MESSAGE OF THE PRESIDENT. Richmond, Va., Jan. 11, tfSG4. To the Senate and House of Representatives : I herewith submit for your consideration, a communication from the Attorney General, containing an estimate of an additional sum required by the Department of Justice. I recommend that an appropriation be made of the amount specified for the purpose indicated. JEFFERSON DAVIS. COMMUNICATION FROM ATTORNEY GENERAL, Confederate States of America, 4 Department of Justice, > Richmond, January 0, 1864. ) To iite President : Sir: The late and unexpected large requisitions, which have been drawn in favor of marshals, have shown a deficiency in the appro* priation for the salaries of judges and attorneys and for incidental and contingent expenses of courts, from the 1st of July, 1863, to the 31st of December, 1863. It is estimated that the sum of seventeen thousand dollars will be required to meet the deficiency. Your obedient servant, GEO. DAVIS, Attorney General.