J 'LA W S j OF THE EXTRA SESSIONS • . . ! OF THE j "■ " | , ' " '• ' | * [ i GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE * I STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA. ! ■ I | % 1 i OOWPTR JLLER SHALL HAVE ENDORSED HIS ORDER TliErEON TO PAY* THE SAME. Be it enacted? by the General Assembly of the State of Repels North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of ehaptei'/ the same, That the 11th section of chapter 23, Revised Code, entitled Comptroller, be and the same is hereby re¬ pealed. [Ratified the 12th day of December, 1863.] 6 1863. CHAP. 6. COURTS. Chap. 6. AN ACT TO RESTORE THE COURTS AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Hereafter to be two terms of Superior Court. Jurisdiction. P recess. Proviso. Process return¬ able to Fall Term, 1864, to be returned to Spring Term, It 64. Rules of plead¬ ing,• Ac. Hereafter to be two terms of the Supreme Court. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by'the authority of the same, That there shall hereafter' be two terms of the superior courts of law and equity for each county in the State, to be held at the times prescribed in chapter thirty-one, sections nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thir¬ teen, fourteen and fifteen of the Revised Code, and by an act entitled " An Act to establish the eighth JudicialUircuit, and for other purposes, ratified the 12th day of December, 1862." " * Sec 2. Be it further enacted, That said superior courts of law shall ^ave jurisdiction to try and determine all actions of tort, under the rules and regulations which existed prior to the passage of an act entitled "An Act to change the jurisdiction of the Courts, and the rules of pleading there¬ in," ratified the 11th day of September, 1861, and all pro¬ cess hereafter to be issued in such actions, and in all crimi¬ nal proceedings, shall be made returnable in like manner and under the same penalties as were prescribed' prior to to the passage of. said act: Provided, That no suits in debt, assumpsit or account, shall be tried before said courts by virtue of any jurisdiction conferred by this act. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That all process in the said actions and criminal proceedings from said courts, hereafter issued and made returnable to the fall term, 1864, of said courts, shall be deemed and taken to be returnable to the spring term, 1864, of said courts respectively. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That so much of the said act of September 11th, 1861, as applied-to the rules" of pleading in cases of Sills for injuction and sequestration, and petitions for sale or partition of land, be,.and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. 5. Be it farther enacted, That there shall, hereafter, be two terms of the supreme court, to be held in the city of Raleigh, on the second Monday in June, and the thirr xcuot™ tieth day of December, or on tbe day after, in case the thirtieth day be Sunday. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That the county courts Contested shall have jurisdiction to try and determine all cases of con- Wllls* tested wills. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That all laws coming in Repealing conflict with the provisions of this act be and the^ame are e* hereby repealed. [Ratified the 14th day of December, 1863.] an act to authorize courts of oyer and terminer. Chap. 7. Section'1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Governor to State of North- Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au- mission for ' thority of the same, That on application for a court of oyer and'Terminer, and terminer by any county court in behalf of its county, ©r of the attorney general or of the solicitor on behalf of any county within their respective circuits, the Governor shall issue a commission therefor to adjudge of the superior courts, who shall hold the same ; and such courts shall have like jurisdiction by a grand jury to inquire of and by a petit jury to hear and determine all felonies and larcenies what¬ ever, and also all other crimes \yhereof the county court of that county hath not jurisdiction ; and the court thus ap- Powers. " 1 "o like power as a regular superior court ^ cases whereof pointed shall aavo , to continue pr remove cases; and an jurisdiction is hereby conferred, pending for trial in tne superior court of any. county, shall be deemed in? the court of oyer and terminer held for. that county during its sessibiT, and on the adjournment thereof shall be deemed in the superior courts for the county. And in all cases of appeals* Appeals? from any judgment in' a court of oyer and terminer the certificate from the supreme court shall he sent to the clerk of the superior court and the same proceedings shall be had therein as if the appeal had been' taken from the superior- court : Provided, however, That such court of oyer and ter- Proviso, miner shall not take jurisdiction of any offence -whereof justipes of the peace have jurisdiction outof lite county court. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the said courts shall where held, be be]d where the superior courts are held, and shall ° s 1863.-—Chap, t—8. be attended *by the same officers, who shall have like fees for their.services. - And the jurors for said courts shall be the same-in number and qualification and be drawn in like manner as for the superior courts, by three justices of the peace, with the assistance of the clerk of the county court. judge to fix Sec 3. Be it further enacted, That the judge commis¬ sion^ &c!eS sioned to hold the court shall fix the time of its session and he' shall forthwith notify the clerks of th* county and supe¬ rior courts thereof, and also the prosecuting officer of trie •circuit in which said court is to be held; and the clf - , . J btaie to nc- the Secretary of State to account for and pay over the count for uio- money received in bis office for the benefit of the literary .fund to the treasurer'©!'" said fund as he formerly did to the public treasurer. Sec. 3. Beit further enacted, That railroad companies and regulations To¬ other corporations and individuals indebted to the. literary So m pan us, &c. fund shall rifake theii* payments of interest and principal, when due, to the treasurer of the literary fund* under the game regulations as heretofore existed when they were ac¬ countable to the public treasurer. Seo. d. Beit further enacted, That the moneys due to the moneys due several counties of the^State for common school purposes common*01" shalbber paid by the treasurer of-the. literary .fund to the Scbools- the persons authorized to receive the same, in the sama manner and under the same regulations lipretofore used and recognized in such payments by the public treasurer of the State : Provided, That* the president and directors- Proviso, of the said literary fund be and they are li^reby authorized to require drafts for amonuts due. the several counties, ;to be presented for payment to the treasurer of the fund within six months'from the time that public notice is given that the monies are c|ue. • Sec. 5.- Be it further enacted, That the said treasurer of Treasurer to the literary fund shall perform all other duties and be subject ties*0"" aU to all the*liabilities heretofore imposed on the pnblic treas¬ urer as the treasurer of said fund. u 1863. CHAP. 16—17. A safe place for depositing books, Ac., to be secured. Repealing clause. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That 'the president and directors of the literary fund be and they are hereby au¬ thorized to secure a safe and convenient place for depositing all the books, returns, blanks and other papers and docu¬ ments relative to common schools, to be arranged by the State superintendent of cjmmoa schools and under his care Mid safe keeping. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed, and this act shall have force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 14th day of December, 1863.] MEMBERS OF CONGRESS. Chap. 17. an act to repeal the third section of an act entitled an act to divide the state into ten congressional districts. Repeals 3d sec¬ tion former act. Election to be held on first Thursday ill .■> ugust, 18fi6, and for every successive two years there¬ after. Proviso. Precincts the same as for General As¬ sembly. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North-Carolina, and. it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That the third section of an act entitled "An Act to divide the State into ten Congressional Dis¬ tricts and ratified the fourth day of September, 1861," be and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the next election for electing representatives in the Congress in the Confederate States shall be held on the first Thursday in August, I860, and on the same day for every successive two years there¬ after, and shall be conducted by the sheriffs and other per¬ sons appointed therefor in like manner as elections for members of the General Assembly, and each voter shall give his vote in the county in which he resides : Provided, however, That this act shall not be construed to repeal or modify an act entitled " an act to enable refugees and others to vote for members of Congress," ratified July 6th, 1803. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the elections shall be held at the same places as are prescribed for holding elec¬ tions for members of the General Assembly. [Ratified the 3d day of December, J.S63.]' 1863.' Chap. 18. 15 MILITIA. ah act,to amend an act in relation to the militia and Chap. 18. a guard for home defence. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the company State ofANorth-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au- heicUncea thority of the same, That neither the Governor of this State tlu'on"dH'ta nor the officws acting under an act ratified' on the 7th day twice a year, of July, 1863, entitled "An Act in relation to the militia and a guard for home defence," shall call out for drill or muster the persons enrolled under said act oftener than once a ihonth in company drill, or oftener than twice a year in battalion drill; which battalion drills shall take. the place of the company drills for the month in which they are "Pointed, unless when called into actual service to repel -•--wrection or to execute the laws invasion or suppress m of the State. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That -the Governor shall Home Guawm have the power to use the guards for home defence for the a^^cuSr? purpose of arresting conscripts ' and deserters: Provided, prsjviso They shall not be ordered upon this duty beyond the limits of the counties in which they reside^ or the counties adja¬ cent thereto. Seo. 3. Be it further enacted, That in addition to the ex- Additional ex¬ emptions contaiped in the act- to which this is an amendment, emPtIons* there shall be exempt county commissioners, appointed under an act entitled " ap act for the relief of wives and families of soldiers in the army," regular millers, blacksmiths who have established shops, necessary operatives in facto¬ ries and^foundries, the attorney general, solicitors of the several circuits and counties, physicians of five years prac¬ tice, contractors with the State or Confederate governments, one editor to each newspaper and the necessary compos¬ itors, mail carriers, professors in colleges and teachers in academies: Provided, That thiaexemption shall only apply Ptoviso, to the drills specified in this bill and not to service when the guard for home defence is called into the field. ^ x Seo. 4. Be it further enacted, That for failure to attend at •battalion or regimental drill, each field officer shall forfeit 16 1S63. CHAP. IS. attljndauce^t1" anc* PaT or>6 hundred dollars ;.eacli captain and other officers drills. who shall fail to muster and drill their companies the times appointed shall forfeit and pay for each failure fifty dollars, and if a non-commissioned officer or private shall fail to attend a|oany drill he shall forfeit and -pay irot less than five Proviso. nor more than twenty-five dollars : Provided, That every absentee shall he allowed until the next muster to make his excuse. The fines shall be adjudged by regimental' and company court-martial, and judgments 'are to be entered up and the fines collected in the same mode and in accord¬ ance with the provisions of the militia law of North-Caro¬ lina, passed at the second extra session of the General ^.ssemhly, .1861. p«rgicai exam- ( pEc. 5. Be it further enacted, That the General Assembly, b"appointed.10 ^7 an(^ w^h the advice and consent of the Governor, may appoint surgical boards, pot exceeding three, composed of physicians each, who shall declare by their certificates those persons who shall be exempt from service under the act to which this is an amendment, on account of mental or physical disability, and that they shall receive the pay of their rank and traveling expenses to be determined by the adjutant general. Pay, rations, Sec." 6. Be it further enacted, That the guards for home aetua/seryicw. defence,, should they be called into service by the Governor, shall receive the same pay, rations and allowances as soldiers in the Confederate States' service, and shall be subject to the rules and articles of war of the Confederate States. Not to be call- >3EC. 1. Be it further enacted, That when the pressure of ,Ljw,,• to accept the services of one or more companies of Cherokee Indians to repel in invasion or insurrection in this State. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That for the purpose of Captain and raising such a fo:'ce, the Governor shall appoint and com- 0DeL,€W,en nt* mission one captain and one lieutenant to command said company; the captain to have-power to appoint a first and second sergeant in his company. Sec. 3. Beit further enacted, That the company or com- strong ih of panies so raised' shall not consist of less than forty nor more Comi'aD7' than one hundred officers and privates." ' Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That said companies shall to act as iiom* be under the rules and regulations of law provided for home guards, and shall receive the same compensation while in actual service. [Batifcd the 14th day of December, 13G3.] 2 18 1863. Chap. 21—2$. PUBLIC WORKS, chap. 21. an act concerning 8laye labor on public works. 'amends ist Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the terieof a Jbr- State of North- Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au- B0cract" thority of the same, That the first section of chapter sixteen of an act concerning " public works," ratified 20th Decem¬ ber, 1862, entitled an "Act to authorize the Governor to employ slave labor in erecting fortifications and other works," is hereby amended by inserting the word "male" before the word "slaves" and after the word "slave" be¬ tween the ages of eighteen and forty-five *so that the sec- ' tion may read as follows: ' That the GoVernor .shay have power and authority to compel the services of any number of slaves between the ages of eighteen and forty-five years, &c. Beg. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 12th day of December, 1863..] RE YEN UE. 'Chap. 22. hs act to amend the. act entitled " revenue " ratified the 11th dat of february, 1863. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North- Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of- the same, That the 15th paragraph under schedule A, section 70, of said act be amended so tfiat said paragraph shall read as follows r • On every dollar of nett profit or dividend. declared,' re¬ ceived or due during the year preceeding the 1st day of April in each year upon money or capital invested in man¬ ufacturing cotton or woolen goods, leather or articles made of leather, iron and tobacco, also on every dollar of nett profit or dividend on the purchase and sale of any of said manufactures; also, on every dollar of profit made by the purchase and sale of corn, flour, bacon and other provisions, "Amends lfith paragraph un¬ der schedule a, section 70, former act. p. 22—23.. 19 salt, cotton, tobacco, leather and naval stores; also, on every dollar of nett dividend or profit on money invested in steam¬ boat companies (whether incorporated or not) and in rail¬ roads, a tax of two cents. , Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That there shall be levied a ta*of in /. , 5 cents on on every dollar ot nett profit or dividend on the purchase every dollar of and sale, of articles imported into this State from neutral dividendfionr ports through the blockade of our coast, or which shall be sde^ffm- brought from the States with which we are at War and sold ported articles, in.this State, a tax of five cents, and it shall be the duty of the sheriff of the counties in which said sales are made to proceed forthwith to collect the tax authorized by this sec- tiofi as soon as sales are made, under the same penalties for neglect as are prescribed for neglect in similar eases in .an act entitled "Revenue," to which this is an amendment. Seo. 3. Be it further enacted^ That the 19th paragraph, under section 86 of said act, shedule B, be and the same 86tbsec. said is hereby" repealed. Sec. A- Be it further enacted. That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [ {Ratified) the 12th day of December, 1863.] an aot making appropriations . foe the military establish- 23. ment of the state. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Appropriatea . 7 r $1,650,000, to State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby exacted by the aur be divided ihority of the same, That the sum of one million six hundred eS°departm^s. and fifty thousand dollars be appropriated out of any moneys in the treasury, not otherwise appropriated, for the support of the military establishment of the State for the fiscal year commencing the 1st day of October, 1563, to be apportioned as follows, viz: Pay department,seven hundred and twenty thousand dollars ($720,000 ;) ordnance department, two hun¬ dred thousand dollars ($200,000 •) commissary department, four hundred and eighty-seven'thousand five hundred dol¬ lars ($4:87,500;) medical department, twrenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.) 1S:3. Chap. 22—24—£5. Sec. 2.Be it further enacted, That this act shad force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the I it A day of December, 1S63.] clad. 21. an act to amend an act entitled "revent*e." Tuxos Express Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State cf fkr ceiit. upon North-Carolina, and it is'hereby enacted'by the authority of glow receipts. ^e.sam^ That schedule B, section 86, paragraph 7, of an " act entitled "Revenue," ratified on the 11th day of Febru¬ ary, 1863, be amended so that hereafter the tax upon every express company shall be five per cent, upon their gross receipts, returns to be made upon oath, quarterly to.the sheriff or tax collector of each county by each agent in the State, and the tax to be paid , at the ' time the returns are made, and any agent refusing or neglecting to do so shall be deemed guilty of a high misdemeanor, and shall Defined not less than one thousand dollars for each offence or im¬ prisoned at the discretion of the court. [Ratified the 14th day of December, 1863.] Chaj) 25 AN ACT TO amend an act ratified on the if til day of feb¬ ruary, 1863, entitled " revenue." amends 4th Section 1. Be if, enacted by the General Assemby of the HfHh *Siale bf N.orth-Carolina,, and it is hereby enaeted Try the au- cbap. Revenue thority of the same, That the 4th paragraph in schedule B, S6tli section of the 57th chapter, of an aet ratified on the 11th day of February, 1863, entitled "Revenue," be amended by striking out the ,word " five " in the second lino of said paragraph and inserting "three," so as tolnake the paragraph read as follows, viz : Every insurance company incorporated out of the State three per cent, upon its gross receipts. • Seo. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after it ratification. [Ratified the 14th day of December, 1863.] 1363. :Chap. 26—27. 21 an act to-toovl. " a inst a possible deficiency in the ChjT>. 20. easusy. Section .1. Be it enacted l General Assembly of the- To meet any GQl]Cicilrt * State of North-Carolina, and it dy enacted by the au- t! easr , an- thority of-the same, That in the ev«. '' a deficiency 'in the t'pTrc-r,, treasury the public treasurer be and he - "foy authorized Poubu to raise a sufficient sum to meet appropriati by the sale of State bonds, with coupons, bearing, six per c "Merest, payable semi-annually and running thirty years . j he 1st day of January, 1863, or by the sale of Rorth-Cw treasury notes, or both, provided, however, that the * h to be so raised shall not exceed two millions of dolla:,. Sec. 2. Be it farther enacted, That this act shaH be in force, immediately after its ratification. [Ratified the lith day of December, 1863.] ROADS. an act to amend the 9th section of chapter one hundred Chap. 27. and one of revised code. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Penalty of $5. Stale of NortB Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au- authority of the same,, That the 9th section of chapter one, hundred and one of the Revised Code be so amended as to make the forfeiture and penalty five dollars instead of one, for failing to work on public roads unless unavoidably pre¬ vented. Seo. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [.Ratified the 12th day of December, 1863.] 22 1868.——Chap. 2&. SALARIES AND FEES. chap. 281 an act in relation to salaries and fees. Section 1. Be-it*'enacted by the General A ssembly of the State of North- Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That from and after the last day of De¬ cember, 1863, each judge of the supreme court of North- O&folina shall "be allowed an annual salary of three thousand dollars, to be paid quarterly on. the first days of April, July, October and January. And each judge of the superior courts of law and equity shall be allowed an annual salary of three thousand dollars- to be paid quarterly in like manner. - Sakries of the gEC> 2. jBe it further enactedThat for the year "one several State . officers. - thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, the several State offi¬ cers hereinafter named shall recei^dsalaries or compensation as follows to-wit: The public treasurer, three thousand five hundred dollars; the chief clerk of the treasurer, two thou¬ sand dollars; the second clerkf of the treasurer, twelve hundred dollars; secretary of State, fifteen hundred ddllars and double the fees of office and allowances heretofore allowed by law; the comptroller of public accounts, two thousand dollars; the clerk of the comptroller of public •account, twelve hundred dollars; the private secretary of the Governor, five hundred dollars and double the fees now allowed by law; the attorney general, two hundred dollars for his attendance on the supreme court and fifty dollars for each term of the superior court of any county he .shall attend; each solicitor of the State, forty dollars for every term of the superior court of any county he shall attend ; ' the reporter of the decisions of the supreme court, eight hundred dollars ; the clerk of the supreme court, six hun¬ dred dollars and double the fees now allowed by law ; the marshall of the supreme court, five dollars per day; the clerks of the county courts, clerks of the superior courts of law, clerks and masters in equity, sheriffs, coroners, con¬ stables, registers, rangers, estray takers, processioners, stan¬ dard keepers and inspectors, double the fees now allowed by law; the chief clerk of the auditor of public accounts, Salary of Judge to be $3,000. 