MESSAGE OF THE PRESIDENT. Richmond, Va., Feb. 25, 1863. To the House of Representatives: I herewith transmit, for your information, communications from the Secretary of the Treasury and the Attorney General, in regard to tho sequestration of real estate belonging to alien enemies, in response to your resolution of the 12th inst. JEFFERSON DAVIS. COMMUNICATION FROM SECRETARY OF TREASURY. Treasury Department, C. S. A., > Richmond, Feb. 24, 1863. ) The President : Sir : In response to the resolution of the House of Representatives, requesting the President "to inform" that body " what real estate, if any, has been sold under the provisions of an Act entitled an Act for the sequestration of the property and effects of alien enemies, and for the indemnity of citizens of the Confederate States, and persons aiding the same in the existing war with the United States, approved August 30th, 1861, and Acts amending the same, where situated, and what amount has been paid into the treasury arising from such sales," I have the honor to enclose a report from the register of the treasury giving all the information that has reached this department on the subject. Respectfully, C. G. MEMMINGER, Secretary of Treasury. COMMUNICATION FROM ATTORNEY GENERAL. Confederate States of America, } Department of Justice, > Richmond, 13th February, 1863. ) To the President : Sir : I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of a copy of the resolution of the House of Representatives, asking what real estate, if any, and where situated, has been sold under the original and amended sequestration act, " and what amount has been paid into the treasury arising from such sales," and to say in reply, that this de¬ partment is unable to furnish the information desired. There is no law nor regulation requiring reports upon either of the points, to be made to this department, and none such have been made. The. 13th section of the original act requires a copy of all settle¬ ments of accounts of receivers to be forwarded by the clerk of the court to the treasurer of the Confederate States, within tea days after the decree, interlocutory or final, shall have been passed, etc., but I have no information of the action of the clerks under it. Respectfully, Your obedient servant, T. H. WATTS, Attorney General, LETTER FROM REGISTER OF THE TREASURY. Treasury Department, ) Register's Office, February 24th, 1863. ) Hon. C. G. Memminger, Secretary of the Treasury : Sir : I have the honor to submit herewith a statement made in pursuance of the resolution of the House of Representatives, adopted on the 12th inst., and referred for reply to this office, requesting to be informed what real estate has been sequestrated under the several acts of Congress relating thereto, where located, and the amount paid thereon into the treasury. From an inspection of the statement, you will readily perceive that it answers very meagerly the end intended by the resolution. There has been, undoubtedly, such property sequestrated in every State where the act has been put into operation ; but the returns made to this department, from the several receivers, while they state in detail 'he amounts collected, are, in general, inex¬ plicit, as regards the kind of property upon which they are made. It Would seem, from the nature of the proceedings instituted under these acts, that such full and complete statements should be periodically rendered to the office of the Attorney General, as the proper depart¬ ment to receive them. Should it not involve too great a delay, it would appear to be advisable that a copy of the resolution be sent to each receiver, with a request for a report of sufficien# comprehensive¬ ness to furnish a satisfactory compliance with its terms. I am, respectfully, Your obedient servant, RO. TYLER, Register of the Treasury. STATEMENT showing what real estate, and where located, with the, amount paid into the treasury thereon, has been sequestrated under the act, approved August 30, 1861, and the act amendatory thereof, approved February 15, 1862, up to and including the 21 st day of February, 1863, as shown by the returns made to the treasury from the several States. Date. 1862. August 7... August 7.. August 7.. August 7.. September 2 September 20 September 30 1862. March 24... April 28 April 28 September 20 October 20.. December 9. December 31 December 3i 1862. March 24.. August 5.. Name of Alien Enemy. North Carolina. J. B. Arnam J. & B. Smith J. & B. Smith. John Hardin Peter & Adam Spoon Jesse Wheeler Klett & Bro South Carolina. C. A. Case C. J. & W. Mumo H. L. Kimberly B. A W. Y. & C. L. Martin. Tudor'Ice Company Unknown J L. Adams Pierson & Jennings Georgia. L. 0. Wilson Parmelee & Rodgers What and Where Located. Lands, Pamlico District. House and Lot, Goldsboro. House and Lot, location not specified. House, location not specified Real Estate, House and Lot, Marietta. Amount. $320 00 65 00 85 00 1,230 00 ISO 00 830 00 2,200 00 1,910 00 $1,565 79 166 66 83 33 5.703 75 23,733 44 173 63 8,693 92 3,622 72 $43,743 24 $388 63 2,000 00 August 5.... T. Stewardson August 5.. . . F. M Gates August 5.... J Ilathawav August 5.... II. Smdd rt, M irietta 66 k6 Land, Cedar Town Lot, Atlanta 66 66 (( 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 6X Lots, Lumpkin County. << a a " Dahlonega 2,560 00 305 00 5,000 00 . 270 00 100 00 1,700 00 295 00 1,160 00 610 00 655 00 3,000 00 3,325 00 1,200 00 1,168 60 2,005 00 400 00 $26^142 23 RECAPITULATION. North Carolina $4,910 00 South Carolina. 43,743 24 Georgia 26,142 23 $74,795~47 Treasury Department, Register's Office, February 24th, 1863. RO. TYLER, Register.