GEORGIA CONVENTION op tiip. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH 1844 The next Convention will meet in the City of Milledgeville on Thursday after the first Monday in May, 1845. JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS i ! OF THE i Twenty-Second Annual Convention, | ! OF THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH, IN THE DIOCESE OF GEORGIA, Held in St. Paul's Church, •tugusla, Commencing on the 2d May, 1844. ATHENS: CLAYTON & FLINT. 1844. ****•+**+ ¥ + w Christ Church, Savannah* STEPHEN HILLS,) 3AS. A. CLIFFORD, ) JOS. S. FAY, > St. John's Church, Savannah. ♦Doct. W. A. CARUTHERS, ) EDWARD F. CAMPBELL,) BEN J. CONLEY, > St. Paul's Church, Augusta. g. Mclaughlin, ) IIENRY L. CUTTER, ) *N. C. MUNROE, > Christ Church, Macon. ♦HORACE FITCH, ) Maj. THOS. M. NELSON, ) ♦EDWARD B. FISHBURNE, > Trinity Church, Columbus*. ♦JOHN B. PEABODY, ) ♦CHARLES GRANT, ) I ♦JOHN DEMERE, } Christ Church, St. Simon's. | PAUL DEMERE, ) \ GEO. J. KOLLOCK, ) ♦JOS. L. McALLISTER, > Grace Church, Clarksvillc. ♦JACOB WALDBURG, ) ♦SAM'L H. FAY, ) \ *SAM'L B. JONES, > St. Luke's Church, Montpelier. ♦L. N. WHITTLE, > ♦JOHN S. THOMAS, ) ♦WM. S. ROCKWELL, > St. Stephen's Church, Milledgcville. JOHN R. COTTING, ) ♦Doct. R. D. MOORE, ) | Doct. WM. FLINT, > Emmanuel Church, Athens. ♦YOUNG L. G. HARRIS, ) I ♦Doct. J. HOLMES, ) | ♦J. F. S. HEALD, > St. Andrew's Church, Darien. SAM'L. PALMER, > WM. ROOT, ) CHARLES F. M. GARNETT, \ St. James' Church, Marietta. ♦EDWARD DENMEAD, ) ♦ Did not attend Convention. SB 5 j JOURNAL. 1 | ®<#>® | St. Paul's Church, Augusta, May 2d, 1844. | The services and business of the Twenty-Second Annual Conven- s tion of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Georgia | were commenced this day by reading the order for Daily Morning Prayer by the Rev. Edward E. Ford and by the preaching of the \ Convention Sermon by the Rev. John B. Gallagher from 1. Cor. iii. 11th. | The Bishop of the Diocese having taken the Chair and the roll of i the Clergy and the credentials of the Lay Delegates having been | handed in, the following persons entitled to seats in this Convention, | were found to be present: of the clergy. of the laity. Rev. , A. J. Berger, Doct. T. Bartow, (4 S. G. Bragg, J. Ives, il E. P. Brown, S. Hills, U R. T. Brown, James A. Clifford, E. E. Ford, Jos. S. Fay, <4 J. B. Gallagher, Ed. F. Campbell, ii E. Neufville, Benjamin Conley, u Thos. F. Scott, G. McLaughlin, a W. Bacon Stevens, H. S. Cutter, a George White, Paul Demere, u R. M. White, George. J. Kollock, Dr. John R. Cotting, Dr. Wm. Flint, Samuel Palmer, Wm. Root, Thomas M. Nelson, C. F. M. Garnett. —■—• —--------- -~— $ 6 JOURNAL. On motion Resolved, That Clergymen from other Dioceses at present in this City, be respectfully invited to attend the deliberations of this Conven¬ tion. On motion Resolved, That the Rules of Order adopted J>y the last Convention and spread on pages 6 and 7 of the Journal of that Convention, be a- dopted for the government of this Convention. The Convention then proceeded to elect a Secretary, when, on count¬ ing out the ballots, the Rev. Wm. D. Cairns was elected. In his absence Doct. Stevens was ch^osen Secretary pro tern. The Bishop then appointed the following Committees : On the Stale of the Church.—Rev. Messrs. Neufville, Ford and Scott. On Unfinished Business.—Rev. Mr. Gallagher and Mr. E. F. Campbell. On Finance.—Doct. BartoAV and Messrs. Fay and Nelson. On Admission of New Parishes.—Rev. Mr. Bragg and Messrs. McLaughlin and Palmer. The Circular of the Domestic Committee on the subject of Indian Missions having been read, it was on motion of the Rev. Mr. Neufville, Resolved, That a special committee of three Clergymen and two Laymen be appointed by the Bishop, to consider a communication re¬ ceived from the Chairman of the Committee of the Board of Missions, in reference to the proposed Indian Mission and report to this Con¬ vention. The following persons were appointed on the above Committee : Rev. Messrs. Neufville, Stevens and R. T. Brown, and Messrs. Kol- lock and Ives. The Bishop appointed the Rev. Mr. Ford in place of the Rev. Chas. Fay (removed from the Diocese) to act on the Committee on the pro¬ posed alterations in the Prayer Book, and the Constitution of the Church. The Rev. Mr. Neufville called the attention of the chair to the IV article of the Constitution and offered the following resolution which was carried. Resolved, lhat a Committee of two clergymen and three laymen be appointed to take into consideration the right to all the privileges of; a seat in this convention of each clergyman now in attendance upon bishop's address. 7 1 the same and to report to-morrow morning. The Rev. Messrs. Neufville and Ford and Messrs. Nelson, Bartow and Garnett, were ap¬ pointed that Committee. On motion Resolved, That Section 2, Canon 5, be refered to a Committee of two Clergymen and two Laymen to report to this Convention as to the propriety of altering the same. Rev. Messrs. Scott and Gallagher and Messrs. Kollock and Nelson were appointed that Committee, After Prayer by the Bishop, the Convention adjourned to meet at the hour of divine service to-morrow morning. At night, Evening Prayer was read by Doct. Stevens and a Sermon preached by the Rev. R. T. Brown from Eph. ii. and part of 12th ver. St. Paul's, Atjgttsta, 3rd May, 1844, Friday. Morning Prayer was read by the Rev. R. T. Brown, and a Sermon preached by the Rev. E. P. Brown from 1st Cor. ii. 9, 10. The Convention having organized itself for business, the Minutes of the previous day were read and confirmed. The Bishop then read his Annual Address to the Convention. W) ® IE IE i> I> E Brethren of the Clergy and Laity : Upon this fourth occasion since my Consecration, of meeting you in Convention, I am again permitted to speak of the loving kindness of the Lord to us as a Church and as Individuals. Nothing has occurred within our Diocese, to cast the slightest shade over our prospects and much of success and of blessing has been vouchsafed to us. Our older Parishes have continued their unwearied course of hearty and liberal co-operation with their Bishop. Our younger Churches, without any striking manifestation of God's presence in the midst of them, have yet been strengthened by valuable accessions to their Communion Our Ministry has been increased by the addition of several pious and active Clergymen. Our candidates for orders have doubled in number. Our schools have advanced in prosperity and efficiency. Three Church, es have been consecrated within the year and two others are nearly ready for the same interesting office and to crown the whole, points are opening before me, more than I can visit or supply. For these un¬ merited blessings, let us give humble and hearty thanks to Almighty *— 1 8 bishop's address God, and prepare ourselves, during this solemn meeting, for yet grea¬ ter exertions and still higlier success in the work of Christ and his Church. My first official act after the adjournment of our lasi Contention,! was the consecration, upon the second Sunday in J uly, of St. Michael s j Church, in the village of Springfield, Effingham count). This is a j small Church of wood, very neatly finished and fitted with every thing j necessary for comfortable worship. The congregation at this point is j made up, for the most part, of families from Savannah, who have re- j sorted to Springfield as a retreat for the summer. During the last j year it was kept open by Lay Reading, with occasional services from j the Rev. Geo. White of Savannah. During the coming summer the congregation will be smaller than usual but I shall make an effort \ to keep the Church from being closed. j On the first Tuesday in September, Confirmation was administer¬ ed in St. John's Church, Savannah, for the united Parishes of Christ i Church and St. John's, when eleven persons were confirmed. j On the 22d of October, I admitted to the Holy order of Deacons, Mr. j Jonathan B. T. Smith, a candidate transferred to my Diocese from that | of Virginia. Mr. Smith offered himself as a Missionary among the negroes and was appointed soon after his ordination, to a station in j Baker County, not far from the Town of Albany. It is my prayer that j the Consecration of himself to this noble work by a young man of ex-j tensive acquirement, may excite others to devote themselves in like manner, to the same cause of true Missionary benevolence. [ With the exception of these three official acts, I was engaged from \ May until November in the performance of Parochial duty in Savan¬ nah. Early in November, I visited St. James' Church in Marietta, where I found a very good congregation in regular attendance upon j the worship of the Church and two persons ready for confirmation. Since that time, the prospects of this Parish have become still more en- j couraging and the friends of the Church have purchased a lot of twen- j ty acres of land with the intention of erecting a Parsonage and per- j haps a School House. The Rector is residing upon the purchase in a j cabin which he has fitted up for his temporary accommodation. The j liberal spirit which presided over the foundation of this Parish contin- j ues still to characterize it. On the 6th of November I made a visit to the Etowah River, Cass j County, accompanied by the Rev. Mr. Scott. We were encouraged bishop's address. 9 ! to take incipient steps for the formation of a Parish in this most inter- j esting country. I preached on the morning of the 8th Nov. at the Pet- ! tis Creek Baptist Meeting House and it was determined among the friends of the Church in that quarter, that we should erect a Church, a : \ Parsonage and a School House at a point central to this rich farming I neighbourhood. Fifty or sixty acres of land were immediately pro- I cured, partly by gift and partly by purchase, and the materials for ■: | building are probably by this time upon the spot. The Rev. Mr. Scott has ! | been most active in this advancement of the Church into a country ■ | hitherto untrodden by an Episcopal Clergyman and continues to super- : : intend the erection of the buildings in progress. A Church organiza- : : tion \yill take place so soon as the Summer shall bring together the : gentlemen interested in the undertaking. From the Etowah River we proceeded to Rome in Floyd County, and I preached in the Court House on Sunday the 12th November. ; | Mr. Scott preached in the afternoon, and at night I confirmed one per¬ son and administered the communion at the house of Mr. Beers. Soon after my visit, the Rev. Carter Page entered upon his work as a Mis- > : sionary in this section of the State, and the Rev. Messrs. Scott and ; ! Page have since organized a Parish at Rome, and it is probable that a ; building will be commenced at some time during the year, i On the evening of the 13th November, I preached at Friendship : j Meeting House, Long's Ferry, Etowah River, and the succeeding eve- I j ning officiated in St. James' Church, Marietta. On the 17th November, I reached Athens, and on the morning of : | the 19th consecrated Emmanuel Church, confirming in the afternoon : eight persons. This is a very beautiful edifice, with about fourhun- ! dred sittings finished and furnished in a most excellent taste. It is j I surmounted by a very handsome spire and has recently been provided ; I with an organ of fine compass. Too much praise cannot be bestowed ; | upon the energy and perseverance of the handful of Episcopalians who have raised such a structure to the glory of God and I trust that < wiU be richly rewarded into their bosoms and the bosoms of their ; I children. The Rev. Professor Stevens was duly elected the