The Teaching of Geometry at Tuskegee By D. W WOODARD Inskegee Normal and Industrial Institute The Teaching of Geometry at Tuskegee By D. W. WOODARD Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute Reprinted from School Science and Mathematics, Vol. 13, 1913. Pages 400-410. THE TEACHING OF GEOMETRY AT TUSKEGEE. By D. W. Woodard, Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute. One day a group of Tuskegee students was engaged in putting the finishing touches to a new building on the Institute grounds. To one young man, who was learning the carpenter's trade, was assigned the work of laying some molding. For quite a while he pursued his work quickly and successfully. Then his job led him to a certain corner of the building which deviated consider¬ ably from the usual right angle. What was he to do? Never be¬ fore had he laid molding around such a corner. Now the problem consisted in finding the angle for cutting the molding so as to make a proper fit. Failing to think out the problem, the student by a trial and error method was finally able to make the molding fit as desired. But this trial and error method involved not only a loss of time but also a waste of material. This happened on Friday, a- day on which this particular car¬ penter was engaged wholly in industrial work. According to the Tuskegee system, a "day" student in a week spends three days at his trade and three days in academic work, the "trade" days alter¬ nating with the "academic" days. On the day after the incident mentioned, the student reported the affair to his class in geometry. After he had attempted to give a statement of his difficulties, the class visited the scene of the event. Again the student explained the situation. Finally, a method was worked out on the spot whereby the molding could be cut without waste. But the method arrived at, while it eliminated all waste, was unsatisfactory in that it was very slow in operation. On the next "academic" day the problem was again discussed and referred for further discus¬ sion to a committee of three carpenters (students) who were members of this class in geometry. This committee consulted the instructors in carpentry and all other available sources of informa¬ tion. Altogether three methods were proposed for the task. A model representing the corner of the room was brought into the classroom together with pieces of molding, a saw, and the like. Each method was actually exhibited before the class and the geometrical principles concerned in each were thoroughly dis¬ cussed. I have related somewhat in detail the above incident because it exemplifies the character of the work in mathematics, and par¬ ticularly in geometry, which is attempted at Tuskegee. As has TUSKEGEE GEOMETRY 401 been stated before, every "day" student at Tuskegee pursues for six days of the week a prescribed academic course and trade work on alternate days. "Night" students spend six days in industrial work and five evenings in the academic department. Such a system necessitates a close correlation of academic and industrial activities if the student is not to be keenly conscious of a lack of continuity in his work. The fact that the trades constantly in¬ volve more or less of the application of mathematical principles, makes mathematics a subject peculiarly fitted to bring about the correlation of the two phases of the work. The persistent corre¬ lation of the mathematics with the industrial work causes the instruction in mathematics at Tuskegee to differ considerably from the traditional presentation. The differences are found not only in the character and content of the problems, but also in the scope of the work, thp distribution of the emphasis in the instruction, and the method of presentation. A noteworthy fact in connection with the incident related above was this: when the student reported his difficulty, the teacher at once dropped his plan for the day and proceeded to the solution of the problem. Neither the teacher nor the students stopped to question whether the situation as reported involved any immediate application of the lesson assigned for the day, or, indeed of any lesson they Tiad had so far. The central thought was: "here is a situation which calls for a solution which is clearly geometrical in nature. We are studying geometry in order to be able to solve such problems." As it happened, this problem com¬ pelled the class to work out several new propositions and to re¬ view others. It is significant that, through the interest awakened by the practical situation and by the actual handling of the material, these several new propositions were disposed of in a fraction of the time required for the same propositions under the usual circumstances. My experience indicates that this is gener¬ ally true for work attempted in this way. In contrast to the feeling that the student generally has that the problems solved in class are given for the express purpose of illustrating some principle already learned, the idea brought to the front here is that the mathematical principle is developed to give the student an economical method of adjusting himself to a new situation, that the principle is worked out for the sake of the problem. The effect of this point of view upon the atti¬ tude of the student toward the subject and upon the development of the subject in the course will be discussed later. 