,!llllllllnllllllll!llllllil!ll!llll MABEL GflREY'S LIBRARY. If thou art borrowed by a friend, Not, that imparted knowledge doth Right welcome shall he be Diminish Learning's store, To Read, to Study, not to lind, But books I find, if often lent, But to return to me ! Return to me no mork ! I ! i read slowly: pause frequently: think seri- 1 i ously: return duly: with the corners | ofthe leaves n ot tu r n e d do w n. rillillllllllllllllllllllllllllllll|l||l|||||||||||||||||i||| •' l|||||||||llltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll:7 Robert W. Woodruff Library Billops-Hatch Collection EMORY UNIVERSITY Special Collections & Archives WHEN MALINDY SINGS WHEN MALINDY SINGS BY PAUL LAURENCE DUNBAR # ILLUSTRATED WITH PHOTOGRAPHS "BY THE HcAMPTOcK INSTITUTE CcAMERcA CLU^B % DECORATIONS BY MARGARET ARMSTRONG DODD MEAD AND CO. NEW YORK MCMIV ^llp o-varch \Ai v Ac Published November, 1903 UNIVERSITY PRESS • JOHN WILSON AND SON • CAMBRIDGE, U. S. A. CONTENTS Page WHEN MALINDY SINGS 9 DRIZZLE 15 TWO LITTLE BOOTS 21 THE LOOKING-GLASS 27 THE COLORED BAND 31 THE MEMORY OF MARTHA. ... 39 SPRING FEVER 45 THE TRYST 51 ITCHING HEELS 59 THE BOOGAH MAN 65 A PLANTATION PORTRAIT .... 1\ "HOWDY, HONEY, HOWDY! " ... 77 NODDIN' BY DE FIRE 83 A WARM DAY IN WINTER .... 89 THE VISITOR 97 MY SWEET BROWN GAL 105 IN THE MORNING J13 TO THE EASTERN SHORE . . . . \2\ WADIN' IN DE CREEK ...... J 29 'LONG TO'DS NIGHT 137 \ WHEN MALINDY SINGS 9 G' WAY an' quit dat noise, Miss Lucy— Put dat music book away; What's de use to keep on tryin' ? Ef you practise twell you 're gray, You cain't sta't no notes a-flyin' Lak de ones dat rants and rings F'om de kitchen to de big woods When Malindy sings. You ain't got de nachel organs Fu' to make de soun' come right, You ain't got de tu'ns an' twistin's Fu' to make it sweet an' light. Tell you one thing now, Miss Lucy, An' I'm tellin' you fu' true, When hit comes to raal right singin', ' T ain't no easy thing to do. Easy 'nough fu' folks to hollah, Lookin' at de lines an' dots, When dey ain't no one kin sence it, An' de chune comes in, in spots; But fu' real melojous music, Dat jes' strikes yo' heart and clings, Jes' you stan' an' listen wif me When Malindy sings. n Ain't you nevah hyeahd Malindy ? Blessed soul, tek up de cross! Look hyeah, ain't you joking honey ? Well, you don't know whut you los\ Y' ought to hyeah dat gal a-wa'blin', Robins, la'ks, an' all dem things, Heish dey moufs an' hides dey faces When Malindy sings. Fiddlin' man jes' stop his fiddlin', Lay his fiddle on de she'f; Mockin'-bird quit tryin' to whistle, 'Cause he jes' so shamed hisse'f. Folks a-playin' on de banjo Draps dey fingahs on de strings — Bless yo' soul — fu'gits to move 'em, When Malindy sings. She jes' spreads huh mouf and hollahs, " Come to Jesus," twell you hyeah Sinnahs' tremblin' steps and voices, Timid-lak a-drawin' neah; Den she tu'ns to " Rock of Ages," Simply to de cross she clings, An' you fin' yo' teahs a-drappin' When Malindy sings. Who dat says dat humble praises Wif de Master nevah counts ? Heish yo' mouf, I hyeah dat music, Ez hit rises up an' mounts — Floatin' by de hills an' valleys, Way above dis buryin' sod, Ez hit makes its way in glory To de very gates of God! Oh, hit's sweetah dan de music Of an edicated band; An' hit's dearah dan de battle's Song o' triumph in de Ian'. It seems holier dan evenin' When de solemn chu'ch bell rings, Ez I sit an' ca'mly listen While Malindy sings. Towsah, stop dat ba'kin', hyeah me! Mandy, mek dat chile keep still; Don't you hyeah de echoes callin' F'om de valley to de hill ? Let me listen, I can hyeah it, Th'oo de bresh of angel's wings, Sof' an' sweet," Swing Low, Sweet Chariot," Ez Malindy sings. u DRIZZLE 15 J JIT 'S been drizzlin' an' been sprinkling Kin' o' techy all day long. I ain't wet enough ft/ toddy, I's too damp to raise a song, An' de case have set me t'inkin', Dat dey's folk des lak de rain, Dat goes drizzlin' w'en dey's talkin', An' won't speak out flat an' plain. 