JJ©TOlTAICi OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE NINTH ANNUAL CONVENTION OF THE PROTESTANT EP^SCOPAiE, IN THE DIOCESE OF GEORGIA, TOGETHER WITH wmm Preached at the opening of the sam8, in Christ's Church, St. Simon's Island, on Sunday Morning, April 17th, 1831. BY THE REV. HUGH SMITH, RECTOR OF ST. rAUl/s CHURCH, AUGUSTA. PPBL1SHED AT THE REQUEST OF THE CONVENTION. AUGUSTA: PRINTED AT THE OFFICE OF THE GEORGIA COURIER. 1831. CHRIST CHURCH, ST. SIMON'S ISLAND,) Monday, April 18th, 1831. 5 This being the day appointed for holding the Ninth Annual Convention of the Protestant Episcopal] Church for the Diocese of Georgia, and this Church being assigned as th e place of meeting, several of the Clergy and several Lay Delegate accordingly at tended, at 11 O'clock, A. M. Divine service was conducted by l5ie Rev. T. B, Bartow, minister of Christ's Church, St. Simon's, and a discourse delivered by the Rev. Edward Neuf- ville, of Christ's Church, Savannah: The Convention Sermon having been preached yesterday, according to appointment, by the Rev. Hugh Smith, of St. Paul's Church, Augusta. The Rev. Hugh Smith was called to the Chair, pro tern, and Win. T. Williams, Esq. acted as Sec¬ retary pro tem. The Certificates of Lay Delegation were then pre¬ sented, read, and examined ; when it appeared that. Dr. James Bond Read, Wm. T. Williams, and Jo- seph S. Pclot, Esq'rs, from Christ Church, Savan¬ nah, and Win. W. Hazzard, Esq. Thomas B. King, Esq. and Dr. Thos. F. Hazzard, from Christ Church, St. Simon's, were duly appointed Delegates to the present Convention. All these gentlemen, with the exception of Dr. Read, appeared, and took their seats. The Lay delegation appointed to represent St. Paul's Church, Augusta, having failed to attend, their certificate was not presented. 4 No delegate appeared from Christ Church, Macon. On MMon, a Ballot for President, Secretary, and Treasurer, of the Convention took place, when the Rev. Edward Neufville was chosen President, Jo¬ seph S- Pelot, Esq. Secretary, and Dr. James Bond Kead, Treasurer. On Motion, Resolved, That the same Rules of Order, observed at the previous Conventions, shall be observed as the Rides of Order on the present oc¬ casion. The following Parochial Reports were then pre¬ sented, read and ordered on file : CHRIST CHURCH, S AV ANN AH. REV. EDWARD NEUFVILLE, RECTOR. The Rector is happy in being able to state that this Church continues to increase and flourish. Its financial concerns are in a much better condition than they have been for many years past. A liberal bequest, made by the late Miss Wilkins, has enabled the Wardens and Vestry to liquidate the remaining deb^ and to improve the appearance of the building as well as add to the number of pews, by altering the arrangement of the Pulpit and Heading-Desk. Much praise is also due to the few Ladies com¬ posing the Beneficent Society, for their active and persevering industry, in raising an amount sufficient for the purchase of a new and very handsome Organ, which they have recently presented to the Church: thus adding materially to the beauty and solemnity of our worship, in that essential part of it—sacred music. There have been since the last report— 2I} "•?*■». 28 ofJtf Marriages, 8 Removed, a Funerals, 18 Died, 1 Confirmed, 33 Withdrawn, 1 The Sunday School continues about the same. 5 ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, AUGUSTA* REV. HUGH SMITH, RECTOR. Marriages, - - 10 Adult, 1 ) D , . _ children, 4 iBab"sn,s' " 5 Funerals, - 5 Persons confirmed - - 15 Communicacl^X^ 10 Present Number, - 80 The Rector is not a little encouraged in his labors, by the augmented numbers, and the spiritual im¬ provement of the people of his charge. He has no¬ ticed, with much satisfaction, an increased attention to the great concerns of Religion, and a new degree of that zeal, w hich is the very life of the spiritual bo¬ dy. An adult Bible Clas.