ItT-liipf'-r-'-i -K; h^irvli ■: *>£WraiB@S| gtfmc Cntljjs. BY THE REY. J. C. RYLE, B. A. REVISED BY THOMAS 0. SUMMERS, D. j> The Scripture cannot be broken.—John x. 55. gTitsfc&ille, JTnttt.: rUBLTSIIED BY A. H. BEDFORD, AGENT, FOR THIS M. IS. OIIUUCII, SOUTH. 187 2. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1859, by J. B. M'FERRIN, in the office of the Clerk of the District Court for the Middle Dis¬ trict of Tennessee. Conftids. FAGl PREFATORY NOTE ------ y LIVING OR DEAD? - ----- 9 ARE YOU FORGIVEN? ----- 58 ONLY ONE WAY ------ 119 CHRIST AND THE TWO THIEVES - - - 156 ASSURANCE ------- 191 THE CROSS ------- 251 REMEMBER LOT - 293 (v) IJnfatory ltd*. The following pungent discourses are from the pen of an estimable clergyman of Suffolk, in Eng¬ land. He belongs to the Evangelical class of min¬ isters in the Established Church. He is a zealous, laborious, and faithful pastor. Not content with the usual routine of ministerial services, he endea¬ vors to edify the people by the publication of little books of a hitting, practical character, of which the present volume is a specimen. The author's style is lucid, plain, and vigorous; and a beautiful vein of piety, enlightened, sincere, and earnest, pervades all his writings. As might be supposed, from the school in theology to which he belongs, he occasionally presents a doc¬ trinal point not agreeing with our views of Holy Scripture, or with the general tenor of the discourses themselves. For the sake of adding to the useful¬ ness of the work, we have omitted the passages con- (vii) Tlii PREFATORY NOTE. taining the points in question. We have also adapted it for circulation in our own country, without mate¬ rially affecting its style or its size. In placing this volume of Home Truths into our catalogue of Sunday-school and Tract publications, we cherish the hope that, by the Divine blessing, it may be made instrumental in the quickening, con¬ version, and edification of thousands. Let no one, into whose hands this little book shall be placed, put it down before giving it a serious, a candid, a careful perusal. ©f)t HSbitor. Nashville, Tenn, April 5,1855. home truths. film# m gealt? YOU HATH HE QUICKENED, WHO WERE DEAD. Ephesiuni il. 1. Reader,—Look at the words before your eyes, and ponder them well. Search your heart. I meet you this day with one simple question,—Are you among the living, or among the dead ? Listen to me while I try to help you to an answer, and show you what God has said about it in the Scriptures. If I say hard things, it is not because I do not love you. I write as I do, because I desire your salva¬ tion. He is your best friend who tells you the most truth. I. First, then, let me tell you what we all arc by nature,—we are DEAD ! " Dead" is a strong word, but it is not my (9) 10 HOME TRUTHS. own coining and invention. I did not choose it. The Holy Ghost told Paul to write it down about the Ephesians,—"You hath he quickened, who were dead." Eph. ii. 1. The Lord Jesus Christ made use of it in the par¬ able of the prodigal son,—" This my son was dead, and is alive again." Luke xv. 24, 32. You will read it also in the Epistle to the Corinthians,—" If one died for all, then were all dead." 2 Cor. v. 14. Must I not take heed to speak that which I find in the Bible, and neither less nor more ? "Bead" is an awful idea, and one that man is most unwilling to receive. He does not like to allow the whole extent of his soul's disease. He shuts his eyes to the real amount of his danger. Many a one will allow me to say that, naturally, most people "are not quite what they ought to he: they are thought¬ less,—they are unsteady,—they are gay,— they are wild,—they are not serious enough." But dead ? Oh, no! I must not mention it. It is going too far to say that. The idea is a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence.* * " That is the reason we are no better, because oui LIVING OR DEAD. 11 My dear reader, what we like in religion is of very little consequence. The only question is,—What is written ? What saith the Lord? God's thoughts are not man's thoughts, and God's words are not man's words. God says of every living person, who is not a decided Christian,—be he high or low, rich or poor, old or young,—he is dead. In this, as in every thing else, God's words are right. Nothing could be said more correct, nothing more accurate, nothing more faithful, nothing more true. Stay a little, and let me reason this out with you. Come and see. "What would you have said if you had seen Joseph weeping over his father Jacob? "He fell upon his face, and wept upon him, and kissed him." Gen. 1. 1. But there was no reply to his affection. All about that aged countenance was unmoved, silent, and still. Doubtless you would have guessed the reason,—Jacob was dead. Wkat would you have said if you had disease is not perfectly known: that is the reason we are no better, because we know not how bad we are."— Archbishop Usher''s Sermons, preached at Oxford, 1650. 12 HOME TRUTHS. heard the Levite speaking to his wife, when he found her lying before the door in Gibeah ? "Up," he said, " and let us be going. But none answered." Judg. xix. 28. His words were thrown away. There she lay motion¬ less, stiff, and cold. You know the cause,— she was dead. "What would you have thought if you had seen the Amalekite stripping Saul of his royal ornaments in Mount Gilboa? He "took from him the crown that was upon his head, and the bracelet that was on his arm." 2 Sam. i. 10. There was no resist¬ ance. Not a muscle moved in that proud face. Not a finger was raised to prevent him. And why ? Saul was dead. What would you have thought if you had met the widow's son in the gate of Nain, lying on a bier, wrapped about with grave- clothes, followed by his weeping mother, carried slowly toward the tomb ? Luke vii. 12. Doubtless it would have been all clear to you. It would have needed no explanation. The young man was dead. Now, I say this is just the condition of LIVING OE DEAD. 13 every man, by nature, in the matter of his soul. I say this is just the state of the vast majority of people around us, in spiritual things. God calls to them continually,—by mercies, by afflictions, by ministers, by his word,—but they do not hear his voice. The Lord Jesus Christ mourns over them, pleads with them, sends them gracious invitations, knocks at the door of their hearts; but they do not regard it. The crown and glory of their being, that precious jewel, their im¬ mortal soul, is being seized, plundered, and taken away; and they are utterly uncon¬ cerned. The devil is carrying them away day after day, along the broad road that leads to destruction; and they allow him to make them his captives without a struggle. And this is going on everywhere—all around you—among all classes—through the length and breadth of the land. You know it in your own conscience. You must be aware of it. You cannot deny it. And what, then, I ask you, can be said more perfectly true than that which God says,—we are all by nature spiritually dead? 14 HOME TRUTHS. Yes! when a man's heart is cold and un¬ concerned, about religion,—when his hands are never employed in doing God's work,— wThen his feet are not familiar with God's ways,—when his tongue is seldom or never used in prayer and praise,—when his ears are deaf to the voice of Christ in the gos¬ pel,—when his eyes are blind to the beauty of the kingdom of heaven,—when his mind is full of the world, and has no room for spiritual things,—when these marks are to be found in a man, the word of the Bible is the right word to use about him, and that word is " dead." We may not like this, perhaps. We may shut our eyes both to facts in the world and texts in the word. But God's truth must be spoken, and to keep it back does positive harm. Truth must be spoken, however con¬ demning it may be. So long as a man does not serve God with body, soul, and spirit, he is not really alive. So long as he puts the first things last, and the last first—buries his talent, like an unprofitable servant, and brings the Lord no revenue of honor—so LIVING OR DEAD. 15 Ion" in God's sight he is dead. He is not O ° filling the place in creation for which he was intended. He is not using his powers and faculties as God meant them to be used. The poet's words are strictly true— "He only lives who lives to God, And all art dead beside." This is the true explanation of sin not felt —and sermonS not believed—and good ad¬ vice not followed — and the gospel not em¬ braced—and the world not forsaken—and the cross not taken up — and self-will not mortified—and evil habits not laid aside— and the Bible seldom read—and the knee never bent in prayer. Why is all this on every side ? The answer is simple: Men are dead. This is the true account of that host of ex¬ cuses for neglect of religion which so many make with one consent. Some have no learning, and some have no time. Some are oppressed with business, and some with pov¬ erty. Some have difficulties in their own families, and some in their own health. 16 HOME TRUTHS. Some have peculiar obstacles in their calling, which others, we are told, cannot understand; and others have peculiar drawbacks at home, and they wait to have them removed. But God has a shorter word in the Bible, which describes all these people at once. He says, They are dead. This is the true explanation of many things which wring a faithful minister's heart. Many around him never attlhd a place of worship at all. Many attend so irregularly that it is clear they think it of no importance. Many attend once on a Sunday, who might just as easily attend twice. Many never come to the Lord's table—never appear at a week-day means of grace of any kind. And why is all this ? Often, far too often, there can only be one reply about these people: They are dead. See now, dear reader, how all professing Christians should examine themselves, and try their own state. It is not in churchyards alone where the dead are to be found. There are only too many inside our churches, #nd close to our pulpits,—too many on the LIVING OR DEAD. 17 benches and too many in the pews. The land is like the valley in Ezekiel's vision— full of bones, and those very dry. There are dead souls in all our neighborhoods, and dead souls in.all our streets. There is hardly a family in which all live to God. There is hardly a house in which there is not some one dead. 0! search and look at home. Prove your own self. See, too, how sad is the condition of all who have gone through no spiritual change, whose hearts are worse than they were in the day they were born. There is a mountain of division between them and heaven. They have yet to pass from death to life. 0 that they did but see and know their danger! Alas! it is one fearful mark of spiritual death, that, like natural death, it is not felt. "We lay our beloved ones tenderly and gently in their narrow beds, but they feel nothing of what we do. " The dead," says the wise man, "know not any thing." Eccl. ix. 5. And this is just the case with dead souls. See, too, what reason ministers have to be anxious about their congregations. We feel 18 HOME TRUTHS. that time is short and life is uncertain. We know that death spiritual is the high road that leads to death eternal. We fear lest any of those we preach to should die in their sins, unprepared, unrenewed, impenitent, un¬ changed. 0 ! marvel not if we often speak strongly, and plead with you warmly. We dare not give you flattering titles, amuse you with trifles, say smooth things, and cry peace, peace, when life and death are at stake, and nothing less. The plague is among you. We feel that we stand between the living and the dead. We must and will use great plain¬ ness of speech. "If the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself for the battle ?" 1 Cor. xiv. 8. II. Let me tell you, in the second place, what every man needs who would he saved, he must be quickened and.made alive. Life is the mightiest of all possessions. From death to life is the mightiest of all changes. And no change short of this will ever avail to fit man's soul for heaven. Yes! it is not a little mending and alter¬ ation,—a little cleansing and purifying,—a LIVING OR DEAD. 19 little painting and patching,—a little turning over a new leaf, and putting on a new outside, that is wanted. It is the bringing in of something altogether new, — the planting within us a new nature,—a new being,—a new principle, — a new heart, — this alone, and nothing less than this, will ever meet the necessities of man's soul.* To hew a block of marble from the quarry, and carve it into a noble statue,—to break up a waste wilderness, and turn it into a gar¬ den of flowers,—to melt a lump of iron-ore and forge it into watch-springs — all these are mighty changes. Yet they all come short of the change which every child of Adam requires, — for they are merely the same thing in a new form,—the same substance in a new shape. But man requires the grafting in of that which he had not before. He needs a change as great as a resurrection * " It is not a little reforming will save the man; no, nor all the morality in the world, nor all the common graces of God's Spirit, nor the outward change of the life: they will not do, unless we are quickened, and have a new life wrought in us."—Usher's Sermons. 20 HOME TRUTHS. from the dead. He must become a new crea¬ ture. Old things must pass away, and all things must become new. He must be born again, — born from above,—t-born of God. The natural birth is not a whit more necessary to the life of the body, than is the spiritual birth to the life of the soul. I know well this is a hard saying. I know well the children of this world dislike to hear they must be born again. It pricks their consciences. It makes them feel they are farther off heaven than they are willing to allow. It seems like a narrow door which they have not yet stooped to enter, and they would fain make the door wider, or climb in some other way. But I dare not give place by subjection in this matter. I will not fos¬ ter a delusion, and tell people they only need repent a little, and stir up a gift they have within them, in order to become real Chris¬ tians. I dare not use any other language than that of the Bible. And I say, in the words which are written for our learning,— we all need to be born again, — we are all naturally dead, and must be made alive. LIVING Oil DEAD. 21 Reader, if jou had seen Manasseh, king of Judah, at one time filling Jerusalem with idols, and murdering his children in honor of false gods—at another, purifying the temple, putting down idolatry, and living a godly life:—if you had seen Zaccheus, the publi¬ can of Jericho, at one time cheating, plun¬ dering, and covetous—at another, following Christ, and giving half his goods to the poor: —if you had seen the servants of Nero's household, at one time conforming to their master's profligate ways—at another, of one heart and mind with the apostle Paul:—if you had seen the ancient father, Augustin, at one time living in open neglect of the sev¬ enth commandment — at another, walking closely with God:—if you had seen our own reformer, Latimer, at one time preaching earnestly against the truth as it is in Jesus— at another, spending and being spent, even to death, in its cause:—if you had seen the New Zealanders, or Tinnevelly Hindoos, at one time bloodthirsty, immoral, and sunk in abominable superstitions—at another, holy, pure, and believing Christians:—if you had 22 HOME TRUTHS. seen these wonderful changes, or any of them, I ask you what you would have said ? Would you have been content to call them nothing more than amendments and altera- tions ? Would you have been satisfied with saying that Augustin had reformed his ways, and Latimer turned over a new leaf ? Yerily, if you had said no more than this, the very stones would have cried out. I tell you, in all these cases there was nothing less than a new birth,—a resurrection of human nature, —a quickening of the dead. These are the right words to use. All other language is weak, poor, beggarly, unscriptural, and short of the truth. Now I will not shrink from saying plainly, we all need the same kind of change, if we are to he saved. The difference between us and any of those I have just named is far less than it appears. Take off the outward crust, and you will find the same nature be¬ neath in us and them,—an evil nature re¬ quiring a complete change. The face of the earth is very different in different climates; hut the heart of the earth, I am told, is every- LIVING OR DEAD. 23 where the same. Go where you will—from one end to the other—you would always find the granite rock beneath your feet, if you only bored down deep enough. And it is just the same with men's hearts. Their cus¬ toms and their colors, their ways and their laws, may all be utterly unlike, but the inner man is always the same: their hearts are all alike at the bottom,—all stony, all hard, all ungodly, all needing to be thoroughly renew¬ ed. The Englishman and the New Zealander stand on the same level in this matter. Both are naturally dead, and both need to be made alive. Both are children of the same father, Adam, who fell by sin; and both need to be born again, and made children of God. Reader, whatever part of the globe we live in, our eyes need to be opened. Naturally, we never see our sinfulness, guilt, and dan¬ ger. Whatever nation we belong to, our understandings need to be enlightened.* * "Man's understanding is so darkened that he can see nothing of God in God, nothing of holiness in holi¬ ness, nothing of good in good, nothing of evil in evil, nor any thing of sinfulness in sin. Nay, it is so dark- 24 HOME TRUTHS. Naturally, we know little or nothing of the plan of salvation. Like the Babel-builders, we think to get to heaven our own way. Whatever Church we may belong to, our wills need to be bent in the1 right direction. Naturally, we should never choose the things which are for our peace,—we should never come to Christ. Whatever he our rank in life, our affections need to he turned to things above. Naturally, we only set them on things below, — earthly, sensual, short¬ lived, and vain. Pride must give place to humility — self-righteousness to self-abase¬ ment—carelessness to seriousness—worldli- ness to holiness—unbelief to faith. Satan's dominion must he put down within us, and the kingdom of God set up. Self must be crucified, and Christ must reign. Till these things come to pass, we are dead as stones. When these things begin to take place, and not till then, we are alive. Reader, I dare say this sounds like foolish- ened that he fancies himself to see good in evil and evil in good, happiness in sin and misery in holiness."— Bishop Beveridge on the Articles. LIVING OR DEAD. 25 ness to some. I tell you that many a living man could stand up this day and testify that it is true. Many a one could tell you that he knows it all by experience, and that he does indeed feel himself a new man. He loves the things that once he hated, and hates the things that once he loved. He has new habits, new companions, new ways, new tastes, new feel¬ ings, new opinions, new sorrows, new joys, new anxieties, new pleasures, new hopes, and new fears.* In short, the whole bias and current of his being is changed. Ask his nearest relations and friends, and they would bear witness to it. Whether they liked it or not, they would be obliged to confess he was no longer the same. Many a one could tell you that once he did not think himself such a very great trans- * "How wonderfully doth the new-born soul differ from his former self! lie liveth a new life, he walketh in a new way, he steereth his course by a new compass and toward a new coast. His principle is new, his pat¬ tern is new, his practices are new, his projects are new —all is new. He ravels out all he had wove before, and employeth himself wholly about another work."— George Swinnocke. 1600. 26 HOME TRUTII8. gressor. At any rate, he fancied he was no worse than others. Now he would say, with the Apostle Paul, he feels himself the chief of sinners. Once he did not consider he had a bad heart. He might have his faults, and he led away by bad company and temptations, but he had a good heart at the bottom. Now he would tell you he knows no heart so bad as his own. He finds it deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked. Once he did not suppose it was a very hard matter to get to heaven. He thought he had only to repent, and say a few prayers, and do what, he could, and Christ would make up what was wanting. Now he believes the way is narrow, and few find it. He is convinced he could never have made his own peace with God. He is persuaded that nothing but the blood of Christ could wash away ,his sins. His only hope is to be justified by faith, without the deeds of the law. Once he could see no beauty and excel¬ lence in the Lord Jesus Christ. He could not understand some ministers speaking so LIVING OR DEAD. 27 much about him. Now he would tell you he is the pearl above all price, the chiefest among ten thousand—his Redeemer, his Ad¬ vocate, his Priest, his King, his Physician, his Shepherd, his All. Once he thought lightly about sin. He could not see the necessity of being so par¬ ticular about it. He could not think a man's words and thoughts and actions were of such importance, and required such watchfulness. Now he would tell you sin is the abominable thing which he hates, the sorrow and burden of his life. He longs to be more holy. He can enter thoroughly into Whitefield's desire, " I want to go where I shall neither sin my¬ self, nor see others sin any more." Once he found no pleasure in means of grace. The Bible was neglected. His prayers, if he had any, were a mere form. Sermons were a weariness, and often sent him to sleep. Now all is altered. These things are the food, the comfort, the delight of his soul. Once he disliked earnest-minded Christians, lie shunned them as melancholy, low-spirited, 28 HOME TRUTHS. weak people. Now they are the excellent of the earth, of whom he cannot see too much. He is never so happy as when he is in their company. He fpels if all men and women were saints, it would he heaven upon earth. Once he cared only for this world—its pleasures, its business, its occupations, its re¬ wards. Now he looks upon it as an empty, unsatisfying place—an inn—a lodging—a training-school for the life to come. Ilis treasure is in heaven. His home is beyond the grave. Reader, I ask you once more, What is all this hut a new life ? Such a change as I have described is no vision and fancy. It is a real, actual thing, which not a few in this world have known or felt. It is not a pic¬ ture of my own imagining. It is a true thing, which many a one could find at this moment hard by his own doors. But wher¬ ever such a change does take place, there you see the thing of which I am now speak¬ ing—you see the dead made alive, a new man, a new creature, a soul born again. LIVING 6JR. DEAD. 29 I would to God that changes such as these were more common! I would to God there were not such multitudes of whom we must say, even weeping, they know nothing about the matter at all. But common or not, one thing I say plainly, this is the kind of change we all need. I do not hold that all must have exactly the same experience. I allow most fully that the change is different, in degree, extent, and intensity, in different persons. Grace may be weak, and yet true: life may be feeble, and yet real. But I do confident¬ ly affirm, we must all go through something of this kind, if ever we wish to be saved. Till this sort of change has taken place, there is no life in us at all. We may be living churchmen, but we are dead Christ¬ ians.* * "If we be still our old selves, no changelings at all, the same men that we came into the wcrld, without defalcation of our corruptions, without addition of grace and sanctification, surely we must seek us an¬ other Father—we are not yet the sons ct God." Bp. Hall. 1652. " If thou hast any thing less than regeneration, believe me, thou canst never see heaven. There is no hope of 30 HOME TRUTHS. Take it home, every man or woman that reads this page—take it home to your own conscience, and look at it well. Some time 7 1 or other, between the cradle and the grave, all who would be saved must he made alive. The words which good old Berridge had graven on his tombstone are faithful and true: "Reader, art thou horn again? Re¬ member ! no salvation without a new birth." See, now, my dear reader, what an amaz¬ ing gulf there is between the Christian in name and in form, and the Christian in deed and truth. It is not the difference of one being a little better and the other a little worse than his neighbor: it is the difference between a state of life and a state of death. The meanest blade of grass that grows upon a highland mountain is a more noble object than the fairest wax flower that was ever formed; for it has that which no science of man can impart — it has life. The most splendid marble statue in Greece or Italy is nothing by the side of the poor sickly child heaven till then—till thou art born again."—Archbishop Usher's Seyrnont. LIVING OR DEAD. 31 that crawls over the cottage floor; for, with all its beauty, it is dead. And the weakest member of the family of Christ is far higher and more precious in God's eyes than the most gifted man in the world. The one lives unto God, and shall live for ever: the other, with all his intellect, is still dead in sins. 0! you that have passed from death to life, you have reason to be thankful. Re¬ member what you once were by nature— dead. Think what you are now by grace— alive. Look at the dry bones thrown up from the graves. Such were ye. Go and fall low before the footstool of your God, and bless him for his grace. III. Let me tell you, in the third place, in what way alone this quickening can he brought about—by what means a dead soul can be made alive. Surely if I did not tell you this, it would be cruelty to write what I have written. Surely it would be leading you into a dreary wilderness, and then leaving you without bread and water: it would be like marching you down to the Red Sea, and then bidding 82 HOME TRUTHS. you walk over: it would be commanding you to make brick, like Pharaoh, and yet refusing to provide you with straw: it would be like tying your hands and feet, and then desiring you to war a good warfare, and so run as to obtain the prize. I will not do so. I will not leave you till I have pointed out the wicket-gate toward which you must run.* By God's help I will set before you the full provision there is made for dead souls. Lis¬ ten to me a little longer, and I will once more show you what is written in the Scrip¬ ture of truth. One thing is very clear—we cannot work this mighty change ourselves. It is not in us. We have no strength or power to do it. We may change our sins, but we cannot change our hearts. We may take up a new way, but not a new nature. We may make considerable reforms and alterations. We may lay aside many outward bad habits, and begin many outward duties. But we cannot create a new principle within us. We cannot bring something out of nothing. The Ethiop- * In allusion to Pilgrim's Progress.—Editor. LIVING OR DEAD. S3 ian cannot change his skin, nor the leopard his spots: no more can we put life into our own souls. Jer. xiii. 23. Another thing is equally clear—no man can do it for us. Ministers may preach to you, and pray with you—receive you at the font in baptism, admit you at the Lord's table, and give you the bread and wine; but they cannot bestow spiritual life. They may bring in regularity in the place of disorder, and outward decency in the place of open sin. But they cannot go below the surface. They cannot reach your hearts. Paul may plant and Apollos water, but God alone can give the increase. 1 Cor. iii. 6. Who then can make a dead soul alive? No one can do it but God. He only who breathed into Adam's nostrils the breath of life can ever make a dead sinner a living Christian. lie only who formed the world out of nothing in the day of creation, can make man a new creature. He only who said, "Let there be light, and there was light," can cause spiritual light to shine into man's heart. He only who formed man out 2 34 HOME TRUTHS. of the dust, and gave life to his body, can ever give life to his soul. His is the special office to do it by his Spirit, and his also is the power.* 1 Reader, the glorious gospel contains pro¬ vision for your spiritual as well as your eter¬ nal life. The dead must come to Christ, and he will give them life as well as peace. He is able to do every thing which sinners need. He cleanses them by his blood, he makes them alive by his Spirit. The Lord Jesus is a complete Saviour. That mighty living Head has no dead members. His people are not only justified and pardoned, hut quicken¬ ed together with him, and made partakers of his resurrection. To him the Spirit joins the sinner, and raises him by that union from death to life. In him the sinner lives after he has believed. The spring of all his vital- * " To create or bring something out of nothing, is beyond the power of the strongest creature. It is above the strength of all men and angels to create the least blade of grass: God challengeth this as his prerogative royal. Isaiah xl. 26. Augustin said truly, To convert the little world man, is more than to create the great world."—George Swinnocke. 1660. LIVING OR DEAD. 85 ity is the union between Christ and his soul, whicli the Spirit begins and keeps up. Christ is the appointed fountain of all spiritual life, and the Holy Ghost the appointed agent who conveys that life to our souls.* Come to the Lord Jesus Christ, if you would have life. lie will not cast you out. He has gifts, even for the rebellious. The moment the dead man touched the body of Elisha, he revived and stood upon his feet. 2 Kings xiii. 21. The moment you touch the Lord Jesus with the hand of faith, you are alive unto God, as well as forgiven all trespasses. Come, and your soul shall live. I never despair of any one becoming a de¬ cided Christian, whatever he may have been in days gone by. I know how great the change is from death to life. I know the mountains of division that seem to stand be¬ tween some of you and heaven. I know the * 44 Then do we begin to live, when we begin to have union with Christ, the Fountain of life, by his Spirit communicated to us : from this time we are to reckon our life."—Flavel. "Christ is a universal principle of all life."—Sibbs. 1G.1-3. 36 HOME TRUTHS. hardness, the prejudices, the desperate sinful¬ ness of the natural heart. But I remember that God the Father made the glorious world out of nothing. I remembelr the voice of the Lord Jesus could reach Lazarus when four days dead, and recall him even from the grave. I remember the amazing victories the Spirit of God has won in every nation under heaven. I remember all this, and feel that I never need despair. Yes! the very man who now seems most utterly dead in sins, may yet be raised to a new being, and walk before God in newness of life. Why should it not be so? The Holy Spirit is a merciful and loving Spirit. He turns away from no repentant man because of his vileness. He passes by no one because his sins are black and scarlet. There was nothing in the Corinthians, that he should come down and quicken them. Paul reports of them that they were "for¬ nicators, idolaters, adulterers, effeminate, thieves, covetous, drunkards, revilers, extor¬ tioners." "Such," he says, "were some of you." Yet even them the Spirit made alive. LIVING OR DEAD. 37 "Ye are washed," he writes, "ye are sancti¬ fied, ye are justified, in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God." 1 Cor. vi. 9-11. There was nothing in the Colossians, that he should visit their hearts. Paul tells us that" they walked in fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry." Yet them also the Spirit quickened. He enabled them to " put off the old man with his deeds, and put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that cre¬ ated him." Col. iii. 5-10. Never, never will the Spirit turn away from a soul because of its corruption. He never has done so—he never will. It is his glory that he has purified the minds of the most impure, and made them temples for his own abode. lie may yet take the worst man who reads this page, and make him a vessel of grace. Why indeed should it not be so? The Spirit is an Almighty Spirit. He can change the stony heart into a heart of flesh. He S3 IIOME TRUTHS. can break the strongest bad habits, like tow before the fire. He can make the most diffi¬ cult things seem easy, and the mightiest ob¬ jections melt away like snow in spring. lie can cut the bars of brass, and throw the gates of prejudice wide open. lie can fill up every valley, and make every rough place smooth. He has done it often, and he can do it again.* The Spirit can take a Jew,—the bitterest enemy of Christianity,—the fiercest perse¬ cutor of true believers,—the strongest stickler for pharisaical notions,—the most prejudiced opposer of gospel doctrine,—and turn that man into an earnest preacher of the very faith he once destroyed. He has done it al¬ ready. He did it with the Apostle Paul. The Spirit can take a Roman Catholic monk, brought up in the midst of Romish superstition,—trained from his infancy to be¬ lieve false doctrine and obey the Pope,— * " Such is the power of the Holy Ghost to regenerate men, and as it were to bring them forth anew, so that they shall be nothing like the men they were before."— Homily for Whitsunday. LIVING OR DEAD. 39 steeped to the eyes in error,—and make that man one of the clearest upholders of justifi¬ cation by faith the world ever saw. lie has done it already. lie did it with Martin Luther. The Spirit can take an English tinker, without learning, patronage, or lhoney,—a man at one time notorious for nothing so much as blasphemy and swearing,—and make that man write a religious book, which shall stand unrivalled and unequalled in its way by any since the time of the apostles. lie has done so already. lie did it with John Pun- yan, the author of "Pilgrim's Progress." The Spirit can take a sailor, drenched in worldliness and sin,—and make that man a most successful minister of the gospel,—a writer of letters which are it storehouse of experimental religion,—and of hymns which are known and sung wherever English is O © spoken. lie has done it already. lie did it with John Newton. All this the Spirit has done, and much more, of which I cannot speak particularly. And the arm of the Spirit is not shortened. 40 HOME TRUTHS. His power is not decayed. Such as the Lord Jesus Christ is, such also is the Spirit—the same yesterday, to-day, and for ever. He is still doing wonders, and will do to the very end. Once more then, I say, I never despair of any man's soul being made alive. I should, if it depended on man himself. Some seem so hardened, I should have no hope. I should, if it depended on the work of minis¬ ters. Alas! the very best of us are poor, weak creatures. But I cannot despair, when I remember that God the Spirit is the agent who conveys life to the soul, for I know and am persuaded that with him nothing is im¬ possible. I should not be surprised to hear, even in this life, that th» hardest man I ever met had become softened, and the proudest had taken his place at the feet of Jesus as a weaned child. Does any one who reads this appeal desire to help the Church of Christ? Then pray for a great outpouring of the Spirit. He alone can give edge to sermons, and point to LIVING OR DEAD. 41 advice, and power to rebukes, and cast down the high walls of sinful hearts. It is not hotter preaching and finer writing that is wanted in this day, but more of the presence of the Holy Ghost. Docs any one who reads this appeal feel the slightest drawing towards God,—the smallest concern about his immortal soul ? Then flee to that open fountain of living waters, the Lord Jesus Christ, and you shall receive the Holy Ghost. John vii. 39. Be¬ gin at once to pray for the Holy Spirit. Think not you are shut up, and cut off" from hope. The Iloly Ghost is promised to them that ask him. His very name is the Spirit of promise and the Spirit of life. Give him no rest till he comes down and makes you a new heart. Cry mightily unto the Lord,— say unto him, "Bless me, even me also,— quicken me, and make me alive." And now let me wind up all I have said with a few words of special application. I have told you what I believe to be the truth as it is in Jesus. Let me try, by God's bless¬ ing, to bring it home to your heart. 42 HOME TRUTHS. 1. First, let me put this question to every soul who reads this appeal,—"Are you liv¬ ing, or are you dead?" Suffer me to press the inquiry on every conscience. There are only two ways to walk in, the narrow and the broad—two companies in the day of judgment, those on the right hand and those on the left—two classes of people in the professing Church of Christ, and to one of them you must belong. Where are you? What are you? Are you among the living, or among the dead ? I speak to you yourselves, and to none else,—not to your neighbor, but to you,— not to Africans or New Zealanders, but to you. I do not ask whether you are angels, or whether you have the mind of David or Paul; but I do ask whether you have a well-founded persuasion that you are new creatures in Christ Jesus: I do ask whether you have reason to believe you have put off the old man and put on the neAV,—whether you are conscious of ever having gone through LIVING OR DEAD. 43 a real spiritual change of heart,—whether, in one word, you are dead or alive?* Think not to put me off by saying " you were admitted into the Church by baptism— you received grace and the Spirit in that sacrament — you are alive." It shall not avail you. Paul himself says of the baptized widow who lives in pleasure, " She is dead while she liveth." 1 Tim. v. 6. The Lord Jesus Christ himself tells the chief officer of the Church in Sardis, " Thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead." Rev. iii. 1. * "All hangs upon this liinge. If tliis bo not done, ye are undone—undone eternally. All your profession, civility, privileges, gifts, duties, are ciphers, and signify nothing, unless regeneration bo the figure put before them."—Sivinnockf. 1000. " Believe me, whatsoever thou art, thou slialt never be «aved for being a lord or a knight, a gentleman or a rich man, a learned man or a well-spoken, eloquent man; nor yet for being a Calviuist, or a Lutheran, an Armin- iun, an Anabaptist, a Presbyterian, an Independent, or a Prote taut, formally and merely as such—much less f r being a Papist, or of any such grossly deluded sect— but as a regenerate Christian it is that thou must bo saved, or thou canst have no hope."—Richard Baxter. 105'J. 44 HOME TRUTHS. The life you talk of is nothing, if it cannot be seen. Show it to me, if I am to believe its existence. Grace is light, and light will always be discerned. Grace is salt, and salt will always be tasted. An indwelling of the Spirit that does not show itself by outward fruits, and a grace that men's, eyes cannot discover, are both to be viewed with the ut¬ most suspicion. Believe me, if you have no other proof of spiritual life but your baptism, you are yet a dead soul. Think not to tell me, "It is a question that cannot be decided, and you call it pre¬ sumptuous to give an opinion in such a matter." This is a vain refuge and a false humility. Spiritual life is no such dim and doubtful thing as you seem to fancy. There are marks and evidences by which its presence may be discerned by those who know the Bible. "We know," says John, "that we have passed from death unto life." 1 John iii. 14. The exact time and season of that passage may often be hidden from a man. The fact and reality of it will seldom be en¬ tirely an uncertain thing. It was a true and LIVING OE DEAD. 45 beautiful spying of a Scotch girl to White- field, when asked if her heart was changed: " Something was changed, she knew: it might be the world, it might be her own heart; but there was a great change somewhere, she was quite sure; for every thing seemed different to what it once did." 0! cease to evade inquiry. Anoint your eyes with eye-salve that you may see. Are you dead or alive ? Think not to reply, " You do not know: you allow it is a matter of importance: you hope to know some time before you die: you mean to give your mind to it when you have a convenient season, but at present you do not know." You do not know! Yet heaven or hell is wrapped up in this question. An eternity of happiness or misery hinges upon your answer. You do not leave your worldly af¬ fairs so unsettled. You do not manage your earthly business so loosely. You look far forward. You provide against every possible contingency. You insure life.and property. 0 ! why not deal in the same way with your immortal soul ? 46 HOME TRUTHS You do not know! Yet all around jou is uncertainty. You are a poor, frail worm— your body fearfully and wonderfully made— your health liable to be put out of order in a thousand ways. The next time the daisies bloom, it may be over your grave. All before you is dark. You know not what a day might bring forth, much less a year. 0 ! why not bring your soul's business to a point without delay ? Reader, begin the great business of self- examination. Rest not till you know the length and breadth of your own state in God's sight. Backwardness in this matter is an evil sign. It springs from an uneasy conscience. It shows that a man thinks ill of his own case. He feels, like a dishonest tradesman, that his accounts will not bear in¬ quiry. He dreads the light. Reader, make sure work. Take nothing for granted.' Do not measure your condition by that of others. Bring every thing to the measure of God's word. A mistake about your soul is a mistake for eternity. " Surely," says Leighton, " they that are not born again living or dead. 47 shall one day wish they had never been born." Sit down this day and think. Commune with your own heart and be still. Go to your own room and consider. Enter into your own closet, or at any rate contrive to be alone with God. Look the question fairly, fully, hon¬ estly in the face. How does it touch you ? Are you among the living, or among the dead ?