MINUTES TWENTY-FIFTH ANNUAL SESSION CENTRAL BAPTIST ASSOCIATION, held with the CHURCH AT LIBERTY WEST, TALLAPOOSA COUNTY, ALABAMA, including the F irst S ji l> 1> a t li I ii October, 1 809. OFFICERS : B. SLIPPER. Moderator, Central Institute, Alabama. GEO. E. BREWER. Clerk, Island Home, Alabama. MONTGOMERY, ALA.: barrett a brown, book and job printers and binders. 1869. ORDAINED MINISTERS AND THEIR POST OFFICES. NAMES. | POST OFFICES. B. Skipper Central Institute, Alabama. B.T.Smith " George E. Brewer Island Home, " H. L. Harlan Pinckneyville, " J. H. Colley Equality, " E. T. Aiken Traveler's Best, " G. W. Bearden • Bockford,. " J. N. Steely Hardy Jones " " Bobert Stewart Wetumpka, " J. Nelson Weogufka, " Joseph Hill Bradford, " A. G. Bains Nixburg, " Bufus Eigh Wetumpka, " J. M. Willis Posey Olive. . " " J. D. Williams " " M. Morris Marble Valley, " S. W. Spear Buyckville, " J. H. Weatherly Bradford, " J. W. Fulmer Hanover, " F. H. Moses Youngville, " LICENTIATES : C. Gregory Wetumpka, " H. H. Walker Dadeville, B. White J. W. Wood Marble Valley, " J. L. Hasty " " " First District—Town Creek, Friday before the 5th Sabbath in July. Second District—Liberty East, Friday before the 5th Sabbath in July. Third District—Antioch, Friday before the 4th Sabbath in July. Fourth District—Bockford, Friday before the 5th Sahbath in July. X>lstrict Meetings s 3Vn X DNT XT T E S _ Liberty West, Tallapoosa Co., Ala., Oct. 2d, 1869. The Central Baptist Association, in its twenty-fifth Annual Session, met with the Church of Christ, at Liberty West, on Saturday, Oct. 2d, 1869. The introductory sermon was preached by Elder B. Skipper, from 1st Cor. 6 :17—"But he that is joined to the Lord is one Spirit." A recess was taken, after which the body was called to order by the Mod¬ erator, Elder G. E. Brewer. Prayer by Elder Moss. The letters were read by brethren Moss and Jas. Walker, from which it ap¬ peared that the following brethren were the duly accredited messengers of the churches. (Ordained Ministers, small caps; Licentiates, italics.) first district. Shiloh—W. S. Justice, S. B. Ray, and E. M. Pinson. Mt. Zion—G. E. Brewer, Jas. Walker, Jas. M. Hart, W. B. O'Brien, and John L. Lambert. Spring Hill— Friendship—R. C. Goodgame and J. H. Weatherly. Town Creek—J. T. P. Christian. Elkahatchie—F. H. Moss, A. T. Maxwell, C. L. Walker, and F. M. Maxwell. Providence, Ted.—J. W. Robinson and R. E. Conger. second district. jBethesda—D. M. Harris, John Conner, and B. L. Hodnett. Union—B. Skipper, B. T. Smith, W. M. Skipper, J. T. Alexander, D. B. Boze- man, aud Seaborn Thomas. Harmony—J. H. Colley, S. D. Hickman, H. D. Chappel, and A. W. Colley. Liberty East—H H. Walker, J. Tucker, and Jas. Gregory. Liberty West—M. G. Smith, B. F. C. Russell, J, T. Robinson, and J. H. Pitchford. Bethlehem—H. Haney, E. Hardin, and M. B. Arant. Refuge—B. Flannegan, J. Bone, and John Darden. Good Hope—B. H. Timmerman, H. Meadors, J. D. Letcher, Sr., J. D. Letcher, Jr., C. Gregory, and H. Gilmer. County Line—Wm. Pruitt, and A. Hancock. third district. Concord—A. G. Rains, Jones Stephens, R. S. Penton, and E. M. Jackson. Antioch—D. Wilbanks, Posey Olive, J. M. Wamack, E. J. Wamack, and Crawford Downs. Wetumpka—R. Figh, I. W. Suttle, and A. G. Due. Prvidence, Coosa— Shady Grove—Wm. Hand. Olive Branch—W. Cowart, J. B. Holley, and A. J. Deloach. Lebanon—P. C. Edwards, and J. A. Stanley. Sardis— Hatchet Creek—J. H. Beard, and J. J. Little. Way Side— W. P. Ward, Sterling W. Spear, and W. Connell. 2 fourth district. RocTcford—John A. Suttle, and Jas. A. Welch. Poplar Spring—M. S. Bazemore, H. E. Fulmer, M. B. Ham, and A. Massey. Mount Olive—W. C. Brown. Weogufka—J. T. Nelson, and Jas. Blankenship. Union Spring—L. H. Hasty, Jas. Howard, and J. W. Baker. ML Calvaiy— ML Moriah— Salem—E N. Little. Holly Spring— Macedonia—W. F. Jordan, and W. J. Murphy. The body was organized by electing Elders B. Skipper, Moderator, and Geo. E. Brewer, Clerk. Elder F. H. Moss and brother Jas. Walker, acting as tellers. The Moderator then invited visiting brethren to seats with us. Upon the call for petitionary letters, one was received from the newly con¬ stituted church at County Line, Tallapoosa county, applying for admission into the body. She was received, and the hand of fellowship extended by the Moderator to her messengers. The following committees were appointed to report during the session, viz : To arrange Preaching.