Library of Emory University JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES OF THE STATE OF VIRGINIA, FOR THE CALLED SESSION OF 1863. RICHMOND: WILLIAM F. RITCHIE, PUBLIC PRINTER. 1863. JOURNAL. MONDAY, September 7, 1863. . A majority of the delegates elect being duly qualified, appeared and took their seats. The -following, proclamation of the governor convening the gene¬ ral assembly, was read: By the Governor of Virginia—A Proclamation. By the proceedings of sundry counties, in primary assemblies of the people, the desire has been expressed that the general assembly ' of this state shoqld fie,convened in extra session. The condition of the country calls for the exercise of the best judgment of the wisest councillors of the state. The large levies of additional troops by the enemy for the devastation of our lands and the subjugation of our people, requires extraordinary exertion on our part,' and every state in' the Confederacy must brace itself to the impending encounter with fearless fortitude and untiring energy. The people must pre¬ pare for the magnitude of the emergency, and each man must fe^L that his arm is necessary to aid in vindicating the justice of our cause, and that, come what-may, he is prepared to meet the foe with a calm defiance that acknowledges no alternative but an unqualified recognition of our independence. No people can be conquered who feel thus and act up to that feeling with an abiding confidence in the justice of Heaven. I concur in the propriety of convening the general assembly, for the purpose of devising means for the public defence ; to enroll an additional force of militia beyond the conscript age, for local as well as general protection ; *to provide for arming and equipping such ad¬ ditional force, and furnishing the means for* rendering their services available when necessary ; to give confidence to our people in our ability to repel our unscrupulous and worse than savage foe; to set an example'to our southern sisters, by exhibiting unshaken confi¬ dence in our government and undiminished, ardor in our common cause, and to invoke their united aid once more in meeting the emer¬ gency as becomes a people engaged in a righteous cause—to display not only endurance under losses arid severe reverses, but, grappling with adversity', to exhtbit, at a moment of-anticipated weakness, power from nioial example and physical exertion. By, ides this impoi taut purpose, first and upp< rmost in every heart, then an, other mailers which require our most anxious councils. 4 journal of the The currency of the country is in a deranged state. -Something must be done to give confidence to the people in the stability of our mone¬ tary concerns. Something must be done to prevent the depreciation of our circulating medium and the enhancement of the price of the necessaries of life. While it is proper for the government to call in its excessive issues and to endeavor to fund its debt, it is not necessary or proper,, in my judgment, in doing so to discredit the only money that is now in the hands of the people to meet their every day transactions. The capi¬ talist and broker may collect and fund the amount of the currency in their hands, but the government should not permit the banks and the corporations of the country-to discredit the money which the poor are required to receive, by refusing to leceive it on deposit and rejecting it for ordinary dues, and much less should the states them¬ selves discredit it by prohibiting its reception in payment of taxes and public dues. Such acts, are mischievous in the extreme, and will.produce a panic, frightening the m^s of the people from their propriety, and tending to shake the government to its foundation. I convoke the legislature to provide a remedy for these evils, and es¬ pecially to repeal the act prohibiting the reception of confederate notes of a particular date in payment of public dues. Much rather would I punish those who refuse to receive the currency .of the coun¬ try with the utmost penalties of the law. It is also necessary to provide funds for carrying on the operations of state institutions; to provide the means for employing the con¬ victs in the penitentiary^many of whom are supported at public ex¬ pense without returning an equivalent in labor, because no adequate «ippropriatiX)u has been made for furnishing a full supply of materials for their work. Other appropriations are required, which it is not necessary to specify,* but which ar£, nevertheless, essential to the public service. # Therefore, I, John Letcher, governor of the commonwealth of Vir¬ ginia, by virtue of authority vested in me by the constitution, do hereby require the members of the geueral assembly, elected in May last, to' assemble in extra session at the capil ol, in the city of Rich¬ mond, oh Monday, the seventh day of September next, at 12 o'clock, M. [Seal.] Given under my hand as governor, and under the seal of the commonwealth, at Richmond, this tenth day of August in the year 1863, arid in the SSth year of the commonwealth. John Letcher. By the governor: Geo roe W'. Mi in fori), Secretary of tin Commonwealth. The house was then called to order by Mr. Haymond of Marion, who reminded the house that the first business in order was the elec¬ tion of a clerk. . . Mr. Haymond thereupon nominated for that office William F. Gor¬ don, jr. of Albemarle, wlio was appointed by an unanimous vote. HOUSE OF DELEGATES. 5 Messrs. B*Aymond of Marion and Magruder of Albemarle were appointed a committee to inform him of his election and conduct him to his seat. The house then proceeded to the election of a Speaker; and there¬ upon Mr. Robertson nominated Hugh W. Shcffcy of Augusta; and the roll was then called with the following result: For H. W. Sheffey—Messrs. Parfamuiv, Mag-ruder, Branch, Bryan, Flood, MeOue, Walk t, W. Johnson, Burwell, E. W. "Hunter, Nigkbert, James, L. E>. Hayniond, N. W. White, Meade, Deane, Marr, Butler, Bowles, BouhMn, Ambers, Rixey, Irving, Worsham. Huutt, Brooke, R. E. Nelson, F. Saunders, Patterson, Kaufman, Ward, A. Fry, Jones, Dickey, Mathews, Woolfolk, Lundy, Barksdale, Monroe, Hiett, Williams, Lurty, Hohieii, English, Mullens, Fj uiing, J. L. Wil.on, Duval, Melvin, Burnett, Hendrick, Tonilin, Lynch, Win¬ ston, Winn, T. S. Jrla.v ux>iid,»Morgau, Hoge, Richardson, Evans, Stewart, Rowan, Lively, Douthat, Riddick, Slif-Iton, Baker, Murdaugh, S. M. Wilson, Scott. Pendleton, Edwards, Hughes, Kukt, Staple-, E. S Saunders, Keiley, Buford, Gilmer, Tibb:, McNeil, T. W. Tayloi1, Cowan, Oiesap, Coke, Draper, Hern don, Crawford, Fl< teller, Robe.ifson, Burr, D J. Saunders, De^crle, Reid, R. J. White, Harris, Walkter, Kejiney, Smith, Walton, Pit¬ man, Fretlow, Marye, J. A. Robinson, Woodley, .Thomas, Graham, Ferguson, Hull and Crockett—110. For Wood Boiddin—Mr. Anderson—1. The house then proceeded to the election of a sergeant at arms. Mr. McCue nominated Robert W. Burle of Augusta, who was unanimously appointed. The house then proceeded to the election of a first doorkeeper. Mr. Wilson of Isle of Wight nominated William H. Freeman of Norfolk City, who'was appointed unanimous!}7. The house then proceeded to the election of a second doorkeeper. Mr. Magruder nominated George W. Wilson, jr. of Botetourt, who was elected by an unanimous vote. On motion of Mr. M'agruder, Resolved, that the Speaker be authorized to appoint the usual number of pages. On motion of Mr. Walker, Resolved, that the Speaker be requested to invite the reverend clergy of the city to open the daily sessions of the house with prayer. . A message was received from the senate by' Mr* Christian, the senator from Augusta, who informed the house of delegates that the senate had agreed to the following joint resolution: Resolved, that a committee of three senators be appointed to in¬ form the house of delegates that the senate is now organized, and that the same committee be authorized*to act conjointly with a com¬ mittee of the house of delegates to inform the governor of the com¬ monwealth that the general assembly is organized and prepared to receive any communications he may have to submit. The resolution was concurred in. Ordered, that Mr. i oivilin inform the senate thereof. The'speaker announced tke following committee on the pari of the house: Messrs. Tomlin, Haymond of Marion, and Worsham. Subsequently, Mi*. Tomlin, from the joint committee, reported that they had discharged the duty assigned them, and that the go¬ vernor would communicate a message to the house immediately. The governor's message was then receivt d and read; whieh, 011 mo- 6 JOURNAL OF THE tion of Mr. Jones, was laid on the table, and twelve hundred extra copies ordered .to be printed. [For message, see Doc. No. 1, appended to this'volume.] The Speaker laid before the house a communication from the secretary of the commonwealth, transmitting the returns of the elec¬ tion of governor and lieutenant governor; which was read, and on motion of Mr. Hall, laid on the table and ordered to be printed. Doc. No. 3. On motion of Mr. Haymond of Clarion, Resolved, that the rules of the -last house of delegates be adopted for the government of this. The said rules are as follow; 1. No member shall absent himself from the service of the house, without leave, unless he be sick and unable to attend. 2. When any member is about to speak in debate or deliver any matter to-the house, he shall rise from his seat, and without advanc¬ ing, shall, with due respect,-address "Mr. Speaker," confining him¬ self strictly'to the point in debate, avoiding all indecent and disre¬ spectful language. 3. When any member rises and addresses the chair, the speaker shall recognize him by his name; but no member shall designate another by name., , 4 4. No member shall speak more than twice in the same debate without leave. 5. A question being once determined, must".stand as the judgment of the house, and cannot, during the same session, be drawn again into debate. * 6. While the speaker fiS reporting or putting a question, none shall entertain private discourse, read, stand up, walk into, out of, or across the house. 7. No member shall vote on any question in the event of which he is immediately and personally interested, nor in any other case where fie was not present when the question was put by the speaker or chairman of any committee. 8. Every member who shall be in the house when any question is put, shall, on-a decision, be counted on one side or the other. 9. A majority of delegates shall constitute a quorum to do busi¬ ness; and every question shall be determined according to the vote of a majority of the members present, except-where the constitution otherwise provides; any smaller number, together with the speaker, shall be sufficient to adjourn; twenty may call a house, send for absentees, and make any order for their censure or discharge. 10. On a call of the house, the doors shall not be closed against any member until his name shall have been once enrolled. 11. Any member, sustained by thirteen others, shall have the right, before the question is put, to demand the yeas and nays on the de¬ cision of any question; and on siich occasion the names of the mem¬ bers shall be called over by the clerk, and the yeas and nays respec¬ tively entered on the journal, and the question decided, as a majority shall thereupon appear. After the yeas and nayc shall have' been HOIJSPJ OF DELEGATES. 7 taken, and befcye they are counted or entered on tlie journal, the clerk shall read over the names of those who voted in the affirmative arid of those who voted in the negative; at which time any member shall have the right to correct any inistake committed in eurolling his name, 12. No business shall be introduced or considered after 12 o'clock, until the orders of the day be disposed of, except messages from the senate or executive. Among the orders of the day, those which are general in their nature shall have precedence over such as are private or local. *13. The speaker may call any member to the chair, who shall ex¬ ercise its functions for the time; but ho member, by virtue of.such appointment, shall preside for a longer time than three days. 14. The speaker shall set apart convenient seats for the use of the members of the senate and executive, and of the ^bdges of the supe¬ rior courts of this commonwealth and of the Confederate States, and of such other persons as he may invite within the bar of'the house. 15. All bills or other business shall be dispatched in the order in which they are introduced, unless the house, by a vote of two-thirds of the members present, shall direct otherwise. In future, all bills of a general nature shall, after their first reading, be printed for the use of the house. » 16. The clerk shall not permit any records or papers to be taken from the table or out of his possession ; but he may deliver to a mem¬ ber any bills depending before the house, oh taking his receipt for the same. 17. The journal of the house shall be .drawn up by the clerk on each day, and, after being examined by the speaker, shall be printed and delivered without delay. 18. The clerk shall publish with the laws all resolutions of a ge¬ neral nature, annex genera? marginal notes to each law or resolution, and subjoin an index to the whole. 19. The clerks of the senate and house of delegates may inter¬ change messages at such time, between the hour of adjournment and that of meeting on the following day, as that the said messages may be read immediately after the orders of the day. 20. When the previous question is demanded and seconded by twenty members, the speaker Ishall, without debate, state the main question"to the house, and thereupon propound the question, " Shall the main question be now put ?" If decided in the affirmative, the main question shall then be put; if decided in the negative, the house may proceed instanter with the debate. 21. No petition of a private nature, having been once rejected, shall be acted on a second time, unless it be supported by new evi¬ dence ; nor shall any such petition, after a third disallowance, be again acted on. The severqj clerks of committees shall keep alpha¬ betical lists of all such petitions, specifying the sessions at which they were presented and the determination of the house thereon; and shall deliver the original petitions to the clerk of the house, to be. pre¬ served in his office. 8 JOURNAL OF THE 22. No petition or memorial shall be received,' praying for the division of a county or parish, changing the place of holtling any court, or other local matter, unless the purport of such petition or memorial shall have been fixed up at the courthouse door of the county where such alteration is proposed, at two different courts, and shall have remained there one day during the .sitting of each court, and at least one month shall have passed after the holding of the last court, and before the petition or memorial is presented. And no petition or memorial shall be received, or bill brought in for establishing or dis¬ continuing ferries, nor for any other purpose affecting private rights of property, unless the parties interested shall have had one months notice; and if they be.not known to the petitioner or memorialist, the purport of the .petition, memorial or bill shall be set up at the courfhouse in the manner before directed, and also three times in¬ serted in some newjtpaper in the state most convenient for conveying The intended information, one month before offering or moving the same. • • 23. No petition shall be received claiming a sum of money, or praying the settlement of unliquidated accounts, unless it be accom¬ panied with a certificate of disallowance from the executive or audi¬ tor, containing the reason why it was rejected. But this order shall extend to no person applying for a pension. 24. When any petition, or bill founded on one, is rejected, such petition shall not be withdrawn, but the petitioner, or member pre¬ senting his petition, or imy member from the county or corporation in which the petitioner resides, may, without leave, withdraw any, document filed therewith; and a list of every document so with¬ drawn shall be 'preserved by the clerk. All petitions not finally •acted on may, with the accompanying documents, be in like manner withdrawn, after the expiration of the session at which they were presented. 2d. No pefifjion shall be read in the house, unless particularly re¬ quired by some member; but every member presenting one shall an¬ nounce the name of the petitioner, the nature of the application, and whether in his opinion a similar application had been before made by said petitioner. He shall endorse the same on the petition, and sign his own name thereon, us a pledge that it is drawn in respectful lan¬ guage ; whereupon, it shall be delivered to the clerk, by whom it shall be laid before the proper committee. 2(5. At the commencement of each session the following commit,- itees shall be appointed by the speaker: To consist of not hss than nine nor more, than ffteen members: A committee of privileges and elections. A committee for courts of justice. A committee jff schools and colleges. ' A committee of propositions and grievances. A committee of claims. A committee of roads and internal navigation. HOUSE OF DELEGATES. 9 A committee on military affairs. A committee on confederate relations. A committee on finance. A committee on the penitentiary. A committee on the armory. A joint committee on the library. A committee on agriculture and manufactures. A committee to examine enrolled bills. A committee to examine the lunatic asylums. A committee on banks. A committee on trade and mechanic arts. To consist of not less than five nor more than nine: A joint committee on executive expenditures. A joint committee to examine the first auditor's office. A joint committee to examine the second auditor's office. A committee to examine the clerk's office. A joint committee to examine the register's office. A joint committee to examine the treasurer's accounts. A joint committee to examine the bonds of public officers. 27. The clerk of the house of delegates shall appoint six clerks— one of whom shall be clerk of the committee for courts of justice and of schools and colleges; one, of the committee of propositions and grievances and of claims; one, of the committee on finance; another, of privileges and elections and agriculture and manufac¬ tures; another, of the committee on banks and military affairs; and another, of the committee of roads and internal navigation. Said clerks to be removed by the clerk of the house, of delegates, or by the committee or committees of which they are clerks. That the clerk of the house of delegates may command the services of any of said clerks, to assist him in reading at the clerk's table, and in en¬ grossing and enrolling bills, at such time as they may not be em¬ ployed by their respective committees; and that it shall be the duty of the clerk of the house of delegates to see that all bills reported from the committees are written in a fair and legible hand. 28. No standing committee of the house shall be increased, except by a vote of at least two-thirds of the members present. 29. Five members of any committee shall be a quorum to proceed to business ; but where the number of a committee is not less than five nor more than nine, a majority shall be sufficient. 30. The several committees are instructed to report, in all cases to them referred, whether other cases may arise, comprised within the principle of the subject referred ; and if a bill be ordered, it shall be so drawn as to provide for all such cases, as well as that in which it originated; and, in petitions and other matters referred, the com¬ mittee shall have power, if they deem it expedient, to report by bill. 31. Select committees shall not consist of less than five nor more than thirteen members, unless the house shall otherwise direct. 32. The committee of privileges and elections shall examine the 2 10 JOURNAL OF THE oaths taken by each member and certificates of election furnished by the sheriffs, and report thereon to the house. 33. The committee of privileges and elections shall report, in all cases of privilege or contested elections, the principles and reasons on which their resolutions are founded. 34. The committee for schools and colleges shall annually examine into the state and manner of administration of the literary fund, and make such report as they may deem proper. . . 35. The committee on finance shall annually examine into the state of the debts due from the commonwealth, of the revenue and expen¬ ditures of the preceding year, and prepare an estimate of the ex¬ penses of the succeeding year, and make such report thereon as they may deem proper. 36. Any person contesting the election of a member returned to serve in this house, will be entitled to receive his wages only from the day on which such person is declared duly elected. 37. Whenever, by the equality of sound, a division of the house is rendered necessary in the opinion of the speaker, or of a member, the members shall be required to rise in their places; and if, on a general view of the house, a doubt still exist on the mind of the speaker, or of a member, as to the side on which the majority voted, the members shall be counted standing in their places, either by the speaker or by two members of opposite opinions on the question, to be deputed for the purpose by the speaker. 38. Documents printed by order of the house shall be printed on paper of the same size with the journal, and a copy shall be bound up with each journal and furnished the members at the end of the session; and it shall be the duty of the publie printer to furnish 225 additional copies bound for that purpose. 39. Any person shall be at liberty to sue out an original writ, or subpoena in chancery, to prevent a bar by the statute of limitations, or to file any bill in equity and examine witnesses thereupon for the purpose of preserving their testimony against any member of this house: provided, that the clerk, after having made out and signed such original writ, or subpoena, shall not deliver it to the party, nor to any other person, during the continuance of the member's privilege. 40. Any person summoned to attend this house, or any one of its committees, as a witness, shall be privileged from -arrest during his coming to, attendance on, or return from the house or committee; and no such witness shall be obliged to attend, until the party at whose request he was summoned, shall pay or secure to him for his attend¬ ance and traveling the same allowance which is made to witnesses attending the general court. 41. If any person shall tamper with a witness in respect of his evidence to be given before this house, or one of its committees, or directly or indirectly, endeavor to deter or hinder a person from ap¬ pearing or giving evidence, it shall be deemed a high misdemeanor, which the house will severely punish. 42. No person shall be taken into custody by the sergeant at arms on any complaint of breach of privilege, until the matter is examined HOUSE OF DELEGATES. 11 by the committee of privileges and elections and reported to the house, unless by order of the speaker. 43. In all elections, but one vacancy shall be filled at a time. 44. In elections by joint vote of the two houses of the general as¬ sembly, each house shall first communicate by message to the other, the names of the persons who may be put in nomination for the said office in each house respectively; and then each house shall vote separately in its own "chamber; and shall each appoint a committee on its part to meet a committee on the part of the other house', and communicate the result of the vote in each house respectively; and if upon such vote, any person have a majority of the whole number of votes, the same shall be reported by the committees to their respec¬ tive houses, and the speaker of each house shall declare such person duly elected; and if no person shall have a majority of the whole number of votes, both houses shall in like manner proceed to another vote, dropping the person who shall have the smallest number of vote's on the former vote, and so on till an election be made; and the re¬ sults of each vote in each house shall in like manner be communicated by each house to the other, and reported by their respective commit¬ tees ; and the election, when made, shall in like manner be- declared by the respective speakers of the two houses. 45. Hereafter, it shall be the duty of the clerk, previous to read¬ ing each bill, to announce whether it is on its first, second or third reading. 4(3. On evety day, so soon as the speaker takes the chair and calls the house to order, the standing committees of the house shall be called over to enable them to make reports. 47. No standing rule of this house shall be rescinded or changed without one day's notice being given of the motion therefor. 48. No member or other person shall visit or remain by the clerk's table while the yeas and nays are calling. 49.' When a resolution is presented, containing no reference of the subject thereof to a committee, if objection be made to its immediate adoption, it shall lie on the table lor one day, to be called up by motion. 50. Bills and resolutions originating in the senate, and not requir¬ ing immediate action, shall be read the first and second times when received, and be referred to their appropriate committees, unless the house direct otherwise; and all such bills and resolutions shall have precedence over bills and resolutions originating in the house of dele¬ gates, of the same stage. • 51. The officers of this house, now acting or hereafter appointed, shall take the following oaths: The oath of fidelity to the common¬ wealth, the anti-dueling oath,- the oath of office, and the oath to support the constitution of the Confederate States. The Speaker then administered the oaths of office to the officers of the house, in accordance with the rule. On motion of Mr. Cowan, the house adjourned until to-morrow, 12 o'clock. 12 JOURNAL OF THE TUESDAY, September 8, 1863. Prayer by Rev.. Dr. Duncan of the Methodist church. The following delegates appeared, were qualified and took their seats: Messrs. Bowen of Tazewell, W. 0. Fry of Madison, Goode of Meck¬ lenburg, Gummings of Washington, Goodatl of Hanover, Goodykoontz of FloyM, Horton of .Scott and Wise, Hutcheson of Mason, Jordan of Bedford, Kindrick of Russell, Powell of Amherst, Rutherfoord of Goochland, Sherrard of Morgan, Tredway of Prince Edward, Taylor of Amelia and Nottoway, and Thompson of Smyth. The Speaker presented a communication from the governor, en¬ closing a letter from Capt. McDaniel, in relation to river'defences; which was read, and on motion of Mr. Haymond of Marion, referred to the committee on military affairs. The Speaker presented the petition of William Gray, Alexander Brown and Robert A. Mayo, praying that the money arising from the sale of the tobacco damaged by the burning of the public warehouse be equitably distributed among the owners of the same; which was ordered to be referred to the committee on finance. On motion of Mr. Cowan, Resolved, that so much of the governor's message as refers to the act of October 1777, entitled an act to prevent forestalling, regrating, engrossing and public vendues, be referred to the committee for courts of justice. On motion of Mr. Lively, Resolved, that so much of the governor's message as refers to con¬ federate issues, be referred to the committee on finance. Ori motion of Mr. Buford, Resolved, that the committee on banks be instructed to enquire into the expediency of restricting by law the traffic in gold and silver coin and the legal paper currency of the state, and of suppressing all trade whatever in the treasury notes or other paper currency of the United States. Mr. Robinson of Berkeley submitted the following resolution; which, on'motion of Mr. Cowan, was laid on the table: Resolved, that a special committee be appointed to enquire into the office of the state treasurer, as to how many clerks could be-dis¬ pensed with, and who are subject to duty under the conscription law, and whether their places could not be filled equally yvell by disabled soldiers. On motion of Mr. Robinson of Berkeley, Resolved, that the committee on finance be instructed to enquire into the propriety of paying such claims as have been audited and allowed by the auditing board. On motion of Mr. Rutherfoord, Resolved, that leave be given to withdraw from the files of the house the petitiofi of Mrs. Henningham C. Harrison, presented at the last session, and that the same be referred to the committee on agri¬ culture and manufactures. HOUSE OF DELEGATES. On motion of Mr. Mathews, Resolved, that the committee on finance be instructed to enquire into the expediency of enacting a law authorizing and requiring the county courts of the several counties of the commonwealth to levy a tithe tax for the support of the families of indigent soldiers in the service of the Confederate States. On motion of Mr. Haymond of Braxton, &c. Resolved, that the committee on military affairs enquire into the propriety of amending the law in relation to exemptions from military duty, so as to reduce the number of such exemptions. On motion of Mr. James, Resolved, that the committee on military affairs enquire into the expediency of reporting a bill authorizing county committees, where they cannot purchase supplies for soldiers' families at reasonable rates, to press the same at the price fixed by the Confederate States. On motion of Mr. Pendleton, Resolved, that the committee on finance enquire into the expe¬ diency of reporting a bill to cover deficiencies existing in the appro¬ priations. for the support of the penitentiary and the public guard. On motion of Mr. Haymond of Marion, Resolved, that the committee on finance enquire into the pro¬ priety of canceling the bonds of this state in the hands of the go¬ vernment of the "United States, and the citizens thereof; and also to enquire into the propriety of requiring all coupon bonds on which interest is hereafter to be paid, to be exchanged for registered bonds within a given time. Mr. Marye submitted the following resolution, which being ob¬ jected to, was laid over under the rule: Resolved, that this house hereby invites the senate of Virginia to instruct the standing committees upon military affairs and upon finance, as constituted by that body, to sit and act in joint session and deliberation with the standing committees appointed by this house, upon those subjects respectively, so that the said committees of each body shall act as joint committees. On motion of Mr. Jones of Gloucester, the house adjourned until to-morrow, 12 o'clock. WEDNESDAY, September 9, 1S63. Prayer by Rev. Dr. Duncan of the Methodist church. The following members appeared, were qualified and took their seats: Messrs. Bland of Lewis, Chalmers of Halifax, Custis of Williams¬ burg, Miller of Lee, Scott and Wise, McKinney of Buckingham, and Shackleford of Fauquier. The Speaker laid before the house a communication from the go¬ vernor, enclosing a letter from Lieutenant General Ewell, transmit- 14 JOURNAL OP THE ting a list of persons convicted by a military court of offences against the laws of the state, and sentenced to confinement in the peniten¬ tiary of the state; which was read, and on motion of Mr. Hall, laid on the table. On motion of Mr. Haymond of Marion, Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice enquire into the propriety of so amending the laws in relation to aliens, as to make their lands and other property liable to be escheated, where they have resided in this commonwealth more, than three years without taking any steps to become naturalized citizens, and are claiming to be citi¬ zens of foreign governments to avoid military service in the present war. On motion of Mr. Tomlin, Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice be instructed to enquire into the expediency of so amending the fence law of Virgi¬ nia, passed at the last session of the general assembly, as to include the county of King William. Mr. Woodley submitted the following resolution; which, on his motion, was laid on the table: Resolved, that the committee on finance be requested to enquire into the expediency of opening a correspondence between this state and the other Confederate States of America, as to the propriety of is¬ suing state bonds to the amount of the outstanding treasury notes of said Confederate States, in proportionate sums, according to the popula¬ tion and property of each, with the view of absorbing the same, and with the further view of recommending to the government of the Confederate States the inauguration of a system of taxation in the future, for t.he support of the government, military and civil, accord¬ ing to estimates to be made by its executive to the congress thereof annually. On motion of Mr. Harkis, Resolved, that the committee on finance be instructed to enquire into the expediency of so amending the act passed on the 2Sth day of March 1S63, entitled an act imposing taxes for the support of the government, as to make all Confederate States. treasury notes re¬ ceivable in payment of taxes and other public dues to the state. On motion of Mr. Keiley, Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice be instructed to enquire the expediency of increasing the compensation of the sheriffs and sergeants of the commonwealth for the charge of the prisoners in their respective jails, and further into the propriety of empowering the county and corporation courts of the commonwealth to determine for the future annually, at stated terms of said courts, what compen¬ sation shall be made to those officers for such services for each current year. On motion of Mr. Richardson", Resolved, that the committee of privileges and elections enquire into the propriety of amending the 20th and 21st sections of the 14th chapter of the Code of 1860, in relation to the mileage of mem¬ bers of this general assembly. house* of delegates. 15 On motion of Mr. Haymond of* Braxton, &c. Resolved, that the committee on finance enquire into the propriety of authorizing the payment of a judgment in favor of the common¬ wealth against George J. Arnold, at a rate of interest not exceeding six per centum per annum. On motion of Mr. Edwards, Resolved, that so much of the governor's message as refers to the salaries of public officers, be referred to the committee on finance. On motion of Mr. Wilson of Isle of Wight, Resolved, that the auditor of public accounts be instructed to re¬ port to this house, as early as practicable, a synopsis of the financial condition of the commonwealth, with an estimate of the revenues and expenditures of this and the next fiscal year, terminating on the 30th of September 1864, and all other information required by the resolution of the last general assembly. Mr. James submitted the following resolution : Resolved, that the committee on military affairs enquire into the expediency of reporting a bill for the effectual suppression of the crime of desertion; and the question being on agreeing thereto, Mr. English moved to lay the resolution on the table; and the question being on agreeing thereto, Mr. Jones demanded the previous ques¬ tion ; which was sustained by the house; and being put, was decided in the negative. The resolution was then agreed to. On motion of Mr. Anderson, Resolved, that so much of the governor's message as relates to the military defences of the country be referred to the committee on mi¬ litary affairs. . . On motion of Mr. Hutcheson, * Resolved, that so much, of the governor's message as relates to the depreciation of the currency of the country be referred to the com¬ mittee on finance, with instructions to report, by bill or otherwise, . the expediency of fixing by law the prices of all articles of merchan¬ dise, production and consumption, and wages for labor, &e., to a gold and silver standard, and imposing such restrictions and penalties as may be necessary for the purpose of restoring confidence in the finances of the country. On motion of Mr. Woolfolk, the house adjourned until to-mor¬ row, 12 o'clock. THURSDAY, September 10, 1863. Prayer by Rev. Dr. Duncan of the Methodist church. The following members appeared, were qualified and took their seats: Messrs. McCutchen of Gilmer, &c. and Wright of Essex, &c. The Speaker announced the following standing committees of the house: 16 JOURNAL OF THE Committee of Privileges and Elections—Messrs. Jones, Murdaugh, Wilson of Isle of Wight, McCue, Jordan, Fry of Madison, Pitman, Winston, Parramore, Hall, Edwards, White of Brooke and Hancock, Hunter of Berkeley, English, and Robinson of Taylor. Committee for Courts of Justice—Messrs. Rutherfoord, Brooke, Goode, Bouldin, Gilmer, Magruder, Marr, Irving, McKinney, Marye, Cowan, Haymond of Braxton, &c., Barksdale, Staples and Kenney. . Committee of Schools and Colleges—Messrs. Tredway, Crockett, Reid, Custis, Taylor of Amelia, Noland, Wright, Evans, Woodley, Snow- den, Graham, Deyerle, Butler, Hunter of King George and Stafford, and Taylor of Prince George and Surry. Committee of Propositions and Grievances—Messrs. Magruder, Rid- dick, Kaufman, Fleming, Woolfolk, Worsham, Sherrard, McCue, Smith, Cresap, Walker of Rockingham, Thompson, Patterson, Miller, and Nelson of Prince William. Committee of Claims—Messrs. Kaufman, Pitman, Walker of Au¬ gusta, Mathews, Huntt, Fry of Madison, Robinson of Berkeley, Tibbs, Walton, McCutchen, Lynch, Draper, Crawford, Coke and Goodall. Committee on Confederate Relations—Messrs. Robertson, Shackleford, Cummings, Baker, Ward, Powell, Irving, Williams, Pretlow, Hoge, Cowan, Bland, Nelson of Prince William, Flood and Rust. Committee of Roads and Internal Navigation—Messrs. Burwell, Ward, Wilson of Norfolk, Buford, Rowan, Staples, Ambers, Keiley, Morgan, White of Rockbridge, Bryan, Hendrick, Branch, Buffing- ton and Herndon. Committee on Military Affairs—Messrs. Anderson, Cummings, Ro¬ bertson, Jones, Tomlin, Burwell, Richardson, Lundy, Pendleton, Goode, Shackleford, Randolph, Monroe, Duval and Stewart. Committee on Finance—Messrs. Bouldin, Tomlin, Haymond of Ma¬ rion, Flood, Thomas, Reid, Noland, Marye, Powell, Pendleton, Deane, Burr, Harris, Bowen, and Wilson of Isle of Wight. Joint Committee to examine the Penitentiary—Messrs. Haymond of Marion, Jordan, Fleming, James, Fletcher, Saunders of Richmond, White of Rockbridge, Hall, Hughes, Rixey, Fauntleroy, Patterson, Chalmers, Cox and Crawford. Joint Committee to examine the Armory—Messrs. Richardson, Wright, Fletcher, Burr, Duval, Hutcheson, Lurty, Kindrick, Linkous, Melvin, Monroe, Fry of Giles, Dickey, Nighbert and Bowles. Joint, Committee on the Library—Messrs. Baker, Anderson, McKin¬ ney, Crockett, Gilmer, Tredway, Nelson of Fluvanna, Burwell, Evans, Butler, Magruder, Saunders of Franklin, Scott, Kenney and Meade. Committee on Agriculture and Manufactures—Messrs. Riddick, John¬ son of Barbour, Nelson of Fluvanna, Lively, Saunders of Franklin, Hiett, Shelton, Johnson of Carroll, Winn, Welsh, Mullens, McMil¬ lan, McElroy, McNeil and Horton. Committee on Enrolled Bills—Messrs. Huntt, Worsham, Rowan, Saunders of Pendleton, Chalmers, Williams, Hiett, Holden, English, Burnett, Hunter of King George and Stafford, Betts, McElroy, Fauntleroy and Melvin. J HOUSE OP DELEGATES. 17 Committee on Lunatic Asylums—Messrs. Crockett, Custis, McCtie,, Nelson of Fluvanna, Worsham, Woolfolk, Bland, Bryan, White of Brooke and Hancock, Snowden, Hughes, Shelton, Bust and DouthaL Committee on Ba.nJcs—Messrs. Buford, Ward, Deanc, James, Wilson of Norfolk, Lnndy, Walker of Augusta, Saunders of Richmond, Keiley, Edwards, English, Ilolden, Ambers, Branch and HutcheSoik Joint Committee on Executive Expenditures—Messrs. Woolfolk, Mathews, Taylor of Amelia, Robinson of Berkeley, Meade, Goodall, Buffington, Johnson of Carroll, Bowles, Burnett and Ferguson. Joint Committee to examine the First Auditor's Office—Messrs. Am¬ bers, Williams, Wright, Randolph, Rixey, McMillan, Linkous, Goody- koontz, Fry of Giles, McCutchen and Smith. Joint Committee to examine the Second Auditor's Office—Messrs. Ward, Lively, Stewart, Douthat, Scott, Saunders of Pendleton, Tibbs, McNeil, Taylor of Prince George and Stafford, Cresap and Coke. Joint Committee, to examine the Treasurer's Accounts—Messrs. Ma¬ thews, Johnson of Barbour, Pretlow, Robinson of Taylor, Bowen, Mullens, Ferguson, Goodykoontz, Welsh, Morgan and Dickey. Joint Committee to examine the Register's Office—Messrs. Lively, Wright, Jordan, Sherrard, Miller, Lurty, Kindrick, Horton, Thomp¬ son, Woodley and Graham. Committee to examine the Clerk's Office—Messrs. Reid,. Thomas, Murdaugh, Lynch, Walton, Draper, Herndon, Winn, Cox, Deyerle, and Walker of Rockingham. Joint Committee to examine the Bonds of Public Officers—Messrs. Gil¬ mer, Marr, Brooke, Rutherf'oord, Pretlow, Hunter of Berkeley, Barks- dale, Winston, Walton, Parramore, Haymond of Braxton, Harris and Hoge. On motion of Mr. Ambers, Resolved, that a special committee be appointed to enquire into the cause of the delay in delivering the supply of salt heretofore con¬ tracted for by Stuart, Buchanan & Co. to be delivered to the coun¬ ties of the state; also to enquire into the manner in which the board of public works has facilitated or delayed its delivery; also that said committee be authorized to send for persons and papers, and directed to report at as early a day as practicable. On motion of Mr. Tredwav, Resolved, that the committee on confederate relations be instructed to enquire into the expediency of reporting an address to the people of Virginia on the state of the country. On motion of Mr. McCce, Resolved, that the committee proposed to be appointed on the subject of salt be authorized to enquire on what census J. N. Clark- son, as agent of the state, has based his distribution of salt, and whe¬ ther injustice may not have been done certain counties by the data upon Which he has acted. On motion of Mr. Cowan, Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice be instructed to enquire into the expediency of providing by law for the'punishment and prevention of smuggling. 3 n JOURNAL OF THE On motion of Mr. Ward, Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice enquire into the expediency of so amending the existing law as will more effectually prevent the growing crime of horse stealing. On motion of Mr. James, Resolved, that the committee on finance enquire into the expedi¬ ency of repealing the license law to auctioneers; and also to enquire into the expediency of reporting a bill for the suppression of the practice of selling goods at auction in Virginia. On motion of Mr. Magruder, Resolved, that the committee of roads and internal navigation be instructed to enquire into the expediency of reporting a bill amend¬ ing section 19, chapter 61 of the Code (edition of I860), so as to au¬ thorize a higher rate of charge than that now allowed, to be paid in currency. On motion of Mr. English, Resolved, that the committee on*agriculture and manufactures be instructed to enquire into the expediency of reporting a bill amend¬ ing thd act passed on the amending and re-enacting the 1st and 2d sections of an act entitled an act to repeal the fence law of Virginia as to certain counties, &c., so as to include the county of Henrico. On motion of Mr. Keiley, Resolved, that the committee of propositions and grievances en¬ quire into the expediency of incorporating the Petersburg fire and hose insurance company of the city of Petersburg, Va. On ftiotion of Mr. Walker of Rockingham, Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice enquire into the expediency of passing a law prohibiting the sale of property, either personal or real, by persons who may have gone, or who may intend to remove from this state to the United States, to avoid the operation of the conscript or militia law, and to provide for the sequestration or confiscation of such property, under proper circumstances and re¬ strictions. - On motion of Mr. Miller, Resolved, that the committee on confederate relations enquire into the expediency of adopting some means by which the property of the citizens of the commonwealth may be more secure from illegal and unreasonable impressment by the confederate authorities. On, motion of Mr. Pendleton, Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice enquire into the expediency of so amending the 1st section of chapter 3 of the Code of Virginia, as to exclude from rights of citizenship all persons, resi¬ dents of this state, who have voluntarily since the 17th day of April 1861, held, or may hereafter hold any office, civil, military or judicial, under the government of the United States, or under any usurped government or governments of this state, organized at Wheeling or elsewhere in Virginia; and also all persons who have voluntarily, since the period referred to, or may hereafter enlist in the military service of the United States, or of any such usurped government or governments. HOUSE OF DELEGATES. 19 On motion of Mr. Richardson, Resolved, that the committee on confederate relations be instructed to enquire of the proper confederate authorities what (if any) im¬ pediment exists to the attendance of members of this body who be¬ long to the army, or who hold commissions in the army, and report to this house. On motion of Mr. Goode, Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice enquire into the expediency of making it compulsory upon agents appointed by the county courts to disburse the fund appropriated for the benefit of necessitous soldiers' families, to act, and also of punishing by fine any willful neglect of duty on the part of such agents. On motion of Mr. Worsiiam, Resolved, that the committee on finance enquire into the expedi- . ency of making an appropriation for the support of the families of soldiers left within the lines of the enemy. On motion of Mr. Rowan, Resolved, that the committee on finance enquire into the expedi¬ ency of reporting a bill repealing the law requiring claims allowed by the auditing board to be approved by the general assembly 4 On motion of Mr. Walton, Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice enquire into the expediency of so amending the acts yf assembly passed at the extra session of 1862, amending section 13th, chapter 207, and section 5th, chapter 205 of the Code of Virginia, which prohibit the discharge of prisoners charged with crime during a time of war, in cases where they have not been tried before an examining court, or indicted or tried before a circuit court, as to authorize bail, and provide that such imprisonment in any event shall not continue beyond a certain limitation. Mr. Cummings submitted the following resolution; which, being objected1 to, was laid over under the rule: Resolved, that the legislation, at this called session, be confined to subjects enumerated in the governor's message, and other subjects of urgent and pressing necessity. On motion of Mr. Woolfolk, Resolved, that John N. Clarkson, the superintendent of salt, be requested to inform this house what quantity of salt has been manu-* factured by him ; what quantity has been distributed to the counties of this state; what quantity it is likely will be distributed by the 1st of November next; and that he also report the rules under which he acts, as prescribed by the board of public works; and that he further inform this house whether he is manufacturing salt on state account alone, or has leased a portion of the furnaces to private individuals; and if so, how many, and on what terms. Mr. Barksdale presented the petition of George H. West, com¬ plaining of the undue election of David Chalmers, a delegate from the county of Halifax; which was ordered to be referred to the com¬ mittee of privileges and elections. Mr. Brooke presented the petition of William E. Gaskins and 20 Journal of the James H. Gaskins of Fauquier, asking relief from the operation of a lien upon certain real estate, on condition of paying into the treasury the amount of said lien, to be invested and applied to the use of the school commissioners of Prince William county, in whose favor said lien exists; which was ordered to be referred to the committee for courts of justice. On motion of Mr. Fleming, the house adjourned until to-morrow, 12 o'clock. FRIDAY, September 11, 1SG3. Prayer by Rev. Dr. Duncan of the Methodist church. Mr. Bouldin, from the committee on finance, presented the follow¬ ing bill: No. 1. A bill amending and re-enacting the 109th section of an act entitled an act imposing taxes for the support of government, passed March 28th, 1863; which was read a first time, and ordered to be read a second time. Mr, Robertson, from the committee on confederate relations, pre¬ sented the following report; wjiich was agreed to: The committee on confederate relations, to whom it was referred to enquire into certain alleged impediments to their attendance on this house by members thereof, occasioned by the action of officers of the confederate army, have performed that duty, and beg leave to report: The only case that seemed to require present action, brought to the notice of the committee, w&s that" of Lieut. Col. B. R. Linkous, of the 36th Virginia regiment, elected to represent the counties of Fayette and Raleigh in the present house of delegates. B;f a letter from that gentleman, addressed to this house, which was laid before the committee and is presented herewith, it appeared that he had duly applied to his commanding officers, Col. McCausland and Gen. S. Jones, for leave of absence to attend the present session of the house, but had been refused the leave asked by both those officers, "Sand was thereby detained from his duties here. The committee thereupon directed their chairman to bring this fact to the notice of the secretary of war, and ask his immediate intervention to correct the procedure, by ordering the proper furlough to be issued to Lieut. Col. Linkous without delay. By the subjoined correspondence, pre¬ sented as part of this report, it will be seen by the house, with satis¬ faction, that the secretary had alread}?1, on being informed of the ease, issued proper instructions, before receiving the communication of the committee. Your committee ask, therefore, to be discharged from the further consideration of the subject. Wy. Robertson, Chn. HOUSE OP DELEGATES. 21 Com'ee Boom Com'ee Confed. Relations, September 10, 1S63. Dear Sir: Lieut. Col. B. R. Linkous—36th Virginia—the delegate elect of the counties of Fayette and Raleigh, has brought to the attention of the house of delegates his detention from his seat' in that body by the refusal of his superior officers, Col. McCausland and Gen. Sam. Jones, to accord him a leave of absence for that pur¬ pose. The subject having been referred to the committee on confede¬ rate relations, I am instructed by them to bring the matter to your notice, with a request that you will give such instructions as shall cause Lieut. Col. Linkous to be immediately furnished with such fur¬ lough as may enable him to attend without delay on the service of the house. I should be glad to be able to state to-morrow to the house, that the order requested had been issued. I am, very respectfully, Youii ob't servant, Wyndiiam Robertson, Chn. Com. Confed. Relations. H n. J. A. Seddon, Sec. of War. Confederate States of America, War Dep't, Richmond, Va., Sept. 11, 1863. Sir : In reply to your letter of yesterday, I have the honor to say, that a leave of absence had been granted to Lieut. Col. B. R. Linkous, of the 36th Virginia regiment, a member of the house of delegates, before the subject was brought to my attention by your official communication. The leave was given as soon as the applica¬ tion reached the department, and the order transmitted to G en. Jones. Your ob't serv't, James A. Seddon, Scc'y of War. Wyndham Robertson, Esq. Chn. Com. Confed. Relations. The Speaker laid before the house a communication from the go¬ vernor, enclosing the papers transmitted by Col. Stevens of the engi¬ neer department of the Confederate States, relating to the recent call for slaves to work on fortifications, which was read, and on motion, •laid on the table and ordered to be printed. Doc. No. 4. The Speaker laid before the hbuse a communication from the au¬ ditor of public accounts, in response to a resolution of the house of delegates, asking for a synopsis of the financial condition of the com¬ monwealth, &c.; which was read, and on motion, laid on the table and ordered to be printed. Doc. No. 5. The Speaker announced the following select committee under the 22 JOURNAL OF THE resolution heretofore agreed to respecting contracts for salt made by Stuart, Buchanan & Co., with the counties of the commonwealth: Messrs. Magruder, Ambers, Haymond of Marion, Deane, Fleming, Woolfolk, McCue, Gilmer, Worsham, Walton, Ferguson, White of Rockbridge, and Hunter of Berkeley. Mr. Pitman, by unanimous consent, was added to the committee on military affairs. On motion of Mr. Anderson, Resolved, that the committee on military affairs have leave to sit during the sessions of the house. On motion of Mr. Hall, the communication from the governor in relation to the confinement of persons convicted of offences Jay mili¬ tary courts, in the penitentiary of the state, heretofore laid on the table, was taken up and referred to the committee on confederate relations. Mr. Saunders of Richmond presented the petition of W. G. Paine, president of the Old Dominion trading company, praying a change of the charter of said company, which was ordered to be re¬ ferred to the committee of propositions and grievances. Mr. Barksdale presented the petition of Capt. E. R. Young and others, in relation to the contested election from the count}^ of Hali¬ fax; which was ordered to be referred to the committee of privileges and elections. On motion of Mr. Haymond of Marion, Resolved, that the committee on military affairs be requested to enquire into the propriety of extending the term of service of the first class militia from six to twelve months, and that the militiamen who have furnished substitutes in the confederate service be consti¬ tuted the first class. On motion of Mr. James, Resolved, that the committee on finance enquire into the expedien¬ cy of increasing the allowance to sheriffs for removing prisoners and convicts from one jail to another, and from the different jails of the commonwealth to the penitentiary. On motion of Mr. Haymond of Marion, Resolved, that the committee on finance enquire into the pro¬ priety of offering bounties to the female heads of families for family manufacturing of cloths of all descriptions. . On motion of Mr. Meade, Resolved, that so much of the governor's message as relates to the call recently made by the secretary of war for slaves to work on for¬ tifications, be referred to the committee on confederate relations, with instructions to report what legislation (if any) is necessary to secure a just and equal apportionment of said slaves among the several counties of the commonwealth. The resolution heretofore submitted by Mr. Woodley, that the committee on finance be requested to enquire into the expediency of opening a correspondence between this state and the other Confede¬ rate States of America, as to the propriety of issuing state bonds to the amount of the outstanding treasury notes of said Confederate HOUSE OF DELEGATES. 23 States, in proportionate sums, according to the population and pro¬ perty of each, &c., was taken up and agreed, to. On motion of Mr. Hutcheson, Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice be requested to enquire into the expediency of suppressing by law all auction es¬ tablishments within the limits of this commonwealth during the ex¬ istence of the present war. On motion of Mr. Deane, Resolved, that the committee of roads and internal navigation enquire into the expediency of regulating by law the use of the rail roads of the state by the Southern express company. On motion of Mr. McCue, Resolved, that it be referred to the committee of agriculture and manufactures to institute proper legislation to protect sheep, not only from injudicious marketing the same, but also of safety from dogs. On motion of Mr. Lurty, Resolved, that the committee on military affairs enquire into the expediency of this house doing nothing whatever to weaken the con¬ federate government. On motion of Mr. Barksdale, Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice enquire into the expediency of providing for the payment to the owners thereof the value of slaves impressed for the use of the Confederate States, who have died in consequence of negligence on the part of the authorities of the said Confederate States. On motion of Mr. Pendleton, Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice enquire into the expediency of amending the 12th section of chapter 184 of the Code of Virginia, so as to increase for a limited period the charge for print¬ ing records in the supreme court of appeals. On motion of Mr. Stewart, Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice be requested to enquire into the expediency of prohibiting the distillation of liquors from grain by individuals within the state, and of prohibiting the purchase of grain for that purpose. On motion of Mr. Fleming, Resolved, that the committee on the salt question be instructed to enquire into and ascertain as near as possible the cost per bushel of the manufacture of salt by the state, superintendent, J. N. Clarkson. On motion of Mr. Walton, Resolved, that the committee of roads and internal navigation en¬ quire into the expediency of prohibiting by law the sale of the roll¬ ing stock, rail road iron and other machinery of the rail roads of this state into other states of the Confederacy, to be used beyond the limits of this state. On motion of Mr. Herndon, Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice enquire into the expediency of passing a law to prohibit the purchase of the neces¬ saries of life for the purposes of speculation. On motion of Mr. G-oode, Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice enquire into the 24 JOURNAL OF THE expediency of providing by law that no judgment creditor whatever shall hereafter be entitled to have levied any execution, unless there be endorsed thereon a willingness to receive confederate- money in satisfaction of the same. . On motion of Mr. Shackleford, Resolved, that the committee on finance be instructed to enquire into the expediency of exempting from taxation those counties of the state which have been or are now occupied by the public enemy. On motion of Mr. Gtlmek, Resolved, that leave be granted to withdraw from the files of this house, bill 6S, passed at the last session, entitled a bill to authorize county and corporation courts to cause impressmeuts to be made of certain articles for county purposes, and that the same be referred to the committee for courts of justice. On motion of Mr. Magruder, Resolved, that the committee of propositions and grievances en¬ quire into the expediency of reporting a bill amending the 3d section of the charter of the James river canal packet company, so as to in-1 crease the capital thereof. Mr. Magruder presented the petition of the said packet company, praying a change in their charter. On motion of Mr. Custis, Resolved, that leave be granted to bring in a bill to amend the act passed March 30, 1863, for the production and distribution of salt. On motion of Mr. Maryet Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice be instructed to enquire into the expediency of providing by law that whenever, by reason of the presence of the public enemy, or other causes produced by the existing war, the administration of justice cannot be conducted in the courts of any county of this commonwealth, then all friendly proceedings and orders in chancery and at law needful for the divi¬ sion, distribution and settlement of the estates of decedents, and in other cases needing judicial action, which occur in said counties, wherein the rights of no person will be prejudiced by judicial action had therein in the courts of another county, may be conducted and had in the courts of any neighboring county wherein the administra¬ tion of justice is not so obstructed. On motion of Mr. Pretlow, Resolved, that the committee on confederate relations be instructed to enquire into the propriety of exempting the county of Southamp¬ ton, and other counties on the confines of the enemy's lines, from the late call of the secretary of war upon the governor of this common¬ wealth to furnish slaves for working upon fortifications. On motion of Mr. Hunter of Berkeley, Resolved, that the committee on salt be instructed to enquire into the expediency of furrfishing salt to such of the counties of the com¬ monwealth as have not been so furnished under the acts of the gene¬ ral assemblyTieretofore passed on that subject. On motion of Mr. Robertson, Resolved, that so much of the governor's message as relates to con¬ federate affairs be referred to the committee on confederate relations. HOUSE OF DELEGATES. 