JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE SEVENTEENTH AKXCAl, EONVENTION, OF THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH, IN THE DIOCESE OF GEORGIA, Held in St. Paul's Church, Augusta, On the 15th and 16th April, 1839 COLUMBUS: PRINTED AT THE GEORGIA ARGCS OrFICX 1 8 39- LIST OF CLERGY. Rev. Edward Neufville, Rector of Christ Church, Savannah^ Rev. Edward E. Ford, Rector of St. Paul's Church, Augusta. Rev. Theodore B. Bartow,. Rector of Christ Church, St. Simons Island. Rev. Seneca G. Bragg, Rector of Christ Church, Macon. Rev. YVilliam I). Cairns, Rector ot Trinity Church, Columbus. Rev. John J. Hunt, Teacher of a Seminary in Washington. Rev. George White, Teacher of a Seminary and Chaplain for Seaman, in Savannah. JA&t ©tf 9. ay ©elegates ctcctert t© tills Convention. Dr. T/ieodosias Bartow, i J Jon. John M. Berrien, > Christ Church, Savannah. George Jones, ) Edward F. Campbell, Gerard McLaughlin, justa. Thomas Harrold, Col. John IV. Campbell, ) Launcelot G.imbrill, > Trinity Church, Columbus. James IV. Woodland, ) Maj. Thoma M. Jfilson, Dr Ambrose Baber, John Phillips, Richard Habersham, Jr. ) George R. Jess q), ) Grace Church,Clarksvillc. VISITING CLERGYMEN. Rev. G. A. Adams, of Kentucky. Rev. Alfred E. Ford, of New-Jersey. JOURNAL. St. Paul's Church, Augusta, Monday, April 15, 1839. This being the day and place for the 17th Annual Conven¬ tion, of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Geor¬ gia. Morning Prayer was read by the Rev. Edward Neufville* and a Sermon pleached by the Rev. William D. Cairns. The Convention Sermon having been preached yesterday by the Rev. George White, and the Missionary Sermon by Rev. Ezra B. Kellogg. The following Clergyman entitled to seats in this Conven¬ tion were found to be present. Rev. Edward Neafville, President of the Convention. " Edward E. Ford, " Senec i G. Bragg, " William D. Cairns, " Ezra B. Kellogg, " George White. Upon an Examination of the certificates of Lay Delegation, the following gentlemen were found to be present. Hon. J. M. Berrien, ) From Christ Church Sa- George Jones, ) vannah. Edward F. Campbell, ) From St. Pauls Church Gcr.McLaughlm Augusta. Milj. Thomas M. Nelson, ) e Whereupon the Convention was declared to be duly organ¬ ised and proceeded to business. The Rev. William D. Cairns was unanimously re-elected Secretary of the Convention. On motion it was Resolved, That Clergymen of the Pro¬ testant Episcopal Church present and not entitled to seats in this Convention, be invited to attend its sittings. The Rev. John J. Hunt of this Diocese, the Rev. G. A. Adams of Kentucky, and the Rev. Alfred E. Ford of New Jersey, took their seats. 6 The Rev. Messrs Ford and Cairns and Mr. E. F. Camp, bell was appointed a Committee to examine the credentials ac¬ companying the application of Grace Church Clarksvilie, for admission into connexion with this Convention. The Commit¬ tee having reported favorably, said Church was accordingly admitted, and Mr. George K. Jessup, a Lay Delegate ap¬ peared and took his seat. X/ie/Za/cs 0/Order of the Convention of 1838 were unani¬ mously adopted for the government of this Convs ntion. The following Committees were then appointed by the Chair *- Rev. Edward E. Fordf j On unfinished Business. " Seneca G. Bragg, ) kev. Gerard JVcLavghlin, j 0n Finance. " George Jones, ) tore. Seutca B. Bragg, j 0 gtate of the Church " Edward E. Ford, ) The Parochial Reports, were then read and ordered to b» printed as follows: C1IK1ST CIIUKCH, SAVANNAH. Rev\ Edward Netifvillc, Rector. Baptisms, (adult 1, infants 19,) 20 Marriages,. 4 Burials, SO Communicants, 140 Sunday School—Superintendent, Librarian, and Teachers, IS Pupils, 103 Average attendance. 70 Amount contributed for General Foreign and Domestic Committees, $179 61 Female Missionary Society, same olject, SO 00 Diocesan, Missions, 455 00 Contributed by Sunday School Teachers and Pupils to same object, 53 00' $767 61 The work of rebuilding the Parish Church has so fir pro¬ gressed, as that, the; basement story (designed for a Sunday 7 School room) was completed and ready for use on Easter-day, •as a substitute for the building which had been temporarily fitted up and occupied as a place of worship during fourteen months previously. In this manifestation of the Divine favor towards us, we have reason to rejoice; and are encouraged to hope that the edifice will be entirely finished and ready for con. secration in the course of the present year. ST. PAUL'S GflURCII, AUGUSTA. Rev. Cdn ard E. Ford, Rector. Baptisms, white, 1 adult, 9 children, 10 colored, 3 children, 3 13 Marriages, 0 Burials, (4 not of the congregation,) 7 Communicants—7 added,2 removed, I withdrawn, total, 75, Sunday School.