* 2. In the second place, let me speak in all affection to those who are dead. What shall I say to you? What can I say ? What words of mine are likely to have any effect on your hearts ? This I will say, I mourn over your souls. I do most unfeignedly mourn. You may be thoughtless and unconcerned. You may care little, for what I am saying. You may scarce¬ ly run your eye over this appeal, and, after reading it, despise it, and return to the world; * "If your state bo good, searching into it will give you the comfort of it. If your state be bad, searching into it cannot make it worse; nay, it is the only way to make it better, for conversion begins with conviction."— JShhop Hopkins. 1080. 48 HOME TRUTHS. but you cannot prevent my feeling for you, however little you may feel for yourselves. Do I mourn when I see a young man sap¬ ping the foundation of his bodily health by indulging his lusts and passions—sowing bit¬ terness for himself in his old age? Much more, then, will I mourn over your souls. Do I mourn when I see men squandering away their inheritance, and wasting their property on trifles and follies ? Much more, then, will I mourn over your souls. Do I mourn when I hear of one drinking slow poisons, because they are pleasant, as the Chinese take opium—putting the clock of life on, as if it did not go fast enough— inch by inch digging his own grave ? Much more, then, will I mourn over your souls. I mourn to think of golden opportunities thrown away—of Christ rejected—of the blood of atonement trampled under foot— of the Spirit resisted—the Bible neglected— heaven despised, and the world put in the place of God. I mourn to think of the present happiness you are missing—the peace and consolation LIVING OR DEAD. 49 you are thrusting from you — the misery you are laying up in store for yourselves— and the bitter waking up which is yet to come. Yes! I must mourn. I cannot help it. Others may think it enough to mourn over dead bodies. For my part, I think there is far more cause to mourn over dead souls. The children of this world find fault with us for being so grave. Truly, when I look at the world, I marvel we can ever smile at all. Reader, dear reader, why will you die? Are the wages of sin so sweet and good that you cannot give them up ? Is the world so satisfying that you cannot forsake it ? Is the service of Satan so pleasant that you and he are never to be parted ? Is heaven so poor a thing that it is not worth seeking ? Is your soul of so little consequence that it is not worth a struggle to have it saved ? 0! turn, turn, before it be too late. God is not willing that you should perish. " As I live," he says, " I have no pleasure in the death of him that dieth." Jesus loves you, and grieves to see your folly. lie wept over wicked 50 HOME TRUTHS. Jerusalem, saying, "I would have gathered thee, hut thou wouldest not he gathered." Surely, if lost, your blood will be upon your own head. "Awake, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give you light." Believe me, believe me, true repentance is that one step that no man ever repented. Thousands have said at their latter end, " they had served God too littleno child of Adam ever said, as he left this world, that he had cared for his soul too much. The way of life is a narrow path, hut the foot¬ steps in it are all in one direction—not one has ever come hack and said it was a delu¬ sion. The way of the world is a broad way, hut millions on millions have forsaken it, and borne their testimony that it was a way of sorrow. 0 that this year might he a year of life to your soul! 0 that the Spirit might come down upon your heart, and make you a new man. I ask it of the Lord, as the prophet did of old, " Come from the four winds, 0 breath, and breathe upon these slain, that they may live." Ezek. xxxvii. 9. LIVING OR DEAD. 51 3. Let mo, in the third place, speak to those who are living. Are you indeed alive unto God ? Can you say with truth, " I was dead, and am alive again: I was blind, but now I see ?" Then suffer the word of exhortation, and incline your heart unto wisdom. Are you alive ? Then see that you prove it bg your actions. Be a consistent witness. Let your words, and works, and tempers, all tell the same story. Let not your life be a poor torpid life, like that of a tortoise or sloth: let it rather be an energetic stirring life, like that of a deer or bird. Let your grace shine forth from all the windows of your conversation, that those who live near you may see that the Spirit is abiding in your hearts. Let your light not be a dim, flickering, uncertain flame: let it burn stead¬ ily, like the eternal fire on the altar, and never become low. Let the savor of your religion, like Mary's precious ointment, fill all the house where you dwell. Be an epistle of Christ, so clearly written, penned in such large, bold characters, that he who runs may 52 HOME TRUTHS. read it. Let your Christianity be so unmis- takable—your eye so single—your heart so whole—your walk so straight-forward, that all who see you may have no doubt whose you are, and whom you serve. 0 dear reader, if we are quickened by the Spirit, no one ought to be able to doubt it. Our conver¬ sation should declare plainly that we seek a country. It ought not to be necessary to tell people, as in the case of a badly painted picture, " This is a Christian." We ought not to be so sluggish and still that men shall be obliged to come close, and look hard, and say, " Is he dead or alive ?" Are you alive ? Then see that you prove it by your growth. Let the great change within become every year more evident. Let your light be an increasing light,—not like Joshua's sun in the valley of Aijalon, standing still,—nor like Hezekiah's sun, going back,—but ever shining more and more to the very end of your days. Let the image of your Lord, wherein you are renewed, grow clearer and sharper every month. Let it not be like the image and superscription on a LIVING OR DEAD. 53 coin, more indistinct and defaced the longer it is used. Let it rather become more plain the older it is, and the likeness of your King stand out more fully. I have no confidence in a standing-still religion. I do not think a Christian was meant to be like an animal, to grow to a certain age, and then stop growing. I believe rather he was meant to be like a tree, and to increase more and more in strength and vigor all his days. Remember the words of the Apostle Peter, "Add to your faith virtue, and to virtue knowledge, and to knowledge temperance, and to tempe¬ rance brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness charity." 2 Peter i. 5-7. This is the way to be a useful Christian. Men will believe you are in earnest when they see constant improvement, and perhaps be drawn to go with you.* This is one way to obtain comfortable assurance. "So an entrance shall be administered unto you abundantly." 2 Peter i. 11. 0! as ever you would be useful and happy in your religion, let your * "Men who are prejudiced observe actions a great deal more than words."—Leighton. 54 HOME TRUTIIS. motto be, "Forward, forward," to your very last day. Reader, I speak to myself as well as to you. I say the spiritual life there is in Christians ought to he more evident. Our lamps want trimming,—they ought not to burn so dim. Our separation from the world should he more distinct,—our walk with God more decided. Too many of us are like Lot, lingerers,—or like Reuben, Gad, and Manas- seh, borderers,—or like the Jews in Ezra's time, so mixed up with strangers, that our spiritual pedigree cannot be made but. It ought not so to be. Let us be up and doing. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. If we really have life, let us make it known. The state of the world demands it. The latter days have fallen upon us. The king¬ doms of the earth are shaking, falling, crash¬ ing, and crumbling away. Isaiah xxiv. 1, etc. The glorious kingdom that will never be removed is drawing nigh. The King himself is close at hand. The children of this world are looking round to see what the saints are LIVING OR DEAD. 55 doing. God, in his wonderful providences, is calling to us, ""Who is on my side?" Who? Surely we ought to be, like Abra¬ ham, very ready with our answer: "Ilere am I." "Ah!" you may say, "these are ancient things, these are brave words. We know it all; hut we are weak : we have no power to think a good thought: we can do nothing: we must sit still." But hear me a little. What is the cause of your weakness? Is it not because the fountain of life is little used ? is it not because you are resting on old expe¬ riences, and not daily gathering new manna, daily drawing new strength from Christ? He has left you the promise of the Com¬ forter. lie giveth more grace,—grace upon grace to all who ask it. He came that you might have life, and have it more abund¬ antly. " ()pen thy mouth wide," he says this day, "and I will fill it.' Psalm lxxxi. 10. Header, if you want your spiritual life to be more healthy and vigorous, you must just come more boldly to the throne of grace. You must give up this hanging-back spirit,—this 56 HOME TRUTHS. hesitation about taking the Lord at his own word. Doubtless you are a poor sinner, and nothing at all. The Lord knows it, and has provided a store of strength for you; but you do not draw upon the store he has provided: you have not, because you ask not. The secret of your weakness is your little faith and little prayer. The fountain is unsealed, but you only sip a few drops: the bread of life is before you, yet you only eat a few crumbs: the treasury of heaven is open, but you only take a few pence. 0 man of little faith, wherefore do you doubt ? Awake to know your privileges—awake, and sleep no longer. Tell me not of spiritual hunger, and thirst, and poverty, so long as the throne of grace is before you. Say rather, that you are proud, and will not come to it as a poor sinner. Say rather, you are sloth¬ ful, and will not take pains to get more. Cast aside the grave-clothes of pride that still hang around you: throw off that Egyp¬ tian garment of indolence, which ought not to have been brought through the Red Sea: away with that unbelief which ties and para- LIVING OR DEAD. 57 lyzes jour tongue. You are not straitened in God, but in yourself. Come boldly to the throne of grace, where the Father is ever waiting to give, and Jesus ever stands by him to intercede. Come boldly; for you may, all sinful as you are, if you come in the name of the Great High Priest. Come boldly, and ask largely, and you shall have abundant answers,—mercy like a river, and grace and strength like a mighty stream. Come boldly, and you shall have supplies exceeding all you can ask or think. Hitherto you have asked nothing. Ask and receive, that your joy may be full. Reader, I commend you to God, and to the Lord Jesus Christ. "While you live, may you live unto the Lord. When you die, may you die the death of the righteous. And when the Lord Jesus comes, may you be found ready, and " not be ashamed before him at his coming." O 58 home truths. |0« Jnrgiiun? YOUR SINS ABE FORGIVEN YOU. 1 John U. 12. Reader, do you see the question which stands at the head of this page ? It is just possible you may not understand its mean¬ ing. Perhaps you may think : " Whom have I injured ? whom have I defrauded ? whom have I wronged? whose confidence have I forfeited ? what need have I of forgiveness ?" I answer: It is not an earthly forgiveness I am asking about, but a heavenly one. I do not inquire whether you are forgiven in the sight of men, hut whether you are for¬ given in the sight of God. The question I desire to press on your conscience is simply this : "Are you a pardoned soul?" Come, now, and give me your attention, while I speak to you about the forgiveness of sins. The subject is one that can never ARE YOU FORGIVEN? 50 lie considered too soon. We have seen our friends and neighbors die. In many cases, the strongest were carried off in a few hours. The cleverest physicians found their skill en¬ tirely unavailing. We live yet, and we may veil be thankful. We liyo yet, and surely ve should he thoughtful. Our turn may come next. Our graves may soon he ready for us. Come, then, I say once more, and let me speak to you about the forgiveness of sins. I. Let me show you, first of all, your need of forgiveness. .Ill men need forgiveness, because all men are sinners. lie that does not know this, knows nothing in religion. It is the very ABC of Christianity, that a man should know his right place, and understand his deserts. We are all great sinners. Sinners we were born, and sinners we have been all our lives. We take to sin naturally from the very first. Ho child ever needs schooling and education to teach it to do wrong. Ho © 60 HOME TRUTHS. devil or bad companion ever leads us into such wickedness as our own hearts; and yet the wages of sin is death. We must either be forgiven, or lost eternally."* We are all guilty sinners in the sight of God: we have broken his holy law: we have transgressed his precepts : we have not done his will. There is not a commandment in all the ten which does not condemn us. If we have not broken it in deed, we have in wTord. If we have not broken it in word, we have in thought and imagination. Tried by the standard of the fifth chapter of St. Matthew, there is not one of us that would be acquitted. And yet it is appointed unto men once to die, and after this comes the judgment. We must either be forgiven, or perish everlast¬ ingly- "When I walk through the crowded streets of the city, I see hundreds and thousands, * "No man that seeth himself to be a sinner really, can count himself a small or little sinner. Nor can it ever be, till there be a little law to break, a little God to offend, a little guilt to contract, and a little wrath to incur: all which are impossible to be, blasphemy to wish, and madness to expect."—Traill. 1690. ARE YOU FORGIVEN? 61 of whom I know nothing beyond their out¬ ward appearance. I see some bent on plea¬ sure, and some on business,—some who look rich, and some who look poor,—some rolling in their carriages, some hurrying along on foot. Each has his own object in view, each has his own aims and ends, all alike hidden from me. But one thing I know for a cer¬ tainty, as I look upon them: they are all sin¬ ners. There is not a soul among them all but is guilty before God. There breathes not the man or woman in that crowd but must die forgiven, or else rise again to be con¬ demned for ever at the last day. "When I look through the length and breadth of this country, I must make the same report. When I turn to the map of the world, I must say the same thing. It matters not what quarter I examine, I find men's hearts are everywhere the same, and everywhere wicked. Sin is the family dis¬ ease of all the children of Adam. Never has there been a corner of the earth discovered where sin and the devil do not reign. Wide as the differences are between the nations of G2 HOME TRUTHS, tlie earth, they have been found to have one great mark in common. Europe and Asia, Africa and America, Iceland and India, Paris and Pekin, all alike have the mark of sin. The eye of the Lord looks down on this globe of ours, as it rolls round the sun, and sees it covered with corruption and wick¬ edness. What he sees in the moon and stars, in Jupiter and Saturn, I cannot tell; but on the earth I know he sees sin. Psalm xiv. 2, 3. Header, you may not perhaps like what I am saying. I have no doubt such language as this sounds extravagant to some. You think I am going much too far; hut mark well what I am about to say next, and then consider whether I have not used the words of soberness and truth. What, then, I ask, is the life of the Chris¬ tians among us ? What is it hut one great arrear,—one long catalogue of shortcomings ? What is it hut a daily acting out of the words, " leaving undone things that we ought to do, and doing things that we ought not to do ?" Our faith, how feeble! Our love, how cold! Our works, how few! Our zeal, ARE YOU FORGIVEN? 03 how sriiall! Our patience, how short-breathed! Our humility, how threadbare! Our self- denial, how dwarfish! Our knowledge, how dim ! Our spirituality, how shallow! Our prayers, how formal! Our desires for more grace, how faint! And then, what is the Lord Grod, whose eyes are on all our ways, and before whom we have one day to give account ? " Holy, holy, holy," is the remarkable expression applied to him by those who are nearest to him. Isa. vi. 3; Rev. iv. 8. It sounds as if no one word could express the intensity of his holiness. One of his prophets says, " lie is of purer eyes than to behold evil, and cannot look on iniquity." Ilabak. i. 13. Surely we ought all to cease from proud thoughts about ourselves. "We ought to lay our hands upon our mouths, and say with Abraham, "I am dust and ashes," and with Job, "I am vile," and with Isaiah, "We are all as an unclean thing." Where is the man or woman in the whole catalogue of the book of life that will ever be able to say more than this, " I obtained mercy ?" What is the glorious company of the apostles, the 64 HOME TRUTHS. goodly fellowship of the prophets, the noble army of martyrs, — what are they all hut pardoned sinners ? Surely there is but one conclusion to be arrived at,—we are all great sinners, and we all need a great forgiveness.* See now what just cause I have to tell you that to know your need of forgiveness is the first thing in true religion. Sin is a burden, and must be taken off. Sin is a defilement, and must be cleansed away. Sin is a mighty debt, and must be paid. Sin is a mountain standing between us and heaven, and must be removed. Happy is he among us that feels all this! The first step toward heaven is to see clearly that we deserve hell. There is but one alternative before us,—we must be forgiven, or be miserable for ever.f * " Who is in this world, or ever hath been, which hath not need to say this prayer—to desire God to take from him his sins, to forgive him his trespasses? Truly no saint in heaven, be they as holy as ever they will, but they have had need of this prayer: they have had need to say, Lord, forgive us our trespasses."—Bishop Lati¬ mer's Sermons. 1552. f " No man shall be in heaven but he that sees him¬ self fully qualified for hell, as a fagot that is bound up for eternal burnings, unless mercy plucks the br ind out of the fire."—Traill 1690 ARE YOU FORGIVEN? 65 See too how little many persons know of the design of Christianity, though they live in a Christian land. They fancy they are to go to church to learn their duty, and hear morality enforced, and for no other purpose. They forget that the heathen philosophers would have told them as much as this. They have yet to learn that the leading mark of Christianity is the remedy it pro¬ vides for sin. This is the glory and excel¬ lence of the gospel. It meets man as he really is. It goes down to the level to which sin has brought him, and offers to raise him up. It tells him of a remedy equal to his disease, a great remedy for a great disease,— a great forgiveness for great sinners. Header, I ask you to consider these things well, if you have not considered them before. It is no light matter whether you know your soul's necessities or not. It is a matter of life and death. Try, I beseech you, to become acquainted with your own heart. Sit down and think quietly what you are in the sight of God. Bring together the thoughts and words and actions of any day in your 3 66 HOME TRUTHS. life, and measure them by the measure of God's word. Judge yourself honestly, that you may not he condemned at the last day. 0 that you may find out what you really are ! O that you may learn to pray Job's prayer, "Make me to know my transgression and my sin!" Job xiii. 23. 0 that you may see this great truth, that until you are forgiven your Christianity has done nothing savingly for you at all. II. Let me point out to you, in the second place, the way of forgiveness. I ask your particular attention to this point, for none can he more important. Granting for a moment that you want par¬ don and forgiveness, what ought you to do ? Whither will you go ? WTiich way will you turn ? Every thing hinges on the answer you give to this question. Will you turn to ministers, and put your trust in them ? They cannot give you pardon: they can only tell you where it is to be found. They can set before you the bread of life; but you yourself must eat it. They can show ARE YOU FORGIVEN? 67 you the path of peace; hut you yourself must walk into it. The Jewish priest had no power to cleanse the leper, but only to declare him cleansed. The Christian minis¬ ter has no power to forgive sins—he can only pronounce who they are that are forgiven. Will you turn to sacraments and ordi¬ nances, and trust in them? They cannot supply you with forgiveness, however dili¬ gently you may use them. By sacraments faith is confirmed and grace increased, in all who rightly use them. But they, cannot justify the sinner. They cannot put away transgression. You may go to the Lord's table every Sunday in your life; hut unless you look far beyond the sign to the thing signified, you will after all die in your sins.* * "He that supposeth to make Christ his, and all Christ's merits, by the receiving of the outward sign and sacrament, and bringcth not Christ in his heart to the sacrament, he may make himself assured rather of the devil and eternal death, as Judas and Cain did. For the sacrament maketh not the union, peace, and concord between God and us, but it ratifieth, establisheth, and confirmeth the love and peace that is between God and us before for his promise' sake."—Bishop Hoope*. 1545. 68 HOME TRUTHS. You may attend a daily service regularly, but if you think to establish a righteousness of your own by it in the slightest degree, you are only getting farther away from God every day. Will you trust in your own works and endeavors, your virtues and your good deeds, your prayers and your alms ? They will never buy for you an entrance into heaven. They will never pay your debt to God. They are all imperfect in themselves, and only increase your guilt. There is no merit or worthiness in them at the very best. " When ye have done all those things which are com¬ manded you," says the Lord Jesus, " say, We are unprofitable servants."* Luke xvii. 10. Will you trust in your own repentance and * " What if I should fast my body into a skeleton, and pray my tongue and wear my ears to their very stumps ? What though I should water my couch continually with my tears, fasten my knees always to the earth by prayer, and fix my eyes constantly into heaven by meditation ? What though I should give every thing I have to my poor, distressed neighbors, and spend each moment of my time in the immediate worshipping of my glorious Maker ? Would any of this be more than I am bound to do ? ARE YOU FORGIVEN? 69 amendment f You are very sorry for the past. You hope to do better for time to come. You hope God will be merciful. Alas! if you lean on this, you have nothing beneath you but a broken reed. The judge docs not pardon the thief because he is sorry for what he did. To-day's sorrow will not wipe off the score of yesterday's sins. It is not an ocean of tears that will ever cleanse an uneasy conscience, and give it peace. "Where, then, must a man go for pardon? Where is forgiveness to be found? Listen, reader, and by God's help I will tell you. There is a way both sure and plain, and into that way I desire to guide every inquirer's feet. That way is, simply to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, as your Sa¬ viour. It is to cast your soul, with all its sins, unreservedly on Christ,—to cease com- Sliould I not still be an unprofitable servant ? And if I can do no more than is my duty unto God, how can I merit any thing by what I do for him ? How can he be indebted to me for paying what I owe to him f"—Bishop Beveridye. 1700. 70 HOME TRUTHS. pletely from any dependence on your own works and doings, either in whole or in part, and to rest on no other work hut Christ's work, no other merit hut Christ's merit, as your ground of hope. Take this course, and you are a pardoned soul. " To Christ," says Peter, "give all the prophets witness, that through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins." Acts x. 43. " Through this man," said Paul at Antioch, " is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins, and by him all that believe are justified from all things." Acts xiii. 38, 39. "In him," writes Paul to the Colossians, "we have redemption through his blood, even the for¬ giveness of sins." Col. i. 14. The Lord Jesus Christ, in great love and compassion, has made a full and complete satisfaction for sin, by his own death upon the cross. There he offered himself as a sacrifice for us, and allowed the wrath of God, which we deserved, to fall on his own head. For our sins he gave himself, suffered, and died,—the just for the unjust, the innocent for the guilty,—that he might deliver us from ARE YOU FORGIVEN? 71 the curse of a broken law, and provide a complete pardon for all who are willing to receive it. And by so doing, as Isaiah says, he has borne our sins,—as John the Baptist says, he has taken away sin,—as Paul says, he has purged our sins, and put away sin. Isaiah liii. 11; John i. 29; Heb. i. 3, ix. 26. And now the Lord Jesus is sealed and appointed, by God the Father, to be a Prince and a Saviour, to give remission of sins to all who will have it. The key of the gate of heaven is laid on his shoulder. He him¬ self is the door, and by him ^11 that enter in shall be saved. Acts v. 31; John x. 9. Christ, in one word, has purchased a full forgiveness, if you and I are willing to re¬ ceive it. He has done all, paid all, suffered all that was needful to reconcile us to God. He has opened a fountain of living waters to cleanse us. He has removed every barrier between us and God the Father, taken every obstacle out of the way, and made a road by which the vilest may return. All things are now ready, and the sinner has only to believe 72 HOME TRUTHS. and be saved, to eat and be satisfied, to ask and receive, to wash and be clean. And faith, simple faith, is the only thing required, in order that you and I may be for¬ given. That we will come to Jesus as sin¬ ners with our sins,—trust in him,—lean on him,—confide in him,-^and, forsaking all other hope, cleave only to him,—this is all and every thing that God asks for. Let a man only do this, and he shall be saved. His iniquities shall be found completely par¬ doned, and his transgressions entirely taken away. Every man that so trusts is wholly forgiven, and reckoned righteous. His sins are gone, and his soul is justified in God's sight, however bad and guilty he may have been.* * " Such as say that only faith justifieth not, because other virtues be present, they cannot tell what they say. Every man that will have his conscience appeased must mark these two things: how remission of sins is obtain¬ ed, and wherefore it is obtained. Faith is the mean whereby it is obtained, and the cause wherefore it is received is the merits of Christ."—Bishop Ilooper. 1547 " Tho spiritual hand whereby we receive the sweet offer of our Saviour is faith; which, in short, is no other ARE YOU FORGIVEN? 73 Faith is the only thing required—not knowledge. A man may be a poor, unlearn¬ ed sinner, and know little of books; but if he sees enough to find the foot of the cross, and trust in Jesus for pardon, I will engage he shall not miss heaven. To know Christ is the corner-stone of all religious knowledge. Faith, I say, and not conversion. A man may have been walking in the broad way up to the very hour he first hears the gospel. But if in that hearing he is awakened to feel than an affiance in the Mediator. Receive peace, and be happy; believe, and thou hast received."—Bishop Hall. 1640. " Justifying faith consists in these two things—in hav¬ ing a mind to know Christ, and a will to rest upon him. Whosoever sees so much excellency in Christ, that thereby he is drawn to embrace him as the only Rock of salvation, that man truly believes to justification."— Archbishop Usher. 1670. " This is the call of the gospel: He that dares trust Christ with his soul, upon the warrant of the gospel, shall be saved for ever. The Lord tries people this way. Wo have no more to do but take pen in hand, and say, Amen, 0 Lord: it is a good bargain and a true word, and I will trust my soul on it. This is believing."—Traill. 1690. 74 HOME TRUTHS. his danger, and wants to be saved, let himj come to Christ at once, and wait for nothing. That very coming is the beginning of con¬ version. Faith, I repeat, and not holiness. A man may feel all full of sin, and unworthy to be saved'. But let him not tarry outside the ark till he- is better. Let him come to .Christ without delay, just as he is. Afterward he shall be holy. Reader, I call upon you to let nothing move you from this strong ground, that faith in Christ is the only thing needed for your justi¬ fication. Stand firm here, if you value your soul's peace. I see many walking in darkness, and having no light, from confused notions as to what faith is. They hear that saving faith will work by love, and produce holiness; and not finding all this at once in themselves, they think they have no faith at all. They forget that these things are the fruits of faith, and not faith itself, and that to doubt whether we have faith because we do not see them at once, is like doubting whether a tree be alive, because it does not bear fruit the very day ARE YOU FORGIVEN? 75 •we plant it in the ground. I charge you to settle it firmly in your mind that in the matter of your forgiveness and justification there is but one thing required, and that is simple faith in Christ.* I know well that the natural heart dislikes this doctrine. It runs counter to man's notion of religion. It leaves him no room to boast. Man's idea is to come to Christ with a price in his hand,—his regularity, his morality, his repentance, his goodness,—and so, as it were, to buy his pardon and justifi- * " St. Paul declarctli nothing on the behalf of man concerning his justification, but only a true and lively faith; which, nevertheless, is the gift of God, and not man's only work without God. And yet that faith doth not shut out repentance, hope, love, dread, and the fear of God, to be joined with faith in every man that is justified; but it shutteth them out from the office of justifying."—Homily of Salvation, by Archbishop Cran- mer. 1547. " How is the great benefit of justification applied to me, and apprehended by us ? This is done, on our part, by faith alone, and that not considered as a virtue inhe¬ rent in us, working by love; but only as an instrument or hand of the soul stretched forth to lay hold on the Herd our righteousness."—Archbishop Usher, 1670. 76 HOME TRUTHS. cation. The Spirit's teaching is quite differ ent: it is, first of all, to believe. " Whosoever betyeveth shall not perish." John iii. 16. Some say such doctrine cannot be right, because it makes the way to heaven too easy. I fear that many such persons, if the truth were spoken, find it too hard. I believe in reality it is easier to give a fortune in building a cathedral like York Minster, or to go to the stake and be burned, than thoroughly to receive justification by faith without the deeds of the law, and to enter heaven as a sinner saved by grace.* Some say this doctrine is foolishness and enthusiasm. I answer, this is just what was said of it eighteen hundred years ago, and is a vain cavil now, as it was then. So far from the charge being true, a thousand facts can prove this doctrine to be from God. No doctrine certainly has produced such mighty effects in the world, as the simple proclama¬ tion of free forgiveness through faith in Christ. * " It is as truly as commonly said, that such as think oelieving easy, know not what believing is."—Trail. ABE YOTJ FORGIVEN? 77 This is the glorious doctrine that was the strength of the apostles when they went forth to the Gentiles to preach a new reli¬ gion. They began a few poor fishermen in a despised corner of the earth. They turned the world upside down. They changed the face of the Roman empire. They emptied the heathen temples of their worshippers, and made the whole system of idolatry crumble away. And what was the weapon by which they did it all? It was free forgiveness through faith in Jesus Christ. This is the doctrine which brought light into Europe three hundred years ago, at the time of the blessed Reformation, and enabled one solitary monk, Martin Luther, to shake the whole Church of Rome. Through his preaching and writing the scales fell from men's eyes, and the chains of their souls were loosed. And what was the lever that gave him his power ? It was free forgiveness through faith in Jesus Christ. This is the doctrine that revived the Church in the middle of the last century, when Whitefield, and the Wesleys, and Ro- 78 HOME TRUTHS. maine, and Berridge, and Venn, broke the wretched spirit of slumber that had come over the land, and roused men to think. They began a mighty work, with little seeming likelihood of success. They began few in number, with small encouragement from the rich and great. But they prospered. And why ? Because they preached free forgive¬ ness through, faith in Christ. This is the doctrine which is the true strength of any Church on earth at this day. It is not orders, or endowments, or liturgies, or learning, that will keep a Church alive. Let free forgiveness through Christ be faith¬ fully proclaimed in her pulpits, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against her. Let it be buried or kept back, and her candlestick shall soon be taken away. When the Saracens invaded the lands where Jerome and Atha- nasius, Cyprian and Augustin, once wrote and preached, they found bishops and litur¬ gies, I make no question; but I fear they found no preaching of free forgiveness of sins, and so they swept the churches of those lands clean away. They were a body with- ARE YOU FORGIVEN? 79 out a vital principle, and therefore they fell. Let us never forget the brightest days of a Church are those when Christ crucified is most exalted. The dens'and caves of the earth, where the early Christians met to hear of the love of Jesus, were more full of glory and beauty in God's sight then ever was St. Peter's at Rome. The meanest barn at this day, where'the true way of pardon is offered to sinners,'*is a far more honorable place than the cathedral of Cologne or Milan. A Church is only useful so far as she exalts free forgive¬ ness through Christ. This is the doctrine which of all others is the mightiest engine for pulling down the kingdom of Satan. The Greenlanders were unmoved, so long as the Moravians told them only of the creation and the fall of man; but when they heard of redeeming love, their frozen hearts melted like snow in spring. Preach salvation by the sacraments, exalt the Church above Christ, and keep back the doc¬ trine of the atonement, and the devil cares little —his goods are at peace. But preach a full Christ and a free pardon, and then Satan 80 HOME TRUTHS. will have great wrath, for he knows he has hut a short time. John Berridge said he went on preaching morality and nothing else, till he found there was not a moral man in his parish. But when he changed his plan, and began to preach the love of Christ to sinners, then there was a stirring of the dry bones, and a mighty turning to God. This is the only doctrine which will ever bring peace to an uneasy conscience, and rest to a troubled soul. A man may get on pretty well without it so long as he is asleep about his spiritual condition. But once let him awake from his slumber, and nothing will ever calm him but the blood of atone¬ ment and the peace of Christ.* How any * " Man's conscience can never rest nor be at peace, until it be settled in the full persuasion of remission of sins in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ; whereby God receiveth us into his favor, and is at one with us through him."—Archbishop Sandys. 1585. See also a most interesting account of the effect pro¬ duced on Luther, when in great distress of soul, by the words, " I believe in the forgiveness of sins," repeated to him by an aged monk.—D'Aubigntfs History of the Re¬ formation. One vol. edition, p. 68. ARE YOU FORGIVEN? 81 one can undertake to be a minister of reli¬ gion without a firm grasp of this doctrine, I never can understand. For myself, I can only say, I should think my office a most painful one, if I had not the message of free forgiveness to convey. It would be misera¬ ble work indeed to visit the sick and dying, if I could not say, "Behold the Lamb of God! Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved." The right hand of a Christian minister is the doctrine of free forgiveness through faith in Christ. Give us this doctrine, and we have power: we will never despair of doing good to men's souls. Take away this doctrine, and we are weak as water. We may read the prayers, and go through a round of forms, but we are like Samson with his hair shorn—our strength is gone. Souls will not be benefited by us, and good will not be done. Reader, I commend the things I have been saying to your notice. I am not ashamed of free pardon through faith in Christ, whatever some may say against the doctrine. I am not ashamed of it, for its fruits speak for 82 HOME TRUTHS. themselves. It has done things that no other doctrine can do. It has effected moral changes which laws and punishments have failed to work—which magistrates and police¬ men have labored after in vain—which me¬ chanics' institutes, and secular knowledge, have proved utterly powerless to produce. Just as the fiercest lunatics in Bethlehem Hospital became suddenly gentle when kindly treated, even so the worst and most hardened sinners have often become as little children, when told of Jesus loving them, and willing to forgive. I can well understand Paul ending his epistle to the erring Galatians with that solemn burst of feeling, " God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ." Gal. vi. 14. The crown has indeed fallen from a Christian's head, when he leaves the doctrine of justifi¬ cation by faith. See now how you should ask yourself whe¬ ther you have really received the truth which I have been dwelling on, and know it by ex¬ perience. Jesus, and faith in him, is the only way to the Father. He that thinks to ARE YOU FORGIVEN? 83 climb into paradise by some other road, will find himself fearfully mistaken. Other foun¬ dation can no man lay for an immortal soul than that of which I have been feebly speak¬ ing. He that ventures himself here is safe. He that is off this rock has got no standing- ground at all. See, too, how you should seriously consider what kind of a ministry you are in the habit of attending, supposing you have a choice. You have reason indeed to be careful. It is not all the same where you go, whatever people may say. There are many places of worship, I fear, where you might look long for Christ crucified, and never find him. He is buried under outward ceremonies—thrust behind the baptismal font — lost sight of under the shadow of the Church. " They have taken away my Lord, and I know not where they have laid him." Take heed where you settle yourself. Try all by this single test—"Is Jesus and free forgiveness proclaimed here ?" There may be comfortable pews—there may be good singing—there may be learned sermons. But if Christ's 84 HOME TRUTHS. gospel is not the sum and centre of the whole place, do not continue there. Say rather, with Isaac—" Here is the wood and the fire, but where is the Lamb ?" Be very sure this is not the place for your soul. Reader, remember these things, and you will be wise. I have set before you the way of life. I have told you where pardon is to be found. 0 beware lest an offer being made you of free forgiveness, any of you should come short of it. III. Let me, in the third place, encourage all who wish to be forgiven. Probably these pages will be read by some one who feels he is not yet a forgiven soul. My heart's desire and prayer is, that such a one may seek his pardon at once. And I would fain help him forward by showing him the kind of forgiveness offered to him, and the glorious privileges within his reach. Listen to me, then, while I try to exhibit to you the treasures of gospel forgiveness. I cannot describe its fullness as I ought. Its riches are indeed unsearchable. Eph. iii. 8. ARE TOTJ FORGIVEN? 