OrUCTTIDAZR, INTO- 40- OFFICE MED. DIR. OF HOSPITALS, 1 Macon, Ga., September 18th, 1864. ) I. Surgeons in charge of hospitals will, without delay, send all men not detailed, who are incapa¬ ble for field service, and are yet able to do light duty, to report to Brig. Gen'l Wright, at Macon, for garrison duty in convalescent camp. II. Soldiers forwarded in accordance with these instructions will be sent through Post Command¬ ers, and under the same rules which govern the return of men to their commands when discharged from hospital. TTT. Medical Examining Boards, instead of grant¬ ing furloughs to soldiers classed as described in paragraph 1, shall furnish Surgeons in charge with lists of their names, when they will be forwarded as above directed. S. II. STOUT, Medical Director.