25 On motion of Mr. Haymond of Marion, Resolved, that the special committee raised yesterday upon ques¬ tions relating to the distribution of salt, enquire whether families driven from their homes and who are now living in counties not in the possession of the enemy, are excluded from the benefits of county distributions of salt by county courts and their agents. On motion of Mr. Rust, Resolved, that the committee on confederate relations be instructed to enquire of the proper confederate authorities whether the number of hands now detailed by the various government contractors may not be reduced without detriment to the public interest. On motion of Mr. Morgan, Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice be instructed to en¬ quire into the expediency of "prohibiting bylaw the distillation of fruit. On motion of Mr. Miller, Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice enquire into the expediency of dispensing with a part of the evidence in admitting wills to probate in cases wherein the witnesses are within the lines of the enemy. On motion of Mr. Hutcheson, Resolved, that the committee on military affairs be requested to enquire into the expediency of the state of Virginia making some other and suitable provision for the support of the families of her quota of soldiers in the confederate army, by paying them such ad¬ ditional compensation for their patriotic services as may be necessary for their comfortable support. Mr. Rutherfoord submitted the following joint resolution: Resolved, that with the concurrence of the senate, this house will, in the presence of the senate, proceed, on to-morrow at 1 o'clock, to open the returns of the election for governor and for lieutenant gover¬ nor; to count the votes, and determine who have been elected by the people to the said offices; and the question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the affirmative. Ordered, that Mr. Rutherfoord carry the same to the senate, and request their concurrence therein. On motion of Mr. Haymond of Marion, Resolved, that the committee on banks be directed to enquire into the propriety of prohibiting by law the buying, selling or exchanging the currency of this state or the Confederate for less than its nominal value, for any money or the currency of any other govern¬ ment, during the continuance of the present war. On-motion of Mr. Kaufman, Resolved, that the committee on confederate relations enquire into the expediency of preventing the detail of hands to manufacturers who refuse to receive the currency of the country. On motion of Mr. Keiley, Resolved, that leave be given to withdraw from the files of the house, bill 2-32, session of 18-59-60, and refer the same to the com¬ mittee for courts of justice. 4 26 JOURNAL OP THE On motion of Mr. Burr, Resolved, that leave be given to withdraw the petition of William F. Ritchie, public printer, presented at the last session, and that the same be referred to the committee on finance. On motion of Mr. Hall, Resolved, that the committee on confederate relations be instructed to enquire what legislation (if any) is necessary to protect the citizens of Virginia from military arrest and imprisonment. On motion of Mr. Richardson, Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice be instructed to enquire into the expediency of reporting a bill to authorize a Search of premises suspected to be used for the manufacture of grain, and other articles prohibited by law, into ardent spirits. On motion of Mr. Deyerle, Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice enquire into the expediency of authorizing the county courts to appoint commissioners, whose duty it shall be to procure and sell to the citizens thereof all necessary articles or supplies for the consumption of said citizens, at cost. On motiop of Mr. haymond.of Braxton, &c. Resolved, that so much of the governor's message as relates to the Virginia Central rail road, be referred to the committee of roads and internal navigation. . On motion of Mr. Haymond of Braxton, &c. Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice enquire into the propriety of providing by law that the passing of, or dealing in any federal paper currency, shall be punished by confinement in the peni¬ tentiary, and that the traffic in bank notes, gold and silver, or other currency of Virginia, shall be punished as a high misdemeanor, and also the propriety of prohibiting brokerage in the state of Virginia. On motion of Mr. Barksdale, Resolved, that the committee of privileges apd elections be in¬ structed to obtain from the secretary of the commonwealth all polls and papers now in his possession pertaining to the contest for the seat of one of the delegates from the county of Halifax. (Demotion of Mr. Ccstis, Resolved, that leave be giyen to bring in a bill amending and re- enacting the act passed March 30th, 1863, entitled an act for the pro¬ duction and distribution of salt. The Speaker announced the following committee under the reso¬ lution : Messrs, Custis, Buford and Fleming. Subsequently, Mr. Custis, from the committee, presented the fol¬ lowing bill: "No. 2. A bill amending and re-enacting the 11th section of the act passed March 30tii, 1S63, entitled an act to provide for the production and distribution of salt; which, on his motion, was read a first time, and two-thirds concurring, read a second time, and or¬ dered to be engrossed and read a third time. On motion of Mr. Magruder, the house adjourned until to-mor¬ row, 12. o'clock. HOUSE OF DELEGATES. 27 SATURDAY, September 12, 1863. Prayer by Rev. Dr. Duncan of the Methodist church. A communication from the senate, by their clerk, was read as follows: lit Senate, Sept. 11, 1863. The senate have agreed to the resolution from the house of dele¬ gates in relation to counting the vores for governor and lieutenant governor, with an amendment. In which amendment they respectfully request the concurrence of the house of delegates. The amendment proposed by the senate to the resolution was agreed to. The resolution as amended is as follows : Resolved, that with the concurrence of the senate, this house will, in the presence of the senate, proceed, on to-morrow at 1 o'clock, to open the returns of the election for governor and for lieutenant go¬ vernor, to count the votes,, and determine who have been elected by the' people to the said offices; that the speaker of the house of dele¬ gates shall open the returns from the several counties and corpora¬ tions ; and as each county or corporation is announced, the senator and delegates representing the same (or if either be absent, then such person as the speaker may appoint instead) shall receive said returns and count the votes. They shall record the vote of each precinct,' and adding all together, deliver the sum thereof to the clerk of the house, who shall embody the several results in a general statement; thereupon, a committee of three senators and five delegates shall add up the entire vote for governor and for lieutenant governor thus as¬ certained, and add to it such other votes as may have been taken elsewhere under existing laws—and the speaker of the house of dele¬ gates shall announce the result, and declare thereon who is elected. The Speaker announced the following committee Under the joint resolution: Messrs. Rutherfoord, Magruder, Buford, Crawford and Marye. Mr. Rutherfoord, from the committee for courts of justice, pre¬ sented the following bills: No. 3. A bill to increase jailors' fees for keeping and supporting prisoners. No. 4. A bill to authorize the county court of King William to dispense with the existing laws in regard to enclosures, so far as that county may be concerned. Mr. Bouldjn, from the committee on finance, presented the fol¬ lowing bills : No. 5. A bill making an appropriation to pay certain expenses of government. No. 6. A bill to prevent public officers from speculating in con¬ federate notes. On motion of Mr. Haymond of Braxton, &c. Resolved, that leave be given to withdraw from the files of this house, senate bill 77, passed March 24, 1863. 28 JOURNAL OF THE On motion of Mr. Hunter, Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice be instructed to enquire into the expediency of requiring all able-bodied foreigners and refugees, within the conscript age, and at present sojourning within the limits of this commonwealth, to serve in the army or leave the state. On motion of Mr. Worsham, Resolved, that the committee on confederate relations enquire what (if any thing) can be done with safety to the public, so that furloughs granted to soldiers may be used as passes to their seve¬ ral places of destination, and what further arrangement can be made to relieve loyal citizens, both males and females, from the impediments now existing in the passport system in this state. On motion of Mr. Holden, Resolved, that the committee on military affairs enquire into the expediency of legislating for the removal of all slaves of those coun¬ ties invaded by the public enemy. On motion of Mr. Rixey, Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice enquire into the expediency of increasing the compensation now allowed by law to commissioners of the revenue, sheriffs and commonwealth's attorneys. Mr. Morgan submitted the following resolution: Resolved, that the general agent of the penitentiary be required to report to this body what purchases of raw material and provisions, and what sales of manufactured goods he has made for said institu¬ tion, and what sales (if any) he has made for private parties, and the amount of the per centum received from sales for the state and frotn sales for private parties. Mr. Robertson moved to amend the resolution, by striking out the following words : " and what sales (if any) he has made for pri¬ vate partiesand the question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the affirmative. The resolution as amended was then agreed to. On motion of Mr. Winston, Resolved, that the committee of privileges afld elections enquire into the expediency of so amending the eighth section of an act passed March 26th, 1863, as to requirq all polls taken in camps to be forwarded by mail when practicable. Oh motion of Mr. English, Resolved, that the committee on military affairs be requested to en¬ quire into the expediency of enrolling all refugees, who are domiciled in the state, with the second class militia. On motion of Mr. Staples, Resolved, that the committee on military affairs enquire into the expediency of repealing the act of February 12th, 1863, entitled an act to provide for the discharge from active military service of per¬ sons who have furnished substitutes. * On motion of Mr. Nelson of Fluvanna, Resolved, that so much of the governor's message as relates to the necessity of legislation to enable the Virginia Central, Orange and HOUSE OF DELEGATES. 29 Alexandria, and Virginia and Tennessee fail roads to procure necessary labor for preserving their roads in running order during the war, be referred to the committee on military affairs. On motion of Mr. Robinson, Resolved, that the committee on finance be instructed to enquire whether'tlie employees in the different offices under the state govern¬ ment should not have their salaries increased in proportion to the increased cost of living. On motion of Mr. Pendleton, Resolved, that the committee on finance enquire into the expe¬ diency of suppressing by law all trade in gold and silver; the sale, purchase or reception of any treasury note of the Confederate States at less than its par value, and of suppressing in like manner the pur¬ chase, sale or reception, at any other rate than par, of any bank note of this or any other confederate state, or any treasury note of this state or any confederate state; and of prohibiting absolutely the purchase, sale or reception, on any terms, of any treasury note issued under authority of the government of the United States, or of any note of any bank or corporation existing in said United States, or any of them. A message was received from the senate by Mr. Johnson, who in¬ formed the house of delegates that the senate had passed a bill enti¬ tled an act amending and re-enacting the 109th section of an act entitled an act imposing taxes for the support of government, passed March 28, 1SG3, No. 1: in ,which they respectfully requested the concurrence of the house of delegates. The resolution heretofore submitted by Mr. Cummings, as follows: Resolved by the general assembly, that the legislation at this called session be confined to subjects enumerated in the governor's message, and other subjects of urgent and pressing necessity—was taken up, on his motion. Mr. James moved to amend the resolution, by striking out the entire resolution^ and inserting the following: " Resolved, that no member be allowed to speak longer than five minutes or more than once on any resolution of enquiry"—and the. question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the affir¬ mative. The resolution as amended was agreed to. On motion of Mr. Buford, Resolved, that the committee on the penitentiary be instructed to enquire into the expediency of so amending section 17 of chapter 1J of the Code of Virginia, as to limit the amount of compensation to be received by the general agent and storekeeper of the penitentiary. The hour of 1 o'clock having arrived, farther business was sus¬ pended ; and the senate was informed by Mr. Rutiierfoord that the house was ready to proceed to the execution of the joint order for counting the votes for governor and lieutenant governor; and there¬ upon the seriate repaired to the hall of delegates, preceded by their president and clerk: and the Speaker proceeded to open the returns 30 journal of the of election, and submit them to the senators and delegates for their inspection. Subsequently, Mr. Rutherfoord, from the joint committee, pre¬ sented the following report: The joint committee of the senate and bouse of delegates, ap¬ pointed for the purpose of counting the votes reported by the com¬ mittees on the returns of each county, and to examine the embodied statement thereof, made by the clerk of the house of delegates, and to add thereto such other votes as may have been taken elsewhere under existing laws, report the following result: Tbe aggregate vote for governor is— For William Smith, - - 28,613 votes. For Thomas S. Flournoy, - 23,453 " For George W. Munford, - 7,478 " For all others, - - 353 " The aggregate vote for lieutenant governor is— For Samuel Price, - - 27,411 votes. For John D. Imboden, - - 21,297 " For all others, - , - - 1,940 " In the tabular statement prepared by the clerk of the house of delegates from the reports of the committees on the returns of each county, the votes of Pittsylvania and Prince George are not included, the returns from these counties not having been found among the papers placed in the possession of the two houses. But your com¬ mittee have seen a tabular statement prepared by the secretary of the commonwealth, from returns examined by him, by which it appears, that the aggregate vote in these two counties was, for governor, 501 votes for William Smith, 862 votes for Thomas S. Flournoy, and 95 votes for George W. Munford; and for lieutenant governor, 774 votes for Samuel Price, and 192 votes for John D. Imboden. The reported votes of these counties have not been embraced in the computation made by the committee, but the result is not there!)}* affected. Ro. A. coghill, Chn. Senate Com? lee. John C. Rutherfoord, Chn. House Com?tee.. And thereupon the Speaker declared William Smith duly elected governor of this commonwealth for four years from the 1st day of January ]SG4, and Samuel Price duly elected lieutenant governor of this commonwealth for four years from the 1st day of January 1864. The senate retiring, On motion of Mr. Haymond of Marion, the house adjourned until Monday, 12 o'clock. HOUSE OF DELEGATES. MONDAY, September 14, 1S63. Prayer by Rev. Mr. Sprigg of the Episcopal church. The Speaker laid before the house a communication from the go¬ vernor, enclosing an order from the hustings court of the city of Richmond, declining-to make any provision in answer to the requi¬ sition for slaves to work on the fortifications around the city; which was read, and on motion, referred to the committee for courts of justice. The Speaker laid before the house a communication from the board oF public works, enclosing the report of said board, acting, under an act of assembly, as a board of supervisors for the produc¬ tion and distribution of salt; which was read, and on motion of Mr. Cowan, laid on the table and ordered to be printed. Doc. No. 6. No. G. A bill to prevent public officers from speculating in con¬ federate notes, was read a first time, and ordered to be read a second time. A senate bill entitled an act amending and re-enacting the 109th section of an act entitled an act imposing taxes for the support of government, passed March 28th, 1S6-3, was read a first and second rimes, and on motion of Mr. Anderson, was read a third time and passed—Ayes 118, noes 2. Ayes—Messrs. Sheffey (speaker), Anderson, Baker, Barksdale, Bouldin, Bowen, Branch, Brooke, Bryan, -Buffington, Buford, Burnett, Butler, Burwell, Chalmers, Coke, Cowan, Crawford, Cresap, Crockett, Cuminings, Deane, Deyerlc, Dickey, Douthat, Draper, Duval, English, Evans, Ferguson, Fleming, Fletcher, Flood, A. Fry, W. O. Fry, Gilmer, Goodall, Goude, Coodykoontz, Graham, Harris, L. D. Haymond, T. H. Ilaymond, Hendrick, Hern- don, Hiett, Holden, Horton, Huntt, Hutcheson, Irving, James, J. B. Johnson, W. John¬ son, Jones, Jordan, Kaufman, Keiley, Kenney, Kindriclc, Lively, Lnudy, Lynch, Magru- der, Marr, Mathews, McCue, McCutchen, McElroy, McKinney, McNeil, Meade, Melvin, Miller, Monroe, Morgan, Mullens, It. E. Nelson, Nighbert, Pitman, Pretlow, Powell, Reitl, Richardson, Rixey, J. A. Robinson, Rowan, Ryst, Rutberfoord, D. J. Saunders, E. T. Saunders, F. Saunders, Shackleford, Sbelton, Sherrard, Smith, Snowden, Staples, Stewart, It. F. Taylor, T. W. Taylor, Thomas, Thompson, Tomlin, Tredway, J. *C. Walker, Walton, Ward, N. W. White, R. J. White, Williams, J. L. Wilson, S. M. Wilson, Winn, Winston, Woodley, Worsham and Wright—118. Noes—Messrs. Edwards and Hall—2. Ordered, that the clerk inform the senate thereof. Mr. Jones, from the committee of privileges and elections, sub¬ mitted the following resolution : * Resolved, that the committee of privileges and elections be autho¬ rized and empowered to send for persons and papers in considering and determining the contested election case from the county of Hali¬ fax; and the question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and de¬ cided in the affirmative. On motion of Mr. Nelson of Fluvanna, Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice enquire into the expediency of so amending section 29 of chapter 1-58 of the Code of Virginia (edition of I860), as to authorize judges of the circuit courts to hold special terms for the trial of cases involving violations of the act of assembly imposing penalties for the unlawful distillation of grain, etc. 32 JOURNAL or THE The Speaker presented the petition of John Nunan of Augusts county, asking to have refunded the tax on his license as a distiller; which he was prevented from using by the act of the general assem¬ bly; which was ordered to be referred to the committee on finance. Mr. English presented the petition of the justices of Henrico, asking for the exemption of certain constables of the said county; which was ordered to be referred to the committee on military affairs. Mr. Keiley presented the petition of the hustings court of Pe¬ tersburg, praying that the court be authorized to fix the compensa¬ tion of their clerk and sergeant; which was ordered to be referred to the committee for courts of justice. Mr. Tredway presented the petition of R. II. Dejarnette and others, in relation to the organization of the militia; which was or¬ dered to be referred to the committee on military affairs. On motion of Mr. Raymond of Marion, Resolyed, that so much of the governor's message as relates to the penitentiary, and the other documents referred to in said message, be referred to the committee on the penitentiary. On motion of Mr. Tredway, Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice enquire into the expediency of amending the stay law, so as to enable judges of cir¬ cuit courts to order sales under deeds of trust in certain cases. On motion of Mr. Fry of Madison, Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice be instructed to enquire into the expediency of reporting a bill authorizing the im¬ pressment of a force of free negroes, to be employed in repairing those rail roads in the state liable to raids of the enemy. On motion of Mr. Monroe, Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice be instructed to enquire into the expediency of reporting a bill making it a penal offence, punishable by fine or imprisonment, for any person domiciled in this commonwealth to refuse to sell, for the necessary support of the families in this state, of soldiers who are in the army of the Con¬ federate States or the militia of this state, all their surplus of grain and meat over and above the necessary consumption of their own families, or who may charge a higher price for the same than is adopted by the commissioners of Virginia, in their schedule of prices, deducting the cost of transportation, or who may refuse to receive in payment therefor Confederate States treasury notes. On motion of Mr. IIutcheson, Resolved, that the committee on banks be requested to enquire into the expediency of requiring the banks of this commonwealth to redeem in specie the currency they now have outstanding, and of prohibiting them in the future from issuing their notes as currency. On motion of Mr. Saunders of Richmond, Resolved, that leave be given to withdraw from the files of the house, senate bill 97 of the last session, and that the same be referred to the committee for courts of justice. On motion of Mr. Morgan, Resolved, that the committee of roads and internal navigation en- HOUSE OP DELEGATES. 33 quire into the expediency of so amending the existing law as to in¬ crease the present rates of toll on turnpikes. On motion of Mi\ Nelson of Fluvanna, Resolved, that the committee for courts of jnstice^enquire info the expediency of*reporting a bill repealing or modifying the 1st, 2d, dd, 4th and 5th sections ot chapter 115 of the Code of Virginia (edition of I860), which now authorize aliens-to take and dispose of lands. On motion of Mr. Deyerle, Resolved, that the c.ominittee on confederate relations be and are hereby instructed to confer with the confederate authorities, to asccs- tain if arrangements cannot be made to employ the convicts at the penitentiary on government work, and thereby enable them to send into the field a large number of the detailed men novV employed by the government in their shops, &c. On motion of Mr. Haymond of Marion, Resolved, that a special committee be appointed to enqujre into the expediency of reporting a bill authorizing the governor of this state to hire to the Virginia Central rail road company and the Vir¬ ginia and Tennessee rail road company so many of the convicts in the penitentiary, such as can be spared and are non-producing, and suitable to work oil said roads, taking care to provide for their safe¬ keeping and restoration by said rail road companies. The Speaker announced the following committee under the reso¬ lution : Messrs. Haymond of Marion, Deane, JIagruder, Fry of Ma¬ dison, Cummings, Bryan, and Nelson of Fluvanna. On motion of Mr. Hutcheson, •> Resolved, that the .committee on requested to. enquiie- iuto the expediency of repealing so much of an act passed'May 15,. lfiCs*, authorizing certain counties, cities and towns of this common¬ wealth tp issue notesa less denomination than five dollars, as will prohibit the future issue of such currency, and the propriety of re¬ quiring said counties, cities and towns to redeem, at as early a day as practicable, the notes they have heretofore iSsued, in confederate currency.- On motion of Mr. Scott, ResolvOI, that the committee for courts of justice enquire into tlm expediency of reporting a bilf imposing a heavy penalty upon any person or persons who buy or cdntract to buy any merchandise; or dissuade persons from bringing their goods to market or peisuadijig them to enhance the price thereof for the purpose of forestalling the maikets of Virginia: also enquire into the expediency of a law pro¬ hibiting persons from engrossing large quantities of tlje necessaries of |ife, to resell them at exorbitant prices, thereby securing to them¬ selves the monopoly of trade in this commonwealth: also the ex¬ pediency of a law prohibiting the buying- of all articles of trade for the purpose of reselling them in the same market in which they were purchased. On motion of Mr. Stewart, Resolved, that the committee on banks enquire into the expediency 5 34 JOURNAL OP THE of compelling the banks of the commonwealth to receive all Con¬ federate States treasury notes on deposit. Mr. McCutchen submitted the following resolution: ^ Resolved, that the committee on military affairs enquire into the expediency of requiring the members of the legislature, within the ages of IS and 45 years, to do military service with the second class militia of the state. Mr. Haymond of Marion moved to amend the resolution, by strik¬ ing out " second class," and inserting " first class;" and the question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the affirmative. •Mr. Anderson moved' to amend the resolution as amended, by striking out the resolution, and inserting "of repealing so much of the exemption get as exempts members of the general assembly;" and the question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the affirmative. The resolution as amended was agreed to. On m'otion of Mr. Woodley, Resolved, that the committee on confederate relations enquire into the expediency of requesting the president to call an extra session of congress at tjie earliest practicable day, for the purpose of devising some plan for the withdrawal of the confederate treasury notes, now outstanding; from circulation as currency, and for the adoption of means to defray the future expenditures of the government without the necessity of a resort to the further issue of said treasury notes. On motion of Mr. Cowan, Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice enquire into the expediency of repealing the stay law, so far as to permit the collec¬ tion of debts where the creditor is willing to receive Confederate States^ treasury notes.. On motion of Mr. Maoruder,. Resolved, that the committee of privileges tPhd elections'enqiyre into the expediency of reporting a bill amending the 1st section oi chapter 10 of the Code of Virginia (edition of 1860), so as to extend the time within which a person intending to contest the election of another, shall be required to give notice of such contest. On motion of Mr. Kenney, Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice be instructed to enquire into the expediency of so amending the existing lavy as to increase the fees of master commissioners in chancer}7. % Mr. White of Brooke and Hancock submitted the following pre¬ amble and resolution: Whereas the rate of compensation fixed by law for members of the general assembly is, in contemplation of law? a specie compensation, and if paid now in specie, would be more than adequate to defray the necessary expenses of members: and whereas it is not expedient to pay the same in specie: Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice enquire into the legality and expediency of fixing some rate in currency, not exceed¬ ing in value the present compensation, which shall be received in |ieu of the present per diem fixed by law. H0T7SE OP DELEGATES. 35 Mr.JSmith submitted the following resolution: Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice be instructed to enquire into the expediency of adopting some measures by which the persons and property of citizens of Virginia may be more effectually protected from lawless outrages now daily committed by soldiers of the Confederate States; also some means by which such offenders may be held amenable to the laws of this commonwealth. Mr. Haymond moved to amend the resolution, by striking out the words "now daily committed by soldiers of the Confederate States;'f and-the question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the affirmative. ' Mr. Shaukleford moved that the resolution as amended be laid on the table; and the question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the negative. * Mr. James moved the indefinite postponement of the resolution, and the question being on agreeing thereto, Mr. Cowan demanded the previous question; which was sustained by the house; and being put, was decided in the negative—Ayes 33, noes S3. On motion of Mr. James, the vote was recorded as follows: AYES—Messrs. Buford, Burnett, Burwell, Gowaii, Dickey, Edwards, Ferguson, Fletehei, Goodall, L. D. Hayinond, Herndon, Huge, Huntt, Hutcheson, James. J. B. Johnson, W. Johnson* Kenney, Lundy, McCutehen, Morgan, Nighbert, Pitman, J. A. Robinson, E T. Saui.ders, F. Saunders, Shackleford, Staples, Thompson, J. C. Walker, J. L. Wils m, S. M. Wilson and Woodley—33. Noes—Messrs. Shelfey (speaker), Anderson, Baker, Barksdale, Bbuldin, Bow en, Brunch, Brooke, Bryan, Buffington, Butler, Chalmers, Cox, Cresap, Crockett, Cumruings, Deaue, Deyerle, Douthat, English, Evans, Fleming, Flood, A. Fry, W. O. Fry, Gilmer, Goode, (lutidykooutz, Graham, Harris, T. S. Haymoud, Hendrick, Hiett, Horton, Hughes, li'\iug, Jones, Jordan, Kaufman, Keiley, Kindriek, Lively, Lynch, Magruder, Marr, Mathews, McCue, McElroy, McKinney, McNeil, Meade. Melvin. Miller, Monroe, Mullens, R. E. Nel¬ son, Parramore, Pendleton, Pretlow, Reid, Richardson, Rixey, Robertson, Rowan, Rust, Kutberfoord, D. J. Saunders, Scott, Shelton. ShCrrard, Smith, Stewart, R. F. Tayloi, T. W. Taylor, Torulin, Tredway, Walton, Ward, N. W. White, R. J. White, Williams, Winn, Win ston and Worsham—S3. Mr. Burwell moved to amend the resolution by striking out the words "lawless outrages now daily committed," and inserting "vio¬ lations of the law;" and the question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the affirmative. Mr. Brooke moved to amend the resolution, by striking out the entire resolution, and inserting in lieu thereof the following; and the questibn being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the affir¬ mative: " Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice enquire whether the citizens of this commonwealth are subject to outrages of any character, for which there is-not now an adequate'and efficient remedy furnished by the existing laws of the eom iff on wealth ; and if so, that said committee report what measures it may in theiv. opinion be proper to adopt for the suppression of such outrages." Mr. (b)ode submitted the following resolution, which being ob¬ jected to, v\as laid over under tlx; rules: Resolved, that our senators in congress be instructed and our representatives requested to urgG upon that body the passage of a law making an appropriation for the compensation of citizens of this JOURNAL OF THE common w'eulth whose slaves have died or escaped from the confede¬ rate service- No. 2- An engrossed bill amending and re-enacting the 11th sec¬ tion of an act passed March 30th, 18G3, entitled an act to provide for the production and distribution of salt, was fead a third time and passed—Ayes .109. ■Vki>—Messrs. Sheffe.y (speaker), Anderson, Bak Robinson, Rowan, IJkst, Rullierfoord, D. J Maunders, E. T Saunders, F. Saunders, Scott, Shackli ford, Shelton, Smith, Stewart, R F Taylor, T. W. Taylor, Thomas, Thompson, Toinliu. Tredway, Walton, Vaid, N. W White, R. J. Whire, ,J. L. Wilson, S. M. Wilsun, Wii.n, Winston, Woodley, Woolfolk, Worsham and Wiight—H)'J. Ordered, that the clerk communicate the same to the senate*, and request their concurrence. On motion of Mr. GilmeRj the house adjourned until to-moriow, 12 o'clock. TUESDAY, September 15, 1863. Prayer by. Rev. Mr. Sprigg of the Episcopal church. A communication from the senate, by their clerk, was read as follows: In Senate. Sept. 14, 1S63. The senate have agreed to a jointVesolution authorizing the second auditor to receive from the Virginia and Tennessee rail road company one million dollars loaned by the state to said road: in which they respectfully request the concurrence of the house of delegates. T1 te resolution was read, and on motion of Mr. Haymond. referred to the" committee on finance. Mr. Rittherfoord, from the committee for courts of justice, pre¬ sented the following bill: No. 7. A bill authorizing special terms of the circuit courts to be held to carry into effect the provisions of the law to prevent the un¬ lawful distillation of whiskey or other spirituous or malt liquors. Mr. Magruder, from the committee of propositions and grievances, presented the following bill: , , No. 8. A* bill to amend the 3d section of an act to incorporate the James river canal packet company. Mr. Robertson, from the committee on confederate^ relations, to whom had been referred the message of the governor in reference to the reception of confederate convicts in the state penitertiary. pre¬ sented a report Recommending thift no action should be taken upon •J»e subject, HOUSE OF DELEGATES. 37 The Speaker laid before .the house a communication from the governor, enclosing a pamphlet, by Capt. B. J. Sage, in regard- to private warfare, not onty on the ocean, but on the coasts, sounds, bays and rivers ; which was read, and referred to the cqmmittee on military affairs. The Speaker laid -before the hoifse a communication from the governor, enclosing a report from Colin Bass, superintendent of the penitentiary ; which, on motion of Mr. Haymond of Marion, was re¬ ferred to the committee on the penitentiary, and ordered to be printed. Doc. No. 7. Ok motion of Mr. Lundy, Resolved, that the committee on military affairs enquire into the expediency of investing county and corporation courts with power to impress, when necessary, such articles of food in-the hands of per¬ sons who may have purchased the same for profit by resale, as njay be necessary for the supply of the indigent poor, at the prices pre¬ scribed by the Confederate States. On motion of Mr. Worsham, Resolved, that the committee on agriculture and manufactures be requested to enquire into the expediency of exempting molasses, cane or sorghum, from the operation of the act passed October *_», 1862, entitled an act to amend and re-enact an act entitled an act to amend and re-enact an act to jiunish the unnecessary consumption of grain by distillers and other manufacturers of spirituous and malt liquors. On motion of Mr. Ambers, Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice enquire into the expediency of so amending the 28th. section of the •62d chapter of the Code of Virginia of 1SG0, as to increase the penalty for failuie to work on any road to which the party failing may be appointed. On- motion of Mr. Worsham, Resolved, that the committee on finance eflquire into the expe¬ diency of exempting from a license tax persons engaged in the dis¬ tillation of ardent spirits from molasses, cane-or sorghum. Qn motion of .Mr. Walker of Rockingham, Resolved, that the committee on the penitentiary be instructed to enquire into the expediency of providing for the sale of all slave con¬ victs now in the penitentiary. On motion of Mr. English, JKesolved, that the committee of vojfds and internal navigation en¬ quire info the rates of tolls on th« lit ork river railroad. On motion of Mr. Haymond of Braxton, .Resolved, that the committee on military affairs enquire into the propriety of authorizing the separate enrollment and organization of the officers and students of thevarious'institutions of learning through¬ out the state, so that such organization in ay be drillqd and officered by members only of sqid institutions. * Mr. Hughes subfnitted the following preamble and resolution: Whereas the wudf and consumption of grain in the'distillation of liquor is frightful and enormous: and whereas it can be incontesta- bly shown that heinous frauds are continually practiced by agents for 38 JOURNAL OF THE the distillation of liquor under government contract, as is patent, in¬ deed, in such agents offering and paying from eight to ten dollars per bushel for grain, while they are only getting three, at most four dol¬ lars per gallon for the whiskey they contracted to make for the go¬ vernment; and as everybody knows, who has any knowledge of distilling, that when the distiller gives a greater price for grain per bushel, than he gets for his whiskey per gallon, that he is losing money in the operation: and whereas it can be readily exhibited that such contractors do sell the whiskey so manufactured (and per¬ haps by far the largest proportion), to others than the government, and for many times more than the government price, in open viola¬ tion of the law under which they are permitted to make it, and. no notice taken of it by those whose duty it is to detect and punish all such offences: ^Resolved, that a special committee be appointed to enquire info and report the facts in relation to such frauds, and the best correc¬ tive for the same ; and as to the expediency (so far as lies in this le¬ gislative bosly) of abolishing all distillation of liquors of any kind whatsoever, even if. necessary by the collection of all the still caps and worms, and holding the same in possession until the end of the war. Mr. Haymond of Marion moved to amend, the resolution, by strik¬ ing out the words " even if necessary by the gollection of aril the still caps and worms, and holding the same in possession until the end of the waraj^d the question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided jp the affirmative. The resolution as amended was then agreed to. The question recurring on agreeing to the preamble, was put, and decided in the negative. On motion of Mr. Saunders, Resolved, that the* committee on finance be requested to enquire into the expediency of making some provision for the support- of such of the poor of the commonwealth as have been driven from their homes by the enemy, and have located in other cities and counties of this state. On motion of Mr. Goode, the resolution heretofore submitted by himself, instructing the senators from Virginia in the confederate congress, and requesting our representatives to urge upon that body the passage of a law making affi appropriation for the compensation of citizens of this commonwealth whose slaves have died in, or" es¬ caped from the confederate service, was taken up. Mr. Jones moved to amend the resolution, by adding thereto the following : " And to pay for other property which has been destroyed by, or appropriated for the use of "the confederate government." " The question'being on agreeing to the amendment, Mr. Cow^u moved that the resolution and amendment be referred to a select committee. # Mr. Hutciieson moved that the resolution arid amendment he re¬ ferred to the committee on confederate relations; and the question HOUSE OP DELEGATES. 39 being on agreeing thereto, Mr. Keiley demanded the previous ques¬ tion ; which was -sustained by the house; and being put, was decided in the negative. The question recurring on agreeing to the reference to a special committee, was put, and decided in the affirmative. On motion of Mr. Brooke, Jtesolved, that the committee on salt be instructed to enquire into the expediency of reporting a bill providing for the supply of a due proportion of sal£ to refugees residing in the different counties of the commonwealth. On motion of Mr. Cummings, Resolved, that the committee on finance enquire into the expe¬ diency of imposing a graduated tax for the support of the families of soldiers, upon all incomes and profits except salaries, realized since the 17th day of Apwl 1861; that the committee further enquirS into the propriety of providing for the contributions of a certain propor¬ tion of surplus corn and wheat by producers thereof, and of giving the right of impressment in those cases where the proper agents are unable to procure the necessary supplies by purchase. The following bills were read a first time, and ordered to be read a second time: No. 3. A bill to increase jailors' fees for keeping and supporting prisoners. No. 4. A bill to authorize the county court of King William to dispense with the existing laws in regard to enclosures, so far as that county may be concerned. No. 5. A bill making an appropriation to pay certain expenses of government, • 4 No. 7. A bill authorizing special terms of the circuit courts to be held to carry into effect the provisions of the law to prevdht the un¬ lawful distillation of whiskey or other spirituous or malt liquors. No. 8. A bill to amend the 3d section of an act to incorporate the James river canal packet company. * No. 1. A bill amending and re-enacting the 109th section of an act entitled an act .imposing taxes for the support of government, passed March 28th, 1862. On motion of Mr. Ward, the house adjourned until to-morrow, 12 o'clock. WEDNESDAY, September 16, 1863. Prayer by Rev. Mr. Sprigg of the Episcopal church.' Mr. Magruder, from the committee'of propositions and grievances, presented the following bill: . ; No. 9. A bill to amend and re-enact'the act entitled an act to incorporate the Old Dominion trading company, passed March 24th, 1863. 40 journal of the •Mr. Bouldin, from the committee on finance, presented the fol¬ lowing bill: No. 10. A bill prohibiting sales by auction in certain cases; which, on his motion, was read a first time, and ordered to be read a second time. Mr. Riddick, from the committee on agriculture and manufactures, presented the following bills : No. 11. A bill to amend and re-enact the act passed on the 13th day of February 1863, entitled an act amending and re-enacting the 1st and 2d sections of an. act entitled an act to repeal the fence. law of Virginia, so as to include the county of Henrico. No, 12. A bill to amend the 4th and 5th sections of the 87th chapter of the Code of Virginia. Mr. Magruder, from the select committee on salt, presented the following bill : No. 13; A bill to amend and re-enact'the 6th section of an act passed the 30th of March 1863, entitled an act to* provide for the production and distribution of salt; which, on his motion was read a first time, and two-thirds concurring, read a second time, amended, and on motion of Mr. Bouldin, laid on the table and ordered to be printed. The Speaker announced the following committee under the reso¬ lution of yesterday, in relation to instructions to the senators from Virginia upon the subject of payment by the confederate govern¬ ment for slaves lost in their service: Messrs. Goode, Jones, Bouldin, Robertson, Haymond of Marion, Tomlin, Marye, Cowan. Magruder, Hall, Buford, Walker of Augusta, Draper, Fleming and Crockett. The Speaker annbunced the following committee under the reso¬ lution agreed to on yesterday, in reference to distillation: Messrs. Hughes, JVParr, Winston, Tredway, Barksdale, Riddick, Hutcheson, Richardson, Maxey, Rixey, Herndon, Lynch, Deyerle, Meade and Butler. The Speaker laid beford the house a communication from John Knote, general agent of the penitentiary, in response to a resolution of the house of delegates; which was^read, and on motion*of Mr. Wilson of Isle of Wight, was laid on the table and ordered to be printed. Doc. No. 8. On motion of Mr. Deane, Resolved, that the clerk of the house of delegates -be directed to have published for one week, in the several papers printed in the city of Richmond, the act authorizing the receipt, by sheriffs and collectors, of all Confederate States treasury notes. On motion of Mr. DSane,* Resolved, that so much of the governor's message as refers to the act of 20th of November 1862, exempting persons of certain reli¬ gious denominations from military service, be referred to the com¬ mittee for. courts of justice to' enquire into the constitutionality of said enactment.- On motion of Mr. Edwards, Resolvedpthat the committee on finance enquire, into the expe- HOUSE OF DELEGATES. 41 diency of amending the existing laws with reference to auctioneers and commission merchants, and of imposing a tax upon land agents. On motion of Mr. Herndon, Resolved, that the committee on roads and internal navigation en¬ quire into the propriety of adopting such legislation as will render the transportation on rail roads cheaper and more effectual. On motion of Mr. Buford, Resolved, that the committee on military affairs be instructed to enquire intokthe expediency of so amending existing laws on the subject as to authorize counties and corporations to providejor the support or relief of the indigent families of soldiers who have died in the military service, in like manner as is provided in. regard to the families of soldiers now in such service. On motion of Mr. Graham, Resolved, that the committee on finance be instructed to en quite into the expediency of the state providing for the wants of citizens of the state who have been permanently disabled by reason of the casualties of the service, and have been discharged, when such wants are not otherwise provided for. On motion of Mr. Mathews, Resolved, that the committee of roads aud internal navigation en¬ quire into the expediency of making provision for the extension of the Central rail road to Covington, and the completion of the Coving¬ ton aud Ohio rail road. On motion of Mr. Pretlow, Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice be instructed to enquire into the expediency of so amending the existing laws in re¬ ference to the fees of office of clerks, sheriffs and commissioners of the revenue, as to increase the same. On motion of Mr. Rowan, Resolved, that the committee on the penitentiary enquire into the expediency of renting the penitentiary for a term of years. Mr. Stewart submitted the following joint resolutions: 1. Resolved by the general assembly of Virginia, that we instruct our senators and hereby request our representatives in the-congress of the Confederate States to use their best efforts to procure, at as early a day as practicable, the passage of a law increasing the pay of soldiers in the confederate army. 2. That in making this request, we deem it due to the soldier that his pay should in some manner be made to correspond to the in¬ creased rates of living consequent on a state of war; which being objected to, were laid over under the rule: On motion of Mr. Haymond of Marion, Resolved, that the committee on roads and internal navigation en¬ quire whether any of the rail road companies in this commonwealth refuse to transport wood on their rail roads for private individuals. A message was received from the senate by Mr. Randolph, who in¬ formed the house of delegates that the senate had passed a bill enti¬ tled an act to punish persons for harboring and assisting deserters, 6 42 JOURNAL OF THE No. 2: in which they respectfully requested the concurrence of the house of delegates. Subsequently, the bill was read a first and second times, and refer¬ red to the committee for courts of justice. The following bills were read a first time, and ordered to be read a second time: No. 9. A bill to amend and re-enact the act entitled an act to in¬ corporate the Old Dominion trading company, passed March 20th, 1863. No. J.1. A bill to amend and re-enact the act passed on the 13th day of February 1863, entitled an act amending and re-enacting the 1st and 2d sections of an act entitled an act to repeal the fence law of Virginia, so as to include the county of Henrico. No. 12. A bill to amend the 4th and 5th sections of the 87th chapter of the Code of Virginia. No. 8. A bill to amend the 3d section of an act to incorporate the James river canal packet company, was read a second time, and or¬ dered to be engrossed and read a third time. On motion of Mr. Wilson of Isle of Wight, the house adjourned until to-morrow, 12 o'clock. THURSDAY, September 17, 1863. Prayer by Rev. Mr. Sprigg of the Episcopal church. Mr. Rutherfoord, from the committee for courts of justice, pre¬ sented the following bill: No. 14. A bill for the relief of William E. Gaskins and James II. Gaskins. Mr. Rutherfoord, from the same committee, to whom was re-i ferred No. 2. A senate bill entitled an act to punish persons for harbor¬ ing and assisting,deserters, reported the same with amendments. Mr. Bouldin, from the committee on finance, to whom had been referred a resolution enquiring into the expediency of exempting from a license tax persons engaged in the distillation of ardent spirits from molasses, cane or sorghum, presented a report, with a resolution that it is inexpedient to legislate upon the subject. On motion of Mr. Tomlin, Resolved, that the committee on agriculture and manufactures be instructed to enquire into the expediency of providing by law for the establishment of some agency to furnish to the people of the com¬ monwealth cotton and cotton cards at cost. Mr. Woqlfolk presented a letter from Lt. Gen. Ewell, in relation to legislation as to desertion; which was ordered to be laid on the table. On motion of Mr. Worsham (amended upon motions severally made), HOUSE OF DELEGATES. 43 Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice be requested to enquire into the expediency of reporting a bill to prohibit the pur¬ chase of. real estate by any one who has speculated in the necessaries of life during this war; and also a like prohibition to all men subject to military duty, and aliens who are not now in the Confederate States army; and that the.committee be instructed to define in what speculation consists. William W. Randolph, the delegate elect from the county of Clarke, appeared, was qualified and took his seat. A message was received from the senate by Mr. Dickinson, who informed the house of delegates that the senate had passed a bill en¬ titled an act to suppress the further issuing of small notes-as a cur¬ rency by the counties, cities and towns of this commonwealth, No. 8: in which they respectfully requested the concurrence of the house of delegates. "Which bill was subsequently read a first and second times, and re¬ ferred to the committee on banks. A message was received from the senate by Mr. Douglas, who in¬ formed the house of delegates that the senate had passed a bill enti¬ tled an act to amend the act passed February 13th, 1863, entitled an act amending and re-enacting the 1st and 2d sections of an act enti¬ tled an act to repeal the fence law of Virginia as to certain counties, and to authorize the county courts to dispense with enclosures in other counties, passed October 3d, 1862, and to legalize the action of county courts held" under said law: in which they respectfully re¬ quested the concurrence of the house of delegates. Subsequently, the bill was read a first and second times, and on motion of Mr. Tomlin, laid on the table. On motion of Mr. Chalmers, • * • * Resolved, that the committee on finance enquire into-the expe¬ diency of laying an additional tax on all lands purchased since the- commencement of the war, and also upon all lands that maybe pur¬ chased during the continuance of the war. On motion of Mr. Marye, Resolved, that senate bill 61, sent to this house during th^last ses¬ sion, be withdrawn from the files of this house, and be committed to the committee for courts of justice. On motion of Mr. Chalmers, Resolved, that the committee on agriculture and manufactures en¬ quire into the expediency of repealing so .much of the law the legislature at its last session, prohibiting the planting and culti¬ vating of more than 80,000 hills in tobacco by any one individual. On motion of Mr. IIaymond of Braxton, &c. Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice enquire into the propriety of reporting a bill requiring producers to dispose of all surplus products at prices not exceeding those fixed by the commis¬ sioners under laws of the Confederate States. On motion of Mr. Bowen, Resolved, that the committee of roads and internal navigation en¬ quire into the expediency of prohibiting express companies, their 44 JOURNAL OF THE officers and agents, from transporting by said companies, over any road or canal in this state, any goods, wares and merchandise belonging to such companies, or an officer or agent thereof; and further to enquire what legislation is necessary to protect the state from any monopoly and injustice which such companies entail. Mr. McCue submitted the following preamble and resolution : Whereas for years past there has been felt to be an imminent ne¬ cessity for a new state house for state purposes, which necessity has much increased by its use as the capitol of the Southern Confede¬ racy : Therefore, ' Be it resolved, that it be referred to a special committee to enquire into the expediency of so changing the interior arrangements of the present capitol as to make it answer the uses of both the state and confederate government, and to effect this, to build upon the square, at or near the site of the bell house, a building large enough to ac¬ commodate all the state officers now the occupants of the basement, and such others as may be rendered necessary by the future wants of the state ; and the question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the affirmative. On motion of Mr. Rixey, Resolved, that the committee on finance enquire into the expedi¬ ency of selling the stock belonging to the state in the various inter¬ nal improvement companies and banks in the state, in accordance with the recommendation of the governor of the commonwealth. On motion of Mr. Saunders of Richmond, Resolved, that the committee on agriculture and manufactures be. requested to enquire into the expediency of increasing the compen¬ sation of inspectors of tobacco. On motion of Mr. Winston, Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice enquire into the expediency of so amending section 3 of an act to amend and re-enact an act further to provide for the public defence, passed October 3, 1862, as to provide that in every case of a housekeeper or head of a family owning or having slaves, one male slave capable of outdoor labor shall be exempt from the operation of said act. On motion of Mr. Johnson of Barbour, Resolved, that the committee on finance enquire into the expedi¬ ency of requiring all persons, firms and companies in this common¬ wealth to make a true and correct statement of all their net profit derived from any business,, trade, occupation or employment what¬ ever, whether agricultural, commercial, manufacturing or otherwise, since the commencement of the present war; and further to enquire into the expediency of requiring all such persons, firms and compa¬ nies to pay into the public treasury all such net profits, and such net profits as may hereafter be derived in like manner during the conti¬ nuance of the present war; and that said money be set apart as a fund for the redemption of Virginia's proportionate share of the debt of the Confederate States. On motion of Mr. Hutcheson, Resolved, that the committee on finance be requested to enquire HOUSE OP DELEGATES. 