—Jas. Walker, Henry Gilmer, Wm. C.Brown, and the delegates of Liberty West. On Pocuments and Requests.—H. Meadors, I. W. Suttle, and J. T. Alexander. On Finance and Auditing.—Jas. M. Hart, J. A. Suttle, and A. T. Maxwell. On Nominations.—F. Maxwell, Jones Stephens, andE. Pinson. On Correspondence.—Jas. Gregory, S. Spear, and F. H. Moss. On Sabbath Schools.—A. G. Due, Moss, andEains. The Preaching Committee reported the following, viz : Elders Spear, to-night; Moss, Missionary Sermon, on Sabbath; Brewer, 2 P.M., Sabbath; Timmerman, Sabbath night; Abbott, 11 A. M., Monday. Elder Figh was appointed to preach Saturday afternoon, at Stand, and Sabbath afternoon to the blacks. The body then adiourned to meet Monday, 9 A. M. Prayer by Moderator. Sunday, Oct. 3d, 1869. The order prescribed in the report of the committee was observed. Elder Moss preached from Matt. 4:16—'' The people which sat in darkness, saw great light; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death, light is sprung up." Elder Brewer, from Matt. 22 : 42—" What think1 ye of Christ ? whose son is he?" Elder Timmerman, from John 15 :14—"Ye are my friends if ye do whatsoever I command you." (The clerk did not learn the texts used by Elders Figh, Spear, and Abbott.) Monday, Oct. 4th, 1869. The body was called to order by the Moderator, pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by Elder Colley. When correspondence was called for, brethren Abbott, S. Henderson, Jas. B. Land, and Harrison Land, reported themselves as delegated from Liberty As" sociation, and were cordially received. The Decorum was read according to order. The roll was called and absentees erased. The Treasurer's report was then read and referred to the Committee on Finance. Brother James M. Hart was re-elected Treasurer by acclamation. On motion of brother I. W. Suttle, Elder Moss was appointed to write the 3 Circular Letter, and have it ready to go in the minutes, Elder Harlan, the regular appointee, not being present. On motion of brother Brewer, the 12th and 13th items of the Buiness Order were, for the time being, suspended, and the 14th stricken out. On motion of brother Moss, the order of the 12th and 16th were exchanged. Upon the call for miscellaneous resolutions, brother Brewer offered the fol¬ lowing preamble and resolution, after calling attention to the resolutions passed at the last session of the Association upon the same subject, viz: " Resolution Declaring a Separation between the Central Association and he Southern Baptist Convention. "Whereas, The Southern Baptist Convention in its last session at Macon, Ga., failed to rebuke the Home Mission Society, which had declared a purely political end as its especial objective point; and also failed to declare a non- fellowship with said Society therefor ; but, on the contrary, expressed warm fraternal regard for said body, and declared it to be " eminently proper" that christian courtesies should be interchanged between the two bodies, thus re¬ cognizing, and even expressing that the two should be one, (therefore equal,) and '' Whereas, By linking themselves with these large bodies, which are without scriptural warrant, our churches are placed in an attitude where they become responsible for, and are, from contact, contaminated by the false practices and doctrines of those over whom they can exercise no control, therefore, "Beit resolved by the Central Baptist Association, That we hereby forever sever our connection with the so-called Southern Baptist Convention; and also with all bodies forming a constituent part thereof, or which are correspondents