EMORY UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Purchased from the funds of The Lewis H. Beck Foundation COLLECTIONS OF THE Georgia Historical Society. Yol. VI. The Letters of Hon. James Habersham, 1756-1775. savannah, ga.: The Savannah Morning News Print. 1904. INTRODUCTION. j£3JZ& This volume contains the letters of James Habersham, which for more than one hundred years have been preserved in manuscript form by the Habersham family and by the Georgia Historical Society, and which have not heretofore been published. They pertain to a variety of subjects of in¬ terest in the early settlement of Georgia, and for this reason the Georgia Historical Society presents them to the public in printed form as a contribution to the history of our state. By special resolution of the Society the Committee on Printing and Publishing was charged with the preparation and publication of the work. The edition is limited to five hundred volumes, sixty-six of which are bound in Tevant Morocco and consecutively numbered for the exclusive use of the members of the Georgia Historical Society. One hundred volumes are bound in cloth for the use of the li¬ brary of the Society, and for distribution among other his¬ torical societies of the country, and three hundred and thirty- four volumes are bound in paper covers for the future uses of the Society. It was customary in those early days, as now, for business men to keep copies of their important letters by laboriously transcribing them into a letter book. The original copies of the letters herewith presented were preserved in the Habersham family till about the middle of the last century when they were lost, and no trace of them has yet been found. Several years before this time, however, when Bishop Stevens was preparing his History of Georgia he had these letters recopied by per¬ mission of Mr. William Neyle Habersham, who had possession of them at that time. These recopied letters, together with a number of other manuscripts loaned by the Georgia Historical Society to Bishop Stevens came into the possession of the Society soon after the death of that author, and they are the ones herewith presented. The appearance of this recopied manu¬ script indicates that considerable care was taken to preserve accuracy in the work, and there is good reason to believe that no serious mistakes were made. 4 Introduction. It has been thought best to present these letters as nearly as possible in their original form, retaining even all the er¬ rors in spelling, punctuation and capitalization, for these er¬ rors possess a historic value that would be lost in their cor¬ rection. The period covered by the letters is from 1756 to 1775, which includes some of the most stirring events in our state's history. While these letters of James Habersham are all that have been preserved in the archives of the Georgia Historical Society, it is evident that they are not all that were written by him during this time. Some of them possess but little histor¬ ical value, but their style and spirit serve to show the charac¬ ter of the man and of the times. To aid the general reader as well as the historian in his investigations, notes have been added wherever they have been deemed necessary to explain certain references in the body of the letters and to co-ordinate them in a proper manner with the history of the times. The thanks of the Society are due to Prof. Joseph T. Derry of Atlanta, to Supt. Lawton B. Evans of Augusta, and to Prof. U. B. Phillips of the University of Wisconsin for exam¬ ining the manuscript and for valuable notes and suggestions adopted in the publication. OTIS ASHMORE, GEORGE J. BALDWIN, U. H. McLAWS, Committee on Printing and Publishing. JAMES HABERSHAM. Ji&jg! James Habersham, whose letters are herewith presented, was one of the most prominent men in Georgia's early his¬ tory, and in order that the general reader may understand more fully the import of these letters a brief sketch of his life is here given. He was born at Beverly, Yorkshire, England, in January, 1712. * In company with his friend, the Rev. George White- field, he left England for Georgia in December, 1737, and according to his letter dated May 15, 1771, he arrived in Georgia on May 8, 1738. Soon after his arrival he opened a school for orphans and destitute children, and co-operated with Whitefield in establishing and maintaining the orphan house of Bethesda, an institution dear to the hearts of both throughout their lives. When Whitefield returned to England in 1741 he left Habersham in charge of the Orphan House, and under his wise management it flourished greatly. He selected the site for the new Orphan House at Bethesda, and on November 3, *741, he moved his orphans to their new home. In 1744 he resigned his position at Bethesda, and entered into a copartnership with Col. Francis Harris to carry on a general mercantile business in Savannah. The house of Harris and Habersham was the first commercial enterprise established in Georgia, and to it much of Savannah's pros¬ perity and importance was due. Extensive trade relations were established with the principal cities of the North, with the West Indies, and with London, and through it was trans¬ acted a large import and export business. In 1750 James Habersham was appointed in conjunction with Mr. Pickering Robinson commissioner to advance the culture of silk in the Colony, and his letters upon this sub¬ ject show how deeply interested he was in this new industry. * The date here given is probably in the old style of reckoning time. The change to New Style was made in 1752, when not only was the correction of eleven days added to the calendar, but the beginning of the year was changed from March 25th to January 1st. Ac¬ cording to the New Style, therefore, he was probably born in January, 1713. This seems to be confirmed by a statement in one of his letters to John Nutt, Esq., dated July 31, 1772, where he says, "for next Janry 1 think I shall have reached sixty." The date of his birth on his tomb is January, 1712, and his age is there given as 63 years. James Habersham. In 1754 he was appointed by the King Secretary of the Province, and one of the Councilors, ana in 17^7 he was made President of the Upper House of the General Assembly. When Governor Wright left Georgia July 10, 1771, on a leave of absence to England, James Habersham, by virtue of his position as President of the King's Council, assumed the duties of Governor, and for nineteen months he dis¬ charged these duties with dignity, ability and fidelity. The cares and responsibilities of the office, however, during these stormy times were not congenial to his calm and peaceful nature. The rising tide of the Revolution filled his heart with sadness and apprehension. In common with many of the older men of the time he remained loyal to his King, but at the same time he sympathized deeply with the Patriots in many of their grievances. To the cares of his office were added those of his own pri¬ vate affairs, as well as those of Governor Wright and Mr. Knox, the Provincial Agent living in London. James Hab¬ ersham was a successful man of affairs, and of considerable fortune. He owned several farms; among them was Beverly, his country seat, about nine miles southwest of Savannah, and Silk Hope, on the Little Ogeechee, about seven miles from the city. At one time he owned 198 slaves. (See letter dated Feb. 4, 1774). Governor Wright had eleven planta¬ tions in Georgia, and at one time he owned 523 slaves. (See note to letter dated Dec. 10, 1770). William Knox, the Pro¬ vincial Agent in London, and a warm personal friend of Habersham, was a large rice planter also. The supervisory care of all this vast interest for his friends added no little to the weight of his responsibilities. When, therefore, Governor Wright returned to Georgia in February, 1773, Habersham gladly turned over to him again the reins of government. By this time his health was much impaired by frequent attacks of gout from which at times he suffered greatly. He planned to visit England for the benefit of his health, and to renew his old acquaintances, These plans, however, were frustrated by a threatened Indian uprising in Georgia, and he was destined never again to see his native land. In the summer of 1775 he visited New Brunswick, New Jersey, with the hope that the change of climate would bene¬ fit him, but he soon grew worse, and at that place he peace¬ fully passed away on the 28th day of August, 1775. Two of his sons were with him at the time of his death, his wife having died several years before. His body was taken to New York and interred in a vault of Trinity Church, pre¬ paratory to its removal to Georgia. On Nov. 14th his'body James Habersham. 7 was landed in Savannah and deposited in the family vault in the old Colonial Cemetery where it now remains. James Habersham was married on December 26, 1740. to Mary Bolton at Bethesda, his friend Whitefield perform¬ ing the ceremony. Ten children were born of this marriage, three of whom, James, Joseph and John survived their father. James Habersham, Jr., was a prominent merchant of Savannah. He had poor health, and from his quiet and polite manner he was called "the gentleman of the family." Joseph, the second son, and John, the }roungest, were edu¬ cated in part at Princeton. Both warmly espoused the Pa¬ triot cause, and became prominent in the Revolution and distinguished in state and national affairs afterwards. Of the character of James Habersham, Col. C. C. Jones truly says, he was "one of the sweetest, purest, most useful and noblest characters of the long line of Colonial worthies.'' He was deeply religious, and profoundly interested in the spiritual welfare of his fellow man. In all of his correspond¬ ence there is not an unworthy line. His letters breathe a spirit of christian faith and feeling that permeated his whole life. He was in no sense a politician. Though loyal to his King he did not approve of the unjust acts of England against America, and he deeply deplored those conditions which finally broke into revolution. When we consider the loyalty of James Habersham to the mother country and his affection for Georgia as well, in con¬ nection with those dramatic events which swept nearly all the people of the Province, among them his own sons, into the whirlpool of the revolution, we cannot but feel that his death was fortunate for him. In his letter of April 7, 1775, he says : "I would not chuse to live here longer than we are in a state of proper subordination to, and under the pro¬ tection of Great Britain, altho' I cannot altogether approve of the steps she has lately taken." He saw with prophetic vision the coming storm, but Death kindly drew the cur¬ tain and closed his eyes forever to the bloody fulfillment of his prophecy. The Letters of Hon. James Habersham, 1756-1775. To Mr. William Shipley Secretary to the Society for the encouragement of Arts Manufactures and Commerce in Craigs Court Charing Cross London- Savannah in Georgia 20th May 1756- Sir We received your letter of the 24th June last, wherein you acquaint us, that the Society for the encouragement of Arts Manufactures and Commerce had given the following Prem¬ iums to encourage the propagation of White Mulberry Trees in this Province Namely, To the person who shall plant, and properly fence the greatest number on his own plantation before the 1st March 1756- £10- To the second greatest number £5- To the third greatest number £3- which claims were to be determined by us- Accordingly we made the worthy Societies proposals as public as possible throughout the province, and allowed to the last Tuesday in March for persons to bring in their claims, and least some persons de¬ serving might either through accident or want of information omit to lay in their claims, we prolonged the time to this date, and have on the most mature consideration adjudged the premium of Ten pounds to Sir Patrick Houston Bart. The second premium of Five pounds to Mr Benedict Bour- quin- half the third premium being Thirty Shillings To Mr Theobald Keifer- the other half being Thirty Shillings We could not determine whether Mr Bourquin or Keifer had the preference to the third premium, and therefore we thought it most equitable to divide it between them, in which we hope we shall meet with the Societies approbation- We shall draw on Benjamin Martyn Esqr for the amount of the premiums, and enclose him the receipts from the re¬ spective persons who are to receive them- As Mr Attolenghe has wrote to said Benjamin Martyn Esqr fully on the subject of the Silk Culture in this prov- Joseph Attolenghe (written also Ottolenghe) was the manager of the Filature in Savan¬ nah, and styled himself "Superintendent of Silk Culture in Georgia." In 1772 the silk in¬ dustry at Savannah was wholly suspended, but in consideration of the long and faithful services of Mr. Attolenghe he was complimented with a pension of £100. 10 ■The Letters of ince, wherein our sentiments on that head, as well as to what the Society may think proper to do therein for the future, are fully expressed, we beg leave to refer you to him. In the name of the inhabitants of this province we return the Society thanks for their generous bounty, and we are also obliged to them for the honor they have done us, and shall at all times be ready to do everything in our power to promote their laudable undertaking. We are Sir With great respect your most Obt Servts c. i $ James Habersham igne | Joseph Attolenghe- Willm Knox Esq. Savannah in Georgia, 6th April 1763 London Per John & Elizabeth 1st. Copy per Mr. Hume Sir: 2nd. Copy per do. By this Conveyance of the John & Elizabeth Captain Sunberry who still remains Wind- bound We wrote you fully the contents whereof we refer you to, and Confirm touching the Governor and Council of Caro¬ lina's intention of granting the Lands to the Southward of the River Alatamaha, and in consequence whereof we have now to acquaint you that agreeable thereto He has Issued Warrants the last Land Day to the amount of four hundred Thousand acres, among which are many Tracts of 10 and twelve Thousand each. And a number of the Gentlemen have this Day past Thunderbolt with Surveyors to execute those This letter and the two following ones refer to one of the very numerous disputes over the territory along the border between the British and Spanish settlements. The region between the Altamaha and the St. John's rivers was claimed by both Spain and Great Britain, and the boundary line was never laid off until Ellicott's survey in 1802, following a treaty between Spain and the United States. The original grant made to the Carolina proprietors extended southward nominally to Florida, but under the Carolina charter no actual settlement was made below the Savan¬ nah river. In 1732 the district south of the Altamaha was considered not worth settling, and it was omitted from the grant to the Georgia trustees; but after the introduction of indigo culture into South Carolina in 1745, swampy coast lands rose in esteem. In 1763 there seems to have been a typical epidemic of land speculation in South Caro¬ lina: Some one discovered that South Carolina still possessed its chartered claim to the lands south of Georgia, and scores of men hastened to apply for and receive extensive grants of land in that district. But as soon as the grantees visited their grants, which looked so fair on paper, they found them to be mostly bogs or pine barrens, and to be liable to disturbance from Spanish and Indian claimants and nearly all of the Carolinians re¬ turned home in as great haste as they had set forth. In the meantime, heeding the re¬ monstrance which the Georgia assembly presented, the British government when framing the instructions for James Wright as governor in 1763, extended Georgia's jurisdiction to the St. Mary's river. The Georgia assembly agreed to recognize as valid only those Caro¬ lina grants which were actually occupied and cultivated, and most of the grants were al¬ lowed to lapse. The often recurring Indian depredations caused the population in the district in question to be exceedingly thin as late as 1790. As a memento of this incident in 1768, there are preserved in the Secretary of State's office in Atlanta, three volumes of grants issued by South Carolina to lands in its pretend¬ ed dominion south of the Altamaha. U. B. P. See also note to letter dated April 4,1765. Hon. James Habersham. II Warrants; As the future Prosperity and even Existence of this Infant Province in a great measure depends on the set¬ ting aside any Grants or Titles that may be given by the Gov¬ ernor of that Province, We most earnestly desire that you exert your utmost influence and endeavors to frustrate this pernicious, unwa (Illegible) and precipitate measure and you may (Illegible) that this Province will chearfully and (Illegi¬ ble) reimburse any expences you may (Illegible) thereof. We herewith transmit (Illegible) ordinance appointing you Age you'l also receive a Letter to his Excellency the Governor which we suppose relates to this Business We are with Respect Sir Your mo hble Servts. Savannah in Georgia, the 19th April 1763. William Knox Esq. London Mr. Hume Sir: 1st Copy per. With this you will receive Copys of our Let¬ ters to you of the 18th and 26th ulto. and the 8th Instant, also Copys of the Resolutions of Both Houses of Assembly, the one of the 2d and the other of the 28th ulto, and a Copy of the ordinance appointing you Agent for other year to commence from the 1st. day of next month, the originals of which were forwarded by the John & Eliza¬ beth Capt. Sundberry, who sailed about 10 days agoe from this Port for London. You have doubtless been informed, that upon Report of the Governor and Council of So. Carolina intending to issue Warrants to survey Lands to the southward of the River Alatamaha, Mr. Grey Elliott went to Charles Town to know the certainty thereof, and if He found the Report true, He was furnished with our Governors Protestation and Ca¬ veat in Behalf of this Province against any Warrants being issued to survey those Lands, or Grants passing for them, till His Majesty's Pleasure was known, and was directed to serve the Governor of that Province with the same, and also cause it to be entered in the Secretary's Office. But the Gov¬ ernor refused to receive it, and ordered the Secretary not to record it, and we are Told, He treated our worthy Governor as well as the Bearer in a very disrespectfull and contemptu- 12 The Letters of ous manner. We can now therefore only expect Redress from our Most gracious Soverign, and we repeat our Re¬ quest, that you will exert your utmost Efforts to put a stop to a Proceeding so (illegible) and injurious to this province, and, however it may (illegible) the private Advantage of a few, we cannot comprehend it one good purpose to the Public in General you will fully authorized to retain Council, and any Expence be at to represent, sollicit and prosecute with viguor and spirit, you may depend and chearfully reimbursed, but you were possessed of every Argument your representations on this Capt. Massey's Independent Company stationed in a Fort on the North Bank of the River Alatamaha and that the Set¬ tlements afterwards made further Southward were done by Him, and the Inhabitants thereon willingly Subject to the Jurisdiction of an established Court of Record at Erederica, fully authorized to try all Causes, whether of a Civil or Crim¬ inal Nature.- We mention this to shew, that before the Settlement of this Province, neither the Crown nor the Gov¬ ernment of So. Carolina had actual Possession of one foot of Land to the South of the River Alatamaha; and we shall only add on this head, that if the Governor of Carolina is now authorized by the Charter to the Proprietors to grant any Lands to the Southward of that River, the same Charter impowers him to Grant St. Augustine Pensecoola and Mo- hille, as they are all to the Northward of the Lattitude of 29- There have a great Number of People from Carolina passed by both by Land and Water with Surveyors, and even Armed, since Tuesday the 5th Instant, and we are informed that on the said Day Warrants were issued by the Governor of that Province to survey upwards of 340,000 Acres of Land to the Southward, and it's confidently reported in Charles- Town, that as much, if not a great deal more will be ordered by the first Tuesday in Next Month, that we dont expect they will stop at St. John's River, that they will (illegible) any Land unsurveved fit to make a Settlement this Side of it- Upon the whole we depend on your most Zealous at¬ tention to represent this business, and from the Justice and Merit of Our Complaint, we doubt not of a favorable issue, and we are very respectfully Sir, Your most Obedient Servt. Hon. James Habersham. 13 Savannah in Georgia 24th. Novem. 1763 William Knox Esq. Per Snow Augusta Sir: We in Due Course rec'd your three favrs. of the 9th & 20th. May and the 1st. of July last.- We with you appre¬ hend that any Application for Ordnance or Stores will be fruitless until the general Military establishment propos'd takes place; at which time we think it would be proper to apply for a number of Swivels of as large a bore as can be got, which in case of any future rupture with the Indians may be very useful in the Outports. If the Garrison at Frederica is kept up, some 12 or even 18 pounders will be wanted; more especially as the Bastions of the Fort and Curtines have late¬ ly been substantially repaired with Brick Work, and the whole put in good order and few Guns are fit for Service. This Fort Mounted/ at least there are embrazures for/ 20 Guns besides a battery to defend the Channel below of twelve, 12 pounders now removed to Cockspur, a few Hand 6 pound¬ ers would also be wanting, together with round and double headed shot for the several Calibres, and all impliments for Actual Service. We must leave to you to specify the Number, perhaps you may partly Guess what we may have a (illegible) to obtain. We entirely approve of the Steps you have taken with respect to the pretensions of Carolina to the Lands South of the Alatamaha altho' we must observe that the footing you put those Lands upon in yours of the 1st July as "only be¬ coming his Majesty's property by virtue of the late Treaty and in consequence since the ratification thereof," may be attended with as fatal consequences as if the Carolina Grants were to be confirmed, this however you could not be apprised of, you (illegible) know then that many Spaniards have Grants for the Islands of Cumberland and Amelia in particu¬ lar from the King of Spain of an old date, and perhaps for many other Lands on this side St. Juqns in consequence of the 20th. Article of the late Treaty which allows them to sell their property to British Subjects. We undoubtedly know that these two Islands have been sold and perhaps large Tracts of other Lands may be the case then to be considered is, whether or not those Lands being look'd upon in the light you mention, it may not give a right to the purchasors to hold them by virtue of those Spanish titles, and their purchase under the Treaty, this you will please fully to consider, and we must beg you will act accordingly. The Letters of We cannot learn that Mr. Boone has signed more than the Grants of which you have enclosed a List taken from the Auditors General's Office, it is however re¬ ported that he intends to perfect all the Grants, for what warrants have been issued, amounting it is supposed to near 400,000 Acres. We cannot learn that any Warrants have been issued since July, at which time Mr. Boone is said to have received his Majesty's Instructions dated in December 1761 relating to disputed Lands, the Letter you mention de¬ livering to Capt. Ball we dont hear the receipt of acknowl¬ edged, at least it is said that He denies the receiving any pro¬ hibitory orders.- It certainly was well judged not to set up any Actual right of this Province to those Lands, which the Bounds par¬ ticularized in his Majesty's Commission doubtless leave us no pretence to, on the other hand that of Carolina must be exploded, both by their surrender of their Charter, and that of Cox's prior to theirs which you mention; at least perhaps thr'o partiality to Ourselves we think so.- We must now propose a matter to you in which we suppose the Grants of Caroline to be confirmed, in that case we would have you get the opinion of the Attorney & Solici¬ tor General, whether the terms of the Grants considered, we might not frame a Provincial Law, obliging the holders to conform thereunto, or in case of non-residence to Oblige, them to be of use to the Province either by an Extraordinary Taxation or some other method— this we beg if necessary you'l do. We found so many obstacles raised in the Public Offices in Carolina that we cannot furnish you with an attested Copy of a Grant, at least by this conveyance, they own as the usual Grants in that Province do, with these words " Acres of Land lying & being to the Southward of the River Alata- maha". The Treaty with the Indians we cannot get. We apprehend you were misinformed with respect to Carolina's renouncing its pretensions to the Lands on this side Savan¬ nah River, which we hear was only a kind of temporary or rather Boundary Line, beyond which the white People agreed not to settle, altho' they erected a Fort on the North Side of the Alatamaha, a few miles below Darien and kept a garri¬ son there, until this Colony was settled, and that Fort was the most Southern Actual possession ever held by South Carolina; this Treaty cannot be found here, perhaps on a diligent search it may at the Plantation Office.- Hon. James Habersham. 15 As this matter now stands both here and at home we cannot pretend to give you any particular directions how to Act in behalf of the People of Georgia, only must leave to your prudence to manage their Interests, and whatever neces¬ sary Charges may accrue in Consequence of your attention thereunto will be duly made good to you; and We most sin¬ cerely wish and hope that the Efforts you have already made, and the Judicious measures, we have not the least doubt you will hereafter pursue, may be attended with the desired suc- cess.- We almost forgot to take notice of Mr. Grover's dissmission, an event we are not at all surprised at. We are Sir. Your most hble Servants. London Mr Wm Knox Savannah in Georgia the 9th of March 1764— Dr Sir. I dont write, because I am indebted to you a letter as I think the Ballance on that account is in my Favour—My last to you was dated the 20th Janry pr Capt Quince from this Port, when I acquainted you with yr concerns here, which remain in Statu quo, except that Mr Martin has paid me £70 in part of yr last yrs rent, and when I can spare your money and get Bills I will remit it to you. This will be handed to you by a worthy Lady, whose Company and Pres¬ ence must make you, because she does every one that is favour'd with it, happy and in order to give you an oppor¬ tunity of seeing her often, I will charge you with a Commis¬ sion, in the Execution of which you will be under the agree¬ able necessity of consulting her, without being deemed an Intruder, and I hope I shall receive yr thanks in yr next for this Piece of Friendship. But ad rem you must understand that the Governor, Mr Harris, and myself are desirous if it can conveniently be done, to cloth our Negroes a little better than common, and we suppose we may do that, and save the trouble of getting their cloths made here, by having them made up in London. You have two letters enclosed, which I have sent open for your Perusal which when you have read H. & H., Harris and Habersham, for many years the chief commercial house of Savan¬ nah. established in 1744. To this house Georgia is indebted for the establishment of her earliest relations not only with Philadelphia, New York and Boston, but with London. They were the first merchants engaged in exporting and importing, and to their business enterprise much uf the commercial success of Savannah was due. i6 The Letters of please to put a wafer in them, and cause them to be deliver¬ ed. You will see that H&H wrote to Mr Nickleson & Co for a little Iron ware for the sole use of our respective Plan¬ tations, and also to Mr Harris for our Negroe Cloths; as we suppose He can supply us as well and as cheap as any other Person in London, but if not, you may engage where our Intentions will be best executed, and Mr Nickleson and Co will be answerable for them. If Mr Harris can do them, He will charge them to H & H, whereby we shall save a Com¬ mission of 2* pCt, besides perhaps putting something in his way. We want 120 mens Jackets and Breeches and 80 wo- mens gowns or habits of which at least fz for middle sized or fourth for the larger, the remaining fourth for the smaller size men & women- You know that 5 yds of Plains usually makes a mans jacket & Breeches or a womans gown, and the cost of the best bought here with making is about 10 S and for this sum I suppose they may be had in London of Cloth at least stronger and more durable and consequently warmer and more comfortable- You see we dont purpose any saving or rather that is not our motive tho' the more saved the bet¬ ter, as the charges landed here will at least come at 10 or 12 pCt Mr Mc Gillivray has imported Sailor Pea Jacket and I believe Breeches made of the same Cloth for his Men and the former cost in London 7s and the latter 3-6 but this cloth must be too heavy and clumsy for womens wear. However something of the kind may answer for men. If I remember, I think the west Country Barge Men have their Jackets made of a very strong, cheap cloth, I believe called Foul Weather and the Color being Drab or something like it I should think wou'd suit our dusty Barns as well as their dusty flour sacks. Upon the whole there is no directing from this Distance. In London you may have anything the Nation may furnish, and we must leave the choice of the Cloth, both for the men and women to you and the worthy Bearer, whose Judgement in this matter, let me tell you I should prefer to yours, for tho' I have called you a planter, I am free to say, you are but a learner. However it is necessary, and I know you will think it an honour to take the trouble of trotting the Streets of her Hands, and let me add, that if you execute the Commission well, you may probably expect to be amply re¬ compensed by being employed again. Perhaps you may do well to give a Pot of Porter extraordinary pr suit to have them sewe'd strong. You will please also to get them as soon as possible as they should be here in August or at * Illegible—probably 2. Hon. James Habersham. farthest in all September, when the Nights and mornings be¬ gin to be cold, and you know we have somtimes some very- sharp days the beginning of October, when the Negroes un¬ less fresh supplyed, are usually in rags. But I have said enough on this subject, and you will learn better, what is passing here from the Bearer, than I can relate, which con¬ cludes my Dr Sir Yr affate Frd and Servant P S—I had forgotten to mention that a young lady who will accompany this hopes to have a finger in the pye and expects at least to be consulted about the choice of the Buttons, which will not be disagreeable to you. If I receive no contrary orders, I shall endeavor to procure a bill, when the Silk is drawn for, for at least £260 to send you- I find Mr Beskuake bought Mr Mc Gillivray Cloths of Mr Jesser who I think lives near Billings gate, and were charged as Under. Mens Jackets. 7s Boys Ditto 5/ Mens Breeches 3/6 Boys Ditto 2/3 But I suppose what were called Boys for lads from 15-17 which will agreeably do for some small men, Since writing the foregoing, I am told, what are called Short Gowns or wrappers with petticoats are best for women, but in this the Bearer will direct you. I know not how much you will be indebted to us for making you so much wiser, than perhaps you wou'd otherwise ever have been, had not this in¬ cident fallen in yr way- P S. to a letter to Mr Wm Knox in London, from Savannah in Georgia the 2d July 1764- I could fill a sheet about the small Pox woud Time allow. We had a full Board to day being the first Tuesday in the Month, and I took an opportunity to mention yr having heard that yr Agency was considered by some as a job, and also hinted some of yr remarks on that head when every Person present declared, that they thought you had acquitted your¬ self properly and more than deserved yr Salary, disclaiming at the same Time their ever having considered yr appoint¬ ment as a job- I suppose you intended, I should make some such use of what you wrote me. J. H. i8 The Letters of William Knox Esq. Savannah 13th March 1764 London & Epreuve M. War Sir. Since Our last of the 24th November we are favored with yours of the 16th Nov. It is with con¬ cern we find that the Boundary of this Province is confined to St. Mary's, the method by which it was effected, consid¬ ering the behaviour of those concerned, is no ways surpris¬ ing to us- The Cession of New Orleans and the Lands West of the River Mississippi to Spain yields us great satisfaction, as we the hopefull indeed pretty well assured the Spaniards will prove more advantageous and less turbelent Neighbors, than we should have found the French to be.- We herewith Inclose you a Copy of the Resolutions of both Houses, with respect to the several matters required of you as Agent of this Province to Solicit in England, and which will doubtless be sufficient ground for whatever appli¬ cation you may find it necessary to make, but one very ur¬ gent matter mentioned in those resolutions is of too interest¬ ing moment to us, to pass over without a further notice, we mean the danger we think this Province is in should an In¬ dian war ensue. The several Matters of dispute with the Creek Indians subsequent to the Treaty at Augusta in Oc¬ tober last you are doubtless apprised of, it is therefore need¬ less for us to repeat them. The necessity of the Superintendent for the Southern Dis¬ trict in his Majesty's name requiring satisfaction for the late Murders appeared in too strong a light to be neglected and we are told a Message was accordingly sent insinuating that satisfaction was expected but as yet the Answer has been loose and equivocal rather seeming to incline to put it on the old footing of sorrow for what is past and hoping it would not happen for the future, than to do us Justice for their un¬ provoked Murders agreeable to an express article in the late treaty; This we say seems to be the case, alth'o as yet no general talk from the nation is come down, but suppose that when it does, it should be in the same strain, nothing can then be done, but to declare War, or stop the Trade without "According to the terms of the treaty of Paris in 1763, France gave up to England all her possessions in North America east of the Mississippi except the city of New Orleans. At the same time France ceded to her ally, Spain, New Orleans and,all her possessions west of the Mississippi as an indemnification for the losses which Spain had suffered during the war. In exchange for the captured Havana, Spain ceded to England her possessions of East and West Florida. It was at this time that England extended the limits of the Colo¬ ny of Georgia to the Mississippi River on the west and on the south to latitude 31° and the St. Mary's River." Kerry's Hist. U. S. Hon. James Habersham. 19 such a declaration, the first you are sensible we are very un¬ able to bear, and on the latter should a War on these parts ensue, we should be equally perplexed. The state of the Colony should those unhappy Events be the consequence is too well known to you, for us to enlarge on the Subject; We must therefore most earnestly entreat you to leave no step unpursued that can tend to make our very critical situ¬ ation properly known, and to procure such assistance as will effectually shield us from this and any future danger. If we may give our opinion, we think the least expensive and least dangerous method to humble these Savages for their repeated Insults would be to stop all trade and communi¬ cation with them under the severest Penalty's in which Vir¬ ginia, North & South Carolina and the two new Colony's must join without reserve, and that perhaps wou'd be best done by an express order from England, otherwise it would answer no purpose, but before that. Our Frontiers, now absolutely naked and exposed, should be guarded and de¬ fended, and if the Cherokees, Chickesaws and Chactaws could be induced to annoy the Creeks at the same time, and it's supposed they might, they would soon comply with our just and reasonable demands. We have too long experienced, that no Treaty's will bind them, and that only fear and In¬ terest prevail, and while they can go on to murder and con¬ sequently plunder the Inhabitants with Impunity, they are encouraged to reiterate their Villanys, as well as from their Thirst of Shedding blood, as from the spoil they obtain; and in this state of uncertainty, it cannot be supposed, that this or the two new southern Colony's can arrive at any degree of Stability, or be so settled as to protect themselves, but must rather remain an expence, than advantage to the Mother Country.- We have wrote you so fully on the subject of the Lands South of the Alatamaha, that it leaves us no room to say any¬ thing further on that head, any more than on that of procur¬ ing Ordinance & Stores. We find that of late many persons by virtue of old Grants in the time of the Lords Proprietors of So. Carolina pretend a right to several Tracts of Land in this Province, many years since settled and improved, this matter may with great propriety, when Alderman Bakers Lands (word illegible) under your attention, be then adverted to, we hope you will not (word illegible) it. We remain Sir Your ms. hble Servts. 20 The Letters of London Messrs Deberdt and Barkit Savannah in Georgia the 31st March 1764 * Gentlemen I was lately at the Northward to visit two of my Sons at New Jersey College, where I very unexpectedly had the very agreeable Pleasure of meeting our mutual and my very dear old Friend the Revd Mr. Whitefield, of whom, you have doubtless frequent accounts from your Correspondents in those parts. By my last accounts, I find, he left New York about the middle of January to proceed to Boston, where I doubt not the same divine Blessing will attend his Adminis¬ trations, as it did apparently at Philadelphia, Jersey and New York— such attentive and numerous Congregations I never saw. God grant that his usefull and valuable Life may be preserved. His affairs here are as well as one could expect, but his Presence is doubtless wanted, however I dont expect him 'till the Fall of the year, when the weather will be more suitable to his present languid state, as a cold climate seems to brace up his decayed Nerves, To Wm Knox In London Savannah in Georgia the 31st March 1764J Dr Sir I cant well slip this opportunity of writing to you tho' I have very little to say, unless I may have Cause to chide you, as I think it is near 9 months since your last letter, that has come to my Hands, was dated I will not say that you are so much taken up with great men, that you forget us little Folks in Georgia, but I may perhaps truly say, that your little Friends as sincerely wish your welfare as do your great ones. Mr Martin has compleated £100 for your last years rent, and as a Bill on London has fallen into my way, I now enclose you Mr Zouberbuhlers first Bill dated the 13th Instant payl to Mc Gillivray for Edwd Pearson Esqr in Lon¬ don for Fifty Pounds Sterling with a letter of Advice. You will long before this reaches you be happy in the Company of Mrs Wright&c, to whom I will do myself the pleasure of *The two sons here referred to were Joseph and John. For further reference to the ed¬ ucation of his sons at this school see letters to Wm. Knox, dated May 7,1768, and to Henry Laurens, Esq., Feb. 22,1768. Both of these sons afterward became prominent men in the affairs of Georgia and the United States. See Biornt aphicar, Sketches by Jones. tWilliam Knox was for a long time the Provincial Agent of Georgia living in England. He had large agricultural interests in Georgia which were supervised by James Habersham, his warm personal friend. Knox made himself very unpopular in Georgia by his advocacy of the Stamp Act, and for this reason he was for a time discontinued as Agent for the Province. From the letter dated T)ec. 1,1770, it appears that there was a temporary breach in the friendship between Habersham and Knox, hut this seems to have been of short du¬ ration. Hon. James Habersham. 21 dropping a line, If I can think of any thing to say- I hope this will find you very active, in providing our Negroe Clothing as I can almost say, in regard to mine in particular, that you will thereby be engaged in Clothing the naked- I need not inform you that our Indian affairs still remain in a very un¬ certain and ticklish situation, be every thing else is well and is growing better- I have only to add, that if I dont soon hear from you I shall probably grow a little Cross, and my Letters will be still shorter, however I am now in a tolerable good Humour, and do assure you, that I am sincerely, Dr Sir Your Affectionate Friend and Servant. P. S. I was obliged to give £54 our Currency for the enclosed Bill, but what I may hereafter send you this year, I shall, I have no doubt, obtain from the Silk Bills, and consequently at Par- I thought a little Cash might possibly be acceptable especially now, and therefore I did not chuse to let the en¬ dorsed Bill pass by my Hands. To Mrs Wright in London Savannah in Georgia the 31st March 1764. Madam. If my very hearty wishes avail, I expect you are not now far from your desired Port, and that you will very soon have a happy meeting with your Children and Friends, to whom, please to make my sincere respects acceptable, and especially to Miss Sarah, who I hope will not be so much taken up with her new Acquaintance as to forget her old Friends, in this end of the Earth, I dont say any thing about the gloves- I need not acquaint you, because you are inform¬ ed from a better Hand, that Master Charles and Miss Char¬ lotte are in perfect Health, and I understand the latter very often talks of you, but without discovering the least uneasi¬ ness I do myself the pleasure of visiting the Governor very often, and next week we propose going for a few days to re¬ gale ourselves with viewing the fertile swamps and delight¬ ful Pine groves on the Banks of the great Ogeechee River- I must own their seems to be a Vacuum in your House; and I can truly sympathize with the Governor in his present tho' temporary State of Widowhood. Thus much for myself, but I dont recollect that there has been any alteration in Births, "Governor Wright married, in 1740, Sarah, only daughter and heiress of Captain Maid- man, of the Army. This lady was drowned on her voyage to England in 1783." White's historical Collections of Ga., p. 196. See letter dated Oct. 10,1764. 22 The Letters of Deaths, or Marriages here since you left us.- Mr Knox hav¬ ing lived on the Fat of Land in England, perhaps may have grown a little lazy, and you will therefore be pleased to give him a Jogg about providing our Negroe Clothing. I beg the favour of you to present my sincere compliments to Mrs Elliott, and acquaint her, that I am very sorry, I did not take my leave of her, as it really slipped my Memory, before she went on Board, that she was going with you. I shall make no apology for, troubling you with my Reveries because I write in obedience to your Commands. We hear nothing disagreeable from the Indian Country, and are as happy as we can be without you was present, and permit me to assure you that I am very truly Madam Your most obedient humble Serv. New York, Mr Willet Taylor. Savannah in Georgia the 2d April 1764 I arrived here the 29th December last, after a very stormy and rather tedious Passage of 18 days, where I found my affairs in as good a Situation, as I could well expect— I am now to return my Friend and your dear Spouse Ten Thousand Thanks for her many civilities to me and my Sons, and I sincerely wish her, and you, and yours every desir¬ able Blessings and if ever in my Power, I hope I shall mani¬ fest how much I value both your Friendships- I shall be glad to hear that little Willett is well, and I heartily wish, He may be preserved to you, as I well know how painful it is to part withe these pledges of Mutual Love. In deed as to domestic afflictions of this kind, I think few Persons have experienced so many of them, and so frequently, as I have done, especi¬ ally within the last 2 or 3 years— However I deserve it all- God is just in all his Dealings, and tho' things seem to be distributed in this world with an unequal Hand, yet we may rest assured, that every Thing is dealt out to us by Weight and Measure by unerring Providence, and that nothing can or does befall us, but what is right- This consideration alone has supported me under a Variety of these kinds of afflic¬ tions- Since I arrived here, I have lost by Death 6 fine able Negroes besides a lusty girl and also a man just before I em¬ barked, and I suppose, I cannot replace them for Four Plun- Thls letter Illustrates the domestic tenderness and sympathy of James Habersham as well as his deep piety and religious feeling. ' Hon. James Habersham. 23 dred Pounds Sterling— Oronoko's wife dyed last Night, and the poor fellow is inconsolable, and as she was a favourite of my dear deceased wife and nursed two of my Daughters, I must own the sight of her has affected me more than all the negroes I have ever lost; by bringing to my remembrance those dear Innocents and their now happy Mother, that I have really been obliged to lay down my pen several times to give Vent to those Feelings only known to a tender Hus¬ band, and Parent.- But I must have done with this subject and I dare not, I do not Complain- I have enough and to spare, and a great deal more than I deserve- You will please to excuse this Digression, as its some alleviation to the Mind to acquaint a Friend with its Joys or Griefs- You will please to make my best Respect acceptable to Mr Bogart and his whole Family, as well as to Mr Byvanck and his Family, and all my Friends, tho' not named, to whom I am greatly in¬ debted for their many Civilities, when with you- It is not impossible but I may see you and them again next Fall, es¬ pecially if I shoud want Health, which has been the Case for a few Summers past. I shoud have wrote to you before now, If I could have procured a Bill sooner, and that is the true Reason, as I hate to make Excuses in Money Matters. I am very truly Dr Sir Your most hble Servt JH. P. S. Please to present my hearty respects to Miss Nancy Dey.- To Benjamin Franklin Esq in Philadelphia. Savannah in Georgia the 14th July 1764 East Fall I made my two Sons at New Jersey College a Visit and at the same time embraced the oppor¬ tunity of paying my respects to my Friends in Philadelphia, among whom I waited on Mrs Franklin, but was deprived the Pleasure of seeing you, as she informed me, you were on your way from Boston, and had met with an unlucky ac¬ cident, which I hope you are perfectly recovered from- My Brother in Law Mr Robert Bolton is the Bearer of this-, He goes to visit his Native Place and his relations, after being Franklin, although acting as Agent for several of the Provinces in England, and living there a greater portion of the time from 175/ to 1775, was still Postmaster General in America. See note to letteT dated May 19.1768. Robert Bolton was the first postmaster of Savannah, being appointed in 1764 by Benja¬ min Baron, Esq., Postmaster General of the Southern District of America. The Letters of settled here near 20 years- He has some thoughts of setting up a Post between this and Charlestown, which, if he can meet with suitable Encouragement, must be of public Utility- To this End, He tells me, He has been advised by our worthy Governor to get an appointment from the Post Master Gen¬ eral, and as I suppose it may be in your Power to constitute him Post Master of this Province, your doing it would lay me, and him under great obligations. I am sensible, I have no Pretensions to ask this Favour from the slender Acquaint¬ ance I have with you, but I will venture to say from many years experience, that if you should be pleased to confer any Trust in Mr Bolton, you will find him an Honest, prudent and punctual man- He has lately buried an excellent wife, and is left with seven fine Children, whom he has hitherto supported and brought up reputably, and as his trade has lately slackened, any additional means of getting a little money must greatly assist him— I need say nothing of his family connections in Pennsylvania, as they must be better known to you than to me. You will be please to excuse the Freedom, I have taken and if in my power, I shall be pleased with an opportunity of shewing that I am with great Truth, Sir Your most obed hble Servant James Habersham. Please to make my respects acceptable to Mrs Franklin. Charles Garth Esqr Londdon Savannah in Georgia 27th July 1764 Sir Your much Esteemed Letter of the 3d december ulto we had the honor to receive and is now before us, intimating your Appointment to be Agent on behalf of the publick, as well as for receiving all Moneys that shall be is¬ sued for this his Majesty's Province and carrying on the necessary Correspondence for the same. We are obliged to you for this kind notification of your said Appointment & return you our thanks for the Tenders of Service you are pleased to make us of expediting such Affairs as We may recomend to you consistent with his Charles Garth was the Provincial Agent for Carolina, and for a time acted also as Agent for Georgia in place of William Knox, who had given great offense to Georgia by his position on the Stamp Act. Mr. Garth, however, did not continue as Agent for Georgia long, as the conflicting interests of Georgia and Carolina soon brought about a change See letters of Dec. 4,1765, and Sept. 5,1767. Ho?i. James Habersham. 25 Majesty's service, We hope and confide that this loyal prov¬ ince of Georgia will never have anything at heart but what is truly So and for the Advantage of us Inhabitants in general. We are pleased to find that you Entertain for our Agent. Wm. Knox the same experience of his Zeal and Abil¬ ity s to serve this province as we have always Experienced of Him and as we know him to be worthy of a greater Trust than those we have in our power to repose in him shall not enlarge further upon that head only to reiterate our Ac¬ knowledgements for your kind offer of acting in Conjunc¬ tion with that Gentln in all such Matters as shall come recommended from us, which we shall with great pleasure avail ourselves of whenever the occasion may require it. We are Respectfully Sir Your most Obedt hum Servants William Knox Esq Savannah in Georgia 27th July 1764 London We have duly received your sundry Letters of the 9th February, 1st March, 2d and 19th April last, en¬ closing Copys of your several Memorials and two Acts of parliament respecting the Colonys and especially this prov¬ ince - We are very sensible of your Abilitys and Zeal to serve us, and return you our very hearty thanks for the At¬ tention you have given to our Affairs- We likewise desire you will make our gratefull Acknowledgements acceptable to the worthy Members of the Honourable House of Com¬ mons, who have assisted us the last Session of parliament, esoecially to Sir William Meredith and Mr Cust- We shall soon take the several Matters you recommend to us under Consideration and you may accordingly expect to hear from us by Captain Rains- In the mean time, we are, Sir Your most obedient Servants, P. S. We are at present afflicted with the small pox in this Town, and as many of the Committee with their Familys have retired into the Country, it is difficult to get a sufficient Number of the Committee to meet. 26 The Letters of London. Mr Ralph Clay. Savannah in Georgia the 26th Sept 1764* Dear Brother I beg leave to trouble you to receive the enclosed Bill on our late Governor Mr Ellis for Twenty Pounds Ster¬ ling, and when paid, please to pay the cash to my Sister Bag- with or to her order- The enclosed letter informs, her, that you will pay her £20 which you will please to forward the first opportunity— I understand Mr Ellis now lodges in Grays Inn, however I follow the first directions, He gave me, and of Mr Usher you will certainly be informed, where to find him— As our good Eriend Mr Russell has wrote to you Son, that He proposes retiring from Commercial Business. I have mentioned my eldest Sons joining him, which He appears pleased with, and accordingly I have wrote for my Son to return to Georgia and expect him in 4 or 5 weeks. This con¬ nection will be very pleasing to me, being a very natural one, and will show a proper family regard—I am not under the least apprehensions of their not doing well, and if please God to spare my life, they shall have all my Interest, Experience, and Advice. My Nephews Wife and Son are well and I hope your whole family are so, to whom please to make my best regards Acceptable which concludes me Dr Brother Your affectionate Brother and Servt J. H. London William Russell Esqr Savannah in Georgia th 10th October 1764 Dr Sir. My last letters to you were dated the 4th and 14th July last and were forwarded by Capt Scott from this Port, who I hope is safely arrived with you—My Nephew acquaints me that He has received your letter by Capt Combes dated in June, and that you continue in the same mind to decline Commercial Business. I suppose the 1st January next-If my letters by Scott reach you, you will find I have proposed my eldest Son James to join Mr Clay, who is much pleased with it, and accordingly, I have positively wrote for him to return to Georgia, I expect him the latter end of this, or the beginning of next Month- He is very tall, is rather sedate *Kalph Clay married Elizabeth, a sister of James Habersham. Joseph Clay, elsewhere referred to, was the only son of this marriage. Joseph Clay was associated in business with James Habersham, Jr., and later with Joseph Habersham—Joseph Clay was Deputy Pay¬ master-General in Georgia, with rank of Colonel during the Revolution. His son Joseph was a prominent lawyer, and for several years was United States Judge for the District of Georgia. Hon. James Habersham. 27 and appears manly, and I have no doubt will behave prop¬ erly, especially as He will have a good example in Mr Clay, whose Industry is highly commendable, and his Abilities for Trade unquestionable, and besides, I will endeavour to throw in all my Influence and Care. I can make no doubt that his very advantageous Connection will be as agreeable to you, as it is to me- I have agreed for Bricks to build a range of Stores of 60 feet long on my Corner Lott, and 'till that is done I suppose, you will allow them the use of yours under proper Considerations The Small Pox has almost gone through this town, and upon the whole has not proved very mortal- I suppose upwards of 40 white Persons have dyed, of whom at least 20 were Children- What number of blacks have been taken off by this Infectious Disorder, I know not, but your poor Cato is one of them, and your Negro with Mr Gallache I be¬ lieve is not quite out of danger, tho' there is now great Hopes of his doing Well- I thank God, it has not yet appeared in my Plantations, and as the weather is daily growing temper¬ ate and Cool, I hope the Infection will be checked, and the Province soon cleared of it- I think the Inhabitants of this Province are in general in a thriving situation, and we seem to be in no more apprehension of Danger from the Savages, than you are in London. They are very sensible of the Ad¬ vantage we posess over them by the Settlement of the two Florida Colonys, and behave very civil, and I now begin to, think the Time is come, when we shall no more be harrassed and alarmed by them. But our present Tranquility is greatly, alloyed by the (I fear) Loss of our Worthy Governors Lady and two Daughters-- What a stroke is this to the poor Gen¬ tleman? There are few such good wives, tender Mothers and affectionate Friends remaining! But we must not re¬ pine, least we charge God foolishly- You wou'd be surprised and pleased to see how magnanimous the Governor behaves- He appears to have a Friendship for and a Confidence in me, and therefore I have of late been as much with him as pos¬ sible and I really feel so much with and for him, that I al¬ most forget I have any Concerns of my own to attend to- If it should be necessary, that you remain longer in England, than you could wish, can I be of any service to you here? If you think so I persuade myself you will without reserve Command, Dr Sir Your affectionate Friend and Servant. P. S. I sympathize with our Friend Knox very heartily—Your wife and Nanny are well. God bless and restore you to your health and to your Friends- I expect Mr Whitefield here in a Month. 28 The Letters of William Knox Esqr London Savannah in Georgia 4 " April 1765 (Pr Captn Stark) Sir Copy per John Gaily ) >- We have the pleasure of ac- Capt Hulme ) quainting you, that the General Asembly have passed an Ordinance Reappointing you Agent for transacting the Af¬ fairs of this province in Great Britain, a Copy of which, we have herewith enclosed you, as well as of an Act for the bet¬ ter strengthening and setting of this province etc, which you will observe has been framed purposely to compell such per¬ sons, who have obtained his Majesty's Grants witnessed by the Governor of South Carolina for Lands to the Southward of the River Alatamaha immediately to settle the same, but is passed with a clause suspending the Execution thereof, until the Royal approbation be known, which, by a Resolu¬ tion of both Houses, we are particularly enjoined to recom¬ mend to you in the strongest manner to use your utmost Endeavours to obtain- As you are so well acquainted, with the situation of those lands, it is almost needless to point out to you the very great Injury, that must arise to this province from the best and most convenient of them being engrossed by non Residents and lying unimproved, and we think, it must appear to every one on perusal of the Act, that great Care has been taken not to lay these Carolina Grantees un¬ der any other Conditions of Improvement, than what every Grantee in the province is oblieed to comply with- It is now two years Since Warrants were issued by the Governor of that province to lay out those lands, notwithstanding, we are well assured, no part of them have been really settled or cul¬ tivated, and the Surveys (if they may be called so) were made with so much precipitation, that but few lines were ascer¬ tained, by which means the vacant lands without the limits of these Grants cannot be known, nor consequently be run out by our Surveyers, with any degree of certainty, which may make a resurvey of them'absolutely necessary, as well to prevent innumerable disputes, which must otherwise in¬ evitably ensue, as to ascertain the quantity of land within these supposed surveys, for we are well informed, that many of the Surveyers employed therein carried with them Stakes notched and crossed, and upon their coming to any piece of land on the River they liked, they put down one of them for See note to letter of April 16,1763. Hon. James Habersham. 29 a Corner, and then rowed a supposed distance for the Front, and stuck down another, whereby a much larger quantity of land may be, and is doubtless contained within those Corners, than is expressed in the Grants, and thereby His Majesty is defrauded in his Quit Rents, and the Province in its taxes- We need not remark, because it must appear at first View, how much the province is weakened by those valuable lands being taken up by non Residents, and that their not being cultivated lays the Inhabitants under an unequal and un¬ equitable Burthen to support the necessary Expenses of gov¬ ernment, and as the Legislature have this Matter much at Heart, we must again recommend your using every Means to obtain the Royal Approbation to this Act, which may in a great Measure remedy the Grievance we at present labour under, and prevent his Majesty's gracious Intentions in an¬ nexing those Lands to this province from being frustrated, and if needfull you will retain the Attorney or Solicitor Gen¬ eral or any other Council, you may be advised to, and any Expence you may be at in accomplishing this desirable pur¬ pose, will be duly reimbursed you- We are, Sir Your most Obedient, humble Servants Tames Habersham P. S. This Letter is wrote on a Supposition, that the Grants witnessed by the Governor of South Carolina will not be disannulled- We have several Matters under Consideration, recommended to us by both Houses, which you will receive by the next conveyance, of which there will soon be several- N Jones Jams Edwd Powell Lewis Johnson William Ewen ►John Milledge W. Jones Lewis Johnson Pat. Houstoun J. Attolenghe Henry Laurens EsqrA >- Savannah in Georgia In Charlestown ) the 5th April 1765 Sir I received your favour of the 15th February last by Messreurs Rossel and Gervais, and am much obliged to you for giving me an Opportunity of shew¬ ing those Gentlemen any Civilit)r, as well on account of your recommendations, as for the good Qualities they appear to Henry lianrens was a wealthy merchant of Charleston, S. C. He was conspicuous in his opposition to British aggression, and played a prominent part in international affairs during the Revolution. He was horn in 1724 and died in 1792. The Letters of possess- I have lately had a Line from Mr Lachlan Mack¬ intosh, to whom I wrote by them, and understand, they were at Frederica waiting" for a Passage to Augustine I expect to see them on their return, and if they have any Views of making any Settlement in this Colony (as I have learnt from Mr George Mackintosh (Lachlans Brother) they have, you may depend on every Service in my Power- I offered them what Cash, they might "want, but they only took Fifty Pounds, for which they gave me two Receipts to you to serve as one, of which you have one enclosed- I expect to send you in a few days a Draft on Charlestown, but the Sum I cannot at present ascertain, and if you approve of this Method, which I think the best and quickest to remit you. I shall probably be able to do it in this and next month Yesterday I saw one Mr Edwin (a German) who tells me, you would be here in about three Weeks- I shall be extremely glad to see you, and if you will do me the favour to accept of a Bed and such Accomodations as my House affords, I shall esteem it a fa¬ vour and permit me to add, that I expect you will oblige me in this request- I shall write you again in a few days, and am, with real regard, Sir Your most Obedt hbl Servt William Knox Esq. London (pr Ship Jno Gaily, Thos Hulme) Copy pr Savannah in Georgia 15th April 1765 Sir, We are instructed by a resolu¬ tion of both Houses of Assembly,to direct you to make proper Application for Redress of such parts of the Act, passed the last Session of parliament, Intituled, "An Act for granting certain Duties in the British Colonies and plantations in America &c" as particularly affect the Trade of this prov¬ ince, and to instruct you on that Head, and direct you to act (so far) in concert with any Agent or Agents of the northern provinces. In Consequence of this Reso¬ lution, we have taken the said Act into Consideration, and tho' there are several clauses therein, that must concern the welfare of this province, tho' perhaps not in so great a de¬ gree as some of the Northern Colonys, yet the Incumbrance laid on the Exportation of all kinds of Lumber (our most natural produce) and all other non Enumerated Commodi¬ ties, so essentially injured us, that we shall at present confine Hon. James Habersham. 31 our Remarks on the Act to that Branch of Commerce only- You are not insensible of the very great Benefit the Expor¬ tation of Lumber, Horses, Live stock &c has been to this young Colony, having principally been the Means, whereby most of the Inhabitants have acquired the little property they possess; that as but few Vessels have been owned here, the Trade has been principally carried on by transient per¬ sons, who have sent or brought Vessels here with small Car¬ goes, sometimes a few Negroes and sometimes Cash to pur¬ chase a load of Lumber &c for the West Indies, and meeting with no unnecessary obstruction, this, 'till hitherto, growing commerce promised the greatest advantage to us- But by this Act no lumber &c can be laden on board any Vessel, until Bond be given with one Surety, besides the Master of the Vessel, in double the value of the goods, with Condition, to land the same in great Britain, or some port in America, Africa or Asia, and to return a Certificate of the same, be¬ ing so landed, within the respective Terms limitted, which Bond is to continue in force for one year after the Comple¬ tion of the Voyage, and then, (if no Fraud appears) not to be delivered up, but by four or more of the Commissioners of his Majesty's Customs; besides which the said Master with one Surety is also required to enter into another Bond in the penalty of one thousand pounds for a Vessel less than 100 Ton, and if of a greater Burthen Two Thousand pounds, with Condition, in case any Molasses or Syrups being the produce of any of the plantations, not under the dominion of his Majesty, shall be laden on board, the Master or other person having Charge of such Vessel shall carry the same, without Fraud or willfull Dimunition to some port in Great Britain or the British Colonys, and immediately on his ar- rivaLmake a just and true Report of all the Goods so laden- There are Embarrasments, we are persuaded, no Merchant will lay himself under for a transient person, He may never see again- A Cargoe of Lumber is not very valuable, and if loaded on Commission, it will seldom amount to more, than from £5 to i7"io, and in most cases much less, a Considera¬ tion no way adequate to the risque of becoming Security in double the value of the Cargoe, for if the Master of the Ves¬ sel should take the trouble of returning a Certificate, and many of them are not to be depended upon, even to do that, it may miscarry, and thereby subject the Security to great trouble, Vexation and Expence, but in regard to the Bond for duly reporting forreign Commodities, no person in his senses would subject himself to so great a penalty for a 32 The Letters of Transaction, He has not the least direction or concern in, or has any prospect of Advantage by, and that for a stranger, perhaps of little or no property, who may not have honesty enough to regard his Security, when He may think it is In¬ terest to defraud his Majesty of his Customs- These Obser¬ vation, you will see, principally regard transient Traders, who have at least carried off four fifths of our Lumber, which beneficial Branch of Commerce, we fear, will in future be¬ come very inconsiderable, as the obligations required to be entered into cannot, for such persons, be complyed with on any rational or commercial Nature, and, we are apprehen¬ sive, must in its consequence almost amount to a prohibi¬ tion- We are sensible, that where Vessels are laden in the ports where owned, and no clandestine Trade is intended, the owner cannot be under any Hardship to enter into the Securitys required, because He has (illegible) irection of the Voyage, and can, if He pleases, make true Entrys, and for this Reason, as Vessels trading to the West Indies are prin¬ cipally owned by persons residing in the northern Colonys it may not be so unavoidable a Hardship to them, as it is to us, and perhaps South and North Carolina, where this Trade is chiefly carried on by transient persons- We need not add, on this Head, as what we< have advanced is within your knowledge, and must sufficiently convince you that this valu¬ able Business, under its present Restraints, must be in a manner lost to us, and therefore we cannot too earnestly recommend your giving the utmost Attention to obtain (if possible) redress. In regard to your joining the Northern Agents in any Matter, they may have in charge from their Constituents, we are only directed to acquaint you, that, so far, as you sup¬ pose we are interested in their applications, you will cooper¬ ate with them, and this is mentioned in Consequence of a let¬ ter wrote by a Committee appointed by the general Assem¬ bly of Boston to the Speaker of the Commons House here, requesting the House to direct you to join their agents, and in respect to the stamp duty, which as far as appears to us, may be as equal as any, that could be generally imposed on the Colonys, yet, we must own, the manner of imposing it greatly alarms us, as we know not, where the precedent may end, and however it may be with any or all of the Northern provinces, the Expence absolutely required for the Support of out internal polity is rather more, than the present In¬ habitants can bear, and consequently they are in no Condi¬ tion to be loaded with new Burthens- We are persuaded of Hon. James Habersham. 33 your unwearied and most serious Attention to promote our Interest, and have only to add, that we are, Sir, Your most obedient Servants James Habersham N Jones James Edwd Powell P. S. We have enclosed yc of the two Bonds entered ii for lading Lumber or other nonenumerated Commodities only, for if Rice or Naval Stores are shipt, there is a third, called a plantation, Bond given- We shall write you again by the next ship, which will sail in a week- William Knox Esqr London Savannah in Georgia 14th May 1765 pr ship polly & Betsey Robt Brewton Sir Enclosed are the Resolutions of both Houses of Assembly, directing us to apply to you in regard to the Claim said to be made by Sir William Baker, and others of 12000 Acres of land in this province- These Resolutions were taken in Consequence of a Petition from several Inhabitants of this province deeply interested in this Matter, a Copy of 'which you have also enclosed, and likewise a plat of the Lands included within the said Claim, by which you will at one view See the very distressing Situation, not only of the Petitioners, but of a Number of other persons, who at present possess and occupy those Lands, should they not be confirmed in the quiet possession of them, for it appears that part of the Town lots of Vernonbourgh, Twenty whole and part of Twenty one Village Lots of the said Town, part of three Village lots of Highgate, Twenty eight whole and part of Nine Farm Lots of Savannah, also thirteen Tracts of Land granted to differ¬ ent persons from one to five hundred acres, and part of Nine others are included within the same- And for your further Government, we have also enclosed a Copy of the Report of the Lords of Trade to his Majesty on the Act passed here Copys Clement Martin J Attolenghe Alex. Wylly W. Jones Pat. Houstoun William Ewen John Milledge 34 The Letters of in 1759 for confirming the Titles of the Inhabitants to their respective Lands, which for reasons therein mentioned, and particularly as it appeared to effect this claim, met with the Royal Disallowance- The reasons offered by their Lord¬ ships against allowing the Act to operate are doubtless weighty and conclusive, but we cannot help remarking on what the Solicitor for the Claimants of the Barony has as¬ serted, "that they have constantly and uniformly given due Notice, and made repeated Entries of the Claims, as far as the defective and incomplete State of the Offices of Record in Georgia now admit, and therefore &c"- We have carefully searched into all the public Records of this province and can¬ not find the least Vestigia of any Claim being entered of this Barony by the Claimants or any person for them, and neither can we learn, that it's known to any of the very first settlers, or other Persons now living here, that any Claim was ever made of it, or, 'till within a few years past (which was after the principal part of the Lands were possessed) that such a Claim was even subsisting- If therefore this is the Case? and we must think it is, no Conclusion can be drawn from hence in support of this Claim; on the other Hand, as the possessors of those Lands were ignorant of any such Claim, they must be cleared of any willfull Intention of encroaching upon them- We again repeat, that we cannot learn, that any person here, either in a public or private Capacity, knew anything of this Claim for at least Twenty years after the first settlement of the Colony, and it's a strong presumption that it must be so, as some of those Lands are nonpossessed by persons, or their descendants, who have been in authority near thirty years past, and, who, when the whole Country lay open to them, might and doubtless wou'd have seated them¬ selves as advantageously on lands not subject to any vexa¬ tious Incumbrance- To this we must add, that had the Claimants really entered their Claim here, when the Kings Government took place, and, when it could not but be sup¬ posed, that the defective and incomplete State of the Offices of Record in Georgia wou'd no longer subsist, all this dis¬ cussion of Right might have been avoided, for certain it is, that no Grants for one Acre within their Claim were signed before October 1755, more than a year after the arrival of Governor Reynolds; and we are the more at a loss for their not entering their Claim,, as public and repeated Notice was given not only in the So. Carolina Gazette, but in that of Whitehall "for all persons claiming to hold lands, within this province, to make such their Claims, within a certain Time Hon. James Habersham. 