EMORY UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Purchased from the funds of The Lewis H. Beck Foundation 196756 MAY 6 1949 the ORDERLY BOOK of that portion of the american army stationed at or near williamsburg, vA., UNDER THE COMMAND OF GENERAL ANDREW LEWIS, FROM MARCH \%th, 1776, to AUGUST 28th, 1776. PRINTED FROM THE ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT, WITH Notts an# Kntfo#ncttoH By CHARLES CAMPBELL, Esc>. Author of " IntroduBion to Hijiory of the Old Dominion" H'tfiory of Virginiaetc. fticfymond, t)a. PRIVATELY PRINTED, I 860. PREFACE. T is a fource of confant regret with all who feel an intereft in the early hifory of our J|country, that fo little care has been taken to pre- '{&J ferve the moft reliable authorities on all fubjeBs conneBed therewith, viz: the maftufcripts written by thofe who lived and aBed contemporary with the events which they have recorded. This feems to be more efpecially true in regard to Virginia than any other of the old thirteen fates,for in almofl all of the old counties the enquirer after thefe invaluable materials for hifory, can hear of the former exifence of County Records, Veflry Books, Private Diaries, and fournals and Orderly Books, which have either been defroyed by fire, or allowed to crumble away in damp cellars or leaky garrets. A few creditable exceptions are how- [ ii ] ever to be found in fa7nilies, where they have been kept as heirlooms, but fo far as I know only two of them relating to our State have ever been made public, with the exception of thofe contained in the invaluable col¬ lection of traCis publifhed by Peter Force, Efq. In 1841 the "Weflown MSS." was publifhed by the Mejfrs. Puffin, and in 1853 Mifs Ann Maury, in the " Memoirs of a Huguenot Family " included the " Journal of John Fontaine During the time which has elapfed fnce the lafi named work was iffued, the hifiorical fudents of the Northern States have printedfcores of documents of a fimilar character, each one of which has thrown fo?ne light on fubjeCts connected with either our Colonial or Revolutionary Hifoiy. I now propofe to throw in 77iy 7nite to affifl in this laudable work, with the hope that it may have the effeCt to induce others to contribute to the fame. I have in my poffejjion two other docwnents, a Private Diary and a Veftry Book, each one more than twice the fze of this, and thefe will be printed as foon as fufficient [ iii ] leifure can be obtained to attend to them, and if their publication fall be the means of bringing outfrom their hiding places more of thefe records of the olden times, I fall be gratified with the conviction that fteps have been taken in the right direction to deve'lope the proper materials for a Hfiory of the Old Dominion. T. H. IF. Richmond, Fa., Auguji 29, i860. INTRODUCTION. fB^HILE it is to be regretted, that in Virginia Wk fo few fuch authentic Documents of Hif- tory as this Orderly Book have been preferved, it is a matter of congratulation that the one now prefented to the reader, has been fortunately refcued from the current of oblivion. This Orderly Book embraces the interval between the 18th of March and the 28th of Auguft, 1776, being a little more than five months. The circumftances con¬ nected with the prefervation of the manufcript are not known: it, however, fell eventually into the hands of John Weft, Efq., of the city of Richmond, who has obligingly allowed a tranfcript to be made of it, under the care of Thomas H. Wynne, Efq., whofe aCtive intereft in matters appertaining to Vir¬ ginia hiftory is fo well known. The handwriting of the original is good, and in fo good prefervation, that not a word, it is believed, from the commence¬ ment to the end, has been loft by the lapfe of time. The latter portion of the book appears to have A [ vi ] been written by a different hand, and the fame reappears in fome agricultural memoranda made fubfequently in the blank leaves of the volume, ex¬ tending from 1786 to 1811. Thefe memoranda refer to Flatt Creek, and Grove Brook plantations, and perhaps in this way a clue may be found for identifying the perfon who recorded the latter part of the orders. Thefe plantation memoranda are methodical and exadt, and their clofe juxtapofition with the records of war, exhibit a pleafing example of the beating of the fword into the ploughfhare, and the fpear into the pruning-hook. Williamfburg, where the troops were quartered, the ancient Capital of Virginia, was without trade, and owed its importance to its being the Seat of Government, and of the venerable College of Wil¬ liam and Mary, at this time in a declining condi¬ tion. The houfes, moftly wooden, numbered lefs than a hundred. The town confifted mainly of one ftreet, named after the Duke of Gloucefter, three fourths of a mile in length, wide, level, bounded at the eafl end by the Capitol, and on the Weft by the College. Befides thefe, the only other buildings of note were the Odtagon Maga¬ zine, from which Dunmore had in the preceding [ vii ] year removed the powder, the old Raleigh Tavern, the Attorney General's Refidence, the Governor's Palace, and the Church. The dreets were unpaved and dudy—the foil being fandy. The place was healthy, and enjoyed an advantage rare in Eadern Virginia, of being free from mofquitoes. Jofiah Quincy, who vifited Williamfburg in the early Spring of 1773, fays : " Excellent farms and large " cleared tradts of land, well fenced and tilled, are " all around me. Peach trees feem to be of fpon- " taneous growth in thefe Provinces, and I faw " them all along in the fined bloom. Whole fields " of them looked beautiful. I faw about fix acres " all in high bloom, and very regularly planted, " every other row being trees of the apple and pear " kind, not yet in blofiom. An extent of about " twelve or fifteen acres of peach trees, fet in equi- " diftant rows, intermixed all about with many " fmall pine trees of exquifite verdure, formed a "profpedt to the eye mod delightful and charm- cc * yy mg. During the year 1775, Patrick Henry had, at the head of an armed force, extorted compenfation for the gunpowder removed from the Magazine ; the Governor had efcaped from Williamfburg, and had [viii ] raifed the royal ftandard; a predatory war had enfued, and the battle of the Great Bridge had occurred. Early in 1776 Norfolk had been re¬ duced to affies, the North Carolina patriots had given a prompt and decifive blow to the royalifts at Moore's Creek Bridge; Col. Henry hadrefigned his command, Col. Andrew Lewis had been ap¬ pointed Brigadier General and Commander-in- Chief of the Virginia troops. He was a native of Ireland, being a fon of John Lewis, the pioneer of Augufta county. Andrew Lewis was twice wounded at Fort Neceffity, was fubfequently ap¬ pointed by Wafhington Major of his regiment during the French and Indian war, and no officer flood higher in his confidence. Major Andrew Lewis commanded the Sandy Creek Expedition of 1756, and was afterwards made prifoner at Grant's defeat. He was Commiffioner for Virginia at the Treaty of Fort Stanwix in 1768. He com¬ manded at the battle of Point Pleafant in 1774, where the celebrated warrior Cornftalk, at the head of the confederated Indians of the North Weft, was defeated. Col. Lewis and his troops believed that Governor Dunmore during that campaign was in collufion with the favage foe. It was referved for [»] General Lewis to expel the Governor fromVirginia. The flatue of General Lewis is to be one of the group furrounding the equeftrian flatue of Wash¬ ington in the Capitol Square in Richmond. Col. Thomas Bullet, of Prince William County, was Deputy Adjutant General of theVirginia forces. At the head of a company of Virginians he de¬ fended the baggage at Grant's defeat, and con¬ tributed to fave the remnant of the detachment from maffacre. He was the only officer who efcaped unhurt on that difaftrous occalion. In .1773 he and his brother Cuthbert (afterwards judge and member of the Virginia Convention of 1788) were engaged as agents of Lord Dun more in furveying lands at the falls of the Ohio. Tho¬ mas Bullet was prefent at the battle of the Great Bridge, and was firft to difcover the approach of the enemy. Upon their repulfe, fired with pa¬ triotic ardour, he urgently advifed the cautious Woodford to gratify the enthufiaflic wiffies of the troops, and to advance at once to ftorm the enemy's intrenchments. The Virginia troops were encamped during the period of this Orderly Book at Williamfburg, and the Orders are dated either at this place or the [ x ] College Camp, or Springfield, or Deep Spring, in the fame vicinity. In vain does the imagination efifay to realize the dangers which then over- fhadowed the Colony; in vain will it endeavour to reproduce the ftirring fcenes of the miniature Capital, whofe quiet was now difturbed by the ftormy mufic of the drum, and the thrilling blaft of the revolutionary trumpet. Perhaps fome Homer may yet arife to recall the fhadowy forms, and make them again live and move before us. The conftant and exadl attention to difcipline, and drill, and the morale of the army, fhows how fen- fible the Virginians were of the magnitude of the impending danger, and of the energetic means neceflary to fuftain themfelves in fo unequal a combat. In April, General Charles Lee arrived at Williamlburg, and during his brief flay in Virginia difplayed that dafhing, eccentric and impetuous energy, for which he was fo much diflinguifhed. The brilliance of his genius dazzled Americans for a time, but the meteor was fhort-lived. He who afpired to be commander-in-chief provedeventually to be traitor. Early in May, 1776, the Virginia Convention met at Williamlburg, and their proceedings dif- [ xi ] played a patriotifm, judgment, moderation and dignity worthy of the crifis : it was the climax in the development of the political character of Vir¬ ginia. Her Delegates in Congrefs were inftrudted to propofe Independence, the Declaration of Rights and the Conftitution were framed amid threats of invalion and ruin, and on the 29th day of June, Virginia, by an unanimous vote, became an Inde¬ pendent State, and Patrick Henry was elected the firft Republican Governor in America. On the ninth of July, General Lewis diflodged Lord Dun- more from Gwynn's Ifland. On the twenty-fifth the Declaration of Independence was proclaimed to the rejoicing troops at Williamfburg. Peterjburg, Va. C. C. April 9th, i860. ORDERLY BOOK. Williamsburg. Head Quarters, March 18 th, 1776. Parole, Gates. FFICERS of Companies are immediately to make return to the Commanding Officers of the number of Men in their Company who are furniihed with Cartouch Boxes, Powder Horns and Shot Pouches, alfo the number who are not provided- All Companies which are in town that are in¬ tended for other Diftridts arejto get themfelves in readinefs to March to their feveral Stations asexpe- ditiouily as poffible. The Quarter Mailer General is frequently to viiit the feveral Smiths employed in repairing the publick Arms and haften them as much as poffible. Officers for Guard Tomorrow, Lieut. Smith, Lieut. Avery, Eniign Cocke. B [ 2 ] Williamsburg. Head Quarters, Mar. 19th, 1776. Parole, Maryland. Officers for the day tomorrow, Cap1 Hopkins. Adjutant Johnfton is to do the duty of Brigade Major 'til further Orders. All Officers upon their coming into Camp toconlider itas their indifpenfible duty to wait on the Commanding Officer, to make him acquainted with their arrival; the Brigadier General1 leaves the Camp today, he expedts the Sol¬ diers will pay the ftridtefl: attention to their duty and exert themfelves to learn the difcipline fo neceffiary to their own honour & fafety, that they will behave themfelves with decency to their fellow Citizens, whofe perfons and property they were ordained to protedl and defend, and that they will not by any unworthy condudt difgrace the profeffion of a Sol¬ dier. It is recommended too and expedted of all Officers that they will to the utmoft of their power keep order and decorum in Camp, be very diligent in learning their own duty & inftrudting the Sol¬ diers in theirs, that they will fpare no pains nor think much of any labour or difficulty to make themfelves fit for that important end they were intended to anfwer, that of defending the darling Rights of Liberty and property of their Country. Officers for Guard tomorrow, L1 Hobfon, 1 Serg1, 1 Corporal | L1 Murray, & 11 privates. J Enfs Stokes. [ 3 ] Williamsburg. Head Quarters, Mar. 20th, 1776. Parole, Page, It