Al. CHAPTER IV. An act to amend and re-enact the lioenty-fi rst section of Chap-, ter thirty-six of the Code of 1860. Passed, January 12th, 1865. .§1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia, 21st sect :on o fThat the twenty-first section of Chapter thirty-six of the Code of Virginia of one thousand eight hundred and sixty, enacte.c ^ an(^ game jg hereby, amended and re-enacted, so as to read as follows : "§ 21, The taxes assessed under the thirty-fifth Chapter of the Code, and collected under this Chapter, shall he paid into the Treasury, as follows : Three-fourths of such iiow taxes to be taxes shall be paid on or before the fifteenth day of Decern- wsu." to theber in the year in which the same may he assessed, and the remaining one-fourth thereof on or before the fifteenth day of March next thereafter, save only as follows : a sheriff or collector, the court-house of whose county or corpora- tion is more than thirty miles from the seat of government, shall he allowed, in addition, one day after the fifteenth day of December and fifteenth day of March, for every thirty miles distant therefrom. A sheriff or collector who may not have qualified, or may not have received the hooks of the Commissioner of the Kevenue before the first day of August, shall he allowed five months from his qualification, or the delivery of said hooks to such sheriff or collector, to pay the same into the Treasury. And any sheriff or col- lector, whose county, or any part thereof, may he infested In case any part with the'public enemy during the year in which the taxes fnfe8t^d"°by'"tbe due on persons and property in such infested districts are public enemy, assessed, shall he allowed until the first day of June, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, within which to pay into the Treasury the taxes heretofore assessed, and until the first day of June next succeeding the year in which such taxes may he assessed/ for the payment into the Treasury of the taxes which may he hereafter assessed." commencement. § 2. This act shall be in force from its passage. ——o CHAPTER Y. An act to authorize the Treasurer of the State of Virginia to deposit the public monies in the First National Bank of Alexandria. Passed, January 16th, 1865. §1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly, That from and after the passage of this act, all monies in the public treasury, or which may he hereafter paid'info the same, ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. 1 shall be paid into the First National Bank of Alexandria, to the credit of the Treasurer of Virginia, under the same ii ■ .1 CHiioies of Com- missioners or election to nil vacancies among those ap-missioned, pointed by the City Council, caused by death, refusal to serve, absence from the city, or any other disability. § 6. The members of the City Council, elected as afore- said, or any twelve of them, shall, within seven days after their election in each year, assemble themselves at the present Council Chamber, or any other place which shall be hereafter fixed for their meeting, and shall choose one of their own body to be President of the City Council, to Election of pre*- whom shall be administered, by the Mayor, or any Justice Acation, powers, of the Peace of Alexandria county, an oath or affirmation &c- for the faithful discharge of the duties of his office; whereupon he shall administer the like oath or affirmation to the other members of the Council. He shall have while the Council is in session, the same power which is now ex- ercised by the President of the Common Council upon like occasions. He shall convene the Council whenever, in the opinion of four of the members, addressed to him in writ- iug, or whenever, in his opinion, the good of the city may require it. § 7. The said City Council and their successors shall be a corporation by the name of ''The City Council of Alex-Nam a of the andria and by the said name shall have perpetual sue-corP°ratlon- cession, with capacity to purchase, take, possess, and enjoy capacity, lands and tenements, goods and chattels, in fee or lesser estate therein, and the same to give, grant, let, sell, as- sign or transfer, and to have a common seal. All the estate, rights and credits now vested in the present City Council of Alexandria, shall be vested in the City Council Powers of pres. aforesaid, when elected, and may be recovered in their confer^dC0upon name; and all claims and demands against the presentDew Council- City Council of Alexandria may be prosecuted against the aforesaid City Council. Process served upon the Mayor or Process,how the President of the City Council shall be deemed sufficient.serve ' The concurrence of a majority of the whole number of Majority of members of the said Council shall be necessary for the final n ecess^V^to passage of any law, order, or resolution, for repealing, al-Pass act- tering or revoking the same, or for the election of any officer or agent of the city. Upon the passage of every law or order of the City Council involving an expenditure of one hundred dollars or more, the votes of the members votes 0f mem- thereupon shall be recorded upon the minutes and pub- cases \o bepllh' lished, otherwise such law or order shall be of no force orlislh(?d- effect to authorize any expenditure under the same. H ACTS OP THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. § 8. The said City Council shall have power to erect rower, of the ork-houses, houses of refuge and correction, and other comma.0 .* buildings, for the use and benefit of the city ; to make all laws which they shall deem requisite for the preservation of the health of the inhabitants and for the regulation of the morals and police of said city ; to enforce the observ- ance of their laws by reasonable penalties and forfeitures, to be levied upon the property of the offender, and when sufficient of such property cannot be found, by confine- ment to labor for a period not exceeding three months ; to raise money for the use and benefit of said city, by taxes upon such property, persons and subjects, (including incomes and licenses to carry on any business, profession or calling,) and may assess, levy, and collect them in such manner and from as they may deem expedient. They shall have power, whenever they may deem proper, to pave, make and repair streets and highways, and to open, extend, regulate, grade, pave and improve streets within the city limits ; and to direct the paving, grading and regulation of private alleys ; provided they make the person or per- sons who may be injured by any such opening or extension just and adequate compensation out of the funds of the city. They shall have power to hold and keep, within the city, markets and market days, and to prescribe rules and regu- lations for the government of the market or markets ; and to provide for the establishment, maintainance, regulation and. superintendence of public schools ; and for the regis • tering of births, marriages and deaths. They shall have power to preserve the navigation of,the Potomac River within their jurisdiction ; to erect, repair and regulate pub- lie wharfs and docks ; to establish and regulate fish wharves and markets ; to deepen any docks or basins, or cause or compel the same to be done ; and to limit and regulate the extension and building of private wharves and struc- tures in the said river within their jurisdiction; to drain and fill up low grounds, or cause and compel it to be done ; to restrain and prohibit the keeping of tippling houses, and all kinds of gaming; to provide for the licensing, taxing and regulation of auctions, theatrical and other public shows and amusements ; and may require auctioneers to give bond, with surety, in reasonable rpenalties, conditioned for the faithful discharge of their duty towards persons employ- ing them ; to license and tax the owners or keepers of wagons, carts, drays and other wheel carriages, kept or employed in the city for hire or private use, and subject the same to such regulations as they may deem proper ; to tax specially any lot, of ground adjoining a street on which paving is done, (whether of the side-walk or carriage- ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. 13 -way,) or curb-stones laid, not exceeding two-thirds of the expenses of the paving or curb-stone cn that half of the street opposite such lot, and any adjoining alley. They shall have power to regulate party and other walls and fences, and to direct how and by whom party walls and fences shall be kept in repair ; to prescribe in what part or parts of the city, buildings of wood shall be erected ; to encourage the building of fire-proof houses by favorable discriminations in the taxes thereon ; and to regulate the sizes of bricks to be used in buildings in the city. They shall have power to restrain and prohibit disorderly meet- ings ; to provide for the support, control and management of the poor of the city, and to cause and provide for the removal of all such paupers, vagrants and other persons as may not be legally entitled to residence within the said city ; and to punish by fine or penalty any minor or ap- prentice for violating any law of the City Council ; and unless such fine or penalty, with the costs of prosecutions, be paid by the parent, guardian or master of such minor or apprentice, by confinement to labor for a limited time, not exceeding three months for any one offence. They shall have power to regulate, by law. the weight of bread to be sold within the city ; the inspection of domestic spir- its, tobacco, beef, pork, fish, butter, lard, guano, hay, fod- der, straw and lumber; and to regulate, by law, the measur- ing and weighing of such articles, and of wood, bark, grain, coal, liquors in casks, and other articles ofmerchan- dise, respectively. They shall have the exclusive power of appointing overseers.of the poor of the city ; one or more harbor and ballast masters, port-wardens, a collector or col- lectors of taxes and other dues to the city; assessors of tax- es ; an auditor of accounts ; a superintendent of gas works, and all such officers and agents as they may deem neces- sary or expedient, and whose election is not herein other- wise provided for ; and to fix the compensation and pre- scribe the powers and duties of all officers and agents of the Corporation ; to require any officer or agent, before enter- ing upon the duties of his office or appointment, to take an oath, and to give bond and surety, in a penalty to be fixed by them, with condition for the faithful discharge of such duties, and for good cause, to remove any such officer or agent; to pass such laws as they may deem expedient for the prevention and removal of nuisances, and all laws which may be necessary and proper for carrying into exe- tion the powers granted-by this or any other act. Nothing in this act contained shall be construed to impair, abridge, or take from the said City Council any right or power con- l'erred upon it by the fifty-fourth, fifty-fifth or fifty-sixth If) ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. chapter ol the Code of eighteen hundred and sixty, or by any other law, wherever such right or power may be con- sistent with this act. Mayor,how eiea- §9. The Mayor of Alexandria shall be annually elected ho1itffiLIonsk° ^ qualified voters, at the times and places, and in the manner that the members of the City Council are elected. He shall hold his office for one year from tho time of his election ; and until a successor shall be chosen and qualifi- ed in his stead ; at the expiration of which period, he may be re-elected for two years thereafter in succession, and no oftener until he shall havebeen out of office for one year. He shall, before entering upon the duties of his office, take an oath to bo taken oath or affirmation, in the presence of the City Council, by Mayor. faithfully to execute his office, a minute whereof shall be entered in its proceedings. He shall perform all duties lawfully imposed upon him by the City Council, and shall see that the laws of the corporation are duly executed ; and he shall report the negligence or misconduct of any officer His power to to the City Council. He shall have power to convene the convtme council Qouncii whenever, in his opinion, the good of the com- munity may require it, and he shall lay before the City other duties. Council, from time to time, in writing, such alterations in the laws of the corporation as he shall deem expedient. 17 i s compensa- He shall receive for his services a just and reasonable com- t'oii. pensation, to be allowed and fixed by the City Council, which shall not be increased or diminished during the pe- riod of which he shall have been elected. power of coun- §19. The City Council shall have power to supply cino suppiy va-vaCanCies in its own body, by causing elections to be made, fancies and to * o j elect President in pursuance of. this act, out of the citizens qualified to fill pre. tem. 0gjce f.jie Ward in which the vacancy shall have hap- pened ; and they may, in the absence of the President, elect a President pro tempore. In case of the tempoary inability or absence of the Mayor, the President of the City Council when president shall perform all the duties of the Mayor that may be re- »UiayoriU° ^ ffu^re(l performed during such inability or absence; and in case of a vacancy in the office of Mayor, and in case of the refusal of any person elected as Mayor to serve, he shall perform the duties thereof until the office be filled by the City Council for the official term, or remainder thereof, as the case may be, which they are hereby empowered to do ; and they shall also have power to fill vacancies in all other offices of the corporation. The City Council shall power of coun-have power to remove the Mayor for malconduct in office, Ailyor1 *m °T' no^ less f^an two-thirds of all the members elected voting therefor ; provided, that at least ten days before taking any vote for such removal, he shall have been served with a copy ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. 17 of the charges against him, and informed of the day when ^thb90oerve„1f the Council will be ready to hear his defense or answer. Charges,°lcy §11. The Acts of the City Council shall be signed by the President thereof, and shall be presented to the Acts of council Mayor for his approval and signature, who, if he object Pre8idliined by thereto, shall, within three days, after it shall be so presen- ted, return it to the City Council with his objections in writing ; and, if a majority of the whole number of the members of the Council shall be of opinion that the law ought to be passed, it shall become a law, notwithstanding Approval of ■such objections, and shall be signed by him ; and, if he ' shall not so return it within three days, it shall become a law, and shall be signed by him. §12. The proceedings of the City Council shall be re- Raoords to bn corded by the Clerk thereof in a book to be kept by him for kep'by Clerk- that purpose ; and he shall cause them to be published for the information of the people. He shall also record in a book to be kept by him for the purpose, the laws of the cor- poration, and cause them to be published as aforesaid. He shall perform such other duties as the Council may direct. § 13. The City Council shall have power to remove their Power to remove President for good cause, and to appoint, and for good cause remove their Clerk and Messenger. §14. Ho person, other than a qualified voter, shall be What p«rB<>M eligible to any office of the corporation, and no person who office.* lgl shall fail or refuse to take the oath or affirmation men- tioned in the fourth section hereof shall be capable of hold- ing any sufch office; but such failure, within ten days, or refusal, shall be deemed and taken to have vacated the office ; and no person shall hold more than one office at the same time, excepting that the Attorney may be a member of the City Council, and the Auditor may be the Clerk thereof, and members of the Council may be eligible to offices or employments to which no salary or other emolu- ment is attached. § 15. The commissioners to superintend the elections in each ward shall, before they shall receive any vote, take, severally, an oath or affirmation, to be administered by the oatb tube t«kPn Mayor, or any Justice of the Peace for Alexandria county,o0fuy/^uon.rl" truly and faithfully to receive and return the votes of such persons as are entitled to vote for members of the City Council and Mayor, in their respective wards, and not' knowingly to receive or return the vote of any person who is not legally entitled to the same. Every election shall be Time <.f closing closed on the day upon which it is begun, and the polls elt!Ctl0'iS- shall be kept open until sunset and no longer. The com- missioners in each ward, or the majority of them, shall keep a list of all persons whose votes they shall receive ; Ligt of TOterg< 18 ACTS OF TIIE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. and on the next day after the election, shall make a true count of all the votes lawfully received thereat: and the four persons having, at the first election under this act the greatest number of votes for members of the City Council, and thereafter the two persons having the greatest number of votes therefor, shall be duly elected ; and in all cases of ease an equal-an equality of votes preventing an election, the commission- ny of votes. erg shall decide which of the persons receiving such equal number of votes shall be elected: and they shall, within the two days next after the day of every election, make a Return of per-return,.under their hands of the person or persons elected, sons elected. jy[ay0rj an(j ghall deliver a duplicate thereof to the Clerk of the City Council, who shall preserve and record ' the same in the book of proceedings of the Council. The city council to City Council shall judge of the legality of the election of g'a'nty o/theeiec-aa y person who shall be returned as a member thereof, bers°f iis mfcm"and tliey- shall have power to pass laws and orders to enable them to come to a just decision upon contested or disputed Mav compel at- elections, and to compel the attendance of witnesses therein. nessesnceof wit They shall.have power to compel the attendance of their own members at their meetings by reasonable fines tor non- attendance, and to make rules and regulations for the or- derly and regular conduct of their business ; and they may May runish.and punish any member or by-stander at their meetings for two-thini^expei disorderly behavior, by - fine not exceeding fifty dollars, or a member. hy imprisonment not exceeding thirty days ; and with con- sent of three-fourths of the whole number of members may expel a member. § 1G. The commissioners aforesaid in each Ward, or the Return of v.otes majority of them, shall make return, under their hands, for Mayor. ^ votes given in their respective wards for Mayor, to the City Council, at their first meeting after the election; and the said City Council shall count the votes so returned, and declare the person who shall have received the highest aggregate number of votes for the office to be duly elected, and cause him to be notified thereof. In case two or more voteCfo? Mayor6 Persons skaU have received an equal and the highest ag- council to elect.'gregate number of votes for Mayor, the City Council shall make the election from among them, and notify the party elected thereof. The City Council shall have power to de- Council to decide cide all contested or disputed elections for Mayor in like tions'fo'rMayor!manner as in cases of disputed or contested elections of members of their own body. § 17. Should the Commissioners in any ward not be able to complete their duties on the day after the election, they Commissionerashall adjourn until the next day, when the same shall be Hinex'tJdaynun completed. All poll-books, with the tickets handed in by Mckets°toSbe re^ voters at elections tinder this act, shall be returned by the ACTS OJT TUB ©RNERAL ASSEMBLY. 