Rector of j j the Parish. I On the 27th November I paid my semi-annual visit to the Schools at Montpelier and while there confirmed three pupils of the Institute, j From Montpelier I proceeded to Milledgeville and consecrated St. | Stephens' Church in that place on Sunday, the 10th December. The in- ; 10 bishop's address. terior of this little Church is remarkably beautiful and commands the admiration of all who visit it. It is finished and entirely paid for, and the congregation is prepared to go forward without embarrassment of any kind. The Rev. Rufus M. White, its minister, having reached Milledgeville only a few days before the consecration, confirmation was deferred until such time as he could become acquainted with the spirit¬ ual condition of his flock. From the 13th December until the 1st of January, I was occupied in visiting, at the request of the Standing Committee of that Diocese, the Churches of Florida. Tallahassee, Monticello, Quincy and Apalachico- la were the only points which I could reach and at each of these places a few were added to the Church by confirmations I found the Parishes recovering themselves from the depressed state into which the misfor- : tunes of Florida had cast them and providing themselves with suitable j Pastors. The Rev. Mr. Bragg accompanied me as far as Tallahassee j and during my visit to the other points of the Diocese, employed him- j self in strengthening the hands, and cheering the hearts, of his old Par- | ishioners. : The meeting of the Convention of the Diocese of Florida took j place at the end of January and early in February I was informed that I had been unanimously requested to take provisional charge of the Diocese. This new call upon me has caused me much anx¬ iety. While I had become very deeply interested in the Churches of Florida and while I perceived at a glance, that Episcopal supervision i was essentially necessary to their spiritual advancement, the idea of j adding a territory of eighty six thousand square miles to the very large i Diocese over which I preside, was trully appalling, and it is only at I this late hour that I have determined it to be my duty, at whatever sac- I rifice, to see that the churches of my Master in that section are proper- ; ly cared for. I have considered every mode by which that Diocese : might obtain Episcopal supervision, without taking the charge upon ; myself and cannot be satisfied that any one of them is feasible. I must • undertake it or the Churches of Florida must be left without the care ; of a Bishop. Under such circumstances, the call is from God and must be obeyed. I tiust, Brethren of the Clergy and Laity, that this determination on my part will meet with your approbation. I have not believed, in the consideration of this question, that you could forget the struggles of your own infancy, when the hand of a neighbouring Bishop was bishop's ajddress. 11 ? stretched out for your support and comfort. "Freely ye have received freely give," and God will bless any sacrifice it may involve to your own rapid advancement. There is no truth more certain than that ex¬ pressed in the saying of the wise king of Israel, "There is that scat- tereth and yet increaseth" and I firmly believe that every sacrifice we make for Christ will be returned to us an hundred fold. I have been confirmed in my determination by the very unanimous agreement of j the Clergy of my Diocese that no alternative was offered ine, save to accept the charge or refuse to give heed to a very solemn call. I shall endeavour so to arrange my visitations of that Diocese as to interfere very little, if at all, with the supervision of my own. As I returned from Florida I visited the plantations of Messrs. Night- ingale and Johnston in Baker county, the point at which the Rev. Mr. Smith is labouring. On the 1st January I preached in the morning at Mr. Nightingale's house to a mixed congregation of whites and blacks. During the service I baptised an infant, and confirmed two persons, one white adult and one colored adult. It is the intention of these gentle¬ men to build a small plantation church so soon as proper arrangements can be made. In the afternoon I proceeded seventeen miles to Albany, Baker coun¬ ty and preached in the school house of the village to a very large and attentive congregation. On Monday night I explained to the citizens of the town the doctrine, discipline and worship of the church and or¬ ganized a very strong Parish by the title of St. Paul's, Albany. About seven hundred and fifty dollars were subscribed for the erection of a Church and the wardens are now engaged in making a contract for a building to be ready for consecration in Dec. next. I received a letter yesterday, mentioning that the papers necessary for the admission of' this vigorous young Parish into connexion with the Diocese would be forwarded to meet the convention at this place, but I fear they will come too late. We shall probably receive St. Paul's next year, as we have already received several of our Parishes, in full operation, with Church, Minister, and Congregation. From Albany I returned to Savannah and on the first Sunday after Epiphany admitted the Rev. Wm. B. Stevens to the holy order of! Priest. On the first Sunday in Lent, the Rev. Thomas F. Scott was admitted in Christ's Church, Macon, to the same degree in the minis¬ try and for the first time in the'history of Georgia was the Episcopal Church fully represented to the N. West of the Chattahoochee. 12 On Sunday the 17th March, I commenced my visitation of Christ's Church, St. Simons, accompanied by the Rev. R. T. Brown of St. Andrews. 1 confirmed one colored person in the morning of that day. Service was held again on Monday morning. This Parish had been vacant from the period of the resignation of Mr. Walker in the summer, until the arrival of the present minister in the beginning of this year. Mr. Brown had been so little time at work that he was not prepared to present any candidates for confirmation. He is laboring very assiduously among the negroes and will prove a blessing to the Island. On Tuesday the 19th March, I proceeded to St. Davids, Glynn county, and officiated on that and the following day at the Church. Du¬ ring my visit I baptised two white children, and as the Church was without a Pastor, there were no candidates for confirmation. It is but justice to this interesting Parish to say, that their lack of a Pastor did not arise from any want of zeal on their part, but from a ne¬ cessity which was laid upon me, in connexion with our boy's school at Montpelier, of urging Dr* Yaughan, their Rector, to take charge of that Institution. It was a sacrifice of their individual feelings to a great public good, which will meet its due reward. Altho' cast down at the loss of such a pastor, they were still determined to carry on zeal¬ ously their good work. Since my previous visit, the Church had been enclosed with a neat railing and a comfortable Vestry-room had been built and furnished, their next movement is the erection of a parsonage, which will be built during the summer and be ready for the reception of their Pastor, the ensuing winter. Dr. Vaughan's labors among them, during the months he was with them, had' been peculiarly interesting and the separation was a very painful one on both sides. On Friday the 22d March, I commenced my visitation of St. An¬ drew's Parish, when I had the pleasure of officiating in our own Church edifice. It was in too unfinished a state for consecration, but was very comfortable and Worship is held there statedly by the Rec¬ tor. On Sunday morning I confirmed twelve persons, two of whom were from St. David's Parish. St. Andrew's is under the charge of; the Rev. Richard T. Brown, late of Virginia, whose labors- have been already very much blessed. It is growing rapidly and should the population admit of it, will be very soon a strong Church. On the 31st Mareh, I held my usual spring confirmation in Christ's Church Savannah, when nine persons were confirmed. This Parish $ bishop's address. 13 , has suffered during the past year more than usual from removal of its | communicants. j During the first week in April I proceeded to Columbus, accompa- j nied by the Rev. Dr. Boone, our Missionary to China, and on Easter \ day confirmed seven persons, one of them a colored person. Dr; Boone j addressed the congregation on the evening of the same day and pro- \ duced a very decided interest in the behalf of the China mission. I j regret to add to this report that I found the Rev. Mr. Cairns still suf- j fering from severe indisposition and preparing to leave his flock for 1 the summer in pursuit of health. The Rev. Mr. Gay of Alabama j will give his Parish occasional services, and the intervening Sundays ( will be supplied by lay reading. j April 12th I commenced my visitation of St. Stephens Church, j Milledgeville, and on Sunday the 14th, I confirmed six persons. Mr. \ White, the Minister of the Parish has reason to be encouraged by j the success which has attended his labors. May the Lord give him the spirit of wisdom and a right judgment in all things, for he occu¬ pies a most important point in the Diocese. April 17th my visitation of Christ's Church, Macon, began and con¬ tinued until the 21st, when I confirmed seven persons. I found this j congregation, as usual, in an interesting spiritual state and slowly j yet surely increasing its number of communicants. j On the 22nd April I commenced the examination of the schools at \ Montpelier and continued there until Saturday the 27th. They were very satisfactory and well calculated to increase confidence in the system pursued there. The prosperity of these schools calls for devout thankfulness on our part, to Almighty God. We have had during the past year, an average of eighty children under our charge, and had not our limit of fifty pupils to each school been strictly adhered to, we might have re¬ ceived, such has been the constant application for places in the girls school, fifty more. But we shall not depart from the determination with which we set out, never to receive in one school more than fifty scholars; for we believe it to be the only method of uniting the fami¬ ly system with that of the public school. It is neither numbers, nor profit, nor popularity which we seek. Our desire is to give a finished education upon strictly religious principles, and every thing else will be sacrificed to that object. But it becomes under existing circumstances, a question well de- ? X4 BISIIOr S ADDRESS. serving the consideration of the Church, whether we should not be enabled to put another school for girls into operation. This will re¬ quire, according to the calculations of Mr. Fay, for building, furni¬ ture and equipment of every kind, the sum of ten thousand dollars. An outfit like this would put us into a condition fox receiving at once fifty girls more, upon the same plan of education with those already under our care. The endowment of three scholarships at $3000 each would effect the object; for which endowment paid in cash, the donor would be entitled to the education of a child at the school—so long as it endures, free of cost, its clothing excepted. If we cannot carry out the project in this way, we stall not attempt it in any other, for we are determined, by God's grace, not to embarrass ourselves with debt, nor to ask assistance from any quarter, where we do not make a suitable return. Since my connexion with the Diocese, whatever has been done in the way of Church building and debt paying, has been done within ourselves, with one very trifling exception. During that lime we have managed to build eight very nice Churches, to fur¬ nish them, to pay for them and to roll off a very heavy burden of debt from some of our older Parishes. It is my earnest desire that we should continue this line of policy and then we shall have no mush¬ room growth. Every step we take will be upon our own feet and in perfect independence of all external influences. The Parochial re¬ ports to be read at this convention exhibit an unbounded liberality on the part of the Churches and whom has it injured ? Nay, whom has it not benefited ? whose christian sympathy has not been deepened, Avhose christian charity has not been enlarged by these generous con¬ tributions to Christ and his Church ? It is this spirit of liberality, united with the perfect harmony of all our operations, which has giv¬ en us the rapid growth in which Ave now rejoice. And here let us beseech you, Brethren ofthe Clergy, to permit the same unity of spirit to prevail among us, which has hitherto charac¬ terized us. Upon you it rests whether it shall be preserved. At this moment is there a contioversy going on in the Church, sprung upon us in the midst of the most unexampled prosperity, which, if intro¬ duced here, must produce ajike excitement with that which it has elsewhere aroused. However vital it may be, and I conceive it to be most vital, we can exclude it from the midst of us, by excluding the writings which have given rise to it and the newspapers whicK have fanned the flame. Let each clergyman determine that he will bishop's address. 