of the same so long as they maintain that character." Pending the discussion, which excited a great degree of interest, upon motion of brother I. W. Suttle, the further consideration of the subject was postponed until 2 P. M., and made the special order for that hour. Brother Moss, offered the following : Resolved, That the Association appoint two brethren, each to write an essay, one upon the duties of pastors to churches, and the other upon the duties of churches to pastors, the essays to be read at the next session of this body. Besolution adopted, and the Nominating Committee authorized to appoint the brethren for each. Upon motion of brother Colley, it was decided to have no appointment for writing Circular Letter for next session, owing to above resolution, i By motion of brother Jas. Walker, the churches were requested to send a larger minute fund next year, so as to secure the publication of the above essays in the minutes. Brother Moss offered the following, which was adopted, viz : Resolved, That this Association earnestly recommend the pastors of the churches in this Association to preach to their churches on the subject of ministerial support. The Committee on Documents and Bequests, made their jreport, which was adopted, as follows: report on documents and requests. " The Committee on Documents and Bequests beg leave to report that we have considered the inquiry made, or information asked by our brethren of Union Church, as to what disposition should be made of the colored members of the church. We would recommend, that while they remain as they were before they were freed, to retain them in the fellowship of the church ; but if they should become dissatisfied with their present situation in the church, and wish to withdraw and set up for themselves, the church should dismiss them, and let them go and organize upon their own responsibility, and that the church is not responsible for them after such withdrawal. As to the request made by Olive Branch church, to be transferred from the fourth to the. third district, we recommend that the request be granted. Nothing further demanded our attention. Bespecffully submitted. HENBY MEADOES, Chairman.' The following report from the Committee on Nominations was submitted, viz : 4 report on nominations. " Tour committee beg leave to report, that they have nominated to preach, The Introductory Sermon, Elder Moss ; alternate, Elder Colley. The Missionary Sermon, Elder Eigh ; alternate, Elder Brewer. Executive Committee, I. W. Suttle, J. D. Letcher, and A. T. Maxwell. Brother E. H. Moss, to write the essay upon the duty of churches to their pastors. Brother A. G. Rains, upon the duty of pastors to their churches. Respectfully submitted. E. M. MAXWELL, Chairman." It was moved by brother Brewer, to amend the report, by striking out that part making appointments to preach the Introductory and Missionary Sermons, and let the Preaching Committee appoint from the brethren present at the time. Brother Suttle moved to amend the amendment by striking out " Introduc¬ tory." Lost. The amendment was then lost, and the report adopted as submitted. The Committee on Finance, made their report, which was adopted, as fol¬ lows : report of committee on finance. Your Committee on Finance and Auditing, beg leave to report, that they have received funds as follows: For Minutes $ 71 85 For brother Hill 75 10 Collection on Sabbath for Domestic Missions 31 85 " for Elder R. Stewart 32 50 " for worn out Ministers 50 Total paid into the hands of the Treasurer $211 80 We have examined the Treasurer's report and find it correct. Respectfully submitted. JAS. M. HART, ) A. T. MAXWELL, V Committee. J. A. SUTTLE, ) treasurer's report. J. M. Hart, Treasurer of Central Baptist Association, Dr. To Minute funds received from Finance Committee $ 72 30 To contribution for brother Hill from Finance Committee 35 75 Collection on Sabbath for Domestic Missions 12 68 Total $120 73 Cr. By amount paid B. T. Smith, as clerk $ 30 00 By amount paid