—This is conducted by the Rector as su- perintendant, aided by two male and five female teachers; the child ren in attendance being generally about forty, although many more names are recorded. There has accrued from the weekly " Church Offerings, with¬ in the last conventional your, the sum of $d05 50. The mo¬ nies thus raised are paid over by the Rector, at short intervals, to the Treasurer of the Missionary Committee, to be applied to Missions and the other benevolent operations of the Church with which that body is charged. The Rector, in compliance with the Resolution adopted by our last Convention in favor of the system of "Church Offerings," has, from time to time, in the course of the past year, used his best endeavors to explain, re. commend, and urge the Church Offerings upon the attention of his flock ; and he has had the satisfaction to observe a growing conviction in their minds of die value of that system, as afford¬ ing the best method for raising the pecuniary means which are required for sustaining the benevolent operations of the Church s This is by far the largest sum which has been raised in any one year for Missions, since his connexion with the Parish ; at the same time he feels persuaded that from the peculiar mode in which it has been done, by small weekly contributions, it has been at much less inconvenience to the contributors. Besides what has been thus raised through the Church Offer¬ ings, the following collections have been made in the course of the last year: For the General Theological Seminary, under their second appeal, $62 47 To aid the Congregation at Clarksville in building a House of Worship, 315 00 To aid the Congregation at Wetumpka, Alabama, in the same object, upon application through their Minister, the Rev. Mr. Hays, 57 80 Church Offerings as above, 265 50 $700 77 CUBIST C fI IT IS C H * M ACO S . Kev. Scsieca G. Bragg, Hector. Baptisms—adults 2, children (colored) 13, 15 Communicants—added 6, died 2, removed 5, left the Church I, present number, 40 Marriages, 10 Funerals—adults, (4 not of the Congregation,) 9 children, (4 not of the Congregation,) 6 15 The Sunday School has been deprived of the important ser¬ vices of its Superintendant, (on account of ill health,) through a large portion of the year. It remains under care of the Rec¬ tor, and five Teachers, and includes above thirty scholars, re¬ gularly attending the School. The number of volumes in the Library is 390 Church Offerings, including all collections in Church, and a donation of fifty dollars from a benevolent individual not of the congregation, $285 D • .The Pansh Association, formed last-year for the purpose of aiding all object? ot christian benevolence has not yet been car¬ ried into full effect: , One branch of it, however, has made a good beginning, apcl encourages the -hope, of permanent usefulness!. ■ About one hundred dollars has been gathered as the fruit of female indus- ,try, and persevcrancp. TEIAITY CJJIDltQM, C,OIJimUSJS,', Rev. ^YISHasEi I>., Rector. Baptisms, all'inlanis, 16 Communicants, added 8, 28 Marriages, '4* Bufials,- 2 infants, 4 Collections, , $1,45 36 Sunday School, 5 Tcacljers, 40 scholars. ? Very'little change has taken place" in' the condition, of'Ibis Parish since the last: report; like others, we have had our share of difficulties arising Out of the state of the limps. ' A. heavy debt contracted inAhe'-bpil'ding of pur Church lias depressed- US, and prevented that manifestation of interest in' the benevo¬ lent operations of'the Church which yye have all feit. ' We look forward, however, 'confidently to the time when "owing no man any thing but lpv6,'f we shall l^e enabled to,do our part in tpe great work of preaching the gospel to the poor, "and send¬ ing forth the knowledge of its truth cvbu Onto the. ends-of the earth. ' CHRIST CII U1ZC1J, ST. ISiAS®, Bev. TI»eo«lore 13. fiSai'ton, Koctor. ' Communicants 13. ' Of the inhabitants of the Island there has been neither' Baptism', Marriage nor Cunal duiing' the past ecclesiastical year; I preached at WptynsVilie in the' A u* 10 tumn, where I have a'so Baptised favr chi'dren and buried one. It has pleased Divine Providence to exempt the white inhabitants of this island from death during a period of near¬ ly four years. May his mercy, as it gives us the time, give us also the disposition to escape the more frequent anil more fear¬ ful spiritual death. The black congregation whom 1 preach to every Sunday evening, continue to manifest' much engernest and gratitude for religious instructions. Though most of them are Baptists, and prone to the grievous error that immersion cleanseth fiom all sin, they yet exhibit great interest in the liturgy, and join in such parts of it as they could learn, with earnestness and' devotion. REPORT OF THE REV. E. B. KELLOGG, Missionary at Clarjtsviiie. I Commenced services in this place, on the 28th of October 1838. The christian community here is principally composed of Methodists and Baptists. The former have a Church in the village of Clarksville, and the latter, about a mile distant from it; I was invited by'the Methodists to-preach in their houses when not occupied by themselves.' Their services did not oc_ cur, at the time of'my arrival here, oftener than once a month^ As their Church had a(bell, and was in fact the only convenient house of worship in the place, and as it was thought by those who knew the feeling of the community better than myself, that the choice of a different place of worship would call into exercise unfriendly feelings towards us, which might not otherwise