15 I dissuade his people from the perusal of this controverted Theology— that he will discountenance among them any publications which may < influence their feelings or destroy their charity—that he will lead j them back to the green pastures and still waters of our established j ; theology and there will be no heart burnings among us. How much j ! higher would be the standard of christian knowledge—how much j l deeper the tone of christian feeling, if we would build up our people 1 upon such writers as Jewel and Hooker and Andrews and Hall and Pearson and Beveridge, instead of weakening their minds and inflam¬ ing their passions with a current theological literature which must be \ as fleeting as the times which produce it. Our people need to drink \ from the deep wells of our ancient theology and not to be made fa- | miliar with the crude opinions which are daily and hourly issuing j from the press. If this theology be identical with the standard theol- Igy of the church, then circulate, my brethren, among your people this standard theology and there can be no disputation. If it be new, we all know that any thing new in theology is certainly dangerous, not to say erroneous and should not be furnished as spiritual aliment for j : the people. We can avoid this controversy by walking in the paths j : in which the whole church was walking but a few years back—walk- \ : ing in harmony and peace until the storm be over past. What- : ever direct responsibilities may come upon us as Clergymen and as : Laymen, let us meet them as becomes men whose consciences must : be clear in the sight of God, but let us, at least, not waste our : strength in vain wrangling, which always ends just where it begins, ;! in every one's retaining his own opinions and taking sides according ; to his previous sympathies. So long as this controversy does not pretend to meddle with the es¬ tablished formularies of the church there can be no danger to the church itself. Opinion on either side of it is a matter of private : judgment, having proper tribunals before which it must account and to which it must be left for its account. The attempt to introduce any other rule of conduct must lead to endless confusion and to a per- ; petual antagonism of one portion of the church with another. But when the opinion becomes connected with the public authorized teaching of the church, or with its legislative action, then is it at once '}, changed in its character and in its degree of importance. Hence the points of our system which need watching and guarding most care¬ fully are our several Theological Seminaries and our general Convention. | If, bishop's address. | Our Trustees in the one, and our Delegates in the other, must meet | the only questions whose determination can affect the church. Let | them ask for the old paths and determine to walk therein, and the church \ will rise from the roaring surges which are breaking over her, as does | the rock, which buried tor a moment, yet stands as unmovable as the \ foundations of the everlasting hills. Messrs. William J. Ellis and Benj. F. Mower the candidates for orders reported at our last convention, are still pursuing their studies at the Theological Seminary of Virginia. To these have been added Mr. William C. Williams and Mr. Shanklin, transferred to this Dio¬ cese from Virginia, and Mr. Nicholas A. Okeson, who has become a candidate in this Diocese. Since the last convention, Dr. John A. Vaughan has been trans¬ ferred to Georgia from the Diocese of New York; the Rev. Rufus M. White from that of Western New York; the Rev. E. P. Brown from that of Delaware; the Rev. Alexander J. Berger from that of Mary¬ land; and the Rev. Richard T. Brown, and Rev. Carter Page, from that of Virginia. The Rev. John Fielding, formerly a Roman Catholic Priest, has, after examination, been licensed, and the Rev. Charles Fay, formerly Rector of St. Luke's, has been transferred to the Dio¬ cese of Louisiana. The number of Clergy canonically connected with the Diocese is twenty. During the past year I have been called upon to give my consent to the consecration of the Rev. J. P. K. Henshaw to the Episcopate of Rhode Island. His consecration met with my hearty approbation and I feel sure that his administration will prove a blessing to his Diocese. One topic more and I am done. The church has just opened before us a missionary field, a large and a melancholly field, one to which Georgia especially owes a heavy debt. The ancient people of this land, those whose hunting grounds stretched over the beautiful hills and the rich vallies of our own State—-whose warm welcome was the first greeting which our forefathers received in this western world, have been taken into the hearts of Churchmen, and their own special committee has determined, with the consent of the church and the help of God, to give them a complete ecclesiastical organization. I Pray you let us give a hearty response to this appeal, a response not only of approval, but of earnest co-operation. There is no work in which as Georgians, we could more appropriately engage than this—>jj; PAROCHIAL REPORTS, &C. 17 no mission that we could take hold of with more singular propriety. But a few years since, and all that rich territory which spreads from the Ocmulgee to the Lookout Mountain—a territory already covered over with Towns and Villages, with Schools, Colleges and Churches, was the home of the red men, the same red men who now cry for the Gospel. It is so little while, that a generation has not passed away. Were we there, we could hear them mourning, not over the land of their Fathers, but over their own homes and pleasant places. Their ancient hills are covered for us with the finest wheat—their vallies groan for us under the weight of richest harvests—their gold and their silver is ours and the cattle upon a thousand hills. Is it not our chris¬ tian duty to repay some of these riches, for their worldly things to send unto them spiritual things ? Let us determine that we will take this mission most especially under our care and foster it to the full extent of our ability. We can give it our hearty good will, and earnest prayer and such a measure of our wealth as a Christian liberality can always command. Let our Master be enabled to say of our Diocese, as he said of the woman in the Gospel, " She hath done what she could" and it will suffice for duty, for peace and for reward. STEPHEN ELLIOT, JR. The Parochial Reports were read and ordered to be printed, as follows: ST. JOHN'S CHURCH, SAVANNAH. Rt. Rev. Stephen Elliott, Jr., D.D. Rector. Rev. John B. Gallagher, Assistant Minister. ■Communicants, added 30—removed 10, ... 81 Baptisms—adults 2, infants 14, ----- 16 Confirmations, 14 Marriage, l Burials, not of congregation, ..... io Contributions^-Domestic Missions, .... $46 Foreign, do ... 227 75 Education of Theological Students, .... $150 Sunday School Contributions, ..... $395 This is exclusive of about $100 contributed conjointly by the two congregations of Savannah, in aid of Kenyon College. It is gratifying to remark that while this Church has suffered from an unusual num¬ ber of removals, the addition to the communion has exceeded that of either of the previous years since the commencement of the Parish. 18 PAROCHIAL REPORTS. The children of the congregation were publicly catechised on Sunday afternoon throughout the season of Lent. The Sunday School including the infant department recently organised has in¬ creased to the number of 142 scholars, with an average attendance of about 90, un¬ der 18 teachers. The Parochial School conducted through the week by the gratu¬ itous instruction of Ladies attached to the Church has been steadily and success¬ fully sustained. None are admitted who do not attend the Sunday School. It is hoped that this systematic course of religious education may prove instrumental with the divine blessing, in training many of the young in the way of godliness. Nine of the poorer scholars are placed in an Asylum under the care of a pious communicant of the Church who devotes her time to the object. The annual ex¬ pense incurred, amounting to nearly 400 dollars is chiefly defrayed by the Sunday School contributions. CHRIST CHURCH, SAVANNAH. Rev. Edward Neufville, Rector. Baptisms—adults 2, infants 13, ... 15 Marriages, - - - - - - 17 Burials—10 of the congregation, 10 others, 20 Communicants—added 7, removed 12, repelled 3, died 2, - 150 Confirmed, ... ,5 Offerings and collections for Domestic committee of Missions, 584 00 " " " Foreign '• '« « 242 74 " " " Diocesan, " " •' 232 56 " " " Education of candidates for orders, 146 70 $706 00 The Sunday School comprises 13 teachers, and 80 pupils. It has a Library of 500 volumes. There is also a school for colored children, the average attendance on which is about 70, The Ladies Missionary Association, besides paying up its annual instalment of $166 to the Church building fund, has contributed $75 to Diocesan Missions. The Female Bible, Prayer Book and Tract Society has continued its efficient aid to the Missionary operations of the Diocese by furnishing a large number of books for gratuitous distribution. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, AUGUSTA. Rev. Edward E. Ford, Rector. Baptisms—white adults 4, children 27, Black adult 1, children 3. Total, . .. 33 Communicants added 8, including 4 from other congregations, died 3, removed 5; present number - - M ■ j Marriages, - . . ^ . 8 ' PAROCHIAL EEPORTS. 19 \ Burials 10, one not of the congregation. It seems proper to state, as exhibiting the true results of the past year's ministra. tions, that 15 candidates are now awaiting confirmation during the present visit of the Bishop, 13 of whom will be added to the present number of communiiants as above stated. The children of the parish are catechised once a month by the Rector. Sunday Schools.—The white school numbers about 90 children, under the geae- eral supervision of the Rector, aided by a Librarian, three male and five female teachers. In the colored school, the attendance ranges from 30 to 40, under the instruction of the Rector and five teachers. \ Paiush School.