THE ORIGIN J and * GENEALOGY OF THE RACES. THE NEGRO 18 NOT A SOULLESS BEAST — HE IS A DESCENDANT OF HAM, THE SON OF °NOAH. — A REVIEW OF ARIEL—HIS POSITIONS EXPOSED.— THE NEGRO. IS AN INFERIOR RACE OF MAN.— NEGRO EQUALITY FORBIDDEN — THE CURSE OF GOD WILL REST ON ALL WHO PRACTICE IT. by J. M. I). CATES and M. R. RUSHING ■G . - -un4 any more for man's sake; for the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth: neither will I again smite any more every thing living, as I have done." Gen. viii. 20, 21. After this, Noah became a husbandman, planted a vineyard, made wine of the grapes which grew in his vineyard, and 8 The Origin and drank it to excess; and whilst in this condition, lay in his tent in an unseemly manner. "And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brethren without. And Shem and Japheth took a garment and laid it upon both their shoulders, and went backward, and covered the nakedness of their father; and their faces were backward, and they saw not their father's nakedness. And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him. And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren. And he said, Blessed be the Lord God of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant. God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant." Gen. ix. 22-27. We learn from this Scripture that Shem was to be great in the earth ;• yet his greatness, for some cause, was to be dimin¬ ished, and Japheth would dwell in his tents, and stand preem¬ inent among the nations of earth. This prediction of Noah, respecting the future condition of his three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, has been literally and spiritually fulfilled. The descendants of Shem—the red race—continued to mul¬ tiply until they became as numerous " as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea-shore." They were the peculiar people of God, with whom his holy oracles were deposited. But with all these exalted privileges, and all the light they had received, when the promised Saviour came to redeem fallen man from the curse of the law, they rejected him, they rejected the gospel, and the offers of eternal life. Because they rejected the Holy One, the Saviour of the world, they were scattered to the four winds of heaven, and their house left desolate. Salvation was offered to the Gen¬ tiles—the descendants of Japheth—who gladly received the glorious gospel of the Son of God, and occupied the place of the Jews—the Shemites. But again: It is very evident, from history, that the red race continued to spread from place to place until, in the course of time, a portion of them reached the shores of America long Genealogy of the Races. 9 before it was discovered by Columbus. How and when tbey reached this land is not definitely known. Some historians suppose that they came by the way of Behring's Straits, and by the way of islands which formerly existed in the ocean. Diodorus Siculus says, " Toward Africa, and to the west of it, is an immense island in the broad sea, many days' sail from Libya. Its soil is very fertile, and its surface variegated with moun¬ tains and valleys; its coast is indented with many navigable rivers, and its £elds are well cultivated." Plato says, " In those early times the Atlantic was a most broad island, and there were extant most powerful kings in. it, who, with joint forces, attempted to occupy Asia and Europe; and so a most grievous war was carried on, in which the Athe¬ nians, with the common consent of the Greeks, opposed them¬ selves, and they became the conquerors. But that Atlantic island, by a flood and earthquake, was indeed suddenly destroyed, and so that warlike people were swallowed up." He also states, "An island in the mouth of the sea, in the passage to those straits called the Pillars of Hercules, did exist, from which there was an easy passage over to other islands, and from those islands to that continent which is situ¬ ated out of that region." * "Whether these accounts, which have been cited from ancient writers, be true or false, there is one thing certain: the red man was found in America when it was first discovered by the white man; and we learn from history that when the white man—the descendant of Japheth—came to this land, he drove the red man from his native home, and dwelt in his tents. This has been continued ever since the first settlements in America; and the children of Ham—the negroes—became the servants of the white man, and also 'of the red man. These are remarkable and undeniable facts, and is a literal ful¬ fillment of the prediction of Hoah respecting his three sons. It is positive and undeniable evidence that the Indians in America are the descendants of Shem, and that the negroes— the woolly-headed negroes, who dwell in our midst—are the children of Ham. * Willson's American History, p. 71. 10 The Origin and "We need not stop here to inquire why Noah pronounced the curse against Canaan, instead of Ham, his father. This has nothing to do with the discussion of the subject under consideration. It was not the name or the curse that made Ham black: his father, Noah, called him Ham because he was born black. His name in Hebrew, we are informed by Hebrew scholars, means black. Adam Clarke, commenting on this word, says, " Ham signifies that which was black." Anther writer says, " The word Ham, in the language of Noah, which was the pure and most ancient Hebrew, signified any thing that .had become black: it was the word for black, whatever the cause of the color might have been—the same as the word black means black in the English tongue." Ariel, after asserting that Ham and his descendants belonged to the white race—that they were white—fails to prove his broad and unfounded assertions by the meaning of the word Ham, or by any thing else. In speaking of the meaning of this term, he says, " Its primary meaning is : 1. Sunburnt; 2. Swarthy; 3. Dark; 4. Black." His own definition con¬ demns his assertions and his theory; and in addition to this, every Hebrew scholar of any note is against him, and —as will be seen—the word of God is against him. The plain testimony is, that Ham was not a white man, but a black man, and the progenitor of the negro race. It is evident that the woolly-headed, flat-nosed negro, and' all the black races which are found in different portions of the world, are the descendants of? Ham, the youngest son of Noah. There is nothing more plainly set forth than this in the history of the three sons of Noah—the three representa¬ tives and fathers of all the races which now exist in the world. AjS heretofore stated, it is evident that it was God's purpose to people the whole earth with men and women made of the material adapted to the various countries and climates. He has a reason and a purpose in every thing he does. It is very plain, from the sacred Scriptures, that God directed the settlements of the three sons of Noah, and their Genealogy of the Maces. 11 descendants. Each one, by divine wisdom, was located in that portion of the world which was adapted, in every way, to their color, physical constitution,, and to their pursuits in life. We will now proceed to give a brief synopsis of the history of Noah's three sons, and their descendants. Japheth, the eldest son of Noah, had seven sons, after the flood, viz., Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javan, Tubal, Meshech, and Tiras. By these and their descendants "were the isles of the Gentiles divided in their lands; every one after his tongue, after their families, in their nations." The isles of the Gentiles, or the settlements of the Gentiles, are in Europe. This is the portion of the world in which Japheth and his descendants settled. Gomer, the eldest son of Japheth, was the father of the Gomerians. These spread out from the regions north of Armenia and Bactiana, and extended over nearly all Europe. They first planted the British Isles. The Galatians, to whom Paul wrote an epistle, were the descendants of Gomer. "The sons of Gomer: Ashkenaz, and Riphath, and Togarmah." Magog is the father of the Scythians; the Medes were the descendants of Madai; the Greeks, of Javan. Tubal and Meshech settled in the north. This will be seen by reference to Ezek. xxxviii. 2, 14, 15. They are the progenitors of the Russians and the Germans. Tiras is the father of the Thra- cians. All of the genuine descendants of Japheth are white. It is true that we find individuals, and some nations, who strictly belong to the white race—the direct descendants of Japheth—and yet they are of a dark complexion. sThe reason why this is so will be explained at the proper time and place. Shem—the second son of Noah—and his posterity, were confined to middle Asia. His son Elam settled in Elyma£, or southern Persia. Daniel, referring to this land, says, "And I saw in a vision; and it came to pass, when I saw, that I was at Shushan, in the palace, which is in the province of Elam; and I saw in a vision, and I was by the river of Ulai." Dan. viii. 2. 12 The Origin and Asshur settled the country called Assyria, and built Nine¬ veh, Rehoboth, Calah, and Resen. This country became a province of the Cushites, or a Cuthic empire, founded and governed by Nimrod, grandson of Ham. The Chaldeans, Persians, Syrians, and Lydians, are the descendants of Shem. Uz, the grandson of Shem, founded Trachonitis and Damascus. "This country," says Josephus, "lies between Palestine and Celosyria." This is the land in which Job lived — the land of IJz. In the days of the Saviour it was called Idumea. This country w'as inhabited by the descendants of Esau, brother of Jacob. They wrere not pure Shemites, but a mixed race, for Esau married Hamites. Moses says, "Esau took his wives of the daughters of Canaan." Gen. xxxvi. 2. The Arabians are said to be the pure descendants of the Jews, and that their dark complexion is produced by the cli¬ mate in which they live, or accidental causes. Dr. Elackie, in his letter to Dr. Young, says, "The Arabs are of Semitic ori¬ gin, and speak a Semitic language, and have the most perfect type of the human Head, but their color would rather ally them to the Ethiopia race. Silk Buckingham describes a family in the Jordan valley, of pure Arab blood on both sides, who, with the exception of the father only, had crisped hair, negro features, and deep black color. A negress had never been known as wife or concubine in the family. The Arabs, remember, are pure Caucasians; but here in the burning valley of the Jordan they are approximating another type. The Arabs in the desert between Damascus and Bassora have crisped locks, almost approaching wool. The town of Saua- kin, on the African shore of the Red Sea, is composed of a mixed peopfe, first having been settled by Bedouins, or Arabs, and secondly by Turks. Burckhardt says that both of these peoples have become of the darkest brown from a white stock; still preserving, however, the features of the race ; and this change of color has occurred in a few centuries. Higher up the Nile are the Shegya Arabs, mentioned by the author of the 'Crescent and the Cross,' who are of a clear, glossy, jet-black, distinguished in all other respects from the negroes, Genealogy of the Races. 13 •with whom they do not intermarry, but owe their color to the climate, or accidental causes." Dr. Blackie, as well as many other learned men, labors under a very great mistake touching the true cause of the dark complexion of the Arabs. It is not owing to the climate in which they live, nor to accidental causes, but to their inti¬ mate relationship to the race of Ham. They are a mixed race, the descendants of Ishmael and Midian, sons of Abra¬ ham. Midian was Abraham's son by his second wife, Eetu- rah. Hagar, Ishmael's mother, was an Egyptian, a descend¬ ant of Ham. Moses says, "And Sarai, Abram's wife, took Hagar her maid the Egyptian, after Abram had dwelt ten years in the land of Canaan, and gave her to her husband Abram to be his wife." "And Hagar bare Abram a son; and Abram called his son's name, which Hagar bare, Ish¬ mael." Gen. xvi. 3, 15. Ishmael and his mother being sent out from the house of Abraham, wandered in the wilderness of Beer-sheba. (Gen. xxi. 14.) "And God was with the lad; and he grew, and dwelt in the wilderness, and became an archer. And he dwelt in the wilderness of Paran ; and his mother took him a wife out of the land of Egypt." Gen. xxi. 20, 21. It is plainly seen from the pen of inspiration that the Ish- maelites, now called Arabians, are only one quarter Jews. Thus we learn from the word of God the true cause of their dark complexion. Then, the assertion of Dr. Blackie, that the Arabs "owe their color only to the climate, or acci¬ dental causes," fails to be true. According to the Scriptures and to history, it is very evident that climate did pot cause, directly or indirectly, the great variety of colors found to exist in the world among Adam's posterity; but the color of each man is inherited from his ancestors. If the father and the mother are the pure descendants of Japheth, then the children will be white—regardless of climate—to the latest generation; but if the parents are part Jew and part Hamites—as in the case of Ishmael—then their