ex¬ ist, 1 was indpeed to accept the invitation given. For a time I preached twice on Sunday, but found it impracticable to bring the people together in the evening, as they wer.e accustomed to only one service. Conforming therefore to the Usage of the place, I held only a morning service, and found my congrega. fion much increased. For about two months and a half, I con¬ tinued to occupy the Methodist Pulpit three Sundays in the month ; at the expiration of which time, on arrangement was 11 made by them, to provide a preacher of their own once in two weeks leaving me but every other Sunday. In the mean time, I have officiated once in Gainsville, and once at Na- cooche ; and since the 1st of January, have spent between two and three hours each Sunday with my Sunday School ■— Every Saturday Evening I have given religious instruction to the colored people, having obtained the cheerful consent of their masters for the purpose. I have disposed of thirty-two Pray¬ er books, and also, distributed as many of our Tracts, as, I con¬ veniently could. Thus. I have endeavored to embrace such opportun.ties of usefulness as presented, but still have found cause to regret that my labors in the pulpit should have been at all restricted. The circumstances which have occasioned this will no longer exist, when we have a church of our own.— There are but three families here decidedly Episcopal, who, remain throughout the year. , Several others are in the habit of spending tiie summer in Clarksville, and returning again to. their homes in Autumn On Easter day I administered the communion to five persons ; and these are all, who can at pres¬ ent be reckoned as our own communicants. I have to report but one Baptism, and one Marriage; My Sunday School numbers 4~l scholars and17 teachers. In this 1 ffiid it necessary both to superintend, and give the princi¬ pal instruction. As there is no other in the village, our school js an object of much interest to parents, and so far as I .'can Jearn, gives very general satisfaction. We have been furnish- • ed with a suitable Library of 61 Bound Vols, for the use ot the children. For this favor, we are indebted to Mrs. R. W Habersham, Sen. and tp one of our parishioners in New York. Gain :sville is th )ught to be good Missionary ground for our Church, it is more populous and wealthy than Clarksville.— There are three Episcopal families residing in the place, and several others J am informed, resort thither for health during the summer. I design to commence services in Gainvsville about the 1st of next month, preaching every other Sunday until winter. In the mean time, J hope a Missionary may be provided to labor and reside among them. In the village of 14 dlarksville, & central and beautiful "site for tin Episcopal ehufph lias been purchased at an expense of $500. A few hundred dollars moid are, inquired,. to make Up the amount necessary to* deh ay the expense of building. The Building Committee are now in search of suitable arti2ans, and as soon as they cap be procured, the work will commence, Tp aid and encourage US in this work, we -have "been furnished with -$315, from the Par¬ ish of Augusta. Aud here,' though perhaps somewhat irrele¬ vant, 1 feel desirous to mention the liberality pf th,e Cdngrdgibt lion at Savannah, which has pledged $400 for the support of your Mtssiphury diiring the present year, besides seeding to, liiin a valuable box ol sundries lor the cdmfbrt of his family.. Though little ipdrease of our strength is yet to be seen, and was scarcely-to have been qxpected under the/circumstancd^T have slid reason tbhclieve that puf services are growipg in fat Vor vvitli the more intelligent part of the community. We are encouraged therefore, t'p look with a cheerful hope for the lipid* when this fortiou of our JZipn shajl put on hdr beautiful gar¬ ments, and rejoice in jfiim who hath blessed, Jier. Report of" Use Ilev. George White. The subscriber repot ts;te the Convention that Ire has for the;, last^-ear beeh engagqd in preaching to the seamen of Savhp- nah. In the summer lib hiadeseVeral excursions into thecouh* try. During one of these excursions a phureh was organized at Springfield* Effinghqm County, • it Report tt£ the Bor. JfcSin .1. Itunt. Washington, April 13th, 1839. I have only to report to the Convention my removal from Alliens to this place. I have nojolfigial acts to report since my removal other ihatl an occasional supply for other denominations. The views in relation to Athens, mv former station, remain in the main, un¬ changed. 