45 into the expediency of fixing by-law the prices of all articles of farm production, merchandise, manufacture, rent and labor, at one hun¬ dred per centum above what was their market value on the first day of June 1861, in the various sections of this commonwealth; and that such restrictions and penalties be imposed as may be necessary for the enforcement of the provisions of the law. On motion of Mr. Herndon, Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice enquire into the expediency of providing by law what cities, towns and counties may be permitted through agencies to purchase necessary supplies in the country, and that all persons be prohibited from purchasing to sell again, except to the Confederate States or the states of the Confede¬ racy, cattle, hogs and sheep, and all agricultural productions, in¬ cluding flour and meal. On motion of Mr. Keiley, Resolved, that the committee of propositions and grievances be instructed to enquire into the expediency of incorporating the Home insurance company of the city of Petersburg. On motion of Mr. Hendrick, Resolved, that the committee of roads and internal navigation en¬ quire into the expediency of compelling by statute the agents of the Virginia and Tennessee rail road at Saltville, to give receipts for salt shipped on said road at that point, they refusing at that point so to .do. On motion of Mr. Kenney, Resolved, that the committee 011 confederate relations be instructed to enquire into the expediency of so amending an act passed March 13th, 1S63, in relation to public defence, as to exempt from the operation of said act the several counties Of this state which have been overrun by the enemy. On motion of Mr. Cowan, Resolved, that the select committee on the subject of salt enquire into the expediency of empowering the superintendent of the salt works to impress free negroes to labor at said works,. On motion of Mr. Harris, Resolved, that the committee on salt be instructed to enquire into the expediency of removing all the salt from the Washington and Smyth salt works to some interior point. Mr. Richardson submitted the following preamble and resolution * Whereas, in the course of the present war waged against the Con' federate States, with a cruelty and disregard of the usages of war, unparalleled in history, great losses in property have fallen upon the people of Virginia, by reason of the wanton and unnecessary destructions and spoliations of the enemy: and whereas also, much property has been impressed for the use of the Confederate States government, under an agreement on the part of that government, express or implied, that our citizens should receive just compensation for property taken and losses incurred in that manner j and although we fully recognize the justice of the claims of our people for com¬ pensation for all property taken, or impressed by the Confederate 46 JOURNAL* OP THE 'States government, and cordially commend the cheerfulness which they have shown in submitting to all privations and hardships conse¬ quent upon the action of the government, yet believing that the present condition of the country and the heavy demands upon the government for the maintenance and support of our armies in the held, upon whom our liberties, our lives and property mainly depend, render the present an inauspicious time further to embarrass a govern¬ ment whose entire energies should be directed to the work of defence and deliverance: Therefore, Resolved, that we deem it inexpedient at this time to take any acr tion in regard to the claims of our people upon the government for losses incurred by them, believing as we do that such action at the present time would only tend to hamper and embarrass the govern¬ ment in its conduct of this war. But confiding fully in the honor and integrity of the confederate government, we are willing to defer any legislative action in the premises until the pressing emergencies of the times have passed awa}T, and a more settled condition of public affairs shall have been attained; which on his motion was referred to the special committee on the subject of compensation for slaves lost in the service of the Confederate States. A message was received from the senate by Mr. Ball, who informed the bouse, of delegates that the senate had passed house bill entitled an act amending and re-enacting tke 7th section of an act passed March 30th, 1S63, entitled an act to provide for the production and distribution of salt, with amendments: in which they respectfully requested the concurrence of the house of delegates. No. 2. A senate bill entitled an act to punish persons, for harbor¬ ing and assisting deserters, with the amendments thereto submitted by the committee for courts of justice, was taken up : The amendments-were agreed to; and on motion of Mr. Tredway, the bill as amended was laid on the table and ordered to be printed. No. 14. A bill for the relief of William E. Gaskins and James H. Gaskins, was read a first time, and ordered to be read a second time. On motion of Mr. Lively, the house adjourned until to-morrow, 12 o'clock., FRIDAY, September IS, 1863. Prayer by Rev. Mr. Kepler of the Episcopal church. The amendments proposed by the senate to house bill entitled an act amending and re-enacting the 11th section of an act passed March 30th, 1863, entitled an act to provide for the production and distribution of salt, No. 2, were taken up and concurred in. Ordered, that the clerk inform the senate thereof. Mr. Rutiierfoord, from the committee for courts of justice, pre¬ sented the following bill: No. 15. A .bill to provide for the appointment of general agents and storekeepers for counties and corporations. HOUSE OF DELEGATES. 47 - Mr. Rutheefooed, from the same committee, to whom had beeii referred a resolution enquiring into the expediency of prohibiting the distillation'of grain, presented a report, asking that the committee he discharged from the further consideration of the subject, and that the same be referred to the special committee on the subject of dis^ filiation; \vhich vvas agreed to. Mr. Rutherfoord, from the same committee, to whom had been referred a resolution as to the propriety of prohibiting by law deal¬ ing in any paper currency of the United States, &c., presented a re* port, asking to be discharged from the further consideration of the subject, and that the same be referred to the committee on finance. Mr. Magrudee, from the committee of propositions and grievances, presented the following bill: No. 16. A bill to incorporate the Petersburg fire and hose insu-t ranee company of the city of Petersburg. Mr. Bouldin, from the committee on finance, to whom had been referred a joint resolution from the senate authorizing the second auditor to receive from the Virginia and Tennessee rail road company one million dollars loaned by the state to said road, reported thu same, with a recommendation that the same do pass. Mr. Bouldin, from the same committee, to whom had been re¬ ferred a resolution of enquiry into the expediency of requiring -alt persons, &c. to make a true and correct statement of all their net profits derived from any business, &c., presented a report that it ia inexpedient to legislate upon the subject. On motion of Mr. Tomlin, Resolved, that the committee on finance be instructed to enquire into the expediency of repealing the 55th section of the S7th chap¬ ter of the Code of Virginia,'in relation to the insurance of tobacco, or so to amend said section as to fully protect the interests of the commonwealth. Mr. Tredway submitted the following preamble and resolutions : Whereas the entire military force of the state is absorbed by the conscription law, and it is proposed to raise forces for the state de¬ fence by an extraordinary organization of the citizens who are not now subject to military service: and wrhereas the defence of Vir¬ ginia, as one of the Confederate States, is the duty of the confederate government, and good policy requires that any action by the state for her own defence shall be in subordination to, or co-operative with the military authorities of that government: Therefore, 1. Be it resolved, that it is expedient that this house be informed whether the president and the secretary of war of the Confederate States deem it necessary, or desire that Virginia shall furnish any additional troops to the confederate armies; if',,in their opinion, ad¬ ditional troops be needed', whether it is practicable to supply the deficiency by recalling to the field all detailed soldiers who are fit for field service, and filling their places with disabled soldiers, exempts and citizens above the maximum age of conscripts; and whether it would be practicable, from the armies thus enlarged, to furnish dc- 48 JOURNAL OP THE tachments of troops to guard the country in rear of the armies from destructive raids by the enemy. 2. That it is expedient that this house be informed what number of troops could be supplied with arms and ammunition by the state, and the description thereof. "3. That the committee on military affairs be requested to confer with the president and the secretary of war of the Confederate States, and also with the governor of this commonwealth, on the subjects embraced in the foregoing resolutions, and report to this house; which on his motion were laid on the table. On motion of Mr. Hall, Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice enquire what legislation (if any) is necessary to prevent lands from being forfeited for the non-payment of taxes in counties that have heretofore been or may hereafter be in the hands of the public enemy. On motion of Mr. Deyerle, Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice are hereby in¬ structed to enquire into the'expediency of altering, amending and limiting the license laws of this commonwealth, so as to prevent the county and corporation courts from licensing improper persons, such as extortioners or speculators or aliens, from buying or selling any goods, chatties or commodities whatsoever; and to further enquire into the expediency of requiring every person licensed, to give ample security, and to take and subscribe an oath to buy and sell at fair and just prices, and to affix heavy penalties for the violation of said trust or license; and all hotel and boarding house keepers to regulate their prices, so as to bring them in the bounds of reason and justice; and all manufacturers and manufacturing companies to buy, manu¬ facture and sell only under a license; and to prevent any person what¬ soever in this commonwealth from entering into any business or trade for speculation and extortion; and to prevent any farmer or producer from withholding his productions from those that wish to buy them for their own consumption, and only be allowed to sell to a person to sell again that has a license so to buy and sell, and that no other person whatsoever be allowed to buy except for his own use or consumption. Mr. Mark submitted the following resolution : Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice enquire into the propriety of increasing the compensation of the commonwealth's at¬ torney of the circuit court for the city of Lynchburg. Mr. Haymond of Marion moved to amend the resolution, by ad¬ ding thereto the following: " And also of attorneys for the commonwealth of other cities and counties;" and the question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the affirmative. The resolution as amended was then agreed to. On motion of Mr. Woodley, Resolved, that the committee on confederate relations be directed to enquire into the expediency of prohibiting any citizen or resident HOUSE OF DELEGATES. 49 of Virginia from passing into the enemy's country, with the view of returning to his residence in this state. On motion of Mr. Hendrick, Resolved, that the committee on finance enquire into the expe¬ diency of taxing all notes, bonds and other securities for which the holder refuses to receive confederate money, as so much gold at its market value. On motion of Mr. Lynch, Resolved, that the committee on military affairs enquire into the- expediency of reporting a bill requiring the justices of the peace and constables of this commonwealth to report to the nearest military post all deserters, and those absent from' the army without leave, known by them to be in their respective counties. Mr. Woolfolk submitted the following preamble and resolution : "Whereas it has been represented to this house, that John N. Clark- son, the superintendent of salt, has determined to furnish with salt, first, the people of such counties as are able and willing to hire him hands at a certain price, and also to require the counties to pay in advance and at one time for all the salt coming to the county for one year: and whereas it being the opinion of this house that it was not the intention of the general assembly to show any partiality in distri¬ buting salt among the counties.: Therefore, Be it resolved, that the committee on salt be requested to enquire what law invests the superintendent with power to make such regu-. lations; and the question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and de¬ cided in the affirmative. On motion of Mr. Melvin, Resolved, that the committee on finance be instructed to enquire into the expediency of releasing from the payment of all arrears aris¬ ing from taxation, the coqnties which have been overrun and perma¬ nently occupied by the enemy, and that the said counties continue to be exempt from taxation so long as the enemy shall continue to oc¬ cupy the same. Mr. Kaufman presented the .petition of William G. Singleton, praying the payment of his salary as clerk of the district court of .appeals at Winchester; which was ordered to be referred to the .committee for courts of justice. On motion of Mr. Saunders of Richmond, Resolved, that the committee on finance enquire into the expe¬ diency of relieving notaries public from the tax under the act of the last session on that subject. On motion of Mr. Walton, Resolved, that the committee'for courts of justice enquire into the causes of the delay in the publication and distribution of the Acts of the General Assembly; whether the same can be removed ; and if so, by what means; also that said committee enquire into the expediency of publishing a digest of the said Acts, with a view to a more speed}7 and thorough dissemination of the same among the people. 50 JOURNAL OF THE On motion of Mr. Burr, Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice be instructed to enquire into the expediency of so amending section 11, chapter 208 of the Code, as to increase the limit of the allowance which the courts may make for board and lodging of jurors ponfined in criminal cases. The following bills were read a first time, and ordered to be read a second time: No. 15. A bill to provide for the appointment of general agents and storekeepers for counties and corporations. No. 16. A bill to incorporate the Petersburg fire and hose insu¬ rance company of the city of Petersburg. The following bills were read a second time, and on motions seve¬ rally made, laid on the table : No. 6. A bill to prevent public officers from speculating in con¬ federate notes. No. 4. A bill to authorize the county court of King William to dispense with existing laws' in regard to enclosures, so far as that county may be concerned. No. 10. A bill prohibiting sales by auction in certain cases. No. 11. A bijl to amend and re-enact the act passed on the 13th day of February 1863, entitled an act amending and re-enacting the 1st and 2d sections of an act entitled an act to repeal the fence law of Virginia, so as to include the county of Henrico. No. 12. A bill to amend the 4th and 5th sections of the 87th chapter of the Code of Virginia. The following bills were read a second time, and ordered to be en¬ grossed and read a third time: No. 3. A bill to increase jailors' fees for keeping and supporting, prisoners. No. 5. A bill making an appropriation to pay certain expenses ol government. No. 7. A bill authorizing special terms of the circuit courts to be held to carry into effect the provisions of the law to prevent the'un¬ lawful distillation of whiskey or other spirituous or malt liquors. No. 9. A bill to amend and re-enact the act entitled an act to in¬ corporate the Old Dominion trading company, passed March 20,1863, No. 14. A bill for the relief of William E. Gaskins and James H, Gaskins. No. 8. An engrossed bill to amend and re-enact the 3d section of an act to incorporate the James river canal packet company, passed March 16, 1860, was read a third time and passed. Ordered, that the clerk communicate the same to the senate, and request their concurrence. The joint resolution authorizing the second auditor to receive from the Virginia and Tennessee rail road company one million dollars loaned by the state to said road, was taken up, and on motion, re¬ committed to the committee on finance. On motion of Mr. Haymond of Marion, the house adjourned until to-morrow, 12 o'clock. HOUSE OP DELEGATES. 51 SATURDAY, September 19, 1863. The Speaker announced the following select committee under the resolution of the house adopted on Thursday, in respect to alterations in the capitol building, &c.: Messrs. McCue, Burwell, Burr, Chal¬ mers, Shackleford, Patterson, English, Mathews, Herndon, Johnson of Carroll, and Mullens. Mr. Burwell, from the committee of roads and internal naviga¬ tion, presented the following bills: No. 17. A bill to authorize for a limited period the impressment of fuel by the Virginia Central rail road company. No. 18. A bill to authorize the impressment of slaves to be em¬ ployed in the repair of certain rail roads. Mr. Buford, from the committee on banks, to whom had been referred the following senate bill, reported the same without amend¬ ment : No. 8. A senate bill entitled an act to suppress the further issuing of small notes as a currency by the counties, cities and towns of this commonwealth. Mr. Buford, from the same committee, presented the following reports: The committee on banks have had under consideration the resolu¬ tion to enquire into the expediency of repealing an act authorizing certain counties, cities and towns to issue notes of less denomination than five dollars, and ask to be discharged from its further considera¬ tion, a bill on t^at subject having been reported from the senate. The committee on banks have had under consideration the resolu- tiqn to enquire into the expediency of compelling the banks of this commonwealth to receive all Confederate States treasury notes on deposit, and ask to be discharged from its further consideration, be¬ lieving that legislation at this time is unnecessary. Mr. Branch asked leave of absence for his colleague, Mr. Magru- der ; which was granted. On motion of Mr. English, Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice enquire into the expediency of changing the 31st section of the 184th chapter of the Code of 1860, so as to increase the fees of clerks of courts, when said courts are sitting upon the examination of persons charged with felony. Mr. Mullens submitted the following resolution: ■ Resolved by the general assembly of Virginia, that our senators in congress be instructed and our representatives be requested to use their efforts to procure the passage of an act repealing the substitute law, and making all persons who have employed substitutes and all able-bodied clerks in the various departments of the government sub¬ ject to the conscript law; which being objected to, lies over under the rule. On motion of Mr. Resolved, that^j^^i^nd^ftWSjJjjo^Ositions and grievances be 52 JOURNAL OF THE requested to enquire into the expediency of making certain amend¬ ments to the act incorporating the town of Ashland, passed February 1863. On motion of Mr. Johnson of Barbour, Resolved, that the committee on finance enquire into the ex¬ pediency of amending the 13th section of an act passed the 28th of March 1863, entitled an act imposing taxes for the suppqrt of govern¬ ment, so as to increase the rate of taxation from ten to fifty per cent., or such other rate as they may deem expedient, and report by bill or otherwise. * On motion of Mr. Duval, Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice be instructed to enquire into the expediency of passing a law making it a penal of¬ fence for any person to sell meat, grain, vegetables, or any article of food, for a higher price than that fixed by the commissioners of the confederate government, and report by bill or otherwise. On motion of Mr. Bryan, Resolved, that the committee of roads and internal navigation be instructed to enquire into the expediency of constructing a bridge, as a military necessity, over the Cowpasture river in the county of Bath, on the turnpike road leading from Milboro' depot, on the Central rail road, to the Warm springs. Mr. Dickey submitted the following resolution : Resolved, that when this house adjourns this day, it will adjourn to meet on Monday at 11 o'clock, and at that hour on every day during the present session; which being objected to, lies over under the rule. On motion of Mr. Morgan, Resolved, that the committee .of roads and internaf navigation en¬ quire into the expediency of requiring rail road companies to give receipts or checks for all baggage transported by them. On motion of Mr. Duval, Resolved, that the committee on military affairs enquire into the expediency of amending the exemption law of the state, so as to les¬ sen the number of exemptions. On motion of Mr. Crawford, Resolved, that the committee on military affairs enquire into the expediency of requiring justices of the peace, sheriffs, constables and militia officers to arrest deserters from the army, and suspicious per¬ sons who may be traveling through the country. The following engrossed bills were read a third time and passed: No. 3. A bill to increase jailors' fees for keeping and supporting prisoners—Ayes 100, noes 3. Ayes—Messrs. Sheffey (speaker), Ambers, Baker, Bouldin, Bowen, Bowles, Branch, Brooke, Bryan, Buffington, Buford, Burnett, Burr, Butler, Burwell, Coke, Cowan, Cox, Crawford, Cresap, Crockett, Cummings, Deane, Deyerle, Dickey, Douthat, Draper, Duval, English, Evans, Ferguson, Fleming, Flood, A. Fry, W. O. Fry, Gilmer, Goodall, Goody- koontz, Graham, Hall, L. D. Haymond, T. S. Haymond, Hendrick, Hiett, Hoge, Holden, Horton, Hughes, Huntt, Irving, J. B. Johnson, Jones, Kaufman, Keiley, Kenney, Lively, Lynch, Marr, Mathews, McCue, McCutcken, McElroy, MeMillan, McNeil, Meade, Melvin, Miller, Monroe, Morgan, Mullens, Nighbert, Parramore, Patterson, Pendleton, Pitman, Randolph, Reid, Robertson, Rowan, Rust, D. J. Saunders, F. Saunders, Shackleford, Sher- rard, Smith, Staples, T. W. Taylor, Thompson, Tibbs, J. Walker, Walton, Ward, Wil¬ liams, J. L. Wilson, Winn, Winston, Woodley, Woolfolk, Worsham and Wright—100, !>Toes—Messrs. W. Johnson, Lurty and Tomlin—3. HOUSE OF DELEGATES. 53 No. 5. A bill making an appropriation to pay certain expenses of government—Ayes 103. Ayes—Messrs. Sheffey (speaker), Ambers, Baker, Bouldin, Bowen, Bowles, Branch, Brooke, Bryan, Buffington, Buford, Burnett, Burr, Butler, Burwell, Coke, Cowan, Cox, Crawford, Crockett, Cummings, Deane, Deyerle, Dickey, Draper, Duval, English, Evans, Ferguson, Fleming, Flood, A. Fry, W. Q. Fry, Gilmer, Goodall, Goodykoontz, Graham, Hall, L. D. Haymond, T. S. Haymond, Hendrick, Hiett, Hoge, Holden, Horton, Hughes, Huntt, Irving, J. B. Johnson, W. Johnson, Jones, Kaufman, Keiley, Kennev, Lively, Lurty, Lynch, Marr, Mathews, McCue, McCutchen, McElroy, McMillan, McNeil, Meade, Melvin, Miller, Monroe, Morgan, Mullens, Nighbert, Parramore, Patterson, Pendleton, Pitman, Randolph, Reid, Rixey, Robertson, I. Robinson, Rowan, Rust, D. J. Saunders, F. Saunders, Shackleford, Sherrard, Smith, Staples, T. W. Taylor, Thompson, Tomlin, J. Walker, Walton, Ward, R. J. White, Williams, J. L. Wilson, Winn, Winston, Woodley, Wqolfolk, Worsham and Wright—103. No. 14. A bill for the relief of William E. Gaskins and James H. Gaskins. Ordered, that the clerk communicate the same to the senate, and request their concurrence. The following engrossed bill was read a third time, and on motion of Mr. Walton, was laid on the table: No. 7. A bill authorizing special terms of the circuit courts to be held to carry into effect the provisions of the law to prevent the un¬ lawful distillation of whiskey or other spirituous or malt liquors. The following engrossed bill was read a third time and passed: No. 9. A bill to amend and re-'enact an act entitled an act to in¬ corporate the Old Dominion trading company, passed March 24th, 1863. Ordered, that Mr. Saunders of Richmond carry the same to the senate, and request their concurrence. . The following bill was read a second time, and ordered to be en¬ grossed and read a third time: No. 16. A bill to incorporate the Petersburg fire and hose insu¬ rance company of the city of Petersburg. On motion of Mr. Haymond. of Marion, the house adjourned until Monday, 12 o'clock. MONDAY, September 21, 1S63. Prayer1 by Rev. Mr. Christian of the Methodist church. Isaiah A. Welch, a delegate from the county of Kanawha, ap¬ peared, was qualified and took his seat. Mr. Brooke, from the committee for courts of justice, presented the following bills: No. 19. A bill for the relief of Washington G. Singleton, clerk of the district court of the 6th judicial district. No. 20. A bill declaring what contracts shall be payable in cur¬ rency. No. 21. A bill to amend and re-enact section 11 of chapter 208 of the Code of Virginia. No. 22. A bill to amend and re-enact the 2Sth section of chapter 52 of the Code of Virginia, edition of 1S60. 54 JOURNAL OP THE Mr. Brooke, from the same committee, to whom had been refer¬ red a resolution enquiring as to the expediency of increasing the com¬ pensation now allowed by law to commissioners of the revenue, sheriffs and commonwealth's attorneys, presented a report, asking that the committee be discharged from the further consideration of the resolution, and that the same be referred to the committee on finance; which was agreed to. Mr. Brooke, from the same committee, to whom had been referred a resolution enquiring into the expediency of requiring all able-bo¬ died foreigners and refugees within the conscript age, and at present sojourning within the limits of the commonwealth, to serve in the army or leave the state, presented a report, asking that the commit¬ tee be discharged from the further consideration of the resolution, and that the same be referred to the committee on military affairs; which was agreed to. Mr. Anderson, from the committee on military affairs, presented the following bill: No. 23. A bill to reorganize the militia; which, on his motion, was read a first time, and ordered to be read a second time. Mr. Haymond, from the committee on the penitentiary, presented the following bill: No. 24. A bill amending and re-enacting chapter 213 of the Code of Virginia, reorganizing the penitentiary; which, on his motion, was read a first time, and ordered to be read a second time. Mr. Bouldin, from the committee on finance, presented the fol¬ lowing bill: No. 25. A bill, authorizing the second auditor to settle the loan of one million dollars, made to the Virginia and Tennessee rail road company by act of assembly passed 9th day of February 1853. Mr. Wilson of Islg of Wight submitted the following resolution; which being objected to, lies over under the rule : Resolved, that the general assembly will, on the day of , proceed to elect, by joint ballot, a commissioner, whose duty it shall be to visit the several states of this Confederacy, and to propose, on behalf of this commonwealth, to the legislatures of those states Respectively, to issue their bonds in an amount sufficient to absorb $300,000,000 of the outstanding treasury notes of the Confederate States, in proportionate sums, according to the population and pro¬ perty of each, with a view to reduce the volume of our currency, and to prevent a further depreciation thereof, and relieve the coun¬ try of the evils it is now suffering under, which grow out of the high prices of all the necessaries of life, and to recommend to the con¬ gress of the Confederate States the inauguration of a system of taxa¬ tion in the future, adequate to the support of the government, civil and military, according to the estimate to be made by the president -to the congress thereof annually, with a view to prevent the further issue of treasury notes. On motion of Mr. Anderson, the house resolved itself into secret session. On motion of Mr. Wilson of Isle of Wight, the house adjourned until to-morrow, 12 o'clock. HOUSE OF DELEGATES. 55 TUESDAY, September 22, 1863. Prayer by Rev. Mr. Christian of the Methodist church. Mr. Rutherfooed, from the committee for courts of justice, pre¬ sented the following bill: No. 28. A bill to repeal the act passed March 29, 1862, entitled an act providing for the exemption of certain parties upon religious grounds. Mr. Rutherfoord, from the same committee, to whom had been referred a resolution enquiring into the expediency of increasing the compensation of clerks, sheriffs, &c., presented a report, asking to be discharged from the further consideration of the subject, and that the same be referred to the committee on finance. Mr. Rutherfoord, from the sqme committee, presented the fol¬ lowing reports: An adverse report upon the resolution of enquiry whether addi¬ tional legislation is necessary to protect the citizens of the state from outrages of any character. An adverse report as to the expediency of amending the act further to provide for the public defence, passed March 13, 1863. An adverse report as to the expediency of increasing the pay of the members of the general assembly. Mr. Burwell, from the committee of roads and internal naviga¬ tion, presented the following report : An adverse repqrt as to the expediency of prohibiting by law the sale of the rolling stock, rail road iron and* other machinery of the rail roads of this state into other states kof the Confederacy, to be used beyond the limits of this state. On motion of Mr. Pendleton, Resolved, that the committee on finance enquire into the expedi¬ ency of abolishing the office of paymaster of the Virginia forces; whether the pay accounts have been ascertained arfd adjusted; and if not, what steps are necessary to audit and ascertain the amount expended; whether any officers not on duty are receiving pay from the state of Virginia, and who; and to report any expense connected with the state line not heretofore reported; and that said committee be authorized to send for persons and papers. On motion -of Mr. Crockett, Resolved, that the committee of roads and internal navigation en¬ quire into the expediency of authorizing an increase of the capital stock of the Virginia and Tennessee rail road company. On motion of Mr. Mathews, Resolved, that the committee on finance be instructed to enquire into the expediency of - increasing the compensation of the clerks of the court of appeals. On motion of Mr. Wright, Resolved, that the committee on finance enquire into the expedi¬ ency of relieving Thos. W. Garrett of the county of King & Queen, of a tax on a stallion taken from him by the public enemy. 56 JOURNAL OF THE On motion of Mr. Taylor of Prince George and Surry, Resolved, that the committee^ of propositions and grievances be instructed to enquire'into the expediency of establishing by law, at some healthy and convenient locality, a home for Virginia soldiers who have been or may be so disabled by wounds received in battle or by disease contracted in camp, as to totally unfit them for farther service either in the field or other departments, and who are without the means of support. On motion of Mr. Staples, Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice enquire intorthe expediency of amending and re-enacting the 9Sth chapter of the Code of Virginia, so as to provide more efficient patrols for the coun¬ ties of this commonwealth. . On motion of Mr. Shackleford, Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice be instructed to enquire into the expediency of amending the 9th section of the act to suspend sales and legal proceedings in certain cases, passed March 29th, 1862, so as to allow the debtor the benefit of a tender of pay¬ ment after the institution of the suit. The joint resolution heretofore submitted by Mr. Wilson of- Isle of Wight, proposing the appointment of a commissioner to visit the several • states of the Confederacy, to propose, on behalf of Virginia, the issue of $300,000,000 of state bonds, for the purpose of absorb¬ ing the currency of the Confederate States, &c., was taken up on his motion; and the question being on agreeing thereto, on motion of Mr. Anderson, the resolution was referred to the committee on con¬ federate relations. * Mr.. Bouldin presented a resolution of the board of public works, referring a petition of Thomas R. Friend to the general assembly; and on his motion, the resolution and the petition were referred to the committee on finance. Mr. Tredwaj presented the petition of Messrs. Elam, Gray, Brightwell and others, of Prince Edward county, for the exemption of inspectors of tobacco, which was ordered to be referred to the committee on military affairs. On motion of Mr. Cowan, Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice be instructed to enquire into the expediency of revising and amending the act of 1792, entitled an act against divulgers of false news. On motion of Mr. Kelley, Resolved, that the committee on finance be instructed to ^enquire into the expediency of permitting the South side rail road company to pay off its indebtedness to the state, or so much thereof as it may be able out of its earnings to discharge. On motion of Mr. James, Resolved, that the corpmittee for courts of justice enquire into the expediency of repealing so much of the stay law as to authorize the sale of property under deeds of trust, fi. fas. or decrees, when the creditors are willing to receive payment of their debts in confederate money. HOUSE OP DELEGATES. 57 On motion of Mr. Ambers, Resolved, that so much of the governor's message as relates to a requisition of slave labor from the different counties of the state to work on public fortifications, be referred to the committee on con¬ federate relations, with instructions to enquire into the justice of the apportionment of said requisition. On motion of Mr. Staples, Resolved, that the committee for courts-of justice enquire into the expediency of so amending the act for the support of soldiers' fami¬ lies, as to make the same apply to the families of deceased soldiers. On motion of Mr. Haymond of Marion, Resolved, that the presidents of the Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac rail road company and the Richmond and Petersburg rail road company, and the presidents of other rail road companies in this state, be requested to report to this house the number of stock¬ holders in each of said rail road companies who reside in the United States, with the amount of stock they hold in each of said compa¬ nies; and also to state the semi-annual or annual dividends declared by each of said companies on their stock since the first day of May 1861; and also whether any such dividends since that 'time have been paid to stockholders or their agents, whose residence is known or believed to be in the United States; if so, what amount has been so paid. On motion of Mr. Pendleton, Resolved, that the committee on finance enquire into the expe¬ diency of reporting a bill authorizing rail road and other corporations to pay to the state of Virginia, in Virginia bonds, any outstanding- debt not due, who desire to pay the same before maturity; and that said committee further enquire whether any rail road in this state has violated the provisions of the law passed at the last session; limiting the rates of transportation of passengers to six cents per mile. On moti6n of Mr. Holden, Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice enquire into the expediency of making all sheriffs, collectors, and their securities, who have held or may hold office under the usurped government of Vir¬ ginia at the city of Wheeling, now known as West Virginia, liable for the full amount of all taxes and public dues collected by them, their deputy or- deputies. Mr. Brooke submitted the following joint resolution; which being objected to, was laid over under the rule: Resolved, that a joint committee, to consist of members of the senate and members of the house of delegates, be ap¬ pointed, to whom are referred the report of the board of public works, acting as supervisors of salt works, dated on the 11th day of September 1863, and the accompanying documents, with instructions to enquire into the matters of fact alleged and suggestion set forth therein; and also into such other causes as in their opinion have tended to hinder, delay or prevent the procurement of a supply of salt to the people of Virginia in due time; and also to enquire what resources, in addition to those now under control of the state, can be 8 58 JOURNAL OF THE made available to secure such supply in due time; and also what further legislation, either in amendment of prior laws or by original enactment, is advisable: and 'said committee is authorized to send for such persons and papers as may in its opinion be necessary in the investigation of the matters referred to it. « No. 8. A senate bill entitled an act to suppress the further issuing of small notes as a currency by the counties, cities and towns of this commonwealth, was read a third time and passed. Ordered, that the clerk inform the senate thereof. The following engrossed bills were read a third time and passed: No. 7.. An engrossed bill authorizing special terms of the circuit courts to be held, to carry into effect the provisions of the law to prevent the unlawful distillation of whiskey or other spirituous or malt liquors. No. 16. An engrossed bill to incorporate the Fire and hose insu¬ rance company of the city of Petersburg. Ordered, that the clerk communicate the same to the senate, and request their concurrence. No. 23. A bill to reorganize the militia, was read a second time, and on motion of Mr. Anderson, laid on the table, and made the or¬ der of the day for to-morrow at 12 o'clock, and so on from day to day until disposed of. On motion of Mr. Anderson, Resolved, that when this house adjourns to-day, it will adjourn to meet at 11 o'clock on to-morrow, and so on from day to day until otherwise ordered. The following bills were read the first time, and ordered to be read a second time: No. 17. A bill to authorize for a limited period the impressment of fuel by the Virginia Central rail road company. No. 18. A bill to authorize the impressment of slaves to be em¬ ployed in the repair of certain rail roads. No. 19. A bill for the relief of Washington Gr. Singleton, clerk of the district court of the 6th judicial district. No. 20. A bill declaring what contract shall be payable in cur¬ rency. No. 21. A bill to amend and re-enact section 11 of chapter 208 of the Code of Virginia. No. 22. A bill to amend and re-enact the 2Sth section of chapter 52 of the Code of Virginia (edition of 1860). No. 25. A bill authorizing the second auditor to settle tlie loan of one million dollars made to the Virginia and Tennesse rail road com¬ pany by act of assembly passed 9th day of February 1853. No. 28. A bill to repeal the act passed March 29, 1862, entitled an act providing for the exemption of certain parties upon religious grounds. On motion of Mr. Anderson, the house resolved itself into secret session; and after some time passed therein, the doors were opened, on motion of Mr. Wright. . And then, on his further motion, the house adjourned until to¬ morrow at 11 o'clock. HOUSE OF DELEGATES. 59 WEDNESDAY, September 23, 1863. Mr. Bouldin, from the committee on finance, presented the fol¬ lowing bill: No. 29. A hill providing for the payment of tobacco destroyed by fire at the public warehouse. Mr. Bouldin, from the same committee, to' whom had been re¬ ferred a resolution as to the expediency of abolishing the office of paymaster of the Virginia forces, presented a report, asking to be discharged from the consideration of the subject, and that the same be referred to the committee on military affairs. On motion of Mr. Tomlin, the report was laid on the table. Mr. Bouldin, from the same committee, to whom had been re¬ ferred a resolution enquiring into the expediency of increasing, the compensation of the clerks of the court of appeals, presented a re¬ port, asking to be discharged from the consideration of the subject, and that fche same be referred to the committee for courts of justice; which was concurred in. Mr. Anderson, from the committee on military affairs, to whom had been referred the memorial of the Sandy river guards, asking a reorganization of the militia, presented a report, asking to be dis- .charged from the further consideration of the subject. Mr. Anderson, from the same committee, to whom had been re¬ ferred a resolution in relation to legislation to enable the Virginia Central and Orange and Alexandria rail roads to obtain labor, to keep their roads in working order, presented a report, asking to be dis¬ charged from the further consideration of the subject. Mr. Buford, from the committee on banks, presented the follow¬ ing bill: No. 30. A bill to protect the treasury notes of the Confederate Sta/tes from improper depreciation, by restricting, the sale or ex¬ change thereof at less than their nominal value, and the exportation of coin and other state currency to foreign states; which, on his motion, was read a first time, and ordered to be read a second time. On motion of Mr. Haymond of Marion, * Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice enquire into the expediency of authorizing the city of Richmond to impress the Ches¬ terfield coal pits, for the purpose of supplying the citizens of said city • with coal; and also to impress wood and wood land; and to employ the free negro convicts in the penitentiary to work in said pits, and in procuring wood; and to employ such other labor as the said city may deem proper; and to impress rail roads or other means of trans¬ portation. On motion of Mr. Walton, Resolved, that the committee on finan.ce enquire into the expe¬ diency of reporting a bill amending the 7th section of chapter 107 of the Code of Virginia, so as .to provide for the imposition of a tax of not less than two dollars and fifty cents upon seals attached to the registers of free negroes. 60 JOURNAL OF THE The resolution heretofore submitted by Mr. Brooke, was taken up, on his motion, for consideration. Mr. Crockett moved to amend the resolution, by striking out a reference to a joint committee, and referring the subject contained in the resolution to the select committee of the house, heretofore appointed in relation to the causes of the delay in. delivering the supply of salt heretofore contracted for by Stuart, Buchanan & Co. to be delivered to the counties of the state, &c.; and the question being on agreeing thereto, Mr. Haymond of Marion demanded the previous question ; which was sustained by the house; and being put, was decided in the negative. The question recurring on agreeing to the resolution, Mr. James demanded the previous question; which was sustained by the house; and being put, was decided in the affirmative—Ayes 103, noes 11. On motion of Mr. Brooke, the vote was recorded as follows: Ayes—Messrs. Sheffey (speaker), Anderson, Baker, Barksdale, Bowen, Bowels, Branch, Brooke, Bryan, Buffington, Buford, Burr, Butler, Burwell, Chalmers, Coke, Cowan, Cox, Crawford, Custis, Deyeiie, Dickey, Douthat, Draper, Duval, Edwards, English, Ferguson, Fletcher, Flood, A. Fry, W. O. Fry, Gilmer, Goodall, Gooaykoontz, Hall, HAis, L. D. Haymond, T. S. Hayniond, Hendrick, Hemdon, Hoge, Hughes, Huntt, James, J. B. John- sou, W. Johnson, Jones, Jordan, Kaufman, Keiley, Kenney, Lively, Lundy, Lynch, Marr, Mathews, McCue, McElroy, McKinney, McMillan, McNeil, Meade, Melvin, Miller, Monroe, Morgan, Mullens, Mu.daugh, Nighbert, Parra'more, Patterson, Pendleton, Pitman, Pretlow, Reid, Richardson, Riddick, Rixey, I. Robinson, Rowan, Rust, Ruther- foord, D. J. Saunders, E. T. Saunders, F. Saunders, Shackleford, Shelton, Sherrard, Snow- den, Staples, R. F. Taylor, T. W. Taylor, Thompson, Tibbs, Tomlin, Tredway, J. Walker, Walton, Ward, R. J. White, Winn and Worsham—103. Noes—Messrs. Crockett, Cummings, Evans, Fleming, Graham, Linkous, Robertson, Smith, Stewart, Williams and Winston—11. The resolution as agreed to is as follows : Resolved that a joint committee, to consist of'five members of the senate and nine members of the house of delegates, be appointed, to whom are referred the report of the board of public works, acting as supervisors of salt works, dated on the j 1th day of September 1S63, and the accompanying documents, with instructions to enquire into the matters of fact alleged, and suggestions set forth therein; and also into such other causes as in their opinion have tended to hinder, delay or prevent the procurement of a supply of salt to the people of Virginia in "due time; and also to enquire what resources, in addi¬ tion to those now under control of the state, can be made available to secure such supply in due time; and also what further legislation, either in amendment of prior laws or by original enactment, is ad¬ visable; and said committee is authorized to send for such persons and papers as may in its opinion be necessary in the investigation of the matters referred to it. Ordered, that the clerk communicate the same to the senate, and request their concurrence. The hour having arrived for the consideration of the order of the day, No. 23. A bill to reorganize the militia (on its second reading), being the order of the day, was taken up: Mr. Robertson moved to amend the first section of the bill, by striking out the word "sixty" (being the maximum age provided for in the bill for militia service), and to insert "fifty-five." HOUSE OF DELEGATES. 61 Mr. Buford asked a division of the question; which was agreed to; and the question being on agreeing to striking out the word "sixty"—pending the consideration thereof, On motion of Mr. Lundy, the further consideration of the 1st sec¬ tion of the bill was passed by. Mr. Harris moved to reconsider the vote by which the house agreed to pass by the 1st section of the bill; and the question being on agreeing thereto, Mr. Wilson of Isle of Wight demanded the previous question; which was sustained by the house; and being put, was decided in the affirmative. The question being on the motion to pass by the first section, was put, and decided in the negative. The question recurring on striking out in the first section the word "sixty"—pending the consideration of which, On motion of Mr. Fleming, the house adjourned until to-morrow, 11 o'clock. THURSDAY, September 24, 1863. Prayer by Rev. Mr. Christian of the Methodist church. Mr. Bouldin, from the committee on. finance, presented the fol¬ lowing bill: No. 31. A bill authorizing the board of public works, acting as a board of supervisors for the production and distribution of salt, to modify the contract of lease between Stuart, Buchanan & Co. and Thomas R. Friend. Mr. Anderson, from the committee on military affairs, to whom had been referred a resolution enquiring into the expediency of re¬ moving the slaves from our borders, presented a report, asking to be discharged from the further consideration of the subject. The report of the committee on finance, asking that a resolution as to the expediency of* abolishing the office of paymaster of the Virginia forces, &c., be referred to the committee on military affairs, was taken up and concurred in. Mr. Saunders of Richmond presented the memorial of a comr mittee of the mechanics and working men of Richmond, praying the passage of sundry laws by the general assembly, to prevent extortion, &c.; which was read, and on motion of Mr. Anderson, was ordered to be referred to a select committee. Mr. McCue submitted the following preamble and resolution 'r which, on motion, was ordered to be referred to the committee on agriculture and manufactures. Whereas it is as important to clothe our army as to feed it; and whereas, by a thoughtless and indiscriminate slaughter of the sheep of the Southern Confederacy, both by the army and by the citizens of the several states, for the purpose of food, and also by the ravages of dogs; and whereas it is important to call the attention of the 62 JOURNAL OF THE confederate government, as well as of each of the Confederate States, to the necessity of immediate legislation for the encourage¬ ment of the growth of wool: Therefore, Eesolved by the general assembly of Virginia, that the confederate congress and each of the other states of this Confederacy be re¬ quested to so legislate as to protect this important interest, and thereby enable the government to clothe our army and our people; and that the governor of this commonwealth be requested to for¬ ward a copy of the foregoing preamble and resolution to the con¬ gress of the confederate government, and to the governors of each of the states. On motion of Mr. Buford, Eesolved, that the committee of propositions and grievances be in¬ structed to enquire into the expediency of authorizing the common council of the town of Danville to procure a sufficient quantity of land in the county of Pittsylvania, or within the corporate limits of said -town, for the purpose of establishing a public poor house and a public park for the use t)f said town. On motion of Mr. Saunders of Eichmond, Eesolved, that the committee of roads and internal navigation en¬ quire into the expediency of increasing the rates of toll on bridges, and of so amending the act to regulate tolls on Mayo's bridge, passed March 12, J 83d, as to prevent evasions of the purpose of that act.- On motion of Mr. Buford, Eesolved, that the committee on banks be instructed to enquire into the expediency of providing such legislation as may aid or en¬ courage the combination of individual capital for the absorption of the redundant circulating currency of the country; that they also enquire into and report such plan of individual or state co-operation 'upon the subject of the currency, as may promise relief from the evils that prevail on that subject. - The hour having arrived for the consideration of the order of the day, No. 23. A bill to reorganize the militia, being the order of the day (on its second reading), was taken up; and the question being on the motion to strike out the word "sixty" (the maximum age for militia service), Mr. Staples demanded the previous question; which was sustained by the house; and being put, was decided in the affirmative—Ayes 93, noes 31. On motion of Mr. Miller, the vote was recorded as follows: Ayes—Messrs. Sheffey (speaker), Ambers, Baker, Bouldin, Bowles, Branch, Brooke, Bryan, Buffiugton, Buford, Butler, Chalmers, Coke, Cowan, Cox, Crawford, Crockett, Cum- mings, Custis, Deane, Dickey, Douthat, Draper, English, Fleming, Fletcher, Flood, A. Fry, W. O. Fry, Gilmer, Goodall, Goode, Goodykoontz, Graham, Harris, L. D. Haymond, T. S. Haymond, Hoge, Horton, Huntt, Irving, J. B. Johnson, Jones, Kaufman, Kenney, Lundy, Ltirty, Lynch, Marye, Mathews, McCue, McCutchen, McElroy, McKinney, McNeil, Melvin, Miller, Morgan, Mullens, R. E. Nelson, Parramore, Patterson, Pretlow, Randolph, Riddick, Rixey, Robertson, Rowan, Rust, Rutherfoord, D. J. Saunders, F. Saunders, Scott, Skackleford, Sherrard, Smith, Staples, R. F. Taylor, T. W. Taylor, Tomlin, Tivdway, J. Walker, Walton, Ward, R. J. White, Williajns, J. L. Wilson, Winn, Winston, Woodley, Woolfolk, Worsham and Wright—93. Noes—Messrs. Anderson, Barksdale, Bowen, Cresap, Deyerle, Duval, Evans, Ferguson, Hendrick, Herndon, Holden, Hutcheson, James, W. Johnson, Jordan, Linkous, Lively, house of delegates; 63 Magruder, Marr, McMillan, Meade, Monroe, Nighbert, Pendleton, Pitman, Richardson, J. A. Robinson, Shelton, Snowden, Stewart and Tibbs—31. The question recurring on agreeing to the motion to insert "fifty- five," Mr. Lundy demanded the previous question; which was sus¬ tained by the house; and being put, was decided in the negative— Ayes 31, noes 9-5. . . On motion of Mr. Anderson, the vote was recorded as follows: Ayes—Messrs. Anderson, Bowen, Bowles, Brooke, Bryan, Buffington, Butler, Burwell, Cowan, Crawford, Cresap, Crockett, Draper, Ferguson, Fleming, Huntt, Irving, W. John¬ son, Jordan, Lurty, Meade, Pitman, Rixey, Rowan, D. J. Saunders, E. T. Saunders, Shackleford, Sherrard, Thompson, Ward, Williams and J. L. Wilson—31. Noes—Messrs. Sheffey (speaker), Ambers, Baker, Barksdale, Bouldin, Branch, Buford, Chalmers, Coke, Cox, Cummings, Custis, Deane, Deyerle, Dickey, Douthat, Duval, Ed¬ wards, English, Evans, Fletcher, Flood, A. Fry, W. O. Fry, Gilmer, Goodall, Goode, Goodykoontz, Graham, Harris, L. D. Haymond, T. S. Haymond, Hendrick, Herndon, Hiett, Hoge, Holdeii, Horton, Hutcheson, James, J. B. Johnson, Jones, Kaufman, Keiley, Kenney, Linkous, Lively, Lundy, Lynch, Magruder, Marr, Marye, Mathews, McCue, McCutehen, McElroy, McKinney, McMillan, McNeil, Melvin, Miller, Monroe, Morgan, Mullens, R. E. Nelson, Nighbert, Parramore, Patterson, Pendleton, Pretlow, Randolph, Richardson, Rid- dick, J. A. Robinson, Rust, Rutlierfoord, F. Saunders, Scott, Shelton, Smith, Snowden, Staples, Stewart, R. F. Taylor, T. W. Taylor, Tibbs, Tomlin, Tredway, J. Walker, Walton, R. J. White, Winston, Woodley, Worsham and Wright—95. On motion of Mr. Fleming, Resolved, that on any amendment to the pending bill other than the one now under consideration, no member shall speak more than once, nor longer than ten minutes. Mr. Tomlin moved to amend the bill, by striking out in the 2d line of the 1st section the words " between the ages of 16 and years," and of inserting " over the age of 16 years, capable of performing military service;" and the question being on agreeing thereto, Mr. Haymond of Braxton demanded the previous question; which was sustained by the house; and being put, was decided in the negative— Ayes, 23, noes 98. On motion of Mr. Tomlin, the vote was recorded as follows : • Ayes—Messrs. Barksdale, Bland, Burwell, Cresap, Deyerle, Evans, L. D. Haymond, Hendrick, Hiett, Hutcheson, James, Jordan, Linkous, Magruder, McMillan, Monroe, Nigh¬ bert, Pitman, Richardson, Shelton, Tomlin, R. J. White and Woodley—23. Noes—Messrs. Sheffey (speaker), Ambers, Anderson, Bouldin, Bowen, Bowles, Branch, Brooke, Bryan, Buffington, Buford, Burr, Butler, Chalmers, Coke, Cowan, Cox, Crawford, Crockett, Cummings, Custis, Deane, Dickey, Douthat, Edwards, English, Fleming, Fletcher, Flood, A. Fry, W. O. Fry, Gilmer, Goodall, Goode, Goodykoontz, Graham, Hall, Harris, T. S. Haymond, Hoge, Horton, Huntt, Irving, J. B. Johnson, W. Johnson, Jones, Kaufman, Keiley, Kenney, Lively, Lundy, Lynch, Marr, Mathews, McCue, McElroy, McKinney, McNeil, Meade, Melvin, Miller, Morgan, Mullens, R. E. Nelson, Parramore, Patterson, Pendleton, Pretlow, Randolph, Reid, Riddick, Rixey, Robertson, Rowan, Rust, Rutlierfoord,. D. J. Saunders, E. T. Saunders, F. Saunders, Shackleford, "Sherrard, Smith, Staples, Stewart, R. F. Taylor, Tl W. Taylor, Tredway, J. Walker, Walton, Ward, N. W. White, Williams, J. L. Wilson, Winn, Winston, Woolfolk, Worsham and Wright—98. Mr. Bouldin moved to amend the bill, by striking out in the 1st section, 1st line, the words "in the militia," and to insert "in the forces organized for local defence under this act." Mr. Anderson moved to amend the amendment, by inserting be¬ fore the word "local" the word "state;" and the Question being on agreeing thereto—pending the consideration of which, On motion of Mr. Haymond of Marion, the house adjourned until to-morrow, 11 o'clock. 64 JOURNAL OF THE FRIDAY, September 25, 1863. Prayer by Rev. Mr. Christian of the Methodist church. Mr. Rutherfoord, from the committee for courts of justice, pre¬ sented the following report: An adverse report as to the expediency of reviving and amending the act of 1792, entitled an act against divulgers of false news. Mr. Magruder, from the committee of propositions and grievances, reported the following bill: No. 32. A bill to amend the charter of the town of Ashland. Mr. Magruder, from the same committee, presented the following report: An adverse report as to the expediency of establishing by law a home for disabled soldiers. Mr. Bouldin, from the committee on finance, presented the •fol¬ lowing bill: No. 33. A bill authorizing rail road companies and other corpora¬ tions to pay their indebtedness to the commonwealth in a certain manner. Mr. Bouldin, from the same committee, to whom had been re¬ ferred a resolution to enquire whether any rail road in this state has violated the provisions of the law passed at.the last session, limiting the rates of transportation of passengers to 6 cents per mile, ask to be discharged from the further consideration of the same, and that it be referred to the committee of roads and internal navigation. Mr. Robertson, from the committee on confederate relations, re¬ ported the following bill: No. 34. A bill amending and re-enacting the 1st section of an act entitled an act to amend and re-enact an act further to provide for the public defence, passed October 3, 1862. On motion of Mr McCue, Resolved, that the committee of roads and internal navigation be requested to enquire into the necessity of so amending the 25th sec¬ tion of the 61st chapter of the Code of Virginia, as to require the several rail roads of this commonwealth to carry the arms, equip¬ ments and munitions of war at the rates now prescribed by law, whether these things be sent at the time of the shipment of troops on said road^, or at any time. On motion of Mr. Gilmer, Resolved, that the committee on banks enquire into the expediency of authorizing the banks in this commonwealth to redeem their issues in confederate currency, and of requiring the holders of such issues, under the penalty of forfeiture or other adequate penalty, to present them for redemption within a limited time, to be specified by law. On motion of Mr. Burwell, Resolved, that the committee of roads and internal navigation en¬ quire into the expediency of reporting a bill requiring rail road com¬ panies to afford additional facilities to travelers in purchasing tickets and in opening the cars. HOUSE OF DELEGATES. 