* J-.. I £ v ' ./ ■ \ J&JjC«uuV >».%?''!i%i$i% 'A-3'L •_5>: THE . "■ , >)} || <0jqpu Wti> :^aut&-€ncahus«ii5 (. I, ' A L M A N 10 K>. "^1 • , FOR TkB YE VR ,yF OUR LORD, :g- ' \ i " vft '.; 'Ill Being the 'I htrd aftpr Bissextile or Leap-Year, and (till ;A. [S: J"h' Fourth, /the /orty-seventfl of AMERICAN INDE- m ....... ^^/piVPHH PENUENOE, and Forty-eir-htU afterwards. ,.„M . i CONTAINING,- jg.: . Uesi'ti i the Astronomical aiaJalitmt. Variety of Useful and -v ■ terlaiit/ny " Jitter. •c >G cTBtit WITH ^ NEW GARDNER'S' CALENDAR. - - $ g»eee^-£- HB&Flh 1 W- itr' afculation# fan ftafcert £>ricr. , O "t'fi6,a Power belov'd ! oar shores around 15? ever.- virtue, every Messing,'found. Here bi.l thy aea ons crown the fruitful plain ; M*a\e bid fair p -ace.extend her blissful reign ; T> Lerlatu '• let justice, hold perpetual sway, J ; 'jjbdOSaul. unfettered; sn-i the conscience free. 8' a i P* . ^ • £ v ;pr •Kfi WED v SOLDM IVIUjAfkl. JtTLYCK, 0* * 2-i.* 3 ; /" * A ' W 1 HE ANATOVir BODY, ^governed by the twelve constellations. «¥* ARIES—Head and Face. n k; Gemini. Arms.» « Taurus. Neck. 55 Cancer. 1 Breast. - Virgo, tfi Bowels. Scorpio. Secrets. *? Capri cor Knees. 5£ PISCES—Feet. UPON THE TW ELVE SIGNS. V The Head and Face the ham doth always rule: B The Neck and Threat r.ie governed by the bull. n. O'er the Arms and Shoulders still the twins preside; 95 Rreast„ Stomach, Ribs, the crooked crab doth guide. St The noble Cion rules the Back and Heart: •ft The bashful virgin claims the Belly Part. s£= The Reins and Loins the equal balance weigh: fit The scorpion o'er the Secret parts doth sway. t The curious archer doth the Thighs affect: >5 So doth the goat our bended kilees protect ZZ The Legs unto Aqui-iLiu^' lot do fall: *» K The fisii our active Feet their portion call. Dominical Letter E Lunar Cycle 19 Epact 18 Cbornologieal Cycles. Solar Cycle Roman Indiction 'Julain Period n 11 6536 Solar and Lunar Eclipses for 1S31. i " V , ' ' .«' ■*' . fs „ There w'dl be"six 'Eclipses this year, four of'the Sur^ .• , * U and two of the Moon. The first of the Sun on the twelfth day of January,, at Sh." Sim. A.M. invisible in the Uniteel States. \ This Eclipse .will be visible in tllfe Antpretick C ircle'. The second of the Moon on the 26th day of January'," at XI h. 43 m< A.M. invisible in the United States. The third of the Sun.on, the 10th day of Februarys at- 9 h. 16 m.P. M. invisible in'the United States, this" i Eclipse will be visible in the Arctick Circle; ;v. , The fourth of the Sun on the 8th day of July atl h, 20 m. A.M. invisibly.in the United States, the Sun and Moon, wilibe in contact 3 h; 40 pi. A. M. at Paris, but the Sun will "be Eclipsed to all places fn Europe, East of the meridian; of Paris, and at a greater/distance from the. Equator. * The fifth a total Eclipse of Ahe Moon on the twenty!, second clay of July, in the afternoon, visible throughout the United States. * , ' t ■ h. m. r Beginning at - '8 9-1 Beginning of total darkness 9 11 Middle. 9 56 End of total darkness - 10 46 End. of the Eclipse 11 43 Whole duration of the Eclipse 3 34 The sixth ol the Sun on the 6th of Aug. at 8 20 A.- invisible in the . U. S. the Moon will be hi contact with, the Sun in high southern latitudes. >ArrEn$rooN. Moveable Feasts. , ^ ^ Septaugeslrna Sunday Jan'y. 27 1 Low Sunday 2. April '6 Quinqua or Shrove Sun, Feb. 9 | Rogation Sunday " , May 4 Ash Wednesday . Feb,' 12 > Ascension Day , - " May 8 #Mid-Lent Sunday' i March 9 s W hit Sunday - May 18 Palm Sunday *- March 23 j Trinity Sunday - May 25 ' Easter Sunday - March 30 \ Advent Sunday - < Nov. 3Q * ; , Characters and Names of the Aspects, with, the Jingle which they include.* Aspects Beg. 6 Conjunction 0 S Opposition 180 A Trine 120 n Quartile 90 Aspects < *» Beg. if. Sextile A 60 Nodes. » & Ascending' ? y Descending 5 cers and Names of the Planets, wit their, in ear? distances frpm the Sun, and their Diameteis m linig-- lish Miles. * -n - Distancefrom the. Sun. Diameters.- ..The,Sun ^ 884,000 'Mercury 56,842,468' 5,222 p Venus 68,891,486 7,690 © The Earth' 95,173,127 7,964 %■ Mars 145,014,148 5,150 X Jupiter 494,990,976 94,100 V Saturn. 907,956,150' ? -:,-990 # HerscheP 1",816,455,526 35,226 3), The Moon* " •. ^ 2,180- * The Mocn's mean distance fr»m the Sim is the tMl,e- Earth's. Iier mean distance from the Earth* is 239,960 miles.- • Sometimes the character of the Moon is varied in the following manner—New D; First Quarter D, Full 41/ Last Quarter J). Phenomena of the Planets. The Sun, Moon and Planets, are denoted by the following Characters:— - Sun. MoonJMerp. Ven;.E£rtli. Mars. Jupi. Sat. -HerschelL • © 3 3 ?' © Z - 21 h % The present year furnishes no very favorable opportu¬ nities for viewing Mercury; the best times will be about* the 50th of January, at 6, P. M and the 26th of May at 8, P.M. at the former of these times it will be seen al-- most directly in the S. W. and at the latter directly in the North-West. Venus will be evening star until-the 11th of Octoberr ¬ and alter that Morning Star until the expiration of the * year, her greatest angular distance from the Sun, will be" on the 5Oth of July, and the 24th day of December. The planet Mars will be in conjunction with the Sun on ■ the 16th of March, and will be so-near the Sun during, the course of the present year, as to furnish no favorable opportunity for viewing her. The very brilliant planet that will be seen rising in the Eastern Hemisphere in the evening of December is Jupi¬ ter, he will appear to the greatest advantage about the 27th of-December, Saturn will pass through opposition about the 12th of November, and will be seen during the evenings of November, rising in the Eastern Hemisphere, at a small distance from the Pleiades or the seven Stars, his period of greatest brightness will be about the 11th of November. 