—Within the past year a commencement has been made, of a Pariah School for affording gratuitous instruction in the elements of a plain educa¬ tion. It is taught by several Ladies of the congregation, who devote to this good work five days in the week, from 9 to 1 o'clock. The results thus far, under the divine blessing, have been highly encouraging. The religious portion of the instruc¬ tion is strictly conformed to our Church's system, and the children are required to attend the Sunday School and the public services of the Church. The number in attendance varies from 40 to 50. A very neat, substantial and commodious brick building, 30 by 50 feet, has been erected on the Church lot, for the accommodation of the Sunday Schools, A thorough alteration, pleasing to the eye, and highly conducive to convenience has been made in the arrangements of the Chancel, Pu'pit and Desk. The Ladies' Working Society have made liberal appropriations of the proceeds of : their taste and industry to several useful objects. The weekly "Church offerings," devoted to Missions within the Diocese, have amounted to $130 97. A public collection of $70 from the congregation, and ihea n- nual Christmas offering of the Sunday School of $8 50—total ©78 50 has been trans¬ mitted in equal portions, to the two committees of the General Board of Missions, and the proceeds of another collection of $59 31 to the Foreign committee, for the benefit of the China Mission. There has also been raised by collections in the Church—for the purchase of : prayer books and tracts $44 10—and for defraying expenses of the Parish School, viz : books, stationary and occasional clothing $37 00. There are in the congregation, annual subscribers to the church building fund of. the Diocese to the amount of about $170, nearly the whole of which has been paid in for the past year. About $330 during the past year, has been raised by subscriptions in the con¬ gregation towards meeting a balance due for the Sunday School Building, over and above the fund previously appropriated to that object. Only a small amount still re¬ mains doe for the building. It will thus be seen that there has been, on the whole, no want of liberality, on the part of the congregation, in the support of objects connected with the best in¬ terests of the church and of our holy faith. May this bread cast upon the waters be found after many days. 20 PAROCHIAL REPORTS' CHRIST CHURCH, MACON. Rev. Seneca G. JBrag"g> Rector# Baptisms—Adults 3, children, 13. Total, • " ^ Confirmations, - Communicants—died 3; removed 5; repelled 1; added 13, present i Marriages, 72 number, - 5 Funerals—adults 9; children 15. Total, - * ^ Many cases of sickness have occured in our Parish, during the past convention¬ al year- Three beloved members of our flock have been removed by death. It is our prayer, that we may reap spiritual blessings from the visitations of affliction, ap¬ pointed for us—by our Heavenly Shepherd. We record, with gratitude, an increasing spirit of liberality, among the friends of our church. The Ladies' Association, by their industry, and self denial, have sup¬ plied the sum of two hundred and ten dollars, for benevolent objects. Of that amount, sixty-five dollars were appropriated for the benefit of one of our Diocesan Missionary stations; and the remaining one hundred &nd forty-five dollars were expended for purposes of urgent parochial necessity. Our church-offerings, and public collections, have exceeded those of several pre¬ ceding years. Eighty dollars have been contributed in aid of the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the P. E. Church. Ninety-five dollars have been applied to the support of Diocesan Missions ; and forty dollars to the purchase of additional Prayer Books, for the Depository of the Diccese. Thus, amidst pecun¬ iary embarrassments, (of which the Parish is not yet relieved, although it has recent¬ ly extinguished a debt of more than two hundred dollars,) we have been enabled to contribute the sum of two hundred dollars, in aid of the cause of missions within the Diocese ; and eighty dollars toward the support of the General Missionary Society. Our Sunday School for white children, remains under the care of the same Su- perintendant,—aided by four female, and three male Teachers. The number of scholars attending, (of whom two have been recently confirmed,) is sixty, We can not report any decided improvement in our colored Sunday School. Two female teachers, and the superintendant of the while school, have labored faithfully to im¬ part religious instruction to the servants of the congregation, and others, who have assembled, for that object, on the Lord's Day. We shall still persevere m our ef¬ forts to do them good ; and pray for the blessing of the Divine Head of the church who is " no respecter of persons." ' TRINITY CHURCH, COLUMBUS. Rev. William D. Cairns, Rector. Baptisms—Adults 3; Infants cO. Total, - . 3$ Marriages, - . . _ _ - SJ Confirmed, . . . _ _ ^ Communicants—Present number, - PAROCHIAL REPORTS. 21 Burials, 4 Collections, over Eleven Hundred Dollars,- r Of the money collected, one hundred dollars has been appropriated to missions within the Diocese ; one hundred to China; fifty to Domestic Missions; fifty to one scholar at the Seminary; four hundred and ten towards the liquidation of our Church debt, our quota to the Eishop's fund in full, and the balance in charity. The Ladies have labored with characteristic diligence in the good work in which they have been long engaged. The Rector being in the pursuit of health, has,-by the kindnefes of His Vestry, been enabled to leave his Parish under the partial care of a young Clergyman du¬ ring the summer, to whom the prospect is opened of establishing the Church at two points, adjacent to Columbus, in the State of Alabama. The brief interval which has passed since his connexion with the Church of St. Simon's, has sufficed only to acquaint him with the condition ot the Parish and to suggest certain plans of usefulness it is intended with the Divine blessing hereafter to carry into effect. The condition of the Church may be considered prosperous, so far as it can be shown by a regular and very general attendance upon the services of the sanctu¬ ary—by a disposition to contribute liberally for the support of the Gospel and by an apparent earnest and practical desire for the religious improvement of those whose spiritual and eternal as well as temporal welfare the providence of God has given into our hands. Besides these indications from without, assuredly causes of thank¬ fulness in themselves, there are not wanting other evidences of the presence of God, the Holy Ghost, in the existence of a personal interest in the salvation of the soul and an increasing desire to abound in the fruits of the spirit. For the purpose of providing accommodation tor the colored communicants and the blacks of the island generally, many of whom attend our service and whose number would doubtless be doubled if not trebled, were there room for them in the house of prayer, measures are in progress for enlarging the Church by an addition of fifteen feet in length. Service is held twice on the Sabbath—in the morning for the regular congre¬ gation, and immediately after for the blacks. During the week three or more of the plantations are visited and a familiar exposition given of some portion of Gods word to the negroes. CHRIST CHURCH, ST. SIMON'S ISLAND. Rev. E. P. Brown, Minister. Communicants—white 17; colored 25. Confirmed—colored adult 1. Baptised—Infants, white 5, colored 8, 4£ 1 13 Marriages, Burials, 1 7 22 PAROCHIAL BISTORTS. 17 Communicants, ------- j On the 24th of last October, I entered upon the discharge of my missionary duties at Clarksville. The services of the Church have been regularly performed, with | but few intermissions and have generally been well attended. During the winter | on every Sunday afternoon, religious instruction has been imparted to the blacks. | The Sunday School connected with the Church numbers at present about twenty \ scholars. ST. LUKES', MONTPELIER. Ber. John A. Vaugliaii, D. 15- Hector* Communicants,—24 white, 6 colored) . - - 30 Baptisms—1 white adult, ... - - 1 Confirmed—3 whites, ... - 3 Burials—2 colored adults, - . - - 2 Th:s congregation is composed principally of the families, teachers and pupils of the Institute. I commenced my duties as Rector the 1st of February last. During the period since intervening, there has been a marked decorum and evident atten¬ tion to the services of the Church. But, with much to encourage the pastor and friends of the Institute, few instances of special religious impressions have been ob¬ served. In this portion of the Lord's vineyard, can any object be found calling more earnestly for the prayers of his people, than this Institute, where with every advantage for thorough instruction, more than 80 ptecious youths are gathered for christian education? At the close of the fall term a lovely female pupil was removed by death, and now another, equally lovely, after a short and painful illness is ready to depart and be with her Saviour. In this instance Baptism was administered by the Bishop, at the request of the parents, who has been thus called at two successive semi-annual visits to stand by the dying bed. It is cause for devout gratitude that excepting these two cases, no instance of serious illness has occurred at either department of the Institute from its commencement. During the year beside some occasional contributions to missionary objects, $74 and 30 cts. have been transmitted for such purposes. The pupils of the female de¬ partment support a little African girl during her education at the Cape Palmas EMMANUEL CHURCH, ATHENS. Rev. Win. Bacon Stevens, M. D. ISeetor* Baptisms—Infants, whites4, colored 1, . . 5 Burials, . j Confirmed, . , g Communicants, . . .21 Since the last meeting of Convention a beautiful Church has been erected, which, (though not quite completed at the time^ was consecrated by Bishop Elliott on Sunday, 19th Nov., last. The regular services of the Church were commenced j in our new edifice on Sunday the 17th March, prior to which time we had wot- shipped in the Town Hall. The building contains fifty pews and two free seats on the lower floor and seats for about fifty colored persons on each side of the organ loft. At the rental on the 16th March, forty-three pews were taken and an interesting and most intelligent congregation was thus gathered to our services. Through the liberality of our own people and neighboring friends, the Church has been furnished with most all of the necessary appointments for the Choir and Chancel, and we are now able to present the Church in all her primitive ordinances and scriptural sacraments. On Sunday 14th April, I organized a Sunday School, with 7teachers, and 28 scho. lars. Looking back upon the past year the Rector finds much cause for gratitude and encouiagement; for gratitude, at the signal mercies vouchsafed during this season in the building, completing and furnishing our edifice, and of encouragement at the greater interest manifested in our Church and in the marked increase of the congregation. May the early and latter rains of God's grace ever fall upon this garden of the Lord watering it into fertility, that it may bring forth fruit an hundred fold to his honor and glory. I have held monthly services in Lexington, and administered the communion twice, once in the Methodist Church, and once in the house of Dr. Cox. The number of communicants there is six. ST. STEPHEN'S, MILLEDGEVILLE. j Itev. Itvifns M. White, minister* My official conne^on with this parish commenced with the ecclesiastical year ; but owing to the unfinished state of our church edifice, no public services were performed until the second Sunday in advent. Upon which day, our small, but tasteful and beautiful Church, was by our beloved Diocesan, consecrated to that hallowed use, for which it had been erected, by the noble christian liberality and zeal of our friends in this Diocese. May God graciously accept the offering which he has put it into the hearts of his people, willingly to make, and fill with his glory the house thus reared to his honor. Upon the establishment of the Church here, there were connected with it Communicants, ...... 