35 therein mentioned"- Does this agree with their assurance to the Lords of Trade of repeated Entries of their Claim? The plat now sent you, describing the Lines of the Barony, was obtained from a Copy in a private Hand in So Carolina, and is not of Record in this province- You will doubtless see the Claimants plat exhibits in support of their Claim, and from a view of it, judge of the correctness of this- We must think it an extraordinary Hardship, not to say Injustice, that this Claim should lay dormant, till the present possessors of those lands had, at a great Expence, and with great la¬ bour, made them of some value; but as the Petition so justly and fully sets this forth, we shall only say, that we are ex¬ tremely concerned for the Petitioners and others interested, many of whom, if not releived must be reduced, from a com¬ fortable subsistance, to want and poverty- The necessary steps to obtain this redress must be entirely left to you, per¬ haps by a respectfull Address to his Majesty, He may be in¬ duced, through a tender commisseration of the unhappy state of the concerned, to Settle this Affair with the Claimants, either by a Grant of Land in some of the new Colonies, or by some other Method, so as to free them from their present Apprehensions, which we are inclined to hope may be effect¬ ed, as it appears by the latter part of the Report of the Lords of Trade, that the Claimants had given their Lordships Rea¬ son to believe, that they were willing to accommodate this Matter with the present posessors on such Terms as shall be thought just and reasonable- We shall only add, that our earnest desire, as well from Inclination as the duty we owe the province, is that you will please to exert yourself in bringing this Affair to an agreeable issue- Indeed, we have not the least doubt of your doing everything in your power, that may tend to the advantage of this province, as it is with pleasure we find, that every part of your Conduct, as Agent is a sufficient proof of the interesting part, you take in its Welfare- We are, with respect, Sir Your most Obedient Servants James Habersham P. S. You will receive by this Convey- N Jones ance a Copy of our Last to you of the Jams Edwd Powell 15th Ultimo pr Mrs Russell on board Alexr Wylly the John Galley Caotn Hulme John Milledge J Attolenghe Willm Ewen N. W. Jones 36 The Letters of To Mr Joseph Tuckwell ) Savannah in Georgia at Wallingford ) the 18th May 1765 pr the Richard and Benjamin ) Capt Robinson Sir I received your Letters of the 2d October and 4th November last, but too late supposing I could have got Freight to ship you Rice to arrive the begin¬ ning of February, and in regard to Indigo and Deer Skin, I have not been able to procure any that I would recommend- Both these Articles, especially the former, I am perhaps as well acquainted with as any here, as I lived some years with a dry Salter in London- Our clear Creek Leather is now rather esteemed better, than Cherokee, and I am told is pre¬ ferred in London, which I well know was not the Case Twenty years agoe, but it is ingrossed by the Merchants who supply the Indian Traders, in Payment, and as it generally turns out a tolerable remittance they do not chuse to sell here except it may be some ordinary Trash, which no Body that knows what they are about, will buy, and this is the true reason, that makes it extremely difficult for a Person out of Trade to get any Quantity of Leather, that would be worth shipping- Mr James Read to whom I have sold your House and Lott, had the heavy Misfortune of having his Barn and whole Crop of Rice except a very trifling part of it destroyed by Fire last January, a loss not less than £6 or 700 £ Sterling to him, which has disenabled him from paying me the whole of the Money due you and indeed I was too sensibly affected with his loss to press him in the Manner, I woud otherwise have done, and especially as I knew it was not in his Power to comply with my Demand, without distressing a numerous and worthy Family, however I have got about One Hundred Pounds, and have now enclosed you a good Bill of Exchange drawn by John Martin Brolzins the 29th Ult on Rev Thomas Broughton payable at 30 days sight to Messreurs Russell and Clay for Eighty-five Pounds sterling for which I gave £8 pr Ct Advance, that you will give Credit for £71-16-0- I obtained this Bill through favour and must acquaint you, that every Man in Trade here woud rather buy Bills at that Pre¬ mium to make their Payments in England, than to ship Pro¬ duce which has generally been done from hence for some years past at a much greater Disadvantage, than £8 pr Ct loss, however if you do not approve of this Method, what may further come into my Hands of yours, shall, if in my Power be sent you direct- Its very difficult to get Freight Hon. James Habersham. 37 for Rice early after the new Crop comes in, as Ships, that have been usually loaded here have been chartered, and the Charterers do not chuse to let out Freight in early Ships, tho they sometimes will do it in Vessels, that arrive later in the Spring when the Markets become more glutted and dull, however a Conveyance may offer by a general Ship, or I may have Interest to get Freight in a chartered one, and if I can in either Case succeed, (I mean in an early going Vessel, for late ones too often turn out bad to the Shippers) I hope to send you some Rice, if not, I will endeavor to ship you some Leather or Indico, tho of the latter none can be got till the present Crop comes in- You dont mention if I shoud ship any of those Articles, to whom I must address in London- I expect Mr Read will complete his Payment after the present Crop, which will be in December or January next- You hint you cannot think, it can answer the Purchasers End to pay so large an Interest as £8 pr Ct, and therefore seem to draw an unfavorable Conclusion- A few years agoe our Legal In¬ terest was £10 pr Ct, and it was also the same in So Carolina, but as the Country became more wealthy it was reduced by Law to £8 pr Ct in this Province, as well as in Carolina, which I am persuaded can be as well if not better paid by a Carefull Person either in the commercial or planting way here, than £5 pr Ct with you- I have within a few Days past sold a Tract of Land to as substantial a Man, as any among us, for two year Credit with legall Interest, and its probable, I may not get paid in three years, and was to take in Charge what Books and Papers I have of the late Mr Brownfields'- I have always disliked being charged with Letters of Attor¬ ney, and those I have acted under have been in a Manner forced upon me, and had I not been actuated by other views, than mercenary ones, I should never have been concerned in one, and thereby have escaped a great deal of Fatigue and no little anxiety and Inconvenience to myself, I think with you, the plainest way of expression, the best, and am Sir Your most hble Servt P. S. Perhaps you may suppose my declining to act further may be particular to you- In what I have signifyed to sev¬ eral others, I have been concerned for, as retirement and quietness must be desireable to any one of my years, especi¬ ally after a hurried residence in a hott and inervating Climate, and for this Purpose I have long quitted an advantageous commercial Business 3S The Letters of To William Knox Esqr In London Savannah in Georgia July the 17th 1765 pr the Georgia Packet Capt Anderson ) Dr Sir I have now before me your favour of the 20th March last, which was delivered me by Mr Grahame/ whose short Stay here 1 have endeavored to make as agreeable to him, as possible, as well on his own ac¬ count, as He seems very deserving, as on your Recommen¬ dation and I must tell you, that He appeared so well pleased with us, as to wish it was his Lott to remain here- Mr Yonge has freely furnished him with every Document relative to his Office, and Mr Elliott has (at my request) given him very am¬ ple Instructions in regard to the Receiver General's Office, who if not better acquainted with it, than the present Occu¬ pant is more capable of communcating his Ideas. I have reed of the Treasurer your Salary &c, and of Mess Martin & Roche your respective rents, and have put in for some Silk Bills for you, and when I get them, you shall have your Ac¬ count Current as usual- I have paid your Bond "to Marg'ret Miller for £20 due last Oct with Interest- My Eldest Son James has been in trade with Mr Clay since 1st Janry last, who I have already assisted with £4 and 500, and as soon as convenient, I intend to make it £1000- This with my having built a small but convenient Habitation at Savannah, and the larger Purchase (£1400) I lately made of Negroes of Mr Grey Elliott has straitned me a little for the present- I think your Balance now in my Hands is about £267 of which I have paid the Commissary £200 for Bills for you, and will it be inconvenient to leave the remaining £67 in my Hands for not more than a year ? I woud by no means incommode you, and if you cannot conveniently comply with my request, I have so much confidence as to believe, you will say so and I will endeavor to fall on some means to send it to you, as soon as possible, after I know your mind- As I want no Proof of the Sincereity of your Friendship, I expect, if you im¬ mediately want your Money, that you only say so, without making any apology or Explanation, for I woud not willingly put a Difficulty on any one, much less on my Friend- I have really by one Way or another paid upwards of £2000 on my own Account this year but as I now intend to make no more Purchases/ at least, till I can do it with every Convenience, I hope in one year to make all my Matters perfectly easy- I Silk Hope was situated on the Little Ogeechee river, about seven miles southwest of Savannah. Hon. James Habersham. 39 have now Hands sufficient to make 700 Barrils Rice annually on my two Plantations without Hurry and too much driving, and if I continue in my present Sentiments, I dont think of buying more- This year I hope to send to Market between 6 and 700 barrils Rice- But I have said too much about my Affairs- I hope before now Mrs Russell is safe in England, and sorry I am to hear that her worthy Husbands Disorder is like to continue without Remedy- I hope God will be his Support under the heavy Calamity, and prepare him for that Place, where Pain and Sorrow cannot enter- Pray tender him my best regards- You mistake the Case in regard to the College Lands, the Govr and Council on Mr Whitefields' Memorial prior to the Address of both Houses of Assembly to his Excellency, granted 2000 Acres of Land towards its Endowment- I expect Mr Whitefield will soon be in Eng¬ land, when a Charter will I hope, be obtained from the Crown, and the Plan of the College setled, and, in Conse¬ quence, a well qualified President and Tutors sent out- Be¬ tween you and I. for so it must remain, I believe Lord D- too will be the Patron and probably the Principal Mover-( If there should be Occasion, would not you interest your noble Friend in its behalf I have no doubt of your personal good Will and best Endeavours to promote it, which will not only be an acceptable Service to the Province in General but to the Legislature in particular who have its Accomplishment much at Heart- I cannot conceive, who shoud report with you, that I was dead, I thank God I have had no material Sickness, since you left the Province to ground such a Re¬ port, and am as likely to live a few years longer, and perhaps more so, than ever you saw me,- Since my dear little Woman's Death, I have almost wholly resided in this Town- Silk Hope, after that Event became and indeed is now rather disagreeable to me- I suppose I dont now sleep there more than once in 14 Days, and as I find the Rice Field pernicious to my Health, I must acknowledge, that I am become so lazy, that I scarcely go through it once in a Season, and yet, I suppose my Business is as well executed, as any Planters in the Province- However every thing with me in the planting Way is reduced into a kind of regular System- In short I am now a perfect Citizen of Savannah, and that has made me lay out 4 or 500 £ in a neat and comfortable Habitation in it- The Governor and I are upon the most friendly and intimate Terms, and most of my vacant Hours are spent with him- I dont know, whether I acquainted you that M. G. El¬ liott has been advised by his Friend's to stay here (after He 4-0 The Letters of had even sold all his House Furniture) and practice the Law; He has accordingly been admitted by the Court, and I verily believe will make it answer his wishes- He and I, Powell, Martin &c and indeed the whole Council, except our fickle Friend, are on the best Terms- Poor Martin who has been too much used to losses, had his valuable Jack Andrea drowned before this Town last Night- He is now in my House trying to get a little Sleep, having been deprived last Night of that Comfortable Refreshment, from his Concern for his faithful Servant- I have seen your printed Letter- In perusing it I soon knew it to be yours, returned it to the Governor, and desired it might not get abroad, fully per¬ suaded, it woud not suit our present Meridian- I have it not by me, or might probably give you some Remarks on it- I am, Dr Sir Yours &c William Knox Esqr Georgia 18th July 1765 London (pr ship Geo. packet Geo Anderson) Sir, Your respected Letter of the 20th of March ulto, we duly received and is now before us giving us a detail of the further progress of the stamp duty Bill, and that you defer'd taking any step, or preparing any petition until you saw the petitions of the other Agents and the reception they met with from the House of Commons that the Agents thought proper to meet to consult upon the form of the petition they were to present and as a general petition was proposed, you prepared one, a Copy whereof we received with your aforesaid Letter and highly approve your avoiding any expressions that might tend to call in question the Authority of parliament or give Motives for an Objection tTj your having a hearing, which we are of oppin- ion you would have obtained had the other Agents joined you therein and had that point been once gained you would have had a fair Opportunity of laying before the Honble House the real hardships it would be upon America, should This letter is of special interest, as it reflects the feeling of the most conservative men of the Province towards the Stamp Act then pending in Parliament. The Stamp Act was passed this year and went into effect on November 1. it was repealed the following year. Mr. Knox greatly offended the people of Georgia by his advocacy of this Act, and for this reason he was for a time discontinued as Agent for the Province. James Habersham deemed it a very unwise measure and sincerely desired its repeal. Hon. James Habersham. H such a Bill pass into a law much better than thro' the medi- ence of an elaborate Remonstrance. We are very sensibly concerned that the Bill has oassed and most earnestly desire and recom¬ mend to you to watch every opportunity either jointly with the other Agents or seperately by yourself of Removing the grievance by petitioning for a repeal of the Act as we fear it may prove of fatal Consequence to some of the Colonvs should, they go too great lengths in denying the Authority of parliament for we believe more may be gained by humbly and dutifuly remonstrating than by any other Method which we can make no doubt but your Conduct as it hitherto has done will verify; We would not however have you from hence infer but that you should join with the other Colony Agents in any and every petition or Remonstrance that may be thought right to prefer provided the subject matter of them is not improperly expressed. We also desire you will again endeavour with the other Agents to get the Law imposing so high a duty upon Wine and Spirits Licences repealed or at least lowered, and as we have a thorough confidence in your integrity and ability knowing you will do everything in your power for the service of this infant province we shall not Enlarge further than to Reffer you to our former letters and assure you that we are with regard Sir, Your Obedt & very humb Servants Jas Habersham P. S. Enclosed we transmit you N Jones Copys of our last letter & the Jams Edwd Powell Resolutions of Council- Lewis Johnson N. W. Jones J Attolenghe Pat Houstoun To The Rev Mr George Whitefield) Savannah the in London 17th August 1765 Rev and Dr Sir After many particulars respecting myself and Family, I added the following White field and Habersham were devoted friends. They came to Georgia together in the same ship in 1738, worked together in the Orphan House at Bethesda, and in many ways aided the great philanthropist In his work. Whitefleld's death was a severe shock to Habersham. 4-2 The Letters of I dont reccollect, whether I ac¬ quainted you that I have taken the sole Management of the settlement of your Nephew's Affairs, and hope to bring them to a Conclusion about Xtmas next- I have already sold goods and got in debts to ascertain about 14s in the Pound, and think He will be able to pay 15s or i5s/6d and as I shall have it in my power to shew, by the most clear and authenic Accounts that He has honestly and without reserve or pre¬ varication given up all for the general Benefit of his Cred¬ itors, and without making any Conditions with them, I must suppose, that they will think th'emselves in Honor and Jus¬ tice bound to give him a general and full Acquittance- You know how he was circumstanced, when you was here, He has an ill assorted Parcel of Goods, was pressed for pay¬ ments, and consequently his Credit was bad, and as He was paying Interest, and must live, the longer he went on, He woud be more incapable of satisfying his Creditors I there¬ fore on Behalf of his Creditors advised him to give up all, and tho' some of the principal of them were at too great a distance to enter in to any Terms with them, they must on Examination, see. He acted for their general good by mak¬ ing an Assignment for their equal Benefit, which is done- I shall further observe, that if his Debts were all good, and his Jewelry and other Trumpery (by no means suitable for this place) had sold for the cost He woud have paid near, if not full 20s in the pound- I mention this to shew that He had not squandered away his Creditors Money, and I must say, because it is Truth, that very, very few unfortunate Men, can give so good and clear an Account, as your Nephew, to his Creditors- I have bought for Mrs Whitefield (your Neice) her Negroe Servant and Child, and some of their House Furniture, which I shall make over to Trustees to her and her heirs- This I am enabled to do by your Bounty of £50, which you will pay Mrs Beckman and as I am well intitled to some commission for my Trouble, (which has not been a little) which I suppose will be £35, I shall give her every farthing of it. I am now in my new House at Savan¬ nah, where I have tolerable Accomodations for you, and your Nephew lives in our Friend Harris's House. He has begun De Novo with a small Apartment of Goods, and as far as I can judge does tolerably well, I mean he may pay his House Rent, and maintain his family without running in Debt, which is the utmost I expect. The Governor has promised me the first Office for him, that may fall, and be worth his acceptance, for- which you and I must be greatly Hon. James Habersham. 43 obliged to him. However he has not much in his power, but every little will help. I believe your Nephew will not take any material step without consulting me, and if it is in your power to give him some further pecuniary Assistance, I think you will bestow it properly, and I believe He will have no Objections at your doing it through my hands. By the step he has taken, his mind is freed from a thousand Anxie¬ ties, and perplexing Embarrassments that tortured him when you was here, and he is really a different Man, and as such, I honestly recommend him to your Countenance. By his Assignments to me he acknowledges himself indebted- (among others) To Mr Beckman with Interest . .. .558. 5.4 To . Mr Justice 31.11.2 To Mr Bush 20.16.2 Mr Dixon will receive Mr Cox's dividends here, and I men¬ tion the above, because I suppose you look on yourself as in¬ terested for them. Mr Beckman's dividend will I suppose be about £420 so that after you have paid him £50 for your Nephew there will remain here about £370. Mr Justice's Dividend will be about £24, which I understand Andrew Hibben in Charlestown is empowered to receive and there will be coming to Mr Bush about £15. 12.0 besides 18s more that I have in my hands, in all £16.10.0. Now if you want to remit money here for your intended College, you woud greatly serve your friends Mr Beckman and Mr Bush to get their Drafts on me of the former for about £370, and of the latter for about £16.10. By this means you will at least save them £8 if not 10 pr Ct as Bills on London are not to be had here for less, and are usually difficult to be got. I dont mean that Mr Beckman should draw on me, for more than half at once, not only because I cannot possitively ascertain what his dividend may be, but at least one half of Mr Whitefield's goods have been sold on credit, in order to make the most of them and will not become due till X (Christmas) next, and as you know how business is too often done here, it may be two, four or six months after, before I get paid. On Second Thoughts I believe it will be most proper for Mr Beckman not to draw on me, but to give a letter of Attorney, to some person that is now or may be here. Suppose your intended President or my Nephew Joseph Clay) to receive his Dividend and give legal acquittances, and such Attorney may be directed about the disposal of his Money, and I sup¬ pose it would be equally necessary for Mr Bush to do the same, otherwise I know not how I can get legally discharged u The Letters of for the payments I may make. I dont recollect that I have any thing to add on this Head, only that you will see by the foregoing that Capt Thompson's debt is precisely on the same footing with the other Creditors Yours & c p.S. I have not forgot your Maedeira Wine when I can get any thing worth sending. One of Mr Whitefield's Creditors, who I thought wou'd have been the hardest with him, told me a few days past that He had acted so just and fair, that He not only wou'd give him a full Discharge on receiving his Dividend, but should, propose to his Creditors to make him some return to begin the World again, and as Mr Beck- mans debt should have had the preference (if any should be given) his fully authorizing a person to settle and finally ac¬ quit your Nephew, will doubtless have a good Effect on the rest of his Creditors, which from his Christian and humane Character I have no doubt of his doing. His motive at first was evidently to secure your Nephew and I have no doubt of the same Motive continuing to operate to the last. Savannah 28th October 1765 To William Knox Esqr- London Dr Sir, Our Assembly met the 22d Instant, and to¬ day I was informed, that an order was made requiring their committee to lay before the House, yours and the Commit¬ tees Correspondence- Your letter intitled, the Claims of the Colonies examined has given the greatest Umbrage, and I am affraid has not left you a single person, who will open their mouths for you in the Assembly, and I think not one of your friends up Stairs can justify your making that pub¬ lication, tho' some of them have endeavored to offer the best reasons, that presented, to soften your taking that Measure- I am sure your particular friend here does not approve of it, and very heartily wishes it had never appeared- I have read with great attention Mr Campbells Pamphlet, called if I recollect, the late Regulations of the Colonies considered, and notwithstanding your great enconium of the perform¬ ance, especially where you say, that he hath so fully answer¬ ed the objection the Colonies make to an internal Tax being imposed, where they are not represented, that you need not add thereon, I cannot my Dear Friend see that either you or he have advanced one real argument in support of the Hon. James Habersham. 45 Assertion- It appears to me an insult on the most common understanding to talk of our being virtually represented, and I must own, I cannot fix any precise idea to the word vir¬ tual, when we are speaking of the indefeasible Birth Right of a Brittish American Subject- Surely our residing in a Country Climate, where our persons & property, are subject to a thousand casualties and inconveniences (unknown to our fellow subjects in great Britain, and ultimately for their benefit) should not deprive us of being tryed by a Jury, or subject us to a taxation by two Legislative bodies; one of them we indeed chearfully submit to, because chosen by our¬ selves to represent us, and as they know our situation and circumstances, they are consequently best qualified to im¬ pose any necessary burdens upon us, but the others cannot (I speak with submission) surely think themselves possessed of those very essential and absolutely necessary qualifica¬ tions- We have not yet seen the Stamp Act here, but we are told it empowers the Court of Admeralty (where a jury is not admitted) to take cognizance of causes arising there¬ upon,—This, to me is not a little alarming, and I may per¬ haps add, is so to every individual inhabitant of this Prov¬ ince, if not of this Continent- I have neither of these Pam¬ phlets to refer to and am not so vain as to pretend to con¬ fute the Arguments advanced for support of the Parliament to tax the Americans, but I say, that your reasoning appears to me the most plausible, tho' upon the whole, I think your Superstructure wants a Foundation, being wholy founded on prescription, and not on any rights invested by the Amer¬ icans in any Man or body of men in Parliament to represent, and consequently tax them- I know many Laws have been made by Parliament to regulate the trade of America, some of which have been found oppressive, and therefore have been scarcely ever executed, and its plain from the late re¬ duction of the Duty on Syrrups, that it has appeared so- I know likewise, that a tax passed to make our real Estates Assets, which always appeared to me very just, yet all this only presumes a right, but does not prove any invested or delegated power of Legislation in Parliament to tax the brittish Americans, especially to load them with a burden they cannot possibly subsist under- I have been told, that the Stamp Act, would raise Annually in South Carolina Forty Thousand pounds Sterling to be paid weekly in Silver for ever, which is perhaps more hard money than finds its way into the Province in three years on an average- I have al¬ ways thought the annual tax raised here, to support our in- 4.6 The Letters of ternal Polity is full as much as the inhabitants can bear, and suppose the Stamps here to produce only one eighth of what it would in So. Carolina, it would amount to as much in one year, as our Tax laws raise in three, and perhaps we have not £5000 in gold or Silver comes into the Colony in five years, tho' the Act would require it in one year- If this is really the case, as I verily believe it is, how must every in¬ habitant of this Continent shudder at the very thought of an act taking place according to my present apprehensions, must inevitably ruin them- But I may perhaps have said too much, and I am sure a great deal more, than I intended, when I began my letter, but I shall not apoligize further to my friend, as I am persuaded, he sincerely believes me to be his- The inhabitants of this place here have already begun to shew their public dislike to this Law, and I hope and very heartily wish, they may not, as some of the Northern people have done, carry it to an unjustifiable excess- You know my principle is to pay a conscientous regard to all orders and acts of Government, especially as a public officer, for no longer, than I could do so, no longer would I act in a pub¬ lic character, persuaded that the Crown have as good a right to faithful servants, as you & I have to those we pay wages to- I have not heard, whether the West India Islands have made any opposition to the Stamp Act, but as they have no other Medium of Trade, but Gold & Silver it may not oper¬ ate so hard on them as on us in regard to payment of the Stamps. My Dear Friend Your affectionate Servant J. H William Knox Esqr pr Capt Arburkle Dear Sir) Savannah in Georgia 30th Oct. 1765 I had the pleasure of writing you a short line by the Georgia Packet Capt Anderson, who sailed in July last, and intended it should be followed by a long Epistle or two, but the very Extraordinary hot Season, till within a few Weeks past, so much relaxed my Nerves and depressed my Spirits, that I could not give the least Attention to any Busi¬ ness, and notwithstanding the innumerable Difficulties that presented against my leaving the Country. I had almost determined to retire to a Climate where I might (if not live), at least breath out the few Days I have to remain here. I thank God I am now something better, and from a total Hon. James Habersham. 47 want of Appetite, begin, if not to like, yet not to love the lit¬ tle Victuals I eat. The Ship that conveys this, Carry's our Silk, and as soon as she sails, the Certificates for Payment of it will be delivered, and out of £1600 I have got £200 for you which you may expect by first Conveyance by way of Charlestown. I am at a loss to guess the Reason of not hearing from Mr Ellis, especially in Regard to the Suit depending about his Thunderbolt Lands, but as I have wrote several Times to him about them, I shall say no more unless He thinks them worth Contesting for. Our Assem- blv met the 22nd Instant and to day, I was informed that an Order was made requiring their Committee to lay before the House Your's and the Committee's Correspondence. Your letter intitled "The Claim of the Colonies examined" has given the greatest Umbrage, and I am afraid has not left you a single Person, who will open their Mouth for you in the Assembly, and I think not one of your Friends up Stairs can justify your making that Publication, tho' some of them have Endeavoured to offer the best Reasons, that presented, to soften your taking that Measure. I am sure your particu¬ lar Friend here does not approve of it, and very heartily wishes it had never appeared. I have read with great Atten¬ tion Mr Campbells Pamphlet, called if I recollect, "The late Regulation of the Colonys Considered," and notwithstanding your great Encomium of the Performance, Especially where you say that He hath so fully answered the Objection the Colonys make to an internal Tax being imposed where they are not represented, that you need not add thereon. I can¬ not my dear Friend see that either you or He have advanced one real Argument in Support of the assertion. It appears to me an Insult on the most common understanding to talk of our being virtually represented, and I must own, I can¬ not fix any precise Idea to the Word virtual when we are speaking of the indefeasible Birth Right of a Brittish Ameri¬ can Subject. Surely our residing in a Country and Climate where our persons and Properties are subject to a thousand Casualties and Inconveniences (unknown to our fellow Sub¬ jects in great Britain, and ultimately for their Benefit) should not deprive us of being tryed by Jury, or subject us to a Tax¬ ation by two Body's; one of them we indeed chearfully sub¬ mit to, because chosen by ourselves to represent us, and as they know our Situation and Circumstances they are con¬ sequently the best qualifyed to impose any necessary Bur¬ dens on us, but the other cannot (I speak with submission) 48 The Letters of surely think themselves possessed of those very essential and absolutely necessary Qualifications. We have not yet seen the Stamp Act here, but are told it answers the Court of Ad¬ miralty (where a Jury is not admitted) to take cognizance of Causes arising thereupon. This to me1, is not a little alarming, and I may perhaps add is so to every individual Inhabitant of this Province, if not of this Continent. I have neither of these Pamphlets to refer to, and am not so vain, as to pretend to confute the Arguments advanced for sup¬ port of the Parliment to tax the Americans, but I must say, that your Reasoning appears to me the most plausible, tho' upon the whole, I think your Superstructure wants a Foun¬ dation, being wholly founded on Prescription, and not on any right invested by the Americans in any Men or Body of Men in Parliament to represent- and consequently tax them. I know many Laws have been made by Parliament to regu¬ late the Trade of America, some of which have been found oppressive, and therefore have been scarcely ever executed, and it's plain from the late reductions of the Duty on Syrups that it has appeared so. I know likewise, that a Law passed to make our real Estate assets, which always appeared to me very just, yet all this only presumes a right but does not prove any invested or delegated Power of Legislation in Par¬ liament to tax the Brittish American, especially to load them with a Burden they cannot possibly subsist under. I have been told that the Stamp Act wou'd raise actually in So Carolina forty Thousand Pounds Sterling to be paid weekly in Silver forever, which is perhaps more hard money than finds it's way into that Province in three years on an Aver¬ age. I have always thought the Annual Tax raised here, to support our internal Polity is full as much as the Inhabitants can bear, and suppose the Stamps here to produce only one Eight of what it wou'd in So Carolina, it wou'd amount to as much in one year as our Tax Laws raise in three, and per¬ haps we have not £5000. in Gold or Silver comes into the Colony in five years tho' the act wou'd require it in one year. If this is really the case, as I verily believe it is, how must every Inhabitant of this Continent shudder at the thought of an Act taking Place, which according to my present ap¬ prehensions must inevitably ruin them. But I may perhaps have said too much, and I am sure a great deal more than I intended when I began my letter, but I shall not apologuze further to my Friend, as I am persuaded, He sincerely be¬ lieves me to be His. The Inhabitants of this Place have al¬ ready begun to shew their public Dislike to this Law, and Hon. James Habersham. 49 I hope and very heartily wish they may not, as some of the Northern People have done; carry it to an unjustifyable Ex¬ cess. You know mv Principle is to pay a conscientous Re¬ gard to all Orders and Acts of Government, especially as a Public Officer: for no longer than I could do so, no longer wou'd I act in a public Character, persuaded- that the Crown have as good a right to faithful Servants as you and I have to those we pay Wages to. I have not heard whether tho', the West India Islands have made any Opposition to the Stamp Act, but as they have no other Medium of Trade, but Gold and Silver, it may not operate so hard on them, as on us in regard to the payment for the Stamps. Mr Jones has this day brought me unexpectedly his bills drawn in your favour on James Fitter Esqr for Thirty Pounds so long agoe as the 28th Jan¬ uary last. He lets you have them without any advance and says he promised them long agoe, and expected I wou'd call for them. I can only say, I forgot them, and you have now £30 more than I meant to send you this year. I wish I could send the Certificate for £200. but they will not be delivered till this Ship is actually sailed. I can scarcely hold' my pen to subscribe my dear Friend Your Affectionate Servant You have the first of Mr Jone's Bill for £30. enclosed. William Knox Esqr in London) Pr the Greenville Packet via Charleston Savannah in Georgia 4th Deer 1765 Dear Sir) My last to you was dated the 28th October past, which was forwarded by the Neptune Capt Arbuckle from this Port, and did little more than enclose our Treasurer Jones's first Bill in your favour on James Fitter Esqr for Thirty Pounds, and now I send you the second Bill and two of our Governor's Certificates for One Hundred Pounds Each, one payable to myself and the other to you. I was advised to take one in my own name, by our mutual Friend, as no Person in Trade was by his order to have more than £250. of these Certificates, and no Private Person (unless for Sums provided for in the Tax Laws) to have more than £100. If the Packet which conveys this had not offered, I know not when I should have had an opportunity of writing to you, as I suppose all the Ports to the Northward of us So The Letters of are shut up, as well as ours, occasioned by not admitting the Stamp Act to operate. The Infection began in Boston, and has spread itself all the Way to this Place, and I am afraid, too many of us mean to be as good Patriots as our Northern Neighbors, notwithstanding we do it to our manifest Injury: I say to our manifest Injury, for altho' I really look upon the Stamp Act, as an ill advised Measure, and that, as it stands must prove very burthen some to the Inhabitants of the Con- tine* t, yet I cannot see, that our refusing to receive the Stamp and consequently stoping up our Ports, the Courts of Jus¬ tice, and in short all Public Offices, can have the least Effi¬ cacy, towards obtaining a Repeal of it, but on the Contrary must (if adhered to for a few months) go near to ruin this Province, and many other innocent Persons in England, who have an undoubted right to receive Payments from us. But this at present is a very unpopular Subject, and a Man that will dare to deliver his free Sentiments for Moderate Meas¬ ures is threatened to be mobbed, and I know not what. Thus are we almost deprived of thinking, by those who call, or rather miscall, themselves the Sons of Liberty. However I have dared to give my opinion against the Violence of the many misguided and over heated Persons, to several that I thought more temperate, tho' I must own with too little Success, and therefore I shall for the Future say little on this Head, till Popular Clamour and Passion subsides, when I have no doubt of being thought a real Son of Liberty. You will doubtless learn from other Hands, that our Assembly have resolved, that they have no further Occasion for your Service as their Agent, notwithstanding I- Cannot learn, that on a Scrutiny of your Correspondence, they could or did blame your Conduct in any one Instance, therefore I must suppose some private unfavourable Impressions were perhaps industriously made to your Prejudice, tho'' the rea¬ son offered by some was that you was not at full Liberty to serve us, being the Crown agent for East Florida, and by others, that you could not consistently oppose what you had in your (Unfinished and lost) Hon. James Habersham. 5i To Mr Wm Symonds Merchant in Philadelphia. Savannah in Georgia the 4th Dec 1765. Dear Sir. I think it more than a year agoe, since I had the Favour of a Line from you, but I do not mention this as a Complaint, as the fault lays more probably with me than with you, and if you agree to say no more about it I shall thank you as I must too sensible feel the least Reproach from you. I find I began a letter to you the 25th June last, when the Heat that then about set in, affected me so much, that I was obliged to postpone finishing it— We have had the hottest Summer and Fall I have ever experienced since I have known this Country, now near 28 years which so much relaxed my nerves and debilitated my Spirits that I have been till within a few weeks just incapable of giving scarcely any attention to business and notwithstanding the many Difficulties that presented against my leaving this Country I had almost de¬ termined to do it. My Son Joe writes me from Philadelphia, of the 9th Ultimo that he had been, and then was, with you during Vacation and was about to return to College, where he lately entered with honor the Sophmore Class. This I have also learnt from one Mr Hutson, who took a Bachel- lors Degree at Nassau Flail the last Commencement; and as Joe likewise informs me that you are marryed to as fine a Lady as any any one in Philadelphia, allow me to send you my very sincere Congratulations on the happy event, and in particular make my best wishes and most cordial Salutations acceptable to the Lady, who as well as yourself must have laid me under many obligations for your mutual kindness to my dear Boy, who mentioned both your Civilities to him, but I must own speaks most feelingly of the Lady's. I wish I could acquaint you, that you might return the Compliment to me, but I really begin to think that I shall never be so happy as to give you an Opportunity— I must tell you that I am very proud of Joe's letter as it discovers a Manly sense of men and Things, and therefore I expect He will write me often, for this letter is the only one, I have received from him, since I parted from him at Prince Town; and surely a tender Father has rather a right to more gratification than a single letter in two years. I wish you would greatly re¬ prove him on this Head. Jemme has his Health very well, is extremely well in Business and is greatly Caressed being Jbmme, referred to here, was the eldest son of James Habersham. He was a merchant In Savannah. He Is elsewhere referred to as "the gentleman of the family," of a mild dis¬ position, and suffering later from had health. 52 The Letters of perfectly good natured, which I am afraid as I have fre¬ quently cautioned him, will be the Rock He will split upon. God only knows how it may be, and I cannot help having My Fears, but as he does not want a tolerable share of good sense, I am in hopes he will make profitable reflections from what he sees and hears among a Volatile, but kind people as we really in general are in this End of the Earth, whether it may be owing to our Climate, or to other Causes, I shall not take upon me to determine, but certain it is that the In¬ habitants of a Cold Country are less sprightly and more ap¬ parently thoughtful than those of a Warm Climate. Dont laugh at me for my odd Chimeras. Be pleased to present my Hearty and very best respects to all Friends with you. May you and I be always under Gods Holy Keeping and do always what is pleasing in his sight, as that only can Con¬ stitute real Happiness. I have only to add that I am with great Truth Dr Sir Yours Etc. Richard Stockton Esqr at Prince Town New Jersey. Savannah in Georgia 20th Jan 1766 Dr Sir. I have not known of any Vessel, that has gone from this Port to Philadelphia for a year past, and I think only one to New York, but I do not mean this by way of Excuse for not answering your kind Favour by Mr Bolton, as I might probably have wrote by way of Boston, as I do this, or per¬ haps by some other Post- I accuse myself for being so long silent, and will be obliged to you, if you will place it to the Account of a bad State of Health, and consequently an aver¬ sion to Thought and Business of all Kinds, than want of Re¬ spect and Friendship- But methinks your good Heart for¬ bids any further apology, therefore I will not add on this Head— I am more than obliged to you and all my good Friends in New Jersey, for the regard you and they express for me, and I wish to deserve vour favourable opinion, how¬ ever, I must say, that I never spent a few Days more agree¬ ably, than at Prince Town, and that you did not contribute a little to make them so- I have resided in this Colony now near 28 years, and as the Heat, for 3 or 4 months every year has so much debilitated my Constitution, that I dread the Approaching summer, you must suppose I wish to retire to James Habersham suffered much from gout. His desire to visit England was never gratified, but he did make a visit to New Jersey .iust before his death and died there in 1775. See letters dated Jan. 7,1774, and Feb. 3,1774. Hon. James Habersham. 53 some more equal and temperate Climate- Last Summer and Fall I almost expected woud have rid me of all future trou¬ ble from either Heat or Cold, and as its desirable to pass my few remaining Days as comfortable as possible I very seriously thought of measures to remove to my Native Coun¬ try and only the Consideration that I would do better for my Children here, than there prevented my coming to a reso¬ lution to quit this Colony. In short the more I thought of it, the more Dufficulty presented. I am so connected here, and the almost impossibility of converting any considerable landed estate here into Cash in any reasonable Time, unless for perhaps a third, of its value, made me drop any further Consideration on that subject for the Present, notwith¬ standing, I hope to break loose and make a Visit to England in a year or two, but if not there, perhaps it may be to your parts. I most cordially congratulate you on the increase of yr family and do heartily wish God may make them com¬ fortable to you and Mrs Stockton, to whom be pleased to present my sincere regards- Accept the same &c. To the Revnd Mr Samuel Finley of Nassau Hall Prince Town New Jersey. Savannah in Georgia the 20th Jan 1766. Revnd & Very dear Sir. I shall not attempt to excuse my too long silence to you, but willingly acknowledge my Fault, and if you will forgive without chiding me too much I will thank you, as I must too sensibly feel the most tender rebuke from you especially as I promise to endeavour amendment for the future. At present my Heart is torn to pieces with our pres¬ ent internal Distractions occasioned by the Stamp Act. I must and do dislike it, but I detest and abhor from every motive Human and Divine the Intemperate Zeal, to say no worse that has been shewn throughout this Continent on the Occasion—Surely such a Conduct must obstruct rather than forward a repeal of it and perhaps for the present put it out of the Power of the best of Kings to redress us. But I shall not obtrude on your precious moments with Politics unless to engage your addresses to him (who ruleth over the mad¬ ness of the People) to establish Peace, Harmony and Con¬ fidence amongst us—I have had a very bad share of Health for 9 months past, and very affectingly experienced that In¬ firmities and Age keep pace to-gether, and tho', as the cool weather came on, I found my Nerves begin to brace up, yet 54 The Letters of the late Disturbances have so chagrined me, that I scarce experience any Benefits from one of the finest winter Cli- cates in the World. I had a letter from my son Joe dated from Philadelphia the 9th Nov. last. He informs me that he has entered the Sophmore Class, he hopes with Honor, and I think his letter rather sensible and manly I make no doubt of his making solid improvement. I saw one Mr Hut- son who had a Bachellors Degree Conferred on him the last Commencement at Nassau Plall, and he gave me a good ac¬ count of Joe— I have heard but once from our Friend Mr Whitefield since he arrived in England, where he found his very pious and particular friend Lord Dartmouth at the Head of the Board Of Trade, which I trust will not only be a fa¬ vourable Circumstance to forward his Designs in this Prov¬ ince, but be beneficial to the whole Continent. I do not for¬ get the kindness of Good Mrs Finley & your whole family to me when at Prince Town, to whom I desire you will make my regard acceptable and be assured, that I am Really Revnd and dear Sir Your affectionate and very hble Servt Pray assure Mr Forman and all inquiring Friends that I wish them all happiness. To the Rev Mr George Whitefield in London and the Friend¬ ship Capt Saml Ball Savannah in Georgia the 27th Jan 1766 Rev and Very Dear Sir. I had the pleasure of writing you a long letter of the 17th August last, and intend now to give you all the News here, which however insignificant to almost all mankind, cannot be so to you, who are so much interested in our Welfare; but we are in so much Confusion here about the Stamp Act that every Friend of Government and good Order, I may say of the Province, gives his whole attention to prevent, if possible, the most fatal Consequences— My very Flesh trembles while I am writing to you, at, I must say, the Madness of the People here, we mean to be as good patriots, as they have shewn themselves— Surely the violent measures that have been persued must rather retard than for¬ ward a repeal of the Act, which I must be free to say, I think was passed with too much Precipitation— You know my Principle especially as a public officer, is to obey all orders and Acts of Government, for no longer, than I can do so, Hon. James Habersham. 55 no longer will I act in a Public Character, persuaded that the Crown have as good a right to faithfull servants, as you and I have to those we pay wages to. On this account I have had an incendiary letter written to me, have been threatened to be mobbed at Night, and have my House pulled down, and while I am writing this, a friend has whispered to me to be in some Place out of, Town 2 or 3 days hence, least I should meet with some severe Insult which advice I shall follow, as we are well informed two or three Hundred Peo¬ ple are gathering together in the Country, and intend to encamp near the Town; in order I suppose to intimidate the Governor and public officers to comply with their Demands— What they may be, I can only guess, but probably one will be to put a totall stop to issuing Stamp Papers, for you must understand that we have so far prevailed on the Sons of Lib¬ erty as they call themselves in this Town that the Stamp Papers be issued to clear out Vessells, otherwise I should not have had an opportunity of sending you this—We have now I believe, Sixty Sea Vessells in this Harbor, but I am afraid that Commerce will be again interrupted and all pub¬ lic officers, as well as Law Proceedings continue, as they have been since the 1st Nov last, to be stopt. Dreadfull it is to find one's Person and Property at the Disposal of a giddy multitude for surely we are no longer Freeman, than the Laws of our Country can freely operate to protect them— I must insist on your not making a public use of this scrawl as I have not only wrote in a great hurry, but with un- reservedness—God bless you—I can say no more—My Heart bleeds—I shall only add that you have enclosed, a Bill of Lading for a quarter Cask Maidera Wine, which I think extremely good- It has lain by two or three months, and may have leaked, and want two or three quarts to fill it, but I do not chuse to mix any other wine with it I know you will ac¬ cept it as a small token of my unfeigned regard- Young Capt Ball has promised to take it in his Cabin and deliver it safe and in good order to you- I would have paid him the Freight, but he says that all Freights are paid in Lon¬ don- As the wine, I know, is extraordinary, I hope no adul¬ teration will be attempted on board, I am my dear Friend Yours most Affectionately P. S. The People at Bethesda are all well. Our honest Governor has on this Critical occasion behaved like himself, I mean like a pian of honor and a faithful Servant of the Crown. 56 The Letters of To Wm Knox in London. & the Friendship of Capt Ball Savannah in Georgia the 29th Jan 1766 Dr Sir Your last letter that came to Hand was dated the 22d June past and tho' I am not likely to succeed in a kind Help-mate, I heartily wish you may as no one more cor¬ dially wishes, your Happiness than I do) May it be soon and in every respect as yr Heart can desire- But my dear Friend I cannot now spend Time on so agreeable a Subject. We are here in the utmost confusion and our honest Governor, who will not submit an Inch to the phrenzy of an unthinking Mutitude, is laboring Night and day to prevent the worst Consequences- I think my self a person of no Consequence, however I have had an incendiary Letter sent me, have been waylaid in the night, threatened to have my House pulled down, which is now a new one, and well stored in every re¬ spect, and from a Hint from a Friend, I suppose it may be prudent for me to quit it 2 or 3 nights and leave our Friend Colin Harris in Possesion, while I take shelter unknown even to the Collonel in the Governors- How dreadful it is to have one's person and property under the Dominion of a Mob?"' O Liberty wither art tho' fled? Surely we can no longer be said to have a Shadow of it, than while the Law can freely operate to protect us. Good God! did I ever ex¬ pect to see this day, and yet I think all will end well with us, perhaps better, than in any of the Northern Colonys, on this Side Nova Scotia. I know the Governor is thrust at through my Sides, but I will cheerfully bear it, Lewis John¬ son bears his share, and Martin, Harris, and Graham have not flinched on the occasion. You see how I am looked upon notwithstanding what I wrote you on the Stamp Act. I am still of the same opinion in regard to the main Points, but could wish to retouch my letter, however it was wrote to and from a Friend We have with indefatigable Pains got the Stamps to be quietly issued to clear out Vessells, of which we have now 60 in the Harbor, but in no other re¬ spect, consequently all Law Proceedings, and every thing in all public offices (except clearing Ships) is stopped. But I must have done with this disagreeable Subject, and ac¬ quaint you, that I sent you two of the same enclosed cer¬ tificates for £100 each by the Greenville Packet the 4th Ul¬ timo. God bless you I am truly, Dr Sir Yours Affectionately P. S. Capt Ball has been witness to all the terrible Con¬ fusion we have been in— Hon. James Habersham. 57 Revnd Mr George Whitefield in Tondon and the Countess of Sussex Savannah in Georgia 7th Febry 1766. Revnd and very dear Sir. I had the Pleasure of writing you by young Capt Ball the 22d ultimo, who sailed over our Barr, I am told, two days agoe, and by him I sent you a Cask Maiedera Wine, and then enclosed you a Bill of lading for it, and least it should miscarry I have now enclosed you the second- I think the Wine of the best Quality, and if it gets safe and free of Adulteration I hope you will find it so. I am now confined with a smart fit of the gout, and write with no little Difficulty— All are well at Bethesda- You will learn by Ball of the terrible Confusion we have been in here on account of the Stamp Act. I thank God it has at present blown over, without any considerable Damage to the Persons and Prop¬ erty of some who were threatened—Our Governor has be¬ haved with unusual Firmness & Spirit. If all his Majesty's servants on this Continent had done the same, probably The People woud not have carried their Dislike to the Act to the lengths, I am sorry to say- they have done- I must own, I have objections to the Act, and perhaps some of the Dutys imposed will prove too burdensome and unequal what must be the case when a general—tho' made by the wisest most August and respectable Body of Men is to operate among a Number of Individuals of whose particular situa¬ tion and Circumstances, they cannot be supposed to be per¬ fectly acquainted; notwithstanding. I detest and abhor, from every motive human and divine the intemperate Zeal to say no worse shewn on this occasion throughout this Continent. Surely such conduct must obstruct rather than forward a repeal of the Act, and perhaps for the present put it out of power of the best of Kings to redress us. But I will not intrude on yr precious moments with Politics unless to en¬ gage yr addresses to him, who ruleth over the Madness of the People to establish Peace, Harmony, and Confidence amongst us God bless you- I can no more, only that I am etc To Mr Daniel Roubadeau in Philadelphia Pr Sloop Sarah James Stewart for Boston Savannah in Georgia the 17th Dec 1766- Dr Sir) I have not now time to inform you of the particulars of yr affairs here, only that I have finally settled with Read The Letters of and Mossman, and have their note (now due) for the Bal- lance, yet coming to you, Namely £i77, 10,4 Sterling besides the Bill which they paid me now enclosed you for £100 Ster¬ ling drawn by our Governor on Abraham Mortier Esqr in New York.- I have done as for myself, and hope I shall meet with yr approbation, and by the next Conveyance will ac¬ quaint you of every particular. You will understand that I have yet to receive of said sum of £177, 10,4 Sterling with £8 PCt Interest, from the 4th Instant. I dont know of any Conveyance that has offered to yr City for almost, if not more, than a year past, probably occasioned by a report, that has prevailed here, that yr Assembly have pass'd an Act imposing a Duty of 5 pCt on rice, our principal Staple. This goes by way of Boston. We have here been in the utmost confusion about the Stamp Act, and God only knows how it may end, As we are almost in arms, one against another. Surely the Intemperate and indecent Zeal shewn on this Oc¬ casion cannot have the Effect desired, I mean that it must retard, rather than forward a repeal of this ill advised Act But I must conclude- We have agreed to make use of Stamps to open our Ports but on no other occasion, other¬ wise I should not have had this opportunity of writing to you. In Charlestown, the Port Continues as yet shut up. I did not know of this Conveyance, till within an hour past, or should have wrote to you more fully. We have upwards of 60 Sea Vessells in the Harbour, but have no Marine In¬ telligence by any News Paper, as our printer does not chuse to publish. I am Dr Sir Your most obt Serv J. H. To Samuel Lloyd Esqr in London Savannah 5th Sept-1767- Dear Sir, If my Voice and all the influence I could have with my friends, could make you our provincial Agent, you would not want it, and I have mentioned among my select friends that I wished you if you would accept it, in the capacity, and indeed I have expected, that you would have at least succeeded the late Mr Martyn as Kings Agent, as some grat¬ ification for your services, when in Trust for this Colony especially as the emolument was better, more permanent, This letter is of special interest, as it shows how the Provincial Agent was created, and why Mr. Knox was discontinued. See letters dated Oct. 28, Oct. 30, and Dec. 4,1765. See also letter dated March 31,1764. Hon. James Habersham. 59 less troublesome and not subject to the precarious humour of an American Assembly I doubt not but you know this De¬ partment is at present occupied by one Mr Campbel of Queens Square Holbourn- In regard to Mr Knox, the case stands thus- He did not stand well with some in the House of Assembly- I mean the house of Representatives, for you doubtless know, that the Legislature here consist of the Governor, Council & Assembly, who must respectively con¬ cur in every act of legislation, having some resemblance to the Legislature of Great Britain of King, Lords & Com¬ mons- The Council are appointed by the Crown, and act in two capacities namely, as a council of state to the Gov¬ ernor and as an Upper House in General Assembly- The Assembly (by which you will understand, I mean through¬ out this letter, the house of Representatives) are chosen by the Majority of Freeholders, and claiming the sole right of granting Money, as the Commons of Great Britain do, they also claim a right of nominating an Agent, because they say, they must provide for his Salary and for all other Expences in transacting the Provincial Business- The provincial Agent has hitherto been Annually appointed, and consequent¬ ly but for one year, by an Ordinance, in which the Council concur, and the Governor assents to it, and therein a Com¬ mittee of twelve persons are named and appointed to cor¬ respond with him, namely five of the Council & Seven of the Assembly; and this I suppose to be the only legal way of constituting an Agent, and I also suppose, that without such an appointment, I mean by the three branches of the Legis¬ lature, no person would be received at the respective Boards in London as an Agent- Mr Knox having wrote something about the Stamp Act, which gave the Majority of the As¬ sembly disgust, in the midst of the Madness that possessed too many in America, they took upon them to order such of their members as were of the Committee, to write to Mr Knox, that they had no further occasion for his- service- The Upper House on the other hand voted their thanks to Mr Knox for his faithful services- This was near two years ago- The Governor then recommended one Mr Cumberland to be their Agent, of which the Assembly took no notice, but sent their respective petitions to the King, Lords & Commons against the Stamp Act to Mr Garth Agent for South Caro¬ lina to present- Thus the affairs rested, till the last Session of General Assembly, when the Assembly sent up an Ordin¬ ance to the Upper House in the usual forfn to appoint Mr Garth Agent but they could by no means concur and agree 6o The Letters of to it, Mr Garth being Agent for South Carolina, with which province we have very momentous affairs depending to be decided in England, and consequently the Upper house could not conceive, how Mr Garth could act in the same cause, for and against, and do justice to both provinces, and therefore they rejected the Ordinance; notwithstanding which, the Assembly did appoint a Committee of their own members to instruct and correspond with Mr Garth with¬ out any other appointment, than a bare resolution of their own House- This occasioned a disagreeable altercation be¬ tween the Upper House and the Assembly, and the matter has been fully stated to England, and now lays before the Ministry for their decission, which we daily expect- I am persuaded our happiness depends on our subor¬ dination to the Mother Country, and no longer; than that subsists no longer shall we be a free & flourishing People- By this time you see it is not in my power to gratify you in your inclination, however ardently I wish to do it- Please to make my Compliments acceptable to Mr Roberson- He must, from what he has seen, know much of what I have wrote, but had he been here during our late Tumults, he would have seen and heard, what I think must have made him very unhappy, as I am sure it has me- I am &c Yours James Habersham William Knox Esqr Savannah in Georgia in New Street Hanover Square London the 17th Novr 1767 pr Mr Hall Dr Sir About two Months agoe, I sent by Mr Hall, who had taken a Passage in the unfor¬ tunate Ship Hawke, a Coat and Breeches to get a Summer suit made by them- This Ship you will learn was cast away in a hard Gale of Wind near Sapalo with a valuable Cargoe, among which was our last years silk- All the crew and pas¬ sengers got safe on Shore, and Mr Hall goes to Charles- Town to take a passage from thence my coat and Breeches were lost in the Hawke, but Mr Hall is so obliging as to take This letter shows the close personal friendship existing between James Habersham and William Knox. The latter had not acted as Provincial Agent for some time, but he is here charged with having made for his friend a new suit of clothes, which, doubtless, he was glad to do in return for the many favors'which Habersham had shown him in looking after his business in Georgia. The minute directions given for the clothing throws an important light upon the style of dress worn at that time. He acknowledged the receipt of his clothes in a letter dated July 12,1768, which see. See also letter dated June 10,1771. Hon. James Habersham. 61 another Coat and Breeches to deliver you-I shall not apolo¬ gize for the Trouble I am now to give you, because I would not disoblige you-All my cloths are miserably spoiled by the Bunglers here, and after repeatedly trying new Hands, I am forced to this Method of getting a decent Garb I want a dress, plain and grave Col¬ oured Silk Coat- A black silk Waistcoat without sleeves, one pair of fine black frame knit silk stocking Breeches, and two pair of the finest frame knit black worsted stocking Breeches, as the best are the cheapest for common use- I chuse black Breeches, as they suit my coloured Coat, and I want the Black silk Waistcoat to attend funerals in Summer, for in that hot season, I always wear holland Jackets, except on these solemn occasions. In the Breeches Pocket now sent, you will find a piece of silk Grogram, of which I have a Coat that has now done its best after 3 Summers wear- The Colour I like, because I think it suitable for a man of near 55 years of age, and I only send it on account of the colour, that )^ou may know, what I mean by grave, for otherwise I think it coarse, and would have something finer- However I entirely leave the choice to you. I suppose you will employ your own Taylor, and I would have him keep my Measure by him, in Case I may have Occasion to apply to him hereafter- you will observe, that I want a dress Coat, and that I dont send the Coat and Breeches for any other purpose, than to direct, as far as I can the size.- The Coat fits me at present tolerably well, is not cut quite full enough over the Breast, it is also about iy2 Inches too short in the Sleeve, and full 2*^ Inches too short in the Skirts-These Defects the Workman will rec¬ tify- The Coat has been made 5 years-I would have my new Coat lined with something strong, and as light as possible, and the Taylor should particularly notice, that Cloaths can¬ not possibly be made too light and airy for Summer wear here, The Coat will doubtless direct him in the size of the Waistcoat-The Breeches now sent are about an Inch too short, and are a little too wide over the thigh, which the workman will advert to, in the Breeches to be made for me, and I shall add, that as I would not be quite in, neither would I be quite out of the fashion- What that may be,- I know not, but I apprehend a Cuff on the Sleeve, something like the Coat sent, may be as decent for a Man of my years as any-pray excuse this odd Epistle, and send the Workman 62 The Letters of for payment of the whole to Mc Gillivarv, Grahams and Clark- I had almost forgot to say, that I would have the Trimmings of the Coat quite plain, I mean the Buttons of the same Colour with the Coat, and send at least a dozen of spare Buttons, and some Remnants of the outside of the Coat, and lining to repair it, if necessary, and if two dozen of small Buttons and some Remnants of the Black silk vest were sent to mend, it would not me amiss, as you know such things are not always to be had here I would also have about an Inch let in on each side of the Coat and Jackett to let out, in case I should grow more Bulky, and any alteration should be needfull- Desire your Workman to send me Directions in his Bill how to write to him, and if he pleases me, I can then for the fu¬ ture send direct to him, without troubling you-I need not mention, as we all wear Drawers here, that the Breeches are not to be lined, and care will be taken to line the Seams with something strong- It's time to have done- I am dear Sir Your faithfull Friend and Svt James Habersham P. S. I believe I am a little round shouldered, and cannot wear a Coat, that is pinched there, and therefore I would not have the Coat and Waistcoat to be made a bitt less over the Shoulders, than the Coat sent-I am the more particular about the size, because if the Workman has once fixed my measure, there will be no need of a repetition on that head- I hope to have these Cloths to wear the 4th June next our Good King's Birth day- Pray direct the Taylor to have the Coat as light as possible, and if the Masster on the vessell the Cloths are sent by, would put them in his Cabin or in some as dry place in the Ship, I would be much obliged to him, as I have frequently known Silks especially, very much spotted by the Heat of the Hold Tho' I have mentioned sending a pc of silk Grogram in the Breeches Pocket, I be¬ lieve I forgot to do it in the last pair, which are gone to Charles-Town, and therefore you will find a Bitt enclosed William Knox Esqr Savannah in Georgia In London the 4th December 1767 Dr Sir My last to you was dated the 17th Ul¬ timo by Mr Hall a Resident Merchant of this Town, who Concerning Mr. Ellington mentioned here, see letters dated Dec. 31,1770, and Jan. 9, 1771. Also letter dated Jan. 9,1771. Hon. James Habersham. 63 went tor England by way of Charlestown, and hearing of a Ship ready to depart from this Port for London, I must drop you a line, partly on my own affairs, and partly on yours,- I am obliged to you for pointing out the Error in my Preju¬ dice of 18 in the last account Current I sent you, which after reexamination I find to be so, and have accordingly charged you said sum in New Account Mr Ellington in his way to Augusta took up his Abode with me about a Month.