COMMUNICATION FROM THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY. Treasury Department, 0. S. A.,) Richmond, May 14th, 1864. J Hon. T. S. Bucock, Speaker of the House of Representatives; Sir: In compliance with the provisions of the act of 16th Sept., 1850, entitled " An Act to provide for printing the annual report upon Commerce and Navigation, and also with a view to respond to certain resolutions of enquiry, I have caused to be prepared by the Register of the Treasury, the following tables of Commerce and Navigation, for the year ending September 30, 1863. The difficulties encountered in making up these tables has delayed their preparation to so late a day that they could not be printed in time for the present session of Congress. It lias, therefore, been deemed best to send you the tables in manuscript, in order that they ma}'" be consulted by any member, or committee desiring the information contained in them, [f Congress should deem'it proper to order them to be printed, the Department will willingly take charge of that duty on their being re- ferred back to it for that purpose. Table No. 1. Is a summary statement of the quantity and value of goods,'wares and merchandise, of the growth, produce and manu- faeture of the Confederate States. « No. 2. A summary statement of the same. No. '3. A general statement ot goqds, wares and merchandise of the growth, produce and manufacture of foreign countries, imported into the Confederate States. No. 4. A summary and classification of the quantity and value of goods, wares and merchandise imported, discriminating between the quantity in foreign vessels and vessels of the Confederate States. No. 5. A general statement of the quantity and value of goods, wares and merchandise, the growth, produce and manufacture of the Confederate States, exported from each collection district, No. 6. A general statement of goods, wares and merchandise, the growth, produce and manufacture of foreign countries, imported into- -t;ach collection district. t No. 7. A statement' exhibiting the number of Confederate and foreign vessels, with their tonnage and crew-s, which cleared from the Confederates States for foreign countries. • No. 8. A statement exhibiting the number of Confederate and foreign vessels, with their tonnage and crews, which entered into the • Confederate States from foreign countries. tfo. 0. Statement exhibiting the national character of the foreign vessels entered into the Confederate States and cleared for" foreign countries. "No. 10. A statistical view of' the commerce of the Confederate States, exhibiting the vabm of ayporfs to, and import* from e*«h foreign country, aftd the tonnage of Confederate and foreign vessels, arriving from and departing to each foreign country. * No. 11. Siatement exhibiting the commerce of each State during the year. No. 12. Statement exhibiting the number of Confederate and foreign vessels, With their tonnage and crews, which cleared from each district for foreign countries. • No. 13. Statement 'of the same vessels which entered intd'each district. No. 14. Statement showing the number, tonnage and crews, of all vessels which departed from each district, and thp countries to which they cleared. No. 15. Statement showing the same particulars, in relation to the countries from which they arrived. No. 16. Statement of the tonnage of the several districts of the Confederate States. C. G. MEMMINGER, Secretary of the Treasury. Treasury. Department, } Register's Office. April 30, 1864. J Hon. €. G. Memminger, 'Secretary of Treasury: Sir : I herewith transmit the commercial and tonnage statements, for the year, ending September 30tb, 1863, compiled in this office, from^the quarterly returns made to it by the several Collectors of cus- toms. It will be perceived that no mention has been made of produce exported through the several^ports of Texas, Up to this time, th® officers of the customs in that portion of the country, have failed to make any returns of their transactions. ■ I have the honor to be, sir, Your most obedient servant, RO. TYLER, Register. No. 1. GENERAL STATEMENT of the quantity and value of Goods, Wares and Merchandise, of the Growths, Produce and Manufacture of the Confederate States, exported during the year, ending September 30th, 1863. * • Whitbm Exported. Articlis Exportsd. Cotton. « Rosin and Turpentine. • t Spirits of Turpentine Bales. Sea Island. • Other. Value. If umber. Founds. Pounds. ' Dollars. Barrels Dollars. Gallons. Dollars. 18 414 1105 65.549 21 311,100 1,395 402"~ 8,6?8,206 457,630 27,687,162 8,500 2,677 187 183j062 • 12,532,377 2*590 871 6,771 360 683 1,630 5,880 117,426 15'>,<>95 ' - Total 85 089 1,709.592 36,741,498 15,295,206 2,601 12,651 117,785 150,678 No; 1.—Continued. * Articles Exported. Whiteee Exportbd. Staves and Headings. Tar and Pitoh. Tobacco. All-othor ar- tides—raw. Total value of Exports. » M. Dollars. Barrels. Dollars. Ponnds, Dollars. Dollars. In C.S. vessels. In foreign vessels. To each countrj 1 Cuba.. 73 832 429 4,810 1,890 56,423 836,264 4,258 119,550 1,632,288 ' 10,796 2,015,057 560,180 322,6 2 2;6« 6,237 3' 2,602 14,320,851 2,690 2 England S British Wen Indies 211 7,334,381 2,590 6,986/470 4 British Honduras™... * Total 78 832 429 4,810 894.577 1,756 096 11,007 9,382,028 7,849,252 17,231,180 « Treasury Department, 1 Register't Office, April 30, 1864, /. RO. TYLER, Register. 4 .No. 2. SUMMARY STATEMENT of the value of .exports, the growth, pro- duce and manufacture of the Confederate States, during the year ending September SO, 1863. Product or trb Forest. Wood, Staves and Heading JVtval Starts, Tar and Pitch Rosin and Turpentine(.... Product or Aorigulturr. Cotton Tobacoo ... * MAKurACTUuas. Spirita of Turpentine Articles hot Enumerated. Raw produce $832 4,810 12,661 160,678 18,293 16,295,206 1,756,096 150,678 11,007 Total. 17,231,280 Treasury Department, 1 • Register's Office, April 80, 1864. J RO. TYLER, Register. . No. 3. GENERAL STATEMENT?of Goods, Wares and Merchandise, of the Growth, Produce and Manufacture of Foreign Coun- tries, impoHed into the Confederate Statest during the year, ending September 30, 1864. Whbnob Imported. Merchandisb free of Dutt. Accoutrements. * Articles of all kinds for the | Baoon. use of the C. 6., Beef. Bibles. Brimstone. Cannon. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. • . Pounds. Dollars. Barrels. Dollars. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. England British West Indies 659 2,000 14,352 | 614,422 62,618 108 46 1,502 707 2,282 13,401 20,270 600 1,C92 45*351/ Maryland ». United States Total... 2,659 1 14,352 , 614,422 ' 62,618 154 | 2,209 2,282 83,"731 1,992 45.350 . No. 3.—Continued. "■ ; r Mexchandibb trek of Dctt. Whrtoe Imported. Cartridges. Coffee. Corn. Fire arms. .Fifes. Flour. Friction Tubees. Garden Seed. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. Bushels. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Barrels. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars England British West Indies Cuba 4,497 12,096 1,064,565 114 836 1,823 182.416 22,946 200 • 220 204,456 . 11,636 145 109 16 908 239 a 432 778 • 231 Maryland.. United States 4,497 1,191496 207,186 200 2 0 216,001 ' 145 1 126 1,147 432 • 1,009 No. 3.—Continued. Whbncb Imported . MercSandsse free of Duyr. * • Gnn Powder. Gun Slings. . Hams. * Knapsacks. Lard. Lead. Pounds. Dollars. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. Dollars. Pounds Dollars. Pounds. Dollars England.... „.. British West Indies 310.057 142,215 65.750 36,852 832 4,607 796 i;022 429 57 152,28') 10,032 04 336 6,798 Maryland United States 452,272 02,602 832 4,667 706 «' 1,922 429 57 246,621 . 15,830 W No. 3.