13 The Treasurer j? Recounts were reft era? to the CmmciittcC hn Finance, who reported them to be coi rect-exhibiting a bal¬ ance in favor of the Convention of 50. Robert G. Guerard, Esq^ was unanimously re-elected Trea* ' surer of the Diocese. The Convention then proceeded to balot for a Standing Com¬ mittee, a Committee on Missions, and Delegates to the General Convention, whereupon the following persons were duly chosen; Rev. Edward KetRville, ^ Re/. Edward E. Ford,* t Rev. Seneca G. Brag. Standing Committee, j J> Committee on Missions, I > Delegates to the General. Convention. „ On motion it wis, Resolved, Thaf the Delegates to the Gen" eral Convention, be the Delegates to any Special Convention 6f the Church, which may be culled previous tofhe next Annua^ Convention of this Diocese. < On motion, it was Resolved, That a .Committee of sevfenf persons be appointed, of which Comrriittee the President of the Convention shall be the Chairman, to take into consideration R proposal frdmt the Diocese of Florida, to unite with said Dio¬ cese, in conjunction with the Diocese of Alabama, in the Eleo? tion of a BishGp for the three Diocese? of Georgia, Alabama and Florida jointly, at a meeting tp be held in the city of Colum- H bus Georgia, on the 1st day of June next, and to roport to this Convention before its final adjournment. The Committee appointed, with the Rev. Edward Neufville» President of the Convention, were the Rev. William P. Cairns, Rev. Ed wardE. Ford, Judge Berrien", Major Nelson, Edward F. Campbell, and George R. Jessup. Certain resolutions of the Vestries of Christ Church, Savannah, and Trinity Cnureh, Co¬ lumbus, were referred to this Committee. The Rev. Mr. Bragg having been called to the Chair, the Rev. Edward Neufville presented, in behalf of a Committee .ap¬ pointed at the last Convention of the Church in this Dioc< se, a Revised Constitution and Canons, the consideration of which was, on motion, postponed until to-morrow. The Convention then adjourned until 10 o'clock to-morrow morning. Tuesday Morning, April 16. Convention met pursuant to adjournment. Morning Prayer was read bv the Rev. Mr. Bragg, and a Sermon preached by the Rev. Mr. Neufville, The minutes of yesterday wore read and approved. The Report of the Committer on the Constitution and Can- 'ons being the subject of consideration, the Constitution, as re¬ ported by the Committee, was amended, and with the Canons, •was unanimously adopted, and ordere.i to be printed with the Journal of this Convention. (See Appendix A.) The Rev. John J. Hunt took his seat as a member of the Con. vention. The Committee on Missions made the following Report, which was ordered to be printed : THE COMMITTEE ON MISSIONS RESPECTFULLY REPORT: That soon after the Convention of last year, a meeting of all the members of the Committee was held in the city of Ma¬ con, and duly organized by the election of the Rev. Seneca G. Bragg as. Chairman, and Nathaniel Barker, Esq. as Secretary 15 and Treasurer. It was unanimously resolved, to make imme< diate and persevering efforts to secure a Missionary for Clarks- ville, with the expectation that his labors would be divided be. twee 11 that place and GainsviHe. A clerical member of the Committee was designated to open and conduct a correspond* ence with reference to that object, who finally succeeded in ob¬ taining the services of the Rev. n. B. Kellogg, of the Diocese of New-York. Our Missionary, with his family, arrived at Clarksville, and.entered upon his duties in the month of Octo¬ ber. His success and prospects at that station will fully ap¬ pear in his own report to-the'(/invention. Thus far, a general sympathy has been awakened in behalf of that portion of our Diocese, and manifested by several gratifyirig acts of prompt and seasonable benevolence. - . Although the Committee have to regret the loss of the as¬ sistance of one lav member,-bv reason of ill health, and of ano¬ ther, by resignation, we trust tlie Convention will not feel' dis¬ appointed,. in view of the small results which have followed our measures. Little as has been accomplished, it is thankfully be¬ lieved that the Divine blessing has attended our past, and will accompany our future exertions, if favored with the continued prayers and liberal offerings of the friends of Zion. For the amount of money disbursed, in aid of the cause of Missions, within the Diocese, reference is made to the account of the Treasurer, herewith submitted. Another duty assigned to the Committee, was the establish¬ ment of a Depository of Books and'Tracts in. the city of Ma¬ con, for the use of the respective Churches and Sunday Schools of the Diocese. This object has been effected, on a limited scale. The sum of two hundred dollars has been appropriated apd expended for the purpose of obtaining Prayer Books, Sun- May School Books, and Tracts/ On application to the Bishop " White Prayer Book Society, and in return for a donation of seventy-five dollars, we. received iiom that Society five hundred copies of the Prayer Book, of uniform size, and suitable for gratuitous distribution. The plan adopted by the Committee for relieving the wants 16 of the several portions of the Diocese, wuh regard tu Books and Tracts, has been, to supply the respective Congregations', when, ever ordering them, at the usual prices charged at the Depo¬ sitories where t'hev were obtained"1, and also to send them, when needed, to obr Missiomuy stations, without requiring compen¬ sation. There remain, in the Depository, at this date, above three hundred Prayer Books, twenty-nine thousand pages of Tracts and Sunday School Books, to the value of about fifty dollars. * The Committee are thoroughly persuaded, that it is import¬ ant to the future prosperity of the