10 Since that time there has been added from another parish, . I From other communions, . ... 4 From the ranks of the world, 2 Total 17 Baptisms, administered by the Bishop to infants, 4 Confirmations, . . 6 Marriages, . . . . 1 There is a Sunday School connected with the congregation, under the supervis¬ ion of the Rector, numbering 40 scholars, and five teachers. Upon Palm Sunday, a collection was taken up for missions, amounting to $20, Having set up our banners in the name of the Lord, we trust that her sound doc¬ trines, her apostolic order, the simplicity, solemnity and beauty of her liturgy which breathes so admirably the spirit of the primitive ages will commend the Church iu— — 24 PAROCHIAL REPORTS. to the understandings and hearts of the serious and devout among us, and swell her communion with increasing numbers of the faithful adherents of her Lord. ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH, DARIEN. Rev. ICicliard T. Brown, Rector, I took charge of this interesting congregation on the fourth ounday in Adront, 1843. Upon inquiry, I found fourteen families connected with the Church, and 25 communicants. Since that time, the following changes have been made : Communicants—Received from other Parishes, . . 6 14 received from another denomination, . • 4 " recently added 6; Total, whites 28; colored 3, 41 Baptisms—Adults 2; infants 2; (including one baptised by the Bish¬ op.) Total, ..... 4 Confirmed—(including 2 from St. David's,) . . . .12 Funerals—A colored person not a member of the congregation, . 1 We are now occupying the Church in an unfinished state ; but efforts will bo made to plaster it during the approaching summer. Owing to the peculiar condi¬ tion of the place, the growth of the Church at Darien must hereafter be more grad¬ ual, though we are warranted to believe that it must, with the blessing of God, eventually be established upon a broad foundation. ST. JAMES CHURCH, MARIETTA. Rev. Thomas F. Scott, Rector. Communicants—Added 11; removed 10; present number, . 9 Baptisms—Infants 3 ; adults 1; Total, . . . . 4 Confirmations, . . . ... 3 Marriage—(colored,) . . . ... 1 Sunday School—Teachers 9; Scholars 52; Total . . . 61 Sunday School Library—No. vols, ..... 243 Funds Raised—For completion of Church and fixtures, . . $285 " Sunday School Library, ... 25 " Parsonage, ..... 120 Communion offerings, . . . . 14 20 Ladies Working Society, . . . 10 00 TotaI> ■ ■ $454 20 50 Parish Library—No- vols. This infant Parish has good reason to thank God and take courage. Notwith'- etanding various discouragements the Lord has given us favor in the land, and blessed the works of our hands. Already may we say with the Patriarch, 44 with our staff we passed over this Jordan, and behold we are become two bands." Itbeeomes;us also to acknowledge with unfeigned gratitude, the kindness of our christian brethren towards us in various bequests, especially to our sisters of Christs' Church, Macon, for a very neat communion service, and to the Church of the ^Epiphany, Philadelphia, for a donation of Sunday School books. • --«r PAROCHIAL REPORTS. 25 ST. DAVID'S, GLYNN COUNTY. Communicants—whites 8; colored 3, - 11 Baptisms—2 colored adults, - ... . -2 The undersigned resumed the charge of this Parish on the 19th November, and continued until the letter part of January, when he removed to Montpelier. Morn¬ ing Service was maintained every Sunday—from 30 to 40 whites and others attend¬ ing, after which the children were instructed from the Bible. In the afternoon of Sunday, service .especially for the colored people was held at Church and at Hopeton, 4 miles distant, alternately. Two plantation meetings were also held during each weefe, thus giving religious instruction to every plantation, once a fort¬ night. In all these arrangements the planters offered every needed facility, and in several instances, gave to their people, an hour before sunset, to prepare for service. In all, about 250, or one-fourth of the whole number of negroes, came thus under the ministry of the Word. Though no general religious interest ap¬ peared, there manifestly increased attention to the instructions of the Bible, and to the exposition of the catechism. A class was formed among the colored people with a view to confirmation, and numerously attended by seriously dis¬ posed negroes, many *>f whom, though giving evidence of piety, had never been regularly connected with any Church. Five white families form the Parish, and comprise nearly the whole community. One he$d of a family was received at the communion, and has since, with another, been confirrr ed at the Bishop's visita¬ tion. JOHN A. VAUGHAN. ST. MICHAEL'S, SPRINGFIELD. Rev. George WSiite, Rector. Owing to circumstances the Rector has not been able to devote much time to his Parish. Residing thirty miles from it and engaged in the management of a large school, he found it very inconvenient to visit it as often as he desired. The Church has been consecrated, and a Lay Reader appointed, who read Pray, ers every Sabbath during the summer months. Early last Spring, he accepted an invitation (o preach on Wilmington Island, situated about nine miles from Savannah, and he is pleased to say, that his congre¬ gations were uniformly attentive and serious—indeed, a very favorable feeling has been awakened among the prominent residents in behalf of our Church. Our worthy Bishop favored the Island last summer with a visit, which was high¬ ly appreciated by the people. After the expiration of his engagement on Wilmington Island, he felt it his duty to preach wherever an opportunity was presented The colored congregations in this city, have shared largely in his feeble efforts.— In his addresses to this neglected part of our population, he has endeavored to ac¬ commodate himself to their peculiar character and habits. He availed himself of every opportunity to correct long established errors, peculiar to the colored popula¬ tion, and he does not recollect the occasion, when his admonitions were not re¬ ceived, with respect and attention ; and here will his Clerical and Lay bretheren permit him to remark, that a long acquaintance with this class of people, justifies 26 PAROCHIAL KEI'ORT*. him in saying that the introduction of our peculiar mode of worship among them, would eminently tend to rectify mistakes in regard to the mam points of religion, and elevate the standard of piety. The Rectors of the Episcopal Churches in this city tSavannah,) have always found him ready to render them any aid in his power. He has preached eight or nine times for the Baptists, three for the Lutherans, and twice for the Seamen. MISSION IN CASS AND FLOYD COUNTIES. In the absence of the Rev Mr. Page, it may be proper to state, that occasional services have been held at Rome, and in the Etowah valley, during the year. These services have been as well received as they usually are, in similar places, and by many a desire wes manifested to have them continued. Tracts and Prayer Books to a small extent have\een circulated, and thus the means of knowing our doctrines and modes of worship have been opened to a few. It was soon believed that the Church might be permanently established in the Etowah valley ; and after procuring the advice of the Eishop, a contract was made in February for erecting a Church. The building is to be 30 by 40 feet, with a Portico in front, and Vestry room in the rear. The materials are provided, and the work is now in progress, and the Church will, it is hoped, be ready for conse¬ cration in August or September. A contract was also made for erecting a Parson¬ age of a cheap but substantial kind. This was deemed the more desirable, in con¬ sequence of an expressed wish, thgt there should be opened a select classical School, under the direction of the Rector of the Church. This work is also in progress, and will be completed as early as the Church. A congregation would have been organized before this time, but for the absence of several persons who are connected with the enterprise. A Church was organized at Rome or the 31st of March, comprising six commu¬ nicants. This has been the principal point of Mr. Page's labors, and it is believed the prospect is fair for the permanent establishment of the Church. Inquiry is now being made what can be done towards building; and it is not a faint expectation, that before a yeat passes, a Church will be completed and dedicated to the wor¬ ship of Almighty God. The success of these enterprises, and of others in contemplation, will require patient faith and diligent labor; but under the blessing of Him by whose commis¬ sion we labor, the result is not at all doubtful. It is altogether improper to start any question of this sort, because it will only obscure our own faith, weaken our energies and hinder our progress. We have but a single point to settle—that wc aie engaged heartily in preaching Christ's free gospel, under his commission. It is only necessary for us thus to labor, and we may confidently rely upon the promi¬ sed Grace, which the increase comes. Very respectfully, THOMAS F. SCOTT. BAKER COUNTY MISSION. Rev. J. B. t. Smith, missionary. PAROCHIAL REPORTS, &C. ^7 ^ Baptisms—adults, 4; infants, 28 - 32 Burials, ........ 8 Communicants, IS Confirmed, - - - - - - - -2 This Mission is chiefly to the slaves on several plantations, whose owners are actuated by a laudable desire for their spiritual instruction. It is proposed soon to organize a Parish here, under the name of St. Mark's and to erect a place of wor¬ ship. Occasional services have been held at Gilliam, but as they interfered with the exercise of the Sunday School connected with the Mission, it has been found in¬ convenient to officiate statedly at that place. The Standing Committee then read the following Report, which was accepted : The Standing Committee of the Diocese of Georgia respectfully REPORT: That they have recommended to the Bishop for Deacon s orders, Mr. Jonathan B. T. Smith,a candidate (ransferred to this Diocese trom that of Virginia, tor Priests— orders the Rev. William J3. Stevens and the Rev. Thomas F. Scott, and to be re- j ceived as Candidates for orders—Mr. Nicholas A. Ckeson. ( ED. NEUFVILLE, Prtexdent. The Missionary Committee then made the following Report: The Committee on Missions respectfully REPORT, That the Missionary operations of the Diocese, within the past year, have been necessarily conducted under the immediate superintendence of the lit. Rev. Chair¬ man, Ex-Ojficio. At h is request, one of our Committee visited Alexandria and Richmond, Va., in the month of May last, for the purpose of inviting additional laborers into our vast Missionary field. We refer to the Annual Address of our Bishop for a full statement of the present condition of our several Missionary stations The Report of the Treasurer of the Committee will show a small balance in his hands unappropriated. A contribu¬ tion of forty dollars from Christ Church, Macon, has enabled us to purchase a new supply of Prayer Books—a part of which has been distributed, at Marietta, Milledge- ville, and