402 SCHOOL SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS Reference has been made to the fact that a problem under consideration was referred to a committee of three members of the class, who by their trade were particularly concerned. This grouping of the students into committees for the study of special problems is a distinguishing feature of the method employed at Tuskegee. The idea arose in this way: Two students belonging to the same trade differed in regard to a matter which had been reported to the class. When the teacher appealed to the other members of the class following the same trade, it was found that the disagreement was quite general. Thereupon a group was formed consisting of all members of the class belonging to the trade, for the purpose of studying the matter and making a final report to the class. Not only did this group of students clear up the matter under discussion, but, to the great surprise of the teacher, they searched their trade practice and brought in all the problems involving geometry that they could find in the short period of time given them in which to make their report. From that time, whenever a student reports to the class a matter which he thinks calls for a geometrical solution, the whole problem, un¬ less the solution is obvious, is referred to a group of students. In this group are placed students in connection with whose trade the problem has arisen, together with at least one student whose trade is different from that of the other members of the group. Of this group the student reporting the affair is the chairman. The group meets at his call and he informs the teacher of the progress of the work of the group. The purpose in associating with the group a student whose trade is different from that of the other members of the group is to compel the students to translate the situation from the trade jargon into language intelligible to other members of the class. The educative value of this fea¬ ture is obvious. The greater part of the work of the class is carried on by means of the reports of these groups. The plan of procedure is as follows: (1) Report of the problem by student; (2) assign¬ ment of certain students to a group under the chairmanship of the student reporting; (3) meeting of the group to consider the problem; (4) if the problem is not solved at the group meeting, a preliminary report is made to the class where the matter is dis¬ cussed and the problem more definitely formulated from the standpoint of geometry; (5) further meetings of the group until the problem is solved and reported to the class in finished form. Frequently a group will hold as many as a half dozen TUSKEGEE GEOMETRY 403 meetings and make quite as many reports to the class before being dissolved. I have known a group to have a matter under consideration as long as five months. Every student belongs at all times to one or more of these groups. Exceptionally bright students are attached to several groups. If a student becomes interested in a problem under consideration by a group to which he is not fegularly assigned, he may of his own will attach him¬ self thereto. Every student is assigned to a group which works out systematically the geometry involved in the operations of his own trade. In this system, too, opportunity is given the teacher to distribute the work according to the ability of the individual members of the class. Frequently students of different trades are grouped together because of a community of interests in trade work. Thus, car¬ penters and brick masons were associated together to consider the construction of the brick arch because the carpenters make the forms about which the masons build the arches. Blacksmiths and wheelwrights work on the building of the same vehicle and hence are mutually helpful when assigned to the same group. Unexpected points of contact between the trades often appear as the following incident will show. When in the recitation the teacher called for new matter, one student, a wheelwright, spoke of the method employed in his shop in "squaring up" the shafts of a buggy. He wanted to know why the method always gave the desired result. His chief explanation of the mechanical proc¬ ess was not very clear to the class. Further dicussion was postponed until the class could visit the shop and actually see the operation described by the student. As soon as the wheelwright sat down, a carpenter arose and said that there were "squaring up" processes in his trade, especially in connection with win¬ dow frames, and so on. A 'group to consider in detail such prob¬ lems was thereupon formed consisting of carpenters and wheel¬ wrights with the wheelwright mentioned above as, chairman. When the class visited the wheelwright shop, not only did the student explain the operation of "squaring up" the shafts, but he also showed several other operations connected with the con¬ struction of the vehicle which involved geometry. This has been my almost invariable experience. Whenever the class, has been taken to a shop to have explained an operation there carried on, almost without exception unlooked for geometrical problems have come to light. This is one reason, aside from another which I shall give later on, why classes should be taught