JOURNAL of the PROCEEDINGS ofthe FIFTH AND SIXTH of the PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH, in the DIOCESE OF GEORGIA, in 1828. SAVANNAH, GA.: ED. 0. COUNCELL'S PRINT. 1848. JOURNAL. Savannah, February 12, 1827. This being the place fixed on by the last Convention for holding their subsequent meeting, and this being the day agreed on for the same, there convened accordingly, three Clergymen and sev¬ eral lay delegates. Morning prayer was read by the Rev. Abiel Carter, Rector of Christ Church, Savannah ; a Convention Sermon having been preached the day preceding, by the Rev. Hugh Smith, Rector of St. Paul's Church, Augusta. Divine Service being ended, the Convention assembled. Present^ the Rev. Abiel Carter, the Rev. Hugh Smith, and the Rev. Lot Jones, of the Clergy, and the following Lay Delegates, viz : Dr. J. B. Read, Dr. William Parker, and William B. Bulloch, Esq., from Christ Church, Savannah ; and Dr. Anderson Watkins, from St. Paul's Church, Augusta ; who produced their certificates of delegation, which, having been read, were accepted. The Rev. Abiel Carter then made known to the Convention, that he had lately received a letter from the Rt. Rev. Bishop Bowen, expressing his regret that, owing to circumstances beyond his control, it would not be in his power to meet the Convention during the present session. Whereupon, the Convention pro¬ ceeded to elect officers;' and on counting the ballots, it appeared that the Rev. Abiel Carter was elected President; Dr. Anderson Watkins, Secretary; and Dr. J. B. Read, Treasurer. On motion of the Rev. Hugh Smith, That the rules of order adopted by the first Convention of this diocese, be the rules of order for the present Convention. The following parochial reports were then presented and read : CHRIST CHURCH, SAVANNAH.—THE REV. ABIEL CARTER, RECTOR. Baptisms—adult, 1; infants, 22 ; Total 23 Marriages 6 Communicants, (about) 100 4 Two venerable communicants and one other member, have been removed by death during the past year. The Sunday School attached to this Church still continues in a flourishing condition, and its beneficial effects upon the youth of the congregation are already manifest beyond the most sanguine expectations of its supporters and friends. On the whole, although the state of the Church in this place is not materially changed since the last year, there is reason to be thankful for the Divine favour, in the preservation of prosperity, and for the gradual increase of the congregation. st. Paul's church, augusta.—The Rev. Hugh Smith, Rector. Since the meeting of the Convention in April last, the Rector reports : Marriages, 3 ; two of which were solemnized at Edgefield C. House, S. C. Baptisms, 6; of which two were at Edgefield C. H. Funerals, 6; none of which were of persons attached to this congregation. Communicants, 55; the same number as before reported. The Sunday School still continues in operation. Notwithstanding some circumstances of a discouraging nature, there has, during the year past, been an accession to the number of pew-holders, of several families who never before held pews in the Church, a visible increase in the number of attendants, and an augmented zeal and devotedness manifested by its members. A recent act of the Legislature of the State has placed at the dispo¬ sal of the Vestry a part of the property of the Church, from the sale of which may confidently be expected the extinguishment of a large portion of the debt under which it has for several years laboured. On the whole, the present state of the congregation is encouraging. CHRIST CHURCH, MACON.—THE REV. LOT JONES, LATE RECTOR. Baptisms 8 Marriages 3 Funerals 6 Communicants 10 Scholars in the Sunday School 50 This Church has been incorporated by the Legislature of the State, and received from them a site for the erection of a House of "Worship; towards which about one thousand dollars have been subscribed by the inhabitants of Macon. A Clergyman might receive the greater part of his support from the people of the place, and preach a portion of his time in the neighbouring vil¬ lages. A highly interesting field of labour is here rendered vacant by the removal of the recent incumbent, which cannot fail to 5 receive the continued attention of the friends of the Church, and is earnestly recommended to their notice and favourable regaid. A number of respectable and intelligent young men, who may be regarded as the future pillars of this rising and flourishing town, manifest a laudable determination to support the Episcopal mode of worship, and encounter all the difficulties with which, in their secluded situation, they may have to contend. May the great head of the Church, without whose blessing all our efforts will be fruit¬ less, crown their incipient exertions with the most abundant suc¬ cess, to the praise and glory of His name ! No report was received from Christ Church, St. Simons. On motion, the Convention then adjourned until 1 P. M., to al¬ low of a meeting of " The Society for the general advancement of Christianity in Georgia." 