H Y M N S J 9* AND &0 SACRED POEMS. I N TWO VOLUMES. B Y CHARLES WES LET, M. A. Student of Chrift-Church, Oxford. Vol. II. BRISTOL: Printed and Sold by FelixFarley. Mdccxlix. HYMNS SACRED POEMS. I. The Trial of Faith. Christ alfo fujfered, leaving us an Example. OME, O my Soul, the Call obey, Take up the Burthen of thy Lord i His Prattice is thy Living Way, Thy Guide his pure;unerring Word, The lovely perfedt Pattern read, And halte in all his Steps to tread. What did my Lord from Sinners bear? His Patience is the Rule for me: Walking in Him I cannot err: And lo! the Man of Griefs I fee, Whofe Life One Scene of Sufferings was^ Quite from the Manger to the Crofs. AND A 2 Here f • si: y \ V -J'*-* ^ 4 Hymns and Sacred Poems. g Here then my Calling I difcern, ('Tis written in AfTilion's Book) My iirft, and lateft Lelfon learn, For Nothing here but Sufferings look, I bow me to the Will Divine, To fuffer Inlpire me with thy patient I.ove, Thou bleeding Saviour of Mankind, My Faith increafe, my Heart prepare, And arm, and bid me all Things bear. oz Mine utter Helplefnefs I own, " And every Moment more than fee; >7 Thou knowft I cannot Hand alone, '/ My Strength to bear is all from Thee, Mine all-fufficient Strength be Thou, And lo ! I come to fuffer Now! 3 Thy Power into my Heart infpeak, And lo! I come to meet thy Pain, To turn like Thee the other Cheek, All Wrong and Violence to fullain, Never againft my Foes to ftand, But fink beneath their bruifing Hand. 4 I will not take the proffer'd Sword, Or ftoop to feeble Man for Aid: Lead me away with Christ my Lord, To Scorn, or Bonds, or Slaughter lead* A Follower of that filent Lamb The Man whom now ye feek, I am. 5 Come, threatning World, thy Prifoner take, I will not from my Mafter fly, Jesus in Life or Death forfake, But flay, with Him to live, and die; Before his Foes my Lord I own, And tell you all, that I am One. Endue me with thy conftant Mind, His 8 Hymns and Sacred Poems. 6 His Servant and Difciple fee, R'efolv'd his Weal, or Woe to fharej A Galilean feize in me, And let me as my Mailer fare, Convift (for I my Crime confefs) Of following after Righteoufnefs. IV. HYMN IV. 1 E S, Thou dear Lamb-like Son of God, j[ Whom now with Eyes of Faith I view, Thou knowll, I in thy Steps have trod, And would to Calvary purfue, Thro' all thy Palfion's Stages run, 'Till Thou pronounce the Word 'Tis donet 2 Thy Spirit breathe into my Breall, Spirit of patient Charity, And" lo! I meet the fiery Tell, To Prifon go, and Death with Thee, Anticipate the dreadful Hour, And Hand in thine Almighty Power. 2 A Witnefs of thy Truth I Hand, Arraign1 d at Man's Unrighteous Bar, In vain my Anfwer they demand, My Silefice Ihall thy Truth declare, A Sheep before the Shearers dumb, To anfwer as my Lord I come. 4 Falfely accus'd I hold my Peace, The Judge Supream doth all Things know, I want no Refcue, or Releafe, No Juftice I expefl below, Nor Mercy,—more than Jesus found, The Man to yonder Pillar bound. G what ■Hymns and Sacred Poems. 5 O what a piteous Sight is there! His tender Hands are tied behind, His Back their cruel Scourges tear, Yet no Complaint, or Sigh we find; Or if He groans in all the Smart, 'Tis for the Hardnefs of their Heart. 6 My Pattern here I plainly fee, A Voice is in thy dreaming Blood, It bids me bear the Scourge like Thee, Like Thee commit my Caufe to God, Like Thee, th5 injurious World oppofe, Juke Thee avenge me of my Foes. — ■ v.. HYMN V. 1 O TIL L let me on my Pattern gaze, 1^ How meek and motionlefs He hands! They fpit upon his facred Face, They buffet with unhallowed Hands, They bow the Knee, pfefent the Reed, And mock whom they have doom'd to bleed. 