1863. Chap. 28—29. 23 two thousand dollars; the superintendent of common schools, two thousand dollars; the public librarian, One thousand dollars; ,the keeper of the capitol, eight hundred dollars; the adjutant general, the pay of adjutant general in the Confederate service commanding in the field; the public printer, fifty per cent. upon the compensation now allowed by law, to commence from the third session of the General Assembly: Provided, That no increase shall be Proviso, made in the rate of commissions now allowed to any of the officers aforesaid. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the courts of pleas and salary of Jus- ' » ,, ■, • r. 1 n. ^Ces compos* quarter sessions of the several counties or the State, a ma- ing special jority of the justices being present, shall have the power courts- and authority to allow the justices composing the special couris of their respective counties such compensation as tfyey may deem adequate, to be paid in the same manner as the compensation hitherto allowed by law. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 1 ±th day of December, 1863.} an act to increase the pat of witnesses and jurors. Chap. 29. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the $1.20 for every State of North- Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au- 80 miIes" thority of- the same, That for the remainder of the year 1863 and during the year 1864, every witness attending court shall be allowed for each day's attendance and for every thirty miles he may travel going to and returning from court, one dollar and twenty-five cents : Provided, the wit- Proviso, n ess lives within. the county, or the sum of two dollars if he life without, and his ferriage. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That for and during the Pay of Jurors, time aforesaid, the several county courts, a majority of the justices being present, shall have power to provide forq>ay- ing the jurors of the county for their services, whether for their attendance upon court or for other purposes, a sum which shall not be less than one dollar nor more than four dollars per day, and a sum equal to the daily allowance for 24 1863. Chap. 29—30—31—32. every thirty miles traveling to and from the court, and a Proviso, proportion agreeably to the distance -traveled : jProvided, That when a'majority of the magistrates cannot be obtained, one-third shall be .competent to make such order. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [(Ratified) the 12th day of December, 1863.] Chap. 30. an act to provide for the pat of judges holding courts of oyer and terminer. To be paid. Be it enacted by ike . General Assembly of the State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the judge holding a court of oyer and ter¬ miner shall receive therefor the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars, to be paid by the treasurer, on presentationtof the certificate of the clerk of said court. [,Ratified the 12th day of December, 1863.] Chap. 31. . ' an a0t concerning the governor's salary. Authorized to Be it enacted by the General A ssembly of the Slateof North- Sore!gaex-Om Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the. authority of the* change. same, That the Governor of this State is hereby authorized to draw for and receive the sum of five hundred dollars of his annual salary for the year 1863, in any funds belonging to the State in the hands of its financial agents in foreign countries. [.Ratified the 14th day December, 1863.] SHERIFFS. Chap. 32. an act t0 ambnd the revised code in relation to taking the bonds of sheriffs. Oath and bond Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the oi sheriff. State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That if any person elected to the office 1863. CHAP. 32—33. 25 of sheriff of any county in this State by the people, or the justices of the county court, shall be unable to tender his bonds and qualify by taking the prescribed oaths at the term of the county court at which the election is made or de¬ clared, by reason of being absent in the military service of the country, or within the enemy's lines, or by reason of his county oP a portion of it being in the possession of the enemy, or by reason of the court not being held or being dispersed by an actual or apprehended invasion or raid of the enemy, the person- so elected sheriff shall be allowed to tender his bonds and take the prescribed oaths before twelve justices of the peace of the county, at the office of the clerk of the county ctiurt of said county within twenty days after the term of the court at which said election shall have been made or declared,, which shall be duly recorded by the clerk of the county court. ' Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 8th day of December, 1863.] SLAVESL AND FREE NEGROES. AN ACT TO EXPLAIN AND AMEND SECTION SIXTY-EIGHT CHAPTER Chap. 33. ONE HUNDRED AND SEVEN OF REVISED CODE. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Punishment of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of manslaughter the same, That any slave or free person of color convicted or felony- of manslaughter or for felony for which the punishment shall not be prescribed, or if prescribed the same shall not be in whole or in part whipping, may in the discretion cf the court, be punished with one or more public whippings, not exceeding thirty-nine lashes each, either in addition to or in lieu of such other punishment or some part thereof as may be inflicted for each offence. {Ratified the 11 th dap of December, 1863.] 26 1863. -Chap. 34. SOLDIERS. chap. 34. ah aos' fob she belief of the wives and families of soldiers in the army. approbates Seotion 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the l.ioo, »oo. gtate of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enactedby the au¬ thority of the same,' That the sum of orte million of dollars to be paid in treasury notes of the State of North-Carolina in addition to the appropriation heretofore made in that be¬ half, be and the.same is hereby appropriated for the support of the wives and families of the indigent soldiers of this State, whether in the service of the State or Confederate government, or whether killed in battle or dying in the mil¬ itary service of the county. Such sum to be distributed among the several counties of the State as heretofore, accord¬ ing to white population as ascertained by the census of 1860. Quotas to be Seo. 2. Be it further enacted, That the quota of each ^ommiss^ners county shall be.paid to the county commissioner or county trustee of the same according to the provisions of the act of General Assembly, ratified the tenth day of February, 1863, entitled an act for the relief of the wives and families of soldiers in the army, and shall be applied to the support of the wives and families of the soldiers of this State as above enumerated, according to the rules and regulations which have been or maybe prescribed by the court of pleas and quarter sessions of each county. Famiiies"re- • Seo. 3. Be it further enacted, That when any family of a other coantr. soldier as aforesaid shall have removed from the county of his residence since the commencement of the war and shall have acquired a residence in another county, they shall be considered ^residents of the latter county and receive a share of such distribution accordingly. Appropriates Seo. 4. Be it further enacted, That in addition to the fore- Hefof Indian6' going appropriation the sum of three thousand dollars is Warriors. hereby appropriated, to be paid by the public treasurer as aforesaid to the county commissioners in those counties, in which are resident the families of Indian warriors who have rendered service to the Confederate States in the presen t 1$63.——:Chap. 34—^35—36. 27 war, for distribution among theqa according to the provisions hereinbefore made in the case df white persons. . Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That this aet shall be-in force from its ratification, [Ratified the 1 Uh day of De¬ cember, 1863.] TREASURY NOTES. an act authorizing the treasurer to issue small treasury Chap. 35. notes to the amount of four hundred thousand dollars. Be it enacted by. the General Assembly of the State of f gg°t^inatioQ North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the public treasurer be authorized to have prepared and to issue treasury notes upon the credit of the State of less denomination than one dollar, to the amount of four hundred thousand dollars redeemable on or before the 1st day of January, 1870, under the same regulations and-with the same penalties, for counterfeiting the. same, prescribed in the act of 1862-'63, chapter 29. [Ratified the 12th day of December, 1863.] WITNESSES. an act explanatory of " an act to admit" proof of the Chap. 36. hand-writing of attesting witnesses in certain cases." Whereas, Doubts have arisen whether "An Act to admit Preamble, proof of the hand-writing of attesting witness in certain cases," ratified the 27th day of January, 1863, applies to the probate of wills; therefore, Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Explanation. State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That the said act shall be construed to apply to cases of the probate of wills when there are sub¬ scribing, witnesses, unless the* same shall be contested. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 12th day of December, 1863.] 23 1863. Chap. 37—38. MISCELLANEOUS. Chap. 37. -AN act.making an appropriation* to purchase cotton to ee applied to purchases in europe. appropriates Section 1. Be.it enacted by the General Assembly of the 00 J * • • • ' State of North-Carolina, and it i's hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That the sura of three- hundred and twenty-four thousand dollars be and the same is hereby appropriated to enable the Governor to cause cotton to be purchased to be applied to the debt and purchases made on the State's account in Europe. . Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from its ratification. ^ [Ratified the l^th day of Decem¬ ber, 1863.], Chap. 38. an act to regulate office hours in certain offices. n-ora^A.11 m Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the to 2 p. ii. State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That the public treasurer, comptroller and the secretary of State, shall attend at their respective offices in the city of Raleigh between the hours of 9 o'clock in the morning and two o'clock in the afternoon, Sundays, Christinas, the 4th of July, 20th of May, thanksgiving day and such other days as may be set apart by the President of the Confederate States or the Governor of the Sfate for thanksgiving or other devotional-exercises [exc'epted.] Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That all laws, coming in conflict with this act be and the same are hereby repealed. [.Ratified the 12ih day of December1863.] RESOLUTIONS of a public natu.be, passed by the GENERAL ASSEMBLY of' NORTH-CAROLINA, at pi's ADJOURNED SESSION OF 1863. a resolution concerning the printing of the treasurer's report. Resolved, That the public.printer, in addition to onecrpy conditional of the Treasurer's report for each member, as provided in a prmt«d.° e resolution ratified the 10th February, 18§9, be instructed to print fifty additional copies, to be distributed as follows : Twelve copies each to the libraries of the Senate and House of Commons, one copy each to the Governor, Secretary of State and Comptroller, three copies to the State Library and twenty copies to the treasury, to be interchanged with the Tieasurers of the States of the Southern Confederacy. [RaAifed the — of December, 1833.] 'resolutions requesting our senators and representatives in congress to secure an additional increase of the pay of soldiers, &c. "Whereas, The price of provisions and clothing have Pieambie. greatly increased since the commencement of the war now being waged between the North and South, which has ren- 30 1863. ^Resolutions. dered it necessary to increase the salaries and fees of cer- tain officers in order to secure them decent support, and no provision having heretofore been made to increase the pay of the officers and soldiers who are now so gallantly defend¬ ing on the bloody fieM the. cause of the South for the achievement of our independence, Be it therefore enacted, That our Senators and Represen¬ tatives in the Confederate Congress be requested to use. all honorable means in'their power to secure the increase of the pay of those noble spirits. Resolved, further,, That we who remain at home pledge diets' families, ourselv.es to "adopt every measure possible lor their support and the maintenance of their families. Besolved, That his Excellency, tho Governor, be requested to transmit a copy of the foregoing resolutions to each of our. Senators and Representatives in Congress. [Ratified the 3d day of December, 1863.]. Appeals to members of Congress. Pledges sup. port to sol¬ do verr or to transmit copy. A resolution in relation to" sequestered and confiscated lands'in north-carolina. Settlement of ownership. Lands belong to State. Resolved, That his Excellency, the Governor, be requested to instruct the Attorney General to take such 6teps to insti¬ tute such proceedings as he may think proper in relation to such lands within the State as have or may be sequestered or confiscated under the laws of Congress, to the end that the question of the*ultimate ownership of the same may be adjusted and settled. Resolved, That in the opinion of the General Assembly the lands of alien enemies belong to the State of North- Carolina, and that the State asserts her right to the same. [Ratified the &th day of December, 1863.] resolution in relation to impressments. preamble. "Whereas, Tlfis legislature has been informed that certain persons claiming*to be officers and soldiers in the military service of the Confederate States, have been and are now 1863. Resolutions. 31 going through portions of the State making impressments of corn, pork and other articles of food essential to the'sup- port of the inhabitants of the said localitieSj in addition to the tithes demanded by the government and before the tithes are collected, and, whereas, it is the duty "of the authorities of the State to protect its citizens in the enjoy¬ ment of their constitutional rights and privileges, as tvell as the subject to render obedience to its^constitutional and legal requirements. Therefore, Resolved, That his Excellency, the Governor, is hereby Governor . wynne. Resolved, That the Governor of the State "be requested to Correspond with the President of the Confederate States and ascertain if W. D. "Wynne, a citizen of Bertie county, be confined in prison in "Richmond, Ya., and if so, upon what charge, and if for any offence cognizable by the courts of this Stale, to demand that he be delivered up to be tried according to due course of law. [Ratified the 1 ith day of December, 1883.] resolution .concerning the per diem and' mileage of the members of the general assembly. Resolved, That the members of the General Assembly shall receive twelve dollars ($12) per diem for their atten¬ dance during the present session. Resolved, further, That they shall be entitled to receive twenty (20) cents per mile for traveling to and returning from the city of Raleigh by the most usually traveled route. [.Ratified the 8th day of December, 1863.] resolutions instructing the auditor of public accounts to enquire whether a better system of keeping the accounts of disbursing officers and ^etter checks on their ac¬ countability may not be introduced, and whether a better mode of canceling the vouchers of the public treasurer may not be adopted. Preamble. Whereas, The increased expenditures of the State and multiplication of disbursing agents, growing [out] of a State of war, render it necessary that the best system of keeping the accounts and the most efficient checks on all disbursing officers and agents should be adopted. Therefore, Governor to correspond with Presi¬ dent. diem. Mileage SO cents. 1S63. Resolutions. Resolved, That the Auditor of Public Accounts.investigate existing enactments and^ the- mode of carrying them out, report, now prevailing in each disbursing office, and if after such investigation, he shall be of opinion a better system of keep¬ ing the public accounts and more efficient checks on accountability can be adopted, that he report to the General Assembly, at its next sitting, a bill to accomplish these objects with a report explanatory thereof. Resolved, further, That he enquire whether some better ?ia*> fo,'&c*a" plan of receiving and canceling tli£ vouchers of the.public Treasurer in the Comptroller's office [can be adopted]; and if he shall recommend another plan, that he report to the next sitting of the General Assembly, a bill to carry ou this recom¬ mendation. [Ratified the 12th day of December, 1863.} STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA, } Office of Secretary of State, \ Dec. Zlat, 1863.) I, John P. H. Russ, Secretary of State in and for the State of North-Carolina, do hereby certify that the foregoing are true copies c»f the original Acts and Resolutions on file in this office. Given under my hand, this 31st day of December, 1863. JOHN P. H. RUSS, Secretary qf State. PRIVATE LAWS or THE STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA, PASSED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY AT ITS ADJOURNED SESSION OF 1863. RALEIGH: W. W. HOLDEN, PRINTER TO THE STATE. 1863. PRIVATE LAWS OF TEE STATE Of NORTH-CAROLINA, PASSED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY, AT ITS ADJOURNED SESSION OF 1863. ACADEMIES. AN ACT CONCEBNING RUTHERFQRD* ACADEMY. Chap. 1. 6 Section ,1. f$e it enacted by the General Assembly of the To be styled State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au- ihority of the same, That an act passed at the General' Assembly, at the session of 1858-59, incorporating Ruth¬ erford Academy, in Burke county, N. C., be so amended as to alter the name of said academy, and that it be styled in future Rutherford Seminary. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That said seminary shall Powers, have power to graduate and confer degrees. Sec. '3. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the Zd day 4tf Decembery\ZZZ* 4 1863. Chap. 2—3. EXPRESS COMPANIES. chop. 2. an act trce from and after its ratification. [Ratifed the 111th day t f December, 1863.] an act to allow a fee to the assistant clerk in the. Chap. 5. treasury for the registration of- state bonds. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State AUows £5 cts. * of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au- ^ thority of the same, That the assistant clerk in the Treas¬ ury department be allowed twenty-five cents for each State bond registered, and for the registration of each transfer of said bonds under the act of 1S56, chapter 16, to be paid by the persjn requiring such registration. \_Ratifed the Vith day of December, 1863.] an act in relation to the compensation of the tax col- chap. 6. lector of johnston county". Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the To be fixed by State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au- County Court* thority of the same, That the compensation of the tax col¬ lector for the county of Johnston for collecting u tax recently levied by the magistrates of said county, exclu¬ sively for the purpose of providing sustenance for the families of soldiers, shall be fixed by t]he county c.urt 6 18G3. Chap. 6—7—8. thereof, not to exceed however the sum of twenty-fiv© hundred dollars. ^ Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect from the date of its ratification. \Ra'ified the 5th, day of December, 1863.} INSURANCE COMPANIES. Chap. 7. an act in kegaed to the mutual insurance company in fay etteyille. insurances Be it enaeted by the General Assembly of the State of !u Him notes. North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the- mutual insurance company in the town of Fayefteville be authorized to make insurance in certain eases without requiring a premium note," on.the payment of such cash premium as may be agreed upon by the officers of said company and the party applying for insurance. The said cash premium to go into the general funds of said company applicable to the payment of losses. The parties, so insured shall hot be considered as members of said insurance company. \Batified the 12th day of Deceird>ery 1863.] MINING AND MANUFACTUEING COMPANIES* Chap. 8. an act to incorporate tiie lockville mining and manu¬ facturing , company. rpdj politic. Section 1. Be it cneicted'by the General Assembly of the State of North-Carolina, ancl it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same> That for the purpose of carrying pn the business of mining and manufacturing, the formation of a corporate company, with a capital stock of two millions of dollars, in shares of one hundred dollars each, is hereby au¬ thorized, to he called the LQckville Mining and Manufactu¬ ring Company; and when formed in compliance with the conditions hereinafter prescribed, to have a corporate ex¬ istence as a body politic for-ninety years. 