[House of Representatives.] HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, February 11, 1865.—Esti- mate " For Clothing for the Officers of the Navy, under Acts of Con- gress approved respectively the 16th and 19th of January, A. D. 1865." Referred to Committee on "Ways and Means, and ordered to bo printed. [By the Ciiaib.] MESSAGE OF THE PRESIDENT. Richmond, Va., Feb. 10, 1865. To the Senate and House of Representatives: I herewith transmit for your consideration a communication from the Secretary of the Treasury, covering an Estimate for an additional appropriation required by the Navy Department. JEFFERSON DAVIS. COMMUNICATION OF SECRETARY OF TREASURY. Treasury Department, ] February 8th, 1865. j" To the President: Sir :—I have the honor to enclose herewith, to be submitted to Congress, estimate (in duplicate) of appropriation required "For Clothing for the Officers of the Navy, under Acts of Congress ap- proved respectively the 16th and 19th of January, A. D. 1865." I am, respectfully, Your obedient servant, G. A. TRENHOLM, Secretary of the Treasury. Confederate States of America, ) Navy Department, >■ Richmond, February 4th, 1865. ) Hon. G. A. Trenholm, Secretary of the Treasury: Sir :—I have the honor to submit herewith an estimate of the amount required to provide Officers of the Navy with Clothing, in 3 accordance with Acts approved January 16th and 19th, 1865, which has been transmitted to the President to he submitted to Congress. I am, respectfully, Your obedient servant, (Signed) S. R. MALLORY, Secretary of the Navy. ESTIMATE Of appropriation for th< service of the Navy Department. " For Clothing for the Officers of the Navy, under Acts of Congress approved respectively the 16th and 19th of January, A. D. 1S65," .... §1,087,020 Treasury Department, 1 Register's Office, > February 8th, 1865. ) RO. TYLER, Register. Confederate States of America, 1 Navy Department, > Richmond, February 4th, 1865. ) Hon. Thomas S. Bocock, Speaker of the House of Representatives : Sir :—I have the honor to submit herewith an estimate of the amount required to provide Officers of the Navy with Clothing, in accordance with Acts approved January 16th and 19th, 1865. I am, respectfully, Your obedient servant, S. R. MALLORY, Secretary of the Navy. 3 ESTIMATE OF FUNDS Required for additional Clothing, railed for in Acts of Congress approved January 1 Qth and 19th, 1865. FUR WHOM REQUIRED. One Pea-Jacket, - One Round-Jacket and two Trowsers (cloth), - Seven yards Flannel for outer Clothing, at $40, Ten yards Flannel for Nuded Clothing, at $40, Four pair Shoes, at $100, .... Four pair Socks, at $10, .... One Cap and Ornaments, at $100, . . - i One Mattress and pair of Blankets, at $100, For One Acting or Patted Midshipman, For One Hundred and Sixty Acting or Pasted Midthipmen, For one Coat, one pair Pants, one Vest and One Cap, 4| yds. Cloth, at $100, ..... For Making, Trimmings, Ornaments, Ac., For One Officer, ..... For Six Hundred Officers, .... Add for Unforeseen Contingencies 10 per cent, Total required for additional Clothing under Acts approved January 16th and 19th, 1863—One Million, Eighty-teven Thousand and Twenty Dollars, ... Amount. $200 00 250 00 280 00 400 00 400 00 40 00 100 00 100 00 1,770 00 $425 00 750 00 $1,175 00 $1,087,020 00 Office Provision ano Clothing, \ Richmond, Ya., February 4th, 1865. J Respectfully submitted. JAMES A. SEMPLE, C. S. N., In charge Office. Navy Department, February 4, 186*5. S. R. MALLORY, Secretary of the Navy.