Robert W. Woodruff Library Special Collections emory university THE DOCTRINES — AND — DISCI PLI NE — OP THE — 3LORED METHODIST EPIS¬ COPAL CHURCH REVISED EDITION 1918 COPYRIGHTED 1918, I'v The A GK£TT and Publishers of the COLORED M. E. CHURCH Episcopal To the Members of the Colored Methodist ^Episcopal Church! We esteem it our duty and privilege most earnestly to recommend to you, as members of our Church, our form of Discipline, which has been founded on the experience of a long series of years. We wish to see this publication in the house of every member of the Colored Meth¬ odist Episcopal Church; and the .more so, as it contains the Articles of Religion main- taiaed more or less, in part or in whole, by every reformed Church in the world- Far from wishing you to be ignorant of any of our doctrines, or any part of our Dis¬ cipline, we desire you to read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest the whole. You ought, next to the Word of God/ to procure the Articles and Canons of the Church to "which you belong. We deem it proper, ia this place, to give you a brief account, of the organization of our Connection: From the introduction of Methodism on (i) 2 EPISCOPAL ADDRESS this continent, we have ever constituted a part of the great Methodist family—first, as members of the Methodist Episcopal Church in America, and also after the change took place by which we were known as the Meth¬ odist Episcopal Church in the United States; and when the division took place, in 1844, which we regard ad a legal and constitu¬ tional division of the Church, we formed a part of that division called the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, which relation we continued to Sustain until the organization of our Church took place at the General Conference held at Jackson, Tenn., which began its session December 15, 1870. The day was spent ia prayer and supplication to the Almighty that his blessings might rest upon us; and on the following day the regu¬ lar business of the- session began, Bishop Eobert* Paine, D. D., of the Methodist Epis¬ copal Church, South, in the chair. The circumstances which led to our separ¬ ate aad distinct organization were as fol¬ lows: When the General Conference of the Meth¬ odist Episcopal Church, South, met in New Orleans, April, 1866, the Conference found that, by revolution and the fortunes of war, a change had taken place in our political and social relation, which made it necessary that a change should also be made in cur ecclesiastical relations, and provision was EPISCOPAL ADDRESS 3 made for our organization into separate con¬ gregations, Districts, and Annual Conferen¬ ces, if we desired it; aad that when two or more Annual Conferences should be formed, if it was our wish, and met the approbation of the Bishops of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, we should have a General Conference organization like that of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and that our preachers should receive ordination ac¬ cording to the regulations and requirements of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, as Deacons and Elders; and should a General Conference be organized, aad suitable men be elected to the office of Bishops, that the Bishops of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, wculd ordain and set them apart as Chief Pastors among us. At the General Con¬ ference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, at Memphis, Tennessee, May, 1870, it was found that five Annual Conferences had been formed among us, and that an almost universal desire had been expressed oa our part that we might be organized into a sep¬ arate and distinct Church, whieh Was acqui¬ esced in by the Bishops of the Methddist Episcopal Church, South, and recommended to said Conference in their address; where¬ upon, by our request, the Bishops of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, together with A. L. P. Green, Samuel Watson, Ed¬ mund W. Sehoa, Thomas Whitehead, B. J. 4 EPISCOPAL ADDRESS Morgan, and Thomas Taylor, were appointed by said Conference to aid in organizing our General Conference at the time and place above specified. At the succeeding ses¬ sions of our Annual Conferences, delegates were elected to attend our General Confer¬ ence, in accordance with the Discipline of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. It was further determined by the acts of the General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, 1866, that should the time arrive when we should be formed in¬ to a separate and distinct organization, that all property which was intended for the use and benefit of people of color, held by the Trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, should be transferred to Trustees ap¬ pointed by us, to be held forever for our use and benefit. It will be seen from the facts in the case that our record is clear, and that we have descended regularly from the very father of Methodism, and that our organization is both legal and constitutional. We remain your very affectionate brethren and pastors, who labor night and day, both in public and in private, for your good. LUCIUS H. HOLSEY, ISAAC LANE, ROBERT S. WILLIAMS, ELIAS COTTRELL. CONTENTS 1. Episcopal Address. PART I. Pages 15-33 Articles of Religion 15-29 General Rules 29-33 PART II. Pages 37-66 CONFERENCES I. GENERAL CONFERENCE How composed, 37:1; delegates, clerical and lay, 37:1-2; voting, 38:3; time and, place c>f meeting, 38:4; quorum, 39:8; special session, 38-39: 5-6; presiding officer, 39:9; power and restrictions, 40^42; uncon¬ stitutional laws, 42. II. ANNUAL CONFERENCE How composed, 43:1-2; rights and duties of members, 43-44; 3-4; number and boun¬ daries—how determined, 44:5; time and place, 45; 6-7; presiding officer, 45:8; order of business, 46-49; character and ad¬ ministration of preachers, 49-50:1-5; other business of, 51-53:1-7; committee of exami¬ nation, 51-52; general minutes, 53:8; statis¬ tics, 53:10. III. DISTRICT CONFERENCE Time and place of meeting, 54:1; how composed, 55:2; officers, 55:3-4; order of business, 55-56:1-4; lay delegates, 56:3. (5) 6 CONTENTS IV. QUARTERLY CONFERENCE How composed, 57:1; time and place of meeting, 57:2 duties and powers of, 58-60:1- 8; divorce, 59:6; order of business, 60-63. V. CHURCH CONFERENCE How composed, 63:1; secretary, 64:2; or¬ der of business, 64-66:4-6. PART III Pages 69-93. THE MINISTRY I. BISHOPS How constituted, 69; 1-2; duties, 69-74: 1-14; retirement of, 74:15; restrictions, 75: 16-18; veto of, 42. II. PRESIDING ELDERS Duties and powbrs of 75-78 III. PASTORS Duties of, 78-82; location of preachers, 101:3; supernumerary, 89; superannuated, 90. IV. THE MINISTER AND THE ANNUAL CONFERENCE Reception on trial, 82-83; admitting into full membership, 83-86; ministers from other churches, 91-93. V. DEACONS How constituted, 86:1; qualification, 86: 2; duties of, 87:1-3; local preachers as, 09: 2; ordination of, 317-324. CONTENTS 7 VI. ELDERS How constituted, 87:1; qualification, 88:1; probation, 88:2; duties of, "89:1-2; local preachers as, 99-100:3; ordination of, 324- 339. PART IV. Pages 97-111 J.OCAL PREACHERS, EXHORTERS AND OFFI¬ CERS OF THE CHURCH I. THE CALL TO. PREACH 97-93 II. "LOCAL PREACHERS & EXHORTERS How made, 98:1; qualification, 98-99:2; deacon, 99:2; Elder, 99-100:3; duties of, 100-101:1; certificate of removal, 102:4. m. EXHORTERS How made, 102:1 duties of, 103:2; fur¬ ther directions, 103:1-3. IV. CLASS LEADERS How m^de, 104:1-2; duties, 103-104:3. V. STEWARDS How made, 105:1; qualification, 106:2; duties of, 106-107:2-3; number 108:4; junior Btewards, 108:5; recording stewards, 109:6. YI. STEWARDESSES Number and mode of election, 109:7; du¬ ties of, 109:7:3; junior, 109:7:2. 8 CONTENTS VII. TRUSTEES How made, 110:1; regulations concerning, 110:2; number, 111:3; amenability, 111:4. PART Y. CHURCH MEMBERSHIP, ORDER OF WOR- SHIP; MEANS OF GRACE, ETC. I. HOW TO RECEIVE MEMBERS 115 II. ORDER OF PUBLIC WORSHIP 116- 117:1. Special directions, 117-118:2-6; prayer meeting, 118. III. CLASS MEETINGS . . . 119-120 Division of membership, 119:1; meeting*, 119:2; general class, 120:3. IV. LOVE FEASTS WJhen, and by whom held, 120:1; order of service, 120:2; strangers, 121. V. CHILDREN Dedication, 121:1; pastoral instruction, 121:2; members of church, 122:3; catechism and doctrine, 122:4. VI. SUNDAY SCHOOL How formed, 123; board of managers, 124:2; superintendent of, 124;5; department of, 223-228. CONTENTS 9 PAET VI. jtJDICIAL ADMINISTRATION, Pages 129-159 investigation, 129; 132:4; suspension, 130; Court of Appeals, 131-132:3; accusation rais¬ ed at General Conference, 133:4; trial, 133. IX. TRIAL OF A TRAVELING PREACH- Amenability, 141:1; iavstigation, 141-142: Mai, 137; improper tempers, words, or ac- |;}qns, 137-138:3; erroneous doctrines, 138: inefficiency, 138:5; refusing to attend work, 139:6. III. TRIAL OF A PREACHER ON TRIAL 140:1. }y. TRIAL OF A TjOCAL PREACHER Amnability, 141:1; investigation, 141-142: |-3; trial, 142:4; improper tempers, words, srroneous doctrine, y. TRIAL OF A MEMBER Investigation, 145: a; trial, 145: b, c, d, e; neglect of duty, sinful tempers, daucing, etc., 147:2; sowing dissension, 147:3; arbi¬ tration, 148-149. i TRIAL OF A BISHOP ER. 10 CONTENTS VI. MINISTERIAL COURT OF AP¬ PEALS How composed, 150:1-4; the right of ap¬ peal* 151:5; challenge, 151:7; further pro¬ cedure, 152:9. VII. APPEAL TO THE GENERAL CON¬ FERENCE Appeal carried up, 153:2; trial, 153-154: 2-3-4. VIII. APPEAL OF A LOCAL PREACH¬ ER Committee, 155:12; the evidence, 155:8; procedure, 156:4. IX. APPEAL OF A MEMBER. The evidence, 156-157:2; procedure 157:4. X. RESTORATION OF CREDENTIALS Traveling Elders and Deacons, 158:1-2; local elders and deacons, 159. PAST VII. Pages 163-174 SUPPORT OF THE MINISTRY, BUILDING CHURCHES AND PARSONAGES, SECTOR¬ ING AND TRANSFERRING CHURCH PROPERTY I. SUPPORT OF THE MINISTRY Support of pastors, 163:1; of superannuat¬ ed preachers, 23I:IV:l-3; support of presid¬ ing elders, 163:2; 185:d; support of Bishops, CONTENTS 11 164:3; 179:IV:1; retired Bishops, 164:3; 179:V-2; widows of Bishops, 165:6; 179:IV:3. IL SUPPORT OF GENERAL OFFICERS Book Agent^ and Editor of Christian In¬ dex, 191:V:2; secretaries of; Missions, 197: 5; Church Extension, 205:IV:7; Education, 219:8; Epworth League, 213:IV:4; Minis¬ terial Aid, 230, 11:6; Sunday School, 225: 4; not otherwise provided for, 165:4. ni. CHURCH PROPERTY Charitable institutions, 166:1; building churches, 166-168:11; building parsonages, 3.69:111. TV. BUYING AND SELLING CHURCH PROPERTY Securing churches and lots, 170-171:1; se¬ curing parsonages and lots, 171-172:2;' sale of church property; authority of, 172:11:2; relief of trustees, 173:3. PART VIII. Pages 177-258. BOARDS AND DEPARTMENTS I. FINANCIAL PLAN General Assessment, 177:1:1; Board of Equalization, 177:11:1-2; Book Agent, 178- 182:III:V:Vn. II. JOINT BOARD OF FINANCE How. eom*titnt«4, 184:2; duties of, 185- 12 CONTEHTS 186:3:a-g; right of Aahq&Z Conference, 186:5. III. Publishing Department 187-193 IV. Gen. Missionary Department... .193-199 V. Woman's H. Miss. Society. 199-201 VI. Woman's Gen. Miss. Beard... .375-376 VII. Church Extension Board 201-209 VIII. Epworth League Board... ,209-214 IX. Board of Education 214-223 X. Sunday School Board 223-228 XI. Superannuated Preachers, Widows and Orphans Board. 228-233 XII. MISCELLANEOUS Children's Day, 233-234; General Mis¬ sionary Day, 234; Official Meeting, 235; The Western Index, 236; the Eastern Index, 237. XIII. Schools and Colleges 237-245 XIV. Founder's Day 245-246 XV. Names and Boundaries of con¬ ferences 247-258 PART IX. Pages 261-353 THE RITUAL I. The Lord's Supper 261-273 II. Baptism of Infants 273-278 III. Baptism of Adults.. ...278-285 IV. Reception cf Members 285-290 V. Matrimony 290-295 VI. Burial of the Dead 295-304 VII. CORNER STONE and DEDICATION Form for laying Corner Stone of Church, 305-310; form for dedication of church, 311- 317. CONTENTS^ 13 VIII. ORDINATION Form of ordaining deacons, 317;324; of elders, 324-339; of consecrating Bishops, ".39-333. APPENDIX PART X. Pages 355-377 T. Ar Presiding Elder's sal¬ ary and traveling expenses? 2, for General Funds, Education, Missions and Church Extension? (1 or 2). 7. Are there any applications— (a) For license to exhort? 62 QUARTERLY CONFERENCES (b) For license to preach? 8. "W^ho are elected to fill vacancies in the Board of -Trustees? 9. What amount was raised for ed¬ ucation on Children's Day? (3 or 4.) 10. Have the General Rules been read? 11. Is there a Church Register, and a Record of Church Conferences for each church on the charge, and have they been faithfully kept? 12. Have' the exhorters and local preachers passed 'an examination of character, and have their license been renewed? (3 or 4.) 13. Are there any applications to the Annual Conference to be admitted on trial into the traveling connection, or for re-admission? (4). 14. "What local preachers are recom¬ mended to the Annual Conference for ordination? (4.) 15. Who are elected Senior and -Jun¬ ior Stewards, and Senior and Junior Stewardesses for the ensuing confer¬ ence year? CHURCH CONFERENCE 63 16. Who is elected Recording Stew¬ ard? (4.) 17. Who are elected Sunday School Superintendents? (4.) 18. What, amount was raised for Mis¬ sions on General Missionary Day? (3 or 4.) 19. What are the statistics to be re¬ ported to the Annual Conference? (4.) 20. Is there any miscellaneous busi¬ ness ? 21. Where shall the next Quarterly Conference be held? CHAPTER VII. CHURCH CONFERENCES Ques. 1. What directions are given concerning Church Conferences? Ans. 1. All the members of the Church, and resident members of the Annual Conference shall come togeth¬ er once a month, or on circuits at least every three months, at every appoint¬ ment, to hold a Church Conference, over which the preacher in charge shall 64 CHURCH CONFERENCES preside. It may be held at any time m'ost convenient for assembling the greatest number of members; but if on the Sabbath, it should not interfere with the morning public worship. 2. A secretary shall be elected an¬ nually, at the first meeting after the session of the Annual Conference. He shall make a record of the proceedings, and shall keep in a book, and return to the Quarterly Conference, all sta¬ tistics which the Discipline requires to be reported to an Annual Conference. 3. The roll of members shall be call¬ ed at every meeting, unless otherwise ordered, and the Conference may strike off the names of any who, on ac¬ count of removal or other causes, have been lost sight of for twelve months; provided, however, that if such mem¬ ber appears and claims membership, he may be restored by a vote of the meet¬ ing. 4. The following is suggested as the general order of business: 1. Receive reports— CHURCH CONFERENCES 65 (a) From the preachers, of their labors since the last meeting. (b) From the class leaders. (c) From the Sunday-schools. (d) From the stewards and stew¬ ardesses of that Church. 2. The Conference shall inquire— (a) What is the number of the poor of the Church? (b) Have they been'provided for? (c) Is the church here doing its duty for the cause of missions and other Church enterprises, and for the col¬ lections ordered by the Annual Con¬ ference ? (d) Is our religious literature circu¬ lated and read? (e) Can the Church extend its work by establishing additional prayer meetings, Sunday-schools or in any ether way? (f) Can anything more be done to strengthen and build up the Church in the community, and to advance the cause of Christ? 5. If the observance of this order of business is likely to protract the ses- 66 CHURCH CONFERENCES sion beyond a reasonable limit, the president may, from time to time, se¬ lect the most important matters and bring them forward. 6. Let the Church Conference be opened and closed with religious serv¬ ice, and conducted in a devout and prayerful spirit. PART III. THE MINISTER CHAPTER VIII. THE ELECTION AND CONSECRATION OF BISHOPS AND THEIR DUTIES Ques. 1. How is a Bishop to be con¬ stituted? Ans. By the election of the Gen¬ eral Conference, and the laying on of hands of three Bishops, or at least of one Bishop and two Elders. Ques. 2. If by death, expulsion, or otherwise, there be no Bishop remain¬ ing in our church, what shall we do? Aiis. The General Conference shall elect a Bishop; and the Elders, or any three of them, who shall be appointed by the General Conference for that purpose, shall ordain him according to our form of ordination. Ques. 3. What are the duties of a Bishop ? Ana 1 (a) To preside in the Gen¬ eral and Annual Conferences. (69) 70 ELECTION AND DUTIES OP BISHOPS (b) To fix the appointments of the preachers in the Annual Conferences; provided, he shall not allow any preacher to remain in the same cir¬ cuit, station or mission more than six years successively, except where the presiding Bishop thinks a longer term of service will promote the welfare of the charge. The Book- Agent, Editor of the Christian Index, the Secretar¬ ies of Missions, Church Extension and Epworth Leagues, superannuated and supernumerary preachers, Missionaries in foreign stations, Chaplains to mili¬ tary posts, preachers who may be ap¬ pointed to labor for seamen and the American Bible Society and the presi¬ dents, principals or other teachers of seminaries and other institutions of learning under our superintendence (are exceptions to the time limit as above indicated, (c) When requested by an annual conference, the Bishop may appoint a preacher for a term of years to any seminary or institution of learning not under our supervision and care, (d) He shall have author- ELECTION AND DUTIES OF BISHOPS 71 ity when requested by the Annual Con¬ ference to appoint an agent, who shall travel throughout the bounds of such conference for the purpose of organ¬ izing Sunday Schools, aiding needy ones, and distributing tracts. (e) When requested by any annual con¬ ference, he shall have authority to ap¬ point an agent or' agents who shall travel and work in the interest of our literary institutions. Sec. 2. To choose the Presiding El¬ ders, fix their stations, and to change them when he judges it necessary, pro¬ vided, however, that no Elder shall preside longer than six years consec¬ utively, nor shall be reappointed to a district until he has served, at least, two years, in the pastorate or other¬ wise. (Mission fields excepted.) 3. To change, receive, and suspend preachers in the intervals of the Con¬ ferences, as necessity may require, and as the Discipline directs. 4. To ordain bishops, elders, and deacons; and to see that the names of the persons ordained by him be enter- 72 ELECTION AND DUTIES OF BISHOPS ed on tne journals of the Conference. 5. To decide all questions of law coming before him in the regular busi¬ ness of an Annual Conference: pro¬ vided, such questions be presented in writing, and with his decisions be re¬ corded on the journals of the Confer¬ ence. When the Bishop shall have de¬ cided a question of law, the Conference shall have the right to determine how far the la"vy thus decided or interpret¬ ed is applicable to the case then pend¬ ing. An Annual Conference shall have a right to appeal from such decision to the College of Bishops, whose de¬ cision in such cases shall be final. And no Episcopal decision shall be author¬ itative except in the case pending, nor shall any such be published until it shall h?ive been approved by the College of Bishops. And each Bishop shall report in writing to the Episco¬ pal College, at an annual meeting to .be held by them, such decisions as he has made subsequently to the last pre¬ ceding meeting; and all.such decisions, when approved by the College of Bish- ELECTION AND DUTIES OF BlskOPS 73 ops, shall be recorded in a permanent form, and published in such manner as the Bishops shall agree to adopt; and when so approved, recorded, and published, they shall be authoritative interpretations or constructions of the law. ' 6. To hear and decide appeals of the Quarterly Conferences on questions of law, when he shall be presiding in any Annual Conference; and the question contained in the appeal, together with the Bishop's decision, shall be record¬ ed on the journal of the Annual Con¬ ference. 