1st *MoivV\\ Slauuatpi Sl&a^s. ' SOL has his annual course be.u i, » ' And much, ere Christmas, must be done; * For a 1 things, there's a time—we're toid 1 For business, now, 'tis much too cold/- _ moon's phases. s equation of time. Last £ 4 10 0 After. S ^vg New © 12 3 31 Morn, v —. — h- ►-( WWHO 3 5 7 8 S0 First D 20 0 42 Morn. S w Full O 26 11 43 Morn. ^ e* j). &-> 10 O ^ ox to o o 42 33 tr 5 * < o ■p MltC&LLjlNEOUS & w £'s S to to eO •— ►-» •-* C/1 "o i silver New ® 10 .9 16 After. s oi W t—I 1-4 1—' £. 4* £ Q First J) 17 6 27 After. s w Fuil O 24 11 21 After. s to to Or t— to O 1— o o 9o 0 5 e miscellaneous © 1 © C's 1 C 1 c g Particulars. rises sets place souiht J Sfis.. ~1 sa Purification V. Mary. 6 46 5 14 ~e^- qq 4 8 11 40 2 Su Sexagesima Sunday. 6 45 5 15 «L " 4 50 morn. 3 m prospect of kail 6 44 5 16 £2 5 38 0 45 4 tu or snow. 6 43 5 17 S ~4 6 £2 1 40 5 w $ visible in evening 6 42 5 18 1G 7 SO 2 20 6 th Weather clear 6 41 5 19 28 8 21 S 20 7 fri lj sets 10 30 and 6 40 5 20 X? 11 9 2 4 £1 8 sa moderate. 6 39 5 21 20 9 50 5 0 9 Su Quinguagesima Sun. 6 38 5 22 10 49 5 40 10 m Shrove Monday. Shruve Tuesday. 6 37 5 23 ^15 11 5?} C sets 11 tu 6 36 5 24 £8 aft.se 6 53 12 vv Ash Wednesday. 6 55 5 25 Kll 1 £9 7 40 13 th Expect rain 6 34 5 2c 26 2 19 9 5 14 fri Valentine. with 6 S3 5 27' cyj o 3 18 10 IS 15 sa jr. e. winds. 5 32 5 £8 16 3 57 11 22 16 Su 1st Sunday in Lent. G Of? O 5 28 a i 4 48 morn. 17 m 6 0 5 Inferior. 6 31 5 29 19 5 40 0 21 18 tu 0 enters X Clear 6 30 5 SO n s 6 SS 1 50 19 w and cold w:tk 6 29 5 32 17 7 28 2 SB 20 th 9 sets 6 18 sleet. 6 28 5 32 25 1 8 21 5 S3 21,fri Moderate weather 6 27 5 S3 15 9 10 4 39 22 sa Washington bo. 1732. 6 26. 5 34 £9 U 2 5 ( 23,(Su 2d Sunday in Lent. 6 25 5 35 SI 15 10 58 5 31 24 m Saint Mathi&s. end 6 25 5 C p, ^ 0 mern. 37 £6 0 48 7 5 0 '2r th the season. 6 Ot 5 £8 =& 7 1 59 8 20 28|fri 9 sets 6 20 6 21 5 59 isi 2 25i 9 20 iXj" Viiscs f 9 ) will be Evening- Star, until the 11th Geujbc,, und after that Morning ^tar. u..til the expiration of the vea.-. iBarrij, \yoiW\ SI &iv$s. ' Now taking tna'te^s altogether, ' in tliis month's- most tempestuous weather, * He, surety, would notbti it sago . , ' Who'd in important things engage.1 ' • Up *^*M60N'S JMSASU&S.. 4 1 18 After, i jgggq EQUATION OF TIME sflKfl W O Ol H ; Nhw ® 12 0 5? Mora. 1 Aoncooo.wS "Si.® Firs 3) 19 1 33. Mora. S tfl Full 10 26 0 3 After. 5 Or t"> k) m to tb. os o oo o ^ <3\ M a 'O »sf * -5! ? ? t MISCELLANEOUS Q , morn. 2 w - t loudy weather 5 4E 6 It 13 2 4 52 0 18 3 th and expect Saint Ambrose, rain. 5 47 6 IS 14 5 SO <1 9 4 fri 0 46 6 Is- . 28 6 12 2 0 5 sa 7*s sets 10 00 5 45 6 15 ,^1£ 7 2 2 46 c Si i 1st Sun. after Easter. 5 44 6 It 25 7 48 3 0 ' 7 m The weather 5 43 6 17 K fe 3 31 3 46 8 tu beco)nes moderate 5 42 6 It 20 S S5 4 7 9 w and warm. 5 41 6 .19 Cf 1 10 35 4 40 10 th Regulus souths 8 34 5 40 6 £0 IS 11 30 5 12 fri Showery. 5 39 6 21 26 aft. 30 12 sa Dog Star sets 10 27 5 St- 6 22 y e 1 28 7 58 IS Su 2d Sun. after Easter. 5 37 6 £3 £3 2 24 8 48 14 nt Flying clouds 5 SC 6 24 n 6 3 21 9 55 15 tu and expect 5 35 6 25 £0 4 19 10 56 16 w Spica trjj souths 11 3.5 5 34 6 26 25 4 5 14 11 53 17 th * frequent showers. 5 33 6 £7 23 6 5 morn. 18 fri (5 @ § Superior 5 32 6 28 a e 6 53 0 46 19 sa © enters y perhaps 5 31 6 29 20 7 38 1 £8 20 Su 3d Sun. after Easter. 5 30 6 SU 15I 5 8 20 O OJ 21 m 1 with thunder 5 29 6 SI 20 9 0 3 0 22 tu and lightning. 5 28 6 32 — 2 9 40 5 25 23 w King George 4 birth. 5 27 6 33 14 10 20 3 50 24 th Fine growing 5 26 6 34 28 11 11 4 10 25 fri Saint Mark. 5 rj| 6 35 «U0 morn. £ riVa 2G sa weather 5 24 6 36 23 0 1 7 35 27 Su 4th Sun. after Easter. 5 23 6 37 t 6 0 48 S 30 28 m 7*s sets 8 16 and 5 22 6 38 19 1 27 9 SO 29 tu 6 2 % clear dnd 5 21 6 SE y$ i 2 23 10 31 30 w 6 © h pleasant. 5 20 6 40 14. 3 25 11 32 5U\ (Month da^a ' 4 est- Deia>g diarma and love and May, - ' VVmild sanctity a year's de'ay—-* * l*i think on business at tny leisure, * These are dfe'a choicest hours of p'easure.' MOOM's PHASES, S EqUATIO* OF TIME Last £.3 4 0, Morn. S lei en S g> to o, >-* New Q 10 10 50 Morn. First 3 If g $tJMorn. S Full Q 24 5 4aAfter^togS0tatg^ sfivg K*0 a a MtSCBLLA-HZOVS C :> 0 , C'» JC* ? 5* Particular!!. Pimip & at James rises sets' place soutns 1 th 5 19 6 41 >526 4 24 1 2 fri Pleasant weather* 5 19 6 41 £7 8 5 23 : s sa 7*3 Sets 7 52 5 18 6 42 17 6 18 4 Rogation Sunday, 5 17 6 43 29 7 11 3 m Rain wanted. 5 15 8 44 K12 8 1 6 tu \ntarusso.l 29 Dona* 5 16 6 44 26 8 50 7 w •[parte died 1821. 5 15 8 45 V 9 9 39 8 til Ascension day, 5 14 6 46 21 10 28 9 fri JY'qw the season 5 13 8,47 £ 4 n 19 10 3a i is promising. 