1 o'clock, P. M., Feb. 12, 1827. The Convention again assembled, agreeably to adjournment. The following report was then presented and read: " The Protestant Episcopal Society for the general advance¬ ment of Christianity in Georgia, respectfully report to the Con¬ vention, that, during the past year, in consequence of their inability to procure a suitable missionary, they have been unable success¬ fully to prosecute the great purposes of their association. They gratefully acknowledge an appropriation for this diocese, made by the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Protes¬ tant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, in November last, of $200 annually for the three years next ensu¬ ing : and some funds having: been collected from life and annual o ' o subscriptions to the Society in this diocese, they indulge the hope of being able soon to procure the services of a respectable labourer in this portion of the Lord's vineyard. The Rev. Mr. Williston, of Wilmington, (Del.) having personally, and by letter, expressed to the Rev. Mr. Carter a disposition to officiate as a mis¬ sionary in this diocese, the Society have appointed the Rev. Mr. Carter and the Rev. Mr. Smith a committee to write to the Rev. Mr. Williston, offering to him a missionary appointment in this State, at such places as the Board of Trust for the Society may direct, for one year, with a compensation of $500 per annum. The Society deeply regret that the Rev. Mr. Jones, by whose 6 assiduous labours, Christ Church, at Macon, was founded and organized, has resigned its Rectorship, and removed from that place, carrying with him the esteem and regrets of its citizens. Deeply solicitous that this new and interesting congregation should be supplied with the ministrations of the Church, they have accordingly recommended to the Board of Trust that this should be made a missionary station ; indulging the hope that the friends of the Church there will readily, to the extent of their ability, co¬ operate with them for its establishment and support. The Society would again earnestly commend the objects of its institution to the members of the Church throughout the State. Under existing circumstances, when a general and powerful im¬ pulse has been given to the whole Christian world, when all denominations are putting forth their energies for the dissemina¬ tion of their respective tenets, we must be either content to bear the stigma of indifference to the great interests of Christianity— indifference to the souls of men—indifference to the wants of our members, and to the Church which we profess to revere and love— and we must be further content that this Church should languish, and that its members, despairing of the enjoyment of its ordinances, should connect themselves with other denominations—or we must shake off our lethargy, and employ vigorous means for its estab¬ lishment and increase. We would not willingly, in a period of general depression and pecuniary embarrassment, impose any needless or grievous burdens upon the friends of religion and the Church, but if, frpm the means which God has placed in their power, each individual would appropriate even a small sum, annu¬ ally, for missionary purposes, the aggregate of good would be far from inconsiderable, the scattered members of our fold would be collected and embodied, and " pure and undefiled religion," in connexion with primitive and apostolic practice, would be intro¬ duced in many places where they are now unknown. All which is respectfully submitted. (Signed) HUGH SMITH, President. A. Watkins, Secretary pro tern." On motion, it was Resolved,, That the Convention accept this Report. On motion, it was then Resolved, That the next Convention of this diocese shall be held at