1863. CHAP. S. 7 Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That for the purpose of ere- Books to be j, . i » ii . opened, &c. ating the capital ol sard company, the following persons,> any three of whom shall be a quorum to do.business, are appointed commissioners: Geo. W. Mordecai, C. P. Men- denhall, Joseph S. Jones, Thos. D. Ilogg, Kemp P. Battle, J. M. Heck, Thos. B. Harris, Wm. J. Hawkins and David A Barnes, whose duty it shall be to direct the opening of books of subscription of stock at such times and places,- and by Birch persons as they (or a quorum of them) may deem proper ; and they shall have power to appoint a chairman -•of their body, and other officers, and to sue for and recover all sums of money that ought, under this act, to be recov¬ ered by them Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That whenever the sum of Capital stock, one hundred thousand dollars shall be subscribed to the capital stock, the subscribers and their assigns shall be and they are hereby declared incorporated into a company, by the name and style«of "The Lockville Mining and Manu¬ facturing Company,"" and as such shall have succession, and Powers, may have and iftee a common seal, and change the same at pleasure; may sue andr be sued, plead and be impleaded in any court of law and equity, shall have power to make all such by-laws and regulations (not inconsistent with the existing laws and constitution of this State) as may be deemed necessary for the government of said company, which shall be binding thereon; and shall have, exercise and enjoy.ali the rights and privileges of a body corporate necessary or requisite to cany on the business of exploring and mining coals, iron-ore, copper-ores, and all other min¬ erals ; and smelting, manufacturing, transporting and vend¬ ing the same, and' the products thereof; and of establish¬ ing and working foundries, rolling mills and other manufac¬ tories of metalic fabrics, and of transporting and vending thoir products •, and shall have power to purchase, lease, ho'ld, eonvey and dispose of any estate, real and personal: Provided, That said corporation shall at no one time hold Proviso, more than twenty thousand acrps of land. Said compa¬ ny shall have also the right, power and authority to build and construct roads and ways, whether tram, plank, aulroad, or turnpike, and to change the same as to them 8 1863.——CHAP. 8, ;may seem advisable for the transportation to, from or be¬ tween their mines, furnaces, mills, foundries and factorb* of iron, coke, coal, ores, minerals, metals and material , an d Other supplies and products of their works, and also t«- con¬ struct such canal or canals and drains as may be req lired or needful for the supply of water to their furnaces, mil! foundries and factories, the transportation of coal, ouscr materials and supplies as aforeseid, and the drainage d their mines 'r and such roads, canals and drains shai be open to the use of the public, upon the payment of auch reason able tolls and compensation and subject to such ub s and regulations, as said corporation may by their by lav s Proviso. establish r Provided, That neither of the said raili ad :y tram roads, turnpike roads or canals shall be over twenty miles in length. Rights of way. Sect. 4. Be it further enacted. That when any Tarn j « r rights of way may be required by said company for co i- st.ructing said roads, canals or drains, and for want of a re j- ment as to the value thereof, or for .any other cause tl e Bame cannot be purchased of the owner or owners, the s t* e may ,be taken, and the value thereof ascertained as f 1- lows, vizi on'application by the company or owner to « y justice of the peace of the county where said land, or r g' fc ©f way may be situated, it shall be his duty to issue h s warrant to-,the sheriff of the county to summon a jury of rt, least five freeholders to meet on the land on a day expi ;s i- ed in said warrant, not less than five nor more than twe 1 y days thereafter; and the sheriff or his deputy, on the r - . ceipt of such warrant shall summon the jury, and, won ▼»»» the location of said roacf, canal or drain shall not interfere ■with any graveyard, house, house-lot or garden, without the consent of the owner thereof: Provided further, That Proviso, no more land shall be condemned for the purpose aforesaid than thirty feet in width on either side from the centre of said road, canal or drain : And provided further, That if Proviso, such owner or the company shall be dissatisfied with the valuation of said jurors, either, party may have an appeal to the county or superior court of the county in which the land lies; but such appeal' shall not delay or interrupt the use or enjoyment.of the said right of way by said company. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That the capital stock shall Shares, be divided into shares of one hundred dollars each. Said shares shall be personal property, and certificates thereof may be issued and made transferable and assignable as may bp prescribed in the by-laws of the corporation. Sec. 6. Be it further enactedThat it shall be the duty of general meet- the commissioners named in this act, or a quorum of them, as soon as the sum of one hundred thousand dollars shall be subscribed in manner aforesaid, to give public notiee there¬ of, and at the same time call a general meeting of the stock¬ holders, giving at least ten days' notice of the time and place of meeting. A majority of the stock being repre¬ sented by person or proxy, shall prbceed to elect seven di- Officers, rectors, who shall have power to appoint any officers they may deem proper for carrying on the business of the cor¬ poration^ and prescribe their duties and compensation and term of service, perform all duties necessary in the govern¬ ment of the corporation and the transaction of its business. They shall serve such period as the stockholders shall direct, and shall, out of their number, choose a president, and may fill any vacancy occurring in their body. At that meeting the stockholders shall fix on the day and'place when the subsequent election of directors shall be held; but if the day of any election shall be passed Without an election^, the corporation shall not thereby be dissolved,' but the offi- oers formerly elected shall continue m office until a ne^v election, take place. 10 1863. Chap. 8—9. held* by ballot!' ®Ea ^ furthei enacted, That the election of ofii- .cers shall be by ballot, each stockholder having as many votes as he has shares in the stock of said company, and at all elections, and npon all votes taken at any meeting of the stockholders upon any by-laws or any affairs of the compa¬ ny, each share of stQck shall be entitled to one vote, to bo represented in person -or by proxy. payment of Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That the board of direct¬ ors may call for the sums subscribed as stock in said com¬ pany in such instalments as the interests of said company may in their opinion require, and on fail are of any stock¬ holder to pay .such instalment as required, the directors may sell at public auction, on'a previous notice of .ten days, for cash, all the stock subscribed for in said company by such stockholder, and convey the same to the purchaser at such sale; and if the sale does not produce a sufficiencsum to pay off the incidental expenses of the sale, and the en¬ tire amount owing by such stockholder for his subscriptions, then the whole of said balance shall be held due at once to the company, and may be recovered of such stockholder at the suit of the said company, by action of assumpsit ift any court of competent jurisdiction, or by a warrant before a justice of the peace, when the sum does not exceed one hundred dollars; and in all cases of of stock before the whole amount has been paid to the company, then for all sums due on such stock, the original subscribers and the first and all subsequent assignees shall be liable to the com¬ pany, and may be recovered as above described. Sec." 9. Be it fgirther enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the YLth $ay of December, 1863.] (j]t 9# an act to incorporate the fayetteville kerosene company. Bod litic. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Jfyate of North- Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That Henry E. Colton, E, J. Hale, P. M. Hale and G. B. Mallett be and the same are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate under the name 1863. Chap. 9—10. 31 and style of the " Fayetteville Kerosene Company," for the purpose of manufacturing kerosene oil and such other, oils and substances as may be made from coal or black band iron ore. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That said company shall Power's, have the right and privilege, if they deem proper to mine coal or iron ore, to construct works in such number of places as they may deem proper and to manufacture "such chemicals as may be necessary in their business* Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That said company shall By-laws, make such by-laws and regulations for their own govern¬ ment ast hey may deem proper. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [{Ratified) the 12th day of December, 1ST63.] AH" ACT- TO INCORPORATE THE CAHOTA MINING AND SMELTING Chap. 12. COMPANY. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Body politic. State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That Carson P. Bryson, J. Keener and Win. Wilson ai\d their successors and assigns be and are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate by the name and style of the " Cahota Mining and Smelting Com¬ pany," for the purpose of mining, working and exploring for gold, copper and all other minerals and metals and for mining, vending, smelting and working the same, and for working; and manufacturing and by that name may sue Powei-K. and be sued, plead and be impleaded, appeal, prosecute and defend in any court of law or equity whatever and in all suits and actions, contract and be contracted with, and may have and use a common seal and the same alter, af pleasure, and may enjoy all the rights and privileges and powers necessary or incident to mining, smelting, manu¬ facturing and vending metals and chemicals, and may also purchase, hold, sell* convey and issue, give or receive mort¬ gages or bonds on real or personal estate or property with,a capital not to exceed two millions of dollars. 1863.——CHAP. ID—11. Seo. 2. &e it further enacted, That the said corporation may divide their stock into such number of shares and pro* vide for the sale and transfer thereof in such manner and form as said corporation shall from time to time deem expe¬ dient, and may levy and collect assessments, forfeits and sell delinquent shares in such manner as the by-laws may* direct, and shall issue scrip for the shares of stock, -and each share shall entitle the holder thereof to one vote in meeting of the stockholders, and also said corporation shall have power to enact such by-laws and regulations as they may deem necessary, not repugnant to the laws of the State and Confederate States. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for the corportion to be managed by three or five directors-, who shall have power to fill Vacancies in their own number, pass and enact or amend by-laws, and shall continue in office until others are elected or appointed, and also to exercise all such rights and powers as by this act are granted ; but the stockholders shall have the right to elect said directors annually, two of whom shall be residents of this State, er^n Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for o company. Qargon j)rygollj jm Keener and Vra, Wilson te manage the affairs of said corporation as directors until others are elected or appointed; shall meet and organize by choosing from their own body a president- and. appoint ft secretary and other employees, make such by-laws as for the time being they shall deem expedient and may then proceed to business. To exist thirty Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That this corporation shall years. •• . .. . exist thirty years, and this act shall exist thirty years, and this act shall be in foree £from] and after its ratification. {Ratified the 12th day of December, 1863.] Chap. 11. an act to incorporate the comstock mining and smelting company. Body politic. Section 1. 1: it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North \ >•> Una, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority o/ he s r. Phat S. G. Murphy, T. J. Craft and G. Stook. By-laws. Directors. 18G3. CHAP. 1L 13 W. Swepson and their successors and their assigns be and are constituted a body politic and corporate, by .the name and style, of the " Comstock Mining- and Smelting Com¬ pany," for the purpose of mining, working and exploring for gold, silver, copper and other metals and minerals and for mining, vending, smelting and working the same, and for working and manufacturing, and by that name may sue Powers, and be sued, plead and be impleaded, appear, prosecute and defend in any court of law or equity whatever, and in all suits and actions 'contract and be contracted with, and may have and use a common- seal and the same alter at pleasure, and may enjoy all the rights - and privileges and powers necessary or incident to mining, smelting, manufac¬ turing and vending metals or chemicals,^and may also purchase, hold, convey and give, issue or receive mortgages or bonds on real or personal estate or property, with a cap¬ ital not to exceed one million of dollars. Sec. 2. Bait further enacted, That the said corporation stock, may divide their stock in such number of shares and proj vide for the transfer and sale thereof in such ;manner and form as the said corporation shall from time to time deem expedient, and may buy and collect assessments and forfeits, and sell delinquent shares in such manner as the by-laws may direct, and shall issue scrip for the shares of stock, and each sl^are shall entitle the holder thereof to one vote in meetings of .the stockholders, and also said company shall have power to enact such by-laws and regulations as they J may deem necessary, not repugnant-to the laws of the State and Confederate States. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for director, the corporation to he managed by three or five directors, who shall have power to fill vacancies in their own number, pass and enact or amend by-laws, and shall continue in office until others are elected or appointed, and also to exer¬ cise all such righfrs and powers as by this act are granted; but the stockholders shall have the p^wer to elect said di» eclors annually, two of whom shall bo actual residents of the State. Sec tf. Be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for S. G. Murphy, T. J. Craft and G. "W. Swepson to manage *fcosni;#!,jr- q 14 1863. Chap. 11—12. the affairs of said corporation as directed until others are elected or appointed; shall meet'and organize,.by clioosiDg from their own body a president and appoint a secretary and other employees, make such by-laws as for the time being they shall deem expedient, and may then proceed to business. To exist thirty Sec 5. Be it further enacted, That this corporation shall *ears" exist thirty years, and this act shall be in force from and after its ratification! [Ratified the 14tfA day of December, 1863.] « Chap. 12, an act to incorporate the miners' mining and smelting company. • ' W ■ Body politic. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of ther'Same, That J. Newton Bryson, Wm. A. Enloe, C. P.* Bryson and their associates and assigns are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate, by the name and style of the.." Miners' Mining and Smelting Company," for the purpose of exploring for copper, silver, lead and other minerals and metals, and for mining, vending and smelting Powers. the same, and by that name may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, appear and prosecute and defend in any courts'of law and equity whatsoever in all suits and actions ; may have a common seal and the same alter at pleasure, and may enjoy all the privileges incident to mining corpor¬ ations, and may purchase, hold and convey real and personal .estate to the amount of one million* of dollars. Meetings. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the first meeting of said corporation may be called by the persons named in this act or any of them at such -time and place as they may agree upon, and at such meetings and at all other meetings legally notified, said corporation may make, alter and repeal such by-laws and regulations for the liTanagement of the business of said corpora'ion as a majority of the stockholders may d.rect, not repugnant to the laws of this State or of the Confed'erate States. 1863. Chap. 12—13. 15 Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That said corporation may stock, divide their original stock into snch number of shares and provide for the sale and transfer thereof in snch manner and form as said corporation shall from time to time deem expedient, and may lay and collect assessments, forfeit and sell delinquent shares, declare and pay dividends on the^ shares in such manner as the by-laws may or shall direct. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That two of the directors Directors to be shall be actual residents of this State, and that this corpor- reaidents* ation shall be in force for thirty years from and after its passage. \Batijted the 12tb day of December, 1863.] MONUMENTAL ASSOCIATIONS. an act to incorporate the pender monument association. 13. "Whereas, William D. Pender, a native of Edgecombe Preamble, county, major general commanding a division of Confederate troops, died on — of wounds received in tire battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, whilst gallantly leading his jbrave division in the thiqjv of'the fight; and, whereas, many soldiers and citizens of North-Carolina desire to raise a monument to his memory in his native State. Therefore, Section 1. Be enacted by the General' Assembly of the Body Politic. State of North-Carolina, and il is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That Joseph A. Engelhard, Henry T. Clark, L. D. Pender, Col. Joseph H. Hyman, Col. I). A. Barnes, W. B. Pope, D; B. Bell, II. G. Williams, Henry L. Joyner and David Cobb and their successors, be and they are hereby constituted a body politic, by the name and style of the "Pender Monument Association." Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, i'liat the said asp ir ation Monument to may erect a monument to.the memory of the late vfajor beerect€d* (General William D. Pender at any suitable pla^e ithin the capitol square at Raleigh, fRatified the \1ih . y of December, 1863. J 1G 1SC3.— Chap. 14—15. Chap. 14. an act to iucoePor vte the fcttiukew monument ascc oation. Preamble. Whereas, James Johnston Fettigrew, brigadier general ' commanding a brigade of North-Carolina troops, died in "Winchester, Ya., July ISth, 1863, of a wound received by him at Falling Waters?, in Maryland, whilst gallantly-fight¬ ing for the Confederate States; and, whereas, many soldiers and citizens of North-Carolina desire to raise a monnmcnt to his memory at some public place in North-Carolina. Therefore, Body.politic,-i Section 1. Be hi enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enaetedby the au¬ thority of the same, That James F. Taylor, Francis E. Shober, David M. Carter, Samuel J. Person, Rev. Neil McKay, John M. McKay, and their successors, be and are hereby constituted a body politic, by the name and style of the "Pettigrew Monument Association." Monument to Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the said association be erected. ■ . J ' may erect a monument to the memory of the late General Pettigrew at any suitable spot within the capitol scpiare. [Ratified the — day of December, 18G3.] ORPHAN ENDOWMENT FUND. Chap. 15. an act to txc&epouatk "the trustees of the noth-carolina orphan endowment fend." b.dy politic. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of * North-Caro1 inn, and it is hereby enacted by the, authority of the same, That Charles F. Deems, Gforgo W. Mordecai, S. S. Satchwell, John F. Foaid, David Murphy, J. Q. A. Leach, D. M. Barringer, Edward J. Hale, S. I>. Wallace, R. M. McCracken, Walter F. Leak, Edward G. Reade, G. W. Collier, Charles W. Skinner, Kemp P. Battle, Robert W. West, John C. Washington, James 1. Taylor, John II. Ilyman, Wm. I. Hawkins, J. B. Littlejard of di- That the said trustees may declare what number may con-rectors* atitute a quorum for the transaction of business, and may IS 1863. Chap. 15—16. appoint a board ef directors ancl such other officers as they may deem expedient to manage said fund. Seo. 5. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification, [Ratified the 12ih day of December y 1863 } PLANKROADS. Chap. 16. ah act to incorporate the salem and- high point plank- road company. Preamble. Whereas, By virtue of an act of the General Assembly of the State of North-Carolina, ratified the 16th day of February, 185!), chapter 158, entitled an "Act to amend an act to incorporate the Fayetteville and Western Plank- road Company," authority was giveru-the president and directors .of said company to sell any or all the branches or any part of the main trunk of their road, and authorizing the purchasers■ thereof to form themselves into an incor¬ porated company; and, whereas, in pursuance thereof a sale was made of all that portion of the main trunk of said road, running from High Point via Salem to Bethania in the county of Torsythe, together with all the rights, privileges and franchises of the same to John M. Stafford, who (without having procured an act of incorporation as provided under said amended act of Assembly) granted,, sold, assigned and transferred the same to I. G. Lash, E. L. Clemmons, Samuel Martin, D, H. Starbuck, Robert Gray and P. A. Wilson, now in order that they may become in¬ vested with all the powers and franchises intended to be conveyed on the original purchasers under said act of Assembly. Therefore, Bod/Politic. Section 1. Be it-enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the said I. G. Lash, E. L. Clem¬ mons, Samuel Martin, D. H. Starbuck, Robert Gray and P. A. Wilson and tkeir successor and assigns, are hereby in¬ corporated into a body politie and corporate, under the name and style of the " Salem and High Point Plankroad Com- 1863. CHAP. 16—17—18. pany," which incorporation shall be invested with all the powers, rights, powers, privileges and franchises conferred upon and enjoyed by the Fayetteville and Western Plankroad Company under their original charter or any alterations or amendments thereto.. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the capital stock of Capital stock; this company shall be twenty thousand dollars, divided into shares of fifty dollars each. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That said company shall have power to discontinue any portion of said road which they may desire. 9 Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That this aet shall take effect and be in force from and after its ratification. [Rat¬ ified the 12th day of December, 1863.] PUBLISHING COMPANIES. an act to amend the charter of the north-carolina QJiUp. 17. christian advocate joint stock publishing company. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North-Carolina] and it is hereby enactedby the authority of than ten, nor the same, That the charter of the North-Carolina Christian thou^an^doi-^ Advocate Joint Stock Publishing Company, ratified in Iars* General Assembly the 10th day of February, 1863, be so amended as to read " with a capital stock of not less than ten thousand nor more than fifty thousand dollars." [Rati-? fied the 2»d day of December, 1863.] SHERIFFS. an act concerning the office of sheriff and clerk of the Chap. 18, • county court in cherokee county. _ Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Tweivejustices State of North- Carolinay and it is hereby enacted by the vacancy.*"17 authority of the same, That it shall be competent for twelve justices of the peace to fill any vacancy which may occup 1863. CHAP. 18— "Vacancy dur¬ ing vacation. "When Judge shall fill va¬ cancy. Appointment ratified. Repealing clause. in the office of sheriff or clerk of the-county court of Cher¬ okee county, the chairman of the court giving ten days notice in each captain's district. Sec. 2. De it further enacted, That whenever a vacancy shall occur in vacation in the office of sheriff and there shall be no coroner in the county,, or in the office of clerk of the county court and there shall be no deputy qualified to dis¬ charge tlie duties of the office, twelve justices of the peace may assemble at the court house and fill such vacancy, take the bonds and administer the oaths required by law and cause their proceedings to be recorded in the county court clei"k's office. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That whenever the justices of the peace shall fail or refuse for twenty days to fill any vacancy in the office of sheriff, it shall he the duty of the judge, holding the next superior'court,. to appc/'nt a sheriff, take the necessary bond and administer the oaths of office, and canse a record thereof to be made in the clerk's office1 of that court, and the bonds to filed and recorded as now- directed.by law. And this power may be exercised by a judge appointed to hold a court oyer and terminer as well as by the judge of the regular term. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the appointment of sheriff in said county by the justices thereof since the last regular session of the county court, be and the same is hereby ratified and confirmed- Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That all laws and clauses of laws coming in conflict, with this act are hereby repealed, and this act shall be in force from and. after its ratification. [.Ratified the 14th day of December, 1863.] Chajp. 19. AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE A. J. m'bRIDE, SHERIFF OF WATAUGA COUNTY, TO COLLECT ARREARS OF TAXES. For the years 166 J—*02. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of fiorth-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That A. J. McBride, sheriff of the county of Watauga, shall have full power and authority until the first day of. October, 1864, to collect arrears of taxes in 1863.—-Chap. 19-20. 21 the county of Watauga for the y§ars 1860 and 62, and also in that portion of the county of Mitchell, formerly belong¬ ing to the county of Watauga, for the year 1860, under the same rules and regulations as are provided by law for the collection of taxes! Providcdt That said taxes shall not bo Proviso, collected if any person sliall voluntarily make oath that ho or she .has paid the same. ; - Sec. 2- Be it further enacted, That the said A. j. Mc- settlement t« r» • i -i •«-> /» . *>e ma(t«!n 12 Jbnde, shernl as aforesaid, shall within twelve months from montBs. and after the ratification of.this act make settlement with and pay over to the trustee and chairman of the board of common schools for the county of Mitchell, whatever amount may be due and collected as county and school taxes. Sec. 3. Be it further enacLd, That this act shall be in forced from and after its ratification. \Ratified the 8th day of December, 1863.] . . „ ^ TOWNS. an act to incorporate the town of hickory tavern in 20. the county of catawba. Section 1. Be it enactedfy the General Assembly of the powtrsP8 and State-of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That the town of " Hickory Tavern," in the county of Catawba, is hereby incorporated by the name and style of " Ilickcry Tavern," and shall be subject and entitled to enjoy all the privileges and powers con¬ tained in the various sections of 111th chap., Revised C,pde. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the corporate limits Corporate % of said fown of Hickory Tavern shall be one mile square, having for the center of the same the warehouse of the Western North-Carolina Railroad. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That J. R. Ellis, JT. W. Commissioner* Link', A. L. Shuford, A. J. Lindsay, L. Elias and W. Hall are hereby constituted, appointed and declared to be com¬ missioners for said town of Hickory Tavern, and they and their successors are hereby invested with all rights, priv¬ ileges, powers and imrpunities conferred upon qnd secured 23 1863. Chap. 20—21. to commissioners of incorporated towns- by said 111th chap¬ ter of th5 Bevised Code, until their successors have been elected and qualified agreeable to the provisions of said 111th chapter, entitled " Towns." Sec. 4. Be it further enucted, That this act shall be in force from its ratification.; [Ratified the 12ih day of De¬ cember, 1863.J Chajj. 21. an additional amendment to an act entitled "an act TO consolidate the various acts heretofore passed to in¬ corporate the town of statesville in the county of iredell. patrol. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North-Carolina,, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of tHk same, That the town magistrates and commissioners of the town o^jStatesville shall have power to institute, appoint and continue in said town a patrol guard and watch, who shall have and exercise the power and authority of sup¬ pressing within the "town, riots, routs, unlawful assemblies and other disorders tending to breaches of the peace, and of arresting persons engaged therein and confining them within the common prison until they can be carried before a justice of the peace or other-magistrate for Examination. And as a mode of keeping up such patrol guard and watch they shall cause an enrolment to be made of all th& white male citizens of said town between the ages of eighteen and sixty years, and form them into suitable classes and employ the Mode of ser- classes in rotation. And the town magistrate and commission¬ ers shall prescribe the terms, nature and mode of sdfvice of said patrol wftch, in regulations to be by them adopted and published. And the commissioners shall also have the power tp employ a hired police force, not exceeding three in. number, for said town, Whose duties and powers shall be the same as the duties and^powers herein assigned to the patrol, watch, and shall also execute the «precepts and pro¬ cesses of the town magistrate, and aid and assist in the enforcemement of the town ordinances with the same pow- vice 1863. CHAP. 21—22. 23 ers as the town constable. The pay o£ such police shall be JV* regulated by an ordinance of the town magistrate and commissioners, and "shall be paid out of the town revenue on the order of the town magistrate.' [.Ratified the — day of December, 1863.] VOLUNTEER NAVY. AN ACT TO incorporate the north-carolina volunteer Chap.-22. navy company. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Body poiitic.- State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That John L. Jones, Jackson Jones, Jefferson Horner, Jesse Meadows, Dudley Nichols, John Blacknall, E. H. Lyon, E. ,Dalby, Alexander Oldham, J. Gr. Hester, R. W. Minor, Williamson Harris and Eli W. Hall, their associates, successors and assigns be and the same are hereby created and constituted a body politic and corporate by the name and style of the " North-Carolina Volunteer Na¬ vy Company," and as such shall have succession and may have and use a common seal and change the same at pleasure, Pevers. and sne and be sued, plead and be impleaded in any court of law and equity, have power to make all such by-laws and regulations, not inconsistent with the constitution and laws of this State and the Confederate States of America, as may be deemed necessary" for the government of said company, which shall be binding therein; and shall have, exercise and enjoy all the rights and privileges of a body corporate, necessary to .carry out the purpose of procuring, arming, equipping and manning a vessel or vessels for the volunteer navy to cruise against the enemys commerce where foufid, according to the provisions of the act of Congress to estab¬ lish. a volunteer navy, approved April 18th, 1863 ; the ves¬ sel or vessels to be governed by the laws and regulations of the regular navy of the Confederate States; and for the pur¬ pose of running out through the blockade cotton, tobacco 1863. CHAP. 22. and naval stores, to ]?o deposited at some safe point in Europe, to be used by the company in purchasing; arming Proviso. and equipping vessels for the cruising service : Provided, the amount so exported shall not be of a value more than sufficient to purchase and equip, two vessels, and the same shall be so invested and the vessels immediately tendered for service to the government. Capital stock. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, ThTit the capital stock of the company shall not exceed ten mihions of dollars, each share being five hundred dollars; and that the liabilities of the stockholders shall be limited to the amount of their subscription. Directory^ Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the interests and com cerns of the company shall be managed by a directory of nine members, to be elected annually by the stockholders, voting according to the number of shares, one vote to each share; and the said directory shall elect a president, vice president, secretary and treasurer from their number, the last named officer entering into bond in such sum as the directory may require for the faithful performance of his duties. Called meet- #Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the said directory shall 1Dgs' have power to fill vacancies in their number. That called meetings of the stockholders may be held upon the call of stockholders owning one-fourtli of the stock, and that a ma¬ jority of the capital stock being represented shall constitute a quorum at any meeting. Termination of Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That when the war shall wac" terminate, thus frustrating the purpose of erasing, the said . directory shall have power to dispose of their.arms and munitions of war and employ the vessel or vessels, the company may own, in the carrying trade, until further ordered by the stockholder^; apd that this act be in force from and after its-ratification. [.Ratified the VLih day of December, 1863.] 18C3.— Chap. 23=—2-i—25. 25 MISCELLANEOUS. an act in gelation to the governor's messenger. Chap. 23. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Pays State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au- day" tho'iiy of the same, That the messenger of the Governor, for the time being, shall receive two dollars.^** day, commenc¬ ing from the ratification of this act. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall have force from its ratification. [Ratijied the 12th day of December, 1863.] an act to change the times of holding the courts of pleas Chap. 24. and quarter sessions in the county of wilkes. Be it enacted by the General Assembly oftlie Slate of North- To be held A T 7 • • 7 7 7 7 7 7 • / 7 M°ndtlV Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the in February. same, That from and after the third Monday in January, ^'dk^veinbtr. 1864, the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions fbitflte county of Wilkes, shall be held on the first Monday in February, May, August and November, respectively, in each and every year, and all proceedings and process of every kind, after the third Monday in January, 1864, pending in and returnable to either of said courts, shall stand continued and be returnable to the several courts herein expressed respect¬ ively : Provided, That the fmt court held under the pro- rnmso. visions of this act shall be held on the first Monday in February next. \Batified the Ylth day of December, 1863.] an act to incorporate the palmyra lodge a. y. masons, no. Chap. 25. 147, LOCATED in AVEKASIJORo', HARNETT COUNTY. Beit enacted by the General Assembly of the. Slate of corpo- North-Camlina, and it is hcry enacted by the authority of the same, That the masters and wardens, w^iish at present are or in future may he, of Palmyra Lodge, ISTo. 147, in Averasboro', Harnett county, are hereby constituted and 26 1863. Chap. 25—26. declared to be a body corporate, under the name and style of Palmyra Lodge," and by such name shall have a com- Power.«. mon seal, may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, acquire and transfer property and pass all siich by-laws and regulations as shall not be inconsistent with the laws of this State or the Confederate States. [Ratified the 14th day of December, 1863.] ' Chap. 26. a bill to authorize four justices of the peace of carteret and craven counties to appoint a commissioner and for other purposes. Four Justices may appoint, Ac, Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That any four Justices of the Peace-for the counties of Carteret or Craven shall have power to meet at any plac^ which they may select, and appoint a Commis¬ sioner to receive and disburse the moneys to which said counties are entitled respectively, under an act entitled u an act for the relief of the wives and families of soldiers in the army," "ratified the 10th day of February, 1863, which said counties may be entitled to under any act of the present session of this General Assembly ; and to do all acts which the justices are authorized to do by virtue of said acts. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in foVce from and after its ratification. \_Ratified the lith day of December, 1863.] RESOLUTIONS of a private nature, passed by the GENERAL ASSEMBLY of NORTH-CAROLINA, at its ADJOURNED SESSION OF 1863. bksol'utiolf in favor of john w. hinson, sheriff of duplin county. Resolved, That the public Treasurer pay to John W. Hin- Refunds son, sheriff of Duplin county, the sum of ($7,813) seven *7,f13' thousand eight hundred and thirteen dollars, it being the amount of State taxes taken from him by the enemy, which he has paid into the treasury. [Ratified the — day of December, 1863.] resolution in favor of elizabeth a. gordon, of GATES county. Whereas, It is represented to the General Assembly that Preamble. George B. Gordon and otliers'of the county of Gates, are the legal holders of live (o) bonds of one thousand dollars each, issued by the Stat-' payable to bearer on the 1st day 1863. Resolutions. of April, 18S5, with coupons for interest, payable semi¬ annually, the same being held upon certain trusts, set forth in an ante-nuptial agreement between the said George JB. Gordon and his wife, Elizabeth A., securing to her a sole estate therein, which bonds are numbered 2,612; 2,613; 2,611; 2,615 and 2,053, and that said bonds by accident have become so much defaced and decayed that they can¬ not be used, and the writing is daily becoming more difficult to be read and even now is in many parts illegible. Trevonr to £>e therefore Resolved by the General Assembly of the issue uew d i bond#. State of North-Carolina, That the public Treasurer be and he is hereby instructed to inspect said supposed bonds, and if upon examination it shall, appear that they are genuine bonds and unfit for use, to issue in the place thereof and deliver to the said tiustees on.any of them five other bonds of the State, being duplicates in all respects of sarid first mentioned bonds, in each of which it shall be recited that it is issued as a duplicate of a destroyed bond of the State of the same tenor, and upon the delivery of the said sub¬ stituted bonds the original shall be cancelled by%the. Treas¬ urer, and said duplicate bonds shall be signed by the Gov¬ ernor- and countersigned by the public Treasurer. . Resolved, further, That the Treasurer be authorized to issue said bonds in manuscript. [Ratified the lith day December, 1863.] resolution in favor of joseph cobb, sheriff of edgecombe county. "Whereas, Joseph Cobb, sheriff of Edgecombe copnfy, had forcibly taken from him by the public enemy on the 20th of July, 1803, the sum of sixteen thousand eight hun- jiundred and nine-three dollars and fifty-three cents ($16,893.53), the sum being the amount of public taxes then collected by him for the State as such sheriff; and, whereas, on the 23rd of September, 1S63, be paid to the public Treasurer the sum of sixty-seven thousand and eleven dol- 1863. Resolutions. n lars and twenty-sfk cents ($67,011.26) in full of the taxes due from said county in which latter amount was included, the $16,893.53 so lost by him. Therefore, Resolved, That the public Treasurer be directed to pay Refers# to Joseph Cobb, sheriff of Edgecombe county, sixteen thou- sand eight hundred and ninety-three dollars and fifty-three cents, the same being the amount of public taxes captured from him by the public enemy, and which he paid into the Treasury out of his private funds in his settlement- of the taxes due from said county. [Ratified the 8th of day De¬ cember ^ 1863.] SiESOLUTION IN FAVOR OF CHARLES KELLY. Resolved, That Charles Kelly, special Justice of Craven Furnishes him county, be furnished a copy of the Revised Code, he having oo#° by the occupation of his house by the enemy, lost the copy allowed him. [Ratified the 14ih day of December, 1863.] A RESOLUTION IN FAVOR OF THE SPEAKERS, CLERKS AND DOOR¬ KEEPERS. Resolved, That the Speakers of both Houses be allowed increases (heir sixteen dollars; the Principal and Assistants Clerks twenty ^ dollars ; the Engrossing Clerks sixteen dollars, and the Prin¬ cipal and Assistant Doorkeepers twelve dollars each per diem and twenty ecnts mileage for the present session and that the principal clerks of both Houses be allowed the sum of one hundred dollars each for transcribing the jour¬ nals for the public printer and other incidental services attached to their offices for the present session. Resolved* further, That the Principal and Assistant Door- Doorkeepers keepers of both Houses be allowed the sum of fifty dollars ^ each as an extra allowance for the present session. [Rati- fed the 12th day of December, 1863.] 4 30 1863. Resolutions. resolution in favor of levi dawson. Beftmds Resolved, That the Treasurer of the State pay unto Levi *w,4°* Dawson, of the county 01 Pitt, forty-six dollars and forty cents, which sum of money has been overpaid as taxes due the State. [Ratified the 12th day of December, 1863.] A resolution in favor of henry h. 8undlin of onslow county. .'Refunds $20a. Resolved, That the public Treasurer be authorized to pay to Henry H. Sundlin, acting sheriff of Onslow county, the sum of two hundred dollars, amount overpaid by him into jfche State Treasury, in consequence of a mistake of the clerk dm making his statement of the public taxes due from said , county. [Ratified the 12th day of December, 1S63.] .resolution in favor of council wooten. Refunds jRe&dlved, That the public Treasurer pay to Council *41.30. "Woolen, administrator of John Joyner, the sum of forty-. one dollars and thirty cents, it being the. amount of public taxes paid by his intestate to the sheriff of Davidson county,, and alscf, to the sheriff of Lenoir county, upon the same slaves, and by them paid into the treasury. [Ratified the \%h day of December, 1863.] resolution in favor of wm. patterson, late sheriff of' alamance county. - Aiiow^eoUeo- Resolved, That Wm. Patterson, late sheriff of Alamance taxes. county be and is hereby authorized and empowered to col¬ lect the arrearages of taxes due for the years 1858 and 1859. [Ratified the 12th day of December, 1863.] 1863. Resolutions. \ a resolution in favor of drury kino. Resolved, That the public Treasurer pay to Drury King Paysfis. sixteen dollars, anil that he be allowed the same in the set¬ tlement of hi8 public accounts. [Ratified the 12th day of December, 1863.] STATS OF XOBTH-C ABOLIN A, | Office of Secretary of State, > Deo. 31 at, 1863. ) I, Jonir P. H. Boss, Secretary of State in and for the State ©fi North-Carolina, do hereby certify that the foregoing are true copies of the original Acts and Besoiutions on file' ia.tliis office. Given uryier my hand, this 31st day of December, 1863. JOHN P. II. BUSS, Secretary of State. The following act was accidentally omitted in the published laws of the July sestion,,1S63, and is therefore inserted here: DESERTERS. an act to punish aidek8 and "abettors of -deserters. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the ait^fo^har^or- State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the inK deserters. • authority of the same, That any person who shall knowingly aid, assist, harbor or maintain, under any pretence what¬ ever, aDy deserter from the military service of the State or of the Confederate States, shall be guilty of a high misde¬ meanor, and upon conviction thereof in the Superior Court, shall be fined, or imprisoned, or both, in the discretion of the Court, the fine not to exceed five hundred dolllar®, nor the imprisonment to exceed four months. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That any person who shall con' under any pretence whatever, knowingly aid, assist, harbor on maintain any persoD enrolled and ordered to report for duty as a conscript, in refusing to obey such order, shall be guilty of a high misdemeanor, and upon conviction in the Superior Court, shall be fined or imprisoned, or both/ in the discretion of the Court, the fine not to exceed five hundred dollars, "fior the imprison nent four months. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That for the purpose of Enforcement of enforcing the conscript law' of the Confederate States and iaw.-onBonpt arresting deserters and conscripts, the Governor shall have power to call out the militia. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That this act shall have force from its ratification. [Batifed the 7th day of July, 1863.] INDEX TO PUBLIC LAWS, ADJOURNED SESSION, 1M PAGB. ASYLUMS- An act concerning the Insane Asylum, 3 An act concerning N. 0. Institution for the Deaf and'Dumb . and the Blind, ".... 4 BANKS— ■ - An act to amend an act entitled u an act for the relief of Certain Banks of the State and the people," 4 CHEROKEE LANDS— " An act concerning Cherokee Lands, r 8 COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS— An act to repeal 11th section of chapter 23, Revised Code, prohibiting the Treasurer to pay drafts or warrants before the Comptroller shall have endorsed his order thereon to pay the same, 8 COURTS— An act to restore the Courts and for other purposes, 0 An act to authorise Courts of Oyer and Terminer, 7 CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS— An- act in relation to the crime of Arson, 8 , An act in relation to Larceny and Robbery, d .An act to enforce the criminal laws of the State.......... 