descendants will be of a dark complexion, like the Arabians. If the climate in the torrid zone has such a powerful influ- 14 The Origin and ence over man as to change him from a white to a black man, then, upon the same principles, the climate in the temperate zone would, in the process of time, change a negro into a white man. But no such effects are produced; the negro remains just as black as when he was first introduced into this country. From the proofs before us, we are forced to the con¬ clusion that Dr. Blackie's theory touching the variety of colors, cannot be sustained by the word of God or by history. The real Jews are the direct descendants of Shem. This is evident from their genealogy, as set forth in the Scriptures. It comes down in regular order, from Adam to Noah, and from Noah to Abraham, and to Jacob, the father of the twelve tribes. Adam, the son of God, was the father of Seth, who was the father of Enos, who was the father of Cainan, who was the father of Mahalaleel, who was the father of Jared, who was the father of Enoch, who was the father of Methuselah, who was the father of Lamech, who was the father of Noah, who was the father of Shem, who was the father of Arphaxad, who was the father of Salah, who was the father of Heber, who was the father of Peleg, who was the father of Reu, who was the father of Serug, who was the father of Nahor, who was the father of Terah, who was the father of Abraham, who was the father of Isaac, who was the father of Jacob, who was the father of the twelve tribes of Israel. Judah, the son of Jacob, is the father of the Jews, as will be seen by reference to the Scriptures, especially to Luke iii. Jesus Christ was a direct descendant of Shem. Of this we will speak more fully in another place. Noah, according to the Scriptures, lived three hundred and fifty years after the flood. Abraham was born sixty years before the death of Hoah, and lived one hundred and seventy- five years; and it is reasonable to suppose that he received instructions from his great ancestor, who had lived six hun¬ dred years beyond the flood. Shem lived five hundred years after the flood, and occupied a prominent, and we might truly say, an exalted position among his posterity; for it is evident that he was "Melchise- Genealogy of the Races. 15 dec, king of Salem, priest of the most high God, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings, and blessed him; to whom also Abraham gave a tenth part of all; first being by interpretation King of righteousness, and after that also King of Salem, which is, King of peace." The inspired writer says that he was fatherless and motherless. In reference to the priesthood he had no ancestors, for there was no priest before him. He was divinely appointed. " Shem, or Melchisedec, overlived his father Koah one hun¬ dred and fifty years, and the patriarch Abraham, nearly fifty; and oi consequence was acquainted with Isaac, the son of Abraham. From this man, all the patriarchs, from Arphaxad down to Isaac, comprehending five hundred years, received a knowledge of the true God, and the religion of Adam, Seth, Enoch, and all the patriarchs before the flood, down to Isaac, from whom Jacob, the son of Isaac, derived the same, and transmitted it to the twelve tribes, his sons." "We have already stated that Jesus Christ was a direct de¬ scendant of Shem. All Bible readers concede ihis to be a true statement touching the genealogy of the Saviour. Why should he be born of the lineage of Shem ? We answer: In the first place, Shem was a red man, and in every respect a true representative of Adam. Christ is represented by Paul as being the second Adam. In the second place, Shem was the medium between Japheth and Ham. The Saviour, being born-of this tribe, could, with propriety, and justice to all mankind, and honor to God the Father, place his right hand on the tribe of Japheth, and his left on the tribe of Ham, and thus he becomes the Saviour of Adam's posterity. If he had been born of the tribe of Japheth, he could not have occupied such a position, because Japheth was the highest order of man. If he had been born of the tribe of Ham, he could not consistently have reached the middle and higher order of man, for Ham was the lowest order of man. If he ,had been of the tribe of Ham, there would have been two tribes on his right hand and none on his left. If he had been of the family of Japheth, there would have been two tribes on his left and none on his right. The Saviour, being of the middle race, was 16 The Origin and a type of the position that he was tp occupy as Mediator between God and man; consequently, we see in this displays of the wisdom of God in the great plan of salvation. The Saviour, being a descendant of thp medium tribe, could stand with outstretched arms and say, " Come unto me, all ye ends of the earth, and be ye saved." We have just stated that Japheth was the highest order of man. He was the first-born, and consequently entitled to a superior position ; and it was made manifest, when Hoah pro¬ nounced the curse against Ham, that Japheth would occupy a preeminent position among the nations of earth. This, as already mentioned, has been literally fulfilled. Ham was an inferior order of man, destitute of refinement, and those noble and exalted principles which characterized Shem and Japheth, and governed them in their acts. This is very evident from his shameful and disgraceful act against his father, which caused the curse of God to rest on him and his posterity. According to history, sacred and profane, the descendants of Ham have ever been a degraded race, and in every age have exhibited the same unrefined and unholy disposition that was possessed by Ham, their ancestor. Of this we will speak more fully in another chapter. It is a remarkable fact that God, in all his plans for the ele¬ vation and salvation of the world, never selected the descend¬ ants of Ham as his agents to carry out his designs. They were Considered unworthy of such an exalted position. . The glorious work of the dissemination of the truth and the pure principles of Christianity among the nations of earth was committed to the descendants of Shem and Japheth. In the patriarchal age, God selected the house of Shem, by whom and through whom he delivered his communications to the chil¬ dren of men. They were the peculiar people of God, with whom his holy oracles were deposited, and preserved from generation to generation, until the King of righteousness came into the world. The first members of the kingdom of Christ, and of the Church of God, were of the house of Shem. But^ when the Jews rejected the Saviour, the gospel was committed to the Gentiles—the descendants of Japheth—who, instead of Genealogy of the Races. 17 the Jews, became the light of the world, and the salt of the earth, and the messengers of God to bear the glad tidings of salvation to the nations of earth. There is no race of people under-the whole heavens that occupy, at this time, such an exalted position as the descendants of Japheth. Whilst the dissemination of the truth is intrusted to them by the great Head of the Church, they are emphatically the political rulers of the world. They will continue to occupy their position, and carry on the great work assigned them, until the second coming of Christ. God never designed that the descendants of Ham should govern the descendants of Shem and Japheth, spiritually or politically. It never has been so, arid never will be. The design of God will be accomplished in spite of all the powers of earth. Although it is true that Ham's posterity is an inferior race, and never has been intrusted with the great work of giving the truth and the glorious light of the gospel to the world, yet they are included in the plan of salvation, and may become, by humble obedience to the requisitions of Heaven, partakers of divine grace. The Saviour said, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." And as they com¬ pose a part of the world, and are the creatures of- God, it becomes our imperative duty to give them the gospel of Christ. Ham, the youngest son of Noah, according to the divine arrangement, settled in the torrid zone—their organization being adapted to that climate. Ham had four sons—Cush, Mizraim, Phut, and Canaan. When they descended from the mountains of Ararat, they pitched their tents in the land of Shinar, which lies on the Euphrates. Here they commenced the tower which is called Babel. Nimrod, grandson of Ham, assumed the reins of government—consequently was the first monarch of that land. He was wicked, and excited the people to disregard Go4, and to treat with indifference all his kind¬ ness and tender mercies toward them as individuals and as a race of people. Josephus says, "Pie persuaded them not to ascribe it to;,God, as if it was through his means they wrere happy; but to believe that it was their own courage which procured their happiness. He also gradually changed the 2 18 The Origin and government into tyranny, seeing no other way of turning men from the fear of God hut to bring them into a constant dependence on his own power. He also said he would be revenged on God if he should have a mind to drown the world again; for that he would build a tower too high for the water to be able to reach; and that he would avenge himself on God for destroying their forefathers." Chap, iv., pp. 26, 30. "Whilst this people were engaged in building the tower, and carrying out the wicked intentions and plans of Nimrod, the Lord came down and confounded their language, and scat¬ tered them abroad. Mizraim settled in the valley of the river Nile, in the land which is called Egypt. This is admitted by both ancient and modern historians. The first settlers of Egypt were called Mezarites, and the country was called Mezar. Memphis was one of the first cities in that land. Josephus says that Miz¬ raim was the first king of Memphis. The original Egyptians are now called Copts, "and have been thus denominated in every age." It is said by writers that this term signifies black. It is evident from ancient history that the original Egyptians were black. "In person and features the Copts differ much from the other nations of Egypt, and are a distinct race—an intermediate link in the chain which connects the negro with the fairer tribes of the north and the.south of the tropics, strongly resembling the Abyssinians, who, though extremely dark, are much paler than the genuine negro. Dark eyes, aquiline noses, and curled hair, are the usual characteristics of both nations. And the mummies which have been exam¬ ined, show the resemblance of the modern Copts to their ancestors." Enc. of R. K., p. 414. The above facts are sustained by modern travelers who have seen the Copts, and examined the Egyptian mummies. They state that these mummieg are dark, and that the Copts are of an olive color, with frizzled hair. Egypt is called the land of Ham. The inspired writer says: "Israel also came into Egypt; and Jacob sojourned in the land of Ham." Ps. cv. 23. Genealogy of the Races. 19 The Philistines were They descended from Cas- luhim, son of Mizraim, (1 Chron. i. 12.) Their cities were Ekron, Ashdod, Gaza, Askelon, and Gath. The time when they built these cities is not mentioned. They had been there a long time when Abraham went to the land of Canaan, which was in the year of the world 2083. "The land of the Philistines bordered on the west and south-west of Judea, and lies on the south-east point of the Mediterranean Sea." They continued an independent people until subdued by David. 2 Sam. v. 17. The Cretians were descendants of the Philistines, and con- . sequently Hamites. Paul, speaking of this people, said, "One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, The Cretians are always liars, avil beasts, slow bellies." This is still true in reference to the negro race. Phut settled Libya, which lies west of Egypt, and along the southern coast of the Mediterranean Sea. His descendants were called Phutites. The people called Moors seem to have sprung from him. As evidence of this fact, one of the prin¬ cipal rivers in the land of the Moors was ealled Phut. This people is said to* have black skin, long, straight hair—as a general thing—and high cheek-bones. Canaan, the youngest son of Ham, settled in the land of Canaan, which lies between the Mediterranean Sea and the river of Jordan. It was afterward called the land of Judea. Sidon, the eldest son of Canaan, founded the city of Sidon, and is the father of the Sidonians and Phoenicians. Tyre was a city of Phoenicia, and Carthage one of its colo¬ nies. Hiram, King Solomon's artificer, was part Jew and part Tyrian. His mother was of the tribe of Haphtali, and his father was a Tyrian. 