Diocese,.that the Depository, now established, should he placed on a broader foundation, by the investment of a much larger sum than has been expended for that purpose. Such a pi'oeeedihg, in the opinion of the iGJornmittee. coqld pot fail, of giv ing .additional strength to our Parochial Institutions, and of securing increased advantages, in connexion with our Missionary operations. - ' SENECA G. Bit AGO, Chaiioiax. I The Committee on the Proposal from the Diocese of Florida presented the following' report: The Committee, to whom was referred thb proposal of the Diocese of Florida respecting a union for the purpose of elec¬ ting a Bishop to exercise a jurisdiction hi the Dioceses of Geor¬ gia, Alabama and Florida, agreeable to the second Section of the first Canon of the General Convention of 1838, respectful¬ ly report: That after mature deliberation they are prepared to express in the most earnest terms their sense of the desirableness of the projected union,1 and their hearty concurrence in the over' turemade by thp Diocese of Florida. At the same time, howe¬ ver, they ape constrained to regret that any conditions hould have teen annexed to the game, which could be at all calculated to re¬ strict the choice of the Convention, charged with the duty of an election,,as to the circle of their choice, and do express the tope that this disapproval of tbe condition, referred to, may pot interfere with the? uniou proposed. The tnemoriql of the 17 last Convention of this 'Diocese, addressed to the Bishops of the Church, in general'C unenfio 1 assembled, set forth, in de¬ cided terms, the.sentiment and wish of our people on this most .important subject. Your committee feel grateful, that the ac- ■ tion of that Convention has placed us in a situation to associate with one or more of our 'sister Dioceses for the accomplish¬ ment of the object desired, in a manner so much more advan¬ tageous and agretiable, than was then Contemplated, as is af¬ forded bv the opportunity of securing the services of a Bishop, who will be in fact, though for a relative portion of his time only* our own'Diocesan, with that jurisdiction and power of supcr- ision and control vvhieh ate so necessary to the Unprotected Churches in this widely extended and rapidly populating country. ' . The advantages which may be expected to result from the enjoyment of regular Episcopal ministrations are so obvious, that any course which may have a tendency to-defeat the ob¬ ject is to be deprecated, And such, yqur V> mmittee cannot but consider the restriction proposed' by the Convention of the Diocese of Florida. While they disclaim. any intention to pre¬ sent or urge upon* the contemplated Joint Convention, the claims of any. particular individual 10 the high and responsible office of Bishop, In the associated Dioceses, iitjs their wish to meet their brethremupoivequal ground, and to exercise their discretion In seleeting-an individual who may in their judgment be qualified, and endowed'of God with that spirit of self-sacri¬ fice which alone can enable him' to be an acceptable and effi¬ cient overseer of thisf portion of the'Lord's Vineyard. * i , T 1 • | Your Committee, therefore, respectfully recommend the adop¬ tion of the following resolutions : Resolved, That the prqposaf of the DiocesC of Florida, be unanimously acceded to, subject only to the qualification ex¬ pressed in this report; and that the President of this Conven¬ tion be hereby au'hor^ed and required to confer with the Presi¬ dents of the Conventions of Alabama and Florida, earnestly re- commending to the latter, in the exercise of the power confer¬ red upon him by the Convention of that Diodese, to call 3 IS a special Convention of the same for the purpose of perfecting the good work which they have begun, by reconsidering the condition which they have annexed to their proposal for tjie election of a Bishop, and immediately upon, learning the final decisions 6f those bodies respectively as to the measure pro¬ posed, to call a special Convention of this Diocese to meet in the city of Columbus, on the 1st day of June next, unless it should be deemed expedient by the Convention of Alabama to postpone the said meeting until some later period, due notice of which shall be given, to the Clergy and congregations of this Diocese. , Resolved, That a copy of this Report and Resolutions duly authenticated be forwarded by the President of this Conven¬ tion to the Presidents of the respective Con ventions of Alabama and Florida. , , Your Committee in anticipation of the probable issue of the deliberations of th.e mebting in Columbus, would further recom¬ mend the adoption of the following resolution : That the question of salary For the Bishop elect, to be con¬ tributed on thq part of this Diocese, as its just proportion, be referred to the actions of the special Convention., Signed bv WILLIAM. D. CAIRNS, In behalf of the Committee. This Report having been read, the Convention adjourned until 4 o clock, P. M. 4 O'clock, p. m. Convention met pursuant to adjournment.