*, re-organized during the winter, has been, and still continues to be, productive of very happy results. The Sunday School attached to the bongregation, has been resumed ufrder a pledge from the Teachers, that, with the blessirtg of God, it should be efficient¬ ly conducted : a pledge, thus far, nobly redeemed. Under the superintendance of John F. Lloyd, Esq. assisted by Mrs. Edward F. Campbell, in the Female Department, it bids fair for great and increasing use¬ fulness. There are now on its roll, a President, Superintendant, and Assistant Superintendant, ten female and eight male Teachers, and seventy-three scholars. The average number of Attendants is from sixty to sixty-five. The teachers are punctual in their attendance, and devoted to their duties : the scholars assiduous in their studies, and orderly in their deportment. The Room, now occupied, being too small for the comfortable accommodation of tkc School, it is contemplated, immediately to erect a building for the purpose, of Brick, 50 feet by 30—a subscription for which, has already been commenced. On the whole, the Rector is cheered in spirit, and encouraged to hope for the continued blessing; of Him, who hath " helped hitherto," and to whom alone it belongs to " give the increase." 6 CHRIST CHURCH, ST. SOION'S ISkAffB. T. B. BARTOW, MINISTER. Neither Baptism, Funeral, nor Marriage, 1ms oc¬ curred during the brief charge of the present Minister. Number of Communicants, . • 8. A Bible Class lias been recently established for the younger part of the congregation. It is a sub¬ ject of regret, that the Sunday School is necessarily small, in consequence of the distant residence of the Parishioners. A Sunday evening Lecture is like* >vise preached to the Blacks. The Parish now presents the desirable anomaly of an undivided attachment to the Church, through all its families, and Hope has nothing left but to await the day, when her doctrines shall be as gene¬ rally felt in power as in word, and the primitive spir¬ it of the Church be loved as well, as the venerable beauty of her Liturgy. From Christ Church, Macon, no formal report was received; it was, however, stated to the meeting, that a lot had been purchased, and funds collected ibr the erection of a Church, and that the congrega¬ tion were anxious to obtain a minister, to whom they were able and willing to give a comfortable support. A correspondence having been opened for the pur¬ pose, it was confidently hoped that they would not jong remain destitute. The Rev. Mr. Smith, as President of the standing Committee, made the following Report:— The Standing Committee of the Diocese of Geor¬ gia, beg leave to report to the Convention, That since the meeting of the last Convention, the Rev. Theodore B. Bartow, then a candidate for or¬ ders in this Diocese, has been admitted to Deacon's 7 orders, by the Right Rev. Bishop Bower., of South Carolina, and is now officiating with much accep tance, and a fair prospect of usefulness, in Christ Church parish, St. Simon's Island, vacant by the re¬ moval of the Rev. T. S. W. Mott, to the Diocese of South Carolina. They regret to state, that there is no other candidate for orders now in the Diocese.* During the past year, official communications have been received from the Dioceses of Maryland and New York, accompanied by the proper testiino nials, announcing the election of the Rev. Wm. M. Stone to the Episcopate of the former, and of the R ev. Benj. T. Onderdonk, D. D. to that of the lat¬ ter. The concurrence of the Standing Committee in their desired consecration, was given and for- warded. (Signed,) HUGH SMITH, Pres t. Ewd. F. Campbell, Sec'y. The following preamble and Resolution was of¬ fered by the Rev. Mr. Smith, and unanimously adop¬ ted Whereas, " it has pleased Almighty God, in his wise (but to us, inscrutable) Providence," to remove from a wide sphere of devoted labor, and of eminent usefulness, the Right Rev. Jno. Henry Hobart, D. D. late Bishop of the P. E. Church, in the Diocese *—It is the conviction of the Standing Com¬ mittee that an efficient and permanent supply for the wa.nts of the Church in this State, can only be expected from the dedication to the work of the ministry, of some of its own Youth. To youns, men of piety and talent, who might be disposed to prepare themselves for that work, every necessary encouragement and assistance in the prosecution of their studies, would be afforded by application to the President of the Committee, Rev. Hugh Smith, Au¬ gusta, or the Rev. Edward Neufville, vSavannah, 8 01 New \ork, very shortly after the lamented remo- vai by death of the Slight Rev. John Stark Ravens- croft, late