2 No Anfwer yet? No late Reply To clear his fuffering Innocence? So tamely will the Guiltlefs die, Die for his guilty Foes Offence, Die, that his Murtherers may live! " Father (He gafps in Death) forgive! 3 Silent for Them, for Them He pleads, And fpends in Prayer his lateft Breath, Tp purge a hnful World He bleeds, To blefs them dies a curie'd Death, Expires into the Arms Divine— Jesu, was .ever Love like Thine! O might ; y 10 Hymns and Sacred Poems. 4 O might it now my Heart conftrain, My every rifing Thought controul, Sweeten the Cup of Grief, and Pain, And me}t, and meeken all my Soul, Conform me to the Crucified, My God, who for his Murtherers died. 5 Love only can the Conqueft win, And make me as my Lamb-like God : Thro' Love I conquer all their Sin, And ftrive refilling unto Blood, Strive to fecure the glorious Wreath, Refilling, by enduring Death. 6 O might I now thy Love retrieve, And fink among the happy Dead, Into thine Hands my Spirit give, And bow upon thy Crofs my Head, When I its utmofl Virtue prove, Made perfeft by All-patient Love. VI. HYMN VI. 1 Q Aviour of All, what hall Thou done, What haft Thou fuffered on the Tree? Why didil Thou groan thy Mortal Groan, Obedient unto Death for me ? The Myftery of thy Paffion fhew, The End of all thy Griefs below. 2 Thy Soul for Sin an Offering made Hath clear'd this guilty Soul of mine, Thou haft for me a Ranfom paid, To change my Human to Divine, To cleanfe from all Iniquity, And make the Sinner all like Thee. Pardon Hymns and Sacred Poems. ir Pardon, and Grace, and Heaven to buy, My bleeding Sacrifice expir'd: But didffc Thou not my Pattern die, That by thy Glorious Spirit fir'd, Faithful 1 might to Death endure, And make the Crown by Suffering fufe? Thou didft the meek Example leave, That I might in thy Footfteps tread, Might like the Man of Sorrows grieve, And groan, and bow with Thee my Head, Thy Dying in. my Body bear, And all thy State of Paflion fhare. Thy every perfed Servant, Lori>, Shall as his patient Mafter be, To all thine Inward Life reftor'd, And outwardly conform'd to Thee, Out of thy Grave the Saint lhall rife, And grafp thro1 Death the glorious Prize. . This is the ftreight, and royal Way, That leads us to the Courts above; Here let me ever, ever flay, 'Till on the Wings of perfed Love, I take my laft triumphant Flight, From Caharfs to Sion s Height. VII. HYMN VII. i A ND did my Lord on Earth endure Sorrow, and Hardfhip, and Diftrefs, That I might fit me down fecure, And reft in felf-indulgent Eafe, His delicate Difciple I Like Him might neither live, nor d.ie! 1% Hymns and Sacred Poems. 2 Mailer, I have not learnt Thee fo: Thy Yoke, and Burthen I receive, Refolve in all thy Steps to go, And blefs the Crofs by which I live, And curfe the W.ifdom from beneath, That ftrives to rob me of thy Death. 3 Thy holy Will be done, not mine, Be fufter'd all thy holy Will: I dare not, Lord, the Crofs decline, I will not lofe the flighted: 111, Or lay the heaviell Burthen down, The richefl: Jewel of my Crown. 4. Sorrow is folic! Joy, and Pain Is pure Delight, endur'd for Thee, Reproach and Lofs are glorious Gain, And Death is Immortality; And who for Thee their All have given, Have nobly barter'd Earth for Heaven. 5 Saved is the Life for Jesus loll, Hidden from Earth, but found in God, To fuffer is to triumph moll, The highefl: Gift on Man beftow'd, Seal of my fure Ele&ion This, Seal of mine everlafting Blifs. 