9 An act to amend section 85th, chapter 34th of Revised Code, 10 CURRENCY— An act to amend chapter 36tb, Revised Code, entitled Currency, 10' DEPOSITIONS— An act in relation to Depositions 10 EXEMPTION FROM MILITARY SERVICE— An act to exempt certain officers and employees of the State ^ from Conscription, 11 IMPRESSMENTS— An act concerning Impressments,..! JU n INDEX TO ITJBLIO LAWS. PA OB. Session 18G3. LITERARY FUND— . An act to further define the duties of the Treasurer of the Literary Fund, and for other purposes, 13 • MEMBERS OF CONGRESS— An act to repeal 3d section of an act entitled an act to divide the State into ten Congressional Districts, 14 MILITIA— An act to amend an act in relation to the Militia, and a Guard for Home Defence, 15 An act to amend an an act approved 20th September, 1861, entitled Militia, ,. IT An act authorizing the Governor to accept the services of Cherokee Indians to.repel invasion or insurrection, 17. PUBLIC WORKS— " An act concerning Slave labor on Public Woks, 18 REVENUE— An act to amend the a:t entitled "Revenue," ratified the 11th day of February,*1863, 18 An act makirg appropriations for the Military Establishment of the State, 10 An act*to amend an act entitled "Revenue," *... 20 An act to amend an act ratified on the 11th day of February, 1863, entitled "Revenue," 20 An act to provide against a possible deficiency in the Treasury, 21- ROADS— An act to amend the 9 th section of the 101st chapter of the Revised Code 21 SALARIES AND FEES— An act in relation to Salaries and Fees, 22 An act to increase the pay of Witnesses and Jurors, I 23 An act to provide for the pay of Judges holding Courts of Oyer and Terminer, 24 An act concerning the Governor's jSalary, . 24 SHERIFFS— An act to amend the Revised Code in relation to the taking the Bonds of Sheriffs, 24 SLAVES AND FREE NEGROES— An act to amend and explain 68'h section, 107th chapter cf Revised Code, 23 SOLDIERS— An act for the Relief of the Wives and Families of Soldiers in in the Army, ....... 26 TREASURY NOTES— An act authorizing the Treasurer to "ssue small Treasury notes to the amount of four hundred thousand dollars,. 27 INDEX TO PUBLip LAWS. HI PAoa. WITNESSES— Session 1863. - An act explanatory of "an act to admit proof of Hke hand-writing of attesting witnesses in certain cases," 27 MISCELLANEOUS— • An act making an appropriation to purchase Cotton to be applied to purchases in Europe, 28 An act to regulate office hours in certain offices, 28- RESOLUTIONS— Concerning the printing of Treasurer's Report, .. 29 Requesting Senators and Representatives in Congress to secure increase of soldiers' pay, &c., " 29 In relation "to Sequestered and Confiscated, lands in North. Carolina, 30 In relation to Impressments, ' . 80 Requiring certain Sheriffs to refund money into Public Treasury, 31 I n relation to the arrest and imprisonment of Eli Swanner, of Beaufort county, : 32 . In fkvor of Sick and Wounded Soldiers, 33 In relation to warrants and drafts drawn hy Comptroller and Treasurer, 83 In relation to Wm. D. Wynne, : 34 Concerning the per diem and mileage of members of General Assembly, 34 Requesting the Auditor of Public Accounts to enquire into the system of keeping public accounts and present method of cancelling and see.if better mode may not be adopted,.. ,84 INDEX TO PRIYATE LAWS, ADJOURNED SESSION, 1863. PAGB. ACADEMIES— An act concerning Rutherford Academy, 3 EXPRESS COMPANIES— ^ ' An act to incorporate the North-Carolina Expres# Company, - 4 FEES— An act increasing the fees of the special Magistrate of the town of Wilmington,... 4 An act to regulate the fees of the Clerks and Sheriff in the county of Guilford, 5 An act to allow a fee to the Assistant Clerk in the Treasury for the registration of State Bonds, 5 An act in relation to the compensation of the Tax-Collector of Johnston county, 5 INSURANCE COMPANIES- - An act in regard to the Mutual Insurance Company in Fayetteville, '. 5 MINING AND MANUFACTURING COMPANIES— An act to incorporate the Lockville Mining and Manufactur¬ ing Company, ..._.... .< & An act to incorporate the Fayetteville Kerosene Company, 10 An act to incorporate the Cahota Mining and Smelting Company; 11 An act to incorporate the Comstock Mining and Smelting Company, ...... 12 An act to incorporate the Miners' Mining and Smelting Company, 14 MOMUMENTAL ASSOCIATIONS— An act to incorporate the Pender Monpment Association,.... 15 An act to incorporate the Pettigrew Monument Association, 16 ORPHAN ENDOWMENT. FUND— An act to incorporate " The Trustees of the North-Carolina Orphan Endowment Fund." 1$ II" INDEX TO PRIVATE LAWS . PAGE. Session 1M3. PLANKROADS— An act to incorporate the Salem and High Point Plankroad Company, 18 PUBLISHING COMPANIES— An act to amend the charter oi the North-Carolina Christian Advocate Joint Stock Publishing Company, 19 SHERIFFS— An act concerning the office of Sheriff and Clerk of the County Court in Cherokee county, 19 An act to authorize A. J. McBride, Sheriff of Watauga county, to collect arrears of taxes, 20 TOWNS— An act to incorporate the town of Hickory Tavern, in the county of Catawba, 21 An additional amendment to an act entitled " An act to con¬ solidate the various acts heretofore passed to incorporate the town of Statesville," ; 22 VOLUNTEER NAVY— An act to incorporate the North-Carolina Volunteer Navy Company, 23 MISCELLANEOUS— An act in relation to the Governor's message, 25 An act to change the time of holding the Courts of Pleas and . Quarter Sessions in the county of Wilkes, 25 An act to incorporate the Palmyra Lodge A. Y. Masons, No. 147, located in Aver'asboro', Harnett county, 25 A bill to authorize four Justices of the Peace of Carteret and Craven counties to appoint a Commissioner and for other purposes, .. 26 RESOLUTIONS— In favor of John W. Hinson, , 27 In favor of Elizabeth A. Gordon, 27 In favor o.f Joseph Cobb, 28 In favor of Charles Kelly, 29 In favor of Speakers, Clerks and Doorkeepers, 29 In favor of Levi Dawson, 30 In favor of Henry H. Sundlin, 30 In favor of Council Wooten, .. 30 In favor of Wm. Patterson, 30 In favor of Drury King, 31 PUBLIC LAWS OP THE STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA, PASSED BY THE GE3STEIR-A_E ASSEMBLY AT ITS ADJOURNED SESSION OF 1864. RALEIGH: W. W. HOLDER, PRINTER TO THE STATE. 1864. PUBLIC LAWS OF THE STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA, PASSED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY, AT ITS ADJOURNED SESSION OF 1864. ASYLUMS. an act concerning the north-carolina institution for the chap. 1. deaf and dumb and blind. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Annual appr« State of North- Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au- thority of the same, That section first of an act passed by the General Assembly at the adjourned. session of 1863, entitled " An act concerning the North-Carolina Institution for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind," be and the same is hereby amended so that the annual appropriation for the support of the Institution for the Deaf and Dumb and Blind shall be seventy-five thousand dollars. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its ratification. [.Ratified the 2Sth day of May, 180!.] 4 1864. Chap. 2—3. AUDITOR OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS. Chap. 2. an act to amend an act passed at the 1st session of the general assembly fob 1862-63 and entitled "an act to e8tabli8h the office of auditor of public accounts." fboSdto" Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the take affidavits State of North- Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au- wpon c ms, ^or(fy 0j> ^ Bame<) That the Auditor of Public Accounts may take affidavits or depositions in relation to the claims presented for his consideration and the accounts and returns submitted to him for his adjustment, as well as toother matters coming within his jurisdiction, and that he may issue commissions to any person to take affidavits and depo¬ sitions to be read in the like cases in the same manner as they are now issued by the courts of the State ; and any person swearing falsely and corruptly upon any such oath as aforesaid shall be guilty of perjury, and punished as in eases of perjuries committed in trials for cases not involv¬ ing life. fij«!JnC7 ho* Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That in case any vacancy shall occur in the office of Auditor, during a recess of the General Assembly, the Governor shall have power with the advice of the council of State to fill up such vacancy by granting a temporary commission, which shall expire at the end of the next session of the General Assembly. Sec 3. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 28th day of May, 1864.] CATTLE. Chap. 3. an act to protect cattle. Fence* be Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Stale of Uorth- Carolina, a/nd it is hereby enacted by the a/ur thorUy of the same, That all contractors, persons or com¬ panies engaged in the manufacture of saltpetre, shall bo 1864. Chap. 3—4. required to enclose their works with a good and lawful fence. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That any contractor* per- Penalty for i \ ■ » .,i,i non-compli- son or company neglecting or refusing to comply With the ante, foregoing section, shall be subjected to a fine of twenty-five dollars a day till the works are enclosed—the fine to be re¬ coverable at the suit of any person* upon warrant before a justice of the peace, and applied to the use of the county: Provided, That the stay-law, prohibiting the collection of debts, shall not apply to this act. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That when any contractor* person or company shall neglect or refuse to comply with cattle, the first section of this act, and any cattle, sheep or hogs shall die from imbibing the poison, whether in liquid form or otherwise, the said contractor, person or company shall be liable for the double value thereof. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Batified the 26th day of May, 1S64.J COMMON SCHOOLS. an act to authorize the chairmen of the hoards of super- Chap. 4. intendent8 of common schools of the several counties in this state, who have invested the funds in their hands in confederate 8tate8' bonds, to sell satd bonds and distribute the proceeds among the di8tricts of their respective counties entitled to receive the same. Section 1. Beit enacted "by the General Assembly of the State of North- Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the chairmen of the boards of superintendents of common schools of the several counties of this State who have in compliance with the recommen¬ dations of the literary board invested funds in their hands in bonds of the Confederate States be and they are hereby authorised to sell the bonds and certificates now in their possession, and distribute the proceeds of sale among the districts entitled to receive the same, ^>7*0 rata. 6 1864. CHAP. 4—5—6. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the said chairmen will be charged in the settlement of these accounts with the market value of said bonds and certificates, and not with the loss, if any, that may be sustained by reason of the investment as aforesaid. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted^ That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 28th day of May, 1864.] COURTS. an act to amend an act to restore the courts and for other purposes. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the mer act to Har- State of North- Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au- aett county, ihorfoy of the same, That the provisions of tin act to restore tliSe courts, and for other purposes, ratified 12th day of December, 1863, be extended to the county of Harnett, the courts whereof shall be held at the times and places fixed by an act to establish a superior court for the county of Harnett, ratified 16th day of February, 1859. Sec. 2. Be itfwth&r enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 2§th day of Mayj 1864.] Settlement. Chap. 5. Extends pro- Chap. 6. an act transferring causes in equity depending in the courts of certain counties. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of ike State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the aw thority of the sames That all causes now depending in the courts of equity in any county in which the regular terms of the court are prevented from being held by reason of the proximity of the enemy, may be heard and determined by the consent of the parties thereto, in any other county of the same judicial circuit at such times and places as the judge riding said circuit may appoint for that purpose; and 1864. Chap. 6—7—8. 7 all orders and decrees may be taken and entered upon such hearing in the same manner and to the same extent as if heard in the counties in which the causes are depending? and such orders and decrees shall have the same force and effect. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 28th day of May, 1864.] an act to provide for holding extra terms of the Chap. 7. supreme court. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the how convened. State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the chief justice or a majority of the judges of the supreme court of North-Carolina are hereby authorized to convene said supreme court in extra session in the city of Raleigh, whenever in his or their opinion it may be necessary for the public interest. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. {Ratified the 28th day of May, 1864.] an act to alter the times of holding the superior courts chap. 8. of law and equity in the sixth judicial circuit. • Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the timefmfhoid- State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the cifed.1" 8 8pe authority of the same, That the several superior courts of law and equity for the counties composing the sixth judicial cir¬ cuit, shall hereafter be begun and held in their respective counties on the following days, to wit: Davie, on the last Mondays in February and August; Yadkin, on the first Mondays after the last Mondays in February and August; 8 1864. Chap. 8 &. Surry, on the second Mondays after the last Mondays in February and August; Alleghany on the third Mondays after the last Mondays in February and August; Ashe, on the fourth Mondays after the last Mondays in February and August; Wilkes, on the fifth Mondays after the last Mon¬ days in February and August; Alexander, on the sixth Mondays after the last Mondays in February and August f Iredell, on the seventh Mondays after the last Mondays in February and August; Union, on the eighth Mondays after the last Mondays in February and August; Mecklenburg, on the ninth and tenth Mondays after the last Mondays in February and August; Cabarrus, on the eleventh Mondays after the last Mondays in February and August; Rowan, on the twelfth Mondays after the last Mondays in February and August; and continue as the law now directs. Writs and pro- Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That all writs and process turned. in the hands of any sheriff in the State returnable to any of the superior courts of law and equity of any of the counties aforesaid, shall be returned by the said sheriffs to the said courts at the times above prescribed for the holding thereof, notwithstanding any command on the face of said writ or process to return the same at a different time, under the same penalties and forfeitures as are now prescribed by law for failure to return process in other cases. Seo. 3. Be it further enacted, That all laws and clauses of laws coming in conflict with this act be and the same are hereby repealed. [Ratified the 28th day of May, 1864.] DISTILLATION OF SPIRITUOUS LIQUORS. Chap. 9. an act to amend an act ratified on the 17th of December, 1862, entitled " an act to prohibit the distillation of spirituous liquors." wheatandBar" Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the ley in former State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That the act ratified on the 3 7th of December, A. D., 1862, entitled " An act to prohibit the dis¬ tillation of spirituous liquours," be amended in the first 1864.—Chap, 9—10. 9 section by inserting the words " Buckwheat and Barley " after the word " Rye," in the sixth line. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall he in force and effect from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 26th da/y of May> 1864.] ELECTIONS. an act to extend the time foe compabing the polls foe Chap. 10. ceetain counties, and foe othee pubposes. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the ^°ws M State of North- Cerolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That it shall be lawful for the sheriffs of the counties in this State in possession of or under the control of the enemy to compare the polls of their respec¬ tive counties for Governor, members of the legislature, and clerk of the county and superior courts at any place in the State they may think proper, and they shall include in their returns the votes of officers and soldiers, if received within twenty days after they are cast, and all other votes if received within thirteen days after they are cast and they shall not make up their returns and declare the result of the elections until the expiration of the time herein specified, and the clerks of the county courts of said counties may receive the returns of the election for sheriff and compare the same in like manner. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That if at any time it shall how happen that the sheriff or coroner of such county cannot hold the elections by reason of his being with the enemy's lines, the election may be held by some respectable free¬ holder appointed by three justices of the peace of the county, and such freeholders shall in like cases compare the polls in the manner prescribed in the preceding section, and shall have like powers, be under the same directions and restrictions and subject to the same penalties as are conferred or imposed upon sheriffs; and in default of such appointment the returns may be made to the Secretary of State, who shall compare the same and declare the result of the election. 10 1864. Chap. 10—11. Inspectors how appointed. Clerks' and Sheriffs' bonds—how given. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That if the county courts or sheriffs of the counties mentioned in the first section of this act shall not have appointed inspectors according to the existing law, it shall be lawful for any justice of the peace to make such appointment on the day of the election. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That when it shall be im¬ practicable for the sheriffs or clerks elected for such counties to give bond and qualify in the manner now prescribed by law, it shall be lawful for them to give the usual bonds and to qualify at the county courts of the county wherein courts are held nearest to their respective counties. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from its ratification. [Ratified the 28th day of May, 1864.] HABEAS CORPUS. Chap. 11. an act more effectually to secure the benefits of the WRIT of habeas corpus, and to prevent citizens in civil life from being removed beyond the limits of the state. Penalty for Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the writ oThaieas State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the cm- *orvus' thority of the same, That any person as to whom a writ of habeas corpus lias been issued and served, who wilfully fails or refuses, under any pretence whatsoever to obey the mandate thereof, or the orders of the Judge or Court there¬ on before whom the same is heard, or who knowingly and intentionally prevents the service of the same by force, or by keeping out of the way, or who shall wilfully fail or re¬ fuse to permit any person, upon application by counsel, in his custody, to consult with and have assistance of counsel, for the purpose of suiug out or prosecuting said writ, or who shall send away or conceal any person who [is] in his cus¬ tody, or under his control, with intent to prevent said writ from being sued out or executed, or the petitioner from be¬ ing discharged, when the Judge or Court so orders, shall 1864.-—Chap. 11—12. be guilty ot a high misdemeanor, an'd, on conviction in the Superior Court, shall be fined not less than one thousand dollars, and imprisoned not less than one year. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That if any person shall, a under any pretence whatsoever, transport beyond the limits ]?j?erson in civil of this State by force or violence any person in civil life, such person so offending shall be guilty of a high misde¬ meanor, and, on conviction, shall be fined not less than two thousand dollars, and imprisoned not less than one year. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That if any person in civil de°maDd°tbehre- life shall be transported beyond the limits of this State con- turn of such person. trary to the provisions of the second section of this act, the Governor of the State shall forthwith demand him of the authorities of the Confederate States where such person may be imprisoned. \_Eatified the 28th day of May, 1864.] LANDLORDS. an. act to amend an act entitled " an act foe the relief Chap. 12. of landlords." Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Amendatory State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au- i862-'68. thority of the same, That " An act for the relief of Land¬ lords," passed by the General Assembly at its session of 1862-'63, and ratified on the 26th of January, 1863, be so amended as to give landlords and their grantees, lessees, heirs, executors and administrators, or any lawful purchaser, the same remedies and rights against their tenants, and the grantees, lessees, heirs, executors and administrators of said tenants, as are given in said act to the landlord against his tenants. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, This act shall be in full force and effect from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 28th day of May, 1864.] 12 1864. CHAP. 13—14. MILITARY APPROPRIATIONS. Chap. 13. an act to appropriate monet for the military establish¬ ment of the state* fip505 9o'otes Section 1. Be it enacted by the Genefal Assembly of the State of North- Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That the sum of one million five hundred and five thousand and nine hundred dollars ($1,505,900) be and the same is hereby appropriated for the support of the military establishment of the State during the remainder of the fiscal year, beginning October 13th, 1863, to be appor- tonedPP°r" cloned as follows:—To the pay department seven hundred and twenty thousand dollars, ($720,000); to the ordnance department two hundred thousand dollars, ($200,000); to the commissary department four hundred and eighty-seven thousand five hundred dollars, ($487,500); to the quarter¬ master's department ninety-eight thousand four hundred dollars, ($98,400.) Seo. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from aud after its ratification. [Ratified the 28th da/y of May, 1864.] Chap. 14. an act to AMEND AN ACT RATIFIED THE 13TH DECEMBER, 1863, ENTITLED " AN acr MAKING APPROPRIATION FOR THE MILITARY ESTABLISHMENT OF THE STATE." fordqulrter-° Seotign 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of the master's De- State of North- Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au- partment. , thority of the same, That the act ratified on the 13th of December, A. D., 1863, entitled "An act making appro¬ priations for the military establishment of the State," be and the same is hereby amended by inserting before the clause of ratification the words and figures " Quartermas¬ ter's Department ninety-eight thousand four hundred dol¬ lars, ($98,400)" heretofore omitted by error in the engross¬ ing of the said act; and all payments made by the Public Treasurer within the said amount are hereby legalized and confirmed as if no such error had been made. 1864. Chap. 14—15. 13 Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force and effect from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 25th day of May, 1864.] REVENUE. an act in reference to the payment of taxes. Chap. 15. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the ^ what kind of treasury State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au- notes taxes thority of the same, That all taxes due to the State or to muet be Paid* counties and free school purposes, or taxes for the poor, all payments for entries of public lands, and all fines and for¬ feitures for the use of the State or counties, may be paid in treasury notes of the Confederate States under five dollars, or in the new issue authorized by the act of the Confed¬ erate Congress, ratified Ihe 17th of February, 1864; and all such dues may be paid during the present year in the old issues of the Confederate treasury notes, from the de¬ nomination of five dollars up to fifty dollars, both inclu¬ sive—less thirty three and one-third per cent., the tax im¬ posed by the act of Congress. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That when the Confederate Dowoidissne treasury notes from five dollars to filty dollars, of a date sbaiibedis"1* previous to the seventeenth of February, 1864, and receiv- rosedo£ ed by the Public Treasurer, he shall pay them out in dis¬ charge of all public dues—less one-third of the amount of such notes, or may exchange them for the new issue of treasury notes authorized by the act of Congress aforesaid, and when so exchanged, they shall not be paid out at a rate less than par. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the act ratified July repeals for* .!•»«» ... , „ mer act and 3d, 1863, entitled " An act in relation to the payment of part of ordi- taxes" and for other purposes, and so much of section nanceNo-3i> second of the ordinance No. 35, of the S.aie Convention, ratified 26th of February, 1862, as directs the receiving of Confederate treasury notes in payment of taxes and all other dues, are hereby repealed. 14 1864 Chap. 15—16—17. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 21 st day of May, 1864.] Chap. 16. an act to authorize the justices of any county to meet in special term to levy taxes. Court shall be ealled by Chairman or County Court Clerk. One-third of Justices shall be present. Whenever, In any county of this State there is no term of the County Court between the third Monday in March and the first Monday in July in each yearj Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That a special court shall be called by the Chairman or Clerk of the County Court to meet at the courthouse in the month of May or June, for the year A. D., 1864, and for each succeeding year thereafter, for the purpose of levying the taxes of said county. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That one-third of the jus¬ tices of such county shall be authorized to levy said taxes, and that their proceedings shall be recorded by the clerk on his minutes. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That this aet shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 21th day of May, 1864.] Chap. 17. an act in reference to exemption from taxes. estates^mo- Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the trust of corpo- State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au-> cfetieTfor edu- thority of the same, That from and after the ratification of dren of°so^a' ^is act ^ie estates, money, bonds and other evidences of diers, Ac.,.shall debt, and also all effects whatsoever held by any corpora- be exempt, 7 J J r tion or society in trust for the education of the children of deceased soldiers, or for the support of the widows and families of such soldiers, are hereby declared to be exempt from taxation for State, county and municipal puvposes, and such exemption shall apply to the present as well as to any subsequent year. [Ratified the 28th day of May, 1864.] 1864. CHAP. 18—19. 15 an act to provide ways and means fob the supply of the Chap. 18. treasury. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Provides for % issue of State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au- $3,000,000 thority of the same, That the Public Treasurer be and he treasury ootea' is hereby authorized, if in his opinion it shall be necessary and expedient to do so, in order to meet the demands on the treasury, to have prepared and to issue treasury notes to an amount not exceeding three millions of dollars, pay¬ able two years after the ratification of a treaty of peace between the Confederate States and the United States, and receivable in payment of all dues to the State, or any de¬ partment thereof. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the bills hereby au- Denomiea- thorized to be issued, shall be of such denominations as the Treasurer may deem expedient, and shall be issued under the regulations prescribed in the act of the 20th December, 1862, entitled " An act to provide ways and means for sup¬ plying the treasury," and the provisions of the 9th section of said act shall be deemed as re-enacted in reference to the notes hereby authorized to be issued. Sec.! 3. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification., [Ratified the 28th day of May, 1864.] an act to amend the act entitled w revenue," ratified Chap. 19 llth february, 1863. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Amends ut State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au- sec.S7o.aptl thority of the same, That the 14th paragraph of section 70 of said act be amended so as to read as follows: Every resident of the State who may have brought into the State, or who may have bought, whether by sample or otherwise, spirituous liquors, wines or cordials distilled or made out of this State for the purpose of sale, twenty per cent, on the amount of his profits; and every person who may have 16 1864. CHAP. 19—20—21. bought to sell again spirituous liquors distilled in this State, ten per cent. on the amount of his profits. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force immediately after its ratification. [Ratified the 28th day of May, 1864.] SALARIES AND FEES. Chap. 20. AN ACT TO AMEND " AN ACT IN RELATION TO SALARIES AND fees.'* Doubles fees of Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Att. Genl. and 7 • 7 t n f State Solicitors /State of North- Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That the second section of an act in relation to salaries and fees, ratified the 14th day of De¬ cember, 1863, be so amended as to allow the Attorney General and the State Solicitors for each judicial circuit double the fees now allowed by law. [.Ratified the 28th day of May, 1864.] SOLDIERS. Chap. 21. an act for the relief of the wives and families of sol¬ diers in the army. $foooPooo.te8 Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North-Carolina, a/nd it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of ike same, That the sum of one million of dollars, payable in North-Carolina treasury notes, be and the same is hereby appropriated for the support of the wives and families of the indigent soldiers of this State, whether in the service* of the State or Confederate government, or whether killed in batyle or dying in the military service; the said amount to be distributed among the several coun¬ ties of the State as prescribed in the second and third sec¬ tions of an act ratified on the 10th day of February, 1863, entitled " An act for the relief of the wives and families of soldiers in the army." 1864.——CHAP. 21. IT Sec. 2. jBe it further enacted. That the quota of each Quota shall be , , • • i. i. c I. Paid t0 C°antF county be paid to the commissioner or trustee of each Commissioner, county, the said trustee or commissioner having given bond with security approved by the county court of their respec¬ tive counties as soon after the first day of October next as practicable, and shall be applied to the use and benefit of the wives and families of the soldiers of this State, accord¬ ing to the rules and regulations which have been or may be prescribed by the courts of pleas and quarter sessions of each county. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the money hereby How paid am* appropriated shall be paid and distributed according to the 1 provisions of the 6th section of the said act for the relief of the wives and families of soldiers in the army, hereinbefore referred to. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That in addition to the Appropriates f • o 1 1 11 $7,000 for re- foregomg appropriation, the sum of seven thousand dollars lief of warriors. in State treasury notes be and the same is hereby ap¬ propriated out of any moneys in the public treasury not otherwise appropriated, to be paid by the Treasurer for the use and benefit of the families of Indian warriors of the Cherokee tribe, who have rendered service to the State or Confederate States in the present war. Seo. 5. Be it further enacted, That the Public Treasurer funds shaii be forward the fjinds hereby and which have been heretofore cierk of Jack- appropriated for the relief of the families of Indian war- rehef°of riors, at as early a day as practicable, by some trusty agent, thans> to the clerk of the court of pleas and quarter sessions for the county of Jackson, who is hereby constituted the agent of the State to receive the same, and that he, the said agent, is hereby instructed to pay the said funds over to such agent or agents as may be selected by the said In¬ dians in their own councils, to be expended in provisions for their own use: Provided, That such agents so selected ProyUo. by said Indians shall be disinterested persons: And pro¬ vided further, That such agents so selected shall give bond properly conditioned and secured, and shall be required to make to the Public Treasurer semi-annual reports of the amounts of such provisions as they may have furnished said Indians, with an accurate statement of prices, freights, &c., 18 1864. Chap. 21—22—21 and in default of such agents to do so, they shall forfeit and pay to the State double the amount placed in their hands by the aforesaid clerk of the court of pleas and Quarter Proviso. sessions for the county of Jackson : Provided further, That such agents shall receive the same rates of compensation allowed to the county agents for the whites. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 28th day of May, 1864.] chap. 22. an act authorizing the governor to appoint a commis¬ sioner for the benefit of the representatives of de¬ ceased soldiers. An agent shall Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the be appointed— a . his duties, saia- State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the cm~ ry' c' thority of the same, That the Governor is hereby author¬ ized to appoint an agent for this State,, whose duty it shall be to investigate, collect and distribute the claims of the representatives of deceased soldiers of this State; that said agent shall hold his office for two years, or until his succes¬ sor shall be appointed, and that he be allowed an annual salary of twenty-five hundred dollars, payable quarterly, [audj in addition to the salary, said agent be allowed his ac¬ tual necessary expenses, not exceeding twenty-five hundred ^dollarsper year; and this act shall be in force from and ..after its ratification. [Ratified the 30th day of May, 1864.] MISCELLANEOUS. Chap. 23. AN APT TO REPEAL THE ACT RATIFIED THE 20tH OF SEPTEMBER, 1861, CONCERNING WINTER CLOTHING FOR OUR TROOPS. Repeating sec- Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Sta+e of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au- thyrity of the same, That the resolution ratified on the 20th of September, 1861, entitled "A resolution to provide win- 1864. Chap. 23—24. 19 ter clothing for our troops," be and the same is hereby re¬ pealed. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That in all cases hereafter ^o°tn®J no money shall be drawn from the public treasury for the on Governor's w&it&nt* military establishment of this State upon the warrant of the Governor, but specific appropriations shall be made by the General Assembly for each department of the said mil¬ itary establishment, and the Treasurer shall keep his ac¬ counts accordingly. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. '[Ratified the 28th day of May, 1864.] AN act concerning the pee diem and mileage of the Chap. 24. members of the general assembly during its present cession. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Amount spec- State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, Tnat the members of the General Assembly shall receive thirty dollars for each days atten¬ dance, and forty cents for each mile of travel to and from the seat of government, from their respective places of residence, by the most usually travelled route. Sec. 2. Be it farther enacted, That this act shall bo in force during the present session and no longer. [Ratified the 21 st day of May, 1864.] RESOLUTIONS OF A PUBLIC NATURE, PASSED BY THE 'GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF NORTH-CAROLINA, AT ITS ADJOURNED SESSION OF 1884. RESOLUTIONS "IN REFERENCE TO A BASIS OF PEACE. How earnest Resolved, by the General Assembly of the State of North- efforta to obi ' J , , tain peace shall Carolina, That while we regard the present war between ,be made. the Confederate States and the United States as a war of -self-defence on the part of the Confederate States, yet we do not hesitate to declare, that for the sake of humanity, it becomes onr government, through its appropriate constitu¬ tional department, to use its earnest efforts to put an end to this unnatural and unchristian work of carnage ; and to this end we earnestly recommend that our government, alter signal success of our arms, and on other occasions when no one can impute its action to alarm, instead of a sincere de¬ sire for peace, shall make to the government of our enemy an official offer of peace on the basis of independence &nd nationality, with the proposition that the doubtful border States shall settle the question for themselves by Conven¬ tions to be elected for that purpose, after the withdrawal of all militaiy force of both sides from their limits. The people and Resolved, That we believe that this course on the part of our government would be hailed by our people and soldiers 1864. Resolutions. 21 as an assurance that peace will not be unnecessarily de¬ layed, nor their sufferings unnecessarily prolonged. Resolved, That while the foregoing is an expression of gtotftothe the sentiments of the General Asssembly respecting the prosecution of ft defensive wftT manner in which peace should be sought, we renew our pledge of the resources and powers of this State to the prosecution of the war (defensive an our part) until peace is obtained upon just and honorable terms, and until the independence and nationality of the Confederate States is established. [Ratified the 28th day of May, 1864.] resolutions respecting the national administrations and the proper authorities to conduct negotiations for peace with the enemy. Resolved, by the General Assembly of the State of North- Expresses con- Caroiina, That we have confidence in the fidelity and pa- Davis, triotism of his Excellency, President Davis. Resolved, That in our opinion the President and Senate The treaty ma- of the Confederate States, being the treaty-making power klDgpower' under the Constitution, are the only legitimate agents for entering into negotiations for peace with the enemy. Resolved, That our profoundest thanks are due, and are Thanks tender- hereby tendered to our brave and devoted soldiers in the dier*.the 8°'" field, for their heroic gallantry and fortitude which, under the providence of God, have crowned their efforts with such signal success. [Ratified the ^th day of May, 1864.] resolution concerning the acts of congress. Resolved, That the Secretary of State be and he is hereby Secretary of , j i • i « State shall so- authonzed and instructed to procure and place in the State curei2coPieB Library one dozen copies of all acts of the several sessions of/each*&c# of the Congress of the Confederate States, from the organi¬ zation of the government of the Confederate States of America up to the present time. {Ratified the 28th day of May, 1864.] 22 1864. Resolutions. resolution concerning the north-o arolina wounded. Surgeon3Ge9 Resolved^ That the Surgeon General of this State be in- erai to secure structed to use his influence in obtaining the transfer of the toNr.cfDSfer North-Carolina wounded, or as many thereof as may be practicable, from the hospitals in Richmond to the hospi¬ tals in this city and elsewhere in the State. [Ratified the 28th day of May, 1864.] resolution in reference to the public treasurer. How he shall ResoVoed, That the Public Treasurer be and he is hereby issue honied.*1 authorized to dispose of the Confederate treasury notes treasury notes. now on hand, either by exchanging them for new issue, by funding, or by paying them out less thirty-three and a third per cent, of their face value, according to his best discretion. [Ratified the 28th day of May, 1864.} resolution concerning the importation 0f goods by the state. Governor shall Resolved, That the Governor be and he is hereby author- agents oMnore ized to appoint two or more agents, who shall take charge of the commercial and financial interests of the State in the importation of goods, to prescribe their place of resi¬ dence, fix their compensation, and require from them re¬ ports in detail, which are to be laid before the General Assembly. Governor and Resolved, That in case the restriction imposed on the purchase a ves- State by the instructions of Mr. Secretary Memminger are set entire. nQj. remove(j) the Governor, or the agents of the State named in the first resolution, be authorized to purchase a vessel entire, in which goods yet undelivered in our ports may be conveyed, and in the purchase a sale may be made of such property acquired for the busines of importation aa may be most advantageously shared. 1864. Resolutions. 23 Resolved, That S. E. Phillips, Esq., be appointed a com- missioner to take the accounts of the officers and agents of the accounts of the State who have been charged with the duties alluded to &c. ' in the message of the Governor; and said commissioner is authorized to appoint a clerk, to summon before him wit¬ nesses, and to send for persons and papers. His compen¬ sation shall be fixed by the next General Assembly, and that of his clerk in like manner; and to the said Assembly he shall make his report. Resolved, That the Treasurer be directed to pay the bills Duties of state ^ Tr© June ttth, 1864. J X, John P. H. Russ, Secretary of State in and for the State of North-Carolina, do hereby certify'that the foregoing are true copies of the original Acts and Resolutions on file' in this office. Given under my hand, this 25th day of June, 1864:. JOHN P. H. RUSS, Secretary of State. PEIYATE LAWS OF THE STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA, PASSED BT THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY AT ITS ADJOUKNED SESSION OF 1864. RALEIGH: W. W. HOLDER, PRINTER TO THE STATE. 1864. PRIVATE LAWS OP Tne STATE OP NORTH-CAROLINA, PASSED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY, at rra ABJOUHNKD SESSION OF 1864. ACADEMIES. A.V ACT TO INCORPORATE THE FATBTTEVILLE MILITARY QJJig/p 1 ACADEMY. SeCtton 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the ^ eorpor. Ethic < deemed necessary; Provided, That in all such meetings of the stockholders a majority of all the stock subscribers shall be represented by proxy or in person, and each share thus represented shall be entitled to one vote on all questions ; and said company shall have power to call for and enforce the payment of all stock in like manner as the Western Railroad enforced the collection of theirs under their charter; and shall have power to condemn land for the use of the company if necessary to the same, and in the same manner and under the same rules, regulations and restrictions as the said Western North-Carolina Railroad Company were authorized to do by the said act of incor¬ poration, and the gauge of this shall be the same as the gauge of the said road. Seo. 8. Beit further enacted, That said company shall *»?®wjred k> have power to borrow money for the completion of said road, and issue bonds for the same, bearing interest not exceeding seven per cent, per annum, and secure the pay¬ ment of said bonds by procuring personal endorsers or executing mortgages upon their road or other property, and 18 1864. Chap. 13—14—15. that said company may have the exclusive right of trans¬ porting persons and freight upon said road at such rate# and charges as the board of directors may fix. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That this act shall he in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 30th day of May, 1864.] Chap. 14. an act to amend an act entitled " an act to charter the shelby and broad river railroad company." Amendatory of Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the ®imeract. State North-Carolina, and it is hereby enactedby the au¬ thority. of the same, That " An act to charter the Shelby and Broad River Railroad," passed the 10th day of Feb¬ ruary, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, be and the same is hereby amended so as to allow the company thereby chartered to increase the capital stock of said company to the amount of one million five hundred thousand dollars, and to increase at their -discretion the number, of directors constituting the board to thirteen. ^powered Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the said Shelby and branch roads. Broad River Railroad Company be and it is further author¬ ized to construct bvanches of not more than ten miles in length to such points near the route of said Railroad as may be deemed expedient. Sec. 3. Be itfui tker enacted, That this act shall be in force from its ratification. [Ratified the 28th day of May, 1S64.] ROADS. Chap. 15. an act to amend an act entitled " an act for the improve¬ ment of the roads in the counties of henderson, bun- ' oombe, madison and yancey." acTou 55%^ Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That the first section of the act passed 1864. Chap. 15—16—17. 19 in ISSS-'SS, entitled " An act for the improvement of the roads in the counties of Henderson, Buncombe, Madison and Yancey" be so amended as to include the county of Transylvania. [Ratified the 28th day of May, 1864.] TOLL BRIDGES. an act to amend an act authorizing the erection of a ChaV. 16. toll bridge over the catawba river between the towns of newton and lenoir. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the amendatory of State of North- Carolina, and %t is hereby enacted by the au- act of 1843~ 49' thority of the same, That an act entitled an act to authorize the erection of a toll bridge over the Catawba between the towns of Newton and Lenoir, passed at the session of Legislature, 1848-'9, be and the same is hereby amended so as to allow the company to charge the following toll: Upon all six horse wagons one dollar and fifty cents, five horse wagons one dollar and twenty-five cents, four horse wagons one dollar, three herse wagons seventy-five cents, two horse wagons fifty cents, upon four wheeled pleasure carriages one dollar and fifty cents, on two horse buggies one dollar, on one horse buggies seventy-five cents, on two wheeled pleasure carriages fifty cents, upon man and horse or mule twenty -five cents, single horse and mule ten cents, upon foot passengers ten cents, upon every head of horned cattle six cents, upon hogs and sheep four cents. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force two years from its passage and at the end of two years the rate of toll now allowed shall be re-established. \_Ratified the 2%th day of May, 1864.] an act to incorporate the island ford toi.l bridge company chap. 17. in the county of r0ce3ngham. Section 1. Be it enacted by the G&freral Assembly of the Body corpor- State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That a company be and the same is hereby incorporated under the n&me and style of " The 1864. Chap. 17. Island Ford Toll Bridge Company," with a capital stock of fifty thousand dollars, divided into shares of one hundred dollars each, to continue and have a corporate existence as a body politic and corporate for thirty years, for the purpose Bridge. and with the authority to build and construct a bridge over and across Smith's river in the county of Rockingham, at or near the island ford on said river where the public road leading from Leaksville to Danville crosses the same, with all the power and authority vested in corporations by chap¬ ter twenty-six of the Revised Code of North-Carolina, nnder the title " Corporations," not inconsistent with the laws of th^p State, or the provisions of this act. Commasiooera Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That A. B. Johns, Jones W. Burton, Thomas Reynolds and Daniel E. Field are hereby appointed commissioners to open books of subscrip¬ tion to said stock, and to keep the same open for the space of ten days, and as soon as the sum of ten thousand dollars is subscribed, the subscribers shall be a body politic and corporate by the name and style and for the purposes aforesaid. »«ard of dtree- Sec, 3, J2e n further enacted, That the stockholders shall appoint three of their body as directors to manage and conduct the affairs of said corporation, and in all meetings of stockholders each stockholder shall be entitled to one vote for each share of stock held or owned by him, and the .said* directors shall appoint one of their body president, who, together with the other two directors* shall hold their appointments for the space of two years and until their successors be elected and appointed. Beg. 4. Be it fwrth&r enacted, That said corporation shall have power and authority to fix the rate of tolls for crossing said bridge, and to make all such by-laws and regulations as it may .deem necessary and proper, not inconsistent with the laws of this State, and to open books of subscription for the balance of its stock until all is subscribed. Sec. 5. .And whereas, it is desirable that a free bridge should be built, at the- above place desig¬ nated, which the county court of Rockingham hath hitherto neglected,or declined to do : Therefore be it enacted, that if said court shall at its next August term, 1864, neg- 4on. Frotmfcie. 1864. Chap. 17—18. lect, decline or refuse to make the proper and necessary orders to build a free bridge at the place, and shall neglect, decline or refuse to keep up said free bridge after the same is built for the space of six months, then, in either event it shall be the duty of the said persons appointed, to open Duty of com- books of subscription for the stock aforesaid ; and as soon miMlonera> as said corporation shall construct said toll bridge and have fiie same ready for the use of the public, the said corpora¬ tion may turn said road so as to cross at said bridge and may close said ford to the public, unless said bridge is destroyed by fire, water other cause or it becomes neces¬ sary to repair the same, during which time the said ford shall be kept open for public use until said bridge is ready for public use, when the said corporation shall close the same again. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, After the organization of said corporation, it shall not be lawful to build, construct or &o. open any other bridge, ferry or ford over said river for public use within two miles of said toll bridge. , Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, It shall be lawful for the Subscription _ stock DY OOtttt* county court Rockingham, a majority of the justices ty. being present at its next August term, to make an order authorizing the subscription of the county to the stock of said company, and this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 28th day of May, 1864.] TOWNS. an act to enlarge the powers of the commissioners of Chap. 18. the town of wilmington. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Authorises the State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au- tamuaek **** thority of the same, That the commissioners of the town of Wilmington shall have full power and authority to levy and collect a tax for municipal purposes upon all auction sales made within the' corporate limits of the town, and they may impose either a specific tax upon auctioneers or 22 1864. Chip. 18—19. a tax upon the gross proceeds of the sales made by them not to exceed five per centum thereof, or upon the gross profits or commissions of the auctioneers, and they may require the paypient of such tax to be made monthly or quarterly, semi-annually or annually, as they may deem proper. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 26th day of May, 1864.] Chap. 19. an act to enlarge the powers of the mayor and commis¬ sioners of the town of fayettevillb. Treasurer. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North- Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the aur thority of the same, That the mayor and commissioners of the town of Fayetteville may annually*appoinfc any suitable citizen-of the town to act as treasurer of the town for that year, without being restricted in their election to one of their own body for said appointment. Salaries. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the mayor and com¬ missioners of Fayetteville be and are hereby empowered to pay the mayor of the town such salary as the board may deem adequate for his services. Fines and pen- Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the mayor and com¬ missioners of Fayetteville shall have power to enforce their ordinances, rules and regulations by imposing fines and penalties for their infraction not exceeding one hundred Previse. dollars: Provided, That after conviction and judgment, the mayor shall have power, at his discretion, to reduce the fine and penalty to a sum not less than one dollar by remit¬ ting the excess. Bic^aiftp«mr ^E0' ~^e ^ fur^ier enacted, That the mayor and com- •es. missioners of Fayetteville be and are hereby empowered to impose the same taxes for municipal purposes upon all persons whose ordinary avocations are pursued within the corporate limits of the town, although resident beyond the 1864.——CHAP. 19—20. 23 ■corporate limits, in like manner and to the same extent as ipon persons resident within the corporate limits: Pro¬ vided^ That non-residents thus taxed shall have the right *>r0T'60" to vote at municipal elections. Sec. 5. Be it fv/rther enacted, That this act shall bo in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the ZSthday of May, 1864.] an act to amend the charter of the town of charlotte, ^ passed at the session of 1860-'61. Chap. 20. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Ceneral Assembly of the State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the Amendatory 0f thority of the sames That an act entitled " An act to incor- 8e€tIQa3< porate the town of Charlotte, in the county of Mecklenburg," be amended as follows : Section 3 shall be amended to read as follows: " That the said town shall be divided into four wards, by the intersection of Trade and Tryon streets, to be known as follows: that part of town lying north-east of said intersection as ward No 1; that part lying south-east of intersection of same streets as ward No. 2 ; that part lying south-west of intersection of same streets as ward No. 3; and that part lying north-west of intersection of same streets as ward No. 4. The board of commissioners of said town shall consist of nine persons, viz: A mayor, who shall be elected by the voters of the town generally, and two commissioners for each ward, who shall be elected by the voters in their respective wards, and who reside and continue to reside, while in office, in the ward for which they are chosen. They shall be elected biennially and serve until others are elected and qualified. The mayor shall be pres¬ ident of the board of commissioners, and shall have no vote in said board except in case of a tie, in which case he shall have the casting vote. Section 4 shall be amended as fol- Amendatory of lows: In the 13th line strike out the words " two inspectors" 80Ctlon *• and insert "five inspectors," one for the mayor's election and one for each ward in the commissioners election ; in the 14th line insert the word " who " before " shall receive jn in the 16th line strike out the words " one box " and insert " the respective ward boxes;" in the 19th line after the 24 1864.—-Chat. 20. -words " one list" add " for each ward ; " in the 29th line strike out the word "eight" and insert " two," and after the word " persons " insert " in each ward;" in the 32lnd line after the words " two or more persons " insert the words Amendatory of " in one ward." Section 5 shall be amended in the 7th section5. line,- after the word "dollars" add "said freehold to be owned by the commissioner in the ward for which he is Of section 0. chosen." Section 6 shall be amended by inserting after the words " town tax " in the 4th line the words " and all arrearages of town taxes," and at the close of the section add the words " for the ward in which said real estate lies or in which he resides: Provided, That no person shall be allowed to vote in more than one ward for commissioners." of section#. Section 9 shall be amended by inserting after the word "ordinances," in the 8th line, the words "and shall have original jurisdiction of all suits for the recovery of such penalty or penalties not exceeding in amount five hundred dollars in any one case;" in the 3rd line from the end of the section strike out the balance of the section after the word " collected " and add " and the mayor shall receive a reasonable salary to be fixed by the board of commissioners, and to be paid annually by the treasurer of the same." of section 24. Section 24 shall be amended as follows: In article Ho. 1, strike out the word " four" and insert " ten;" in article Ho. 2, strike out the words "fifty cents" and insert "one dollar;" in article Ho. 3, strike out the words "two" and insert " four " ; in article Ho 4, strike out the words " one- fourth of one per cent" and insert " one per cent.in ar¬ ticles Ho. 5, 6 and 7, strike out the word " two " and insert " four;" in article Ho. 8, strike out the word " five " and insert " fifty;" in article Ho. 9, strike out the word " one " and insert "twenty-five;" in article Ho. 10, strike out " one hundred " and insert " not exceeding one thousand ; " in article Ho. 11, strike out " fifty " and insert " not exceed¬ ing five hundred ;" in article Ho. 12, strike out the words "fifty cents" in the 6th line and insert "one dollar ;" in the 7th line after the words " brought into the town," strike out the words " for sale ;" and in the 8th and last line strike out the word " ten " and insert in both places the word " fifty;" in article 13, after the words " business in the 11864. Chap. 20—21. town," in the second line add the words " a tax not exceed¬ ing fifty dollars," and at the last of the article strike out " ten dollars " and insert " one hundred dollars in article 14, strike out " ten " and insert " fifty in article 15, strike out "five" and insert "twenty-five;" in article 16, strike but " ten " and insert " one hundred; " in article IT, strike out in first line " twenty " and insert " one hundred; " in article 18, in the 1st line insert the word "public" before . "billiard table," strike out the words "seventy-five" and insert "one hundred," and add to the section the words " on every private billiard table a tax not exceeding twenty-five dollars;" in article 19, 1st line, strike out " fifty " and insert " one hundred," in the last line strike out "thirty" and insert "fifty;" in article 21, strike out " fifty " and insert "five hundred; " in article 22, strike out " twenty " and insert " two hundred ;" in article 23, strike out "ten" and insert "fifty;" in article 26, after the first words " on every" insert " hacks or," and strike out " fifteen " and insert " fifty," and strike out " twenty-five " and insert " one hundred;" in article 27, after the first words " on every dray " insert or " express wagon," after the words " one or two" insert " or more," strike out "twenty-five dollars" and the words following in the article and insert " one hundred dollars." Section 36, in 0f sectiou 3S- 20th line, after the words " action of debt" add " before the mayor or." Section 42, strike out all after the words or section *2. " said town" in the section and add" or use the county gaol." Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That in numbering the sections and lines as amended herein, reference shall be had to the copy of charter printed by the town of Charlotte in the year 1861. [Ratified the %&th day of May, 1861. TURNPIKES. AN act to authorize the buncombe turnpike company to Chap. 21. increase their rates of toll. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Rates of toil. State of North- Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au- tfiority of the same, That the " Buncombe Turnpike Com- 26 1864. Chap. 21—22—23. pany" have power and authority to charge double the rates of toll on the turnpike road leading from Saluda Gap in Buncombe county by way of Smith's, Murraysville, Asheville and the Warm Springs to the Tennessee line, which they are authorized to charge by the seventh section of the act passed by the General Assembly in 1824, incor- Proviso. porating said company: Provided, nevertheless, That the General Assembly retains the right to hereafter reduce the rates of toll on said road to any sum not less than that authorized by the seventh section of the act aforesaid. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 28th day of Mayj 1864.] Chap. 22. an act fob the better regulation of the western turnpike road. Tollgt Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by ths authority of the same, That any one traveling upon the Western Turnpike Road shall be required to pay toll at Proriuo. every gate that may be passed upon said road: Provided, That no one shall be required to pay toll at any gate in his own county or within ten miles of his residence. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That all laws contrary to the intent and meaning of the foregoing section be and the same are hereby repealed. [Ratified the 28th day of May, 1864.] SHERIFFS. Chap. 23. an act in favor of john a. long. Arrearage* of Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au¬ thority of the same, That John A. Long, sheriff of the county of Richmond, shall have full power and authority to collect arrears of taxes in the county of Richmond until August, 1865. [Ratified the 2§th day of May, 1864.] 1864. Chap. 24—25. 27 an act to authorize the securities op lewis williamson, Chop, 24. late sheriff of columbus county, to collect arrears of taxes. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Arrearage® ef State of North-Carolina, and it is h&reby enacted by the taxe*' authority of the sdme, That the sureties of Lewis William¬ son, late sheriff of Columbus county, be and they are hereby authorized and empowered to collect all arrears of taxes due said sheriff, which collection shall be made under the same rules and regulations and restrictions as other collection of taxes by virtue of the laws of this State: Provided, That the authority by this act granted shall not Pr0Ti*°- extend to persons who have removed from the county, or . to personal representatives, nor to any person who will make oath before any justice of the peace for said county that he or she verily believes that the arrears of "taxes claimed from him or her have been paid. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the power and author¬ ity hereby granted shall cease and determine with the vear 1864. Sec. 3. Be it further^ehacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 28th day of May, 1864.] MISCELLANEOUS. an act to incorporate the cape fear lodge a. y. masons, Chap. 25. no. 194, located in elizabethtown, bladen county. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Bodj corper- State of North-Carolina, a/nd it is hereby enacted by the at6, authority of the same, That the masters and wardens, which at present are, or in future may be, of Cape Fear Lodge, No. 194, in Elizabethtown, Bladen county, are hereby con¬ stituted and declared to be a body corporate, under the name and style of Cape Fear Lodge, and by such name shall have a common seal, may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, acquire and transfer property, and pass all such by-laws and regulations as shall not be inconsistent with the laws of the State or Confederate States. [Ratified the 26th day of May, 1864.] 1 $64.—-Chap. 26—27. QKa/p. 26. ah Aor to incorporate st. John's lodge, at kinston, in the county op lenoir. Body torpor- Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assemby of the State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the master, -wardens and mem¬ bers of the Sf. John's Lodge, No. 96, of free and accepted masons, at Kinston, in the county of Lenoir, be and they are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate, by the name and style of the " St. John's Lodge, No. 96, free and accepted masons," and by that name shall have perpetual succession,'may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, have a common seal, and in general exercise and enjoy all such rights and privileges, 'as are usually incident to cor¬ porate bodies of the like nature. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, This act shall be in fall forceoand eflect from and after its ratification. [.Ratified the 28th day of May, 1864.] Chap. 27. an act to incorporate the trustees of the general assemf bly of the presbyterian church in the confederate states of america. Body poiitia Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North-Carolina, cmd it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That Thomas 0. Perrin, Rev. B. M. Palmer, D. D., Samuel McCorke, Joseph H. Wilson, Jesse H. Lindsay, Robert Adger, J". A. Ansley, J. A. Crawford, James B. Walker, J. A. Anglis, John Whiting, R. M. Patton, Rev. George Howe, D. D., Rev. J. L. Kirkpatrick, D. D., and Wm. L. Mitchell, and their successors, duly chosen in manner as herein directed, be and they are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate, by name and style of " The Trustees of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the Confederate States of Amer- Powcm ica," and by the name and style aforesaid shall be able and capable to take and hold all such estate, property and effects as may be acquired by gift, purchase, devise or bequest, to aid and enable the said General Assembly of the 1&64.—^-Osap. 27. 29 Pesbyterian Church to undertake and carry on the work of christian education, of foreign arid domestic missions, of of the publication of such books, tracts and papers as are connected with the diffusion of religious literature and learning, and of building up and supporting churches of their faith and Worship in the Confederate States aforesaid, arid all the said estate, property and effects that shall be acquired by the said trustees and their successors at any time, shall be held, used and disposed of according to the directions of the general assembly aforesaid. Sec. 2. Be it further enctcted, The said trustees and their Seal, by-fewe, successors shall have and use a common seal and alter the &0" same at pleasure, and by the name aforesaid may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, and they are hereby authorized to make all by-laws and ordinances, prescribe the duties and qualifications of their officers, elect such officers as are necessary, and to do any thing proper or incident to the due government and support of the corpor¬ ation, and for the managing of the funds and revenues thereof: Provided, Such by-laws, ordinances or act^ done, Proviso, shall not be repugnant to the constitution of the Confede¬ rate* States or this State or of any direction of the said general assembly. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, The said corporation shall quorusa. consist of fifteen persons, unless the said general assembly shall at some future time change that number, five of whom shall be sufficient for the transaction of any business, and as vacancies may occur the said general assembly at their pleasure may fill the same. Sec. £. Beit further enacted, The said general assembly boards?* shall establish any committees, boards or agencies for any ciea, & 1864.] an act to p he vent obstructions in the big swamp by means qhap 33 .of fish traps. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the obstructions in State of North- Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au- mam channel- thority of the same, That it shall not be lawful for any person to obstruct the main channel of the Big Swamp, by means of Fish traps, in the county of Robeson, between sunrise on Monday morning and sunset on Thursday even¬ ing next ensuing in each and every week. Sec. 2. Be it further enactedThat any person violating Violation and the provisions of this act shall forfeit and pay the sum of Penalty» one hundred dollars, to be recovered by any person who will sue for the same, in any court of competent jurisdic¬ tion, one half to the use of the informer and the other to the use of the county in which suit shall be brought. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 28th day of May, 1864.] 5 34 1864. CHAP. 33—34. Chap. 33. AN ACT IN RELATION TO GUARDIANS AND WARDS* IN TRANSYL¬ VANIA COUNTY. Guardians ap- Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the nDtte0d forma- State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au- tion of Trausyi- thority of the same. That when a guardian of the person or Tama county. J •* 1 ° r property of any ward, said ward or his estate living or being within the territorial limits of the county of Transyl¬ vania, was appointed by the court of pleas and quarter sessions of either Henderson or Jackson county, previous to the foundation of the county of Transylvania, and where such guardian shall not have made final settlement of his ward's estate, the clerk of the court where such guardian was appointed shall transfer to the clerk of the court of pleas and quarter sessions of Transylvania county the bond of the guardian, his account of the estate of his ward, his annual account and state of the profits and disbursements of his ward's estate, and all other papers relating thereto together with a copy of the records} of the court, making such appointment with his certificate and seal of office. Duties of coun- Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the clerk of the court ty court clerk. 0f p]eas and quarter sessions of Transylvania county, shall,. upon the transfer of said papers, treat and dispose of them in all respects in the same manner ; and the rights, duties and liabilities of the guardian, ward, and all others shall be the same as if the guardianship had been originally conferred by the court of Transylvania county. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 28ih day of May, 1864.] Chap. 34. an act to authorize the justices of caswell county to regulate the cleaning out of moon's creek in said county. Fere:) justices Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the the ci'eiuiing-6 State of North-Catolina, and it is hereby enacted by the crvek.uf Ba'd authority of the same, That the justices of the court of pleas and quarter sessions of Caswell county, seven justices being } 8^4. Cha*. S4-&. 35 oil the bench, the first conrt which shall be held after the first Monday in Jane in each and every year, shall lay off, in convenient districts, all the inhabitants in said county residing or owning lands on the said creek in said county, within such distance of said creek as said justices may designate, and for each district so laid off, the said justices shall appoint seme suitable person as overseer, who shall cause the said stream to be kept free from all obstructions in his district, and for that purpose he shall have power and is hereby required to cause all persons within the dis¬ trict allowed to him, liable to work on public roads, to work at least six days in every year on the said creek, during Which time he shall employ said hands in removing ail logs, brush, sand and other obstructions to said creek. SeC. 2. Be it further enacted, That if any person appointed Overseers., an overseer on said creek, by virtue of said provisions of this act, shall fail or refuse to discharge his duty as such, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and any person liable to work as aforesaid or to send hands who shall fail or refuse to do so, after being duly warned as hands are for working roads, to appear, bring and work with such tools as the overseer shall direct, shall pay for each day five dollars, to be recovered and applied as for failing to work on public roads. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 23th day of May, 1864.] AN ACT TO AMEND AN ACT ENTITLED " AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE 35. FOUR JUSTICES OF THE PEACE OF CARTERET AND CRAVEN COUNTIES TO APPOINT A COMMISSIONER AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES," RATIFIED DECEMBER 14TH, 1863. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Three justices State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au- commissioner^ thority of the same, That it shall be lawful for any three &c" justices of the peace, for the county of Carteret, to meet at any place which they may select, and to do all acts which four justices may now do by virtue of an act entitled "An 36 1864. Chap. 35—36—37. act to authorize four justices of the peace of Carteret and Craven counties to appoint a commissioner and for other purposes," ratified December 14th, 1863. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 21 st day of May, 1864.] Chap. 36. ait act to authorize the county court of watauga county to sell the old gaol in the town of boone. Authorizes the Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the sale of old goal. State of North- Carolina, and it is hereby enactedby the au¬ thority of the same, That from and after the ratification of this act, the court of pleas and quarter sessions for the county of Watauga, a majority of the justices being present, shall have full power and authority, at any time in their discretion to order the commissioner of public buildings, after his giving ten days' notice by advertising at three or more public places within the county, to expose to public sale the remains of the old gaol, in the town of Boone, upon whatever conditions the court may direct, including orreser- ving that portion of the lot on which it is situated; and the chairman of the court aforesaid shall execute to the pur¬ chaser all necessary transfer as is prescribed by law. Proceeds Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the proceeds of said sale shall be appropriated as other county revenues. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 26th day of May. 1864.] Chap. 37. an act to allow Alexander j. hood, late tax collector of the county of mecklenburg, further time to col¬ lect taxes. arrearages of Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly cf the ti,xe8- State of North* Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That Alexander J. Hood, late tax collector for the county of Mecklenburg, he allowed fur- 1864. Chap. 37. 37 ther time of one year to collect all taxes which may be owing to him for the year 1863, and for that purpose he may have and exercise all the power which he had as such tax collector. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect from and after its ratification. [Ratified the 26th day of May, 1864.] RESOLUTIONS OF A PRIVATE NATURE, PASSED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF NORTH-CAROLINA, AT ITS ADJOURNED SESSION 1864. RESOLUTION EXTENDING TIME TO THE SURETIES ON THE OFFICIAL BOND OF W. T. J. VANN, LATE SHERIFF, TO COLLECT TAXES. Ai i o w s t wo -Resolved, That Samuel K. Bunting, administrator of Wm. years. g* J. Vann, dee'd, late sheriff of New-Hanover county, and the sureties .to the official bond of the said Wm. T. J. Yann, late sheriff, as aforesaid, be authorized to collect, and be allowed two years in which to collect all arrearages of Pro visa taxes due the said late sheriff: Provided, The authority k hereby given shall not extend to persons who may have removed from the county, nor to executors or administra¬ tor's nor to any one who shall make oath that the arrears claimed from him or her have been paid. [Ratified iht 21 st day of Mayy 1864.] 1864.——-Resolutions. 39 resolution of thanks to mat. gen. hoke, brig. gen. ransom and commander cooke. Resolved^ That the thanks of the General Assembly be Tender ®f and they are hereby tendered to General Robert F. Hoke,thank8. Brigadier General. M. W. Ransom and to commander James N. Cooke, and to the brave officers and men under their respective commands, for the signal gallantry and heroism of their conduct, resulting in the recapture of the, towns of Plymouth and Washington, and in the deliverance of so large a part of our State from the possession of a hateful and brutal enemy. Resolved, That a copy of the above resolution be trans- a copy to be mitted by his Excellency, the Governor, to Gen. Hoke,transmitted" Brig. Gen. Ransom and to commander Cooke, with a request that they may be made known to the officers and men under their commands, in such mode as may express the grateful feelings of the General Assembly. [Ratified the 25th day of May, 1864.] resolution in favor of j. c. griffith, sheriff of caswell county. Whereas, The sheriff of Caswell county, J. C, Griffith, Preamble, at the instance of the Public Treasurer, in the month of March last, made a trip to Raleigh at an expense of fifty dollars, and paid into the treasury money in his hands due the State for taxes on collateral descents, &c., to the amount of $4,852.55, which taxes he was not required by law to pay into the treasury prior td the first day of October next, for which trip the Treasurer is not authorized to pay Said sheriff mileage or per diem compensation, by reason of which payment said sum can be embraced in the certifi¬ cate of the Governor, to be made under the twelfth section of the currency act of Congress, ratified on the 17th day of February lastTherefore, Resolved, That the Public Treasurer pay said Griffith fifty payS $50. dollars out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. [.Ratified the 25th day of May, 1864.] 40 1864. Resolutions. EE solution in favor of the sureties of J. C. smith, LATE sheriff of alexander county. Arreats of Resolved, That the sureties of J. 0. Smith, late sheriff of taxes. , 1 Alexander county, be authorized to collect any arrearage Proviso. of taxes due him: Provided, That nothing herein con¬ tained shall be construed to extend to any person who will make oath that they have paid the same. [Ratified the %$th day of May, 1864.] resolution concerning the listing and collection of taxes in watauga county. Preamble. "Whereas, It appears that the taxable property in the county of Watauga was not listed according to law during the last twenty working days in April, 1864, for State and county taxes by reason of no tax list blanks having been received for that purpose in said county : Duties of jus- Be it, therefore, resolved, That it shall be the duty of the taker"tax h8t justices or tax list takers in the county of Watauga, to take the tax lists in said county during the month of June, 1864, and return the same to the clerk of the county court on or before the first day of July next ensuing; and it shall be the duty of the clerk of the county court of the said county to make out the taxes for State and county purposes on the property returned to his office by the tax list takers, and deliver the same to the sheriff of said county on or before the first day of August ensuing; and it shall also be the duty of the clerk of the county court to return to the Comptroller an abstract of said taxes on or before tke first day of September, 1864. Duty of the Resolved,further, That it shall be the duty of the sheriff of said county to settle with the Comptroller and pay into the public treasury the taxes due the State from said county, on or before the first day of November, 1864, under the same forfeitures as now prescribed by law. [.Ratified the 26th day of May, 1864.] 1864. Resolutions* 41 resolution in fay ok of h. b. deavek, late tax collectob foe the county of madison. Resolved, That H. B. Deavet, late tax collector for Arrears of county of Madison, be authorized to collect arrearages oftaxe8' taxes due him for the years 1861, i863 and 1864. [Ratified the 26th day of May, 1864.] kesolution in favok of dbuey king. Resolved, That the Public Treasurer pay to Drury King, Pfty3 for arranging the two halls at the present session, thirty dollars, and thftt he be allowed the same in the settlement, of his public accounts. [Ratified the 28th day of Mayv 1864.] resolution in befeeence to the messenger in the executive depaetment. Resolved, That the messenger in the Executive office be Purchase of allowed to purchase clothing from the quartermasters clotbins- department for himself at the usual government prices. [Ratified the 28th day of May, 1864.] resolution in favoe of alexander smith, of transylvania county. Resolved, That Alexander Smith, of Transylvania county, Released from be excused from the payment of the State and county tax fa,864. taxes on his personal property for the year 1864, when he produces proof of the payment of taxes on the same to the State of Tennessee for the year 1864. [Ratified the 28th day of May> 1864.] 42 1864.-——Resolutions. resolution in payor op alexander houston. Ptyi finoo Resolved, That the Treasurer of the State pay unto Alex¬ ander Houston, of the county of Madison, one hundred and fourteen dollars, which sum of money has been overpaid as taxes due the State. [Ratified the 28th day of May, 1864.] RESOLUTION IN FAVOR OF THOMAS J. KENNEDY. Pays 170.60 Resolved, That the Public Treasurer pay to Thomas J. Kennedy the sum of seventy dollars and sixty cents, it being the amount of public taxes paid by him to the sheriff of,Davidson county, and also to the sheriff of Lenoir county, upon the same slaves, and by them paid into the 1 Treasury. [Ratified the 28th day of May, 1864.] RESOLUTION IN FAVOR OF WALTER A. THOMPSON. Allows neces- Resolved, That the Public Treasurer be and is hereby aa'state*agent authorized to pay to Walter A. Thompson, upon the warrant of the Auditor of public accounts, such expenses as he may have necessarily incurred or may necessarily incur in future, as agent for the State in transporting provisions, clothing, &c., to the army of Northern Virginia. [Ratified the 28th day of May, 1864.] STATE OF NORTH-O AEOLINA, ) Office of Secretary of State, > June 252A, 1864.) I, John P. H. Euss, Secretary of State in and for tlie State of North-Carolina, do hereby certify that the foregoing are true copies of the original Acts and Resolutions on file in this office. Given under my hand, this 25th day of June, 1864. JOHN P. H. EUSS, Secretary of State. INDEX TO PUBLIC LAWS, ADJOUBNED SESSION, 1364. PAWL ASYLUMS— An act concerning the N. 0. Institution for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind, 3 AUDITOR OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS— An act amendatory of an act passed at the 1st session of the Legislature, 1862-'63, establishing the office of Auditor of Public Accounts, ...' 4 CATTLE— An act to protect cattle, .............. 4 COMMON SCHOOLS— v An act to authorize Chairmen of the Boards of Superin¬ tendents of Common Schools who have invested funds in their hands in Confederate bonds, to sell the same, and distribute the proceeds, Ac., 5 COURTS— An an act to amend an u An act to restore the Courts, and for other purposes," 6 An act transferring causes in Equity depending in the Courts of certain counties, '. 6 An act to provide for holding extra terms of the Supreme Court, 7 An act to alter the time of holding the Superior Courts of - Law and Equity in the 6th judicial circuit, 7„ DISTILLATION OF SPIRITUOUS LIQUORS— An act to amend an act prohibiting the distillation of spir¬ ituous liquors, 8 ELECTIONS- AO act to extend the time for comparing the polls for cer¬ tain counties, and for other purposes, g HABEAS CORPUS— An act more effectually to secure the benefits of the writ of habeas corpus, and to prevent citizens in civil life from being removed beyond the limits of the State, 10 INDEX TO PUBLIC LAWS. H PAG3. LANDLORDS— Session 1864. An act amendatory of "xln act for the relief of landords," 11 MILITARY APPROPRIATIONS— An ac* cc appropriate money for the military establishment of the State, 12 An act to amend an act making appropriation for the mili¬ tary establishment of the State, 12 REVENUE— An aci in reference to the payment of taxes,.... 13 An act to authorize the Justices of any county to meet in special term to levy taxes, 14 An act in reference to exemption from taxes, 14 An act to provide ways and means for the supply of the Treasury, 15 An act to amend an act entitled "Revenue," 15 SALARIES AND FEES— An act amendatory of "An act in relation to salaries and fees," 16 SOLDIERS— An act for the relief of the wives and families of soldier^ in the army, . 18 An act to authorize the Governor to appoint a Commissioner for the benefit of the representatives of deceased soldiers, 18 MISCELLANEOUS- AO act torepeal an act ratified 20th Sept., 1861, concerning winter clothing for our troops, 18 An act concerning thq per diem and mileage of the members of the General Assembly, during its present session, 19 RESOLUTIONS— In reference to a basis of peace, 20 Respecting the national administration, and the proper au¬ thorities to conduct negotiations for peace with the enemy, 21 Concerning the acts of Congress, 21 Concerning the North-Carolina wounded, 22 In reference to Public Treasurer, 22 Concerning the importation of goods by the State, 22 In reference to "Mallett's Battalion," 23 Concerning certain acts of the late C. S. Congress, 23 In relation to Governor Vance, 25 In favor of harmony and co operation, 25 Exempting State and other officers from conscription, 26 Of thanks to the officers and soldiers of North-Carolina, 2fi To be laid before Congress in reference to the rights of North-Carolina in the importation of goods, 27 In reference to the Public Treasurer, 28 Authorizing the distribution of the Revised Code of the State among the Justices of the Peace, who have not been supplied, 28 In favor of the Washington Sufferers, 29 In relation to public printer, 29 In relation to the acts regulating the salaries of the circuit judges, 29 In relation to the judges, Gov. Vance and the matter of T. P. Napier, 80 In favor of the speakers, clerks and door keepers, 30 To appropiiate money for the premises around the Governor's residence, 30 In relation to the judges of the supreme and superior courts, 81 INDEX ' TO PRIVATE LAWS, ADJOURNED SESSION, 1864. PAGB. ACADEMIES— An act to incorporate the Fayetteville Military Academy,.. 3 An act incorporating the Yanceyville Female Seminary,.... 4 BANKS— An act to amend "An act to extend the charter of the Bank of the State of North-Carolina for certain purposes,".... 5 FISH— An act concerning the free passage of Fish in Neuse river,.. 5 IMPORTING ,AND EXPORTING COMPANIES— An act incorporating the Cape Fear Importing and Exporting Company, . . Q MINING AND MANUFACTURING COMPANIES— An act incorporating the Cross Creek Manufacturing Com¬ pany, I 8 An act incorporating the Fayetteville Mill Manufacturing Company, 9 An act amendatory of charter of Beaver Creek Manufactur¬ ing Company, 10 An act incorporating the Mecklenburg Iron and Steel Com¬ pany, . . . 10 An act to amend the charter of the Lockville Mining and Manufacturing Company, 13 PLANKROADS— An act in regard to tolls on the "Western Plankroad 13 RAILROADS— An act to amend the charter of the Fayetteville and Florence Railroad Company,.... 14 An act incorporating the Plaster Banks' and Salt Works' Railroad Company, 15 An act to amend " An act to charter the Shelby and Broad River Railroad Company," 18 INDEX TO PRIVATE LAWS. II PAG*. ROADS— Sessioa 1SG4. An act to amend 41 An act for the improvement of roads in the counties of Henderson, Buncombe, Madison and Yancey," 18 TOLL BRIDGES— An act to amend an act authorizing the erection of a toll bride over the Catawba river, between the towns of Newton and Lenoir, 19 An act incorporating the Island Ford Toll Bridge Company, > 19 TOWNS— An act to enlarge the powers of the Commissioners of the town of Wilmington, 21 An act to enlarge the powers of the Mayor and Commis¬ sioners of the town of Fayetteville, 22 An act to amend the charter of the town of Charlotte, 23 TURNPIKES— An act authorizing the Buncombe Turnpike Company to increase the rate of toll, 25 An act for the better regulation of the Western Turnpike road, . 23 SHERIFFS— An act in favor of John A. Long,. 26 An act to authorize the securities of ,Lewis Williamson, late sheriff of Cumberland county, to collect arrears of taxes, 27 MISCELLANEOUS— An act to incorporate the Cape Fear Lodge A. Y. Masons, No. 194, located in Elizabethtown, Bladen county, 27 An act to incorporate St. John's Lodge, at Kinston, in the county of Lenoir, 28 An act to incorporate the trustees of the General Assembly . of the Presbyterian Church in the Confederate States,.... 28 An act to authorize the proceedings of the County Court of ' Davie, in laying taxes for 1864, 30 An act to legalize certain acts of the County Court of Mad¬ ison county, 30 An act to incorporate the Trustees of the Soldiers' Female Orphan Home, in the county of Forsyth, 31 An act to legalize the sale of the public gaol and lot in the town of Wilkesborough, 33 An act to prevent obstructions in the big swamp by means of fish traps, - 33 An act in relation to guardians and wards in Transylvania county, 34 ^.n act to authorize the justices of Caswell county to regu¬ late the cleaning out of Moon's creek in said county, 34 IV INDEX TO PRIVATE LAWS. PAG?. An act to amend "An act to authorize four justices of the peace of Carteret and Craven counties to appoint a Com¬ missioner and for other purposes," 35 An act to authorize the County Court of Watauga county to sell the old gaol ia the town of Boone, 25 An act to allow Alexander J. Hood, late tax collector of Mecklenburg, further time to collect tyxes, 36 RESOLUTIONS-^- Extending further time to the sureties on the bond of W. T. J. Vann, late sheriff, to collect taxes .. 38 Of thanks to Maj. Gen. Hoke, Brig. Gen. Ransom and com¬ mander Cooke, 39 In favor of J. C. Griffith, 39 In favor of the sureties of J. C. Smith, 40 Concerning the listing and collection of taxes in Watauga 6ounty, 40 In favor of H. B. Deaver, 41 In favor of Drury King, In reference to messenger in Executive office, ,. 41 In favor of Alexander Smith, 41 In favor of Alexander Houston, # 42 In favor of Thomas J. Kennedy, 42 Jn favor of W. A. Thompson 43