the energetic and able Diocesan of North Carolina: and, whereas, the death of these distin¬ guished Prelates is a severe loss and a deep affliction to the whole Church, throughout the U. States Therefore, be it Resolved, That this Convention, under the influence of deep feeling, would record its high sense of the rare ability, and invaluable services of these departed servants of Christ—its lively sym¬ pathy with the Churches, over which they so ably presided,—and its cherished hope and fervent pray¬ er, that the wisdom and unanimity displayed by one of these bereaved Dioceses, in its choiee of a succes¬ sor, may attend upon the counsels of the other also, in the difficult and delicate task of filling its still vacant Episcopate. On Motion, Resolved that the thanks of the Con¬ vention be presented to the Rev. Hugh Smith, for his impressive and highly interesting Sermon deliver¬ ed yesterday, & that he be requested to furnish a copy for publication, to be affixed to the Journal of the Proceedings of this Convention. On Motion, The Rev. T. R. Bartow, and W. W. Hazzard, were appointed a Committee to communi¬ cate to the Rev. Mr. Smith, the purport of the above Resolution, who reported that Mr. Smith had acqui¬ esced in the wishes of the .Convention. The following Report from Dr. James B. Read, Treasurer, was read and accepted, viz : The Treasurer begs leave to state, that circumstan¬ ces have prevented his preparing a Report of the state of the Funds of the Diocese, to be laid before the Convention. He refers to his last report, which stated a balance in his hands of Twenty-one Dollars: since which, he has received from St. Paul's Church Fifteen Dollars, and from Christ Church, Savannah, Fifteen Dollars, making in the whole, Fifty-one 9 Dollars : and having expended for pointing the lftst Journal, Twenty Dollars, there yet remains in the Treasurer's hanas, Thirtv-one Dollars, subject to the calls of the Diocese. As Treasurer of the Society for the promotion of Christianity in Georgia, lie states, that not having received or paid away any money for the Society, he begs the former report may be accepted, and that the balance then stated, of One Hundred and Fifty Dollars, may be taken as the sum in hand. On Motion, Resolved, That this Convention, feeling a deep interest in the honor of the Church, and in the safety of its members, do recommend to the respective communicants of the Churches i» the Dio¬ cese, to observe that sobriety arid serioushfess.of de¬ portment, which should ever distinguish ttob follow¬ ers of Christ, from " the lovers of pleasure, riiore. tliari the lovers of God." Arid they would respectfully call the attention of the riieiribers of the Church in this Dio¬ cese, to the following expression of opinion, entered upon the Journal of the House of Bishops, iri the General Corivention, A. D. 1817, arid subsequently read in the House of Clerical arid Lay Deputies, at the same Convention, viz : " The House of Bishops, solicitous for the preser¬ vation of the purity of the Church, and the piety of its members, are induced to impress upon the Clergy the important duty, with a discreet but earnest zeal, of warning the people of their respective cures, of the danger of an indulgence in those worldly pleasures, which may tend to withdraw the affec¬ tions from spiritual things. And especially on the subject of Gaming—of amusements involving cruel¬ ty to the Brute creation, and of Theatrical represen¬ tations, to which some peculiar circumstances have called their attention—they do not hesitate to ex¬ press their unanimous opinion, that these amuse ments, as well from their licentious tendency, as from B 10 the strong temptations to vice which they afford, ought not to be frequented." The Convention then proceeded to the election of a Standing Committee, for the ensuing year, when the Uev. Hugh Smith, Rev. Edward Neufville, Rev. T B. Bartow, Dr. James B. Read, Dr. T. I. Wray, and Edward F. Campbell, Esq., were chosen. The following Gentlemen were elected Delegates to the General Convention, Rev. Hugh Smith, Rev. Edward Neufville, of the Clergy; Dr. George B. Jones, Dr. James B. Kead, E. F. Campbell, and Thomas B. Ring, Esq'rs. of the Laity. On Motion, Resolved, That two hundred Copies of the Journal of the proceedings