19 Commissioners, at the time of making the election returns, *U» SiTen. than one month where the parties resides within the County of Alexandria, not less than two 'months where the parties reside out of the county of Alexandria, and within the United States; and not less than three months where the parties reside out of the United States. § 19. Tenements or lots of ground within said city, on when real pro- which taxes, assessments or charges remain unpaid to the^7df0™taXye»b* City Council of Alexandria, for the space of one year or more from and. after the first day of July of the year in which they were assessed or became payable, or shall here- after so remain unpaid, may be sold at public auction for the payment thereof, with the expenses attending the sale. Provided, that public notice of the time and place of sale be given by advertisement in some newspaper published in erorisoas to no- said city, for at least three months where the property istiGtt' 20 ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. assessed to persons residing out of the United States, two months where assessed to persons residing within the United States, hut beyond the county of Alexandria, and one month where assessed to persons residing within said county; what ahaii.bein which notice shall he stated the street or streets, if any, stated m the no- on W}1 ]je • streets or other boundaries of the square, fractional square, or block in which they lie the names of the persons to whom they were last assessed on the assessors' hooks, and the amount of taxes, assessments w hat purchaseror charges due upon each lot. The purchasers at such sales to w at the sale g]iaqi not be obliged to pay, at the time of sale, more than the amount of taxes, assessments or charges, and expenses of sale upon the lots purchased by them respectively. If, iiow the propric- within two years from the day of sale, the proprietor or pro- «ut"tiay 1>e iein" Priet°rs °f any lot so sold, his or their heirs, representatives or agent, shall pay to the purchaser or to the Mayor, the amount so paid by such purchaser, with ten per cent, per annum, as interest thereon, or make a tender thereof, he, she, or they, shall be reinstated in their original title ; hut if such pay- -ment or tender he not made within two years next after when purchaser such sale, then the purchaser shall pay the residue, if any, du9UtoP!council" purchase money to the City Council, by whom it tp be held by shall he held subiect to the order of the proprietor or pro- Council subject ., i • n • -i • / .• • to order of pro- prietors, or his or their heirs, representatives or assigns ; Cto mseue and the purchaser or purchasers, on payment of such resi- ntie, &c. ghaii receive a title to the lot or lots in fee-simple from the Mayor, under his hand and the seal of the corporation, which shall he deemed good and valid in law and equity ; and such title shall not be in any manner called in question for informality or error in or about thej sale as aforesaid, or any proceeding connected therewith, or prior thereto, after five years from the date of such deed, or for any reason or cause whatsoever other than that the taxes, assessments or charges for non-payment whereof the property was sold had been actually and fully paid before the day of sale as afore- said. Provided, always, that any infant, married woman, insane person, or persons imprisoned, whose property may under^ave ^)eei1 s(> sold, may redeem the same within two years i^ai disabilities after the removal of the disability, by paying to the pur- chaser, his heirs or assigns, or to the Mayor, the amount paid by such purchaser as aforesaid, with the necessary charges incurred by the purchaser, his heirs or assigns, in obtaining the title under the sale, and such additional taxes and charges on the property as may have been paid by him or them with interest at the rate of ten per cent, per annum from the times the same may have been paid, together with an allowance for the improvements made by the purchaser, his heirs or assigns, to be ascertained and fixed by three dis- ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. interested parties (who shall first he duly sworn to value the same fairly and impartially.) one of whom shall he chosen hy the party so applying to redeem, another hy the purchaser, his heirs or assigns, and the third by the two so chosen. Upon such payment the purchaser, his heirs or assigns, shall, at the cost of the original owner, his heirs or assigns, convey to him or them, by deed with special warranty, the property so redeemed. When real property is offered as aforesaid for sale, and no person present bids the amount to he satisfied from the sale thereof, the person making the sale may purchase the same for the said City Property may be Council for such amount, whereupon the same shall, with- City Council. out deed, stand and remain vested in the said City Council in fee-simple, subject to redemption as aforesaid ; but of all property so purchased for the City Council made and ehaseil «haU be signed by the Clerk thereof, shall, within sixty days from r8C0ld"a,&'" the day of sale be left to be recorded among the land records of Alexandria county, and the redemption thereof shall be noted by the Clerk opposite the respective lots, upon the certificate of the Mayor, at the request of the party redeem- ing; and he shall be entitled to a fee of ten cents for each lot for so recording such list, to be paid by the City Council, and a fee of five cents for noting each redemption, to be paid by the party requesting it. All the right and title of the said City Council to the lots so purchased for them shall be sold by public Miction within six years from the re-such property spective days of purchase thereof, upon such terms as the 8°* yearlw,thl" City Council shall direct; but the same may be bid in for May be wa in i>., the City Council^ in all cases where no bid shall be received ltyConnc,1> to an amount equal to the sum for which the lot was pur- chased by the City Council as aforesaid, with interest and all subsequent charges and taxes to the day of such sale. § 20. No license to commence, carry on, or practice, with-xo license to w in the city of Alexandria, any business, calling, or profes- business in'cuy sion, for which a license is or shall be required by the laws 0 0 of this State, shall be graiited until the party applying therefor shall have paid the tax assessed or levied upon such license by the City Council of Alexandria. The City rouncil mav au Council may authorize such taxes, or any other taxes 'or "'0/ize i — , _ _ _ i n ii i of County to col- charges assessed or levied by them, to be collected by theioct taxes. Sheriff of Alexandria county, or by their own collector or collectors ; and they may require of said sheriff bond in a And may lcynii-** penalty and with surety to their satisfaction, conditioned bond'&c for his faithfully accounting for and paying over to them all such taxes received-by him, in such manner and such times as they may, from time to time, direct. He shall be entitled to a commission thereon, to be fixed by tfio City 22 ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. Council, not exceeding the commission allowed him upon like taxes collected for and paid to the State. May appoint Po- § 21. The said City Council may appoint, from time to ijce Justices, time, one or more Police Justices of the city. They shall have, within said city, all the power of a justice of the peace, and shall have jurisdiction exclusive of justice of the peace of all cases arising under the laws of the corpora- tion. Every such person, before acting as Police Justice, Police Justice to shall give bond as the City Council shall direct, conditioned give bend. por faithfully accounting for and paying over, as they may require, all monies coming to his hands for fines, penalties or forfeitures under their laws, and shall, also take an oath or affirmation faithfully to discharge the duties of his office. He shall receive such compensation as the City Council may allow, and no other. The City Council may at any Mayberemored. time remove or supersede any such Police Justice, councilshaiinot § 22. The City Council of Alexandria shall not create or ereat# new deV>fc* auth.oi*ize any new or additional debt, or any guaranty or undertaking for others, or make or issue any token, note or due-hill, intended for circulation; whereby the city, its funds or property, shall he directly or indirectly, liable or hound, in law or equity ; provided that the said City Council may Except in antici-borrow money in anticipation of the taxes of any one year, faxe°snof0thecurefor a period not exceeding five years; and provided that the rent year. whole amount so borrowed shall not at any time exceed in all twenty thousand dollars. No former acts of § 23. Nothing herein contained shall he construed to im- repugTantTopair or destroy any right or remedy which the City Council datedby itnvali °^' Alexandria now possess or enjoy to or ooncerning taxes, charges, assessments, debts, claims or demands against any person or persons or company, or for any property, matter or thing whatsoever, or to repeal any law or order of said City Council now in force, which shall not be repugnant to this Act; but all such rights and powers shall upon the taking effect of this act, be and remain vested in the City Council of Alexandria hereby created. Repealing clause § 24. All acts and parts of Acts coming within the pur- view of this Act shall be and are hereby repealed. o CHAPTER X. An Act to amend and re-enact the fifteenth Section of Chap- ter one hundred and ninety-tioo of the Code. Passed February 1, 18G5. § 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia, 15th section of That section fifteen of Chapter one hundred and ninety-two the Code amend- of th^ Code, of one thousand eight hundred and sixty, be ed and re-enact-an(j ^he game jg hereby amended and re-enacted, so as to read as follows: ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. 28 " § 15. If any free person steal any bank note, check, or Bank notes and * /• i i * ,i papers made sub- other writing or paper ot value, whether the same repre-jects of larceny. sents money and passes as currency or otherwise, or any ' book of accounts for or concerning money or goods due, or to be delivered, he shall be deemed guilty of larceny there- of, and receive the same punishment, according'to the value of the thing stolen, prescribed for the punishment of the larceny of goods and chattels : The provisions of this sec- tion shall be construed to embrace all bank notes, and papers of value, representing money, and passing as cur- rency, whether the same be the issue of this State or of any other State or of the United States, or of any corporation ; and shall include all other papers of value of whatever description. § 2. This Act shall be in force from its passage. o CHAPTER XI. An Act to authorize Express, Railroad and other Transpor- tation Companies to sell unclaimed freight. Passed February 2, 1865. §1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia, That any Express or Railroad Company or persons engaged Transportat sjo n in the Express business, or in any way in the transporta- uT.-fai maJ\ tion of goods or articles of any kind, from one part of the at auc" country to another as freight or as baggage, and having an office, or place of business in this State, who shall have had any unclaimed articles, goods or things, not perishable, in its, his, or their possession for a period of six months, at least, may at the expiration of that time proceed to sell the same at public auction ; and out of the proceeds, may May retain th^r retain the charges of transportation and storage of such ta^oceeiis!0 f articles, goods or things, and the expense of advertising and sale thereof, which expense and charges shall be a lien upon such articles. Provided, that said Company, person or persons shall first give public notice of such sale, in one Must give public or more newspapers once a week for four successive weeks,notlce' published at the place, nearest the said place of sale, which notice shall set forth the time and place of sale, the charac- ter of each unclaimed package distinctly, and the name of the person or persons to whom it is directed if known. § 2, And be it further enacted, That such Company or persons engaged in the Express or transportation business, shall make an entry of the balance of the proceeds of sale shaii mate an of each article, goods or things, directed to the same per-*||jeyofproeeed^ son or persons, as near as- can be ascertained, and at any time within three years thereafter, shall refund any sur- 24 ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY.. And refund sur- plus so retained to the owner of such articles, goods or Pius to.owner, things, or t0 their personal representatives upon satisfactory • proof of such ownership ; and shall if no claim is made for such retained balances, accompanied by satisfactory proof Shall p'ay the within three years, pay the same into the Treasury of the Treasury'of the State, with 'a correct list of all and every article sold by oftataeraciesa&ctsa^ Company with the name or names of the person or after three'years'persons to which, said packages originally belonged. The Treasurer to re- Treasurer shall receipt to said companies or agents for the ceipt for same. gamej anq ghall keep a correct list thereof, and the sum or sums so paid in shall be applied to the support of Publio Schools. provisions of § 3. The provisions of this Act, and the privileges and tend wi'y'to in- powers herein granted, shall not-extend to any Company, eorporated com- not incorporated by the Legislature of this State, the Con- v»nie». gress of the United States, or the Legislature of one of the States of the United States, commencement. § 4. This act shall be in force from its passage. o CHAPTER XII. An Act to provide for the qualification of notaries public in certain counties of this Commonwealth. Passed February 3, 1865. § 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia, Notaries public That in any case which a notary public, duly appointed by mayequaHfy and the Governor of this Commonwealth, for any county or cor- give bond before poration of this State, shall be unable to comply with the judge, cierk ofprovisons of the first section of chapter one hundred and justice or Not£ twenty of the Code of Yirginia, of one thousand eight stateUbli° °f 'his hundred and sixty, by reason of the occupation of such county or corporation, in whole or in part, by the armed forces of the enemies of this State and the United States, the boud required by the said section may be taken, and a copy thereof transmitted to the Auditor of Public Accounts, by any Judge of a Circuit Court, or Clerk of a County Court, or Justice of the Peace, or Notary Public of this State, and any person so appointed, after having executed his bond, as hereintofore provided, may take the oaths pre- scribed by law, before any person duly qualified to admjnis- ter oaths in this State, and shall thereupon be invested with all the powers, and subject to the same penalties and restrictions not removed by this Act, now conferred or im- posed by law on Notaries Public in this State. § 2. This Act shall be in force from its passage. acts of tiie general assembly. 25 CHAPTER XIII. An act for the relief of William Bushby. Passed, February 6, 1855. Whereas, It is represented to the General Assembly of preamble. Virginia that in consequence of the increased price of all kinds of previsions—William Busliby, Jailor of Alex- andria County; and as such has had to provide food for the civil prisoners therein confined, from the first day of April, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, to the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, has expended for the support of said priso- ners much greater sums of money than is allowed him hy law. Therefore, § 1. Be it enacted by the General Assemblg, That the Auditor of Public Accounts he directed to pay William Auditor directed Bushby, Jailor of Alexandria County, the sum of fifteen Bushby, jailor, •cents per day additional for each and every person im-sum^oAVephfi prisoned during the period of his imprisonment, that being prisoners- the amount which he has expended, ahove the amount by law allowed him—in providing food for tbe prisoners who have been confined in said jail between the first day of April, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, and the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five. § 2. This Act shall be in force from its passage. o CHAPTER XIV, An act to extend the time for the collection of the taxes for the years one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one and one thousand eight hundred and sixty-tivo. Passed, February 6, 1865. § 1. Be it enated by. the General Assembly of Virginia, That the several sheriffs and collectors of this Common- sheriffs and coi- wealth he allowed until the first day of July, one thous- further time In and eight hundred and sixty-five, to enforce the collection whlch t0 collect- of taxes due the State of Virginia, for the years one thous- and eight hundred and sixty-one and one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two. §2. And be itfurther enacted, That the said sheriffs or collectors shall make out a list of delinquents, which list To make out n«t shall be posted on the front door of the Court-house of their A.delms^ia^ certify the same-to the Clerk of the Court oierk of county of the county wherein the estate is whereon such judgment action arose]6 °fis a lien, whose duty it shall be at the next Court thereof to publish on the front door of the Court-House, a list of such judgments. . § 3. This Act shall be in force from its passage., CHAPTER XIX. An act for the relief of M. II. Higgins, Jailor of Accomac County. Passed-, February 9, 1865. § 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly, That the Auditor authort- Auditor of Public Accounts, be and is hereby authorized zed to, settle the to settle the claims of M. H. Higgins, deputy coroner, and c mi in s of M H o o a jl •/ / 4 Higgins, &c." 