5 12 6 48 19 aft. 4 11 tin 1st Sun. after A*cen.» 5 U 6 49 n 2 1 4 12 in Arpturus souths 10 51 5 11 6 49 15 1 2' 4 13 tu 21 sets 7 34 Fair. 5 10 6 50 25 0 3 4 14 w Industry and pvu*5 9 6 51 14 3 5 8 15 th dtnce will secure 5 8 6 52 23 4 48 16 fri the necessaries of 3 ■8 6 52 a 14 5 35 17 Bit life to all wh&5 7 6 53 29 6 38 18 Su Whit-Sunday. employ\5 6 6 54 «£l2 7 S3 19 m Whit-Monday, them})5 6 6.54 25 8 17 20 tu and the freer youl5 5 6 55 =£» 8 8 58 21 w enters n keep yourj5 5 6 55 21 9 42 22 th beds of weeds thej5 4 6 56 ia 5 10 28 23 fri surer you are.5 3 6 57 15 11 19 24 3a of a crop. 5 8 6 57 £ 1 mom. 25 ■Su Trinity Sunday. 5 2 & 58 14 0 14 26 m $ Elongation, Mild 5 2 6. 58 28 1 4 27 tu Calvin died 1564. 5 1 6 59 V510 2 0 28 w iveather ivith 5 1 6 59 22 2 46 29 th f£. Charles 2 restored 5 1 6 59 -VSV 4 4W ~ 3 36 30 fri occasional showers. 5 0 7 0 16 4 27 31 sa Days 14 hours long. 5 0 7 0 28 5 17 mom, 0 13 1 7 1 '47 « 15 2 40 3 18 3 46 4 m ' <£ tv O : 9»lc- 4 48 ll 35 15 Sa 3d Sun. after Trinity. 4 56 7 4 28 5 48 11 50 16 m Avoid pecuniary 4 55 •r & ^15 6 48' morn. 17 tu rises 2 '44 embar¬ 4 55 7 5 28 7 49 0 17 18 w rassment during the 4 >55 7 5 n 10 8 49 0 40 19 tli approaching season, Days 14 12 long, lest 4 54 7 5 22 9 10 1 4 20 fri 4 54 7 5 t 0 9 59 I 31 21 sa © en. 235 longest day. 4th Sun. after Trinity 4 54 7 5 16 10 49 2 33 22 Su 4 54 7. 5 28 U 49 4 44 23 m a liarves{vf difficul- 4 54 7 5 ys 5 morn. C nV 24 tu Nativ. St. John Bap. 4 55 7 5 17 0 48 8 54 2$ w Anterius souths 10 56 4 55 7 5 28 1 38 9 St '2? tlx ties be the conse¬ 4 55 7 5 w 12 2 28 10 15 i7 fri quence, which 4 55 7 ' 5 24 3 17 10 44 2S is the worst 4 55 7 5 6 4 7 11 I- 2 J 5th Sun. after Trinity 4 55 T 4 5 19 4 47 11 43 30 in of all crops 4 55 7 5 V 0 5 36 morn. T\> MtmUx ;Jnl^ \vaU\ • bouieAlw\A/t >ngju,v i*oiv; HcolM • Oh' for coot aap my nerves to steel— • I'll now postpone, a month or two . « My work— nnl try what rest can do 1 JMOQIj's PHASES. Last C 1 \ 6 43 Morn.'!! 4 EQUATION OF "TIME. | sfaa First J) 15 1 45 M.*K 11. ^ ,o>o*?ioicn*fc*ci&&9 Full O 22. 9 56 After, S QC Last C S» 5 11 After. \ ooaa^Sw CD © * $ D r S3 MISCELLANEOUS. ( © © (L's £ , a i ji J Particulars, rises sets plect- souths rises. i tu < I ' Ji arm 4'56 f*A °f!2 iris ~fT is. Q w Visit, oi B V Mary. 4 56 71 4 25 7 16 0 '4< 3 til• ivith partial 4 56 7 4 a 8 8 6 1 27 4 fri Independence*. and 4 56 7 4 21 8 58 ,% '& 5 sa light showers. 4 56 7 4 ri 6 9 48 27 45 6 Su 6th Sun. after Trinity 4 57 7 3 21 10 35 ' 3 31 7 m Weather hot 4 57 7 3 25 6 11 30 4 io 8 tu ^Eclipsed invisible 4 58 7 2 21 aft. £3 £ sefs y. w and sUltry. Days 14 Slung" , 4 58 7t 2 a s 1 IS 8 2 10 th 4 58 7 2 20 1 58 8 54 u fri Thunder and 4 58 7 2 4 2 40 3 £1 12 sa ram. 4 59 7 1 19 3 21 9 51 13 Su 7th Sun, after Trinity 4 59 7 1 0 4 0 10 14 14 m njj sets 11 17 5 0 r ® 13 4 39 10 37 15 tu Flying cloud* Surp. -Stony Point '7t 5 0 7 o 26 5 9 11 16 16 w t -1 6 59 «l!2 6 10 11 $8 17 th and rain, but 3 1 6 59 24 r io morn. 18 fri hot weather after S 2 6 58 t 7 8 10 0 25 19 sa Saint Margaret 5 2 6 .58 20 9. 10 T 29 20 Su 8th Sun. after Trinity 5 3 6 57 ^ 2 10 1. 2 21 21 m <£ Ecliped visible. 5 3 6 57 12 11 9 3 26 22 tu St. Mary Magdalen. 5 4 6- 56 J 24 morn. d ris«' 23 w 45 enters SI Rain 5 4 6 56 MAJl ft vw i/ a 2 7 55 24 th and cool breezes. 5 5 6 55 18 1 2 8 40 25 fri Saint James. 3 5 6 55 K 0 2 1 9 16 26 sa Dog days begin. 5 6 6 54 14 2 52 P 40 27 Su 9th Sun. after Trinity 5 7 6 53 28 3 44 H) 14 28 ui Saint Joseph. 3 8 6 52 cf>\Q 4 37 10 47 29 tu Saint Mat tha Virgin. 5 8 6 52 24 5 SS 11 22 30 vv $ Elongatiop. S c i 51 « 5 6 29 snorjn. 31 th Sultry weather 5 10 6 50 17 , 7 24 0 3 8th JMonth hath SI ' 1 ime hurries on ana mends Ids pa.ee, ' As near the goa', out footsteps trace— ' It now behoves me not to drivel, ' ff I'd 'scape present—future evil.* moon's -phases. New @ 6 First D 13 Full O fcl Last (£ .29 8 £0 Morn. S 1 3 After. t 1 3 After. S 0 3S Morn. s EQUATION W K) K) ^ M O«HNW®0iM TIME. sfivfj o i—1 to ca o; o* laet souths rises. T hi Lamas day. Harm 5 li 6 49 y 29 8 it O 53 £ sa and dry. 5 11 6 49 nh 9 li 1 46 5 Su 10th Sun. aft. Trinity 5 12 6 48 29 9 59 2 44 4 m Much evening 5 15 6 47 £516 10 45 3 43 5 tu lightning 5 14 6 46 29 11 gf 4 44 '6 w Transfig. of our Lord. 5 14 6 46 SiU aft. 6 C sets 7 th 7*s rises 10 53 and 5 15 6 45 25 1 2 8 V 8 fri refreshing 5 1C 6 44 r% 4 1 59 8 37 9 sa: showers. 5 17 6 43 19 2 38 9 3 10 Su 11th Sun. aft. Trinity 5 It 6 42 ab € 3 18 10 38 11 m Saint Lurance. 5 It t> 41 12 S 59 10 2 12 tu n © \ 5 £1 - 40 25 4 43 10 35 13 w Bonaparte born 1769. Temperance very 5 2 b 4b nt e 5 SI 11 17 14 f 5 th 5 £1 6 39 19 6 13 mora. fri necessary to the 5 25 6 38 1 4 7 0 0 8 k sa Bat. of Camden 178c. 5 25 6 37 16 7 54 1 9 17 Su 12th Sun. aft. Trinity 5 24 6 36 28 8 48 2 5 Ifcjin preservation of 5 25 b 35 ■tflO 9 24 3 53 19ttu health. 5 26 6 34 25 10 22 4 0 £0 w Bays 13 6 long. 5 27 6 3S 11 22 4 33 ;i th Clear and. 5 28 6 32 £6 jnorn. at3>-'0 S ® r Full O 20 8 45 Morn. S * g> Last C 27 6 6 Morn. P J5. . p p MISCELLANEOUS I 0 © d's ct0lttr, riii si tU>s, 1 ho id'er thus, from day to-day, Assigns some reason for delay, Trifles, till the occasion's past, And hea th, and fame, and life are ^st. <* _ 2 47 Morn. S -<03,10 12 4 36 Morn. ^ ^ ot 19 4 31 After. S 26 moon's phases New 9 4 First J) Full Q Last d' EQUATION OF TIMEr H N ptp Ui M U| £. ca 10 a ft After ^ -OiCACo4s.tJa.6jtO 0 • S oi to to en cn a- co — sfiofj S0 .« w th fri sa Svc m tu w th M sa Su m tu w th fri sa Su m tu w th 24 fri sa Su m tu MISCELLANEOUS Particulars. Variable * and expect rain about this time. 19th "Sun. aft. Trinity general election. Nights 1132 long. Moderate and 7*s rises 7 00 fine weather for pick in i @ 9 nut cotton. 