Public laws of the State or North Carolina, passeu ^ the General Assembly, at its session of I860161: together with the Comptroller^ statement of public revenue and expendi¬ ture. Raleigh: John Spelman, Printer to the State. 1861. 24.5, [l]> vi p. 23 1/2 cm. First extra session included. Crandall No. 1802 Call No. E485.9 .N63P8 1860/61 Contents of above volume: 1. Crandall 1802 — Public laws of the State of North Carolina, ... General Assembly ... session of 1860-,6l: ... Comptroller^ statement ... 1861. 2. Crandall 1795 — Private laws of the State of North Carolina, ... General Assembly ... session of 1860-,6l. ... 1861. PUBLIC LAWS OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, PASSED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY, AT ITS SESSION OF 1860-'61: TOGETHER WITH THE COMPTROLLER'S STATEMENT OF PUBLIC REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE. RALEIGH: JOHN SPELMAN, PRINTER TO THE STATE. 1861. PUBLIC LAWS op NORTH-CAROLINA. I860-'61. AGRICULTURE. an act to amend revised code, chapter two, entitled Chap. 1. "agriculture and geology." Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Powers granted North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the North-Carolina Agricultural Society are hereby authorized to rescind, alter or modify any of the "rules, articles of association, by-laws or ordinances which existed before said society was incorporated by the legislature, to the end that it may improve its organiza¬ tion and be empowered to adapt its operations to the great and useful purposes of its institution. [Ratified the 23d day of February, 1861.] ASYLUMS. an act to complete the buildings op the north carolina Chap. 2. institution for the deaf and dumb and the bund, and other purposes. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the ^p0p0gopriates State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the sum of two thousand dol- 4 1860-61. Chap. 2. lars l)e, and the same is hereby appropriated ont of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the purpose of finishing the buildings and other improvements authorized to he created [erected,] and made by an act of the General Assembly, passed at the session of 1858-59, enti¬ tled an act to enlarge and improve the buildings of the asy¬ lum of the deaf and dumb and the blind, and for other pur¬ poses, and that the president of the board of directors be authorized and empowered to draw upon the public trea¬ surer for the same, which sum shall [be] expended under the supervision of the directors in the completion of the improvements already begun in the building of the insti¬ tution ; Provided, however, That not more than one thou¬ sand dollars shall be called for in any period of three months. Appropriates Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the sum of one hun¬ dred dollars be and the same is hereby appropriated out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the purchase of books for the use of the institution, and that the president of the board of directors be author¬ ized to draw upon the public treasurer for the same, and when drawn it shall be expended under direction of the president of the board of directors and the principal of the institution in the purchase of suitable books for the institution. Appropriates gEc. 3. Be it further enacted, That the sum of nine hun¬ dred dollars be and the same is hereby appropriated out of any money in the public treasury not otherwise appro¬ priated, for the purpose of enabling the board of direct¬ ors of the said institution, to establish, in connection with the institution, a department for teaching a portion of the pupils the trade of book binding, which sum the president of the board of directors is hereby authorized to draw from the public treasury, when the board of directors shall have established the said department, and shall direct the same to be drawn. registration of gEc. 4. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty PeafMuU'sand n ... . . ' i Blind children, of the district committees of common schools in each county to report to the chairman of the board of super- 1860-61. Chap. 2—3. 5 intendents of common schools for their county, the num¬ ber of deaf mutes and blind children between the ages of five and twenty-one. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty 2tto110 of the chairman of the board of superintendants of com¬ mon schools for each county, to reportr to the principal of the institution for the deaf and dumb and the blind, on or before the first day of September in each and every year, the number of deaf mutes and blind children in his county, between the ages of five and twenty-one years, and that the said chairman shall procure and furnish all indigent deaf mutes and. blind children who are entitled to receive.the same, the certificate now required by law to entitle them to admission into the institution as State pupils. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That the principal of the ** institution for the deaf and dumb and the blind be re¬ quired to furnish to the chairman of the board of super¬ intendants of each county such blanks as may be necessary for the above purpose. Sec. 7- Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the — day of February, 1861.] an act concerning the insane asylum op north carolina. Chap. 3. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the appropriation State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the public treasurer of the State be and he is hereby authorized and required to pay to the order of the executive committee for the insane asylum, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, such sums of money from time to time du¬ ring the years 1861 and 1862 as may be necessary for the support and maintenance of the asylum during the years aforesaid; Provided, That the aggregate amount for each year shall not exceed the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars, (|25,000.) 6 1860-61. Chap. S. For enclosure. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the sum of five thou¬ sand dollars is hereby appropriated for the sole and exclu¬ sive purpose of erecting a wall around the lands of the asylum—this amount shall he paid to the order of the directors of the asylum by the State treasurer in bonds of the State, payable thirty years after date, and taken at their par value, and the treasurer of the State is hereby authorized and required to issue the bonds of the State, coupons attached to their amount. SS#2£nded ®EC* ~^e ^ fur^ier enacted, That the directors are- hereby authorized to draw out of the public treasury an unexpended balance of five thousand dollars of last year'a appropriation, and this sum, together with the similar sum proposed to be raised by the 2d section of this act, shall be added to the sum of ten thousand dollars, ($10,- 000) now in the hands of the directors, and this wholo amount of twenty thousand dollars shall be devoted to the sole and exclusive purpose of building such a wall as it will pay for on the west side of the main building, ac¬ cording to the provisions of the act of 1858 and 1859,. sec. 10, chap. 2d. SBto6pay.0xm" Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That if any county shall fail for the space of one year after the same is due, to pay the amount required by law for the support of its indigent insane, the president and directors of the literary fund of North Carolina shall direct out of the shares of such county in the common school fund next to be distributed the amount thereof, and pay the same to the public treas¬ urer ; Provided, That nothing herein contained shall be- construed into a repeal of any law now in force for tho collection of such sum from the justices of the said county, and if such sum shall afterwards be collected and paid, it shall be added to the school fund due said county for the next year; Provided, further, That it shall be tho duty of the superintendant to notify the public treasurer of all delinquencies, and the treasurer shall thereupon draw the amount from the literary fund as above said [stated.^ iwton! *o.Di" Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That the board of direct¬ ors, in conjunction with superintendant, are hereby 1860-61. Chap. 3-4—5. authorized to expend ah amount not exceeding eighteen hundred dollars in buying hooks, making constructions, and improving the grounds in front of the building, as suggested in the report of the committee on the insane asylum, made to this present General Assembly ; Provi¬ ded, That this amount shall exist as a surplus in the hands of the treasurer of the asylum over and abov9 the required amount to support the institution during the years 1861 and 1862. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That this act shall he in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 20th day of February, 1861.] BANKS. an act for the relief of the banks and the people. chap. 4 Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of suspends epe North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authoritycie paymenU of the same, That all laws, and parts of laws, imposing any penalty or penalities, forfeiture or forfeitures, in any manner or form whatever upon the hanks of this State or any of them, in case of a failure by them, or either of them, to redeem their notes, or discharge their other lia¬ bilities in specie, he and the same are hereby suspended in their operation until the General Assembly shall other¬ wise direct; Provided, that said banks, or any of them, while in a state of suspension, shall not curtail the ag¬ gregate amount of their discount. Be it further enacted, That this act be in force from and immediately after its ratification. [Ratified the 24th day of November, 1860. AN act to repay, the banks moneys improperly collected n-, k from them. b' Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of repay* moneya the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the public treasurer be and is 8 1860-'61. Chap. 5—6. hereby directed to pay to the several hanks of this State all sums of money collected by him improperly from the aforesaid banks, under the act passed 2nd February, 1857, out of any moneys that may be in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this.act be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 29th day of January, 1861.] COUNTIES. Chap. 6. an act to lay off and establish a new county by the name of clay. limit*. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That a new county is hereby laid off and established, to be formed out of a portion of Chero¬ kee county, bounded as follows: beginning at the south¬ east corner of Cherokee county on the Georgia line, thence to run in a northern direction along the top of the Chunck- ey Gal mountain with the Macon line, between Shooting creek and Nantahala river to the top of the highest moun¬ tain, between Fiar's creek and Yalley river; thence in a south-west direction along the top of the highest moun¬ tain, between Fiar's creek and peach tree to the Hiwassee river at the old missionary mill shoal, thence across the Hiwassee river, thence a southward direction, so as to strike the point of the ridge that divides the waters of little Brasstown creek and big Brasstown creek, then southward to the point of the ridge, thence along the highest point of the ridge between little Brasstown and pine log to the Georgia line, thence east with the Georgia line to the beginning. Fowera. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the said county of Clay be and is hereby invested with all the rights and immu¬ nities of the other counties in this State, except a member 1860-61 Chap. 6—7. 9 in the House of Commons, which is not to he allowed until the next apportionment in the year 1872. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the citizens included Liabilities, in the proposed new county shall pay their proportionable part of the debts now contracted, and owing by the county of Cherokee. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That all the moneys here- Sch001 Fand* ■after due to Cherokee county for common school purposes shall, after the organization of Clay county, he divided be¬ tween the counties of Clay and Cherokee, according to the federal population in each county, any law to the con¬ trary notwithstanding. [Ratified the 20th day of Febru¬ ary, 1861.] an act supplemental to an act passed at the present (jjiapt 7, session of the legislature entitled "an act to establish the county of clay." Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the powers. State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the county of Clay shall he and is hereby invested with all the rights, privileges and immunities of the other counties in this State, except as hereinafter provided. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the justices of the justices, ac, peace and officers of militia, who reside within the limits of the county of Clay shall continue to hold and exercise all the official powers and authorities in and for said county, that they have hitherto held and exercised in the county of Cherokee. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the constables now constable*, residing in the county of Clay shall continue to hold their offices and perform all duties appertaining thereto, until the first term of the court of pleas and quarter sessions to he held for said county, under the same rules, regula¬ tions and penalties as constables are subject to in other counties of this State. 2 10 1860-61. Chap. 7. Representation gEC< 4. Be it jurtiter enacted, That the counties of" Cherokee and Clay shall continue to be represented in the General Assembly as heretofore, and in the name of" Cherokee County until the legislature, at a future session, shall otherwise direct, and all elections for members of Congress and both branches of the General Assembly shall be held by the Sheriff or other returning officers of* the county of Cherokee at the time and places, and under the same rules, regulations and restrictions as have been appointed, or hereafter may he appointed by law, and the- certificate of said sheriff or other returning officer to the result of such elections shall be valid and effectual to all intents and purposes, as if the act establishing the coun¬ ty of Clay had never been passed. Courts,-when Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That a court of pleas and quarter sessions shall be held and the same is hereby established in and for said county of Clay, to be held by the justices of the peace of said county; the first term of" said court to be held on the last Monday in May, the sec¬ ond on the last Monday in August, and the third on the- last Monday in November, and regularly thereafter; the terms of said court shall be held on the last Mondays in February, May, August and November, in each and every year, and the first term of said court shall be held at the Methodist church near Fort Hemhree in said county, and thereafter at such place in said county as the court may direct, until a court house shall be built in said county, and the seat of justice in and for said county shall be- located ; and at the first term of said court a majority of the acting justices of the peace being present, they shall elect a clerk for said court, a sheriff, coroner, register, en¬ try taker, surveyor, constable and all other officers for said county, who shall enter into bonds as now required by law, and shall continue in office until successors to them are duly chosen and qualified according to the acts of the- General Assembly in such case made and provided. jurisdiction. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That the court of pleas and quarter sessions established by this act shall possess and exercise the same powers, authority and jurisdiction* 1860-61. Chap. 7. 11 as are possessed and exercised by other courts of pleas and quarter sessions in this State, and shall have exclu¬ sive jurisdiction of all crimes committed within the county of Clay, of which the courts of pleas and quarter sessions of other counties in this State have jurisdiction, and all suits at law now pending in the court of pleas and quar¬ ter sessions of Cherokee county wherein the citizens of Clay county are both 'plaintiffs and defendants, and all indictments in said last named court against the citizens of Clay county, shall be transferred to the court of pleas and quarter sessions of Clay county in the manner now provided for transferring suits from one county to another. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That all criminal offences criminal offem- which may be committed in said county of Clay which rfes are cognizable only in the superior courts, shall be and continue under the jurisdiction of the superior court of said county of Cherokee until a superior court shall be established in and for said county of Clay. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That until a superior court civil suits im shall be established for said county of Clay, the citizens Courts, of said county of Clay may sue and be sued in the superior court of Cherokee county as they might have sued and might have been sued before the passage of this act, and all appeals from the judgments, orders and decrees of said court of pleas and quarter sessions of Clay county shall be taken to the superior court of Cherokee county in the same manner as now provided by law for appeals from the county to the superior courts in this State, until a su¬ perior court shall be established for said county of Clay. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That all persons who may imprisonment, be liable to imprisonment under any process, either crim¬ inal or civil, in Clay county, before the completion of a public jail in said county, shall be committed to the jail of Cherokee county. Sec. 10. Be it further enacted, That at the first term of Bumy 8Dd, the court of pleas and quarter sessions in said county of plat* Clay, the justices of the peace holding said court shall appoint one or more suitable persons to make a survey and plat of said county of Clay, he or they first taking an 12 1860-61. Chap. 7. oath before some acting justice of the peace for the faith¬ ful discharge of his duty. County Bite. Sec. 11. Be it further enacted, That Burton K. Dickey, William Walker, Drury Weeks, Plessent Henry and C. T. Rodgers, of the county of Cherokee, be and they are hereby appointed commissioners to select and determine a site for the permanent seat of justice for said county, and they shall locate the same as nearly as may be at the centre of said county, having in view the convenience and interest of the people of the county, and all or a majority of said commissioners shall have power to act. And when they shall have located said seat of justice, then it shall be the duty of Ezekiel Brown, James Coleman, R. B. Chambers, Will. M. Sanderson, George Bristol and John H. Johnston, or a majority of them, to purchase or receive by donation for the county of Clay, a tract of land con¬ sisting of not less than twenty-five acres, to be conveyed to the chairman of the court of pleas and quarter sessions of said county and his successors in office, which land when so purchased or donated, shall be deemed to be held by said chairman and his successors absolutely in fee sim¬ ple for said county of Clay, upon which tract of land a town shall be laid off and called " Hayesville," where the court house and jail shall be erected, and where, after the completion of the court house, the courts of said county shall be held, and the clerk's, register's and entry taker's offices shall be kept. F&iiure of Com- Sec. 12. Be it further enacted, That in case any of said missioned to commigsioners shall fail to act for any cause, the court of pleas and quarter sessions shall, at the first or any subse¬ quent term of said court, a majority of the justices of the peace of said county being present, proceed to fill such vacancy, and if either class of said commissioners shall fail to agree, and be equally divided in opinion as to any matter they may have in charge, they, or a majority of them shall have power to choose an umpire, whose decis¬ ion shall be final, and said county court shall make such allowance to said commissioners for their services as it may deem just and proper. 1S6CM61. Chap. 1. Sec. 13. Be it further enacted, That as soon as the said Court House, county site is fixed, the county court may cause to he erected thereon a temporary court house in which the courts of said county shall he held until the permanent court house is finished. Sec. 14. Be it further enacted, That said commissioners town Lots to appointed to purchase or receive hy donation a tract of 6 8°1 oi rendering the school year more consistent and uniform, ^General' it shall be arranged as follows, to wit: First, The hoards tendent^w" of county superintendents shall be appointed under the JSStobT18" regulations formerly established, and shall hold theirmade'etc" office, as already prescribed by law, their 'term of office beginning on the 3rd Monday of April and continuing for one year, and until others are chosen. Second, The chairman of the board of county superintendents shall be appointed at the time and under the regulations already established by law. Third, District committees shall be selected, by the boards of county superintendents on the third Monday in April in each year ; and persons in whose behalf petitions have been presented, and on whom a ma¬ jority of parents, guardians and voters have united shall be selected, and all such* petitions must be presented be¬ fore or on the 3rd Monday of April. Fourth, The chair¬ men of boards of county superintendents shall present their financial statement and vouchers to the committees of finance or clerks of the county courts, in the manner required by the provisions of the 49th section of the 66th chapter of the Revised Code, on or before the 4th Monday in March. Fifth, The chairmen of the boards of county superintendents shall make their reports to the general Superintendent of the State, according to the provisions of the said 49th section of the 66th chapter of the Revised Code, and ui^der the penalties already prescribed by law, on or before the third Monday in April in each year. Sixth, And the general superintendent for the State shall make his annual report as prescribed by the 58th section of the 66th chapter of the Revised Code, on or before the first Monday in July. And so much of sections 49 and 58 of the 66th chapter of the Revised Code as comes in conflict with the provisions of this bill [act] be and they are hereby repealed. Sec, 6. And be it further enacted, That for the diffusion joymaiofedu- ^ ^ 7 cation to be of necessary information among all the officers and teach- ^ o°fCcoraty ers of the common schools, the superintendent for the ents?rLlltend" {State be authorized to subscribe for a copy of " The North 34 1860-61. -Chap. 19. Bill to be pub¬ lish ed in the " Journal (if Education." Color of chil¬ dren. Drafts. Carolina Journal of Education," published under the aus¬ pices of the State educational association, for each chair¬ man of county superintendents, for each member of the committees of examination, and for each common school district; the copies for the districts to be sent hi-monthly, or every two months, at half the cost of the monthly edi¬ tions, to be used by the committees, and filed in the district school houses, and until the chairmen, send to the super¬ intendent the post offices of the committees, which they are hereby required to do as far as possible, the copies for said committees shall be sent to the chairman to be by them distributed, and the cost of said subscriptions shall be paid semi-annually, on the warrant of the Governor, by the treasurer of the literary fund. Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That a copy of this bill [act] shall be published in said Journal of Educa¬ tion as soon as said bill [act] becomqs a law, and that it shall be the duty of the superintendent of common schools for the State to prepare, as soon as possible, a new digest of all the laws in force in relation to common schools in the State, together with an index, notes and explanations, and to publish the same in one of the bi-monthly num¬ bers of the said Journal of Education sent to all the school districts, and that he cause five hundied extra copies to be printed for ,the use of his office. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That when questions shall arise as to whether children are descended ^om negro ancestors within the degrees that deprive them of the benefit of the common school fund, the hoard of county superintendents may and shall make decisions which shall be binding until the questions are decided by the courts having jurisdiction in such cases., either pa^ty having the right to appeal to said courts. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That no draft shall be drawn in favor of a teacher until the end of the term for which he was employed, or after the expiration of three months from its commencement, except in cases where teachers leave by consent of the committee before the time for which they were employed is out. 1860-61. Chap. 19—20. 35 Sec. 10. And be it further enacted, That when the chair- School Register man of the hoard of superintendents does not reside at the county seat he may deposit th$ school register for his County in the office of the clerk of the county court, m'a- king the clerk his deputy for the safe keeping of the same, and empowering him to furnish them to teachers on the orders 6f committees, and to take receipt for them accord¬ ing to the regulations governing the action of chairmen in this matter, and in such cases the registers may he re¬ turned again to the said clerks. Sec. 11. And be it further enacted, That this hill [act] shall he in force from and after its ratification, and that all laws^nd clauses of laws coming in conflict with its provisions he and they are hereby repealed. [Ratified the 23d day of February, 1861.] AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE STATE EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION OR Chap. 20. NORTH CAROLINA. Section 1. Be it enacted^ by the General Assembly of the incorporates State of North-Carolina and it is hereby Enacted by the ABS0cl#tI0n* authority of the same, That the State Educational Asso¬ ciation of North-Caroling, as organized hy a voluntary society in the town of Salisbury, on the 21st day of Oc¬ tober, A. D. 1856, whose organization was further perfected at the annual meetings held in Warrenton ofi the first day of July, 1857, in Statesville on the 7th day of July, 1858, in Newbern on the 14th day of June, 1859, and in Wilmington on November 13, 1860, shall he and the same is hereby incorporated under the name and style of " The State Educational Association of North Caroli¬ na," and may have and use a common seal, sue and he sued, and take, hold and convey real and personal property of the value of twenty thousand dollars, and no more, for the purposes hereinafter specified. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the said society OrgaKizaucn. may adopt for its government a constitution and by-laws, not inconsistent with the constitution and laws of this 36 1860—*61. ChIK 20. State or of the United States, and shall, according to the provisions of these, annually elect a president, six vice presidents, a recording secretary and a corresponding sec¬ retary and treasurer in one, all of whom shall hold their office* until their successors are appointed, and the said society shall have [a] permanent executive committee of three, consisting of the superintendent of common schools and the recording and corresponding secretaries, and whose powers and duties shall he prescribed in the con¬ stitution and by-laws of the society. Duties. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That it shall he the duty of the State Educational Association of North Car¬ olina to hold an annual meeting nt such place a^d time as the executive committee, or others authorized by the constitution and by-laws so to do, shall direct; at which meeting some questions connected with the course of ed¬ ucation shall be discussed and decided, and at which shall be delivered addresses and essays intended to promote the progress of useful learning in the State, and to diffuse information among the people; and the proceedings of these meetings, and such essays as the association may deem ptoper, stiall be published in pamphlet form, one copy of which shall be sent to the executive library, and one to the library of the State in Raleigh; one to each of the colleges, male and female, in the State; one to the chairman of each board of qpunty superintendents of common schools, to be filed in his office, and one to each committee of examination. Committees. Sec. 4. And be it f urther enacted^ That the said Asso¬ ciation shall have at least two standing committees, one to be called " The Committee on Common Schools," and one " The Committee on Statistics," which committees shall, from time to time, make reports to the association on the subjects on which they are appointed. Duty of super- Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the common duty of the superintendent of common schools for the State, to notify the chairman of the boards of superintend¬ ents >of common schools and the examining committees, and the president and directors of the literary fund, at 1860-61. Chap. 20. 37 least fifteen days in advance of the time and ^lace of each annual meeting of the association, to make an an¬ nual address "before it setting forth the condition, yants and prospects of the common school system, to aid in di¬ recting its deliberations and action to useful purposes connected with the cause of general education, and to exert himself to prevent any sectional, sectarian or polit¬ ical bias in its proceedings. Seg? 6. Be it further enacted, That said association n. c. journal shall have published under it^ auspices a monthly period¬ ical to be called "The Notth Carolina Journal of Edu¬ cation," to be conducted by such persons, and oil such terms as it or its authorized committees may see fit; and the first named of the board of editors shall be the super¬ intendent of common schools for the State, who shall pub¬ lish in said journal such of his official decisions as he may deem of general interest; his annual letters of instructions to committees of examination—extracts from his annual report to the Governor—such suggestions as he may deem important, with explanations of the duties of his subor¬ dinate officers ; and once in every two years, a digest with index and notes of all the laws in force in regard to com¬ mon schools. Sec. 7. And he it further enacted, That it shall be the appropriates duty of the president and directors of the literary fund for fo^years. to pay to said association, through its executive commit¬ tee, the sum of six hundred dollars per annum for four years, beginning the year 1859, and ending with the year 1862 ; Provided, Such appropriation can be made from the literary fund without diminishing the usual distribu¬ tion for common school purposes, or injuriously interfering with the usual operations of the literary board, or of the common school system; And provided, also, That the books, accounts and operations of the association are open to the inspection of the Governor of the State ; And this charter may be declared null and void whenever by the proper legal process, in the authorized tribunal, it shall be proved to have befcome a political, sectional or sectarian society, or to be engaged as a society in propagating 38 1860-61.- Chap. 20—21—22. doctrinfes inconsistent with the peace and safety of the State. appropriates Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That the president woo annually. an(^ flirectors 0f literary fund shall annually appro¬ priate to said society one hundred dollars, to he paid under the direction of the executive committee, in premiums of not more than thirty dollars, nor less than fifteen each, to common school teachers for essays on such subjects as the association or its authorized committee shall select. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That this act shall he in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 2Zd day of February, 1861. IDIOTS AND LUNATICS. Chap. 21. AN act concerning insane persons. Duty of jus- Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That whenever two or m6re justices of the peace shall, under'the provisions of sec. 1*7, chapter six of the Kevised Code, direct any insane person to he removed to the Asylum as a patient, it shall he their duty to make a full report of their proceedings in their hehalf to the next term of the court of pleas and quarter sessions. {Ratified the 23rd day of February, 1861.] Chap. 22. an act110 amend section 1st, chapter 57th, op revised code, entitled " idiots and lunatics." fiuperinten- Sec, 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State «ate evidence. " of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the samb, That section 1st, chapter 57th of Revised Code, entitled " Idiots and Lunatics" he amended so as to read as follows : Provided, That if any person is confined in any asylum for lunatics and insane persons, the certifi¬ cate of the superintendent of such asylum declaring such 1860-61. Chap. 22—23. 39 person to be of insane mind and memory, Which certificate shall be sworn to and subscribed before the clerk of any court of record of the county in which such asylum is sit¬ uated, and certified under the seal of such court, shall be sufficient evidence to authorize the county court to ap¬ point a guardian for such idiot, lunatic or person of insane mind and memory. Sec. 2. Befit further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 25th day of February, 1861. INCENDIARY LANGUAGE. AN ACT TO AMEND THE ^6TH AND 17TH SECTIONS OE 34TH CHAPTER Qha'p. 23 REVISED CODE. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the circuiati^-in- State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the ment^ony"* authority of the same, That if any person shall willfully bring into the State, with the intent to circulate, or shall willfully circulate or publish within the State, or shall aid or abet the bringing into, or circulation, or publication of, within the State, any written or printed pamphlet or paper, whether written or printed in or out of the State, the evident tendency whereof is to cause slaves to become discontented with the bondage in which they are held by their masters, and the laws regulating the same, and free negroes to be dissatisfied with their social condition, such person so* offending shall be deemed guilty of felony, and on conviction thereof shall suffer death. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That if any person, by Exciting eoi. words, shall endeavor to excite in any slave or free negro fe?0ny®rsons' or person of color, a spirit of insurrection, conspiracy or rebellion, such person so offending shall he deemed guilty of felony, and on conviction thereof shall suffer death. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That if any person shall inflammatory ' u A language mid* use inflammatory language, the tendency of which would demeanor, "be to excite in any slave or free negro a spirit of insur- 40 1860-61. Chap. 23—24. rection, conspiracy or rebellion, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be fined or imprisoned, at the discretion of the court. [Ratified the 23d day of February, 1861.] MILITIA. Chap. 24. an act t0 amend the seventieth chapter of the revised code, " militia." Enrollment. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That all free white males and ap¬ prentices who are of the age of eighteen years, and under the age of forty-five years, and who reside in the State of North-Carolina, except ministers of the gospel, shall be enrolled in the militia of this State, by the captain or commanding officer of the infantry company within whose district such persons shall reside; and the said officer shall notify such free white males and apprentices of their enrollment by a non-commissioned officer of his company, and by whom said notice shall be proved. Major General. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That whenever a vacan¬ cy shall occur in the office of major general, the same shall be filled by the plurality of the written votes of the field, staff and commissioned officers of the division, the election to be held at a time and place to be designated by the adjutant general; and whenever a vacancy shall occur in the office of brigadier general, the same shall be filled by the field, staff and commissioned officers of the brigade, under the same rules and regulations as are here¬ in prescribed for the election of a major general, and the Governor shall commission said officers when notified of their election. SSffffSi Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That whenever there shall panies, etc. a vacancy in any company of the commissioned offi¬ cers to command the said company, and upon an election having been ordered in said company there shall be a 1860-61 Chap, 24. failure to elect a captain and other commissioned officers for the company, from either the failure of any candidate for said office, or from the neglect or refusal of the com¬ pany to elect, and where there are no suitable persons in said company who are willing to accept the appointment of commissions in the company after being elected or ap¬ pointed to the same, it shall he the duty of the colonel or other commanding officer in the regiment to which said company is attached; or, if there is no commander of said regiment, then it shall he the duty of the brigadier gen¬ eral in whose brigade said regiment belongs, within thirty days after said election shall have been ordered by him, and the neglect or refusal of said company to elect com¬ pany officers, either from the want of a candidate, or for any other 'cause, and he is hereby authorized and required to appoint some fit and suitable person to act as captain or other commissioned officers to supply said vacancies in said company for the space of two years from the date of said appointment, whose duty it shall he to accept said appointment, and to act as captain or other commissioned officer in said company for two years from the date there¬ of, who shall be commissioned and have all the powers •and authority, and liable to all the penalties as captains and other commissioned company officers now have and are liable for by law. And if any person so appointed shall neglect or refuse to accept such appointment, or shall fail to receive said commission when tendered to him, and qualify as said officer within the space of thirty days from the time of his appointment and commission ten¬ dered, he shall forfeit and pay the sum of fifteen dollars, if appointed to the office of captain, and ten dollars if appointed to any other place' fis commissioned officer in the company, for such neglect or refusal; which penalty -shall he recovered by warrant before any justice of the peace, in the name of the State by the officer making the appointment, one-fifth to the use of the officer suing, and the other four-fifths to the use of the State. And it shall be the duty of the said commanding officer of the regi¬ ment, or in case there is none, then it shall be the duty 42 1860-61 Chap. 24. of the brigadier general in whose regiment said company belongs, within thirty days thereafter, to make new ap¬ pointments of other persons in said company liable to do military duty to said officers, and so on, under like pen¬ alties, until suitable officers can be found who shall ac¬ cept said offices; Provided, That no person shall be appointed who is not liable to do military duty, and no- person who has been once appointed and refused to accept,, and who has paid the forfeiture, or who has served two years, shall be compelled to serve, or be liable to be ap¬ pointed again within five years from said refusal or ap¬ pointment ; Provided, That no person who is a member of any organized volunteer or fire company in this State- shall be compelled to serve whilst he is a member of said company ; Provided, further, That any person appointed as above shall not be compelled to equip himself with any pf the equipments required by law for his said office, ex¬ cept a sword and belt, cap and plume, epauletts and blue frock coat and pants of homespun, or any other texture, with white metal buttons; And provided further, That he shall be released from the payment of poll tax, from working on the roads, and from serving on juries during his continuance in said office. field officers. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That any field officer oth¬ er than major or brigadier general, who shall fail or refuse to accept such office to which he may be elected or ap¬ pointed, shall forfeit and pay the sum of fifty dollars. Election of md Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That hereafter, whenever Offloerrt' any vacancy shall occur in any regiment of colonel, lieu¬ tenant colonel or major, the same shall be filled by an election held by the rank and file of the regiment, at the usual place of meeting foi" regimental muster in their re¬ spective counties, on a day designated by the adjutant general, under the superintendence of the captain and first lieutenant of each company, who shall inform the Governor of the result of said election, and he shall issue a commission to the officer receiving a plurality of the votes cast. Drill h review. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That the commandant of 1860-61. Chap. 24. 43: each regiment shall assemble his regiment once in each year for drill arid review, and for failure of this duty shall forfeit and pay one hundred dollars ; and each captain or commandant of a company shall assemble his company four times in each year for drill, and for a failure of this shall forfeit the sum of fifty dollars, and at said drills all persons required to perform military duty shall appear in person, and not be allowed to hire a substitute. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That any commandant returns, of a regiment shall, on or before the 25th day of October, in each year, make a return of the strength of his regi¬ ment to the brigadier general of the brigade to which such regiment belongs, and shall make a duplicate return to the adjutant general, on or before the 25th day of No¬ vember in each year, and he shall note in said return whether his regiment has been reviewed by the major and brigadier generals, and at what time, and in default of su^Il return he shall forfeit and pay one hundred dollars. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That the tax lists shall Military Roil. • have a column headed " military roll," to be prepared by the comptroller, and that the tax list takers shall annu¬ ally include in their lists the names of the persons in their districts between the ages of eighteen and forty-five years, liable to be enrolled for military duty, and it shall be the duty of every person who shall give in his taxables to report himself, on oath, for enlistment who is liable for military duty ; and every white person who shall return his taxes shall also, on oath, report (on oath) every per¬ son residing in his family who shall be liable for military duty. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That the tax list takers lists to be shall return the lists to the clerks of the county courts, and by them the names of such persons liable to military duty shall be drawn off, the district in which they live specified, and a copy of such list shall be given to the co¬ lonel of the regiment, and also to the captain of the com¬ pany in each district, and the clerks shall receive the sum of five dollars for their services, to be paid by the county treasurer. 44 1860-'61.> Chap. 24. whenever ais Sec. 10, Be it further enacted, That whenever any com- orgamzed. pany sfiaij_ "be g0 disorganized that there is no commis¬ sioned company officers to command the same, and no regular roll of said company, or if the muster roll is not produced within twenty days after the same is required by the commandant of the regiment, the brigadier gene¬ ral or the 'sheriff of the county, after public notice shall have been given in a newspaper circulating in said company, or notice given at the court house door and three other public places in said company, then it shall be the duty of the commandant of the regiment, or if there be none such, then it shall bfe the duty of the brigadier general of that brigade, and if that too is vacant, it shall be the duty of the sheriff of the county, between the first day of April and the first day July, in each and every year, upon the order of the adjutant gen¬ eral (if to the sheriff) to employ some fit and suitable person, living in said company or regiment, to enrotl all the white males within the bounds of said company, be¬ tween the ages of eighteen years and forty-five years, lia¬ ble to do military duty, and order the persons so enrolled to appear within thirty days, at the place where the said company had last usually held their company musters, for the purpose of holding an election for officers for said company, and the person so employed and detailed shall have power and authority, and it shall be his duty to ap¬ point all proper officers and a clerk for that day to assist him, who shall each forfeit and pay the sum of two dol¬ lars, to be recovered before any justice of the peace by the person detailed, one-half to the use of said person, and the other half to the use of the State, for every neglect or re¬ fusal ; and it shall be the duty of the person employed to call the roll and note all delinquents, and he shall hold an election and report and return the result of the same to the commanding officer of the regiment, or the briga¬ dier general, or the sheriff, as the case may be, who shall proceed, as hereinbefore in this act ordered in section 5th of this chapter; in case of no election, the officer or person to whom the return is made shall return the same to his 1860-^61." Chap. 24. 45 superior officer, or in case of the sheriff to the adjutant general, and in case any of the parties enrolled and noti¬ fied to attend shall neglect or refuse to attend on the day appointed for said election, he shall forfeit and pay the sum of two dollars, to he recovered by the person detailed, by warrant, in the name of the State, before any justice of the peace of said county, one-half to the use of the per¬ son detailed, or employed to make such enrollment and election, and the other half to the use of the company for military purposes. Sec. 11. Be it further eno.cted, That there shall be volunteer * 7 # corps of ten formed a volunteer corps in the State, to consist of not thousand, exceeding ten thousand men, who shall be subject to the call of the commander-in-chief, in cases of emergency: Provided, however, That the Governor shall be authorized Additional , twenty thous- to enroll twenty thousand additional men, under the same and. rules and restrictions as hereafter are provided for the volunteer corps in case of actual war. Sec. 12. Beit further enacted, That the said corps of how composed volunteers shall be composed of two divisions and four brigades ; that £ach brigade shall be composed of not less than two regiments; that each regiment shall be com¬ posed of not less than six companies ; that each company shall be composed of not less than thirty-two privates, nor more than one hundred. Sec. 13. Be it further enacted, That the said corps mai°r General, shall be officered by two major generals, to be elected by the rank and file of the division, under the same rules and regulations as shall be provided for the election of colonels, lieutenant-colonels and majors. Sec. 14. Be it further enacted, That each brigade shall ^gadier Gen- be officered by one brigadier general, to be elected in the same manner and at the same time and places as pre¬ scribed for the election of major generals in the preceding section ; and the said brigadier generals shall each have the power to appoint the following staff officers : one brig¬ ade major, one brigade inspector, one brigade commis¬ sary, one brigade quarter-master, one brigade surgeon, each with the rank of surgeon, and the aids de camp with 46 1860-61. Chap. 24. the rank of captain. The said staff officers, with the ex¬ ception of the surgeons, to he selected from the volunteer corps, and to hold no higher command than they held in the corps from which they are taken, and such officers to he commissioned by the Governor. regimental of Sec. 15. Be it further enacted, That each regiment shall ficers. n officered by one colonel, one lieutenant colonel and one major, to be selected from the regiment, and such officers shall be chosen by the rank and file of the regiment, and the colonel of each regiment shall have the power to ap¬ point the following officers : one adjutant, one quarter-mas¬ ter, one commissary and one surgeon. The officers, except the surgeon, shall be taken from the commissioned officers of the regiment below the rank of captain ; and the col¬ onel of regiments shall have power to appoint musicians, not exceeding ten in number^ company offi- Sec. 16. Be it further enacted, That each company cer8, shall be officered: one captajm, one first and one second lieutenant, one third lieutenant, four sergeants and four corporals. The commissioned officers of each company shall be elected by the written vote of the men of each company, and the non-commissioned officers to be ap¬ pointed by the captains ; such commissioned officers to be commissioned by the Governor. Organization Sec. 17. Be it further enacted, That as soon as one or of Regiments --i-i-it i i i • i more companies shall have been organized, as hereinbe¬ fore prescribed, it shall be the duty of the captains of said companies to tender the services of said companies to the Governor—all the members of the company signing the same ; and the Governor is hereby authorized to receive, arm and equip the same at the expense of the State, to the extent of the appropriation made for that purpose; and when six or more companies shall have been organ¬ ized and shall have tendered their services to the Govern¬ or, in the manner hereinbefore prescribed, the Governor shall organize the same into a regiment, and the rank and file shall meet at the usual parade ground of their re¬ spective counties, on a certain day designated by a ma¬ jority of the officers of said company, and elect by ballot 1860-61. Chap. 24. 47 a colonel, lieutenant colonel and major, under the direc¬ tion of the captains, and the result of such ballot shall be returned by the captains thereof to t"he Governor, who shall declare the election of officers and commission the same; and in default of such election, the Governor shall appoint said officers. Sec. 18. Be it further enacted, That as soon as the regi- Brigadee- ment shall have been formed and organized in the man¬ ner as herein prescribed, the Governor shall organize the same into a brigade, and so in like manner until the whole ten thousand volunteers are organized into regiments, brigades and divisions. Sec. J 9. Be it further enacted, That for the government and drilling of the volunteers under this organization, eacb company and regiment"shall be governed by the rules and regulations that are now prescribed for the govern¬ ment of the army of the United States, and the corps shall be drilled according to Hardee's tactics, and such other tactics as shall be prescribed by the commander-in-chief; and a copy of such tactics shall be furnished to each com¬ missioned officer in said corps. Sec. 20. Be it further enacted, That the time of service time of service, of such volunteer corps shall be ten years ; and they shall be exempt after the expiration of ten years from active military duty, unless in case of invasion or insurrection, and such corps, when called into active service, shall serve during the pleasure of the commander-in-chief, unless sooner disbanded by law. Sec. 21. Be it further enacted, That the same pay and pay and rations rations now allowed by the army regulations to the com¬ missioned and non-commissioned officers, privates and musicians of the army of the United States, shall be al¬ lowed to the yolunteer corps, or any part of them, when ordered by the Governor into active service. Sec. 22. Be it further dbacted, That in the distribution armi?,&o. of the arms of the State to the volunteer corps, the Gov¬ ernor shall take a bond, payable to &e State of North Cfarolina, with sufficient security from the captain of each company to whom such arms shall be distributed for the 48 1860-61. Chap. 24. safe keeping and return of suck arms; and tlie captains of the volunteer companies shall each make an annual re¬ turn of the number of men in his company, on or before the 15th day of July, to the adjutant general's office, and a duplicate to the colonel of the regiment, such return ta be on oath; and whenever any company shall be less in number than is now prescribed by the 51st sec. of the ^Oth chapter " Revised Code," and who are equipped, it shall be the duty of the Governor to declare the company disbanded, and to call in the arms ; Provided, That when any company not having sixty-four privates shall bo called into actual service, the Governor may draw from the militia a sufficient number to increase such company to sixty-four. annual drills Sec. 23. Be it further enacted, That the Governor shall have the power once in each year to call together the officers of brigades and divisions for the purpose of drill, and shall continue such drill not exceeding six: days in each year. Distribution of Sec. 24. Be it further enacted, That in the distribution Arms. 0f arms to the volunteer corps, each county in the State that shall raise and report to the Governor one company of thirty-two privates under the regulations required by this act, shall be entitled to draw such arms ; Provided, such company shall be organized and reported within six months after the ratification of this act. Uniform. Sec. 25. Be it further enacted, That the uniform for the volunteer corps, and for officers of the militia shall he of cadet gray, manufactured in the State of North Carolina; Provided, That military officers now uniformed shall not be compelled to change the same until called into actual service. And the different corps and ranks shall he dis¬ tinguished as the same corps and rank are now distin¬ guished in the service of the United States. when to bore- Sec. 26. Be it further enacted, That the military volun- received. teer companies now in the State, as soon as they report themselves with the*' full compliment of men, shall be re¬ ceived by the Governor, and they may retain the uniform' which the company have adopted, until called into actual service. 18G0-61. Chap. 24. 49 ►Sec. 27. Be it further enacted, That the Governor shall Courts martial, have the power to hold or cause to he held a court mar¬ tial each year, in the city of Raleigh, to try delinquent general officers of militia and field officers of the volun¬ teer corps; such court to consist of not more than five, nor less than three officers, and the expenses of said court shall he paid by the court. Sec. 28. Be it further enacted, That the Governor shall Collection and . repair of arms. have the power to collect and repair the arms of the State, and shall he authorized to draw on the treasurer of the State for the expenses of the said collection and repairing, and such arms as cannot he repaired to advantage he shall have power to sell. Sec. 29. Be it further enacted, That the clerks of the Exemptions, county court in the State shall return to the comptroller the sums of money paid for exemption from military duty under this act. Sec. 3d. Be it further enacted, That the adjutant gen- adjutant Gene- eral he elected by joint ballot of both houses of the Gene- cripensation,' ral Assembly, and shall keep a roster of the militia of the State, containing dates of commissions, rank, the corps, divisions, brigades and regiments, and the places of residence of officers, which roster shall be corrected every year. He shall enter into a book, kept for that purpose, a local description of the regimental, brigade and division districts ; the books to be furnished by the State, and belong to the office. He shall adopt a seal of office, and all copies of records and papers in his office, duly certified under such seal, shall be evidence in all cases as if the original were produced. He shall cause the military laws of the State to be printed from time to time, and distributed to the commissioned field officers of the State. He shall prepare and distribute, at the ex¬ pense of the State, proper blank books, forms and notices. He shall prepare general regulations prescribing the duties of the different military departments, which, when approved by the commander-in-chief, shall be obeyed and respected. He shall report to the Legislature, through the commander-in-chief, the strength and con- 50 1860-61. Chap. 24. dition of the military of the State, of the puhliG arms, equipments, ordnance, hooks and military stores; and he shall render a statement of all that may he necessary to keep up an ample supply of every article that may he re¬ quired in the public service. He shall execute all orders of the commander-in-chief, and keep a record thereof. He shall attend all reviews of the commander-in-chief, and as quarter-master-general, he shall give a bond in the sum of five thousand dollars for the faithful discharge of his duties, with two good securities, to be approved by the commander-in-chief. He shall receive a salary of eighteen hundred dollars per annum, in full payment for services rendered as adjutant general, acting quarter-mas¬ ter general, inspector general and keeper of public stores and munitions of war. He shall attend all encampments, and while the troops are under arms, he shall inspect their arms, ammunition and accoutrements; superintend the ex¬ ercises and enforce the discipline and tactics required by law. He shall, in time of war, have the command and rank of brigadier general. He shall cause suit to be brought in the name of the State of North Carolina, and he is hereby empowered so to do in any court in this State, or before any justice of the peace, when the amount sued for is within the jurisdiction of justices of the peace by the laws of this State, for any penalty incurred or any fine imposed by reason of the military laws of the State. He shall Term of office. ^ig 0fgce for the space of two years, unless the same is made vacant by resignation or promotion ; and should the office become vacant by reason of death, resignation, refusal to accept, or otherwise, during the recess of the Legislature, then the Governor may fill said office by ap¬ pointment until the next meeting of the General Assem¬ bly. Sec. 31. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and alter its ratification, and all laws com¬ ing in conflict with the provisions of this act, are hereby repealed. [Ratified the 20th day of February, 1861.] 1860-61. Chap. 25. AN ACT TO CREATE THE ARTILLERY CORPS OE NORTH CAROLINA. CJlttp. 25* Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the corpa of Artur State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the lery% authority of the same, That there shall he organized a corps of artillery, to consist of such troops and companies as may now and hereafter be raised in the several coun¬ ties of the State, not to exceed ten in mumber, to include both horse and foot artillery. Sec. 2. Beit further enacted, That whenever a company, organization of not less than sixty-four, nor more than one hundred, shallC0mpany* be reported to the chief of artillery, the chief shall direct said company to proceed to the election of the following officers, viz : one captain, two first lieutenants, two second lieutenants, to be commissioned by the Governor; and the captain so elected shall be appointed from the ranks ; one first sergeant, four sergeants, four corporals, two ar¬ tificers, two buglers, and (one farrier and one saddler, if the company be mounted,) and make report of the same together with the number of privates, to the chief of ar¬ tillery, who shall issue warrants to the non-commissioned officers aforesaid, and the chief of artillery shall there¬ upon make his report to the commander-in-chief of the State, together with a requisition for the necessary arms and equipments for the company. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the arms to be fur- Ami, nished to said companies shall be prescribed and shall be recommended by the chief of artillery, and approved by the commander-in-chief of the State ; and said arms and equipments shall be furnished by the Governor, if such, are in possession of the State, or can be procured out of any funds appropriated for arming the State. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That from and after the chief of Axtak passage of this act, the Governor shall appoint some suit- lery able person, a citizen of the State, to the office of the chief of artillery, with the rank of colonel, who shall have the su¬ pervision of the forming, equipping, arming and instruct¬ ing in their proper duties, the several troops and com-* panies that may constitute this corps—and he shall be a 52 1860-61 Chap. 25—26. staff officer of the commander-in-chief; once a year at least he shall inspect the several troops and companies constituting the corps, and see that all the equipments,, arms and ammunition are properly cleaned, cared for and preserved, and make his report in full of all matters to the commander-in-chief; all said troops and companies shall he subordinate to the chief of artillery, and receive their orders from arid through him, and make annual re¬ turns, and oftener, if necessary or required, of all ord¬ nance and ordnance stores, and all other property belong- to the State, in their possession, and also report the state and condition of such troops and companies as shall he prescribed from time to time by the chief of artillery. Of ordnance Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That the chief of artillery shall also be chief of ordnance and military engineers, and perform the duties in these several departments as the commander-in-chief may prescribe. Sec. C; Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its passage. [Ratified the 25th day of February, 1861. Chap 26 an act t0 incorporate the piney woods cavalry and wake light dragoons, also other companies. Bodies politic. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the volunteer companies in the county of Wake commanded by George H. Fairebault and John C. Merriot; also John Harvey, commander of Guard and Perquimans Hangers; also Smithville Guards in the county of Erunswick, commanded by ; also Pee Dee Guards, of Richmond county, commanded by ; also the Warren Horse Guards, commanded by Capt. H. T. May field, and Warren Guards, commanded by Capt. B. 0. Wade; also Independent Greens, of Green county, commanded by W. A. Darden, jr.; also Wilming¬ ton Rifle Guards, commanded by 0. P. Meares; also Neuse cavalry company, commanded by ; and also 1860-61. Chap. 26—27. 53 Rocky Mount Liglit Infantry, in the county of Edge¬ combe, commanded by Rich. H. Lewis, he and the same are hereby declared to be bodies politic and corporate by the name and style of the Piney Woods Cavalry, and Wake Light Dragoons, Perquimans G-uards and Per¬ quimans Rangers, Smithville Guards, Pee Dee Guards, Warren Horse Guards, and Warren Guards, Independent Greens, Wilmington Rifle Guards, Neuse Cavalry, and also the Rocky Mount Light Infantry, and shall have power and authority to make such by-laws not inconsis¬ tent with the constitution and laws of this State as they may deem necessary for the regulation of the companies. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That all fines and amerce-Eines. ments which shall be, collected by said companies shall enure to the use of the same. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That said companies shall Exemption*, be exempt from all military duty, except in case of insur¬ rection or invasion, at least six times in each year for the period of twelve years, Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 22d day of February, 1861.] AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE PURCHASE OP ARMS AND MUNITIONS OP WAR. (Jfiap, 27, Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Appropriates State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the 5300)0 * authority of the same, That the sum of three hundred thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated for the purchase of arms and munitions of war for the use of the State, the arms to be of the most effective and im¬ proved kind. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That for the purpose of Authorize raising the money herein appropriated, the public treas- stat« bond* urer shall, from time to time, when called upon by the Governor, issue the bonds of the State, with coupons at¬ tached, to the amount of three hundred thousand dollars, signed by himself, and countersigned by the comptroller, 51 1860—61. Chap. 27—28. Military Com¬ missioners. Term of ser¬ vice and com; peaaatio*. in sums not less than five hundred dollars each, pledging the State for the payment of the sum therein mentioned, •with interest thereon at a rate of interest not exceeding six per cent, per annum, payable semi-annually, at such times and places as the public treasurer may appoint; the principal of which bonds shall be redeemable at the end of thirty years from the time the same are issued. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That in order to carry out the provision of this act, that Major D. H. Hill, of the town of Charlotte, and Col. C. C. Tew, of the town of Hillsboro', shall constitute a military commission, whose duty it shall be to advise with the Governor in relation to the manner of providing the State with arms and mu¬ nitions of war. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the military com¬ mission herein provided for shall cease at the end of seven¬ ty days from the ratification of this act, and that the com¬ missioners, during their attendance in the discharge of their duty, shall be entitled to the same pay and mileage as is now allowed to members of the General Assembly. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the — day of January, 1861. PARTNEKSHIP. Ch(ip 28 AN ACT T° PR0VIDE F0R LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. Mayio formed. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same} That limited partnerships for the transaction of any mercantile, manufacturing or mechan¬ ical business within the State may be formed by two or more persons, upon the terms and with rights and powers and subject to the conditions and liabilities in this chap¬ ter, but its provisions must not be construed to authorize any such partnership for the conducting of a banking or insurance business. I860—'61. Chap. 28. 55 Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That such partners may General and J ' A _ " "Pecial part- COnSlst of one or more persons, who are general partners, nerB- and are jointly and severally responsible as partners are now by law, and of one or more persons, who contribute in actual cash, payments a specific sum as capital to the common stock, who are called special partners, and who are not liable for the debts of the partnership beyond the funds so contributed to the capital. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the persons desirous certificate, of forming such partnership must make and severally sign a certificate containing first the name or firm under which such partnership is to be conducted ; second, The general nature of the business to be transacted ; third, The*names of all the general and special partners inter¬ ested therein, distinguishing which are general and which are special partners, and their respective place of resi¬ dence ; fourth, The amount of capital which each special partner has contributed to the common stock; 5th, The period at which such partnership is to commence and ter¬ minate. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the certificate must acknowledged be acknowledged by the several persons signing the same and reglstered* before a judge of the supreme or superior court of law, or before the clerk of the court of pleas and quarter ses¬ sions of the county in which the principal place of busi¬ ness of such partnership is situated, and the said judge or clerk shall endorse said acknowledgment, and order the certificate to be registered. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That the certificate and where to be acknowledgment and order for registration must be regis-regl8tereState owning any bonds of Tax on state A n -KT • 1 bonds issnedaf- the State ot North Carolina, issued alter the ratification ter ratification, of this act, shall be liable to a tax of 4 cents on every dollar of interest received from such investment. (4) Paragraph (7) shall be amended as follows :— Tax uron divi- Every dollar of nett dividend or profit, not previously ftlnds and prof" listed, declared, received, or due on or before the first day of July in each year, upon money or capital invested in shares in the Bank of Washington, the Merchants' Bank of Newberne, the Bank of Wadesboro', the Bank of Fay- etteville, the Commercial Bank of Wilmington, the Farmers' Bank of North Carolina, the Bank of Charlotte, and the Bank of Yanceyville, shall pay an annual tax of nine cents; and in shares in all other banks, or in any other incorporation, or trading company, or in steam vessels of twenty tons burden or upwards, four cents ; and any person listing any dividends of profit of the banks herein specially named, shall be required to list the same, separately from any other dividend or profit, for which he is liable to a tax, and also to specify the name of the bank from which said dividend is due, or has been re¬ ceived. (5) Every resident surgeon, dentist, physician, lawyer, Tax ugP™ prac- portrait or miniature painter, daguerrean artist, or other fees! wages, &c. person taking likenesses of the human face, every com¬ mission merchant, factor, produce broker, and auctioneer, every State and County officer, (except judges of the su¬ preme and superior courts,) every president and cashier or treasurer of any bank, railroad or other incorporated company, whose annual total receipts and income, in the way of practice, salary, fees, wages, perquisites and emol¬ uments amount to [or] are worth five hundred dollars or 64 1860-61. Chap. 32. upwards, one per cent, on sucli total receipts and income; and so much, of paragraph (16,) Schedule A., as imposes a tax upon persons other than those herein named, is here¬ by repealed. Tax on liquors, (6) That tax imposed by paragraph (17) upon liquors, aiais.8 an °°r" wines and cordials shall hereafter be four per cent, where it is five per cent., and eight where it is now ten per cent., and this paragraph, so amehded, is hereby transferred to Schedule B., and the tax imposed by it shall hereafter be given in and paid under the same rules, regulations and penalties as are prescribed in case of merchants' tax. collateral in- H) To facilitate the collection of the tax on collaterals, beritance. Re- v ' .... turn how to be everv executor or administrator shall return in his mven- noade. " tory, whether the estate of the deceased goes to the lineal or collateral relations or to a stranger, and if to collater¬ als the degree of relationship of such collaterals to the deceased, under a penalty of one hundred dollars, to bo recovered in the name and for the use of the State. Schedule B. See. 1. The amendments under Schedule B. shall be as follows, to wit: (1) Every money or exchange, bond or note broker, priv ate banker or agent of a foreign broker or banker,, shall pay the sum of five hundred dollars for each county in which he has an office or place of business, and every person acting for such broker, whether with or without compensation, shall be held and deemed a broker to all intents and purposes, in the place or county in which he shall so act, and shall be liable for the above tax. (2) Every person who is not a resident of this State, and who shall come into this State in the capacity of, or as agent for a broker, and with the intention of exercising any of the functions of a money or exchange broker, shall pay the sum of five hundred dollars in each and every county in which he shall act as a broker, which tax shall be collected by the sheriff of the county, and be accounted for as other taxes. Broker's tax. Non-resident Broker's tax $500. 1860-61. Chap. 32. 65 (3) Every person who shall propose to act as broker b™*€TS'li_ according to the foregoing section, shall pay the tax to the sheriff of the county in the county in which such bro¬ ker's business is to be transacted, and take a license for the same, which shall authorize him to act as broker for one year; aad any person who shall act without such license shall forfeit the sum of fifteen hundred dollars, to be recovered by the sheriff of the county where such tax may be due, one-third of which shall go to the sheriff, and the remainder shall be accounted for as other taxes, and such person so offending shall be guilty of a misde¬ meanor. f (4) Every non-resident merchant, drummer or agent, Non-resident i i • i n i o? merchants, who shall come into this State and sell any goods, wares, drummers or . . agents, to ob- or merchandise, by sample or otherwise, whether delivered tain license and • 11 £Ive or to be delivered, snail pay a tax of one-half of one per cent, on the gross amount of such sale made in any one year, and shall, before making such sale, obtain a written license from the sheriff of the county in which he propo¬ ses to do business, which the sheriff is authorized to issue whenever such person shall give bond with security in the sum of five hundred dollars for the payment of the tax hereby imposed, at the time and under the same rules and regulations as are prescribed for the payment of mer¬ chants' tax; and any person violating the provisions of this paragraph shall be liable to a penalty of five hun¬ dred dollars, to be collected by the sheriff, four hundred dollars of which shall be accounted for and paid as other State taxes, and he shall be further liable to indictment,* as for a misdemeanor. Schedule C. Sec. 4. And the amendments under schedule C shall tax upon Bank , „ , ., stock to be paid be as follows, to Wit : by President (1.) The president and cashier of the banks herein named, on or before the first day of October in each year, shall pay into the public treasury the following tax on each share of gtock owned by individuals or corporations, to wit: 9 66 1860-61 CHAP. 32. The Bank of Washington, twenty-five cents. The Merchants Bank of Newbern, twenty-five cents. The Bank of Wadesboro', twelve and a half cents. The Bank of Fayetteville, twelve and a half cents. The Commercial Bank of Wilmington, twenty-five cents. The Farmers Bank of North Carolina, twenty-five cents. The Bank of North Carolina, sixty cents. The Bank of Lexington, thirty tents. The Miners and Planters Bank, thirty cents. The Bank of Commerce, thirty cents. The Bank of-Clarendon, thirty cents. The Bank of Cape Fear, sixty cents. The Bank of Wilmington, sixty cents. The Bank of Charlotte, twelve and a half eents. The Bank of Salisbury, sixty cents. The Bank of Yancey ville, twenty-five cents. And any other which may be chartered by this or any future General Assembly, sixty cents on the share of $100 of such stock, and in that proportion for shares of a less value. And in case the said officers of any bank shall neglect neglect or fail to pay the tax as herein required, said bank shall pay double the amount of said tax, and the same shall be sued for and recovered by the Attorney General in the name of the State, in the superior court of the county of Wake. copy of tax list. ®EC- 5. Hereafter the clerks of the county courts shall to^ier£tim° have until the tenth day of April, in the year ensuing the taking of the tax list, to deliver to the sheriff such a copy thereof, and under the same penalties as are pre¬ scribed in the fortieth (40) section of said act. [Ratified the 23d day of February, 1861. Penalty for 1860—r61 Chap. 33. 6T SINKING FUND. AN ACT FURTHER TO AMEND " AN ACT TO CREATE A SINKING FUND." Chap, 33. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State Commissioners of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted. That in order Agents out oi thd StstOt to enable the commissioners of the sinking fund to make investments or sales the more expeditiously and with the greater advantage, and otherwise facilitate their opera¬ tions, they shall have power and authority to appoint prop¬ er persons, residing out of this State, as their agent or agents for those purposes ; and may make such reason¬ able allowances as may be usual for such services, and to those ends they may order the public treasurer to procure On such terms as they may prescribe, and remit to such agent or agents the funds to be at any time invested. Be it further enacted, That in order to avoid loss by How bonds or spoliation or otherwise, and promote convenience, the be cancelled.— . . . . . j, . r ... Certificatesto commissioners oi the sinking fund may, irom time to time, be issued. in their discretion, order and direct that any bonds or se¬ curities for a debt of the State issued by or on behalf of this State, which the commissioners of the sinking fund have purchased or paid, or may purchase or pay, and now or may hereafter hold as a part of the sinking fund, shall be cancelled or burned, and thereupon the same shall be cancelled or burned by the public treasurer, in the presence of the Governor and comptroller, and of at least two of the commissioners of the sinking fund; and in lieu thereof the public treasurer shall execute to the com¬ missioners of the sinking fund a certificate or certificates for the amount or amounts so cancelled or burned, bear¬ ing the same rate of interest, payable half yearly, which the original securities themselves bore, and shall also in each case execute a duplicate certificate, which shall be deposited with the comptroller for safe keeping. [Rati- fed the — day of February, 1861.] 68 1860.-61 Chap. 34—35. SLAVES AND EREE NEGROES. Chap. 34. AN act t0 amend chapter 107, section 66, op the revised code, relating to free negroes having arms. Not to carry or Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the voqp flrtvi w. Fine of $50. State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That chapter 107, section 66, of the Revised Code, he amended to read as follows : If any free negro shall wear or carry ahout his person or keep in his house, any shot gun, musket, rifle, pistol, sword, sword cane, dagger, howie knife, powder or shot, he shall he guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction fined not less than fifty dollars. power to grant Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That all laws empower- itoenseerepeal ing the several county courts of the State to grant licen¬ ses to free negroes to carry fire arms, he and the same are hereby repealed. [Ratified the 23d day of February, 1861.] Chap. 35. an act to change the rules of evidence in indictments for trading with slaves. Burdenofproof Be it enacted by the General Assembly of North Caro- on defendant. , . lina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That in all indictments for trading and trafficking with slaves, or for giving or selling liquor to slaves, wherein it is necessary negatively to aver the consent of the owp- er or manager of the slave to the trading, selling or giv¬ ing, that the burden of proof shall rest upon the defend¬ ant to show that he had a written license or permit, as required by law, to trade, or give, or sell to the slave. [Ratified the 23d day of February, 1861.] 1860-61. Chap. 36—37- 69 AN ACT TO PREVENT TREE NEGROES FROM HIRING OR HAVING THE Chap. 36. CONTROL OF SLAVES. <% Sec. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of North Free negroes ^ Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the or control1 same, That no free negro, or free person of color shall he permitted or allowed to buy, purchase or hire for any length of time, any slave or slaves, or to have any slave or slaves bound as apprentice or apprentices to him, her or thein, or in any other wise to have the control, man¬ agement or services of any slave or slaves, under a pen¬ alty of one hundred dollars for each offense, and shall further be guilty of a misdemeanor, and liable to indict¬ ment for the same. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That this law does not Does not apply apply, and shall not affect any free negro or free person atdlroofratf- of color who is the legal owner of any slave at the time of the passage of this act. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That this law shall take •effect from and after its ratification. {Ratified the 23d day of February, 1861.] AN ACT TO PROHIBIT THE EMANCIPATION OF SLAVES BY WILL. Chap. 37. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of No Blave t0 ^ North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority wTu.Mipatele as Sheriffs' . , . . „ , . , -n i -i bonds. appointed by virtue of this act shall have the same com¬ pensation, and be under the same rules and restrictions, and subject to the same penalties, forfeitures and fines, and his bond subject to the same proceedings as the bond of the sheriffs of the several counties of this State are subject to and liable for. tax List to be Sec. 4:. Be it further enacted, That the clerk of the made out and. j _■ • n • i .• i n given to coiiec- court ol pleas and quarter sessions for said counties shall tor* make out the tax lists and deliver the same to the person appointed by virtue of this act, by the tenth day of April in every year, instead of delivering them to the sheriff as heretofore, under the same pains and penalties as are now prescribed in case of failing to deliver it to the sheriff. repeals conflio- Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That all laws, and clauses ting laws. 0f iawSj coming within the meaning and purview of this act, be and the same are hereby repealed. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That this act shall J>e in force from and after its ratification. [Batifed the lUh day of February, 1861.] Chap. 47. an act t0 extend the timb 0e perfecting titles to land hereto¬ fore entered. Extends time of Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the payment. State of Forth Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the sa?ne, That all persons who have entered land according to law since the first day of January, A. D., 1850, and have not paid for the same, shall have until the first day of January, A. D., 1863, to make payment and proviso. perfect their titles thereto; Provided, That nothing herein 1860-61. Chap. 47—48—49. 7S contained shall be so construed as to effect the titles of per¬ sons who have heretofore obtained grants to said lands, or the right of junior entries. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 23d day of February, 1861.] AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION 2ND, CHAPTER 118, OP THE REVISED (Jhap. 48". CODE, ENTITLED "WIDOWS." Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Less than T.T 7 XV -» • . 7 1 ~t 7 7 7 • twelve freehold- Jyorth Ca/rohna, a/nd it is hereby enacted by the authority ersmaybesum- 7 J ° u xnoned to lay of the same, That so much of the second section of the one off widow's dower. hundred and eighteenth chapter of the Revised Code, enti¬ tled " widows," as requires a jury to lay off a widow's dower, to consist of twelve freeholders in all cases, be and the same is hereby repealed; and hereafter it shall be law¬ ful for the court in which the petition is filed to direct the summoning of not less than five nor more than twelve freeholders for that purpose; and when any number less than twelve shall be directed, such smaller number shall be designated in the order of the court, and the writ of the sheriff, and in all other cases the number shall be twelve, as heretofore. [Ratified the 23d day of February, 1861.] AN ACT TO AMEND THE 1ST SECTION OP THE 120TH CHAPTER OF THE (Jliap. 49*. REVISED CODE, ENTITLED "WRECKS." Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Alters limits-.- State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the a/uthority of the same, That the third wreck district in the county of Currituck shall be so altered as to read, from Coffee's inlet to a large pine standing on the main road, about one hundred yards south of Samuel Tillett's sein road south of the grave yard, thence running a due east course from said pine to the sea, and a west course to the sound. 1860-61. Ohap. 49—50—51. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 22d day of February, 1861.] 'Ohap. 50. ^ -t AST ACT TO AMEND SECTION 5TH, CHAPTER 81 REVISED CODE, EN¬ TITLED " OYSTIrS AND OTHER PISH." Penalty of $100. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That any person, either by himself or agent, committing any of the offences or violating any provisions of section 5, chapter 81, Revised Code, entitled " Oysters and other fish," shall be subject to a penalty of one hun¬ dred dollars for every offence, to be reeovered from either principal or agent in any court having jurisdiction of the same, or on a warrant before a justice of the peace, one half to the person warranting or suing for the same, and the other half to the common school fund of the county wherein the said offence was committed or provision vio¬ lated. [Ratified the 23d day of February, 1861.] M AN ACT TO AMEND THE 9th SECTION OF THE 93d CHAPTER OF REVISED Chap. 51. CODE, PUBLIC PRINTING. Ten copies of Be it enacted by the Gtiural Asstmbly of the State of laws for Libra- ^ jYotfh Carolina, and it is h< rbytnadul by the authority of the same, That the ninth section of the 93d Chapter of the Revised Code be so amended that the Librarian be hereafter furnished with ten copies of the laws of North Carolina, for the purpose of exchanging in his discretion with any legal association in any of the other States who may desire to exchange books with us. \_Batifiid the 23d day of February, 1861.] RESOLUTIONS OF A PUBLIC NATURE, PASSED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF NORTH-CAROLINA. 1860-'61. RESOLUTION CONCERNING ARMS. Resolved, That the Governor he and he is hereby au- Governor to thorized and empowered to engage the services of not more sons of skill;r than two persons of skill to aid in the purchase of arms re¬ cently ordered by an act of the General Assembly. [Rat¬ ified the 1 §th day of January, 1861.] RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE APPOINTMENT OF ADDITIONAL ENGROS¬ SING CLERKS. Resolved, That the principal clerks of the two houses be Employ neces- authorized to employ such additional number of engrossing sary olerks clerks as may be necessary to ensure the speedy dispatch of the public business now pending before the General As¬ sembly. [Ratified the 18th day of Februa/ry, 1861.] I860-' 61. Resolutions. RESOLUTIONS CONCERNING THE APPOINTMENT OP COMMISSIONERS TO WASHINGTON CITY AND TO ALABAMA. commissioners JResobed, That for the purpose of effecting an honorable Citj^atSpropo°n and amicable adjustment of all the difficulties that distract turn, Feb. 4th, the country upon the basis of the Crittenden resolutions as modified by the legislature of Virginia, and for the purpose of consulting for our common peace, honor and safety, the Honorable Thomas Ruffin, of Alamance; D. M. Barringer, David S. Reid, John M. Morehead and George Davis, be and they are hereby appointed commissioners to represent N orth Carolina in the proposed consultation to be held at Washington City on the 4th February, 1861. .preamble. And whereas, The State of North Carolina has been in¬ vited by the State of Alabama to meet at the city of Mont¬ gomery on the 4th February, 1861, for the purpose of framing a provisional as well as permanent government; And whereas, North Carolina, as a part of the Federal Union, has no right to send delegates for such a purpose, therefore, ^ommiBrioners 2. Be it resolved, That for the purpose of effecting an hon- gomery, Ala. orable and amicable adjustment of all the difficulties that distract the country upon the basis of the Crittenden reso¬ lutions as modified by the legislature of Virginia, and for the purpose of consulting for our common peace, honor and safety, the Hon. David L. Swain, M. W. Ransom and John L. Bridgers, are appointed commissioners to visit Montgomery, Alabama, for the purpose above indicated. Governor to in- o. Besot vt dfarth /\ That His Excellency, the Governor, sionerB°of their be requested immediately to inform the commissioners of appointment, pjie-r appui^tmeiit, and upon the refusal of any one of them to serve, report the same immediately to the General As¬ sembly. [Bafijitd thf 29th day of January, ISOl.j RESOLUTION TO DEFRAY THE EXPENSES OF THE COMMISSIONER FROM GEORGIA. Governor au- Besolved. That His Excellency, the Governor, be and he thorized to t m draw upon is hereby authorized to draw upon the public Treasurer for 1860-61. Resolutions . 79 & gum sufficient to pay tlie expense of tlie Hon. Samuel Hall, commissioner from Georgia. [Ratified the %Znd day of February, 1861. RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE THE GOVERNOR TO OFFER ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS REWARD FOR AN ESCAPED CRIMINAL. Resolved, That the Governor of this State be authorized Authorizes to offer one thousand dollars reward for an escaped crimi- $1' rewar nal. [Ratified the 18th day of February, 1861. RESOLUTION CONCERNING PUBLICATION OF CALL FOR CONVENTION OF THE STATE. Resolved, That His Excellency, the Governor, be request- Publication and ed forthwith to cause the publication in alb the newspapers ?^lce t0 Sher" ■of the State, the act providing for a convention of the peo¬ ple of North Carolina, and that the Governor be further requested to furnish the sheriff of each county with fifty hand-bills containing notice of the time of the election pro¬ posed to be held. [Ratified the 2d day of February, 1861.] RESOLUTION CONCERNING GEOLOGICAL REPORTS. Resolved, That the Governor be authorized and request- Gf ed to cause to be distributed to each member of the two branches of the General Assembly nine copies of each of the following geological reports, viz: the Woody Plants of North Carolina, by Rev. M. A. Curtis, I). I).; Agricul¬ ture of North Carolina, part 2nd, by Ebenezer Emmons, State Geologist; The Swamp Lands of North Carolina, by Ebenezer Emmons, State Geologist. Resolved, That the Governor be requested to deposit the Deposit of doc- residue of the copies of said reports in the State library, ument8, and that the same be disposed of in the manner that may be thought best by the State authorities. [Ratified the %5th day of January, 1861.] 80 18 60-' 61. Resolutions. RESOLUTION TO AMEND A RESOLUTION IN FAVOR OF CERTAIN ENTRIES OF CHEROKEE LANDS PASSED AT THE LAST GENERAL ASSEMBLY. vureoBeofrre-e Resolved.,, That a resolution of the last General Assembly imbursirig oer- entitled a " resolution in favor of certain entries of Chero- lain parties. kee lands," be so amended as to authorize the agents of the State for the collection of Cherokee bonds, when it shall appear that there are bonds, such as are described in the aforesaid resolution, and which have passed from under his control, to reimburse the persons who have been required to pay said bonds by transferring to them other Cherokee bonds of like sums ; and if any such bonds have been paid to contractors for work on any turnpike road and have not been collected, the agents of the State aforesaid is here¬ by authorized and required to recall said bonds and substi¬ tute other Cherokee bonds in their stead. [Ratified the 26th day of January, 1861.] RESOLUTIONS CONCERNING LIBRARY. Catalogue to be Resolved, That the librarian make out a catalogue of printed, Wnd books in the State and legislative libraries, and have the- same printed, and that he have fifty copi^ thereof bound for distribution among other public libraries. Boom to be lit solved further, That the librarian is hereby author- furnished. ized to have the library room painted, and to purchase such furniture as may be deemed necessary for the same. Expenses to be Resolved, That the expenses incurred under the forego- urer on warrant ing resolutions be paid by the treasurer upon the warrant of the Governor. {Ratified the — day of February, 1861.] RESOLUTIONS PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION OF CERTAIN COLONIAL RECORDS AND LEGISLATIVE PROCEEDINGS. journals of Re solred by the General Assembly, That the Secretary sembiy ot 1715. of State and the State librarian be and they are hereby di¬ rected to contract for the printing of one hundred copies i860- 61. Resolutions. 81 of the following manuscript records now in the office of the Secretary of State, to wit: 1st. Journals of the Assembly of the Province of North Carolina, held in the year 1715. 2nd. Journals of the Assembly of North Carolina, from Journals from -iHHA i .1 -AhrhTK 1754 to 1775. the year 1754 to the year 1775. 3rd. Council Book or proceedings of the Governor and Council book Council of North Carolina, from the year 1734 to 1740. 1740. 4th. Council Book or proceedings of the Governor and Council book Council of North Carolina, from the year 1764, till the the Revolution. [Revolution. 5th. Journals of the Provincial Congress of North Caro- Journals from lina, from 1774 till the Revolution. Revolution. 6th. Journals of the General Assembly from the year of journals from Independence to the year 1800, not hitherto published, and before pub'- not now found in the State library. Resolved further, That the Secretary of State and the runted at n.c. State librarian be and are hereby directed to have the colo- the Deaf,°Dumb nial records and legislative proceedings herein ordered to and Bhnd' "be published, printed at the North Carolina Institution for the Deaf and Dumb and Blind. Resol/ved further, That the Secretary of State and the Deposited in of- State librarian have the said copies of the foregoing records of sfate.etary and documents bound and deposited in the office of Secre¬ tary of State, subject to the further orders of the General Assembly. [Ratified the 23d da/y of Februa/ry, 1861. 11 STATE OF NOETH-CAEOLINA, 1 Office of Secretary of State, > April, 1861. 3 I, Eufus H. Page, Secretary of State, in and for the State of North-Carolina, do hereby certify that the Acts and Eesolutions contained in this Pamphlet, are true copies of the original Acts and Eesolutions, passed by the General Assembly of this State, at its Infa RAQCIATI EUFUS H. PAGE, Secretary of State. PUBLIC LAWS OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, PASSED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY, AT ITS FIRST EXTRA SESSION OF 1861: RALEIGH: JOHN SPELMAN, PRINTER TO THE STATE. 