- He preached here several Times with general Acceptance. I say general, because there were a few scoffers, which I think no bad tok¬ en-all allow him to be a pretty and pathetic Orator in the Pulpit, and an engaging Reader in the Desk- He strips the Creatures of all Dependance on himself, and preches Christ crucifyed as the only Foundation of all acceptance with God. This Nature cannot bear, for the world by Wisdom knew not God- A Paradox indeed, but so truly is Christianity to the wise of this world, however if I know anything of the Doctrine of all protestant Churches, and of the church of England in particular, Mr Ellington is with them- He had some tempting offers to stay in Carolina, where He was very much approved of, and I have the better opinion of him for refusing them- Mr Barnard and several Gentlemen from Augusta were here, and on their return took him with them, and if God gives the People hearing Ears, and obedient Hearts, He must be a precious Present to that Parish. I do not recollect any thing particular to add, but that I am with true regard to Mrs Knox, Dr Sir Yours &c- To Henrv Laurens Esqr Savannah in Georgia in Charlestown the 22 February 1768 pr Mr Bruce Dear Sir I have now before me your favours of the 25th Ulto and the qth Current, both which, I think I have not yet made any reply to- I am truly concerned, that you have been indisposed, because, if I know my own Heart, I wish you all Happiness- I thank you very kindly, for your offer to, accomodate my Son Joe, till He can be placed out, and I am very sensible of the Difficulty of get¬ ting him into a proper House in Charlestown, as I have now no interesting Connections there, which really puts me to a 64. The Letters of loss, how to dispose of him- Mr Clay seems to like him, but as my youngest Son John is in that House, and my oldest Son /. Jemme / is Mr Clay's Copartner, I, am afraid that Joe may not pay that Defference to his Brother, as may be right, and indeed three Brothers together in one employ are too many, tho' I believe they are as affectionate to each other, as any usually are; but you know, there is a subjec¬ tion necessary to bring up Lads to Business, which it may be difficult for one Brother to exercise to another, and I am persuaded, such will think submission to a stranger more eligible and easy- I truly do not make this observation, be¬ cause I have any reason to suppose my Children less obedi¬ ent and docile, than others, but I think experience will gen¬ erally justify the remark. I have told Mr Bruce, if He comes here, that I will heartily render him any Service in my Power, and I flat¬ ter myself, that you have not many Friends more desirous of demonstrating on all occasions their esteem and regard for you, than, my Dr Sir Your affectionate Friend and Srt To William Knox Esqr London Savannah 7th May 1768- Our Assembly was dissolved about three weeks ago, and writs are issued for electing a new one- The spirit of opposition never was more violent, than now, and every election hitherto, which are this Town, the Sea Islands, Ver- nonbourgh & Acton have been carried against, what are now called, the Governor and his party, or more properly the friends of Government- I hear Mr Richd Crooke and young Mr Houstoun are arrived in Charlestown, and may probably have your letters- Pray did you enclose them to anyone in Charlestown or send them to find their way, without any in¬ termediate address to forward them- The upper House were of opinion, that the same objection remained against Mr Garths being appointed Agent this, as did the last year, be¬ cause from the different interests of the two adjoining prov¬ inces, causes of altercation must naturally arise, and to com¬ promise with the Assembly, they agreed to appoint Mr Franklin the Philadelphia Agent, ours likewise by a Ordin¬ ance- For my part, I dont think he will act, as I apprehend Charles Garth was the Provincial Agent for Carolina, who for a time acted also as Agent for Georgia after the displacement of William Knox. See note to letter dated July 27, 1764. Hon. James Habersham. (>5 his residence is properly in Philadelphia, and that his abode in London is only to answer a temporary sendee- Mr Garths letter did not come to the Assembly till Mr Franklin was nominated, but if it had, and I had seen your letter to the Governor concerning the Agency, perhaps the objections against Mr Garth might have had less weight- My dear Sir Yours- J. Habersham William Knox Esqr Savannah in Georgia in London the 7th May 1768 pr my Son Joseph in the Show Britania Capt Doone Dear Sir This I hope will be handed you by my second Son named Joseph, who has not his Health here, and goes to England hoping to obtain it there, in which I am persuaded, He will not be disappointed- He was at a College in new Jersey about 6Jd years, and has been returned here about 16 or 18 Months, and I wish I could say his native air was as favourable to his Health, as I understand the Northern air was, tho' even there He tells me, some days in the Summer were very distressing to him,. He is very well all the Winter here, but in the hot summer months, and perhaps its as hot here, as in any part of the Globe, He is daily attacked with a violent Head Ach, which is accompanied with such a relaxation of his Nerves, as al¬ most to render him incapable of Business, and therefore wishes to spend a few years in a more temperate climate, where He hopes his Nerves wbuld be braced up, and his con¬ stitution so strengthened, that if either necessity or conven¬ ience might oblige him to reside in a Climate, not at present so favourable to his Health, He would be the better able to bear it; and as I am determined to gratify him in going to a more equal and cooler Climate, than Georgia, I would not hesitate to fix on England- He is I believe a tolerable classical Scholar, has, since He has been here, attempted to acquire the French language, which I have desired him to perfect in London, and has made some Progress in the knowledge of accounts &c, which, tho' an absolutely neces¬ sary part of Education, no kind of Care had been taken to instruct him in to the Northward, and especially in writing, which was so bad, when first He returned here, that it was scarcely legible, and its far from being now. I would it a good Business hand, as you see by the aforesaid copy of my <5 <5 The Letters of letter of the 14th Ulto- He has been in Clay & Habersham's store and compting House 2 or 3 Months, and gave very close application, and at present expresses himself very de¬ sirous to persue a mercantile Business, which I have no Ob¬ jection to, but rather approve his Choice- I have requested my Friend Mr Knox to take him under his particular Care and Charge, and to provide him with everything, that may be necessary, and more may be hurtfull- Our Friend John Gra¬ ham has been so kind as to write you a line by my Son, which He will deliver you, and if you have room, or would oblige me to admit him into your compting House,you would make a Father anxious for the welfare of his Child, very happy- I have no great Fortune to give my three Sons, who are the only remains of a numerous Family, and consequently they must depend on their Industry to improve the little, I may be able to give them I mention this, because I do not send my Son to London to spend in an idle and hurtfull way, what I have laboured for with great Industry, but principally for the recovery of his Health, and at the same time to ac¬ quire the Knowledge, how to get his Bread in an honest and reputable manner; and therefore I expect that you or who¬ ever may take him into compting House, will keep him closely employed, and I flatter myself, He will have sense to know, that Industry, submission and a punctual and cheer¬ ful obedience to all oders, He may receive, will not only be his indispensible Duty, but his best recommendation to the esteem of me and my Friends- If it should be thought neces¬ sary to have him taught to write better, before He goes into Business, I shall have no objection to his being 3 or 6 Months in a good Academy, where He might at the same time perfect himself in French, and if you, Sir, will take him under your Care, I shall desire Mr Knox to spare no expense to make him usefull to you, and comfortable to himself, I mean I would by no means have him be the least Burthensome to you. P. S. Tho I have mentioned my Sons present Inclination to engage in commerce, yet if he should alter his mind, and chuse some other employment, I shall have no objection, as I dont mean to lay any unreasonable restraint on my Child¬ ren. Thus far to Mr Clark, and I have written something to the same Purport, tho' not so fully, to Mr Whitefield, Mr Ellis and Mr Lloyd, but the two former, I suppose, may not have it much, if at all, in their power to Hon. James Habersham. 67 serve my Son, and the latter as I have now no interesting Connections with him, may not think much about him, es¬ pecially as He has applied to me to get him appointed Agent for the Province, which I have candidly wrote him is not in my Power to oblige him in- you see I have no assurance of Mr Clark taking Joe, and I wrote to the other Gentlemen before mentioned, who might, on your consulting them, re¬ tain so much Friendship for me, as to throw in their Interest, whatever it may be, to get him situated, where He may have an opportunity of seeing something of real Business- I think Joe a sensible Lad- It has been remarked here, that Jemme, my eldest son is the Gentleman, that is, is not over fond of Business, Joe the plodding, plain man, and John my youngest, the Merchant, and truly I think him one of the best Clerks in the Province, and as a specimen, the Copy of my letter of the 14 Ulto and your account Current are his writing He was but 13 years of age last Deer has had no other Educa¬ tion, than what He got here under my own eye, having never been out of the Province, and I truly lament, that I ever sent my other two Sons to the Northward- Joe went there at 8y2 years of age, and under the Idea of stuffing his Head with useless Criticisms on Phrases and Words in Latin and Greek, He was neither taught to write legibly nor with Propriety in the Language. He intends to get his Bread in; however as I am sure, he does not want Ability and Industry. I think Pie will turn out a clever Fellow- Mr Pryce will weather him across the Atlantic, and will therefore tell you, what He thinks of your Boy, for I truly call him yours, and as the greatest Instance of my Esteem, I really commit him wholly to you, and do hope as a reciprocal Instance of your Friend¬ ship to me, that you will accept the Present I now make you- I have told Joe,'if He has Health, and can make his way in to Business in England, and should chuse to reside there, rather than in America, I would do all in my power to as¬ sist him, I did not say what, but I hope to be able to give him 1500 £ if not £2000 to buy Tools to begin with, however this I have cautioned him to keep to himself, as perhaps it might be an objection to a Person's taking him into a compting House, because He might one day carry away some of his Business. This Town is at present so very bare of Goods, that it does not afford a yard of woolen Cloth of any kind to make a suit of Cloths, which he is so much in want of, that I wish what He has may last to cover his Nakedness to Lon¬ don- at my expressing my uneasiness at sending my Child away in so shabby a Plight, our Friend Charles laughed at 68 The Letters of me, and asked, if I wanted to carry Coals to New Castle, that it was only Joe's feigning unwell for a day or even an Hour, and Tom Harris in Monmouth Street would rig him off as shanty as He need be- I believe He has shirts for some time, but He will want every thing else, and I think two suits of Cloths immediately- I mention this, because as he has not been used to provide for himself at his own Discretion yet, you will be good enough to let him apply to you for every thing He may want, of which, you will not only be the judge, but order and pay for, till you find him prudent enough to do it for himself- In the mean Time, be pleased to furnish him with what Pocket money, you think will be sufficient for a Lad of his years, 17 next August, to spend innocently- As I do not know, what may happen before He may reach you, I have given him tio in Gold and Silver- And now my good Friend, I beg you will provide and pay for every thing necessary for him, in which I desire you will not be too sparing, and I will punctually, thankfully and gratefully repay you- Methinks this taking leave of my Son perhaps never more to see his Face on this side Eternity is awfull and will excuse a falling Tear- God bless you my Friend. Pray make my Regards acceptable to your Lady, and tell her I hope Joe will make her a dutifull Son- My dear Sir Yours &c To my Son Joseph Habersham on his going to London Savannah the 10th May 1768. My dear Child, Be fore I take leave of you, perhaps never more to see your face on this side Eternity, let me enjoin rather let me request you, as a proof of the filial duty you owe to a Parent, anxious, very anxious for your welbeing both for Time and Eternity to give the few following remarks a fair and candid reading on the first day of every month for one year after your arrival in London- This letter illustrates tbe tenderness and deep religious feeling of James Habersham, The heart is touched at the parental solicitude expressed in this letter, and, keeping in mind the noble character of the father and his loyalty to the King, the subsequent career of this same "Joe" heading the Liberty Boys in Savannah, arresting Governor Wright, capturing the King's powder, and his prominence in the National Government of America, seems from this point of view a deep ingratitude. The tide of the Revolution, however, was sweeping rapidly onward, and in the climax of events the patriotism of the son and the loyalty of the father compel equally our admiration. Joseph Habersham was Post- master-General under Washington and the elder Adams* Hon. James Habersham. You know, I have often lamented my sending you and your elder Brother from under my own Eye, for your Edu¬ cation, because from clear Demonstration, I am convinced that no Person, however well disposed can feel and be so watchfull^ for your real Interest, as a Parent I shall not enter into particulars, because they will naturally occur from your own Experience- I need not say that my present motive for agreeing to your going to England is principally for the Establishment of your Health, which I have no doubt of your obtaining and thereby rendering the unavoidable Vicissitudes of Life more easy to pass through; But- Tho' this is my Chief Care in regard to your Body, yet I must be much more concerned for the welfare of your better part, your precious and immortal Soul, which is to live in a State of Happiness or Misery when Time shall be no more- This indeed is a momentous Point, did I say momentous, that does not I think fully express my meaning it is the only object, that should first and primary engage our Attention, if we believe what our Saviour says- Seek ye first the King¬ dom of God and his righteousness, and all these Things shall be added to you, which I apprehend is as much as if our Sa¬ viour had said, first secure an Interest in the Kingdom of God and .these things, the things of this Life which men are eargerly in pursuit of shall be superadded and thrown into the bargain, as things of no account with God You have been taught and may you my Child experience its Truth, that you are a Sinner by Nature, as well as by Prac¬ tice, that in that State, you are at an infinite Distance from, and an Enemy to God, that Christ alone having done and suffered all that is necessary to reconcile you to God, is there¬ by become a perfect and complete Mediator and through him that is by believing on, and cordially embracing him, in his mediatorial character for life and Salvation, you have Peace with God, have authority to call him Father, who will also give you his Holy Spirit to renew and sanctify your Heart and qualify and make you meet for his Kingdom of Glory hereafter- I need not say, because you are first enjoyned to secure your eternal happiness, that you should by any means neglect your Worldly Employment- Every man ought to be indus¬ trious and diligent in that Station wherein Providence has placed him- An Idle man is the lumber of Creation and if it could be, I would almost say ought to be expelled Society- such generally being the ring-leaders in all manner of Iniquity 7° \ The Letters of and consequently Enemies to Society; and you know I have often told you that the way to avoid being led into Tempta¬ tion is always to be lawfully employed and I think it is an observation founded on Fact, that Industry and Sobriety are always attendants- In all populous Places, and especially in London, where I resided several years- you will daily see new objects and new Faces, and I know the People very prudently avoid making new Acquaintances, unless where their business is especially interested and indeed except in that Case you will generally find that next door Neighbors have no more real Knowledge of each other than the greatest Strangers. The reason is, there are so many People who appear otherwise that what they really are, that to avoid being imposed upon, every wise and discreet Person will carefully shun making even any Ap¬ proach to an Acquaintance, 'till the Person is well known- You will also find sharpers in every place of public Resort, and those of a lower Class at every Corner of a Street, who will endeavour to engage your attention in order to draw you into some Snare, by some specious Artifice, perhaps under the Disguise of kindness, Civillity and I know not what- From such flee as for your life- I have before observed, that for a considerable Time new objects will daily strike you- Dont at first give too much attention to them, I mean when you have Business to do- because they will naturally divert your mind from it, and whenever you are sent out about Business, be particularly carefull to make all the Dispatch you can, this will preserve you from Snares and please those you transact for- Never attempt to go near a mob, as they are often fomented to perpetrate Robery and in the Confusion to practice the greatest Villainies Lastly- Never be out at night at any Place of public Diversion, or elsewhere, even in the most reputable House, without the Knowledge and consent of those who may have the Charge of you; because if it be a friends house you will be where no objection may be made and if at a place of public resort they will naturally take care, that you are in such company whose prudence may be depended upon- This caution let me request you particularly to advert to- These observations and I could add many more, I am per¬ suaded you will find necessary strictly to adhere to, in order to preserve your reputation without blemish and give you peace of mind with God and man- My dear Child you have Hon. James Habersham. 7i my constant Prayers- If you are happy you will contribute to make me so, and thereby show your gratitude and regard to a Parent who is truly my dear Son Your affectionate Father and friend P. S. I Properly avoided to advise you to observe to behave re- pectfully to every one- A soft answer turneth away Wrath- and to pay a cheerful obedience to all orders you may re¬ ceive- because I depended on your own good sense to sug¬ gest this obvious Duty Sir Savannah in Georgia the 19th May 1768 From the Great opinion the Governor, Council and Assembly have entertained of your integrity and abilities they have unanimously concurred in appointing you by an Ordinance Agent to transmit the affairs of this province in Great Britain, and we have now the pleasure of enclosing you an Authentic Copy of the said Ordinance, by which you will see that we with some other persons therein named are appointed a Committee to correspond with and instruct you in such Matters as we may have in Charge from the General Asembly to recommend to your Solicitation as well as any other Matters which may occur to us during the recess of the said General Assembly that we may judge to be for the Service of the province- About Two Months agoe our Governor received his Majesties Royal disallowance and Repeal of Two Acts of Assembly which we think of great Moment to the Wel¬ fare of this province, namely, "An Act for the better Order¬ ing and Governing Negroes and other Slaves in this prov¬ ince and to prevent the inveighling or carrying away Slaves from their Masters or Employers passed the 25th March 1765". Also an Act passed the 6th March 1766 for encourag¬ ing Settlers to come into the province and for granting to his Majesty the Sum of ^1815 Sterling to be issued in Cer¬ tificates by the Commissioners herein named for the said purpose and also for the rebuilding the Court House in Savan¬ nah in Consequence of an Act of the General Assembly pass¬ ed the 29th February 1764"- The former Act or something similar to it, we cannot possibly subsist without,— You Know This letter was evidently addressed to Benjamin Franklin, who was sent to England as agent for Pennsylvania, and while residing there was appointed Agent for Georgia, October 26, 1767. The next letter dated May 26,176s, is addressed to Franklin. Although his ap¬ pointment was for a year, it was subsequently enlarged, and T)r. Franklin continued to represent the Province until the outbreak of the Revolution. See letters dated nth May, 1770, 28d May, 1770, and Aug. 10, 1770. 72 The Letters of that our Staple Commodities, which in general are the same with those of So Carolina, cannot be cultivated and produced without a Number of Hands and that it has been found from many Years Experience how that white people were unequal to the Burthen in this Climate and therefore it was absolutely necessary to allow us the free use of Slaves- Our first Law for the better Ordering and Governing Negroes passed soon after the Kings Government took place here in the year 1755 was framed on the plan of that of So Carolina and we never heard any objection against it the before recited Law of 1765 now repealed was passed on the Expiration of the former and we thought it was framed on more extensive and humane principles than our former Law or that now in Force in So Carolina and as we are informed no reasons were given to the Governor for its repeal we are truly at a loss to guess what was exceptionable in it- This Repeal came to the Gov¬ ernors Hands a few days before the dissolution of the late General Assembly and as he well knew the difficulties and distresses the want of such a Law must involve us in he very kindly and prudently consented to the passing a temporary Law where every Clause in the former Law that could be supposeed exceptionable was left out, by which means it is too contracted and cannot answer all the purposes such a Law should extend to- We therefore desire you will inform yourself of the objections made to our former Law and Ac¬ quaint us of them that they may if possible me avoided in framing a New One (for the present Law is only to continue in force for One year) which may at the same time meet with the approbation of Government as well as answer our local Circumstances- We are also equally in the dark in regard to the objec¬ tions to the last recited Law, for encouraging Settlers to come into the province &c, unless it may be the issuing Cer¬ tificates to be sunk in a Certain time to defray the services thereby intended- The Court House is now very near fin¬ ished and is not only an orniment to this Town but a Credit to Government and some people have and m (illegible—prob¬ ably many will come) ome into the province to settle under the Faith and encouragement of this Law tho repealed who must not be disappointed but how that is to be avoided is a Question not easily resolved, and surely those are objects that might/ with Submission/ be supposed commendable and Consequently to meet with Countenance notwithstand¬ ing any little impropriety in the means of affecting them- Our legal currency in this province does not exceed Seven Thou- Hon. James Habersham. 73 sand Pounds Sterling which is Much, very much too little to answer the present Medium of Trade and as that daily increases so does our distress in proportion! We are thoroughly convinced that a larger commission of paper currency than may be requisite for the medium of Trade must be attended with bad Consequences to the Provinces, but at the Same time we well know and indeed it must be obvious to any One that as we have very little opportunity of bringing in any Bullion that our Trade and Commerce must Stagnate without such a Temporary Medium as we can establish among ourselves on Substantial and Sufficient Funds which if we are restrained from doing its impossible we can think of carrying on any publick works however necessary or give any encouragement for the further Settle¬ ment of the province because both must be done by ready Money or certificates that may answer the same purpose, and therefore we request you will inform us what Reasons now assigned for the Royal disallowance to this Law which we need not say may be least understood from the Report made thereupon by the board of Trade to his Majesty- We are very sensible the Salary allowed You tho as much as has been ever given to any Agent of this province and is indeed what we can at present afford, may not be equal to your Services yet we hope you will ac¬ cept of our agency and generally promote our Interest and appear and solicit against what you May think may be in¬ jurious to our Trade and future prosperity of which you will please to advise us that you may receive out Instructions thereupon- This Province if it meets with no Illadvised Check we are persuaded must soon become very advanta¬ geous to the Mother Country and Considerable in itself- We intirely confide in your Known prudence and goods Sense to Serve us and are with great respect Sir Yr Most Obt Hbl Servants PS. We need not Acquaint you James Habersham that the Governor transmits to the N—Jones Boaid of Trade authenticated Copys Lewis Johnson of all Laws and Ordinances passed N. W. Jones here under the Seal of the province, John Milledge that you may perhaps hear of your Archibald Bulloch being appointed our Agent before this William Ewen may reach you- 74 The Letters of Benjamin Franklin Esquire Agent for the province of Georgia First Copy pr the Britania Capt. Dean Second pr. Sir Savannah the 26th May 1768* The foregoing is duplicate of our Letter of the 19th Instant, which was forwarded by the Snow Bri¬ tania Capt Deane, and we have now the Pleasure of enclos¬ ing you another Copy of the Ordinance, and remain, with Esteem, Sir Your Most Obedient Servants Signers to the Copy of the foregoing Letter to Mr. Frank¬ lin—Agt James Habersham, N. Jones, Archibald Bulloch, John Milledge, William Ewen, Alexander Wylly, Joe Gibbons, John Mulryne, N. W. Jones- t At a Meeting of the Committee appointed to correspond with Benjamin Franklin Esqr Agent for transacting the af¬ fairs of this Province in Great Britain at the State House at Savannah on Friday the nth day of May i770-(?) f James Habersham \ The Honr ■< Noble Jones I ( James Edward Powell f The Honr & Nob W J Jones Speaker ) Esqrs Present William Ewen V Phillip Box I Richard C. Crooke ' The Board appointed John Simpson Esqr Clerk to the Committee, and Mr Robert Bolton Messenger, and then wrote the following letter to be forwarded by the Snow Bri- tainia Capt Stephen Deane- ! Ordered- That the Members of this Committee be sum¬ moned to meet at this Place on Monday the 21st Instant at Ten of the Clock in the forenoon. Ordered That the Clerk do prepare a Copy of the Bill Intituled an Act to amend an Act Intituled and Act to ascertain the man- *The question of negro slavery toucned upon in this letter is but the recurrence of a problem with which the people of the South had much trouble in early times, and which has caused so much trouble since. The founders of Georgia wisely foresaw many of these evils and by the original charter of the Colony slavery was forbidden. The competition of cheap slave labor in the other neighboring Provinces, however, worked a hardship upon Georgia and in 1749, upon the earnest petition of the inhabitants, the Trustees permitted slavery under certain conditions. See .lones' History Ga., Vol. I, p. 422-425. Among the ad¬ vocates of this measure were James Habersham and Rev. George Whitefleld. tCrossed out in the original. Hon. James Habersham. ner and form of Electing Members to represent the Inhabi¬ tants of this Province in the Commons House of Assembly by the next meeting Ordered That the Deputy Secretary of the Province do prepare Copys of the Ordinance Reappointing the Provincial Agent passed the 27th February last and of that passed yesterday also the present Election Law and of the Negroe Law passed yester¬ day- William Knox Esqr Savannah in Georgia in London. the 12th July 1768* pr the Brig Hope Capt Wadland Dear Sir The charming Sally Capt Rainiot is arrived, by whom I received my Cloths, tho' too late for the King's birth day, and so was the Governor's- I much approve of your Taste and choice of my Coat, but how you send so gay a Waistcoat, however to shew my respect to you, I wore it, the day after it was landed, being Sunday- I thank you for the trouble you have taken, and shall only say, that I will endeavour to convince you, that I am truly sensible of your regard for me- It's now 5 of the Clock in the Morning, and the Captain waits an Hour extraordinary to carry this short Line- I am afraid, I cannot tresspass so much, as to drop a line to Joe, to whom I have a warm heart- God bless you and him also I am my dear Sir Your affectionate Friend and Svt Mr John Clark, London Savannah in Georgia Sent to Mr Laurens to forward the 10th October 1768 Dear Sir About the 2d Instant I received your much esteemed Favour of the 3d August last by the Georgia Packet Capt Anderson, and am indeed ex¬ tremely obliged to you for the Contents, and especially for that Part of it, wherein you so cheerfully express your readi¬ ness to take my Son Joseph under your Care; an event, that I shall never think myself enough thankfull for, and if ever it may be in my Power to shew my Gratitude, I hope, I shall •The clothes here mentioned were ordered November 17,1767. See letter of that date. 76 The Letters of lose no opportunity of evincing it- I am very sensible of Mr Clay's Father's kindness to me and my Children, and that he would be pleased with shewing it on every occasion, but I know something of London and Business too, and am perfectly satisfied, that it must subject a youth, as well as the person, who has the Care of him to numberless incon¬ veniences and Neglects to be under any other Roof, but where his Business lays- In short, I never had the least Idea of his boarding and lodging with Mr Clay, meaning however nothing more, than for the Reason I have mentioned- You will therefore oblige me to make him in every respect one of your Family, under Mr Milligan and your good Sisters Roof, who I will cheerfully satisfy for all their Care and trouble for him, and desire you will make the Terms of board¬ ing and lodging him perfectly agreeable to them- I hope my Son will behave so, as to give you Satisfaction, and me the Pleasure of hearing, that He does so- You will doubt¬ less observe many youthfull Foibles in him, and indeed, who, throughout all the more advanced Stages of Life, are with¬ out which I desire and request, you will take proper Notice of to him, and in such Cases put yourself in my Place- This will be shewing him and me also the greatest Instance of your Friendship, and I flatter myself, He will have sense enough to acknowledge it- He and my other Children must not be idlers, but men of Business and Integrity, and if they are not, they will entail Beggary on themselves, and Grief and Shame on me. Permit me to request you to do by my son, as you would do by your own, in which I shall be per¬ fectly satisfyed and reimburse every Expense, you may en¬ gage for on his Account. I am &c Charles Pryce Esqr Savannah in Georgia To the Care of Mr Pryce at Lady Boyle's ioth Novrr 1768 Parson's Green near London Sent to Mr Laurens to forward Dear Sir Your agreeable Favour of the 30th last from Parsons Green lays before me, and, you may be assured, the Contents gives me more satisfaction, than I am able to express- I heartily thank the giver of every good and perfect Gift, for guarding you and your Son Joe, as you very kindly call him, in safety and Health to our Native Land, and allow me to say, that I am more than obliged to you for your paternal Care of him- you must also suppose, Hon. James Habersham. 77 that the very favourable opinion, you entertain of Joe, must be very pleasing to me, and those agreeable sensations must be increased, if his future conduct entitles him to the regard of you, and my other Friends in England, and you will please to excuse my acquainting you, that He has his letters to me, which have not been very puerile, expressed the most gratefull Sense of yours, as well as of Friend Knox and his Lady's kindness to him, in doing of which, He did not forget the Civilities of his Aunt Pryce at Parsons Green- Pray tell my good Sister, that I do not despair of one Day thanking h^r in Person. As far as I can learn, your Charley behaves very prudently. Our Assembly are met, and after truly a great deal of Temper on the part of the Governor, I think our public Business will go on very well, Mr Clark hath written me that he will take Joe into his Compting House, which gaves me great Satisfaction. If it is in my power to serve you here, I beg you will tell me, wherein I can, and I hope you will not find me deficient as far as health and strength will permit, for I find Infirmities grow daily on me, and I have lately been troubled with a pain in my right arm, that much impedes my writing, which our Doctors say is the Rheumatism, perhaps the Gout. I have before told you it is peaceable here, and I have laboured not a little to bring it about, because I can see no End, it can answer to be other¬ wise, I am - Yours &c Savannah in Georgia nth May 1770 Sir pr the Britannia >• Capt Deane ) As we expect a Ship is now at Cockspur Road at the entrance of this River bound for England and as we hope to get this on Board we embrace the Opportunity of acquainting you that two Ordin¬ ances have been passed by the General Assembly, one reappointing you Agent for this Province passed the 27th Febry last ending the first June next and another passed yesterdav for another year ending the 1st June 1771, We have not a moments time/ the Boat waiting to carry this on board/ to See note to letter of May 19,1768. This extract from the minutes of the Committee of Correspondence was found among the letters, and It is here given in chronological order. The Letters of say anything on Publick Business of which we have several Matters in Charge and will be prepared to go by a Ship now here that will sail in all this month with Copies of the Ordinances properly authenti¬ cated- There is iioo provided for you the present year and enclosed you have our Governors Certifi¬ cate for one hundred Pounds (for payment of which you will apply to John Campbell Esqr his Majestys Agent for this Province) for your Service from June 1768 to 1st June 1769- We are Sir— J Habersham Noble Jones To Benjamin Franklin Esqr ) J. E. Powell Agent of the Province of >■ N W. Jones Georgia in London ) Wm Ewen Philip Box R Cunym Crooke Ordered That the Messenger do acquaint the Gentlemen of the Com¬ mittee that their Attendance in required at the Council Cham¬ ber next Monday Sennight at Ten of the Clock in the Fore- noon- And then the Committee adjourned till next Monday Sennight 10 of the Clock. At a Meeting of the Committee of Correspondence on Mon¬ day the 21st May 1770 Present ( James Habersham J The Honble -< Noble Jones >- Esqr (James Read ) The Honble Noble Wimberly Jones Esqr John Mullryne William Ewen Charles Odeingsell John Milledge Philip Box Ordered That the Clerk do request the favour of his Excellency the Governor to let him take a Copy of the Report of the Lords of Trade to his Majesty on the Act passed here in 1759 for quieting Possessions also that the Clerk do make out a Copy of the letter wrote to Wm Knox Esqr late Agent for this Esqr Hon. James Habersham. 79 Province dated May the 14th 1765 that he do also make out Copies of the Address of the Commons House of Assembly to his Excellency the Governor for electing Representatives for the four Southern Parishes. That he do also make out Copies of the Resolutions of the Commons House of As¬ sembly respecting Instructions to be sent to the Agent and referred to this Committee as an Act of. that House- That he do also make out a Copy of the Petition preferred to both Houses of Assembly by a Number of the Inhabitants of this Province respecting the Lands said to be Claimed by the late Sr William Baker deceased That he do also make out a duplicate of the last letter wrote the Agent and inclose the Second Certificate from his Excellency the Governor for £100— Ordered That Mr Habersham and Mr Mullryne be a Committee to prepare a letter of Instruction to be sent to the Agent and report the same at the next meeting of the Committee- And then the Committee adjourned till Wednesday Wednesday 23d May 1770 At a Meeting of the Committee of Corres¬ pondence Present l James Habersham I The Honble -j Noble Jones >■ Esqr (. James Read ) The Honble Noble Wimberly Jones Esqr Wm Young 1 - Philip Box j ^r Richard Cunym Crooke I r* rc Wm Ewen j The Clerk presented to the Committee the several Papers he was ordered to prepare- Mr Habersham from the Committee appointed to prepare a letter of Instructions to be sent to the Agent reported they had prepared the same which was read agreed to and is as follows Viz. Savannah in Georgia 23d May 1770 Sir The nth Instant we wrote you a short line by the Bri¬ tannia, Captain Deane, of which you have now a Copy en¬ closed principally to acquaint you of your being Reappointed Concerning the merits of the claims of Sir William Baker to lands mentioned in this and the subsequent letter see Jones' History of Georgia. Vol. 2, p. 188. So The Letters of by the General Asembly Agent to solicit the affairs of this Province in Great Britain for the Present year ending the first day of next month and also of your being Reap¬ pointed for the ensuing year ending the first day of June i7Vi; and with this you will receive authenticated Copies of the two ordinances empowering you to Act in that Capacity and at the same time We enclosed you our Governors Cer¬ tificate payable by the Kings Agent for this Province (John Campbell Esqr) for one Hundred pounds Stg for your al¬ lowance as Agent ending the first of June last and you have now a second Certificate and as soon as the Publick Treas¬ urer can invest the like Sum provided for you in the last Tax Act in a Bill payable in England it will be transmitted Perhaps it may be necessary to make an Apology for an Intermission in our Correspondence with you as a Committee which however you will be pleased to believe did not arise from the least doubt of your Intention or Abilities to serve us but from Circumstances arising from the disso¬ lution of the late Assembly which are now subsided You will see by a copy of the Resolution of the Commons House of Assembly enclosed to which the Upper House agreed the Matters we have in charge to recommend to your Sollicitation and to that end We have sent you a Copy of an Act for the better ordering and Gov¬ erning Negroes and other Slaves &Ca to which the Governor has assented but with a suspending Clause till his Majestys pleasure is known thereupon agreeable to an Instruction to him for that purpose- You will please to refer to the Com¬ mittees letter of the 19th May 1768 in which they informed you that an Act similar to this had been disallowed by his Majesty but that the Reasons for such disallowance was not communicated to the Governor, and therefore we were at a loss to know how to frame another that might be unexcep¬ tionable and at the same time answer our local Circum¬ stances; since which we have understood that the Council to the Board of Trade Reported that Slaves should be made Real Estate and go with the Lands they were employed upon, In a young and extensive Country like this, where Property must necessarily be frequently Aliened and new Settlements daily made, many cogent Reasons might be urged against such a Measure but as we are informed our Governor has fully given his Reasons to Remove this Objection which have been approved of We need not add thereupon and have only to remark that in our unavoidable Situation this Law is of the utmost Importance and without it we cannot well Hon. James Habersham. 81 subsist and as the greatest Care has been taken to frame it on the most humane Principles that the Nature of such a Law can admit we can make no doubt but it will meet with his Majestys Royal and speedy Approbation which you will please to lose no time in sollicking The next matter under Consideration is the Address of the Commons House to the Governor requesting him to issue Writs for the electing a Representative for each of the Four New Southern Parishes of St David St Patrick St Thomas and St Mary lying between the Rivers Alatamaha and St Mary- These were part of the Lands ceded by Spain to his Majesty by the last Treaty of Peace and were annexed by his Royal Proclamation to this Province but as the Gov¬ ernor did not think himself authorized to add to the number of Representatives without an Instruction from the Crown for that purpose in which Opinion his Majestys Council con¬ curred tho' you will see by his Answer to the said Address of which you have now a Copy that he thought it right and just that every Parish should be represented as also did the Coun¬ cil, and therefore we are persuaded he has stated or will state the Matter to Government and We have no doubt but he will receive orders to issue Writs accordingly and it may be proper to acquaint you that in the last Tax Act these four Parishes are expressly exempted from paying any be¬ cause not Represented, and as all Taxation should be equal and not partial we cannot conceive that there can be any Objection to obtain the Redress requested ' We are now to acquaint you that the Commons and Upper Houses of Assembly have passed a Bill intitled an Act to amend an Act intitled an Act to ascertain the manner and Form of electing Members to Represent the Inhabitants of this Province in the Commons House of Assembly of which the Governor said he would Consider being framed as we understand contrary to a Royal Instruction and afterwards both Houses presented an Address to him requesting him to use his utmost Endeavours to obtain an Instruction from his Majesty permitting him to assent to a Law of the same Tenor and purport, a Copy of which with his Answer a Copy of the Bill not assented to and of the Law it was intended to amend passed the 9th of June 1761 are herewith transmitted that by comparing them you may be the better furnished with the Reasons that induced the Assembly to pass the Amend¬ ment Bill, which among others was to make the Qualifica¬ tions of the Electors and Elected more equal and better adapted to our local Circumstances, In the subsisting Law 82 The Letters of you will observe that a person possessed of fifty Acres of Land tho' in some Instances not worth five Pounds is quali¬ fied to Vote when another Person not having 50 Acres of Land tho' possessed of Town Lots and Buildings to the Value of a thousand fold more cannot an Impropriety which we think will appear at first View to require an Amendment and the same Reasoning must hold good as to the Qualifi¬ cations of the Elected, as it is no difficult matter for a Per¬ son wanting to be a Representative to get five hundred Acres of Barren or Lands of little Value to qualify him for that purpose tho' perhaps in every other Respect he is very im¬ proper to Act in that Capacity. The method of balloting for Representatives has been found very Salutary in other Provinces on this Continent particularly in South Carolina and has prevented undue improper Influence of designing Men who have got themselves Elected too often, not to serve, but to distress Government and carry on their own private and selfish Views. We are apprehensive that the Clause for limiting the Duration of the Assembly for three Years in the proposed Bill may meet with Objections tho' the same Clause is in the Election Law in South Carolina and has never that we know of been attended with the least Inconvenience to the Public Good and you know that in Pensylvania some of the Northern Provinces and some of the West India Islands the Assemblys are chosen annualy- In this Climate where the Inhabitants are so often subject to change their Situation three years is a long time to at¬ tend, and even this Term has been found extremely incon¬ venient to many who tho' well disposed and qualifyed to serve their Country have declined Acting and if the Dura¬ tion should remain undetermined by Law we may and shall be deprived of the Service of some of the most usefull Mem¬ bers of the Community- We do not urge this Matter from the Conduct of our present Governor whom we have no Reasons to believe would keep the Assembly sitting longer than three years and perhaps the same Reasons operate with him as We have offered and would his Instructions admit of his Assenting to the proposed Bill We are of Opinion he would not object to it The Committee have another Matter in Charge of which they write to you in a seperate Letter We need not say that any expence you may find necessary in the execution of the Hon. James Habersham. Business recommended to you by the Committee will be re¬ imbursed you with thanks- We are Sir Your most Obedient Servants Then the aforegoing letter was signed by all the Members of the Committee present and directed J To Benjamin Franklin Esqr Agent >- for the Province of Georgia in London ) Ordered That Mr Habersham and Mr N W Jones be a Committee to prepare a Letter to be transmitted to the Agent respecting the Lands said to be claimed by the late Sir William Baker of London deceased and report the same at the next meet¬ ing of the Committee And then the Committee adjourned till Monday next Monday 28th May 1770 Mr Habersham from the Committee appointed to pre¬ pare a letter to be sent to the Agent respecting the Lands said to be claimed by the late Sir Wm Baker of London „ deceased reported they had prepared the At a Meeting of the Committee of Correspondence Present 5 James Habersham J Noble Jones >- Esqrs James Read ) The Honble N W Jones Esqr William Ewen J Philip Box >■ Esqrs. Richd Cunym Crooke ) Mr Habersham from the Committee appointed to prepare a letter to be transmitted to the Agent respecting the Lands said to be claimed by the late Sir William Baker of London deceased reported they had prepared the Same which was read and agreed to and is as follows Viz. Savannah in Georgia the 28th of May 1770 Sir We are now to take under Consideration the Instruc¬ tions of the Assembly respecting a Claim of Lands made by the late Sir William Baker of London deceased, in this Prov¬ ince, which We are directed to instruct you to Represent "Lines drawn through the original. 84 The Letters of to his Majesty. These Resolutions were drawn up tho the Substance of them was long before agreed to, in too great a hurry, perhaps not half an Hour before the Prorogation of the Assembly, and this in particular which we are now to remark upon, was for that Reason in part mistaken- It di¬ rects that we should instruct you to apply to "William Knox "Esqr (lately an Agent for this Province) for the Plan of the "Lands claimed by the late Sir William Baker and the Me- "morial acompanying it, which was transmitted to him to "be presented to his Majesty" the mistake is that no Me¬ morial was sent to Mr Knox as you will see by a Copy of the Committees letter to him on that Occasion herewith en¬ closed but only a Copy of a Petition to both Houses of As¬ sembly of the Inhabitants settled on the Lands supposed to be within the said Claim of which you have now another Copy and therefore we have only to desire you to apply to Mr Knox for the Plans referred to In November 1759 the General Assembly passed an Act Intitled an "Act for establishing and Confirming the Titles of several Inhabitants of this Province to their re- pective Lands and Tenements" as the Legislature then un¬ derstood that this and some other obsolete Claims of Lands not till about that time heard of and never to our knowl¬ edge made here (which ought to have been done) were in¬ tended at a future day to be produced perhaps at a time when the Lands became more valuable from the Industry and La¬ bour of the present Occupants, which Opinion is now strengthened by the Assigns of Sir William Baker having lately lodged a Power of Attorney here to treat with the Persons supposed to be settled within the Lands by them claimed for a certain Sum of money to relinquish their Pre¬ tensions. On part of those Lands many of the early Adventur¬ ers had been quietly seated since the first Settlement of the province and the before recited Law, tho' on further Con¬ sideration it appears to be framed to operate too extensively We mean that the Provisions and exceptions necessary in such a Law were not sufficiently adverted to was then thought to be founded on the most equitable Principles and doubtless was intended to prevent People who had left their native Country and Friends to seek a Retreat in a Climate and Situation subject to numberless Inconveniences and Hardships from being harrassed and dispossessed of their Lands and Labour and in some Instances of their All- Hon. James Habersham. Upon the Board of Trade taking this Law under Con¬ sideration Sir William Baker was heard by his Sollicitor and in Consequence their Lordships reported against it to his Majesty and it accordingly met with his Royal Disallow¬ ance, Enclosed you have a Copy of their Lordships Report by which you will be furnished with the Arguments then urged on both sides- Upon this Report being known here the Petition be¬ fore mentioned was presented to both Houses of Assembly who in Consequence instructed their Committee to write to Mr Knox then Provincial Agent Thereupon which they did and a Copy of the said letter dated the 14th May 1765 you have as before mentioned enclosed and as we think the mat¬ ter was there fully set worth which we now confirm we have only to add that we desire you will pursue the Instructions therein given which is that a dutifull Petition or Address be presented to his Majesty humbly praying for the Relief re¬ quested in such a manner as you may be advised or may yourself think proper- Mr Knox we apprehend mistook the Committees meaning in this Point as he did not make such Application; however as it did then and does now also ap¬ pear to be the most effectual means to obtain Relief for the Petitioners who must be otherwise on their parts innocently oppressed, many of whom being utterly incapable of making the Compensation required nothwithstanding they or their Fathers have defended their particular Property as well as the Province in general not only when invaded by the Span¬ iards but on many other perilous Occasions- It may be necessary to acquaint you that a Law In- titled an "Act for limitation of Actions and for avoiding of Suits in Law" was passed the 26th March 1767 which was intended to answer as far as might be the Purposes of the former repealed Act and to Remove every every exception and we have not heard of any having been made to it the following Clause was inserted "Provided also and Be it further Enacted that nothing in this Act Contained shall ex¬ tend or be construed to extend to take away or prejudice the Claim of Sir William Baker of the City of London Knight or his Heirs or Assigns in and to a Certain Barony or Tract of Land within the Parish of Christ Church in the Province aforesaid" however it was not intended by this Claim to es¬ tablish Sir William Bakers. Claim and we are clear it does not but only to leave it open and not to debar him from mak¬ ing such Claim at any future time- 86 The Letters of As this is a Matter we on behalf of the distressed Pe¬ titioners very much wish to have settled we hope you will lose no time in using your utmost endeavours to have it brought to an agreeable Issue and any Expence that may be Necessary in effecting it will be thankfully reimbursed you- We are &Ca. N B The Plan in Mr Knox's hands is only supposed to be the Barony claimed being never executed by any Actual Survey that we know of and was solely meant for his private In¬ formation it will therefore answer the same purpose with you- The Foregoing Letter was signed by all the Members of the Committee present and directed To Benjamin Franklin Esqr. Agent for the Province of Georgia in London- And then the Committee adjourned Sine Die- Jany 1771 At a Meeting of the Committee of Correspondence Present The Honble James Habersham 1 Noble Jones ! James Edward Powell Esqrs James Read J The Honble Noble Wimberly Jones Esqr Wm Young John Mullryne Philip Box > Esqrs R. C. Crooke Wm Ewen The following Letter received from Benjamin Frank¬ lin Esqr. Provincial Agent was read to the Board in the words following Viz. Gentlemen London August 10th 1770 Your several Favours of May 11, 23, & 28 came duly to hand, The first contained a Certificate for One Hun¬ dred Pounds, which will be paid, and carried to the Credit of your Province, Please to accept my Thanks for your Care in transmitting it.- With the second I received, The Two Ordinances appointing me your Agent till June 1771, The Act for ordering and governing Slaves, &C, A Copy of the This letter from Franklin and the fragment of the minutes of the meeting of the Com¬ mittee of Correspondence appears among the Habersham letters, and they are herewith given. See note to letter dated May 10,1768. Hon. James Habersham. Commons Address to the Governor of Nov. 16, 1769 relat¬ ing to the four Southern Parishes, A Copy of the Act to amend an Act intitled An Act to ascertain the manner & Form of Electing Members, &c, presented May 10, The Ad¬ dress of both Houses to the Governor on that Act; and a Copy of the Act it was intended to amend, which passed June 9, 1761- And with the third, I received, A Copy of the As¬ sembly's Instructions to the Agent: A Copy of the Petition of the Inhabitants of Lands said to be claimed by Sir William Baker: Copy of the Committees Letter to Mr Knox: And a Copy of the Report of the Board of Trade on the Act for con¬ firming Titles, &C, On all which I can now only say, that I have carefully persued the several Papers, to acquaint my¬ self well with the Matters contained in them; and that as soon as the great Officers of the State return to Town; and the respective Public Boards enter again on Business, I shall not fail to proceed with Diligence in prosecuting every Point recommended to my Care, agreeable to the Instructions of the Assembly and the Directions contained in your Letters- I beg you would be so good as to present my dutiful Re¬ spects and Thanks to His Excellency the Governor & to both Houses, for the Honour done me by those repeated Appointments, and assure them of my Intention in all things faithfully to endeavour the Service of the Province.- With great Esteem & Regard, I have the Honour to be Gentlemen Your most Obedient & most humble Servant Benjamin Franklin And then the Committee adjourned Sine Die William Knox Esq in London per Gov Wright Capt Hall. Savannah in Georgia 9th Oct 1770 Dear Sir— How far the Freshes or Tides may prevent your improving Knoxborough by banking I can not possitively determine, unless I know from my own observation, and I really cannot with precission advise about your keeping or your selling your property at Goshen.- Your settling there was no plan of mine, and you have totally put it out of my Power to interfere officially, and so Mr Martin understands it, but if you had left it wholly with me, perhaps your affairs there would not have been so displeasing to-you- As it is I believe I may truly assert, that I had more trouble about 88 The Letters of them, than any one concerned for you, which I have cheer¬ fully done, because I truly wish to serve you. I know you have had Reason to be chagrined, otherwise I could scarcely forbear animadverting on some Parts of your Letters to me which have not a little grieved me, because I have so sin¬ cerely felt for you, I hide nothing respecting your Concerns here, and perhaps my own, from a particular Friend. He knows my Heart and Sentiments better than any Person in Georgia. To him I appeal, and as you will probably see him in about 10 months, dont determine on any of your affairs here, till you meet Tete a Tete or if you like English better,- Check by Jowl- I think he has seen all my material corres¬ pondence with you, and this letter if he will take the trouble of reading it, he will also peruse- Truths and Facts, 1 mean to support me thro' my remaining days, and they will not fail to recommend me on my winding up, to the Favour of God and Man. The Governor tells me he has wrote to you by Capt Hall respecting your Knoxborough— I am at a Loss to say what you think of my easiness of Temper, which 1 must think you suppose borders on Folly, and Weakness- I may perhaps have been, and shall be a sufferer by my disin¬ clination to distress any one, but when I am acting for an other, few men are more peremptory, and speak plainer of which you will probably be soon convinced some Letters passed between me and Mr- on your Account, and when I found him Trifling, I fixed a da}' to settle, and if r\6t then done, I would put his Bill in Suit, which I accordingly did in Feb. last-xxx- I have a thousand things to say to you, and very heartiy thaink you for your advice respecting my self in your letter of the 4th June. I sincerely wish you happy and successful in your new appointment, and in all other Re¬ spects. I hope you will by this Time, think that the Climate of Georgia has not disposed me to be a lazy Correspondent with you, however I may have been with some other Persons. If your Affairs should prevent my dropping Mr Clark and Joe- a line pray excuse me to them. I am Dr Sir Your real Friend and Servant. P. S. The most sensible Defect I feel from Age, is my Eyes failing me, for sometimes I find it difficult with Spectacles, to make a Pen at Noon day, and that I might in some meas¬ ure remedy this Inconvenience, I desired Mr Clark to send me 200 of the best ready made Pens, but they were made (tho' charged at 5 pr 100) with an Instrument and from bad Quills, and my good Friend Mr Whitefield gave me about Hon. James Habersham. 89 one hundred more, but they were not much better, and by no means equal to the Government Office Pens, which -after you have done with, you will oblige me to send about 100 of them. Mr Joseph Habersham at Messrs Graham Clark & Co London Pr The Governor Wright. Capt Hall S My dear Joe- Savannah in Georgia 13th Oct 1770 I received your two letters of the 7th June and 10th July last, with the Magazines and Lady's Chronicle which you refer to. Parker's porter shipt me came in good order and I believe is of a good Quality- I think better than I had formerly sent me by Mr Kenton. I find you now and then touch on politics, which it's very well to acquaint your¬ self with, provided you do not determine your opinion from popular Clamour, instead of recurring to first principles of Government, and our Constitution in particular. Liberty as well as religion, has many pretenders among its votaries, and both are too often made a block of Licentiousness, for Hypocrites can as easily cant the phrases of patriotism, as of Sancity. I do not know that ever I told you my Senti¬ ments of the present unhappy difference in Great Britain and in America, and perhaps I may not 'till I think you have de¬ liberately formed your own, because I woud have you do it from your own convictions, and free from parental Influ¬ ence; and this rule ought to be observed in Religious mat¬ ters, otherwise you will always be fluctuating in principle, and Consequently in practice : I mention this because I have been lately perhaps spoiling half a page in our Gazette, but as the subject matter of my productions is rather Local, it may not be very Interesting to you in England- The Ga¬ zette I have sent Mr Knox, and pointed out what are mine. My views on writing were to exhibit to the Public, that some of the greatest Bawlers for Liberty, had taken an unjust and partial advantage of their Neighbors, who they were now oppressing with a heavy hand to serve their own selfish pur¬ poses, and also that by their present conduct, they had taken the powers of Government out of it's proper and legal chan- nell, and invested it in a Mob- which must eventually end in a total subversion of all Law and Government and of Course expose Mens persons and properties to Violence and Rapine. Thus my lear Joe, it is easy to inflame the popu¬ lace, which when once done, it is very difficult, if not con- po The Letters of tinues impossible to keep them within the bounds of reason and Equity, and is frequently productive of the most terri¬ ble Effects. Our own History funishes us with many flag¬ rant Instances to confirm this observation, and God grant that it may not be repeated by the present Generation. I shall only make one further remark, that it is greatly to be lamented that some of the men are drawn in, (doubtless from a principle of promoting Liberty) to, be the first encouragers of the facetious Spirits, not sufficiently considering what may be the consequence, which if it should turn out of an evil nature, they perhaps never can forgive themselves for the part they acted- to bring it about. I am sorry that the wearing your hair gives you the head— and if that should be really the case, I can have no objection to your having it cut off and wearing a Wig, however I find a con¬ trary effect from my experience. I wore a Wig from the age of 16 'till I was upward of 51 years of age, which I found very troublesome in the hot and trying Climate, and since I have let my hair grow for about 7 years-past. I have scarce¬ ly ever found the least inconvenience from it. You mention that if you was certain of having your health in Georgia, you would return in 18 Months. As it appears to me at present I think Georgia is the place where I could best serve you, but as I heartily wish you happy, which you cannot be without health, I would willingly foregOe the Satisfaction of having you near me, to make you so, and therefore leave this matter to your choice, which you will be better able to determine a year or two hence, and so shall I to advise you- I must tell you for your Encouragement to proceed in the prudent conduct you have hitherto, that not only Mr Clark but Mr Knox and Mr Pryce, and all your friends mention you with great respect indeed. Do my Dear Joe continue it to glad¬ den an Affectionate Fathers Heart, and remember you will be thereby amply rewarded by peace in your own mind, as well as from the inexpressible pleasure you will give him, and all, who wish you well; and I have so much dependence on your good Sense, that I cannot admit a thought that you will ever give me or your Friends the least cause of com¬ plaint. I humbly thank the author of all our Mercies that he has carryed you safe through the Measles, and am truly obliged to good Friends Pryce and Sister, for their kindness to you, to whom you will make my Grateful Acknowledge¬ ments acceptable. Give my love to my Sister Bagwith and Brother Clay- pray tell them I am hurryed and pinched for time, and cannot write to them. They may be assured I have Hon. James Habersham. a warm heart for them. Mr Melleygams Nephew has dined with Johnny at my House, and I shall send for him to dine with me to morrow, being Sunday. It's now growing late- and Captain Hall closes all his Business to Night and will go, to Cockspur to Sail to morrow- I am Dear Joe Mour Truly Affecate Father John Ellis esq Agent for West Florida At Grays Inn London- Savannah Georgia 18th Oct 1770 Sir. I received the favour of your Letter of the 12th March last, which enclosed some seeds of Rhubarb. They were very carefully packed in Cotton, and appear to have come free from all Hurt or damage. I took the most early opportunity to distribute them among a, Number of Gentlemen, who promised to have them carefullv attended to, but I cannot learn from several of them, that any have come up- You did not mention the proper Season for sew¬ ing the seed, and therefore they were I suppose immediately put in the ground. I received them about the 10th Tuly last- The Gentlemen to whom I distributed them were, Mr John Mulryne, who has the neatest and best Garden in the this part of the Province, and really delights in cultivating use- full and ornamental Plants of all kinds ;- Dr James Cuthbert, who was a sensible man, and was mak¬ ing considerable Improvements at his Country House. He dyed yesterday; Mr Josiah Tatnall, who has a tolerable Garden, but has no particular passion for improving it further than for the Mar¬ ket and his Table; Mr Nathaniel Hall, and Mr Thomas Netherclift- Merchants who have little useful Gardens for the Mr Johnathan Bryan, who has a general knowledge of this Province and So Carolina, and of its' niany unnoticed, tho' perhaps usefull Plants- both medicinal, and ornamental. Mr Geo. Baillie, Revd Mr Frink, Mr John Graham, and Mr Thomas Schnider-; Mr Bowen the inventor of, and Patentee for making powder¬ ed Sage, says &c. Mr James Jackson of Augusta, situate about 150 Miles North West of this Town, upon the River Savannah from which it took its' name, who I am told has got a pretty Garden, and delights in its' Improvement. The Letters of My friend Governor Ellis mis¬ takes in thinking I have any knowledge of, or particular Passion for the cultivating of Plants tho' I must own, I re¬ vere and esteem Men who act out of the narrow Sphere of Self, and communicate their Knowledge for usefull Improve¬ ments for the Public good; but this kind of Knowledge has lain far out of my way of obtaining in any tolerable Degree- I have been from my youth 'till I was near 50 years of age unavoidably immersed, in commercial Business, which never allowed me Time to think much of other matters.- After I determined to wind up my Concerns in Trade, I put my In¬ terest in the planting Way, and retired with my family to one of my settlements to, the Country about 8 or 9 miles from this Town, where I built a comfortable House, and be¬ ing desirous of making it agreeable to myself and Family, I laid out a spot of ground of about 7 or 8 Acres at some Expense, under the direction of an English Gardener, who I accidently met with, and appears to be no mean Artist in that way; but he has been several years dead, and my wife and several of my Children have dyed also, and my remain¬ ing 3 Children being settled, two here and one in London, I left the Country, and now reside almost wholly in this Town. My Garden in the Country has in consequence been totally neglected, except a small part of it, sufficient to em¬ ploy one Negro man to raise a few Kitchen Vegitables for my own Table. Governor Ellis saw this Garden in it's best State, and tho' it would at no time admit of the least Com¬ parison with a Garden in my native Country, England, he might attribute the small Improvements made therein to my Taste, instead of my Gardener, and my Inclination to make the place agreeable to my wife and family who more than deserved all the Regard, I could possibly shew them. I am now on the Verge of 60 years, and my public Business calls for more Attention. I truly can give, and as our Worthy Governor, Mr Wright proposes to go with his family to Eng¬ land next Spring, having the King's Leave. It is probable I shall have such a Load of public Concerns devolve on me, that I am afraid I shall not be able to give the least Atten¬ tion to my private affairs- I have now been near 33 years in this trying Climate, and find, that the Powers of both my Body and Mind are greatly debilitated, and by the excessive enervating Heat, more than keeps pace with the natural In¬ firmities of growing years- I mention these Matters so cir¬ cumstantially, because tho' it is not in my Power, I could Hon. James Habersham. 93 wish to send you something from hence, (and I think we must have something in the Vegitable World, if I knew them- that would be acceptable to you and your Friends) in return for your disinterested Regard to promote usefull and ornamental articles of Commerce in his Majesty's Dominions; an at¬ tempt truly laudable, because, so far as we can supply our selves, we so far render ourselves independent of foreign Assistance, and agreable to an old home Spun Adage, a Penny saved is a Penny got; and if you will not think me too officious, I would recommend you to the Correspond¬ ence of Mr Mullryne Mr Bryan and Mr Jackson, and I am persuaded, whatever you send them by the Way of Experi¬ ment, they will carefully attend to, and whatever you may hint may be acceptable from hence, they will endeavour to furnish you with. Mr Mullryne resides a few miles East of this Town on a pleasant Salt-water River. Mr Bryan about the same distance West on a fresh Water and Mr Jackson, as I have intimated, far up in the Country, which must pro¬ duce very different Plants of all Kinds. These Gentlemen know nothing of my mentioning them to you, but if you please to make mention of my Name, you have my Liberty. I had almost forgot our present Surveyor General Wm Henry Young who with his wife and part of his Family, is now in England, and as I have heard he soon proposes re¬ turning here, he would be a very proper Correspondent hav¬ ing discovered more than a common Inclination to investi¬ gate and promote Plants, either for use or Ornament- I am with Respect Sir Your most Obedient humble Servt J. H. To Mr Robert Wells Printer In Charlestown Pr Wm John Forbes Savannah in Georgia 24th Nov. 1770 Sir I have long wished to have your Ga¬ zette, as also Mr Timothy's and Mr Cronch's, but unless I could have them regularly they will be of very little use. The Bearer Mr Forbes, Mr Moody, and many of your friends say, you will willingly oblige me sending yours, and the other weekly publications, as Opportunity offers, which I hope tho' I do not know that a more neighborly Communication would serve Georgia as much as So Carolina) will not now be under any interdictory Restraints as I truly wish, not only to call myself, but to be, A Friend to Society and for that n The Letters of Reason, I am an Enemy to all Protestant as well as Papal Interdictions, whether in Church or State. Will you there¬ fore be pleased to take in Timothy's and Crunches Paper for me, and add your own, which I beg- the favour of you to enclose to me at Savannah, by every presenting Conveyance, and you may depend on my punctually fulfilling every En¬ gagement, you may enter into on my account notwithstand¬ ing I am an Inhabitant of Georgia and consequently one of those who are charged with having Basely taken every Ad¬ vantage of the more virtuous Colonies. You see, I offer myself, and therefore hope, you will put me on your List, as one of your Correspondents, and pray dont be afraid that I shall poison your Mind with facetious, disaffected or Trea¬ sonable Principles, either against the British Government or the American Revolutionists, as I am heartily tired, and have done with Politics. Dare you, if you have not already done it, give a Place in your Gazette for the publication in the enclosed Paper from an old Friend, to perpetuate the memory of a truly worthy deceased Gentleman, who has de¬ served every Mark of Respect from the Inhabitants of this Province: and the Public in general. I think it cannot give any Offense to your general Committee, because I recollect their Resolutions were only to have no commercial Deal¬ ings with the Georgians, and I am persuaded, you will not find one Word about Commerce, Non importation or Poli¬ tics of any kind; however, if you suspect it may give the most distant offence, I should not wish to see it in your Paper in particular. I am Sir Your very humble Servant J. H. P. S. If you have Jencks Mediations prefaced by the late Revd Mr Hervy, pray send them- I want to present them to a young Man, who is intended for the Ministry, also Steels Christian Hero for another youth. If you have any small Memorandum Books, pray send me half a dozen. What I have usually carried in my Pockets, are about 4 Inches long and 2>4 Inches wide, bound with thin red Leather, and a blotting Paper, between each Leaf, and such I would chuse as most handy and useful. You will take Timothy's and Crouchs Papers in your own name, and pay for them, which I will punctually, and thankfully reimburse you Hon. James Habersham. 95 To William Knox Esq. under Secretary of State to the right honr the Earl of Hillsborough, Whitehall pr Mr Corne¬ lius Winter. Dear Sir- Savannah in Georgia the 26th Nov 1770 The Bearer Mr Cornelius Winter has been employ¬ ed by the Executors and Trustees of the late Reverand Bartholomew Zouberbuhler for a year past, to instruct the Negroes on the deceased's Plantation in particular, and others occasionally, as he has had opportunity, which he has not failed to improve: and wherever he has been in some measure contenanced, he has prudently declined obtruding himself, chusing rather to recommend his Services by his inoffensive and pious Behavior, and by that means remove some Peoples weak Objections against having their poor ignorant Servants instructed in the Principles of the Chris¬ tian Religion: and he has so far succeeded, as to be received with great Respect by the Heads of several Familys, as well as to give entire Content to the Executors of Mr Zou- buhler's Will, in the discharge of the duty therein required as far as in the Power: but as they think by the Tenor of the said Will, and I am of the same opinion with them, that he intended the Person, who should instruct his Negroes, should be a Minister of the Church of England, and conse¬ quently qualified to baptize, and perform other holy offices, they have in writing requested the Governor to recommend him to the Lord Bishop of London and to the worthy So¬ ciety, or perhaps to both of them for Ordination, and I have understood they have requested the same of our present Rector, the Revd Samuel Frink, and both of them I believe will readily do it- He is sufficiently provided for, and wants no further Assistance, being allowed by the Executors £125 Pr annum, besides his Board- I have had more than com¬ mon opportunity's of knowing the Bearer, and do think him to be a truly serious good man, and that he has engaged in instructing these much neglected and benighted People, with his whole Heart and simply to promote the Honour of God, by bringing them from the horrid Darkness of Heathenism, to the light of the glorious Gospel of the Son of God- You know that I have long and ardently wished that some Person would undertake and begin this truly charitable tho' very This letter Is of Interest as showing what provision was made to give the negro slaves of the Province moral and religious Instruction, While James Habersham and his friend Whitefleld were warm advocates of the introduction of slaves into the Province, both were deeply concerned in their religious Instruction as may be seen in several of these letters. Concerning the laws relating to the treatment of slaves see Jones' History of Georgia, Vol. I, pp. 428-42(5 and 480-485. See also note to letter dated May 26,1768. See also letters dated Dec. 1,1770, June 6,1771, and April 19,1775. The Letters of arduous Work, and must say, that I think Mr Winter pe¬ culiarly qualifyed for the Undertaking. He is very conde- sending, and indeed has much of the Spirit of the humble and Meek Jesus, and from my own knowledge, will stoop to the unimproved Capacities of these poor Creatures. I have heard him in the Town, and at my Plantations, where I have near two hundred Souls, Men Women and Children, exhort them with great Judgment discretion and Christian Affection, and have seen such visible marks of decency and Attention among them, that I could not help bearing a Part in their Sensibility; and very heartily thanking God for so useful a Man: and I might add, if I may be allowed to be a Judge, that he has real Abilities and such as would not be despised in any Congregation I hope therefore to have the pleasure of seeing him return to us in holy Orders, by which his Sphere of Usefulness will be more enlarged, and he will be more acceptable among white People, and consequently much more so among the Blacks, who you know are influ¬ enced by Example. For my Part, I am not ashamed to say, I have done and will do all in my Power to forward and pro¬ mote the lauable Design of the deceased, and Mr Winter and I are happy in the Prospect of one day seeing a congre¬ gated Church of Africans, rejoicing at their being brought from a Land of Darkness, and of having the Opportunity of being partakers of our Common Salvation, to which, both bond and free are equally entitled; and as I know you have expressed a Desire to have your Negroes instructed, I have taken the Liberty to recommend this young Man to your Friendship, and doubt not but he will be countenanced by the worthy Fathers of an Excellent Church, and qualifyed by holy orders to proceed in his pious Undertaking, which has been so warmly and affectionately recommend by them in their Annual Sermons, preached before the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel; and I am so well convinced of the uprightness of his Intentions, that I shall esteem every mark of respect shewn him, as done to myself, being per¬ suaded that he will thereby neither dishonour you nor Dear Sir Your affectionate humble Servant J.H. Hon. James Habersham. 