20th Sun. aft. Trinity 6 Warm in the middle of the day, Esophus burnt '77 but the mornirgs 9 vis. in the morning St. Luke tire Evan. 21st Sun. aft. Trinity and evenings cooL © enters Columbus dis, A. 1492 C enters % King Geo. 3d ascends. 22d Sun. aft. Trinity Cloudy and % stationary, expect rain and windy Jno. Adams born 1735 C near 9 weather. © l~is?S 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22: 93 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 as 6 24 6 as 6 26 6 27 6 28 6 29 6 30 6 31 6 39. 6 6 33 34 35 36 6 37 r .38 © sets 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 5 37 36 5 35 CT place a 2: TljJ 6 20 =fi=l6 29 ni. IS' 25 % 12 28 7 1 27 CJT 7 20 X 3 14 28 & 2 2 18 n 4 12 25 25 6 21' a g 21 ri! 6 24 =& 5 • C souths 9 35 10 15 10 56 11 S3 aft. 14 0 55 11 2 24 Morn. S 1—"t— a® Full o 18 5 43 Morn. S 1 Last C 24 10 IS After. !• bO tfc. Ot Vl C3 M 1-1. S OOOOOOOiOtOtQ & 1* ?*" tt MISCELLANEOUS lf>.J : '■in Advent St. Andrew. r -o 5 0 18 10 A 4 56 1CZU\ 3&out\i ^eccfilliicr, Avattt M Aa^s. lie diligent the other 'ieven, Arid this month may to joy be given— To christian acts-—-your Maker's praise— A»&happy Christmas holidays. J. E. New © First D Fell O Last C MOON S PHASES. 2 8 10 17 24 S _»*■ £ tO lO tO t-» 7 Morn. S 0 oi h s oo a oi m 6 30 Morn. S EQUATION OF TIME. sRvqt S ta » «»n (o o 4 26 After. S © 8 S Morn. \ g ? ^ cai t-t ►&. o o o o c» 00 K 0 a a K * 1 in 2 tu 3 w • 4 th 5 fri 6 sa 7 Su 8 m 9 tu 10 w 11 th 12 fri 15 sa 14 Su 15 m 16 tu 17 w 18 th 19 fri 20 sa 21 Su ;22 m 25 tu 24 w 25 til 126 fri 27 sa C8 Su 29 m 30 tu 31 w mlscel laneous Particulars. Damp and chilly weatherJ 7*s ssuths 10 48 and the wind northwardly.| St. Nicholas. 2nd Sun. in Advent Clear and cold with ft smart frost. 7*s so. 10 19 Cloudy and perhaps 3d Sun. in Advent, e light snow or rain. d near 11 Reader—j if you are not vir¬ tuous now, begin |4th Sun. in Advent, a reform before the endj of the year, and re- 9 Elongation, solve CHRISTMAS DAY. te lead a new life Pulaski—On the last Monday in February and August Twiggs—-1st Monday in March and September Laurens—2d Monday in March and September Montgomery—3d Monday in March and September Appling-*-On Friday thereafter Telfair-—4th Monday in March and September Irwin—On the Thursday thereafter. Early-—Second Monday in April and October. Ocmulgee Circuit. Morgan—1st Monday in March and September. Greene—2d Monday in March and September. Putnam—HA Monday in March and September. Baldwin—4th Monday in March and September. Wilkinson—1st Monday in April and the Wednesday after the first Monday in October. ^ Jones—2d Monday in April and October. Jasper—3d Monday in April and October. MIDDLE CIRCUIT. spring term. Columbia—2d Monday in March. Washington—4th Monday in March. Tatnall—2d Monday in April. Emanuel—On the Thursday after the 2d Monday in April. Scriven—3d Monday in April. Buke—4th Monday in April. Jefferrson—On the Monday thereafter. Richmond—3d Monday in May. MIDDLE CIRCUIT. fall term. Columbia—2d Monday in September. Washington—4th Monday in September. Tatnall—-2d Monday in October. Emanuel—On the Thursday thereafter. Scriven—3d Monday in October. Burke—4th Monday in October. Jefferson—1st Monday in November. Richmond■—2d Monday in November. Eastern Circuit—Spring Term. Wayne—On the last Thursday, before the 3d Monday in March. On the Monday thereafter, in Camden. On the Monday thereafter, in Glynn. On the Monday thei*eafter, in M'lntosh. On the Monday thereafter, in Liberty. Onthe Thursday thereafter* in Bryan. On the Monday thereafter, in Bulloch. On the Monday thereafter, in Effingham. And in Chatham, on the 4th Monday in May. Eastern Circuit—Fall Term. On the Thursday before the last Monday in October in Wayne. On the Monday thereafter, in Camden. On the Monday thereafter, in Glynn. On the Monday thereafter, in MTntosh. On the Monday thereafter, in Liberty. On the Thursday thereafter, in Bryan.- On the Monday thereafter, in Bulloch. On the Monday thereafter, in Effingham. And in-Chatham, on the 1st Monday in January. INFERIOR* COURTS. NORTHERN CIRCUIT. Lincoln—1st Tuesday in January and Ist Mon. in July- Elbert—2d Monday rtf January and July. Madison—3d Monday in January and July. Warren—2d Monday in February and August. Hancock—1st Monday in February and August. Oglethorpe—3d Monday in January and June. Wilkes—-3d Monday in May and October. OCMULGEE CIRCUIT. Morgan—1st Monday in June and December. Greene—2d Monday in June and December. Putnam—3d Monday in June and December. Baldwin—4th Monday in- June and December. Wilkinson—1st Monday in July and the Tuesday after- the first Monday in January. Jones—2d Monday m July and January. Jasper—3d Monday in July and January. MIDDLE CIRCUIT. Columbia—§& Monday in June and Becembeiv Richmond—4th Monday in June and December. Burke—1st Monday in January and July. Scriven—2d Monday in January and July. Jefferson—3d Monday in January and July. Washington—4th Monday in January and July. Emanuel—1st Monday in February and August. Tatnall—2d Monday in- February and August. WESTERN CIRCUIT. Rabun—Thursday after the second Monday in May and4 November. Habersham,—3d Monday in May and November. Franklin—4th. Monday m May and November. - Walton—1st Monday in June and December. Gwinett—%d Monday in June and December.' Hall—3d Monday in June and December. Jacltson—1st Monday in February and July. Clark—4th Monday in January and July. ' Southern circuit. Laurens—1st Monday in June'and December. Montgomery—2d Monday "in June an$ December,' Appling—Sd Monday in June, and.December. Telfair—1st Monday in February and August. Irwin— 1st Monday in January and July. Early—>2d Monday in January and July. Pulaski—Sd Monday in January and July. TwiggS—4th Monday in January and July." eastern circuit. Liberty—3d Monday in May and December> . Wayne—Last Monday in May and December. Camden—1st Monday in January and June. Glynn—2d Monday in January and June. Mcintosh—3d Monday in January and June.