85 JJut if you will turn away from it, you shall not be able to say in the day of judgment, you did not at all know what it was. Consider then, for one thing, that the for¬ giveness set before you is a great and broad forgiveness. Hear what the Prince of Peace himself declares: "All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewithsoever they shall blaspheme." Mark iii. 28. "Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool." Isa. i. 18. Yes! though your trespasses be more in number than the hairs of your head, the stars in heaven, the leaves of the forest, the blades of grass, the grains of sand on the sea-shore, still they can all be pardoned. As the waters of Noah's flood covered over and hid the tops of the highest hills, so can the blood of Jesus cover over and hide your mightiest sins. " His blood cleanseth from all sin." 1 John i. 7. Though to you they seem "written with the point of a diamond, they can all be effaced from the book of God's remembrance by that precious 86 HOME TRUTHS. blood. Paul names a Ions list of abomina tions which the Corinthians had committed, and then says, " Such were some of you; but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified, in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God." 1 Cor. vi. 11. Furthermore, it is a full and complete for¬ giveness. It is not like David's pardon to Absalom,—a permission to return home, but not a full restoration to favor. 2 Sam. xiv. 24. It is not a mere letting off, and letting alone. It is a pardon so complete, that he who has it is reckoned as righteous as if he had never sinned at all.* His iniquities are blotted out. They are removed from him as far as the east is from the west. Psalm ciii. 12. There remains no condemnation for him. * " It is not therefore, 0 soul, a mere negative mercy that God intends thee in the pardon of thy sins: it is not merely the removing of the curse and wrath which thy sins have deserved, though that alone can never be sufficiently admired. But the same hand that plucks thee out of hell by pardoning grace and mercy, lifts thee up to heaven by what it gives thee together with thy pardon, even a right and title to the glorious inher¬ itance of saints above."—Bishop Hopkins. 1680. ARE YOU FORGIVEN? 87 The Father sees him joined to Christ, and is ■well pleased. I verily believe if the best of us all had only one blot left for himself to ■wipe out, he would miss eternal life. If Noah, Daniel, and Job had had but one day's sins to wash away, they would never have been saved. Praised be God, that in the matter of our pardon there is nothing left for man to do. Jesus does all, and man has only to hold out an empty hand, and to receive. Furthermore, it is a free forgiveness. It is not burdened with an " if," like Solomon's pardon to Adonijah, " If he will show himself a worthy man." 1 Kings i. 52. Nor yet are you obliged to carry a price in your hand, or bring a character with you to prove yourself deserving of mercy. Jesus requires but one character, and that is, that you should feel yourself a sinful, bad man. He invites you to "buy wine and milk without money and without price;" and declares, "Whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely." Isaiah lv. 1, Rev. xxii. 17. Like David is, the cave of Adullam, he receives '' evciy out 88 HOME TRUTHS. that feels in distress and a debtor," and rejects none. 1 Sam. xxii. 2. Are you a sinner? Do you want a Saviour? Then come to Jesus, just as you are, and your soul shall live. Again, it is an offered forgiveness. I have read of earthly kings who knew not how to show mercy,—of Henry the Eighth of Eng. land, who spared neither man nor woman— of James the Fifth of Scotland, who would never show favor to a Douglas. The King of kings is not like them. He calls on man to come to him and be pardoned. "Unto you, 0 men, I call; and my voice is to the sons of men." Prov. viii. 4. "Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters." Isaiah lv. i. "If any man thirst, let him come unto me and drink." John vii. 37. " Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Matt, xi. 28. 0 reader, it ought to he a great comfort to you and me to hear of any pardon at all; hut to hear Jesus himself inviting us, to see Jesus himself holding out his hand to us,—the Saviour seeking the sinner before ARE YOU FORGIVEN ? 89 the sinner seeks the Saviour,—this is strong consolation indeed. Again, it is a willing forgiveness. I have heard of pardons granted in reply to long entreaty, and wrung out by much importunity. King Edward the Third of England would not spare the citizens of Calais till they came to him with halters "round their necks, and his own queen interceded for them on her knees. But Jesus is "good and ready to forgive." Psalm lxxxvi. 5. " He delighteth in mercy." Micah vii. 18. * Judgment is his strange work. " He is not willing that any should perish." 2 Peter iii. 9. He would fain have all men saved, and come to the knowledge of the truth. 1 Tim. ii. 4. He wept over unbelieving Jerusalem. "As I live," he says, "I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked. Turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways: why will ye die?" Ezek. xxxiii. 11. Ah! reader, you and I may well come boldly to the throne of grace. He who sits there is far more willing and ready to give mercy than you and I are to receive it. Besides this, it is a tried forgiveness. 90" HOME TRUTHS. Thousands and tens of thousands have sought for pardon at the mercy-seat of Christ, and not one has ever returned to say that he sought in vain. Sinners of every name and nation,—sinners of every sort and description, have knocked at the door of the fold, and none have ever been refused admig. sion. Zaccheus the extortioner, Saul the persecutor, Peter the denier of his Lord, the Jews who crucified the Prince of life, the idolatrous Athenians, the adulterous Corinth¬ ians, the ignorant Africans, the bloodthirsty New-Zealanders,— all have ventured their souls on Christ's promises of pardon, and none have ever found them fail. Ah! reader, if the way I set before you were a new and untravelled way, you might well feel faint¬ hearted. But it is not so. It is an old path. It is a path worn by the feet of many pilgrims, and a path in which the footsteps are all one way. The treasury of Christ's mercies has never been found empty. The well of living waters has never proved dry. Besides this, it is a present forgiveness. All that believe in Jesus are at once justified ARE YOU FORGIVEN ? 91 from all things. Acts xiii. 39. The very day the younger son returned to his father's house, he was clothed with the best robe, had the ring put on his hand, and the shoes on his feet. Luke xv. The very day Zaccheus received Jesus, he heard those comfortable words, " This day is salvation come to this house." Luke xix. 9. The very day that David said, "I have sinned against the Lord," he was told by Nathan, " The Lord also hath put away thy sin." 2 Sam. xii. 13. The very day you first flee to Christ, your sins are all removed. Your pardon is not a thing far away, to he obtained only by hard work, and after many years. It is nigh at hand. It is close to you, within your reach, all ready to be bestowed. Believe, and that very moment it is your own. "He that believeth is not condemned." John iii. 18. It is not said, "He shall not be," or "will not be," but "is not." From the time of his believing, condemnation is gone. " He that believeth hath everlasting life." John iii. 36. It is not said, " He shall have," or " will have:" it is " hath" It is his own as surely 92 HOME TRUTHS. as if he were in heaven, though not so evi, dently so to his own eyes. Ah ! reader, you must not think forgiveness will be nearer to a believer in the day of judgment than it was in the hour he first believed. His complete salvation is every year nearer and nearer to him; hut as to his forgiveness and justifica¬ tion, it is a finished work from the *very minute he first commits himself to Christ. Reader, I have set before you the nature of the forgiveness offered to you. I have told you but little of it, for my words are weaker than my will. The half of it remains untold. The greatness of it is far more than any report of mine.* But I think I have said enough to show you it is worth the seek¬ ing, and I can wish you nothing better than that you may strive to make it your own. Do you call it nothing to look forward to * "Who is a God like unto thee ? None can pardon as thou dost. None can pardon so freely—none so fully—none so continually—none so eternally—none so indifferently—whether in respect of sinners or sin, as thou dost. It is all one to thee what the sins are, and all one to thee whose the sins are, so they come to ask thy pardon."—Joseph Caryl. 1670. ARE YOU FORGIVEN? 93 death without fear, and to judgment without doubtings, and to eternity without a sinking of heart ? Do you call it nothing to feel the world slipping from your grasp, and to see the grave getting ready for you, and the valley of the shadow of death opening before your eyes, and yet not be afraid ? Do you call it nothing to be able to think of the great day of account, the throne, the books, the Judge, the assembled worlds, the reveal¬ ing of secrets, the final sentence, and yet to feel, "I am safe?" This is the portion, and this the privilege, of a forgiven soul. Such a one is on a rock. When the rain of God's wrath descends, and the floods come, and the winds blow, his feet shall not slide, —his habitation shall be sure. Such a one is in an ark. When the last fiery deluge is sweeping over all things on the surface of the earth, it shall not come nigh him. He shall be caught up and borne securely above it all. Such a one is in a hiding-place. When God arises to judge terribly the earth, and men are calling to rocks and mountains to 94 HOME TRUTHS. fall upon them and cover them, the everlast ing arms shall he thrown around him, and the storm shall pass over his head. He shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. Such a one is in a city of refuge. The accuser of the brethren can lay no charge against him. The law cannot condemn him. There is a wall between him and the avenger of blood. The enemies of his soul cannot hurt him. He is in a secure sanctuary. Such a one is rich. He has treasure in heaven which cannot he affected by worldly changes, compared to which Peru and Cali¬ fornia are nothing at all. He needs not envy the richest merchants and bankers. He has a portion that will endure when hank-notes and dollars are worthless things. He can say, like the Spanish embassador, when shown the treasury at Venice, "My master's treas¬ ury has no bottom."* He has Christ. Such a one is insured. He is ready for any thing that may happen. Nothing can * This was said boastfully, at the time when the gold mines of Mexico and South America formed part of the possessions of the Spanish crown. ARE YOU FORGIVEN? 95 harm him. Banks may break, and govern¬ ments may be overturned. Famine and pestilence may rage around him. Sickness and sorrow may visit his own fireside. But still he is ready for all: ready for health, ready for disease—ready for tears, ready for joy—ready for poverty, ready for plenty— ready for life, ready for death. He has Christ. He is a pardoned soul. "Blessed" indeed " is he whose transgression is forgiven, and whose sin is covered." Psalm xxxii. 1.* * " If we havo Christ, then have we with him and by him all good things whatsoever we can in our hearts wish or desire—as victory over death, sin, and hell: we have the favor of God, peace with him, holiness, wisdom, justice, power, life, and redemption: we have by him perpetual health, wealth, joy, and bliss everlasting."— Church of England Homily of the Fear of Death. 1547. " He that hath got a view of Christ, and reads his own pardon in Christ's sufferings, can rejoice in this in the midst of all other sufferings, and look on death without apprehension, yea, with gladness—for the sting is out. Christ hath made all pleasant to him by this one thing, that he suffered once for sins. Christ hath perfumed the cross and the grave, and made all sweet. The pardoned man finds himself light—skips and leaps, and through Christ strengthening him can encounter any troubles; yea, he can Bubmit patiently to the Lord 96^ HOME TRUTHS. Reader, how will you escape if you neglect so great salvation? Why should you not lay hold on it at once, and say, Pardon me, even me also, 0 my Saviour! What would you have, if the way I have set before you does not satisfy you ? Come while the door is open. Ask, and you shall receive. IY. Let me give you, in the last place, some marks of having found forgiveness. I dare not leave out this point. Too many persons presume they are forgiven, who have no evidences to show. Not a few cannot think it possible they are forgiven, who are plainly in the way to heaven, though they may not see it themselves. I would fain raise hope in some, and self-inquiry in others; and to do this, let me tell you the leading marks of a forgiven soul. in any correction. Thou hast forgiven my sin, there¬ fore deal with me as thou wilt: all is well."—Archbishop Leighton. 1670. "A believer is a rich man and an honorable, even if he be a beggar on the dunghill. Christ cannot be poor, and he is a fellow-heir with Christ."—Rutherford's Christ Dying. 1647. ARE YOU FORGIVEN? 97 Forgiven souls hate sin. They can enter most fully into the words of the communion- service, " The remembrance of sin is grievous unto them, and the burden of it is intolera¬ ble." It is the serpent which hit them: how should they not shrink from it with horror ? It is the poison which brought them to the brink of eternal death: how should they not loathe it with a godly disgust? It is the Egyptian enemy which kept them in hard bondage: how should not the very memory of it be hitter to their hearts ? It is the dis¬ ease of which they carry the marks and scars about them, and from which they scarcely recovered: well may they dread it, flee from it, and long to be delivered altogether from its power. Remember how the woman in Simon's house wept over the feet of Jesus. Luke vii. 88. Remember how the Ephesians publicly burned their wicked books. Acts xix. 19. Remember how Paul mourned over his youthful transgressions—" I am not meet to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the Church of God." 1 Cor. xv. 9. Ah, reader, if you and sin are friends, you and, 4 98 HOME TRUTHS. God are not yet reconciled. You are not meet for heaven—for one main part of hea¬ ven's excellence is the absence of all sin.* Forgiven souls love Christ. This is that one thing they can say, if they dare say nothing else,—they do love Christ. His person, his office, his work, his name, his cross, his blood, his words, his example, his day, his ordinances,—all, all are precious to forgiven souls. The ministry which exalts him most, is that which they enjoy most. The books which are most full of him, are * " If thou have no mind to leave sin, and sin grieveth thee not, and thou art content to go forward in the same, and thou delightest-in it, and hatest it not, neither feel- est what sin is: when thou art in such a case, then thou hast no faith, and therefore art like to perish everlast¬ ingly."—Bishop Latimer. 1547. " The real Christian is an avowed enemy of sin, Shall I ever be friends with that, says he, which killed my Lord ? No; but I will even kill it, and do it by apply¬ ing his death. The true penitent is sworn to be the death of sin. He may be surprised by it, but there is no possibility of reconcilement between them. Thou that livest kindly and familiarly with sin, and either openly declarest thyself for it, or hast a secret love to it, where canst thou reap any comfort? Not from Christ's sufferings."—Archbishop Leighton. 1670. ARE YOU FORGIVEN? 99 most pleasant to their minds. The people on earth they feel most drawn to, are those in whom they see something of Christ. His name is as ointment poured forth, and comes with a peculiar sweetness to their ears. They would tell you they cannot help feeling as they do. He is their Redeemer, their Shep¬ herd, their Physician, their King, their strong Deliverer, their gracious Guide, their hope, their joy, their all. Were it not for him, they would be of all men most miserable. They would as soon consent that you should take the sun out of the sky, as Christ out of their religion. Those people who talk of "the Lord," and "the Almighty," and "the Deity," and so forth, but have not a word to say about Christ, are in any thing hut a right state of mind. What saith the Scripture? " He that honoreth not the Son, honoreth not the Father which "hath sent him." John v. 23.* " If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let * "He that lifts not up Christ above all hath no interest in Christ at all. He that sets not Christ above all is not a disciple of Christ."—Thomas Brooks. 1660. 100 HOME TRUTHS. him be anathema maranatha." 1 Cor. xvi. 22. Forgiven souls are humble. They cannot forget that they owe all, they have and hope for to free grace, and this keeps them lowly. They are brands plucked from the fire,—. debtors who could not pay for themselves,—. captives who must have remained in prison for ever, but for undeserved mercy,—wander¬ ing sheep who were ready to perish when the Shepherd found them,—and what right have they then to be proud ? Forgiveness produces the spirit of Jacob :—" I am not worthy of the least of all the mercies, and of all the truth which thou hast showed unto thy ser¬ vant;" (Gen. xxxii. 10;) and of Hezekiah, "I shall go softly all my years;" (Isa. xxxviii. 15;) and of the apostle Paul, " I am less than the least of all saints,—chief of sinners." Eph. iii. 8; 1 Tifn. i. 15. Reader, when you and I have nothing we can call our own but sin and weakness, there is surely no garment that becomes us so well as humility. Forgiven souls are holy. Their chief desire is to please Him who has saved them, ARE YOU FORGIVEN? 101 to do his will, to glorify him in body and in spirit, which are his. " What shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits ?" is a lead¬ ing principle in a pardoned heart.# It was the remembrance of Jesus showing mercy that made Paul in labors so abundant, and in doing good so unwearied. It was a sense of pardon that made Zaccheus say, " The half of my goods I give to the poor; and if I have taken any thing from any man by false accusation, I restore him fourfold." Luke xix. 8. Reader, if you point out to me professing Christians who are in a carnal, slothful state of soul, I reply in the words of Peter, " They have forgotten they were purged from their old sins." 2 Peter i. 9. If you show me a man deliberately living an unholy and licen¬ tious life, and yet boasting that his sins are forgiven, I answer, He is under a ruinous delusion, and is not forgiven at all. I would not believe he is forgiven, if an angel from heaven affirmed it, and I charge you not to believe it. Pardon of sin and love of sin, are like oil and water,—they will never go together. All that are washed in the blood 102 HOME TRUTHS. of Christ, are also sanctified by the Spirit of Christ.* Forgiven souls are forgiving. They do as they have been done by. They look over the offences of their brethren. They en* deavor to walk in love, as Christ loved them, and gave himself for them. They remember how God for Christ's sake forgave them, and endeavor to do the same toward their fellow, creatures. He has forgiven them pounds, and shall they not forgive a few pence? Doubtless in this, as in many things else, they come short; but this is their desire and their aim. A spiteful, quarrelsome Christian is a scandal to his profession. It is very hard to believe that such a one has ever sat at the foot of the cross, has ever considered how he is praying against himself every time he uses the Lord's prayer, and saying, as it * "Are you in a willing league with any known sin? Yea, would you willingly, if you might he saved in that way, give up yourself to voluptuousness and ungodliness, and not at all desire to follow Jesus Christ in the way of holiness ? Then, truly, I have not any thing to say for your comfort."—Archbishop Leighton. 1670. ABE YOU FORGIVEN? 103 were, "Father, do not forgive me my tres¬ passes at all." But it is still harder to understand what such a one would do in heaven, if he got there. All ideas of heaven in which forgiveness has not a place, are castles in the air, and vain fancies. For¬ giveness is the way by which every saved soul enters heaven. Forgiveness is the only title by which he remains in heaven. For¬ giveness is the' eternal subject of song with all the redeemed who inhabit heaven. Surely an unforgiving soul in heaven would find his heart completely out of tune. Surely we know nothing of Christ's love to us but the name of it, if we do not love our brethren. Reader, I lay these things before you. I know well there are great diversities in the degree of men's attainments in grace, and that saving faith in Christ is consistent with many imperfections. But still I do believe the marks I have just been naming will generally be found more or less in all for¬ given souls. I cannot conceal from you that these marks should raise in many minds great searchings 104 HOME TRUTHS. of heart. I must be plain. I fear there are thousands of persons called Christians who know nothing of these marks. They are baptized. They keep their church. They would not on any account be reckoned infi¬ dels. But as to true repentance, and saving faith, union with Christ, and sanctification of the Spirit, they are names and words of which they know nothing at all. Now if this work is read by such persons, it will probably either alarm them, or make them very angry. If it makes them angry, I shall be sorry. If it alarms them, I shall be glad. I want to alarm them. I want to awaken them from their present state. I want them to take in the great fact, that they are not yet forgiven, they have not peace with God, and are on the high road to destruction. I must say this, for I see no alternative. It seems neither Christian faithfulness, nor Christian charity, to keep it back. I see certain marks of pardoned souls laid down in Scripture. I see an utter want of these marks in many men and women around me. ARE YOU FORGIVEN? 105 How then can I avoid the conclusion that they are not yet forgiven ? And how shall I do the work of a faithful watchman, if I do not write it down plainly in so many words ? "Where is the use of crying Peace, peace, when there is no peace? Where is the honesty of acting the part of a lying physician, and telling people there is no danger, when in reality they are fast drawing near ^o eternal death ? Surely the blood of souls would be required at my hands, if I wrote to you any thing less than the truth. "If the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself for the battle ?" Examine yourselves, then, before this sub¬ ject is forgotten. Consider of what sort your religion is. Try it by the marks I have just set before you. I have endeavored to make them as broad and general as I can, for fear of causing any heart to he sad that God has not made sad. If you know any thing of them, though it be but a little, I am thankful, and entreat you to go forward. But if you know nothing of them in your own experience, let me say in all affection, I 106 HOME TRUTHS. stand in doubt of you. I tremble for your soul. 1. And now, before I conclude, let me put a home question to every one who reads this work. It shall be short and plain, but it is all-inrportant,—"Are you forgiven ?" I have told you all I can about forgiveness. Your need of forgiveness,—the way of for¬ giveness,—the encouragements to seek for- giveness,—the marks of having found it,— all have been placed before you. Bring the whole subject to bear upon your own heart, and ask yourself, "Am' I forgiven ? Either I am, or I am not. Which of the two is it ?" You believe, perhaps, there is forgiveness of sins. You believe that Christ died for sinners, and that he offers a pardon to the most ungodly. But are you forgiven your¬ self? Have you yourself laid hold on Christ by faith, and found peace through his blood? What profit is there to you in forgiveness, unless you get the benefit of it ? What does it profit the shipwrecked sailor that the life¬ boat is alongside, if he sticks by the wreck, and does not jump in and escape? What ARE YOU FORGIVEN? 107 does it avail the sick man that the doctor offers him a medicine, if he only looks at it, and does not swallow it? Unless you lay hold for your own soul, you will be as surely lost as if there was no forgiveness at all.* Reader, if ever your sins are to be for¬ given, it must be now,—now, in this life, if * " This sweet truth, that Christ died for sinners, and rose again for their justification, will not help thee, unless thou hope for thyself; yea, thou wilt remain in thy old skin, while using this blessed saying as a cover for thy sins. Do not take this consolation; for although he died for all and rose again, yet to thee he is not risen, for thou hast not yet apprehended, by faith, his resurrection: the words thou hast heard, but their power thou hast not experienced."—Martin Luther. " This is it which bringeth comfort unto the wounded soul and afflicted conscience; not that Christ is a Saviour —for what am I the better for that ?—but a Saviour unto me. What is it to my belly that bread is prepared for others, unless I be assured that my part is therein ? What is it to my soul that Christ died for others, unless I know that my sins are washed away in his blood ? It may be good for Moses, or Paul, or Peter, or James, or Stephen, but what is it unto me ? It is ' mine' and ' thine,' as Luther did well teach: it is • my' God and «thy' Saviour, which doth satisfy thirsty consciences." —George Abbott, Archbishop of Canterbury. 1612. 108 HOME TRUTHS. ever in the life to come,—now in this world, if they are to be found blotted out when Jesus comes again. There must be actual business between you and Christ. Your sins must be laid on him by faith. His blood must be applied to your conscience, or else your sins will meet you in the day of judg¬ ment, and sink you into hell. 0 !. reader, how can you trifle when such things are at stake ? How can you be content to leave it uncertain whether you are forgiven ? Surely that a man can make his will, insure hia life, give directions about his funeral, and yet leave his soul's affairs in uncertainty, is a wonderful thing indeed. 2. Let me next give a solemn warning to every one who reads this work, and knows in his conscience he is not forgiven. Your soul is in awful danger. You may die this year. And if you die as you are, you are lost for ever. If you die without pardon, without pardon you will rise again at the last day. There is a sword over your head that hangs by a single hair. There is but a step between you and death. 0! I ARE YOU FORGIVEN? 109 wonder that you can sleep quietly in your hed. You are not yet forgiven. Then what have you got by your religion ? You go to church. You have a Bible, you have a prayer-book, and perhaps a hymn-book. You hear sermons. You join in services. It may be you go to the Lord's table. But what have you really got, after all ? Any hope ? Any peace? Any joy? Any comfort? Nothing, literally nothing! You have got nothing but mere temporal things, if you are not a pardoned soul. You are not yet forgiven. But you trust God will be merciful. And why should he be merciful, if you will not seek him in his own appointed way ? Merciful he doubtless is,—wonderfully merciful to all who come to him in the name of Jesus. But if you choose to despise his directions, and make a road to heaven of your own, you will find to your cost there is no mercy for you. You are not yet forgiven. But you hope you shall be some day. I cannot away with that expression. It is like thrusting off the 110 HOME TRUTHS. hand of conscience, and seizing it by the throat to stop its voice. "Why are you more likely to seek forgiveness at a future time ? Why should you not seek it now ? Now is the time for gathering the bread of life. The day of the Lord is fast drawing near, and then no man can work. Exod. xvi. 26. The seventh trumpet will soon sound. Woe to the house which is found without the scarlet line, and without the mark of blood upon the door! Josh. ii. 18. Exod. xii. 13. Well, you may not feel your need of for¬ giveness now; hut a time may come when you will want it. The Lord in mercy grant that it may not then be too late !* 3. Let me next give an earnest invitation to all who read this work, and desire forgiveness. I know not who you are, or what you have been in time past, but I say boldly, Come to * " Those poor who are without a covering for their bodies are to be pitied; but with what tears should we lament those—how rich soever they are in this world— who are without a covering for their souls, and so stand naked in the storm, and under the dreadful droppings ©f the wrath of God!"—Joseph Caryl. 1650. ARE YOU FORGIVEN? Ill Christ by faith, and you shall have a pardon. Iligh or low, rich or poor, young men and maidens, old men and children,—you cannot be worse than Manasseh and Paul before conversion,—than David and Peter after conversion,—come all of you to Christ, and you shall be freely forgiven. Think not for a moment that you have some great thing to do before you come to Christ. Such a notion is of the earth, earthy. The gospel bids you come just as you are. Man's idea is to amend and turn over a new leaf, and so work his way up to reconciliation and friendship with God. The gospel way is first to be friends with God, through Christ, and then to work. Man's idea is to toil up the hill, and find life at the top. The gospel way is first to live by faith in Christ, and then to do his will. And judge ye, every one, judge ye which is true Christianity. Which is the good news? Which is the glad tidings? Pirst sanctification, and then pardon; or first par¬ don, and then sanctification ? First service, and then life; or first life, and then service ? 112 HOME TRUTHS. Reader, your own heart can well supply the answer. Come, then, willing to receive, and not thinking how much you can bring. Come, willing to take what Christ offers, and not fancying you can give any thing in return. Come with your sins, and no other qualifica¬ tion hut a hearty desire for pardon, and, so sure as the Bible is true, you shall be saved. You may tell me you are not worthy, you are not good enough, you are not elect. I answer, You are a sinner, and you want to be saved; and what more do you want! You are one of those whom Jesus came to save. Come to him, and you shall have life.* Take with you words, and he will hear you graciously. Tell him all your soul's necessi¬ ties, and I know he will give heed. Tell him you have heard he receiveth sinners, and that you are such. Tell him you have heard he has the keys of life in his hand, and entreat him to let you in. Tell him you come in * " The longer thou dost live without Christ, the more grains dost thou collect to make the mountain of thy sins higher."—Martin Luther. ABE YOU FORGIVEN? 113 dependence on his own promises, and ask him to fulfil his word, and do as he has said. Do this in simplicity and sincerity, and my soul for yours, you shall not ask in vain. Do this, and you shall find him faithful and just to forgive your sins, and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness. 4. Last of all, let me give a word of ex¬ hortation to all forgiven souls. You are forgiven. Then know the full extent of your privileges, and learn to rejoice in the Lord. You and I are great sinners, but then we have a great Saviour. You and I have sinned sins that are past man's know¬ ledge, hut then we have the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, to rest upon. You and I have mighty enemies to contend with, but then the Captain of our salvation is mightier still, and is ever with us. "Why should our hearts be troubled ? Why should we be disquieted and cast down ? 0 men of little faith that we are! Wherefore do we doubt?* * "A great many believers walk upon the promises at God's call in the way to heaven, even as a child upon 114 HOME TRUTHS. Let us strive every year to grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is sad to be content with a little religion. It is honorable to covet the best gifts. We ought not to be satisfied with the same kind of hearing, and reading, and praying which satisfied us in years gone by. We ought to labor every year to throw more heart and reality into every thing we do in our religion. To love Christ more intensely —to abhor evil more thoroughly—to cleave to what is good more closely—to watch even our least ways more narrowly—to declare very plainly that we seek a country—to put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and be clothed with him in every place and company—to see more—to feel more—to know more—to do more—to pray more;—these ought to be our aims and desires every year we begin. Truly there is room for improvement in us all.* weak ice, which they are afraid will crack under them, and leave them in the depth."—Traill. 1690. * "A soul clothed with Christ stooping to any sinful delight, or an ardent pursuit of any thing earthly, ARE YOU FORGIVEN? 115 Let us try to do good to the souls of others, more than we have done hitherto. Alas! it is poor work indeed to be swallowed up in our own spiritual concerns, and taken up with our own spiritual ailments, and never to think of others. We forget that there is such a thing as religious selfishness. Let us count it a sorrowful thing to go to heaven alone, and let us seek to draw companions with us. We ought never to forget that every man, woman, and child around us will soon be either in heaven or hell. Let us say to others as Moses did to Hobab, " Come with us, and we will do thee good." Num'. x. 29. 0 it is indeed a true saying, " He that watereth shall be watered himself." Prov. xi. 25. The selfish Christian has little idea what he is missing. But above all let us learn to live the life of faith in Jesus more than we have hitherto. Ever to be found by the fountain side,—ever though lawful, doth wonderfully degrade itself. Me- thinks it is as a king's son in his princely apparel, playing the scullion, sitting down to turn the spit.' Archbishop Leighton. 1670. 116 HOME TRUTHS. to be eating Christ's body by faith, and drinking Christ's blood by faith,—ever to have before our minds Christ dying for our sins, Christ rising again for our justification, Christ interceding for us at God's right hand, Christ soon coming again to gather us to himself,—this is the mark which we should have continually before our eyes. We may fall short, but let us aim high. Let us walk in the full light of the Sun of righteousness, and then our graces will grow. Let us not be like trees on a north wall, weak and un¬ fruitful, and cold. Let us rather strive to be like the sun-flower, and to follow the great fountain of light wherever he goes, and to see him with open face. 0 for an eye more quick to discern his leadings! 0 for an ear more ready to hear his voice !* * " Look not for any blessing out of Christ; and in and by and from him look for all blessings. Let him be thy life; and wish not to live longer than thou art quick¬ ened by him. Find him thy wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, redemption—thy riches, thy strength, thy glory."—Bishop Hall. "All our work now is to be well acquainted with Christ in the way. Christ is both the way and the ARE YOU FORGIVEN? 117 Let us say to every thing in the world that interferes between ourselves and Jesus, "Stand aside;" and let us dread allowing ourselves in the least evil habits, lest insen¬ sibly they rise up as a mist and hide him from our eyes. In his light alone shall we see light and feel warmth, and separate from him we shall find the world a dark and cold wilderness. We should call to mind the request of the Athenian philosopher when the mightiest monarch on earth asked him what he desired most: "I have," said he, "but one request to make, and that is that you would stand from between me and the sun" Let this be the spirit in which you and I are found continually. Let us think lightly of the world's gifts. Let us sit calm¬ ly under its cares. Let us care for nothing, if we may only ever see the King's face, if we may only ever abide in Christ. home. We must be -walking in him and travelling toward him; and he is our guide and leader in the way. The soul and life of grace, is in living on him by faith, and the happiness of heaven is in living with him for ever."—Traill. 118 HOME TRUTHS. And now, reader, with every kind and Christian wish for your soul's happiness, I commend you to the only wise God, our Saviour. He is able to keep you from fall¬ ing, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy. Jude 24. only one way. 119 (Dnlg One Mag. NEITHER IS THERE SALVATION IN ANY OTHER; FOR THERE IS NONE OTHER NAME UNDER HEAVEN, GIVEN AMONG MEN, WHERE¬ BY WE MUST BE SAVED. Aota h. 12. These words are striking in themselves. But they are much more striking, if you consider when, and by whom they were spoken. They were spoken by a poor and friendless Christian, in the midst of a persecuting Jewish Council. It was a grand confession of Christ. They were spoken by the lips of the Apostle Peter. This is the man who a few weeks before forsook Jesus and fled. This is the very man who three times over denied his Lord. There is another spirit in him now. He stands up boldly before priests and Sadducees, and tells them the truth to their 120 HOME TRUTHS. face: " This is the stone that was set at naught of you builders, which is become the head of the corner. Neither is there salva¬ tion in any other; for there is none other name under heaven, given among men, whereby we must be saved." In considering this subject, there are three things I wish to do. I. First, to show you the doctrine here laid down by the apostle. II. Secondly, to show you some reasons why this doctrine must be true. III. Thirdly, to show you some consequen¬ ces which naturally flow from the doctrine. I. First, let me show you the doctrine of the text. Let us make sure that we rightly under¬ stand what the Apostle Peter means. He says of Christ, "Neither is there salvation in any other; for there is none other name under heaven, given among men, whereby we must be saved." Now what is this ? On our clearly seeing this very much depends. He means that no one cam be saved from ONLY ONE WAY. 121 sin,—its guilt, power, and consequences,— excepting by Jesus Christ. He means that no one can have peace with ^iod the Father,—obtain pardon in this world,-r-and escape wrath to come in the next, excepting through the atonement and mediation of Jesus Christ. In Christ alone God's rich provision of salvation for sinners is treasured up. By Christ alone God's abundant mercies come down from heaven to earth. Christ's blood alone can cleanse us. Christ's merit alone can give us a title to heaven. Jews and Gentiles, learned and unlearned, kings and poor men, all' alike must either be saved by Jesus, or lost for ever. And the apostle adds emphatically, " there is none other name under heaven, given among men, whereby we must be saved." There is no other person commissioned, sealed, and appointed by God the Father, to be the Saviour of sinners, excepting Christ. The keys of life and death are committed to his. hand, and all who would be saved must go to him. 122 HOME TRUTHS. There was but one place of safety in the day when the flood came upon the earth, ard that was Noah's ark. So also there is hut one hiding-place for the sinner who would escape the storm of God's anger,—he must venture his soul on Christ. There was but one man to whom the Egyptians could go, in the time of famine, when they wanted food. They must go to Joseph. It was a waste of time to go to any one else. So also there is but one to whom hungering souls must go, if they would not perish for ever,—they must go to Christ. There is but one word that could save the lives of the Ephraimites in the day when the Gileadites contended with them, and took the fords of Jordan. Judges xii. 5, 6. They must say, " Shibboleth," or die. Just so there is but one name that will avail us when we stand at the gate of heaven. We must name the name of Jesus, as our only hope, or be cast away everlastingly. Such is the doctrine of the text,—"No salvation but by'Jesus Christ—in him plenty of salvation,—salvation to the uttermost,— ONLY ONE WAY. 123 salvation for the very chief of sinners— out of him no salvation at all." It is in perfect harmony with our Lord's own word in St. John: "I am the way, the truth and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me." John xiv. 6. It is the same thing that Paul tells the Corinthians: " Other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ." 1 Cor. iii. 11. And the same that John tells us in his first epistle: " God hath given to us eternal life; and this life is in his Son. He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son hath not life." 1 John v. 11, 12. All these texts prove that there is no salvation out of Christ. Reader, make sure that you understand this before you pass on. Perhaps you think this is all old news. Perhaps you feel " These are ancient things:—who knoweth not such truths as these ? Of course we believe there is no salvation hut by Christ." But mark well what I say: make sure that you under stand this doctrine, or else by and by you will stumble, and be offended at what I have yet to say. 124 HOME TRUTHS. Remember that you are to venture the whole salvation of your soul on Christ, and on Christ only. You are to cast loose com¬ pletely and entirely from all hopes and trusts. You are not to rest partly on Christ,—partly on doing all you can,—partly on keeping your church,—partly on receiving the sacra¬ ment. In the matter of your justification Christ is to be all. This is the doctrine of the text. Remember that heaven is before you, and Christ the only door into it; hell beneath you, and Christ alone able to deliver you from it; the devil behind you, and Christ the only refuge from his wrath and accusa¬ tions ; the law against you, and Christ alone able to redeem you; sin weighing you down, and Christ alone able to put it away. This is the doctrine of the text. Now do you see it ? I hope you do. But I fear many think so, who may find before they have finished reading the following pages that they do not. II. Let me show you, in the second place, ONLY ONE WAY. 125 some reasons why the doctrine of the text must he true. I might cut short this part of the subject by one simple argument, " God says so." " One plain text," said an old divine, " is as good as a thousand reasons." But I will not do this. I wish to meet the objections that are ready to rise in many hearts against this doctrine, by pointing out the strong foundations on which it stands. 