as far as 404 SCHOOL SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS possible at places where the operations under discussion are taking place. Now I wish to call attention to a point which, I think, shows an important phase of these experiences. While in the wheel¬ wright shop, not only did the class under the leadership of the student wheelwright see performed a useful operation, but the students received training in analyzing a real situation and form¬ ulating the geometrical propositions connected therewith. They did real thinking, thinking in direct relation to a concrete situa¬ tion. This analysis of a situation and this sharp definition of its problematic character finally leading to the formulation of the geometrical propositions involved constitute, in my opinion, a most valuable part of the training of the students, valuable alike from the standpoint of geometry and from the standpoint of their command of the theory and practice of their trades. In this connection I might mention that, when a problem re¬ ported by a student requires the presence of the class at a cer¬ tain place, the details of the arrangements of the trip are left as largely as possible to the student. He is made to feel that the success of the venture depends in great measure upon his efforts. The attempt is made to build up the geometry about the situa¬ tions which arise in the daily work of the students at their trades. There is no lack of such situations. In fact I have found it a matter of impossibility to work out in class all of the real problems reported by the students. There is always a period during the recitation which is devoted to the hearing of new problems. So eager are the students at times to have their prob¬ lems brought before the class that the teacher is frequently at a loss, in the face of many such requests, as to which problem to consider first. On such occasions an appeal is made to the mem¬ bers of the class and they decide what is to be the order of the recitation. In great part the class teaches itself. The teacher is a guide, a friend who is interested in everybody's problem. It can be seen from the foregoing that the instruction in geom¬ etry at Tuskegee is by no means confined to the ordinary class¬ room exercises. When a student in his experience meets that which he thinks has the remotest connection with geometry, he will, if possible, without consulting the teacher bring the actual material to the classroom. On one occasion a student brought to the classroom a good part of the gearing of a buggy. I do not know to this day how he managed to get it there. Whenever TUSKEGEE GEOMETRY 405 it is inconvenient or undesirable to bring the necessary material to the classroom, the recitation is held where the material is to be found or the operation under consideration is being carried on. It may be in a shop or at a new building in the course of construction. Problems are solved in their natural setting. The atmosphere of the classroom, just because it is a classroom with the traditional furnishings, militates against the proper apprecia¬ tion of a concrete situation in many instances. As I have found to my cost, it is one thing to sit down in a classroom and imagine the manner in which a piece of work is being done and quite an¬ other to be on the spot and attempt to explain an actual operation surrounded by the conditions under which it is usually effected. In line with this thought, I might further add, that I have been amazed to see the increased fluency on the part of a student when he is in his own shop explaining his own work. Just as the method of grouping the students for the investiga¬ tion of certain problems arose by accident, so another important feature worked itself out without any special design on the part of the teacher. One of the students asked the teacher for per¬ mission to consult him about a problem that had arisen in some of his trade work. The teacher set aside a Tuesday evening for the conference and casually remarked in class that all other stu¬ dents who were interested in the problem might meet at the same time. When the appointed time came, the room was full of students. This meeting was so successful that it was agreed to meet on the following Tuesday. From that time this weekly conference has been held. Attendance upon this meeting is ab¬ solutely voluntary. The students are free to come and go as they please. The fact that a considerable number of the students taking the course in geometry will voluntarily spend more than an hour each week in such work bespeaks more than anything else their interest in the subject. These meetings are devoted almost wholly to the discussion of real problems. As has been said before, there are so many problems reported to the regular class that it is impossible to discuss them all adequately in the recitation period. The weekly meeting, now known as the Geometry Club, affords an opportunity for the discussion of these surplus problems. There is no prearranged program, no particu¬ lar order of business. The conduct of the meeting is largely in the hands of tfo» students, the teacher taking his place as one of them. There is no formality, no hurry. When a student has a matter to preser % he virtually takes charge of the discussion. In 406 SCHOOL SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS spite of the fact that there is no formal-plan of procedure, I have never known a meeting in which there were not helpful discus¬ sions. I believe that some of the most valuable work of the course is done in this meeting. Certainly the most enjoyable work is here done. The questions might properly be asked: In the attempt to build up the geometry around concrete situations, what becomes of the rigorously logical treatment which is supposed to be associated with courses in geometry? When a student has finished such a course as described, what conception of geometry as a science has he attained? How does his conception of the subject compare with that of the student trained according to traditional methods ? To answer these questions, let us consider again the disposition of the practical problems reported to the class. In the first place, no problem is considered solved until every proposition has been reduced to the conventional mathematical language. Then, too, from the system of handling the problems, it results that a certain minimum of propositions is in possession of all the members of the class; but members of certain groups may have problems as yet unreported to the class that have compelled them to work out and study new propositions in many instances considerably in advance of the minimum already mentioned. In one of the best reports prepared by any group, it was found that the students had formulated correctly the fundamental proposition connected with their problem, but, after much groping about, discovered that this proposition necessitated the proof of several propositions unknown to them and to their class. These propositions they had numbered and set down in their proper sequence, showing that they fully appreciated what is meant by the logical order of propositions in geometry. Of course, few reports are so thor¬ oughly worked out prior to their presentation before the class. But finally all reports are cast into this shape. I do not feel that there is any loss in such rigor as might be expected of an elementary course in geometry, but, on the contrary, the critical attitude developed by the analysis of concrete situations in all their complexity and their abstract geometrical formulation, is, I believe, of enduring advantage to the student. Ordinarily few stu¬ dents in elementary geometry courses receive any training what¬ ever in the formulation of propositions from given data. When the student has finished such work, he has a sequence of fundamental propositions, and above all these propositions are not only connected in his mind in logical order, but they are TUSKEGEE GEOMETRY 407 associated with his vital interests. They have an interest and value outside of themselves. They represent a source of methods of doing things. They are classed with his saw, his spirit level,, his trowel, his lathe and other tools and machines. From this close association of geometry with his life experiences, the stu¬ dent gets the notion that the same kind of common-sense reason¬ ing used in ordinary situations is to be brought into play inrr geometry. He becomes acquainted with the subject in an inti¬ mate way; it loses its character as a very unusual procedure in¬ vented to call into action some particular brand of mental power never used before nor afterwards. In this work the student builds up his own geometry. He sees, each bit of the structure put into place before his very eyes. At certain intervals, the whole edifice so far constructed by the class with emphasis upon the dependence of its various parts is discussed in class. If a proposition arises from a matter reported' by a student, it is often named after him, as, for instance, the Jones proposition. In a word, the subject becomes properly and helpfully orientated in the mental life of the student. One of the most gratifying experiences of the writer as a teacher was to have one of his students who had graduated from the insti¬ tute, on a recent visit relate to the geometry class how in a given instance in his work as a brickmasqn he had been able to use his geometrical knowledge at a critical time. While we, are speaking of the sequence ,in which propositions, arrange themselves in conformity to the demands of the practical' problems brought before the class, it may be of interest to recount the manner in which the subject of the circle was approached1 during the current school year. I did not say, "On the next day we shall begin the study of the circle. Study page so-and-so,"" but this, "One of our students, a carpenter, wishes to take us. to see some repair work on a circular wooden pillar of the library- building. The class will meet there instead of in the usual recita¬ tion room." The essential part of the operation for us as a. class consisted in finding the diameter of the circular pillar from1 the outside. The proposition that justified the method used was, the diameter of a circle is equal to the distance between two- parallel tangents. The point that I wish to make is, that the- consideration of the circle was begun, without any preliminary- preparation, with a discussion of a proposition concerning tang¬ ents. But, under the stimulus of the real situation the necessary- notions were immediately developed in an interesting and prac-~ 408 SCHOOL SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS tical manner. The rapidity with which the class in the face of a real problem has covered the ground necessary to its solution has been a source of great astonishment to me, brought up under the usual methods. Under ordinary circumstances, perhaps, I should not have had the temerity to begin the.formal considera¬ tion of the circle at a point not sanctioned by the traditional classroom procedure, but I am fully convinced that at least in this kind of work any real problematic situation involving the idea to be discussed may be used as a first point of contact with the particular topic. At Tuskegee interesting experiences of this type may be trusted to develop a sequence of propositions which invest the geometry with a most desirable significance for the student. A short list of propositions so formulated by the students may be of interest. OCCASION 1. A carpenter was compelled to construct an arch under a stairway where the floor prevented his get¬ ting the center in the usual way. He contrived an instrument giving rise to the proposition to the right. 2. Justifying the use of the cen- trolinead, an instrument used by the students in the course in architec¬ tural drawing. 3. Justifying a part of the proc¬ ess used in the blacksmith shop in connection with the adjustment of the gearing of a vehicle. 4. Justifying a method used in getting the cut on molding laid around non-rectangular corners. PROPOSITIONS 1. If an angle is moved so that its sides constantly pass through two fixed points, its vertex de¬ scribes the arc of a circle. 2. (a) If line No. 1 is bisected at right angles by line No. 2 so that one-half of line No. 1 is a mean proportional between the segments which it cuts off on line No. 2, then line No. 2 is the diameter of a circle passing through the extremities of line No. 1. (b) Consider the angle formed by joining the extremity A of line No. 2 to the extremities of line No. 1. If this angle is moved so that its sides constantly pass through the extremities of line No. 1, the bisec¬ tor of the angle will constantly pass through the extremity B of line No. 2. 3. If in a quadrilateral one pair of opposite sides consists of equal lines and the diagonals are equal, the remaining two sides of the fig¬ ure are parallel. 4. The diagonals of a parallelo¬ gram bisect the angles from whose vertices they are drawn when the distance between one pair of oppo¬ site sides is equal to the distance between the other pair. TUSKEGEE GEOMETRY 409 A long period of study and many reports on the part of a group of students were required before the propositions given in the" case of the centrolinead were correctly formulated and proved. This selecting of the conventional terms of geometry and the fitting of the terms to a concrete situation insures the full grasp of the meaning of these terms on the part of the student. The student's "mental definition" mentioned by Prof. Dewey and the true mathematical definition are more likely to agree than under the usual presentation. It is a truism that the test of a student's understanding of a term consists in his ability to use the term. The points that I have tried to emphasize here have been: 1. The grouping of the students according to their practical interests in problems affords a method for keeping the instruc¬ tion in geometry in constant contact with the real life of the student. 2. The student creates his own geometry. Propositions are gathered into a logical sequence in response to a felt need. 3. The abstract formulation of concrete situations is a valu¬ able feature of the work. 4. This sort of work in geometry gives the student a grasp of certain theoretical and practical aspects of his trade not other¬ wise possible. His geometrical knowledge is a source of help in situations where ordinary rules break down. Instances could be furnished of this fact. 5. And last but not least, the work is interesting and enjoyable both to the teacher and, so far as can be observed, to the student. In closing I wish to make two quotations which I think relevant to the above discussion from an article by Prof. Dewey on "The Psychological and the Logical in the Teaching of Geometry" (Educational Review, April, 1903). "But he (the student) also needs the habit of looking at defi¬ nitions and propositions with reference to the real experiences which they express. More than any other one thing it would seem as if the high school pupil, in particular, were at the point where his greatest need is neither merely intuitive nor strictly demonstrative geometry but rather skill in moving back and forth from the concrete situations of experience to their abstracts in geometric statement." "The serious problem in instruction in any branch is to acquire the habit of viewing in a two-fold way the subject-matter which is taught day by day. It needs to be viewed as a development 410 SCHOOL SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS out of the present habits and experiences of emotion, thought and action; it needs to be viewed also as a development of the most orderly intellectual system possible. These two sides, which I venture to term the psychological and the logical are limits of a continuous movement rather than opposite forces or even inde¬ pendent elements."