—Continued. Whbncb Imports). , Merchandise freb of Dutt. Machinery. Military Goods. Peas, Beans, &-c. Percussion Caps. Port. Projectiles. Saltpetre. Scabbards Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars, Barrels Dollars. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. DeUars. England British West Indies 8,544 81 238 15 011 1,305 410 109 . 1,991 190 - 3,752 ! \ 12 53,476 1,092 6S2 Cuba - 6,727 Maryland United States....* ............. ' ' ' T ... ^ 3,544 81 238 I 16,726 299 j 6,743 12 5,727 54,568 i 682 v No. 3.—Continued.. Whence Imported. England British West Indies. Cuba Maryland United States Total. MERCHANDISB IHKB OP DUTY. Shells. Dollars. C>933 Sulphur. Pbunds. 08 385 3.938 58,385 Dollars. •2,184 2,184 Sworde. Dollars. 8,659 8,659 All other articles. Dollars. 7,822 7,822 Total. Dollars. 1,823 678 241 87,650 410 768,124 go. 3.—Continued. Whence Imported. England British West Indies. Cuba Maryland United States . Merchandise paying Duties ad valorem. Acids. Pount^. 14,226 12,999 Dollars. Alum. Dollars. 4,576 I 3,732 1,942 401 27,225 i 6,518 4,i33 Arrow Root. round3. 2,595 2,595 Dollars 248 Beer, Ale and Porter.* In .Casks. Gallon^. 224 254 Dollars 180 270 478 .1 450- In Bottles Dollars. o,832 | 5,497 ■6,832 5,497 Black Lead Pencils. Dollars. 7,020 370 7,390 Boots and'Shoes, other than Leather. Pairs. 3,490 240 3,730 Dollars. 4,092 237 4,329 No, 3.—Continued, J 9 Mbrchahdisb payinq Dutiks ad valorrm. wxrnch impobtuu * Brass and manufactures of Brrsa. Brushes •Buttons. Borax refined. • Pin£in packs, eto. Wire. Sheets and roll6d. Manufactures not specified. Briet les aud Brooms. Butter. * Metal. All other Buttons and Button Mouldy Pounds. Dollars. . Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Pounds IDollars. 1 Dollars. Pounds.'Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 46 . 18 109 64 • 14,278 6,480 4,737 2,261 25,167 782 1029 3,172 3,710 18 256 19,191 1,429 4,866 ' 1,518 10,761 29 282 166 58 86 230 144 * 4 20,768 6,998 26,053 ' 1,029 3,172 $,746 256 20,794 4,866 1,518 10,991 • . 29,646 No. 3.—Cotilinued. MtRCBAKDISR PAYIK<} *D(JTIE8 AD VALORKM. TBJOOJI InpORTsp. Camphor. Candles. ^ Oiieese. • CLIoride of Lime, or Bleaching Powder. Clothing. • Cocoa. Crude. Refined. Sperm and Adamantine. fallow. Stearlne. Wax. Articles of woar. Ready made. Pds. Dols. Pds. Dols. Pounds Dollars. Pds. Dols. Pds. Dols. Pds. Dols. PouYide. Dollars. Pounds. 'Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Pds. Dols. Xnglard 126 "i36* 146 8 364 168 528 15,020 1,370 ♦ -24 100 12 34 1,671 7,163 1,910 372 I"' " ' 279 1,564 186 48 855 119,429 6,583 1,506 « 363 British West Indies Cuba. .. • • r«.• 601 7,456 100 646 688 130 23,858 1 i 712 680 * 27,914 1C0 Maryland...- A United States ' * • 262 8,078 16 918 7,957 746 688 | 130 124 46 11,1:6 ' 2,077 23,858 1,392 28,014 126,867 1,506 353 >No! 3.-:—Continued. • . • • . . . 1 1 . llkrcuandisb patinq d(jtik8 ad valorem. • Whenci Imported. CoaL Copper, and manufacture of Copper and Sbeatlilng. 1 Cordage. Cottr • • n, manufactures of, plain. Copper bottoms Nails and Spikes Wire. Manufactures of, not. specified. Tarred and ' .a Cables. Untnrred. Cord, Twine. Galloons, Gimps Doaitry and articles made on fiames. Tiecs . goods. Thread, twist, yarn. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. Doffctre. Dollrfrs. Pounds. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars Dollars Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Do!lor«. England • 52 48,533 123 '"*"*353 "" 94 73 847 6,957 uiitun west indies 122 784 698 8 10,180 27,607 9,901 3,786 2,469 111 .. ' 'ft,079 Maryland United States ....... 104 258 •••• •••••• # 122 784 698 * 10,180 87,608 8,897 2,664 49,f 81 181,332 80,898 co= No. 3.—Continued. K Whence Imported. ................. ........ 1 ^ ' 11 Merchandise pawns Duties ad valorem. • Cotton. Manufactures of,.plain. Cotton, bleached, printed, painted or dyed. Dagne- reotype Plates. Dolls and toys of all kinds. Extract and decoction of Logwood and other dye woods, not other- wise provided for. Extract oi Maddeh Feathers and Flowers, .arti- fleial and or- namental. Fish, dried, smoked, or pickled. Velvets. Manufacture of, not specified. Piece goods wholly Cotton. All other manufactures wholly Cotton. Dollars Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. botlars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Cwt. Dollars. England 30 8,738 84,903 39,779 44 2,101 601,641 4,982 342 445 .17,736 646 t 20,348 40 41 333 ■1 1(#7 697 • British West Indies 12 76 ."37 12 Cuba Maryland..—. . 188 United fUtates. : • • • 87 . 83,494 609,076 18,369 646 20,429' 333 837 12 ' 804 No. 3.—Continued. Merchandise fating Duties ad valorem. Wbbncb Imported. ' Fish, dried, smoked or pickled. ♦ Fish in Oil. "'1 Flax, maniffactures of. Flaxseed. Herrings. Mackerel. • Salmon. All other. 8ardines and all others. Hoieery and* articles made on frames. Linens bleached or nnbleac)ied. ' Manufactures not spcifled. . Barrels. Dollars. Barrels Dollars. Barrels. Dollars. Barrels. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Bushels. 25 Dollars. 496 123 643 ft lift 220 . l«l;27 British West Indies 11 45 1,002 8,473 76 199 26 129 2,938 134 43,834 687 68 Maryland 1.49J j — 1 r 11 45 1,002 • 8,473 76 199 26 1 129 1 2,938 134 * 44,489 ,. 131,942 1 280 1,247 No. 3.—Continued. Merchandise paying Duties ad valorem. Whbncb Imported. Fruits, green, ripe or dried. ' Glass, and manufactures of. 'Currants. dfc Figs. Lemons Limes. Oranges Prunes. Raisins. . Other green ripe, or dried fruit. Fruit preserved in Susar, Brandy or Molasses. Bottles. Chrystals for "watches.^ Pds. Dole. Pds. Dole. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Gross. 'Dollars, Gress. Dollars. England 119 195 159 722 53 143 240 '• 1,008 British West Indies Cuba .... Maryland ?..... United States 0 14 6 17 20 • 121 • 121 ...... (» •• 6 *14 « 17 20' 1 473 775 .... 143 240 1,008 No. 3.—Continued. Webncb Imported. Merchandise Kiting Duties ad talorbm. Glass, and manufactures of. Silvered Glass. England British.West Indies.. Cuba Maryland United States..^ Doljnrs « 63 Cut. Dollars. 147 PlaiD. Dollars. 701 701 i Maunfac ures ■W indow Glass. I of, not epeeilied. Glue. Square ft'Dollars.1 Dollais. PoiUKl3.|Dollirie. ' '63,440 ' "5,468 i 1,95' | 257 09 1,95' 847 Gold and Silver, manufacture® of. Epaulets, laces, taseels, wiims, etc. ' Dollars. Gems set. Dollars. *il4 1,821 150 03 44ft 5,468 2,798 267 1 (19 2,035 150 Gems not s t. Dollars. Jewel ryj real or imitation. Dollars. 119 '244 363 Silver plate metal. Dollar#. 164 Manufactures of gold end silver not specified. Dollars. 47C 473 No. 3.—Continued. Whkncb Imported. England British West Indies. (Tuba Maryland. Unittd States Merchandise paving Duties ad valorem. Gums. Arabic, Burba ry * Copal, et(. Pounds. Dollars. 2,627 613 1,163 2,627 I 1.776 Ail other gums and resins in a crude state. Pounds Dollnrs. 1,777 1,777 826 826 1 Gutta Percha. Gunny | Gunny | Jlags. cloth. I Bats and Bonnets. Dollars. 1,768 18 9 1.786 Straw and other . Manufactures of vegetable substances j» Dollars. 3,544 5,383 8,927 Dollars. Dollars. 1,772 198 5,836 61 1,772 Hair, Whale- bone, or other materials. Dollars. 5ft, 893 £35 " 926 62,054 Hemp, and manufactures of. ~ I Burlaps Cotton bagglug. Osnaburgs. Dollars! 167 ,167 . Yards. Dollars. Dollars. u 33,475 361 88,836 2,351 2,361 No. 3.—Continued. {Merchandise paying Duties ad valorem. Whence Imported. England...' British West Indies. Cuba.. Maryland United States • hPieces. iJDollars, Hemp, and manufactures of. India | Rubber. Sail Duck. 1.739 Indigo. Dollars. iDo'.lars. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars, .Manufactures Un- ' not maufae- specified. tared. tuifld. 