17 Ain't you nevah set an' listened At a body 'splain his min' ? Wen de thoughts dey keep on drappin' Was n't big enough to fin' ? Dem's whut I call drizzlin' people, Othahs call 'em mealy mouf, But de fust name hits me bettah, Case dey nevah tech a drouf. Dey kin talk from hyeah to yandah, An' f'om yandah hyeah ergain, An' dey don' mek no mo' 'pression, Den dis powd'ry kin' o' rain. En yo' min' is dry ez cindahs, Er a piece o' kindlin' wood, 'T ain't no use a-talkin' to 'em, Fu' dey drizzle ain't no good. 19 Gimme folks dat speak out nachul, Whut '11 say des whut dey mean, Whut don't set dey wo'ds so skimpy Dat you got to guess between. I want talk des' lak de showahs Whut kin wash de dust erway, Not dat sprinklin' convusation, Dat des drizzle all de day. 20 TWO LITTLE BOOTS 21 * ;WO little boots all rough an' wo', Two little boots! Laws, I's kissed 'em times befo', Dese little boots! Seems de toes a-peepin' thoo Dis hyeah hole an' sayin' " Boo!" Evah time dey looks at you — Dese little boots. Membah de time he put 'em on, Dese little boots; Riz an' called fu' 'em by dawn, Dese little boots; Den he tromped de livelong day, Laffin' in his happy way, Evaht'ing he had to say, " My little boots!" 23 Kickin' de san' de whole day long, Dem little boots; Good de cobblah made 'em strong, Dem little boots! Rocks was fu' dat baby's use, Ton had to stan' abuse W'en you turned dese champeens loose Dese little boots! Ust to make de oF cat cry, Dese little boots; Den you walked it mighty high, Proud little boots! Ahms akimbo, stan'in' wide, Eyes a-sayin' " Dis is pride!" Den de manny-baby stride! You little boots. 25 Somehow, you don' seem so gay, Po' little boots, Sence yo' ownah went erway, Po' little boots! Yo' bright tops don' look so red, Dese brass tips is dull an' dead; " Goo'-by," whut de baby said; Deah little boots! Ain't you kin' o' sad yo'se'f, You little boots ? Dis is all his mammy's lef', Two little boots. Sence huh baby gone an' died, Heav'n itse'f hit seem to hide Des a little bit inside Two little boots. 26 THE LOOKING-GLASS 27 "J^yNAH stan' befo' de glass, Lookin' moughty neat, An' huh purty shadder sass At huh haid an' feet. While she sasshay 'roun' an' bow, Smiling den an' poutin' now, An' de looking-glass, I 'low Say: " Now, ain't she sweet ? " All she do, de glass it see, Hit des see, no mo', Seems to me, hit ought to be Drappin' on de flo'. She go w'en huh time git slack, Kissin' han's an' smilin' back, Lawsy, how my lips go smack, Watchin' at de do'. 29 Wisht I was huh lookin'-glass, W'en she kissed huh han'; Does you t'ink I'd let it pass, Settin' on de stan' ? No; I'd des' fall down an' break. Kin' o' glad *t uz fu' huh sake; But de diffunce, dat whut make Lookin'-glass an' man. 30 w 'EN de colored ban' comes ma'chin down de street, Don't you people stan' daih starin'; lif' yo' feet! Ain't dey playin' ? Hip, hooray! Stir yo' stumps an' cleah de way, Fu' de music dat dey mekin' can't be beat. 33 Oh, de major man's a-swingin' of his stick, An' de pickaninnies crowdin' roun' him thick; In his gorgeous uniform, He's de lightnin' of de sto'm, An' de little clouds erroun' look mighty slick. You kin hyeah a fine performance w'en de white ban's serenade, An' dey play dey high-toned music mighty sweet, But hit's Sousa played in rag-time, an' hit's Rastus on Parade, W'en de colo'ed ban' comes ma'chin' down de street. 35 " gUNSHINE on de medders, Greenness on de way; Dat's de blessed reason I sing all de day." Look hyeah! Whut you axin' ? Whut meks me so merry ? 'Spect to see me sighin' W'en hit's wa'm in Febawary ? 