of this Convention together with the Sermon of the Rev. Mr. Smith be printed, and that the Rev. Mr. Smith, and Mr. G. McLaughlin be, and they are hereby appointed t6 carry this resolution into effect. On Motion, Resolved, That the Lay Delegates to the General Convention be requested to pay the special assessment for each Clergyman in this Dio- ces> as noticed in the Journal of the last General Convention, page 73. On Motion, Resolved, That the next annual Convention be held in Christ Church, Macon, on the Second Monday aftt r Easter Monday, in the year 1832, and that the Rev. T. B. Bartow, be and he is hereby appointed to Preach the Annual Conven¬ tion Sermon, at the time and place above stated. On Motion, after prayer by the President, the Conventi n adjourned. (Sioned) EWD. NEUFVILLE, Pres't Jos. S. Pelot, Sec'y. 11 The G\or^ and Good Report of the Church. A SffilBHKDEfo BY THE REV. HUGH SMITH. From 87th Psalm, 3d Sf 5th Verses. " Glorious things are spokeu of ihee, 0 City of God ! Selah." " And of Zion it shall be said, This and that mau was bora in her ; and the Highest himself shall establish her." This is bold and striking language. Ascribing life and intelligence to the earthly Zion, the Psalm¬ ist, in a beautiful apostrophe, reminds her of her fair fame among the people. It is evident that when he penned it, his eye and his mind were intent, not on her external grandeur, or her civic polity, but on her re¬ ligious constitution and character. He thought of the Sanctuary and its privileges. The "City of God" was in his mind, associated; nay, identified, with the Church of God, and to this Church did his glowing eulogium apply. It would be foreign from our present obje ct, to show at large, what " glorious things were spoken" of this first spiritual " City of God,"—how that God was unto her as "a wall of fire round about from her enemies," & " known in her Palaces as a sure refuge—" how imposing were the solemnities of her worship —how the light of inspiration gladdened her own ta¬ bernacles, and beamed forth thence upon the sur¬ rounding darkness—how her gifted seers, rapt in vision, looked upon and declared the luture—how her " holy men spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost,"—how her varied and striking types, concur¬ red with the voice of her Prophets, in speaking of the Messiah "to them that looked for Redemption in Israel " Truly "glorious things were spoken of her," and in referencetothe past, are yet spoken—for " To her pertained the adoption, and the glory, and the Covenants, and the giving of the law, and the ser- iu vices of God> and the promises—hers also weie.the Fathers; a?*d of her, Christ came, who is over all, God blessed forever." l^ut " her glory hath depar¬ ted." She was and is not. Turn now to the Chris¬ tian Church, the heir of her privileges and her glory. To her may justly be applied the spirited language of the Text—" Established by the Highest himself," " in the fulness of time," as the last and best deposi¬ tory of divine truth upon the earth, enriched with all spiritual grace, having E vangelists, Apostles, and 'Martyrs, among her spiritual children—truly " glo¬ rious things are spoken her," as "the city of God,"— And, Brethren, taking heed unto " the sure word of Prophecy," we cannot but feel that her past or her present glcfry, is as nothing, when compared with that which shall gild her latter, her Millennial Day upon earth, or with that which shall attend upon her ne w state,when stie shall be translated to the Heavens. As an important member of this great body of the faithful, the Church from which we are descended, has her good report among men. The eldest daugh¬ ter of the Reformation, born and nurtured amidst the strife of conflicting opinion, in the days of "resistance unto blood," she acquired a spiritual vigor, and a pe¬ culiar impress of character, which admirably fitted her for the warfare against sin and corruption: and in her, happily re-appeared those features of the primitive Zion, " the mother of us all," which had been lost during many intervening generations. Her name and her deeds have found a place, in the proud¬ est annals of human history; and the world which she has cheered with the light of doctrinal truth, with the splendor of holy example, and