B. T. Smith, for printing Minutes 42 30 By amount paid A. G. Rains, for brother Hill 35 75 By amount paid G. E. Brewer, for Domestic Mission fund 12 68 Total $120 73 Respectfully submitted. JAS. M. HART, Treasurer. Business was then suspended, and a collection taken up for the relief of our deeply afflicted brother Elder Robt. Stewart. On motion of brother A. T. Maxwell, brother Patrick Mc Kinney was appoint¬ ed trustee of the funds sent from the Association for brother Hill's benefit, and brother John Gregory, as trustee for brother Stewart, and each requested to make annual reports of the disbursement of the same. Upon motion of brother Suttle, the funds raised during the present session, for the infirm brethren, were ordered to be turned over to the trustees respec¬ tively. Brother Due then submitted the report on Sabbath Schools, which was adopted : report on sabbath schools. " Your Committee on Sabbath Schools, beg leave to make the following re¬ port : Although this subject has not heretofore received that attention which we deem its importance demands, we rejoice to notice an awakening interest. Several of the churches of this organization have reported, at this session, 5 organized Sunday Schools. Feeling the great importance of the subject, we urge upon every delegate to this body, on their return home, to commence at once and organize a Sunday School. We would urge the members of the churches to form Bible Classes for the purpose of studying the Scriptures, and by their example encourage the children to come and join also. The difficulty generally with churches in organizing Sunday Schools, is the procurement of Sunday School books, and the frequent cause of delay, is the want of funds to procure them. We would recommend the meeting together of all the mem¬ bers of the church, on every Lord's day, with their Bibles, and appoint, or elect one of their number as superintendent. His duty should be to appoint lessons from the Scriptures, as his judgment may direct. Then a regular monthly collection will soon enable any Sunday School to buy Lesson Papers, which can be done for five dollars, sufficient for the scholars, upon the uniform lesson plan. Without the co-operation of the members of the church and parents of children, this enterprise can not be very successful under any super¬ intendent. Now, we do most earnestly wish to impress upon every Baptist in this Association, to be up and doing, and see to it that his children are brought up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Respectfully submitted. A. G. DUE, Chairman." The body then adjourned for one hour. Afternoon, Oct. 4th, 1869. The body met pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by brother A. T. Maxwell. The resolution offered by brother Brewer in the morning, was again taken up,, and after discussion, upon motion of brother I. W. Suttle, the preamble and resolution were ordered to be spread upon the minutes, and a delegate from this body to be sent to the Southern Baptist Convention, at its next session, to lay the whole matter properly before that body; and after such steps have been taken, if the Convention does not dissolve all connection with the Home Mis¬ sion Society, then this Association to stand entirely disconnected from the Con¬ vention. Upon motion of brother Jas. Walker, brother Geo. E. Brewer was appointed as the delegate on the part of the Association. The following appropriation of the funds of the Association was made, viz: The Clerk to receive $20 00 for his services, out of the minute fund; and the remainder thereof to be used in printing and distributing minutes. The Domes¬ tic Mission fund was ordered to be paid over to brother Brewer, in part liquida¬ tion of the indebtedness of the Board to him as former missionary. The following correspondents were appointed from this Association, viz : To Liberty Association, to meet at Cvfeseta, Saturday before the 4th Sabbath in September, 1870, brethren Jas. Walker, J. M. Hart, B. H. Timmerman, H. Meadors, and