6,415 ■ 1 .0 13.^98 <• • 249 1,729 6,415 J 270 1 14,247 11.635 702 12,337 Ink and Powdery Dollars. 2,078 2,678 Iron, Iron apd Steel, manufactures of. Anchors.and all Afbvils and parts •parts thereof. I thereof. Pounds. Dollars. Pounds. 1,340 1,340 Dollars- 91 * •91 Bar Iron Dollars. Cutlery. Dollars. No. 3.—Continued. Whence Imported. England British West Jadies. Cuba •Maryland United States..I..,.. Merchandise paying'Duties ad valorem. Iron, Iron and Steel, manufactures of. '"iszssr'- flays* ■*■«! rigIro°' I "-wr R°"rm- 1 m"i7rk"" Dols I Dols.,1'Dols. I Pds. 1 026 J 14,413 25,912! 09 I 477| | 13,333 | 186, 15,439 40,908 ' 69 Dols. Dollars 7,022 684 7,706 66 13,.63 427 140 13,996 Cwt.. Dole Cwt ' Dols *Cwt. Dols.- Cwt. 'Dollars.' Number. Dollars !Pounds. 66,948 4,595 , 624 | 28,515 ' I 1,526s! 2.333 I. ■ .. 60.948:.4,695 | 51 340 624 28,515 993 993 C»6t, Shear and German. Cwt. | Dollars.. 104 "i,S7o 104 1,870 No. 3.—Continued. Whbnob Imported. England ;....• British West Indies Cuba Maryland United States .Merchandise pacing Duties ad valorem. Iron, Iron and Steel, manufactures of. All o'her kinds. Cwt. 43 Dollars. 266 266 Wire, Cap or Bonnet. Pound's, Dollars. "1,097 1,097. Other manufiyc- tures of iron jiot specified." Dollars. Oiher nianufae- tures of steel not specified. ' Dollars. 10 94,217 7,668 17446 32 62,544 11 908 • . Jvory, manufactures Dollars. 116 382 119,245 4,056 Braids of Dollars. Einhroderics oft Dollars. Lnces, ect. Insertings 2,628 937 5 2,528 83 Dollars. Insert- ings of Thread. Lnces of Cot ton Thread Laces. Cotton Trim- mines. Dollars. Dollars. .Dollars. Jh liars. 1,223 16 976 « 1,223 J 1« • 976 No. 3.—Continued. Whence Imported. England '. British West Indies. Cuba Maryland United States Merchandise paying Duties*ad valorem. Lasting and Mohair cloth for Buttons and Shoes. Dollars 78 78 Lead, Sheet, arid manufactures of w Shot. Pounds 10,134 10,134 Dollars. 2,954 2,964 Boot sand Shoes Leather, and manufactures of, Gloves. Skins tanned dressed. Pairs. . 329' 16,316 16,646 Dollars 'Dozens. Dollars. Dozens. . 363| ....... 347,C24i 506 22 423 l* 44,4181 6291 : 2,664 ""* 20 * U 46 . 653 415,3571. 606 ' 2,684 Dollars. 670 48,732 6,975 55,377 Taniysd, bend, sole and upp,er Leather. Pounds. 1,311 4,224 5,535 Dollars. 688 22,928 1,472 Manufac- tures not specified." ' Dollars. 160 lSf,562 "87 5,888 1,022 24,988 . 19,7l6 Liquorice. P;ist6. Pounds. 16,105 .. 2,631 16,105 Dollars. 2,631 Boot. Pounds 20 Dollars. No. 3.—Continued. Whencs Imported. England .. British Westlndies. Cuba. Maryland United States..'..... Merchandise paying Duties Ad valorem. Matting, Meat, game, Chinese or poultry, vege otlier of flags, tableef, in ciins jtlte, eto. or otherwisd. • ' Dollars Dollars. 86 85 1,286 1,286 Moltrsses. Gallons. Dollars 1,52-2 1,389 2,911 ,394 •233 62? Musical iustru meats. Dollars, 216 216 **Nutg.'. ~ Almonds. Oil and Bone of foreign fishing. Pounds |Do'lar-. io" 58 58 nma! Spermncejti.' Dollars -Gallons. 6.409 6,409 Dollars Gailoos/Dollars. Dollars. 8,065 8,065 • Whale and Other rtsh. Whale bone. 795 1,0-2-2 377 795 I 1,022 377 • | Essential Castor Oil. .expressed or volatile. Gallons. 1,621 1.690 Dollars.' Dollars. 92 36,559 929 1,659 37,580 !- 1,659. No. 3o—Continued. • ' * * Merchandise' paying Duties ad valorem. / / Wiisnce Importkd. " Oil. Olive Oil. Oil -Cloth of all kinds. - - Hetnp Seed and Kapo Seed. . • ' Linsoed. Neat'« foots and other animals. In Casks.' In Bot'lcs. 1 Unium. Gallons. Dollars Gallons. Dollars. Gallons. i i Dollars. Gallons^; Dollars Dozens Botlles. i Yards. 1 Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. 1,479 6,536 1,233 6,515 . . 287 . 324 888 • 374 6,610. *5,298 * 790 1,807 877 5,813 , 469 | 436. . 40.650 ■ 3,263 581 00 qo ■ , 1 8,015 8 329 5,6*10 5,298 1,499* 2,971 877 5,813 i . 469 i 436 488 . A . 43,913 No. 3.—Continued. m Merchakdisb pa two Duties ad'valorem. . • Whence Imported. • Paints, Painter's Colors, etc., Paper and,manufacture of papers Litharge. • Ochre, dry. | ' Rod Lead. 1 Sugar of Lead. White Lead. Water colors. Paints not spe- ciritd. *Bla»ik j Boxes j Cards books. | paper. ' playing POHQdH. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars.iPounds. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars, Pounds. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. | Dollars. * Dollars. | 125 . 39 24 6 17,882 lias ion 19 1,300 219 »20 306 2,923 *52i 679 2,402 ; 228 i 12*88 979 1 64 Cabs...*.., ^ Maryland.. « Uhited Sfatee... • • 24 6 *17,892 1,738* 100 19 . 1,300 219 20,306 • -2,923 1,100 3,£7 No. "3.—Continued. Whence Imported.. England British West Indies. Cuba. Maryland United States...? Merchandise payikct Duties ad vaxorbm. Salt. Bushels Dollars. Silk, and manufactures of Sills. Bolting [Hosiery and Cloth: I ■rtwles on • i • frames. Dollars. ' 1,616 l,ff!6 Dollars. 665 16 671 Piece good$. Dollars. ■ 314 21,094 4i:9 21,817 Piece goods of Silk trnd 'Worsted. DoIIoks. 322 . 322 Sewing Silk. Dollars. 171 6,561 ■226 6 957 Twist. Dollars. 11 1,269 1,280 . = Slates of all Manufactures kinds. of, not, . ' specified. Soap. Perfumed, Other than perfumed. Dollars Dollars. .Pounds. * • 436 . 18,740 . 1,028 613 18,817 170 78,583 3,062 81,815 Dollar?. Pouitds^ Dollar-. 139 17,630 1,970 1,200 68,648" 69,848 79 . 14 427 * 4 60 j 19.111 No. 3.—Continued. Merchandise paying Duties ad.valorem. •Whence Imih>rted. * . Soda, Ash. Soda, Carb. Soda, Sal. Spioes. 1 • Spices. . Cinnamon. Cloves. P4s. Dols. Grimier, drh d, green, ripe or preserved •fruit, or pickled. Mace. Nutmegs. Pepper, black Pounds.. Dols 1.843 14S 109>22 .12.169 11.672, 2,319 ! 123,137 i 14,636 Topper, i>d Pounds. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. Pds. Dols. Pounds Dollars. Pds. Dols.I Pds. Dols. Pds. Dols. England:.... .400 22 61,048 689 51,759 1 114* '| ' 18 5 British West Indies.. Cuba... '. 258,289 202,972 10,268 9,345 170,171 271 4,512 21 18 18 .1.394 311 74 | 428 187 12,112 ^ # . , i ' 461,261 19,613 12,512 171,442 4,533 18*1 18 1.393. 311 . 114 74 1 428 t 187. 18 5 No. 3.—Continued. Whence Imported. ; Merchandise paying Duties ad valorem. * Spices. Spirits, foreign distilled. 1 | Starch, lials. j Sugar. Pimento. Brandy. From grain. From other materials. Cor Brown. Candy. Loaf and other refined. Pounds. Dollars. 1 Gallons. Dollars 1 t 30 426 68.811 5,399 J 6,561 45 360 ! Gallons. ^Dollars. Gallons. 1 " Dollars. .'Gallons. j 26,772 1 Dollars, Pounds.'Dollars. i Pounds. Dollars. 15,814 1,157 Pounds. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. England British West Indies.. 9,718 468 62.009 7,116 6,656 : 0 | 13,526 1 1,356 548 1 224,658 22,442 8 141,665 2,114 17,656 .175 ' 6141 6,730 y,429 3,033 j 996 29.865 1 096 Maryland 1 578 I 13,526 j 1,356 9,713 463 \ 35 870 ' 75,732 12 871 1 75.731 1 14,428 247,100 1 16,971 3, 143,779 17,831 No. 3.—Continued. WIIKNCS IMPORTED. England British West Indies. C^aba Stilnh ite of (Quinine. Merchandise payimJ Ul'Tll's ■ ln',;\h"} "of "iri' pr.; T' '• manufHnuv.P of In ■lino, nod lot «-v- i Manufactures ej'tH.l by ]nxv or trt;i- 1 Ktfs anu i m)t Ounces Dollars 400 *7ei' 1.161 720 56.762 2,115 59,606 ty s'ii u'rtiori. Pounds. Dollars. sheets. 4,315 604 88.539 2 905 92,188 Dollars. 69,187 '24,541 No. 3.—Continued. Whence Imported. BrUuJr^if est'indi'esj! Cuba ' Merchandise patino Duties ad valorem. Vitrol. Blue or Koman, (Sulphate of Clipper.) Pounds. Dollars. 1,650 1,650 57 57 Green, (Sulphate of Iron, Copperas.) Pounds. Dollars. I 42,963 6,561 2,098 42,693 I 8,659 Oil of Sulphuric Acid. Pounds. 7,686 7,996 Do'lars. 413 495 15,682 I 9'8 White, Sulphate of Zinc. Pounds. jDollars. 42 Wares, China, earthen, porcelain, stone, eto. Dollars. 2,885 No. 3.—Continued. Claret. Gallons. —"250 3,870 4,120 Dollars. 