is expected that every Officer will attend their Parade at Roll calling morning and evening; the Guards to be encreafed tomorrow an Officer a Ser¬ geant and eighteen men. Officers for the Day tomorrow, Cap1 Ruffin, Cap: Ruffin to find ) Lieu1 Clay, 1 S. 1 C. 15 Privates, j Enfn Burrell. G. O.2 Williamsburg. Head Quarters, Mar. 21st, 76. Parole, Eppes. Obferving that fome Officers appear on Parade without their Fuzees; it is expedted no fuch neg- ledt will happen in future. R. O.3 The Officers of the Regiment will always appear on parade in their uniform and Fuzees; this ceremony muft not be difpenfed with. Officer for the Day tomorrow, Cap1 Gibfon,4 Officers for Guard tomorrow, Lieut. Crump, Capt. Ruffin to find ) Lieut. Upffiaw, 1 Serg1 14 Privates. } Enfign Dawfon. Williamsburg. Head Quarters, Mar. 22nd, 1776. Parole, Charles Scott. Five Officers are this Evening to infpedt fome Flower in the Commiflary's hands faid to be fent [ 4 ] by one Mr. Randolph, unfit for ufe, and to make a Report thereof. Officer for the day tomorrow, Cap1 Hawes. Officers for the Guard tomorrow, Parole, Gen'l Lee. The Officers are defired to examine ftridtly into their refpedtive Companies that no gaming be car¬ ried on of any kind whatfoever. When there is any leifure time from their duties of the Camp every one will be improving himfelf in the Military fer- vice and not pafs over in idlenefs on bufinefs of a worfe tendency the peaceable and precious hours now on hand. The Officers will in every refpedt attend to the morals of their men, and endeavour to train the youths under their particular care as well in a moral as military way of life. Officer for the day tomorrow, Cap: Johnfon. Lieut. Jones, Lieut. Garland. Enfn Catlett. Williamsburg. Head Quarters, Mar. 3d, 76. Lieut. Hockaday, Lieut. Avary, Enfign Arm Read. [ 5 ] Williamsburg. Head Quarters, Mar. 24th, 76. Parole, Bucknor. The troops will attend Church5 this afternoon at three o'clock near the Capitol. Officer for the day tomorrow, Capt. Hobkins. Officers for Guard tomorrow, Lieut. Hobfon, Lieut. Burton, Parole, Dangerjield. The whole troops in town, Cap: Cabills Compy the Guards & Centinals at each Barracks excepted, are to parade at three o'clock in the afternoon to exercife. Officer for the Day tomorrow, Cap1 Ruffin. Officers for the Guard tomorrow, Parole, Bojion. A return to be given in this afternoon by the Keeper of the Public Stores, likewife a Return of the Magazine by the Keeper of the Magazine. ivates. J Enfn Cocke. Williamsburg. Head Quarters, Mar. 25, 1776. Lieut. Clay, Lieut. Upffiaw. Enlign Stokes. Williamsburg. Head Quarters, Mar: 26th, 76. [ 6 ] The grand Squad to parade at three o'clock this Afternoon for exercife, the awkward Squad to go out at the fame time; an Officer of each Company to attend the different Squads and fee the drill Ser¬ geants do their duty, to be anfwerable for a breach of this order. Diftindt Return to be given to Col° Bucknor with a Lift of the Gentlemen Cadets6 that entered to ferve in the latter Regiment. All orders relating to the Soldiers to be read and explained by an Officer of the Company at Retreat beating. Officer for the day tomorrow, Cap: Maffie. Officers for Guard tomorrow, Lieut. Crump, Cap: Ruffin to find ) Lieut. Upfhaw, i S. i C. 13 privates. J Enfn Burrell. Williamsburg. G. O. Head Quarters, Mar. 27th, 1776. Parole, Cambridge. The Grand Squad is to turn out at three o'clock on the parade if the weather will permit, the awk¬ ward Squad to turn out at 7 o'clock in the fore¬ noon, likewife at three in the afternoon, and to exercife for two hours each time under the diredtion of a Commiffioned Officer Serg1 & Corp1, who are accountable for any negledl of duty in management of that Squad. Thofe Capts who have any awkward men, or men without Arms, are to apply to the Commanding Officer for an order for fuch Arms in the Magazine7 as will do to Exercife with, and to be anfwerable for their return when called for. C 7 ] Cap1 Cabell's Compy to draw Ammunition today for the trial of their Rifles tomorrow between the hours of 8 & 10 in the forenoon ; the men are to provide a target today. R. O. All the Gentlemen Cadets are defired to attend the parade conftantly. Likewife a lift of their names to be given in to the Col. tomorrow fore¬ noon, fpecifying the time of their entering and with what Cap1. The Col. has thought proper to ap¬ point Matthew Snook as Fife Majr, & William Croke'r as Drum Majr, & they are to be obeyed as fuch, & are to practice the young Fifers & Drum¬ mers between the hours of a 11 & I o'clock every day, & take care that they perform their feveral duties with as much exadtnefs as poflible. The Officers and Cadets are to give in their names as is directed in the foregoing Orders. A Regimental Court Martial to fet at 12 o'clock for the triall of John Hogins of Captain Maffies Company. Captain Johnfton, Prefident. Lieut. Hobfon, \ Memher, f Enfign Stokes, Lieut. Burton, j ' { Enfign Armftead, Officer for the Day tomorrow, Capt. Cabell. Officers for the Guard tomorrow, Lieut. Jones, Cap1 Ruffin to find ) Lieut. Garland, 1 C. 14 privates, j Enfign Catlett. C 8 ] Williamsburg. Head Quarters, Mar: 28th, 1776. Parole, Caroline. An Officer of a Company to attend at Revellie beating to confine and report all abfent men. Rolls to be called before the doors of their Barracks. All the Officers to attend the Parade at retreat beating. No Officer to leave his Guard on any pretence whatever nor to allow more than two men of his Guard to be abfent at any one time. I would re¬ commend it to all young Officers of a Company to view their men warned for Guard and fee that their Beards are clofe fhav'd and as clean and de¬ cently drelfed as their fituation will allow. I am forry to-fee fo little regard paid to Orders, for not- withftandinglexprefflyorderedtheawkwardSquad to be out at 7 o'clock in the morning & 3 in the afternoon, to my great Surprize this morning on going to the Parade not one was to be found, and for the future all Officers of Companies are to fee that their awkward men are to be carried to the Parade every day where Sergeant William Ramfey is to take charge of them and take a Roll of their names, to whofe Company they belong, and ffiould any of them fail to attend at the hours appointed, he is to be confined for difobeying Orders and may be alfured of receiving punifhment adequate to their crimes. Enfign Burwell of the firft Regiment is to adt as Adjutant to the fixth Regiment 'til fur¬ ther Orders and the Officers and Soldiers are to obey him as fuch. [ 9 3 A Regimental Court Martial to fit to Day at the Capital at 12 o'clock for the Tryal of Jacob Stith. Cap1. Hobkins, Prefident. Lieut. Clay, j M b f Enfign Dawfon, Lieut. Hockaday. j Members- { Enfign Cocke. Officer for the Day tomorrow, Cap: Sayers. Officers for Guard tomorrow, Lieut. Hockaday, Cap: Ruffin to find J Lieut. Avery, i S. i C. 13 privates. J Enfn Dawfon. Williamsburg. Head Quarters, Mar: 29th, 76. Parole, Winchejier. Sergeant Burt of Cap: Hobkins Company is to do the Duty of a Sergeant Major in the fix Batal- lion at this place 'til further orders. Officer for the Day tomorrow, Capt. Johnfton. Officers for the Day tomorrow, Lieut. Hobfon, Cap: Ruffin to find { Lieut. Epperfon, 1 C. 14 privates, j Enfign Armiftead. Williamsburg. Head Quarters, Mar: 30th, 1776. Parole, Pendleton. If tomorrow fhould be a tolerable fair day the whole Garrifon to be under Arms at 10 o'clock in order to be Revewed by the General ;8 by being revewed it is not ment that they are not to Me- C [ IO ] neauver or Exercife but mearly to be feen. The Capt. of each Company to give in a return of what Carpenters he has in his Company in the margin of the Return not only the number but the ftate & Condition of the Arms, are to be mentioned. Officer for the Day tomorrow, Cap1 Haws. Officer for the Palace Guard, Lieut. Burton. Officers for the Day tomorrow, Lieut. Clay, Enfn Stokes, Cap: Ruffin finds 19 P. i S. i C. Enfn Cocke. Williamsburg. Head Quarters, Mar: 31st, 76. Parole, Lhos. Lee. It is the Generals pleafure that the Review eb pofponed till tomorrow 10 o'clock, if the Weather permits. Orderly and Levee Hours in the morning for the future to be at 1 o o'clock, by order of his Excellency the General. Tho. Bullit, D. A. G. It is a part of the Adj1 General's duty to Vifit from time to time the Guards Pickitt & Pofts of the Army; he is to be received for the future by the Guard Pickitt, &c. in the fame manner as the Field Officer of the Day. A Grafs Guard confifting of a Serg1 and 12 Privates to mount to protect & fecure the publick horfes in the park of the Palace. A Subaltorn & 25 men for fatigue tomorrow to re¬ pair the fences of the Park [ 11 ] Officer for the Day tomorrow, Capt. Hobkins. Officers for Guard tomorrow, Lieut. Jones, Lieut. Rofe, Lieut. Upffiaw, Enfn Catlett, For fatigue, Lieut. Toliver. Reg1 O. The Officers of the Companies are to mention in their Return where their fick are. Cap1 Ruffin to find i Sl. i C. 20 privts, 4 for Fatige. Williamsburg. Head Quarters, April ist, 1776. Parole, Mercor. For the futer the Quartermafter General, the Comifiary & Waggon Mafter to attend regulay at Head Quarters at 10 o'clock unlefs attaich'd on publick bufinefs. A return to be given in immedi¬ ately to the General, of the amunition, ordernance Stores, &c. The General have obferved that De- taichments of Troops march in and out of the Town without the leafi: ceremony, which is con¬ trary to all military coftoms and Regulations ; the Adjutant-general is therefore to pofi: a fufficient number of centenals in the revernues of the Town to prevint irregularaty. For the futer the Field Officer of the Day to be Sponfabley of the Day that no party Eenter in nor march out of the Town without previoufly acquainting the General or Commanding Officer in the place. [ 12 ] Regimental Orders for the 6th Batalion. A Return to be giving in this Evening at Retreat beating of all the Smiths & they are to be paraded by themfelves in the front of the Batallion, likewife the Carpenters, return likewife of all Arms that want repair. Feald Officer for the Day tomorrow, Col. Bucknor. Officers for the Day tomorrow, Cap. Ruffin, Cap. Mercer, Lieut. Avery, Capt. Ruffin to find | Lt. Tollefor, i S. i C. 13 privates. ) Lt. Hockaday, Lt. Curd. Williamsburg. Head Quarters, April 2nd, 1776. You are to have warned out of your Brigade 200 men for fatigue, they are to 'hold themfelves in readinefs to Parade by the Capitol on the Pioneers March Beating where the will be attended with Officers to diredt them on the publick work they are to perform. Parole, Nelson. Two Captains & 200 men for fatigue to parade every morning with the Guard, the will receive their inftruments on the Parade; the Commanding Officer of the fatigue party to be anfwerable for the Tools. make out Pay Roles for the Companies to the 28th of February including the Cadets ; the pay of the Officers and Men are to be agreeable to the Ordi¬ nance of Convention ; the Captains of fuch Com¬ panies to fee that their Drummers & Fifers provided Drums and Fifes. Officer for Guard tomorrow, Capt. Cabell. Officers for fatigue tomorrow, Cap: Sears, Cap. Ruffins tomorrow for Guard, 1 S. 1 C. 8 P. Parole, Harrijfon. It is recommended to the Colonels to make their men appear as uniform as poffable in their Drefs, that their Hatts ffiall be cut, all cocked in Faffion, that their Hair be likewife cut exadtly the fame length. When the Regiment are under Arms, the Officers to appear in their Hunting ffiirts; the Officers as well as men to die their ffiirts in an uni¬ form manner. Thefe attentials may appear Trivial, but they are in fadt of conliderable importance, as they tend to give what is call'd Efprit de Corps, Lt. Smith, Lt. Clay, Lt. Burton, Ens Armftead, Cap: Paterfon, Lt. Hobfon, Lt. Epperfon, Lt. Burnett, Enfn Burnett. For Fatigue, Williamsburg. Head Quarters, April 3rd, 1776. [ *4- ] without which Regiments never grow to Reputa¬ tion. R. O. The Captains of the 6th Battallion, to¬ gether with the other Officers, are immediately to provide themfelves with Hunting Shirts, ffiort and fringed; the men's ffiirts to be ffiort and plain, the Sergeants' ffiirts to have a fmall white Cuffs & plain; the Drummers' ffiirts to be with dark Cuffs. Both Officers & Soldiers to have Hatts cut round and Bound with black ; the Brims of their Hatts to be 2 inches deep & cocked on one fide, with a Button & Loop & Cockades, which is to be worn on the left. Neither man nor Officers to do duty in any other Uniform. The Officers & Sol¬ diers are to ware their Hair ffiort & as near a like as poffable. Should any of the Officers of the Companies be at a lofs in the orders, they are im¬ mediately to apply to the Colonel. Eeach Cap1 to appoint a Drummer & Fifer to their refpedlive Comps, to fee that they practice every Day & by no means to be hindered. Feald Officer for the day tomorrow, L1 Col0 Elliott. Officers for Guard tomorrow, Captain Patterfon, Lt. Smith, Lt. Clay, Lt. Garland, Eenfn Barkfdale. Officers for fatigue, Cap: Haws, Cap: finds for Guard, 1 Lt. Burton, i S. i C. 10 P. L Ens Cocke. For Fatigue, " ... 