Albany. More than one hundred copies (of a cheap edition,) of the Prayer Book remain in the Depository. Some Sunday School Books have also oeen appropriated in aid of of Missionaiy stations in the Diocese. Weunanimous- ly beg leave to suggest a change in the location of the Committer:, and of the Deposi- j lory as a measure conducive to the future prosperity of the cause of Missions. | SENECA G- BRAGG, Chairman pro tem. | On motion, this report was referred to a Committee of three, viz : * the Rev. Messrs. Gallagher and Bragg, and Mr. Conly. The Re- | port of the Treasurer of the Convention was then handed in and re- IS '28 JOURNAL. ferred to the Committee on finance. The Treasnrer of Diocesan Mis- sions presented a report which was also referred to the Committee on finance. The Committee appointed to take into consideration Sec. 2, Can. 5, presented the following report, which was adopted. The Committee to whom was referred Sec. 2, of Can. 5, after consideration thereon, beg leave to recommend for adoption, the fol¬ lowing Resolution ; Resolved, That Sec. 2, Can. 5, be so altered as to read as follows : Sec. 2. The election of Wardens, and Vestrymen in every Parish thus constituted, shall take place annually, on Easter Monday, unless some other time be specified in the act of incorporation, with the as¬ sent of the Eclesiastical authority of the Diocese. The Commtttee beg leave also, in view of the whole subject of in¬ corporation of Churches, to recommend to the Convention the follow¬ ing Resolution : Resolved, That the Bishop be requested to prepare or cause to be prepared, a suitable form of a charter or act of incorporation, to be used hereafter in the Diocese, generally ; and that the form thus pre¬ pared, be printed with the Journal of the Convention. The Committee appointed under a resolution yesterday to take into consideration, the right to all the privileges of a seat in this Conven¬ tion, of each Clergyman now in attendance upon the same, reported —that upon enquiry they find that there is no Clergyman present in this Convention, who is not entitled under the 4th Article of the Con¬ stitution of the Diocese, to all the privileges of a member of the same. In order, however, to meet any question which may hereafter arise, the committee beg leave to submit to the consideration of Convention, the following Resolution. Resolved, That the 4th article of the Constitution of this Diocese be amended by substituting the words " regularly and statedly perform- ing the duties of Rector in an existing Parish, or performing Mission¬ ary duty under the direction of the Eclesiastical authority of the Dio¬ cese,. for all that occurs between the words " good standing" and " shall be a member of the Convention." ED. NEUFYILLE, Chairman. On motion, the several parts of the Reports were separated. On 29 further motion the 1st part, viz : " upon inquiry they find that there is no Clergyman present in this Convention, who is not entitled, under the 4th Art. of the Constitution of the Diocese, to " all the privileges of a member" of the same, was adopted ; and the second part, viz : "In order, however, to meet any question which may hereafter arise" &c.—was laid over until to-morrow. After prayer, by the Bishop, the Convention adjourned till to-mor¬ row morning. At night, evening prayer was read by the Rev. J. B. Gallagher, and a Sermon preached by Rev. Thos. F.Scott from Eccles. viii, 11. Saturday, 4th March, 10 A. M. Morning Prayer was read by the Rev. E. P. Brown, and Sermon preached by the Rev. Mr. Berger. The Minutes were read, and with some amendments approved. The Committee on the state of the Church, reported as follows : The Committee on the state of the Church in presenting their An¬ nual Report, feel deeply penetrated with sentiments of mingled grati¬ tude and humility—gratitude to the Great Head of the Church, and Author of all spiritual good, for the manifest tokens of His favor— humility, (and in this they feel confident that they speak the sentiments of all their fellow-laborers in the vineyard) under a sense of the ut¬ ter inadequacy of their imperfect, though well intended labors with the production of these results—and that the whole has been done with the blessing of Him without whose good Spirit, " Paul may plant, and Apollos water" in vain. To the increase in the number of the Clergy and Communicants— the committee feel that they may refer with peculiar satisfaction among other indications of prosperity, which are so happily enumerated in the opening passage of the Annual Address of the Bishop to the pre¬ sent Convention. All which is respectfully submitted, ED. NEUFVILLE, Chairman. On Motion, the above report was adopted. The Committee on the Indian Mission made the following report: The Committee to whom was referred a communication having re¬ ference to the proposed establishment of the Church, among the Indian 30 JOUltNAL. tribes, beg leave to report that they have considered the same, and while they regard the matter as calling for the hearty co-operation of | all that love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity; it has particular | claims upon the members of the Church in tnis Diocese a large I portion of whose territory was, but recently occupied by thcii Red | Brethren. It seems but just, that while we are reaping the benefit of their temporal things, we should impart unto them a better inheritance of spiritual things, and make them partakers of the gemle and civil¬ izing influences of the Gospel of our Salvation. In conformity with these views, your Committee beg leave to sub¬ mit the following Resolutions : Resolved, That in the judgment cf this Convention, the spiritual necessities of the Indian tribes call for a substantial expression of interest on the part of this Diocese. Resolved, That the Clergymen of the different Parishes be request¬ ed to present the claims of the proposed Indian Mission, to the atten¬ tion of their respective congregations. Resolved, That the Delegates to the next General Convention, be requested to co-operate in such measures as may be devised for car¬ rying out the proposed plan of an Indian Diocese. All of which, is respectfully submitted, ED. NEUFVILLE, Chairman. On motion it was resolved, that the above report be accepted— and that a copy of the same be forwarded to the Chairman of the Indian Committee. \ The Committee on alterations of the Prayer Books made the fol- ; lowing report: : The Committee to whom was referred a certain proposed alteration : of the Book of common Prayer, and addition to the Constitution, beg leave to recommend the adoption of the following Resolution: The General Convention of 1841, having made known to the seve¬ ral Dioceses, a certain proposed alteration of the Book of Common Prayer, touching the office for the institution of Ministers, and also a certain proposed additional article to the Constitution providing for the consecration of Bishops for foreign countries : Resolved, That this Convention do hereby declare, and make known, their consent to the said proposed amendment, and additional ^article, as the same are set forth respectively in the Journal of the 31} General Convention of 1841. Respectfully submitted, j ED. E. FORD, Chairman. j The above report was on motion adopted. j The Committee on unfinished business, made the following report: I The Committee 011 unfinished business beg leave, respectfully to j repoit, that there remains no further business left over by the last \ Convention for present consideration. j J. B. GALLAGHER, Chairman. I The Committee 011 Finance then presented a Report which was ac¬ cepted. The Committee in charge of the report of the Special Committee on Missions, made the following Report: The Special Committee to whom was referred the report of the Committee on Missions, respectfully report: that we have duly con¬ sidered the suggestion of a change in the location of said Commit¬ tee on Missions, and propose, in accordance therewith the following Resolutions: 1. Resolved, That the Committee of two Clegymen and three Lay¬ men, referred to in Can. 3, be located in the city of Savannah. 2. Resolved, That it be recommended to the Committee on Missions, to establish sub-depositories of Books and Tracts, in the cities of Augus¬ ta and Macon, and also at other points in the Diocese, if it shall ap¬ pear to them expedient. SENECA G. BRAGG, Chairman. The above report was amended by adding Columbus, after the word Macon, and it was then accepted. The Committee on new Parishes reported as follows: The Committee on the admission of new Parishes report: that written evidence, in conformity with the 5th Art. of the Constitution of the Diocese has been laid before us of a regular organization of a new Parish, on the 31st day of March last, at Rome, in Floyd county, to be known by the name of " St. Peter's Church, Rome." Submitting herewith, the document proposed to us—we recommend that St. Peter's Church, Rome, be admitted into union with this Convention. SENECA G. BRAGG, Chairman, In behalf of the Committee, May 3d, 1844. - ! 32 JOURNAL. \ The above report was on motion accepted, and it was resolved that | " St. Peter's Church, Rome," in the county of Floyd, be received | into union with this Convention. | The following resolution was offered by Jos, S. Fay, and adopted : | Resolved, That the Committee on finance be authorized to com- j plete and audit at Savannah, the account of the Committee of Diocesean ; Missions, as a supplement to the one received, so that it may be print- [ ed with the Journal, in due form. | Mr. Gallagher called up the resolution from the Committee on the ■< alteration of the 4th Article laid over from yesterday, and after read- | ing the same, offered the following as a substitute : Every Clergyman of good standing, who has been canonically i resident within the Diocese for six months last past, and during that period, has been regularly and statedly engaged in the exercise of | clerical functions—being a Minister of an existing Parish, or a Mis- ! sionary, under the direction of the proper Eclesiastical authority, | shall be a member of the Convention; and every duly recognized | Minister of the Church, canonically resident for six months last past, \ within the Diocese, being engaged in the business of literary instruc- | tion or disabled by reason of age or infirmity, from exercising cleri- 1 cal functions, shall be entitled to all the privileges of a member of j the Convention, with the exception of a right to vote. After some discussion, the resolution and substitute were referred | back to the same Committee to report, in the afternoon. | The following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adop- I ted: Whereas, At the last Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church, in the Diocese of Florida, the Rt. Rev. Stephen Elliott, jr., | D. D, the Bishop of this Diocese, was invited to take Episcopal | charge of the same: Therefore, be it Resolved, That this Convention are gratified at | the laudable desire of our Brethren of Florida, to procure regular Episcopal visitations, and do most cheerfully consent to share with : them the services and Ministrations of our beloved Diocesan. Resolved, That the above resolution be communicated to the Secre- : tary of the Convention of Florida. | On motion, the Convention adjourned to this afternoon, at 4j o'- I clock. | At half past 4 o'clock Convention met: journal. 