1 Kings vii. 14. Heth, the father of the Hittites, dwelt at or near Hebron, in the land of Canaan. This place is called, by the inspired writer, Ephron. The city of Hebron, or Ephron, in the days of Abraham, was peopled by the children of Heth. Erom this people Abraham bought a burying-ground, where he buried Sarah his wife, (Gen. xxiii.;) and when he died, "his sons 20 The Origin and Isaac and Ishmael buried him in the cave of Machpelah, in the field of Ephron the son of Zohar the Hittite, which, is before Mamre; the field which Abraham purchased of the sons of Heth: there was Abraham buried, and Sarah his wife." Gen. xxv. 9. The Sodomites were the descendants of Canaan. The cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were situated in the land of Canaan. "And the border of the Canaanites was from Sidon, as thou comest to Gerar, unto Gaza; as thou goest unto Sodom, and Gomorrah, and Admah, and Zeboim, even unto Lasha." Gen. x. 19. Cush and his posterity settled first on the Persian Gulf, and from thence they spread over India and Arabia, especially the western part of the latter country along the coast of the Ped Sea. "In the process of time, the increasing family spread over the vast territory of India and Arabia; the whole of which tract, from the Ganges to the borders of Egypt, then became the land of Cush, or Asiatic Ethiopia." They were dispossessed of this country, or the most of it, by the descend¬ ants of Abraham, the Ishmaelites and the Midianites. Erom Arabia they went over into Africa, and settled Abyssinia and Nubia, on the headwaters of the river Nile, south of Egypt. This in turn became the land of Cush, or Ethiopia, in Africa. "Even from this last refuge they were compelled, by the influx of fresh settlers from Arabia, Egypt, and Canaan, to extend their migrations still farther westward, into the heart of the African Continent, where only, in the woolly-headed negro, the genuine Cushite is to be found." Enc. P. K., p. 433. In the process of time, the descendants of Cush spread all over Africa, and are now found in other portions of the earth. When Shalmaneser, king of Assyria, besieged and took Samaria, he removed the Israelites into remote parts of Assyria, and placed in the cities of Samaria, Babylonians, Cushites, and Canaanites, (2 Kings xvii. 24.) These new inhabitants of Samaria feared not God, but were worshipers of idols. It was these Ilamites that made such strong efforts to hinder the building of the temple. It is evident from the word of God, and from history, that Genealogy of the Races. 21 the real Cushites were black, with woolly heads; and it is evi¬ dent that all such, whether found in Ethiopia, or in America, or in any other portion of the world, are the direct descend¬ ants of Cush, the son of Ham. As already stated, the name of Ham means black. Cush partook of the nature and color of Ham his father. The term Ethiopia, or Ethiope, we are informed, signifies black. The several countries where the Cushites have dwelt, were called Ethiopia, evidently from the fact that the inhabitants were black. Herodotus says, "Xerxes had, in the army prepared for his Grecian expedition, both Oriental and African Ethio¬ pians, and they resembled each other in every outward cir¬ cumstance, except their hair—that of the Asiatic Ethiopians being long and straight, while those of Africa curled." M. S., in his reply to Ariel, Ers. Young and Blackie, acknowledges that the Ethiopians of Africa are black. He says, "The Ethiopians of Africa are jet-black, and live on the Upper Xile, above the second cataract." P. 83. It is very evident, from the words of Jeremiah, that Ethi¬ opian means black, for he says, "Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots ? " Jer. xiii. 23. "Which is the same as if he had said, Can a black man change his skin, or a leopard his spots?—as the word Ethiopian was one of the words in the Hebrew for that which was black. From this statement of Jeremiah, as well as from all the other evi¬ dences, we learn that the whole race of Ham—the Egyptians, the Libyans, the Ethiopians, and the Canaanites—were all so many black nations." Herodotus, the Grecian historian, who was born about five hundred years before Christ, says, "The Colchins and Egyp¬ tians—who were all one with the Tyrians, Tibonians, Ethio¬ pians, and Libyans—were black, and had short, curling hair." Vol. 1, B. 2, p. 246. We have briefly shown, from history and from the sacred Scriptures, that Ham, the son of Xoah, was black, and that his descendants were black. We have also shown that Cush, the son of Ham, is the father of the Ethiopians—the woolly- headed negro. It has been plainly shown that he first dwelt 22 The Origin and in Arabia, and, being dispossessed of that country, settled in Ethiopia in Africa, and subsequently spread over Central Africa. And, according to modern historians, they are still a black race of people. Now, it is a well-known fact that the \voolly-headed negroes of this country were taken out of this tribe—the tribe of Cush—and transplanted in America. No one, who knows any thing about the history of this people, can deny this fact. Then, without doubt, the woolly-headed negroes in Africa and in America are the direct descendants of Ham, the son of Noah. Then, this being true, Ariel's theory, that the negro is not a descendant of Ham, but a brute, is false. It being true, according to history and the word of God, that Ham was black, it may be appropriately asked at this point, How may we account for the variety of colors which are found to exist in the different nations of the world? It will be remembered that we have already stated that Noah's three sons took unto themselves wives of the original Adamic color. They were red women. Shem, being a red man, and his wife a red woman, his de¬ scendants were of the same color. The unamalgamated Jews are of the original color, for they are Shemites. Ham being black, and his wife a red woman, some of his descendants partook more of the nature and color of the mother than the father, whilst others partook more of the nature and color of the father than the mother. For instance, Mizraim resembled his mother more than his father, in com¬ plexion, features, and especially in his hair. His descendants are said to be of a dark olive color, with long hair. Some historians speak of their hair as being frizzled. Cush par¬ took almost entirely of the nature and color of Ham his father. His descendants, as already shown, are black, with woolly heads. Japheth was a white man, and his wife a red woman; con¬ sequently, some of his children were white, and some of a dark complexion, with black eyes and black hair. This is forcibly and fully illustrated in the case of the white man intermarrying with Indians, who are said to be Shemites. Genealogy of the Races. 28 The children of sqch an amalgamation present a variety of colors. Some are nearly entirely white, some are half white, whilst others are not more than one-quarter white. We have frequently seen such a variety of colors among the Indians. Thus we have such a great variety of colors in the world. 24 The Origin and CHAPTER II. keview of akiel—his positions exposed. In the preceding part of this work we have clearly shown and proven, from history and the sacred Scriptures, that the negro of the present day is a direct descendant of Ham, the son of Hoah, and consequently, one of Adam's family. This being true, Ariel's whole theory is false. "We propose in this chapter to notice briefly some of Ariel's positions, and—as they are termed—unanswerable arguments; especially those which he represents as being based on the word of God. But few, we presume, of those who have read Ariel's negro book, ever searched the Scriptures for them¬ selves, to see whether his statements are true or false, but without proper examination received and believed every thing he said, and unhesitatingly pronounced his arguments unan¬ swerable. He makes bold assertions, and then calls them "logical facts" and thus deceives many of his readers,'espe¬ cially those who are not well versed in the sacred Scriptures. His "logical facts" are forged; indeed, his whole book is filled up with repetitions, and with misrepresentations of the word of God. He seems to have a great hatred to the ministers of the gospel, and like other infidel writers, strives to impress it on the minds of his readers that they are false teachers. He asserts that the clergy teach that the name and the curse made Ham black. He says, " Before proceeding with the examina¬ tion of the subjects involved in the caption to this paper, we will for a moment notice the prevailing errors, now existing in all their strength, and held by the clergy and many learned men to be true, which are: First, Ham's name, which, they allege, in Hebrew means black. Second, The curse denounced Genealogy of the Maces. 25 against-him, that a servant of servants should he he unto his brethren; and that this curse was denounced against Ham for the accidental seeing his father, Noah, naked; that this curse was to do so, and did change him, so that instead of being straight-haired, high forehead, high nose, thin lips, and white, as he then was, and like his brothers, Shem and Jafpheth, he was, from that day forth, to be kinky-headed, low forehead, thick-lipped, and black skin; and that his name and this curse effected all this." Pp. 4, 5. Now, these assertions are made without a shadow of proof to sustain them. No minister of the gospel, or learned man of any note, ever taught that the name and the curse of Canaan made Ham black. Ariel cannot " show us a single chapter, paragraph, or line written by any true, learned natur¬ alist, teaching that the curse of Canaan changed his father, Ham, from a white man into a black-skinned negro." He failed to produce the proof to sustain his assertions because he had none. The second passage in Ariel's work we notice, is written as follows: "In God's nomenclature of the creation, his order stands thus: 1. Birds; 2. Fowls; 3. Creeping things; 4. Cat¬ tle; 5. Beasts; 6. Adam and Eve." Is this a true statement touching the order of creation ? What saith the word ? We turn to Genesis i. 25, which reads thus: "And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind; and God saw that it was good." Now, there is a very wide difference between the statement of Ariel and that of Moses. Ariel places beasts last in the order of creation, but God places them first. Which shall we believe, God or Ariel? Let God be true, but every man a liar. ' In order to prove that the negro is not a human being, that he is not of the race of Adam, that he entered the ark as a beast, and came out of it as a beast, Ariel asserts that Adam and Eve were white, and that Noah and his family were all white; and, failing to find any thing in the word of God to sustain his position, he makes a Scripture to suit his subject; 26 The Origin and for he says, " The Bible tells us that bfoah was perfect in his genealogy." P. 21. By reference to the Scriptures, it will be seen that the Bible tells no such thing. But, says one, does not the Bible speak of Noah as being a good man, and perfect in some way ? It does. "We learn from the Scriptures that he was perfect in his gene¬ rations, not genealogy. It is very evident that Ariel in this instance willfully per¬ verted the Scriptures, in order to-sustain his (false positions. His perversion of the truth touching this point is very appar¬ ent when we compare his proof-text with the sacred Scriptures. By reference to Genesis vi. 9, we find it written, " These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and per¬ fect in his generations, and Noah walked with God." Ariel is not only gifted in making unfounded assertions, but in forging proof to sustain his positions. We notice another proof-text which he uses to sustain his theory that the negro is not a descendant of Adam, hut a beast; it is stated in the following words: "We read in the Bible, And God said, Let us make man in our own image, and after our likeness ; which is equivalent to saying, We have man already, but not in our image; for, if the negro was already in God's image, God could not have said, Now let us make man in our image." P. 23. By comparing the above quotation with the Scripture where God proposed to make man, it will be seen that there is -a material difference between the two passages. It seems that the inspired writer did not use words enough to suit Ariel's taste and doctrine; therefore he took upon himself the author¬ ity to add the words, and, own, and now. The words own and now are not in the passage of Scripture referred to—Gen. i. 26. What should be thought of a man who resorts to such meas¬ ures in order to deceive his fellow-man, and to sustain his false doctrines ? Should ha be believed ? God esteems all those who add to or take from his word as liars. It is written, "Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.", Prov: xxx. 6. And we learn that all liars shall have their portion in the lake which burnetii with fire Genealogy of the .Races. 