1861. PUBLIC LAWS OP THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, PASSED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY, AT ITS FIRST EXTRA SESSION OF 1861. MILITARY. AN^ ACT TO PROVIDE POR THE MANUFACTURE OP ARMS AND OTHER QJia/p. 1. MUNITIONS OP WAR. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Arsenal of eo&> State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the Fayetteviiie. authority of the same, That hereafter the arsenal at Fay- etteville shall he an arsenal of construction for the State of North Carolina. Sec. 2. The Governor shall appoint and commission coioneitocom- some suitable person with the rank of colonel and place him in command of said arsenal with the same pay as officers of like rank in the confederate army. Sec. 3. A sufficient number of superintendents and superintend- operatives shall he immediately employed by the colonel K in charge of the arsenal, and proceed to the manufacture owappropria- of such arms and munitions of war as the necessities of this State or the Southern States may require. And for this purpose and^ the purchase of materials, the sum of two hundred thousand dollars is hereby appropriated, to be drawn by the Governor in such sums and at such times as may seem necessary to carry out the provisions of this act. 86 1861. Chap. 1—2. point™therofli" Sec. 4. The Governor shall have power to> appoint and ®eM' commission any other officers who may he necessary to the complete organization of said arsenal of construction. Sec. 5. This act shall he in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 8th day of May, 1861.] Chap 2 an act to create a military board. Military Board. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That there shall he a military hoard to consist of three persons, one of whom at least shall he skilled in military affairs; said hoard shall he appointed hy the Governor and continue in office during his term of service, or until removed hy him, whose duty it shall he to advise with the Governor relative to the appoint¬ ment of all military and naval officers, or such other mat¬ ters respecting naval or military affairs as the General Assembly shall assign to said hoard. Pdnc^ai offi. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted} That there shall he a prin- tfea. cipal officer therein, who shall have the charge and cus¬ tody of all the records, hooks, papers and accounts apper¬ taining to said hoard, and shall execute and perform all such duties as shall from time to time he entrusted to him hy the Governor, relative to military and naval af¬ fairs ; he shall keep a record of the transactions in his office, and have supervision of all accounts and returns of adjutant general, inspector general, quarter-master gen¬ eral, commissary general and surgeon general, or other military or naval officer, as may he directed hy the Gov¬ ernor. Military Seore- Sec. 3. Be it further enacted. That said officer shall he tary, rank, eto. . . \ ' ex-officio chief aid of the Governor, with the rank and the pay of a colonel in the army of the Confederate States of America, and he entitled the Military Secretary of the Ex¬ ecutive department, and shall have a clerk, to he appointed hy him, who shall receive a salary of one thousand dollars per annum. 1861. CHAP. 2—3. 87 Sec. 4. Be it further enacted^ That the Governor shall Governor to have power to convene said hoard from time to time, and andfiiivacan- whenever he may deem proper, and shall have power to fill all such vacancies as may occur in said board by death, resignation or otherwise. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That the members of said pay and mile- board other than the principal officer, shall receive three of Board, dollars per day each day they are actually engaged in the service of the State, and the same mileage as is now al¬ lowed members of the General Assembly. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 10th day of May, 1861.] AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE PUBLIC DEFENSE. Chap. 3. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly Governorto of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted 'military1* by the authority of the same, That in order to provide speed- ^ofYhe state ily forces to repel invasions and aid the Confederate *nd acoeptfor States of America, maintaining the rightful possession of £ndntweiveUB" any portion of territory belonging to each Southern State, teers!hs TOlun" and to secure the public tranquility and independence against threatened assaults, His Excellency, the Governor, by the advice of the military board, be and he is hereby authorized to employ the militia, military and naval forces of this State, and to ask for and accept the services of twenty thousand volunteers, who may offer their ser¬ vices either as cavalry, mounted riflemen, artillery or in¬ fantry, in such proportion of these several arms as he may deem expedient, to serve for twelve months after they shall be mustered into service, unless sooner discharged, with power, on the part of the Governor, to increase said volunteer force to the number of fifty thousand, if the public exigencies demand it. Sec. 2. That the Governor shall arm, clothe and equip STa£drequip • ,, . -t n volunteers, &c. said volunteers, except as to mounted men, when mus- 88 1861. Chap. 3. tered into service, and each mounted volunteer shall fur¬ nish his own horse and equipments. Pay, &o„ of Sec. 3. That said volunteers shall, when called into ac- actual service. tual service, and while remaining therein, he subject to the rules and articles of war of the Confederate States of America, and instead of clothing, every non-commissioned officer or private in any company shall he entitled, when called into actual service, in money to a sum equal to the cost of clothing of a non-commissioned officer or private in the regular army of the Confederate States of America, in case said non-commisBioned officers or privates shall furnish their own clothing. How to be ac- Sec. 4. That the said volunteers so offering their ser- uon of'officer*, vices may he accepted hy the Governor, hy the advice of the military board, in companies, squadrons, batallions or regiments, and the several companies and troops are here¬ by authorized to elect their own officers, who, when elec¬ ted, shall he commissioned hy the Governor, organization Sec. 5. That the Governor, with the advice of the mili- into battalions, . ?ments°etc Ke' board, 1S hereby authorized to organize companies so tendering their services into battalions or squadrons; battalions or squadrons into regiments, and regiments into brigades, and brigades into divisions, whenever in his judgment such organizations may be expedient; and when¬ ever brigades or divisions, as well as regiments, shall be organized, the Governor, by and with the advice of the military board, shall appoint the commanding officers for such brigades and divisions, in the manner hereinafter di¬ rected, who shall hold their offices only while such brig¬ ades and divisions are in service ; and such officers so ap¬ pointed shall have power to appoint staff-officers of like number and like rank as officers of the same rank in the regular army of the Confederate States of America are empowered to appoint, compensation Sec. 6. That whenever said volunteers are called and received into service under the provisions of this act, they shall have the same organization, and shall have the same pay and allowance as may be provided for the regular army of the Confederate States of America; and all for^horaefl, etc. 1861. Chap. 3. 89 mounted non-commissioned officers, privates, musicians and artificers shall be allowed forty cents per day for the use and risk of their horses; for horses killed in action, or dying in actual service, volunteers shall be allowed compensation according to their appraised value at the date of muster into service, and the Governor shall have such appraisement made. Sec. 7. That the Governor, by and with the advice and Appointment consent of the military board, shall appoint a maior gen- cers DEtec«on i r i .... p • , 1 , j of field officer*. the said convention as it now has of members of the House of Commons under the last apportionment. 1861. Chap. 9—10. 101 Sec. 5. That the members of said convention shall be £ay mem. bers, &c. entitled to same mileage and per diem pay received by members of the General Assembly, to be paid ont of the treasury, in the same manner as the said members are now paid, and said convention shall by vote fix the pay of all their officers and of any delegates or representatives whom they may appoint to any convention or congress, and shall provide for all other expenses incurred by said convention, to be paid out of any moneys in the treasury in the man¬ ner they may direct. Sec. 6. That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [.Ratified the lstf day of May, 1861.] AN ACT AUTHORIZING VOLUNTEERS TO VOTE FOR DELEGATES TO THE (JJiap, 10. CONVENTION, AND SUPPLEMENTAL TO A ACT [BILL] PASSED AT THE PRESENT SESSION OF _THE GENERAL ASSEEBLY ENTITLED A ACT [BILL] TO AUTHORIZE AND REQUIRE THE GOVERNOR OF NORTH CAROLINA TO CALL A CONVENTION OF THE PEOPLE £F THIS STATE. Section". 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of rcteat^r0 the State of North Garrolina, and it is hereby enacted by CMnp"- the authority of the same, That volunteers who have ten¬ dered their services to the Governor and left their homes shall have the right to vote for delegate or delegates to the convention, within their respective encampments, precisely as if they were still residing in their several counties, and to that end the captain, or in case of the absence of the c&ptain, the other officer in command of the several com¬ panies, shall open polls in their respective camps for an election for delegates to the convention on the 13th day of May, 1861, which election shall be conducted in the same manner and under the same rules and regulations as elec¬ tions for members of the House of Commons are held and conducted, the captains of the several companies exercising the same power over the election in camp as the sheriffs have and exercise at the precincts in their respective counties. 102 1861. CHAP. 10—11. captain* to re- Sec. 2. That the captains of the several companies shall vise scrolls and . n -1 -l i -i - .. make certificate examine the scrolls and compare the vote held m their camps and shall certify the result of said vote to the sheriffs of the several counties from which the volunteers may come, and the sheriffs in all the counties that have furnished volunteers shall compute the vote of said volun¬ teers as certified to them as aforesaid in determining the sheriff to make result of said election, and the sheriffs of the counties that returns. ' have tendered volunteers who have left their homes shall not declare the result of said election or furnish certificates to any person as delegate elect until 4 o'clock, P. M., on Thursday next succeeding the day of election. [Ratified the 8tA day of May, 1861.] Chap. 11. AN ACT T0 MAKE VALID CERTAIN IRREGULAR PROCEEDINGS OF THE COUNTY COURTS OF THIS STATE, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Preamble. "Whereas, the county courts of several of the counties of this State, either at their regular term or at special terms, in response to the late call of the Adjutant General for volunteers, did pledge the faith and credit of their re¬ spective counties for provisioning, equipping and transport¬ ing the volunteers of said counties; and, whereas, divers patriotic individuals in said counties have voluntarily ad¬ vanced money and means required for said purposes; therefore, Affirms pre- Be it enacted iby the General Assembly of tht State of ceedings. JYorth Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the avtharity of the same, That all acts and proceedings of any county court of this State, either at its regular term or at a special call of the magistrates thereof heretofore had for the pur¬ poses above stated be legalized and are hereby confirmed. S*ievyytaxegrta Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the county courts of said counties, a majority of the justices being present, are hereby authorized and empowered to levy taxes on all sub¬ jects of taxation in this State to pay the liabilities thus in¬ curred, and to reimburse those individuals who have volun¬ tarily advanced their means for the purposes above stated. 1861. CHAP. 11—12—13. 103 Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 11th day of May, 1861.] ANT ACT TO REPEAL RESTRICTIONS UPON FISHING. Chap 12. Sec. 1. Be it enactedby the General Assembly of the State Repeals certain of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That all acts and parts of acts now in force, in any way restrict jpg the fishing or hauling of seines upon the waters of the Albemarle sound, the Roanoke and Cashie and Chowan rivers and their tributaries, be and the same are hereby repealed so as to apply to the springs of 1861-62. 2. Be it further enacted that this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 1st day of May, 1861.] AN ACT TO REPEAL 5TH SECTION OF THE 76TH CHAPTER OF THE Chap* 13, REVISED CODE, ENTITLED '1 OATHS." Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Repeals 76th State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the ®®°^nReviBed authority of the same, That the fifth section of the 76th chapter of the Reyised Code be and the same is hereby re¬ pealed, and that it shall not be lawful to administer to any officer within this State any oath or affirmation to support the constitution of the United States. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 2d day of May, 1861.] AN ACT FOR PATROL. Chap. 14. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Three Justice* North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That three justices of the peace, if they deem 104 1861.—Chap. 14—15. it necessary, sliall liave the power to assemble at any time and at any place within their district when a patrol is needed, and then and there appoint and employ such a number of persons as they may think necessary to patrol said district, said patrol to be nnder the same roles and regulations as are prescribed in chapter eighty-three of the Revised Code, [jRatified the 9th day of May, 1861.] Chdp 15 AN ACT T0 AT7TH0EIZE THE C01PNT1? COURTS ANI^ CORPORATE TOWNS AND CITIES TO LAY TAXES EOR POLICE PURPOSES. c^aty Court* Be it enacted by the General Assembly of North Car- tboritieB to* oli/na, o/nd it is hereby enacted by the authority of the 35ESFB? same, That the courts of pleas and quarter sessions of " this State, a majority of the justices being present, and the mayor and commissioners of incorporated towns and cities shall have power to make appropriations of money and levy taxes upon all subjects of taxation now taxed for State purposes to raise the same for the purpose of raising, equip¬ ping and paying any police force which they may deem necessary for the protection of the citizens or property of the county, town or city, and for the farther purpose of rendering aid and support to the indigent families of per¬ sons engaged in the military service of the State; and for these purposes the said courts, town or cities shall have power to borrow money upon the faith and credit of the county, town or city, for which certificates shall be issued and signed on behalf of the counties by the chairman, and countersigned by the clerk of the court, and on behalf of the towns and cities, by the presiding ofiicer of the board of commissioners and countersigned by the secretary of said board. Appoint Sec. 2. That said courts, towns and cities shall appoint agents to receive and disburse said funds, and shall take from them bonds payable to the State, with approved se¬ curity, conditioned for the faithful performance of their duties and accounting for and paying over said funds to the proper persons, and the said courts, towns or city an- 1861. Chap. 15—16. lOfr thorities sliall direct to what object the money shall be ap¬ plied. Sec. 3. That the taxes by this act authorized may be ^Xatt0 be lev~ levied at any term on the part of the authorities of any term- town or city, and on the part of the counties at any term of the court, and five justices of the peace shall have power to call a special term at any time, for the purpose of taking this subject under consideration; Provided, That no busi¬ ness other than that contemplated by this act shall be trans¬ acted at such special term. Sec. 4. That said courts and corporate authorities shall have power to direct when" and in what manner the lists X ia. of said taxes shall be made out, and the time and man¬ ner of collecting the same. Sec. 5. That the sheriff or town collector and his sure¬ ties shall be liable upon their official bonds for faithful col¬ lecting and paying over the taxes by this act. [Ratified the 11th day of May, 1861. AN ACT TO PROVIDE AGAINST THE SACRIFICE OF PROPERTY AND TO SUS- Chap. 16. PEND PROCEEDINGS IN CERTAIN CASES. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the No execution* State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the oxceution. authority of the same, That no execution of fieri facias or venire exponas, founded upon a judgment in any suit or action for debts and demands due on bonds, promissory notes, bills of exchange, covenants for the payment of mon¬ ey, judgments, accounts and all other contracts for money, demands or contracts for specific articles other than those upon official bonds or in favor of the State or against non¬ residents, shall be issued from the passage of this act by any court of record or magistrate, for the sale of property, until otherwise provided by law: nor shall there be any sales under deeds of trust or decrees, unless by the consent of parties interested, until otherwise provided by law. Sec. 2. "Where such executions have issued and are now in the hands of officers, whether levied or not', the officer 14 106 1861. CHAP. 16. having such executions shall return the same to the mag¬ istrate or court from whence they issued, without further execution thereof, and executions upon the same judgments shall not issue' again until the operation of this act ceases: Proviso. Provided, That this act shall not be construed to discharge the lien which has already been acquired by the taking out such execution. No jury trials in' Sec. 3. There shall be no trials of any cases requiring ci cases. the intervention of a jury, nor upon warrants before a jus¬ tice of the peace, in any suit or action for debts or demands due on bonds, promissory notes, bills of exchange, cove¬ nants for the payment of money, judgments, accounts and all other contracts for money, demands or contracts for spe¬ cific articles. •Public liaMii- Sec. 1. This act shall not apply to liabilities upon the part of public officers, either to the State, counties, corpo¬ rations or individuals, nor to State, county or corporation taxes, nor to debts hereafter contracted, nor to debts due the State, nor to debts due from non-residents, nor to the annual collection of interest: Provided, That no note, bill of acceptance, or other obligation, the consideration of which is any debt or obligation at present existing, shall be held or considered as a debt hereafter contracted. Seo. 5. The interest which has accrued since the first day of January, A. D., 1860, or which may hereafter ac¬ crue upon any bond or promissory note which was payable before the passage of this act, may be collected by action of debt or assumpsit, before any justice of the peace, if the amount ot interest sued for be within his jurisdiction, and if not then, in the*county or superior court: Provided, however, That no warrant or suit shall be brought, except for the interest of one year or more, always making an even number by computing the time from the day when the interest upon such bond or promissory note began to accrue. Seo. 6. That any person who is about to remove his prop- ery out of the State, without the consent of his creditors, shall not be entitled to the benefit of this act. Mortgagee, etc. Sec. 7. That all mortgages and deeds in trust, for the ties. Proviso. Interest, Provieo. Removal. 1861. Chap. 16—17—18. 107 "benefit of creditors, hereafter executed, whether registered or not, and all judgments confessed during the continuance of this act shall be utterly void and of no effect. Sec. 8. The time during which this law is in force shall Limitation, not be computed in any case where the statute of limitation comes in question. Sec. 9. That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 11th day of May, 1861.] ax act concerning taxes. Ghd/p. 17. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the ■State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That no person shall hereafter be compelled to list for taxation, any pistol, sword-cane or bowie-knife: nor shall any person be compelled to 'pay taxes upon such articles, except upon such as have hereto¬ fore been listed. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 11th day of May, 1861.] ' AN act to define and punish treason against the state of north Jg carolina and other offences against the sovereignty of the state. Sec. 1. Beit enacted by the General Assembly of the Definition of Treason* State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That treason shall consist only in levying war against this State, or in adhering tp its enemies, giving them aid and comfort, or in establishing, without the authority of the General Assembly, any government within its limits, separate from the existing government, or in holding or executing in such usurped government, any office, or professing allegiance or fidelity thereto, or assisting the execution of the laws, under color of author¬ ity from such usurped government: and such treason, if 108 1861. Chap. 18. proved by the testimony of two witnesses to tlie same overt act, or by confession in open court, sliall be punished with death. information. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That if any free person, knowing of any such treason, shall not, .as soon as may be, give information thereof to the Governor of this State, or to some conservator of the peace, such person shall be punished by fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the court. Conspiring Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That if any free person ' e advise or conspire with a slave to rebel or to make insur¬ rection in this State, or with person to induce a slave to rebel or make insurrection, such person shall, upon convic¬ tion, suffer death, whether such rebellion or insurrection be made or not. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 11 th day of May, 1861.] RESOLUTIONS OF A PUBLIC NATURE, PASSED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF NORTH-CAROLINA. AT ITS FIRST EXTRA SESSION, 1861. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE GOVERNOR TO ERECT BATTERIES OR OTHER FORTIFICATIONS, AND TO PURCHASE, OR CHARTER AND EQUIP SUCH STEAMERS OR OTHER VESSELS AS MAY BE NECESSARY FOR THE DEFENSE OF THE SEA COAST OF THIS STATE. Resolved, That His Excellency, the Governor, he and he is" hereby authorized to erect batteries or other fortifications at or near the inlets of Hatteras and Ocracoke, and at such other places on our sea coast or rivers as in his judgment the public safety may demand, and to purchase, or charter and equip such steamers or other vessels as may be neces¬ sary for the defense of the sea coast of this State, and that he draw on the treasurer for the moneys necessary therefor. [Ratified the 11th day of May, 1861.] RESOLUTION CONCERNING POST OFFICES AND POST ROADS Re soloed, That in the event the mail service in this State should be discontinued, His Excellency, the Governor, be 110 1861. Besolutions. authorized and empowered to take charge of the post offices and to provide a continuance of the mail service on such routes now in operation as he may deem the public interest required, until such time as provision shall he made for the same, either by the convention or at some future session of the General Assembly. Draw on. Trea- Resolved f urther, That to enable the Governor to carry into execution the foregoing resolution he be authorized to* collect postage at the rates now charged, and to draw on the public treasurer for such sums of money as may be necessary to defray the expenses over and above the re¬ ceipts from postage. [Ratified the 11 th day of May, 1861.] RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND REQUESTING THE GOVERNOR TO COMMIS¬ SION SUCH OFFICERS OF NORTH CAROLINA AS HAVE RESIGNED OR MAY HEREAFTER RESIGN THEIR COMMISSION IN THE ARMY AND NAVY OF THE UNITED STATES. Resolved, That if any officers have resigned or shall here¬ after resign in the army and navy of the late United States, being citizens of this State, His Excellency, the Governor, is hereby authorized to commission said officers in the army and navy of North Carolina, and the said officers shall receive the same rank and pay as officers of similar rank in the service of Confederate States of America. [Ratified the Hth day of May, 1861.] 4 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE GOVERNOR OF THE STATE TO PROVIDE FOR THE PROVISIONING OF TROOPS WHILE THEY ARE PASSING THROUGH THIS STATE. Resolved, That the Governor of the State be authorized and required to provide for the proper provisioning, while they are passing through this State, of such troops from the Southern States as may go through this State on their way to Virginia, and pay the necessary expenses for the same out of any money in the treasury. [Ratified the lWh day of May, 1861.] 18 61. Resolutions. Ill RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE GOVERNOR TO APPOINT A COMMISSION. Resolved, That Ilis Excellency, the Governor, he au¬ thorized to appoint a commission to consist of one person to represent the State of Hortli Carolina at the Govern¬ ment of the Confederate States in Montgomery, Alabama, until the convention of the people, soon to assemble, shall act upon the subject, and that the Governor be authorized to draw upon the treasury for a sum of money sufficient to defray theprdinary expenses of the commission. [Ratified the 9th day of May, 1861.] RESOLUTION OF THANKS TO HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR OF THE STATE. Resolved, by the General Asembly of the State of North Carolina, That we heartily approve of the prompt action of our Governor, John W. Ellis, in taking possession of the forts and the arsenals which belonged to the Federal Government, and patriotic motives which led to their cap¬ ture. That in calling out the troops and his noble efforts to put the State in a posture of defense, he has rendered important service, for which our thanks are due and hereby tendered. [Ratified the 9th day of May, 1861.] RESOLUTION ON FEDERAL RELATIONS. "Whereas, Abraham Lincoln has been and is still endea¬ voring to raise money upon the faith and credit of the so called United States Government, for the purpose of wa¬ ging a wicked, unjust, unholy and unconstitutional war upon the Southern States: and whereas Horth Carolina is neither morally or legally bound to pay or in any wise contribute to the payment of any debt incurred by the said government since the 4th day of March last: How, there¬ fore, to the end that there may be no misapprehension on the part of those who may invest their means in the secu¬ rities of said government, it is hereby 112 1861. Resolutions. Resolved, That North Carolina ought never, in any event, to pay any portion of the debt incurred by what is called the United States Government, since the fourth day of March last, or any portion of any debt or liability which may be incurred hereafter. [Ratified the 9th day of May, 1861.] joint resolution concerning the equipment and provisioning op volunteers. •governor to ex* By the General Assembly of North Carolina, Be it former appro- resolved, That any portion of the sum of three hundred priation, thousand dollars, appropriated at the past sitting of the legislature for the purchase of arms for the State of North Carolina, which now remains unexpended, be and the same is hereby placed at the disposal of his Excellency, the Gov¬ ernor, to be expended at his discretion in arming, organi¬ zing, equipping, provisioning and transporting troops now raised or to be raised in this State for the defense of the South. [Ratified the 4dh day of May, 1861.] joint resolution concerning the equipment and provisioning op volunteers. By the General Assembly of North Carolina, Be it re- governor to ex- ^ , pend balance of solved, That any portion of the sum of three hundred iormer appro- ' j x priation.. thousand dollars appropriated at the past sitting of the Legislature for the purchase of arms for the State of North Carolina, which now remains unexpended, be and the same is hereby placed at the disposal of His Excellency, the Governor, to be expended at his discretion in arming, or¬ ganizing, equipping, provisioning and transporting troops now raised or to be raised in this State for the defense of the South. [Ratifed the 1st day of May, 1861.] 1861.—Resolutions . RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE SETTLEMENT WITH AGENT OE CHEROKEE LANDS. Resolved, That the Governor appoint some suitable per¬ son, whose duty it shall be to examine all the books and accounts of the agents of the State for the collection of the Cherokee bonds, and further to make a settlement with the said agents, and the commissioner shall be allowed such compensation as the Governor and treasurer may in their judgment think just and right, [jRatified the 11th day of If ay, 1861.] 15 STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA, ) Office of Secretary of State, > June, 1861. 3 I, Rufus H, Paoe, Secretary of State, in and for the State of North-Carolina, do hereby certify that the Acts and Resolutions contained in this Pamphlet, are true copies of the original Acts and Resolutions, passed by the General Assembly of this State, at its first extra session. RUFUS H. PAGE, Secretary of State. STATEMENTS OF THE Controller of °§\Mk Jrroratte, FOE, THE TWO FISCAL YEARS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30TH, 1859 and 1860. COMPTROLLER'S DEPARTMENT, Raleigh, N. C., December 30tli, 1859. To His Excellencyj John W. Ellis, Governor of JTorth-Carolina : Sir : I have tlie honor to submit herewith my annual report from this Department of the Receipts and Disbursements at the Public Treasury of the State of North Carolina, during the fiscal year ending on the 30th day of September, 1859. Yery respectfully, your obedient servant, C. H. BROGDEN, Comptroller. COMPTROLLER'S STATEMENT. 1859. GENERAL STATEMENT. General state* memt. Amount in Lands of Public Treasurer, Oct. 1st, 1858, Receipts of Literary Fund for fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 1859, Receipts of Public Fund for fis¬ cal year ending Sept. 30, 1859, Receipts of Sinking Fund for fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 1859, Disbursements of Literary fund for fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 1859, Disbursements of Public Fund for fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 1859, Disbursements of Sinking fund for fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 1859, in Lands of Public Treasurer, Oct. 1st, 1859, Leaving & 184,457 158,442 2,295,721 93,030 209,156 1,900,083 92,665 LITERARY FUND. Balance due tbis Fund, Oct. 1st, 1858, Receipts of Literary Fund for fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 1859, Disbursements of Literary fund for fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 1859, Balance due tbis Fund, Oct. 1st, 1859, 78,166 158,442 209,156 27,452 $ 236,608 Literary fund. 40 1X8 1859. Comptroller's Statement. PaTslie Fond. public fund. Balance due this Fund, Oct, 1st, 1858, Receipts of Public Fund for fiscal year ending Sept. 30 1859, Disbursements of Public Fund for fiscal year ending Sept. 30,1859, Balance due this Fund, Oct. 1st, 1859. $ 106,021 2,295,721 501,659' hfomrtff fond. sinking fund. Balance due this Fund, Oct. $ 1st, 1858, Receipts of Sinking Fund, for fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 1859, Disbursements o f Sinking Fund for fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 1859, Balance due this Fund, Oct. 1st, 1859. 270 00 93,03000 1859, •Comptroller's Statement, 119 RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS. Literary Fanmptroller"s Statement. 131 1859. Sept. G. J. Cherry, liis salary from Jan. 1st to April 14th, 1859, as agent of Swamp Lands, Paid sundry counties the State's quo¬ ta for support of Common Schools, Spring distribution, 1859, as follows: Brunswick county, J. LI. Brooks, Ch'n, Sampson Rutherford Gaston W atauga, Caldwell Northampton" S. tution II. Young, Arch. Monk, Housen Harrill, Rich'd Rankin, John C. Blair, W. A. Ballew, Herod Faison, Treasurer N. C. Insti- for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind, . B. Gordon and Archibald Hender¬ son, members of Literary Board, expenses of meeting in Raleigh, Sept. 27, 1859, Graham Daves, Secretary to Literary Board, for services Sept. 27, 1859, C. II. Wiley, General Superintendent of Common Schools, his 3rd quar¬ ter's salary for 1859, 291 Literary fancW disbursements. 65 71412 1,47732 1,48656 86736 401 700 1,287 500 75 32 72 49 12 375| 60 $ 209,156108 PUBLIC FUND.—[Receipts.) Statement C. Exhibiting the several sources from which the Receipts of the Public1 Fund home been derked: Public fund- receipts. State Coupon Bonds, Indigent Insane Tax, Public Taxes, J Accrued interest on State coupon bonds Revised Code, Premium on Northern Funds, State Loans, [,071,769 12,081 600,225 2,910 1,912 698 547,01633 15 69 76 59 76 28 132 1859 Comptroller's Statement. Interest on Seaboard & Roanoke Rail¬ road Bonds, Interest on Fayetteville & Coalfields Railroad Bonds, Insane Asylum, ; Tax on Bank Stock, Wrecked Property, Fayetteville & Warsaw Plankroad Dividends, Interest on Wilmington & Weldon Railroad Bonds, Insane Asylum—Pay Patients, Tax on Attorneys' Licenses, General Assembly, Money paid by Clerks, Discount on State Loan, Tax on Corporations, Cherokee Bonds, Cape Fear & Deep River, Detailed as follows $2,295,721154 1858. Oct. W. H. Michael, Trustee of Lincoln county, on account of J. Long in Insane Asylum of North Carolina, C. L. Summers, Sheriif of Iredell coun¬ ty, additional return of tax on col¬ lateral descents in said county for 1857, H. H. Davidson, Sheriif of Cherokee county, part of tax due the State from said county for 1857, Jas. Gr. Cook, President of Fayette¬ ville & Albemarle Plankroad Com fany, 9 State Coupon Bonds of 1000 each, dated Oct. 1st, 1858, and running 20 years, issued on ac¬ count of said Road, Bank of the Republic, New Fork, pre¬ mium charged on gold advanced by said Bank for the" State of N. C., and returned, William Haymore, Sheriff of Surry $ 144 1859. Comptroller's Statement. 133 1858. Oct. Nov. county, tax due from said county for Barbary Harriss, in Insane Asy¬ lum of North Carolina, C. E. Jolinson, President Board Direc¬ tors Insane Asylum N. C., amount advanced to said Asylum previous to sale of $35,000 State Coupon Bonds, by authority of the Legis¬ lature of 1856-'57, Issued to Chas. E. Johnson, President df Board of Directors of Insane Asy¬ lum N. C., 35 State coupon Bonds of $1,000 each, dated January 1st, 1858, and running 30 years, issued under "an act for the benefit of the Insane Asylum," William Haymore, Sheriff of Surry county, tax due from said county for indigent patient in Insane Asy¬ lum, J. A. Leak, tax due from Anson conn ty to July 1st, 1858, for indigent patients in Insane Asylum, John A. Bosebro, Trustee of Iredell county, tax due from said county for indigent patients in Insane Asylum to July 1st, 1858, Trustee of Union county, tax due from said county for indigent patients in Insane Asylum, W. K. Lane, tax due from Wayne county for indigent patient in In¬ sane Asylum, Wilmington & Weldon Bailroad Com¬ pany, accrued interest on 8 State coupon Bonds sold to said Company, Bank of the State of North Carolina, temporary loan to meet liabilities of the State, Bank of the State of North Carolina, tax on stock in said Bank, G. W. Hampton, Sheriff of Buncombe county, tax due from said Sheriff for 1857, Issued to li. C. Pearson, President oi Western North Carolina Kailroad Public fond— receipts. 200 16,048 21 35,000 90 45200 41299 101' 133 35 43972 68,941 2,203 39 170 13 1859. Comptroller's Statement. 185& Public fund— -^ec' receipts. 1859. Jan. Company, 10 State coupon Bonds of $1000 eacli, dated Oct. 1st, 1858, and running 30 years, issued on ac¬ count of said Bo ad, Accrued interest to Nov. 17th, 1858, Christian Strader, Sheriff of Caswell county, tax due from said county for indigent patients in Insane Asy¬ lum, to July 1st, 1858, J. J. Coward, for 3 State coupon Bonds of $1000 each, dated Oct. 1st, 1858, and running 30 years, issued on ac count of "Western 17. C. Bailroad, Accrued interest to Dec. 13th, 1858, Issued to B. C. Pearson, President of "Western 17. C-. Bailroad Company, 37 State coupon Bonds of $1000 each, dated Oct. 1st, 1858, and run ning 30 years, issued on account of said Boad, Accrued interest to Nov. 17th, 1858, James Burnley, Clerk County Court Carteret county, money paid into his office by Commissioner of Wrecks, Seaboard & Boanoke Bailroad Com¬ pany, interest on bonds of said Com¬ pany, held by the State of North Carolina, Thomas Bragg, Governor of N. C., for sales of Bevised Code and Emmons' Beport, Fayetteville A Warsaw Plankroad Company, tolls from said Company, Interest on Wilmington & Weldon Bailroad Bonds, owned by the State, of North Carolina, W. E. Anderson, Treasurer of Insane Asylum of North Carolina, on ac¬ count of board for sundry pay pa¬ tients in said Asylum, Solomon M. Bay, Sheriff of Yancej county, part payment of taxes due the State from said Sheriff for 1857, W. E. Anderson, Treasurer Insane Asy-j lum North Carolina, tax from Lin-I 10,000 78 212 3,000 36 37,000 289 61615 1,91276 10520 1,500 2,31660 92162 1859. Comptroller's Statement. 135 coin county for support of Catharine Maunley in said Asylum, Executive Committee of Insane Asy¬ lum, money overdrawn on account of said Asylum, P. Murphy, Treasurer of Fayetteville & Warsaw Plankroad Company, tolls from said Company, E. B. Ereeman, Clerk of the Supreme Court at Raleigh, tax on Attorneys' license, granted by said Qourt, Dec. Term, 1858, R. C. Pearson, President of Western N. C. Railroad Company, 60 State coupon Bonds of $1000 each, dated Jan. 1st, 1859, and running 30 years, issued on account of said road, Accrued interest to Feb. 8th, 1859, Jno. W. Cunningham, for Mrs. P. M. Cunningham, 20 State coupon Bonds of $1000 each, dated Jan. 1st, 1859, and running 30 years, issued on ac¬ count of Western FT. C. Railroad, Accrued interest to Feb. 11th, 1859, Bank of Clarendon, temporary loan, Bank of Cape Fear at Raleigh, tem¬ porary loan, Samuel L. Love, for William Green, Sheriff of Haywood county, on ac¬ count of taxes due the State from said Sheriff for 1857, J. T. Leach, Senator from Johnston county, money returned as over pay for his services in the Legislature of 1858-59, R. P. Finch, former Clerk Superior Court Wake county,costs paid to him by stockholders in Raleigh & Gaston Railroad Company, against whom theState instituted suits several years since, and paid the costs in advance, E. B. Freeman, Clerk Supreme Court at Raleigh, money in his hands three years uncalled for, and by authority of law paid to State, Olin Coor, former Sheriff of Wayne 256 13,873 40 Public fund- receipts. 535 80 60,000 380 20,000 13666 19,70082 6,000 51 82 1,245 250 23 88 75 44 136 1851). C< jmptkollek'b Statement. 1859. Public fund — Mar• receipts. April. May. county, additional tavern tax for 1857, S. M. Ray, Sheriff ofYancy connty, balance of taxes due the State from said Sheriff for 1857, Bank of the State of North Carolina, temporary loan, Bank of the State of N. C., temporary loan, Bank of the State of N. C., temporary loan, Bank of Wilmington, temporary loan, Bank of the State of N C., temporary loan, Sundry persons, for State Coupon Bonds sold to meet liabilities of the State, dated April 1st, 1859, Bank of Cape Fear at Raleigh, tempo¬ rary loan, Bank of the State of FT. C., premium on $70,000 check on New York, Bank of Cape Fear at Raleigh, pre mium on $100,000 check on New York, C. W. Smytlie, tax for the charter of Catawba College, Edward Cantwell, money returned as over pay for his services as Princi¬ pal Clerk of the House of Com¬ mons, Legislature of 1858-'59, W. Ii. Marston, New York, for State coupon Bonds sold to meet liabili¬ ties of the State, dated April 1st, 1859, and running 30 years, Bank of the State of North Carolina, discount returned on $70,000 paid said bank before due, Bank of the State of N. C., premium for $05,000 check on New York, Jarvis Buxton, for 2 State Coupon Bonds of $1,000 each, dated April 1st, 1859, and running 30 years, is¬ sued on account of Fayetteville and Coalfields Railroad, Accrued interest to May 16th, 1859, Sundry persons, for 95 State Coupon 1859. Comptroller's Statement. 137 Bonds of $1,000 each, dated April 1st, 1859, and running 30 years, issued on account of Fayetteville & Coalfields Railroad, as follows : C. B. Mallett, James Kyle, A. A. McKethan, Stedman & Home, H. L. My rover, Issued to Marshall Parks, President of the Albemarle & Chesapeake Canal Company, 100 State Coupon Bonds of $1,000 each, dated April 1st, 1859, and running SO years, is¬ sued on account of said improve¬ ment, B. Higgins, tax for the charter of Lizzarddale Copper Company, B. Higgins, tax for the charter of Cambridge Copper Company, H. A. London, money overpaid to him on Execution, Archibald McGregor vs. Cape Fear & Deep River Navi¬ gation Company, and returned, Jacob Siler, Agent for collection of Cherokee bonds, on account of said Bonds, Geo. Bower, for 3 State coupon bonds of $1,000 each, dated April 1st, 1859, and running 30 years, Marshall Parks, President of Albe¬ marle & Chesapeake Canal Com¬ pany, accrued interest on $100,000 State coupon bonds, issued to said Company, M. S. Galloway, for 3 State coupon bonds of $1000 each, dated April Istj 1859, and running 30 years issued on account of Fayetteville and Coalfields Railroad, Accrued interest, Jacob Siler, Agent for collection of Cherokee Bonds, on account of said Bonds, 4 W. G. Matthews, Trustee of Cumber-] $15,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 100,000 25 25 Public fund— receipts. 87 250 3,000 250 3,000 30 330 138 1859. ^ Comptroller's Statement. Public fund— 1859. receipts. june July. land county, on account of indi¬ gent insane patients from said county, in Insane Asylum of N. C., For board of John Wakefield in In¬ sane Asylum, W. E Anderson, Treasurer Insane Asylum, N. C., on account of board for sundry pay patients in said Asylum to 16th Feb., 1859, C. F. Fisber, Pres't N. C. R. R. Co., premium on Northern Funds, Bank of the State of N. C., temporary loan, Bank of the State of N. C., temporary loan, Bank of Clarendon, temporary loan, Bank of Clarendon, temporary loan, Bank of Cape Fear at Raleigh, tem¬ porary loan, Bank of Fayetteville, Bank of Cape Fear at Raleigh, tem¬ porary loan, Bank of Wilmington, Tax for the charter of Kenansville Female Seminary, Sundry persons, for State coupon Bonds, sold to meet liabilities of the State, Joseph H. Gooch, Sheriff of Granville county, on account of indigent in¬ sane patients from said county, in Insane Asylum of N. C., J. S. Green, Treasurer of Wilming ton & Weldon Railroad Company, interest on $50,000 Bonds of said Company, J. I. Scales, money overpaid him un¬ der resolution of Legislature 1858- '59, in favor of G. M. Albright, and returned, Bank of Cape Fear at Raleigh, tem¬ porary loan, Bank of $he State of N. C., tempora¬ ry loan, 61493 10 1,543 2438 9,848^7 19,69754 19,69754 16,18792 10,000 9,84877 10,000 9,896,44 25 16,01983 50250 1,500 872 58,000 88,63893 1859. Comptroller's Statement. 139 1859. July. Aug. Bank of the State of N. G., tempora¬ ry loan, Bank of the State of N. C-, tempora¬ ry loan, Bank of the State of N. C., tempora¬ ry loan, E. B. Freeman, Clerk of Supreme Court at Etaleigh, tax on Attor neys' License, Sundry Sheriffs, State taxes for 1858, payable in 1859, as follows : C. Austin, Sheriff Union county, J. Cline, " Catawba " William Flynt, " Forsyth " James Roberts, " Rockingham " Jos. W. Steed, " Randolph " Joseph Lusk, " Gaston " E. D. Hampton, " Davidson " J. L. Bundy, act." Cabarrus " Jas. L. Bostick, " Richmond " R. B. Paschall, " Chatham " Sundry Sheriffs, tax on account of in¬ digent insane patients from their respective counties, in Insane Asy¬ lum of North Carolina, as follows: E. D. Hampton, Sh'ff Davidson county, J. L. Bundy, act. R, B. Paschall, William Flynt, Joseph W. Steed, Joseph Lusk, Jonas Cline, Cabarrus Chatham " Forsyth " Randolph " Gaston " Catawba " Commissioners of the Sinking Fund of North-Carolina, for State coupon Bonds, dated July 1st, 1859, and running 30 years, Issued to R. F. Simonton, Treasurer of Western N. C. Railroad Compa¬ ny, 100 State coupon Bonds of $1000 each, dated July 1st, 1859, and running 30 years, issued on account of said Road, Accrued interest to 13th Aug., 1859, Issued to M. A. Bledsoe, Chairman I Executive Committee Insane Asy- 17,127 78 9.848 7,386 Public fund- Y Y receipts. 58 755 25 5,076 4,958 8,311 10,601 7,121 4,438 8,343 8,357 7,354 9,777 62 37 75 95 29 16 63 40 30 82 169 20 60 76 99 10 22 1,061 521 43650 150 413 30,000 100,000 716 66 140 1859.——Comptroller's Statement. 1859. iPublic fund— Aug. .-receipts. Sept. lum N. C., 10 State coupon Bonds of $1000 each, dated July 1st, 1859, and running 30 years, issued on account of said Asylum, Bank of Charlotte, tax on stock in said Bank, Bank of Yanceyville, tax on stock in said Bank, J. R. Bodge, Clerk of Supreme Court at Morganton, tax on Attorneys' Licenses, August Term, 1859, of said Court, Sundry Sheriffs, State taxes for 1858, payable in 1859, as follows : John T. Barnes, Sh'ff Wilson county, L. H. Lowrance, " Lincoln " E. C. Grier, " Mecklenb'g" William Hay more" Surry C. A. Boon, P. F. White, William Patterson" A. H. Sanders, Tully Davenport, " J. C. Smith, " A. B. Long, " J. L. Ward, " W. H. Cullom, " J. H. Nether cutt," R. M. Jones, " W. A. Thompson," John A. Yann, " Gi. Durden, " M. H. Eure, " A. C. Latham, " W. E. Mann, " G. M. Green, " Wm. Green, " E. D. Davis, " H. Hunter, " C. Strader, " Hector McNeill, " W. F. Wasson, " Sidney Deal, " T. J. Carr, " W. W. Long, " Guilford " Chowan " Alamance " Montgom'y " Tyrrell u Alexander " Rutherford " Polk J ohnston, " Jones " Orange " Wayne " Hertford " Washington" Gates " Craven " Pasquotank " Cleaveland " Haywood " J ackson " Madison " Caswell " Cumberland" Iredell " Watauga " Duplin, " Yadkin, " 1859. Comptroller's Statement. 141 G. B.Threadgill,Sh'ff Anson county. Isaac Arledge, " Henderson, W. D. Humphrey," J. H. Allen. " Esly Staly, R. G. Tuttle, Reuben King, Onslow Brunswick Wilkes Caldwell Robeson Hyde Currituck Pitt Burke Person Hilliard Gibbs, J. B. Lee, Josiah Hodges, Joseph Brittain, W. H. Smith, Abram Cox, former Sheriff Pitt K. H. Worthy, Sh'ff Moore Samu'l A.Warren," Northamp'n William Fields, " Solomon M. Ray, " James M. Hilliard" Joseph Marshall, " J. A. Reeves, " N. W. Cooper, " W. H. High, Lewis Williamson" Jesse Bledsoe, " o.. John Martin, J. R. Grady, R. R. Tayloe, J. F. Jenkins, E. D. Hall, N. R. Jones, W. R. Young, IL H. Davidson, J. G. Crawford, Washington Harris Sh'ff Franklin co. George Dill, Sh'ff Carteret Co., Lenoir Yancy Davie Stanly Ashe Nash Wake Columbus Alleghany Stokes Harnett Bertie Edgecombe N. Hanover Warren Buncombe Cherokee Macon James S. Snow, J. R. White, " W. B. Campbell " G. W. Crumpler, u W.A.Walton, " Joseph H. Gooch," J. E. Exum, " A. W. Bell, W. W. Ward, " Halifax Perquimans" Beaufort " Sampson " Rowan " Granville " Greene te Camden " Martin " Sundry Sheriffs, tax on account of in- 95 15 11 22 45 85 21 10 80 12 9,021 4,391 4,452 4,125 3,158 2,841 6,596 4,131 3,112 9,902 4,19852 6,96631 35 4,152 10,158 1,231 1,465 4,891 2,849 2,655 1,030 24,414 4,184 100 4,140 2,861 10,110 11,011 29,389 13,864[32 62 58 41 01 15 91 13 91 30 43 14 81 45 14 30 5,835 2,090 1,642 9,184 3,304 15,121 5,619 10,851 8,312 13,929 15,232 4,524 3,418 6,116 24 91 68 83 49 01 84 10 21 81 22 89 21 142 1859. Comptroller's Statement. 1859. Sept. Public Fund- receipts. digent insane patients from their respective counties, in Insane Asy¬ lum of N. C., as follows : L. H! Lowrance,Sh'ff Lincoln county, E. C. Grier, " Mecklenb'rg" C. A. Boon, " Guilford " A. B. Long, " Rutherford " J. H. Nethercutt, " Jones " R. M. Jones, " Orange " W. A. Thompson" Wayne " A. C. Latham, " Craven " G. M. Greene, " Cleaveland " Sidney Deal, " Watauga " James H. Allen, " Brunswick " Hilliard Gibbs, " Hyde " Josiah Hodges, " Pitt " N. W. Cooper, " Nash " Lewis Williamson" Columbus " James F. Jenkins" Edgecombe " E. D. Hall, " N. Hanover" Washington Harris Sh'ff Franklin co. J. R. White, Sh'ff Perquimans " W. B. Campbell, " Beaufort " | Jacob Siler, agent for collection of Cherokee Bonds, on account of said Bonds, C. B. Mallett, President of Fayette- ville & Coalfields Railroad Compa¬ ny, six months interest on State Coupon Bonds issued on account of said Road, Sundry Banks, tax on stock in said Banks, as follows: Merchants Bank, Bank of Fayetteville, Bank of Wadesboro', Bank of Washington, Bank of Cape Fear, Farmers Bank, Bank of Wilmington, Hugh Downing, tax for the charter of Stewart Gold Mining Company D. P. Weir, tax for the charter of Greene Monument Association, 16616 20810 56632 186 , 5133 1,13092 23035 50759 497 18120 109 51312 219 33 93 144 288 576 12544 6566 288 200 6,000 56250 950 812 812 3,142 744 1,891 25 50 50 50 75 20 25 1859. Comptroller's Statement. 143 PUBLIC FUND.—{Disbursements.) &{£££*.. Statement D. Showing the several objects for which the Disbursements of the Public Fund have been made. Agricultural Societies, Adjutant General, Albemarle & Chesapeake Canal, Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind, Binding Documents, Binding Laws, Board of Internal Improvements, Bonds of Cape Fear & Deep River Navigation Company, Capitol Square, Comptroller's Department, Congressional Election, Copying Lawrs, Contingencies, Council of State, Distributing Laws, ~xecutive Department, Executive Mansion, Expense Account of Sinking Fund, Equal Suffrage Election, Fayetteville & Albemarle Plankroad Fayetteville & Western Railroad, Fugitives from Justice, General Assembly, Geological Survey, I Governor's Election, (interest on coupon Bonds of Cape Fear & Deep River Navigation Company, Interest on Fayetteville & Western Plankroad Bonds, Interest on Raleigh & Gaston Railroad Bonds, Interest on State coupon Bonds, Interest on State Registered Bonds, Interest on State Loans, Insane Asylum, 2,300 350 100,000 350 130 1,686 186 53 44 50 60 50 80 80 50 48,95133 28415 1,000 841 619 8,281 216 I,305 3,300 5,682116 103)15 9,000 200,000 248 51,313 5,198 120 II,310 6,120 29,925 335,130 20,35518 9,30884 10,0001 85 93 56 00 1859. Comptroller1 s Statement. Judiciary, Pensions, Post Office, Premium on Northern Funds, Public Arms, Public Printing, Public Tax Refunded, Resolutions of tbe General Assembly, 1858-'59, Road from Wilkesboro' to Jefferson, Roaring Gap Road, Senatorial Election, Sheriffs for settling Public Taxes, State Department, State Librarian, State Library, Superintendent of Capitol, State Capitol, State Registered Bonds, State Loans, Treasury Department, Western N. C. Railroad, Detailed as follows; 29,332 45750 218 2,811 380 8,800 974 522 1,000 87 21 2,147 800 412 492 260 2,365 191,800 436,433 2,750 281,608 1,900,08321 1858. Oct. J. F. Hutchins, Treasurer of the State Agricultural Society, State's quota to said Society for year ending 1st Monday in Oct., 1858, Davie County Agricultural Society, State's quota for 1858, W. H. Hamilton for keeping Capitol Square in order for 6 months end ing Oct. 1st, 1858, J. G. Cook, President of Fayetteville & Alhemarle Plankroad Company, 9 State coupon Bonds of $1,000 each, dated Oct. 1st, 1858, and run¬ ning 20 years, issued on account ot said Road, J. J. Chaplin in part payment of his contract to bind Emmons' Agricul¬ tural Report, 1,500 50 125 9,000 217 88 1859. Comptroller's Statement. 145 Nov. W. E. Anderson, Treasurer Insane Asylum N. C., on account of said Asylum, Frederick Nash, Judge of Supreme Court, his 3rd quarter's salary for 1858, W. H. Battle, Judge Supreme Court, his 3rd quarter's salary for 1858, R. M. Saunders, Judge Superior Court, for holding Courts in An¬ son and Bladen counties, Fall Cir¬ cuit, 1858, Robert Strange, Solicitor 5 th Circuit, for 8 certificates, Will. A. Jenkins, Attorney General, for 7 certificates 3rd Circuit, Geo. S. Stevenson, Solicitor 2nd Cir¬ cuit, for 3 certificates, Marcus Erwin, Solicitor 7th Circuit, for 2 certificates, Bank of Cape Fear, at Raleigh, in¬ terest on temporary loan, Bank of Washington, interest on tem¬ porary loans, Holden & Wilson, printing for Treas¬ ury Department, Holden & Wilson, printing for Comp¬ troller's Department, Holden & Wilson, printing for State Department, Martha Spears, her half year's pen sion for 1858, William Percival, in part payment for making water closets in State Capitol, J. J. Chaplin, lettering Books for State Library and Supreme Court, Mecklenburg County Agricultural So ciety, State's quota for 1858, Cumberland County Agricultural So¬ ciety, State's quota for 1858, Moore County Agricultural Society, State's quota for 1858, Ehenezer Emmons, State Geologist, his 2nd quarter's salary for 1858, 18 | 5,000 625 625 Publio fund— disbursements. 75 180 160 140 60 40 405 49 24 24 13 3750 200 3020 50 50 50 625 1859. Comptroller's Statement. 1858. Nov. D.F.Caldwell,Judge Superior Courts, for 10 certificates from 3rd Circuit, William Lander, Solicitor, for 7 cer¬ tificates from 6th Circuit, E. C. Hines, Solicitor, for 9 certifi¬ cates from 1st Circuit, Geo. S. Stevenson, Solicitor, for 3 certificates from 2nd Circuit, Will. A. Jenkins, Attorney General, for 3 certificates from 3rd Circuit, R.M.Saunders,Judge Superior Courts, for 11 certificates from 2nd Circuit, Cliarles E. Johnson, President Board Directors Insane Asylum N. C., 35 State coupon Bonds of $1000 each, dated Jan. 1st, 1858, and running 30 years, issued on account of said Asylum, Bank of the Republic, New York, in¬ terest on State coupon Bonds, ad¬ vanced by said bank, Alexander Taylor, his pension for 1858, Bank of Cape Fear, premium for $12,- 3*77 50 check on New York, Bank of the State of N. C., premium for $106,000 check on New York, William Percival, in part payment for making water closets in State Capitol, Quent. Busbee, Assistant Clerk of the Senate, for collecting Laws, Journals, Documents, &c., under a resolution ot the Legislature of 1856-57, Adams Express in Raleigh, freight on 2 packages from New York to Raleigh, Magnetic Telegraph in Raleigh, for message to New York, Danforth, Perkins & Co., Agents of American Bank Note Company, New York, for printing coupon Bonds of the State of North Caro¬ lina, 95 89 1859. Comptroller's Statement. 1 1858. Dec. John M. Dick, Judge Superior Courts, for 12 certificates from 4th circuit, M. E. Manly, Judge Superior Courts, for 14 certificates from 6th circuit, J.G.Shepherd,Judge Superior Courts, for 10 certificates from 1st circuit R. R. Heath, Judge Superior Courts for 11 certificates from 2d circuit, Robert Strange, Solicitor, for 6 cer¬ tificates from 5 th circuit, William Lander, Solicitor, for 2 cer¬ tificates from 6th circuit, Geo. S. Stevenson, Solicitor, for 5 cer¬ tificates from 2d circuit, J. J. Bruner, for printing, folding, pressing, stitching and covering part of No. 2, Vol. 5, Jones' Law, and No. 1, Vol. 4, Jones' Equity, with indexes to 5th vol. Law, and 3d vol. Jones' Equity, Marcus Erwin, Solicitor, for 2 cer¬ tificates from 7th circuit, E. C. Hines, Solicitor, for 1 certificate from 1st circuit, Thomas Ruffin, Jr., Solicitor, for 12 certificates from 4th circuit, Holden & Wilson, printing for State Department, John W. Syme, advertising State Bonds in Raleigh Register for Treas-| ury Department, Holden & Wilson, advertising Gov¬ ernor's proclamation for arrest of G. A. Gilchrist, and day of Thanksgiv¬ ing, John W. Syme, advertising the Gov¬ ernor's proclamation in Raleigh Register for day of Thanksgiving, Solomon B. Dondge, for services and expenses as messenger to Governor of Virginia, to demand Alfred Vann and Robert Brinkley, fugitives from justice in Gates county, N. C., G. W. Hampton, Sheriff of Buncombe county, for settling public taxes for. $ 975 1,155 975 975 120 40 100 Public fund— disbursements 582 40 20 240 7775 29 50 650 50 45 85 US 1859. Comptroller's Statement. Public fond- 1858. Dec. IBS'?, and making returns of Sen¬ atorial and Congressional elections, Martin county Agricultural Society, State's quota for 1858, Robeson county Agricultural Society, State's quota for 1858, Gates county Agricultural Society, State's quota for 1858, Henderson county Agricultural So¬ ciety, State's quota for 1858, R. F. Simonton, Treasurer of Western North Carolina Railroad Company, 47 State coupon Bonds of $10 each, dated Oct. 1st, 1858, and run-J ning 30 years, issued on account of said Road, Accrued interest, Additional payment on account of said Road, Elizabeth Kissam, Administratrix of Samuel Kissam, for storage of arms belonging to North Carolina, under resolution of Legislature 1856-'57, Pulaski Cowper, Secretary to Boarc of Internal Improvements, for de¬ fraying expenses of Board 28th Oct., and 10th Dec., 1858, Bank of Cape Fear at Raleigh, six months interest on $29,500 loaned the State, Joseph B. Chonry, Senator from Ber¬ tie county, Legislature 1858-59, \ J. Lougee, articles for State Li¬ brary and Geological Rooms in Capitol, W. L. Pomeroy, sundry Books for State Library, W. L. Pomeroy, Wharton's Criminal Law for Supreme Court Library, H. D.Turner, Wharton's Medical Ju¬ risprudence for Supreme Court Li- braiy, J. J. Chaplin, binding Books for State Library, Holden & Wilson, printing ior Ge- i ological Cabinet in Capitol, 48 50 50 50 50 47,000 36816 3,000 155 6725 885 112 20 50 7 6 9 10 70 50 50 1859. Comptroller's Statement. 1858. Dec. Ebenezer Emmons, for expenditures on account of Geological Survey in addition to liis salary, Henry T. Clark, interest on State Bonds, Henry T. Clark, interest on Fayette- ville & Western Plankroad Bonds, D. King, Superintendent of Capitol, | money expended by him for ser vices about Capitol, |G. W. Hampton, Sheriff of Buncombe county, making return of election for Governor in 1858, Thomas Bragg, Governor of North Carolina, his 4th quarter's salary for 1858, Pulaski Cowper, Private Secretary to Gov. Bragg, his 4th quarter's sal¬ ary for 1858, D. W. Courts, Public Treasurer, his 4th quarter's salary for 1858, W. R. Richardson, Clerk of Treasury Department, his 4fch quarter's sal¬ ary for 1858, R. H. Page, Secretary of State, his 4th quarter's salary for 1858, 0. H. Perry, State Librarian, his 4th quarter's salary for 1858, D. King, Superintendent of Capitol his 4th quarter's salary for 1858 Thomas Bragg, Governor of North Carolina, sundry articles for Exec¬ utive Mansion, Sundry persons, interest on State cou¬ pon Bonds, R. C. Cotten, Adjutant General of N. C., his salary to 30th June, 1858, Pulaski Cowper, Secretary to Board of Internal Improvements, for de¬ fraying expenses of a meeting of the Board, Bank of the Republic, New York, in¬ terest on State coupon Bonds, ad¬ vanced by said bank, W. L. Pomeroy, Stationery for the State, 488 90 90 K ft "Public fund— ° disbursements. 5 25 35 "750 75 500 50 187 200 8750 65 44|50 75 200 12 25 13,425 80796 ISO 1859. Comptroller's Statement, 1858. Public fund— T)ec disbursements. 1850. Jan. W. L. Pomeroy, Seal for Comptroll¬ er's office, P. H. Page, Secretary of State, 24 boxes adamantine candles for the State, including freight from Pe¬ tersburg, H. D. Turner, stationery for Secretary of State, H. D. Turner, stationery for Executive Department, H. D. Turner, stationery for Treasury Department, H. D. Turner, stationery for Comp¬ troller's Department, H. D. Turner, stationery for Supreme Court Office, H. D. Turner, bottle Ink for Adjutant General's Office, Pulaski Cowper, Private Secretary to Gov. Bragg, for sealing 55 State Bonds, C. Dewey, Cashier Bank State H. C., Check Book for Treasury Depart¬ ment, H. J. Myatt, 50 cords firewood for State, D. L. Swain, Commissioner of Sink¬ ing Fund, expenses of meeting in Raleigh, W. H. Edwards, Commissioner of Sink¬ ing Fund, expenses of meeting in Raleigh, Quent. Busbee, Secretary of Sinking Fund, for his services, W. L. Pomeroy, Books for use of Sink¬ ing Fund, Sundry persons, interest on Bonds of the State of Horth Carolina, due 1st Monday in January, 1859, Sundry persons, interest on Bonds of Fayetteville & "Western Plankroad Company, due 1st Monday in Jan¬ uary, 1859, R. H. Dowry, Cashier of Bank of the Republic, Hew York, interest on coupon Bonds of the State of Horth 11 221 128 17 73 16 3 73 90 05 70 57 95 50 550 23 75 16680 36 27 12 28 75 9,684 2,985 1859. Comptroller's (Statement. 151 Carolina, advanced by said Bank, R. H. Lowry, Cashier of Bank of the Republic, New York, interest on coupon Bonds of Cape Fear and Deep River Navigation Company, advanced by said Bank, W. H. Battle, Judge Supreme Court, his 4th quarter's salary for 1858, R. M. Pearson, Judge Supreme Court, his 4th quarter's salary for 1858, Thomas Ruffin, Chief Justice Su¬ preme Court, his salary from 11th to 31st Dec., 1858, J. R. Dodge, Clerk Supreme Court at Morganton, his salary for 1858, J. L. Bailey, Judge Superior Courts for 15 certificates from 1th circuit Marcus Erwin, Solicitor, for 10 cer¬ tificates from 1th circuit, Will. A. Jenkins, Attorney General N. C., for attending Supreme Court in Raleigh, December Term, 1858, W. H. & R. S. Tucker, articles for Executive Mansion, John Craven, for work, &c., at Exec¬ utive Mansion, Ebenezer Emmons, Jr., Assistant Ge¬ ologist, his last half year's salary for 1858, J. J. Chaplin, balance for binding 2000 copies Emmons' Geological Survey, for the State, Pulaski Cowper, Secretary to Board of Internal Improvements, for at¬ tending meeting of Board one day, Randolph county Agricultural Socie¬ ty, State's quota for 1858, Duplin county Agricultural Society, State's quota for 1858, Quent. Busbee, Assistant Clerk to the Senate, for 62 days services Legis¬ lature 1858-59, Bank of Cape Fear at Raleigh, six months interest on $60,000 loaned! the State, I $ 94,605 8,415 625 625 13889 150 1,245 200 100 3405 Publio fund— disbursements. 32 86 750 257 12 50 50 372 1,800 152 1859. Comptroller's Statement. Public fund— 1859. disbursements, Feb. Geo. T. Cooke, Postmaster in Raleigh, postage stamps for offices of Gov¬ ernor and Secretary of State, Moses A. Smith, Postmaster at Salis¬ bury, postage stamps for paying postage on Supreme Court Reports, sent from Salisbury, James E. Morris, his salary for 1858, as keeper of Public Arms in New- Berne, Holden & Wilson, printing for Ex ecutive Department, Bramly Sasser, a pension for 1858, R. C. Cotten, Adjutant General, his last half year's salary for 1858, Graham Daves, Secretary, expenses of Council of State for meeting in Raleigh, Jan. 15th, 1859, Bank of the State of North Carolina, interest on Bonds of Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Co., endorsed hy the State, Richmond county Agricultural Socie tv, State's quota lor 1858, Briggs & Dodd, 1 case for Geological Room, and 2 cases for State Libra¬ ry in Capitol, Adams Express, freight on package from New York, John Cross, for services in removing safe from dray into Comptroller's office, Paid members of the General Assem¬ bly of North Carolina, Session 1858-59, as follows: Henry T. Clark, Speaker Senate, Edgecombe co W. S. Ashe, B. S. Basnight, " L. N. B. Battle, " M. A. Bledsoe, " E. J. Blount, " Geo. D. Boyd, " Bedford Brown, " L. B. Carmichael," N. Hanover Tyrrell Nash Wake Pitt Rockingham Caswell Wilkes, 1859. Comptroller's Statement. 153 Joseph 13. IJhfcriy, Senate, Bertie County. L G. Cowper, " Hertford J.W. Cunningham " Person W. F. Davidson, " Mecklenh'g . W. Davis, " Stanly Richard Dillard, " Chowan Joseph Dobson, " Yadkin R. S. Donnell, " Beaufort B. C. Douthitt, u Davidson B. M. Edney, " Henderson D. Flanner, " Craven Ralph Gorrell, " Guilford D. C. Guyther, " Martin W. J. Houston, " Duplin L. W. Humphrey, " Onslow W. K. Lane, " Wayne M. Lankford, " Franklin J. T. Leach, " Johnston J. J. Martin, " Stokes A. R. McDonald, " Moore T. D. McDowell, " Bladen A. A. McKoy, " Sampson E. P. Miller, " Caldwell L. A. Mills, " Rutherford T. J. Person, " Horthampt'n T. J. Pitchford, " Warren John Pool, " Pasquotank J. G. Ramsay, " Rowan F. D. Reinhardt, " Catawba J. P. Speight, " Greene Walter L. Steele, " Richmond E. Hi Straughan, " Chatham C. H. K. Taylor, " Granville W. H. Thomas, " Jackson Josiah Turner, " Orange Sam'l H.*W alkup," Union W. P. Ward, " Jones Mat. C.Whitaker," Halifax C. C. Williams, " Camden Jonathan Worth, " Randolph Thomas Settle, Speaker Commons, Rockingham co., J. C. Badham, " Chowan J. S. T. Baird, " Buncombe C. C. Barbee, " Harnett 80 174 291 262 305 319 283 30480 300 60 312 345 252 280 334 304 309 250 290 255 305 297 27380 304 326 33760 305 40 40 60 37 40 276 284 299 320 301 275 294 288 35240 28920 298 305 271 329 285 Public fund— disbursements. 40 40 40 20 15 50 20 90 40160 329 345 28660 154: 1859. Comptroller's Statement. 1859. Public fund— "CVK disbursements. A eu" B. M. Baxter, Commons, J. A. Benbury James Blount, R. R. Bridgers, H. W. Brummell, J. H. Bryan, R. K. Bryan, T. D. Bryson, J. M. Bullock, E. B. Burns, ' W. P. Burke, Samuel Byrd, Tod R. Caldwell, D. F. Caldwell, E. C. Chambers, Abraham Clapp, Ambrose Costner W. A. Cox, Thoxas Cox, John A. Craven, John S. Dancy, A. J. Dargan, Gilbreth Dixon O. H. Dockeiy, W. T. Dortch, Edwin D. Drake, T. J. Dula, Peter Eller, John A. Fagg, F. J. Faison, G. H. Faribault, Tilman Farrow, D. D. Ferebee, N. H. Fleming, James II. Foy, F. Fries, Ephraim Gaither A. B. F. Gaither, O. P. Gardner, Rid'k Gatling, jr, Allen Gentry, R. H. Green, W. F. Green, N. F. Hall, D. C. Hall, Currituck co., Tyrrell Robeson Edgecombe Davidson Craven FT. Hanover Jackson Granville Cabarrus Alexander Yancey Burke Guilford Montgomery Guilford Lincoln Jones Pitt Randolph Edgecombe Anson Cleaveland Richmond Wayne Warren Caldwell Wilkes Madison Sampson Wake Hyde Camden Rowan Onslow Forsythe Davie Iredell Rutherford Gates Ashe Chatham Franklin Rowan Warren 1859. Comptroller's Statement. 1859. Feb. T. L.Hargrove, Com' J. S. Harrington/ P. T. Henry, R. H. Hester, William Hill, Joel F. Hill, A. Higgins, Mark Holdsclaw, Jno. F. Hutchins, Henry C. Jones, Pride Jones, John Kerr, William Kirby, J. A. Leak, Samuel Leffers, Geo. N. Lewis, W. Long, Samuel L. Love, E. B. Lyon, Jacob McCotter, W. McL. McKay A. H. Martin, John Masten, Thos D. Meares, John A. Moore, Augus. Moore, G. J. Moore, J. M. Morehead, Timothy Morgan Henry Mordecai, Nathan Newby, Jos. S. Norman, J. W. Norwood, David Outlaw, H. M. Pritchard, J. W. Pur die, M. W. Ransom, D. F. Ragan, R. E. Reeves, V. Ripley, B. F. Roney, W. H. Sanders, Junius I. Scales, John Shaw, H. Sherrill, ns, Granville co. Harnett Bertie Person Halifax Stokes McDowell Watauga Wake, Craven Orange Caswell Sampson Anson Carteret Nash Halifax Haywood Granville Pitt Cumberland " Wilkes Forsyth Brunswick Chatham Martin N.Hanover Guilford Pasquotank Wake Perquimans Washington " Orange " Bertie " Mecklenburg" Bladen " Northampton" Gaston Surry Henderson Alamance J ohnston Alamance Moore Catawba 276 293 60 327 80 Public fund— 28080 disbursements. 23420 312 330 335 60 285 , 307 293 301 303 279 20 316 70 305 25940' 351 292 304 297 324 302 60- 60* 60- 60 27080* 274 325 310 271 331 144 314 336 293 321 305 272 40 40' 261 315 313 345 297 365 290 297 320 20 80 20 20 60- 156 1859. Comptroller's Statement. Public Fund- disbursements. eb. A. K. Simonton, Commons, Iredell county, F. L. Simpson, " Rockingham" M.W.Smallwood," Northamp'n" W. N. H. Smith, " Hertford « Thomas Sparrow," Beaufort " W. H. A. Speer, " Yadkin " A. I). Speight, J. D. Stanford, J. H. Stephens, W. P. Taylor, B. H. Tomlinson," Johnston E. A. Thompson, " Wayne Jesse Thornburg," Randolph M. T. Waddill, " Stanly W. C. Walker, " Greene " Duplin " Columbus " Chatham " Cherokee " " Mecklenb'rg" " Davidson " " Duplin " " Rutherford " " Cleaveland " " Robeson " W. Wallace Henry Walser, W. R. Ward, B. Washburn, A. G. Waters, Alex. Watson, N. B. Whitfield, " Lenoir T. C. Wilson, " Union S. E. Williams, " Caswell Samuel Windley," Beaufort H. G. Woodfin, " Macon, Thomas Cox, T. J. Dula, N. N. Fleming, William Hill, D. F. Ragan, Pitt, additional, " Caldwell " " Rowan " Halifax " " Gaston " John Hill, Principal Clerk of the Senate, J. W. Alspaugh, Assistant Clerk of the Senate, Edward Cantwell, Principal Clerk House of Commons, Geo. Howard, jr., Assistant Clerk House of Commons, L. W. Joyner, Engrossing Clerk, Caleb Hill, " « James E, Ward, " " James Page, Principal Doorkeeper of the Senate, 1859. Comptroller's Statement. 157 C. C. Tally, Assistant Doorkeeper of the Senate, W. S. Webster, Principal Doorkeeper House of Commons, John Lawrence, Assistant Doorkeeper House of Commons, Sundry temporary Engrossing Clerks, as follows : Edward Yail, Willie J. Palmer, Thomas D. Sledge, T. B. Macon, Theo. H. Hill, Lawrence Badger, John C. Blake, William H. Dodd, Thomas S. Lemay, James A. Moore, Drury King, for 4 days services as Assistant Doorkeeper to House of Commons, Paid sundry persons, under Resolu¬ tions passed by the General As¬ sembly of 1858-59, as follows : W. R. Baird, James F. Jenkins, W. J. W. Crowder, Elias Barnes, Tod R. Caldwell, Ex'r of John Cald¬ well, dec'd, Tod R. Caldwell, for Donald Eraser, W. H. & R. S. Tucker, John Wilson, D. Crosby, William Thompson, John Word, E. D. Nichols, Henry J. Brown, Theodore Schrader, G. M. Albright, H. D. Turner, Sundry persons, interest on Bonds of the State of North-Carolina, Sundry persons, interest on Bonds of 352 354 365 90 8 12 8 8 72 28 12 12 80 24 100 20 51 15 53 28 Public fund— disbursements-. 44 73 31 1655 1750 2632 25 18 23 8 86 555 23 72 55 .158 1859. Comptroller's Statement. 1859. Public fund- -tti ■l disbursements. xieu. Fayetteville & Western Plankroad Co., Bank of Cape Fear at Raleigh, inter¬ est for 6 months on $20,000, Bank of Cape Fear at Raleigh, inter est for 6 months on $16,000, Pescud & Gatling, articles for Execu tive Mansion, McPheeters & Ghiselin, articles for Executive Mansion, Boy Patrick, for putting 9 Grates in Executive Mansion, H. C. Jones, Reporter to Supreme Court, his last half year's salarv for 1858, Paid R. C. Pearson, President of Western Korth-Carolina Railroad Company, 60 State coupon Bonds of $1000 each, dated Jan. 1st, 1859, and running 30 years, issued on account of said Road, Accrued interest to Feb. 8th, 1859, William White, postage for Execu¬ tive Department, Rutherford County Agricultural So¬ ciety, State's quota for 1858, Allen Gentry, for Roaring Gap Road, W. E. Anderson, Treasurer Insane Asylum N. C., on account of said Asylum, Letitia M. Bray, a pension allowed by Legislature 1858-'59, John H. DeCarteret, for binding 112 vols. Reports of Supreme Court, &c., William Green, Sheriff of Haywood County, for making returns of elec¬ tion in said county for Governor, Senatorial and Congressional Elec¬ tions in 1858, Briggs & Dodd, for work on water closets in Capitol, W. H. McKee, President Board Di¬ rectors of Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind, 1859. Comptroller's Statement. 159 Holden & Wilson, printing for the General Assembly of 1858-59, C. H. Brogdeu, Comptroller, his 3rd quarter's salary for 1858, Adams Express, freight on package from New York, Raleigh & Gaston Railroad Compa- ' ny, freight on Safe for Comptrol¬ ler's Department, Donnans & Johnston, 12 boxes Can¬ dles for the State, including freight, &c., William Thompson, for repairing chairs and desks in Capitol, and putting case for papers and cloth on desk and table in Private Sec¬ retary's Office, S. H. Herring & Co., one patent Iron Safe for Comptroller's Dep't, etc., W. L. Pomeroy, Equity Seal and Press for Watauga County, and Seals and Presses for County and Superior Courts of Rutherford co., W. L. Pomeroy, stationery for Legis¬ lature of 1858-59, W.L.Pomeroy, 2 Colton's Maps of Uni¬ ted States, for use of the Legislature, Drury King, money paid by him to Jerry for cutting wood for Capitol in November, 1858, Willard Felt & Co., one Ledger for Treasury Department, G. W. Ally, Operator of Magnetic Telegraph in Raleigh, sending 3 messages to New York for Public Treasurer, E. Newlin, for New York Journal of Commerce., from Feb. 21th, 1859, to Feb. 27th, 1860, Thos. J. Lemay, for 4 days services in examining the account of Hoi den & Wilson, State printers, Henry James, one copy Johnson's new Map of the Republics of North America, for State Library, 3,257 250 1 26 111 18 326 42 207 25 99 Public fund— disbursements. 91 48 50 75 95 7 3325 383 9 12 10 160 1859. Comptroller's Statement. 1859. Feb. Public fund- disbursements March, Bank of the Republic, New York interest on State coupon Bonds advanced by said Bank, Bank of the Republic, New York, in¬ terest on Bonds of Cape Fear & Deep River Navigation Company, advanced by said Bank, Thos. H. Holmes, Secretary of Samp¬ son County Agricultural Society, the State's quota for 3 years, J. J. Chaplin, binding documents for the Legislature of 1858-59, Graham Daves, Secretary to Board of Internal Improvements, for one day's services of members and secretary of Board, Graham Daves, for one day's services as Secretary to Council of State, and sealing one Bond of Fayette- ville & Western Plankroad Com¬ pany, S. M. Ray, Sheriff of Yancey County, for making return of Congressional election in said County, in August, 1858, John W. Ellis, Governor of North Carolina, his 1st quarter's salary for 1859, Graham Daves, Private Secretary to Gov. Ellis, his 1st quarter's salary for 1859, Ebenezer Emmons, State Geologist, his last half-year's salary for 1858, W. F. Ramsay, for work done on Executive Mansion, Adams Express, freight on linen from New York for Executive Mansion, Waterhouse & Bowes, Gas pipe and fixtures for Executive Mansion, James M. Towles, Straw cutter for Executive Mansion, Clark & Henderson, for painting dome on Executive Mansion, C. A. Hart, Bro. & Co., sundry arti¬ cles for Executive Mansion, 1859. Comptroller's Statement. 161 Heartt & Iredell, articles for Execu¬ tive Mansion, William Thompson, book cases, &c., for Executive Mansion, John T. Gilmore, Senator from Cum¬ berland county, for his services in the General Assembly of 1858—'59, S. M. Hay, Sheriff of Yancey county, making return of Election for Gov¬ ernor in 1858, William E. Anderson, under resolu¬ tion of Legislature 1858—'59, au¬ thorizing Public Treasurer to pay amount of one quarter's salary, on account of late Chief Justice Fred¬ erick Nash, to Jan. 1st, 1859," Robert Strange, Solicitor, for 4 cer¬ tificates from 5th circuit, E. B. Freeman, Clerk of Supreme Court at Baleigh, his half year's salary ending Dec. 31st, 1858, Recording 2,385 pages at 30 cents, J. Litchford, Marshal to Supreme Court at Raleigh, for attending said Court 82 days, December Term, 1858, R.M.Saunders, Judge Superior Courts, for 1 certificate from 1st circuit, W. E. Anderson, Treasurer Insane Asylum of North Carolina, on ac count of said Asylum, Bank of Cape Fear at Raleigh, interest for 6 months on $10,000, Bank of Cape Fear at Raleigh, interest for 6 months on $2,000, Bank of Cape Fear at Raleigh, interest for 6 months on $9,500, Bank of the State of North Carolina, interest on temporary loan of 000, Bank of the Republic, New York, in¬ terest on State coupon bonds, ad¬ vanced by said Bank, Bank of the Republic, New York, in¬ terest on coupon bonds of Cape Fear and Deep River Navigation Com- 19 20 55 297 35 50 Public fund— disbursements, 625 80 150 715 50 164 90 3,000 300 60 285 161 7,065 07 162 1859.- Comptroller's Statement. 1859. Public fund— disbursements, JiLar pany, advanced by said Bank, Sundry persons, interest on bonds of North Carolina, Alfred Jones, interest on bonds of Fay etteville & Western Plankroad Com- pany, Holden & Wilson, printing for the sev¬ eral Departments in State Capitol Peggy Gardner, a pension as widow of Theophilus Gardner, Bank of Wilmington, premium for $9,803 check on New York, Bank of the State of North Carolina, premium for $50,000 check on N ew York, Sundry persons, public taxes refunded by resolutions of General Assembly 1858-'59, Drury King, Superintendent, expenses of cleaning Capitol, O.H.Perry,subscription fornewspapers and periodicals for State Library, O. H. Perry, State Librarian, 1st quar¬ ter's salary, . C. Dewey, Cashier of the Bank of the State of North Carolina, temporary State loan, R. H. Page, Secretary of State, his 1st quarter's salary for 1859, D. W. Courts, Public Treasurer, his 1st quarter's salary for 1859, W. R. Richardson, Clerk of Treasury Department, his 1st quarter's salary for 1859, Drury King,Superintendent of Capitol, his 1st quarter's salary for 1859, B. F. Moore, for 4 State Bonds of $1000 each, issued in March, 1849, and running 10 years, Drury Lacy, for * 1 State Bond of . $1000, issued in March, 1849, and running 10 years, R. C. Pearson, President of Western N. C. Railroad Company, on ac¬ count of said Road, New York Journal of Commerce, ad- 1859. Comptroller's Statement. 1859. Mar. vertising proposals for North. Caro¬ lina Bonds, Telegraphic dispatch to New York for Public Treasurer, Graham Daves, Private Secretary to Governor Ellis, postage stamps for State Offices in Capitol, Adams Express, freight on package from New York, George W. Mordecai, Treasurer of For¬ est Manufacturing Company, 100 reams paper for the State, E. B. Freeman, coal for Supreme Court Boom, December Term, 1858, G. W. Alley, Operator Magnetic Tel egraph in Baleigh, 2 dispatches to New York for Public Treasurer, William Thompson, chairs for Execu¬ tive Office, Graham Daves, Private Secretary to Governor Ellis, for sealing 100 State Bonds at 10 cents, Telegraphic Dispatch to New York for Public Treasurer, S. M. Pay, Sheriff of Yancy county, settling public taxes due from said Sheriff and making return of Sen¬ atorial Election in said county, in August, 1858, Clark A Henderson, in part payment for painting done at Executive Man¬ sion, A. T. Stewart & Co., sundry articles for Executive Mansion, E. Y. Haughwout & Co., glass and china for Executive Mansion, Graham Daves, his expenses to New York to purchase furniture for Ex ecutive Mansion, Graham Daves, payment of freight on sundry articles for Executive Man¬ sion, J. & C. Berrian, sundry articles for Executive Mansion, John G. Williams & Co., for $827 check on New York to pay Bruner 15 42 1 798 65 :1 Public fan d— disbursements. 95 25 12 10 89 239 95 4915 100 93778 108 18 50 12 99 3150 164 1859. Comptroller's Statement. 1859. Public fund— ^.pril. disbursements. & Moore, for sundry articles for Ex¬ ecutive Mansion, Graham Daves, expenses for hauling furniture, &e., from Railroad to Ex¬ ecutive Mansion, ¥m. M. Kennedy, for plastering and whitewashing at ExecutiveMansion, P. E. Pescud, j>aints, Ac., for Execu¬ tive Mansion, James M. Towles, articles for Execu¬ tive Mansion, Clark & Henderson, balance for paint ing Executive Mansion, R. M. Pearson, Chief Justice Supreme Court, his 1st quarter's salary for 1859, W. H. Battle, Judge Supreme Court, his 1st quarter's salary for 1859, Thomas Ruffin, Judge Supreme Court, his 1st quarter's salary for 1859, Will. A. Jenkins, Attorney General, for 6 certificates from 3d Circuit, Robert Strange, Solicitor, for 3 cer¬ tificates from 5th Circuit, W. E. Anderson,Treasurer Insane Asy¬ lum, N. C., on account of said Asy¬ lum, R. H. Page, Secretary of State, for furnishing Holden A Wilson, State printers, with copies of 287 Laws of the Legislature of 1858-'59 at " ~ per copy; 87 Resolutions at 50 cents per copy, and copy of "an act to provide for running and marking the dividing line between the States of North Carolina and Virginia," furnished to Gov. Ellis, Geo. R. Sledge, money refunded to him by Resolution of the ture of 1858-'59, Joseph N. Long, money refunded to him by Resolution of the Legisla¬ ture of lS58-'59, William A. Walton, money refunded to him by Resolution of the Legis¬ lature of 1858-59, Legisla 1859. Comptroller's Statement. 165 Paid sundry persons, for State Bonds, issued in 1859, and running 10 years, as follows: Will. A. Graham, Ex'r, for 1 State Bonc^ of $1000, due April, 1859, E. B. Freeman, for 3 State Bonds of $1000 each, due April, 1859, Willis Whitaker, for 1 State Bond of $1000, due April, 1859, A. Jones, for 5 State Bonds of $1000 each, and 1 Bond of $500, due April 1859, Catharine Boylan, for 2 State Bonds of $1000 each, due April, 1859, Thomas Ruffin, Ex'r, for 1 State Bond of $500, due April, 1859, William Boylan, for 3 State Bonds ot $1000 each, and 1 Bond of $500, due April, 1859, Jos. A. Engelhard, for 2 State Bonds of $1000 each, due March, 1859, J. W. Norwood, Guardian of Jo. Blount, for 3 State Bonds of $1000 each, 1 do. of $2000, and 1 do. of $500, due March and May, 1859, Ralph P. Buxton, Adm'r, for 1 State Bond of $1000, due April, 1859, Matthias Barrier, Treasurer of West¬ ern Carolina Male Academy, for 2 State Bonds, due June, 1859, C. L. Hinton, for Grizzy and Sarah B. Hinton, for 1 State Bond of $1000, due March, 1859, William Peace, Treasurer of the Rex Hospital, for 1 State Bond of $1000 due April, 1859, Theo. F. Keehln, Adm'r, for 2 State Bonds of $600 each, due April, 1859, John M. Rose, Treasurer of Fayette- ville & Western Railroad Company, on account of appropriation to said Road by the General Assembly of 1858-59, • W. H. Jones, Cashier of the Branch Bank of Cape Fear at Raleigh, 1 Note dated 16th March, 1855, for 1,000 3,000 1,000 5,500 2,000 500 3,500 2,000 5,500 1,000 2,000 1,000 1,000 1,200 100,000 166 1859. Comptroller's Statement. 1859. Public fund— April, disbursements. * $10,000; 1 Note dated 16tli, April, 1855, for $1,000; 1 Note dated March. 30th, 1857, for $9,500; Note dated 5th May, 1857, for $29,- 500; 1 Note dated January 6th, 1855, for $10,000 ; and 1 Note dated February 13th, 1855, for $10,000, C. Dewey, Cashier of the Bank of the State of North Carolina, 1 Note da¬ ted March 9th, 1859, for $70,000, W. H. Jones, Cashier of the Branch Bank of Cape Fear at Kaleigh, in¬ terest on State loans, O. H. Perry, his 1st quarter's salary for 1859, as Librarian of the Senate and House of Commons, Seaton Gales, 8 volumes Kaleigh Reg¬ ister at $5 33 per volume, for State Library, John H. DeCarteret, binding 12 vol¬ umes Newspapers, Ac., for State Li¬ brary, B. F. Moore, 6 Books, English Kail way and Canals, for State Library, R. F. Simonton, Treasurer of Western N. C. Railroad Company, 18 State Coupon Bonds of $1,000 each, dated April 1st, 1859, and running 30 years, issued on account of said Road Accrued interest to 18th April, 1859, Cash paid R. F. Simonton, on account of said Road, Bank of the State of North Carolina, interest on Bonds of Raleigh & Gas¬ ton Railroad Company, advanced by said Bank, Ebenezer Emmons, State Geologist, for one quarter's salary from Jan. 1st, to April 1st, 1859, Ebenezer Emmons, jr., Assistant Ge¬ ologist, for one quarter's salary from Jan. 1st to April 1st, 1859, Mat. Conklin, Assistant Geologist, for one year's salary from March 20th, 1858, to March 20, 1859, Jas. Fulton and N. M. Long, Members $ 100,000 70,000 1,8841 1859. Comptroller's Report. 167 of the Board of Internal Improve¬ ments, and Graham Daves, Secreta ry, for one day's meeting of said Board in Raleigh, "William Percival, rock furnished, and 730 lbs. railroad iron, for putting under rock over two cisterns con nected with water closets in Capitol, Bank of the Republic, New York, in¬ terest on State coupon bonds, ad vanced by said Bank, Bank of the Republic, New York, in¬ terest on one C. F. & D. R. coupon bond, advanced by said Bank, Sundry persons, interest on State cou pon bonds, Sundry persons, interest on- Bonds of the State of North Carolina, Edward Cantwell, one quarter's salary in 1859, for Gen. R. C. Cotten, as Adjutant General of North Carolina, Adams Express, freight on package coupons from New i ork to Raleigh, Graham Daves, Private Secretary to Gov. Ellis, for sealing 101 State Bonds, Two Telegraphic dispatches to New York, for Public Treasurer, Adams Express, freight on 50 State Bonds from Raleigh to New York, Bank of the Republic, New York, for Telegraphic dispatch to Public Treasurer, Adams Express, freight on package from New York to Raleigh, R. J. Mitchell, under resolution of the Legislature 1858-59, Graham Daves, Private Secretary to Gov.Ellis, for sealing 50 Statebonds, W. B. Reid, Agent in Raleigh for Adams Express, freight on 100 N. C. Bonds, Adams Express, freight on package from New York to Raleigh, G. W. Alley, Operator of the Magnetic Telegraph in Raleigh, for sundry 32 171 51,510 15 1,980 738 Publio fund— disbursements. 50 10 16 15 33 90 84 10 07 67 95 81 33 25 168 1859. Comptroller's Statement. 1859. April. Public fund— disbursements. May. dispatches to and from New York, for Public Treasurer, Graham Paves, Private Secretary to Gov. Ellis, for sealing 112 State Bonds, Adams Express, freight on $50,000 N. C. Bonds from Raleigh to New York, W. Moore, S. J. Latham, and L. S. Webb, as Trustees of Gilbert L. Moore, under resolution of the Legis¬ lature of 1858-'59, Adams Express, freight on package from New York to Raleigh, Graham Paves, Private Secretary to Gov.Ellis, for sealing 60 State bonds, Adams Express, freight on 50 N. C. bonds, Adams Express, freight on 50 N. C. bonds, and Telegraphic dispatch, G. W. Alley, Operator of the Magnet¬ ic Telegraph in Raleigh, for dis¬ patches to New York, for Public Treasurer, Marshall ^Parks, President of Albe¬ marle & Chesapeake Canal Com¬ pany, 100 State coupon bonds of $1000 each, dated April 1st, 1859, and running 30 years, issued on ac¬ count of said improvement. Bank of the State of North Carolina, for bonds of the Cape Fear and Peep River Navigation Company, of prior lien to the State's mortgage, inclusive of interest, Elias Bryan, for bonds of the Cape Fear and Peep River Navigation Company, of prior lien to the State's mortgage, inclusive of interest, Henry A. London, Trustee, on account of the Cape Fear and Peep River Navigation Company, of prior lien to the State's mortgage, inclusive of interest, Graham Paves, Private Secretary to Gov. Ellis, for expenses to Pittsboro' 16 11! 161 120 1 6 1666 1825 100,000 2,82229 2,82229 T0911 1859. Comptroller's Report. 169 1859. to attend the sale of the Cape Fear and Deep River Navigation Works for the State, R. W. Lawson, for 9 Bonds of the Cape Fear and Deep River Navi¬ gation Company, of prior lien to the State's mortgage, inclusive of interest, M. M. Henry, Executrix, for bonds of the Cape Fear and Deep River Nav¬ igation Company, of prior lien to the State's mortgage, inclusive of interest and costs, Henry A. London, for traveling ex¬ penses, W. D. Bethell, for 10 bonds of the Cape Fear and Deep River Navi¬ gation Company, of prior lien to the State's mortgage, inclusive of interest, William Watson, for upholstering, papering, &c., at the Executive Mansion, G. D. Hardie, freight on North Caro¬ lina Railroad on articles for the Executive Mansion, Briggs & Dodd, for repairs, &c., on the Executive Mansion, Bank of the Republic, New York, in¬ terest on State coupon bonds, ad¬ vanced by said Bank, Bank of the Republic, New York, interest on bonds of Cape Fear and Deep River Navigation Company, advanced by said Bank, Sundry persons, interest on bonds of the State of North Carolina, R.M.Saunders, Judge Superior Courts, for 9 certificates from 1st circuit, William Lander, Solicitor, for 12 cer¬ tificates "from 6th circuit, E. C. Hines, Solicitor, for 10 certifi¬ cates from 1st circuit, Marcos Erwin, Solicitor, for 2 certifi¬ cates from 7th circuit, Public fund— disbursement* 12 10,181 52 25 2,848 70 8472 11,335 612 72 288 48 50 09 32 5,655 60 720 885 240 200 40 21 170 1859. Comptroller's Statement. 1859. May. Will. A. Jenkins, Attorney General, for 4 certificates from 3d circuit, Bank of the State of Nortjh Carolina, interest on bonds of Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company, ad¬ vanced by said Bank, Martha Spears, a pension for 1858, Geo.T. Cooke, Postmaster in Raleigh, boxes in Postoffice for the different departments in the Capitol, Geo. T. Cooke, Postoffice stamps for use of the several departments in the Capitol, William Percival, for work about the Capitol, Sundry persons, for bonds of the State of North Carolina, issued in 1849, and running 10 years, as follows : B. F. Moore, 1 bond of $1,000, F. R. Cotten, 1 " $500, Jarvis Buxton, 3 bonds of $1000 each, Seth Jones, 3 bonds of $1,000 each and one of $500, Jas. H. Carson, 10 bonds of $1,000 each, H. W. Montague, 5 bonds of $1,000 each, W. H. Jones, Cashier, 6 bonds of $1,000 each, Geo. W. Mordecai, 1 bond of $1,000 and 1 of $500, C. Dewey, Agent, 2 bonds of $1,000 each, and 1 of $500, John M. Rose, Treasurer of Fayette- ville and Western Railroad Com¬ pany, on account of the State's ap¬ propriation to said Road, Graham Daves, Private Secretary to Gov. Ellis, for sealing 59 State Bonds, William Watson, under resolution of the Legislature of 1858-59, W. B. Reid, Agent in Raleigh for the Adams Express, freight on 3 pack¬ ages from New York to Raleigh, 100,000 1859. Comptroller's Statement. Graham Daves, Private Secretary to Gov. Ellis, for sealing 361 State Bonds, Adams' Express, freight on package from New York to Raleigh, W. L. Pomeroy, Seals for the County Courts of Franklin, Duplin and Onslow counties, G. W. Alley, Operator of the Mag¬ netic Telegraph in Raleigh, Dis¬ patches to New York for the Public Treasurer, Danforth, Perkins & Co., New York, for printing sundry coupon Bonds of the State of North-Carolina. James Fulton, member of the Board of Internal Improvements, and Graham Daves, Secretary to said Board, for meeting in Raleigh, June 22d, 1859, C. H. Brogden, Comptroller, his sala¬ ry for the 4th quarter, 1858, and 1st quarter, 1859, Williams Cross, for 2 Bonds of $500 each, of Cape Fear & Deep RWer Navigation Company, of prior lien to the State's mortgage, inclusive of interest R. P. Dick, for 1 Bond of $1000 and 1 $500 of Cape Fear & Deep River Navigation Company, of prior lien to the State's mortgage, inclusive of interest, J. W. Scott, for Bond of Cape Fear & Deep River Navigation compa¬ ny, of prior lien to the State's mort¬ gage, inclusive of interest, Henry A. London, Treasurer of Cape Fpar & Deep River Navigation Company, sundry bills paid by James Cassidey, for repairing Boats, and provisions, Graham Daves, Private Secretary to Gov. Ellis, his 2nd quarter's salary for 1859, 39 /•a Public fund— U'" disbuvsementss- 36 34 3,071 50 20 500 1,135 70 1,704 IS 1,136 70 500 751 172 1859. Comptroller's (Statement. Public fund— disbursements. 1859. June. W. J. Lougee, articles for the Execu¬ tive Mansion, John A. Avirett, jr., for arresting Owen, a slave, and bringing him from Selma, Ala., to Kenansville North Carolina as a fugitive from justice, John W. Sandford, Cashier of the Bank of Clarendon, interest on Note for $20,000, dated Feb. 7, 1859, S. Jewett, Cashier of the Bank of Wilmington, interest on Note for $10,000, dated March 14, 1859, Sundry persons, interest on Bonds of the State of North-Carolina, issued in 1849, and running 10 years, Robert Strange, Solicitor, for 7 cer tifieates from 5 th Circuit, D. F. Caldwell, Judge Superior Courts, for 12 certificates from 4th Circuit, R. R. Heath, Judge Superior Courts, for 14 certificates from 5th Circuit, H. C. Jones, Reporter of the decisions of the Supreme Court, his 1st hall year's salary for 1859, John M. Dick, Judge Superior Courts, for 10 certificates from 3d Circuit, Thomas Ruffin, jr., Solicitor, for 12 certificates for 4th Circuit, William Lander, Solicitor, for 3 cer¬ tificates from 6th Circuit, J. J. Bruner, for printing and cover¬ ing No. 1, Vol. 6, of Jones' Law, and No. 2, Yol. 4, Jones' Equity Reports, W. J. Houston, Solicitor, for 11 cer¬ tificates from 2nd Circuit, Jesse G. Shepherd, Judge Superior Courts, for 11 certificates from 2nd[ Circuit, John L. Bailey, Judge Superior, Courts, for 8 certificates from 6th| Circuit, 1859. Comptroller's Statement. 173 M. E. Manly, Judge Superior Courts, for 15 certificates from 7th circuit, Forest Manufacturing Company, pa per for Public Printing, Holden & Wilson, printing 16 quires Warrants for Chairman of Common Schools, and 240 quires Tax Lists, &c., Holden & Wilson, for printing the Laws and Journals of the Legisla¬ ture of 1858-59, Holden & Wilson, for advertising sales of State Bonds, Thomas J. Lemay, examining the ac¬ count of Holden & Wilson for printing the Laws and Journals of the General Assembly of 1858-59 Bank of the State of North-Carolina, premium for $50,000 check on New York. Bank of the State of North-Carolina, premium on $20,000 check on New York, Bank of Clarendon, premium for $19,- 502 51 chect^ on New York, John G. Williams & Co., premium for 2 checks on New York, Bank of Favetteville, premium for $9,751 26 check on New York, George T. Cooke, Postmaster in Ra¬ leigh, postage stamps for State Of¬ fices in Capitol, Norwood, Parker & Co., tax refunded, John L. Barnes, tax refunded, W. F. Sanderson, tax refunded, William Percival, for planning im¬ provements, &c., in State Capitol, Briggs & Dodd, for work done on the Legislative Library in the Capitol, O. H. Perry, for expenses incurred by him on account of the State Li¬ brary, O. H. Perry, State Librarian, his 2d quarter's salary for 1859, 1,245 1,03740 Publio fund— disbursements. 434 3,51457 22 50 50 250 150 195 23 97 73 23 5 15 440 165 11 03 75 51 16 63 112 50 174 1859 Comptroller's Statement. L859. June. July. Bank of Clarendon, temporary State loan, Bank of Wilmington, temporary State loan, 11. H. Page, Secretary of State, his 2nd quarter's salary for 1859, Drury King, Superintendent of the Capitol, his 2nd quarter's salary for 1859, Jesse H. Lindsay, for 10 State Bonds of $1000 each, George Bower, for 3 State Bonds of $1000 each, William Peace, Treasurer of the Bex Hospital fund, for 1 State Bond of R. N. & D. C. Henderson, for 1 State Bond of $1000, D. W. Courts, Public Treasurer, his 2nd quarter's salary for 1859, W. R. Richardson, Clerk of the Trea¬ sury Department, his 2nd quarter's salary for 1859, John W. Syme, for advertising sales of N. C. Bonds in Raleigh Register, W. Drake Parsons, for advertising sales of N. O. Bonds in New York Daily News, Adams Express, freight on package from New York to Raleigh, Danforth, Perkins & Co., N. Y., for printing coupon Bonds of the State of North Carolina, * J. J. Chaplin, for binding Laws Journals and Documents of the General Assembly of 1858-59, Hamilton & Carter, for keeping the Capitol grounds in order 6 mouths, and 8 evergreens for said grounds, Williams Cross, interest on Bond of Cape Pear and Deep River Navi¬ gation Company, James Cassidey, for accounts at Wil¬ mington, evidenced by vouchers from 1 to 28 inclusive, on account of 1859. Comptroller's Statement. 