97 To William Knox Esq under Secretary of State to the Right Honbl the Earl of Hillsborough- Whitehall pr the Georgia Packet. Capt Anderson: Savannah in Georgia ist Dec 1770 Dear Sir The 28th Ultimo, I received from the Governor your two extraordinary Letters of ist Oct and the it September last, and am extremely sorry to find, that I have not given you the satisfaction Intended as your Attorney: and as I am anxious, that I have endeavoured faithfully and disin¬ terestedly to serve you in that, and every other Capacity, I came to a resolution to have no further Concern in your af¬ fairs, and one of your Attorneys, which I signifyed in writing to your other Attorneys, Messieurs Johnson & Graham, a copy of which with their answer I now enclose, and as I know they have real Friendship for you, I am sorry that they declined to take charge of your Concerns.- You see by their answer, that they have seen your late Letters to me, Mr Martin being here I thought it necessary to acquaint him with my Determination, and also with that of your other Attorneys, but as he observed, he had no Power to act for you, otherwise than your Letters authorized him, and seemed much concerned: I told him as your attorney had declined, I would appear, if necessity required, as your legal Represen¬ tative, untill you had appointed some person here, or had sent over one to act for you, because I wished to preserve your Friendship, and Esteem however provoking and unkind the contents of too many of your late Letters had been to me, but with this express Condition, that I will on no Account interfere with your planting Affairs, or say one Word about them to him or you, otherwise than by accounting to you for what may any Way come into my Hands. I expected An- dresen would have sailed yesterday or today, and am happy, that I had settled with Mr Martin (and the account you will have with this) before I received your late Letters. By the Ship Gov Wright Capt Hall I wrote you largely and sent your account Current with me, which, (with the present In¬ closed) I hope will justify my Asserting, that I have served you faithfully and disinterestedly, and have truly given more Attention to your Business, than to my own. In my Letter William Knox, it will be remembered, had been the Provincial Agent of Georgia, but had been removed on account of the position he took about the obnoxious Stamp Act. He had large planting interests in Georgia, which were looked after by his intimate friend, James Habersham, who calls himself here "attorney." See letter of October 9,1770. C. & H., referred to here, was the mercantile house of Clay & Habersham. Concerning the apparent breach in the friendship between Habersham and Knox indi¬ cated in this letter, see letter dated Nov. 28, 1771. The Letters of by Capt Hall, of the 9th October last, I then observed that I could scarcely with hold animadverting on some Parts of your late Letters on other language, than I chose to make use of, but as I knew you had been disappointed in your Ex¬ pectations (not by me), and had reason to be chagrined,I for¬ bore : and must deny, that I have not been very particular in my Correspondence with you, and desire, as a proof, that you will compare my Letters, with the Accounts sent Capt Hall and this Ship, by which, I am persuaded it will appear that I have been very circumstantial in my Information, and for Confirmation, I can appeal to your Friend here, who has seen most of my Material Letters, and to whom I have often complained from your Answers, that I believed, when you received and read them, you thought very little more about them, tho' I think, I have neither been an inattentive, un- inteligible or careless Correspondent and I am sure, you must acknowledge, not an interested one, unless for your Benefit- If your planting Scheme has not succeeded, you surely can¬ not blame me, I did not advise you to enter upon it, and neither had I any charge of your Plantation, which you to¬ tally put out of my Power to interfere in, unless by perhaps giving unthankful! Advise: you may observe by your ac¬ counts sent by Capt Hall, that the principal Part of your last year's crop was not at Market, 'till the 15th June last, and as your preceeding crops had left you annually in Debt to C. & H. and 'till lately I was almost considerably m Ad¬ vance for you. I chose to wind up your whole planting Af¬ fairs, and give you a clear state of them at one view. You say, you was one year informed, that you had some Lumber to sell, another year you heard you had some Rice planted, another, that there was no less than 300 barrels Rice to be looked for. If I gave such Information, as those you em¬ ployed, furnished me with, am I to be reproached for it? I gave you Authority by name, and I could do no otherwise unless you expected that I was to wade through your Rice Field, (where you had no Banks) up to my middle in mire and Water to the manifest Hazard of my Life; and indeed I have for more than two years past, been so infirmed and Lame, that I could not do it either for myself or you. I know you have a considerable Sum due you, which you ought to have received, but if you have been thereby injured, it is not my Fault, and neither am I sensible that you have been hurt by any Connections of my making. You say "I must beg you will not draw any Bill upon me for any Purpose what¬ ever, except the £111- which you are already engaged for. Hon. James Habersham. 99 This caution is in every Sense needless, because if you had attended to the many uninforming Letters, I have wrote to you for 2 years past, I have repeatedly told you, that you might depend, I would not on any pretence draw on you, except for the £111, for which Rice should be Shipt to Mr Nutt, to whom I understand, this money was to be paid- Upon the whole, I am tired with these Explanations, and now take my leave offending and proving, and be assured I never will say or write one Word more on such Subjects, for if my Own Conduct will not justify me, it is full time to have done with such Correspondence; and as I truly and very Sincerely wish your Welfare in every respect, I hope my Successor will transact better for you than Dear Sir Your real Friend and very Humble Servant- James Habersham. Savannah in Ga 1st Dec 1770 To the Rev Thomas Brought on Sect, to the Society for pro¬ moting Christian Knowledge London.) Dear Sir-. Upwards of 33 years agoe when you was Minister of the Church in the Tower of London, I was honoured with your Acquaintance, and as I suppose you have not forgot me, I shall make no further Apology for taking the Liberty of troubling you with this. The late worthy Rector of this parish, The Rev Bartholomew Zou- berbuhler- deceased having by Will left, great part of his Estate in trust for the support of a person propely qualifyed to Instruct his Negroes on his Plantation, in particular, and any others occasionally in the Principles of the Christian Religion, as established in the Church of England; and the Bearer Mr Cornelius Winter, having been recommended to the Trustees as a serious and judicious person, and very fit to execute the pious Intentions of the deceased, they have for about a year past employed him in this service, in which he has given intire Satisfaction, having conducted himself in the difficult Undertaking with great prudence, Assiduity and Discretion, not only with respect to, the people imme¬ diately under his charge but wherever he has had an Oppor¬ tunity of giving a Word of advice to the poor Blacks, on other Plantations, and, I thank God, he has found some persons of Considerable property, who have gladly opened their Houses to him, and thankfully accepted and countenanced See pote to letter dated Nov. 20,1770. IOO The Letters of his Services, by attending themselves on the very sensible and affectionate Exhortations he has given their Numerous Slaves. It is to me unaccountable, that any people calling themselves Christians, should have any objections against- having their Servants instructed, unless it is their Inatten¬ tion to, or Ignorance of, the eternal Importance of the Chris¬ tian Revelation; but it is a melancholy Truth that there are too many such, and for this Reason, as well as many others, that might be mentioned, it is necessary that the person em¬ ployed in this Service, should be ordained, because however little Regard some people pay to the pious Instructions of a Minister, there are, I hope, but few, if any so abandoned, as not to show some respect to his sacred Character, especially if his life and conversation is comformable thereto. Mr Win¬ ter I understand, has been long desirous of being usefull in the Church, and has taken no small pains to qualify himself for that purpose, but finds, he cannot be so usefull in his present contracted situation, as he wishes to be, and as the Executors and Trustees of the late Mr Zouberbuhler's Will think by the Tenor of it, and I am of their opinion, that he intended the person, who should instruct his Negroes, should be a Minister of the Church of England, and consequently qualifyed to baptize, and perform other holy Offices they have requested his Excellency the Governor to recommend him to the Lord Bishop of London for Holy orders, and I am informed, thay have desired the same of our present Rec¬ tor the Rev Saml Frink, and both of them I believe will readily do it. He is sufficiently provided for, and will want no further assistance, being by the Executors allowed one Hundred & twenty five pounds pr annum, besides his Board, a Servant &c. I have had opportunity of knowing him in his private Conduct, and to think him to be a truly Serious Man and that he has engaged in instructing these much neglected and benighted people with an honest view to promote their eternal Welfare, and the Glory of God, by bringing them from a real state of Heathenism, to the sight of the Glori¬ ous Gospel of the son of God- I have long wished, that some good man, would undertake this truly charitable tho' very arduous Work, and I must say, that I think Mr Winter peculiarly qualifyed for it. He appears to be very condes¬ cending and patient, is of a remarkably humble and quiet disposition, and from my own knowledge, will stoop to the barren, (because too generally unimproved Capacities of these poor Creatures. I say unimproved Capacities, as some ignorant people would foolishly insinuate, that they are Hon. James Habersham. 101 scarcely reasonable Creatures, and not capable of being in¬ structed in the divine Thruths of Christianity; an absurdity too obvious to deserve any refutation, and I am ashamed to have occasion to make this observation, as daily Experience evinces, that there are many ingenious Mechanicks among them, and as far as they have had Opportunity of being in¬ structed, have discovered as good abilities, as are usually found among people of our Colony; but making them good tradesmen is immediately profitable, and the Reward of mak¬ ing them good Christians is at a Distance- I have been in among the Northern provinces, and have with great pleas¬ ure seen many serious Negroes, and in the neighboring Province of So Carolina, I have known several, who have honoured the Gospel, perhaps not Less, than their Owners, and we have some, tho' but few here, who are baptized and admitted to other Holy Ordinances, whose Behavior is not the most Reproachable. I have heard Mr Winter speak to a considerable Number of Negroes, in this Town, as well as at my own plantations, where I have near two hundred men, women, and Children, with great judgement and Chris¬ tian Affection, and have seen such apparent marks of de¬ cency and Attention among them, that had you Revd Sir, been present, I am sure you could not help bearing a Part in this Sensibility, and of thanking God for so usefull a man; and if I am a Judge, I think he has real abilitys, and such as would not be despised in any Congregation; I hope there¬ fore to have the Satisfaction of seeing him return to us in Holy Orders, by which his Sphere of usefullness will be more enlarged, and, as I before observed, he will by that means, be more acceptable among the white people and will be much more so among the Blacks, who are in this Instance in partic¬ ular much influenced by example. For my part, I am not ashamed to say, that I have done and will do all in my power to forward and promote this laudable Design, and that I am happy, even in the prospects of one day seeing a congre¬ gated Church of Africans, rejoicing at their being brought from a Land of Darkness, and of being made partakers of our own Common Salvation, to which both bond and free are equally intitled, and as I am persuaded Rev Sir, that you will rejoice in having an opportunity to promote the Welfare of the meanest of our fellow beings, I take the Liberty of recom¬ mending the Deplorable state of these poor neglected Ne¬ groes to your Friendship as well as the Bearer, who is de¬ sirous of serving them, not doubting, but he will be counten¬ anced by the Rev and Worthy Father of our Church, and 102 The Letters of duly qualifyed to proceed in his good undertaking which has been so warmlv and affectionately recommended by them, in their Annual Sermons preached before the worthy Society for the propagation of the Gospel, and I am so well convinced of the uprightness of Mr Winters Intentions, that I am persuaded, he will neither dishonour you, nor Rev and Dear Sir p g ^ Your Affecate Friend & Servant Mr Winter has an authenticated copy of the late Mr Z's Will. To the Right Honourable the Countess Dowager of Hunt¬ ingdon London pr Mr Cornelius Winter Pr the Georgia Packet Capt Anderson Madam ) Savannah in Georgia ioth December 1770 I make no doubt but that your Ladyship heard of the truly lamented Death of that dear and much Honoured Ser- The death of Whitefleld occurred on September 30,1770, at Newburyport, Mass., while he was on a tour of New England in behalf of his beloved Bethesda. Whltefleld made the Countess Dowager of Huntingdon his heir in the interest of Bethesda, and, in case of her death, his "faithful and invariable friend, the Honorable James Habersham," who was named as executor for Georgia, and Robert Keen the London executor. Concerning the plans of Whltefleld for establishing a college at Bethesda. see Jones' History of Georgia, Vol. I, pp. 408-412. See also letter dated Feb. 6,1771. Concerning the property interests of Governor Wright in America the following extract from Slave Holdings in Georgia, by U. B. Phillips, will be of interest: "Among the archives in the Department of State, at Atlanta, in a volume of deeds and bills of sale there is an inventory of the slaves, rice and live stock upon the plantation of Sir James Wright, dated January 8,1771. Of the eleven plantations listed, three are stated to be near Savannah and eight on the Ogeechee and Canoochee rivers. The number of slaves on the several plantations is given as follows: Men Women Boys Girls Total 1 19 20 7 6 52 2 .... 20 28 8 7 63 3 .... 13 18 4 3 38 4 24 12 6 72 5 .... 16 16 5 1 38 6 17 7 2 44 7 .... 19 18 9 1 47 8 15 4 1 40 9 16 fi 0 48 10 .... 22 14 5 6 47 11 .... 22 15 6 1 44 Total ... ....221 196 72 34 523 "This table adds further light to the statement in Carroll's Historical Collections of South Carolina, II, 202, referring to the size of the South Carolina rice plantations. 'They reckon thirty slaves a proper number for a rice plantation to be tended with one overseer.' " In a similar volume there is a schedule of the lands, houses and slaves of John Graham. Lieutenant Governor, dated 1781, which gives further illustration of the organization of in¬ dustry in the low country, and shows also the style of living of the few men of wealth in early Georgia. A list is given of tracts of land ranging mostly between 300 and 2,000 acres each, and aggregating 26,57834 acres. On the "Monteith Plantation" of 6,000 acres, it is stated, there were 77 slaves, of whom 86 were men. Among these are listed one driver (i. e. fore¬ man), 2 cariters, 2 boatmen, 4 sawyers, 2 carpenters and 1 cooper. Among the 27 women one was a washerwoman and one a cook to the overseer. On the "Mulberry Grove Planta¬ tion" of 1,274 acres, there were 80 negroes of whom 43 were men, 22 women, 8 boys, and 7 girls. On the "New Settlement" 71 slaves were employed. Finally, a list is given of thirty "negroes usually employed and kept about the house." Of these, Nero is listed as a coach¬ man, Will Cruz as a cook, Donald a steward, Strap a hairdresser, Bob a groom, George a tailor. Scrub and Harry waiting boys, Alyema a cook, Chuffee and Phoebe children's women, Maria, Leah and Jeanne washerwomen, Penny a cook, Phyllis a midwife, Rose and Hannah house wenches. Hon. James Habersham. vant of Jesus Christ,- the Revd George Whitefield at New- buryport in New England, about the same time as we did here, which was the beginning of last Month, and as your Ladyship must know the Character and Usefullness of the Worthy deceased, in the Church, it will be needless for me to say any thing on that subject. I have however lost in him The oldest and Dearest Friend I had upon Earth. My first acquaintance with him was 34 years ago soon after he left Oxford and on his first visit to London, before he was known as a popular preacher, and from the first hour wc saw each other, to the hour of Death, our Affectionate and real Friendship never abated; indeed it was so deeply found¬ ed, that we knew not how to part, and when he first set off for this, then Infant Colony in December 1737, I left my Business, Contrary to the Sentiments of all my Friends, and embarked with him, without having any particular design in View, otherwise than to accompany him, and since my Arrival here near 33 years ago, I have not once seen my na¬ tive Country, and perhaps never may. Some of the first years of my being here, I was wholly engaged with, and for him, in erecting the Orphan House and conducting his Af¬ fairs there. He has long appeared to be particularly design¬ ed by divine Providence to be singularly usefull in promoting the Interests of real Religion in this new and very extensive World, and I believe his death has been very truly and very Generally Lamented, wherever he has had an opportunity of being known throughout this Continent, and the Inhabitants of this province have in him, lost a Friend indeed, which they appear to be sensible of, and so does the Legislature now convened: who have publickly and genteely expressed their Gratitude, which I have endeavoured to Acknowledge in the enclosed Gazette, and at the same time mentioned some In¬ cidents, well known to a few, yet alive of our first Settlers in memory of my Valuable Old Friend under the signature of An old and real Friend to the deceased and to Georgia- among the papers inclosed with this: your Ladyship will find an Authenticated Copy of his Will under the Great Seal of this Province, which I have sent, the better to enable your Ladyship and the London Executor to Act- The Original is wholly in his own Hand writing which he made a Short Time before he last embarked from hence, and left it in the care of Honest Mr Ambrose Wright, his Faithful Friend and Servants who delivered it to me, on hearing of the Certainty of his Death, by which your Ladyship will find, he has left an his Affairs in this province absolutely to your Ladyship: The Letters of a circumstance I am happy to find, but could have wished to have had the perusal of it, and- particularly an other Friend (I mean our Worthy Governor) as we should have doubtless pointed out the necessity of adding a few Words more fully to extend the power of his devises, agreable I am persuaded to his Intention, and what he really thought he had done, having told me so in one of our last Conversations- I must own, it's appearing rather defective, has given me no small pain, as it is well known there are many, too many who would gladly improve every pretence to put the Worst Con¬ structions on the Conduct of the deceased, who I need not say to your Ladyship acted in every respect, with a disinter¬ ested and pure View, to promote the Honour of the Great God, but in order that I may be better understood I shall take the Liberty of Tresspassing on your Ladyship's pa¬ tience, while I make a few remarks. It is conceived as I be¬ fore remarked, that the Will is not so clear and express as it might have been in regard to the Trust invested in your Ladyship and the London Executors, for tho' there is strong Implication of a Trust to your Ladyship, (and to myself in Case of your Ladyships demise) as to the Georgia Affairs, there is not a Word to that purpose to Mr West and Mr Keen in respect to the Tabernacle and Tottinham Court Chappel and unless the Leases of the Lands, on which these buildings are Erected, declare their Uses, I am afraid the deceased's Heir will (unless he will release- or the Executors or one of them should Survive 'till the Expiration of the re¬ spective Leases), have an Absolute Right to them for, the term, if any may remain unexpired- Your Ladyship will please to observe by the Copys of the Grants enclosed of the lands here, that there are seven, three of which are in trust for the Use and Benefit of the Orphan House, three in Trust for the Endowment of a College, which is a happy Circum¬ stance, and there is one for 500 Acres Called Huntingdon granted generally and without any Trust expressed, which after your Ladyships Decease will undoubtedly come to the deceaseds Heir, if he does not before that period release This Tract, I many years ago took up unknown to my late Friend and after he knew it, he gave its' Name out of respect to your Ladyships: and, if my memory does not fail me, I believe I advised him to have the Grant in his own Name only, that he might add it with his many other Donations to the Orphan House, as his own Gift and property which I am sure he did not advert to on making his Will, other¬ wise it would have been 'specially devised to your Ladyship, Hon. James Habersham. for the use of the Orphan House, having repeatedly heard him say that none of his Relations should possess a Foot of property, he had dedicated to the Service of God. This Land as yet unimproved adjoins to the plantation called Ephata, is valuable and will be extremely convenient for the future Improvement and Support of the Institution; and if the Heir is not prevented from Claiming it in future, it would much grieve me, as I had it in my power to have had the Grant in my own Name, and to give it for the Use I very truly intended, when I took it up,- I need not observe to your Ladyship, that neither the lands in England, or Here, are by the Will devised in Fee, and, from what I have under¬ stood, my late Friends Heir, and any that may Succeed, is by no means fit to have the Trust, (and he can have no more, unless, if not prevented, Huntingdon) of the deceased's landed Affairs here, which however was the most distant from the Testators Intention- The Negroes, and all the personal Estate, the Heir at Law cannot interfere with, and, if I am not mistaken in my observations, I should think it might be expedient to have some Instrument drawn up, declaring the Uses of all the Lands, Negroes &c, agreable to what your Ladyship and the Executors know was the deceased's In¬ tention, and in the deeds (for, if any are thought necessary, there must be two, one from your Ladyship in respect to the Georgia Affairs, and another from Mr West and Mr Keen for the London Affairs) to insert a Clause by which the Heir at Law Releases all Claims &c to the Lands (if any he has) and join in the Declaration of uses or Trusts &c, but, if it's thought the Heir will make any difficulty, then it may per¬ haps be better to say nothing to him about it but of this your Ladyship and the Executors will be better able to Judge, after taking advice on the Will- And, as I cannot doubt, but your Ladyship will condescend to accept of the Trust- I take the Liberty to recommend to your Ladyship to send me a particular power of Attorney, and as I am in years, and Life is Uncertain, I also recommend to your Ladyship to join the following persons with me- The Honourable Francis Harris Esqr John Smith Esqr Mr Joseph Clay, Mr Ambrose Wright and Mr James Habersham Junior, that if your Ladyship thinks proper, they may apply here to endeavour to obtain a Law to establish the College, as the deceased intended to have done, had he lived, or to act in such other Manner as your Ladyship may judge most proper for perfecting the desirable, Object of the Testator- I hope your Ladyship will excuse my presuming to give my Opinion, and attribute it io6 The Letters of to my hearty Inclination to serve an Institution, I have de¬ voted so much Time, and have been at great Pains to Sup¬ port and render Usefull, agreable to the pious purposes of the Founder; and I am extremely concerned, that your Lady¬ ship should have any trouble, that might have been spared, had the good man known as much about Law, as he did of the Gospel. I purpose sending this, with the several Inclos- ures, by Mr Cornelius Winter, who it's expected will embark to morrow, or at farthest the day following for London, to endeavour to obtain Ordination, as a Missionary to, the poor Negroes, and whatever Objections our Revd Fathers may have to a Methodist preacher, being instrumental in Converting Christians, I should add Nominal ones, I hope they will have none against Converting Negroes who are al¬ most totally in a perfect State of Heathenism, he carries with him perhaps better Credentials, than most do who go from America for Holy Orders, and if your Ladyship has time to peruse them, I believe they will appear reputable, and can¬ not fail of being attended to, unless his pious and Exemplary Behaviour, and (should it be known, as it probably may) his connection with my deceased Friend, should operate against him. I suppose your Ladyship may have seen him having been one of Mr Whitefields family in London, and he has been esteemed so here, and consequently is in some measure able to answer, any enquiry's, your Ladyship may chuse to make in regard to the Orphan House. My acquaintance with him has only been for about a year past, and I am greatly mistaken, if he does not engage with a Single Eye in the Work he has undertaken if permitted. Your Ladyship will please to observe that the Will was not proved, 'till this day, as I thought it Necessary that it should be on its's Way to your Ladyship, before the contents were known here, as well on Account of the respect due to your Ladyship as that a Malicious and near relation of the deceased in this Town, might not have it in his power to circumvent any measures your Ladyship might think proper to take with the Heir at Law in England, who I suppose is well known to Mr Keen- I have found among, my late Friends Papers, a Sketch of a Law to establish a College, and I shall immediately employ a Lawer to put it in Town, and send your Ladyship a copy by the next Conveyance for your Ladyships Approbation, in which I may perhaps be indulged with our very Sensible and kind Governors advice, who is esteemed an exceedingly Good Lawer, having formerly been in Great practice in South Carolina, where he was many Years Attorney General. He Hon. James Habersham. proposes going to England with his Family next May, when this Government will probably devolve upon me, and being sensible of my own Inability for such an Undertaking, I truly Tremble at the Thought- He has very Great property here, which I shall have the principal Charge of: he goes to Eng¬ land as Governor of Georgia, having the King's Leave to return to his Government, if he chuses, which is a favour not granted to every Governor, and I am sure, he will very readily assist and advise your Ladyship in promoting the Testators Intentions of which he is acquainted, having had many conversations with him, on that Subject, when last here- Among the Inclosures, your Ladyship will find a Sched¬ ule of the lands and Negroes of the deceased, also a copy on an account enclosed with his Will of his Money Matters, he left with Mr Keen, which I suppose is all his great Worthy Estate, so much talked of by his Enemies, and I think when his Legacy's are paid there will be but very little left for the Orphan House, the Accounts of which were all settled and Audited last February, and It's debt paid to that time, and what has been necessarily contracted since, I am told will not be very Considerable, which I shall take care to discharge, and duly render your Ladyship an account- I shall likewise have an Inventory taken of the deceased's real and personal Estate, as soon as possible, which I am obliged to have done within 3 months, agreable to Law, and my Oath on Quali¬ fying as Executor- I have informed your Ladyship, that I only qualifyed to day and could not 'till that was done, legal¬ ly act, tho I have not been Idle in my Friends Affair since I heard of his Death- I do, not precisely know the Number of poor Children at the Orphan House, but I believe there are not many, of which and every other particular, I shall inform myself, and consequently your Ladyship. I have had several Applications since my Friend last left this province, and some lately, to take in poor Children, but I have determ¬ ined not to enlarge the Family or make any other alteration in it, untill I hear from your Ladyship- The Institution will want further Support, and I know it's Founder intended, as his ability permitted, to add 15 or 20 Negroes more, which if he had lived to do, I think it would have been Sufficient to Support the president-Tutors, and Servants, and as many Orphan Children, as could conveniently be taken in. The Students when a College is superadded must pay all their Expenses of Board &c, and some settled sum towards Sup¬ porting the president and other Offices: The additional Buildings for the Accomodation of Students are in great io8 The Letters of forwardness, and will soon be finished, but they will be of no Service without a person properly qualifyed to preside, without which nothing can be- done to purpose as a College. I would beg leave to recommend to your Ladyship the ob¬ taining such a person as a principal Object, and as such, I can make no doubt of your Ladyships considering it; he must necessarily be well acquainted with Classical Learning, and should have a tolerable Knowledge of the Sciences; He should be a Clergyman of the Church of England, of sound principles, and no Stranger to Experimental Divinity and I may add he should not only be a Gentleman by profession, but in practice capable of Governing with Dignity, tho' with Tenderness- Such an one my Lady would, I had almost said, be the greatest Benefaction that could be given to the Institution and to the province in General. The Chappell is very neat, and nearly completed, and the two Wings for Students, and other Buildings are in great forwardness, and all together they are very convenient and make a handsome appearance; and Mr Wright assures me, he will see them all finished, and will Execute any further Business your Lady¬ ship may require of him. It has been extremely chagrining, and a disagreable State of Suspence to Mr Whitefields Friends here, not to have even heard till within a few days past from Richard Smith, the Servant who waited upon him on his last Journey, and was with him at the time of his death. In his Letter, I am informed he acquaints Mr Wright that he intended to embark from Boston for London by the advice of a Friend there, tho' his own Judgement, and the knowledge he had of, his Master's affairs here should I- think have directed him to return with all speed to Georgia, with what Effects and Money his good Master had with him- It appears by the Will, which he could not be acquainted with,- that he is intitled to all the Wearing Apparel his Mas¬ ter had with him, but not to several little things, Mr Wright informs me, the deceased's carryed for his convenience, be¬ longing to the Orphan House, and especially a Gold Watch my dear Friend left me, of which I am in no want, otherwise than I should preserve, and Esteem it as a token of his Love and Regard. Mr Smith has also a Legacy left him of 50 £ and I suppose when Mr Keen settles that with him, he will take care, that he Accounts for what money he found in the possession of his kind Master at the time of his Death. He has a Son at the Orphan House, and I must think this part of his Conduct is by no means pleasing- I shall endeavour to write to Mr West and Mr Keen by this Opportunity much Hon. James Habersham. to the same purpose I have done to your Ladyship, and I am sorry I have been obliged to be so prolix and intruding upon your Ladyships patience but I thought it my Duty, to be as particular as in power at present and beg your Lady¬ ship will believe me to be Your Ladyship's Obedient & very humble Servt P. S. I shall endeavour to inform your Ladyship from Time to Time as Circumstantially as possible of the Affairs of your Trust- I forgot to mention that I have enclosed Copys of 3 papers I found of my late Friends Writing, intitled Sub¬ jects for Annual prizes, College Rules and a List of War¬ dens for the intended College, which I send for your Lady¬ ships amusement- I have just seen Mr Wright, who says that Mr Smith wrote him, that the money he found of his late Masters, was between £24. and £25. I 'understand that Mr Thomas Adams, Mr Howell Davies, and Mr Stirk, late of this province dyed before the Testator, and if so as the Legacys are only to the Legatees and not their Heirs, they will I presume remain as part of the Testators Estate. To the right Honourable the Countess Dowager of Hunt¬ ingdon Madam ) Savannah in Georgia the 31st Dec 1770 I had the Honour of writing your Ladyship a long Letter the 10th of this Month, which was forwarded by Mr Cornelius Winter, who came over with my late deceaseded Friend, the Revd George Whitefield, and went to England in the Ship Georgia Packet, with intention to obtain holy Or¬ ders as a Missionary to the poor Negroes to which I must beg leave to refer your Ladyship, hoping Mr Winter will arrive safe, and there by render it unnecessary to trouble your Ladyship with Duplicates I then enclosed an authenti¬ cated Copy of the deceased's Will, and sundry other Papers, by which your Ladyship will find yourself solely invested with his whole property in this Province: and at the same time I mentioned, that I should send your Ladyship a draught of a Bill for establishing a College, which has been consid¬ ered agreed upon by our worthy Governor and my late Friend, and has intended to be laid before the Legislature now to be convened to be passed in to a Law, with a Clause to suspend its taking Effect till it has obtained his Majestys royal Allowance and Approbation upon perusing the Sketches See letter dated May is, 1771, acknowledging a reply to this letter. no The Letters of of this intended Law, found among my Friends papers, they are so imperfect, that in some Instances I am at a Loss to understand their Meaning-I am however in hopes that your Lordship, is before this Time possessed of the real Copy, as I find my Friend carryed it with him, whence he last went from hence- Lewis Johnson Esqr one of his Majesty's Coun¬ cil of this province embarked with him for Philadelphia for the recovery of his Health, and being lately returned, in¬ forms me that he had the Perusal of the draught of this in¬ tended Law, and had also several Conversations with Mr Whitefield on the subject Matter in Philadelphia, that, I must suppose, his Servant Richard Smith who was with him, and who I have before acquainted your Ladyship embarked for London from Boston, instead of first returning here, has doubtless delivered it, with what ever Papers and Effects he found in the Possession of his Master at the Time of his Death to your Ladyship- I must therefore beg leave to re¬ quest your Ladyship to send me a Copy of it, with the Names of the Wardens or Trustees, that, if your Ladyship approves of it. I may endeavour to have it passed into a Law- I must observe that my deceased Friend intended previous to the passing this Law to have made over his real and Personal Estate in this province to some Persons in Trust for the Pur¬ poses reposed by the Law, as a Ground to obtain his Ma¬ jesty's royal Approbation, which I have not the least doubt, would have been granted, especially as it would have been countenanced and recommended by the Governor as well as the whole Legislature; and I presume such a Power or deed of Trust may be necessary for your Ladyship to effect the in¬ tention of the deceased- In two or three days I shall have an Inventory taken by sworn Appraisers of all the Goods and Chattels of my late Friend in this Province, and by a good opportunity I shall send your Ladyship a Copy thereof with the Accounts of the Orphan House settled to this day. My deceased Friend be¬ fore he last left us, engaged a young Clergyman of the Church of England, the Revd Edgard Ellington, to reside at Bethesda for-the present, for which he agreed to give him £50. pr Annum and his Board &c expecting he might be further supported by becoming an Assistant to the rector of the Parish- He has accordingly officiated in our Church for about six months past, once and sometimes twice every Sab¬ bath day, and with almost Universal Approbation, tho, he has yet had no other reward than the satisfaction of doing his duty. Several of the Inhabitants want him to remain Hon. James Habersham. in here, and would make some provision for his Support but the rector differs with him in religious Sentiments, and it's believed does not want, and will therefore probably not agree to give him the free use of his Pulpit once every Sunday, and occasionally on other Days, he does not seem inclined, (and neither indeed can I advise him,) to remain here on disagre- able Terms with the rector, and at best to move in a con¬ tracted Sphere, especially as he has been offered one of the best Parishes of South Carolina, where he will probably be as usefull as he can be here. I think him to be a serious young Gentleman, and of promising Abilities, which, how¬ ever he has not had the best opportunity of improving, and although I am persuaded, he will acquit himself as a Parish Minister, usefully and with reputation, he does not I believe think himself sufficiently qualifyed to instruct Youth in Class¬ ical and other usefull Learning, and such a Person, I must recommend to your Ladyship to procure to preside at Be- thesda College, without which no Law, nor all the Counten¬ ance that can be given it, will effectuallv answer the good Purposes of the Founder, and your Ladyship I humbly pray God to bless and direct your Ladyship in all your pious Undertaking, to promote the true Interest of religion, and am with profound respect, Madam, Your Ladyship's Most Obedient & very Humble Servt To Mr Robert Keen in the Minories London pr the Brig Crosby Capt Fortune. Savannah in Georgia 3d Jany 1771 Dear Sir I had the Pleasure of writing to you and Mr West the 10th Ultimo very fully, in respect to the Affairs of our late Reverend Friend, which was forward¬ ed by Mr Winter, who went in the Ship Georgia Packet Capt Anderson for London, and by the same Conveyance, I en¬ closed a letter particularly directed to you, which I found sealed up with my deceased Friend's Will- I did not take a Copy of it, which might perhaps have been proper, as there is an Appearance of a War, and Mr Winter may be prevented by the Enemy, from delivering it, But I recollect, the sub¬ stance was, that he had left with you sealed up Mr Hardy's Robert Keen was the London executor of the estate of Rev. George Whitefleld. "the deceased friend'' here referred to, and James Habersham was the executor in Georgia. Whitefleld left all his property to the Countess Dowager of Huntingdon for the benefit of the Orphan House at Bethesda. 112 The Letters of Note for a Thousand Pounds, being what he had provided for his Wife, which, with the Interest for 5 or 6 years, for I am not certain about the Time, was to be paid to Mr Daniel West, to reimburse him I think Thirteen Hundred pounds, he had lent him the use of without Interest. I now Wish, I had taken a copy of this Letter, which out of Delicacy I did, I did not, because it was a matter He particularly enjoined might rest between you and him I hope Mr Winter will ar¬ rive Safe, as my Letters by him furnished you with every Intelligence, respecting the deceased's Affairs, in my Power. I beg the favour of you to have the enclosed Letter conveyed to him, to which I refer you, as I cannot now enlarge, hav¬ ing a great deal of Business on my Hands- I have also by this Conveyance wrote to good Lady Huntingdon, and not¬ withstanding Bethesda has lost it's generous Founder and Benefactor, I hope God will yet shew that he has many Bless¬ ings reserved for it in the unexhausted Stores of Heaven. I desire Mr Winter to get me some cloths made, and to apply to you for materials, which Mr John Clark in Billeter Square, with whom my second Son lives will be answerable to you for. Mr Ambrose Wright is well but he has met with Af¬ fliction by the Death of two Sisters and a Brother. He is determined to finish our late Friend's Plan at Bethesda, which will reflect Honour on the Founder and all concerned in it. Please to make my best Respects acceptable to Mr West, and believe me dear Sir Your Most Obedeient Humble Servant In a Postscript of the above Letter I took notice of the Ca¬ veat said to be entered in London by a Creditor of the de¬ ceased (see my Letter to Lord Dartmouth) and I also en¬ closed Mr Smiths Sermon on the death of Mr Whitefield sent from the Author, for the use of the Tabernacle To the right Honourable the Earl of Dartmouth at His House St James Sqr London- pr Brig Crosby Capt Fortune My Lord. . Savannah in Georgia the 9th Jan 1771 Was I not well informed of the Amiable and con¬ descending Disposition of your Lordship, I could not pre¬ sume to take the Liberty of this Address, especially as I have not the Honour of being personally known to your Lord- it is -worthy of note here that so good and unselfish a man as George Whitefield had his enemies, who "charged him with secretly amassing a Great Worldly Estate for his private purposes." It is needless to state that these charges were wholly unfounded. See letter dated April 22, 1771. Hon. James Habersham. ship, tho' I suppose your Lordship may not be unacquainted with my Name, by means of my Worthy deceased Friend- the Revd Mr Geo. Whitefield,- who, I have understood was Honoured with your Lordships Friendship and Esteem. Our first acquaintance and Friendship commenced soon after he left Oxford upwards of 34 years agoe, and continued un¬ abated till the Hour of his Death- I came over with him, when he first embarked for this Province, and have had a principal Charge in conducting under many and unknown Difficulties, his Disinterested and generous concerns Here, and in him, I have lost the dearest and oldest Friend I have upon Earth. Before he last embarked for the Northern Provinces on this Continent, he made his Will, and left the whole of his Af¬ fairs here to good Lady Huntingdon, and in case of her Death, to me desiring, that as soon as may be, his intended plan here may be effectually prosecuted, God's Thought's are not as our Thoughts, but to all Human Appearence it is to be wished he had lived to return here, as he had got the draught of a Bill prepared to Establish his intended Col- ledge, which had been considered and agreed upon by our Worthy Governor and him, and was intended to be laid before the Legislature, now convened to be passed into a Law, with a Clause to suspend its operation, until it had ob¬ tained his Majesty's Royal allowance and Approbation, which I flatter myself would have been granted, as it would have been strongly recommended by the Governor and the whole Legislature. This Draught, my deceased Friend, took with him, but his Servant Richard Smith who attended him on his late journey, instead of first returning here, as I thought he ought to have done, went from Boston to England, and doubtless carried the Copy of this Bill, and what papers and Effects he found in his Masters possession at the time of his Death, with him, which I must Suppose he has delivered to Lady Huntingdon, who I have requested to furnish me with a Copy, that I may endeavour to have his intention carryed into Execution, as far as may be in my power- I have sent her Ladyship an Authenticated Copy of his Will, and also of every paper I could find relative to his Affairs in this Prov¬ ince, and likewise sent an Authenticated Copy of the same to his Executors in London- (Mr West and Mr Keen) for their Information and Guidance with respect to Tottenham Court Chappell, and the Tabernacle. I must however wish he had communcated the Contents of his Will to a friend here (the Governor) and myself, as he would have probably been advised to express his Intentions better and more agre- "4 The Letters of able, to what I am persuaded he meant, of which I have written to her Ladyship, as well as Mr West and Mr Keen very fully and circumstantially by Mr Cornelius Winter who lived some years with my Deceased Friend in London, and came with him from England. I think him to be a very ser¬ ious humble and pious young man. He embarked about three weeks ago for London, and goes well recommended for holy Orders, as a Missionary to the poor Negroes agre- able to the Will of our late Rector the Revd Mr Bartholmew Zuberbuhler, who had thereby made a handsome Provision for that Purpose, and I am persuaded he engaged in this laudable design with an Honest and single Eye to promote the real Good of these truly benighted People. I very heart¬ ily hope he will succeed. I have to day seen one of the South Carolina Gazettes of the 31st Ult. in which is the following Paragraph taken from a London paper of the 8th November last "Yesterday on receiving the Account of the Death of the Revd Mr George Whitefield, a Caveat was entered at Doctors Commons by a principal Creditor, to whom a con¬ siderable sum of money is said to be owing." This Intelli¬ gence early as he died the 30th September preceding, and as I well know my Lord that every aspersion that can be in¬ vented by the Enemies of the Son of God, will be thrown out to hurt his Memory. I can scarcely give creditt, that any such Caveat Exists, and if it does it must be without any real Foundation. I am sure my Friend was Incapable of deceiv¬ ing, and am not afraid of staking my reputation, which I es¬ teem dearer than any other Consideration, on his Veracity, in the minutest Instance. I found enclosed and Sealed up with his Will a State of his Money Matters, which is all in the Hands of his trusty Friend Mr Robt Keen in London, and after his Legacy's, which are principally to his Servt who more than deserved all he had in his power to do for them, and some inconsiderable Sums to his relations, and particu¬ lar Friends, are paid,, I believe there will be very little of anything left for the Support of his Institution here. I am well informed that the only Debt he owed in England- which was to a kind Friend, who lent him the Use of a Sum of Money without Interest, he has taken care to make pro¬ vision to discharge, as will appear, if please God, Mr Winter arrives Safe to deliver my Letters to his London Executors,. His Accounts and every demand on him here, were settled paid and audited last February, and what has been unavoid¬ ably contracted since, I shall discharge, tho' I have not a farthing of his Money, not doubting but I shall be reimburs- Hon. James Habersham. ed: and this my Lord, I am persuaded is a true Account of his Great Worldly Estate, which his Enemies have charged him with secretly amassing for his private purposes- The time is now come my Lord, to evince to the whole world, the uprightness of his Intentions, and that his Views were Solely and disinterestedly terminated in promoting the Glory of God, and the Good of Mankind. The Additional Build¬ ings necessary for the College he intended to superadd to the Orphan House, are going on, and will soon be finished, and they will be not only Extremely Usefull and conven¬ ient, but make a handsome and ornamental Appearance, and must Effect a lasting Honour on the founders Memory. My deceased Friend has appeared to be particularly designed by Divine Providence to be singularly usefull in promoting the Interest of religion in the new and Extensive World, and his Death has been Universally lamented throughout this Continent. The Inhabitants of this province seem very sen¬ sible of their Loss in particular, and the Legislature here have very genteely expressed their Gratitude to their de¬ parted Friend, which I have endeavoured to acknowledge in the enclosed Gazette, under the Signature of "an Old and Real Friend to the deceased and to Georgia" I have like¬ wise taken the Liberty to enclose your Lordship two Funeral Sermons, one published here, and the other in So. Carolina, and the latter is the production of a good old Gentleman, who is far advanced in Years, and is Labouring under the Natural Infirmities of Age. For several years past he has appeared very little in the pulpit, but I suppose could not be satisfied without leaving this last Testimony for the de¬ ceased, in which the Warmth of a truly Friendly and good Heart is Visible. He has been a very sensible usefull writer, and is the Mr Smith mentioned by Mr Newton in his Life, which I have lately read with great pleasure. The real Af¬ fection that has subsisted between me and my old Friend, and the regard your Lordship had Expressed for him, I flatter my¬ self will plead my excuse for this intruding on your Lordship, and if your Lordship will not be displeased with my requesting your Lordship's Friendship to a worthy Gentleman I shall think myself highly honoured. This Gentleman is Lewis John¬ son Esqr a Usefull and sensible Member of his Majesty's Coun¬ cil in this Province, who embarked with my late Friend when he last left us, to Philadelphia for the recovery of his Health, having been long affected with sickness, and thereby de¬ prived of attending his profession as a physician. His jour¬ ney to the Northward has answered his purpose, and he is n6 The Letters of returned in as good a State of Health, as he has enjoyed for some years past, and his Judgement is esteemed equal, if not Superior to any of the practitioners in the Medical Way here, his late absence, and his frequent and tedious sickness before, and, I am sorry to say, his steady and faithfull Conduct to Support Government during our late disturbances, on Ac¬ count of the Stamp and American duty Acts, has not a little contributed to throw the Greatest part of his Business into other Hands. He is my Lord, the Father of a reputable and Large Family, a carefull and prudent Wife and thirteen young Children, who depend upon him for Support. He has had a Liberal Education, and has been regularly brought up in his profession, and I believe this Attention to his Busi¬ ness especially in the Latter part of the Summer, which is our Sickly Season, has hurt his Constitution, and as the Same Cause will probably have the same Effect he is desirous of getting some Employment that may secure a certain and decent support for himself and large Family during his Life. The Collector of his Majesty's Custom here, is very Old and according to the Course of Nature cannot be expected to live long, and if Mr Johnson could succeed him, I am per¬ suaded he would Execute the office Faithfully, and with repu¬ tation. Our Governor and his Friends here very heartily wish it and I know the former has a real respect for him, and will recommend him to the Commissioners of the Customs at Boston./ I find our present Collector's Appointment is from the Commissioners of the Customs in London, but it was before any board of Commissioners was Established in America, and as it is a revenue Office, perhaps it may lay with the lord of the Treasury in the first Instance, and if your Lordship can Serve this Worthy Man by Insuring the reversion to him, I am sure he will not dishonour your Lord¬ ship's Countenance for him: as I express the Sentiments of my deceased Friend, who, I have not the least doubt, would have done every thing in his power to serve him had he lived to return to this Province. Our Worthy Governor's Leave of Absence, proposes going with his Family next May, when this Government will probably devolve on me, during his absence. I request your Lordships pardon for this Intrusion and am with great Esteem and Respect My Lord Your Lordship's Most Obedient And very Humble Servt Hon. James Habersham. 117 To the Right Honourable Countess Dowager of Huntingdon in London pr the Brig Crosby Capt Thomas Fortune Madam ) Savannah in Georgia the 9th Jan 1771 This Morning the Revd Mr Ellington left us, and went to the Parish, to which he has been invited in South Carolina. I paid Him £25 for his salary for six months, he resided at Bethesda, agreable to my Friends Agreement with him- Our rector declined calling a Vestry to consult about his remaining here, as his Assistant, and has communicated a Letter to a Gentleman who particularly requested his call¬ ing a Vestry, from the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, directing him not to give any Countenance to Mr Ellington, the Society being displeased with him for leaving his former Parish to reside at the Orphan House- This mark of disrespect is doubtless ultimately aimed at my late Friend who is now happy, and out of the reach of Envy and detrac¬ tion, and it has probably terminated in Mr Ellington's Ad¬ vantage, as he is much better provided for in South Caro¬ lina, without the Assistance of the Society than he could be here with it. A young Man, one Mr Langworthy, has ex¬ pressed a great Desire to be employed as a Tutor at the Orphan House He has for more than a year past kept a School in this Town, but has laboured under a bad state of Health During the late Holidays, he has been at Bethesda on a visit to his Brother-in-Law. Mr Wright, whose sister he marryed (but she is dead) where he has got his Plealth perfectly established, being certainly as healthy a situation as any in the Province,- I am encouraged by John Graham Esqr one of his Majesty's Council, and some other Gentle¬ men of the first Consequence here, to begin a School at the Orphan House for Academical Learning with Mr Lang- worthy, who I think is a very good Classical Scholar and in other Respects is better qualifyed than any person I know here for the undertaking, and Mr Graham and all the other Gentlemen will send their sons. I have accordingly agreed to give him £50. pr annum, and his Board and lodging, and next Monday, the 14th Instant he is to open his School with about half a dozen youth, and I doubt not, but their number will soon be encreased. There are now only the Orphan Children there upon the Charity who are under the imme¬ diate Instruction of a very promising youth, a relation of my deceased Friend, and the Boarders will be under the Care and Tuition of Mr Langworthy, who has engaged to superin¬ tend the whole. I understand, by Mr Wright, that the Found- See letter dated May 15,1771, acknowledging a reply to this letter. ii8 The Letters of er, intended to fix the price of Boarders at £30- pr Annum Each, including- Tuition, but as this is yet but a young, tho* thriving Colony, I have agreed to take £25, for the present year, being desirous to make it as easy as possible in the be¬ ginning, which I hope your Ladyship will approve of,- The Buildings are plainly Elegant, neat and extremely conven¬ ient, and the Situation healthy, and could your Ladyship see them, I am sure your Ladyship would join me in wishing to have them occupyed for the laudable purpose, they have been with much Difficulty, labour and Expense erected. It is better to be up and doing. God works and sends by whom, he will, and from the most contemptible beginnings generally effects his Purposes, because he will have the Honour I only mean Mr Langworthy to make a beginning, and by no means to supersede the necessity of a Gentleman, such if possible, as I have described to preside there. I hope there may in future be full Employment for a President and a Tutor, as I hope to see a Number of Students there, and that the In¬ stitution will also be able to support a Number of poor Chil¬ dren. There will be a necessity to make some distinction be¬ tween the former and the latter in respect to their Dyet and Education. It is not necessary and I think it would be hurt- full to make poor Children, who are to be placed out to Trades, Classical Scholars, except in particular Instances, where they may discover a Genius, which no doubt should be improved to qualify them to move in a higher Sphere, and if they have plenty of wholesome dyet, are kept clean, are decently clothed and are taught to read, write and account well, I suppose more cannot be generally expected- These are my present undigested Thoughts, and Experience and Time will discover the Method of reducing the Order of the Institution into a settled Plan. I have no doubt, but your Ladyship will have seen many Publications on the Death of my late Friend from the Northern Provinces, and I take the Liberty to enclose two, one published here, and the other in South Carolina. I had the honour of writing your Lady¬ ship a letter of the 31st Ultimo, but as the Ship, by which it is intended to go, is not sailed, I have thought it necessary to give your Ladyship the foregoing Information-I have by this opportunity taken the Liberty to write to the Earl of Dartmouth, requesting a favour of his Lordship for a Friend, and at the same Time, I have given his Lordship some ac¬ count of the worthy deceased's Affairs here. The 25th of next Month the new and very neat Chappel at the Orphan Hon. James Habersham. 119 House is to be opened and Mr Ellington is to be here to as¬ sist on the occasion," when I hope to hear some little pro- formances, exhibited by our young Pupils in public. I have got my Friends Personal Estate at Bethesda appraised, but as the Articles are Numerous, and fill many sheets, it will take time to have it copyed, which however will be done, and sent your Ladyship by some safe conveyance, it amounts to about £3300, besides the Buildings and Lands, which are worth much more. I have the Honour to be, with great Respect, Madam,- Your Ladyships Most Obedient & very Humble Servt - P. S.) I have no doubt of your Ladyship's having received the Copy of the Intended Law, for Establishing the College from Richard Smith, and if there are any other Papers rela¬ tive thereto delivered with it, of which I have not sent your Ladyship a Copy I must intreat your Ladyship to send me Copys. I am extremely sorry to have occasion to give your Ladyship so much Trouble. To Samuel Lloyd Esq in London Savannah in Georgia 6th Feb. 1771 XXXXXXXX You have doubtless beard of the Death of my late dear Friend, the Revd Mr Geo. Whitefield in New England, an Account that too sensibly affects me to wish to dwell too much upon. He has left the Trust of his Affairs here, to good Lady Huntingdon, and in case of her Demise to me, who am also his only Executor here, by which a very weighty concern devolves on me. There have been many Publications throughout this exten¬ sive Continent, on his much lamented Death and I beg leave to enclose our Gazette, in which is a short one of mine, under the signature of "an Old and real Friend to the deceased and to Georgia." I am the only one left in America of his first Friends, and must soon follow him. I have no doubt of his laudable and disinterested Institution Succeeding, tho' at present the Means of its visible Support are indeed very small, and by no Means adequate to the Undertaking. 1 am at present hurryed, and shall only add, that if you want any further Explanation with Mr Spenser, or have any commands here, that I can Execute, you may depend, I shall embrace 120 The Letters of every opportunity of evincing, that I am, with real regard, my dear Sir Your Affectionate Friend & Servant P. S. I know you will serve Mr Johnson if you can. London, Messrs Graham, Clark & Co pr the Prince Frederick Gentlemen—) Savannah, in Georgia the 12 Feb. 1771 I have now before me your Favour of the 13th October last, and in regard to Messieurs Greenwood and Higginson declining to supply my Son and Mr Richard Wylly in their intended Connection in Trade, it is no great Disappointment to me, being no Plan of my concerting, and the Part I took in it, I did at the particular request of My Son, and purely to oblige him. I do not mean to be under¬ stood that I had any objections to Mr Wylly, who is a sen¬ sible and industrious young man, and I believe very capable of Business, but the Truth is I rather chuse my son should be connected with my own Family, and therefore un'till one of his Brothers can properly join him. I have proposed to be concerned a moiety with him and to become his Partner in Trade under the Firm of James Habersham Junr & Comp, and shall accordingly enter into articles with him, for two years or longer, if thought necessary by the Parties or rather until my Son Joseph or John may take the concern. I shall hold, in consequence of this new Connection, we have sent you an order for some Goods which I hope, you will have no objection to execute as I will do in my Power to make the Correspondence agreable to both Parties. I observe what you say in regard to a Deposit of Money with a new House being more prevailing, than any Security can be, in which I agree, and if I could now have Freight for rice, or could sell for Bills, or purchase them with Cash, it should not be wanting to the utmost of my Ability. I expect how¬ ever to get some Bills on London in a Month or two, which will be sent you, and to ship 4 or 300 Bbls of Rice of my present Crop, as Freight offers. I have no Inclination to be again concerned in Trade, and was it not to serve my Son James, who is married to a discreet young Woman, and may expect an encreasing Family, in which I cannot be uncon¬ cerned, and also to lay a Foundation to introduce my other two Sons into Business, I could by no means think of it, as neither my present nor perhaps future Situation in this Prov¬ ince will admit me to give much Attention that Way, and, Hon. James Habersham. 121 as it is, my Son proposes, and must take upon him the whole Management of the intended Connection, which he is very capable of transacting, untill he can be assisted by one of his Brothers. We intend to limit our Business and not to im¬ port more, than we can make Satisfactory Payments for. We must however send an other Order for a few Winter Goods, and if it may be convenient for you to Supply us, I can only repeat, that I will do my utmost to render the Correspond¬ ence pleasing, but if Gentlemen, it may not be perfectly con¬ venient for you, I would by no Means wish or desire you to do it, and I must further request that you will not make an Offer of our Business or even make it known to any House in London, except to Mr John Nutt, of whose Honour and worth I have conceived a high Opinion, and should he, in such case, accept of our Business, I desire he would look upon this, and our joint Letter to you as written to himself and act accordingly. I am with real regard Gentlemen Your Most Obet Svt J. H. Messrs Graham Clark & Co. London Gentlemen ) Savannah the 15th Feb 1771 Since I wrote the foregoing it has appeared doubtfull to me, whether J H Junr & Co can get freight to ship what they propose and intend, and therefore they have as you will see by their respective Letters of yesterday and to day, desired you to charter two Vessels, one to be here in All next August, and the other about the middle of No¬ vember next, both to be loaded by us, our Worthy Governor and your John Graham, one third each. We shall besides endeavour to get Freight for 200 Barrels Rice or more with¬ in the ensuing three Months as it's our Interest as well as Inclination to get Money in London. Our Governor if no public Incident happens to detain him, goes to England next May, when this Government as well as his large private Concerns will probably devolve on me. He, or rather I shall for him, Ship from 2 to 3000 barrels Rice annually from his- own plantations. I am Gentlemen Your very humble Servant- P. S. If it should be inconvenient for you or Mr Nutt, to undertake and continue our Business I must desire you will ship the enclosed Order and an other to follow for a few 122 The Letters of winter Goods, which is not intended to exceed £1000- and depend on us for due payment. I would not willing disap¬ point my Son, and until I know your mind, my Hands in regard to any Application elsewhere are tyed. To Wm Knox Esqr Under Secretary of State to the right Honbl the Earle of Hillsborough Savannah in Georgia the 13 March 1771 Dear Sir )xxxxxxx We have lately had an amazing Quantity of Rain, so as in a Manner to deluge the Country, and this Town has sometimes been almost impassible on Foot, and I suppose it must have been equally so in the back Country, as we have had Freshes in this, and the other fresh Water Rivers higher and for longer Continuance than has scarcely been remembered- The Governor has lost perhaps 200 barrels Rice on his plantation next the River at Ogee- chee after it was stacked in his Barnyards, and yet I do not understand that the Freshes have been so high there as at Knoxborough by some feet, and I think thev are better situ¬ ated to be banked to keep out the Freshes than yours. I mean they can be done easier and at less Expense. Jxxxxxxxxxxx And now, my good Friend, be not offended when I plainly tell you, that you fall short of being a punctual Correspondent. I mean in your Answers to my Letters, which are much in too general Terms, and I think you trust too much to your Memory, when you sit down to write. My Method is immediately before I answer a letter, to look carefully over it, make some short Notes, namely of the date, perhaps how I received it, and every material Part I may think necessary to reply to, if not Paragraph by Para¬ graph. For want of this, or some Methods, I have often been at a loss to know (unless from some general Re¬ marks in your Letters) which of mine you had received, and being under that uncertainty, it has probably occasioned needless reputations on my Part, which I have not leisure to attend to, and every Moment of my Time, may soon be¬ come more precious to me than hitherto and must be hus¬ banded, especially as I find Infirmities keep Pace, and my Abilities for Business grow slower, with growing years. I am my dear Friend with all Sincerety Your Affectionate Servant The watch referred to here is the one left to Habersham by Whitefleld in his will, and the ring is a mourning ring to be worn in Whitefield's memory according to the custom of that time. See also letter dated June 10,1771. Hon. James Habersham. London. Mr Robert Kean in the Minores pr "Polly" Capt Rainer Savannah in Georgia 28 March 1771 Dear Sir Our Friends the Messieurs Wrights and Mr Crane, have by this Conveyance sent a special Power of Attorney from each of them to my Friend Mr John Clark in Billiter Sqr, with whom my second Son lives, to enable him to re¬ ceive, and fully to acquit you, and our late dear Reverend Friends other Executors in London for the Legacy's he kindly left them, when it may be convenient for you to pay them. I have had the best advice on the will in respect to this Matter, and was advised to this Mode of doing it, as the most proper. Our Friend Ambrose has lately married, I think a prudent and discreet Woman, and as he proposes to remain at the Orphan House, while he may be thought usefull, and I trust that will be during his Life, she will be a good Helpmate to him. He has also bought a House and Lott in this Town for £250. which I have advanced him for the residence of his ingenious, and industrious Brothers, who will have more Employment, and that from the best People, than they can possibly undertake, Mr Reynolds the Brick¬ layer, who came over with them, has more than full employ. Mr Crane will probably marry, and end his Days among us, I mean at the Orphan House. That Institution is indeed be¬ reaved, but God can, and I believe will supply our Loss. I must own I now and then, in respect to it, feel a Damp on my Spirits, and seem to be encompassed with Clouds and Darkness, but in general, blessed be God. I experience a chearful and undoubting Dependence on him, that he will raise us Means and Friends in his own Way, for he must have the Honour, to support and enable us to go on, and bring forth the Head Stone with shoutings, crying Grace, Grace unto it. I have already advanced to Mr Ambrose Wright £200- to pay Expenses to the 1st January last, which I hope good Lady Huntingdon, who is our Friend's resid¬ uary Legatee, will be enabled to reimburse me. I hope in all next Month, I shall hear from her Ladyship, and you and our other good Friends, because 'till I do, I am scarcely at Liberty to act, or rather am acting without her Ladyship's Direction and approbation in every Instance Last Monday, (Lady Day) was our Anniversary at the Orphan House Aca¬ demy, when our new, very decent and plainly elegant little Chappell was opened, where a numerous and very polite Company attended. Perhaps when I tell you, that you will 124- The Letters of see very few such genteel Auditory's in London, you will smile, but, notwithstanding, it may be,, and I believe is a Fact, if I know anything of London. Last January I Employed Mr Langworthy, and began an Academy with 4 little Boys, sons of the first Gentlemen here, and they are now doubled and I have no doubt will encrease, and now and then, we add an Orphan Child to those there, but we must go on soft¬ ly. On the Anniversary, Peter Edwards, son of our late Friends Brother the Captain deceased, introduced the Solem¬ nity with a Speech, which he delivered with great Propriety and Modesty, Much, very much to my Satisfaction, and the whole Audience. When I tell you, he did me Justice you will suppose I penned it, This Speech with Mr Langworthy's on the conclusion, and a short account of the Proceedings of that Day, you will find in the enclosed Gazettes, of which you will furnish Mr Hardy, Mr West, and your other Friends with a Copy. These Transactions are published on the Spott, and cannot be contradicted. There were four young Gen¬ tlemen who spoke on a Stage erected for the Purpose, they were indeed young, but acquitted themselves with applause, but one of them, not seven years of age, amazed the whole Company, and if you will not think me too proud, he was my own Nephews Son. The Governor gave Peter Edwards £5. and some other People gave him near as much more, which if added to his deceased Benefactors Legacy, may, if properly disposed of be of future Advantage to him. I have great Hopes, he will turn out a usefull Man. Mr Ambrose, Mr Robert and Jacob Wright are all now with me, as is Mr Crane, and I believe they live in Love and cordial Friend¬ ship, Mr Ellington has left the Copy of his Sermons preach¬ ed on opening the Chappell, with me to publish if I chuse to do it, but I know not what I shall determine for although I like the Matter, the Method, that is the Management of the Discourse, may admit of objections, and if I would, I have neither Time nor Leisure to put it in an unexceptionable Dress, and therefore I shall probablv let it sleep in Silence. I have a short account of our Friends Money Affairs in your Hands in your own writing, which I shall send by our Gov¬ ernor, who will probably sail for England in about two Months, and as I expect he will go in a Man of War, he will probably go safe, if there should be a rupture with Spain. If you will please to pay Mr Clark Ten Pounds left me and take his Receipt, in Discharge of it, you may depend I will return it with full interest, to my beloved Bethesda here. I hope you have got from Richard Smith the Gold Watch left Hon. James Habersham. 