5. J [ '5 ] Williamsburg. Head Quarters, Ap. 4th, 76. Parole, Lewis. The Continental Congrefs having appointed Thomas Bullit,Efqr DeebetyAdjutantGeneralwith the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, he is to be obeyed and refpedted as fuch. The 6th Regiment is to be excufed duty and Fatigue tomorrow, but to be under Arms tomorrow at 10 o'clock. Regimental Orders for the 6th Regiment. The Regiment to parade today at 3 o'clock for Exercife. Field Officer for the Day tomorrow, Major Green. Officers for Guard tomorrow, Cap: Hawes, Lieut. Jones, Officers for Fatigue, ] Lieut. Wade, Cap: Cocke, v Lieut. Upffiaw, Lt. Hopfon. ) Enfn White. After Orders. All the Officers belonging to the Eafternfhore Battallion9 to repair immediately to their Regiments of faid Battallion ; the Companies not yet joined are to profead with all Expedition to their ftations. The Adjutant General muft wright formal Official Letters to the Captains of thofe Companies not joined informing them of the Generals Orders. [ 16 ] Williamsburg. Head Quarters, Ap. 5th, 76. Parole, Wajhington. The two Companies of the 8th Regiment to be under Arms tomorrow at 9 o'clock. R. O. Two men to be appointed by the Cap¬ tains of each Company as Camp Cullymen, who are to attend the Quarter Matter whenever call'd for, and to be excufed from other Duty. Field Officer for the Day tomorrow, Col. Buckner. Officers for Guard tomorrow, Capt. Cocke, Lieut. Hopfon of Cocke's Co. Officers for Fatigue tomorrow, Cap: Hopkins, Cap: Maffie. Subalternsfor Fatigue tomorrow, Lieut. Taliaferro, For Guard tomorrow, ) Lieut. Avery, 1 S. 1 C. 9 P. t Enfn Cocke, For Fatigue, . . . 30 J Enfn Armftead. Williamsburg. Head Quarters, April 6th, 1776. Parole, Gates. William Johnfton, Efqr is appointed to a£t as Major Brigand to Brigadier General Lewis & is to be refpedted as fuch. For the future the fatigue Parties to parade at 7 o'clock in the Morning and return at eleven to their Dinners, & parade ap-ain at two. [ l7 ] Field Officer for the Day tomorrow, Col0 Chriftian. Officers for Guard tomorrow, Cap1 Hopkins, For Fatigue tomorrow, Lieut. Taliaferro, Cap: Cabell, Lieut. Avery, Cap: Patterfon, Enfn Cocke, Lieut. Curd, Enfn Armftead. Enfn White. For Guard, i S. i C. 9 P. Fatigue, - - 30 Williamsburg. Head Quarters, April 7th, 1776. Parole, Hancocke. A Return to be given in every Morning of the number of Spears finniffied. R. O. All the men and Officers of the 6th Bat¬ talion to parade this afternoon at 4 o'clock to hear the articles of War read. A lift to be given in of all the Black Smiths this afternoon to the Colonel of the 6th Regiment, fpecifying the Company's they belong to. The Captains & Field Officers to attend at the Colonels room tomorrow at 11 o'clock in order to make choice of a Surgeon and Chaplain. Field Officer for the Day tomorrow, Lt. Col. Elliott. Officers for Guard tomorrow, Lt. Nich°. Hopfon, Lieut. Curd, Lieut. Epperfon. D [ '8 ] Officers for Fatigue tomorrow, Cap1 Cabell, Cap: Paterfon, For Guard, i S. I C. 10 P. ) Lieut. Barnett,10 Fatigue, - - - -22 j Enfn White. After Orders. The Col0 of Regiments and Captains Command¬ ing Companies of Regiments, whofe Col°. or field officers are not prefent, to make a Return of the Smiths in their refpedtive Corps. Williamsburg. Head Quarters, Apr: 8*, 1776. Parole, Buckner. Every Corps not on duty or Fatigue to be under Arms tomorrow on the green before the Palace, where the General will Endeavour to give them fome Idea of the General arraingement he defigns for the Battalion of this Province. The Colos are defired for this purpofe to provide themfelves with fome Colours or Standerds if they are to be pro¬ cured ; it doth not fignify of what fort they are. Field Officer for the Day tomorrow Col: Buck- nor. Officers for Guard, Cap: Cabell, Lt. Smith, Lt. Burnett, Enf. White. Officers for Fatigue, Cap: Paterfon, Cap: Cocke, Lt. Garland, Enf. Barkfdale. R. Orders. The General will be glad for an Officer to over Look the Smiths, The meeting of [ *9 ] the Field Officers & Captains is put off by a Court Martial being held; the Col. defires they will meet at five o'clock at his room. For Guard tomorrow, 9 privates, 1 S. 1 C. For fatigue, 21 P. Williamsburg. Head Quarters, April 9th, 1776. Parole, Armjlrong. The parading the troops pofponed till fair. Th°. Bullett, D. A. G. Enfign Catlett to Cap: Haws Compe is to be excufed all duty, as he is to fuperintende in the Carpenters; he is to give in a lift of the Soldiers who are artificersand the Col°or Capts: of detaiched Companies are to excufe the men whom he folicits from all other duty; the fmiths likewife whom Mr. Jas. Anderfon {hall folicite out of the ranks to work under him to be excufed all other duty. R. O. The Revd William Dunlap11 is appointed Chaplaine and Rob1 Rofe as Surgion to the 6th Bat¬ talion and are to be obeyed as fuch. Officer for the Day tomorrow, Col. Chriftian. Officers for Guard tomorrow, Captain Haws, Lieut. Clay, Enf. Cocke. Officers for Fatigue, Lieut. Smith, Lt. Garland, Enfn Barkfdale. [ 20 ] Williamsburg. Head Quarters, April 10th, 1776. Parole, Birde. The Company of Col. Peacheay's Battallion to appear with their Arms on the parade at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning in order to be reviewed by the General. The Orders for parading the troops is pofponed till tomorrow if fair, by Order. Field Officer for the Day tomorrow, Col. Elliott. Officers for Guard, Cap. Hawse, Lt. Burton, Lt. Hockerday, Enf. Cocke. Officers for Fatigue, Cap: Cocke, Lt. Clay, Lt. Jones, Lt. Wade, & Enfn Burnett. For Guard, 1 S. 1 C. 8 P. For Fatigue, - - 11 The Companies which arrived yefterday and to¬ day to be ready to march tomorrow morning after being received by the General. All the Officers of the 6th Bat1 off duty to attend the Col: at his room at 12 o'clocke tomorrow. Williamsburg. Head Quarters, Ap. 11th, 1776. Parole, Jones. A Subalton of 25 men to take the Guard at the point of Queens Creek now confiding of a Sarg* & 9 or 10 men. A Subaltern is to detach from his guard a Corp1 & fix men to the point on Kings be- [ 21 ] low Mrs. Burwells Houfe. Sentinels to be kept on the point to give notice if any tenders or Ene¬ mies VefTels fhall appear. This Subaltern Guard to be relieved weekly. A wooden tent to be fent for the Ufe of the Corp1 on the point of Kings Creek. The Deputy Lieut Adj1 of the Southern depart¬ ment is to give written inftrudlions to the Officers of the out Guards & they are to attend for them before they march out by order. Th°. Bullett, D. A. G. All the Officers of the 6th Batallion are informed that the Corps of Cap: Th° Ruffin are to be intered this afternoon at 3 o'clocke, where there Companys are defired, with thofe of the Soldiers who chofe to attend. Officer for the Day tomorrow, Col. Buckner. Officers for Guard, Cap: Paterfon, Lt. Clay, Lt. Jones, Enf. Burnett. Officersfor fatigue, Cap: Johnfton, Cap: Campbell. For Guard, o S. o C. 7 P; for fatigue, 1 S. 1 C. 10 privates. Lieut. Taylor of the ist Battallion is appointed to adt (untill the pleafure of the Congrefs is known) as Captain in the liew of Cap: Green, promoted ; Lt. Euftis is to adt a Ist Lt. in liew of Mr. Taylor; Enf Lee to fucceed Ensn Lt. Euftes, & Jn° Henry to fucceed Enf. Lee. The Companies of Mulen- burgs12 Battallion to march tomorrow. C 22 ] After Orders. The two Captains of the Eighth Battalion is to attend Mumpaines for their Ammunition; they will call on me & will have their marching orders Ready this night that they may March in the morning; their Ammunition to be drawn tonight. The Blackfmiths of the other Companies reviewed to day to be imployed tomorrow morning in repair¬ ing the Arms of the faid Companies, under the infpe&ion & Charge of a Serj1 or a Subah officer, by Order of the Bragade Major to have an Orderly man Daily. Th°. Bullett, D. A. G. Sir: This being a fine day General Lee13 defires you'll Order all the troops under Arms at 11 o'clock, if poffible provide five or fix pair of Colours or as many as you can. I am, Sir, to Your very Hbl Servt, Col. Bullett, D. A. G. Jose: Nourse, S.14 The two Companies to march, not to parade. The long Roll to beat at 10 o'clock. Th°. Bullett, D. A. G. Williamsburg. Head Quarters, Apr 12th, 1776. Officer for the day tomorrow, Col. Buckner. Officers for Guard, Cap: Cocke, Lt. Crump, Lt. Wade,. Lt. Upffiaw. [ 23 ] Officers for fatigue, Capt. Maffie, Lieut. Hopfon of Cocks Compe, Lt. Rofe, Enf. Dawfon. For Guard, o S. i C. 7 P. For fatigue, 1. 1. 8. Williamsburg. Head Quarters, Ap. 13th, 1776. Parole, Taylor. Officer for the Day tomorrow, Col. Chriftian. Officers for Guard tomorrow, Cap: Hopkins, Lieut. Hobfon, Lieut. Rofe, Enf. Dawfon. Officers for fatigue, Cap: Hawes, Lieut. Talia¬ ferro, Enfin Amftead. For Guard, 7 p. o S. o C. for fatigue, 8. 1. 1. Williamsburg. Head Quarters, Ap. 14th, 1776. Parole, Randolph. Officer for the day tomorrow, Lt. Col. Elliott. Officers for Guard, Cap: Cabell, Lieu1 Taliaferro, Lieu1 Hobfon of Johnftons Compe, Enfn Armftead. For fatigue, Cap: Hawse, Lieut. Curd, Lieut. Epperfon. For Guard, 5 P. For Fatigue, 7. 1 S. 1 C. Williamsburg. Head Quarters, Ap. 15th, 1776. Parole, Dangerjield. A Garrifon Court Martial to fet tomorrow to [ 2+ ] try all prifoners brought before them, the evidences to be fummoned to attend. Officer for the day tomorrow, Col. Buckner. Officers for Guard tomorrow, Cap: Jones, Lt. Crump, Lt. Epperfon, Enf. Stokes. For Fatigue, Cap: Maffie, Lt. Burnet, Enf. White. Officers for Court Martial, Col. Chriftian, Prefident. Capts Hopkins, Patterfon, Taylor, Cabell & Cocke ; Lieuts Smith, Clay, Crump, Garland and Hockerday; Ens Barkfdale and Burnett, Members. Williamsburg. Head Quarters, Ap. 16th, 1776. Parole, Fhiledelphia. Officer for the day tomorrow, Col. Chriftian. It is required by the D. A. G. that the Brigade Major & Adjutant do not receive the men for the future for guard without they are properly Accou¬ tred & Clean as their Circumftances will admitt of. Officers for Guard tomorrow, Cap: T ay lor, Lieut. Garland, Enf. Barkfdale, Enf. Cocke. Officers for Fatigue, Cap: Ball, Lieut. Smith, Lt. Burton. For Guard, 4 p. For fatigue, 7 p. Williamsburg. Head Quarters, Ap. 17th, 1776. Parole, Franklin. The Congrefs has appointed Mr. Maffinburg one of the Enganeers of the Southern department. By Order, Th°. Bullett, D. A. G. C 25 ] R. O. The Captains & Commanding Officers of Companies are immediately to make out returns of arms and Millitary accoutrements that are fit for fervice, and thofe wanting to compleat their feveral Companies. Officer for the Day tomorrow, Lieut. Col. Elliott. Officers for Guard, Cap1 Faulkner, Lt. Burton, Lt. Hockaday. Officers for Fatigue, Cap: Gafkins, Ll Colefton. For Guard, 7 P. 1 S. 1 C. for fatigue, 14 P. The Court martiall of which Col: Chriftian was prefident is approved of and diffolved. Thofe were acquitted by the fentence are to be immediately releafed. The punifhment fentenced on Murphey is to be put into execution tomorrow; Geo: Gordon is to be releafed from confinement. A Court of enquiray, confiding of a Captain & fix Subalterns, to examine into the affair of L1 Curd. Previous to any further perficution additional to fit tomorrow at 10 o'clock. Cap: Maffie, Prefident. Lieu1 Lee, Enfns Stokes and Henry, Lieu1 Jas Hobfon, Ll Toliaferro, Enfn Armftead, Members. WILLIAMSBURG. Head Quarters, Ap: 18th, 1776. Officer for the day tomorrow, Col: Woodford. Officers for guard, Cap: Ball, Ll Avery, L£ Jones & L1 Karr. Officers for fatigue, Cap: Patterfon, L1 Stark, En: Shannon. E [ 26 ] Men for fatigue to turn out at the beating the pioneers March. Williamsburg. Head Quarters, Ap. 19th, 1776. Parole, Mijflin. Cap: Innis of the artillery is appointed to adt as Major to Col. Flemmings Battalion. Cap1 Arundle is appointed by the Congrefs to take the Command of the Artillery