Augusta, on the last Monday in Feb¬ ruary, 1828. On motion of the Rev. Hugh Smith, it was then Resolved, That 7 the Rev. Abiel Carter be appointed to deliver the Convention Ser¬ mon, on Sunday morning, prior to the meeting of the Convention. The Convention then proceeded to the election of the Standing Committee ; when the following persons were elected, viz : The l\ev. Hugh Smith, Dr. J. B. Read, The Rev. Lot Jones, Dr. Thomas J. Wray, and The Rev. Abiel Carter, Edward F. Camvbei.l, Esq. The following gentlemen were then elected Delegates to the next General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States, viz : The Rev. Abiel Carter, the Rev. Lot Jones, the Rev. Hugh Smith, the Rev. Samuel Strong, Dr. James B. Read, Hon. George Jones, Richard Tubman, and Edward F. Campbell, Esqs. Dr. J. B. Read, Treasurer of the Convention, then presented his account, which, having been audited and read, was accepted ; by which it appeared that there was a balance of twenty-four dol¬ lars in the Treasury. On motion, Resolved, That the rule requiring the payment of fifteen dollars from each Church at the regular meetings of the Convention, be, and the same hereby is, dispensed with on the present occasion. On motion of Dr. J. B. Read, duly seconded, it was Resolved, That the President of this Convention be requested, in its behalf, to address to the Rt. Rev. Bishop Bowen, a letter expressive of the deep sympathy of all its members with him in his late afflictive bereavement. The minutes of the Convention were then read and approved ; after which the Convention adjourned, to meet on the last Monday in February, 1828. ABIEL CARTER, President. Anderson Watkins, Secretary. JOURNAL. Augusta, Georgia, 15th April, 1828. This being the day appointed for the meeting of the Annual Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Georgia, and this city having been selected as the place of meet¬ ing, several of the Clergy and Lay Delegates accordingly attended, at half-past ten o'clock A. M., in St. Paul's Church, Au¬ gusta. Morning Prayer was read by the Rev. Mr. Neufville. The fol¬ lowing certificates of Lay Delegates were presented, examined, and approved, viz : those of Mr. Richard Tubman, Mr. E. F. Campbell, and Mr. Charles Labuzan, from St. Paul's Church, Augusta. Mr. John F. Lloyd, and Dr. J. B. Read, from Christ Church, Savannah. The following members then appeared and took their seats : Of the Clergy.—The Rev. Hugh Smith, Rector of St. Paul's Church, Augusta ; the Rev. Edward Neufville, Rector of Christ Church, Savannah. Of the Laity.—Richard Tubman, E. F. Campbell, Charles Labuzan, from St. Paul's Church, Augusta; John F. Lloyd, Christ Church, Savannah. The Convention then proceeded to the election of a President, Secretary, and Treasurer; when the Rev. Mr. Neufville was elected President, Mr. John F. Lloyd, Secretary, and Dr. J. B. Read, Treasurer. On motion of the Rev. Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. E. F. Camp¬ bell, it was Resolved, That the thanks of the Convention be pre¬ sented to the Rev. Mr. Neufville, for his very appropriate and impressive sermon, delivered on Sunday last. On motion, it was Resolved, That the same rules of order adopted by the previous Conventions of this Diocese, be adopted as the rules of the present Convention. 9 On motion of Mr. E. F. Campbell, seconded by the Rev. Mr. Smith, the following testimonial of respect to the memory of the late Rev. A. Carter, Rector of Christ Church, Savannah, was Unanimously passed : " As a testimonial of respect to the memory of the late Rev. Abiel Carter, Rector of Christ Church, Savannah, on motion, '• Resolved, That the Delegates composing the present Conven¬ tion, for themselves, and in behalf of the Churches which they represent, do, with the most heartfelt sorrow, deplore the loss of the Rev. Mr. Carter, whose temporal probation was a practical illustration of zealous and evangelical devoledness to the Church, which permitted him not even to count life itself too dear a sacri¬ fice to the advancement of the religion of Christ, and the labours which the interest of his kingdom demanded." The following letter from the Rev. Mr. Jones, was read, and ordered to be filed and published : " Savannah, April 9th, 1828. " To the Convention of the Diocese of Georgia ; " Beloved Brethren—I regret that the sickness of my family will deprive me of the pleasure of meeting with you in