1. Let me then say, for one thing, that the doctrine of the text must be true, because man is what man is. Now, what is man? There is one broad SAveeping answer, which takes in the whole human race,—man is a sinful being. All children of Adam born into the world, what¬ ever be their name or nation, are corrupt, wicked, and defiled in the sight of God. Their thoughts, words, ways, and actions, are all more or less defective and imperfect. Is there no country oi\ the face of the globe where sin does not reign ? Is there no happy valley, no secluded island, where innocence is to be found ? Is there no tribe 126 HOME TRUTHS. on earth, where, far away from civilization, and commerce, and money, and gunpowder, and luxury, and books, morality and purity flourish ? No! reader, there is none. Look over all the voyages and travels you can lay your hand on, from Columbus down to Cook, and you will see the truth of what I am asserting. The most solitary islands of the Pacific Ocean,—islands cut off from all the rest of the world,—islands where people were alike ignorant of Rome and Paris, London and Jerusalem,—these islands have been found full of impurity, cruelty, and idolatry. The footprints of the devil have been traced on every shore. The veracity of the third of Genesis has everywhere been established. Whatever else savages have been found ignorant of, they have never been found ignorant of sin. But are there no men and women in the world, who are free from this corruption of nature? Have there not been high and exalted souls, who have lived faultless lives ? Have there not been some, if it be only a few, who have done all that God required, ONLY ONE WAY. 127 and thus proved that sinlessness is a possi¬ bility ? No! reader, there have been none. Look over all the biographies and lives of the holiest Christians. Mark how the bright¬ est and best of Christ's people have always had the deepest sense of their own defect¬ iveness and corruption, apart from grace. They groan, they mourn, they sigh, they weep over their own shortcomings. It is one of the common grounds on which they meet. Patriarchs and Apostles, — Fathers and Reformers,—Episcopalians and Presbyteri¬ ans,—Luther and Calvin,—Knox and Brad¬ ford,—Rutherford and Bishop Hall,—Wes¬ ley and Whitefield,—Martin and M'Cheyne— all are alike agreed in feeling their own sinfulness. The more light they have, the more humble and self-abased they seem to be. The more holy they are, the more they seem to feel their own unworthiness, and to glory,—not in themselves,—but in Christ. Now what does all this tend to prove? To my eyes it seems to prove, that human nature is so tainted and corrupt that, left to himself, no man could be saved. Man's case 128 HOME TRUTHS. appears to me a hopeless one without a Saviour,—and that a mighty Saviour too. There must he a Mediator, an Atonement, an Advocate, to make such poor sinful beings acceptable with God—and I find this no¬ where excepting in Jesus Christ. Heaven for man without a mighty Redeemer,—peace with God for man without a mighty Inter¬ cessor,—eternal life for man without an eternal Saviour, — in one word, salvation without Christ, all alike appear to me utter impossibilities. I lay these things before you, and ask you to consider them. I know it is one of the hardest things in the world to realize the sinfulness of sin. To say we are all sinners is one thing,—to have an idea what sin must be in the sight of God is quite another. Sin is too much part of ourselves to allow us to see it as it is. "We do not feel our own moral deformity. We are like those animals in creation which are vile and loathsome to our senses, but are not so to themselves, nor yet to one another. Their loathsomeness is their nature, and they do not perceive it. ONLY ONE WAY. 129 Our corruption is part and parcel of our¬ selves, and at our best we have but a feeble comprehension of its intensity. But this you may be sure of: if you could see your own lives with the eyes of the angels who never fell, you would never doubt this point for a moment. Depend on it, no one can really know what man is, and not see that the doctrine of our text must be true. There can be no salvation except by Christ. 2. Let me say another thing. The doctrine of our text must be true, because God is ivliat God is. Now, what is God ? That is a deep ques¬ tion indeed. We know something of his attributes. He has not left himself without witness in creation. He has mercifully re¬ vealed to us many things about himself in his word. We know that God is a Spirit,— eternal,—invisible,—almighty,—the Maker of all things,—the Preserver of all things,— holy,—just,—all-seeing,— all-knowing,—all- remembering,—infinite in mercy, in wisdom, in purity. But alas! after all, how low and grovelling 130 HOME TRUTHS. are our highest ideas, -when we come to put down on paper what we believe God to he! How many words and expressions we use whose full meaning we cannot fathom! How many things our tongues say of him, which our minds are utterly unable to conceive! How small a part of him do we see! How little of him can we possibly know! How mean and paltry are any words of ours to convey any idea of him who made this mighty world out of nothing, and with whom one day is as a thousand years, and a thou¬ sand years as one day! How weak and inadequate are our poor feeble intellects to conceive of him who is perfect in all his works,—perfect in the greatest as well as perfect in the smallest,—perfect in appointing the days and hours in which Jupiter, with all his satellites, shall travel round the sun,— perfect in forming the smallest insect that creeps over a few feet of our little globe! How little can our busy helplessness compre¬ hend a being who is ever superintending all things in heaven and earth by universal providence. The blind man is no judge of the paintings ONLY ONE WAY. 131 of Rubens or Titian. The deaf man is in¬ sensible to the beauty of Handel's music. The Greenlander can have but a faint notion of the climate of the tropics. The Austra¬ lian savage can form but a remote conception of a locomotive engine, however well you may describe it. There is no place in their minds to take in these things. They have no *set of thoughts which can comprehend them. They have no mental fingers to grasp them. And just in the same way, the best and brightest ideas that man can form of God, compared to the reality which we shall see one day, are weak and faint indeed. But, reader, one thing, I think, is very clear, and that is this. The more any man considers calmly what God really is, the more he must feel the immeasurable distance between God and himself. The more he meditates, the more he must see that there is a great gulf between him and God. His conscience, I think, will tell him, if he will let it speak, that God is perfect, and he im¬ perfect,—that God is very high, and he very low,—that God is glorious majesty, and he a !32 HOME TRUTHS. poor worm,—and that if ever he is to stand before him in judgment with comfort, he must have some mighty helper, or he will not be saved. And what is all this but the very doctrine of our text? What is all this but coming round to the conclusion I am urging upon you? With such a one as God to give ac¬ count to, we must have a mighty Saviour. To give us peace with such a glorious being as God, we must have an almighty Friend and Advocate on our side,—an Advocate who can answer every charge that can be laid against us, and plead our cause with God on equal terms. We want this, and nothing less than this. Yague notions of mercy will never give true peace. And such a Saviour, such a Friend, such an Advocate, is nowhere to be found, excepting in the person of Jesus' Christ. I lay this reason also before you. I know well that people may have false notions of God, as well as every thing else, and shut their eyes against truth. But I say boldly and confidently, no man can have really ONLY ONE WAY. 133 high and honorable views of what God is, and escape the conclusion that the doctrine of our texj must be true. There can be no possible salvation but by Jesus Christ. 3. Let me say, in the third place, that this doctrine must be true, because the Bible is what the Bible is. All through the Bible, from Genesis down to Revelation, there is only one simple ac¬ count of the way in which men must be saved. It is always the same,—only for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ, through faith, —not for our own works and deservings. You see it dimly revealed at first. It looms through the mist of a few promises— but there it is. You have it more plainly afterward. It is taught by the pictures and emblems of the law of Moses, the schoolmaster dispensation. Gal. iii. 24. You have it still more clearly by and by. The prophets saw in vision many particulars about the Redeemer yet to come. You have it fully at last, in the sunshine of New Testament history,—Christ incarnate, 134 HOME TRUTHS. —Christ crucified,—Christ rising again,— Christ preached to the world. But one golden chain runs through the whole volume,—no salvation excepting by Jesus Christ. The bruising of the serpent's head, foretold in the day of the fall,—the sacrifices of Abel, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,—the passover, and all the partic¬ ulars of the Jewish law,—the high priest,— the altar,—the daily offering of the lamb,— the holy of holies entered only by blood,— the scape-goat,—all are so many witnesses to the truth set forth in the text,—all preach with one voice, salvation only by Jesus Christ. In fact, this truth appears to me the grand subject of the Bible, and all the different parts and portions of the book are meant to throw light upon it. I can gather from it no ideas of pardon and peace with God, ex¬ cepting in connection with this truth. If I could read of one soul in it who was saved without faith in a Saviour, I might, perhaps, not speak so confidently. But I see that faith in Christ,—whether a coming Christ or ONLY ONE WAY 135 a crucified Christ,—was the prominent fea¬ ture in the religion of all who went to heaven. I see Abel owning Christ in his better sacrifice, at one end of the Bible, and the saints in glory, in John's vision, rejoicing in Christ at the other end of the Bible. I see a man like Cornelius, who was devout and feared God, and gave alms, and prayed, not told that he had done all, and would of course be saved, but ordered to send for Peter, and hear of Christ. And when I see all these facts, I feel bound to believe that the doctrine of the text is the doctrine of the whole Bible^-no salvation, no way to heaven, excepting by Jesus Christ. Reader, I do not know what use you make of your Bible: whether you read it, or whether you do not,—whether you read it all, or whether you only read such parts as you like. But this I tell you plainly: if you read and believe the whole Bible, you will find it hard to escape what I have been en¬ deavoring to prove. Christ is the way, and the only way,—Christ the truth, and the only truth,—Christ the life, and the only life. 136 Home truths Such are the reasons which seem to me to confirm the truth laid down in our text. What man is,—what God is,—what the Bible is,—all appear to me to lead us to the same great conclusion,—no possible salvation with¬ out Christ. III. And now, in the third and last place, let me show you some consequences which floio naturally out of our text. There are few parts of this subject which seem to me more important than this. The truth I have been trying to set before you bears so strongly on the condition of a great portion of mankind, that I consider it would be mere affectation on my part not to say something about it. If Christ is the only way of salvation, what are we to feel about many people in the world? This is the point I am now going to take up. I believe that many persons would go with me, so far as I have gone, and would go no farther. They will allow my premises. They will have nothing to say to my conclu¬ sions. They think it uncharitable to say ONLY ONE WAY. 137 any thing which appears to condemn others. For my part, I cannot understand such charity. It seems to me the kind of charity which would see a neighbor drinking slow poison, hut never interfere to stop him,— which would allow emigrants to embark in a leaky, ill-found vessel, and not interfere to prevent them,—which would see a blind man walking near a precipice, and think it wrong to cry out and tell him there was danger. I believe the greatest charity is to tell the greatest quantity of truth. I believe it is no charity to hide the legitimate consequences of such a text as we are now considering, or to shut our eyes against them. And I sol¬ emnly call on every one who really believes there is no salvation in any hut Christ, and none other name given under heaven where¬ by we must be saved,—I solemnly call on that person to listen to me, while I set before you some of the tremendous consequences which the text involves. I am not going to speak of the heathen, who have never heard the gospel. Their final state is a great depth, which the might- 138 HOME TRUTHB. iest minds have been unable to fathom. I am not ashamed of leaving it alone. One thing only I will say: if any of the heathen, who die heathen, are saved, I believe they will owe their salvation, however little they may know it on this side of the grave, to the atonement of Christ. Just as infants and idiots among ourselves will find, in the last day, they owed all to Christ—though they never knew him—so I believe it will be with those of the heathen who are saved—whether many or few. For this I am sure of, there is no such thing as creature merit. But I leave the case of the heathen to others, and will speak of matters nearer home. One mighty consequence, then, which seems to be learned from this text, is the final and utter uselessness of any religion without Christ. There are many to be found in Christen¬ dom, at this day, who have a religion of this kind. They would not like to be called Deists, but Deists they are. That there is a God,—that there is what they are pleased to call Providence,—that God is merciful,—that ONLY ONE WAY liilJ there will be a state after death,—this is about the sum and substance of their creed. And as to the distinguishing tenets of Chris¬ tianity, they do not seem to recognize them at all. Now I denounce such a system as a baseless fabric,—its seeming foundation, man's fancy,—its hopes, an utter delusion. The god of such people is an idol of their own invention, and not the glorious God of the Scriptures,—a miserably imperfect being, even on their own showing,—without holi¬ ness,—without justice,—without any attri¬ bute but that of vague, indiscriminate mercy. Such a religion may possibly do as a toy to live with,—it is far too unreal to die with. It utterly fails to meet the wants of man's conscience. It offers no remedy. It affords no rest for the soles of our feet. It cannot comfort, for it cannot save. Reader, beware of it, if you love life. Beware of a religion without Christ. Another consequence to be learned from the text is, the folly of any religion in which Christ has not the first place. I need not remind you how many hold a 140 HOME TRUTHS. system of this kind. The Socinian tells us that Christ was a mere man; that his blood had no more efficacy than that of another; that his death on the cross was not a real atonement and propitiation for man's sins; and that, after all, doing is the way to heaven, and not believing. I solemnly declare that I believe such a system is ruinous to men's souls. It seems to me to strike at the root of the whole plan of salvation which God has revealed in the Bible, and practically to nullify the greater part of the Scriptures. It overthrows the priesthood of the Lord Jesus, and strips him of his office. It con¬ verts the whole system of the law of Moses touching sacrifices and ordinances, into a meaningless form. It seems to say that the sacrifice of Cain was just as good as the sacrifice of Abel. It turns man adrift on a sea of uncertainty, by plucking from under him the atonement of a divine Mediator. Beware of it, reader—no less than of Deism— if you love life. Beware of the least attempt to depreciate and undervalue Christ's person, offices or work. The name whereby alone ONLY ONE WAY. 141 you and I can be saved is a name above every name — and the slightest contempt poured upon it is an insult to the King of kings. The salvation of your soul has beei laid by God the Father on Christ, and nc other; and if he were not very God of verj God, he never could accomplish it,—then could be no salvation at all. Another consequence to be learned from our text is, the great error committed by those who add any thing to Christ, as necessary to salvation. It is an easy thing to profess belief in the Trinity, and reverence for our Lord Jesus Christ, and yet to make some addition to Christ, as the ground of hope, and so to over¬ throw the doctrine of the text as really and completely as by denying it altogether. The Church of Rome does this systematic¬ ally. She adds things over and above the requirements of the gospel, of her own in¬ vention. She speaks as if Christ's atone¬ ment was not a sufficient foundation for a sinner's soul; and as if it was not enough to say, " Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and 142 HOME TRUTHS. thou shalt be saved." She sends men to penances and absolution, to masses and ex treme unction, to fasting and bodily mortifi¬ cation, to the Virgin and the saints, as if these things could add to the safety there ia in Christ Jesus. And in doing this she sins against our text with a high hand. Let us beware of any Romish hankering after addi¬ tions to the simple way of the gospel, from whatever quarter it may come. But I fear the Church of Rome does not stand alone in this matter. I fear there are thousands of professing Protestants, who are often erring in the same direction, although of course in a very different degree. They get into a way of adding, perhaps insensibly, other names to the name of Christ, or attach¬ ing an importance to them which they never ought to receive. The ultra prelatist who thinks God's covenanted mercies are tied to episcopacy; the ultra Presbyterian, who cannot reconcile prelacy with an intelligent knowledge of the gospel; the ultra Baptist, who shuts out from the Lord's table every one who has not received his views of adult ONLY ONE WAY. 143 baptism; the ultra sectarian, of whatever name, who believes all knowledge to reside with his own body, and condemns every one outside as a poor weak babe: all these, I say however unwittingly, appear to me to have a most uncomfortable tendency to add to the doctrine of our text. All seem to me to be practically declaring that salvation is not to be found simply and solely in Christ. All seem to me to he practically adding another name 4o the name of Jesus, whereby men must be saved—even the name of their own party and sect. All seem to me to be prac¬ tically replying to the question, " What shall I do to be saved ?"—not merely, " Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ," but also, " Come and join us." Now I call upon every true Christian to beware of such ultraism, in whatsoever form he may be inclined to it. In saying this, I would not be misunderstood. I like every one to be decided in his views .of ecclesias¬ tical matters, and to be fully persuaded of their correctness. All I ask is, that you will not put these things in the place of Christ, 144 HOME TRUTHS. or place them anywhere near him, or speak of them as if you thought them needful to salvation. However dear to us our own peculiar views may he, let us beware of thrusting them in between the sinner and the Saviour. Let us beAvare, in short, of adding to the doctrine of the text. In the things of God's word, be it remembered, addition as well as subtraction is a great sin. The last consequence which seems to me to he learned from our text is, the utter absurd¬ ity of supposing that we ought to be satisfied with a man's state of soul, if he is only sin¬ cere. This is a very common heresy indeed, and one against which we all need to be on our guard. There are thousands who say, in the present day, We have nothing to do with the opinions of others. They may perhaps be mistaken—though it is possible they are right, and we are wrong—but if they are sincere, we hope they will he saved, even as we. And all this sounds liberal and chari¬ table ; and people like to fancy their own views are so. ONLY ONE WAY. 145 Now, I believe such notions are entirely contradictory to the Bible, whatever else they may be. I cannot find in Scripture that any one ever got to heaven merely by sincerity, or was accepted with God, if he was only earnest, in maintaining his own views. The priests of Baal were sincere when they cut themselves with knives and lancets, till the blood gushed out; but still that did not prevent Elijah from command¬ ing them to be treated as wicked idolaters. Manasseh, king of Judah, was doubtless sin¬ cere when he burned his children in the fire to Moloch; but who does not know that he brought on himself great guilt by so doing ? The Apostle Paul, when a Pharisee, was sin¬ cere while he made havoc of the Church; but when his eyes were opened, he mourned over this as a special wickedness. Let us beware of allowing for a moment that sincer¬ ity is every thing, and that we have no right to think ill of a man's spiritual state because of the opinions he holds, if he is only earnest in holding them. On such principles the Druidical sacrifices, the car of Juggernaut, 146 HOME TRUTHS. the Indian Suttees, the systematic murders of the Thugs, the fires of Smithfield, might each and all be defended. It will not stand. It will not bear the test of Scripture. Once allow such notions to be true, and you may as well throw your Bible aside altogether. Sincerity is not Christ, and therefore sincer¬ ity cannot put away sin. I dare be sure these consequences sound very unpleasant to the minds of some who may read them. But I tell you of them advisedly and deliberately. I say calmly, that a religion without Christ, a religion that takes away from Christ, a religion that adds any thing to Christ, a religion that puts sincerity in the place of Christ, all are dan¬ gerous, all are to be avoided, and all are alike contrary to the doctrine of our text. You may not like this. I am sorry for it. You think me uncharitable, illiberal, narrow- minded, bigoted, and so forth. Be it so. But you will not tell me my doctrine is not that of the word of God. That doctrine is, salvation in Christ to the very uttermost— but out of Christ no salvation at all. ONLY ONE WAY. 147 I feel it a duty to bear my solemn testi¬ mony against the spirit of the day you live in—to warn you against its infection. It is not Atheism I fear so much in the present times as Pantheism. It is not the system which says nothing is true, so much as the system which says every thing is true. It is not the system which says there is no Saviour, so much as the system which says there are many Saviours, and many ways to peace. It is the system which is so liberal,- that it dares not say any thing is false. It is the system which is so charitable, that it will allow every thing to be true. It is the system which seems ready to allow honor to others, as well as our Lord Jesus Christ—and to hope well of all men, however contradictory their religious opinions may be. Confucius and Zoroaster, Socrates and Mohammed, the Indian Brahmins and the African devil-wor¬ shippers, Arius and Pelagius, Ignatius Loyola and Socinus, all are to be treated respectfully, none are to be condemned. It is the system which bids us smile complacently on all creeds and systems of religion—the Bible and the 148 HOME TRUTHS Koran, the Hindoo Vedas and the Persian Zendavesta, the old wives' fables of Rabbin¬ ical writers and the rubbish of Patristic traditions, the Racovian Catechism and the Thirty-nine Articles, the Revelations of Emanuel Swedenborg and the Book of Mor¬ mon of Joseph Smith; all are to be listened to—none are to be denounced as lies. It is the system which is so scrupulous about the feelings of others, that we are never to say they are wrong. It is the system which is so liberal, that it calls a man a bigot if he dares to say, " I know my views are right." This is the system—this is the tone of feel¬ ing which I fear in this day. This is the system which I desire emphatically to testify against and denounce. What is it but a bowing down before a great idol, speciously called liberality ? What is it all but a sacrificing of truth upon the altar of a caricature of charity ? Beware of it, reader,—beware that the rushing stream of public opinion does not carry you away. Beware of it, if you believe the Bible. Be¬ ware of it, if you are a consistent member ONLY ONE WAY 149 of the Church. Has the Lord God spoken to us in the Bible, or has he not ? Has he shown us the way of salvation plainly in the Bible, or has he not? Has he declared to us the dangerous state of all out of that way. or has he not ? Gird up the loins of your mind, and look these questions fairly in the face, and give them an honest answer. Tell us that there is some other inspired hook beside the Bible, and then we shall know what you mean. Tell us that the whole Bible is not inspired, and then we shall know where to meet you. But grant for a moment that the Bible, the whole Bible, and nothing but the Bible, is God's truth, and then I know not in what way you can escape the doctrine of the text. From the liberality which says everybody is right,—from the charity which forbids you to say anybody is wrong,—from the peace which is bought at the expense of truth, may the good Lord deliver you! I speak for myself. I find no resting place between downright evangelical Chris¬ tianity and downright infidelity,—whatever 150 HOME TRUTHS others may find. I see no half-way house between them,—or houses that are roofless, and cannot shelter my weary soul. I can see consistency in an infidel, however much I may pity him. I can see consistency in the full maintenance of evangelical truth. But as to a middle course between the two, I cannot see it, and I say so plainly. Let it be called illiberal and uncharitable. I can hear God's voice nowhere except in the Bible, and I can see no salvation for sinners except¬ ing through Jesus'Christ. In him I see abundance. Out of him I see none. And as for those who hold religions in which Christ is not all,—whoever they may be,—I have a most uncomfortable feeling about their safety. I do not for a moment say that none of them are saved,—but I say that those who are saved, are saved by their disagreement with their own principles, and in spite of their own system. The man who wrote the famous line, " He can't be wrong whose life is in the right," was a great poet, undoubtedly, but he was a wretched divine. ONLY ONE WAY. 151 Let me conclude with a few words, by way of application. First of all, if there is no salvation, except in Christ, make sure that you have an inter¬ est in that salvation yourself. Do not be content with hearing and approving, and assenting to the truth, and going no farther. Seek to have a personal interest in this salva¬ tion. Lay hold by faith for your own soul. Rest not till you know and feel that you have got actual possession of that peace with God which Jesus offers, and that Christ is yours, and you are Christ's. If there were two or three or more ways of getting to heaven, there would be no necessity for pressing this matter upon you. But if there is only one way you will hardly wonder that I say, "Make sure that you are in it." Secondly, if there is no salvation, except¬ ing in Christ, try to do good to the souls of all who do not know him as a Saviour. There are millions in* this miserable condi¬ tion—millions in foreign lands, millions in your own country, millions who are not trust¬ ing in Christ. You ought to feel for them, 152 HOME TRUTHS. if you are a true Christian—you ought to pray for them—you ought to work for them, while there is yet time. Do you reafly believe that Christ is the only way to heaven ?—then live as if you believed it. Look round the circle of your own relatives and friends. Count them up one by one, and think how many of them are not yet in Christ. Try to do good to them in some way or other. Act as a man should act who believes his friends to be in danger. Do not be content with their being kind and ami¬ able, gentle and good-tempered, moral and courteous—be miserable about them till they come to Christ, and trust in him,—for miser¬ able you ought to be. Let nobody alone who is out of Christ, if only you have opportu¬ nities of reaching him. I know all this may sound like enthusiasm and fanaticism. I wish there was more of it in the world. Any thing, I am sure, is better than a quiet indif¬ ference about the souls of others, as if every¬ body was in the way to heaven. Nothing, to my mind, so proves our little faith, as our little feeling about the spiritual condition of. those around us. ONLY ONE WAY. 153 Thirdly, if there is no salvation, excepting in Christ, let us love all who love the Lord Jesus in sincerity, and exalt him as their Saviour, whoever they may be. Let us not draw hack and look shy on others, because they do not see eye to eye with ourselves in every thing. We are all fast travelling to¬ ward a place where names and forms and Church-government will be nothing, and Christ will be all. Let us get ready for that place betimes, by loving all who are in the way that leads to it. This is the true charity,—to believe all things and hope all things, so long as "we see Bible doctrines maintained, and Christ exalt¬ ed. Christ must be the single standard by which all opinions must be measured. Let us honor all who honor him. But let us never forget that the same Apostle Paul who wrote about charity, says also, " If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be anathema maranatha." 1 Cor. xvi. 22. If our charity and liberality are wider than that of the Bible, they are worth nothing at all. Indiscriminate love is no love at all,—and indiscriminate approbation of all religious 154 HOME TRUTHS. opinions is only a new name for infidelity. Let us hold out the right hand to all who love the Lord Jesus, hut let us beware how we go beyond this. Lastly, if there is no salvation, excepting by Christ, you must not be surprised if min¬ isters of the gospel preach much about him. We cannot tell you too much about the name that is above every name. You cannot hear of him too often. You may hear too much about controversy in our sermons—you may hear too much of men and books, of works and duties, of forms and ceremonies, of sacraments and ordinances. But there is one subject which you never hear too much of—you can never hear too much of Christ. When we are wearied of preaching him, we are false ministers. "When you are wearied of hearing of him, your souls are m an unhealthy state. When we have preached him all our lives, the half of his excellence will remain untold. When you see him face to face in the day of his appearing, you will find there was more in him than your heart ever conceived. ONLY ONE WAY. 155 Let me leave you with the words of an old writer, to which I desire humbly to sub¬ scribe :—" I know no true religion but Chris¬ tianity ; no true Christianity but the doctrine of Christ—the doctrine of his divine person, of his divine office, of his divine righteous¬ ness, and of his divine Spirit, which all that are his receive. I know no true ministers of Christ but such as make it their business,' in their calling, to commend Jesus Christ, in his saving fulness of grace and glory, to the faith and love of men—no true Christian but one united to Christ by faith and love, unto the glorifying of the name of Jesus Christ in the beauty of gospel holiness. Ministers and Christians of this spirit have been for many years my brethren and -companions, and I hope shall ever be, whithersoever the hand of God shall lead me." 156 home truths. %ist anfc % to fjjte. AND ONE OP THE MALEFACTORS WHICH WERE HANGED RAILED ON HIM, SAYING, IP THOD BE CHRIST, SAVE THYSELF AND US. BUT THE OTHER ANSWERING REBUKED HIM, SAYING, DOST NOT THOU FEAR GOD, SEEING THOU ART IN THE SAME CONDEMNA TIONT AND WE INDEED JUSTLY; FOR WE RECEIVE THE DUE REWARD OP OUR DEEDS; BUT THIS MAN HATH DONE NOTHING • AMISS. AND HE 8AID UNTO JESUS, LORD, REMEMBER ME WHEN THOU COMEST INTO THY KINGDOM. AND JESUS SAID UNTO HIM, VERILY I SAY UNTO THEE, TO-DAY SHALT THOU BE WITH ME IN PARADISE. Lake xxlll. S9-4S. Reader, you know these verses, I suppose. It would be strange indeed if you did not. Few passages in the New Testament are more familiar to men's ears. And it is right and good that these verse3 should he well known. They have comforted many troubled minds. They have brought peace to many uneasy consciences. They have been a healing balm to many wounded hearts. They have been a medicine to many gin-sick souls. They have smoothed down CHRIST AND THE THIEVES. 157 not a few dying pillows. "Wherever the gospel of Christ is preached, they will al¬ ways he honored, loved, and had in remem¬ brance. Reader, I wish to speak to you about these verses. Listen to me while I try to unfold the leading lessons which they are meant to teach. I cannot see the state of your heart before God, but I can see truths in this pas¬ sage which no man can ever know, too well. I. First of all, you are meant to learn from these verses Christ's power and willingness to save sinners. This is the main doctrine to be gathered from the history of the penitent thief. It teaches you that which ought to be music in the ears of all who hear it—it teaches you that Jesus Christ is mighty to save. I ask you if any man's case could look more hopeless and desperate, than that of this penitent thief once did ? He was a wicked man, a malefactor, a thief, if not a murderer. He was suffering a just punishment for breaking the laws 158 HOME TRUTHS. And as he had lived wicked, so he seemed determined to die wicked, for when he first was crucified he railed on our Lord. And he was a dying man. He hung there, nailed to a cross, from which he was never to come down alive. He had no longer power to stir hand or foot. His hours were numbered. The grave was ready for him. There was but a step between him and death. If ever there was a soul hovering on the brink of hell, it was the soul of this thief. If ever there was a case that seemed lost, gone, and past recovery, it was his. If ever there was a child of Adam whom the devil made sure of as his own, it was this man. But see now what happened. He ceased to rail and blaspheme, as he had done at first. He began to speak in another manner alto¬ gether. lie turned to our blessed Lord in prayer. He prayed Jesus to " remember him when he came into his kingdom." He asked that his soul might be cared for, his sins pardoned, and himself thought of in another world. Truly this was a wonderful change. CHRIST AND THE THIEVES. 159 And then mark what kind of answer he received. Some would have said he was too wicked a man to be saved. But it was not so. Some would have fancied it was too late—the door was shut, and there was no room for mercy. But it proved not too late at all. The Lord Jesus returned him an immediate answer, spoke kindly to him, as¬ sured him he should be with him that day in paradise, pardoned him completely, cleansed him thoroughly from his sins, received him graciously, justified him freely, raised him from the gates of hell, gave him a title to glory. Of all the multitude of saved souls, none ever received so glorious an assurance of his own salvation as did this penitent thief. Go over the whole list from Genesis to Revelation, and you will find none who had such words spoken to them as these: " To-day shalt thou he with me in paradise." Reader, the Lord Jesus never at any other time gave so complete a proof of his power and will to save, as he did upon this occasion. In the day when he seemed most weak, he showed that he was a strong deliverer. In 160 HOME TRUTHS. the hour when his body was racked with pain, he showed that he could feel tenderly for others. At the time when he himself was dying, he conferred on a sinner eternal life. Now have I not a right to say, " Jesus is able to save to the uttermost all them that come unto God by him ?" Behold the proof of it. If ever sinner was too far gone to be saved, it was this thief. Yet he was plucked as a brand from the fire. Have I not a right to say, " Christ will receive any poor sinner who comes to him with the prayer of faith, and cast out none ?" Behold the proof of it. If ever there was one that seemed too bad to be received, this was the man. Yet the door of mercy was wide open even for him. Have I not a right to say, " By grace ye may be saved, through faith, not of works: fear not, only believe?" Behold the proof of it. This thief was never baptized. He belonged to no visible Church. He never received the Lord's supper. He never did any work for Christ. He never gave money CHRIST AND THE THIEVES. 161 to Christ's cause. But he had faith, and so he was saved. Have I not a right to say, " The youngest faith will save a man's soul, if it only be true ?" Behold the proof of it. This man's faith was only one day old; but it led him to Christ, and preserved him from hell. Why then should any man or woman de¬ spair, with such a passage as this in the Bible ? Jesus is a Physician who can cure hopeless cases. He can quicken dead souls, and call the things which be not as though they were. Never should any man or woman despair. Jesus is still the same now that he was eight¬ een hundred years ago. The keys of death and hell are in his hand. When he opens none can shut.* What though your sins be more in number * " 0 Saviour! what a precedent is this of thy free and powerful grace! Where thou wilt give, what un- worthiness can bar us from thy mercy ? When thou wilt give, what time can prejudice our vocation? Who can despair of thy goodness, when he, that in the morn¬ ing was posting to hell, is in the evening with thee in paradise ? '—Bishop Ilall. 6 162 HOME TRUTHS than the hairs of your head ? What though your evil habits hare grown with your growth, and strengthened with your strength ? What though you have hitherto hated good, and loved evil, all the days of your life ? These things are sad indeed; but there is hope even for you. Christ can heal you. Chris.t can cleanse you. Christ can raise you from your low estate. Heaven is not shut against you. Christ is able to admit you, if you will hum¬ bly commit your soul into his hands. Reader, are your sins forgiven ? If not, I set before you this day a full and free sal¬ vation. I invite you to follow the steps of the penitent thief—come to Christ, and live. I tell you that Jesus is very pitiful, and of tender mercy. I tell you he can do every thing that your soul requires. Though your sins be as scarlet, he will make them white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. Why should you not be saved as well as another? Come unto Christ by faith, and live. Reader, are you a true believer ? If you are, you ought to glory in Christ. Glory not CHRIST AND THE THIEVES. 163 m your own faith, your own feelings, your own knowledge, your own prayers, your own amendment, your own diligence. Glory in nothing hut Christ. Alas! the best of us knows but little of that merciful and mighty Saviour. We do not exalt him and glory in him enough. Let us pray that we may see more of the fulness there is in him. Reader, do you ever try to do good to others f If you do, remember to tell them about Christ. Tell the young, tell the poor, tell the aged, tell the ignorant, tell the sick, tell the dying,—tell them all about Christ. Tell them of his power, and tell them of his love. Tell them of his doings, and tell them of his feelings. Tell them what he has done for the chief of sinners. Tell them what he is willing to do to the last day of time. Tell it them over and over again. Never be tired of speaking of Christ. Say to them broadly and fully, freely and unconditionally, unre¬ servedly and undoubtingly, " Come unto Christ, as the penitent thief did—come unto Christ, and you shall be Saved." 164 HOME TRUTHS. II. The second lesson we wish you to learn from this passage is this, If some are saved in the very hour of death, others are not. This is a truth that never ought to be passed over, and I dare not leave it unnoticed. It is a truth that stands out plainly in the sad end of the other malefactor, and is only too often forgotten. What became of the other thief that was crucified? Why did he not turn from his sin, and call upon the Lord ? Why did he remain hardened and impenitent ? Why was he not saved ? Let us he content .to take the fact as we find it, and see what it is meant to teach us. We have no right whatever to say this thief was a worse man than his companion. There is nothing to prove it. Both plainly were wicked men. Both were receiving the due reward of their deeds. Both hung by the side of our Lord Jesus Christ. Both heard him pray for his murderers. Both saw him suffer patiently. But while one re¬ pented, the other remained hardened. While one began to pray, the other went on railing. CHRIST AND THE THIEVES. 