33 The reading of the Minutes was dispensed with. On motion, Resolved, That the Treasurer of the Diocese be direc¬ ted to transmit the quota of this Diocese towards defraying the expen¬ ses of the General Convention, under the provision of Canon 10, of 1838. On motion, Resolved, That the next Convention be held in St. Stephens' Church, Milledgeville. On motion, Resolved, That the next Convention be held on the Thursday after the 1st Monday in May. The Committee to whom were referred the amendments proposed to < the fourth Art. of the Constitution, beg leave to report the following resolution. That the first paragraph of the 4th Art. be stricken out and substituted by the following: The Convention shall be composed of Clergymen and Laymen.— Every Clergyman of good standing, regularly settled and continuously exercising clerical functions in an existing Parish, or who shall have been six months last'past, performing Missionary duties, under the di¬ rection of the Eclesiastical authority of this Diocese, shall be entitled to all the privileges of a member of this Convention ; and every duly recognized Minister of the Church, canonically resident for six months last past within the Diocese, being engaged in the business of lite¬ rary instruction, or disabled by reason of age or infirmity, from exercising Clerical functions, shall be entitled to all the privileges of a member of the Convention, with the exception of the right to vote. ED. NEUFVILLE, Chairman. The above report was accepted and adopted. The Convention then proceeded to the Elections, which resulted as follows : Treasurer of Convention. Wm. P. Hunter. Treasurer of Missionary Committee. Jos. S. Fay. Standing Committee. Of the Clergy. Of the Laity. Rev. Ed. Neufville, W>i. B. Bulloch, " Ed. Ford, Dr. T. Bartow, " Seneca G. Bragg, Hon. R. M. Charlton. 34 journal. Committee on Missions. Of the Clergy. Of the Laity. Rev. Ed. Neufville, Hon- R. M. Charlton, •' J. B. Gallagher, Joel Ives, Geo. J. Kollock. Trustees of the General Theological Seminary, New York. Of the Clergy. Of the Laity. Rev. Ed. Neufville, Maj. Tnos. M. Nelson, " John B. Gallagher. Delegates to the General Convention. Of the Clergy. Of the Laity. Rev. Ed. Neufville. Maj. T. M. Nelson, " Seneca G. Bragg, Er. F. Campbell, " JonN B. Gallagher, C. F. M. Garnett, " .T. A. vatignan, D. D. N. C, Munrob. \ On motion, it was Resolved, That the thanks of this Convention i ho tendered to the Treasurer of the Diocese and of the Missionary Com- \ mittee, for their prompt, efficient, and faithful discharge of the duties I they have performed to the Church, during the past year. | Resolved, That 1000 copies of the Journal of the proceedings of j i this Convention be printed, for the use of the Church in the Diocese, \ under the direction of the Secretary pro tern. \ The Rev. Dr. Stevens was appointed by the Chair, Preacher of j < the Convention Sermon, and the Rev. Thos.' F. Scott, Preacher of j • the Missionary Sermon, at the next Convention. | The Convention was then adjourned to Monday morning. \ At night, the Rev. Thos. F. Scott read Prayers, and the Rev. C. < C. Pinkney, of the Diocese of South Carolina, Preached from 1st < John, iii, 14. | Sunday morning, Prayers were read by the Rev. E. E. Ford, and ! the rite of Confirmation administered to 14 persons, including 2 color¬ ed persons. Afternoon, a Sermon was preached by the Rev. R. M. "White of | Milledgeville, and the Holy Communion administered by the Bishop, j assisted by the Rev. Messrs. Neufville, Bragg, and Ford. At night, the Rev. Ed. Neufville read the Service, and the An- journal. 35 | nual Missionary Sermon was preached by the Rev. Dr. Stevens, from | Nehim. iv, 19, 20. I s 7 <, \ j ^ Monday Morning, 9, A. M. j | After prayer by the Bishop, the Minutes were read and approved. ' \ There being no further business, after Prayer and Benediction by j the Bishop, the Convention adjourned sine die. | STEPHEN ELLIOTT, Jr., Bishop of the IHocese. j 5 Wm. Bacon Stevens, Secretary, pro iem. constitution. APPENDIX. CONSTITUTION of the PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH, IN THE DIOCESE OF GEORGIA. article i. The Church of this Diocese, as a constituent part of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States of America, accedes to, re- ; cognises, and adopts the General Constitution of that Church, and ac¬ knowledges its authority accordingly. j article ii. i A Convention of this Church shall be held at such time of each year and place as the previous Convention may appoint: provided, however, that no Convention shall be opened for the transaction of business, unless there be present at least two Clergymen and Dele-- gates from two congregations. And in case no Convention be formed, ; the standing officers of the last Convention shall hold their respective j; offices until successors shall be appointed. article hi. ; The Bishop, or, if the Episcopate be vacant, the; Standing Com- :• mittee, shall have power, when it appears requisite for the good of the Church, to call a Special Convention, by a circular letter to the several Churches. There shall not be less than four weeks' notice previous to the day appointed, and such meeting shall be holden when the authority calling it shall determine : and at such Special Conven- ion, no other business shall be transacted than that stated in the no¬ tice calling the Convention. article iv. : The Convention shall be composed of Clergymen and Laymen. Every Clergyman in good standing, duly exercising clerical functions in existing Parishes, or in other situations under the direction of the Eclesiastical authority of this Diocese, shall be a member of the ^Convention; and every duly recognised Minister of this Church, en- constitution. 37 "3 gaged in the business of literary instruction, who shall have resided within the Diocese for six months last past, shall be entitled to all the privileges of a member of the Convention, with the exception of a right to vote. Each Church or Congregation in union with this Convention shall be entitled to a representation by one Lay Delegate or more, not exceed¬ ing three, to be chosen from its own body by the Wardens and Ves¬ trymen thereof: Provided, however, that the Minister, or in his ab¬ sence, the Delegate or Delegates present at any Convention, may supply any vacancy in the delegation, if he or they should find, at the place of meeting, a member or members of the congregation which they are empowered to represent. article v. New Parishes may be admitted into union with this Convention, j by a majority of votes : provided that they shall have laid before the j Convention written evidence, subscribed by the Wardens, that they j accede to the Constitution and Canons of this Church, and are regu- j larly organized by the election of two Wardens, and any number of; Vestrymen at discretion, not exceeding eight. article vi. Every meeting of the Convention shall be opened with Morning Prayer, and a Sermon delivered on the first day of the Convention, by a preacher appointed at the preceding Convention : a Sermon on Missions shall also be preached some time during the sitting of each Convention, when a collection shall be made in aid of Missions with¬ in this Diocese. The appointment of both preachers shall be made by the Bishop, or, in his absence, by the President of the Conven¬ tion. article vii. The Convention shall deliberate and act as one body, unless when any member shall call for a division on any question, in which case each Clerical member shall be entitled to one vote, and the Lay- Delegates of each congregation jointly to one vote ; and a majority of both orders shall be necessary to a decision. article viii. The Bishop of the Diocese shall be, ex-officio President of the Convention. In case there be no Bishop, or in his absence, a presid- " ; 3 s c O XSTIT UTIO X. s ing officer shall be elected from among the cleiical membeis present# ! Al'TICLE IX. i At each annual meeting of the Convention, a Secretary and Trea- * surer shall be chosen, to hold their respective offices until the next. [ \ Annual Convention, or untill successors shall be appointed. j i It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive, or cause to be re- j > ceived, at each annual Convention, the assessments upon the Parish- j \ es of this Diocese for defraying the incidental expenses of the Con- ; vention and the support of the Episcopate—and also to pay to the Bish- \ op quarterly in advance, the amount of salary pledged to him by this j \ Convention ; making a faithful return of all these his acts in his an- \ ; nual report to the Convention of this Church. j '< „\iraeJ-K x. > \ I > \ ! A Standing Committee shall be chosen at each annual meeting of j $ the Convention, to consist of three Clerical and three Lay members : j ; of the time and place of whose meetings due notice in writing shall j ; be given to all the members thereof at least one week before the ( •; time of such meeting. At a meeting thus notified, any four members j \ shall constitute a quorum. The standing Committee shall meet as j \ soon as practicable alter their election, and choose a President and i \ Secretary from among their own number, and it shall be the duty of j $ the President to call a meeting of the Committee whenever he shall j ] deem it necessary, or whenever he shall be required so to do by any j 5 three members of the Committee. j | Vacancies in this Committee, caused by death, resignation, or > ; otherwise, shall be supplied by the suffrages of the remaining mem- \ | bers. | | AKTICLU xi. | | The Convention shall annually elect four Clergymen and four Lay- ? ; men, as Deputies to the General Convention, and to any Special \ General Convention which may be held in the recess of this Con- j, vention, who shall be empowered, in the absence of one or more (of j j their colleagues, to appoint in the place of such Delegate or Dele- j j gates any citizen or citizens of this State : Provided that such citizen | or citizens be a member or members of the Protestant Episcopal j ; Church in this Diocese ; or if it be inconvenient for, any Delegate or j | Delegates to proceed to the place of meeting, the Bishop is author- | ized to appoint others in their place. In case of a vacancy in the^J canons, &c. 39" Episcopate, the power hereby conferred on the Bishop shall be ex¬ ercised by the Standing Committee. article xii. A proposition for altering and amending this Constitution shall be introduced in writing, and considered in Convention : and if approv¬ ed by a majority, shall lie over to the next Convention, when upon consideration again, if it be approved by a majority of the Conven¬ tion, it shall be adopted. CANONS- canon i. Each Church duly ^represented in this Convention shall pay or cause to be paid into the hands of the Treasurer of the Convention the sum of fifteen dollars annually, for defraying the incidental expenses of the Convention. canon ii. In case any Clergyman of this Diocese shall be accused of error in doctrine, immorality of life, or neglect or transgression of any of the Canons of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States, or this .Diocese, it shall be the duty of any two or more Cler¬ gymen, or of the Wardens and Vestrymen of the Church of which he is Rector, or to which he may belong, who shall have knowledge or belief of such misdemeanor, to represent the same to the Bishop, or in case there be no Bishop, to the Standing Committee of the Diocesfe. In the event of such representation, it shall be the duty of the Bishop, or if there be no Bishop, the Standing Committee, if he or they shall deem the charge or charges worthy of investigation, forthwith to notify the accused of such charges, together with the time and place appoin¬ ted for his trial. The mode of trial shall be as follows: The Bishop, or Standing Committee, as the case may be, shall appoint a number of Presbyters not less than five, of whom the person accused may select a majority by whom to be tried. The result of the trial shall be made known to the Bishop, or if there be no Bishop, to the Standing Com¬ mittee, who shall pronounce and execute or cause to be pronounced and executed, such sentence as may be awarded, should the same by him or them be deemed just and proper. 