27 and brimstone. A fearful doom awaits those who add to, or take from, the word of God, to make it sustain their peculiar doctrines. "For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book; and if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things that are written in this book." Kev. xxii. 18, 19. " Woe unto Ariel!" The term, "Let us make man in our image, after our like¬ ness," cannot be construed tp mean that there was a man in existence when God uttered these words. There is no author¬ ity for such an interpretation. More than this, Ariel's con¬ struction of this passage has not the slightest semblance of common sense connected with it. • There was no man, black, white, or red, in existence before Adam was created. It is written, "These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens, and every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew; for the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground." Gen. ii. 4, 5. The inspired writer states in plain terms that there was not a man. This was before Adam's creation, as will be seen by reference to the 7th verse in this chapter. It is emphatically declared by the pen of inspiration that he was the first man. Paul says, " The first man Aclam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit. Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterwards that which is spiritual. The first man is of the earth, earthy; the second man is the Lord from heaven." 1 Cor. xv. 45-47. It is very evident that if Adam was the first man—and Paul says he was—there was no man created before him. These passages of»Scripture utterly destroy Ariel's assertion that man— the negro—was created before Adam; and when this is 28 The Origin and destroyed, his whole theory, in spite of all his assertions and forged "logic of facts" fall^to the ground. The conclusion, then, that the negro which we now have on earth was not cre¬ ated before Adam, and that Adam was the first man, is inev¬ itable, and being sustained by history and the testimony of the sacred Scriptures, cannot be overthrown by all the reason¬ ing of men on earth. Again he says, "That which was to be and continue under God's dominion, God named himself: he called the light day; the darkness he called night; the dry land he called earth; and the gathering together of the waters he called seas; and the firmament he called heaven, etc.; and what was to be under Adam's dominion, rule, and control, Adam named him¬ self, but by Go'd's direction and authority." P. 24. By reference again to the Scriptures, it will be seen that the above statement is not correct. We learn that God named certain things which were placed in the dominion, and under the control of man. " God called the dry land earth." Gen. i. 10. When he proposed to make man, he said, "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness ; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth." Gen. i. 26. God named the dry land earth, as already shown, and then said that man should have dominion over it, over all the earth. More than this, God named the fishes of the sea, and then placed them under the control of man. Thus we see again that Ariel fails to present the word of God in its true light. "When Adam is personally spoken of in the Hebrew Scrip¬ tures, invariably his name has the prefix the man, to contradis¬ tinguish him from the negro, who was called man simply, and was so named by Adam." P. 24. How, there is not a single word of proof adduced by Ariel to sustain the above assertion. The reader may search the Scriptures from the first word in Genesis to the last word in the book of Revelation, and not the slightest shadow of proof will he find that the negro existed before Adam, or that Adam Genealogy of the Races. 29 gave the name man to the negro. There is no evidence in the Scriptures that he ever saw a negro. The assertion that "whenever Adam is personally spoken of in the Hebrew Scriptures, invariably his name has the prefix the man," is made without a shadow of foundation. In Genesis i. 26 we have the history of the creation of Adam: "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness." Adam is personally referred to in this verse. This cannot be denied by any one; and yet the article the is wanting in the Hebrew as well as the English. >" So God created the man." Gen. i. 27. " Eor the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground." Gen. ii. 5. Accord¬ ing to Ariel, there was no negro to till the ground. In the latter part of verse 20 it reads, "But for man (or for Adam) there was not found a helper." In this verse Adam is personally spoken of, and yet the article the is not used in con¬ nection with his name. "And Adam knew his wife again ; and she bare him a son, and called his name Seth." Gen. iv. 25. In this passage it is Adam without the article, (Ariel's negro,) who is the pro¬ genitor of Seth. "This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man," etc. Gen. v. 1. Adam, man, with¬ out the article in the Hebrew, as well as in our translation from it. " My Spirit shall not always strive with (Hebrew—the man) man." Gen. vi. 3. In verses 5 and 6 it is the man. It is evident from these facts that the "criticisms" of Ariel on the use of Adam with and without the article are childish and ridiculous, and betrays his ignorance of the Hebrew. We notice another proof-text which Ariel uses in support of his theory to prove that the negro is a soulless beast. It is stated in the following words : "We read in the Bible that it came to pass when men began to multiply, etc., that the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were fair, and they took themselves wives of all which they chose. A word or two of criticism before we pro- 30 The Origin and ceed: In this quotation the word men is correctly translated from the Hebrew, and it applies to the negro: it is not in the original applied to Adam, for then it would be the men, Adam and his race being so distinguished by God himself when Adam was created. Again, the daughters of men were fair. The word fair is not a correct rendering of the original, except as it covers simply the idea, captivating, enticing, seductive." P. 26. "Whenever the present translation can be used by Ariel in support of his theory, he pronounces it a correct translation from the Hebrew, and when any word or sentence will not sustain his peculiar faith, he declares such a word or sentence an incorrect rendering of the original. He does not hesitate —as already shown—to add to the word of God, and to make. Scripture in order to sustain his positions. In the above quotation he says the word men is correctly translated from the Hebrew, and that the word fair is not a correct rendering of the original. Are these statements correct? By reference to the original, it will be seen that they are not. In Genesis vi. 1 it is the man—the race of men. The verse reads, "And it came to pass when the Adam began to be numerous on the face of the Adamah, (the ground,) and daughters were born unto them." Then, according to Ariel's own testimony, this passage has no reference to the negro, for he informs us again and again that when Adam is spoken of, the article the, in the Hebrew, is inva¬ riably used, and in this case the article is used. He affirms that the daughters of men mentioned in Gen. vi. 2 were not the daughters of Adam and Eve, but that they were negroes—soulless beasts. Since we have shown, in so many instances, Ariel's willful perversions of the sacred Scriptures in order to sustain his false positions, no one, we presume, will be astonished when we inform them that there is not a word.of truth in his asser¬ tion that the daughters of men mentioned in Gen. vi. 2 were not the daughters of Adam and Eve, but negroes. If he has any knowledge of the Hebrew,Jae must be corrupt and des¬ perately wicked. The original Hebrew for "daughters of men" is lib'noth ha Genealogy of the Races. 31 Adam: literally—"The daughters of the Adam, that they were fair."- It is very evident, from the testimony already presented, that Ariel'-s "logic of facts'''—as he terms them—is nothing but a mass of corrupt misrepresentations of the teachings of the word of God. "Who were these sons of God?"—Ariel. We proceed to answer this inquiry: It is evident that the sons of God mentioned in the passage of Scripture under con¬ sideration, (Gen. vi. 2,) were the immediate descendants of Seth, who was the son of Adam. In his (Seth's) family God was worshiped, which was continued from generation to generation by his descendants. This is evident from the Scriptures. Wheji Enos—son of Seth—was born, men began to call on the name of the Lord (Gen. iv. 26.) Enoch walked with God, and had the testimony that he pleased him. " Hoah found grace in the eyes of the Lord," and "was a just man, and perfect in his generation, and Hoah walked with God." These servants of God were all of the house of Seth. The term "sons of God" signifies those who are partakers of divine grace, and have been adopted into the family of God. Job, speaking of the sons of God, says, "How there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came also among them." Job i. 6. Hosea, speaking of the children of Israel, says, " It shall be said unto them, Ye are the sons of the living God." IJosea i. 10. As many of the Jews as received Christ, " To them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God." John i. 12, 13. Again, "Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God."' 1 John iii. 1. Such, and such alone, are the sons of God. The sons of God mentioned in Genesis vi.^were the natural and spiritual descendants of Seth; he was termed the seed; of his descend¬ ants the Saviour was to be born. 32 The Origin and The daughters of men—daughters of the Adam—the descend¬ ants of Adam through Cain. In Genesis iv. Moses gives a separate and distinct genealogy of Cain and his descendants : and according to this account, and from what we learn from history, Cain's descendants were a very wicked race of people. Josephus, speaking of the posterity of Cain, says, "Even while Adam was alive, it came to pass that the posterity of Cain became exceeding wicked, every one successively dying one after another, more wicked than the former. They were intolerable in war, and vehement in robberies ; and if any one were slow to murder people, yet was he bold in his profligate behavior, in acting unjustly, and doing injuries for gain." Josephus, Book I., p. 27. 1 There is not the slightest intimation in .the word of God, that any of Cain's descendants ever became the time worship¬ ers of God. They remained wicked until they were swept off by the waters of the flood. They were carnal, hence they were called the daughters of men—the Adam—in contradis¬ tinction to the sons of God. They were liot negroes—soulless beasts—as Ariel asserts. This has been plainly shown. The divine historian says that these daughters of men were fair (literally — good, beautiful.) Surely the pen of inspiration could not have made such a great mistake as to term the woolly-headed, flat-nosed, and thick-lipped negro, fair or beautiful! " Then began men to call on the name of the Lord," as translated in our Bible. "Who are these men that then began to call on the Lord ? It was not Adam, it was not Cain, it was not Abel, it was not Seth; and these were all the men that were of Adam's race, that were upon the earth at that time, or that had been up to the birth of Enos ; and these had been calling on the name of the Lord ever since the fall in the gar¬ den. Who were they, then ? What men were they then on earth, that then began to call on the name of the Lord ? There is but one answer between earth and skies, fhatrcan be given in truth to this question. TJiis logic of facts, this logic of Bible facts, plainly tells us that these men who then began (A.M. 235) to call upon the name of the Lord, were negroes—the Genealogy of the Races. 