to the intellectual, moral, and spiritual amelioration of which, she has so largely contributed, will not be unmindful of her claims. Had we nothing else to attest (he value of her labors, the stable and well ordered polity, and the IS sublinie and scriptural Liturgy, which she has trans¬ mitted to us, would cause her to be " had in everlast¬ ing remembrance." From this Church, thus happy in her constitution, and important in her influences, we, Brethren, have derived our spiritual existence: And it is our hap¬ piness to think, that while we have relained all that was peculiarly admirable, or spiritually essential in her institutions, we have in this our favored land been enabled to throw off some of her manifest dis¬ advantages, and especially, that one pectiliaritv, so unfavorable to her spiritual character, and so much regretted by some of her ablest Prelates, the connex¬ ion between Church and State; a connexion so entire¬ ly repugnant to the genius and spirit of our civil Insti¬ tutions, as to occasion manifest alarm, and excite to watchful jealousy, even when contemplated as a bare and very remote possibility—a connexion which, from its trammelling and debasing influence upon the Church itself, would be deprecated by all who de¬ sire her prosperity. Saved, the, from this snare, and yet enjoying all the positive excellencies of that Church, surely, Brethren, to our Zion ought to be applicable the glowing language of the Psalmist in our Text. But I would cease from her eulogy, however mer¬ ited. The occasion rather demands appropriate counsel. Bear with me, then. Brethren, while I at¬ tempt to show, under what circumstances, "glorious things shall be spoken of the City (or Church) of God." I. When, according to the external structure, it is "built upon the foundation of Apostles and Pro¬ phets, Jesus Christ himself, being the Chief Corner Stone." If it be not thus constructed, it is evidently a hu¬ man, not a divine Institution. Many and very excel lent things may be spoken of it, in reference to the wisdom, the prudence, the piety, the zeal of its earth 14 !y founders, governors or members; the nature of its regulations—the spirit of piety, which is kept alive in jts bosom. Its influence may, in the main,be salutary; tending to strengthen the bonds of s >eial order and to promote the extensive diffusion of a religious spir¬ it. It may be recorded of it, that " this man, and that were born there ;M and since, through its means, " Christ is preached," we " therein may rejoice and do rejoice." But, our admiration of its acknowledged excellence, in some particulars, will be mingled with regret, that, although its system may, perhaps, be based on doctrinal truth, it is not based upon the au¬ thority of those whom God hath placed at the foun¬ dation of the Christian Church. It devolves not on us to decide upon the consequences of its unwar¬ ranted foundation, or irregular construction. Be that left to the serious consideration of those whom it most concerns; and to the liberal allowances of Him "who seeth the heart," and is ever merciful to unintended error. But, as to ourselves, it is a source of lively and grateful satisfaction, that while, in all,wherein it was left to the mind of man to choose, and to the hand of man to act, there has been no want of discreet and efficient action, we have still made no unauthorized innovations upon the plan of its Di¬ vine Founder—that our Zion is indeed a part of " the city of God, the city of the great Ring," whose founda¬ tion is "the Rock of Ages," "whose Builder & Maker is God," whose "walls are salvation, and whose gates are praise." Consistently with the views which we entertain in regard to the Constitution of the Church, and the source of ministerial authority, we lay mark? ed stress on the fact, that we have retained, not only the Apostles' 'doctrine? but also their ' fellowship? and the maintenance of this 'fellowship? by regularly derived succession, we hold to b. essential to the in¬ tegrity and full glory of the Church. The declara¬ tion of this our honest and assured belief cannot sure- 15 iy be regarded as an infringement upon the christian liberty of others ; nor as an indication of sectarian bi¬ gotry. The proscription of this our opinion in itself is bigotry ; and