'jailor of Accomac county, for board, maintenance, and sup- port of Elizabeth Bellrate, a lunatic, for some time con- fined in the jail of said county, and for the conveyance of said lunatic to the town of Eastville, (whence she was taken to the Lunatic Asylum at Williamsburg, in the month of October, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four)—and that the Auditor may certify the said accounts, which shall be paid on his certificate out of any monies not other- wise appropriated in the public treasury : Provided, the said churns shall not exceed the amount of seventy-three dollars. § 2. This Act shall be in force from its passage. -——o CHAPTER XX. An act to ratify the Joint Resolution of Congress, passed January thirty-first, one thousand eight hundred and six- ty-five, proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States. Passed February 9, 1865. jtveambw. Whereas, It is provided b}r the Constitution of the Uni- ted States of America, that Congress may, whenever two- thirds of both Houses deem it necessary, propose amend- ments to the same, to be ratified by the Legislatures of three-fourths of the several States, or by Conventions ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. therein, as the one or the other mode may he proposed by Congress. And whereas, By the thirty-eighth Congress of tlieUni- ted States at the second session thereof, begun and held at the city of Washington, on Monday, the fifth day of De- cember, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, it was t(Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, (two- thirds of both Houses concurring,) That the following article be proposed to the Legislatures of the several States, as an amendment to the Constitution, of the United States, which, when ratified by three-fourths of said Legislatures, Ratification a shall be valid to all intents and purposes as a part of said amendment!011*1 Constitution: ARTICLE 13TH. § 1, Neither slavery hor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime, whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, The amendment, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. § 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation." Therefore be it enacted by the General Assembly of Vir- ginia, That the aforesaid amendment to the Constitution of the United States, be and the same is hereby ratified. o CHAPTER XXI. An act in relation to the collection and return of County levies for the years one thousand eight hundred and sixty- three and one thousand eight hundred and sixty four. Passed February 10, 1865. § 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia, That the several sheriffs and collectors of this Common-Collectors anew, wealth, be allowed until the first day of July, one thousand 1st, i 8 e s, t<> eight hundred and sixty-five, to collect and make return of ^unVwvh". "f the county levies, for the years one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, and one thousand eight hundred and six- ty-four. § 2. This Act shall be in force from its passage. —,—o CHAPTER XXIT. An act to incorporate the Norfolk Steam Navigation Com- pany. Passed February 14, 1865. § 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia, That Joseph Segar, Lucius H. Chandler, Gilbert C. Walk-Names of the er, C. L. Coles, Wm. S, Ivemp, Dr. George W. Cowderry,C0ip0iat01*- Lewis Salisbury, and Wm. H. Barrey, their successors and «?9 ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. assigns, be, and they are hereby, made a corporation, by the name of "The Norfolk Steam Navigation Company," with all the rights,, powers and privileges of corporations set forth in the Code of Virginia, and subject to all the pro- visions of the Code so far as the same shall not be incon- sistent with this act. capital stock. § 2-. Be it further enacted, That the capital stock of said company shall be fifty thousand dollars, and may he in- creased from time to time when arid as the stockholders in general meeting may determine; it shall be divided into shares of one hundred dollars each, company may §3. Be it further enacted, That the said company shall r un a line of^ayg power to establish and run a line, or lines, of steam steamers to and , . . _ ' _ . > . from any ports vessels between the city of Norfolk and such other ports Maryland, a n a and places in this State, the State of Maryland, and the cXmbilf&V°f District of Columbia, as the said company may deem expedient, for which purpose they shall have power to purchase and sell, use and employ, such property, real or personal, as may he necessary and proper for conveniently and advantageously carrying on the business of transport- ing freight and passengers. They shall have power to demand and receive such rates of fare and freight as may be reasonable and just for the performance of any such service: Provided, That the rate of fare for each passenger between Norfolk or Portsmouth and Old Point Comfort or Hampton shall not exceed fifty cents each way. § 4. Be it f urther enacted, That the affairs of said com- a board of Ave pany shall be managed by a board of not less than five- manage Me8 a£^rec^ors> w^° shall be annually chosen by the stockhold- fairs of the com- ers in general meetings. In all such meetings every stock- I)any' holder shall be entitled to one vote for each share of stock owned by him. The said board shall, immediately, after their election, appoint one of their number to be President and another Treasurer of their company. They shall also appoint and remove such other officers and agents as they may deem necessary, and fix their compensation. Term of office of The President and Treasurer shall hold their respective Treasured and offi ces for one year, unless sooner removed by stockholders in general meeting. They, with one other director to be named by the board, shall be the Executive Committee, and as such shall have the general management of the company's business, when the board shall not be in session, subject to such rules and orders as may be made by the board, or by a general meeting. §5. Be it further enacted, That nothing in this act con- tained shall be construed to authorize said company to es- tablish and run a ferry between the cities of Norfolk and Portsmouth without the consent and authority of the ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. ;rj County Court of Norfolk county: Provided, That said company's boats may £ass and repass between said cities for the purpose of receiving and landing freight and pas- sengers destined to, or from other points. § 6. Be it further enacted, That this act shall he in force from its passage. CHAPTER XXIII. An Act for the relief of William H. Massey, formerly jailor of Accomac county. Passed February 14, 1865. § 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia, That the Auditor of Public Accounts he, and he is hereby, The Auditor authorized and directed to pay to William H. Massey, late woriLCitMSeyaa jailor of Accomac county, the sum of nineteen dollars andBUm ot five cents, that being the amount of jail fees of Mary Fiu- nev, who was committed to the jail of Accomac county for failure to give surety for the peace prior to the passage of the act of February fifth, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, repealing the law authorizing payment in such cases. § 2. This Act shall be in force from its passage. o ■ CHAPTER XXIV. An Ac! to incorporate the Norfolk and New York City Bail- road Company. Passed February 14, 1865. § 1 .Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia, That it shall be lawful to open hooks of subscription at the city of Norfolk, under the direction of Lewis W. Webb, t®yi» ' \Villiam J. Harrison, Lucius H. Chandler, Williani H. powered to open Barry, Gilbert C. Walker, of said city. William P. Moore, gcriptioi. ,ub" Jr., George T. Yerhy, and John R. Birch, of Northamp- ton county, and 'E. K. Snead, Thomas H. Kellam, and Thomas Lilliston, of Accomac county, or any three of them, for the purpose of receiving subscriptions to an amount not exceeding three millions of dollars, in shares of one hun- Amount of tto. k dred dollars each, for the purpose of surveying, locating, constructing, equipping and operating a railroad from Cherrystone, or some other eligible point on the eastern Terminus of th» shore of this State, northerly to the boundary line of theroad" State of Maryland, there to connect with any railroad running northerly from said boundary line, and to he con- :U ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. nected at its southern terminus with the cities of Nor- folk and Portsmouth by means of a steam ferry. Such where books to books may he opened at such other place or places, as the be opened. sa-q paiqies resident in Norfolk, or a majority of them, may direct, under the direction of any two of the persons Howr long to be above named. All such hooks shall be kept open at least what notice to be three days, and notice of the opening thereof at the several sjuen. places shall he given for at least two weeks in the news- papers of Norfolk and Portsmouth, and in such other news- papers as the said persons resident in Norfolk, or the major- ity of them, may deem expedient. § 2. That whenever two hundred shares of said stock shall have been subscribed, the subscribers and their sue- wheu subscii-cessors shall be, and are hereby, incorporated into a com- porat"dbe ",cor'pany by the name of " The Norfolk and New York' City panyeof ° ° m Railroad Company," subject to all the provisions of, and entitled to all' the benefits and powers conferred by chapters fifty-six and fifty-seven of the Code of Virginia, so far as the same may be applicable and not inconsistent with the provisions of this charter. § 3. That it shall be lawful for said company, for the purpose of constructing and equipping and operating said Tower to »e 11 railway and ferry, to sell their bonds, with coupons attached, 0111 *' at a rate of interest not exceeding seven per centum per annum, to be paid semi-annually, to the amount of one And borrow million five hundred thousand dollars, and also to borrow u°o7/noter°m money upon their promissory notes, duly executed under the authority of its Board of Directors, to an amount not exceeding five hundred thousand dollars, and to lease their road to any person, or persons or domestic or foreign cor- poratiou, any of which corporations shall have power to subscribe to the stock of said company. p.e peaiin & clause § 4. All Acts inconsistent herewith shall be held not to apply to the same, and are hereby repealed, as far as the same conflict with this charter. Commencement. § £r This Act shall be in force from and after its passage. CHAPTER XXV. An Act to amend and re-enact sections two and four of Chapter thirty-seven of the Code of Virginia. Pas3ed February 14, 1865. § 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly, That section Section *econ.t of two of chapter thirty-seven of the Code of Virginia be Code amended amended and re-enacted, so as to read as follows :—In the re-enacted, 0f July, August or September, in the year one ACTS OP THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. 35 thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, and in one of those months in every year thereafter, the said Auditor shall Gause to be delivered to the Sheriff, or Collector of the taxes for each county and corporation, a list of the real estate therein, which, since the tenth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, has been, or hereafter shall he, returned delinquent for taxes, and on which the taxes remain unpaid, with a statement of the amount due for the taxes on each tract or lot so returned, and for interest on such taxes. § 2. And be it f urther enacted, That section four, of the sects on f«nr o t aforesaid chapter, be amended and re-enacted, so as to read te'ame^ded^ifa as follows :—Within twenty days after receiving such list,re «n»cted- each Sheriff or Collector shall make out three copies there- of, and set up one of them at the front door of the Court- House, and the other two at two of the most public places in his county or corporation. To each copy he shall sub- join a notice that the real estate therein mentioned, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy the taxes on the same, with interest and commissions of five per cent, to the Sheriff or collector, will be sold at public auction, between the hours of ten in the morning and four in the evening, on the first day of the succeeding November, or December Court of his county or corporation, at the frontdoor of the Court-House thereof, unless the said taxes, interest and commissions shall be previously paid ; such list and notice shall, if ordered by the Court of the county or corporation in which such real estate lies, be advertised in some convenient newspaper for four successive weeks, the expense of which shall be apportioned among the delin- quents according to the amount of taxes due by them re- spectively. § 3. This Act shall be in force from its passage. o CHAPTER XXVI. An Act to amend and re-enact the seventh section of chapter one hundred and fifty-one of the Code. Passed February 14, 1865. § 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia, That the seventh section of chapter one hundred and fifty-Section WT,n Qt one of the Code be, and the same is hereby amended and thecod.lmemt• re-enacted so as to read as follows :—Every such attach- and r«-»nact. ment (except where it is sued out specially against specified ® ' property) may be levied upon any estate, real or personal, of the defendant, or so much thereof as is sufficient to pay ;ia ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. the amount for which it issues, and may be levied upon any' estate of the defendant, whether the same he in the county or corporation where the suit is, or in any other, either by the officer of the county or corporation wherein the action is brought, or by the officer of the county or corporation, where the estate is. It shall be sufficiently levied in every case by a service of a copy of such attachment on such persons as may be designated by the plaintiff in writing, or be known to the officer to be in possession of effects of, or to be indebted to the defendant, and as to real estate, by such estate being mentioned and described by endorsement on such attachment. § 2. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act shall be, and the same are hereby repealed. § 3. This Act shall be in forcefrom and after its passage. o CHAPTER XXVII. An Act for the relief of Sheriffs and Collectors of comity levies in certain counties. Passed February 14, 1865. Freamble. Whereas, In consequence of military interference in the counties, of Accomac and Northampton during the past 3rear, the Sheriffs and Collectors of the county levies, in the said counties, have been hindered in collecting the levies aforesaid, and have not in hand collections to the amount of the sums levied in the counties aforesaid. Therefore, § 1. Beit enacted hy the General Assembly of Virginia, sheriffs and coi-That the Sheriffs and Collectors in the counties aforesaid mac°andfNorth-^e' an(^ are hereby, declared exempt from suit or mo- ampton countieu tion for the amount levied by the courts of said counties fo r amount o f for the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, for certain 'n non-payment of the levies aforesaid until the fifteenth day of May next, and no execution shall issue, or if any such execution has been issued and been levied, the prop- erty so seized shall be, and the same is hereby, released, and such execution shall be returned to the Clerk's office. § 2. This Act shall be in force from its passage. CHAPTER XXVIII. An Act to provide for recording Deeds in certain cases. Passed February 21, 1865. § 1 .Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia> when deeds ,0fThat deeds relating to real estate lying in counties or cor- beelrecordedmfn porations wherein there shall be no county courts organized, the office of Sec- 0r clerks thereof, may be recorded in the office of the Sec- commonwealth* retary of the Commonwealth, if approved or acknowledged ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. 37 according to law ; aud it shall he the duty of the said Sec- retary to record the same in a hook to he kept hy him for the purpose, with all certificates and other things relating thereto, as is required or authorized to be done hy clerks of county courts, and to exercise in regard thereto the powers of such clerks. All deeds so recorded, and all matters re- lating thereto, shall he forwarded hy said Secretary to the clerks of the counties in which the property lies to which to eounty where said deeds relate respectively, within sixty days after the "* qualification of such clerks, who shall record the same in the deed hook; and in cases where the original deed shall have been delivered to the party entitled thereto, the said (Secretary shall forward to such clerks transcripts from his records of said deeds and of all matters relating thereto. The said Secretary shall collect and account for the State su»n tax on all deeds received for record hy him, as aforesaid, jncoll,,ctfc,iat#ti,s- like manner as the clerks are required by law to do, and shall certify the payment thereof upon each deed or tran- script thereof forwarded to the clerks as aforesaid. He shall he entitled to the same fees for his services, as afore- said, as are allowed by law to such clerks for like services. The clerks to whom transcripts shall he forwarded as afore- said shall record the same in the deed hook, with all mat- ters relating thereto, and shall be entitled therefor to the same fees as are allowed them hy law for recording original deeds. § 2. Beit further enacted, That the recording of deeds Eoret «f saoi by the Secretary as aforesaid and the record thereof, shall>e'01 have the same torce and effect as the recording, or the record of deeds, in the office of a clerk of a county court, aud shall, in all respects,he subject to the laws relating thereto. § 3. This Act shall he in force from its passage. 