33 men so named by Adam when he named the other beasts and cattle. This cannot be questioned. Any other view would make the-Bible statements false, and we know the Bible to be true." P. 28. " The rendering, therefore, of the exact idea of the sacred historian would be this: ' Then men began to profane the Lord by calling on his name.' This is required by the Hebrew, and the antecedent facts certainly demand it; therefore, the men referred to, that then began to call, could hot be Adam, nor any of his sons. This logic of facts com¬ pels us to say that it was the negro, created before Adam, and by him named man, for there were no other men 011 the earth. " That the calling was profane, is Admitted by all of our ablest commentators and biblical scholars, as may be seen by reference to their works. (See Adam Clarke, et al.) "The Jews translated it thus: 'Then men began to profane the name of the Lord.'" P. 29. Ariel asserts, in the above quotation, that the Hebrew requires the latter part of Gen. iv. 26 to be translated, " Then men began to profane the Lord by calling on his name." There is " no word in the original to answer to men. It is the indefinite plural nominative—'People began ,to call upon the name of the Lord'; literally, 'It was begun to call on the name of Jehovah.' But this would be awkward in English." * There is no reason or truth in Ariel's assertion, that the Hebrew required such a translation as he gives of the passage under consideration. Br. A. Cla'rke does not sustain Ariel's translation in his comment on this passage. He sa}*s, ""Which words we sup¬ pose to signify that in the time of Enos, the true followers of God began to distinguish themselves and to be distinguished by others by the appellation of sons of God; those of the other branch of Adam's family, among whom divine worship was not observed, being distinguished by the name, children of men." Ariel's translations and interpretations utterly destroy his * Criticisms on the Hebrew, by Dr. B. Manley, Jr., Professor of Hebrew in the Theological Seminary, Greenville, S. C. 3 34 The Origin and own theory, removing the very foundation of it, so that not a trace of it remains to be seen; for that moment he admits the negro's capability to profane the Lord—to violate the law of God—he concedes the fact that the negro is not a "soulless beast" but a rational, accountable being;"for none but such can violate the law of God. And if they were violators of God's law—and Ariel admits this—then they are of the race of Adam, amenable to the law of God, subjects of gospel address, and wTill live for ever in the world of bliss, or the world of woe and misery. We notice another of Ariel's "unanswerable" arguments, founded on Genesis vi. 6. He says: "But we have this sin¬ gular expression in the Bible, occurring about the flood, that it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and that it grieved him at his heart. How, it is clear that God could not refer, in these expressions, to Adam as the man whom it repented and grieved him that he had made, for Adam was a part of himself, and became so when God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and he became a living soul, immortal, and must exist, ex consequential as long as God exists. God cannot hate any part of himself, for that would be perfec¬ tion hating perfection, and Adam did partake of the divine nature to some extent, and, therefore, the man here referred to could not have been Adam's posterity, and must have been, from the same logic of facts, the man, negro, the beast, called by God, man before he created Adam." P. 29. It is evident that the man referred to in the passage under consideration was Adam's posterity. In the first place, he was a subject of the influences and operations of the Spirit of God, for the Lord said, " My Spirit shall not always strive with man." Gen. vi. 3. The Spirit of God does not strive with soulless beasts or beings that are not accountable. We have no evidence that the Spirit of God extends his influences and operations beyond the race of Adam. This fact cannot be refuted by the combined talent of the world. In the second place, according to Ariel's own testimony, the man referred to in this text was Adam's posterity, for he another portion of his work, that "whenever Adam Genealogy of the Races. 35 is personally spoken of in the Hebrew Scriptures, invariably his name has the prefix the man to contradistinguish him from the negro, who is called man simply." Genesis vi. 3, 5, 6: In the Hebrew it is the man in every instance. This is true also in reference to the 7th verse, which reads thus, when correctly translated: "I will wipe off the man whom I created from the face of the ground; from man to cattle," etc. The last man mentioned in this verse is with¬ out the article. These criticisms being true, Ariel's own testimony proves his own destruction; and the simple fact that Adam's poster¬ ity is referred to in the above Scriptures, completely removes the foundation of all he has written on page 30 of his work, and all that he has written elsewhere, touching the amalga¬ mation of Adam's race with negroes—soulless beasts. We notice another item contained in the quotation from Ariel. It will be remembered that he again and again informs us that the negro was created before Adam, and that Adam gave him the name man ; but now he says that God called him (the negro) man before he created Adam. Here he plainly and positively contradicts himself. Who is prepared to receive and believe such testimony ? Ho one, we presume, who reads and searches the Scriptures for themselves. But again : he says that Adam wras a part of God. If this be true, then a part of God sinned and became corrupt by partaking of the forbidden fruit, and has continued to sin dowft to the present time; then a part of God is condemned, and liable to be cast into hell and suffer eternally. To say that any part of God could suffer in hell, would be preposterous. But it is evident that man is not a part of God. It is true that he was made in the image and after the likeness of God, but these expressions do not signify that he was a part of Jeho¬ vah. The very fact that man is subject to eternal punishment, is sufficient proof that he is separate and distinct from, but at the same time his by creation and preservation. How, it is clear from the testimony already adduced, that God did have reference to Adam when he said that it repented and grieved him that he had made man on the earth. 36 The Origin and " The progeny of the horse and ass species is never classed with either its father or mother, hut is called a mule, and rep¬ resents neither. So the progeny of a son of God, a descendant of Adam and Eve, with the negro, a beast, is not classed with or called by the name of either its father or mother, but is an iter P. 35. If the amalgamation of the white race with the negro race produces ites, then it follows of course that all the ites are soul¬ less beings, or half brute and half man—mulattoes, as we see them around us in the present day. Does not Ariel, in the above quotation, contradict himself? He most assuredly does; for he affirms that Canaan and his descendants were white, that they belonged to the white race, especially his two sons, Sidon and Heth. How, were they termed ites? They were. The inspired historian says, "And Canaan begat Sidon his first-born, and Heth, an-d the Jebusite, and the Amorite, and the Girgasite, and the Hivite, and the Arkite, and the Sinite, and the Arvadite, and the Zemarite, and the Hamathite; and afterward were the families of the Canaan- ites (not Canaanite, as Ariel has it) spread abroad. And the border of the Canaanites was from Sidon, as thou comest to Gerar, unto Gaza," etc. Gen. x. 15-19. Here we have Canaam'As—Ariel's white race. "We learn also from the Scriptures, that the descendants of Heth are called ites. The Hittites were the children of Heth (Gen. xv. 20.) Then, according to his own testimony—his last testi¬ mony—they were all negroes—mulattoes. " They are white when it suits his theory, and black when it suits him better." He seems to be gifted in shaping his testimony to suit present emergencies. "We learn from the Scriptures that the children of Jacob are termed Israelites. Were they half human and half beast? If this be true, then the Saviour was half, human and half beast—a mulatto—for he was a descendant, according to the flesh, of this family, of these ites. The children of Levi are called Jjeyites.' Were the Levites, who ministered at the altar of*God, half human and half beast—mulattoes? Were they of that tribe that, according to Ariel, were not allowed to Genealogy of the Races. 37 approach the altar? "Who is prepared to believe such ridicu¬ lous nonsense as he teaches touching this point? Surely no one who reads the Bible for himself. We come now to notice one of Ariel's remarkable, and said to be unanswerable, scriptural arguments, which he uses to prove that the negro was not permitted to approach the altar of God, or even worship him. He says, "In the laws deliv¬ ered by God to Moses, for the children of Israel, he expressly enacts and charges, 'that no man having a flat nose shall approach unto his altar.' This includes the whole negro race; and expressly excludes them from coming to his altar for any act of worship. God could not have their worship then, nor accept their sacrifices or oblations—they should not approach his altar; hut all of Adam's race could." P. 41. In the first place, that portion of the above extract which appears in quotation marks, is not the word of God. He intended to make his readers believe that it was the pure word of inspiration; for on this passage, which he made himself to suit his theory, or borrowed it from some one else, he bases his arguments. The Scripture which speaks of the flat-nosed man, has no» reference, not the slightest, to the negro race; it has special reference to Aaron and his seed. This may be seen by refer¬ ence to Lev. xxi. 16-21, which reads thus: "And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, Speak unto Aaron, saying, Whosoever he be of thy seed in their generations that hath any blemish, let him not approach to offer the bread of his God. For whatsoever man he be that hath a blemish, he shall not approach: a blind man, or a lame, or he that hath a flat nose, or any thing superfluous, or a man that is broken- footed, or broken-handed, or crook-backed, or a dwarf, or that hath a blemish .in his eye, or be scurvy, or scabbed, or hath his stones broken; no man that hath a blemish of the seed of Aaron the priest shall "tome nigh to offer the offerings of the Lord made by fire: he hath a blemish; he shall not come nigh to offer the bread of his God." Those who had blemishes were to eat the bread of his God —they were to live of the altar. " He shall eat the bread of 38 The Origin and bis God, both of the most holy, and of the holy. Only he shall not go in unto the vail, nor come nigh unto the altar, because he hath a blemish ; that he profane not my sanctuaries; for I the Lord do sanctify them." Lev. xxi. 22, 23. There is not, in this whole passage of Scripture, a single sentence or word that can be construed to favor, in the slight¬ est degree, the assertion that the negro was not permitted to worship God, unless it can be shown from the inspired writers that Aaron and his seed were negroes—soulless beasts. This cannot be done. It is clearly seen, from the testimony of inspiration, that every thing that Ariel has said in reference to God's prohibit¬ ing the negro from worshiping him is false—a positive perver¬ sion of the word of God. Ariel affirms that the amalgamation of the white race and the negro is an unpardonable sin. He says, "It is a crime in the sight of God, that cannot be propitiated by any sacrifice or by any oblation, and cannot be forgiven by God." Many, no doubt, who have read his work, believe his state¬ ment to be true, aVid set this down as one of his " unanswer¬ able " arguments. But is it true? "What saith the Scriptures touching this point? When we examine the Bible on this subject, we learn that there is but one sin that cannot be for¬ given, and that one sin is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. The Saviour, on a certain occasion, said, "All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men; but the blas¬ phemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men." Matt. xii. 81. We learn from fliis passage of Scripture {hat all manner of sin, and all manner of blasphemy are pardonable, and will be forgiven when the transgressor truly repents and believes on the Lord Jesus Christ, except one sin—the. sin against the Holy Spirit. This is unpardonable, and never can be forgiven. So it is plainly seen that the sin wliicfh Ariel refers to is not the unpardonable sin ; for the unpardonable sin consists in speaking against the Holy Spirit—in ascribing the influence and operations of the Holy Spirit to the works of Satan. This is plainly set forth in the Scriptures. Genealogy of the Baces. 39 We come now to notice, briefly, one more of Ariel's " un¬ answerable " arguments in support of bis assumption that the negro is a soulless beast. He teaches that the serpent, which tempted Eve and caused her to eat of the forbidden fruit, was a negro. If this be true, then the word of God has failed. After Adam and Eve had eaten the forbidden fruit, the Lord came into the garden of Eden in the cool of the day, and called Adam, and said to him, "Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat ? And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat. And the Lord God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat. And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life." Gen. iii. 11-14. It cannot be proven, neither from history nor the word of God, that the negro race, or any part of that race, ever moved on their bellies, as being their natural and only way of moving from place to place. Furthermore, it cannot be shown that they lived on the dust, to any greater degree than other filthy tribes or races of people. These things must be shown before it can be established that the serpent which tempted Eve was a negro; for God said to the tempter, " Upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life." No one, we presume, can misunderstand such plain language as this. But'he says that the tempter "was a beast, a talking beas£, a beast that talked naturally," and then affirms that " God called it a beast." Is it true that God did call the serpent a beast ? Ide certainly did not. By reference to the Scriptures, we find it written, "Now the serpent was more subtile than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made." Gen. iii. 1. This text does not teach that the serpent was a beast, but simply that it was more subtile than any beast. We assert that 40 The Origin and man is more artful than any horse. Now, no one would understand us to mean that man was a horse, but simply that ■man, in artfulness, was superior to any horse that the Lord God had made. When the Lord said, " Thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast," he did not teach that he was a beast. The language cannot be construed to mean such a thing. The serpent was cursed above the cattle and above the beast. The curse which was pronounced against the serpent was greater than the curse which would rest on all the cattle and beasts that God had made. It is evident that this curse was not pronounced against the negro, from the fact that he does not move about on his belly, but walks erect, as other descendants of Noah. More than this, we learn from the Scriptures that the ser¬ pent which tempted Eve, was Satan, the devil. Paul, in his second letter to the Church at Corinth, says, "But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his sub- tilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ." 