165 While one was converted in his last hours, the other died a bad man, as he had lived. While one was taken to paradise, the other went to his own place, the place of the devil and his angels. Now these things are written for our warning. There is warning as well as com¬ fort in these verses, and that very solemn warning too. They tell me loudly, that though some may repent and be converted on their death beds, it does not at all follow that all will. A death bed is not always a saving time. They tell me loudly that two men may have the same opportunities of getting good for their souls, may be placed in the same position, see the same things, and hear the same things, and yet only one shall take advantage of them, repent, believe, and be saved. And it is good and profitable to bear this in mind. There is an immense amount of delusion in the world on this very subject. I see many allowing life to slip away, all unprepared to die. I see many allowing 166 HOME TRUTHS. that they ought to repent, but always putting oft* their own repentance. And I believe one grand reason is that most men suppose they can turn to God just when they like. They wrest the parable of the laborer in the vineyard, which speaks of the eleventh hour, and use it as it never was meant to be used. They dwell on the pleasant part of the verses I am now considering, and forget the rest. They talk of the thief that went to paradise, and was saved, and forget the one who died as he had lived, and was lost.* * " He that puts off his repentance and seeking for pardon to the very last, in reliance upon this example, does but tempt God, and turn that to his own poison which God intended for better ends." " The mercies of God are never recorded in Scripture for man's presumption, and the failings of men never for imitation."—Lightfoot. Sermon. 1684. " Most ungrateful and foolish is the conduct of those who take encouragement from the penitent thief to put off repentance to a dying moment,—most ungrateful in perverting the grace of their Redeemer into an occasion of renewing their provocations against him; and most foolish to imagine that what our Lord did, in so singular circumstances, is to be drawn into an ordinary prece¬ dent."—Doddridge. CHRIST AND THE THIEVES 167 Reader, take heed that you do not fall into this mistake. Look at the history of men in the Bible, and see how often these notions I have been speaking of are contra¬ dicted. Mark well how many proofs there are that two men may have the same light offered them* and only one use it; and that no one has a right to take liberties with God's mercy, and presume he will be able to repent just when he likes. Look at Saul and David. They lived about the same time. They rose from the same rank in life. They were called to the same position in the world. They enjoyed the ministry of the same prophet, Samuel. They reigned the same number of years.— Yet one was saved, and the other lost. Look at Sergius Paulus and Gallio. They were both Roman governors. They were both wise and prudent men, in their genera¬ tion. They both heard the Apostle Paul preach. But one believed and was baptized —the other " cared for none of these things." Acts xviii. 17. Look at the world around you. See what 168 HOME TRUTHS. is going on continually under your eyes. Two sisters will often attend the same minis¬ try, listen to the same truths, hear the same sermons; and yet only one shall be converted to God, while the other remains totally un¬ moved. Two friends often read the same religious book. One is so moved by it that he gives up all for Christ—the other sees nothing at all in it, and continues the same as before. Hundreds have read Doddridge's Rise and Progress without profit: with Wil- berforce it was one of the beginnings of spiritual life. Thousands have read Wilber- force's Practical View of Christianity, and laid it down again unaltered: from the time Legh Richmond read it he became another man. You must not misunderstand me. I do not want to discourage you. I say these things in all affection, to give you warning of danger. I do not say them to drive you back from heaven: I say them rather to draw you on, and bring you to Christ while he can be found. I want you to beware of presumption. CHRIST AND THE THIEVES. 169 Bo not abuse God's mercy and compassion. "Bo not continue in sin, I beseech you, and think you can repent, and believe, and be saved, just when you like, when you please, when you will, and when you choose. I would always set before you an open door. I would always say, while there is life there is hope. But if you would be wise, put nothing off that concerns your soul. I want you to beware of letting slip good thoughts and godly convictions, if you have them. Cherish them and nourish them, lest you lose them for ever. Make the most of them, lest they take to themselves wings and flee away. Have you an inclination to begin praying ? Put it into practice at once. Have you an idea of beginning really to serve Christ? Set about it at once. Are you enjoying any spiritual light ? See that you live up to your light. Trifle not with oppor¬ tunities, lest the day come when you will want to use them, and not be able. Linger not, lest you become wise too late. You may say, perhaps, "It is never too late to reDent." I answer, That is right 170 HOME TRUTHS. enough, but late repentance is seldom true. And I say farther, You cannot be certain, if you put off repenting, you will repent at all. You may say, " Why should I he afraid ? —the penitent thief was saved." I answer, That is true, but look again at the passage, which tells you that the other thief was lost. III. The third lesson, you should learn from these verses is this : the Spirit always leads saved souls in one way. This is a point that deserves particular attention, and is often overlooked. Men look at the broad fact that the penitent thief was saved when he was dying, and they look no farther. They do not consider the evidences this thief left behind him. They do not observe the abundant proofs he gave of the work of the Spirit in his heart. And these proofs I wish to trace out. I wish to show you that the Spirit always works in one way; and that whether he converts a man in an hour,. as he did the penitent thief, or whether by slow CHRIST AND THE THIEVES. 171 degrees, as he does others, the steps by which he leads souls to heaven are always the same. Listen to me, reader, and I will try to make this clear to you. I want you to shake off the common notion that there is some easy royal road to heaven from a dying-bed. I want you thoroughly to understand that every saved soul goes through the same expe¬ rience, and that the leading principles of the penitent thiefs religion were just the same as those of the oldest saint that ever lived. See, then, for one thing, how strong was the faith of this man. He called Jesus "Lord." He declared his belief that he would have a kingdom. He believed that he was able to give him eternal life and glory, and in this belief pray¬ ed to him. He maintained his innocence of all the charges brought against him. " This man," said he, "hath done nothing amiss." Others, perhaps, may have thought the Lord innocent,—none said so openly hut this poor dying man. And when did all this happen ? It hap¬ pened when the whole nation had denied 172 HOME TRUTHS. Christ, — shouting, " Crucify him, crucify him"—we have no king but Caesar,—when the chief priests and Pharisees had condemn¬ ed and found him guilty of death,—when even his own disciples had forsaken him and fled,—when he was hanging, faint, bleeding, and dying, on the cross, numbered with transgressors, and counted accursed. This was the hour when the thief believed in Christ, and prayed to him. Surely such faith was never seen since the world began.* * " I know not that since the creation of the world there ever was a more remarkable and striking example of faith."—Calvin's Commentary on the Gospels. "A great faith that can see the sun under so thick a cloud; that can discover Christ, a Saviour, under such a poor, scorned, despised, crucified Jesus, and call him Lord. "A great faith that could see Christ's kingdom through his cross, and grave, and death, and when there was so little sign of a kingdom, and pray to be remembered in that kingdom."—IAghtfoot. Sermon. 1684. " The penitent thief was the first confessor of Christ's heavenly kingdom,—the first martyr who bore testimony to the holiness of his sufferings,—and the first apologist for his oppressed innocence."—Quesnel on the Gospels. ♦'Probably there are few saints in glory who ever CHRIST AND THE THIEVES. 173 The disciples had seen mighty signs and miracles. They had seen the dead raised with a word, and lepers healed with a touch, —the blind receiving sight,—the dumb made to speak,—the lame made to walk. They had seen thousands fed with a few loaves and fishes. They had seen their Master walking on the water as on dry land. They had all of them heard him speak as no man ever spake, and hold out promises of good things yet to come. They had some of them had a foretaste of his glory in the mount of transfiguration. honored Christ more illustriously than this dying sin¬ ner."—Doddridge. " Is this the voice of a thief or a disciple ? Give me leave, 0 Saviour, to borrow thine own words, 'Verily I have not great faith, no, not in Israel.' He saw thee hanging miserably by him, and yet styles thee Lord. He saw thee dying, and yet talks of thy king¬ dom. He felt himself dying, yet talks of a future remembrance. 0 faith, stronger than death, which can look beyond the cross at a crown,—beyond disso¬ lution at a remembrance of life and glory! Which of thine eleven were heard to speak so gracious a word to thee in these thy last pangs ?"—Bishop Hcdl. 174 HOME TRUTHS. The dying thief saw none of the things I have mentioned. He only saw our Lord in agony and in weakness, in suffering and in pain. He saw him undergoing a dishonor¬ able punishment, deserted, mocked, despised, blasphemed. He saw him rejected by all the great, and wise, and noble of his own people,—his strength dried up like a pot¬ sherd,—his life drawing to the grave. Psalm xxii. 15; lxxxviii. 3. He saw no sceptre, no royal crown, no outward dominion, no glory, no majesty, no power, no signs of might. And yet the dying thief believed and looked forward to Christ's kingdom. Reader, would you know if you have the Spirit? Then mark the question I put to you this day: — "Where is your faith in Christ ? See, for another thing, what a right sense of sin the thief had. He says to his com¬ panion, "We receive the due reward of our deeds." He acknowledges his own ungodli¬ ness, and the justice of his punishment. He makes no attempt to justify himself, or ex¬ cuse his wickedness. He speaks like a man CHRIST AND THE THIEVES. 175 humbled and self-abased by the remem¬ brance of past iniquities. This is what all God's children feel. They are ready to allow they are poor, hell-deserving sinners. They can say with their hearts, as well as with their lips, u We have left undone the things that we ought to have done, and we have done those things that we ought not to have done, and there is no health in us." Reader, would you know if you have the Spirit ? Then mark my question:—Bo you feel your sin ? See', for another thing, what love the thief showed to his companion. He tried to stop his railing and blaspheming, and bring him to a better mind. " Dost thou not fear God," he says, " seeing thou art in the same condemnation ?" There is no surer mark of grace than this. Grace shakes a man out of his selfishness, and makes him feel for the souls of others. When Saul was converted, immediately he went to the synagogue at Damascus, and testified to his brethren of Israel that Jesus was the Christ. Acts ix. 20. Reader, would you know if you have the 176 HOME TRUTHS. Spirit? Then where is jour charity and love to souls ? In one word, you see in the penitent thief a finished work of the Holy Ghost. Every part of the believer's character may be traced in him. Short as his life was after conver¬ sion, he found time to leave abundant evi¬ dence that he was a child of God. His faith —his prayer—his humility—his brotherly love—are unmistakable witnesses of the re¬ ality of his repentance. He was not a peni¬ tent in name only, but in deed and in truth. Let no man, therefore, think, because the penitent thief was saved, that men can be saved without leaving any evidence of the Spirit's work. Let such a one consider well what evidences this man left behind, and take care. It is mournful to hear what people some¬ times say about what they call death-bed evi¬ dences. It is perfectly fearful to observe how little satisfies some persons, and how easily they can persuade themselves that their friends are gone to heaven. They will tell you, when their relation is dead and CHRIST AND THE THIEVES. 177 gone, that " he made such a beautiful prayer one day,—or that he talked so well,—or that he was so sorry for his old ways, and intend¬ ed to live so differently if he got better,—or that he craved nothing in this world,—or that he liked people to read to him, and pray with him." And because they have this to go upon, they seem to have a com¬ fortable hope that he is saved. Christ may never have been named,—^the way of salva¬ tion may never have been in the least men¬ tioned. But it matters not: there was a little talk of religion, and so they are con¬ tent. Now I have no desire to hurt the feelings of any one who reads these pages, but I must and will speak plainly upon this subject. Once for all, let me say that, as a general rule, nothing is so unsatisfactory as death-bed evidences. The things that men say, and the feelings they express when sick and frightened, are little to be depended on. Often, too often, they are the result of fear, and do not spring from the ground of the heart. Often, too often, they are things said 178 HOME TRUTHS. by rote,—caught from the lips of ministers and anxious friends,—but evidently not felt. And nothing can prove all this more clearly than the well-known fact that the great ma¬ jority of persons who make promises of amendment on a sick bed, if they recover, go back to sin and the world. When a man has lived a life of thought¬ lessness and folly, I want something more than a few fair words, and good wishes, to satisfy me about his soul, when he comes to his death-bed. It is not enough for me that he will let me read the Bible to him, and pray by his bedside; that he says, " He has not thought so much as he ought of religion, and he thinks he should be a different man if he got better." All this does not content me: it does not make me feel happy about his state. It is very well, as far as it goes, but it is not conversion. It is very well, in its way, but it is not faith in Christ. Until I see conversion, and faith in Christ, I can¬ not and dare not feel satisfied. Others may feel satisfied, if they please, and, after their friend's death, say they hope he has gone to christ and the thieves. 179 heaven. For my part, I would rather say nothing at all. I would he content with the least measure of repentance and faith in a dying man, even though it were no bigger than a grain of mustard seed; but to be content with any thing less than repentance and faith, seems to me next door to infi¬ delity. Reader, what kind of evidence do you mean to leave behind as to the state of your soul ? Take example by the penitent thief, and you will do well. When we have carried you to your narrow bed, let us not have to hunt up stray words, and scraps of religion, in order to make out that you were a true believer. Let us not have to say, in a hesitating way, one to an¬ other, "I trust he is happy: he talked so nicely one day, and he seemed sq pleased with a chapter in the Bible, on another oc¬ casion ; and he liked such a person, who is a good man." Let us be able to speak de- "cidedly as to your condition. Let us have some standing proof of your penitence, your faith, and your holiness, that none shall be 1K0 HOME TRUTHS. able, for a moment, to question your state. Depend on it, without this, those you leave behind can feel no solid comfort about your soul. "We may use the form of religion at your burial, and express charitable hopes. We may meet you at the church-yard gate, and say, " Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord." But this will not alter your con¬ dition. If you die without conversion to God, without repentance, and without faith, your funeral will only be the funeral of a lost soul. IY. You should, in the next place, learn from these verses that believers in Christ, when they die, are with the Lord. This you may gather from our Lord's words to the penitent thief, " This day shalt thou be. with me in paradise." And you have an expression very like it in the Epistle to the Philippians, where Paul says he has a desire to " depart and be with Christ." Phil. i. 23. I shall say but little on this subject. I would simply lay it before you for your OAtn CHRIST AND THE THIEVES. 181 private meditations. To my own mind it is very full of comfort and peace. Believers, after death, are " with Christ." That answers many a difficult question, which otherwise might puzzle man's busy, restless mind. The abode of dead saints, their joys, their feelings, their happiness, all seem met by this simple expression—They are with Christ. I cannot enter into full explanations about the state of departed believers. It is a high and deep subject, such as man's mind can neither grasp nor fathom. Yet I know they enjoy a blessed rest—a rest from labor, a rest from sorrow, a rest from pain, and a rest from sin. But it does not follow because I cannot explain these things, that I am not persuaded they are far happier than they ever were on earth. I see their happiness in this very passage—" They are with Christand when I see that, I see enough. If the sheep are with the Shepherd—if the members are with the Head—if the children of Christ's family are with him who loved them, and carried them all the days of their 182 HOME TRUTHS. pilgrimage on earth, all must be well—all must be right. I cannot describe what kind of place para¬ dise is, but I ask no brighter view of it than this, that Christ is there.* All other things in the picture which imagination draws of paradise are nothing in comparison of this. How he is there, and in what way he is there, I know not. Let me only see Christ in paradise when my eyes close in death, and that suffices me. Well does the psalmist say, " In thy presence is fulness of joy." It was a true saying of a dying girl, when her mother tried to comfort her by describing what paradise would be—" There," she said to the child, " there you will have no pains, and no sickness; there you will see your brothers and sisters who have gone before * "We ought not to enter into curious and subtle arguments about the place of paradise. Let us rest satisfied with knowing that those who are ingrafted by faith into the body of Christ are partakers of life, and there enjoy after death a blessed and joyful rest, until the perfect glory of the heavenly life is fully manifested by the coming of Christ."—Calvin'a Commentary on the Gospck. CHRIST AND THE THIEVES. 183 you, and will be always happy/' "Ah! mother," was the reply, "but there is one thing better than all, and that is, Christ will be there" Reader, it may be you do not think much about your soul. It may be you know little of Christ as your Saviour, and have never tasted by experience that he is precious. And yet perhaps you hope to go to paradise when you die. Surely this passage is one that should make you think. Paradise is a place where Christ is. Then can it be a place that you would enjoy ? Reader, it may be you are a believer, and yet tremble at the thought of the grave. It seems cold and dreary. You feel as if all before you was dark, and gloomy, and com¬ fortless. Fear not; but be encouraged by this text. You are going to paradise, and Christ will be there. Y. The last thing you should learn from these verses is this: the eternal portion of every man's soul is close to him. "To-day," says our Lord to the penitent 184 HOME TRUTHS. thief, " to-day shalt thou be with me in par¬ adise." He names no distant period—he does not talk of his entering into a state of happiness as a thing "far away." He speaks of to-day—this very day in which thou art hanging on the cross. Reader, how near that seems ! How aw¬ fully near that word brings our everlasting dwelling-place ! Happiness or misery, sor¬ row or joy, the presence of Christ or the company of devils—all are close to us, "There is but a step," says David, "be¬ tween me and death." 1 Sam. xx. 3. There is but a step, we may say, between ourselves and either paradise or hell. We none of us realize this as we ought to do. It is high time to shake off the dreamy state of mind in which we live on this mat¬ ter. We are apt to talk and think, even about believers, as if death was a long jour¬ ney—as if the dying saint had embarked on a long voyage. It is all wrong, very wrong. Their harbor and their home is close by, and they have entered it. Some of us know by bitter experience, CHRIST AND THE THIEVES. 185 •what a long and weary time it is between the death of those we love, and the hour when we bury them out of sight. Such days are the slowest, saddest, heaviest days in all our lives. But, blessed be God, the souls of departed saints are free from the very moment their last breath is drawn. "While we are weeping, and the coffin preparing, and the mourning being provided, and the last painful arrangement being made, the spirits of our beloved ones are enjoying the presence of Christ. They are freed for ever from the burden of the flesh. They are where the wicked cease from troubling, and the weary are at rest. Reader, the day that believers die they are in paradise. Their battle is fcught— their strife is over. They have passed through that gloomy valley we must one day tread; they have gone over that dark river we must one day cross. They have drunk that last bitter cup which sin has mingled for man. They have reached that place where sorrow and sighing are no more. Surely we should not wish them back again. 186 HOME TRUTHS. We should not weep for them, but for our. selves. We are warring still, but they are at peace. We are laboring, but they are at rest. We are watching, but they are sleeping. We are wearing our spiritual armor, but they have for ever put it off. We are still at sea, but they are safe in harbor. We have tears, but they have joy. We are strangers and pilgrims, but as for them they are at home. Surely, better are the dead in Christ than the living. Surely, the very hour the poor saint dies, he is at once higher and happier than the highest upon earth.* I fear there is a vast amount of delusion on this point. I fear that many, who are * "We give thee hearty thanks, for that it hath pleased thee to deliver this our brother out of the mis¬ eries of this sinful -world."—Church of England Burial Service. " I have some of the best news to impart. One be¬ loved by you has accomplished her warfare—has received an answer to her prayers, and everlasting joy rests upon her head. My dear wife, the source of my best earthly comfort for twenty years, departed on Tuesday."— Venn's Letter to Stillingfteet, announcing the death of hit wife CHRIST AND THE THIEVES. 187 not Roman Catholics, and profess not to be¬ lieve purgatory, have, notwithstanding, some strange ideas in their minds about the im¬ mediate consequences of death. I fear that many have a sort of vague notion that there is some interval or space of time between death and their eternal state. They fancy they shall go through a kind of purifying change, and that though they die unfit for heaven, they shall yet be found meet for it after all. But it will not stand. There is no change after death. There is no conversion in the grave. There is no new heart given after the last breath is drawn. The very day we go we launch for ever. The day we go from this world, we begin an eternal condition. From that day there is no spiritual altera¬ tion, no spiritual change. As we die, so we shall remain after death. As the tree falls so it must lie. Reader, if you are an unconverted man, this ought to make you think. Do you know you are close to hell ? This very day you might die; and if you died out of 188 HOME TRUTHS. Christ, you would open your eyes in hell, and in torment. Reader, if you are a true Christian, you are far nearer heaven than you think. This very day, if the Lord should take you, you would find yourself in paradise. The good land of promise is near to you. The eyes that you closed in weakness and pain, would open at once on a glorious rest, such as my tongue cannot describe. And now let me say a few words in con¬ clusion, and I have done. This book may fall into the hands of some humble-hearted and contrite sinner. Are you that man ? Then here is encour¬ agement for you. See what the penitent thief did, and do likewise. See how he prayed: see how he called on the Lord Jesus Christ: see what an answer of peace he ob¬ tained. Brother or sister, why should not you also be saved ? This book may fall -into the hands of some proud arid presumptuous man of the world. Are you that man? Then take warning. See how the impenitent thief died as he had CHRIST AND THE THIEVES. 189 lived, and beware lest you come to a like end. 0 ! erring brother or sister, be not too confident, lest you die in your sins. Seek the Lord while he may be found. Turn you, turn, why will you die ? This book may fall into the hands of some professing believer in Christ. Are you such a one ? Then take the penitent thief's re¬ ligion as a measure by which to prove your own. See that you know something of true repentance and saving faith, of real humility and fervent charity. Brother or sister, do not be satisfied with the world's standard of Christianity. Be of one mind with the peni¬ tent thief, and you will be wise. This book may fall into the hands of some one who is mourning over departed believ¬ ers. Are you such a one ? Then take com¬ fort from this scripture. See how your be¬ loved ones are in the best of hands. They cannot be better off. They never were so well in their lives as they are now. They are with Jesus, whom their souls loved on earth. 0 ! cease from your selfish mourning. Rejoice rather that they are freed from trou¬ ble, and have entered into rest. 190 HOME TRUTHS. And this book may fall into the hands of some aged servant of Christ. Are you such a one? Then see from these verses how near you are to home. A few more days of labor and sorrow, and the King of kings shall send for you; and in a moment your warfare shall be at end, and all shall be peace. assurance. 191 1 AM NOW READY TO BE OFFERED, AND THE TIME OF MY DEPART¬ URE 18 AT HAND. I HAVE FOUGHT A GOOD FIGHT, I HAVE FINISHED MY COURSE, I HAVE KEPT THE FAITH: HENCEFORTH THERE IS LAID UP FOR ME A CROWN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, WHICH THE LORD, THE RIGHTEOUS JUDGE, SHALL GIVE ME AT THAT DAY; AND NOT TO ME ONLY, BUT UNTO ALL THEM ALSO THAT LOVE HIS APPEARING. i Tim. It. 6-8. In these words you see the Apostle Paul looking three ways,—downward, backward, forward;—downward to the grave,—back¬ ward to his own ministry,—forward to that great day, the day of judgment. Let us stand by his side a few minutes, and mark the words he uses. Happy is that soul who can look where Paul looked, and then speak as Paul spoke. He looks downward to the grave, and * For a clear statement of this subject, see Watson's Institutes and Wesley's Sermons on the Witness of the Spirit.—("Editor. 192 HOME TRUTHS he does it without fear. Hear what he says:— " I am ready to be offered." I am like an animal brought to the place of sacrifice, and bound with cords to the very horns of the altar. The wine and oil have been poured on my head, according to the custom. The last ceremonies have been gone through. Every preparation has been made. It only remains to receive the death-blow, and then all is over. " The time of my departure is at hand." I am like a ship about to unmoor, and put to sea. All on board is ready. I only wait to have the moorings cast off that fasten me to the shore, and I shall then set sail, and begin my voyage. Header, these are glorious words to come from the lips of a child of Adam like our¬ selves. Death is a solemn thing, and never so much so as when we see it close at hand. The grave is a chilling, heart-sickening place, and it is vain to pretend it has no terrors. Yet here is a mortal man who can look calmly into the narrow house appointed for ASSURANCE. 193 all living, and say, while he stands upon the brink, " I see it all, and am not afraid." Let us listen to him again. He looks backward to his ministerial life, and he does it without shame. Hear what he says:— "I have fought a good fight." There he speaks as a soldier. I have fought that good battle with the world, the flesh, and the devil, from which so many shrink and draw back. "I have finished my course." There he speaks as one who has run for a prize. I have run the race marked out for me. I have gone over the ground appointed for me, however rough and steep. I have not turned aside because of difficulties, nor been dis¬ couraged by the length of the way. I am at last in sight of the goal. " I have kept the faith." There he speaks as a steward. I have held fast that glorious gospel which was committed to my trust. I have not mingled it with man's traditions, nor spoiled its simplicity by adding my own inventions, nor allowed others to adulterate it without withstanding them to the face. "As 7 194 HOME TRUTHS. a soldier, a runner, a steward," he seems to saj, "I am not ashamed." Header, that Christian is happy, who, as he quits this world, can leave such testimony behind him. A good conscience will save no man,—wash away no sin,—nor lift us one hair's breadth toward heaven. Yet, a good conscience will be found a pleasant visitor at our bedside in a dying-hour. Do you remember that place in Pilgrim's Pro¬ gress, which describes Old Honest's passage across the river of death ? " The river," says Bunyan, "at that time overflowed its banks in some places; but Mr. Honest in his lifetime had spoken to one Good Conscience to meet him there; the which also he did, and lent him his hand, and so helped him over." Believe me, there is a mine of truth in that passage. Let us hear the apostle once more. He looks forward to the great day of reckoning, and he does it without doubt. Mark his words:— "Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the ASSURANCE. 195 righteous Judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, hut unto all them also that love his appearing." A glorious reward, he seems to say, is ready and laid up in store for me, even that crown which is only given to the righteous. In the great day of judg¬ ment the Lord shall give this crown to me, and to all besides me who have loved him as an unseen Saviour, and longed to see him face to face. My work on earth is over. This one thing now remains for me to look forward to, and nothing more. You see he speaks without any hesitation or distrust. lie regards the .crown as a sure thing, as his own already. He declares with unfaltering confidence his firm persuasion, that the righteous Judge will give it to him. Paul was no stranger to all the circumstances and accompaniments of that solemn day to which he referred. The great white throne, —the assembled world,—the open books,— the revealing of all secrets,—the listening angels,—the awful sentence,—the eternal separation of the lost and saved,—all these were things with which he was well acquaint 196 HOME TRUTHS. ed. But none of these things moved him. His strong faith overleaped them all, and only saw Jesus, his all-prevailing Advocate, and the blood of sprinkling and sin washed away. "A crown," he says, " is laid up for me." " The Lord himself shall give it to me." He speaks as if he saw it all with his own eyes. Such are the main things which these verses contain. Of most of them I cannot pretend to speak, for time would not allow me. I shall only try to set before you one point in the passage, and that is " the assured hope" with which the apostle looks forward to his own prospects in the day of judgment. I shall do this the more readily, because of the great importance which I feel attaches to the subject, and the great neglect with which, I humbly conceive, it is often treated in this day. But I shall do it at the same time with fear and trembling. I feel that I am tread¬ ing on very difficult ground, and that it is very easy to speak rashly and unscripturally ASSURANCE. 197 in this matter. The road between truth and error is here especially a narrow pass; and if I shall he enabled to do good to some without doing harm to others, I shall he very thankful. Now there are four things I wish to bring before you in speaking of this subject, and it may clear our way perhaps if I name them to you at once. I. First, then, I will try to show you, that an assurance such as Paul here expresses, is a true and scriptural thing. II. Secondly, I will make this broad con¬ cession, that a man may never arrive at this assurance and yet be saved. III. Thirdly, I will give you some reasons, why it is exceedingly to be desired. IY. Lastly, I will try to point out some causes, why it is so seldom attained. I. First, then, I said that assurance is a true and scriptural thing. Assurance, such as Paul expresses in these verses, is not a mere fancy or feeling. It is not the result of high animal spirits, or a 193 HOME TRUTHS. sanguine temperament of body. It is a pos¬ itive gift of the Holy Ghost, bestowed without reference to men's bodily frames or constitu¬ tions, and a gift which every believer in Christ should aim at and seek after. The word of God appears to me to teach, that a believer may arrive at an assured con¬ fidence with regard to his own salvation. I would lay it down fully and broadly, that a true Christian, a converted man, may reach that comfortable degree of faith in Christ, that in general he shall feel entirely confident as to the pardon of his soul,—shall seldom be troubled with doubts, seldom be distracted with hesitation,—seldom be dis¬ tressed with anxious questionings, and, in short, though vexed by many an inward con¬ flict with sin, shall look forward to death without trembling, and to judgment without dismay. Such is my account of assurance. I will ask you to mark it well. I say neither less nor more than I have here laid down. Now such a statement as this is often dis¬ puted and denied. Many cannot see it at all. ASSURANCE. 199 The Church of Rome denounces assurance in the most unmeasured terms. The Council of Trent declares roundly, that " a believ-. er's assurance of the pardon of his sins is a vain and ungodly confidenceand Cardinal Bellarmine, the well-known champion of Romanism, calls it "a prime error of her¬ etics." The vast majority of the worldly among ourselves oppose the doctrine of assurance. It offends and annoys them to hear of it. They do not like others to feel comfortable and sure, because they never feel so them¬ selves. That they cannot receive it is cer¬ tainly no marvel. But there are also some true believers who reject assurance, or shrink from it as a notion fraught with danger. They consider it borders on presumption. They seem to think it a proper humility never to be confi¬ dent, and to live in a certain degree of doubt. This is to be regretted, and does much harm. I frankly allow there are some presump¬ tuous persons who profess to feel a confidence for which they have no scriptural warrant. 200 HOME TRUTHS. There always are some people who think well of themselves when God thinks ill, just •as there are some who think ill of themselves when God thinks well. There always will be such. There never yet was a scriptural truth without abuses, impositions, and coun¬ terfeits. There will be fanatics and enthu¬ siasts as long as the world stands. But, for all this, assurance is a real, sober, and true thing; and God's children must not let them¬ selves be driven from the use of a truth, merely because it is abused.* * "We do not vindicate every vain pretender to ' the witness of the Spirit:' we are aware that there are those in whose professions of religion we can see nothing but their forwardness and confidence to recom¬ mend them. But let us not reject any doctrine of revelation, through an over-anxious fear of conse¬ quences."—Robinson's Christian System. "True assurance is built upon a Scripture basis: presumption hath no Scripture to show for its warrant; it is like a will without seal and witnesses, which is null and void in law : presumption wants both the witness of the word, and the seal of the Spirit. Assurance always keeps the heart in a lowly posture; but presump¬ tion is bred of pride. Feathers fly up, but gold de¬ scends : he who hath this golden asssurance, his heart ASSURANCE. 201 My answer to all who deny the existence of real, well-grounded assurance, is simply this,—What saith the Scripture ? If assu¬ rance be not there, I have not another word to say. But does not Job say, " I know that my Redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth; and though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God ?" Job xix. 25, 26. Does not David say, " Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me : thy rod and thy staff they comfort me?" Psalm xxiii. 4. descends in humility."—Watson's Body of Divinity. 1650. " Presumption is joined with looseness of life; per¬ suasion with a tender conscience: that dares sin because it is sure ; this dare not for fear of losing assurance. Persuasion will not sin, because it cost her Saviour so dear: presumption will sin, because grace doth abound. Humility is the way to heaven. They that are proudly secure of their going to heaven, do not so often come thither, as they that are afraid of going to hell."— Adams on 2 Peter. 1633. 202 HOME TRUTHS. Does not Isaiah say, " Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee, because he trusteth in thee ?" Isaiah xxvi. 3. And again, " The work of righteousness shall be peace, and the effect of righteous¬ ness quietness and assurance for ever." Isaiah xxxii. 17. Does not Paul say to the Corinthians, " We know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, a house not made with hands, eter¬ nal in the heavens ?" 2 Cor. v. 1. And again, " We are always confident, knowing that while we are at home in the body we are absent from the Lerd." 2 Cor. v. 6. Does he not say to Timothy, " I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded, that he is able to keep that which I have committed to him ?'* 2 Tim. i. 12. And does he not speak to the Colossians of " the full assurance of understanding (Coloss. ii. 2,) and to the Hebrews of the "full assurance of faith," and the "full assurance of hope?" Heb. vi. 11, and x. 22. ASSURANCE. 203 Does not John say, " We know that we have passed from death unto life?" 1 John iii. 14. And again, " These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God, that ye may know that ye have eternal life." 1 John v. 13. And again, "We know that we are of God." 1 John v. 19. Reader, what shall we say to these things ? I desire to speak with all humility on any controverted point. I feel that I am only a poor fallible child of Adam myself. But I must say, that in the passages I have just quoted, I see something far higher than, the mere "hopes" and "trusts" with which so many believers appear content in this day. I see the language of persuasion, confidence, knowledge,—nay, I may almost say, of cer¬ tainty. And I feel, for my own part, if I may take these scriptures in their plain, ob¬ vious meaning, assurance is true. But my answer, furthermore, to all who dislike the doctrine of assurance, as border¬ ing on presumption, is this:—It can hardly 204 HOME TRUTHS. be presumption to tread in the steps of Peter and Paul, of Job and of John. They were all eminently humble and lowly-minded men, if ever any were; and yet they all speak of their own state with an assured hope. Surely this should teach us that deep humility and strong assurance are perfectly compatible, and that there is not any necessary connec¬ tion between spiritual confidence and pride.* My answer furthermore is, that many have attained to such an assured hope as our text expresses, even in modern times. I would not concede for a moment that it was a peculiar privilege confined to the apostolic day. There have been in our own land many believers who have appeared to walk in almost uninterrupted fellowship with- the Father and Son,—who have seemed to enjoy an almost unceasing sense of the light of God's reconciled countenance shining down upon them, and have left their experience on record. I could mention well-known * " They are quite mistaken that think faith and hu¬ mility are inconsistent: they not only agree well to¬ gether, but they cannot be parted."