65 A message was received from the senate by Mr. Douglas, inform¬ ing the house of delegates that the senate had agreed to the joint resolution for the appointment of a joint committee on the subject of salt, and had appointed a committee on their part. The Speaker announced the following committee under the reso¬ lution, on the part of the house: Messrs. Brooke, Cummings, Goode, Haymond of Braxton, &c., Marr, Winston, Williams, Evans and Linkous. The Speaker announced the following select committee on the subject of extortion: Messrs. Anderson, Saunders of Richmond city, Marye, Wilson of Norfolk county, Bowen, Herndon, Deyerle, Hut- cheson, Worsham, Keiley, Gioodall, Mullens and Snowden. On motion of Mr. Anderson, Resolved, that the committee on extortion and speculation be au¬ thorized to send for persons and papers,.and that the bills on the subject of extortion, reported to the last legislature, and the testi¬ mony taken before the committee which reported them, be with¬ drawn, and referred to the committee on extortion and speculation. No. 22. A bill to amend and re-enact the 28th section of chapter 52 of the Code of Virginia (edition of 1860), was taken up, on mo¬ tion of Mr. Ambers, read a second time, amended, and as amended ordered to Re engrossed and read a third time. No. 12. A bill to amend the 4th and 5th sections of the 87th chapter of the Code of Virginia, was taken up, on motion of Mr. Rutherfoord, read a second time, amended, and as amended or¬ dered to be engrossed and read a third time. [The title of the bill was amended so as to amend and re-enact the 56th section.] The hour having arrived for the consideration of the order of the day," No. 23. A bill to reorganize the militia, being the order of the day (on its second reading), was taken up; and the question being on the amendment proposed .by Mr. Anderson to the amendment to the first section proposed by..Mr. Bouldin—pending the considera¬ tion of which, Mr. Staples submitted the following resolution: ♦Resolved, that the bill now pending be recommitted to the com¬ mittee on military affairs, and that said committee are hereby in¬ structed to report a. bill for the organization of the military forces of the state, upon the following principles: 1st. That the military forces shall be divided into two classes— the first to be denominated "State Militia;" and therein service shall be due from every white male between the ages of • eighteen-and forty-five, including persons who have substitutes in the confederate army, persons residing in this commonwealth, and all others not ex¬ empt by the laws thereof. The second class shall be knowh as " Home Guardsand shall consist of all white males between the ages of sixteen and eighteen and forty-five and sixty, who are resi¬ dents of the state and not exempt by the laws thereof. 2d. The state militia shall be liable at any time to be called into 9 66 JOURNAL OF THE active service by the governor, to repel invasion, to suppress insur¬ rection, to guard public property and public works, or to .cooperate with the confederate army in resisting the movements of the public enemy in any portion of this commonwealth.. But such class shall in no case serve for a longer- period than six months. The second class, or home guards, shall be liable to the same service, but only in their respective counties, and the counties immediately contiguous thereto. They may also be called on to arrest deserters from the confederate army; but in no case shall they be called out except by the commandants of their respective counties, or for more than ten days at any one time; and the question being on agreeing thereto, Mr. Rutherfoord demanded the previous question; which was sus¬ tained by the house; and being put, was decided in the negative. The question recurring on agreeing to the amendment submitted by Mr. Anderson to strike out the words "-state and" before the words " local defence," in the amendment submitted by Mr. Bouldin, was put, and decided in the negative. The question recurring on agreeing to the amendment submitted by Mr. Bouldin, to strike out in the first line of the 1st section of the bill the words "in the militia," and to insert "in the forces or¬ ganized for local defence under this act," was put, and decided in the affirmative. A message was received from the senate by Mr. Brannon, who in¬ formed the house of delegates that the senate had passed house bill entitled an act making an appropriation to pay certain expenses of government, No. 5, with an amendment : in which they respectfully requested the concurrence of the house of delegates. On motion of Mr. Harris, the house adjourned until to-morrow, 11 o'clock. / SATURDAY, September 26, 1863. 'Prayer by Rev. Mr. Christian of the Methodist church. The amendment proposed by the senate to house bill No. 5, en¬ titled an act making an appropriation to pay certain expenses of government, was taken up and concurred in—Ayes 95. Ayes—Mcssfs. Ambers, Anderson, Bland, Bouldin, Bowen, Bowles, Branch, Brooke, Bryan, Buffing ton, Buford, Burr, Butler, Burwell, Chalmers, Coke, Cowan, Crawford,- Cresap, Crockett, Cummings, Custis, Deane, Deyerle, Douthat, Draper, Duval, English, Evans, Flood, A. Fry, W. O. Fry, Goodall, Goode, Goodykoontz, Graham, Harris, L. D. Haymgnd, T. S. Haymond, Herndon, Hiett, Holden, Horton, Hutcheson, Irving, J. B. Johnson, W. JoBnson, Jordan, Kaufman, Kenney, Ivindriek, Lively, Lundy, Lurty, Lynch, Magruder, Marr, Marye, McElroy, McKinney, McMillan, McNeil, Meade, Melvin, Miller, Monroe, R. E. Nelson, Patterson, Pendleton, Pitman, Reid, Richardson, Rixey, Robertson, I. IJpbinson, J. A. Robinson, Rust, Rutherfoord, D. J. Saunders, E. T. Saunders, F. Saun¬ ders, Scott, Shackleford, Shelton, Snowden, Staples, Stewart, Thompson, Tredway^Ward, R. J. White, Williams, J. L. Wilson, Winn, Winston, Woodley and WorsKam—95. Ordered, that the clerk inform the senate thereof. Mr. Anderson, from the committee on military affairs, presented the following bill: HdUSE OF DELEGATES. 67 No. 35. A bill appointing a commission to make experiments with torpedoes and submarine batteries. Mr. Bouldin*, from the committee on finance, presented the fol¬ lowing bill: No. 36. A bill concerning auctioneers. Which said bills were subsequently read a first time, and ordered to be read a second time. On motion of Mr. Pendleton, Resolved, that the committee of roads and internal navigation en¬ quire igato the expediency of reporting a bill regulating the rights and duties of express companies, and'of prohibiting officers, agents and stockholders thereof from having any priority of transportation over other citizens of this commonwealth. On motion of Mr. Hutcheson, Resolved, that the committee of propositions and grievances be • authorized to enquire into the expediency of employing the male convicts in the penitentiary in the coal mines near the city of Rich¬ mond, and of devoting the proceeds of their .labor towards furnishing fuel to the destitute wives and families of our soldiers in this city and vicinity, and such refugee ladies as may need such assistance; and that said committee be authorized, if they deem it expedient, to furnish such*aid, through the Young men's christian association of the city of Richmond. On motion of Mr. Haymond of Braxton, Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice enquire into the propriety of so amending sections 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th and 5th of chapter 198 of the Code of Virginia, as to more effectually suppress gaming. * No. 22. An engrossed bill to amend and re-enact the 28th section of .chapter 52 of the Code of Virginia (edition of 1860), was taken up and read a third time. Mr. Ambers submitted a ryder to the bill; which was read a first and second times, and ordered to be engrossed and read a .third time; and the question being—Shall the bill pass ? was put, and decided in the affirmative. Ordered, that Mr. Ambers carry the same to the senate", and re¬ quest their concurrence. No. 12. An engrossed bill to amend and re-enact the 4th, 5th and 56th sections of the 87th chapter of the Code of Virginia, was read a third time and passed. Ordered, that the clerk communicate the same to the senate, and respectfully request their concurrence therein. No. 10. A bill prohibiting sales by auction in certain cases, was taken up, on motion of Mr. Bouldin, and read a second time, and on motion of Mr. Burwell, was recommitted to the committee on finance. Mr. Marye, at his own request, was relieved from serving on the committee for extortion. Mr. Haymond of Marion was appointed on said committee. 68 JOURNAL OP THE The hour having arrived for the consideration of the order of the day, No. 23. A bill to reorganize the militia, being the order of the day (on its second reading), was taken up. Mr. Hutcheson moved to strike out the first section, and insert in lieu thereof the following: "All able-bodied white males domiciled in the state, between the ages of forty-five and fifty years, and all under that age who may have furnished substitutes, and all foreigners between the ages of sixteen and forty-five years, domiciled in the state, shall be liable to military duty, and be organized into companies, battalions and regi¬ ments, as the executive of the commonwealth may deem best for the public interest, and shall be placed at the disposal of the con¬ federate government, for a period of twelve months, unless sooner discharged, whenever called upon by the president of the Confede¬ rate States, and be armed and equipped by said government. 2. Every white male between the ages of sixteen and sixty years, domiciled in this state, and not included in the foregoing section, shall be liable to militia duty, foi\.the purpose of home defence, and subject to the provisions herein after enacted." The question being on agreeing thereto, Mr. James demanded the previous question; which was sustained by the house; and being put, was decided in the negative. Mr. Buford moved to amend the first section, by striking out the word "domiciled," and inserting "resident." Mr. McKinney moved to amend the amendment, by inserting after the word "commonwealth" the words "for six months" (so that the bill'would read "resident in this commonwealth for six months"); and the question being on agreeing thereto, Mr. James demanded the previous question; which was sustained by the house; and being put, was decided in the affirmative. The question recurring on agreeing to the amendment as amended, was put, and decided in the affirmative—Ayes 78, noes 23. On motion of Mr. Buford, the vote was recorded as follows: Axes—Messrs. Ambers, Bland, Brooke, Buford, Butler, Burwell, Cox, Cresap, Crockett, Cummings, Custis, Deane, Deyerle, Dickey, Douthat, Draper, Duval, Edwards, Evans, Flood, A. Fry, W. O. Fry. Goodykoontz, Graham, L. D. Raymond, T. S. Raymond, Hern- don, Hiett, Hoge, Holden, Horton, Huntt, James, J. B. Johnson, W. Johnson, Jordan, Kenne.y, Lively, Lundy, Lynch, Magruder, Mathews, McCutchen, -McElroy, McKinney, McMillan, McNeil, Melvin, Miller, Mullens, R. E. Nelson, Nighbert, Patterson, Pendleton, Pitman, Powell, Reid, Richardson, I. Robinson, Rowan, Rutherfoord, D. J. Saunders, E. T. Saundertf, Scott, Shackleford, Shelton, Sherrard, Staples, Stewart, T. W. Taylor, Thomp¬ son, Tibbs, J. Walker, Ward', R. J. White, Williams, J. L. Wilson, Woodley, Worsham and Wright—78. Noes—Messrs. Anderson, Bouldin, Bowen, Bowles, Branch, Bryan, Buffington, Burr, Chalmers, Crawford, Fleming, Goode, Hall, Hendrick, Irving, Jones, Linkous, Marr, Mon¬ roe, Pretlow, F. Saunders, Tredway and Walton—23. Mr. Bouldin moved to amend the section as amended, by striking out the words "resident in this commonwealth Tor six months, and not exempt by the laws thereof," and to in'sert "who is a resident of this commonwealth, and not legally exempted from military service." Mr. Pendleton moved to amend the amendment, by adding thereto h6use of delegates. 69 the words "by the laws thereof." Pending the consideration of which, On motion of Mr. Pitman, the house adjourned until Monday, 11 o'clock. MONDAY, September 28, 1863. Prayer by Rev. Dr. Read of the PrSsbyterian church. Mr. Anderson, from the committee on military affairs, to whom had been committed the preamble and resolutions heretofore submit¬ ted by Mr. Tredway [see Journal Sept. 18, 1863], presented a re¬ port, asking to be discharged from the further consideration of the subject. Mr. Bouldin, from the committee on finance^to whom had been recommitted a bill prohibiting sales at auction in certain cases, No. 10, and a bill concerning auctioneers, No. 36, presented the follow¬ ing bill: No. 36. A bill concerning auctioneers and prohibiting sales at auction in certain cases; which was read a first time, and ordered to be read a second time. Mr. Magruder, from the committee of propositions and grievances, presented the following bill: No. 37. A bill incorporating the Home insurance company of the city of Petersburg. Mr. Jones, from the committee of privileges and elections, pre¬ sented the following bill: No. 38. A bill amending the 1st section of chapter 10 of the Code of Virginia (edition of 1860), extending the time within which a person intending to contest the election of another as senator or delegate, may give notice; -which was read a first time, and ordered to be read a second time. Mr. Magruder, from the special committee on salt, presented the following report; which was concurred in : That since their organization, a joint committee of the two houses has been appointed, with the same powers and duties as those de¬ volved upon them. They therefore asked to be discharged from.the further "consideration of the resolutions before them, and that the same be referred to the said joint committee. Mr. Miller submitted the following preamble and resolution : Whereas it has been represented, that many of the people of the United States are in favor of terminating the war now unhappily existing between the Confederate States and the United States, and have so expressed themselves in primary meetings and conventions, and that some of the northern states, through their legislatures, have been proposing and adopting measures looking to a termination of the present war: Be it therefore resolved, that a committee be appointed for the 70 JOURNAL OF THE purpose of enquiring into any action on the part of any of the peo¬ ple of the United States, whether in primary meetings, conventions, or through legislative bodies, relative to a termination of the present war; and whether such action has been taken by any part of the people of the United States, as would justify the state of Virginia in adopting such measures and recommendations, not inconsistent with the honor of the state or of the Confederate States, as would tend to bring about an armistice between the two nations, and a fair and honorable termination of the war. The question being on agreeing thereto, Mr. Morgan moved the indefinite postponement of the preamble and resolution; and the question being on agreeing thereto, Mr. Jones demanded the previous question; which was sustained by the house; and being put, was de¬ cided in .the affirmative. Mr. Walton presented a letter from the agent of salt for the county of Shenandoah; also a letter from Stuart, Buchanan & Co. to said agent; which was ordered to be referred to the joint committee on salt. On motion of Mr. Burr, Resolved, that the committee of roads and internal navigation enquire into the expediency of empowering the James river and Kanawha company and the directors of other lines of internal navi¬ gation to regulate the charges for freight and passengers on the James river and Kanawha canal and said other lines of improvement. On motion of Mr. Holden, Resolved, that the committee on confederate relations be instructed to ascertain from the proper authorities of the Confederate States why they do not furnish the soldier the rations allowed by their Re¬ gulations; if said rations cannot be furnished, why the soldier can¬ not procure commutation of said rations. On motion of Mr. Keiley, Resolved, that the committee on finance be instructed to enquire into the expediency of exempting from taxation the model farm of the city of Petersburg. Mr. Walker of Rockingham submitted the -following resolution; which being objected to, lies over under the rule: Resolved, that with the consent of the senate, this house will ad¬ journ on Monday the 12th of October next, to meet again at the next regular session. No. -34. A bill amending and re-enacting the first section of an act entitled an act to amend and re-enact an act further to provide for the public defence, passed October 3, 1S63, was taken up, on motion of Mr. Robertson, read a first time, and ordered to be read a second time; and on his further motion, two-thirds concurring, was read a second time.' Mr. Bueord moved to amend the bill, by striking out the follow¬ ing words: " provided further, that slaves removed from counties overrun by the public enemy, shall not be liable under this act," and inserting in lieu thereof the following -words: "provided, that the court of any county on which such draft shall be made, may, in their HOUSE OF DELEGATES. 71 discretion, exempt any slaves brought therein from counties overrun by the public enemyand the question being on agreeing thereto, Mr. Harris demanded the previous question; which was sustained by the house; and being put, was decided in the negative—Ayes 36, noes 74. On motion of Mr. Wilson of Isle of Wight, the vote was recorded as follows: Ayes—Messrs. Ambers, Bouldin, Branch, Buford, Coke, Crockett, Cummings, Deyerle, Dickey, Douthat, Draper, Duval, Flood, A. Fry, W. O. Fry, Goodall, Goodykoontz, Gra¬ ham, J. B. Johnson, Keiley, Lively, Lundy, Magruder, Marr, McKinney, Mullens, Nigh- bert, Patterson, F. Saunders, Smith, Staples, Thompson, J. Walker, R. J. White, Winn and Worsham—36. Noes—Messrs. Anderson, Baker, Bland, Bowen, Bowles, Brooke, Burr, Burwell, Cowan, Cox, Crawford, Cresap, Custis, Deane, Draper, Edwards, English, Evans, Fleming, Hall, Harris, L. D. Haymond,'T. S. Haymond, Hendrick, Hiett, Hoge,. Holden, Horton, Huntt, Hutcheson, Irving, W. Johnson, Jones, Jordan, Kaufman, Kenney, Lynch, Maryet Ma¬ thews, McCutchen, McMillan, McNeil, Meade, Melvin, Miller, Monroe, Morgan, Parramore, Pendleton, Pitman, Eeid, Eiddick, Eixey, Eobertson, I. Eobinson, J. A. Robinson, Eust, D. J. Saunders, E. T. Saunders, Scott, Shackleford, Shelton, Sherrard, Stewart, Tibbs, Tred- way, J. C. Walker, Walton, Ward, Williams, J. L. Wilson, Woodley and Wright—74. The bill was then amended, on motions of Mr. Bouldin and Mr. Mayre, and as amended read a second time, and ordered to be en¬ grossed and read a third time. The hour having arrived for the consideration of the order of the day, No. 23. A bill to reorganize the militia, being theDrder of the day (on its second reading), was taken up. Mr. Bouldin, by leave of the house, withdrew the amendment heretofore submitted by him. Mr. Irving moved to amend the 1st section, by adding thereto the following: "provided that this act shall not apply to any foreigner not domiciled in this state, until days after the passage thereof." Mr. Buford moved to fill the blank in the amendment with the word "thirty." Mr. Shackleford demanded the previous question; which was sustained by the house; and being put, was decided in the affirmative. Mr. Marye moved to amend the amendment, by adding thereto the following words: "nor to any foreigner who shall have within such period applied to the proper authority for leave to depart from this commonwealth, and failed to obtain such leave;" and the ques¬ tion being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the affirma¬ tive. The question recurring on agreeing to the amendment as amended, was put, and decided in the affirmative. Mr. McKinney moved further to amend the 1st section, by insert¬ ing in the 2d line, after the word "male," the words "whether he has a substitute or not." Mr. BufoRd demanded the previous question; which was sustained by the house; and being put, was decided in th*e affirmative—Ayes 54, noes 47. On motion of Mr. Staples, the vote was recorded as follows: Ayes—Messrs. Sheffey (speaker), Ambers, Baker, Bouldin, Bowen, Bowles, Branch, Burr, Chalmers, Coke, Crawford, Custis, Deane, Deyerle, Dickey, Douthat, Duval, English, Flood, A. Fry, Goodykoontz,Graham, Hall, T. S. Haymond, Hiett, Holden, J. B. Johnson, 72 JOURNAL OF THE W. Johnson, Jordan, KeUey, Kindrick, Lively, Magruder, Marr, Marye, McElroy, McKin- ney, McMillan, Miller, Morgan, K. E. Nelson, Nighbert, Patterson, Riddick, J. A. Robinson, Rowan, D. J. Saunders, Scott, Snowden, Staples, Thompson, Tibbs, Ward and J. L. Wil¬ son—54. Noes—Messrs. Anderson, Bland, Brooke, Buford, Burwell, Crockett, Cummings, Ed¬ wards, Fleming, Harris, L. D. Haymond, Hendrick, Hoge, Horton, Irving, Jones, Kenney, Lundy, Lynch, McCutchen, McNeil, Meade, Monroe, Mullens, Parramore, Pitman, Powell, Reid, Rixey, Robertson, I. Robinson, E. T. Saunders, F. Saunders, Shackleford, Shelton, Sherrard, Smith, Stewart, Tredway, J. Walker, J. C. Walker, Walton, R. J. White, Wil¬ liams, Winn, Woodley and Worsham—47. A message was received from the senate "by Mr. Randolph, who informed the house that the senate bad passed a hill entitled an act to reorganize the militia: in which they respectfully requested the concurrence of the house of delegates. The Speaker laid before the house a communication from the governor, and also a letter from the superintendent of the peniten¬ tiary to the governor, in relation to the escape of slave convicts hired to Jos. R. Anderson & Co.; which were read, and ordered to be re¬ ferred to the committee on the penitentiary. The order of the day, being No. 23. A bill to reorganize the militia, was then, on motion of Mr. Anderson, laid on the table. No. 19. A senate bill entitled an act to reorganize the militia, was taken up, on motion of Mr. Deane, read a first time, laid on the table and ordered to be printed. On motion o*f Mr. Miller, the house adjourned until to-morrow, 11 o'clock. TUESDAY, September 29, 1863. Prayer by Rev. Dr. Read of the Presbyterian church. Mr. Rutherfookd, from the committee for courts of justice, pre¬ sented the following bills: No. 39. A bill to define and punish the offences of forestalling, re- grating and engrossing, and to regulate and restrict the intermediate employment of capital between the producer and consumer; which was read a first time, and ordered to be read a second time. Mr. Anderson, from the committee on military affairs, presented the following bill: No. 40. A bill for the relief of the indigent soldiers of the state of Virginia, who have been or may be disabled in the militafy ser¬ vice, and the widows and minor children of soldiers who have died, or may hereafter die in said service, and of the indigent families of those now in the service ; which was read a first time, and ordered to be read a second time. Mr*. Anderson, from the same committee, presented the following report: An adverse report in relation to the expediency of requiring civil officers to arrest deserters. Mr. Bowles presented the petition of C. H. and R. A. E. Dab- HOUSE OF DELEGATES. 73 ney, praying to have a license tax refunded to them; which was or¬ dered to be referred to the committee on finance. On motion of Mr. Deyerle, Resolved, that the committee on military affairs be instructed to enquire into the expediency of exempting the principal or superin¬ tendent of female schools in certain cases from militia duty. On motion of Mr. Miller, Resolved, that the committee on banks enquire whether or not the confederate money loaned by the banks of this city to the common¬ wealth will have to be refunded to said banks in specie, or any mo¬ ney other than confederate money. On motion of Mr. Burwell, Resolved, that the joint committee on-the public library enquire into the expediency of relieving the secretary of the commonwealth of the duties of general librarian, and of appointing, by joint vote of both houses, a librarian of the public library, who shall have the powers and perform the duties now imposed by law on the secretary of the commonwealth j and to enquire into the propriety of limiting the number of persons who may obtain books from the library. On motion of Mr. Rutherfoord, Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice enquire into the expediency of amending the 1st section of chapter 1-5 of the Code of Virginia. On motion of Mr. Deane, Resolved, that the governor of the commonwealth be requested to report to this house the aggregate number of troops that Virginia has furnished to the confederate armies; also the number of arms and their kinds that have been issued, and the number now remaining on hand and their condition. The resolution heretofore submitted by Mr. Walker of Rocking¬ ham, for an adjournment of the present session, was taken up on his motion, and amended, on motion of Mr. Jones; and the question being on agreeing to the resolution as amended, was put, and decided in the affirmative—Ayes 71, noes 47. On motion of Mr. Custis, the vote was recoisded as follows: Ayes—Messrs, Sheffey (speaker). Anderson, Bowen, Branch, Buford, Cox, Crockett, Cummings, Custis, Deane, Dickey, Douthat, Draper, Duval, Epglisb, Fleming, Flood, A. Fry, Goodall, Goodykoontz, Graham, Hall, Herndon, Hiett, Horton, Hughes, James, J. B. Johnson, W. Johnson, Kenney, Kindrick, Linkous, Lively, Lundy, Lurty, Magruder, Marr, Mathews, McElroy, McKinney, McNeil, Meade, Miller, Mullens, R. E. Nelson, Night- bert, Patterson, Pitman, Powell, Reid, Riddiek, Rixey, Rust, Rutherfoord, D. J. Saunders, E. T. Saunders, Shelton, Sherrard, Snowden, Staples, R. F. Taylor, Thompson, Tibbs, Tredway, J. Walker, J. C. Walker, Walton, Ward, R. J. White, J. L. Wilson and Worsham—71. Noes—Messrs. Ambers, Baker, Bland, Bouldin, Bowles, Brooke, Burr, Burwell, Craw-, ford, Cresap, Deyerle, Edwards, Evans, W. O. Fry, L. D. Raymond, T. S. Haymond. Hen- drick, Hoge, Holden, Huntt, Hutcheson, Irving, Jones, Jordan, Kaufman, Keiley, Marye, McCutchen, McMillan, Melvin, Monroe, Morgan, Murdaugh, Parramore, Randolph, Rich¬ ardson, Robertson, I. Robinson, J. A. Robinson, F. Saunders, Scott, Shackleford, Stewart,. Williams, Winn, Winston and Woodley—47. The resolution is as follows: Resolved that this house, with the consent of the senate, will ad¬ journ on Monday the 12th of October next, sine die. 10 74 JOURNAL OF THE Ordered that the clerk communicate the same to the senate, and request their concurrence. Mr. Thompson presented the memorial of Stewart, Buchanan & Co. in relation to the report of the. board of public works and the superintendent of salt; which was read. Mr. Burwell moved that the memorial^ be referred to the com¬ mittee on salt, and be printed. Mr. Pendleton asked a division of the question; which was agreed to. The question being on the reference, was put, and decided in the affirmative. The question recurring on agreeing to the motion to print, was put, and decided in the negative. No. 34. An engrossed bill amending and re-enacting the 1st sec¬ tion of an act entitled an act to amend and re-enact an act further to provide for the public defence, passed October 3d, 1862, was taken up, on motion of Mr. Harris, and read a third time. Mr. Winston moved to reconsider the vote by which the bill was ordered to its engrossment; and the question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the affirmative. The bill was then amended, and as amended read a second time, and ordered to be engrossed and read a third time. Subsequently, two-thirds concurring, the bill was read a third time. Mr. Winston submitted a ryder to the bill; which was read a first and second times, and ordered to be engrossed and read a third time. The bill was then read a third time and passed. ■ The title was amended, so as to read "An act amending and re- enacting the 1st and 3d sections," &c. Ordered that Mr. Marye carry the same to the senate, and request their concurrence. No. 19. A senate bill entitled an act to reorganize the militia, was taken up, on motion of Mr. Anderson, and read a "second time. On motion of Mr. Anderson, Resolved, that the pending bill be made the order of the day for this day, and so on from day to day for every other day at 12 o'clock, until disposed of. Mr. Hall moved to amend the 1st section of the bill, by striking out in the 3d line the word " sixteen," and inserting " eighteen;" and the question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the negative—Ayes 34, noes 84. On motion of Mr. Anderson, the vote was recorded as follows: Ayes—Messrs. Bouldin, Brooke, Oustis, Deaho, Fleming, Goodykoontz, Hall, Harris, T. S. Haymond, Irving, Jones, Kaufman, Keiley, Kenney, Lynch, McElroy, McKinney, Miller, Mullens, Patterson, Powell, Randolph, Ilixey, Rust, Scott, Shelton, Sherrard, Smith, Staples, Tredway, J. Walker, Walton, R. J. White, Winn and Wright—34. Noes—Messrs. Sheffey (speaker), Ambers, Anderson, Baker, Bland, Bowen, Bowles, Branch, Buford, Burr, Burwell, Coke, Cox, Crawford, Cresap, Crockett, Curamings, De- yerle, Dickey, Douthat, Draper, Duval, Edwards, English, Flood, A. Fry, W. 0. Fry, Goodall, Graham, L. D. Haymond, Hendrick, Herndon, Hiett, Hoge, Holden, Horten, Huntt, Hutcheson, James, J. B. Johnson, W.Johnson, Jordan, Kindrick, Linlcous, Lively, Lundy, Lurty, Magruder, Marr, Mathews, McCutchen, McMillan, McNeil, Meade, Melvin, Monroe, Morgan, R. E. Nelson, Nighbert, Parramore, Pitman, Reid, Richardson, Riddick, Robertson, I. Robinson, J. A. Robinson, Rowan, Rutkerfoord, D. J. Saunders, E. T. Saun- HOUSE OF DELEGATES. 75 ders, F. Sannderg, Shackleford, Snowden, R. F. Taylor, Thompson, Tibbs, J. C. Walker, Ward, Williams, J. L. Wilson, Winston, Woodley and Worsbam—83. Mr. McKinney moved to amend the 1st section, by striking out the first section, and inserting in lieu thereof the following: " Be it enacted by the general assembly, that service in the forces organized for local defence under this act, shall be due from every white male between the ages of 17 and -50 .years, who has been a resident of this commonwealth for six months, and is not exempt by the laws thereof, whether he has a substitute or not: provided, that this act shall not apply to any foreigner not domiciled in this state, until thirty days after the passage thereof, nor any foreigner who shall have, within such period, applied to the proper authority for leave to depart from this commonwealth, and failed to obtain such leave." Mr. Buford moved to amend the amendment, by striking out the entire amendment, and inserting in lieu thereof the following : " Be it enacted by the general assembly, that all white males be¬ tween the ages of sixteen and » years, resident in this common¬ wealth, and not exempt by the laws thereof, shall be organized for local defence during the present war, in the manner herein after pro¬ vided." , The question being on agreeing thereto, Mr. Pendleton demanded the previous question; which was sustained by the house; and being put, was decided in the affirmative—Ayes 66, noes 46. On motion of Mr. Deane, the vote was recorded as follows: Ayes—Messrs. Ambers, Anderson, Bland, Branch, Buford, Burr, Burwell, Cummings, Deyerle, Dickey, Douthat, Draper, Duval, Edwards, Evans, Flood, A. Fry, Goodall, Gra¬ ham, Harris, L. D. Haymond, Hepdrick, Herndon, Hiett, Horton, Hutcheson, James, J B. Johnson, W. Johnson, Jones, Jordan, Kindiick, Linkous, Lively, Lundy, Magruder. Mair, Mathews, McGutcben, McNeil, Meade, Melvin, Monroe, Mullens, Nighbert, Parramore, Pendleton, Pitman, Powell, Randolph, Reid, Richardson, Robertson, J. A. Robinson, Rowan, Rutherfoord, D. J. Saunders, ShackM'ord, Shelton, Smith, Snowden, R. F. Taylor, Thompson, K. J. White, Williams and Winn—66. Noes—Messrs Baker, Bouldin, Bowen, Bowles, Brooke, Coke, Cowan, Cox, Crockett, Custis, Deane, Fleming, W. O. Fry, Goodykoonfz, Hall, Hoge, Holden, Huntt, Irving, Keiley, Kenney, Lynch, McElroy, McKinney, McMillan, Miller, Morgan, Patterson, Rid- dick, E. T. Saunders, F. Saunders, Scott, Sherrard, Staples, Stewart, Tibbs, Tredwav, J. Walker, J. C. Walker, Walton, Ward, J. L. Wilson, Winston, Woodley, Worsbam and Wright—46. The question recurring on agreeing to the'amendment as amended, Mr. Pendleton demanded the previous question; which was sus¬ tained by. the house; and being put, was decided in the affirmative— Ayes. 69, noes 40. On motion of Mr. Harris, the vote was recorded as follows: Ayes—Messrs. Shetfey (speaker), Ambers, Anderson, Bland, Buford, Burwell, Cox, < 'ilnnnings, Deyerle, Dickey, Douthat, Draper, Edwards, Flood, A. Fry, Goodall, Graham, L. D. Haymond, T. S. Haymond, Hendrick, Herndon, Hiett, Hoge, Horton, Hutcheson, James, J. B. Johnson, W. Johnson, Jordan, Kindriek, Linkous, Lively, Luudy, Magru- der, Marr, Mathews, McCutchen, McKinney, McNeil, Meade, Melvin, Miller, Monroe, Mul¬ lens, Nighbert, Parramore, Patterson, Pendleton, Pitman, Powell, Randolph, Reid, Richard¬ son, Robertson, Rowan, Rutherfoord, D.Sj. Saunders, Shackleford, Shelton, Staples, Stewart, R. F. Taylor, Thompson, Tibbs, J. C. Walker, Ward, R. J. White, Winston and Woodley—69. Noes—Messrs. Baker, Bouldin, Bowen, Bowles, Branch, Brooke, Burr, Coke, Cowan, Crockett, Custis, Deane, Duval. Evaiis, Fleming, W. O. Fry, Goodykoontz, Hall, Harris, Holden, Huntt, Irving, Jones, Kaufman, Keiley, Kenney, Lynch, McElroy, Morgan, Rid- diek, Rust, E. T. Saunders, Sherrard, Snowden, Tredway, J. Walker, Walton, J. L. Wil¬ son, Winn and Worsbam—40. 76 JOURNAL OP THE Mr. Pendleton moved to fill the blank in the section as amended with the word " sixtyand the question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the negative. Mr. Shacklefoed moved to fill the blank with the word "fifty- five;" and the question being on agreeing thereto, Mr. Staples de¬ manded the previous question; which was sustained by the house; and being put, was decided in the affirmative—Ayes 87, noes 22. . On motion of Mr. Cowan, the vote was recorded as follows: Ayes—Messrs. Ambers* Anderson, Btrker, Bland, Bouldin, Bowen, Bowles, Branch, Brooke, Buford, Burr, Burwell, Coke. Cox, Crawford, Crockett, Custis, Deane, Deyerle, Dickey, Douthat, Draper, Duval, Edwards, Evans, Flood, A. Fry, W. o. Fry, Goodall, Goodykoontz, T. S. Raymond, Hendrick, Herndon, JTiett, Hoge, Horfon, Huntt, Hutebe- son, Irving, James, J. B. Johnson, W. Johnson, Jones, Jordan, Keiley, Kenney, Kindrick, Linkous, Lively, Lnndy, Lurty, Lynch, Magruder, Marr, Mathews, McMillan, Meade, Mel- vin, Morgan, R. E. Nelson. Nighbert, Pendleton, Pitman, Powell, Read, Richardson, Rid- dick, Robertson, Rowan, Rust, Rutherfoord, D. J. Saunders, E. T. Saunders, Scott, Shackle- ford, Shelton, Snowden, Staples, R, F. Taylor, Thompson, Tredway, J,C. Walker, R. J. White, Williams, J. L Wilson, Winn and Winston—87. Noes—Messrs. Cowan, Fleming, Hall, Harris, Holden, Kaufman, McCutchen, McElroy, McKinney, McNeil, Miller, Monroe, Mullens, Patterson, F. Saunders, Sherrard, Smith, J. Walker, Walton, Ward, Woodley and Worsbam—22. On motion of Mr. Cowan, the house adjourned until to-morrow, 11 o'clock. WEDNESDAY, September :30, 1863. Prayer by Rev. Dr. Read of the Presbyterian church. Mr. Rutherfoord, from the committee for courts of justice, pre¬ sented the following bill: • No. 41. A bill to amend and re-enact an act passed March the 11th, 1863, entitled an act to amend the 39th section of chapter 184 of the Code of Virginia (edition of 1S60), so as to increase the com¬ pensation of clerks and sheriffs for public service. Mr. Burwell, from the committee of roads and internal naviga¬ tion, presented the following bill : No. 42. A bill to regulate transportation of freights and passen¬ gers upon certain rail roads in.this commonwealth. Mr. Bouldin, from the committee on finance, presented the fol¬ lowing reports: An adverse report upon the petition of C. H. and R. A. E. Dab- ney, asking to have a license tax refunded. An adverse report upon the subject of exempting'the model farm of the city of Petersburg from taxation. Mr. Robertson, from the committee on confederate relations, to whom had been referred a resolution in reference to the employment of convicts on government work, presented a report asking to be dis¬ charged from the further consideration of the subject, and that the same be referred to the committee on the penitentiary; which was agreed to. Mr. Robertson, from the same committee, to whom had been re- HOUSE OF DELEGATES. 77 ferred a resolution as to passports and furloughs, presented a report, that it is inexpedient to legislate upon the subject. Mr. Pendleton presented the following preamble and resolution: Whereas it is represented that in some of the counties of this com¬ monwealth the impressment or collecting agents of the confederate government claim the right to collect from the producer all surplus produce above what may be necessary for his own use, atid regardless of what may be the wants of the immediate section surrounding the producer: . Resolved, that the committee on confederate relations enquire as to the facts, and the appropriate remedy, and that they confer with the confederate authorities with a view so to provide as to prevent particular counties of this state from being so stripped of their pro¬ ductions as not to leave a sufficiency therein for the residents thereof. The question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the affirmative. On motion of Mr. Haymond .of Braxton, • Resolved, that the joint committee on the library enquire what ad- ditionaf regulations and what assistance to the librarian, if any, are necessary to preserve and keep in order the public library. On motion of Mr. Baker, Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice enquire into the expediency of repealing or modifying so much of chapter 115 of the Code of Virginia as relates to the capacity of aliens to take and dis¬ pose of real estate. Mr. Worsham submitted the following resolution; which being objected to, was laid over under the rule: Resolved, that in view of our present struggle, it is the firm and unalterable determination of the general assembly of Virginia not to know or recognize religious sects by way of exemption in their mili¬ tary organization. Mr. Burwell presented the memorial of the James river and Ka¬ nawha company, asking to be allowed to fix the rates of freights charged by common carriers on the James river and Kanawha canal; which was ordered to be referred to the committee of roads and in¬ ternal navigation. On motion of Mr. Shelton, Resolved, that until.otherwise ordered by the house, the Speaker shall vacate the chair at 3 o'clock P. M. and resume it at 8 o'clock P. M. Mr. Mullens presented the following resolution; which being ob¬ jected to, wTas laid over under the rule: Resolved, that hereafter no member of this house be allowed to speak more than ten minutes on any one question. No. 17. A bill to authorize, for a limited period, the impressment of fuel by the Virginia Central rail road company, was taken up, on motion of Mr. Magruder, and read a second time. Mr. Magruder submitted an amendment. Pending the considera¬ tion thereof, the hour having arrived for the consideration of the order of the day, 78 JOURNAL OF THE No. 19. A senate bill entitled an act to reorganize the militia, bejng the order of the day, was taken up. Mr. Marye moved to amend the first section of the bill as amended, by adding thereto the following:-"any citizen of a foreign govern¬ ment residing'but not domiciled in this state, shall not be held liable to military duty under the provisions of this act, until after the ex¬ piration of days from the passage thereof, in order that such foreigner may have opportunity to depart from this commonwealth, if he choose to do so;" and the question being on agreeing thereto, Mr. Anderson demanded the previous question; which was sustained by the house; and being put, was decided in the affirmative—Ayes 104, noes 14. On motion of Mr. Deane, the vote was recorded as follows: Ayes—Messrs. Sheffey (speaker), Ambers, Baker, Bouldin, Bowen, Bowles, Branch, , Brooke, Buffing-ton, Burr, Butler, Chalmers, Coke, Cowan, Cox, Crawford, Cresap, Crockett, Cummings, Custis, Deane, Deyerle, Dickey, Douthat, Draper, Duval, Edwards^ English, Evans, Fleming, Fletcher, Flood, A. Fry, W. O. Fry, Goodall, Goodykoontz, Graham, Harris, L. D. Haymond, T. S. Haymond, Herndon, Hiett, Hoge, Holden, Horton, Hughes, Huntt, IrviDg, James, J. B. Johnson, W. Johnson, Jones, Jordan, Kaufman, Keiley, Ken- ney, Kindrick, Liukous, Lively, Magruder, Marye, Mathews, McElroy, McCut-chen, Mc- Kinney, McMillan, McNeil, Meade, Melvin, Miller, Monroe, Morgan, R. E. Nelson, Nigh- bert, Pendleton,- Randolph, Reid, Riddiek, Rixey, Robertson, I. Robinson, Rust, D. J. Saunders, E. T. Saunders, Scott, Shelton, Sherrard, Snowden, Staples, Stewart, Tumlin, Tredway, J. Walker, J. C. Walker, Walton, Ward, N. W. White, R. J. White, Williams, Winn, Winston, Woodley, Woolfolk and Worsham—104. Noes—Messrs. Anderson, Buford, Burwell, Hutcheson, Lundy, Lurty, Mullens, Mur- daugh, Pitman, Powell, Rowan, Shackleford, Smith and Tibbs—14. ,Mr. Monroe moved further to amend the 1st section of the bill, by adding thereto the following: " provided, however, that all per¬ sons who are over fifty-five years of age, who may see proper to en¬ roll themselves in the forces hereby raised, and are accepted by the mustering officer, shall be furnished with arms, and receive the same pay and rations that are allowed under this act, and be subject to the provisions thereof;" and the question being on agreeing thereto, was puti and decided in the affirmative.. A message was received from the senate by Mr. Armstrong, who informed the house of delegates that the senate had passed bills en¬ titled an act to amend the 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th, 13th, 14th and 16th sections of chapter 14; the 14th section of chapter 21; the 27th section of chapter 23, and the 10th section of chapter 66 of the Code of Virginia (edition of 1860), so as to increase the salaries of certain officers of the government, No. 13; and an act to amend the act passed February 13th, 1S62, entitled an act to amend section 14 of chapter 163 of the Code, in relation to the removal of the records and papers of courts, No. 18: in which they respectfully requested the concurrence of the house of delegates. Mr. Bouldin moved to amend the bill in the 2d section, by stri¬ king out the following words: "regimental, battalion and compapy districts are hereby abolished, and the enrollment and organization of the militia shall hereafter be made by counties, cities and towns, and by magisterial districts," and inserting in lieu thereof the following: ."the forces hereby organized shall be called the 'state forces,' and the enrollment and organization thereof shall be made by counties, HOUSE OF DELEGATES. 79 cities and towns, and by magisterial districts;" and the question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the affirmative. The section was then amended, by substituting "state forces" for " militia," wherever it occurs. Mr. Haymond of Marion moved to amend the bill, by adding in the 17th line the words "or discharged from the confederate service by reason of having furnished substitutes therein;" and the question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the affirmative. Mr. "Winston moved to amend the bill, by striking out the words " whether exempted or not from service in the militia, or discharged from the confederate service by reason of having furnished substitutes therein;" and the question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the affirmative. Mr. Winston moved further to amend the section, by inserting in the 18th line, after the word enrollment, the following: "including all refugees and others temporarily sojourning in such districts;" and the question being on agreeing thereto, Mr. Buford demanded the previous question; which was sustained by the house; and being put, was determined in the negative'—Ayes 36, noes 62. On motion of Mr. Ward, the vote was recorded as follows: Ayes—Messrs. Ambers, Bouldin, Bowen, Buffiington, Burr, Butler, Cummings, De- yerle, Dickey, Douthat, Draper, Duval, Fleming, A. Fry, Goodall, Goodykoontz, Graham, J. B. Johnson, Keiley, Kindrick, Lundy, Magruder, Mullens, R. E. Nelson, Patterson, Rowan, Rutherfoord, Tomlin, Tredway, J. Walker, R. J. White, Winn, Winston and Wor- sham—30. Noes—Messrs. Sheffey (speaker), Anderson, Baker, Bland, Branch, Brooke, Buford, Burwell, Chalmers, Cox, Crawford, Crockett, Custis, Deane, Edwards, English, Flood, W. O. Fry, Hall, L. D. Haymond, T. S. Haymond, Hendrick. Herndon, Hiett, Holden, Hor- ton, Huntt, Irving, James, W. Johnson, Jones, Jordan, Kaufman, Linkous, Lively, Lurty, Lynch, Mathews, McCutchen, McNeil, Meade, Melvin, Miller, Monroe, Morgan, Nighbert, Pendleton, Pitman, Powell, Reid, Richardson, Riddick, Rixey, I. Robinson, J. A. Robin¬ son, Rust, E. T. Saunders, F. Saunders, Scott, Shackleford, Sherrard, Snowden, Staples, Stewart, Thompson, Tibbs, J. C. Walker, Walton, Ward, N. W. White, Williams and Woodley—62. On motion of Mr. English, the chair was vacated until 8 o'clock. EVENING SESSION. No. 19. A senate bill entitled an act to reorganize the militia, be¬ ing the order of the day, was taken up. Mr. Deyerle moved to amend the second section, in the 23d line, after the word " themselves," by inserting the words " whether tem¬ porary residents or not;" and the question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the affirmative. Mr. Monroe moved to amend the section, in the 28th line, by add¬ ing thereto, after the word "convenient," the following: "provided, however, that in any magisterial district in which there are more than thirty and less than tifty, it shall be the duty of the comman¬ dant to form them into a separate company; such company to have but two company officers,, one 1st and one 2d lieutenant." Mr. Haymond of Braxton moved to amend the ^amendment, by 80 journa'l of the striking out the entire amendment, and inserting the following: " provided, that they shall be so attached before said companies are organized and officers electedand the question being oh agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the negative. The question recurring on agreeing to the amendment, was put, and decided in the affirmative. Mr. Bouldin moved to amend the bill in the second section and 25th line, by striking out the word. " fifty," and inserting " more than thirtywhich was agreed to. Mr. Bouldin moved further to amend the second section, by stri¬ king out the words " to the companies most convenient," and to in¬ sert " to such companies not having the maximum number, as they may severally select;" and the question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the affirmative. Mr. Irving moved to amend the section as amended, by striking out the following: " If in any district there are not more than thirty persons subject to enrollment, the magistrates shall report the names of those enrolled to the commandant of the county, and he shall attach them to such companies not having the maximum num¬ ber, as they may severally select: provided, however, that in any magisterial district in which there are more than thirty and less than fifty, it shall be .the duty of the commandant to form them into a separate company; such company to have but two company officers, one 1st and one 2d lieutenant," and inserting in lieu thereof the fol¬ lowing : " If in any district there are not fifty persons subject to en¬ rollment, the magistrates shall report the names of those enrolled to the magistrates of such magisterial districts, as they may severally select, and they shall be regarded in all respects as enrolled in the district to which they are so reported." Mr. Buford moved to amend the amendment, by striking out the entire amendment, and inserting the following: "If in any district there are not thirty persons subject to enrollment, the magistrates shall distribute them among the neighboring districts most conve¬ nient" ; and they shall be organized into the companies of such dis¬ tricts : provided, that if there be thirty and less than fifty such per¬ sons in any district, they shall be organized into a separate company; to have but two company officers, one 1st and one 2d lieutenant;" and the question being on agreeing thereto, Mr. Haymond of Marion demanded the previous question ; which was sustained by the house; and being put, was decided in the negative. The question recurring on agreeing to the amendment submitted by Mr. Irving, was put, and decided in the negative. On motion of Mr. Deane, the house adjourned until to-morrow, 11 o'clock. house of delegates. 81 THURSDAY, October 1, 1863. Prayer by Rev. Dr- Read of the Presbyterian church. A communication from the senate, by their clerk, was read as follows: In Senate, Sept. 30, 1863. The senate have passed house bill entitled : An act to amend and re-enact the 3d section of an act to incorpo¬ rate the James river canal packet company, passed March 16th, 1860, No. 8. And they have passed a bill entitled: An act to repeal so much of the act passed February 15th, 1853, as exempts the white male citizens of the county of King George, of forty-five years apd upwards, from working on the public roads in that county, No. 29. In which bill they respectfully request the concurrence of the house of delegates. • Mr. Ward presented the petition of the trustees of Watsontown, commonly called Capon springs, asking that they may be authorized to sell certain property vested in them; which, on his motion, was referred to a select committee. The Speaker announced the following committee: Messrs. Ward, Magruder, Monroe, Williams and Walton. No. 18. A senate bill entitled an act to amend the act passed Feb¬ ruary 13th, 1862, entitled an act to amend section 14 of-chapter 163 of the Code, in relation to the removal of the records and papers of courts, was read a first, second and third times and passed. Ordered, that 'the clerk inform the senate thereof. No. 29. A senate bill entitled an act to repeal so much of the act passed February 15th, 1863, as exempts the white male citizens of the county of King George, of forty-five years and upwards, from working on the public roads in that county, was read a first and second times, and referred to the committee of propositions and grievances. No. 13. A senate bill entitled an act to amend the 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th, 13th, 14th and 16th sections of chapter 21; the 27th sec¬ tion of chapter 23, and the 10th section of chapter 66 of the Code of Virginia (edition of 1860), so as to increase the salaries of certain officers of the government, was read a first and second times. Mr. Cowan moved that the bill be read again this day. Mr. Tomlin moved that the bill be laid on the table. Pending the consideration of which, the hour having arrived for the considera¬ tion of the order of the day, No* 19. A senate bill entitled an act to reorganize the militia, being the order of the day, was taken up, Mr. Holden moved to amend the 2d section of the bill, by striking out the entire section, and inserting the following: "§ 2. Regimental, battalion and company districts are hereby abolished, and the enrollment and organization of t^ie state forces 11 82 JOURNAL OF THE shall hereafter be made by counties, cities and towns, and by magis¬ terial districts. On the 24th day of October 1 863 the magistrates of each magisterial district, except those in cities and towns electing their own justices, and those in the counties herein after specified, shall assemble in their respective districts. Any two or more may act, and shall appoint three persons, justices of the peace, or others, to superintend the enrollment of the state forces at each precinct. The said magistrates shall at the same time designate some point of assembly in the district for the purpose of organization, and shall cause notice of the same, and of the day fixed by this act for the organization of the state forces, to be posted at each election pre¬ cinct in the district, at an early hour on the day of enrollment. On the 31st day of October 1863, all white males between the ages of sixteen and fifty-five years, whether temporary residents or not, shall assemble, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 5 P. M., at the election precincts in their respective districts, and shall enroll themselves under the supervision of the persons appointed to make the enroll¬ ment. The rolls shall specify the nanies and ages of the persons en¬ rolled. It shall be the duty of the magistrates to ascertain all per¬ sons delinquent in enrolling themselves, either at the first or subse¬ quent enrollments, and to report them to the commandant of the county. If in any district there are not fifty persons subject to en¬ rollment, the magistrates shall report the names of those enrolled to the commandant of the county, and he shall attach them to the com¬ panies most convenient, or add a sufficient number from adjacent dis¬ tricts to make the minimum number. But in squad drills they shall not be taken out of their own districts, nor in company drills, oftener than four times a year." The question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the negatiye. Mr. James moved to amend the 3d section of the bill, by adding after the word ."company" the words "who shall hold their offices until the company shall assemble for the purpose of being mustered into service, when there shall be a reorganization, and the captain and first and second lieutenants elected by the members of the com¬ pany." Mr. Kenney moved to amend the amendment, by striking out the entire amendment, and inserting "such officers to act as such until a majority of such company may be present;" and the question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the negative. The question recurring on agreeing to the amendment, Mr. Haymond of Marion demanded the previous question; which was sustained by the house; and being'put, was decided in the negative. Mr. Haymond of Marion moved to amend the bill in the third sec¬ tion, by adding at the end thereof the following: "provided, that the regiment organized in the city of Richmond for local defence shall be a part of the state forces, and retain its present organization; but any member of such regiment above the maximum age prescribed in this act, may withdraw therefrom;" and the question being on agreeing thereto, was pwt, and decided in the affirmative. HOUSE OF DELEGATES. 83. Mr. Coke moved to amend the 3d section of the bill, by striking out the words "and if it be found that a majority of the persons assigned to a company are not present, the magistrates shall appoint the officers of such company;" and the question being on agreeing thereto, Mr. Haymond demanded the previous question; which was sustained by the house; and being put, was decided in the affirma¬ tive—Ayes 72, noes 2S.> Orl motion of Mr. Coke, the vote was recorded as follows: Ayes—Messrs. Sheffey '(speaker), Baker, Bouldin, Bowen, Brooke, Buford, Burr, Butler, Coke, Cox, Cummings, Custis, Deane, Deyerle, Dickey, Douthat, Draper, Edwards, Evans, Fletcher, Flood, A. Fry, W. O. Fry, Gilmer, Goodall, Goodykoontz, T. S. Haymond, Hen- drick, Hiett, Hoge, Horton, Hutcheson, Irving, James, J. B. Johnson, Jones, Jordan, Kauf¬ man, Kenney, Kindrick, Linkous, Magruder, McElroy, McKinney, McMillan, Melvin, Mil¬ ler, Monroe, Morgan, Mullens, JR. E. Nelson, Nighbert, Patterson, Pretlow, Powell, Reicl, Robertson, J. A. Robinson, Rust, D. J. Saunders, F. Saunders, Shelton, Staples, Tomlin, Tredway, J. C. Walker, Walton, Ward, N. W. White, R. J. White, Winston and Wor- sham—72. Noes—Messrs. Ambers, Anderson, Bland, Bowles, Branch, Chalmers, Cresap, Crockett,. Duval, Fleming, L. D. Haymond, Herndon, Holden, W. Johnson, Keiley, Lurty, Lynch, Meade, Pitman, Richardson, Riddick, Rixey, Rutherfoord, Sherrard, Stewart, T. W. Ta/lor, Williams and Woodley—28f . Mr. Bouldin moved to amend the bill in the 3d section, 7th line,- by adding thereto after the word "other," "but no company ofj.ess than fifty men, rank and file, shall bp organized in ahy, magisterial, district containing fifty enrolled men;", .a,ltd .the....question being ;on agreeing thereto., was put, and decided in the pffir.rqative., Mr. Bouldin moved further to amend' the bill in the 3d section*- by adding after the word "company," in the 12th .line, thenvoi$s^ "containing not less than fifty men. Companies containing less than, that number shall elect one first and one second lieutenant;" and the question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in-the- affirmative. Mr. Haymond of Marion moved to amend the '4th section of the bill relating to vacancies and unfitness for office, by striking there¬ from the following: " But if any person chosen to be a commissioned officer is alleged to be unfit for the position, the commandant of the county shall as¬ semble a board of three commissioned officers of other companies, who shall enquire into the alleged unfitness, examine the party,* and report to the commandant their opinion thereon. If the report be adverse to the party elected, the. commandant shall order another election ; and if any unfit person be a second time elected, the commandant shall recommend to the governor some suitable per-fc son for the "position. The person so recommended shall be commis¬ sioned, unless the governor disapprove of sych recommendation. In which case, be may require another to be made; and in case of a second disapproval, may fill the vacancy;" and the question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the negative. Mr. Worsham moved an adjournment; and the question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the negative—Ayes 41, noes 57. On motion of Mr. Anderson, the vote was recorded as follows : Ayes—Messrs. Sheffey (speaker), Ambers, Bland, Bowles, Brooke, Butler, Chalmers, 84 JOURNAL OF THE Coke, Cox, Crawford, Cresap, Goodall, Hall, L. D. Haymond, Herndon, Hoge, Huntt, Hutcheson, W. Johnson, Jones, Kaufman, Keiley, Lynch, Magruder, Marye, McCue, Mc- Cutchen, Monroe, R. E. Nelson, Pitman, Richardson, Riddick, Rixey, J. A. Robinson, D. J. Saunders, Sherrard,.Tibbs, Tomlin, Walton, Woodley and Worsham—41. Noes—Messrs. Anderson, Baker, Bouldin, Bowen, Branch, Buford, Burr, Crockett, Cum- mings, Custis, Deyerle, Dickey, Douthat, Draper, Duval, English, Fleming, Flood, A. Fry, W. O, Fry, Goodykoontz, T. S. Haymond, Hendrick, Hiett, Holden, Horton, Irving, James, J. B. Johnson, Jordan, Kenney. Kindrick, Lively, McElroy, McNeil, Meade, Morgan, Mul- .lens, Nighbert, Patterson, Pendleton, Reid, Robertson, Rutherfoord, F. Saunders, Scott, Shackleford, Shelton, Staples, Stewart, T. W. Taylor, Tredway, N. W.White, R.J. White, Winn, Winston and Wright—57. On motion of Mr. Buford, the chair was vacated until 8 o'clock P. M. EVENING SESSION. No. 19. A senate bill entitled an act to reorganize the militia, be¬ ing the order of the day, was taken up. Mr. Deyerle moved to amend the bill in the fifth section, relating to commandants of counties, by adding after the word " comman¬ dant," in the 26j£h line, the following: " except when two or more such officers.are to be chosen at ope time; then the governor may select from the whole number herein before directed to be nominated by said courts, councils or legislative bodiesand the question being on agreeing thereto, Mr. Gilmer demanded the previous question; which was sustained by the house; and being put, was decided in the negative. Mr. Hutcheson moved to amend the bill in the 7th line, by striking out the word " two," and inserting " one" (the effect being to limit the nomination of one person by the county courts, &c.); and the question being on agreeing thereto, Mr. Miller demanded the previous question ; which was sustained by the house; and be¬ ing put, was decided in the affirmative. Mr. Buford moved to amend the bill in the 5th section, by stri¬ king out the following words: "all such appointments shall be sub¬ mitted for confirmation to the senate, if in* session, and if not, they shall be submitted to that body on the first day of its next session;" and the question being on agreeing thereto, Mr. Mathews demanded . Fry, Gilmer, Goodall, Goode, Goodyk'nontz, Graliam, L. D. Hayinond, T. S. Haymond, Hen- drick, Herndon, Hiett, Holden, Horton, Huntt, Irving, J. B Johnson, W. Johnson, Jones, Jordan, Kaufman, Keiley, Kenney, Kmdrick, Linkous, Lively, Lundy, Maguire, Magrnder, Mathews, McCue, McElroy, McKinney, McMillan, Meade, Melvin, Miller, Monroe, Mor¬ gan, Mullens, Nigbbert, Parrainore, Patterson, Pendleton, Pitman, Pretlow, Powell, Keid, Richardson, Riddick, Rixey, J. A. Robinson, Rowan, Rust, Kutherlbord, D. J Saunders, F. Saunders, Scott, Shackleford, Shelton, Sherrard, Staples, R. F. Taylor, T. W. Taylor, Thomas, Thompson, Tomlin, Tredway, J. Walker, J. C. Walker, Walton, Ward, Welsh, N. W. White, R. J. White, Williams, S. M. Wilson, Winn, Winston, Woolfolk and Wor- skam—Kill Noes—Messrs. Marr and J. L. Wilson—2. The title was then amended, by adding after the word " soldiers," wherever it occurs, the words "and sailors." The hour having arrived for the consideration of the order of the day, No. 19. A senate bill entitled an act to reorganize the militia, be¬ ing the order of the day, was taken up; and the question being on agreeing to the amendment heretofore submitted by Mr. Pendleton, Mr. Pendleton, by leave of the house, withdrew the amendment. Mr. Irving moved to fill the blank in the bill with the following words: "Commandants and adjutants, when not receiving pay under this section, shall receive half pay from the treasury of the state for such time as the county or corporation court may certify-that their services were required." Mr. Haymond of Marion moved to add to the 20th section the following: "provided, however, money shall be drawn from the public treasury by any quartermaster to pay troops, until such troops are in active service; nor shall any quartermaster receive any compensation for a longer period than he is in active service in the army;" and the question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the affirmative. Mr. Harris moved to amend the bill in the 21st section, by stri¬ king out that portion of the bill which allows the governor "to re¬ quest the president to permit a brigadier in the confederate service to assume the command under his orders;" Tmd the question being on agreeing thereto, wTas put, and decided in the affirmative. The section was then further amended. Mr. Haymond moved to amend the section, by striking out from the 2lst section all but the following: "Any commandant may cull for assistance upon the commandants of other counties, .which shall be given accordingly; and until a brigadier is appointed, the ranking commandant shall command the entire force;" and the question being on agreeing thereto, Mr. Gilmer demanded the previous ques- HOUSE OF DELEGATES. 