Company; the Captains of each Company to draw a pound of Lead for each man and to have it caft into Ball to fuit the bore of their firelocks. The quartermafter General is only to allow one Waggon to a Company for their March. Mr. Leanord Henley is appointed to adt as affiftant to the D. Q. G. until! the pleafure of the Congrefs is Known. Enfn Woodfon of the firft Battalion is appointed as fecond Lieutenant in Cap: Taylors Compe in room of Ll Lee who is gone into, to Mereen fervice; Th° Black well, Sarjeant in the fame Company, is to adt as Enfn in Liewof Mr Woodfon; Edward Moody adt as Enfn in Cap: Dickerfon's Compy in the room of Mr. Harbert, who is gone into the mereen fervice. R. O. An Officer of the different Companyes is every day to fee the men of their Companyes, warnd for guard, Paraded and marched to the General parade by a Serjant by good time, at the fame time he is to examine their arms & accutre- ments & fee they are in good order; Likewife to fee that the mens heads are combed, their hatts [ 27 ] Cock'd agreeable to former orders, their Bairds ffiaved Clofe, their ffioes Cleaned, in every relped: as neat as their fircumftance will allow. Officers of Companies to hear their Rolls called at Retreat Beating. The Drum and Fife Majors to be more Deligent in teaching the young Drummers and Fifers. Officers and Soldiers to attend Divine fervice on Sunday at 11 o'clock in the Grove, if the weather will permitt. For the future if any officer or Sol¬ dier who ffiall go out of Town on an alarm without order or Leave, he may depend on being confined and tryd for difobediance of orders. The orderly officer of each Company is to read and explain all orders relative to the men at retreat Beating. Officer for the Day tomorrow, Col. Chriftian. Officers for Guard tomorrow, Cap. Cocke, Lieu1 Avery, Lieut. Burnett, Lieu1 Clay. For Guard, n priv: i S. i C. Williamsburg. Head Quarters, April 20th, 1776. Parole, Heath. The Brigade Major is to furniffi in the Abfence of the A. G. the Engineer with what number of men on fatigue parties, where and when ever he may have occafion for them. Sr. it is the Generals orders that you immediately order thirty men well armed to Cobham, to Guard fome flower there. To 1 am Sir, yrs &c. Col: Bullett, D. A. G. Jos. N. Sec. [ 28 ] Officer for the day tomorrow, Lieu1 Col. Elliott. Officers for Guard, Cap: Maffie, L1 Toliaferro, Enf: Armftead. For Guard, n p. i S. i C. Williamsburg, Ap: 21st, 1776. Parole, Lee. FieldOfficerfor the Day tomorrow,Col. Buckner. Bragadier General Lewis is happy to find him- felf with part of the army from whom he has all the inclination imaginable to beleave that their Country will have reafon to be fatiffyed with their fervice and more fo under the condudt of Major General Lee, whofe Experience & confeffed abili¬ ties have defervedly led him to the command & the army that has the happinefs to ferve under him, May with great Confidence reft affiired that the ftridteft juftnefs to every officer and foldier will be obferved with the utmoft attention, and he flatters himfelf they will Diftinguifh themfelves by their regularity and compliance with good order and difipline and that none will be fo regardlefs of their Character and the duty they owe their Country as to committ fuch Irregular and immoral adtion as will bring them to difgrace and punifhment, and that none may plead ignorance, the Articles of War are to be read frequently at the head of each Com¬ pany every morning. Major Johnfton to have the direction of the field of Exercife. The Captains [ 29 ] to examine the mens arms every day and their ammunition, of which they are to be very carefull and be anfwerable. That the arms be kept in conftant good repair, a proper fize role of each Company to be made out and recorded in the Companyes Books mentioning the name, lize, age, &c. of each man. The arms that are out of repair to be made fervifable with all poflable Expedition. Officers for Guard tomorrow, Cap: Paterfon, Jj1 Hopfon of Johnftons Compe, Lieu1 Starke. For Guard, u p. i S. i C. Williamsburg, Ap: 22nd, 1776. Parole, Armfirong. Officer for the Day tomorrow, Col. Chriftian. The party at Cobham to be releaved Weekly. R. O. The Captains are immediately to make out a return of what quantity of lead is wanting to their Comps and give them to the quartermafter, and likewife for the flints allowing 2 for each man, and are to be anfwerable for any waifte. Officers for Guard, tomorrow, Cap: Hopkins, Lieu1 Epperfon, Enfn Stokes. For Guard, 11 p. 1 S. 1 C. Williamsburg, Ap: 23, 1776. Parole, Moore. A Court martial to fet immediately for the triall of Jn° Hogan of the 6th Regiment: Enfn Catlett [ 3° ] to have the management of the fmiths as well as Carpenters. Officer for the day tomorrow, Lieu1 Col. Elliott. Officers for Guard tomorrow, Cap: Cabell, Lieu11 Burnett, Lieu1 Garland. For Guard 11 p. i S. i C. Williamsburg, Ap: 24, 1776. Parole, Howe. Officer for the day tomorrow, Col: Buckner. Officer for Guard, Enf: Barkfdale, Enf: Good- wyn, En: Cocke. Williamsburg, Ap: 25th, 1776. Parole, Wajhington. Officer for the day tomorrow, Col. Chriftian. Officers for Guard, Cap: Cocke, Lieu1 Burton, Ll Hockerday, Lieu1 Jones. For Guard, 11 p. 1 S. 1 C. Williamsburg, Ap: 26th, 1776. Parole, Word. Mr Wm Lindfey is appointed a£ting pervayer to the General Hofpital. A Corporal and 6 men to Guard Jn° Berke and Andrew McCann to York. Officer for the day tomorrow, Lieu1 Col. Elliott. Officer for Guard, Cap: Maffie, L* Burnett, L1 Rofe. 12 p. 1 S. 1 C. Parole, Putnam. Two hundred men to hold themfelves in Readi- nefs to march tomorrow morning. The party at Cobham to be releaved with an equil number of men from Jajnes Town. Officer for the day tomorrow, Col. Chriftian. Officers for Guard, L£ Toliaferro, L1 Nich0 Hob- fon, En: Armftead. For Guard, 16 p. i S. i C. Parole, Green. Officer for day tomorrow, Col. Buckner. Officer for Guard tomorrow, Cap: Hutchings, Enf: Barnard, Lieu1 Garland, Enfn Barkfdale. For Guard, 14 p. i S. i C. Parole, Green. A Court martial to fet tomorrow at 10 o'clock for triall of Mitchell Floyd of 6th Regiment. Officer for day tomorrow, Col. Chriftian. Officers for Guard, Cap: Jones, L1 Hopfon, Lr Avery, Enf: Stokes. For Guard, 14 p. 2 S. 2 C. For Court Martiall, Cap: Maffie, prefident. Williamsburg, Ap: 28th, 1776. Williamsburg, Ap: 29th, 1776. [ 32 ] Williamsburg, Ap: 30th, 1776. Parole, Hancocke. Officers for Guard tomorrow, Cap: Maffie, En: Armilead, Lieu1 Hopfon, L1 Conway. For Guard, 14 p. 1 S. 1 C. Williamsburg, May* ist, 1776. Parole, Pendleton. The Regimental Quarter mailer to attend the commiifary on drawing days as well to fee the pro- viiions be delivered in juil Quantity and Quality as to prevent the men giving unneceifary trouble to the Commiifary. Officers for Guard tomorrow, Cap: Maffie, En: Perkins, Lieu1 Stark & Lieu1 Epperfon. For Guard, 14 P. 1 S. 1 C. Williamsburg, May 2nd, 1776. Parole, Page. Officers for Guard tomorrow, Cap: Hutchings, Lieut. Garland, Enf: White, Enf: Goodwyn. For Guard, 14 P. 1 S. 1 C. Williamsburg, May 3rd, 1776. Parole, Diggs. As General Lee will remain hear but a few days all the guard dutys of Every kind to be given to Gen. Lewis. Mr William Ruflell is appointed Waggon mailer General untill the pleafure of the Congrefs is known. [ 33 ] Officers for Guard tomorrow, Lt Hockerday, Lt Jones. Officer for fatigue, Cap. Jones. For Guard, 16 P. 2 S. 1 C. For fatigue 5 pri¬ vates. Williamsburg, May 4th, 1776. Parole, Richmond. The following regulation for the future be ob- ferved; every Cap: to ftop 20s. out of each mans pay who inlifts out of his corps into the fea fervice, and the money fo ftopt to be applyd in lifting good men to fill up the Vacancys; and it muft be ob- ferved by the feveral recruiting officers for the fea fervice, that they by no means inlift a man or take one out of the ranks befor acquainting the Captain or Commanding officer therewith. Return from Command 1 Purchafing Guns. j Williamsburg, May 5th, 1776. Parole, Richmond. The Colonels are to fend three fubalterns, to have a Serjeant or Corporal with him and three privates to recruit for their refpeCtive Regiments, it is once more repeated that no native of Great Britain or Ireland, unlefs they have connections in the Country and fome Character) are to be ac¬ cepted. When the Regiment once all get together the Col0 and not the Different Captains, to make F [ 34- ] out the Pay Roles, and warrants to be granted ac¬ cordingly. A General Court martial to fit tomorrow for tryall of John Singleton; the evidence to be fum- moned to attend from Cap: Dickerfons Compe at Yorke. Officer for day tomorrow, Col. Buckner. Officers for Guard, Lieut Stark, Lieut Epperfon. Officers for Court Martiall, Col: McClanahan, Pref1. Cap: Johnfton, Cap. Maffie, Lieuts Jones & Rofe, Cap. Jones, Cap. Hutching, Lieuts Avery & Tolia- ferro. For Guard, 12 P. i S. i C. Williamsburg, May 6th, 1776. Parole, Richmond. David Jones is to do the duty of Sergeant Major till further orders. Officers for Guard tomorrow, Cap. Johnfton, En. Stokes, Enf. Perkins. For Guard, 13 p. 1 S. 1 C. Williamsburg, May 8th, 1776. It was eftablifhed by General Wafhington as a marke of Diftin Spring Field, July 11th, 1776. A Court Martial to fet to day to try all the pri- foners in the Quarter Guard. Cap. Fox, Prefedent. Lieuts Conway ) a/r 1 ) Lieut. Jones, & Clay, J iVlemDers* } Enf: Bell, Spring Field, July 12th, 1776. Officer for Guard tomorrow, Lieut. Conway. A Court Martiall to fet tcr day to try all fuch as ffiall be Brought Before them. Cap: Paterfon, Prefedent. Lieuts Toliaferro ) A/r , f Enfns Cock & Burton, } Members, j & Armftead> Officers will do well to attend to that Artical of Ware forbiding Gaming and be regulated thereby. A contrary Conduct will be taken notice of, as Officers cant with propriety Call their foldiers to [ 61 ] an acc1 for Gaming, Swering, &c. if Guilty them- felves. The Commanding Officer has no Doubt but the Officers will not permit any fuch pernicious practice in Camp as the falvation of the fervice in a great meafure depends on the good order and Morral Behavour of Officers and Soldiers. Spring Field, July 13th, 1776. Officer for Guard tomorrow, Lieut. Stokes. Spring Field, July 15th, 1776. Officer for Guard tomorrow, Lieut. Holladay. A Court Martiall to fet to day to try the prifon- ers in the Quarter Guard. Cap. Towls, Prefedent. Lieuts Dunn 1 A/r , f Enfns Cocke & Epperfon, } em erS* (_ & Stubblefield, Parole, Charlejiown. A General Court Martial to fet tomorrow to try Lieut. Williams in Cap: Hutching's Compe of the 6th Regiment. Arretted on Sufpicion of fteal- ing ioo£ from the fame Hutchings. A Lift of the Gentlemen Cadets names to be given in this afternoon, now with the Regi*. Like- wife thofe that are abfent and the reafon of their being abfent. And for the future to do duty by a regular Rotter. [ 62 ] Spring Field, July 16th, 1776. All Officers to be. particular in feeing the orders every day and take care he tranfgrefs no part of them, as a plea of not feeing the orders will be no excufe but rather an agravation. They are like- wife to fee every part of them Executed Exadtly. All Orders to be read to the men by a Commif- fioned Officer at Retreat Beating. Likewife that a Commiffioned Officer give the men the Word of Command when they are performing the manuel Exercife by Companyes. No Officer to go on guard without his fword & Fuzee & never to ap¬ pear at the head of his Guard without both. Officer for Guard tomorrow, Lieut. Stark. Spring Field, July 16th, 1776. Parole, Wajhington. Officer for the day tomorrow, Majr Spotfwood. Williamsburg, July 17th, 1776. Parole, Lee. Officer for the day tomorrow, Col. Marshall. Officer for Guard tomorrow, Lieut. Conway. Spring Field, July 18th, 1776. Officer for Guard tomorrow, Enf: Bell. A Court Martial to fet for tryall of the prifoners in the Quarter Guard. Cap: Hopkins, Prefedent. Li~ St" 1 i Et Ext [ 63 ] G. O. Officer for the day tomorrow, Col. Woodford. Captain Maffies Compe to take poft at Burwells ferry. Spring Field, July 19th, 1776. Officer for Guard tomorrow, En: Dawfon. G. O. Officer for the day tomorrow, Col. Weeden. The commanding Officers of Regiments to at¬ tend at Head Quarters at 4 o'clock. Spring Field, July 20th, 1776. Officer for Guard tomorrow, Enf: Perkins. Williamsburg, July 20th. Parole, Ward. A Court of enquiry to fet at Springfield to en¬ quire into the Conduct of Cap: Nicholas & Lt. Dixon, arretted by order of Major Spotfwood