6 The Touchflone, and the Proof of Grace, The Standard of Perfection here, The Meafure of my Heavenly Place, When Christ and all his Saints appear, The Mark Divine, by Jesus Art Imprinted on my faithful Heart. y O might it deeper fmk (but give Me Strength thy ftrongeft Love to bear) Fain would I die with Thee to live, Fain would I all thy Paflion fhare; ' To Hymns and Sacred Poems. *3 To me thy Thorny Crown be given On Earth, thy glorious Crown in Heaven. VIII. HYMN VIII. t ¥ T muft be fo; Thou fayft it muft! Jj True is thine acceptable Word, They will from their Communions thruft The faithful Followers of their Lord, Buffet, and vex, and fcourge, and bind The Friends, and Patrons of Mankind. Z Full of the wicked One, and bom After the Fleih, they will purfue With reftlefs Hate, and cruel Scorn The Souls whom Thou haft fornfd anew, The Saints begotten from above, Born of the Spirit of thy Love. ^ 3 Who 'would, the Life of God regain, And Thee for their Example take, They too the Honour lhall obtain, And perfecuted for thy Sake, Thy Confeffors their Seal fet to, True Witneffes thatGoD is true. 4 Who only feek in Thee our Reft, Are we not now a Proverb made, Revil'd, rejected, and oppreft, By Brethren, and by Friends betray'd, By bittereft Houfhold-Foes purfued, Hated of all that love not God ? 5 Since firft we heaven-ward turn'd our Face, ExposM, and out rag'd all Day long, An helplefs, poor, aftliCted Race, For doing Good, we fuffer Wrong. Vol. II. B We f4 Hymns and Sacred Poems. We fuffer Shame, Diftrefs, and Lofs, And wait for all thy glorious Crofs. 6 The Scriptures they in vain deny, The World unknowingly fulfil, Burfting thro' Nature's clofeft Tie, The Brother fhall the Brother kill, The Son fhall ftop his Father's Breath, The Parent drag his Child to Death. 7 No Pity, or Human Regard We in our favage Foes fhall find, For all their Cruelties prepar'd; From Thofe who call thy Words behind Juftice, alas! we look for none; Our Help is all in Christ alone. 8 Holpen by Him to fuffer more, From Strength to Strength we meekly go; And when we gain the perfedl Power, The World their u tin oft Rage fhall fhew, And when we all thy Life retrieve, Shall count us then not fit to live. IX. HYMN IX. 1 T E S U, thy Legacy I take, J| The Pattern Thou haft left behind, I To fuffer all Things for thy Sake, Thy patient, meek, fubmiflive Mind I long throughout my Life t' exprefs, And copy all thy Righteoufnefs. 2 I will not point Thee out the Way, Or rafhly this, or that require, I dare not for Affli&ion pray ; But, Loan, Thou knowft my Heart's Defire, WJjich Hymns and Sacred Poems. 15 Which pants for full Conformity, And ftruggles to be all like Thee. 3 I thirft to drink my Matter's Cup, Thy fiery Baptifm to know, To take thy hallow'd Burthen up, Companion of the Man of Woe, To tread where'er the Lamb hath trod, One with the fuffering Son of God. 4 My Soul, with juft Ambition fir'd, Hath languifh'd to be great in Thee, Hath oft to Calvary afpir'd, Honour'd the Ignominious Tree, And envied Thofe, who earlieft bear Thy Crofs, and longeft fuffer there. 5 Who now to every 111 fubmit, Foremoft of all thy Saints they ftand, Who fuffer moft, with Jesus fit, Exalted at their Lord's Right-hand, While here on Earth, they reign above, Triumphant on a Throne of Love. X. HYMN X. 1 tj O W long Thou fuffering Son of God, || Shall Siriners take thy Name in vain, Start from the thorny narrow Road Of facred falutary Pain, Fondly prefume to call Thee, Lord, Bat tremble to obey thy Word? 2 The Man that will thy Follower be, Thou bidft him ftill himfelf deny, Take up his daily Crofs with Thee, Thy fhameful Death rejoice to die, j6 Hymns and Sacred Poems. And chufe a momentary Pain, A Crown of endlefs Life to gain. 3 But who the dreadful Word receive, Or gladly take thy Burthen up? •We dare not, Lord, the Truth believe, Eut footli'd with a felf- flattering Hope To, feeble Man for Succour run, The Crown-enfuring Crofs to fihun. 