415 1,872 2,287 Madeira. I Gallons.' Don**-— 231 Wine in Casks. Port. 231 408 . ^mtjiiiCfDolIars. 40 1,064 1,064 Gallons. 424 424 Dollars. 849 849 Whence Imported. England British West Indies. Cuba Maryland United States Merchandise paying Duties ad valorem. Red Wines not enumerated. Gallons. I Dollars. 88 5«9' 689 Wine in Bottles. Burgundy. Dozens. Dollars. 83 I 83 Champagne. Dozens. Dollars. 805 25 6,997 163 920 ! 7,160 Claret. Dozens. 1,115 320 1,435 Dollars. 4.521 696 6,117 Madeira. Dozens. Dollars. Sherry. Dozens. Doll 24 24 492 492 2,820 2,820 All others. Dollars. 589 589 Wood, manu- factu res of. Dollars. 17,098 16 17,114 LTnmanu- factu l ed box wood. Dollars. 424 42A Bark, Cork treo Corks. Dollars. 219 219 No. 3.—Continued. Merchandise paying Duties ad valorem. Whence Imported. Wool and Worsted, manufactures of. BaizeSf Bindings, Bookings. Blankets. Carpeting and other engrained not specified. Flannels. Roisery and articles niado on frames. l'ieco goods of wool including wo>l and cotton Piece goods of worsted, including worsted and cotton. Shawls of wool, cotton, and silk. w , _ Manufactures of Woolen and ( worfittd worsted yarn. not Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. | Dollars. 20 1,437 712 94,909 23,872 • 821 71,468 •1,871 628 32,247 1,445 172,735 1,058 19,995 1,328 99,876 104 780 - 1,977 12 ~ " Xsfel"" j 24,599 1 1,358 British West Indies.... 1,420 295 592 8 1 1,457 119,493 1,420 74,160 33,170 195,233 104,900 2,777 2,881 1 31,691 No. 3.—Continued. Merchandise paying Duties ad valorem. Whence Imported. Zinc, manufactures of. Not enumerated. Total. Pigs. Sheets. Spelter. Manufactures not specitied. Pounds Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. Pounds- Dollars. Dollars. 5 per cent. 10 per cent 15 per cent. 20 per cent. 25 per cent. 1 96 35,687 2,103 12,315 1,276. 182,858 31,417 50,908 1,099 291 22 975 461 88,677 3.824 695 286.3'.'0 . 341,877 X11,556 860 228 697 278 1,822 250 4,172 39 860 228 697 278 5,994 50,201 267.558 23.766 250 4,563,125 Treasury Department, fiegwttr't Office, April 30, 1864, / RO. TYLER ^*9Uter- No. 3.—Continued. Whence ImPORTRI). Merchandise paying Specific Duty. .Distbicts. Merchandise paying Specific £)uty. Salt. Salt. Bushel b. Dollars. Bushels. Dollars. Bushels. Dol'avs. Bushels. Dollars. 017 29,322 3,467 800 61 8 500 ' 2,407 192 617 29,322 3,407 k/ml 61 8,501 2,407 102 22,607 7,:'P2 1,0)1 2,62o 5 8.7 2,704 1.301 1,298 22,007 7,332 1 641 2.626 5.827 2,794 1 3 1 1,.9S Mobile 1. Total 34,206 11 220 34,206 | 11,220 Total 34,206 1 11,220 34,2'16 11,220 Treasury Department, Register's Office, April 30, 1^64. RO TYLER, Register t9 O 21 No. 4. SUMMARY STATEMENT of the quantity and value of Goods, f Fares and' Merchandise, imported into the Confederate Slates in Con- federate and f> reign vessels, during the year ending September ^01 1863. Species of Merchandise. In Confederate Vessels. In foreign Vessels. Total. Quantity. Dollars. Quantity. I Dollars. Quantity. Accoutrements Articles of all kinds lor the use of the Confederate States Bacon Beef Bibles . Brimstone .' Cannon ^Cartridges. Coffee — - Corn Fifes Fire Arms '. Flour Fricton Tubes Garden Seed. Gun Powder Gun Slings Hams Knapsacks Lard Lead Machinery Military Goods Peas and Beans Percussion Caps Pork Projectiles Saltpetre Scabbards Shells Sulphur Swords Ail other articles 42,840 22,531 619,670 bbls. 2 177,632 407 112 173,218 bbls. 199 23,692 1(15 10,034 4,076 276 62 lt096 1L369 1,988 95,640 471,582 11,200 145 11,649 26 108 794 41,952 671,826 bus. 200 bbls. 123 74 794 8 11,362 274,640 4,260' "'*317' 73,403 8,454 3,841 12 36,122 682 1,331 1,31? 100 34,693 1,976 2,554 4,318 48,542 1,933 2,230 616 33,981 2.509 111,645 220 514,442 33,731 ',191,496 204,442 1.121 324 215 60,650 832 722 1,128 49 4,468 3,482 81 238 ■ 8,272 1,902 125 462,272 "'4,667 '""'429 246,621 299 18,446 2,607 865 8,659 6,846 58,385 Total. 245,227 522,897 Merchandise paying Duties ad valorem. Acids Alum Arrow Root Beer, Ale, etc., casks. Beer, Ale, etc , bottles. Black Lead Pencils Boots and Shoes, not of Leather Borax, refined Brass, Pins Brass, manufactures of, sheet Brass, manufactures of, Wire Brass, manufactures of, not specified.. Bristles Brushes and Brooms Butter Buttons, metal Buttons, other Camphor, refined Candles, Adamantiue and Sperm Candles, Stearine Candles, Tallow Candles, Wax Cheese., a Chloride, Lime 17,845 "2,427' 3,035 2,135 218 4,492 prs. 1,603 14,742 137 688 3,352 4,218 6,020 1,887 5,060 15,287 7 969 2 443 216 12,568 42 3,952 18,064 6,170 9,394 130 286 9,380 168* gals. 478 1,340 prs. 2,127 6,026 4,729 3,483 1,998 30 450 1,279 1,370 2,442 1,938 10,760 3,165 60 1,303 40 8,226 1,476 7,039 11,582 3,508 7,524 27,225 2,595 "5",832 "3,736 20,768 4,866 3,609 896 302 4,605 124 7,507 460 46 1,181 1,090 688 7,957 124 11,116 22 No. 4.—Continued. In Confederate Vessels. Spbciks of Merchandise. Clothing, wear Clothing, ready made Cocoa 1 Coal Copper, Nails Copper, Wire Copper, manufactures of Cordage, untwined Cordage, twined Cotton, cords Cotton, Hosiery Cotton, p. g. plain Cotton, thread Cotton, Velvets Cotton, manufactures of, plain.. . Cotton, p. g printed Cotton, manufactures of, printed. Daguereotype plates Extract Logwood Extract Madder Eeatbers, artificial Fish, dried or smoked Fish, Herrings Fith, Mackerel Fish, Salmon Fish, all other Fish, in Oil Flax Hosiery...- Flax Linens Flax, manufactures of Flax Seea ; Fruit, Currants Fruit, Figs Fruit, Oranges Fruit, Raisins Fruit, Prunes Fruit, Limes Fruit, all other Fruit, preserved Class, bottles Glass, crystals Glass, silvered Glassware, cut Glass, plain Glass, window Glass, manufactures of Glue Gold, Epaulets Gold, gems set Gold. s. plate metal Gold, imitations of, jewelry Gold, manufactures. Gum Arabic Gum. all other Gunny bags Gunny oloth Gutta Percha, manufactures of.. Hats, Straw Hats, other Hemp, Burlaps Hemp, bagging Hemp, Osnaburgs Hemp,s. duck Hemp, manufactures of. Hemp, unmanufactured India Rubber, manufactured Indigo Ink and Ink powder Iron, Anvils Iron, Bar* Iron, Cutlery Iron, Fire Arms Iron, Nails and Spikes Iron, Hoop Iron and Steel, Needles... Iron, Pig Quantity. | Dollars. 1,170 tons 16 lbs. 274 10.045 4S,8ti9 . 277 122 250 8 4,0f3 21,141 2,907 58 23,9o3 623 41,939 bus. 3 lbs. 115 ft. 9.0S0 cwt 1,345 129,920 cwt. 300 7,707 267,384 9.876 '495 10,421 383 322 7t>3 6 o,27<> 115 103 1,251 103 30,230 61,8(53 27 17 33 20 6 139 714 In Foreign Vessels. Quantity. 510 Dollars. bus. 177 lbs. 48 1,008 46 575 2,185 857 35 970 68 153 ft. 63,760 452 1,466 1,186 4,846 812 24,387 16,094 1,471 19 2,309 270 8,630 7,747 1,229 5,578 17,354 69 5,416 2,997 7,681 457 1,340 cwt 2,952 67,200 cwt *1,226 17.9->9 77,998 76 342 6,"97 16,867 900 2 8(8 25,148 180,709 38,959 87 75,787 341,682 8,493 151 10,003 15 41 39 198 84 26 1,687 31 14,259 70,079 1,220 6 14 88 334 "61 143 7 147 126 3,2>-3 1,941 34 1,065 82 11 363 21 310 826 600 4,081 930 6,095 27,667 167 17,742 880 1,710 3,106 5,617 4,590 1,449 91 9.861 23^564 2,291 1,593 6,415 1,876 Total. Quantity. Dollars. 1 6 6 ' 16 784 bus. 180 48 115 63,440 1,340 4,297 197,120 "*1,526 23 No. 4.—Continued. 1 In Confederate Vessels. Spkciks of Mkrchaxdisr. Quantity, j Dollars. 12,502 52 22 24,126 doz. 367 10,300 20 1,389 10 2,972 353 Iron, Railroad.