for not appearing on the parade when fent for to do duty as an officer. The Court to Rate matter of fadts in full and give their opinion thereon, which may be the means of preventing the difagreeable trouble of another Court. Col. Buckner, Prefedent. Officer for the day tomorrow, Majr Spotfwood. Spring Field, July 21st, 1776. Parole, Charles. Officer for the day tomorrow, Col. Woodford. Four hundred of the third Battalion to hold them- felves in redinefs to march tomorrow. The Refigna- [ 6+ ] tion of Col. Wm Chriftian leaves the Charge for the prefent on Lieut. Col. Eppes. The Officers of that Battalion whofe wright is to except promotion by Seniority on this occalion to take the riling Hep and fill the vacanceys in the line of the oldeft Ca¬ dets, till the appointment of the Congrefs takes place. Officer for Guard tomorrow, Enf" Stublefield. Spring Field, July 22nd, 1776. A Lift of thofe Officers Names to be given in that has received money in lew of tents. Officer for Guard, Lieut. Tutt. Spring Field, July 23rd, 1776. A Court Martial to fet to day to try the prifon- ers in the Quarter Guard. Cap: Hopkins, Prefedent. Parole, Eppes. Thos officers that has received the money allowed them in lew of tents mult no lay Clame to a tent; Ihould any chufe to receive the money on thofe terms will pleafe to give in their names and I will apply for the money. Members. Officer for Guard, Lieut. Curd. Spring Field, July 24th, 1776. [ 65 ] The declaration of Independencyis to be proclaim tomorrow in the City of Williamfburg by order of the Council, when all the troops off duty are to attend. A Court martial from the line to fet tomorrow morning to try all the prifoners in the main Guard. Officer for Guard tomorrow, Lieut. Dunn. Spring Field, July 25th, 1776. Parole, Independence. I am forry to be informed that the foldiers makes a practice of ftroling in the Country and are guilty of Great Irregularity, fuch as taking a number of thing, which is adting fo much to the Contrary to the Character of a Soldier, and for the future they will not attempt any thing of the kind. Officer for Guard tomorrow, Lieut. Clay. A Court Martial to fet to day to try the prifon¬ ers confined in the Quarter Guard. Cap: Hopfon, Prefedent. Lieutent Burton, } A/r , ( Lieutenant Stokes, Enfign Burnett, } em erS" { Enfign Smith, Williamsburg, July 26th, 1776. Parole, Stephens. A Fatigue of one Captain, 2 Subalterns, 2 Ser- gents and fixty Rank and file to be warn'd from the College Camp, to carry on the work intended to be thrown up on the road to James town. Col. Buckner will pleafe to order a Fatigue per- K [ 66 ] pofioned to his number of men to work on the road from Burwells Ferry to Williamfburg at fuch a place as he fhall judge proper : to Fortify. One Company of the 2nd Regement to take poft tomorrow at Mrs Burwells to ereCt a work at the mouth of Kings Creek. The reft of the 2nd Re¬ gement to march tomorrow to Mr Digges to fortify there. Officer for Guard tomorrow, Lieut. Rofe. Williamsburg, July 27th, 1776. Parole, Alexandria. Captain Hopkins Company to march tomorrow to James Town to take pofte there to releave the Minute men, who has leave to return home. Officer for Guard tomorrow, Lieut. Jones. Spring Field, July 28th, 1776. James Vaughan, Joftah Cheatham, confined for Defertion, a Crime of the Blackeft nature and for which they ought to receive the feveareft punifh- ment, but from their being truly fenfible of their Crime, I have excufed them Both from an expect¬ ation that they will for the future behave Better, and at the fame time my unwillingnefs to punifti any Soldier when there is the leaft hopes of Amend¬ ment. Officer for Guard tomorrow, Lieut. Stark. [ 67 ] Williamsburg, July 30th, 1776. Each Regiment to furnifh an orderly man for the Hofpitle. A General Court Martiall to fet tomorrow for tryall of all the prifoners in the main Guard. Lieut. Col. Elliott, Prefedent. Officer for Guard tomorrow, Lieut. Avery. Returned to Camp. Spring Field, July 31st, 1776. Mr. John Hawkins is appointed Suttler to the 6th Regiment. Spring Field, Auguft ist, 1776. A Regimentle Court Martiall to fett to day to try all prifoners in the Guard. Cap. Fox, prefedent. Lieut. Avery, j A/r , f Enf: Cocke, Enf: Perkins, } em erS* { Enf: Stublefield, Deep Spring, Augufl 2nd, 1776. Parole, Woodford. No man need apply for a furlough but fuch as are fick and not fit for duty. A General Court martiall to fet tomorrow for tryall of Lieut. Peter Jones of the 6th Regement, arrefled by Col. Buckner for negledt of duty and infolent behavour. Officer for Guard tomorrow, Enf: Stublefield. Officers for Fatigue, Cap: Johnfton, Lt. Avery, En: Cocke. [ 68 ] Deep Spring, Auguft 4th, 1776. Parole, Fredrickjburg. Lieutenant Stokes to fuperintend the work, who is to be exempt from all other duty. Officers, &c. on the working party to comply with his inftruc- tions. The Commanding Officers of Regements to Report with exadtnefs the vacances in their refpedt- ive Regements, and be perticular in the Rank. Two Regiments being ordered to the Northward, the Ist & 2nd is intitled to that Honour to that perticular fervice. Officer for Guard tomorrow, Lieut. Murray. By the regulation the 5th June the Surgions pay to be 33^ dollars p. month. The Surgions Mates 18 d°, Chaplain 20 d°. From the 5th July the Chaplain to receive 337 dollars pr. month. July 26th. Refolved that part bounty of 10 dollars be given to every non Commiffioned officer or foldier, who will enlitt to ferve for the term of 3 years. July 16th. The above bounty is intended as a General regulation and extend to all fuch men now in the Continantel Service, and all others who will enlitt for the term of three yeers, to be com¬ puted from and after expiration of term of their prefent inliftment. Refolved that there be appointed by the com¬ manding Officer of each regiment in the Conti- nantle army, Serjant Major, Quarter Matter Serjant, Drum & Fife Major, who ffiall Refpedtively hold [ 69 ] no other appointment, but thofe before mentioned, that their pay be one Dollar pr. month each, more than that allowed a Serjeant Drummer of Fifer in the faid Regement. That a pay mafter be appointed to each Rege¬ ment in the Army of the United States, with a Sallary of 26! Dollars pr. Month. Officer for Guard tomorrow, Enf: Barnett. Officers for Fatigue, Cap. Towles, Ens Goodwyn, En: Smith. Deep Spring, Auguft 5th, 1776. Parole, Richmond. Thofe Officers that who are defirous of receiving money in lew of their tents, I would recommend it to the Captain to apply for themfelves & Officers ; fuch as intend to apply in this Way had beft wait on me for a Sertificate. But I am in hopes thofe Officers ffiould they be ordered to march will not Complain of a Want of a tent. Officer for the day tomorrow, Cap: Fox. Officer for Guard, Lieut. Curd. Officers for fatigue, Lieut. Rofe & Enf: Bell. G. O. The noble prinfable a&uateing the Soldiers of the firft Regiment to take up Arms in defence of their Country, Gives Gen1 Lewis the greateft reafon to beleave they will again enlift and Continue in the fervice of their Country, untill they make Theirs and their Countrys Enemies feel the Wait of their juft Refentment. [ 7° ] The Captain of the day is frequently to vifet the different parts of the Camp, and fee that the men keep their tents and Streets Clean. Deep Spring, Auguft 6th, 1776. Parole, Manchefker. The Second Regiment, all but the Ufeal Guard at Mrs Burwells and thofe at James Town & Bur- wells Ferry, to take part immedeately at College Camp to Releave the firft Regiment. The prifoner Confined for Killing Serjeant Fowler, Reported by the Name of Cillis Fuftus & Jonathan Parfon, ^Confined by Cap: Maffie.for Mutiny, to be tryed tomorrow by a General Court Martiall. R. O. The Officers for the fateague are constantly to Stay with the men and fee that they keep at work. The officer of the day before he make his report to fee that all the tools are in place, and that the Officer of the Guard does his duty in keeping them them together. The Officer of the day is to de¬ liver to the Commanding Officer a lift of all the tools now in Camp this Afternoon. All the men that can be permitted on Furlough is got them. 1 am in hopes there will be no more applications for fome time, or at leaft until fome of thofe on fur¬ lough return. Officer for the day tomorrow Cap: Johnfton. Officer for Guard, Enf: Perkins. Officers for Fatigue, Lt. Conway, En: Barkfdale. [ 7i ] Officers for Court Martiall, Cap: Towles, Cap. Fox, Lieuts Garland & Murray, Enfns Stublefield & Smith. Williamsburg, Auguft 7th, 1776. Parole, Torke. The General Court Martiall that fits this day is to try all prifoners brought before them. Officer for the day tomorrow, Cap. Towls. Officer for Guard, Lieut. Avery. Officers for Fatigue, En: Cock, En: Stublefield. Deep Spring, Aug1 8th, 1776. Parole, Philadelphia. The foldiers are forbid for the future going through Mr Hazzards plantation. ' A Regimen tie Court to fet to day for the tryall of all the prifoners in the Guard. Cap. Johnfon, Prefedent. Lieut* Curd 1 Metnbers f Lieut. Gregory, & Tutt, J ivietnt,ers- { En: Goodwyn, The Officers of the ist Battallion to hold them- felves in redenefs to march on the ffiortefl notice. Major Markam will order Cap. Nelfon & Dicker- fons Comps at York to prepare for a march. Officer for the day tomorrow, Cap. Fox. Officer for Guard, Lieut. Gregory. Officers for fatigue, Lieuts Tutt & Murray. [ 72 ] Williamsburg, Aug1 9th. Parole, Torke. Officer for the day tomorrow, Cap. Johnfton. Officer for Guard, En: Goodwyn. Officers for Fatigue, Enfns Burnett & Smith. Williamsburg, Auguft 10th. Parole, Williamjburg. All the firfl Battalion but thofe whofe time are nearly expired, are to March on Monday next. Officer for the day tomorrow, Cap: Towles. Officers for Guard, Lieut. Garland. Williamsburg, Auguft 11th, 1776. Parole, Wafhington. Officer for the day tomorrow, Cap: Fox. Officer for Guard, Enf: Barkfdale. Officers for Fatigue, Lieuts Curd and Rofe. I am forry to acquaint the foldiers that I have had a number of complaints from the inhabitants of this neighbour hood, that they are guilty of the moft unherd of bad behavour, fuch as pulling young Corn, &c.; as fuch behavour is not Becoming the character of a foldier, I am in hope I ffiall have no more fuch difagreeable Complaints, and for the future any foldier found a mile from Camp with¬ out leave in writing from his Captain or other Officers, that he be confined. [ 73 ] Williamsburg, Auguft 12th, 1776. Parole, Hampton. A General Court Martiall to fet tomorrow for tryall of Thos Tirbufh for incoraging muteny and difcontent among the foldiers, & Patrick Calley for muteny & John Chambers for defertion. Col. Buckner, Prefident. Cap: Towles, ) f Lieuts Gregory, Cap: Fox, V Members. -I Murray, Lieut. Rofe, J ( Enf: Cocke, Deep Spring, Augc 12th. R. O. Officer for the day tomorrow, Cap: Johnfton. Officer for Guard, Lieut. Conway. Officers for Fatigue, Lieut. Avery, En: Perkins. The Adjutant is to receive no returns but what is ligned by the Officer Commanding Comps that are prefent, who is to be fponfable for its juftnefs. The Adjutant is to order a Drum and Fife to the Officers Guard, where they are to ftay con- ftantly. The Officer to be conftantly with his guard and obferve that not more than two of his men be abfent at the fame time, and thos on necef- fary Bulinefs, and when every Major General ap¬ pears, the Officer to turn out his Guard and reft, the Drummer to give two Ruffles, and to a Brig- adeir turn out with Refted Arms and one Ruffle; he is to turn out his Guard once a day to the Col. with Refted Arms, and afterwards as often as he pafteth with ordered Arms only ; he is to turn out L [ 7+ ] his Guard once a day to a Lieut. Col. with fhoul- dered Arms, at all other times as he paffeth, the Guard to ftand to the Arms only. He is to turn out his Guard once a day to the Major with ordered Arms, and at all other times his Guard hands to their Arms only. He is to inftrud: his centinals to reft their Arms to the General and all field Officers; he will ob- ferve in the abfence of the Col: the Lieut. Col: has the fame Complement paid, as. he the Col° had. He will take notice that the Guard is not to pay the before mentioned Complement to the Col., Lieut. Col. or Major, without they are armed with their fwords ; and his centinals not to reft but ftand fhouldered, if a Field Officer has not his fwoard; he is to turn out his Guard to the Officer of the day, as he