175 the Cape Fear and Deep River Navi¬ gation Company, Samuel L. Adams, part payment in advance for delivering laws, &c., in the eastern counties of the State, C. C. Tally, part payment for deliv¬ ering Laws, &c., in 10 counties of the State, John W. Ellis, Governor of North Carolina, his 2d quarter's salary for 1859, Charles Kuester, for work done at the Executive Mansion, Waterhouse & Bowes, 1 glass globe for the Executive Mansion, Henry J. Brown, articles for the Ex¬ ecutive Mansion, E. C. Belvin, articles for the Execu¬ tive Mansion, C. B. Mench & Co., articles for the Executive Mansion, Hamilton & Carter, articles for the Executive Mansion, Will. H. Battle, Judge of Supreme Court, his 2d quarter's salary for 1859, Will. A. Jenkins, Attorney General, for attending Supreme Court in Raleigh, June Term, 1859, in dis¬ charge of his official duties, Tho's Ruffin, Judge Supreme Court, his 2d quarter's salary for 1859, R. M. Pearson, Chief Justice Supreme Court, his 2d quarter's salary for 1859, Jas. Litchford, Marshal of Supreme Court, for attending said Court 46 davs, at $2 per day, June Term 1859, E. B. Freeman, Clerk of Supreme Court at Raleigh, as follows : For his half-year's salary ending June 30, 1859, For recording 2,372 pages at 30 cents per page, 1,868 25 100 750 58 1 4 55 65 45 15 625 100 625 625 92 150 711 13 Public fund— disbursements. 70 60 176 1859. Comptroller's Statement. 1859. PaVio fand— July. disburse mep to; For 6 iiecord Books, bought of E. J. Hale & Son, W. E. Anderson, Treasurer Insane Asylum of North-Carolina, on ac¬ count of said Asylum, Bank of the State of North Carolina, interest on sundry temporary State loans, R. H. Lowry, Cashier of the Bank of the Republic, New-York, interest on State Coupon Bonds, advanced by said Bank, At the Public Treasury, interest on State Coupon Bonds, R. H. Lowry, Cashier of the Bank of the Republic, New-Yoik, interest on Coupon Bonds of Cape Fear and Deep River Navigation Company, advanced by said Bank, Sundry persons, interest on Bonds of the State of North-Carolina, due 1st Monday in July, 1859, Sundry persons, interest on Bonds of Fayetteville & Western Plankroad Company, due 1st Monday in July, 1859, C. Dewey, Cashier of the Bank of the State of North-Carolina, interest on sundry Bonds of Raleigh & Gas¬ ton Railroad Company, endorsed by the State, R. H. Page, Secretary of State, his allowance as to public printing, James E. Morris, keeper of Public Arms at New Berne, his half year's salary for 1859, Moses A. Smith, Postmaster in Salis¬ bury, postage for 82 copies of No. 1, Vol. 6, Jones' Law, and No. 2, Vol. 4, Jones' Equity Reports, sent to the Clerks and Judges, Calvin Evans, Adm'r, tax refunded bv resolution of the Legislature 1858-59, G. F. McNeill, M. S. Stokes, and Ca- 1859. Comptroller's Statement. 177 2859. July. leb R. Phillips, Commissioners to improve the public road leading from Wilkesboro' to Jefferson, Drury King, Superintendent, for de¬ fraying expenses incurred by him about the Capitol, P. F. Pescud, glass and putty for the Capitol, E. C. Belvin, articles for the Capitol, W. L. Pomeroy, Books for the State Library, Seaton Gales, 7 volumes of old Eng lish newspapers, for the State Li¬ brary, Bank of the State of North Carolina, 3 temporary State loans in March 1859, Sundry persons, for State Bonds is¬ sued in 1849, and running 10 years, as follows: W. H. Jones, Cashier of the Branch Bank of Cape Fear at Raleigh, for 3 Bonds of 11,000 each, and 1 of $500, C. Dewey, Cashier of the Bank of the State of North Carolina, for 3 Bonds of $1,000 each, and 1 of $500, J. H. Bryan, jr., agent for J. C. Win¬ der, for 1 Bond of $1,000, Parker Rand, for 7 Bonds of $1,000 each, Harrison Rand, for 1 Bond of $1,000, W. A. Graham, for 1 Bond of $500 Geo. W. Mordecai, for 3 Bonds of $1,000 each, and 1 of $500, Geo. W. Haywood, for 2 Bonds of $500 each, and 1 of $1,000, Thomas Ruffin, for 3 Bonds of $1,000 each, Wesley Jones, for 1 Bond of $1,000 W. H. Jones, Cashier of the Branch Bank of Cape Fear at Raleigh, for 56 Bonds of $1,000 each, 1 of $500 and 1 of $600, J. Willcox Brown, agent for John V. Willcox, for 10 Bonds of $1000 each 20 $ 1,000 8 10 9 21 35 80,000 25 31 95 3,500 3,500 1,000 7,000 1,000 500 3,500 2,000 3,000 1,000 57,100 10,000 Public . disbursements, 178 1859. Comptroller's Statement. 1859. July. Public fund— disbursements. Aug. E. B. Freeman, for 1 Bond of $1,000, W. S. Whitaker, for 1 Bond of $1,000, C. L. Hinton, for 1 Bond of $500, J no.W. Rogers, attorney for Mary Ann Rogers, for 2 Bonds of $500 each, B. B. Guion, for Mary R. YYheaton, for 1 Bond of $1,000, William Boylan, for 6 Bonds ol $1,000, B. S. Harrison, for 2 Bonds of $1,000 each, Cadwallader Jones, for 1 Bond of $1,000, A. J. Yorke, for P. FT. Heilig, adin'r of John H. Miller, for 2 Bonds of $1,000 each, G. W. Alley, operator of Magnetic- Telegraph in Raleigh, 3 dispatches to New York, for Public Treasurer, 1 Telegraphic Dispatch from Raleigh to Wilmington, for Comptroller, W. E. Anderson, Agent for the For¬ est Manufacturing Company, paper furnished for use of the State, Adams Express, freight on package from Harrisburg to Raleigh, James McKimmon, remnant of cloth for Executive Mansion, Adams Express, freight on package from New York to Raleigh, Holden' & Wilson, boxes, nails, <£rc, for use of the State, i Graham Daves, cost of Seal for Rich¬ mond County Court, Adams Express, freight on package from New York to Raleigh, New York Journal of Commerce, for advertising North Carolina Bonds, N. M. Long, member of the Board of Internal Improvements;for attend¬ ing meeting of the Board in Ra¬ leigh, 9th Aug., 1859, Graham Daves, Secretary to Board of Internal Improvements, for attend¬ ing meeting of Board, 9th Aug.,1859 1,000' 1,0001 500 1859. Comptroller's Statement. 1t9 1859. Aug. Sundry Sheriffs, for making returns of the Congressional Election in August, 1859, Henry A. London, Treasurer of Cape Fear and Deep Kiver Navigation Company, for sundry hills allowed by the Board of Managers of said Works, William Cheek, for delivering the Laws, Journals, &c., of the Legis lature 1858-59, in 20 counties, Samuel L. Adams, a balance due him for delivering the Laws, Journals, &c., of the Legislature 1858-59, in 19 counties, C. C. Tally, a balance due him for delivering the Laws, Journals, &c., of the Legislature 1858-'59, in 10 counties, W. S. Webster, for delivering the Laws, Journals, &c., of the Legis¬ lature 1858-59, in IT counties, W. J. Yates, for publishing in West¬ ern Democrat, Proclamation of Gov. Ellis, for arrest of Owen Nor ment, a fugitive from justice, Will. A. Jenkins, Attorney General, for attending the Supreme Court at Morganton, August term, 1859, in discharge of his official duties, M. A. Bledsoe, on account of the In¬ sane Asylum of North Carolina, 10 State coupon brads of $1000 each, dated July 1st, 1859, and running 30 years, Walter L. Steele, interest on bonds of Fayetteville and Western Bail- road Company, Bank of the State of North Carolina, interest on bonds of Ealeigh and Gaston Bailroad Company, en dorsed by the State, Sundry persons, interest on bonds of the State of North Carolina, due 1st Monday in July, 1859, Public fund— diabwwawnt*. 95 66 2,7*7220 220 190 50 225 100 10,000 150 90 645 m 1859. Comptroller's Statement. 1859. Aug. Bank of Cape Fear at Raleigh, 6 months interest on $20,000, Alexander Watson, tax refunded to him hv resolution of the Legisla¬ ture of 1858-59, Bank of the State of North Carolina, temporary loans, Sundry Sheriffs, for settling State Taxes in August, 1859, as follows: C. Austin, Sheriff, Union county. J. Cline, William Flynt, James Roberts, J. W. Steed, Joseph Lusk, E. D. Hampton, J. L. Bundy, R. B. Paschal, Jas. T. Bostick, Catawba Forsj'th Rockingham Randolph Gaston Davidson Cabarrus Chatham Richmond R. F. Simonton, Treasurer of Western North Carolina Railroad Company 100 State coupon bonds of $1,000 each, dated July 1st, 1859, and running 30 years, issued on account of said Road, Accrued interest to August 13 th, 1859, G. W. Alley, operator of the Magnet ic Telegraph in Raleigh, 5 dis¬ patches for the Public Treasurer, Graham Daves, Private Secretary to Gov. Ellis, for sealing 76 State bonds, John W. Syme, for advertising sale of N. C. bonds in Raleigh Register, W. B. Reid, agent in Raleigh for Adams Express, freight on 3 pack¬ ages from New York, American Bank Note Company, New York, for engraving sundry bonds of the State of North Carolina, Bank of the Republic, New York, in terest on State coupon bonds, ad¬ vanced by said Bank, Bank of the Republic, New York, in¬ terest on cpupon bonds of Cape 1859. Comptroller's Statement. Fear & Deep River Navigation Company, advanced by said Bank, Sundry Sheriffs, for settling State Taxes in September, 1859, as fol¬ lows : John T. Barnes, Sh'ff, Wilson county, L. H. Lowrance, " Lincoln, E. C. Grier, Wm. Haymore " C. A, Boon, P. F. White, " Wm. Patterson, " W. H. Sanders, " Tully Davenport," J. C. Smith, " A. B. Long, " J. L. Ward, W. H. Cullom, " J. H. Nethercutt," R. M. Jones, " W. A. Thompson," John A. Yann, " A. W. Bell, " G. Durden, " Mills H. Eure, " A. C. Latham, " W. E. Mann, " G. M. Green, " William Greene, " E. D. Davis " Hiram Hunter, " Christian Strader," Hector McNeill, " Thomas J. Carr, " W. F. Wasson, " Sidney Deal " R. G. Tuttle, " W. W. Long, " G. B. Threadgill, " Isaac Arledge, " W. D. Humphrey," James H. Allen, " Esly Staly, " Reuben King, " Hilliard Gibbs, " Mecklenburg " Surry " Guilford " Chowan " Alamance " Montgomery " Tyrrell " Alexander " Rutherford " Polk " Johnston " Jones " Orange " Wayne " Hertford " Camden " Washington " Gates " Craven " Pasquotank " Cleaveland " Haywood " Jackson " Madison " Caswell " Cumberland " Duplin " Iredell " Watauga " Caldwell " Yadkin " Anson " Henderson " Onslow " Brunswick " Wilkes " Robeson " Hyde " 120 PubHo ftma-i disbursements' 12! 2L 25 23 14! 33' 11 1832 86 80 66 32 92 39 26 37 39 6 17 7 9 6 4 74 33 55 66 92 2366 3392 3632 27 17 32 18 47 49 40 73 60 46 66 4580 1432 11 13 24 34 29 21 26 43 17 24 28 14 34 66 32 32 66 66 06 66 32 46 52 34 182 1859. Comptroller's Statement. 1859. Sept. J. B. Lee, Sh'ff Currituck " Josiah Hodges, Joseph. Brittain, W. H. Smith, K.H. Worthy, S. A. Warren, William Fields, S. M. Ray, J. M. Hilliard, Joseph Marshall, J. A. Reeves, W. H. High, N. W. Cooper, L. Williamson, John Martin, J. R. Grady, Roht. R. Tayloe, J. F. Jenkins, E. D. Hall, Nath'l R. Jones, W. R. Young H. H. Davidson, J. G. Crawford, Wash. Harris, J. S. Snow, Geo. Dill, J. R. White, W.A. Walton, W. B. Campbell, G. W. Crumpler Joseph H. Gooch J. E. Exum, W. W. Ward, Pitt Burke " Person " Moore " Northampton" Lenoir " Yancey " Davie " Stanly " Ashe " Wake " Nash " Columbus " Stokes " Harnett " Bertie " Edgecombe " New Hanover" Warren " Buncombe " Cherokee " Macon " Franklin " Halifax " Carteret " Perquimans " Rowan " Beaufort " Sampson " Granville " Greene " Martin 0 or making returns onal Election, held Sundry Sheriffs, of the Congress in August, 1859, Isaac R. Hunter, Treasurer of Gates County Agricultural Society, the State's quota to said county for '59, C. H. Brogden, Comptroller, his 3d quarter's salary for 1859, H. A. London, Treasurer of Cape Fear & Deep River Navigation Company, per order of Commission¬ ers ot said Improvement, 1859. Comptroller's Statement. 183 James Page, for delivering the Laws, Journals, &c., of the Legislature 1858-'59, in 19 western counties, William Cheek, for delivering the Revised Code of N. C. in sundry- counties, John W. Ellis, Governor of North- Carolina, his 3d quarter's salary for 1859, Graham Daves, Private Secretary to Gov. Ellis, his 3d quarter's salary for 1859, Isaac Arledge, Sheriff of Henderson county, for making return of Equal Suffrage Election, held in August, 1857, Geo. H. Blackwell, former Sheriff of Polk county, for making return of election in said county for Gov¬ ernor in August, 1858, William Watson, articles for the Ex¬ ecutive mansion, Caleb Taylor, for work done at the Executive Mansion, James R. Dodge, Clerk of Supreme Court at Morganton, his half year's salary to August, 1859, For recording 676 pages, at 30 cents, Robert Strange, Solicitor, for 5 cer¬ tificates from 5th Circuit, Joseph Brittain, Sheriff of Burke coun ty, for 23 days service at $2, as Marshall to Supreme Court at Mor¬ ganton, August Term, 1859, Bank of Cape Fear at Raleigh, inter¬ est on temporary loans, Bank of Clarendon, interest on tem¬ porary loans, Bank of the Republic, New York, in¬ terest on State coupon Bonds, ad vanced by said Bank. Bank of the Republic, New York, in¬ terest on coupon Bonds of Cape Fear & Deep River Navigation Company, advanced by said Bank, Public fund- disbursements. $ 333 162 50 750 75 53 25 10 150 202 100 80 46 660 56 62 4,470 600 184 1859. Comptroller's Statement. 1859. Sept. FtibJie fund— dial) or dements. David S. Reid, Ex'r of Thomas Settle, dec'd, interest oil Fayetteville & Western Plankroad Bonds, Bank of the State of North Carolina, interest on Bonds of Raleigh & Gas¬ ton Railroad Company, advanced by said Bank, Holden & Wilson, printing 32 vol¬ umes Journals of Senate and House of Commons, Legislature of 1858 -'59, for Legislative Libraries, Martha Spears, a Pension for year commencing Sept., 1859, Alexander Taylor, a Pension for 1859, John G. Williams, premium for checks on New York, Bank of the State of North Carolina, premium for check on New York, James H. Allen, premium for $5,000. check on New York, Christian Strader, premium for $13,000 check on New York, Bank of Washington, premium for $801 16 check on New York, A. H. Sanders, premium for check on New York, W. II. Smith, premium for $1,530 67 check on New York, E. D. Hall, premium for $10,000 check on New York, Bank of Wilmington, premium for check on New T ork, A. B. Long, tax refunded to him, Esley Staley, u u u " J. C. Griffith, u u u " James Conolev,u u u " Jos. Marshall, u "■ u " W. J. Brown, u u " u Mary Pinner, u u u " O. II. Perry, State Librarian, his 3d quarter's salary for 1859, , Bank of the State of North Carolina, temporary loan, Bank of Clarendon, temporary loan Bank of Fayetteville, temporary loan, Bank of Clarendon, temporary loan, 150 1859. Comptroller's {Statement. 185 1859. Sept. R. H. Page, Secretary of State, his 3rd quarter's salary for 1859, Drury King, Superintendent of Capi¬ tol, liis 3rd quarter's salary for 1859, D. W". Courts, Public Treasurer, his 3rd quarter's salary for 1859, W. R. Bichardson, Clerk of Treasury Department, his 3rd quarter's salary for 1859, Isaac Arledge, Sheriff of Henderson county, for making returns of Sen¬ atorial elections in said county, in August, 1856 and 1858, G. H. w ilder, Ex'r of H. J. Myatt, for 84|- cords firewood, furnished for Capitol in winter of 1858-'59, and cutting 33 cords at 35 cents, Adams Express, freight on package trom Hew York to Raleigh, Robert Young,for whitewashing Treas¬ urer's Office in Capitol, John W. Syme, for advertising sale of H. C. Bonds in Raleigh Register, Jno. W. Syme, for advertising firewood for Capitol in Raleigh Register, Graham Daves, Private Secretary to Gov. Ellis, cost of seals for Superior Court of Law and Court of Equity for Hew Hanover county, including $1 50 to Adams Express, freight on said seals from Philadelphia to Wil mington, John Spelman, for packing and mark ing sundry copies of the Revised Code of Horth Carolina, and Emer- sons' Report, 201 65 500 18750 1232 28239 1 PubHc fund— disbursements. 4 11 3 31 25 1,900,083 50 50 50 24 186 1859. Comptroller's Statement. Staking fund— receipts. SINKING FUND.—(Receipts.) Statement E. Exhibiting the sources from which the Receipts of the Sink¬ ing Fund hove been derived: Interest on State coupon bonds owned by Sinking Fund, Railroad Dividends appropriated to Sinking Fund, Detailed as follows $ 93,030 1858. Oct. Dec. 1859. April. Aug. Received of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, as interest on State coupon bonds, Received of Raleigh and Gaston Rail¬ road Company, as dividend on stock in said Road, I Received of North Carolina Railroad Company, as dividend on stock in said Road, Received of Nortb Carolina Railroad Company, as dividend on stock in said Road. $ 3,780 29,250 30,000 30,000 | 93,030 Comptroller's Statement. 18T SINKING- FUND.—(Disbursements.) Statement F. Showing the Disbursements of the Sinking Fund: Detailed as follows: Sinking fund— disbursements.. 1858. Oct. Dec. 1859. April. Aug. Paid for 2 State coupon bonds of $1,000 each, bearing interest from 1st day of July, 1858, Paid for 29 State coupon bonds of $1,000 each, and 1 of $500, bearing interest from Oct. 1st, 1858, and running 30 years, Paid for t32 State coupon bonds of $1,000 each, Paid for 60 State coupon bonds of $500 each, dated July 1st, 1859, and running 30 years, $ 92,665 [Note.—In my entries of money paid by the Bank of the Re¬ public, New York, as interest on State bonds, I have used the ex¬ pression, " advanced by said Bank." It is proper to remark that the money in all these cases was deposited by the Public Treasurer in said Bank before the interest became due, and was paid out by the Bank as agent for the State.] COMPTROLLER'S DEPARTMENT, \ Raleigh, N. C. Nov. 15, 1860. J To the Honorable, the General Assembly of North Carolina: Gentlemen : In obedience to law, I Herewith, present my Annual Report of the Receipts and Disbursements at the Public Treasury of the State of North Carolina, during the fiscal year ending on the 30th day of September, 1860. With the highest respect, I have the honor to be Your obedient servant, C. H. BROGDEN, Comptroller. COMPTROLLER'S STATEMENT. 1860. GENERAL STATEMENT. menti Amount in hands of Public Treasurer, Oct. 1st, 1859. Receipts of Literary Fund for fiscal year ending Sept. 30th, 1860, Receipts of Public Fund for fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 1860, Receipts of Sinking Fund for fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 1860, Disbursements of Literary Fund for fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 1860, Disbursements of Public Fund for fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 1860, Disbursements of Sinking fund for fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 1860, Leaving in hands of Public Treasurer, Oct. 1st, 1860, $ 529,747 810,175 2,813,016 326,540 859,764 2,676,923 327,100 10 12 61 01 66 4,479,47883 3,863,787 | 615,691 67 16 LITERARY FUND. Balance due this fund, Oct. 1st, 1859, < Receipts of Literary Fund for fiscal year ending Sept. 30, I860, Disbursements of Literary Fund for fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 1860, Balance overdrawn by this Fund Oct. 1st, 1860, $ 27,452 810,175 32 12 literary fond. 190 1859. Comptroller's Statement. public fund. Balance due this Fund Oct Public fund 1st, 1859, Receipts of Public Fund for fiscal year ending Sept 30, 1860, Disbursements of Public Fund for fiscal year end-! ing Sept. 30, 1860, Balance due this Fund Oct 1st, 1860, $ 501,65918 2,813,016 61 $3,314,67639 2,676,923 66 $637,752'73 ending sinking fund. Balance due this Fund Oct. 1st, 1859, Receipts of Sinking Fund for fiscal year Sept. 30, 1860, Disbursements of Sinking Fund for fiscal year end-J ing Sept. 30, 1860, Balance due this Fund Oct. 1st, 1860, 635 326,540 1859. Comptroller's Statement. 191 RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS Literary fuM Of Literary Fund for fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 1860. 1859. 1860. a a October, November, December, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, receipts. 10 07 50 292 27,609 17,040 271,458 498 454 125,942 29,652 202 141,92383 546 194,554 36 54 80 39 64 89 disbursements. 80 18 90 22 19 47. 50,013 26,825 15,569 138,088 133,697 2,894 128,63745 38,53783 29,11642 134,579 4,700 157,102 99 84 810,17512 859,764 01 RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS PubBofund Of Public Fund for Fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 1860. 1859. a a 1860. a a a 41 a a *i M October, November, December, J anuary, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, receipts 107,986 156,199 64,972 413,013 199,380 134,748 70,700 152,316 193,185 317,797 87,408 915,305 1,813,016 61 60 75 16 94 30 81 97 88 48 76 96 disbursements. 71 96 34 49 92 75 62 12 46 21 18 90 | 323,251 176,356 57,872 656,604 150,516 22,929 162,642 127,947 93,188 397,169 68,847 439,596 $ 2,676,923 (?6 192 1860. Comptroller's Statement. LITERARY F END.—{Receipts.) Statement A. Iitterary fund-" receipts. Exhibiting the several sources from which the Receipts of the Literary Fund have been derived: Entries of Yacant Lands, Auction Tax, Bank Dividends, College Bonds, Dividend of capital stock in Bank of the State of North Carolina, Navigation Dividends, Individual Notes, Interest on Individual Notes, Interest on College Bonds, Interest on State Coupon Bonds, Interest on Fayetteville &; Western Plankroad Bonds, Interest on Wilmington & Weldon Railroad Bonds, Raleigh & Gaston Railroad Bonds, Interest on Raleigh & G aston Railroad Bonds, Premium on State Coupon Bonds, Sales of open ground Prairie, Tax on Retailers of Spirituous Liquors, Wilmington & Weldon Railroad divi¬ dends, Tax from Catawba county on account of indigent pupil at Deaf and Dumb Asylum, Detailed as follows: 4,25718 1,02221 74,548 5,15181 37 502,700 1,950 3,880 212 70 1,70411 22,56060 1,080 3,000 140,000 4,200 5281 320 11,460 32,000 75 $810,17512 1859. Oct. Nov. Dec. Received of sundry persons for entries of vacant Lands, Sundry persons for entries of vacant Lands, Bank of Cape Fear, dividend on stock held by Literary Board in said Bank Sundry persons for entries of vacant Lands, 29210 389 27,220 07 1,04050 1800.' ■Comptroller's Statement. 193 1859. Dec. I860. Jan. Wilmington & Weldon Railroad Com¬ pany, dividend on Stock held by Literary Board in said Company, $ 16,000 Bank of the State of North Carolina, dividend of capital stock held by Literary Board in said Bank, Bank of the State of North Carolina, dividend on stock held by Literary Board in said Bank, Sundry persons for entries of vacant Lands, Sundry persons for entries of vacant Lands, Sundry persons for entries of vacant Lands, Received of C. Dewey, Cashier of the Bank of North Carolina, as dividend of capital stock owned by Literary Fund in Bank of the State of North Carolina, Sundry persons for entries of vacant Lands, Geo. McNeill, Agent for Cape Fear Navigation Company, dividends on stock in said Company, Bank of Cape Fear, dividend on stock held by Literary Board in said Bank, Sundry persons tor entries of vacant Lands, Sundry persons for entries of vacant Lands, Jonas Cline, Sheriff of Catawba coun¬ ty, Auction tax from said county Received of C. Dewey, Cashier of the Bank of North Carolina, as dividend of capital stock owned by Literary Fund in Bank of the State of North Carolina, Wilmington & Weldon Railroad Com¬ pany, dividend on stock owned by Literary Fund in said Company, Jonas Cline, Sheriff of Catawba coun¬ ty, tax on Retailers, Jonas Cline, tax for indigent pnpil at 21 251,350 , 20,108 498: 454 i 267 80 Literary fond- receipts. 36 54 125,675 482 39 1,950 27,220 202 14298 85 125,675 16,000 30 194 1860. Comptroller's Statement. 1860. Literary fund— July, receipts. « " Aug. Sept. Asylum for tlie Deaf and Dumb and the Blind, Sundry persons for entries of vacant Lands, L. Bundy, Sheriff of Cabarrus coun¬ ty, Auction tax from said county, Joseph Lusk, Sheriff of Gaston coun ty, Auction tax from said county, J. W. Steed, Sheriff of Randolph coun¬ ty, tax on Retailers, Joseph Lusk, Sheriff of Gaston county, tax on Retailers, Sundry persons for entries of vacant Lands, Sundry Sheriffs, Auction tax, Sundry Sheriffs, tax on retailers oi spirituous liquors, as follows: L. II. Lowrance, Sh'ff, Lincoln Co., W. H. Cullum, James Roberts, A. B. Long, J. M. Heale, William Flynt, J. H. Kethercutt, P. F. White, jTully Davenport, jWm. Haymore, G. B. Threadgill, John Martin, (Christian Strader, jT. J. Carr, |M. H. Eure, Goodman Durden, E. C. Grier, G. M. Green, Reuben King, J. H. Allen, C. A. Boon, Joseph Brittan, Hiram Hunter, W. II. Smith, A. H. Sanders, H. W. Cooper, R. B. Paschal, S. A. Warren, W. A. Walton, $ Johnston Roek'ham " Rutherford " McDowell " Forsyth u Jones u Chowan u Tyrrell u Surry u Anson u Stokes u Caswell "■ Duplin u Gates u Washington1"'' Mecklenb'g u Cleaveland " Robeson u Brunswick u Guilford u Burke u Madison u Person u Montgomery u Hash " Chatham u Horth'pton " Rowan " 75 119 5 97 85 82 I860. Comptroller's Statement. 195 Charles Byrd, Sheriff, Yancey It. M. Jones, W.D.Humphrey, J. B. Lee, co. C. Austin, W. W. Long, W. E. Mann, J. A. Beeves, B. Fitzrandolph, J. L. Ward, J. A. Yann, J. J. Bennett, A. W. Bell, J. M. Hilliard, Isaac Arledge, J. T. Barnes, Hilliard Gibbs, W. B. Campbell, W. H. High, Wm. Patterson, William Fields, Hector McYeill, R. R. Tayloe, K. H. Worthy, G. W. Crumpler, Esly Staly, E. D. Hall, L. Williamson, Josiah Hodges, J. F. Jenkins, W. Harris, A. C. Latham, Geo. Dill, J. R. White, J. H. Gooch,. Y. R. Jones, H. H. Davidson, J. S. Snow, W. A. Thompson _ Received of Gov. Ellis, President ex officio of the Literary Fund, as prim cipal on the following College Bonds owned by Literary Fund: Wake Forest College, Clinton Female Institute, Orange Onslow Currituck Hnion Yadkin Pasquotank Ashe Bladen Polk Hertford Richmond Camden Davie Henderson Wilson Hyde Beaufort Wake Alamance Lenoir Cumberland Bertie Moore Sampson, Wilkes Yew Hano'er Columbus Pitt Edgecombe Franklin Craven Carteret Perquimans Granville Warren Cherokee Halifax Wavne 60 150 210 120 120 90 240 60 90 90 90 60 150 60 90 630 240 300 480 90 180 300 30 180 90 .60 390 390 240 180 210 300 150 30 270 120 150 300 450 4,15181 1,000 m I860. Comptroller's Statement. 1860. Sept. literary fund— xeoeiptg. Interest on the following College, honds owned "by Literary Fund: Mount Pleasant Academy, Clinton Female Institute, Normal College, Greensboro' Female College, Chowan Female Institute, 1 Wake Forest College, ' Principal on individual notes, llnterest on individual notes, Interest on State coupon honds, Interest on honds of Wilmington and Weldon Railroad Company, Interest on honds of Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company, Premium on State coupon bonds, [Sales of open ground prairie, Transferred from Public Fund to Literary Fund, in payment for $140,000, bonds of Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company, Transferred from Public Fund to Literary Fund, in payment of in¬ terest on State coupon bonds, Transferred from Public Fund to Lit¬ erary Fund, in payment ot interest on bonds of the State issued on ac¬ count of Fayetteville and Western Plankroad, 180 270 300 210 260 484 14 3,880 37 212 70 12,420 3,000 4,200 52 81 320 140,000 10,140 1,080 $810,175 60 12 liltwwyfiand— dUbur«emenU. LITERARY FUND.—(Disbursements.) Statement B. Exhibiting the several objects for which the Disbursements of the Literary Fund have been made ; Common Schools, Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind, Loan to Literary Fund by Continen¬ tal Bank, New York, $186,05411 16,500 502,700 1860. Comptroller's Statement. 19? Interest on Loan by Continental Bank to Literary Fund, Premium on Northern Funds, State coupon bonds held by Literary Fund, General Superintendent of Common Schools, Expense Account, Literacy disbursements. 59,764 01 Detailed as follows Paid sundry counties, the State's quota for support of Common Schools, FaL distribution, 1859, as follows : Franklin Co., W. T. Johnson, chm'n, Forsyth Beaufort Burke Cumberland Halifax N.Hanover Bertie Gates Granville Guilford Wake Cleveland Cabarrus Surry Chatham Alamance Buncombe Rowan Anson Craven Camden Pasquotank Iredell Person Wayne McDowell J. W. Alspaugh, Joseph Potts, James Avery, A. W. Campbell, James L. Ousby, S. D. Wallace, Joseph B. Cherry, S. W. Worrell, L. A. Paschal, Nathan Hiatt, W. W. Whitaker, J. R. Logan, A. J. York, L. J. Norman, James S. Lasater, John Trolinger, M. Patton, D. A. Davis, H. B. Hammond, John T. Lane, Thomas Palmer, W. W. Kennedy, M. Campbell, G. D. Satterfield, W. K. Lane, Win. A. McCall, 1,141 1,275 1,405 830 1,051 1,560 1,708 1,196 825 2,07636 2,217 2,534 1,163 20 74 92 28 06 84 32 76 36 60 76 64 1,04088 900 1,851 84' 60 1,14492 1,480 i 1,404 1,215 1,479 545 924 1,567 1,059 1,23809 53892 56 48 72 48 88 96 44 198 1860. Comptroller's Statement. 1859. Literary fund— ~ , dinlnunKmeots UCi. Nov. Orange Co., Wm. H. Brown, chm'n, Martin " A. H. Coffield, u Robeson " D. C. Mclntyre, " Lincoln " H. C. Hamilton, u Carteret " Jobn P. C. Davis, " Onslow " D. W. Sanders, " Mecklenb'g, "J. P. Ross, " Davie " L. Bingbam, u ec u u Edgecombe " David Barlow, " Union " M. W. Cuthbertson," Pitt " Alfred Moye, (C Yadkin " James Sbeek, £; S. H. Young, Treasurer of tbe N. C. Institution for tbe Deaf and Dumb and tbe Blind, JobnL. Pennington, for publishing in Daily Progress, Newbern, Fall dis¬ tribution, 1859, for Com. Schools, Holden & Wilson, for publishing in N. C. Standard, Fall distribution, 1859, for Common Schools, J. G. Parker, for publishing in Golds- boro Tribune, Fall distribution, 1859, for Common Schools, Paid sundry counties the State's quota1 for support of Common Schools, Fall distribution, 1859, as follows : Bladen county, Neill Graham, chm'n, (Spring Distribution,) Bladen county, Neill Graham, chm'n, Alexander " R. L. Steele, " Samuel Bobbitt, " Jonathan Worth," Wm. A. Mitchell, " J.Ramsay,(acting)" D. H. Holland, « C. R. Byrd, " (Spring Distribution,) Buncombe " M. Patton, " (Spring Distribution,) Alvis Lea, " A. Monk, " G. W. Hayes, " James W. Cox, " Warren Randolph Stokes " Washingt'n " Johnston " Yancey " Caswell Sampson Cherokee Lenoir 1,194: 835 1,329 830! 144' 84480 1,40688 839 76 839 70 1,20216 96096 1,289 - 1,141 500 24 24 24 $ 962 88 73788 600: 1,243 1,821 1,018 573 1,337 968 1,480 1,459 1,40232 80436 666'84 1860. Comptroller's Statement. 199 Greene County, Edw'd Patrick, Chairman, Currituck " E. Morton, " Watauga " John C. Blair, " Wilkes "■ A. A. Scroggs," Caldwell " W. A. Ballew, " Davidson " John Haines, " Wilson " L. D. Farmer, " Ashe " John Reeves, " Macon " J. R. Siler, " (Spring Distribution,) Montgomery county, Joseph Erwing Chairman, S. H. Young, Treasurer H. C. Institu¬ tion for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind, Sundry persons, for publishing Fall dis¬ tribution, 1859, for Common Schools, as follows: C. H. Foster, Murfreesboro' Citizen J. M. Hewsom, Salisbury Banner, John W. Syme, Raleigh Register, T. W. Atkin, Asheville Hews, Spring and Fall, Sinclair & Banks, Horth Carolinian, S. and F. Dis., Fulton & Price, Wilmington Journal, S. and F. Dis., Holden & Wilson, for 538 copies of the Common School Register, Paid sundry counties the State's quota for support of Common Schools, Fall Distribution, 1859, as follows: Hertford county, (Spring Dist.,) Jos. B. Slaughter, Chairman, Chowan county, James D. Wynn, Chairman, Hyde county, H. Beckwith, Chairman Hash county, (Spring Dist.,) J. J. Q Taylor, Chairman, Hash county, J. J. Q. Taylor, Chm'n, Jones County, John H. Cox,Chairman, Tyrrell county, (Spring Dist.,) John Dunbar, Chairman, Tyrrell county, John Dunbar, Chair man. 63 750 40 1,322 700 1,694 810 1,024 740 664 1,884 2,000 12 24' 24 24 36 36 48! 807 840 176 04 32 76 45 68 798 630 790 948 58 948 47220 534 53424 ^ Literary fund— 3 disbursements; 33 56 92 24 20 58 24 200 I860. Comptroller's Statement. 1859. Pnbllo fond— diubui ementB.| 1860. Jan. Brunswick county, John H. Brooks, Chairman, 1$ 714! Richmond county, B. B. McKenzie, Chairman, 952 32 Columbus county, Haines Lennon, Chairman, 636 96 Yancey county, C. R. Byrd, Chairman, 96816 Macon county, J. R. Siler, Chairman, 74028 Henderson county, Joseph Maxwell, Chairman, 825 96 Haywood county, (Spring Dist.,) Jo seph Catliey, Chairman, 828 Perquimans co., E. H.Reddiek, Chm'n, (Spring Distribution, | 723 60 " " ' 64860 Harnett county, D. McCormick,Chm'n 8501 S. H. Young, Treasurer of the H. C. Institution for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind, 2,000 W. J. Yates, for publishing in West¬ ern Democrat, Fall Distribution, 1859, for Common Schools, 24 Paid the following Counties the State's quota for support of Common Schools, Fall distribution, 1859 : Rockingham co., J.W. Burton,Clnn'n, {Spring Distill >ution,) 1,483 56 " ' " 1,48356 Catawlia county, C. P. Shuf<>rd,Clnn'n, 9881 Haywood, u J. Catliev, " 828: Stanly, u L.Green, " 761 II. Young, Treasurer of the H. C. Institution for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind, 2,000 C. II. Wiley, General Superintendent of Common Schools, bis 4tli quar¬ ter's salary for 1859, 375 J. W. Alspaugh, for publishing in 2,822 Western Sentinel, Fall distribution, 1859, for Common Schools, 24 F. I. Wilson, for printing, postage, Ac., on account of Common Schools, 366 70 Continental Bank, Hew York, interest for six months loan by said bank to. Literary Fund of Horth Carolina,. I 3,456106 1860. Comptroller's Statement. 201 Continental Bank, N. Y., principal of loan by said Bank to Literary fund of North Carolina, Bank of the State of North Carolina, premium for $129,131.06, check on New York, to pay loan made to Literary Fund of North Carolina, on 25th June, 1859, Paid the following counties the State's quota for support of Common Schools, Fall distribution, 1859 : Hertford co., J. B. Slaughter, chm'n, Moore " W. D. Dowd, " Gaston " Kichard Bankin, " H. Young, Treasurer of the N. C. Institution for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind, Continental Bank, New York, interest for six months loan by said Bank to Literary Fund of N. C., Continental Bank, New York, prin¬ cipal of loan by said Bank to Lit¬ erary Fund of N. C., Bank of the State of North Carolina, premium for $128,363.04, check on New York, to pay loan made to Literary Fund of N. C., Paid H. Bourden, chairman, the State's quota for support of Com¬ mon Schools in Duplin county, Spring distribution, 1859, Samuel H. Young, Treasurer of the Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind, F. I. Wilson, for printing Beports, &c., for C. H. Wiley, General Su¬ perintendent of Common Schools, C. H. W ilev, General Superintendent of Common Schools, his 1st quar¬ ter's salary, for 1860, Paid the Bank of North Carolina the 3d instalment of stock subscribed in said Bank by the Literary Board of North Carolina, under " an act to establish the Bank of North $125,675 645 7987 1,026 8673 2 26 6 2,000 2,688 125,675 641 1,333 1,000 186 375 04 Literary fund— disbursements. 66 81 32 15 202 1860. Comptroller's Statement. Literary fund— disbursements. 1860. April. May. Carolina," ratified the 16th day of February, 1859, Bank of North Carolina, interest on 3rd instalment of stock subscribed in said Bank by Literary Board of North Carolina, Bank of North Carolina, premium for check on New York to pay the 3rd instalment of stock subscribed in said Bank by Literary Board of North Carolina/ S. H. Young, Treasurer N. C. Insti¬ tution for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind, Paid sundry counties the State's quo¬ ta for support of Common Schools, Spring distribution, 1860, as follows: Alamance co., Jno. Trollinger, ch'n, Forsyth " J. W. Alspaugh," Wake " W. W. Whitaker," Franklin " W. T. Johnson, " Washington " J.Ramsey, (act'g,)" Beaufort " Jos. Potts, " Rowan " D. A. Davis, " Guilford " Nathan Hiatt, " I Camden " Thomas Palmer, " Chatham " Jas. S. Lasater, " Burke " James Avery, " Davidson " John Harris, " Iredell " M. Campbell, u Pasquotank Ct W. W. Kennedy," Bertie " Joseph B. Cherry," Cabarrus " A. J. York, " Orange " W. H. Brown, " Wayne " W. K. Lane, u' N.Hanover " S. D. Wallace, " Cumberland " A. M. Campbell, " Craven " John T. Lane, " Union " S. H. Walkup, " Lenoir " James W. Cox, " Chowan " Jas. D. Wynn, " Yadkin " James Sheek, " Buncombe " M. Patton, Surry " L. J. Norman, " Warren c Samuel Bobbitt, " $125,675 1,01230 95015 1,000 L219 92 1,275 74 2,534 76 1,14120 573 60 1,405 92 1,479 48 2,21760 62088 1,926 60 83028 1,694,76 1,56744 92496 1,19676 1,04088 1,79484 1,23809 1,70832 1,27606 48 96 72 24 32 56 84 92 1.479 1,110 741 630 1,141 1.480 975 1,243 1860. Comptroller's Statement. 203 S. H. Young, Treasurer H. C. Institu¬ tion for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind, Expenses of meeting of Literary Board in Raleigh, May 11th, 1860, Paid sundry counties the State's quota for support of Common Schools, Spring distribution, 1860, as follows: Onslo^ ~ ~~ Anson Person Greene Jones Granville Randolph Martin Mecklenb'g Alexander Cleveland Lincoln Carteret Hyde, Caswell Cherokee Stokes Harnett Stanly Ashe Currituck Macon Sampson Brunswick Haywood Hertford Horthamp'n co., D. W. Sanders, Ch'n, H. B. Hammond " G. D. Satterfield " Edward Patrick " E. F. Sanderson " L. A. Paschal " Jonathan Worth " A. H. Coffield. " John P. Ross " R. L. Steele " J. R. Logan " H. W. Abernathy " J. P. C. Davis " H. Beckwith " Alvis Lea " G. W. Hayes " W. A. Mitchell " Dan'l McCormick " Lafayette Green " John Reaves " J. S. Day " J. R. Siler " Archibald Monk " John H. Brooks " J. Cathey " J. B. Slaughter " Herod Faison " S. H. Young, Treasurer 1ST. C. Institu¬ tion for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind, John W. Syme, for publishing in Ra¬ leigh Register, Spring distribution, 1860,for support of Common Schools, W. A. Walsh, for publishing in War- renton Hews, Spring distribution, 1860, for support of Com. Schools, Paid sundry counties the State's quota 2,000 65 TO 844 1,290 1,059 638 4T220 2,07636 1,821 835132 1,406 .600 1,163 830 744 « 790 1,459132 804 1,018 850 761 1,024 750 740 1,47732 71412 828 798 36 80 70 76 68 84 26 1,287 2,000 12 12 80 72 52 36 64 96 20 84 72 72 ■204: 1860. Comptroller's Statement. 1860. July. Literary fund— disbursements. Alii for support of Commons Scliools Spring distribution, i860, as follows: Gates County, S. W. Worrell, Chm'n, Pitt county, Alfred Moye, Chairman, Columbus county, Haynes Lennon Chairman, | Wilson county, L. D. Parmer, Chair¬ man, Washington county, (Fall ?59,) Jgs. Ramsay, act., Chairman, Edgeomb county,David Barlow,Chair¬ man, Tyrrell county, John Dunbar, Chair¬ man, Catawba county, G. P. Shuford, Chair¬ man, Paid the Bank of North Carolina the 1th instalment of stock subscribed in said Bank by the Literary B< >ard of 1ST. C., under an "Act to estab¬ lish the Bank of North Car* »lina," ratified the 16th day of Feb., 1559, Bank of North Carolina, interest on 4th instalment of stock subscribed in said Bank by Literary Board of FT. C., Bank ot North Carolina, premium for check on New York to pay 4th in¬ stalment of stock subscribed in said Bank by Literary Board of N. C., W. W. Holden, for publisliing in N. C. Standard, Spring distribution, 1860,for support of Common Schools II. E. Colton, for publisliing in Ash- ville Advocate, Spring distribution, 1860,for support of Common Schools C. II. Wiley, General Superintendent of Common Schools, his 2nd quar¬ ter's salary, for 1860, W.J. Yates, for publishing in West¬ ern Democrat, Spring distribution, 1860,for support of Common Schools Paid the following counties the State's quota for the support of Common Schools, Spring distribution, 1860 : Rockingham co., * July. for State coupon meet liabilities of for board of patients Asylum from Lincoln Sundry personSi bonds, sold to tbe State, E. C. Fisher, in Insane county, Fayetteville & Western Railroad Company, interest on bonds of said Company, Wilmington, Charlotte & Rutherford Railroad Co., interest on bonds of said Company, Bank of North Carolina, temporary loans to meet liabilities of the State, Sundry persons, for State coupon bonds, sold to meet liabilities of the State, Jonas Cline, tax due from Catawba county, for board of indigent pa¬ tient from said county in Insane Asylum, T. T. Martin, for hoard of Rebecca Bagby in Insane Asylum, Bank of North Carolina, temporary loan to meet liabilities of the State, Bank of Charlotte, tax on capital stock in said Bank, Jonas Cline, Sheriff Catawba county, tax due from said county for 1859, Sundry persons, for State coupon bonds, sold to mpet liabilities of the State, Issued to R. C. Pearson, President of Western N. C. Railroad Company, 50 State coupon each, dated July 1st, 1860, and running 30 years, issued on account of said Road, Accrued interest to August 10th, 1860 N. R. Jones, Sheriff" of Warren coun¬ ty, tax due from said county for board of indigent patients in In¬ sane Asylum, Sundry Sheriffs, State taxes for 1859, payable in 1860, as follows: 85,431 288 3,000 6,000 98,46670 287,093 49 144 24,62083 750 5,13980 13,15941 50,000 33333 162 1860. Comptroller's Statement. 211 N. R. Jones, Sheriff, Warren county, Joseph Lusk, " Gaston " J. W. Steed, " Randolph " J. L. Bundy, " Cabarrus " Sundry Banks, tax on capital stock in said Banks, as follows : Merchants' Bank, Farmers' " Bank of Yancey ville, J. R. Dodge, Clerk Supreme Court at Morganton, tax on Attorney's Li¬ censes, August term, 1860, of said Court, E. B. Freeman, Clerk Supreme Court at Raleigh, tax on Attorney's Li¬ censes, June term, 1860, of said Court, Sundry persons for State Coupon Bonds, sold to meet liabilities of the State, Sundry Sheriffs, on account of indi¬ gent insane patients from their re¬ spective counties, in Insane Asy¬ lum of FT. C., as follows: i A. B. Long, Sheriff, Rutherford co., Wm. Flynt, Jos. Marshall, " John Martin, " E. D. Hampton, " E. C. Grier, " G. M. Green, " J. H. Allen, " C. A. Boon, " R. B. Paschal, " W, A. Walton, " Chas. Byrd, " R. M. Jones, " County Trustee, " J. L. Ward, « J. A. Yann, " J. M. Hilliard, « Hilliard Gibbs, " W. B. Campbell," W. H. High, " R. R. Tayloe, " Forsyth Stanly " Stokes " Davidson " Mecklenburg" Cleveland " Brunswick " Guilford " Chatham " Rowan " Yancey " Orange " Union " Polk " Hertford " Davie ■1 Hyde " Beaufort " Wake " Bertie " 129 4,792 7,524 8,744 562 50 744 75 500 228 52725 261,795 144 356 101 540 144 283 288 144 57095 1,09697 552 117 935 21 401 896 52 144 432 54591 432 Publio fund- 92 receipts. 22 46 19 33 94 66 212 I860. Comptroller's Statement. Public fund— eoeipts. 1860. Sept. E. D. Hall, Sh'ff Hew Hanover co. jJosiali Hodges, " J. F. Jenkins, " (Wash. Harriss, " J. R. White, " County Trustee, " Pitt Edgecombe Franklin Perquimans Cumberland Wilmington and Weldon Railroad Co. i interest on $50,000 bonds of said | Company, .Sundry Sheriffs, State taxes for 185 payable in 1860, as follows: L. H. Lawrence, SlTff Lincoln c W. F. Wasson, W. H. Cullom, James Roberts, A. B. Long, J. W. Heal, William Flynt, |J. H. Hetliercutt, P. F. White, Tully Davenport, Wm. Haymore, G. B. Threadgill, Jos. Marshall, John Martin, Wm. Green, J. C. Smith, R. G. Tuttle, C. Strader, E. D. Hampton, T. J. Carr, M. II. Eure, Goodman Burden, E. G. Grier, G. M. Green, Reuben King, J. II. Allen, C. A. Boon, Joseph Brittan, Iliram Hunter, W. H. Smith, A. H. Sanders, H. W. Cooper, R. B. Paschal, S. A. Warren, W. A. Walton, Iredell Johnston Rockingham Rutherford McDowell Forsyth Jones Chowan Tyrrell Surry Anson Stanly Stokes Haywood Alexander Caldwell Caswell Davidson Duplin Gates Washington MecklenVg Cleveland Robeson Brunswick Guilford Burke Madison Person Montgomery Hash Chatham Horthampfn Rowan 528 286 383 490 232 432 43 1,500 1860. Comptroller's Statement. 213 Sidney Deal, Shff. Watauga county. Charles Byrd, " Yancey R. M. Jones, " Orange W.D.Humphrey," Onslow J. B. Lee, " Currituck C. Austin, J. R. Grady, W. W. Long, W. E. Mann, W. R. Young, J. A. Reeves, " Union " Harnett " Yadkin " Pasquotank " Buncombe " Ashe B, Eitzrandolph, " Bladen J. L. Ward, " Polk A. Yann, " Hertford J. J. Bennett, " Richmond A. W. Bell, " Camden J. M. Hilliard, " Davie Isaac Arledge, " Henderson J.T.Barnes, " Wilson Hilliard Gibbs, " Hyde W. B. Campbell," Beaufort W. H. High, " Wake Wm. Patterson, " Alamance Wm. Fields, " Lenoir Hector McNeill, " Cumberland R. R. Tayloe, " Bertie K. H. Worthy, " Moore G. W. Crumpler," Sampson Esly Staley, E. D. Hall, L. Williamson, Josiah Hodges, J. F. Jenkins, Wash. Harris, A. C. Latham, George Dill, J. R. White, Jesse Bledsoe, J. H. Gooch, N. R. Jones, E. Davis, " Wilkes " New Hanover " Columbus " Pitt " Edgecombe " Franklin " Craven " Carteret " Perquimans " Alleghany " Granville " Warren " Jackson J. G. Crawford, " Macon H. H. Davidson, " Cherokee J. S. Snow, " Halifax W. A. Thompson," Wayne 1,433 1,832 11,970 5,082 3,306 6,01442 3,210 22 4,17093 8,066 5,860 2.552 ^541 1,352 7,408 7,142 4,142 4,993 4,805 8,83092 4,793" 12,470 29 Public fund. 2g receipts. 41 46 51 24 13 62 80 78 36 52 53 35 53 39 77 26,29985 15 99 05 86 51 51 7,129 8,632 20,908 10,791 4,822 9,304 3,990 31,358 4,621 11,754 23,174 11,298 18,086 4,14453 6,623 1,197 16,914 15,523 1,308 1,93752 2,447 17,554 12,989 74 26 78 91 68 32 95 63 81 14 69 83 97 41 1860. Comptroller's Statement. 1860. Sept. Public fund- receipts. Sundry Banks, tax on capital stock in said Banks as follows : Bank of Wadesboro', Bank of Fayetteville, Bank of Cape Fear, Bank of North Carolina, Bank of Clarendon, Geo. Dill, Sheriff of Carteret county tax on collateral descent, $2,813,016 61 Public fund— PUBLIC FUND.—(.Disbursements.) disbursements, Statement D. Showing the several objects for which the Disbursements of the Public Fund have been made: Agricultural Societies, Adjutant General Asylum for the Deaf aud Dumb and the Blind, Binding laws, Board of Internal Improvements, Cape Fear and Deep River Improve¬ ment, Capitol Square, Council of State, Comptroller's Department, Congressional Election, Contingencies, Distributing Laws, Executive Department, Executive Mansion, Fayetteville and Western Railroad, Fugitives from Justice, Geological Survey, Governor's Election, Interest on coupon bonds of Cape Fear & Deep River Navigation Company, Interest on bonds of Fayetteville and Western Plankroad Company, 1860. Comptroller's Statement. 215 Interest on Raleigh and Gaston Rail road Bonds. Interest on State Coupon Bonds, Interest, on State Registered Bond's, Interest on State Loans, Insane Asylum, J udiciary, McDowell and Yancey Turnpike Road, Pensions, Post Office, Premium on Northern Funds, Public Arms, Public Printing, Public Tax refunded, Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Bonds, Senatorial Election, Sheriffs for settling public taxes, State Department, State Capitol, State Librarian, State Library, State Loans, State Registered Bonds, Superintendent of Capitol, Surplus Revenue, Treasury Department, Western N. C. Railroad, Western N. C. Railroad Survey, 98 10,920 412,245 20,881 10,23289 25,000 32,446 700 220 299 2,914 235 1,585 121 497,500 304 1,969 600 49793 450 2,354 572,500 8,200 1 QK 100,000 2,750 302,358 8,000 $ 2,676,923 66 23 75 01 45 94 90 34 12 47 33 Detailed as follows: Duplin County Agricultural Society, State's quota for 1859, Buncombe County Agricultural So¬ ciety, State's quota for 1859, Davie County Agricultural Society, State's quota for 1859, J. F. Hutchins, Treasurer o£ the State Agricultural Society, State's quota to said Society for year ending 1st Monday in October, 1859, 50 50 50 1,500 216 1860. Comptroller's Statement. 1859. Oct. Publio fund— disbursements. W. H. McKee, President of Board of Directors, part of an appropriation by " an act to enlarge and im¬ prove the buildings of the Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind, passed by the Legislature of 1858-9. Graham Daves, Secretary to Board of Internal Improvements, for ex¬ penses of meeting of said Board in Raleigh, October 18, 1859. H. A. London, Treasurer of Cape Fear and Deep River Navigation Company. Ebenezer Emmons, State Geologist one quarter's salary from April 1 to July 1, 1859. Ebenezer Emmons, jr., Assistant Geologist, two quarter's salary from April 1 to October 1, 1859. William Matthews, for one bake oven built at the Executive Man¬ sion. W. H. Battle, Judge of Supreme Court, his third quarter's salary for 1859. R. M. Pearson, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, his third quarter's salary for 1859. William A. Jenkins, Attorney Gen eral, for six certificates from third Circuit. William Lander, Solicitor for five certificates from sixth Circuit. Marcus Erwin, Solicitor, for two cer¬ tificates from seventh Circuit. Robert Strange, Solicitor, for seven certificates from fifth Circuit. Thomas Ruffin, Judge Supreme Court, his third quarter's salary for 1859, William E. Anderson, Treasurer In¬ sane Asylum, on account of said Asylum. Bank of the State of North-Carolina, interest on temporary loans. 5,000 4f33 1860. Comptroller's Statement. 217 Bank of Cape Fear at Raleigh, inter est on temporary loans, Isaac Winston, interest on State cou¬ pon bonds, Sinking Fund, interest on State cou pon bonds, Bank of the Republic, New York, for interest on State coupon bonds, James F. Taylor, interest on State bonds, James S. Purefoy, interest on State bonds, James F. Taylor, interest on bonds of Fayetteville and Western Plank- road Company, Holden & Wilson, printing for Ex¬ ecutive Department, jHolden & Wilson, printing for Trea | sury Department, Holden & Wilson, printing for Comp¬ troller's Department, Holden & Wilson, printing for State Department, Bramly Sasser, a pension for 1859, D. G. McRae, bis salary as keeper of State Arsenal at Fayetteville, for year ending September 30, 1859, George T. Cooke, Postmaster in Ral- e i g b, postage stamps furnished Comptroller's Department, George T. Cooke, postage stamps fur¬ nished Executive Department, George T. Cooke, postage stamps fur¬ nished State Officers, C. N. White, tax overpaid by him for 1856, to Sheriff of Cabarrus, Drury King, for various services about the Capitol, E. J. Hale & Son, books for State Library, Bank of the State of North Carolina, temporary loans, James C. Turner, Chief Engineer, for organizing corps of Engineers for Western North Carolina Railroad, 60 18 2,850 69,95V 60 66 Pablio fund— disbursements. 15 55 12 3350 1985 12 50 40 60 10 20 54 11 29 98 125,500 4,000 218 1860. Comptroller's Statement. Public fund— '1859. disbursements, Nov. Paid into the Sinking Fund of N. C., under " an act to create a Sinking Fund," ratified the 2nd day of Feb¬ ruary, 1857, Mecklenburg county Agricultural So¬ ciety, State's quota for 1859, Onslow county Agricultural Society, State's quota for 1859, Granville county Agricultural Socie¬ ty, State's quota for 1859, Cumberland county Agricultural So¬ ciety, State's quota for 1859, American Bank Note Company, New York, printing sundry coupon bonds for the State of North Caro¬ lina, Adams Express Company, freight on two packages from New York to Raleigh, Graham Daves, private Secretary to Gov. Ellis, for sealing 266 State bonds, John F. Hoke, Attorney for the State, for collecting collateral tax from John Steele, Administrator of Jas. Cowen, deceased, Adams Express Company, freight on two packages from New York to Raleigh, Magnetic Telegraph in Raleigh, two dispatches to New York for Public Treasurer, Edward Newlin, for advertising sales of N. C. bonds in New York Jour¬ nal of Commerce, in July and Nov. 1859, H. A. London, Treasurer of Cape Fear and Deep River Navigation Company, W. S. Webster, for delivering 250 copies Revised Code of North Caro¬ lina in sundry counties, C. C. Tally, for delivering 200 copies Revised Code of North Carolina in sundry counties, $100,000 1860. Comptroller's Statement. 210 1859. Nov. Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Cofti- pany, freight on 3 boxes, forwarded to Ebenezer Emmons, Ebenezer Emmons, State Geologist, 1 quarter's salary to Oct. 1st, 1859, J.L.Bailey, Judge of Superior Courts, for 15 certificates from 7th circuit, Win. A. Jenkins, Attorney General, for 4 certificates from 3d circuit, R.M.Saunders, Judge Superior Courts, for 4 certificates trom 2d circuit, Marcus Erwin, Solicitor, for 8 certifi¬ cates from 7th circuit, Jesse G. Shepherd, Judge Superior Courts, for 10 certificates from 3d circuit, M. E. Manly, Judge Superior Courts, for 10 certificates from 1st circuit, E. C. Hines, Solicitor, for 10 certifi cates from 1st circuit, Robert Strange, Solicitor, for 2 cer tificates from 5th circuit, D.F.Caldwell, Judge Superior Courts, for 14 certificates from 5th circuit, C. H. Austin, Treasurer of Florida,in¬ terest on bonds of North Carolina, Chancey G. Lee, 1 copy of Mitchell's Atlas for State Library, PaidR. C. Pearson President of West¬ ern North Carolina Railroad Com¬ pany, 150 State coupon bonds of $1,000 each, dated Oct. 1st, 1859 and running 30 years, issued on account of said Road, AccruOd interest to Nov. 18th, 1859, Bank of the Republic, New York, for interest on State coupon bonds, B. F. Harris, interest on State coupon bonds, Bank of the Republic, New York, for interest on coupon bonds of C. F & D. R. Nav. Company, B. F. Harris, interest on coupon bonds of C. F. & D. R. Nav. Company, Moore county Agricultural Society, State's quota for 1859, Literary fund— disbursements. 2 625 1,245 80 360 160 975 975 200 40 1,155 369 12 92 150,000 1,225 3,795 510 15 390 50 :220 1860. Comptroller's Statement. 1859. Dec. Public fund— .■disbursements. Robinson county Agricultural Society ^ State's quota for 1859, Jesse Bledsoe, Sheriff of Alleghany county, for making return of the congressional election in said coun¬ ty, in August, 1859, John A. Averett, a member of the Executive Council, expenses of meet¬ ing of the Council, Dec. 6th and 7th, 1859, H. A. London, Treasurer of Cape Fear & Deep River Ravigation Company, James Page, for delivering boxes of the Revised Code of Rorth Carolina in 19 counties, JohnW. Ellis, Governor of Rorth Car- alina, his ith quarter's salary for 1859, F. I. Wilson, for David Ron-is, being reward offered for arrest of James Boon, who was indicted in Superior Court of Yancey county for murder of Alfred F. Keith, E. Emmons, for C. D. Smith, 8 months salary from Sept. 1st, to December 1st, 1859, as Assistant Geologist, E. Emmons, State Geologist, one quar¬ ter's salary to Jan. 1st, 1860, William Thompson, for work done at Executive Mansion, W. E. Anderson,Treasurer Insane Asy¬ lum, on account of said Asylum, Sundry persons, interest on State bonds J. Y. Wilcox, interest on bonds of Fayetteville & Western Plankroad Company, J. Y. Wilcox, interest on bonds of Ra¬ leigh & Gaston Railroad Company, Bank of the Republic, Rew York, for interest on coupon bonds of R. C., R. R. Heath, Judge Superior Courts, for 15 certificates from 6th circuit, John M.Dick, Judge Superior Courts, for 12 certificates from 1th circuit, R.M. Saunders, Judge Superior Courts, for 7 certificates -from 2d circuit, 1860. Comptroller's Statement. 221 H. C. Jones, Reporter Supreme Court, his last half year's salary for 1859, J. J. Bruner, for printing, folding, stitching, covering and directing No. 2, vol. 6 Jones' Law, and No. 3, vol. 4 Jones' Equity Reports, with an index and title to each vol., Vm. Lander, Solicitor, for 10 certifi¬ cates from 6th circuit, D. K. McRae, acting Solicitor, for 1 certificate from 2d circuit, Thomas Ruffin, Jr., Solicitor, for 11 certificates from 4th circuit, Bank of North Carolina, premium for $120,000 checks on New York, Geo. T. Cooke,'Post Master in Raleigh postage stamps for Executive De¬ partment, John Y. Wilcox, for 5 bonds of Ra¬ leigh & Gaston Railroad Company Drury King, for payment of wages of free boy W. H. Dempsey, for ser vices at Capitol, Drury King, for cash advanced for work done in Capitol, O. H. Perry, State Librarian, his 4th quarter's salary for 1859, Jesse Bledsoe, Sheriff of Alleghany county, for making returns of taxes due the State from said county for 1858, R. H. Page, Secretary of State, his 4th quarter's salary for 1859, John H. Jones, for 2 bonds of $1,000 each, Needham Price, for 1 bond of $1,000, D. W. Courts, Public Treasurer, his 4th quarter's salary for 1859, W. R. Richardson, Clerk to Treasury Department, his fourth quarter s salary for 1859, One telegraphic dispatch to New York for Public Treasurer, American Bank Note Company, New York, for printing sundry coupon bonds of North Carolina, 300 952 703 200 20 220 600 12 24,000 15 112 50 Public fund— disbursements.. 29 200 2,000 1,000 500 187 125 66 50 95 222 1860. Comptroller's Statement. Public fund— .disbursements. 1859. Dec. 1860. Jan. Adams Express Company, freight on 3 packages from New York to Ra¬ leigh,_ Magnetic telegraph, sundry dispatches from Raleigh to New York for Pub¬ lic Treasurer, Graham Daves, private Secretary to Governor Ellis, for sealing one hun¬ dred State bonds, Edward Newlin, for advertising sale of 1ST. C. bonds in New York Journal of Commerce, in Dec., 1859, Randolph County Agricultural Socie¬ ty, the State's quota for 1859, Richmond County Agricultural Socie¬ ty, the State's quota for 1859, Henderson County Agricultural Socie¬ ty, the State's quota for 1859, Martin County Agricultural Society, the State's quota for 1859, S. H. Young, part of appropriation by Legislature of 1858-'59 to enlarge and improve the buildings of the Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind, H. A. London, Treasurer of CapeEear and Deep River Navigation Im provement, on account of said Im¬ provement, Graham Daves, private Secretary to Gov. Ellis, his lourtli quarter's sal¬ ary for 1859, T. "W\ Atkin, for advertising in Ashe- ville News, reward for arrest of James Boon, a fugitive from justice in Y'ancey county, Ebenezer Emmons, Jr., Assistant State Geologist, his fourth quarter's sala¬ ry for 1859, R. 1\L Pearson, Chief Justice Supreme Court, his fourth quarter's salary for 1859, \W. II. Battle, Judge Supreme Court, his fourth quarter's salary, for 1859, JjThomas Ruffin, Judge Supreme Court, 186<>. Comptroller's Statement. 223 his salary from October 1st to No¬ vember 5th, 1859, M. E. Manly, Judge Supreme Court, his salary from 11th to 31st Dec., 1859. W. J. Houston, Solicitor, for 10 cer¬ tificates from 2nd Circuit, Marcus Erwin, Solicitor, for 5 certifi¬ cates from 7th Circuit, W. E. Anderson, Treasurer Insane Asylum, North Carolina, on ac¬ count of said Asylum, Bank of Cape Fear, at Ealeigh, in¬ terest on temporary loans, Interest on State Coupon Bonds own¬ ed by Sinking Fund of North Carolina, Sundry persons, interest on Bonds of the State of North Carolina, due 1st Monday in January, 1860, Sundry persons, interest on Bonds of Fayetteville and Western Plank- road Company, due first Monday in January, 1860, Sundry persons, interest on Bonds Raleigh & Gaston Railroad Com¬ pany, due 1st Monday in January, 1860, James E. Morris, his salary to Jan. 1st, 1860, as keeper of public arms in New-Berne, Geo. T. Cooke, Postmaster at Ra¬ leigh, postage stamps for office of Secretary State, Moses A. Smith, Postmaster at Salis¬ bury, postage for 90 Supreme Court Reports and 9 indexes sent to Clerks and Judges, James L. Battle, on account of tax over paid by him for 1858 to the Sheriff of Edgecombe county, Sundry persons, for bonds of Raleigh & Gaston Railroad Company, due first Monday in January, 1860, and guaranteed by the State of North 32 26 238 152 200 100 5,000 3,540 4,080 4,21706 2,475 9,555 75 50 Public fund— disbursements. 11 5 34 80 224 1860. nOMPTROLLER's STATEMENT. 1860. Publlo fund— disbursements u all. Carolina, by u an act for the relief of the Raleigh and Gaston Rail¬ road Company," ratified 7th Jan uary, 1839, ['59J $302,500 H. W. Guion, President of Wilming¬ ton, Charlotte and Rutherford Rail¬ road Company, 200 State coupon bonds of $1,000 each, dated Jan. 1st, 1860, and running 30 years, under an act of Legislature of 1858-9, ^ > | W. H. Hamilton, for keeping Capitol, grounds in order 6 months, Waterhouse & Bowes, gas fixtures! for Executive Mansion, William Watson, articles for Execu¬ tive Mansion, Charles Kuester, for articles furnished and work done at Executive Man¬ sion, F. I. Wilson, printing for Executive and Treasury Departments, James McKimmon, twine, &c., for use of Capitol, Charles Kuester, for work done in Capitol, Drury King, for payment of wages of free boy, W. H. Dempsey, for services at Capitol, from November 25th, 1859, to January 1st, 1860, George T. Cooke, Postmaster in Ral¬ eigh, box in post-office, &c., for use of State Librarian, 0. H. Perry, State Librarian, sub¬ scription to newspapers and peri¬ odicals for State Library, Drury King, Superintendent of Cap¬ itol, his fourth quarter's salary for 1859, W. S. Mason, for two State bonds of $1,000 each, G. & S. B. Hinton, for one State bond, Bank of the Republic, New York, for payment of interest on coupon bonds of North Carolina, due 1st day of Jan., 1860, 186(1.-' Comptroller's Statement. 225 Jank of the Republic, New York, for payment of interest on coupon bonds of Cape Fear and Deep River Nav¬ igation Companv, due 1st Monday in Jan., 1860, Adams Express Company, freight on five packages from New York, to Public Treasurer, Telegraphic dispatches from New York for Public Treasurer, John W. Syme, for advertising in Raleigh Register sales of North Carolina bonds, E. B. Freeman, for B. B. Lane, coal for Supreme Court Office in Capitol, and freight on same from New- Berne, Graham Daves, Private Secretary to Gov. Ellis, for sealing 690 State bonds, American Bank Note Company, N. York, printing sundry coupon bonds for the State of North Carolina, H. D. Turner, stationery for State offices in Capitol, Sending Telegraphic dispatches from N. Y., for Public Treasurer, James R. Dodge, Clerk Supreme Court at Morganton, as follows : His half year's salary, ending Jan¬ uary, 1860, For two Record Books, for said Court, For transportation of same, S. H. Young, Treasurer, under " an act to enlarge and improve the buildings of the Asylum of the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind," passed by Legislature of 1858-59, John A. Averett, a member of the Executive Council, for expenses of meeting of the Council held in Ral eigh, Feb. 15th, 1860, A. & VV. Myers, articles for ExecU tive Mansion, $ 3,870 5 3 Public fund— disburaenteutih 50 63 27 56 69 300 90 15 55 25 12 150 20 75 220 210 20 50 23 226 1860. Comptroller's Statement. 1860. Feb. Marcus Erwin, Solicitor, for 1 certifi¬ cate from 7th circuit, Will. A. Jenkins, Attorney General, for attending Supreme Court in Raleigh, December Term, 1859, in discbarge of bis official duties, Bank of Cape Fear, at Raleigb, inter¬ est on temporary loan, Sundry persons, interest on State bonds, Geo. W. Haywood, interest on bonds of Fayetteville and Western Plank road Company, Bank of tbe Republic, New York, for payment of interest on coupon bonds of Nortb Carolina, Bank of tbe Republic, New York, for payment of interest on coupon bonds of Cape Fear and Deep Riv¬ er Navigation Company, G. W. Haywood, interest on bonds of Raleigb & Gaston Railroad Comp'y, W.A.Blount, interest on bonds of Ra¬ leigb & Gaston Railroad Company, Duncan G. McRae, expenses for repairs on State Arsenal at Fayetteville, James Carpenter, Trustee of Polk county, on account of tax overpaid by E. L. Allen, former sheriff of said county, Drury King, tor payment of wages of free boy, W. H. Dempsey, for ser¬ vices at the Capitol, January, 1860, 0. H. Perry, sundry books for State Library, from Johnson & Co., Phil¬ adelphia, James S. Purefoy, for one State bond, R. M. Saunders, for McCrady and others, for 4 bonds of Raleigb and Gaston Railroad Company, G. W. Haywood, for 2 bonds of Raleigb and Gaston Railroad Company, W. A. Blount, for 1 bond of Raleigb and Gaston Railroad Company, J. M. Rose, Treasurer of Fayetteville 1860. Comptroller's Statement. m and Western Railroad Company, on account of said Road, H. A. London, Treasurer of Cape Fear and Deep River Navigation Com¬ pany, on account of said Improve ment, Adams Express Company, freight on package from New York to Raleigh Parsons & Allen, for advertising sale of North Carolina Bonds in New York News, in December, 1859, W. R. Miller, Superintendent of For¬ est Manufacturing Company, 214 reams book paper for the State, G. H. Wilder, for 101f cords of wood for Capitol, at $3 45 per cord, J. W. Camp, for advertising payment of bonds of Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company, in New York Journal of Commerce, E. Newlin, for subscription to New York Journal of Commerce from Feb. 28, 1860, to Feb. 28, 1861, Graham Daves, private Secretary to Gov. Ellis, for sealing 101 State bonds, Sampson County Agricultural Society, State's quota for 1859, W. II. Hamilton, water pipes, &c., for drains on Capitol Square, H. A. London, Treasurer of Cape Fear and Deep River Navigation Compa¬ ny, on account of said Improve¬ ment, Samuel L. Adams, for delivering Re¬ vised Code of N. C. in 18 counties, John W. Ellis, Governor of North Carolina, his 1st quarter's salary for 1860, Graham Daves, private Secretary to Gov. Ellis, his 1st quarter's salary for 1860, Williams & Haywood, articles furnish¬ ed Executive Mansion, W. H. & R. S. Tucker, articles fur¬ nished Executive Mansion, $100,000 8,916 1 29 1,607 . 350 2 9 10 50 293 12 5,97739 140 750 75 42 2567: Public ftrod— 03 60 96 50 10 1860. Comptrollee's Statement. 1860. Pnblio fund— Mar. disbursement#. Robert Strange, Solicitor, for 5 certifi¬ cates from 5th circuit, E. B. Freeman, Clerk of Supreme Court at Raleigh, as follows; For his half year s salary, ending 31st December, 1859, For recording 2,368 pages at 30 cents per page, For 6 record books bought of J. J. Chaplin, James Litchford, Marshal to the Su¬ preme Court at Raleigh, December Term, 1859, for 96 days attendance on said Court, at $2 per day, William H. Battle, Judge Supreme Court, his 1st quarter's salary for 1860, Will. A. Jenkins, Attorney General, for 4 certificates from 3d circuit, T. Ruffin, Jr., Solicitor, for 1 certifi¬ cate from 4th circuit, Bank of Cape Fear at Raleigh, inter est on temporary loans, Eli Smallwood. interest on State bonds, Isaac Winston, interest on State cou¬ pon bonds, Bank of the Republic, New York, for payment of interest on coupon bonds Bank of the Republic, New York, lor payment of interest on coupon bonds of Cape Fear and Deep River Navi¬ gation Company, Bank of N. C., for AY. E. Broadnax, interest on bonds of Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company, D. S. Reid, Ex'or of Thos. Settle, dec'd, interest on bonds of Fayetteville & Western Plankroad Company, F. I. AYilson, for Tax List, Clerks' Ab¬ stracts, publishing Comptroller's Report in N. C. Standard, and in pamphlet form, &c., Lettie M. Bray, a pension for 1859, Bank of N. C., premium for $85,000 check on New York, 1860. Comptroller's Statement. 1860. Mar. George T. Cooke, Postmaster in Ra¬ leigh, Postage Stamps for Execu¬ tive and Comptroller's Depart¬ ments, ' Bank of N. C., for Alexander Broad- nax, for Bonds of Raleigh and Gas¬ ton Railroad Company, T. J. Lemay, 27 volumes of Raleigh. Star for State Library, S. J. Hale & Son, Books for Supreme Court Library, 0. H. Perry, State Librarian, his 1st quarter's salary for 1860, Drury King. Superintendent of Capi¬ tol, his 1st quarter's salary for 1860, 1. W. Courts, Public Treasurer, his 1st quarter's salary for 1860, W. R. Richardson, Clerk of Treasury Department, his 1st quarter's salary for 1860, 'Drury King, for payment of wages of free boy, W. H. Dempsey, for ser¬ vices at Capitol from Feb. 1st, to March 1st, 1860, J. J. Chaplin, 1 day book for Treasu¬ ry Department, Graham Daves, private Secretary to Gov. Ellis, for furnishihg Commis¬ sioners authorized to investigate the financial affairs of Atlantic & N. C, Railroad Company, with a certified copy of the mortgage exe¬ cuted by said Company to the State, W. H. & R. S. Tucker, articles fur¬ nished the State, Adams Express Company, freight on box from Washington City, and 2 packages from New York to Ra¬ leigh, American Bank Note Company, New York, printing sundry Coupon Bonds for North Carolina, Graham Daves, private Secretary to Gov. Ellis, for sealing 111 State Bonds, 22 FnbHo fond— dkbwMflMlt*. 5,000 123 95 65 112 50 65 500 18750 15 2812 3 50 3084 325 135 1110 m I860. Comptroller's Statement. 1860. piMfo fluid— Mar. diammmoata. April. Drury King, for payment of wages of free boy W. H. Dempsey, for ser¬ vices at Capitol from March 1st, to April 1st, 1860, Parsons & Allen, for advertising State loan in "New York News, Sundry telegraphic dispatches from Raleigh to New York, S. H. Young, Treasurer N. C. Institu¬ tion for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind, as part of appropriation to enlarge the buildings of said Insti¬ tution, under act of Legislature 1858 -'59, DeCarteret ro" for the county court of Granville to grant license to any per¬ son to retail spirituous liquors within one mile in any direction 1860-61. Chap. 56-5T. 7 from the said academy, and any license so granted shall be null and void, unless the trustees of said academy shall have first given to the applicants for such license a recommendation in writing to that effect,, Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from its ratification. [Ratified the 22d day of February, 1861.] an act to amend an act passed by the general assembly Chap. 57. oe the state of jjtorth carolina, at its session of 1848 and '9, to incorporate perquimons male and female academy. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Ceneral Assembly of the Trustees inoor- State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That Willis II. Bagley, Joseph G. Gran- bery, Joseph M. Cox, Dr. Caleb Winslow, Mathew 0. Jordan, be, and they are hereby declared a body politic and corporate, to be known and distinguished by the name and style of " The Trustees of the Perquimons Male and Female Academy," and by that name shall have perpetual succession and a common seal, and shall be able and capable in law of holding lands, tenements and chattels sufficient for the use and purposes of said school, and of suing and being sued, and of pleading and being impleaded. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the said Willis H. Bag-Powers, ley, Joseph G. Granbery, Joseph M. Cox, Dr. Caleb Winslow, and M. 0. Jordan, shall continue in office as trustees aforesaid, with full power to make such rules and regulations, not incon¬ sistent with the constitution of the State of North Carolina, and of the United States, as may be necessary for the good government of said school, and the management of the pro¬ perty and funds belonging to the same, until their successors shall be elected, as herein after provided, and that they and their successors in office shall have full power to supply all va¬ cancies in the board happening between the times of holding the election of trustees. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That an election for five Trustees' trustees to succeed the said W. H. Bagley, Joseph G. Gran-suceessor3' 8 . 1860-61. Chap. 57-58. bery, J. H. Cox, Dr. Caleb Winslow and M. 0. Jordan, shall be held on the first Thursday in March, A. D. 1804, or upon any day in said year upon which an election for commissioners for the town of Hertford may be held, and every three years thereafter, upon the day of said election for commissioners of said town of Hertford, and that the voters of the town of Hertj ford «qualified to vote for commissioners of said town, shall be the qualified voters for electing said trustees, and that the per¬ sons receiving the greatest number of votes at such election, shall be the du]y elected trustees of said academy under this act. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That all laws and clauses of laws inconsistent with this act be, and are hereby repealed. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That this act shall J>e in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 18th day of February, 1861.] Chap. 58. act to incorporate the trustees of tally ho female academy, in the county of granville. Trustees ineor- Section 1. Be it enacted by the Qeneral Assembly of the porated. State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That John L. Jones, Samuel D. Ferrill, John W. Booth, John Flemings and James A. Russel, their associates and successors, be, and they are hereby declared a body politic and corporate, to be known and designated by the name of the "Trustees of Tally Ho Female Academy," situ¬ ated at Tally Ho, in the county of Granville, and by that name Powers. shall have perpetual succession, and shall hold, acquire, receive and hold such moneys, chattels and lands as may be necessary to accomplish the purposes of the institution. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 18th day of February, 1861.] 1860-61. Chap. 59. 9 an act to incorporate the richland institute, in the Chap. 59. county of haywood. Section 1. Be it enacted by the G-eneral Assembly of the Trustees Incor- JState of North -Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the «M-porated" thority of the same, That Jacob Smith, Samuel Swayngim, P. AY. Edwards, Dillard E. Jones, James B. Fitszgerald, John AY. Killian, Robert H. Pendland, Thomas Eurguson, AY. G. B. Garrett, AY. A. AYilson, and A. C. Morrow, be, and they are hereby declared to be a body politic and corporate, to be known and designated by the name of the " Trustees of Rich¬ land Institute, of Haywood county," and by that name shall have succession and a common seal, and shall be invested with power and authority to sue and be sued, plead and be im- Powers, pleaded, in any court of law or equity in this State, and to hold such lands and tenements, goods and chattels and moneys, sufficient for all the purposes of said institute. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That said corporation shall powers, have power to make all laws, rules and regulations that shall be necessary for the good government of said institute and the management of the property and finances of the same, not in- consistent<*vith the constitution of this State, or of the United States; and also to fill vacancies among the trustees from time time, occasioned by death, resignation, or other causes, and to appoint such officers as they shall think proper. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That said trustees shall havePowerg. power to appoint all teachers in said institute, to affix the rates of tuition, and to do and perform all such acts as are incident to and usually exercised by bodies politic, for the accomplish¬ ment of the object contemplated. Section 4. Be it further enacted, That it shall not be law- sales ofspirit- ful for any person or persons to set up or continue any gaming prohibited^3 or billiard tables, or any other game of chance or hazard, by whatever Dame called, or to sell any intoxicating liquors, to be used as a beverage, within one mile of said institute, without permission of the faculty or trustees; and any person or per¬ sons who shall offend against the provisions of this act, shall forfeit and pay the sum of fifty dollars, to be recovered in any ,court of record having cognizance of the same, one-half to the informer, and the other half to the use of said institute. 10 1860-61. Chap. 59-60. Quorum. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted , That not leas than five of the trustees shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of busi¬ ness connected with said institute. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [ Ratified the 25th day of February, 1861.] AGRICULTURE. Chap. CO. an act t0 incorporate the union agricultural, mechani¬ cal and commercial society at newbern. incorporated. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Ceneral Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That the Union Agricultural, Mechanical, and Commercial Society at Newbern, be, and the same is hereby incorporated into a body politic and corporate, and in that name may sue and be sued, have and exercise any and all the powers and rights of other corporations in this State; may pass all such by-laws, rules and regulations as they may regard as necessary for the purposes of this corporation^ may take and hold real and personal estate, not exceeding fifty thousand dollars' worth of real estate; may acquire the same by deed, devise, or in any other mode, and may use the same only for the purposes hereinafter specified, officers. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the said society shall annually elect a president, and such other officers as the so¬ ciety may from time to time find necessary, all of whom shall bold their offices until successors are appointed. rules and by- Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the Union Agricultural, laws. Mechanical and Commercial Society at Newbern, as heretofore organized by a voluntary association at Newbern, be, and the same is hereby incorporated, and the rules and by-laws adopted by said association, and the election of officers made by them,, shall be and continue in force until the same are altered or superseded by the corporation hereby created, and that the Union Agricultural, Mechanical and Commercial Society at Newbern, herein*incorporated, shall succeed to all the rights and privileges of said society. \_Ratifie<% the 19^ day of February, 1861.] 1860-61. Chap. 61-62. 11 an act to protect the pair ground op the union agri- Chap. 61. cultural, mechanicaf,, and commercial society at newbern. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the penalty. State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That if any person, maliciously or inten¬ tionally, deface, injure or destroy any house, stand, fence, or other fixtures belonging to " The Union Agricultural, Mechan¬ ical and Commercial Society," located on their fair ground near the town of Newbern, in the county of Craven, such per¬ son so offending shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof in the county or superior court, shall be fined not exceeding fifty dollars, or imprisoned not exceeding six months, at the discretion of the court. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That it shall not be lawful Trespass, for white boys, unless accompanied by their parents or guar¬ dians, to visit or pass through the fair ground of said society, under the penalty of one dollar for each offence, to be col¬ lected by warrant out of the parent or guardian of boys so offending; and should any negro slave violate the provisions of this section, he or she, upon conviction before any justice of the peace of said county, shall receive not more than thirty- nine lashes on the bare back, at the discretion of the justices of the peace aforesaid: Provided, That the provisions of this section shall be inoperative and of no effect during and for the time any fair or other public exhibition may be held on said fair ground. [Ratified the 23d day of February, 1861.] BANKS. an act to amend an act entitled "an act to establish Chap. 62. the bank of commerce." Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the eepeai^arta of State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au-ac 0 ~9, thority of the same, That sections 8th, 19th, 20th and 21st of an act of the General Assembly of the State of North %Caro- lina, passed at the sessions 1858-'9, chapter 71, entitled "An 12 I860-'61. CHAP. 62. Closing books for stock. Subscriptions may be scaled. act to establish the Bank of Commerce," be, and the same are hereby repealed; and in lieu of said sections, the said act be amended as follows: Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the directors of said bank shall have power to close the books for subscriptions, at such terms [times] as to them shall seem best, and shall have further power at such times and places, under the superintendence of such persons as to them shall seem best, to re-open said books for subscription to said capital stock, and to keep the same open until the whole [or] part of the said stock unsubscribed for shall be taken; and if a part only of said remaining stock be taken, they shall have further power from time to time, as aforesaid, to re-open said books, until the whole of the capital stock of six hundred thousand dollars shall be subscribed for; and if it shall so happen when said books shall at any time, as aforesaid, be re-opened for subscription, that a greater number of shares than is necessary to make up the deficiency of said stock shall have been subscribed for, it shalL be lawful for said directors to reduce said subscriptions to a scale by them estab¬ lished for said purpose: Provided, That no subscription of ten shares or under shall be scaled until all larger subscriptions shall first be reduced to an equality with them, circulation. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the said bank shall at no time have in circulation more than twice the amount of its capital stock actually paid in, and that the rate of interest to be charged by said bank upon its loans and discounts, shall not be more than one-half of one per centum for thirty days, which interest may be received, and in advance, at the time of the said loans or discounts. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect and be in force immediately after the stockholders of said bank in a general meeting agree thereto, and signify their assent by writing, duly authenticated, and deposited in the office of the secretary of State of this State. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That branches of said bank may be, in the discretion of the directors, established in the towns of Goldsboro' and Concord, in the counties of Wayne and Cabarrus, or at other points in the State of North Caro¬ lina : Provided, That not less than fifty thousand dollars shall be subscribed on the books at the places thus selected by the directors aforesaid. When act -to take effect. Branches. 18G0-'61. Chap. 62-63. 13 Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That whenever said bank suspensions, shall suspend specie payment, unless under the advice of the governor and council, it shall pay into the State treasury at the rate of four per cent, per annum on the amount in circula¬ tion at and during the time of suspension, to be ascertained upon the oath of the cashier, and collected by the treasurer of the State. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That the provisions of this provisions to act shall extend to the Bank of North Carolina, and also the banks. Bank of Lexington, and the Miners and Planters' Bank of Musphy, and that the charters of said banks be amended in the same particulars as are herein provided for the Bank of Commerce at Newbern, without reference to the numbers of the several sections in said charter: Brovided, That the Bank of North Carolina, Bank of Lexington, and Miners and Plan¬ ters' Bank of Murphy, shall have no further power respecting the establishment of agencies and branches than is conferred in their original charters. [Ratified the Voth day of February, 1861.] an act to amend the charter of the farmers' bank of Chap. 63. north carolina. Section 1. Be it enacted by the G-eneral Assembly of the Flace> of meet- * * ine of stock- &Hate of North Carolina., and it is hereby enacted by the au- holders. thority of the same, That the fourth section of the charter of the Farmers' Bank of North Carolina, passed at the session 1852, be so altered and amended as to make Greensboro', in the county of Guilford, the place at which the next and all future meetings of the stockholders in said bank shall be held from and after this date. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its acceptance by the stockholders in said bank, or a majority of them, at their-meeting in Greensboro' aforesaid. [Ratified the — day of February, 1861.] 14 1860-61. Chap. 64. Chap. 64. an act to incorporate the bank of roxboro . Section 1. Be it enacted by the G-eneral Assembly of the capital stock. State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That a bank Bhall be established in the town of Roxboro', the capital stock whereof shall not exceed two hundred thousand dollars, divided into shares of fifty dol¬ lars each, and that, for the purpose of receiving subscription for said stock, books shall be opened on the first Monday in March, A. D. 1861, and remain open for sixty days, at Rox¬ boro', under the superintendence of Edwin G. Reade, Green X). Satterfield, Chesley Hamlen, William H. Smith, John H. Jones, George W. Norwood and John H. Hurt, and at such other places, under the superintendence of such persons, as said commissioners at Roxboro' may direct. Payments. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That one-tenth of such shares shall be paid in gold and silver to the commissioners above-named at the time of subscribing; that another tenth shall be paid within ninety days ; that another tenth shall be paid within one hundred and twenty days, and that the re¬ mainder shall be paid as the president and directors, hereafter provided to be elected, may direct; and if any subscriber shall fail to pay any instalment at the time stipulated, he shall pay the interest thereon at the rate of six per cent, per annum, and his stock shall be forfeited and may be sold by the bank, and the proceeds applied to the payment of the aforesaid deficit instalment, and he shall be held responsible for the same, at the option of the bank, and the balance, if any, to be paid over to the subscriber, incorporated. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That when one- thousand shares are subscribed, and the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars actually paid to the commissioners, the subscribers to the said bank, their successors and assigns, shall be and are hereby created a body politic, in law and in fact, by the name and style of " The Bank of Roxboro'," and shall so continue until the first day of January, 1891; and by the name and style aforesaid, they shall be and are hereby made able and Powers. capable in law to have, purchase, receive, possess and enjoy and retain, to themselves and successors, lands, tenements, rents, hereditaments, goods, chattels and effects, and the same 1860—*61. Chap- 64. 15 to grant, alien and dispose of, to sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded, answer and be answered, defend and be de¬ fended, in courts of record, or any other place whatsoever; and also to make, have and use a common seal, and the same to break, alter or renew at pleasure, and also to ordain, estab¬ lish and put in execution such by-laws or ordinances and regu¬ lations as shall seem necessary and convenient for the govern¬ ment of said corporation, and for making whereof general meetings of the stockholders may be called in the manner hereinafter specified, and generally to do and execute all mat¬ ters, acts and things which a corporation and body politic in law may or can lawfully execute, and be subject to the rules, regulations, restrictions and provisions hereinafter prescribed and declared. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That as soon as one thousand when to go shares shall be taken in the stock of said bank, and twenty-int0 operatloa' five thousand dollars paid to the commissioners who keep the books, notice shall be given, a meeting of the subscribers shall be called, to be held at least thirty days after the date of the notice; if at this meeting they or their agents who have a majority of votes according to the rates hereinafter described be present—if not, another meeting shall be called—they shall proceed to the election of seven directors, who shall take charge of the books and money in the hands of the commis¬ sioners, and immediately pursue the usual means to put the bank in operation; said directors shall remain in office until the first Monday in March, 1862* or until their successors shall be appointed; and on the first Monday in March in each year, or at any time thereafter, meetings of the stockholders shall be held in the town of Roxboro', for the purpose of electing directors, enquiring into the affairs of the institution, and making such other regulations as may be deemed fit and necessary. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That the following rules, rules, &c. regulations and provisions shall form and be the fundamental articles of the constitution of the corporation. A meeting of the stockholders cannot be held, unless those who have a ma¬ jority of the whole number of votes be present, and every act shall require the sanction of a majority of the votes which may be present; every stockholder holding one share and not more 16 1860-'61. Chap. 64. Vote of stock¬ holders. President. General meet¬ ing. Officers—their duties, &o. than two shares, shall he entitled to one vote; for every two shares above two, and not exceeding ten, one vote; for every three shares above ten, and not exceeding one hundred, one vote; and for every four shares above one hundred, one vote; after the first meeting, no share or shares shall confer a right of voting, which shall not have been holden three calendar months previous to the day of voting; stockholders may vote at the general meetings and elections by proxy, the proxy himself being a stockholder; no president, cashier, director, agent or clerk of the bank shall be permitted to vote as proxy for another; none but a stockholder, who is a citizen of the State, shall be eligible as a director; the directors, when ap¬ pointed, shall choose one of their number, which shall always be seven, to be president of the bank, and shall manage the institution as shall seem best to them, unless otherwise directed by the stockholders; but compensation to the president and directors shall be granted at the pleasure of the stockholders; not less than three directors, of whom the president shall always be one, shall constitute a board for the transaction of business, except in case of absence or sickness of the presi¬ dent, when he may, by writing, nominate any other director to supply his place ; a number of stockholders, not less than ten, who, together, shall be the owners of two thousand shares and upward, shall have power at any time to call a general meeting of the stockholders, for the purposes relating to the institution, giving at least twenty days' notice, in the town of Roxboro', and specifying the object or objects of such meeting; the directors shall annually elect [such] officers as may be deemed necessary to perform the business of the bank, and may renew [remove] them, or either of them, at pleasure. These officers shall be required to give bond, with two or more sureties, in sums not less than ten thousand dollars, with condition for good behavior and faithful performance of duty. The cashier shall keep a book to contain the proceedings of the board of directors, the names of those present, the day and date of each meeting, and shall record the ayes and nays on any question, when asked for by a director; this book shall be evidence in courts of justice. On entering on discharge of his duties, the cashier shall take the following oath or affirmation before some justice of the peace, by whom it 'shall be deposited in the office of the 1860-61. Chap. 64. 17 clerk of the county court of Person, viz: " I, A. B., do solemnly oath of cashier, swear or affirm (as the case may be), to keep a just and true record, without alteration or erasure, of the transactions of the board of directors of the Bank of Roxboro', in a book to he kept by me for that purpose." The said corporation shall Powers of cor- purchase and hold such lands, tenements, rents and heredita¬ ments as shall he required for the transaction of its business, or shall have been bona fide mortgaged to it by way of secu¬ rity, or conveyed to it in satisfaction of debts previously con¬ tracted in course of its dealing, or purchased at sale upon judgment, which shall have been obtained upon such debts; the said corporation shall neither, directly nor indirectly, trade in any thing except bills of exchange, promissory notes, gold or silver bullion, or in the sale of goods really and.truly pledged for money lent and not redeemed in due time, or in goods which shall be the produce of its lands, mint certificates, and the public debts of the State : Provided, The investments Proviso, in such stock shall not exceed one-half the capital stock of the bank; neither shall said corporation take more than the rate of six per cent, per annum for or upon its loans or discounted ^discounts], which interest may be taken in advance at the time of discount; the total amount of debts which said corporation shall at one time owe shall not exceed twice the amount of stock actually paid in. If a vacancy in the directory shall occur by death, resignation or otherwise, the remaining directors shall fill such vacancy, until the succeeding annual meeting of the stockholders. The stock of said corporation shall be assign-stock transfer¬ able and transferable according to the rules which shall be instituted in that behalf by the by-laws and ordinances of the same. The officers at the head of the treasury department of condition of the State shall be furnished, once in six months, with a state-bond" ment of the amount of the capital stock of said corporation and debts due the same, and the money deposited therein, of the notes in circulation and of the cash in hand, and shall have the right to inspect such general accounts in the books of the bank as shall relate to statements: Provided, That this proviso, shall not be construed to a right of inspecting the accounts of any private individual with the bank, except the directors. The bills obligatory and of credit under seal of said corporation, Bills assignable, which shall be made to any person or persons, shall be'assign- 2 18 1860-61. CHAP. 64. Payment of notes refused. Remedy. Insolvency. Books when closed. Embezzlement, Ac. able by endorsements tbereon, under the hand or hands of such person or persons and of his or her assignee or assignees, and so as absolutely to transfer and vest the property therein, and each and every assignee or assignees successively, and to enable such assignee or assignees to bring and maintain an action thereupon in his, her or their name or names ; and bills or notes "which may be issued by order of such corporation, signed by the president and countersigned by the cashier, promising the payment of money to any person or persons, his, her or their order, or to bearer, though not under the seal of said corporation, shall be binding and obligatory on the same, in like manner and with the like force and effect as upon any private person or persons; that is to say, those which, shall be payable to any persons, his, her or their order, shall be assignable, by endorsement, in like manner and the like effect, as foreign bills of exchange now are; and those which are payable to bearer, shall be negotiable by delivery only. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That [if] any person or per¬ sons holding a note or notes of said bank, shall present the same for payment, and if payment shall be refused, the said note or notes shall draw interest at the rate of twelve per cent, per annum from the time of said demand, and the said bank shall pay the same, any law to the contrary notwithstanding; and the holders of the notes of said bank, if not paid on demand, may bring an action of assumpsit against one or all of the directors who may have consented to issue more than twice the stock paid in: Provided3 The bank be unable to pay the amount. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That in case of insolvency of the bank hereby created, or ultimate inability on the part of the corporation to pay, the individual stockholders shall be liable to creditors in the sum double the amount of stock by them respectively held in said corporation. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That the directors shall be required to keep open the subscription books until the whole of the stock is taken. Sec. 9. Be-it further enacted, That if any director, or any other officer, agent or servant of said corporation, shall em¬ bezzle any of the funds belonging to said bank, with intent to 1860-61. Chap. 64. 