CIRCULAR. CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA, * Surgeon General's Office, Richmond, Va., July 6, 1863. I. Medical Directors of hospitals are instructed to keep the number of medical officers on duty at each hospital always apportioned to its capa¬ city. In this apportionment only one medical officer will he allowed to every seventy patients. II. Surgeons in charge of hospitals will make the deductions for clo¬ thing issued by the quartermaster's department to soldiers whilst in hos¬ pital, upon the hospital muster roll, instead of forwarding them for this purpose to the field, where they frequently fail to arrive. III. In all hospitals convalescent wards will be established, and a spe¬ cial ward appropriated for contagious diseases. A» change of the position of the patient from one part of the ward to another, will often be found promotive of his comfort and relief. IY. Surgeons in charge of hospitals will also give due attention to the frequent whitewashing of the wards, and renewal of the contents of the bed sacks: the former, under ordinary circumstances, twice or thrice yearly—the latter, at least once in each month. All bedding will be frequently aired. Three sheets for each bed will be the allowance to be kept on hand; two of which will always be -kept upon each bed. V. Upon the door of each ward shall be distinctly noted its number, its capacity in cubic feet, and also the number of beds contained therein. In all cases, at least 800 cubic feet should be allowed to each bed, which will be numbered with a movable card, and not placed nearer than six inches to the wall. VI. In each ward a proper receptacle will be provided for the medi¬ cines prescribed, each of which will be labeled with the dose, periods for administration, and name of the patient for whom it is intended. Upon the outer surface of the door of this receptacle will be pasted the Diet 2 Table of the hospital (see Form No. 1), and for the convenience of the' attendants, the Time Table for the administration of remedies. (See Form No. 3.) VII. In each ward a few muslin or paper covered frames will be dis¬ tributed as movablqj^creens, for the comfort and accommodation of the patients. These will not be sufficiently numerous to obstruct ventilation. VIII. The floors of the hospital will be cleansed by dry scrubbing with sand. Water will not be employed for this purpose but by the spe¬ cial direction of the surgeon in charge. IX. The General House Rules will be posted conspicuously at the en¬ trance, and in all the several departments of the hospital, for the informa¬ tion of visitors, residents, and all others concerned. Cards, specifying the duties of the stewards, assistants, wardmasters, acting dispenser of medicines, matrons, attendants, cooks, etc., accompanied by rules for their guidance, will be hung up in the respective places rvhere such duties are to be performed. X. Suitable hours for retiring in winter and in summer, will be fixed by the surgeons in charge; after which no conversation in the wards will be permitted. XI. Surgeons in charge of hospitals will require hospital stewards to furnish them wteekly inventories of all hospital property under their charge; and each matron, acting druggist and wardmaster (especially if in charge of baggage), and each cook, will be required to keep at all times, ready for inspection, a neat record of all property committed to their care. XII. Tickets will be given to the patients by the wardmaster in charge of the baggage; upon which will be entered from his books a list of and receipt for all clothing or other property delivered to him. XIII. After the morning visit of the surgeon, there will be placed in the hands of the matron of each ward a Diet Roll (see Form No. 2) of the patients of the ward, to whom she will see that the proper kind, quality, and the full quantum of food and stimulus allowed, are delivered. This Diet Roll will be hung up by the matron in a conspicuous place in the ward, and be subject to the inspection of each patient of the ward. XIV. The surgeon in charge of every hospital of or above the capa¬ city of 140 patients, will daily assign to duty one of the surgeons or as¬ sistant surgeons under his charge, as officer of the day, who will at the same time act as sanitary officer. 