F. H. Moss. To Carey Association, Geo. E. Brewer, to meet at County Line, Saturday before 2d Sabbath in October, 1869. State Convention, to meet at Oxford, Friday before 2d Sabbath in November, 1869, brethren Figh, Moss, and A. T. Maxwell. The minutes were ordered to be deposited at brother A. G. Due's, Wetumpka, Alabama. The minutes were then read and approved, and the body adjourned to meet with the church at Wayside, Coosa county, Saturday before 1st Sabbath in October, 1870. Hymn No. 1148 was sung at parting, and the parting hand extended among the delegates, while the deep sobs, heaving breasts, and warm pressure of hands told how nearly hearts were knit together, and how deep had been the interest taken in the soul stirring questions of the Association. The whole was con¬ cluded by an earnest prayer from brother I. W. Suttle, and a benediction from the Moderator. The kind hospitalities of the neighborhood were duly appreciated. BRIGHT SKIPPER, Moderator. Geo. E. Brewer, Clerk. CON" 8TITXJTIO N. Aeticle 1. The Association shall he composed of members regularly chosen by the churches in our Union; but in making appointments or assigning duties, it shall be constitutional for the Association to appoint to any such duties any Ordained Minister, though such Minister be not a Delegate to this body. Abt. 2. The members so chosen shall produce letters from their respective churches, certifying their appointment, together with the state of their churches since their last representation. Aet. 3. The members so chosen and convened shall be called the " Centbal Association." Aet. 4. This Association shall sit as an advisory council, and shall have no power to lord it over God's heritage, nor infringe on the internal rights of the churches ; but may withdraw from any church not orthodox in principle according to the Scriptures, and who shall fail to represent at an Association, and shall refuse to account for such failure, at the next regular session. Aet. 5. Any church desiring admission into this union, shall petition by letter and messengers, and if found orthodox, shall be received by Associa¬ tion, by the Moderator giving the messengers the right hand of fellowship. Aet. 6. Any church having a public gitt, before proceeding to license the same, should call the gifts of two or more sister churches, or experienced members, to unite with the church in conference to examine into the nature of the gift, and upon due approval, license to be granted, and reported to the next Association. Aet. 7. Every church in our union, whose membership may be fifty or under, shall be entitled to three delegates, and for every twenty-five over fifty, they shall be entitled to one additional delegate. Aet. 8. No query shall be taken into consideration in this Association, except in cases of serious difficulty, which cannot be settled by the church, nor messengers from other churches. Aet. 9. This Association may correspond with any Baptist benevolent institution it shall deem expedient. Aet. 10. This Association shall have a fund, supplied by the voluntary contributions of the churches; and all moneys thus contributed, shall be transmitted from the churches, by their messengers, andpaid over to the com¬ mittee on finance, (the committee shall be annually appointed ;) whose duty it shall be to receive in charge the Association fund, and dispose of the same agreeably to order, and make, at every session, a fair and circumstantial report of their proceedings. Aet. 11. The officers of this Association shall be a Moderator and Clerk, to be elected from her own body. Art. 12. Difference of opinion, as to benevolent institutions of the day, shall never be made a question of fellowship in this Association. Aet. 13. Amendments or Alterations in this Constitution, may be made at any regular session—two-thirds of the members present concurring therein. 