19 defraud said corporation or any other person whatsoever, said officer, agent or servant shall be held and deemed guilty of a felony, and upon conviction thereof, by due course of law, shall be punished by fine, at the discretion of the court, and imprisonment not exceeding five years. Sec. 10. Be it further enacted, That the president or tax on stock, cashier of said bank shall annually pay into the treasury of the State fifteen cents on each share of said capital stock which has been subscribed for and paid in ; and the first pay¬ ment of said tax shall be made twelve months after said stock shall have been subscribed and paid, and the General Assem¬ bly reserves to itself the powers, whenever it shall be deemed necessary, to increase said tax to a sum not exceeding fifty cents on each share of said capital stock: Provided, That the Proviso, tax in this case shall not be greater than imposed on shares in such other banks as may be chartered at this or some other succeeding session of the General Assembly: And provided further, That this or any other General Assembly shall have power to tax the dividends belonging to individuals and in¬ corporations ; said tax shall not exceed the tax on the interest of money loaned. Sec. ll. Be it further enacted, That the directors of said dividends, bank may declare, semi-annually, dividends of profits thereof; and if at any time more than the real profits are divided, the directors assenting thereto shall be responsible, in their pri¬ vate capacities, to the creditors who have claims against said institution. Sec. 12. Be it further enacted, That the president of this condition of the bank shall, on the first day of March and September in each bank" and every year, transmit to the public treasurer a full state¬ ment of the condition of the bank, exhibiting the amount of the capital stock, notes in circulation, debts due to other banks and what banks, deposits, and all other particulars necessary to explain the debit side of the account; also, specie on hand, notes of other banks and what banks, bills of exchange, debts or bonds, and notes discounted; specifying, in one item, the amount due from Stockholders, and, in another, the amount due from directors, (not however using any person's name in either case,) and real estate, and publish the same in two newspapers, one of which shall be in Raleigh. 20 1860—*61. Chap. 64. False returns. Penalty. Stock to be To make loans to the State. No issues le33 than $5. Gifts, &c., to officers. Sec. 13. Be it further enacted, That if any president, cashier, clerk or other officer of the aforesaid bank, shall knowingly, wilfully, and with intent to deceive, make or cause to be made, or connive at making, any false returns, statement or exhibit of the condition of the bank, either to the treasurer of the State, to the General Assembly, or to the board of directors, or to the stockholders, or to any other person or persons that may be authorized by the legislature or by the stockholders to receive the same, such president, cashier, clerk or other officer, and all persons aiding or abetting in such deception or false return, shall be liable to be indicted for misdemeanor in the superior court, and, upon conviction, shall be fined at the discretion of the court, or imprisoned not "exceeding one year. Sec. 14. Be it further enacted, That if it shall happen, when books shall be opened as aforesaid, that a greater sum than two hundred thousand dollars shall be subscribed by in¬ dividuals or by bodies corporate, it shall and may be lawful for the commissioners to reduce such subscriptions, according to a scale by them to be established for that purpose, to the aforesaid sum of two hundred thousand dollars: Provided, That no subscription of two shares or under shall be scaled until all larger subscriptions shall be reduced to an equality with them. Sec. 15. Be it further enacted, That the said bank shall, from time to time, when called on, after two months' notice in writing, make loans of money to the State of North-Carolina, whenever the same shall be applied for by authority given by the General Assembly: Provided, That the amount loaned shall at no time exceed the sum of eight per cent, on the capital stock subscribed. Sec. 16. Be it further enacted, That no bill, promissory note, check or certificate of deposit shall be issued or re-issued by the corporation for a less amount than five dollars; and all bills, notes, checks, or certificates of deposits, intended for circulation, over five, shall be ten, or the multiple of ten. Sec. 17. Be it further enacted, That no officer or director of said bank shall, at any time, receive any gift, gratuity or reward from any person or persons obtaining a discount or Other accommodation at such bank, on account of or by reason 1860-61. Chap. 64-65. 21 of said accommodation; and no officer or director of said bank shall, at any time, purchase any note, bill, or other evidence of debt with his own funds, and afterwards place the same in said bank as the property of the Same, or to the use of the same; and all persons so offending shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction, shall be fined and impri- penalty ftwre- soned, at the discretion of the court trying the same: Pro-06171113 em' vided, That the said offence shall be cognizable in the superior courts only. Sec. 18. Be it further enacted, That no director or other compensation officer of said bank shall, directly or indirectly, receive anyt0 dlrectors'&c- compensation for any agency in negotiating any business with the bank or its agencies, in procuring discounts, renewing notes, or receiving moneys for individuals, or notes discounted; and any such director or other officer thus receiving compensation shall be removed from office, and be disqualified from there¬ after holding any office in said bank or any of its agencies. Sec. 19. Be it further enacted, That the bank shall at no circulation, time have a circulation more than twice the amount of its capital actually paid in, nor more than three times the amount of specie on hand. Sec. 20. Be it further enacted, That whenever said bank Suspensions, shall suspend specie payment, unless under the advice of the governor and council, it shall pay into the State treasury five per cent, on the amount in circulation at the time of suspen¬ sion, to be ascertained upon the oath of the cashier, and col¬ lected by the treasurer of the State. Sec. 21. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 22d day of February, 1861.] AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE BANK OP THOMASVILLE. Chap. 65. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the incorporated. State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That a bank be established in the town of Thomasville, the capital stock of which shall not exceed three hundred thousand dollars, divided iuto shares of fifty dollars each, and for the purpose of receiving subscriptions for said 22 1860-'61. CHAP. 65. stock, books shall be opened on the 15th day of February, 1861, or within twenty days after the ratification hereof, and remain open for the space of sixty days at Thomasville under the super- commissioners. intendence of Jesse Shelly, David Loftin, D. W. C. Johnson and David Helper; and at Lexington under the superinten¬ dence of Samuel Hargrave, Ben. Kittrell, Alfred Hargrave, E. D. Hampton and J. Anderton, or a majority of them; in Greensborough, under the direction of C. P. Mendenhall, Ralph Gorrell and J. M. Morehead, or a majority of them; at Ash- borough, under the direction of Jonathan Worth, B. F. Hoover and J. M. Worth, or a majority of them; at Gold Hill, under the superintendence of Moses Holmes, Brantley Harris and Reuben Holmes, or a majority of them; at Clemonsville, under A. C. Whorton, Lewis Hains and B. C. Douthitt. Payment of Sec. 2. Be it further enacted) That one-fifth of such shares shall be paid in gold or silver to the commissioners above named, or those appointed by them, at the time of subscription; that another fifth shall be paid within sixty days thereafter; that another fifth shall be paid within one hundred and twenty days thereafter; that another fifth shall be paid within three months after the time appointed for paying the third instalment; and the remaining fifth shall be paid within three months after the time of paying the fourth instalment; and if any subscriber fail to pay any instalment at the time stipulated, he shall pay interest thereon at the rate of six per cent, per annum, and his stock shall be forfeited, and may be sold by the bank, and the proceeds applied to the payment of the aforesaid deficient instalment, and he shall be held responsible for the same at the option of the bank, and the remainder, if any, of such sale Proviso. to be paid over to the subscriber: Provided, That after the bank shall have been organized, as hereinafter provided, the remaining unpaid instalment shall be paid to the directors, or their agents; and it shall be lawful for any subscriber to pay the whole of his subscription, or any greater part than is hereby required, before the time limited for the same, and every sub¬ scriber so paying in advance shall have a discount at the rate of six per cent, per annum on each advance, computing the same from the time when payment is made to the time when it is required to be made. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That when one thousand 1860-61. Chap. 65. 23 shares are subscribed, and the sum of twenty-five thousand dol- when to g0 into lars actually paid to the commissioners aforesaid, the subscri- operation, bers to the said bank, their successors and assigns, shall be, and are hereby created a body-politic in law and in fact, by the name and style of the Thomasville Bank, and shall so continue until the first day of January, 1890; and by the name and style aforesaid, they shall be able and capable in law to h^ve, purchase, receive, possess and enjoy, and retain to themselves powers, and successors, lands, tenements, rents, hereditaments, goods, chattels and effects, and the same to grant, devise, alien and dispose of, to sue and be sued, plead and be im¬ pleaded, answer and be answered, defend and be defended unto, in courts of record, or in any place whatsoever; and also to make, have and use a common seal, and the same to break, alter or renew at their pleasure ; and also to ordain, establish and put into execution such by-laws, ordinances and, regulations as shall seem necessary and convenient for the. government of said corporation, and for the making whereof general meetings of the stockholders may be called in the man¬ ner hereinafter specified and generally to do, execute all acts, matters and things which a corporation and body-politic in law may or can fully execute, and be subject to the rules, regula¬ tions and provisions hereinafter prescribed and declared. Sec. 4. Be it farther enacted, That if it shall happen when stock to ba the books shall be opened as aforesaid, that a greater sum than three hundred thousand dollars shall have been subscribed by individuals or by bodies corporate, it shall be lawful for the commissioners to reduce such subscriptions according to a scale to be by them established for that purpose to the aforesaid amount of three hundred thousand dollars : Provided, That no subscriptions of two shares or under shall be scaled until all larger subscriptions shall first be reduced to an equality with them, and if one thousand shares should not be subscribed within the sixty days aforesaid, the commissioners may keep open the books for subscription twelve months longer, unless the sum be sooner subscribed; and the directors elected as hereinafter prescribed, should be allowed to keep open the sub¬ scription-books until the whole of the stock shall be taken; and open and close the same previous thereto at their discre- 1860—61. Chap. 65. tion; the commissioners appointed to receive subscription at Lexington, Greensborough, Asheborough, Gold Hill, Clemons-i ville and other places, shall pay over to the commissioners herein appointed to receive subscription at Thomasville, in the county of Davidson, all moneys paid to them on stock sub¬ scribed immediately after receiving the same. Notice of meet- Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That as soon as one thou- 1Dg" sand shares shall be taken in the stock of said bank, and twenty-five thousand dollars paid to the commissioners who keep the books, notice shall be given in the Greensborough Patriot, published in the town of Greensborough, or in some other public manner, and a meeting of the subscribers, to be held ten days at least after the date of the notice, shall be called, and if at this meeting those or their agents who have a majority of votes, according to the rules hereinafter described, be present, if not another meeting shall be called, they shall Election of di- proceed to the election of seven directors, who shall take charge rectors. of the books and money in the hands of the commissioners, and immediately pursue the usual means to put the bank into ope¬ ration. The said directors shall remain in office until the time Term of office. which shall be prescribed in the by-laws of the said corporation for the annual meeting of the stockholders, or until their suc¬ cessors shall be appointed. At the time which shall be prescribed as aforesaid in each year, or at any time thereafter, meetings of the stockholders shall be held in the town of Thomasville for the purpose of electing directors, inquiring into the affairs of the institution, and making such regulations as may be deemed fit and necessary. Buiea, &c. Sec. & further enacted, That the following rules, regulations and provisions shall form and be the fundamental articles of the constitution of the corporation : a meeting of the stockholders cannot be held unless those who have a major¬ ity of the whole number of votes be present, and every act shall require the sanction of the majority of the votes which Vote of stock, may he present; every stockholder holding one share and not more than two, shall be entitled to one vote ; for every two shares above two and not exceeding ten, one vote; for every three shares above ten and not exceeding forty, one vote; for every six shares above forty and not exceeding one hun¬ dred, one vote; for every ten shares above one hundred not 1860-61. Chap. 65. 25 exceeding two hundred, one vote; for every twenty shares above two hundred, one vote ; after the first meeting no share or shares shall confer a right of voting, which shall not have been holden three calendar months previous to the day of voting; stockholders may vote at general meetings and elections by proxy, the proxy himself being a stockholder; none but a stock¬ holder who is a citizen of the State shall be eligible as a direc¬ tor, and the stockholders shall appoint annually seven directors Directors, how to manage the bank, and when appointed, they shall chooseappointed- one of their number to be president of the bank, and shall manage the institution as shall seem best, unless otherwise di¬ rected by the stockholders; not less than three directors, of whom the president shall always be one, shall constitute a QUOrum. board for the transaction of business, except in case of absence Or sickness of the president, when he may, by writing, nominate any other director to supply his place. If a vacancy in the directory shall occur by death, resignation, or otherwise, the remaining directors shall fill such vacancies until the succeed¬ ing annual meeting of the stockholders—a number of stock¬ holders not less than ten, who, together, shall be owners of five hundred shares or upwards, shall have power at any time to call a general meeting of the stockholders for purposes rela- General meet> tive to the institution, giving at least twenty days' notice in ins3- public gazette, and specifying the object or objects of such meeting. The directors shall annually elect such officers as may be deemed necessary to perform the business of the bank, and may remove them or either of them at pleasure; those officers shall be required to give bonds with two or more secu-Bonds of of- • ficcrs* rities, in sums in not less than fifteen thousand dollars, with a condition of good behavior and faithful performance of duty; they shall be allowed by the directors such compensation for their services as shall be deemed reasonable, but compensation to the president and directors shall be granted at the pleasure of the stockholders. The stock of said corporation shall be stook ^ assignable and transferable according to the rules which shallabIe- be instituted in that behalf by the laws and ordinances of the same. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That the said corporation What the bank shall neither directly nor indirectly trade in anything exceptmay trade in* 26 1860-'61 CHAP. 65. bills of exchange, promissory notes, and bonds expressing on the face of them to be negotiable and payable at said bank, gold and silver bullion, or in sale of goods, really and truly pledged for money lent and not redeemed in due time, or in goods which shall be the produce of its lands, or in mint certificates and the public debts of the United States and of proviso. this State: Provided, The investment in such stocks shall not exceed one-half of the capital stock of this bank. The said corporation shall purchase and hold only such lands, tenements as shall be required for the convenient transaction of its busi¬ ness, or shall have been bona fide mortgaged to it in satisfac¬ tion of debts previously contracted in course of its dealings, or purchased at sale upon judgments which shall have been obtained for such debts. „ L r. L , Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That the said corporation Rate of interest. ' 7 r shall not take more than six per cent, per annum for or upon the loans or discounts, which interest may be received in ad¬ vance at the time of discount; and the said bank shall at no time have in circulation more than twice the amount of its cap¬ ital actually paid in. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That bills obligations (obli- Biiis obligatory Satory) an(^ °f credit under the seal of said corporation, and of credit, which shall be made to any person or persons, shall be assign¬ able by endorsement thereon, under the hand or hands of such person or persons, and of his, her or their assignee or assign¬ ees, and so as absolutely to transfer and vest the property therein each and every assignee or assignees successively, and to enable such assignee or assignees to bring and maintain an action thereon in his or her or their name or names; and bills or notes which may be issued by order of the said corporation, signed by the president, and countersigned by the cashier, promising the payment of money to any person or persons, his, her, or their order, or to bearer, though not under the seal of said corporation, shall be binding and obligatory on the same in the like manner, and with the like force and effect, as to say, those which shall be payable to any person or persons, his, her or their order shall be assignable by endorsement in like man¬ ner and with like effect, as foreign bills of exchange now are, 1860-61. Chap. 65. 27 and those which are payable to the hearer shall be negotiable and assignable by delivery. Sec. 10. Be it further enacted, That no note shall be is-Not to issue . . notes less than sued by said bank under the denomination of five dollars, and P- if over five dollars, none unless it be of the denomination of ten or its multiple ; and that if any person or persons holding any note or notes of said bank shall present the same for pay¬ ment, and payment shall be refused, the said note or notes Refusal to pay shall draw interest at the rate of twelve per cent, per an-notes'&0' num from the time of said demand, and the said bank shall pay the same, any law to the contrary notwithstanding; and the holder of said note or notes of said bank, not paid on demand, may bring an action of assumpsit against one or Remedy, all of the directors who may have consented to issue more than twice the capital stock paid in cash, [if] the bank be unable to pay the amount: Provided always, That if any note or notes Provigo of the said bank shall be presented for payment by or for any bank or banks or agency of any bank, either directly or indirectly, it shall be lawful to pay the same or any part thereof with the note or notes of the bank, by or for which the demand shall have been made, whether made at the in¬ stance of the principal bank, its branch or agency, without regard to the place. Sec. 11. Be it further enacted, That the directors of said dividends, bank may declare semi-annually dividends of the profits thereof: Provided, That no dividend shall be declared until the whole amount of stock subscribed shall be paid in gold or silver; and if at any time more than the real profits are di¬ vided, the directors thereto assenting shall be responsible in their private capacity to creditors who have claims against the said institution. Sec. 12. Be it further enacted, That in case of any insol-*Inaolvency# vency of the bank hereby created, or ultimate inability to pay, the individual stockholders shall be liable to creditors in sums double the amount of stock by them respectively held in said corporation. Sec. 13. Be it further enacted, That the officer at the head condition 0f the of the Treasurer Department of the State shall be furnished, bank- once in three months, with the statement of the amount of the capital stock of said corporation, and the debts due to the same, 28 1860-'61.—-Chap. 65. of the moneys deposited therein of the notes in circulation, and of the cash on hand, and shall have a right to inspect such general accounts in the books of the bank as shall relate to said statements, and shall publish the same in two newspapers, one of which shall be in the city of Raleigh: Provided, That this shall not be construed to a right of inspecting the accounts of any private individual with the bank except the directors ; and it shall be the duty of the president of the bank, in the first week in December in each and every year, to transmit to the General Assembly a full statement of the condition of the bank, exhibiting the amount of capital in circulation, debts due to other banks, and to what banks, deposits, and all other par¬ ticulars necessary to explain the debit side of the accounts; also the specie on hand, notes on other banks, and what banks, bills of exchange, debts or bonds, and notes discounted, specifying in one item the amount due from stockholders, and in another the amount due from directors, not, however, using any per¬ son's name in either case, and the Peal estate, and shall publish similar statements in two papers of the largest circulation, one in the city of Raleigh, and one in the town of Thomasville, on the first day of January of each year, and every three months thereafter. Forging, coun- Sec. 14. Be it further enacted, That if any person falsify [falsely] make, forge or counterfeit, or cause or procure to be falsely made, forged or counterfeited, and willingly aid or assist in falsely making, forging or counterfeiting any bill or note in imitation of, or purporting to be a bill or note issued by order of the president and directors of the Bank of Thomasville, or any order or check upon said bank or corporation or the cash¬ ier thereof, or shall falsely alter, or willingly aid or assist in falsely altering any bill or note issued by order of the said corporation, or any order or check on said bank or cashier thereof, or shall pass or receive with intent to pass, alter or publish as true any false, forged or counterfeited bill or note purporting to be a bill or note issued by order of said corpora¬ tion, or any false, forged or counterfeit" check or order upon the said bank or the cashier thereof, knowing the same to be falsely forged or counterfeited, or shall pass or receive with intent to pass off, or publish as true, any falsely altered check 1860-61. Chap. 65. 29 or order on said bank or the cashier thereof, or falsely alter [any] bill or note issued by order of said bank, knowing the same to be falsely altered, with intent to defraud said corporation or any other body-politic, or person or persons, every such per¬ son shall be deemed guilty of felony, and being thereof con¬ victed, by due course of law, shall be imprisoned not ex-Penalty- ceeding ten years, and be fined not exceeding five thousand dollars. Sec. 15. Be it further enacted, That the president or cash-tax on stock, ier shall annually pay into the Treasury of the State fifteen cents on each share of said capital stock, which may have been subscribed and paid in, and the first payment of said tax shall be made twelve months after [the] bank shall have commenced operations, which tax may be increased at any time not ex¬ ceeding fifty cents per share, as the General Assembly may direct, or exigencies of the State require in equalizing taxa¬ tion : Provided, That nothing herein contained shall be so con-Proviso- strued as to prevent the legislature from taxing dividends due private stockholders or corporations in said bank. Sec. 16. Be it further enacted, That if any president, cashier, false returns, clerk, or other officer of the aforesaid bank shall knowingly, wilfully, and with intent to deceive, make or cause to be made, or connive at making any false return, statement or exhibit of the condition of the bank, either to the treasurer of the State, to the legislature, or to the board of directors of the bank, or to the stockholders, or to any other person or persons that may be authorized by the legislature, or by the stock¬ holders, to receive the same, such president, directors, cash¬ ier, clerk, or other officer, and all persons aiding or abetting in such deception or false return, shall be liable to be indicted for a misdemeanor [in] the superior court, and upon convic- Penalty. tion shall be fined at the discretion of the court, and imprisoned not exceeding one year. Sec. 17. Be it further enacted, That if a director or any Embezzie- i * . i , ii i ments, &c- other officer, agent or servant ot said corporation shall embez¬ zle any of the funds belonging to said bank, with the intent to defraud said corporation or make false entries upon the books of said bank, with intent to defraud said corporation, or any other person whatsoever, said officer, agent or servant shall be held and deemed guilty of felony, and upon conviction thereof 80 1860-61. Chap. 65. Penalty. Violation of charter. Books to be kept. by due course of law, shall be punished by fine, at the discretion of the court, and imprisoned not exceeding five years. Sec. 18. Be it further enacted, That whenever the legisla¬ ture may be of opinion that the charter of the corporation hereby granted shall have been violated, it may be lawful by joint-resolution to direct the attorney general, with such assis¬ tant counsel as the governor or legislature may think proper to engage, to issue a writ of scire facias, returnable before the judge of the supreme court, calling upon said corporation to show cause why the charter hereby granted shall not be for¬ feited, subject to the same proceedings as are now prescribed by law in cases of a corporation. Sec. 19. Be it further enacted, That the cashier shall keep a book to contain the proceedings of the board of directors, the names of those present, the day and date of each meeting; and shall record the yeas and nays on any question when asked for by any director ; this book shall be evidence in courts of justice, and on entering on the discharge of his duties the cashier shall take the following oath before some justice of the peace, by whom it shall be returned to the office of the county oath of cashier, court: " I, A B, do solemnly swear to keep a just and true record, without alteration or erasures, of the transactions of the board of directors of the Bank of Thomasville, in a book kept by me for that purpose." Suspension of ®EC" Be & further enacted, That whenever said bank specie payment, suspend specie payment, unless under the advice of the governor and council, it shall pay into the State Treasury, at the rate of four per cent, on the amount in circulation at the time of suspension, to be ascertained upon the oath of the cashier, and collected by the treasurer of the State. Sec. 21. Be it further enacted, That the board of directors be, and they are hereby authorized and required to establish a branch of said bank at the town of Concord, in Cabarrus county i Provided, The sum of fifty thousand dollars be sub¬ scribed at that place to the capital stock of said bank. Sec. 22. Be it further enacted, That the board of directors be, and they are hereby authorized and required to establish a branch of the said bank at Beaufort or Morehead City, in Carteret county, of fifty thousand dollars to the capital stock thereof, at Beaufort or Morehead City. Branches. Branches. 1860-61. Chap. 65-66. 31 Sec. 23. Be it further enacted?, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 25th day of February, 1861.] an act to incorporate the bank op western north Chap. 66. carolina. Section 1. Be it enacted by the G-eneral Assembly of reincorporated. State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That a bank shall be established, either in the town of Franklin, Webster or Waynesville, with agencies, Jsnown as the Bank of Western North Carolina; the capital stock of which shall not exceed four hundred thousand dollars, divided into shares of one hundred dollars each; and that for the purpose of receiving subscriptions for said stock, books shall be opened on the 4th Monday of September, 1861, and remain open for thirty days at Franklin, under the superinten¬ dence of N. G. Allman, Jackson Johnston, J. M. Lyle, W. Trotter, J. R. Siler, and Milliard Love. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That one-tenth of such shares payment of shall be paid in gold and silver to the commissioners above named, at the time the commissioners meet for organizing the bank; that another tenth shall be paid within ninety days; that another tenth shall be paid within one hundred and twenty days, and that the remainder shall be paid as the president and directors hereafter provided to be elected may direct; and if any subscriber shall fail to pay any instalment at the time stipulated, he shall pay the interest thereon at the rate of six per cent, per annum, and his stock shall be forfeited and may be sold by the bank, and the proceeds applied to the payment of the aforesaid deficit instalment, and he shall be held respon¬ sible for the same at the option of the bank, and the balance, if any, to be paid over to the said subscriber. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That when one thousand to go into shares are subscribed, and the sum of fifty thousand dollars0peratl0n- actually paid to the commissioners, the subscribers to the said bank, their successors and assigns, shall be and are hereby created a body politic in law and in fact, by the name and style of the Bank of Western North Carolina, and shall so continue 32 1860-61. Chap. 66. until the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one, and by the name and style aforesaid, they shall be Powers. and are hereby made able and capable in law, to have, pur¬ chase, receive, possess, enjoy and retain to themselves and suc¬ cessors, lands, tenements, rents, hereditaments, goods, chattels and effects, and the same to grant, alien and dispose of, to sue and bes sued, plead and be impleaded, answer and be answered, defend and be defended in courts of record, or any other place whatsoever, and also to make, have and use a common seal, and the same break, alter or renew at pleasure, and also to ordain, establish and put in execution, such by-laws, ordinances and regulations as shall seem necessary and convenient for the government of said corporation; and for making whereof, general meetings of the stockholders may be called in the man¬ ner hereinafter specified, and generally to do and exeeute all matters, acts and things which a corporation and body politic in law may or can lawfully execute, and be subject to the rules, regulations and restrictions and provisions hereinafter pre¬ scribed and declared. Notice of meet- Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That as soon as one thousand imVers!001*" shares shall be taken in the stock of said bank, and fifty thou¬ sand dollars paid to the commissioners who keep the books, notice shall be given in the newspapers published in the town of Franklin. A meeting of the subscribers shall be called to be held at least thirty days after the date of the notice; if at this meeting they, or their agents, who have a majority of the votes, according to the rates hereafter described, be present, if Directors to be not, another meeting shall be called, they shall proceed to the elected. election of nine directors, who shall take charge of the bank and money in the hands of the commissioners, and immediately pursue the usual means to put the bank in operation; said Term of office, directors shall remain in office until the fourth Monday in Sep¬ tember, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, or until their suc¬ cessors shall be appointed; and on the fourth Monday in September in each year, or at any time thereafter, meetings of the stockholders shall be held in the town where the same is located, for the purpose of electing directors, enquiring into the affairs of the institution, and making such other regulations as may [be] deemed fit and necessary. 1860—'61. Chap. 66. 33 Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That the following rules, Rules, regula- regulations and provisions shall form and be the fundamental ' articles of the constitution of the corporation: A meeting of the stockholders cannot be held unless those who have a majority of the number of the votes be present, and every act shall require the sanction of the majority of the votes which may be present. Every stockholder holding one share, and vote of the not more than two shares, shall be entitled to one vote; for every two shares above two, and not exceeding ten, one vote; for every three shares above ten, and not exceeding one hun¬ dred, one vote; and for every four shares above one hundred, one vote. After the first meeting, no share or shares shall confer a right of voting which shall not have been holden three calendar months previous to the day of voting; the stock¬ holders may vote at the general meetings and elections by proxy, the proxy himself being a stockholder. No president, cashier, director, agent or clerk of the bank, shall be permitted Proxies, to vote as proxy for another; none but a stockholder who is a citizen of the State shall be eligible as a director. The direc¬ tors, when appointed, shall choose one of their number (which shall always be seven) to be president of the bank, and shall president, &c. manage the institution as shall seem best to them, unless other¬ wise directed by the stockholders; but compensation to the president and directors shall be granted at the pleasure of the stockholders; not less than three directors, of whom the presi¬ dent shall always be one, shall constitute a board for the trans¬ action of business, except in case of absence or sickness of the president, when he may in writing appoint another director to supply his place. A number of stockholders, not less than ten, who together shall be the owners of two thousand shares and upward, shall have power at any time to call a general General meet- meeting of the stockholders for purposes relating to the in-ings' stitution, giving at least thirty days' notice in a newspaper published in the town of Franklin, and specifying the object or objects of such meeting or meetings. The directors shall an¬ nually elect such officers as may be deemed necessary to per- officers, form the business of the bank, and may remove them, or either of them, at pleasure; these officers shall be required to give bonds, with two or more sureties, in sums not less than ten thousand dollars, with condition of good behavior and faithful 3 34 1860-61. Chap. 66. Proceedings of the board, Oath of 'cashier, Powers of the bank. What it may deal in. Proviso. Circulation. Vacancies. Stock trans¬ ferable. Condition of the bank. performance of duty. The cashier shall keep a hook to con¬ tain the proceedings of the board of directors, the names of those present, the date and day of each meeting, and shall record the ayes and nays on any question, when asked for by any director; this book shall be evidence in courts of justice. On entering on the discharge of his duties, the cashier shall take the following oath or affirmation before some justice of the peace, by whom it shall be deposited in the office of clerk of the county court of the county where the bank is located, viz: " I, A. B., do solemnly swear or affirm (as the case may he) to keep a just and true record, without alteration or erasure, of the transactions of the board of directors of the Bank of West¬ ern North Carolina, in a book to be kept for that purpose." The said corporation shall purchase and hold such lands, tene¬ ments, rents and hereditaments as shall be required for the transaction of its business, or shall have been hona fide mort¬ gaged to it by way of security, or conveyed to it in satisfaction of debts previously contracted in course of its dealings, or pur¬ chased at sales upon judgments which shall have been obtained on such debts. The said corporation shall neither directly nor indirectly trade in any thing except bills of exchange, promis¬ sory notes, gold or silver bullion, or in the sale of goods really and truly pledged for money lent and not redeemed in due time, or in goods which shall be the produce of its lands, mint certifi¬ cates, and the public debt of the State: Provided, That the in¬ vestment in such stock shall not exceed one-half of the capital stock of said bank; neither shall said corporation take more than the rate of half per cent, for thirty days, for or upon its loans or discounts, which interest may be taken in advance at the time of discount. £he total amount of notes which said corporation shall at any time [have] in circulation, shall not ex¬ ceed twice the amount of stock actually paid in. If a vacancy in the directory shall occur by death, resignation or otherwise, the remaining directors shall fill such vacancy until the suc¬ ceeding annual meeting of the stockholders. The stock of said corporation shall be assignable and transferable accord¬ ing to the rules which shall be instituted in that behalf by the by-laws and ordinances of the same. The officers at the head of the treasury department of the State shall be furnished once in six months with a statement of the amount of the capital 1860-61. Chap. 66. 85 stock of said corporation, and debts due tbe same, and the money deposited therein, of the notes in circulation and of the cash in hand, and shall have a right to inspect such general accounts in the books of the bank as shall relate to the state¬ ment : Provided, That this shall not be construed into a right Proviso, of inspecting the account of any private individual with the bank, except the directors. The bills obligatory and of credit Bills obligatory under seal of said corporation, which shall be made to any per¬ son or persons, shall be assignable by endorsements thereon under the hand or hands of such person or persons, and of his or her assignee or assignees, and so as absolutely to transfer and invest the property therein, and [in] each and every assignee or assignees successfully [successively], and to enable such as¬ signee or assignees to bring and maintain an action thereupon in his, her, or their name or names; and bills or notes which may be issued by order of such corporation, signed by the president and countersigned by the cashier, promising the payment of money to any person or persons, his, her or their order, or to bearer, though not under the seal of said incorporation, shall be binding and obligatory on the same in like manner and with like force and effect as upon any private person or per¬ sons ; that is to say, those which shall be payable to any per¬ son or persons, his, her or their order, shall be assignable by endorsement in like manner and with like effect as foreign bills of exchange now are, and those which are payable to bearer shall be negotiable by delivery only. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That any person or persons Refusal to pay holding a note or notes of said bank, shall present the same for notes?&c' payment, and if payment shall be refused, the said note or notes shall draw interest at the rate of twelve per centum per annum from the time of said demand, and the said bank shall pay the same, any law to the contrary notwithstanding; and the holder of the notes of said bank, if not paid on demand, may bring an action of assumpsit against one or all of the penaity. directors who may have consented to issue more than twice the amount of stock paid in: Provided, The bank be unable to pay the amount. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That in case of insolvency of insolvency, the bank hereby created, or ultimate inability on the part of the corporation to pay, the individual stockholders shall be 36 1860-'61. Chap. 66. liable to creditors in the sum double the amount of the stock by them respectively held in said corporation. Books of stock Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That the directors may keep S]>en.bekept open the subscription books until the 'whole of the stock shall be taken : Provided, That if the sum of fifty thousand dollars is not subscribed and paid in within two years after the ratifi¬ cation of this act, then the whole of this act shall be null and void. Embezzlement. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That if any director, or any other officer, agent or servant of said corporation shall embez¬ zle any of the funds belonging to said bank, with intent to de¬ fraud said corporation, or any other person whatsoever, said officer, agent or servant shall be held and deemed guilty of a felony; and upon conviction thereof, by due course of law, Penalty. shall be punished by fine at the discretion of the court, and imprisoned not exceeding five years. Tax on stock. Sec. 10. Be it further enacted, That the president or cashier of said bank shall annually pay into the treasury of the State, thirty cents on each share of said capital stock which has been subscribed for and paid in, and the first payment of said tax shall be paid twelve months after said stock shall have been subscribed and paid; and the General Assembly reserves to itself the power, whenever it shall be deemed necessary, to in¬ crease said tax to a sum not exceeding one dollar on each proviso. share of said capital stock: Provided, That the tax in this case shall not be greater than that imposed on shares in such other banks as may be chartered at this or some other succeed- Proviso. ing session of this General Assembly: And provided further, That this or any other General Assembly shall have the power to tax the dividends belonging to individuals and incorpora¬ tions. Said tax shall not exceed the tax on the interest of money loaned. Dividends. Sec. 11. Be it further enacted, That the directors of said bank may declare semi-annual dividends of profits thereof; and if at any time more than the real profits are divided, the direc¬ tors assenting thereto shall be responsible in their private capacities to creditors who have claims against said institution, condition of the Sec. 12. Be it further enacted, That the president of this bank" bank shall, on the first day of March and the first day of September in each and every year, transmit to the public trea- 1860-61. Chap. 66. 37 surer a full statement of the condition of the bank, exhibiting the amount of the capital stock, notes in circulation, debts due to other banks, and what banks, deposits, and all other parti¬ culars necessary to explain the debit side of the account; also specie on hand, notes of other banks, and what banks, bills of exchange, debts, or bonds, and notes discounted; specifying in one item the amount due from stockholders, [and in another the amount due from stockholders,] and in another the amount due from directors, not, however, using any person's name in any case, and real estate; and the said corporation shall publish, at its own expense, a copy of said statement quarterly, in one newspaper published in the city of Raleigh. Sec. 13. Be it further enacted, That if any president, Faise returns, cashier, clerk, or other officer of the aforesaid bank, shall know¬ ingly, and with intent to deceive, make, or cause to be made, or connive at making, any false return, statement or exhibit of the condition of the bank, either to the treasurer of the State, to the General Assembly, or to the board of directors, or to the stockholders, or to any other person or persons that may be authorized by the legislature or by the stockholders to re¬ ceive the same, such president, cashier,-clerk, or other officer, and all persons aiding or abetting in such deception or false return, shall be liable to be indicted for misdemeanor in the superior courts, and upon conviction, shall be fined at the dis- Penalty, cretion of the court, or imprisoned not exceeding one year. Sec. 14. Be it further enacted, That if it shall happen, stock may be when books shall be opened as aforesaid, that a greater sum than four hundred thousand dollars shall be subscribed by indi¬ viduals, or by bodies corporate, it shall and may be lawful for the commissioners to reduce such subscription by them to be established for that purpose, t ruary, 1861.] COURTS. an act to authorize the holding of a court of oyer and Chap. 77. terminer in caswell county, Section 1. Be it enacted by the Ceneral Assembly of the governor to State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au- sion. thority of the same, That the governor of this State shall issue a commission of oyer and terminer to one of the judges of the superior court of law, to try all slaves that may be now con¬ fined in the jail of Caswell county, charged with rape or any other felony, which said court shall be held forthwith; and the judges shall be clothed with all the powers necessary for the trial. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the said court shall be court-where held at Yanceyville under the same rules, regulations, powers heId' ?md restrictions as govern the courts of oyer and terminer 4 1860~'61. CHAP. 77-78. appointed to try slaves for insurrection, rebellion, or con¬ spiracy. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the clerk of the county court, and sheriff, assisted by two justices of the peace, shall draw a jury of thirty-six persons, who shall be summoned by the sheriff, from which shall be made the grand jury and petit jury; and the court shall have power to order a special venire, as in other cases of felony. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the day of January, 1861.] Chap. 78. AN ACT TO RESTORE TO THE COUNTY OF CHEROKEE JURY TRIALS. Vote of justices Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the trials?ury State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That at the first court to be held in the town of Murphy, Cherokee county, a majority of the justices of said county being present, a vote shall be taken for and against the establishing of jury trials in said county; and if a majority of the justices present shall vote in favor of jury trials, then and in that case the court presiding shall proceed to have the usual numbers of jurors drawn, and the sheriff shall summon the same to be and attend in the town of Mur¬ phy, on the first Monday in June next, when and where they may sit, hear and determine all such cases as is [are] now al¬ lowed by the laws of North Carolina, to be heard and deter¬ mined in other counties in this State where the intervention of a jury is necessary. Time of holding Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the jury courts of said jury cou . county g^i ke ]je]^ on first Monday in June and Decem¬ ber in each and every year. When this act Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That none of the provisions of this act shall be valid unless a majority of the acting jus¬ tices of the peace for Cherokee county shall vote in favor of jury trials in said county, in case ofjuy Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That in case a majority of superior1court the justices of said Cherokee shall vote in favor of jury trials, clerk. 1860-'61. Chap. 78-79-80. 61 then and in that case the clerk of the superior court be, and he is hereby directed to return to the clerk of the county court all such cases, "with all papers pertaining to said cases, that have been transferred from the county to the superior court, hack to the county court, which shall stand upon the docket of the county court in the same way and manner as they did before the same was transferred to the superior court. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That this act shall he in force from and after its passage. \Batified the 25th day of February, 1861.] an act to give to the county of cleaveland an addi- Chap. 79. tional superior court. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Two extra State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That in addition to the superior courts now held for the county of Cleaveland, the said county shall have two additional superior courts, to be held on the twelfth Monday after the fourth Monday in March and September in every year. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. \_Ratified the 23d day of February, 1861.] an act concerning county courts in the county of Chap. 80. columbus. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Pourteen ju^. State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au- ^ecountytrans thority of the same, That it shall and may be lawful hereafter busmess- for fourteen justices of the peace, including the special court in and for the county of Columbus, to transact all county and Other business which now requires, by law, a majority of all the acting justices to be present. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That nothing herein con¬ tained shall be so construed as to prevent all the justices from 52 1860-'61. Chap. 80-81-82, acting, whenever present. ruary, 1861,] Chap. 81. an act to authorize the holding: of a court of oyer and Terminer in Northampton county. Governor to issue commis¬ sion. Where to be held. Jury. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That the governor of this State shall issue a commission of oyer and terminer to one of the judges of the superior courts of law to try the slaves that may be now confined in the jail of Northampton county, charged with the murder of one Lucius Woodroof, late of said county, which said court shall be held forthwith, and the judges shall be clothed with all the powers necessary for their trial. Sec, 2. Be it further enacted, That the said court shall be held at the court-house in Jackson, under the same rules, regulations, powers and restrictions as govern the courts of oyer and terminer appointed to try slaves for insurrection, rebellion or conspiracy. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That the clerk of the county court, and sheriff, assisted by two justices of the peace, shall draw a jury of thirty-six persons, from which shall be made the grand jury and petit jury, who shall be summoned by the sheriff, and the court shall have power to order a special venire as in other cases of felony. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 26th day of January, 1861.] Chap. 82. an act to change the place of holding the court of wardens of northampton county, where court Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That section 3rd, chapter 86 of the Revised Code, be so altered as to read as follows, to wit; The court of wardens for the county of Northampton shall be held at the court-house, or I860—*61.——CHAP. 82-83-84. 58 at the poor-house of said county, or at either or both of said places, at the office of the court of wardens aforesaid. [Rati¬ fied the 11 th day of February, 1861.] an act to repeal so much of the 10th, llTH, 12tH, 13th, Chap. 83. 14th and 15th sections of 107th chapter of the re¬ vised code as relates to the county of washington. Section 1. Be it enacted by the G-eneral Assembly of the ' State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That so much of the 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, (14th and 15th sections of the 107th chapter of the Revised Code, as relates to the county of Washington, be, and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 22d day of February, 1861.] an act to allow less than a majority of magistrates to Chap. 84, transact the county business of iredell and chatham COUNTIES. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Ceneral Assembly of Me Twenty justices State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au- county busi- thority of the same, That twenty-one of the acting justices of the peace, in and for the counties of Iredell and Chatham, shall have power to levy taxes, allow claims, elect such officers as courts of pleas and quarter sessions are allowed to elect, and to transact all other county business in and for the coun¬ ties of Iredell and Chatham, which may now by law require the presence of a majority of all the justices of said counties to transact. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That all laws and Clauses of repealing clause laws, conflicting with the provisions of this act be, and the same are hereby repealed, so far as their application to the counties of Iredell and Chatham are concerned. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 23d day of February, 1861.] 54 1860—'61. Chap. 85-86-8T. ELECTIONS. Chap. 85. an act to alter the time of opening the polls in elec¬ tions at the precincts of salisbury, wilmington, asheville and lexington. Time°fowning Be it enacted by the G-eneral Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the author¬ ity of the same, That hereafter, in all elections held at the precincts of Salisbury, in Rowan county, Wilmington, in New Hanover county, Asheville, in Buncombe county, and Lexing¬ ton, in Davidson county, the polls shall be opened at 8 o'clock, A. M.: Provided, That nothing in this act contained, shall^ be construed to extend to corporation elections in Salisbury and Asheville. [Ratified the 26th day of January, 1861.] Chap. 86. an act to change the time of closing the polls of elections in washington county. polls6 °f cloSine it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That from and after the first day of March next, it shall and may be lawful to close the polls of elec¬ tions in the counties of Washington and Rockingham, at 5 o'clock, P. M., instead of sunset, as now required by law. [jRatified the 22d day of February, 1861.] GAS COMPANIES. Chap. 87. an act to incorporate the citizens' gas light company of newberne. Body politic. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That Johnson H. Bryan, T. J. Hughs, A. G. Hubbard, Wm. H. Oliver, Amos Wade, and Wm. H. Peace, and their associates and successors, be, and they are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate, under the name and style of the " Citizens' Gas Light Company of Newberne." 1^60-61. Chap. 87-88. 55 Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the said Citizens' Gas Rights, &c. Light Company shall he entitled to all the rights, privileges, and immunities, and be subject to all the restrictions contained in chapter 26th of the Revised Code, entitled " Corporations." Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the capital stock of capital stock, said company shall be ten thousand dollars, in shares of fifty dollars each, and the same may be increased to the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars, by a majority of the stockholders in said company. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That all laws and clauses of laws coming in conflict with this act be and the same are hereby repealed. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 23d day of February, 1861.] an act to incorporate the fayetteville gas light Chap. 88. company. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Body politic. jState of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That Archibald McLean, John D. Wil¬ liams, Ed. J. Hale, Aug's W. Steel, Benj. W. Robinson, Edward L. Pemberton, and George B. Waterhouse, their asso¬ ciates, successors and assigns, be, and they are hereby con¬ stituted a body politic and corporate, under the name and style of the " Fayetteville Gas Light Company." Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the said Fayetteville Rights, &e. Gas Light Company shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges, and be subject to all the restrictions contained in chapter 26th of the Revised Code, entitled " Corporations." Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the capital stock of capital stock, said company shall not exceed fifty thousand dollars, in shares of one hundred dollars each, to be paid in such manner as the president and directors of said company shall prescribe. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification, and may continue in force for the term of sixty years. [Ratified the 20th day of Feb¬ ruary, 1861.] 56 1860-61. Chap. 88. Chap. 88. an act to incorporate the greensboro' gas light com¬ pany. Body politic. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Cceneral Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That Peter Adams, A. P. Eckel, C. P. Mendenhall, and Charles E. Shober, and their associates, suc¬ cessors, and assigns, be, and they are hereby created, a corpo¬ ration and body politic, in law and in fact, by the name and style of " The Greensboro' Gas Light Company," for the pur¬ pose of manufacturing and selling gas for lighting the town of Greensboro' and its vicinity, and fitting up houses for the use and consumption of the same ; and by that name may sue and Powers. be sued, plead and be impleaded, and shall possess and enjoy for thirty years, all the rights, privileges and immunities of a corporation or body politic in law, and make all rules, by-laws, and regulations, not inconsistent with the constitution of this State, or of the United States, as shall be deemed neces¬ sary %nd judicious for the well-ordering and conducting the affairs of said company, capital stock. Sec. 2, Be it further enacted, That the capital stock of said corporation shall not exceed thirty thousand dollars, in shares of fifty dollars each, to be paid in such manner and under such rules and regulations as the officers of said company shall prescribe. Officers. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the first meeting of said corporation may be called by the persons named in this act, or either of them, at such time and place as they may agree upon; and at such meeting, the stockholders in said company may elect such officer or officers as they may deem Term of offico* * * necessary for its purposes, who shall continue in office until their successors shall be elected; and the future meetings of the company may be held at such time and place, and at such intervals as the company, by its by-laws, may determine. And at all meetings of the company, a majority in interest of the stockholders shall control its proceedings,* and a majority of the stock represented, in person or by proxy, shall constitute a quorum. corporate pow- Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the said corporation crs" shall have full power and authority to manufacture, make, and 1860-61. Chap. 88-89. sell gas of rosin, coal, oil, turpentine, or any other material, in such quantities as may be required in the town of Greens¬ boro' and its vicinity; to fit up houses for the use and con¬ sumption of the same \ to purchase and hold such lots as may be necessary and convenient for the erection of all such suitable buildings or improvements as may be required in the manufac¬ ture of gas, or in the retention or distribution thereof; to erect in such lots all such buildings and improvements as may be necessary or convenient for the purposes aforesaid J to lay pipes or other conductors for conveying gas through, upon, or under, any or all the streets, alleys, or public lots, or squares of the town of Greensboro': Provided, Such streets, alleys, public squares, or lots shall be left in as good condition as they were in before the time of laying such pipes or conductors; also, to hold such personal property of any nature or kind whatever as may be necessary in carrying on the business aforesaid. And also, from time to time to repair, reconstruct, maintain and preserve all such works, fixtures, machines, or other property held by them as often as may be required. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That if any person or per- damage to pro- sons, shall wilfully, by any means whatsoever, injure, impair or perty" destroy any conduct pipes, cock, machine, or anything apper¬ taining to the works of said company, the person or persons so offending shall be subject to indictment for a misdemeanor in the superior or county courts of Guilford. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its passage, and shall have a corporate existence for thirty years. [Ratified the 18th day of Febru- ary, 1861. INSURANCE COMPANIES. an act to amend an act entitled " an act to incorporate Chap. 89. the atlantic mutual eire and marine insurance com¬ pany. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Ceneral Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the samej That the said company shall hereafter 58 1860-'61. Chap. 90. Corporate name, be known by tbe name of the "Atlantic Mutual Fire, Marine and Life Insurance Company," and it sball be lawful for said corporation to insure tbeir respective lives, and to make all and every insurance appertaining to or connected with life risks, of whatsoever kind or nature, as well of the sound in health as the infirm and invalid. Married women Sec. 2. • Be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for may insure own . , , , lives. any married woman, by herself and in her name, or m the name of any third person, with his assent as her trustee, to cause to be insured for her sole use the life of her husband for any definite period, or for the term of his natural life; and, in case of her surviving her husband, the sum or nett amount of insurance becoming due and payable by the terms of the insurance shall be payable to her, to and for her own use, free from the claims of the representatives of her husband or any of his creditors. Husband may Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the husband may in- insure own life * 7 * for benefit of sure his own life, for the sole use and benefit of his wife and wile. a / children, or their guardians (if under age) for her or their own use, free from the claims of the representatives of the husband or any of his creditors. insured taken Sec. 4. Be it further enacted. That all persons who shall as members. any ^]me hereafter insure in or within said corporation, for the whole continuance of life, shall, while they continue so insured, be deemed and taken as members of said corporation, entitled to all the rights and privileges of said corporation: Provided, that all receipts of said life department shall be kept separate and distinct from the fire and marine departments, and the directors shall be authorized and empowered to issue certifi¬ cates of dividends accruing from said receipts, or otherwise dispose of them for the benefit of said members, as they may choose, according to the by-laws of the company. when policies Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That no life policy shall be issued by this corporation until application be made for insur¬ ance for forty thousand dollars at least. Seo. 6. Be it further enacted, That nothing in this act shall be so construed as to affect any rights and privileges granted to the company in .the former act of incorporation. * Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect immediately after its ratification. [Ratified the day of , 1861. 1860-'61.- Chap. 91. £9 MANUFACTURING COMPANIES. an act to incorporate " the buncombe powder manueac- Chap. 91. turing company," located in buncombe county. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Creneral Assembly of the commissioners State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au- appomted' thority of the same, That Nicholas W. Woodfin, William F. McKenan and Crockford he, and they are hereby ap¬ pointed commissioners, with power and authority to open books and receive subscriptions to the amount of fifteen thou¬ sand dollars, which shall constitute the capital stock of the Capital stock, company hereby incorporated for the purpose of the manu¬ facture of powder. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the said capital stock shares— ... 1 amount of shall be divided into shares of one hundred dollars each, and as soon as two thousand dollars shall be subscribed, it shall be , the duty of said commissioners, or any one of them, to notify the stockholders, by advertisement, to attend at such time and place as may be designated, and if a majority of the. shares subscribed shall be represented at such meeting, then it shall be lawful for the stockholders to appoint a president, treasurer officers—term and five directors for the term of one year, and until the nextofoffiC6, general meeting of the stockholders, and the president and directors, when so appointed, and their successors in office, shall constitute a body corporate and politic in law, by the name and style of " The Buncombe Powder Manufacturing corporate title. Company," and may sue and be sued, plead and be impleadedj and as such shall have a corporate existence for thirty years, shall have a common seal, and have all other and necessary powers incident to corporate companies, which may be neces¬ sary to effectuate the object had in view by this act. Sec. 3. Be it f urther enacted, That said company, at a regulations as general meeting of the stockholders, in pursuance of the pro- stoclZ visions of the last section of this act, shall fix upon such regu¬ lations, in reference to the payment of the stock subscribed and the representation of the same, as they may deem proper, and they shall have power to make all necessary by-laws and regulations, for the government of said eompany, not incon- consistent with the constitution of this State and the United States. 60 1860-61. Chap. 91-92. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That this act shall he in force and take effect from and after its ratification. [Ratified tho 22d day of February, 1861. Chap. 92. ah act to incorporate "the green swamp company." Body politic. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That Thos. B. Nichols, Henry B. Short, Wm* Bagley, Levi S. Yates, Samuel Batton, Benjamin M. Richard¬ son, Amos R. Harrell, and D. W. Bagley, and such othef person or persons as may hereafter associate with them, they, their successors, associates, heirs, or assigns, he, and they are hereby created a body politic and corporate, under the name hnd style of " The Green Swamp Company," for the purpose Powers. of getting, manufacturing and shipping lumber, farming, merj chandizing, owning, buying or Selling real or personal estate, or building and improving in either of the counties of Bruns¬ wick, Columbus or New Hanover, and by that name they and their successors and associates shall have a common seal, and shall be capable of suing and being sued, plead and being im¬ pleaded, in all the courts of this State and the United States. Capital stock. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the capital stock of said company shall be $80,000, in shares of $1,000 each, of which the shares in said company are now owned as follows! Thomas B. Nichols, ten; Henry B. Short, ten; Wm. Bagley, ten; Samuel Batton, ten; Benjamin M. Richardson, fifteen J Levi S. Yates, five; Amos R. Harrell, five; D. W. Bagley, ten; and the heirs of John W. Kieling, five; and the said company may enlarge the capital thereof to two hundred thousand dollars, and may divide the capital into shared of $ 100 each, and all the property now owned or hereafter acquired by said company, shall be deemed and held to be personal estate. Powers of com- Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That said company shall P*117, have power and authority to make any rules, regulations and by-laws for its government, Hot inconsistent with the laws of the State, to provide for the appointment of officers, directors or laborers of and for said company, the mode of transfer and 1860-61. Chap. 92-93. 61 representation of stock, the penalties and forfeitures, how to he imposed upon delinquents, and to do any and all other things for the furtherance of said company's objects. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty Duty of com- of said company to keep a full record of their proceedings in a pany' book provided for the purpose. Sec, 5. Be it further enacted, That the corporation hereby created, shall exist for thirty years, and this act shall be in full force and effect after its ratification and acceptance by two- thirds of the stockholders. [Ratified the 16th day of Feb¬ ruary, 1861.] an act to incorporate the north carolina fibre com- Chap. 93. pany. Section 1. Be it enacted by the G-eneral Assembly of the Body politic. State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That Joseph K. Blossom, Henry Lowe and John Judge, or a majority of them, their associates, successors and assigns, be, and they are hereby created and constituted a body politic and corporate, by the name and style of the "North Carolina Fibre Company," with power powers, to establish branches,' as hereinafter defined, and as such shall have perpetual succession, and may have and use a common seal, and change the same at pleasure, may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded in any court of law and equity, have power to make all such by-laws and regulations (not inconsist¬ ent with this act, or with the laws and constitution of this State, or of the United States,) as may be deemed necessary for the government of said company, which shall be binding thereon, and shall have and enjoy all the rights and privileges of a body corporate, necessary to carry on the business of manufacturing paper stock from any and all fibrous materials, and making therefrom paper and other fabrics, and of trans¬ porting and vending their products, and of purchasing and erecting suitable mills and machinery whenever and wherever they may see fit, and also to purchase and hold any and all such patent rights and inventions, or licenses to use the same, and such real estate, mills and machinery as may be useful to 62 1860-'61.! Chap. 93. them in their business, and may give in payment thereof any part of their capital stock which may remain untaken at time of such purchase, and have full power and authority to sell and convey any real estate by them held, owned or occupied, with usual covenants of warranty. Capital stock. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the capital stock of said company may be divided in such number of shares, and of such amount for each share as the board of directors may direct; and said board may at discretion increase the number of said shares, by declaring, from the net earnings of the com¬ pany, dividends payable in stock, the proceeds of which (viz., the portion of nett earnings reserved for such purpose,) may be used in extending the business of the company, improving their works, or in such other way as will most benefit the general interest: Provided, That the capital stock shall not exceed five hundred thousand dollars, the shares in which, as also in the branches hereinafter mentioned, shall be considered as personal property, and certificates therefor may be issued and the same be made transferable and assignable, and liable to assessment, forfeiture and sale by the board of directors, in such manner as the by-laws of the corporation shall prescribe ; and all subscriptions to the capital stock shall be made under the superintendence, and at the discretion of the board of directors for the time being, and the company may go into operation any time after the sum of ten thousand dollars is actually paid in. officers. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted. That the property and affairs of said company shall be managed by a board of directors, (one of whom shall be a citizen of this State, who must be a stockholder,) composed of such number, and elected by the stockholders in such manner as the by-laws shall direct, and they shall choose one of their number to be president of the board of directors; shall be a quorum to transact business; they shall have power to fill any vacancies that may happen in their body, and appoint and remove at their pleasure such other officers as they may deem necessary; and until the first election of directors shall be held by the stockholders, the Baid Joseph R. Blossom, Henry Lowe and John Judge shall constitute the board of directors of said company, with fulT power and authority to exercise all the corporate powers thereof. 1860-61. Chap. 93. 63 Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That meetings of the stock-meetings, holders in said company may be called and held as the by-laws shall prescribe. To constitute a meeting, there must be pres¬ ent, in person, or by proxy, (the proxy being a stockholder,) those who hold a majority of the stock, and each stockholder shall be entitled to the number of votes which the by-laws of the company may prescribe: Provided, however, That at the first general meeting, each share of stock shall entitle the holder to one vote, and at all meetings every act shall require the sanction of a majority of the votes which may be present. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That said company shall Branches, have power to establish such branch or branches of its busi¬ ness, at any point or points in this State as the board of directors may see fit, and with such amount of capital as may be deemed necessary: Provided, That such capital shall be advanced by the company and by individuals in such propor¬ tion as the board of directors may decide, on the payment of which said branch may commence business, and carry on the same in such manner and subject to such regulations as the by-laws of the company, made in pursuance of this act, may prescribe : Provided, further, That the certificates issued to individuals, in the capital stock which may be created by the money or capital invested by them for the organization, estab¬ lishment and carrying on said branch or branches, shall entitle the holders only to their proportion of nett profits declared on the particular business thereof, which shall be plainly ex¬ pressed in said certificates, and such stockholders shall be inte¬ rested in and responsible to the extent of their investment for only such contracts and transactions as may be made' in reference to the business of such branches respectively. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That it shall and may be Dividends, lawful for said company to guarantee to the holders of stock in any of said branches certain or particular annual dividend on any or all such stock, for one or more years, and for such purpose, said company is hereby authorized to execute its bond to such stockholders, in such manner and at such time as the by-laws may prescribe, when such guarantee shall become and is hereby declared to be a lien on all the profits accruing on the business of said company: Provided, That nothing herein shall be construed as giving such a lien the preference over 64 1860—'61. Chap. 93. any creditor of said company at tlie date of the execution of said bond. powers. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That said corporation is hereby authorized, in its corporate capacity and name, to make, execute and deliver to any person or persons, trustee and body corporate or politic, bonds, notes, contracts, or agree¬ ments, for the payment of money at any rate of interest that may be agreed upon ; or for the delivery or purchase of paper, paper stock, chemicals, or other personal property, and to sell and dispose of any such bonds, notes, contract, or agreement, for such price or consideration as the board of directors may see fit, any law on the subject of usury in this State, or any other State where such transactions may be had, to the con¬ trary notwithstanding. conveyances of Sec. 8. Be it further enacted. That all conveyances of real X6dil estate estate by said company shall be signed by the president, and countersigned by the secretary, or other proper officer, and have affixed thereto the corporate seal, and a copy of the reso¬ lution of the board authorizing the conveyance, which shall be certified by the secretary of the board and form part of the record, and all deeds so executed, acknowledged and regis¬ tered according to law, shall be deemed valid and binding in all courts of law and equity whatsoever, any previous act or acts to the contrary notwithstanding. no banking pri- Sec, 9. Be it further enacted, That this act shall not be Vlleges- so construed as to give to the said company any banking pri¬ vileges, or any right to issue notes, payable to order or bearer, for circulation as bank notes, or to exempt the lands and other property of the corporation from taxation, except as hereinbe¬ fore provided. Sec. 10. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be fa¬ vorably construed in all courts and places whatever, and shall be in force for sixty years from and after its ratification. [Ratified this 23rd day of February, A. B.j 1861.] 1860-61. Chap. 94. 65 an act to incorporate the north carolina shoe manuiac- Chap. 94. turing- company, in the town of charlotte. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Cieneral Assembly of the Body pontic. State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That William A. Shepard, John A. Young, William Johnson, James H. Carson, James W. Osborne, Moses B. Taylor, Joseph H. Wilson and W. R. Myers, a majority of them, their associates, successors and assigns, are hereby con¬ stituted And declared to be a body politic and corporate, by the name of " The North Carolina Shoe Manufacturing Cpm- pany," and by that name shall be capable in law and equity of purchasing, holding, selling, leasing and conveying estafe, real, personal and mixed, and of acquiring the same by gift or otherwise, so far as shall be necessary for the purposes em¬ braced in their charter, and may sue and be sued by their cor¬ porate name, plead and be impleaded in any court of law and Powers, equity in the State of North Carolina, or any other State hav¬ ing competent jurisdiction, and may have and use a common seal, which they may alter or renew at pleasure. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That said corporation shall have, use and enjoy all the rights, powers and privileges for manufacturing boots and shoes, either by machinery or other¬ wise, together with all other rights and privileges which other corporate bodies may and do exercise, and which may be necessary for carrying on said business in the town of Char¬ lotte and county of Mecklenburg, N. C. Sec, 3. Be it further enacted, That the capital stock of said capital stock, company shall consist of shares, the par value of the whole of which shall not exceed five hundred thousand dollars, the num¬ ber and the value of which shares to be fixed and regulated by the persons named in the first section of this act, and their asso¬ ciates, or a majority of them; and the stock of said company shall be personal estate, and be transferable in such manner as the by-laws of said company may direct; and at all meetings of the stockholders of said company, each stockholder shall have- one vote, either in person or by proxy, for each share held by him. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the affairs of said com-officers, pany shall be managed by a board of directors of not less than three or more than five, as the stockholders may determine, 5 60 1860-61. Chap. 94-95. three of whom shall reside in this State; which board of direc¬ tors shall be chosen annually by the stockholders, and said directors shall choose one of their number to be president. In the event, however, at any time, that an election of the direc¬ tors of said corporation shall not be made at the time ap¬ pointed therefor in any year, the corporation shall not be dissolved, but it shall be lawful at any other time to hold an election for such directors as the by-laws may provide; and upon failure to make such election at the time appointed for the same, the directors then in office shall continue in office until another election is made, and all their acts shall be valid until their successors shall be elected. Liability. Sec? 5. Be it further enacted, That the stockholders shall be individually liable for all debts due to workmen, officers, and other hands of said corporation. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the rights, powers and privileges hereby granted shall be enjoyed and exercised by said corporation for the term of sixty years, and this act shall be in force and take effect from and after its ratification. \Ratified the 23d day of February, 1861.] Chap. 95. act t0 incorporate the tokay wine company of fay- etteville. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Cfeneral Assembly of the .State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That William T. Home, Henry L. My- rover, Nathan A. Stedman and James C. Stedman, and their associates, successors and assigns, be, and they are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate, under the name and style of the " Tokay Wine Company," and shall have succes¬ sion and a common seal for a period of thirty years from the first day of January, 1861, and as such may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, and have and ^possess all the powers incident to corporations and necessary and proper to carry on the business and effect the objects contemplated by this act. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That said corporation may divide their stock into such number of shares, and provide for the sale and transfer thereof, in such manner and form as said Body politic. Corporate name. Stock. 1800-61. Chap. 95. 67 corporation shall from time to time de§m expedient; and in all meetings of stockholders of said corporation, each share shall entitle the holder thereof to one vote; and upon such division of stock, the lands, cellars, presses, houses, fixtures, or other property of any stockholder or stockholders, shall constitute a part, at such price as may be agreed upon between the owner thereof and those who may be associated with him or them, and constitute the aforesaid corporation, by purchasing or subscrib¬ ing for stock in the same. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the business of said Powers, corporation shall be that of raising and purchasing grapes, and the making and vending of wine, and the other produce of their lands and property; and said corporation shall have power to purchase and hold all such real and personal pro¬ perty as may be required for the convenient transaction of the business of the corporation, and the same to sell and exchange at pleasure: Provided, That said corporation shall at no time hold over five thousand acres of land. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That said corporation may officers, transact its business by and under the direction of a board of directors, and such other officers and servants as may be deter¬ mined by the stockholders,- and may make all needful rules and regulations for the government of the same. Sec. 5. Beit further enacted, That said corporation may May establish a tfftd© m ark establish a trade mark, under which they may sell wine by the bottle, package, gallon, pipe or hogshead, and which trade mark may he a paper label, or other device, stamped, graven or moulded, upon wood or glass; and if any person or persons shall assume or vend any other wine than, that made or sold by this corporation, under said trade mark, they shall be held liable on damages, to be recovered by said corporation, in any of the courts of law of this State. Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after the ratification thereof, and may continue in force for the space of thirty years. [ Ratified the 22d day of February, 1861.] 68 1860-61. Chap. 96. MILITIA. Chap. 96. an act to authorize the organization op an armed police force for the defence of the citizens of the town of washington. Intendant may accept volun¬ teers. Acceptance of members. Members to procure arms. Arms to be inspected. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Qeneral Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That the intendant of police of the town of Washington be, and he is hereby empowered to accept the service of such of the residents of said town over the age of forty-five years, as will form themselves into a company, and engage to serve under his orders, or those of a majority of the acting commissioners of the said town, for the safety of the lives and the property of the inhabitants thereof. Sec. 2. That in order to the formation of the said company, an engagement in writing, made by such persons to serve as members of said company, and by them subscribed, and also the acceptance by the said intendant of all such as do subscribe the same, shall be sufficient to constitute such persons members of the said company, and shall bind each and every of them to serve therein for the term of five years next ensuing the date of such acceptance: Provided, such persons do continue to re¬ side in said town. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of each member of said company to procure the following arms at least, viz: one good and suffi¬ cient musket and bayonet and one pair of belt or horseman's pistols, or one double barrel shot gun, and one pair of said pistols; which said arms, together with twelve rounds of pow¬ der and buck-shot cartridges for each barrel of said arms, he shall at all times keep at his residence in good order, and pre¬ pared for immediate use upon any and every emergency that may require their use during the term of his service. Sec. 4. That the power and authority of the said intendant of police, or of a majority of the acting commissions [commis¬ sioners] of said town, shall be and extend to the ordering such officers as shall be chosen by ballot by the members of said company to have a meeting of the members thereof once in every month for the inspection of the arms and cartridges 1860-61.——Chap. 96. 69 hereby required, and to perform such duties as are hereinafter mentioned. Sec. 5. That the said company, a majority of the members Captain, being present, shall have power to elect, and proceed to elect upon an order of the said intendant to that effect, one member to act as captain, and two others to act as lieutenants of the said company, each of whom shall have power to order and direct an inspection of the arms and cartridges, to see that each member is at all times provided therewith, and that the same is kept in readiness in their respective residences; and it shall be the duty of the captain so chosen to notify the said in¬ tendant of the persons so chosen as officers of said company. Sec. 6. Upon an order of the said intendant, or of a ma-intendant to jority of said commissioners, issued to . the officers of said caii oSt men. company, or such of them to whom such order is directed, it shall be their duty to assemble the said company, or such por¬ tion of it as they deem necessary, to give assistance to the said intendant or commissioners aforesaid, in case of any conspi¬ racy ^against the public peace and order of the said town being by him or them apprehended; and the said company, or such portion of them as are detailed therefor, shall promptly render obedience to such order: Provided, That no watch, guard or patrol duties shall, on ordinary occasions, be required to be performed by said company. Sec. 7. That the said company be, and they are hereby em- By-iaws. powered to make such by-laws and regulations as shall be by them deemed to be fit and proper for enforcing and carrying into effect the purposes mentioned in this act, and to enforce the same by such penalties and fines as they shall deem proper: Provided, the said by-laws [laws] and regulations be not in¬ consistent with the constitution and laws of this State and the United States. Sec. 8. That all fines and penalties adjudged against offend- fines, &c. ers against the provisions of this act, or any by-law or regula¬ tion adopted by the said company, shall be cognizable and determinable by the intendant of police for the said town, and be recoverable in the name of said intendant, and payable into the town treasury. Sec. 9. That the pistols worn upon their persons, and used 70 1860-^*61. -Chap. 96-97-98. by the members of said company, be, and the same are exempt from taxation. [Ratified the 25th day of February, 1861.] Chap. 97. an act to incorporate the "granville independent greys." incorporated. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Creneral Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That the company of volunteer infantry, in the county of Granville, commanded by Captain George L. Wortham, be, and the same is hereby incorporated by the name and style of the " Granville Independent Greys," and shall have full powers and authority to make such by-laws, not inconsistent with the constitution and laws of this State, or of the United States, as they may deem necessary for the proper regulation of the company. Emes. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That all fines and amerce¬ ments which shall be collected by said company, shall enure to the use of the same. Length ofser- Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That after a faithful dis- vice to exempt. cjjarge 0f guch company for the term of twelve years, by a regular drill at least six times in each year, the members thereof shall be exempt from militia duty, except in case of insurrection or invasion. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [ Ratified the — day of February, 1861.] Chap. 98. an act to incorporate the "independent grays," the " topsail riflemen," the " franklin rifles," " albe¬ marle guards," and the "sharon riflemen." incorporated. Section 1. Be it enacted by the G-eneral Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That the company of infantry in the town of Elizabeth city, commanded by J. T. P. C. Cohoon, known as the "Independent Grays;" the "Topsail Rifle- 1860-61. Chap. 98-99. 71 men," commanded by Stephen D. Pool; tbe " Franklin Rifles," commanded by Wm. F. Green; "Albemarle Guards," commanded by T. L. Skinner, and the " Sharon Riflemen," commanded by Caleb Norwood, be, and the same are hereby constituted and declared to be bodies politic and corporate, by the above mentioned names, and shall have all the powers, powers, &c. privileges and immunities, and be subject to all the liabilities, usually incident to bodies of a like nature. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That all moneys collected Pines, &c. by authority of this act, shall inure to the sole use and benefit of the said companies. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That these companies shall Parades, be mustered for drill and parade at least six times every year, and go into encampment at least two days every year. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That all persons who may become members of these companies, and serve in them for the space of ten years, shall be exempt from military duty, except in cases of war, insurrection, or invasion. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That the provisions of the Extension of J 7 i n . provisions. , bill to incorporate the "Independent Grays," "Albemarle Guards," "Topsail Riflemen," "Franklin Rifles, and " Sha^- ron Riflemen," be and the same are hereby extended to the military company known as the " Cape Fear Riflemen," com¬ manded by Captain William S. Anderson; to the " Burke Mounted Riflemen;" the " Cleaveland Guards;" "Cabarrus Guards," " The Black Boys," both in Cabarrus county; "Old Topsail Rifles;" "Northampton Home Guards;" the " Yanceyville Grays," commanded by John A. Graves; the "Rocky Mount Cavalry;" the "State Guards of Pasquo¬ tank," commanded by W. F. Martin, and the "Junaluska Zouaves," and "Jackson Rifle Company." Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 22>d day of Februaryj 1861.] an act to incorporate the "buncombe riflemen." Chap. 99. Section 1. Be it enacted by the G-eneral Assembly of the Body corporate. State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That W. W. McDowell, W. M. Hardy, 72 1860-61. Chap. 99-100. Powers. Fines. Patrol. Service to exempt. Thomas L. Clayton and J. M. Israel, and their associates and successors, be, and they are hereby constituted and appointed a body corporate and politic, under the name and style of the "Buncombe Riflemen," and as such shall have continual suc¬ cession, sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, contract and be contracted with, and have a common seal. Said cor¬ poration may adopt such constitution and by-laws, rules and regulations for their government as they may deem proper> not inconsistent with the constitution and laws of the United States, or of this State; and that all fines and amercements, imposed by a court-martial of said company, shall be placed in the hands of any constable selected by said company, and collected in the same manner as amercements and fines issuing from a court of civil jurisdiction. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the captain of said company to detail a force of four members of said company, whose duty it shall be to patrol the said town of Asheville, at such times as the captain may direct. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That members of said com¬ pany, after serving in said company for the space of five years, shall thereafter be exempt from military duty, except in cases of invasion or insurrection. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That all laws and clauses of laws coming in conflict with this act be, and the same are hereby repealed. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 19th day of February, 18G1.] Chap. 100. an act to incorporate the orange light infantry. Body corporate. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That the volunteer company in the town of Chapel Hill, commanded by Captain R. J. Ashe, be, and the same is hereby incorporated and made a body corporate and politic, by the name and style of " Orange Light Infantry," and shall by that name and style [shall] have succession, and be rowers. able and capable to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, in any court in the State; and may adopt such constitution, 1860-61. Chap. 100-101. 