Augusta. Nothing can be more cheering than the society of friends and brethren ; it warms the heart, and prompts to new and invigour- ated exertions; a general flame is excited and cherished, which spreads from one to another, until a common feeling of intense ardour and generous zeal pervades the whole assembly. Gladly would I participate with you in such emotions, and, so far as my feeble powers could aid, do something to promote the energies of our Church in this part of the Lord's vineyard. We have an extensive field, ripe already for the harvest; but where, oh, where shall labourers be found ? Sad experience teaches us, that the ways of Providence in this regard are inscrutable. He who pre¬ sided at our last Convention, and was authorized to write to a sister Diocese and repeat the Macedonian cry, has completed the sphere of duty allotted him on earth, and, amidst the sorrows of multitudes, closed his eyes in death. We have felt that one of our firmest supporters was removed, and that God was calling us to make an increased effort for the advancement of his glory, and to " strengthen the things which remain that are ready to die." " I deeply sympathize with you in the loss we have sustained, and shall heartily join in any resolutions that may be adopted com- 10 memorative of the event. His counsel to us was invaluable; his decision of character and firmness of purpose, insured the accom¬ plishment of whatever he undertook, and gave efficiency to the labours of all with whom he was connected. I have had no paro¬ chial charge the last year; but, during the sickness of the Rev. Mr. Carter, and until the choice of a successor, I officiated in Christ Church ; and report 2 marriages, 4 baptisms, and 5 fune¬ rals ; among the number are included our lamented brother and his beloved companion. And allow me in this connexion to bear testimony to the triumph of his faith in the approach of dissolu¬ tion. If aught on earth can exhibit a scene of moral sublimity, it was here displayed. Death was disrobed of his terrors, and the dread conqueror welcomed as the conductor to everlasting happi¬ ness. His mind was calm and collect, his thoughts were raised above the employments of this sublunary world, and he held sweet communion with the Father of his spirit, and the partner of his joys, whose transit to the realms of glory had but quickened his heavenly aspirations, and united him more firmly to all that is en¬ chanting, in perfect bliss and joy serene. To die a death like his is the consummation of earthly felicity, the animating prelude to complete fruition. It is enough to urge us to renewed activity, more intense devotion, and more holy ardour. May the blessing of heaven rest upon you, and accompany all your deliberations ; and may you be guided by that wisdom which is from above, in the adoption of such measures as will most effec¬ tually subserve the kingdom of the Redeemer, and extend the bounds of our communion. Your friend and brother, L. Jones." The following parochial reports were then made to the Con¬ vention CHRIST CHURCH, SAVANNAH. THE REV. EDWARD NEUFVILLE, Rector. Baptisms—white adults, 1 ; colom'ed do. 1 ; white infants, 19 j coloured do. 3; total, 24. Marriages, 9. Funerals, 40; from Feb¬ ruary,1827, to April 6,1828. Communicants, 107; four having been added since the present incumbent took charge of the Church. Several died during the last year, one has withdrawn, and five have removed. The condition of the Church is flourishing. A Bible Class has been held, and numerously attended by ladies during the the winter. 11 Tlie Female Missionary Society has, within the last year, raised the sum of about one hundred dollars. A Ladies' Society for the Advancement of Christianity in Georgia, has been organized recently, and meets once in a week for the purpose of raising funds, by the sale of needle work. Christ Chvrch Sunday School, at Savannah.—Total number of Teachers, 11—4 male and 7 female. Total number of scholars, 95—23 male and 72 female. Officers of the School, Rev. E.Neuf- ville, President, ex officio; Mr. Harris, Superintendent; Mr. Hen- drickson, Committee man. Exclusive of the above, there is a coloured School, organized in the month of December last, con¬ taining 40 scholars. st. Paul's churcii, augusta.