91 'Long de stake an' rider Seen a robin set; W'y, hit 'mence a-thawin'r Groun' is monst'ous wet. Den you stan' dah wond'rin', Lookin' skeert an' stary; I's a right to caper W'en hit's wa'm in Febawary. 93 ► % Missis gone a-drivin', Mastah gone to shoot; Ev'ry da'ky lazin' In de sun to boot. Qua'tah 's moughty pleasant, Hangin' 'roun' my Mary; Cou'tin' boun' to prospah W'en hit's wa'm in Febawary. 95 Cidah look so pu'ty Po'in' Pom de jug — Don' you see it's happy ? Hyeah it laffin'— glug ? Now's de time fu' people Fu' to try an' bury All dey grief an' sorrer, W'en hit's wa'm in Febawary. 96 97 J ITTLE lady at de do W'y you stan' dey knockin' ? Nevah seen you ac' befo' In er way so shockin'. Don' you know de sin it is Fu' to git my temper riz W'en I 's got de rheumatiz An' my jints is lockin' ? 99 No, oP Miss ain't sont you down, Don' you tell no story; I been seed you hangin' 'roun' Dis hyeah te'itory. You des come fu' me to tell You a tale, an' I ain' — well — Look hyeah, what is dat I smell ? Steamin' victuals ? Glory! ioj Come in, Missy, how you do ? Come up by de fiah, I was joking chile, wid you; Bring dat basket nighah. Huh uh, ain' dat lak oY Miss, Sen'in' me a feas' lak dis ? Rheumatiz cain't stop my bliss, Case I's feelin' spryah. J03 Chicken meat an' gravy, too, Hot an' still a-heatin'; Good oV sweet pertater stew; Missy brieves in treatin'. Des set down, you blessed chile, Daddy got to t'ink a while, Den a story mek you smile Wen he git thoo eatin'. 104 MY SWEET BROWN GAL 105 w 'EN de clouds is hangin' heavy in de sky, An' de win's's a-taihin' moughty vigorous by, I don' go a-sighin' all erlong de way; I des' wo'k a-waitin' fu' de close o' day. Case I knows w'en evenin' draps huh shadders down, I won' care a smidgeon fu' de weathah's frown; Let de rain go splashin', let de thundah raih, Dey's a happy shsltah, an' I's goin' daih. 107 Down in my oP cabin wa'm ez mammy's toas', 'Taters in de fiah layin' daih to roas'; No one daih to cross me, got no talkin' pal But I's got de company o' my sweet brown gal. 109 So I spen's my evenin' listenin' to huh sing, Lak a blessid angel; how huh voice do ring! Sweetah den a bluebird flutterin' erroun', Wen he sees de steamin' o' de new ploughed groun\ m Den I hugs huh closah, closah to my breas'. Need n't sing, my da'lin', tek you' hones' res'. Does I mean Malindy, Mandy, Lize er Sal ? No, I means my fiddle — dat's my sweet brown gal! 112 fHE MOWING 113 LIAS ! 'Lias! Bless de Lawd! Don' you know de day's erbroad ? Ef you don' git up, you scampt Dey '11 be trouble in dis camp. T'ink I gwine to let you sleep Wile I meks yo' boa'd an' keep ? Dat's a putty howdy-do — Don' you hyeah me, 'Lias — you ? Bet ef I come crost dis flo' You won' fin' no time to sno\ Daylight all a-shinin' in VW'ile you sleep — w'y hit's a sin! A in't de can'le-light enough To bu'n out widout a snuff, But you go de mo'nin' thoo Bu'nin' up de daylight too ? 115 'Lias, don' you hyeah me call ? No use tu'nin' to'ds de wall; I kin hyeah dat mattuss squeak; Don' you hyeah me w'en I speak ? Dis hyeah clock done struck off six — Ca'line, bring me dem ah sticks! Oh, you down, suh; huh! you down — Look hyeah, don' you daih to frown. 117 Ma'ch yo'se'f an' wash yo' face, Don' you splattah all de place; I got somep'n else to do, 'Sides jes' cleanin' aftah you. Tek dat comb an' fix yo' haid — Looks jes' lak a feddah baid. Look hyeah, boy, I let you see You sha'n't roll yo' eyes at me. Come hyeah; bring me dat ah strap! Boy, I '11 whup you 'twell you drap; You done felt yo'se'f too strong, An' you sholy got me wrong. Set down at dat table thaih; Jes' you whimpah ef you daih! Evah mo'nin' on dis place, Seem lak I mus' lose my grace. FoP yo' han's an' bow yo' haid — Wait ontwell de blessin' fs said; " Lawd, have mussy on ouah souls — " (Don' you daih to tech dem rolls —) " Bless de food we gwine to eat — " (You set still — I see yo' feet; You jes' try dat trick agin!) " Gin us peace an' joy. Amen!" 120 J 'S feelin' kin' o' lonesome in my little room to-night, An' my min's done los' de minutes an' de miles, Wile it teks me back a-flyin' to de country of delight, Whaih de Chesapeake goes grumblin' er wid smiles. Oh, de ol' plantation's callin' to me, Come, come back, Hyeah's de place fu' you to labouh an' to res', Fu' my sandy roads is gleamin' w'ile de city ways is black; Come back, honey, case yo' country home is bes'. 