2 Cor. xi. 3. Again, it is written, "And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world." Rev. xii. 9. "We have seen, from the proof already adduced, that Ariel's positions are not sustained by the word of God, and conse¬ quently are false. In this review we have brought to light and exposed the false foundations of Ariel's ulogic of facts" and 11 unanswerable arguments." Wre have clearly shown that he is profoundly ignorant of the sacred Scriptures. He seems to have but little knowledge of the plainest passages of the word of God. In conclusion, we have clearly shown from the Scriptures, that Adam was the first man that was created on earth, and consequently the negro did not exist before Adam. This being true—and the word of God declares it to be true — the whole foundation of Ariel's theory is at once destroyed. Genealogy of the Races. 41 "We have proven that Ham, the son of Hoah, is the pro¬ genitor of the negro race; and, therefore, they are the descendants of Adam; and, consequently, they are not soul¬ less beasts, but human beings possessing immortal souls, destined to live in heaven or in the world of endless torment. 42 The Origin and CHAPTER III. the descendants of ham are an inferior order of man. It is true, as has been plainly shown in the preceding part of this work, that the Hamitic race is the direct descendants of Hoah—and consequently of Adam and Eve—endowed with immortal souls, which will exist for ever; and yet, it is evi¬ dent that they are an inferior order of man. There is nothing more plainly exhibited, in the history of this people, than that they are inferior, mentally and morally, to the descendants of Shem and Japheth. It is true, according to ancient writers, that the Egyptians, who are the descendants of Ham, became famous for their knowledge of the arts and the sciences, and it is said by historians that "the invention of alphabetical letters and the art of writing Is generally attributed by the ancients to the Egyptians." Again: it is said that "Egypt was the mother of the sciences as well as the arts." According to history and the sacred Scriptures, the correct¬ ness of the above statements are extremely doubtful. The arts and the sciences were known in the days of Adam. "We learn from the sacred historian that the descendants of Jubal were skilled in music, (Gen. iv. 21,) and that Tubal- eain was "an instructor of every artificer in brass and iron." It is reasonable to suppose that these ancient musicians used letters or figures of some description in studying and teaching music. The science of music and the arts were, no doubt, understood by Hoah, and taught by him to his immediate descendants, and thus were handed down from generation to generation. It is evident, from the position that Abraham occupied among his own people, that he was well versed in the arts and the,, sciences; and it is also evident that he introduced the Genealogy of the Races. 43 sciences into the land of Egypt. We learn that Abraham, according to the directions of the Lord, left his native country —Ur of the Chaldees—and went into the land of Canaan. In the process of time, a great famine invaded that land, and he went down into Egypt; and during his sojourn there he instructed the Egyptians in morals, and in the arts and the sciences. Josephus, speaking of this, says, "For whereas the Egyptians were formerly addicted to different customs, and despised one another's sacred and accustomed rites, and were vfcry angry one with another on that account, Abraham con¬ ferred with each of them, and confuting the reasonings they made use of, everyone for their own practices, he demon¬ strated that such reasoning were vain, and void of truth; whereupon he was admired by them in those conferences as a very wise man, and one of great sagacity, when he discoursed on any subject he undertook; and this not only in under¬ standing it, but in persuading other men also to assent to him. He communicated to them arithmetic, and delivered to them the science of astronomy; for, before Abraham came into Egypt, they were unacquainted with those parts of learn¬ ing; for that science came from the Chaldeans into Egypt, and from thence to the Greeks also." B. 1, chap. 8, p. 32. It is very evident from these facts, that the Egyptians and the Canaanites received their knowledge of letters, arithme¬ tic, and astronomy from the house of Shem, through the patriarchs. Then, the assertion that the Phoenicians in¬ vented letters, cannot be true. It is said that Cadmus, who was an Egyptian, carried a knowledge of letters into Greece at a very remote age; "yet, this does not prove that the Egyptians invented them, as Cadmus, with the rest of his countrymen, derived that knowledge from the common source —the house of ISToah"—as has been already shown. The inferiority of the Ilamitic race is very evident from the fact that, after they had attained great distinction in the arts and the sciences, they did not continue to progress in literary attainments, but receded, and sunk down into ignorance and degradation. Whilst the descendants of Ham have been decreasing, the posterity of Shem and Japheth, and especially 44 The Origin and those of Japheth, have been continually increasing in refine¬ ment and wisdom, and now occupy an exalted position among the nations of earth. The character of the posterity of Ham, as exhibited by his¬ torians, is plain and positive evidence of their inferiority. It is true that there are a few among the thousands composing this race, who possess a good degree of intelligence and refinement; but as a people, they are almost destitute of these accomplishments. It seems that their natural capacity,, as a general thing, is not sufficient to receive and retain a knowl¬ edge of the arts and the sciences. Ham, as far as we are informed, had equal advantages, in every respect, with Shem and Japheth. They were instructed in divine things, as well as the arts and the sciences, before and after the flood, by their father Hoah, who was a preacher of righteousness. They saw the mighty displays of the wisdom and power of God in the destruction of the old world, and were assured, by their preservation, that they were his peculiar people, selected from among the thousands of the old world, to be the fathers and representatives of the new. But, not¬ withstanding all these advantages, it appears that Ham was deficient in morals and refinement. This is evident from his conduct toward his father while he was intoxicated and lay in his tent naked. • His acts were so disgraceful as to cause the curse of God to rest on him and his posterity. What a marked difference between the acts of Ham and those of his two brethren ! "What a display of refinement, parental love, and exalted piety, when Shem and Japheth "took a garment and laid it upon both their shoulders, and went backward, and covered the nakedness of their father; and their faces were backward, and they saw not their father's nakedness "! Ho one can fail, for a single moment, to see the great contrast, as drawn by the pen of inspiration, between the three sons of Hoah. Shem and Japheth occupy an exalted position in the sight of God and man; hut Ham, that of shame and degradation. When we trace the history of the descendants of Ham, we find that they have ever exhibited not only the color, but the Genealogy of the Races. 45 nature and disposition of their ancestor. This is evident from the fact that they rejected the true and living God, and wor¬ shiped gods made with their own hands, and beasts and creep¬ ing things. Nimrod, grandson of Ham, not only refused to reverence God and to acknowledge him to be the supreme ruler of the universe, hut used all his influence, energy, and zeal to induce the people to follow him in his pernicious ways; and, according to history, this has been the general character of this people. The Egyptians—the children of Ham—were a superstitious, idolatrous, and cruel people. Rollin, the historian, speaking of them, says, "Never were any people more superstitious than the Egyptians; they had a great number of gods, of dif¬ ferent orders and degrees, which I shall omit, because they belong more to fable than to history. Among the rest, two were universally adored in that country, and these were Osiris and Isis, which are thought to be the sun and the moon; and indeed the worship of these planets gave rise to idolatry. Besides these gods, the Eg}Tptians worshiped a great number of beasts—as the ox, the dog, the wolf, the hawk, the croco¬ dile, the ibis, the cat, etc Such was the reverence which the Egyptians had for these animals, that in an extreme famine they chose to eat one another rather than to feed upon their imagined deities." Vol. 1, pp. 142, 143. Thus we see the moral degradation of the nation which boasted of its superiority above all other nations in regard to wisdom and learning. It is evident that a people or a nation cannot be truly refined and intelligent, and, at the same time, given up to superstition and the most abominable idolatry; for true refinement and wisdom are only found to exist and flourish wfiere the true and living God is feared and worshiped in spirit and truth. The same historian, speaking of the character and manners of the Carthaginians, assures us that their distinguishing characteristics are craft, skill, industry, and cunning. "Craft and cunning led naturally to lying, duplicity, and breach of faith; and these, by accustoming the mind insensibly to be less scrupulous with regard to the choice of the means for 46 The Origin and compassing its designs, prepare it for the basest frauds and the most perfidious actions. This was also one of the char¬ acteristics of the Carthaginians; and it was so notorious, that to signify any remarkable dishonesty, it was usual to call it Punic faith, fides Punica; and to denote a knavish, deceitful dis- ' position, no expression was thought more proper and emphat- ical than this—a Carthaginian disposition, Punicum ingenium. But these were not the only blemishes and faults of the Carthaginians. They had something austere and savage in their disposition and genius, a haughty and imperi¬ ous air, a sort of ferocity, which, in the first transports of passion, was dead to both reason and remonstrances, and plunged, brutally, into the utmost excesses of violence. The people, cowardly and groveling under apprehension, were proud and cruel in their transports; at the same time that they trembled under their magistrates, they were dreaded in their turn by their miserable vassals." Vol. 1, pp. 207, 208. There could not be a better description given of the char¬ acter and disposition of Ham's posterity than is given by this historian. "We want no better proof than this that they were a negro tribe, the legitimate children of Ham. The Carthaginians had but little, if any, sense of honor, or feelings of humanity. This is evident from their whole his¬ tory, and is plainly manifested in the case of Xanthippus, a Spartan, who had led their armies to great victory. The Car¬ thaginians, "excited by a mean and detestable jealousy of Xanthippus's glory, and unable to bear the thought that they should stand indebted to Sparta for their safety, upon pretense of conducting him and his attendants back with honor into his own country, with a numerous convoy of ships, gave pri¬ vate orders to have them all put to death in their passage.'* Yol. 1, p. 249. Furthermore, their diabolical tortures of Reg- ulus, a Roman general, who had been taken prisoner by them, is another evidence that they were a dishonorable, inhuman, and a degraded race of people. "They imprisoned him for a long time in a dismal dungeon, whence (after cutting off his eyelids) they drewBnm at once into the sun, when its beams darted the strongest heat. They next put him into a kind of Genealogy of the Races. 