113 tion ; which was sustained by the house; and being put, was de¬ cided in the affirmative. Mr. Pretlow moved to amend the section as amended, by striking out the words "until a brigadier is appointed;" and the question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the affirmative. Mr. Pendleton moved to suspend the rule, with a view to re¬ consider the vote striking out the following words in the 21st section: " When regiments or battalions, having in the aggregate eighteen or more companies, are assembled, the governor may commission a brigadier to command them. The brigadier so appointed may re¬ commend to the governor for appointment such staff officers as are allowed to a brigadier in the confederate army, but his and their commissions shall expire when the brigade is dissolved." Pending the consideration of which, On motion of Mr. White of Brooke, the house adjourned until to-morrow, 11 o'clock. SATURDAY, October 10, 1S63. Prayer by Rev. Dr, Jeter of the Baptist church". A communication from the senate, by their clerk, was read as' follows: In Senate, Oct. 9, 1863. The senate have agreed to the amendment proposed by the house of delegates to the second amendment of the senate, and have in¬ sisted on their third amendment to the house bill entitled: An act amending and re-enacting the 1st and 3d sections of an act entitled an act to amend and re-enact an act further to provide for the public defence, passed October 3d, 1862. The house receded from its disagreement to the amendment of the senate to house bill.entitled : An act amending and re-enacting the 1st and 3d sections of" an act entitled an act to amend and re-enact an act further to provide for the public defence, passed October 3d, 1862, No. 34. Ordered, that the clerk inform the senate thereof. The amendments proposed by the senate to house bill entitled an act to amend and re-enact the 4th, 5th and 56th sections of chapter 87 of the Code of Virginia, were agreed to. Ordered, that the clerk inform the senate thereof. Mr. Rutherfoord, from the committee for courts of justice, to whom had been referred No. 25. A senate bill entitled an act to amend and re-enact the first section of chapter SO of the Acts of 1861-2, entitled an act to provide for the trial of persons charged with offences committed in counties in the possession of the enemy, or threatened with immediate invasion, passed March 27th, 1862, and to repeal the act amending the same, passed October 4th, 1862, reported the same with amend¬ ments. 15 114 JOURNAL OP THE Mr. Barkrdale, from a select committee, to whom had been re¬ ferred a memorial of citizens of Charlotte, in relation to the distilla¬ tion of sorghum, &c., presented the following bill : No. 63. A bill to amend and re-enact an act entitled an act to amend and re-enact an act entitled an act to amend and re-enact an act entitled an act to prevent the unnecessary consumption of grain by distillers and other manufacturers of spirituous and malt liquors, passed October 2, 1S62, passed March 11, 1863. Mr. Brooke, from the joint committee on salt, presented the fol¬ lowing resolution ; which was agreed to : Resolved by the general assembly, that the joint committee on salt have leave to visit in person the salt works at Saltville, if said committee shall deem such a visit necessary. Ordered, that Mr. Brooke carry the same to the senate, and re¬ quest their concurrence. The following resolution, heretofore submitted by Mr. Buford, was taken up and agreed to: Resolved by the general assembly, that the .resolution recently adopted by the two houses, by which they agreed to an adjournment of this general assembly on Monday the 12th instant, be and the same is hereby rescinded. Ordered, that Mr. Buford carry the same to the senate, and re¬ quest their concurrence. • The Speaker laid before the house a communication from the au¬ diting board in relation to certain orders in regard to the commuta¬ tion of clothing, and in response to a report of the committee on mili¬ tary affairs of the house of delegates upon the same subject; which was read, and on motion, laid on the table and ordered to be printed. Doc. No. 13. The report of the committee on military affairs, in relation to the same subject, and abolishing the office of paymaster of the Virginia forces, was taken up, on motion of Mr. Pendleton, laid on the table and ordered to be printed. Doc. No. 12. A message was received from the senate by Mr. Ball, who in¬ formed the house of delegates that the senate had agreed to the joint resolution rescinding the order for adjournment on Monday the 12th instant, and that the senate had agreed to the joint resolution authorizing the joint committee on salt to visit the salt works, with an amendment: in which they requested the concurrence of.the house of delegates. The hour having arrived for the consideration of the order of the day, No. 19. A senate bill entitled an act to reorganize the militia, be¬ ing the order of the day, was taken up; and the question being on the motion heretofore submitted by Mr. Pendleton, to suspend the rule with a view to reconsider the vote by which the house had struck out a portion of the 21st section, was put, and decided in the negative. On motion of Mr. Robertson, Resolved, that pending the consideration of the senate bill No. 19, HOUSE OF DELEGATES. 115 entitled an act to reorganize the militia, no amendment shall be de¬ bated exceeding twelve minutes, nor by any one member exceeding three minutes. Mr. Deyerle moved to amend the bill,.by striking out the 21st section, and inserting the following: "Not less than two nor more than six regiments or battalions, when assembled together, shall constitute a brigade; and the com¬ missioned officers present may select a commandant from among the commandants of regiments and battalions present, whose duty it shall be to command the whole: provided, that the brigadier general herein after provided for is not present. When two or more brigades are assembled, the governor shall appoint a brigadier general to command: provided, that not more than three brigadiers shall be appointed for the state, and they shall only receive pay when on duty in the field. Any commandant may call for assistance, upon the commandants of other counties; which shall be given accordingly. The commission of any such brigadier shall expire when the brigade is dissolved." Mr, Jones moved to amend the amendment, by striking therefrom all from the words " when two or more brigadiers," to the words " the brigade is dissolved," at the end of the amendment; and the question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the nega¬ tive—Ayes 47, noes 60. On motion of Mr. Anderson, the vote was recorded as follows: Ayes—Messrs. Bouldin, Branch, Brooke, Bryan, Cox, Custis, Deane, Dickey, Douthat, English, Fletcher, Flood, A. Fry, W. O. Fry, Goodall, Goodykoontz, Graham, Hall, T. S. Hfiyiuond, Hiett, Irving, J. B. Johnson, W. Johnson, Jones, Kaufman, Luudy, Ma rye, MoElroy, McKinney, McMillan, Miller, Monroe, Mullens, Patterson, Powell, Randolph, Riddick, Robertson, I. Robinson, Thomas, Tredway, J. C. Walker, Walton, J. L. Wilson, S. M. Wilson, Winn and Woolfolk—47. Noes—Messrs. Sheffey (speaker), Ambers, Anderson, Baker, Barksdale, Bland, Bowen, Buffiugton, Buford, Butler, Burwell, Cowan, Crawford, Cresap, Crockett, Cummings, Deyerle, Draper, Duval, Edwards, Evans, Ferguson, Fletcher, Gilmer, L. D. Haymond, Huge, Horton, James, Jordan, Keiley, Kindrick, Linkous, Lively, Magruder, Marr, Mathews, Maguire, Meade, Melvin, R. E. Nelson, Nighbert, Parramore, Pendleton, Pitman, Reid, Rowan, Eutherfoord, D. J. Saunders, Scott, Snowden, R. F. Taylor, T. W. Taylor, Thompson, Tomlin, Welsh, N. W. White, R. J. White, Williams, Woodley and Wor- shain—60. The question recurring on agreeing to the amendment submitted by Mr. Deyerle, was put, and decided in the negative. A message was received front the senate by Mr. Hart, who in¬ formed the house of delegates that the senate had passed a bill enti¬ tled an act to suppress gaming, No 34: in which they respectfully requested the concurrence of the house of delegates. On motion of Mr. Brooke, the bill under consideration was laid on the table, for the purpose of considering the amendment of the senate to the resolution from the house authorizing the joint commit¬ tee on salt to visit Saltville. The amendment of the senate was agreed to. Ordered, that the clerk inform the senate thereof. The bill was then further amended, on motion of Mr. Irving, in the 29th section. Mr. Tomlin moved to amend the bill in the 37th section, by stri¬ king out the words " But the governor may suspend the operation of 116 JOURNAL OF THE this act in any county, city or town in possession of the enemy, or so threatened by them that the law cannot be safely executed, until such possession or danger shall cease," and to insert " This act shall not apply to any county, city or town in the possession or power of the enemy, nor to any county, city or town in which the county or corporation court thereof shall certify to the governor is so threat¬ ened by the enemy that the law cannot be safely executed." The hour of 3 o'clock having arrived, the chair was vacated until 8 o'clock P. M. EVENING SESSION. The following bills were read a first time, and ordered to be read a second time: No. 29. A bill providing for the payment of tobacco destroyed by fire at the public warehouse. No. 31. A bill authorizing the board of public works, acting as a board of Supervisors for the production and distribution of salt, to modify the contract of lease between Stuart, Buchanan & Co. and Thomas R. Friend. No. 32. A bill to am*end the charter of the town of Ashland in Hanover county. No. 33. A bill authorizing rail road companies and other corpora¬ tions to pay their indebtedness to the commonwealth in a certain manner. No. 37. A bill incorporating the Home insurance company of the city of Petersburg. No. 41. A bill to amend and re-enact an act passed March the 11th, 1863, entitled an act to amend the 39th section of chapter 1S4 of the Code of Virginia (edition of 1860), so as to increase the com¬ pensation of clerks and sheriffs for public service. No. 42. A bill to regulate transportation of freights and passen¬ gers upon certain rail roads in this commonwealth. No. 45. A bill amending the first section of the third chapter of the Code of Virginia, defining citizenship. No. 47. A bill to amend the charter of the Merchants insurance company of the city of Richmond. No. 50. A bill amending and re-enacting the 6th, 7th, 9th and 10th sections of the 14th chapter of the Code of Virginia (edition of 1S60). No. 53. A bill to authorize the James river and Kanawha com¬ pany and all other navigation companies to regulate all charges by boats and boat owners using the works and improvements of the said companies. No. 54. A bill for the relief of Wm. F. Ritchie, public printer. No. 56. A bill releasing the commonwealth's claim to certain land to Matthetv Sylvia. No. 57. A bill amending and re-enacting the 7th section of chap¬ ter 165 of the Code of Virginia (edition of 1860). HOUSE OF DELEGATES. 117 No. 59. A bill incorporating the Southern insurance and savings society of Petersburg. No. 60. A bill allowing the Petersburg iron manufacturing com¬ pany to hold not more than 20,000 acres of land at any one time. No. 63. A bill to amend and re-enact an act entitled an act to amend and re-enact an act entitled an act to amend and re-enact an act entitled an act to prevent the unnecessary consumption of grain by distillers and other manufacturers of spirituous and malt liquors (passed October 2d, 1862), passed March 11th, 1863. The following bill was read a first time, and on motion, was laid on the table. No. 55. A bill to authorize the corporate authorities of the city of Richmond to purchase wood, and to impress fuel and transporta¬ tion in certain cases. No. 62. A bill to authorize the governor to hire free negro and slave convicts to work in coal pits, was read a first time, and two- thirds concurring, was read a second time, amended, laid on the table and ordered to be printed. No. 19. A senate bill entitled an act to reorganize the militia, being the order of the day, was taken up. The bill was then further amended in the 30th section. Mr. Walton moved to amend the 31st seption,'by striking out the following words : " Students of the university of Virginia and of the incorporated colleges of the state under the age of 21 years, and the professors thereof, are exempt from enrollment under this act, during their connection with the university, or with any of said colleges: provided, that the authorities of such institutions" (shall cause them to be organized, &c.), and to insert " Students of the university .of Virginia and of the colleges and schools of the state, and the pro¬ fessors and teachers thereof, are exempted from enrollment under this act, during their connection wTith the same: provided, that the au¬ thorities and teachers of such'institutions" (shall cause them to be organized); and the question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the affirmative. The bill was then further amended. Pending the consideration thereof, On motion of Mr. Kaufman, the house adjourned until Monday, 11 o'clock. MONDAY, October 12, 1863. Prayer by Rev. Mr. Pettigrew of the Reformers church. No. 34. A senate bill entitled an act to suppress gaming, was read a first and second times, and referred to the committee for courts of justice. Mr. Burwell, from the committee of roads and internal naviga¬ tion, presented the following bills: • 118 JOURNAL OF THE No. 64. A bill to provide for the completion of the Covington and Ohio rail road. No. 65. A bill declaring certain rail road companies the only re¬ sponsible common carriers on their roads, and regulating charges for express service thereon. Mr. Burwell, from the same committee, to whom had been re¬ ferred a resolution directing an enquiry into the rates of toll on the York river rail road, presented an adverse report. Mr. Bouldin, from the committee on finance, presented the fol¬ lowing bill: No. 66. A bill authorizing the payment of fees of commissioners of the revenue. Mr. Bouldin, from the same committee, to whom had been referred a resolution enquiring into the expediency of releasing Thos. AY. Garnett from a tax, presented an adverse report. Mr. Robertson, from the committee on confederate relations, to whom had been referred a resolution of enquiry as to the expediency of requesting ther president to convene an extra session of congress, presented an adverse report. On motion of Mr. Welsh, Resolved, that the committee of roads and internal navigation be instructed to enquire into the cause of the failure of the Richmond and Danville rail'road to connect with the South side rail road, and report, by bill or. otherwise, such measures as shall restore an unin¬ terrupted rail road connection between the Richmond and Danville and South side rail roads and other rail roads connecting with them. On motion of Mr. Walker of Augusta, Resolved, that the committee on lunatic asylums enquire into the expediency of making an appropriation to meet a deficiency in the ordinary appropriation for the support of the Central lunatic asylum. On motion of Mr. Reid, ' Resolved, that the committee on ba«iks enquire into the propriety of amending tlie charter of the Bank of Rockbridge. No. 1-3. A senate bill entitled an act to amend the 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th, 13th, 14th and 16th sections of chapter 14; the 14th sec¬ tion of chapter 21; the 27th section of chapter 23; an l the 10th sectiou of chapter 66 of the Code of Virginia (edition of 1S60), so as to increase the salaries of certain officers of the government, was taken up, on motion of Mr. Pendleton, and read a second time. The bill was then amended. Mr. Burwell moved to strike out "the sum of four thousand dol¬ lars," the sum fixed in the bill as the salary of the secretary of the commonwealth; and the question being on agreeing thereto, Mr. Deyerle moved to lay the bill and amendment on the table; and the question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the negative—Ayes 13, noes 97. On motion of Mr. Wilson of Isle of Wight, the vote was recorded as follows: Ayes—Messrs. Bowen, Deyerle, A. Fry, Graham, Horton, "W. Johnson, Ivindrick, Mel- vin, Miller, Patterson, F. Saunders, Staples and J. Walker—13. HOUSE OF DELEGATES. 119 Nms—Messrs. Sheffey (speaker), Anderson, Barksdale, Bland, Bouldin, Bowles, Branch, Biyaw, Buffington, Burnett, Butler, Burvvell, Coke, Cowau, Crawford, Cresap, Crockett, Guslis, Deune, Dickey, Douthat, Draper, Duval, Edwards, English, Evans, Ferguson, Elet< tier, \V. O. Fry, Gilmer, Goodall, Goodykoontz, Hall, T. 8. Hayinoud, Hendrick, Herudon, Hiett, Huge, Ilolden, Huntt, James, J. B. Johnson, Jones, Kaufman, Keiley, Kenuey, Linkous, Lively, Lundy, Lurty, Maguire, Magruder, Marr, Mathews, McCue, Mc- Elroy, McMillan, McNeil, Meade, Monroe, Morgan, Mullens, Nighbert, Parramore, Pendle¬ ton, Pitman, Pretlow, Powell, Randolph, Reid, Rixey, Robertson, I. Robinson, J. A. Ro¬ binson, Rowan, Rust, Rutherfoord, 1). J. Saunders, Scott, Sherrard, Smith, Suowdon, Stewart, R. F. Taylor, T. W. Taylor, Thomas, Thompson, J. C. Walker, Walton, Ward, Welsh, R. J. White, J. L. Wilson, Winn, Woodley, Worsham and Wright—07. The question recurring on agreeing to the motion to strike out "four thousand," was put, and decided in the negative. The question being—Shall the bill Jie read a third time? Mr. Cowan demanded the previous questionwhich was sustained by the house; and being put, was decided in the affirmative. The question being—Shall the bill pass? Mr. Staples demanded the previous question; which was sustained by the house; and be¬ ing put, was decided in the affirmative—Ayes 88, noes 22. Ayes—Messrs. Sheffey (speaker), Anderson, Barksdale, Bland, Bouldin, Bowles, Branch, Bryan, Buffington, Burnett, Butler, Coke, Cowan, Crawford, Cresap, Crockett, Custis, Deane, Dickey, Draper, Edwards, English, Evans, W. O. Fry, Gilmer, Goodall,. Goody¬ koontz, Hall, T. S. Haymond, Hendrick, Ilerndon, Hiett, Hoge, Holden, Huntt, Hutche- son, James, J. B. Johnson, Jones, Kaufman, Keiley, Kenney, Linkous, Lively, Lurty, Maguire, Magruder, McCue, McMillan, McNeil, Meade, Melvin, Monroe, Morgan, Nigh¬ bert, Parramore, Pendleton, Pitman, Pretlow, Powell, Randolph, Reid, Richardson, Rixey, Robertson, I. Robinson, J. A. Robinson, Rowan, Rust, Rutherfoord, D. J. Saunders, Scott, Sherrard, Smith, Snowden, Stewart, T. W. Taylor, Thompson, Tibbs, J. C. Walker, Wal¬ ton, Ward, Welsh, J. L. Wilson, S. M. Wilson, Winn, Woodley and Wright—88. Noes—Messrs. Bowen, Burwell, Deyerle, Douthat, Ferguson, Fletcher, A. Fry, Graham, Horton, W. Johnson, Kindrick, Lundy, McElroy, Miller, Mullens, Patterson, F. Saunders, Staples, R. F. Taylor, J. Walker, R. J. White and Worsham—22. The Speaker laid before the house a communication from the go¬ vernor, enclosing a letter from the president of the Central lunatic asylum, with a report of the board of directors, asking an additional appropriation to said asylum; which was read, and Referred to the committee on lunatic asylums. On motion' of Mr. Wilson of Isle of Wight, Resolved, that the committee on banks enquire into the expe- . diency of suspending the charters of such banks of this common¬ wealth as refuse to receive money on deposit. On motion of Mr. Custis, Resolved, that the committee on lunatic asylums enquire into the expediency of abolishing the board of directors of tl>e Eastern luna¬ tic. asylum, and placing the same in the hands of the government during the war. On motion of Mr. Haymond of Marion, Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice enquire into the propriety of providing by law for the protection of soldiers' families, so that the said families shall not be dispossessed of the tenements they may occupy during the existing war, by their landlords. Mr. Keiley presented the petition of Joseph Boisseux, asking to be released from the payment of a judgment for $950, overvalue of a slave purchased by him at a sheriff's sale; which was ordered to be referred to the committee on finance. 120 JOURNAL OP THE Mr. Saunders of Richmond presented the memorial of O. A. Ericson and others, asking the incorporation of the Virginia female institute ; which was ordered to be referred to the committee of pro¬ positions and grievances. No. 19. A senate bill entitled an act to reorganize the militia, be¬ ing the order of the day, was taken up. Mr. Burwell moved to amend the bill in the 2d line of the 30th section, by inserting after the word "act" the following: or any companies organized under the act of congress, passed March 13th, 1862, entitled an act to authorize the formation of volunteer com¬ panies for local defenceand the question being on agreeing there¬ to, was put, and decided in the affirmative. Mr. Bouldin moved to amend the 30th section by adding at the end thereof the following: " But no company organized under the act of congress approved October 13th, 1862, shall be organized un¬ der this act, as a part of the state forces, unless such company be disbanded by the president of the Confederate States;" and the ques¬ tion being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the affirmative. Mr. Bouldin (for Mr. Brooke), moved further to amend the bill, by striking out the 32d section, and inserting in lieu thereof the following: . , " When commissions are of the same date, the rank is to be de¬ cided, first—By former rank in the confederate army, if both parties were in such army. Second—If one has served in the confederate ' army, and the other not, the former shall rank the latter. Third— In all other cases, the question of rank shall be decided by lot." The question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the affirmative. Mr. Deyerle moved to amend the bill, by striking out the 33d section, creating an inspector general and defining his duties; and the question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the affirmative. Mr. Pendleton moved to add as an independent section the following: " The adjutant general of this state shall act as inspector general of the forces organized under this act." The question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the affirmative. The hour of 3 o'clock having arrived, the chair was vacated until 8 o'clock P. M. EVENING SESSION. Mr. Anderson, from the committee on military affairs, presented the following reports: A report asking to be discharged from the consideration of a reso¬ lution of enquiry as to exempting principals of female schools from military duty. HOUSE OF DELEGATES. 121 A report asking to be discharged from the consideration of the me¬ morial of N. Carroll, in relation to the defence of the city of Rich¬ mond. A report asking to be discharged from the consideration of a reso¬ lution of enquiry as to increasing the appropriation for the Virginia military institute, and that it be referred to the committee on finance; which was concurred in. The report of the committee on military affairs, asking to be dis¬ charged from the further consideration of the petition of the justices of Henrico, in relation to the exemption from military duty of con¬ stables, was taken up, on motion of Mr. English, and on motion, re¬ ferred to the committee on confederate relations. The report of the committee on military affairs, adverse to the me¬ morial of the Religious Society of Friends, asking exemption from military service, was taken up, and on motion of Mr. Anderson, re¬ committed to the committee. No. 19. A bill for the relief of Washington G. Singleton, clerk of the district court of the 6th judicial district, was read a second time, and ordered to be engrossed and read a third time. No. 5-5. A bill to authorize the corporate authorities of the city of Richmond to purchase wood, and to impress fuel and transportation in certain cases, was read a first time, and ordered to be read a second time. The following addition to the rules of the house, notice of which had been given, was taken up and agreed to: " There shall be a standing committee on public printing, to whom shall be referred all questions of printing not otherwise ordered by the house. It shall be the duty of said committee to examine all ac¬ counts for printing annually, and to make such reports and recom¬ mendations thereon as it may deem necessary and proper." No. 19. A senate bill entitled an act to reorganize the militia, being the order of the day, was taken up. Mr. Bouldin moved to amend the bill in the 36th section, by striking out the following words in the beginning of the section: "The following acts and parts of acts are hereby repealed," and in¬ sert "Sj mncli of. the following acts and parts of acts as may con¬ flict with the provisions of this act, are hereby repealed ;" and the question being on agreeing thereto, was put and decided in the ne¬ gative. Mr. Deverle submitted the following resolution : Resolved, Tliat the bill under consideration be referred to a select committee, with instructions to revise the 36th section (repealing clause); and the question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and de¬ cided in the negative. Mr. Richardson moved to amend the bill, by striking out the 36th section, as follows: "36. The following acts and parts of acts are hereby repealed: The 22d chapter of the Code (edition 1S60); the 23d chapter of the Code, except sections 21,22,23, 24 25 and 26; the 1st, 3d, 4th, 5th, 6th, 12th, 13th, 17th and 20th sections of the 24th chapter of the 16 122 JOURNAL OF THE Code ; the 25th chapter of the Code ; the 2Gth chapter of the Code; the I2tlisection of chapter 27 of the Code; chapter 28 of the Code; the 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 10th, 12th, 13th and 14th sections of the 29th chapter of the Code; the 1st, 2d, Gth, 13th, 14th, 15th, 22d, 23d, 24th and 25th sections of chapter 30 of the Code, and the 31st chapter of the Code; an act amending certain laws respecting the militia of the commonwealth, so as to render them more efficient, passed March 23d, 18G1; an ordinance for the protection of property in counties of the state not actually invaded, passed June 24th, 1861; an ordinance to amend an ordinance passed May 1st, 1861, concern¬ ing persons exempt from military duty, passed June 26,1861; an act for ascertaining and enrolling the military forces of the common¬ wealth, passed February 8th, 1862 ; an act to raise troops to meet the requisition on Virginia by the president of the Confederate States, passed February 10th, 1862 ; an act to authorize the governor to or¬ ganize and call out' certain military forces for the defence of the state, passed March 7th, 1862; and the 3d, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th sections of an act amending and re-enacting an act amending and re-enacting the 2d section of chapter 22 of the Code of Virginia, respecting per¬ sons exempt from military duty, passed October 1st, 1862," and in¬ serting the following: "The existing laws governing the militia organization of this state shall not be held to apply to or affect the organization created by this act." Mr. Hall moved to amend the amendment, by striking out the amendment, and inserting in lieu thereof, "All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with, the provisions of this act, are hereby repealed;" and the question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the negative. The question recurring on agreeing to the amendment submitted by Mr. Richardson, Mr. Rowan demanded the previous question; which was sustained by the house; and being put, was decided in the negative. Mr. Hall moved further to amend the bill, by striking out the 36th section; and the question being on agreeing thereto, Mr..An¬ derson demanded the previous question; which .was sustained by the house; and being put, was decided in the negative. Mr. Haymond of Marion moved further to amend the bill, by in¬ serting as an independent section the following (to come in after the 35th section): "Be it further enacted, that when two regiments or%iore shall be called into service under the provisions of this act, it shall be the duty of the governor to tender such force so raised to the president of the Confederate States, to enable that government to repel inva¬ sion, insurrection or rebellion within the limits of Virginia: pro¬ vided, however, that in no case shall they be held in service for a longer period than that provided for in the 17th section of this act; and the organization thereof shall continue, as is provided in this act;" and the question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and de¬ cided in the negative—Ayes 16, noes 73. HOUSE OP DELEGATES. 123 On motion of Mr. Anderson, the vote was recorded as follows: Ayes—Messrs. Anderson, Bland, Burwell, Cresap, Hall, T. S. Haymond, Holden, Hor- ton, Huntt, Huteheson, Lurty, Morgan, J. A. Robinson, Rutherfoord, R. F. Taylor and Welsh—16. Noes—Messrs. Sheffey (speaker), Barksdale, Bonldin, Bowen, Branch, Buford, Burnett, Burr, Butler, ('rawford, Crockett, Deane, Deyerle, Dickey, Draper, Duval. Edwards, English, Fletcher, W. o. Fry, Gilmer, Goodykoontz, Graham, Herndon, Hiett, Hoge, James, J. B. Johnson, Jones, Kaufman, Keiley, Kenney, Kindrick, Linkous, Lively, Lundy, Maguire, Magruder, Marr, Mathews, McCue, McElroy, McMillan, McNeil, Meade, Melvin, Millet, Monroe, Patterson, Pendleton, Pitman, Pretlow, Powell, Reid, Richardsont Riddick, Robertson, Rowan, Rust, Sherrard, Smith, Staples, T. W. Taylor, Thomas, Tredway, J. Walker, Walton, R J. White, J. L. Wilson, S. M. Wilson, Winn and Worsham—73. The question being—Shall the bill be read a third time? Mr. Hay- toond demanded the previous question; which was sustained by the housed and being put, was decided in the affirmative. The bill was then read a third time, and the question being—Shall the bill pass? Pending the consideration thereof, On motion of Mr. Rowan, the house adjourned until to-morrow, 11 o'clock. TUESDAY, October 13, 1863. Prayer by Rev. Mr. Pettigrew of the Reformers church. A communication from the senate, by their clerk, was read al follows: In Senate, Oct. 12, 1863. The senate have disagreed to the amendments proposed by the house of delegates to senate bill entitled: An act to provide for the payment of certain claims against the Eastern lunatic asylum, No. 22. They have passed bills entitled: An act to authorize the arrest of deserters by the civil authorities, No. 35. An act to arm and equip the militia, No. 38. In which bills they respectfully request the concurrence of the house of delegates. The following senate bills were read a first and second times, and referred to the committee on military affairs: No. 35. A senate bill entitled an act to authorize the arrest of deserters by the civil authorities. No. 38. A senate bill entitled an act to arm and equip the militia. The disagreement of the senate to the amendments proposed by the house of delegates' to senate bill entitled an act to provide for the payment of certain claims against the Eastern lunatic asylum, was taken up, and the question being—Will the house insist upon their amendments? on motion of Mr. Haymond of Marion, the bill and amendments were referred to the committee on finance. Mr. Rutherfoord, from the committee for courts of justice, to whom was referred 124 JOURNAL OP THE No. 17. A senate bill entitled an act to suspend proceedings ill certain cases, and on executions, attachments, distress warrants, trust deeds and other demands in cases of refusal to receive payment in currency received in payment to the state, and to repeal the act passed March 29, 1862, entitled an act to suspend sales and legal pro¬ ceedings in certain cases, reported life same with amendments. Mr. Bouldin, from the committee on finance, presented the fol¬ lowing bill: No. 67. A bill concerning omitted taxes and erroneous assessments. Mr. Bouldin, from the same committee, presented the following reports: An adverse report to a resolution enquiring into the expediency of making some provision for the support of such of the poor t»f the commonwealth as have been driven from their homes by the enemy, and have located in other cities and counties of this state. An adverse report to a resolution enquiring into the expediency of exempting from taxation those counties of the state which have been or are now occupied by the public enemy. An adverse report to a resolution enquiring into the expediency of making an appropriation for the support of the families of soldiers left within the lines of the enemy. A report asking to be discharged from the further consideration of a resolution enquiring into the expediency of opening a correspon¬ dence between this state and the other Confederate States of America, fis to the propriety of issuing state bonds to the amount of the out¬ standing treasury notes of said Confederate States, in proportionate sums, according to the population and property of each, with the view of absorbing the same, and with the further view of recom¬ mending to the government of the Confederate States the inaugura¬ tion of a system of taxation in the future, for the support of the government, military and civil, according to estimates to be made by its executive to the congress thereof annually, and that the same be referred to the committee on confederate relations; which was con¬ curred in. Mr. Crockett, from the committee on lunatic asylums, presented the following bills: No. 6S. A bill to meet the deficiency in the ordinary appropriation for the support of the Central lunatic asylum; which was read a first time, and ordered to be read a second time. No. 69. A bill abolishing the board of visitors of the Eastern lunatic asylum. Mr. Anderson, from the committee on military affairs, presented the following bill: No. 70. A bill to encourage the formation of volunteer navy com¬ panies in the state of Virginia; which was read a first time, and ordered to be read a second time. The Speaker laid before the house the following communication from the governor: HOUSE OF DELEGATES. 125 Executive Department, Richmond, Fa., Oct. 13, 1SG3. Gentlemen of the Senate and House of Delegates: Another young and gifted son of Virginia lias fallen in defending the honor of liis native state, and in upholding the cause of the Confederacy. Prior to the opening of the war, Captain William B. Newton represented the county of Hanover in the house of delegates with distinguished ability, and ftis political career gave assurance of great future distinction. His conduct du¬ ring the war has been marked by gallantry, courage and devotion to the qiuse. In private life he was amiable, courteous and gentle¬ manly. His character for honor, integrity and virtue, public and private, was irreproachable. When such men die, it is proper that their names and services should be held in grateful remembrance; that their virtues should be held up before the rising generation for emulation, and that their memories should be enshrined in the hearts of their countrymen. Respectfully, John Letcher. On motion of Mr; Cowan, Resolved unanimously, that the communication from the governor be entered upon the journal of the house, and that the clerk be re¬ quested to enclose a copy to the family of the deceased. No. 44. A bill to regulate the price of all articles produced or manufactured in this state, and the sale of all other goods, wares and merchandise in the same, was taken up, on motion of Mr. Deyerle, and read a second time. Mr. Anderson (for Mr. Wilson of Norfolk) presented a substitute to the bill, by way of amendment; and on motion, the bill and amend¬ ment were laid on the table, and the substitute ordered to be printed. On motion of Mr. Barksdale, Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice enquire into the expediency of providing for proceedings against persons residing within the enemy's lines, by publication, as in cases of non-residents. Mr. English presented the memorial of citizens of Henrico, pray¬ ing the passage of a special act to raise a mounted' corps for the de¬ fence of their county ; which was ordered to be referred to the com¬ mittee on military affairs. The hour having arrived for the consideration of the order of the day, No. 19. A senate jpill entitled an act to reorganize the militia, be- , ingthe order of the day, was taken up; and the question being— Shall the bill as amended pass? Mr. Cowan demanded the previous question ; which was sustained by the house, and being put, was-de¬ cided in the affirmative—Ayes SS, noes 15. Ayes—Messrs. Skeffey (speaker), Amlters, Anderson, Barksdale, Bland, Bouldin, Bowen, Branch, Bryan, Buffington, Buford, Burnett, Burr, Butler, Burwell, C<>ke, Cowan, Crawford, Cresnp, Crockett, Custis, Deane, Deyerle, Dickey, Draper, Duval, Edwards, English, Ferguson, A. Fry, W. O. Fry, Gilmer, Goodall, Goodykoontz, Graham, T. S. Hay- 126 JOURNAL OP THE mond, Herndon, Hiett, Holden, Horton, Hughes, Huntt, Irving, James, J. B. Johnson, W. Johnson, Jordan, Keiley, Linkous, Lundy, Lurty, Maguire, Magruder, Mathews, McCue, MeKinney, McMillan; McNeil, Meade, Melvin, Morgan, Nighbert, Parramore, Pendle¬ ton, Pitman, Powell, Reid, Rixey, J. A. Robinson, Rowan, Rutherfoord, D. J. Saunders, Scott, Sherrard, Snowden, R. F. Taylor, T, W. Taylor, Thomas, Thompson, Tomlin, Tred- way, J. Walker, Walton, Ward, Welsh, R. J. White, S. M. Wilson and Woodley—88. Noes—Messrs. Fletcher, Hall, Jones, Kindrick, McfcLroy, Miller, Monroe, Mullens, Pretlow, Smith, Staples, Stewart, J. L. Wilson, Worsham and Wright—15. Ordered, that Mr. Anderson carry the same to the senate, and re¬ quest their concurrence. The folloWing senate bills were read a third time and passed: No. 12. An act incorporating the Virginia volunteer navy com¬ pany. No. 29. An act to repeal so much of the act passed February 15th, 1853, as exempts the white male citizens of the county of King George, of forty-five years and upwards, from working on the public roads in that county. Ordered, that the clerk inform the senate thereof. On motion of Mr. Jones, the house adjourned until to-morrow, 11 o'clock. WEDNESDAY, October 14, 1S63. • Prayer by Rev. Mr. Pettigrew of the Reformers church. A communication from the senate, by their clerk, was read ,as follows: In Senate, Oct. 13, 1863. The senate have agreed to the amendments proposed by the house of delegates to senate bill entitled: An act to amend the 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th, 13th, 14th and 16th sections of chapter 14; the 14th section of chapter 21; the 27th sectioibof chapter 23, and the 10th section of chapter 66 of the Code of Virginia (edition of 1860), so as to increase the salaries of certain officers of the government, No. 13. Mr. Magruder, from the committee of propositions and grievances, presented the following bill: No. 71. A bill to incorporate the Virginia female institute of the city of Richmond. Mr. Bouldin, from the committee on finance, to whom had been referred No. 22. A senate bill entitled an act to provide for the payment of certain claims against the Eastern lunatic asylum, with the amend¬ ments thereto proposed by the house of delegates, and disagreed to¬ by the senate, reported the same, with a recommendation that the house insist upon its amendments. Mr. Burwell, from the committee of roads and internal naviga¬ tion, presented the following: No. 27. A bill to provide for the construction and equipment of the Covington and Ohio rail road. HOUSE OF DELEGATES. 127 Mr. Burwell, from the same committee, to whom had been re¬ ferred a resolution enquiring into the expediency of compelling by law the agents of the Virginia and Tennessee rail road at Saltville to give receipts for salt, presented a report, asking to be discharged from the further consideration of the subject. Mr. Burwell, from the shme committee, to whom had been re¬ ferred a resolution enquiring into the failure of the Richmond and Danville rail road to connect with the South side rail road, presented a report, asking to be discharged from the further consideration of the subject. On motion of Mr. Bouldin, Resolved, that the committee on finance be instructed to enquire into the expediency of reporting a bill by which the compensation of the governor may be made to approximate the salary prescribed by the constitution. On motion of Mr. Baker, Resolved, that the committee on military affairs enquire into the expediency of reporting a bill authorizing the governor to import a supply of shoes and blankets for the use and benefit of the Virginia troops in the confederate army. On motion of Mr. Snowden, Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice enquire into the expediency of so amending the Code as to authorize the sale of any free negro who, since the commencement of the war, shall have aided and assisted any slave to escape from his owner, or who shall here*- after aid and assist any slave to escape; the proceeds of such sale to be applied to the indemnity of the owner of such slave for the loss of his slave, or for any property carried off by such slave. No. 24. A senate bill entitled an act to abolish the auditing board, and to provide for the settlement of all claims remaining unsettled by said board, was read a third time, and on motion, indefinitely postponed. No. 28. A senate bill entitled an act to repeal so much of the ordinance of the convention of April 24th, 1861, as provides for a pay department of Virginia forces, was taken up, amended, and as amended, read a third time and passed—Ayes 93, noes 9. Ayes—Messrs. Sheffey (speaker), Ambers, Anderson, Baker, Barksdale,Bouldin, Bianch, Bryan, Buffington, Burr, Burwell, Chalmers, Coke, Cowan, Crawford, Cresap, Crockett, Dickey, Draper, Duval, Edwards, English, Ferguson, Flood, W. O. Fry. Gilmer, Goodall, Goodykoontz, Graham, T. S. Haymond, Hemdon. Holden, Horton, Hughes, Huntt, Hutche- son, James, J. B. Johnson, Jones, Jordan, Keiley, Kenney, Kindrick, Linkous, Lundy, Lurty, Magruder, Maguire,Marr, MeCue, McElroy, McKinney, McMillan, Meade, Melvin, Miller, Morgan, Mullens, R. E. Nelson, Parramore, Patterson, Pendleton, Pitman, Eeid, Richardson, Riddick, Robertson. J. A. Robinson, Rust, Kutherfoord, D. J. iSaunders, F. Saunders. Scott, Shackleford, Shelton, Sherrard, Smith, Snowden, Staples, Stewart, R. F. Ta> lor, T. W. Taylor, Thomas. Thompson, Tredway, J. Walker, Walton, Ward, Welsh, J. L. Wilson, S. M. Wilson and Worsham—93. Noes—Messrs. Buford, Hendrick, Hiett, Irving, W. Johnson, Monroe, Powell, Rowan And Tomlin—9. Ordered, that the clerk communicate the same to'the senate, and request their concurrence. Mr. Burr presented the petition of C. Y. Morris, president of the James river canal packet company, remonstrating against the passage 128 JOURNAL OF THE of an act allowing the James river and Kanawha company to regu¬ late tolls on the James river and Kanawha canal; which was ordered to be laid on the table. No. 50. A bill amending and re-enacting the Gth, 7th, 0th and 10th sections of the 14th chapter of the Code of Virginia (edition of 1800), was taken up, on motion of Mr. Marye, and read a second time. Mrs Deyerle moved the indefinite postponement of the bill; and the question being on agreeing thereto, Mr. Rutherfoord demanded the previous question; which was sustained by the house; and bejng put, was decided in the negative. The bill was then amended, and as amended read a second time, and ordered to be engrossed and read a third time. No. 39. A bill to define and punish the offences of forestalling, re- grating and engrossing, and to regulate and restrict the intermediate employment of capital between the producer and consumer, was taken up, on motion of Mr. Rutherfoord, and read "a second time, amended, and as amended ordered to be engrossed and read a third time. The following bills were read a second time, and ordered to be engrossed and read a third time: No. 31. - A bill authorizing the board of public works, acting as a board of supervisors tor the production and distribution of salt, to modify the contract of lease between Stuart, Buchanan & Co. and Thomas R. Friend. No. GO. A bill allowing the Petersburg Con manufacturing com¬ pany to hold not more than 20,000 acres of laud at any one time. No. 02. A bill to authorize the governor to hire free negro and slave convicts to work in coal pits. No. 22. A senate bill to provide for tl c payment of certain claims against the Eastern lunatic asylum, with the amendments thereto proposed by the house of delegates, and disagreed to by the senate, was taken up, and on motion of Mr. Ct stis, indefinitely postponed. No. 43. An engrossed bill to authorize the sale of Capon springs, was taken up, on motion of Mr. Ward, read a third time and puf-sed. Ordered, that the clerk communicate the same to the senate, and request their concurrence. Mr. Pitman submitted the following resolution: Resolved, that this house do meet at 10 o'clock A. M., and con¬ tinue in session until 3 o'clock P. M., unless otherwise ordered; which, being objected to, was laid over under the rule. ,On motion of Mr. James, Resolved, that the committee on finance enquire into the expe¬ diency of reporting a bill amending an act passed the 13th of Octo¬ ber 1SG3, increasing the salaries of certain officers of government. On motion of Mr. Walker of Augusta, the chair was vacated until 8 o'clock. HOUSE OF DELEGATES. 129 EVENING SESSION. The Speaker announced the following standing committee on • printing, under a rule recently adopted: Messrs. Pendleton, Walton, Rowan, English, Saunders of Richmond, Chalmers, Branch, Fergu¬ son, Scott, Maguire, Coke, Winn, Woodley, McNeil and Hiett. On motion of Mr. Bouldin, the rule was suspended, with the view to reconsider the vote by which No. 39. A bill to define and punish the offences of forestalling, regrating and engrossing, and to regulate and restrict the interme¬ diate employment of capital between the producer and consumer, was ordered to its engrossment. ^Mr. Bouldin submitted an amendment to the bill. Pending the consideration of which, On motion of Mr. Bouldin, the bill was laid on the table. No. 15. A senate bill entitled an act declaring what contracts shall be payable in currency, was read a third time and passed. No. 27. A senate bill entitled an act requiring rail road and canal companies to transport troops and munitions of war without the right to demand prepayment of fare, was taken up, and on motion of Mr. McCue, laid on the table. No. 23. A senate bill entitled an act to authorize the transfer of causes from courts which cannot be held by reason of the presence or proximity of the public enemy, to other circuit courts not so situated, was taken up, and on motion of Mr. Wilson of Isle of Wight, laid on the table. No. 25. A senate bill entitled an act to amend and re-enact the first section of chapter 80 of the Acts of 1S6L-2, entitled an act to provide for the trial of persons charged with offences committed in counties in the possession of the eneiny, or threatened w7ith imrne-. diate invasion, passed March 27th, 1802, and to repeal the act amend¬ ing the same, passed October 4th, 1SG2, was taken up, and on motion of Mr. Wilson of Isle of Wight, laid on the table. No. 17. A senate bill entitled- an act to suspend proceedings in certain cases, and on executions, attachments, distress warrants, trust deeds'and other demands, in cases of refusal to receive payment in currency received in payment to the state, and to repeal the act passed March 29th, 1SG2, entitled an act to suspend sales and legal proceedings in certain cases, was taken up, and on motion of Mr. Magruder, laid on the table. No. 15. A senate bill entitled an act to suppress gaming, with the amendments thereto proposed by the committee for courts of justice, was taken up and read a second time. The amendments were agreed to. Mr. Hall moved to amend the bill, by inserting (in addition to the punishment affixed in the bill for exhibiting any game prohibited by the act) "and shall receive thirty-nine lashes, well laid on, on his bare back, at the public whipping post;" and the question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the affirmative. 17 130 JOURNAL OF THE Mr. Rowan moved further to amend the bill, by adding as an in¬ dependent section the following: "Be it further enacted, that any free white person who shall play at any game of cards for money, shall receive the same punishment;" and the question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the negative. The bill was then read a third time; and the question being—Shall the bill pass? was put, and decided in the affirmative—Ayes £9, noes 10. On motion of Mr. Flood, the vote was recorded as follows: Ayes—Messrs. Sheffey (speaker), Anderson, Baker, Barksdale, Bland, Bouldin, Bowen, Branch, Bryan, Buffing-ton, Buford, Burnett, Burr, Chalmers, Crawford, Crockett, Deycrle, Douthat, Draper, Duval, Edwards, Ferguson, Flood. W. O. Fry, Gilmer, Goodykoontz, Graham, Hall, T. S. Haymond, Herndon, Hiett, Holden, Horton, Hutcheson, Irving, J. B. Johnson, W. Johnson, Jordan, Kenney, Kiudrick, Lundy, Magruder, Marr, Marye, Mathews, McCue, McElroy, McMillan, Melvin, Morgan, Mullens, Nighbert, Pendleton, Pit¬ man, Reid, J. A. Robinson, Shackleford, Snowden, Staples, Stewart, T. W.Taylor, Thomp¬ son, Tredway, J. Walker, Walton, Welsh, R. J. White, J. L. Wilson and Winn—69. Noes—Messrs. Custis, James, Jones, Linkous, Monroe, Pariamore, Rowan, Sherrard, Smith and R. F. Taylor—10. On motion of Mr. Haymond of Marion, the house adjourned until to-morrow, 11 o'clock. THURSDAY, October 15, 1863. Prayer by Rev. Mr. Pettigrew of the Reformers church. A communication from the senate, by their clerk, was read as follows: In Senate, Oct. 14, 1863. The senate have passed a bill entitled: An act to repeal the act passed March 5th, 1862, entitled an act to authorize the issue of registered certificates of state stock to Dr. Peter F. Brown, in lieu of two lost bonds, No. 41. In which they respectfully request the concurrence of the house of delegates. No. 41. A senate bill entitled an act to repeal the act passed March 5th, 1862,' entitled an act to authorize the issue of registered certificates of state stock to Dr. Peter F. Brown, in lieu of two lost bonds, was read a first and second times, and referred to the commit¬ tee on finance. Mr. Ambers, from the committee of roads and internal navigation, presented the following bill; No. 73. A bill to amend an act entitled an act to regulate the toll for passing Mayo's bridge, passed March 12th, 18-35. Mr. Burwell, from the same committee, to whom had been re¬ ferred a resolution enquiring into the expediency of prohibiting ex¬ press companies from transporting any goods, wares or merchandise belonging to such companies, and to protect the state from any mo¬ nopoly or injustice which such companies entail, presented a report, asking to be discharged from the further consideration of the subject. HOUSE OP DELEGATES. 131 No. 39. A bill to define and punish the offences of forestalling, regrating.and engrossing, and tp regulate and restrict the interme¬ diate employment of capital between the producer and consumer, was taken up, on motion of Mr. Bouldin, and on his motion, recom¬ mitted to the committee for courts of justice. Mr. Bouldin, from the committee for courts of justice, presented ihe following bills: No. 74. A bill to provide for the preservation of the records of the county of Warwick. No. 75. A bill amending and re-enacting the 10th section of chap¬ ter 170 of the Code of Virginia (edition of 1860). No. 76. A bill to amend and re-enact the act passed October 1st, 1863, entitled an act to amend the act passed February 13th, 1S62, entitled an act to amend section 14 of chapter 163 of the Code, in relation to the removal of the records and papers of courts. Mr. Anderson, from the committee on military affairs, to whom had been referred No. 35. A senate bill entitled an act to authorize the arrest of de¬ serters,by the civil authorities, reported the same with amendments. Subsequently, the amendments were agreed to, and the bill read a third time and passed. Ordered, that the clerk communicate the same to the senate, and request their concurrence, < Mr. Anderson, from the same committee, to whom had been referred No. 38. A senate bill entitled an act to arm and equip the militia, reported the same with a substitute therefor by way of amendment. Subsequently, the substitute was agreed to, and the bill as amended read a third time and passed—Ayes 100. Ayes—Messrs. Sheffey (speaker), Ambers, Anderson, Baker, Barksdale, Bland, Bouldin, Bowen, Branch, Bryan, Bufftpgton, Buford, Burr, Burwell, Chalmers, Coke, Crawford, Cresap, Crockett, Deyerle, Dickey, Douthat, Draper, Duval, English, Ferguson, Flood, W. O. Fry, Gilmer, Goodall, Goodykoontz, T. S. Haymond, Hendrick, Herndon, Hiett, Holden, Horton, Huntt, Hntcheson, Irving, James, J. B. Johnson, W. Johnson, Jones, Jor¬ dan, Keiley, Kenney, Kind rick, Linkous, Lundy, Magruder, Marr, Marye, Mathews, Mc- Cue, McElroy, McKinney, McMillan, McNeil, Melvin, Miller, Monroe, Morgan, Mullens, R. E. Nelson, Nighbert, Parramore, Patterson, Pitman, Randolph, Reid, Riddick, Robert- Bon, I. Robinson, J. A. Robinson, Rust, D J. Saunders, Scott, Shackleford, Shelton, Sherrard, Snowden, Staples, R. F. Taylor, T. W. Taylor, Thompson, Tomlin, Tredway, J. Walker, Walton, Waj'd, Welsh, R. J. White, J. L. Wilson, S. M. Wilson, Winn, Woodley, Wool- folk and Worsliam—100. Ordered, that the clerk communicate the same to the senate, and request their concurrence. Mr. Anderson, from the same committee, to whom had been re¬ committed the memorial of the Society of Friends, presented a re¬ port, asking to be discharged from the further consideration of the same. Mr. Buford, from the committee on banks, reported the following bill: No. 77. A bill to amend the charter of the bank of Rockbridge j which was read a first tifne, and ordered to be read a second time. Mr. Buford, from the same committee, presented a report on the 132 JOURNAL OF THE subject of the currency, with a plan proposed for the reform thereof; which was laid on the table and ordered to be printed. Doc. No. 14. No. 30. A bill to protect the treasury notes of the Confederate States from improper appreciation, by restricting the sale or exchange thereof at less than their nominal value, and the exportation of coin and other state currency to foreign states, was taken up, on motion of Mr. BuFORDj and read a second time. Mr. Morgan submitted the following as an independent section: " That the govn, Pendleton, Powell, Reid, D. J. Saunders, F. Saunders, Shelton, Staples, R. F. Taylor, Tomlin,'l'redway, J. Walker, Ward, E. J. White, S. M. Wilson, Winn, Wooltolk aud Worsharu—.r>4. Thereupon, the Speaker declared the bill rejected. On motion of Mr. Pendleton, the rule was suspended, with a view to reconsider the vote by which the bill was rejected, and the bill laid on the table. No. 50. A bill amending and re-enacting the 6th, 7th, 9th and 10th sections of the 14th chapter of the Code of Virginia (edition of I860), was taken up, on motion of Mr. Marye, and read a third time; and the question being—Shall the bill pass? the roll-was called, with the following result—Ayes 64, noes 24: Ayes—Messrs. Sheffey (speaker), Ambers, Anderson, Baker, Bavksdale, Bland, Bouldin, Buffingtou, Burr, Butler, Burwell, Chalmers, Coke, Crawford, Duval, Edwards, English, Ferguson, W. O. Fry, Gilmer, Goode, Goodykoontz, Hall, T. S. Raymond, Hendrick, Hiett, Holden, Hutcheson, Irving, Jones, Keiley, Kenney, Lurty, Magrnder, Marr, Marye, Mathews, McCue, McKinney, McNeil, Meade, Monroe, R. E. Nelson, Pitman, Powell, Ran¬ dolph, Reid, Richardson, Riddick, J. A. Robinson, Rust, D. J. Saunders, Sbackleford, Sherrard, T. W. Taylor, Thompson, Tibbs, Tredway, Ward, J. L. Wilson, S. M. Wilson, Wiun, Woodley and Wright—64. Noes—Messrs. Bowen, Branch, Buford, Burnett, Deyerle, Dickey, Flood, Horton, W. Johnson, Jordan, Kindrick, McElroy, Miller, Morgan, Patterson, F. Saunders, Smith, Staples, R. F. Taylor, Tomlin, J. Walker, Walton, R. J. White and Woolfolk—24. On motion of Mr. Staples, the rule was suspended, with a view to reconsider the vote rejecting the bill, and the same was laid on the table. No. 49. A bill for the protection of sheep and to increase the growth of wool, was taken up, on motion of Mr. McCue; and the question being on the amendment heretofore submitted by Mr. Gilmer, to strike out "shall" in the 3d section, and to insert "a majority of the justices being first summoned," (so as to give the county court discretion in taxing dogs); pending the consideration of which, On motion of Mr. Worsham, the house adjourned until to-morrow, 11 o'clock. SATURDAY, October 17, 1863. A communication from the senate, by their clerk, was read as follows: In Senate, Oct. 16, ] S63. The senate have passed house bill entitled : An act authorizing the board of public works, acting as a board of supervisors for the production and distribution of salt, to modify the contract of lease between Stuart, Buchanan & Co. and Thomas R. Friend, No. 31. Mr. Anderson, from the committee on military affairs, to whom had. been referred a resolution as to the expediency of authorizing the 18 138 JOURNAL OP THE' governor to import shoes and blankets for Virginia soldiers in the confederate army, presented a report asking to be discharged from the further consideration of the subject. Mr. Brooke, from the committee for courts of justice, presented the following bill: No. 80. A bill amending and re-enacting the 5th section of chap¬ ter J 84 of the Code of Virginia (edition of 1860). On motion of Mr. Shackleford, Resolved, that the committee on confederate relations be enlarged, by the addition of three members. The Speaker announced the following members as added to the committee: Messrs. Marye, "White of Brooke and Hancock, and Keiley. Mr. Crockett, from the committee on lunatic asylums, to whom had been referred No. 43. A senate bill, entitled an act to'supply deficiencies in the appropriation, for the Central lunatic asyluiti, reported the same with¬ out amendment. The Speaker laid before the house a communication from the governor, in relation to the request of the secretary of the treasury that he should recommend to the general assembly to make an ap¬ propriation to pay the taxes to the confederate government upon to¬ bacco stored in the public warehouses, and declining to do so, with accompanying documents; which were read, and on motion of Mr. Burwell, laid on the table and ordered to be printed. Doc. No. 15. The Speaker laid before the house the following letter from Wyndham Robertson, Esq., resigning his seat as a member of the house of delegates from the city of Richmond: House op Delegates, Oct. 16, 1863. Sir : I beg leave hereby respectfully to resign my seat as a member of this body. I am, most respectfully, Your obedient servant, Wyndham Robertson. Hon. H. W. Sheffey, Speaker House of Delegates. On motion of Mr. Burwell, Resolved, that the committee on agriculture and manufactures be instructed to enquire into the expediency of appointing a board of manufacturers, charged, among other things, with causing to be es¬ tablished a public factory for the manufacture and distribution of machinery, tools and implements proper for producing manufactures of wool, cotton, metal or leather. On motion of Mr. Johnson of Barbour, Resolved, that the committee on finance enquire into the expe¬ diency of investing the surplus in the treasury in bonds of the Con¬ federate States, and report by bill or otherwise. HOUSE OF DELEGATES. 