and circum¬ stances of any person claiming to be a beneficiary under this act. Secv 2. Be it further enacted, That the sum of five hundred thousand dollars be and the same is A^pro^pria- hereby appropriated, payable out of the .treasury m£de. notes issued under the provisions of an act entitled '""An act authorizing the issuance of treasury notes on behalf the State," approved January 29, l?-62, one-half of which said sum the Auditor of Public 'Accounts shall immediately proceed to distribute among the several counties of this State, in the same proportion in which the military relief tax of 1862 was distributed on the first of -August, 1863, and so soon as the corrected and amended rolls, required to be forwarded to the Auditor by the'first section of this act, are obtained, he shall, proceed to distribute the residue of the foregoing appropriation among the several counties iq such manner that each county shall receive, out of the whole amount of said appropriation, an aggregate sum in that proportion which the number of bene¬ ficiaries therein bears to the whole number of ascertained beneficiaries in the State: the share alloted to each county shall be paid over to the treasurer of such county, on his application there¬ for, and the same disbursed by him to the commis¬ sioners in the several police districts, upon .the orders from time to time given by the boards of police : Provided, however, That the Treasurer shall first execute his bond to the State of Missis¬ sippi, with good security, to be approved bv the TiCeft'su4r President of the board of police, ''conditioned togiveb'nd. faithfully to account for and disburse, according to law, all lhoneys coming into his hands under this adt j" and the Treasurer, for his compensation in the premises, shall be entitled to receive one per centum on the amount which shall pass through his hands. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That it shall be comm's- sa^ commissioners to investigate and sioners to determine the condition and wants of the beneficia- knd6Std8fs- ries under this act, in their respective police dis- tribute'fund tncts, and to distribute among them the fund to laws op mississippi. 115 which they may be entitled in such manner as to meet their obvious wants and necessities, or by the' purchase of supplies and provisions at any place, tho^ can be procured on the best terms, ana dis¬ tribute the same as to the commissioners may seem most advantageous to* the beneficiaries under this act. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That it shall be commis- the duty of said commissioners, every two months, Report!8 to report to the boards of police of their respective counties them proceedings under this act, and their accounts, specifying all amounts received by them, together with all sums expended by them, fully and particularly set forth, shall be examined by said boards of police, and when approved they shall be filed for safe keeping and future reference and for their compensation the said commissioners shall be entitled to receive two per centum on the amounts passing through their hands.' Sec, 5. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of each of said commissioners, as early as commis- practicable after his appointment, and before he sioners- enters upon the duties of his office, to appear before the Clerk of the Probate Court ot his county, and take an oath, to be. filed in the office'of said clerk, that he will use due diligence to ascer¬ tain the number of persons, and their condition and wants respectively, within his police district, •account for, distribute and expend all moneys to be placed in. his bands, with due regard to ecopomy, and faithfully and impartially to perform all other duties prescMbed in this act. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That the boards of police shall have power, in their discretion, to commis- remove any commissiondr appointed by them, and beremo^d to fill any vacancy so caused, or which may result ove ' from resignation, death or otherwise; and for any willffTl neglect of their duties^ or act of fraud or corruption in relation thereto, or embezzlement of, or failure to account for any moneys fntrusted to them for the purposes of this act, the said commis- • sioners shall be liable to indictment, and on con¬ viction shall be. fined for such offence in not less than the sum of one hundred dollars, or imprisoned in the county jail for not less than one month, or ho laws 0? mississippi. both, at the discretion of the court before whom they may be tyied. Sec. 7,,Be it farther enacted, That it shall be Meetings ©f ^oar<^s °f police to meet monthly, p ^arcis of for .the purpose of superintending the execution of u lce" this act; of examining and auditing the accounts of said commissioners, and of inquiring'into the man¬ ner in which they are respectively discharging their duties; of removing such as may be inefficient and appointing others, in their stead ; the said boards of police for the purpose of this act, may meet at any place in their counties respectively to which they may adjourn, or upon the call of the President, or any two members thereof: Provided. That five •days' notice of the time and place of any eailed meeting of said board shall be given to each mem¬ ber of the board, and to the clerk, by personal service or by posting such notice at one or more public places in each one of the police districts of said county. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That in any county, or counties, in which there now is, or may hereafter Wdofp£ ke't10 acting boards of police, or in which the ii«© the Gov- board of police mayjieglector refuse, or be unable pSnt 'com- for any cause, to carry into execution the provisions *»ssioners. 0f this act, it shall be the duty of the Governor to appoint the commissioners of such County, or coun¬ ties, and to take all other necessary and proper steps for the distribution of the fund to which such county, or counties, may be entitled, and to this end in such case the Governor is hereby authorized and empowered to appoint one Or more agents, to be citizens of the county, or counties,' for which they shall respectively act, whose duty it shall be, under such instructions and regulations as the Governor may prescribe, to aid in carrying out the provisions of this law. S^O; 9. Be it further enacted, That no person appointed commissioner, or agent, under this act shall decline the duties imposed on him, unless for nftgiee/of sufficient cause, he.shall be excused therefrom by duty- the board of police, or Governor, as the case may be, appointing him ; but any person appointed com¬ missioner, or agent, refusing to serve, or discharg ing his duties negligently, or so as to cause any laws ojf mississippi. 117 person, or persons, intended to be benefitted by this act, to suffer from his carelessness, willful omission, or inattention, shall be deemed guilty of a misde¬ meanor, and on conviction shall be punished by a fine rot less than fifty dollars, or imprisonment in the county jail not' less than one week, or by both, at the discretion of the court trying the same. • Sec. 10. Be it further enacted, That a special, tax of one hundred and fifty per centum upon tfye gp^oiai tax regular State tax of the present fiscal year, and leviefj- each succeeding year, until otherwise ordered, bev levied and collected as other taxes now are, and called the military relief fund, to.be distributed as the distribution of the five hundred thousand dol¬ lars under the second section of this act is directed, to be distributed, and, used and expended for the purposes of this law, and to this end it shall be the duty of the Auditor of Public Accounts, in thirty days after settlement with the tax collectors in each year, to report to the boards of police of the several counties the amount arising from the tax levied and collected as Aforesaid, to which each county is entitled under the distribution as afore¬ said, for which services the Auditor shall be allowed the sum of one-eighth of one per centum on said tax, payable out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated : Provided, however, That the bbards of police of the several counties may, within thirty (30) days, or a's soon thereafter as Taxinkind. practicable, after the passage of this act, hold a meeting and determine thereat what per centum of the tax, herein directed to be levied and collected? may be paid in supplies and provisions needed to meet the current wants of those intended to be benefitted by this law, and in snch case said boards shall designate the kinds and quantities of such supplies and provisions, into wfiicfi the per'centum fixed upon may be Commuted, and shall cause each tax collector, and the commissioners of the several police districts, to be furnished with a schedule thereof; and any tax payer may thereupon, at hjs election, pay the per centum of his tax, determined by the board of police as aforesaid, in supplies and provi.-ions (provided that the tax in kind so col¬ lected shall not exceed the distributive share to 118 laws of mississippi. which each county is entitled under this act,) at the schedule prices published by the commissioners for the State, and then in force under the impress¬ ment act of Congress ; and whenever any tax payer may decide in this way to make such payment, it shall be the duty of the sheriff to receive from him duty of his written agreement, that he will, on demand, aheu s' deliver ,to the commissioner of the police distriot, in which he may live, the supplies or provisions in which said payment is to be made, specifying par¬ ticularly therein the kind, quality, quantity, and value thereof, which writing the sheriff shall deliver to the commissioner of said police district, after first retaining a true copy of the same, whieh he shall forward to the Auditor of Public Accounts, to be used as a voucher in his settlement with that officer; and should said party so stipulating to faifure fto make payment as aforesaid, fail to pay and satisfy iR ^uch agreement on demand, it shall be the duty of the commissioner holding said agreement forthwith to endorse thereupon such refusal, and to sign his name thereto., and then to- return the same to the sheriff, and the said defaulting tax payer shall thereby become liable to pay his said special tax in money, and one hundred per cent, 'added thereto, which the sheriff shall proceed immediately to col¬ lect by distress - and sale as in other cases,, and the said written agreement the said sheriff shall return to the party who gave it, or his agent or represen¬ tative. Sec. 11. Be it further enacted, That the sheriffs , of the several counties shall collect the tax provided Bond of in the tenth section of this act, and before entering sherjffs. up0n the collection of the same, shall give addion- al bond, with two or more good securities, for such amount as the President of the board of police shall require, and in the same manner as now re¬ quired by law in reference to the collection of other taxes, under the penalty of a forfeiture of office for failing so to do, and shall receive in pay¬ ment of said tax, gold and silver, current bank bills, and the warrants of their respective counties, issued upon said fund, and Confederate Treasury Notes, and Treasury Notes of this State (provided that county warrants shall not be received for a la^s op mississippi. 119 greater amount than the proportion due said county Fees o f, from the fund), and for the collection of said tax, Shenff8, the sheriffs ot the several counties shall receive the sum of two per cent, on the amount of said tax, to be retained out of the same. Sec. 12. Be it further enacted, That the boards of police in the different counties in this State are Cou,netiys authorized, at their discretion, to levy a special tax ^>e«ai tax, upon the taxable property of their respective &nd counties to an amount not exceeding one hundred per centum upon the State taxes of the current year, except the counties of Tallahatchie, Jackson, Hinds, ^Rankin,Scott, Wilkinson, Newton, Calhoun, Leake«and Kemper, wherein the boards of police are authorized to levy a tax not exceeding three hundred per centum on the State tax, the proceeds of which shall be applied and used in aid and lor the purposes of the funds or amounts hereinbefore provided, and shall be distributed on the same basis p,oarcj3 of and in the like manner, and the *said boards of ™ay police are also authorized and empowered, should ijey, when, the exigency require it, respectively to borrow for and on the credit of tlreir several counties, any sum of money not exceeding twenty thousand ^dollars in any one year, for wjpch sum or sums so borrowed, the boards are authorized to cause to be prepared, sign and deliver county warants, or bonds of their . counties to bear interest, not exceeding eight per cent, per annum, and the amounts thus borrowed shall be paid out of the appropriations hereinbefore made to the different counties of the State, or out of the proceeds of a special tax, which the counties borrowing may respectively levy • the said war¬ rants, or bonds, shall be signed by the clerks and countersigned by the Presidents of said boards, and the Treasurer and police plerk shall each keep a separate and accurate, account of the number, date . and amount thereof, and to» whom payable, and shall keep like accounts of the same when paid. Sec. 13. Be it further enacted,. That the sheriff in the respective counties sliall collect the said •conect*^ special tax at the same time he is required by law £ f n d to collect the State tax, and pay the same over to •the county treasurer, and for the collection of the same the sheriffs of the State shall have all the 120 laws op mississippi. authority and power, and may resort to all the remedies given by law for the collection of the State tax • but before proceeding to collect the said tax, and within ten days after the same may be levied, he shall execute a bond, with two good and sufficient securities, in double the amount which it may be supposed the said tax will raise, conditioned in the same manner as his present tax collecting bond ; and for collecting the said tax the sheriff shall be allowed, by the board of police, two per centum on the amouut collected: Provided, how- teTmCkipd"* 'ever, That this special tax may be paid in supplies or provisions, in the manner specified in the tenth section* of this act, and for its collection tK$ stipu-' lations and provisions of that section shall be made applicable thereto, a copy of the written agreement of the tax payer, however, to be returned to the county treasurer, instead of to the Auditor of Public Accounts. Secj. 14. Be it further enacted, That whenever the commissioners of any county shall be unable io supplies purchase, at reasonable and just prices, such sup- when to be plies jyid provisions as may be needed in their impresse . C(julltjes. respectively, they shall .report the fact to the meeting of the.board of police of their county, and such board of police shall thereupon have authority and power, should they believe the exi¬ gency of the case demanded it, to command the sheriff of the county by a writ or warrant, to be issued by the clerk and tested as other process of the court is tested, to make impressment of such supplies and provisions as maybe absolutely needed: Provided, That supplies and provisions necessary provisfons for the support of the owner, and his family and W .adjust- dependents, and to carry on his ordinary^business,. shall in no case whatsoever be taken or impressed; and when the impressing Officer and the owner cantiot agree as to the quantity necessary as afore¬ said, it shall be the duty of the impressing officer to cause the same be determined by the judg¬ ment of two loyal and disinterested citizens of the county, one to be selected by the owner, one by the impressing officer, and in the event of their disa¬ greement, these two shall choose an umpire of like qualifications, and his decision shall be final; said LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. 121 persons shall, before making such decision, take an oath that they will fairly and impartially, and to the best of their ability, discharge the duty afore¬ said ; and that Said owner, or owners, may have just compensation paid them for their property so impressed, it shall be the duty of the impressing officer, or one of .the bounty commissioners, to pay him therefor, before removing said property, the market price for all articles so impressed: Provided, however, That should the owner of any property so impressed believe that the said price is not fair and just, he may take the case by appeal to the Jboard of police of the county, who shall have full authority and power to hear the party complain¬ ing, and to allow him such compensation for the; property taken as may be just; on such appeal the impressing officer shall give to the party, whose property has been taken, a receipt for the same, which shall set out the kind and quantity, and quality, of the said property, and the price he ' offered to pay for it, but which was not accepted, . the owner being dissatisfied therewith, and the said owner appealed to the board of police for its re¬ vision and final valuation, and the decision of the board of police in such case shall be fipal, and the 'price allowed shall be forthwith paid as hereinbe¬ fore prescribed. Sec. 15. Be it further enacted, That whenever Recipients the commissioners appointed under this act shall be ^ow edeterS in doubt as to the right of any applicant to be a mined, beneficiary, he shall consult the board of police, if in session, or the president thereof if in vacation, and said board or president shall determine the question, and in all cases where a party has been declared by the commissioners as not entitled to* the benefits of thjs act, an appeal to the board'of police may be taken and the decision of Said board shall be conclusive. Sec. 16. Be it further enacted, That the sum of eighty-five thousand dollars in addition to the ap- sP®clra/atf0pa" propriations made by the previous sections of this* for certain act be, and th^ same is hereby set apart out of any counties- moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, lor the benefit and relief of the persons for whom., this act is intended to provide in the counties of 122 laws op mississippi. Tippah, Tishomingo, • Hancock, Harrison, and Jackson ; the said sum of eighty-five thousand dol¬ lars to be divided among the said five mentioned counties, in the manner following, to-wit : To the county of Tippah, thirty thousand dollars ; to the couhty of Tishomingo, forty thousand dollars ; and -to the counties of Harrison,^Hancock and Jackson, the sum of five thousand dollars each, which said amounts shall be immediately drawn out of the the treasury and disbursed in the' manner and for .the purposes of the said counties respectively that the appropriations made by the previous sections of this act are to be drawn and disbursed: Pro¬ vided, however, Should it hereafter appear to the Governor that the said counties of Tippah, Tisho¬ mingo, Hancock,f Harrison and Jackson, will-not require, lor the proper support of the persons therein respectively intendedto.be aided by this act, their full share, of all the appropriations made to them therein, then and in that event he shall notify, in writing, the Auditor of Public Accounts of the precise sum which he may be satisfied can be withheld from the said counties respectively, or one or more of them, as unnecessary for the pur¬ poses of this act, and thereupon it shall be the duty of the Auditor not to issue his warrant, or war¬ rants, upon the treasury, for the sum, or sums, so .designated, but the same shall be retained in the treasury out'of the shares respectively to which the said five counties are entitled out of the pro¬ ceeds of the special tax of one hundred and fifty "per cent, by this act hereinbefore imposed: Pro¬ vided further, That the tax authorized by the fourth Act of Janu- section of an act entitled "An act better to pro- aboiished63* *vid(? for the families of our soldiers," approved January 3d, 1863, be and is hereby abolished. for the future, and that uone pf the provisions of the said act shall apply to the monev appropriation, or the taxes collected by virtue of this act. Sec. 17. Be it further enacted, That the com¬ missioners authorized to be appointed under the provisions of this act, be and they are hereby ex¬ empted from militia service. Sec. 18. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect from and after its passage. Approved December 2, 18o3. LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI* CHAPTER. IX. AN ACT to compensate soldiers in the State service, in certain cases. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That each and every sol¬ dier in the State service shall be entitled to receive the valuation price of his horse or gun, when the' horse is killed'in action or lost by capture of the enemy, and when such capture is not chargeable to the neglect or default of said soldier, and upon < sufficient proof being made in writing of such loss and attested by a Commissioned officer, and ap¬ proved by the commanding officer, the quarter¬ master-general shalP pay to the soldier the valua¬ tion of his ho»se or gun, and should the liqrse or gun so lost not have been valued, the same remu- nci ation shall be allowed for said loss as is now allowed by the Confederate Government in such casns, and he shall also receive the same compensa¬ tion for the use of his horse and gun while in ser¬ vice, that is now allowed by the laws of the Confederate States, and that this act apply to all cases coming within its pcrview, whether the same shall have taken place either before or a;ter its passage. Secl 2. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved, December 3, 1863. CHAPTER X. AN ACT for the relief of Tax-payers in ceifcain cases, and for other purposes. Section Be it#enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That all property, real or personal, which lias been assumed or was liable to assessment on the first day of May last, which has been taken or destroyed by the public enemy, or where slaves have been lost by running away LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. to the public enemy, shall be relieved from the taxes imposed thereon by the laws of this State, and the boards of police of the different counties of this State shall, upon the production of the certificate'of the tax-payers to jhat fact, allow the tax collectors credits to the amount of the taxe§ due upon such lost or.destroyed property^ and the auditor of public accounts shall allow all such credits in his settlements with said tax collectors, and the credits allowed by this act shall be made at any time before the payment of said taxes, pro¬ vided the said tax collectors shall in all cases before releasing any party from the payment of taxes due, administer to him or her an oath as to the loss or destruction of said property sought to be released from taxation; "and any person who shall^falsely swehr in the premises shall be guilty of perjury, and fehall suffer, upon conviction, the punishment now prescribed by law for the commis¬ sion of that crime. Sejc. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act,shaii be in force from and after its passage. Approved, December 1, 1863. CHAPTER XI. AN ACT to legalize the removal of personal property from his State hy Guardians, Executors, Administrators, and other trustees, under certain circumstances, and for other purposes. Section 1, Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That in all eases where any guardian, executor," administrator, or other truestee, has removed from this State, in good faith, any personal property belonging to his cestui que trust in order to prevent the same from falling in the hands of the enemy, or from being seduced or perse¬ cuted to go with the enemy, »or when there was reasonable ground to apprehend j:hat if permitted to remain in the State the said personal property would be in great danger of being captured, stolen and carried away by the public enemy, such re¬ moval shall be and is hereby legalized : Provided, LAWS OP MISSISSIPPI. 