0 CHAPTER XXIX. An Act to authorize a report of the alterations of the Code of eighteen hundred and sixty. Passed February 21, 1865. § 1. Be it enacted hy the General Assembly of Virginia. That the Governor of this Commonwealth be, and he isTheflo Vf rnt), hereby authorized to appoint, at a compensation not to ex- aot,,oi;i/*;iittTi',fe ceed seven hundred and fifty dollars, a suitable person , perBoii to make a whose duty it shall he to prepare and report to the next Scions or Me meeting of the General Assembly, what alterations andCode of 1Sb0- amendments have been made hy subsequent legislation in the Code of one thousand eight hundred and sixty, desig- 38 ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. nating in said report each seperate alteration and amend- ment, and the section of the Code to which such alterations or amendments apply ; also, what acts, or parts of acts, have been changed or rendered null by the provisions of the amended Constitution ; and what other legislation of a general character has been adopted, and that he give in his report an abstract of the legislative provisions aforesaid. § 2. Be it further enacted, That the person appointed under the provisions of the first section of this act shall And to report also make a report to the next session of the Legislature of ^thVcode^are Virginia, of all chapters, or parts of chapters, of the Code -dered ^neces- 0f Virginia of one thousand eight hundred and sixty, and mended Consti- subsequent acts of the Assembly, the alteration, amendment tuMon' or repeal of which is rendered necessary or proper by the amended Constitution of Virginia, or by existing laws of the United States, and which have not been already altered, amended, or repealed by subsequent legislation, fto tames eem eat. § 3. This Act shall be in force from and after the adjourn- ment of this session of this Legislature. o CHAPTER XXX. An Act to incorporate the Norfolk Insurance and Trust Company. Passed February 23, 1865. § 1. Be it enacted hy the General Assembly of Virginia, xames of the That Joseph Segar, Cicero Burrus, Lucius H. Chandler, J. corporators. "Wesley Chamberlin, Wm. H. Turner, Gilbert C. "Walker, William H. Barry, Capt. Jas. Cornicke, Capt. Jas. Bryan, and others who may associate under this act,' are herebj created and declared to be a body politic and corporate, hy the name and style of the "Norfolk Insurance and Trust Company," and by that name may sue and be sued, im- plead and be impleaded in all the courts of law and equity in this State and elsewhere ; and to make and have a com- mon seal, and the same to break, alter or renew at their pleasure; to ordain and establish such by-laws, ordinances and regulations, and generally to do every act and thing necessary to carry into effect this act, or to promote the object and design of this Corporation, what insurance §2. To make insurance upon dwellings, houses, stores, they may make, and all other kind of buildings,. in towns, cities, or counties, and upon household furniture, merchandize and other property against loss or damage by fire, to make in- surances on the lives and health of persons ; to cause them- selves to be insured when deemed expedient against lisks upon which they have made insurances; to grant annuities; ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. 39 to receive endowments; to contract for reversionary in- terests; to guarantee the payment of promissory notes, bills of exchange or other evidences of debt; to make in- Mirances upon vessels, freights, goods, wares, merchandize, specie, bullion, profits, commissions, banknotes, bottomry, or respondentia interests, and to make all and every in- surance connected with marine risks, and risks of trans- what oth*r risks portation and navigation. they nuiy §3. To receive money on deposit and grant certificates >fav« a tleposite therefor, in accordance with the conditions set forth in sec-llank' tions four and five, chapter fifty-nine of the Code of Vir- ginia; but in no case are such deposits or certificates there- for to be held liable to make good any policy of insurance issued by this company. § 4. The affairs of said company shall be managed by a board of directors consisting of seven members or stock- ®°*rd of I)hec- holders, five of whom shall constitute a quorum. Said directors shall be elected by ballot from among the mem- hers and stockholders of said company in general meeting assembled, at such time and place as said corporation in their by-laws shall appoint; of w,hich election public notice shall be given ten days preceding such election, which shall be held under the inspection of three members or stock- holders, to be appointed for the first election by the persons named in the first section of this act, and thereafter by the members or stockholders, not being directors, to be ap- pointed previous to every election by the board of directors ; and such election shall be made by ballot, and by a plurality of the votes of the members or stockholders, or their proxies present; allowing to each member or stockholder one vote for every fifty dollars in capital stock represented in said company. All vacancies happening in said board how va< aneies, may be filled by the remaining directors for the remainder40 * of the term for which they were elected, and shall continue in office until others shall be chosen in their places, and other elections shall be held periodically, once in three years thereafter for the choice of new directors. The said board of directors shall elect, viva voce, a President, YiceH*w officers of President, Secretary, Treasurer, and General Agent, whoboard *lected' may hold their offices for and during the term of one year, or until others are elected in their places. § 5. Every person who shall become a member of said company by effecting an insurance therein on the premium Premium note to note plan, shall, before he receives his policy, deposit hisbede,,0Slttd' premium note for such sum of money as shall be determined by the directors, together with such an amount in cash as may be required by the directors. The said deposite noteHow d«(««to shall be payable in part or the whole, at any time when note pajabl0-• 40 ACTS OP T1IE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. the directors shall deem the same requisite for the payment of losses or damages, and such other incidental expenses as shall be necessary for transacting the business of said com- pany, and for the redemption of all bonds, obligations and notes which may be incurred or issued by said company ; and at the expiration of the term of insurance, the said note, or such part, thereof as shall remain unpaid, after deducting all losses and expenses, and other liabilities ac- cruing in said term, shall be relinquished and given up to now fnnd* of the the maker thereof or his representative. The funds of Company be in- -i ' • i t , t • vested. this company, however derived, may be invested in, or loaned on stock or real security, or be used in purchasing or discounting bonds, bills, notes, or other paper. Pro- vided, that no greater rate of discount shall be taken than one half of one per centum for thirty days, except as re- gards the bonds or certificates of debt of this State, the United States, or of corporations ; but the interest may in any case be paid in advance. But the members or stock- holders of this company shall not be liable for any loss, damage or responsibility, other than their premium notes, and the property they mqy have in the capital stock and funds of the company, and any profits accruing therefrom and undivided—and nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to authorize the company to issue and put into circulation any note in the. nature of a bank note, or any other circulating note. § 6, Every member of said company who shall have Losses and • *. given a premium note, shall be bound to pay for losses, and reuses to be pa; d ® r > . r J m • , from depositeexpenses and other liabilities as aforesaid accruing m and won 8tontheirP°iI to said company in proportion to the amount of his deposite mounts. no£G . an(j "buildings insured by said company, together with the right, title and interest of the assured to the land on which they stand, shall be and are hereby pledged to company shaii said company, and said company shall have a lien thereon, i TOperVlensu° in the nature of a mortgage, to the amount of his deposite cd- note, which shall continue until such losses and expenses are settled, the lien to take effect whenever the said company shall file with, and have entered on record by the clerk of the county wherein the property is situated, a memoran- dum of the name of the individual insured, a description of the property, the amount of the deposite note, and the term for which said policy shall continue; and the Clerk of the county shall post the same at the front door of the Court-house with a list of deeds admitted to record. § 7. Suits at law, or in equity, may be maintained by said corporation against any of its members for the collec- Hei-osite notes tion of said deposite notes, or any assessments thereon, or ina.v^ba collect- for any other cause relating to the business of said corpora- ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. 41 tion; also suits at law, or in equity, may be prosecuted and maintained by any member or stockholder against said cor- poration'for losses or damages by fire, if payment is with- field more than four months after the losses are duly proved, and notified to the company, agreeably to the conditions of the policy; and no member of the corporation, not being in bis individual capacity a party to any such suit, shall be incompetent as a witness therein, on account of his being a member or stockholder of said company. § 8. The directors may, after receiving notice of any loss Directors may -i a • i i i aIiij determine what or damage by fire sustained by any member or stockholder , sum each mem- and ascertaining the same, or after the rendition of any»nylos»? payof judgment, as aforesaid, against the company for said loss or damage, settle and determine the sums to be paid by the several members thereof, as their respective portions of such loss, and publish the same in such manner as they shall see fit, or as the by-laws shall have prescribed. And the sum to be paid by each membef shall always be in pro- portion to the original amount of his deposite note or notes, and shall be paid to the treasurer within thirty days next after the publication of such notice, or a demand from them or their authorized agents ; and if any member shall, for the space of thirty days after such notice, neglect or refuse to pay the sum assessed upon him, as his proportion of any loss as aforesaid, in such case, the directors may sue for and May s vi 9 for, &«. recover the whole amount of his deposite note or notes, with costs of suit: and the amount thus collected shall remain in the treasury of said company, subject to the payment of such losses and expenses, as have or may thereafter accrue, and the balance, if any remain, sball be returned to the party from whom it was collected, on demand, after thirty days from the expiration of the time for which insurance was made. § 9. The executive committee shall consist of the Presi- Executive com- dent, Secretary, and Treasurer of the company, and such mittee- other members or stockholders as may be added by the Board, and when the Board of Directors are not in session, may exercise all the powers vested in the company (except as shall be otherwise provided by the Board of Directors in the by-laws of the company,) a majority of whom may con- stitute a quorum to do business. § 10. This company may effect all kinds of insurance, ^uii vZZ cither on the cash or stock plan, without premium notes, of in»w«-anc«, or may require premium notes and a cash amount in addi- tion, as hereinbefore provided for; but all persons insuring on the premium note plan shall be bound to pay his or her share of all losses and expenses incurred by the company ^ 42 ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. whether the same arise out of losses or expenses growing out of a cash stock, or a premium note insurance. § 11. The capital stock of this company shall not he less than twenty thousaud dollars nor more than one million dollars, and may consist of cash premiums and premium notes received upon risks taken by the company, or such other capital, in shares of fifty dollars each, as may by the by-laws he added. § 12. The directors shall have power to declare suchdiv- idends of the profits of the company as they may deem proper. Provided, that no dividends shall he declared when, in the opinion of the directory, or a majority thereof, the capital stock would he impaired thereby. § 13. The companyshall he located at the city of Norfolk, Virginia. The Board of Directors may make such by-laws as they may deem proper or necessary, not inconsistent with this charter. Commencement; § 14. This act shall be in force from its passage, and shall he perpetual. Provided, nevertheless, that the Legis- lature of Virginia reserves to itself the power of altering, amending, or repealing any of the provisions thereof. o CHAPTER XXXI. An Act to amend and re-enact the twenty-third section of chapter one hundred and twenty-two of the Code of one thousand eight hundred and sixty. Passed February 23, 1865. § 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia, The 2M gection That the twenty-third section of chapter one hundred and theCcodeeamendf twenty-two of the Code of one thousand eight hundred and ed and re-enact- sixty, be, and the same is hereby amended and re-enacted, so as to read as follows :—The circuit, county, and corpora- tion courts shall have jurisdiction to hear and determine suits and controversies testamentary, according to the fol- lowing rules, that is to say: in the county or corporation wherein the decendent has a mansion house, or known place of residence ; if he has 110 such house or place of resi- dence, then in a county or corporation wherein any real estate lies that is devised or owned by the decedent; if there he no such real estate, then in the county or corporation wherein he dies ; but if the decedent or testator shall have a mansion house or real estate in any county or corporation within the so-called Confederate lines, then jurisdiction to hear and determine suits and controversies testamentary in rfcgard to the estate of such decedent or testator, may be had and exercised by the circuit, county, or corporation Capital atook. DiriduMl*. ACTS OF THE QENEBAli ASSEMBLY. 43 court of the county or corporation wherein courts have been or may he organized under the restored Government of Vir- ginia, nearest that wherein jurisdiction thereof would he otherwise vested under the provisions of this section, or wherein such decedent or testator has real estate. §2. All Acts and t parts of Acts inconsistent with this Repealing cuus« Act shall he, and the same are hereby repealed.. § 3. This Act shall he in force from its passage. commencement. o CHAPTER XXXII. An Act for the incorporation of the Deutsche Maennerchor Association of Alexandria. Passed February 23, 1863. § 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly, That Ferdi- Name* of the nand Leo, A. K. Fuchsel, Francis E. Adler, H. L. Pauli,corpo'Bt0r,,• C. A. Opperman, L. Piehenhrink, F. Koehler, W. Metzger, A. Rosenthal, Bernard Joetz, A. Henning and J. C. Foertsch, together with their associates, successors, and assigns, are hereby created a body corporate, under the name and style of the Deutsche Maennerchor Association of Alexandria, and as such shall have power to purchase power to pur- and hold real estate, personal property, and money to an reafestate, &cd amount hot exceeding five thousand dollars ; to elect a president and directors, and such other officers as the mem- President and bers of said Association, or a majority of them may choose, ^lecTed0" t0 * for the government and management of the affairs of said Association, according to the By-Laws which the said As-By-Law*, sociation may enact, not inconsistent with the laws of this Commonwealth ; to make, have, and use a common seal; and as such shall have and exercise all the rights and privi- leges granted to companies incorporated for musical, liter- ary, or scientific purposes by the Legislature of Virginia, and be subject to all the provisions of the Code of Virginia applicable to such corporations. § 2. The persons named in the first section of this Act, and such other persons as shall be associated with them for the purpose, shall assemble at some convenient place intheWhen thecorpo- city of Alexandria, within sixty days after the passage ofrat0rs tomeet- this Act, notice of which meeting shall be given ten days before the same shall he held, and proceed to adopt by-laws And males by- for the government of the said Association, and may thenlaws'&c" proceed to elect officers and do and perform such other Acts as shall be necessary to perfect the organization of said company. 