* Iron, Iron, Saws Iron, Sheet Steel, Cast, etc Steel, all other manufactures of Steel, Wire Iron, ftll other mamifcu-turoaof Steel, manufactures of. Ivory, manufactures of. Laces, etc., Braid. Laces, etc., Embioideries Laces, Insortings Laces, eto., lnserlings of Cotton Laecs, eto., lnsertings of Thread Laces, Trimmings Laces, Laetings Lead, Sheet and Shot Leather, Boots and Shoes Leathct, Gloves Leather, Skins taDned Leather, Upper « Leat her, manufactures of, not specified. Liquorice, Paste • Liquorice, Root Watting Meat®, prepared Molasses Musical Instruments. .. Nuts, Almonds N uts, Cocoa Oil and Bone of foreign fishing, Sperm. Oil and Bone, Whale Oil and Bone, Whale Bone I Oil, Castor I Oil, Essential Oil, Linseed Oil, Neat's foot 3,157 »til, Olivo in casks 802 Oil, Olive in bottfes doz. 4^9 < >il Cloth I - 469 Opium Paiuts, Lithrage j Paints, Ochre 17,892 Paints, Red Le-ul ' Paints, Sugar of Lead 100 Paints, White Lead 18,156 Paii ts, not specified Piper, man u fact it res of, Biank Books. Taper, Box s Piper, Playing Cards Paper, SO • thing Paper, Writing Paper, manufactures of, not specified.. "su-, M etal ic I'ewli r, inanumatures of Printed, B >oks in English Printed, Newspapers Quicksilver Raw Hidts and Skins Saddlery, common Saddlery, plated Silk, etc., Bolting cloth Silk, Hosiery, efc Silk, piece goods Sdk, piece goods Silk and Worsted.... Silk, Sewing Silk, Twist Silk, Manufactures of, not specified.... Slatesof all kinds Soap, perfumed Soap,all other Soda, Ash Soda,Curb Soda,3al Spices Cinamon Spices Cloves 502 921 56' 116 52,025 30.944 2,702 1,508 205 67 25 4 974 1,984 183,056 1,019 28,261 9,950 6.777 1,726 4 101 W9 216 4 4,799 524 374 25.632 702 5,789 3,1+5 1,893 3,1 89 436 18,973 In Fore'gn Vessels. Quantity. Dollars. 51,400 cwt. 8 m. 340 16,013 52 21 13,819 doz. ii6 5,805 1,522 48 2,435 442 2,356 1,037 Quart ity. Dollars, in 2,311 521 2,685 22S 7,769 144 49 !l'>2 15 47H 4 371 17 342 100 1,2 0 2,150 3,951 499 1,544 1 578 232 18,481 311 3,426 11 12,115 13 11,910 9 552 7,680 21,152 982 7 9 140 66,948 51 624 491 949 210 981 67,220 33,540 1,354 1,020 737 16 1,198 12 2 78 970 231,801 1,165 27,116 15,038 32,939 905 85 1,185 358 15 3,266 498 3 11,948 957 2 540 2,153 1,078 2,724 24.940 6 19 2'to 612 579 821 5.215 61,8,58 18,542 2.030 28 461 4,982 1,897 431 38 43.9 3,336 11 2,531 1 269 6,702 17 7,872 9,559 11 933 30.607 3,551 11 18 Total. 51,406 8 840 2S,515 104 48 37,945 ""507* 16,165 20 2,911 ""is 5,409 795 5,510 2.499 877 469 24 17,8,-2 100 1,3-10 20,306 18 140 66,948 51 624 998 1,870 268 1,097 119,245 64.484 4,056 2,528 942 83 1,223 16 976 78 2,954 415,357 . . 2,654 55,377 24,OSS 19,716 2,631 4 85 1,286 627 216 19 2 8,065 1,0'-2 377 37,580 1,659 8,329 5,298 2,971 5,si 8 436 43,913 6 1,738 19 219 2,923 1.100 3,506 228 12,982 144 111.820 32,0-20 6,401 17 370 . 461 8,938 499 1,897 1,975 1,616 671 21,817 822 6,957 1,280 18,817 80 19,782 19,111 19,618 51,759 4,638 18 18 24 No. 4.—Continued. Iu Confederate Vessels. Bpkoies op Merchandise. Quantity. Dollars. Bpiees, Ginger Spines, Maee Spines, Nutmegs Spines, Black Pepper. Spices, Rod Pepper Spices, Pimento Spirits, Brandy Spirits, Grain Spirits, other material. Spirits, Cordials Starch Sugar, Brown Sugar, Candy Sugar, Loaf '.. Quinine, Sulphate of.. Tea 343 259 36 SI 9,809 5 IPS 84,492 43,.V25 19,212 19 49 13,606 In Foreign Vessels. Quantity. Dollars. Tin, plates and sheets Tin, manufactures of, not speeitied Tobaoco, Kegurs Tobacco, Suutf I- I'mbrelius, Parasols, etc Vitrei, Blue ." | Vitrei, Green Vitrol, Oil of White Zinn Wares, China . . Wines in casks, Claret I, Wines tn casks, Madeira Wines in o-.«ks, Sherry.. „ Wines, in casks, other Red Wines Win* in bottles, Burgundy I. Wine iu bottles, Champagne i. Wine In bottles, Chit ef L Wine in bottles, Madeira | Wine in bottles, Sherry Wine In bottles, all other Wood, manufactures ot '. Wood, unmiiiifactured Box Bark of Cork tree, Corks I. Wool ami Worsted Baizes Wool and Worsted, Blankets W' ol and Worstei, Carpeting. Wool and Worsted, Flannels I. Wool and Worsted, Hosiery |. Wool and Worsted, piece goods on Wool '. Wool and Worsted, piece goods of| Worsted I. Wool and Wors'ed, Shawls '. Wool and Worsted, Yarn i. Wool and Worsted, manufactures of,. not specified Zino, Pig Zinc, Sheet Zinc, Spotter ,r Z'tic, manufactures of Nun enumerated, 5 percent Nou enumerated, 10 per cent Noa enumerated, 15 p-r c -nt I Non enumerated, 29 percent . Non enumerated, 25 per cent '. Salt | 129 32 18,450 16,619 42,45.8 4,897 161 14,258 8 •296 13 5,2:1.5 756 42 1,418 1,236 124 34 228 1 145 13,996 9.- 58 94 261 16,.-4) 191 5,606 .158 511 408 7,697 52 33 166 5,827 ToMl. Quantity. Dollars, 1,898 114 428 1,263 > 276 41,249 82.256 10,593 568 I. 1,816 3,865 . 3 . 4.8S1 |. 42 987 I. 49,785 . 64,260 I. ■ 238 .. 10,25.3 1 , 20 . 38 . 44 3,424 . 152 . IS 9,718 13,526 1,650 111 392 1,960 . 2,676 16 \ £47 | 81 I.. 8,159 |.. 424 .. 163 ... 278 .. 86,TV! 1,420 i.. 85,217 |.. 4,458 .. 75,923 . 87/81 (.. S 5 . 457 .. 184 I.. 95 i.. 1 347 1,467 1.001 234 i llfl 341 38 6,209 ■ 2,441 + 1.073 ,S,9f4 231 424 14 492 ... 67 1,134 32,710 8s,944 23,7 li 119,3h 19,631 61/1*9 1.974 2,424 81,177 7rr» 667 y ^ ."',7 ♦» 4".' Is 178,- »7 (J.,1 «» <>.> 6,151 3,127 811 74 187 14,686 6 468 75.782 75,731 29,80.5 673 1,8.56 16,971 8 17.S81 59,606 92.183 69,197 449 '24..541 23 829 57 3,659 908 42 2.S86 2,2s7 4<>d S49 1,064 38 7,160 5.117 24 2,M'0 ' 539 17.114 424 219 1,457 113.41-8 1.424 74,1(0 88,170 195,233 101.900 2,777 2.3SL 31,691 3:0 " 223 C97 278 5,9:»4 M.20L 2 7,558 28,708 25ft 11,220 Total | 2,127,059 8,205,410 5,332 469 Treasury Department, "i Register's Office, April 30, 1864. / RO. TYLER, Reg hi*. No. 5. GENERAL STATEMENT of the quantity ; Trkaspry Department, Register's Office, April- 30, 1864. / RO. TYLER, Register. No. 6. GENERAL STATEMENT of Goods, Wares and Merchandise, the Growth, Produce, and Manufacture of foreign countries, imported into each Collection District of the Confederate States, during the year, ending September 30, 1863. Merchandise free of Ddtt. Districts.. Accoutrements. Articles of all kinds for the C. States. Bacon. Beef. Bibles. Brimstone. Caunon. Dollars. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. Barrels. Dollars. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. Dollars. 1* Richmond » 7,115 7,237 461,620 52,804 47,583 6,035 8 105 73 1,429 10,640 2,821 9,070 11,200 367 233 476 616 10,000 35,360 - 8 Charleston 4 Savannah 659 2,282 6 Apalachicola 1 Mobile 2,000 46 707 Total 2,659 14,352 . 514,422 62,618 154 2,209 £,282 33,731 1,692 46,350 No. 6 .-—Continued. Merchandise free of Ddtt. - Districts. Cartridges. Coffee. Corn. Fire Arms. Fifes. Flour. Friction Tubes. Garden Seeds. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. Bushels. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Barrels. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. X Richmond 2,238 2,269 400,605 676,056 29,592 85,243 64.246 119,993 5,644 17,302 200 220 87,192 117,263 4,061 7,575 1 108 16 9 899 239 • 180 598 231 145 432 4 Savannah 8 Apalachicola J.Mobile Total .- 4,497 1,196,496 207,186 200 220 216,091 145 124 1,147 432 1,009 No. 6.—Continued. Merchaxdisb frrs or Duty. DaTBICTB. Gun Powder. Gun Slings. Hams. Knapsacks. Lard. Lead. Pounds. Dollars. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. 1 Richmond...* 160,100 169,067 60,400 91,815 26,662 80,088 17,879 19,473 100 829 12 46 4,500 147,785 9,196 85,140 237 9,795 912 4,886 8 Charleston 4 Savannah 6 St. Marks 832 4,667 796 1,922 6 Apalachicola 7 Mobile Total 452,272 92,602 832 4,687 796 1,922 429 57 248,621 15,830 No. 6.—Continued. Mbbohandiss frbi or Duty. • Districts. Machinery. Military Goods. Peas and Beans. Percussion Caps. Pork. Projectiles. Saltpetre. Scabbards. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Barrels. Dollars. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. Dollars. 1 Richmond 2 Wilmington 2,392 1,152 4,754 10,667 1,105 200 6 104 80 1,911 236,517 883,344 8,690 1,227 10.041 43,435 847 245 682 3 Charleston 4 Savannah 5 St. Marks 81 238 12 C Apalachioola 7 Mobile 190 3,752 Total 3,544 81 238 16,726 299 . 