—Traill ASSURANCE 205 names, if time permitted. The thing has been, and is, and that is enough. My answer, lastly, is, it cannot be wrong to believe decidedly when God promises de¬ cidedly,—to have a sure persuasion of par¬ don and peace, when we rest on the word and oath of him that never changes. It is an utter mistake to suppose that the believer who feels assurance is resting on himself. He simply leans on the Mediator of the new covenant and the Scripture of truth. He believes the Lord Jesus means what he says, and takes him at his word. Assurance, after all, is no more than a full-grown faith, —a masculine faith that grasps Christ's promise with both hands,—a faith that argues like the good centurion, If the Lord " speak the word only," I am healed. Wherefore then should I doubt ?* Matt, viii. 8. * " To be assured of our salvation," Augustm saith, "is no arrogant stoutness: it is our faith. It is no pride: it is devotion. It is no presumption: it is God's promise."—Bishop Jewell's Defence of the Apology. 1570. "If the ground of our assurance rested in and on 206 HOME TRUTHS. Reader, depend upon it, Paul was the last man in the world to build his assurance on any thing of his own. Paul knew, if ever man did, that he was a poor frail hark, floating on a stormy ocean. He saw, if any did, the rolling waves and roaring tempest hy which he was surrounded. But then he looked away from self to Jesus, and was not afraid. He remembered that anchor within the veil, which is both sure and steadfast. He remembered the word and work, and constant intercession of him that loved him, £nd gave himself for him. And this it was, and nothing else, that enabled him to say so boldly, " A crown is laid up for me, and the Lord shall give it to me." I may not dwell longer on this part of the subject. I think you will allow I have shown ground for the assertion I made, that assurance is a true thing. ourselves, it might justly be called presumption; but the Lord and the power of his might being the ground thereof, they either know not what is the might of his power, or else too lightly esteem it, who count assured confidence thereon presumption."—Gouges Whole Ar¬ mor of God. 1647. ASSURANCE. 207 II. I pass on to the second thing I spoke of: I said, a believer may never arrive at this assurance, and yet be saved. I grant this most freely. I do not dispute it for a moment. I would not desire to make one contrite heart sad that God has not made sad, or to discourage one fainting child of God, or to leave the impression that you have no part or lot in Christ except you feel assurance. To believe and have a glimmering hope of acceptance is one thing": to have joy and peace in our believing, and abound in hope, is quite another. All God's children have faith: not all have assurance. I think this ought never to he forgotten. I know some great and good men have held a different opinion. I believe that ex¬ cellent minister, Hervey, the author of The- ron and Aspasio, was one that did not allow the distinction I have stated. But I desire to call no man master. I dread as much as any one the idea of healing the wounds of conscience slightly; but I should think any other view than that I have given, a most 208 HOME TRUTHS. uncomfortable 'gospel to preach, and one very likely to keep souls back a long time from the gate of life.* I do not shrink from saying, that by grace a man may have sufficient faith to flee to Christ, really to lay hold on him,—really to trust in him,—really to be a child of God,— * " There are those who doubt, because they doubt, and multiply distrust upon itself, concluding that they have no faith, because they find so much and so frequent doubting within them. But this is a great mistake. Some doubtings there may be, where there is even much faith; and a little faith there may be, where there is much doubting. Our Saviour requires, and delights in a strong, firm believing on him, though the least and weakest he rejects not."—Archbishop LeightorCs Lectures on the first nine chapters of St. Matthew's Gospel. 1G70. " The mercy of God is greater than all the sins in the world. But we sometimes are in such a case, that we think we have no faith at all; or if we have any, it is very feeble and weak. And therefore these are two things; to have faith, and to have the feeling of faith. For some men would fain have the feeling of faith, but they cannot attain unto it; and yet they must not de¬ spair, but go forward in calling upon God, and it will come at the length: God will open their hearts, and let them feel his goodness."—Bishop Latimer's Sermons. 1552. ASSURANCE. 209 really to be saved; and yet to his last day be never free from much anxiety, doubt, and fear. A child may be born heir to a great for¬ tune, and yet never be aware of his riches— live childish, die childish, and never know the greatness of his possessions. "I know, thou sayest, that Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners; and that 'whosoever believ- eth in him shall not perish, but have eternal life.' John iii. 15. Neither can I know but that, in a sense of my own sinful condition, I do cast myself in some measure upon my Saviour, and lay some hold upon his all-suffi¬ cient redemption; but, alas ! my apprehensions of him are so feeble, as that they can afford no sound comfort to my soul. Courage, my son. Were it that thou look- est to be justified and saved by the power of the very act of thy faith, thou hadst reason to be disheartened with the conscience of the weakness thereof; but now that the virtue and efficacy of this happy work is in the object apprehended by thee, which is the infinite merits and mercy of thy God and Saviour, which can¬ not be abated by thine infirmities, thou hast cause to take heart to thyself, and cheerfully to expect his salva¬ tion. If work were stood upon, a strength of hand were necessary; but now that only taking and receiving a precious gift is required, why may not a weak hand do that as well as a strong—as well, though not as forcibly ?"—Bishop IlalVs. Balm of Gilead. 1650. 210 HOME TRUTHS. And so also a man may be a babe in Christ's family—think as a babe, speak as a babe; and, though saved, never enjoy a lively hope, or know the real privileges of his inheritance. Do not therefore mistake my meaning, while you hear me dwell strongly on assur¬ ance. Do not do me the injustice to say, I told you none were saved except such as could say with Paul, " I know and am per¬ suaded, there is a crown laid up for me." I do not say so. I tell you nothing of the kind. " Many formerly, and those of the highest remark and eminency, have placed true faith in no lower degree tlian asssurance, or the secure persuasion of the pardon of their sins, the acceptation of their persons, and their future salvation. But this, as it is very sad and uncom¬ fortable for thousands of doubting and deserted souls, concluding all those to fall short of grace who fall short of certainty, so hath it given the papists too great advantage. Faith is not assurance. But this does sometimes crown and reward a strong, vigorous and heroic faith; the Spirit of God breaking in upon the soul with an evidencing light, and scattering all that darkness, and those fears and doubts which before beclouded it."—Bishop Hopkins on the Covenants. 1G80. ASSURANCE. 211 Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ a man must have, beyond all question, if he is to be saved. I know no other way of access to the Father. I see no intimation of mercy, ex¬ cepting through Christ. A man must feel his sins and lost estate—must come to Jesus for pardon and salvation—must rest his hope on him, and on him alone. But if he only have faith to do this, however weak and feeble that faith may be, I will engage, from Scripture warrants, he shall not miss heaven. Never, never let us curtail the freeness of the glorious gospel, or clip its fair propor¬ tions. Never let us make the gate more strait, and the way more narrow, than pride and love of sin have made it already. The Lord" Jesus is very pitiful, and of tender mercy. He does not regard so much the quantity of faith as the quality: he does not measure its degree, but its truth. He will not break any bruised reed, nor quench any smoking flax. He will never let it be said that any perished at the foot of the cross. " Him that cometh unto me," he 212 HOME TRUTHS. says, " I will in nowise cast out." John vi. 37.* Yes, reader, though a man's faith be no bigger than a grain of mustard-seed, if it only bring him to Christ, and enable him to touch the hem of his garment, he shall be saved. There are degrees in our sanctifica- tion. In our justification there are none. What is written is written, and shall never fail: "Whosoever believeth oil him"—not whosoever has a strong and mighty faith— " Whosoever believeth on him shall not be' ashamed." Rom. x. 11. But all this time I would have you take notice, the poor believing soul may have no full assurance of his pardon and acceptance with God. He may be troubled with fear upon fear, and doubt upon doubt. He may have many a question, and many an anxiety, * " He that believeth on Jesus shall never be con¬ founded. Never was any; neither shall you, if you be¬ lieve. It was a great word of faith spoken by a dying man, who had been converted in a singular way, between his condemnation and execution: his last words were these, spoken with a mighty shout—' Never man perished with his face toward Christ Jesus.' "—Traill, ASSURANCE 213 many a struggle and many a misgiving— clouds and darkness, storm and tempest to the very end. I will engage, I repeat, that bare simple faith in Christ shall save a man, though he may never attain to assurance; but I will not engage it shall bring him to heaven with strong and abounding consolations. I will engage it shall land him safe in harbor ; but I will not engage he shall enter that har¬ bor under full sail, confident and rejoicing. I shall not be surprised if he reaches his desired haven weather-beaten and tempest- tossed, scarcely realizing his own safety till he opens his eyes in glory. Reader, I think it is of great importance to keep in view this distinction between faith and assurance. It explains things which an inquirer in religion sometimes finds it hard to understand. Faith, let us remember, is the root, and assurance is the flower. Doubtless you can never have the flower without the root; but it is no less certain you may have the root and not the flower. 214 HOME TRUTHS Faith is that poor trembling woman who came behind Jesus in the press, and touched the hem of his garment. Mark v. 27. As¬ surance is Stephen standing calmly in the midst of his murderers, and saying, "I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God." Acts vii. 56. Faith is the penitent thief, crying, "Lord, remember me." Luke xxiii. 42. Assurance is Job sitting in the dust, covered with sores, and saying, " I know that my Redeemer liv- eth." Job xix. 25. " Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him." Job xiii. 15. Faith is the anxious, trembling voice, "Lord, I believe : help thou mine unbelief." Mark ix. 24. Assurance is the confident challenge—" Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God's elect ? Who is he that condemneth ?" Rom. viii. 33, 34. Faith is life. How great is the blessing ! Who can tell the gulf between life and death ? And yet life may be weak, sickly, unhealthy, painful, trying, anxious, worn, burdensome, joyless, smileless, to the very end. ASSURANCE. 215 Assurance is more than life. It is health, strength, power, vigor, activity, energy, manliness, heauty. Reader, it is not a question of saved or not saved that lies before us, hut of privilege or no privilege: it is not a question of peace or no peace, but of great peace or little peace: it is not a question between the wanderers of this world and the school of Christ, it is one that belongs only to the school—it is between one class of scholars and another. He that hath faith does well. Happy should I he, if I thought all who read these pages had it. Blessed, thrice blessed, are they that believe. They are safe. They are washed. They are justified. But he that has assurance does far better .—sees more, feels more, knows more, enjoys more, has more days like those spoken of in Deuteronomy, even " the days of heaven upon earth." Deut. xi. 21. III. I pass on to the third thing of which I spoke : I will give you reasons 218 HOME TRUTHS. why an assurance is exceedingly to he de¬ sired. I ask your attention to this point espe¬ cially. I heartily wish that assurance was more sought after than it is. Too many among those who believe begin doubting, and go on doubting, and go to heaven in a kind of mist. It would ill become me to speak in a slighting way of "hopes" and "trusts;" hut I fear many of us sit down content with them, and go no further. I should like to see fewer " peradventurers " in the Lord's family, and more who could say, "I know and am persuaded." 0 that all believers would covet the best gifts, and not be content with less. They miss the full tide of blessedness the gospel was meant to convey. They keep them¬ selves in a low and starved condition of soul, while their Lord is saying, " Eat and drink abundantly, 0 beloved ! Ask and re¬ ceive, that your joy may he full." Cant. v. 1; John xvi. 24. 1. Know then, for one thing, assurance is ASSURANCE. 217 to be desired, because of the present comfort and peace it affords. Doubts and fears have great power to spoil the happiness of a believer in Christ. Uncertainty and suspense are bad enough in any condition—in the matter of our health, our property, our families, our affections, our earthly callings—but never so bad as in the affairs of our souls. And so long as a believer cannot get beyond " I hope and I trust," he manifestly feels a degree of un¬ certainty about his spiritual state. The very words imply as much. He says, " I hope," because he dares not say, "I know" Now assurance goes far to set a child of God free from this painful kind of bondage, and so ministers mightily to his comfort. It enables him to feel that the great business of life is a settled business, the great debt a paid debt, the great disease a healed disease, and the great work a finished work; and all other business, diseases, debts, and works, are then by comparison small. In this way assurance makes him patient in tribulation, calm under bereavements, unmoved in sor- 218 HOME TRUTHS. row, not afraid of evil tidings, in every con¬ dition content; for it gives him a fixedness of heart. It sweetens his hitter cups, it lessens the burden of his crosses, it smooths the rough places over which he travels, it lightens the valley of the shadow of death.* Assurance will help a man to bear poverty * "It was a saying of Bishop Latimer to Ridley, ' When I live in a settled and steadfast assurance about the state of my soul, methinks then I am as hold as a lion. I can laugh at all trouble; no affliction daunts me. But when I am eclipsed in my comforts, I am of bo fearful a spirit that I could run into a very mouse- hole.' "—Quoted by Christopher Love. 1653. " Assurance will assist in all duties : it will arm us Against all temptations: it will answer all objections : it will sustain us in all conditions into which the sad¬ dest of times can bring us. ' If God be for us, who can be against us ?'"—Bishop Reynolds on Hosea xiv. 1642. " We cannot come amiss to him that hath assurance: God is his. Hath he lost a friend ? His Father lives. Hath he lost an only child ? God hath given him his only Son. Hath he scarcity of bread ? God hath given him the finest of the wheat, the bread of life. Are his comforts gone ? He hath the Comforter. Doth he meet with storms $ He knows where to put in for har¬ bor. God is his portion, and heaven is his haven " <—Thomas Watson. 1662 ASSURANCE. 219 and loss. It will teach him to say, " I know that I have in heaven a better and more en¬ during substance. Silver and gold have I none, but, grace and glory are mine, and these can never make themselves wings and flee away. Though the fig-tree shall not blossom, yet will I rejoice in the Lord." Habak. iii. 17, 18. Assurance will support a child of God un¬ der the heaviest bereavements, and assist him to feel "it is well." An assured man will say, " Though beloved ones are taken from me, yet Jesus is the same, and is alive for evermore." Assurance will enable a man to praise God and be thankful, even in a prison, like Paul and Silas at Philippi. It can give a believer songs, even in the darkest night, and joy when all things seem going against bim.* Job xxxv. 10; Psalm xlii. 8. * This was Rutherford's experience, when banished to Aberdeen: " How blind are my adversaries, who sent me to a hanqueting-house, and not to a prison or a place of exile." " My prison is a palace to me, and Christ's banqueting-house."—Letters. 220 HOME TRUTHS. Assurance will enable a man to sleep with the full prospect of execution on the mor¬ row, like Peter in Herod's dungeon. It will teach him to say, " I will both lay me down in peace and sleep; for thou, Lord, only makest me dwell in safety." Psalm iv. 8. Assurance can make a man rejoice to suf¬ fer shame for Christ's sake, as the apostles did. It will remind him that he may " re¬ joice and be exceeding glad;" (Matt. v. 12;) and that there is in heaven an exceeding weight of glory that shall make amends for all. 2 Cor. iv. 17. Assurance will enable a believer to meet a violent and painful death without fear, as Stephen did in the beginning of Christ's Church, and as Cranmer, Ridley, Latimer, and Taylor did at the Reformation. It will bring to his heart the texts, " Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do." Luke xii. 4. "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit."* Acts vii. 59. * These were the last words of Hugh Mackail on the scaffold, at Edinburgh, 1666 : " Now I begin my inter- ASSURANCE. 221 Assurance will support a man in pain and sickness, make all liis bed, smooth down his dying pillow. It will enable him to say, " If my earthly house fail, I have a building of God." 2 Cor. v. 1. " I desire to depart and he with Christ." Phil. i. 23. " My flesh and my heart may fail: hut God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for¬ ever."* Psalm lxxiii. 26. course with God, which shall never be broken off. Farewell, father and mother, friends and relations; farewell, the world and all its delights; farewell, meats and drinks; farewell, sun, moon, and stars. Welcome, God and Father; welcome, sweet Lord Jesus, the Mediator of the new covenant; welcome, blessed Spirit of grace and God of all consolation; welcome, glory; welcome, eternal life ; welcome, death. 0 Lord, into thy hands I commit my spirit, for thou hast re¬ deemed my soul, 0 Lord God of truth." * These were Rutherford's words on his death-bed: " 0 that all my brethren did know what a Master I have served, and what peace I have this day ! I shall sleep in Christ, and when I awake I shall be satisfied with his likeness." 1661. These were Baxter's words on his death-bed: "I bless God I have a well-grtmnded assurance of my eter¬ nal happiness, and great peace and comfort within." Toward the close he was asked how he did? Tha Miswer was, " Almost well." 1691. 222 HOME TRUTHS. All! reader, tlie comfort assurance can give in the hour of death is a great point, depend upon it; and never will you think it so great as when your turn comes to die. In that awful hour there are few believers who do not find out the value and privilege of an assured hope, whatever they may have thought about it during their lives. General "hopes" and " trusts" may do while the sun shines, and the body is strong; but when you come to die, you will want to he able to say, "I know and I feel." Believe me, Jordan is a cold stream, and we have to cross it alone. No earthly friend can help us. The enemy, even death, is a strong foe. When our souls are in depart¬ ing, there is no cordial like the strong wine of assurance. There is a beautiful expression in the Eng¬ lish prayer-hook service for the visitation of the sick, "The Almighty Lord, who is a most strong tower to all them that put their trust in him, be now and evermore thy de¬ fence, and make thee know and feel that there is none other name under heaven, ASSURANCE. 223 through -whom thou mayst receive health an I salvation, hut only the name of our Lord Jesus Christ." The compilers of that service showed great wisdom there. They saw that when the eyes grow dim, and the heart grows faint, and the spirit is on the eve of departing, there must then he knowing and feeling what Christ has done for us, or else there cannot he perfect peace.* 2. Let me name another thing. Assurance is to he desired because it tends to make a Christian an active working Christian. A believer who lacks an assured hope will spend much of his time in inward searchings of heart about his own state. Like a ner¬ vous, hypochondriacal person, he will be full of his own ailments,—his own doubtings and questionings,—his own conflicts and cor¬ ruptions. In short, you will often find he is so taken up with this internal warfare that * " The least degree of faith takes away the sting of death, because it takes away guilt, but the full assurance of faith breaks the very teeth and jaws of death, by taking away the fear and dread of it."—Fair- dough's Sermon in the Morning Exercises 224 HOME TRUTHS. he has little leisure for other things—little time to work for God. Now, a believer who has, like Paul, an assured hope, is free from these harassing distractions. He does not vex his soul with doubts about his own pardon and acceptance. He looks at the everlasting covenant sealed with blood, at the atonement, and never- broken word of his Lord and Saviour, and therefore counts his acceptance a settled thing. And thus he is able to give an undi¬ vided attention .to the work of the Lord, and so, in the long run, to do more.* * "Assurance would make us active and lively in God's service; it would excite prayer, quicken obedi¬ ence. Assurance would be as wings to the bird, as weights to the clock, to set all the wheels of obedience arunning.—Thomas Watson. " Assurance will make a man fervent, constant, and abundant in the work of the Lord. When the assured Christian hath done one work, he is calling out for an¬ other. What is next, Lord, says the assured soul— what is next ? An assured Christian will put his hand to any work; he will put his neck in any yoke for Christ; he never thinks he hath done enough; he always thinks he hath done too little; and when he hath done all he can, he sits down, saying, I am an un¬ profitable servant."—Thomas Brooks ASSURANCE. 225 Take for an illustration of this, two emi¬ grants, and suppose them set down side by side in New Zealand or Australia. Give each of them a piece of land to clear and cultivate. Let the portions allotted to them he the same both in quantity and quality. Secure that land to them by every needful legal instrument,—let it be conveyed as free¬ hold to them and theirs for ever,—let the conveyance be publicly registered, and the property made sure to them by every deed and security that man's ingenuity can devise. Suppose, then, that one of them shall set to work to bring his land into cultivation, and labor at it day after day without inter¬ mission or cessation. Suppose, in the meanwhile, that the other shall he continually leaving his work, and going repeatedly to the public registry to ask whether the land is really his own,— whether there is not some mistake,—whether after all there is not some flaw in the legal instruments which conveyed it to him. The one shall never doubt his title, hut just work diligently on. 8 226 HOME TRUTHS The other shall hardly ever feel sure of his title, and spend half his time in going to Sydney or Auckland, with needless inquiries about it. Which now of these two men will have made most progress in a year's time ? Who will have done the most for his land, got the greatest breadth of soil under tillage, have the best crops to show, be altogether the most prosperous ? You all know as well as I do. I need not supply an answer. There can be only one reply. Undivided attention will always at¬ tain the greatest success. Reader, so will it be in the matter of our title to " mansions in the skies." None will do so much for the Lord who bought him as the Christian who sees his title clear, and is not distracted by unbelieving hesitations. The joy of the Lord will be that man's strength. " Restore unto me," says David, " the joy of thy salvation; then will I teach transgressors thy ways." Psalm li. 12, 13. Never were there such working Christians as the apostles. They seemed to live to ASSURANCE. 227 labor: Christ's work was truly their meat and drink. They counted not their lives dear to themselves. They spent and were spent. They laid down ease, health, worldly comfort, at the foot of the cross. And one grand cause of this, I believe, was their as¬ sured hope. They were men who could say, "We know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness." 1 John v. 19. 3. Let me name another thing. Assurance is to be desired, because it tends to make a Christian a decided Christian. Indecision and doubt about our own state in God's sight are grievous evils. They often produce a wavering and unstable walk in following the Lord. Assurance helps to cut many a knot, and to make the path of Chris¬ tian duty clear and plain. Many, of whom we feel hopes that they are God's children, and have true grace, however weak, are continually perplexed with doubts on points of practice. " Should we do such and such a thing ? Shall we give up this family custom ? Ought we to go into that company? How shall we draw the line 228 HOME TRUTHS. about visiting ? What is the measure of our dressing and our entertainments? Are we never, under any circumstances, to dance, never to touch a card, never to attend parties of pleasure?" These are a kind of questions which seem to give them constant trouble. And often, very often, the simple root of their perplexity is, that they do not feel assured they are themselves children of God. They have not yet settled the point, which side of the gate they are on. They do not know whether they are inside the ark or not. That a child of God ought to act in a cer¬ tain decided way, they quite feel; hut the grand question is, "Are they children of God themselves ?" If they only felt they were so, they would go straightforward, and take a decided line ; but not feeling sure about it, their conscience is for ever hesitating and coming to a dead lock. The devil whispers, " Perhaps after all you are not converted— what right have you to take a decided course ? "Wait till you are really a Christian." And this whisper too often turns the scale, and leads on to some miserable compromise, or wretched conformity to the world. ASSURANCE. 229 Reader, I verily believe you have here one chief reason why so many in this day are inconsistent, trimming, unsatisfactory, and half-hearted in their conduct about the world. Their faith fails. They feel no assurance that they are Christ's, and so feel a hesitancy about breaking with the world. They shrink from laying aside all the ways of the old man, because they are not quite confident they have put on the new. Depend on it, one secret cause of halting between two opinions is want of assurance. "When people can say decidedly, " The Lord he is the God," their course becomes very clear. 1 Kings xviii. 39. 4. Let me name one thing more. Assur¬ ance is to be desired, because it tends to make the holiest Christians. This too sounds wonderful and strange, and yet it is true. It is one of the paradoxes of the gospel, contrary, at first sight, to reason and common sense, and yet it is a fact. Cardinal Bellarmine was seldom more wide of the truth than when he said, "Assur¬ ance tends to carelessness and sloth." He 230 HOME TRUTHS. that is freely forgiven by Christ will always do much for Christ's glory, and he that enjoys the fullest assurance of this forgiveness will ordinarily keep up the closest walk with God. It is a faithful saying in 1 John v. 3, " Every man that hath this hope in him purifieth him¬ self, even as he is pure." A hope that does not purify is a mockery, a delusion, and a snare.* * " The true assurance of salvation which the Spirit of God hath wrought in any heart, hath that force to restrain a man from looseness of life, and to knit his heart in love and obedience to God, as nothing else hath in all the world. It is certainly either the want of faith and assurance of God's love, or a false and carnal assurance of it, that is the true cause of all the licen¬ tiousness that reigns in the w'orld."—Hildersam on the 51 st Psalm. " None walk so evenly with God as they who are as¬ sured of the love of God. Faith is the mother of obe¬ dience, and sureness of trust makes way for strictness of life. When men are loose from Christ, they are loose in point of duty, and their floating belief is soon discovered in their inconstancy and uneveuness of walk¬ ing. We do not with alacrity engage in that of the success of which we are doubtful; and therefore when we know not whether God will accept us or not, when we are off and on in point of trust, we are just so in ASSURANCE. 231 None are so likely to maintain a watchful guard over their hearts and lives as those who know the comfort of living in near com- the course of our lives, and serve God by fits and starts. It is the slander of the world to think assurance an idle doctrine."—Manton's Exposition of James. 1660. " Who is more obliged, or who feels the obligation to observance more cogently—the son who knows his near relation, and knows his father loves him; or the servant that hath great reason to doubt it ? Fear is a weak and impotent principle in comparison of love. Terrors lnay awaken: love enlivens. Terrors may' almost persuade:' love over-persuades. Sure am I that a believer's kncrw- ledge that his Beloved is his, and he is his Beloved's, is found by experience to lay the most strong and cogent obligations upon him to loyalty and faithfulness to the Lord Jesus. For as to him that believes Christ is precious, (1 Peter ii. 7,) so to him that knows he be¬ lieves, Christ is so much the more precious, even the « chiefest among ten thousand.' Cant. v. 10."—Fair- dough's Sermon in Morning Exercises. 1660. " Is it necessary that men should be kept in continual dread of damnation, in order to render them circumspect and insure their attention to duty ? Will not the well- grounded expectation of heaven prove far more effica¬ cious ? Love is the noblest and strongest principle of obedience; nor can it be but that a sense of God's love to us will increase our desire to please him."—Robin¬ son's Christian System. 632 HOME TRUTHS. munion with God. They feel their privilege, and will fear losing it. They will dread falling from their high estate, and marring their own comforts, by bringing clouds be¬ tween themselves and Christ. He that goes on a journey with little money about him takes little thought of danger, and cares little how late he travels. He, on the con¬ trary, that carries gold and jewels will be a cautious traveller: he will look well to his roads, his house, and his company, and run no risks. The fixed stars are those that tremble most. The man that most fully enjoys the light of God's reconciled counte¬ nance will be a man tremblingly afraid of losing its blessed consolations, and jealously fearful of grieving the Holy Ghost. Reader, I commend these four points to your serious consideration. Would you like to feel the everlasting arms around you, and to hear the voice of Jesus daily drawing nigh to your soul, and saying, " I am thy salva¬ tion?"—Would you like to be a useful labor¬ er in the vineyard in your day and generation ? —Would you be known of all men as a bold, ASSURANCE. 233 firm, decided, single-eyed, uncompromising follower of Christ ?—"Would you be eminent¬ ly spiritually-minded and holy ? "Ah!" some people will say, " these are the very things our hearts desire. We long for them. We pant after them, but they seem far from us." Now, has it never struck you that your neglect of assurance may possibly he the main secret of all your failures,—that the low measure of faith which satisfies you may he the cause of your low degree of peace ? Can you think it a strange thing that your graces are faint and languishing, when faith, the root and mother of them all, is allowed to remain feeble and weak ? Take my advice this day. Seek an in¬ crease of faith. Seek to obtain a simple, child-like confidence in God's promises. Seek to be able to say with Paul, " I know whom I have believed: I am persuaded that he is mine, and I am his." You have, probably, tried other ways and methods, and completely failed. Change your plan. Go upon another tack. Lay 234 HOME TRUTHS. aside your doubts. Lean more entirely on the Lord's arm. Begin with implicit trust¬ ing. Cast aside your faithless backwardness to take the Lord at his word. Come and throw yourself, your soul, and your sins upon your gracious Saviour. Begin with simple believing, and all other things shall soon be added to you. IY. I come now to the last thing of which I spoke. I promised to point out to you some probable causes why an assured hope is so seldom attained. I will do it very shortly. This is a very serious question, and ought to raise in us all great searchings of heart. Few, certainly, of Christ's people seem to reach up to this blessed spirit of assurance. Many comparatively believe, but few are persuaded. Many comparatively have sav¬ ing faith, but few that glorious confidence which shines forth in our text. That such is the case, I think we must all allow. Now, why is this so? Why is a thing which two apostles have strongly enjoined us to seek after, a thing of which few believ- ASSURANCE. 235 ers have any experimental knowledge ? Why is an assurance so rare ? I desire to offer a few suggestions on this point with all humility. I know that many have never attained assurance, at whose feet I would gladly sit, both in earth and heaven. Still, after every allowance, I fear there are many believers without an assured hope, whose case may too often be explained by causes such as these. 1. One most common cause, I suspect, is a defective view of the doctrine of justifica¬ tion. I am inclined to think that justification and sanctification are insensibly confused together in the minds of many believers. They receive the gospel truth, that there must he something done IN us, as well as something done for us, if we are true mem¬ bers of Christ; and so far they are right. But then, without being aware of it, perhaps, they seem to imbibe the idea that their justi¬ fication is, in some degree, affected by some¬ thing within themselves. They do not clearly see that Christ's merit, not their own work— 236 HOME TRUTHS. either in whole or in part, either directly or indirectly—is the alone ground of our ac¬ ceptance with God; that justification is a thing entirely without us, for which nothing whatever is needful on our part hut simple faith; and that the weakest believer is as fully and completely justified as the strongest. My dear reader, think of this. If any be¬ lieving soul desires assurance, and has not got it, let him ask himself first of all, if he is quite sure he is sound in the faith—if his loins are thoroughly girt about with truth, and his eyes thoroughly clear in the matter of justification. He must know what it is simply to believe before he can expect to feel assured. Believe me, the old Galatian heresy is the most fertile source of error, both in doctrine and in practice. Seek clearer views of Christ, and what Christ has done for you. Happy is the man who really understands justifica tion by faith without the deeds of the law. 2. Another common cause of the absence of assurance is, slothfulness about growth in grace. ASSURANCE. 23? I suspect many true believers bold dan¬ gerous and unscriptural views on this point; I do not, of course, mean intentionally, but they do hold them. Many appear to me to think that, once converted, they have little more to attend to, and that a state of salva¬ tion is a kind of easy-chair, in which they may just sit still, lie back, and be happy. They seem to fancy that grace is given them that they may enjoy it, and they forget that it is given, like a talent, to be used, employed, and improved. Such persons lose sight of the many direct injunctions " to increase, to grow, to abound more and more, to add to our faith," and the like, and in this little- doing condition, this sitting-still state of mind, I never marvel that they miss assurance. I believe it ought to be our continual aim and desire to go forward, and our watch¬ word at the beginning of every year should be " More and more," (1 Thess. iv. 1:) more knowledge, more faith, more obedience, more love. If we have brought forth thirty-fold, we should seek to bring forth sixty; and if we have brought forth sixty, we should strive 238 HOME TRUTHS. to bring forth a hundred. The "will of the Lord is our sanctification, and it ought to be our will too. Matt. xiii. 23; 1 Thess. iv. 3. One thing, at all events, you may depend upon: there is an inseparable connection be¬ tween diligence and assurance. " We de¬ sire," says Paul, "that every one of you do show the same diligence to the full assurance of hope unto the end." Heb. vi. 11. " The soul of the diligent," says Solomon, "shall be made fat." Prov. xiii. 4. Mark my words, any one of you that de¬ sires assurance, and has not got it: you will never get it without diligence, however much you may desire it. There are no gains with¬ out pains in spiritual things, any more than in temporal. " The soul of the sluggard de- sireth, and hath nothing." Prov. xiii. 4.* * "Are you in depths and doubts, staggering and un¬ certain, not knowing what is your condition, nor whether you have any interest in the forgiveness that is of God ? Are you tossed up and down between hopes and fears, and want peace, consolation, and establishment ? Why lie you upon your faces ? Get up ; watch, pray, fast, meditate, offer violence to your lusts and corruptions; fear not, startle not at their crying to be spared; press ASSURANCE. 239 3. Another common cause of a want of assurance is, an inconsistent walk in life. With grief and sorrow I feel constrained to say, I fear nothing in this day more fre¬ quently prevents men attaining an assured hope than this. The stream of professing Christianity is far wider than it formerly was; and I am afraid we must admit at the same time it is much less deep. Inconsistency of life is utterly destructive of peace of conscience. The two things are incompatible. They cannot and they will not go together. If you will have your besetting sins, and cannot make up your minds to give them up; if you will shrink from cutting off the right hand, and plucking out the right eye, when occasion requires it, I will engage you will have no assurance. A vacillating walk, a backwardness to take unto the throne of grace by prayer, supplications, im¬ portunities, restless requests—this is the way to take the kingdom of God. These things are not peace, are not assurance; but they are part of the means God hath appointed for the attainment of them."—Owen on the iZOih Psalm. 240 HOME TRUTHS. a bold and decided line, a readiness to con¬ form to the world, a hesitating witness for Christ, a lingering tone of religion, all these make up a sure receipt for bringing a blight upon the garden of your soul. It is vain to suppose you will feel assured and persuaded of your own pardon and ac¬ ceptance with God, unless you count all God's commandments concerning all things to be right, and hate every sin, whether great or small. Psalm cxix. 128. One Achan al¬ lowed in the camp of your heart will weaken your hands, and lay your consolations low in the dust. You must be daily sowing to the Spirit, if you are to reap the witness of the Spirit. You will not find and feel that all the Lord's ways are ways of pleasantness, unless you labor in ail your ways to please the Lord.* * " Wouldst thou have thy hope strong ? Then keep thy conscience pure. Thou canst not defile one without weakening the other. The godly person that is loose and careless in his holy walking, will soon find his hope languishing. All sin disposeth the soul that tampers with it to trembling fears and shakings of heart."— Gurnall. ASSURANCE. 241 By grace we are saved, not by works of righteousness. But I never would have any believer for a moment forget that our sense of salvation depends much on the manner of our living. Inconsistency will dim your eyes, and bring clouds between you and the sun. It is in the path of well-doing that the day-spring of assurance will visit you, and shine down upon your heart. " The secret of the Lord," says David, "is with them that fear him; and he will show them his covenant." Psalm xxv. 14. " To him that ordereth his conversation aright will I show the salvation of God." Psalm 1. 23. " One great and too common cause of distress is the secret maintaining some known sin. It puts out the eye of the soul; o* dimmeth it and stupefies it, that it can neither feel nor ser its own condition. But especially it provoketh God to withdraw himself, his comforts, and the assistance of his Spirit."—Baxter's Saint's Rest. "The stars which have least circuit are nearest the polo; and men whose hearts are least entangled with the world are always nearest to .God, and to the assu¬ rance of his favor. Worldly Christians, remember this. You and the world must part, or else assurance and your souls will never meet."—Thomas Brooks. 242 HOME TRUTHS. "Great peace have they which love thy law; and nothing shall offend them." Psalm cxix. 165. "If we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another." 