7. To see that the Districts be form¬ ed according to his judgment; provid¬ ed, that no District shall contain more than eighteen appointments. 8. To unite two or more circuits stations or missions together, for Quar¬ terly Conference purposes, allowing the financial interests and pastoral'du¬ ties of each to remain separate and in¬ dependent; and to divide a circuit, station, or mission into two or more, when he judges it necessary. 9. To spend at least six months an- 74 ELECTION AND DUTIES OP BISHOPS nually from charge to charge, through out his Episcopal District, in order to preach,and to oversee the spiritual and temporal affairs of the Church. 10. To organize Annual Conferences in the interval of the General Confer¬ ence, when in his judgment it seems wise to do so; and to see that one clerical and one lay .delegate be elect¬ ed from such Conference to the Gen¬ eral Conference, according to the pro¬ vision of the second "Restrictive Rule." 11. To appoint one of their number to preach the quadrennial sermon be¬ fore the General Conference on the day of. its opening. 12. They shall divide the entire Church into Districts, according to the number of active Bishops. 13. The Bishops shall choose their own work. 14. They shall change their Districts at least every four years. 15. Any Bishop elected isince 1873 shall be automatically retired at the General Conference nearest his seven¬ tieth birthday. PRESIDING ELDERS 75 16. No Bishop shall be treasurer or custodian of an Educational or Gen¬ eral Church moneys. 17. A Bishop shall not raise or cans**, to be raised, collect or cause to be col¬ lected, oi* receive any public donation.* from any Annual Conference or Con¬ ferences in the Colored Methodist Episcopal Church. 18. The Bishop shall be President of the Board of Trustees of all schools and colleges located in his district. CHAPTEK IX. PRESIDING ELDERS Ques. 1. What are the duties of a Presiding Elder? Ans. 1. To travel through his ap¬ pointed District, in order to preach and superintend the spiritual and tem¬ poral affairs of the Church. 2. In the absence of the Bishop, to take charge of all the traveling and local preachers, and exhorters, in his Distriec. 79 PRESIDING ELDERS 3. To change, receive, and suspend preachers in his District during the intervals of the Conferences, and in the absence of the Bishop, as the Dis¬ cipline directs. 4. To be present, as far as practic¬ able, at all the quarterly meetings, and call together the members of the Quarterly Conference, over which he shall also preside. 5. To decide all questions of law which may come up in the regular business of the Quarterly or District Conferences, when submitted to him in writing, subject to an appeal to the President of the next Annual Con¬ ference; but in all cases the applica¬ tion of law shall be with the Quarterly or District Conferences, which shall record in its journal all such questions and decisions. 6. To take care that every part of the Discipline be enforced in his Dis¬ trict ; to promote, by all proper means, the cause of the Epworth League, Church Extension, missions and Sun¬ day-schools, and the publication, at our PRESIDING ELDERS 77 own press, of tracts and Sunday school books; to inquire carefully at each Quarterly Conference, whether the rules respecting the instruction of -chil¬ dren have been faithfully observed; and to report to the Annual Confer¬ ence the names of all delinquent trav¬ eling preachers within his District. 7. To attend the when pres¬ ent in his District; and to give them, when absent, all necessary information by letter, of the state of his District. 8. To direct the candidates for the ministry to those studies recommend¬ ed for them by the Bishops. 9. To procure at the fourth Quar¬ terly Conference full statistics from every charge, to be reported at the An¬ nual Conference, in case the preacher in charge fails to" make his report. 10. If any preacher absents himself from his circuit, the Presiding Elder shall, as far as possible, fill his place with another preacher. Ques. 2. Shall the Presiding Elder have the power to employ a preacher 78 PASTORS AND THEIR DUTIES who has been rejected at the previous Annual Conference? Ans. He shall not, unless the Confer¬ ence should give him liberty under certain conditions. CHAPTER X. PASTORS AND THEIR DUTIES Ques. What are the duties of a preacher who has the charge of a cir¬ cuit, station, or mission? Ans. 1. To receive, try, and expel members, according to the provisions of the Discipline, and to subscribe for the Christian Index. Any minister failing to subscribe for the same shall be guilty of neglect of duty. 2. To appoint all the leaders, and change them when he sees it necessary. 3. To see that all the ordinances and regulations of the Church be duly ob¬ served, and that the General Rules be read at least once a year in every con¬ gregation. 4. To see that a fast be held in ev PASTORS AND THEIR DUTIES 79 cry congregation within his charge on the Friday preceding every quarterly meeting, and that suitable services be held on the occasion, wherever practic¬ able. 5. To hold Quarterly Conferences in the absence of the Presiding Elder. 6. To hold a meeting of the leaders r.rd stewards of his charge" once a week, if practicable, to receive their reports. 7. To report at each Quarterly Con¬ ference the names of all who have been received into the Church, and of all who have died, removed, with¬ drawn, or been excluded from it dur¬ ing the preceding quarter, and give a statement of the general condition of his station, circuit, or mission. 8. To give an account of his charge every quarter to his Presiding Elder. 9. To see that all the people within the bounds of his charge be duly sup¬ plied with our books and periodicals. 10. To keep a directory, in which the residence' of all the members shall be 80 PASTORS AND THEIR DUTIES noted, wherever it may be necessary to facilitate pastoral visitation. 11. To leave his successor a particu¬ lar account of his charge including an account of the subscribers for our pe¬ riodicals. 12. To see that a permanent record be kept of all the baptisms and mar¬ riages within the bounds of his charge. 13. To see that a register be kept, in which shall be noted the names, with the time and manner of the reception and disposal of every person belonging to the Church in his station, circuit, or mission, distinguishing between lo¬ cal elders, deacons and preachers, and lay members; and to report to the An¬ nual Conference the number of each that may be under his charge at the time of its session. 14. To promote all the interests of the Sunday School, Epworth . League, Church Extension, Board of Missions, Superannuated Preachers, "Widows, and Orphans of Preachers Society, and the Tract Society of our Church in such a way as the Discipline and An- PASTORS AND THEIR DUTIES 81 nual Conference may direct, and to re¬ port to the Annual Conference the amount raised in his charge during the year for thsse several claims. 15. To see that reports are made at each session of the Quarterly Confer¬ ence of the number ai^d state of the Sunday School, Epworth League, and Woman's Missionary Society, and that the report of the work for the year in the above named departments be sent to the fourth Quarterly Conference and the Annual Conference. 16. To furnish every one removing from his charge with a certificate in the following form: CERTIFICATE OF TRANSFER The bearer hereof is an acceptable member of the Col¬ ored Methodist Episcopal Church.... station Annual Conference, and is hereby cheerfully recommended to the fellowship of any 82 ADMISSION ON TRIAL, ETC. body of Christian believers with whom may cast lot. Pastor. Sec'ty of Church. CHAPTER XI. ADMITTING ON TRIAL AND INTO FULL CONNECTION. ELECTION TO DEA¬ CON'S AND ELDER'S ORDERS. I. ADMITTING PREACHERS ON TRIAL Ques. How is a preacher to be ad¬ mitted on trial into the traveling con¬ nection? Ans. -. By the Annual Conference. In the interval of the Conference, he may be received and employed in the work by a Bishop, or the Presiding Elder of the* District, until the sitting of the Conference. 2. No one shall be admitted on trial unless he procures a recommendation from the Quarterly Conference; nor shall a vote be taken upon the admis¬ sion of any candidate who shall not admission on trial, etc. as have passed an approved examination upon the course of study prescribed by the Bishops, before a committee ap¬ pointed by the Bishop for the purpose. 3. The Annual Conference may then admit him as a probationer by a vote of the majority. Observe taking on trial is entirely different from admit¬ ting a preacher into full connection. One on trial may be. either admitted or rejected without doing him any wrong; otherwise it would be no trial at all. II. ADMITTING" PREACHERS INTO FULL CONNECTION Ques. Who shall be admitted into the Conference in full connection? Ans. 1. No one except a preacher who has been employed two successive years in the regular itinerant work, (which is to commence from his being admitted on trial at the Annual Con¬ ference,) and who is, approved by the Annual Conference. 2. Before any preacher is' admitted into full connection, he shall have 84 ADMISSION ON TRIAL, ETO. passed an approved examination upon the Course of Study prescribed by the Bishops for candidates for the minis¬ try j and in no case shall a vote be tak¬ en to admit any one until he is recom¬ mended by the examining committee. 3. A missionary employed on a for¬ eign mission may be admitted into full connection, if recommended by the superintendent of the mission where he labors, without being present at the Annual Conference for examina¬ tion. Ques. 2. What method do we use in admitting a preacher into full connec¬ tion at the Conference? Ans. After solemn fasting and prayer, every person proposed shall then be asked before the Conference the following questions, (with any, others which may be thought neces¬ sary), namely: Have you faith in Christ? Are you going on to perfec¬ tion? Are you groaning after it? Are you resolved to devote yourself whol¬ ly to God and his work? Are you willing to conform to the Discipline of ADMISSION ON TRIAL, ETO. &5 the Church? Will you diligently in¬ struct the children in every place? "Will you visit from, house to house ? "Will you recommend fasting, or abstinence, both by precept and example? "Will you especially observe the following directions?— 1. Be diligent. Never be unemploy¬ ed. Never be triflingly' employed. Never trifle away time; neither spend any more time at any place than is strictly necessary. 2. Be punctual. Do every thing ex¬ actly at the time. And do not mend our rules, but keep thlem; tiot for wrath, but conscience's sake. 3. Act in all things not according /to your own will, but as a son in the gospel. It is therefore your duty to employ your time in the manner which we direct; in preaching, meeting the classes, visiting from house to house, and especially visiting the sick; in reading, meditation and prayer. A- bove all, if you labor with us in the Lord's vineyard, it is needful you should do that part of the work which 80 ADMISSION ON TRIAL, ETC. we advise at those times and places which we judge biest for his glory. If he gives satisfactory answers to these questions, the Conference, by a vote of the majority, may admit him into full connection. III. ELECTION TO DEACON'S ORDERS Ques. 1. How is a deacon constitut¬ ed? Ans. 1. By the election of a majori¬ ty of the Annual Conference, and the laying on of the hands of a Bishop. 2. Before any traveling preacher is ordained deacon, he shall have passed an approved examination upon the Course of Study prescribed by the Bishops for candidates for the minis¬ try ; and in no case shall a vote be taken to elect any one to beacon's or¬ ders until he is recommended by the examining committee. Ques. 2. What shall be the time of probation of a traveling preacher for the office> of a deacon? Ans. No one shall be so elected an-d ADMISSION ON TRIAL, ETC. 87 ordained who has not been one year in the regular itinerant work, except such as may be selected by the Bishop for missionary work, when the Annual Conference shall have authority to elect to the deacon's office sooner, if the Conference judge it expedient. Ques. 3. "What are the duties of a Traveling Deacon? Ans.l To 'administer baptism and to perform the office of matrimony, in the absence of the Elder. 2. To assist the Elder in administer¬ ing the Lord's Supper. 3. To do all the duties of a travel¬ ing preacher. IV. ELECTION OP DEACONS TO ELDER'S ORDERS, Ques. 1. How is an Elder constitut¬ ed? Ans. 1. By the election of a majori¬ ty of the Annual Conference, and the laying on of the hands of a Bishop and some of the Elders that are pres¬ ent. 2. Before any traveling preacher is 88 ADMISSION ON TRIAL, ETC. ordained Elder, he shall have passed an approved examination upon the Course of Study prescribed- ;by* the Bishops for candidates for all the min¬ istry; iand in no case shall a vote be taken to elect any one to Elder's Or¬ ders until he is recommended by the examining committee. Ques. 2. What shall be the time of probation of a traveling deacon for the office of an Elder? Ans. Every traveling deacon shall exercise that office for two years, be¬ fore he is eligible to the office of El¬ der ; except in the case of missionaries, when the Annual Conference shall have authority to elect to the Elder's office sooner, if the Conference judge it expedient; Provided, always, that when a preacher has passed his examination, and been elected to deacon's orders, but fails of his ordination through the absence 'of a Bishop, his eligibility to the office of Elder shall run from the SUPERNUMERARY & SUPERANNUATED 8» time of his election to the office of Deacon. Ques. 3. What are the duties of a traveling Elder? Ans. 1. To administer baptism and the Lord's Sapper and to perform the rite of matrimony, and conduct all parts of Divine worship. 2. To do all the duties of a travel¬ ing preacher. CHAPTER XII. SUPERNUMERARY AND SUPERAN¬ NUATED PREACHERS—PREACHERS FROM OTHER CHURCHES I. SUPERNUMERARY PREACHERS Ques. "What is a supernumerary preacher? Ans. 1. A supernumerary preacher is one who is so disabled by affliction as to be unable to preach constantly, but is willing to do any work in the ministry which the Bishop may direct, and he may be able to perform. 2. A supernumerary preacher whc 90 SUPERNUMERARY & SUPERANNUATED refuses to attend to the work assigned him, unless in ease of sickness or other unavoidable cause or causes, shall not be allowed to exercise the functions of his office, nor even to preach among us; nevertheless, the final determina¬ tion of the case shall be with the An¬ nual Conference of which he is a mem¬ ber, which shall have power to acquit, suspend, locate, or expel him, as the case may be. II. SUPERANNUATED PREACHERS. Ques. What is a . superannuated preacher ? Ans. 1. A superannuated preacher is one who is worn out in the itinerant service. 2. A superannuated preacher, living out of the bounds of the Conference of which he is a member, shall be held responsible to the Annual .Conference within whose bounds he may reside, which shall have power to try, acquit, suspend or expel him, in the same manner as if he were a member of said Conference. SUPERNUMERARY & SUPERANNUATED 91 III. RECEIVING PREACHERS FROM OTHER CHURCHES Ques. 1. How shall we receive those ministers who may offer to unite with us from other Christian Churches? Ans. 1. Ministers of other Churches who may desire to unite with us as local preachers, may be received by a Quarterly Conference, upon giving sat¬ isfaction that they are suitable per¬ sons; but they shall not exercise the peculiar functions of deacons or elders until their orders are recognized by the Annual Conference: Provided, no one who has been ex¬ pelled from the ministry and member¬ ship of another Church shall be per¬ mitted to enter our itinerancy under five years from date of said expul¬ sion. Provided, that the Bishop may, at his discretion, allow ministers thus re¬ ceived to exercise their functions as Deacons or Elders until the session- of the Annual Conference. 2. After such reception, and a re- 92 SUPERNUMERARY & SUPERANNUATED commendation by the Quarterly Con¬ ference, the Annual Conference, if sat¬ isfied of their being in order, and of their agreement with us in doctrine and discipline, and also of their gifts, graces and usefulness, may recognize them accordingly, without the reimpo- sition of hands, on condition of their taking upon them our ordination vows. If they cannot attend the Annual Con¬ ference, they shall send up a certified subscription to our doctrines and dis¬ cipline, and to our ordination vows. 3. Ministers of other Churches, duly accredited as Deacons or Elders, who may desire to unite with us as travel¬ ing preachers, may be admitted as Dea¬ cons or Elders in full connection, af¬ ter they shall have been members of the Quarterly Conference at least one year, and procuring a, recommenda¬ tion from the Quarterly Conference: provided, the Conference is satisfied with their gifts, graces and usefulness, and their agreement with "us in doc¬ trine and discipline, on condition of SUPERNUMERARY & SUPERANNUATED 93 their taking upon them our ordination vows, without the re-imposition of hands. 4. "When a minister has been receiv¬ ed and recognized in orders, he shall be furnished with a certificate, signed by one of our Bishops, in the following words, viz: This is to certify that has been admitted into Conference .as a traveling preacher (or has been received as a local preacher on Circuit), he having been ordained to the office of a deacon, (or elder, as the case may be,) according to the usages of the Church, of which he has been a member and minister; and he is hereby authorized to exer¬ cise the functions .pertaining to his of¬ fice in the Colored Methodist Episco¬ pal Church in America so long as his life and conversation are such as be¬ come the gospel of Christ. Given under my hand and seal, at this day of. in the year of our Lord PART IV. I.OCAL PREACHERS, EXHORTERS, AND OFFICERS OF THE CHURCH CHAPTER XIII. THE CALL TO PREACH Ques. 1. How shall we try those who profess to be moved by the Holy Ghost to preach? Ans. Let the following questions be asked, namely: 1. Do they know God as a pardon¬ ing God? Have they the love of God abiding in them ? Do they desire noth¬ ing but God? And are they holy j.n all manner of conversation? 2. Have they gifts (as well as graces) for the work? Have they (in some tolerable degree) a clear, sound un¬ derstanding, a right judgment in the things of God, a just conception of salvation by faith? Do they speak justly, readily, clearly? 