125 me, and pray send me a ring of the size of the Pattern en¬ closed. These are Memorials I should be sorry to want, and hope they will remain with my latest Posterity. Their Value otherwise would be of very small Consideration with me. Mr Benjamin Stirk to whom a small Legacy is left by our late Friend dyed last July and was buryed at the Orphan House, so that Legacy will elapse. We are here very poor, and I hope you and the other Executors will continue your Friendly assistance to us. Please to assure them of my cordial Respects. How happy should I be to manifest it in Person, but I now begin to dispair of ever being favoured with making a Visit to my native Country, as Business seems to multiply on my Hands, with growing Years, consequently with growing In¬ firmities, I am with great Truth Dear Sir Your Affectionate Friend & Servant Jas Habersham Savannah in Georgia April 22. 1771 To Mr Robt Keen in the Minories London Dear Sir I have very little more to say, than to send you a copy of my Letter of the 28th Ulto, and a duplicate of Messieurs Wrights & Cranes Letter of the same date, the Originals of which by Mr Martin Jollie, who went in the Polly Capt Ranier, a ship belonging to Messieurs Green¬ wood and Higginson of London and as we are now in a state of anxious Suspense about Peace or War, Duplicates are sent in case the Originals pr Mr Jollie should miscarry or be taken by an enemy. On further consideration, I have put Mr Ellingtons Sermon in the Press and introduced it with a special Dedication, to our Governor, about our deceased Friend, and his Affairs here, that a testimony may be borne on the spot to his pius and disinterested Views, to promote the Kingdom of Christ especially, in this Province, which the united Malice of Devils and Men cannot, dare not, contradict. If I had Time and Ability, I would revise his whole writings from his first ap¬ pearance in publick Life, and publish them, and also an ac¬ count of his Conduct from that Period to the day of his death. But, alas, whatever my inclination may prompt me to do, I have not the Materials, and if I had, I have not Lei¬ sure nor capacity for the Undertaking. 126 The Letters of I am an infirm Man, advanced in years, and, without my seeking, involved in a multiplicity of complicated Business about the stuff of this world. I have no doubt, but you and his other good Friends in London will be at no Loss to find a Man, who partakes of his spirit, and Sentiments, and has abilities and a heart to undertake this usefull work. I think Mr Pembertons sermon in Boston, on the death of our late Friend is executed in a masterly and friendly manner. I have only seen a borrowed single copy, and therefore can¬ not send it to you, which however I suppose needless, as you will have many sent you. Will you be so good as to col¬ lect every thing published on his Death, and send a set for the Library, at Bethesda, and another for me. I intended in my last Letter to have sent you the size of a ring for my¬ self, which I ommitted, but it is now enclosed. We are going on at Bethesda as well as we can, trusting that God will help and support us. I want much to hear from England in answer to the many Letters, I have wrote about the deceas¬ ed's Affairs here. We have a report, I know not how well founded that the Georgia Packet Anderson is safe arrived in London. I hope it is so, as Mr Winter went in her. I long to hear, how he has succeeded, and that he intends re¬ turning to us- Be pleased to make my hearty regard ac¬ ceptable to him and all Friends. He will hear from the many Letters I have written of our State here. I think the gen¬ eral State of Bethesda Affairs are rather more and more countenanced by God and man I am, dear Sir Your Aff Friend and Servant P. S. Pray have the enclosed Letter delivered to my old Friend Betty Wood. I knew her in Leadenhall Street, be¬ fore she heard of our deceased Friend, and always esteemed her for the Honesty of her Heart. To the Right Honourable the Countess Dowager of Hunt¬ ingdon Savannah In Georgia May 15, 1771. Madam I am honoured with your Ladyships Favour of the 24 February last, by which I find your Ladyship has receiv¬ ed my Letter of the 10th December last by Capt Anderson, since which, I have had the Honour of writing your Lady¬ ship three Letters of the respective Dates of the 31st De- Hon. James Habersham. 127 cember, 9th January, and 4th of last Month; the two former by the brig Crosby Capt Fortune, and the latter by a Gen¬ tleman, Mr Martin Jollie, who took a passage in Polly Capt Ranier. It affords me the highest Satisfaction, that your Ladyship is pleased to add, to your many noble Undertak¬ ings to promote the Kingdom of Christ in the Hearts of sin- full Men, your patronage and care for the Orphan House, and I entreat your Ladyships Acceptance of my most grate- full thanks for the respectable Sentiments you entertain of me, and have so kindly expressed in the Confidence your Ladyship has been pleased to repose in me, which I hope to evince is not misplaced. In my last Letter I gave your Ladyship a short Account of the preceedings at the Orphan House on the Anniversary (Last Lady Day) which having met with the general Approbation of the Company present on that occsion, and some of them having expressed a de¬ sire to see the Sermon &c in print, I requested Mr Elling¬ ton, who went to his Parish in So Carolina the next morning, to leave me the copy, which I have revised and dedicated to our Governor, and added what I published in our gazette of the 27th March respecting that Solemnity as an appendix, but before the printer had fully completed it, I received a Letter from* your Ladyship and another from Mr Keen, also several Publick Papers from my Son in London whereby I found the deceased's will was published, and therefore I thought I was at Liberty to add it as a further Appendix. In my last I acquainted your Ladyship, that I could not pre¬ sume to make mention of your Ladyship's name on this Oc¬ casion, or even publish the will without hearing from, and knowing your Ladyships Pleasure thereupon, otherwise it must have occurred, that our first and most gratefull Ac¬ knowledgements were only due to your Ladyship for your very extraordinary Countenance shewn to your late much esteemed Chaplain. I do not truly think, that this Publica¬ tion (which was done at my Expense, and the copy's given away) Merits the Honour of your Ladyships Name, or the name of the Gentleman prefixed to it, considered as a Liter¬ ary Production. It can claim no other merit, than a sincere endeavour, to testify the most gratefull respect to, the Mem¬ ory of the Founder of the Institution, and, on the spot to evince to the whole World, its reality and intended useful¬ ness; I was therefore happy, that the Governor so readily permitted it to be dedicated to him, and was not ashamed, as too many would have been to countenance the Truth of what is there said of our once despised, but now happy 128 The Letters of Friend. Few, very few indeed will, like your Ladyship, go without the Camp, and bear the reproach of the cross of Christ, either in his Church or in his faithfull servants. I must beg your Ladyships Acceptance of 4 of Mr Ellingtons Sermons, which I am afraid will not be worth reprinting in London, so as to afford a small Profit to the Orphan House. If they should, it will give me a pleasure; I did not chuse to sell them in this province, that I may appeal to the Testi¬ mony of every ones conscience for the truth of the Facts related, without the expense of paying a Shilling or Eigh¬ teen Pence for a Copy and for the same Reason, I did not suffer any public Collection on the Anniversary, altho' I have since understood, that many went prepared to give. The addition of an Academy was a new thing, and on a future Anniversary, those who will freely offer, shall have an Op¬ portunity of putting in their Mite. By several of the Lon¬ don Prints sent me by my Son, I find Mr Whitfields Works to be published by Subscription. I am afraid it will be diffi¬ cult to collect some of them, and doubt not, but a judicious Person is employed to revise and compile them. Mr Wright found some printed Publications and Manuscripts in the deceased's Bureau, which I now send your Ladyship. Amongst the latter are two Letters to the Inhabitants of this Town, of which, he was Minister, and I think, the only Parish, he had Statedly in charge. The 8th May 1738, he and I first landed here, and the same day he entered on his ministerial charge, which he faithfully and diligently attended to about four Months, but being only in Deacons Orders, and not qualifyed to perform all divine Ordinances, he thought it necessary to go to England for Priest's Orders, and left me to carry on the stated Worship, there being then no English Minister of any Denomination here. These two Letters were written during his Absence, that of the 2nd Oc¬ tober 1738 on Board the ship, he went to England in, which I publickly read to the Congregation, in the usual place of worship, and the other the 18th of January following, I do not recollect whether I publickly communicated, as about that Time, I think there was a Minister here, tho' I believe not for this Parish, but Frederica. Those Letters tho' writ¬ ten in his very young years, breathed the same spirit, he unalterably maintained to his dying Hour, and perhaps they may be thought to deserve a Place amongst his work in¬ tended to be published. It appears also by the Manuscripts that he proposed to publish the Homilies of the Established Church with a Preface &c herewith enclosed. Since the first Hon. James Habersham. Letter, I had the Honour of writing to your Ladyship, I have taken in four Orphan Children, and one is taken away by his relatives. I was so pressed to take them, that, tho' very unwillingly, I could not resist the Importunity of their Friends; however your Ladyship may depend, I will on no Account admit any more, without your Ladyships express directions, entirely coinciding with your Ladyship, that no addition of Expense should be made, 'till a fund on the spot will clearly defray it. There are now 16 Children on the Charity and 10 boarders. These latter will fully defray their Expense of Board and Tuition, and as many more will bring in something considerable towards the support of the Insti¬ tution in general. I entirely agree with your Ladyship, that the grand Object of all public Seminary's should be the Pro¬ pagation of the Gospel, and every means made Use of to make men more knowing, should be ultimately directed to make them better, without which, I mean unsanctified learn¬ ing will probably do more Harm than good. I very heartily wish that none were trained up for the Ministry, but such as discovered a gracious Disposition, and and ardent de¬ sire to promote the Gospel of the Grace of God in the Hearts of fallen men, and that from an experimental knowledge of its inestimable value in their Own Hearts, without which, little or perhaps no good can be expected What is an un¬ converted Minister but a concealed and therefore more dan¬ gerous Enemy to tbe Cross of Christ. I am extremely re¬ joiced that your Ladyship hopes to prevail with a suitable President to come over to the Orphan House, without which, I am afraid matters will not go on as well as they should, and as your Ladyship has permitted me to give my opinion, I would by all means recommend, that he should be of the established church, as he will in that particular capacity be most acceptable, and his Influence and Usefullness will be more extensive, especially as he will, as often as conveniency admits, have access to the Pulpit in the Church in this Town, and indeed in every other Parish in this Province; and as to any other Ministers, be they of the Presbyterian or Inde¬ pendent persuasion they will find a hearty welcome. The People in general on this Continent are very far from being Bigots, and confined to Sectarian notions. If the Gospel is preached in the Church most of the dissenters will go there, and if in the meeting, great Numbers of the Church People will go there likewise. In short we hear very little compara¬ tively with England about Church or Meeting, and your Ladyship may be assured, America affords a large Field for The Letters of the propagation of the Gospel, where they are many thousand of Souls who have no teaching Priest of any kind, and would be glad to hear of a free Pardon offered to their Poor Hearts. I must therefore entreat your Ladyship to encourage some evangelical Ministers to come over, and then they will be able to make their own report, which will probably be to use their Influence to get others over to join them. Those of the established Church will necessaryly have the usual Credentials and if such who are Dissenters have Testimon¬ ials, they will be better received by Ministers of both parties, who are too often greater Bigots than their Hearers. I would however advise the President, and, if it can be, the tu¬ tors to be professedly of the Establishment, notwithstanding they may as is now practiced at the Orphan House, use free prayer in their public daily devotions, agreable to the plan the Founder proposed, of which I sent your Ladyship a copy among several other enclosures by Mr Winter for although professed Dissenters may not suit there, I am persuaded narrow minded, formal, and high flying churchmen would be equally disliked. I am very sorry to learn by a letter from Mr Winter, that he has been refused ordination by the Bish¬ op of London, as I had anticipated great satisfaction in the prospect of his usefulness among the poor Negroes for which service I think he was better qualifyed, than any Person I have yet known. As far as I was able to discover he appear¬ ed to have a single Eye to promote the honour of God, was of a humble and condescending Disposition, and with great Patience stooped to the unimproved capacity of this be¬ nighted people. He was extremely well and justly recom¬ mended from hence was handsomely provided for, and want¬ ed no other assistance than of being put in a capacity by or¬ dination to render his ministry usefull. If Mr Winter does not return as I fear he will not unless he gets Ordained, I shall be obliged to your Ladyship to have some conversation with him on this subject. He is fully possessed of every cir- custance relative thereto, and I have Authority to say if your Ladyship would prevail on a serious Clergyman (I think by the Donors Will he must be of the church of England) to engage in this work, he would be kindly received and count¬ enanced by the Trustees of this disinterested charity. As your Ladyship has particularly required my sentiments about Ministers being sent here I have freely given them, and upon the whole they are perhaps no where more wanted than in America, or in general better received, especially those of the church of England. I have tendered your Lady- Hon. James Habersham. ships respects to the Governor and family and acquainted him of your intention to visit them on their arrival in Lon¬ don. If a ship arrives which is expected, I think they will embark about the last of next month, when I propose to write again to your Ladyship. I hope Richard Smith has waited on your Ladyship, and delivered the Papers &c he found at his Masters at the Time of his Death. I am at a loss in what manner to express the gratefull Sentiments, I entertain of your Ladyship's kind offer to render me your Services in my public Capacity, for which I hope your Lady¬ ship will accept, what is only in my Power, my most sincere Thanks. I have not yet had the Orphan House Accounts settled, Owing entirely to a constant hurry of Business, but if I do not send them, by this opportunity I shall send them by the next. And remain with the utmost Respect and Truth Madam Your Ladyships most obedient and faithfull Servant J. H. P. S. As I have frequently heard my late Friend speak of many of the following Gentlemen and Ladys in a singularly respectfull manner, and besides observing by the Orphan House Accounts, that they have respectively been consider¬ able Benefactors to that Institution, I have taken the Liberty to send to Mr Keen, a copy for each, which I have no doubt of his taking the trouble, to have conveyed to them, and if this well meant Freedom to Persons I have no personal knowledge of, should need any apology, I hope your Lady¬ ship, as oportunity offers, will make it for me namely The Earl of Darmouth John Thornton Esqr Samuel Roffey Esqr Revd Mr John Wesley Revd Mr Charles Wesley Charles Hardy Esqr Daniel West Esqr Mr Robert Keen Lady Gertrude Hotham Lady Frances Shirley Mrs Bethel, Tottenham Court Chappell Mrs Brown, Tabernacle Mrs Cavendish Mrs Carteret And some other friends known to me 132 The Letters of To Henry Laurens-Esq- Charlesto.wn Savannah in Georgia the 3d June 1771 Dear Sir. On Saturday the 1st Inst, the moment I received your Latters of the 28th and 29th Ult. I wrote the enclosed hasty, short line, hoping it might reach Mr Inglis to convey to you, but he was sent off for Charlestown, when it was sent to him- He went some miles up the river, but an uncom¬ monly high Fresh coming down prevented his preceeding by land, and gives me this opportunity of writing, intending, as he tells me, to go this Evening in a Canoe by water.- x x x x Tomorrow being the Kings birth day, and our land day, as its called, the latter Business must be deferred 'till Wednesday, when I shall put in for a Town Lott or two at Brunswick or Point, and a water Lott for you, and I shall probably engage, that you will do as much on them, as any that may apply You see how free I am with your Pocket- Our Governor really thinks at some Period, that it will be the Capital of this fine Country, but if I was publicly to say so here, I do not know, but I might almost run the risque of being hanged I have shewn our Friend John Graham your letter respecting his being one of your Attorneys, he says, as I do, that we have already engaged in more Busi¬ ness, than we can do Justice to- I told him I thought so too, but a Friend must not want a legal representative, in case of Necessity- I joined him, that we could not personally visit your Plantations, and you did not expect it, but we might hear of them, advise, and be a Check- you will therefore in¬ clude his name with Friend Lachlan and myself in your Let¬ ter of Attorney, if you expressly give us Power only to dis¬ pose of your Crop and Property as you may direct, turn away any Worthless men from your Plantations, and perhaps replace others as bad, you may do right, tho' your Intention may not be fully answered by your being deceived, which must and will happen in this imperfect State- Your disorder is the Gout, if I know what it is- Before the knawing Pain, you describe, comes on me, I find a sickness at my Stomach, and a heaviness and listlessness to Business for Days and Weeks.— The rain you mention last Friday week was I believe general- I had about 350 Acres rice planted, and I suppose I have not now more than 150 acres, that will come to perfection- The Craw fish has swept away almost the whole of my rice on one of my best Plantations, and the Floods have been equally as destructive on all of them. There is perhaps Hon. James Habersham. 133 the highest Fresh now in this river known in the Memory of man, and all the Plantations 4 or 5 miles above this Town, are under Water- At my Friend Knox's, there is 7 feet water, and I dont expect he will raise a grain of rice in his Swamp- The Governor at Ogeechee from six Plantations has not more, than 100 acres rice, that stands, and that is ragged and much hurt- His rice on his Plantations near this Town look extremely fine and very promising- They are fully in the Tides way, and free from any Damage by Freshes- This Circumstance makes your Broughton Island, and the lands on the South opposite of more value, than I dare to estimate, and if you do not make Crops there, you or your overseer deserve severe Censure, and not your Negroes- You must excuse me— I more than thank you, for all your more than good wishes to my family, and I am not afraid of their turn¬ ing out tolerably well- When your Boys come more on the State of Life, you will probably feel what I have done, and I doubt not, but the seed, you have sown in their unwary Hearts, will shoot out ultimately to your Comfort, and you must not be discouraged, if you meet with some rubs in the way, but patiently go on, and expect the best- Experientia Docet- Johnny has got your Consignment He is upon the whole a good Boy- I will with pleasure wear your Ten Cra¬ vats, and say, with equal Pleasure, These my Friend Laurens gave me- Your agreement with Gambell is judicious and proper- No Overseer or Manager ought to have any right to dispose of Property- I do not like Shares, tho' the Governor has got a man, he cannot well refuse and I have another growing fast in this way in my hands. Our gratitude leads us into Difficulties, and we meet with so few subjects to exercise it upon that when we think we do, we too often are deceived, after as much experience, as most of our fellow Men, our only resource is a conscientiousness of appealing to God, that we have meant well, and if we expect any other permanent applause, I will venture to determine, we shall be mistaken- This is the single Eye, and if I am not mistaken, the Philoso¬ phers Stone, that turns all into Gold- I was going to con¬ clude, but just cast my eye on your letter of the 29th Ulto- I certainly never saw your Carolina grants for your South¬ ern Lands- I sent to Mr Moodie for a list of those in the registers office, registered and not registered, which is en¬ closed— Mr Hoptons shall be done forth with-Pray let me have yours- If it was mine, perhaps I should think it almost a fortune The Letters of with a daughter, if I was happy enough to have one, to give to a good man- - It is n Oclock at night and if Mr Inglis goes before morning, I shall miss the favourable opportunity of declaring, that I am unfeignedly, Dear Sir Your real friend and Servant Pray make my best wishes acceptable to good Mr Maniguatt, his Lady and Family. Savannah in Georgia June 5. 1771. To the right Honourable the Earl of Darmouth My Lord This day I had the Honour of receiving your Lordships Letter of the 15th March last, and the respectfull and very kind sentiments, your Lordship pleased to express for the Memory of my deceased Friend, must be very grate- full to me, would to God there were more of your Lordships disposition and exalted Station, that would go without the Camp, and bear so Honourable a testimony for the Cross of Christ in his despised Servants. I will do everything in my Power to promote the true interest of the Orphan House, agreable to the pius intention of the Founder, and as Gov¬ ernor Wright, from his own Observation, entertained a high opinion of the Integrity and undisguised Honesty of it's de¬ ceased Patron, I can make no doubt of his interesting him¬ self in it's Favour, when he returns to England, which I think will be in about a Month. I return your Lordship my most humble Thanks for your kind wishes to serve my Friend, Mr Johnson and I have hinted to the Governor, that his recommendation of him to the Board of Treasury for the collectors Place, will probably have weight and from the Regard, he has ever expressed for him, I must suppose it will not be wanting. I have now only to entreat your Lord¬ ship to excuse the Liberty, I have taken in requesting your Lordship's Acceptance of this plain tho' well meant Publi¬ cation, and am with the greatest defference and respect, My Lord Your Lordship's Most Obedient and very Humble Servant Hon. James Habersham. Savannah in Georgia June 6th. 1771 To Mr Cornelius Winter at the Tabernacle House near Moorfields London Dear Sir I received your two Letters of the 26th Feb¬ ruary and 20 March last, the former by Capt Colville, and the Latter by Capt Anderson, and by some, Hints in the lat¬ ter, I find you have received my Letter of the 3d January. Perhaps few of your friends think themselves more inter¬ ested in your success in getting Ordination, than myself, and I think, I may also truly say, that few, if any of your Friends have higher Esteem and more real Friendship for your Per¬ son, than I have, and therefore your disappointment has given me much concern, and I cannot help viewing it as a Frown from Divine Providence. I had raised my expecta¬ tions of seeing a Church of Africans, and had fiixed on you, as the intrument under God, to bring it about, and that you would have been the happy Man to present many of them to your Father and their Father, with, here am I, and the children thou hast given me. I have seen the last Annual sermon preached by the Bishop of Oxford before the So¬ ciety at Bow Church and I think the following very sensible and truly Apostolick remark deserves the most serious At¬ tention of all, who are possessed of Negroes. "If their Masters, tyrannizing over this wretched People "with a despotism beyond, example, are determined to keep "their minds in a state of Bondage still more grievous, than "that in which they hold their Bodies; if they will not allow "them Time and opportunity for acquiring religious Knowl¬ edge and attending to the Worship of God; if instead of pro¬ viding Instruction for them, they will not even suffer them "to be instructed, these seeming Advantages (referring to "the introduction of the paragraph from whence this is taken) "Will become the greatest obstacle to their Conversion; and "all Endeavours towards it, however earnestly soever ex- "erted by others, must fail of their desired effects. Should "this be in reality a common practice among their Masters; "should it in any Instance be the Case; Wo! unto that Man, "from whom the Offence cometh! it were better for him, "that a mill stone were hanged about his neck, and he were "cast into the sea, than that he should thus offend one of "the least of these, the most abject of Mankind, yet his Breth¬ ren and God's Servants, let such a one know, that he him- "self hath a Master in Heaven, and that he that is higher "than the highest regardeth it. Surely he will avenge the The Letters of "meanest of these his injured Servants; And the Souls which "are thus kept back from him, will God require at the Hands " of their cruel Masters." These words deserve to be written in Letters of Gold, they breath a truly primitive Spirit; The observation is just, and the admonition to those, who deserve it (and God knows there are too many of this number) is equally so. You know however, that there are a few, and of no inconsiderable property, who would be glad to have their Black Servants become fellow Heirs, and partakers with them of an Inheritance undefiled, and that fadeth not away. Is it then possible that the Guardians and Fathers of our excellent Church should refuse Orders to a Man, every way qualified, amply provided for, unexceptionable in his moral Character and heartily desirous from a motive of Love to God, to engage in and promote, so ardous, so painful and difficult a Work as the Conversion of these neg¬ lected and benighted people from (what shall I call it) Preju¬ dice or Mistake. I could say more, but shall forbear, not doubting, but God will vindicate his own cause. I have by this conveyance written to good Lady Huntingdon, and have desired her to have some conversation with you on this sub¬ ject as you are circumstantially acquainted with the State and Provision made for this Mission here; and in case, you do not see your way clear, to return to us, Providence may possibly point out some Person properly qualified, agreable to the will of the Donor of this Charity, to succeed you, who, I may venture to say, will be heartily received by those in¬ trusted with the execution of it. I would willingly enlarge but you have some knowledge of the extent of my corres¬ pondence, the Multiplicity of Affairs on my Hands, and how fast they are growing upon me, and therefore you will ex¬ cuse me. I have lately written a Letter to my old Friend Mrs Wood, to whom you will present my hearty Love. I enclosed my Letter to her to Mr Keen Believe me dear Sir Your Affectionate Friend and Servant P. S. I cannot commend Mr Ellington's Imprudent Con¬ duct, I think in many respects. Accept his sermon enclosed. I thank you for the Buckles and Medal. My Son Johnny, Franky Harris, and Mrs Clay have got their presents. My kind respects to all Friends. Hon. James Habersham. 137 Savannah in Georgia June 10. 1771. Mr Robt Keen Dear sir Since my last of the 20th Ultimo, which you will receive with this, I have been favoured with your Letter of the 18 of March by Capt Anderson, by whom I received my Cloths. The cloth, you were so kind as to provide is of a good colour and appears to be of the best quality, and the Taylors work is well done but I find it difficult for a Person at a distance, to make cloths to fit so easy or so well as may be done when he takes Personal measures, especially with a person grow¬ ing in years. Of late I have grown fat, I think too much, and too quickly so, which is not very pleasing to me, tho' I cannot say, I yet feel much inconvenience from it, however the cloths I had made 6 months ago, I cannot now bear on my back, tho' Mr Duncan has lucklily allowed me room enough, and with some small alterations I think they will do very well, and for the Friendly trouble you have taken about them I very heartily thank you. The 28th of March last, I acquainted you, that my Friends, the Messieurs Wrights and Mr Crane had sent Letters of Attorney to my Friend Mr John Clark of Billiter Square to receive their re¬ spective Legacy's, and fully to acquit you and the other worthy executors, of which they acquainted you by their joint Letter, and for which I was to account with them here. At the same time I desired you to pay Mr Clark my legacy of £10, and take his receipt in full discharge for it, which I would more than repay to the Orphan House, which I have already done, and hope to do more. I was advised to this mode of settling with the Georgia Legatees, as the most proper for you, by a good Lawyer and Friend, by whom I hope to write, to you, and other Friends, in about a month, he intending by that time to embark for England with his family, but as you have mentioned my deducting my Legacy of Ten Pounds, and accounting with Mr Ambrose Wright for the ballance of my account with you, being £21. 12. 5^2, I shall do it, and accordingly have enclosed you my Receipt for said Legacy, the Gold Repeating watch, you have sent me, and for which I thank you, and the mourning ring I hope to receive, as every memorial from my deceased friend must Governor Wright was to sail for England on July 10 on a leave of absence, and during this time the responsible duties of his office was to fall upon James Habersham, the Presi¬ dent of the Council. Richard Smith, mentioned here, was the servant of Whitefleld who was with him at his death In Massachusetts. ij8 The Letters of be and is extremely dear to me- I cannot however think that receipts from the Legatees here, witnessed by Persons, who may never be in the way when called upon, should there be occasion, which I am sure will not be the case, is so regu¬ lar, as a Person legally empowered by them in London to receive and acquit, especially, if the sealing or delivery of such Deeds or Power, is proved as it should be, by an Affi¬ davit on such Deed by a viva voce Witness on the spot where such Power is to operate. To this End the Letters of Attorney, sent Mr Clark were witnessed by three Persons going to London, and I desired Mr Clark to get one of them to make a Probate on each of them. I only mention this, as it appeared the most authentic way of transacting this business, and not that the Legatees receipts, who you know are honest and good men, in the manner I have done, would not be satisfactory to you. I am no lawyer but perhaps your lawyer may join me in opinion. You will, I know, excuse this Freedom. Mr Ambrose Wright has, within this half Hour, left me to go to the Orphan House, tho' n or 12 miles from this Town, and past 9 O'clock at night. He is a good and faithfull Creature, and without him, I could not possibly carry on the business of that Institution, with twenty times as much, as will soon devolve on my poor shoulders. God help me, I tremble at the prospect, and could you have any Idea of my situation, you would not only pity, but pray for an infirm Old man, labouring under many distresses of body and mind. From my first setting out with my late deceased friend, I have been like him, continually in a Press, but not so well and usefully employed, and tho' I have truly endeavoured to retire from Care and Tumult, it has thrust itself upon me, whether I will or no, and I have no way of shunning it, but must simply go on in the fear and strength of God and if all ends to his honour I shall be satis- fied- I am very glad to have received my late Friend's con¬ fidential letter to you, and that your worthy Friends Mes¬ sieurs Hardy and West are satisfied, of which I shall say no more. Pray make my sincere Regards acceptable to these gentlemen. Friend Wright tells me, the watch our late dear deceased intended for me, he had with him, when he died, and the plain gold case of it, I have now in my Possession. The dear man had a shagreen case to it, besides the one I have, not choosing to be seen with a gold Case, a Delicacy not to offend, which he had no right to compliment a snar¬ ling, censorious world about, and if I had been with him I Hon. James Habersham. 139 would have tried to prevent such unnecessary condescension. There has been a time and a place, and at a great distance from hence, where I have accidently met him in America, where I have not suffered him to be dependent on, or to re¬ ceive coolness from the most precise prefessor, either for want of money or respect, and I bless God, who gave me a heart to do it, tho' I was by no means on a footing with those, who I think let him want both Christians who are continually nibbling at Trifles in their Brethern's conduct, I generally suspect know very little of their own Hearts, and I speak it with concern, that I have too often seen more Honor, more charity, and more Candour among the real men of the World, than among some shining Professors. You will pardon this digression, which the Memory, of my, late, first, and Old Friend, and this silly incident has insensibly drawn from me. You do not say whether Richard Smith has delivered you the Watch of which I have the case. I hope he does not claim it under the idea of the deceased's wearing apparel, and if, as I believe, it was intended for me, you will observe my Legacy in the Will is prior to Smiths, and I suppose in Law and Equity must first take place. Pray observe that in my Letter by Mr Winter to Lady Huntingdon, and in another since to you I mentioned your getting the watch as mine from Mr Smith, which I could only know from Mr Wright and in consequence he delivered me the gold case. Mr Wright on seeing the repeating watch, observed, what I have mentioned, and desired I would notice it to you. I am perfectly satisfied, and very heartily thank you for that you have sent me, which is perhaps more valuable, than the other, a consideration, I hope you believe of no moment with me. The Giver stamps the real value on the Gift. The case in my hands does not belong to me, tho' I hope to some better friend of the deceased's than Richard Smith. Be that as it may it rests with me at your disposal: I may have said too much on this trifling matter, and I will not say, but my dis¬ like to Smith prompted me to do it. I have received a copy of the Plan of the intended Act of Assembly for the Orphan House Bethesda College, but have not had time to peruse it. I am not clear whether the time is not yet come to make such an establishment. I hope God will direct. I have by this Conveyance sent Lady Huntingdon some Manuscripts and printed Publications done by the Worthy deceased in his early years, supposing something may be picked out to add to his works, you are publishing. I hope you have got a judicious compiler. If it may not be improper, I shall be The Letters of glad to know, who the person is. I think many sets may be sold in America, perhaps some thousands, but it appears to me, the work must be sent out on this side complete and neatly bound. I shall consider about a subscription in this province. Have the printed Proposals been sent to Charles- town in So Carolina, Virginia, Philadelphia, New York Rhode Island, Boston &c? In those places I am persuaded there will be a number of Willing Subscribers. I am afraid I have tired your patience, and am, Dear Sir, Your affectionate Humble Servant Signed J Habersham To Mr John Clark London Savannah in Georgia June 15. 1771 Dear Sir I am now to reply to your favours of the 22d and 29th of March, both which I received by the Georgia Packet Capt Anderson, and the contents of the latter epecially, have given us no small concern. I find our Friend Graham has written to you about my in¬ tention of being concerned with my Eldest Son in Trade, of which I have, since he wrote to you on that subject fully in¬ formed you, in several Letters, of my motives for so doing. You must suppose such a step, at my time of Life and in my stiaution, must arise from necessity, and not from Choice. My Son is at present out of all kind of Business, and as he is Marryed, and is likelv to have (word omitted in manuscript), he should on that as well as on every other consideration be usefully employed, and be in a way of pro¬ viding for them. I likewise considered that if he was con¬ nected with any person out of my Family, or rather with any one except My self, common Prudence would direct, that any assitance, I gave him either in Money or credit must be limited, for altho' I have every reason to believe, that he will be as diligent and prudent in the Management of his affairs, as I can wish, yet I should not chuse to put my Estate, which I have laboured for, in the Power of any¬ one to deprive me of. What I mean is, I am determined to support my Son with all my Interest and Estate, and to make that the Ground of his Credit, but in order to do it prudently, I become a Principal Party with him in all his Transactions, by which means, I have a contract or enlarge, to advise and consent to sales or Purchases, so that nothing can be done materi- Hon. James Habersham. ally predjudicial, and whatever Benefit may arise, will rest with my Family, where it ought to be, and not with Strangers, for God knows, I have no personal views of Profit, and in¬ deed do not want any, only for their Sakes. I likewise hope thereby to lay a good foundation, to connect my Son Joe with his Brother, before I withdraw my concern with him, and as I do not intend to enlarge my planting scheme, I in¬ tend to appropriate every Shilling I make from that, or any other income I possess after Expenses are paid, which I hope will not be inconsiderable, untill I have furnished this House with sufficient Capital to carry on Business with Ease and Prof¬ it, which I have no doubt of soon effecting. I have before acquainted you, that we propose making but small Impor¬ tations, not only because we will make our Correspondence perfectly agreable, with those who may supply us, but be¬ cause, I am clearly of opinion, that large Importations, es¬ pecially where there has been no considerable Capital to sup¬ port them, has been generally the real and true cause of the embarrassed, and too often ruined Circumstances of Many of our American Merchants. I am very sorry that it does not suit you to supply us, because I truly respect you, and hoped to shew my gratefull sense of the favours, you have done me by making this correspondence in particular every¬ way agreable to you, however from the reasons, you have urged, and also from the Conversation, I have had with Mr Graham, I must approve of your motive for contracting un¬ till you have wound up your Affairs in to Narrower Com¬ pass, and got them in to the hands of punctual Correspond¬ ents ; and as your resolution on this Point is generally known here, and others may take unbrage unless it is universally Extended, I would by no means urge your further engaging, than to have the order sent you by James Habersham Jr & Co shipped either by yourself or Mr Nutt, who I should prefer after you, to undertake our Business, and you may rely on my Veracity, and Honour, in assuring him, that he shall have no reason of Complaint in transacting for me, or my Children, for believe me, I neither must, nor will be em¬ barrassed, and if my Children are so, I must be so too. I have desired my Son to write you for Insurance on 102 bbls Rice we are shipping by Anderson, and if you cannot con¬ veniently undertake for us, you will please deliver over what Effects you may have for James Habersham Junr & Compy to Mr Nutt We could not address to him, untill we had your Answer to our Letter of February last, by the Prince Frederick 14-2 The Letters of Capt Watt covering our order. As Mr Graham and I are on a friendly footing, he has communicated to me your Letter to him, where you desire him to go to England next Spring, but from the State of your joint Affairs here if I undertand them, and perhaps from the Situation of his private Affairs, I think he cannot possibly leave this country so soon. My Son John has been, I think, tardy in his payments, but when he can get Rice, or a Bill and the Latter, I hope, will soon fall in his way, he will pay you. I am Dear Sir, with great Truth Your Obliged and humble Servant P. S. I am shipping some Rice for Mr Knox to Mr Nutt, and have wrote to him per this conveyance to make Insur¬ ance, and at the same Time to furnish our order, in case it should not be convenient for you to do it. To Messrs Graham and Clark London Savannah in Georgia June 15. 1847 (?) Gentlemen I must desire the favour of you to ship me, when a vessel offers direct for this Port, about 5 Ct of the best single loaf sugar. If the loaves are small, they will prob¬ ably be hard and keep dry, and not, as the Grocers say, give or rather turn moist, by which there is often great waste on the arrival here, and as it is solely for my own use, I shall not regard 1. 2. or 3s pr Ct extraordinary to have them firm and good. In the year 1736 and 1737, I had the care of two refining Houses in Good-mans-fields- We have had the most extraordinary wet spring, perhaps ever known in the Memory of any Person in this and the neighboring prov¬ ince, which has kept our Rice Fields almost continually un¬ der Water and prevented our planting them. I think our Governor will make but little better than half a crop. He and I and most planters have sown our Lands two or three times over, and have been as often drowned, I am afraid by friend Knox, will not make a barrel of Rice in his rich Swamp, and upon the whole, I really expect our present years crop of Rice will fall short one third at least of what was made the past year, and some say more. The proper Season for sowing Rice is over, and altho' some People are now planting I am persuaded when the crop comes to be In the manuscript the date of this letter is June 15,1847, evidently an error in copying. See preface. Hon. James Habersham. reaped, the Rice planted now, will not yield half as much, as the Rice planted 6 weeks or 2 months ago and neither will it be as good. This is truly our situation, and I understand it is equally as bad in So Carolina, and I believe People in general do not estimate upon an Average, more than half a crop, tho' I think there will be something more. Rice is now selling Current and brisk in Charlestown at 55s but the Factors ask 60s pr ct, and some say it is given, and tho' they are endeavouring to get 60s it was thought they would not be able to acomplish their views. If you should Charter a vessel to be here in August or Sep¬ tember, agreable to our request, to be loaded by J H Junr & Corny, your John Graham and the Governor each one third, I am afraid we shall be put to great difficulty to load her. The Governor laid by his whole quota, about 250 barrels, to glean out in August, as did Mr Graham and myself, but the Governor lost he reckons, 200 bbls in the Stacks in his Barn Yard by floods, and Mr Graham and I have expended so much Grain by so often replanting, and supplying our Neighbors with Seed to, Sow, they having lost what they saved for that purpose, that we shall rather fall short; if therefore this Letter should reach you to prevent this in¬ tended Charter coming out, I must desire you will do it, In which request both the Governor and Mr Graham join me, however if you have chartered a vessel and cannot help her coming upon us, we must do the best we can. If we could purchase rice in the fall, which we cannot do here, we should not regard her coming, but when we wrote to you, our re¬ source was from our own Plantations, which only from the causes I have mentioned, have in part failed us, and is what we neither did nor had the least Reason to expect, and per¬ haps may never happen again I am Gentlemen Your very Humble Servant Revd Mr Jacob Duche in Philadelphia Savannah in Georgia June 19. 1771 Revd and Dear Sir I thank you for your Sermon on the Death of one of your Proprietors, which I have read with pleasure, but I intend to take a retired hour to peruse it again, as I think there is something new in the manner of treating the Text, which, for a particular reason I could mention to you, H4 The Letters of I prefer before any, except one, in all Davids Melodious Notes. This will be handed you by my valuable Friend, Henry Laurens Esqr of Charlestown, who proposes going to England with his Eldest Son, but intends to visit his rela¬ tions at Philadelphia and New York on his way, and I beg leave to recommend him to your acquaintance, because when you know him, I am sure you will Esteem him. I shall also be obliged to you, to give him a line to our friend the Revd Mr Inglis, in New York. Our Minister the Revd Mr Frink delivered me your Sermon, and I desire your acceptance of another preached on opening our new and neat Chapel at the Orphan House. It is the day of small things with us, but we do not despise it, knowing that God generally effects his purposes, by the most contemptable means, because he will have the Honour. I am Revd and Dear Sir Your Affectionate humble Svt To His Excellency James Wright Esqr Cockspur Savannah July 9. 1771 Dear Sir As I have heard from Charlestown, that good Lady Huntingdon is dead, It has made such an impression on my Spirits, that I cannot force myself to write or direct a Line to her. If your Excellency should find her alive, as I hope you will, please to deliver her the enclosed Memor¬ andum of Mr Keens, respecting all the late Mr Whitefields great Money matters, as she will want it to deliver over to Mr Keen in London, when she settles with him, but if the good Lady is removed to a better World, I must entreat Excellency to keep it untill you hear further from me. I return your Excellency the most hearty thanks for all fa¬ vours confered on me, and do with great sincerety wish you and all your Family, a happy and comfortable voyage and a joyfull meeting with all your Friends in England, unin¬ terrupted Health and every degree of Felicity for Time and Eternity, and if my poor prayers and Endeavours may con¬ tribute the least to attain these Valuable Blessings, you will not want either. I am Dear Sir Your Excellency's Most Obedient humble Servant Governor Wright had just embarked on a leave of absence for England. This rumor of the death of the Countess of Huntingdon was false. She died in London June 17, 1791, aged 84 years. Hon. James Habersham. *45 To His Excellency James Wright Esqr Governor of Georgia In London [Original post the 4th Oct Dear Sir. ■( [Duplicate pr Snow providence Capt Davies Savannah in Geo the 3d October 1771- I find I have been under a Mistake in regard to cor¬ responding with Government,- I thought the packett, who brought the public Letters waited the return of the post from St Augustine to carry answers from that Place and this, but I have only to-day been informed, that the packett does not wait, but Sails in a few days after her Arrival with what Letters offer- This mistake made me think, it was only necessary to have my public Letters ready to forward by the return of the Post from St Augustine, otherwise I shoud certainly have wrote to Lord Hillsborough in answer to his last Let¬ ter, by Capt Haywood, who sailed a few days after I re¬ ceived it- I think however I have not omitted one oppor¬ tunity of writing to you and for the future I shall not wait for the Post but answer any Public Letters, as soon as a Con¬ veyance offers- Gay was with me yesterday, said he had done cutting Rice at his Place, and (illegible word here) woud have done today, and finished tying to morrow- at Cedar Hill, the Rice in the River Swamps ripened uneven, which they were cutting in Spots, and tho' it does not grow so luxuriant, as at the other Places, the Ears are very long and the grain large, and Abraham supposes, there will be considerably more Rice there than hitherto-We have had no Rain, till to day, and it falls heavy, since about the middle of the last Month. I suppose you mav have about 40, or 50, Acres not cut down here, of which a few Acres at the Farm, and the rest at Cedar Hill Upon the whole you have had a fine Harvest and have got more of your crop, in pro¬ portion secured, than I believe any of your Neighbors, and I am not Afraid of yr making a pleasing Crop on these Plan¬ tations- We have had the Mill at Laurel Grove altered- Burgess was present and assisted at the Alteration but I woud not trust him to have the Direction, and got another man to do it- Gay thinks she may now perform pretty well- I hope soon to see her tryed- After the rainy Weather broke up/ about the middle of last Month, we had several very cold, days, rather I think uncommon and unseasonable, and after- The Letters of wards it became very hot and sultry which brought on Fevers, and I am sorry to inform you, that Several of our Friends are sick- Mr Graham has within a few days, had a smart at¬ tack of the Fever, and is now confined, and cannot attend to any Business, and I must say, that I would rather hear of a great Number, I could name, being so, than this worthy man. Dr Johnson can scarcely keep up to visit his patients Mr Hall and the Parson have the Fever- Mr Harris is still alive, but Dr Johnson and indeed all his Friends think he cannot survive Many Days- There are likewise several others complaining, and perhaps very few suffer more pain, than 1 do, Day and Night, but I thank God, scarcely any die, ex¬ cept transient People- Indeed I know of none, that are dead, that you had any acquaintance with- • Mr Wertsch tells me, he has shipt on board the Snow Industry Capt Davies, 438 lbs Raw Silk, all made aid reeled at Ebenezer- It goes consigned to Mr Lloyd- I have had a long Conversation with Mr Wertsch on the Sub¬ ject, and he seems very positive, that it cannot fail of be¬ coming a considerable article of produce at Ebenezer- You know him to be a worthy, prudent and Cautious Man, and he says, he has fully considered this Matter, and he has not the least doubt of its Succeeding, and as he has gone on for 2 years past without any Assistance, he has so far given proof, that it is practicable, without the Expence and parade of a public Filature- He says he only wants a few Basons and Reels, and requests the use of those here, to which I can see no objections, as they are at present of no kind of use, and I think Mr Baillie told me some of the Basons were stolen- As the Culture of Raw Silk is an object of so great National Importance, I have thought proper to mention this matter to Lord Hillsborough- I would send you a Copy of my Letter to his Lordship, but I have none but my Son John, that I can trust to copy for me, and he is very busy preparing for the Post- I have given my Reasons to Lord Hillsborough why there should be more Basons and Reels- You will doubtless have my Letter Communicated to you- The Ship the Betsey and Polly, Capt Waiste which we are to load, did not arrive here, till the 17th TJlto- She sailed from London the 9th July and might rea¬ sonably be expected about the last of August, and as there was very little Rice to be had, and it would soon be shipt off Freight being so low as 20 twenty 1 £ to London 32 /6 to a market- Mr Graham and I thought proper to engage up¬ wards of 200 barrels, and to pay the then Current price £ p Hon. James Habersham. H7 100 lb (being 70 in Charlestown) or to take it on Freight. The Guiney Ship, by Which Mr Wertsch's silk goes, and which will sail in 3 or 4 days, has taken in Rice at 20 p Ten for London- I shall write to you again by her, and mention what Insurance to get made. I wanted to Settle this Mat¬ ter to Day with Mr Graham, but he is so bad and so very low Spirited, that he would not hear a Word about any Business, and said there was time to write for Insurance- I know not how we Shall manage, but I foresee, that there will be a loss to you and me, which I am sorry for, Gay has beat out 40 barrells and Weatherly 30and that is all you have remaining of the last years Crop- I have 115 Barrels here, and have about 50 more, my overseer says to clear out which he is doing- There has scarcely been any thing but Disappointment in the planting and produce way for 9 Months past- I am Dr Sir Yours Excellencys, Most Obedt, humble Servant To His Excellency James Wright Esqr Governor of Georgia. In London. Savannah in Georgia the 8th October 1771 Dear Sir I had the pleasure of writing you two Letters of the 28th Ulto, and the third Instant, which I forwarded under cover to Mr Knox, by the Post to Charles-town, to go by a Packett, of which I now send you duplicates. My old Friend Col Harris dyed this morning, after a very lingring and painfull Sickness, and as there was not the least prospect of his recovery, I look upon his death as a happy Release. You will join me that we have lost an honest man, and a good member of Society. He will be buryed tomorrow, with every Honor and Mark of Respect in our power. Mr Hall called upon me this morn¬ ing. He has had a short but smart Attack of Fever, and looks very thin. He is going to Tybie to try to get strength, and recover his appitite, and desires I will make his respect- full Compliments to you and your Family. I have got my last Letters to Lord Hillsborough duplicated, and thought of writing a Line and sending them by this opportunity, but my spirits are so hurryed by numberless Consultations, and Col. Harris was a member of the firm of Harris & Habersham. 14.8 The Letters of applications about the Funerals &c of my old Friend, that I am afraid, I cannot do it, and indeed I have but little to say to his Lordship Mr Harris has left his Estate pretty equally divided between his Son and Daughter Wishing you and yours all Happiness, and consequently more Health than I enjoy, I remain very Sincerely, Dear Sir Your Excellency's Most obedient and very humble Servant Extract of a letter from president Habersham to Govnr Wright dated 20th October 1771- In my last letter of the 6th August from a friend of ours in London, he writes the following- In your letters to Lord H- be very explicit & full, as they will be read by the K—g, take occasion to speak of the Loyalty of the people and your own, and give accurate accounts of the State of the Province, of the several classes of people in it- Their numbers, relig¬ ion and occupation,- The situation, Climate and products, and other branches of Natural History—These matters in separate letters unmixed with business—If you can procure any curious Birds, any Vegetable Honey (N. B. I do not know what this is) or preserved Water Melons or other rare or useful things L—d H— will be pleased with them, and in¬ form His L—d—p of them in a letter written private on the cover—You know this friend wishes me well, and perhaps it may be proper not to mention to him, that I have trans¬ cribed this paragraph to you, as I would not on any account offend him, because I believe, he would not willingly offend me—As to Loyalty, if the idea is confined to his M ys person and family, I know of no person disaffected here, but as to opposition to Measures of government, there are some mistaken person here, as there are in other places, of which I have taken some notice in my letter to Lord Hillsborough of the 23d Inst—the contents of which, and of all my letters to his Lordship I conclude you will be acquainted with; and as to the other matters recommended by my friend, I shall doubtless take notice of them, as occasion offers and inci¬ dents arise, but I have no leisure to sit down, and collect matter to write on natural history &Ca- I find my public and private business require more time and attention than I am well able to give, and if in the end, I can acquit myself so as to give tolerable satisfaction, it is all I expect and wish- I have truly no views of preferment- I have enough to live Hon. James Habersham. comfortably, and to make me pass the remainder of my days without troublesome care and anxiety, however I can as¬ sure you, I miss and really grudge every half hour, I spend from my proper business, and scarcely ever put my foot out of doors- I find that I collect my ideas much slower, and my abilities for business of any kind, are not so ready and quick as formerly, a plain proof, that I am growing an old man very fast- If I can, I shall write to you again before I close this letter, and am, very truly, Dear Sir Your excel- lencys affectionate friend & Servant To Samuel Lloyd Esq in London Extracts Savannah in Georgia the 21st Nov 1771. Dear Sir. A few days past, I received from one John Daniel Hammerer a letter from you, dated so long agoe as the nth February 1765, recommending him at the instance of Dr Fothergill to me- He writes me, that he has been some years among the Cherokee Indians, where he taught some of their youth to read, write &c, in which they made a surprising progress; but supplys beginning to fail, and promised sup¬ port not being granted, after strugling in vain with Diffi¬ culties- he was obliged to abandon a laudable undertaking, happily begun and in a fair way of doing well, and to with¬ draw into Long lane * settlement in So Carolina, where he re¬ ceived an invitation from the gentlemen at Augusta to keep a School, which he had complyed with. The Magistrates and Church Wardens there recommended him to me in very strong terms, which I shall pay a due regard to, and serve him, when in my power. Mr Spencer is almost past Busi¬ ness, but has got a sensible and discreet man (his son in law) to act for him- My present various and complicated pri¬ vate and public Business is almost too much for me, and it keeps me so closely and constantly employed, that I find it affects my Health, and I wish I may be enabled to support the Burden. I think it rather late in Life for Mr John Wesley to revisit America, but if he comes, I shall be happy in shew¬ ing him all the respect in my power-Be pleased to present my best regards to him-All the hands belonging to the Or- •"Long Lane Settlement" should probably be Long Cane Settlement. John Wesley was 68 years old at this time, and he lived twenty years longer. Bfe lived In Georgia in 1786 and 1737. The discouragement here given to Wesley's proposed visit was doubtless based upon his troubles in Savannah in 1737. The Letters of phan House are granted in Trust by His Majesty for that use, and cannot be alienated to any other Purpose, and that Trust is strongly implyed to Lady Huntingdon in regard to the Assets- It would have been better if the dear deceased had consulted Friends, in making his will and made that matter clearer- I know he thought he had done it effectu¬ ally, as he often told me so, but I did not see the will, 'till after his Death- If any claims should here after appear, contrary to the real Intention of the deceased, a Court of Chancery will put it all right, however that had better be avoided- I have written fully to Lady H- on this subject, and now do the same to you in confidence, and let it be in¬ ter nos, being, very dear Sir, Your affectionate friend and Servant To Wm Knox Esq Under Secretary of State to the Rt Hon¬ ourable the Earl of Hillsborough Whitehall P the Betsy and Polly Capt Haiste Savannah in Georgia 26th Nov 1771 Dr Sir I think my last letter to you was dated about the beginning of this Month, of which I have no copy, and have therefore forgot the date, and since then, I have received yr 3 letters No 1,2, and 3 all dated the 4th September last- If you mean to Number yr Letters, I shall do the same, and it may save some trouble to acknowledge Receipts of Letters by Numbers instead of Dates - I shall first reply to your political Letter No 1, for which I am much obliged to you, as such Hints must always be useful especially to a Person in my Situation- You will see by My letters to Lord Hillsborough, that I have not yet called an Assembly, and that I do not think of doing it un- till I know his Majestys Pleasure on the Conduct of the Last, and I believe not only the Council but the People in General do not expect it- In regard to the Suspension of the Powers of Legislation, being a means to bring a Peo¬ ple to feel the advantage of possessing them, it must have Such effect in every Government, where the body of the Peo¬ ple Suffer for the Want of it, but at present none here seem to feel that want- but those who either from Interest or Principle are Friends of Government, for I cannot hear of The exercise of the right of the Acting Governor to negative a Speaker, here dwelt upon at length, forms one of the most dramatic incidents in the history of these stirring times. It illustrates alike the moral courage of Habersham in his loyalty to his King and the increasing determination of the people to resist the arbitrary power of England. Hon. James Habersham. a single Person, who has hitherto appeared in opposition, that has said one Syllable about it- We are in a perfect state of Tranquillity, and have no Alarms either from within or without us, that require any extraordinary Expense, or other assistance from the Legislature; but was it otherwise, I suppose the People wou'd universally cry out for an As¬ sembly- You say it will be left to yourself to call an Assem¬ bly or not, but it wou'd be my advice to you not to call one, untill the Province calls aloud for one, and feels the want of it &c.- Governor Wright Says "It is expected that no Assembly is called 'till that matter (the conduct of the last Assembly on his rejecting the Speaker) is taken Notice of, and Directions given to call me, and this will not be done, till Lord Hills¬ borough returns and sees me". I entirely agree in opinion with the letter, and have long since wrote the same to the Governor. The case is Clear, was I to call an Assembly Mr J-S wou'd be chose Speaker, a rejection must follow and probably resolutions of a more extraordinary Nature, then the former, wou'd ensue and the Consequence wou'd be that a disagreable stop would be put to Public Business and the Province thrown into Confusion, whereas was I to receive such Directions, as I, and perhaps some other persons, ex¬ pect all this would probably be avoided, and Business go on as usual, which is much to be wished- I look upon myself to be intrusted by His Majesty with the execution of His Authority in the Government of this Province, which I shall endeavor to preserve it inviol¬ able because by so doing I am persuaded, I shall best pro¬ mote the Interest of the People here- If I err, it will not be with Intention or Design, and I know you and my Friends will think so cordially of me, and you cannot oblige me more than by pointing out the Conduct it may be proper for me to pursue. My Son Joe arrived Safe and in Health the 17th ins, after a tedious passage. I began to be in Pain for him, and so were some of my Friends. He was upwards of 11 weeks from his Embarking- As far as I can see he is sensible and clever for which I am obliged to you and my other good Friends in England and am Dr Sir- Your affectionate Friend and Servant 152 The Letters of To Mr John Nutt in London Savannah in Georgia the 28 Nov-1771 Dear Sir I am much obliged to you for your very kind Fa¬ vour of the 31st of August last, which I received by my Son Joe, who arrived here in good Health on the 17th Instant. He is grown tall, and appears manly, and I think he is equally improved in his Understanding, for which, 1 shall ever es¬ teem myself indebted to my good Friend Mr Clark. He is naturally of an aimiable, open, and candid Disposition, but not more so than his Eldest Brother James, with whom, I would wish you were personally acquainted, because from the opinion I have entertained of your Candour, I think he would appear to deserve that Esteem, which can only consti¬ tute a substantial and confidential correspondence, which I hope will ever subsist between you. I am indeed much concerned to hear from Every Quarter, that my Friend Knox wants Health, and I am afraid that his Indisposition is, of a more Alarming nature, than he chuses to mention to me. Our Friendship has subsisted for many years without Interruption, and I must be, as I really am, much interested in his welfare. He has been greatly disap¬ pointed in his planting Business here, which has lately in¬ duced Friend Graham and I to take charge of it, and from the improvement we are making on his Lands, we hope to make him a tolerable Crop of Rice next year. Last Spring, the season was extremely unfavourable for his plantation where he had no Field in any kind of Order to plant Rice. What little is made this year will be shipt you, of which you will be advised. The Rice now shipt you by J H Junr & Co is of my own Growth, and as it was all cleaned out since some time in Sep¬ tember last, I hope you will find it every way equal to new Rice. It is the remains of last years Crop from two planta¬ tions, and I think the casks branded on the head with a Gun barrel o or 00 is some-thing better, than the other Casks blindly branded J o H, of the former there is about 80 bar¬ rels, and of the latter about 50. Capt Haist did not arrive till about the latter End of September, and his ship being leaky and unfit for the Sea, he was a long time refitting, which was a very unfavourable circumstance to the Shippers, especially as it was so late in the Season, and they had pro¬ vided a full cargoe of Rice at a very high Price, that they Concerning a temporary breach in the friendship between Habersham and Knox, see letter dated Dec. 1,1T70. Hon. James Habersham. 153 might give her dispatch. I think Mr Curling the owner must look upon himsell obliged to the Shippers, for their having made no complaint about the Delay of his Vessel in refitting, and thereby depriving them of a good market, and also for their having procured a good deal of light Freight, which has made his Ship light and Bouyant, and more fit to en¬ counter a Winter's Voyage. I belive I have before acquainted you, that I mean to con¬ nect my Son Joe with his Brother James, who I will sup¬ port to the utmost of my Power, and as I do not want my Children to wish my Death, I will do what I can for them, while I live, and they are under my own Eye; and to that End, I am determined to make no new purchases to add to my Estate, which is sufficient for them and me with care, but give them the whole Produce of it (after the necessary ex¬ penses are paid) which I hope will not be very inconsider¬ able, until I make their Capital respectable, and put them on such a footing, as may render their Correspondence easy and agreable, and when it shall please God to call me out of this world, what I die possessed of, they will have. The very kind sentiments you are pleased to entertain of me, are very gratefull, and indeed much more than I de¬ serve, however they will stimulate me to use my utmost en¬ deavours, to make my future conduct engage the continu¬ ance of the Regard, you and my other Friends express for me, which I value above every consideration. I do not ex¬ pect, either in my private or public capacity, to please the petulant or envious, and such there are here, as well as in other Places, but if I can give content to the wise and De¬ serving, my utmost wishes and Intentions will be fully answered. You cannot think more highly, of Governor Wright than I do. During his Administration here, I had the Honor of an Intimate acquaintance with him, and from my own Knowledge can attest the goodness and upright¬ ness of his Heart, and I am persuaded, that every cool and dispassionate man must join me in Sentiment, and that his Enemies, if he really has any here, which I almost doubt, because he gave no Occasion, that I know of, to make any one so, will at some future day be ashamed to be thought so. I am with great Sincerety Dear Sir Your much obliged and very humble Servant The Letters of To Mr John Clark in London Savannah in Georgia the 29 November 1771 Dear Sir Your very obliging Favour of the 31st August last, I received by my Son Joe, who arrived here in Health on the 17 Inst after a tedious Passage. I began to be in Pain for his safety, as were some of my Friends, and was very happy in being relieved from my anxiety. He is much grown in Stature, and appears manly, and from the Judge¬ ment, I have been able to form in the short Time, he has been with me, I think he is sensible and Judicious for his years, for which I am, and hope I shall ever think myself greatly indebted to you, who have acted a Fathers part by him. He says, he will write to you by this conveyance, as also to Mrs Milligan to whom I beg to be remembered in the kind¬ est manner, and request you will return her and Mr Milligan my most sincere thanks for the favours they have shown him. He speaks of you and them in the most affectionate terms, and be pleased to believe that, I shall not be wanting, whenever in my power to evince on evry Occasion my Grati¬ tude. I find you must be evidently in Advance for me, particularly on Account of my Son, which in adding to my many obliga¬ tions, and you may de'pend, I will the first opportunity of shipping Rice of the first of my new Crop, to reimburse you fully for Joe, my Son John, and myself. There is no getting Bills here, and I cannot draw till June, otherwise, you should be immediately paid, with many, very many thanks, however I shall lay out to get Freight for Rice by the first going Ships. I do not mean that the House I am establishing for my Sons should have any Connection at all in England but with Mr Nutt, of whose Honor and Worth, I have the highest opin¬ ion, and am very happy in the connection, which I hope to convince him of; but that cannot hinder my continuing my correspondence with you, for the few Trifles I may want for my private Use, unless it may be inconvenient for you to do it. Tomorrow I am to dine with a merry Saint, St Andrew, I am a member of the Society, and as I am told our Friend John Graham will preside there, I am of Opinion, he will send many of the Saints Votaries away with Sare Heads. I The St. Andrew's Society of Savannah was organized in 1750, and its annual banquets are still among the most enjoyable features of the city's social life. Hon. James Habersham. 