pafieth, ftanding by their arms only. He is to turn out his Guard at Retreat beating and exercife them ; at all times when he hears the Long Roll beat he turns out his Guard, if he finds it is not occafioned by an alarm, he is then to difmifs them. He is to be carefull to Quell all riotts and difor- ders at all times, particularly after Tat-too beating. He is not to fuffer any noife in the Camp. The Drummer is likewife to a6c as orderly. The officers of Guard is likewife to order the tapps which is to be a fignal to the other Drum¬ mers. The Drummer of the Guard is to beat the retreat at the Guard while the other beat on the Parade. [ 75 ] Deep Spring, Auguft 112th, 1776. Parole, Ward. Officer for the day tomorrow, Cap. Towles. Officer for Guard, En: Cocke. Officers for Fatigue, Lieut. Tutt, Enf: Stublefield. Williamsburg, Auguft 14th, 1776. Parole, Botetourt. G. O. The CommifTary being greatly embarraff'd by improper Returns, many errors in addition, & blotted figures, which may make ther conduct fuf- pe&ed on examination, it is therefore ordered that juft and fair returns be made, & that due attention be had to a former order relative to the returns re- fpedting the fick that are in the Hofpitals. Officer for the day tomorrow, C. Towles. D° for Guard, Enfn Cocke. For Fatigue, Lieuts Tutt & Gregory. R. O. Deep Spring, Aug1 15, 1776. It is expreffiy forbid the Granting of Furloughs, I am in Hopes no more men will apply, as their requefts will not be granted. The men to fett about cleaning their arms as they appeared to be in very bad order this morning. The Officers of Companeys to be more particular in examining their mens Arms & fee that they keep them in good order. A Court Martial to fet immediately to try the prifoners in the Quarter Guard. C 76 ] Capt. Cabell, Pref\ -{K.ShW Officer for the Day Tomorrow, Cap1 Fox. For Guard, ----- En. Smith, For Fatigue, Lt. Murray, En. Burnett. G. O. Williamsburg, i 5 Aug1. Parole, Pendleton. The Tattoo not to beat till Ten o'clock. R. O. Deep Spring, Auguft 16, 1776. Men of the different Companys to clean out their ftreets from front to rear of the incampment. This neceffary work to be done immediately under the Infpedtion of an Officer of a Company. G. O. Williamsburg, Aug1 16. Parole, Page. The Main Guard to be augmented to 40 men. 50 men of the Firft Regiment to march this day to James Town to releive Compy of the Sixth Redgr at that place; the Garrifon at that place to be releived weekly. Field Officer for the Day tomorrow, Col. Buck- ner. Officer for the day, Capt. Johnftone. For Guard, Lt. Avery. For Fatigue, En. Barkfdale, En. Bell. [ 77 ] R. O. Deep Spring, Aug1 17th, 1776. The Provifion returns to be made out immedi¬ ately & that the commanding Officers of Compys fee that their provifion & morning returns agree, or they may be call'd to acc* for negledt of Duty, and making falfe returns. All Officers that have re¬ ceived money (£4.10) in lieu of Tents is to give up their Linen Tents immediately. G. O. Williamsburg, Augc 17. Parole, Hancocke. Field Officer for the day tomorrow, Lt. Col. Eliott. A General Court Martial to fet tomorrow for trial of Thos Splawn, Confined by Col0 Wood for deferting to the Enemy. It is obferved that many of the Soldiers when polled as Sentries take the liberty of fitting down; this unjuftifyable practice is ftridtly forbid. The Officer of Guard is to caution the Soldiers againft it & in future to releave, Con¬ fine, & Report all fuch offenders.. Officer for Guard, Enfign Stubblefield. R. O. Deep Spring, Augr 18th, 1776. A Return to be given in this afternoon of all the firelocks that want repairs ; this return to be made with exadtnefs. The Sergeant who has had the command of the Artificers to wait on the Col° immediately. It is the Generals orders that no more men be indulged wc Furloughs till further orders, & the Col° will take fuch applications as a [ 7« ] breach of orders fhould any man be fo imprudent as to apply. The Officers Commanding companys are to have their pay Rolls ready by the 28th In- ftant, to be made out from the 28th June to that date inclufive. No more than 14 tents are to be allowed pr. Company, the overplus to be delivered to the Quarter Mafter, to be pitched for the re¬ ception of Cap11 Hopkins Comp. on the Right. G. O. Williamsburg, 18th. Parole, Randolph. Field Officer for the Day Tomorrow, Majr Spotfwood. Officer for the Day, Cap1 Towles. For Guard, Lt. Rofe. For Fatigue, Lt. Garland, Lt. Conway. R. O. Deep Spring, Aug1 19th. No man is to appear on the parade for Guard but as clean as his Circumftances will allow. He fhould have a clean ffiirt, fhoes, leggings or block¬ ings, hair combed, fhirt collar buttoned, wc a ftock, Hunting Shirt well put on, hat clean & beard fhaved. The officers to be very ftridt in feeing this neceffary peace of Duty executed. G. O. Williamsburg, 19. Parole, Diggs. Field' Officer tomorrow, Maj. Hendricks. For Guard, Lt. Clay. Fatigue, Lt. Tutt, Enfn Goodwin. r 79 ] R- O. Deep Spring, Aug1 20th, 1776. Cap1 Fox's Company to march immediately to Burwell's Ferry to releave Capt. Maffie's. Capt. Fox is to leave his tents ttanding wh Capt. Maffie is to occupy. Capt. Maffie will leave his tents at the Ferry for Capt. Fox. G. O. Williamsburg, Augc 20. Parole, Blair. A General Court Martial to lit tomorrow for trial of John Allen of the 6th Regiment, Confined by Lt. Gregory for defertion. For Court Martial, Lt. Col. Eliott, Prefident. Capt. Johnfione, } ( Capt. Cabell, Lt. Curd, I Members, i Lt. Clay, Lt. Murray, j (Lt. Stokes, Field Officer tomorrow, Col0 Woodford. Guard, Lt. Burton. G. O. Williamsburg, 21st. Parole, Harrifon. Field Officer tomorrow, Lt. Col0 Eliott. R. O. Deep Spring, Aug1 21st. All the troops in the 6th Regiment in Camp to be paraded tomorrow at 7 o'clock forenoon with their arms and accoutrements, which I exped: will be in the beft order, in order to be muttered; the Commanding Officers of Companys to have their Mutter roles ready & to be very exad: in making them out. [ 8° ] G. O. Williamsburg, Augf 21. Parole, Error. Officer for Guard, Lt. Eppefon. For Fatigue, Capt. Hopfon, Lt. Tutt, En. Good¬ win. R. O. Deep Spring, Augf 23, 1776. It is again ordered that a Commiffioned Officer do attend the parade at Roll calling, and give the word of command for Exercffing the men ; thofe officer who are not qualified for this necefiary duty will do well in making themfelves acquainted with it very foon, as no excufe will be admitted for fuch negledt. G, O. Williamsburg, Aug1 23. Parole, Nelfon. Field Officer tomorrow, Maj. Hendricks. For Guard, Lt. Curd. Fatigue, Capt. Johnftone, Lt. Stark, Lt. Gre¬ gory. G. O. Williamsburg, Aug1 24. Parole, Randolph. Field Officer tomorrow, Col0 Woodford. For Guard, Lt. Garland. G. O. Williamsburg, Aug1 25. Parole, Mercer. Field Officer Tomorrow, Lt. Col° Eliott. For Guard, Enf. Bell. F atigue, Capt. Cabell, Enf. Perkins, E. Stubblefield. [ 8i ] R. O. Deep Spring, Aug1 26th. The Pay Rolls to be made out and given in as foon as pollible. As the fcarcity of Scarlet Cloath is very great and indeed not to be purchafed, the Col° has thought proper to alter the Facing of the Regimentals to white, which he hopes every officer will procure as foon as poffible. Capt. Hobfon to march to Burwells Ferry to releave Capt. Fox. Officer for Guard, Enf. Barkfdale. For Fatigue, Capt. Towles, Lt. Rofe, Lt. Curd. G. O. Williamsburg, Aug1 26, 1776. Parole, Hampton. The Colos of Regiments to have their pay Rolls in Readynefs by the 28th Inft. Col0 Woodford to apply for money to Reinlift thofe of his Redgiment who are engaged for no more than one year, and others for the completion of his Redgiment on Continental Eftabliffiment. Thofe who are now in the fervice & Reinlift ffiall have immediately 20 Days Furlough, as they feem defirous of feeing their Friends. Field Officer Tomorrow, Maj. Spotlwood. G. O. Williamsburg, Aug1 27th. Parole, Bojion. Officers of the fecond Regiment are at Liberty to reinlift fuch Soldiers of the firft Battallion whofe M [ 82 ] time is nearly expired who has & do ftill refufe to Reinlift with their own Officers. Field Officer Tomorrow, Maj. Hendricks. Guard, Enf. Goodwin. Fatigue, Capt. Maffie, Lt. Clay, Lt. Burton. G. O. Williamsburg, Aug1 28. Parole, Portfmouth. The Sick of the firft & fecond Regiments who's time for which they were Inlifted is nearly expired, are permitted to embrace the firft opportunity of going to their refpedtive homes. The Officers com¬ manding thofe two Redgiments to give them their difcharge,which they earneftlyrequeft, and pay them their Arrears in Full. Thofe that are too weak to travle are to be taken care off in the Relpedtive Hof- pitals and treaded wh the greateft tendernels. The Arms and Accoutrements of all that are difcharged to be ftored up. It is alfo neceffary to referve the Blanketts of all who do not reinlift for the ufe of the men recruited for thofe two Regiments. Field Officer Tomorrow, Col° Woodford. For Guard, Lt. Avery. Fatigue, Capt. Fox, Lt. Curd, Lt. Stark. NOTES. Note l, Page 2. Brigadier General. |NDREW Lewis, who had been promoted by Congrefs to the rank of Brigadier during the previous month. Note 2, P. 3. G. O. General Orders. rk Note 3, P. 3. R. O. . Regimental Orders. Note 4, P. 3. Capt. Gibfon. His Company of mountain riflemen were ironically ftyled Gibfon's Lambs. Col. Hugh Mercer difplayed his charatteriftic intrepidity in quelling a mutiny among them. Note 5, P. 5. Attend Church. Williamfburg Church, Bruton Parilh, ftands midway between the Col¬ lege and the lite of the old Capitol. A notice and engraving of this old church may be found in Bilhop Meade's Old Churches, vol. 1, p. 146. Note 6, P. 6. Gentlemen Cadets. Cadets were young men ferving in the ranks with a hope of obtaining a commiflion. Note 7, P. 6. The Magazine. The Magazine is an oftagon building, eredted during Governor Spotf- wood's adminiftration and planned by him. It was rendered famous by Governor Dunrfiore's removal of the gunpowder from it. It has long [ 8+ ] fince ceafed to be ufed for its original purpofe. It ferved fome years ago as a place of worfhip for a Baptift congregation, and is now the town market place. Note 8, P. 9. By the General. It appears that General Lewis had now returned to the Camp. Note 9, P. 15. Eaftern Shore Battalion. Recruited from the counties of Northampton and Accomac on the eaftern fhore of the Chefapeake bay. Note 10, P. 18. Lieut. Barnett. Probably Bernard. Note 11, P. 19. Rev. William Dun lop. In 1768 he became minifter of Stratton Major church in King and Queen county: in 1773 he vifited the Weft Indies. The following ex¬ tra# is taken from the Williamfburg Gazette of 1771 : " Williamsburg, Jan. 17. " On Sunday, the 25th day of November laft, Wm Nelfon, Efq. and " his new married lady made their appearance in the Stratton Major " church, King and Queen county, for the firft time after marriage, when " an excellent Sermon from the 24th chapter of Genefis, verfe 20th, " ' And Jacob ferved feven years for Rachel and they feemed unto him " but a few days for the love he had to her,' was delivered by the Rev. " Mr. Dunlap. In handling the difcourfe the preacher in his ufual ani- " mated manner touched upon the tender paffion of love as a neceffary " requiftte in courtfhip and marriage, the duty of hufband with refpe# to " acquiring and preferving domeftic happinefs, concluding with fome very " pertinent animadverlions on the conduft of parties in regard to the dif- " pofition of children in marriage, and how far the duty between both " ought to be reciprocal. The whole difcourfe was handled in a new " and ftriking manner." The Rev. Mr. Dunlap fubfequently was involved in diflenfion with his veftry, and appears to have been extruded by them. [ 85 ] Note 12, P. 21. Muhlenburg. The Rev. Peter Muhlenberg, a native of Pennfylvania. After having been a Lutheran minifter in New Jerfev, he removed to the Valley of Virginia in 1772, and became a minifter of the eftablilhed church in Shenandoah county. He reprefented that county in the Houfe of Bur- gefles and of the Convention of 1775-6. In 1775 he was appointed Colonel of the Sth Virginia regiment. He became a general and ferved with diftin&ion through the war of Revolution. Note 13, P. 22. General Lee. From Sparks's Walhington's Writings, vol. in, p. 345, in note: " General Lee wrote to Wafhington a letter dated April 5th, compliment- u ing him on the evacuation of Bofton in the following language: " I moft fincerely congratulate you, I