73 by-laws, rules and regulations for their good government as they may deem proper, not inconsistent with the constitution and laws of the United States, or this State. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That all fines and amerce- fines, ments that may be imposed and collected by said company from its members, shall inure to its own uses and benefits. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That all persons who can service to produce a certificate from the orderly sergeant, countersigned exempt' by the captain of said company, setting forth continuous mem¬ bership for seven consecutive years, shall be exempt from military duty, except in case of invasion or insurrection. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That in time of peace said company shall be subject to the orders of its own officers, only, or the orders of the governor of the State. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect from the day of its ratification. [Ratified the 23d day of February, 1861.] an act to incorporate the wilmington horse artillery Chap. 101. company. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of fAe What to form State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au- eompany- thority of the same, That there may be formed in the county of New Hanover a troop of horse artillery, to consist of one captain, two first lieutenants, two second lieutenants, one first sergeant, one quarter-master sergeant, one color sergeant, three sergeants, four corporals, two artificers, one saddler, one farrier, two buglers, and not exceeding one hundred privates; which troop, when formed, shall be and is hereby invested with corporate powers to them and their successors, in the name and style of the " Wilmington Horse Artillery Troop," with power to make all necessary rules, by-laws and regulations for its own government, and to do, perform and contract in all ways whatever within the scope and intent of this charter. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That said troop shall be drill, armed, equipped and drilled as riflemen, cavalry and artillery. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That whenever thirty names when formed, shall be enrolled, the said troop shall be considered as formed, 74 1860—'61. Chap. 101-102. Officers. and they may proceed to the election of all proper officers, agreeably to their own by-laws and regulations; that the cap¬ tain and lieutenants shall receive their commissions from the governor of the State, and the non-commissioned officers their warrants from the captain of the troop; the captain of the troop certifying the governor of its enrollment and formation as aforesaid. Arms to be fur- Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That whenever the said mshed by state. £r00p ke forme commissioned, and properly and fully uniformed, upon application to the governor, he shall, at the expense of the State, procure and furnish to said troop the proper arms, accoutrements, sabres, pistols, carbines or rifles, and a battery of six pounder brass guns, not to exceed six in number, with all carriages, harness and appendages thereto appertaining. The captain or other members of said troop to give to the governor a bond, with good securities, for the safe keeping and re-delivery of the said articles on demand. Command. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That the captain of said troop and all the members thereof shall be directly subordi¬ nate to the chief of artillery to the State, and shall be subject to the orders of and make their reports and returns to that officer; and if there be no such offieer, then to the adjutant general of the State, subject to can Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That the members of said o governor. ^r00p shaii be exempt from militia duty, but shall be subject to a call of the governor, in the service of the State, equally with the other volunteer companies of North Carolina. Sec. 7. Be it further enactedt That this act shall be in ope¬ ration from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 18fA day day of February, 1861.] Chap. 102. an act to incorporate the volunteer company in the town of kenansville, duplin county. Body corporate. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Central Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That the volunteer company in the town of Kenansville, commanded by John J. Whitehead, be, and the same is hereby incorporated and made a body corporate and 1860-'61.—r—Chap. 102-103. 75 politic, by tbe name and style of tbe "Duplin Riflemen," and by that name and style shall have succession, and shall be able and capable to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded Powers, in any court in this State, and may adopt such constitution and by-laws, rules and regulations for their government as they may deem proper, not inconsistent with the constitution and laws of the United States, or of this State, and that all fines and amercements imposed and collected by said company, shall enure to the use and benefit of said company. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the members of exemption said company, while they continue to act as members ofroadiutLT said company, shall be exempt from serving on • juries in the county and superior courts, and from working on the public roads. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That members of said com- service to pany, after serving in said company for the space of sevenexempt* years, shall thereafter be exempt from military duty, except in case of invasion or insurrection. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That all laws and clauses of laws, coming within the meaning and purview of this act be, and the same are hereby repealed, and this act shall go into effect from and after its ratification. [Ratified the V6th day of February, 1861.] MINING- COMPANIES. an act to incorporate the chatham mining company. Chap. 103. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Gf-eneral Assembly of the Body corporate. State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That John Wilkes, Lawrence P. Bayne, and Charles Wilkes, and their associates, successors and assigns, are hereby created and constituted a body politic and corporate, by the name, style and title of "The Chatham Mining Company," for the purpose of exploring, working and mining for copper «and other metals and minerals, and for mining, smelting and vending the same; and shall enjoy all the privileges and powers incident to mining corporations in this State, and may also purchase^ hold and convey real and 76 1860-61. Chap. 103-104. By-laws. Stock. Legal repre¬ sentatives. personal estate to an amount not exceeding the value of one million of dollars. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the first meeting of said corporation may be called by the parties herein named at such time and place as may be agreed upon by them, and at such and all other meetings legally notified, said corporation may make, alter and repeal such by-laws and regulations for the management of the business of said corporation as a majority of the stockholders may direct, not inconsistent with the con¬ stitution and laws of the State and the United States. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the capital stock of said corporation shall not exceed one million of dollars, which may be divided into such shares, and sold and transferred in such manner and form as said corporation may deem expedient j and said corporation may declare and pay dividends in such manner as their by-laws may direct. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That two of the directors of said company shall always be residents of the State of North Carolina, and that service on them, any director or officer of said company, shall, be valid and sufficient in law and equity for process and proceeding returnable before any judicial tri¬ bunal in this State; and it shall be the duty of the directors of said company to have regular books of record and transfer kept by the secretary or treasurer thereof, and at all times open to the inspection of stockholders, or any one of them. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its passage, and continue in full force for the term of thirty years. [Ratified the 19th day of February, 1861.] Chap. 104. an act to incorporate valley river mining company. Body politic. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Creneral Assembly of the State of JSFoi'th Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That "William Warne, D. T. Ramsour and E. Dimmoch, and their associates, successors and assigns, are hereby cheated and constituted a body politic and corporate, by the name and style and title of the " Yalley River Mining Company," for the purpose of working, mining and exploring for gold, copper and all ojiher metals and minerals, and for 1860-61 Chap. 104. 77 mining, yending, smelting and working the same, and for working and manufacturing; and by that name may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, appear, prosecute and defend Powers, in any court of law or equity whatsoever, and in all suits and actions, contracted [contract] and be contracted with, and may have and use a common seal and the same alter at pleasure; and may enjoy all the rights and privileges and powers neces¬ sary or incident to mining, smelting, manufacturing and vend¬ ing of metal or chemicals; and may also purchase, hold, sell, mortgage, bond or convey real and personal property or estate, with a capital not to exceed one million dollars. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the said corporation stock, may divide their stock into such number of shares,, and provide for the sale and transfer thereof, in such manner and form as said corporation shall from time to time deem expedient, and may levy and collect assessments, forfeitures, and sell delin¬ quent shares in such manner as the by-laws may direct; and shall issue scrip for the shares of stock; and each share shall entitle the holder thereof to one vote in meetings of the stock¬ holders ; and also said corporation shall have power to enact such by-laws and regulations as they may deem necessary, not repugnant to the laws of this State and the United States. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for Directors, the corporation to be managed by three or five directors, who shall have power to fill vacancies in their own number, pass and enact or amend by-laws, and shall continue in office until others are regularly elected or appointed, and also to exercise all such rights and powers as by this act are granted; but the stock¬ holders shall have the right to elect said directors annually, two of whom shall be actual residents of this State. Sec. 4. Be it f urther enacted, That it shall be lawful for the aforesaid W. Warne, D. T. Ramsour, and E. Dimmoch to manage the affairs of said corporation as directors, until others are elected or appointed; shall meet and organize by choosing from their own body a president and appoint a secretary and other employees, make such by-laws as for the time being they shall deem expedient, and may then proceed to business. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That this corporation shall exist for thirty years, and this act shall be in force from its passage. [Ratified the 20th day of February, 1861.] 78 1860-61. Chap. 105. Chap. 105. an act to incorporate the carrolton copper joining com¬ pany of baltimore. Body politic. Powers. By-laws. Books to be kept. Stock. Section 1. Be it enacted hy the G-eneral Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That E. B. Wilder, F. H. Gruphy, Adam Dermead, Charles Hatch, W. J. McConnell and Wm. B. Tyson, and their associates, successors, and assigns, are hereby created and constituted a body politic and corporate, by the name, style, and title of the " Carrolton Copper Mining Company," for the purpose of exploring for copper, gold, lead, iron and other metals or minerals, and for mining, vending, smelting and working the same; and by this name may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, appear, prosecute and defend in any courts of law and equity whatsoever in all suits and actions; may have a common seal, and the same alter at pleasure; and may enjoy all the privileges incident to mining corporations, and may hold, purchase and convey real and personal estate to an amount not exceeding two millions of dollars. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the first meeting of said corporation may be called by the persons named in this act, or any two of them, at such time and place as they may agree upon, and at such meeting, and all other meetings legally notified, said corporation may make, alter and repeal such by-laws and regulations for the management of the business of the said corporation as a majority of the stockholders may direct, not repugnant to the constitution and laws of this State and of the United States. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the directors of said company (two of whom shall reside con¬ tinually in this State) to have regular books of record and transfer, kept by the secretary or the treasurer thereof, at all times open to the inspection of the stockholders. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the said corporation may divide their original stock into such number of shares, and provide for the sale and transfer thereof in such manner and form as said corporation shall from time to time deem expedient, and may levy and collect assessments, forfeit and sell delinquent shares, declare and pay dividends on the shares in such manner as the by-laws may direct. 1860-61. Chap. 105-106. 70 Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, ^Ehat the corporation shall exist for thirty years, and this act [shall] be in force from and after its passage. [Ratified the 18th day of February, 1861.] ah act to incorporate the davidson copper mining com- Chap. 106. pany. Section 1. Be it enacted by the G-eneral Assembly of the Body pontic. State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That Samuel Sutton Clayton, Thomas C. Harris, Jos. Wilkins, Patrick Henry Sullivan, Thos. W. Hall, jr., and John Endey^their associates, successors and assigns, are hereby created and constituted a body politic and corporate, by the name, style and title of the " Davidson Copper Mining Company," for the purpose of working, mining and exploring powers. for copper, lead, gold, silver, and other metals and minerals, and for mining, vending, smelting and working the same; and by that name may sue and be sued, plead and he impleaded, appear, prosecute, and defend in any court of law or equity whatsoever in all suits and actions; may have a common seal and the same alter at pleasure; and may enjoy all the privi¬ leges and powers incident to mining, smelting and manufac¬ turing corporations; may purchase, hold, and convey real and personal property or estate, as capital stock, to the amount, of one million of dollars; may divide such capital stock into such number of shares, and provide for the sale'and transfer thereof in such manner and form as the said corporation may from time to time deem expedient; may levy and collect assess¬ ments, and forfeit and sell delinquent shares, and make and enact such by-laws and regulations as they may deem necessary, not inconsistent with the laws of this State and of the United States. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That it shall he lawful for powers, the affairs of said corporation to he managed by three or more directors, two of whom at least shall be citizens of the State of North Carolina, who shall he chosen annually—shall have power to fill vacancies in their own body, shall continue in office until others are elected or appointed in their stead, and shall exercise all such powers as by this act are' granted and conferred. 1860—'61.—--—Chap. 106-107, Sec, 3, Be it further enacted, That the said Samuel Sutton Clayton, Thomas C. Harris, Joseph Wilkins, Patrick Henry Sullivan, Thomas W. Hall, jr. and John Endey, or a majority of them, shall meet and organize by choosing from their own number a president, appoint a secretary and other servants and agents ; make such by-laws as for the time being they shall deem expedient, and manage the affairs of the corporation as directors, until others are selected or appointed in their stead. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the said corporation shall exist -for thirty years, and this act shall he in force from its passage. {^Ratified the 15th day of February, 1861.] Chap. 107. an act to incorporate the silver valley mining company in the county of davidson. Body politic. Section 1. Be it enact.ed by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That Thomas IV. Hall, jr., Thomas C. Harris, S. S. Clayton, Benjamin P. Tallmadge and Joseph Wilkins, and their associates, successors and assigns, are hereby created and constituted a body politic and corporate, by the name and style of the "Silver Valley Mining Company," for Powers. the purpose of working, mining and exploring for silver, gold, lead, copper, iron and all other metals and minerals, and for mining, vending, smelting and working the same; and by that name may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, appear, prosecute and defend in any court of law or equity whatsoever in all suits and actions; may have a common seal and the same alter at pleasure, and may enjoy all the privileges and powers incident to mining and smelting corporations, and may also purchase, hold and convey, any real and personal property or estate as capital stock, to the amount of one million of dollars, stock. Sec. 2, Be it further enacted, That the said corporation may divide their stock into such number of shares and may provide for the sale and transfer thereof in such manner and form as said corporation shall from time to time deem expedient, and may levy and collect assessments, forfeit and sell delin¬ quent shares, declare and pay dividends on the shares, and may make, alter and repeal such by-laws and regulations as said 80 Powers. 1860-61. Chap. 107-108. 81 corporation may deem necessary, not repugnant to the laws of this State and of the United States. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for Powers the said corporation to be managed by three or five directors, two of whom at least shall be residents of this State, who shall have power to fill vacancies in their own body, shall continue in office until others are elected or appointed, and shall exer¬ cise all such rights as by this act are conferred and granted; but the stockholders shall have the right to elect said directors annually. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the aforesaid Thomas Directors. W. Hall, jr., Thomas C. Harris, S. S. Clayton, Benjamin F. Tallmadge and Joseph Wilkins shall manage the affairs of said corporation as directors until others are elected or appointed. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That this corporation shall exist for thirty years, and that this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 15th day of February, 1861.] an act to incorporate the gibson hill mining company, 108. in the county oe guilford. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Body p°litie- State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That Francis A. Garrett, Obed C. An¬ thony, Samuel P. Heir, James W. Dick, James M. Garrett, Joseph C. Manning and D. P. Heir, and their associates, suc¬ cessors and assigns, be, and they are hereby created and con¬ stituted a body politic and corporate, by the name and style of the -"Gibson Hill Mining Company," for the purpose ofpowers. working, mining and exploring for gold, copper and all other metals, minerals and ores; for mining, smelting, working and vending the same; and by that name [may] sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, appear, prosecute and defend in any court of law or equity; contract and be concluded with; and may have and use a common seal, and alter the same at pleasure; and may enjoy all the rights, privileges and powers necessary or incident to mining, smelting, manufacturing and vending metals or chemicals; and may also purchase, hold, sell, morfc 6 82 1860-61. CHAP. 108-109. gage, "bind or convey real or provisional [personal] property or estate, with a capital not to exceed one million dollars. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That said corporation may divide their stock into such number of shares of not less than five dollars value, and provide for the sale and transfer thereof in such manner and form as said corporation shall from time to time deem expedient; and may levy and collect assessments, forfeits, and sell delinquent shares in such manner as the by¬ laws may direct; and shall issue scrip for the shares of stock, and each share shall entitle the holder thereof to one vote in the meetings of the stockholders; and also said corporation shall have power to enact such by-laws and regulations as they may deem necessary, not repugnant to the constitution of this State and the United States. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for the corporation to be managed by three or five directors, two of whom shall be actual residents of this State, who shall continue in office until others are regularly elected or ap¬ pointed, and exercise all such rights and powers as by this act is granted; but the stockholders shall have the right to elect said directors annually. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That this corporation shall exist for thirty years, and this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified this 31st day of January, A. B. 1861.] Chap. 109. AN ACT TO INCORPORATE " THE GARDNER VALLEY." Body politic. Section 1. Beit enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That Henry E. Johnston, Franklin Osgood, John Gilmer, and their associates, successors and assigns, are hereby created and constituted a body corporate and politic, Powers. by the name, style and title of " The Gardner Valley," for the purpose of exploring for copper, lead, gold, iron and other metals and minerals, and for mining, vending and smelting the game;*and by that name may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, appear, prosecute and defend in any courts of law and equity whatsoever in all suits and actions; may have a Stock. Directors. 1800-61 'Chap. 109-110. 83 common seal and the same alter at pleasure, and may enjoy all privileges incident to mining corporations; and may pur¬ chase, hold and convey real and personal estate to an amount not exceeding two millions of dollars. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the first meeting of By-laws, &c. Said corporation may be called by the persons named in this act, or any of them, at such time and place as they may agree upon; and at such meetings, and at all other meetings legally notified, said corporation may make, alter and repeal such by¬ laws and regulations for the management of the business of said corporation as a majority of the stockholders may direct, not repugnant to the laws of this State or of the United States. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the said corporation stock, may divide their original stock into such number of shares, and provide for the sale and transfer thereof in such manner and form as said corporation shall from time to time deem ex¬ pedient, and may levy and collect assessments, forfeit and sell delinquent shares, declare and pay dividends on the shares in Such manner as the by-laws shall direct. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of Duty of direo the directors of said company, a majority of whom shall reside continually in the State, to have regular books of record and transfer thereof at all times open to the inspection of the stockholders. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this corporation shall be in force thirty years, and this act shall continue in force from and after its passage. \Ratified this day of De¬ cember, I860.] as act to incorporate the valley river gold mining and Chap. 110. aqueduct company oe cherokee county. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Cfeneral Assembly of the Body corporate State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That Elisha Hathaway, G. W. Coffin, Hezekiah Kelley, and their associates, successors and assigiis, are hereby created and constituted a body corporate, by the name and style of the " Valley River Gold Mining and Aque- 84 1860-'61. Chap. 110. duct Company," for the purpose of exploring for gold, silver Powers. and other metals and minerals, and for mining, vending, smelt¬ ing and working the same, and also for the purpose of turning the waters of Vengeance and Taylor's creeks and their tribu¬ taries, in said Cherokee county, by ditches or aqueducts of any kind, so as to be used for mining purposes, according to the process known as the hydraulic mining process; and by that name may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, appear, prosecute and defend in any court of law or equity whatever in all suits and actions; may have a common seal and the same alter at pleasure, and may enjoy all the privileges incident to mining corporations ; and may purchase, hold and convey real and personal estate to an extent not exceeding one million of dollars. Powers. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That said company shall have the right t Sec. 2. Be 'it further enacted, That the capital stock of said company may be divided into such number of shares, and of such amount for each share as thestoekholders thereof may in general meeting direct: Provided, That the capital stock shall not exceed three hundred thousand dollars, which shares shall be considered as personal property, and certificates therefor may be issued, and the same be made transferable and assignable, and liable to assessment, forfeiture and sale by the board of directors, in such manner as the by-laws of the Corporation shall prescribe. Directors.- Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the affairs of the said company shall be managed by a board of directors, who must be stockholders, composed of such number and elected by the, stockholders in such manner as the by-laws shall di¬ rect, and they shall choose one of their number to be president of the board and of the company; three of the board of direc¬ tors shall be a quorum to transact business, of whom the pres¬ ident, or one appointed by him to fill his place, shall always be one; they shall have power to fill any vacancy that may happen in their body, and until the first election of directors shall be held by the stockholders, the said Henry Cansler, John F. Hoke, Francis Hoke, Daniel Seagle and William J. Hoke shall constitute the board of directors of said company, with full power and authority to exercise all the corporate powers thereof. Meetings. ' Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That general meetings of the stockholders in said company may be called and held as the by-laws shall prescribe; to constitute a meeting, there must be present, in person or by proxy, (the proxy being a stockholder,) those who hold a majority of the stock, each share of which shall entitle the holder to one vote, and every act shall require the sanction of a majority of the votes which may be present. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take ef¬ fect and be in fotce from and after its ratification, and shall continue in force for the period of thirty years. [Ratified the 20fA day of February, 1861.] 1860-61. Chap. 116. 93 an act to incorporate concord copper mining company. Chap. 116. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Cceneral Assembly of the body politic. State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That George C. Irwin, John L. Donnel, W. J. McConnel, L. G. Coffin, R. C. Hoffman, and their asso¬ ciates, successors and assigns, be, and they are hereby created and constituted a body corporate and politic, by the name and style of the "Concord Copper Mining Company," and as suchPowera. shall have! perpetual succession, and may have and use a common seal and change the same at pleasure, may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded in any court of law and equity; have power to make all such by-laws and regulations, not inconsis¬ tent with [the] laws and constitution of this State and the United States, as maybe deemed necessary for the government of • said company, which shall be binding thereon, and shall have, exercise and enjoy all the rights and privileges of a body corporate, necessary to carry on the business of mining, smelting and manufacturing, and of transporting and vending their products; and shall also have the power to purchase, lease, hold, dispose of and convey any estate, real, personal or mixed: Provided, That the said' company shall at no time hold more than two thousand acres of land. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the capital stock of stock, said company may be divided into such number of shares, and of such amount for each share, of not less than five dollars, as the stockholders thereof may in general meeting direct: Pro¬ vided, That the capital stock shall not exceed one million of dollars, which shares shall be considered personal property, and certificates. therefor may be issued, and the same be made transferable and assignable, and liable to assessment, for¬ feitures and sale by the board of directors, in such manner as the by-laws of the corporation shall prescribe. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the affairs nf said com- Directors, pany shall be managed by a board of directors, two at least of whom shall reside in this State, who must be stockholders, composed of such number and elected by the stockholders in such manner as the by-laws may direct, and they shall choose one of their number to be president of the board and of the company. Three of the board of directors shall be a quorum to 94 1860-61. Chap. 116-117. transact business, of whom the president, or one appointed by him to fill his place, shall always be one. They shall have power to fill any vacancy that may happen in their body, and until the first election of directors shall be held by the stock¬ holders, the said George C. Irwin, John L. Donnel, W. J. McConnel, L. G. Coffin, R. C. Hoffman shall constitute the board of directors of said company, with full power and aus thority to exercise all the corporate powers thereof. Meetings. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That general meetings of the stockholders in said company may be called and held as the by-laws shall prescribe. To constitute a meeting there must be present, in person or by proxy—the proxy being a stock¬ holder—those who hold a majority of the stock, each share of which shall entitle the holder to one vote, and any act shall require the sanction of a majority of the votes which may be present. no banking Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That this act shall not be privileges. . ' . „ so Construed as to give to said company any banking privi¬ leges, or any right to issue notes payable to bearer or order for circulation as bank notes, or to exempt the land and other property of the corporation from taxation. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its ratification, and shall con¬ tinue in force for the period of thirty years. [.Ratified the 22d day of February, 1861.] Chap. 117. an act to incorporate the rudisill gold mining company of baltimore city. Body politic. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of North Carolina, and it is' hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That John J. Wight, William Fisher, Joseph Reynolds, Augustus C» Pracht, and William R. Penniman, and Thomas Googh, and their associates, successors and assigns, are hereby created and constituted a body politic and corporate, by the name and style and title of the " Rudisill Gold Mining Com- ^owere. pany. of Baltimore City," for the purpose of working, mining and exploring for gold, copper and all other minerals and metals, and for mining, vending, smelting and working the 1860V61. Chap. 117. 95 same, and for working and manufacturing; and by that name may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, appear, prose¬ cute and defend in any court of law or equity in tbis State whatsoever in all suits and actions; may have a common seal and the same alter at pleasure; and may enjoy all the privi¬ leges and powers incident to mining, smelting and manufac¬ turing corporations; and may also purchase, hold and convey any real and personal property or estate, as capital stock, to the amount of seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That said corporation may stock, divide their stock into such number of shares, and provide for the sale and transfer thereof, in such manner and form as said corporation shall from time to time deem expedient; and may levy and collect assessments, forfeit and sell delinquent shares in such manner as the by-laws may direct, and shall issue scrip for the shares of stock? and each share shall entitle the holder thereof to one vote in meetings of stockholders; and also said corporation shall have power to enact and pass all such by-laws and regulations as they may deem necessary, not repugnant to the laws of this State and of the United States. Sec. 8. Be it further fenacted, That it shall be lawful for Directors, the corporation to be ^anaged by three or five directors, who shall have power to f$t vacancies in their own body, shall con¬ tinue in office until others are elected or appointed, and also to exercise all such rights as by this act are conferred or granted; but the stockholders shall have power to elect said directors annually, two of whom shall be actual residents of this State. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the aforesaid John J. Directors. "Wight, William Fisher, Joseph Reynolds, Augustus C. Pracht, William R. Penniman and Thomas Googh, shall manage the affairs of said corporation as directors until others are elected or appointed, shall meet and organize by choosing one of their own body a president, and appoint a secretary and other em¬ ployees, make such by-laws as for the time being they shall deem expedient, and may then proceed to business. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That this corporation shall exist for thirty years from the passage of this act, and that act this be in force from and after its passage. [Ratified the 23d day of February, 1861.] 96 1860—*61. Chap. 118-119. Chap. 118. an act to incorporate the riddick's creek mining company* Body politic. Section 1. Be it enacted "by the General Assembly > of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That Dan'l Worth, Peter Adams, Hiram C. Worth and William Worth, and their associates, successors and assigns, he and they are hereby created and constituted a ^ody politic and corporate, by the name and style and title of the "Riddick's Creek Mining Company," for the purpose of Powers. ' working and mining and exploring for gold, copper and all other metals, minerals and ores, and for mining, smelting, working and vending the same; and may also purchase, hold, sell, mortgage, bond or convey real or personal property or estate, with a capital not exceeding one million of dollars. stock- Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That said corporation may divide their stock into shares of not less than five dollars, and one of its directors shall live in North Carolina. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That the corporation shall exist for sixty years, and this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 20iA day of February, 1861.] Chap. 119.act t0 incorporate the Baltimore and north Carolina copper and gold mining company. Body corporate. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Cfeneral Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That Gilmore Meredith, Israel Cohen, Thomas C. Harris, Samuel Sutton Clayton and Joseph Wilkins, their associates, successors, and assigns, be, and they are hereby constituted a body corporate, by the style of the " Baltimore Powers. and North Carolina Copper and Gold Mining Company," for the purpose of working, mining and exploring for copper, gold, silver and other metals, and of working, mining, vending and smelting the' same; and by that name may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, appear, prosecute and defend in any court of law or equity whatsoever in all suits and actions; may have a common seal and the same alter at pleasure; and may enjoy all the powers and privileges incident to mining and 1860-61. Chap. 119-120. 97 smelting corporations; and may purchase, hold and convey real and personal property or estate, as capital stock, to the amount of one million of dollars. ' Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the said corporation stock, may divide their capital stock into such number of shares, and provide for the sale and transfer thereof in such manner and form as they shall from time to time deem expedient; may levy and collect assessments, and forfeit and sell delinquent shares; and may make and enact such by-laws and regulations as they may from time to time deem expedient, not inconsistent with the laws of this State and of the United States. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for Directors, the affairs of the said corporation to be managed by three or more directors, two of whom at least shall be citizens of North Carolina', who shall he chosen ^annually; shall appoint a presi¬ dent and secretary; shall have power to fill vacancies in their own body, and shall continue in office until others are elected or appointed in their stead; and shall exercise all the powers which by this act are granted or conferred. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the said corporation shall endure for thirty years, and this act be "in force from its passage. [Ratified the 15th day of February, 1861.] an act to incorporate the adams hill mining company, Chap. 120. Section 1.. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of iAc Body politic. State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That Peter Adams, David McKnight and A. P. Eckel, and their associates, successors and assigns, be, and they are hereby created and constituted a body politic and corporate, by the name and style and title of the " Adams Hill Mining Company," for the purpose of working, mining powers, and exploring for gold, copper.and all other metals, minerals and ores, and for mining, smelting, working and vending the same; and may also purchase, hold, sell, mortgage, bond or convey real or personal property or estate, with a capital not exceeding one million of dollars. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That said corporation may stock, divide their original stock into such number of shares, and pro- 7 98 1860—*61. Chap. 120-121. vide for the sale and transfer thereof in such manner and form as said corporation shall from time to time deem expedient; and may levy and collect assessments, forfeit and sell delinquent shares, declare and pay dividends on the shares in such manner as their hy-laws shall direct. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That one of the directors of said corporation shall reside in the State of North Carolina. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That this corporation shall exist for sixty years, and this act shall he in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 20th day of February, 4861.] NAVIGATION COMPANIES. Chap. 121. an act to continue the improvement and provide for the equipment of the albemarle and chesapeake canal and the waters connected therewith. Exchange of Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the state. State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the samet That for the purpose of completing the canal and navigation now under contract by the Albemarle and Chesapeake Canal Company, and to provide for motive power necessary for transportation through the same, the public treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to exchange the six per cent, coupon bonds of this State to the amount of two hundred thousand dollars, (which bonds are to he made in the same manner and form as those heretofore issued to said company,) for two hundred thousand dollars of the first mort¬ gage seven per cent, coupon bonds of the said Albemarle and Chesapeake Canal Company. Excess of into- gec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the said public trea- rest deposited . ' r in sinking fund, surer shall deposit semi-annyally with the commissioners of the sinking fund the sum of one thousand dollars, or the ex¬ cess of interest received over and above that paid by the State on the bonds issued under this act. ptmtipaiof Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the moneys so de¬ posited with the commissioners of the sinking fund shall be invested by them in such manner as they may deem best, so 1860-61.——Chap. 121-122. 99 as to constitute a fund to pay tlie principal of the said bonds authorized to be exchanged under this act. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That said company shall Mortgages, make no further mortgage upon their canals and other pro¬ perty, without discharging all its liabilities to the State of North Carolina. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from its ratification. [Ratified the §th day of Feb¬ ruary, 1861.] an act to provide for a continuation of the improve- Chap. 122. ment of cape fear and deep river slack water navi¬ gation. Section 1. Be it enacted by the G-eneral Assembly of the Work to be State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au-contlnued- thority of the same, That the board of managers, appointed to repair and continue said improvement, a3 provided under the act of 1858-59, chapter 142, be authorized to continue it: Provided, That the total amount of the expenditure shall proviso, not exceed thirty-thousand dollars per annum, including all necessary expenses incurred by the managers in the transac¬ tion of the business intrusted to them. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the board of managers pay of manar shall be entitled to the same allowance while engaged in thegers' performance of their duties, for per diem, mileage, &c., as members of [the] internal improvement board. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the commissioners of commissioners the Cape Fear and Deep River Navigation Works be, andmayse11 works" they are hereby authorized and required to sell, so soon as they may deem advisable, the State's interest in said works upon such terms as they may deem best. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the purchasers of said purchasers to interest, together with the other stockholders, shall form a porate°dy eor" body corporate, under the name and style of the " Cape Fear and Deep River Navigation Company," and shall possess all the powers and privileges that were formerly held by the old company of that name. 100 1860-61. Chap. 122-123-124. Conflicting Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That all laws and clauses of laws coming in conflict with this act he, and the same are hereby repealed, and this act shall he in force from and after its passage. [Ratified the 23d day of February, 1861.] Chap. 123. an act to amend an act, entitled "an act to extend the powers oe the new riyer navigation company." Authorizes the Section 1. Be it enacted by the G-eneral Assembly of the drawbridges. State of Borth Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That the president and directors of the New River Navigation Company he, and they are hereby authorized and empowered to erect draw-bridges or gates, or to extend a chain across said New river, so as to facilitate the collection of the tolls due said company. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall he in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 23d day of February, 1861.] PLANK ROADS. Chap. 124. an act por the relief of the greenville and raleigh plank road company, and to empower the same to sell or transfer its corporate property. Power to wind Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the pany's affairs. State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That the Greenville and Raleigh Plank Road Company may, and the said corporation is hereby au¬ thorized and empowered to call a meeting of its members, to be held in the town of Greenville, to begin on the third Thurs¬ day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, and to hold and continue its sessions until the business thereof shall be completed. Notice of said meeting, signed by the president or presiding member of said corporation, to be given by advertisement for two weeks pre¬ vious thereto in some newspaper printed in the town of Wash- 1860-'61. Chap. 124. 101 ington, for the purpose of preparing the business of said corporation for its dissolution; Sec. 2. The said corporation at said meeting may hy vote, Effects of com- pursuant to the requisition of the by-laws thereof, empower pany" and authorize the president and two of its members to take charge of the estate and effects thereof, and to collect the debts and property due and belonging to the said corporation; to prosecute and defend, in the name of the corporation, all such suits as he necessary or proper for the purposes afore¬ said, and that may be necessary for the settlement of the business of said corporation preparatory to the dissolution Debts due from thereof; to pay all debts due from the corporation, if theC°mpany funds in their hands he sufficient therefor, and if not, they shall distribute the same ratably among all the creditors thereof that prove the same to be due and owing; and if there shall be any balance, after the payment of the debts remaining in their hands, they, shall distribute the same to Balance, and among those who shall be entitled thereto as stockholders or members of said corporation ; to sell, transfer and convey, in fee simple absolutely, all its corporate rights, titles and sale of works, estates—the right to receive fare and tolls for the use of said road excepted—to such person or persons as will give the highest price or sum for the same, they retaining a commission for such services of five per centum upon their receipts and for making conveyances of the property sold. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the business for Business of which the said corporation was established shall, from and dosepany to after the said sales, no longer be continued, but the same shall cease and determine, and no fares or tolls for the use of said road shall be charged, nor shall there be any further duty or obligation upon the said corporation to keep in repair the said plank road or any part thereof, but the charter of the said corporation shall henceforth cease, determine, and be null and void: Provided, That all suits against said corpora- Suits pending, tion for forfeitures or penalties incurred'by acts of omission or commission already commenced, or that shall be prior to the discontinuance of the business of said road commenced, shall and may be prosecuted to a recovery and execution therefor. 102 1860-61. Chap. 124-125-126. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That this act shall he in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 25th day of February, 1861.] POOR. Chap. 125. an act concerning the management of the poor in the county of forsythe. sale or delivery Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the licjuors pro- State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That it shall not be lawful for any person to sell or deliver to any pauper residing at the poor-house of the county of Forsythe, any spirituous liquor, or liquor of which spirituous liquor may be a chief ingredient, without permission in writing from the overseer or keeper of the poor- house aforesaid for the time being. Penalty. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That any person offending against the provisions of this act shall forfeit and pay the sum of five dollars, one-half to the overseer or keeper of the poor- house aforesaid, for the use of the poor, and the other half to him who will sue for the same. How recovered. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That all penalties accruing under this act shall and may be recovered by warrant before any justice of the peace for the county of Forsythe. [Ratified the 20th day of February, 1861.] Chap. 126. an act to allow the wardens of the poor for the county of wake to hold their meetings at the poor-house and for other purposes. Meetings of wardens. Compensation to treasurer. Section 1.* Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That the wardens of the poor for the county of Wake may hold their meetings at either the court¬ house or poor-house in said county. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the treasurer of the warden's court be allowed two and a half per cent, on his vouchers from said court. 1860-61. Chap. 126-127. 108 Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That each warden he paid compensation a i n -I f . . , , . . to wardens. two dollars per day tor each and every day he serves in the capacity of warden, to be paid out of any moneys in the hand3 of the treasurer of said court not otherwise appropriated. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That this act [shall] be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 22d day of February, 1861.] RAILROADS. an act to amend an act, entitled "an act to incorporate Chap. 127. the atlantic, tennessee "and ohio railroad company," ratified february 15TH, 1855. Section 1. Be it enacted by the G-eneral Assembly of the corporate State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au~ thority of the same, That the stockholders of the " Atlantic, Tennessee and Ohio Railroad Company" that reside in North Carolina shall be incorporated, under the name of the "At¬ lantic, Tennessee and Ohio Railroad Company in North Ca¬ rolina." Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That now the acting presi- Powers ^presi¬ dent and directors of said road in North Carolina shall have tors, power to do and accomplish all things pertaining to their officers [offices] until their successors shall be elected. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the president and Meetings, directors shall, at such time as they shall deem expedient, call a general meeting of all the stockholders of said company in North Carolina, to meet at such place in North Carolina as they shall designate, and the company incorporated by this act of amendment shall have all the general powers that are by the statute concerning corporate companies .conferred on corporations. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the said Atlantic, Ten- Powers, nessee and Ohio Railroad Company shall have the power to collect and receive all sums subscribed with the commissioners of the Atlantic, Tennessee and Ohio Railroad Company in this State, to be applied in the construction and equipment of the Atlantic, Tennessee and Ohio Railroad in North Carolina, and, 104 1860-61. Ohap. 127. shall have the power to increase the subscription to the stock of said company by means of such agents as they may appoint, and to collect and apply the amount of such additional sub¬ scriptions towards the construction and equipment of said rail¬ road in North Carolina; and when such shall be completed, or any portion of it, the Atlantic, Tennessee and Ohio Railroad Company in North Carolina shall have the exclusive use and profits of said road to the Tennessee State line, until the said railroad shall be built and equipped for transportation and for use as far as its intersection with the East Tennessee and Virginia Railroad : Provided, That the said road shall not be either the North Carolina or South Carolina gauge, but an independent gauge. Powers. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That the Atlantic, Ten¬ nessee and Ohio Railroad Company in North Carolina shall have no power or authority to bind the faith and credit of the Atlantic, Tennessee and Ohio Railroad for the acts and con¬ tracts of the first-named company, or any of the stockholders thereof be bound for the acts and contracts of the last-named company; nor shall the last-named company receive or collect any of the instalments in the subscriptions by stockholders in North Carolina, nor shall it receive or demand any profits arising from the said road in North Carolina. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That all claims for damages done to any land by the said company in the construction of their road shall be barred after two years from the time of action occuring [accruing]. Duration of act. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, This act of amendment shall be and continue in force with the Atlantic, Tennessee and Ohio Railroad until said road shall be completed to the inter¬ section with the East Tennessee and Virginia Railroad, and no longer. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That whenever the said rail¬ road shall be completed to the intersection with the East Tennessee and Virginia Railroad, the Atlantic, Tennessee and Ohio Railroad Company shall by such name be an incorpo¬ rated company in North Carolina, subject to the regulations and restrictions imposed by the aforesaid act, entitled "An act to incorporate the Atlantic, Tennessee and Ohio Railroad Company," except that said company shall have power to hold 1860-61. Chap. 127-128. 105 its annual, as well as its occasional, meetings at any point in North Carolina which the stockholders in general meeting or the directors shall designate, as well as at Jonesboro' in Tennessee. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That the stockholders of President, said Atlantic, Tennessee and Ohio Railroad Company in North Carolina shall annually elect seven directors, who shall elect one of their number president. Should said election for any cause fail to take place, the president and directors shall re¬ main in office until their successors are elected. Sec. 10. Be it further enacted, That the acceptance of this amendatory act by a majority of the stockholders in North Carolina shall be deemed and taken as valid acceptance of the same by the Atlantic, Tennessee and Ohio Railroad Company. SeJc. 11. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 28d day of February, 1861.] ah act to incorporate the caswell railroad company. Chap. 128. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Ceneral Assembly of the Title and stock. State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That a company by the name of " The Caswell Railroad Company" be, and the same is hereby in¬ corporated, with a capital of one million of -dollars, divided into shares of one hundred dollars each, for the purpose of constructing a railroad from the town of Milton, in Caswell county, by Yanceyville, to the company shops in Alamance county. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That for the purpose of ere- commissioners, ating the capital stock of said company, the following persons are hereby appointed general commissioners: Giles Mebane, James G. Moore, G. W. Swepston, John Tapscot, Samuel Watkins, M. McGehee, Geo. W. Thompson, Samuel P. Hill, N. M. Roan, William Long, Dr. Allen Gunn, whose duty it shall be to direct the opening of books for subscription at such times and places as they, or a majority of them, may deem proper; and said general commissioners shall have power to appoint a chairman of their body, treasurer, and all other 106 1860-61. Chap. 128. officers their organization may require, and to sue for all sums of money that ought, under this act, to be recovered by them. when books Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That all persons who are by may be opened. , . fit i this act authorized, or who may be hereafter by the general commissioners authorized to open books of subscription, may do so at any time after the ratification of this act, upon giving twenty days' notice of the time and place when said books will be opened; and said books shall be kept open for the space of thirty days, at least, and as long thereafter as the general commissioners shall direct; and that all subscriptions of stock shares. shall be in shares of one hundred dollars, the subscriber pay¬ ing, at the time of making his subscription, five dollars on each share by him' subscribed, to the person or persons authorized to receive such subscription; and in case of failure to pay said sum, all such subscriptions shall be void and of no effect; and upon closing the books, all such sums as shall have been thus received of subscribers on the first cash instalment, shall be paid over to the general commissioners by the persons receiv¬ ing the same; and in case of failure to pay, as aforesaid, such Delinquent sub-person or persons receiving said money shall be personally liable to said general commissioners before the organization of said company, and to the company itself, after the organiza¬ tion, to be recovered in the superior courts of law within this State, in the county where such delinquent resides; or if he resides in another State, then in any court in such State hav- Powerofcom- ing competent jurisdiction. The general commissioners shall missioners. ■ «« i * n ^ have power to call on and require all persons empowered to re¬ ceive subscriptions of stock at any time, and from time to time, as a majority of them may think proper, to make a return of the stock by them respectively received, and to make payment of all sums of money paid by subscribers; that all persons re¬ ceiving subscription of stock, shall pass a receipt to the sub¬ scriber or subscribers for the payment of the first instalment, as heretofore required to be paid; and upon their settlement with the general commissioners, as aforesaid, it shall be the duty of said general commissioners, in like manner, to pass their receipts for all sums thus received to the persons from whom received; and such receipts shall be taken and held to be good and sufficient vouchers to persons holding them; that subscriptions of stock may be received as aforesaid, or as here- 1860-61 Chap. 128. 107 after provided for, to the amount of twelve hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That it shall he the duty of Books to bo said general commissioners to direct and authorize said books kept open' of subscription to be kept open until the sum of one hun¬ dred thousand dollars, at least, shall be subscribed in the manner aforesaid, and as soon as the said sum of one hundred thousand dollars, or upwards, shall be subscribed in the man¬ ner aforesaid, and the sum of five dollars on each share paid in, as aforesaid, the subscribers to said stock shall be, and they are hereby declared to be a body politic and corporate, in fact and in law, by the name and. style of " The Caswell Railroad Company," with all the corporate powers and authority hereby created and granted, to be held and exercised by said company and their successors and assigns in perpetuity, and by that name shall be capable in law and in equity to purchase, hold, lease, rent, sell or convey estates, real, personal and mixed, and to acquire the same by gift, devise or otherwise, so far as shall be necessary for the purposes embraced within the scope, object and intent of this charter; and shall have perpetual suc¬ cession and a common seal, which they may use, alter or renew at pleasure, and by their corporate name may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded in any court of law or equity in this State, or in any other State; and shall have, possess and enjoy all rights, privileges and immunities which corporate bodies may, and of right dp exercise, and may make all such by-laws, rules and regulations as are necessary for the govern¬ ment of the corporation, or for effecting the object for which it is created, not inconsistent with the laws of this State, or of the United States. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That as soon as one hundred Body politic, thousand dollars, at least, shall be subscribed in the manner aforesaid, [and as soon as the said sum of one hundred thou¬ sand dollars, or upwards, shall be subscribed in the manner aforesaid,] and the sum of five dollars on each share paid in, as aforesaid, the subscribers to said stock shall be, and they are hereby declared to be a body politic and corporate, in fact and in law, by the name and style of " The Caswell Railroad Com¬ pany," with all the corporate powers and authority hereby created and granted, to be held and exercised by said company and their successors and assigns in perpetuity; and by that ioa 1860-61.——CHAP. 128. name shall be capable, in law and in equity, to purchase, hold, lease, rent, sell or convey estates, real, personal and mixed, and to acquire the same by gift, devise or otherwise, so far a3 shall be necessary for the purposes embraced within the scope, object and intent of this charter, and shall have perpetual suc¬ cession and a common seal, which they may use, alter or renew at pleasure, and by their corporate name may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, in any court of law or equity in this State, or any other State; and shall have, possess and enjoy all the rights, privileges and immunities which corporate bodies may, and of right do exercise, and may make all such by-laws, rules and regulations as are necessary for the govern¬ ment of the corporation, or for effecting the object for which it is created, not inconsistent with the laws of this State, or of the United States. Meeting of Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That as soon as the sttm stoekho ders. ^ hundred thousand dollars, or upwards, shall be subscribed as aforesaid, it shall be the duty of the gene¬ ral commissioners to appoint a time for the stockholders to meet in Milton, in the county of Caswell, which they shall cause to be previously published for the space of thirty days in one or more newspapers, at which time and place the said stockholders shall, in person or by proxy, proceed to elect by ballot nine directors of the company, and to enact all such regulations and by-laws as may be necessary for the government of said corporation and the transaction of its business. The persons elected directors at this meeting shall serve such period, not exceeding one year, as the stockholders may direct; and at this meeting the stockholders shall fix on the day and place or places when the subsequent election of directors shall be held, and such elections shall henceforth be annually made; but if they [the] day of the annual election shall [should] pass without any election of directors, the cor¬ poration shall not thereby be dissolved, but it shall be lawful on any other day to make and hold such election in such manner as may be prescribed by a by-law of the corporation. Board of direc- Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That the affairs of said com¬ pany shall be managed by a general board, to consist of nine directors, to be elected by the stockholders from among them¬ selves, at their first and subsequent general annual meetings; and no stockholder shall be elected a director, nor serve as 1860-61. Chap. 128, 109 such, unless he he at the time of his election the owner of five shares of said stock, and shall continue to hold the same during the term of his service. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That the president of said President, company shall he chosen by ballot, by a majority of the direc¬ tors, from among themselves, with a salary to he fixed by the stockholders in general meeting. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That all stockholders, being vote of stock- citizens of the United States, shall be entitled to vote either in holders" person or by proxy, the proxy being a stockholder, at all general meetings; and the vote to which each stockholder shall be entitled shall be according to the number of shares he may hold. Sec. 10. Be it further enacted, That at the first general First meeting of meeting of the stockholders under this act, a majority of all 0 the shares subscribed shall he represented before proceeding to business; and if a sufficient number do not appear on the day appointed, those who do attend shall have power to adjourn, from time to time, until a regular meeting be thus formed; and at such meeting the stockholders may provide by a by-law as to the number of stockholders and the amount of stock to be held by them, which shall constitute a quorum for the transac¬ tion of business at all subsequent meetings. Sec. 11. Be it further enacted, That the general commis- neport of com- sioners shall make their return of the shares of stock sub-mi8S10nera" scribed for at the first general meeting of the stockholders, and pay over to the directors elected at that meeting, or their authorized agent, all sums of money received from subscribers; and on failure to do so, they shall be personally liable to said company, to be recovered in like manner as other debts due the company. Sec. 12. Be it further enacted, That the board of directors Vacancies in may fill all vacancies which may occur in it during the period for which they have been elected, and in the absence of the president, may fill his place by electing a president pro temr from among their number. Sec. 13. Be it further enacted, That the said hoard of Books of sub- directors shall have power and authority to open books for aanpii * ' vest in compa- the road may be located, not heretofore granted by the State, ny- within one hundred feet of the centre of said road which shall be constructed by said company, shall vest in the com¬ pany as soon as the line of the road is definitely laid out. Sec. 15. Be it further enacted, That said company shall exclusive have the exclusive right of the conveyance or transportation ofrights' persons, goods, merchandise and produce over said road, at such charges a may be fixed by a majority of the directors. Sec. 16. Be it further enacted, That said company shall have the right, and it shall be their duty, to take at the store¬ houses they may establish or annex to their road all goods, Wares, merchandise and produce intended for transportation, prescribe the rules of priority and charge, and receive such just and reasonable compensation for storage as their by-laws may establish or may be fixed by agreement. Sec. 17. Be it further enacted, That the board of direc- Vacancies in tors may fill all vacancies which may occur in it during the period for which they may have been elected, and in the ab¬ sence or death of the president, may appoint a president pro tempore to fill his place from among their number. Sec. 18. Be it further enacted, That the profits of the dividends, company, or so much thereof as the directors may deem advi- 124 1860-61.—-Chap. 180-181. sable, shall, when the affairs of the company will admit of it, be annually divided among the stockholders. Sec. 19. Be it further enacted, That notice of process upon the president or acting agent of said company shall be deemed lawful notice of serving process upon the company. [.Ratified the 22>rd day of February, 1861.] Chap. 131. an act supplemental to an act passed at the present session of the general assembly, entitled " an act to incorporate the chatham railroad company." Public treasurer Section 1. Be it enacted by the Greneral Assembly of the issue on s. Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That the public treasurer be, and is hereby authorized and directed to sell the coupon bonds of the State to an amount not exceeding two hundred thousand dollars, signed by the governor, countersigned by the public treasurer, and sealed with the great seal of the State, bearing six per cent, interest, principal payable at the end of twenty years from the date thereof, and the coupons of interest payable semi-annually in such form as the public treasurer may direct, to be made payable at such time and place as may be agreed upon by the public treasurer, and that the public treasurer shall pay over the said sum of two hundred thousand dollars to the president and directors of the Chatham Railroad Com¬ pany at such times and upon such conditions as are herein pro¬ vided : Provided, Said bonds shall not be sold by the public treasurer for a less sum than their par value, conditions for Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That before the public trea- statebonds! surer shall sell for said company any of the bonds hereby authorized to be sold, the said Chatham Railroad Company shall deliver to the public treasurer the coupon bonds of said company for the same amount and bearing the same interest and date, the principal and coupons payable at the same time and place as those of the State hereinbefore directed to be issued and paid over to the Chatham Railroad Company; and to secure the principal and interest of said bonds issued by the Chatham Railroad Company, the State of North Carolina shall by this act have a lien upon all the estate of said company, 1860—'61. Chap. 131-132. 125 both real and personal, which they may now have or hereafter acquire, which lien shall be more effectually secured by a mortgage duty executed by said company to this State, and registered in the register's office of the counties of Chatham and Wake ; and for the better security of the payment of the interest upon said bonds until the completion of said road, the company shall deposit with the treasurer good and sufficient bonds, made by individual stockholders or persons interested in said road, amounting to fifty thousand dollars, to secure the payment of the interest as aforesaid, which said bonds shall be payable to the public treasurer, and shall be deemed due and payable at any time prior to the completion of said road, if the Said company shall fail to pay the interest on the bonds given in exchange for the bonds of the State, which bonds shall, upon the payment of the interest to the completion of said road, be surrendered by the public treasurer to the said com¬ pany. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the bonds of the State to hereby authorized to be sold for the Chatham Railroad Com¬ pany shall not be sold until an amount of stock sufficient to build said road shall have been subscribed, and satisfactory assurance given to the governor and treasurer for the payment thereof either in work or money, and a bond payable to the treasurer in the sum of four hundred thousand dollars, with good and satisfactory security, shall have been delivered to the treasurer, said bond, however, to be void upon condition the said road shall be completed within four years from the date of the bonds of the State hereby authorized to be exchanged. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That this a6t shall be in force from and after the date of its ratification. [Ratified the 23rd February, 1861.] an act to incorporate the greensboro' and leaksville Chap. 132. railroad company. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the corporate title. State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the samet That a company by the name and^tyle of the " Greensboro' and Leaksville. Railroad Company," be, and 126 1860-61. Chap. 132. capital stock, the same is hereby incorporated -with a capital stock of twelve hundred and fifty thousand dollars, divided into shares of one hundred dollars each, for the purpose of constructing a rail¬ road, from the North Carolina Railroad in the town of Greens¬ boro', in the State of North Carolina, to Leaksville in the county of Rockingham, or its vicinity. Commissioners. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That for the purpose of creating the capital stock of said company, the following per¬ sons he, and they are hereby appointed general commissioners ; William T. Sutherlin, of Danville; Pinckney Wott, Robert Wott, Dr. Robert Scales, and George Boyd, of the county of Rockingham ; John M. Morehead, Ralph Gorrell, C. E. Shober, C. P. Mendenhall, of the county of Guilford, and William Johnston, of the town of Charlotte, whose duty it shall be to direct the opening of books for subscription of stock, at such times and places and under such persons as they or a majority of them may deem proper; and in the meantime, it shall be lawful for books of subscription to said stock to be opened in the town of Charlotte, under the direction of John A. Young, William Johnson and John L. Morehead, or any two of them; in the town of Concord, under the direction of Y. M. Barrin- ger, Caleb Phifer and Daniel Coleman, or any two of them; in the town of Salisbury, under the direction of Nathaniel Boy- den, N. N. Fleming, J. J. Shaver, or any two of them; at Lexington, under the direction of William R. Holt, John P. Mabrey, Samuel Hargrove, or any two of them; at High Point, under the direction of W. W. Boman, Dr. Robert Lind- sey and John Carter,' or any two of them; at Greensboro', under the direction of James Sloan, J. H. Lindsey and J. J. Long, or any two of them; at Wentworth, under the direction of J. W. Ellington, W. M. Ellington, and A. M. Scales, or any two of them; at Leaksville, under the direction of Geo. J. Atkin, Jonas W. Burton and C. Glenn, or any two of them; at High Rock, under the direction of Francis L. Simpson, Dr. Robert Scales, Geo. W. Gaunt, or any two of them ; at Dan¬ ville, Ya.,' under the direction of William T. Sutherlin, James M. Williams, and Dr. T. P. Atkinson, or any two of them; and in the city of Richmond, Ya., under the direction of A. Y. Stokes, Lewis E. Harvie and Thomas W. Brockenbrough, or any two of them; and said general commissioners shall have 1860-61. Chap. 182. 127 power to appoint a chairman of their body treasurer, and all other officers their organization may require; and to sue for and recover all sums of money that ought under this act to be recovered by them. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That all persons who are Bo9ks of sub- by this act authorized, or who may he hereafter by the generalscnptlon' commissioners authorized to open books of subscription, may do so at any time after the ratification of this act, upon giv¬ ing twenty days' notice of the time and place when the said books will be opened, and the said books shall be kept open for the space of thirty days at least, and as long thereafter as the general commissioners shall direct, and that all subscriptions of stock shall be in shares of one hun¬ dred dollars, the subscriber paying at the time of making his subscription, five dollars on each share by him subscribed, to the person or persons authorized to receive such subscription, and in case of failure to pay said sum all such subscriptions shall be void and of no effect; and upon closing the books, all such sums as shall have been thus received of subscribers on the first cash instalments shall be paid over to the general commissioners by the persons receiving the same, and in case of failure to pay as aforesaid such person o«r persons receiving said money shall be personally liable to said general commis¬ sioners before the organization, of said company, and to the company itself after the organization, to be recovered in the superior court of law within this State, in the county where such delinquent resides; or if he resides in another State, then in any court in such State having competent jurisdiction. The general commissioners shall have power to call on and require all persons empowered to receive subscriptions of stock at any time, and from time to time as a majority of them may think proper, to make a return of the stock by them respectively received, and to make payment of all sums of money paid by subscribers; that all persons receiving subscriptions of stock shall pass a receipt to the subscriber or subscribers for the pay¬ ment of the first instalment as heretofore required to be paid, and upon their settlement with the general commissioners-as aforesaid^ it shall be the duty of said general commissioners in like manner to pass their receipts for all sums thus received to the persons from whom received, and such receipts shall be taken and held to be good and sufficient vouchers to persons 128 1860-61. Chap. 132. holding them; that subscriptions of stock may be received as aforesaid, or as hereafter provided for, to the amount of twelve hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Books—when Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of closed" said general commissioners to direct and authorize said books of subscription to be kept open until the sum of one hundred thousand dollars, at least, shall be subscribed in the manner aforesaid; and as soon as the said sum of one hundred thou¬ sand dollars, or upwards, shall be subscribed in the manner aforesaid, and the sum of five dollars on each share paid in as aforesaid, the subscribers to said stock shall be, and they are hereby declared to be a body politic and corporate, in fact and in law, by the name and style of the " Greensboro' and Leaks- ville Railroad Company," with all the corporate powers and authority hereby enacted and granted, to be held and exercised corporate pow- by said company and their successors and assigns in perpe¬ tuity, and by that name shall be capable in law and in equity to purchase, hold, lease, rent, sell, or convey estates, real, per¬ sonal, and mixed, and to acquire the same by gift, devise, or otherwise, so far as shall be necessary for the purposes em¬ braced within the scope, object and intent of this charter; and shall have perpetual succession and a common seal, which they may use, alter, or renew at pleasure; and by their corporate name may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded in any court of law or equity in this State or any other State ; and shall have, possess and enjoy all rights, privileges, and immu¬ nities which corporate bodies may and of right do exercise; and may make all such by-laws, rules, and regulations as are necessary for the government of the corporation, or for effect- ■ ing the object for which it is created, not inconsistent with the laws of this State, or of the United States. Meeting of Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That as soon as the sum of stockholders. Qne jlun(jre^ thousand dollars, or upwards, shall be subscribed as aforesaid, it shall be the duty of the general commissioners to appoint a time for the stockholders to meet in Greensboro', in the county of Guilford, which they shall cause to be pre¬ viously published, for the space of thirty days, in one or more newspapers, at which time and place the said stockholders shall in person, or by proxy, proceed to elect, by ballot, nine direc¬ tors of the company, and to enact all such regulations and by- 1860-'61.-i—Csap. 132. 129 laws as may be necessary for the government of said corpora-i tion and the transaction of its business. The persons elected directors at this meeting shall serve suqh period, not exceeding one year, as the stockholders may direct; and at this meeting the stockholders shall fix on the day and place or places when the subsequent election of directors shall be held, and such elections shall henceforth be annually made; but if the day of the annual election should pass without any election of direc¬ tors, the corporation shall not thereby be dissolved, but it shall he lawful on any other day to make and hold euch election in such manner as may be prescribed by a by-law of the corpo¬ ration. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That the affairs of said com- Board of direc- pany shall be managed by a general board, to consist of nine directors, to be elected by the stockholders, from among them¬ selves, at their first and subsequent general annual meetings, and no stockholder shall be elected a director, nor serve, as such, unless he be at the time of his election the owner of five shares of said stock, and shall continue to hold the same dur¬ ing the term of his service. SeQ. 7. Be it further enacted, That the president of the president, said company shall be chosen, by ballot, by a majority of the directors from among themselves, with a salary to be fixed by stockholders in general meeting. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That all the stockholders, vote of stock- being citizens of the United States, shall be entitled to vote,holders' either in person or by proxy, the proxy being a stockholder, at all general meetings, anfl the vote to which each stockholder shall be entitled shall be according to the number of shares he may hold. , Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That at the first general Regular meet- meeting of the stockholders, under this act, a majority of allmg3, the shares subscribed shall be represented before proceeding to business, and if a sufficient number do not appear on the day appointed, those who do attend shall have power to ad¬ journ, from time to time, until a regular meeting be thus formed, and at such meeting the stockholders may provide by a by-law as to the number of stockholders and the amount of stock, to be held by them which shall constitute a quorum for thq transaction of business at all subsequent meetings. 9 130 1860-61. CHAP. 132. Returns of com- Seo. 10. Be it further enacted, That the general commig- missioners. gioners shall make their return of the shares of stock sub¬ scribed for at the first general meeting of the stockholders, and pay over to the directors elected at that meeting, or their au¬ thorized agent, all sums of money received from subscribers; and on failure to do so they shall be personally liable to said company, to be recovered in like manner as other debts due the company. Sec. 11. Be it further enacted, That the board of direc¬ tors may fill all vacancies which may occur in it during the period for which they have been elected, and, in the absence of the president, may fill his place by electing a president 'pro tem. from among their number. Directors may Sec. 12. Be it further enacted, That the said board of open o . directors shall have power and authority to open books for further subscriptions to the stock of said company, at such times and under such persons as they may designate, in the event the whole stock be not subscribed before the first general meeting of the stockholders, and to open and keep open said books, from time to time, until the whole amount of the capital stock be subscribed, corporate privi- Sec. 13. Be it further enacted, That said company shall leg€3' have the exclusive right pf conveyance or transportation of persons, goods, merchandise and produce, over the road con¬ structed by them, at such charges as may be fixed upon by a majority of the directors; and the said company may farm out their rights of transportation over their said railroad, subject to the rules above mentioned, and said company, and every person who may have received from them the right of trans¬ portation of goods, wares and produce on said road, shall be deemed and taken to be a common carrier, as respects every¬ thing entrusted to them or him for transportation. Payment of Sec. 14. Be it further enacted, That the board of direc- stock. ^.org may cajj for the payment of the sums subscribed as stock in said company, in such instalments as the interests of said company may require; the call for each payment shall be pub¬ lished in one or more papers of this State for four weeks before the day of payment; and on failure of any stockholder to pay each instalment as thus required, the directors may sell at public auction, on a previous notice of ten days, for cash, all 1860-61. Chap. 182. 131 the stock Subscribed for in said company, by such stockholders, arid convey the same to the purchaser at said sale, discharged from all further liability; and if said sale of stock do not pro¬ duce a sum sufficient to pay off the incidental expenses of sale, and the entire amount owing by such stockholders to the com¬ pany for such subscription of stock, then and in that case the whole of such balance shall be held and taken as due at once to the company, and may be recovered of such stockholder, or of his executors, administrators or assigns, at the suit of said company, either by summary motion in any court of superior jurisdiction, in the county where the delinquent resides, on a previous notice of ten days to said subscriber, or by action of assumpsit in any court of competent jurisdiction, or by a war¬ rant before a justice of the peace, when the sum does not ex¬ ceed one hundred dollars; and in all cases of assignment of stock before the whole amount has been paid to the company, then for all sums due on such stock, both the original subscri¬ bers and the first and all subsequent assignees shall be held liablh to the company, and the same' may be recovered as above described. Sec. 15. Be it further enacted, That the debt of stock- Debt of stock¬ holders, due to the company for stock therein, either as origi¬ nal proprietor, or as first or subsequent assignee, shall be considered of equal dignity with judgments in the distribution of assets of a deceased stockholder by his legal representative. Sec. 16. Be it further enacted, That said company shall certificates of issue certificates of stock to its members, and said stock maystoek' be transferred in such manner and form as may be directed by the by-laws of the company. Sec. 17. Be it further enacted, That the board of directors Reports, shall once in every year, at least, make a full report on the state of the company, and its affairs, to a general -meeting of the stockholders, and oftener if required by a by-law, and shall have power to call a general meeting of the stockholders when the board may deem it expedient, and the company may provide in their by-laws for occasional meetings being called, and prescribe the mode thereof. Sec. 18. Be it further enacted, That said company may corporate pow- purchase, have and hold, in fee or for a term of years, anyers' land, tenements, or hereditaments, which may be necessary for 182 1860-'61 Chap. 182. the said road, or the appurtenances thereof, or for the erection of depositories, store houses, houses for the officers, servants or agents of the company, or for work-shops or foundries, to be used for said company, or for procuring stone or other ma¬ terials necessary for the construction of the road, or for effect¬ ing transportation thereon, corporate pmi- Sec. 19. Be it further enacted, That the company shall leges' have the right, when necessary, to conduct the said road across or along any public road or water-course: Provided, That the said company shall not obstruct any public road, without con¬ structing another equally as good and convenient. Eight of way. Sec. 20. Be it further enacted, That when any lands or right of way may be required by said company, for the pur¬ pose of constructing their road, and for want of agreement as to the value thereof, or for any other cause, the same cannot be purchased from the owner or owners, the same may be taken at a valuation to be made by five freeholders selected by the county courts in the county where the right of way is situated. In making the said valuation, the said freeholders shall take into consideration the loss or damage which may accrue to the owner or owners, in consequence of the land or right of way being surrendered, and the benefit and advantage, general or special, which he, she or they may receive by the general increased value of the land, or any special benefit which may arise from the location of a depot, or otherwise, on said land, or any benefit which may accrue, in any way whatever, by the establishment of said railroad or work, and shall state particu¬ larly the value and amount of each; and the excess of the loss and damage over and above the advantage and benefit shall form the measure of valuation of said land or right of way: Provided, nevertheless, That if any person or persons, over whose lands the road may pass, or if said company should be dissatisfied with the valuation of said freeholders, then and in that case, the party so dissatisfied may have an appeal to the superior court, in the county where the damage is done, or in either county where the land may lie, under the same rules, regulations and restrictions as in other cases of appeal. The proceedings of the said freeholders, accompanied with a full description of the said land or right of way, shall be returned under the hands and seals of a majority of them, to the court 1860-'6'1. Chap. 132. 133 from •which the order was made, there to remain a matter of record; and the lands or right of way, so valued, shall vest in the said company so long as the same may he used for the purposes of said railroad, so soon as the valuation shall have been made, or, when' refused, may have been tendered: Pro¬ vided, That on application for the appointment of freeholders, under this section, it shall be made to appear to the satisfac¬ tion of the court, that at least ten days' previous notice has been given by the applicant to the owner or owners of the land so proposed to be condemned ; or if the owner or owners be infants or non compos mentis, then to the guardian of such owner or owners, if such guardian can be found within the county, or if he cannot be so found, then such appointment shall not be made unless notice of the application shall have been published, at least one month next preceding, in some newspaper printed as conveniently as may be to the court¬ house of the county, and shall have been posted at the door of the court-house on the first day of the term of said court to which the application is made: Provided, further, That the valuation provided for in this section shall be made on oath by the freeholders aforesaid, which oath any justice of the peace or clerk is authorized to administer : Provided, f urther, That the right of condemnation herein granted shall not authorize the said company to invade the dwelling-house, yard, garden, or burial ground of any individual without his consent. Sec. 21. Be it further enacted, That the right of said com-what lands pany to condemn lands in the manner as aforesaid, shall extend to the condemning one hundred feet on each side of the track of the road, measuring from the centre of the same, unless in case of deep cuts and fillings, when said company shall have power to condemn as much in addition thereto as may be necessary for the purpose of constructing said road, and the company shall also have power to condemn and appropriate lands in like manner for the constructing and building of de¬ pots, shops, warehouses, buildings for servants, agents and persons employed on the road, not exceeding two acres in any one lot or station. Sec. 22. Be it further enacted, That in the absence of any title of land contract or contracts with said company, in relation to lands p^y. m com" through which the said road may pass, signed by the owner 134 1860-'61.—-Chap. 132. thereof, or of his agent, or any claimant, or person in posses¬ sion thereof, which may be confirmed by the owner thereof, it shall be presumed that the land upon which the said road may be constructed, together with the space of one hundred feet on each side of the centre of said road, has been granted to said company by the owner thereof, and the said company shall have good right and title thereto, and shall have, hold and enjoy the same as long as the same be used for the purposes of the said road and no longer, unless the person or persons owning the said land, at the time that part of the said road which may be on the said land was finished, or those claiming under him, her or them shall apply for an assessment of the value of said land as hereinbefore directed, within two years next after that part of the said road which may be on said lands was finished, and in case the said owner or those claim¬ ing under him, her or them shall not apply within two years next after the said part was finished, he, she or they shall be forever barred from recovering said land, or having any as¬ sessment or compensation therefor: Provided, nothing herein contained shall affect the right of feme coverts or infants until two years after the removal of their respective disabilities. Sec. 23. Be it further enacted, That all land not here¬ tofore granted to any person within one hundred feet of the centre of said road, shall vest in the company as soon as the line of the road is definitely laid out through it, and any grant of said land thereafter shall be void. Trespass.] Sec. 24. Be it further enacted, That if any person or persons shall intrude upon said railroad, by any manner of use thereof, or of the rights and privileges connected therewith, without the permission, or contrary to the will of said company, he, she or they may be indicted for a misdemeanor, and upon conviction, fined and imprisoned by any court of competent jurisdiction. injury to com-' Sec. 25. Be it further enacted, That if any (person or pany sproperty. pergQng^ wjifu]jy an(j maliciously destroy, or in any man¬ ner hurt or damage, or shall wilfully or maliciously cause, or aid, or assist, or counsel and advise any other person or per¬ sons to destroy, or in any manner to hurt, damage, injure or obstruct the said railroad, or any bridge or vehicle used for or in the transportation thereon, any water-tank, warehouse, 1860-61. Chap. 182. 