4 A thoufand Ways and Means we try, The Crofs of none Effe& to make, To Egypt we for Chariots fly. Shelter in Human Laws we take, Affuf'd the World will do us Right, And Satan againft Satan fight. 5 Fools that we are, and flow of Heart, Our richeft Portion to refufe, The patient Saviour's Better Part, The Labour, and Reward, to lofe, The faireft Prize to Sufferers given, The largefi; Recompence in Heaven. 6 But O! fufiice the Seafon pad That we thy Saying have abhorr'd, Difdain'd thy Paflion's Cup to tafte, And ftrove to be above our Lord ; To thy fweet Yoke at length we bow, And meekly come to fuffer Now. y Or let us here on Tabor flop, Thy glorious Face awhile to fee, Or climb yon adverfe Mountain's Top, The Height of rugged Gahvatry j To Calvary we with Joy repair, And die to find our Saviour there. Hymns and Sacred Poems. 17 XL HYMN $1. 1 TT E L P, gracious Lord, the Time is conle J_" 1 Of fuffering for thy righteous Caufe, I fee, I fee thy People's Doom, To' endure with Thee the Sacred Crofs, And now my own Convidlions fear, And tremble at the Trial near. 2 The Flefh, alas! Thou knowft is weak, Nor can the lighted Crofs fuftain, Conyince'd, on Earth I mull: not feek A Refcue from Reproach, or Pain, Or put the hallow'd Cup afide, But bow with Jesus crucified. 3 Call'd to Diftrefs, and patient Grief, Have I not made Thy Portion mine ? I have: I look for no Relief, No Leffening of my Lot Divine, But hold Thy rigid literal Word, A fimple Follower of my Lord ? 4 Let Jews their flighteft Wrong repay,- And fiercely Eye for Eye require: More excellent the Cbrijlian Way, We will not call for vengeful Fire, Evil refill in Word or Deed, But clofe in all Thy Footlleps tread. ^ Let others human Succour feek, With all their Powers the Crofs evade,- We learn to turn the other Cheek, We look to Thee alone for Aid; In Suffering all we cannot err, We cannot follow Thee too far. B 3 To* 18 Hymns and Sacred Porms. 6 To fuffer all Things for Thy Sake, My Calling this I humbly own; Nor will from Thee the Matter take, But trull my Cau'fe to Thee alone: My Help is all laid up above, My only Refuge is Thy Love. 7 The Word, the awful Word, is true, Howe'er my feeble Flefti may fail, I fhould my patient Lord purfue, The utmoft Rage of Earth and Hell, Meek, as the Lamb of God endure, And die to make my Calling fure. XIL the Inward Crofs. j My dear Mailer, and my Lord, Good is Thine acceptable Will, I yield Obeifance to Thy Word, I come, Thy humbled State to feel, My Calling here I plainly fee, To bear, and bleed, and die with Thee 2 Sufferer for Sin my Mailer was, A Man of Griefs, enur'd to Woe, I bow me to Thine inward Crofs, Sad Fellowfhip with Thee I know: Thou for Another's Sin didlt groan, And fhall not I lament mine own ? j Yes, Lord, I drink thy bitter Cup Of Grief, Allonilhment, and Pain, X fill thy fore Affli&ions up, I faint thy Burthen to fuftain, Hymns and Sacred Poems. ig> My Spirit fweats Thy Sweat of Blood, And gafping calls " My God, my God !" 