congratulate the public, on the " great and glorious event your pofleflion of Bofton. It will be a moft " bright page in the annals of America, and a moft abominably black one in " thofe of the beldam Britain. Go on, my dear General, crown yourfelf " with glory, and eftablilh the liberties and luftre of your country on a " foundation more permanent than the Capitol Rock. My fituation is ,f juft as I expetted. I am afraid I fhall make a lhabby figure, without " any real demerits of my own. I am like a dog in a dancing fchool. I " know not where to turn myfelf, where to fix myfelf. The circumftances " of the country interfered by navigable rivers, the uncertainty of the " enemy's defigns and motions, who can fly in an inftant to any fpot they " choofe, with their canvafs wings, throw me, and would throw Julius " Caefar, into this inevitable dilemma. I may poflibly be in the north " when, as Richard fays, I lhould ferve my fovereign in the weft. I can " only aft from furmife, and I have a very good chance of furmifing " wrong. I am forry to grate your ears with a truth, but mull; at all " events allure you that the Provincial Congrefs of New York are angels " of decifion when compared with your countrymen, the Committee of " Safety aflembled at Williamlburg. Page, Lee, Mercer and Payne, are [ 86 ] "indeed exceptions; but from Pendleton, Bland, the Treafurer & Com- " pany, libera nos Domine." Note 14, P. 22. Jofe NourJ'e, S. Secretary. Note 15, P. 38. May 15th. On the 15th of May, the Convention of Virginia palled refolutions, inftru&ing their delegates in Congrefs to propofe to that body "to de- " clare the United Colonies free and independent States." Extraft from Williamlburg Gazette of May 17th : " In confequence " of the above refolutions, univerfally regarded as the only door which " will lead to fafety and profperity, fome gentlemen made a handfome " collection for the ourpofe of treating the Soldiery, who next day " [May 16th,] were paraded in Waller's Grove, before Brigadier General " Lewis, attended by the gentlemen of the Committee of Safety, the " members of the General Convention, the inhabitants of this city, &c. &c, " The refolutions being read aloud to the army, the following toafts " were given, each of them accompanied by a difcharge of the artillery " and fmall arms, and the acclamations of all prefent : " I. The American Independent States. " 2. The Grand Congrefs of the United States and their refpeftive " Legiflatures. " 3. General Walhington and vidlory to the American arms. "The Union Flag of the American States waved upon the Capitol " during the whole of this ceremony; which being ended the Soldiers " partook of the refrelhments prepared for them by the affedion of their " countrymen, and the evening concluded with illuminations and other " demonftrations of joy ; every one feeming pleafed that the domination " of Great Britain was now at an end, fo wickedly and tyrannically exer- " cifed for thefe twelve or thirteen years paft, notwithftanding our re- " peated prayers and remonftrances for redrefs." Note 16, P. 40. Parole Dublin, and B elf aft. Gen. Lewis was a native of Ireland. C 87 ] Note 17, P. 41. Great Spring. The encampment was now removed from the College grounds to Great Spring in the vicinity of Williamfburg. Note 18, P. 49. HoJ'pital. " The Governor's Palace, tsgether with the out-buildings belonging to " it, in Williamfburg, having by a previous refolution been appropriated " as a public hofpital, was by a refolution of the firll of July, reftored to " its original deftination, and the committee who had been appointed to " notify the Governor [Patrick Henry] of his election, were now directed " to inform him of the defire of the Convention that he would make the " Palace his place of refidence."—Wirt's Life of P. Henry, p. 220. Note 19, P. 54. Capt. Geo. Nicholas. Eldeft fon of Col. Robert Carter Nicholas, treafurer of the colony; upon the return of peace became eminent as a politician and lawyer. INDEX. A BSENCE, leave of denied, 56. penalty of, 43. prohibited, 60. Abfentees to be reported, 39. Accomac county, 84. Accoutrements, returns of to be made, 25. to be ftored, 82. Adjutant I ft bat. to attend at Head Quarters, 57. to attend head quarters, 44. offouthern department, 21. general, badge of, 34. to communicate general or¬ ders, 15. duty of, 10. to poft centinels, 11. Aids, badge of, 34. Allen, John, to be tried, 79. Ammunition, 7 diftributed, 41. return of to be made, 11. to be examined every day, 29. to be drawn, 22. Anderfon, David, 53. Armiftead, Enf., 4, 7, 9, 16, 17, 23, 25, 28, 31, 32, 36, 40, 41* 43» 45' 46> 51. 6o- Arms, condition of, 10. men without, 6. out of repair, 12. repairs of, 1, 22. returns of to be made, 25. to be cleaned, 75. to be examined, 29. N Arms to be repaired, 29. to be ftored, 82. Army, morals of, x. Archer, Enf. Jcfeph, 56. Articles of war read, 17, 28. Artificers, lift of required, 19. Artillery company, 26. officers, return of, 36. Arundle, Capt., 26, 36. Affiftant dep. qr. mail, gen., 26. Attorney general's reftdence, vii. Avery, Lieut., 1, 4, 9, 12, 16, 17, 25> 27> 31, 34' 35. 39' 4°' 41. 43. 44' 45'48'5 L 57' 67' 7*» 73' 76, 82. ADGES of officers, 34. Ball, Capt., 24, 25. Burgefs, 59. Ballard, Capt. Robt., 52, 54. Balls, running, 44. to be caft, 26. Baptift congregation, 84. Barkfdale, Enf., 14, 18, 19, 24, 30, 31' 38' 41. 43' 58' 64, 70, 72, 76, 81. Barnard, Enf, 31, 38, 39, 42. Barnett (probably Barnard), 84. Lieut., 18. Barracks, 8. Battalion of the province, 18. Beards to be ffiaved, 8, 27, 78. Bell, Enf, 57, 60, 62, 69, 76, 80. Blackfmiths, 17, 22. Blackwell, Serj. Thomas, 26. [ 9° ] Bland, 86. Blankets to be ftored, 82. Bofton evacuation, 85. Bounty commuted, 57. for enliftment, 68. Brig run aground, 59. Brigade major, badge of, 34. his duties, 27. Brigad'r general, compliment to, 73. leaves camp, 2. Brown, John, 55. Bruton parifh, 83. Buckner, Col , 12, 16, 18, 21, 22. 24, 28, 30,31, 34, 35, 37, 38, 40, 63, 65, 67, 73, 76. Bullett, Col. Thomas, ix, 15, 27. Dep. Adjut. General, 19, 21, 22, 24. Cuthbert, ix. Burke, John, guard for, 30. Burnett, Enf., 13, 20, 21, 24, 44, 65, 69, 72, 76. Lt. 13,18,24,27, 30,40,43. Burrell, Enfign, 3, 6. Burt, Serjt., 9. Burton, Lieut., 5, 7, 14, 20, 24, 25, 30, 41, 42, 43,45,46, 47, 51, 55, 60, 65, 79, 82. Burwell, Enf. to adt as Adjt. 8. Burwell's ferry, 46, 79, 81. road, 66. guard at, 70. Mrs., 21. poll taken at, 63. /^ABELL, Capt., 7, 13, 30, 17, 18,23,24,39,40,43,45, 46, 60, 76, 79, 80. Cabell's company, 5, 7, 42. Cadets, 13, 49, 83. without arms, 61. (fee Gentlemen cadets.) Calley, Patrick, tried, 73. Camp colourmen, 16. to be vifited by captain, 70. Campbell, Capt. 21. Capitol, vi, 5, 86. old, 83. _ Square, ix. Captains to make returns of lead, 29. Carpenters, fupt. of, 19. returns of to be made, 10, 12. under Enf. Catlett, 80. Carter, difcharged, 36. Cartouch boxes, 1. Cartridges to be made, 48. Catlett, Enf, 4, 7, 11, 19, 29. Centinels fire at night, 5 l. to prevent irregularities, 11. Chambers, John, tried, 73. Chaplain, 6th bat., 19. to be chofen, 17. Chaplains, pay of, 68. Cheatham, Jofiah, 66. Chefapeake bay$ 84. Chriftian, Col. Wm., 17, 19, 23, 24. 27, 29> 3°, 3D 35» 55. 57» 58- refignation of, 64. Church, vii. troops to attend, 5. Citizens, perfons and property to be protedled, 2. Clay, Lieut., 3, 5, 9, 10, 14, 19, 20, 21, 24, 27,40,41,43, 44, 45, 46, 50, 51, 55,60, . 64, 65, 78, 79. _ _ Cleanlinefs of guards enjoined, 78. on parade, 44. Cloth, fcarlet, fcarce, 81. Cocke, Enfign, 1, 5, 9, 10, 14, 16, 17, 19, 20, 30, 38, 41, 42, 45, 46, 47, 5°, 56> 57, 59, 60, 61, 67, 71, 73, 75. [ 9* ] Cocke, Capt., 16, i8, 20, 22, 24, 27, 30. Cobbs, Samuel, 56. Cobham, party fent to, 27. relieved, 29, 31. Colefton, Lt., 25. College, 57, 83. grounds, 87. Colonel, compliment to, 73. to regulate drefs of men, 13. Colours, 18, 22. Commiflary, 11. improper returns to, 75. afliftant to, 32. Commiffions declined, 49, 50. Committee offafety, 85, 86. Companies to march, 1. Confinement for abfence, 43. Congrefs toafted, 86. Conway, Ll., 32, 37, 60, 62, 70, 73, 78. Corn pulled by foldiers, 72. Cornftalk defeated, viii. Corporal, wooden tent for, 21. Counterfign, 41. Courts Martial, 19, 25, 29, 31, 39, 52, 61, 62, 64, 65, 75. verdift difapproved of, 36. Regimental, 7, 9, 36, 37, 43, 44, 45,48,55, 56,57,58, 60, 67, 71. Garrifon, 23, 55. General, 34, 35, 45, 49, 50, 51, 54, 61, 67, 70, 71, 73, 77> 78. of Inquiry, 25, 47, 49, 58, 63. Crocker, Wm., 7, 48. Crump, Lieut., 3, 6, 22, 24. Curd, Lt., 12, 17, 23, 25, 58, 60, 64, 69, 71, 72, 76, 79, 80, 81, 82. TRAVIS, Capt. William, 58. John, 58. Dawfon, Enf., 3, 9, 23, 31, 38, 40, 41, 43. 48, 52, 55, S6> 6z> 63- Declaration of Independence to be read, 65. of rights, xi. Deep Spring, x. Deputy adjt. general, ix, 15. Defertion, trial for, 50, 51, 66, 73, 77, 79- Dickerfon's company, 26, 34, 71. Digges, Mr., 66. Dillard, James, 42. Director of hofpital, 49. Diforders to be quelled by guard, 74. Divine fervice, 39. to be attended, 27. Dixon, Lt. court martialed, 63. Drawing days, 32. Drefs, decent, required, 8. required to be uniform, 13. Drill ferjeants, 6. Drum major, 68, 69. appointed, 7, 51. beat by Capt. Patterfon, 48. to be more diligent, 27. pay of, 46. Drummer to aft as orderly, 74. Drummers, 13, 14. fhirts, 14. to be praftifed, 7. to pay majors for inftruftion, 46. Dunlap, Rev. Wm., chaplain, 19, 84- Dunmore,.Gov., vi, vii, ix, 83. diflodged, xi. Dunn, Lt., 50, 55, 57, 58, 61, 65. [ 92 ] EASTERN fhore battalion, 15, 84. Eighth battalion, 22, 53. regiment, 85. two companies to be under arms, 16. Elliott, Lt. Col., 14, 17, 20, 23, 25, 28, 30, 39, 40, 47, 48, 50, 52. Col., 52, 56, 67, 77, 79, 80. Encampment, march to, 40. Enemy's veffiels, 21. Engineer, fatigue parties for, 27. Epperfon, Lieut., 9, 13, 17, 23, 24, z9> 32> 34> 36> 37> 42> 44. 45, 46, 49, 57, 61, 80. Eppes, Col., 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 64. Efprit de corps, how given, 13. Euftis, Lt., 21. Exprefles, 35. TRACINGS altered, 81. Fatigue party, 12, 65. parades of, 16, 26. Farms, large, vii. Faft day, 39. Faulkner, Capt., 25. Fences to be repaired, 10. Fergufon, Mr., 35. Field officer of the day refponfible for irregularities, 11. compliment to, 74. Fife major, 68, 69. appointed, 7. pay of, 46. to be more diligent, 27. Fifers, 13, 14. to pay for inftrudtion, 46. to be pradtifed, 7. Fifth battalion, 32, 53, 59. Finney, Mr., promoted, 37. Firelocks to be drawn, 44. Firelocks, repairs of, 77. Firft battalion, 21, 26, 53, 54, 58. to march, 71, 72. reenliftment of, 82. Firft regiment, 42, 52, 76. ordered northward, 68. reenliftment of, 69. fick of, 82. Fitzgerald's company, 53. Flat creek plantation, vi. Flemming's battalion, 26. Flints, allowance of, 29. Flour, guard for, 27. unfit for ufe, 3. Floyd, Mitchell, 31. Fort Neceffity, viii. Stanwix treaty, viii. Fountain's company, 56. Fowler, Serjt., killed, 70. Fox, Capt., 60, 67, 69, 71, 72, 73. 76, 81, 82. Lieut. Nat., 53. Fox's company to march, 79. French and Indian war, viii. Fruit trees, vii. Furlough, 67, 70. Furloughs improper, 38. not to be given, 75, 77. to thofe who reenlili, 81. Fuftus Cillis, 70. Fuzees for exercife, 35. /^.ARLAND,Lieut., 4, 7,14, 18, ^ 19,24,30,31,32,38,39, 42» 44. 7L 72> 78> 8°- Peter, promoted, 53. Gaming among officers, t;i. prohibited, 4. Garrifon reviewed, 9. Gafkins, Capt., 25. General, compliment to, 74. has an idea, 18. [ 93 ] General hofpital, purveyor of, 30. orders, 83. badge of, 34. Gentlemen cadets, 6, 7, 83. Glouceiler, Duke of, vi. Gibfon, Capt., 3, 83. Gibfon's lambs, 83. Goodwin, Enfi, 30, 32, 35, 38, 41, 42, 44» 45» 69, 71 > / 2> 78, 80, 81. Gordon, Geo., 25. Governor's palace, vii. Grant's defeat, viii, ix. Grafs guard, 10. Great Bridge, battle of, viii, ix. Great Britain, natives of not to be recruited, 33. Great Spring, 87. Green, Capt., promoted, 21. Major, 15. Gregory, Lt., 56, 59' 7l> 73' 75» 79, 80. Gregory's company, 53. Grey, John, enfign, 53. Grove brook plantation, vi. divine fervice in, 27. Guard at Queens creek, 20. duty, 32. for Burke and McCann, 30. main, augmented, 76. officers of, 73. required to be properly ac¬ coutred and clean, 24. to be increafed, 3. Guards on parade to be clean, 78. out, 21. report of to be made, 41. to be vifited, 10. Gun firing prohibited, 41. powder removed, vii, 83. Guns, purchafing of> 33. Gwynn's ifland, xi. 1L_T AIR, cutting of regulated, 13, 14 to be combed, 78. Halladav, Enf. Jofeph, 54. Harrifon, Enf. Peyton, 56. Valentine, 56. Hats, 42. regulation of, 13, 14. to be clean, 78. to be cocked, 26. Hawkins, John, 59, 67. Hawes, Capt., 4, 10, 14, 15, 19, 20, 23. Hazzard's plantation, 71. Head quarters: Williamfburg, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33> 34. 