139 No. 5t. An engrossed bill entitled an act to provide additional mileage for members of the general assembly, was taken up, on mo¬ tion of Mr. Haymond, and read a third time; and the question be¬ ing—Shall the bill pass ? the roll was called, with the following re¬ sult—Ayes 67, noes 44. Ayes—Messrs. Bland, Bryan, Buffington, Burr, Butler, Chalmers, Coke, Crawford, Cresap, Crockett, Dickey, Douthat, Duval, Edwards, Ferguson, Goodall, Goodykoontz, Hall, L. D. Haymond, T. S. Haymond, Hendrick, Herndon, Hiett, Hoge, Holden, Hughes, Huntt, Hutcheson, James, Jones, Keiley, Linkous, Lurty, Maguire, Marr, Mathews, Mc- Cue, McCutchen, McMillan, Melvin, Monroe, Morgan, Nighbert, Pitman, Pretlow, Ran- dolph, Richardson, I. Robinson, Rowan, Rust, Scott, Shackleford, Shelton, Sherrard, Smith,. Suowden, Stewart, T. W. Taylor, Thomas, Thompson, Tibbs, N. W. White, Williams, J. L. Wilson, Woodley and Wright—67. Noes—Messrs. Slieffey (speaker), Ambers, Anderson, Bouldin, Bowen, Branch, Brooke, Buford, Burnett, Burwell, Cowan, Deane, Deyerle, Draper, English, Flood, W. 0. Fry, Goode, Graham, Horton, Irving, W. Johnson, Jordan, Kenney, Kindrick, Lundy, Mu- Elroy, McKinney, McNeil, Meade, Miller, Patterson, Reid, F. Saunders, Staples, ToinlinJ Tredway, J. Walker, Walton, R. J.White, S. M. Wilson, Winn, Woolfolkand Worsham—44. The Speaker thereupon declared the bill rejected. Mr. Cowan moved to suspend the rule, with a view to reconsider the vote by which the bill was rejected. The bill was laid on the table. On motion of Mr. Tomlin,. Resolved, that the delegate from the city of Richmond, Mr. Ro¬ bertson, who has this day tendered the resignation of his seat on this floor, be requested to withhold the same for the present,. The resolution heretofore submitted by Mr. Stewart, and laid over under the rule, instructing our senators and requesting our represen¬ tatives to use their efforts to procure the passage of a law increasing the pay of soldiers, was taken up, on his motion, and referred to the committee on military affairs. No. 60. An engrossed bill allowing the Petersburg iron manufac¬ turing company to hold not more than twenty thousand acres of land at any one time, was taken up, on motion of Mr. Keiley, read a third time and passed. Ordered, that the clerk communicate the same to the senate, and request their concurrence. Mr. Walker of ■ Augusta submitted the following resolution; which being objected to, was laid over under the rule: Resolved, that with the consent of the senate, that this house will adjourn on Thursday the 22d instant, sine die. No. 49. A bill for the protection of sheep and to increase the growth of wool, was taken up; and the question being on agreeing to the amendment heretofore submitted by Mr. Gilmer—pending the consideration of which, the bill was laid on the table. Mr. Hutcheson submitted the following resolution; which being objected to, was laid over under the rule: Resolved, that on Monday, and thereafter until otherwise ordered, this house will meet at 10 o'clock A, M., and at 2 o'clock P. M. the Speaker will vacate the chair until 4 o'clock P. M., when this house will reassemble. *. Mr. Pendleton submitted the following resolution : Resolved, that the reprint of five hundred copies of 3d Grattan's 140 journal of the Reports, heretofore ordered, be suspended until the further order of the general assembly; and the question being 011 agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the affirmative. Ordered, that the clerk communicate the same to the senate, and request their concurrence. The communication from the governor, transmitting documents from Georgia in relation to salt, was taken up, on motion of Mr. Deane. Mr. Deane moved to refer the communication to the committee on confederate relations; and the question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the negative. The communication was then referred to the joint committee on salt. On motion of Mr. Wilson, the house adjourned until Monday, 11 o'clock. MONDAY, October 19, 18G3. A communication fronj the senate, by their clerk, was read as follows: In Senate, Oct. 17, 1863. The senate have passed bills entitled : An act to provide for the trial of friendly suits in chancery for par¬ tition, &c. arising in counties in the possession of the enemy, or threatened with invasion, No. <16. An act to provide for the payment of certain claims against the Eastern lunatic asylum, No. 47.. In which they respectfully request the concurrence of the house of delegates. No. 46. A senate bill entitled an act to provide for the trial of friendly .suits in chancery for partition, &c. arising in counties in the possession of the enemy, or threatened with invasion, was read a first and second times, and referred to the committee for courts of justice. No. 47. A senate bill entitled an act to provide for the payment of certain claims against the Eastern lunatic asylum, was read a first and second times, and referred to the committee on lunatic asylums. Mr. Shackleford, from the committee on confederate relations, presented the following reports: A report asking to be discharged from the further consideration of the petition of justices of the county of Henrico, asking that certain constables of said county be exempt from military duty. A report asking to be discharged from the further consideration of a resolution in relation to the expediency of opening a correspon¬ dence between this state and the Confederate States of America, as to the propriety of issuing state bonds to the amount of the out¬ standing treasury notes of said Confederate States, in proportionate HOUSE OF DELEGATES. 141 sums, according to the population and property of each, with the view of absorbing the same, and with the further view of recom¬ mending to the government of the Confederate States the inaugura¬ tion of a system of taxation in the future for the support of the government, military and civil, according to estimates to be made by its executive to the congress thereof annually. Mr. Bouldin, from the committee on finance, presented the fol¬ lowing bill: No. 81. A bill repealing-all laws authorizing insurance of tobacco by the state, and providing for the sale of the public warehouses. Mr. Bouldin, from the same committee, presented the following report: An adverse report on a resolution as to the expediency of investing the surplus in the state treasury in bonds of the Confederate States. Mr. Crockett, from the committee on lunatic asylums, presented the following bill: No. 82. A bill to authorize the Central lunatic asylum to impress necessary supplies and transportation; which was read a#first time, and ordered to be read a second time. Mr. Shackleford presented the following communication from Wyndham Robertson, Esq.: October 16, 1803. Dear Sir: . Sensible of no claims to the high and touching honor done me by the resolution of the house, which you have just communicated in terms so gratifying, my respect for that body, and sensibility to its good will, will allow me to say no less than that its wish that I should withhold the resignation of my seat for the pre¬ sent, shall be for me a law of action in regard to it, if the house thinks, and so far as, I can exercise any control over the subject. Begging you to offer my most profound thanks to the house for so great an honor as they have done me, and tendering them to you also for the obliging terms of your communication, I am, with the highest consideration, Your obedient servant, Wyndham Robertson. H. W. Sheffey, Esq. Speaker House of Delegates. The said communication was;ordered to be entered on the journal, On motion of Mr. Saunders of Richmond, Resolved, that the committee of roads and internal navigation be requested to enquire into the expediency of increasing the tolls on the Richmond and York river rail road. On motion of Mr. Deane, Resolved, that the committee on military affairs enquire into the expediency of conscribing all male free negroes between the ages of eighteen and fifty years, to be employed as laborers in the mines and manufactories by the Confederate States government during the war, and that they report by bill or otherwise. 142 JOURNAL OP THE Mr. Tomlin presented the petition of Philip P. Duval of King William county, asking to have refunded a tax improperly imposed; which was ordered to be referred to the committee on finance. On motion of Mr. Bland, Resolved, that the committee of roads and internal navigation be instructed to enquire into the expediency of appropriating from the public treasury a sum of money sufficient to construct and equip a rail road from some point on the Virginia Central rail road not east •of Milboro' in Bath county, and not-west of Gauley bridge, to termi¬ nate at some point on the Northwestern Virginia or the Baltimore and Ohio rail road not west of Clarksburg on the former road, nor west of Fairmont, Marion county, on the latter. The motion to suspend the rule with a view to reconsider the vote by which a bill to provide for additional mileage for members of the general assembly, No. 51, was taken up; and the question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the affirmative. The question being—Shall the bill pass? on motion of Mr. Cowan, the bill was laid on the table. On motion of Mr. Buford, the report of the committee on banks relative to the currency, was taken up, read, and on motion, laid on the table. The following senate bills were read a third time and passed: Jslo. 41. A senate bill entitled an act to repeal the act passed March 5th, 1862, entitled an act to authorize the issue of registered certificates of state stock to Dr. Peter F. Brown, in lieu of two lost bonds. No. 43. A senate bill entitled an act to supply deficiencies in the appropriation for the support of the Central lunatic asylum—Ayes 87: Ayes—Messrs. Sheffey (speaker), Ambers, Anderson, Baker, Bland, Bouldin, Bowen, Bowles, Branch, Brooke, Buffington, Buford, Burr, Butler, Burwell, Chalmers, Coke, Cowan, Crawford, Cresap, Crockett, Cummings, Deane, Deyerle, Dickey, Douthat, Draper, English, Ferguson, Flood, W. O. Fry, Goodall, Goodykoontz, Graham, Harris, L. D. Hay- mond, T. S. Haymond, Hiett, Horton, Huntt, Hutcheson, Irving, James, Jones, Jordan, Keuney, Lundy, Lynch, Mathews, McCutchen, McElroy, McKinney, McNeil, Meade, Mel- vin, Miller, Monroe, Morgan, Nighbert, Parramore, Patterson, Pitmftn, Pretlow, Reid, Richardson, Rust, D. J. Saunders, F. Saunders, Scott, Shackleford, Smith, Snowden, Staples, T. W. Taylor, Tibbs, Tomlin, Tredway, J. Walker, Walton, Ward, Welsh, R. J. White, Williams, Winn, Winston, Woodley and Worsham—87. Ordered, that the clerk inform the senate thereof. The following engrossed bills were read a third time and passed: No. 62. An engrossed bill to authorize the governor to hire free negro and slave convicts to work in coal pits—Ayes 86, noes 5. Ayes—Messrs. Ambers, Anderson, Baker, Bland, Bowen, Bowles, Branch, Brooke, Buffington, Buford, Burnett, Burr, Butler, Burwell, Chalmers, Cowan, Crawford, Cresap, Crockett, Cummings, Deane, Deyerle, Dickey, Douthat, Draper, Edwards, English, Fergu¬ son, Flood, W. O. Fry, Goodall, Goodykoontz, Graham, Hall, Harris, L. D. Haymond, T. S. Haymond, Hiett, Horton, Huntt, Hutcheson, Irving, James, W. Johnson, Jones, Jor¬ dan, Keuney, Lundy, Lurty, Lynch, Mathews, McCue, McCutchen, McElroy, McKinney, McMillan, McNeil, Meade, Melvin, Miller, Monroe, Nighbert, Parramore, Patterson, Pendle¬ ton, Pitman, Reid, Richardson, D. J. Saunders, F. Saunders, Scott, Snowden, Staples, Stewart, T. W. Taylor, Tomlin, Tredway, J. Walker, Walton, Ward, R. J. White, Wil¬ liams, Winn, Winston, Woodley and Worsham—86. Noes—Messrs. Sheffey (speaker), Bouldin, Bryan, Goode and Shackleford—5. On motion of Mr. Haymond of Marion, the title was amended so HOUSE OF DELEGATES. 143 as to read as follows: " To authorize the governor to hire free negro and other convicts to work in coal pits." No. 78. An engrossed hill refunding to John Nunan part of a license tax paid by him—Ayes 81, noes 2. Ayes—Messrs. Sheffey (speaker), Anderson, Baker, Bland, Bouldin, Bowen, Bowles, Branch, Buffington, Burnett, Burr, Butler, Burwell, Chalmers, Coke, Cowan, Crawford, Cresap, Cummings, Deyerle, Dickey, Douthat, Draper, English, Ferguson, W. O. Fry, Goode, Goodykoontz, Hall, Harris, L. D. Haymond,T. S. Haymond, Hoge, Horton, Huntt, James, Jones, Jordan, Kenney, Lundy, Lurty, Lynch, Mathews, McElroy, McKinney, McMillan, McNeil, Meade, Melvin, Miller, Monroe, Nighbert, Parramore, Patterson, Pen¬ dleton, Randolph, Reid, Rust, D. J. Saunders, F. Saunders, Scott, Shackleford, Shelton, Sherrard, Snowden, Staples, Stewart, T. W. Taylor, Tibbs, Tomlin, Tredway, J. Walker, Walton, Ward, R. J. White, Williams, J. L. Wilson, Winn, Winston, Woodley and Wor- sham—81. Noes—Messrs. W. Johnson and Pitman—2. Ordered, that the clerk communicate the same to the senate, and request their concurrence. No. 44. An engrossed bill to protect the treasury notes of the Confederate States from improper depreciation, by restricting the 'sale or exchange thereof at less thai^ their nominal value, and the exportation of coin and other state currency to foreign states, was read a third time. Mr. Brooke submitted a ryder to the bill; which was read a first and second times, and ordered to be engrossed and read a third time. The bill w?is then read a third time and passed. t Ordered, that Mr. Buford carry the same to the senate, and re¬ quest their concurrence. No. 44. A bill to regulate the price of all articles produced or manufactured in this state, and the sale of all other- goods, wares and merchandise in the same, was taken up, on motion of Mr. Anderson, and read a second time. Mr. Bouldin moved to amend the bill, by inserting in the 7th line of the first section, after the word "increase," the words "in their respective cities and towns;" and the question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the affirmative. Mr. Anderson moved to amend the bill, by inserting in the 8th line of the first section, after the word " aforesaid," the words " and the prices fixed by the commissioners to be appointed under the 2d section of this act;" and the question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the affirmative. Mr. Bouldin moved to strike out in the 9th line of first section the words " in their respective cities and towns;" and the question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the affirmative. Mr. Bouldin moved further to amend the bill, by striking, out in the lst.line of the 2d section the word " all," and inserting the word " no;" arid the question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and de¬ cided in the affirmative. Mr. Bouldin moved further to amend the bill, by striking out in the 3d line of the 2d section the word "not-," and the question be- iug on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the affirmative. • Mr. Anderson moved to amend the bill, by adding at the end of the 2d section the following: " provided, that merchants regularly 144 JOURNAL OF THE licensed to trade in the articles mentioned in this act and the pre¬ ceding section, may sell the sarhe at an advance of per centum upon said price, adding thereto the actual cost of transportation to the place of sale: and commission merchants may sell said articles at a price sufficient to cover their commissions, not exceeding five per centum over the price fixed by said commissioners: and provided further, that the provisions of this and the preceding section shall Hot apply to any sale of a decedent's estate, or to any sale under a mortgage or deed of trust recorded prior to the passage of this act, or to any sale under an order of, or process issued from any court;" and the question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the affirmative. Mr. Anderson moved further to amend the bill, by adding after the word " sheriff," in the 26th line of section 3, the words " or collector;" and the question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the affirmative. On motion of Mr. Anderson, the bill was laid on the table. The report and resolutions! from the committee on confederate relations, on a resolution in relation to the subject of details for the Confederate States army, was taken up, on motion of Mr. Shackle- ford. The committee on confederate relations, to whom was referred a resolution, with instructions to enquire into the subject of details for the Confederate States army, for government and other works, with a view to the reduction of the number of said details, beg leave to report: That the b£st examination they have been able to give the subject, and the facts brought to their knowledge, though not so full and specific as they could wish, lead them to believe that the evil is a great and growing one, and unless arrested, will be most disastrous in its consequences, to the strength and efficiency of the army. The committee are informed that great frauds have been practiced on the government in this matter; that men are or have been detailed in large numbers to perform work altogether unnecessary, or which could as readily have been performed by other labor; that in some cases,.perhaps many, they have been detailed at the instance of con¬ tractors, to whom they have paid a bonus for procuring the detail, or for whom they are working gratuitously, as a consideration there¬ for, and that too when such contractors could easily procure other labor, if they would pay for it, at reasonable prices, of persons not within the conscript age. That a large number of the men thus de¬ tailed have furnished other labor in their stead (in some cases negro labor), and are themselves employed in their .former business pur¬ suits, or engaged in speculation. That large numbers have been detailed wnthout regard to their fitness or skill in the operations to which they are assigned. That in one county in this state as many as one-third of the entire conscript force of the county have been detailed—a large part of them to cut wood for a furnace which has already a year's supply of wood on hand. * The committee are of opinion that this state of things is producing HOUSE OF DELEGATES. 145 many incidental and consequential evils in the country, and particu¬ larly a degree of dissatisfaction on the part of the people at large, and the older citizens of the country, who believe (the committee think with reason) that the present apparent necessity for putting the old men and boys in the service, is in a great measure, if not en¬ tirely due to this cause. The committee feel sure that the government of the Confederate States is ignorant of the extent of the frauds and evils referred to; and inasmuch as the remedy is exclusively within the power of that government, they recommend the adoption of the following reso- tions: 1. Resolved, that the attention of the secretary of war be called to the fraud's and evils growing out of the present details in the con¬ federate army, and that he be requested to adopt such prompt and effective measures as he may deem judicious and proper to prevent the same, and return to their commands the persons thus detailed. 2. That the secretary of war be further requested to adopt such measures as will in his opinion substitute men over the conscript age and the labor of free negroes, by a draft, if necessary, for those now detailed from the ranks, if the same can be done without detriment to the public service. 3. Resolved, that the Speaker of this house transmit to the secre¬ tary of war a copy of the foregoing report and resolutions. The question being on agreeing to the resolutions, was put, and decided in the affirmative. The following resolution in relation to the hour of meeting, here¬ tofore submitted, was taken up, on motion of Mr. Pendleton: Resolved, that this house do meet at 10 o'clock A. M., and con¬ tinue in session until 3 o'clock P. M., unless otherwise ordered. The question being on agreeing to the resolution, Mr. Pendleton demanded the previous question; which was sustained by the house; and being put, was decided in the affirmative. On motion of Mr. Raymond of Marion, the house adjourned until to-morrow, 10 o'clock. .TUESDAY, October 20, 1863. The Speaker laid before the house a communication from the governor, accompanied with letters from the secretary of the trea¬ sury and the commissioner of taxes of the Confederate States, in re¬ lation to the payment by the banks, of taxes On all their deposits on the first day of July last; which was ordered to bo referred to the 'committee on finance. On motion of Mr. Lynch, Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice enquire into the expediency of reporting a special act authorizing fiduciaries in the counties of this state, in which county courts are not held by reason 19 146 JOURNAL OF THE of the inroads or presence of the enemy, to make annual settlements of their accounts during the war before the commissioners of theg respective counties, instead of requiring them to make such settle¬ ments before the commissioners of the courts of other' counties, wherein the order was made conferring their authority as fiduciaries. On motion of Mr. Pendleton, Resolved, that the committee of propositions and grievances en¬ quire into the expediency of amending the charter of Bethany college. On motion of Mr. Bouldin, Resolved, that the committee on finance enquire .into the expe¬ diency of so amending the 61st section of the act passed March 28th, 186-3, entitled an act imposing taxes for the support of government, as to reduce the tax imposed on brokers; and also into the expediency of refunding a portion of the tax paid by brokers under said section. On motion of Mr. James, Resolved, that the committee on finance enquire into the expe¬ diency of refunding to Ferdinand Waltz, Eliza Price and Jacob A. Henry part of a license tax paid by them, on account of the license being revoked by the county court of Botetourt county in 1862. On motion of Mr. Walker of Augusta, Resolved, that the committee on finance enquire into the expediency of refunding to Peter Engleman a part of a tax assessed against and paid by him for the privilege of distilling. Mr. Burwell, from the committee of roads and internal naviga¬ tion, presented the following bill: No. 8-3. A bill authorizing an increase of the capital stock of the Virginia and Tennessee rail road company. Mr. Shackleford, from the committee on confederate relations, presented the following bill: No. S4. To amend the 17th section of the 61st chapter of the Code of Virginia, giving priority of transportation for food to con¬ sumers ; which was read a first time, and ordered to be read a second time. Mr. Anderson, from the committee on military affairs, presented the following joint resolution; which was agreed to. Resolved by the general assembly, that we instruct our senators and request our representatives in the confederate congress to use their best efforts to procure, at as early a day as practicable, the pas¬ sage of a law giving increased compensation to the soldiers in the confederate army, and commutation for rations allowed by the Army Regulations, and not furnished in kind. Ordered, that the clerk communicate the same to the senate, and re¬ quest their concurrence. Mr. Buford, from the committee on banks, presented the follow¬ ing bill: No. 85. A bill to authorize and regulate the subscription to a na¬ tional loan, and to provide for the payment of a state subscription thereto; which was read a first time, and ordered to be read a second time. Mr. Shelton submitted the following resolution: HOUSE OP DELEGATES. 147 Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice enquire into the expediency of so amending section 1st of chapter 15 of the Code of Virginia, as to provide for the meeting of the biennial sessions of the general assembly on the second Monday in January, instead of the first Monday in December, as now required. The question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and it appearing that no quorum voted, Mr. Haymond of Marion moved a call of the house; which was agreed to. The roll was then called, and the following gentlemen answered to their names: Messrs. Sheffey (speaker), Anderson, Baker, Bouldin, Bowen, Bowles, Branch, Brooke, Byan, Buffington, Buford, Burnett, Burr, Butler, Burwell, Chalmers, Coke, Cowan, Crawford, Cummings, Deane, Deyerle, Dickey, Douthat, Draper, English, W. O. Fry, Goodall, Goode, Goodykoontz, Graham, T. S. Haymond, Hendrick, Hiett, Hoge, Horton, Hutcheson, Irving, James, W. Johnson, Jones, Jordan, Keiley, Lundy, Lynch, Magruder, Mathews, McCutchen, McElroy, McKinney, McMillan, McNeil, Meade, Monroe, Morgan, C, A. Nelson, R. E, Nelson, Nighbert, Parramore, Patterson, Pendleton, Pitman, Pret- low, Reid, Richardson, Rust, D. J. Saunders, F. Saunders, Scott, Shackleford, Shelton, Sherrard, Smith, Snowden, Stewart, Thomas, Tibbs, Tomlin, Tredway, J. Walker, Welsh, S.M.Wilson, Winston, Woodley, Woolfolk and Worsham—85. On motion of Mr. Haymond of Marion, further proceedings under the call of the house were dispensed with. The question being on agreeing to the resolution submitted by Mr. Shelton, Mr. Haymond of Marion moved to amend the resolution, by striking out the entire resolution, and inserting the following: "Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice enquire into the propriety of changing the time of the meeting of the general assembly." The question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the affirmative. Mr. Pretlow moved the indefinite postponement of the resolution as amended; and the question being on agreeing thereto, Mr. Jones demanded the previous question; which was sustained by the house; and being put, was decided in the affirmative. The resolution heretofore submitted by Mr. Walker of Augusta, for an adjournment sine die of the general assembly, was taken up, on motion of Mr. Deane. The resolution was then amended, on motion of Mr. Haymond of Marion; and the question being on agreeing to the resolution as amended, was put, and decided in the affirmative. The resolution as amended is as follows: "Resolved, that with the consent of the senate, this house will ad¬ journ on the first Monday in November sine die." Ordered, that the clerk communicate the same to the senate, and request their concurrence. The resolutions heretofore submitted by the committee on banks, on the subject of the currency, were taken up, on motion of Mr. Buford. Mr. Buford submitted an amendment to the 2d resolution. Pend¬ ing the consideration of which, . On motion of Mr. Bouldin, the resolutions were laid on the table. 148 JOURNAL OF THE No. 54. An engrossed bill for the relief of William F. Ritchie, public printer, was read a third tim'e and passed—Ayes 84, noes 6. Ayes—Messrs. Sheffey (speaker), Ambers, Anderson, Baker, Bouldin, Branch, Buffington, Buford, Burnett, Burr, Butler, Chalmers, Coke, Cowan, Crawford, Cresap, Crockett, Deaue, Dickey, Douthat, Draper, Duval, English, Flood, W. O. Fry, Goodall, Goode, Goodykooutz, Harris, L. D. Raymond, T. S. Haymond, Herndon, Hiett, Hplden, Horton, Hutcheitm, Irving, W. Johnson, Jones, Jordan, Keiley, Lundy, Lurty, Magruder, Mathews, McCne, McCutchen, McKinney, McMillan, McNeil, Meade, Melvin, Morgan, K. E. Nelson, Nigh- bert, Pendleton, Pitman, Pretlow, Reid, Richardson, Rust, D. J. Saunders, Scott, Shackle- ford, Shelton, Sherrard, Smith, Staples, Stewart, T. W. Taylor, Tomlin, Tredway, Walton, Welsh, R. J. White, J. L. Wilson, S. M. Wilson, Winn, Winston, Woodley, Wooli'olk, Worsham and Wright—84. Noes—Messrs. Bowen, Cummings, Deyerle, Huntt, McElroy and Miller—6. Ordered, that the clerk communicate the same to the senate, and request their concurrence. No. 24. A bill amending and re-enacting chapter 213 of the Code of Virginia, reorganizing the penitentiary, was read a second time, and on motion of Mr. Haymond of Marion, laid on the table. No. 65. A bill declaring certain rail road companies the only re¬ sponsible common carriers on their roads, and regulating charges for express service thereon, was taken up, on motion of Mr. Deane, read a first time, and ordered to be read a 'second time. No. 17. A bill to authorize, for a limited period, the impressment of fuel by the Virginia Central rail road company, was read a second time, and on motion of Mr. Magruder, laid on the table. No. 18. A bill to authorize the impressment of slaves to be em¬ ployed in the repair of certain rail roads, was read a second time. The bill was then amended, on motion of Mr. Burwell (so as to confine its provisions to the Virginia Central rail road). Mr. Winston moved to amend the bill in the 1st section, by add¬ ing thereto the following: "And in case of any further call for slaves to labor on the fortifications and other works for public defence, pur¬ suant to the act passed March 13, 1S63, providing for the public defence,' the counties and individuals that may have furnished slaves under this act shall be relieved pro tarito for such further requisition and the question being on agreeing" thereto, was put, and decided in the affirmative. Mr. English moved a suspension of the rule with a view to re¬ consider the vote by which the amendment submitted by Mr. Win¬ ston was lost; and the question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the negative. Mr. Tomlin submitted an amendment to the- bill. Pending the consideration of which, On motion of Mr. Worsham, the house adjourned until to-morrow, 10 o'clock. HOUSE OF DELEGATES. 149 WEDNESDAY, October 21, 1S63. A communication from the senate, by their clerk, was read as follows: In Senate, Oct. 20, 1863. The senate have agreed to a joint resolution concerning commis¬ sioners of the revenue. And they have passed bills entitled : An act incorporating the Home insurance company of the city of Petersburg, No. 48. An act incorporating 'the Southern insurance and savings society of Petersburg, No. 49. And they have passed house bill entitled: An act for the relief of the indigent soldiers and sailors of the state of Virginia who have been or may be disabled in the military service, and the widows and minor children of soldiers and sailors tvlio have died or may hereafter die in said service, and of the indi¬ gent families of those now in the service, No. 40, with amendments. In which resolution, bills and amendments they respectfully re¬ quest the concurrence of the house of delegates. The following Senate bills were read a first and second times, and referred to the committee of propositions and grievances. No. 48. A senate bill entitled an act incorporating the Home in¬ surance company of the city of Petersburg. No. 49. A senate bill entitled an act incorporating the Southern insurance and savings society of Petersburg. The resolution from the senate concerning commissioners of the revenue, was referred to the committee on finance. The amendments proposed by the senate to house bill entitled an act for the relief of the indigent soldiers and sailors of the state of Virginia who have been or may be disabled in the military service, and the widows and minor children of soldiers and sailors who have died or may hereafter die in said service, and of the indigent families of those now in the service, were taken up, and on motion, referred to the committee on finance. ' Mr. Jones, from the committee of privileges and elections, pre¬ sented a report in the contested election from the county of Hali¬ fax ; which was laid on the table and ordered to be printed. Mr. Fry, from the minority of said committee, presented a report in the said election case; which was laid on the table and ordered to be printed. Mr. Magruder, from the committee of propositions and grievances, presented the following bill: No. S6. A bill to organize a board of trustees for Bethany col¬ lege ; which was read a first time, and ordered to be read a second time, and two-thirds concurring, was read a second time, and ordered to be engrossed and read a third time. Air. Shackleford, from the committee on confederate relations, presented the following bill: 150 JOURNAL OP THE No. 87. A bill to authorize the government of the Confederate States to acquire and hold real estate for the purpose of mining coal and iron, and manufacturing iron and other metals for the public use and defence; which was read a first time, and ordered" to be read a second time. Mr. Shackleford, from the same committee, presented the follow¬ ing resolutions: Resolved by the general assembly, that the scarcity of provisions and supplies in the markets of this commonwealth renders it expe¬ dient and necessary that the confederate authorities should forbear impressment on all the necessaries of life in transitu to market, and on at least one-fourth part of the surplus'production of each pro¬ ducer, leaving the same free to seek such convenient markets as the owners thereof may select. Resolved, that a copy of this resolution be forthwith communi¬ cated to the secretary of war, with the request that he wrill give such instruction to all agents of the government as will carry out the pur¬ pose and design of the foregoing resolution, and to make such action generally known to the people of this commonwealth; which, on his motion, were taken up for consideration. Mr. Anderson moved to amend the first resolution, by inserting after "necessaries of life," "belonging to the producer;" and the question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the ne¬ gative. , Mr. Monroe moved to amend the resolution, by striking out all after the word "resolved," to the word "authorities," in the 4th line, and to insert " that it is advisable, in the opinion of the general assembly, that the agents of the confederate government engaged in the procurement of supplies should be required to procure such sup¬ plies from the producer at the place of production and;" and the question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the affir¬ mative. • The resolution as amended was then agreed to. The second resolution was then agreed to. Ordered, that Mr. Shackleford carry the same to the senate, and request their concurrence. Mr. Riddick, from the committee on agriculture and manufac¬ tures, presented the fpllowing bill: No. 88. A bill to organize certain manufactories within this com¬ monwealth.. Mr. Crockett, from the committee on lunatic asylums, to whom had been referred - No. 47. A senate bill entitled an act to provide for the payment of certain claims against the Eastern lunatic asylum, reported the same without amendment. Mr. Wilson of Isle of Wight submitted an amendment by way of substitute for house bill authorizing subscriptions to a national loan, &c.; which, on his motion, was laid on the table and ordered to be printed. No. 79. A bill to amend and re-enact the 14th section of an act HOUSE OF DELEGATES. 151 entitled an act to amend the -1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th, 13th, 14th and 16th sections of chapter 14; the 14th section of chapter 21; the 27th section of chapter 23, and the 10th section of chapter 66 of the Code of Virginia (edition of 1860), so as to increase the salaries of certain officers of government, passed October 13th, 1863, was read a second time, and ordered to be engrossed and read a third time. The report and resolutions of the committee on banks relative to the currency, with the pending amendment to the second resolution, was taken up, on motion of Mr. Buford, and on his motion, laid on the table, and made the order of the day for to-morrow, 11 o'clock. No. 17. A bill to authorize, for a limited period, the impressment of fuel by the Virginia Central rail road company, was taken up, on motion of Mr. Burwell. i Mr. Burwell submitted an amendment to the bill by way of sub¬ stitute, and on his motion, the bill and substitute were laid on the table, and the substitute ordered to be printed. A message was received from the senate by Mr. Coghill, who in¬ formed the house of delegates that the senate had passed a bill enti¬ tled an act amending and re-enacting section 9, chapter 160 of the Code of Virginia (edition of 1860): in which they respectfully re¬ quested the concurrence of the house of delegates. Subsequently, the bill was read a first and second times, and on motion of Mr. Bouldin, read a third time and passed. Ordered, that the clerk inform the senate thereof. On motion of Mr. Mathews, Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice enquire into the expediency of reporting a bill to prohibit the impressment (by the confederate or state authorities) of supplies produced or provided by superintendents of poorhouse farms, for the sustenance of county paupers. On motion of Mr. Worsham, Resolved, that the committee on finance be instructed to enquire into the expediency of appropriating dollars for the relief of the destitute refugees of this state. On motion of Mr. Baker, Resolved, that the committee on finance be instructed to enquire into the expediency of providing by law for the payment of interest on loans to the state made by banks now beyond the enemy's lines. No. 17. A senate bill entitled an act to suspend proceedings in certain cases, and on executions, attachments, distress warrants, trust deeds and other demands, in cases of refusal to receive payment in currency received in payment to the state, and to repeal the act passed March 29, 1862, entitled an act to suspend sales and legal proceedings" in certain cases, was taken up, on motion of Mr. Barks- dale ; and the question being on agreeing to an amendment thereto submitted by the committee for courts of justice, Mr. McKinnet moved the indefinite postponement of the bill; and the question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the affirmative. No. 18. A bill to authorize the impressment of slaves to be em¬ ployed in the repair of certain rail roads, was taken up; and the 152 JOURNAL OF THE question being on agreeing to the* amendment heretofore submitted by Mr. Tomlin, to strike out in the first; section the words "in the usual way," and to insert "by offering in the public prints for at least two weeks the highest market price therefor, and otherwise by diligent exertions for that purposeand the question being 011 agree¬ ing thereto, was put, and decided in the affirmative. Mr. Tomlin moved to amend the bill, by. striking out in the 1st section the words "and contiguous to" (so as to confine impress¬ ments to the counties through which the road passes); and the ques¬ tion being on agreeing thereto, Mr. Dickey demanded the previous question; which was sustained by the house; and being put, was decided in the negative. Mr. Deaue moved to amend the 1st section of the bill, by adding thereto the following: "provided, that the Virginia Central rail road company shall not be entitled to the benefit of the provisions of this act, until the governor of this state shall be convinced, by satisfac¬ tory evidence, that the said company has expended in the repairs of the road, machinery and rolling stock an amount equal to the net income of said company for the previous year;" and the question being on agreeing thereto—the hour of three having arrived, the chair was vacated until 8 o'clock. EVENING SESSION. No. 18. A bill to authorize the impressment of slaves to be em¬ ployed in the repair of certain rail roads, being the unfinished busi¬ ness of the morning session, was taken up; and the question being on agreeing to the amendment submitted by Mr. Deane, Mr. Pen¬ dleton moved to amend the amendment, by inserting "after the first day of January next" (so that the provisions of the amendment would apply only after that date); and the question being on agree¬ ing thereto, was put, and decided in the affirmative. - .The question recurring on agreeing to the amendment as amended, was put, and decided in the affirmative. ' Mr. Tomlin moved to amend the bill, by striking out the words " through and contiguous to which the said road passes" (so as to make the impressment general); and the question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the negative. Mr. Deyerle moved to amend the bill, by adding to the first sec¬ tion the following: "provided no impressment of slave labor shall be ijiade under the provisions of this act, unless it is an absolute public necessity and the question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the negative. Mr. Deane moved to amend the bill, by striking out the words "the counties, cities and towns through and contiguous to which the said rail road passes, in proportion to their respective slave popula¬ tions,'' and to insert " the stockholders in the said rail road company taking into the .estimate for apportionment the number of slaves and HOUSE OF DELEGATES. 153 the number of shares owned by each stockholder" (so as to confine the impressment to the slaves owned by stockholders in the road); and the question being on agreeing thereto, Mr. Keiley moved the indefinite postponement of the bill; and the question being on agree¬ ing thereto, was put, and decided in the negative—Ayes 37, noes 49. On motion of Mr. Deane, the vote was recorded as follows: Ayes—Messrs. Barksdale, Bouldin, Boweu, Branch, Buford, Butler, Chalmers, Crockett, Custis, Deane, Deyerle, English, Flood, Goode, Goodykoontz, Hall, Harris, Hiett, Horton, Jones, Keiley, Marr, McKinney, Meade, Patterson, Pretlow, Eiddick, F. Saunders, Staples, E. F. Taylor, Tomlin,K. J. White, J.L.Wilson, Winn, Woolfolk, Worsham and Wright—37. Noes—Messrs. Sheffey (speaker), Anderson, Baker, Bland, Bowles, Burr, Burwell, Coke, Crawford, Cresap, Dickey, Douthat, Draper, Edwards, W. O. Fry, Gilmer, Goodall, T. S. Haymond, Holden, James, Jordan, Linkous, Lynch, Magruder, Marye, Mathews, McCue, McCutchen, McNeil, Melvin, Miller, Monroe, Morgan, Parramore, Pendleton, Pitman, Eowan, D. J. Saunders, Shackleford, Sherrard, Smith, Stewart, T. W. Taylor, Thomas, J. Walker, Walton, S. M. Wilson, Winston and Woodley—49. The question recurring on agreeing to the amendment submitted by Mf. Deane, was put, and decided in the negative. Mr. Marye moved to amend the bill, by adding to the first section the following: " but no such requisition shall apply to slaves in any county which may, under existing laws, be exempted from liability to labor upon the public defenceswhich was agreed to. Mr. English moved to amend the bill, by striking out the follow¬ ing : y and the value of all such slaves as may escape from the ser¬ vice of said rail road companies and not be returned to their owners, or of all such slaves as may be seized or killed by the public enemy for want of proper diligence and precaution upon the part of the officers and agents of said companies, or by reason of their failure to exercise such diligence and precaution in any manner, be lost to the owners of such slaves, shall be paid by the said rail road companies to the owner, and in like "fhanner compensation shall be made for any injury to slaves arising from a want of due diligence and precaution on the part of the officers or agents of said rail road companies, or which shall, by reason of the failure to exercise such diligence and precaution, in any manner be lost to the owners, shall be paid by the said rail road companies to the owners of such slaves: and in. like manner compensation shall be made for any injury to slaves arising from a want of due diligence and precaution on the part of the officers and agents of the said companies. And in all cases the burden of proof shall be on the said rail road companies to discharge the latter from liability to the former," and inserting the following: " and the value of all such slaves as may die during their term of service, or thereafter, from injuries received or of diseases contracted in such service, or not returned to their owners, shall be paid by the said rail road company to the owners of such slaves; and full com¬ pensation shall be made for all injuries received by slaves while in the service of the said rail road company: provided, that the said rail road company shall not be liable for any slave not returned by reason of fraud or collusion on the part of the owner or his agent, or if his death should be caused by act of God, or by disease of said slave existing when received by the said rail road company: and in all cases the burden of proof shall be upon the authorities of the 20 154 JOURNAL OF THE said rail road company to discharge the latter from liability to the formerand the question being on agreeing thereto, was pu , ana decided in the affirmative. , ,,. , The question being—Shall the bill be engrossed and read & third time ? was put, and decided in the affirmative—Ayes 43, noes 38. On motion of Mr. Deane, the vote was recorded as follows: Ayes—Messrs. Sheffey (speaker), Anderson, Baker, Bland, Bowles, Burwell, Coke, Craw¬ ford, Cresap, Dickey, Douthat, Draper, Edwards, English, Gilmer, Goodall, T. S. Haymond, Holden, Horton, James, Linkous, Lynch, Magrader, Marye, Mathews, McCue, McCutchen, McMillan, McNeil, Melvin, Monroe, Morgan, Parramore, Pendleton, Pitman, Kowan, D.J. Saunders, Shackleford, Sherrard, Smith, Stewart, Thomas, Tibbs, J. »Valker, A\alton, Win- ston and Woodley—43. , Roes—Messrs. Barksdale, Bouldin, Bowen, Branch, Bryan, Butord, Butler, Chalmers, Crockett, Custis, Deane, Deyerle, Duval, Flood, W. O. Fry, Goode, Harris, Hiett, Jones, Jordan, Keiley, McKinney, Meade, Miller, Pretlow, Riddick, F. Saunders, Scott, Staples, T. W. Taylor, Tomlin, R. J. White, J. L. Wilson, Winn, Woolfolk,Worshamand Wright—38. On motion of Mr. Pitman, the house adjourned until to-morrow, 10 o'clock. THURSDAY, October 22, 1863. Prayer by Rev. Dr. Duncan of the Methodist church. A communication from the senate, by their clerk, was read as follows: In Senate, Oct. .21, 1863. The senate have agreed to a joint resolution from the house of delegates in relation to the increase of pay to soldiers and commuta¬ tion for rations not furnished in kind. Mr. Shackleford, from the committee on confederate relations, to whom had been referred a resolution enquiring into the expediency of prohibiting any resident or citizen of Virginia from passing into the enemy's country, with a view of returning, presented a report, asking to be discharged from the further consideration of the subject. Mr. Shackleford, from the same committee, to whom had been referred a resolution to enquire into the expediency of reporting an address to the people of Virginia on the state of the country, pre¬ sented a report asking to be discharged from the further consideration of the subject. Mr. Magruder, from the committee of propositions and grievances, to whom had been referred No. 48. A senate bill entitled an act incorporating the Home in¬ surance company of Petersburg; and No. 49. A senate bill entitled an act incorporating the Southern insurance and savings society of Petersburg, reported the same with¬ out amendment. Subsequently, the said bills were read a third time and passed. Ordered, that the clerk inform the senate thereof. No. 86. An engrossed bill to organize a board of trustees for Bethany college, was taken up, on motion of Mr. Pendleton, read a third time and passed. HOUSE OF DELEGATES. 155 The title was amended, so as to read "to reorganize the hoard, &c." Ordered, that Mr. Pendleton carry the same to the senate, and request their concurrence. Mr. Winston submitted the following resolution : Resolved by the general assembly, that the president of the Con¬ federate States be and he is hereby authorized to use Such proportion of the slave labor now employed, in the fortifications around Rich¬ mond, as he may deem necessary in the repair of the Virginia Central rail road ; and the question being on agreeing thereto, on motion of Mr. Woolfolk, the resolution was laid on the table. No. 71. A bill to incorporate the Virginia female institute of the city of Richmond, was taken up, on motion of Mr. Saunders of Richmond, read a first time, and ordered to be read a second time. No. 79. An engrossed bill to ameqd and re-enact the 14th section of chapter 14 of the Code of Virginia, as amended and re-enacted by an act entitled an act to amend the 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th, 13th, 14th and 16th sections of chapter 14; the 14th section of chapter 21; the 27th section of chapter 23 ; and the 10th section of chapter 66 of the Code of Virginia (edition of 1860), so as to increase the salaries of certain officers of the government, passed October 13, 1863, was read a third time and passed—Ayes 86, noes 10. Ayes—Messrs. Sheffey (speaker), Anderson, Bouldin, Bowles, Branch, Brooke, Bryan, Burnett, Burr. Butler, Burwell, Coke, Cowan, Crawford,, Cresap, Crockett, Custis, Deane, Dickey, Douthat, Draper, Duval, Edwards,.English, Ferguson, Flood, W. O. Fry, Goodall, Goode, Goodykoontz, Hall, Harris, L. D. Haymond, T. S. Haymond, Herndon, Hiett, Hoge, Holden, Horton, Hutcheson, Irving, James, Jones, Jardan, Keiley, Lurty, Lynch, Magru- der, Mathews, McCue, McCutchen, McKinney, McMillan, McNeil, Meade, Melvin, Monroe, Morgan, R. E. Nelson, Nighbert, Parramore, Pendleton, Pitman, Pretlow, Randolph, Reid, Riddick, J. A. Robinson, Rowan, Rust, D. J. Saunders, Scott, Smith, Snowden, Stewart, Thomas, Tibbs, Walton, N. W. White, Williams, J. L. Wilson, Winn, Winston, Woodley, Woolfolk and Wright—86. Noes—Messrs. Bowen, Buford, Cummings, W. Johnson, McElroy, Miller, Staples, R. F. Taylor, Tomlin and Worsham—10. Ordered, that Mr. James carry the same to the senate, and request their concurrence. No. 47. A senatq bill entitled an act to provide for the payment of certain claims against the Eastern lunatic asylum, was read a second time, amended, and as amended read a third time and passed— Ayes 96. Ayes—Messrs. Sheffey (speaker), Anderson, Baker, Barksdale, Bouldin, Bowen, Bowles, Branch, Brooke, Bryan, Buford, Burr, Butler, Burwell, Chalmers, Cowan, Crawford, Cresap, Crockett, Cummings, Custis, Deane, Deyerle, Douthat, Draper, Duval, English, Flood, W. O. Fry, Gilmer, Goodall, Goodykoontz, Hall, Harris, L. D. Haymond, T. S. Haymond, Herndon, Hiett, Hoge, Horton, Huntt, Hutcheson, Irving, James, Jones, Jordan, Keiley, Linkous, Lurty, Lynch, Magruder, Marye, Mathews, McCue, McElroy,McKinney, McNeil, Meade, Melvin, Miller, Monroe, Morgan, R. E. Nelson, Nighbert, Parramore, Patterson, Pen¬ dleton, Pitman, Randolph, Reid, Richardson, Riddick, J. A. Robinson, Rowan, Rust, D. J. Saunders, Scott, ^hackleford, Shelton, Sherrard, Smith, Staples, R. F. Taylor, Thomas. Tibbs, Tomlin, J. Walker, Walton, Welsh, R. J. White, Williams, J. L. Wilson, S. M. Wilson, Winn, Woodley, Woolfolk, Worsham and Wright;—96. Ordered, that the clerk communicate the same to the senate, and request their concurrence. No. 18. An engrossed bill to authorize the impressment of slaves to be employed in the repair of certain rail roads, was read a third time. 156 JOURNAL OF THE Mr. English moved a suspension of the rule with a view to re¬ consider the vote by which the bill was ordered to its engrossment} and the question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the affirmative. Mr. English submitted an amendment to the bill—pending the consideration of which, on motion of Mr. Winston, the bill was laid on the table. The report and resolutions heretofore presented by the committee on banks relative to the currency, being the special order of the day, were taken up; and the question being on agreeing to an amend¬ ment to the 2d resolution, heretofore submitted by Mr. Buford, Mr. Wilson of Isle of Wi'ght moved to amend the amendment; and the question being on agreeing thereto, on motion of Mr. Wilson, the resolutions and amendments M&ere laid on the table, and made the order of the day for to-morrow at 11 o'clock. No. 51. An engrossed bill to provide for additional mileage for members of the general assembly, was taken up, on motion of Mr. Monroe, read a third time and passed—Ayes 81, noes 34. Ayes—Messrs. Sheffey (speaker), Ambers, Anderson, Baker, Barksdale, Bland, Bouldin, Bowles, Bryan, Buffington, Burnett, Burr, Butler, Chalmers, Coke, Cowan, Crawford, Cresap, Crockett, Custis, Dickey, Douthat, Duval, Edwards, English, Ferguson, Gilmer, Goodall, Hall, L. D. Haymond, T. S. Raymond, Hendrick, Herndon, Hiett, Hoge, Holden, Hughes, Huntt, Hutcheson, James, Jones, Keiley, Linkous, Lurty, Lynch, Marye, Mathews, McCue, McCutchen, McMillan, McNeil, Melvin, Monroe, Morgan, Nighbert, Par- ramore, Pendleton, Pitman, Pretlow, Randolph, Richardson, Riddick, J. A. Robinson, Rowan, D. J. Saunders, F. Saunders, Scott, Shackleford. Sherrard, Smith, Snowden, Stewart, T. W. Taylor, Thomas, Tjbbs, Welsh, N. W. White, Williams, J. L. Wilson, Woodley and Wright—81. ' Noes—Messrs. Bowen, Branch, Brooke, Buford, Burwell, Cummings, Deane, Deyerle, Draper, Flood, W. O. Fry, Horton, Irving, W. Johnson, Jordan, Magruder, McElroy, Mc- Kinney, Meade, Miller, C. A. Nelson, Patterson, Reid, Rust, Staples, R. F. Taylor, Tomlin, J. Walker, R. J. White, S. M. Wilson, Winn, Winston, Woolfolk and Worsham—34. On motion of Mr. Pendleton, the title was amended, so as to read "An act to commute the per diem compensation of members of the general assembly." Ordered, that Mr. Haymond of Marion carry the same to the senate, and request their concurrence. fed No. 50. An engrossed bill amending and. re-enacting the 6th, 7th, 9th and 10th sections of the 14th chapter of the Code of Virginia (edition of 1860), was taken up, on motion of Mr. Marye, read a third time and passed—Ayes 92, noes 17. Ayes—Messrs. Sheffey (speaker), Ambers, Anderson, Baker, Barksdale, Bland, Bouldin, Bowles, Brooke, Bryan, Buffington, Burr, Butler, Burwell, Chalmers, Cowan, Crawford, Cresap, Crockett, Custis, Deane, Deyerle, Dickey, Douthat, Draper, Duval, Edwards,Eng¬ lish, Ferguson, W, O. Fry, Gilmer, Goodall, Hall, L. D. Haymond, T. S. Haymond, Heu- drick, Herndon, Hiett, Hoge, Holden, Hughes, Hutcheson, Irving, James, Jones, Keiley, Linkous, Lynch, Magruder, Marye, Mathews, McCutchen, McKinney, McMillan, McNeil, Meade, Melvin, Monroe, Morgan, R. E. Nelson, Nighbert, Parramore, Pendleton, Pitman, Pretlow, Randolph, Reid, Richardson, Riddick, J. A. Robinson, Rowan, Rust, D. J. Saun¬ ders, F. Saunders, Scott, Shackleford, Sherrard, Smith, Snowden, Stewart, T. W. Taylor, Tibbs, J. Walker, Welsh, N. W. White, Williams, J. L. Wilson, S. M. Wilson, Winston, Woodley, Woolfolk and Wright—92. Noes—Messrs. Bowen, Branch, Buford, Burnett, Cummings, Flood, Horton, W. John¬ son, Jordan, Lurty, McElroy, Miller, Patterson, Staples, R. F. Taylor, Tomlin and R. J. White—17. 1 Ordered, that Mr. Marye carry the same to the senate, and request their concurrence. HOUSE OF DELEGATES. 