4 My Spirit by Thy Pangs is torn, While Thou art pleas'd my Faith to try; For Thee difconfolate I mourn, And ftill repeat thy bitter Cry, " My God, my God, I cry like Thee, Ah! why haft Thou forfaken me I 5 Abandon'd to the Tempter's Power, Still on Thy daily Croft I blee'd, 'Till all the Rage'of Hell is o'er, 'Till all my Nature's Life is dead; Then,, then my utmoft Wilh I havey And fink into my Saviour's Grave. 6 I fmk with Thee, with Thee to rife, Thy quickning Spirit to regain, To' infure my Calling's Heavenly Prize, And fuffer with my Lord to reign, Thy Refurreftion's Power to prove, And live the Life of perfect Love. XIII. Luke ix. 23. And he faid to (* them J all, If any Man 'will come after me, let Kim deny him.- felf and take up his Crofs daily, and follow me. 1 T\/TAster, I own thydawful Claim, J.VjL Thine, wholly Thine I long to be, Thou feeft at laft I willing am, Where'er Thou go'eft to follow Thee, Myfelf in all Things to deny; Thine wholly, Thine to live and die. * The Word " them" is not in the Original. Whate'e* 20 Hymns and Sacred Poejvis. 2 Whate'er my finful Flefh requires For Thee I chearfully forego, My Covetous and vain Defires, My Hopes of Happinefs below, My Senfes, and my Paffion's Food, And all my Luft of Creature-Good. 3 Pleafure, and Wealth, and Praife no more Shall lead my captive Soul allray, My fond Purfuits I all give o'er, Thee, only Thee refolv'd t'obey, My own in "all Things to refign, And know no other 'Will than Thine. 4 Reafon, blind Leader of the Blind, No more my linking Soul fhall ftay, The Wifdom of the carnal Mind That Broken Reed I caft away, And hand by trufting in thy Might, And follow thy unerring Light. 5 The Bead, and Devil I deny, Senfual, and Animal Delight, The Wanton and the Curious Eye, Be clos'd in everlafting Night; My Learned Lull be caft afide, And all my Filth of Self and Pride. 6 Henceforth I will not Comfort take, Or Pleafure in Myfelf but Thee, Myfelf I chearfully forfake, From Self I woidd at once get free, I would not live, whate'er is (I,) But O! my God, mull -f*Ifaac die! •f Not n&cefpdridy ; not alxvays: vet if God call for him, w mull he ready to facrifce our Ifaac, or Joy in BinfeJf. My Hymns and Sacred Poems. ai 7 My Joy in Thee, my Pure Delight, So long defir'd, fo late beftow'd, The Comfort of thy Blifsful Sight, The Offspring and the Gift of God, The fvveet Refrefhments of thy Grace, The Glimpfes of thy heavenly Face! 8 O the infufferable Lofs! To lay my Gifts and Comforts down, To nail my lfaac to the Crofs, Before thy Feet to caft my Crown, Jesus, my Jesus to reftore! All Earth and Heaven can give no more. ^ Yet will I offer in thy Might This only Offering worthy Thee, Give up my fpiritual Delight, My Tafte of glorious Liberty, Thine to Thyfelf I render back, » Thy All for Thee 1 now forfake. 10 All Power is Thine in Earth and Heaven, All Fulnefs dwells in Thee alone; Whate'er I had was freely given, Nothing but Sin I call my own, Other Propriety difclaim, Thou only aft the great I A M. ' 11 Wherefore to Thee I all refign, Being Thou art, and Good, and Power, Thy only Will.be done, not mine; Thee, Lord, let Earth and Heaven adore, Flow back the Rivers to their Sea, ; And let our All be loll in Thee. XIV. I This Agony of Grief! When fhall it all be pafU j 22 Hymns and Sacred Poems- Surely God will fend Relief, And refcue me at laft: Comforter of all that mourn, Jesus fhall my Peace reftore, Root out of my Flelh the Thorn, And bid me weep no more. 2 Thrice, three thoufand, Times have I For fpeedy Refcue pray'd, Can the God of Love deny His kindly promis'd Aid? Shall I never, never know Full Releafe from Sin and Pain, Firft of all the Sons