MESSAGE OF THE PRESIDENT. Richmond, Va., March 12, 1863. To the House of Representatives: I herewith transmit a communication from the Secretary of War, in further response to your resolution of the 5th instant, in reference to claims for vessels seized for public use. JEFFERSON DAVIS. COMMUNICATION FROM THE SECRETARY OF WAR. Confederate States of America, i War Department, > Richmond, Va., March 11, 1863. ) To the President of the Confederate States : Sir: A report of the claims presented to the Second Auditor for vessels seized or employed by military authorities, was submitted, in compliance to a resolution of the House of Representatives. The Chief of Engineers was not prepared at that time to make a report. His report is now enclosed. Very respectfully your ob't serv't, For Secretary of War, J. A. CAMPBELL, Assistant Seccretary of War. Confederate States of America, } War Department, Engineer Bureau, > Richmond, Va., March 10th, 1863. ) Hon. James A. Seddon, Secretary of War : Sir : Since my communication to. you of February 18th, 1863, three additional claims for vessels seized by order of the military authorities, have been filed in this office. Below a list of them is given. Very respectfully, your ob't serv't, J. F. GILMER, Col. and Chief Eng. Bur. CLAIMS Approved and filcl in the Engineer Bureau for vessels seised by order of the military autho- rities for the public use. Date of filing. Claimants. Names of Vessels. Character of Vessels. Where used. Value. 1863. March 3, March 5, March 5, M'llhennv A Co P. 0. Foster. P. 0. Foster. Hark Away. Vernon. California. Schooner. Barge. Schooner. Cape Fear River obstructions. Mobile Harbor obstructions. Mobile Harbor obstructions. $6,000 5,000 1,500 Total amount, - - $12,500