155 do not mean that our Friend John likes Sare Heads, be¬ cause I know him to be one of the most temperate and at the same time one of the best Hearted Men in this Province, but for the Honor of his Saint and Country, I think he will on this Occasion particularly exert himself, in my letter of the 2nd January last, I desired you to send me a Floor cloth 13 feet by 14 painted plain on both Sides with a dark brown or chocolate colour for a Parlour. a Ditto 5y2 feet by 14 feetl These are for three small Pass- a Ditto 3 feet by 10 rages and are to be painted plain a Ditto 4 feet by 11 J on both Sides as the foregoing. My Son Joe says, he is sure the order for these Cloths, was given out, but does not recollect the Reason of their not be¬ ing sent, unless that they were not ready at the time my other Goods were Shipped. Please to send them by the first Ves¬ sel, as I am much in want of them. I am hurried out of measure, and Haiste waites for my Letter. I am Dear Sir Your much Obliged and humble Servant. To His Excellency James Wright Governor of Georgia In London Savannah in Georgia the 30 November 1771 Dear Sir I received your kind favour of the 30th August, and also your Letter to Mr Graham and me, of the 29 of said month, by my Son Joe, who arrived safe and in good Health, the 17th Instant, after a tedious Passage. I think I must have filled a Quire of Paper in my Letters to you, since your Departure, which were forwarded from hence and Charles- town, through the hands of Mr Lambton, who is a punctual correspondent. When I have Letters ready, I do not wait for a Conveyance from hence, but send them to Charles- town, as you will find by the Letters I have written to you. I am really at a Loss to acquaint you with the Disposition of the People, who may attempt to get into the Assembly. Not one of those who have been in opposition come near me, ex¬ cept Mr Bryan, and that is very seldom, and we both care¬ fully avoid entering into Politics. About a week agoe, he called upon me, and as I had no Company but my two Sons, he said he woud dine with me, which he did, and dropt a Hint, that I should meet with no Trouble in my Administration, This letter indicates the deep, quiet feeling of opposition to the English Government, which was soon to burst into the whirlwind of revolution. James Habersham seems always to have underestimated the true significance of this feeling. The Letters of and so did the Chief Justice, and another Person, but be¬ lieve me, I expect otherwise. These Hints may be thrown out as a Pleasing Bait, and I cannot but consider them, as tending to flatter me at your Expense, and whenever any¬ thing of the kind has been said, that I thought had that tend¬ ency, my answer has been, that I wish I may acquit myself, in my Public Capacity, as Honourably and Uprightly as you have done. I have no By-Ends to serve, and will not curry Favour dishonorably, and I hope you will find that my Pro¬ fessions of Friendships to you did not cease on your leav¬ ing Savannah Bluff, and if an Honest and upright Conduct, as far as my Abilities will extend, will carry me through the almost intolerable Load of Business, I labour under you may depend I will give no cause of complaint either to Friend or Foe. I think I have observed to you in some of my Former Letters, that those, who have appeared in Oppo¬ sition keep a profound Silence. Not a whisper, that I can hear of, about calling an Assembly, nor a word of complaint of any kind. This has been remarked by many of my numer¬ ous Friends, and I look upon it as a Political Manoeuvre in the Opposite Party, if it should prove otherwise, it will be more agreable. You will find by my letters to Lord Hillsborough, that I have called an Assembly, tho' the Necessity of doing it has been hinted at, Sundry Times, especially by our good Friend the Doctor. I know he means well, and truly respect him, and as he has seen me averse to it, He has avoided urging that measure, and you may depend I will not do it, untill I re¬ ceive Instructions from the Ministry. I conclude you will see all my Letters to Lord Hillsborough, otherwise I woud send you copys, and my Son John who is my Amanuensis, is so fully employed, that I wish to spare him, as much as I can. Indeed so few Incidents have arose, that I scarcely know how to form a letter to his Lordship, but you will find, that I omit no plausible Opportunity of urging the Necessity of extending- our back Country. I wish to know your Sen¬ timents of what I have written to his Lordship. In regard to the mode of electing Representatives for this Parish, I 'have not yet consulted any one on that Subject, tho' our Friends Johnson and Graham, have seen what you have wrote to me thereupon, but as it strikes me, I think the whole Eight members for this Parish, may be chose at Sa¬ vannah, namely 4 for the Town, 1 for the Sea Islands, 1 for Acton, 1 for Vernons-bourgh, and one for the Little Ogee- chee; I do not mean that these respective Places should Hon. James Habersham. 157 elect separately, but that the whole should be elected at Sa¬ vannah by One Writt for the Parish of Christ Church. This I think is your meaning, tho' you mention Goshen to be Represented in the Parish, which belongs to the Parish of St Mathews. I think Mr Wertsch mentioned to me, that he had represented to you, the Convenience of having the Parish of St Mathews divided into two Parishes. You know Ebenezer now sends three members to the Assembly, and if a Division should be thought necessary, which I think would be proper, and very gratefull to the People of Ebene¬ zer, who I should be glad to oblige, then the lower part of the Parish, which includes Ebenezer might send two Mem¬ bers, and the upper part two more. This Parish with Goshen, now sends four Representatives and if this Regulation should take place, there would be no addition of Members, and I know the People of Ebenezer, or the German Congregation there, want no connection with the People in the upper Part of that Parish, who neither mend their morals nor their Political Sentiments. I am extremely sorry to hear our Eriend Knox is in so bad a state of Health, and I am afraid his Complaint is of a more alarming Nature than he chuses to mention to me. My Son tells me, I should scarcely know him, being so much emaci¬ ated which gives me great Concern, as I truly respect, and wish him every Degree of Happiness. I have by this Oppor¬ tunity wrote two Letters to him, which I desired him, to shew you. His Remarks in regard to Assembly's, may be right in Theory, but are not conclusive in regard to this Province, of which you are a proper Judge, and I must re¬ quest your Sentiments of what I have written to him on that Subject. On two or three Invitations I have given to the Chief Jus¬ tice, to dine with me, since your Departure, he has excused himself, that it was not convenient, and therefore I shall not probably repeat my Invitations, but he has lately called upon me frequently, and professes great Friendship. I find it is said in our Gazette that he is appointed one of the Council, but that the Intelligence did not come from me. I have a long Letter from him about the dancing Assembly having the use of the Court-Room. The Managers applied to me, and as it has been usual for the Assembly to meet there, I readily granted their Request, however, I have Obviated, his Objections, by directing the Managers to employ the keeper of the Court-house to shut up the House and put every-thing in Order, for which they will pay him. This a 158 The Letters of trifling Affair and I think the Gentleman is mistaken in his Pursuit of popularity, if that is his Object. He does not dis¬ pute my Authority, in Granting the use of any Public Build¬ ing, and if he did I should not admit it, and be assured, that I will not suffer the Kings Authority invested in me, to be trampled upon, in any Instance. He has publickly quarrelled with the Lawyers, who complain heavily, as do their Friends, in which I have, and will have no concern, altho he desired I wou'd speak to Mr Hume in particular, who wou'd have made it a Public matter, but at my Request he will not. His Father and Mrs Hume are here, and doubtless, you will hear from them. Chancery Business Multiplies very fast, and you can scarcely believe how many Bills are filed, some say ow¬ ing to the Chief Justice, which however I do not believe. I have lately referred a Point of Law to him, which was argued some Hours in the Council Chamber, and for which I made a little Apology, and he told me, I had no Occasion to do it, as it was the Duty of the Judges to give me their Opinion when required, and I have now a sheet of Paper on the Sub¬ ject which I have not had time to consider. I have now a matter in the Court of Ordinary depending, rather difficult to determine, but I take time to do it, and in the End do not find much difficulty. In a late Case, in which the Proctors aooeared, in two Courts ; The Lawyers and the Chief Justice said I determined very properly, but the Chancery Business will probably give me much anxiety, and my Fear of Erring gives me inexpressible Trouble and Concern. Mr Ellis has wrote to me from Florence about the Payment of the Governor's House, much in the Strain, I formerly shewed you, in which you can have no concern. I have sold his Lands on St Simon's Island, and shall have soon done with his Business, except his Annuity. I am with great Sin- cerety, my Dear Sir Your affectionate Friend and Servant PS Pray excuse this blundering Letter. To His Excellency James Wright Governor of Georgia. In London Savannah in Georgia the 29 December 1771 Dear Sir Yesterday I received 3 Letters from you by the Ship Wolfe Capt Kemp, one dated the 15 and two the 16 of Hon. James Habersham. 159 October last. The 16th Instant I wrote you pretty fully, which I sent to Mr Lambton to forward from Charlestown, I believe I mentioned in my last, that we had had 4 or 5 days of the most severe weather, I ever knew in Georgia, and perhaps anywhere else, however, I am sure, I found it so. It began with a cold rain, which soon turned into a fro¬ zen sleet, afterwards snow, and which froze so intensely, that for 2 or 3 days, the Boys were sliding upon the sandy Streets and Squares of this Town. You will say this was an unusual Phenomenon in this Climate, and if it had continued much longer, it wou'd probably have produced fatal consequences among our Negroes. Mr Yonge has given me a Plat of Brunswick Town, and an¬ other with a prospect of St Simon's Bar on a smaller scale, in which he has been assisted by Capt Joiner, and thinks you may depend on it, but I am to let him have the Scout Boat, in order to make an actual Survey, which he hopes to finish to go by Anderson, with the Plat of your Savannah Planta¬ tions. Capt Inglis will deliver you the Plans now sent. St Simons Bar appears to be the best on this Continent on this Side Virginia, and Mr Yonge had proposed a dock yard near Brunswick, which perhaps may be worthy the (attention of Government. I know a 40 gun Ship came into St Simons Harbour and was there some time. I forgot her name, but I think she was also at Port Royal, and that our James Mackays Brother was an Officer on Board her. With my best Respects to your Family I remain Dear Sir Your Excellency's Faithfull Friend and Servant Tp His Excellency James Wright Esqr Governor of Georgia in Berney Street London Savannah in Georgia 31st December 1771 Dear Sir Tomorrow Capt Inglis is to call for my Letters &c, and yesterday and today, I have been so much hurryed with various Business, that I sit down to write you another Letter at 9 O'clock at night. Enclosed I have sent you a certificate of Mrs Shoubsoles* Death and Burial; I must beg you will excuse my not writing to your Son James, who I really re¬ spect, and if I can serve him, in what you mentioned about him, you may depend I will do it. No Person knows any- *Thls word is indistinct in the manuscript. i6o The Letters of thing about it, but Mr Graham and myself, and we shall con¬ sult about the best method of making the Proposition in due Time. I do not know, that I can write to Friend Knox by this Ship, but pray tell him, I will not be in his Debt, either in acts of Friendship or Correspondence. His Overseer has this moment been with me and all is well. The opposition are perfectly silent, except that some of them, I hear, begin to growl, about the want of an Assembly. Dont be afraid of me, I will not suffer myself to be trampled on or the Kings Authority to be invaded. At present we are all in Peace, and have no Disputes of any kind. I en¬ deavour to do equal Justice and to be friendly to every one, high and low, and I do not hear any complaints of my Ad¬ ministration from any Quarter. In one of your former Let¬ ters you mentioned, that you did not know, but you could get me a Lieutenants Governor's Commission, which I made no reply to in my last Letters, being entirely satisfyed with your Friendship, and I really want no Preferment otherwise than it may enable me to discharge my Duty in a Public Capacity with more weight and may give me more Influence. I mention this, as our Friend J. G- some time agoe told me, that a Person in high Office here said, that I was only Com¬ mander in Chief by Succession, and by no particular Favour from the Crown. This carried a Reflection I need not point out. I am hurryed out of Measure, and my Friends the Doc¬ tor and Mr Graham say, my close Application to Business will kill me. If the Indian Cession of the Lands should take place, and commissioners or any such should be necessary, Mr Graham has desired me, to mention Mr John Jamieson to you. He is an honest and Good man, and I am persuaded will not be forgot by you, tho' I suppose the Power of grant¬ ing those Lands, must, and cannot rest anywhere but in the Governor and Council. I mention this in compliance with my Friends request I am Dear Sir Your Excellency's Af¬ fectionate Friend and Servant— PS New Years day Morning 1772. I very heartily wish you and your Family many, very many happy Years. Hon. James Habersham. 161 To William Knox Esq Under Secretary of State to the right Hon. The Earl of Hillsborough Savannah in Georgia the 15 Jany 1772 Dear Sir. When I tell you, that you have not a Friend, who wishes your Welfare more, than I do, I must be truly con¬ cerned to hear of your want of health, and very sincerely wish it was in my power to relieve you. Since I received your letter of the 29th Septr last, I have not seen Mr Martin to deliver him your letter- In my late letters, I have written to you very fully about your office of Provost Marshall, in one of which, I enclose-you a letter from Mr Simpson where¬ in he proposes to comply in every respect with the Terms offered you by Mr T- namely to give security to pay you an¬ nually in London £200 Sterling I have been told, that T- says, he is glad you did not accept his offer, but whether it may not be a Finess, I cannot say. Mr Graham has taken some pains to possess me with a fa¬ vourable opinion of your overseer, but I believe his late con¬ duct has made him think otherwise, and if I had had some¬ body proper to take his Place, I believe, I should yesterday have turned him away- He is very plausible and talkative, keeps a Journal of every days work, as he says, and from it, he gave me an account of 60 or 70,000 shingles more, than he had to deliver, which made me look very foolish, after having engaged them, The fact was, he had taken the Ne¬ groes Account of their daily work without further examina¬ tion, which he owned, after he found me determined to re¬ sent his imposing a Falsity upon me; however I have for¬ given him, and have told him, if ever I find him again the least Prevaricating, I will instantly turn him adrift- He is Matthew R's own dear Townsman, x x x I shall write you again next week, and more fully answer your Letters, and am, Dear Sir Your Affectionate Friend and Servant To Henry Ellis in London Savannah In Georgia the 27 January 1772 Dear Sir I have before me your Letter of the 20th July last, dated from Florence, and a copy, with a short line from Leg¬ horn the 1st of August following, and have now to acquaint you that I have finished the sales of all your Lands here. I suppose you know that the aid from Parliament for the En- 162 The Letters of couragement of the Silk Culture here is withdrawn, and that the Governor has no way of drawing on the Agent, except for his own Salary, which from the Law for purchasing your House, I cannot see, that he is under any obligations to do, and therefore I could not desire it. I have not now time to state your account, but it shall be soon done, and I shall to get your money in my Hands in England in the best manner I can, which I have ever done. I did not undertake your Business with any View of Profit, and I shall not now do it. I suppose you have heard of the Death of our Friend Col Harris about three months agoe. We have now near 40 square rigged Vessells before the Town, and this Province is making a rapid pro¬ gress in her Commerce, Wealth and Population, and from the Situation I am now in, you must suppose, I am loaded with Business. Indeed it increases daily and is really too much for me, however I shall endeavour to rub through it as well as I can. In the course of tjie ensueing Spring and Sum¬ mer, I will use every means to invest your Money in Lon¬ don. And am Dear Sir &c PS. For some days past I have been most sorely afflicted with incessant cold, and it's with Difficulty, I hold up my head to write this Scrawl) To Messieurs Graham & Clark Savannah in Georgia Merchants in London the nth February 1772 pr the Unanimity Capt Fox Gentlemen With this you will re¬ ceive Invoice and Bill of Lading for 200 whole and 18 half barrels Rice ship'd on board the Unanimity Capt Fox amounting to Six Hundred seventy six pounds three Shill¬ ings and one penny, which you will dispose of for my Ac¬ count - I think you will find it in general a very good parcel of Rice- It is principally of my own Growth, but there is 30 barrells I borrowed, till I cou'd replace it, from 71 to 100, that I think is a little Dull, and slovenly put out of Hand, but the Grain is good and not broke- I desire you to charge me with the Ballance of my Son John's Account, and also to pay to my Sister Mrs Mary Bagwith of Whitby One Hun- Hon. James Habersham. dred Pounds, when you are in Cash for my Rice- I have drawn no Bill on you, and I am afraid I shall not have even Time to write her by this Conveyance, tho' I much wish to do it- Capt Fox will deliver you two Miniature Pictures, one designed for me and the other for my Daughter-in Law, which I beg the favour of you to have conveyed to my Sister Bagwith, as its more than probable, that she may never see either of the Originals- I am told thay are both very in¬ different Likenesses- My Daughter has a Delicacy about her Face that no Painter has yet hit upon, altho' attempted by different Persons in half lengths and Miniature, and mine has certainly a very gruff and surly Appearance, especially about the Mouth, which my Friends say is not like me, and I should be very sorry, that it was an Indication of my Heart To William Knox Esqr Savannah in Georgia in London the nth February 1772 pr the Unanimity Capt Fox Dear Sir I thought to have written to you a long letter by this opportunity, but a very shocking Circumstance has happened in my Family, that I could wish at present to be excused from putting Pen to Paper, as I am so much troubled and affected, that I can scarcely hold up my Head- A Mulatto Boy, who, with his Mother, I had given to my Son John, was bit with a Dog in the Cheek, about 14 Days before Xtmas, which shewed its Effect about 2 days agoe, with more Horror, than I can express, and is, I believe, the first Instance of canine Madness, that has hap¬ pened in this Province- The Boy was in every respect worthy of regard, but that is of small Consideration with the Circum¬ stances of his Death, which has made such an Impression upon me, that I believe, will never be blotted out of my mem¬ ory- I have buryed near 80 Negroes, little and big, but their Deaths, I have received as common Accidents, and have ac- quiessed in the Dispensation of divine Providence, as I hope I do in this, but I cannot divest myself of Humanity- The Cries and Intreaties of the Mother begging her Child to be put to Death, the dreadfull shreiks of the Boy, and his more than pretty Behaviour in his taking leave of all around him, has rung such a Peal in my Ears, that I never can forget, and which it is impossible for me to describe, and hope never This letter further shows the sympathetic regard with which James Habersham held his slaves. He considers them here as elsewhere as "in my family." 164 The Letters of to meet with the like again- Dr Johnson, who attended him and called in the Faculty, was so distressed after the second Visit, that he was obliged to go to Bed- You know his Humanity and feelings- Our Friend John Graham and some others bore a very sensible part in the distressing Scene, and God knows, where it may end- I hope it may stop in my Family- There are some other People said to be bit by mad Dogs in Town, and the Council met at my House yesterday and this Morning, and by their advice; and on consulting the Chief Justice and the Attorney General, I have issued a Proclamation and offered a Reward for every Dog that shall be killed within this Town, Hamlets and common for one month to come- It was published to-day, and will be in the Gazette to Morrow, which I wish I could send you- After mentioning this melanchody Affair, I am to acquaint you that I have shipt to Mr Nutt on Board the Unanimity Capt Fox 42 barrels of your rice amounting to £124.13.4- I desired Mr Nutt to insure £125 on your ac¬ count, but as your Rice at the now Current Price does not amount to that Sum, I have charged Commissions which you know, I do not mean to take, in order to cover that Sum in case of loss, which you have a just right to; and as I con¬ sider you not only as a Planter, but a Shipper, I have added the usual shipping Charge of 6d pr barrel, which you will not find in your account Current, but the real Charges I may pay such as Freight, Wharfage, weighing, Cooperage &c- This you will recollect on future occasions in similar In¬ stances- You know all Charges untill weighed are paid by the Planter, and the Charges afterwards to the Shipper is about 6d pr barrel, which is an established Rule among the Merchants to Charge I have purchased for you 50 barrels Rice at 11S pr ct, which I shall ship to Mr Nutt by a fine new Ship, the Friendship Capt Wm Carter, and shall desire Mr Nutt to insure £160 on the same- God bless you- I am my dear Sir Yours &c Hon. James Habersham. 165 To His Excellency James Wright Esqr Savannah. in Berner's Street London the 15th Febry 1772 pr the Providence Capt Linthorne * Dear Sir Linthorne hurrys me so much to be gone, the Wind indeed being very fair, that I have only time to tell you, that the foregoing is Copy of my Letter of the nth Instant pr Capt Fox- I thought of writ¬ ing your Son Jemme a Line, but it is impossible- Nothing material has occurred since the foregoing- Doubtless Mr Graham will write you- We perfectly accord in every thing, and I am very happy in having him my Coadjutor, but you may see, that all your Business passes through my Hands, and indeed it must be, that one of us undertake to do it wholly, especially in Matters of Accounts, otherwise it would occasion Confusion- I much want to hear from you- My hearty respects to my young Friends in your Family- We almost daily drink all your Healths- I am far from being well in Health, I think, I omit no Opportunity of writing to you, and I wish I could give more Attention to your Busi¬ ness, as I think I could make you a better Attorney, than I probably do a Commander in Chief of a Province, tho' I hope I shall not be charged with want of Attention to the latter- At present all Parties seem Contented with my Administra¬ tion, and I am persuaded, that on cool recollection, they must and do_ think you the best Governor, that ever Georgia has had, or probably may have in our Day- You know me above Flattery- I am with great Sincerety, Dear Sir Your Excellency's Most Obed, humble Servt To James Wright Junr. Esqr Savannah in Georgia in London the 17th February 1772 enclosed in Govr Wright's letter of the 1st March following Dear Sir I have your two Fa¬ vours of the 31st August and 16th October last, both dated from London, now before me, and must request you will ex¬ cuse my not answering them sooner, wholly owing to a Load ♦James Habersham, as President of the Council, was Acting Governor in the absence of Governor Wright. Besides, as is here shown, he looked after Governor Wright's private business, which was extensive. i66 The Letters of of Business, which I find almost too heavy for me, and do with great Difficulty rub through, and I think it daily mul¬ tiplies- If I can do my Duty to my Sovereign, give Con¬ tent to my Friends and equal Justice to every one, Friend or Foe, I care not what any envious Snarlers may say or do, and such I suppose there are, tho' they do not at present appear- I should not make these Excuses for my not answer¬ ing your Letters sooner, if I did not believe, that you have a real Friendship for me, and pray believe that I have the same for you, and consequently that I value your Corres¬ pondence, which I hope you will continue to favour me writh At present I hear of no party Disputes in this Province, tho I am persuaded there is too much of the old Leaven of ran¬ cour remains with some People, which, tho' at present con¬ cealed, may and probably will hereafter shew itself, I am glad to understand from yourself, as well as from the public Prints, that the unnatural opposition to Government in Eng¬ land is daily losing Ground, which must always be the Event, when the Administration, as I believe ours is, is conducted with Candour and Justice- Every good Man must however lament, that at the same Time we are distroying our own Internal Peace, and like Vultures tearing out our own Bowels, we are weakening our Importance, if not rendering ourselves contemptible with every foreign Power, we are connected with In regard to what the Governor has wrote to me about a Future Agent, I am persuaded of the hearty Concurrence of the Council with me in the Nomination of the Person, but what a future Assembly may think of that Matter, it is im¬ possible for me even to conjecture, untill I know of whom it may consist, and I can only say, that every thing on my Part shall be done to bring about, what I most sincerely wish, however I think, that a Majority of the last Assembly may get reelected, if they chuse it, as the common People, who are the principal Electors are too easily blinded and imposed upon by the specious Pretence of Liberty and Pa- triotism- As Mr Banks and Doctor Solander are Men of Character, it is no wonder the curious and inquisitive are impatient to see their remarks on their Voyage, which you say are in the Press, and as you are so kind as to say, you will send them to me, they must be very acceptable- And now, what am I to say to you about the News of Georgia?- We have no Hon. James Habersham. Plays, Operas, or public Exhibitions, either in point of Lit¬ erature or Amusements, to animadvert upon- No Marri¬ ages, Deaths, or Births, that can afford you Entertainment or Pleasure, except that we have had some brilliant, Assem- blys, which I can assure gave me Pleasure to see, especially as those I was at, were conducted with Harmony and De¬ cency- The Chief Justice wrote me a long Letter on the Impropriety of their having the use of the Court Room, but his Objections did not strike me sufficiently to prevent their meeting there and I have yet seen no reason to alter my opinion- Our Harbor has made a very considerable Figure in ship¬ ping for about 6 Weeks past, and it has really surprised me to see so many of them so readily dispatched, and more are daily arriving- This is a very pleasing Consideration with me, as it affords a Prospect of our soon becoming a rich, commercial People- We have had severe Colds very gen¬ eral amongst us,- but I have not heard of it's having proved fatal in one Instance- Mr William Williamson lately from Charleston told me this afternoon, that he believed, there were 2 or 3000 People there afflicted with it, but it was not fatal- I was one of the first, that had it here, and perhaps more severe, than any I have heard of- Be pleased to make me acceptable to your whole Family I am Dr Sir Your most Obedient, humble Servant To Miss Bella Wright in London Savannah in Georgia enclosed in her Father's Letter 27th February 1772 My dear Miss Bella As I have no Prospect of seeing you again in Georgia, I cannot insist on the Per¬ formance of your Promise to me any where else, and do very heartily wish you every Degree of Happiness in any Engage¬ ment, you may enter into in England; but that I may have the Pleasure of frequently remembering you, I will take it as a Favour, if you will send me a Gold Finch, and a Linnet or two, and by these little feathered Innocents, I may fancy myself conversing with you- Pray send them in Iron Wire, and not brass Wire Cages, as I am told, the latter are apt to contract a Rust, or perhaps a kind of Verdigrease, which proves fatal to the Birds, who frequently rub their Bills See letter dated Sept. 13,1772, acknowledging the receipt of the birds. i68 The Letters of against the Wire, and at the same Time, I must request you to send some Food for them; and for this Favour, I will send you and Miss Nancy half a barrel of rice, and another to the Governor for him to present to his Friends, either from the Farm or Laurel Grove, which I will have nicely put out of Hand- You see I am very kind to make you a Present with your Father's Property- I am put in Mind of this by a re¬ quest of my Son Joe's to give him 3 or 4 barrels of my Rice to send to some of his Friends- Pray say every thing that is kind on my Behalf to Miss Nancy, who I truly respect, and if you will accept of an old Man's best wishes, you have them with great Sincerety, from, Dear Miss Your affectionate Friend and Servant P S I am told that Capt Anderson's Steward is a good Hand to send over Birds by, as he can give more attention to them, than the Captain- I think his Name is Thomas Mills, and if they are given in Charge to him, I am persuaded, he will oblige me bv taking Care of them To His Excellency James Wright Esqr Savannah in Governor of Georgia in Berners Street London Georgia pr the Industry Capt Furse for Cowes 12th March 1772 Dear Sir This is the 1st attempt I have made, to write a single Line for at least 14 days past, and I begin to think I shall hardly get through it, however my Son John will help me out- Last Monday the 9th The Election for this Town was held, when the former represen¬ tatives were chosen, without the least opposition, only 19 Votes were given, and from the quiet appearance, as I am told throughout the Town, A man must have been at some Pains to know, that such a Transaction was on Foot- It is said the opposition were surprised, that none was made, and doubtless, they had room for many Conjectures- Had any opposition been made, its my opinion, that many of those, who formerly voted for the present Members would have de¬ signedly not appeared, as I am persuaded, that many of those poor People begin to suspect, that thay have been made Cats- Paws to carry on the sinister Views of a few design¬ ing Men- But it will take Time to eradicate the Prejudices, George Galphin was an Indian trader, living at Silver Bluff on the Savannah River be¬ low Augusta. He was one of the most Influential and enterprising men of his times. See Jones' History of Georgia, Vol. 2. p. 137. Hon. James Habersham. i6g that they have imbibed, and has been so industriously pro¬ pagated among them for near 7 years past- I would not be understood, that if the Friends of Government had exerted their utmost Efforts, that they would have carried the Elec¬ tion here- I think they wou'd not, and a great Majority of the representatives will probably be of the same Texture- I have not said a Word about it, and neither will I interfere in the least March 14th 1772 Here my Father stopped, not being able to go any farther, having had a fresh Attack of the Gout in his left arm and Hand, which is very painfull to him, and he is weaker and more unable to do Business than ever I saw him, however I shall go on as he may dictate I have sat as long as possible, and I hope you will excuse the loose Hints I have dictated to my Son- You know that I am not deficient in writing, and if I have one or two such Attacks more as I now labour under, I am afraid I shall not be able to serve you, my other Friends, my Family, and the Public much longer- There is a Period to every thing March 16th I am still painfully confined, and my Doctor and my other Friends say that I must not think of Business of any kind, that my Disorder principally lays on my Stomach and Spirits, and till they are at rest, I cannot expect to get better- To day I was carried into a Chair and rode about 3 Miles, back¬ ward and forward- Confinement is the most dreadfull Pun¬ ishment that can be inflicted on me, and I begin to suspect that I must be content to drag out a painfull Life in the best Manner I can Just as I was writing this, your Letters of the 1 st and 10 Inst came to Hand while Mr Graham was present I have not yet Collated Mr Lowten, as the Parish are so very much divided in their Opinion of him- He is cer¬ tainly a very smooth and pleasing Preacher, deals In general Truths, and makes the road smooth to another Country- In private his Conduct is unexceptionable, and I think he labours to promote Peace and Harmony with all around him, and to assist Government, both In Word and Doctrine- After the last Murder of one of the Irish Setlers by an In¬ dian, I was informed, that the Sons of the deceased had pub- lickly given out, that they wou'd kill the first Indian, that come into their Settlement, And in the Manner it was told me, I was sure such a Declaration had been made, and it The Letters of made such an Impression upon me, that I did not lose a Moment to write to Mr Galphin, which I sent by an Express, expatiating in the strongest Terms Words cou'd paint the bad Consequence of such a Conduct, and requested him in the most earnest Manner to go among them, and advise them to desist from any such rash step, and that if they did not and any Murder happened, I wou'd use every means in my power to have them hanged- I likewise wrote the same to the Magistrates of Augusta in Language, I suppose, they well understood, I only meant for the lower People among them- I had one of the People down here, who killed the Indian at the Ocoones, and I sent him to the Chief Justice to bind him over to the Session, but he was allowed to go out and seek for Bail for his Appearance, but instead of returning, he went away, and I believe left the Province for some Time- I have since heard of him, but had he been brought to a Tryal, I am persuaded, he wou'd have been acquitted It seems hard to bind over People by a Treaty the Indians have paid no regard to in any one Instance, and to punish them for defending their Property against Savages, who with Arms and Violence rob them at Noon Day- This is the real state of the Case, and to speak plainly, it is a matter of Won¬ der that no more Mischief is done by our Injured People to these Savage Robbers, and shews that our People have some regard to the general Welfare- In a well regulated Govern¬ ment Justice should be equally administered, and Property equally protected- Our People have complained, but I do not know in one Instance that ever any redress was obtained for them from the Indians by Talks and representations from Government- What Relief thay have ever got has been by pursuing the Indians, and recovering their stolen Prop¬ erty- This is certainly not Government, and I can see no way to prevent this Conduct, but our being in a Situation not only to demand but to enforce Justice from the Indians- Every thing is very quiet in the back Country, and our Set- lers perhaps were never more orderly, and I am led to men¬ tion these Matters from some Hints in your last Letters which you know to be true- I am getting easier, and as soon as I can, I will write to Lord H- h- I cannot say to him, what comes uppermost, as I do you- Could you excuse me to His L- d- p- I am sure, if he knew the Distress I have been in he wou'd readily do it- I am obliged to Friend K- x for his Friendly and candid Letters, which I shall pay a proper re¬ gard to- I shall see Weatherly to-morrow- Hon. James Habersham. 171 I fancy he will begin to plant sooner, than I can, and as soon as Gray can- I am, Dr Sir Your mo: Ob't Servt To His Excellency James Wright. Esqr in Eondon, pr the Friendship, Capt Carter Savannah in Georgia the 28th Mar 1772 Dear Sir Yesterday Morning Lord and Lady Charles Montagu left this Town, after a Visit of 5 days- They took up their Quarters with me and were, very agreeable and easy Guests. We had a most brilliant Assembly on Wednesday last and a genteel Supper, and they both told me, they should not forget their visit to Georgia, which had been the most agreeable of any Tour they had made, since they knew America- Mr Graham and some others did everything they cou'd to shew them Respect, and altho' I was unable to rise from or sit down without help on a Chair, they wou'd have me with them, notwithstanding I was oblig¬ ed to be lifted about with no little Trouble to myself and others- I am now getting better, after almost 2 Months trying Sickness, first, with the most severe Cold, I ever ex¬ perienced, which probably brought on and was succeeded by a most violent Attack of the Gout- I had it to a prodig¬ ious degree in both my Hands, Arms, Shoulders, and almost every joint about me, and I think such another Fit will fin¬ ish me- It was very afflicting to me to be obliged to put of! signing official Papers, which however were left with me, and at every easy Moment, I made a shift to sign them, and what Letters, I was obliged to write, I did by dictating to my Son John- I wish you was here to take the Government from me, as I am afraid my infirm state of Health will make it, with my other Business, too much for me to get credit¬ ably through, To the Right Honorable the Earl of Hillsborough one of his Majesties Principal Secretaries of State- Whitehall- Savannah 24th April 1772- My Lord I have the pleasure to inform your Lordship, that I have received a Talk from the lower Creek Indians, which with my answer is enclosed, wherein they acquaint me, that IJ2 The Letters of agreeable to my requisition in a talk, I sent them the 9th Day of December last, a Copy of which I enclosed in my let¬ ter N. 7, to your Lordship, they have put to Death the In¬ dian, who murdered John Carey, a late inhabitant of Queens- borough; a circumstance, that is extremely favorable, as it clearly demonstrates their friendly disposition to live in peace with us, and, from their conduct on such occasions, since I have known the province is more than I flattered my¬ self, they would have done, being I believe the first instance of the kind, in consequence of a requisition from this gov¬ ernment- In justice to Mr Galphin, who has undoubtedly very great influence, especially with the lower Creeks, I must acquaint your Lordship that he has greatly assisted in bringing about this instance of justice from the Indians, and I hope it will have the happy consequence of making their stragling people who are the principle cause of all the disturbances, that happen between us and the Creeks, more careful how they attempt to kill, insult and rob our inhabi¬ tants- I must further observe to your Lordship that it ap¬ pears to me, the Indians are affraid of our stopping the Trade with thern, and that is very probable the hint, I threw out in my Talk on that head, was the principle motive for their giving the satisfaction I required- I have wrote to Mr Galphin, and have also requested some of the Magistrates of Augusta, who are now in this Town, to admonish our in¬ habitants in the strongest terms to avoid every occasion of giving the least offence to the Indians, by doing them any injury; that if they did, I would do everything in my power to have them punished with the utmost severity the law will inflict; that the Indians had now set us an example of strict Justice, and we must do the same, otherwise we should give them just cause to insult & despise us, and in that case, I could not with the least propriety require satisfaction for any injury done by them to our people. In my last letter No 9 I had the honor of writing to your Lordship, I observed that I expected in a few days to see some of the principle Merchants concerned in supply¬ ing the Indian Trade from Augusta, when I should have a full conversation with them about the lands proposed to be ceded by the Indians, but as this very momentous affair to the welfair of this province, and I think I may justly add to our commercial interest with our parent country, took it's rise before the Administration of this Government devolved upon me, I thought I might mistake in not being so fully possessed of the matter from the beginning, and therefore Hon. James Habersham. 173 I desired these Gentlemen to state it in writing, which they have done and I now transmit a copy of it to your Lordship, and from the best information, I can get, it appears to me, that if Mr Stuart was to to have a meeting with the Creeks at Augusta, especially those of the lower Towns, they would readily join in the Cession of those valuable lands which are of the greatest importance to this Colony, altho of very little, if any to them- I beg leave to observe to your Lordship, that besides the very material Articles of Commerce, Hemp & Tobacco, these lands are peculiarly adapted to produce, I am persuad¬ ed, they are equally, if not more so in regard to Indigo & Silk, which are portable at a very easy expence at a great distance, but this is not the case with the former bulky and less valuable articles, and it has many years been my opinion, that if ever the Silk Culture becomes a considerable Branch of Commerce here, it must be done in the back country, where the lands from their fertility and healthy situation, can be profitably cultivated by, and admit of a great number of white people without the assistance of Negroes, which can¬ not be done for a considerable distance from the Sea Coast, where rice is the principal staple commodity, and the lands being flat and moist, and especially those that are proper for the Cultivation of rice, on which stagnated water is some¬ times necessarily kept, causes the white inhabitants in par¬ ticular to be subject to severe Autumnal Fevers, and con¬ sequently shortens their lives, and as they canont be advan¬ tageously improved, but by people, who can purchase a num¬ ber of Negroes, and many plantations from their peculiar situation require a large extent of land for reservoirs to water their fields, and other purposes, they are neither fa¬ vourable to population, nor suitable to people in middling circumstances to cultivate- These inconveniences, the back country is not liable to, which is evident from the great in¬ crease of people there, both in this and the neighboring prov¬ ince of So Carolina where the white inhabitants are perhaps Ten fold the number on the same compass of land, than they are near the Sea Coast- Upwards of Twenty years ago, if my memory does not fail me, Samuel Lloyd Esqr of London, who was one of the late Trustees for establishing this Colony, and was fourteen years in Italy, and very largely concerned in the Silk business, wrote to me, that the best silk was pro¬ duced at a distance from the Sea Coast, owing I suppose to the richness of the soil, which made the Mulberry leaf more glutinous, nutritive and healthy to the silk worm, also to I74 The Letters of their not being obnoxious to Musketoes & Sandflies in these parts to annoy them, and likewise probably to the weather being more equal and less liable to sudden transitions from heat to cold; and on a conversation this day with Mr Bar¬ nard of Augusta, he assures me, that from two years exper¬ ience in raising Cocoons there, he lost none from sickness, which frequently destroys two thirds of the worms here, and that the Cocoons he sent down to be reeled here, having no conveniency of doing it there, Mr Attolenghe told him, tho' they were baked to kill the Chrysalis, which is a great disad¬ vantage to the Silk, that it made the strongest and most wiry thread of any raised in these parts- I hope I shall be ex¬ cused for troubling your Lordship with these remarks, which I have thrown together from a desire of promoting this valu¬ able culture, and I am persuaded it can only be done, where there are a number of white people of middling circum¬ stances, and if these observations are found to be true in Italy, the same cause must doubtless produce the same ef¬ fects, and will consequently point out the value of our back country for the production of silk and other articles I have mentioned, and many more might be added. I have the honor to be My Lord &c- &c J. H. To the Right Honourable the Earl of Savannah in Hillsborough one of His Majesty's Georgia the 30th Principal Secretarys of State Whitehall April 1772 pr Brig Industry Capt Kenny Duplicate pr Mr Hall in the Union Capt Coombes My Lord The 21st Inst, I met the General Assembly, and am very sorry to inform your Lord¬ ship, that after a fruitless Attempt on my Part to make the Commons House sensible of their Duty to the King, in ac¬ knowledging His Majesty's just, undoubted and indisputable Right to negative a Speaker and their Folly in attempting to violate our happy Constitution, I failed, and was obliged to dissolve them as your Lordship will observe by a Copy of the Journals of both Houses, which I now transmit to your Lordship This letter records in detail one of those significant events which was prophetic of the Revolution soon to follow. At this critical time the courage of Habersham and the rising spirit of self-government on the part of the common people equally compel our admiration. See Jones' History of Georgia, Vol. 2, pp. 122-126. Hon. James Habersham. 175 On the day the Assembly met, they elected Mr Noble Wimberly Jones their Speaker, of which about noon two of their Members as usual were sent to in¬ form me, and I acquainted them, that I should again be in the Council Chamber at 5 O'clock in the Afternoon, when they should have my answer, accordingly I went there, and two of their Members being sent to receive my answer, I did, in obedience to His Majesty's Commands, put a nega¬ tive on him and directed them to proceed to the Choice pf another- Soon after, I was informed they had re-elected said Mr Jones, upon whom I put a second Negative- The fol¬ lowing day I went to the Council Chamber with intention to dissolve the Assembly, if they persisted in their Choice, and was informed, that they had elected Mr Archibald Bul¬ loch their Speaker, and on his being presented, I approved of him and made my Speech- In the Evening. I sent for their Journals, and observing, that immediately before their election of Mr Bulloch, they had reelected Mr Jones a third time, and that only in consequence of his resigning, they had chose Mr Bulloch, I sent for him the next morning, and told him, that I could not proceed on Business with the house while that Minute was suffered to remain on their Journals- This being St George's day, and an Anniversary of a Society, of which many of the Assembly were Members, the House did not meet to do Business, and at the Request of the Speaker I did not go to the Council Chamber untill the next day in the Evening, as he wished to have sufficient Time to inform the Members of my Objections-The follow¬ ing day, I sent the House a written Message, that if they would not recede from this Minute, I would proceed to a Dissolution, and require their immediate answer, to which they sent me, what they called a Message, which I woud not receive, that they had appointed a Committee to meet in the Afternoon to draw up an Address in answer thereto, which they did not doubt woud be satisfactory- Soon after two of the Members waited upon me at my House, desiring as usual to know when I would be waited upon by the House with their Address in answer to my Speech, and at the same time offered me a Copy, I told them I neither could nor would proceed to Business with them untill I had an answer to my Message of this morning-My answer I find is omitted to be entered on their Journals- I went to the Council Chamber in the Afternoon, when the Assembly presented me with an Address in answer to my Message, which I thought evasive, and accordingly I dissolved them, and my iy6 The Letters of reasons, your Lordship will find at large in the Journals of the Upper House- This I think my Lord is a full and clear state of the Transactions I had with the Assembly I must now crave your Lordship's Indul¬ gence, while I relate the Motives for my Conduct on this Occasion- It appeared to me, that my putting a Negative on the Speaker elected by the Assembly, without their know¬ ing the Reason, woud have thrown them into a Flame, and by no means answered the Intention of His Majesty, which I considered as a Test of their Obedience to the just and indisputable Right of the King's Representative to put such Negative, and therefore after I was acquainted with their Election of a Speaker, I gave the answer I have before men¬ tioned, that I should be in the Council Chamber at 5 O'clock, when they should have my answer, that in the meantime, I might have an opportunity of informing several of the Mem¬ bers, that I had it in Command from His Majesty to nega¬ tive the Person, they should elect for Speaker, which I did, and in particular I informed Mr Jones that I was ordered to do so in consequence of the unwarrentable and rash Reso¬ lution the late House entered into in April 1771. which not only called in Question but in fact denyed the right of the King's Representative to negative a Speaker, hoping it woud have the desired Effect, accordingly I put a Negative on Mr Jones and like wise I did it a Second Time on his re¬ election, when perhaps I ought to have immediately proceed¬ ed to a Dissolution but as I knew, there were several new Members, who might be unacquainted with the true purport of the Kings Instructions to me, I ventured to do it- The following day Mr Bulloch was presented to me as Speaker, and I truly understood it was to acknowledge His Majesty's undoubted right to negative a Speaker, I approved of him, but on perusing their Journals in the Evening, and finding, they had re-elected Mr Jones a third Time, and that in con¬ sequence of his resignation of the Chair, they elected Mr Bulloch, I proceeded, as I have before related to your Lord¬ ship, and I further beg leave to observe to your Lordship, that I proceeded on no Business with the Assembly, except making my Speech to them after their presenting and my Approbation of Mr Bulloch as their Speaker, sending them a written Message on Saturday morning to rescind the Min¬ ute, I had objected to, and my Speech on dissolving them Permit me to assure your Lord¬ ship, that if I have committed any Error in my Conduct with this Assembly, by endeavouring to bring them to a sense Hon. James Habersham. 177 of their Duty, it has proceeded from the purest Motives to promote His Majesty's Service, and the Welfare of this Prov¬ ince, and if it should meet with His Majesty's Disapproba¬ tion, I shall most dutifully submit- Your Lordship will ob¬ serve, that in my Speech, I was rather general in recommend¬ ing Business to the Assembly, wishing to make the Session as agreable and consequently as short as possible, at this very hot and inconvenient Season of the Year, altho' I had some important Things to communicate to them, which I pro¬ posed to do by Message, and of which they could not be un¬ acquainted, hoping that some Means might be fallen upon to afford some temporary Relief, untill those Matters could be maturely considered, and more effectually provided for, and I beg leave to mention a few of them, which I hope from their apparent Importance to the immediate Safety and wel¬ fare of the Province will apologize for the Conduct I persued to avoid if possible a Dissolution A few days before the Assembly met, I received a Letter from the Chief Justice, informing me, that two no¬ torious Offenders committed to the public Goal had broke out and made their Escape, and that one of them had broke out before last December Sessions, and by that means prob¬ ably escaped being hanged, of which he thought I ought to have the earliest Notice, in Case I should think proper to call a Council, and issue a Proclamation offering a Reward to apprehend them, which I did, that such was the ruinous state of the Goal, that he did not expect any Criminal woud be brought to Justice, untill a place of more safety was pro¬ vided, that therefore this Province must necessarily become a rendevous for all Horse Stealers and Criminals from the neighboring Provinces, and such Offenders woud undoubt¬ edly fly to that Country, where they were safe from Punish¬ ment, that the present Wooden Hutt, improperly called a Goal, was not secure enough to confine an Infant, and if the Legislature woud not build a Goal they must thank them¬ selves for the Consequences of it, that he was concerned to think that all criminal Justice was at an End, since, notwith¬ standing the number of Commitments, no Criminal can be brought to Justice for want of a proper Place to confine them- This, My Lord, is a true state of the present Place, called a Goal, and the consequences mentioned must naturally follow and I thought of urging it in my Speech, but, on con¬ sidering it, as a Matter of Expence, and probably that woud occasion Altercation, which I thought some of the Assembly woud improve to inflame on setting out, and wishing to re- i78 The Letters of move every Obstacle in my Power, that might impede my entering on Business with them, I desired the Chief Justice to state it in a Memorial to me, and the same I desired the Acting Provost Marshall to do, both which I intended to send by Message to the Assembly, if I had gone upon Busi¬ ness with them, and for the same Reason I omitted to take notice in my Speech of the state of Fort George at Coxspur, now in total Ruin, tho' so necessary for the Protection of this Port and Shipping, and especially to inforce some of our very national Laws, which Capt Powell who commanded there, woud have set forth in a Memorial to me, which I like¬ wise propose to communicate to the House by Message- The Work House, another matter of Expence, and a very necessary one, for confining and punishing fugitive and Crim¬ inal Slaves, is also in the same Condition with the Goal, and lately a number of them twice broke out and escaped, and one of them was under sentence of Death, charged with a most attorcious Robery- The watch Duty in this Town, the Continuence of which, I particularly recommended in my Speech, must for anything I can see, very soon cease, as I have no way of supporting the Expence, and from the great Resort, of Negroes here, the want of it, may be attended with very serious Consequences- I need not mention the very great Hardship the public Creditors labour under for want of Payment, which I believe many of them very sen¬ sibly feel, and complain of- Besides these apparent Incon¬ veniences to the Province it is propagated, and I am certain believed by a great Number of the Inhabitants, that several of our capital local Laws are expired, and not in Force, and particularly the Militia which I am informed is the language of some of the Officers, and others are afraid of ordering the usual Musters, for fear of being troubled with vexatious Suits in case of refusal or Contumacy of Persons not ap¬ pearing, and as it has been usual to have a General Muster on the King's birth day, of the first Regiment of Foot Mili¬ tia, in this Town, it has been mentioned to me by all the Field Officers, that it woud be inconvenient to have a General Muster on that day, on Account of the Sultry heat of the Weather, which might prejudice the People's Health, and therefore submitting, whether it might not be postponed to a more temperate Season, but as I think, I am not mis¬ taken in their Motives for this Hint, I shall put it to the Test, and order a general Muster as usual I have, My Lord, mentioned these Cir¬ cumstances, and more might be added to account for my Hon. James Habersham. 179 Tenderness in not hastily proceding to a Dissolution, as I clearly foresaw the Consequences, that would attend it- Your Lordship will please to observe by the Journals of the As- semly, that Mr Jones was unanimously elected Speaker the first time, in which those Members, who were Friends of Government must have concurred, and I may perhaps with certainty say, from an Opinion, that I should at any Rate put a Negative upon him, in which they were not mistaken, on his being elected a second time, it appears not to be unani¬ mous, and the third Election being so I understand, proceed¬ ed from their being made to believe, that on Mr Jones' re¬ signing, the Point woud be settled, but in this they were deceived as Mr Jones insisted on his private Reasons for such Resignation being entered on their Journals, which I am informed, those, who opposed his second Election, did not expect I much suspect My Lord, that Mr Jones and the few Persons, who are immediately connected with him in op¬ posing the Public Business, are actuated to do it from self- interested and malevolent Motives, which they are ashamed publickly to avow, and notwithstanding they have had the influence to get a Majority of, I must think, ignorant altho' honest Men in the late Assembly to join them, under the specious pretence of Liberty and Privilege, yet I am per¬ suaded, that the wisest and best Men in the Province do not entertain an Idea, that the King's Representative has not an undoubted right to negative a Speaker, and I have not heard that Mr Jones and his Party say the same in direct Terms, and your Lordship will please to observe by the Jour¬ nals of the Assembly, that they have artfully endeavoured to leave the Matter doubtfull so as not to make a precedent in future of their having acknowledge his Majesty's just right of Negative My Lord it is very painfull to me to say or even to insinuate a disrespectfull Word of any one, and every Person, who knows me, will acknowledge, that it is contrary to my Disposition to dip my Pen in Gall, but I cannot help considering Mr Jones's Conduct for some time past in oposing Public Business, as very ungratefull and un¬ worthy of a good Man, as his Family have reaped more Ad¬ vantages from Government, than any I know in this Prov¬ ince, xxxxxxxxxxxxx Governor Wright in his Speech to the Assembly in October 1770 recommended our Finances and public Accounts to be examined into, but that Assembly was dissolved in February following, and no Step i8o The Letters of taken therein, and many People suspect, that this very neces¬ sary Examination operates with some to retard and impede Business- I certainly meant to recommend this Inquiry to the late Assembly in the strongest Terms, and as we have now no Assembly, I shall require the Treasurer to lay before me in Council a clear Account of the Produce of our Funds, also of the Certificates, that have been issued for different Services, and of every Account, that may be necessary to possess me with a State of the Treasury, and after that is done, I shall persue such Measures as I may see necessary for the Service of His Majesty and the Province, and may be advised to by the Council, of which I shall inform your Lordship// Upon the Whole, My lord, I hope my not hastily proceding to a Dissolution will have the happy Effect of opening the People's Eyes, and shew them that Mr Jones and the few who are connected with him, and who unhapily for this Province, have for a considerable time past misled a Majority of the Assembly, must have some private and interested purposes to serve, by thus repeatedly impeding public business, which they cloak under the pretence of pub¬ lic good, and I have reason to believe that the people in gen¬ eral are very much dissatisfied with their Conduct. I have the Honor to be with the highest Respect, My Lord, Your Lordship's Most Obedt and very humble Servt To His Excellency James Wright Esqr pr Mr Hall in the Union, Capt Coombes Savannah in Georgia 30th May 1772 Dear Sir I thank you for un¬ dertaking the Cause of the Orphan House, now truly an Orphan, which I find by your Letters, as also another from Lord and Lady Huntingdon, lately received- It was some¬ time ago industriously rumoured here, that it was to go to Mr Whitefield's Heirs, and indeed by a Letter I received from Her Ladyship, about the same time she wrote to me almost in the same Terms, and in a Strain, I did not relish, and understand, and have not answered it, but Her Ladyship's last Letter is kind and affectionate, and therefore I shall as kindly reply- I am between 2 and £300 in Advance for that House- When this report first prevailed, there were about 16 Boarders, and every thing appeared to go on agreeably, Hon. James Habersham. 181 but on Mr Lowten's proposing to keep a School, and it be¬ ing propagated, that the Scheme of a College or School wou'd come to nothing, the Children were by Degrees with¬ drawn, untill reduced to Mr Graham's and Clay's Sons, and Mr Langworthy concluding, that he could not at present be of use, came to Town, and has now opened a School with Mr Holmes, in which I believe, they meet with Success, and the Parson has also another in his Library- As it at present appears to me, I think Lady Huntingdon wou'd promote its Interest best, by giving it up to be the Public, as the best means of its meeting with Support, and rendering it usefull- In this I only give my Opinion, and by no means wish or intend to dictate. Mr Lowten gains the Affections of his Parishioners more and more- He is confessedly clever in the Pulpit, and has perhaps not many Equals- His private Conduct is, I believe, unexceptionable, both as a Gentleman and a Christian, and the Tongues of his Opposers seem to be stoped- In his Public Exhibitions, he does not touch, on matters of Government, and in private, if he mentions his Opinion, it has been as far as I have seen, in its Favour and Support, and at the request of a great Majority of the Ves¬ try, and the general Sense of the best of his Parishioners, I have collated him, something in the Manner you did Mr Frink, and some weeks after at his own request, he subscrib¬ ed what is prescribed by Law, which he did and declared be¬ fore me in writing at my House, which I have in my Pos¬ session, and afterwards went to Church, and read the 39 Articles, and publickly declared his Assent and Consent to them, and then read the written Declaration made before me, which he signed, and my Certificate that he had so done- This latter Transaction was of a Sunday- At first I was at a loss to know the meaning of this, which he explained that N. W. J. and some few of his secret Friends had got Burns Eclesiastical Law, and given out, that his Living was ipso facto void, without he complyed with these requisites within a certain Time, so that you see, every thing is to be made a party Affair- I am now glad it is done, because it has put an End to all further Intrigues in this matter, and I have not the least doubt of Mr Lowtens giving Content, even to those, who first Opposed him- I know not what we can do with your Coach and Charriott, and think they cannot be sold here- If they were to be put up at Public Sale, it wou'd be treated as a Burlesque The precaution I took, and caused to be strickly adhered to about the small 182 The Letters of Pox, had answered the purpose, and there is not the least Appearance of it in this Province You seem to be surprized, that I should complain of being so much hurryed with Business and that I had nothing to do but A. B. C, common Business- I believe it is so with you, but with me it is indeed far other¬ wise- You had been long practised in the usual Business, that necessarily arises in Government, and every thing was plain and easy to you- It is not so with me, for conscious of my falling far very far short of your Abilities, I act, in every step I take with doubt and fear- You say you grow old, but I feel I do so, and while you was here, I scarcely knew any one, who enjoyed a better state of Health, which is not my Case, and you cannot well conceive with what Difficulty, I write this Letter- My last fit of the Gout has, I am afraid, given an irreparable Shock to my Constitution, and I know of nothing, that wou'd alleviate my Complaint more, than being freed from the honorable Cares of Govern¬ ment, and taking a Trip perhaps to England, or being in less carefull Business, than Government for which one is particularly answerable- I have in one of my former Letters told you, that I could make you a better Attorney, than a Commander in Chief of Georgia, and as I am afraid my Health will not allow me to discharge the latter, in a manner I wish to do, I do most heartily wish you wou'd come over, and take the Reins from me, and if you will accept of the Ac¬ comodations of my House, during your stay here, I shall think myself obliged, and in that Case, you need not bring over any Furniture, or plague yourself with House-keeping, and if my trifling Carriages may not suit you, which shall always be at your Command, you need only bring over a very light post Charriott- I mention this on a Supposition, that you will not bring your Family from England, and that con¬ sequently your stay here will not be long, say six, nine, or twelve Months- You know I have Servants, that know how to spread a Table handsomely- I give you this Invitation, not as a Matter of Form, but from the bottom of my Heart- I have received the Fish Hooks and Lines you sent- I gave Peter one Line and six of each of the Hooks, and the rest I sent to Weatherly,- I do not recollect seeing any of your Georgia Laws, and Johny has examined among all the loose Papers &c, I picked up in your Study, and I cannot find one- I am, Dear Sir, Your Excellency's & C Hon. James Habersham. To His Excellency James Wright Esqr Savannah in Governor of Georgia, in Berners Street Georgia the 6th London, pr Mr Hall in the Union June 1772 Capt Coombes Dear Sir The 1st In¬ stant Mr Graham and Mr Hall returned from Charlestown, where they had been about 14 days, and the former brought me two Packetts from Lord Hillsborough- His Lordship's Letters were dated the 5th & 8th February, and both the Original and Duplicates with the several In- closures came all together- I suppose my Letters from the Secretary of State are enclosed to the Governor of Carolina, and Stevens the Post Master, who I hear is since dead, told Mr Graham, that the Governor did not send my Packett to Office, untill after the Southern Post was dispatched, and that he did not think himself authorized to send it by a pri¬ vate Hand the Post came here the 26th April, and by the Carolina Papers, I find Lord Charles notifyed the Princess Dowager's death the 23d said Month, but I could not do it here, untill I received public Orders- The Detention of Public Letters is very disagreeable, and may be attended with bad Consequences The 3rd Instant Capt Anderson arrived, and brought me your Letters of the 10th of said Month- They both sailed from the Downes together and arrived here within a day of each other- I am extremely sorry to hear of your late severe Illness, and am truly thank- full to God to hear of your recovery- Mr Nutt, Mr Clark and Mr Knox have very strikingly mentioned your late dan¬ gerous Situation in their Letters to me The King's birth day proved very favorable, the Sun being overcast, and the Weather rather cool and pleasant- The light Infantry made a good Appearance as usual, and went through their Exercise to the Satisfaction of myself and many present- Coll Delegall said, they per¬ formed as well as the Regulars- Afterwards I went to the Council Chamber, and then to the usual place of Parade, where I was surprised to see so re¬ spectable an Appearance, I believe as many as you have commonly seen in the Field, to the very great disappoint¬ ment of those, who had given out, that we had no Military Law, altho' more than one half of them, who should have appeared were absent- Afterwards I had a Meeting with The failure of many of the people to turn out upon the King's birthday is another sign of the times. i84 The Letters of the Officers at my House and desired them to hold a Court Marital, and to fine all the Absentees, whose Excuse they could not admit, which they promised to do, and as some had declared that they woud stand Trial, rather than pay the Fine, I desired thay woud fix on some Person, who was able to bear the Expence, and I woud support the defence of the Officers out of my own Pockett, that we may know upon what Ground we stand, which I was also promised should be done- At dinner in the Court House, which Mrs Minis provided, there were 73 or 74 Persons- I invited as you did last Year, the Members of the late Assembly, and I saw none of them absent, that were within the reach of Mr Bolton to invite, but Doctor Jones, Bryan, Bulloch, & Leconte, who were in Town & the day was spent with great good Humour To His Excellency James Wright Esqr Governor of Georgia, in Berners Street Savannah in London, pr Mr Hall in the Union Georgia the ure to acquaint you, that after a long drought, we have now very fine Rains, and an Appearance of their continuing, they are gentle, and the parched Earth must drink them up, with¬ out running off- Your Fields look well here- I thought I had fully answered all your Letters in mine of the 20th and 30th Ulto, and 6th Instant, but find I have omitted to answer a Question you put, whether there woud be setlers enough offer to take up and purchase the Lands, if ceded,- I answer in the affirmative, as I am well informed, there are hundreds of reputable and industrious Families waiting to settle, when the Cession may take place- I had on Application in writ¬ ing from two Presbyterian Congregations in North Carolina, and signed by 360 Men, principally Heads of Families, who will bring undoubted Testimonials of their good Characters, requesting a reserve of those Lands of 20 Miles square, to settle at least two Large Congregations- Three of the Heads of them were with me, and appeared to be decent, sensible Men, but I could only promise to give them early Informa¬ tion, if the Cession should take place I think Mr Jackson told me, there were upwards of 600 Families on the "North side of Savannah River waiting that The lands referred to here were ceded in 1773 by the Indians for debts incurred in trad¬ ing with the whites. They are chiefly embraced in the present counties of Lincoln, Wilkes, Oglethorpe, McDuffie and Talliaferro. See Jones' History of Georgia, Vol. 2, p. 127. Capt Coombes 13th June 1772 I sit down with great pleas- Dear Sir Hon. James Habersham. 185 Event, an Indication, that those Lands are of the richest Quality, which I believe is the Case, and from the Account, I have had of their Fertility and healthy Situation, one woud be tempted to reside there- I have lately received a Letter from Mr Stuart, a Copy of which I send you, and in truth I scarcely understand some part of it, and if he thinks he has contributed to bring about the Satisfaction, obtained from the Creeks, I have no Objection to his, or any other Person claiming any Merit, in accomplishing that very ma¬ terial Business, which however, I am clear was done in my Parlour, and in Consequence of my positive Demand- If this Community is served, I have my utmost wish, and I de¬ sire no other Motto, than I serve- I think I have wrote to Lord Hillsborough, that if his Lordship woud instruct Mr Stuart to hold a Congress with the Creeks at Augusta, there woud be no Difficulty in bringing them over voluntarily to accede to the Cession, and nobody else it seems can inter¬ fere in this Matter By the Industry Capt Charles Kenny, who sailed about the first of this Month for Cowes, I sent Lord Hillsborough a Copy of the Journals of the up¬ per and lower House of Assembly and a clear state of my proceedings with the Assembly, and my reasons for my Conduct, also a long Letter about the Indian Lands, with a Copy of another to me from the Merchants concerned in the Indian Trade- They were contained in a Box; which I desired Messrs James McKensie & Co immediately to put in the Post Office to be forwarded to London- I hope Capt Kenny will arrive safe, as I am now prevented sending Duplicates by Mr Crookes being out of Town, and I cannot get a Copy of the Journals of the Assembly I send you our Gazettes for more, than two Months past- The Publications under the Signature of G B. you may de¬ pend are the Chief Justices, and those signed Per Lock & Co somebody Per and B G are doubtless Mr Zubly's- The Author of the foolish stuff signed Planter, I dont know- I hope in two or three days to get my Packett ready to for¬ ward to Lord Hillsborough, when I shall answer Mr Pow- nal and Mr Knox's official Letters- Zubly's peices are mere Sophistry, and a jingle of Words without meaningy unless to puzzle and blind the Minds of the People, who are not capable of Judging the Subject- The Chief Justice's are esteemed clever- Rice I hear is at 90s pr Ct in Charles Town i86 The Letters of My reasons for desiring to be freed from the Cares of Government does not arise from any dis- gustfull Personal Treatment to me, for I have reason to be¬ lieve the People universally do not find any Fault with my Administration, but from my want of Health, which is hurt by the Application I must give, and too close Confinement- I have enclosed you a Copy of an Order, I sent the Treas¬ urer to settle all his public Accounts, and produce a state of them to me- When that is done, He must produce all the Certificates he has in hand to me, which I will put under my Seal, and deliver them back to him as his Vouches for taking Credit, however my saying so is rather premature as I in¬ tend regularly to proceed in this Inquiry, as the Council may advise me- I am, Dear Sir Your Excellency's Most Obedt humble Servant PS I hope you will think, I have by this Conveyance made up for long Silence- I have sent you the Account Sales of your Furniture, Plate &c- of the Furniture Mr Lambton had the easy Chair worked bottom Chairs, Turkey Carpet, and I think the worked Screen- The Shoe Buckles you left in the Beaureau in the Study, your Son or Mr Lambton took, with some other Trifles To William Knox Esqr Savannah in Georgia under Secretary of State to the 13th June 1772 the Right Hon: the Earl of Hillsborough pr the Georgia Planter Capt Inglis Dear Sir I have been looking over your Letters of the 4th December, nth January, 5th Feb¬ ruary and 1st April last in order to make such remarks on them as I have omitted- The Denmark Affair ap¬ pears too shocking to think of, and I do from my inmost Soul pity the King, and if I could I woud willingly bear a part in the distress of his feeling heart- God knows, what is to become of us, but the large strides, which People of all ranks are making to throw of the pleasing Path of Virtue and Goodness, and to substitute in their room Luxury and Dissipation, portend the worst Consequences- Hon. James Habersham. 