- Bryan—4th Monday in January and June. Bulloch-^1st Monday in February and July. Effingham^-2d Monday in February and July.- Chdtham—3d Monday in February and July. IC/™ Return day,- twenty days before the first day of either Court for Writs at Common Law, and thirty days- for Bill in Equity. MILITARY DIVISION. 1st division \ j* I Wm.«Byne & E. Harden, Brigadiers. 2d - - _ _ . „ 5 Valentine Walker, Major General. 4 T. Glascock & J. Ervine, Brigadiers. 3d 1 w CD. Newnam, Major-Gener&l. ^ John Scott & E. Beall, Brigadiers. 4th ... S Wiley Thompson, Major-Geiieral.- I F. Realist J. V. Harris, Brigadiers. 5th David Adams, Major-General. C D. Rlackshear & Shorter, Brigadiers. State of South-Carolina. Taojrrs BENXKtT, Governor and Commander 111 Chief, Willie C. Pincknet, Lieutenant-Governor. B. T. Watts, Secretary of'State. JUDICIARY. District Court—John Drayton, Judge John Gadsden, Attorney M. A. Warning, Marshal James Jervey, Cleric and Register , (£? Held at Charleston, the 3d Monday in March and Septem¬ ber, and 1st in July and 2d in December. FEDERAL COURT—Is held at Charleston, on the 20th of November; at Columbia, on the 20th of April—Return day, first day of each court. , COURT OF EQUITY. Judges—Henry W. Desaussure, Theo. Gaillard, Thomas Waites, Waddy Thompson, W. D. James. By an act of December, 1819, the State is divided into five Equity Circuits, containing the following nineteen Equity Districts to wit: with.the officers of each district. First Circuit. For Edgefield District—at Edgefield court-house, .on thefirst Monday in February and June. Whitfield Brooks, Commissioner and Register. •' , . , For Abbevile District—at Abbeville coyrt-house, on the second Monday in February and June. Thomas Livingston, Commission¬ er and Register. For Pendleton District—aLPendleton court-house, on the Fri¬ day after the second Monday in February and June. Joseph V. Shanklin, Commissioner and Register. For Laurens District—at Laurens court-house, oh the third Mon. in Feb. & June. J. S. James, Commissioner & Register. For Newberry District—at Newberry court-house, on the) Thursday after the third Monday in February and June. -— ■ Commissioner and Register. Second Circuit. For Georgetown District—at Georgetown, for "the districts of Georgetown, Horry, Marion, and Williamsburgh, on the first Mon¬ day in Feb. and June. R. Herriot, Commissioner and Register. For Cheraw District—at Darlington court-house, for ;Darlingtpn Marlborough, and Chesterfield, on the second Monday in February and June. George Bruce, Commissioner and Register. For Sumpter District—at Sumpter jcourt-house, on the third Monday in February and June. John B. Miller .Commissioner and Register. For Camden District—at Kershaw court-house, for Kershaw and Lancaster, on the fourth Monday in February and June, John Carter Commissioner and Register. Third Circuit, ■For Beaufort District—at Coosawbatchie court-house, on the third Monday in January and May. Benjamin H. Buckner, Com¬ missioner'and Register. For Barnwell District—at Barnwell court-house, on the first Monday:after the fourth Monday in January and May. Jennings -O'Bannon, Commissioner. For Orangeburgh District—at Orangeburgh court-house, on the second Monday after the fourth Monday in January and May. Samuel P. Jones, Commissioner and Register. For Colleton District—at Colleton court-house, on the second Monday in February and May. Matachi Ford, Commissioner and Register. For Columbia District—at Richland court-house, for Richland and Lexington, pn the fourth Monday .in February and June. "jt- -svrrs- Commissioner and Register. Fourth Circuit. For Spartenburgh District—at Spartenburgh court house, on ■the first Monday in February and June. Simpson Foster, .Com¬ missioner and Register. For .Union District—at Union court-house, oi> the Thursday after the first Monday in February and June. Z- P. Hendron Commissioner and Register. For Fork District—at York court-house, on the second Monday in February and June. Joseph G. Martin, Commissioner and .Register. For Chester District—at Chester court-house, on the Thursday after the second Monday in February and June. George W. Goore, Commissioner^nd Register. For Fairfield District—at Fairfield court-house, on the third . Monday in February and June. John Buchann&n, jun. Commis¬ sioner and.Register. Fifth Citcujt. For Charleston District—at-Charleston, on the (first Monday in November, and third Monday in February. This court to sit four weeks at each sitting, unless the presiding judge shall be required at an earlier period to attend the :Court of Equity appeals, .at ^Columbia. W. H. Gibbs, Master. Thomas Hunt, .Commissioner. Benjamin -Elliott, Register. Appeals in Equity. At Charleston, to bear appeals