1 John i. 7. " Let us not love in word, neither in tongue; hut in deed and in truth! And hereby we know that we are of the truth, and shall assure our hearts before Him." 1 John iii. 18, 19. " Hereby we do know that we know Him, if we keep his commandments." 1 John ii. 3. Paul was a man who exercised himself to have always a conscience void of offence toward God and toward man. Acts xxiv. 16. He could say with boldness, " I have fought the good fight, I have kept the faith." I do not wonder that the Lord enabled him to add with confidence, " Henceforth there is a crown laid up for me, and the Lord shall give it me at that day." Header, if any believer in the Lord Jesus desires assurance, and has not got it, let him think over this point also. Let him look at ASSURANCE. 243 his own heart, look at his own conscience, look at his own life, look at his own ways, look at his own home. And perhaps when he has done that, he will be able to say, "There is a cause why I have no assured hope." Now I leave the three matters I have just mentioned to your own private considera¬ tion. I am sure they are worth examining. May you examine them honestly. And may the Lord give you understanding in all things. And now, in closing this important in¬ quiry, let me speak first to those who have not given themselves to the Lord—who have not yet come out from the world, chosen the good part, and followed Christ. Learn, then, my dear friends, from this subject, the privileges and comforts of a true Christian. I would not have you judge of the Lord Jesus Christ by his people. The best of ser¬ vants can give you but a faint idea of that glorious Master. Neither would I have you judge of the privileges of his kingdom by 244 HOME TRUTHS. the measure of comfort to which many of his people attain. Alas ! we are most of us poor creatures. "We come short, very short, of the blessedness we might enjoy. But, depend upon it, there are glorious things in the city of our God, which they who have an assured hope taste, even in their life-time. There are lengths and breadths of peace and consolation there, which it has not entered into your heart to conceive. There is bread enough and to spare in our Father's house, though many of us certainly eat but little of it, and continue weak. But the fault must not be laid to our Master's charge : it is all our own. And, after all, the weakest child of God has a mine of comforts within him of which you know nothing. You see the conflicts and tossings of the surface of his heart, but you see not the pearls of great price which are hidden in the depths below. The feeblest member of Christ would not change conditions with you. The believer who possesses the least assurance is far better off than you are. He has a hope, however faint; but you have ASSURANCE. 245 none at all. lie has a portion that -will never be taken from him, a Saviour that will never forsake him, a treasure that fadeth not away, however little he may realize it all at present. But, as for you, if you die as you are, your expectations will all perish. 0 that you were wise! O that you understood these things! 0 that you would consider your latter end! Take advice of a minister of Christ this very day. Seek durable riches—a treasure that cannot be taken from you, a city which hath lasting foundations. Do as the Apostle Paul did—give yourself to the Lord Jesus Christ, and seek that incorruptible crown he is ready to bestow. Take his yoke upon you, and learn of him. Come away from a world which will never really satisfy you, and from sin which will bite like a serpent, if you cleave to it, at last. Come to the Lord Jesus as lowly sinners, and he will receive you, pardon you, give you his renewing Spirit, fill you with peace. This shall give you more real comfort than the world has ever done. There is a gulf in your heart which nothing 246 HOME TRUTHS. but the peace of Christ can fill. Enter in, and share our privileges. Come with us, and sit down by our side. Lastly, let me turn to all believers who read these pages, and speak to them a few words of brotherly counsel. The main thing that I urge upon you is this—if you have not got assurance of your own acceptance in Christ, resolve this day to seek it. Labor for it. Strive after it. Pray for it. Give the Lord no rest till you know whom you have believed. I feel indeed that the small amount of as¬ surance in this day, among those who are reckoned God's children, is a shame and a reproach. "It is a thing to be heavily be¬ wailed," says old Traill, "that many Chris¬ tians have lived twenty or forty years since Christ called them by his grace, yet doubt¬ ing in their life." Let us call to mind the earnest " desire" Paul expresses, that "every one" of the Hebrews should seek after full assurance ; and let us endeavor, by God's blessing, to roll this reproach away. Heb. vi. 11. ASSURANCE. Brethren, do you really mean to say that you have no desire to exchange hope for confidence, trust for persuasion, uncertainty for knowledge? Because weak faith will save you, will you therefore rest content with it ? Alas! this is not a healthy state of soul to be in ; this is not the mind of the apostolic day. Arise at once, and go forward. Stick not at the foundations of religion; go on to perfection. Be not content with a day of small things. Never despise it in others, but never be content with it yourselves. Believe me, believe me, assurance is worth the seeking. You forsake your own mercies when you rest content without it. The things I speak are for your peace. If it is good to be sure in earthly things, how much better is it to be sure in heavenly things. There is nothing unscriptural in this. Paul never saw the book of life, and yet Paul says, " I know and am persuaded." Make it then your daily prayer that you may have an increase of faith. According to your faith will be your peace. Cultivate that blessed root more, and sooner or later, 248 HOME TRUTHS. by God's blessing, you may hope to have the flower. You may not perhaps attain to full assurance all at once. But though it tarry, wait for it. Seek on, and expect to find. Another thing I will name is this: you must not be surprised if you have occasional doubts after you have got assurance. You must not forget you are on earth, and not yet in heaven. And there is a devil too, and a strong devil—a devil who tempted the Lord Jesus, and gave Peter a fall; and he will take care you know it. But be not dis¬ couraged : you shall be more than conquerors through Him that loved you. Finally, do not forget that assurance is a thing that may be lost for a season, even by the brightest Christians, unless they take care. Assurance is a most delicate plant. It needs daily, hourly, watching, watering, tend¬ ing, cherishing. So watch and pray the more wnen you have got it. As Rutherford says, "Make much of assurance." Be always upon your guard. When Christian slept, in ASSURANCE 249 Pilgrim's Progress, lie lost his certificate. Keep that in mind. David lost assurance for many months by falling into transgression. Peter lost it when he denied his Lord. Each found it again undoubtedly, hut not till after hitter tears. Spiritual darkness comes on horseback, and goes away on foot. It is upon us before we know that it is coming. It leaves us slowly, gradually, and not till after many days. It is easy to run down hill: it is hard work to climb up. So remember my caution: when you have the joy of the Lord, watch and pray. Above all, grieve not the Spirit. Quench not the Spirit. Yex not the Spirit. Drive him not to a distance, by tampering with small bad habits and little sins. Little jar- rings between husbands and wives make unhappy homes; and petty inconsistencies, known and allowed, will bring in a strange¬ ness between you and the Spirit. Hear the conclusion of the whole matter. The man who walks with God in Christ most closely, will generally be kept in the 250 HOME TRUTHS. greatest peace. The believer who follows the Lord most fully, will ordinarily enjoy the most assured hope, and have the clearest persuasion of his own salvation. the cross. 251 %\t toss, OOD FOBBED THAT I SHOULD GLOBT, SAVE IN THE CBOSS OF OUB LOBD JESUS CHRIST. Gal. Yi. 14. Reader, what do you think and feel about the cross of Christ ? You live in a Christian land. You probably attend the worship of a Christian Church. You have perhaps been baptized in the name of Christ. You profess and call yourself a Christian. All this is well. It is more than can be said of millions in the world. But all this is no answer to my question, " What do you think and feel about the cross of Christ?" I want to tell you what the greatest Chris¬ tian that ever lived thought of the cross of Christ. He has written down his opinion. He has given his judgment in words that cannot be mistaken. The man I mean is the Apostle Paul. The place where you 252 HOME TRUTHS. ■will find his opinion is in the letter which the Holy Ghost inspired him to write to the Galatians. And the words in which his judg¬ ment are set down, are these : " God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ." Now, what did Paul mean by saying this ? He meant to declare strongly that he trusted in nothing but Jesus Christ crucified for the pardon of his sins and the salvation of his soul. Let others, if they would, look else¬ where for salvation. Let others, if they were so disposed, trust in other things for pardon and peace. Por his part, the apostle determined to rest on nothing, lean on no¬ thing, build his hope on nothing, place con¬ fidence in nothing, glory in nothing, except the " cross of Jesus Christ." Reader, let me talk to you about this sub¬ ject. Believe me, it is one of the deepest importance. This is no mere question of controversy. This is not one of those points on which men may agree to differ, and feel that differences will not shut them out of heaven. A man must be right on this sub- THE CROSS. 253 ject, or he is lost for ever. Heaven or hell, happiness or misery, life or death, blessing or cursing in the last day,—all hinges on the answer to this question, " What do you think about the cross of Christ?" I. Let me show you what the Apostle Paul did not glory in. II. Let me explain to you what he did glory in. III. Let me show you why all Christians should think and feel about the cross like Paul. I. What did the Apostle Paul not glory in ? There are many things that Paul might have gloried in, if he had thought as some do in this day. If ever there was one on earth who had something to boast of in him¬ self, that man was the great apostle of the Gentiles. Now if he did not dare to glory, who shall ? He never gloried in his national privi¬ leges. He was a Jew by birth, and as he tells us himself, —"A Hebrew of the He¬ brews." He might have said, like many of 254 HOME TRUTHS. his brethren, " I have Abraham for my fore¬ father. I am not a dark, unenlightened heathen. I am one of the favored people of God. I have been admitted into covenant with God by circumcision. I am a far better man than the ignorant Gentiles." But he never said so. He never gloried in any thing of this kind. Never for one moment. He never gloried in his own works. None ever worked so hard for God as he did. He was more abundant in labors than any of the apostles. No living man ever preached so much, travelled so much, and endured so many hardships for Christ's cause. None ever converted so many souls, did so much good to the world, and made himself so use¬ ful to mankind. No Father of the early Church, no Reformer, no Puritan, no mis¬ sionary, no minister, no layman,—no one man could ever be named who did so many good works as the Apostle Paul. But did he ever glory in them, as if they were in the least meritorious, and could save his soul? Never! never for one moment! He never gloried in his knowledge. He THE CROSS. 255 was a man of great gifts naturally, and after he was converted the Holy Spirit gave him greater gifts still. He was a mighty preacher, and a mighty speaker, and a mighty writer. He was as great with his pen as he was with his tongue. He could reason equally well with Jews and Gentiles. He could argue with infidels at Corinth, or Pharisees at Jerusalem, or self-righteous people in Galatia. He knew many deep things. He had been in the third heaven, and heard unspeakable words. He had received the spirit of pro¬ phecy, and could foretell things yet to come. But did he ever glory in his knowledge as if it could justify him before God ? Never ! never! never for one moment! He never gloried in his graces. If ever there was one who abounded in graces, that man was Paul. He was full of love. How tenderly and affectionately he used to write ! He could feel for souls like a mother or a nurse feeling for her child. He was a bold man. He cared not whom he opposed wThen truth was at stake. He cared not what risks he ran when souls were to be won. He was 256 HOME TRUTHS a self-denying man,—in hunger and thirst often, in cold and nakedness, in patchings and fastings. He was an humble man. He thought himself less than the least of all saints, and the chief of sinners. He was a prayerful man. See how it comes put at the beginning of all his epistles. He was a thankful man. His thanksgivings and his prayers walked side by side. Bait he never gloried in all this, never valued himself on it. 0 no ! never for a moment! He never gloried in his Churchmanship. If ever there was a good Churchman, that man was Paul. He was a chosen apostle. He was a founder of churches, and an or- dainer of ministers. Timothy and Titus, and many elders, received their first commission from his hands. He was the beginner of services and sacraments in many a dark place. Many a one did he prepare for bap¬ tism. Many a one did he receive at the Lord's table. Many a meeting for prayer, and praise, and preaching, did he begin and carry on. He was the setter up of discipline in many a young Church. "Whatever ordi THE CROSS. 257 nances and rules and ceremonies were ob¬ served in tbem, were first recommended by bim. But did he ever glory in his office and Church standing ? Does he ever speak as if his Churchmanship would save him, justify him, put away his sins, and make him accept¬ able before God ? O no ! never ! never ! never for a moment! And now, reader, mark what I say. If the Apostle Paul never gloried in any of these things, who in all the world, from one end to the other, who has any right to glory in them in our day ? If Paul said, God forbid that I should glory in any thing whatever except the cross, who shall dare to say, " I have something to glory of,—I am a better man than Paul?" Who is there among the readers of this book that trusts in any goodness of his own i Who is there that is resting on his own amendments, his own morality, his own per¬ formances of any kind whatever ? Who is there that is leaning the weight of his soul on any thing whatever of his own in the smallest possible degree ? Learn, I say, that 9 258 HOME TRUTHS. you are very unlike the Apostle Paul. Learn that your religion* is not apostolical religion. Who is there among the readers of this book that trusts in his Churchmanship for salvation ? Who is there that is valuing himself on his baptism, or his attendance at the Lord's table,—his church-going on Sun¬ days, or his daily services during the week,—. and saying to himself, What lack I yet? Learn, I say, this day, that you are very unlike Paul. Your Christianity is not the Christianity of the New Testament. Paul would not glory in any thing but the cross. Neither ought you. 0 reader, beware of self-righteousness. Go and study humility with the great apostle of the Gentiles. Go and sit with Paul at the foot of the cross. Give up your secret pride. Cast away your vain ideas of your own goodness. Be thankful if you have grace, but never glory in yourself for a moment. Work for God and Christ with heart, and soul, and mind, and strength, but never dream for a second of placing confi¬ dence in any work of your own. THE CROSS. 259 Think, you who take comfort in some fancied ideas of your own goodness,—think, you who wrap up ■ yourselves in the notion, "All must be right, if I keep to my Church," —think for a moment what a sandy founda¬ tion you are building upon ! Think for a moment how miserably defective your hopes and pleas will look in the hour of death, and in the day of judgment! Whatever men may say of their own goodness while they are strong and healthy, they will find but little to say of it when they are sick and dying. Whatever merit they may see in their own works here in this world, they will discover none in them when they stand before the bar of Christ. The light of that great day of assize will make a wonderful difference in the appearance of all their doings. It will strip off the tinsel, shrivel up the complexion, expose the rottenness of many a deed that is now called good. Their wheat will prove nothing but chaff. Their gold will be found nothing but dross. Millions of so-called Christian actions will turn out to have been utterly defective and 260 HOME TRUTHS. graceless. They passed current, and were valued among men. They will prove light and worthless in the balance of God. They will be found to have been like the whitened sepulchres of old—fair and beautiful without, but full of corruption within. Alas ! for the man who can look forward to the day of judgment, and lean his soul in the smallest degree on any thing of his own !* Reader, once more I say, beware of self- * " Howsoever men, when they sit at ease, do vainly tickle their own hearts with the wanton conceit of I know not what proportionable correspondence between their merits and their rewards, which, in the trance of their high speculations, they dream that God hath measured and laid up, as it were, in bundles for them, we see, notwithstanding, by daily experience, in a num¬ ber even of them, that when the hour of death ap- proacheth, when they secretly hear themselves summoned to appear and stand at the bar of that Judge, whose brightness causeth the eyes of angels themselves to dazzle, all those idle imaginations do then begin to hide their faces. To name merits, then, is to lay their souls upon the rack. The memory of their own deeds is loathsome unto them. They forsake all things wherein they have put any trust and confidence. No staff to lean upon, no rest, no ease, no comfort then, but only in Christ Jesus." •—Richard Hooker. 1585. THE CROSS. 261 righteousness in every possible shape and form. Some people get as much harm from their fancied virtues, as others do from their sins. Take heed, lest you he one. Rest not, rest not till your heart beats in tune with St. Paul's. Rest not till you can say with him, " God forbid that I should glory in any thing but the cross." II. Let me explain, in the second place, what you are to understand by the cross of Christ. The cross is an expression that is used in more than one meaning in the Bible. What did St. Paul mean when he said, " I glory in the cross of Christ," in the Epistle to the Galatians ? This is the point I now wish to make clear. The cross sometimes means that wooden cross, on which the Lord Jesus was nailed and put to death on Mount Calvary. This is what St. Paul had in his mind's eye, when he told the Philippians that Christ "became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross." Phil. ii. 8. This is not the cross in 262 HOME TRUTHS. •which St. Paul gloried. He would have shrunk with horror from the idea of glorying m a mere piece of wood. I have no doubt he would have denounced the Roman Catho¬ lic adoration of the crucifix, as profane, blas¬ phemous, and idolatrous. The cross sometimes means the afflictions and trials which believers in Christ have to go through if they follow Christ faithfully, for their religion's sake. This is the sense in which our Lord uses the word, when he says, " He that taketh not his cross, and fol¬ io weth after me, cannot be my disciple." Matt. x. 38. This also is not the sense in which Paul uses the word when he writes to the Galatians. He knew that cross well. He carried it patiently. But he is not speak¬ ing of it here. But the cross also means, in some places, the doctrine that Christ died for sinners upon the cross, the atonement that he n^ade for sinners, by his suffering for them on the cross,—the complete and perfect sacrifice for sin which he offered up, when he gave his own body to be crucified. In short, this THE CROSS. 263 one word, "the cross," stands for Christ crucified, the only Saviour. This is the meaning in which Paul uses the expression, when he tells the Corinthians, " the preach¬ ing of the cross is to them that perish foolish¬ ness." 1 Cor. i. 18. This is the meaning in which he wrote to the Galatians, " God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross." He simply meant, " I glory in nothing but Christ crucified, as the salvation of my soul."* Reader, Jesus Christ crucified was the joy and delight, the comfort and the peace, the hope and the confidence, the foundation and the resting-place, the ark and the refuge, the food and the medicine of Paul's soul. lie did not think of what he had done himself, and suffered himself. He did not meditate on his own goodness, and his own righteous¬ ness. He loved to think of what Christ had * "By the cross of Christ the apostle understandeth the all-sufficient, expiatory, and satisfactory sacrifice of Christ upon the cross, with the whole work of our re¬ demption : in the saving knowledge whereof he profess- eth he will glory and boast."—Cudworth on Galatians. 1613. 2C4 HOME TRUTHS. done, and Christ had suffered,—of the death of Christ, the atonement of Christ, the blood of Christ. In this he did glory. This was the sun of his soul. This is the subject he loved to preach about. He was a man who went to and fro on the earth, proclaiming to sinners that the Son of God had shed his own heart's blood to save their souls. He walked up and down the world, telling people that Jesus Christ had loved them, and died for their sins upon the cross. Mark how he says to the Corinth¬ ians, " I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins." 1 Cor. xv. 3. "I determined not to know any thing among you save Jesus Christ and him crucified." 1 Cor. ii. 2. He, a blaspheming, persecuting Pharisee, had been washed in Christ's blood. He could not hold his peace about it. He was never weary of telling the story of the cross. This is the subject he loved to dwell upon when he wrote to believers. It is wonderful to observe how full his epistles generally are of the sufferings and death of Christ,— THE CROSS. 2G5 now they run over with " thoughts that breathe, and words that burn," about Christ's dying love and power. His heart seems full of the subject. He enlarges on it con¬ stantly. He returns to it continually. It is the golden thread that runs through all his doctrinal teaching and practical exhorta¬ tions. He seems to think that the most advanced Christian can never hear too much about the cross.* This is what he lived upon all his life, from the time of his conversion. He tells? the Galatians, " The life that I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me." Gal. ii. 20. What made him so strong to labor? What made him so willing to work? What made him so unwearied in endeavors to save some? What made him * " Christ crucified is the sum of the gospel, and con¬ tains all the riches of it. Paul was so much taken with Christ, that nothing sweeter than Jesus could drop from his pen and lips. It is observed that he hath the word 'Jesus' five hundred times in his epistles."—Charnock. 1684. 266 HOME TRUTHS. so persevering and patient ? I will tell jou the secret of it all. He was always feeding by faith on Christ's body and Christ's blood. Jesus crucified was the meat and drink of his soul. And, reader, you may rest assured that Paul was right. Depend upon it, the cross of Christ,—the death of Christ on the cross to make atonement for sinners,—is the centre truth in the whole Bible. This is the truth we begin with when we open Genesis. The Seed of the woman bruising the serpent's head is nothing else but a prophecy of Christ crucified. This is the truth that shines out, though veiled, all through the law of Moses and the history of the Jews. The daily sacrifice, the passover lamb, the continual shedding of blood in the tabernacle and temple,—all these were emblems of Christ crucified. This is the truth that we see honored in the vision of heaven before we close the hook of Revelation. " In the midst of the throne and of the four beasts," we are told, " and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain." Rev. v. 6. THE CROSS. 267 Even in the midst of heavenly glory we get a view of Christ crucified. Take away the cross of Christ, and the Bible is a dark book. It is like the Egyptian hieroglyphics, with¬ out the key that interprets their meaning,— curious and wonderful, but of no real use. Reader, mark what I say. You may know a good deal about the Bible. You may know the outlines of the histories it contains, and the dates of the events described, just as a man knows the history of England. You may know the names of the men and women mentioned in it, just as a man knows Csesar, Alexander the Great, or Napoleon. You may know the several precepts of the Bible, and admire them, just as a man ad¬ mires Plato, Aristotle, or Seneca. But if you have not yet found out that Christ crucified is the foundation of the whole volume, you have read your Bible hitherto to very little profit. Your religion is a heaven without a sun, an arch without a key-stone, a compass without a needle, a clock without spring or weights, a lamp with- 2C8 HOME TRUTHS. out oil. It ■will not comfort you. It will not deliver your soul from hell. Header, mark what I say again. You may know a good deal about Christ by a kind of head knowledge. You may know who he was, and where he was horn, and what he did. You may know his miracles, his sayings, his prophecies, and his ordinances. You may know how he lived, and how he suffered, and how he died. But unless you know the power of Christ's cross by expe¬ rience,—unless you know and feel within that the blood shed on that cross has washed away your own particular sins, — unless you are willing to confess that your salva¬ tion depends entirely on the work that Christ did upon the cross,—unless this be the case, Christ will profit you nothing. The mere knowing Christ's name will never save you. You must know his cross, and his blood, or else you will die in your sins.* * " If our faith stop in Christ's life, and do not fasten upon his blood, it will not be a justifying faith. His miracles, which prepared the world for his doctrines; his THE CROSS. 269 Read..i\ as long as you live, beware tf a religion in which there is not much of the cross. You live in times when the warning is sadly needful. Beware, I say again, of a religion without the cross. There are hundreds of places of worship, in this day, in which there is every thing almost except the cross. There is carved oak, and sculptured stone. There is stained glass, and brilliant painting. There are solemn services, and a constant round of ordinances. But the real cross of Christ is not there. Jesus crucified is not proclaimed in the pulpit. The Lamb of God is not lifted up, and salvation by faith in him is not freely proclaimed. And hence all is wrong. Reader, beware of such places of worship. They are not apostolical. They would not have satisfied St. Paul.* holiness, •which fitted himself for his sufferings, had been insufficient for us without the addition of the cross."— Charnock. 1084. * " Paul determined to know nothing else but Jesus Christ and him crucified. But many manage the ministry as if they had taken up a contrary determination, evcu 270 HOME TBUTHS. There are thousands of religious books published in our times, in which there is every thing except the cross. They are full of directions about the sacraments, and praises of the Church. They abound in exhortations about holy living, and rules for the attainment of perfection. They have plenty of fonts and crosses both inside and outside. But the real cross of Christ is left out. The Saviour and his dying love are either not mentioned, or are mentioned in an unscriptural way. And hence they are worse than useless. Reader, beware of such books. They are not apostolical. They would never have satisfied St. Paul. Reader, St. Paul gloried in nothing but the cross. Strive to be like him. Set Jesus crucified fully before the eyes of your souL Listen not to any teaching which would inter¬ pose any thing between you and him. Do not fall into the old Galatian error. Think not that any one in this day is a better guide than the apostles. Do not be ashamed of to know any thing save Jesua Christ and him crucified." —Traill 1690 THE CROSS. 271 the old paths in which men walked who were inspired by the Holy Ghost. Let not the vague talk of men who speak great swelling words about catholicity, and the Church, and the ministry, disturb your peace, and make you loose your hands from the cross. Churches, ministers, and sacraments, are all useful in their way, but they are not Christ crucified. Do not give Christ's honor to another. " He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord." III. Let me show you why all Christians ought to glory in the cross of Christ. I feel that I must say something on this point, because of the ignorance that pre¬ vails about it. I suspect that many see no peculiar glory and beauty in the subject of Christ's cross. On the contrary, they think it painful, humbling, and degrading. They do not see much profit in the story of his death and sufferings. They rather turn from it as an unpleasant thing. Now I believe that such persons are quite 272 HOME TRUTHS. ■wrong. I cannot hold with them. I believe it is an excellent thing for us all to be con¬ tinually dwelling on the cross of Christ. It is a good thing to be often reminded how Jesus was betrayed into the hands of wicked men,—how they condemned him with most unjust judgment,—how they spit on him, scourged him, heat him, and crowned him with thorns,—how they led him forth as a lamb to the slaughter, without his murmur¬ ing or resisting,—how they drove the nails through his hands and feet, and set him up on Calvary between two thieves,—how they pierced his side with a spear, mocked him in his sufferings, and let him hang there naked and bleeding till he died. Of all these things, I say, it is good to he reminded. It is not for nothing that the crucifixion is described four times over in the New Testa¬ ment. There are very few things that all the four writers of the gospel describe. Generally speaking, if Matthew, Mark, and Luke tell a thing in our Lord's history, John does not tell it. But there is one THE CROSS. 273 thing that all the four give us most fully, and that one thing is the story of the cross. This is a striking fact, and not to he over¬ looked. People seem to me to forget that Christ's sufferings on the cross were necessary to man's salvation. lie had to hear our sins, if ever they were to he borne at all. "With his stripes alone could we he healed. This was the one payment of our debt that God would accept. This was the great sacrifice on which our eternal life depended. If Christ had not gone to the cross and suffered in our stead, the just for the unjust, there would not have been a spark of hope for us. There would have been a mighty gulf between our¬ selves and God, which no man ever could have passed.* * "In Christ's humiliation stands our exaltation: in his weakness stands our strength : in his ignominy, our glory: in his death, our life."—Cudworth. 1613. "The eye of faith regards Christ sitting on the sum¬ mit of the cross, as in a triumphal chariot—the devil hound to the lowest part of the same cross, and trodden under the feet of Christ."—Bishop Davenant on Coloa- sians. 1627. 274 HOME TRUTHS. People seem to me to forget that all Christ's sufferings were endured voluntarily and of his own free will. He was under no compulsion. Of his own choice he laid down his life. Of his own choice he went to the cross to finish the work he came to do. He might easily have summoned legions of angels with a word, and scattered Pilate and Ilerod and all their armies, like chaff before the wind. But he was a willing sufferer. His heart was set on the salvation of sinners. He was resolved to open a foun¬ tain for all sin and uncleanness, by shedding his own blood. Header, when I think of all this, I see nothing painful or disagreeable in the sub¬ ject of Christ's cross. On the contrary, I see in it wisdom and power, peace and hope, joy and gladness, comfort and consolation. The more I keep the cross in my mind's eye, the more fulness I seem to discern in it. The longer I dwell on the cross in my thoughts, the more I am satisfied that there is more to be learned at the foot of the cross than anywhere else in the world. THE CROSS. 275 Would I know the length and breadth of God the Father's love toward a sinful world ? Where shall I see it most ^displayed? Shall I look at his glorious sun shining down daily on the unthankful and evil ? Shall I look at seed-time and harvest returning in regu¬ lar yearly succession ? 0 no ! I .can find a stronger proof of love than any thing of this sort. I look at the cross of Christ. I see in it not the cause of the Father's love, but the effect. There I see that God so loved this wicked world, that he gave his only-begotten Son,—gave him to suffer and die,—that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. I know that the Father loves us, because he did not with¬ hold from us his Son, his only Son. Ah! reader, I might sometimes fancy that God the Father is too high and holy to care for such miserable corrupt creatures as we are. But I cannot, must not, dare not think it, when I look at the cross of Christ.* * " The world we live in had fallen upon our heads, had it not been upheld by the pillar of the cross—had not Christ stepped in and promised a satisfaction for the 276 HOME TRUTHS. Would I know how exceedingly sinful and abominable sin is in the sight of God ? Where shall I see that most fully brought out? Shall I turn to the history of the flood, and read how sin drowned the world ? Shall I go to the shore of the Dead Sea, and mark what sin brought on Sodom and Go¬ morrah? Shall I turn to the wandering Jews, and observe how sin has scattered them over the face of the earth ? No ! I can find a clearer proof still. I look at the cross of Christ. There I see that sin is so black and damnable, that nothing but the blood of God's own Son can wash it away. There I see that sin has so separated me from my holy Maker, that all the angels in heaven could never have made peace between us. Nothing could reconcile us short of the death of Christ. . Ah! if I listened to the wretched talk of proud men, I might some- sin of man. By this all things consist: not a blessing we enjoy but may put us in mind of it—they were all forfeited by sin, but merited by his blood. If we study it well, we shall be sensible how God hated sin and loved a world."—Charnock. 1G84. THE CROSS. 277 times fancy sin was not so very sinful. But I cannot think little of sin when I look at the cross of Christ.* Would I know the fulness and complete¬ ness of the salvation God has provided for sin¬ ners ? Where shall I see it most distinctly ? Shall 1 go to the general declarations in the Bible about God's mercy? Shall I rest in the general truth that God is a God of love ? 0 no ! I will look at the cross of Christ. I find no evidence like that. I find no balm for a sore conscience, and a troubled heart, like the sight of Jesus dying for me on the accursed tree. There I see that a full pay¬ ment has been made for all my enormous debts. The curse of that law which I have broken has come down on one who there suf¬ fered in my stead. Ah ! I might sometimes imagine I was too bad to be forgiven. My own heart sometimes whispers that I am too * " If God hated sin so much that he would allow neither man nor angel for the redemption thereof, but only the death of hir only and well-beloved Son, who will not stand in fear thereof?"—Church of England Homily for Good Friday. 1560. 278 HOME TRUTHS. wicked to be saved. But I know in my better moments tbis is all my foolish unbe¬ lief. I read an answer to my doubts in the blood shed on Calvary. I feel sure that there is a way to heaven for the very vilest of men, when I look at the cross. Would I find strong reasons for being a holy man f Whither shall I turn for them ? Shall I listen to the ten commandments merely ? Shall I study the examples given me in the Bible of what grace can do ? Shall I meditate on the rewards of heaven, and the punishments of hell? Is there no stronger motive still ? Yes! I will look at the cross of Christ. There I see the love of Christ constraining me to live not unto myself, but unto him. There I see that I am not my own now—I am bought with a price. I am bound by the most solemn obligations to glorify Jesus with body and spirit, which are his. There I see that Jesus gave himself for me, not only to redeem me from all in¬ iquity, but also to purify me and make me one of a peculiar people, zealous of good works. He bore my sins in his own body THE CROSS. 279 on the tree, that I being dead unto sin should live unto righteousness. Ah ! reader, there is nothing so sanctifying as a clear view of the cross of Christ. It crucifies the world unto us, and us unto the world. How can we love sin when we remember that because of our sins Jesus died ? Surely none ought to be so holy as the disciples of a crucified Lord. Would I learn how to he contented and cheerful under all the cares and anxieties of life ? What school shall I go to ? How shall I attain this state of mind most easily ? Shall I look at the sovereignty of God, the wisdom of God, the providence of God, the love of God ? It is well to do so. But I have a better argument still. I will look at the cross of Christ. I feel that he who spared not his only-begotten Son, but de¬ livered him up to die for me, will surely with him give me all things that I really need. He that endured that pain for my soul will surely not withhold from me any thing that is really good. He that has done the greater things for me, will doubtless do the lesser 280 HOME TRUTHS. things also. He that gave his own blood to procure me a home in heaven, will unques¬ tionably supply me with all that is really profitable for me during my journey through the world. Ah! reader, there is no school for learning contentment that can he com¬ pared with the foot of the cross. "Would I gather arguments for hoping that I shall never he cast away ? Where shall I go to find them ? Shall I look at my own graces and gifts? Shall I take com¬ fort in my own faith, and love, and penitence, and zeal, and prayer ? Shall I turn to my own heart, and say, "This same heart will never be false and cold?" 0 no! God for¬ bid ! I will look at the cross of Christ. This is my grand argument. This is my main stay. I cannot think that He who went through such sufferings to redeem my soul, will let that soul perish after all, when it casts itself on him. He died for me when I was yet a dark sinner. He will never for¬ sake me if I believe. And now, reader, will you marvel that I said all Christians ought to glory in the THE CROSS. 281 cross ? Will you not rather wonder that any can hear of the cross and remain un¬ moved ? I declare I know no greater proof of man's depravity, than the fact that thou¬ sands of so-called Christians see nothing glo¬ rious in the cross. Well may our hearts he called stony,—well may the eyes of our mind be called blind,—well may our whole mind be called diseased,—well may we all he called dead, when the cross of Christ is heard of, and yet neglected. Surely we may take up the words of the prophet, and say, " Hear, 0 heavens, and he astonished, 0 earth: a wonderful and a horrible thing is done,"— Christ was crucified for sinners, and yet many Christians live as if he was never cru¬ cified at all! Reader, the cross is the grand peculiarity of the■ Christian religion. Other religions have laws and moral precepts—forms and ceremonies—rewards and punishments. But other religions cannot tell us of a dying Sa¬ viour. They cannot show us the cross. This is the crown and glory of the gospel. This is that snecial comfort that belongs to it alone. 282 HOME TRUTHS. Miserable, indeed, is that religious teaching "which calls itself Christian, and yet contains nothing of the cross. A man who teaches in this way, might as well profess to explain the solar system, and yet tell his hearers nothing about the sun. The cross is the strength of a minister. I for one would not be without it for the world. I should feel like a soldier without arms, —like an artist without his pencil,—like a pilot without his compass, — like a laborer without his tools. Let others, if they will, preach only the law and morality. Let others hold forth only the terrors of hell, and the joys of heaven. Let others drench their congre¬ gations with teachings about the sacraments and the Church. Give me the cross of Christ. This is the only lever which has ever turned the world upside down hitherto, and made men forsake their sins. And if this will not, nothing will. A man may begin preaching with a perfect knowledge of Latin, Greek, and Hebrew. But he'will do little or no good among his hearers unless he knows something of the cross. Never was there a THE CROSS. 