—The Rev. Hugh Smith, Rector. Since the meeting of the last Convention the Rector reports : Marriages, 2. Baptisms—adults, 2 ; infants, white, 11 ; do. col¬ oured, 1; total, 14. Funerals, 15. Communicants added, 19; died, 1 ; removed, 2 ; total, 3 ; present number, 70. The Rector is happy in being able to state, that the present con¬ dition of the parish is encouraging. During the last year an instance of liberality occurred worthy of honourable mention. Three gentlemen, anxious to relieve the Church from the debt under which it had been labouring, contributed each upwards of eleven hundred dollars for that purpose ; they were seconded in the attempt by various members of the congregation, to whom an appeal was made. All the claims against the Church, held by those not of her body, were thus cancelled ; and as there is prop¬ erty adequate to the extinguishment of every other demand, the Church may now be considered as free from all embarrassment. The Sunday School continues in operation, although in rather a languishing condition. A female Bible Class has been held during the past year, which, although its members have not been numer¬ ous, has prompted much patient attention to the scriptures of truth, not without the happiest results. The ladies of the parish, during the past winter formed a Missionary Society, auxiliary to the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States, and have contributed about fifty dollars towards that institution, from the donations and sub¬ scriptions. They also meet statedly, for the purpose of creating a fund for Domestic Missionary purposes, by the employment of their needle, in making articles of taste and fine work. 12 A visible and gratifying increase in the stated number of attend¬ ants has been noticed during the past year, and the hope is con¬ fidently indulged, that, by the blessing of God, the Church will continue to flourish. No reports were received from the Churches of Macon and St. Simons Island. On motion, Resolved, That the communication from the Secre¬ taries of the General Convention, i-especting the proposed altern¬ ations in the Liturgy of the Church, be laid over for future consideration. The Convention then proceeded to the election of a Standing Committee ; when the following were chosen unanimously : The Kev. Hugh Smith, Dr. J. B. Read, The Rev. Lot Jones, Edward F. Campbei.l, Esq. The Rev. E. Neufville, Dr. Thomas J. Wiiay The Convention then proceeded to elect Delegates to attend the General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States; the following were chosen : The Rev. S. Strong, Hon. G. Jonfs, The Rev. H. Smith, E. F. Campbell, The Rev. L. Jones, R. Tubman, The Rev. E. Neufville, J. B. Read. On motion, the Convention then adjourned until 12 o'clock, to allow a meeting of the Society for the General Advancement of Christianity in Georgia. 1 o'clock, P. M., April 15th, 1828. The Convention again assembled agreeably to adjournment. The report of the Standing Committee was read and accepted. " At a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Diocese of Georgia, held at 12 o'clock, on Tuesday the 15th of April, 1828, present— The Rev. Hugh Smith, The Rev. Edward Neufville, Dr. Thomas J. Wray, Edward F. Campbell, Esq. The Rev. Hugh Smith, as the former President of the Com¬ mittee, took the chair, and E. F. Campbell, Esq., acted as Secre¬ tary. 13 The Committee then proceeded to the election of their officers, when, on counting the ballots, it appeared that the officers of the last year were re-elected, viz : The Rev. Hugh Smith, President. Dr. J. B. Read, Treasurer. E. F. Campbell, Esq., Secretary. The Rev. E. Neufville's letter dimissory from the Right Rev. Bishop Bowen, on his removal from the Diocese of South Caro¬ lina into that of Georgia to take charge of Christ Church, Sa¬ vannah, which had been previously presented to the President of the Committee and by him approved, was now laid before the Board, and by them received as canonical and satisfactory. On motion, Resolved, That the Committee present the following report to the Convention, at their present session, viz: ' Since the last meeting of the Convention, the Standing Com¬ mittee have had few official duties to perform worthy of note. There are, as yet, no candidates for holy orders in this Diocese— a fact which the committee mention with pain and regret, for they are aware that, in consequence of the wants of other and more central parts of our country yet unsupplied, and of the general un¬ willingness of those born and educated at the North to reside