they who assert that we are viola¬ ting christian charity by merely declaring what we deem essential to primitive order, and an Apostolic Ministry, by that very charge trench upon our right of private and social judgment. II. In order that "glorious things may be spoken of the Church" she must maintain Integrity of Doc¬ trine. Faith and practice, nay faith and salvation, are too nearly connected, to have it a matter of minor im¬ portance what is believed and taught by the Church, By every defection from evangelic truth, however slight, she is partially shorn of her glory. Every er¬ ror, is unto her as a " spot, or a blemish," and happy is that Church which has fewest of them ; and altho" thro' the infirmity of human judgment, they may not be wholly prevented, yet like spots upon the sun, 1 hey should be rarely seen, and almost lost in resplen¬ dent brightness. A general and very close confor¬ mity to the scriptural standard, should be her stead¬ fast aim, and will prove her distinguished glory.— In this age of bold and reckless departure from the fundamental Doctrines of the Gospel, on the one hand, & of culpable and dangerous indifference to its minor peculiarities on the other, indulged and cher¬ ished under the specious but misapplied name of Liberality, the only safe motto for us as individuals,, or for the Church as a Body, is the uncompromising sentiment, The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Depart from this, and you have no longer a sure and an unvarying principle. The degree oi admissible concession becomes an unsettled and de- bateable p« ant, to be left to the discretion or indiscre¬ tion of different judgments; and it is easy to imagine how often, from the pliant and facile disposition of 16 some, from a thirst for the praise of ftberality in^ th^rs, frcmi ignorance of the consequences involved; or from the surrender of a better judgment to thfe force of persuasion, this cbticession Will exceed the limits of pnid< nee and safety, and amount t6 the surrender of that which is vitally impbttant.--^ I car; well conceive, that the christian would feel a deeper solicitude, and make a more determined sta id, for the maintenance of those doctrines which air ju-tSy termed the peculiar doctrines of the Gos¬ pel. and without which that Gospel is nothing worth ; biiii surely there is inconsistency evinced, when a Ifae- 'y zeal for these is found in connexion with lax vieu's, or utter indifference on subordinate points of Christian sentiment and practice. The principle of steady drvot dness to all known truth is then given up; and this being relinquished, it is natural that spiritual indifferent e should widen its sphere ; that pretended liberality should ask and receive, new sa¬ crifices for the altar it has set up; and that not con¬ tent with " the mint and anise and cummin," of hu¬ man and ritual observances, it should demand also, the weightier matters of the Christian Law." So vital is the importance of doctrinal purity, and so insi ious the nature of errof, that I cannot look ■with unconcern upon any novelties in speculation or expression, on the great subjects of Faith and Practice, however trifling or harmless they may seem. They are easily misconstrued, and as easily perverted. Some of the worst systems, that have ever appeared in the world, had a similar origin.— Many of the early heresies that infested the Church, some of which are yet exerting a baneful influence, may be traced to a careless or unusual phraseology, or to strange modes of illustration, which were in¬ tended to attest striking originality ofthditght, and to, secure the prasie of disting* ished genius. This spirit of bold speculation—this seeking after novelty, 17 is too.often the entering wedge of error: and who can. wonder if it should be driven deeper and deeper* until the^sacred tree of Truth i& riven asunder. k* Let the standards and symbols of our religious bev lief be sacredly guarded* Let us be routed-to a ho^ . ly and watchful jealousy, when pretenders to im¬ provement profess to teach old truths in a new way ; when they would remove all mystery from confessed¬ ly mysterious subjects ; introduce philosophical nice¬ ties* .which are learnt in the School of-Men, into subr jects which belong exclusively to the School of