157 No. 23. A senate bill entitled an act to authorize the transfer of causes from courts which cannot be held by* reason of the proximity of the public enemy, to other circuit courts not so situated, was taken up, on motion of Mr. Brooke, amended", and as amended read a third time and passed. The title was amended so as to read "An act to authorize the transfer of causes from the courts of the city of Williamsburg arid county of James City to other circuit courts." Ordered, that the clerk communicate the same to the senate, and request their concurrence. , No. 84. A bill to amend the 17th section of the 61st chapter of the Code of Virginia, giving priority of transportation for food to consumers, was taken up, on motion of Mr. Irving, amended, and as amended ordered to be engrossed and read-a third time. No. 65. A bill declaring certain rail road companies the only re¬ sponsible common carriers on their roads, and regulating charges for express service thereon, was taken up, on motion of Mr. Deane, read a second time, and ordered to be engrossed and read a third time. On motion of Mr. Nelson of Fluvanna, the house adjourned untiL to-morrow, 10 o'clock. FRIDAY, October 23, 1863. Prayer by Rev. Dr. D.uncan of the Methodist church. A communication from the senate, by their clerk, was read as follows: In Senate, Oct. 22, 1863. The senate have passed house bills entitled: An act for the relief of Washington Gr. Singleton, clerk of the district court of the sixth judicial district, No. 19. An act to authorize the sale of Capon springs, No. 43. An act allowing the Petersburg iron manufacturing company to hold not more than twenty thousand acres at any one time, No. 60. They have passed with an amendment house bill entitled : An act to authorize the governor to hire free negro and other con¬ victs to work in coal pits, No. 62. The senate have agreed to sundry, and disagreed to sundry amend¬ ments, and have, with amendments, agreed to .several amendments proposed by the house of delegates to senate bill entitled: An act to reorganize the militia, No. 19. In which amendments they respectfully request the concurrence of the house of delegates. The amendments proposed by the senate to house bill entitled an act to authorize the governor to hire free negro and other conyicts to work in coal pits, were taken up, and on motion of Mr. Bouldin, the bill and amendments were laid on the table. The amendments proposed by the senate to the amendments pro¬ posed by the house of -delegates to senate bill entitled an act to re* 158 JOURNAL OP THE organize the militia, and the disagreement of the senate to sundry amendments of the hohse, were taken up, tmd on motion of Mr. Bouldin, laid on the table. Mr. Bouldin, from" the committee on finance, to whom had been referred a joint resolution concerning commissioners of the revenue, reported the same without amendment. On motion of Mr. Bouldin, the resolution was agreed to. Ordered, that the clerk inform the senate thereof. Mr. Anderson, from the committee on military affairs, presented the following bill; which was read a first time, and ordered to be read a second time: No. 89. A bill to enroll the free negroes to be employed in the service of the Confederate States. Mr. Huntt, from the committee on enrolled hills, presented the following report: The committee on enrolled bills have had under examination sun¬ dry such bills, and finding them correctly enrolled, respectfully re¬ port them for further examination. Ordered, that Mr. Huntt carry the same to the senate for further examination. No. 84. An engrossed bill to amend and re-enact the 17th section of the 61st chapter of the Code of Virginia, giving priority of trans¬ portation for food to consumers, was taken up, on motion of Mr. Keiley, read a third time and passed. Ordered, that the clerk communicate the same to the senate, and request their concurrence. The following bills were read a second time, and ordered to be en¬ grossed and read a third time: No. 47. A bill to amend the charter of the Merchants insurance company of the city of Richmond. No. 38. A bill amending the 1st section of chapter 10 of the Code of Virginia (edition of 1860), extending the time within which a person intending to contest the election of another as senator or delegate, may give notice. No. 45. A bill amending the first section of the third chapter of the Code of Virginia, defining citizenship. No. 82T." A bill to authorize the Central lunatic asylum to impress necessary supplies and transportation. On motion of Mr. Pendleton, Resolved, that the committee on printing enquire and report what legislation (if any) is needed on the subject of the public printing, and why the journal of this house is not more promptly furnished by the public printer. On motion of Mr. Scott, Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice enquire into the expediency of reporting a bill authorizing and requiring the common councils or other authorities of the cities of this commonwealth to take immediate measures to ascertain the amount of provisions, usually called necessaries of life, hoarded, stored away and withheld from sale in. their several cities; also for the seizure and sale of all such articles found so stored away and withheld from sale. HOUSE OF DELEGATES. 159 On motion of Mr. Winston, Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice enquire into the expediency of increasing the compensation of commonwealth's attor¬ neys, and the fees of commissioners in chancery, clerks of corpora¬ tion, county and circuit courts and of county surveyors. No. 18. A bill to authorize the impressment of slaves to be em¬ ployed in the repair of certain rail roads, was taken up, on motion of Mr. Winston. Mr. Winston submitted an amendment to the bill, to strike out the entire bill, and insert the following: "1. Be it enacted by the general assembly, that if the president of the Confederate States shall deem it essential to the public inte¬ rests, he may transfer to the control of the president and directors of the Virginia Central rail road company, with their consent, so many of the slaves called out to work on the fortifications around the' city of Richmond, drawn from counties through or contiguous to which said rail road runs, as may be necessary to repair said rail road. 2. Proper rations, medicine and medical attendance shall be fur¬ nished such slaves by said rail road company without charge, and the value of all such slaves as may die while in the service of said rail road company, .or thereafter, from injuries received or of diseases contracted in such service, or from any cause are not returned to their owners, shall be paid by said rail road company to the owners of such slaves; and full compensation shall be made to such owners by the said rail road company for all injuries to such slaves arising from the act of the public enemy or otherwise while in the service of the said company: provided, that the said rail road company shall not be liable for any slave not returned by reason of fraud or collu¬ sion on the part of the owner or his agent, or if his death should be caused by the act of God, or by disease of such slave, existing when received by the said rail road company: and in all cases the burden of proof, between the said rail road company and such owners, shall be upon the said rail road, company to discharge them from liability to such owners. 3. Any transfer of slaves under.the first section of this act, shall be construed as an acceptance by said rail road company, and shall be held to be an acceptance of all the provisions of this act. 4. This act shall be in force from its passage." The question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the negative. The question being—Shall the bill be engrossed and read a third time? Mr. Haymond of Marion demanded the previous question; which was sustained by the house; and being put, was decided in the affirmative. Mr. Cummings presented a copy of an order of the court of the county of Washington, at a special term held on the 12th day of October 18C3, in relation to grievances, consisting in part of strag¬ glers and deserters from the army, roaming especially about the county of Washington, and robbing citizens, &c. On motion of Mr. Cummings, 160 JOURNAL OF THE Resolved, that a special committee of five be appointed to enquire into some proper measure of relief from alleged grievances in South¬ western Virginia, as communicated to this house in the order of the county court of Washington county, dated October 12th, 1863, and to this end that said committee be instructed to confer with the sec¬ retary of #var in reference to said complaint, with a view of pro¬ curing the adoption of such measures by the confederate authorities as will remove the evils complained of, and prevent their recurrence in future. A message was received from the senate by Mr. Christian, the senator from Middlesex, who informed the house of delegates that the senate had'passed a bill entitled an act amending and re-enacting chapter 213 of the Code of Virginia, reorganizing the penitentiary, No. 36: in which they respectfully requested the concurrence of the house of delegates. No. 69. A bill abolishing .the board of visitors of the Eastern lu¬ natic asylum, was taken up, on motion of Mr. Custis, and read a se¬ cond time, and two-thirds concurring, read a third time. ,Mr. Custis submitted an amendment by way of substitute; which was agreed to. , The bill as amended was ordered to be engrossed and read a third time. The amendments proposed by the senate to the amendments pro¬ posed by the house of delegates to senate bill entitled an act to re¬ organize the militia, with the disagreeing votes of the senate to cer¬ tain other amendments proposed by the house, were taken up. Mr. Hall moved the indefinite postponement of the bill; and the question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the ne¬ gative. Certain amendments of the senate were agreed to, and certain others disagreed to. The house receded from their 6th, 7th, and 9th amendments, and insisted upon their other amendments disagreed to by the senate. On motion of Mr. Haymond of Marion, Resolved, that the house respectfully request the appointment of a committee of conference to consider the subject of disagreement between the two houses. Ordered, that Mr. Anderson inform the senate of the action of the house, and respectfully ask their concurrence in the resolution for a committee of conference. Subsequently, a message was received from the senate by Mr. Randolph, who informed the house of delegates that the senate had agreed to the resolution, and appointed a committee on their part. The Speaker announced the following committee on the part of the house: Messrs. Anderson, Haymond of Marion, Bpuldin, Brooke, Cummings, Buford, Pendleton, Goode and Walton. The report of the committee of privileges and elections, relative to the contested election from the county of Halifax, was taken up and read. The report of the minority of the committee was read. HOUSE OP DELEGATES. 161 Mr. Chalmers, the sitting member, submitted the following reso¬ lution : Resolved, that there be a new election by the qualified voters of the county of Halifax, to fill the seat on this floor held by David Chalmers, and contested by George H. West; and the question be¬ ing on agreeing thereto, On motion of Mr. Brooke, the house adjourned until to-morrow, 10 o'clock. SATURDAY, October 24, 1863. On motion of Mr. Bouldin, leave was given to the committee of conference on the disagreement of the two houses in relation to senate bill entitled an act to reorganize the militia, to sit during the session of the house. A communication from the senate, by their clerk, was read as follows In Senate, October 23, 1863. The senate have agreed to the amendments proposed by the house of delegates to senate bills entitled: An act to provide for the payment of certain claims against the Eastern lunatic asylum, No. 47. An act to authorize the transfer of causes from courts which can¬ not be held by reason of the presence or proximity of the public enemy, to other circuit courts not so situated, No. 25. They have passed house bills entitled: An act for the relief of William F. Ritchie, public printer, No. 54; an act to reorganize the board of trustees for Bethany college, No. 86. And they have passed a bill to provide for employing in the pub¬ lic service, or for the public benefit, free negroes convicted of misde¬ meanors, No. 26. In which bill they respectfully request the concurrence of the house of delegates. The following senate bill was read a first and second times, and re¬ ferred to the committee for courts of justice: No. 26. A senate bill entitled an act to provide for employing in the public service, or for "the public benefit, free negroes convicted of misdemeanors. No. 36. A senate bill entitled an act amending and re-enacting chapter 213 of the Code of Virginia reorganizing the penitentiary, was read a first and second times, and referred to the committee on the penitentiary. The Speaker announced the following select committee under the resolution submitted by Mr. .Cummings, agreed to on yesterday; Messrs. Cummings, Crockett, Shackleford, Bowen and Gilmer. No. 45. An engrossed bill amending the 1st section of the 3dchap- 21 162 JOURNAL OF THE ter of the Code of Virginia, defining citizenship, was taken up, on motion of Mr. Woodley. On motion of Mr. Woodley, the rule was suspended with.a view to reconsider the vote* ordering the bill to its engrossment. The bill was then amended, and as amended ordered to be en¬ grossed and read a third time. A message was received from the senate by Mr. Dickinson, who informed the house of delegates that the senate had agreed to joint resolutions respecting the impressment of the necessaries of life, with an amendment: in which they respectfully requested the concur¬ rence of the house of delegates. The following engrossed bills were read a third time and passed: No. 38. An engrossed bill amending the 1st section of chapter 10 of the Code of Virginia (edition of 1860), extending the time within which a person intending to contest the election of another as senator or delegate, may give notice. No. 47. An engrossed bill to amend the charter of the Merchants insurance company of the city of Richmond. No. 65. An engrossed bill declaring certain rail road companies the only responsible common carriers on their roads, and regulating charges for express service thereon. , • Ordered, that the clerk communicate the same to the senate, and request their concurrence. No. 82. An engrossed bill to authorize the Central lunatic asylum to impress necessary supplies and transportation, was read a third time; and the question being—Shall the bill pass? Mr. Wilson of Isle of Wight moved to lay the bill on the table; and the question being on agreeing thereto, was put—and it appearing that no quo¬ rum voted, Mr. Crockett moved a call of the house; which was agreed to. The roll was then called the first time, when the following gentle¬ men were noted as absent: Messrs. Ambers, Anderson, Barksdale, Boiildin, Brooke, Buford, Butlet, Cox, Cummings, Doutkat, English, Evans, Fauntleroy, Ferguson, Fleming, Fletcher, Flood, A. Fry, Goodall, Graham, Hall, T. S. Haymond, Hoge, nolden, Hughes, F. C. S. Hunter, R. W. IIuul r, J. B. Johnson, Keiley, Kenney, Kindrick, Lively, Lundy, Lurfy, Magruder, Maguire, McCuc, Meade, Melvin, Miller, Mullens, Murdaugh, C. A. Nelson, Nolaud, Pendleton, Pietlow, Powell, Randolph, Richardson, Robertson, I. Robinson, Rowan, Rutlieribord, E. T. bmin¬ ders, Scott, Shelton, Sherrard, Staples, R. F. Taylor, Tomlin, J. Walker, J. C. Walker, Walton, Ward, Welsh, S. M. Wilson, Woolfolk and Wright. A quorum appearing, On motion of Mr. Harris, further proceedings under the call were dispensed with. The question recurring on agreeing to the motion to lay the bill on the table, was put, and decided in the negative. The question being—Shall the bill pass? Mr. Sheffey submitted a ryder to the bill; which was read a first and second times, and or¬ dered to be engrossed and read a third time; and the question being—Shall the bill pass? was put, and decided in the affirmative. Ordered, that the clerk communicate the same to the senate, and request their concurrence. HOUSE OP DELEGATES. 163 On motion of Mr. Jones, the report of the committee of privi¬ leges and elections, in relation to the contested election from the. county of Halifax, was taken up; and the question being on agreeing to the resolution heretofore submitted by Mr. Chalmers, the sitting member, declaring the seat vacant, and ordering a new election, Mr. Fry of Madison moved to amend the resolution, by striking out the resolution, and inserting the following (being in effect the resolutions of the minority of the committee): " Resolved, that David Chalmers is not entitled to a seat in the house of delegates of the preserlt general assembly of Virginia, and that George H. West was duly elected one of the representatives of the county of Halifax in the present general assembly." On motion of Mr. Fry of Madison, George H. West, the con¬ testant, was admitted to a seat upon the floor of the house. The question being on agreeing to the amendment to the resolu¬ tion, Mr. Jones moved to amend the amendment, by striking out the entire amendment, and inserting the following: "Resolved, that the principles decided by the committee of privi¬ leges and elections, in their report to the house, in the contested election from the county of Halifax, be adopted for the governthent of the committee in said case; and that the polls referred to in' Said report of voters of the county of Halifax in the military service for delegates to the general assembly, sent tb' the secretary of the .com¬ monwealth, be received, and that the contestant and' sitting member have leave, within days from the passage of this resolution, to give the proper notice to contest the votes,'each,"on th'e" pdlj" of the other with a view to determine the right to the seat in thfs. case." The question being on agreeing thereto, Mr. Kaufman demanded the previous question; which was sustained by the house; and being put, was decided in the negative. The question recurring on agreeing to the amendment submitted by Mr. Fry of Madison, Mr. Gilmer demanded the previous ques¬ tion ; which was sustained by the house; and being put, was decided in the negative—Ayes 20, noes 62. On motion of Mr. Cowan, the vote was recorded as follows : Ayes—Messrs. Cowan, Crawford, W. O. Fry, Hall, Hendrick, Hutcheson, James, W. Johnson, Jordan, Linkous, McElroy, Parramore, Pitman, Richardson, Rowan, Scott, Thomas, J. L. Wilson, Winn and Worsham—20. Noes—Messrs. Sheffey (speaker), Baker, Bland, Bowen, Bowles, Branch, Bryan, Buffing- ton, Burr, Burwell, Crockett, Custis, Deane, Deyerle, Dickey, Draper, Ferguson, Gilmer, Goodall, Goodykoontz, Harris, L. D. Haymond, Herndon, Hiett, Hoge, Holden, Horton, Irving, Jones, Kaufman, Lynch, Marye, Mathews, McKinney, McMillan, McNeil, Melvin, Miller, Monroe, Nighbert, Patterson, Randolph, Reid, Riddick, J. A. Robinson, Rust, Rutherfoord, D. J. Saunders, Shackleford, Smith, Snowden, Staples, Stewart, R. F. Taylor, T. W. Taylor, Tibbs, Tredway, Welsh, R. J. White, Williams, S. M. Wilson and Woodley—62. The question recurring on agreeing to the resolution, Mr. Cowan moved to amend the resolution, by adding thereto the following: "the said seat being hereby declared vacant;" which was agreed to. The question being on agreeing to the resolution as amended, Mr. Woodley moved to amend the resolution, by striking out the entire resolution, and inserting the doll owing: " Resolved, that David Chalmers, the sitting member, is entitled 164 JOURNAL OF THE to his seat in the present house of delegatesand the question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the negative. The question recurring on agreeing to the resolution as amended, Mr. Staples demanded the previous question; which was sustained by the house; and being put, was decided in the affirmative. The resolution as agreed to is as follows: " Resolved, that there be a new election by the qualified voters of the county of Halifax, to fill the seat on this floor, now held by David Chalmers and contested by George H. West, said seat being hereby declared vacant." On motion of Mr. Jones, the house adjourned until Monday, 10 o'clock. MONDAY October 26, 1863. Prayer by Rev. Dr. Burrows of the Baptist church. Mr. Anderson, from the committee of conference in relation to the matters of disagreement of the two houses upon the senate bill entitled an act to* reorganize the militia, presented the following report: The committee of conference, to whom was referred senate bill No. 19, with the amendments proposed by the house, of delegates, have had the same under consideration, and respectfully submit the following report: They recommend that the senate recede from its disagreement to the 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th, 6th, 22d, 23d, 27th, 28th, 30th, 32d, 33d, 35th, 35£th, 36th, 37th, 39th, 41st, 43d, 48th, 52d, 55th, 56th, 57th, 58th', 59th, 60th, 61st, 62d, 63d, 64th, 65th, 66th, 67th, 6Sth, 72d, 76th and 85th amendments of the house of delegates. They recommend that the disagreement of the senate be concurred in by the house of delegates to the 17th, 25th, 31st, 40th, 42d, 44th, 45th, 46th", 47th, 50th, 51st, 75th and 79th amendments of the house of delegates. They recommend that the 11th amendment of the bouse of dele¬ gates be agreed to, with the following amendment: Insert in the 4th line of the amendment, after the word "select," the following: "or if there be no company in the county, shall organize them with resi¬ dents of other districts." They recommend that the house of delegates recede from its disa¬ greement to the amendment of the senate to its amendment, with the following amendment: Instead of the words stricken out by the senate, insert the following: "nor shall any term of service com¬ mencing within ten days, from the termination of a preceding term of service, exceed ten days, except in such emergency as shall require at least, a fourth of the entire force of the state to be called out." They recommend that the senate recede from its disagreement to the 19th amendment of the house of delegates, with the following HOUSE OF DELEGATES. 165 amendment: Strike 6ut all of the 5th section, down to the word " and," inclusive, in the 6th line. They recommend that the disagreement of the senate to the 31st amendment of the house of delegates be concurred in, arid that the 14th section of the bill be amended, by striking out in the 6th and 7th lines the words "two hundred," and insert in*lieu thereof the words " one hundred." They recommend that the senate recede from its disagreement to the 34th amendment of the house of delegates, with the following amendment: Insert after the word " paid," in the 5th line of the 15th section, the words " out of the public treasury." They recommend the following amendments to the 21st section of the bill': Strike out all after the word " governor," in the 2d line, down to the word " may," in the 4th line. Strike out in the 4th line the words " for that purpose," and insert " to command them." Strike out in the 9th line the words " or assigned." They recommend that the disagreement of the senate to the 75th amendment of the house of delegates be concurred in, and the 30th section of the bill be amended as follows: Add at the end of the section the following: "but the companies shall be united in any subsequent organization that may be made of them." They recommend that the senate recede from its disagreement to the 84th amendment of the house of delegates, with the following amendment: Add at the end of the amendment the following: "unless such court shall certify, or the governor shall be satisfied that the danger thereto has ceased; and the governor,, whether, such certificate be- given or not, may suspend the act in such counties, cities and towns until the danger ceases." They also recommend the following amendments to the 2d, 3d, 29th and 37th sections of the bill: Strike out "October 24th," in the '2d and 29th sections, and insert "November 14th." Strike out "October 31st," in each of said sections, and insert "November 2lst." In the 3d, 29th and 37th sections, strike out "November 7th," and insert " November 29th." In the 3d section, strike out "November 14th," and insert "December 5th." They further recommend the following amendment to the- 36th section: Insert after the word " sixty-one," in the line, the follow¬ ing : " an act entitled an act to organize a home guard, passed May 14th, 1.862, and the'act amendatory thereof, passed March 30th, 1863." They recommend the adoption of the following resolution: " Resolved, that three thousand copies of the act to organize the state forces be printed with the least possible delay, and that the go¬ vernor be requested to distribute them to the justices of the peace as speedily as possible, by special messenger or otherwise; and that he be further requested to cause a synopsis of the said act to be in¬ serted once a week for three weeks in one or more of the newspapers of the state having the most extensive circulation." Mr. Thomas submitted the following resolution ; Resolved, that the governor be requested to ascertain from the confederate authorities whether Yanked prisoners and deserters are 166 JOURNAL OF THE discharged from custody, and if so, upon what terms and conditions they have been so discharged; what number have been discharged, and if an oath of allegiance or fidelity has been administered to them, to ascertain and report the form of such oath, and by whom it is ad¬ ministered ; and whether a record is kept, and by whom kept. Which being objected to, was laid over under the rule : On motion, of Mr. Lynch, Resolved, that the committee for courts of justice enquire into the expediency of so amending section I of chapter 10 of the Code of Virginia as to allow further time than that now allowed by law, to any person intending to contest the election of another as senator or delegate to the general assembly, to give to the other notice thereof. On motion of Mr. Burwell, Resolved, that the committee of schools and colleges be instructed to enquire into the expediency of transferring the pay and duties of the state guard to a corps of cadets, to be organized and instructed at an institution of military instruction to be established at the city of Richmond. The following bills were read a second time, and ordered to be en¬ grossed and read a third time : No. 71. A bill to incorporate the Virginia female institute of the city of Richmond. No. 77. A bill to amend the charter of the Bank of Rockbridge. No. 87. A* bill to authorize the government of the Confederate States to acquire and hold real estate for the purpose of mining coal and iron, and manufacturing iron and other metals for the public use and defence, was taken up, amended, and as amended read a second time ; and the question being—Shall the bill be engrossed and read a third time ? Mr. James moved that the bill be laid upon the table; and the question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the negative. The question recurring on the engrossment of the bill, Mr. Ander¬ son demanded the previous question; which was sustained by the house; and being put, was decided in the affirmative. A message was received from the senate by Mr. Frazier, who in¬ formed the house of delegates that the senate had passed a bill enti¬ tled an act to amend and re-enact section 22 of chapter 34 of the Code of Virginia (edition of 1S60): in which they requested the con¬ currence of the house of delegates. A message was received from the senate by Mr. Dickinson, who informed the house of delegates that the senate had passed a bill en¬ titled an act to provide fuel and lights for the governor's house: in which they respectfully requested the concurrence of the house of delegates. A message was received from the senate by Mr. Randolph, who informed the house of delegates that the senate had agreed to the report of .the committee of conference on the matters of disagree¬ ment between the two houses in relation to senate bill No. 19, en¬ titled an act to reorganize the militia. Subsequently, the report of the committee was taken up j and the HOUSE OF DELEGATES. 167 question being on agreeing thereto, on motion of Mr. Raymond of Marion, the report was laid on the table. On motion of Mr. Jones, Resolved, that the Speaker of the house be directed to issue a writ of election to supply the vacancy in the representation of the county of Halifax in the present house of delegates of the general assembly. Mr. Haymond submitted the following preamble and resolutions ; which were unanimously agreed to : The house of delegates having heard, with feelings of profound regret, of the death of Israel Robinson, late a delegate to this legis¬ lature from the county of Berkeley, and being desirous of manifesting its high regard and consideration for the character of the deceased: Resolved, that the members and officers of the house sincerely sympathize with the family of the deceased, in their sad bereave¬ ment—and as an expression of their regard, will wear the usual badge of mourning during the remainder of the present session of the gene¬ ral assembly. Resolved, that a committee be appointed to make all proper ar¬ rangements for the funeral, and that the members of the house of delegates will attend the last ceremonies. The Speaker announced the following committee under the reso¬ lution : Messrs. Cowan, Haymond, Bland, Kaufman, Monroe, McMil¬ lan, Lurty, White of Brooke and Hancoqk, Robinson of Taylor, Thomas and Burnett. On motion of Mr. Haymond, as a further mark of respect for the memory of the deceased, the house adjourned until to-morrow, 10 o'clock. TUESDAY, October 27, 1863. Prayer by Rev. Dr. Burrows of the Baptist church. A communication from the senate, by their clerk, was read as follows: In Senate, Oct. 26, 1863. The senate have passed house bill entitled: An act to amend and re-enact the 14th section of chapter 14 of the Code of Virginia, as amended and re-enacted by an act entitled an act to amend the 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th, 13th, 14th and 16th sec¬ tions of chapter 14; the 14th section of chapter 21; the 27th sec¬ tion of chapter 23, and the 10th section of chapter 66 of the Code of Virginia (edition of 1860), so as to increase the salaries of certain officers of the government, passed October 13th, 1863, No.'79. The amendment proposed by the senate to a resolution from the house respecting the impressment of the necessaries of life, was taken up; and the question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the negative. 168 JOURNAL OF THE Ordered, that the clerk inform the senate thereof. No. 39. A senate bill entitled an act to amend and re-enact section 22 of chapter 34 of the Code of Virginia (edition of 1860), was read a first and second times, and referred to the committee on military affairs. No. 53. A senate bill entitled an act to provide fuel and light for the governor's house, was read a first and second times, amended, and as amended read a third time; and the question being—Shall the bill pass? the roll was called, with the following result—Ayes 68, noes 30. Ayes—Messrs. Sheffey (speaker), Ambers, Anderson, Baker, Bland, Bowles, Branch, Bryan, Buffington, Burr, Butler, Burwell, Coke, Cowan, Crawford, Cresap, Crockett, Edwards, Ferguson, Flood, W. O. Fry, Gilmer, Goodall, L. D. Haymond, T. S. Hay- mond, Hendrick, Herndon, Hiett, Hoge, Horton, James, Jordan, Kaufman, Keiley, Linkous, Lundy, Marye, Mathews, McCue, McCutchen, McElroy, McMillan, McNeil, Melvin, Mon¬ roe, Nighbert, Parramore, Pendleton, Pitman, Reid, Richardson, Riddick, J. A. Robinson, Rowan, Rust, D. J. Saunders, Shackleford, Snowden, Stewart, T. W. Taylor, Thompson, Tibhs, Tredway, Welsh, N. W. White, Williams, Woodley, Woolfolk and Worsham—68. Noes—Messrs. Bouldin, Bowen, Brooke, Buford, Cummings, Custis, Deane, Deyerle, Draper, English, Fletcher, A. Fry, Graham, Harris, Huntt, Irving, W. Johnson, Jones, Ken- ney, Miller, R. E. Nelson, Patterson, Rixey, Smith, Staples, Tomlin, Walton, R. J. White, Winn and Winston—30. Resolved, that the bill be rejected. On motion of Mr. Deane, the rule was suspended with a view to reconsider the vote by which the bill was rejected. On motion of Mr. Haymond of Marion, the rule was suspended with a view to reconsider the vote by which the bill was ordered to its third reading. - On motion of Mr. Haymond of Marion, the rule was suspended with a view to reconsider the vote by which the bill was amended. The amendment was then, by leave of the house, withdrawn. The bill was then read a third time; and the question being— Shall the bill pass? Mr. James demanded the previous question; which was sustained by the house; and being put, was decided in the affirmative—Ayes 82, noes 20. Ayes—Messrs. Sheffey (speaker), Ambers, Anderson, Baker, Bland, Bowles, Branch, Brooke, Bryan, Buffington, Buford, Burr, Butler, Burwell, Coke, Cowan, Crawford, Cresap, Crockett, Custis, Edwards, Ferguson, Flood, "W. O. Fry, Gilmer, Goodall, Hall, L. D. Hay¬ mond, T. S. Haymond, Hendrick, Herndon, Hiett, Hoge, Holden, Horton, James, Jones, Jordan, Kaufman, Keiley, Linkous, Lundy, Lynch, Marye, Mathews, McCue, McCutchen, McElroy, McKinhey, McMillan, McNeil, Melvin, Monroe, Morgan, Nighbert, Parramore, Pendleton, Pitman, Pretlow, Reid, Richardson, Riddick, Robertson, J. A. Robinson, Rowan, Rust, Shackleford, Snowden, Stewart, Thomas, Thompson, Tibbs, Tredway, Walton, Welsh, N. W. White, Williams, Woodley, Woolfolk and Worsham—82. Noes—Messrs. Bouldin, Bowen, Deane, Deyerle, Draper, English, Fletcher, A. Fry, Harris, Irving, W. Johnson, Miller, Patterson, Rixey, F. Saunders, Staples, R. F. Taylor, Tomlin, R. J. White and Winn—20. Ordered, that the clerk inform.the senate thereof. Mr. Brooke, from the committee for courts of justice, to whom had been recommitted No. 39. A bill to define and punish the offences of forestalling, re- grating and engrossing, and to regulate and restrict the intermediate employment of capital between the producer and consumer, reported the same with amendments. Mr. Haymond, from the committee on the penitentiary, to whom had been referred HOUSE OF DELEGATES. 169 No. 36. A senate bill entitled an act amending and re-enacting chapter 213 of the Code of Virginia, reorganizing the penitentiary, j-cported the same without amendment, Mr. Cowan, fr^m the committee of arrangements to superintend the funeral of Israel Robinson, late a delegate from the cbunty of Berkeley, presented the following report: 1 The committee of arrangements have discharged the duty assigned them, and respectfully report, that the funeral of the late Israel Robinson will take place at 3 o'clock this day, from the capitol. No. 17. A bill to authorize, for a limited period, the impressment of fuel by the Virginia Central rail road company, wks taken up, on motion of Mr. Burwell, and read a second time. Mr. Burwell moved to amend the bill, by striking out all after the words " Be it enacted by the general assembly," and inserting the following: " 1. Every rail road company subject to the provisions of the 61st chapter of the Code (edition of 1860), shall conform to the follow¬ ing regulations: 2. Whenever any person shall give notice in writing to the super¬ intendent of any such rail road, that he has delivered at any depot, or1 switch upon the said road, not less than eight cords of wood or eight tons of coal, consigned to some city, town, village or chartered institution of learning, upon the line of such road, and that he is pre¬ pared to load the same upon the cars within six hours after such cars shall be ready to receive it, it shall be the duty of said superinten¬ dent to provide forthwith sufficient transportation for the same. 3. The said rail road companies shall be entitled to receive for the transportation of such fuel an addition of twenty-five per cent, upon the rates of freight per ton per mile allowed them by law, and shall be entitled moreover to demand from any. shipper referred to in the second section of this act, the delivery at the place of shipment, and at the value thereof at such place, of one-fourth part of all such fuel, to be applied to the use of such road. In case of any disagreement between such company and the shipper of such fuel as to the price thereof, such company shall be entitled to employ the provisions of the 56th chapter of the Code (edition of 1860) in fixing the valuation thereof. 4. If any such company shall fail, to perform the duties imposed thereon by this act, it shall be subject to a fine of five hundred dol¬ lars in every case j to be recovered in any court having jurisdiction, by presentment, information or indictment. One-half of such fine shall be paid to the informer or prosecutor, and the balance to the commonwealth, according to the provisions of the 43d chapter of the Code (edition of 1860). 5. This act shall be in force from its passage." Mr. Deane moved to amend the amendment, by adding at the end thereof the following: " provided, that the board of public works, in order to secure the transportation of salt and of fuel for the salt furnaces, may in their discretion exempt for such periods of time as said board may order, the Virginia and Tennessee rail road from the 22 170 -JOURNAL OF THE provisions of this actand the question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the affirmative. The question recurring on agreeing to the amendment as amended, was put, and decided in the affirmative. The question being on the engrossment of the bill as amended, was put, and nlecided in the affirmative. ' The Speaker laid before the house the following letter from the Hon. James A. Seddon, secretary of war, which was read, and on motion of Mr. Robertson, referred to the committee on confederate relations: Confederate States of America, War Department, Richmond, Va., Oct. 24, 1863. Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge your letter of the 21st instant, enclosing a report and resolutions adopted by the house of delegates on the subject of details by the confederate government. I am reluctant to suppose the house of delegates contemplated asserting any jurisdiction or right of supervision over the disposi¬ tion by the confederate government of the soldiers or conscripts enrolled in its service; yet, to avoid all misconstruction, from the broad terms of the report and resolutions, it behooves me, as an officer of that government, respectfully to remind you that it pos¬ sesses exclusive control over the whole subject, and to say that my answer is dictated by no recognition of other authority in the mat¬ ter, but solely by the consideration which I am happy to feel for the opinions of the representatives in one of the houses of the general assembly of Virginia. I have preferred to consider the report and resolutions as evincive only of the deep interest felt by the house of delegates in the common cause, and of its desire to afford counsel and assistance in the discovery and removal of hindrances and abuses tending to lessen the strength and efficiency of our armies.* Viewed in this light, I accept the report and resolutions with satisfaction, and acknowledge my obligations for the information and suggestions sought to be given by them. I will not deny they might have been more acceptable, had they been couched less in the language of com¬ plaint and stricture; but I shall not on that account fail to seek from them the benefits of which they may be susceptible. In furtherance of that end, I may be pardoned for requesting that the house of dele¬ gates, in substantiation of the somewhat vague and general charges of the report and resolutions, will require the committee to submit to the department the proof before them of the cases of imputed fraud and abuse, with the names of the parties committing or parti¬ cipating in them, on which they have founded their statements. In my limited experience in the department, I have too frequently found general charges, when sought to be probed and investigated, unsus- tained by the facts; but I cannot doubt that adequate evidences were possessed by the committee and the house before they embodied, in the form of a report and resolutions, such grave charges. When furnished with such evidences, I may be enabled, as I shall beprompt, HOUSE OF DELEGATES. 171 to investigate and correct the supposed abuses. I cannot indulge the hope, that where so many interests and temptations exist, abuses and excesses to some extent have not prevailed, but I have been ever anxious to guard against and remove them. It would be tedious to enumerate the orders and measures which have been from time to time adopted by the department to restrict details to the industrial operations indispensable to the government, and which could not otherwise be carried on. It has been earnestly sought to withdraw as few men as possible from military service in the field, and none when it was not confidently believed they could be more beneficially employed for the common cause in works of production than in arms. The resolutions of the house found me engaged in urgent measures to effectuate such restrictions, and I am happy to be assured of the co-operation of the house in attaining them. It is with some sur¬ prise, however, as well as satisfaction that I find myself, by the second resolution of the house, urged to adopt such measures as will in my opinion substitute men over the conscript age and able-bodied free negroes by draft, for details from the army. It has been my earnest wish to do this, and as far as temptations to voluntary engagements could be presented to the classes referred to, they have been liberally offered; but I have not been invested by the legislature of the state with the power of compulsion in the premises. Whenever any effort of the kind, even under the stress of military necessity, has been essayed, it has been at once met by discontent and remonstrance, which members of your house have 011 some occasions been the or¬ gans to express. In the resolution of the house I trust is to be found a purpose, so far as depends on .them, to afford by appropriate legis¬ lation the command of the resources they recommend. When so afforded, I shall promptly seek to bring them into efficient use, and manifest my appreciation of the confidence reposed by the legislature in the confederate authorities, by a zealous effort to employ the in¬ strumentalities your house has desired. Very respectfully, Your ob't serv't* James A. Seddon, Scc'y of War. H. W. Sheffey, Esq. Speaker House of Delegates of Pa. The Speaker laid before the house a communication from the county court of Northumberland, in respect to the eligibility of Thomas E. Betts, delegate to the general assembly from the coun¬ ties of Lancaster and Northumberland; which was read, and on mo¬ tion of Mr. Jokes, referred to the committee of privileges and elec¬ tions. Mr. Brooke, from the joint, committee on salt, presented a joint resolution ratifying the contract entered into between the chairman of the joint committee on salt and Stuart, Buchanan & Co. and Charles Scott & Co. 172 JOURNAL OF THE Mr. Brooke, from the same committee, presented the following bill: No. 90. A bill making an appropriation for the purchase of salt; which was read a first time, and ordered to be read a second time. The report of the committee of conference upon the matters of disagreement between the two houses in relation to senate bill No. 19, entitled an act to reorganize the militia, was taken up, on mo¬ tion of Mr. Anderson ; and the question being on agreeing thereto, Mr. James demanded the previous question; which was sustained by the house; and being put, the roll was called with the following re¬ sult—Ayes 51, noes 49. Ayes—Messrs. Sheffoy (speaker), Anderson, Baker, Bland, Bouldin, Bowen, Branch, Buford, Burr, Butler, Coke, Crawford, Crockett, Deyerle, Draper, Duval, Ferguson, A. Fry, Gilmer, Goodall, T. S. Raymond, Hendrick, Herndon, Hutcheson, Irving, James, W. Johnson, Jordan, Keiley, Linkous, Lundy, Mathews', McKinney, Nighbert, Parramore, Pitman, Reid, Richardson, Robertson, Rowan, Rust, D. J. Saunders, Shackleford, R. F. Taylor, Tibbs, Welsh, Williams, Winn, Winston, Woodley and Worsham—51. Noes—Messrs. Ambers, Bowles, Brooke, Bryan, Buffington, Burwell, Cowan, Cummings, Deane, Edwards, English, Flood, W. O. Fry, Graham, Hall, Harris, L. D. Haymond, Hiett, Hoge, Horton, Huntt, Jones, Kaufman, Kenney, Lynch, Marye, McElroy, McMillan, Mc¬ Neil, Melvin, Miller, Monroe, Patterson, Pendleton, Pretlow, Randolph, Riddick, Rixey, F. Saunders, Smith, Staples, Stewart, T. W. Taylor, Tomlin, Tredway, Walton, N. W. White, R. J. White and Woolfolk—49. Seventy-seven members not having voted in the affirmative, Resolved, that the report be rejected. On motion of Mr. Pendleton, Resolved, that the senate be informed that the house of delegates have disagreed to the report of the committee of conference upon senate bill* No. 19, entitled an act to reorganize the militia, and re¬ spectfully ask the appointment of another committee of conference upon the matters of disagreement between the two houses on said bill. Ordered, that the clerk communicate the same to the senate, and request their concurrence. On motion of Mr. Cowan, the house adjourned until to-morrow, 10 o'clock. WEDNESDAY, October 28, 1863. Prayer by Rev. Dr. Burrows of the Baptist church. A communication from the senate, by their clerk, was read as follows: In Senate, Oct. 27, 1863. The senate have passed house bill entitled: An act to provide for the appointment of general agents and store¬ keepers for counties and corporations, No. 15. - And they have agreed to the amendments proposed by the Jiouse of delegates to senate bill entitled: An act to authorize the arrest of deserters by the civil authorities, No. 35. HOUSE OF DELEGATES. 173 And they have agreed to sundry amendments and disagreed to several amendments, and have agreed with amendments to an amend¬ ment of the house of delegates to senate bill entitled: An act to repeal so much of the ordinance of the 'convention of April 24th, 1861, as provides for a pay department of Virginia forces, No. 28. They have passed a bill entitled: An act for the relief of Wm. A. Braxton of King William county, No. 42. t In which amendments and bill they respectfully request the con¬ currence of the house of delegates. The amendments proposed by the senate to the amendment of the house of delegates to senate bill entitled an act to repeal so much of the ordinance of the convention of April 24th, 1861, as provides for a pay department of Virginia forces, was taken up. The first amendment of the senate was agreed to with an amendment. The second amendment of the senate was agreed to. The amendments disagreed to by the senate were insisted upon by the house. Ordered, that the clerk communicate the same to the senate, and request their concurrence. No. 42. A senate bill entitled an act for the relief of William A. Braxton of King William county, was read a first and second times, and referred to the committee on finance. Mr. Anderson, from the committee on military affairs, to whom had been referred No. 39. A senate bill entitled an act to amend and re-enact sec¬ tion 22 of chapter 34 of the Code of Virginia (edition of 1860), re¬ ported the same without amendment. Mr. Bland submitted the following resolution : Resolved, that leave be given to bring in a bill amending and re- enacting the 2d section of an act passed 11th March 1863, entitled an act to amend and re-enact an act entitled an act to prevent the unnecessary consumption of grain by distillers and other manufac¬ turers of spirituous liquors, passed October 2d, 1862 ; which, on mo¬ tion, was, laid on the table. A message was received from the senate by Mr. Taylor, who informed the house of delegates that the senate had agreed to the resolution for the appointment of another committee of conference upon th%e matters of disagreement between the two houses upon senate bill entitled an act to reorganize the militia, No. 19. A message was received from the senate by Mr. Coghill, who in¬ formed the house of delegates that the senate had passed a bill en¬ titled an act to amend and re-enact the 9th section of the 57th chap¬ ter of the Code of Virginia (edition of i860): in which they respect¬ fully requested the concurrence of the house of delegates. Mr. Brooke, from the joint committee on salt, presented a report. Mr. Brooke, from the same committee, presented the following bills; which were read a first time, and ordered to be read a second time: 174 JOURNAL OF THE No. 91. A bill to amend and re-enact an act entitled an act to au¬ thorize the appointment of an inspector of salt, passed March 30, 1863. No. 92. A bill to amend and re-enact the 11th section of the act for the production and distribution of salt, passed March 30, 1863, as amended by the act passed September 18, 1863. No. 93. A bill to amend and re-enact the 2d, 5th and 7th sections of an act entitled an act to provide for the production and distribu¬ tion of salt, passed March 30, 1863. - No.' 94. A bill to authorize the sale and transportation of salt be¬ longing to John N. Clarkson. The ^Speaker announced the following committee of conference on the part of the house upon the matters of disagreement between the two houses in relation to senate bill No. 19, entitled an act to reorganize the militia: Messrs. Pendleton, Tomlin, Marye, Shackle- ford, Monroe, Deane, Irving, James and Keiley. On motion of Mr. Melvin, Resolved, that the Speaker of this house is hereby authorized to issue a writ of election t.o fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Israel Robinson, late a member of this house from the county of Berkeley. On motion of Mr. Haymond, leave of absence was granted to Mr. Holden for the rest of the present session. The Speaker laid before the house a communication from the go¬ vernor, enclosing a letter from the principal of the institution for the deaf and dumb and the blind at Staunton, in relation to the build¬ ings used by said institution; which was ordered to be referred to the committee on confederate relations. The Speaker laid before the house the following communication from the governor; which was read, and on motion of Mr. Robert¬ son, ordered to be entered upon the journal of the house: / Executive Department, Richmond, Fa., Oct. 28, 1863. Gentlemen of the Senate and House of Delegates: It becomes my painful duty to announce to you the sudden death of Brigadier General Charles Dimmock. He wasi stricken with paralysis about 10 o'clock yesterday morning, and re¬ mained speechless and unconscious until his dissolution, which took place at 12 o'clock last night. General Dimmock had attained the age of sixty-three years. He was a graduate of the West Point military academy, in the class of 1821, and after his graduation served with efficiency in the United States army until September 30, 1836, when he resigned. After his resignation he came to Virginia to prosecute the profession of a civil engineer, and subsequently became general superintendent of what is now known as the Seaboard and Roanoke rail road. While occu¬ pying this position, he-was selected by.Governbr McDowell, and HOUSE OF DELEGATES. 175 commissioned commandant of the public guard—a position which he continued to hold to the day of his death. When the legislature, in anticipation of the war in which, we are now engaged, created an ordnance department, General Dimmock was nominated to the senate, and confirmed by that body as its chief officer. In all these positions his duties were discharged with scrupulous fidelity, ability and. energy. From the'year 1860 to the day of his death his services in the ordnance department have been invaluable to the state and her cause. Although General Dimmock was a northern man by birth, he yet. loved Virginia with the affection of a son, and served her with the fidelity of a son. As a husband, a father, a citizen, a public officer, he was without reproach. He was honest, just, patriotic, upright. When such men are taken from us at a time like this, well may the people mourn. It is a noticeable fact, that a son of Rockbridge appointed him commandant of the guard—another from the same county and town appointed him colonel of ordnance and brevetted him brigadier gene¬ ral for meritorious services during the war, and now announces to you his death. His funeral will take place from his residence, to-morrow at 12. V clock meridian. Respectfully, John Letcher,- The report of the committee on banks relative to the currency, was taken up, on motion of Mr. Wilson of Isle of Wight; and the question being on agreeing to an amendment heretofore submitted by Mr. Buford to the second resolution of the committee, as follows: " And that the plan submitted with the report is hereby approved by the general assembly, and recommended to the confidence of the peo¬ ple of Virginia, and -that the legislatures of the other states of the Confederacy be respectfully invited to take correspondent action therein," Mr. Wilson of Isle of Wight moved to amend the amend¬ ment, by striking out the words " submitted with this report," and inserting " contained in the following bill." " 1. Be it enacted by the general assembly, that the auditor of public accounts find the second auditor shall be and they are hereby authorized and directed, under the supervision of the governor, to sell the stocks now owned by the commonwealth in the several banks of this state, whether standing in the name of the commonwealth, or •any of its funds. 2. The said sliles shall be made from time to time as the same can be effected at fair prices, either at public or private sale, as may be deemed most advisable by the said officers ; but the same shall not be sold at less than the par value ; and the several banks shall have the privilege of purchasing any of said stocks. 3. The 29th, 30th and 31st sections of chapter 44 of the Code of Virginia of 1860 shall be and the same are hereby repealed. 4. It shall be the duty of the said auditors to proceed to sell, in 176 JOURNAL OF THE like manner, all the stocks owned by the commonwealth, whether standing in its name, or in the name of any of its funds, in the capi¬ tal stock of any rail road company in this commonwealth, and all dividend bonds, or bonds whereby any of said roads or their property or franchises are mortgaged for the payment of any loan heretofore effected for the benefit of such roads: provided, that such stocks or bonds shall not be sold for less than their par value, or less than the amount specified as due onktheir face. And the said rail road com¬ panies shall have the privilege respectively of purchasing any of the stocks or bonds issued by their own company. And any of the said banks or said rail road companies may purchase any of said stocks as investments of their respective contingent or surplus funds. 5. So soon as one-fifth part of the stocks held in any such rail road company by the commonwealth, whether standing in its name, or in the name of any of its funds, are sold, then only two directors on the part of the commonwealth shall be appointed; and when two- fifths'thereof shall be sold, then only one director shall be appointed on the part of the state; and when all of the said stocks shall have beeh sold;' neither proxies nor directors therein shall be appointed on the part' of the state. But reports shall be made by each of said companies, as required by the 61st chapter of the Code of Virginia (I860).- 6. As soon as the proceeds of the sales herein before authorized, or -any part thereof, have been paid into the public treasury, the said auditors,-under the supervision of the governor, are hereby authorized to invest ;the net proceeds arising therefrom in such of the certificates of "debt-of the Confederate States government as may be deemed by them to be advisable. All investments of funds arising from the sale'" of "stocks belonging to the literary fund or the Dawson fund, shall be transferred by said officers to said funds respectively, to be held as the original stocks which were sold were previously held, and to be applied to the purposes for which they were originally pur¬ chased. All the investments of funds belonging to any other fund owned by the commonwealth shall be transferred to and made a part of the sinking fund, to be applied as provided by law for the pay¬ ment of the interest and final redemption of the principal of the pub¬ lic debt, in accordance with the provisions of section 3 of chapter 44 of the Code of Virginia (1860). 7. For every hundred dollars invested by said officers in said certi¬ ficates of debt of the Confederate States, they shall cause to be pre¬ pared certificates of debt of the state of Virginia to an amount equal to the aggregate amount of such investment. The said certificates shall be signed by the second auditor, be countersigned by the trea¬ surer, sealed with the seal of the state, be made payable to the holder thereof, and shall purport that the principal will be payable by the commonwealth at a day named therein, not more than thirty-four years from the respective dates of such certificates. Coupons of in¬ terest not exceeding six per cent, per annum, in such form and evi¬ denced in such manner as the said officers shall prescribe, and trans¬ ferable by delivery, shall be attached to the certificates; and the cer- HOUSE OP DELEGATES. 177 tificates and coupons attached thereto shall he payable at the trea¬ sury of the state, at the times specified in each respectively. 8. The said auditors, under the supervision of the governor, shall expose to sale, either publicly or privately, the said certificates of debt from time to time as they may direct. But no certificate so authorized to be sold shall be sold for less than the sum appearing on its face to be owing from the state. The net proceeds arising from the said sale shall be invested in the manner herein before provided, in such of the certificates of the debt of the Confederate States go¬ vernment as may be deemed by said officers expedient. The said- certificates of debt so purchased as an investment, shall be held as a part of the sinking fund of the state, and the interest receivable therefrom, and the principal when redeemed, shall be applied to the payment of the public debt, as now prescribed by law, aud in accor¬ dance with the provisions of section 3 of chapter 44 of the Code of Virginia (1860). 