6,743 12 624,778 64.568 682 No. 6.—Continued. Mbrcbandisb freb of Duty. DISTRICTS. • Shells. Sulphur. Swords. 411 other articles. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 7,776 46 1,118 67,267 90 2,094 8,640 19 3,938 5 St. Marks 6 Apalkchicola 7,822 7 Mobile 7. Total: 3.938 68,386 2,184 8 659 No. 6.—Continued. Total. Dollars. 278,907 401.567 30,894 768,124 19 o> Districts. 1 Richmond.... 2 Wilmington . 3 Charleston... 4 Savannah 5 St. Marks.... 6 Apalachloola 7 Mobile. Totat Merchandise paying Duties ad valorem. Acids. Pounds. ! Dollars, 6,246 8,980 3,903 9,096 27,225 1,068 3,508 670 1,272 6,518 Alum. Dollar®. 2 483 1,249 401 4,133 Arrow Root. Beer, Ale and Porter. Pounds.- Dollars. In Casks. 30 213 478 248 478 Dollars. 450 In Bottles 1.334 4,618 6,852 Dollars. 1,271 4,226 Black L J'enc Is D >1 ars 1 .Y?l 6,861 5 497 7 390 Boots and 8hoos, other than Leather. 1,0-23 2 467 240 3,730 i Dollars. 933 3,169 237 4,329 No. 6.—Continued. Districts 1 Riehmnnit 2 Wilfrini'lon 3 Charleston 4 Savirmr.h 5 St. MarSs 6 A p. 1 irh'cola 1 Mobile Total Merchandise fating Duti'fs ad valorem. Borax refluod. Pounds. 4 sol ' 9,477 3;aoo • 2,590 '/(1,708 Dol'-.r*. 1,(551' 3,0,M> 1,208 903 6 908 Brass, and manufactures of. Pairs in packs. Wire." Dollars. I .Dollars. 8.2U 10 074 623 309 23,053 580 449 1,029 Sheets and | Manufactures rolled, | not specified. Di/ilnr*._ 587 2,585 Dollars. 1,008 2,711 27 Bristlis. Pounds 3 746 No. 6.—Continued. Dollars 256 256 Bru-hes Ht d ' Brooms. I Bu'tons. Lobars 4,154 15,211 56 I. 1373 20.194 Butter. | ' Metal. All other. Pou mis. D' liars Dollars. 1 1051 | Nl,4 0 467 j 9,o'Jl Dollars. 3.1 >8 1,708 7,905 21,544 197 i 29,640 4.866 1.518" 10,001 to cc> Districts. 1 Richmond.... 2 Wilmington.. 3 Charleston... 4 Savannah.... 5 St.. MarKs.... 6 Analacliicola. 71 Mobile Total Catnphor. Refined. Pounds. Dollar* 864 6 090 7,654 8.678 701 7,Os6 251 Merchandise fating Duties ad valorem. Candles. Pounds. Dollars.! Dollars. 26.014 37,532 6,250 69,096 6,007 9,451 16.918 Tallow. Dollars' 100 ' '646 746 _ Wax. Cheese. Chloride of Limo or Bieaeh. in# Powder.* Pounds. Dollars. Pounds 48 Doll ars.,Pounds 3 001 6,205 9.206 492 1,399 186 105 23,753 23.858 D illars 16 693 68J 1 392 Clothintr. • Ready m ide. Artie < s of wear. Dollars Dollars. 17 207 102,812 1,452 26,562 1,615 6,033 126.867 28 014 Oocoft. •Coal. Pounds. D liars. 122 1,506 353 " 1 '06 "53 122 No. 6.—Continued. districts. Merchandise paying Duties ad valorem. Copper, manufactures of, and Sheathing. Cordage. Twine. Cotton, manufactures of, plain. Nails ag^gpikes. Wire. Manufactures not specified. Untarred. Cords, Oalloons and Oimps Hosiery and articles on frames. Piece goods Thread, Twist, Yarn Pounds. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 104.253 74,650 2,429 24,924 48,872 2,014 5,088 90 508 1,851 8,329 - 62,390 205,805 2,640 6,888 20,606 935 9,079 1,042 2,744 111 498 2,166 9,023 89,884 174 3 Charleston 4 Savannah 5 St. Marks 734 . 8 6 Apalachioola .' 7 Mobile - Total 734 598 8 10,180 270,835 37,508 3 897 | 2,664 49.081 181,332 ' 80,898 No. 6.—Continued. Districts. Merchandise paying Duties ad valorem. Cotton, manufactures of, plain. Cotton, bleached, printed, etc. Daguereo- type plates. Extract of Logwood, Extract of Madder. Feathers, flowers and others, arti- ficial and ornamental. Fish, dried, smoked or pickled. Velvets. Manufactures not specified. Piece goods wholly Cotton. All other mfs wholly Cotton. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Cwt. Dollars. 1 Richmond* 2 Wilmington 8 Charleston 4 Savannah....a 12 75 ' 39,779 6,575 3,237 ' 157 34,746 161.175 441,247 6,644 1,878 16,475 16 151 495 8,704 11,685 40 36 297 15 822 1,200 107 697 6 Apalachioola... 7 Mobile Total 87 83,494 609,066 18,369 646 20,429 333 337 1,200 894 No. 6.—Continued. ^ Merchandise paying Duties ad valorem. Districts.' Fish, dried, smoked, or pickled. Fish, In Oil. Flax, manufactures of. Herrings. Mackerel. Salmon. All other. Hosiery and articles on frames Linens, bleached, etc. Mannfactnres not speci fled. Flaxseed. Barrels. Dollar*-. Barrels. Dollars Barrels. Dollars. Barrels Dollars. Dollars Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Bushels. Dollars. 8 13 1,264 2,209 • 51 * 102 170 23 9,309 21,225 104,169 24 32 855 51 148 27 2,768 111 34,491 25 220 0 539 3,446 150 3,102 1,027 32 45 855 3,473 ' 51 199 129 2,938 134 44,489 131,042 25 1,247 No. 6.—Continued. Merchandise patino Duties ad valorem. Districts. % Fruits, green, ripe, or dried. Glass, manufactures of. Currants. Figs. Lemons Limes. Oranges Prunes. Raisins. Other, green, ripe or dried. Fri^it, preserved. Bottles. Cbrystals for Watches. Pounds. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. Dollars Dollars. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars Dollars. Dollars. Gross. Dollars. Gross. Dollars. 1 Richmond • . 6 115 20 ' 84 24 97 14 soo 159 439 283 53 143 1,0(8 3 Charleston 6 14 17 4 Savannah 6 St. Marks 0 Apalachicola..... 1 Mobile » 115 Total 6 14 1 6 17 20 84 121 473 776 I 143 1,008 . No 6.—Continued. ' 1 Merchandise paying Dcyies ad valorem. DlgVRlOTS. Glass manufactures of. Gold and Bilvcr, manufactures of. Silvered Cut. Plaiu. Window. Mniiufao tnrps not- spec'lied Uluo. Epaulets, ' Gemi Laces, etc. sot. Gems not set. Jewelry, real, or I in i»-it ion. [Silver, p'a'ed i-ict.-il. Vairuisc- tares not .r»p-fied. Dollnts. Dollars. Dollars Sq. feet.|l)o lars. , Ttollars POIlIldi, Dollars Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Di Pars. Dollars. ' 83 20 2 216 91 136 34 1* 363 53 69 681 83 840 3,252 1,860 36 2,085 i.70 1 164 473 j 847 j Total 63 147 701 33,840 5,468 ■ 7,^8 136 69 2,085 150 3*»3 104 . 473 No. 6.— Continued. merchandise paying pcties ad valorem. Districts. G unul? j Gunny Cloth. Gutta Percha. Hat* and Bonnets. Hemp, manufactures of. A r.tli'c, Cop-d, * ic. All Ponnds .tliePk* ; Bas8- Straw or 1T . * llair and rentable. Wl,ak-W Burlap- Ci t.o . T5 Us'ni: 1 Ooaluir^s. P omds I Dollars Dollars. Doll irs. Dollar*. 3^3o3 545 4,S3S 8,927 DoWars Dollars. Dollars. ' Dollars.| Yard . D-i'l'irs. 12 68' 2",645 551 33,836 Doll- 1 1.201 » 6 1,706 810 | 11.563 5,204 ) 40.206 f 77 6' 9 167 I 131 137 1,777 826 j 667 r 18 6 Apalaehicola 7 Mob'le. ..." .... 1 103 1.776 CI j ' 167 208,796 2,627 1,777 826 I 1,786 • Total 1,772 6,093 i 52.054 2.351 No. 6.—Continu d. PlrfTBICTS. 09 1,194 3,f.V> 1,220 1.87 S Charleston :..... .,,742 9 iw; 4 Savannah 770 113 • Apalschiooia 7 Mobile 390 Total 72.911 7 706 13,990 1.526 Mmkh "AYjsr Duties ai, valori m. Iron and H'eel, manufactures of. (O,,. ' "»79 06,945 J. I 1 air. <"«> Dollars 624 993 Owt. Dollars. 1,870 1,870 No 6.—Continued. Districts. Merchandise pat ro Duties ad valorem. Iron and Stcei, manufactures of. Ivory, manufac- tures of. Laces, etc. All other Wire; Cap, or Bonnet. Manufactures of Iron not specified. Manufacturer of Steel not speo> tied. Cotton Braid. Linen, Bilk snd Em- bi-o teres. Cotton IiiForiing. Laces of Cotton. Thread | t'otton ■ Laces. |Trimming» Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Do'lara. 17,416 34149 60,171 333 7,246 " *52,i58' * 1,222 11.104 931 3,C09 110 68 874 10 73 3 1,220 •4 12 38 913 25 173 924 3 Charleston 4 Savannah 266 2,528 6 Apalachicola 266 Total 1.097 119,245 64 484 4,056 2 528 942 83 1,224 16 1 976 No. G.—Continued. Districts. 1 Rlchqiond.... 5 Wilmington . 3 Charleston... 4 Savnnnah 6 St. Marks.... 8 Apalachicola. 7 Mobi:e Total. Lend, Fheet, and vr S.- 'manuf.ieturcsof, Mohair QU_. ' Cloth Merchandise payixo Duties ad valorem. Leather, and manuftcu ex of. DollaYs. 78 78 Bhot. Boots and Shoes Pounds. 