Christ; and substitute new terms, for those technical and established expressions, to which long usage has affixed both a definite meaning, and a peculiar sa- credness, All this either meditates heresy, or it will end in it. And from that Church which hath fallen from the faith, lp! "the glory hath departed." But lII-r-Theji and then only will "glorious things? be spoken of" the Church of God, when her doctrines? and ministrations prove themselves the means of con¬ version to sinful men. Of her " it must be saidy that this man and that! was born in her:" spiritually born-—"born anew," notk only "of water," but also of " the Holy Ghost." Then "the Highest; himself shall establish her." :•« Of the Church to which w« are attached,; Breith«- rcn, this may confidently be asserted, Her doctvihg founded on the fall and depravity of man, the atone- mentof the Son of God, and the sanctifying agency of the Holy Spirit, is pre-eminently a doctrine ufota conversion; admirably calculated "to convince of^iiir' to lead to " righteousness " and thus prepare mcrrfrn" " a judgment to come." Most insidiously and unwar* rantabTy has.it been declared, that she neither recog¬ nizes the necessity for a< change of heart, nor its f»e< ality; and that the. only spiritual or new birth of which she takes note, is the regeneration of Baptism. It will require but a moment's examination to correct the' C 18 misconception, or refute the slander. She does indeed represent us as being *%jrn again," in baptism; born out ofthr world, into the Church—>ut of an exter¬ nally uneovenant into a covenant state. And as the sealing of every covenant transaction on tho part of God, and the giving of the associated " inward and spiritual grace" to every appointed "visible sign" or ordinance, belong, of right, to the Holy Spirit, as his peculiar work, she pronounces those baptized, " re¬ generated by the Holy Ghost." But so far from re¬ garding this as precluding the necessity for any sub¬ sequent change, she puts up the prayer, that these baptized and regenerated ones may afterwards " crucify the old man, and utterly abolish the whole body of sin." In her admirable catechism, she teach¬ es that there is signified, as the inward grace, cor¬ responding to the outward sign, " a death unto sin, fy a new birth unto righteousness," but however strong¬ ly adumbrated in the rite, could this be realized in in- fancy1! could "the death unto sin" " precede the com¬ mission and the consciousness of actual sin 1 could the ''new birth unto righteousness1' precede the peri¬ od of moral accountability] Mark these striking supplications: "Grant that the old Adam in this child may be so buried, that the new man may be rais¬ ed tip in him,—rGrant that all sinful affections may die in Mm, and that all things belonging to the Spirit, may live and grow in him.—Grant that he may have power and strength to have victory, and to triumph against the i)evil, the world, and the flesh.—Grant that whosoever is here dedicated to thee, by our of¬ fice and ministry, may also be endued with heavenly virtues, and everlastingly rewarded," &*c. Wcaslc, then, span these supplications at all apply to the in- fa d rav picnt of Baptism in his then state1! How can sinful affections die, before they have been de¬ veloped \ before any affections are yet entertained 1 Ho# can the chi'd achieve a moral and spiritual 19 victory, a victory which the matured saint, hardly, and but partially obtains? What Infant was ever yet endued with heavenly virtues ?" The answer to these questions is obvious—the inference is irresistible, that the reference of these prayers is prospective, & there¬ fore that the great moral and spiritual change which they point out is also prospective. Using the term Regeneration, in its scriptural acceptation, the Church applies it to a change of state, which does take place in Baptism. But the change of princi* I >le, or of heart, and the gradual renovation of the af¬ fections, she teaches us to pray for, in various and most expressive supplications, as a thing to be sub¬ sequently realized.