3 XV. It shall be the duty of this officer to inspect the hospital and pre¬ mises during both day and night, and to report in writing the results of his inspection to the senior officer in charge. It shall also be his duty to see that proper order and discipline are maintained, and that the direc¬ tions of the officer in charge and of the prescribing surgeon have been obeyed. He will report any omission or defect in me attendance or con¬ dition of the wards, and any delay or failure in the administration of re¬ medies or serving of diet. He will visit the kitchen, and note its condi¬ tion as regards the sufficiency of utensils, &c., cleanliness, &c.; will be present at meal times, to be able to judge of the proper preparation and distribution of food. He will examine thoroughly the condition of the hospital as to drainage, removal of offal, water closets, latrines, supply of water, light, fuel, dry scrubbing of floors, sweeping of premises, venti¬ lating arrangements, cleanliness of the patients, bedding, and of the hos¬ pital in general. He will organize the attendants into relief parties, in order that they may be allowed both the necessary sleep and exercise; and will see particularly that such convalescents as can sit up, and are pronounced capable of performing such duty, separate their bedding, and air it every day for two hours in fine weather; and that they render any assistance to their sick comrades which their attending medical officer may think fit. He will see if the sentries guarding the hospital are at their posts, and that they allow no liquor to be introduced into the hospi¬ tal, and no visitors admitted to the wards, except in accordance with the written rules of the hospital. SAM'L PRESTON MOORE, Surgeon General. ' i\>RM Diet Table for Military Hospitals.—Articles composin Tea Diet. Spoof Diet. Beef Tea/Diet. Milk Diet, Light Meat Diet Chi Bread, 8 oz. Tea, 4 " Sugar, 24 " Milk, 6 " The proportion for each meal may be varied at the dis¬ cretion of the med¬ ical officer. Bread, 8 oz. Tea, £ " Sugar, li " Milk, 6 " Also, either of the following: Arrow root, 2 oz. Rice flour, 2 " Maizena, 2 " With milk, 1 pt. Corn meal for gruel, 2 oz. With butter, £ " Sugar, 1 " Bread, 12 oz. Tea, i " Sugar, li " Milk, 6 " Beef, 8 " Salt, £ " Bread, 14 oz. Rice, 2 " Or, corn meal for mush. Milk, 3 pts. Sugar, 1 oz. Meat, 6 oz. Eggs, 2 Bread, 14 oz. Salt, i " Tea, i- " Sugar, i- " Milk, 6 " Butter, 1 " Rice, 2 oz. Milk, f pt. Sugar, i oz. Egg, 1 For pudding, flavored with cinnamon or lemon. Pot Brt Sal Te; Su{ Mil Bui BREAK Tea, 1 pt. Bread' 2 oz. Tea, 1 pt. Bread, 4 oz. Tea, 1 pt. Bread, 4 oz. Milk, 1 pt. Bread. 6 oz. Tea, 1 pt. Bread, 5 oz. Butter, 4 " Eggs, 2 Tea Toa witi But . DINN Tea, 1 pt. Bread, 4 oz. Arrow root, Rice flour. .Maizena. Gruel. Beef tea, 10 oz. Bread, 4 oz. Rice milk, lpt. Bread, 4 oz. Sugar, 1 oz. Or, mush and milk. Beef tea, 15 oz. Bread, 4 oz. Also, Rice pudding. Fow Roat intc tea. Brea SUPP Tea, 1" pt. Bread, 4 oz. Tea, 1 pt. Bread, 4 oz. Tea, 1 pt. Bread, 4 oz. Milk, 1 pt. Bread, 4 oz. Tea, 1 pt. Bread, 5 oz. Butter, ■} " Tea, Brea Butt Note I.- Note %■ Note 3. .—Drinks for patients in tea, spoon, and beef tea diets are to be made: !—Half an ounce of coffee may be substituted for an ' th oz. of tea at breakfast and sir .—Wine, spirits and malt liquors will be considered as extras, and when ordered will be No. 1. g the different Diets for a Day—Averdupois Weight. Half Diet. Meat, 8 oz. Bread, 16 " Potatoes, 8 " Barley, li " Or, lice, li " Okra, Salt, Tea, Sugar, Milk, Vegeta¬ bles, Butter, Flour, t" Fish Diet. Fish, broiled or fried, 6 oZ. Eggs; 2 Bread, 18 oz. Potatoes, 5 " Rice, 3 " Salt, $ " Tea, i " Sugar, li " Milk, 6 " Butter, 2 " Roast Half Diet. Roast meat, Chop or Steak. Meat, Bread, Potatoes, Or, fried mush, Salt, Tea, Sugar, Milk, Vegetables, Butter, Or, butter, I Molasses, J 8 oz. 18 " 8 " i" i " ii " 6 " 4 " 1 " i " 3 " Full Diet. Meat (fresh), 15 oz. Or, bacon, 8 " Bread, 16 " Potatoes, 16 " Or, potatoes, 1 7 " Beans, i 9 " Barley, 11 " Or, rice, li " Okra, — Salt, J" Tea, i " Sugar, | li" Milk, 6 " Vegetables, ' 4 " Butter, 1 " Or, butter, ( i " Molasses, 5 4 " Plour, i " When in lieu of soup, meat is baked, roasted or stewed, 2 oz. extra of bread are allowed in lieu of barley and rice. To be marked "varied" on Roll. fast. rr. Tea, 1 pt. Bread, 6 oz. Butter, i " Tea, Bread, Butter, 1 pt. 6 oz. Tea, Bread, Butter, 1 pt. 6 oz. i " Tea, Bread, Butter, 1 pt. 6 oz. i " 1, 8 oz. Soup, 15 oz. Fish, 6 oz. Roast meat. Chop Okra or bean soup, it or made with okra, rice Eggs, 2 or Steak. 1 pt. > chicken or barley. Potatoes, 5 " Meat, 12 or 8 oz. Meat, 8 oz. I