RESOLUTIONS OF LEWIS' BRIGADE- Camp Lewis' Ky., Brigade, - ) Green's Cut,-Ga.*fFeb. 11, 1865. j At a meeting of the officers and enlisted men of Lewis' Brigade Mounted Infantry, held at Green's Cut on Saturday, February l'th, 1^65, altera statement of the object of the meeting, by Lieut- Col. Phil.* Lee, of the 2d Kentucky Regimeut, Lieut-Col. Geo. W. Connor of the 26th Kentucky Regiment, was appointed President, and Capt. Thos- Steel and Sergt. V. Hutchen, of the 4th Kentucky Regiment, chosen Secretaries. On motion of Col. Lee a committee of ten, consisting of two from each regiment was appointed to draft resolutions expressive of the sense of them- eting, viz: Adjt. T. E. Mon and Burk, of the 20th Kentucky; V Hutchen and Jno. Marshall, of 4th Ken¬ tucky ; Capt. White and Sergt. Clayton, of the 5th Kentucky; Capt. Thomas and Sergt. Winn, of the 6th Kentucky; and Lieut-Col. J. C. Wickliffand Capt. Chris. Borchi, of the 9th Ky Regiment. On motion; Capt. Hewitt, A. A. G., was added to the committee 'on resolutions Col Lee, Col. Connor, Col. Wickliffand Lieut. Overton address¬ ed the meeting. Col. Wickliff, as chairman of the committee, submitted the fol¬ lowing preamble and resolutions, which were adopted without a dissenting voire: Whereas, We consider our long and arduous service in behalf of Southern independence as giving us a right to express our views and our attachments and devotions to the cause as making it our duty to speak, therefore, 1. Resolved, That we see nothing in the present aspect of affairs to justify a fear of our ultimate triumph, or any excuse for relax¬ ing our efforts to conquer independence and peace. 2. Resolved, That although we have been exiles from our homes and separated from those nearest and dearest to us, for more than three years, we are not yet willing to return to our native State up¬ on the terms Lincoln may prescribe. 3. Resolved, That we see no honorable escape from the dangers, that threaten us but to boldly meet our enemy, as heretofore, in the field. 4. Resolved, That we believe the Minnie rifle our best peace com - missioner, and will never lay down our arms until we have achieved our unqualified independence. 5. Resolved, That while we heartily approve the effort of the free pre ss fostered and cherished by our infant government in their un- 2 trameled expression of opinion, we, with our voice, condemn the course of those public journals who, by the publication of articles subversive of the true interest of the government, weaken the loyalty of the non-combatants at home, and by arousing an enemy mostly to be feared, i e, the desire for peace under any circum¬ stances, render abortive the efforts of our soldiers in the field ; we suggest that the editors of such papers be placed by the side of loyal men in the ranks, where, with an Enfield on their shouldeio, they will be taught how our government should be supported. 6. Resolved, That we have read, with the greatest degree of in¬ terest, the thrilling resolutions passed by the Virginia soldiers in the field, in which they re assert their devotion to the cause of ind - ;endence, and that we re echo the sterling music of their tone. Aa sons of Kentucky, the fairest daughter of Virginia, we intend to s' id by the banner of the South—whether it waves in the sun- vght of victory or trail in the black shadow of defeat; and further Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to General Lee to be read to the Army of Virginia, thus assuring that noble band of men, that we will stand shoulder to shoulder with them in this war for right, justice and the priceless boon of liberty. 7. Resolved, That these resolutions be published in the Augusta Constitutionalist, and all editors friendly to the cause are requested to copy the same. The meeting then adjourned. Lt. Col. GEORGE W. CONNOR, Chairman. Capt Teos. Steel, j secretaries. Sergt. V. Hutcben, )