283 minister who did much for the conversion of souls who did not dwell much on Christ crucified. The cross is the secret of all missionary success. Nothing but this has ever moved the hearts of the heathen. Just according as this has been lifted up, missions have prospered. This is the weapon that has won victories over hearts of every kind, in every quarter of the globe. Greenlanders, Afri¬ cans, South-Sea Islanders, Hindoos, Chinese, all have alike felt its power. Just as that huge iron tube which crosses the Menai Straits is more affected and bent by half an hour's sunshine than by all the dead weight that can he placed on it, so in like manner the hearts of savages have melted before the cross when every other argument seemed to move them no more than stones. "Brethren," said a North American Indian, after his con¬ version, "I have been a heathen. I know how heathens think. Once a preacher came and began to "explain to us that there is a God ; hut we told him to return to the place from whence he came. Another preacher 281 HOME TRU1 HS. came and told us not to lie, nor steal, nor drink; but we did not heed him. At last another came into my hut one day and said, * I am come to you in the name of the Lord of heaven and earth. He sends to let you know that he will make you happy and de¬ liver you from misery. For this end he be¬ came a man, gave his life a ransom, and shed his blood for sinners.' I could not forget his words. I told them to the other Indians, and an awakening began among us. I say, therefore, preach the sufferings and death of Christ, our Saviour, if you wish your words to gain entrance among the heathen." Never, indeed, did the devil triumph so thoroughly as when he persuaded the Jesuit missionaries in China to keep back the story of the cross. The cross is the foundation of a Church's prosperity. No Church will ever be honored in which Christ crucified is not lifted up. Nothing whatever can make up for the want of the cross. Without it all *things may be done decently and in order. Without it there may be splendid ceremonies, beautiful music, THE CROSS. 28h gorgeous luiarches, learned ministers, crowded commun i t tables, huge collections for the poor. It t without the cross no good will he done. Daark hearts will not he enlightened. Proud h^ts s will not he humbled. Mourning hearts wJnox)t he comforted. Fainting hearts will not>e cheered. Sermons about the catholic liiuiirch, and an apostolic ministry,— sermons ibormt baptism and the Lord's sup¬ per,—se.aor>ns about unity and schism,— sermons iboDut fasts and communion,—ser¬ mons abut fathers and saints,—such ser¬ mons wijnenver make up for the absence of sermons iboout the cross of Christ. They may amre ssome. They will feed none. A gorgeous bai.nqueting-room and splendid gold plate on ihe i table will never make up to a hungry tana for the want of food. Christ crucified is OGod's grand ordinance for doing good to menu. Whenever a Church keeps hack Ckistit crucified, or puts any thing whatever in that foremost place which Christ crucified shnould always have, from that moment ft Ohurch ceases to he useful. With¬ out Chrht ccrucified in its pulpits, a Church 286 HOME TRUTHS. is little better than a cumberer of tbe ground, a dead carcass, a well without water, a barren fig tjee, a sleeping watchman* a silent trumpet, a dumb witness, an ambassador without terms of peace, a messenger without tidings, a lighthouse without fire, a stumbling- block to weak believers, a comfort to in¬ fidels, a hot-bed for formalism, a joy to the devil, and an offence to God. The cross is the grand centre of union among true Christians. Our outward dif¬ ferences are many, without douht. One man is an Episcopalian, another is a Presbyterian, —one is an Independent, another a Baptist,— one is a Calvinist, another an Arminian,— one is a Lutheran, another a Moravian,— one is a friend to liturgies, another to ex¬ tempore prayer. But after all, what shall we hear about most of these differences in heaven ? Nothing, most probably: nothing at all. Does a man really and sincerely glory in the cross of Christ ? That is the grand question. If he does, he is my brother —we are travelling in the same road. "We are journeying toward a home where Christ THE CROSS. 287 is all, and every thing outward in religion will be forgotten. But if he does not glory in the cross of Christ, I cannot feel comfort about him. Union on outward points only, is union only for a time. Union about the cross, is union for eternity. Error on out¬ ward points, is only a skin-deep disease. Error about the cross, is disease at the heart. Union about outward points, is a mere man- made union. Union about the cross of Christ, can only he produced by the Holy Ghost. Header, I know not what you think of all this. I feel as if I had said nothing com¬ pared to what might be said. I feel as if the half of what I desire to tell you about the cross were left untold. But I do hope that I have given you something to think about. I do trust that I have shown you that I have reason for the question with which I began this article, "What do you think and feel about the cross of Christ ?" Listen to me now for a few moments, while I say something to apply the whole subject to your conscience. Are you living in any hind of sin ? Are 288 HOME TRUTHS. you following the course of this world, and neglecting your soul ? Hear, I beseech you, what I say to you this day: "Behold the cross of Christ." See there, how Jesus loved you! See there, what Jesus suffered to pre¬ pare for you a way of salvation ! Yes! care¬ less men and women, for you that blood was shed! For you those hands and feet were pierced with nails ! For you that body hung in agony on the cross! You are they whom Jesus loved, and for whom he died! Surely that love ought to melt you. Surely the thought of the cross should draw you to re¬ pentance. 0 that it might be so this very day! 0 that you would come at once to that Saviour who died for you and is willing to save! Come and cry to him with the prayer of faith, and I know that he will listen. Come and lay hold upon the cross, and I know that he will not cast you out. Come and believe on him who died on the cross, and this very day you shall have eter¬ nal life. How will you ever escape if you neg¬ lect so great salvation? None surely will be so deep in hell as those who despise the cross! THE CROSS. 289 Are you inquiring the way toward heaven ? Are you seeking salvation, but doubtful whether you shall find it? Are you desiring to have an interest in Christ, but doubting whether Christ will receive you? To you also I say this day, "Behold the cross of Christ." Here is encouragement, if you really want it. Draw near to the Lord Jesus with boldness, for nothing need keep you back. His arms are open to receive you. His heart is full of love toward you. He has made a way by which you may approach him with confidence. Think of the cross. Draw near, and fear not. Are you an unlearned man f Are you desirous to get to heaven, and yet perplexed and brought to a stand-still by difficulties in the Bible which you cannot explain ? To you also I say this day, " Behold the cross of Christ." Read there the Father's love and the Son's compassion. Surely they are written in great plain letters, which none can well mistake. Look, I say, at the cross. Does not that cross tell you that Jesus is a mighty, loving, ready Saviour ? Does it not 10 290 HOMB TRUTHS. make one thing plain, and that is, that if not saved it is all your own fault ? 0 ! get hold of that truth, and hold it fast. Are you a distressed believer ? Is your heart pressed down with sickness, tired with disappointments, overburdened with cares ? To you also I say this day, "Behold the cross of Christ." Think whose hand it is that chastens you. Think whose hand is measuring to you the cup of bitterness which you are now drinking. It is the hand of him that was crucified. It is-the same hand that in love to your soul was nailed to the accursed tree. Surely that thought should comfort and hearten you. Surely you should say to yourself, "A crucified Saviour will never lay upon me any thing that is not for my good. There is a needs-be. It must be well." Are you a believer that longs to be more holy ? Are you one that finds his heart too ready to love earthly things ? To you also I say, "Behold the cross of Christ." Look at the cross; think of the cross; meditate on the cross, and then go and set your affec¬ tions on the world if you can. I believe that THE CROSS. 291 holiness is nowhere learned so well as on Calvary. I believe you cannot look much at the cross without feeling your will sanctified, and your tastes made more spiritual. As the sun gazed upon makes every thing else look dark and dim, so does the cross darken the false splendor of this world. As honey tasted makes all other things seem to ha ve no taste at all, so does the cross seen by faith take all the sweetness out of the pleasures of the world. Keep on every day steadily looking at the cross of Christ, and you will soon say of the world as the poet does,— "Its pleasures now no longer please, No more content afford: Far from my heart be joys like these, Now I have seen the Lord. "As by the light of opening day The stars are all concealed, So earthly pleasures fade away When Jesus is revealed." Are you a dying believer? Have you cone to that bed from which something within tells you you will never come down alive ? Are you drawing near to that solemn 292 HOME TRUTHS hour when your soul and body must part for a season, and you must launch into a world unknown ? 0! look steadily at the cross of Christ, and you shall be kept in peace. Fix the eyes of your mind firmly on Jesus crucified, and he shall deliver you from all your fears. Though you walk through dark places, he will he with you. He will never leave you, never forsake you. Sit under the shadow of the cross to the very last, and its fruit shall he sweet to your taste. "Ah!" said a dying missionary, " there is hut one thing needful on a death-hed, and that is, to feel one's arm round the cross." Reader, I lay these thoughts before your mind. What you think now about the cross of Christ I cannot tell; hut I can wish you nothing better than this, that you may he able to say with the Apostle Paul, " God forbid that I should glory save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ." REMEMBER LOT 293 Semmtor ftft. HE LINGERED. Genesis xiz. 16. "Who is this man that lingered ?—Lot, the nephew of faithful Abraham. And when did he linger?—The very morning Sodom was to be destroyed. And where did he linger?—Within the walls of Sodom itself. And before whom did he linger ?—Under the eyes of the two angels, who were sent to bring .him out of the city. Reader, the words are solemn, and full of food for thought. I trust they will make you think. Who knows hut they are the very words your soul requires ? The voice of the Lord Jesus commands you to " remem¬ ber Lot's wife." Luke xvii. 32. The voice of one of his ministers invites you this day to remember Lot. 294 HOME TRUTHS. Let me try to show you,— I. "What Lot was himself. II. What the text, already quoted, tells you of him. III. What reasons may account for his lingering. IY. What kind of fruit his lingering brought forth. I. What was Lot ? This is a most important point. If I leave it unnoticed, I shall perhaps miss that class of professing Christians I want especially to benefit. You would perhaps say, after read¬ ing this paper, " Ah ! Lot was a poor, dark creature,—an unconverted man,—a child of this world:—no wonder he lingered." But mark now what I say. Lot was nothing of the kind. Lot was a true be¬ liever,—a real child of Gqd,—a justified soul,—a righteous man. Has any one of you grace in his heart ?— So also had Lot. Has any one of you a hope of salvation ?— So also had Lot. REMEMBER LOT. 295 Is any one of you a new creature ?—So also was Lot. Is any one of you a traveller in the narrow way which leads unto life ?—rSo also was Lot. Do not think this is only my private opinion,—a mere arbitrary fancy of my own, —a notion unsupported by Scripture. Do not suppose I want you to believe it, merely because I say it.' The Holy Ghost has placed the matter beyond controversy, by calling him "just," and "righteous," (2 Peter'ii. 7, 8,) and has given us evidence of the grace that was in him. One evidence is, that he lived in a wicked place, "seeing and hearing" evil all around him, (2 Peter ii. 8,) and yet was not wicked himself. Now, to be a Daniel in Babylon, an Obadiah in Ahab's house, an Abijah in Jeroboam's family, a saint in Nero's court, and a righteous man in Sodom, a man must have the grace of God. Another evidence is, that he "vexed his soul with the unlawful deeds" he beheld around him. 2 Peter ii. 8. He was wounded, 296 HOME TRUTHS grieved, pained, and hurt at the sight of sin. This was feeling like holy David, who says, " I beheld the transgressors, and was grieved, because they kept not thy word." "Rivers of waters run down mine eyes, because they keep not thy law." Psalm cxix. 136, 158. Nothing will account for this but the grace of God. Another evidence is, that he "vexed his soul from day to day" with the unlawful deeds,he saw. 2 Peter ii. 8. He did not at length become cool and lukewarm about sin, as many do. Familiarity and habit did not take off the fine edge of his feelings, as too often is the case. Many a man is shocked and startled at the first sight of wickedness, and yet becomes at last so accustomed to see it, that he views it with comparative uncon¬ cern. This is especially the case with those who live in great cities. "But it was not so with Lot. And this is a great mark of the reality of his grace. Such a one was Lot,—a just and righteous man, a man sealed and stamped as an heir of heaven by the Holy Ghost himself. REMEMBER LOT. 297 Reader, before you pass on, remember that a true Christian may have many a blemish, many a defect, many an infirmity, and yet be a true Christian nevertheless. You do not despise gold because it is mixed with much dross. You must not undervalue grace because it is accompanied by cor¬ ruption. Read on, and you will find that Lot paid dearly for his lingering. But do not forget, as you read, that Lot was a child of God. II. Let us pass on to the second thing I spoke of. What does the text, already quoted, tell us about Lot's behavior ? The words are wonderful and astounding,— " He lingeredand the more you consider the time and circumstances, the more won¬ derful you will think them. Lot knew the awful condition of the city in which he stood: " the cry" of its abomina¬ tion "had waxen great before the Lord." Gen. xix. 13. And yet he lingered. Lot knew the fearful judgment coming down on all within its walls: the angels had 298 HOME TRUTHS. said plainly, " The Lord hath sent us to de¬ stroy it." Gen. xix. 13. And yet he lingered. Lot knew that God is a God who always keeps his word, and if he says a thing, will surely do it. He could hardly be Abraham's .nephew, and live long with him, and not be aware of this. Yet he lingered. Lot believed there was danger, for he went to his sons-in-law, and warned them to flee: "Up," he said, "get you out of this place; for the Lord will destroy this city." Gen. xix. 14. And yet he lingered. Lot saw the angels of God standing by, waiting for him and his family to go forth. And yet he lingered. Lot heard the voice of those ministers of wrath ringing in his ears to hasten him, "Arise, lest thou be consumed in the iniquity of the city." Gen. xix. 15. And yet he lingered. He was slow when he should have been quick,—backward when he should have been forward,—trifling when he should have been hastening,—loitering when he should have been hurrying,—cold when he should REMEMBER LOT. 299 have been hot. It is passing strange! It seems almost incredible! It appears too ■wonderful to be true ! But the Spirit writes it down for our learning. And so it was. And yet, reader, there are many of the Lord Jesus Christ's people very like Lot. Mark well what I say. I repeat it, that there may be no mistake about my meaning. I have shown you that Lot lingered,—I say that there are many Christian men and women in this day very like Lot. There are many real children of God who appear to know far more than they live up to, and see far more than they practice, and yet continue in this state for many years. "Wonderful that they go as far as they do, and yet go no farther! They hold the Head, even Christ, and love the truth. They like sound preaching, and assent to every article of gospel doctrine, when they hear it. But still there is an inde¬ scribable something which is not satisfactory about them. They are constantly doing things which disappoint the expectations of their ministers, and of more advanced Chris- 300 HOME TRUTHS. tian friends. Marvellous that they should think as they do, and yet stand still! They believe in heaven, and yet seem faintly to long for it; and in hell, and yet seem little to fear it. They love the Lord Jesus, hut the work they do for him is small. They hate the devil, but they often appear to tempt him to come to them. They know the time is short, hut they live as if it were long. They know they have a battle to fight, yet a man might think they were at peace. They know they have a race to run, yet they often look like people sitting still. They know the Judge is at the door, and there is wrath to come, and yet they appear half asleep. Astonishing they should he what they are, and yet be nothing more ! And what shall we say of these people ? They often puzzle godly friends and rela¬ tions. They often cause great anxiety. They often give rise to great doubts and searchings of heart. But they may he classed under one sweeping description: they are all brethren and sisters of Lot. They linger. REMEMBER LOT. 301 These are they who get the notion into their minds, that it is impossible for all believers to he very holy and very spiritual. They allow that eminent holiness is a beauti¬ ful thing. They like to read about it in books, and even to see it occasionally in others. But they do not think that all are meant to aim at so high a standard. At any rate, they seem to make up their minds it is beyond their reach. These are they who get into their heads false ideas of charity, as they call it. They would fain please everybody, and suit every body, and be agreeable to everybody. But they forget they ought first to be sure that they please God. These afe they who dread sacrifices, and shrink from self-denial. They never appear able to apply our Lord's command, " to cut off the right hand, and pluck out the right eye." Matt. v. 29, 30. They spend their lives in trying to make the gate more wide, and the cross more light; but they never succeed. These are they who are always trying to keep in with the world. They are ingenious 302 HOME TRUTHS in discovering reasons for not separating decidedly,—and in framing plausible excuses for attending questionable amusements,— and keeping up questionable friendships. One day you are told of their attending a Bible-reading: the next day, perhaps, you hear of their going to a ball. They are con¬ stantly laboring to persuade themselves that to mix a little with worldly people on their own grounds does good. Yet in their case it is very clear they do no good, and only get harm. These are they who cannot find it in their heart to quarrel with their besetting sin, whether it be sloth, indolence, ill-temper, pride, selfishness, impatience, or what it may. They allow it to remain a tolerably quiet and undisturbed tenant of their hearts. They say it is their health, and their constitutions, and their temperaments, and their trials, and their way. Their father, or mother, or grandmother, was so before themselves, and they are sure they cannot help it. And when you meet after the absence of a year or so, you hear the same thing. REMEMBER EOT. 303 But all, all, all may be summed up in one single sentence: they are the brethren and sisters of Lot. They linger. Ah! reader, if you are a lingering soul, you are not happy. You know you are not. It would be strange indeed if you were so. Lingering is the sure destruction of a happy Christian. A lingerer's conscience forbids him to enjoy inward peace. Perhaps at one time you did run well. But you have left your first love,—you have never felt the same comfort since, and you never will till you return to your first works. Like Peter, when the Lord Jesus was taken prisoner, you are following the Lord afar off, and, like him, you will find the way not plea¬ sant but hard. Come and look at Lot. Come and mark Lot's history. Come and consider Lot's lingering,—and be wise. III. Let us next consider the reasons that may account for Lot's lingering. This is a question of great importance, and I ask your serious attention to it. To know 804 HOME TRUTHS. the root of a disease is one step toward a remedy. He that is forewarned is fore¬ armed. Who is there among the readers of these pages that feels secure, and has no fear of lingering? Come and listen, while I tell you a few passages in Lot's history. Do as he did, and it will he a miracle indeed if you do not get into the same state of soul at last. One thing, then, I observe in the case of Lot is this,—he made a wrong choice in early life. There was a time when Abraham and Lot lived together. They both became rich, and could live together no longer. Abra¬ ham, the elder of the two, in the true spirit of humility and courtesy, gave Lot the choice of the country, when they resolved to part company: "If thou," he said, "wilt take the left hand, then I will go to the right; or, if thou depart to the right hand, then I will go to the left." Gen. xiii. 9. And what did Lot do ? We are told, he saw the plains of Jordan, near Sodom, were REMEMBER LOT. 305 rich, fertile, and well watered. It was a good land for cattle, and full of pastures, lie had large flocks and herds, and it just suited his requirements. And this was the land he chose for a residence, simply because it was a rich, well-watered land. It was near the town of Sodom! lie cared not for that. The men of Sodom, who would be his neighbors, were wicked. It mattered not. They were sinners before God exceeding¬ ly.! It made no difference to him. The pasture was rich. The land was good. He wanted such a country for his flocks and herds. And before that argument all scruples and doubts, if indeed he had any, at once went down. He chose by sight, and not by faith. He asked no counsel of God to preserve him from mistakes. He looked to the things of time, and not of eternity. He thought of his worldly profit, and not of his soul. He considered only what would help him in this life—lie forgot the solemn business of the life to come. This was a bad beginning. S06 HOME TRUTHS. But I observe also that Lot mixed with sinners when there was no occasion for his doing so. We are first told that he " pitched his tent toward Sodom." Gen. xiii. 12. This, as I have already shown, was a great mis¬ take. But the next time he is mentioned, we find him actually living in Sodom itself. The Spirit says expressly, " He dwelt in Sodom." Gen. xiv. 12. His tents were left. The country was forsaken. He occupied a house in the very streets of that wicked town. We are not told the reasons of this change. We are not aware that any occasion could have arisen for it. We are sure there could have been no command of God. Perhaps his wife liked the town better than the country, for the sake of society. Perhaps she per¬ suaded Lot it was needful for the education of his daughters. Perhaps the daughters urged living in the town for the sake of gay oompany. Perhaps Lot liked it himself, in order to make more of his flocks and REMEMBER LOT 807 herds. Men never want reasons to confirm their wills. But one thing is very clear,— Lot dwelt in the midst of Sodom without good cause. Reader, when a" child of God does these two things which I have named, you never need he surprised if you hear, by and by, unf/vorable accounts about his soul. You never need wonder if he becomes deaf to the warning voice of affliction, as Lot was, (Gen. xiv. 12,) and turns out a lingerer in the day of trial and danger, as Lot did. Make a wrong choice,—an unscriptural choice,—in life, and settle yourself down un¬ necessarily in the midst of worldly people, and I know no surer way to damage your own spirituality, and to go backward about your eternal concerns. This is the way to make the pulse of your soul beat feebly and languidly. This is the way to make the edge of your feeling about sin become blunt and dull. This is the way to dim the eyes of your spiritual discernment, till you can scarcely distinguish good from evil, and stumble as you walk. This is the 308 HOME TRUTHS. way to bring a moral palsy on your feet and limbs, and make you go tottering and. trem¬ bling along the road to Zion, as if the grass¬ hopper was a burden. This is the way to sell the pass to your worst enemy,—to give the devil the vantage- ground in the battle,—to tie your arms in fighting,—to fetter your legs in running,— to dry up the sources of your strength,—to cripple your own energies,—to cut off your own hair, like Samson, and give yourself into the hands of the Philistines, put out your own eyes, grind at the mill, and become a slave. Reader, wake up, and mark well what I am saying. Settle these things down in your mind. Do not forget them. Recollect them in the morning. Recall them to memory at night. Let them sink down deeply into your heart. If ever you would be safe from lingering, beware of needless mingling Avith Avorldly people. Beware of Lot's choice. If you Avould not settle down into a dry, dull, sleepy, idle, barren, heavy, carnal, stupid, torpid state of soul, beware of Lot's choice. REMEMBER LOT. 309 Remember this in choosing a dwelling- t»lace or residence. It is not enough that the house is comfortable—the situation good —the air fine—the neighborhood pleasant— the expenses small—the living cheap. There are other things yet to be considered. You must think of your immortal soul. Will the house you think of help you toward heaven or hell ? Is the.gospel preached within easy distance ? Is Christ crucified within the reach of your door ? Is there a real man of God near, who will watch over your -soul ? I charge you, if you love life, not to overlook this. Beware of Lot's choice. Remember this in choosing a calling, a place, or profession in life. It is not enough that the salary is high,—the wages good,— the labor light,—the advantages numerous, —the prospects of getting on most favorable. Think of your soul, your immortal soul. Will it be fed or starved ? Will it be pros¬ pered or drawn back ? I beseech you, by the mercies of God, to take heed what you do. Make no rash decision. Look at the place in every light—the light of God as well 310 HOME TRUTHS. as the light of'the world. Gold may he bought too dear. Beware of Lot's choice. Remember this in choosing a husband or wife, if you are unmarried. It is not enough that your eye is pleased,—that your tastes are met,—that your mind finds congeniality, —that there is amiability and affection,— that there is a comfortable home for life. There needs something more than this. There is a life yet to come. Think of your soul, your immortal soul. Will it be held upward or dragged downward by the union you are planning? Will it he made more heavenly, or more earthly,—drawn nearer to Christ, or to the world ? Will its religion grow in vigor, or will it decay ? I pray you, by all your hopes of glory, allow this to enter into your calculations. Think, as old Baxter said, and think, and think, and think again, before you commit yourself. " Be not unequally yoked." 2 Cor. vi. 14. Matri¬ mony is nowhere named among the means of conversion. Remember Lot's choice. Remember this, if you are ever offered a situation on a railway. It is not enough to REMEMBEB LOT. 311 have good pay, and regular employment, the confidence of the directors, and the best chance of rising to a higher post. These things are very -well in their way, hut they are not every thing. How will your soul fare, if you serve a railway company that runs Sunday trains ? What day in the week will you have for God and eternity ? What opportunities will you have for hearing the gospel preached ? I solemnly warn you to consider this. It will profit you nothing to fill your purse, if you bring leanness and poverty on your soul. Beware of selling your Sabbaths for the sake of a good place. Be¬ ware of Lot's choice. The brightest gold will soon become dim, when exposed to a damp atmosphere. The hottest iron will soon become cold. It re¬ quires pains and toil to bring it to a red heat. It requires nothing but letting alone, or a little cold water, to become black and hard. You may be an earnest, zealous Christian now. You may feel like David in his pros¬ perity, "I shall never be moved." Psalm xxx. 6. But be not deceived. You have 312 HOME TRUTHS. only got to walk in Lot's steps, and make Lot's choice, and you will soon come to Lot's state of soul. Allow yourself to do as he did—presume to act as he acted, and be very sure you will soon discover you have become a wretched lingerer, like him. You will find, like Samson, the presence of the Lord is no longer with you. You will prove, to your own shame, an undecided, hesi¬ tating man, in the day of trial. There will come a canker on your religion, and eat out its vitality without your knowing it. There will come a consumption on your spiritual strength, and waste it away insensibly. And at length you will wake up to find your hands hardly able to do the Lord's work, and your feet hardly able to carry you along the Lord's way, and your faith no bigger than a grain of mustard-seed;—and this perhaps at some turning-point in your life, at a time when the enemy is coming in like a flood, and your need is the sorest. Ah! reader, if you would not become a lingerer in religion, consider these things. Beware of doing what Lot did. REMEMBER LOT 313 IV. Let us inquire now what hind of fruit Lot's lingering spirit bore at length. I would not pass over this point for many reasons, and especially in the present day. There are not a few who will feel disposed to say, "After all, Lot was saved,—he got to heaven. I want no more. If I do but get to heaven, I shall be content." Leader, if this be the thought of your heart, just stay a moment, and listen to me a little longer. I will show you one or two things in Lot's history, which deserve atten¬ tion, and may perhaps induce you to alter your mind. I think it of first importance to dwell upon this subject. I always will contend that eminent holiness and eminent usefulness are most closely connected,—that happiness and following the Lord fully go side by side,— and that if believers will linger, they must not expect to be useful in their day and gen¬ eration, or to enjoy great comfort and peace in believing. Mark then, for one thing, Lot did no good among the inhabitants of Sodom. 314 HOME TRUTHS. Lot lived in Sodom many years. No doubt he bad many precious opportunities for speaking of the things of God, and try¬ ing to turn away souls from sin. But Lot seems to have effected just nothing at all. He appears to have had no weight or in¬ fluence with the people who lived around him. He possessed none of that respect and reverence which even the men of the world will frequently concede to a bright servant of God. Not one righteous person could be found in all Sodom, outside the walls of Lot's home. Not one of his neighbors believed his testi¬ mony. Not one of his acquaintances honored the Lord when he worshipped. Not one of his servants served his master's God. Not one " of all the people from every quarter'' cared a jot for his opinion when he tried to restrain their wickedness. " This one fellow came in to sojourn," said they, " and he will needs be a judge." Gen. xix. 9. His life carried no weight. His words were not listened to. His religion drew none. And truly I do not wonder. As a general REMEMBER LOT. 315 rule, lingering souls do no good in the world, and bring no credit to God's cause. Their salt has too little savor to season the corrup¬ tion around them. They are not epistles of Christ, that can be known and read of all. 2 Cor. iii. 2. There is nothing magnetic, and attractive, and Christ-reflecting about their ways. Remember this. Mark another thing: Lot helped no rela tion toward heaven. "We are not told how large his family was. But this we know,—he had a wife and two daughters at least, in the day he was called out of Sodom, if he had not more children besides. But whether Lot's family was large or small, one thing, I think, is perfectly clear,— there was not one among them all that feared God. When he "went out and spoke to his sons- in-law, which married his daughters," and warned them to flee from the coming judg¬ ments, we are told, "he seemed to them as one that mocked." Gen. xix. 14. What fear¬ ful words those are! It was as good as say- 316 HOME TRUTHS mg, "Who cares for any thing you say?" So long as the world stands, those words will be a painful proof of the contempt with which a lingerer in religion is regarded. And what was Lot's wife ? She left the city in his company, hut she did not go far. She had not faith to see the need of such a speedy flight. She left her heart in Sodom when she began to flee. She looked hack from behind her husband, in spite of the plainest commands not to do so, (Gen. xix. 17,) and was at once turned into a pillar of salt. And what were Lot's two daughters ? They escaped, indeed,—but only to do the devil's work. They became their father's tempters to wickedness, and led him to com¬ mit the foulest of sins. In short, Lot stood alone in his family. He was not made the means of keeping one soul back from the gates of hell. And I do not wonder. Lingering souls are seen through by their own families, and when seen through, despised. Their nearest relations understand inconsistency, if they REMEMBER LOT. 317 understand nothing else in religion. They draw the sad hut not unnatural conclusion, " Surely, if he believed all he professes to believe, he would not go on as he does." Lingering parents seldom have godly child¬ ren. The eye of the child drinks in far more than the ear. A child will always ob¬ serve what you do much more than what you say. Remember this. Mark a third thing. Lot left no evidences behind him when he died. We know hut little about Lot after his flight from Sodom, and all that we do know is unsatisfactory. His pleading for Zoar, because it was a " little" city,—his departure from Zoar afterward, and his conduct in the cave,—all, all tell the same story. All show the weakness of the grace that was in him, and the low state of soul into which he had fallen. We know how long he lived after his escape. "VYt,- An^w not where he died, or when he died,—whether he saw Abraham again,—what was the manner of his death,— what he said, or what he thought. All these 318 HOME TRUTHS. are hidden things. We are told of the last moments of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, —but not one word about Lot. 0 what a gloomy death-bed the death-bed of Lot must have been! The Scripture appears to draw a veil around him on purpose. There is a painful silence about his latter end. He seems to go out like an expiring lamp, and leave an evil savor behind him. Reader, consider these three things I have just mentioned. Do not misunderstand my meaning. It is amazing to observe how readily people catch at the least excuse for misunderstanding the things that concern, their souls! I do not tell you that believers who do not linger will, as a matter of course, be great instruments of usefulness to the world. Noah preached one hundred and twenty years, and none believed him. The Lord Jesus was not esteemed by his own people, the Jews. Nor yet do I tell you that believers who do not linger will, as a matter of course, be REMEMBER LOT 319 the means of converting their families and relations. The Lord Jesus was not believed even by his own brethren. John vii. 5. But I do say it is almost impossible not to see a connection between Lot's evil choice and Lot's lingering,—and between Lot's lingering and his unprofitableness to his family and the world. I believe the Spirit meant us- to see it. I believe the Spirit meant to make it a beacon to all professing Christians. And I am sure the lessons I have tried to draw from the whole history deserve serious reflection. Let me speak a few words to all who read these pages, and especially to all who call themselves believers in Christ. I have no wish to make your hearts sad. I do not want to give you a gloomy view of the Christian course. My only object is to give you friendly warnings. I desire your peace and comfort. I would fain see you happy, as well as safe,—and joyful, as well as justified. I speak as I have done for your good. You live in the days when a lingering, 320 HOME TRUTHS Lot-like religion abounds. The stream of profession is far broader than it once was, but far less deep in many places. A certain kind of Christianity is almost fashionable now. To belong to some party in the Church, and show a zeal for its interests,—to talk about the leading controversies of the day,—to buy popular religious books as fast as they come out, and lay them on your table,—to attend meetings,—subscribe to societies,—and dis¬ cuss the merits of preachers,—all these are now comparatively easy and common attain¬ ments. They no longer make. a person singular. They require little or no sacrifice. They entail no cross. But to walk closely with God,—to be really spiritually-minded,—to behave like strangers and pilgrims,—to be distinct from the world in employment of time, in conver¬ sation, in amusements, in dress,—to bear a faithful witness for Christ in all places,—to leave a savor of our Master in every society, —to be prayerful, humble, unselfish, meek,— to be jealously afraid of sin, and tremblingly alive to our danger from the world,—these, REMEMBER LOT. 321 these are still rare things. They are not common among those who are called true Christians, and, worst of all, the absence of them is not felt and bewailed as it should be. Reader, I give you good counsel this day. Do not turn from it. Do not be angry with me for plain speaking. I bid you give dili¬ gence to make your calling and election sure. I bid you not be slothful,—not to be careless, not to be content with a small measure of grace,—not to be satisfied with being a little better than the world. I solemnly warn you not to attempt doing what never can be done,—I mean, to serve Christ, and yet keep in with the world. I call upon you and beseech' you, I charge you and exhort you, by all your hopes of heaven, and desires of glory,—do not le a lingering soul. Would you know what the times demand, —the shaking of nations,—the uprooting of ancient things,—the overturning of king¬ doms,—the stir and Restlessness of men's minds? They all say,—Christian, do not linger I 322 HOME TRUTHS. Would you enjoy much sensible comfort in your religion,—feel the witness of the Spirit within you,—know in whom you have believed,—and not be a gloomy and melan-* choly Christian ? Then do not linger ! Would you enjoy strong assurance of your own salvation in the day of sickness, and on the bed of death? Would you see with the eye of faith heaven opening, and Jesus rising to receive you ? Then do not linger ! Would you leave great broad evidences behind you when you are gone? Would you like us to lay you in the grave with comfortable hope, and talk of your state after death without a doubt ? Then do not linger ! Would you be useful to the world in your day and generation? Would you draw men from sin to Christ, and make your Master's cause beautiful in their eyes ? Then do not linger ! Would you help your children and rela¬ tions toward heaven, and make them say, " We will go with you!" and not make them infidels and despisers of all religion ? Then do not linger I REMEMBER LOT. 323 Would you have a great crown in the day of Christ's appearing, and not be the least and smallest star in glory, and not find your¬ self the last and lowest in the kingdom of God ? Then do not linger ! 0 let none of us linger! Time does not,-— death does not,—judgment does not,—the devil does not,—the world does not. Neither let the children of God linger. Reader, are you a lingerer? Has your heart felt heavy, and your conscience sore, while you have been reading these pages ? Does something within you whisper, "I am the man?" Reader, listen to what I am saying,—How is it with your soul ? If you are a lingerer, you must just go to Christ at once and be cured,—you must use the old remedy. You must bathe in the old fountain. You must turn again to Christ, and be healed. The way to do a thing is to do it. Do this at once. Think not for a moment your case is past recovery. Think not, because you have been long living in a dry and heavy state of soul, that there is no hope of revival. Is not the 324 HOME TRUTHS. Lord Jesus Christ an appointed physician for the soul ? Did he not cure every form of disease ? Did he not cast out every kind of devil? Did he not raise poor backsliding Peter, and put a new song in his mouth? 0.! doubt not, but earnestly believe that he will yet revive his work within you. Only turn from lingering, and confess your folly, and come—come at once to Christ. Blessed are the words of the prophet, " Only acknow¬ ledge thine iniquity,"—"Return, ye back¬ sliding ehildren, and I will heal your back- slidings." Jeremiah iii. 13, 22. Let us all exhort one another as we have opportunity. Let us provoke unto love and good works. Let us not be afraid to say to each other, " Brother, or sister, have you forgotten Lot ? Awake! and remember Lot 1 Awake! and linger no more." THE END.