125 it shall appeclr that such guhrdian, executor, admin¬ istrator, or other trustee, was unable- from any cause to comply with the provisions 'of an act en¬ titled u An act in relation to executors, administra¬ tors and guardians," approved 3d January, 1863, before removing said personal property beyond the limits of this State. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That hereafter it .shall and maybe lawful for any guardian, executor, administrator, of other trustee, to remove the per¬ sonal property under his charge or control to a place of safety beyond the limits of this .State whenever there is reasonable ground to apprehend that said property would be in great danger of falling into the hands of the public enemy if per¬ mitted to remain in the State, and where from the circumstances of the case it is impossible for Said guardian, executor, administrator, or other trustee, before removing said personal property to comply with the provisions of the laws mentioned in the first section of this act, which law is hereby de-. clared to be repealed only so far as it copies in conflict with the provisions of this act. Sec. 15. Be it further enacted, That this act ,shall-tak'e effect and be in force froni and after its passage. Approved, December 3, 1863. CHAPTER XII. AN ACT to armed the law of Divorce and AUimony. Section I. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the Stare of Mississippi, That article 19, sec. 4, and chapter 40, of the Revised Code, be and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That hereafter , any party applying for a divorce must be a citizen' mifPpl^an^ or re®dent of this State, and must have been a citizen, citizen thereof or resided therein at least one year next preceding the filing of ^he bill and shall also make an affidavit that he has not taken up his or her residence in this State in order to enable him or her to obtain a divorce according to the laws thereof, 126 LAWS OP MISSISSIPPI. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That any marriage Divorce heretofore made or which may hereafter be made tamedatex- hy any person* whose husband or wife shall have £v *tionr»°f ^een afi?eat ^or fiye successive years without being, eyeara. known person within that time to be living, be and the same is hereby declared to be valid and legal to all intents and purposes, and the first hus¬ band or wife so absent shall in law be presumed to be dead in any qustion that may arise relative, to such second marriage, or any right or claim arising under it, nor shall any evidence be received to'rebut such presumption in any proceeding in which the validity of the second marriage or any right or claim under it may be involved. Sec., 4. Be it further enacted, That a party en- Bill how titled to a divorce may file the bill for that purpose flled' in the Circuit Court of any county in this State, upon making affidavit, that in consequence of an invasion by the enemy, or apprehended ■ danger of invasion, he believes that the terms of. the Circuit Court in which said bill should be filed under the existing law will not be regularly held. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That this law shall take effect from and after its passage. Approved December 1, 1863. CHAPTER XIII. t AN" ACT to amend the impressment' Jaw of this State. # Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature />f the State of Mississippi, That in all cases where the exigencies of the service may require it, the Governor is Ijereby empowered to impress slaves and other personal property for the use of the S ate troops, and to aid in the military operations conducted by the State troops, under officers in the military service of the State, in the manne© pro¬ vided in an act approved January 3d, 1863, entit¬ led " an act to authorise the impressment of slaves and other personal property for mtlitary purposes," without the concurrence and approbation expressed in writing of the commander of the Confederate LAWS OP MISSISSIPPI. 127 forces in the department, and so much of said act as requires such concurrence and approbation for impressments to be made for the use of State troops, and in aiding the military, operations con¬ ducted by the State troops under officers in the military service of the State, be and the same is hereby repealed. Sec %. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect from and after its passage. Approved, December 1, 1863. CHAPTER XIV. an act to amend chapter Thirty-two'of the Revised Code, so far as the same provides for the registration and sale of estrays. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That in counties where sheriff to there are no rangers, tiie duties prescribecTby law act »» Ran- for rangers shall be performed byi the sheriffs of ser" the several counties; said sheriffs shall give/bond as now required of rangeffs, and receive the fees allowed by law to rangers. Sec. 2. Be further enacted, That, this act take effect and be in force from and! after its passage. Approved December 3, 1863. CHAPTER XV, AN ACT to compel Railroads to keep lights, fire and water on ' their cars. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of. the State of Mississippi, That hereafter it shall be the duty of all railroad conductors or agents of railroads in this State, to keep burning in each passenger car a lamp, candle, pr some other light, during each night they may run, and shall also keep on hand a sufficient supply of water and fire when demanded, for the use of the passengers, both laws of mississippi. day and night, and on failure to do so the railroad company employing such conductors or agents, shall forfeit and pay the sum of five hundred dol-, lars for each and every offence, recoverable before any court having jurisdiction of the same; one- fourth to the use of the informer, and three-fourths to be naid into the trea ury, to be applied to the support of the indigent families of soldiers from this State, whether said soldiers be living or dead, sbci 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect' and be in fotce in twenty days from and after its passage. Approved November 18, 1863. CHAPTER XVI. AN ACTIo provide for obtaining furors in the Circuit Courts of this State. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the Siate of Mississippi, That so much of chapter sixty-one, section eleven, and article one hundred and twenty-six, on page four hundred and ninety- seven ol> rhe Revised Code of eighteen hundred and fifty-seven as exempts persons over the age of sixty years fif>m service as jurors, be and the same is hereby repealed Sec. -j. Be it further enacted, That it shall he the duty of the several county assessors in this State to include in the list of jurors qualified to serve as petit jurors the names of all persons in their counties respectively who are sixty years of age and upwards, and deliver said list to the clerk of the Circuit Court of the county, as now pro¬ vided by law. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its pas- sage. Approved Dec. 5, 1863. laws of mississippi. 129 CHAPTER XVII. AN ACT to be entitl d an act to regulate the fees of Jailors in this State in certain cases. Section I. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That it shall be lawful for the Jailors of the several counties in this State to demand, receive and take fhe sum of one dollar per day for victualipg each and every person that may be confined in the jails of their respective counties and in the manner now prescribed by law during the present war. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, that this act be in force from and after its passage. Approved, November 14,1863. CHAPTER XVIII, ' AN ACT to iepeOan act entitled "An* act to author'ze the appointment of two Medical Commissioner-! to especially attend to the sick and Wounded soldiers from this St^te in the Confederate Army and for other purposes," approved January 1, 18c3. Section 1. Be^it enacted by the -Legislature of the State Mississippi, That the above recited act, be aud the same is,hereby repealed. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, that this, act shall take effect aud bo in force from and afte^ its pa3-. eago. ' ' ' Approved, November 25, 1863. CHAPTER XIX. AN ACT to " provide for the speedy resdvery of pe>sonaI pro- • perty wrongfully taken or detained.." Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That in addition to the Action of action of replevin as now provided by law, when- maintained, ever any goods or chattels afq or shall be wrong¬ fully taken or detained, a summary remedy as 9—L 130 LAWS OP MISSISSIPPI. hereinafter prescribed by action of replevin may be maintained by any person having the right' of imjnediate possession, for the recovery thereof, and for the damages sustained by reason of such wrong¬ ful taking or detention; provided such summary proceeding shall be brought within six months next after the plaintiffs right of action has accrued, and not after. SPc. 2. Be it further enacted, That before any Proce'din^s wr^ °' repl^vm shall issue as hereinafter pre- in action of scribed', the plaintiff or his agent or attorney shall repievm. mak& an(j g]e before a justice of the peace of the county in which the property may be found, an affidavit setting forth a description of the property taken or detained, and that the plaintiff is legally entitled .to the immediate possession of the same, .that said property was wrongfully taken, or is wrongfully detained by the defendant, and that the plaintiff's right vith sufficient security in like penalty, payable to plaintiff, con¬ ditioned that the property shall be forthcoming to satisfy the" judgment of the court, and upon the defendants entering into bond as aforesaid, the property shall be restored to him. * Sec. 5. Beit further enacted, That ,said, writ Writ how shall be served on the defendant five days before sewed, the return day,, either by delivering him a copy thereof, or if he cannot be found, by delivering a copy to any white person of his family above the age of sixteen years, at his usual' place of resi¬ dence, or if no such person be found, then by placing a copy in some conspicuous place at his usual residence, or if the said defendant cannot be found so as'to bo served in person as aforesaid, tuid has no place of abode in the county, then it shall be , held and deemed a sufficient service for the sheriff to make return of such facte, and to return that he 132 LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. has taken and seized in obedience to the writ, the property in controversy therein mentioned. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That at any time subpoenas 'aftor'th,e said writ shall have been issued, it shall issued 6for be lawful for the justice issuing the same, upon the witnesses, application of either party to issue subpoenas for witnesses'requiring them, to attend at thejilacp of trial before the justices, at the time appointed as aforesaid, to give evidence on the trial; any sup- poena so issued, shall be executed in the said man¬ ner and shall have the same force and effect as a subpoena' issued according to law in a cause de-' pending in the Circuit Court. . > _ Sec. 7. Be it further bnactcd, That it. shall be '• •the duty of' such, justice at the time of issuing eo^rtNvho sa'1(^ writ, to issue a summons to the clerk of the to a;t, Probate Court, or clerk of the Circuit Court of his county, • requiring him to attend the trial of said complaint, on the day appointed therefor, and to perform the duties of clerk of the Court, to be composed of the justices of. the peace sum¬ moned fcr the trial of such complaint, and the said clerk shalf act as clerk of said Court constituted •by said justices, and shall keep* a record of the proceedings, orders and judgments thereof, in a book to be kept by him for that purpose, and the said clerk shall issue all process ordered and di¬ rected by said Court of Justices, in same manner Proces as- ^ie c^er^ Circuit Court are by law re- iww return- quired to do, and all process issued* by order of a^e' said Justices shall be tested in the name of said Justices, and sealed witli the seal of office of Said clerk, land all writs fieri facias, distringas, which shall be offered, as well on the part of the defendant as of the plaintiff, shall suffer each party to' be heard by counsel, shall decide all questions of law which shall be properly submitted to them in the course of the trial, and shall in all respects coinduct the trial according to the usages of courts of law in this State, and in case of mistrial the said New justices shall order a summons for a new trial re- whenT r'a1' turnablc at some short day, and then again proceed with the trial of said cause. Sec. 11. Be it further enacted, that when the Form of jury shall have unanimously agreed in their verdict, Verdiut. they shall return the same in the following form, 134 laws of mississippi. op to the following effect: If for the plaintiff thus:' "We, the jury, -find that the plaintiff is entitled to the immediate possession of the property in the affidavit mentioned, that his right of action ac- crued within six months before the, commencement of the suit, and that the defendant hath wrong¬ fully taken (or detained as the case may be) said property, and we assess the value of the property at $ . and also assess the damages of the plain¬ tiffs at $—. If the verdict is for 'the defendant, the verdict shall be thus : We, the jury, find lor de¬ fendant, and that he is'not guilty of the wrongful' taking (or detention) of the property in the affi¬ davit mentioned. Seo. 12. Be it further enacted, That when the Propsrtv to property shall have been permitted to remain in to rla!iit?ff possession of the defendant, if the plaintiff P'am 1 • recover the judgment of the court, spall be against the defendant and his sureties, that -they restore' the property to the plaintiff, or pay him the value thereof, as assessed by the verdict of the jury, and also fjr such damages as shall have been assessed by the jury for the wrongful taking or detention, and the valuation of the sheriff shall in ali cases under this act be prima facie evidence o(f the value of the property. Sec. 13., Be it further enacted, That if the plaintiff in replevin, to whom the property has toPbepere^ k8ea delivered, fail to prosecute his suit with effect, de°fen(Un\°. an<^ ^ie verdict is for the defendant, then the jury shalj. also assess in their verdict, in addition to the verdict specified in section ten,. the value of the property,and the damages sustained by the defen¬ dant, and the judgment of the court shall be against the plaintiff and his sureties, that they restore the property to the defendant, or pay him the value thereof so assessed, and also the damages so as- when writ sessed, for wrongfully feueing out the writ. If the plaintiff make default or be non-suited, the defen¬ dant may have a writ of inquiry to assess the value of the property and the damages sustained by the wrongful sueing out of the writ, and in the event of the death of any surety upon such bond before the termination -of the trial, and the rendition of the judgment, the rnnvf. may order judgment nisi, laws op mississippi. to be rendered against the personal representatives of such deceased surety, and the party may have the like judgment upon the finding of the jury as upon an issue found for him. Sec. 14. Be it further enacted, If the party ill whose favor the judgment is given be in possession of the property in controversy, he shall retain it, and a writ of fieri facias shall issue for the damages and costs of suit, and if the property be in pos¬ session of the losing party the execution shall com¬ mand the sheriff to take the property in controversy, if the same may be had and deliver the same to the a r?d Tlsta successful party, and if not to be had, that he make how made, the value thereof together with the damages and costs, of the goods and chatties, lands and tene¬ ments of the party and his sureties, against whom the judgment is rendered, or the successful party may have his distringas to compel the delivery of' the property together with a fieri facias for the damages and costs, Sec, 15. Beit further enacted, If the sheriff is demnified by taking any property by virtue of a writ of replevin he may maintain his action for damages on the bond taken by him frdm the plaintiff in the name of the payee for his use. Sec. 16. Be it further enacted, That the bond" Bond how directed,by this act to be taken in either case shall ^bereTOru¬ be returned by the sheriff, with the writ to the justice issuing the same, and if the sheriff Tail to take a proper and sufficient bond, and retupn the same, or ir the ffiond be adjudged insufficient and the party giving it, fehall fail if required, to perfect the same,* the sheriff shall be liable to the party injured for all damages by him sustained, either by action of debt on his official - bond, or by special action on the case: Provided, the parties shall, have the same right of amendment under this act 'as under the acts providing the remedy by attach¬ ment. Sec. IT. Beit further enacted, If either party Bond when in such suit or the sheriff, shall at any time deem deemed m- the bond taken under this act to be insufficient, sufficient- such party or sheriff may at any time upon appli¬ cation to the Justice ydio issued the writ obtain a citation under the signature of such justice, com- 136 laws of mississippi. manding the principal obligor in such bond to appear before 'such justice at such time and place as said justice designate therein, and in term time also, such party .or sheriff may "proceed by motinn against such obligor, and in either case the judge or court, shall after hearing the evidence of the parties, determine the sufficiency or insufficiency of such bond, and if the bond given by the plaintiff shall be adjudged insufficient, he shall give a new and sufficient bond within thb time limited by the court or judge, and in default thereof the defend¬ ant shall be entitled to proceed and enter judgment, or in case the plaintiff should be non-suited or otherwise make default, and if the bond of the • defendant shall be adjudged insufficient and he shall fail to give a sufficient bond within the time limited by the court or judge, the plaintiff on giv¬ ing bond as by this act directed, shall be entitled to a judicial writ commanding the sheriff to take the property;in controversy and deliver the same to the plaintiff, and thereupon such proceedings shall be had a? if the property had been delivered to the plaintiff in the first instance. Sec. 18'. Beit further enacted, That either party 'aggrieved by the judgment of said justices may, bePIfad*1 to a^ter final judgment, appeal to the Circuit Court circuit of the county, on the appellant entering into bond our' and security in the presence of the justice before vthom the complaint originally made, or one of the justices who tried the case and the clerk acting on tire trial of said cause, to be attested by said clerk and approved by said justice, in a penalty of two hundred dollars, to be paid tb the opposite party, conditipned for the payment of the costs, before such justices, and all costs that may accrue in Cir¬ cuit Court, in case the appellant fail therein, but no appeaj taken from any proceeding or .judgment ugder this act, shall operate as a supersidias, and the said justice or clerk shall send, to the Circuit Court all the papers and proceedings, and a trans¬ cript of all the orders and judgments in said cause, and> shall deliver the same to the Clerk of the Circuit Court to be then docketed for trial, and the said Circuit Court shall at the first term cm- panel a jury and hear and determine the said pause LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. 137 anew1 on its merits 10. a summary way and may award restitution if necessary and make such other judgments and orders as the law and justice of the case may require. Sec). 19. Be it further enacted; That in all appeals to the Circuit Court under this act, the mayrdq^i said court on motion of the appellee may inquire new bond, into the sufficiency of the amount of the appeal bond and the sureties thereon, a'nd may require a new bond or additional sureties, on pain of dismissal of the appeal. Sec. 20. Be it further enacted, That the Clerks bills of cost of tile Circuit Courts are hereby required to tax in the bill of costs, after final judgment, all the costs that accrue on the trial before the justices, in all oases herein provided for, and include the saipe in the fieri facias by him to be issued for the costs accruing in the Same case in the Circuit Court. Sec. 21. Be it further enacted, That every juror or justice of the pehce or clerk summoned to attend ^ Juror, pe- the justices aforesaid, and failing to attend without aon-aftend-- suffioient cause, shall be liable to a fine of twenty ance- dollars to be imposed by said justices, for the use of the county, and the clerk of said justices shall issue a scire facias against such defaulting juror or justice of the p&ice or clerk, returnable to the next term of the Circuit Court, to show cause why Said fine should not be made final, and execution shall issue from said' Circuit Court therefor: Provided, if the clerk named in, the writ fail to attend the trial the justices may appoint a clerk to act pro tempore. Sec. 22. Be it further enacted, That the justices' holding said court and the sheriff and clerk oarers of attending the same, shall each be entitled to three Court> Fees- dollars a day for attending the trial, and all other fees of jurors, witnesses and officers, for services rendered in relation to the proceedings and trial aforesaid, shall be the same as fees for similar services rendered in the Circuit Court in a*suit at law touching similar property, and shall be taxed in the costs. Sec. 23. Be it further enacted, That the justice before whom the complaint is made under this act, payment1 ®f mav before issuinc anv process, renuire the plaintiff<:osts- 138 laws of mississippi. •to give bond with security for the payment of costs, and in case judgment shall go against the plaintiff, .judgment shall be entered against liirn and the sureties on his bond for the amount of the costs. Seo. 24. Be it further enacted; That where any county may be divided into districts for holding Circuit Court, the justice issuing the writ may Courts. ng designate in the writ, either place of holding the Circuit t Court as the place of trial of the suit begun under this act, fixing the trial in that dis¬ trict in which the defendant may reside, if he resides in either :• Provided, however, if frorii invasion by the enemy, or apprehended danger of invasion, or from other sufficient cause, the justice issuing the writ should be of opinion that it would not be safe to fix the place of trial at the county seat or other place of holding the Circuit Court in the county, then such justice shall in said writ designate some other place of trial in said county of said cause. Seq. 25. Be it further enacted, That the juris¬ diction herein conferred upon said justices, as a ofTustices! court, shall only be concurrent with the jurisdiction of the Circuit' Court in actions of replevin as heretofore provided by law. Sec. 26. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect from and after its passage. Approved December 3, 1863. CHAPTER XX. AN ACT to suspend the Levee Tax authorised to be assessed by the Boards of Poliae of the Mississippi. River Levee ^District. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of-Mississppi, That all acts or parts of acts authorizing or empowering the boards of Police of the counties of DeSoto, Tunica, Coahoma, Bolivar, Washington or Issaquena, to assess# and collect a levee tax, be and the same are hereby sus¬ pended without pi'ejudice to the claims of any one tin til such time as the Legislature may regard proper that the collection of levee taxes shall be resumed. Approved Novembw 35) LAWS Of MISSISSIPPI. C [IAFTER XXL AN ACT tn relation to Overseers of Public Roads on the boun¬ dary line between tvro or more owners of land. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State ol Mississippi, That when it shall become necessary to use timber for the repairs of any road running on the boundary line between two or more owners of timber on different sides of the road, it shall be the duty of the overseer to apply to each owner, of timber for an equal portion necessary, and if the proprietor or proprietors shall refuse to permit their timber to be so used, it shall be lawful for the overseer to.proceed as in manner prescribed, in art. 39, section 8, of the Revised Code. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect from and after its passage. Approved December 18, 1863. CHAPTER XXII. AN ACT to authorize ■ the State Treasurer to receive from the delinquent Tax Collectors of the several counties in this State the military bonds or notes falling due the, 1st of June, 18CB and 1864, iq payment of the amounts due from them on account of the Military Tax for the year 1861. |l • Section 1. Beit enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the Treasurer of the State, be and lie is hereby authorized to receive from the delinquent Tax Collectors of the several counties in this State the military bonds or notes issued by an ordinance of the Convention for the purpose of raising a military fund in the State, and falling due the 1st of June, 1883, and 1884, allow¬ ing interest on said notes to June 1st, lb62„in payment of the amounts due from them on account.- of the Military Tax of the year 1861. And if'said delinquent Tax Collector shall within ninety days from the passage ,of this act, promptly pay into the Treasury the amounts due from them respectively in said bonds, notes or gold and silver, the Treas¬ urer is hereby authorised to release Said collector LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. from the statutary damages for failing to make full payment as was required by law, and the Treasurer is required to allow and pay all commissions to said Tax Collector which may have been detained on account of such delinquency. Sec. 2. jBe it further enacted, That this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved December 9, 1863. CHAPTER XXIII. AN ACT to provide for the payment of tfaims of deceased soldiers. ■ Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the Quartermaster J&eneral of the State of Mississippi, or any Assis¬ tant Quartermaster who may be assigned to that .duty, be and is hereby authorized to audit and if found to be a just charge against the State, to pay all past and fixture claims of deceased soldiers, whether officers, non-commissioned officers 'or pri¬ vates, for active military service rendered this State upder .any ordinance, law, or resolution of this State : Provided, the sum paid shall be the same as authorized by the ordinance, law or resolution, under which they "were called into active service, and that this act take effect from and after its. passage. Approved December 9, 1863. CHAPTER 5XIV. AN ACT for the relief of Families of Soldiers in the counties thereie mentioned andjfor other purposes Whereas, In the distribution of appropriations made by previous legislation for the relief of fami¬ lies of soldiers, the counties of Winston, Pontotoc, Monroe, Lafayette, Irtawamba, -Harrison, Adams, Coahoma, CaihQun and Simpson, failed to receive the amounts" respectively to which they were laws of mississippi, 141 enticed't and whereas, there Still remains in the Treasury of said appropriation a sum sufficient, to make up to said counties.their full share thereof and it appearing satisfactory to this Legislature that the said counties are still justly entitled to the amounts hereinafter specified : therefore, Section 1, Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the Auditor of Pub-« lie Accounts is hereby authorized and required to issue his warrant on the Treasurer of the State in favor of the County Treasurer of Winston county for the sum of {$4,830 89) four thousand, .eight eo™ty.ston hundred and thirty dollars and eighty-nine cents; of Pontotoc county for the sum of ($14,536 59). P>ntotoc. fourteen thousand five hundred and thirty-six dol¬ lars and fifty-nine cents ; of Monroe county foi» the "Monroe, sum of ($2,345 17) two thousand three hundred and forty-five dollars and seventeen obnts ; of Ita- Itawamba, wamba county the sum of ($7,9'22 07) seven thousand nine hundred and' twenty-two dollars and seven cents ; bf Lafayette county the sqrii of ($8,862 50) Lafayette, eight thousand eight hundred and-sixty-two dollars and fifty cents; of Harrison' cbunty the sum of Harrison. ($2,758 00) two thousand seven hundred and fifty- ciglit dollars; of Adams county the sum of ($6,- Adams. 710 50) six thousand seven hundred and' ten dol¬ lars and fifty-five cents ; of Coahoma county the. Coahoma, sum of ($4,043 76)-four thousand and forty-three dollars and seventy-six cents ; of Calhoun county caihoun. the sum of ($6,526 00) six thousand five hundred and twenty-six dollars, and of Simpson comity for Simpson, the sum of ($3,451 89) three thousand four hundred and fifty-one dollars and eighty-ninC cents, to be paid out of the appropriations hereinbefore recited: Provided, that the Governor is hereby authorized and enjppwered,, at his discretion, to direct in writing the said Auditor to issue his warrant upon the Treasurer of the State for either or all or any part of the foregoing gums in favor of such person or persons other than the County Treasurer, as he the Governor may select to receive the same for the counties respectively entitled thereto: Pro¬ vided further, that should any county fail or'neglect to make a return to the Auditor's Office, as provided for in the bill passed by this Legislature, entitled LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. ♦ ** An jlct better to provide for the families of our 'soldirs," of.the .number of persons in such County entitled to the benefits of said act, then as to such county the distribution of the appropriations made by said recited act shall be as near a may be upon the basis in said act prescribed for "the first distribution under it as the same is corrected by' this act. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the Gover¬ nor shall have authority to superintend the drawing and disbursement of the foregoing sums of money and of any other sum or sums, appropriated by the Legislature for the benefit of indigent soldiers, their families and dependants, and to do in relation thereto whatever he may believe will be necessary to Secure the faithful application of said sum or ♦sums, of money to the purposes for which they are intended.' Approved December 186B. CHAPTER XXV, AN ACT to authorize the Probate Clerks in this State to record an w any deeds brother instruments required byJawtobe recorded, when the records have been lost, mutilated or destroyed. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That it shall be the duty of the Clerks of the Probate - Courts in this State to record anew any deeds or other instruments, or a duly certified copy thereof with the 'certificates of acknowledgements and of record thereto, which has been recorded heretofore in the office of said Clerk : Provided, the original record of such deed or other .instrument has been lost, mutilated or destroyed, and such records anew as aforesaid, or a duly certified copy thereof, shall be as good and effectual in law or in equity, as the, original record might or could have been. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the recording anew of any instrument authorized by the first section of this act to be recorded, shall be prima facie evidence that the original records have been lost, mutilated or destroyed. LAWS OP MISSISSIPPI. 143 Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That when any cierk to ad- Probate Clerk in this State, owing to the loss, ^th^wheni mutilation or destruction, of the. record, of any deed or other instrument in' writing required by law to be recorded, is uncertain as to the genuine¬ ness of the instrument presented to be recorded, he is hereby authorized and required to administer air . oath to the person seeking to have said instrument re-recorded, as to its genuineness before re-record¬ ing the same, and' any person seeking to have any deeds or other instruments re-recorded who shall swear falsely as to any materil fact in the premises, shall be liale to indictment, and on conviction, shall suffer all the pains and penalties now annexed by law to the commission of the crime of perjury. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved December 8,1863/ "CHAPTER XXVI. AN ACT to encourage trie manufacture of Cotton and Wool Cards in this State. Section 1. Bo it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That each individual or company, who shall manufacture merchantable cot¬ ton and wool cards in this State, shall receive a bonus of five dollars for each and every pair so manufactured and sold to citizens of this State. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall continue and be in force for two years alter the first January next: Provided, That this bonus shall not exceed six hundred dollars a week to any" one person or company. * Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That said bonus shall-be paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, and the Governor is hereby authorized to issue his warrants for the same, on the certified account of sale of the manufacturers, accompanied by the receipt of the persons pur¬ chasing the same i Provided, That the cards shall 144 laws op mississippi. not be sold for more than twenty dollars per pair, .and to no persons but citizens of this State. Sec. 2, Be further enacted, That this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage. 'Approved December ,9, 1863. . CHAPTER XXVII. an ACT to ftrooure Cotton and Wool Cards for indigent fami¬ lies of soldiers and citizens pf this State. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of Appropria- ^ie State of Mississippi, That the sum of one ti on how hundred thousand dollars be and the same is hereby disposed 01* •> appropriated out of any money in the Treasury and the same is hereby "placed at the disposal of the Governor for the purpose of securing a sufficient supply of cotton and wool .cards for the families of soldiers and citizens of this State, and in all cases the families of soldiersMiall be first supplied at the prime cost of cards soTurnishecl, indigent families to be first supplied gratis, with one pair of cotton or*wool cards as they may elect* Soldiers whose families are able to purchase and pay for the cards shall be supplied in like manner on paymen^ thercior with ten per cent, additional to the prime cost of ,such cards as he, she or they may select; should there bo on hand auy number of -cards after -up- plying all the persons in qnv county contemplated by this act, it shall be the duty of the President of the Boards of Police of such county (0 advertize and sell such surplus at public action, first giving twenty-days notice by posting in each police dis¬ trict, and'no person shall be allowed to purchase by hipaself or any Other person for him . or her, more than three pair of each kind of cards, and no sale shall be made at less than twenty-five per cent, advance on prime cost, except to the indigent families of .eqidjergs, who may purchase one pair each for their own u^e at prime cost. SEC. 2. Be it further enacted, That the cotton Cards, how and • wool ca^ds that may be procured under the 18n Ue ' provisions of this act, shall be distributed by the laws op mississippi. 145 Governor to the Boards of Police „of the various bounties in proportion to the number of .indigent families in each county, to be delivered by> said boards to the wives, widows and mothers or orphan female children of indigent soldiers of this State or the Confederate States, so that each family shall have onp pair of cotton or wool cards, as they may elect. SeC. B. Be it further enacted, That the Governor governor is hereby ^authorized to contract with any responsi- co'u-act manufacturer of cotton or wool cards, or both, with sufficient bond .and security to deliver a suf¬ ficient number, or a specified part. thereof, to be named jn the bond, with sufficient penalties for failure to comply with his contract, or the Govern¬ or may purchase cotton to be exchanged or sold for the purchase of cards for the purposes contemplated by this act: Provided, the'agent or agents, appointed by the Governor for the purchase or exchange of cotton for cotton or wool cards, shall first take 'an oath for 'the faithful discharge.of the duties of his office, to be filed in the Executive Office, and shall also be required to give bond and security in the sum of twenty thousand dollars for. the faithful performance^ the trust reposed in him. Sec. 4. Be it furiher enacted, That it shall be the duty of the Board of Police tb pay over the re^Teated proceeds of the sale of cottoh and wool cards in iu cards' their several counties, within twenty days after the sale of such cards as may be sold in their county, and the money so paid into the Treasury may be reinvested as directed by this act, in purchase and distribution of cotton and wool cards until a suf¬ ficient supply of both is procured and distributed for the use of the citizens of this State. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved, December 9, 1863. 10—L 148 LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. CHAPTER XXVIII. AN ACT to encourage the manufacturing of Wine from the native grape. Section .1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That it shall be lawful for any citizen of this State, who may hereafter manu¬ facture wine from the native grape, to sell the same by the bottle or wholesale, without obtaining a lic'erise or being taxed for the same. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the first. section of this act shall not apply to persons who buy said wine to sell again. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That if any person shall under the provisions of this act, sell or at- adufteratfon tempt to sell any adulterated wine, in less quantities than" a gallon, such person shall suffer all the pains and penalties now provided by law for selling wines and spiritous liquors in less quantity than a gallon, besides forfeiting double the value of all adulter¬ ated liquor so sold or attempted to be sold, to be recovered'in a, court of competent jurisdiction, in the. name of any person informing, the, proceeds thereof to paid over to the County,Treasurer and to be used for the benefit of the indigent families of soldiers, residing in the couhty-where the suit is successfully prosecuted. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted. That this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved, December 9, 1863. CHAPTER XXIX. an act compelling Railroad Companies to be responsible for freight and baggage. Section I. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the Railroad Com¬ panies in this State shall be liable as common carries for the transportation of all freights and baggage. received by them, any obligation which may be entered into between said Railroad Com- LAWS OE MISSISSIPPI* 147 panics and otlier parties to the contfary notwith¬ standing. • , Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect and be in force frotn and after its passage. Approved, December 9, 1863. CHAPTER XXX. AN ACT to amend Article 32} Section 8, of the Revised Code. Section 1, Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That if any master, hirer, aiiowItf employer, or other person having control of a slave, trad«- shall license or permit such slave to go at large' and trade as a free man, the person so offending shall be liable to be indicted therefor, and on con¬ viction shall be fined in the sum of five hundred dollars and shall be imprisoned in the County jail Penalty, not more than sixty days, and if after conviction such slave be found going at large and trading as affreeman, the master," employer, or other person having control of such slave, shall be liable to a like prosecution and penalty, and so, after conviction as often as such slave shall be found going at large and trading, and the fact that such slave is found going at large, shall be sufficient -proof that the master, hirer, employer, or other person having' control of such slave, gave such license" or permis¬ sion. ' * ' Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That-no master, employer, oi; other person having control of a aifowedsnto slave, shall permit such slave to keep horses and or carriages vehicles, or. either, for the purpose of hiring them out, and if any master, employer, or other person having control of a slave, shall permit such slave to keep horses and vehicles, or either, for the .pur¬ pose above named, he shall be liable to indictment, and upon conviction he shall be fined in the sum of five hundred dollars and be imprisoned in the county jail for not more than sixty days, and the fact that such horses arid vehicles, or either, are 148 laws op mississippi. found under the control of such slave, shall be suf¬ ficient evidence of a violation of this section. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after the first day of January, 186 L Approved, December 8, 1863. CHAPTER XXXI. AN ACT to authorize the removal of the ReeDrds, Books and Papers belonging to any Court of Record, and for other par-' poses. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the- State of Mississippi, That in all cases in which there may be danger of the Joss or destruction of the records, books and papers pertaining to any Court of Record in this State, from *any invasion of the enemy, it shall be lawful for the clerk there¬ of, upon the direction of the court or any judge of the court, or in case of immediate threatening dan¬ ger, without such direction, to remove said records,, books and papers to some place of safety and secu; rity, either in the State^or out of it, where the same shall be taken care of by said clerk, until the dan¬ ger has ceased to exist • at which time it shall'be the duty of the clerk, upon the order or direction of the court or any judge thereof, to return said re¬ cords, books and papers to the proper office of the court to which they belong. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the Legis- Legaiizing lature hereby ratify, legalize and approve the sammrfLiv- conduct of Samuel Livingston, the clerk of the nig3t»n. High Court of Errors and Appeals, in removing in the month of May'last, the records, books and pa¬ pers belonging to the office of the clerk of the High Court of Errors and Appeals; and it is hereby made the duty of feaid Livingston to take care of and preserve said records, books and papers, until the same are returned to the proper office of the .clerk of the High Court of Errors and Appeals, which shall- be done on the ordey or direction of said court or any judge thereof. laws op mississippi. 149 Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That there shall apf*repria- be paid to the said Livingston the sum of two hun- tl0u' dred and five dollars, the money expended by him in removing said records, books and papers, and 'also the further sum of three hundred dollars for his laber and time in removing, the same, making together the sum of five hundred and five dollars, which shall be paid, out? of any money in the treas¬ ury not otherwise appropriated. . SeO. 4. Be it further enacted, That the sum of Sealtobe one hundred dollars is hereby appropriated put of made. ° e >any money in the treasury not otherwise appropri¬ ated to be used by the sai$ Samuel Livingston in having a new seal of office made .and engraved for said High Court of Errors and Appeals, which seal oT office shall be similar to that heretofore usqd, and until said new; seal (5f office is made, it shall be lawful for the clerk of said High Court of Er¬ rors and' Appeals to use his private seal, in issuing process and certifying the records of said court. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That all expenses which have been heretofore, or may be hereafter Boards of incurred, in removing the records, books and papers £ belonging to any court, shall be paid % the Boards movah* re of Police of the respective counties in which said courts are held, except expenses*incurred in.remov- ing the records &c. of the High Court, which shall be paid out of the money in the State Treasury, and it shall be the duty of the Auditor to issue Ids warrant for the same on the production by the clerk of an order of the High Court of Errors and Appeals allowing the same. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect frOm and after its passage. Approved December 9, 1863'. . CHAPTER XXXII.- an ACT to exempt County Treasurers from military duty. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature nf the State of Mississippi, Tlmt the County Treas¬ urers, Receivers and Reffistefs of the Land Offices, laws of mississippi. be and they are hereby exempted from military duty. Sec, 2. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved December 9, 1863. .CHAPTER XXXIII, AN ACT to regulate the pay of Registers and Receivers of the several Land .Offices of this State. Section 1. Beit enacted by the'Legislature of the State of Mississippi,. That the Registers and Receivers of the several Land Offices of this State shall be allowed the present salary now provided by law of five hundred dollars per annum and ten per cent, commissions on all monies received for lands sold in lieu of the percentages now pre¬ scribed : Provided, That said salary and commis¬ sions shall not exceed the sum of two thousand dollars a year, and that no fund shall be charged for the payment of said salary but that arising from the proceeds of the sales of lands at the re¬ spective offices where such compensation is claimed, and all acts in conflict with this are hereby repealed. Sec. 15. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after the first day of January, 1864'. Approved, December 9, 1863. CHAPTER XXXIV. AN ACT to provide for the exemption of certain officers from service in the Provisional Army of the Confederate State. « Whereas, An act of Congress, approved May 1st, 1863, entitled " An act to repeal certain clauses of nn*a.ct entitled an act to exempt certain persons "from military service, &c., approved 11th October, 1862," provides in section lour in addition to the State Officers exempted by the act of October 11th, 1862, there shall alsoJbe exempted all State Officers LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. 151 .whom the Governor of any State ,may claim to have exempted for the due administration of the "government and laws thereof: but this exemption shall not continue in any State after the adjourn¬ ment of "the next regular session of its Legislature, unless such Legislature shall by law exempt them from ipilitary duty in the Provisional Army of the Confederate States ; therefore, Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of Governor 'the State of Mississippi, That in addition to the ™^ede^~ State Officers now expressly exempted by tile laws are exempr. of the Conlederate States of America from military duty in the Provisional Army of the Confederate States, all officers whom the Governor ot this State may claim as necessary for the due administration of the government and laws thereof, including such clerks in the. various State Departments as are authorized by law, are also hereby exempted from . duty in the Provisional Army. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That when the right of exemption of any officer or clerk, provided Evidence for in* the above section is questioned by any Con- tionfxemp " federate officer authorized to enroll such persons as are liable to service in the Provisional Army of the Confederate States, the certificate of the Governor shall be sufficient evidence to said officer of his right to exemption. Sec. 3. Beit further enacted,. That it shall be the duty of the Secretary of Stale to forward without delay to the Secretary of War of the Confederate States a certified copy of this act, i also a copy to our Senators and Representatives in Congress. ' Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect from and after its passage. Approved December 9,1863. CHAPTER XXXV. AN ACT for the relief of the Mississippi State Troops cap¬ tured atVicksburg. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of Pay of. the State of Mississippi, That the Mississippi State 152 law3 of* mississippi. troops, captured at Vicksburg, be paid by the Stata of Mississippi to the twenty-first day of Septem¬ ber, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, that being the time-of their discharge,. the same pay as is al¬ lowed Confederate troops. Sec.. 2. Be it further enacted, That the Quar¬ termaster-General of the State is authorized and instructed to pay, or c^use to be paid, said .troops, agreeable to the provisions of the first section of this act. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the Quarter¬ master-General be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to audit, or cause to be audited, all in¬ formal claims for pay due the soldiers, and al,-such claims "when ascertained to be correct and just,, shall be paid pff by the Quartermaster-General in like manner as any other claim. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That this, act take effect from and after its passage. Approved December 9, 18"3. CHAPTER XXXVI. AN" ACT for the disposition of Aliens residing within the lim¬ its of the State of Mississippi. Whereas, during the war between the Confede¬ rate States and the United States, there has been, and di? now, a great number of aliens in this "State, who by reason of exemption papers received from consuls of the country of their nativity, claim that they are not compelled or required to do duty in the army of the Confederate States; and whereas, a large majority of such persons are carrying on an illegitimate trade with the enemy, and are ex¬ tortioning upon our people : Therefore, Sec. 1., Be it' enacted by the Legislature of the Aliens to State of Mississippi, That all aliens residing within ufforeSti8t ^6 limits of this State between the ages of eighteen March, 1804: and forty-five years, shall volunteer in the military service of the Confederate'States, on or before*the first day of March, 1864, or be compelled to leave this State, and all persons in military authority . laws op mississippi. 153 having power.to do so are hereby respectfully re¬ quested to grant passports to all aliens who refuse to volunteer in the'military service of the Confede¬ rate States, in conformity with the provisions of this act : Provided, however, that the provisions of this act shall not extend or be applied to any alien residing in this State now exempt or who may hereafter be exempted from military service in the army of the Confederate States, upon any other ground than that of alienage. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That all aliens under the age of eighteen and over the age of forty five years, shall be liable to do duty in the; militia m "ia u r' of this State, on the same terms and in the same manner that native born citizens of like age are. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the Governor of this- State be and he is hereby respectfully re¬ quested to issue his proclamation to all persons falling within the provisions .of this act requiring them to "vqlunteer in the military service of the Confederate States, or to leave this State as con¬ templated and required by the provisions ©f this hct. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect from and' after the first of March, 1864. Approved, December*8, 1863. CHAPTER XXXyil. 4 AN ACT amendatory of the Revenue Laws of this State. , Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That hereafter,, commencing with the fiscal year 1864, the following taxes shall be assessed and collected within this State, to-wit: Twenty cents on every one hundred dollars of money on hand and value of all credits; twenty cents on every one hundred dollars in value of all money loaned at interest by individuals, or em¬ ployed by them in the purchase of Confederate or other bonds, bills, notes or 'other securities for money, and a like tax on the amount of gross sales of go&ds, wares and merchandize,, foreign or do- 154 LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. essed° as" raes^c)so^ by regular merchant3 : Provided, noth- esse ' irig in this article- shall be so construed as to exempt merchants who may purchase goods in this State, from the payment of such county tax as may Amount of be legally assessed for county purposes ; forty cents on every one hundred dollars in value of all bank stocks subscribed in anv incorporated banh in this State, not exempted from taxation, to be assessed to such bank ; one per cent, on every one hundred dollars of amount of sales of merchandize, provisions and other articles of food for man or beast, sold by transient vendors ; one per- cent, "on all sales of goods, wares and merchandize sold by resident auctioneers who are citizens of this State, sent to said auctioneers from out of this State; three- fourths of one per cent, on sale of goods, wares and merchandize, by resident auctioneers who. are citizens of this State, sent to said auctioneers from within this State, belonging to citizens of this State, three per cent, on the amount of sales of merchandize sold by a hawker or pedlars; ten per cent, on amount of sales of spirftous or distilled liquors, sold by the gallon1 or large quantities; fifty cents on, every -one hundred dollars of sales of slaves, horses and mules, sold by any trader or other person keeping and offering the same as merchandize ; two per cent, on amount of bank paper of any other State sent or brought into this State, by any corporation issuing the same, ' for the purpose of being loaned or put m circula¬ tion by way of loan or brokerage, or in the' pur¬ chase of bonds, notes, *or bills of exchange ; on each circus for each days performance, twenty-five dollars ; one per cent, on every one hundred dol¬ lars in value of each pleasure carriage, watch or clock, except such as are kept fo.r sale By merchants or citizens ; fifty dollars on each alley hept for public play, whether called a nine or ten pin alley or by any other name; twenty-five dollars on each theatre or place where theatrical performances are exhibited; twenty-five dollars on each race track ; three cents per head on all cattle ; one per cent, on every one hundred dollars in'value of each race, saddle or carriage horse or mule, and each horse or mule kept by keepers of livery stables foi* hire ; laws op mississippi. 155 one per cent, on each one hundred dollars in value *of all gold and silver plate, diamonds and jewelry over fifty dollars in value ; fifty cents on every one hundred dollars in value of each piano ; fifty cents on every one hundred dollars of the anhual re¬ ceipts of each ferry, toll bridge or turnpike ; a poll tax of five-dollars on Overy free colored male per¬ son between the ages of twenty-one and fifty years; one dollar on »each free white male person between the ages of twenty-one and sixty years, who is not engaged in the naval or military service of the State or Confederate States; twenty cents on every one hundred dollars in' value oi all slaves to be valued as follows : all slaves under fifteen years old to be valued and assessed at 1250 each, all male slaves fifteen years old and under forty-five years to be valued and assessed at $10< 0 each, all female slaves fifteen years old and under forty-fivd to be valued and- assessed at. $700 each, all slaves forty-five years and under sixty years,- $250 each, all" slaves sixty years old and over that age shall be exempt from taxation ; twenty cents on every one hundred dollars of railroad stock not exempt from taxation and which pays three per cent, per annum ; five cents a pound on allseed cotton raised hereafter over one bale of five hundred pounds of lint, to each hand employed in its cultivation, shall be levied and collected under this act during the existence of the war. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That it shall be Me#hani the duty of the tax assessors in the several counties when to be in this State to require^ of each and every person taxed" who has claimed exemption under the act of Con¬ gress authorizing exemptions of certain persons from conscription upon condition, they shall work at their trades and charge not exceeding seveiity-five per cent, profit above the oost of labor and material used in producing the articles of their trades to give in on oath the amount of money received by him or them over and above the seventy-five per cent, allowed by law, and on such excess he shall assess a tax of fifty per cent, to be collected as other taxes are now collected by law. Approved December 9, 1863. 156 laws op mississippi. CHAPTER XXXYIII. AN ACT to provide for the punisbmeqt of parties falsely re¬ presenting themselves as government agents. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, 'That any person or as¬ sociation'of persons within the limits of this State, falsely representing himself or themselves as agent or agents of the Government of the Confederate States, or of any State of said Confederate States, or of any Quartermaster or commissioned officer of the Confederate States, or of any State thereof, for the purchase of any article or articles whatsoever, ,shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than five hundred nor more than five thousand dollars, or '.imprisoned in the county jail not less than three months nor more than one year, or both, at the discretion of the Court trying the same. " Approved Dec. 8, 1863. CHAPTER XXXIX. « AN ACT to punish parties making illegal seizures and im¬ pressments in this State. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of Persons the State of Mississippi, That any person who shall ofhiarcen^y falsely represent or pretend, that he has lawful au¬ thority as an agent or officer of the State or Con¬ federate States Government or authorities, to seize and impress any personal property, and in such assumed character .shall take or receive any such property, shall be held guilty of larceny, and' upon convictipn, "fie punished in the same manner and to the same extent as for feloniously stealing the pro* perty so taken or received. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That any person who shall wilfully and without a bona fide claim of ownership, take possession of any personal pro¬ perty of another, and convert the same to his own use,'or otherwise dispose of the same, without con- laws of mississippi. 157 sent of tlie owirer and without lawful authority, and when such taking is not by the existing law or by section one of this act declared to be robbery or larceny, shall be held* guilty of larceny, and on eonviption ■ shall be punished in the same manner and to the same extent as for feloniously stealing the property so taken. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That apy person having lawful authority as an agent of the State When guil_ or Confederate States Government or authorities, tyofmisde- to make seizures and impressments under the im- topping! pressment laws of such Government or authorities, who shall seize and impress any property or goods, exempt from seizure and impressment by said laws, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con¬ viction .shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail, at the discretion of the Court, and fined in a sum double the value of the" property seized or impressed, to be paid to the use •of the party to whom it belonged. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That any person. 0fficer lawfully authorized to make any seizure or "impress- give copy of ment under and by virtue of the impressment Jaws C0mmibS1011 of the State or the Confederate States, shall before making any sefture or impressment of any proper¬ ty, give to the party in possession of the property he wishes to impress or seize, or to his agent or attorney, the true name and official rank or office, in writing, of him, the said person about to make such seizure and impressment, and. shall ajso give to such person, his agent or attorney, a copy, in writing, of the ordor, commission or authority by which he is empowered or directed to make,such seizure or impressment; and if any seizur.e or im¬ pressment is made without the true name and offi¬ cial rank or office, and a copy of the authority in, writing being so given, the party making such sei¬ zure or impressment shall be guilty of a misde¬ meanor, and on conviction shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail, at the'discretion of the Court, and fined in the sum of one hundred dollars for each offence. , Sec. 5. Be it farther enacted, That any person Property lawfully empowered to make any seizure or impress- how paid ment shall, before taking away Or removing the or" 158 LAWS OP MISSISSIPPI. property seized or impressed, pay to the party whose property is seized or impressed, the compen¬ sation he is by law entitled- to demand according to ,the provisions of the impressment law under which the property is seized or impressed, which compensation shall be paid in notes or bonds of the Confederate States, or in notes issued by the State of Mississippi, or if the person making such sei¬ zure pr impressment is not in possession of funds sufficient to make such payment at the time, then in lieu thereof, he shall* deliver to the party, his agent or attorney whose property is seized and im¬ pressed, a certificate of such seizure and impress¬ ment, in such legal form as will enable the party on presenting the same to any officer or agent em¬ powered by law to make payment for goods seized and impressed, to obtain payment of the same, and any person! making any seizure or impressment without complying with the provisions of this sec¬ tion shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on con¬ viction shall be imprisoned at the discretion of the Court, and fined in the sum of one hundred dollars for each offence. , Sec. 6. Be it farther enacted, That it shall be 'the duty of the sheriff, when a warrant to arrest sheriff wh'n any offender under this act is placed in ■his hands, to summon . J e „ . . , r • v j j posse eomi- in case of any forcible resistance, or apprehended tatus. danger bf resistance thereto, forthwith to summon as a.posse comitatus, as many men of the county as .may be necessary to aid in executing the pro¬ cess, and if the resistance made overpower the civil authorities, it shall be the-duty of the sheriff to1 make the fact immediately known to the Gover¬ nor, who, shall thereupon send to the aid of Ihe sheriff guch military force of the State as may be necessary to enforce the execution of the process, and to maintain the law. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, *That this act shall take effect from and after its passage. Approved, December 7, 18(53. laws of mississippi* 159 CHAPTER XL. AN ACT to amend an act entitled " An act to aid in strength- ing the Army of the Confederate States." Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the words "Be it further enacted," in section number two of the above recited act be so amended as to read, Be it enacted* by the Legislature of the State of Missis¬ sippi, and that the sections be numbered from one to .eight inclusive, instead of from two to nine as at present, and that this act take effect from and after its passage. Approved, December 5,1863. CHAPTER XLI. AN ACT to amend the law relative to suing'out the writ of ■" Habeas Corpus." Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That hereafter when any person shall be detained in custody and shall by" Habeas cor- affidavit of himself or other credible person, make *ed out.w su* oath that he is desirous to sue out the writ of habeas corpus, and is apprehensive that he will be removed beyond the limits of the State before the same can be obtained, it, shall be the duty of the sheriff or other officer, into whose hands such affi¬ davit may bo placed, forthwith to give notice thereof to the party holding the prisoner in, cus¬ tody and leave with him a copy, of the affidavit, it shall be unlawful to remove the party so detained in custody out of the county where he may then be until after the expiration of five days from the notice so given of the affidavit. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That if the party penalty for so detained in custody be removed out of the app^*1,^ county where he may be, when notice of said affi- for writ, davit is given within five days after the giving of such notice, the party so removing him shall be liable to the same pains and penalties "as if he laws' op mississippi. should remove him after service of a writ ofiiabeas corpus. Sec. 3. Be it further enactbd, That instead of a mandate to a clerk to issue the writ of habeas cor¬ pus, as directed in the fourth section of the act to which this an amendment, it shall be the duty of1 the Judge granting the same forthwith to issue the writ directed and returned as provided in the first section of said act, to w'hich writ the private seal of said Judge shall be affixed- ' Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That this act.be in full force and effect from its-passage. Approved December 5, 1863. CHAPTER XLII. AN ACT to enable the Railroad Companies of this State to pay the monies borrowed by them. Section 1. Be it enacted,by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the Railroad Com¬ panies in this State be and they are hereby author¬ ized to pay into the Treasury the sums of money by them respectively borrowed: Provided, That . . i J J -J. , V 1 > c n • appointed, agent to manage and direct .the making of salt in duty of. this State or elsewhere, and to distribute the same as hereinafter provided, who shall render an account to the Governor quarterly (or oftener if required) of all his transactions? and before entering upon the duties of his office, give bond in the sum of' $60,000, payable to the State of Mississippi, with two good securities, to be approved of by the Gover¬ nor, conditioned well and truly to perform the duties of his office and to account for all money or salt which may come into his hands, and shall take and endorse on said bond an oath well and "duly to perform the duties of his office, and shall file said bond with the Auditor of Public Accounts. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the general salt agent shall have power to appoint, subject to the approval of the Governor, one or more suitable appointed, and skillful manufacturers, who shall before enter- tiuty ofi ing upon the duties of his office, execute bond with two good securities, in 4he sum of*$60,000, payable to the State Of Mississippi*, to be approved by the Governor, conditioned faithfully to discharge the duties of his office and to account for all money, salt, or other articles which may come into his hands, and shall also make and endorse oil said bond an oath faithfully to discharge the duties of his office, and shall file said bond with the Auditor of Publjc Accounts, and he shall superintend in per- 164 LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. son the erection or procurement of buildings, machinery and work necessary for making salt and keep the same in, operation, and shall keep a strict account of all receipts and expenditures made by him, and shall monthly render a detailed account of the same to the general salt agent, together with the quantity of salt made and delivered, and he shall have full power to employ all necessary labor and assistants and to purchase teams, wagons ahd such other things as he may consider necessary and proper. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the general salt agent shall establish a general salt depot for o«»eraiD«- the State, to which he shall cause all salt manu- ***" factured to be transported and from which he shall distribute the same as hereinafter provided. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the Probate Clerks of the several counties shall on the first of psufers'h'vr January next and annually thereafter during the furnished, war or as speedily thereafter as possible, procure and furnish to the Auditor of Public Accounts, additional rolls of all soldiers who have been or may hereafter be mustered into the service of the Confederate States or State of Mississippi, and also the*number of persqnS dependent upon each of ^-aid soldiers who need assistance, whether such depen¬ dents are disabled soldiers or the wife or children or near relative of said soldier, who have been heretofore assisted or supported by them, and the Auditor when required shall furnish the said gone- Sait how r&l salt agent a copy of said roll, and the Board of dwtcibu'ed. p0]{ce may or^er a requisition on the general salt agent for their prorata share of salt according to the number of soldiers and persons dependent on them from each county as aforesaid, which requi¬ sition shall be recorded on their minutes, a copy of which, under the seal of ^aid court, shall be pre¬ sented by an agent duly appointed by them to tho general salt agent who shall fill the same upon its deliyery to him, with salt at cost, including trans¬ portation to the general salt depot. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That the salt so To who™ procured'shall be by the President of the Boards tri&t«Ldls" P°^ce or an agent duly appointed by. them, sold at cost, (including the' cost of transportation from laws op mississippi. 165 the general salt depot) first to the families of soldiers, who have been or may hereafter be mus¬ tered into the service of the Confederate States or State of Mississippi, according to the number of persons dependent upon each of said soldiers who need assistance, whether such dependent person are disabled or deceased soldiers, or the wives or chil- ' dren or near relatives of said soldiers, who have been heretofore assisted or supported by them, except the families of deserters and those who har¬ bor and feed deserters : Provided, That no one shall be considered a deserter in contemplation of this act unless he persistently and obstinately refuses to return to his command within a reasona¬ ble time: And provided, his family shall, fiiake every honorable effort to induce his retur^tq the service of his country, then .such family shall be entitled to the benefits of this act, and said Presir dent or agent may require affidavits filed or proof made of the number of needy or dependent per¬ sons on each of said soldiers, and shall in*no case furnish to any family more than one,year's supply, or suffer the same to be sold for speculation or re-sale, and after supplying said needy or dependent persons, shall sell tne remainder to the most needy persons in their Counties at cost. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, Th'at if any of the Boards of PoHce of the different counties shall Agea.ts fail or refuse, because of the presence or proximity ahenoin^d of the enemy, to call for or demand their prorata by sovenvr share of salt, as hereinafter provided for, it shall be the duty of the Governor, and lie is hereby author¬ ized to appoint one or more agents in each of said counties, being residents thereof, who shall do and perform all the duties required by this act to be done by the Boards of Police : Provided, That such agent or agents, before entering upon, the duties of his office, shall give bond, with two good and sufficient securities, in the sum of $10,000, payable to the State of Mississippi, and conditioned, well and faithfully to perform all the duties of his office, said bond to be approved by the Governor. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That the general salt agent be and ho is hereby authorized and directed to settle and close up all the unsettled laws of mississippi. accounts with the salt agents heretofore appointed under the provisions of this act, to which this act is amendatory, by suit or otherwise, and to make a detailed account of the same to the Governor at his ^earliest convenience, and to pay over whatever money he may receive' therefrom into the Treasury, aftd to collect all salt they may ha#e on hand be¬ longing to the State ; the cost of such settlement by suit or otherwise, to becofid Judicial District of Mississippi; and whereas, the State Treasurer has certified that said warrant has not been paid ; and whereas, it is satisfactorily shown that said warrant is lost by said McMillan : Therefore, Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the auditor of pub¬ lic accounts is hereby required to issue to said Mc-. Millan another warrant in place of the above described, and it shall^be lawful only for the trea¬ surer to pay the warrant last issued. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act • shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved November 18, 1863. LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. CHAPTER LII. AN" ACT to remove the eivil (inabilities of Josiah H, Askew, a minor. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the civil disabilities of' Josiah H. Askew, a minor, of Lowndes county, be removed, so far as to enable him to make a last will and testament. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect from and after its passage. Approved, November 18, 1863. CHAPTER LIII. AN ACT to remove the civil disabilities of Adolphus H. Ware, a minor. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the civil/ disabilities of Adolphus H. Ware, a minor, of Madison county, be removed, and that he have all the rights, privil¬ eges and immunities as though he was twenty-one* years of age, except the right of suffrage. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect from and after its passage. Approved, November 19, 1863. CHAPTER LIY. AN ACT to authorize the'Board of Police of thq county of Ita¬ wamba, to make an appropriation o«t of the County Trea¬ sury to pay th3 tax assessor for taking the number of child¬ ren between the ages of six and eighteen years, in order to an equal dividend of that port on of the school fund appro¬ priated to be laid out annually, for the use of common schools. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature, of the State of Mississippi, That from and after the passage of this aot, it shall and may be lawful for the board of police of the county of Itawamba to make an appropriation out of any pioney in the laws of mississippi. treasury not otherwise appropriated, of a sum not exceeding two hundred dollars, for the purpose of paying the tax assessor of said county for extra services in numbering and making out a schedule of the number of all the children in said county, between the ages of six and eighteen years. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the assessor hereafter to take the cen¬ sus of the children of said county once in four, years. Approved, November 14, 1863. CHAPTER LY. AN ACT to remove the civil disabilities of Thomas M. Smedes. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the civil disabilities of Thomas M. Smedes, a minor under the age of twenty one- years, be and the same are hereby re¬ moved, and all the rights, powers and privileges of an adult of the age of twenty-one years, be and they are hereby conferred upon the said Thomas M. Smedes, except the right of suffrage. ' Sec. 2. Be further enacted, That this act take effect from and after its passage. Approved, November 21, 1863. CHAPTER LYI. AN ACT to provide for the relief of destitute families of Yazoo county. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of ' the State of Mississippi, That the Board of Police of Yazoo county be and are hereby authorized and required to borrow op raise by issuance of scrip, a sum of money not exceeding fifty thousand dollars for the relief of indigent families of soldiers who are or have been in the army ; the said fund to be distributed according to the provisions of an act laws op mississippi. entitled an act better to,provide for families of soldiers in our army, approved January 3, 1863. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That such an amount of said fund as may .be ^required for the support of other indigent persons, shall be used for that purpose subject to the discretion of the said Board of Police. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That for the re¬ payment of said loan or redemption of said scrip, the said Board of Police is hereby authorized tg levy a tax sufficient for the purpose. Sec. 4. Be it-further enacted, That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved November 14, 1863. CHAPTER LVII. AN ACT to amend an act entitled "An act to incorporate tbe Mississippi Manufacturing Company," approved April 11, 1852. Section- 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of State of Mississippi, That the capital stock of the Mississippi Manufacturing Company may be in¬ creased to the sum of five hundred thousand dollars, and that the said company may locate and carry on their business or any. part thereof in any county or counties in this State. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its' passage. Approved, November 14, 1863- CHAPTER LYIIL AN ACT to pay Clerks, ^Inspectors and Returning Officers of elections of Hancock, Lauderdale and Newton counties, and increase the per diem of the members of the Boards of Police. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That hereafter the Clerks, Inspectors and Returning Officers of elections of LAWS OP MISSISSIPPI. Hancock, Lauderdale and Newton counties, shall receive two dollars per day for each day occupied as such. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That each member of the Boards of Police shall receive three dollars per diem for each day occupied in the discharge of , his duties, instead of one dollar and fifty cents as now by law. Sec. 3.. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved December 1, 1863. CHAPTER JJX. an act to be entitled an act to remove the civil disabilities of William W. Brooks, a minor. •Section 1. Beit enacted by-the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the civil disabilities of William W. Brooks, a minor of Monroe county, be and they are hereby removed, and that the said William W. Brooks shall have the right and power of contracting and being contracted with, of sueing and being sued, and of having and enjoying all the privileges that he would have if he were twenty- one years of age, except the right of suffrage, and , that he shall be liable to all such forfeitures and penalties as he would be liable to if twenty-one years old. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect from and after its passage. Approved November 14, 1863. . CHAPTER LX. AN ACT to authorize the Speaker of the House of Repre¬ sentatives and President of the Senate to appoint Messengers between the two bodies. Section L Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That during the time the Legislature shall.be in session in the city of Colum- LAWS OP MISSISSIPPI. 175 bus, the Speaker of the House of Representatives and President of the Senate, shall have power to appoint each a suitable person to be styled a mes¬ senger between the two houses, whose duty it shall be to carry all messages and perform such other duties as the Clerk of the House and Secretary of .the Senate may designate, and shall receive each during the time so employed, four dollars per day • upon the certificate of the presiding officer of each body, countersigned by the Clerk and Secretary, upon the Auditor. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved November 4, 1863. CHAPTER LXI. AN ACT to incorporate tlie Southern College of Medicine and Surgery. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That "William D. Lyles, J. T. Gilmore, J. M. Rodgers.S. Y. D. Hill, Sid¬ ney P. Kenedy, William L. Lipscomb, James M. Borders, John F. Kenedy, Robert E, Lanier, R. E. .Mathev s, George M. Smith, F. M. McCabe, Thomas Mays, John L. Tindall, jr., J. G. Carroll and C. P. Montgomery, their associates and successors, be and they are hereby constituted a body politic and 'corporate, under the name and style of the Southern y°^orpora" College, of Medicine and Surgery, and by that name may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, in any court of law or equity in this State. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That said Southern College of Medicine and Surgery may be located where Jo¬ in any county of this State which may be designated cated* by the Board of Trustees hereinafter provided for, and may hold such real, personal, or mixed-estate, as may be necessary to conduct the business'and accomplish the object of this charter, which is hereby declared to be the giving of instruction in the science or practice of medicine and surgery and kindred subjects. 176 laws op mississippi. Sec., 3. Be it further enacted, That said South¬ ern College of Medicine and Surgery may receive, hold or dispose of, and occupy any real, personal or mixed estate which may be donated to it. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That said South- Power to ern College of Medicine and Surgery, shall have confer 'de- power to confer honorary degrees in medicine and srees' surgery upon such persons as the Board of Trus¬ tees may think proper. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That the corpora¬ tors named in the first section of this act or any seven of them, shall have power to appoint nine of Trustees, who shall have the management, direction and control of the Institution, its property and effects, in which said Board of Trustees may ap¬ point Professors and such other officers as they may think proper, and ttiay make, alter and abolis^ any or all needful by-laws, rules and regulations for the management of said Institution, or its property as they may deem best: Provided, The same are not contrary to the Constitution of this State or the Confederate States. Sec. 6. Be it further .enacted, That said Board of Trustees shall have power to fill vacancies in vacancies, their numbers, and that the property of said Insti¬ tution shall be exempt from taxation. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved, November 28, 1863. CHAPTER LXII. AN ACT to incorporate the Alabama and Mississippi Rivers Railroad Company. "Whereas, The General Assembly of the State of Alabama, by an act thereof, entitled " An act to incorporate the Alabama and Mississippi Rivers Railroad Company," approved 7th February, 1850, and by a furtheract thereof to amend the last named act, approved February 4th, 1852, did incorporate a company with power and authority to construct LAWS OP MISSISSIPPI. 177 and operate a railroad from the town of Selma, on the Alabama river, in said State, and to the line of the State of Mississippi, in any direction they might think proper ; and whereas, by virtue of said acts of incorporation said company has a'ready constructed and has now in operation a railroad from said town (now city) of Selma, in the direc¬ tion of the town of Meridian, in this State, to a point not far removed from the line between this State and the State of Alabama, and is desirous ♦further to extend its railroad to the said town of Meridian, so as to form a perfect connection at that place with the railroad terminating at or passing that point; and whereas, such connecction will be beneficial to the interests of the railroads and the citizens of this State ; therefore, Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the Railroad Com¬ pany incorporated by the State of Alabama by the name of the Alabama and Mississippi Rivers R^il- Act of in¬ road Company, shall be and the same is hereby •orP°ralcu- . •declared and made a body politic and corporate, by the name and style aforesaid, or by any such name and style as shall hereafter at any time be- 'conferred on said company by the General Assem¬ bly of Alabama, with full power and authority to extend, construct and operate their railroad with a single, double or treble track, from the line between this State .and the State of Alabama, to the town of Meridian, and to form at the last named point, the most convenient and suitable connection with other railroads terminating or passing there, and. that for the purposes aforesaid said company shall have power to enter upon and condemn the lands; ,of individuals bodies politic and corporate : Pro>- vided, That whenever in the location and co-a% structioh of their railroad, it ghall be deemed by said company necessary to cross, run parallel to ' jnterseet'Vay other road or way of any kirn' j obstruc'ion shall be thof d,aty of said company so to canr °.r of roads, their road as'not to impede, th^ passage ' ^ .cst.ablMied road or way. '' ' struct hum Be it further ena'dpyl, Thai f suC"- poses before mentioned thcgsaid cAtgr and are hereby invested with like or the pur- PrWileRes 12 j." \4,any shall be grauted. ' powers, privi- LAWS OP MISSISSIPPI. leges and franchises, and subject to like restrictions, duties and liabilities (mutatis mutandis) as have been granted and imposed by act of incorporation and other acts of the Legislature of this State to and on the Southern Railroad Company, so far as the same are applicable. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, This act shall be in force from its passage. Approved December 5,1863. CHAPTER LXHI. AN ACTiVo remove the civil disabilities of Walter McDongal, a minor. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the civil disabilities of Walter McDougal, a minor, of Claiborne county, Mississippi, be removed, and that he be entitled to all the rights and privileges and immunities as though he was twenty-one years of age, except the right of suffrage. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved, November 5, 1S63. CHAPTER LSIY. an act to increase the salary of the Governor of this State. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the salary of the Governor be increased fifty per cent, on the salary now allowed by law, and that this act remain and be in force until twelve months after a treaty of peace between the United States and the Confede¬ rate States of America. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved, November 14, 18b3. LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. 179 CHAPTER LXV. AH ACT for the relief of the Fir»t Battalion MissUsippi State troops, eommanded by Maj. Harper. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the sum of twenty- five thousand dollars (or as much thereof as may be necessary) be and the same is hereby appropri¬ ated out of any money in the Treasury not other- Appropria- wise appropriated to pay the first battalion of tioa- Mississippi State troops for services actually ren¬ dered in the military department of the State. Sec. 2. Be it lurther enacted, That it shall be the duty of the Quartermaster General to pay on the presentation of the company muster rolls of the How p«id. companies composing said battalion when presented by the commanding officer of said companies, ap¬ proved by Major Harper, to said company com¬ manding officer, the amount as shown by said muster rolls to be due, who shall proceed to pay off said troops, company by company, but no party shall receive pay for a longer period than he was actually in service. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the several company commanding officers to observe all the rules in the army regula- Rnleg t0 fc0 tions of the Confederate States in making out said observed, pay-rolls, except those which require troops to be called together and mustered by an officer author¬ ized to muster troops for pay before being entitled to receive the same. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That in the ab¬ sence or refusal of any of said company command¬ ing officers to act as required by this act, it shall be lawful for any ore of the Lieutenants of said companies to make out said pay-rolls and discharge all the duties imposed by this act upon the said company commanding officers. Sec. ft. Be it furl her enacted, That in case the forms and rule* of army regulations and articles of war cannot be complied with as provided for in the payment of troops in active service, then and in that event the claims of the troops composing said bat- C!aitr.s- talion shall be examined and passed upon and paid as provided in an act of the present session of the 180 LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. Legislature for tbe examination and settlement of' informal claims against the military department of the State arising under any resolution or law of the same. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved December 9, 1803. CHAPTER LXYI. AN ACT for tbe relief of James Reedy, Sheriff and Tax Col¬ lector of Ho'mes county. \Chep.eas, It is represented to the Legislature that James Reedy collected the Military Relief Tax due by Holmes county for the year 1862, amount¬ ing to $9,962 66 and paid the same to the County Treasurer of said county under the act approved December 16th, 1861, instead of paying it into the State Treasury, as required by the act approved January 3d, 1863, which sum lias been mostly ex¬ pended among the destitute soldiers' families of said county by their Board of Police ; therefore, Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the sum of sixty per cent, on the State tax to be called the special military Taxes to be re^e^ tax, be levied and collected by the "Tax leVieii. Collector of said county for the fiscal year of 1S63, and that said Tax Collector be required to pay into the State Treasury the sum of $9,962 66 at the same time that he pay the other State taxes for 1863, and that he be allowed commissions for col¬ lecting the same. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That when said sum is paid into the State Treasury it shall be dis- bms9d.dis"" Pursed in the same manner as the other military relief tax for 1862 was disbursed, and shall dis¬ charge the s;tid Reedy from any further liability or damages for not paying over said sum as required by the act approved 3d January, 1863. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That should the CO per cent, on the State exceed the above framed sum, that the excess shall be paid into the County laws or Mississippi. 'Treasury to he disbursed by the Board of Police :among the poor of said county. Sec, 4. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect and be in force from the first of January next. Approved, December 8, 1863. CHAPTER LXVTI. AN ACT making certain appropriations for the Stata Institute for the Blind. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That there be and is here¬ by appropriated to the State Institute for the Blind, the sum of two thousand dollars, to be used in re¬ pairing the buildings of the Institute at Jackson, •in purchasing necessary articles of furniture, and defraying the expenses of removing the Superin¬ tendent and pupils from Monticello to Jackson, for which sum the auditor is directed to issue his warrant on the treasury, payable to the trustees, taking a receipt of the trustees, or one of them, for the same. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the sum -of eight thousand dollars, instead of six thousand dollars, is hereby annually appropriated for the support and maintenance of "the State Institute for the Blind, to be paid at the same time to the same persons, and disbursed in the same manner now {required by law. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved December 5, 1863. CHAPTER LXVIIL AN ACT to amend tbe law in relation to the Institution for the Deaf and Dumb. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of /the State of Mississippi, That the trustees of the 182 LAWS OP MISSISSIPPI. Mississippi Institute for the Deaf and Dumb, be and they are hereby empowered to place the deaf and dumb orphans now in their charge, and such others in the State as are similarly situated, in some suitable institute for the deaf and dumb, in or out of the State, until the trustees of the Insti- TruflU/s of ^u^on ^or the Deaf and Dumb, properly fit up and organize the same for the reception of scholars. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the annual appropriation of seven thousand dollars as now provided by law, when drawn by said trustees, shall be used by them for the purpose of maintain¬ ing and educating the children referred to in the first section, and any balance that may remain shall be used by the trustees under the direction of the Governor, for the repairs of the building and such other repairs as may be deemed necessary on the premises belonging to the Institution for the Deaf and Dumb. Sec 3. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect from and after its passage. Approved, December 7, 1863. CHAPTER LXIX. AN ACT to be entitled " an act relative to the establishment of a temporary Penitentiary." Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the Superintendent of the Penitentiary, by and with the consent and approval of the Governor, be and he is hereby au¬ thorized and empowered and directed to select some suitable building in this State, at a point as secure from danger of invasion by the enemy, as the same can be obtained, to be used temporarily for the purpose of a State Penitentiary, until suitable buildings for the Penitentiary can be hereafter erected by the State. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That said build¬ ing shall, as speedily as possible be prepared in a suitable manner for the reception of parties con¬ victed and sentenced to the Penitentiary, and for LAWS OP MISSISSIPPI. 183 defraying the expenses thereof, there is hereby ap¬ propriated th.e sum of fifty thousand dollars, out of App ropria- any money in the treasury not otherwise appro- ti0B* priated, to be paid to the Governor on his requisi¬ tion on the auditor, who shall issue a warrant or warrants to him accordingly. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That all parties who are now or who hereafter may be convicted and sentenced to the Penitentiary, shall be con¬ fined insaid building, which is hereby declared to be the Penitentiary of the State for the legal term of their sentence, and all laws, rules and regulations now in force relative to the Penitentiary are here¬ by continued in force and applied to the said tem¬ porary Penitentiary, in the same manner and to Temporary' the same extent as they applied to the Penitentiary PoniteDti#'j: at Jackson, so far as the same can be made to apply. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That as soon as the said temporary Penitentiary is ready for the reception of convicts, the same shall be made known by proclamation oft the Governor, and im¬ mediately thereupon all parties sentenced to con- finenflent in the Penitentiary shall 'be removed thereto. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That in case of imminent and threatening danger of the place, where said temporary Penitentiary is situated, be¬ ing invaded by the enemy, the Superintendent of the Penitentiary by and with the consent of the Governor, shall remove the convicts therein to some place of safety, and secure and employ them, conr?JZ»; °f when so removed, in the manner most conducive to the interests of the State. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That the Super¬ intendent of the Penitentiary may, at any time, by and with the consent and approval of the Gover- Bm ]o m,t nor, employ any of the convicts in said Peniten- ofCoimcts.- tiary, in or upon any of the State works carried on, in or out of the State, the public works or any military works being conducted in the State by the authorities thereof, or by the Confederate authori¬ ties. Sec. 7. Be it further ^enacted, That as soon as th3 said temporary Penitentiary is in readiness to 184 laws op mississippi. receive convicts, it shall be the duty of the Super¬ intendent to bring back those confined in the State of Alabama, and confine them in the Penitentiary in this State. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect from and after its passage. Approved December 5, 1863. CHAPTER LXX. AIT ACT to authorize the Judge of the Probate Court of Lowndes county to appoint a reeeiver for the absent legatees of Dr. Samuel B. Malone. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, Thattthe Probate Judge of Lowndes county be and he is hereby authorized to appoint some suitable person to receive and take charge of the distributive share of the absent le¬ gatees, non-residents of vthe State of Mississippi, in the estate of the late Dr. Samuel B. Malone. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the person so appointed as receiver of said distributive share, shall enter into bond in said Court in double the amount of the value of said distributive share, and shall be allowed a commission of two per cent, upon the valne of the share received by him as his compensation. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That this act take, effect and be in force from and after its pas¬ sage. . Approved Dec. 9, 1863. CHAPTER LXXI. AN ACT t© amend an a«t entitled "An act to amend the1 Charters of tbe Co'trnobus Life and General Insurance Com¬ pany, and the Mississippi Mutual Insurance Company,'' approved January 25th, 1862. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the Columbus Life and General Insurance Company, and the Missis- LAWS OP lilSStSSJPPI. sippi Mutual Insurance Company, be and they are hereby authorized to issue and put in circulation an amount not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars, in notes or change bills of a less denomi¬ nation than one dollar, redeemable on presentation in sums of five dollars in Confederate Treasury notes : Provided, That in so doing and at the same time, they shall take up and retire from circulation, the same, or so much of the amount of their pres¬ ent issues as they shall emit under and by virtue of this act. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That an exces¬ sive issue under this act or a failure to comply with the terms of such notes or change bills, shall work a forfeiture of the charters of said companies, and also render them liable to all the existing penalties for over-issuing or non-redemption, as set forth in the act to which this is an amendment. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its passage. Approved, December 9, 1863. CHAPTER lxxii. AN ACT for the relief of William Beachuta, of Itawamba county, and for other purposes. Whereas, William Beach*um, former Sheriff of Itawamba county, is h,eld responsible by the County Treasurer of Itawamba county, for the sum of six hundred and forty dollars for bills of costs in favor of the State, issued from the Circuit Court of Itawamba county against sundry persons; therefore, Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the said Treasurer of Itawamba county, be and is hereby required to give William Beachum, former Sheriff of Itawamba county, credit for the sum of six hundred and forty dollars. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the said County Treasurer of Itawamba County, be and is hereby discharged from any liabilities to the 186 LAWS OP MISSISSIPPI. State for the above sum of six hundred and forty dollars, in section one of this act. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That this act be in force from and after its passage. Approved, December 9,1863. CHAPTER LXXni. AN ACT to aid in supplying the loss of the resords and papers in the Circuit and Chanceiy Courts of Chiekaaaw County, and for other purposes. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That in all cases where any cause may have been prosecuted to an interlocu¬ tory or final decree or a judgment in the Circuit or Chancery Court of Chickasaw county, in this State, and the said cause shall have been according to law removed by writ of error or otherwise, to the High Court of Errors and Appeals of this State, it shall and may be lawful for any party to said cause, their agent or attorney, to apply to the clerk of the High Court of Errors and Appeals, for a transcript of the records and papers in said cause, and on such application being so made to said clerk, it shall be his duty without delay to Duty of make out and deliver to the person so applying for cierk of the same, a precise transcript, duly certified under ig Court. ^.g kan(j ancj seap 0f sa^ Court, of such re¬ cord, including therein an exact copy of the records and papers as certified from the clerk of the Circuit or Chancery Court aforesaid, and filed in his bffice, and also all judgments, orders and decrees which shall have been made by • and en¬ tered in the said High Court of Errors and Ap¬ peals as the same remains of record or on file in his office. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for any party, agent or attorney of any party to any cause so removed to and which shall have been decided by the High Court of Er¬ rors and Appeals, to present to the clerk of the said Circuit or Chancery Court of Chickasaw county, any transcript or record of a cause ob- LAWS OP MISSISSIPPI. 18T tained and certified, as provided for in the first section of this act, and on being so presented with any such transcript it shall be the duty of such clerk to endorse thereon the day, and by whom ot go- filed, enter the said cause with its proper numbers cuitci«rk. upon the proper execntion docket of said Court in his office, and file the said transcript in his said office as the true and proper papers, judgments and decrees in said cause, and the papers so made out, marked and filed and so entered in the proper execution docket in the clerk's office aforesaid, shall have all the force and effect, in law and in equity, that the original papers, judgments and de¬ crees of such Court in such cause might or could have if they had not been destroyed and were yet of record and on file in the proper clerk's office, and any party to any such cause shall have all the rights to enforce a compliance with and a satisfac¬ tion of all such judgments, orders and decrees of either and all the Courts aforesaid, by proper writs fieri facias vinditioni exponas, or other compulsory writ, that such party might or would have had if the said original papers, judgments or decrees as aforesaid, had not been so destroyed, against all the proper parties to said cause who may be and who might have been liable for the same, under and by virtue of such judgment, orders or decrees as originally made and entered in the cause, and also against all parties to any appeal bond, writ of error bond, or other bond or bonds, executed in the cause and as security for costs in said cause, whether bound by bond or otherwise. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That none of the rights of any party to any suit or cause provided for and described in this act, existing at the pas¬ sage of this act, shall hereafter be barred by virtue of any statute of limitations in this State, until twelve months after the close of the present war, or until otherwise provided by law. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That any party to any suit or cause heretofore commenced in the Circuit or Chancery Court of Chickasaw county aforesaid, other than those hereinbefore provided for who may have and shalL produce any, instru¬ ment of writing, memorandum or copy, or book, 188 laws op mississippi. showing the cause of action and the amount sued for, if it be a cause yet pending in and undeter¬ mined by said Court, or showing the amount of the judgment and the party against whom ren¬ dered, if it be a cause in which a final judgment of has been rendered and the term of the Circuit c3u8d« Court when rendered, oath having been first made by one or more creditable person, that the said writing was made and entered prior to the passage of this act, and that the same is a correct and true statement or abstract of the papers or judgments as it purports upon its face to be, may file said in¬ strument of writing, memorandum or book, or a precise copy thereof, in the clerk's office of the Court in which such suit or cause originated, with the affidavit aforesaid annexed, as a foundation for the renewal of said cause against the party or par¬ ties against whom the suit may have been brought, or the judgment rendered, as the case may be; and on any such written evidence being so filed in his office, it shall be the duty of the clerk to issue Writs to be Pfoper writ or writs against the party or parties issued, sued in the said original suit, or against whom the judgment or judgments may have been rendered, returnable to the next term of the Court, in the same manner that ether writs are issued and made returnable, therein reciting and describing the cause of the action or the judgment as the case may be, and the date and the amount of the judg¬ ment, if the same be in judgment, and it shall be the duty of the said clerk to issue all other proper process, and make proper publications of notice to absent parties as is required by -the laws of this State in other causes pending in said Court. Sec. 5, Be it further enacted, That when any party or parties shall have been brought into Court as provided for in this act, either by service 01* process, or by publication of notice as provided by law in other cases, it shall be the duty of the party or parties so brought into Court and against whom the original suit was brought, or the judgment rendered, as the case may be, to plead, answer or demur to the paper so filed, in the same manner as is required by law in cases of original suits in such Courts, and an issue shall be made up, under the laws op mississippi. direction of the Court, and the cause shall proceed to trial-as other causes are tried in such Court, in which shall be involved, First, the existence at the time of the passage Of this act, of the instrument of writing, memorandum or book entry so filed, or so represented, by a copy so filed, as'the case may be. Secondly, the fact that the suit therein refer¬ red to, had been- commenced and was pending in such Court at the April term, 1863, thereof, or that a judgment had been rendered in such Court at the term thereof, and for the amount and against the party or parties as charged in the amended pleadings herein provided for. Thirdly, that the papers originally filed in said cause, or a part of them, had been destroyed and cannot be found, and if the case be charged to be in judgment of tbfe Court, that in that case the sgjd judgment or judg¬ ments Have been destroyed; Fourthly, the amount and character of the debt sued or in cases not be¬ fore prosecuted to judgment, and the date and amount of the judgment and the party or parties against whom rendered, and in the trial of any issue in this section of this act provided for, no plea of " nul tite record," or of "insufficient re¬ cord" shall be deemed good, but shall be stricken out, on motion of the party objecting to the same, and in all cases where the original cause had pre¬ viously been prosecuted to final judgment, no affirmative plea by the party seeking to avoid the judgment shall be allowed by the Court, other than the ]>lea of payment or other legal satisfaction of the judgment since its rendition, and which shall also be sustained by affidavit. Sec. 0. Be it further enacted, That in all causes which shall have been tried as provided for in this act, it shall and may be lawful for the Court try¬ ing the same, to render judgment or judgments agreeably to the very truth and justice of the case, as shown by the verdict of the jury, or the deci¬ sions ol the Court, and the party or parties in whose favor the judgment or judgments shall be so rendered, shall have all the rights and powers of enforcing execution and satisfaction of the same, that he, she or they might or would have had, in case of the original judgment, if such original judgment hud not been destroyed. 190 LAWS OP MISSISSIPPI. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That the. provi- exteiTded to sions of this act be and the same are hereby ex- other coun- tended and made to apply to all other counties in which the records and papers of the Circuit and Chancery Courts have been lost, mutilated or des¬ troyed, with the some force and effect as the same shall apply to Chickasaw county. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That the same rules in reference to liabilities for costs in all pro¬ ceedings and trials provided for in this act that govern and attach to proceedings and trials of ori¬ ginal causes in such Courts respectively, shall attach to proceedings and trials under the provi¬ sions of this act, and that this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved December 9, 1863. CHAPTER LXXIV. AN ACT for the relief J. D. W. Duckworth, Sheriff and Tax Col¬ lector of Smith county. Whereas, J. D.W. Duckworth, Sheriff and Tax Collector of Smith county, was taken a prisoner and robbed by the public enemy when Col. Grier- son made a raid through the State, of the sum of three thousand eight hundred and thirty dollars, being the State and county taxes collected by him for the fiscal year 1862, of which amount eleven hundred and ninety dollars and twenty-eight cents belonged to the State; therefore, Section 1. Beit enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the said J. D. W. Duckworth, Sheriff and Tax Collector of Smith county, be released from all liability to the State for the sum of eleven hundred and ninety dollars and twenty eight cents and fully discharged from paying over that amount to the State. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the Board of Police of Smith county be and they are hereby empowered and.authorized to release and discharge the said J. D. W. Duckworth, from paying over to the County Treasurer the gum so due the said LAWS OP MISSISSIPPI. 191 •county and stolen by the public enemy : Provided, That the said Duckworth shall not be entitled , to receive commissions on the amount of three thousand eight hundred and thirty dollars ($3,830.) Sec.'3. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect from and after its passage. Approved, December 7, 1863. CHAPTER LXXY. AN ACT to provide for the payment of certain informal claims against the State of Mississippi. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the Governor of the State be authorized and required to appoint some suftable agent whose duty it shall be immediately J>ni after his appointment, carefully to examine, auditand Agent.y carefully, state all informal claims now outstanding' and upaid against the State, whether such claim be defective in form or a misnomer as to the true name of the claimant, arising under any act or resolution of the Legislature for the military de¬ fence of the -State, or whether such claims be for horses impressed by proper authority, subsistence, forage,' transportation, or for any other articles furnished to either of the military departments of the State, by any citizen thereof, received, used or consumed by the State troops of the State in active service: Provided, the same were allowable by the army regulations and the articles of war of the Government of the Confederate States, and upon sufficient eyidence that the articles stated in any such claims or account wqre actually furnished as above provided, or whether such claim be delective as above described, it shall be the duty of the agent appointed under the provisions of this act to make return of the proof taken thereon, and certify to the correctness of the same, and return the same to the Governor of the State for his examination and approval, which he shall endorse thereon if he shall approve the same, and the Quartermaster General shall pay the said claim upon presentation with the LAWS OP MISSISSIPPI. approval endorsed as aforesaid, to the party entitled thereto, and shall file and preserve in his office all accounts, receipts, vouchers and papers touching said claims, and to enable the said agent to take proof as to the justiee and correctness of any such claim or claims, he shall be authorized if he deems it necessary, to administer an oath for that purpose. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That to expedite the payment of all such claims as are provided for in this act, it shall be the duty of the said agent! immediately after he shall be appointed by the Governor, without delay, to visit the various mili¬ tary divisions of this State and give notice of his location at some suitable and eligible point in such division, where he shall remain a sufficient length of time to examine and certify the claims provided for in this act, and when all' such claims are col¬ lected, stated and audited in such manner as are provided for in this act, the appointment and duties1 of said agent shall cease ; and the said agent shall receive for his service a compensation not to exceed the sum of fifteen hundred dollars per annum in addition to his transportation while actually en¬ gaged in performing the duties required of him by this act, to be paid by the Qurrtermaster General. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That all acts or parts of acts in conflict with this act be and the, same are hereby re [tea led. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect from and after its passage. Approved, December 9, 1863. CHAPTER LXXVI. AN ACT for the relief of Thomas «T. Fortson. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of 1 Mississippi, That all the civil disabili¬ ties of Thomas Jefferson Fortson, a minor of Monroe county Mississippi, existing under the laws of this State on account of his minority, be and the same are hereby removed, except the right of suffrage, and,he is hereby authorized to receive and receipt laws of mississippi. for and make such other disposition of his property as he would be able to do had he arrived at the age of twenty-one years. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its pas¬ sage. Approved December 9, 1863. CHAPTER LXXVII. AN ACT for the benefit of Moses E. Enochs. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississppi, That Moses E. Enochs be and he is hereby made and constituted the legal heir of Moses J. Edde, of Monroe county Missis- 4 sippi, and should the said Mbses J. Edde die with¬ out a last will and testament, or should he make a last will and testament and not make a different disposition of his property or any portion thereof, the said Moses E. Enochs shall inherit the same as his portion thereof, the same as if he were the son and natural heir of the said Moses J. Edde., , Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved December 9, 1863. CHAPTER LXXYIII. AN ACT for the relief of Thomas A. Mitchell, of Pontotoc County. Sechon 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi,. That the Auditor of Pub¬ lic Accounts is hereby authorized and required to issue his warrant on the State Treasury in favor of Thomas A. Mitchell, of Pontotoc county, payable out of the cotton relief funds for the amount of two hundred dollars, being amount of said notes de¬ stroyed by worms during his captivity and in a northern prison and belonging to said Mitchell 13—L LAWS OP MISSISSIPPI. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage.' Approved December 9, 1863. CHAPTER LXXIX. , AN ACT for the relief Isham Dansby, of Newton county. Whereas, A bounty land warrant, No. ninety- six thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven, for one hundred and sixty acres, was issued by the Government of the United States to Joel A. Ketch- um, of the county of Newton, and received and transferred by the said Joel A. Ketchum, since the passage of the ordinance of secession by the Con¬ vention of the State of Mississippi, to Isham Dansby, of said county and State of Mississippi: Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That "the said Isham Dans¬ by be and is hereby authorized to locate said bounty land warrant number ninety-six thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven, for one hundred and 'sixty acres, on any vacant land within the limits of tho> State of Mississippi, and the Register of the Land Office of the District in which said location may be made, is required to issue, a certificate of such locations to the said Isham Dansby without requiring the usual affidavit required by law for the location of bounty land warrants under the United States Government. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved December 9, 18G3. CHAPTER LXXX. AN ACT to amend an act entitled An net to amei d the law in relation to the State University. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the Trustees now in office shall continue in office until the next regular LAWS OF mississippi. sc-ssion of tlie Legislature and until their successors are elected they shall be assembled at any place and time ordered by the Governor, and be divided into three classes as provided for in the act to which this is an amendment ; the time of the first class to be for two years ; of the second class for four years, and of the third class for six years. At any meeting of the board three members shall con¬ stitute a quorum to transact business. All vacan¬ cies in the board shall be filled by appointment by the Governor until the ensuing regular session of the Legislature. The Governor shall have power to appoint an executive committee to take charge of the property of the University until the first meeting of the board, with power to remove perishable property in case of damage thereto. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved, December 9,1863. CHAPTER LXXXI. AN ACT to authorize the Boards of Police of Winston, Noxubee and Choctaw counties to borrow money from the School Funds of said counties for the use of the destitute families of soldiers in said counties. Section l.Beit enacted by tlie Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the Boards of Police of Winston, Noxubee and Choctaw counties, be and they are hereby authorized to borrow from the trusteees of the school and School lands in their counties, and the said trustees are hereby directed to lend to said Boards of Police any and all money belonging to the school funds in their counties to be used by said Boards of Police in making pro¬ vision for fhe wants and necessities of the destitute or indigent families of soldiers residing in said counties : Provided, however, That the said Boards of Police shall be compelled to pay interest annu¬ ally on said money to said trustees, for the use of schools, at the same rate that said trustees have LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. heretofore lent said money to private individuals. Sec, 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect from and after its passage. Approved December 9, 1863. CHAPTER LXXXII. AN ACT for the relief of the Probate Clerk of Lauderdale County. Section I. Be it enacted by the Legislature of £he State of Mississippi. That the Board of Police of Lauderdale county (if they shall deem it neces¬ sary) are hereby authorized to make an appropria¬ tion, not to exceed one hundred dollars, to the Probate Clerk for ex-officio services. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act be in force and take effect from and after the first day of January, 1864. Approved December 9, 1863. CHAPTER LXXXI1I. AN ACT to supply soldiers of the State of Mississippi, either in the State or Confederate service with shoes and clothing. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the Governor be and is hereby authorized to make or cause to be made, a contract with the Confederate States, for the hides of the beeves slaughtered in this State for the subsistence of the army, and to negotiate for the control of the tanneries in this State or so many thereof us may be necess&iry to tan said hides. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the hides when tanned shall be manufactured info shoes for the soldiers serving in the armios of the State or Confederate States, and have the same transported to any point in the State or elsewhere, for distri¬ bution and sale, as he may designate, there to be sold at cost price of manufacturing the same, to such soldiers of this State as may need them for LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. their own u3e, under such regulations as he'may prescribe. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the Governor be and he i3 hereby authorized to contract with the manufacturing establishments of this State for liuseys and lowels and other suitable goods, the same to be manufactured into clothing and sold as provided in section 2, in case of shoes. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the Gover¬ nor is hereby clothed with all the power necessary in his judgment to accomplish the purposes of this act, and that ail monies necessary to its successful execution shall be paid out of the military funds now provided or which may hereafter be provided by law. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That the Governor shall cause to be kept an account of all monies expended under the provisions of this act, and the proceeds of all sales made in pursuance thereof, and report the same to the next session of the Legislature. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That the pro¬ ceeds of the sales as above provided shall be re¬ turned to the Treasury upon the receipt warrant of the Auditor and placed to the credit of the " Mili¬ tary Fund." Sec. T. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect from and after its passage. Approved December 3, 18b3. CHAPTER LXXXIV. AN" ACT for the relief of Robert Haywood Whitley. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the disabilities of Robert Haywood Whitley, of Monroe county, be so removed as to allow him to make a last will and testament, making such disposition of his property as he may think proper. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect and be in force Irom and after its pas¬ sage. Approved, December 9,1863. laws op mississippi. CHAPTER LXXXY. AN ACT to increase the salary of the Probate Judge of Monroe County. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the salary of the Probate Judge of Monroe county shall be fifteen hundred dollars instead of one thousand dollars, as now provided by law. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its pas¬ sage. Approved December 9, 1863. CHAPTER LXXXVL an ACT to repeal the fifth section of an act entitled "An act to reduce the county tax of Greene county," approved Decem¬ ber 5th, 1861. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That section fifth of an act to reduce the county tax of Greene county, ap¬ proved December 5tli, 1861, be and the same is hereby repealed. ■ Sec. 2. Be further enacted, That this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved, December 1, 1863. CHAPTER LXXXYII. an ACT to compel Anderson Bean, Ex-Sheriff, to pay over certain money to the Treasurer of Chickasaw county, and for other purposes. Sfction 1. Beit enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the County Treas¬ urer of Chickasaw county and his successors in office, are hereby authorized to receive of and from. Anderson Bean, the sum of five thousand two hundred and forty flollars, with the legal interest LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. thereon, being; the amount collected by the said Bean as sheriff, from the tax payers of said county as an excess of railroad tax for subscription under the order of the board of police of said county, and the receipt of said treasurer shall be a full and complete discharge of said debt. \Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That in case the said Bean refuse or neglect to pay said sum of money, the board of county police is hereby em¬ powered to institute suit for the same in the Circuit Court of said county in the name of said board of police for the use of said cpunty tor money had and received for the use of the county of Chickasaw. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That when said sum of money shall be collected, the same shall be distributed by, order of said board of police, among the indigent families of soldiers residing in said county. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, 'That this act take effect and be in force from and' after its pa^ sage. 'Approved, December 1,1863. CHAPTER LXXXVIII. AN ACT to be entitled an act to amend " An act to incorporate the Bank of Jackson and other Banks.'! Section 1. Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the 5th section of an act entitled " An act to incorporate the Bank of Jackson and other Banks," be so amended that ex¬ ecutors and administrators of deceased stockholders shall be allowed to represent the stock of the de» cedent's estates, at each annual meeting of the stockholders of the said Bank, to deliberate and vote on all matters that may be transacted at said annual meeting. Sec. 2. l»e it further enacted, That at said an¬ nual meeting, it shall be lawful for any stockholder who may from any cause be unable to attend any such meeting, to appoint any other "stockholder as liis or her proxy, to represent such absent stock- liAWS OP mississippi. holder at such annual meeting:, said appointment to be in writing and signed by the party making the appointmen t. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That this act shall only apply to the " Bank of Aberdeen," estab¬ lished in the city of Aberdeen and county :of Monroe. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect and be in force frotp and after its pas¬ sage. Approved November 14,1863. CHAPTER LXXXI£. AN ACT for1 the relief of the Prebate Clerk ef Newton county. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the Board of Police of said county is hereby authorized and required to allow the said clerk fifty dollars in addition to what is now allowed by law, for extra services rendered by said clerk. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect from and after its passage. xVpproved, December 5, 1863. CHAPTER XC. AN ACT making certain appropriations therein Darned. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the following sums be allowed and paid out of any money in the trea¬ sury not otherwise appropriated: S. M. Hamilton, for medical bill, $84 00 Servant Charles, attendant upon capitol,. 200 0 J. W. Harris, for money advanced troops, expedition to Pensacola, 100 00 Thos. M. Canon, for taxes over-paid, 32 40 W. M. Haley, Sheriff Copiah county, for feeding prisoners, 241 50 lawa op mississippi. E. C. Eggleston-, Sheriff of Lowndes coun¬ ty, for conscripts, $302 00 Lunatic Asylum, for claims vs. Peniten¬ tiary, . 1086 00 E. C. Eggleston, for negro hire and sun¬ dries, , 374 50 Charles Love, for wood,. 163 00 T. T. Worley, for two pitchers, 5 00 W. C. Worrell, for desks, ;., 194 00 Mrs. S. Orme, for gas, 1 155 00 R. C. Miller, for pitchers, &c., . 37 00 Jamea Blair, for paste, &c., ............. 23 25 Hardy Stevens, for desks and negro hire,. 118 00 Mrs. Y. M. Murphy, for costs due her late husband, clerk of Noxubee County Court, 108 95 Read & Dickson, for 300 lances, , 750 00 Wm. Cady, for carriage hire at" Inaugura¬ tion of Governor, 30 00 Christian Church, for use of their house for Senate, 200 00 M. D. Haynes, Treasurer, for expenses of removal, 412 00 T. A. Mitchell, for Military note lost, and interest, 61 50 Cooper & Kimball, for Printing, 2950 55 D. R. Cor ley, Scrgeant-at-arms, 100 00 J. M. G. Dickinson, Page, 25 0ft , R. F. Hudson, ditto, I 25 00 John Price, Page of Senate, for cups,.'... 2 00 John Price, ditto extra, 25 00 Sec. 2; Be it further enacted, That this act shall be sufficient authority for the payment of the re¬ spective sums of money hereinbefore specified : ■ Provided, that the auditor of public accounts shall be and he is hereby required to take from the per¬ sons respectively to whom. appropriations are herein made, a receipt in full for the services and items stated in their respective claims, and that this act shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage. Approved December 9, 1863. laws op mississippi. CHAPTER XCI. AN ACT to authorize Mrs. Maria E. Waldington, Guardian of the minor children of Douglass S. King, deceased, to sell salves beloDgingto her wards, and for other purposes. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That Mrs. Maria E. Wad- lington, of the county of Yazoo, guardian of the minor children of Douglass S. King, deceased, be and she is hereby authorized and empowered to sell for cash, either publicly or privately, a portion of the negro slaves belonging to her said wards, and to invest the proceeds thereof in land for the use • and benefit of her said, wards. k Sec. 2. Be it farther enacted, That the said guardian shall take the title to any land purchased under the provisions of the first section of this act, in the name of her wards or in her own name, as their guardian, and shall be subject to the control and supervision of the Probate Court of the county in which the land so purchased may be situated, in accordance' with existing laws and with such bond for the faithful performance of the provisions of this act, as shall be approved of by the Probate Judge of Yazoo county. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its passage. Approved, November 26, 1863. CHAPTER XCII. AN ACT making appropriations for the Military Service for the nest fiscal year. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the sum of two mil¬ lions four hundred thousand dollars be and the same is hereby appropriated out of any money not appropriated, or so much thereof as ipay be neces¬ sary for the payment of the troops, officers and men • engaged in the military service of the State, embracing the bounty, outfit, and maintenance of the same. And the auditor of public accounts is laws of mississippi. hereby authorized and required to issue his war¬ rants in s.uch sums and at such times as the Gov¬ ernor may require, in the payment of the same. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect from and after its passage. Approved, December 9, 18(53. CHAPTER XCIII. AH ACT to authorize the State Treasurer to employ a Clerk. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the Treasurer .of the State of Mississippi be and he is hereby authorized to appoint a suitable.person to act as clerk in his office. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That said clerk shall receive a Salary of twelve hundred dollars per annum, to be paid to him quarterly. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That this .act take effect and be in full force from and after its passage. Approved December 9,1863. CHAPTER XCIY. AN ACT for the relief of George R. Fall. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, .That the Treasurer of this State be and he is hereby authorized to redeem from George R. Fall, the left hand half of Cotton note number one thousand one hundred and thirty, issued by this State, by paying to the said George R. Full the sum of fifty dollars, which was the amount "of the whole of the original note, pro¬ vided the said George R. Fall shall enter into bond in the sum of one hundred dollars, condi¬ tioned that he, the said Fall, will protect and save harmless from loss the State, for and on account of the claim of any other party to said note, which is presumed to be lost. LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after it3 passage. Approved, "December 1,1863. , CHAPTER XCY. AN ACT to increase the salary of the Probate Judge iramba county. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the annual salary of the^Probate Judge of Itawamba county, shall be eight hundred dollars, instead of six hundred dollars, as now provided. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect from and after the first day of January, 1864. Approved, December 9, 1863. CHAPTER XCVI. AN ACT to change the naae of Mildred Harris, of Itawamba County. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That Mildred Harris shall hereafter he called and known by the name of Mildred Sparks, and by said name may sue and be sued, plead and be impleded, in any court of law of equity. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved, November 23, 1863. CHAPTER XCVII. AN ACT to change the time of holding the Probate Court o f Lawrence County. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississinni. That hereafter the Probate [laws of mississippi. Court of Lawrence county shall commence on the fourth Monday of each month, instead of the first Monday, as now provided by law. and that this act take effect from and after the tenth day of December, 1863. Approved December 1, 1863. CHAPTER XCV1II. AN ACT to enable the counties of Lovrudes, Oktibbeha and iNoxuhee and the ciiy of. Columbus, to settle up and close their subscription to the capital stock of the Mobile and Ohio Railroad Company. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi,, That the Boards of Po¬ lice for the counties of Lowndes, Oktibbeha and Noxubee, be and they are hereby authorized and empowered to settle up, close and dispose of their several subscriptions to the capital stock of the Mobile and Ohio Railroad Company on the prin¬ ciple of justice and equity. Sec. 2. Beit further enacted, That the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Columbus be and they are hereby authorized and empowered to set¬ tle up, close and dispose of their subscription "of. said city to the capital stock of the Mobile and Ohio Railroad Company, on the principle of jus¬ tice and equity. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved, December 1,1863. CHAPTER XC1X. AN ACT for the relief of Samuel M. Meek. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the Auditor of Pub¬ lic Accounts be and he is hereby directed to pay to LAWS OP MISSISSIPPI. Samuel M. Meek, the sum of three hundred and seventy-five dollars, the amount of salary of said Meek, withheld by the Auditor in consequence of the absence of said Meek, from the State, it appear¬ ing to the satisfaction of the Legislature that said Meek while absent was engaged a§ an officer in the army, and returned in time to attend and did at¬ tend all the sessions of the court in his district and perform his duty therein as District Attorney. Approved, November 18, 1863. CHAPTER C. AN ACT for the relief of Cooper & Kimball, State Printers. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the Auditor of Pub¬ lic Accounts be and is hereby required to draw his warrant on the Treasury in favor of- Cooper & Kimball, for the sum of thirteen hundred and seventeen dollars and ten cents, to be paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appro¬ priated, for printing the laws and journals of the called session of the Legislature held in December and January last. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect from and after its passage. Approved, December 1, 1863. CHAPTER CI. AN ACT to remove the civil and legal disabilities of Samuel B. Jones, of Sunflower County. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That from and after the passage of this act, it shall be lawful for him to enter upon and take possession of his estate, and do and perform all and every act which it might be lawful for him to do if not a minor, except to exercise the right of suffrage. LAWS OF MTSSIS8IPPJ. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its passage. Approved, November 28, 1863. CHAPTER CH. AN ACT for the relief of John A. McNeil. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the Treasurer and Auditor be authorized and required to sign dupli¬ cate bills to' the amount of twenty-six hundred and seventy dollars, bearing same numbers, dates, and payable at the same time the original bills were payable in the Treasury notes of said State, bear¬ ing ten per cent, interest, the original bills being so soiled and mutilated as to be unfit for use ; said bills being now in the possession of John A. McNeil, and that said bills be destroyed by said Auditor and Treasurer. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act be in force from and after its passage. Approved December 2, 1862. CHAPTER CIII. AN ACT to anthorize the Board of Police of Jasper county to correct the levy of the poor tax of eaid coun y. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the Board of Police of Jasper county be and the same is hereby au¬ thorized to correct the levy of the poor tax of said county, levied at their regular meeting in October last, upon the assessment of the State tax of said county, for the fiscal year commencing the first day of May last, and that said corrected levy shall be as valid and binding as if made at their regular meeting held on the second Monday of October, 1863. 'LAVS or mississippi. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect and be in force from and after its pas¬ sage. Approved, December 5,1863. CHAPTER CIY. AN ACT for the relief of Thomas Harris and James L. Burk, of Scott County". Section' 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the Sheriff of Scott county be and he is hereby authorized and directed to suspend the collection of an execution in his hands in which the State of Mississippi is plaintiff and Thomas Harris and James L. Burk are defen¬ dants, until twelve months after the termination of the present war or unty otherwise provided by law. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That, this act shall take effect and be in force from and* after its pas¬ sage. Approved December 5, 1S63. CHAPTER CV. AN ACT to enable the Board of Police of Monroe county to levy a t'x f- r the support of the dependents of soldiers, etc., from said county. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the board of police of the county of Monroe be and the same is hereby authorized to levy and collect snch a tax from the citizens and property of the said county as may be necessary for the support of the wives, widows, children and other deoend-mts of such soldiers from this county as are in or have died or been disabled in the military service of the country. Skc. 2. Be it further enacted. That the said board of police be and the same is hereby author¬ ized to levy and collect -uch a tax from the citizens and property of the said county, as may be found necessary to pay off any indebtedness which the laws op mississippi. county now owes and which was created for the support of the dependents of soldiers as aforesaid. sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the subjects of taxation under this act shall be the same as those under the general revenue law of the State, and shall be collected as other taxes. sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its pas¬ sage. Approved, December 5, 1863. CHAPTER CYI. AN ACT to repeal an act reducing the salary of the Probate Judge of Rankin County. section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That an act entitled an act to reduce the salary of the Probate Judge of Rankin county, approved December 16th, 1861, is hereby repealed. sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect from and after its passage. Approved, December 3, 1863. CHAPTER CVII. AN ACT further to provide for soldiers and other families in the county of Attala. section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the board of police of the county of Attala shall have power and au¬ thority to use and appropriate any funds now in the treasury of said county, raised for common county purposes, not otherwise needed, for the support of soldiers and other indigent families in said county. sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect from and after its passage. Approved, December 5, 1863. 14—l laws op mississippi. CHAPTER CYIIL AN ACT to authorize the Board of Police in Wayne county to discharge the duties of school commissioners, and. for other purposes. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature oi» the State of Mississippi, That the members of the Board of Police of Wayne county be and are hereby made by virtue of their office school com¬ missioners for said county. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That all acts or parts of acts coming in conflict with this act be and the same are hereby repealed. ■Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect from and after its passage. Approved, December 5, 18(53. CHAPTER CIX. AN ACT to authorize the Board of Police of Jackson county to employ the free negroes of said couuty in ce.tain cases. Section L Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the board of police of Jackson county are hereby authorized 1;o employ under such regulations as they may deem just, du¬ ring the continuance of the present war, all able bodied free negroes living in said county in the manufacture of salt, for the use of the families of soldiers, whether living or dead ; Provided, That the said board of police of said couuty shall pay said negroes so employed a fair and just compen¬ sation for their labor. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That said board of police are also authorized under the provisions of the 1st section of this act to employ said free negroes in any other branch of industry or service which shall conduce to the support and mainten¬ ance of said families. Sec. 3.' Be it further enacted, That in case said free negroes shall refuse to be employed as provided in tlxe 1st and 2d sections of this act, the board of police of said county shall have the power and LAWS OP MISSISSIPPI. authority to direct ami enforce the removal Of said free negroes from the State upon such terms and conditions us may be just; Provided, such removal shall not bo made without giving at least sixty days notice to said, free negroes to leave. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved, December 7, 1803. CHAPTER CX. > an act to increase the salary of the Probate Judge of Lau¬ derdale county. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislative of the State of Mississippi, That' the Salary of the Probate Judge of Lauderdale county be increased, and that instead of five hundred dollars per an¬ num, as now provided by law, he shall receive* one thousand dollars per annum, payable semi-an¬ nually, out of the treasury of said coitnty, which sum shall be in lieu of alt fees and perquisites whatsoever, Sec. 2. Be it farther enacted, That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this act be and the same are hereby repealed. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect and be in force irom and after the first day of January, 1864. Approved, December 5,1863. CHAPTER CXI. i AN ACT to remove the civil disabilities of Anthony D. Gordon, a minor of Lauderdale county, so I'm us to fender him legally quail lied to make a last will and testament. Section 1, Beit enacted, by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the civil disabilities of Authony D. Cordon, a minor, of Lauderdale county, be removed so far as to render him quali¬ fied to make a last will and testament, and that laws of mississippi. said last will and testament shall be valid and binding as if he were of full age. Sec. 2. Ee it further enacted, That this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved, December 2, 1863. CHAPTER CXII. AN" ACT to amend an act entitled " An act to appropriate fines, forfeitures, licences and runaway slaves in the county of Jones," approved December the 4th, 1861. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi,' That the provisions of the above recited act be and the same are hereby extended to the county of Rankin. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved, December 2, 1863. CHAPTER CXIII. AN ACT for the relief of William C. Nickle, Tax Assessor of Panola County. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the board of police of Panola county bo and it is hereby authorized to allow to William C. Niclde, tax assessor of said county, any reasonable compensation, not to exceed the sum of five hundred dollars per annum, for as¬ sessing the county taxes, including the year 1863, to be paid out of the county treasury, any acts or parts of acts to the contrary notwithstanding. Sec 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect from and after its passage and re¬ main iivforce so long as the said William C. Nickle holds the office of tax assessor of Panola county, and no longer. Approved, December 2,1863. LAWS or MISSISSIPPI. CHAPTER OXJV. AN ACT h> authorize USTaroi^a L B-irk dale to cmanciijats her slave John. "Whereas, The late Brigadier General William Barksdalc, who was killed at the batfld of Gettys- hurg, while nobly leading oil his brigade, had with, him a trusty riegro servant named John, who re- mnined on the field, faithfully' attached to the per¬ son of his master; and who/eas, said negro servant John, disdaining to receive his liberty from the hands of the murderers of his mister, and did return to the family of his said master. Therefore, Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That Eareissa L. Barks- dale, widow and sole legatee of the said William Barks-dale, lie and she is hereby authorized by heir last will and testament to emancipate said slave John, to take effect at her death. Sen, 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved, .December 7, 1803. CHAPTER CXV. AN ALT to authorize the repair of the Mobile and Ohio Rait- raad between Okalona and Saltillo, ia thid State, and for other purposes. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississppi, That the Governor of the State or his duly authorized agent is hereby author¬ ized to make without delay, such, a contract, om such terms as |iu may think right and just, for the. speedy repairs of the Mobile and Ohio Railroad lrcm Okuhrna to Saltillo, and so much beyond Saltillo as ho may think the military services or the proper defense of the State requires, 214 laws op mississippi. Sec. 2. Co it further enacted, That in order to accomplish the object contemplated in the lirst section of this act, the Governor of the State or his agent duly authorized as aforesaid, shall have power to employ labor, to purchase necessary sup¬ plies,implements,etc., and to do whatsoever else may be necessary in the premises ; and if the Governor or his agent cannot hire the labor nor purchase the supplies necessary for the purposes aforesaid, he shall have the power to impress the same, imposing as little inconvenience upon the citizens as practi¬ cable and allowing for their labor and supplies employed and used, a fair and just compensation. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the Auditor of Public Accounts shall issue his warrant or warrants, in favor of the Governor, upon his order for such sum or sums, as he may require from time to time as the work progresses, upon the State Treasury, payable out of any monies not o lierwise appropriated; Provided, the aggregate amount drawn does not exceed the sum of forty thousand dollars ; and it shall be the duty of the Governor at the next regular session of the Legislature, to make a full report of the contract made with said company, the amount of money drawn from the Treasury, the amount expended, in what manner, etc.; Provided, That the Governor is authorized . and empowered, instead of undertaking the con¬ struction of said road on the part of the State, to contract with the directors of the road for the im¬ mediate reconstruction of that part thereof referred to in this act, by an agreement on the part of the State to indemnify the said corporation the actual loss which it may sustain over and above the profits it may have made should the work done under this act be hereafter destroyed by the military forces of the enemy, or by those of the State or the Con¬ federacy. Sec.- 4. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved, November 26, 1863. laws of mississippi. CHAPTER CXVT. AN ACT for the relief of D. II. Maury. Section Be it enacted l>y the Legislature of the Slate of Mississippi, That P. H. Maury, whose negro girl was executed for arson on the 25th of September, 1801, in the county of Rankin, shall receive the same pay and in the same manner as citizens of this State do, as prescribed in section 11, article 00, page 250 of the Revised Code. Sec. 2. Do it further enacted, That this act take effect from its passage. Approved, December 7, 1803. CHAPTER CXVII. AN ACT for the benefit of the Lunatic Asylum. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the sum of fifty thousand' dollars be set apart and appropriated as a fund for the annual support and maintenance of the Lunatic Asylum, and that said sum be divided into four equal parts, and paid every three months in advance, on the written order of the Superin¬ tendent, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars be set apart as a con¬ tingent fund for the benefit of said institution, and that it be placed at the discretion of the Governor. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved, December 2, 18G3. CHAPTER CXYIII. AN ACT to authorize and require the Governor to .cause to be prepared wud printed a sufiicient amount of bonds bearing eight per cent interest, for the purpose of calling in and taking up the Treasury Notes issued by law for military de¬ fense of this State. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of laws of mississippi. tlie Stato of Mississippi, That the Governor he and he is hereby required to cause to be printed on good paper of a durable quality, a sufficient num¬ ber of notes or bonds in the following words, to wit: No.—. The State of Mississippi will pay five hundred dollars, payable ten years after day, with.eight per cept. interest., payable annually, at the Treasurer's Office, Jackson, Mississippi, 186 Auditor -Treasurer. Which note or bond shall be signed by tlie Treasurer, and countersigned by the Auditor of Public Accounts, and the number and amount of. notes or bonds shall be registered in a book by the Treasurer, to be kept by him for that purpose. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the note? or bonds when prepared and delivered to the Gover¬ nor, shall be deposited with the Treasurer, and on application of any holder of the treasury notes issued by authority of law to the Auditor of Pub¬ lic Accounts, lie shall issue his warrant on the Treasurer to receive the same, and deliver to the party so applying the notes or bonds bearing eight per cent interest in lieu thereof, provided the sum so presented shall amount to five hundred dollars. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the Auditor and Treasurer, in the presence of the Governor, to cancel the Treasury Notes so exchanged, within ten days thereafter, to be kept by the Treasurer in his office, to be by him exhibited to the committee or commissioners ap¬ pointed by the proper officers to examine the Au¬ ditor's and Treasurer's office. Sec 4. Be it farther enacted, That it shall be the duty of the Treasurer to cause publication, in two or more newspapers, published in this State, that tlie bonds or notes provided for by this act, are in his office and ready to be exchanged for the trea¬ sury notes contemplated by this act. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That the Gover¬ nor is hereby authorized to issue his order to the Auditor, who shall issue his warrant on the Trea¬ surer for such sum as may be required to pay for the notes or bonds, contemplated to be engraved and printed and delivered, for the purpose contem¬ plated by the provisions of this act, payable out of LAWS OF MUSISSIFPI. any money in the treasury not otherwise appro¬ priated. Seo. 6. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect and he in force from and after its passage. Approved, December 5, 18G--5. CHAPTER CXIt. AN" ACT to provide for the destruction of certain bonds and Treasury notes in the Auditor's and Treasurer's offices, and for the registering ahd de-triiction of cotton notes. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature Of the State of Mississippi, That it shall be the duty of the TrOu surer of the State to buril in the pres¬ ence of the- GbVesnor and Auditor of Public A©- counts, all the bonds and treasury notes signed by the late E. R. Burt, Auditor of Public 'Accounts, which were not issued and now in the Treasury; be¬ fore the destruction of 'any bonds or notes, as directed in this act, it shall be the duty of the Treasurer and Auditor, in the presence of the Governor, to write opposite the numbers of the bonds or notes in the books kept in their respective offices in which said bonds and notes are registered the date of finch destructionj Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the Treasurer to register in, a book to hi kept for that purpose, all the cotton notes that are now or may hereafter be parid into the Treas¬ ury, and shall immediately cancel the same with a cancelling hammer, and the amounts paid into the Treasury shall, from time to time, be destroyed in the manner provided for the destruction of treasury- notes aiid bonds in the Hrst section of this act. 8e<\ 3. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the Auditor of Phblic Accounts to de¬ stroy ail bonds and treasury notes that have been redeemed and cancelled in his office in the same maimer as is required by the first section of this act, for the destruction of bonds and notes in the Treasury. laws of mississippi. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved, December 5, 1803. CHAPTER CXX. AN ACT to authorize the Treasurer to use the Three Per Cent. Fund in payment of the current expenses of the State. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the Treasurer be and he is hereby authorized to use in the payment of warrants drawn on the Treasurer, the three per cent, fund which is now in or which may hereafter come into the Treasury, and this act take effect and be inforce from and after its passage. Approved, December 5, 1863. CHAPTER CXXI. AN ACT to provide for the examination of the offices of Auditor of Public Accounts and State Treasurer. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the President of the Senate and Speaker of the House of * Representa¬ tives, appoint, subject to the approval of both branches of the Legislature, two suitable business men to act as commissioners to examine the vouch¬ ers, books and accounts of the offices of Auditor of Public Accounts and State Treasurer, and that the said commissioners be authorized to employ for their assistance a skillful book-keeper. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of said commissioners to examine minutely the vouchers, books and accounts of the office of Auditor of Public Accounts from the first of No¬ vember, 1859, up to the 31st of October, 1803. and of the State Treasurer for the years 1859, 00. 01, 62 and 63, and shall count the cash balance in the Treasury at the expiration of the present fiscal laws of mississippi. year, and make a detailed report of their examina¬ tion of said offices to the Governor, who shall transmit the same to the next meeting of the Legis¬ lature. The commissioners so appointed and the book-keeper appointed by them, shall each be al¬ lowed the sum of two hundred dollars per month, payable at the expiration of each month; Provided, that not more than six months shall be allowed for such examination and report, and it shall be the duty of' the Governor to issue his requisition upon the Auditor for the payment of said commis¬ sioners and book-keeper, according to the provis¬ ions of this act. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved, December 1, 18G3. CHAPTER CXXII. AN" ACT to enable the High Court of Errors and Appeals of this State to prevent injustice to suitors, and to correct some of the evils arising from the present state of war. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That when the High Court of Errors and Appeals of this State in pur¬ suance of existing law, has dismissed any appeal or writ of error during the present war between the United States of America and the Confederate States of America, on motion of the appellee or defendant in error, for the want of prosecution or because, the record of the cause was not filed, it shall be lawful for the appellant or plaintiff in er¬ ror, at any time within two years after the passage of this act to move in said High Court of Errors and Appeals to reinstate such cause on the docket, in the same manner as if the term had not ex¬ pired, and on hearing of such motion if it shall appear that the failure to prosecute the cause or to file the record arose from the condition of the country and the difficulties of the case, and not from the negligence of the appellant or plaintiff in error, or if the attorney of the party was absent LAWS "OF MISSISSIPPI. in tlie Confederate States military service, or if from any other good cause it shall appear to said Court to be proper to reinstate said cause, it shall be lawful and is hereby made the duty of said Court to set aside the judgment of dismissal in said cause, and certify the same to the Court below, and to reinstate said cause on the docket, and per¬ mit the record then to be filed, if not filed before, and in all respects to proceed with said cause as if no judgment of dismissal had ever been entered. Sec. 2. Be dt further enacted. That in the trial of any such motion, the certificate of the clerk of the Court below from which the appeal or writ of error has been prosecuted under his official seal as to the taking of said appeal or writ of error, and the affidavit of the party and of any other person touching said causes shall be heard and coi sidered by said Court. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its pas¬ sage. Approved, December 3, 1SC3. CHAPTER CXXIII. AN ACT for the relief of the lieirs ar,J distribut.es of J. S. Teri'vil, Jr., deceased. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Lecrislature of the State of Mississippi, That the Auditor of Pub¬ lic Accounts be and he is hereby required to issue his warrant upon the State Treasurer for the sum of eight hundred and seventy-live dollars, to be paid out of any money in the treasury not other¬ wise appropriated, to J. S. Terrel and \V. A. Trot¬ ter, executors of the_ last will and testament of J. S. Terrel, Jr. deceased, said amount being due said deceased for his services as district attorney of the Eighth Judicial District of Mississippi, from April the 3d, iSGJ to November 2d, 18(53. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act be in force and take effect from its passage. Approved, December 5, 1803. laws of mississippi. CHARTER CXXIV. AN ACT to incrciice the salary of the Probate Judge of Kemper County. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the salary of the Probate Judge of Kemper county shall be eight hundred dollars. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That all acts and parts of acts conflicting with this act be and the same are hereby repealed. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after the first ot January, 1854. Approved, November 25, 1853. CHAPTER CXXV. AX ACT to authorize the President of the Board of Police of VViuston county to bring nuits for the collection of notes made payable to the Swamp Land Commissioner of said county, and for other purposes. Section 1. Beit enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That it shall be lawful for the president of the board of police of Winston county, or his successor in office, to sue for and re¬ cover at law or in equity, the money due upon pro- missary notes executed by sundry individuals and their securities, and payable to the swamp land fund of Winston county. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for the board of police of Winston county after reserving a sufficiency of the money so col¬ lected to enable the swamp land commissioner of said county to pay for any ditching and drainage done prior to the passage of this act by'the pur¬ chasers of said swamp and overflowed lands in said county according to law in such cases made and provided, to appropriate the money so collected to relieve the wants of the destitute families of soldiers in Winston county. laws op mississippi. Sec. 3. Be it farther enacted, That the necessary expenses incurred in the collection of said " swamp land fund" shall be paid by said commissioner out of said fund, add said commissioner shall also under the direction of the board of police of said county, pay for any ditching and drainage hereafter done as now provided by law. SEC. 4. Be it further enacted, That the appro¬ priation of five thousand dollars of the swamp land fund of Winston county by the board of police of said county at a special term thereof, held on the fourth Monday of August, A. D. 1802, for military purposes, be and the same is hereby made legal and valid, and said sum shall not be required to be refunded to the schpol fund of said county aftef the termination of the present war, as provided in the seventh section of an act requiring the boards of police of the several counties to examine the official action of the commissioners of swamp and over¬ flowed lands, and for othef purposes, but shall be used and appropriated in like manner and for the purposes that all the swam^ land fund of Winston county is intended to be used and appropriated according to the provisions of this act. Sec. 5, Be it further enacted, That all acts and parts of aels coiping in "conflict with this act be and the same are hereby repealed, and that thi$ act take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved, Beeember 1,186*3. CHAPTER CXXVI. AN ACT? to hmend an act entitled "An act to amend the Charter of the City of Jackson,'1 approved Aagust 6th, 1&6I, and an act entitled " An act suppliruental to an act to amend the Charter of the City of Jackson,1' approved August 6th, 1861, Section 1, Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That no writ of error to the High Court of Errors and Appeals as provided in the acts hereby amended shall be from any final judgment or sentence of the Mayor or of the Board of Mayor and- Aldermen for any fines or LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. penalties imposed by liim for violations of law which by the laws of the State and the Charter of said city he is authorized to impose. Sec. 2. J3e it Inrther enacted, That this act it shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage. Approved, December 2, 1803. CHAPTER CXXVIL AN ACT to remove the civil disabilities of Henry B. Luckett, a minor. Sec, 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the civil disabilities of Henry B. Luckett, a minor, be and they are hereby removed, and that the said minor be and he is hereby authorized to perforin alliacts which he might or could do were he twenty-one years of age, except the right of suffrage, Sec. 2. Be it further enacted,' That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved December 2, 1863. CHAPTER CXXVIII. AN ACT to remove the civil disabilities of James H. Matthews, a minor of Marbhall County. Section 1. Be it ehacted by the Legislature of the State Of Mississippi, That the civil disabilities of James II. Matthews, a minor of Marshall county, be faid are hereby removed; that he shall have power to contract and be contracted with, to sue and be sued, and to do all things yhich he could do if he were twenty-one years of age, except to exercise the right of suffrage. 224 LAWS OP MISSISSIPPI. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, Thai this act take effect from and after its passage. Approved December 2, 1$63. CHAPTER CXXIX. AN ACT"to repeal an act entitled " An act to reduce the taxes of H incock County, and foe other purposes,'' approved Debember 16th, 1861. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That an act to reduce the taxes of Hancock county, and for other purposes, approved December 16th, 1861, be and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. 2. Be it further enaetcd, That this act take 'effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved, December 2, 1861. CHAPTER CXXX. AN ACT o change the name of Naney Delaware Wyatt to that of Nancy Delaware Gibba, arid o enable Joseph Gibba and wife to adopt her as their child. Whereas, Joseph and Tzilla Gibbs his wife, and Riley B. Wyatt, the father of Nancy Delaware Wyatt, and Nancy Delaware Wyatt, an infant under the age of twenty-one years, by Z, Gibbs, her uncle, and next friend, hereby petition applied to have the name of Naney Delaware Wyatt, changed to Nancy Delaware Gibbs, and to enable Joseph and Izilla Gibbs to adopt her as their child; therefore, Section 1, Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the name of Naney Delaware Wyatt, infant daughter of Riley B. Wyatt, be changed to that of Nancy Delaware Gibbs, and by that name she shall be hereafter known apd called, and that Joseph Gibbs and Izilla Gibbs, his wife, of Newton county, be authorized to adopt and they do hereby adopt her as their LAWS OP MISSISSIPPI. 225 fees for arresting deserters ' 8h BONDS OF CONFEDERATE STAGES—to pro¬ vide for a guaranty of 7f» governor to endorse bonds 7n bonds to be sold to highest bidder 7t] citizens of State to have preference 76, this act to be published and approved by succeeding legislature 76 COUNTY OFFICERS—for relief'of in certain coun¬ ties 03 may qualify in ninety days. 93, 94 CARROLL COUNTY—to legalize assessment in.... 94 provisions of this act extended to Yazoo and Lawrence .. 94 DEFENSE OF THE STATE—to suspend ordinance raising means for - 77 res.dudon explaining above cited act 97, 98 to further provide tor 8l governor auihnrixed to furnish guns, Ac 8l DISTILLATION OF SPIRITS—to prevent from grain,&e..: 95, 96 HENRY J AMI.: ON—for relief of 96 246 INDEX—CALLED SESSION—DECEMBER 1862. PUBLIC ACTS—(Continued.) INDIGENT FAMILIES OF SOLDIERS—to pro¬ cure salt for 79 appropriation 79 governor to appoint agent. ............ f... 80 duty of agents 80 governor authorized to impress, &c 80- vaTroads when impressed 80 accounts to be kept 80 agents to give bond 80, 81 FAMILIES OF SOLDIERS—to provide for 68 boards police to ascertain names of soldiers. ..68, 70 names of soldiers to be recorded in each county 68 names to be transmitted t > auditor 68, 70 appropriation how allotted to each county... .68, 69 who to be beneficiaries of this act 69 one or more persons to be appointed to deter¬ mine who are beneficiaries 69 military relief tax to be collected 70 this tax how applied 70 additional calls may be furnished.... 70 additional bond of treasurer and collector.... 70 penalty for failure to give additional bond.... 71 overplus how to be appropriated 7l commissions for collecting tax 7l treasurer to keep accounts 71 act of 2d August, '62, to be in full force 71 act of December 16, '61, to be abolished 71, 72 IMPRESSMENT OF SLAVES, Ac.—to authorize.. .81, 82 personal property impressed, how 82 provisions in case of railroads, steamboats, &c. 82 property exempt from execution not lialle.... 82 provisions exempt, when 82, 83 Confederate commander must approve 83 pay of slaves 83 when not satisfactory, pay how decided 83 pay for property impressed 83 duty of impressing agent 84 pay how drawn 84 o\ ersocrs how selected 84 penalty for refusal to deliver to impressing ag't 85 when posse comitatus to be called out 85 officers when subject to fines " 85 equality in impressment to be observed 85, 86 rules for those in charge of property 86 slaves when to be paid for 86 LAWRENCE COUNTY—to legalize assessment in... 94 provisions extended to Yqzoo nud Carroll.,,,, 94 INDEX—CALLED SESSION—DECEMBER 1862. 247 PUBLIC ACTS—(Continued.) MILITIA AND VOLUNTEER LAWS—-to amend and reduce into one 65 regulations adopted 65 -compensation of officers and soldiers 65 troops may be put under command of C. S. commanders 65, 66 persons placed in camps of instruction 66 penalty for failure to arrest conscripts. 66 companies how filled 66 exemptions. 67 pay of officers 67 companies when to be consolidated.... 67 discharges revoked 67 staff of major general 67 persons liable to service 67 three regiments of cavalry to be formed 67 governor may excuse persons from draft 68 MEDIf'AL -COMMISSIONERS—to authorize the governor to appoint 74 duty of commissioners 74 to be furnished with evidences of anpointmn't 74 power of governor and commissioners 75 salary of commissioners .... . 75 appropriation ... 75 PUBLIC1 RECORDS—to authorize the removal of... 89 who authorized to remove records 90 Court may or may not be held in the county.. 90 compensation of clerks 90 former removals legalized 90 REMOVAL OF PROPERTY—to authorize by ex¬ ecutors, administrators and guardians 91 bond to be given before removal 91 receiver to remove property, when 91 agent to report to court 91 STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS—an act to suspend for a time 78 civil actions and probating claims 78 redemption of taxes, &c 78 supplementary act in reference to 78, 79 UNAUTHORIZED ISSUES OF PAPER MONEY— . to tax 77 county, city, or corporate town exempted.... 77 auditor to forward a copy to assessors........ 77 YLAZOO COUNTY—to legalize assessment in 94 pi'ovisions of this act extended to Lawrence and Carroll 94 243 INDEX—CALLED SESSION—DECEMBER 1862. PRIVATE ACTS. APPROPRIATIONS—making certain 72 to L. Julienne.....% '2 to W. W.Hardy 72 to J: A. Home.... 72 to Wm. Beacham 72 to Cooper & Kimball , 72 to James Daniel . 72 to A. Yirden. 72 ARMS—to increase the manufacture of ... A....... -73 governor to purchase machinery 73 to prescribe rules 73 PENITENTIARY-an act in relation to 79 additional labor may be employed 79 pay of guards... 79 TOWN OP CANTON—an act further to amend and repeal, in relation tp 92, 93 vacancies how filled in selectmen, &e ... 93 patrols how appointed 93 THOMAS M. RAE, assignee of J B. Wigginton— an act for relief of 95 SESSxonxr—i