9,312 Dollars.! Pai-s. 556 2,898 37.848 I 2,954 59,048 50,011 6,986 115,048 D> .litre 44,418 14,0 6 273 279 7,145 16 879 415,357 Gloves. Skins, tanin d and dr< ssed. 1) tzpiih 12.1 384 607 D >l)»re. Dozens D liars 67 2,107 395 1,744 2.684 I 2,139 9,185 40, 87 1,000 4 4.5 56,377 Tanned, Bend, Sole and U pper 1 eather Pounds.^Dollars 2«,o:tt 41,36'. 2,700 72,099 9.222 14,144 615 1.107 i'4,988 Manufac- ttires not ep.a itied. Dollars. 5,885 3.807 9,957 87 19 716 L'qnoricc. Paste. Pounds Dollars 4,592 11,513 971 l,Co0 16,105 2,631 10 Root. Pounds 20 Dots. No. 6.—Continued. Merchandise paying Duties ad valorim. Districts. Matting, Chinese or other. Moat, game, and in cans nr otherwise Molasses. Mus'cal ln»tru- ments. Nuts. Oil and Bone of foreign dishing. Almonds. Cocoa Nuts. Dohars Hpermaciti. Whale and other. Whale- bone. Castor Oil. K-sential, expressed etc. Dollars. Dollars. Gallons. 1.423 99 Dollars 352 42 Dollars Ponnd' I j c I G Hons. Dollars. G dlons ;bol!ars Dollars. G dlons. Dollars. Dollars. 1 Richmond *216" 10 48 2,299 3 108 3 328 4,737 2 375 7.526 2S,954 292 808 537 1,122 86 1,286 2 795 1,022 4 Savannah 395 0 Analachicola 7 Mobil© 233 n 795 1,022 377 Total 85 1 286 1.522 627 . 216 1 68 19 1 2 54 7 8 065 395 37,580 1,659 C* No. 6.—Continued. Merchandise paying Duties ad valorem. Districts. Oil. Olive Oil. Oil Cloth of all kinds. Opium. Linseed. Neat's foot and othef animal. In Casks. In Bottles. Gallons. 3,722 Dol'ars. 3 140 4,608 G dlons. Del ars. Gallons. D^'lars. Gallons. Dollars. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars^ 1 Richmond 60 5,450 63 5,2351 308 367 807 ' 267 1,728 4,<85 530 6.869 227 2,389 * 38,244 1,195 2,085 436 4 Savannah ; 5 St. Maiks 6 Apalachlcola 681 1 1,807 I • Total 3.7>2 1 8 329 6 510 6.198 1 308 2 971 267 6.813 434 6 646 43,913 No." 6.—Continued. Merchandise patinq Duties ad valorem. Districts. - --- I Faints, Painters Colors, eto. Paper, manufactures of. L'tharge. Ochre. Rod Lead. • Sugar of Lead. White Lead. Paints not speciiled. Blank Books. Boxes, Paper! Dollars. Carc%, Playing. Pounds. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. Pounds I Dollars Pounds. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 1 Richmond... 2 Wilmington 1 6,000 444 2,479 128 46S 1.495 1,032 90 138 2,502 ' 10,418 64 3 Charleston 6 1,738 19 4 Savannah B St. Marks j 219 6 Apelachicola 7 Mobile • 1 504 1,100 979 8.5o6 | 228 Total 6 1 1,738 19 6.OK) 1 2 923 12,982 ©i No. 6.—Continued. Districts. Merchandise paying Duties ad valorem. Paper, manufactures of. Pewter. Printed Books. Quicksilver. Dollars. Raw Hides and Skins. Saddlery. Sheathing Paper, Wri ing Paper. Manufactures not specified Pens, Metallic. Dollars. M-mufae tures not specified. In English Dollars. Illustrated New papers. Common. Plated. Dollars. Dollars. 52 92 Dollars. 13.439 25,650 69,922 1,993 610 Dollars. 3.263 4,577 10,194 842 7,644 Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. | Dollars 1 Richmond 2 Wilmington 1,734 4,652 15 . 370 803 8,020 110 127 1,770 200 3 Charleston * 4 Savant ah B St. Marks 8 Apalachioola 7 Mobile 17 461 499 6 401 Total 144 111,820 82,020 17 370 461 499 1 1,897 1,975 No. 6.—Continued. Dl&irictg. 1 Richmond.... 2 Wilmington.. 3 Charleston... 4 Savannah... . 6 St. Marks.... 6 Apalachicola. 1 Mobile Total. Merchandise fating Duties ad valorem. Silk, and manufactures of Silk. Bolting Cloths. Dollars. 1,578 38 1,610 Hosiery. Dollars. 158 497 16 671 Piece Goods Dollars. 7,429 13,979 469 P. U. Silk and Worsted. Dollars. 221 101 21 817 822 Sewing. Twist. DollarB.IDollarp. 1,807 3,914 30 200 6,957 11 1,209 1,280 Manufactures no specified. Slates of all. kinds. Son p. Dollars. 6,813 10,906 88 1,010 18,817 Perfumed. Other than. Dollars. Pounds. 25,521 53,432 78,953 180 1,831 Pounds. Dollars. 64.137 5,617 110,005 8,787 1,424 | 3,283 1 171,142 19111 No. 6.—Continued. Merchandise paying Duties ad valorem. Districts, Soda, Ash. Soda, Carb. Soda, Sal. Spices. Cinnamon, Cloves, Ginser, dried, green, etc. Mace. Nutmegs. Pepper, Black. Popper, Red. Pounds. Dollars. P.mnds. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. Pds Dols. Pds. Dols. Pounds. Dollars. Pds. Dols Pds. Dols. Pounds.| Dollars Pounds. Dollars. 1 Richmond 51,005 207,2S2 3,157 7,111 2,081 ?,2f>4 413,146 505,689 23 0S9 27,924 746 40,690 129,361 1,579 2,933 21 A 14 2 16 155 1,234 60 251 12 102 9 65 1 427 1 186 6 12 2 3 3 Charleston 4 Savannah 140 IS 70,252 9,396 400 1,919 6 Apalachicola 1 Mobile 74 Total 258,287 .19,613 918,836 61,759 170,051 4,533 18 18 140 18 1,389 811 111 428 187 101,465 14,630 18 6 No. 6.—Continued. Districts, 1 R'chmond.... 2 Wilmington.. 8 Charleston... 4 Savannah.. .. 5 St. Marks.... 6 Apalnchicola. 7 Mobile Total. Merchandise payisg Di-ties ad valorem. Spices. Spirits, foroign distilled. Pimento. Brandy, Pounds. Dollars. Gallons.I Dollar. 7.697 2,0.6 9 718 276 192 45 13.867 16,559 30,471 360 29 7«4 39,017 1,073 5,488 76,732 Prom Grain. Gallons. I Dollars. 6 730 15 9S9 31,641 6,656 18.364 43,516 1,495 5,750 76.781 All other. Cordials. Starch. Sugar. Brown. Gallons. 13.204 17 225 30,429 Dollars G tllons 11,763 14,949 719 2,374 29,805 Dollars. Pounds 49 13,477 £48 578 I 13 526 Dollars.'pounds. iDo'lars Candy. 7 1,349 61.231 163,427 1,356 224 653 4,073 11,741 1,157 16.971 Pounds. Dol s. Iioaf. Pounds. Dollars 52,161 i 6 690 89,504 | 11,056 175 8 141,665 17,831 No. 6.—Continued. GO Districts. 1 Richmond.... 2 Wilmington.. 3 Charleston ,. 4 Savannah 5 St. Marks.... 6 Apalnchicola. 7 Mob le Total... Merchandise paying Dltibs ad valorem. Sulphate of Quinine. Ounces. 6 632 17,854 Dollars. 14.775 42,403 1,585 843 Tea. Pounds. 37,104" 114,893 151,697 Dollars. 22,834 66,273 298 2,733 Tin, and manufactures«of. Block, Plates Dollars. 26 452 37,833 4,897 69,187 Man li fact u rep of, not specified. Dollars. 84 332 Tobacco. Cigars. M. 86 396 Dollars. 3.2f>7 13,757 1,599 6,918 Snuff. I'ounds/Do'lars, Umbrellas, Parasols, etc. Dollars. 65 264 No. 6.—Continued. Merchandise paying Duties ad valorem. Districts. Vitrol. China, E ri hen Ware. Wine in Casks. Blue Sulphato of Copper. Groen. Oil of Sulphuric Acid. White Zinc. Claret. Madeira. Sherry. Pounds. Dollars. Pounds. Dollari-. Pounds. Dollars PoundsJoollars. Dollars. 1374 681 f30 Gallons. Do'lars. G^ons Dollars. 248 160 . .... Gallons.1 Dollars. 1 Richmond 66,986 124,4o8 3,306 3,209 .536 1,808 | 21 42 30 220 37 378 1.872 2,287 183 43 424 849 1,650 67 7.686 j 413 ■ 495 4 Savannah 0 Apnlnchicola Total . 1 650 67 191,454 8.6t9 7,6^6 i 90S 21 42 1 2,885 250 231 I 4- 8 424 849 No. 6 —Continued. Merchandise paving Duties ad valorem. « Districts. Red Wines, not enumerated. Burgundy. Champagne. W'nes in Bottles. Claret. , | Madeira. She ry. All other. Word, Mnuufiio- tures of. tured Box. Birk, Cork trees. Corks. Gallons. Dol'ars. Dozens. Dollars. Dozens. Dollars. Dozens. Dollars. Dozens Dollars. Dozens. Dollars. Dollars. "^fcillars. Dollars. Dollars. 1 Richmond 2 Wilmington 40 1,064 14 83 453 442 3.131 3,866 163 445 670 1 677 2,M4 596 1 1 16 8 14 478 39 2,781 49 540 2.861 14,219 ' 34 424 • 54 168 4 Savannah 6 Apalachioola 7 Mobile Total 40 1,064 14 83 895 7,100 1,115 5.117 ! 2 24 492 2,820 589 17,114 424 1 219 No. 6.—Continued. Merchandise paying dctiks ad vapor ph. districts. Wool and Woisted, manufactures of. Baizes. Blankets. Carpeting Flannels. Hosiery. P. G. of Wool. P. G. of Worked. Shawls. Yarn. M anu mcturea of Wool and Worsted not speciiied. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars Dollars. Dollars Dollars. Dollars dicers. 9 1 Richmond 19 995 5,655 22 537 2,141 2 Wilmington 40 1,417 47.186 48.210 cr t— 10,014 23,025 26,704 70,143 -*0n5 f.32tt 1,420 1^6.085 2, *60 6 St. Marks 10,511 64 131 558 153 C Apalachicola 7 Mobile 13 566 1,871 590 1,358 Total 1,457 119,493 1 420 74,100 33,170 195,283 101,91 0 2.777 2,881 31,691 No. 6.