3. Have they fruit? Are any truly convinced of isin and 'converted to God by their preaching? (97) 98 LOCAL PREACHERS AND EXHORTERS As long as these three marks concur in any one, we believe he is called of God to preach. These we receiyt as: sufficient proof that he is moved "by the Holy Ghost. CHAPTER XIV. LOCAL PREACHERS AND EXHORTERS 1. LOCAL PREACHERS Ques. 1. What directions are given concerning the licensing of persons to preach ? Ans. 1. The Quarterly Conference shall have authority to license proper persons to preach, and to renew their license annually, when, in its judg¬ ment, their gifts, graces and useful¬ ness will warrant it. 2. No person shall be licensed to preach without the recommendation of the Church of which he or she is a member, or of the Leaders' Meeting of the charge to which he or she belongs. Nor shall any one be licensed to preach LOCAL PREACHERS AND EXHORTERS 99 without first being examined in the Quarterly Conference on the subject of doctrines and discipline, and giving satisfactory evidence of his or her ability to read the word of God; nor shall any license be valid unless signed by the President and Secretary of the Conference. Ques. 2. What shall be the time of probation of a local preacher for the office of a deacon? Ans. A local preacher shall be eli¬ gible to the office of a deacon after he has preached four years from the time ke received a regular license, 'and has obtained a recommendation from the Quarterly Conference, on a proper ex¬ amination, signed by the President and Secretary, and after his character has passed, and he has obtained the approbation of the Annual Conference. Ques. 3. What shall be the time of probation of a local deacon'for the of¬ fice of an elder? Ans. A local deacon shall be eli¬ gible to the office of an elder after he 100 LOCAL PREACHERS AND EXHORTERS has preached four years from the time he was ordained a deacon, and has obtained a recommendation from the Quarterly Conference, on a proper ex¬ amination, certifying his qualifications in doctrine, discipline, talents and use¬ fulness, signed by the President and Secretary. He shall present to the An¬ nual Conference such recommendation, with a note certifying his belief in the doctrine and discipline of our Church—the whole being examined by the Annual Conference; and if approv¬ ed, he may be ordained. Ques. 4. What further directions are given concerning local preachers? Ans. 1. It shall be the duty of local preachers to aid the preacher in charge of the circuit, station, or mission to which they belong in supplying the people with the ministry of the word. They shall subscribe annually for the Christian Index, and their license shall not be renewed by the Quarterly Con¬ ference until they shall have subscrib¬ ed for the same. They shall according- LOCAL PREACHERS AND EXHORTERS 101 ly be applied to by the preacher in charge as soon as he enters his work to state what amount of service they are able and willing to perform; he may then draw up a plan by which their labors shall be regulated. They shall be authorized to form new congregations, to take a list of the names of lall candidates for Church membership, and, if expedient, receive them into the Church; provided, that all such congregations, candidates, and members be reported as soon as pos¬ sible to the preacher in charge, in or¬ der that they may be placed immed¬ iately under his pastoral care. 2. Every local elder, deacon, and li¬ centiate shall have his name recorded on the Journal of the Quarterly Con¬ ference of which he is a member. 3. "When any traveling preacher is located he shall be amenable to the Quarterly Conference of the charge last filled by him, until he presents his certificate of location to some other Quarterly Conference. 102 LOCAL PREACHERS AND EXHORTERS 4. When a local elder, deacon or li¬ centiate removes from one circuit, sta¬ tion or mission, to another, he shall procure from the Presiding Elder of the District or from the Preacher hav¬ ing charge, a certificate of his official standing in the Church 'at the time of his removal; without which he shall not be received as a local preacher in other places. II. EXHORTERS Ques. 1. What directions are given concerning the licensing of persons to exhort ? Ans. 1. The Quarterly Conference shall have authority to license proper persons to exhort, and to renew their license annually, when, in its judg¬ ment, their gifts, graces and usefulness will warrant it. 2. No person shall be licensed to ex¬ hort without the recommendation of the Church of which he is a member, or of the Leaders' Meeting of the charge to which he belongs; nor shall LOCAL PREACHERS AND EXHORTERS 103 any license be valid unless signed by the President of the Conference. Ques. 2. What are the duties of an exhorter? Ans. To hold meetings for prayer and exhortation whenever opportunity is afforded, subject to the direction of the preacher in charge. Ques. 3. What further directions are given concerning exhorters? Ans. 1. Let every exhorter diligent¬ ly exercise the functions of his office without assuming those of a preacher. 2. Every exhorter, by/virtue of his office, shall be a member of the Quar¬ terly Conference of the charge to which he belongs; but in all other re¬ spects he shall be dealt with as a pri¬ vate member of the Church. 3. When an exhorter removes from one circuit, station or mission to anoth¬ er, he shall not be recognized as such unless he obtains a certificate of' his official character from the Presiding Elder of -the District, or the preacher to whose charge he belongs at the time of his removal. CHAPTER XY. CLASS LEADERS Ques. 1. How are the class leaders to be appointed? Ans. By the preacher in charge, who shall appoint one person in each class to be the leader thereof. Ques. 2. What are the regulations concerning the class leaders? Ans. 1. Let them be men of sound judgment and truly devoted to God. 2. Let every one of them be care¬ fully examined by the preacher in charge at least once a quarter, concern¬ ing his method of leading his class. 3. It is the leader's duty— (1) To see each person in his class cnce a week, at least, in order to in¬ quire how their souls prosper; to ad¬ vise, reprove, comfort, or exhort, as occasion may require; to receive what they are willing to give toward the (104) STEWARDS AND STEWARDESSES 105 support of the preacher in charge and for the relief of the poor.* (2) To meet the ministers and the stewards of the society once a week in order— To inform the minister of any that are sick, or of any that walk disor¬ derly and will not be reproved. To pay the stewards what they have received of their several classes in the week preceding provided, the leaders collect from each member 5c per week, class dues. CHAPTER XVI. STEWARDS AND STEWARDESSES Ques. 1. How are Stewards and Jun¬ ior Stewards to be appointed? Ans. The preacher in charge shall have the right of nomination, subject *This part refers to towns and cities where the poor are generally numerous and Church expenses considerable. 106 STEWARDS AND STEWARDESSES to the confirmation or rejection of the Quarterly Conference. Ques. 2. What are the regulations concerning Stewards and Junior Stew¬ ards? Ans. 1. Let them be men of solid piety, who both know and love the Methodist doctrine and discipline, and of good natural and acquired ability to transact temporal business of the Church. 2. It shall be the duty of the Stew¬ ards to make estimates of expenses and provision for the support of the gos¬ pel; to take an exact account of all moneys collected or other provisions made for the support of the ministry; expenditure of money, whether for the support of the ministry or the relief of the sick, or the poor; to seek the needy and distressed in order tq relieve and comfort them; to inform the preachers of iany sick or disorderly persons; to tell the preachers what they think wrong in them; to attend the official meetings and the quarterly meetings; to give advice, if asked, in planning STEWARDS AND STEWARDESSES 107 the circuit; to attend committees for the application of money to churches; to give counsel in matters of arbitra¬ tion ; to provide elements for the Lord's Supper; to iappoint some one, whenever necessary, to receive contri¬ butions for the support of the minis¬ try and other purposes, and to obtain from each collector thus appointed the money received by him, that it may be reported to the Quarterly Conference; to take up collections quarterly in ev¬ ery congregation, if it be necessary, and to write circular letters to the so¬ cieties to be more liberal, if need be; and to let-them know, when occasion requires, the financial state of the Church, as reported at the Quarterly Conference. They shall .elect their own chairman, secretary and treasur¬ er. 3. The Stewards of each circuit and station shall be a standing committee (where there is no parsonage) to pro¬ vide houses for the families of married preachers, or to assist the preachers to 108 STEWARDS AND STEWARDESSES obtain houses for themselves when they are appointed to labor among them. Ques. 3. To whom are Stewards ac¬ countable for the faithful- performance of their duties? Ans. To the Quarterly Conference, which shall have power to remove them from office. Ques. 4. What shall be the number of Stewards in each circuit "or station? Ans. 1; Every pastoral" charge shall be entitled to one Steward for every thirty members, to be elected annually: provided, nevertheless, that each so¬ ciety in a circuit shall have one Stew¬ ard, and each circuit or station may have at least seven. 2. When two or more circuits or stations are united, the Stewards shall hold office till the first Quarterly Con¬ ference elects a' new Board. Ques. 5. What directions are given concerning Junior Stewards? Ans. They shall be auxiliary to Stewards and their number and man¬ ner of election shall be the same. STEWARDS AND. STEWARDESSES 109 Ques. 6. "What are the duties of a Recording Steward? Ans. To preserve the records of the Quarterly Conference, and to report to the Joint Board of Finance of the Annual Conference a full account of the acts of his Board of Stewards the preceding year.- Ques. 7. What are the regulations concerning Stewardesses and Junior Stewardesses ? Ans. There shall be a Board of Stew¬ ardesses and Junior Stewardesses in each circuit, station or mission, whose number and mode of election shall be the same as Stewards. 2. Junior Stewardesses shall be aux¬ iliary to Stewardesses. 3. It shall be the duty of the Stew¬ ardesses to serve the table of the Lord, the table of the poor, and the table of the ministry; to assist in the collection of the General Funds, Presiding El¬ der's and Pastor's salary, and to do any other work that may be assigned 110 TRUSTEES OF CHURCH PROPERTY to them by the pastor in charge or Board of Stewards of the Church. CHAPTER XVII. TRUSTEES OF CHURCH PROPERTY Ques.. 1. How are Trustees to be appointed? Ans. Except where the laws of the State or Territory provide differently, the Preacher in Charge, or, in his ab¬ sence, the Presiding Elder, shall have the right of nomination, subject to the confirmation or rejection of the Quar¬ terly Conference. Ques. 2. What are the regulations concerning the Trustees ? Ans. 1. No person shall be eligible as a Trustee of any of our parsonages or churches who is not a member of our Church, and at least twenty-one years of age. 2. All vacancies in the Board of Trustees, occasioned by death, resigna- TRUSTEES OP CHURCH PROPERTY 111 tion, or otherwise, shall be filled with¬ out delay. 3. Let nine Trustees be appointed for holding Church property, when proper persons can be procured, other¬ wise, seven, five, or three, who shall elect their own chairman, secretary, and treasurer. 4. The Board or Boards of Trus¬ tees of every circuit, station, or mis¬ sion, shall be members of, and respon¬ sible to, the Quarterly Conference of the same, which shall have power to dismiss any of them from office; and shall be required to present a report of their acts, at least once a year, to the Quarterly Conference. 5. No person who is a Trustee shall be ejected while he is in joint security for money, unless such relief be given him as is demanded, or the creditor will accept. PART V. C HURCH MEMBERSHIP, ORDER OF WORSHIP, MEANS OF GRACE, CHIL¬ DREN, AND SUNDAY-SCHOOL CHAPTER XVIII. HOW TO RECEIVE MEMBERS. Ques. How shall members be re¬ ceived into the Church? Ans. 1. When persons offer them¬ selves for Church-membership, let the preacher in charge inquire into their spiritual condition, and receive them into the Church when they have given satisfactory assurances of their desire to flee from the wrath to come, and to be saved from their sins; and also, of the genuineness of their faith, and of their willingness to keep the rules of the Church. 2. When satisfied on these points, let the minister bring the candidates be¬ fore the congregation, whenever prac¬ ticable, and receive -them according to the prescribed form. 3. If a member in good standing in any other Church shall desire to unite with us, such applicant may, by giving (115) L16 ORDER OF WORSHIP satisfactory answers to the usual in¬ quiries be received without these for¬ malities. CHAPTER XIX. ORDER AND DIRECTIONS FOR PUBLIC WORSHIP t^ues. 1. What directions are given for uniformity in public worship? Ans. 1. The morning service shall be conducted in the following order: ORDER OF PUBLIC WORSHIP 1. Organ voluntary or song. 2. Singing, congregation standing. 3. Repeating "Apostles' Creed." 4. Prayer—closing with Lord's pray¬ er, repeated or chanted. 5. Singing—anthem or hymn. 6. Reading lessons out of the Old and the New Testament—with chant by choir or suitable song between the lessons. 7. Announcements 'and notices. ORDER OF WORSHIP 117 8. Singing—congregation sitting. 9. Preaching. 10. Singing—congregation standing. 11. Prayer. 12. Doxology and benediction. 2. The afternoon and evening serv¬ ices shall be the same as the morning, except that one of the lessons, or both, may be omitted, at the discretion of the minister. 3. The Lord's Supper shall be ad¬ ministered monthly, in every congre¬ gation, wherever it is practicable; and where it is not, at every quarterly meeting. Let the service preceding the administration be so proportioned as to' admit of due time for this solemn ordinance. 4. Let the Lord's Prayer be used on all occasions of public worship, in con¬ cluding the first morning prayer, the congregation repeating after the min¬ ister; and the apostolic benediction (2 Cor. xiii. 14) in dismissing the con¬ gregation. 5. The Ritual shall be invariably 118 OTHER MEETINGS used in all the offices for which it is prescribed. Ques. 2. How shall we guard against formality in singing? Ans. 1. By choosing such hymns as are proper for the occasion. 2. By not singing too much at once; seldom more than five or six verses. 3. By suiting the tune to the words. 4. By often stopping short, when the Words are given out, and asking the people : "Now, do you know what you said last? Did you. speak no more than you felt?" 5. In all our congregations let the people learn to sing, and use our owr Hymn and Tune Books. 6. Exhort every person in the con¬ gregation to sing. CHAPTEE XX. OTHEE MEETINGS OF THE CHURCH I. PRAYER MEETINGS Ques. What directions are given concerning our prayer meetings? OTHER MEETINGS 119 Ans. Let the pastor hold prayer- meetings, weekly, in every church where it is practicable; and when he cannot himself attend, let him engage local preachers, exhorters, class-lead¬ ers,. and others, to hold them. 2. Let prayer-meetings be held also at other places where there is a proba¬ bility of their doing good. II. CLASS MEETINGS Ques. 1. What directions are given concerning class-meetings? Ans. 1. Let the membership of ev¬ ery church, wherever it is practicable, be divided into smaller companies, call¬ ed classes, according to their respective places of abode; and let the members be exhorted to attend the meetings of the same, 2. Two or more classes may meet at the same time and place, at their own option, and their leaders may alter¬ nate in conducting the exercises. •3. The pastor shall visit every class once a quarter, and .report its condi¬ tion to the Quarterly Conference; and 120 OTHER MEETINGS let him hold general class-meetings as often >as he shall find it expedient. Ques. 2. Can any thing be done in order to make the class-meetings more profitable? Ans. 1. Change improper leaders. 2. Let the leaders frequently meet each other's classes. 3. Let us observe which leaders are the most useful; and let these meet the other classes as often ias possible. III. LOVE-FEASTS Ques. 1. What directions are given concerning love-feasts? Ans. 1. Love-feasts shall be held quarterly, or at such other times as the preacher in charge may consider expedient, with closed doors, to which, besides Church members, other serin persons may be admitted by him. 2. In conducting the love-feast, after singing and prayer, the preacher may make a short address, setting forth the nature and design of this institution; every one present then partakes of a little bread and water in token of CHILDREN OF THE CHURCH 121 brotherly love; the members then give brief details of their religious experi¬ ence ; and the meeting is closed with singing and prayer. Ques. 2. How often shall we permit strangers to be present at our love- feasts? Ans. Let them be admitted with the utmost caution; and the same person on no account above twice or thrice, CHAPTER XXI. CHILDREN OF THE CHUECH Ques. What directions are given concerning the children of the Church? Ans. 1. Let the minister diligently instruct and exhort all parents to dedi¬ cate their children to the Lord in bap¬ tism as early as convenient. 2. In his pastoral visitations let him pay special attention to the children; speak to them personally and kindly on experimental and practical godli¬ ness, according to their capacity; pray earnestly for them, and cause them to 122 CHILDREN OF THE CHURCH be faithfully instructed in the nature, design, privileges, and obligations of their baptism. 3. As soon as they comprehend the responsibilities involved in a public profession of faith in Christ, and give evidence of a sincere and earnest de¬ termination to discharge the same, see that they be duly recognized as mem¬ bers of the Church, .agreeably to the provisions of the Discipline. 4. Let our Catechisms be used as ex¬ tensively as possible, both in our Sun¬ day-schools and families; and let the preachers faithfully enforce upon par¬ ents and Sunday-school teachers the great importance of instructing chil¬ dren in the doctrines iand duties of our holy religion. 5. It shall be the special duty of the preachers to form Bible-classes where - ever they can, for the instruction of larger children and youth; and where they cannot superintend them person¬ ally, to appoint suitable leaders for that purpose. CHAPTER XXII. THE SUNDAY-SCHOOL Ques. What directions are given concerning Sunday-schools? Ans. 1. Let Sunday-schools be form¬ ed in all our congregations, where ten children can be collected for that pur¬ pose. And it shall be the especial duty of preachers having charge of circuits and stations, with the aid of the other preachers, to see that this be done; to engage the co-operation of as many of our members as they can; to visit the schools as often as practic¬ able ; to preach on the subject of Sun¬ day-schools ^nd religious instruction in each congregation ,• to have the Sup¬ erintendents lay before the Quarterly Conference, at each quarterly meeting, to be entered on its journal, a written statement of the number and state of the Sunday-schools within their re¬ spective circuits 'and stations, and to (123) 124 THE SUNDAY SCHOOL make a report of the same to their sev¬ eral Annual Conferences. 