44 ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY, ResermU'ifl of § 3. The Legislature reserves to itself tlte right to alter, ,ltfhu' amend, or repeal this charter at any time. § 4' Tbis Act sllal1 ^ in fol'Ce fr0m ifcS passage. CHAPTER XXXIII; An Act in relation to Lunatics. Passed February 23, 1865. § 1. Be it enncted by the General Assembly, That the c.rt in rower Governor he, and he is hereby authorized and empowered icuen the Gor- to cause insane persons, not now in either of the State *luor' Lunatic Asylums, to be taken to and placed and kept in any such Asylums beyond the limits of the State as he may select, and to make all necessary and proper arrangements in regard to them, their support and maintainance, with the persons having charge of such Asylums, provision foi § 2. Be it further enacted, That the expense of removing, th8 " supporting and maintaining such insane persons, to and in the Asylums in which they may be placed shall be paid out of the State Treasury, upon the order of the Governor ; but in cases where the insane person shall have any estate or effects, the same shall be applied to the defraying of such expenses so for as they will go, or so far as may be neces- sary. commenoemont. § 3. This Act shall be in force from its passage. CHAPTER XXXIV. An Act to amend and re-enact the twenty fourth section of chapter one hundred and tiventy-tivo of the Code of one thousand eight hundred and sixty. Passed February 24, 1865 § 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly, That the The 24th section twenty-fourth section of chapter one hundred and twenty- th«co!ueamend-two of the Code of one thousand eight hundred and sixty, ed and r« enact- ancj ^he 8ame j8 hereby amended and re-enacted, so as to read as follows :—The Court of the County or, Corpora- tion, or the Circuit Court thereof, having jurisdiction to hear and determine suits and controversies testamentary,, may appoint a curator of the estate of the decedent during curator. a conte8t about his will, or during the infancy or absence of an executor, or until administration be granted, or if administration has been granted by, or an executor or ad- ministrator has qualified in any Court having jurisdiction of the probate of wills, in the Confederate lines, or if such acts of the general assembly. 45 personal representative is within the limits of the territory in the occupation of the rebels, or is, from any cause, pre- vented from assuming or exercising control over, taking custody of any portion of the estate of his decedent, lying within the lines occupied by the forces of the United States taking from such curator bond in a reasonable penalty, Bond with »e- with such security as the court may deem adequate. cm-uv. § 2. Such curator shall take care that the estate is notDuti*. of cnr»- wasted before the qualification of the executor or of an ad- t0"'" ministrator, or before such estate shall lawfully come into possession of said executor or administrator. He may demand, sue for, recover and receive all debts due the de- cedent, and all his other personal estate ; and likewise may lease or receive the rents and profits of any real estate whereof the decedent or testator may have died, seized, or possessed of lying within the limits of the county or cor- poration from the court of which said curator may have re- ceived his appointment. He shall pay debts so far as such payment may not effect the priority in the order of pay- merit prescribed by law, and may be sued in like manner as an executor or administrator ; and upon the qualifica- tion of an executor or administrator, shall account with him for, and pay and deliver to him such estate as he has in his hands, or may be liable for. § 3. This Act shall be in force from and after its passage. e®tnra*n««rarnt o CHAPTER XXXV. An Act extending the time for the qualification of certain civil offi- cers in the cities of Norfolk and Portsmouth. Passed February 28, 186k, Whereas, Shortly after the municipal elections - held. inPrewnbl# the cities of Norfolk and Portsmouth, on the 24th day of June, and 2d day of April, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, Major General Benjamin F. Butler sup-* pressed the Courts, and forbade the civil officers in said cities to exercise any of the functions thereof ; and whereas, in consequence of such action on the part of the General aforesai*1, then commanding the department of Virginia and North Carolina, certain of the civil officers, elected at the elections aforesaid in the said cities, failed to qualify within the tim£ prescribed by law ; therefore, § 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia, That the time prescribed by existing laws as the period rime tor it'* within which the said officers resnectively, are required to ?.ua,if£ation T/> i -» i ^ i1, it «i i n officer® quality, be and the same is hereby extended until the first tended. (lay ox May, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five. 46 ACTS Of THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. §2. And be it further enacted, That the qualification of any of the said officers within the period last named, shall Validity of such be as effectual and valid to all intents and purposes, as if ciartd.caUon dB such qualification had taken place within the time limited by the laws in force at that time, and they shall be, and are hereby, authorized and empowered to do all things and exercise all the functions of officers regularly qualified. . commencement. § 3. This Act shall be in force from its passage. _o CHAPTER XXXVI. An Act to amend and re-enact the first section of an Act entitled '■'An Act to incorporate the Norfolk and New York City Railroad Coni' panyf passed February fourteenth, one thousand eight hundred and sixty five. Passed February 28, 1865. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia, Enacting eiause. That the first section of the Act to incorporate the Norfolk and New York City Railroad Company,, passed February the fourteenth, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five,, he amended and re-enacted so as to read as follows : § 1 < Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia, . . That it shall be lawful to open books of subscription at the ccription. City of Norfolk under the direction of Lewis W. Webb, ?L™hom #nd William T. Harrison, Lucius H. Chandler, William H. Barry, Gilbert C. Walker, of said city, William P. Moore, jr., Edward Holland and John B. Birch, of Northampton county, and E. K. Snead, Thomas H. Kellam and Thomas Lilliston, of Accomac county, and T. S. Tennis, B. B. Wood and Joseph Segar, of Elizabeth City County, or any three of those named for Norfolk City, or any two of those named for Northampton and Accomac Counties For what pur- respectively, for the purpose of receiving subscriptions to r0*8- an amount not exceeding three millions of dollars, in shares of one hundred dollars each, for the purpose of sur- veying, locating, constructing, equipping and operating a Location of road. Railroad from Cherrystone or some other eligible point on the Eastern shore of this State, northerly to the boundary line of the State of Maryland, there to connect with any Railroad running northerly from said boundary line, and. to be connected at its southern terminus, with the cities of Norfolk and Portsmouth by means of a Steaip Ferry, Such books may be opened at such other place or places as the said parties resident in Norfolk, or the majority of them may direct under the direction of any two of the persons What length 0f&k°ve named. All such books shall be kept open at least time books to be Hiree days, and notice of the opening thereof at the several kept open. ACTS OF THE GENERAL, ASSEMBLY. 41 places, shall he given for at least two weeks in the news- papers of Norfolk and Portsmouth, and in such other news- papers as the said persons resident in Norfolk, or the ma- jority of them may deem expedient. § 2. This Act shall be in force from its passage. Commencement. CHAPTER XXXVII. An Act to amend and re-enact the second and ninth sections of tha forty-second chapter of the Code of one thousand eight hundred an d sixty. Passed March 1, 1865. §1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia, That the second section of the forty-second, chapter of the The second sec- Code of one thousand eight hundred and sixty, shall be42°of°the'code amended and re-enacted so as to read as follows:—" TheenacItedrtan<1 r"" proceeding may be in the Circuit Court of the city of Rich- mond, the county of Alexandria, the county of Wythe, or the city of Norfolk." When it is at law, it may be by action or motion." § 2. Be it further enacted, That the ninth section of the The oth seeMon aforesaid chapter shall be amended and re-enacted so as to read as follows:—"An execution on behalf of the Com-euact#d- monwealth from the Circuit Court of the city of Richmond, the county of Alexandria, the county of Wythe, or the city of Norfolk, may, if the Auditor of Public Accounts see fit, he directed to any Sheriff, Sergeant, Coroner, or Constable ot' any county or corporation, and shall be served by any of the said officers in whose hands the said Auditor may cause it to be placed." § 3. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall be incommencem«»i.. force from its passage. o CHAPTER XXXVIII. An Act to amend and re-enact the second section of the forty-third chapter of the Code of one thousand eight hundred and sixty. Passed March 1, 1865. §1. Re it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia, That the second section of the forty-third chapter of the The second sec Code of one thousand eight hundred and sixty, be amended ^VVifapter'oir and re-enacted so as to read as follows:—"Such present-edeanddreTnact^ ment, indictment, or information shall be in the county of**1- corporation wherein the offehce was committed. Such war- rant, action, or motion may be either in the couuty or cor- 48 ACTS OP THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY', poration wherein the offence was committed, or wherein the offender resides ; and such action or motion may he either in the county or corporation court, or in the circuit court of the county or corporation. Any action orjmotion under the thirty-ninth chapter against a personal representative, or under any section of any chapter under this twelfth title, against the Secretary of the Commonwealth, register of the land office, or any commissioner of the revenue, clerk, notary public, sheriff, or collector, or the sureties of any of them, or against any officer or agent of any hank or joint stock company, may also he instituted or made by the Auditor of Public Accounts, in the circuit court of the city of Richmond, the city of Norfolk, the county of Wythe, or the county of Alexandria, after thirty days notice in the case of such motion." § 2. This Act shall be in force from its passage. 4, 0 CHAPTER XXXIX. An Act imposing taxes for the support of the Government for the year, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five. Passed March 3, 1865. § 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia, Enaeting«uns«. That no taxes be imposed on any persons or subjects, ex- cept those hereinafter mentioned, the taxes wherein re- spectively shall be as follows : ON LANDS AND LOTS. Lands and i.ots. On tracts of lands and lots with the improvements there- on, not exempt from taxation, ten cents on every hundred dollars value thereof; and herein shall be included all tracts of lands and lots, with the improvements thereon, not exempt from taxation, of incorporated companies, savings institutions, and insurance companies. ON TYTHABLES. Ti-fhaw**. On every white male inhabitant who has attained the age of twenty-one years, twenty cents. ON LICENSES. ORDINARIES. § 2. On a license to keep an ordinary or house of public entertainment, thirty dollars ; and if the yearly value of such house and furniture exceeds one hundred dollars, the tax shall be forty dollars; and if the yearly value thereof exceeds two hundred dollars, there shall be added to the last mentioned sum twelve per centum on so much thereof as exceeds two hundred dollars. ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. HOUSES OF PRIVATE ENTERTAINMENT. § 3. On a license to keep a house of private entertainment or a private boarding house, five dollars; and if the yearly value of such house and furniture exceeds fifty dollars, and is less than one hundred dollars, there shall he added to the last mentioned sum eight per centum on so much thereof as exceeds one hundred dollars. But no house shall he deemed a private boarding house with less than five boarders. EATING HOUSES. § 4. On every license to keep a cooking shop or eating house, fifteen dollars ; and in addition thereto twelve per centum on so much of the yearly value thereof as exceeds one hundred dollars. BOWLING ALLEYS AND BILLIARD TABLES. § 5. On every license permitting a howling alley or sa- loon to he kept for a year, fifty dollars ; provided that if there be more than one such alley kept in any one room, fifty dollars each shall be charged for the excess over one table, provided that if such billiard table,.bowling alley, or saloon is not kept open more than four months in any one year, the taxes thereon shall be only one-half of these rates. BAGATELLE TABLES. §6. On every license permitting a bagatelle or other like table to be kept for one year or any less time, twenty dollars for the first, and if more than one, ten dollars for the second, and five dollars for each additional table kept in the same house. LIVERY STABLES. §7. On every license to a keeper of a livery stable, sev- enty-five cents for each stall thereof ; and therein shall be included as stalls, such space as may be necessary for a horse to stand, and in which a horse is, or may be kept. DISTILLERIES. § 8. On every license to the proprietor of a distillery, if a beginner, the tax shall be fifteen dollars; and if said dis- tillery is to be kept in operation as much as four months in the year, the -tax shall be -twenty-five dollars ; if for six months, thirty dollars; if for nine months, forty-live dol- :>o ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. lars; and if sucli distillery lias been kept in operation as rnucli as four months in the year next preceding the time of obtaining such license, the proprietor thereof shall pay, m addition to the tax imposed on beginners, four-tenths of one per centum on the amount of sales of such distillery for the twelve months next preceding the time of obtaining such license; provided that no taxes shall be required of persons distilling not exceeding twenty-five gallons in any year for their own consumption. MERCHANTS. § 9. On every license to a merchant or mercantile firm, where a specific tax is to be paid, forty-five dollars ; pro- vided that, if the capital employed by said merchant or firm be shown by affidavit to be less than five hundred dollars, the tax to be paid shall be eight^dollars ; but this provision shall not authorize any such person to sell wine, ardent spirits, or a mixture thereof; and when the tax is in pro- portion to the sales, if the taxable sales shall be under one thousand and one dollars, the tax shall be fifteen dollars ; if one thousand and one and under fifteen hundred dollars, eighteen dollars ; if fifteen hundred dollars apd under twenty-five hundred dollars, twenty-four dollars ; if twenty- five hundred dollars and under five thousand dollars, thirty- six dollars ; if five thousand and under ten thousand dol- lars, fifty-seven dollars J if ten thousand and under fifteen thousand dollars, seventy-two dollars ; if fifteen thousand and under twenty thousand dollars, eighty-four dollars ; if twenty thousand and under thirty-thousand dollars, one hundred and five dollars ; if thirty thousand and under fifty thousand dollars, one hundred and fifty-six dollars ; if over fifty thousand dollars, eight dollars for every ten thous- and dollars excess over the said sum uf fifty thousand dol- lars. MERCHANTS' PERMISSION TO SELL LIQUORS. § 10. And in every case in which the license to a mer- chant or mercantile firm includes permission to sell wine, ardent spirits, or a mixture thereof; porter, ale, or beer, by wholesale and retail, or by retail only, if such merchant or firm (commencing business for the first time,) sell by wholesale and retail, Or by retail only, thirty dollars; and if such license be to a merchant or mercantile firm to con- tinue the privilege of selling wine, ardent spirits, or a mixture thereof; porter, ale, or beer, if by wholesale and retail, or by retail only, the tax shall be three-fourths of one per centum on the amount of such sales for the year ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. 51 next preceding the time of obtaining such license, in addi- tion to the specific tax imposed on beginners ; hut such sales shall not he estimated in ascertaining the amount of a merchant's license. MERCHANT TAILORS, LUMBER MERCHANTS, ICE and FUEL DEALERS- § 11. Merchant tailors, lumber merchants, dealers in coal, ice or wood, shall obtain license as merchants, and he assessed and taxed thereon as other merchants are by the preceding sections of this act, and shall he subject to like penalties for conducting such business without a merchant's license. COMMISSION OR FOWARDING MERCHANTS, TOBACCO AUCTIONEERS OR SHIP BROKERS. § 12. The tax on every license to commission merchant, tobacco auctioneer, or ship broker, shall be thirty dollars, if commencing business ; and if to continue such business after the same has bee n carried on for a year, the tax on such licence shall be one and one-half per centum on the amount of commissions received ; and this tax shall be in addition to such tax as may be imposed on a license to such merchant or firm to sell any goods, wares, or merchandize. . AUCTIONEERS. § 13. On every license to an auctioneer or vendue master commencing business, ten dollars ; and if the place of busi- ness be in a town containing a population of three thousand inhabitants, twelve dollars ; if the population exceeds three thousand, an additional tax of five dollars for every thou- sand persons above that number, and at that rate for any fractional excess less than one thousand ; and said specific tax shall in no case exceed three hundred dollars. On every license to an auctioneer who deals exclusively in real estate, one hundred dollars, and he shall have the right to sell real estate at auction or otherwise. On every license to an auctioneer or vendue master to continue the business after the same has been carried on tor a year, three-fourths of one per centum on the amount of the taxable sales of such auctioneer or vendue master, but in no case shall the tax on such sales exceed seven hundred and fifty dollars : Provided, the tax to be paid by auctioneers for the sale of molasses and sugar, shall in no case exceed four hundred dollars for such sales ; but the tax on sales of other articles shall not be effected by this provision. 