—Continued. DISTRICTS. 1 Richmond.... 2 Wilmington.. 3 Charleston... 4 Savannah 6 St. Marks,... 6 Apalachicola. 7 Mobile Total merchandise pa* irq duties ad valorew. Jiiac and manufactures of Pigs. | I Sheet. | Spelt*. Pounds'!Do!laiS Puun.le.lDollars IPoiindf I Dollars. 1,194 1,904 3,0.10 |«lu luif.'eluiei-j not specified.! Dollars. 228 12 023 12,023 097 110 148 5 per ct 4.172 102 1,720 278 Jfot Knumc rased, lo p-r ct. 15 j ei ct J 2'1 per< t. 25 per ct. . 12,315 in.757 17 400 J.510 1X8 4J:*)U 1.0X5 50.906 7i,8 2 80,S71 2o.0oo 0.215 2,ooo 23 002 60.201 267.558 ♦ 10-0 11 18.3^ I 239 139 f... 23.700 I 5"0 Total. Dollars. 341,877 1 100,946 2,795017 21,510 70.7: 2,2, .o 220,795 4,5f8.l25 Treasury Department, > Register's OJice, April 30, 1864./ RO TYLER, Register. No. 7. STATEMENT exhibiting the Number of Confederate and Foreign Vessels, with their Tonnage and Crews, which cleared from the Confederate States for Foreign Countries, during the year ending September 30th, 1863. To- Cleared. Confederate Vessels. Poreign Vessels. Total. Number. Tons. Crews. • Number. Tons. Crews. Number. Tons. Crews. Men. Boys. Men. Boys. Men. Boys. 77 1 1 95 i i 7,884 199 16 34,375 113 150 422 8 4 2,552 7 16 2 15 i 3,440 467 222 28 92 2 1 172 1 1 11,324 666 16 56,053 113 150 644 36 4 4,723 7 15 2 4 British West Indies 77 21,678 2,171 6 Other British North American Possessions... 6 Danish West Indies 176 42,737 3,008 2 93 25,585 2,421 269 68,322 5,429 2 Tbsasukt Department, RegUter't Office, April SO, 1864. RO TYLER, Rtgister. No. 8. STATEMENT exhibiting the Number of Confederate and Foreign Vessels, with their Tonnage and Crews, which entered into the Confederate States from Foreign Countries, during the year ending September 30th, 1863. From- 1 Cuba 2 Eng'and 3 Scotland 4 British West Indie 8 United States Confederate Vessels. Crews. Number. Tons. Men. CI 3.020 263 I ' "lib", 714 ' " 28.740 I 2,102 BoyS. Kntkrko. Foreign Vessels. Crews. Number. .Tons, 3.11.") 1,242 12ti 30,864 46 35,397 Men. 225 . 19 2,807 5 3,141 Boys. Total. 1 138 1 Tons. Crews. Men. , Boys. (1,141 488 3 ' 1,242 126 19 56,582 4,646 2 . 46 5 ! j 04,137 5,243 1 5 Treasury Department, 1 Register's Office, April 30, 1864. f HO. Ti'LER, Register. No. 9. STATEMENT exhibiting the national character of the Foreign Vessels, which entered into and cleared the Confederate States, for Foreign Countries, during the year ending September 30tk, 1863. ' National Character of the Vessels. 1 Cuba British 2 England ' Britbh 3 British West Indies Biitish 4 Scotland Hrite-1 <*. ft United States Urittd States Total. Nunibc r. fokmgx vfsskls. Entered. Cleared. Crews. Tons. ' Number. Men. Boys. 22-> 2 15 1 1 !_><; 2 ^'17 2 1!) 77 3.440 407 21.07S 40 l ft I ; ft,;;:1:' ' o.i-il Crews. Men. Boy a. 2S I 2,171 Treasury Department, 1 ftet/ist'r't Office, April 30, 1£(14. | KV TV LEU, Rt;i*ur. No. 10. STATISTICAL VIEW OF THE COMMERCE OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES, exhibiting the Value ». 1 Richmond 2 Wilmington ■:o 13,000 10.7'tl 1,!'4S 1,013 HO 1,100 1.237 179 loo 9 40 24 10,288 12,428 04 11."> 1 4-10 721 75 28.378 32,214 2.012 1,728 2 ( .20 1,904 i 200 ( 179 3 3 Charleston oO 4 Savannah 17 21 5 St. Marks 27 ;.! fl Apalnchicoln ' 7 Mobile ;'il 0,120 208 13 2,0(10 V8 u 8,900 456 Total 170 42.737 •3.008 _ 2 93 25.587 2 421 20? 08,322 5,429 ! 2 Treasury Department, 1 Rf'jitter's Ofjtrc, April 30, 1823 1,090 ' 39 IS , 2,123 | 224 • 3 64 5 4,511 1 331 1 2 o*> 953 18 o i St. Maiks -11 1,405 143 i io 8i 1 . 2 7 1.042 126 14 •203 j 2 Total 61 ' 28.740 2,102 I 116 35,397 3,141 1 4 1 177 64,137 5.243 I 5 Treasury Department, 1 Register's Office, April 80, 1864. / 110. TYLER, Register. No. 14. STATEMENT exhibiting the Number of Confederate and Foreign Vessels, with their Tonnage and Crews, which departed from each District of the Confederate States, and the countries to which they cleared, during the year ending September 30, 1863. From— . Cleared. To- Confederate Vessels. Foreign Vessels. Total. No. Tons. Crews. No. Tons. Crews. No. j Tons. ! Crews. Men. Boys. Men. Boys. Men. Boys. 28 1 12,970 113 1,153 7 45 9,821 1,438 73 1 1 75 22,797 | 2,591 113 ,. 7 407 28 British West Indies. Other British N. A. Possessions. England. 1 467 28 Total 29 13,089 1,100 40 10,288 1,466 23,337 ' 2,626 48 1 1 19,437 199 150 1,214 8 15 23 11,688 696 71 1 1 1 31.125 I 1,910 199 1 . 8 150 1 15 740 1 31 British West Indies. England. Danish West Indies. Cuba. 1 740 31 .Total. 50 19,780 1,237 • 24 12,428 727 74 32,2i4 | 1,964 - Savannah 17 1,948 179 4 64 21 21 2,012 200 British West Indies. 2 24 1 18 1,684 10 0 145 4 5 1 105 10 10 3 7 25 1 118 1,594 16 22 148 4 British West Indies. Cuba. » British Honduras. • 2 2 # Total 27 1,013 lf»5 2 0 115 19 83 1,728 | 174 2 Apalaohicola 2 90 9 2 90 j 9 Cuba. Mobile 51 8,210 268 18 2,690 188 64 8,900 1 456 Cuba. Treasury Department, ) Register'9 Office', April 30, 1864.) RO. TYLER, Register. No. 1*. STATEMENT exhibiting the Number of Confederate and Foreign Vessels, vnth their Tonnage and Crews, which entered into each District of the Confederate States, and the countries from which they arrived, during the year ending September 30, 1863. ' 1*T0 — fKTBKRD. F*OM— Confederate Vessel*. Foreign VeMele. Total. No. Ton*. Crew*. No. Tons. Crew*. No. Crews. Ton*, i 1 Men. Boy*. Men. Boy*. ' Men. Boys. 24 12,690 1,101 63 2 1 13,149 602 46 1,8'9 60 6 77 « 1 80 26 039 2.910 502 ' 60 46 5 British West Indies. England. United States. r.t I 24 12.690 1.101 68 13,697 1,874 26 587 , 2 975 19 12,k03 7£a 31 1 17 2S0 740 933 25 60 1 51 30,' 63 1,665 740 25 British West Indies. .England, '!'• t il 19 1V03 73' 32 18.020 958 30,823 ' 1 690 ."-IV.1 ' .1 8 89 18 3 89 1 18 British Wt at. Indies fct. M . -k« * 9 2 1,3C4 21 137 6 1 4 6 318 400 34 47 — 81 13 8 21 1,702 1 71 4' I 53 1 2 Cuha. British West Indies. 2 2 T .Ml 11 1.405 143 1 10 718 2.123 224' 3 .A pal- el ipol * 1 64 6 1 64 5 Cuha. Mob lo 7 1,642 126 13 1 2,743 126 186 19 2 20 1 4,385 319 123 19 # Cuba. Scotland. Total 1 7 1 1,642 126 14 I 2.869 205 2 1 21 1 4.511 331 2 Treasury Department, > Register's Office, April 30, 1864. / RO. TYLER, Register. No. 16. STATEMENT of the Tonnage of the several Districts of the Confederate States, on the last day of September, 1863. Districts. Sailing Vessels. Steam Vessels. Aogreqate Ton- nage of each District. Registered. Enrolled. Licensed nnder 20 tons. Permanent. Temporary. Permanent. Temporary. Registered. Enrolled. 212 9,236 505 • 65- 9,953 2,867 13,599 300 3,079 27,363 1,145 431 92,802 716 840 25 15,207 1,235 41 2,536 341 22,447 Mobile 28,053 15,207 1,282 653 Total 19,971 16,288 29 288 15,207 . 1 1,323 17,419 25,324 124.820 Treasury Department, ) Register's Office, April 80, 1864. / RQ. TYLER, Register. No. INDEX GENERAL STATEMENTS. Title. Pad*. 3 4 5 6 5 9 10 U n 13 14 15 16 Exports of Domestic Produee Summary of the same Imports of Foreign Merchandise. Summary of the same Exports of Domestic Produce by Districts Imports of Foreign Merchandise by Districts Tonnage of Confederate and Foreign Vessels cleared Tonnage of Confederate and Foreign Vessels entered Tonnage and national character of Vessels entered and cleared Statistical view of the Commerce of ihe Confederate States Statistical view of the Commerce of each District Tonnage of Confederate and Foreign Vessels cleared from each District Tonnage of Confederate and Foreign Vessels entered into each District Countries to which Confederate and Foreign Vessels cleared from each District.. Countries from which Confederate and Foreign Vessels arrived in each District.. Tonnage of the several Districts of the Confederate States 3 4 5-29 21-24 25 26-49 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50