from Beaufort, Colleton, and ^Charleston, on the first Monday in January, and seoond Monday in March. At Columbia, for all the Other districts, on the first Tuesday next after the ending the Cohtmon Pleas Circuits, in the Spring; aqil second Tuesday in.the Fall. General Sessions and Common Pleas. Associate Judges—E life u tH. Bay, Ahr. Nott, C.J. Colcock, K. feantt, 13. jotihsoh, f. S, Richardson, Daniel E. riuger; Attorney General—Robert Y. Hayne, to attend the Eastern Circuit. Solicitors—Northern Circuit* Josiah J. Evans—So. do. J. S. Jetter—Western do. Warren R. Davis—Middle do, Caleb Clark- South eastern do. James L. Vettigrew. Return day—fifteen days before sitting of each Court. To be held, in the Eastern Circuit, for Charleston District, on the 3d Monday in Jan. (to sit 4 weeks) and Monday in May, 6 weeks, and first Monday in October, 2 weeks. Williamsburgh do.—on the 3d do. in March, and on the first Tues¬ day after the third Monday in October. Horry do.—on the First Monday after the fourth Monday in March and October. Georgetown do^—on the 2d Monday after the 4th Monday irt March and October. Charleston adjourned Court—on the 2d Monday after the 4th Monday in March and October—to sit till the Saturday after the 3d Monday after the 4th Monday in March and October. Southeastern Circuit; Colleton do.—on the 3d Monday after the 4th Monday in March and October. Barnwell do.—on the 1st Monday after the 4th Monday in March and October. Beaufort do.—on the 2d Monday after the 4lh Monday in- March and October—to sit 9 days. Southern Circuit. Richland do.—on the 4th Monday in March and Oct. to sit 8"days. Lexington dn.— on the Wednesday after the 1st Monday after the 4th Monday in March and October—to sit 4 days. Newberry do.—on the 3d Monday in do; Edgefield do.—on the 1st do. in do.—may sit two weekst. Orangeburghdo—on the 2d Monday after the 4th Monday in do. Western Circuit. Abbeville do.—on the 3d Monday in March and October. Tendleton do—on the 4th do'. in do. _ Greenville do—on the Mon. after the 4th Mon.. in March and Oct, Spartanburgh do—on the 2d Monday after the 4th Monday in do. Laurens do—on the 3d Monday after the 4th Monday in do. Middle Circuit. Union do—on the 3d Monday in March and October. York do—on the 4th Monday in do, Chester do—on the 1st Moa. after the 4th Mon. in March and Oct. Lancaster do—on the 2d Monday after the 4th do,' in do. Fairfield do—on the 3d Monday after the 4th do. irt do. Northern Circuit. Sumter do—on the 1st Monday in March and 2d Mfondby in Octo¬ ber—to sit 2 weeks in March and 1 in October, E Darlington do—on theiod Monday i» db* Marion do—on the 4tti Monday in ( do. Marlborough do—on the Monday nfext after the 4th Monday in March and October. Chesterfield do—on the 2d Monday after'the 4th Monday in do* Kershaw do—on the 3d Monday after the 4th Monday in do. (£/* Each of the abpve courts shall sit and adjourn from,day to* day, not exceeding six days, till the business thereof be despatch¬ ed, if all the business can be determined on in that time; bpt if not, that which shall' remain unfinished' shall be continued or ad¬ journed over.. Inferior City Court. Wm. Drayton, Recorder.—Held in Charleston on the 1st Mon¬ day in January, April, July* and October—may sit two weeks. Re* turn day, ten days before sitting. * • STAFF OF THE MILITIA. MAJOR GENERALS— — 1st division *• ■■ - ' Wil'iam Youngbloodfc2d ditto - -—... i.. William Strother, 3d ditto ' —— — Thomas Car, 4thditto — 1 S. Tucker, 5th ditto Urigadier Generals. 1ft Brigade, John S. Glascock 2d> i ——— Thomas Wright 3d ——— S. Tucker 4th - ■" ■— M'Caual 5th J. Cuthbert ith ——— Gillespie 7th. — J'. Rutledge 8th. ■ —J. J. Faust 9th -i—B; Powe 10th Georgia^ IVicAimonvY County. Justices of the Inferior Court—Valentine Walker,? Holland M1- Tyre, Samuel'Hal% Ralph Ketphum, P, L. Cantelou. Clerk of the- Superior qnd Inferior Courts, James APLaws, Clerb of the Court of Ordinary, Isaac Herbert. Sheriff, Daniel Savage- Tax Col¬ lector, Edmund Bugg.. Receiver of Tax Returns, Thomas Glascock. Notaries Rublif, Wm. II. Jbnes, D. Clarke, N. Clarke, J. G. Cow¬ ling, A. Moore, P. Rossignal, C. A. Craw&rd, James Clay, R. H. Wilde, Wm. Jackson, Dfmiel Macmurphy. Surveyor, John Turmaa Corporation of% Augusta.- Mayor-, Freeman Walter—Members of Council, Charles Lahu- aan, Peter Bennoch, John Dent, James M'Caws,. Samuel Hale, Edward Byrd, N. Leeds; D. C. Dillon— City Collector and Treasu¬ rer, John W. Wilde—Clerk "of Council, David Glarke— Clerk of the May oft Court, Wia. Jackson—Marshal, Robert M'Coombs— Inspectors. Major T. Levingston —— James Roody Thomas Benson P. S. Lee, - Samuel Bingham — J. Cantey —— D. Robertson John Woodward Meputy Marshal, C. Wilsoni- City Constable#, ffm, Mootly, Jofrtf Marshall, James VV. Meredith, James Murphy. Clerk of the Market,- R. Bush—Sexton, John Marshall-* Superintendent'of the Poor- If owe and Hospital, John M. Turn tP—Superintendent of the Po-wderMugi azine, John Liverniatv. Auctioneers, Fraser & Bowdre, John P. An. drews, Alfred M Hobby. Post Master, James Fraser. Mathew' Nelson, Street Officer— JamesC. Winter, City Surveyor. iff Sitting1 ef the Mayor's Court, Fourth Monday in each-Month' —Return- Mays, five days before Court.- Bank of Augusta.- Offering Day, Monday, Discount Day, Tuesday, Thomas Gum¬ ming, President, Augustus Moore, Cashier, Paul Rosignal, Teller;* John G. Cowling, Book Keeper, Charles A. Crawford, Discount Clerk, Waltey Veitch, Assistant Clerk: Directors, R, Tubman, A.