52 ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. SAMPLE MERCHANTS. § 14. On every license to a person selling goods by sam- pie, card, or otherwise, except at some store-house or place of trade, two-hundred dollars ; hut such sales made at such store-house, shall subject the person doing business at such store-house to the tax required to be paid by a merchant. PATENT RIGHTS AND PATENT MEDICINES. §15. On every license to sell or barter patent rights, twenty dollars ; patent, specific or quack medicines, if bv wholesale, forty dollars ; if by retail only, twenty dollars, unless he have a merchant's license. AGENTS FOR HIRING HOUSES. § 16. On every license to a person engaged in renting houses as a regular business, twenty dollars. STALLIONS. § 17. On every license to the owner of a stallion or jack- ass, for the service of which compensation is received, twice the amount of such compensation, when the charge is for such service by the season ; and where such services are for less than a season, then twice what a commissioner may judge to be a reasonable charge therefor. The tax, how- ever, in no case to be less than ten dollars. THEATRICAL PERFORMANCES, SALE OF REFRESHMENTS IN THEATRES. § 18. On every license permitting theatrical performances, public show, concert or other performances in a public theatre or elsewhere, six dollars lor each week of such per- formances. § 19. On every license permitting the sale of refresh- ments in a theatre during such performances, seventy-five dollars for such place of sale, and no abatement shall be made if the privilege be exercised for a period less than one year. PUBLIC ROOMS AND SHOWS. § 20. On every licensepermitting theproprietoror occupier of any public room fitted for public exhibitions, to use the same for such purpose for a year, fifteen dollars, if such room be in a town of less than five thousand inhabitants ; thirty dollars, if in a town of more than five thousand and less than ten thousand inhabitants ; and forty-five dollars ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. in all other towns ; and in addition to these rates shall be ■added to said license tax thirty cents on every hundred dol- lars value of such rooms or buildings, provided such rooms or buildings, are not otherwise assessed. § 21. On every license permitting any public show, ex- hibition, or performances, except where held in a room licensed under the preceding section of this act, if within a corporate town, or if within five miles thereof, for each time of performance, ten dollars ; if elsewhere, five dollars ; and for every exhibition of a circus, if within a corporate town, or within five miles thereof, thirty dollars; if else- where, fifteen dollars ; and for every exhibition of a mena- garie, if within a corporate town, or within five miles thereof, thirty dollars; if elsewhere fifteen dollars. All such shows, exhibitions and performances, whether under the same canvas or not, shall be construed to require a separate license therefor ; and upon such shows, exhibitions and performances being concluded, so that an additional fee for admission be charged, the same shall be construed to require an additional tax therefor. PORTER, ALE AND BEER. § 22. Qn every license to sell by retail, porter, ale or beer, where in a city or town, the population of which is over eight hundred, fifteen dollars ; and all other places, ten dollars ; and if they continue for more than one year, an additional tax of three-fourths of one per centum on the amount of taxable sales. STOCK BROKERS. § 23. On every license to a stock broker who deals ex- clusively in stocks, one hundred and eighty-eight dollars ; and he shall thereupon have the right to sell such stocks at auction or otherwise. BANK NOTE BROKERS. § 24. On every license to a broker employing a capital of ten thousand dollars, or a less sum, two hundred dollars ; on all sums over ten thousand dollars, two per centum on the capital employed. FOREIGN INSURANCE COMPANIES. § 25. On every, license to an agent or sub-agent, of any insurance company not chartered by this State, fifty dol- lars ; and,in addition thereto a tax of one per centum on 54 ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. the whole amount of premiums received and assessments collected by such agent, or sub-agent, or company within the State, as prescribed by law. PHYSICIANS, DENTISTS AND LAWYERS. § 26. On every license to a physician, surgeon, or dentist, five dollars ; and on every license to an attorney-at-law, five dollars. If the income derived from the practice of any such calling or profession during the year next preceding the time of obtaining such license shall exceed four hun- dred dollars, there shall be an additional tax, on the excess, of three-fourths of one per centum, and this income shall be included in the license tax. DAGUERREAN ARTISTS. § 27. On every license to the owner of a daguerrean or such like gallery by whatever name it may be called or known, if in a city or incorporated town of less than one thousand inhabitants, ten dollars ; if more than one thou- sand inhabitants, thirty dollars ; if elsewhere, eight dol- lars ; and if the yearly income derived from the practifce of such art exceeds five hundred dollars in any county, city, or town, an additional tax of one and one-half per centum on such excess, for the year next preceding the time of ob- taining such license; and such tax shall be imposed whether an artist perform in a gallery or not. EXPRESS COMPANIES. § 28. On every license to a person or company carrying on an express business for compensation, forty dollars; and in addition thereto, every such company shall make a re- turn to the Auditor of Public Accounts, on the fifteenth day of January and July in each year, of the total receipts of such company, on account of its operations within the State of Yirginia within the six months preceding the first day of January and July in each year. Such returns shall be verified by the oaths of the agents and chief officers of such company, at its principal office or offices, in this State, in the manner and according to the form prescribed by the said Auditor, whether collected within or without the State. Such express companies shall pay on the total receipts so reported, a tax of four-tenths per centum, except for the transportation of bank notes, for which the tax shall be one-eighth of one per centum on the amount of bank notes transported over one hundred miles at any one time,- except notes sent by banks and sheriffs of this Commonwealth ; and for failure to make such report, or pay such a tax, pen- ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. alty of six hundred dollars shall he imposed on the com- pany so failing, to he recovered as other penalties are: Provided, however, that no license to carry on the express business shall authorize any such company to do the busi- ness of a broker.. Such license shall give the privilege throughout the State. § 29. No express company shall pay any tax on hank notes forwarded for any resident citizen of this Common- wealth, unless he he a broker dealing in hank notes. BANK DIVIDENDS. § 30. On the dividends declared hy any hank incorpora- tecl hy this State, the tax shall he five per centum upon the amount thereof, to be paid into the treasury hy the hank. If the dividend he that of a hank incorporated elsewhere, the tax shall he five per centum upon the amount thereof, to be assessed and collected as other taxes. ON SUITS. § 31. When any original suit, attachment, or other ac- tion is commenced in a circuit, county, or corporation court, there shall he a tax of one dollar; if it he an appeal, writ of error, or supersedeas in a district court, two dollars; and if in the court of appeals, two dollars and fifty cents. ON SEALS. § 32. When the real of a court, notary public, or the seal of the State is annexed to any paper, except in those cases exempted hy law, the taxes shall be as follows : For the seal of the State, two dollars ; for the seal of a oourt, fifty cents; and of the like sum for the seal of a notary public, except in cases of protest of bills or notes for one hundred dollars or smaller sums, and herein shall he inclu- ded a tax on a scroll annexed to a paper in lieu of an official seal. ON WILLS AND ADMINISTRATIONS. § 33. On the probate of every will or grant of admin- istration there shall he a tax of one dollar. DEEDS. § 34. On every deed admitted to record, whether'the same has been recorded before or not, there shall he a tax of one dollar ; hut where the value of the property embraced in the deed shall be valued under one thousand dollars, the tax shall be fifty cents. ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT COMPANIES. § 35. Every railroad company or canal company shall hereafter report quarterly on the 15th day of March, June, September, and December in each year, to the Auditor of Public Accounts, the number of passengers transported, and the aggregate number of miles traveled by them within this Commonwealth, the gross amount received by such company for transportation of freight over such road or canal, or any part thereof, during the quarter next pre- ceding the first day of the month in which such report is made, Such company, whose road or canal is only in part within the Commonwealth, shall report as aforesaid such portion only of such amount received for the transportation of freight, as the part of the said road or canal which is within this Commonwealth hears to the whole of such road or canal. § 36. Such statement shall he verified by the oaths of the President and the Superintendent of Transportation, or other proper officer. Every company failing to make such report shall he fined five hundred dollars. At the time of making such report, the company shall pay into the treasury, for every passenger transported, a tax at the rate of one mill for every mile of transportation of each of such passengers, and a tax of one-third of one per centum of such gross amount received for the transportation of freight. Every such company, paying such taxes, shall not he as- sessed with any tax on its lands, buildings, cars, boats, and other property, which they are authorized to hold or have. But if such company fail to pay such taxes at either of the times specified therefor, then its lands, buildings, cars, boats, and other property shall be immediately assessed, under the directions of the Auditor of Public Accounts, by any person appointed by him for the purpose, at its full value, and a tax shall be at once levied thereon as on real estate and other property, to be collected by any sheriff whom the Auditor may direct, and such sheriff shall sell and distrain any .personal property of such company, and pay such taxes into the treasury within three months from the time when such assessment is furnished to him. SALE OF HORSES FOR PROFIT. § 37, On every license to buy or sell for others on com- mission, or for profit, horses, mules, asses and jennets, cat- tie, sheep or hogs, ten dollars. ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. 57 CARRIAGES AND OTHER VEHICLES. § 33. On every license to sell carriages, buggies, barouches, coaches, gigs, wagons, and such like vehicles manufactured out of this State, forty dollars in each county or corporation. ON INCOMES AND FEES. § 39. On the income or fees received during the year pre- ceding the first day of February of each year, in the con- sideration of the discharge of any office or employment in the service of the State, or of any corporation, or in the service of any company, firm, or person, or derived from any other source, except where the service is that of a minister of the gospel, three-fourths of one per centum if the sum be more than two hundred and fifty dollars and not more than five hundred dollars ; one per centum if the sum be more than five hundred dollars and not more than a thousand dollars ; and one and one-half per centum if the sum be over one thousand dollars. The tax payable under this section by an officer of the government receiving a salary out of the treasury, shall be deducted at the time the salary is audited and paid. All income or interest, not by this act otherwise taxed, shall he considered as income un- der this section. CHAPTER XL. An Act providing for Voting by Ballot. Passed March 3, 1865. § 1. Beit enacted by the General Assembly, That it shall Ballot-boxes, by be the duty of the Sheriffs of the Counties and Corpora-whom Procureii- tions, as soon after the passage of this Act as practicable, to procure a sufficient number of boxes, of suitable size and construction for ballot-boxes, and shall deliver one to t0 whom de- each Board of Election Commissioners for each electionllyered- recinct in his county or corporation, as soon as they shall e appointed for the first election after the passage of this act. Said ballot-boxes shall he constructed in a substan- tial manner, and furnished with a lid and iron hinges, and lock, so as to be closed and securely fastened, and with an opening of proper size to admit the ballots as hereinafter provided for. The cost of such boxes shall be chargleable to each county or corporation whose officer has procured the same, and paid out of the first county or corporation levy make thereafter. If any Sheriff shall fail to perform the Penalty* on the duties as aforesaid, or perform them in a negligent or im-giheecVoffduty'iu proper manner, he shall be fined for the use of the Com- Pro°uring. 53 ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. monwealth in a sum not exceeding fifty dollars at the diV cretion of a jury. In counties or corporations where there By whom pro- is no Sheriff elected and qualified under the Restored Gov- LUnodsherfffofra ernment of Virginia, the Commissioner or persons appoint- county. eq to superintend the election for the county or corporation, shall perform all the duties required by this section, of a Sheriff, in a like manner, shall he subject to the same penalty, and be paid in the same way. Each ballot-box In whose cus after being used shall he delivered to the magistrate re- kept.b°xes 10 bisiding nearest to the place of voting where it shall have been used, or to one of the Commissioners, and shall re- main in his custody until required for another election, when he shall deliver the same to the Commissioners of election appointed for said precinct, to he again placed after the election in the custody of the nearest residing magis- trate, or a Commissioner as aforesaid. The County or Cor- poration Court may, from time to time, as needful, cause How repaired, repairs to he made to said ballot-boxes, or new ones sub- stituted of like construction and the cost paid out of the county or corporation levy. § 2. It shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Com- monwealth as soon as practicable after the passage of this Envelopes, by Act, to cause to be prepared a sufficient number of enve- fured howto'be l°Pes uniform size, color and appearance, having no waexdense to writing, printing, mark, sign or device thereon, and of a bepaid?jense suitable size to contain each a single ballot, and properly gummed so as to be securely closed and sealed ; the expense of which shall be paid out of the public treasury. The By whom to be said Secretary shall keep constantly in his office a sufficient whosearequ°si- supply of such envelopes for the votes of his Common- i!hedt°be furn wealth, and shall upon the order of the Clerk of any county or corporation Court of this Commonwealth, stating that a certain number of envelopes is requisite for an election to be held on a certain day in his county or corporation, for- ward the required number to the Clerk making the requisi- tion, at least fifteen days prior to the said election, and it Duty of county shall be the duty of the Clerks aforesaid to make out and cierk8.°rporatlon transmit the said requisition at least thirty days before the incaseofvacan-said election for which the envelopes are required. In cferk °imwfurn-coun^es or corPora^on8 where no Clerk of the county or i»bed. corporation Court shall be elected and qualified under the Restored Government of Virginia, the Secretary shall for- ward, as soon as practicable, to the Commissioner ap- pointed to superintend any election ordered in any county or corporation, a number of envelopes sufficient in his judgment for the use of the voters thereof. When the Clerk How clerks to or Commissioner of the county or corporation shall receive lopesbu'° enve"the envelopes as aforesaid, he shall, without delay, deliver ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. 