—The Minutes Qf the last Session were read and approved. The Florida Proposal being called for, the report of the Committee was accepted and the Resolutions were unanimously passed. The Standing Committed made the following Report, which was accepted 3 The Standing Committee, have only to report, that the re¬ quired' Canonical document, signif} ing their assent to the con¬ secration of the Rev. William H. Delaaceyf D. D„ as Bishop 19 of the Diocese of \VVstera New York, has been signed, and that the Rev. Ezra B. Kellogg has been received as a Presbyter of this Diocese by virtue of a letter Dimissory from the Right Rev'd B. T. Onderdonk, D. D. Bishop of the Diocese of New York. ' .EDWARD NEUFVILLE, Pres't. The Committee on Finance reported the accounts of the Treasurer of the Missionary Committee to be correct, and a balance in fayor of the Convention. The Committee on the State of fhe Chhrch made the follow¬ ing Report which was ordered to be printed': THE COMITTEE 05T THE STATE OF THE CHUKCIS EESPECTFELLT EEPOKT S That, in taking a general survey of the condition of the Church for the past year, as1 exhibited in the various Documents laid before the present Convention, and proceedings of that body, they feel that there is much to afford ground of encouragement and to inspire the friends of the Church with a deep sense of gratitude to its Gracious Head. The Parochial Reports made to the present Convention fur¬ nish the following results, viz: Baptisms, 08. Communicants, .101 Marriages, 24 Funerals, 57 Sunday Schools, Teachers, 40 scholars, 26i» Collections—For Missions, , $1528 10 For Gen'l Theo. Sem. 02 47 .For other ben. objects, -108 11 $1998 74 Your Committee feci that they have especial cause to con¬ gratulate the Church, on the labors of the Committee On Mis¬ sions. The first fruit of the labors of this "body, it having been instituted only at our last convention, afford a pleasing, and it is hoped true, earnest of what may be hereafter expected from them under the Divine blessing. Through t,he instrumentality 20 of that body, the Diocese is now famished with" a Depository; the want of which has been long and seriously felt—of Piayer Books, Books of {Sunday S l.ool Instruction, and Iulguus Tracts. But as one < f the most valuable jiuits oi il eir lube rs, your Committee refer with pleasure to the engage meut by them, of the Rev. Ezra 13. 'Kellogg, formerly of the Diocese of New York as Missionary to the friends 6f our Church at Oarksville Habersham county. The report of that Rev. Gentleman, as it appears in the Journal of Convention .must prove highly inter¬ esting to the friends ot the Church. As ari indication of in¬ creasing prosperity.your Comri i.teeadve rt, with j leasuie, to the fact of the organization of.a new Congregation at Springfield, Effingham county. This fact was made known through the report of .the Rev. Mr. White, although the regular evidence thereof not being furnished', that Congregation has not been formally recognised. , Your Committee are gratified to report the system of Church Offerings as being in opeiation in most of our Parishes. As by far the most important and interesting subject which has occupied the deliberatibris of the present Convention, your Committee Would advert to the Proposal, frotn the Diocese of Florida, of an union of the Dioceses of Georgia, Alabama and Florida for the election of a common Bishop, The proceedings of the Convention in relation to this subject, by which that proposal has been acceded t6. with hut a singe qualifcation, (which, however, it'is sincerely hoped may'not defeat the ob¬ ject contemplated,) this Coihmitteq cannot but regard as an event fu,II of promise, thatlheane maious feature which hassolong existed in the condition of ihe Dioceses in question, will at no dis¬ tant nay, he removed ; tlje Chuich in those Dioceses le furnish¬ ed. in 1 lie pe rson of a Bisl op with her regular .scriptural Headf and hef children 1 e made to rejoice in those spiritual blessings which our faith, as Episcopalians, authorises us to expect from such an event.—All of which is respectfully sul mitted. SENECA G. BRAGG, EDWARD E. FORI), Committee. 21 On motion, it was Rcolvfd, That a Committee of three per- '•sons be appointed t<> take into consideration the establishment of a Fund for the support of the Episcopate in ill ■ Diocese of, Georgia, to report to the next Annual Convention of litis Diocese. The Committee appointed were, Messrs. Edward F, Camp- 1 bell, George Jones, and Maj. ThomaS M. Nelson. The thanks of the Convention were voted severally to the Rev. George White, for the Convention Sermon ; the Rev. Ezra B. Kellogg, for his Missionary Sermon; the Rev,,William D. Cairns, for his services as Secretary ; and Messrs: Robert G. Guerard and Nathaniel Barker, for their service^as Treasurers »of the Convention and Missionary Funds. • - Five hundred copies of the Journal, with the Revised Con- *stitution and Canons, were orderyd to bq printed. On motion, it was Resolved, That the next Annual Conven¬ tion be held in the town of Clarksville, Habersham County, on • the first Monday in 'May, 1840. - The Rev. Edward Neufville was appointed to preach the Convention Sermon, and the Rev. John J. Uunt the Missionary Sermon. The following