of Woe That alk'd his Help in vain. 3 No, Thou gracious God and true. Thy Promife cannot fail, Thou at laft fhalt bring me through The Toils of Sin and Hell: This from Thee ev'n now I have — If Thou art not always nigh, If Thou canft not, wilt not, fave, Let me forever die. XV. i My only Eafe in Pain, O my only joy in Grief, Hear me fecretly complain, Sigh for permanent Relief, E'urthen'd more than T can bear, V Still with earthly Paffions torn, ' Let me tell Thee all my Care, " Let me in thy Bofom mourn, Tesus - . Hymns and Sacred Poems. 2 Jesus, why doft Thou delay Thy poor Prifoner to releafe, All my Sin to take away, All my Soul to fill with Peace? Surely, Lord, T would-be free, Would from every Evil fly: Set my Heart ^t Liberty, Give me Love, and let me die. K 3 Nothing do I feek below, Lord, 1 dare to Thee appeal, Thou my tempted Soul doft know, All I fear, and all I feel: Nothing here but Sin I dread, Nothing here but Love I crave: Let me reft my weary Head, Let me find a quiet Grave. n 4 Grant me firft The Reft from Sin, » Then permit me to depart, Thou who feeft this War within, Thou who readft this troubled Heart. When it doth to Sin incline, O the Agony I bear! This unworthy Heart of mine Would I not in Pieces tear? 5 Wherefore then, Thou gracious God, (Let me yet again inquire) Doft Thou leave me to my Load, Still deny my Beft Defire ? Why doft Thou to help forbear, Heedlefs of my , Griefs and Fears, Deaf to my continual Prayer, Silent at my ceafelefs Tears ? 6 What Thou doft I know not Now, not S'j' But my Soul on Thee I caft, To thy fecret Counfel bow, Sure to know the whole at laft, 24 Hymns and Sacred Poems. Sure thine utmoft Grace to know, Sure to prove thine utmoft Will, Throughly fan&ified below, Caught up to thy Heavenly Hill. — — XVII. thelaft m/b. TO do, or not to do ; to have, Or not to have, I leave to Thee: To be, or not to be, I leave: Thy only Will be done in me: All my Requefts are loft in One, Father, thy only Will be done. Suffice that for the Seafon paft Myfelf in Things Divine I fought, For Comforts cried with eager Hafte, And murmur'd that I found them not: I leave it now to Thee alone, Pather, thy only Will be done. Thy Gifts I clamour for no more, Or felffihly thy Grace require An evil Heart to varnifh o'er; Jesus the Giver I delire, After the Flefii no longer known: Father, thy only Will be done. Welcome alike the Crown or Crofs; Trouble I cannot afk, nor Peace, Nor Toil, nor Reft, nor Gain, nor Lofs, Nor Joy, nor Grief, nor Pain, nor Eafe, Nor Life, nor Death, but ever groan, Father, thy only Will be "done. xvur. Hymns and Sacred Poems. 25 XVII. 1 Y} OCK of everlafting Love, j[X. Int<> Clefts I flee, Never, never to remove I build my Houfe on Thee; On thy Dying Love I ftand, Hear thy Words, and keep them too, Duteous to thy kind Command, By Works my Faith I (hew. 2 Made unto Salvation wife, And freely fav'd by Grace, Thee, on whom my Soul relies, My faithful Soul obeys: Faithful, and obedient'ftill, Let me not be put to Shame, Coming now to'endure thy Will, And fuffer for thy Name. 3 Lo! the Rains defcend, o'erflow, And to a Deluge fpread, Winds, and Storms, and Tempefts blow, And beat upon my Head: Satan drives the furious Blaft, Floods of Wickednefs aflail, Stands my Houfe on Jesus faftj That Rock can never fail. 4 Higher let the Torrent rife, The Tempeft louder roar, Satan, ftorm with all thy Lies, And ufe thine utmoft Power, Firm I ftand the general Shock, Never from my Balis move, Built, and 'ftabliftfd on The Rock Of everlafting Love. Vol. II. C XVIir. 