59 or forward by some safe conveyance a sufficient number to the Commissioners of elections of each precinct or place of voting in his county or corporation for the use of the voters. Any Clerk or Commissioner of a county or corporation who penalty, shall fail to perform the duties required by this section shall be fined, for the use of the Commonwealth, a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars at the discretion of a jury. § 3. At any election, before any votes are received, the ballot-box shall be examined by all of the Commissioners Examination of appointed and qualified to superintend the election at the ballot-b°*- precinct, to see that nothing is contained therein. It shall then be closed and locked, and shall not again be unlocked or opened until the polls shall be declared by the Commis- sioners to be closed. Every voter shall enclose his ballot Manner of re- in one of the envelopes, which shall, on the day of theceiving votes- election, and not before, be furnishod him by the Commis- sioner, and in no other, and having securely closed and sealed the same, shall hand it to the Conductor, who'shall examine it on the outside, and if there be no writing, printing, mark, sign or device thereon, shall deposit it in the ballot-box through the opening provided for the pur- pose. The voter shall, at the same time, declare his name, Begisters which shall be repeated by the Conductor, and recorded by the writer or writers in the register or registers which shall be kept of the voters. § 4. Immediately after the polls shall be declared closed, the register shall be inspected by the Commissioners, and Examination of the number of persons who have voted ascertained, and the connung^en ballot-box shall then, and not until then, be opened in theveiopes. presence of the Commissioners, or a majority of them, the Conductor, and the writer or writers, and they shall immedi- ately proceed to count the envelopes. If the number of en- Manner of equal- velopes found in the box shall be found to exceed the register- ed number of voters, then the whole shall be replaced in the names, at d the ballot-box, and after the same shall be well shaken, the Con- veiopesr.of en ductor, being blindfolded, shall draw therefrom a sufficient number of envelopes to reduce the same to a number equal to the number of persons registered as having voted, and the envelopes so drawn out shall, without being opened, be immediately destroyed by burning. The Commissioners shall then proceed to open and examine the envelopes and counting of tha ballots contained therein, and declare the names of thevotes" persons for whom the same are given, for the office indica- ted on the ballot; or the subject voted upon ; and the writer or writers shall record the same. If any envelopes shall Envelope con- be found to contain more than one ballot, then none of the ^LnoneToTe. GO ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. said ballots so contained shall be counted or recorded, but shall be immediately destroyed. When the examination, counting and recording as aforesaid shall be completed, the Commissioners shall declare the result, and together with o-rMficate of the Conductor, shall append their certificate or certificates rot<,s' on oath to the register or registers, of the ballots counted in the following form, to-wit: We, A. B., C. D., E. F., Commissioners, and G. H., Conductor of election for precinct, in the county or corporation of , State of Virginia, having been duly sworn according to law, do certify that we have examined and counted all the ballots received at an election held at this precinct the day of 186 , except those rejected according to law, and that we have in all respects complied with and enforced all the laws in force in this State relating to voters and voting, and we further certify that the above is a true and correct record of all the votes lawfully received, and none others, with the above result. G. H., Conductor. A. B., 1 C. D,, > Commissioners. E. F., ) The returns so certified shall in all other respects con- form to existing laws in reference thereto, and not incom- patible with this Act; and all laws relating to elections, commissioners of elections, conductors and writers, and their qualifications shall remain in force and apply to Repealing clause elections held in the manner provided for by this Act, so far as not incompatible therewith ; and all that are incom- patible with the same are hereby repealed. § 5. When from any cause now provided for by law, the Provisions for election shall be continued for more than one day, the bal- ?ion more'thaln0 l°t~box with its contents shall, when the election is ad- one day. journed, be delivered to one of the Commissioners, to be designated by the others, for safe keeping during the ad- journment, who shall take the following oath, to-wit: "I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully keep the ballot-b^x and contents, that I will not place anything therein or ab- stract anything therefrom, nor suffer any other person to do so, nor to have possession thereof, and will have the same at this place to-morrow at o'clock, , all of which I will perform Jo the best of my skill and ability, so help me God." This oath may be administered by any of the other Commissioners if there be no Justice of the Peace present. ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. 61 § 6, If any commissioner of election, conductor or writer, shall by fraud or force tamper, or attempt to tamper p^Uy^?[utat^ with the ballot-box, for the purpose of introducing illegal ballot box by ballots therein or of abstracting ballots therefrom, or shall co™duotor°orr' change the record of either the voters or ballots, or shall w"161-- wilfully make a false return thereof, he shall be fined, upon conviction thereof, not exceeding the sum of one thousand dollars, and shall be imprisoned in the penitentiary for not less than one year nor more than five years; and if any other person shall commit any of the offences enumerated Penalty for the in this section, he shall be fined a sum not exceeding five any otb^TpersoB hundred dollars, and be imprisoned in the county jail for a term not exceeding one year nor less than six months. If any such commissioner, conductor or writer, or any other person whomsoever, shall unlawfully by force, or in Penalty for de- any other way, break, abstract, take, carry away, conceal i,orx>lng a or otherwise destroy or make way with any such ballot- boxes, or any register as aforesaid, or in any manner aid or abet in so doing, he shall be fined in a sum not exceeding one thousand dollars, and be imprisoned in the penitentiary not less than one nor more than five years. § 7. This Act shall take effect on the first day of February, Commencement, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six, .but may be altered or amended by the General Assembly. CHAPTER XLI. An Act to incorporate the Elizabeth River Railroad Com- pany. Passed February 3, 1865. § 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia, That R. E. Nash, "William H. Lockwood, Robert Ballanee, Persnns inC(fr. Bartle Sykes, and William G. Webber, and such other per- ported, sons as they may hereafter associate with them for the pur- pose, be, and they are hereby incorporated as a body politic, under the name and style of " The Elizabeth River Rail- road Company," for the purpose of constructing a railroad from a point at or near Kane's Landing, on the Elizabeth Terminus of river, to a point at or near Bunch Walnut's Landing, on road- the Northwest River. The said company shall have power Powers of th to sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded, to make, company, have and use a common seal, and to have and enjoy all the right and privileges, and be subject to all the restrictions imposed upon internal improvement companies by the fifty- seventh and sixty-first chapters of the Code of Virginia. But the said company may use wooden or iron rails on said road as they may prefer. '62 ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. capital stock. § 2. The capital stock of the said company shall not be less than ten thousand dollars) nor more than twenty-five thousand dollars, which shall be held in shares of one hun- dred dollars each. Affairs of com- § 3. The affairs of the said company shall be managed manya'ge& Wh°m ky a board, to consist of a president and four directors, who shall be annually elected by the stockholders, each person having one vote for each share of stock held by him. The officers, how president and directors shall hold their offices until their iffi?e.toh°ld successors are elected, and a secretary, treasurer, and such other officers as the by-laws of the company shall prescribe, shall be appointed by the president and directors at their first meeting after the annual election of the board, or until their successors shall be appointed ; such officers shall perform such duties and receive such compensation as shall be prescribed in the by-laws of the company. The Annual meet- annual meetings of the company shall be held on the first ing*. (jay 0f JUne of each year, but if from any cause the meet- ing shall not be held on that day, the meeting shall be held on the first day of July next thereafter, when, if a majority of shares shall not be represented, the stockholders present shall adjourn from time to time until a sufficient number of shareholders shall be present. Power to con- § 4. The said company shall have power to construct struct branches, branches fr0m their main road in any direction on either side, the length of which branch roads shall not exceed five miles. Commencement. § 5. This Act shall be in force from its passage. o CHAPTER XLII. An Act to Increase the Civil Contingent Fund. Passed March 3, 1865. § 1 .Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia, That the,sum of seven thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated, to be added to the civil contingent fund, to pay for reorganizing counties in insurrectionary Districts, and for other purposes. § 2. This Act shall be in force from its passage. CHAPTER XLII. An Act to Increase the Compensation of the Commissioners of the Revenue in certain cases. Passed March 3, 1865. § 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly, That the Commissioners of the Revenue of the several counties and cities of this Commonwealth shall be allowed the sum of ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. fifty cents, to "be paid out of the Public Treasury, for each license issued by them, in addition to the fee now allowed by law, and paid by the party to whom such license shall he issued. § 2. This Act shall be in force from its passage. o CHAPTER XLIY. An Act to authorize the settlement of the account of Cowing & Gillis. Passed March 3, 1865. § 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia, That the Clerk of the House of Delegates, be, and he is hereby authorized to settle the account of Cowing & Gillis for newspapers furnished and advertising done by order of the General Assembly during the present Session, and to certify the same for payment to the Auditor of Public Ac- counts, and that a sum sufficient for such payment he and the same is hereby appropriated. § 2. This Act shall be in force from its passage. o CHAPTER XLV. An Act to amend and re-enact the thiHy-seventh Section of chapter one hundred and eighty-four of the Code of one thousand eight hundred and sixty. Passed March 3, 1865. § 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia, That the thirty-seventh section of chapter one hundred and eighty-four of the Code of one thousand eight hundred and sixty, he amended and re-enacted so as to read as follows : TO A JAILOR. Ill a case of the Commonwealth for receiving a person in jail when first committed, twent)-five cents; for keeping and supporting him therein, for each day, fifty cents ; for discharging him therefrom, twenty-five cents. § 2. This Act shall he in force from its passage. o CHAPTER XLYI. An Act to restore certain rights to loyal men who were officers of the Militia. Passed March 6, 1865. § 1. Be it enncted by the General .Assembly of Virginia, That the rights and privileges taken away by the first sec- 64 ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. tion of the third article of the present Constitution of Vir- ginia he, and they are hereby restored to such officers con- nected with militia regiments prior to the first day of July, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, as shall afford satisfactory evidence of their loyalty to the restored govern- ment of Virginia, and who have not, since the said regi- ments were disbanded, voluntarily given aid or comfort to the enemies of this State or the United States. § 2. Provided, however, that the foregoing section shall not be so construed as to apply to any one who has in any way rendered voluntary aid or assistance to the rebellion since the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, either in the service of any State, or the so-called Confederate government. § 3. This Act shall be in force from its passage. CHAPTER XLVII. An Act to repeal the thirty-fifth section of Chapter one hurt- dred and ninety-eight of the Code. Passed March 6, 1865. § 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly, That section thirty-five of chapter one hundred and ninety-eight of the Code, be, and the same is hereby repealed. § 2. This Act shall be in force from its passage. o CHAPTER XLVIII. An Act to amend and re-enact the fifth section of the Act of the present Session entitled "An Act imposing taxes for the support of the Government for the year, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five." Passed March 6, 1865. § 1. Beit enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia, That the fifth section of the Act imposing taxes for the sup- port of the Government for the year, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, passed on the 3d day of March, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, be amended and re-enacted so as to read as follows:—On every license per- Bowiintcaiiey or mitting a bowling alley or saloon to be kept for a year, saloon. (j0p[arg • provided that if there be more than one such alley kept in any one room, fifteen dollars each shall be charged for the excess over one alley. On every license Bijr.uni table, permitting a billiard table to be kept for a year, one hun- dred dollars ; provided that where there is more than one ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. such table kept in one room, fifty dollars each shall he charged for the excess over one table ; provided, that if such billiard table, bowling alley or saloon, is not kept open more than four months in any one year, the taxes* thereon shall he only one-half these rates. § 2. This Act shall be in force from its passage. JOINT RESOLUTIONS. JOINT RESOLUTION, For the appointment of a suitable person to drcft and enrol Bills and Joint Resolu- Hons. Passed January 16, 1865. Resolved, By the General Assembly, That, instead of the Committee Clerks not authorized to be appointed, the President of the Senate and Speaker of the House of Delegates, be authorized to appoint a competent person who shall per- form the duties heretofore discharged by these Clerks, and shall engross and en- rol all bills, and who shall also render such assistance as shall be required by the Chairman of the respective Committee of the two Houses in the preparation of bills, and that the person so appointed be allowed compensation at a rate not exceeding the pay of a member of the General Assembly*. Resolved, That the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Delegates, be authorized to allow for like services rendered since the first day of the present month. o JOINT RESOLUTION, In regard to Public Printing. Passed Resolved, That George Tucker, Clerk of the House of Delegates, Lewis W . Webb, Auditor of the State, and W. W. Wing, Treasurer of Virginia, be and they are hereby authorized to accept the terms of D. Turner, or make any other arrangement for Public Printing as a majority of them may deem for the interest of the Commonwealth of Virginia. 0 JOINT RESOLUTION, regard to publishing the Acts of Assembly in a newspaper in Alexandria. Passed December 15. 1864. Resolved by the General Assembly, That the Clerk of the House of Delegates be directed to have the laws and joint resolutions of the present Session pub- lished in one newspaper issued in the city ot Alexandria, and that he furnish correct copies of the same for such publication immediately upon their passage respectively, _o JOINT RESOLUTION, For the payment of Larkin Patton for services as Janitor. Passed January 26, 1865. Resolved, That the Clerk of the Senate, and the Clerk of the House of Dele- gates, certify from time to time, to the Auditor of Public Accounts the claim of Larkin Patton, for services as Janitor to the two Houses of the General Assent- bly, at the rate of three dollars per day. 66 JOINT RESOLUTIONS. JtilNT RESOLUTION, For appointing a Joint Committee to prepare1 Joint Resolutions and Orders. ' Passed January '14, -1865. 1 Resolved, That h Committee of 'two be appointed by the President of the Senate, to act in concert with a like Committee appointed upon the parti of the House to frame Joint Resolutions and Orders of the two Houses. o JOINT RESOLUTION, On the announcement of the death of Edward Everett. Passed January 24, 1865. Whereas, this General Assembly, in common with the loyal people of the United States,, whqrever they are found, hare received with sincere grief the news of the death' of E|\\^rdjEvetety*who&e( illustricpis (character as a put riot, statesman and diplomatist, has rendered1 KiS fame the common* property of the nation ; and, whereas, it is particulary appropriate that the State, which holds the sacred ashes of Washingtotf7"$hcitiMr honor the memory of Everett—there- fore, Resolved by the Senate and House of Delegates of Virginia, That Virginia mourns the death of Edward Everett, at this crisis of our country's destiny, as a national calamity ; and her sors will honor his memory as that of one of " the pure and disinterested benefactors of mankind." Resolved, That the Governor of this Commonwealth, be, and is hereby re- quested to transmit'a copy of these resolutions to the Executive of our sister State of Massachusetts. JOINT RESOLUTION, ' To authorize the removal of the seat of Government. * ' Passed March 3.1865. Resolved by the Senate and House of ^Delegates of Virginia, That the Gov- ernor of this Commonwealth, be, and he is hereby, authorized to change the seat of government of this State to Norfolk, or any other convenient place, in the State, whenever in his opinion, the interests of the State would be p omoted by such removal: Provided,-however, that nothing in this resolution shall be so construed as to authorize the location Or continuation of the seat of govern- ment at any other place than the city of Richmond, when the said city of Rich- mond can be safely occupied as the seat of government of the State. JOINT RESOLUTIONj To appoint a Joint Committee to report upon the proposed amendments to the Constitution of the United States. Passed February 8, 1865. Resolved, That a Committee of two be appointed by the President of the Senate, to act in concert with a like Committee on the part of the House, to re- port by Bill or otherwise, upon the proposed amendments to the Constitution.of the United States. . ' ' J6INT RESOLUTION, To appoint a Joint Committee fo investigate the manner in which the Public Printing has been executed. 