7 ARTICLES OF FAITH, WITH PROOF TEXTS. Art. I. We believe in one only true and living God, the Father, Son and Holy Ghost—three in one. 1st John 5: 7. Matt. 3 : 15-17. John 14: 16- Matt. 28: 19. Art. II. We believe that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the Word of God, and the only rule of faith and practice. 2d Timothy 8: 16-17, 2d Pe er 1: 19-20-21. Art. III. We believe in the doctrine of original sin. That Adam diso¬ beyed God, and that all mankind have inherited a sinful nature from Adam. Gen. 3 : 1-7. Psalms 51: 5. Rom. 5 : 12. Eph. 2: 1. Art. IY. We believe in man's inability to recover himself from the fallen state he is in by nature, by himself alone. Zach. 4: 6. Jobn 6 : 44. 1st Cor. 11: 14. Rom. 8 : 7-8. Art. V. We believe in the doctrine of election by grace, according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctiflcation of the Spirit, and belief of the truth. Rom. 11: 4-7. 2d Thess. 2: 13. 1st Peter 1: 2. Abt. VI. We believe that sinners are justified in the sight of God, only by the imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ. Acts 13: 39. Rom. 4: 11-22-23- 24-25. G air 2 :16. Art. YII. We believe in the preservation of the saints. Psalms 37 : 23-24. 28. Micah 7: 8, John 5 : 24 and 10 : 28. Rom. 8 : 35-39. 1st Peter 1: 3-5. Art. VIII. We believe that babtism and the Lord's Supper are sacraments of Jesus Christ, of perpetual obligation, and that none but true believers ar-e fit subjects of the sacraments. John 1: 33. Matt. 3: 13-17. Matt. 28: 19-20. Acts 1: 22, 2: 41. Matt. 26: 6-30. 1st Cor. 11: 23-26. Art. IX. We believe in one Lord, one faith, and one baptism, and immer¬ sion only is baptism. Eph. 4:5. Rom. 6: 4-6. Col. 2: 12. Acts 8: 38-39. Mark 1:9. Art. X. We believe that no one is qualified to preach, administer the sacraments of the Gospel, except he be called of God, as was Aaron, is set apart by, and is in good standing with the church of which he is a member, and come under the hands of a Presbytery. Mark 3: 14. Acts 14 : 23. 1st Tim. 2 : 7, 5 : 22. Heb. 5: 4. John 4: 2. Acts 8: 38. Art. XI. We believe in the resurrection of the dead and the general judg¬ ment. John 5: 28-29. Rev. 20 : 12-13. Acts 24: If. Art. XII. We believe the joys of the righteous and the punishment of the wicked will be eternal. Matt. 25: 46. Rev. 7: 15-17. Col. 3: 4. 1st Thess. 4: 17. 2d Thess. 1: 7-9. Rev. 20: 10, 14, 15. Matt. 25: 41, 43. RULES OF DECORUM. 1. The Moderator and Clerk shall be chosen by a majority of the members of the body, and shall hold tbAr offices until another election. 2. It shall be the duty of the Moderator to preside in the deliberations of the Association, and keep order, by enforcing the rules of this Decorum, and he shall not be allowed to vote, except in cases of a tie, and then shall give the casting vote. 3. It shall be the duty of the Association, first to provide for the general union of the churches, and to devi3e ways and means for the spread of the 8 Gospel, and the promotion of our Redeemer's kingdom upon the earth ; second, to maintain correspondence with sister Associations, and thus pre¬ serve a chain of communication among the churches; third, to give advice to the churches in cases of difficulty; fourth, to invite visiling ministers of our faith and order to seats with us, to aid in our deliberations. 4. At each annual session there shall be appointed, by the Association, an executive committee, consisting of , to whom shall be referred all matters touching the spread of the Gospel in our bounds, and report thereon at the next succeeding session of the Association. 5. There shall be appointed, as in the last preceding article, a committee of finance, to whom all funds sent up by the churches to the Association shall be paid ; whose duty it shall be to report thereon during the session. 6. No motion shall be entertained by the Association until it shall be seconded; it shall then be taken up, opened for debate, and finally decided, unless withdrawn by the mover. 