2. Each Quarterly Conference shall be deemed a Board of Managers, hav¬ ing supervision of all the Sunday- school Societies within its limits. 3. It is recommended that each An¬ nual Conference, where the general state of the work will allow, (request the appointment of a special agent, to travel throughout its bounds, for the purpose of promoting the interests of Sunday-schools and his expensies shall be paid out of collections which he shall be directed to make, or other¬ wise, as shall be ordered by the Con¬ ference 4. Let our Catechisms be used as ex¬ tensively as possible in our Sunday- schools ; and let the preachers faithful¬ ly enforce upon Sunday-school teach¬ ers the great importance of instruct¬ ing children in the doctrines and du¬ ties of our holy religion. 5. The Superintendent of the Sun¬ day-school shall be nominated by the THE SUNDAY SCHOOL 125 preacher in charge, subject to the con¬ firmation or rejection of the Quarter¬ ly-Conference. PART VI. JUDICIAL ADMINISTRATION CHAPTER XXIII. TRIAL CODE OF A BISHOP Ques. 1. To whom is a Bishop a- menable for his conduct? Ans. 1. To the General Conference which has power to try him for im¬ proper conduct and to acquit, suspend, reprimand, retire with or without sal¬ ary or expel him. Ques. 2. What provision is made for the trial of a Bishop if he be accused of immorality in the interval of the General Conference ? Ans, 2. When a bishop shall be un¬ der a report or be accused of immor¬ ality, three traveling elders shall, af¬ ter notice to him, carefully inquire into the case and if they believe an in¬ vestigation necessary, they shall re¬ port the matter to another bishop— and it shall be his duty to call togeth¬ er at some convenient place not fewer than twelve (12) traveling elders— (129) 130 TRIAL OF A BISHOP and also the witnesses by whom the accusation is expected to be establish¬ ed, and the said elders shall be a com¬ mittee for the investigation of the charge against the Bishop. If the majority of them believe a trial necessary, they -shall suspend him until the next General Conference. The presiding Bishop shall cause an exact record of the investigation, sign¬ ed by the president and secretary, to be transmitted to the General Confer¬ ence. By this record and such other testimony as may be obtained, the case shall be considered and determined by the General Conference without the in¬ tervention of another committee. .But in no ease shall the inquiring elders be recognized as the accusers, but the three elders afore-mentioned must act wholly upon rumors and not personal knowledge, and shall not take any fur¬ ther part in the case. Ques. 3. "What provision is made for the appeal of :a Bishop who may be suspended during the interval of the General Conference? TRIATL OF A BISHOP ' .131. Aiis. 3. Tilery shall be a court of ap¬ peals composed of fifteen (15) persons appointed as follows: Two by each Bishop and one by the fourteen (14) appointed by the Bishops—one of the Bishops shall be ex-offlcio president of s:dd court. The number composing said court shall be increased at the same ratio as the number of Bishops iv;ay be increased urltil the number composing the court shall reach twen¬ ty-five (25), to which all appeals shall be made by the accused who may have been suspended in the interval of the General Conference; said court shall have the power t j sustain the action of the investigatecommittee, reverse and remand, or reverse and dismiss. In all cases their decisions shall be final except when the action of the investi¬ gating committee is sustained by it. In said excepted case, the suspen¬ sion remains until the ensuing Gener¬ al Conference. The Bishop appointed to preside over said court is hereby authorized, upon the. receipt of an appeal, from the de* .132 TRIAL OF A. BISHOP cision of any committee of investiga¬ tion, to cause to be appointed the fif¬ teen (15) members 'as above stated, which said number will sit as an ap¬ pellate court as before stated at a place most convenient to all parties concerned. But should an appeal reach the Bish¬ op within three months of the sitting of the General Conference, the court^ shall not be convened—but the case takes its regular course. Ques. 4. "What provision is made for the trial of a Bisihop if he should be ac¬ cused during the session of the Gen¬ eral Conference? Ans. 1. An aceusiation preferred during the session of the General Con¬ ference shall be referred for investiga¬ tion to a committee of twenty-five (25) members of the General Conference to be selected by the president. Of this number, the accused shall have the right of challenge for fifteen (15) of the twenty-five (25) appointed by the Bishop or president—and the commit¬ tee shall report to the General Confer- TRIAL OF A BISHOP 133 ence whether or not a trial is neces¬ sary. If the committee of investigation de¬ cides that a trial is necessary, they shall formulate charges and specifica¬ tions conforming them with the grade of offense involved in the accusation and shall appoint one or more of their number to prosecute the case. The bill of charges and specifications shall be a part* of the report of the committee to the General Conference. Every case to be tried under- this pro¬ cess, shall, upon finding of a bill of charges, be referred to the Committee on Episcopacy, who shall have full power to try the case and whose de¬ cision shall be final save all money that may be raised by the "Woman's Home Missionary Society, and shall retain the same to be used as the Con¬ ference may see fit. Art. VII. The Annual Conference Boards shall arrange constitutions and CHURCH EXTENSION DEPARTMENT 201 by-laws governing the "Woman's Home Missionary Society within their bounds, and shall also- arrange for •Juvenile Societies to be formed among the children, and they shall send a re¬ port of their work each year to the Secretary of Missions for publication. Art. VIII. There shall be held in each District a Missionary Convention of the Woman's Home Missionary So¬ ciety, which shall be under the super¬ vision of the Presiding Elder, and com¬ posed of the preachers in charge of cir¬ cuits, stations and missions, and one representative from each society form¬ ed in the District. The time for hold¬ ing this Convention shall be fixed by the Presiding Elder, and the place by the Conventon. CHAPTER XL. THE CHURCH EXTENSION DEPART¬ MENT Art. 1. There shall be a Board of Church Extension of the Colored Meth¬ odist Episcopal Church in America, 202 CHURCH EXTENSION DEPARTMENT -which shall be conducted as a body coTporate under such laws and regu¬ lations as the General Conference may, from time to time, adopt. Art. II (1) The Board shall consist of a Bishop, who shall be President, a Vice-President, the General Secre¬ tary, a Treasurer, and nine managers, who shall be elected by the General Conference. All Bishops, except the President, shall be ex-officio members of the Board. 2. The Board shall meet annually. Seven members shall constitute a quo¬ rum. 3. The location or headquarters of the Board shall be fixed by the Gen¬ eral Conference at Louisville, Ky. 4. The Board shall have authority to fill all vacancies which may occur in the interval of the General Confer¬ ence, regulate its own proceedings, ap¬ propriate money to meet its own ex¬ penses, determine what amount may be donated or loaned to each applicant, and do such other business as may be regular and legitimate, provided how- CHURCH EXTENSION DEPARTMENT 203 ever, that no money shall be appro¬ priated in the general work for other purposes than purchasing and secur¬ ing church lots and securing or erect¬ ing church buildings, paying the Gen¬ eral Secretary, and meeting such oth¬ er expenses as are necessary to carry on the work of the Board. Art. III. (1) There shall be an Exe¬ cutive Committee to consist of five members. The members of this com¬ mittee sha-ll be appointed by the Board of Church Extension. 2. The Executive Committee shall meet quarterly, unless otherwise or¬ dered by the Board. Three members shall constitute a quorum. 3. It shall be the duty of the Execu¬ tive Committee to carry out the in¬ structions of the Board given them from time to time. Art. IV. (1) The General "Secretary shall be a minister of the Gospel, but may be a member of any Annual Con¬ ference. 2. He shall be subject to the authori¬ ty and control of the Board 'and shall 204 CHURCH EXTENSION DEPARTMENT conduct the correspondence under its direction. 3. He shall have access to all con¬ ferences and congregations of the con¬ nection, and be permitted to take col¬ lections in any and 'all of them for the Department. 4. He shall make a quarterly report to the Executive Committee of all mon¬ eys received and paid out, and to whom; this report to be signed by the President and Treasurer of the Board. 5. He shall, when called upon, go to any part of the church, in order to help Presiding Elders and pastors buy lands and build suitable churches and parsonages thereon. 6. In every case where the General Secretary helps a mission, circuit, or station, in raising money, one half of the money raised must be given to the mission, circuit, or station, and the other half must go to the Department, but, where a mission has no lot, upon which to build, it shall retain and use all money raised, but shall give a note for one half of this amount to the Gen- CHURCH EXTENSION DEPARTMENT 205 eral Secretary, said note to be paid in one to seven years. 7. The General Secretary shall re¬ ceive for salary $1500 per annum and whatever the Board of Church Exten¬ sion may allow for traveling expenses. Art. V. (1) The revenue of the Board shall be derived from an assess¬ ment of 5c per capita on the member¬ ship of the Church, special collections by the Secretary and Bishops, devices of the Secretary, and gifts and be¬ quests. 2. In all cases, the moneys raised by the Genearl Secretary shall be sent to the Treasurer of the Board, who shall in turn, pay out money on the order of the President and Secretary of the Board, provided the order shall be in accord with the action of the Board. 3. The General Secretary shall not charge more than 6 per cent, interest on money loaned any church; he may, wherever conditions require, and abil¬ ity permits, charge less. 4. All orders for money on the Treas¬ urer of the Board shall be .signed by 206 CHURCH EXTENSION DEPARTMENT the President and Secretary of said Board, and, in the absence of the President, by the Vice-President. Art. VI. (1) The Church Extension Board shall have authority to nego¬ tiate loans, furnish security for the payment of same, and to foreclose any mortgage and secure the .property in fee simple to this Department, provid¬ ed, that in no case, shall any fore-clo¬ sure dispossess a congregation of the rightful use of the property. In case the membership should abandon the use of any property by moving away or joining other churches, both the title and possession of such property shall revert to the Board. 2. In no case, shall any loan be made on church property unless it is secured by a first mortgage. Art. VII. All applications for aid shall set forth: 1. A description of the building for which aid is asked. 2. An estimate on probable cost to complete building. CHURCH EXTENSION DEPARTMENT 207 3. Amount of cash and reliable sub¬ scription on hand. 4. The nature of the title, its valid¬ ity, and whether held in trust for the Colored, Methodist Episcopal Church in America. 5. The name of the Board of Trus¬ tees. 6. Number of church members, num¬ ber of Sunday School scholars, and population of the town or city. 7. The leading industry of the town or city. 8. Any additional information that may be deemed necessary or useful to the Board. Art. VIII. (1) Each Annual Confer¬ ence shall organize a conference Board of Church Extension, which shall be auxiliary to the parent board. It shall have charge of all the interests and work of Church Extension within its conference. The Secretary, and Treas¬ urer of each Annual Conference Board shall make a report to the parent board as a part of the business of the Dis¬ trict Conference. 2. They shall bring the interests of Church Extension prominently before their Quarterly Conferences, and col¬ lect at leas* one fourth of the 5c per capita assessment from each charge and forward same quarterly to the General Secretary. Art. X. The books of the Church Extension Department shall be kept open for inspection by any member of the Colored Methodist Episcopal Church. Art. XI. These laws may be amend- TlIE EPWORTH LEAGUE SOCIETY 209 ed at 'any session of the General Con-, ference. CHAPTER XLI. THE EPWOBTH LEAGUE SOCIETY Art. 1. There shall be and is an Ep¬ worth League Society of the Colored Methodist Episcopal Church. Art. II. The object of the Epworth League Society shall be to promote pi¬ ety and loyalty in the young people and friends, of the church; to bring into deeper sympathy, closer union, and mutual co-operation, the three stages of life, youth, middle, and old age ; to stimulate the study of the Holy Scriptures; to deepen and intensify the desire for purity of heart, consecra¬ tion of life, and growth in grace, and to train its members for true service to Christ and the Church. Art. III. (1) The Epworth League Society shall consist of four general departments; The General Conference Chapter, the Annual Conference Chap- 210 THE EPWORTH LEAGUE SOCIETY ter, the District' Conference Chapter, and the Local Chapter. 2. Each Chapter shall have seven de¬ partmental sections or committees as follows: (1) Devotional or Spiritual; (2) Literary and Social; (3) Mercy and Help; (4) Correspondence; (5) Missions and Care for the Aged. (6) Finance; and, (7) Music. Art. IV. (1) The General Confer¬ ence Chapter shall have a Board com¬ posed of one Bishop, who shall be President, a General Secretary, who shall be fourth vice-president, and six other members, all elected by the Gen¬ eral Conference. 2. The E,p,worth League Board shall hold its meetings annually at such time and place "as the President may determine. It shall hear, audit, and pass on the report of the Secretary, se¬ lect proper literature for use in all the Leagues, supervise and direct the work of the Secretary, and see that the De¬ partment meets the object, of its or¬ ganization, as set forth in Article II. Art. V. (1) Each Annual and Dis- THE EPWORTH LEAGUE SOCIETY 211 trict Conference and Local Chapter .shall have its president and a vice- president for each department All officers shall be elected annually. 2. Each vice-president of Annual and District Conferences and Local Chapters, shall choose three (3) per¬ sons, who, with the vice-president, shall constitute an Executive Commit¬ tee of his Department. 3. Officers of the Local Chapters shall be nominated by the League, and confirmed by the Quarterly Confer¬ ence. 4. Annual Conference Chapters shall meet annually, separate and apart from the Annual Conference at such time as may be appointed by the Con¬ ference President, and at such place as the League may choose. The Presi¬ dent shall notify the General Secre¬ tary of the time and place of such meeting. 5. District Chapters shall meet once a year, at such time and place as the Presiding Elder may select. The Dis¬ trict Conference Chapter shall be com- 212 THE EPWORTH LEAGUE SOCIETY posed of representatives of each Local League in the District. 6. Local Chapters should meet week¬ ly, or as often as circumstances will permit, and shall be under the super¬ vision of the ;pastor, who shall organ¬ ize a chapter or chapters in his charge, and see that they are conducted in accordance with the "Guide." 7. A City League Chapter may be organized in any town or city where two or more local leagues exist. This League shall meet quarterly. The President of the League of the first church shall conduct these meetings in the same manner as meetings of Local Leagues. Art. VI. (1) The Secretary, who may be a preacher or a layman, shall be elected by ballot by the General Conference for a term of four years. 2. He shall have supervision of the Annual and District Conference, and Local Chapters, shall conduct the cor¬ respondence of the Department, and travel throughout the Church in in¬ terest of the League. He shall keep a THE JEJPWORTH LEAGUE SOCIETY 213 record of the Annual and District Con. ference and Local Chapters, with the number of members and work accom¬ plished by each. 3. He shall report annually, to the Board the general state and condition of the League, the number of mem¬ bers and the amount of money receiv¬ ed from each Annual Conference, and by special efforts, iand quadrennially, to the General Conference. 4. The salary and traveling expenses of the General Secretary shall be $1500 annually, to be paid out of the revenue of the Department. Art. VII. (1) The revenue of the De¬ partment shall be derived from one half of the money raised by confer¬ ence leagues,. $1.00 from each pastoral charge or League Chapter to be paid by pastor at the Annual Conference, and from the activities of the Secre¬ tary on the field. 2. Each member of the Annual Con¬ ference League shall pay 25c at its An¬ nual meeting, the same to be applied 214 THE BOARD OF EDUCATION to the revenue of the General Depart¬ ment. Art. VIII. All Presiding Elders, pas. tors, local preachers, and officers of Local Chapters shall be members of the Annual Conference League. Art. IX.. The business of the League shall be conducted in accordance with the Ep worth League "Guide." CHAPTER XLII. THE BOARD OF EDUCATION Art. 1. The educational operations of the Colored Methodist Episcopal Church shall be conducted under the following provisions and regulations. Art. 2. {There shall be a Board of Education of the Colored Methodist Episcopal Church to be known as the " General Crnference Board of Educa¬ tion," to consist of nine members in¬ cluding a Bishop and the Secretary of Education, one from each Episcopal District, the Bishop and the Secretary- being at large. Art. 3. (1) This Board shall have THE BOARD OF EDUCATION 215 an advisory relation to the schools of the Colored Methodist Episcopal Church, shall devise ways and means to aid our institutions, shall receive and disburse such funds as shall be committed to it from time to time. It shall serve as a Board of Reference or Arbitration, and when necessary may take measures to protect the prop¬ erty interests of our Educational In¬ stitutions. It shall seek to promote general, industrial, theological and Bi¬ ble training, and it shall jseek to pro¬ mote the cause of Educatron through¬ out the church by collecting and pub¬ lishing statistics by giving counsel with, regard to the location and or¬ ganization of our educational institu¬ tions. It shall also serve as a general agency for communication^ between teachers desiring employment and in¬ stitutions needing their service. 