40 CANONS. Should the sentence be suspension or degradation from the Ministry, | the Bishop, or provisional Bishop or should there be none, some neigh- ! boring Bishop shall be requested to pronounce the same. | Should it be impossible to obtain from this Diocese the requisite i ] number of Presbyters to constitute a board of trial, the deficiency i may be supplied from a neighboring Diocese. Should any Clergyman, accused and cited for trial according to the provisions of this Canon, neglect or refuse to obey the citation, such : neglect or refusal shall be considered as an acknowledgment of the ; truth of the charges preferred against him, and sentence shall be ; pronounced accordingly. CANON III. The Convention shall appoint annually, by ballot, a Committee of : two Clergymen and three Laymen, of which Committee the Bishop of the Diocese, when there is one, shall be ex-officio, Chairman; whose duty it shall be to take in charge the Missionary, Bible, Com- mon Prayer Book, Tract and Sunday School operations of the Church in this Diocese : and it shall be further the duty of this Commit¬ tee to make a full report of all their proceedings to each succeeding annual Convention. CANON IV. It shall be the duty of the Vestry of each Church in connexion : with this Diocese, to pay, or cause to be paid, into the hands of the Treasurer of the Convention, at each annual meeting of the Con- : vention, the amount of the assessment laid upon the Churches respectively represented by them, for the support of the Episcopate in this Diocese. canon v. Section 1. Whenever any number of persons shall associate to form an Episcopal Congregation, they shall adopt articles of associa¬ tion for their government, in which they shall acknowledge and ac¬ cede to the Constitution, Canons, doctrines, discipline and worship of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States, and the Constitution and Canons of the Diocese of Georgia ; they shall as¬ sume a suitable name by which their Church or Parish shall be desig¬ nated, and elect two Wardens and any number of Vestrymen at dis¬ cretion, not exceeding eight. A certified copy of the articles of Asso- : ciation and of the proceedings at their adoption, signed by the War- STANDING RESOLUTIONS, &C. 41 [ dens, shall then be laid before the Convention, and if approved by : that body, delegates from such congregation or Parish may take seats in the Convention, and the congregation shall be considered as united to the Convention and subject to its decisions. Section 2. Every Parish so organized, shall annually, on Easter Monday, elect the same number of Vestrymen and Wardens. STANDING RESOLUTIONS- For 'providing a permanent Fund for the support of the Episcopate, adopted 1841. Resolved, That as it is important that the formation of a permanent fund for the support of the Episcopate in this Diocese, be at once commenced, each Rector of a Parish is requested, annually, to call the attention of his Parishoners to the subject, and invite contribu¬ tions for the object in such mode as he may deem most expedient.— That the Standing Committee of the Diocese, be Trustees of this fund, to whom all collections are to be paid over by the respective Rectors, and the amount thus paid over invested by the said Trustees, in what may appear to them the most safe and profitable manner— the interest annually received to be added to the principal, so that for the present the fund may be accumulating. And further, Resolved, That the Standing Committee as Trustees aforesaid, be requested to report at each annual Convention the amount received during the year, the sources from which received, and the manner in which the same is invested. Of the organization of new Parishes, adopted 1842. : Resolved, That in the organization of new Parishes, the following i| form of declaration be recommended, and the meeting in which it is, adopted be held and conducted according to the provisions of Canon 5. : " We, the subscribers assembled for the purpose of organizing a ; Church [or Parish] of the Protestant Episcopal Church in , j county of and State of Georgia, after due notice given, do j hereby agree to form a Church [or Parish] to be known by the name j 0f Church , and as such, do hereby acknowledge and ac- j cede to the doctrine, discipline and worship, the Constitution and [ Canons of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the U. States of Amer- j 42 STANDING RESOLUTIONS, &C. ica, and the Constitution and Canons of the same Church in the Diocese of Georgia, and we do accordingly now appoint A. B. and C. D. to be the first Wardens and E. F. G. H. I. J., to be the first Vestrymen of ■ Church to Continue ill office until Easter Monday, A. D. and until others be chosen in their place. And an election of Wardens and Vestrymen shall hereafter be held 011 Easter Monday of each successive year. Witness our hands at , county of , and State of Georgia, this —■— day of -—in the year of our Lord —— For Printing Reports of Treasurers, adopted 1842. On motion, it was unanimously Resolved, as a standing rule, that the Reports of the Treasurers respectively, be printed in an Appen¬ dix to the Journal of the Convention. On the Use of Churches, adopted 1842. On motion, it was unanimously Resolved, That it be recommended to the Vestries of our Churches in this Diocese to discourage the use of the Churches under their care, for all " unhallowed, worldly and common uses." THE STYLE OR TITLE OF CHURCHES. The proper style for a duly incorporated Congregation is, " The Rector, Church Wardens and Vestry, (or else the Church Wardens and Vestry) of Church in The first blank being, left for the name of the Church, the other for that of the place. 6 95 44 treasurer's accounts. Dr. Diocese of the State of Georgia in Account 1843. May 6. To cash paid Rev. W. D. Cairns, Secre¬ tary of Convention, for postages from July 30, 1841, to date, " " " " " Rt. Rev. S. Elliott, Jr., on account of salary for 1843, - June 1. To cash paid W. Thorne Williams, bill printing Journals of Convention and Bishops sermon, in part, (leaving still due $25 50-100 for which amount cer¬ tificate is given him, - - " 10. " " " Rt. Rev. S. Elliott, Jr., on account of salary for 1843, .... " 16. " " " ditto. " " Dec. 15. " " " ditto. " " 1844. Feb. 10. " ditto. " " March 2. " ditto, infullfor salary for 1843. " " " ditto, on acc't salary for 1844. 350 180 250 368 500 200 100 450 2404 95 1844. April 26. To balance due W. P. Hunter, Treasurer, brought down, . . . . . 6 95 ^ —— Ifc treasurer's accounts. 45 with W. P. Hunter, Treasurer. 1843. May 6. By cash rec'd from St. John's Church, Savannah, quota for incidental expenses of Con. < May 6. By cash rec d from Trinity Church, Columbus, quota for Bishop's salary for 1843, . By cash rec d from ditto, ditto, quota for inciden¬ tal expenses of Convention, ... " " " St. Paul's Church, Augusta, do " " " St. Stephen's Church, Milledgeville, do " '* " Christ Church, St. Simons Island, do " " " St. Davids' Church, Glynn county, do " " " St. Lukes' Church, Montpelier, do " " " St. Andrews' Church, Darien, - - do " " " Christ Church, Macon, - - - do " " " Grace Church, Clarkesville, - - do " " " Emmanuel Church, Athens, - - do " " " Christ Church, Savannah, - - do " " " St. Paul's Church, Augusta, on account quo¬ ta Bishop's salary for 1843, June 8. Ditto, ditto, for balance due onBishop's salary,'43 " " By cash rec'd from Christ Church, Savannah, on ac¬ count quota to Bishop's salary for 1843, - Dec. 15. Ditto, for balance due on Bishop's salary, '43, 1844. Feb. 10. By cash rec'd from Christ Church, Macon, for balance due on Bishop's salary for '43, Feb. 29. By cash rec'd from Christ Church, Savannah, on acc't quota to Bishop's salary for 1844, - March 2. By cash rec'd from Christ Church, St. Simon's Island, quota to Bishop's salary for 1843, April 20. Balance due W. P. Hunter, Treasurer, carried to new account, Cr. 5 15 100 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 250 250 368 500 200 450 100 6 95 2404 95 W. P, HUNTER, Treasurer of the Diocese of Georgia. E. E. Savannah, April 26, 1844. 46 mission accounts. Dr. The Committee on Missions of the Diocese of Georgia, 1843. May 6. To amount paid Rev. S. G. Bragg expen- ! ses to Alexandria on Missionary duty at the request 5 of Bishop Elliott, - - - - - $ 80 May 8. To amount paid Rev. Wm. B. Stevens in part of | salary as Missionary at Athens, ... " 15. To amount paid Rev. J. F. Scott, Missionary at | Marietta, in part of salary, ... ! Oct. 9. To amount paid Rev. J. F. Scott, Missionary at | Marietta, in part of salary, - 1844. April 6. To amount paid Bishop Elliott's draft on j N. C. Munroe to raise funds to pay for Missionary j services, ..... < April 8. To amount paid Rev. Carter Page, Missionary at i Rome and vicinity, for Missionary services, j May 1. Balance carried to new account, \ \ \ \ \ $895 70 ji S s \ \ 150 10 40 500 60 55 70 Of the balance above, Ocmulgee, valueless, $ 5 Balance in hands of Bishop Elliott, 7 Current money in Treasurer's hands, „ 43 70 m $55 70 8 --- * MISSION ACCOUNTS. 47 j in account with Nathan C. Munroe, Treasurer. Ck. \ 1843. May 1. By balance from last account, - - $ 82 24 \ May 1. By Additional annual offerings handed the Treasu- j rer for a pledge in Christ Church, Macon, on Easter \ day 1 00 1 " 8. By amount of collection in St. John's Church, Sa- 1 vannah, for Diocesan Missions, after the annual ser- \ mon of Rev. Mr. Cairns, ... . 157 Q0 j Nov. 11. By amount received from Ladies Association of j Christ Church, Macon, towards the support of Mis- j sionary at Marietta, 25 00 | " " By amount received from offerings of Christ Church I Macon, for Missionary purposes, - - - 15 00 " " By amount received by contribution from the gen¬ eral benevolent fund of Christ Church, Macon, for Diocesan Missions, - - - - - 20 00 1844. Feb. 3. Bycashrec'd from Rev. E.E. Ford, offerings of St. Paul's Church, Augusta, for Sunday School Books, ... - 5 69 do for Diocesan Missions, 94 31—100 00 April 3. By amount received from Bishop Elliott on acc't of paying draft, - 400 00 April 8. By amount of collection in Christ Church, Macon, Easter day, for Diocesan Missions, - - - 60 00 " 26. By amount received from Christ Church, Macon, for Sunday School Books, thro' Rev. S. G. Bragg, 5 46 « 27. By amount received from St. Paul's Church, Au¬ gusta, weekly offerings for Diocesan Missionary pur¬ poses thro' Rev. Edw'd E. Ford, - ■ - - 30 00 $895 70 Right Rev. STEPHEN ELLIOTT, Jr., D. D. Bishop of the Diocese of Georgia. Rev. WILLIAM D. CAIRNS, Secretary of Convention. Rev. EDWARD NEUFVILLE, President of Standing Committee. Mr. WILLIAM P. HUNTER, of Savannah, Treasurer of Diocese. Mr. JOS. S. FAY, of Savannah, Treasurer of Missionary Committee. FORM OF A CERTIFICATE Of Appointment as a Delegate to the Diocesan Convention. This certifies that at a meeting of the Rector, Wardens and Vestry, (or Wardens and Vestry, if no rector were present,) of , held on the day of , the following person (or persons, as the case may be,) viz: K. L. M. N. and O. P., were duly elected to represent this Church in the next Convention of this Diocese, to be held in , on the day of , 18—. The above certificate shall be signed by the Rector, if present, or in his absence by one of the Wardens or the Secretary of the Vestry.