Resolutions were then unanimously adopted: Resolved, That this Convention, having adopted' measures which, when consummated, will havp the effect to dissolve the connexion which has existed, between this Diocese and the Right Reverend Nathaniel'Bo wen, D. D. Bishop ofSodth Ca¬ rolina, do hereby, in contemplation of tfiat event, tender to that venerated and beloved Prelate the assurance of their- sincere regard and affection, and of their grateful recollection of those Episcopal services which, amid the many pressing cares and duties of his own Diocese, and at.tbe sacrifice of much personal comfort, he has'so kindly extended to us. Resolved, That until" the services of another'Bishop shall be obtained for this I iocese, in pursuance of the measures above referred to, cr in some other mode, the Right Reverend Bishop Bo wen be, and hereby is, respectfully rind .earnestly invited by this Convention to continue his kind supervisory care over our Parishes. o 2 Resolved, That the Secretary of this Convention be requested to transmit to the Right Revet end Jiishop' Llowcn a duly at¬ tested copy of these Resolutions. On motion of the ReV. Mr. White, it was unanimously Re¬ solved, That this Convention has heard with deep regret of the removal from the scene of his earthly labors and usefulness, of Dr. George Jones, for many years a most exemplary communi¬ cant of our Church and influential member of our Conventions; and that the Secretary do make known to the family of the de¬ ceased our condolence and sympathy in the bereavement with which they have been visited. The thanks of the Convention were unanimously relumed to the Rev. Edwtird JVeufvillc for the dignity and impartiality with which he has presided at our deliberations. The minutes having been read and approved, -after the usual religious exercises, the Convention adjourned. EDWARD NEUFVILLE, Fresideni. William D* Cairns. Secretary. APPENDIX' A. CONSTITUTION OF THE PROTESTANT EPISCO¬ PAL CIIURCH IN THE DIOCESE OF 'GEORGIA. Article I. The Church in this Diocese, as a constituent part of the Protestant Episcopal Church of 'the -United States of America, accedes to, recognizes and adopts,the General Con¬ stitution of that Church, add acknowledges its authority ac¬ cordingly. Article 2d. A Convention of this Church shall be held at suph time of each year and place as the previous convention may appoint: Provided, however, that no Convention shall be opened for the transaction of business, unless there be present at least two Clergymen and delegates from two congregations. And in case no convention be formed, the standing officers of * the Jast convention shall hold their respective olfices until suc¬ cessors shall be appointed. Article 3d. The Bishop, or, if the Episcopate be vacant, the standing committee shall have power, when it appears re¬ quisite for the good of the Church, to call a special convention, by a circular letter to the several churches. There shall not be less than .four weeks notice previous to the day appointed, and such meeting shall be holden when the authority calling it shall determine; and at such special convention, no other bu¬ siness shall be transacted than that stated fn the notice calling the convention. Article 4th. The convention shall be composed of Clergy¬ men and. Laymen. Every Clergyman in good standing, duly exercising clerical functions in existing parishes, or in other situations under the direction of the Ecclesiastical authority of this Diocese, shall be a member of the convention; and every duly recognized Minister of this Church, engaged in the busi- 24 ness of literary instruction, who shall hftve resided within the jbiocese for six months lust past, shall be entitled to all the priv¬ ileges of a mombef of the convention with the cxetpffon of tFie right to vote. Each churclror congregation in union with this Convention shad be entitled toa repi escalation by one Lay Delegate or more *not exceeding three, (o be chosen from its own body br the Wardens and Vestrymen thereof; provided, however, that the Minister, or in his absence, the Delegate or Delegates pre¬ sent at any Convention may supply any Vacancy in the delega¬ tion* u he or they should tin'd at the 'place of meeting a member or members of the congregation winch they-are empowered to represent. Article 5tb- New Parishes may he admitted into upion with this Convention* by a majority of ytrtes: provided they shall haVe lyid before th& Convention written evidence* sub¬ scribed bv the Wardens, tfiat they accede'to the Constitution and Canons of this (Miurcfi, ahd are regularly Organized by the election ot two Wardens, and an) number of Vestrymen at dis. Cretion, not exceeding eight. Article tith. Evfery meetingof the Convention-shall be open-* cd with, divjne service, and a sermon delivered on the Sunday previous by a preacher appointed at the preceding Convention. Article 7th. The'Cohvdfltion shall deliberate and act as One body, unless when any member shalj call fat a division on any questipm in which rase eaCh Clerical rOembei shall be entitled to onefvote, and the Lay-delegates of each congregat ion jointly to one vote; and