at the South, this section of our Church must either be miserably neglected, or else must derive its ministerial supply from among its own sons. Earnestly would this Committee pray, that God would put it into the heart of some " of the sons of the soil," to conse¬ crate their talents and their labours to the Lord Jesus Christ, and to " the Church which he purchased with his blood." In the month of June last, the President of this Committee received an official communication from the Rev. James Aber- crombie, D. D., President of the Standing Committee of the Diocese of Pennsylvania, stating the fact, that the Rev. Henry U. Onderdonk had been elected Assistant Bishop of the Diocese of Pennsylvania, and transmitting the requisite testimonials, with a request that they might be laid before the Standing Committee of this Diocese. A meeting of this Committee .was therefore held, in St. Paul's Church, in this city, in the same month of June; when, the testimonials of the Bishop elect of Pennsylvania hav¬ ing been examined, his election was unanimously sanctioned by this Board, and the testimonial required by the canons forwarded. A communication was recently received from the Rev. Lot Jones, requesting from the Standing Comittee of this Diocese, a 14 certificate of character and of meetness for a missionary appoint¬ ment, with a view to being employed by the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America; whereupon, a majority of the mem¬ bers being convened, the requisite certificate was unanimously granted. All which is respectfully submitted.' There being no other business before the Committee, it then resolved itself into a Board of Trustees of the Society for the Advancement of Christianity in Georgia. The President of the Board then reported, that in compliance with the request of the last Convention, he has, during the past year, made various applications for missionary aid, but without success. Whereupon it was, on motion, Resolred, That the Pres¬ ident be, and hereby is, requested to continue his exertions to procure a missionary for this diocese, with a salary not exceeding $500 per annum. A Report was then read from the Treasurer of this Society, stating that he had a balance of one hundred and ninety-seven and a half dollars in the treasury. In consequence of our inabil¬ ity to procure a missionary, the appropriation made by the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society in favour of this Dio¬ cese, remains yet uncalled for. On motion, Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $25, be appro¬ priated to the purchase of Tracts for the ensuing year; also, On motion of Dr. Thomas J. Wray, duly seconded, Resolved, That the sum of $15 be, and hereby is, appropriated for the pur¬ chase of Prayer Books. The following i-esolution, offered by the Rev. E. Neufville, and duly seconded, was then adopted : Resolved, That this Board most highly approve of the establish¬ ment of the Protestant Episcopal Sunday School Union, and that a depository for the sale of books published by that Union, be established in Augusta. Resolved, further, That Mr. John Barry be, and hereby is, respectfully requested by this Board, t© assume the agency for the above object. The minutes of the meeting having been read and approved, Resolved, That they be presented to the Convention as the annual report of this Board. 15 On motion made and seconded, the Board then adjourned. HUGH SMITH, President of Standing Committee, Diocese of Georgia, and ex officio President of the Society for the Advanc ment of Christianity in Georgia. E. F. Campbell, Secretary of Standing Committee, and Ex officio Secretary of the Society for the Advancement of Christianity in Georgia, On motion, Resolved, That the report of the Society for th Advancement of Christianity in Georgia, be accepted. On motion, Resolved, That the report of the Treasurer of th Convention be also accepted. On motion, Resolved, That the next meeting of this Conventioi be held in Savannah, at Chi-ist Church, on the first Monday afte Easter Monday. On motion, Resolved, That the Rev. Mr. Smith be requested ti preach the next Convention Sermon, on the Sabbath preceding th opening of the Convention. The minutes were then read and approved, after which th» Convention adjourned, to meet on the first Monday after Easte Monday, in the year 1829. (Signed) EDWARD NEUFVILLE, President. John F. Lloyd, Secretary.