¬ Wat kins, H. JNesbitt, J. Danforth, J. Moore,* J. Carmichael, J.¬ Campbell, James Fraser, John B"ones. On the part'of the State, 5u Hutchinson and Alexander Mackenzie. « Branch of the State Bank (at Augusta.) Offering Day, Thursday, Discount Day, Friday:' Samuel? Hale,'. President, Isaac Hetvry, Cashier, Wm* If. Jones, Teller, David' Clarke, Book Keeper, Nath. Clarke, Discount Clerk,- Directors, A. - Slaughter, H. Bbwdre, L. C. Cantelou, P. Bennoch, J. Howard, A.- Waterman,. U, Hv fttusgrove,. Richard H- Wilde, Robert D-llon, W. Micou. Branch of the State'Bank (at MiHeiTgeville.) Offering'day, Wednesday—Discount Day\ Thursday. President£' George R. Clayton—Cashier, Edward Cary—Book Keeper, Robert Carnes—Discount' Clerk, Thomas Ragl and—Directors, Z Lamar.- Robert Rutherford, Seaton Granlland, William Sanford, Isaac liar--, rey, Washburn* Branch Bank of Darien (at MHIedgevilte.) Offering Day, Tuesday—Discount Day, Wednesday. President'r James Bozeman—Cashier and Teller, P, F. Jail let—B ook Keeper Francis Jeter—Discount Clerk, George W. Murray—Directors, Jo-- el Crawford, Tomlinson Fort, Samuel BoyaUin, Seaborn Jones#. Littleton AtkiBon-, L. M. Wiley, Thomas Foard, James Camak. " . Steam Boat Company of Georgia. S. C. Dunning, President. Samuel Howard, Superintending En¬ gineer, Richard Wayne, Treasurer Savannah: Carlos J racy, Trea¬ surer Augusta. John- Davidsoh,. Agent Savannah.*-Ralph Ketchum^ Agent Augusta, Directors of the Wharf Coinpany.- Ralph Ketchum, President, Wm.-Mackie, R. H, Musgrove,-Alex. M'Kenzie, Joseph Ganahl, Jesse A nsley, Augustus Moore, Gil¬ bert Longstreet, John Sharp, IVharfenger .■ ifemale Asylum. Mrs. H, Longstreet, First Directress, Mrs. M. C. Cashin, Second ditto. Mrs. L. Moore, Treasurers Mrs. Smelt, Secretary. Members */ the Board, Mrs. Cumming, Mrs. Moderwell, Mrs. Arnold, Mrs. \yatkins, Mrs. S. Jones, Miss Cumming, Mrs. Waterman, Mrs. M'- Kinne, Mrs. E. Bacon. Mrs. Murren, Mrs. E. Reed, Trustees of the Richmond Academy. Nicholas Ware, President. Freeman Walker, Robert R. Reid, Lewis C, Cantelou, Anderson Watkins, Edward F. Campbell, W. Moderwell, Wm; W.- Holt, Alex. Cunningham. Isaac Herbert, Clerk. Officers & Board of Direction for the Free Scho&l. Rev. Wm. T. Brantly, President,' Rev. Wm. Moderwell, Vice President.- Augustus Moore, Treasurer, John Ely, Secretary. B B, Hopkins, W. J. Hobby, Ralph Ketchum, T. Edwards, Joel Catlin, Robert A. Reid, John Campbell, Thomas M'Doweil, J. E. Clemm. "List oi UhatYvam County Offices. Justices of the Inferior Court, Edward Harden, Qeorge L. Cope, John j*. Williamson, Thomas N. Morel, Steele White, Job '1', Boles, Clerk. Clerk of the Court of Ordinary and Escheat or, Samuel M. Bond—H. J. Valleati, Cdroner—Receiver of Tax Returns, Adam Cope—Tax Collector, James Eppinger—J.Slouf, County Surveyor *-=-■Justices (>f the Peace, Isaac Russell, James Eppinger, William Belcher, Alexander Hunter, John Dillon, Bryson Dobbins, William A; Moore, William C. Barton—Marshal District Georgia, John H. Morel--Deputy Marshal, John B. Mills—Jailor, Hugh M-'Cull— Deputy JailoJ4, Abraham Harmon. City of Savannah. Mayor, James Morrison— AltLermen, Charles; Harrison, Moses Sheftall, Wm. C. Daniel, Thomas N. Morel, Moses Herbert, Levi S. D'Lyon, Jacob P. Henry, George L. Cope, Michael Brown, William R. Warring, M. Sheftall, sen. Joseph Cumming, Frederic S. Fell—Mordecai Myers, Clerk—J..J. Roberts, Treasurer—J. C. Nicholl, Recorder—F. M, Stone, Marshal—S. M. Bond, Assessor—' S. Mordecai, Messenger—Laban Wright, Sexton—S. M. Mordecai — Yard Inspector—R. Christie, Clerk of Market—John M'Kinnon, Surveyor— M. Long, Scavenger*. Branch Bank of the United States. Offering Day, Monday—Discount Day, Tuesday—President, John Cumming—Cashieb, James Hunter—Teller, F. W. Heinemann— Book Keeper, M.- Stewart—Mote and Collection Clerk, Stephen Harris —Discounp. Clerk, Peter Skenk—Loan Office Clerk, G. D. Sweet—-Porter,. Jkmes Palen—Notary, E. Jackson, jun.—Attorney, R, W.Habersham—Directors, Samuel Nicholas, Lemuel Kollock, Eben. Jackson, sen.Wm. P. Hunter, Eleazer Eaily, James Porter, R. L. Duhamel, Robert Campbell. Bank of the State of Georgia, Offering Day, Thursday— Discount Day, Friday—President, Win. B: Bulloch—Cashier, A. Purler-*-Teller, J. p. Henry—-First Book Keeper, J, T Stewart—■Seeond Hook Keeper, J. M. Russell— JVbteond Collection Clerk, Wm. Crai% —Discount Clerk, J. K. refft— Assist¬ ant Ditto, J. Robertson—Porter, J, F. G. Davis—Directors on the part of the State, Wm. B.B .i'Joch, A. B. Fannin, Oliver Sturges, George Schl ;v, Edward Harden, Wm. Davis, On the part of the Stockholders, R. Habersham, James M'Henry, W. T. Williams, W. Smith, John Duowoody, Johii Lathrop, Josiah Penfield, John SLevens, S. B. Parkman. Planters Bank, Offering Day, Tuesday—* Discount Day, Wednesday—President, William Gaston—Cashier, James Marshall—Teller, John F. Lloyd, First Book Keeper, John Marine and Fire Insurance Company. Wm. Scarborough, President—Robert Isaac, James Morrison, Robert Scott, F. H. Weltman, John Lathrop, James Rea, S. C. Schenk, S. B. Parkman, A. Richards, R. Wayne, Secretary and Poor House and Hospital Managers. Joseph Cumming, President—John Hunter, Secretary—Dr. W. R. Waring, Charles MTntire, Edward Coppee, Josiah Penfield, Alfred