2, The further objects of this Board shall be (1) to recommend institutions for connectional relations; (2) to class¬ ify the Educational Institutions of the Church; (3) to decide upon uniform 216 THE BOARD OF EDUCATION entrance requirements for College and Normal courses in our Institutions; (4) to decide upon a uniform course of study for our College work as to credits required for meritorious de¬ grees; (5) to assist in raising endow¬ ment funds and holding Educational rallies and mass meetings in large cen¬ ters; (6) to prorate equitably money coming to the Board; (7) to work in every way practical to advance the cause of Education for our Church; (8) to promote Correspondence cours¬ es and Ministerial Preparation. Art. 4. (1) The General Conference Board of Education shall meet annual¬ ly at such time and place 'as it may appoint, and in special session when called by the President upon request of the Secretary of Education or when requested in writing by five members. Five members shall constitute a quo¬ rum for a regular and four an embers for a call meeting. 2. The members of the Board shall be elected by the General Conference upon nomination by the Committee on THE BOARD OF EDUCATION 217 Education. The term of office shall be four years, but they ''hold over" until their successors are duly elect¬ ed. Vacancies occurring in the Board' in the interval of the G-eneral Confer¬ ence shall be filled by the Board and such member or members shall serve until the General Conference shall fill the place. Art. 5. The work of the Board of Education shall be conducted under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the General Conference from time to time. The operations of the Board shall be conducted under charter secured by the Board accord¬ ing to the laws of the State of The Board shall have authority to receive and apply donations, devices, bequests, to own, buy and sell real es¬ tate, to do all other things provided for in said charter, or subject to and under the provisions of the charter un¬ der which said Board shall operate. 2. The Board shall have authority to regulate its own proceedings, to pro¬ vide quarters for the work of the Sec- 218 THE BOARD OF EDUCATION retary of Education and such neces¬ sary aid as the Board shall deem ad¬ visable. The Board shall further have the authority to fix and pay the sal¬ ary of a Director of a Correspondence School whenever Funds may be given to the Board to do such work; to de¬ termine annually what schools and ed¬ ucational enterprises shall receive aid; to appropriate money for necessary ex¬ pense of maintaining the office; pro¬ vided, however, that no appropriation shall be made for building except from funds contributed for that pur¬ pose, to secure and distribute aid to students preparing for the mission field or for providing aid to needy stu¬ dents especially the children of our itinerant preachers. Art. 6. The Board shall have lauthor. ty to raise an Endowment and Loan Fund. These shall be separate funds raised for general distribution. The Board shall have the authority to re¬ ceive and hold in trust for the C. M. E. Church any real or personal prop¬ erty and to sell and convey same for THE! BOARD OF EDUCATION Z19 uses and objects herein declared. Only the interest on this fund (except when the donor directs otherwise) shall be used, the principal remaining as a permanent fund. Art. 7. The Board shall gather sta¬ tistics and other educational .and re¬ ligious information and shall prepare, publish and distribute pamphlets and leaflets suitable to advance the cause of Christian education in our homes and schools among our people. Art. 8. The Secretary of Education who shall be elected by the General Conference at the time of electing the other general officers for >a term of four years, shall be the executive officer of the Board of Education. He shall, as corresponding secretary of the Board, receive all moneys and turn same over to the treasurer of the Board. The salary of the Secretary of Education shall be fixed by the General Confer¬ ence at fifteen hundred dollars, which shall be paid out of the General Edu¬ cation money monthly. 'All moneys of public and special '220 THE BOARD OF EDUCATION .collections by the Secretary shall be ♦placed in the treasury and his travel¬ ing expenses shall be paid on his or¬ der to the treasurer. Art. 9. The revenue of the Beard of Education shall be from the edu¬ cation money out of the General Fund, 80 per cent, of which shall be forward¬ ed by the Book Agent to the Secretary of Education as collected quarterly; from special collections by the Secre¬ tary of Education, the Bishops and others,- and from gifts, devices, be¬ quests and appropriations from other Boards. The Secretary of Education shall be bonded in the sum of $3,000. Art. 10. It shall be the duty of each Annual Conference to organize within its bounds an Annual Conference Board of Education which shall have charge of all educational Work with¬ in its bounds, literary and religious. The Annual Conference Board shall be auxiliary to the General Conference Board of the Colored Methodist Epis¬ copal Church; they shall conduct their work in harmony with the educational THE BOARD OF EDUCATION 221 policy of the church as set forth in this constitution and other acts of the Gen¬ eral Conference; they shall co-operate with the Board of Education in pro¬ moting both general and local educa¬ tional work. The Annual Conference Board of Education shall provide for an Educational Anniversary during the Annual Conference session and shall co-operate with the Secretary of Education in providing a suitable pro¬ gram for such meetings? This Annual Conference Board shall hold at least one meeting annually for the consid¬ eration and promotion within the bounds of the Annual Conference of the general and local interests of lit¬ erary and religious education. Art. 11. The Board may establish a teachers' Bureau for the .purpose of bringing graduates of our Church in¬ stitutions and other competent persons desiring to teach into communication with institutions seeking teachers. Art. 12. There shall be a Commis¬ sion on Educational standards, of six practical educators appointed with the 222 THE BOARD OF EDUCATION Secretary of Education to arrange and protect the standards of our Church institutions. They shall prescribe the minimum requirements to be demand¬ ed in the several courses given in our schools. The Commission shall care¬ fully work out a plan for'the classifi¬ cation of our schools and shall report within one year to the Board of Edu¬ cation, its work. It shall then be the duty of the General Conference Board of Education through its Secretary to inspect the financial condition and equipment, the amount and quality of work done in all educational institu¬ tions, of the church, to classify them as Grammar School, High School, Academy, Junior College, College, The¬ ological Seminary according to the re¬ lation of its equipment and the work done by it to the standards establish¬ ed by the commission on education. The Commission on Educational Stan¬ dards shall be elected by the General Conference on nomination by the Bish¬ ops and Secretary of Education. Art. 13. The Board shall meet im- THE SUNDAY SCHOOL DEPARTMENT 223 mediately after its election upon calV of the Corresponding Secretary of Ed¬ ucation and elect a President, Vice- President, Recording Secretary and Treasurer. Art. 14. All laws and parts of laws in our Discipline" in conflict with this enactment are hereby repealed. CHAPTER XLIII. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL DEPARTMENT In order to perfect Bible knowledge for the moral and religious training of the .children of the Colored Meth¬ odist Episcopal Church in America; the General Conference of the C. M. E. Church directs that there shall be a Sunday School Department which shall be under the general supervis¬ ion of a General Sunday School Board, to be authorized by the General Con¬ ference, whose chief officer shall be that of Editor, and said department shall be located in the Publishing House, wherever settled, etc. 224 THE SUNDAY SCHOOL DEPARTMENT 1. The Sunday School Department shall include all of the Sunday-schools in the C. M. E. Church, and shall be subject to such rules and regulations as The General Sunday School Board and the General Conference may from time to time direct. 2. The.purpose of said Department shall be to educate our young people in all of the phases of Sunday School training and service, to give course and impetus to a systematic study of the Holy Bible, and to supply the Sun¬ day Schools with the proper literature including Catechisms'and tracts, and to assist needy Sunday Schools when¬ ever practical. 3. The General Conference, shall elect an Editor for the Sunday School Department, whose term of office shall be four years, and until his successor is elected. The Editor shall be the executive officer of the Sunday School Department, and shall edit all Sunday School literature comprising Lessons, Leaves, Books, Tracts, Magazines, Lithographs and etc. It shall be the THE SUNDAY SCHOOL DEPARTMENT 825 duty of the Editor to approve or dis¬ approve of whatever Sunday School helps that may be suggested by the General Sunday School Board for use in our Sunday Schools. 4. His salary shall be fixed by the General Sunday School Board per an¬ num' plus his necessary traveling ex¬ penses. The General Sunday School Board shall fix a salary or wage for a stenographer, or other necessary help of the Department. 5. The Editor shall render an an¬ nual report to the General Sunday School Board, and an annual report to each Annual Conference in the con¬ nection as to the amount of literature used, and number of Sunday Schools using the Sunday School supplies of our own Church, within its bounds, and a quadrennial report to the General Conference. 6. The Editor of the Sunday School Department shall be amenable for his official conduct to the General Sunday School Board and to the General Con¬ ference who shall have right and pow- 226 THE SUNDAY SCHOOL DEPARTMENT er for cause sufficient to them to re¬ move him from office; the General Board having the right to suspend and to fill the vacancy until the ensuing General Conference. 7. All of the Sunday Schools of the C. M. E. Church shall be under the management of the Sunday School De¬ partment, the regulations of which shall .be as follows: There shall be a Sunday School Board in every Annual Conference arid District Conference, and District Sunday School Conven¬ tion, and Quarterly Conference. It shall be the duty of the Annual Con¬ ference Sunday School Board to in¬ quire into the reports read by the pas¬ tors, as to the kind and amount of lit¬ erature each Sunday School uses, and to make full reports to the Annual Conference in session on our Sunday School work, with the recommenda¬ tions. This report must be printed an¬ nually in the Minutes. As in the order above, the District Conference and District Sunday School Convention shall confine their THE SUNDAY SCHOOL DEPARTMENT 227 reports and recommendations to the Sunday School work of the District. The Quarterly Conference Sunday School Board shall be composed of the pastor and superintendents, offi¬ cers and teachers of a station, circuit or mission; whose duty shall be to ex¬ tend the circulation and influence of our Sunday School literature into ev¬ ery possible local jprecinct, and to make report with recommendation of the progress of Sunday School work, to the quarterly conference and church conference and to the district confer¬ ence and Sunday School Convention. A Sunday School Board, like a com¬ mittee, may consist of from three to forty-nine. 8. An Annual Conference Sunday School Board shall be appointed by the Presiding Bishop and shall contin¬ ue their work for four years. All of the district and quarterly conference Boards shall be affected and reorgan¬ ized by the appointments of a Pre¬ siding Elder and pastor. 9. It shall also be the duty of the 2^8 SUPERANNUATED PREACHERS, ETC Sunday School Editor to assist the Book Agent by supplying our Sun¬ day Schools (including needy schools) with our own literature. Suggested order of business for a local Sunday School Board. (a) Devotion. (b) Reading Minutes of previous meeting. (c) Unfinished business. (d) Report and recommendation of Superintendent. (e) Treasurer's report. (f) Librarian's report. (g) New business. CHAPTER XLIY. SUPERANNUATED PREACHERS,' WID¬ OWS,' AND ORPHANS' FUND. Art. 1. (1) There shall be and is a department known as the Superan¬ nuated Preachers,' Widows,' and Or¬ phans' Fund of the Colored M. E. Church. 2. The object of this department is to provide a fund for Superannuated SUPERANNUATED PREACHERS, ETC. 229 Preachers, Widows and Orphans of de¬ ceased preachers. 3. This department shall be under the management of a Board of Direct¬ ors consisting of a Bishop, the Secre¬ tary-treasurer and five ministers elect¬ ed by the General Conference. 4. The Board of Directors shall meet annually at such time and place as the President of the Board shall determine. 5. The Board of Directors shall sup¬ ervise the work of the department, hear and audit the report of the Secre¬ tary-Treasurer, and co-!operate with him in every possible way to build up the department. Art. II. (1) The Secretary-Treas¬ urer shall receive all moneys of this department and give his receipt for the same. He shall keep an accurate ac¬ count of all moneys received and paid out to claimants by Annual 'Confer¬ ences. He shall report annually to the Board of Directors and quadrennially to the General Conference. 2. He shall keep a record of the Sup¬ erannuated preachers, widows and or- 230 SUPERANNUATED PREACHERS, ETC. phans in each Annual Conference, showing the time each superannuate has served in the active ministry, the number and age of the orphans of each minister's family, and the time serv¬ ed in active work by every minister, whose widow is a claimant on this fund. 3. He shall pay claims only on the recommendation of the Annual Con¬ ference, endorsed |by the Presiding Bishop and the President of the Joint Board of Finance. 4. He shall make settlement with all claimants on or about January 1st of each year in order to get reports from all conferences. 5. The Secretary-Treasurer is au¬ thorized to devise- plans to raise mon¬ ey to meet payments when it becomes necessary. 6. The Secretary-Treasurer shall furnish such bond as the Board of Di¬ rectors may deem necessary for pro¬ tection of the funds of the department. He shall receive for salary $1200 per annum. SUPERANNUATED PREACHERS, ETC. 231 7. The books of the department shall be open for inspection at any time on request of the Board. Art. III. (1) The funds of this de¬ partment shall accrue from the 10 per cent, of the General Funds for Super¬ annuated preachers, widows and or¬ phans, from a per capita of one dollar on all active preachers and laymen of every Annual Conference and from plans and devices of the Secretary- Treasurer. 2. Should there be an insufficient amount in the treasury to pay the min¬ imum pension, the Secretary-Treasurer shall notify the Board and, in case they cannot make provision to raise the shortage, he shall pay each claim¬ ant in proportion to the amount of his pension. Art,. IV. (1) Superannuated preach¬ ers who have served in the itinerancy for ten or more years, shall receive a pension of not more than $250.00 nor less than $150.00. 2. Superannuated preachers who have served in the itinerancy from five 232 SUPERANNUATED PREACHERS, ETC. to ten years, shall receive a pension of not more than $150, nor less than $100. 3. Superannuated preachers who have served from one to five years in the itinerancy shall receive not more than $100, nor less than $65. Art. Y. (1) The widow of an itin¬ erant or superannuated preacher with children, under fourteen years of age, shall receive the same pension as her husband until the children are four¬ teen years old. 2. The widow of an active or super¬ annuated preacher without children shall receive one-half the pension a' lowed her husband so long as she re¬ mains in good standing in the C. M. E. Church., 3. "When the father and mother of children under fifteen years of age die, the children shall receive the same pension allowed widows under section 2. Art. VI. The Bishop presiding shall appoint a representative in each An¬ nual Conference, who shall collect and 234 MISCELLANEOUS send to the Secretary-Treasurer, the following items: (1) The name of each Superannuat¬ ed preacher, his age and term of active service in the ministry. 2. Name of each widow, number and age of children; time the husband of each widow served in the active serv¬ ice. (3) Name and age qf children whose father rand mother are dead; time fa¬ ther served in active ministry. (4) The name, time of service, name of widow, and lAimber of children of each preacher whose death is reported at each session of the Annual Confer¬ ence. CHAPTER XLV. MISCELLANEOUS CHILDREN'S DAT. Ques. "What directions are given concerning Children's Day? Ans. 1. There shall be held annually throughout the Church, a day to be known as Children's Day. 234 MISCELLANEOUS 2. The exercises of this day shall consist of appropriate services held in all our congregations for the especial benefit of the children. 3. The first collection at every serv¬ ice on that day shall be for the cause of education. 4. Each Annual Conference shall decide as to which of the recognized connectional schools the money rais¬ ed for education on this day shall be appropriated. 5. Each Annual Conference shall re¬ serve the right to fix its Children's Day. II. GENERAL MISSIONARY DAY The second Sunday in August of each year shall be observed in every pastoral charge throughout the con¬ nection as General Missionary Day. On said day the congregation should be asked to make an offering for the ex¬ tension of our Church. Presiding El¬ ders and pastors in charge should put forth every effort to make this day a success. MISCELLANEOUS 235 III. OFFICIAL OR LEADERS' MEETING Ques. 1. What directions are given concerning Official or Leaders' Meet¬ ings? Ans. 1. They shall be held weekly in every pastoral charge wherever practicable. 2. The Official Meeting shall be com¬ posed of the pastor in charge, all the Stewards, Class-leaders and Local Preachers of the circuits, stations or mission, over which the pastor or some one appointed by him shall preside. 3. The following shall be the general order of business: (a) Are there any sick? (b) Are there any who require tem¬ poral relief? (c) Are there any who walk disor¬ derly and will not be reproved? (d) Are there any who wilfully neg¬ lect the means of grace ? (e) Are there any to be recommend¬ ed for license to exhort? (f) What amount has been raised for the pastor in charge? 236 MISCELLANEOUS (g) "What amount has been raised for the Presiding Elder? (h) Is there any other business? IY. THE WESTERN INDEX L The Western Index'shall be pub¬ lished weekly at such.: place' as- the Editor and a special committee may determine. The subscription price shall be one ($1.00) dollar per annum. The Editor shall be elected by the Gen¬ eral Conference, and the special com¬ mittee shall be composed of one mem¬ ber selected by eacli Annual Confer¬ ence West of the Mississippi River. 2. The paper shall be under the management of the General Committee or Publishing Interest and the Editor. 3. The Editor shall serve an appoint" ment, and the General Committee shall supplement the salary received from such appointment by paying him six hundred ($600.00) dollars per annum. 4. All expenses incurred in running the Western Index shall be paid out of subscriptions to, and advertise¬ ments in, the paper. schools an:d colleges 237. 