1 Passed December 8, 1864. t; Resolved, That there be a Committee of one appointed on the part of the Senate, to act in concert with two on the part of the House, to investigate the mode and manner the Public Printing ha$ been executed, and whether the con- tract has been complied with. . -Q JOINT RESOLUTION, To refer a portion bf the Governor's'Message. i * Passed December 12, 1864. * Resolved, That, that portion of the Governor's message, which refers to the JOINT RESOLUTIONS. subject of tbe assumption of tbe payment of direct tax required by Congress to be collected from insurrectionary districts; be referred to a Committee of eight, five of which to,be appointed by the Speaker of the House, and three by the President of the Senate, and that they have leave to report by bill or otherwise. o JOINT RESOLUTION, For the election of Auditor and Treasurer. I »/ I i kVibeXUMwU 11 M l / ;i A l.h Resolved by the General Assembly, That the two Houses will proceed this day, Wednesday, fourteenth inst., at twelve o'clock, M., to electa Treasurer and an Auditor of Public Accounts. _ o 1 JOiNT RESOLUTION, To refer a portion of the Governor's. Message. Passed January J2, 1865^ Resolved. That a Committee of three on the part of the House, together with a Committee from the Senate, be appointed to take into consideration that part of tne Governor's message, which refers to the suppression of Civil Govern- ment by General Butler, in that part of the State' over which he has Military Jurisdiction. ' ,—o— JOINT RESOLUTION, To refer a part tf the Governor's Messagh. Resolved, That the portion of the Governor's "message which refers to the legal rate of interest in the State, be referred to a Joint Committee of five, three of which to be appointed by tLe Speaker of the House, and two by the President of the Senate ; and that they have leave to report by bill or otherwise. t I 1..,, „ow—i—- JOINT RESOLUTION, For a Recess. Passed December 16, 1864. . Resolved, That the Legislature adjourn pver from Wednesday the 21st of De- oember,,1864, to January £th, j865. I O H— ^OINf RESOLUTION, For the election of a United States Senator to serve six years from and after tM 3d day of March, 1865. < Passed December 9, 1864., Resolved, That- the two Houses of the General Assembly will proceed to mor- row at twelve o'clock, M., to electa Senator in the Congress of the United States, to serve six years from and after tbe third day of March, 1865. — o f— JOINT RESOLUTION, For the election of a United States Senator to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of the Hon. Jj. J. Bow den. Passed December 7, 1864- Resolved by the Senate and House of Delegates of Virginia, That the two Houses will proceed on Thursday next, to elect a United S.ates Senator, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of the Hon, L. J. Bowden. T-+T-T O-l JOINT RESOLUTION^ For adjourning sine die. Passed March 2# 1865. Resolved, That this Generat Assembly will adjourn sine die on Tuesday the seventh instant, at twelve o'clock, M". SEPARATE Accomac — Court-house; Chingoteague: New Church; Henry Hall's Store-house; Mapp's ; Guilford ; Newstown ; Onancock ; Pungoteage. Albemarle—Court-House; Linday's Turn- out; Everettsville; Stony Point; Rarleysville; Blackwell's; Free Union ; Whitehall; Wood- ville; Batesville;< Hillsborough; Crossroads; Covesville; Porter's; Warren; Wingfield's; Milton; Scottsville; Monticello House; How- ardsville. Alexandria—Five districts—identical with magisterial districts. Alleghany — Court-house; Robert Skeen's Hotel; John O.Taylor's; Geo. Stull's; Clif- ton Forge; Jabez Johnston's; Griffith's Mill; Fork Run. Amelia—At the same place as magisterial elections. Amherst—New Glasgow ; New Hope; Oro- noco; Chestnut Grove; Folly; Temperance; Pedlar Mills; Elon ; Court-house; Buffalo Springs. Appomattox—Court-house, Union Academy, Wesley Chapel, Hamner's, Spout Spring, Oak- ville. Augusta — Court-house, W ay nesborough, Middlebrook, Spring Hill, Mount Meridian, Greensville, District No. 2 Staunton, Mount Sidney, Stuart's Draft, Fishersville, Church- ville, New Hope, Craigsville, Deerfield, Mount Solon, Swoop's Mills, Midway, Newport. Bath—Court-house, Cedar Creek, Hamil- ton's, Cleek's Mills, Williamsville, Milton, Green Valley. Berkeley — Court-house, Billingre's Hotel, Mill Creek, Hedgesville, Falling Waters, Rob- inson's Mill, Gerrardstown, Oak Grove, Glen Spring, Crossroads. Botetourt—Court-house, Mountain Union, Carver's, Buchanan, Rocky Point Mills, Jack- son, Junction Store, Dibrell's Spring, Amster- dam. Brunswick—Court-house, Benton precinct, Trotty's Store, Oak Grove, Lucy's Store, Smoky Ordinary, Nicholson's precinct. 1 Buckingham—Court-house, Stanton's shop, New Store, Wright's, Curdsville, Allen's. Campbell—Places the same as tor magisterial elections. Caroline—Court-house, Reedy Church, Oak- ley's, Need wood, Sparta, Pitts', Port Royal, Sycamore, Golansville, Madison's. PRECINCTS. Carroll—Court-house, Polly Quesenberry's, Thomas Quesenberry's, Laurel Fork, Kinney's, Easter's, Newman's, Sulphur Springs, Richard Haynes', Nathaniel Haynes'. Charles City—Court-house, Delarue's, Ladd's, Waddell's, Apperson's, Vaiden's. Charlotte—Court-house, Keysville, Smith's Tavern, Clement's, Wyliesburg, Roby's Shop, Hawley's Store, Matthews & Smith's Store. Chesterfield—Court-house, Britton's Shop, Shell's Tavern, Manchester, Robinson's Store, Clover Hill. Clarke — Court-house, Russell's Tavern, White Post, Millwood, Royston's Tavern, Col- lier's Toll-gate. Craig—Court-house, Carper's Tavern. Walk- er's Store, Scott's Tavern, Martin Huffman's, George Sarver's. Culpeper—Court-house, Rixyville, Colvin's, Stevensburg, Pottsville, Gatbright's Wells- borough, Grinsburg. Cumberland—Court-house, Tavern Precinct, Oak Forrest, Irwin's. Dinwiddu — Court-house, Billups', Good- wynsville, Williams' Shop, Darvill's, Wil- Hams', Sutherland's. Elizabeth City—Court-house, Liveley's Ord- inary, Fox Hill, Thomas Rowe's house. Essex—Court-house, Occupacion, Lloyd's, Miller's, Bestland, Centre Cross. Fairfax—Court-house, Crossroads, Burke's Station, Sangster, Ross', Bowden's, [Spring- vale], Anandale, West End, Accotink, Centre- ville, Falls Church, Fars, Pulman's. Fauquier — Court-house, Plains, Salem, White Ridge", Farrowsville, Orleans, Liberty, Morrisville, Paris, New Baltimore, Rectortown, Weaversville, Upperville. Fluvanna—Court-house, Howard's Store, Columbia, Morris' Store, Kent's Store, Haden's Store, Bashan and Snead's, Bledsoe's, Union Grove. Franklin—Cpurtrhouse, Allen's, Union Hall, Booth's Store, MeVey's Tanyard, Helm's, Dickerson's Kinsey's, Richland ■ Grove, Bush's Store, Sydnersville. Snow Creek, Aldridge's Store Frederick—Court-house, Engine-house, Gwinn'B Tavern, Hoover's Tavern, Newtown, Middletown,. Russell's, Anderson's, Bruce- town, Swheir's, Cole's School-housei ..Rugh- town. SEPARATE ELECTION' PRECINCTS. 69 Giles—At the Same places as 'magisterial elections, Howe's Hotel. Goochland—Court-house, Little Store, Per- kinsville, Smith's Shop, Mill's, Holland's, Poor's, Jennings'. • Gloucester—Places the same as for magiste- rial elections. L Greene—Court-house, Rqckersville, Tert-iJl Shiflets's, McMullansville. Greensville—Court-house, Ry land's Depot, Blunt's Mill, Poplar Mount, Halifax—Court-house, Meadesville, Mount Carmel, Halifax Spring's, High Hill, Hudson's, Garret's Store, Whiteville, Republican Grove, Brooklyn, Hanover—Court-house, Hughes', Jones' Crossroads, Negrofoot, Pentoneville, Cold Har- bor, Ashland. Henrico-—Court-house, Kidd's Sweeney's, Alley s, Lovingsteine's, Hickman's, Hughes,' Walkerton, Hungary. Henry—Court-house, Rough and Ready, Irisburg, Oak Level, Reather\yood, Rplgevyay, Horse Pasture. Highland-Monterey, Ruckmansville, Wiley's, Crab Bottom, Doe HRl, jllcDowell, Pullin's School-house, Gwin's. James City—Court-house, Burnt Ordinary, York river. Jefferson—Eight districts—Places the same as for magisterial elections. King George—Court-house, Hampstead, Clif- ton, Shiloh. King $ Queen—Court-house, Clark's Store, Stevensville, Newtown, Centreville. King William—Court-house, Plain Dealing, Aylett's, Lanesville. Lancaster—Court-house, Litwalton, Kilma- nock, White Stone. Loudoun—Court-house, Waterford, Lovets- ville, Hillsborough, Waters', Purcell's Store, Snickersville, Union, Middleburg, Mt. Gilead, Gum Springs, Whaley's, Goresville. Louisa—Court-house, Free Union, Hopkins' Mill. Trevillian's, Bell's Crossroads, Walton's Tavern, Terrill's Store, Parrish's Store, Fred- ericshall, Bumpass' Turnout, Thompson's Crossroads, Isabell's Store, Hope', Tavern, Gentry's Store, Cosby's Tavern. Luenburg Court-house, Brown's store, Pleasaut Grove, Knight and Oliver's Mill, Lochlomond, Bagley's Store, Jordon's Store., Madison—Court-house, Stony Hill, Criglers- ville, Huffman's Mill, Graves' Mill, Rapidan Meeting-house, Fleshman's Shop, Locust Dale. Matthews—Same place as for magisterial elec- tiOHS: Mecklenburg—Court-house, Jones', Edmund- sou's,Clarkesville, Reeke's,Overby's, Wright's, Harwell's, Christiansville, Gillespie's. Middlesex—Jamaica, Saludo, Sandy Bottom. Montgomery—Court-house, Guerrant's, Pe- termanj's, Price's, Forks, Keister's, Crumpack- ers, Lafayette, Kent and McConkev's, Rough and Ready, Lovely Mount. Nansemohd—Court-house, Hargrove's Tav- ern, Harrison's Shop, Hollyneek, Chuckatuck, Somerton, Darden's Store, Cypress Chapel. Nelson—Fortune's, New Market, Falter's Mill, Greenfield, Masgie'S Mill, Roberts^. New Kent — Court-house, Barhamiville, Chandler's Siore^RatclifPs Tavgra. - Norfolk City—Four Wards. Norfolk County—Gourt-bouse, Glebe School- house, Sycamore's, Deep-Creek, School-house District No. 2, School-house in Providence, Pleasant Grove School-hottse, Butts' Road School-house. Northampton Cout-housc, Bay Vie to, Fraulctown, Johnstown, Cape ville. Northumberland—Court-house, Lottsburg, Burgess' Store, Wicomoco. Nottoioay—Gourt-house, Jennings' 0rdinary, Wilson and Jones', Blaekfare. Orange--Odurt-house, Barboursville, Thomas Smith's, Thomas Rhoade's, Locust Grove. Page—Court-house, Honeyville, Oakham, George Price'S Mill, Springfield, Mohler's Mill, Rileysville, Prunty's Mill. 1 Patrick—Court-house, Robertson's, Al- dridgers and Lee's, Penri's Store, Carter's Store, Hancock's, Elamsville, Slucher's, Con- nor's, Shilcr's, Gates', Mankin's. Petersburg—Centre Ward, East Ward, South Ward, WestWard. Pittsylvania,—Court-house, Danville, Spring Garden, Whitmell. Cascade, Smith's, Beaver's, Raceville, Rorer's, Strait's Store, White's, Laurel Grove, Chalk Level, Mooman's. Powhattan—Court-house, Clark's Mill, Ma- con, Sublett's. I*rincess Anne,—Court-house, Kempsville, London Bridge, Capp's Shop, Creed's Bridge, Blackwater. Prince Edward—Court-house, Marble Hill, Spring Creek Prospect, Farm ville, Sand}' River. Prince George—Court-house, City Point, Lilley's School-house, Tuttle's Precinct, Harri- son's Store, Templeton. Prince William—Dumfries, Cole's, Occo- quan, Reeve's. Brentsville, Kinchelon s, Hayj market, Ludley. Pulaski—CourtRouse, Brown's, Galbreath's, Ruper's, Thorn Spring Camp. Rappahannock — W ashington, Sperry ville, Yates', Amissville, Catharine, Deatheridge. Richmond City—Jefferson Ward, Madison Ward, Monroe Ward. Richmond County— Court-house, Stony Hill, Tavern-house, Farnham, Church, Lyell's Store Roanoke—Court-house, Big Lick, Cavi Spring, Barnett's. Rockbridge—Courthouse, Brownsburg, Fair- field, Natural Bridge, Collierstown, Keer's Creek, Trevey's, Hamilton's School-house, Paxton's School-house, Wilson's Shop, Broad Creek, Goshen. SERARALE ELECFttoiT PRECINCTS. Rockingham ■*- Harrisonburg, Reezletown, McGabeysville, Conrad's Store. Spartapolis, ITenton's Mills, Gordon's Store, Bowman's Mill, Timberville, Menonite School-bouse, Bridgewater, Ottobine, Wittig's Store, Sprin- kle's Store, Taliafearo's Store, Port Republic, Mount Crawford, Samuel Coot's. Russell—Court-house, Grizle's, Pound, Holly Creek, Guest's Mountain, Castlewood's Fugate's, Hanson's, Aston's Store, Cook's Mills, Dorton's, Baylor's Store, Gibson's, Hendrick's Store. Seott Court-bouse, Wineger's, Hart's, Smith's, Puilleng's, Nickelsville, Alleys, Os- home's Ford, Stony Creek, Peters', Rye Cove, Carter s, Neil's, Roller's. Shenandoah—Court-bouse, Strasburg, Cross- roads Meeting-house. Conner's Church, Town Hall, Keller's School-house, Edinburg, Colum- bia Furnai-e, Mount Jackson, Crossroads School-house, New Market, Forrestville. Smyth—Court-house, Broad Ford, Hays'. Sanders', St. Clair's Bottom, Burton's Store, Ashlin's, Atkins'. Spottsylvania—Courtrhouse, Fredericksburg, Mount Pleasant, Andrew's, Chancellor's. Stafford—Court-house, White Oak, Master's, Taokett's Mill, Falmouth, Coakley's, Har- wood's, Aoquia. Southampton—Court-hotisd, DreWtysVille, Crosskeys, Joyner's, Murfee's, Black' Creek Church, Berlin, Faison s Store. Surry—Four districts—At the same places as for the election of Magistrates. Sussex—Courtrhouse, Comann'sMill, Henry, Stony Creek, Newville, Owen's Store. Tazewell—Court-house, Repass,' Tiffany's, Mouth of Slate, Gibson's, Crab trees, Litze- ville, Liberty Hill, Tugg. Warren—Court-house, Boyd's Mill, Benton- ville, -Leary's School-house, Cedarville, How- ellsville. Warwick—Three precincts—The same as fot election of magistrates. Washington—Court-house, Clark's, Davis', Waterman's, Merchant's, Gobble's Mills, Wor- ley's Williams', Morrell's, Fullen's School- house, Clark's, Kelley's School-house, Delusko Mills. Ons', Miller's, Good Hope, Green Spring. Westmoreland—Court-house, Hague, War- rensville, Oak Grove. Williamsburg—Court-house. Wythe—Eight districts—Precincts at same places as for election of magistrates. York—Three districts—Precincts at the pirn- ces as lor election of magistrates. A TABLE Showing the Times for the Commencement of the Regular Term of each Circuit and Corporation Court. Circuit Courts, When terms commence. Circuits. 1st Monday in May, and 1st day of November. 2nd Monday in May and Oct. 3d Monday in May and 2nd Monday in Nov. 9th of April and Sept-mber. 25th April and 20th Oct. 22d of March a'd August. 21st April and September, 1st June and 1st November. 15th May and October 25th April and September. 24th April and September. 26th May and October. 27th March and 2d October. 5th April and September. 18th May and October. | 1st March and 18th Sept. • County and corpora- tion courts, monthly terms. Last Monday. First Monday. Fourth Monday. Third Monday. Fourth Monday. Third Monday. Thursday after Monnay. Fourth Monday. Second Monday. Fourth Monday. Second Monday. Second Monday. Fourth Monday. ! Second Monday. Second Monday. jSecond Monday. first County and corporation courts. Quarterly terms. Monday before last Monday | in March and August [First Monday. 18th May and November. (Third Thur- day. 25th March and August 7th May and 12th November. 12th May and October. Tuesday after 1st Monday in March and August. 10. 1st Monday June and Nov. 3. 5th March and August. 4 '22d March and August. 2. 20th March and 26th Sept. 6. 15th March and September. 8. 25th April and 12th Nov. 9. 1st Monday June and Nov. 9. Tuesday after 1st Monday in • April and September. 16. 1st Monday-April and Sept. 10th April and September. 15th May and October. 10th June and November. 20th May and October. 13th April and October. 1st. April and September. 4th Monday April and Sept. 3d Monday June and Nov. First Monday. Second Monday. Second Monday in June and 4th in other months. Fourth Monday. Third Monday. Fourth Monday. Thursday after second Monday. Third Monday. Fourth Thursday, Third Monday. Third Monday. Fourth Monday. Thursday after third Monday. Fourth Monday. First Monday. Monday. before first Tuesday. Second Thursday. Second Monday. First Monday. Third Monday. Fourth Monday. Wednesday after 2d Monday. First Monday. 28th April and 2nd Nov 1st day of May and October.! Fourth Monday 10th March and 26th Sept. | Fourth Tuesday. 23d April and October. 1st April and September, 2d May and October. 1. 16th May and October. J First Monday. Second Monday. 'Thursday after third Monday. (First Monday. March, May, August, Nov. do June, do do Feb. May, do do March June a® do do May do do do June (to do do May do do do ' do do Oct. do - do do do Feb. do July do .March June dllg. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Feb. May do do ' (To take effect June 1st, 1861.) March June Aug. Nov do May do do do June do do do do do do Feb. May July Oct. do do do do do May do do do June do do do do do do do "ot Dec. do do Aug. Nov. March May do do do do do do Feb. do July Oct. March Juue A Ug. Nov. do May do Oct. do June do Nov. Feb. April July do March May Aug. do do June do do do May do Oct. do and November. 1. 1st June and 15th Nov. 1. 1st Arpil and 28th Sept. 5. 3d Monday in April and Sept 8. 9th April and 28th October 2. 20th Aprit and 15th October. 10. 1st May and October. 12. 11th April and Septemb-w. 4. 12th April *nd September. 2. 22d May, 16th November. 4. 28th May and October. 2. 2d May and 27th October. 1. 25th May and 22d Sept. 3. 15th March and August. 2. 17th May and 12th isov. 9. 2d Monday in May and Oct 16. 3i Monday April and Sept. 9. 3d Monday in March and 1st Monday in October. 7. 1st Nov. aud 1st May. 8. 3d April and 23d October 14. Wednesday after 4th Monday in March and August. 11. 12th April and September 'i / \ Second Monday, IMarch Second Monday in June and Oct a 3d. in J other 'months. do First Thursday. do First Thursday. - db Fourth Monday. do Third Monday. do 12. 11th May and October. • 17. 4th Monday April and Sept 17. 3d Monday after 4tli Monday April and September. 12. 30lh March and August. If. 1st Monday April and Sopt. 1. 2d May and 7th October, 8. 20th May and 6th October, 9. 4th Monday March and Sept. 1. loth May and 25th October. 1. 24th April and 29th Oct. 17. Last Monday March and Aug 12. 25th March and A ugust. 21st March and September 17. 2d Monday April and Sept. 28th March and 18th Oct. 25th May and November. 17. 1st Monday after 4th Monday in April and Sept. 16. 1st Monday May and Oct. 6. 26tb March and September. Second Monday. Second Monday. Second Monday. First Monday. Fourth Thursday. Second Monday. Third Monday. Fourth Wednesday, First Monday. Second Monday. Fourth Monday, Second Thursday. Fourth Monday. Third. Monday. Second Monday. Second Monday. First Thursday. Fourth Monda-. Fourth Monday. Fourth Monday. Thi-d Thursday. Third Monday. First Wednesday. First Monday. Third Monday. Second Thursday. First Monday. Thursday after fit • Monday. Second Monday. Second Monday. First Monday. first first first Third Monday. Monday before- Tuesday. Third Monday. Tuesday after Monday. Tuesday after second Monday, Monday before second Tuesday, Tuesday after Monday. Thirl Monday. First Monday. Third Wednesday. Wednesday after first Monday. Fourth Monday. First Thursday. Wednesday after Monday. Third Monday. Second Monday. Fourth Monday. Fourth Monday. Fourth Monday. First Saturday. Fourth Monday. Second Monday. Third Monday, 1st (Jo March, do do do Feb. Mareh Feb. March do do Feb. March Feb. March do do do do Feb. do March . do do do Feb. March do do do Jan'y March do do Feb. March do do do do do do Feb. March do Feb. March do do April March do do do do June do do May do do June do do May June do May do do June do May do April June do May do !