Cuthbert, George W. Anderson, A. Dashiell, Wm. C. Dan. iell, Charles W- Rockwell. Union Axe and Firemen. J. Marshall, 1st. Director, Gardner Tufts, 2d, Do,—R. Wayne, Johu F. Lloyd, Sub-Directors» F Union {Society, Managers^Steele White, President— Dr. W. ,C. (Daniel, President—L.Mason, Secretary, Joseph.George, John Lewis, Jacob Shaffer, Moses Sbeftall, Josian Penfield. Public Auctioneers. Baker & Minton, J. B. Herbert & Co. George Schlqy, A* Home, p. Parvin, John Shick, j'wra. Port of Savannah. Collector of Customs, Jno, .Stevens—Deputy Collector, N. H 0!m- .stead—Naval Officer, Joseph SlPelot—Surveyor,.Alexander Hun- fief—Weigher,. R. G. Wallace—Guager, Samuel C. House—1'Store Keeper, George S. Baitey—JBarbor Master, H. Darnells Deputy Ditto, John Winter—Health Officer, W. C. Daniell—J\avy Jigent, J, P. Henry, Branch Bilots. S. Driggs, jpn. T. Bradley, J. H. Hail, Robert Key, Jesse Furu- ess, W. White, John Low, P. S. Pitcher, John Pitcher, S. H. Tirij» mons, W. Wall, E. Broughton, James Elford, Henry Craig, Thos. West, R, Anderson, James Delano, Eben. Bolles, N. B. Sisson, Andrew Guard. * Certificate pilots. J. W. Lea, T. Harden, Lewis Craig, Joseph Wood, L. .Foster, Daniel Proctor, John Bobbins, John Johns, John Sqmars. ' i 1 ■; ' ' # ' t Port Wardens. William Belcher, Abraham Nichols, palvin Baker, Joseph Davis. Commissioners rs' Milledgeville Fort Ha vkins Creek Agency Fort Perry * Fort Mitchell V. Cornell's Ba-ney Riley's Svan's G regory's Maniack's Fort Claiborne, Alabama 99 Bassett's creek settlem't 17 Cochran's 5 Fine Level1 2 Ferry 2 iCaller's • 23 i 43 | 52 f 64 I 89 ! 119 149 ' 170 I 209 362 273 f 285 290 312 411 428 433 435 436 TCHEZ. St. ^Ttspheus's M'Gr&iv's Cow Pens Chickasaw ferry Green conrt-house Best House Black Creek Hunt's Fords—Pearl river M'Gee's—9 holes Bogue Chitto Quins Tanchippoho Chandler's Liberty, Amite, C. H. Bray's Homochitto Sojourner's Benj. Holmes' Colonel Flemmingfs Greenleaf's Natchez ROAD FROM AUGUSTA TO NASHVILLE. TO Quaker Springs 7 Beall's 5 Walton's 3 Mrs. Briscoe's 13 Raysville 1 A 5 Welborne's 4 Washington .14 Woolbrights 10 Russel's ' 5 Lexington 10 Cherokee Corner 8 Athens 8 Big Springs 10 Shackelford's 4 Lowrey's 3 Cochran's 8 Kolb's _ 10 Voung's (line) 5 Leslie's, Chatahoochia 7 Blackburne's 18 (damage's 14 George Sanders 14 7 12 15 28 33 37 51 61 66 76 84 92 102 106 109 115 125 130 137 155 169 183 Coosawatee M'Donald's Van's old place Widow Wolf's Hick's Ross Justice'^ Glass's Young Glass' Nickajack John Lowry's George Lowry's Petty's Stone Fort R. Hughe's Widow Pa.tton's J. Carney's Hoover's Colonel Wilson's Murfreesborourgh Nashville 26 1 18 40 22 16 20 16 11 9 11 11 3 15 5 2 10 14 3 18' 12 5 19 5 5 7 5 5 4 2 18 9 1 4 4 11 4 32 ROAD FROM AUGUSTA TO MILLEDGEVILLE. ij Shiver's 23 j| Sparta 43 || Milledgeville FROM Augusta to Dannelly's;;-.: 23 Warrentbh v- 20 ROAD FROM AUGUSTA TO ATHENS. FROM Augusta to II Bro'tup Beal's 32 12 H Woolbrights's Briscoe's 16 28 I Rutledge Hemphill's Little R. 4i32 ! Lexngton Washington 18|50 || Athens 9 52 12 64 25 8-: 50 61 5 6t 10 76 18 94 ■- -4. V- .i i-'.'wc :is 17 ii PP.hir.ond I'.-well's 17 33 i Wiiii'amson's ,j ,j (/..: 1 i1 -cciribe's i Haiinver'C. H. - 6J Ne dvoort's , ; ;; Stittoi.'s % ' i !. ) odd'Sfi - - wiing Green,? j 1 Caroline C. If. S an ami's Sat'cUile's - • Y in g's Fredb'g- - Stafford C. H. - Dumfries, Ward's Occrquan . Alexandria - - Washington City . .load From Augusta to Maim August. to J ■ - 17 - . ■> n', ... ]fj > - c 's - - - - 1 -. Brown's • - 6 . 31s' .... lSj (Y vg-aree Kiver • - llj C< iiritbia - - - *1; : ho' .-ton's S wrings - I ! vl atte; e tin ,r - - 11 | C.wnden - .... I. - nch's creek - - 2. Pi. man's ... / Norwood's - - -15 vrs. S'ruth's - - - 1; fPedee River • • - 2 Bejjhay's - - . lo Stewart's - - 20 M'Kay's .... 4 Mrs. M'F ll's 11 Wilkinson's ... 9 Fajetteviile - - 1(3 Peyton's ... . 10 \verysborough - - 14 Shaw's ... 5 Co lins' - - - 6 Myatt's - . - . 8' ISaleigh ... 15 Rogers' ... 12 Milliard's ... 5 Mrs. Fox's Mr. Fox's . . . Lou'isburgh - - Moore's - - Mrs. Walker's ... 10 Warrenton ... 10 Nicholson's ... 7 Roanoke River • - 7 Richardson's • 7 Gholson's 9 Wilkinson's . . . 8 Stark's - - - . l)r Goodrich's 15 Petersburg . . 15 15! 44 ! 12 7 6 '6 6 6 5 iu9 ,jj lod !: 1 i 4 i iS 159 l6l 171 191 195 !' Oa\ is's, or Ross' * M Coy's . . ■ Baltimore . . Philadelphia - Trenton - Princeton • - New-York . - Stamford Fairfield - - Bridgeport New-Haven - Hartford . . Springfield - Worcester - Boston ... Salem ... Pvewberryport Portsmouth . Kennehunk • Portland - - 206 215 231 241 255 260 2 66 ~74 289 Sol 304 ,312 4316 319 C|325 .335 345 352 359 M" 401 i 16 431 •15'H 483! 4, it 477j 483 493 j 501] 509 i 512 *523 535 548 55b 564 570 579 £95 669 711 741 753 806- 84 86i, 864 882 916 945 993 1*8 10.52? 25! 10771 25'1102 ■ 11 12, 12! it 16 6 9 16] 14 102 30 12 - 53 37 17 4 18 34 29 4-8 45 14 - 28 ■■■UPIHH -> 26 366 j| Wiscasset .... 49 • • 36 - 6.5 - - - 49 9 [Fhornastown Blue Hills • Muchias Kastport - Rohinstown 11 So I 1156 1205 124; 1306. 1387 143$ 1445 Road from Augusta to 8t. Mary's. T^i>OM Augusta to JL Mrs. Gordon's 2. ji 23 | Moutteau's - 1 41 1 Pn', haven .... 45 j Pierce's 1 i'a> lor's .... 2 641' Dasher's .... 2 104 1 B 'vught up, Sayanrah ... - 20 Ogeechee Bridge - - 15 MTntcsh C. H. * - - JS Darieu - - • 28 Jefferson .... 50 St. Miflrv's .... 20 104 124 ,39 57 85 ;35 255