5. The Editor shall keep an account of the receipts and -expenditures of the paper and report the same to the Gen¬ eral Committee. He shall purchase no prpperty nor printing' presses unless authorized by the General. Committee in its regular meeting. Any, such con¬ tract or obligation made without au¬ thority of the Committee shall be on the Editor 'p personal responsibility,, and ;the Committee shall in no case be responsible for any suffh obligation. v. the eastern index T^hV ^Eastern Index shall be under similar* management and subject- to the same rifles"and.regulations as the Western Index. CHAPTER XLVI. SCHOOLS, COLLEGES OR UNIVERSITIES 1, The General Conference or any Anruial Conference or Conferences of the Colored Methodist Episcopal Church in America shall have the right to establish and maintain, Schools, Cpl- 238 SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES leges or Universities for .educational purposes, which shall at all times be under control and subject to the Dis¬ cipline, usage and ministerial appoint¬ ments of this Church as now exist, or as from time to time authorized and declared by said General, or Annual Conference or Conferences, providing no additional schools, colleges or uni¬ versity shall be created without the consent of the Educational Board af¬ ter June first, 1914. 2. The Schools, Colleges or Universi¬ ties established, or maintained by the General, or Annual Conference or Con¬ ferences of the Colored Methodist Episcopal Church in America shall be managed, operated or conducted by a Board of Trustees of which the Bish¬ op of this Church in charge of the An¬ nual Conference in whose bounds the same is located shall be President; which Board shall consist of not less than three nor more than ; who shall be ministers of the Gospel or lay¬ men of this Church in good standing and who shall, at all times, be amen- SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES 239 able to and subject to removal by the General, Annual Conferenee or Confer¬ ences appointing them; said Trus¬ tees to be elected and held in accord¬ ance with the laws of the State or Ter¬ ritory in which the School, College or University, for which they were elect¬ ed, is located in case of such laws, but if none then in accordance with such rules as may be prescribed by the Gen¬ eral or Annual Conference, or Confer¬ ences appointing them. 3. The Trustees of any school, col¬ lege or university may, or shall, when authorized or directed by the General, or Annual Conference or Conferences of the Colored Methodist Episcopal Church in America establishing or maintaining the same or appointing them, incorporate under the laws of the State or Territory in which it may be located, such corporation, however, to be under control of said Church and the Trustees thereof, of either, of¬ ficers to be elected, to be appointed or elected by the General or Annual Con¬ ference in whose bounds any school or 240 SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES college is located. The President to be subject or amenable thereto at all times and may be removed by the same at any time. 4. The Board of Trustees, of which the Bishop in charge of the Annual Conference is located is President, shall appoint or elect such officers and teachers .for same as are necessary and proper and as are usually had by like institutions^ such officers, however, to be subject to rejection or removal by the General or Annual Conference or Conferences, establishing or maintain¬ ing such Schools, Colleges or Univers¬ ities. i ■' 5. The Board of Trustees of which the Bishop in charge of the Annual Conference in which any school, col¬ lege or- university is located shall be President, conducting or operating any school, college or university establish¬ ed or maintained by the General or An¬ nual Conference or Conferences of the Colored Methodist Episcopal Church 'in America shall make all necessary and proper rules and regulations for SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES 241 governing the same, subject, however, to the rejection or revision of such General or Annual Conference or Con¬ ferences at any time, and may grant diplomas to students thereof who have pursued the prescribed course of study and confer degrees of every na¬ ture as- are usually conferred by like institutions. 6. The Board of Trustees may ac¬ quire by purchase or gift, necessary J and 'and erect necessary buildings thereon and purchase the necessary equipment for any School, College or University, operated by them for the General or Annual Conference or Con¬ ferences, and to this end contract in¬ debtedness and borrow money and pledge or mortgage any property held by them for the use of or benefit of the General Conference or Annual Confer¬ ence or Conferences establishing and maintaining such, provided, however, that no property held by said trustees, shall be pledged or mortgaged with¬ out the indorsement in writing on the instrument pledging or mortgaging the 242 SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES same, of the Bishop in charge of the Annual Conference in whose bounds such School, College or University is located, which shall be witnessed or ac¬ knowledged by him in accordance with the law of the State or Territory in which said property is located. 7. The Trustees of any School, Col¬ lege, or University established or main¬ tained by the General, Annual Confer¬ ence or Conferences of the Colored Methodist Episcopal Church in Ameri¬ ca may acquire by purchase and hold, or receive by gift or bequest and hold real, mixed or personal property and hold in action for the use and benefit of said Church for educational pur¬ poses in connection with and for the benefits of such School, College, or University as an endowment or for any legitimate purposes of the same. 8. All deeds of conveyance or any .property conveyed for the General or Annual Conference or Conferences of the Colored Methodist Church in America for educational purposes shall have the following clause inserted in SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES 243 the proper place "In trust that said premises shall be used, kept, maintain¬ ed and disposed of for educational pur¬ poses for the Colored Methodist Epis¬ copal Church in America; subject to the usage, -'and ministerial appoint¬ ments of said Church, as from time to time authorized and declared by the General Conference of said Church and the Annual Conference or Conferences operating and maintaining such school, College or University." 9. The Trustees of any property be¬ longing to any school, College or Uni¬ versity of the Colored Methodist Epis¬ copal Church in America, with the con¬ sent of any Bishop of this Church in charge of the Annual Conference in whose bounds such property is located, which is to be indorsed upon the deed of conveyance in writing and acknowl¬ edged as deeds are acknowledged in the State or Territory in which such property is located shall have power to sell or dispose of the same when it is no longer necessary for such pur¬ poses or when it is deemed best or ex- 244 SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES pedient but shall hold and use the pro¬ ceeds thereof for such School, College or University, or of the General or An¬ nual Conference or Conferences estab¬ lishing or maintaining the same to be turned over to such whenever directed. 10. The Treasurer or Custodian of any money or negotiable instruments belonging to any School, College or University operated or maintained by the General Conference or Annual Con¬ ference or Conferences shall be requir¬ ed by theJTrustees thereof to give ade¬ quate bond for the faithful perform¬ ance of his duties as such and for the proper accounting for and deliverance or payment to the persons authorized to be paid by said Trustees of all such money or negotiable instruments so held. 11. All Schools, Colleges or Univers¬ ities established, or which are now be¬ ing maintained and operated, by the General Conference or any Annual Conference or Conferences of the Col¬ ored Methodist Episcopal Church iD America and all property held for the FOUNDERS DAY 245 use and benefit of, or subject to the Discipline, usage and ministerial ap¬ pointments of said Church, come under the operation hereof and shall be gov¬ erned hereby and the Trustees there¬ of shall have all the authority and powers herein conferred, except where the same may be restricted, by law, or by Charter, or by instrument convey¬ ing property so as to prevent this chap¬ ter from becoming effective, and all Trustees of such, wherever it can reas¬ onably be done are hereby directed, re¬ quired, authorized and empowered to take such steps and adopt such meas¬ ure as is necessary to bring into effect this Chapter. CHAPTER XLVII. FOUNDERS DAY Be it resolved, first, That we set apart the Sunday nearest the sixteenth of September each year, as Founder's Day, to be observed in the Sunday- schools, fcpworth Leagues, and by the 246 FOUNDERS DAT Pastors and Congregations throughout the Connection. Second, That programs be arranged and suitable services held in every charge throughout the connection. In every service effort should be directed to acquaint the public with the history of our Church, and to inspire the youth with its hope and prospects of the fu¬ ture. Third, That the collections raised in the Sunday Schools and Epworth Leagues, sh?ll be used for suffering churches in populous centers—as Kansas City, Savannah, Ga., Miles Me¬ morial, Jacksonville, Fa., Israel Metro¬ politan and Berkeley, Cal. Fourth, That the money from the Leagues and Sunday Schools shall be sent to the Book Agent, subject to the Bishop of the district, and reported by him at the mid-winter meeting. It shall then be subjected to the Publish¬ ing Board to be applied to the church¬ es above listed in proportions to the amount due on each and its importance to the Connection. CHAPTER XLVIII. NAMES AND BOUNDARIES OP CON¬ FERENCES. Alabama Conference.—Bounded on the North by the Southern Railroad, running from Meridian, Miss., to Sel- ma, Ala., and thence on a straight line to Georgia; on the East by Georgia; on the West by Mississippi, and on the South by the Gulf of Mexico and Florida. Arkansas Conference.—Bounded by the State lines North of the Arkansas River, with an imaginary line running to the Indian Territory and to Perry County. The Arkansas Conference includes all territory in the North¬ eastern part of the state not included in the Little Rock Conference. Central Alabama Conference.— Bounded on the North by the Mobile and Ohio Railroad from- the line of (247) 248 BOUNDARIES OF CONFERENCES Mississippi to Tuscaloosa, Alabama, thence along the Alabama Great Southern Railroad to Birmingham, thence along the Southern Railroad to the State line of Georgia; on the East by Georgia; on the West by Mississip¬ pi, and on the South by the Alabama Conference; Northport to be included in the Central Alabama Conference. Central Georgia Conference.— Bounded on the North by the south¬ ern boundary line of the Georgia Con¬ ference; East by the State line; West by Flint River; South by the South Georgia Conference. Central Texas Conference.—Begin¬ ning at the Northeast corner of Rock¬ wall County, running thence East on parallel 33, across Hunt County, thence Southeast to the M. K. & T. H. R. R. (including South Greenville and Lone Oak in the Central Texas Conference) down to the T. & P. R. R., thence East on the T. & P. R. R. to the 95th merid¬ ian, then South to Troupe leaving out the Winona Circuit. Thence North from Troupe, up the I. & G. N. rail- BOUNDARIES OF CONFERENCES 249 road to Longview, thence Southeast down to Tenaha, leaving Beckville Cir¬ cuit, Carthage Circuit and Post Oak in the East Texas Conference,* thence East to the Louisiana state line, be¬ ginning from Logansport, La., run¬ ning West along the Northern boun¬ dary lines of the Shelby and Nacog¬ doches counties and an imaginary line running across Chewokee County to the Naches river (including Lynflat Circuit) thence up to the Naches riv¬ er to the I. & G. N. R. R., thence South on the I. G. & N. R. R. to Galveston (Houston, Galveston, Trinity and Sunnyside Circuit not included in the Central Texas Conference.) The Southern boundary shall be the Gulf of Mexico and the Rio Grande. The Western boundary of the Central Tex¬ as Conference begins at the North¬ east corner of Rockwall County and follows the Eastern boundary of the West Texas Conference to Corsicana, thence along the Southern boundary of the West Texas Conference to the Rio Grande River. 250 BOUNDARIES OF CONFERENCES East Texas Conference.—Bounded on the North by Oklahoma; East by Arkansas and Louisiana to the H. E. & W. T. Railroad; West by the H. E. & W. T. Railroad to Lufkin, thence West by an imaginary line to the East boundary line of Anderson County to Trinity River. Texarkana is not in¬ cluded in the East Texas Conference. The H. E. & W. T. Railroad shall not include any part of Timpson circuit. East Florida Conference.—Bounded on the West by the Aucilla River, and including all that part of the State East of said river. El Paso-Pacific Mission Conference shall include the following territory to- wit: The Pacific Slope from Canada to Mexico, Nevada, New Mexico, Ari¬ zona and such portions of Texas as lies West of the line beginning at the northeast boundary of Winkler Coun¬ ty, and extending East on the eastern boundary line of Ward, Reems, Jeff Davis and Presadion counties to the Rio Grande River. Florida Conference.—Includes all BOUNDARIES OP CONFERENCES 251 that part of the State of Florida West of the Aucilla River. Georgia Conference.—Bounded on the North, East and West by the State line; South by the southern boundary line of the following counties: Rich¬ mond, Warren, Hancock (except Sparta), Putnam, Jasper, Butts, Spald¬ ing, Coweta and Heard. Illinois Conference includes that part of Missouri South of St. Louis, the State of Illinois and Lake County, Tennessee. . Kentucky and Ohio Conference.— Bounded on the North by the northern boundary line of the State of Ohio; West by the L. & N. Railroad, running from Bowling Green to Elizabethtown, thence to the I. C. Railroad to Cecilia, thence to the I. C. Railroad to Louis¬ ville ; East and South of the State line. Louisiana Conference.—Bounded on the North by Arkansas; on the East by the Mississippi River; on the West by Texas; on the South by an imaginary line beginning at the mouth of Red 252 BOUNDARIES OF CONFERENCES River and running West across the State. Little Rock Conference.—Bounded by all that part of Arkansas South of the Arkansas River, with an imaginary line running to Oklahoma and to Perry County; also including the city of Tex- arkana. Little Rock Conference em¬ braces all other territory of the state not included in the Arkansas and Southwest Arkansas Conferences. Memphis- Jackson Conference.— Bounded on the East by the Tennessee River; on the South by the State of Mississippi; on the West by the Miss. River; on the North by a straight line running parallel with the general course of the L. & N. R. R. to the Tennessee River. Missouri rind Kansas Conference.— Bounded on the East by the Southeast Missouri end Illinois Conference; West by the western boundary line of the State of Colorado ;North by Wyoming; South by Oklahoma; said Conference to include the State of Colorado. Mississippi Conference.—Bounded BOUNDARIES OF CONFERENCES 253 on the North by 34th parallel of North latitude and North Mississippi Con¬ ference; on the East by Alabama; .on the South by the line beginning at the southwest corner of Kemper County and running between Lauderdale ber tween Neshoba, Newton, Leake, Scott, and North between Scott and Leake to Pearl River; then Pearl River due west to the town of Canton, then west with the south corporation line to the Black River, then northeast with Black River between Madison and Yazoo Counties to Holmes County, then on the line between Yazoo and Holmes to "Washington County, then on a line be¬ tween "Washington and Yazoo coun¬ ties to Sharkey County, then with the line between Sharkey and Yazoo coun¬ ties to Issaquena and Sharkey to the southwest corner of Sharkey, due west to the post office or town of Arcadia. Mississippi Mission Conference.— Bounded on the North by the Missis¬ sippi Conference; on the East by Ala¬ bama; South by the Gulf of Mexico 254 BOUNDARIES OF CONFERENCES and Louisiana; on the West by Louis¬ iana and the Mississippi River. Muskogee Conference.—Bounded on the East by Arkansas; on the North by the State line of Kansas so as to in¬ clude Coffeyville; on the West by Texas, and on the South by Oklahoma Conference; Spiro to be included. New Orleans Conference.—Bounded on the North by the Louisiana Confer¬ ence; on the East by the Mississippi River; on the West by Texas; on the South by the Gulf .of Mexico. North Alabama Conference.—Bound¬ ed on the North by Tennessee: on the East by Georgia; on the West by Mis¬ sissippi, and on the South by the Cen¬ tral Alabama Conference: and includes all that portion of the State of Ala¬ bama not included in the Alabama and Central Alabama Conferences. North Carolina Conference includes the State of North Carolina. N. Mississippi Conference.—Bound¬ ed on the North by Tennessee; on the East by Alabama; on the South by the 34th parallel of north latitude, which BOUNDARIES OF CONFERENCES 253 runs with the south line of the corpora¬ tion of the town of Okolona in the county of Chickashaw, and beween Charleston on the North an Tillatoba on the South. The former in Tallahat¬ chie and the latter in Yallabusha, with Summer in the Mississippi Conference and Dublin in the North Mississippi Conference to the Mississippi River, and on the West by the Mississippi River. Oklahoma Conference.—Bounded on the East by Arkansas; on the South by Red River; West by Texas, and North by a line beginning at Harring¬ ton and running East to Okafushee to south line of Muskogee Conference. South Carolina Conference" includes the State of South Carolina. Southwest Arkansas Conference be¬ gins at the Northwestern boundary of Howard' County and runs eastward along the Northern boundary of How¬ ard County to Hot Springs County; thence South along the Eastern boun¬ dary of Clark County to Dallas Coun¬ ty; thence across the Northern boun- 256 BOUNDARIES OF CONFERENCES dary of Dallas County to the Saline River j thence Southward along the river to the Louisiana state line; thence West to the line of Texas. South Georgia Conference.—Bound¬ ed on the North and East by the north¬ ern boundary line of Troupe and Merriwether Counties to Flint River, running South to Dooly County along northern boundary line of Dooly Coun¬ ty to Oconee River; down the Oconee River to the Altamaha River, along this river to the State line; South by Florida; West by Alabama. Southwest Georgia Conference in¬ cludes all the territory of the state not included in the Georgia, Central Geor¬ gia and South Georgia Conferences. Tennessee Conference.—Bounded on the North by the State line; on the South by Alabama; on the West by the West Tennessee Conference; on the East by the State line. Texas Conference.