35» 36' 37» 38. 39. 45,46, 47,49,51, 52, 54, 55,62, 63,65,66, 67, 71, 72> 73- 75. 76' 77' 78, 79' 80, 81, 82. Deep Spring, 67, 68, 69, 70, 7C 73'75' 76, 77»78' 79. 80, 81. Great Spring, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45'47- Springfield, 47,49, 5o, 51, 5 2, 55. 56' 57. 59. 6o» 6l. 6z» 63, 64, 65, 66, 67. College Camp, 57, 58, 59. adjutant to attend, 49. officers to attend, 63. Heads to be combed, 26. Hendricks, Maj., 78, 80, 82. Henley, Leonard, 26. Henry, Enf. John, 21, 25, 53. Patrick, vii, viii, 87. Hobfon, Lieut., 2, 5, 7, 9, 13, 16, 23, 25, 29, 31, 32, 38, 40, 41, 58. [ 9+ ] Hobfon, Nicholas, promoted, 53. Capt., 65, 81. Hockaday, Lieut., 4, 9, 12, 20, 24, 25' 3°. 3*> 33' 35» 36' 39' 41, 43, 45, 58, 59. Hogan, John, 29. Hogins, John, 7. Hoggerthy, Peter, deferter, 50. Holladay, Lt., 60, 61, 62. Homes, Enf. Benjamin, '56. Hookings, Thomas, 51. Hopkins, Capt, 2, 5, 9, 11, 17, 23, 24, 29, 39, 41, 42, 46, 48, 50, 55, 57, 62, 64, 66. company, 66, 78. Hopfon, Lt. Nicholas, 17, 23, 36. (fee Hobfon.) Capt., 80. Horfes, guard for, 10. Hofpital, orderly man for, 67. returns, 75. Houfe of burgelfes, 85. Hunting fhirts, 13, 14. to be well put on, 78. Hutchings, Capt., 31, 32, 34, 35, 36- company, 38, 61. TDEA of the General, 18. Independence, declaration of to be read, 65. Innis, Capt., 26. Ireland, viii, 86. natives of not to be recruited, 33- JAMESTOWN, 76. guard at, 70. march to, 38. men from, 31. road, work to be thrown up on, 65. Johnfon, Capt., 4. Johnfon's company, 53, 54, 56. Johnfton, Adjutant, 2. Capt., 7, 9, 34, 36, 42, 44, 45,46, 48,49, 67, 70, 71, 72, 73, 76, 79, 80. Win. appointed Brig, maj., 16. Johnftone, Brig, major William, 21, 23, 28. Johnftone's company, 29. Jones, Capt. John, 24, 31, 33, 34, 37, 4°' 4L 44> 52, 54- cafhiered, 55. David, Sergeant major, 34. Lieut., 4, 7, 11, 15, 20, 21, 25.3°' 33» 34» 35. 38' 39* 41, 43, 44, 46, 60, 64, 66, Peter, tried, 67. T^ARR, Lt., 25. Kennon, John, 56. King and Queen county, 84. Kings creek, 20, 21, 66. T AND, cleared and tilled, vii. Lawfon, Enf, 39. Leaches company, 53. Lead, returns of to be made, 29. to be drawn, 26. Lee, Enfign, 21. promoted, 25, 53. Gen. Charles, x, 85. Maj. Gen., 22, 28, 32, 36, 37. Lieutenant, 26. Leggings to be clean, 78. Letter, 39. Levee hour, 10. Lewis, Col. Andrew, viii. John, viii. Brig. General, ix, xi, 16, 28, 32, 42, 46, 52, 55, 69, 83, 84, 86. Lieut. William, 54. [ 95 ] Lindfay, Mr., purveyor, 30. Lieut. Col., compliment to, 74. Loading with running balls, 44. Long roll, 74. to beat, 22, 43. Lutheran minilter, 85. A/TcCANN, Andrew, guard for, 3°- McClanahan, Col., 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 42. Magazine, keeper of, 5. oflagon, vi, vii, 83. Major general, compliment to, .73, 74- Marines, how obtained, 35. Market place, 84. Markham, Major, 71. Marlhall, Lt. Col. Thos., 53, 62. Maffie, Capt., 6, 16, 23, 24, 25, 28, 30, 31, 32, 34, 38, 43, 45> 5L 63, 70, 82. Maffie's company, 7. relieved, 79. Maflinburg, Mr., 24. Matthews, Serjt., 39. Meade, Bifhop, 83. Meads, Richard K., 56. Meads's company, 56. Men, number of to be returned, 1. Mercer, Capt., 12. Col. Hugh, 83, 85. Minute men relieved, 66. Moody, Edward, 26, 53. Moore, Enf. Merritt, 56. Moore's creek bridge, battle of, viii. Mofquitoes, vii. Mountain riflemen, 83. Muhlenberg, Rev. Peter, 85. Muhlenberg's battalion, 21. Mumpaines, 22. Munrow, Enf. Spence, 56. Munrow, Lieut. John, 56. Murphy fentenced, 25. Murray, Lieut., 2, 38, 39, 42, 43, 46, 48, 50, 51, 54, 68, 71, 73> 76, 79- Mufter mafter, 39. Mutiny, flight punilhment for, 36. trial for, 73. XTELSON, William, 84. Nelfon's company, 71. New Jerfey minifter, 85. New York provincial congrefs, 85. Nicholas, Capt. Geo., 60, 54, 87. tried, 63. Col. Robert Carter, 87. Nicholas's company, 56. Norfolk burnt, viii. Northampton county, 84. North Carolina patriots, viii. Northweft Indians defeated, viii. Nourfe, Jofeph, 22, 27, 86. /^ACTAGON magazine, vi, vii, 83- Officers to wait upon commanding officer, 2. to keep order, 2. to inftrudt the foldiers, 2. to attend parade at roll call, 3. to appear with fuzees, 3, 35. in uniform, 3. to infpeft flour, 3. to prohibit gaming, 4. to improve themfelves, 4. to attend to morals of their men, 4. to attend fquad drills, 6. reveille, 8. parade at retreat beat¬ ing, 8. not to leave guard, 8. [ 96 ] Officers to infpedt guard, 8. to bring awkward men to pa¬ rade, 8. to report fick, 11, of fatigue parties anfwerable for tools, 12. pay, how regulated, 13. to appear in hunting fhirts, 13. Eaftern fhore, to repair to their regiments, 15. company, duties of, 26. to hear rolls called, 27. to provide badges, 34. to procure fwords, 35. not to be abfent on any terms, 43- not to mount guard without fuzee, 44. duties of, 45. to fee ftreets cleaned, 46. to arreft gamefters, 52. not to go a mile from camp, 54. not to game, 60. to obferve orders daily, and fee them executed, 62. not to appear on guard with¬ out their arms, 62. to report vacancies, 68. to fuperintend fatigue parties, 7°. of guard, duties of, 73. of companies to infpeft arms, 75- to attend parade at roll calling, 80. Orderly hours, 10. officer, duty of, 27. Ordinance ftores, returns to be made, 11. DAGE, 85. Palace, 18. Gov. Henry's refidence, 87. park, xo. Pane, Enf. Talton, 53. Parker, Alexander, 59. Parker's company, 56, 86. Parole, Gates, 1, 16. Maryland, 2. Page, 3. Eppes, 3. Charles Scott, 3. Gen. Lee, 4. Bucknor, 5, 18. Dangerfield, 5, 23. Bofton, 5, 81. Cambridge, 6. Caroline, 8. Winchefter, 9. Pendleton, 9. Jones, 20. Thos. Lee, 10. Birde, 20. Lewis, 11, 15. Nelfon, 12. Harriflbn, 13. Wafhington, 16, 30, 48. Mifflin, 26. Heath, 27. Lee, 28. Armftrong, 19, 29. Moore, 29. Howe, 30, 36. Word, 30. Putnam, 31. Greene, 31. Hancock, 17, 32, 52, 55,77. Pendleton, 32, 76. Paige, 32, 76. Parole, Diggs, 32, 78 Taylor, 23. Randolph, 23, 78, 80. Philadelphia, 24, 58, 71. Franklin, 24. Richmond, 33, 34, 40, 55, 69, Convention, 35, 39. Halifax, 36. Charles, 38, 63. Liberty, 38, Burke, 38, 50. Independence, 39, 65. York, 39, 71, 72. Dublin, 40, 86. Belfaft, 40, 86. Hendricks, 41. Pendleton, 41, 49, 57. Mercer, 42, 44, 51. Spotlwood, 42. Glofter, 42. Weedon, 43. Beverley, 43. Ohio, 46. Suffolk, 47. Bofton, 47. Charleftown, 48, 61. Ward, 49, 63, 75. Bottetourt, 50, 75. Stanton, 51. Pafs, 51. Rutleidge, 52. Manchefter, 54, 59, 70. Jameftown, 54. Jones, 55. . Mafon, 55. Hampton, 56. Stevens, 57. Alexandria, 57, 66. Smithfield, 57. Cobham, 58 [ 97 ] v^ODnani, 30. Stephens, 59 65. Wafhington, 6z, 72. Parole, Lee, 62. Eppes, 64. Woodford, 67. Frederick/burg, 68. Williamfburg, 72. Hampton, 73, 81. Harrifon, 79. Blair, 79. Error, 80. Nelfon, 80. Mercer, 80. Portfmouth, 82. Papers, 42. Parfons, Jonathan, 70. Paterfon, Capt., 13, 14, 17, 18, 21, 24, 25, 29, 39, 41, 42,45, 47, 60. trial of, 47, 49. Patterfon's company, 44. . Pay by calendar month, 37. Paymafter, pay of, 69. Payne, 85. Pay rolls called for, 13, 34, 78, 81. Peach trees, fpontaneous, vii. Peachy, Col., refigned, 53. Peachey's battalion, 20. Pendleton, 86. Perkins, Enf, 32, 34, 58, 62, 63, 67, 7°> 73> 8°- Peyton, Lt. John, 53. Phyfician, chief, 49. Pickets to be vifited, 10. Pioneers march, 26. Plantation memoranda, vi. Point Pleafant, battle of, viii. Polls to be vifited, 10. Powder horns, 1, Predatory war, viii. Prince William county, ix. Prifon guard increafed, 49. Promotions, 53. o [ Provifion dealers abufed, 47. returns to be made, 77. Public ftores, keeper of, 5. QUARTER matter general, H.37- affiftants, 16. ferjeant, 68. Queens creek, guard at, 20, 44. Quincy, Joftah, vii. "D ALEIGH tavern, vii. Ramfey, Serjt. Wm., 8. Randolph, Mr., 4. Enf. Robert, 53. Recruit ordered, 36. Recruiting regulated, 33. Regimental orders, 83. quarter matter, 32. Regimentals, facings altered, 81. Retreat beating, 8. to beat at funfet, 47. Returns of ftores required, 5. when not to be received, 73. Reveille, 8. Review of garrifon, 9. ordered, 20. poftponed, 10. Ribands worn as badges, 34. Richmond Capitol fquare, ix. Wm., direftor of hofpital, 49. Rifles, trial of, 7. Rioting prohibited, 59. to be quelled by guard, 74, Robertfon, Thomas, 56. Roll calls, 8, 27. of awkward fquad, 8. Rolls called at funfet, 47. of companies to be made out, 29. 98 ] Rofe, Lt., 10, 23, 30, 31, 34, 36, 41, 43, 46, 58,64, 66, 69, 72. 73' 78> 8l- Robert, Surgeon, 19. Ruffin, Capt. Thos., 3> 4» 5» 7* 9» 10, 11, 12, 13. interment of, 21. Ruffin's company, 53. Ruflell, Wm., wagon matter, 32. CANDY creek expedition, viii. ^ Scott, Col., 51, 52, 55, 57. Sea fervice enliftments, 33. Sears, Capt., 13. Second battalion, 53, 58. regiment, 42, 66. ordered northward, 68. reenliftment, 81. lick of, 82. to relieve firft regiment, 70. Sentries not to fit, 77. Serjeant major, 68. * Dillard, 42. Serjeants' Ihirts, 14. Shannon, Enf., 25. Shenandoah county, 85. Shirt collars to be buttoned, 78. Shirts to be clean, 78. to be dyed uniformly, 13. Shoes to be clean, 27, 78. Shot pouches, 1. Sick to be returned, 11, 75. to return home, 82. to be tenderly treated, 82. Signals to drummers, 74. Singleton, John, tried, 24. Sixth battalion, 17, 20, 21, 45, 57, 58- orders for, 12, 13, 14. regiment, 17, 48, 52, 53, 55, 57' 76, 79- [ 99 ] Sixth battalion to be muftered, 79. excufed duty, 15. futler, 67. Smith, Enf. Larking, 54, 65, 69, 71, 72, 76. Lieut., 1, 14, 18, 19, 24. Smiths under Enf. Catlett, 30. to be hallened, 1. return of to be made, 12, 18. to be overlooked, 18. excufed other duty, 19. Snail, Thomas, 55. Snook, Matthew, 7. Soldiers, depredators, 72. duty and difcipline required of, 2. not to go out of town on alarm, 27. orders to be read to, 6. Soldiery treated, 86. Southern department, adjt. of, 21. engineer of, 24. Sparks's Walhington, 85. Spears, return of to be made, 17. Splawn, Thomas, to be tried for defertion, 77. Spotfwood, Governor, 83. Major, 49, 50, 51, 62, 63. Enf. John, 53, 78, 81. Springfield, x, 46. Squad, awkward, to parade, 6, 8. grand, to parade, 6. Staff, badges of, 34. Standards, 18. Stanford, William, 56. Stark, Lieut., 25, 29, 31, 32, 34, 36, 37, 38> 4l> 43» 6z> 66> 80, 82. Stith, Jacob, 9. Stratton Major Church, 84. Stocks to be worn, 78. Stockings to be clean, 78. Stokes, Enfign, 2, 5, 7, 10, 24, 25, 29> 3L 34. 36. 37» 42> 43> 44> 45- Lieut., 61, 65, 68, 79. Streets to be cleaned, 46, 70, 76. Strolling prohibited, 47, 65. Stubblefield, Enf. Beverly, 54, 61, 64. 67, 71, 75, 77. 80. Stubbs, Enf. John, 53. Summers, Simon, adjt., 45. Surgeons to the 6th battalion, 19. to be chofen, 17. Surgeons, pay of, 68. Sutler to 6th regiment, 67. Swords, officers to procure, 35. '"PALIAFERO, Lt., 11, 12, 16, 17,23,29,28,31,34,4°, 41,43,46,58,60. Talliafero's company, 56. Target to be provided, 7. Tattoo, 47, 59. at 10 o'clock, 76. Taylor, Lieut., 21. Capt., 24. Taylor's company, 26. Tents, fourteen allowed a company, 78. in lieu of money, 64, 69. to be kept clean, 70. linen to be given up, 77. wooden, 21. Third battalion, 58, 63. regiment, 53, 57. Tirbufh, Thomas, tried, 73. Tools, order refpedling, 70. Town garrifon, 49. Towles, Capt., 61, 69, 71, 72, 73, 75, 78, 81. Towles's company, 53, 54. [ 100 ] Troops to parade, 5. Tutt, Lt., 53, 64, 71, 75, 78, 80. UPSHAW, Lt., 3, 5, 6, 10, 15, -7 -7 T/'ACANCIES to be reported, V 49, 50, 68. Valley of Virginia, 85. Vaughan, James, 66. Virginia, ancient capital of, vi. independent ftate, xi. forces, ix. convention, 1798, ix, x, 85, 86. independence propofed by, xi, 86. conftitution, xi. troops, viii. TXTADE, Lt., 15, 20, 22. * Wagon mafter, 11. general, 35. Wagoners, 35. Wagons, one allowed to each com¬ pany, 26. Waller's grove, 86. Warrants to be granted, 34. Wafhington, Gen., viii, 34, 86. ftatue of, ix. Weedon, Lt. Col., 49, 52, 53, 55» " 63- Weft, John, v. Weft Indies, 84. Weft's company, 53. White, Enf., 15, 17, 18, 24, 32. Willeber's Point, 59. William and Mary college, vi. Williams, Lt., 38, 60, 61. Williamfburg, vi, ix, x, 48, 85. capital Virginia, x. ftreets unpaved, vii. church, 83. declaration independence read at, xi. Gazette, 84, 86. Wirt's Life Henry, 87. Wood, Col., 77. Woodford, Col., ix, 25, 52, 53, 58, 63, 79, 80, 81, 82. Woodford's reg. to be reenlifted, 81. Woodfon, Enf., promoted, 26. Women, names of to be returned, 59- Wynne, Thomas H., v. YATES, Enf. Bart., 53. Wm., mufter mafter, 39. York, 34.