187 I do not see the least pros¬ pect of the Public purchasing your Office of P: Mand for any thing I can see you must make the best of it for your¬ self and Family, under its present Situation- Mr Lowten our Minister will be no loser by the Society withdrawing their Salary of £50 pr Annum, as his Parishioners, I have no doubt, will make it good, and I hope more- I have not yet got all your Money for Bulloch and Martin's Bill, but I hope I shall secure the whole with Damages and Interest- I am, Dear Sir, with great Esteem Your Friend and Obedt Servant PS the foolish Gimcrack of a Machine for pounding Rice, put up at no small Expence at Knoxborough, is good for nothing, and has besides greatly injured the Barn which ap¬ pears to have been well put together and of good Materials- The Barn must be supported with Brick, and, I suppose a new Machine made, which will be attended with some Ex- pence To William Knox Esqr, Under Savannah in Georgia Secretary of State to the Right Hon: the 15th June 1772 the Earl of Hillsborough- Whitehall pr Mr Hall in the Union Capt Coombes Sir, I have received your Let¬ ter of the 18th February last, and have duly published the King's Instructions, respecting the Alteration of the Public Service of the Church, where the Royal Family are particu¬ larly prayed for, I sincerely condole with His Majesty in the afflicting Event of the Death of His Royal Mother, am with Esteem, Sir, Your mo: Obedt humble Servt To the Right Hon: the Earl of Hillsborough Savannah one of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of in Georgia State- Whitehall, pr Mr Hall in the Union 15th June Capt Coombes, Duplicate sent pr Post 27th August 1772 My Lord, I had the Honor of re¬ ceiving your Lordship's Letter No 43 the 9th Instant, and Wrightsboro is in McDuffle county and was named for Governor Wright. Silk culture in Georgia was wholly suspended in 1772. i88 The Letters of your Lordship will be please to observe by my Letter No 10. that I have obtained the Satisfaction I demanded for the Murder of Carey at Queensborough, and every thing seems to be quiet between us and the Indians- Our back Setlers are encreasing very fast, and as I understand, are making great Progress in improving their Lands, and behave cir¬ cumspectly with the Indians I have the pleasure to inform your Lordship, that the Measures I took to prevent the spreading of the small Pox by the Ship from Belfast, has had the desired Effect, and there is not the least Appearance of it in this Province, which I think is making a rapid Pro¬ gress to Wealth and Importance, and I can see nothing, that operates against our growing Prosperity, but the foolish Conduct of our late Assemblys, which I must believe, they are ashamed of, and woud be glad to retract I have received a Copy of the Estimate of the Sum granted by Parliament for the civil Establishment of this Colony, and shall accordingly conduct myself in the Ap¬ plication thereof Your Lordship's paternal Care of the Advancement of His Majestys Colonys, especially of this young Country, deserves the most gratefull acknowl¬ edgement, and the One Hundred Pounds, your Lordship obtained from Parliament for purchasing Reels and Basons for the Poor, who are desiring to propagate the valuable Article of Silk, I hope will have a very good Effect, and as I have mentioned in my Letter No 10, I am persuaded the Silk Culture must become an Object of Importance in the back Country, especially if we get the Lands, now under con¬ sideration, ceded by the Indians- Mr Maddock a worthy Magistrate at Wrightsborough, is now here, and proposes taking up on his Return a quantity of Mulberry Seed, in or¬ der to propogate that usefull Tree in that Township, con¬ vinced, from some Conversation, I have had with him, that Silk may be made a beneficial Article of Commerce in those parts- When I see Mr Wertsch of Ebenezer, I shall con¬ sult him about the best Method of supplying the Poor, who heartily engage in raising Silk with Basons and Reels- I beg leave to subscribe My Lord Your Lordships' Most Obedt humble Servt Hon. James Habersham. To the Right Honorable the Earl Savannah in Georgia of Hillsborough, one of His Majesty's the 15th June Principal Secretaries of State-Whitehall 1772 pr Mr Hall in the Union, Capt Coombes Duplicate sent pr Post 27th August 1772 My Lord The 1st Inst. I had the Honor of receiving your Lordship's Letters No 41 and 42, and a Circular Letter all dated the 5th February last, also another Circular Letter notifying the Death of Her Royal Highness the Princess Dowager of Wales of the 8th February, and several Inclosures- The Originals of these Letters &c (for I received the Duplicates at the same time) had lain in the Post Office in Charlestown from about the 23d of April last, as on that day I have seen the Governor's printed Notifica¬ tion of the Death of the Princess Dowager, and the Post came here the 26th of said Month, which should have brought me your Lordship's Letters, and had not Mr Gra¬ ham, one of the Council here, been in Charles Town, and brought me your Lordship's Dispatches, I should not have received them untill the 9th Instant, when the last Post came in- The Detension of Public Letters is extremely disagre- able, and may in some Instances prove highly detrimental to His Majesty's Service- I cannot say, where the blame lays in this Instance, and I thought of writing to the Deputy Post Master about it, but I have heard he is since dead I have in Obedience to His Majesty's Com¬ mand, signifyed in your Lordship's Letter No 41, notifyed the Royal Disallowance of the Act, and four Ordinances ap¬ pointing executive Officers, and have ordered Plis Majesty's Instructions thereupon to be entered in the Council Books, as a standing Rule in all Cases of the like Nature, and as a Bar to any future Claim of the Assembly on that Head In regard to the Matter enjoined me in your Lordship's Letter No 42 respecting the back Setlers, I have sometime agoe, as your Lordship will please to observe by my Letter No 10, admonished them in the strongest Terms, to avoid giving the least Offence to the Indians, especially as they had now set us an uncommon Example of Justice, by putting the Indians to Death, who murdered John Carey at Queensborough, which I hope will have the desired Effect, and prevent their taking private Satisfaction for public In¬ juries I shall take care to pay due Obedience to His Majesty's Instructions with regard to igo The Letters of passing of Laws relative to the Attachment of Lands, Goods and Chattels belonging to Persons, who have never re¬ sided in this Colony I have published His Majes¬ ty's Instruction in regard to the Alteration of the public Ser¬ vice of the Church, where the Royal Family are particularly prayed for, and have also publickly notifyed, that it is ex¬ pected upon the present Occasion of the Death of Her Royal Highness the Princess Dowager of Wales, all persons do put themselves in deep Mourning, and in consequence, the Inhabitants of this Province, who are of Ability, have com- plyed therewith, and shewn that they console with His Ma¬ jesty under so afflicting an Event, and for my own Part, I do most sensibly sympathise with the Royal Heart- I have the Honor to be, My Lord, Your Lordship's Most Obedt and very humble Servt Savannah in Georgia To His Excellency James Wright Esqr the 16th Governor of Georgia in London July 1772 pr the Georgia, Capt Anderson Dear Sir xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x - My last Letters to you were dated the 22d and 24th Ulto and 9th Instant, which were forwarded by Capt Inglis, who sailed two days agoe- In the latter, I acknowledged the re¬ ceipt of yours of the 23d 24th and 25th April by Capt Aitkin, since which I have received your Letter of the 6th May pr the Packett, to which I propose now to reply xxxxxxx- I hope you have 160 or 170 barrells of last year's Rice to clean out, and I proposed in about ten days, that your Mills should be put to work to beat one Round in the Morning, and another in Evening, especially as Rice I hear bears a high price in Charlestown, the News Papers say 90s, but some say more, and if so, and 13/6 cou'd not be had here, I should propose to send it to Charlestown to be sold, and go in payment of Mr Freers Demand- I suppose Freer wou'd allow £8 pr Ct Exchange, which woud more than pay all Charges, but then this should be done, soon, and be ready to ship 4 or 6 weeks before new Rice comes in. x x x x x x x I sent for Gay, who was very uneasy about sending any of his People to Ogeechee, urging the Work he had to do- Mr Graham was present, and we then concluded to send only Hon. James Habersham. 191 20 good Hands for a complete Week, and to make them cheerfully go, we proposed to give them half a Crown a Piece for the two Sundays, accordingly last Sunday carried 20 picked Hands, and when they got to Weatherly's, he gave them a Dram Each, and on Monday Morning Gay says, they went manfully to work at Cochran's, determined to do a good week's work- On Sunday next, they are to return so that there will be no working day lost, when they shall be paid, what we have promised- the 5 0/ I hope you will think well and prudently bestowed, as it will make the People hap¬ py, and probably save you a great many barrells of Rice x x The People of this Province are greatly obliged to you for the Pains you have taken to serve them, as well on Account of the Indian Cession, as for looking out for proper Means to deepen this River, but probably the only Reward you and every one, who wishes really to serve this Country, must result from a consciousness of doing their utmost to serve it, and I am persuaded there will a time come when the real Friends of the Province will be known- you will see by the silly and childish Productions in our Gazette, that the same Spirit remains among some, as formerly subsisted, which truly grieves me, as I know it hurts, and must make us look ridiculous in the Eyes of every wise and good Man,- In the last Gazette of the 15th Instant, the Peice Non quis, sed quid is supposed to be Mr Zubly's, and is directly applied to the Chief Justice- The Planter is said to be patronized by Mr Edward Telfair, for I think, he cannot write, but the Author of Amicus Province, I do not know, which I think sensible- I wish all this stuff was laid aside x x x x x x xxx I have received the Treasurer's Accounts settled by Mr Elliott in his writing- I have not had time to look into them, except the General Account of our Taxes, Funds &Ca and if I do not mistake, he brings the Province in Debt £3983, 4, 2x/2, for Deficiency's in the general Tax, that is, that the Tax received in 1768 — 1769 and 1770, was less by that Sum, than the Grants- This seems to be very extraordinary, es¬ pecially as our Taxable Property has very much encreased, and I should suppose, if the Treasur found £1200 or £1400 deficient to pay the Grants in each of these respective Years, he ought to have laid such Deficiency before the Assembly, agreeable to the Governor's Order to be provided for in the succeeding Year, but as this Matter will take mature Con¬ sideration, I will now say no more upon it, that I may not bewilder and misguide, only that if this is really our Situa- The Letters of tion, the Province with two Years Arrears is in Debt a Sum, I know not how can be paid The Weather is now, and has been for three or four days past terribly hott, perhaps I never knew it more so, which is very distressing to me- Mr Wylly applyed to me for leave to go to England to endeavour to recover a Legacy due from his Wife's Uncle Mr Cunning¬ ham, but I persuaded him to desist from the design- The Emoluments to the Clerk of the Council is now very consid¬ erable, at least £30 pr Month, I mean it has averaged that Sum for 4 months past for Petitions and other Applications to the Board Only, besides his Demand for public Business, and if he lets it slip thro' his Hands, he might perhaps never regain it- Mr Pryce has offered to do his Business, and ac¬ cordingly he has empowered him, and Wylly desires me to request you to give Mr Pryce your Advice in this Affair, con¬ vinced, as he says, that if you will please to do it, no one in England can do it better You will observe by the Credits in your account Current, that our Fees for the months of April and May from the Secretary's Office, were nearly double, what they have been since you left the Province, and I am much mis¬ taken, if the last and present Months fall short, from which you may see, how much Business encreases xxxxxxxx The most considerable part of the Crop of this Province has been sold at 9/6 10/ and 11/ - In short this Article has been so fluctuating the whole Year, that no Man knew when he was going to fast or too slow- I sold the greatest part of my own at 11/- Upon the whole had yours been kept a little longer, you woud have been some what a Gainer, and it would have given me more Satisfaction, but as we did for the best, I shall say no more about it- I am, Dear Sir Your Excell's Most Obedt & Ct To William Knox Esqr, Under Savannah in Georgia Secretary of State, to the Right the 18th July 1772 Hon: the Earl of Hillsborough- Whitehall-pr the Geo: Packet Capt Anderson Dear Sir The 13th Ultimo I wrote you a pretty long Letter, which was forwarded by the Hon. James Habersham. 193 Georgia Planter Capt Inglis, who sailed the 14th Instant, since which your Overseer (Griffin) has been with me, and informs me, That on Tuesday Evening the 14th Instant about 8 oclock, the chimney of the dwelling House at Knox- borough was struck with Lightning, which brought it down even with the Eves of the House, and killed one of the 2 Boys, last bought for you, who was near the Chimney- This was a very fine Lad, and I suppose wou'd have sold for 50 or £60- Griffin with an old Man and Woman was just sitting down to Supper, which was spoiled by the Room being filled with Smoak and Dust with which, as he says, they were al¬ most suffocated- I am very sorry for this Accident, at which I hope and believe you will not repine as Providence has highly favoured you hitherto in the preservation of your People- Your Crop is in a very flourishing state, I am afraid too much so, as I dread the Rice lodging- I have been very busy in making up Gov: Wright's Accounts, and probably your Account may be the next I settle- The Weather is extremely hott, and fatigues me very much, Doctor Johnson has been out to one of my Plantations, and tell me, that a most valuable Negro and excellent Planter named Jacob, is very ill and he thinks will scarcely recover his Attack of a Fever, The fellow is my Driver at Dean Forest, and cou'd I preserve his Life I wou'd not take any Money for him, not even £150 Sterl'g, but I have been used to these Losses, and am Dear Sir Your mo: Obedt humble Servt P. S. I have but two or three Minutes to write this Line Savannah in Georgia the 24th July 1772 To, William Knox, Esqr. Under Secretary of State to the Right Hon: the Earl of Hillsborough- Whitehall Sent to Mr Lambton to forward pr Mr Kincard Dear Sir I wrote to you fully by the Georgia Planter Capt Inglis, and the Georgia Packett Capt Anderson, the former sailed the 14th and the latter the 20 Instant, in whom went our Friend Charles Pryce and Mr Mossman Your Overseer was with me 2 or 3 days past, and told me, that your 115 Acre field The Letters of has as much Water upon it, as he wanted, and looked very- promising, but he was afraid of its growing too rank- you have been acquainted, that he plants 140 Acres of Rice, and that 25 Acres' are without Banks- In my last I was sorry to inform you, that the Lightning has struck your House at Knoxsborough, broke down the Chimney level with the Eaves of the House, shattered one of the Posts, and killed one of your fine Lads, who was near the Chimney the Lad was worth 50 or £60, and since then a Negro Man, who has been a long time sick named Edinburgh dyed- He was one Mr Martin put on your Plantation, however you have hither¬ to been very fortunate in having your People preserved, and if I mistake not have lately had two or three Children born- It has not been so with me, and untill a year or two past, the Births in my Family fell considerably short of the Number I bought and dyed, which has not been your Case. The foolish Gimcrack of a Ma¬ chine that was put up at Knoxborough to pound your Rice was not only expensive and useless, but has greatly hurt your Barn by undermining it, which must be supported with Brick, and your House Chimney repaired, and another Chim¬ ney put up at a Kitchen and sick House now erecting at Knoxborough from the Materials of Bourman's House, which are removed there, and I have accordingly directed your Overseer to set a few hands to make some Bricks- The Barn I think a good one appears to be well put together, and to be built of good Materials, but the Machine has hurt it- Governor Wright saw it, and can tell you, that it is a silly Affair- Mr Graham is at Tybee with his Family, which pre¬ vents my consulting him about several Matters, especially about getting a Rice Mill at Knoxborough I have not received a Line from Govr Ellis for a long time past, and as I know not whether he is in England, France, Italy, Ger¬ many, or Ireland, I am at a loss, where to direct to him, and as in one of your late Letters you mentioned signing a Lease to some Person in London of his Office of Provost Marshall (I think) in Dominica I must suppose you are empowered to transact his Business, and therefore I have enclosed two Letters to him one covering two Bills for £100 each for Moneys I have received for him', and the other which is seal¬ ed, is of a private Nature, which I beg you will have safely conveyed to him- My Letter enclosing the two Bills, is open that you may do the needfull, if he is not in England Hon. James Habersham. 195 I have enclosed our last week's Gazette wherein you will find the Accident that happened to you at Knoxborough, mentioned- The Letter signed G. B. is undoubtedly the Chief Justice's, and intends for its Object Mr Zubly- The Subject Matter in Dispite is now lost in personality, and I wish that was dropped also- I am, Dear Sir Yours & C- To John Nutt Esqr Merchant Savannah in Georgia In London, sent Mr Lambton the 31st July 1772 to forward from Charlestown Dear Sir I have been just looking over your late very kind and obliging Favours, and have now before me, those of the 6th February, 19th March and nth and 25th April- I am indeed obliged to you for the very respectfull regard, you are pleased to express for my Sons, as the pro¬ moting their Happiness in every respect is my present grand Object- I have been labouring for them in this debilitating Climate very near 35 years, and as I find from Experience that Complaints and Infirmities of Body keep Pace with growing Years, for next Janry I think I shall have reached Sixty, I should not hestitate to make a visit to England, hop¬ ing my native Air woud brace me up, if they were firmly es¬ tablished, I mean with a sufficient Fund to carry on Busi¬ ness in a respectable Manner- My Intention is to give them, I mean the eldest, James and Joseph, your Correspondents, a clear £5000 Sterling to begin with, which I hope fully to accomplish within a year or two, and in the meantime, they cannot besides my Money, fail to make considerable Pay¬ ments from their Sales- When I have done this, my youngest Son John will require my Attention to provide equally for- I suppose you know, that my immediate Family only con¬ sists of these three Sons, who I can doubtless do better for here, than any where else and therefore I willingly sacrifice a few more years if please God I live, to their immediate ser¬ vice- My intention is, and I hope I shall accomplish it, to give them sufficient to begin with, without embarrassing my Estate, and leave it clear to be divided among them, which will not be inconsiderable- My annual Income has been for Here we have a statement of Habersham's income. He was an extensive rice planter, owning at one time, as he states, one hundred and ninety-eight slaves and several farms. See letter dated Feb. 4,1774. ig6 The Letters of some years past about £2000 Sterling, and lately more, out of which my private and plantation Expenses are paid, and every Farthing of the Residue, I cheerfully give to my Chil¬ dren- This makes them really love and respect me, and the gratefull returns I have of their Smiles, and Prayres for the Continuation of my Health, convinced that I am their best Friend and most faithfull Steward, more than compensates for all my Trouble and Care for them- You are not mis¬ taken in the good Opinion you have been made to entertain of my Son James- He is a youth of strict Honor and vera¬ city, and of uncommon sweetness of Temper, perhaps too much so, however I am not afraid but Experience and a knowledge of Mankind, of which he is very capable of judg¬ ing, will prevent his being drawn into Inconveniences from it- You see I am very free and open in my Correspondence with you, as I mean it to be on the most confidential Foot¬ ing, and you will excuse the warm Expressions of the Heart of an indulgent Parent, devoted to the Welfare of his Chil¬ dren I am very glad to find, that our Friend Knox is getting better in Health, and as I wish to serve him I give all the Attention in my Power to his Af¬ fairs here- I cannot visit his Plantation, altho' I perfectly know its' State, but our Friend John Graham does, and he has now about 140 Acres of Rice in a very flourishing Con¬ dition, tho' not sufficient for his Hands, but it is as much, as we could get done this year, and my Fears are, that it will grow too luxuriant to produce a full Crop His Lands are very rich, and not sufficiently in Order to command a cer¬ tain Crop, however I hope we shall get some Rice to send to you, His Plantation Affairs are daily growing better- I received the white Plains, you ship'd to clothe his Negroes, and I know of nothing His Plantation wants besides, but Trifles, which may be got here It gives me great pleasure to hear that Govr Wright is recovering from his late dangerous Illness- I think he ought to return to Georgia for the recovery of his Health, which I very heartily wish, as well on his own Ac¬ count, as mine being tired of the Honorable Cares of Gov¬ ernment, and I think I have heard him say, he never had his Health better, than in Georgia- In regard to the Creeks joining in the Cession of the Lands, which the Cherokees have given up, it is, as far as respects the Creeks, in Statu Quo, and it seems no Person can interfere in that Matter, but the Superintendant, Mr Stuart, who has hitherto, as I Hon. James Habersham. 197 understand, had no good will to promote that Business, and perhaps nothing but an Instruction from the Crown, will in¬ duce him to do it- This I hope he will receive, when, if heart¬ ily entered into I think all Difficulty will be removed- If Govr Wright was here, and left to persue such Measures, as he might think proper, I believe he woud effect our Wishes, and under such Circumstances, I will not say, that I could not do it You have doubtless been informed, that I was under a Necessity of dissolving the Assembly, I lately called- The Example of the Assembly of Carolina has I am afraid infatuated our People here- I took all the pains, that Man could do, to go upon Business with our late Assembly, and perhaps more, than I ought to have done, as I well knew the Consequences, that woud ensue on a Dissolution, which I pointed out to them in the strongest light in my Power- Some People since have fed our Gazette with inflammatory Doctrines, in order to keep up the Spirit of Party and Opposition, altho the Prov¬ ince in spite of these wrong headed People, is growing and will grow to Wealth and Importance- Since I last wrote to you, I have been confined near two Months, first with a violent Cold, which brought on a terrible fit of the Gout, and almost rendered me incapable of any kind of Business- Last week, I had an¬ other touch of the latter, but it is gone off, and I am now pretty well- I am, Dear Sir, Your most Obt, humble Servt To Mr Jeremiah Theus Savannah in Georgia the Charlestown pr Mr Kincard 31st July 1772 Sir I received your Letter of the 8th Instant by Capt Churchill, with all my Family Pictures, besides Mr Wylly's, Mrs Crookes, Coll Jones' Grandchild, and two for Mr Clay, which are all delivered- I have also your Account for my 7 Pictures, amounting to Three Hun¬ dred and twenty Pounds South Carolina Currency, which I shall soon order to be paid you- Perhaps I shall get Mr Kincard to do it- I am Sir, Your most humble Servt P s I have sent the three Cases by Capt Churchill Jeremiah Theus was a well-known portrait painter living in Charleston, S. C. The Letters of To Collo James Jackson at Augusta Savannah the Sent to Pooler & Parkinson, to forward 8th August 1772 and enclosed to Mr Barnard to deliever Sir When you was last here, I requested of you a Return of the Officers, and the Number of Companys in your Regiment, that any vacancies might be filled up, also to be informed, whether it was necessary to constitute any new Companys, and if so who would be prop¬ er to appoint Officers- Mr Maddock mentioned the want of two Companys at Wrightsborough, and named the fol¬ lowing People as fit for Officers, namely, For the upper Company- James Mcfarland, Captain Zecariah Phillips Lieutenant, and Samuel Hart Ensign, and for the lower Company, Thos Watson Captain- Richard Austen Lieutenant and Isaac Jackson Ensign I do not know any of these People sufficiently to give them Commissions, and if I was better acquainted with them I should certainly consult you, before I gave them any Ap¬ pointment, as I wish to have the Officers of your Regiment agreable to you- I have also had an Application in writing from Captains Man and Thomas for a new Com¬ pany in St George's Parish, of which I now send you a Copy- I do not understand what is meant by the Names mentioned of the 3d 5th and 6th Companys, unless it may be to fill up Vacancys in them- Has not Mr Thomas a Company? In short I am unacquainted with the state of your Regiment, and should be glad to have it so regulated, that if there should be Occasion to call them out on particular Service they may be ready to appear without Confusion, and we do not know, how soon they may be wanted- I do not mention this from any present apprehension of our Peace being dis¬ turbed, but as alarming Events sometimes suddenly and un¬ expectedly happen, we ought to be prepared- I shall trouble you with another Letter in Respect to the Indian Cession of Lands, and am Sir Your most Obedt Servt N. B. Just as I had concluded this Letter Mr Storr in¬ formed me, that Coll Jackson was gone to Charlestown to embark for the Northward for the recovery of His Health, being very sick, therefore I directed this Letter in Co Jack¬ son's absence to the Officer commanding the 2d Regiment Hon. James Habersham. 199 To George Galphin Esqr, at Silver Bluff sent to Pooler and Parkinson to forward Savannah the 12th August 1772 Dear Sir I received your Favour of the 25th Ultimo my Mr Pooler, and you have my Thanks for the Trouble, you have taken to get the Consent of the young Lieutenant and Symphihephy to join the Cherokees in the Cession of the Lands, which, when effected will be a great Acquisition to the Province, and I doubt not but by your prudent Management you will bring about Sellegee- I have lately had one Tallegee, I think, of the Cheehaws with me, who I have understood is a Man of some Consideration among the lower Creeks, but I thought it proper not to men¬ tion a Word about the Lands to him I have been informed that a percel of stragling northward People have seated themselves on the Indians Lands, and that they are likely to gather, and if suffered to continue and encrease, it may be difficult to drive them away; I have therefore been advised by the Council to issue a Proclamation, of which I send you a Copy, commanding them to immediately to remove away, and requiring the Magistrates to cause it to be done- I have wrote to Mr Barnard fully on this Subject, which I have de¬ sired him to communicate to the Magistrates on any other Persons he may think proper- I have strongly pointed out the Inconveniences that may attend the suffuring these idle Straglers to remain on those Lands, and the Necessity of driving them off, otherwise it may defeat the true Intention of the Indians ceeding them to the King for Payment of their Debts, and their Creditors from receiving their just Demands, for these Runagates are by no means the sort of People that are wanted to settle them- I have desired Mr Barnard to communicate what I have written to him to you in particular I have no Objection to your giving Miller five Pounds Sterl'g, and observe you have sup- plyed some Indians with 14 Gallons Rum- Pray send me an Account of your whole Demand, for what you have ad¬ vanced for the Service of the Province to the Indians, and George Galphin (pronounced Gol-fln) was one of the most influential and enterprising citizens of the early history of Georgia. He was an extensive Indian trader, with his home and depot of supplies at Silver Bluff on the Carolina side of the Savannah River helow Augusta. His claims were not paid by Governor Wright because he sympathized with America, and it was not until 1848 that these claims which had been transferred to the United States were paid to his heirs. 200 The Letters of shall try to get you paid, either here or in England, where I will certainly represent your Services, of which I can as¬ sure you, Lord Hillsborough is not unacquainted- Dont, therefore neglect to send me your Account I have heard about the Cherokees killing some white People, but it was reported to be done in Carolina, but I find by you it was done on the Mississippi- We have al¬ ways esteemed the Chickesaws as our fast Friends, and a peaceable People, especially to the English, and I am sorry, to hear, that they have in their drunken Fits been guilty of any Outrage on out People at the Illinois I do not understand, what Mr Stuart means by swearing Forrester to interpret no Talks, but his and I should think it very strange, if I should have Occasion to send a Talk to the Indians, that any Person capable of interpreting it, should refuse to do it, because enjoined, by, what I must think an unwarrantable Oath- His Majesty's Governor or Commander in Chief is solemnly enjoined to preserve Peace, and the Lives and Properties of His Sub¬ jects in their respective Governments, and I know of no Power, that any Person commissioned by the Crown has to circumvent their making use of every lawfull Means to do it, and I should be very sorry, that Mr Forrester's, or any other Trader among the Creeks should refuse to obey my Orders while I have the Honor of the Administration of this Gov¬ ernment I begin to think, that we shall have the Pleasure of seeing Governor Wright in Georgia about Christ¬ mas next, but of this he does not speak with any Degree of Certainty, and therefore I cannot do it, altho' its my private Opinion, he will return- But this may as well rest with yourself- I am, Dear Sir, with true regard Your most obedient, humble Servt To the Right Honourable the Earl Savannah in of Hillsborough, one of His Majesty's Georgia the Principal Secretary's of State-Whitehall 12th August 1772 sent pr Post 27th August for Mr Lambton to forward My Lord The 7th Instant, I had the Honor of receiving your Lordship's Letter No 44, by which I am informed, that your Lordship had given Direc¬ tions to lay out the £100, your Lordship had kindly procur¬ ed, in the Purchase of Reels and copper Basons to be dis- Hon. James Habersham. 201 tributed amongst those, who apply themselves to the Culture of raw Silk, and as I have understood, that the Basons should be of a particular Size and Shape, I have made Enquiry of Mr Wertsch about them, and he says, those which answer best are 20 Inches long, 141^ Inches wide and not exceed¬ ing 6 Inches deep, and are of an oval Form, and weigh seven Pounds- He thinks the Reels can be best made by the Ger¬ mans at Ebenezer, who perfectly understand how to con¬ struct them, and as they are bulky, he supposes, they will come much cheaper, than they can be had from England, freight, and other Charges included, He says, a complete Reel will cost Thirty two Shillings, which I mention that if your Lordship should think proper to have the Reels made here, the Number of Basons to be sent from England, when the cost of one is known, may easily be ascertained, and Money reserved for Payment of the Reels made here, of which, there must be as many as there are Basons- I hope your Lord¬ ship will excuse my mentioning this Matter, as it proceeds from an earnest Desire to encourage this valuable Culture- Mr Wertsch shipt to London by the Georgia Packet Capt Anderson, who sailed the Middle of last Month 485 lbs of raw Silk, which he says is very much short of the Quantity he expected, occasioned by the very sudden Transition of the Weather from Heat to Cold, which chilled the Mulberry Leaf, and consequently occasioned great Numbers of the Worms to dye, a circumstance, I suppose, in favour of the back Country, where I understand the Climate is more equal- I am informed, that the People in England are so little ac¬ quainted with constructing these Reels, tho' very simple, that one has been sent there by Mr Wertsch as a Model, and carried to the East Indies by Mr Robinson, who formerly was employed by the late Trustees in conducting the Silk Culture in this Province I have lately received Advice from Mr Barnard of Augusta, that several idle People from the Northward, some of whom, he is told are great Villians, Horse Stealers &c, and were amongst the North Carolina Regulators have setled and built Hutts on the Lands pro¬ posed to be ceded by the Indians to His Majesty, and that more might be expected to join them, and if not drove off and they should be suffered to encrease, it might here after be attended with Difficulty to do it- I have therefore issued a Proclamation commanding those Straglers immediately to remove from those Lands, and requiring the Magistrates to cause the Laws to be put in Execution, and enforce due 202 The Letters of Obedience to my Proclamation, of which I have had a num¬ ber of Copys printed to be dispersed amongst the back Set- lers, that no Transgressor may plead Ignorance, one of which with a Letter to the Magistrates of St Paul's Parish, I take the Liberty of enclosing with this to your Lordship- I find it is generally known in several of the northern Prov¬ inces, that the head Men of the Cherokees were personally present, and caused the marking the Lines of such Part of those Lands, which they claim as their Property, and pro¬ posed to give up, and upon a Supposition that they might be granted, several Persons of apparent Repute have been to view them, some of whom, I have seen, and satisfyed them, that no Grant could be made of any part of them, untill His Majesty should be pleased to adopt the Proposition made by the Indians, and accordingly they returned to their re¬ spective Places of Abode to wait the Event, but the present Intruders, I am informed, are Persons, who have no setled Habitations, and live by hunting and plundering the indus¬ trious Setters, and are by no Means the sort of People, that should settle those Lands, and I hope the Step I have taken will be effectual to remove them, as idle and disorderly Vag¬ rants The Inhabitants of this Province as far as I can learn, meet with no Interruption from our In¬ dian Neighbors, who appear to behave circumspectly, and give no Cause of Complaint For near two Months past, we have had a great Quantity of Rain fall, which must hurt the Indigoe Planters, but if we have a favourable Har¬ vest, I think there will be great Crops of Rice, and notwith¬ standing wet Weather usually brings on severe and some¬ times fatal autumnal Fevers, we are at present remarkably healthy- I have the Honor to subscribe, My Lord, Your Lordship's Most Obedient and very humble Servt Hon. James Habersham. 203 To His Excellency James Wright Esqr Governor of Georgia in Berner's Street London, sent pr Post the 27th to Savannah in Georgia Mr Lambton to forward the 20th August 1772 Dear Sir The 16th of last Month I forwarded your Account Current with me by Mr Pryce, who took a Passage with Anderson, and I also enclosed a State of what you owe to Mr Freer and Inglis and Hall, and sev¬ eral other Papers to possess you clerly with your Affairs, that have passed through my Hands, which I hope will get safe to you, as making Copy's woud give some Trouble, and take up Time- For two Months past, we have had abund¬ ance of Rain, which must hurt the Indiese Planters but if we have a favourable Harvest for Rice, we must have great Crops, and if yours does not turn out so here, I shall be dis¬ couraged from undertaking for you in future You know that wet weather generally produces severe and too often fatal autumnal Fevers, but at present we are remarkably healthy, and if we get through the next Month and part of October, as well as we have hitherto done, we shall have great Cause of Thankfulness, and altho' i do not suffer a little from the Heat, I have better Health, than I had from last Xtmas almost to the End of May, and am at present tolerably well- Mr Hume has paid me for his Mandamus £29: 6: 6: this Currency, which at 23 for a Guinea you will find is equal to 26^ Guineas I enclose you a Copy of a Proclamation I have issued, and that you may know my reason for so doing, I will transcribe what I have written on that subject to Lord Hillsborough as follows- I have lately received Advice from Mr Barnard at Augusta, that several idle People from the Northward, some of whom, he is told are great Villians, Horse thieves &c, and were among the North Carolina regulators have setled and built Huts on the Lands proposed to be ceded by the Indians to His Ma¬ jesty, and that more might be expected to join them, and if not drove off, and they should be suffered to encrease, it might hereafter be attended with Difficulty to do it, I have therefore by the Advice of the Council issued a Proclama¬ tion commanding those Straglers immediately to remove from those Lands, and requiring the Magistrates to cause The occurrence of the term "Cracker" in this letter is of special interest, as it shows that the name was used before the Revolution. Much has been written upon the origin of this term, but it Is still in doubt. It is applied generally to the poorer class of whites. For several explanations of it see Evans' History op Georgia, p. 191. 204 The Letters of the Laws to be put in Execution, and enforce due obedience to my Proclamation, of which I have had a Number of Copys to be dispersed amongst the back Setlers, that no Trans¬ gressor may plead Ignorance, one of which, with a Copy of my Letter to the Magistrates of St Paul's Parish, I take the Liberty of enclosing with this to your Lordship- I find it is generally known in several of the northern Provinces, that the Head Men of the Cherokees were personally pres¬ ent and caused the making the Lines of such Part of those Lands, which they claimed as their Property, and proposed to give up, and upon a Supposition that they might be grant¬ ed, several Persons of apparent Repute have been to view them, some of whom, I have seen, and satisfyed them, that no Grant could be made of any Part of them, untill His Ma¬ jesty should be pleased to adopt the Proposition made by the Indians, and accordingly they returned to their respec¬ tive Places of Abode to wait the Event; but the present In¬ truders, I am informed, are Persons, who have no setled habitation, and live by hunting and plundering the indus¬ trious Setlers, and are by no means the sort of People that should settle those Lands, and I hope the Step I have taken will be effectual to remove them as idle and disorderly Vag- grants- You will easily distinguish, that the People I refer to are really what you and I understand by Crackers, and as the Cession of these Lands from the Cherokees is well known to the Northward, I think that Business should not be de¬ layed, as those People may encrease, and I suppose they do not distinguish the Difference between a bare Cession from the Indians, which they probably look upon as only neces¬ sary, and a Cession of them to His Majesty for particular Purposes- Enclosed you have a Copy of my Letter to Mr Barnard and the Magistrates of St Pauls Parish, and I think I can do no more at present to prevent Encroachments from these lawless People We are perfectly quiet from Indian Dis¬ turbances, and I must tell you (inter nos) and I have but come to the Knowledge of it, within a few Days past, that the Creeks only want asking to join in the Cession with the Cher¬ okees of those Lands- Some Management (of which I had not the least Intimation) has been made use of, which I learn from Mr Galphin's Letters, and did not clearly understand, untill a Friend (J. G.) dropt the key, and indeed his last Let¬ ter is too plain to be misunderstood, and if his information may be depended upon, I believe neither you nor I have any reason to doubt it, The Matter is in such a Train with the Hon. James Habersham. 205 Creeks, that no Difficulty will arise from them, Mr Golphin acquaints me, that he should give Miller £5 Sterl'g, who its said gave out my Talk to the Indians, which demanded Sat¬ isfaction for the Murder of Carey and that he had given 4 Cags of Rum to the Fellows, I suppose Indians, that came with him, and also that he had given several little things to the Indians, who have been with him on public Business, since you left the Province, and thereby prevented their coming to me, and causing more Expence, besides which you left an Account with me of the like Nature, to be laid before the Assembly to provide for, and as I know not how and when, he can get paid by the Public here, and no Per¬ son deserves better, or ought to be more punctually reim¬ bursed, I have desired him to send me his whole Account, for which I will give him a Certificate on Mr Campbell, if the Council, as they doubtless will should so advise me- The whole of the contingent Expences paid by the Grant from Parliament to Midsummer last was only £152. 17. o of which £130 10. o was for stated Salaries, and if I had had Mr Gol- phin's Account, I suppose it wou'd have been included, but as those, who had Demands, wanted their Money, the Ac¬ count was made up without including Mr Golphin's, and I shall be obliged to you to mention to Mr Campbell, that he may expect a Certificate for Mr Golphin's Demand- In the above Sum £152. 17.0, an Account of Moses Nunes for £7. 6. 2, which you left with me, and was for entertaining In¬ dians in the year 1760, was included, as he told me, that if the Assembly wou'd not provide for it, you promised to do it out of the contingent Money, so that you see, I have been very parsimonious, as the whole Expence for Indians at Savannah, besides the Salarys and Nune's Account, has only been £15. 0.10 for a year, and I think Mr Golphin's Ac¬ count should be paid out of the contingent Money, as there is sufficient to do it, otherwise I cannot see, how he can be desired to continue his material Services to the public in this Way I shall now particularly answer your En¬ quiry about the size of the Basons and Reels to be bought by the Parliamentary Grant, and to that End, I shall first transcribe, what I have written to Lord Hillsborough on that subject as follows- The 7th Inst I had the Honor of receiv¬ ing your Lordship's Letter No 44, by which I am informed, that your Lordship had given Directions to lay out the £100, your Lordship had kindly procured, in the Purchase of Reels and Copper Basons to be distributed amongst those, who 2o6 The Letters of apply themselves to the Culture of raw Silk; and as I have understood, that the Basons should be of a particular size and shape, I have made Inquiry of Mr Wertsch about them, and he says those which answer best are 20 Inches long, 14y2 Inches wide, and 6 Inches deep, and are of an oval form, and weigh Seven Pounds- The Reels, he thinks can be best made by the Germans at Ebenezer, who perfectly understand how to construct tKem, and as they are bulky, he supposes, they will come much cheaper, than they can be had from Eng¬ land, freight and other Charges included- He says a com¬ plete Reel will cost thirty two Shillings, which I mention, that if your Lordship should think proper to have the Reels made here, the Number of Basons to be sent from England when the cost of one is known, may easily be ascertained, and Money reserved for the Payment of the Reels made here, of which, there must be as many, as there are Basons- I hope your Lordship will excuse my mentioning this Matter, as it proceeds from an earnest Desire to encourage this valu¬ able Culture- Mr Wertsch shipt to London by the Georgia Packet Capt Anderson, who sailed the Middle of last Month, 485 lbs of raw Silk, which he says is very much short of the Quantity he expected, occasioned by the very sudden Transi¬ tions of the Weather from Heat to Cold last Spring, which chilled the Mulberry Leaf, and consequently occasioned great Numbers of the Worms to dye, a circumstance I suppose in Favour of the back Country, where I understand the Cli¬ mate is more equal- I am informed that the People in Eng¬ land are so little acquainted with constructing these Reels tho' very simple, that one has been sent there by Mr Wertsch as a Model, and carried to the East Indies by Mr Robinson, who formerly, was employed by the late Trustees in conduct¬ ing the Silk Culture here, but is now in the Company's Ser¬ vice- My Reason for writing these particulars to His Lord¬ ship is, that if you should have left England, and my Letter to you should be returned, His Lordship might be enabled to get proper Basons made- Rainier waits for the first of the new Crop, and will not get away, I suppose, 'till about Xtmas, and as we have no Vessels going to England, prob¬ ably for 4 Months to come, I cannot send you a Reel from hence- You must know, that with the Frame and Reel, the whole is bulky, and the freight perhaps wou'd amount to one third of the first cost, and with the Iron Work and Ma¬ terials, and every thing complete, I suppose you could not get them made for less than 32 in London, if so cheap, and Mr Wertsch says, in order to get them so low, he provides Hon. James Habersham. all the Materials himself in the cheapest Manner, and pays the Workman only for making them- He further says, he paid the same Workman untill last year, when he fell into this Method of providing the Materials 5 0/ for a complete Reel, of which he had many made, so Mr Robinson's cost, and he wrote Mr Wertsch, it was the best, he ever saw, and Mr Tondee told me, that what were formerly made in this Town cost £5- I think I have answered all of your Letters, and am Dear Sir Your Excellency's, most Obedt humble Servant P. S. 25th August 1772- We have had most extraordin¬ ary wett Weather, and I suppose it has detained Mr Alex Inglis going to Charlestown, who is to be the Bearer of this and my late Letters, and gives me an opportunity of inform¬ ing you that I am just returned from a Visit to the Farm and Laurel Grove, and at both Places, they have got out about 28 barrels Rice- yesterday they beat 3 Rounds each, as it was pretty cool, and the Cattle &c rested the preceed- ing day being Sunday, and by the End of this Week they will get out about 45 barrels- I think the Rice good, but I shall be hereafter afraid to give my opinion about the Qual¬ ity, altho' I see none, I like so well- The Farm Machine both Gay and the Overseer there say performs extremely well- I never saw your Rice Fields look more pleasing or promising To John Moultrie Esqr Lieutenant Savannah in Governor and Commander in Chief of Georgia the His Majestys Province of East Florida nth Sept 1772 pr Post Sir The 26th Ultimo, I had the Pleasure of receiving your Letter of the 5th of said Month, and am very much obliged to you for your offer to cooperate with me in any thing that may promote the Kings Service, and the mutual Benefit of this Province and East Florida, in which you may depend on my hearty Concurrence I am sorry its not at present in my Power to inform you where a future Road in this Province will terminate, on St Mary's River, and neither do I know, whether any Road has been attempted to be made between Concerning the grants of land by the Governor of South Carolina, referred to here, see note to letter dated April 6, 1763. 208 The Letters of that River and the River Altamaha, where there are but very few Setlers- The large Grants of Lands made to Non Residents within those two Rivers by the Governor of So Carolina has greatly impeded their Settlement, and I sup¬ pose the few Inhabitants now within those Limits are not equal to such an Undertaking- Our Roads are made by the joint and equal Labour of the Inhabitants, within Boundaries ascertained by a Law, similar to that in So Carolina, and the Commissioners or Surveyers are therein named, with Power to fill up Vacancies in Case of the Death or Absence of any of those nominated, but our last Laws passed in the Year 1766, contains a Clause respecting this Accession of Terri¬ tory, which is divided, into 4 Parishes, to the following Ef¬ fect, that as there are but few Inhabitants on Settlements in the said Parishes, it is impracticable to ascertain any Road Divisions within them, and therefore empowers the Governor or Commander in Chief with the Advice of the Council, upon Application of the Inhabitants of any of the said Parishes, or whereever the same may appear necessary and expedient to appoint Commissioners or Surveyers with the same, Pow¬ ers and Authorities as Commissioners by that Act named &c- I know of no Application, that has been made by the Inhabi¬ tants for Commissioners, and I suppose there are not more than two or three Settlements of any Consequence in all these Parishes, and without they woud join to work in Com¬ mon to make a Road from the Altamaha River to St Mary's, I cannot see how it can be Attempted, untill the Inhabitants encrease, which I hope may soon be, for as rice Lands be¬ come scarce and are daily rising in value- I have understood, that some Persons of Strength intend to move to the South¬ ward, when they doubtless will be obliged to make Roads for their own Convenience I clearly see the Necessity of having an easy and commodious Communication between this Province and East Florida, which must be mutually bene¬ ficial, and be assured, Sir, if it lays in my Power, I will spare no pains to effect it, but I have no fund for such Purposes, or even to defray the least public Service, and when we shall have an Assembly, that will be wise enough to understand their own Interest, I know not I am totally unacquainted with the back Part of these 4 New Parishes, and seldom see any Person from thence, on whose Information, I can put any great Dependence, but I will make it my Business, when I have an Opportunity of getting the best Intelligence from Hon. James Habersham. 209 those, who know that Part of the Country, and if worthy your Notice, I will acquaint you therewith- Muckinfuss, the Bearer, who has often travelled it, tells me, that a Road woud be best made in this Province to terminate at a Ferry called Armstrongs on St Mary's River, and I the rather think so, as it woud head most of the Inland Swamps I have often heard Govr Wright mention you with Respect- I suppose you have heard that he has been dangerously ill in England, but by a Letter I have this day received from him, dated Furnbridge the 29th June last, I find his health is perfectly reinstated- He is not yet determined, whether to return to Georgia, which I sincerely wish him to do, as I grow old and infirm, and am truly tired of the honourable Cares of Government If I can render you or the Province you preside over any Service, I request you will command me- I am with great Respect- Sir Your most Obedt and very humble Servt Savannah in Georgia the 13th Septr 1772 To Miss Isabella Wright, in London Enclosed Mr Knox Via Charles Town My dear Miss Bella I received your agree¬ able Favour of the 5th June last by Capt Rainier, who de¬ livered me a very fine Linnet- He says the other Linnet and Goldfinch dyed on the Passage, and being in one Cage, they were always fighting, and my little sweet Songster, who is my close Companion came off Conqueror- It is really a fine Bird, for which, and the others you sent me, I most heartily thank you Notwithstanding what you say of Miss Nancy and yourself returning to Georgia, I must own, I scarcely expect to have the Pleasure of seeing you, but your Papa, I hope, will make us a Visit, if but a short one, as I think it may be of Service to the Province, and per¬ haps to his private Interest- I say a short Visit altho' I could wish his stay here during my Life, but as I know him to be one of the best and most tender of Parents, I cannot have a desire to deprive his Children of his immediate Care and Protection, because I have a real Friendship for them, See letter dated Feb. 27, 1772, asking Miss Wright to send the birds. 2IO The Letters of and wou'd do everything in my Power to promote his and their Happiness I saw Peter to day, as I generally do every Sunday, who upon the whole is a good Fellow, and he desired me to give his Duty to his Master and his young Masters, and Mistresses, and Charlotte desired the same, and as far as I know they both behave very well- I do not let them want any little Trifles, they ask me for, and they are very modest in their requests- Peggy found the field Work at first a little hard, but she is now reconciled to it, and behaves well, as does Amey- I mention them, because I suppose it will give you Pleasure to hear, that your old House Servants are well and conduct themselves properly- 1 intend to write to your Brother, my Names sake, by this Op¬ portunity- Pray assure Miss Nancy of my best respects, and tell Charles, that I wish him as happy as he can wish himself- Mrs Gay often mentions you all with regard- I am My dear Miss Bella Your affectionate Friend and Servant P. S. We are more healthy at this Season, than I have known for many years past To James Wright Junr Esqr Savannah in Georgia in London, Enclosed Mr the 13th Septr 1772 Knox Via Charles Town Dear Sir I had the Pleasure of receiv¬ ing your Favour of the 24th April last the 7th Ultimo pr Capt Rainiere, and am very much obliged to you for the vari¬ ous Intelligence you give me, and I wish I could return you something of the kind from hence- The Chief Justice has involved himself in political Disputes, contrary to my wish and advice, which has ended, as I expected, in the most viru¬ lent, personal Invectives, with which our Gazette now week¬ ly groans, and must make us contemptable, and on this ac¬ count, it gives me real pain, altho' I am not the least con¬ cerned in it, and I thank God I have not an apparent Enemy in the Province, altho' I will not say, that I have not a few, I hope very few secret ones, who however do not shew them¬ selves I am sorry to find, that the Governor of So Carolina has called the Assembly to meet him at Beaufort, I understand, the 14th of next Month, be- Hon. James Habersham. 211 cause if he has not Orders, for this Porceedure, which I do not suppose, I must think it a wrong Measure, and will lay the Foundations of perhaps a serious Breach between him and the People, which had better have been avoided, and in¬ deed I do not know how public Business can be conducted there, as reference must, I suppose, be had to the Treasurers, Secretarys and other public Offices during the sitting of the General Assembly, and if his Instructions are the same, as here, it is a Mystery to me how the Council could advise this Step, but you will say, I have no concern in it, and indeed I have not,- I think Lord Charles an easy, polite and Agree¬ able Gentleman, and from the little personal Acquaintance, I have with him, I am induced to wish his Conduct may be proper and wise, and nothing appear, that may be deemed capricious, which must give disgust, without answering any one good Purpose, altho' very bad ones may ensue, and ex¬ tend further than So' Carolina I am extremely glad to find by my last Letters received a few days past, that the Governor was perfectly recovered from his late dangerous Illness- My Friendship for him obliges me to wish him every degree of Happiness, and to do all in my Power to promote it, but you must be more nearly interested, and therefore I most sin¬ cerely rejoice with you, that his Health is reinstated- Please to make my best respects acceptable to all friends, and believe me, Dear Sir Your Friend and very humble Servant Savannah in Georgia the 24th Septr 1772 To His Excellency James Wright Esqr Governor of Georgia, in London to the Care of Mr Knox, sent to Mr Lambton to forward Dear Sir As I have had no opportunity of sending my Letter of the 19th Inst, and the Equinox be¬ ing now over, I shall add, a few Lines- Last Tuesday after¬ noon the 22d my Son John and I took a ride to Gays- He was not at home, but perhaps at some of the other Places- I walked down to the lower End of the 30 Acre field, which was all cut down as was also the 16 Acre Field under the Barn, the latter was all cocked, and about half the former, and the Negroes were trying to cock the remainder- They 212 The Letters of had also cut down one row of Tasks in the 31 Acre Field below it, but on seeing the Clouds to the Westward gather very black and dark, and threaten a Storm, We made all the haste we could back, after I had told Dorset to leave off ty¬ ing, and cock what Rice he had tyed- Before we got home, altho' we drove as hard as the Horse could go, we were a little wett, and immediately afterwards, it began to rain, I may say pour, in a Manner, I have scarcely ever seen, attended with extraordinary and continued Thunder and Lightning for 4 or 5 Hours- Doctor Johnson and some others have suffered considerable Damage by the Water in their Cellars, and two Houses were struck with the Lightning, (Ash's dwelling House and Mr Pryce's Kitchen) but no consider¬ able damage was done to either, only a Dog was killed in the latter- Gay called upon me yesterday Morning, told me, that Tatnall's Bridge was carried away, and his Fields were so full of Water, that it run over all the interiour Banks, not¬ withstanding He had cut the Dam next the Great Creek in several Places, and as the Weather appeared to clear up, he kept on cutting in the 31 Acre field- I told him to examine his Cocks as soon as the Water had run off the Field, which I supposed wou'd be this Evening at farthest, and let me know their Condition We have now very fine Weather, and from Appearances, it promoses to continue, and as Gay has got pretty well over his Fright, I sent for him this Even¬ ing, and shall give you his Account of your Crops here- I have before observed, that the 16 Acre field under the Barn at Laurel Grove was cut down and cocked, some of it from the springy Land under the Hill in the Barn Yard- The Possum or 30 Acre Field under his Garden is also cut down, and to Night most of it will be cocked, as the Water goes off very fast, and to- Morrow it will be all in Cocks, and some of the 31 Acre field, where they have cut down about 17 Acres, the Storm laid all flat in that Field, except what was cut before it came on, and the 22 Acre Field is also laid flat, but the lower 16 Acre Field stands tolerably, that is, it is not all down, but very much tangled- These I think are all the Rice Fields, that are planted by the Laurel Grove People- at Cedar Hill all the Rice from the Branch, which I think is 27 Acres, is in the Barn Yard, and 18 Acres cut down in the Swamp and some in Cocks- The rest belonging to his Plantation is not much beat down by the Storm, but very much twisted and tangled- At the Farm, there is 50 Acres cut down, and all the rest of the rise belonging to Hon. James Habersham. 213 the Place is beat down flat, which I am sorry for, as the two River Fields, one I believe 22 Acres and the other 21^ were the last planted, and from the dry Weather in the Spring the Rice came up rather unequal, so that a good deal of those Fields were in Milk, and, I am afraid, some of the Rice in them will be light, otherwise I think there was scarcely a light Grain in any of them, The Ears, if I recollect, appear to me to be shorter, than usual, but the Grain is very large and full, and the * Straw in general the thickest I ever saw, and very trifling was lodged before the Storm and no rice birds, but since the storm Gay says, there is great plenty- The Water mostly affected his Fields, for when he had two Feet Water on them, there was not more than a Foot at the Farm and Cedar Hill, and he thinks the Cocks at both Places cannot have suffered- Before this Storm, I never saw your Rice stand so well- At my Plantations every Field is like a Sea- My Overseer Hughes is very sick, and my other two Overseers have been up Night and Day with the Negroes to secure my Dam, and prevent the Flood breaking in to my Fields below it, which must have effectually destroyed my Crop at Silk- Hope- I have this Moment received a Line from Hughes that the Water is at a Stand- The Road is at present overflowed, and prevents my going out- I have not yet heard from Ogeechee, but as there is no Fresh, and you are in the Tides way, you cannot suffer so much here or there, as Planters in the back Swamps, where the Water can¬ not be so easily vented, and notwithstanding what has hap¬ pened, I am not afraid (baring uncommon Accidents) of your Crop turning out well, I have not heard from Carolina how it is there, but as we have now fine weather, I must think there will be good Crops of rice in General, I am, Dear Sir Your Excellency's &c To George Galphin Esqr at Silver Bluff sent to Parkinson and Pooler to forward Savannah In Georgia the 16th October 1772 Sir My Father being confined to his Bed, and unable to move Head or Foot, desires me to acquaint you, that he has received your two favours, one ♦Evidently some error here in transcribing. The manuscript is followed. 2H The Letters of of the 28th Ulto and the other of the 10th Instant, and in regard to what you mention in the former Letter of Mr Tate not sending Talks thro your hands, he has no doubt but he acts by Orders, and he will take Notice of it at a proper Time and Place, as he thinks it is very wrong, that he shoud be the last Person acquainted with what passes in the Indian Coun¬ try, and says, Mr Stuarts not acquainting him of Mr Tates going up to the Indian Country, and of his Business there, he thinks is neither consistent with good Manners, nor good Policy, for if one Peace is interrupted with the Indians, who is to be answerable for it, the Superintendent or my Father ? who as far as he knows, gives himself no Concern about it- He has wrote very fully to Governor Wright respecting what you desired him, about your Letters being improperly com¬ municated in England- He forgot the Circumstance of the half breed fellow being strongly suspected of killing the In¬ dian, which Mr Nunes told him of 3 Months agoe, but as the Murder was not certainly known, and the Indians sus¬ pected the half breed Fellow doing it, it slipt his Memory to take further Notice about it- From what you say of the Negro Fellow, he does not know how far he may be consid¬ ered more, than an Accessary in the Murder, however he thinks you act very properly in giving him up to Justice; altho' it is a great Pity the half breed Fellow coud not be taken, and he supposes that if the Creeks knew of it that they woud lay wait for him, till they got him, as its plain he was the principal, and as I before observe, the Indians who came in serch of him told Mr Nunes they verily believed he was the Rascal that killed him, as he was a Madman when in Liquor- My Father desires me to acquaint you, that his Spirits wont allow him to dictate any more- He has lately had a Letter from Lord Hillsborough, in which was the fol¬ lowing Paragraph, which he desires me to Copy and send you "The Punishment inflicted by the "Indians upon the Murderer of John Carey clearly demon- "strates their Friendly Disposition, and their Resolution to "live in Peace with us, and I shall be happy in any Oppor¬ tunity of doing Justice to Mr Galphin's Merit in that Busi- "ness" You may depend the King reads all my Father's Letters- I am, with the greatest Respect Sir Your most Obt, humble Servt Jno: Habersham Hon. James Habersham. 215 P. S. If notwithstanding this Murder appears so plain, you think it necessary for my Father to write up to the In¬ dians he will do it Savannah in Georgia the 4th December 1772 To His Excellency James Wright Esqr Governor of Georgia in Berners Street London, To the Care of John Clark in London, pr Mr Robert Powell to be forwarded from Charlestown Dear Sir I am sorry, that I have not been able to keep up so punctual a Correspondence, with you, as hitherto, occasioned by an old Complaint, of which I expect a regular Attack Spring and Fall, This last has held me from about the Beginning of October to this day, altho' I cannot say, it has been so very painfull, as hitherto, except for a few days, when I could do little, otherways, I have been able to sign my Name, and to keep public and private Busi¬ ness going on without Interruption, and I can assure you, that yours had not suffered from any Neglect on my Part, nor indeed from any other Person, that I know of- Last Tuesday was our Land day, and the day following was ap¬ pointed by public Notifications to hear Caveats, when every thing depending was finished, altho' I was seized with the Gout in my right hand, but I thank God, it is pretty well gone off, and I can now write you this short Line, and I hope to be free from this distressing disorder till about March next, at least so as to keep up my public and private Correspond¬ ence punctually, which of late I could not do- Next Wed¬ nesday, the 9th Instant, I meet the General Assembly, and I am very hopefull, I shall enter upon and do Business with them- If my Son John has Time, I will now send you a Copy of my intended Speech on opening the Session- Perhaps on considerate Revisal, I may alter a few immaterial Words, but not the Substance- You are all in England mistaken about the Assembly, I mean the Majority of them, giving up the Point of the Negative, and I wish they may be wise enough not to present a certain Person to me, and then this Matter will, I hope, be ever buryed in Oblivion in this Prov¬ ince- This Man's behavior to me is such, that I know not how to meet him, however to restore public Tranquility, I do 216 The Letters of not know, but I may be induced to sacrifice my own feelings, should so disagreeable an event happen, which I hope will not, altho' I am persuaded an Attempt will be made- He cannot forgive the Part I took in representing the Conver¬ sation, you had with him, and he has still the same malevo¬ lent and dark Disposition both to you and me, but he is daily, if I am not mistaken, losing his Importance- I could say a great deal to you on this Subject, but I have not now Time- Perhaps my Friends G and the Doctor may. To Morrow Gay begins to cart about 60 barrels Rice to be put on Board the Rose May Capt Hind, and I daily expect a Schooner with 150 or 160 barrels from Ogeechee- I suppose you have about 140 or 150 barrels beat out here, but as both Cattle and Horses are wanting to clean out your Crop here, we chuse Saturday for carting in, as Sunday will be a day of rest for them, and I am afraid we shall be put to Difficulty to get your 600 bar¬ rels on Board in Time, however nothing will be wanting on our Parts to effect it- I think you have a greater Crop of Rice here, than ever has been made, and as we have sold six Negroes, and 6 or 7 have dyed, I know not how your Crop will be got out, and unless as Gays says, we can furn¬ ish him with more Cattle and Horses, which we must get him- I am in hopes the Crop will not reach much short of 1200 real not nominal barrels- You will doubtless have In¬ surance made on your 600 barrels pr Hind- The Price in Charlestown, I am informed, is £3 pr Centum, and at that rate, I should estimate your Rice at 540 lb Net with the bar¬ rel at 47 S/6, and at that Calculation you ought to insure £1425 Sterling, however, of this you will be the best Judge.- My Lord has informed us from Charlestown by Express, that he has a fine Cargoe of Gambia Negroes arrived, which are to be sold next Wed¬ nesday, and as the Season for buying Negroes is not very favourable, and the Planters may not be very forward in purchasing, we are in hopes, they may go tolerably reason¬ able, and Mr Graham goes to-Morrow Morning to Charles¬ town to buy thirty for you, if the Choice can be had at £50 round say 20 Men and 10 Women- Peter who is a good Fellow goes with him, and Mr Graham may probably buy some for himself- He proposes to have them brought round within Land in a warm decked Vessel, of which if he pur¬ chases, he will doubtless write you, and to this Purpose, I have wrote to Mr Lambton 2 or 3 days past, in case Mr Gra¬ ham should not go down, as you must have more Hands to Hon. James Habersham. 