—Bounded on the North by the northern boundary lines of the counties of Shelby iand Nacog¬ doches, and an imaginary line running BOUNDARIES OP CONFERENCES 257 across Cherokee County to the Naches River, including •Woodville and Alto circuits, then up the Naches River to the I. & G. N. Railroad; East by the State line so as to take in Palestine and Wells; South by the Gulf of Mexi¬ co ; West by the Colorado River. Simp¬ son circuit included in the Texas Con¬ ference. Washington and Philadelphia Con¬ ference includes the states of Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New York and District of Columbia. W. Tennessee Conference is bound¬ ed on the North by the Ohio River and Kentucky; on the South by the general course of the L. & N. R. R.; on the East by the Tennessee River and on the West by the Mississippi River. W. Kentucky Conference.—Bound¬ ed on the North by the Ohio River; West by the Mississippi River; East by the Kentucky and Ohio Conference; South by the State line. West Texas Conference.—Bounded on the East by Grayson, Collins, Rock- 258 BOUNDARIES OF CONFERENCES well and Dallas counties, down to tlie southern boundary line of Dallas Coun¬ ty to Trinity River, down to Cotton Belt Railroad; South by the East boundary line of Navara and Free¬ stone Counties to the I. & G. N. Rail¬ road to San Antonia and Austin (San Antonia to be included in the West Texas Conference), on the Southern Pacific to Rio Grande River; North by Red River to northern corner of Gray¬ son County. PART IX. THE RITUAL ORDER OF ADMINISTERING 261 CHAPTER XLIX. THE ORDER FOR THE ADMINISTRA¬ TION OF THE LORD'S SUPPER The Elder shall read one or more cf these sentences, during the reading of which the stewards shall take up the collection for the poor: Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in Heaven.—Matt. v. 16. Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal.—Matt. vi. 19, 20. "Whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them; for this is the law and the prophets.—Matt. vii. 12. 262 THE LORD'S SUPPER Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the king¬ dom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. —Matt. vii. 21. Zacchens stood, and said unto the Lord, Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor; and if I have taken any thing from any man by false accusation, I restore him four¬ fold.—Luke xix. 8. He which soweth sparingly shall reap sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountiful¬ ly. Every man as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give not grudgingly, or of necessity; for God loveth a cheer¬ ful giver.—2 Cor. ix. 6, 7. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especial¬ ly unto them who are of the house¬ hold of faith.—Gal. vi. 10. Godliness with contentment is great gain; for we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.—I Tim. vi. 6,7. Charge them that are rich in this ORDER FOR ADMINISTERING 263 world, that they be ready to distrib¬ ute, willing to communicate, laying up in store for themselves a good foun¬ dation against the time to come, that they may lay' hold on eternal life. I Tim. vi. 17, 18, 19. God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labor of love, which ye have showed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister.—Heb. vi. 10 To do good, and to communicate, forget not; for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.—Heb. xiii. 16. Whoso hath this world's goods, and seeth his brother have need, and shut- teth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?—I John iii. 17. He that hath pity upon the poor, lendeth unto the Lord; and that which he hath given will he pay him again. —Prov. xix. 17. Blessed is he that considereth the poor; the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble.—Psalm xli. 1. 264 THE LORD'S SUPPER Then shall the elder read this invitation Ye that do truly and earnestly re¬ pent of your sins, and are in love and charity with your neighbors, and in¬ tend to lead a new life, following the commandments of God, and walking frOm henceforth in his h^bly ways, draw near with faith, and take this holy sacrament to your. comfort, and make your humble confession" to Al¬ mighty God, meekly kneeling upon your knees. Then shall the general confession be made by the minister, in the name of all those who are minded to receive the holy com¬ munion, both he and all the people kneel¬ ing humbly upon their knees and saying: Almighty God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Maker of all things, Judge of all men, we acknowledge and bewail our manifold sins and wicked¬ ness, which we from time to time most 'grievously '' have committed, by thought, word and deed, against thy Divine Majesty, provoking most just¬ ly thy wrath and indignation against ORDER FOR ADMINISTERING 265 ns. We do earnestly repent, and are heartily sorry for these our misdo¬ ings; the remembrance of them is grievous unto Us. Have mercy upon us, have mercy upon us, most merciful Father: for thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ's sake forgive us all that is past, and grant that we -may ever hereafter serve and please thee in new¬ ness of life, to the honor and glory of thy name, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Then shall the Elder say: 0 Almighty God, our Heavenly Fa¬ ther, who of thy great mercy hast promised forgiveness of sins to all them that with hearty repentance and true faith turn to thee; have mercy upon us; pardon and deliver us from all our sins, confirm and strengthen us in all goodness, and bring us to ever¬ lasting life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. THE COLLECT Almighty God, unto whom all hearts be open, all desires known, and from 266 THE LORD'S SUPPER whom no secrets are hid;. cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspir¬ ation of thy Holy Spirit, that we may, perfectly love th'ee, and worthily mag¬ nify thy holy name, through Christ onr Lord. Amen. Then shall the Elder say: It is very meet, right, and our bounden duty, that we should at all times, and in all places, give thanks nnto thee, 0 Lord, Holy Father, Al¬ mighty, Everlasting God. Therefore with angels and archan¬ gels, and with all the company of heaven, we laud and magnify thy glo¬ rious name, evermore praising thee, and saying, Holy; Holy, Holy, Lord, God of hosts, heaven and earth are full of thy glory. Glory be to thee, 0 Lord most high. Amen. Then shall the Elder say: We do not presume to come to this thy table, 0 merciful Lord, trusting in our own righteousness, but in thy man- ORDER FOR ADMINISTERING 267 if old and great mercies." We are not worthy so much as to gather up the crumbs under thy table, But thou art the same Lord, whose property is al¬ ways to have mercy; -Grant us, there.- fore, gracious Lord, so to eat the flesh of thy dear Son Jesus Christ, and to drink his blood that our sinful souls and bodies may be made clean by his death, and washed through his most precious blood, and that we may ever¬ more dwell in him, and he in us. Amen. Then the Elder shall say the prayer of con¬ secration as followeth: Almighty God, our Heavenly Fath¬ er, who of thy tender mercy didst give thine only Son Jesus Christ to suffer death upon the cross for pur redemp¬ tion; who made there (by his oblation of himself once offered) a full, per¬ fect, and sufficient sacrifice, oblation, and satisfaction for the sins of the whole world; and did institute, and in his holy Gospel command us to con¬ tinue, a perpetual memory of that his 268' THE LORD'S SUPPER precious death until his coming again : hear us, 0 merciful Father, we most humbly beseech thee, and grant that we, receiving these thy creatures of bread and wine, according to thy Son our Saviour Jesus Christ's holy insti¬ tution, in remembrance of his death and passion, may be partakers of his most blessed body and blood; who in the same night that he was betrayed took bread; and when he had given thanks, he brake it, and gave it to his disciples, saying, Take, eat; this is my body-which is given for you: do this in remembrance of me. Likewise after supper he took the cup; and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them saying, Drink ye all of this; for this is my blood of the New Testa¬ ment, which is shed for you and for many, for the remission of sins; do this, as oft as ye shall drink it, in re¬ membrance of me. Amen. Then shall the minister first receive the com¬ munion in both kinds himself, and then proceed to deliver the same to the other minister in like manner, if any be pres- ORDER FOR ADMINISTERING 269 ent. Then shall he say the Lord's Prayer, the people still kneeling and repeating af¬ ter him every petition: Our Father who art in heaven, hal¬ lowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven; give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass a- gainst us; and lead us not into temp¬ tation, but deliver us from evil; for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever and ever. Amen. Then a hymn may be sung, aad the com¬ municants shall be invited to the table. The minister shall deliver both kinds to the people unto their hands. When he delivereth the bread he shall say: The body of our Lord Jesus Christ, which was given for thee, preserve thy soul and body unto everlasting life. Take and eat this in remembrance that Christ died for thee, and feed on him in thy heart by faith with thanksgiv¬ ing. 270 THE LORD'S SUPPER " And the minister that delivereth. the cup shall say: The blood of our Lord Jesus Christ which was shed for thee, preserve thy soul and body unto everlasting life. Drink this in remembrance that Christ's blood was shed for thee, and be thankful. When all have communed, the minister shall return to the Lord's table, and place upon it what remaiaeth of the consecrated ele¬ ments, covering the same with a fair linen cloth. The minister may then say as followeth: 0 Lord and Heavenly Father, we thy humble servants desire thy father¬ ly goodness mercifully to accept this our sacrifice of praise and thanksgiv¬ ing, most humbly beseeching thee to grant that, by the merits and death of thy Son Jesus Christ, and through faith in his blood, we and thy whole Church may obtain remission of our sins. And here we offer and present unto thee, 0 Lord, ourselves, our souls and bodies, to be a reasonable, holy ORDER FOR ADMINISTERING 271 and lively sacrifice unto thee; humbly beseeching thee that all we who are partakers of this holy communion may be filled with thy grace and heavenly benediction. And although we be un¬ worthy, through our manifold sins, to offer unto thee any sacrifice, yet we beseech thee to accept this our boun- den duty and service; not weighing our merits, but pardoning our offenses, through Jesus Christ our Lord: by whom, and with whom, in the unity of the Holy Ghost all honor and glory be unto thee, 0 Father Almighty, world without end. Amen. Then may be said: Glory be to God on high, and on earth peace, good-will toward men. We ipraise thee, we bless thee, we wor¬ ship thee, we glorify thee, we give thanks to thee for thy great glory, 0 Lord God, heavenly King, God the Father Almighty. 0 Lord, the only begotten Son, Jesus Christ: O Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, that takest away the 272 THE LORD'S SUPPER sins of the world, have mercy upon us. Thou that takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us. Thou that takest away the sins of the world, re¬ ceive our prayer. Thou that sittest at the right hand of God the Father, have mercy upon us. For thou only art holy: thou only art the Lord: thou only, 0 Christ, with the Holy Ghost, art most high in the glory of God the Father. Amen. Then the Elder, if he see it expedient, may put up an extemporaneous prayer; and af¬ terwards shall let the peonle depart with this blessing: May the peace of God, which pass- eth all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God, and of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord; and the blessing of God Al¬ mighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, be among you, and re¬ main with you always. iGnen. If the Elder be straitened for time, he may omit any part of the service except the prayer of consecration. BAPTISM OF INFANTS 273 If tlie consecrated bread or wine be all spent before all have communed, the Elder may consecrate more, by repeating the prayer of consecration. Let those who have scruples concerning the receiving of the communion kneeling, be permitted to receive it either standing or sitting; but no person shall be admitted to the Lord's Supper among us who is guilty of any practice fcr which we would exclude a member of our Church. CHAPTER L. THE MINISTRATION OF BAPTISM TO INFANTS. The minister, coming to the font, which is to be filled with pure water, shall use the following, or some other suitable exhorta¬ tion : Dearly beloved, forasmuch as all men are conceived and born in sin, and that our Saviour Christ saith, Ex¬ cept a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God: I beseech you to call 274 BAPTISM OF INFANTS upon God the Father, through our Lord Jesus Christ, that of his boun¬ teous mercy he will grant to this child that which by nature he cannot have; that he may be baptized with water and the Holy Ghost, and received into Christ's holy Church, and be made a lively member of the same. Then shall the minister say, Let us pray: Almighty and everlasting God, we beseech thee for thine infinite mercies, that thou wilt look upon this child; wash him and sanctify him with the' Holy Ghost that he, being delivered from thy wrath, may be received into the ark of Christ's Church, and being steadfast in faith, joyful through hope, and rooted in love, may so pass the waves of this troublesome world, that finally he may come to the land of everlasting life, there to reign with thee, world without end, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 0 merciful God, grant that the old Adam in this child may be so buried, BAPTISM OF INFANTS 275 that the new man may be raised up in him. Amen. Grant that all carnal affections may- die in him, and that all things belong¬ ing to the Spirit may live and grow in him. Amen. Grant that he may have power and strength to have victory, and to tri¬ umph against the devil, the world, and the flesh. Amen. Grant that whosoever is dedicated to thee by our office and ministry may also be endued with heavenly virtues, ,and everlastingly rewarded through thy mercy, 0 blessed Lord God, who dost live and govern all things, world without end. Amen. Almighty, ever-living God, whose most dearly beloved Son Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness of our sins did shed out of his most precious side both water and blood, and gave command¬ ment to his disciples that they should go teach all nations, and bap¬ tize them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and 'of the Holy Ghost: regard, we beseech thee, the supplica- ■276 BAPTISM OF INFANTS tions of thy congregation; and grant that this child, now to be baptized, may receive the fullness of thy grace, and ever remain in the number of thy faithful and elect children, through Je¬ sus Christ our Lord. Amen. Then shall the people stand up, and the min¬ ister shall say: Hear the words of the Gospel written by St. Mark in the tenth chapter, at the thir- teeath verse. They brought young children to Christ, that he should touch them. And his disciples rebuked those that brought them; but when Jesus saw it, he was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of God. Yerily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not re¬ ceive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein. And he took them up in his arms, put his hands upon them, and blessed them. Then the minister, addressing the pareats or others presenting the .child, shall say: BAPTISM 0I)1 INFANTS 277 In causing this child to be brought by baptism into the Church of Christ, it is your duty to teach him to re¬ nounce the devil and all his works, the vain pomp and glory of the world, with all covetous desires of the same, and the carnal desires of the flesh, so that he may not follow or be led by them; to believe all the articles of the Christian faith; and to obediently keep God's holy will and commandments iall the days of his life. Then the minister shall take the child into his hands, if convenient, and say to the friends of the child: NAME THIS CHILD N., I baptize thee in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. The minister may, at his discretion, lay hands cq the subject, accompanying the act with a suitable invocation, and then, all kneeling, close with extemporaneous devotions and the Lord's Prayer: Our Father who iart in heaven, hal- 278 BAPTISM OP ADULTS lowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth, as it is heaven; give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass -a- gainst us; and lead us not into temp¬ tation, but deliver us from evil. Amen. CHAPTER LI. THE MINISTRATION OF BAPTISM TO SUCH AS ARE OF RIPER YEARS. The minister, coming to the font, which is to be filled with pure water, shall use the following, or some other suitable exhor¬ tation: Dearly beloved, forasmuch as all men are conceived and born in sin, (and that which is born of the flesh is flesh, iand they that are in the flesh can¬ not please God, but live in sin, com¬ mitting many actual transgressions,) and that our Saviour Christ saith) Ex¬ cept a man be born of water n subjects relating tc the Episco¬ pacy. VIII. MEMORIALS, RESOLUTIONS AND PA¬ PERS FOR UNANIMOUS REFERENCE 1. Memorials, resolutions and miscellan¬ eous papers not presented for immediate con' 872 APPENDIX sideration, shall be placed in the hands of the Secretary without announcement. Such papers as above referred to must have writ- tea in plain hand on the back of them: (1) The name of the member presenting the paper. (2) The Conference to which he belongs. (3) Subject to which it relates. (4) Committee to which he desires it re¬ ferred. 2. On the call of Conferences for the pre¬ sentation of resolutions, petitions, etcs., no Conference shall be allowed to offer more than three resolutions, petitions or memor¬ ials before the call of Conferences has gone through the entire list of Conferences. IX. COMMITTEES The standing committees shall be: 1. Episcopacy. 2. Itinerancy. 3. Boundaries. 4. Revision. 5. Education. 6. Sunday School. 7. Church Extension. 8. Literature. 9. State of the Church. 10. Publishing Interests. 11. Temperance and Prohibition. 12. Missions. 13. Epworth League. APPENDIX* 373 14. On Entertainig the next General Con¬ ference. 15. Finance. 16. State of Country. 2. The several Annual Conference delega¬ tions shall appoint one member for each com¬ mittee. The report of the General Officers shall be made in the following order: 1. The Quadrennial Address cf the Bish¬ ops. 2. The Book Agent's Report. 3. The Secretary of Church Extension. 4. The Secretary of Missions. 5. The Secretary of Epworth League. 6. • The Secretary of Education. 7. Ministerial Aid. 8. Superintendent of African Missions. The reports shall be made during the first days of the General Conference session, and shall be referred to the appropriate com¬ mittees. X. MISCELLANEOUS 1. No person shall be allowed to stand in the open spaces of the Conference room. 2. There shall be appointed a sufficient number of Orderlies tc keep the aisles clear, and none shall be admitted within the en¬ closure constitutiong the bar of the Confer¬ ence except delegates and # visitors invited therein by the Conference. 3. The Conference shall be governed in 374 APPENDIX all matters not herein provided for by the common practices of parlimentary usage. 4. These rules shall net be suspended ex¬ cept by a vote of two-thirds of the members present and voting. J. A. BBAY, Chairman, C. H. TOBIAS, Secretary, E. S. STOUT, J. H. MOOEE, N. L. SMITH, L. H. BBOWN, E. W. WHITE. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETY I. NAME This organization shall be called the Wo¬ man's Missionary Society of the Colored Methodist Episcopal Church. II. OBJECT The object of this society shall be to pro¬ mote the welfare of women and children at home and abroad through educational aad evangelistic wcrk, to stimulate united pray¬ er and study, to secure a fuller develop¬ ment of resources and to foster religious movements and community betterment. III. BOARD OF MISSIONS There shall be a Woman's Board of Mis¬ sions with headquarters located in the city of Nashville, Tennessee. IV. MEETINGS 1. Annual meetings shall be held for con¬ ference and the transaction of business and in such place and at such time as the Board shall determine. 2. Special meetings may be called by the President and two other members or by the Executive Committee. V. OFFICERS The officers of the Woman's Board of Mis¬ sions shall be a President, Vice-President, a (375) 376 WOMAN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETY Corresponding Secretary, a Treasurer, a Sup¬ erintendent of Young People's and Chil¬ dren's work, a Recording Secretary, and aD Organizer and such other officers as shall be found necessary. The officers shall be elect¬ ed by ballot at the annual meeting. YI. MEMBERSHIP These officers and the President and Cor¬ responding Secretary of each conference Missionary Society shall constitute the mem¬ bership of the Board of Missions. VII. FUNDS The funds of this organization shall be derived from membership dues, special con¬ tributions at meetings appointed in the in¬ terest of the society, mite boxes, donations, bequests, or by any other means approved by the Board. VIII. COMMITTEES There shall be an Executive Committee, such Standing Committees and such Special Committees as shall be deemed necessary. IX. AMENDMENTS This Constitution may be amended by a two-third vote at any annual meeting. No change which was not submitted to the pre¬ vious annual.meeting shall be voted on. INDEX 877 NOTE. In the Index, which follows, the first fig¬ ures refer to page, and the- second to Article or Section. An expression like this, 232:6, is read, Page 232, section 6. This expression, 210:IY:I, is read, Page 210, Article 4, Section 1. This brief satment will serve as a key to the Index given below. INDEX Abstinence, 33;78:4. Admission of, ministers on trial, 82; min¬ isters into full connection, 83. Adults, baptism of, 278. Agent, book, see Book Agent; for Bible So¬ ciety, 70:l:b; Sunday School, 70:d; lit¬ erary institutions, 71:l:e. American Bible Society, 70:l:b. Alms giving, Article, 28. Annual Conference, members of, 43:1-4; num¬ ber and boundary of, 44; Enabling Act, 44; time and place of meeting, 45; 3-4; presiding officer, 45:5; order of business, 46; preachers on trial, 82:1; discontinued, 83:3; in full membership, 83:2; located, 101:3; institutions of learning, 50; 214; 237; parsonages and churches, 51;166; committees of examination, 51; candidates for the ministry, 52:5; examinations, stan¬ dard cf, 52:6; General Minutes, 53:8j Sta tistical secretary, 53. Apparel, General Rule, 30. 378 INDEX Appeals, right of, 41:5; of a member, 149: 3; 156; 60; of a local preacher, 144; 155; of a traveling preacher, 140; 150; courts of, Quarterly Conference, 149; Annual Con¬ ference, 144; ministerial court of, 150; General Conference, 153:1-2. Arbitration, stewards on, 107:2; disputes be¬ tween members, 148; 215:1. Articles of Religion, 15; not to be changed, 40. Auditing Committee, 189:3. Baptism, Article on, 23; administered to: in¬ fants, 273; to adults, 278; to be recorded by pastor, 80:12; administered by dea¬ con, 87:3; elder, 89:3; a sacrament, 22. Baptized children, 121. Benediction, Apostolic, 117:4. Bible Classes, 122:5. Bible, only rule of faith and practice, 17;33. Bible Society, American, 70. Bishops, election and duties of, 69;227:8; 232:6; 197:7; consecration of, 339; sup¬ port of, 164:3; 179:IV:1; retirement of, 74:15; organize annual conferences, 74: 10; president of boards, 75:18; 188:2; 202:11; 210:IY:1; 214:2; 229:3. Boards, Church Extension, Missions, Publish¬ ing, Education, Sunday School, Superan- anuated Preachers, Widows and Orphans, Epworth League, see departments of; of .Finance, see Joint Board; directors, 229; Equalization, 177:11; General Department*, members of, 357. INDEX 379 Book Agent, 53:8; 177:2; 178:2-3; duties of, 179; 180:5-6; 182:7; 190; 191:2-6; salary, 191:2; 197:2. Book House, 190:1. Books and periodicals, 79:9; 187:3-5; 224:8. Books, reading of, General Eule against, 30. Borrowing, rule, 31. Boundaries of Annual Conferences, 247. Building Churches and parsonages, 166. Burial of the dead, form of, 2#5. Buying and selling, General Eules, 30. Buying church property, 170. Call to preach, 97. Candidates, for the ministry, recommended by quarterly conference, 59:6; 62:13-14; directed to studies, 77:8; to be admitted, on trial, 82; into full connection, 83; for deacons, 86; for elders, 87; course of study, 361. Canonical Books, Article on, 17. Catechism, to be used, 122:4; 224:2. Ceremonies, Article on, 26. Certificate of membership, 81; ministers from other-churches, 93:4. Chaplaincy, provision for, 70. Charitable institutions, 166:1. Children, instruction of, 121. Children's Day, 233. Christian Index, 187; Editor of, 188:5; 191: 1-2; price of, 188. Christian Man's Oath, Article on, 28; goods, article on, 28. Church, Article cn, 21. 380 INDEX Church Conference, 63. Church Extension, Board of, 358; members of, 202; authority of, 202:2-4; executive committee, 203:111:1-3; Secretary of, 203: IV:l-7; revenue, 205:5; form of applica¬ tion, 206;7; further authority of, 206:6; conference board of, 207:8; books, 208:10. Church membership, how secured, 115; bap¬ tism, form of, 278; reception, 285; how lost, 33; 144; record of, 80:13; members from other churches, 115. Church, laying corner stone of, 305; dedica¬ tion of, 311; buying lots, 170; division or sale of church property, 172; building churches, 166; building parsonages, 169; trustees of, 110. Circuits, stations and missions, uniting and dividing, 73:8. Circulation of books and periodicals, 79:9; 187:3; 198:4; 224:3. Class Leaders, 104. Class Meetings, 119. Collections, Class, 104; General Funds, 178; missionary, 194:4; 205:5; 219; 231. Commissions, Unification; Book House; Fed¬ eral Council, Churches of Christ; Compila¬ tion of Discipline; Educational Standards, 357. Committees, of examination, 51; of investi¬ gation: of Bishops, 129; of presiding el¬ ders, 135; of traveling preachers, 134: of local preachers, 141; of members, 145:a. Communion, see Lord's Supper. INDEX 381 Community of goods, not enjoined, Article, 28. Complaints, 60; against a traveling preach¬ er, 138:5. Conferences, General, 37; Annual, 43; Dis- . trict, 54; Quarterly, 57; Church, 63; rec¬ ords of: Church Conferences, 64:2; Quar¬ terly Conferences, 60:8; District Confer¬ ences, 55:4; Annual Conferences, 57:3. Confirmation, not a sacrament, Article 22. Constitutions, Church Extension, Epworth League, Education, Missions, Publishing, Sunday School, Superannuatd Preachers, Widows and Orphans; Woman's Missions, see departments of. Conversation, uncharitable, General Eule, 30. Corner Stcaie laying, 305. Council, Federal, Churches of Christ in Amer¬ ica, 357. Course of Study, local preachers, 361; trav¬ eling preachers, 362. Court of Appeals, 150. Credentials, Elders and deacons, deprivation of, 158:1; restoration of, 158:2; local dea¬ cons and elders, deprivation cf, 159:1; restoration of, 159:2. Cross Bearing, General Eule, 32. Cup of the Lord, Article, 24. Dancing, 147:2. Day of the Lord, not tc be profaned, Gen¬ eral Eule, 30. Deacons, how constituted, 86:1;'missionary rule, 87; qualifications, 82:2; duties of, 382 INDEX 87:3; local preachers, 99:2; ritual of or¬ dination, 317. Decision, Episcopal, 72; Presiding Elder, 76:5. Deed of settlement, 170. Delegates, General Conference, clerical and lay, 37; restrictive rule, 40-42; laymen to Annual Conference, 43:1-3; 56:3; laymen to District Conference, 55:2. Deprivation and restoration of Credentials, 158. Diligence and frugality, General Eule 32. Directions to preachers, 84. Directory, to be kept by pastors, 79:10. Disputes, how settled, 148. Dissension, sowing of, 147:3. Districts, Annual Conference, 73:7; General conference, 74:12. Division, transfer, and sale of church prop¬ erty, 172. Divorced women, preachers not to marry, 59:6. Doctrines of the church, 15; contrary one not to be disseminated, 138:4; 143;4. Dress, General Rule, 30. Drunkenness, General Eule, 30. Eastern Index, 237. Editors, Christian Index, 188:5; duty of, 191:5; salary of, 191:2; Eastern & West¬ ern Index, 188:6; salary, 192:3. Education, Board of, 358; constitution of, 214; General Secretary, 218; salary, 219: 8; meetings, 216:4; revenue, how derived, 220:9; vacancies in, 217:3; Annual Con- INDEX 383 ference Board, 220:10; educational stan¬ dards, 221. Elders, how constituted, 87:1; qualifications, 88; duties, 89:3; local, 99; restoration of credentials, 158:2; 159:2; ritual of ordi¬ nation, 324. Election of, Bishops, 69:1; general officers, see constitutions cf departments; dele¬ gates to General Conference, 37:1-2; t» Annual Conference, 56:3; to Orderi, 46: 47:9-16; 86. Enabling Act, 44. Episcopacy: see Bishops. Episcopal decisions, how guarded, 72. Epworth League, object of, 209:2; depart¬ ments of, 209:3; boards of, 210:4; dutie* of secretary, 212; revenue of department,. 213:7; Aanual Conference, District Con¬ ference, and local, chapters, 210. Evil Speaking condemned, General Eule, 30. Examination of, preachers, 51; 82. Exhorters, license, 102:1; duties, 103:2; fur¬ ther directions, 103:3. Extreme Unction, not a sacrament, 22. Family and private prayer, 33. Fasting and abstinence, 33; 78:4; 84:2. Fighting, general rule, 30. Finance, Joint Board of, how constituted, 184:2; duties cf, 185; 53:9; Recording Steward, 186. Financial plan, general assessment and di¬ vision, 177:1-2; Board of Equalization, 177. Founder's Day, 245. 384 INDEX Free Will, Article 19. Frugality, General Eule, 32. Full Connection, 83. General Conference, how composed, 37:1-2; delegates, clerical and lay, 37; voting by Orders, 38:3; time and place cf meeting, 38:4; special session and delegates, 38; quorum, 39:8; presiding officer, 39:9; re¬ strictions: cannot change articles of relig¬ ion, 40:1; restrictive rule for election of delegates, 40:2; Episcopacy, not to be de¬ stroyed, 41:3; General Eules, not to be re¬ voked or changed, 41:4; right of appeals, not to be destroyed, 41:5; how to change restrictive rules, 41; unconstitutional laws, 42. General Missionary Society, members of, 193: 2; authority of, 194:3; revenue, 194:4; General Missionary Day, 234:2; 195:5; the secretary and his duties, 196. General Rules, 29; must be read by past<5rs, 78:3. Ghost, the Holy, Article 16. God, Article, 15. Gold, putting on, General Eule, 31. Good doing, General Eule, 31. Good works, Article, 20. Goods, Christian man's, Article, 28. Goods, not paid for, General Eule, 30. Government, duty to, 27. Grace, means of, 32; 116; 235. Holy Ghost, Article, 16. INDEX 885 Holy Scriptures, Article, 17. Hospital, 166:1. Index, Christian, 1887:4; Editor cf, 188:5; 191:5: price of, 188:4. Index, Eastern, 237, Editor of, 188:236. Index, Western, 236; Editor of, 188;236. Infant Baptism, Article on, 23, ritual for, 273. Institutions, of learning, provisions concern¬ ing, 50:8; 214; 237; charitable, 166:1. Investigation, see committees of. Joint Board of Finance, how constituted, 184:2; duties of, 53:9; 185; recording Steward, 186. Junior Stewards, 108:5. Junior Stewardesses, 109:2. Journal of Conferences, 53:7; 60:8. Judicial administration, 129. Justification, Article, 19. Law, Bishops decisions on, and appeal from, 72:5. Law, Presiding Elders decisions on, a.nd ap¬ peal from, 76:5. Law, going to, Rule, 30. Laying Corner Stone, 305. Lay delegates, 37:1; 43:2; 56:3. Leaders, Class, 104:1. Leaders' meeting, 235. League, Epworth, see Epworth League. Lessens in Public Worship, 116:1. Local Deacon; 99:2. 386 INDEX Local Elder, 99:3. Local Preachers, 98. Locate preachers, 101:3. Lord's Day, not to be profaned, Genera] Eule, 30. Lord's Prayer, in Public Worship, 116:1. Lord's Supper, Article, 24; General Eule, 33. Love Feasts, 120. Magistrates, speaking evil of, 30. Marriage of ministers, Article, 26; not to marry divorced women, 59. Marriages to be recorded, 80:12. Marriage performed by: deacon, 87:3; elder, 89:3. Masses condemned, 25. Matrimony, not a sacrament, Article, 22; rit¬ ual, 290. Means of Grace, 32; 116; 235. Meditation and prayer, 85:3. Members of the Church, how received, 115; ritual 285; removal, 81; trial, 144; appeal, 156. Ministers of ether churches, how received, 91. Ministers of the Gospel, (pastors and preach¬ ers), members of annual conferences, 43: 2; examination of, 51-52; duties of, 78- 81; 121-122; deacons, 86; elders, 87; how appointed, 70.:b; advice to, 84-86; trial of 134; appeal of, 140; 150; unacceptable, 138; support of, lf>3; credentials, depriva¬ tion of, 158:1; rcluvition of, 158:2; ceas- INDEX 387 ing to travel, 101:3. Ministerial Court of Appeals, 150. Ministerial Delegates, 37. Ministers, speaking evil of, 30. Ministry of the Word, 32. Ministry, support of, pastors, 163; presiding elders, 163; bishops, 164. Missionaries, provisions for, 197:7; 199:2. Missionary on foreign fields admitted in full connection, 84:3. Missionary Department, General, see General Missionary Department. Missionary Board, Woman's, see Woman's Missionary Board. Missionary Society, Woman's General, see Woman's General Missionary Society. Neglect means of grace, 235. Oath, Christian man's, Article, 28. Obedience to civil authority, Article, 27. Oblation of Christ, Article, 25. Official Board, or Leaders' meeting, 235. Old Testament, Article, 18. Order of Public Worship, 116. Orders, not a sacrament, 22. Orders, deacons, 86; local, 99; Elders, 87; local, 100; examination pecessary, 86-88. Orders, voting by, 38. Ordination Eitual, Deacons, 317; Elders, 324; Bishops, 339. Original sin, Article 18. Orphans and widows of ministers, provis¬ ions for, 228. 38b INDEX Parsonages, building, 169; securing, 170; sale, 172. Pastors, see ministers. Pastoral Visitation, 79:10; 85. Pelagianism, 18. Penance, not a sacrament, 22. Periodicals, 187:3; 224:3. Poor, collections for, 106:2. Post Office Addresses, 355. Prayer, family, 33; public 116; Lord's Pray¬ er to be used, 116. Prayer MeSfl&gs, 118. Preachers in charge, duties of, 78. Preachers, lacal, 98; on trial, 82:1. Preachers from other churches, 91. Presiding Elders, appointment, 71:2; duties, 75; support, 163; trial, 134. Probationers for the Ministry, 82. Public Worship, enjoined, 32; how conduct¬ ed, 116. Publishing Department, object of, 187:3; the Index, 188:4; management, 188:5; mem¬ bers of Board, 188:11; annual meeting, 189;II;3 .(Auditing Committee, 189:111; Agent, see Book Agent; editors, see edi¬ tors; publishing fund, 177; 182:7; surplus, 192: VI': 1. Punctuality, enjoined, 85:2. Purgatory, 21. Quarterly Conference, how composed, 57:1; time and place, 57:2; presiding officer, 57: INDEX 889 3; business, 58-60; order of business. 60- 63. Quorum, 39:8; 189:3; 203:2. Readmission, to Annual Conference, 46; 59:6. Reading the Scriptures, 33. Reception of members, into church, 115; on trial, 82:1; into ministry, 83. Recommendation, to Annual Conference for admission on trial, 82:2; local deacon, 99: 2; local elder, 99:3. Recording Steward, 60; 109; 186:4. Records of, membership, 80:12-13; Church Conference, 64:2; Quarterly Conference, 60:8; District Conference, 55:4; Annual Conference, 53:7; investigation: of Bish¬ ops, 130; cf preachers, 135; trial of, local preachers, 145:4; members, 146:d. Refusing to attend work, minister, 139:6. Representation in General Conference, ratio of, 37:1. Reproach cf Christ, General Rule, 32. Restoration of credentials, 158:2; 159:2. Restrictive Rules, 40. Resurrection of Christ, Article, 16. Retired Bishops, 74:15; support of, 164:3; 179:2. Riches, laying up, General-Rule, 31. Right of trial and appeal, 41. Rites and ceremonies, Article, 26. Ritual, 261. Rulers of the United States, article, 27. Sabbath breaking, General Rule, 30. 390 INDEX Sacraments, 22. Saints, not to be envoked, 21. Schools and Colleges, 50:8; 214; 237; eon- sent of conference necessary tc build, 50:1. Scriptures, canonical, 17; duty of searching, 33; sufficiency of, Article, 17; Testament, the old, Article, 18. Secretary, general, see departments. Securing churches and parsonages, 170. Self denial and cross bearing, General Rule, 31. Self indulgence, General Rule, 31. Sick, visiting the, 85:3; 106:2; 320. Sin original, Article, 18. Singing, directions concerning, 118. Slander forbidden, General Rule, 30. Societies, see departments. Softness, General Rule, 31. Songs, rule against, improper, General Rule, 30. Speaking in strange tongues, Article, 22. Special cr called session, General Conference, 39:6. Spirituous liquors, General Rule, 30. Standing Committees, Annual Conference, committees on Course of Study, 51. Statistics, 53; 77:9; 81:15; 47. Statistician, 53. Stewards, 105; Junior, 108:5; Recording, 60; 109:6; 186:4. Stewardesses, 109:7; Junior, 109:YII:2. Study, Course of, 361. INDEX S91 Sunday School, 123; department of, 223; superintendent of, 59:7; 60; 123; otiert. 224:2; editor, 224-225; Sunday Scjin,.! Boards in Annual, District and Quartet 1v Conferences, 226:7; appointment of boards, 227:8; order of business, 228. Superannuated Preachers, 47;90; provisions for, 228. Superannuated Preachers, Widows and Or¬ phans, object cf, 228:1:2; Board of Direc¬ tors, 229:3-5; Secretary-Treasurer, 229-230; funds of, 231:111:1-2; payment of super¬ annuates, 231; claims of widows and or¬ phans, 232:V:l-3: report from Joint Boards, 185, a-b; 233:1:4. Supererogation, Article, 20. Supernumerary preachers, 89. Support of ministry: pastors, 163; presiding elders, 163; Bishops, 164. Suspension, by a Bishop, 71:3; of a Bishop, 130; of a traveling preacher, 136. Temper, improper, 147:2; 137:3. Temperance, General Rule, 30. Testament, the Old, see scriptures. Time, profitable employment of, 85. Tongues, speaking in unknown, Article 22. Tracts, 77; 224:3. Transubstantiation, Article, 24. Traveling preachers, see minister. Treasure cn earth, General Rule, 31. Trial of those who think they should preach, 07. 302 INDEX Trials, right of guaranteed, 41:5; of a Bish¬ op, 129: of a traveling preacher, 134; cf a local preacher, 141; of a member, 145. Triers of appeals, 150. Trinity, Article 15. Trustees of' church property, 110. Tunes, directions concerning, 118. Unacceptable preachers, 138:5. Unction, extreme, 22. United Society, rise of, General Rule, 29. Usury, General Rule, 30. Vacancies, Joint Board, 184:2; in depart¬ ments, see constitutions of. Veto., 42. "Visiting from house to house, 85. Voting, by orders, 38:3; two-third vote, 41. Widows and Orphans of: preachers, 48; pro¬ visions for, 232; bishops, 165:6; 179:3, Will, free, Article, 19. Witness, see trials of members, preachers, etc. Woman's General Missionary Society, 375. Woman's Home Missionary Society, consti¬ tution of, 199; object of, 199:2; controlled by Annual Conference, 199:3; officers, 200: 4; revenue, 200:5. Word, the, Article, 15. Works, good, Article 20; supererogation, Ar¬ ticle 20. Worship, attending. General Rule, 32; neglect of, 235; order of public, 116. Year Book, 54.