135 or any other property of said company, such person or persons so offending shall he liable to be indicted therefor, and on conviction, shall be imprisoned not more than six nor less than Penalty, one month, and pay a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars nor less than twenty dollars, at the discretion of the court before which said conviction shall take place, and shall be further liable to pay all expenses for repairing the same; and it shall not be competent for any person so offending against the provisions of this clause to defend himself by pleading or giving in evidence that he was the owner, agent or servant of the owner of the land where such destruction, hurt, damage, injury or obstruction was done, at the time the same was done or caused to be done. Sec. 26. Be it further enacted, That every obstruction to the Obstructions on safe and free passage of vehicles on said road, shall be deemed a public nuisance, and may be abated as such by any officer, agent or servant of said company; and the person causing such obstruction may be indicted for erecting a public nuisance. Sec. 27. Be it further enacted, That the'said company what the com- sball have the right to take at the storehouses they may es-porumaytraD8 tablish or annex to their railroad, all goods, wares, merchan¬ dise and produce intended for transportation; to prescribe the rules of priority and charge, and receive such just and reasona¬ ble compensation for storage as they by rules may establish, (which they shall cause to be published,) or as may be fixed by agreement with the owners, which may be distinct from rates of transportation: Provided, That the said company shall not charge or receive storage on goods, wares, merchandise or produce which may be delivered to them at their regular de¬ position [depositories] for immediate transportation, and which the company may have power to transport immediately. Sec. 28. Be it further enacted, That the profits of the dmdends. company, or so much thereof as the general board may deem advisable, shall, when the affairs of the company will permit, be semi-annually divided amongst the stockholders, in propor¬ tion to the stock each may own. Sec. 29. Beit further enacted, That the following officers officers, &c and servants and persons in the actual employment of the said company be, and they are hereby exempted from the perform¬ ance of jury and ordinary militia duty: the president and 136 I860-'61. Chap. 132-133. treasurer, the board of directors, chief and assistant engineers, the secretary and accountant of the company, keepers of the depositories, guards stationed on the road and at the bridges, and such persons as may be working the locomotive engines and traveling with the cars, for the purpose of attending to transportation of produce, goods and passengers on the road, survey. * Sec. 30. Be it further enacted, That for the purpose of ascertaining the best route for said road and its branches, and to locate the same, it shall be lawful for said company, by its engineers, servants and agents, to enter upon, examine and survey any land or lands that they may wish to examine for such purpose, free from any liability whatever. [Ratified the 20th day of February, 1861.] Chap. 133. an act to incorporate the greenville and goldsboro' railroad company. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That for the purpose of making a connec¬ tion by railroad between the head of steamboat navigation of Tar river, at the town of Greenville, in the county of Pitt, and the North Carolina Central Railroad at Goldsboro', in the county of Wayne, the formation of a corporate company, with Capital stock, a capital stock of six hundred thousand dollars, in shares of one hundred dollars each, is hereby authorized, to be called corporate title. "The Greenville and Goldsboro' Railroad Company," and when formed in compliance with the conditions hereinafter prescribed, to have a corporate existence as a body politic in perpetuity. Route. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the said company have power to construct a railroad from the town of Greenville, 'in the county of Pitt, or some point immediately adjoining said town, on Tar river, to the town of Goldsboro', in the county of Wayne, and to make a junction with the North Carolina Cen¬ tral Railroad, and the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, at the junction of the said Railroad in said town of Goldsboro'. commissioners. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That for the purpose of creating the capital stock of said company, the following per- 1860-61. Chap. 133. 137 sons are appointed commissioners, to wit: P. A. Atkinson, C. Perkins, H. S. Clark, Moses Joyner, Peter Hines, W. M. B. Brown, J. J. Cherry, M. L. Carr, Charles Green, George A. Dancy, Charles J. O'Hagan, William Bernard, sen., Bichard Bynum, Elias Blount, Joseph L. Ballad, George Joyner, Wil¬ liam J. Moye, John S. Smith, and John S. Brown, of the county of Pitt, and Edward Patrick, Josiah Sugg, J. L. Free¬ man, Joseph Jones, Dr. Swift, S. B. Cox, Owen Jones, Arthur D. Speight, John Harvey, Henry Best and Joseph P. Speight, of the county of Greene, and J. G. Gregory, of the county of Wayne, and Daniel Fowle, Rufus Tucker and A. M. Lewis, of the city of Raleigh, and John M. Morehead, of Greensboro', and J. J. Summerell, of Salisbury, and Zeno. H. Green, Wm. S. Ashe and R. H. Cowan, of Wilmington, whose duty it shall be to direct the opening of books for subscription of stock at such times and places, and under the direction of such persons as they, or a majority of them, may deem proper, or if they fail to do so, then under the direction of the commissioners appointed for Pitt county, or a majority of them; and the com- sioners, or a majority of them, or in case they fail so to act, then the commissioners appointed for Pitt county, or a ma¬ jority of them, shall have power to appoint a chairman of their body, a treasurer, and all other officers, and to sue for and re¬ cover all sums of money that ought, under this act, to be recovered by them. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the commissioners books to be above named, and all other persons who may hereafter be authorized, as aforesaid, to open books for subscription, shall open the same at any time after the ratification of this act, first giving twenty days' notice thereof of the time and place in one or more of the newspapers printed in either Goldsboro', Raleigh or Wilmington, and the said books, when opened, shall be kept open for the space of sixty days, at least, and so long thereafter as the commissioners above named shall direct; and the said named commissioners shall have power to call on and require all persons empowered to receive subscriptions of stock at any time, and from time to time, as a majority of them may think proper, to make return of the subscription of stock by them respectively received. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That whenever the sum of corporate powers. 138 1860-61. Chap. 133. fifty thousand dollars shall be subscribed in manner and form aforesaid, the subscribers, their executors, administrators or assigns, shall be, and they are hereby declared incorporated into a company, by the name and style of the Greenville and Goldsboro' Railroad Company, and by that name shall be capable in law and equity of purchasing, holding, selling, leasing and conveying estates, real, personal and mixed, and acquiring the same by gift or devisO, so far as shall be neces¬ sary for the purposes embraced within the scope, object and intent of their charter, and no further; and shall have perpe¬ tual succession, and by their corporate name may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded in any court of law and equity in this State, and may have and use a common seal, which they may alter and renew at pleasure, and shall have and enjoy all the rights and immunities which other corporate bodies may, and of right do exercise; and make all such by-laws, rules and regulations as are necessary for the government of the corpo¬ ration, or effecting the object for which it was created, not inconsistent with the constitution and laws of the State, and of the United States. meeting of Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of stockhoid&rs the commissioners named in this act for receiving subscrip¬ tions, or a majority of them, as soon as the sum of fifty thou¬ sand dollars shall have been subscribed in manner aforesaid, to give public notice thereof, and at the same time call a general meeting of the stockholders, giving at least thirty days' notice of the time and place of meeting: a-majority of the stock- officers. holders being represented in person or by proxy, shall proceed to elect a president and treasurer and nine directors out of the number of stockholders; and the said directors shall have power to perform all the duties necessary in the government of the corporation and the transaction of its business; and the persons elected, as aforesaid, shall serve such period, not ex¬ ceeding one year, as the stockholders may direct; and at that meeting the stockholders shall fix on the day and place or places when the subsequent election of president, treasurer and directors shall be held, and such election shall thenceforth be annually made; but if the day of the annual election of officers should, under any circumstances, pass without an election, the corporation shall not thereby be dissolved, but the officers 1860-61* Chap. 188. 139 formerly elected shall continue in office until a new election takes place. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That the election of officers Elections by aforesaid shall he by ballot, each stockholder having as many votes as he has shares in the stock of the company, and the person having the greatest number of votes polled shall he considered duly elected to the office for which he is nominated, and at all elections, and upon all votes taken at any meeting of the stockholders upon any by-law, or any of the affairs of the company, each share of stock shall he entitled to one vote, to be represented in person or by proxy; and proxies may be verified^ in such manner as the by-laws of the company prescribe. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That the board of directors Vacancies, may fill any vacancies which may occur in it during the period for which they have been elected; and in the absence of the president, may appoint a president jpro tempore to fill his place. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That the board of directors Payment of may call for the sums subscribed as stock in said company in such instalments as the interest of said company may, in their opinion, require. The call for each payment shall be pub¬ lished in one or more newspapers of the State for one month before the day of payment,; and on failure of any stockholder to pay each instalment as thus required, the directors may sell at public auction, on a previous notice of ten days, for cash, all the stock subscribed for in said company by such stock¬ holder, and convey the same to the purchaser at said sale, and if the said sale of stock does not produce a sum sufficient to pay off the incidental expenses of the sale, and the entire amount owing by such stockholder to the company for such subscription of stock, then and in that case the whole of such balance shall be held as due at once to the company, and may be recovered by such stockholder, or his executor, adminis¬ trator or assign, at the suit of said company, either by sum¬ mary motion in any court of superior jurisdiction in the county where the delinquent resides, on previous notice of ten days to said subscriber, or by the action of assumpsit in any court of competent jurisdiction, or by warrant before a justice of the peace when the sum does not exceed one hundred dollars; and 140 1860-61. Chap. 133. Debts of stock¬ holders. Certificates of stock. Increase of capital stock. Contracts. Corporate privileges. Eight of way. in all cases of assignment of stock before the "whole amount has been paid to the company, then for all sums due on such stock, both [the] original subscriber, and the first and all sub¬ sequent assignees, shall be liable to the company, and the same may be recovered as above described. Sec. 10. Be it further enacted, That the debts of the stock¬ holders, due to the company for stock therein, either as origi¬ nal proprietor, or as first or subsequent assignee, shall be considered as of equal dignity with judgments in the dis¬ tribution of assets of a deceased stockholder by his legal representatives. Sec. 11. Be it further enacted, That the said company shall issue certificates of stock to its members, and said stock may be transferred in such manner and form as may be di¬ rected by the by-laws of the company. Sec. 12. Be it further enacted, That said company may at any time increase its capital stock to a sum sufficient to com¬ plete said road, not exceeding the additional sum of two hun¬ dred thousand dollars, by opening books for the subscription of new stock, or borrowing money on the credit of the com¬ pany, and the mortgage of its charter and works; and the manner in which the same shall be done in either case, shall be prescribed by the stockholders. Sec. 13. Be it further enacted, That all contracts or agree¬ ments authenticated by the president and secretary of the board, shall be binding on the company with or without a seal: such a mode of authentication shall be used as the company by their by-laws may adopt. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the said company may purchase, have and hold in fee, or for a term of years, any lands, tenements or hereditaments which may be necessary for the said road, or for the erection of depositories, store¬ houses, houses for the officers, servants or agents of the com¬ pany, or for work-shops or foundries to be used Uy the company, or for procuring stone or other materials necessary to the construction of the road or effecting transportation, and for no other purpose whatsoever. Sec. 15. Be it further enacted, That the company shall have the right, when necessary, to construct the said railroad across any public road, or along the side of any public road: 1860-61. Chap. 133. 141 Provided, That the said company shall *not obstruct any public road without first constructing one equally as good and as con¬ venient as the one taken by the company. Sec. 16. Be it further enacted, That when any lands or landsmaybe right of-.way be required by the said company for the purpose use of company, of constructing their road, Jbuilding ware-houses, water-stations, work-shops, depositories, and for want of agreement as to the value thereof, or from any other cause,' the same cannot be purchased from the owner or owners, the same may be taken at a valuation to be made by a jury of good and lawful men, to be summoned by the sheriff of the county in which the land re¬ quired by^the company may lie; and in making the said valu¬ ation, the said jury shall take into consideration the loss or damage which may occur to the owner or owners in conse¬ quence of the land or the right of way being surrendered, and the benefit or advantage he, she or they may receive from the erection of said road, and shall state particularly the value and amount of each, and the excess of loss or damage over and above the advantage and benefit shall form the measure of valuation of said land or right of way: Provided, nevertheless, That if any person or persons over whose land the said road may pass, or the company, should be dissatisfied with the valu¬ ation thus made, then and in that case either party may have an appeal to the next court of the county to be held thereafter, and the sheriff shall return to the said court the verdict of the jury, with all proceedings thereon, and the land or right of way so valued by the jury shall vest in the said company so long as the same shall be used for the purposes of said rail¬ road, so soon as the valuation may be paid, or if refused, paid over to the clerk of the county court: Provided, further, That the right of condemnation shall not authorize the said company to' invade the dwelling-house, yard, garden or grave-yard of any individual without his consent. Sec. IT. Be it further enacted, That the right of said com- what quantity pany to condemn land in the manner described in the above dlmned?°n" section shall extend to the condemnation only of one hundred feet on each side of the main track of the road, from the centre of the same, unless in case of deep cuts and fillings, when said company [shall have power to condemn as much in addition thereto as may be necessary for the purpose of constructing 142 i860—'61 Chap. 133. said road; and the company in like manner shall have power to condemn any appropriate land for the building of depots and shops not exceeding five acres in any one lot or station. Sec. 18. Be it further enacted, That the said company shall have the exclusive right of conveyance or transportation of persons, goods, merchandise and produce over said road, at such charges as may be fixed on by a majority ^of the directors. Sec. 19. Be it further enacted, That the profits of the com¬ pany, or so much thereof as the board of directors may deem advisable, shall, when the affairs of the company will permit, be annually or semi-annually divided among the stockholders, in proportion to the stock each may own. Sec. 20. Be it further enacted, That any contract that may be entered into with any other railroad company by the presi¬ dent and directors of said company, after the consent of a majority of the stockholders first obtained, shall be binding on the company. officers exempt Sec. 21. Be it further enacted, That all the officers of the from certain . _ , duties. company, and servants and persons in the actual employment of the company, be, and they are hereby exempt from perform¬ ing ordinary military duty, working on public roads, and serving as jurors. Whenactvoid. Sec. 22. Be it further enacted, That all the work hereby re¬ quired shall be executed with due diligence, and if it be not commenced within four years after the ratification of this act, then the charter shall be void. Sec. 23. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification, and shall be regarded as a public act, and be continued in force until the year nineteen hundred. Notice of pro- Sec. 24. Be it further enacted, That notice of process upon the principal agent of said company, or the President, or any two of the directors thereof, shall be taken to be lawful notice of service of process upon the company in any suit or action before any court of the State. \Ratified the £3rd day of , 1861.] Dividends. Contracts. 1860—'61. Chap. 134. 143 an act to incorporate the milton and yanceyville junc- Chap. 134. tion railroad company. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of J¥orth Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That for the purpose of constructing a railroad from some point on the North Carolina line, at or near Milton, by "way of Yanceyville, to the North Carolina Railroad at the workshops, with the privilege of connecting the same with the Richmond and Danville Railroad, when authorized hy the Legislature of Virginia, the formation of a company is Capital stock, hereby authorized, with a capital stock of five hundred thousand dollars, called the "Milton and Yanceyville Junction Railroad Company," and when formed in compliance with the conditions hereinafter prescribed, to have a perpetual existence as a body politic and corporate. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That for the purpose of commissioners, creating the capital stock of said company, the following per¬ sons be, and the same are hereby appointed commissioners, to wit: at Milton, under the superintendence of Samuel Watkins, John Wilson, Sen'r, Dabney Terry, M. McGehee, N. M. Lewis, Thomas Donoho; at Yanceyville, under the superintendence of John A. Graves, Samuel P. Hill, Thomas D. Johnston, Thos. Bigelow, and George Williamson; at Greensboro', under the superintendence of Jas. R. McLean, James Sloan, R. P. Dick, and R. Gorrell; at Graham, under the superintendence of E. M. Hatt, Dr. John Ruffin, Jesse Gant, George Patterson; at Locust Hill, under the superintendence of Calvin Graves, Chesley Turner, Antiochus Baswell, Dr. James E. Williamson, Anthony Williamson; at Anderson's Store, under the superin¬ tendence of Dr. John Q. Anderson, A. B. Walker, J. Bird, Thornton Baines, and at such places and by such other persons as the commissioners at Yanceyville may direct; whose duty it shall be to open books for the subscription of stock, at such times and places, and under the direction of such persons as they, or a majority of them may deem proper; and said com¬ missioners shall have power to appoint a chairman of their body, treasurer, and other officers, and to sue for and recover all sums of money that should be received by them under this act. 144 1860-61. Chap. 134. powe°sate Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That when the sum of one hun¬ dred thousand shall have been subscribed in the manner and form aforesaid, in shares of one hundred dollars each, and shall have paid five per cent, on the same to the persons authorized to receive the same,—and all subscriptions upon which five per cent, is not paid be null and void,—the subscribers, their exe¬ cutors, administrators or assigns, shall be, and they are hereby declared incorporated into a company, by name and style of the "Milton and Yanceyville Junction Railroad Company;" and by that name shall be capable in law and equity of pur¬ chasing, holding, selling, leasing and conveying estate, real, personal and mixed, and of acquiring the same by gift or other¬ wise, so far as shall be necessary for the purposes embraced in their charter; and shall have perpetual succession, and may sue and be sued, by their corporate name, plead and be impleaded in any court of law or equity in the State of North Carolina, or other State, having competent jurisdiction, and may have and use a common seal, which they may alter or renew at plea¬ sure ; and shall have and enjoy all other rights and privileges which their [other] corporate bodies may and do exercise, and make all such by-laws, rules and regulations, as may be neces¬ sary for the government of said company. Directors. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the stockholders, or a majority of them, as soon as the sum of one hundred thousand dollars shall have been subscribed as aforesaid, to appoint a time and place, and give at least thirty days' public notice, for stockholders to meet, at which time and place, a majority of the stock being represented in person or by proxy, shall proceed to elect nine directors out of the number of stockholders, each of whom shall possess at least two shares of stock, and shall also proceed to elect a president and trea¬ surer, out of the number of stockholders; and the said directors shall have power to do all things necessary for the government of the company, and for the transaction of business. The persons elected directors, as aforesaid, shall serve for one year, and the election for president, treasurer and directors shall be held annually at such times and places as the stock¬ holders may direct. But, if the day for the annual election should pass without an election of officers, the officers formerly elected shall continue in office until a new election takes place. 1860-61. Chap. 134. 145 Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That the election of all ®^ions by officers shall be by ballot, each stockholder casting as many votes as he has shares in the stock of said company, and the person receiving a majority of the stock polled, shall be con¬ sidered duly elected. Each share of the stock shall be entitled to one vote, to be represented in person or by proxy—proxies to be verified in such manner as the by-laws may prescribe. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That the board of directors subscrip- may call for the sums subscribed as stock in said company in such instalments as the interest of said company may, in their opinion, require, the call for each payment to be published, in one or more newspapers, for the space of one month before the day of payment; and on the failure of any stockholder to pay each instalment as thus required, the directors may sell at public auction, ten days' notice having been given, for cash, all the stock subscribed for in said company by such stockholder, and convey the same to the purchaser at said sale; and if said sale of stock do not produce a fund sufficient to pay off the incidental expenses of the sale and the entire amount owing by such stockholder to the company for such subscription of stock, then, and in that case, the whole of such balance shall be held as due at once to the company, and may be recovered of such stockholder, or his executors, administrators, or assigns, at the suit of said company, by action of assumpsit, in any court of competent jurisdiction, or by warrant before a justice of the peace, when the sum does not exceed one hundred dollars. In all cases of assignment of stock before the whole amount has been paid to the company, then for all sums due on such stock, both the original subscriber, [and] the first and all subse¬ quent assigns, shall be liable to the company, and recovered as above described. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted. That the debt of the stock- pebt ofatock- J ' .... holders, holders, due to the company for stock therein, either by the original subscriber or his assignee, shall be of equal dignity with judgments in the distributions of assets of a deceased stockholder by his legal representatives. Sec. §. Be it further enacted, That said company shall certificates of issue certificates of stock to its members, and said stock may bestook' transferred in such manner as may be directed by the by laws of said company. 10 146 1860-61. Chap. 134. Increase of stock. Corporate powers. Contracts. Eight of way. Lands may be condemned. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That said company may at any time increase its capital stock to a sum sufficient to com¬ plete said road, not to exceed an additional sum of seven hundred thousand dollars, either by opening books for subscrip¬ tion of new stock, or borrowing money on the credit of the company or on the mortgage of its charter and works, as shall be prescribed by the stockholders. Sec. 10. Be it further enacted, That said company shall have power to construct, as speedily as possible, a railroad, with one or more tracks, along the line as heretofore set out in this act, and shall have the privilege of using any section of said road constructed by them before the whole is completed. Sec. 11. Be it further enacted, That all contracts or agree¬ ments authenticated by the president and secretary of the board shall be binding on the company—such a mode of authentica¬ tion to be used as the company by their by-laws may direct. Sec. 12. Be it further enacted, That said company shall have the right, when necessary, to construct the said road across any public road, or along the side of any public road. Sec. 13. Be it further enacted, That when any land or right of way may be required by said company for the purpose of con¬ structing their road, and for want of agreement as to the value thereof, or from any other cause, the same cannot be purchased from the owner or owners, the same may be taken at a valua¬ tion to be made by five commissioners, or a majority of them, to be appointed by the county courts of the respective counties where some part of the land or right of way is situated. In making the said valuation, the said commissioners shall take into consideration the loss or damage which may accrue to the owner or owners, in consequence of the lands or right of way being surrendered, and the benefit or advantage he, she or they may receive from the erection of said road, and state particu¬ larly the value and amount of each, and the excess of loss and damage over and above the advantages and benefit shall form the measure of valuation of said land or right of way: Brovidedt nevertheless, That if any person or persons over whose land the road may pass, or the company, should be dissatisfied with the valuation of said commissioners, then, and in that case, either party may appeal to the superior court. The proceedings of said commissioners, accompanied with a full description of 1800-61. Chap. 134. 147 said land or right of way, shall he returned, under the hands and seals of a majority of the commissioners, to the court from which the commission issued, there to remain a matter of record, and the lands or right of way so valued by the commis¬ sioners shall vest in the said company so long as the same shall be used for the purposes of said railroad, so soon as the valua¬ tion may be paid, or when refused, may have been tendered: Provided, That on application for the appointment of commis¬ sioners under this section, it shall be made to appear to the satisfaction of the court, that at least ten days' previous notice has been given by the applicant to the owner or owners of lands proposed to be condemned: Provided, That the right of condemnation shall not extend to the dwelling-house, yard or garden of any individual without his consent. Sec. 14. Be it further enacted, That the. right of said what lands , .. Mi-i-io. condemned. company to condemn lands in the manner described in the 13th section of this act shall extend to the condemning only one hundred feet on each side of the main track of the road, unless in case of deep cuts and fillings, when said company shfll have power to condemn as much in addition thereto as may be necessary for the purpose of constructing said road; and the company, in like manner, shall also have power to condemn any adjoining lands for the construction and building depots, shops, warehouses, buildings for servants, agents, and persons employed on the said road, not exceeding two acres in one lot or station. Sec. 15. Be it further enacted, 'That all lands on which Lands to vest ie the company, the road may be located, not heretofore granted by the State, within one hundred feet of the centre of said road which may be constructed by said company, shall vest in the company as soon as the line of the road is definitely laid out. Sec. 16. Be it further enacted, That said company shall corporate privi- have the exclusive right of the conveyance or transportationleses' of persons, goods merchandise or produce over said road, at such charges as may be fixed on by a majority of the directors. Sec. 17. Be it further enacted, That said company shall corporate privi- have the right, and it shall be their duty, to take at the store le®es' houses they may establish on or annex to their railroad, all goods, wares, merchandise and produce intended for transpor¬ tation, prescribe the rules of priority and charge, and receive 148 1860-'61. CHAP. 134-135. Vacancies in board. Dividends. Notice of process. such just and reasonable compensation for storage as they y rules may establish, or may be fixed by agreement. Sec. 18. Be it further enacted, That the board of directors may fill all vacancies which may occur in it during the period for which they have been elected, kid in the absence or death of the president may appoint a president pro tempore, to fill his place, from among their number. Sec. 19, Be it further enacted, That the profits of the com¬ pany, or so much thereof as the directors may deem advisable, shall, when the affairs of the company will permit, be semi¬ annually divided among the stockholders in proportion to the stock each may own. Sec. 20. Be it further enacted, That notice of process upon the ^president, any director or acting agent of said com¬ pany, shall be deemed lawful notice of process upon the com¬ pany. \_Ratified the 20th day of February, 18G1.] Chap. 135. AN ACfcALLOWING THE RALEIGH AND GASTON RAILROAD COM¬ PANY TO INCREASE THE CAPITAL STOCK. Preamble. Whereas, The whole capital stock of the Raleigh and Gas¬ ton Railroad Company is fixed by the charter at the sum of nine hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars, and each share thereof at one hundred dollars, and by reason of the great ex¬ penditure in permanent fixtures necessarily made to complete the road after exhausting the capital stock, the actual capital invested is now or will soon be upwards of one million, five hundred thousand dollars, so that each share in said company now represents about the sum of one hundred and fifty dol¬ lars : And whereas, At a late general meeting of the stock¬ holders, held on the 4th day of October last, it was deemed expedient and so resolved, that the company should purchase a portion of the slaves to be employed in its service, whereby each share will represent a still larger additional amount of capital stock, and it is but just that the shares should repre- Amou t f ■ as nearly as practicable the amount of capital invested : creMenof°stock. ^ therefore enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That it shall be lawful for the Raieigh 1860-61. Chap. 185. 149 and Gaston Railroad Company to increase the number of shares of its capital stock, so as to make the whole numSer fifteen thousand or less, and that the additional number hereby allowed may be wholly or partly divided among the stockhold¬ ers, according to their several interests, or sold for their use and benefit, or used to purchase slaves for the use of the com¬ pany, as by the stockholders shall be deemed best: Provided, nevertheless, That it shall be necessary for the State, as a stockholder, to concur in the number of increased shares, as also in the disposition thereof. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That if the additional shares, Fractions of or ally number of them, shall be divided among the stockhold¬ ers, all the fractional parts of shares which may accrue on such division shall be added together, so as to' constitute whole shares, and they shall be disposed of for the benefit of those having fractional interest as may be deemed advisable by the company. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That this act, when ac- Act a part of cepted by the company, shall forthwith be deemed a part of the charter, and such acceptance shall be certified to the sec¬ retary of State by the president and directors of the company, under the seal of the corporation. Sec. 4. Be it further Enacted, That a general meeting of Act to be accept- the stockholders may be called for the purpose of accepting meeting?eral the amendment, and if accepted, as provided in section 3rd, at any time Within two years, it shall b& sufficient. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That it shall not be necessary How capital in- for the company to increase the number of shares at once, but they may do so from time to time as shall be resolved on, the State concurring as aforesaid: Provided, however, The whole capital of the company shall not exceed fifteen hundred thou¬ sand dollars. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That every part of the pre¬ sent charter of said company which shall be in conflict with this amendment shall be null and void after its acceptance as aforesaid. [Ratified the 23rd day of February, 1861.] 150 1860-61. tChap. 136. Chap. 136. an act for the relief of charles wilkes, and to charter the st. Catharine's mills and charlotte railroad com¬ pany. Body corporate. Section 1. Be it enacted ly the G-eneral - Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That for the purpose of establishing and maintaining a connection by railway between St. Catharine's Mills, in the county of Mecklenburg, through the town of Charlotte, (upon such terms as may be agreed upon by the au¬ thorities of said town and the company hereby incorporated,) to the depot of the North Carolina and Charlotte and Colum¬ bia Railroad and Captain Wilkes' Steam Flouring Mills, near said town, John Wilkes "and Charles Wilkes, their associates, successors and assigns, [be,] and they are hereby incorporated and made a body politic, by the name and style of the " St. Corporate name. Catharine's and Charlotte Railroad Company," with power to make and from time to time to alter such by-laws, rules and regulations, and to have such officers as may be necessary for the purposes of this act; with power also to have and use a common seal, to sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded at law and in equity, and to have and enjoy all the powers, privileges and authorities conferred by law on railroad and other companies and corporations under the sixty-first and twenty-fifth chapters of the Revised Code of this State, corporate pow- Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the sail? company ers' shall have power to transport for such hire and reward as may be agreed upon, to and between the said points, all such flour, produce, passengers, wood, minerals, iron and all jother arti¬ cles, goods and things whatsoever, by horse or steam power, as they may deem proper, and the same to store for hire and re¬ ward, subject, nevertheless, to such reasonable regulations and restrictions as may be imposed by the town authorities of Charlotte concerning the passage of the same through the streets of said town. Capital stock. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the capital stock of said corporation shall not exceed the sum of one hundred thou¬ sand dollars, to be divided into shares of one hundred dollars each, transferable and assignable as may be prescribed by the by-laws of the company; and all such shares shall be deemed 1860—'61. Chap. 136-137. 151 personal estate, and they may raise money, by loan or other¬ wise, sufficient to equip and complete their road, upon such terms and security as a majority of the holders of stock rep¬ resenting a majority of the capital hereby authorized to be invested, may direct. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That every obstruction to Trespass, the safe and free passage of cars and other vehicles on the said road shall be deemed a public nuisance, and may be abated as such by any officer, agent or servant of the said company, and the person causing such obstruction may be in¬ dicted as for erecting a public nuisance. Sec, 5. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force and have effect from and after its passage. [Ratified the 23(2 day of February, 1861.] an act to enable the western railroad company to ex- Chap. 137. tend their road prom the coal fields to the north carolina railroad. Whereas, The loan of four hundred thousand dollars made Preamble, to the Western Railroad Company, by an act of the last legis¬ lature, entitled " An act to aid in the construction and equip¬ ment of the Western Railroad from Fayetteville to the Coal Fields," was insufficient to enable said company to procure the rolling stock and equipment, build work shops, and construct the necessary wharves at Cape Fear river, for the shipment of coal and other produce, and for the erection of a permanent bridge across Deep River; therefore, to enable said company to complete said works, and to carry into effect the provisions of this act: Section 1. Be it enacted by the Ceneral Assembly of the Two divisions State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That there shall be two divisions of the Western Railroad, viz: the eastern division shall extend from the Cape Fear to the west bank of Deep river, near Egypt, in the county of Chatham, and the western division shall extend from the west bank of Deep river to a point on the North Car¬ olina Railroad, to be hereafter determined by the president and directors of the Western Railroad Company, or the stock* holders of the same, in general meeting assembled. 152 1860-'61. Chap. 1ST. public treasurer Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That for the purpose of com- eastern'dM- ^°r pleting the eastern diyision, procuring the rolling stock and 8,on" equipments, building shops, wharves, and constructing a per¬ manent bridge over Deep river, the public treasurer is hereby Amount. authorized and directed to sell two hundred thousand dollars of the coupon bonds of the State of North Carolina, made in the same manner and form as those heretofore sold for said com¬ pany, and the proceeds thereof to loan to said railroad com¬ pany, the Said company making and delivering to the public treasurer at the same time its coupon bonds for the same amount, and payable at the same time and place as those of the State, sold for its benefit; and to secure the principal and security to interest of said bonds, issued by the Western Railroad Com- State. T ' J pany, the State of North Carolina shall by this act have a lien upon the eastern division of said road, together with all the rights and franchises thereto belonging or in any wise apper¬ taining, and upon all the estate of said company, both real and personal, which they may now have or may hereafter acquire, which lien shall have preference over all other claims what¬ soever. Bonds for west- Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That for the purpose of com¬ pleting the western division of said road, the public treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to issue and sell the coupon bonds of the State of North Carolina, signed by the governor, and countersigned by the public treasurer, and sealed with the great seal of the State, bearing six per cent, interest, the prin¬ cipal payable at the end of thirty years from the date thereof, and the coupons of interest payable semi-annually in such form and at such time and place as the public treasurer may direct, for the purpose of raising the money herein directed to be loaned to the Western Railroad Company. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That before the public trea¬ surer shall make any loan to said company of any of the moneys received from the sale of the bonds hereby authorized to be issued and disposed of, the Western Railroad Company shall deliver to the public treasurer the coupon bonds of said company, bearing the same interest and date, the principal and coupons payable at the same time and place as those of the State herein before directed to be issued and disposed of; and to secure the principal and interest of said bonds issued by the em division. Treasurer to take company bonds. 1860-61. Chap. 13T. 153 Western Railroad Company, the State of North Carolina shall by this act have a lien upon the western division of said road, together with all the rights, franchises and powers thereto belonging, or in any wise appertaining, or which may here¬ after belong or appertain, together with all the real and per¬ sonal estate of said company which they may now have or hereafter acquire, and which lien shall have preference over all other claims whatsoever; and in case of failure of said com¬ pany to pay the semi-annual interest on said bonds for twenty^ four months after such interest shall become due, or to pay the principal of said bonds for twelve months after their maturity, the board of internal improvement for and on behalf of the State may enter upon and take possession of all the property herein before specified, and dispose of the same so as to protect the State. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That the public treasurer Bonds issued as shall issue and dispose of the bonds hereinbefore directed, from time to time, as may be necessary to make the loans to said company, as required by the provisions of this act; and said loans shall be made in the sums and on the conditions follow¬ ing, viz: that whenever the president of said company shall certify to the governor that a section of ten miles of said road has been graded continuously at either end of the western division, that said company has purchased the iron rails, chairs and spikes, and will forthwith, in good faith, proceed to lay down and complete said section of ten miles, said company shall be entitled to receive the sum of one hundred thousand dollars; and upon a like certificate, as each successive ten miles has been graded and prepared to receive the superstruc¬ ture, said company shall be entitled to receive the sum of one hundred thousand dollars, until said division shall be com¬ pleted : Provided, That if the last section shall be less than ten miles, a deduction shall be made in the proportion of one hundred thousand dollars to ten miles of road, it being the purpose of this act to loan said company ten thousand dollars per mile for each mile of road constructed between the eastern division and the final terminus of said road on the North Caro¬ lina Railroad: Provided, further, That none of the bonds au¬ thorized to be issued for the western division of said road shall be sold by the public treasurer, until it shall have been certi- 154 1860-6]. Chap. 13T-1B8. fied to him by the president of said company that the iron rail purchased for the said western division is of the product and manufacture of the State of North Carolina: Provided, fur¬ ther, That the bonds so issued for said western division shall not exceed $500,000. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That whereas, the provisions of the seventh, eighth and tenth sections of the act of the last legislature, entitled "An act to aid in the construction and equipment of the Western Railroad from Fayetteville to the Coal Fields," are unusual, and have not been imposed upon any other company in this State, therefore the said seventh, eighth and tenth sections of said act be, and the same are hereby repealed. Bonds must be Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That the bonds herein pro- a par. by the public treasurer shall not be disposed of by him for less than their par value. [Ratified the 16th day of February, 1861.] Chap. 138. an act to amend the charter of the western north car¬ olina railroad company. Approves route. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That the route selected by said company for the location of their road from the east bank of the French Broad river to the Tennessee line, at or near Duck Town or Cowone, under the provisions of the second section of the acts of 1854 and '5, and 185S and '9, be, and the same are hereby approved. First section of Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the first section of rofld* • » • • • • said road, instead of being divided into two sections as hereto¬ fore, shall be extended from Salisbury to, and terminate at the western portal of the Blue Ridge tunnel west of the Swanna- noa Gap, instead of Morgantown; but the subscriptions made for the divisions of that section east and west of Morgantown, shall be applied to the construction of the division designated by the subscription. Book of sub- Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the company, as pro- second section, vided in said act, shall open books for the subscription of stock Repealing clause. 1800-61. Chap. 138. 155 for the second section of said road, to extend from the termi¬ nus of the said first section to a point to he selected by the company on French Broad river, as near as may be consistent "with tjie interest of the company to the village of Asheville; and as soon as one-third of the estimated cost of that section is subscribed by solvent individuals, counties and corporations, as provided in the act of 1854-'5, the company shall place that section under contract. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That as soon as the second subscription to . 'i-iiiii _ . , third section. Section is put undqr contract, it shall be the duty of said com¬ pany to open books for the subscription of stock to extend the third section of said road from the terminus of the section to Waynesville, in the county of Haywood, or to a point west of the head of Richland creek; and as soon as one-third of the estimated cost of this section terminating at either of the points designated shall have been subscribed, it shall be the duty of the company to put a portion or all of the said section under contract. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of french broad said company, at the same time they open books for the sub¬ scription of stock for the third division, also to open books for the subscription of stock to construct a branch of said road down French Broad river, agreeably to a survey recently made by said company, terminating at the Paint Rock on the Tennessee line. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That the remainder of the remainder of appropriation made for said road under the act of 1854-5,aPPropnatl(m* after setting apart a sufficient sum to pay the contractors and complete the road to the point on French Broad river, in the county of Buncombe, shall be equally divided between the third division extending to Waynesville, or a point west of the head of Richland creek, and the branch down French Broad river to the Paint Rock; and as soon as one-half that sum shall have been subscribed, as provided in third section, for either the third division or the branch, it shall be the duty of the company to put a portion or all of either or both under contracts. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That the payments required state's subscrip- to be made on the part of the State under this act and the act of 1854, in one year from the passage of this act, shall not ex- 156 1860-61. Chap. 138-189. ceed seven hundred thousand dollars: this limitation on tfie expenditure is intended as a substitute for the restrictions under the act of 1854~'5. Repealing Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That all laws and clauses of laws, coming in conflict with this act, be, and the same are hereby repealed, and that this act be in [force] from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 18th day of February, 1861.] Chap. 139. an act to incorporate the williamson and tareoro' railroad company. capital stock. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Creneral Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That a company by the name and style of the Williamston and Tarboro' Railroad Company, be, and the same is hereby incorporated, with a capital stock of three hun¬ dred thousand dollars, divided into shares of one hundred dol¬ lars each, for the purpose of constructing a railroad from some point at or near the town of Williamston, in the county of Martin, to some point at or near the town of Tarboro', in the county of Edgecombe. commissioners. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That for the purpose of cre¬ ating the capital stock of said company, the following persons be, and they are hereby appointed commissioners, viz: Asa Biggs, D. W. Bagley, C. B. Hapell, John R. Lanier and John C. Lamb, L. L. (Elements, Archibald Staton, L. S. Yates, Bryant Bennett and H. M. Mizell, of the county of Martin; Henry T. Clarke, Wm. M. Pippins, Robt. Brown, John Nor- fleet, Whitmel Loyd, Theofolus Hyman, Wm. B. Cherry, B. C. Mayo, Calvin Jones and Joshua Lawrence, of the county of Edgecombe, whose duty it shall be to direct the opening of books for subscription of stock at such times and places, and under the direction of such persons, as they, or a majority of them, may appoint; and said commissioners shall have power to appoint a chairman of their body, and a treasurer, and all other officers their organization may require, and to sue for all such sums of money as ought under this act to be recovered by them. Books opened. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That all persons who are by 1860-61. Chap. 139. 157 this act authorized, or who may hereafter by the general Books opened, commissioners be authorized to open books of subscription, may do so at any time after the ratification of this act, upon giving twenty days' notice of the time and place when said books will be opened; and said books shall be kept open for the space of thirty days, at least, and as long thereafter as the general commissioners, or a majority of those who act, may decide; and all subscriptions of stock shall be in shares-of one hundred dollars, the subscriber paying, at the time of making his sub¬ scription, five dollars on each share by him subscribed, to the person or persons authorized to receive such subscription; and in case of failing to pay such sum, all such subscriptions shall be void and of no effect; and upon closing the books, all such sums as shall have been thus received of subscribers of the first cash instalment, shall be paid over to the general com¬ missioners by the persons receiving the same; and in case of failing to pay, as aforesaid, such person or persons receiving said money shall be personally liable to said general commis¬ sioners before the organization of said company, and to the company itself, after organization, to be recovered in the county or superior courts of law within this State, in the county where such person resides; or if he resides in any other State, then in any court in such State having competent juris¬ diction. The general commissioners shall have power to Call on and require all persons empowered to receive subscription of stock at any time, and from time to time, as a majority of them think proper, to make a return [of the Stock] by them respec¬ tively received, and to make payment of all sums of money paid by subscribers; and all persbns receiving stock, shall pass a receipt to the subscriber or subscribers for the payment of the first instalment, as heretofore required to be paid; and' upon their settlement with the general commissioners, as afore¬ said, it shall be the duty of the general commissioners, in like# manner, to pass their receipts for alliums thus received to the persons from whom received; and such receipts shall be taken and held to be good and sufficient vouchers to the persons holding them; and subscriptions of stock may be received as aforesaid, or as hereafter provided for, to the amount of three hundred thousand dollars. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of 158 1860-'61. Chap. 139. Body politic, said general commissioners to direct and authorize said hooks of subscription to be kept open - until the sum of thirty-five thousand dollars, at least, shall be subscribed in manner afore¬ said, and as soon as the said sum of thirty-five thousand dollars shall be subscribed in manner aforesaid, and the sum of five dollars on each share paid in, as aforesaid, the subscribers to said stock shall be, and they are hereby declared a body politic and corporate, in fact and in law, by the name of " The Wil- liamston and Tarboro' Railroad Company," with all the corpo¬ rate powers and authority hereby created and granted, to be held and exercised by said company, and their successors and assigns, for the term of ninety-nine years, and by that name shall be capable in law and in equity to purchase, hold, lease, rent, sell or convey estate, real, personal or mixed, and to acquire the same by gift, devise or otherwise, so far as shall be necessary for the purposes embraced within the scope, object and intention of this charter; and shall have commission and a common seal, which they may use, alter or renew at pleasure, and by their corporate name may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded in any court of law or equity in this State, or any other State; and shall have, possess and enjoy all the rights, privileges and immunities which corporate bodies may, and of right do exercise, and may make all such by-laws, rules and regulations as are necessary for the government of the corporation, or for effecting the object for which it is created, not inconsistent with the laws of this State, or of the United States. General meet- Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That as soon as the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars, or upwards, shall be sub¬ scribed, as aforesaid, it shall be the duty of the general "commissioners to appoint a time for the stockholders to meet at such place as they may designate, which they shall cause to be previously published for the space of thirty days in one or more newspapert, at which time and place the said Directors. stockholders shall, in person or by proxy, proceed to elect by ballot seven directors of the company, and to enact all such rules, regulations and by-laws- as may be necessary for the government of said corporation and transaction of its business. The persons elected directors at this meeting shall serve such period, not exceeding one year, as the stockholders may direct; and at this meeting the stockholders shall fix on the day and 1860-61. Chap. 139. 159 place when and where the next election of directors shall he held, and so at such subsequent meeting, and such electors [[elections] shall henceforth be annually made. But if the day of the annual election shall pass without any election of direc¬ tors, the corporation shall not thereby be dissolved, but it shall be lawful on any other day to hold and make such elec¬ tion in such manner as may be prescribed by the by-laws of the corporation. Sec. C. Be it further enacted, That the officers of said Board, company shall be managed by a general board, to consist of seven directors, to be elected by the stockholders from among themselves at their first and subsequent general annual meet¬ ing ; and no stockholder shall be elected a director, nor serve as such, unless he be at the time of his election the bona fide owner and legal holder of five shares of said stock, and shall continue to hold the same during the term of his service. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That the president of said president, company shall be chosen by ballot, by a majority of the direc¬ tors from among themselves, with a salary to be fixed by the stockholders in general meeting. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That all stockholders, being vote of stock, citizens of the United States, shall be entitled to vote either in person or by proxy (the proxy being a stockholder), at all the general meetings, and the vote to which each stockholder shall be entitled, shall be according to the number of shares he may hold, in the proportion following: that is to say, for one share and not more than two, one vote; for every two shares above two and not exceeding ten, one vote; for [every] four shares above ten and not exceeding thirty, one vote; for every eight shares over sixty and not exceeding one hundred, one vote; for every ten shares over one hundred, one vote. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That at the first general adjourned meeting of the stockholders under this act, or [a] majority ofmeetins3- all the shares subscribed shall be represented before proceed¬ ing to business; and if a sufficient number do not attend on the day appointed, those who do attend shall have power to adjourn from time to time until a regular meeting be thus formed; and at such meeting the stockholders may provide by a by-law as to the number of stockholders, and the amount of stock to be held by them, which shalltconstitute a quorum for 160 1860-'61. Chap. 139. Vacancies. Additional sub¬ scription. transacting business at all subsequent regular or occasional meetings of stockholders and directors. Returns by com- Sec. 10. Be it further enacted, That the general commis- missioners. gjoners shall make their return of the shares of stock sub¬ scribed for, at the first general meeting of stockholders, and pay over to the directors elected at that meeting, or their authorized agent, all sums of money received from subscribers; and on failure so to do, they shall be personally liable to said company, to be recovered at the suit of said company in any county or superior court in this State, in the county wherein the delinquent resides; and in case of his death, the same shall be recovered of his executor or administrator. Sec. 11. Be it further enacted, That the board of directors may fill all vacancies which may occur in it during the period for which they have been elected; and in the absence of the president, may fill his place by electing a president 'pro tern. from among their number. Sec. 12. Be it further enacted, That the said board of directors shall have power aiyl authority to open books for fur¬ ther subscription to the stock of said company, and at such time and under such persons as they may designate, in the event the whole stock be not subscribed before the first general meeting of the stockholders, and to open and to keep open such books from time to time, until the whole amount of capi¬ tal stock be subscribed. Sec. 13. Be it further enacted, That the said company shall have power, and may proceed to construct, as speedily as pos¬ sible, a railroad, with one or more tracks, from some point at or near the town of Williamston, in the county of Martin, to some point at or near the town of Tarboro1, in the county of Edge¬ combe, to be determined by the stockholders at their first general meeting, or as soon thereafter as practicable; and the said company shall have the exclusive right of conveyance or transportation of persons, goods, merchandise and produce over the road constructed by them, at such charges as may be fixed upon by a majority of the directors. Sec. 14. Be it further enacted, That the [board] of directors may call for the payment of the sums subscribed as stock in said company in such instalments as the interest of said com¬ pany may in their opinion require. The call for each payment Corporate powers. Payment of stock. 1860-61. Chap. 139. 161 shall be published in one or more newspapers in this State for the space of one month before the day of payment; and on failure of any stockholder to pay each instalment as they [are] required, the directors may sell at public auction, on a pre¬ vious notice of ten days, for cash, all thq stock subscribed for in said company by such stockholders, and convey the same to the purchaser; and if said sale of stock do not produce a sum sufficient to pay* off the entire amount owing by such stock¬ holder to the company for such subscription of stock, then and in that case the whole of such balance shall be held and taken as due at once to the, company, and may be recovered of such stockholder, or of his executors or administrators, at the suit of said company, in any court of competent jurisdiction. And in all cases of assignment of stock before the whole amount of stock has been paid to the company, thus for all sums due on such stock, both the original subscriber, and the first and all subsequent assignees shall be liable to the company, and the same may be recovered as above described. Sec. 15. Be it further enacted, That said company shall certificates of upon [issue] certificates of stock to its members, and said stock may be transferred in such manner and form as may be directed by the by-laws of the company. Sec. 16. Be it further enacted, That said company may corporate purchase, have and hold in fee, or for a term of years, anypowers> lands, tenements or hereditaments which may be necessary for the said road, or the appurtenances thereof, or for the erection of depot-stations, store-houses, houses for the officers, servants .or agents for the company, or for work-shops or foundries to be used for said company, or for procuring stone or other ma¬ terials necessary to the construction of the road, or for effect¬ ing transportation thereon. Sec. 17. Be it further enacted, That the company shall Right of way. have the right, when necessary, to conduct the said road across or along any public road or water course: Provided, The said company shall not obstruct any public road without constructing another equally good and convenient. Sec. 18. Be it further enacted, That when any land or May condemn right of way may be required by said company for the pur-land' pose of constructing their road, and for want of agreement as to the value thereof, or from any other cause, the same 11 1860-61. Chap. 139. cannot be purchased from the owner, the same may be taken at a valuation to be made by five commissioners, or a majority of them, to be appointed by any court of record hav¬ ing competent jurisdiction in the county where some part of the land or right of way is located. In making the said valu¬ ation, the said commissioners shall take into consideration the loss or damage which may accrue to the owner or owners in consequence of the land or right of way being surrendered, and the benefit and advantage, general or special, which he, she or they may receive by the increased value of the Jand, or any special benefit which may arise from the location of a depot or otherwise on said land, or any benefit which may accrue in any way whatsoever, by the establishment of said railroad or work, and shall state particularly the value and amount of each, and the excess of the loss and damage over and above the advantage and benefit: Provided, nevertheless, That if any person or persons over whose land the road may pass, or if said company shall be dissatisfied with the valuation of said commissioners, then, and in that case, the party so dissatisfied may have an appeal to the superior court in the county wherein the valuation has been made, or in either county in which the land may lie where it shall be in more than one county, under the same rules, regulations and restric¬ tions as in other cases of appeal. The proceedings of said commissioners, with a full description of the said land or right of way, shall be returned under the hands and seals of a majority of them, to the court from which the commission [was issued^] there to remain a matter of record; and the land or right of way so valued shall vest in the said company so long as the same shall be used for the purpose of the said railroad, so soon as the valuation shall have been paid, or where re¬ fused, may have been tendered: Provided, That on application for the appointment of commissioners under this section, it shall be made to appear to the satisfaction of the court that at least ten days' previous notice has been given by the applicant to the owner or owners of the land so proposed to be con¬ demned ; or if the owner or owners be infants or non compos mentis, then to the guardiati of such owner or owners, if such guardian can be found within the county, or if he cannot be found, then such application shall have been published at least 1860-61. Chap. 139. 163 one month next preceding, in some newspaper printed as con¬ venient as may be to the court-house of the county in which the application is made; Provided, further, That the valuation provided for in this section shall be made on oath by the com¬ missioners aforesaid, which oaths any justice of the peace or clerk of a court is authorized to administer: Provided, fur¬ ther, That the right of condemnation herein granted shall not authorize the said company to remove the dwelling-house, yard, garden or burial-ground of any individual, without his consent. Sec. 19. Be it further enacted, That the right of said com-what land may pany to condemn land in the manner aforesaid shall extend to be condemned' the condemning of one hundred feet on each side of main track of the road, measuring from the centre of the same; and the company shall also have power to condemn and appropriate lands in like manner for the constructing and building of de¬ pots, shops, warehouses, and buildings for servants, agents and persons employed on the [road,] and [not] exceeding two acres in any one lot or station. Sec. 20. Be it further enacted, That in the absence of any Title of land to contract or contracts with said company in relation to the landnyS.tmcompar through which the said road may pass, signed by the owner thereof, or his agent, or any claimant or person in possession thereof, it shall be presumed that the land upon which the said road may be constructed, together with the space of one hun¬ dred feet on each side of the centre of said road, has been granted to said company by the owner thereof, and the said company shall have good right and title thereto, and shall have, hold and enjoy the same as long as the same be used for the purpose of the said road, and no longer, unless the person or persons owning said land at the time that part of the said road which may be on the said land was finished, or those claiming under him, her or them shall apply for an assessment of the value of said land as hereinbefore directed, within two years next after that part of the said road which may be on the said lands was finished; and in case the said owner, or those claiming under him, shall not apply within two years next after the said part was finished, he, she or they shall be forever barred from recovering said land, or having any assess¬ ment or compensation therefor: Provided, Nothing herein 164 1860-61. Chap. 139. contained shall affect the right of feme coverts or infants until two years after the removal of the respective disabilities. Sec. 21. Be it further enacted, That all lands not granted to any person heretofore, within one hundred feet of the centre of said road, shall vest in the company as soon as the line of the road is definitely laid out through it, and any grant of said land thereafter shall be void. namage to road, Sec. 22. Be it further enacted, That if any person shall wilfully and maliciously destroy or in any manner hurt, dam¬ age or obstruct, or shall wilfully or maliciously cause or aid or assist, or counsel or advise any other person or persons to de¬ stroy, or in any manner to hurt, damage, injure or obstruct the said railroad, or bridge, or vehicle used for transportation on said road, or any water-tank, ware-house, or other property of said company, such person or persons so offending shall be liable to indictment therefor, and on conviction, shall be im¬ prisoned not more than six nor less than one month, and pay a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars nor less than twenty dollars, at the discretion of the court before which the trial takes place. corporate priri- Sec. 23. Be it further enacted, That the said company shall have the right to take at the store-house they may estab¬ lish on or annex to their railroad, all goods, wares, merchan¬ dise and produce intended for transportation; to prescribe the rules of priority, and charge and receive such [just] and rea¬ sonable compensation for storage as they by rules may establish, (which they shall cause to be published,) or as may [be] fixed by agreement with the owners, which may be distinct from the rates of transportation. dividends. Sec. 24. Be it further enacted, That the profits of the company, or so much thereof as the general board may deem advisable, shall, when the affairs of the company will permit, semi-annually [be] divided amongst the stockholders, in pro¬ portion to the stock each may own. exemptions of Sec. 25. Be it further enacted, That all the officers of the company, and servants, and persons in the actual employ of the company, be, and they [are hereby] exempted from per¬ forming ordinary military duty, working on public roads, and serving as jurors. Survey. Sec. 26, Be it further enacted, That for the purpose of 1860-'61. CHAP. 139-140. 165 ascertaining tlie best route for said road, and to locate the same, it shall be lawful for said company, by its engineer, servants and agents, to enter upon, examine and survey any land or lands they »may wish to examine for that purpose. Sec. 27. Be it f urther enacted, That the company aforesaid company to shall keep a full record of all its proceedings; and if any 0flfeeParecord' the persons named as general commissioners refuse to act, those who do act are hereby authorized to appoint other com¬ missioners in their places. [Ratified the 22>d day of February, 1861.] AN ACT CONCERNING- THE WILMINGTON AND WELDON RAILROAD Chap. 140. COMPANY. Whereas, The Wilmington and Weldon Railroad Company Preamble, has, in conformity with a law passed by the Legislature of this State, issued the bonds of said company to the amount of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, which bonds are endorsed by the State of North Carolina as the said law provides; and whereas, There remains unpaid of said bonds the sum of one hundred thousand dollars, of which sum $50,000 is payable on the 1st of January, 1862, and $50,000 on the 1st of January, 1863, which bonds are held and owned by the State of North Carolina and the president and directors of the literary fund of North Carolina: Be it enacted by the G-eneral Assembly of the State of Extends time of J^orth Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of Eomts?nt °f the same, That the time of payment of said unpaid bonds shall be extended so as to make the same payable, viz: fifty thousand dollars on the 1st day of January, 1867, and fifty thousand dollars on the 1st day of January, 1868, and that the said bonds shall continue to bear interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum until their maturity as herein extended, which interest shall be payable semi-annually at the time and place as set forth in said bonds. [Ratified the 23d day of February, 1861.] 166 1860-61. Chap. 140. Chap. 141. an act to construct a branch prom the Wilmington and weldon railroad to or near the town of fayette- yille. Powers to con- Section 1. Be it enacted by the G-eneral Assembly of the struct a branch. Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That the Wilmington and Weldon Rail¬ road Company shall have power and authority to open books for the subscription for the capital of the company from time to time; and when they may deem the same practicable with the means th^ may have at command, they shall have authority to construct a branch from some suitable point on the line of their road, in the county of Duplin, through the counties of Sampson and Cumberland, to some point at or near the town of Fayetteville : Provided, The said road shall not go further south on the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad than the deep cut between Warsaw and Magnolia, counties may Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That each and every county subscribe. . . on the line of the whole road shall be authorized and empow¬ ered to subscribe for any number of shares of the capital stock of said company, not exceeding twenty-five hundred shares, under the provisions following: a majority of the jus¬ tices of each county, at any time [term] of the county court, shall determine the number of shares for which they propose the county shall subscribe, and appoint a day for holding an elec¬ tion in relation thereto, and cause the same to be entered upon the minutes of the court; and it shall be the duty of the sheriff of thq county in at least four public places to advertise the object and day of the election for at least sixty days prior thereto, and on said day to open and keep open the polls agree¬ ably to the acts regulating the elections for members of the General Assembly, and all the qualified voters for members of the House of Commons in said county favoring the subscrip¬ tion may vote " Yea," and all opposed may vote 44 No," and the result of such election shall be faithfully made known to the justices holding the first county court thereafter, and be made a matter of record; the result being favorable to the subscrip¬ tion, the same shall be ample and full authority for the chair¬ man of the court, and it shall be his duty, to make the subscription as proposed in the name of the county. To enable 1860-61. Chap. 140. 16T the justices of said county to meet the instalments that may be required upon such subscription, or otherwise pay for the same, they are hereby invested with authority to issue the bonds of the county, redeemable in any period not exceeding twenty-five years from the dates thereof, to heap interest payable semi¬ annually, at a rate not exceeding seven per cent, per annum; add it shall be the duty of the justices of the county regularly to provide the means for meeting the interest on the county bonds as the same shall become due, by layipg such taxes an¬ nually on the persons, lands and other property within the county as shall and may be sufficient for the purpose ; and the said justices shall likewise annually appoint a county agent to negotiate any loan or loans that may be necessary, to sell and dispose of the bonds, to receive the tax imposed to meet the interest, and regularly and faithfully apply the same to its payment, to represent the said county in all meetings of the stockholders of the railroad company, and receive the divi¬ dends that may become due upon-the county stock, and apply the same either to the interest or to a sinking fund for the extin¬ guishment of the principal as the justices of the county court may direct; and it shall likewise be the duty of the justices of the county in due season to make ample provisions, by tax¬ ation or otherwise, for liquidating the principal of said bonds as they shall come to maturity. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That to enable the company state treasurer to construct said branch, the public treasurer is hereby autho-t0 lssuebonds" rized and directed to issue and dispose of for money, coupon bonds of the State of North Carolina, signed by the governor, countersigned by the public treasurer, and sealed with the great seal of the State, bearing six per cent, interest, the prin¬ cipal payable at the end of thirty years from the date thereof, and the coupons of interest payable semi-annually in such form and at such times and places as the public treasurer may direct, for the purpose of raising the funds hereinafter directed to be loaned to the said Wilmington and Weldon .Railroad Company. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That before the public trea- state security, surer shall make any loan to said company of any of the moneys received upon any of the bonds hereby authorized to he issued and disposed of, the said Wilmington and Weldon 168 1860-61. Chap. 140. Railroad Company, a majority of the stockholders assenting thereto, shall deliver to the public treasurer the coupon bonds of said company, and bearing the same interest and date, the principal and coupons payable at the same time and place as those of the State hereinbefore directed to be issued and dis¬ posed of; and to secure the principal and interest of said bonds issued by the said Wilmington and Weldon Railroad Company, the State of North Carolina shall by this act have a lien upon all the estate of said company, both real and per¬ sonal, which they may now have, or may hereafter acquire upon said branch of said road, including that at both points, together with all the rights, franchises and powers thereta be¬ longing, or in any ways appertaining, or that may hereafter belong or appertain to said company, and which lien shall have preference over all other claims whatever; and in case of fail¬ ure of said company to pay the semi-annual interest on said bonds for twenty-four months after such interest shall become due, or to pay the principal of said bonds for twelve months after their maturity, the board of internal improvement, for and on behalf of the State, may enter upon and take posses¬ sion of all the property hereinbefore specified, and dispose of the same, by sale or otherwise, so as to protect the State: Provided, Nothing contained in this act shall authorize the directors of the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad Company to divest the dividends which may accrue upon the stock of the literary hoard from the common school fund; but the said dividends shall be regularly paid as they accrue. When state ®EG* it further enacted, That the public treasurer loan to be made. gha]] issue and dispose of the bonds as hereinbefore directed, from time to time, as may be necessary, to make the loans to said company as required by the provisions of this act, and the said loan shall be made so soon as the grading is completed for the sum of five thousand dollars per mile: Provided, That the amount so loaned shall not exceed two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. To b« sold not Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That bonds of the State less than par. Jjgj.gjjy authorized to be issued shall not be sold for less than their par value. Connection. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That said company shall have power and authority to connect said branch with the rail- 1860-61. Chap. 140-141. 169 way of the "Western Railroad Company at or near the town of Fayetteville: Provided, That said connection shall not be made at a distance of more than five miles from the said town of Fayetteville. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted. That the Wilmington and May make the Titr -t i n i t branch separate Weldon Railroad Company, at their election, may construct stock, and equip the said branch railroad as a part of their road, or may construct and equip the said branch railroad with a sepa¬ rate capital stock, separate earnings, profits and dividends. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in operation from and after its ratification. \Ratified the 18th day of February > 1861.] an act to incorporate the university railroad company. Chap. 141. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Qeneral Assembly of the b94y corporate. State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au- thority of the same, That for the purpose of constructing a railroad, to be operated either by horse or sleam power, from Chapel Hill to the North Carolina Railroad, David L. Swain, Francis L. Hawks, John M. Morehead, Richard J. Ashe, Pride Jones, Josiah Turner, sr., R. R. Bridges and W. N. Patterson, and such other persons as they may associate with them, their successors and assigns, are hereby declared to be a'body politic and corporate, in fact and in law, by the name and style of the " University Railroad Company," with all the corporate powers and authority hereby created and granted, to be held and exercised by said company and their successors and assigns in perpetuity; and in that name shall be capable in law and equity to purchase, hold, lease, rent, sell or convey estates, real, personal and mixed, and to acquire the same by gift or otherwise, so far as shall be necessary for the purposes embraced within the scope, object and interest of this charter, and shall have perpetual succession, and a common seal which they may renew and alter at pleasure; and by their corporate name may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded in any court of law and equity in this State or any other State, and shall have, possess and enjoy all the rights, privileges and immunities which corporate bodies may and of right do 1T0 1860-61. Chap. 141. exercise J and may make all such by-laws, rules and regulations as are necessary for the government of the corporation or for effecting the object for which it is created, not inconsistent with the laws of this State or of the United States. capital stock. Sec. 2. That the capital stock of said company shall be two hundred thousand dollars, to be divided into shares of one hundred dollars each, and for the purpose of creating the same, the said company may open books of subscription at such times and places, under such persons, and under such rules and regulations, as they may prescribe. Directors. Sec. 8. That as soon as forty thousand dollars or upwards shall have been subscribed to the capital stock of the com¬ pany, the corporation shall meet at Chapel Hill, and shall proceed to elect, by ballot, five directors of the company, and to make all such regulations and by-laws as may be necessary for the government of said corporation and the transaction of its business ; the persons elected directors at this meeting shall serve such period, not exceeding one year, as the stockholders may direct, and at this meeting the stockholders shall fix the time and place when and where subsequent elections of direc¬ tors shall be held, and such election shall thenceforth be annu¬ ally made; but if the day of the annual election of directors shall pass without any election of directors, the corporation shall not thereby be dissolved, but it shall be lawful on any other day to hold and make such election, in such manner as may be prescribed by a by-law of the corporation. board. Sec. 4. That the affairs of the said company shall be man¬ aged by a general board, to consist of five directors, to be elected by the stockholders from among themselves at their first and subsequent general annual meetings. President. Sec. 5. That the said directors shall choose by ballot from among themselves a president of said company, and said board of directors shall also elect such other officers of the company as their interest may require, with salaries to be fixed by the stockholders in general meeting. Vote of stock. Sec. 6. That all the stockholders, being citizens of the United States, shall be entitled to vote, either in person or by proxy, the proxy being a stockholder, at all general meetings, and the vote to which each stockholder shall be entitled shall be according to the number of shares he shall hold in the propor- 1860-61. Chap. 141. 1T1 tion following: that is to say, for one share, and not more than two, one vote; for every two shares above two and not ex¬ ceeding ten, one vote j for every four shares above ten and not exceeding thirty, one vote; for every six shares over thirty and not exceeding sixty, one vote; for every eight shares over sixty and not exceeding one hundred, one vote ; for every ten shares over one hundred and not exceeding two hundred, one vote. Sec. 7. That after the first general meeting of the stock- General meet- holders under this act, a majority of all the shares subscribed ms' shall be represented before proceeding to business, and if a sufficient number do not appear on the day appointed, those who do appear shall have power to adjourn from time to time until a regular meeting be thus formed; at such general meet¬ ing the stockholders may provide by a by-law what number of stockholders, and the amount of stock to be held by them, shall constitute a quorum for transacting business at all subse¬ quent regular or occasional meetings of stockholders and directors. Sec. 8. That the board of directors may fill all vacancies Vacancies, which may occur in it during the period for which they have been elected, and in the absence of the president may fill his place by electing a president pro tempore from among their number. Sec. 9. That said company shall have full power, and shall When charter . mi •! i void. proceed as speedily as possible to construct a railroad trom Chapel Hill to some point on the North Carolina Railroad, and if such road is not really commenced on or before the first day of January, 1863, and completed by the first day of Jan¬ uary, 1867, this act of incorporation, with all the powers therein granted, shall cease and become void. Sec. 10. That said company shall have the exclusive right Corporate pn r. . , . ° vileges. ot conveyance or transportation ot persons, goods, merchan¬ dise and produce over the road constructed by them upon such charges as may be fixed upon by a majority of the directors, and the said company may farm out their right of transporta¬ tion over the said road subject to the rules above mentioned, and the said company, and every person who may have re¬ ceived from them the right of transportation of goods, wares and produce in said railroadj shall be deemed and taken to be 172 1860-61. Chap. 141. a common carrier, as respects everything intrusted to said road for transportation. Payments g^c. 11. That the board of directors may call for the pay¬ ment of the sum subscribed as stock in said company in such instalments as the interest of said company may, in their opin¬ ion, require; and on the failure of any stockholder to pay each instalment as thus required, the directors may sell at public auction, on a previous notice of twenty days, for cash, all the stock subscribed for in said company by such stockholder, and convey to the purchaser at said sale, discharged from all other liability; and if the said sale of stock do not produce a sum sufficient to pay all the incidental expenses of the sale and the entire amount owing by said stockholder to the company for such subscription of stock, then, and in that case, the whole of the balance shall be held and taken as due at once to the company, and may be recovered of such stockholder, or of his executors, administrators or assigns, at the suit of said com¬ pany, either by summary motion in the county or superior court where the delinquent resides, on a previous notice of ten days to said subscriber, or by action in any court of compe¬ tent jurisdiction, or by a warrant before a justice of the peace, where the sum does not exceed one hundred dollars; and in all cases of assignment before the whole has been paid to the company, then, for all sums due on said stock, the original subscriber and the first and all subsequent assignees shall be liable to the company, and the same may be [recovered] as above described. Sec. 12. That the debts of stockholders due to the company for the stock therein, either as original subscriber or as first or subsequent assignee, shall be considered of equal dignity with judgments in the distribution of assets of a deceased stockholder by his legal representative, certificates of Sec. 13. That said company shall issue certificates of stock stock. .^.g memjjerS) an(J Said stock may be transferred in such man¬ ner and form as may be directed by the law of the company. Beports. ®EC* That the board of directors shall make at least once a year a report to the general meeting of stockholders on the affairs and business of the company, and as much oftener as the company may require. Bight of way. gj;c. 15. That in the absence of any contract with said 1860-61. Chap. 141-142. 173 company in relation to tlie land through which said road may pass, it shall he presumed that the land upon which said road may he constructed, together with the space of sixty feet on each side of the centre of said road, has heen granted to said company by the owner thereof, and said company shall have good right and title thereto, and shall have, hold, [and] enjoy the same as long as the same shall be used for the purposes of said road, and no longer, unless the owner of said land shall apply for an assessment fff the value of said lands, according to law, within two years next after that part of the road which may be upon said land was finished. Sec. 16. That the profits of said company, when their af- dividends, fairs will permit, shall be semi-annually divided among the stockholders in proportion to the stock which each may own. Sec. 17. That the said company are thereby authorized and increase of empowered to increase the capital stock of said company whenever the same may be necessary, by loan or otherwise, to the sum of three hundred thousand dollars. Sec. 18. Be it further enacted, That the North Carolina n. c. railroad Railroad Company is hereby authorized to subscribe stock jnmaysu scn said company not exceeding fifty thousand dollars, and to pay the same out of the nett earnings of their road. [Ratified the 23rd day of February, 1861.] an act to secure the completion of the wilmington, Chap. 142. charlotte and rutherford railroad company, and amend its charter. Section 1. Be it enacted by the G-eneral Assembly of the Loan of state to State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the aM-company' thority of the same, That as additional to the aid at present pledged by the State of North Carolina to the Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford Railroad Company, the public trea¬ surer is hereby authorized and directed to advance, as a loan to said company, the sum of six hundred and sixty thousand dollars for the completion of its eastern division, and the fur¬ ther sum of three hundred and forty thousand dollars for the completion of its western division ; the one-fourth part of said sums shall be advanced to said company on the first of 174 1860-61.—Chap. 142. April next, one other fourth part on the first day of October next, and the remaining half upon the first day of July, Proviso. 1862 : Provided, That said company shall call for said sums on the days stated, and certify to the treasurer that the same can be advantageously expended in the prosecution of the •works ; and if the same be not called for upon said days, then the payments shall thereafter be made when the same can be used with advantage; and to enable the public treasurer to make said loans, he is hereby authorized and directed to issue and dispose of (at not less than their par value) the coupon bonds of the State, signed by the governor, countersigned by the treasurer, and sealed with the great seal of the State, bearing six per cent, interest, the principal payable at the end of thirty years from their respective dates, and the coupons of interest payable semi-annually in such forms, times and places as the public treasurer may direct, state's security. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That before the public trea¬ surer shall make any loan as aforesaid, the said Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford Railroad Company shall deliver to the public treasurer the coupon bonds of said company, bear¬ ing the same interest and date, the principal and coupons pay¬ able at the same time and place as those of the State hereinbefore directed to be issued and disposed of; and to se¬ cure the principal and interest of said bonds issued by the Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford Railroad Company, the State of North Carolina shall by this act have a lien upon all the estate of said company, both real and personal, which they may now have or may hereafter acquire between the town of Wilmington and the terminus of said road at Rutherford- ton, including that at both places, together with all the rights, franchises and powers thereunto belonging, or in any wise ap¬ pertaining, or that may hereafter belong or appertain to said company, which lien shall have preference over all other claims whatever; and in case of failure of said company to pay the semi-annual interest on said bonds for twenty-four calendar months after such interest shall become due, or to pay the principal of said bonds for twelve calendar months after their maturity, the board of internal improvement, for and on behalf of the State, may enter upon and take possession of all the 1860-61. Chap. 142. 175 property hereinbefore specified, and dispose of the same by sale or otherwise, so as to protect the State. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That any of the real or sale of compa- personal estate of said company may be sold by the board of 8 property- directors, the assent of the board of internal improvement being first had and obtained for any such sale. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, To afford at all times a sure company may and safe mode of investing any sinking fund it may establish, bon6d™lts that it shall be competent for said company at any time to re¬ deem from the public treasurer any nurhber or portion of its bonds, the same then being the property of the State, by paying therefor the par value thereof, and if the bonds of this State shall be below par, then by paying therefor the same price that said State bonds may command in the leading mar¬ kets of the country, to be ascertained by the public treasurer. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That said company may at New subscrip- any time open books for new subscriptions to its capital stock, and whenever the same may be deemed practicable, with any means it may command, it shall have power to construct and use a branch of its road from some point either in Anson or Richmond county to the town of Salisbury; and the counties through which the same may pass shall have power and au¬ thority to subscribe to the capital stock, pursuing the mode prescribed in the charter of the company for the counties along the main stem of the road : Provided, however, That no part of the State loan shall be applied to the construction of said branch, and if built by said company, the lien of the State shall not extend thereto, nor to any part of the real or per¬ sonal estate connected therewith. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That no person shall be ciraipetency of held to be incompetent as a witness by reason of his being awltnesses- stockholder in said company, but his interest shall be weighed as affecting his credibility in all causes, whether in law or equity. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in operation from and after its ratification, [jRatified the 16th day of February, 1861.] 