7. Every query sent up to this Association by any in the union shall be read and put to vote by the Moderator, whether it shall be debated ; and if there be a majority in favor, it shall be taken up and investigated; but if not, it shall be withdrawn : Provided always, that those be first considered which may affect the union of the churches. 8. Every member who speaks shall rise from his seat and address the Moderator; he shall not be interrupted while speaking, unless he depart from the subject. 9. No member shall speak more than three times upon the same subject, unless by leave of the Association. 10. There shall be no talking, whispering, or moving about, during the time of any public discussion, nor any reflection cast upon the speaker. 11. Any delegate wishing to leave the Association before its adjournment, shall be required to make the cause known, and obtain leave of absence by vote of the body; and if any delegate shall absent himself without leave, he shall be considered guilty of disorder, and shall be erased from the list of delegates. 13. A member violating any of these rules shall be reproved by the Mode¬ rator. 13. This Decorum shall be read at each annual session of the Association, immediately after its organization. 14. This Decorum may, at any regular session, be altered or amended, a majority of the body concurring therein. CHURCHES. PASTORS. TATE OF THE CHURCHES. CLERKS. Shiloh Movant Zion Spring Hill Friendship Town Creek Elkakatchie Providence, Tal Betliesda Union Harmony Liberty East Liberty West Bethlehem Refuge Good Hojve County Line. Concord Antioch Wetumpka Providence, Coosa... Shady Grove Lebanon Sardis Wayside i Hatchett Creek Olive Branch Rockford Poplar Spring Mount Olive Weogufka Union Springs Mt. Calvary Mt. Moriah Salem Holly Springs Bethany Macedonia Total, 36 A. G. Rains .. G. E. Brewer. J. W. Fulmer... F. H. Moss. F. H. Moss..... H. Harlan B. Skipper B. Skipper John H. Colley. John H. Colley. G. E. Brewer... J. H. Colley L. B. Abbott B. Skipper J. H. Colley.... A. G. Rains S. W. Spear ... Rufus Figh ... J. R. Steely ... S. W. Spear... E. T. Akins ... A. G. Rains ... E. T. Akin P. Olive B. Skipper A. G. Rains ... J. W. Fulmer.. J. W. Fulmer.. W. Wilkes S. B. Ray Benj. Walker. J. H. Weatherly. George Gamble.. W. M. Maxwell.. I. I. Burke B. L. Hodnett Win. M. Skipper. W. H. Colley.. .. Jas. Gregory Wm. M. Russell. H. L. Bullard. .. W. G. Griffith... J. G. Gregory G. M. Hoole E. M. Jackson... E. J. Wamack... Jas. Brooks T. A. Kellev A. T. Stanley W. I. Akin H. M. Devaughn. R. C. Hardy J. L. Neeley Jas. Welch J. A. Logan W. H. Brown John Yeazey J. W. Cooper POST-OFFICE. Nixburg Island I Bradford Pinckneyville... Youngville Pinckneyville... Equality Wetumpka Equality Dadeville Fish Pond Tallassee Chaneyhatchie. Wetumpka Dadeville Rockford Wetumpka Wetumpka Rockford Wetumpka Traveler's Rest. Sikes' Mill Traveler's Rest. Rockford Rockford Hanover Bradford Rockford Marble Valley.. c'0 ® >> a <3 ,® 13 i-i a a o p O increase, cb decrease. 40 107 20 53 79 57 53 125 68 42 85 40 57 139 35 77 100 323 49 24 72 59 38 25 60 157 70 56 67 contributions. 2 50 4 00 2 50 2 50 5 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 1 00 1 75 2 50 4 00 2 00 1 50 2 00 H. Jones. Wm. Lewis. Rockford. 3 ... 17 77 1 00 J. W. Fulmer. A. J. Smith Syllacauga 10 158 16 190 365 1 87 56 2310 2 00 $71 85 Total Increase, 382 Decrease, 476 ST^yving OEGMM OF Bwmwmm* ]. Hear letters from Churches. 2. Elect a Moderator aud Clerk. 3. Invite ministering brethren to seats. 4. Call for petitions from Churches desiring to unite. 5. Appoint commitiees to report during session. 6. Call for Correspondence. 7. Have Rules of Decorum read. 8. Call roll and erase absentees. 9. Hear Treasurer's Report and refer. 10. Elect a Treasurer. 11. Hear Circular Letter. 12. Return Correspondence. 13. Hear Miscellaneous Resolutions. 14. Hear Reports from Committees. 15. Give instructions about Appropriations. 16. Make arrangements for printing Minutes. 17. Correct Minutes and adjourn. to arrange Preaching, on Einance and Auditing, on Documents and Requests, on Nominations, on Correspondence, on Sabbath Schools.