123 I know de moon is shinin' down erpon de Eastern sho', An' de bay 's a-sayin' " Howdy " to de Ian'; An' de folks is all a-settin' out erroun' de cabin do', Wid dey feet a-restin' in de silvah san'; An' de ol' plantation's callin' to me, Come, oh, come, F'om de life dat's des' a-waihin' you erway, F'om de trouble an' de bustle, an' de agernizin' hum Dat de city keeps ergoin' all de day. 125 I's tiahed of de city, tek me back to Sandy Side, Whaih de potest ones kin live an' play an' eat; Whaih we draws a simple livin' f'om de fo'est an' de tide, An' de days ah faih, an' evah night is sweet. Fu' de oF plantation's callin' to me, Come, oh, come. An' de Chesapeake's a-sayin' " Dat's de t'ing," W'ile my little cabin beckons, dough his mouf is closed an' dumb, I's a-comin', an' my hea't begins to sing. 128 £)AYS git wa'm an' wa'mah, School gits mighty dull, Seems lak dese hyeah teachahs Mus' feel mussiful. Hookey 's wrong, I know it Ain't no gent'man's trick; But de aihs a-callin', " Come on to de crick." Dah de watah's gu'glin' Ovah shiny stones, Des hit's ve'y singin' Seems to soothe yo' bones. W'at's de use of waiting Go on good an' quick: Dain't no fun lak dis hyeah Wadin' in de crick. >31 W'at dat jay-bu'd sayin' ? Bettah shet yo' haid, Fus' t'ing dat you fin' out, You '11 be layin' daid. Jay-bu'd's sich a tattlah, Des seem lak his trick Fu' to tell on folkses Wadin' in de crick. I \ Wilier boughs a-bendin', Hidin' of de sky, Wavin' kin' o' frien'ly Ez de win' go by, Elum trees a-shinin', Dahk an' green an' thick, Seem to say, " I see yo' Wadin' in de crick/' But de trees don' chattah, Dey des look an' sigh Lak hit's kin' o' peaceful Des a-bein' nigh, An' you t'ank yo' Mastah Dat dey trunks is thick W'en yo' mammy fin's yo' Wadin' in de crick. J 35 Den yo' run behin' dem Lak yo' scaihed to def, Mammy come a-flyin', Mos' nigh out o' bref; But she set down gentle An' she drap huh stick, - An' fus' t'ing, dey's mammy Wadin' in de crick. 'LONG TO'DS NIGHT 137 DAIH 'S a moughty soothin' feelin' Hits a dahky man, 'Long to'ds night. W'en de row is mos' nigh ended, Den he stops to fan, 'Long to'ds night. De blue smoke f'om his cabin is a-callin' to him, " Come; " He smell de bacon cookin', an' he hyeah de fiah hum; An' he 'mence to sing, 'dough wo'kin' putty nigh done made him dumb, 'Long to'ds night. 139 Wid his hoe erpon his shouldah Den he goes erlong, 'Long to'ds night. An' he keepin' time a-steppin' Wii a little song, 'Long to'ds night. £40 De restin'-time's a-comin', an' de time to drink an' eat; A baby 's toddlin' to'ds him on hits little dusty feet, An' a-goin' to'ds his cabin, an' his suppah's moughty sweet, 'Long to'ds night. Daih his Ca'line min' de kettle, Rufus min' de chile, 'Long to'ds night; An' de sweat roll down his forred, Mixin' wid his smile, 'Long to'ds night. He toss his piccaninny, an' he hum a little chune; De wo'kin' all is ovah, an' de suppah comin' soon; De wo'kin' time's Decembah, but de restin' time is June, 'Long to'ds night. 143 Dey's a kin' o' doleful feeling Hits a tendah place, 'Long to'ds night; Dey's a moughty glory in him Shinin' thoo his face, 'Long to'ds night. De cabin's lak de big house, an' de fiah's lak de sun; His wife look moughty lakly, an' de chile de puttiest one; W'y, hit's blessid, jes' a-livin' w'en a body's wo'k is done. 'Long to'ds night. J 44