26 Hymns and Sacred Poems. XVIII. HEE, Jesus, full of Truth and Grace, Our Saviour we adore, Thee in Affli&ion's Furnace praife, And magnify thy Power. Thy Power in human Weaknefs ihewn, Shall make us all entire ; We now thy guardian Prefence own, And walk unburnt in Fire. Thee, Son of Man, by Faith we fee, And glory in our. Guide, Surrounded, and upheld by Thee, The Fiery Teft abide. The Fire our Graces fhall refine, 'Till moulded from above We bear the Charafter Divine, The Stamp of perfect Love. For the Brotherhood. HE AD of thy patient Church beneath, Attend the faithful Prayer we breathe in thy own Spirit's Power, And by thy Grace proteft, and keep, Thy little Flock of helplefs Sheep In every trying Hour. XIX. Our Brethren, and Companions dear, Who fuffer in thy Kingdom here, Pre Hymns and Sacred Poems* 27 Preferve in their Diftrefs, Support us by that glorious Hope, And bring, O bring us quickly up Out of the Wildernefs. 3 The Lion roaring for his Prey, Ah! do not fuffer him to flay One Soul that would be thine: To Us the Wiles of Satan fhew, And arm us 'gainft our Hellilh Foe In Panoply Divine. 4 By Human Wolves incompaft round, Let none without the Fold be found Of all thy Lambs or Sheep: From worldly Rage and Malice hide,"' And keep us ever by thy Side, And in thy Bofom keep. 5 But above all thy Power difplay, To fcreen us in our evil Day And from Ourfelves defend; Subdue, deftroy our Foes within, And fave the Tempted Soul from Sin, And fave us to the End. 6 O for thy great and glorious Name, The dire Reproach, the guilty Shame The curfed Thing avert, In all th' Aflaults of Senfe and Pride Continue on thy People's Side, And guard the feeble Heart. 7 No more may we to Sin fubmit, But trample it beneath our Feet With holy Rage and Scorn, 'Till each is more than Conqueror, And All obtain the perfect Power, And All to God return. C 2 XX. 28 Hymns and Sacred PoemS. XX. Another. 1 r a HOU G o d of Love, and Truth, and Power, Guard us in the Evil Hour, By fore Temptation tried, Shelter thy poor, afftitted Fldck, And in the Clefts of Ifrdel's Rock Our trembling Spirits hide. 2 Long as the War fubfifts within, Save, O fave us, Lord, from Sin, The Lulling Flelh fubdue; The Spirit's ftronger Lull exert, And watch o'er every helplefs Heart, 'Till Thou haft made it New. 3 For this we flrive, for this we pray, Take the Stumbling-block away, The curfed Thing remove, Uphold, and make our Footfteps fure, And let us ftand, and walk fecure In humble Faith, and Love. 4 Sin, only Sin we deprecate, Fill us with a perfeft Hate Of that thy Soul abhors; O let us every Sin efchew 'Till all are brought viftorious thro', And more than Conquerors. XXI. Another. STILL, Lord, we afc, arid urge Thee Hill* A(k according to thy Will, Hymns and Sacred Poems. 29 And urge our ftrong Requeft: Preferve thy little Flock from Sin, And keep, 'till Thou hail brought us in To thine Eternal Reft. 2 Ah ? do not fuffer us to ftay, Thee our Mafter to betray, And fhamefully deny : But (for Thou knowft our treacherous Heart) Command us fooner to depart, And Innocently die. 3 Be jealous for thy glorious Name, Never let the Heathen blame The Truth for our Offence; But rather now Confirm us Thine, And let us all our Souls refign, And fly this Moment hence. 4: Canft Thou defpife our Fear and Pain, Suffer us to cry invain Beneath the Load we bear ? Our Load of Pain and Fear remove, And anfwer by the Fire of Love Our Agonizing Prayer. 5 'Tis done! He hears his Spirit's Cryy Surely now we feel Him nigh To grant his o