217 carry on your present Business, and if they are got, they must be treated carefully at this Season of the Year, which we shall particularly direct- I have a thousand things to say to you, but you must put up with this Scrawle, being my first Essay to write to my English Friends for two Months past- I cannot write to Friend Knox, but his Affairs are not neglected I scarcely doubt, but I shall do Business with the Assembly, but I do not see, how I can require all the outstanding Certificates to be called in with¬ out issuing others, and their being in some Manner a tender to the Treasurer, otherwise they will be no better, than blank Paper- The Case is plain, if the Treasurer issues them to the People for a valuable consideration, he must be obliged to take them again, and that must appear on the Face of them, however I will do all I can to avoid Mr Jackson's Ob¬ jection The People in England do not truly understand our local Circumstances, but as I think I do, as well as most Peo¬ ple in the Province, I will do what I think right between the Crown and the People, without regarding Consequences as to myself, and shall as you observe, say little about it- you know I do not like a Paper Medium, if we had or could fall on Means to get Specie, but that Secret I cannot find out, unless we had more Produce, and consequently a more extensive Trade with the Specie Countrys, and I am very clear, it is always in the Power of the King's Representative to prevent any bad Con¬ sequences from too large a Circulation of Paper- It is easy for People in England to speculate and refine, but here we must act as Necessity requires, which is an infallible Rule- The Deficiency of near £4000 between the Receipts and Grants in the years 1768, 1769 and 1770, must be due to the Treasurer, if, as he says, he can produce Vouchers for the Payment of the Grants, which will appear on Examination- In a letter he wrote me, when he sent me the public Accounts, he offered to have them sent audited by Mr Elliott, if I should think proper, but I declined saying anything about it, think¬ ing that Business better done by the Assembly, and I knew of no Money to pay the Auditor his Commissions, who told me, he wou'd not do it without being paid them x x x x x x I think all of out Certificates are now out of date and must be sunk- Those for the light House were the last issued, and were out of date in May last x x x x x x x The New Eight House is finished, except some interior Work, and I am told it is executed in a Masterly Manner, 218 The Letters of and must do Credit to the undertaker- The old one is fallen down, and it appears that the Frame and weatherboards are entirely rotten- I am, Dr Sir Your Excellency's Most obedient hble Servant To the Right Honourable the Lords Savannah, in Commissioners for Trade and Plantations Georgia the Whitehall- pr the Polly, Raniere 5th Deer 1772 My Lords < < I have the Honor of receiving your Lordship's Letter of the 29th July last, enclosing a Draught of a Clause proposed to be inserted in the Com¬ missions for Governors of His Majesty's Plantations in America, respecting the Care and Custody of Ideots and Lunaticks, agreable to the Usage and Practice in England, which I referred to the Chief Justice and Attorney General, to enquire into the Laws and Usage of this Colony to see, whether there is anything, that will furnish any Objection against the Clause proposed, and report the same to me- Accordingly they have made their Report, a Copy of which is herewith enclosed, and I am humbly of Opinion with them, that it woud be highly expedient to insert the Clause in the Commission for the Governor of this Province- I have the Honour to be, my Lords Your Lordships Most Obedient and very humble Servant To His Excellency's James Wright Esqr Governor of Georgia, in London pr the Mobille Packet Capt Mc Gillivary Savannah in Georgia the 15th Deer 1772 Dear Sir I think I have in my last Letters answered all yours except those of the 2d and 8th September, to which I shall endeavour now to reply- Yes¬ terday the Assembly presented their Address to me, and as I expect Capt Mc Gillivry of the Mobille Packet will sail in less than a Week, I shall send you all the Gazettes, that are due to you, and in that of this day you will find my Speech, and the Addresses of both Houses- I expect Mr Hon. James Habersham. Graham every Moment from Charlestown, but from what I have heard, I scarcely expect be will succeed in getting you any Negroes xxxxxxxxx It will be impossible for us to get Hind loaded within the Time limitted, the 20th Instant, and as I found, that both you and Mr Graham wou'd be hard pushed to get your respective Quantities in Time, I put on Board 114 barrels of my own Rice, but I hope to ship you full Quota- By what I can learn Mr Graham will not be able to get, what he proposed, 300 barrels, and if so, mine must go to make up his Defic¬ iency, and perhaps yours, if there should be any- The whole Cargoe will go to Mr Clark- Hind wants Hands and cannot load so fast, as we bring the Rice to him- I expect Gay will have 300 barrels beat out by the End of this Week at these three Places, and about this day, I think Weatherly will have as much- We have had 173 barrels from Ogeechee, and the Schooner which brought it could have carried 190 barrels, but there was no more ready- A Week agoe, I dispatched another Schooner for a 100 barrels, and the Schooner that brought the 173 barrels is returned for another, because if I do not mistake you we may expect another Ship- It was impossible to begin to beat except a trifle in the Morning, untill all the Crops were got in I am now come to your Letter of the 8th September, in which is the last date I have received from you- In regard to the Tables on the King's Birth day, I did not pay for them the last day, and if I recol¬ lect I did not for the year preceeding for you, but Mrs charged me one Shilling pr head more, than she did you for the Dinner and more for Wine &c, so that I had better have paid for the rough Boarded Tables, and probably have more Money, than the Expence of them- I demurred paying, the old Woman 2 or 3 Weeks, after the Bill was delivered, but as I supposed she wou'd make a Murmuring about docking her Account, I paid her for the whole of it- Both her Din¬ ner and Liquor were complained of, and what was provided in the Court Room and in the Field cost me about £55 Ster¬ ling, which was a great deal more than it deserved- In re¬ spect to the amount of Ducker's Bill, Allman and his People were at at the Plantations several Weeks- The Machine at the Farm was entirely made new, and now beats 6 barrels pr day with Ease, and the Cogs of the Horizontal and Spur Wheels at Cedar Hill were made new also, and Allman has this day brought me in his Bill for upwards of £30 for that Work, which I shall particularly enquire into, before I pay it, and besides the feeding of these People. I told Gay to let 220 The Letters of the sick Negroes have a little offal Meat from Time to Time, and I am told his Wife takes all the sick Negroes from the three Plantations under her care and Eye, and sees that they have it properly dressed and Broth made for them, and if I am not mistaken, you are much obliged to her for her Care of them- I thought there was too much Rum and Meat bought, and several Times, I told Gay of it, who has prom¬ ised me to be as carefull as possible in their Expenditures- I have given the necessary directions about the account of Straw Weekly, and have told Gay to sell none but for Money, or to Persons he can always have his Money from when de¬ manded- In the Fall 1771 I wrote you, that we were dis¬ tressed to get Heading, and that as soon as I could get re¬ fuse Boards, I wou'd lay in a sufficient Quantity, as it wou'd not do to have them to seek for, when wanted, and to stop the Barn Work, untill they accidentally come in the Way, and if you will refer to my Account Current with you, you will find a Note under that Article, that I thought, I had laid in sufficient for the last and present Crop, and on a Survey of them about a Month agoe, Gay and I thought there was sufficient for 1200 barrels, however he says I told him to look out for 4 or 500 feet more, that there might be rather a Sur¬ plus, than a Want, which we got at 3S pr 100- I do not recollect my telling him so, which is immaterial, as a store can be no sore, and I am sure, they are taken care of, that no Waste is made- Last year Gay put a few round the Mill Room at Laurel Grove, which was before entirely open- you know, it will not do to have green Stuff for heading, and for want of attending to this Matter, I have seen a great deal of Rice totally destroyed- I do not believe it wou'd be pos¬ sible to buy rice barrels from the Coopers I mean so many as you want, and as they charge half barrels at 2s each, I suppose they wou'd expect more for whole barrels- As Hoops and heading grow scarce, i8d pr barrel is perhaps not enough for the Planter, but as it has been many years an established Price, I suppose there can be no Alteration- Neither Gay nor Weatherly buy anything for you without consulting Mr Graham or me, and Weatherly has never at¬ tempted to sell a Negro of yours- Gay says, you sent his X cut Saws to Ogeechee to make Shingles, when you left the Province, and that he was obliged to replace them, as he could not do without- At least half the Blacksmith's Ac¬ count was for Work, while you was here- Barnard has yet paid nothing, but promises to do it soon, and the Ballance due from Mr Graham for his Account with you is due to me, Hon. James Habersham. 221 as you will observe by a Note I made at the Foot of his Ac¬ count, a Copy of which I sent you- I gave you Credit for every farthing he purchased, and consequently he became my Debtor for the Ballance- After I had made out my Account with you, he told me, he had ordered £1600 So' Ca' C'y to be paid to Mr Freer, but by protested Bills returned to Mr Rose, he had not been able to do it, tho' it was promised Mr Graham- If this had been done, I should have charged you with the intended Payment to Mr Freer, and reimbursed myself from your Effects, and in that Case it was equal to me, whether you or Mr Graham became my Debtor- The Bank¬ ruptcies in London has been felt here, tho' not so much as with you- I believe I mentioned in one of my Letters to you Mr Graham's Intention of paying Mr Freer £1600 Currency- I am Dear Sir Your Excellency's &c To Charles Pryce Esqr at Lady Boyles Parson Green near London Savannah in Georgia the 16th January 1773 Dear Sir I have your acceptable favour of the 26 October last, now before me, and am at a loss to know, what you mean by being Obliged to me. If any mutual Civilities have pass¬ ed between my friend Charles and me, they were respectively due, because they were founded on the best principles, Truth and Sincerety. The goodness of your heart, which is the true ground of Friendship, demanded on my Part, every De¬ gree of Respect, and I wish it had been in my Power, when in Georgia to have given you more evident proofs of the real regard, I have for you. You know me too well to believe me capable of unmeaning compliments. Since your Depart¬ ure, I miss my Evenings Rides, as I know not how to get a companion to whom I can unbend. I find but few, indeed very few to whom I can do it. I have called the General Assembly, who met the 9th Ultimo, and have entered on business with them, without meeting Mr J s as Speaker which I could not consistently do, He continues the same dark and Sus¬ picious man, and I have a right to say, I do not deserve such treatment from him. He was chosen Speaker, but I told 2 or 3 of his Friends, that I could not do business with him and he very prudently declined the chair. So Far- all is Well. Charles Pryce was the Attorney General of the Province. During his absence James llurae acted in his place. 222 The Letters of Before the late Holidays, I adjourned the Assembly to the 18th Instant, to meet for the Dispatch of Business, and you know they will fully employ me, however, I must say, that so far as I can at Present see and understand them, they meet me with a Disposition to go on properly. My dear Friend, I still persevere in my natural Tract of being open, plain, and simple in my conduct. I Hate what is generally understood by Politicks, but I think I have a proper Idea of what is called Prudence. Believe me there is not a mur¬ mur here against my administration, which I have no small Difficulty in prosecuting, I hope however my successor will do better, and if the Peace and Prosperity of this Country is Preserved I care not by whom it is done. Our Chancery business encreases too much, that is, I mean it's intention is perverted. I have just been talking to Charles about one of the most nefarious and wicked Bills, I have yet seen, and I have determined to shew a proper Contempt for the Promoter. This son of yours is a fine youth, of good Sentiments, and will do you Honor; he has Spirits, and has sense to exercise it discreetly. I really regard him, and will do him every service in my Power. I expect my friend Gov¬ ernor Wright here, perhaps within a month, and the day of his Arrival will be a happy one to me, I shall surrender the Reins of Government, with much more pleasure than I re¬ ceived them. My present State of health, will not allow me to undertake so great a weight of Care and Business, and I really do not expect to be free from Complaints on this side the Grave but rather, that they will encrease. My Nephew Clay finds, that hd cannot attend to settle his several late Copartnership's, and carry on his present Busi¬ ness, and therefore proposes taking in your Nephew and my Son Joe, not wishing that his Connections, which probably are the best in the Province, and which you know were form¬ erly principally mine, should go out of the Family; accord- ingly Joe commenced with him on the 1st Instant, James and I perfectly accorded in this new connection, to which Joe attends very closely, and he must do well. J have made your good wishes known to secretary John; James and his pretty, I wou'd rather say good wife, and now I must make my most grateful Acknowledgements to you for the Spectacles, and spare glasses you sent me, which suit my Eyes, which I can percieve daily fail me, I also duly re¬ ceived the tea, that your and my good Sister sent to me, who she is pleased to call her good brother on the Direction on the Cannister, which I could see was the same handwriting Hon. James Habersham. 223 as her letter to her Nephew Joe. These tokens of your re¬ spective Friendship, I am at a loss to express my gratefull sense of, and pray my good sir be free in Acquainting me if anything from this End of the Eearth, will be acceptable at Parsons Green, as it would be highly pleasing to me to have it in my Power, tho' in the smallest degree, to shew my re¬ gard to Mrs Pryce, and if I may not presume I must request you to present my most respectfull Compliments to good Eady Boyle, And be assured, that I subscribe, my dear Sir with Truth Your Friend and affectionate Servant P. S. Some Invidious Person from hence has endeavoured to prejudice me in the opinion of a Gentleman now or lately on your side the water, but believe me I despise such at¬ tempts, hoping my conduct will bear the test of. the Strictest Enquiry from the most Malevolent and envious. These Stabs in the Dark can scarcely be guarded against.— To the right Honorable the Countess Dowager of Hunt¬ ingdon (Extract) dated 5th April 1773- Madam I have the honor of receiving your Ladyships letter of the 17th November by the Revd Mr Piercy, and another of the 23d Decbr last by the Revd Mr Eccles, and I hope I shall evince, that any persons recommended by your Lady¬ ship, especially such as bear the truly honorable character of Ambassadors of the great Redeemer, will meet with every degree of respect and countenance in my power- The at¬ tention I have lately been unavoidably obliged to give to in¬ ferior things was too much at my time of life, but as Govnr Wright has reassumed his Government, I hope I shall have more leisure to attend to more important concerns- Yesterday (Sunday) I was at Bethesda with the Governor, Council and Assembly, upon particular invi¬ tation from Mr Piercy, when he preached both Morning and Afternoon, and took an occasion to declare your Ladyships intentions in regard to the future plan of the College- and I have reason to believe, that both the Doctrine he advanced The Rev. Mr. Piercy, rector of St. Paul's Church, Charleston, was selected by .Lady Huntingdon as President of Bethesda and General Agent of the Countess In the adminis¬ tration of its temporal affairs. The Rev. Mr. Crosse, who had been In the service of White- fleid, was chosen as chaplain and master of the house. Mr. Piercy's management was marked by gross carelessness and down-right dishonesty, and his disgraceful conduct near¬ ly ruined the institution and caused the Countess great trouble. 22£ The Letters of and maintained, and your Ladyships plan, in both which he was very explicit, met with general acceptance, notwith¬ standing there were, for the number present, several critical hearers- He was certainly assisted to speak clearly and plain¬ ly, and your Ladyship was not forgot in the Chappel, nor after a plentiful Dinner, which was politely served up- To¬ morrow he begins his Ministry in this Town, where we have three places of public worship, a Church of England, a Swiss and English dissenting Congregation over which Mr Zubly presides, and a Lutheran Church- The Minister of the Church of England has not yet taken the least notice of either Mr Piercy or Mr Eccles- This conduct in every point of view will probably be of no service to him- Mr Piercy does not chuse any connection with Mr Zubly, for which I do not blame him- His reasons appear to be well founded, a con¬ nexion with a people not entirely of his sentiments might straiten him in his prospects of usefulness- The Lutheran Church is occasionally served, perhaps about Six times a year, with two pious German Ministers, who I believe both love Jesus Christ, and I have this day got the use of the Church from the Managers or Trustees- It wants some fin¬ ishing, which I and my friends have promised to assist in doing- It will accommodate about 250 hearers, and several more, who have ears to hear, may stand under the covering without- This I hope will do, until a more commodious place can be provided- Mr Piercy has certainly great powers, and I hope he will be instrumental to revive many sleepy, and quicken many dead souls- God favors and grace are not bound, but as we have had in times past line upon line, per¬ haps we may be like the Smiths Dog, that sleeps under the Anvill- I have the honor to be, Madam, Your Ladyships, Most Obedt and very humble Servt- J. H. To the right Honorable the Countess Dowager of Hunt¬ ingdon Savannah in Georgia 5 April 1773. Madam I have the honour of receiving Your Ladyships Let¬ ter of the 17th of November by the Revd Mr Piercy, and an¬ other of the 23d of December last by the Revd Mr Eccles, and I hope I shall evince that any Persons recommended by your Ladyship, especially such as bear the truly honorable Character of the Ambassadors of the Great Redeemer will Hon, James Habersham. 225 meet with every degree of Respect and Countenance in my Power. The Attention I have lately been obliged to give to inferior things was too much at my time of Life, but as Gov¬ ernor Wright has reassumed his Government, I hope I shall have more time to attend to more important concerns. Last week I made a visit of three days to Bethesda College, when Mr Piercy, another gentleman, who is a considerable Plant¬ er, and myself viewed the plantation called Nazareth, which appeared to have been very badly managed, and I hope the directions we gave the Overseer will be duly attended to, and that a better Crop will be made this year, than hitherto, al- tho' it will by no means be equal to what might have been expected, but the season for planting is now too far advanced to make any considerable alteration- Another year I hope a good Crop may be made, especially as Mr Piercy proposes to purchase more Negroes, as soon as they can be got, for they are become rather scarce and very dear- The Land is undoubtedly extraordinary good and valuable for rice, and indeed I scarcely know a better, if so good a tract- Yesterday (Sunday) I was at Bethesda, with the Governor, Council, and Assembly, upon a particular Invitation from Mr Piercy, when he preached, both Morning and Afternoon, and took an occasion to declare your Ladyship's Intentions in regard to the future Plan of the College, and I have reason to believe, that both the Doctrine, he advanced and main¬ tained, and your Ladyships plan, in both which, he was very explicit, met with general Acceptance, notwithstanding there were, for the number Present, several critical Hearers. He was certainly assisted to speak clearly and plainly, and Ypur Ladyship was not forgot in the Chappel, nor after a plenti- full dinner, which was politely served up. Tomorrow he be¬ gins his ministry in this town, where we have three places of public Worship, a church of England, a Swiss and English dissenting Congregation, over which Mr Zubly presides, and a Lutheran Church- The minister of the Church of England, has not yet taken the least notice of either Mr Piercy or Mr Eccles. This conduct in every Point of view, will probably be of no service to him. Mr Piercy does not chuse any con¬ nection with Mr Zubly for which I do not blame him. His reasons appear well founded, a connection with a people, not entirely of his Sentiments might straighten him in his Prospects of Usefullness The Lutheran Church is occasionally served, perhaps about six times a year, with two pious German Ministers, who I believe, both love Jesus Christ, and I have this day got the 226 The Letters of use of the Church from the managers or trustees. It wants some finishing which I and my friends have promised to as¬ sist in doing. It will accomodate about 250 hearers, and sev¬ eral more, (who have ears to hear, may stand under a cover¬ ing without. This I hope will do until a more commodious Place can be provided. Mr Piercy has certainly great Power, and I hope he may be instrumental to revive many sleepy, and quicken many dead souls. Gods favours and grace are not bound, but as we have had in times past line upon line, perhaps we may be like the Smiths dog that sleeps under the anvil. I received a letter from your Ladyship by Mr Cossen, who arrived here with Mrs Hughes, and Mr Cooke the 27th of December last by Capt Anderson. Your Lady-ship's Recom¬ mendation of them was a sufficient Inducement to me to re¬ ceive them with all Kindness, After they had dined with me, I ordered my carriage to take them to Bethesda, but Mr Cossen intimating, that he and Mrs Hughes were under an engagement of marriage, which was agreed upon, with your Lady-ship's approbation, before they left England, I spoke to them separately, and finding them in the same mind, I told them it had best be done before they left this Town, accordingly, I ordered the secretary to make out a license, and the Minister of the Church of England married them without any expense, and I had the pleasure of giving that simple hearted and good womans hand to Mr Cossen, who I think do and will live together as Heirs of the Grace of Life. I find Mr Piercy- thinks my advice on this occasion was proper, and perfectly agreable to Your Ladyship's intention. As I now look upon Your Lady ship as greatly interested in the welfare of Georgia, especially your family in it, I hope your Lady ship will excuse this Chit-Chat or rather dry Nar¬ ration. Your Lady-ship's Plan with regard to the College, and all that concerns it, must meet with the approbation of all, who wish prosperity to Jurusalem, and its usefulness, must be extensive to the present and future generations, especially if God should awaken young men, and give them a heart to dedicate themselves freely to promote the Kingdom of Christ upon Earth. I am also clearly of opinion that the Estate belonging to that Foundation, may be improved to perman¬ ent advantage, with proper management and Strength; and as I have no doubt of Mr Piercy having engaged in this work with a single eye to promote its welfare, I shall endeavour to Hon. James Habersham. 22J give him every assistance in my Power, both when Present and when he is absent, for from the short acquaintance I have had with him, I feel my heart united to him, and conse¬ quently have unreserved freedom in co-operating with him towards bringing your Lady-ship's designs to maturity. With the highest respect I have the honor to be, Madam Your Lady-ships Most obedient and very hble Servant. The Revd Mr at Bethesda College Savannah the 25th May 1773. Revd and dear Sir. Although I feel myself constrained from the real Love I bear you to write this line, yet God knows how reluctant I do it, because I would not willingly, do or say anything to give my good Friend the least Pain; and from my Situation in Life, I feel a further difficulty, as it may not only be thought improper but presumptous in me to of¬ fer my opinion in Matters out of my Sphere, but as I be¬ lieve you, possess great goodness of heart, and an uncommon sweetness of temper, I am the less fearfull of offending you. You certainly chose a noble and most excellent subject to speak upon last Sunday Evening, and the general observa¬ tions you made were serious and solemn truths, but they were so disjointed, that I think your auditory were disappointed, and not much benefitted by your Manner of handling the Text- A very dear Friend, one of Lady Huntingdons Attorneys for the Orphan House, who has been absent from Savannah since your Arrival, and who you therefore are not acquainted with, was present, and, when we came out of the House, observed, that he wished you would reduce your Thoughts into writ¬ ing, before you delivered them in public- I perfectly agreed with him, and also very heartily wish you would do it- It would be a means of fixing the subject matter, you treat upon, better on your Memory, and enable you to divide the word of Truth with greater Precission and Clearness, and permit me to say, that there are Many sensible Men, who cannot speak their Sentiments extempore with gracefull Ac¬ ceptance, who shine with great Lustre, when they deliver them in writing, or at least from short Notes well digested This letter was probably addressed either to Key. Mr. Eeeles, then living at Bethesda, or to Rev. Mr. Crosse 228 The Letters of under proper Heads- This I know from my own Experience, and that when I have endeavoured to express myself, with¬ out previously reducing my Thoughts into writing at iarge, or the Substance in Notes, I have failed, and indeed have not been able to speak My Sentiments to my own or the Hearers Satisfaction, or even to be sometimes clearly Under¬ stood- My Late dear Friend Mr Whitefield has more than once told me, that altho' he thought I - could express my Thoughts tolerably in writing, I did not verbally, and I am sure his observation was right, and I have often found it so, in a public capacity, which has made me frequently more than blush- My dear Friend, if I can read your Heart, this is in some Measure your Case, and if you use yourself to write your Thoughts, it will so impress them on your Memory, that you will have little occasion for Notes, altho' I cannot see, that short Notes to unburthen the Mind should be de¬ spised by any one, even in the most advanced Stage of Piety and Experience in the divine Life- God bless you my dear Friend, and if you take this freedom kindly, it will, if possi¬ ble, endear you more, than you are to, Revd and dear Sir Yours &c. P. S. I have reasons to believe, that I express the thoughts of more than myself and Friend. To the Countess of Huntingdon Honoured Madam Savannah in Georgia the 3rd June 1773 It is impossible for me to express the distress, I have felt for two or three days Occasioned by an awful Providence of which I have been an eye witness- Last Sabbath day evening- being Whitsunday, Bethesda College, with the very neat chappie adjoining it, was totally burnt down, and very little of the furniture books and other effects in it saved. It happened between 7 and 8 Oclock, while Mr Piercy was in this Town, It is perhaps an unfortunate cir¬ cumstance that all of your family were absent except Mr Eccles and three or four negroes, of whom two were women- It is said there had been no fire in any of the chimneys for This loss to Bethesda was a severe one, from which it did not recover in many years. The dark days of the Revolution and the dishonest and perfidious conduct of Mr. Piercy in the management of the institution cast a gloom over the noble charity for a long time, but the spirit of its great founder moved again in the hearts of the people and through the vicissitudes of the years it stands to-day a monument to Whitefield and to the charity of Savannah. Hon. James Habersham. 229 two days past, as the fire appeared first on the outside of the roof of the house, it was supposed to be done by lightning, of which there had been a little on that day, one of your Ladyships negroe men, got up to the top of the House, and well nigh put out the Flames, but in brushing off the Smoke and Flames from his face, he missed his hold, and fell to the ground, which was a Terrible Fall, as the House is the high¬ est in this Province) by which he was much hurt, and if I am not much mistaken dislocated his neck, Mr Eccles with much Presence of Mind, put his neck right and bled him, and I am told the poor fellow is in a fair way of doing well— I have before informed your Ladyship that Mr Piercy was in this Town, He read the whole Service of the Church in the morning, and afterwards preached, and also in the afternoon, Mr Wright and Mr Cooke were with him, and the latter officiated as his Clerk- Mr Hill was supplying his congrega¬ tions at 50 miles distance and Mr Roberts and Mr Richards were supplying another, about 40 miles from the House- Mr Crane and Mr Piercys brother were also absent. A gen¬ tleman who lives about 2 miles from Bethesda came with his negroes, and was I am told extremely kind and active and probably prevented the wing which is nearly finished from being burnt, There were some other persons present, who must have been plunderers, as several articles were miss¬ ing, which Mr Eccles is sure were saved from the flames, What wretches must such people be, who take advantage of such a time of desolation and distress to rob- The other wing is intended to be finished as soon as it can be done, so that your Ladyships present family, will be comfortably ac¬ commodated,-and I trust that notwithstanding this awful frown of Providence, that every thing will go on well and the house be restored more substantially, and with out any expense to your Ladyship- Mr Piercy told me this morning that two or three gentlemen had given, or would give on demand, Five hundred pounds Sterling, to purchase Negroes, to be immediately put about the making bricks, as it is thought advisable to build the House with brick which would be more secure from fire, than a wooden building as the former was, and to construct the roof so, that it may be easily come at in case of an accident of a like nature- It is not concluded whether to include the Chapel in the House, or to erect it at some distance If the latter, the foundation of the house, must be laid larger, and more spacious than the former, and I am very hopefull that the great Head of the Church, will appeal for this In- 230 The Letters of stitution, and that the many prayers and tears offered up in its behalf, will not be lost, and if I may be allowed the ex¬ pression, the second Temple will be restored with greater lustre than the first- I must confess that as often as I have seen the House, dreaded the disaster, and have frequently mentioned to Mr Wright that I did not like the construc¬ tion of the chimney as they could not be easily, if at all well cleansed, and neither the high pitch of the Roof, which was not to be come at without difficulty, however these incon¬ veniences may be remedied in Future, and I believe Mr Piercy will receive no assistance either from private Hands or the public, unless given to execute your Ladyships Plan, and to remain the sole property of your Ladyship and your successors- All the Books in the Library are gone, except a few odd Volumns, which is a great loss, especially to the Students- Mr Whitefields Effigy in Wax, and his bust taken from Life, and his Picture at length are burnt- A neat brass Branch in the Chappel, the gift of a gentleman here, is totally melted, and most (if not all the Chappel and Communion Furniture is burned, and indeed a great deal of the common House Furniture- It is almost impossible yet to say, what is burnt or stolen, untill things can be collected together- This Institution has met with many very many checks and disappointments, I may say to appearance sentences of Death, upon it, but this last is truly humiliating and a heavy stroke indeed, but surely my Lady, The Lord has yet a Blessing in store for it, and therefore has permitted this to happen, for the trial of his servants Faith, and to prepare them for great¬ er usefullness in his Church- I am far from enjoying a good state of Health, and I think my work is nearly finished on Earth I am my good Lady your Ladyships P S. The Orphan House accounts Most &c and Vouchers cannot be found, and doubtless are all burned, except the Vouchers from the last credit which I had tied together, they were the next day, amongst the Goods, that were thrown out of the House- I look upon it as a Providential Circumstance, that but four days before the fire, I had taken an Abstract of the whole Expenditure and Receipts from its first Foundation, which I did to send your Ladyship, and the London Executors, as I looked upon it that your Ladyships charge for the house began with the beginning of the present Year, I had almost forgotten to mention to your Ladyship, that Mr Piercy went Hon. James Habersham. 231 this morning to Charleston almost dead with Grief, with Mr Ambrose Wright, and another friend to purchase negroes, many having lately arrived there for sale- Upon further enquiry, I begin to doubt, whether the house was set on Fire by Lightning, but rather think it was occasioned by some latent sparks, in one of the Chimneys, which had com¬ municated with the Roof, especially, as Mr Eccles says he smelt Fire all the day, and more particlarly as the effect of Electrical Fire is, in every instance I have seen immediate- But as the House is consumed, it is perhaps of no conse¬ quence to conjecture about the cause, only that God per¬ mitted it to be, and therefore it becomes our duty to humble ourselves under His mighty Hand- To William Knox Esqr London Savannah in Georgia the 12th August 1773 My dear Sir The State of my Health is so exceedingly bad, that I have come to a final and positive Resolution to close the various Concerns, I have been engaged in, and never more to undertake any Business, except, as far as I can to assist my Children. This my Friend the Doctor, Mr Graham, and indeed all my Friends advise, and also that I would leave this Climate, which I would have done this Summer, but the unsettled State of my own affairs, and those of my Friends in my hands, made it impossible, altho' it has near cost me my Life; and its the general Opinion of my Friends, that I cannot weather out another Summer. I am now therefore, as the Heat and Weather will permit, settling my Business, and as I hope the ensuing Winter will a little brace me up, I shall employ every moment to bring my affairs to an Is¬ sue, so that I may be able to leave this Country next Spring, and go to England or to the Northward, where I hope a change of Air will be of Service, at least to render my few remaining Days more comfortable to rub Through.- I men¬ tion this, because I must decline taking any further Concern in your affairs. Indeed I have not been able to render you but little, if any service; for a considerable time past, and I have lately repeatedly told Mr Graham, that I cannot for the future act for you, and that I woud close your accounts, and deliver them over to him. He said he would not keep accounts for any Person, but woud readily visit your Plan¬ tation, and render you any service in his power there. Not¬ withstanding you say, you dont want, any accounts in Geor- 232 The Letters of gia, where you have now a considerable planting Interest, I think it is impossible your Business, can be carried on with¬ out some Expenditures, of which an account must be kept. You must know, that a great many small incidental expenses must arise, which cannot be foreseen and provided for, and I woud recommend you to join Mr Nathaniel Hall in a letter of Attorney with Mr Graham. Mr Hall has purchased and setled a fine plantation within half a mile of your Land, on which he resides, and it will be very handy for him to cast an Eye upon yours. He is young, and active, understands ac¬ counts, and I am very much mistaken, if he will not as faith¬ fully, and chearfully, serve you, as I can with Truth say I have done, and I believe Mr Graham is of the same opinion; I have either lost or mislaid your Power of Attorney, so that you must send out a new one. I have not yet settled with Mr Martin, owing to my being so unwell and unfit to do Business, but I will have all your accounts setled as I am able, and send you a clear State of them, so that I may finish with you, as I mean to do with all before I go hence, and am no more seen. To be serious with you my Friend if I ever have been of use to the Public or my Friends, I verily believe my work is finished. There is a period to everything, and I am well satisfyed if my poor labours through my Pilgrimage meet with Acceptance from God, to whom we must all render an Account. I hope my Friend will not think my declining Business, especially for him, arises from any other cause than I have mentioned— Mr Graham has bought for you 32 Negroes, 17 of them about 6 weeks agoe, which were paid for by bills on you, and of which you have been particularly advised, and now 15 more for which I have with Mr Graham signed Bills this day for £772.17.0 one sett payable at 3 months sight— for £386. 8. 6 Another sett paybl'at 6 months for — 386. 8. 6 £772.17. o of which Mr Graham will particularly advise you and of his reasons for so doing. I have just received your letter of the 3d of June pr Post, acknowledging the Receipt of mine of the 17th April preceed- ing, by which I learn, that what I advised you to have done met with your approbation. By the return of this Post to Charlestown this Evening, I shall send you Mr Smith's Pat¬ ent to go by the Packet. You may judge how incapable I Hon. James Habersham. 233 am of Business, when I tell you that I have been for two days labouring to write this letter. I am my dear Sir Yours &c P. S. I have just put Mr Smiths Patent under cover to you. Mr Johnson knows the terms, on which he must hold the Office Mrs Mary Bagwith in Whitty Yorkshire Savannah in Georgia 7th January 1774 * My dear Sister As I enjoy but a poor State of Health, I Propose, and my Friends advise me, to take a sea voyage, and I think of seeing England in June next, accompanined with my neice your Daughter, and my youngest Son John, altho' my Friends in England and Here, think a voyage to the northward on this Continent, wou'd be better for me, than going to England, as the air of England is much moist- er, than in America, which I believe; however I seem de¬ termined, to make a visit, to my native Country, where I hope to have the pleasure of seeing you, which is my great¬ est Inducement to go there, otherwise I think I would pre¬ fer an American Voyage; I understand, you have been put to a considerable Expence in a Law Suit about a Pew in Whitty Church, which is decided in your favour, and as I wish to make your Situation as easy, as in my Power I have wrote to Messieurs Clark and Milligan to pay your Bill on them for Thirty Pounds Sterling, which you may draw for, and I am persuaded they will honour it. This Copartnership was formerly Graham and Clark, but Mr Graham has de¬ clined, and Mr Clark has taken his Brother in Law, Mr Milli¬ gan, into Trade with him. I am my dear Sister Your Affectionate Brother To Mrs Mary Bagwith in Whitty Yorkshire Savannah in Georgia 3d February 1774 My Dear Sister The foregoing is Copy of my letter of the 7th of Last month, whereby you will see, I have empowered you to draw upon Messieurs Clark and Milligan in London for ♦The rapidly failing health of James Habersham is clearly indicated in this and the fol¬ lowing letter to his sister. After an absence of nineteen months Governor Wright had re¬ turned and relieved him of the responsibilities of the Government in February, 1778. Although the visit here proposed was prevented by the events mentioned in the next letter, he did make the visit "to the Northward" the following year, and died at New Brunswick, New Jersey, Aug. 28,1775. He suffered much from gout in his later years. *34 The Letters of Thirty Pounds, which I now confirm. By a very untoward Circumstance, that has lately happened, the People of this Province are thrown into the most distressed and embar¬ rassed Situation. The Creek Indians, a neighboring nation of Savages, who are very numerous, and at least have two effective men to our one, have killed and massacred 16 of our white Inhabitants and 2 negroes, without the least Cause or Provocation, that I can learn by which, a great number of our Settlements are broke up, and the Affrighted Posses¬ sors are fled; whether this matter will stop where it is now, or whether it will end in a general war with these Savages, I cannot conjecture, in all events a war with these Savages, is the most Calamitous circumstance that can befall us by the hands of men, as we are by no means in a condition to resent their cruel and barberous Insults, and have not one of the Kings troops to assist us, and as I must doubt, indeed I have scarce the least Expectation of our getting any, our prospect of obtaining Redress, and future Security, from the cruel Ravages of the Savages is truly Alarming. In this Situation of affairs, I cannot think of leaving this Country where my all is at Stake, and therefore as far as I can yet see I must at present lay aside the thoughts of visiting my native Country, and probably I may never see you on this side of Eternity. If these Indians should generally break with us, which it's possible may be the case, my Three sons and my three different white overseers are liable to be called upon to protect the Country, when some of them may probably be no more, and in such a case there will be no one but my¬ self who am a decrepit, sickly, Infirm, old Man, to take care of my black family consisting, of one hundred and Ninty Eight Persons, Men, Women, and Children. This is Truly my present condition, by which you will see, we hold our property by a very precarious tenor. The Providence of God has placed me and my family here, and therefore I have a right, and will depend upon him for Protection, and what¬ ever may be the Issue I hope I shall with heart and lip say, His will be done, and were it not for this consideration, I should be glad to move to some corner, where I might have a Prospect to dye in Peace. I am my dear Sister Your very affectionate Brother P. S. Was I to go to England in the present distracted pos¬ ture of Affairs any Pleasure I could propose to my-self would be imbittered with anxiety of what might happen in my Ab- Hon. James Habersham. 235 sence, and probably deprive me of one Chearfull Hour; for a state of Suspense is of all others the most distressing To Abraham Hayne Esq- near Pon pon So. Carolina Savannah in Georgia the 7th April 1775. Dear Sir As I am debar'd shipping of rice to Messieurs Ed¬ wards, Fisher & Comp for the balance of Moons Estate in my hands, as I proposed, I now enclose you my order on them for Six hundred fifty seven Pounds, Ten Shillings your Currency, which with Fifty two Pounds, six shillings the nominal Exchange added of £8. p Cent, between this place and Charleston will make £709.16.0. equal at 7 for 1 to £101.8.0. this Money, which you will please to dispose of, as you may think most beneficial for the Interest of Mr Moons daughter, who I do not wish may know from whence it comes. I want to have done with this and all other business, before I go hence and am no more seen, an Event I may soon ex¬ pect- As you are a Georgia Planter, I think you must know, that there is no geting Payments from hence in your Province at £8 p Ct discount, but I want to have done with this mat¬ ter, and to have it off my Mind, and therefore have sent you this order. I am dear Sir &c To Messieurs Clark and Milligan In London Savannah in Georgia the 7th April 1775 Gentlemen Enclosed you have Invoice and Bill of lad¬ ing of 145 whole and 10 half barrels of Rice, shipped on Board the Brig Good Intent, Thomas Morrison, consigned to your Address amounting to £350. 3. 10, which you will dispose of for my Account. I desire you will ship me by the first coming Vessel direct to this Port the following Articles &c &c The fiery Patriots in Charleston have stopped all Dealings with us, and will not suffer any Goods to be landed there from Great Britain; and I suppose the Northern Provinces will follow their Example; and if so, I fear I shall have no opportunity of going there this ensueing Summer, as I pro- With the ebbing of James Habersham's life, which at this time is very apparent, the rising tide of the Revolution is soon to usher in a series of events of which this letter is all too prophetic. 236 The Letters of pose to do, if God spares my Life, and I can as I before ob¬ served, get conveyance by water, for my crazy Constitution will not bear the Fatigue of such a long Tourney by Land. I feel myself daily declining in Health, and think it is abso¬ lutely necessary for me to change the Air during the hot Summer. If I should * of making a Tour, I mean to draw on you perhaps for £200, of which however you will be duly advised. The People on this Continent are generally almost in a State of Madness, and Desperation, and should conciliating Measures take Place on your Side, I know not what may be the Consequence, I fear, an open Rebellion against the parent State, and consequently amongst ourselves. Some of the inflamatory resolutions and Measures taken and published in the Northern Colonys I think too plainly portend this; how¬ ever I must, and do upon every occasion declare, that I would not chuse to live here longer, than we are in a State of prop¬ er Subordination to, and under the protection of Great Bri¬ tain, altho' I cannot altogether approve of the steps she has lately taken, and do most cordially wish, that a permanent Line of Government was drawn, and persued, by the Mother and her Children, and may God give your Senators Wisdom to do it, and heal this Breach; otherwise I cannot think of this event but with Horror and Grief. Father against Son, and Son against Father, and the nearest relations and Friends combatting with each other, I may Perhaps say with Truth, cutting each others throats, dreadfull to think of much less to experience; but I will have done with this disagreable subject, and am Gentlemen Your most humble Servant P. S. I find that the American Merchants in London have begun to Stir in this matter, and I hope their application will meet with success, as no good can ensue to Great Britain and her Colonys, from this contest, but much hurt to both, I am for Peace on Constitutional Grounds. ♦Word omitted in the manuscript, think is probably the word. Hon. James Habersham. 237 To John Edwards Esq. In Charlestown So. Carolina- Savannah in Georgia the 7th April 1775. Dear Sir. I now enclose you our Friend Mr Piercys or¬ der on you and Company payable to me 30 days after date for Three thousand and fifty two Pounds four Shillings and one penny your Currency, which at Maturity I desire may be carried to my credit in your Companys Books, and for which I shall draw on them as occasion may require- If nothing material happens to prevent and an opoprtunity of¬ fers, I think of going by water to the Northward sometime next month or at farthest in June, and if so, I must draw from thence to bear my Expences, hoping the Voyage may be of benefit to my health. My Son John must be with me, whereever I go, and as my eldest Son James appears to be in a declining State of Health, if his Business will permit, he may probably go with me also- My demand against the good Countess (every Shilling for cash advanced) was near, if not full double the sum Mr Piercy has drawn for, but as I was convinced the dear Lady has strained every Nerve, and perhaps done more, than she can with Convenience to her many Engage¬ ments for the sake of spreading the gospel, I took another way of Payment for the rest of my demand by an or.der on a Bank, that can never fail, and always pays at Sight. You may remember, that sometime last Fall, I informed you, that I would send you Rice to the amount of £101-8-0^4 Georgia Currency, the Net Proceeds of which, I desired might be paid to Mr Abraham Hayne, and disposed of by him for the benefit of an orphan young Woman, who lives at Jacksonburg, of near it- but as I am now debar'd of an opporunity x x x x x x It would have been much more to my advantage to have shipped you rice, than to have taken this mode of remitting, but I want to have done with this Business, and to have it off my mind. There is a charge in your account with me of £7.7.0. paid Downes and- for repairing my Gold repeating watch, which my son John by my order, paid to them in Charlestown, as you will see by their Receipt enclosed, you will therefore be pleased to get them to refund^ the Money you paid, and carry it to my credit- I am dear Sir- Your Most obedient &c. The deep and abiding interest of James Habersham in the Bethesda Orphan House is here manifested in a modest and substantial manner. The dishonest and perfidious con¬ duct of Mr. Piercy in the management of the affairs of Bethesda in the following years was not foreseen at this time. 238 The Letters of To the Countess of Huntingdon, to the Care of Robt Kean Esqr. In London- Savannah in Georgia the 19 April 1775 Dear Madam when I left Charlestown last April, I was seized with a most violent Fit of the Gout, on the Road, and with great Pain and Difficulty I returned here. I was after¬ wards confined for some months, unable to think of, or do any kind of Business, being obliged to be moved about my House by the Help of 2 or 3 Servants. Mr Piercy returned here the day before Christ-mass day last, and on New Years day following, I was seized with another Attack, while I was hearing him preach, which confined me to my Bed for a con¬ siderable time, and these repeated Attacks is the true Cause, why I have not answered your Ladyship's late Letters sooner. My Disorder lay principally in my Knees, Hands, Arms, and Shoulders, that I could not hold a pen in my Hand, and the Violence of the Pain made me too often wish for Death as a Release. I thank God, I am much freer from Distress¬ ing Pains, and can move about a little with the assistance of one Servant to rest upon. Mr Piercy left this place about 8 days agoe, and is gone to Charlestown in order to proceed to the northward, but whether he will go by Land or by Water, I cannot say. I hope and believe the dear Redeemer, will be his Protector and Guide in this Time of Distraction and Confusion throughout this Vast Continent, for as I find Government are determined to push matters to the utmost Extremity to bring the Americans to a Sense of their Duty, I cannot think of the Consequence, but with Horror and Grief and indeed if conciliating Measures do not soon take Place, I expect no less than an open Breach amongst us, Father against Son, and Son against Father, and the dearest Connections broke through by the Violent Hands of Fac¬ tion and Party. It is impossible to give your Ladyship any idea of the distressing Scene, that presents itself to my View, if matters should be drove to Extremities- As I am appre¬ hensive, that I cannot subsist under the Heat of another Summer, I am determined if I have an opportunity of a Pas¬ sage, to meet Mr Piercy in Philadelphia, or New York in June, and as my eldest Son is in a very declining State of Health, he will probably accompany me if he can possibly leave his young Family and Business x x x x x xxxxxxxxxxxx Here again in this letter we have an illustration of the steps taken to furnish moral and religious instructions to the negro slaves. See letter dated Nov. 26,1770. This letter was written the day upon which the battle of Lexington took place. Hon. James Habersham. 239 The Benefit I propose to myself and him is from a short Sea Voyage and as Change of Climate and Air. I may in Some Measure experience a like Benefit, altho' I cannot expect as my Constitution grows weaker with advancing years, that I can so easily be braced up. Mr Piercy seems very anxious for my going, and I believe I shall not disapoint his expec¬ tations, altho' I know not of what Use I can be to him in Promoting the cause of the Gospel which I believe is his only View. I have settled all Accounts I had with your Lady¬ ship, with Mr Piercy, and given full discharges. In the whole they amounted to £1200, two thirds of which, was for your Ladyships sole Account, and as I have done this perfectly to my satisfac¬ tion, I hope my manner of doing it will not be displeasing to you. As it was a determined Point last Spring to make another Plantation, besides that on which the negroes left at Mr Whitefield's decease were employed, I ordered a be¬ ginning to be made last Summer in Mr Piercy's absence, but before I could do so, I found it absolutely necessary to pur¬ chase 237 acres of Land adjoining the Rice Field, without which there was not high, or rather dry Land sufficient to put the necessary buildings upon, besides there was a great want of proper Timber for building, Fencing, Coopers stuff, and other necessary uses, which this Land will amply supply. It was sold at public auction, and as I was sick in Bed at the Time of the Sale, I got a Friend to buy it, and it was thought that I obtained it very reasonably, considering its useful¬ ness, and conveniency to forward your Ladyships Designs, which was very well known, it cost only 10s pr Acre, but with some unavoidable Expenses to procure proper and ef¬ fectual conveyances, it cost in the whole about ^130. These Lands I have made over to your Ladyship, and the Deeds are all registered in the proper Offices, that the Lands is now your Lady ship's Property in Fee Simple, and all the buildings and improvements, that have been erected, and are now erecting will be on your own Land. Your Lady ships Negroes are now divided, I mean those left at Mr Whitfields Decease are on the place formerly settled, and your lately purchased are on the Land I bought for you, and the Produce will be kept totally separate, they having each their respective Overseers. The two settlements are almost a mile distant from each other, and have not the least connection. Very little of the Land I bought is naturally fit for Cultivation, but it is pretty well stored with the most 2$0 The Letters of useful Timber, without which it would be impossible to make a settlement. The Rice your Ladyships Negroes must plant is on the Or¬ phan House Land, but there can be no objection arise to that as your Negroes must clear and bring it into a state of Cutivation, with no small expense and Labour, and thereby render it more Valuable. Thus I hope all objections are removed, and the most captious, if they are not wilfully blind must see it. The two plantations will be near an equal distance from Bethesda, and if it please God to smile on them, I think they cannot fail to provide a fund, to promote your Ladyship's Designs with Effect. I have now given you the best information I can about the present state of your Ladyship's plantations, which I hope will satisfy every possible scruple your Ladyship can have, or that may be made by any Person, who may wish to find Fault, altho' I cannot see, by the spirit of Mr Whitfields will, that any Person has a right to dispute your Disposition of that Estate, in what manner you please, so that the de¬ ceased's general Design to promote the Gospel, may be answered. Surely not, and had he been alive and had he thought proper to make any necessary alterations, he might think or be advised wou'd be for the general good, who had any right to say it should not be done- However I think your Ladyship is perfectly right to remove any objection, that may or can be made, which is now most certainly done, and, if after this, any turbulent spirit should arise, which I scarcely expect I hope your Ladyship and Friends wou'd take no Notice of it, as there is no end of disputing with un¬ reasonable People, who want to reduce your generous Views within the narrow Compass of their own Formality. I was very happy in seeing Mrs Cossen return here, and as far as I can judge, I think her Husband will be a faithfull Help¬ mate, and as I do not wish to have your Ladyship burthened with more Expense, I think your Family should not be much enlarged, until your two Plantations will clearly defray every Expense. This, in my Opinion will be the most easy way of proceeding, and in the End will prove the most comfort¬ able to your Ladyship's Heart, and lay a solid Foundation for future usefulness: however I may perhaps give my Opinion too hastily, which I most humbly submit. Mr Peircy's last Visit here, I hope has left some People under serious Im¬ pressions, whether abiding or not, Time must discover. The Church he preached in belongs to a Lutheran Congregation, which is but small and is so crowded, when he preaches, that Hon. James Habersham. 24.1 scarce one half of the People who wish to hear, can get into the House. It has been more than hinted to me, that many People would subscribe to build a larger and more conven¬ ient Church Mr Knox under Secretary of State to Lord Darmouth has sent over two Moravian Brethren, both Germans, to instruct his Black People. One of them has had a college education, and is a man of considerable Erudition, and at Mr Piercy's request who much regards him, he has preached two or three times to your Ladyships Negroes, and I believe means to continue his visits to them. He has also made two or three Visits to my Plantations, and spoke to my People. The other is a Taylor, and a Man in years, I suppose about 45, but cannot speak English well enough to be understood, altho' he reads it Tolerably. He is now settled at my, Plan¬ tation, and I have given orders that he may be properly pro¬ vided for, and have free access to all my People at Conven¬ ient Times, and I have great Expectations, that the Lord will bless his Labours, as he appears to be a most simple- hearted, devoted Soul, but in other Respects, he seems to be an improbable Instrument of doing good, from his pres¬ ent Incapacity of speaking to the Negroes, hiwever I care not for that, as I do not depend on him but the Grace of God speaking in him to be of use. He has already begun a School with about 30 children and young People, and as I go out there (now my Health is a little restored) one or two days in a week, I cannot but admire his Patience and Tender¬ ness in instructing his . young Flock, and as he takes unre¬ mitting Pains to learn to speak English I hope he will soon be able to speak it to the Grown People. This will be a great Comfort to me, as the souls of my poor benighted Blacks have long lain heavy on my Heart. I have a few Servants, who wait in my House, here and in the Country, who I have taught as I had opportunity, to read a little, but I cannot ob¬ serve that any saving Impressions have reached any of cheir Hearts. I hope that your Blackman David may be blessed, as he seems to be very anxious to be instrumental of good to your Ladyships Negroes; and as far as I can learn, con¬ ducts himself very well, and I am only afraid, that the kind notice, he has met with in England will make him think too highly of himself. I have hinted this to Mr Peircy, and I hope he has cautioned him to avoid splitting on this Rock, This Work of instructing Negroes, should have the desired effect, as, I am persuaded it will meet with all the opposi¬ tion and reproach that men and Devils can invent The Letters of They have Six Thousand Converted Souls in the Danish Islands of St Croise, St Thomas &c and a considerable num¬ ber in the English Islands of Jamaica, Antigua, Barbadoes &c, from which one would hope for the like success here, as our Negroes are not so much depressed as I suppose they are in the west Indies, and I can truly say, that I wou'd not keep one of them, that wou'd prefer any Persons service to mine. Last November I sent a fine young Fellow a Cooper to your Ladyship's Plantation to make Rice Barrels and teach two of your People in that Business, and I had trouble enough to make him go there, for I do not chuse to make use of force and violence, and I have now one of my men there, to instruct and direct your Negroes how to plant, for whom I have been offered 200 Guineas, and to use his own Expression, when I told him, he wou'd oblige me to go there, that I wanted to sell him softly, that is without his Consent and knowledge, I Perfectly, understood his meaning, and assured him that I had no Intention to part with him. I mention these trifling Anecdotes to evince to your Lady¬ ship that we do not treat our Negroes as some people im¬ agine. Mr Law has turned out a trifling man, and has been (to speak in the softest terms) very unfaithfull in your Lady¬ ship's Affairs. I had no acquaintance with him until I saw him at Bethesda. He is very plausible, and I think he does not want a Knowledge of the Planting Business, but he wants some-thing better, and more substantial. About the latter End of last September, when Mr Richard Piercy re¬ turned from the northward, I made a visit to your Plantation under great bodily Pain, and the moment I was carried into the Barn Yard for I could not Walk, I immediately saw, that all was Bad management, and could scarcely refrain from being outrageous. I wish it was in my Power, as formerly, for I believe there have been far more active men in this Province, to inspect your Ladyship's Affairs, better, than I can at Present, or ever expect to do; for my good Lady. I have not been able to go into one of my Fields, for three or four years past, and am now lingering under a bad state of Health, and from my Present Feelings, I am waiting for my dissolution, which I may every day expect. A kind Friend has undertaken to superintend your Ladyships Plan¬ tation Affairs, and as I know he does not want Knowledge and Judgement, I will allow him to go on as he has begun. It will require a great deal of Labour and Improvement to bring it into a proper State of cultivation, and therefore I have before mentioned, that your Negroes will make it more valu- Hon. James Habersham. 243 able, which will make it more valuable, which I believe is naturally very good, and very fit for the Cultivation of Rice, and must in the End be profitable; and to this Purpose all the advice I can give from my experience in the Planting Business shall not be wanting. It is now more than 14 days since I began this letter, but my Nerves are so relaxed, and I have such sickness at my Stomach, that every day I have perhaps laid down my Pen ten times or more, and taken it up as often, and sometimes, I could not write at all; and if it was not for my youngest Son, who is my Amanuensis, and understands my Scratches, I could very seldom corres¬ pond with any one. Thus my god Lady I am almost become a poor, helpless, Useless Man, and all the assistance I ex¬ pect is from the Tour, I mean if I have an opportunity, to take it. I hope for the reasons I have mentioned that your Ladyship will excuse my too long Silence, and with all De¬ ference, I have the Honor to Subscribe, Madam, Your Lady¬ ship's Faithfull and Most Obedient Servant To Mr Robert Keen. In London. Savannah in Georgia the nth of May 1775 Dear Sir This day I received a Letter from Mr Piercy in Charlestown, dated the 8th Instnat, and another two or three days agoe, dated the 3d. In the latter, he desired I wou'd enquire into some misconduct of black David's in her Lady¬ ship's Family, and if after smart reproof, He remained in- corrigable, and did not amend, immediately to dismiss him, her Ladyship's Service, without putting her to one farthing more Expense. David had shown some impudent Airs, since Mr Piercy left Bethesda, of which he had been informed, but before I had an opportunity of making such Enquiry. I re¬ ceived the above mentioned Letter of the 8th wherein is the following. "In my last, I advised you to have nothing to do with pay¬ ing, David's Passage to England; but I now find it abso¬ lutely necessary in order to save his Life. The Gentlemen "of this Town are so possessed with an opinion that his De¬ signs are bad, that they are determined to pursue, and hang "him, if they can lay hold of him. I have only therefore to "beg of you to send him off privately, in the first vessel, that "sails for home. I wou'd indeed be very sorry that the poor "fellow should lose his Life." You may not perhaps have The Letters of been acquainted with the ground of the Disgust he gave the People of Charlestown, I will inform you of what I have heard. The Person who received and lodged Mr Cossen in Charlestown entertained David likewise, and desired him to preach to several white People and Negroes, who had col¬ lected together to hear him. David in the Course of his ex¬ hortation, dropped some unguarded Expressions, such as, that he did not doubt; but "God would send Deliverance to the Negroes, from the power of their Masters, as He freed the Children of Israel from Egyptian Bondage." Some thing similar to this was construed, as tho' he meant to raise rebellion amongst the negroes. It was undoubtedly wrong, and he thereby shewed his Ignorance and Folly. In consequence of this and other things, Information was given to the Grand Jury who presented the Person who kindly entertained him, for suffering him to preach Doctrine in his house contrary to the Peace of Society, and accordingly he is prosecuted and must stand his Tryal and abide by the con¬ sequence. Our Laws are very severe and pointed in this re¬ spect. Upon the whole, I am rather glad David is going, as I think he wou'd have done more harm than good to her Ladyships Negroes, having by ho means the spirit of a true missionery amongst the Heathen. His Business was to preach a Spiritual Deliverance to these People, not a tem¬ poral one, but he is, if I am not mistaken, very proud, and very superficial, and conceited, and I must say it's a pity, that any of these People should ever put their Feet in Eng¬ land, where they get totally spoiled and ruined, both in Body and Soul, through a mistaken kind of compassion because they are black, while many of our own colour and Fellow Subjects, are starving through want and Neglect. We know these People better than you do. I am told nothing could please him at Bethesda, although he was provided for as well as any Person there. I have agreed with Capt Inglis of the Ship Georgia Planter, to take him as a Steerage Pas¬ senger, for which he asks eight Guineas, which I think a great deal of money, however I think it is best to get him away at any rate, which you will please pay him. You may depend that David is a fugitive Slave, and his Story about being stole from the Coast of Africa is not Truth, but I have done with him, I have done all I can for him, and am Dear Sir Your Affectionate Friend and Servant Hon. James Habersham. 24-5 To John Edwards Esq- In Charlestown. Savannah in Georgia the 25th May 1775. Dear Sir. I wrote to you the nth Instant, and was in hopes to have heard from you before now, as I know not how long, or how short a time I may be here, as I still in¬ tend, if 1 have an oportunity to go off- I am greatly distressed about the bloody News we hear from the Northward, and I am afraid there is now an End to all Reconciliation, unless the blessed God by some extraordinary Interposition should bring it about, which I most humbly pray he may do- I think from this Event may be dated the almost ruin of Great Britain and this very flourishing Continent- Pray let me hear from you- I am, Dear Sir Your sincere Friend and Servant The "Bloody News" here referred to was that of the battle of Lexington fought on April 19th. The news reached Savannah on the evening of May 10th, and created the profound- est excitement. Index. Adams, Thomas 109 Agent, for colony 59, 73, 80, 166 Alatamaha, lands on 10, 18 Ambrose, Mr 123 Amelia Island 13 Anderson, Capt 46, 75 Arburkle, Capt 46, 49 Assembly dissolved 64, 150 N. W. Jones, Speaker 175, 197, 215, 221 Attolengke 9, 29, 33, 35, 41, 174 Augusta 173, 201 Austen, Rieut. Richard 198 Bagwith, Mary 162, 233 Baker, Sir William, claim of 33, 79, 83 Ball, Capt 55, 56, 57 Barnard, Mr 63, 201 Beckman, Mr 43, 44 Bethesda 55, 103, 129, 134, 137, 180, 223, 227 Negroes for 107 Board and Tuition 118 Chapel 124 Building burned 228 Birds, pets 167, 209 Bogart 23 Bolton, Robert 23, 52, 74, 184 Boone 14 Boundary, Southern 18 Bourquin, Benedict 9 Bowen, Mr 91 Box, Philip 78 Broughton, Rev. Thomas 36, 99 Bruce, Mr 64 Brunswick 159 Bryan, Jonathan 91* I55> Bulloch, Archibald 73> ^4 Bush, Mr 43 Byvanck 23 Campbell, Mr 59 Carey, John 189 II Index. Cherokee Indians taught to read and write 149 Cession of lands 199 Chicasaw Indians 200 Church, Alteration in Service 187, 190 Clark & Milligan 235 Clark, John 66, 75, 88, 112, 140, 154, 233 Clay, Joseph 43, 105 Clay, Ralph 26 Climate of Savannah 46, 51, 52, 65, 82, 90, 92, 159, 184, 192, 195, 203 Clothing, directions for 61, 75, 137 College at Bethesda 106, 109, 119, 223, 226, 227 Burned 228 Combes, Capt 26 Commerce 162, 167, 173 Committee of Correspondence 74, 78, 79, 86 Commons House 75, 81 Countess of Huntingdon 102, 109, 117, 126, 144, 180, 223, 224, 228, 238 Cox, Mr 43 Crane, Mr 123, 229 " Crackers " 204 Crook, Richard Cunym 79 Cumberland Island 13 Cunningham, Mr 192 Cuthbert, Dr. James 91 Dean, Capt 79 Davies, Howell 109 Deberdt and Barkit 20 Dey, Miss Nancy 23 Dixon, Mr 43 Dogs to be killed 164 Doone, Capt 65 Duche, Rev. Jacob 143 Duties, on shipping 30 Earl of Dartmouth 112, 134 Earl of Hillsborough 171, 174, 187, 189, 200 Ebenezer 146, 188, 200 Eccles, Mr 224, 229 Edwards, John 237, 245 Edwin, Mr 30 Election held 168 Ellington, Rev. Edgar 63, no, 117, 119, 125, 136 Elliott, Grey 38 Elliott, Mrs 22 Index. hi Elliott, M. G 38 Ellis, Governor 26, 47, 66, 92, 158, 161, 194 Ellis, John 91 Ewen, William . 29, 33, 35, 73, 78 Finley, Rev. Samuel 53 Fitter, James 49 Forbes, Wm. John 93 Forman, Mr 54 Fothergill, Dr 149 Franklin, Benjamin, letter to 23 Agent 64, 71, 74, 78, 83, 86 Frederica 13 Ft. George 178 Gallache, Mr 27 Galphin, George 170, 199, 204, 213 Gardens 91 Garth, Charles 24, 59 Germans at Ebenezer 201 Gervais, Mr 29 Graham, Clark & Co 120, 142, 162 Graham, John 38, 117, 121, 142, 146, 154, 161, 164, 165, 183, 190, 219, 233 Groover 15 Habersham, James, Jr. 26, 38, 51, 64, 65, 67, 105, 120, 140, 152, 222, 238 Habersham, Joseph 51, 54, 63, 65, 67 Advisory letter 68, 75, 76, 88, 89, 102, 151, 152, 154, 155, 222 Habersham, John 64, 67, 162, 163, 211, 215, 222, 233, 237 Hall, Mr 60, 62, 91, 98, 147, 183 Hammerer, John Daniel 149 Hardy, Mr in Harris, Col. Francis 15, 56, 105 Death of 147 Harris & Habersham 15 Harris, Tom 68 Hart, Samuel 198 Hayne, Abraham 235 Hibben, Andrew 43 Houston, Sir Patrick 9, 29, 33, 41 Hume 10, 11 Hutson, Mr 51, 54 Indians, behavior of 27 Indian Conference 185 Indian disturbances 170, 172, 189, 213, 234 IV Index. Indian lands 185, 199, 201, 204 Indigo 202 Jackson, Isaac 198 Jackson, James 91, 198 Johnson, Dr 146, 164 Johnson and Graham 97 Johnson, Lewis 29, 41, 73, 115 Joiner, Capt 158 Jones, N 29, 30, 33, 35, 41, 73, 78 Jones, W 29, 33, 184 Jones, N. W 35, 4L 73, 78, *5° Speaker 175, 221 Justice, Mr 43 Keen, Robert 103, in, 123, 125, 137, 243 Keifer, Theobald 9 Knox, William, letters to ....10, 11, 13, 15, 18, 20, 25, 28, 30, 33, 38, 40, 44, 46, 49, 56, 60, 62, 64, 65, 87, 95, 97, 122, 150, 152, 157, 161, 163, 186, 187, 192, 193, 196 Why removed as Agent 59 Son Joseph placed in his charge 65 Knoxborough 87, 187, 193, 194, 195 Langworthy, Mr 117 Laurel Grove 168, 207, 220 Laurens, Henry 29, 63, 75, 76, 132, 144 Leconte, Mr 184 Lexington, battle of 245 Light-House 217 Lloyd, Samuel 58, 66, 119, 149 Lowtfen, Mr 181, 187 Lords Commissioners 218 Lunatics and Idiots 218 Mackay, James 159 Mackintosh, Lachlan 30 Mackintosh, George 30 Maddock, Mr 188, 198 Man, Capt 198 Martyn, Benjamin 9, 15, 20, 58 Martin, Clement 30, 33, 40 Martin, Mr 87, 97 Massey, Capt 12 Milledge, John 29, 33, 35, 73, 78 Milligan, Mr. and Mrs 154, 233 Minis, Mrs 184 Montague, Lord and Lady Charles 171 Moravian Brethren 241 Index. V Mortier, Abraham 58 Moultrie John 207 Mourning ring 125, 126 Mulberry trees 9 Mullryne, John 78, 91 McFarland, Capt. James 198 McGillivary 16, 20 Negroes, clothing 15, 20, 22 Death of 22 Purchase of 38, 42, 219, 231, 232 Runaways 71 Raw regarding 79 Instruction of 95, 99, 106, 109, 135, 241 Doss of 163, 193 David 243 Netherclift, Thomas 91 New Jersey College 20, 23, 65 Nutt, John 99, 121, 141, 152, 164, 195 Odeingsell, Charles v 78 Orphan House, see Bethesda. Patriots 235 Pearson, Edward, Esq 20 Phillips, Eieut. Zecariah 198 Pictures \ 163, 197 Piercy, Rev. Mr 223, 224, 237, 238, 243 Plants, to promote cultivation of 91 Political Situation 160, 166, 168 Negatives Speaker 175 Disputes 210, 235, 238 Politicians 89, 94, 222 Portraits 163, 197 Port Royal 159 Powell, James Edwd 29, 30, 35, 40, 41, 78 Powell, Capt 178 Presbyterian Colony from North Carolina 184 Pryce, Charles 76, 192, 221 Queensborough 188, 189 Quince, Capt 15 Rains, Capt 25 Read, James 79 Read and Mossman 57 Religion 94, 130 Road to Florida 208 Roberson, Mr 60 Rossel, Mr. VI Index. Roubadeau, Daniel 57 Russell 26 Russell, William 26 Scott, Capt 26 Shipley, William 9 Silk, premium for 9 Shipment 47, 146 Premium withdrawn 161 In back country 173, 188, 200, 205 Silk Hope 39 Simpson, John 74 Slaves, see Negroes. Small Pox 17, 25, 27, 182, 188 Smith, John 105 Smith, Richard 113, 131 South Carolina, grants 10, 11, 13, 18, 28, 208. St. Andrews Society 154 St. Simons 159 Stamp Act 41", 46, 48, 50, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59 Stirk, Benjamin, death of 125 Stirk, Mr 109 Stockton, Richard 52 Sunberry, Capt 10, 11 Symonds, Wm ..51 Tattnall. Josiah 91 Taylor, Willet 22 Theus, Jeremiah 197 Thomas, Capt 198 Thompson, Capt 44 Thunderbolt lands 47 Tondee, Mr 207 Trade laws discussed 44 Trespassers on public lands 201 Tuckwell, Joseph 36 Voters, requirements 82 Watch, gift from Whitefield 137, 139 Watson, Capt. Thos 198 Wells, Robert 93 Wertsch, Mr 146, 188, 201, 206 Wesley, Rev. John 149 West, Mr 104 Whitefield, Rev. George 20, 27, 41, 54, 57, 66, 88 Death and will 102, 103, 104, 109, 113, 119, I28> j39> i44> 150, 18c Index. VII Wine and Spirits, duties on 40 To Whitefield 44, 55 Winter, Cornelius 95, 99, 102, 106, 109, 135 Wood, Betty 126 Wright, Ambrose 103, 138, 231 Wright, Governor 92, 143, 144, 145, 147, 148, 155, 158, 165, 168, 171, 180, 183, 184, 190, 196, 200, 203, 209, 210, 211, 215, 218 Wright, James, Jr 165 Wrightsborough 188, 198 Wright, Miss Isabella 167, 209 Wright, Mrs 20, 21, 27 Wright, Miss Sarah 21 Wylly, Alex 30, 33, 35 Wylly, Richard 120, 192 Yonge, Mr 159 Young, Wm 79 Zouberbuhler 20, 95, 99 Zubly, Mr 185, 224