a majority of both orders shall be necessary to h decision. * 'Article 8fh. The Bishop of the Diocese; shall be, ejc-irffic'o, President of the Convention. In ease there be no Bishop, or in his absence, a presiding officer shall be elected from among the Clerical members present. Article Uth. At each annual meeting of the"Convention, a Secretary and Treasurer shall be chosen* to hold their respec¬ tive offices until the next Annual Convention, or until succes¬ sors shall be appointed. Article 10. A Standing Committee shall he chosen at each annual meeting of the Convention to consist ot three Clerical and three Lay members; of the time and place of whose meet¬ ings due notice in writing shall he given to all the members thereof at least one week before the time of such meeting. At u meeting thus notified, any four members shall constitute a quorum. The Standing Committee shall meet, as soon as prac¬ ticable after their election and choose a President and Secreta¬ ry from among their own number: and it shall be tne duty of the President to call a meeting of the committee whenever he shall deem it necessary, or whenever he shall be required so to •do by any three members of the committee. Vacancies in this committee, caused by death, resignation, or otherwise, shall be supplied by the suffrages of the remain¬ ing members. Article 11. The Convention shall annualK elect four Clergymen and four Laymen, as Deputies to the Ceneial Con¬ vention, who shall be empowered, in the absence of one or more of their Colleagues, to appoint in the place of such Del¬ egate or Delegates any citizen or citizens of this State, provided that such citizen or citizens be a member or members of the Protestant Episcopal Church in this Diocese; or if it fie incon¬ venient for any Delegate or Delegates to proceed to the place of meeting, the Bishop is authorized to appoint others m their place. In case of a vacancy in the Episcopate, the power here¬ by conferred on the Bishop shall be exercised by the Standing Committee. Article 12. A proposition for altering and amending this Constitution shall be introduced in writing and considered in convention: and, if approved by a majority, shall lie over to the next convention, when, upon consideration again, if it be approved by a majority of the convention, it shall be adopted. € A A © i\ 8 . 1. Each Church duly represented in this convention shad pay or cause to be pa d into the hands of the Treasurer of the convention, the sum of fifteen dollars annually, for defraying the incidental expenses of the convention. ti. In case any clergyman of this Diocese shall be accused of error in doctrine, immorality of life, or neglect or transgres¬ sion of any of the canons of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States or of this Diocese, it shall he the duty ot any two or more Clergymen, or of the Wardens and Vestry¬ men of the Church of which he is Rector, or to which he may belong, who shall have knowledge or belief of such misdemean¬ or, to represent the same to the Bishop, or in case there be no Bishop, to the {Standing (Committee of the Diocese. In the event of such representation, ii. shall he the duty of the Bishop, or if there be no Bishop, of the Standing Committee, if he or they shall deem the charge or charges worthy of investigation, forthwith to notify the accused of such charge or charges, together with the time and place appointed for his trial. The mode of trial shall be as follows: The Bishop, or the Standing Committee, as the case may be, shall appoint a number of Presbyters not less than live, of whom the person accused mav select a majority by whom to be tried. The result of the trial shall he made known to the Bishop, or in case there be no Bishop, to the Standing Committee, who shall pronounce and execute, or cause to be pronounced and executed, such sentence as may be awarded, should the same by him or them be deemed just and proper. Should the sentence be suspension or degradation from the Ministry, the Bishop or provisional Bishop, or should there be none, some neighboring Bishop shall be requested to pronounce the same. Should it be impossible to obtain from this Diocese the re¬ quisite number of Presbyters to constitute a Board of trial, the deficiency may be supplied from a neighboring Diocese. 27 Should any clergyman accused and cited for trial according to the provisions of this Canon, neglect, or refuse to obey the citation, such neglect or refusal shall be considered as an ac¬ knowledgment of the truth of the charges preferred against him, and sentence shall be pronounced accordingly. 3. The convention shall appoint annually by ballot, a com¬ mittee of two Clergymen and three Laymen, whose duty it shall be, to take ip charge the Missionary, Bible, Common Pray¬ er Book, Tract and Sunday School operations of the Church in this Diocese: And it shall be further the duty of this commit¬ tee to make a full report of all their proceedings to each sue* weeding annual Convention. NOTICE. The next Annual Convention of the Diocese of Georgia, will he held in the town of ClarkSville,. Habersham County, on the, first Monday in May, 1840.