47 a chest, stuck full of nails, whose points, wounding him, did not allow a moment's ease day or night. Lastly, after having been long tormented by being kept for ever awake in this dreadful torture, his merciless enemies nailed him to a cross, their usual punishment, and left him to expire on it. Such was the end of this great man." Rollin, vol. 1, p. 251. Such was the inhuman and barbarous disposition of this, people, that they were always ready to shed the blood of their own citizens as well as the blood of those of other nations. They regarded not the feelings nor the lives of their own chil¬ dren. On one occasion, they sacrificed two hundred children, of the first rank, to Saturn, their god; and, at the same time, three hundred persons offered themselves voluntarily as vic¬ tims to appease the wrath of their gods. In addition to the degrading superstitions and cruelties already mentioned, many of the Hamites, according to history, were eaters of human flesh. Egypt, with all its boasted refinement and knowledge of the arts and the sciences, accord¬ ing to Humboldt, is guilty of this inhuman practice. "This dreadful practice prevailed, even among the higher orders of the people, as well as the lower, so that extraordinary traps and snares were resorted to in order to catch each other for food, as they would any other animal." The Canaanites, like their kindred, the Carthaginians and Egyptians, were devoted to the most abominable idolatry, and consequently destitute of virtue, refinement, and all the feel¬ ings of humanity. They were a cruel, degraded people. According to the report of the spies that Moses sent over into the land of Canaan, a portion of this people were cannibals— eaters of human flesh; for when the spies returned, they said, "The land, through which we have gone to search it, is a land that eateth up the inhabitants thereof; and all the people that we saw in it are men of great stature." Num. xiii. 32. They sacrificed human beings to their gods, and were so des¬ titute of sympathy and common humanity, they cast their own children into the devouring flames to please their gods. The Lord, speaking to his people of*the abominations of the Canaanites, says, "For every abomination to the Lord which 48 The Origin and he hateth have they done unto their gods; for even their sons and their daughters they have burnt in the fire to their gods." Deut. xii. 31. The history of the Africans—the Cushites—is marked with despotism, cruelty, and blood. "In "Western Africa it is now a custom of the king of Dahomey annually to assemble all the phiefs and nobles to aid in the ceremony of watering the graves of his ancestors with blood. On such occasions, hun¬ dreds of human beings were butchered, consisting of pris¬ oners, of criminals, and also of many seized by lawless violence from among those who suspected no evil. At any time when the king wishes to send a message to his deceased relatives in another world, he delivers the errand to some one standing near, and then strikes off his head that he may go and carry it." The negroes of the Norfolk Islands, in the Pacific Ocean, eat human flesh, and consider it a great luxury. It is a remarkable fact that neither the descendants of Shem nor Japheth were ever eaters of human flesh, as a matter of choice, which is evidence of their superiority over the descend¬ ants of Ham. We need not pursue this part of the subject farther, for enough has already been written to prove that the negro race is an inferior order of man. In addition to the dark catalogue of crimes practiced by the Hamitic race, we learn from the sacred Scriptures, and also from profane history, that they were guilty of lewdness of the most degrading and abominable character. The Lord, in his directions to his people, the children of Israel, said, "After the doings of the land of Egypt, wherein ye dwelt, shall ye not do; and after the doings of the land of Canaan, whither I bring you, shall ye not do; neither shall ye walk in their ordinances." Lev. xviii. 3. What were the practices of the Egyptians which, were so detestable in the sight of God? It is evident from the Scrip¬ tures that, in addition to their devotion to idol-worship and the sacrifice of human beings to these dumb idols, they were licentious in feeling and practice, and in order to increase and inflame these corrupt desires, obscene pictures of men were Genealogy of the Races. 49 painted on the walls (Ezek. xxiii. 14) for their women to look upon with their eyes. Thus whoredom was increased, and prevailed throughout that land. Herodotus says "that he saw while he was in Egypt, with his own eyes, an Egyptian woman accompanying with a he- goat, in the very streets of the city she lived in." Speaking of the Egyptians, Libyans, and Ethiopians, he says, "Among all these nations whom I have specified, the communication between the sexes is like that of the beast—open and unre¬ strained." By reference to Leviticus xviii., xx., it will be seen that the Canaanites were the most licentious and degraded people that ever lived on earth. Every form of lewdness prevailed among them. In their sexual intercourse, they regarded not decency, but were governed by their corrupt desires. They made no difference between sisters, mothers, neighbors, wives, men, or beasts. They were so defiled with these abom¬ inable practices, that the Lord determined to destroy them from the face of the earth. He said to his people, "Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things; for in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out before you; and the land is defiled: therefore I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it, and the land itself vomiteth out her inhabitants." Lev. xviii. 24. The inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah indulged in the same vile practices. They gave themselves over to fornica¬ tion, and vile affections, and abominable practices, until they were destroyed by fire and brimstone, which God poured out upon them. This is a dark picture of the race of Ham, nevertheless it is true, and is an undeniable proof that they are an inferior race of man. Licentiousness and cruelty are not confined alone to the race of Ham who dwell in Africa, Egypt, and in other portions of the old world, but these evils prevail among those who dwell in America. It is true that the negroes in this country are more refined than their brethren in Africa, and are sur¬ rounded by influences which are calculated to restrain them in the exercise of their evil propensities; yet, with all these 4 50 The Origin and influences and advantages, they, as a people, have but little regard for virtue and the marriage obligations. They look upon the carnal intercourse of the sexes as a very small offense, if an offense at all. We have known negro preachers —-in their private instructions—to teach their people that such a course was right; and thus they led many to adopt their pernicious doctrines. We do not mean to teach that all the preachers of this race entertain and teach such pernicious principles, for many of them are true and sound in the faith. But, as a race of people, they are addicted to licentiousness. This is their general character; and all who are acquainted with them know this to be true. Furthermore: the almost daily accounts, which we receive from various portions of our land, of the outrages committed on defenseless white women and children by negroes, and the cruel murder of those thus abused and insulted, are conclusive evidences that the negro race who dwell in our midst possess the same cruel and unholy principles which marked the char¬ acter of their ancestors. They are worse since they have been made free, than when in bondage. This is plain and positive proof that they are naturally inclined to these cruel and abominable practices. It is evident that licentiousness is rapidly diminishing their race; and if this is continued, and their cruel outrages upon the whites, they will soon cease to exist in our midst. Nothing but strict obedience to the laws of God, to virtue, honesty, and the principles of humanity, will perpetuate and exalt a people or a nation. Genealogy of the Races. 51 CHAPTER IV. affiliation with hamites forbidden — the curse of god rests on all who practice it. According to the Scriptures, it never was the design of God that the posterity of Shem and Japheth should be placed on a level with the descendants of Ham—the negro race—or be governed by them, spiritually ®r politically. God intended, from the beginning, that they should be a separate and a dis¬ tinct people from all others. This is evident, in the first place, from the fact that God made a marked difference in the color of the three races. He caused Ham to be born black, Japheth white, and Shem red— the original color of man. It is plainly seen from this that God intended that these colors should remain as he had formed them, separate and distinct. The color of Ham is indicative of inferiority, but that of Japheth, purity and elevation. In the second place, God-caused the three races to settle in separate and distinct portions of the world, and placed bounds to their habitations. Shem occupied from Mesha, as thou goest unto Sephar, a mount of the east; Japheth, the Isles of the Gentiles; and Ham, Egypt, Libya, Canaan, and Ethiopia. And from the fact that he set bounds to their habitations, it is evident that he intended that these races should continue to be a separate people. In the third place, God, in all his plans for the elevation and salvation of the world, as already shown, never intrusted the race of Ham with any part of this work. The preservation and defense of the truth, and the dissemination of the pure principles of Christianity, were at first committed to the Jews, but when they rejected Christ, the promised Saviour, this 52 The Origin and great and glorious work was transferred to the Gentiles—the posterity of Japheth—who have been the defenders of the truth for more than eighteen hundred years. Thus God has plainly indicated to us that the Hamites are an inferior race, and should not be recognized as our equals. This view of the subject is sustained by the word of Gocl, which plainly and positively forbids negro equality. The descendants of Shem were a peculiar people of the Lord, (Deut. vii. 6,) and being a holy people, they were not per¬ mitted to affiliate with the posterity of Ham. The Lord, in giving directions to his people, said, " Thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor show mercy unto them ; neither shalt thou make marriages with them; thy daughter thou shalt not give unto his son, nor his daughter shalt thou take unto thy son." Deut. vii. 2, 3, The line of distinction which God had established must not be violated, but strictly observed. The children of Israel were not permitted to go among the Canaanites, or even to make mention of their gods, (Joshua xxiii. 7.) Their ways and manners were to be distinct from those of the Hamites. "After the doings of the land of Egypt, wherein ye dwelt, shall ye not do ; and after the doings of the land of Canaan, whither I bring you, shall ye not do; neither shall ye walk in their ordinances." Lev. xviii. 3. But we find that the children of Israel violated these direc¬ tions, (Ezra ix.,) and brought great distress upon themselves, as individuals and as a nation. It is a remarkable fact that the curse of God has been against every individual aud against every nation that has advocated and practiced negro equality. It is a plain viola¬ tion of the will and design qf God, and no one can willfully violate his precepts and escape the penalty. The daughters of Lot violated these sacred principles by marrying Sodomites. When the wrath of God was poured out upon Sodom and Gomorrah, on account of their abomi¬ nations, the daughters of Lot, with all the wicked inhab¬ itants, were destroyed by fire and brimstone rained down out of heaven. Samson, son of Manoah, of the tribe of Dan, equalized Genealogy of the Races. 53 himself with the Philistines—who were the children of Ham —and married two .of this tribe—for he was married twice. Both of his wives were enemies to him and his people. His second wife betrayed him into the hands of the Philistines, who took him and put out his eyes, and then carried him to Gaza, where they bound him with fetters of brass. When the rulers made a feast to Dagon, their god, and when their hearts became merry, they cried out, " Call for Samson, that he may make sport for us and they took him out of prison, and he made sport for them. "Now the house was full of men and women; and all the lords of the Philistines were there; and there were upon the roof about three thousand men and women that beheld while Samson made sport." He took hold of the pillars on which the house stood, and over¬ threw it, and destroyed the vast multitude who were in and on the house (Judges xvi.) This great slaughter, together with the destruction by fire of the fields of corn and vineyards of the Philistines, the destruction of human beings at Aske- lon and Lehi, and all the miseries which Samson endured, and his death, are traceable to his affiliations with the Philis¬ tines, the descendants of Ham. Ahab, king of Israel, in opposition to the expressed will of God, condescended to equalize himself with the race of Ham, and formed a matrimonial alliance with the daughter of Ethbaal, king of the Zidonians; and like many of our day, he considered it a very light thing to sin against God. The inspired writer, speaking of Ahab's unlawful marriage, says,. "And it came to pass, as if it had been a light thing for him to walk in the sins of Jeroboam, the son of Nebat, that he took to wife Jezebel the daughter of Ethbaal, king of the Zidonians, and went and served Baal, and worshiped him." 1 Kings xvi. 31. It will be remembered that the Zidonians were the children of Zidon, son of Canaan. Ahab was one of the most wicked kings that ever ruled in Israel, and his wife exceeded all other women in wickedness. She was thoroughly instructed in all the corrupt manners and customs of the Zidonians, and was not only destitute of virtue and of every honorable principle that adorns woman, but a 4* 54 The Origin and despiser and persecutor of the servants of God. This negro princess introduced the worship of Baal, Astarte, and other Phoenician deities among the children of Israel. She fed eight hundred and fifty black priests at her table (1 Kings xviii. 