* It would se«m to me impossible, Brethren, to ex¬ amine with cEtndour, her well ordered ritual, to listen to the evangelic earnestness of her supplica¬ tions for the illuminating and sanctifying influence of * Wholesome indeed, and scriptural, is the idoa that & race al¬ ways accompanies Christian ordinances, propeily received. In tb. ise baptized in infancy, the grace received, may either be stifled and lost, through subsequent sin, or if retained and cherished, its developement at an after period, may constitute genuine conversion, and be further displayed in progressive sanctification. But in the case of aduit recipients of B.iptism, the change of heatt precedes or ought to precede the ac'. The very »iih to receive the ordinance being the result of that change—of a newly awak'dned desire to "fulfil all righteousness"—(he public profession of faith certainly pre¬ supposing the existence and the exercise of faith, and the external sa¬ cramental dedication to God, being only the meet expression of tho inward desire and resolve, to lead a godly and a christian life. In this case, the reception of Baptism is the fffeit of antecedent change in spiiit and feeling-—not the cause of such change ; and conversion having gone before, the accompanying grace of Baptism will be dis¬ played in the daily " renewing of the Holy Ghost," the maturing of Christian character. The Church, then, conceiving all to be " regenerated in Bap¬ tism," because by it brought into a now state, evidently does not confound this tegeneration with spiritual conversion. That con- vtrsion, as in the case of adults, nray precede Baptism—or, in the :ase of those baptised in infancy, may follow it " after many days," jr may no! be experienced at all. 20 the Spirit, and still suppose her indifferent to that radical change, to which this influence naturally leads. Facts, however, speak for themselves and for her. Her doctrine has proved itself, signally, a doctrine unto conversion. Countless thousands, through the instrumentality of her services, have been "bro't out of darkness into the marvellous light of the Gospel;" out of "the bondage of corruption," "into the glori¬ ous liberty of the- Sods of God." The new heart has been proved by the new life. And surely it is Unrea¬ sonable to suppose that her members woiild so often realize in fact, a change, which she denied evert in theory, and Which shie taught theitt to regard as vis¬ ionary. On this point, her witness is abroad in the earth, ahd yet, in accordance with the unobtrusive- ness, and the characteristic mddesty of genuine piety,> it scarcely goes beyond th<1 simple, silent, but con¬ vincing evidence of facts. She "sounds no trumpet before her." She doeth not her charities to the soul, " to be seen of men." With her, " boasting is exclud¬ ed." The work of God goeth on silently, but surely in her borders, and "the humble hear thereof and are glad;" but she has no proclamation, at "the cor¬ ners of the streets." Members are added to her com¬ munion ; but she telleth not their names, in "the chief place of concourse." Some "weep in secret," by reason of their sinsother rejoice in the hope of pardoning mercy; but the deep exerci od are upon you, & say to your own souls, "What man - ner of persons ought we to be, in all holy conversa¬ tion and godliness." Brethren of the Congregation, who have not made a profession ! It cannot be that you are wholly indif¬ ferent to the purposed objects of our assembling, or ta the solemn and touching services, immediately before us. Why is it then, that you "have no right nor memorial in Jerusalem T' Be ihtreated to re¬ member, that it is private and personal religion, and that alone, which can prove unto you, "the savour of life unto life." The Kingdom of God may be es¬ tablished around you and you may advance its inter¬ ests and rejoice in its prosperity—but what will it pro¬ fit you, though thousands " come from the East, and the West, and the North, and the South, and sit down in it, if you are yourselves cast out?" And know, that it is only the kingdom of God ivithin yoy, the triumph and the reign of grace in your own hearts, that can prepare you for the kingdom of glo¬ ry above—'-'What shall it profit you though you gain 30 liie whole world" of external privilege for yourselves & for others, if you still "lose yum f ew and lively hope. See to it—oh, see to it now, that when " God shall write up the people," your " names may be found written in the Lamb's Book of Life." Amen.