176 1860-61. Chap. 148-144. Chap. 143. an act to repeal section 4, chapter 169, of the laws of north carolina, passed at the session of 1858-59. Repealing Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That section fourth, chapter 169, of the laws passed by the General Assembly at the session of 1858-59, be, and the same is hereby repealed. Time of forfeit- Sec. [2.] Be it further enacted, That the forfeiture imposed ure' in said section shall not be enforced, if the said railroad com¬ pany shall commence and complete the work mentioned in said charter on or before the first day of January, 1866. Powers. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the said Petersburg Railroad Company, be, and they are hereby authorized to purchase of the Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company, one-half the road and bridge of the latter, between Garysburg and Weldon, with all the rights, privileges and franchises attaching to the same, so far as relates to the part of said road herein authorized to be purchased. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from its ratification. [Ratified the 23d day of Feb¬ ruary, 1861.] RIYERS AND CREEKS. Chap. 144. an act to prevent the felling of timber in or otherwise obstructing the run of the north prong of belew's creek, in forsythe county. timber111 to fel1 ^ enac^ ty the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That it shall not be lawful for any person to fell timber in or otherwise obstruct the run of the North prong of Belew's creek, in the county of Forsythe; and that any person knowingly or wilfully offending against the provisions of this act, shall be deemed and held guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof before the county or superior court, shall be fined at the discretion of the court. [Ratified the Ibth day of Feb¬ ruary, 1861.] 1860-'61. Chap. 145-146. 177 an act to prevent the felling of timber in certain Chap. 145. streams in the county of iredell. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the unlawful to feu State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That if any person shall hereafter fell timber in the South Yadkin river, Snow creek, Big Rocky creek, or otherwise obstruct the channels of said streams so as to retard the flow of the water in said streams in the county of Iredell, they shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and may be indicted for the same in the county or superior courts of law in said county, and, on conviction, shall be fined at the discretion of the court. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the flth day of Feb¬ ruary, 1861.] an act to prevent obstacles in salmon creek. Chap. 146. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of tAc setting seines, State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That it shall not be lawful for any person, or persons to set, establish, keep or maintain any net, seine, or other fishing tackle whatever in or across more than two-thirds of the channel of Salmon creek from the mouth of the same up to Mill Landing. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That a span, equal to one-one-third of third of the width thereof, shall be kept open by all persons kept open, throughout the entire length of said creek, from its mouth to Mill Landing, so as not to prevent the free passage of fish up the same. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That any person who shall penalty, violate this act, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and punished at the discretion of the county or superior court. [Ratified the 23d day of February, 1861.] 12 178 1860-'61. CHAP. 147. Chap. 147. an act foe. the preventing of felling timber in the streams of wickacon creek, bear swamp, stony creek and ahoskie swamp, in the county of hertford. Unlawful to fell Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the timber &c. ^ State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That no person or persons shall be per¬ mitted to fell timber or otherwise obstruct the water in the main run or runs, stream or streams of Wickacon creek, Bear swamp, Stony creek or Ahoskie swamp, between Wickaeon bridge and Bonner's bridge, in Hertford county, penalty. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That any and all persons, or servant or servants of any person or persons, who shall knowingly and wilfully fell timber, or otherwise obstruct the water in the mfin stream or streams of said creeks or swamps, in the county of Hertford, and shall suffer and permit the same to remain and continue therein for and during the term of twenty days, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and if found guilty, shall be fined not less than ten dollars nor more than twenty for the first offence, and for every subsequent offence ten dollars, if a resident of said county, and if non¬ resident of said county, twenty dollars for every subsequent offence, and said moneys to be appropriated as hereinafter described. Commissioners. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That Daniel Y. Sessonls, Henry D. Slaughter, John Baker, James A. Riddick and James Eley, be, and they are hereby appointed commissioners for the purposes hereinafter named, that a majority of said commissioners shall have power to elect one of their number as chairman, and fill vacancies in the board. To receive Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the moneys arising, if penalties. ^ virtue of this act, shall be paid over to said commis¬ sioners, and by them expended to removing of timber or other obstacles from and out of said stream, as the chairman may think best: Provided, always, That in case a majority of said com¬ missioners shall think different, and they overrule said chairman as to the place most needed, and manner of expending for the free passage of the water. Vacancies in Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That in case the said com- qommissioners. Jnissjoners shall fail or neglect to fill vacancies occasioned by I860-CI. Chap. 147-148. 179 death or otherwise, then, and in that case, the court of pleas and quarter sessions, five justices being present, shall, by appli¬ cation being made, appoint commissioners for the purposes herein mentioned. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That any person or persons Penalties for violating this act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and therefor liable to be indicted : Provided, always, That [if J the person or persons so offending or violating this act, shall pay the sum or penalty, as herein mentioned, to the chairman of said commissioners, before indicted, that then and in that case the person or persons so offending shall not be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor or therefor be liable to indictment. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That nothing [in] this act proviso, shall prevent raising the public roads or bridges of any kind across said streams for the public good. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after the first day of April, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one. [Ratified the 20th day of February, 1861.] ROADS. AN ACT TO IMPROVE THE ROAD FROM JOHN ALLEN'S TO THE TOP Chap. 148. OF THE BLUE RIDGE, AT OR NEAR FISHER'S GAP, IN THE COUNTY OF SURRY. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the $500appropria- State of Forth Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au-ted' thority of the same, That five hundred dollars be appropri¬ ated, out of any money in the public treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the completion of said road. Sec. 2. Be it f urther enacted, That John Ramsey, John commissioners. Allen, Elijah Thompson and Jackson Low are hereby appointed commissioners to superintend said work, and that when they shall report to the public treasurer of this State that five hun¬ dred dollars in work has been expended on said road in addition to what has been expended for work already done, under their hands and seal, it shall become the duty of the said treasurer to pay over to them the sum of five hundred dollars, for 180 1860-'61. Chap. 148-149. Commissioners which sum he shall he allowed in his settlement of public to report. accounts. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the said commissioners to report to the committee of finance of said county of Surry how and where such money has been expended, and upon a settlement with said committee of finance, shall be entitled to a receipt for the satpe, otherwise shall be liable to the chairman of the county court in a suit of damage for the same, to be tried and determined by said court. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after the date of its ratification. [Ratified the 23rd day of February, 1861.] Chap. 149. an act to lay off, locate and establish a koad from the town of statesville, in the county of iredell, to the town of wilkesboro', in the county of wilkes. commissioners. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That Calvin Cowles and Sidney Stokes, of Ihe county of Wilkes, and Steptoe Brunet, in the county of Alexander, and A. W. Jamieson and John Davidson, be appointed commissioners, and they, or any three of them, shall survey and locate and establish a public road leading from the town of Statesville, in the county of Iredell, the nearest and most direct practicable route, to the town of Wilkesboro', in the county of Wilkes, and they shall locate and designate said To assess dam- road by stakes and marks; and they shall assess to the owners 8663 of lands over which said road may be established such dam¬ age as they may sustain thereby; and they shall make a plat of the route of said road, and a particular and accurate de¬ scription thereof, and an accurate statement of the damages assessed to each landholder, all of which shall be in writing, signed and sealed, and reported to the ensuing courts of the said counties, and when confirmed by the said county court, said assessments shall be claims against the counties in which the land lies, to [be] paid as other county claims ; and the county courts in each county through which said road passes shall ap¬ point the hands to open and make said road, and appoint the 1860-61. Chap. 149-150. 181 necessary overseer, and orders to carry the provisions of this act into effect. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That said commissioners grade, shall locate said road so that no part thereof shall have an ascent of more than one foot vertical to sixteen feet horizontal, and shall take an oath before some justice of the peace to per¬ form the duties herein required of them faithfully, impartially and to the best of their skill and ability. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That this aqi shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 22d day of February, 1861.] an act to improve the public road prom taylorsville Chap. 150. to boon, by way op russell's gap and holdman's pord. Section 1. Be it enacted by the G-eneral Assembly of the commissioners. State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That R. L. Steel, A. M. Foster, Lindza Triplett, John Cook, Jacob Council and William Green, of Wa¬ tauga county, be, and they are hereby appointed commission¬ ers to view, lay off, alter and amend that part of the public road leading from Taylorsville, Alexander county, to Boon, Watauga county, by way of Russel's Gap and Holdman's Ford, as lies between Taylorsville and Boon, in the cpunty of Watauga. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That for the purpose of$3 ,000 appropri- effecting said alterations and amendments, the sum of three thousand dollars is hereby appropriated, to be paid by the public treasurer to the said R. L. Steel, A. M. Foster, Lindza Triplett, John Cook, Jacob Council and William Green, out of any moneys remaining in the public treasury not otherwise ap¬ propriated, to be paid as follows : when individuals or counties shall have subscribed and paid, either in money or labor, the When paid, sum of five hundred dollars towards the construction of said road, and the same shall be certified to the public treasurer by said commissioners, then the public treasurer shall pay over to said commissioners the sum of one thousand dollars; and when an additional sum of five hundred dollars shall have been sub¬ scribed and paid by individuals or counties, and the same shall 182 1860-61 Chap. 150. Contracts. In case appro¬ priation not sufficient. Pay of commis¬ sioners. Oath of com¬ missioners. be in like manner certified to the public treasurer, tbe public treasurer shall pay to said commissioners the sum of one thou¬ sand dollars ; and when the further sum of five hundred dollars shall be paid to said commissioners by individuals and by counties, arid the same shall be in like manner certified to the public treasurer, the public treasurer shall pay to said commis¬ sioners the further sum of one thousand dollars. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the commissioners aforesaid to let to contract so much of said road as the sum hereby appropriated will construct, and shall make report in writing to the county court of Watauga county a full and perfect statement of the amendments and altera¬ tions proposed by them, and the manner in which the money appropriated had been expended. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That in the event the sum hereby appropriated shall not be sufficient to complete [the] amendment and alterations proposed, it shall be lawful for the county [court] courts of Wilkes and Alexander counties to [ap¬ point] overseers and allot hands within their respective coun¬ ties, to complete said road as laid off, altered and amended by the commission6rs aforesaid; and in case of failure to work upon said road, the hands so failing or refusing to work shall be subject to the same liabilities, penalties and forfeitures as are now imposed by law upon hands for failure to work [upon] public roads in this State. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That the commissioners aforesaid shall receive as compensation for the performance of the duties imposed by this act not exceeding two dollars per day for the time employed, to be allowed by the county courts of Wilkes and Alexander [and] Watauga counties out of the county funds. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That the said commission¬ ers, before entering upon the duties herein imposed, shall take an oath before some justice of the peace for Wilkes, Alexan¬ der and Watauga county for the faithful performance of their duties, and shall execute a bond, payable to the State of North Carolina, in the sum of ten thousand dollars, conditioned for the proper application of the money appropriated by this act, "Which bond shall be approved by the county courts of Wilkes and Watauga, and deposited with [the] clerk of said court, 1860-61. Chap. 150-151. 188 "which bond, in case of breach of the conditions of th£ sajpe, may be sued upon and recovery had thereon by the county so¬ licitor for said county, and any sum so recovered shall be ap¬ plied, under the direction of said court, to the construction and improvement of the road aforesaid. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That any county through counties may which said road passes may subscribe [to] the same through their county courts, which subscription shall only be made when a majority of the justices of the peace are present. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 25th day of February, 1861.] SHERIFFS. an act to authorize and empower james h. allen, late Chap. 151. sheriff of brunswick county, to collect arrears of taxes due said sheriff from and after the first day of october, a. d. 1858. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Authorized to State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au-c° e° arrears" thority of the same, That James H. Allen, late sheriff of Brunswick county, be, and he is hereby authorized and em¬ powered to collect arrears of taxes due him from and after the first day of October, 1858, as sheriff aforesaid, which collec¬ tion shall be made under the same rules, regulations and restrictions as other collections of taxes by virtue of the laAvs of this State, and he shall be invested with the same power and authority for that purpose which is vested in sheriffs by the laws of this State: Provided, That the authority by this Proviso, act granted shall not extend to persons who will voluntarily swear before any justice of the peace for said county that he or she verily believes that the arrears of taxes claimed from him or her have been paid. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the power and author-Powers limited ity hereby granted shall cease and determine with the year 1861, except as to such legal proceedings as may then be pending by virtue of this act. 184 1860—'61. Chap. 151-152-158. Sec. *3. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 18th day of February, 1861.] Chap. 152. an act to authorize and empower samuel brooks, late sherife oe hyde county, to collect arrears of taxes due him the year 1855. Authorized to collect arrears. Proviso. Act terminates with 1861. / Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That Samuel Brooks, late sheriff of the county of Hyde, be, and is hereby authorized and empowered to collect all arrears of taxes due him for the year 1855, which, collection shall be made under the same rules, regulations and restrictions as other collection of taxes are by virtue of the laws of the State: Provided, That the authority by this act granted shall not extend to executors or administrators, nor to any person who will voluntarily swear before any justice of the peace for said county that he or she verily believes that the arrears of taxes claimed from him or her have been paid. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the power and au¬ thority hereby granted shall cease and terminate with the year 1861. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That this'act shall take effect and be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 22d day of February, 1861.] Chap. 153.ACT t0 authorize the sureties of george w. glass, late sheriff of m'dowell county, to collect arrears of taxes. sureties to coi- Section 1. Beit enacted by the General Assembly of the lect arrears. Btate of North Carolina and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That the sureties of George W. Glass, late sheriff of the* county of McDowell, who absconded from the State, and was duly removed from his office, be, and they are hereby empowered to collect from delinquent tax-payers all arrearages of taxes due from them for the years 1857, 18G0-61. Chap. 153-154. 185 1858 and 1859, as appears from the tax duplicates of said county for those years, and that said sureties, or any one of them, in behalf of himself and his co-sureties, may use all such means, in law or equity, for the collection of said arrearages of taxes, as said sheriff could use in person by virtue of a like act in his favor : Provided, That nothing in this act contained shall Proviso, apply to the estates of deceased persons whose estates have been settled by the executors or administrators, or to any person who shall make oath that the taxes claimed have been paid. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act he in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 18th day of Feb¬ ruary, 1861.] an act to authorize and empower edward d. hall, late Chap. 154. sherife oe new hanover county to collect arrears oe taxes. Section 1. Be it enacted by the G-eneral Assembly of the Authorized to * as collect arrears. State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That Edward D. Hall, late sheriff of New Hanover cdranty,' be, and he is hereby authorized and em¬ powered to collect all arrears of taxes due him since the first day of October, 1856, as sheriff aforesaid, which collections shall be made under the same rules, regulations and restric¬ tions as other collection of taxes by virtue of the laws of this State; and he shall be invested with the same power and authority for that purpose which is invested in a sheriff by the laws of this State: Provided, That the authority by this act proviso, granted, shall not extend to any person who will voluntarily swear, before any justice of the peace for New Hanover county, that he or she believes that the arrears of taxes claimed from him or her have been paid, nor to the estates of deceased per¬ sons settled by executors or administrators. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the power and author¬ ity hereby granted shall cease and determine with the year 1861, except as to such legal proceedings as may then be pend¬ ing by virtue of this act. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in 186 1860-61. Chap. 154-155-156. force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 23d day of February, 1861.] Chap. 155. an act to authorize and empower the sureties op wm. pollock, late sheriff of the county of jones, to collect arrearages of taxes. Authorized to Section 1. Be it enacted by the Creneral Assembly of the collect arrears. n -n-r 7 ~ ,. , . . , T 7 State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That the sureties of William Pollock, who was recently sheriff of the county of Jones, and who has by process of law been removed from his office, shall have and exercise the power and privilege to collect all delinquent tax payers, who have not settled their taxes for the years of '55 and '56 and '57, as now appears on the tax books of said Proviso. county: Provided, That nothing herein contained shall apply to the estates of deceased persons, whose estates have been settled by the executors or administrators, or to any persons who shall make oath that the taxes so claimed have been paid. Sec. 2. Be it farther enacted, That it shall be lawful for said sureties, or a majority of them, to have full power to use the same means in law and equity, for the enforcement of said collections of taxes as the sheriff of said county may do, or as sureties to official bonds may under other circum¬ stances do. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the — day of January, 1861.] Chap. 156. an act in fayor of j. tapscott, late sheriff of the county of alamance. Authorized to Section 1. Be it enacted by the Gfeneral Assembly of the collect arrears. North Carolina, and it is herbby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That John Tapscott, W. S. Wassor, John Olive, W. H. Collum, G. W. Crumpler, R. B. Paschal, W. W. Long, W. R. Young, J. M. Green, H. J. Jones, S. T. Bostic, Hiram Hunter, Joseph Lusk, Charles Latham, Joseph Cline, 1860-61. Chap. 156-157. 187 Lewis "Williamson, E. C. Grier, E. D. Hampton, N. W. Cooper, E. D. Davis, John Martin, W. H. High, James S. Snow, W. B. Crumpler, M. S. E. Read, A. C. Latham and W. Haymore, "be, and they are hereby authorized to collect the arrears of taxes due them : Provided, Nothing herein contained shall be Proviso, construed to extend to executors or administrators, or to any persons who will voluntarily swear that he, she or they have paid the same: Provided, further, That the privilege herein granted shall only extend to taxes due within khree years next before the first day of October, 1860. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the provisions con- ^tend°to3 tained in the foregoing sections, be, and they are herebyothers- extended to all other sheriffs in the State of North Carolina, and to all sheriffs who have gone out of office within ihree years next before the first day of October, 1860, and to the sureties of all such sheriffs as may have died or absconded or become insane within the same time. \_Batified the 23d day of February, 1861.] an act for the relief of the sureties of wm. w. ward, Chap. 157. late sheriff of martin county. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Ceneral Assembly of the Authorized to State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That the sureties of William W. Ward, late sheriff of Martin county, on his bonds executed in October, 1858 and October, 1859, be, and they are hereby empowered to collect from delinquent tax payers all arrearages of taxes due from them for the year 1858 and 1859; and for that pur¬ pose the said sureties, or a majority of them, may appoint collectors, and shall have all the powers and means for the collection of said arrearages of taxes as said sheriff" could use in person by virtue of a like act in his favor: Provided, That Proviso, nothing in this act contained shall apply to the estates, of deceased persons, whose estates have been settled by executors or administrators, or any persons who shall make oath that the taxes claimed have been paid. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in 188 1860—*61. Chap. 157-158-159. force from and after its ratification. {Ratified the — day of January, 1861.] Chap. 158. an act to authorize and empower Washington Harris, late sheriff of franklin county, to collect arrears of taxes due him. Authorized to Section 1. Be it enacted by the Creneral Assembly of the collect arrears. ' ^ ° _ ? State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That Washington Harris, late sheriff of Franklin county, be, and he is hereby authorized and em¬ powered to collect all arrears of taxes due him since the first day October, 1856, as sheriff aforesaid, which collection shall he made under the same rules, regulations and restrictions as other collections of taxes by virtue of the laws of this State: Proviso. Provided, That the authority by this act granted shall not extend to any person or persons who will voluntarily swear before any justice of the peace for said county, that he or she verily believes that the arrears of taxes claimed from him or her have been paid, when act to Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the power and author- cease' ity herein granted, shall cease and determine with the year 1861, except as to such legal proceedings as may then be pend¬ ing by virtue of this act. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after it3 ratification. [.Ratified the 25th day of February, 1861. STEAM-PACKET COMPANIES. Chap. 159. an act to incorporate the albermarle steam packet company. Body corporate. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Creneral Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That Edward Wood, John H. Leary, Richard Paxton, Henry A. Bond, John Thompson, John Bond, Joseph Norcom, Thomas W. Hudgins, Robert R. Eelton, Peter 1860-61.——CHAP. 159. 189 F. "White, John M. Jones, Joseph S. Jones, John Hall, John T. Mebane, James M. Sumner, Benjamin S. Skiner, John Skiner, James M. Whedbee, Hiram Freeman, John A. Ander¬ son, James L. Anderson, Jackson B. Hare, Daniel Valentine, R. H. Shields, and such other persons as are now associated with them, or as hereafter may be associated with them, their successors and assigns, shall be, and are hereby created, con¬ stituted and declared a body corporate and politic, by the name of " The Albermarle Steam Packet Company," and by that Powers, name shall be in law capable of suing and being sued, pleading and being impleaded, shall have a common seal, and be invested with all the rights and privileges, and be subject to all the regulations and restrictions contained in the 26th chapter of the Revised Code, so far as the same are applicable to such a corporation, and are not inconsistent with the provisions of this act. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the capital stock of said capital stock company shall consist of sixty thousand dollars, with the priv¬ ilege of increasing the same to one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, divided into shares of one thousand dollars each. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the said company may, powers, in addition to the steamboat now in course of construction, build such other steamers as the wants of the company may require from time to time, employ them in conveying passengers and freight in any of the waters of North Carolina and Vir¬ ginia, as may appear expedient for the interest and well being of the company. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the said company Powers, shall have power to hold, possess, acquire and enjoy such real and personal estate as may be necessary for the transaction of its business, and from time to time to make all necessary rules, regulations and by-laws for the government and direction of the concerns thereof, not inconsistent with the constitution and by-laws of the State and of the United States, and said com¬ pany shall have corporate existence for thirty years. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 20th day of February, 1861.] 19a 1860-'61 CHAP. 160-161. TOWNS. Chap. 160. AN ACT TO HE-ENACT AND AMEND AN ACT OE 1854 AND '55, EN¬ TITLED " AN ACT TO EXTEND THE LIMITS Of1 THE TOWN OP ASHEBORO," AND REPEAL ALL PORMEE ACTS OP INCORPO¬ RATION. Revives and Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the amends former 0f North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That the aforesaid act be, and the same is hereby revived and re-enacted, excepting the second section thereof, which is hereby amended by striking out " 1855" and inserting "1861." Licenses. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the county court of Randolph county shall not grant a license to any person to retail spirituous liquors, by a measure less than a quart, within the corporate limits of said town, unless such person shall first have presented to the court a recommendation, in writing, signed by a majority of the acting commissioners of said town, and requesting said court to grant a license to such person. \_Batified the 2Qth day of February, 1361/] Chap. 161. an act to incorporate the town of boon hill, in johnston county. Boundaries. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That a town is established in the county of Johnston, by the name of Boon Hill, and the corporate limits of said town are hereby declared to be as follows, viz: begin¬ ning at a stake in W. Edwards' field known as the Town place, and running thence north 32°, east three hundred and twenty rods, to a stake on the land of D. H. Whittly, dec'd; thence north 58°, west three hundred and twenty rods, to a stake on the same tract of land; thence south 32°, west three hundred and twenty rods, to a stake on Willie Hastings' land, near the Tarboro' road; thence south 58°, east to the beginning. Trustees. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the government of said town of Boon Hill shall be vested in the following named 1860-61. Chap. 161-162. 191 persons, and their successors in office, viz: Willie Hastings, James Hay, F. T. Phillips, K. B. Whittly and N. L. Whittly. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the commissioners and commissioners their successors in office, appointed agreeably to the directions & ° ypolltie" of this act, shall be, and they are hereby incorporated into a body corporate, by the name of the " Commissioners of the town of Boon Hill," and by that name shall have succession and a common seal, with all the rights, powers and privileges granted to or invested in corporations by virtue of chapter 111 of the Revised Code of North Carolina. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That no persons shall retail Licenses, spirituous liquors within the corporate limits of said town. Any person violating this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on conviction, shall pay a fine of twenty dollars for each and every offence. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That an election shall be Elections, held in each and every year on the first Monday in January, by the inhabitants of said town qualified to vote for members of the House of Commons, for five commissioners, who shall hold their office for one year, or until their successors are appointed. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That the commissioners appointed under this act shall be and continue to act as such until their successors are appointed. [Ratified the day of February, 1861.] an act to repeal an act entitled " an act to incorporate Chap. 162. teie town of morganton, in burke county," and to in¬ corporate said town of iforganton under the law for the better government of towns. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Repeals act of State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the aw- 1838-'9' thority of the same, That an act entitled "An act to incorpo¬ rate the town of Morganton, in Burke county," passed at the session of 1838-'39, be, and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the town of Morgan- Body ton, in Burke county, be, and the same is hereby created a body politic, with full authority to use and exercise all thu cor- 192 1860-61. Chap. 162-163-164. porate powers and privileges granted to incorporated towns by the 111th chapter of the Revised Code, entitled Towns, and may elect such officers and manage the affairs of the corpora¬ tion in such manner as the law prescribes for the better gov¬ ernment of said town. Licenses. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the county court of Burke county shall not have the power to grant or issue a license to any person or persons to retail spirituous liquors and wines within the corporate limits of said town of Morgan- ton without he or they shall first obtain a recommendation from the board of commissioners. [Ratified the 25th day of Feb¬ ruary., 1861.] Chap. 163. an act to amend an act entitled " an act to incorporate the town op edenton." Repeals part of Section 1. Be it enacted by the Greneral Assembly of the act of 1854-5. 0p North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That the twenty-ninth section of the act of incorporation of the town of Edenton, and the act amend¬ ing the same, passed at the session of the General Assembly of 1854-'55, be, and the same are hereby repealed. Authorizes sale Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the commissioners of said town shall have power to dispose of, by sale or otherwise, that portion of the town commons lying west of Main street, and to let out that portion of saqi commons lying east of said street, for a period not exceeding five years. [Ratified the 20th day of February, 1861.] Chap. 164. an act to amend an act entitled " an act for the gov¬ ernment of elizabeth city, in the county of pasquo¬ tank," passed at the session of the general assembly of north carolina, december 25th, 1852. Amendment. Section 1. Be it enacted by the (general Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That after the words " town taxes," in the first section of the above recited act, shall be inserted the 1860-61. Chap. 164. 193 following, to wit: " and who shall have resided in said town for six months immediately preceding, and on the day of elec¬ tion, and shall have registered their names for taxation with the clerk of the corporation of Elizabeth City, in a book to be kept by him for that purpose, on or before the first day of July in each year; and all residents of said town who have no taxable property within said town to list, and are above the age of forty-five years, shall also be required to register their names as residents of said town before the aforesaid first day of July of each year, to entitle them to vote at said election for mayor and commissioners." .. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That after the words " he Amendment, shall receive for his services from the town treasurer," in sec¬ tion six of said act, shall be inserted the following : " the sum of two hundred dollars, and the fees of his office, as defined by section twenty of said act." Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That in section nine in said Amendment, act, the words, " and shall post at the courthouse door in said town," are hereby repealed; and further, that after the words, " he shall receive a salary," shall [be] inserted the following, to wit: "of one hundred dollars;" and all after that in said section is hereafter repealed. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the words, " the mem-Amendment, bers of all the fire companies shall be exempt from the poll tax of the town," in section eleventh of said act, be, and the same are hereby repealed. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That in section twelve of Amendment, said act, the words " five thousand dollars" are hereby in¬ serted in the lieu of the words " three thousand dollars," other [after the] words "he shall receive for his services;" and all after in said section are hereby repealed, and the following clause inserted in lieu thereof, to wit: " he shall receive for his services a salary of fifty dollars." Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That after the words "new amendment, streets in said town," in section fourteenth of said act, are hereby inserted the following, to wit: " and widen and impose [improve] old ones." Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That the eighteenth section Amendment, of said act, which was heretofore, is hereby re-enacted to be 13 194 1S60-'61. CHAP. 164. as fully and absolutely a part of said act as' though the same had never been repealed. Duty of mayor, Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the mayor and clerk of said corporation respectively to deliver to their successors in office all books and papers pertaining to their respective offices, and belonging to said corporation, within ten days after the qualification of their successors, Penalty. under a penalty of one thousand dollars, to be recovered in the name of the corporation, and applied to its use. repealing Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That the act of assembly entitled " An act concerning hogs running in the streets of Elizabeth City, in the county of Pasquotank," ratified Febru¬ ary 3rd, 1855, and the act entitled " An act to repeal the 18th section, and part of the 11th section of the act entitled 1 An for the improvement of Elizabeth City, in the county of Pasquotank,' " passed at the session of 1852—'53, said last act ratified November 29th, 1854, be, and the same are hereby repealed. Hogs running Sec. 10. Be it further enacted, tfc., That it shall [not] be lawful for any person or persons to permit their bogs or hog to run at large in any of the streets, lanes or uninclosed parts of the town of Elizabeth City, and it shall be the duty of the constable of the corporation of Elizabeth City to take up and confine all hogs found running at large as aforesaid, and after advertising the same for sale for three days, to sell the said hogs to the highest bidder, for cash, and out of the proceeds of sale retain one dollar for each hog so taken up, advertised and sold, and the surplus, if any, pay to the owner of said Proviso. hogs ; Provided, nevertheless, That the said owner may redeem the hogs so taken up upon paying the constable fifty cents for taking up the same, and sixteen and two-third cents per day for keeping each of the said hogs. Sec. 11. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 20th day February, 1861.] 1860—'61. Chap. 165. 195 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE TOWN OF ENFIELD. Chap. 165. Section 1. Be it enacted by the G-eneral Assembly of the commissioners. State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That Henry Joyner, D. B. Bell, William W. Taylor, T. L. Whibaker, Benjamin F, Whibaker, and their successors in office, are hereby appointed commissioners for the town of Enfield, in the county of Halifax; and the said com¬ missioners, and their successors, are hereby incorporated into a body corporate und politic, by the name of the " Commis¬ sioners for the town of Enfield," and by that name are and shall be invested with all the rights, power and privileges, and Powers, shall be subject to all the duties which are specified and pre¬ scribed in the 111th chapter of the Revised Code of North Carolina, entitled " Towns." Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the corporate limits of Boundaries, the town of Enfield shall be included in the following bounda¬ ries, viz: they shall extend for the distance of an half mile each way from the Wilmington and Weldon railroad ticket office, in said town, and down said railroad, and they shall extend six hundred yards on each side of said railroad, inclu¬ ding a rectangle parallelogram one mile in length and twelve hundred yards in width, with the said ticket office in the centre thereof; and within those limits the said commissioners, and their successors, shall have jurisdiction. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That it shall not be lawful Licenses, for the court of pleas and quarter sessions, for the county of Halifax, to grant license to any person to retail spirituous liquors within the corporate limits of Enfield, without his having a recommendation, in writing, from the commissioners of said town to that effect, and any license granted without such recommendation shall be void. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect from its ratification. [Ratified the 20th day of Febru¬ ary, 1861.] 196 1860-'61. Chap. 166. Chap. 166. an act to repeal an act, entitled "an act to incorpo¬ rate the town of franklin, in macon county, and to incorporate said town of franklin under the law for the better government of towns. Repeals act of Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That an act, entitled " An act to incorpo¬ rate the town of Franklin," ratified the 10th day of February, 1855, be, and the same is hereby repealed. Body politic. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the town of Franklin, in Macon county, be, and the same is hereby created a body politic, with full authority to use and exercise all the corporate powers and privileges granted to incorporated towns by the one hundred and eleventh chapter of the Revised Code, enti¬ tled " Towns," and may elect such officers and manage the affairs of the corporation in such manner as the law prescribes for the better government of the said town. Elections. Sec.-3. Be it further enacted, That the sixth section of the twenty-ninth chapter of the Revised Code, in its applica¬ tion to the corporation of the town of Franklin, in the county of Macon, shall be altered, amended and modified as follows, that is to say: there shall be an election held at the court- Licenses. house in the town of Franklin, on the first Thursday in June next, and on the same day in each and every year thereafter, for the purpose of determining whether spirituous liquors shall be sold by the wholesale or retail within the corporate limits of the said town. Voters. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That at the election afore¬ said in each and every year so held at the courthouse afore¬ said, every person qualified to vote in the general State elections, residing within the limits of said corporation, shall be entitled to vote upon said question, which said voting shall be in manner and form as follows : Each voter shall deliver to the judges, appointed to hold said elections,«a scroll of paper, upon which shall be inscribed the words " License" or " No license," which scroll shall be received by the judges of said election, and put into a box prepared for that purpose, in the manner and under the regulations prescribed for voting in the elections of members to the State legislature; the said judges 1860-61. Chap. 166. 197 causing each voter's name to be recorded by the clerks ap¬ pointed for that purpose as he shall deliver in his vote, and when all the qualified toters present shall have delivered their votes, the said judges shall proceed to examine and count the whole number of votes polled, and the judges, under their hands and seals, shall certify to the next county court of pleas and quarter sessions of said county whether a majority of the said voters [votes] were given for license or no license. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That when it shall be certi- Result of eiec- fied by the judges aforesaid to the said court, that a majority of the votes thus cast were inscribed " no license," it shall not be lawful for the magistrates of said county to grant to any person or persons a license to retail spirituous liquors within the limits aforesaid; and any magistrate or magistrates voting in the said court to grant such license within the limits of said corporation, shall be liable to be indicted for a misdemeanor in office; nor shall it be lawful for any person or persons to sell, under any pretence or pretences whatsoever, within the limit3 of said corporation, either with or without a license, spirituous liquors in any quantity, either by the wholesale or retail, except for medical purposes, within one year after such certifi¬ cate has been returned as aforesaid; and if any person or persons shall knowingly violate the provisions of this section, such person shall be subject to be indicted and fined, at the discretion of the court. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That at the court of pleas Judges, and quarter sessions, which shall be held for the said county on the second Monday in March next, at the courthouse in the town of Franklin, and at the same court in each and every year thereafter, the justices of said court shall appoint three competent persons as judges, residents of the said town of Franklin, who shall hold said election at the courthouse afore¬ said, at the time hereinbefore specified, and make return to said county court as above provided for; and any person, so appointed as a judge, who shall fail or refuse to discharge such duty, or who shall act partially or corruptly in the discharge of the same, shall be subject to be indicted for a misdemeanor, and be fined at the discretion of the court. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of duty of clerk, the clerk of the county court, within five days after the ad- 198 1860-61. Chap. 166-167. journment of said court, to issue written notices to the several persons appointed judges as aforesaid, notifying them of their said appointment, which shall be delivered instanter* to the sheriff of said county, and by him forthwith served upon the respective persons to whom they are addressed; and such sheriff, for each and every failure to serve such notices, or make due returns thereon, within ten days after the same have been delivered to him, shall be subject to indictment, and to be fined at the discretion of the court: Provided, That when a majority of the votes cast at said election shall be in¬ scribed " license," this act shall not in any wise apply for and during the year next ensuing such election. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That all laws and clauses of laws, coming within the meaning and purview of this act, be, and the same are hereby repealed. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification, and continue for sixty years. [Ratified the 23d day of February, 1861.] Chap. 167. an act to authorize the commissioners of the town of hertford to sell town lots, ac. Authority Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North given. Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same% That the commissioners of the town of Hertford be, and they are hereby authorized to sell the town lots numbered one hundred and two and one hundred and nineteen, at public auction, upon such credit as they may deem proper, (after giving due notice of the time and place of said sale,) and the proceeds thereof they shall pay [to] the trustees of the Hert¬ ford Academy for the purpose of enabling said trustees, first, to purchase two other town lots adjacent to the academy grounds, and, secondly, to repair or improve said Academy buildings as they may deem proper. [Ratihed the 18t/i dau of February, 1861.] 1860—'61. Chap. 168-169. 199 an act to extend the limits of the town of lexington. Chap. 168. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Gleneral Assembly of the Limits. State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That the commissioners of the town of Lexington are hereby authorized to extend the limits of said town, from the cross street opposite the courthouse south-west two-thirds of a mile, north-east one-third of a mile, north-west and south-east one-fourth of a mile each way. Sec. 2, Be it further enacted, That the commissioners shall survey, cause the boundaries to be surveyed, and a copy of said sur¬ vey filed in the office of the clerk of thq county court of Davidson, and recorded among the minutes of said court. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force frOm and after its ratification. [Ratified the 23d day of February, 1861.] an act to amend an act to incorporate the town of Qhap. 169. lincolnton, passed at raleigh, in the year 1852, chapter 209. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Ceneral Assembly of the power of taxa- State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au-tl0B' thority of the same, That the commissioners of said town shall have power annually to levy and cause to be collected, in the manner prescribed in said charter, the following taxes, that is to say: (1) on every public billiard table, a tax not exceeding twenty-five dollars; (2) on every bowling alley, whether called a nine or ten pin alley, a tax not exceeding fifteen dollars; (3) on all lectures for reward, (unless the reward be for a charitable purpose,) a tax not exceeding five dollars; (4) on all Daguerrean artists or picture takers of any sort, a tax not exceeding ten dollars; (5) on all riding or pleasure vehicles in use during the year, of the value of fifty dollars and up¬ wards, a tax of one per cent.; (6) on all gold watches usually worn during the year, (except those worn by ladies,) a tax not exceeding one dollar; (7) on all silver watches usually worn, a tax not exceeding fifty cents; (8) on all pianos in use, (except those in schools,) a tax not exceeding one dollar; 200 1800-'61. CHAP. 169-170. (9) on all pistols, if used at any time during the year, a tax not exceeding one dollar ; (10) on all dirks, Bowie knives, or sword canes, if worn about the person, a tax not exceeding two dollars; (11) on every merchant, merchant tailor, jeweler, grocer and commission merchant, who shall sell goods, wares and merchandise, a tax not exceeding fifty dollars; (12) on every auctioneer on all goods, wares and merchandise placed in Vs hands by a merchant resident in the corporation, a tax of one per cent, on the amount sold by him, and if by itiner¬ ant traders, or such as are not resident of said town, five per cent, on the sales made by him; (13) on each and every pack of playing cards sold during the year, a tax not exceeding twenty cents; (14) on all livery stables, a tax not exceeding ten dollars; (15) on all persons, not residents of the corpora¬ tion, engaged in putting up lightning rods, a tax not exceeding ten dollars ; (16) on all public drays, carts, wagons and omni- busses, a tax not exceeding ten dollars; (17) on all resident practicing lawyers, physicians and dentists, a tax not exceed¬ ing five dollars; (18) on all county officers, whose fees shall exceed three hundred dollars, a tax not exceeding five dollars; (19) on every stud horse or jackass let to mares, a tax not exceeding twenty dollars. Licenses. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That no person shall sell spirituous liquors within the corporate limits of said town in a less quantity than one quart. But that any person applying, may have a license to -sell spirituous liquors by the small measure, a majority of the qualified voters of said town so deciding at an election to be held for that purpose, under the control of the commissioners of said town. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be rati¬ fied immediately on its passage. [Ratified the 23i day of February, 1801.] Chap. 170. an act concerning the town of jamesyille, in the county of martin. Election of Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the commissioners. T ^ • • t i t 7 1 Ostate oj JSforth, Carolina, ana it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That Mason Jones and H. W. Mizell be, 1860-61. Chap. 170-171. 201 and they are hereby authorized to open polls of election in the town of Jamesville, in the county of Martin, on the first Mon¬ day in April next, for the election, by the legally qualified voters of said town, of five commissioners for said town; and when so elected, they shall have power to provide at what time and under whose direction such elections shall be held in future; and they and their successors in office are hereby con¬ stituted a body corporate, by the name of ••the " Commissioners of the Town of Jamesville," and by that name shall have all the powers, privileges and authority conferred by the public law on commissioners of incorporated towns, and by any previous law regulating said town. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 23d day of February, 1861.] an act to enlarge the corporate limits of the town oe Chap. 171. monroe and for other purposes. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Boundaries. State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That the corporate limits of the town of Monroe, in the county of Union, be enlarged and extended so as to include all within the following boundaries, viz: To begin at a walnut tree on the east side of the Charlotte road, and south of Bear Skin creek, and run south 85J, w. 3 chains, crossing the track of the W. C. & R. Railroad to a rock; thence south 2J, west 14 chains and 35 links, to a rock by a gum at the bend of the creek ; thence n. 87J, w. 5 chains and 40 links, to a forked white oak on the south side of said creek; thence s. 10, w. 43 chains and 50 links, to a rock; thence s. 4|, e. 24 chains, to a rock; thence n. 85|, e. 53 chains and 50 links, to a rock; thence n. 4J, w. 25 chains, to a rock; thence n. 85J, e. 16 chains, to a rock; thence n. 4J, w. 47 chains and 50 links, crossing the railroad to a stake; thence s. 85J, w. 35 chains, to a rock near [the] bend of the creek ; thence n. 57, w. 16 chains, to the beginning. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That all unimproved farm Exemption of lands, or lands not laid off into town lots included within the from taxation. 202 1860-61. CHAP. 171. corporate limits of said town, be, and they are hereby exempted from any taxes which may he levied on real estate by the board of commissioners for said town, nor shall said farm lands, whether improved or not, he subject to any town ordinance against stock running at large. Licenses. Seo. 3. Be it further enacted, That no license to retail spirituous liquors in said town shall be granted by the county court, unless upon the recommendation of a majority of the commissioners of said town. commissioners. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That Hugh M. Houston, John P. Houston, J. P. Hough, Thomas I). Winchester and Dr. F. Hayden, be, and they are hereby appointed commis¬ sioners, to locate and establish a beginning corner of the presefit incorporation, and to establish the streets and alleys in said town, and to erect durable rock posts and corners at the intersections of the main streets and alleys, with as little damage as may be to the owners of real estate, which damage shall be assessed by five disinterested freeholders, summoned by the sheriff of the county. The said damages and costs for assessing the same to be paid by the corporation: Provided, branch.Broad That either party being dissatisfied with the assessment, may appeal as in other cases to the county or superior courts. Powers. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That alley B., in the present corporation, be, and the same is hereby condemned, and the said commissioners are hereby authorized and empowered to close the same and sell said alley B. and any other unsold lots or parts of lots belonging to said corporation; to receive the purchase money arising from said sales for the use and benefit of the town, and to make and convey title to the purchaser therefor. The said commissioners shall also have power and authority to lay off and establish a new alley in lieu of alley B., and running parallel to it, and to lay off and establish any other streets in the enlarged boundaries they may deem necessary and proper, interfering as little as possible with any inclosures, and paying the owners such damage as may be assessed by five disinterested freeholders, as above specified. Powers. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That the commissioners of said town, shall and may levy taxes on the real estate in said corporjftion (not including farming and unimproved farm lands), not exceeding twenty-five cent3 on the one hundred dollars' 1860-61. Chap. 171-172. 203 worth of the real estate, and not exceeding fifty cents on the poll. Sec. 7k Be it further enacted, That the town of Monroe is hereby vested with all the powers, rights, privileges and immunities erflimerated in chapter 111 of the Revised Code, entitled u Towns," except where the provisions in said 111th chapter are inconsistent with the provisions in this act con¬ tained, and that all laws and clauses of laws heretofore made, coming in conflict with the provisions in this act contained, be, and the same are hereby repealed. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. \Batifed the 23d day of February, 1861.] an act to incorporate the city op morehead. Chap. 172. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Mayor and com- , missioners. State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That B. Arendell, Mayor, David S. Jones, J. IV. Collins and Wm. H. Cunninggim, jr., be, and they are hereby appointed mayor and commissioners for the city of Morehead, in the county of Carteret, and said commissioners and their successors in office, chosen in the manner hereinafter provided for, be, and they are hereby created a corporation and body politic, under the name and title of " The Commis¬ sioners for the City of Morehead," and as such they are entitled to all the privileges and immunities of a body corporate, to hold property, to contract and be contracted with, to sue and be sued, to plead and be impleaded in their corporate name, and have a common seal to make such by-laws and regulations as they, or a majority of them, may deem necessary for the good order and government of |aid -city, and for the improve¬ ment of streets and the preservation of health; to lay and collect taxes only for the necessary support of public and city government: Provided, That said commissioners, or a majority of them, shall not lay a tax of more than one and a half dollars on the poll, or fifty cents on the hundred dollars' valuation an¬ nually, and to transact any business in their corporate capacity through the agency of the officers of the city, to be appointed 204 1860-61. CHAP. 172. in manner and form as provided for by tbe act of General Assembly, Revised Code, chapter 111. Eligibility to Sec. 2. jBe it further enacted, That no person shall here- offiee. after be eligible to the office of commissioner of said city, unless he shall have resided therein at least twelve months immedi¬ ately preceding his election, and shall have possessed and con¬ tinues to possess within the corporate limits of said city, a freehold in lands and tenements of the value of not less than five hundred dollars, according to the value of the same for taxation; and no person shall be entitled to vote in any election for commissioners of said city except freeholders, whether resi¬ dent or non-resident, and free white men, of the age of twenty- one years, who shall have resided In said city for six months immediately preceding such election, and shall have paid all the taxes imposed upon him by the commissioners which are due and payable. Oath of office. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the said commissioners, appointed by the first section of this act, shall each of them take an oath of office before some magistrate of the county, on or before the 1st day of March next, and shall continue to hold their offices, as commissioners for the city of Morehead, until an election for a new board shall have taken place as hereinafter provided for, and until said commissioners, so elected, shall have been duly qualified. Board. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the board of commis¬ sioners for said city, be composed of a mayor and four commis¬ sioners, who shall be elected annually on the first Thursday in May. Election. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the sheriff of Carteret county to advertise the time of holding said election for commissioners at two or more places in said city, ten days previous thereto, and the said sheriff shall summon two freeholders, residents of said city, who, together with himself or deputy, shall hold the election in some public place in said city, to be designated by the commissioners for the time being, and shall keep the polls open from twelve o'clock, A. M., to four o'clock, P. M., and it shall be the duty of the sheriff or deputy, to serve the persons, so elected as commissioners, with notice of their election within five days thereafter, and, on failure of any of the above duties enjoined 1860-61. Chap. 172-173. 20£> on the sheriff, he shall, on conviction before any magistrate of the county, forfeit and pay the sum of fifty dollars; and each freeholder refusing or neglecting to assist the sheriff, or his deputy, in holding such election, shall be subject to a penalty of five [dollars], to be recovered in like manner; which penal¬ ties, when collected, shall be paid into the hands of the treasurer of the city, to be applied as the commissioners may direct. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That the corporate limits of corporate said city shall embrace the entire plan of the city of Morehead, as published by " The Shepard's Point Land Company," and from the terminus of the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad Company to Fifteenth street. [.Ratified the 20th day of Feb¬ ruary', 1861.] an act to amend the charter of the town of newbern, Chap. 173. chapter 31. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Gfeneral Assembly of the power to levy State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au-tax' thority of the same, That from and after the passage of this act, the commissioners of the town of Newbern, or a majority of them, shall have full power and authority to levy a tax annually on the inhabitants of said town, and the real estate within the limits thereof, sufficient for the purposes mentioned in said chapter: Provided, The said tax shall not exceed the proviso, sum of two dollars on each taxable poll, nor the sum of one dollar on each one hundred dollars' value of real estate in any one year. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in . force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 25th day of February, 1861.] 206 1860-'61. Chap. 174. Chap. 174. an act to incorporate the town op Buckingham, in Rich¬ mond county. Body politic, Sectton 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That the town of Rockingham, in the county of Richmond, is hereby incorporated into a body politic and corporate, by the name and style of " The commissioners of the town of Rockingham." Powers, &c. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the' town of Rocking¬ ham is hereby vested with all the powers, rights, privileges and immunities, and subject to all the restrictions enumerated in chapter 111 Revised Code, entitled "Towns." corporate Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the corporate limits of the town of Rockingham shall extend as follows: Four hun¬ dred yards north and south of the court-house in said town; three hundred and fifty yards west, and one half mile east of said court-house. Licenses. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That a majority of the qual¬ ified voters for commissioners of said town shall have power to decide whether it shall be lawful to sell spirituous liquors within the limits of said corporation; and for the purpose of ascertaining the will of said voters, it shall be the duty of the sheriff of the county of Richmond, by himself or by his lawful deputy, or in the absence of both, the coroner of the county, on such day as the county court shall think proper to name for the first election for commissioners of the town of Rockingham, to open polls under the same inspection, rules and regulations, and of the same notice, as required by law, in the election of commissioners. The voters who may wish spirituous liquors sold within the limits of the corporation shall vote a ticket or scroll, on which shall be written "liquor;" the voters who shall be opposed to the sale of spirituous liquors within said limits, shall vote a ticket or scroll, on which shall be written "no liquor." The inspectors for the election of commissioners shall be the inspectors in this election; and it shall be the duty of the said inspectors to make a full and complete return of the list of votes, and a number of votes polled, to the next county court, of the said election; and the said court shall compare the polls; and if a majority of the votes cast shall be 1860-61. Chap. 174-175. 207 " no liquor," then it shall not be lawful for any person or per¬ sons to sell spirituous liquor within the limits of the corpora¬ tion of the town of Rockingham, and the same shall be made a record of the court. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That in case a majority of Licenses, the votes so cast shall be "Jiquor," then the county court of Richmond county shall not grant license to any person to retail spirituous liquors by a measure less than a quart within the corporate limits of said town, unless such person shall first have presented to the court a recommendation in writing, signed by a majority of the acting commissioners of said town, and requesting said court to grant license to such person. Sec. 6. Be it f urther enacted, That any person violating Retailing with- the provisions of section 4, by retailing spirituous liquor within the limits of the corporation of the town of Rockingham, shall be considered guilty of a misdemeanor, and may be prosecuted in any court having cognizance thereof. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from its ratification. [Ratified the 23rd day of Febru- ary, 1861.] an act to amend the charter of the town of salisbury, Chap. 175. and to establish the corporate limits of said town. Section 1. Be it enacted hy the General Assembly of the corporate State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au-hmits" thority of the same, That the corporate limits of the town of Salisbury shall hereafter be as follows: Begin at the centre of the site of the old court-house, and run four lines, one north of west, along and parallel with the street, two thousand seven hundred and twenty (2,720) feet; another south of east, along and parallel with the street, two thousand seven hundred and twenty (2,720) feet; another south of west, along and parallel with the street, three thousand one hundred and sixty-five (3,165) feet; another north of east, along and parallel with the street, three thousand six hundred and fifty-five (3,655) feet. And the corporate limits of said town shall be com¬ prised within a parallelogram included within four lines, run at right angles to said lines at the terminations thereof, and 208 1860-'61. Chap. 175-1T6. extending each way until they intersect each other respec-. tively. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification, [jRatified the 22d day of February, 1861.] Chap. 176. an act to consolidate the various acts heretofore passed to incorporate the town of statesville, in the county of iredell. hmi*tarate Section 1. Be it enacted by the G-eneral Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That the corporate limits of the town of Statesville, in the county of Iredell, shall be included within the following boundaries, to wit: Beginning at a black oak on J. F. Alexander's [land] near the Salisbury branch; thence south 66°, west running 8 poles, south of the south east corner of the present town plat 105 poles, to a stake on S. R. Bell's land; thence south 24°, east 86 poles-, crossing the W. N. Railroad, to a stake; thence south 66°, west 500 feet, to a stake; thence north 24°, west 86 poles, to a stake; thence south 66°, west 211 poles, to a stake; thence north 24°, west 204 poles, to a stake; thence north 66°, east 345 poles, to a stake; thence south 24°, east 204 poles, to the beginning. Commission- Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the present town magis¬ trate and commissioners, to wit: R. F. Simonton, Esq., town magistrate, and Hugh Reynolds, John A. Rosbrough, M. F. Freeland and James S. Ricard shall continue in office and perform all the duties thereof, until their successors shall be elected as hereinafter provided. Body politic. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the said town magis¬ trate and commissioners are hereby declared and constituted a body corporate and politic, under the name and style of the " Commissioners of the town of Statesville," and as such may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, have and use a com¬ mon seal and change the same at pleasure, and have perpetual succession ; and said town magistrate, acting as one with the other commissioners, shall have power and authority to adopt all such rules, regulations and by-laws as they, or a majority 1860-61. Chap. 176. of them, may deem necessary, to promote the interest and insure the good order and government of said town; for the improvements of the streets, and the preservation of health in the same; and to make all such other regulations as the inte¬ rest, comfort and convenience of the citizens may require. Said commissioners shall also have power to levy and collect a tax from all the retailers of spirituous liquors within the limits of said corporation, all nine pin or ten pin alleys, circus com¬ panies, animal shows, organ grinders, sleight of hand per¬ formances, auctioneers, and all and every person or persons, company or companies, who may exhibit, sing, play, act or perform, or do any thing for which they charge or receive any gratuity, pay, fee, or reward whatsoever, within the limits of said corporation: Provided, The same shall not be inconsis¬ tent with the Constitution of the United States, or of this State; and said commissioners shall have power to appoint a town clerk, who shall hold his appointment for one year only, whose duty it shall be to record all the proceedings of the commissioners in a well bound book, kept by him for that pur¬ pose. He shall also act as treasurer for said corporation, and shall give bond and security in the sum of five thousand dol¬ lars, made payable to the State of North Carolina, and condi¬ tioned for the safe keeping of all moneys that may come into his hands as treasurer, and for paying out the same as ordered by the commissioners, and for the faithful performance of his duty as clerk. They shall also have power to appoint a town constable, whose duty it shall be to collect all the taxes levied under this act and fines imposed by said commissioners, and forfeitures incurred by the violation of any of the by-laws passed by said commissioners; and he shall give bond and security in the sum of five thousand dollars, payable to the State of North Carolina, and conditioned for the collection of all taxes levied under this act, and the collection of all such claims, and for the service of execution of all such process as may be placed in his hands by the commissioners or given him by their order, and for the punctual paying over of the same to the treasurer above named, and for the faithful per¬ formance of his duty as town constable; and said constable, so appointed, shall hold his appointment for one year only, and shall have the same powers and privileges as other constables, 14 210 1860-61. CHAP. 176. and shall have, hse and exercise all lawful ways and means, which are usually had, used or exercised by the several sheriffs of this State, and be subject to the same liabilities that they are, in the performance of their duties, in the collection of the public revenue; and the above named bonds, when executed as above directed, shall be filed in the county court clerk's office for safe keeping ; and for a breach of the conditions of either of the above named bonds, the commissioners shall have the same remedies as are usually had on clerk's and constable's bonds. Elections. * Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for the citizens, who live within the corporate limits of said town, to meet at the courthouse, on the last Monday in February, 1861, and every two years thereafter on the same day, and elect a town magistrate and four commissioners, who shall hold their offices for two years from the time of their election, and until their successors shall be elected and qualified; and it shall be lawful, in case of the death or removal of the town magistrate or any of the commissioners, for the board of com¬ missioners to appoint their successors for the remainder of their term of office; and it shall be the duty of the sheriff of said county to give ten days' notice, at the courthouse door, previous to said election of town magistrate and commissioners, and to hold the same under the same rules, regulations, restric¬ tions and penalties that elections are now held for members of the General Assembly; and he shall determine who is elected, and shall furnish the town clerk with a certificate of the election, which the clerk shall copy into the book in which he records the proceedings of the commissioners of Statesville; and such entry, so made by the town clerk, shall be conclusive evidence of the election of such persons to the offices therein named. Eligibility to Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That any free white male office. . . „ .... citizen ot the age ot twenty-one years, within the corporate limits of said town, and who shall have paid a poll tax, and being a resident therein for six months before the day of elec¬ tion, shall be eligible to the office of commissioner; and any person elected or appointed town magistrate or commissioner, under the provisions of this act, refusing to act, failing or neglecting to qualify by taking the oath of office for two months after such election or appointment, shall forfeit the 1860-61. Chap. 176. 211 sum of fifty dollars, for the benefit of said corporation, for every such failure or refusal, which sum shall be recoverable by warrant before any justice of the peace in and for said county, in the name of the» State of North Carolina, to the use of the commissioners of Statesville, to be applied by them to the use of the corporation : Provided, nevertheless, That no person shall be compelled to serve as town magistrate or commissioner more than two years out of four; and every white male citizen of the age of twenty-one years, who has lived in said town three months immediately preceding the day of election, and paid public tax in [in] the State, shall be entitled to vote in said election. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That the town magistrates Taxes, and commissioners, or a majority of them, are hereby author¬ ized and empowered annually, on or before the first Monday in May, to levy and collect a tax for the purpose of carrying out the provisions in section three of this act, upon real estate, polls, and on all the nett interest received or accrued on money loaned, and^n all other kinds of property, and upon every¬ thing else, whether it be property or not, of every kind or nature whatsoever, that now is or hereafter may be subject to taxation under the revenue laws of this State, that is within the limits of said corporation. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That said town magistrate may subscribe and commissioners, or a majority of them, shall have full ternal improve- power and authority, by and with the consent of a majority of the voters within the limits of the corporation of the town of Statesville, to subscribe a. number of shares to the capital stock of any fvork or works of internal improvement in which they may have an interest, a sum not exceeding thirty thousand dollars. Sec. 8. Beit further enacted, That before said subscrip-People to vote tion authorized in the foregoing section shall be made, it shall be the duty of the town magistrate and commissioners of the town of Statesville to ascertain, by the popular vote of the citizens thereof entitled to vote under this act, their wishes in relation thereto; and it shall be the duty of the town magis¬ trate and commissioners of said town to advertise, in one or more newpapers, for the space of twenty days, and also at the courthouse in said town, appointing a certain day and place to 212 1860-'61. Chap. 176. hold an election, to be managed in the same manner, and by the same officer, and under the same rules, liabilities and pen¬ alties which the election of town magistrate and commissioners are to be held under this act; those voting in the affirmative of the proposition shall write on a ballot or on a ticket the word "Tax;" those voting in the negative the words "No tax" Returns of poii. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the sheriff or officer holding the election, according to the fore¬ going section, to make due returns to the town magistrate and commissioners of the result of the election, and if a majority of the voters within the limits of said corporation shall have voted for taxation, then it shall be the duty of the said town magistrate and commissioners to ' issue coupon bonds, signed by the town magistrate and commissioners, [and] by the town clerk and treasurer, in sums not exceeding five hun¬ dred dollars, bearing interest six per cent., payable semi¬ annually, and redeemable within twenty years from the dates thereof, at any point or points within the State: Provided, always, That before the issuing of said, bonds as aforesaid, it shall be the duty, and it is hereby expressly required, that the town magistrate and commissioners shall levy a tax on the cit¬ izens thereof who are subject to the same, and on all the sub¬ jects of taxation that are now or may hereafter be included in section six of this act, sufficient in amount to discharge the interest on said bonds, and likewise a sum sufficient to liqui¬ date the principal of said bonds as they shall from time to time fall due. Collector, Sec. 10. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the town constable to collect the taxes levied under the foregoing section for internal improvement purposes, and pay over the amount collected to the town clerk and treasurer, to be applied by him, under the order of the town magistrate and commissioners, to the discharge of the principal and inte¬ rest of the coupon bonds as it may from time to time fall due; said town constable, clerk and treasurer shall be liable upon their respective bonds for any failure in the performance of their duties in this section required. Assessment of Sec. 11. Be it further enacted, That whenever the town taxes' magistrate and commissioners shall think it proper to levy a 1860-61. Chap. 176. 213 tax for the purpose mentioned in the ninth section of this act, then it shall be the duty of said town magistrate "and commis¬ sioners to cause such tax to be separately assessed, and the town constable shall give to every person paying such tax a separate receipt, specifying the particular sinking fund to which it is applicable, and the true date of such payment; and all such receipts shall be assigned, and whenever any person shall produce to the town magistrate and commissioners their sinking fund receipt as aforesaid, which, together with simple interest computed thereon from their respective dates, shall, in the aggregate,- amount to one share of the capital stock in the work of internal improvement subscribed to by the commis¬ sioners, and for which this said tax was levied, the person pro¬ ducing the same shall be entitled to one share of the capital stock of said work, belonging to the said town magistrate and commissioners; and the town magistrate and commissioners being thereto requested, shall, upon all and every such case, cause one share of the stock of said town magistrate and commissioners in such work of internal improvement to be transferred or assigned to the party producing said receipts to them, or their successors or appointees, as they may desire, and said receipts shall be delivered up to be cancelled. Sec. 12. Be it further enacted, That a majority of said Quorum, commissioners shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, and shall also have power to call a meeting when they deem it necessary, and at all meetings of commissioners, in the absence of the town magistrate, they shall appoint one of their own number chairman; and the town magistrate, who shall be a justice of the peace in and for said county, shall preside at all meetings of the commissioners when he is pre¬ sent ; he shall also have power to call meetings when he may deem it necessary, and shall have power to issue warrants against all persons who may violate the laws of the corpora¬ tion, and hear and determine the same; it shall be his duty to superintend all improvements and works ordered by the com¬ missioners, and see that the laws are observed, and shall have power to have any person or persons arrested who may behave themselves in a disorderly manner within the corporate limits of said town, and may sentence the offender or offenders to pay a fine not exceeding twenty dollars, and enter up judg- 214 1860-61 CHAP. 176. ment and execution for the same. All such fines, when col¬ lected, to be for the use of the corporation. And the commis¬ sioners shall have power to grant to the town magistrate such compensation as they may deem proper for his services as such. hsted tobe ^EC* e ^ Sur^ier enacted, That it shall be the duty of every person residing or owning property within the corpo¬ rate limits of said town to deliver, on oath, to the town magis¬ trate, on or before the first Monday in June in each and every year, a list of taxable polls that may be members of his or her family at that time; also, a statement of all the real property, together with a list of all other subjects of taxation included within this act which he or or she may own, or which they may have control of as trustee or guardian, or in any other way i and any person failing to give in, as above re¬ quired, either or both of those statements, shall forfeit the sum of fifty dollars for the use of the corporation, recoverable in the name of the commissioners of Statesville, by warrant before any justice of the peace in and for said county. It shall also be the duty of the town magistrate and commissioners to appoint three citizens of said town assessors, whose duty it shall be, on being furnished with the returns "of the real pro¬ perty in said town to the town magistrate, [to] proceed to assess the same at its full cash value, and return the same, in writing, to the town magistrate, on or before the first day of July in each and every year; and said assessors shall hold their office for two years; and it shall be the duty of the town magistrate and commissioners to make such appointment every two years, and to fill all vacancies in the board of assessors which may happen by death, removal or otherwise; and should any person appointed assessor as herein provided refuse to act, or fail to qualify by taking an oath of office, for one month after his appointment, such person or persons shall forfeit the sum of fifty dollars to the use of the corporation, recoverable before any justice of the peace in and for said county, by war¬ rant in the name of the commissioners of Statesville. Fees of town Sec. 14. Beit further enacted, That the town magistrate clsrk &c. and commissioners shall have power and authority to regu¬ late the fees of the town clerk and constable, to open such new streets as they may consider necessary, [and] assess the 1860-61. Chap. 176. 215 damage "which any person may sustain by such new streets passing over their land: Provided, nevertheless, Should any persons or persons, whose land may he taken for the purpose of such new streets, be dissatisfied with the assessment of damage by said commissioners, they may appeal from their decision to the county or superior courts for the said county. Sec. 15. Be it further enacted, That if the sheriff should failure^ fail or neglect to perform his duty in holding the election for elections, town magistrate and commissioners, as required by the pro¬ visions of this act, for every such failure he shall forfeit the sum of two hundred dollars, to the use of the corporation, re¬ coverable by warrant, in the name of the commissioners of Statesville, before any justice of the peace in and for said county. Sec. 16. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty bylaws to b« of the town clerk to advertise five days all the by-laws passed a ver 13 by the commissioners of Statesville, at the courthouse door, and no by-law, rule or ordinance shall t^ke effect until after such advertisement. Sec. 17. Be it further enacted, That the town clerk and Fees, town constable shall receive such fees for their services as said commissioners may allow, and no other; and any one appointed town clerk or town constable by the said commissioners, under the provisions of this act, and shall fail, neglect or refuse to act, shall thereby forfeit fifty dollars, to the use of said corpo¬ ration, recoverable in the same name as provided for in the 15th section of this act. Sec. 18. Be it further enacted, That if the said town streets and magistrate and commissioners shall permit the streets or side¬ walks or roads within the corporate limit3 of said town to get out of order, and remain so as to become a nuisance, or shall permit any nuisance to exist in said limits, which they have the power to remove, shall be liable to indictment in the county or superior courts, and, on conviction, shall be fined, at the discretion of the court. Sec. 19. Be it further enacted, That all laws heretofore passed for the better regulation of the town of Statesville, coming within the meaning and purview of this act, be, and the same are hereby repealed. 216 1860-'61. Chap. 176-177-178. Sec. 20. Be it further enacted, That this act shall he in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 2,6th day day of January, 1861.] Chap. 177. an act to allow the county trustees to sell certain property in the town oe statesyille. Authority to Section 1. Be it enacted by the G-eneral Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That the court of pleas and quarter ses¬ sions of the county of Iredell, not less than twelve of the justices of said county being present holding said court, shall have authority and power to dispose of and sell the lot in the town of Statesville whereon the jail of said county is situated, and shall [have] power to effect such sale through John A. Rosebro, the trustee of said county, or his successors, and that the said county courts shall have power to authorize a sale or disposition of said lot and jail at public or private sale; the proceeds of the sale of said [lot and jail] shall belong to the county of Iredell, and [be] subject to the disposition and ap¬ plication of said county court for the use of said county, and a deed executed by the chairman of the said county court to the purchaser shall transfer and invest in the said purchaser all the right and interest of Iredell county in said lot and jail. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 23rd day of February, 1861.] Chap. 178. an act to revive and amend an act to incorporate the town of thomasville. Act revived. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Ceneral Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That an act entitled " An act to incorpo¬ rate the town of Thomasville," passed in the years 1856 and '57, chap. 107 Laws of North Carolina, be revived and so amended that no person shall be permitted to sell spirituous liquors (except for medical purposes) in the town of Thomas- 1860-61. Chap. 178-179. 217 ville, without first obtaining a license of the town commis¬ sioners, and paying such tax as said commissioners shall impose. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 18th day of February, 1861.] an act to amend the act incorporating the town of war- Chap. 179. saw, and for the better government of said town. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Greneral Assembly of the corporate iim- State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That a town is hereby established in the county of Duplin, by the name of Warsaw, with the following metes and bounds, viz: Beginning at a point in centre of W. & W. R. Road, where the old Tucker line crosses said road, being S. L. Gavins' corner, and runs first, south 72, west 86 poles, to a stake; thence north 72, east 86 poles, to W. & W. R. Road; thence same course north 72, east 114 poles, to a stake; thence south 18, east 204 poles, passing along the east¬ ern boundary of Mrs. M. Gordon's lot to a stake; thence south 72, west 114 poles, to the beginning. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the government of commissioners.' said town of Warsaw shall be vested in the following persons, and their successors in office: Walter R. Bill, S. R. Bowden, James T. Mathias, Bryant Brown and John W. Swinson. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the commissioners and Body corporate, their successors in office, appointed agreeable to the directions of this act, shall be, and they are hereby incorporated into a body corporate, by the name of the " Comissioners of the town of Warsaw," and by such name shall have succession and a common seal, sue and be sued, and shall have power from time to time to make such rules, by-laws and ordinances as to them, or a majority of them, may seem proper for the good govern¬ ment of said town, to appoint a town clerk, constable, patrol, and overseer of streets, and to make such allowance to said officers, by fee otherwise, as said commissioners may determine ; that said commissioners shall have full power to repair the streets and lay out or alter the same: Provided, it does not 1860-61. Chap. 179-180. interfere with any dwelling or yard; they shall have full power to assess and collect taxes upon all taxable property within the limits of said town, and to do all other acts that may he deemed needful for the good government and manage¬ ment of said town. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That an election shall be held in each and every year on the first Monday in February by the inhabitants thereof qualified to vote for members of the House of Commons, for five commissioners, who shall hold their office for one year, or until successors are appointed. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That all laws and clauses of laws coming within the meaning and purview of this act be, and the same are hereby repealed. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 23rd day of February, 1861.] Chap. 180. an act concerning the town op Wilmington. Preamble. Whereas, The amount required annually to meet the ex¬ penses incident to the proper government of the town of Wilmington, to pay the interest accruing on the debt of said town, and to provide a sinking fund for the payment of such debt, cannot be raised by the taxes which the commissioners of said town are now employed to levy and collect, without imposing most unequal and oppressive burdens on the real estate and polls within said town; and whereas, it is right and proper that all who, in the prosecution of their respective callings and occupations, enjoy the peculiar protection and privileges secured by the municipal laws and police regula¬ tions of a town, should f contribute towards the expenditures necessary for the due administration of such laws, and towards the payment of such debt as may have been incurred for the common benefit of all who are citizens of such town: Power of com- » Be it enacted by the G-eneral Assembly of the State of levy taxes. North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the commissioners of the town of Wilmington shall have power to levy and cause to be collected annually, at such times during each year as to them may seem expedient, 218 Election. 1860—'61. Chap. 180. such taxes as to the commissioners of the town of Wilmington shall seem fair, equitable and right on the professions, call¬ ings, trades, occupations and other business carried on in said town, and hereafter specified or referred to, and on the articles of personal property used in said town, and hereafter designa¬ ted or referred to; that is to say, on every merchant doing a wholesale and retail business, or wholesale business alone, or a retail business alone, on every commission merchant, on every broker, or produce-broker, every note-shaver, negro-trader, every insurance company, or their agents, whether such agents be resident or itinerant, all portrait or miniature painters, Daguerrean artists, or other picture-takers, all resident prac¬ ticing lawyers, physicians and dentists, and all itinerant dentists, State and county officers, and officers and agents of incorpo¬ rated companies, and all clerks or employees of other persons or corporations, whose salary of [or] fees shall be eight hundred dollars; every grocery, confectionery, fruit store, shoe-store, jewelry store, book store, grain and feed store, on every keeper of a coal, or wood, or lumber yard, on every distillery, on every brewer of malt liquors, on beer, ginger pop, on every saw mill, planing mill, sash and blind factory, ship carpenter or chan¬ dler, apothecary, upholsterer, auctioneer, barber, every marble yard, every iron or brass foundry, manufacturers or dealers in tin wares, venders of musical instruments, on every express company, or agent of such company, banker, retailer of fresh meat of any kind, in any quantity less than the whole animal at any place other than the public market, all persons who shall receive orders, or display goods by sample, or sell goods in any manner) every architect or master builder, or other persons taking contracts, of whatever nature, as contractors or sub-contractors employing two or more hands; on every manu¬ factory of gas for sale, every ship yard, marine railway, every tannery, every hat store, every pedlar, on every harness and saddlery store, paper manufactories, on every printing office doing job work, every establishment where slaves are kept for sale, or by a dealer in slaves, every keeper of a ware-house where produce, goods, wares or merchandise are received, on storage, on every billiard table, whether public or private, every ten pin alley, every pistol gallery, every tug boat plying in the waters of the port, every horse or mule drover, all lec- 220 1860—'61. CHAP. 180. tures for reward, unless the reward be wholly devoted to some literary or charitable purpose, on all establishments for the sale of carriages, buggies, sulkies, or any other riding or plea¬ sure vehicles, on all gold or silver waTches usually worn during the year by any citizerl of said town, on all pistols, dirks, bowie-knives or sword-canes, if worn about the person at any time during the year, on every grist-mill, on all slaves sold at public auction or private sale by or on account of non-resi¬ dents ; venders of patent rights of any kind. Taxes -on pro- Sec. 2. That the commissioners of the town of Wilmington fessions, &e. may^ from year to year, fix the sums and rates of the taxes on the several professions, callings, trades, occupations, and other subjects of taxation embraced in this act, of the sums and rates so fixed during any year may continue from year to year unless altered, and the said commissioners shall have power to make all such ordinances which to them may or shall seem expedient, in reference to the payment and time of pay¬ ing such taxes, the issuing of license to the persons liable for the payment of the same, the terms of such licenses, and the penalties for the breach of the same, and the penalties for such non-payment of such taxes. Failure to pay Sec. 3. If any tax, laid or fixed as aforesaid, or any tax due to said town, shall not be paid by the person or persons liable therefor, on or before the day fixed for the payment of the same by the ordinance of the commissioners of the town of Wilmington, the same may be collected by the tax collector of said town, together with such penalty or penalties as may have been incurred by the party so in default; and such tax collector is hereby invested with all the powers and remedies in the collection of the taxes due to said town, whether the same be liable under this act or any other act, with which sheriffs are invested by the eighty-seventh section of chapter ninety-nine, entitled "Revenue," of the Revised Code of this State; and as a cumulative remedy, if any tax, laid under the provisions of this act, shall not be paid as aforesaid by the person or persons liable therefor, any judge of the courts of equity of this State shall, on application to him by bill or peti¬ tion in equity, and affidavit made by any officer or any citizen of the town of Wilmington that said tax has not been paid by the person or persons liable therefor, issue a writ of injunction 1860-61. Chap. 180-181. 