1 9. This act shall be in force from its passage"— is hereby approved, &c.; and the«question being on agreeing thereto, The hour of 3 o'clock having arrived, the chair was vacated until 8 o'clock P. M. EVENING SESSION. The report of the committee on banks relative to the currency, was taken up; and the question being on agreeing to the amendment submitted by Mr. Wilson of Isle of Wight to the amendment to the second resolution of the committee, Mr. Raymond of Marion moved that the report and the pending amendments be postponed until the 7th aday of December next; and the question being on agreeing thereto, Mr. Nelson of Fluvanna demanded the previous questiou; which was sustained by the house; and being put, was decided in the affirmative—Ayes 55, noes -34. On motion of Mr. Buford, the vote was recorded as follows: Ayes—Messrs. Sheffey (speaker), Ambers, Barksdale, Bland, Bouldin, Brooke, Butler, Burwell. Crawford, Cresap, Curninings, Draper. Duval, A. Fry, Good,ill, Graham, Harris, T. ft Haymond, Hemdon, Hiott, Hoiton, Trving*, Jores, Jordan, Kearney. Mai ye, McCue, McElrov, McMillan, Miller. Monroe, Nighbert, 1'arramore, Patterson, Pend'eton, Pietlow, Powell. Rixey, Robertson, Rust, Shaekleford, Sin-mini, Smith, Suowden, Staples, R. P. Taylor. J'. W. Taylor, Tomliu, Tredway, Walton, N. W. White, Williams, Winston, Wool- folk and Worsham—55. Noes—Messrs. Anderson, Bowen, Branch, Buford, Harnett, Burr. Coke, Crockett, Peane, Deyerle, Edwards, Fcigusoii, Flood, W. O. Fry, Gilmer, L. D. Ilaymond W. Johnson, Kaufman, Iveiley, Luudy, L\ncL, Mag-ruder, Marr. MeCutchen, Melvin. U. E. Nelson, Pit¬ man, Reid, J. A. Robinson, R. J. White, J. L. v\ ilson, Winn and Wootlley—31. The joint resolution ratifying the contract entered into between the chairmen of the joint committee on salt and Stuart. Buchanan & Co. and Charles Scott & Co., was taken up, 011 motiun of Mr. Brooke ; and the question beiijg on agreeing thereto, was put, anil decided in the affirmative—Ayes 79. Aves—Messrs SkefTey (speaker), Ambers, Anderson, Barksdale, Bland, Bouldin, Bowen, Biunch, Brooke, Burnett, Burr, Butler, L'urwell, C-awford, Ciesap, Crockett, Cunmings, 23 178 JOURNAL OF THE Deane, Deyerle, Draper, Duval, Edwards, Ferguson, Flood, A. Fry, W. O. Fry, GoodalT, Graham, Harris, T. S. Haymond, Herndon, Hiett, Hortou, Irving, Jones, Jordan, Keiley, Kenney, Limdy, Lynch, Magruder. Marr, Marye, McCue, McCutcken, McElroy, McMillan, McNeil, Melvin, Miller, Monroe, R. E. Nelson, Nighbert, Parramore, Patterson, Pendleton, Pitman, Pretlow, Reid, Rixey, Robertson, Shackleford, Skerrard, Smith, Snowden, Staples. Stewart, R. F. Taylor, T. W. Taylor, Tomlin,Tredway, Walton, N. W. White, R. J.White, Williams, J. L.Wilson, Winn, Wins'ton, Woolfolk and Worsham—79. Ordered, that the clerk communicate the same to the senate, and request their concurrence. No. 90. A bill making an appropriation for the purchase of salt, was taken up, on motion of Mr. Brooke, read a second time, and two-thirds concurring, read a third time and passed—Ayes 79. Ayes—Messrs. Sheffey (speaker), Ambers, Anderson, Barksdale, Bland, Bouldin, Bowen, Branch, Brooke, Buford, Burnett, Burr, Butler, Rurwell, Crawford, Cresap, Crockett, Cum- mings, Deane, Deyerle, Draper, Duval, Edwards, Ferguson, Flood,. A. Fry, W. O. Fry, Goodall, Graham, Harris, T. S. Haymond, Hendrick, Herndon, Hiett, Horton, Irving, Jones,. Jordan, Keiley, Kenney, Lundy, Lynch, Magrnder, Marr, Marye, McCue, McCutchen, Mc¬ Elroy, McMillan, Melvin, Miller, Monroe, R. E. Nelson, Nighbert, Parramore, Patterson, Pendleton, Pitman, Pretlow, Reid, Rixey, Robertson, Shackleford, Sherrard, Smith, Staples,. R. F. Taylor, T. W. Taylor, Tomlin, Tredway, Walton, N. W. White, R. J. White, Wil¬ liams, J. L. Wilson, Winn, Winston, Woolfolk and Worsham—79. Ordered, that the clefk communicate the same to-the senate, and request their concurrence. On motion of Mr. Bouldin, Resolved, that the governor's communication transmitting sundry documents relative to confederate taxes, be referred to the committee |On finance. On motion of Mr. Worsham, the house adjourned until to-morrow, 10 o'clock. THURSDAY, October 29, 186-3. Prayer by Rev. Dr. Burrows of the Baptist church. A communication from the senate, by their clerk, was read as follows: In Senate, Oct. 28, 1863. The senate have passed house bill entitled: An act to amend the charter .of the Merchants insurance company of the city of Richmond, No. 47. They have also passed, with amendments, house bill entitled: An act amending the 1st section of chapter 10 of the Code of Virginia (edition of 1860), extending the time within which a per¬ son intending to contest the election of another as senator or dele¬ gate, may give notice, No. 38. They have passed a bill entitled : An act authorizing the payment of a sum of money to Lee A. Dunn of King William county, for extra copies of his land and pro¬ perty books, No. 5S. They have agreed to the joint resolution from the house of dele¬ gates for the adjournment of the general -assembly. The committee on enrolled bills having examined sundry enrolled HOUSE OF DELEGATES. 179 bills, and Found them correctly enrolled, they have been signed by the president of the senate, and are now communicated for further signature. C? # In which amendments and bill they respectfully request the con¬ currence of the house of delegates. No. 56. A senate bill entitled an act to amend and re-enact the 9th section of the 57th chapter of the Code of Virginia (edition of 1S60), was read a first, second and third times and passed. Ordered, th$t the clerk inform the senate thereof. No.fc 58. A senate bill entitled an act authorizing the payment of a sum of money to Lee A. Dunn of King William county, for extra copied of his land and property books, was read a first and second times, and on motion, laid on the table. The amendments proposed by the senate to house bill entitled an act amending the 1st section of chapter 10 of the Code of Virginia (edition of I860), extending the time within which a person intend¬ ing to contest the election of another as senator or delegate, may give notice, wfere taken up and agreed to. Ordered, that the clerk inform the senate thereof. Mr. Brooke, from the committee for courts of justice, to whom had been referred No.'46. A senate bill entitled an act to provide for the trial of friendly suits m chancery for partition, &c. arising in counties in the possession1 of the enemy, or threatened with invasion, reported the sapie without amendment. The bill was then read a third time and passed. Ordered, that the clerk inform the senate thereof. Mr. JIouldin, from the committee on finance, to whom had been referred the amendments proposed by the senate to house bill enti¬ tled a^ act for the relief of the indigent soldiers and sailors of the state of Virginia who have been or may be disabled in the military servicd, and the widows and minor children of soldiers and sailors who hfive died in the service, and of the indigent families of those now in service, reported the same, with the recommendation that they be disagreed to. The 'resolution heretofore submitted by Mr. Pretlow, that a com¬ mittee fof three be appointed by this house to wait upon the gover¬ nor of this commonwealth, and ask him to make known to the citi¬ zens of Virginia, by proclamation or otherwise, their rights under the impressment law of the Confederate States, and their course of pro¬ cedure for illegal seizures of their property, was taken up, on motion of Mr. Pretlow ; and the question being on agreeing thereto, Mr. Shackleford moved the indefinite postponement of the resolution; •■and the question being ori agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the affirmative.* Mr. Pendleton, from the committee pf conference on the matters of disagreement between the two houses in relation to senate bill .entitled an act to reorganize the militia, No. 19, presented a report; which was laid on the table, and made the order of the day for this day at 12 o'clock. 180 JOURNAL OF THE Mr. Cowan submitted the following resolution, which being ob¬ jected to, was laid over under the rule : Resolved, that during the residue of the present session, no mem¬ ber shall speak more than once on any one subject, or for a longer time than five minutes. The amendment by way of substitute, proposed by the senate to house bill entitled an act for the relief of the indigent soldiers and sailors o^tlie state of Virginia who have been or may be disabled in the military service, and the widows and minor children of soldiers and sailors who have died or may hereafter die in said service, and of the indigent families of those now in the service, was taken up, on motion of Mr. Si-iackleford. Mr. Shackleford moved to disagree to the senate's amendment; and the question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the affirmative. Ordered, that Mr. Shackleford inform the senate thereof. A joint resolution defining what commutation for clothing is to be allowed to non-commissioned officers and privates of the Virginia state line, reported from the committee on military affairs, was taken up, on motion off Mr. Pendleton. Mr. Pendleton submitted an amendment thereto by way of sub¬ stitute ; and the question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the affirmative. The question recurring on agreeing to the resolution as amended, was put, and decided in the affirmative—Ayes 77, noes 21. Ayes—Messrs. Sheffey (speaker), Ambers, Anderson, Bowen, Bowles, Branch, Buffing- ton, Bufo'rd, Burr, Butler, Burwell, Cowan, Crawford, Cresap, Crockett, Deyerle, Draper, Edwards, Ferguson, Flood, A. Fry, Goodall, Graham, Harris, L. D. Haymond, T. S. Hay- mond, Herndon, Hiett, Hoge, Hovton, Huntt, Hutcheson, Kaufman, Keiley, Kenney, Lin- .kous, Lundy, Lynch, Magruder, Marye, McCue, McCutchen, McElroy, Meade, Melvin, Miller, Morgan, E. E. Nelson, Nighbert, Parramore, Pendleton, Pitman, Powell, Eeid, Eixey, Robertson, J. A. Robinson, Rowan, Rust, Shackleford, Sherrard, Smith, Snowden, ,Staples, T. W. Taylor, Thomas, Thompson, Tomlin, Walton, Welsh, N. W. White, Wil¬ liams, S. M. Wilson, Winston, Woodley, Woolfolk and Worsham—77. Noes—Messrs. Barksdale, Bouldin, Deane, English, Fletcher, W. O. Fry, Cilmer,Irving, Jones, Marr, McKinney, McMillan. Monroe, Riddick, D. J. Saunders, Scott, R. F. Taylor, 'Tredway, Ward, R. J. White and Winn—21. The resolution as agreed to is as followTs: " Resolved by the general assembly, that the non-commissioned officers and privates of the Virginia state line are entitled to the same commutation for clothing that is allowed by the Confederate States for the time being; that is to say, at the rate of $50 per an¬ num for such period of their service as is prior to October 8, 1862, and "at the rate of $134 12 per annum for such period of service as is subsequent to the 8th day of October 1862, and at said rates for any shorter period of service; the same to be allowed on the pay rolls, deducting therefrom, from the pay also, if necessary, the price of all clothing actually issued in kind to each non-commissioned officer and private. The amount thereof to be certified by the com¬ pany commandant or the quartermaster of the regiment or battalion to which the company belonged." Ordered, that, Mr. Pendleton carry the same to the senate, and request their concurrence. HOUSE OP DELEGATES. 181 The hour having arrived for the consideration of the report of the committee of conference upon the matters of disagreement between the two houses in relation to senate bill 19, entitled an act to re¬ organize the militia, the report was taken up; and the question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the affirmative— Ayes 87, noes 19. Ayes—Messrs. Skeffey (speaker), Ambers, Anderson, Barksdale, Bland, Boaldin, Bowen, Bowles, Branch, Brooke, Buffiugton, Buford, Burr, Butler, Burwell, Coke, Cowan, Craw¬ ford, Cresap, Crockett, Deane, Deyerle, Draper, Duval, Edwards, English, Ferguson, A. Fry, W. O. Fry, Gilmer, Goodall, Graham, L. D. Haymond, T. S. Haymond, Herndon, Hiett, Horton, Hughes, Huntt, Hutcheson, Irving, Jordan, Keiley, Linkous, Lynch, Ma- gruder, Marr, Marye, McCue, McCutchen, McKinney, McMillan, Meade, Melvin, Monroe, Morgan, R. E. Nelson, Nighbert, Parramore, Pendleton, Pitman, Powell, Randolph, Reid, Richardson, Riddick, Rixey, Robertson, J. A. Robinson, Rowan, Rust, D. J. Saunders, Scott, Shackleford, R. F. Taylor, T. W. Taylor, Thompson, Tomlin, Walton, Ward, N. W. White, R. J. White, Williams, S. M. Wilson, Winn, Winston and Woodley—87. Noes—Messrs. Cummings, Flood, Hall, Harris, Jones, Kaufman, Kenney, Lundy, Lurty, McElroy, Miller, Pretlow, Sherrard, Smith, Staples, Tredway, J. L. Wilson, Wool- folk and Worsham—19. Ordered, that Mr. Pendleton inform the senate thereof. The. report is as follows : The committee of conference, to whom was referred senate bill 19, with the amendments proposed by the house of delegates thereto, have had the same under consideration, and respectfully submit the following report: They recommend that the senate recede from its disagreement to the 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th, 6th, 22d, 23d, 27th, 28th, 30th, 32d, 33d, 35th, 354th, 36th, 37th, 39th, 41st, 43d, 48th, 52d, 55th, 56th, 57th, 58th, 59th, 60th, *61st, 62d, 63d, 64th, 65th, 66th, 67th, 68th, 72d, 76th and S5th amendments of the house of delegates. That the disagreement of the senate be concurred in to the 17th, 25th, 31st, 40th, 42d, 44th, 45th, 46th, 47th, 50th, 51st, 75th and 79th amendments by the house of delegates. That the 11th amendment of the house of delegates be agreed to, with the following amendment: Insert in the 4th line of the amend¬ ment, after the word "select," the following: "or if there be no Company in the county, shall organize them with residents of other districts." That the senate recede from its disagreement to the 19th amend¬ ment of the house of delegates, with the following amendment: Strike out all of the 5th section down to the word "and," inclusive, in the 6th line. That the disagreement of the senate to the 31st amendment of the house of delegates be concurred in, and that the J 4th section of the bill be amended, by striking out in the 6th and 7th lines the words "two hundred," and inserting in lieu thereof the words "one hun¬ dred." • That the senate recede from its disagreement to the 34tli amend¬ ment of the house of delegates, with the following amendment: Insert after the word "paid," in the 5th line of the 15th section, the words "out of the public treasury." That the house of delegates recede from its disagreement to the amendment of the senate to its 3Sth amendment, with the following 182 JOURNAL OF THE amendment: Instead of the words stricken out by the senate, insert the following: "nor shall any term of service commencing within ten days from the termination of a preceding term of service, exceed ten days, except in such emergency as shall require at least a fourth of the entire force of the state to be called out." They recommend the following amendment to the 21st section of the bill: Strike out all after the word "governor," in the 2d line, down to the word "may," in the 4th line. Strike out in the 4th Jine the words "for that purpose," and insert "to command them." Strike out in the 9th line the words "or assigned." That the disagreement of the senate to the 75th amendment of the house of delegates be concurred in, and the 30th section of the bill be amended as follows: Add at the end of the section the following: "but the companies shall be united in any subsequent organization that may be made of them." They recommend that the senate recede from its disagreement to the 84th amendment of the house of delegates, with the following amendment: Add at the end of the house amendment the following: " And the governor may, whether such certificate be given or not§ suspend this act in any such county, city or town until the danger ceases: provided, however, that it shall be the duty of such court, as soon as such threatened danger shall cease, to certif}?" the fact to the governor, and thereupon he shall cause this act to be executed in such county, city or town." They also recommend the following amendments to the 2d, 3d, 29th and 37th sections of the bill: Strike out " October 24th," in the 2d and 29th sections, and insert " November. 14th." Strike out "October 31st," in each of said sections, and insert "November 21st." In the 3d, 29th and 37th sections, strike out "November 7th," and insert ".November 29th." In the 3d section, strike out "November 14th," and insert "December 5th." They further recommend the following amendment to the 36th section : Insert after the word " sixty-one" in the 16th line, the fol¬ lowing: "An act entitled an act to organize a home guard, passed May 14th, 1S62, and the act amendatory thereof, passed March 30th, 1863." They recommend the adoption of the following resolution : " Resolved, that three thousand copies of the act to organize the state forces be printed with the least possible delay, and that the governor be requested to distribute them to the justices of the peace as speedily as possible, by special messengers or otherwise; and that he be further requested to cause a synopsis of the said act to be in¬ serted once a week for three weeks in one or more of the newspapers of the state having the most extensive circulation." A message was received from the senate by Mr. Dulaney, who in¬ formed the house of delegates that the senate insisted upon their amendment by way of substitute to house bill 40, entitled an act for the relief of indigent soldiers and sailors, &c. On motion of Mr. Shackleford, the house insisted upon their disagreement to the amendment of the senate, HOUSE OF DELEGAlil. 183 On motion of Mr. Shackleford, Resolved, that the house respectfully ask a committee of confer¬ ence upon the said bill between the two houses. Ordered, that Mr. Shackleford carry the same to the senate, and request their concurrence. On motion of Mr. Jones, the rule was suspended with a view to reconsider the vote by which the house agreed to the 2d and 3d amendments proposed by the senate to house bill entitled an act amending the 1st section of chapter 10 of the Code of Virginia (edi¬ tion of I860), extending the time within which a person intending to contest the election of another as senator or delegate, may give notice. The 2d amendment was then disagreed to. The 3d amendment was agreed to, with an amendment. Ordered, that the clerk communicate the same to the senate, and request their concurrence. , No. 41. A bill to amend and re-enact an act passed March 11th, 1863, entitled an act to amend the 39th section of chapter 184 of the Code of Virginia (edition of 1860), so as to increase the compen¬ sation of clerks 'and sheriffs for public services, was taken up, on motion of Mr. Keiley, read a second time, and ordered to be en¬ grossed and read a third time; and being forthwith engrossed, two- thirds concurring, was read a third time and passed. Ordered, that Mr. Keiley carry the same to the senate, and request their concurrence. A message was received from the senate by Mr. Coghill, who in¬ formed the house of delegates that the senate had agreed to the joint resolution ratifying the contract entered into between the chairmen of the joint committee on salt and Stuart, Buchanan & Co. and Charles Scott & Co.; that they had passed house bill 40, entitled an act making an appropriation for the purchase of salt, with an amendment; and that they had passed a bill entitled an act to amend and re-enact the second, fifth and seventh sections of an act entitled an act to provide for the production and distribution of salt, No.. 61; a bill entitled an act to amend and re-enact the 11th section of the act for the production and distribution of salt, passed March 30th, 1863, as amended by the act passed September ISth, 1S63, No. 62; a bill entitled an act to amend and re-enact an act entitled an act to authorize the appointment of an inspector of salt, passed March 30th, 1863; a bill entitled an act to authorize the sale and transportation of salt belonging to John N. Clarkson, No. 64: in which amendment and bills they respectfully requested the concurrence of the house of delegates. A message was received from the senate by Mr. Frazike, who in¬ formed the house of delegates that the senate had passed a bill enti¬ tled an act providing an additional appropriation to the Virginia mili¬ tary institute: in wliich they respectfully requested the concurrence of the house of delegates. • No. 52. A bill declaring who shall be exempt from military ser¬ vice under an act to organize the state forces, was taken up, on mo- 181 %oui;nal op the tion of Mr. Anderson, and read a second time. Pending the con¬ sideration of which, the hour of 3 o'clock having arrived, the chair was vacated until 8 o'clock P. M. evening session. No. 52. A bill declaring who shall be exempt from military ser¬ vice under an act to organize the state forces, was taken up. Mr. Anderson moved to amend the bill, by adding thereto the following: "all licensed ministers of the gospel" (so as to exempt them). Mr. Haymond moved to amend the amendment, by striking out all thereof, and inserting: "all ministers of the gospel recognized as such according to the rules of their church;" aud the question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the affirmative. The question recurring on agreeing to the amendment as amended, was put, and decided in the affirmative—Ayes 72, noes 17. On motion of Mr. Bradford, the vote was recorded as follows: Ayes—Messrs. Sheffey (speaker), Ambers, Ander.-on, Bouldin, Bowen, Branch, Brooke, Buford, Burr, Butler, Burwell, Coke, Crockett, Cunimings, Deane, Deyerle, Draper. Ed¬ wards, English, Flood, Gilruer, Graham, Harris, L. D. Haymond, T. S. Haymond, Hen- drick, Herudon, Hortou, Hutcheson, Irving, W. Johnson, Jones, Jordan, Kaufman, Ken- ney, Lundy, Lynch, Magruder, McCue, McE.roy, McMillan, Meade, Melvin, Miller, Mon¬ roe, Morgan, It. E Nelson, Nighbert, Pitman, Pietlow, Powell, Keid, Riddick, J. A. Ro¬ binson, Rust, L). J. Saunders, E. T. Saunders, Staples, Stewart, R. P. Taylor, T. W. Tay¬ lor, Thompson, Tredway, J. Walker, Walton, N. W. White, J. L. Wilson, Winn, Win-, ston, Woodley, Woolfolk and Worsham—72. Noes—Messrs Barksdale, Buffington, Ciawford, Cresap, Duval, W. O. Fry, Hall, Hiett, Marr, McKiuney, Pendleton, Rixey, Robertson, Shackleford, Sherrard, Smith and Toui- lin—17. On motion of Mr. BfeooKE, the bill was laid on the table. The amendment proposed by the senate to house bill entitled an act making an appropriation for the purchase of salt, was taken up and agreed to. Ordered, that the clerk inform the senate thereof. No. 01. A senate bill entitled an act to amend and re-enact th& 2d, 5th and 7th sections of an act entitled an act to provide for the production and distribution of salt, was read a first and second times, and on motion of"Mr. Deane, laid on the table. No. 60. A senate bill entitled an act providing an additional appro¬ priation to the Virginia military institute, was read a first and second times; and the question being—Shall the bill be read a third time? Mr. McCue demanded the previous question; which was sustained by the house; and being put, was decided in the affirmative. The question recurring on the passage of the bill, Mr. Jones demanded the previous question; which was sustained by the house; and being put, the roll was called, with the following result—Ayes 62, noes 21: Ayes—Messrs. Sheffey (speaker), Ambers,' Anderson, Baiksdale, Bouldin, Branch, Brooke, Buffington, Burnett, Burr, Butler, Burwell, Coke, Craw fold, Crockett, Cummings, Deyerle, Draper, Duval, Edwards, English,Flood, w. o. Fry. Gilmer, Hendrick, Herudon, Hutcheson, Irving, Jones, Jordan, Kaufman, Kenney, Linkous, Lynch, Magruder, Marr, Marye, McElroy, McMillan, Meade, Meivin, Nighbeit, Pitman, Powell, Reid,. Robertson, HOUSE OP DELEGATES. 185 D. J. Sim rulers. E. T. Saunders, Scott, Smith. Staples, T. W. Taylor, T red way, Walton, Welsh, N. W. White, Williams, Winn, Winston, Wondley, Woolfolk and Worsham—(52. Not s—Messrs. Bowen, Buford, Deanc, Graham, Hall, Harris, T. S. Haymond, Hictt, Hortnn Me,Cue, Monroe, R. E. Nelson. Pendleton, Pretlow, Shackleford, Sherrard, Stew ait, R. F. Taylor, Thompson, Toinlin and J. Walker—21. A majority of the whole *house not having voted in favor of the biH, Resolved, that the bill be rejected. On motion of Mr. Tomltn, the rule was suspended with a view to reconsider the vote by which the bill was rejected, and the bill laid on the table. On motion of Mr. Buford, the house adjourned until to-morrow, 10 o'clock. FRIDAY, October 30, 1863. Prayer by Rev. Dr. Burrows of the Baptist church. No 62. A senate bill entitled an act to amend and re-enact the 11th section of the act for the production and distribution of salt, passed March 30th, 1S63, as amended by the act passed September 28, 1S63, was read a first and second times, and on motion, read a third time and passed. Ordered, that the clerk inform the senate thereof. No. 63. A senate bill entitled an act to amend and re-enact an act entitled an act to authorize the appointment of an inspector of salt, passed March 30th, 1863, was read a first and second times, and on motion of Mr. Haymond, laid on the table. No. 64. A senate bill entitled an act to authorize the sale uud transportation of salt belonging to John N. Clarkson, was read a first and second times. Mr. Buford moved to amend the bill, by striking out the words "grant to said Clarkson transportation for," and to insert "and to allow said Clarkson to transport;" and the question being on agree¬ ing thereto, was put, and decided in the affirmative. Mr. English moved to amend the bill, by striking out the following: "And the board of public works is authorized to allow said Clarkson to trans¬ port said salt, in such manner as may not conflict with the prior right of transportation now held by the state, or with the equal rights of other citizensand the question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the negative—Ayes 49, noes 50. On motion of Mr. Deane, the vote was recorded as follows: Ayes—Messrs. Sheffey (speaker), Ambers, Barksdale, Bouldin, Bowen, Branch, Burr,, Bunvell, Coke, Crawford, Crockett, Cumniings, Dcane, Deyerle, English, leigu- eon, Flood, Goodall, Graham, Harris, Horton, Irving, Jones, Jordan, Kenney, Magntder, Mair, Me,Cue, McElroy, McKinuey, Melvin, Mil er, K. E. Nelson, Pretlow, Reid, Riddick, Robertson, 1). J. Saunders, E. T. Saunders, Shackleford, Smith, Stewart, Thompson, Toin¬ lin, Ward, N. W. White, S. M. Wilson and Winn—49 Noes—Messrs. Bland, Bowie*, Brooke, Buffington, Buford, Burnett, Cowan, Duval, Ed¬ wards, W. O. Fry, Hall. L. D. Haymond,T. S. Haymond, Heudrick, Herndon, Hictt, Hi ge, Huut(, Hutcheson, W. Johnson, Kaufman, Liukous, Luudy, Lurty, Lynch, McCutchen, 24 •186 JOURNAL OF THE McMillan, Monroe, Murdaugh, Nighbert, Pendleton, Pitman, Powell, Randolph, Richard¬ son. Rixey, Snowden, Staples, R. F. Taylor, T. W. Taylor, Tredway, J. Walker, Walton, Welsh, Williams, J. L. Wilson, Winston, Woodley, Woolfolk and Worsham—GO. The bill was then read a third time; and the question being on agreeing thereto, was put, and decided in the affirmative—Ayes 61, noes 39. On motion of Mr. Shackleford, the vote was recorded as follows: • Ayes—Messrs. Sheffey (speaker), Bland, Bowles, Brooke, Buffington, Buford, Burnett, Burr, Butler, Cowan, Cresap, Deyerle, Duval, Edwards, Ferguson, A. Fry, W. O. Fry, Goodall. Hall, L. D. Raymond. T. S. Haymond, Hendrick, Herudon, Hoge, Huntt, Hutche- eon, W. Johnson, Jones, Kaufman, Linkous, Lundy, Lurty, Marye, McCutchen, McMillan, Morgan, Murdaugh, Nighbert, Pendleton, Pitman, Powell, Richardson, Riddick, Rixey, D. J. Saunders, E. T. Saunders, Scott, Snowden, Staples, R. F. Taylor, T. W. Taylor, Thomas, Tredway, J. Walker, Walton, Welsh, Williams, J. L. Wilson, S. M. Wilson, Winston and Worsham—61. Noes—Messrs. Ambers, Barksdale, Bouldin, Bowen, Branfch, Burwell, Coke, Crawford, Crockett, Cuifimings, Deane, Draper, English, Graham, Harris, Hiett, Horton, Irving, Jor¬ dan, Magruder, McElroy, McKinney, Melvin, Miller, Monroe, R. E. Nelson, Pretlow, Ran¬ dolph, Rwid, Robertson, Shackleford, Smith, Stewart, Thompson, Toiulin, Ward, Winn, Woodley and Woolfolk—39. - 1 Ordered, that Mr. Brooke carry the same to the senate, and re¬ quest their concurrence. Mr. Bouldin, from the committee on finance, to whom had been referred No. 42. A senate bill entitled an act for the relief of William A. Braxton of King William county, reported the same, with a recom¬ mendation that it do not pass. Mr. Cowan, from a select committee, presented the following bill: No. 95. A bill to authorize the auditor to pay the funeral expenses of Israel Robinson, late delegate from the county of Berkeley, which was read a first time, and two-thirds concurring, was read a second time, and ordered to be engrossed and read a third time; and being forthwith engrossed, two-thirds concurring, was read a third time and passed—Ayes 90. Ayes—Messrs. Sheffey (speaker), Ambers, Barksdale, Bland, Bouldin, Bowen, Bowles, Branch, Brooke, Buffington, Buford, Burnett, Burr, Burwell, Coke, Cowan, Crawford, Cre¬ sap, Crockett, Cumniings, Dearie, Deyerle, Duval, Edwards, English, Ferguson, Flood, A. Fry, W. O. Fry, Graham, Hall, Harris, L. D. Haymond, T. S. Haymond, Hendrick, Herndon, Iliett, Hoge, Horton, Hutehesou, Irving, Jones, Jordan, Kaufman, Kenney, Lundy, Lynch, Magruder, Marr, McCutchen, McElroy, McKinney, Meade, Melvin, Miller, Monroe, Morgan, Murdaugh, R. E. Nelson, Pendleton, Pitman, Powell, Randolph, Reid, Riddick, Rixey, J. A. Robinson, D. J. Saunders, E.T. Saunders, Scott, Shackleford, Smith, Snowden, Staples, Stewart, K. F. Taylor, T. W. Taylor, Thompson, Toiulin, Tredway, J. Walker, Walton, Ward, Welsh, N. W. White, j. L. Wilson, S. M. Wilson, Wimi, Winston and Woodley—90. Ordered, that Mr. Cowan carry the same to the senate, and re¬ quest their concurrence. A message was received from the senate by Mr. Dickerson, who informed the house of delegates that the senate had passed a bill entitled an act providing compensation for the pages and porters of the senate and house of delegates, and for the clerk of the joint committee on salt, and the engineer employed to examine the condi¬ tion and the capacities of the salt wells, &c., No. 57: in which they respectfully requested the concurrence of the house of delegates. A message was received from the senate by Mr. Christian, the senator from Augusta, who informed the house of delegates that HOUSE OF DELEGATES. 187 the senate had passed a bill entitled an act authorizing the county court of Washington to dispense with the law of enclosures in said county, No. 65: in which they respectfully requested the concurrence of the house of delegates. A message was received from the senate by Mr. Dulaney, who informed the house of delegates that the senate had agreed to a reso¬ lution of the house of delegates in regard to the appointment of a committee of conference on the matters of disagreement between the two houses on a bill entitled an act for the relief of the indi¬ gent soldiers and sailors of the state of Virginia who have been or may be disabled in the military service, and the widows and minor children of soldiers and sailors who have died or may hereafter die in 6aid service, and of tH 35-6 Amended; referred to select committee, 38-9 Committee appointed, 40 CONFEDERATE 'DEBT. Sec Net profits. * CONFEDERATE GOVERNMENT. Resolution as to, 23 CONFEDERATE ISSUES OR NOTES. Resolution as to, 12 Resolution to amend tax law as to, 14 No. 6, bill to prevent speculation in, 27 CONFEDERATE CONVICTS. Communication from governor as to, 13-14 Report of committed, 36 CONTESTED ELECTION FROM HALIFAX. Petition of George PL West, 39 Resolution as to papers, 26 Committee to send for persons and papers, 31 Report of cortmiittee, 149 Minority report, ' 149 Report considered, 360 Resolution declaring seat vacant, 161 Report taken up, 163 Motion declaring contestant entitled, ' 363 Motion to amend rejected, 163 t Vote on motion to admit contestant, 163 Resolution declaring seat vacant, 164 Motion declaring sitting member entitled, 164 Resolution agreed to declaring seat vacant, 164 Writ of election ordered, 167 • CONTESTED ELECTION (NOTICE IN). Resolution concerning, 34 No. 38, bill therefor, 69 Passed, . 162 Passed senate with amendments, 178 Amendments agreed to, 179 Reconsidered, and disagreed to, 183 Senate recede, 190 Resolution as to, 166 CONTRACTS PAYABLE IN CUR¬ RENCY. No. 20, bill declaring what, 53 S. B. 15, declaring what, 88 Passed, 129 CONTRACTS WITH STUART, . BUCHANAN & CO. Select committee as to, 22 CONVICTS. Message from governor as to confede¬ rate convicts, 13-14 Resolution as to employment of, by confederate government, 33 Report thereon, 76 Resolution as to hiring of, on rail roads, 33 Committee appointed, 33 Resolution as to hiring to colliers, 90 No. 62, bill therefor, 111 Passed; vote thereon, 142 Passed senate with amendment, 157 Amendment agreed to, 202 No. 48, bill for sale of, 89 COTTON AND COTTON CARDS. Resolution as to, 42 COVINGTON AtfD OHIO RAIL ROAD. Resolution for completion of, 41 No. 64, bill therefor, 118 No. 67, bill for equipping, 126 212 INDEX. 28 136 159 26 52 COUNTIES OCCUPIED BY ENEMY. Resolution to exempt from taxation, 24 Adverse report, 136 COUNTY OFFICERS. Resolution for increase of fees of, Adverse report, Resolution for increase of pay of, COUNTY STORE KEEPERS. Resolution for appointment of, COWPASTURE RIVER. Resolution for bridge across, CURRENCY. See Contracts payable in currency. Resolution as to issue of state bonds as, Agreed to,. Resolution as to buying and selling, Resolution as to redundancy of, Report of committee on banks, Doc. 14, Considered, and order of day, Order of the day, Motion to amend, Substitute submitted, Postponed to 7th December, Vote, Report to be printed, Committee of correspondence, Speaker added, Committee announced, 14 23 25 62 132 151 156 175 175-7 177 177 188 188 188 202 DABNEY, C. H., & AL. Petition of, Adverse report, DANVILLE. Resolution for poor, 62 DEAF, DUMB AND THE BLIND. Letter from president of institution for, 174 DECEASED SOLDIERS. Resolution as to, ■ 57 DEBTS DUE TO STATE BY COR¬ PORATIONS. Resolution for payment of, 57 No. 33, bill to authorize payment of, 64 DEFICIENCIES. \ Resolution for appropriation for, ^ 13 See Expenses of government. DE JARNETTE, R. H., AND OTHERS. Petition, 32 Qualified, delegates. . 12, 13, 15, 43, 53, 95 DEPOSITS. Resolution as to, in banks, 93, 119 DEPRECIATION OF TREASURY NOTES. See Treasury notes. * DESERTION. Resolution as to suppression of, * 15 Motion to lay on table, Rejected, and disagreed to, *5 DESERTERS. Resolution concerning, 49 Adverse report, 72 Resolution as to, 52 S. B. 2, to punish for harboring, 41-2 Reported with amendments, 42 S. B. 35, for arrest of, 123 Amended and passed, 131 Amendments agreed to, 172 DESTITUTE REFUGEES Resolution for relief of, 151 DETAILS TO MANUFACTURERS. Resolution concerning, 25 DETAILS BY CONFEDERATE GOVERNMENT. Resolution concerning, 25 Report as to, 110 Report considered, 144-5 Agreed to, 145 Letter from secretary of w ar, 170-71 Refer, ed, 171 Report of committee, 193-97 DIMMOCK, BRIG. GENL. CHARLES. Death of, announced, 174-5 DISABLED SOLDIERS. Resolution as to, • 41 DISTILLATION. Resolution to prohibit, 23 Resolution for search of premises, 26 Resolution as to, of sorghum, 37 Preamble and resolutions as to, 37-8 Amended and agreed to, 38 Preamble rejected, 38 Select committee, ' 40 No. 63, bill to amend act as to, 114 Passed; title amended, . 198 Passed senate with amendments, 201 Amendments agreed to, • 202 Resolution as to, 173 DISTILLATION OF FRUIT. Resolution to prohibit, 25 DISTRIBUTION OF SALT. Resolution as to, by state agent, 17 DIVULGERS OF FALSE NEWS. Resolution concerning, 56 Adverse report, 64 Petition of, DUVAL, P. P. 142 dunn, l. a. s. B. 55, for relief of, 188 eastern Lunatic asylum. s. B. 22, concerning, - 85 Amended and passed; vote thereon, 111 Amendments disagreed'to by seuate, 123 Referred to committee, 133 INDEX. 213 Resolution to abolish board of diiectois, 119 No. 69, bill therefor, J 24 S. 13. 47, concerning:, 140 Amended and passed, 155 Amendments agreed to by senate, 101 ELAM, GRAY, AND OTHERS. , Petition of, 56 Adverse report, 92 ELECTION OF GOVERNOR, ETC. Letter from secretary of commonwealth as to, , 6 Resolution to count votes, 25 Agreed to by senate with amendments, 27 Amendments agreed to, ^27 Commiitee to count votes, 27 Proceedings on counting votes, 29-30 ENGLEMAN, PETER. Resolution for relief of, ' ENEMY'S COUNTRY. Resolution to prohibit passing into, Adverse report, ENROLLED BILLS. Report of committee, Signed by speaker, ENROLLMENT. Resolution as to, EVENING SESSION. Resolution for, EXECUTION. Resolution as to levy of, ' 146 49 154 158,198 203-6 262 7.7 24 EXEMPTIONS Resolutions as to, ■ 13, 52 No. 52, bill declaring, 95 Exemption of ministers; vote, i 184 EXEMPTION UPON RELIGIOUS OPI¬ NIONS. Resolution concerning, 40 No. 28, bill to repeal act, 55 EXPENSES OF GOVERNMENT. No. 5, bill making appropriations for, 27 Passed; \ote thereon, 53 Passed renate with amendments, 66 Amendments agreed to, 66 EXPRESS COMPANIES. * Resolution concerning, 43-4, 67 Adverse report, 123 EtTORTION. Menunial of mechanics of Richmond, 61 Special committee, 65 Autli .ized to send for persons and pa- ^ peis, 65 Mr. Marj 4'excused, . 67 Mr. Hayimmd appointed, 67 No. 44, bill to legulnte pi ices, 86 Substitute time for, 18o Considered and tabled, 143-4 EXTRA SESSION OF CONGRESS. Resolution as to, 34 Adverse report, 118 EWELL (LT.. GENERAL). Letter from, presented, 42 FAMILIES OF SOLDIERS. Resolution for relief of, 19, 41 FEES. Resolution for increase of co,unty officers, 41- Report referred, 55 Adverse rfport, 136 FEMALE SCHOOLS. Resolution to exempt principals of, 73 Adverse report, 120 FENCE LAW. Resolution as to change in, 14, 18 No. 4, bill to amend, as to King William, 27 No. 11, hill to amend, as to Henrico, 40 S. B. 7, to amend, 43 Passed with amendments, 83-90 Amendments agreed to with amend¬ ments, ICO Disagreed to by house of delegates, 100 Insisted ttpon and .receded from, J10 FIDUCIARIES. Resolution concerning, 145-8 No. 97, bill concerning, . 193 FINANCIAL CONDITION OF COM¬ MONWEALTH. Resolution for synopsis of, 35 Report of auditor, 21 FIRE AND HOSE INSURANCE COM¬ PANY OF PETERSBURG No. 16, hill to incorporate, 47 Passed, 38 Passed senate with amendments, 91 Amendments agreed to, 160 FOREIGNERS. Resolution concerning. Report, FORFEITURE. Resolution concerning, ' 28 54 48. FORESTALLING, ETC. Resolutions as to, 12^33 No. 59, bill defining, 72 Engrossment reconsidered, 129 Recommitted, 131 Reported with amendments, 16S FREEMAN. W. IT. Elected first doorkeeper, 5. FREE NEGROES. Resolution for impressment of, 32 Resolution as to disloyal, 127 Resolution for conscripting, 143 No. 89; hill to enroll, 152 8. B. 26, for employing in confederate sen ice, I OA INDEX. 8. B. 55, for enrollment of, 200 FRIEND, THOMAS R. Petition of, 56 No. 31, bill for relief of, 61 Passed; vote thereon, 133 Passed senate, 137 FRIENDLY SUITS IN CHANCERY. Resolution as to, 24 S. B. 46, concerning, ' 140 Passed, 179 FRIENDS. "* Memorial of Society of, 104 Adverse report, 106 Recommitted, 121 Adverse report, 131 FUEL. Resolution as to impressment of, by Richmond, 59 No. 55, bill therefor, 106 Resolution concerning, for the destitute, 67 See Virginia Central rail road. GAMING. Resolution to suppress, 67 S. B. 34, to suppress, , 115 Amended atid passed, 129-30 Vote thereon,, 130 Amendments agreed to with amendments, 132 Agreed to; vote thereon, 135 GARRETT, THOMAS W. Resolution for relief of, 55 Adverse report, "118 GAS KINS, WILLIAM E. & AL. Petition of, 19 No. 14, bill for relief of, 42 Passed, 53 Passed senate, 84 .GENERAL AGENT OF PENITENTIARY. Resolution as to sales by, 28 Amended and agreed to, 28 Resolution to limit compensation of, 29 Communication from, 40 GENERAL AGENTS AND STORE¬ KEEPERS FOR COUNTIES. No. 15, bill to provide for, 46 Passed, 133 Passed senate, 172 GORDON, WILLIAM F. JR. Elected clerk, 4 Vote of approval to, 203 GOVERNOR. Message of, 5-6 GOVERNOR'S HOUSE. S. B. 53, providing fuel and lights for, 166 Rejected; vote thereon, V58 Reconsidered and passed, * 168 GRAtTAN'S REPORTS. Resolution to suspend reprint of, 140 GRAY, WILLIAM, & ALS. Petition of, * 12 HARRISON, MRS. H. C. Petition of, withdrawn, 12 HENRICO. Petition of justices, 32 Adverse report, lpg Referred, and adverse report, 132 Petition withdrawn, t 263 Memorial of citizens of, for mounted guard, 125 HOARDING. Resolution as to, 159 HOLDEN, L. W. Leave of absence to, 174 HOME INSURANCE COMPANY OF PETERSBURG. Resolution to incorporate, 45 No. 37, bill therefor, 69 S. B. 48, incorporating, 149 Passed, 154 HOME FOR SOLDIERS. Resolution to establish, 56 Adverse report, ' 64 HORSE STEALING. Resolution for suppression of, 18 Report, 85 HOUR OF MEETING. Resolution as to, 32, 58, 128, 139, 145 HUSTINGS COURT OF RICHMOND, Message from governor as to action of, 31 HUSTINGS COURT OF PETERSBURG. Petition of, • 32 ISLE OF WIGHT. Resolution for relief of sheriff of, 134 IMPRESSMENT. Resolution as to, for soldiers' families, 13 Resolution as to, 18 Resolution as to, by county courts, 37 Resolution concerning, 77 Of necessaries, 93 IMPRESSMENT BY COUNTIES. No. 68, withdrawn and referred, 24 . IMPRESSMENT LAW- Resolution as to rights under, 93 Indefinitely postponed, 179 Resolution of request to secretary of war as to, 200 IMPRESSMENTS OF NECESSARIES. Resolution concerning, 150 Amended and agreed to, 150 Agreed to by senate with amendments, 163 Amendments disagreed to, 167 INDEX. IMPRESSMENT OF SLAVES. No. 18, bill for, by certain; rail road ' companies, 51 Considered and amended, 148 Considered, * 151-3 Engrossed; vote thereon, 154 Engrossment reconsidered, 156 Tabled, 156 Motion to amend, 159 Rejected, 159 Substitute agreed to, 169 Bill engrossed, 170 IMPRISONMENT. Resolution as to, of persons charged with crime, > 19 INDIGENT REFUGEES. Resolution for support of, INDIGENT 38 SOLDIERS AND THEIR FAMILIES. Resolution for relief of, 13 No. 40, bill therefor, 72 Order of the day, 90 Motion to amend ; vote thereon, 94 Section amended, 94 Motion to strike out power of impress¬ ment, 97 Rejected; vote thereon, 97 Motion as to impressments, 97-8 Justices to be summoned, 98 Motion to tax profits; rejected, 98-9 roviso'as to counties in enemy's lines, Passed; vote thereon, Passed senate with amendments, Amendments disagreed to, Senate insist, House insist on disagreement, Committee of conference, Agreed to by senate, Committee, Report of committee, Agreed to by senate, Agreed to by house; vote thereon, Joint resolution for publishing act, Agreed to, 99 99 112 149 180 182 183 183 187 187 198 199 199 200 203 Passed, Passed senate, 58 81 INSPECTORS OF TOBACCO. Resolution as to fees of, 47 s INSURANCE OIJ TOBACCO. Resolution as to, by state, ' 47 No. 81, bill repealing, 141 INSTITUTIONS OF LEARNING. Resolution for enrolling students, &c. of, 37 JAILORS' FEES. Resolution concerning, 14 No. 3, bill to increase, 27 Passed; vote thereon, ' 52 Passed senate with amendments, 85 Amendments agreed to, 85 JAMES RIVER CANAL PACKET CO. Petition of, 24 Resolution to amend charter of, $4 No. 8, bill therefor, 36 JAMES RIVER AND KANAWHA CO. Petition of; 77 Resolution to authorize, to regulate freights, &c. 70 No. 53, bill therefor, 100 JOINT ACTION OF COMMITTEE^. Resolution for, 13 JOURNAL OF HOUSE. Resolution as to, 158 Canceled, 203 JURISDICTION AND SOVEREIGNTY OF VIRGINIA. Preamble and resolutions asserting, 95-6 Agreed to; vote thereon, 102 Passed senate, , 110 JURORS. Resolution concerning board of, 50 Bill No. 21, as to, passed, 190 Passed senate, 191 KEMPER, BRIG. GEN. JAMES L. Resolution of invitation to, 50L KING GEORGE. S. B. 8, as to roads in, ■ 81 Passed, 126 L'ABOR Otf RAIL ROADS. ' Governor's message as to, 29 Report as .to, 59 LIBRARY. Resolution concerning librarian, Resolution as to, Report of joint committee, LICENSE LAWS. Resolution concerning, LIMITATION OF DEBATE. Resolution as to, LOAN BY BANKS. Resolution as to, "• 73 77 89 4t? 77 n LOSSES OF PROPERTY. Preamble and resolutions, 45-6 Referred, 46 MANUFACTORIES. No. 88, bill to organize, MAYO'S BRIDGE. Resolution as to tolls on, No. 73, bill concerning, 158 62 130 MEMBERS WHO BELONG TO ARMY. Resolution as to attendance of, 19 Report of committee, 29 Correspondence, with secretary of war, 21 MERCHANTS INSURANCE COMPANY. Resolution to amend charter of» 86 216 INDEX. No. 47, bill therefor, 87 Passed, 162 Passed senate, 178 " MILEAGE. Resolution concerning, 14 No. 51, bill giving additional, to members, 95 Substitute, 104 Rejected; vote thereon, 136 Reconsidered and tabled, 137 Rejected; vote thereon, 139. Motion to reconsider, 139 Reconsidered and tabled, 142 Passed; vote thereon, 156 Tjtle amended, 156 MILITARY ARRESTS. Resolution as to, 26 MILITARY DEFENCES. Governor's message as to, 15 MILITARY DISTRICTS. Resolution for creation of, 93 .Adverse report, 106 MILITARY ORGANIZATION. "Preamble and resolution as to, 47-i8 MILITARY SERVICE BY MEMBERS OF GENERAL ASSEMBLY. 'Resolution ar, to, . 34 MILITIA. Resolution as to term of service of, 22 No. 23, bill to reorganize, 54 Order of day, 58 Bill considered, 60-61 Motion to strike out " sixty," 62 Vote thereon, <53 Motion to insert " fifty-five," 63 Motion to amend; latter vote thereon, 63 Bill further considered, 63 Resolution to recommit, 65-6 Rejected, 68 Motion to strike out in tho militia," and insert, 66 Motion to amend 1st section, 68 Rejected, 68 Strike out " domiciled" and insert, ' 68 Amended and agreed td, 68 Amendment agreed to,. 68 Vote thereon, 68 Amended as to foreigners, 71 Motion to include substitutes, 71 Tote thereon, 7! "S. B. 19, to reorganize,, 72 "Tabled and piiuted, 72 Order of day, 74 Motion to strike out "sixteen" and in¬ sert " i ightcen" 74-5 Vote thereon, 74-5 Motion to strike out 1st section, 75 Motion to amend, 75 Vote thereon, 75 Amendment agreed to, 75 Vote thereon, , 75 ■" Fifty-five" inserted, 76 Motion to amend 1st section, 78 yote thereon, 78 Proviso, - 79 Section 2 amended, Bill further considered, 79 Motion to include refugees, 79 Vote thereon, 79 Bill further considered, 79-80 Motion to strike out and insert, 80 Rejected, . 80 Motion to amend 2d, section, 81-2 Rejected, 82 Motion as to regiment in Richmond, 82 Motion to strike out clause allowing jus¬ tices to appoint officers, 83 Vote thereon, ' 83 Bill further amended, 83 Motions to amend rejected, 83-4 Motion to limit nominations, 84 Confirmation by senate, • 84 Motion to amend 5th section, 86 Confirmation by senate, 86 How commandants nominated, 87 Debate limited, * 87 Motion to strike out 10th section, 87 Vote thereon, » 87 Bill further considered, 88 Motion to amend as to imprisonment; vote thereon, 90 Ii t -rruptions by bystanders, 90-91 Motion as to expenses, , 91 Amendments as to army regulations, 91 Motion to strike out 17th section, 102-3 Rejected, 103 Fifty and forty-five, 103 Vote thereon, • lj)3 Seventeenth section considered, 103-4 Motion to strike, out 17th section^ 119 Motion to amend; agreed to, 107-8 Amendment rejected, 108 Motion to strike out " invasion," 108 Vote thereon, 108 Motion to strike out 17th section, 108-9 Motion for indefinite postponement, 109 Withdrawn, 109 Bill further considered, 109-10 Pay of commandants, • 110 Bill further amended, 112-13 Motion to strike out 21st section, 114 Motion to amend, 115 Vote thereon, 115 Amendment rejected, 115 Section 37 amended, 115-16 Section 31 amended, 117 Rank, . 120 Inspector general, 120 Motion to amend, repealing section, 121 Motion to recommit 36th section, 121 Motion to strike out 36th section, 121-2 Motion to insert independent section, 122 Vote thereon, 123 Bill ordered to 3d reading, 123 Bill passed ; vote thereon, 125-6 Action of senate on bill, 157 Action of house, 160 Committee of conference, 160 Agreed to by senate, . 160 Leave to sit during session, t 161 , Report of committee, 164-5 Agieed to by senate, 166 Rejected by house of delegates, 172 Vote thercun, 172 INDEX. New committee asked for, 172 Agreed to by senate, 173 Committee appoint^!, 174 Report of committee, 179 Agreed to; vote thereon, 181 Report, 181-2 Rejected by senate, 199 Resolution for return of message, • 200 * MODEL FARM. Resolution to exempt from taxation, 70 MORRISS, C. Y. Petition of, 127 NATIONAL LOAN. No. 85, bill to authorize, 146 Substitute therefor, 150 NECESSARIES OF LIFE. Resolution as to purchase of, 23 NET PROFITS. Resolution as to tax on, 44 Adverse report, 47 NEWTON, CAPT. WILLIAM B. Death of, announced, * 125 NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. Communication from county court, 171 NOTARIES PUBLIC. Resolution to exempt from taxation, 49 Adverse report, 136 NUNAN, JOHN. Petition of, 32 No. 78, bill for relief of, • 135 Passe RECORDS. Resolutions for safe keeping of, in , Williamsburg and Warwick, 159 No. 74, bill therefor, 131 RECORDS OF COURT OF APPEALS. Resolution as to printing, 23 REFUGEE POOR. Resolution for relief; adverse report, 124 REFUGEES. Resolution for enrollment of, 28 RELIGIOUS SECTS. Resolution as to exemption of, 77 REMOVAL OF RECORDS. . S. B. 18, as to, 7d Passed, ' 81 No. 76, bill as to, 131 RETURNS OF ELECTION FOR ' GOVERNOR. Counted and result declared, 3D See Election of governor. REVEREND CLERGY. Resolution inviting, to open sessions with prayer, 5 Thanks to, 203 RICHMOND AND DANVILLE RAIL ROAD. Resolution as to connection of, with Soufh side rail road, 118 Adverse report, 127 RICHMOND AND YORK RIVER RAIL ROAD. Resolution as to tolls on, 141 RITCHIE, WILLIAM F. Petition of, 26 No. 54, hill for relief of, 100 Passed; vote thereon, 148 1 Passed senate, 161 RIVER DEFENCES. Message of governor as to, 11 ROAD LAW. Resolution to amend Code as to, 37 ROBERTSON, WYNDHAM. Resignation of, 138 Resolution asking him to withhold resig¬ nation, 139 Letter from, 141 ROBINSON, ISRAEL. Death of, announced, 167 Committee to superintend funeral, 167 Report of committee, 169 No 95, bill for funeral expenses, 586 Passed, 186 Passed senate, 191 RULES. I Of last house adopted, t 6 INDEX. 219 For rules, see Notice of addition to, Adopted, Committee on printing, SAGE, B. J. See Private warfare. SALARY OF GOVERNOR. Resolution concerning, SALARIES OF JUDGES. See Code of Virgiuia—bill 51. 6-11 100 121 129 127 SALARIES OF OFFICERS OF GOVERNMENT. Resolution as to, 15 4S. B. 13, to increase, 78 Amended, 118 Motion to lay on table, 118 Vote thereon, ( 118-19 Motion further to amend, rejected, 119 Passed; vote thereon, 119 Amendments agreed to by senate, 126 Resolution to amend act, 128 No. 79, bill therefor, 135 Passed; vote thereon, 155 Passed senate, 167 SALE OF GRAIN, ETC. Resolution as to, 52 SALE OF.CONVICT'S. No. 48, bill for, SALE OF PROPERTY. Resolution as to, 18 No. 13, bill to amend act of 1863, 46 Message from governor, enclosing com¬ munication from Georgia, 98 Referred, ' 140 Resolution to permit joint committee to visit Saltville, 114 Amended by senate, and agreed to, 115 Amendments agreed to, 115 Contract for purchase of, 171 Contract ratified, 177 Vote thereon, 178 Ratified by senate, * 183 No. 90, bill for purchase of, 172 Passed; vote thereon, ■' 178 Passed senate with amendments, 183 Amendments agreed to, 184 Report of joint committee, 173 No.- 91, bill to amend act concerning in¬ spector, 174 ■ No. 92, bill to amend act for production of, 174 No. 93, bill to amend act of 1863, 174 Report as to communication from Georgia, 188 Agreed to by senate, 189 Agreed to by house, 191 Report and resolutions, 191-3 S. B. 61, to amend act of 186*3, 183 S. B. 62, to amend act, 183 Passed, • 185 S. B. 63, to amend act concerning in¬ spector, 183 SANDY RIVER GUARDS. Petition of, 32 Advers%report, " 59 SEALS. Resolution as to tax on register of free IRQ SALT. Resolution concerning delivery of, 17 Resolution as to manufacture of, 19 Resolution as to cost of, 23 Resolution for, as to counties not fur¬ nished, 24 Resolution as to, for refugees, 25 Resolution for supply to refugees, 39 Resolution to impress free negroes to work on, 45 Resolution for removal of, 45 Resolution as to receipts for, by rail roads, " 45 Resolution as to distribution of, 49 Resolution as to delay by Stuart, Bu¬ chanan & Co., in furnishing salt to counties, 17 Committee appointed, 22 Committee discharged, 69 Resolutions to amend act to provide for, 24-6 Committee, 26 No. 2,"bill therefor, 26 Passed; vote thereon, . 36 Passed senate with amendments, 46 Amendments agreed to, . 46 Resolution for appointment of joint com¬ mittee, . 57-! Motion to amend, 60 Resolution agreed to; vote thereon, 60 Resolution as to, agreed to, 60 Agreed to by senate, Committee ou part of house, negroes, Adverse report, SECURITIES. Resolution for tax on, Adverse report, SECRET SESSION. House resolved into, SECRETARY OF WAR. Letter from, upon details, 49 138 58,111 170 SHEEP, # Resolution for protection of,' 23 Preamble and resolution concerning, 61-2 No. 49, bill to protect, . 89 Bill considered, 134, 137 SHEFFEY, HUGH W. Elected speaker of house of delegates, 5 Vote of thanks to, 203 SHERIFFS. Resolution for increase of fees, &c. SHOES AND BLANKETS. Resolution for, to Virginia soldiers, Adverse report, SINGLETON, WILLIAM G. Petition of, No. 19, bill for relief of, 22 127 138 49 53 820 INDEX. Pafesed; vote thereon. Passed senate, 133 157 SLAVES (REMOVAL OF}. Resolution for, from counties in enemy's lines, 28 See Banks. Adverse report, CI SLAVES TO WORK ON FORTIFICA¬ TIONS. Resolution to amend act of October 1862, 44 Adverse report, 55 Resolution to exempt Southampton Rom draft for, • 24 Resolution as to apportionment of, 22 Resolution to exempt counties overrun by enemy, 45 Message from governor as to, 21 ,No. 34, bill to amend act of 1862, 64 Amended, * 71 Proviso rejected; vote thereon, 71 Engrossed, 71 Engrossment reconsidered, 74 Engrossed and passed, '74 Passed senate with amendments, 105 Amendments agreed to, 105 Disagreed to, J05 Action of both houses; bill passed, 113 SLAVE CONVICTS. Resolution fdr sale of, 37 No. 48, bill therefor, 89 SMALL NOTES. # Resolution to prohibit issue of, by coun¬ ties, * 33 S. B. 8, therefor, 43 Passed, 58 SMITH, WILLIAM. Declared elected governor, 30 SMUGGLING. Resolution concerning, 17 SOLDIERS' FAMILIES. Resolution concerning, 39 Resolution for tax on income, to sup¬ port, 1 119 See Indigent soldiers. SOUTH SIDE RAIL ROAD. ' Resolution to enable, to pay state, 56 Adverse report, 136 SORGHUM. Resolution to exempt, from act against distillation, 37 Adverse report, 42 Petition of citizens of Charlotte, 109 Special committee, 111 See Distillation. SOUTHERN EXPRESS COMPANY. Resolution to limit use of rail roads by, 23 See Express companies. SOUTHERN INSURANCE AND SAV INGS SOCIETY OF PETERSBURG. Resolution to incorporate, 101 No. 59, bill therefor, 110 S. B. 49, incorporating, 149 Passed, 154 SPECIE. SPECIAL TERMS OF CIRCUIT COURTS. Resolution as to, 3! No. 7, bill authorizing, 36 Passed, 58 Passed senate, " 88 STATE GUARD. ' Resolution to transfer pay, &c. to corps of cadets, &e. &c. 166 STAY LAW. Resolutions to amend, 32, 34,56 S. B. 17, repealing, 105 Tabled, 129 Indefinitely postponed, 151 STOCK IN RAIL ROADS OWNED BY PERSONS IN UNITED STATES. Resolution for report as to, 57 STUART, BUCHANAN & CO. Memorial of, 74 Motion to print rejected, 74 SUBJECTS OF LEGISLATION. Resolution limiting, 19 Amended, 29 Debate limited, 29 SUBSTITUTES. Resolution as to repeal of law as to, 28 Of instructions as to, 51 SUPERINTENDENT OF PENITEN¬ TIARY. Report of, Doc. No. 7, ' 37 SUPPORT OF FAMILIES OF SOLDIERS. Resolution as to, 32 SURPLUS PRODUCTS. Resolution as to disposal of, SURPLUS IN TREASURY. Resolution for investment of, Adverse report, SYLVIA, MATTHEW. No. 56, bill for relief of, 43 138 141 106 TAYLOR, GEORGE. Memorial of, withdrawn, 203 TAX ON LANDS. Resolution as to, 43 TAXATION. Adverse report as to increase of, 145 Adverse report as to exempting certaiu counties, 124 INDEX'. 221 TAX ON TOBACCO IN PUBLIC WAREHOUSE. Message from governor, 138 TAXES BY CONFEDERATE GOVERN¬ MENT. Message from governor, 145 TERMINATION OF THE WAR. , Preamble and resolution a's to, 69-70 Indefinitely postponed, 70 TOBACCO. Resolution to amend law as to culture of, 43, TOBACCO DESTROYED BY FIRE. No. 29, bill providing payment for, TORPEDOES, ETC. No. 35, bill concerning, TOBACCO WAREHOUSES. Resolution as to rent, &c.. to be paid to proprietors of, TRAFFIC IN GOLD, ETC. Resolutions as to, Adverse report, TRANSFER OF CAUSES. S. B. 25, to authorize, Amended and passed, Title amended, Agreed to by senate, 59 67 203 12,29 136 157 157 161 Tabled, 129 TROOPS AND ARMS. Resolution as to number furnished by Virginia, 73 Response from governor, 107 TURNPIKES. See Rates of toll. USURPED GOVERNMENT. Resolution concerning sheriffs in, •57 TRANSPORTATION OF FOOD. No. 84, bill as to, * 146 Passed, 158 Passed senate, ' 201 TRANSPORTATION BY RAIL ROADS. Resolution as to, 41 No. 42, bill'to regulate, 76 See Virginia Central rail road. TRANSPORTATION OF SALT. Adverse report on resolution as to, 127 TRANSPORTATION OF TROOPS, ETC. S. B. 27, as to, 92 TRAVEL BY RAIL ROADS. Resolution as to facilities for, TREASURER. Resolution as to clerks in office of, TREASURY NOTES. ' Resolution as to absorption of, Referred, Adverse report,- No. 30, bill to prevent depreciation in, Amended and engrossed, Passed, TRIAL. No. 46, bill as to, of certain persons, Passed, Passed senate, S. B. 25, anfending acts of 1861-2, 64 12 54 56 140 59 132 143 89 107 107 91 VIOLATIONS OF LAW BY RAIL ROADS. Resolution as to, 57 Report, 64 VIRGINIA CENTRAL RAIL ROAD. Resolution referring governor's message as to, 26 Resolution as to repair of, 155 No. 17, bill for impressment of fuel by, 51 Substitute therefor, 151 Agreed to, 169 Passed; title amended, 199 Passed senate, 201 VIRGINIA FEMALE INSTITUTE. Petition of O. A. Ericson and als. 120 No. 71, bill to incorporate, 126 Passed senate, 202 VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. Resolution to increase appropriation to, 86 Report, 14 S. B. 60, making appropriation to, 183 Rejected; vote thereon, 184 Reconsidered and tabled, 185 Rejected; vote thereon, 189 Resolution to amend Code as to, 188 Committee, T88 No. 96, bill therefor, 188 * VIRGINIA AND TENNESSEE RAIL ROAD COMPANY. Joint resolution authorizing payment of loan hy, 36 Referred, ■ 36 Reported, _ 47 Recommitted, 50 No. 25, bill to settle loan, 54 Resolution to increase stock of, 55 ><>. 83, bill therefor, 146 VIRGINIA VOLUNTEER NAVY CO. S. B. 12, incorporating, Passed, See Records. WARWICK. WASHINGTON COUNTY. Order of court of, Resolution for select committee, Committee, S. B. 65, to authorize county court to dispense with fence law, Passed, 85 126 159 160 161 187 193 222 INDEX. WATSONTQWN. Petition of trustees of; select committee, 81 See Capon springs. WEST, GEORGE H. Petition of, WILSON, GEORGE W. JR. Elected second doorkeeper, See Records. WILLIAMSBURG. 19 WALTZ, FERDINAND. Resolution for relief of, 146 YANKEE PRISONERS, ETC. Resolution concerning, 165-6 YORK RIVER RAIL ROAD. Report as to tolls on, ug YOUNG, E. S . Petition of, 22