29.) Thus idolatry, licentiousness, and all the abomi¬ nations of the Zidonians, were introduced among the children of Israel. It is evident that Jezebel and all her black priests exerted their influence, zeal, and energy to expel virtue and true piety from the face of the earth. Truly, in the house of Ahab, filthiness, fornication, and corruption, arrayed in royal garments and decked with gold, reigned, and sjmead confu¬ sion, distress, and degradation throughout the land of Israel. The servants of God were persecuted and scattered abroad: "They wandered in deserts, and in mountains, and in dens, and caves of the earth," whilst multitudes were slain (1 Kings xviii. 4.) The hatred was so intense against Elijah, and the anxiety so great for his apprehension, that he was searched for in every nation and kingdom. But on account of these abominations which grew out of Ahab's affiliations with the Ilamitic race, the wrath of God was poured out against him and his house. The priests of Baal, and the priests of the grove, eight hundred and fifty in number, were all slain by Elijah, the servant of God; Ahab was slain in battle, and, according to prophecy", the dogs licked up his blood fl Kings xxi. 23.) Jezebel, in obedience to the command of Jehu, was thrown out of a window into the streets of Jezreel, and was crushed to death by the horses of Jehu, and was eaten up by the dogs, except the palms of her hands, her feet, and her skull (2 Kings ix. 31.) The sons of Ahab, seventy in number, were all slain, according to the directions of Jehu; (2 Kings x. 1:) and we learn that Jehu was acting in obedience to the command of God. "When he was anointed king, the prophet said to him, "Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, I have anointed thee king over the people of the Lord, even over Israel; and thou shalt smite the house of Ahab thy master, that I may avenge the blood of my servants the prophets, and the blood of all the Servants of the Lord, at the hand of Jezebel. For the whole house of Ahab shall per- Genealogy of the Races. 55 ish; and I will cut off from Ahab him that pisseth against the wall, and him that is shut up and left in Israel; and I will make the house of Ahab like the house of Jeroboam, the son of Kebat, and like the house of Baasha, the son of Ahijah; and the dogs shall eat Jezebel in the portion of Jezreel, and there shall be none to bury her." 2 Kings ix. 6-10. This is such plain and positive proof touching the subject under.con¬ sideration, there is no need of a word of comment or addi¬ tional proof. The confusions, the distresses, and the captivities which troubled Israel so much and so long were brought on them by affiliations with the negro race. The princes came to Ezra, saying, "The people of Israel, and the priests and the Levites, have not separated themselves from the people of the lands, doing according to their abomi¬ nations, even of the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Jebusites, the Ammonites, the Moabites, the Egyptians, and the Amorites; for they have taken of their daughters for themselves and for their sons; so that the holy seed have min¬ gled themselves with the people of those lands; yea, the hand of the princes and rulers hath been chief in this trespass." When Ezra heard this, he humbled himself, and poured out his soul in prayer to God, saying, " 0, my God, I am ashamed and blush to lift up my face to thee, my God, for our iniqui¬ ties are increased over our head, and our trespass is grown up unto the heavens. Since the days of our fathers have we been in a great trespass unto this day; and for our iniquities have we, our kings, and our priests, been delivered into the hand of the kings of the lands, to the sword, to captivity, and to a spoil, and to confusion of face, as it is this day." Ezra ix. 1, 2, 6, 7. Solomon, with all his wisdom and'greatness, practiced negro equality, and thus sinned against God (Neh. xiii.) The inspired historian says, " King Solomon loved many strange women, together with the daughter of Pharaoh, women of the Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Zidonians, and Hittites; of the nations concerning which the Lord said unto the chil¬ dren of Israel, Ye shall not go in to them, neither shall they 56 The Origin and come in unto you ; for surely they will turn away your heart after their gods: Solomon clave unto these in love." 1 Kings xi. 1, 2. For this very thing the anger of God was against Solomon: the Lord said unto him, " Forasmuch as that is done of thee, and thou hast not kept my covenant and my statutes, which I have commanded thee, I will surely rend the kingdom from thee, and will give it to thy servant. Notwith¬ standing, in thy days I will not do it for David thy father's sake; but I will rend it out of the hand of thy son." God raised up adversaries unto Solomon, who vexed him while he lived. He was led, by his unholy affiliations, to oppress the people, in order, doubtless, to build places of worship for his many strange wives, and to sustain them in their abominations. This required a vast amount, for he had seven hundred wives —princesses, and three hundred concubines—and all of them were sustained by him in their worship of their negro gods. This was very oppressive to the nation—more than they were willing to hear; so after the death of Solomon, when all the people met at Shechem to make Rehoboam king, they informed him that if he would make the grievous yoke which his father had placed on them lighter, they would serve him. He wished three days to consider their proposition. During this time he consulted the old men that stood before Solomon while he yet lived, and they advised him to grant their request; but he forsook the counsels of the old men, and took the counsel of the young men who were grown up with him. They advised him to refuse the request of the people. So when they met again, according to the appointment of Rehoboam, "The king answered the people roughly, and forsook the old men's counsel that they gave him; and spake to them after the counsel of the young men, saying, My father made your yoke heavy, and I will add to your yoke; my father also chastised you with whips, but I will chastise you with scorpions." When the people heard this, they refused to serve Rehoboam, the son of Solomon, and made Jeroboam their king. Thus, according to the words of the Lord to Solomon, the kingdom was rent asunder—ten tribes were given to Jeroboam, the servant of Solomon. Genealogy of the Races. 5T The evils of Solomon's wicked course are plainly seen in the history of his acts and of his kingdom. He was influ¬ enced, by his unholy affiliations with the negro race, to forsake the God of his fathers; and in order to sustain his negro wives and concubines in their abominations, he oppressed his people beyond what they were willing or able to bear, which finally resulted in the division of his kingdom. Indeed, all the contentions and wars that were carried on between the kingdom of Israel and the kingdom of Judah, and the multi¬ plied thousands that were slain in these wars, were the effects of the sin which Solomon committed by equalizing himself with the cursed race of Ham, and forming matrimonial alli¬ ances with them. "I admit," says one, "that all this is true, but this was under the law-dispensation, and we are living under a new dispensation; consequently, these precepts that were given to regulate the conduct of man under the old law, are not bind¬ ing on us of the present day." It is true that we are living under the gospel dispensation ; but it is also true that the directions which God gave to the ancient people touching affiliations with the negro race, the instances of the violations of these precepts, and the results of such violations, were recorded by the pen of inspi¬ ration for our special benefit. The inspired writer says, "How all these things happened unto them for ensamples; and they are written for our admonition." 1 Cor. x. 11. And again, "For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning." Horn. xv. 4. We learn from the Scriptures which have'already been quoted, that the doctrine of negro equality is fraught with evils of the most pernicious and degrading character. It has done more to demoralize the world and sow the seeds of dis¬ cord, contentions, and divisions, than any other doctrine, per¬ haps, which has ever been entertained and taught by man. It is evident, from history as well as the sacred Scriptures, that it leads to the rejection of the law of God; consequently, to moral and political degradation, with all their train of evils. Where the word of God is rejected, or lightly esteemed, the 58 The Origin and nation will sink to ruin. Solomon, who was the wisest man of his day, was led, by this unholy principle, to forsake the God of his fathers, who gave him wisdom, riches, and honors, and to go after Ashtoreth, the goddess of the Zidonians, and Milcom, the abomination of the Ammonites; and to build tem¬ ples to Chemosh and Molech. Thus did Solomon sin against God, and influenced multitudes to walk in his pernicious ways. It leads not only to the rejection of God and the pure prin¬ ciples of Christianity, hut to oppressions, persecutions—spir¬ itual and political—and to the destruction of nations. This is clearly taught in the history of Solomon and Ahab. They oppressed their people—the children of Israel—in order, no doubt, to sustain their negro companions and negro priests in their lasciviousness, revelings, and abominable idolatries. The true servants of God were treated with contempt, abused, and multitudes of them slain on account of their devotion to the truth. These oppressions and persecutions were contin¬ ued, until the whole kingdom became confused, and divided in feeling and sentiment; and finally, the Jewish nation, which had stood for so many ages, was rent asunder. This was followed by contentions, wars and bloodshed, sorrow and distress throughout both kingdoms. The evil influences which Solomon put in motion, continued to spread, sweeping from time to eternity vast multitudes of Adam's race. We learn from the sacred oracles that the curse of God rested on every one who equalized himself with the descend¬ ants of Ham—the negro race. Ahab, who thought it a very light thing to disobey God, pursued his wicked course, with his negro companions, until he was cut off, with all his house, not one being left to occupy his place. Solomon was vexed and tormented by enemies, which God raised up for this express purpose, as long as he lived; and after his death, according to the word of the Lord, his kingdom was divided. The children of Israel, on account of their departure from the true way, and their submission to negro equality, were "delivered into the hand of the kings of the lands, to the sword, to captivity, and to spoil, and to confusion of face." These things are recorded by the pen of inspiration for our Genealogy of the Races. 59 special benefit, for our learning, and admonition, and for the benefit of future generations, kingdoms, and nations. "What plain instructions and warnings are here given by the great Ruler of the universe, to those of our own nation who are striving, with all the energy that they possess, to force negro equality upon the white race! In their blind zeal to elevate the negro above the white man, they have lost sight of the interest, the happiness, and the perpetuity of the nation. Instead of elevating and uniting the people, they are sowing the seeds of confusion, oppression, and divisions in feeling and sentiments; and we learn from the word of God that a house or a kingdom divided against itself cannot stand. Establish negro equality by force—and this is the only way it ever can be established—and then this nation falls. It cannot be true that the advocates of this doctrine are the true lovers of their country and of their race. To the same degree that the doctrine of negro equality pre¬ vails, confusions, divisions, immorality, and degradation will prevail. It should be remembered that those who are advo¬ cating this unholy doctrine, and laboring to place the white man on a level with the negro, are striving against God; for he has determined that the white man shall occupy a preem¬ inent position among the races and the nations of earth, religiously and politically. The Lord will sustain his cause, in' spite of all the combined powers of earth, and show to all nations that he is the Lord God.