221 in favor of the commissioners of the town of Wilmington, injoining said person so in default from all further pursuit or practice of the professions, callings, or other business pursued or practiced by him, and upon which such tax is laid, until such time as said tax shall have been fully paid and dis¬ charged, together with the costs of such proceedings in the court of equity. Sec. 4. That the commissioners of the town of Wilmington may erect and provide one or more magazines for the storage of all gunpowder brought to the said town or its vicinity, and intended for sale in said town, or intended for transportation to some other place, and may, by such ordinances as they may make, compel all such gunpowder to be stored in such maga¬ zines, and regulate the price of such storage. [Ratified the 20th day of February, 1861.] TURNPIKES. an act to authorize the construction of a turnpike road Chap. 181. from " mitchel's high peak," on the black mountain, to intersect some one of the railroads in buncombe county. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the commissioners. State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That Andrew J. Greenwood, John S. Carter, Joseph Bormard, Madison Greenwood, John Brigman, John R. Hemphill, James Davis, John W. Woodfin, William H. Baily, William Stepp and Alexander Porter, be, and they are hereby appointed commissioners, with power and authority to open books and receive subscription to the amount of ten thousand dollars, which shall constitute the capital stock of capital stock, the company hereby incorporated, for the purpose of marking out and constructing and keeping in repair a turnpike road, leading from "Mitchel's High Peak," on the Black Mountain, to some one or more of the public roads, in Buncombe county; and that any three of the persons in this section named, may open books and receive subscriptions. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the aforesaid capital 222 1860—'61.- Chap. 181. stock shall be divided into shares of twenty dollars each; and as soon as one thousand dollars of the stock [it] shall be sub¬ scribed, it shall be the duty of said commissioners, or any three of them, to notify the stockholders, by advertisement, to require their attendance at some time and place, as they may desig¬ nate, and if stockholders holding a majority of the shares subscribed shall attend the said general meeting, it shall and may be lawful for the stockholders to appoint a president, treasurer and directors for the term of one year, and until the next general meeting of stockholders; and the president and directors, when so appointed, and their successors in office, shall constitute a body politic and corporate, by the name of the " Black Mountain Turnpike Company," and may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, and as such shall have perpetual succession and a common seal, and have all other powers, rights and privileges necessary to effectuate the objects of the corporation hereby created. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the number of votes to which each stockholder shall be entitled, shall be according to the number of shares he shall own, in the proportion follow¬ ing, to wit: For one share, and not more than two shares, one vote; for every two shares above two, and not exceeding ten, one vote; for every four shares above ten, and not exceeding twenty, one vote; and for every eight shares thereafter, one vote. commissioners Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the owners of a major- to locate road. ^ s]jares subscribed, shall have power to appoint commissioners to lay off and make a location of said road, and make and ordain all by-laws for the government and regula¬ tions of said company and the officers thereof, and shall have authority, at any time, to remove from office the president and directors of said company, or any of them, and appoint others in their stead, and shall, from time to time, in general meeting, [make] all such by-laws, rules and regulations as may be ne¬ cessary for the well ordering and better regulation of the affairs of said company, not inconsistent with the constitution and laws of the State and the United States. It shall be the duty of the president, to make a full and fair statement of the affairs of the company, at said general meeting of the stockholders, Amount of President and directors. Vote of stock. 1860-61. Chap. 181. 223 and to employ sucli agents and officers as the affairs of the company may require. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of Duty of trea- the treasurer, to receive all moneys due the company; to keep a fair account of the same, and to perform all such duties as may, from time to time, be assigned to him by the stockholder Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That the stockholders, at paymenfof their first general meeting, shall fix on the terms and propor¬ tion in which stock subscribed shall be paid, and shall have further power to declare the stock of delinquent stockholders forfeited. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That whenever said turnpike Toil gates, road is completed, or ten miles of it completed, it shall and may be lawful for said company to erect a! toll gate, or toll gates, at such places as said company may deem prbper, and demand and receive the following tolls, to wit: Ten cents for every man and horse; for six horse waggons, one dollar and fifty cents; for four horse waggons, one dollar; for three or two horse waggons, seventy-five cents; for stage coach, break waggon,, four wheel pleasure carriage, one dollar each; and for gigs, sulkies, and all two wheel vehicles, fifty cents each. No person, who shall live within two miles of said road, and who shall do four days' labor on the same,-sha|l be liable to pay said toll, and if the court of pleas and quarter sessions of Buncombe county shall see proper to allot a portion of the hands liable to work on public roads to work on said road as upon other public roads, then no citizen of said county shall be liable to pay said tolls, provided said court shall not allot less than thirty hands. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That the president and repairs of road, directors shall see that said road is kept in good repair from the first of April to the first of December in each year, and if they fail to do this, then they shall be deemed and held guilty of a misdemeanor, and subject to indictment for neglect of duty as overseers of roads are now liable to indictment for neglect of duty. Sec. 9. Beit further enacted, That, if any person or persons avoiding toil, shall, for the purpose of avoiding the payment of the above recited tolls, either break through or go around any of the said toll gates, such person or persons shall be subject to pay 224 1860-61. Chap. 181-182-183. five dollars, recoverable before any justice of the peace in the county of Buncombe. [Ratified the 23d day of February, 1861.] Chap. 182. an act entitled an act to amend an amended act to incorporate the jonathan creek and tenessee moun¬ tain turnpike company, passed at the session of 1858-'59. Amendment. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That the act passed at the session of 1856 and 1857, and amended by an act passed at the session of 1858 and 1859, shall be so amended that the county of Hen¬ derson shall be entitled to receive from the agent of Cherokee bonds the same appropriation in the same manner and with the same limitation that the county of Haywood receives; that is, whenever the company shall receive from individuals two hundred dollars, then the agent shall subscribe two hundred dollars, and so on when the individual subscription is increased, the subscription shall be increased on the part of the State for the completion of the said road in Henderson county. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the stockholders in Henderson county shall have the power to determine the point at which the said road shall intersect the turnpike in Hender¬ son county. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the day of February, 1861.] Chap. 183. an act to incorporate the statesville and tennessee turnpike company. commissioners. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That James M. Gentry and E. C. Bart- lette of the county of Ashe, Dr. R. E. Hackett and A. B. Carmichael of the county of Wilkes, A. M. Bogle and Alfred 1860-61. Chap. 183. 225 Conson of the county of Alexander, and Anderson Mitchell and C. A. Carlton of the county of Iredell, be, and they are hereby appointed commissioners to open books and receive Shares of stock, subscription of stock ■ in shares of ten dollars each, to the amount of twenty thousand dollars, which sum, together with the amount hereinafter to be appropriated, shall constitute the capital stock of the cotnpany, in this act incorporated ; and it shall be the duty of the said commissioners to open the books for subscription in Jefferson, Wilkesboro', Taylorsville and Statesville, and at such other places as they may think proper, after giving due notice of the time and place, by public adver¬ tisement, twenty days previous, on or before the first day of June next, and at such other times and places thereafter as they shall think proper, until the amount of twenty thousand Amount, dollars shall be taken in the stock of said company, and then the subscriptions thereto shall cease. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That any incorporated town, incorporated through its properly constituted authority, shall have power subscribed and be allowed to take such amount of the stock hereinbefore mentioned, not exceeding one hundred and fifty shares, as it may choose, the proposition to take such stock being first sub¬ mitted to the freeholders of any such town by the authorities thereof, in the manner prescribed in the second section of the two hundred and fifty-first chapter of the laws of North Caro¬ lina, enacted at the session of 1854-55. And any county, through which the said road may pass, may subscribe for any amount of such stock as a majority of the voters of any may approve, for which purpose, the courts of pleas and quarter ssesions of said counties are hereby authorized to hold an elec¬ tion at the usual time and places of voting for members of the General Assembly. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted. That whenever it shall appear state's subserip- to the governor of this State, by a certificate signed and sealed by the commissioners in this act named, or a majority of them, •that the sum of ten thousand dollars has been subscribed and taken by solvent individuals and corporations, the governor is hereby authorized and required to direct the treasurer of the State to subscribe, on behalf of the State, for the stock in said company in this act to be incorporated, to the amount of ten thousand dollars in the capital stock of said company. 15 226 1860-61. Chap. 183. General meet- Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That when the sum of five thousand dollars shall be subscribed, it shall be the duty of the commissioners to call a general meeting of the stockholders, at the town of Wilkesboro', and if a majority of the stock shall be represented, in person or by proxy, it shall be lawful for the President, &c. said meeting to appoint a president, treasurer and four direc¬ tors, one of whom shall reside in the county of Ashe, one in the county of Wilkes, one in the county of Alexander, and one in the county of Iredell, who shall hold their office for one year, and until their successors are appointed. And it shall be the duty of the governor, when the sum of ten thou¬ sand dollars shall have been subscribed for and taken on the part of the State, as directed in the third section of this act, to appoint four directors on the part of the State, one of whom shall reside in the county of Ashe, one in the county of Wilkes, one in the county of Alexander, and one in the county of Iredell, and who shall hold their office during the pleasure of the governor. And these directors, together with president, treasurer and directors appointed by the individual and cor¬ porate stockholders, when so appointed, and their successors in office, shall constitute a body politic and corporate, under the name and style of the " Statesville and Tennessee Turnpike Company," and by that name may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded in any of the courts of this State, and as such shall have succession and a common seal, and shall have the right to make all such orders, rules and contracts, and appoint all such agents, and to do all such other acts and things as may be necessary to carry into full effect the objects of the corpora¬ tion, and shall have all such rights, powers and privileges as the like corporations in this State usually have: Provided, That in all elections of officers, after the State shall have become a stockholder, she shall be entitled to vote in propor¬ tion to the stock held by her. Vote of stock. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That the number of votes to which any stockholder may be entitled, shall be according to the number of shares he may hold in the proportion follow¬ ing ; that is to say, for every one share, and not more than two, one vote; for every two shares, above two and not over ten, one vote; for every five shares above ten, and not above fifty, one vote; and for every ten shares, above fifty, one vote. 1860-61. Chap. 183. 227 Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That the said company have Road, power, and they are hereby authorized and required to con¬ struct a turnpike road from the town of Statesville, in the county of Iredell, to the Tennessee line, at or near where' the old road leading from Taylorsville, in Tennessee, to Jefferson, crosses the State lineand the said company shall make the said road at least eighteen feet wide, clear of all obstructions, except where side cutting or blasting rock shall be necessary, and in such places said road shall be at least sixteen feet wide, clear of all obstructions, and the grade of said road shall not at any place be steeper than a rise or fall of one foot in sixteen; and the said company shall construct all such culverts, side and cross ditches, embankments and other works which may be necessary to finish the said road in good order; and the said company shall have a bridge or ferry across the Yadkin river, and across the South Fork of New river, at the places where said road shall cross these streams; and the said com¬ pany shall have power to construct any other works, bridges or buildings which may be necessary for the construction or keeping in order the said road. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That the said company shall j^ers of com" have power to employ an engineer or other suitable person to survey the route of said road, to ascertain the grade, and, if the company shall direct, to estimate the cost of building said road, in the various regions through which it may pass, accord¬ ing to the provisions of this act. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That the said company may using highway, carry or construct their said road on or along any public high¬ way, which may be now in existence in any county through which said road may pass, and may appropriate the same to their own use; but the said company shall not obstruct any such public highway until their road shall be in good order for use; and if any damage shall be done to any private property in building said road, or erecting the necessary buildings of said company, and the company cannot agree upon the com¬ pensation with the owner of such private property, then any agent, officer or director of said company shall apply to a justice of the peace, who, upon such application, shall order any constable or other lawful officer to summon a justice and three disinterested freeholders, whose duty it shall be to view 228 1860-'61. Chap. 183. the property where the damages are said to be done, and assess the amount of compensation to be paid by the company to the owner of such private property, having regard both to the injury done and the benefit of the road, and if either party shall be dissatisfied with their assessment, they may appeal to the court of pleas and quarter sessions of the county wherein the damage is done. county courts Sec. 9. Be it further enacted. That when the said road to appoint com- ' missioners to shall be completed, the president shall notify the courts of examine road. r 7 r * pleas and quarter sessions of the county through which the road passes thereof; and each of the said courts shall forth¬ with appoint three commissioners, whose duty it shall be to examine so much of said road as lies in their respective coun¬ ties, and if the said commissioners shall find that the said road is well constructed and completed, according to the require¬ ments of this act, they shall certify the same to the clerk of the court by whom they were appointed; and the said clerk shall forthwith notify the president of the company of such certifi¬ cate ; and, thereupon, the said company shall have power to erect toll gates at such points upon the said road as they may think proper: Provided, That such toll gates shall be at least ten miles apart, and the said company shall have power to collect the following tolls, to wit: For every person on horse¬ back, at the rate of one cent per mile; for every one horse wagon, one cent per mile; for every two horse wagon, two cents per mile; for every three horse wagon, two and a half cents per mile; for every four horse wagon, three cents per mile; for every six horse wagon, four cents per mile; for every one horse buggy, two and a half cents per mile; for every two horse buggy, three cents per mile; for every two horse pleasure carriage, four cents per mile; for every sulky, two and a half cents per mile; for every loose horse or mule or ass, led or driven, one-half cent per mile; for every cow beast, one-fourth of one cent per mile; for every hog or sheep, one-third of one cent per mile; and for every animal designed for exhibition, three cents per mile. corporate Sec. 10. Be it further enacted, That when the said turn¬ pike road shall be completed, it shall be a public highway, and all persons shall have the right to use the same upon the pay¬ ment of the proper tolls; and the said company shall have the 1860-61. Chap. 183. 229 right to prevent any person from traveling over the said road, if they shall refuse to pay the tolls lawfully demanded; and if any person shall, for the purpose of avoiding the payment of toll, break through, or go around any of the toll-gates erected by the company, they shall forfeit and pay to the said com¬ pany the sum of ten dollars for each and every offence, to be recovered by warrant, in the name of the company, before any justice of the peace in the county in which the offence may be committed. Sec. 11. Be it further enacted, That when any twenty con¬ secutive miles of said road shall be completed, it may be de¬ clared completed in the manner prescribed in section ninth of this act, and may be put in operation under the provisions of the ninth and tenth sections of this act. Sec. 12. Be it further enacted, That any person may sub- StoekVnay be scribe for one or more shares of stock in the capital stock of labor, said company, to be paid for in labor upon the construction of said road, under the direction of any agent or officer of the said company, at fifty cents per day; and when any person, so taking stock in the capital stock of said company, shall have worked out the same as directed, such person shall re¬ ceive from the proper officers of the company a permission for himself and family to travel over the said road free of toll for ten years, and the stock of such person thereafter be trans¬ ferred to the State upon the books of said company. Sec. 13. Be it further enacted, That when one-half the state's subscrip- ... . tion. amount subscribed by individuals and corporations shall be paid to the treasurer of the company, then one-half the amount subscribed by the State shall be paid, and when the remaining half subscribed by individuals and corporations shall be paid, then the remaining half subscribed on behalf of the State shall be paid; and if any person or corporation (as well those whose subscriptions are to be paid in labor as others) shall refuse or fail to pay their subscriptions, as demanded by the said com¬ pany, the same may be recovered, by an action of debt or assumpsit, in the name of the company. Sec. 1-1. Be it further enacted, That if the company shall Repairs, fail to keep the said road in good repair, they shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. 230 1860-61. Chap. 183-181. County sub- Sec. 15. Be it further enacted, That the subscription of s^uptions. any counf.y capi|;al stock of said company, under the provisions of this act, shall be expended in the construction of the said road in the county making such subscription. Construction to Sec. 16. Be it further enacted, That the construction of commence in " . . two years. the said road shall be commenced within two years from the ratification of this act, and the corporate existence of the said company, with all the rights, powers and privileges herein granted to them, shall continue thirty years. Sec. 17. Be it further enacted, That the construction of the said road may be commenced at such several points as the company shall direct. Toil. Sec. 18. Be it further enacted, That nothing in this act contained shall be construed to prevent the said company from reducing the rates of toll upon the said road, if the interest of said company may be thereby promoted, or to prohibit the said company from making contracts, by the year, with mail con¬ tractors or others at reduced rates. Sec. 19. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 2Qth day of February, 1861.] Chap. 184. an act t0 incorporate the salem and thomasville turn¬ pike company. incorporated. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Gfeneral Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That Thomas T. Wilson, A. J. Stafford, E. A. Vogler, Jesse Shelley, D. W. C. Johnson, D. Lofton, and their co-subscribers and successors in office, their successors and assigns, be, and they are hereby declared to [be] incorpo¬ rated intoja company, under the name and style of "The Salem and Thomasville Turnpike Company," for the purpose of con¬ structing a turnpike road from the town of Salem, in the county of Forsythe, upon the most practicable route to the town of Thomasville, in Davidson county; thence to the Silver Valley and Jackson Hill, and a branch road from Silver Valley to "Baltimore and Montgomery Mines," in Montgomery 1860- 61. Chap. 184-185. 281 I county, with a capital stock of six thousand dollars, with the Capital stock, privilege of increasing it to ten thousand dollars, in shares of twenty dollars each. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That under that name said Books to be persons may open books in the town of Salem and in Thomas-opened' ville, or in any other place they may think proper, and keep them open until a sufficient amount shall be subscribed; and said corporation may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, and have a common seal, and exist for the space of sixty years. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the stockholders shall Board, at their first annual meeting, and at every annual meeting thereafter, elect a board of not less than three directors, which directors shall choose a president, who shall continue in office until their next annual meeting, and until their successors $hall be elected, and the board may supply a vacancy in their body. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That in all other things the said company shall be governed in accordance with the pro¬ visions of the act for the government of turnpike and plank road companies, and shall have all the necessary and usual privileges of making by-laws for their government, condemning lands, collecting tolls, regulating bonds of their officers, repre¬ sentation by proxies, &c. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. \Batified the — day of February, 1861.] an act to incorporate the dover and trenton turnpike Chap. 185. and plank road company. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Q-eneral Assembly of the commissioners. State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That Edward R. Stanly and George Green, of the town of Newbern, George W. Charlton, George West, Enoch Lane and Needham Busby and Robt. Brock, of Craven, John Shackelford, John H. Neathercut, Adonijah McDaniel, Earnifold McDaniel, James McDaniel, Daniel Perry, Eli W. Perry, Enoch Noble, David Green, Macon Foscur, 232 1860—'61. Chap. 185. Farnifold Simmons, Jacob F. Scott, Amos L. Simmons, T. T. Gooding, Joseph Smith, Benjamin Askew, Charles Gerack and Alexander "Watson, of Jones county, be, and they are hereby appointed commissioners for receiving subscriptions for Location of the purpose of laying out and making a turnpike and plank road from the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad to Tren¬ ton, in Jones county, beginning at a point on the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad, two hundred yards below the fifty-six mile post leading from Morehead City to Golds- borough, at a point known as Savage's Shanty; and from thence a route to be designated hereafter by the president and directors of the company to the town of Trenton, in Jones county, or to some point near said town, to be fixed by the president and directors. And the said commissioners, or a Books to be majority of them, shall cause books to be opened at such times and places, and under the direction of themselves or such other persons as they may appoint; and the same shall continue open for two months, unless the sum of three thousand dollars shall be subscribed before that time, at which time the said books shall be returned to said commissioners at Newbern, in the county of Craven, who shall by public notice in one or General meet- more newspapers, appoint a general meeting of stockholders personally or by proxy, which meeting may continue until the business shall be finished; and if in the opinion of the stock¬ holders in such general meeting assembled, a sufficient sum shall have been subscribed to make said road, or any part thereof, desired by those owning a majority of the stock so subscribed, said subscribers may organize themselves into a company and accept this charter, when they, their heirs or assigns, shall constitute a body politic and corporate, under the corporate name and style of the " Dover and Trenton Turnpike and name. Plank Road Company," and as such may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, and have perpetual succession, and a common seal, and all other rights necessary for the objects of the company; and such of the subscribers as may be present at the said meeting, or those representing a majority of the president, &o. stock, shall have power to elect a president and four directors for conducting the business of the company for one year, and until others are elected, and enter upon the duties assigned them by the company; and every proprietor of stock, by writ- 1860—*61. Chap. 185. 238 ing under Lis Land, may depute any otLer stockholder to vote for Lim at any general meeting, and tLe vote of sucL proxy sLall be as effective to all intents and purposes, as if tLe pro¬ prietor were personally present and voting for himself. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That after the organization Books for fur- of the company, as prescribed in the first section of this act, tions.subserip~ the president and directors thereof, in case they deem it neces¬ sary and proper, may, and they are hereby authorized to appoint commissioners to re-open books at such times and places as they may and shall direct, and keep the same open until the requisite amount to finish the road may be subscribed, which books shall be returned to the president and directors of said company, and the persons so subscribing, their heirs and assigns, shall beqome stockholders in said company to the amount so subscribed by them as such, entitled, to all the rights and privileges conferred by this act on the original subscribers. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the capital stock afore- shares, said shall be divided into shares of twenty-five dollars each, and any person may subscribe for one or more shares; the shares shall be paid at such time and places, and by such in¬ stalments as the president and directors shall direct, they first giving public notice twenty days; and if any person holding any share in said company shall fail to pay the instalments as called for in pursuance of this act, the company may sue for and recover the same in any tribunal having jurisdiction thereof, or they may expose to sale the shares which such de¬ linquent may hold by giving ten days' public notice of the same. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the president and direc- Contracts, tors, or a majority of them, on the behalf of the corporation, have power and authority to contract for the construction, im¬ proving and repairing said road; and the said president and directors may appoint such managers as they may deem neces¬ sary ; and when five miles of either end of the road shall be completed, a toll-gatherer or toll-gatherers may also be ap¬ pointed, who must give bond and security for the faithful per¬ formance of their several duties, and be removed at pleasure. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That at every semi-annual Dividends, meeting, an equal dividend of all the nett profits arising from 234 1860—'61. Chap. 185. Votes. Duration of charter. Toll gates. Width of road. Public high¬ way. Eight of way. the tolls shall be ordered to be made to the proprietors of said company, in proportion to their several shares, which nett profit shall not exceed twenty five per cent. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That in all meetings of the proprietors, each stockholder shall be entitled to one vote for each share owned by him in said company. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That as a compensation to said stockholders for the expenditures made under this act, the profits of said road are invested in them, their executors and assigns, for the period of ninety-nine years, to be computed from the erection of the first toll-gate, in proportion to the re¬ spective sharest; and it shall and may be lawful for the presi¬ dent and directors during the said term to demand and receive, at some convenient toll-gates to be by them erected, such tolls as they prescribe: Provided, The tolls so collected do not ex¬ ceed in annual profits the sum aforesaid; and the agent of the company, under the direction of the company, may refuse a passage along said road and through the said gates, until the toll required by said company shall be paid; and if any person shall pass said gates without paying the toll, the company may sue [for] the same before any tribunal having cognizance of the same. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That said road shall not be less than fifteen feet wide, and may be twenty-five feet wide, at the discretion of the president and directors, who shall be ap¬ pointed to locate and manage the same. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That said road shall be taken and considered a public highway, free for the passage of per¬ sons, animals and carriages of every description, on the pay¬ ment of tolls authorized by this act. Sec. 10. Be it further enacted, That the president and direc¬ tors may agree with the owners of any land over which said road is intended to pass, for the purchase thereof; and in case of disagreement, or if the owner shall be feme covert, under age, or non compos, or out of the State, on application to any two justices of the county where the lands lie, the justices shall issue their warrant to the sheriff of said county to sum¬ mon a jury of twelve freeholders to meet on the lands to be valued on a day expressed in said warrant, not less than ten nor more than twenty days thereafter; and the sheriff, on the 1800-61. Chap. 185. 235 receipt of said warrant, shall summon the jury, and when met, shall administer an oath or affirmation—provided, six or more appear—that they will impartially value the land in question, and consider the damages the owner thereof may sustain in consequence of being divested of his property therein, and that he will not in his valuation spare any person through favor, nor injure any one through malice and hatred; and the inqui¬ sition so taken shall be issued by the sheriff and six or more jurors, and returned to the clerk of the county court of said county to be recorded; and in all such cases the jury is hereby directed to describe the lands valued, and such valuation shall be conclusive; and the president and directors shall pay the sum to the owner of the land valued, or their representatives; and if neither can be found in the State, or if found, shall re¬ fuse to receive the money, then the clerk of the county court; and on payment thereof, the said corporation shall be seized in fee of the land so valued: Provided, no such condemnation shall authorize said company to appropriate any house, yard or garden of any person without the consent of the owners. Sec. 11. Be it further enacted, The president and directors land for buiid- may agree with the proprietors for a quantity of land, not ex-mss' ceeding four aeres at any one place, at or near each place intended for the collection of tolls, for the purpose of erecting the necessary buildings; and in case of disagreement, the same proceedings may be had, and the same conveyance shall follow, as prescribed in the preceding section. Sec. 12. Be it further enacted, That any stockholder may Transfer of transfer his stock, by a deed registered in the company's books,s after due proof of its execution, and not otherwise, except by will; which shall also be proved and registered in the books of the company before the person claiming under the will shall be entitled to any part of the profits: Provided, That no transfer shall be made except for one or more whole shares; and that no share shall at any time be sold, conveyed, transferred or held in trust for the use and benefit of another, whereby the said president and directors, or stockholders, members of said company or any of them, shall be made to answer any such trust; but that every such person appearing to be the owner of stock shall, as to others of the company, be to every intent and pur¬ pose taken absolutely as such; but between the trustees and 236 1860-'61. Chap. 185-186. the person for whose benefit such trust shall be executed, the common remedy may be pursued. Sec. 13. Be it further enacted, That if at a general meeting of said company, held for the election of officers, directors and managers of said company, a majority of stock shall not be represented, then and in that case the president and directors then in office shall continue therein until a majority of the stockholders so constituted can be had. Sec. 14. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 23d day of February, 1861.] Chap. 186. an act to incorporate the wilmington and wrightsville turnpike company. Books to be Section 1. Be it enacted by the G-eneral Assembly of the opened* State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That it shall be lawful to open books in the town of Wilmington, under the direction of Edward P. Hall, Thomas H. Wright, John A. Sanders, William H. Lip- pett, George Harriss, Richard H. Grant and William A. Wright, or any two of them, for the purpose of securing sub¬ capital stock. scriptions to an amount not exceeding thirty thousand dollars, in shares of fifty dollars each, for the purpose of constructing a road from the town of Wilmington, or from some point on the road of the Wilmington and Topsail Sound Plank Road company, to some point at or near Wrightsville Sound, in the county of New Hanover. Body corporate. Sec. 2. When the sum of one thousand dollars shall be sub¬ scribed for on the book, to be opened as aforesaid, the subscri¬ bers, their executors, administrators and assigns, shall, and are hereby declared to be incorporated, by the name of "The Wilmington and Wrightsville Turnpike Company," and as such corporation shall have perpetual succession, and enjoy all the rights and powers, and be subject to all the penalties and lia¬ bilities set forth in chapter 26, entitled " Corporations," of the Revised Code of North Carolina; and enjoy all the rights, powers and privileges, and be subject to all the provisions of chapter 61, entitled "Internal Improvement," of said Revised 1860—'61- Chap. 186-187. 237 Code, so far as the same is applicable to corporations created . for the construction of turnpike roads. Sec. 3. It shall he lawful for the directors of said corpora- Toils, tion to demand and receive by such agent as they may appoint, such reasonable tolls as they may determine, from all persons using the road to be constructed, or any part thereof; and if any person or persons shall use said road, or any part thereof, without paying the toll due for the portion of said road so used by him, after the same has been demanded, every such person, if white, or a free person of color, shall pay a fine of five dol¬ lars, to be recovered in the name and for the use of said corpo¬ ration, by warrant before any justice of the peace for the county of New Hanover; and if such person be a slave, shall receive such punishment by whipping as shall be adjudged by any justice of the peace for said county, under a warrant to be issued in the name of such corporation against such slave: Provided, however, such whipping shall in no case exceed twenty-five lashes. Sec. 4. If any person shall wilfully or maliciously injure, or injury to road, in any maiyier damage or obstruct said road, or any toll-gate, bridge, or other property of such corporation, or shall counsel, advise, aid or assist any person so to do, such person or per¬ sons so offending shall be liable to indictment therefor in the county or superior courts of the county of New Hanover, and on conviction, shall be fined or imprisoned at the discretion of the court in which such conviction shall take place. [Ratified the — day of February, 1861.] an act to amend an act passed at the session of 1850-51, Chap. 187. amendatory of an act entitled an act to incorporate the m'dowell and yancey turnpike, passed at the ses¬ sion of 1848 and '49. Section 1. Be it enacted by the G-eneral Assembly of North $3,000 appropn- Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That in addition to the subscription already made on the part of the State to the McDowell and Yancey Turnpike road, that the Internal Improvement board are hereby authorized, in the manner provided by section third of said act of 1850 and '51, 238 1860-61. CHAP. 187-188. to make an additional subscription on behalf of the State of three thousand dollars to said road. Governor to ap- gee. 2. Be it further enacted, That the governor shall point commis- _ J * ° sioners. appoint three commissioners on the part of the State, "who, with two others to be appointed by the said company, shall constitute the board of directors of the same. [Ratified the 19th day of February, 1861.] MISCELLANEOUS. Chap. 188. an act to authorize certain persons in the county op wake to send their children to A common school in the county op granville. Authority given. Division of 1 school fund. Reports. Section 1. Be it enacted by the (feneral Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That it may and shall be lawful for Allen Baily and Wm. C. Mangum, of common school district No. 57, in the county [of] Wake, to send to the schoo^ in district No. 47, in the county of Granville: Provided, That the chil¬ dren of the said Baily and Mangum shall be numbered in the county of "Wake. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the said Allen Baily and Wm. C. Mangum shall annually report in writing the number and names of their children over six and under twenty- one years of age to the board of superintendents of common schools of Wake county, at the time and under the penalty prescribed for the reporting of the number and names of the children in the various districts in the State by the committees thereof. And the said board of superintendents, when dividing the school fund of the county among the districts, shall con¬ sider the families of the said Baily and Mangum as consti¬ tuting a separate district. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That at the end of the schools in district No. 47, in Granville county, the said Baily and Mangum shall make reports of the same to the chairman of the board of superintendents of Wake county, in the manner that other reports from schools are made, and shall be author¬ ized to accompany said reports with a draft on the said chair- 1860-61. C^ap. 188-189. 239 man of Wake county for any sums in his hands due to them as a separate district, and in favor of the teachers of said school in district No. 47, in the county of Granville. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That this act shall he in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 23rd day of February, 1861.] an act to authokize the sale of the old jail, in the Chap. 189. county of wilkes. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the authorizes State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That C. J. Cowles, S. J. Jennings and E. M. Wellborn, of the county of Wilkes, be, and they are hereby appointed commissioners to sell the old jail of Wilkes county, and the lot of land on which it is situated in the town of Wilkesboro'. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the aforesaid commis- Sale to be ad- y ' _ vertised. sioners,- or a majority of them, are hereby directed and re¬ quired to advertise the sale of the aforesaid property, at the court-house door in Wilkesboro', and three other public places in the county, for at least thirty days previous to the sale, and that they sell the property aforesaid at the court-house door in Wilkesboro' publicly, giving a credit of six months; and that the commissioners aforesaid be required to take bond and good security, made payable to them as commissioners; and that they may sell the old jail and the lot on which it stands, either together or separately, as they may think best, and when the purchase money shall fall due, the said commissioners shall proceed to collect the same and pay it over to the county trea¬ surer of Wilkes county, to be by him applied to the use of said county. And upon the payment of the purchase money afore¬ said, it shall be the duty of said commissioners to make title to the property herein directed to be sold, as aforesaid. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That this act be in force from and after its ratification. {Ratified the — day of February, 1861.] 240 1860-61. Chap. 190-191. Chap. 190. an act to repeal an act passed at the session oe 1858-9, entitled "an act to limit the powers oe different constables in cherokee and roberson counties to the districts to which they are elected." Repealing Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That so much of the above recited act as relates to the counties of Cherokee and Roberson he, and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect and he in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 2Qth day of January, 1861.] Chap. 191. an act to incorporate the greensboro' hotel company. Body corporate. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That David McKnight, Peter Adams, W. J. M. Connel, E. P. Jones, Joab Hiat, C. G. Yates, D. P. Weir, C. P. Mendenhall, Jesse H. Lindsay, and such other persons as are now with them, or as hereafter may he associ¬ ated with them, their successors and assigns, shall he, and are hereby created, constituted and declared a body corporate and politic, by the name of the " Greensboro' Hotel Company," and by that name they, and their successors, for thirty years, may [have] a common seal, and shall be capable of sueing and being sued, pleading and being impleaded in all the courts of this State and the United States, and may hold, possess, ac¬ quire and enjoy real and personal estate, and shall exist for thirty years. capital stock. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the capital stock of said company shall not exceed one hundred thousand dollars, divided into shares of fifty dollars each, and shall be declared personal estate. officers, &c. SEC* 3. Be it further enacted, That said company shall have power and authority to make rules and by-laws for its good government, to provide for the appointment of the direc¬ tors, president and other officers of said company, the mode of 1860-61. Chap. 191-192-193. 241 transfer and representation of its stock, the penalties and for¬ feitures to be imposed on delinquent subscribers, the manner and time in which stock forfeited may be sold, and the mode of transferring the same, and all other matters and things neces¬ sary for the proper management and conduct of said company. Sec. 4, Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in [force] from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 18th day of February, 1861.] an act to provide for taking the list oe taxables in Chap. 192. oregon district, beaufort county. Be it enacted ly the Cfeneral Assembly of'the State of court to appoint Forth Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority Oyofficers- the same, That the county court of Beaufort county be, and are hereby authorized to appoint a justice of the peace to take the list of taxables in Oregon district of Beaufort county; also, to appoint a district board of assessors to value the lands in said district under the same regulations as they are now empowered to appoint them for the various captain's districts of said county. [Ratified the ZQth day of January, 1861.] an act to incorporate warren lodge, no. 101 a. y. m. Chap. 193, Be it enacted by the Ceneral Assembly of the State of Body politic. Forth Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the officers and members who are at present, or in future may be of Warren Lodge, No. 101 of Free and Accepted Masons, in the town of Kenansville, county of Duplin, be, and they are hereby incorporated into a body pol¬ itic and corporate, under the name and style of " Warren Lodge, No. 101 of Free and Accepted Masonsand by that name may have succession and a common seal, sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded in any court of record, or before any justice of the peace in this State, contract and be con¬ tracted with, acquire, hold and dispose of personal property for the benefit of said Lodge, and also such real estate as may be required for the convenient transaction of its business. 16 2^2 1860-61. Chap. 193-194. by-iaws. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the said corporation shall have power to pass all necessary by-laws and regulations for its own government which may not be inconsistent with the constitution and laws of the State or of the United States. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from«and after its ratification. [Ratified the 20th day February, 1861.] Chap. 194. an act for the appointment of an additional inspector of flour, provisions and forage in the town of wil¬ mington. An additional Section 1.* Be it enacted by the Greneral Assembly of the appointed!0 ^ State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That the court of pleas and quarter ses¬ sions for New Hanover, at the first term after the passage of this act, may, in their discretion, appoint one inspector of flour, provisions and forage, in addition to the two by them already appointed to serve until the March term, A. D. 1862, of said court, and to perform the same duties, receive the same fees, and be subject to the same rules, regulations and restric¬ tions, in his said office, as the said two inspectors are now by law bound to perform and receive, and be regulated and gov¬ erned by and under the act or acts of Assembly authorizing the appointment of said inspectors of flour, provisions and forage in said town of Wilmington, prescribing the duties, regulating their fees, and controlling and sustaining them, in all regards, in their said office. Future appoint- Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the said court may, in ments. manner^ a^ term, A. D. 1862, of said court, and at the time fixed, to wit: their March term every two years thereafter, appoint three inspectors of flour, provi¬ sions and forage for said town, instead of two, as heretofore, and under the same rules, regulations and restrictions as have been heretofore prescribed in the appointment of the said two inspectors. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the lOfA day of December, I860.] 1860-61. Chap. 195-196. 243 an act to incorporate the independent order of odd Chap. 195. fellows, swannanoa lodge, no. 56, at ashville, in the county of buncombe. Section 1. Beit enacted by the General Assembly of the Body politic. Stdte of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That Samuel G. Keer, E. J. Aston, J. L. Henry, John Hilderbrand, Daniel Stevenson, and their as¬ sociates, who are members of Swannanoa Lodge, No. 56, at Ashville, in the county of Buncombe, of Independent Order of Odd Fellows, be, and they are hereby incorporated into a body politic and corporate, under the name and style of "Swannanoa Lodge, No. 56, Independent Order of Odd Fel¬ lows," and by that name may have perpetual succession and a common seal which may be altered at pleasure, sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded in any court of record, or before any justice of the peace in this State, contract and be con¬ tracted with, acquire, hold and dispose of personal property for the purposes and benefit of said Lodge, and for such library as it may see proper to establish, and also such real property as may be required for the convenient transaction of the busi¬ ness of the same. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That said corporation shall By-laws, have power to pass all necessary by-laws and regulations for its government and government of any library it may see proper to establish : Provided, Such by-laws and regulations may not be inconsistent with the constitution and laws of this State or of the United States. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force and take effect from and after its ratification. [Ratified the Vdth day of J^ebruary, 1861.] an act to incorporate "green hill cemetery," in the Chap. 196. county of buncombe. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the body politic. State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That Nicholas W. Woodfin, William John¬ ston, Jas. A. Patton, Bacchus J. Smith, Branch H. Merriman, 244 1860-61. Chap. 196. Jephtha M. Israel, Robert B. Yance, Alfred B. Churn, and such other persons as may associate themselves "with them for the purpose hereinafter mentioned, be, and they are hereby made a body politic and corporate, by the name and style of " Green Hill Cemetery," and by that name may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded in all the courts of this State, contract and be contracted with, and may have a common seal. powers. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That said corporation may acquire, take and hold a lot or tract of land, containing not more than twenty-five acres, for the purpose of establishing a burial-ground at or near the town of Ashville, in the county of Buncombe, and may sell or otherwise dispose of the same, or any part thereof, to be used exclusively as a cemetery, or place for the burial of the dead; and all moneys received for or on account of the sale of lots in the said cemetery, shall first be applied by said corporation to the payment of the purchase money of the land whicb it may acquire, and tbe residue thereof shall be expended in improving and embellishing such land, and in such other way and for sueb other purposes as said corporation may deem expedient; and said corporation may acquire such personal property as may be necessary to effectuate the purpose contemplated by this act. property ex- Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the real estate of said taxation. corporation, and the lots or plots, when conveyed by said cor¬ poration to individual proprietors, shall be exempt from assess¬ ment and taxation, and not liable to be sold under any execution, or to be applied to the payment of debts by assign- . ment under any insolvent law. injury to pro- Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That if any person shall wilfully destroy, mutilate, deface, injure or remove any tomb, monument or grave-stone, or other structure placed in the cemetery aforesaid, or any fence, railing or other work for the protection or ornament of said cemetery, or of any tomb, mon¬ ument or structure aforesaid, or of any cemetery lot within the cemetery aforesaid, or shall wilfully destroy, cut, break or im¬ pair any tree, shrub or plant within the limits of said cemetery, such person so offending shall be deemed and held guilty of a Penalty. misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined or imprisoned at the discretion of the court, and shall be moreover liable in an action of trespass which may be brought in the 1860-61. Chap. 196-197. 245 name of said corporation for sucli damages by such unlawful act. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That the land which said Title to land, corporation is by this act authorized to acquire, shall, when dedicated to that purpose, remain forever dedicated to the pur¬ pose of a cemetery, and any lot or lots therein conveyed by said corporation may be so conveyed that upon such convey¬ ance, or after there shall have been an interment therein, the said corporation may have authority to extend interments therein to such person or persons, or class of persons, as may be designated and prescribed in the conveyance under which said lot or lots shall be taken and held. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That said corporation may conveyance of prescribe the form of conveyance for any lot or lots in said cemetery, and how the same shall be executed, and shall have full power to make all such by-laws and regulations as may be necessary to conduct the affairs of said corporation, and to im¬ prove and embellish said cemetery: Provided, The same be not inconsistent with the constitution and laws of this State and United States. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 19th day of February, 1861.] ah act to incorporate kilwinning lodge, no. 64, a. y. m., Chap. 197. in the town op wadesboro', county op anson. Section 1. Be it enacted by the G-eneral Assembly of the body politic, State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That the officers and members who are at present, or in future may be of Kilwinning Lodge, No. 64, of Ancient York Masons, in the town of Wadesboro', county of Anson, be, and they are hereby incorporated into a body poli¬ tic and corporate, under the name and style of " Kilwinning Lodge, No. 64, Ancient York Masons," and by that name may have succession and a common seal, sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded in any court of record, or before any justice of the peace in this State, contract and be contracted with, ac¬ quire, hold arid dispose of personal property for the benefit of 246 1860-61. Chap. 197-198-199. said lodge, and also such real estate as may be required for the convenient transaction of its business. bylaws. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the said corporation shall have power to pass all necessary by-laws and regulations for its government which may not conflict with the constitution and laws of this State, or of the United States. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force and take effect from and after the ratification thereof. [Ratified the 18th day of February, 1861.] Chap. 198. an act for the relief of evans Ferguson and ben smith. Preamble. Whereas, His Excellency Governor Ellis did, two or three weeks ago, issue his proclamation, offering a reward of four hundred dollars for the arrest and delivery to the sheriff of Northampton county of one Ephraim, a slave, charged with the murder of one Lucius Woodruff: And whereas, Evans Fer¬ guson and Ben Smith, free persons of color, did arrest said Ephraim, and him safely keep till many citizens of said county took possession of him : And whereas, The governor is not au¬ thorized to pay to said Ferguson and Smith the reward afore¬ said, because they failed to deliver said slave to the sheriff aforesaid: Therefore— thorized^o^a ^ enac^ ty the General Assembly of the State of Forth reward. Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the governor be, and is hereby authorized and in¬ structed to pay unto the said Ferguson and Smith four hun¬ dred dollars out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. [Ratified the 18th day of February, 1861.] Chap. 199. an act to authorize daniel p. johnson and ambrose sutz to establish a toll bridge on the catawba river. Authority Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That Daniel P. Johnson, of Burke county, and Ambrose Sutz, of the county of Caldwell, their heirs, devisees and assigns, be, and they are hereby authorized and 1860-61. Chap. 199. 247 empowered to erect and keep up a toll bridge across the Ca¬ tawba river, at such point on said river as they may select as being most eligible and suitable to effect a direct communica¬ tion between the town of Lenoir, in Caldwell county, and Icard station, on the Western North Carolina Railroad, in Burke county; and ask, demand and receive the following tolls, to wit: For every pleasure carriage, fifty cents; for every two-horse buggy, forty cents; for every one-horse buggy, twenty-five cents; for every five or six-horse wagon, seventy- five cents; for every four-horse wagon, fifty cents; for every three-horse wagon, forty cents; for every two-horse wagon, thirty cents ; for man and horse, ten cents; for every one-horse wagon, twenty-five cents; for every cart, twenty cents; for every person on foot, five cents; for every loose horse and mule, five cents each; for every hog or sheep, two cents; for every cow, three cents; and for every animal on foot intended for exhibition, twenty-five cents. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That every person who shall Refusing to pay cross said bridge and refuse to pay the toll prescribed in this act shall, in addition to the toll for which he is liable, forfeit and pay the sum of five dollars, to be recovered before any justice of the peace by the owner or owners of said bridge. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That from and after said public high- bridge shall be opened as a toll bridge, it shall be deemed and way' held to be a public highway, and the owner or owners thereof shall, on failure to keep the same in good and sufficient repair, so that the public can cross it with convenience and safety, be subject to indictment, in the same manner that overseers of public highways now are. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the county courts of Land to be laid Burke county, and of Caldwell county, upon the petition of the off" said Daniel P. Johnson and Ambrose Sutz, shall respectively appoint three disinterested freeholders in their respective coun¬ ties, to view the banks of said river where the said bridge is to be located; and the freeholders appointed by Burke -county court shall lay off to the use of said petitions [petitioners] one half acre of land on the side or bank of said river which is in Burke county, and assess the value thereof, and make report thereof to the county court next succeeding; and upon said petitioners paying to the owners the value of said land so 248 1860-'61. Chap. 199-200. assessed, -with all cost incurred in said county courts respec¬ tively [by] reason of their said petition, then the said courts respectively shall confirm the report of said commissioners, and condemn the aforesaid half acre of land on either bank of said river to the use of said petitioners: Provided, however, That nothing herein contained shall prevent the owner or own¬ ers of said land from taking an appeal from said judgment, as in other cases of appeal. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. \_Ratified the 22d day of Feb¬ ruary, 1861.] Chap. 200. an act for the relief of daniel daughtertry. Preamble. Whereas, Daniel Daughtertry, of the county of Craven, lately intermarried with Jane L. Davis, also of said county, and at the time of said marriage the father of said Jane L. was not living; and it being ascertained subsequent to said marriage, that at the time of the celebration thereof, said Jane L. was not quite of the age of fifteen years, the said Daniel being thereby subject to all the pains, penalties, disabilities and forfeitures according to the act of Assembly in such cases provided; and it appearing that said marriage took place with the full and free consent of the mother and all the immediate family of said Jane L., and that the same is an eligible match, and the said feme covert possesses but a small estate, consist¬ ing principally of lands, and that her interest will be greatly promoted by releasing her said husband of the pains, penalties, disabilities and forfeitures aforesaid: Relieved from Be it enacted by the Greneral Assembly of the State of Forth operation of ~ • 7 * it t 7 • /» 7 ?hapUsee's Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the 10 and 11. same, That said Daniel Daughtertry be, and he is hereby re¬ lieved, discharged and exempt from all the pains, penalties, forfeitures and disabilities under the provisions of the act of Assembly, Revised Code, chapter 68, sections 10 and 11, in¬ curred by reason of his marriage with said Jane L. before she was of the age of fifteen years; and that the said Daniel have and enjoy all the rights, legal and equitable, as husband of 1860-61. Chap. 200-201-202. 249 said Jane L., as he would have done had said marriage been solemnized after the said Jane L. had arrived at the age of fifteen years. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 31s£ day of January, 1861.] an act to amend the revised code. Chap. 201. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Amendment. State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That the first clause of the thirty-second section of the sixty-sixth chapter of the Revised Code be amended, by striking out, in the second line of said section, the words, "shall levy a tax," and inserting the words, "may, if they think proper, levy a tax," instead: Provided, That this act shall not apply to any county in the State, except the counties of Ashe and Alleghany. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 25th day of February, 1861.] an act to incorporate the " greensboro' cemetery com- Chap. 202. PANY." Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Body politic. State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That Jesse H. Lindsey, Peter Adams, Andrew Weatherby, James Sloan, Richard Sterling, D. P. Wier, David McKnight, N. H. D. Wilson, C. G. Yeates, W. J. McConnell, C. P. Mendenhall, or any five of them, and their successors, and all persons who may hereafter be asso¬ ciated with them, be, and they are hereby created a body politic and corporate in law, under the name and style of the " Greensboro' Cemetery Company," and shall be subject to all the rules and regulations contained in the Revised Code, chapter twenty-six, so far as they are applicable to such a 250 1860-61. Chap. 202-208. corporation, and not inconsistent with the provisions of this act. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the property of the said company, and the interest of each corporator therein, shall be exempt from execution, and shall not be subject to the payment of any taxes whatever; and that the rights and inte¬ rests of the several corporators shall not pass into the hands of personal representatives, but, in the event of death, shall remain in the families of each, according to the course of descent. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That no street, lanes, roads or alleys shall, at any time, be made or established over the lands of said company, or any part thereof, without its con¬ sent, nor shall the same be condemned or taken in any manner for any public use without such consent. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That said company shall hold no more real estate than may be necessary for cemetery purposes and the transportation [transaction] of its business. '[Ratified the22d day of February, 1861.] Chap. 203. an act to prevent the sale op spirituous liquors within two miles op reynoldson institute, in the county op gates, and springhill academy, in robeson county. Sale prohibited. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Gieneral Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That all persons are hereby prohibited frotn selling spirituous liquors within two miles of Reynoldson Institute, in the county of Gates, and Springhill Academy, in penalty. Robeson county, on pain of forfeiting twenty-five dollars for each and every violation of this act, to be recovered by war¬ rant before any justice of the peace of said county; one-half to the use of the person suing for the same, the other half to the use of the said institute, to be applied as the trustees may direct; and shall also be subject to indictment, and, on conviction, shall be fined not less than ten, nor more than fifty dollars. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That no license to retail Property ex¬ empt from execution and taxation. 1860-61.' ■Chap. 203-204. 251 spirituous liquors at the site, or within two miles of said institute, shall he granted, and, if granted, shall he void. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That this act shall he in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 22d day of February, 1861.] an act to incorporate the " ashville water company," Chap. 204. in the county of buncombe. Section 1. Be it enacted by the G-eneral Assembly of the Body corporate. State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That W. D. Rankin, M. Patten, J. F. E. Hardy, E. J. Aston, M. M. Gains, and other persons who may unite with them to convey water to the town of Ashville and supply the same with water, and with a view to avail them¬ selves of the provisions of this act, shall and may become a hody corporate and politic, under the name and style of the "Ashville Water Company," and as such shall have continual succession, sue and he sued, plead and he impleaded, contract and he contracted with, and have a common seal. Said corpo- Powers, ration may acquire lands and personal property necessary to effectuate the said purpose, not exceeding in value fifteen thousand dollars. The corporation shall he deemed to he con¬ stituted and formed so soon as the said persons, and sgch others as may associate themselves with them, shall assemble in general meeting and organize, by electing a resident [presi¬ dent], treasurer and five directors. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That members of said cor-Powere. poration shall have full power to divide the capital of the same into shares; to make all necessary by-laws and regula¬ tions for its government and good regulation, not inconsistent with the constitution and laws of this State and the United States. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That this act shall he in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 18tfA day of February, 1861.] 252 1860-61. Chap. 205. Chap. 205. an act to incorporate the wilmington water works com¬ pany. Body politic Section 1. Be it enacted by the Gceneral Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That Edward Ridder, Silas N. Martin, Joseph H. Flanner, Francis W. Potter, London, and all other persons who may associate with them in [in] the manner pre¬ scribed, shall be a corporation and body politic, by the name of the " Wilmington Water Works Company," and they are hereby invested with all the privileges, rights and powers con¬ fined [conferred] upon bodies corporate and politic, by the 26th chapter of the Revised Code. Capital stock. Sec. 2. Be it further .enacted, That the capital of said company shall consist of thirty thousand dollars, with the power to increase the same to sixty thousand dollars, to be divided into shares of fifty dollars each, and said company shall con¬ tinue in existence thirty [30] years. Powers. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That said corporation shall have power to erect all such houses, tanks, hydrants, pumps and other fixtures in the town of Wilmington anc^its vicinity, necessary or convenient for the purposes of supplying the town of Wilmington or any part thereof with water, to lay pipes or other conductors for conveying water through, upon, over or under any or all of the streets, alleys or public lots or squares of the town of Wilmington, and also, from time to time, repair, re-construct, maintain and preserve all such works, fixtures, pipes, machines and other property held by them, as shall be necessary for conducting the business of said company. damage to pro- Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That if any person or per- perty" sons shall negligently or wilfully, by any means whatsoever, injure or destroy any conduit pipe, cock, machine, building or structure of any kind whatsoever, or anything appertaining to the works of said company, the person so offending shall forfeit and pay to said company double the amount of damage sustained by such injury, and the same may be recovered by any court of record in New Hanover county, and shall moreover be subject to indictment in said county, and upon conviction shall be fined or imprisoned at the discretion of the court. 1860-61 Chap. 205-206. 258 Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That this act shall he in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 18th day of February, 1861.] an act to incorporate " the buncombe powder manufac- Chap. 206. turing company," located in buncombe county. Section 1. Be it enacted by the G-eneral Assembly of the app^™ted°ners State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That Nicholas W. Woodfin, William F. McKenan and Crockford he, and they are hereby ap¬ pointed commissioners, with power and authority to open books and receive subscriptions to the amount of fifteen thou¬ sand dollars, which shall constitute the capital stock of the company hereby incorporated for the purpose of the manufac¬ ture of powder. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the said capital stock shares of stock, shall be divided into shares of one hundred dollars each, and as soon as two thousand dollars shall be subscribed, it shall be the duty of said commissioners, or any one of them, to notify the stockholders, by advertisement, to attend at such time and place as maybe designated; and if a majority of the shares subscribed shall be represented at such meeting, then it shall ^P°j.gtment of be lawful for the stockholders to appoint a president, treasurer and five directors for the term of one year, and until the next general meeting of the stockholders, and the president and directors, when so appointed, and their successors in office, shall constitute a body corporate and politic in law, by the name and style of "The Buncombe Powder Manufacturing corporate title. Company," and may sue and be sued, pleaded and be impleaded, and as such shall have a corporate existence for thirty years, shall have a common seal, and have all other and necessary powers incident to corporate companies, which may be neces¬ sary to effectuate the object had in view by this act. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That said company, at a Regulations as general meeting of the stockholders, in pursuance of the pro- stock!111011'°f visions of the last section of this act, shall fix upon such regu¬ lations, in reference to the payment of the stock subscribed and the representation of the same, as they may deem propel, 254 1860-61. Chap. 206-20T-208. and they shall have power to make all necessary by-laws and regulations, for the government of said company, not incon¬ sistent with the constitution of 'this State and the United States. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force and take effect from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 23d day of February, 1861.] Chap. 207. an act concerning the management op the poor in the county op porsythe. Sale ot delivery Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the hibited.spr° State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That it shall not be lawful for any person to sell or deliver to any pauper residing at the poor-house of the county of Forsythe, any spirituous liquors, or liquor of which spirituous liquor may be a chief ingredient, without per¬ mission in writing from the overseer or keeper of the poor-house aforesaid for the time being, penalty. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That any person offending against the provisions of this act shall forfeit and pay the sum of five dollars, one-half to the overseer or keeper of the poor- house aforesaid, for the use of the poor, and the other half to him who will sue for the same. How recovered. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That all penalties accruing under this act shall and may be recovered by warrant before any justice of the peace for the county of Forsythe. [Ratified the 22d day of February, 1861.] Chap. 208. an act to incorporate the albemarle steam packet company. Body corporate. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That Edward Wood, John H. Leary, Richard Paxton, Henry A. Bond, John Thompson, John Bond, Joseph Norcom, Thomas W. Hudgins, Robert R. Felton, Peter F. White, John M. Jones, Joseph S. Jones, John Hall, John T. Mebane, James M. Sumner, Benjamin S. Skinner, John 1860-'61.—CHAP. 208. 255 Skinner, James M. Whedbee, Hiram Freeman, John A. An¬ derson, James L. Anderson, Jackson B. Hare, Daniel Valen¬ tine, It. H. Shields and such other persons as are now associated with them, or as hereafter may be associated with them, their successors and assigns, shall be, and are hereby created, con¬ stituted and declared a body corporate and politic, by the name of "The Albemarle Steam Packet Company," and by that Powers, name shall be in law capable of suing and being sued, pleading and being impleaded, shall have a common seal, and be invested with all the rights and privileges, and Tbe subject to all the regulations and restrictions' contained in the 26th chapter of the Revised Code, so far as the same are applicable to such a corporation, and are not inconsistent with the provisions of this act. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the capital stock of Capital stock, said company shall consist of sixty thousand dollars, with the privilege of increasing the same to one hundred and fifty thou¬ sand dollars, divided into shares of one thousand dollars each. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the said company Powers, may, in addition to the steamboat now in course of construction, build such other steamers as the wants of the company may require from time to time, employ them in conveying passengers and freight in any of the waters of North Carolina and Vir¬ ginia, as may appear expedient for the interest and well being of the company. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the said company shall Powers, have power to hold, possess, acquire and enjoy such real and personal estate as may be necessary for the transaction of its business, and from time to time to make all necessary rules, regulations and by-laws for the government and direction of the concerns thereof, not inconsistent with the constitution and by-laws of the State and of the United States, and said com¬ pany shall have corporate existence for thiry years. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. \_Ratified the 25th day of February, 1861.] RESOLUTIONS OP A PRIVATE NATURE, PASSED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF NORTH-CAROLINA. 1860-'61. A RESOLUTION FOR THE RELIEF OF THE SECURITIES OF C. GRIGG. Refunds $100. Resolved, That the chairman of the hoard of superintendents of common schools for the county of Cleaveland be authorized and required to refund to G. Dickson, E. Hippy, A. R. Homes- ley, J. E. Stephens, Martin Rippy, Wm. McSwain and J. Car¬ roll, securities of C. Grigg, late sheriff of said county, the sum of one hundred dollars, it being a forfeiture by the said sheriff for failing to pay over to said chairman the school tax due for the year one thousand and eight hundred and fifty-seven, which sum was paid by his securities. [Ratified the 23d day of February, 1861.] RESOLUTION IN FAVOR OF JOSIAH COLLINS. Refunds over- Resolved, That the public treasurer be, and he is hereby paid taxes. authorized and required to pay to Josiah Collins, agent for Thos. P. Devereux, H. R. Burgwin and T. P. Burgwin, (out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated,) thirteen dollars, for taxes overpaid for the years 185T, 1858 and 1859. ['Ratified the 22d day of February, 1861.] 1860-61. Resolutions. 257 resolution in favor of p. a. smith, administrator of the estate of m. m. plunkett, dec'd. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Greneral Assembly of the Authorized to State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That P. A. Smith, administrator of the estate of M. M. Plunkett, dec'd, late sheriff of Cabarrus county, be authorized and empowered to collect arrearages of taxes due said Plunkett: Provided, No person shall be re¬ quired to pay any arrearages of tax who is wjlling to make oath or affirmation, or offer other satisfactory proof before any magistrate, that said tax has been paid: And provided fur¬ ther, That the privilege herein granted shall only extend to taxes due within three years next before this act shall go into effect. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force for six months next ensuing from and after its ratifica¬ tion. [jRatified the 22d day of February, 1861.] a resolution in favor of r. r. heath, george howard, r. m. saunders and w. a. jenkins. Resolved, That the public treasurer be, and he is hereby pay for extra authorized and directed to pay to Hon. R. R. Heath, Hon.courts' George Howard and Hon. R. M. Saunders, judges of the supe¬ rior court, the sum of ninety dollars each, for holding courts of oyer and terminer respectively in the counties of Currituck, Northampton and Caswell; and to W. A. Jenkins, attorney general, fifty dollars, for services in the court of oyer and terminer in Northampton county. [Ratified the 23d day of February, 1861. resolution in favor of daniel tucker. Whereas, It has been certified to the present General As- anowance of sembly, by the county court of Lincoln county, that Daniel Tucker, a resident of said county, is an old, infirm and indi¬ gent militia-man, who was in the militia service of the State in 17 258 1860-61. Resolutions. the war of 1812, and that he is incapable of procuring subsist¬ ence for himself and family: Therefore, Resolve#, That the public treasurer pay to said Daniel Tucker, of Lincoln county, the sum of forty dollars, as an allowance for himself and family for one year. [Ratified the 23d day of February, 1861.] resolution in favor oe d. w. courts, public treasurer. Resolved, That D. W. Courts, Esq., he allowed to retain five hundred dollars, out of any money in his hands, as com¬ pensation for negotiating a loan of $251,350 in specie, on behalf of the literary fund in 1859. [Ratified the 23d day of February, 1861.] resolution in eavor" oe the estate oe george crofton. To pay $60. Resolved, That the public treasurer be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to pay to George EL Crofton, adminis¬ trator of George Crofton, dec'd, late of Bladen county, the sum of sixty-nine dollars ($69), amount overpaid by the said administrator's intestate as taxes, July 1, 1859, under a mis¬ apprehension of the revised law. (Ratified the 25th day of February, 1861.] resolution IN favor of l. n. b. battle, esq. Pays $ii 69. Resolved, That the public treasurer be, and he is hereby authorized and required to pay to L. N. B. Battle, executor of Wm. L. Battle, dec'd, the sum of eleven dollars and sixty-nine cents ($11 69), being amount of State tax overpaid by him. [Ratified the 22d day of February, 1861.] 1860-61. Resolutions. 259 a resolution in favor of clark bird. Resolved, That the secretary of State be directed to issue a Issues grant or grant to Clark Bird, of the county of Macon, for a tract of land, known as section number eleven in district number seven¬ teen of said county: Provided, That the said Clark Bird shall, within the year 1861, produce a statement from the agent of the State for the collection of Cherokee bonds, showing that his bonds, with approved security, are on file in the office of said agent for the amount heretofore fixed by law as the price of the said tract of land. [Ratified the 23d day of February, 1861.] resolution in favor of jesse m'gee, of haywood county. Resolved, That the agent for the State for the collection of Refunds. • Cherokee bonds be authorized and required to pay Jesse McGee, of Haywood county, twenty-five dollars, upon satis¬ factory proof that he has overpaid that amount into that office, and that the agent of the State be allowed that amount in the settlement of his accounts with the State. [Ratified the 22d day of February, 1861.] resolution in favor of principal and assistant clerks of the senate and house of commons. Resolved, That the public treasurer be, and he is hereby $150 each ai- authorized to pay to the principal clerk of the Senate and the principal clerk of the House of Commons, one hundred and fifty dollars extra of what is now allowed by law for copying and preparing for the press the journals, and that they be allowed sixty days for the completion of the same. Resolved, That the public treasurer be, and he is hereby $ioo each ai- authorized to pay the assistant clerk of the Senate and to the assistant clerk of the House of Commons one hundred dollars for their services. [Ratified the 2Qth day of February, 1861.] 260 1860-61. Resolutions. resolution concerning the distribution of the revised code. Return of jus- Section 1. Resolved, That on or before the first day of tic6& to be ^ made. July next, the secretary of State he, and he is hereby directed to write a circular letter to the clerks of county courts in each and every county of this State, requesting said clerks to in¬ form him, under their seal of office, of names of the acting justices of the peace in their respective counties who have qualified since the passage of this resolution; also the names of those that are acting, who may have qualified since the act of 1858 and 1859, who may not have been -furnished with a copy of the Revised Code, as well as those appointed at this session, and qualified before the rendition of the list hereby required to be made. Report to gov- Sec. 2. Resolved, further, That the secretary of State be required to lay the said information, when obtained, before the governor, whose duty it shall be to forward one copy of the Revised Code to each and every of the said justices whose names are submitted by said clerks. Residue. Sec. 8. Resolved, further, That it shall be the duty of the governor, after having completed the distribution of the Re¬ vised Code as aforesaid, to have all the remaining copies de¬ posited in such manner and at such places as will best secure their safe keeping: Provided, nevertheless, That it shall still be the duty of the governor to cause sale to be made of the Code not hereby ordered to be distributed, as has been hereto¬ fore provided for by law. [Ratified the 23d day of February, 1861.] resolution in favor of wm. thompson. Pays $17. Resolved, That the public treasurer be, and he is hereby authorised to pay to Wm. Thompson the sum of seventeen ($17) dollars. [Ratified the 23c? day of February, 1861.] 1860—'61.—^—resolutions. 261 resolution in favor of e. p. stillwell, of jackson county. Resolved, That the secretary of State he authorized and Grant of land • _ • issued. requested to issue a grant to Ephraim P. Stillwell for a tract of land lying and being in the county of Jactson, district No. 8, and tract No. 188, when the said Stillwell shall produce, before the secretary of State, the certificate of Stephen Mun- day, agent of the State for the sale of certain lands in the year 1853, that he had purchased said land, and when he shall further produce the bonds for the purchase money which were given for said land. [Ratified the 23d day of February, 1861.] resolution in favor of john l. cantwell. Resolved, That his excellency the Governor, John W. Ellis, Pays $20. be authorized to draw upon the public treasurer for the sum of twenty dollars, to ba paid to Col. John L. Cantwell, for exe¬ cuting special military orders. [Ratified the 23d day of Feb¬ ruary, 1861.] resolution in favor of james c. luter. Be it Resolved, That the public treasurer be authorized to Refunds, pay to James C. Luter, of the county of Orange, twenty-five dollars, for an overcharge of taxes in 1858, and that the public treasurer be allowed the same in his settlement. [Ratified the 25th day of February, 1861.] resolution in favor of henry bagby. Resolved, That the public treasurer of the State be author- Refunds, ized to pay to Henry Bagby the sum of fifty dollars, it being for tax paid to the sheriff of Orange which he was not bound by law to pay. [Ratified the 25th day of February, 1861.] 202 1860~'61. Resolutions. resolution in favor of calvin bishop. Refunds. Resolved, That the public treasurer be, and he is hereby au¬ thorized and required to pay Calvin Bishop the sum of twenty- five dollars, being amount of State tax over paid by him. [Ratified the 22d day of February, 1861.] resolution in favor uf the doorkeepers. Allows $50 each. Resolved, That the public treasurer be, and he is hereby authorized to pay to the principal and assistant doorkeepers of both houses of the General Assembly, fifty dollars each, as extra compensation as doorkeepers aforesaid. [Ratified the 23d day of February, 1861.] resolution in favor of quent busbee and others. Resolved, That the public treasurer pay to Quent Busbee, for professional services and expenses in investigating under the appointment of the governor and council the financial con¬ dition of the Albemarle and Chesapeake Canal Company, and amount of work done, &c., on that improvement, the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars. Resolved, That the public treasurer pay B. F. Moore, Esq., for professional services, three hundred dollars. [Ratified the 25th day of February, 1861.] resolution in favor of thomas diggs, of anson county. Resolved, by the General Assembly of North Carolina, That the public treasurer be instructed to pay to the order of Thos. Biggs, of Anson county, the sum of fifty-six dollars and one cent, ($56TJ-n) amount of taxes overpaid by him for the year 1859. [Ratified the 2day of January, 1861.] 1860-61. Resolutions. 263 resolution in eayor oe s. m. ray. Resolved, That R. M. Gardner, one of the sureties of S. Authorizes to M. Ray, late sheriff of Yancey county, he, and he is hereby0011604 arreara" authorized and empowered to collect all arrears of taxes due the said S. M. Ray, late sheriff as aforesaid, for the years 1858 and 1859, and that said collections shall he for the benefit of all the sureties for the said years: Provided, That nothing herein contained shall apply to any person who will voluntarily swear that he or she has paid his or her taxes for said years, or to administrators or executors. [Ratified the 18th day of February, 1861.] resolution in eayor oe john pate. Resolved, That the public treasurer pay to John Pate three Refunds, dollars and eighty-six cents out of any moneys in the trea¬ sury not otherwise appropriated, the same being an overcharge in taxes. [Ratified the 18th of February, 1861.] resolution in eavor oe james h. moore. Resolved, That the public treasurer be, and is hereby au-Pays sio. thorized and required to pay to J. H. Moore ten dollars out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. [Ra¬ tified the 23d day of February, 1861.] resolution in favor oe ed. yareorough. Resolvedt That the public treasurer be authorized to pay to Pays §iog. Edward Yarborough one hundred and nine dollars. [Ratified the — day of January, 186t.] 264 1860-61. Resolutions. resolution concerning the two doors of the gallery, and the door of the hall. Appropriation. Resolved, That the door-keeper be instructed to have green baize screens put to the two doors of the gallery of this house, and to repair the screen at the door of the hall, and that the expenses be paid by the treasurer. ['Ratified the 26th day of January, 1861.] resolution in favor of w. l. pomeroy. Pays $275. Resolved, That the treasurer of the State be authorized to pay W. L. Pomeroy the sum of two hundred and seventy-five dollars for stationery furnished to the legislature: Provided, on examination, the same is correct. [Ratified the 23d day of February, 1861.] resolution in favor of the sureties oe w. w. ward, late sheriff of martin county. Remits penalty. Resolved, That the public treasurer be, and he is hereby authorized and required to release to the sureties of W. W. Ward, late sheriff of Martin county, (against whom judgment is now pending in the superior court of Wake county,) the sum of one thousand dollars, the penalty imposed for failure of said Ward to make his return according to the same, to be released when the said sureties shall have paid the amount of taxes due the State by said Ward, and all costs for obtaining judgment for the same. Resolved, further, That the provisions of this resolution shall extend to the sureties of James E. Exum, sheriff of Greene county. [Ratified the 20th day of February, 1861.] • resolution in favor of w. w. watson. Pays $1(5 25. Resolved, That the public treasurer be directed to pay to W. W. Watson ten dollars and y2^ for carpeting and repairing 1860-61. Resolutions. 265 hall doors, &c., as per annexed account; and the [that] he be allowed the same in the settlement of his account: Raleigh, Nov. 3d, 1860. Legislature of North Carolina, To W. W. Watson, To laying carpet in library in Com. Hall, - To tacking green baize on two tables, - - Dec. 4. Laying carpet in library in Senate Chamber, - To tacking green baize on two doors, 750., To " " " on two vestibules, 1175, >- To " " on two doors in Com. Hall, - - - 1 50 95 1 50 1 50 3 50 1 50 Lr. 10 25 [.Ratified the — day of February, 1861.] resolution in favor of jasper pritchett. Resolved, That the secretary of State be, and he is hereby Amends grant, authorized and instructed to amend a grant issued to Jasper Pritchett, of Buncombe county, on the eighth day of Decem¬ ber, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six, number 3,458, so as to conform to the plat attached thereto, as will more fully appear of record in the secretary's office, and that the said Jasper Pritchett or his assigns be permitted, upon the alteration of the said grant, to have the same registered in the register's office of Buncombe county. [Ratified the 20th day of February, 1861.] resolution in favor of daniel willis and david lewis. Resolved, That the public treasurer be, and is hereby in- Remits penalty, structed to pay Daniel Willis and David Lewis, sureties of John S. Willis, late sheriff of Bladen county, the sum of one thousand dollars, collected from them as a penalty for the 266 1860-61. Resolutions. failure of the said John S. Willis, sheriff as aforesaid, to settle his taxes in the year 1859. [Ratified the 11 th day of Feb¬ ruary, 1861.] RESOLUTION IN EAVOR OE J. L. WARD, OF POLK. Refunds. Resolved, That the public treasurer he authorized and re¬ quired to pay out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to J. L. Ward, sheriff of Polk county, one hun¬ dred and thirty* six dollars and sixty-one cents, being the amount overpaid by him in his settlement of the State taxes for the year 1859. [Ratified the ZQth day of February, 1861.] RESOLUTION IN EAVOR OE GRAY BRYAN. Refunds. Resolved, That the treasurer of the State pay Gray Eryan nine x202