The Sixth Race INFANT BABY RACE BY JAMES SINGLETON ORLANDO, FLA. • Members of the Sixth Race Little Students in Philosophy Copyright Price 1 Oc Robert W. Woodruff Library William H. Crawford Collection EMORY UNIVERSITY Special Collections & Archives -«Igtgfe* - Jk%: V . . ' ; ' Discoverer and Author 2 PREFACE To tli~ nation as well as tlie race: We find that Grammar is incomplete without the ninth part of speech as well as music without its six parts. Now we haven't a history complete, neither a complete geography as yet and wont have until the sixth race Of mankind is added, saying noth¬ ing about architecture, machinery, race problem and other scientific phenomena—Indian or Red man ; Caucasian or White man ; Negro or Black man ; Darkey or Colored man. 4 Caucasian or White Man 5 ANSWER to an Article in the April number of Tom Watson's Magazine of 1906, written by the unknown, in regards to the ungrateful Negro in America, Africa and Santo Domingo, in regards to what he has done and what he hasn't done, as helping in human progress :■— I beg to inform him that he has oversighted the fact that there does not exist a negro race of people in these United States of America. I also beg to inform him of another fact, that is, that the Caucasian race has done something, that no other race has had the credit of doing, and that is to be the originator of a distinct race of people, known as the colored people in these United States of America and when he says, that said race, of which the* writer is one, is not doing or has never done any or as much to help in human progress as any other race, I beg to differ with him. Will say that the birth of the said race is but forty and some odd years and they have as many inventions, made as many discoveries in the same length of time, as any other race in historyr and he can't say otherwise. They volunteered and went to war sooner than any other race in the defence of their country and they stand always ready to go again if and when necessary. Now in regards to Africa and Santo Domingo ; I don't see that those people and their good-for- 6 nothing-ness is any reflection on us at all, and we don't feet so, because we don't see what have we to do with the negroes in Africa as a race any more than the Japanese have to do with the Chinamen; or the Indians in the Everglades of Florida have to do with the Esquimaux on the coast of Labra¬ dor. And if this is not the case, why then, the whole business of us had better let's go back to Adam and dwell. Now then, the first known among us as chickens, was a strain of chickens known as the Dunghill, and we have bred them down now to other distinct strains known as Rhode Island Reds, L,eghorns and others. Now you might as well call them all Dunghills, and condemn the idea of Rhode Island Reds. Now for further illus- tration : Say for instance we make Demon Pies, of wich the formula consists of several: first we get the juice of the lemon, then the sugar, the spices, then for the crust we use flour, water, salt and grease and lastly we put just a little sweet milk, then it is cooked and ready to serve—now when the swell luncheon is ready, such as Bro. Watson gives—now from the fact that you have added a little- mite of cow's milk in your crust, I say why not go around the table and inform the guests, that they are eating instead beefsteak and not lemon pie at all. There would be just as much sense in it and just as fair as to call us negroes, when we are not even a descendant of Africa as is said► I dare say that you will find a negro occa¬ sionally just the same as you will find a few In¬ dians and other classes and wherever you may find him, (the Negro) and his condition is of such as you say and if he has never put a ship on the seav we beg you to let us help you to be sorry for liim'„ 8 f/\ Negro or African 9 We will pay no mind to the duke of Marmalade in Santo Domingo, nor to the Marquis of Lemon¬ ade in Haiti—they are no reflection on us, but in¬ stead we had better watch the prince of Winter Green in Russia, and the Christ of Gun Powder in Japan, also the price of bombshells in this country. Now about banks, syndicates and other industries : It is said by the opposite race, that we possess imitative ability and imitative ability only. Now there isn't a shadow of evidence to that fact. If that is a fact, it remains to be seen, because a race would hardly be expected to think in forty years the same as another race did in five thousand years. Now before you can bring about a proof a thing would have to be tried, if it were possible to bring about a condition for a trial. Now you might as well say that our native bees are learning the im¬ ported Italian bees how to work, form, construct comb and make honey. Now according to your statement, the only way that we can prove that it is not a fact we would have to carry them to a clime where there exists no other bees, then watch and see. It is a fact, that we are a distinct race of peo¬ ple, and you can't change facts. Whenever a fact exists you cannot call it off. Now it is conceded by all the civilized world, that the American white people are the smartest people on earth, both in science and rascality. And I find that the concep¬ tion does prevail, for the writer is an American and has been nearly all over the civilized world, and they look up to me as such. Now if this is true, what about imitative ability? Did the Eng¬ lish people come back and forth and showed them how to get there; no they did not, but the whole 10 Indian u substance of it is a matter of time. Now I read a speech made by one of our Congressmen in Con¬ gress on the 22d day of February inst., and he learned tne something that I didn't know, that is, if I learned it. He said that God Almiglitj' has placed the seal of superiority upon the wrhite man. I have been trying to think how he managed to get his conclusions, but I fail, for in my judgment that remains to be seen yet, for the placing of seals is not done yet; it is to be done on the other end. I won't be surprised if the colored race of people in time do aspire to a higher perfection in art and science and a higher civilization than the white man ever dreamed of. Now we know that these forty year old people are not a factor in mar¬ ket and we also believe that the white race can get along without us and all like that. But market, it is gradually coming, because the colored people are loyal to this country and they have the welfare of this government at heart, and he feels that whatever is the white man's trouble is his also. He does not believe in unions and strikes. You will have to blame the other race for coaxing them into it. He also believes that we cannot afford to be divided in this country—anywa}T not until the Panama canal is finished, if he did get in his first shovel of dirt. They have also denounced the idea of vankees, niggers and crackers, but simply all one people, working for one common good. Now Bro. Thomas Dixon said in the Saturday Evening Post: "That the white people owe tliem a square deal," but there is no square deal in the case, for all people that are gone on ahead should provide for and help their children, because we are noth¬ ing more nor less than the children of the Cauca- 12 sian, unless I do not know what offspring means. Sometimes we are still called Afro-Americans, now7 we are no Afro-Americans, we are not Anglo-Am¬ ericans, we are not French-Americans, but we are a part of this nation and are just simply Ameri¬ cans. So quit calling us Afro-Americans. Itsounds like the name African Methodist, which is a dis¬ grace to the American colored citizens. Now I shall tell you who an Afro-American is or who is an Afro-American if you don't know. Now I have been all North America the fourth time over, and in my travels I have met about—well we'll say probably a dozen or so people who have emigrated from Africa to this country and were made citi¬ zens and are in possession of their naturalization papers and live to dwell in this country the bal¬ ance of their lives. Now those people are Afro- Americans. See, you said you taught him how to read, you taught him how to think. If you did you have everything to gain and nothing to lose by it. But, alas ! you did not teach him how to live, because you taught him how to drink whis¬ key ; now if you will be equally interested and help persuade him to cut the liquor out, then next thing teach him to kick against the West India school teachers in the Canal Zone, for it is a grave mis¬ take on our part. There isn't anything through¬ out those West India Isles that are fit to handle the American people's children, from the fact that we are their superior in every way. They all over there are just alike educated and uneducated and they are 110 more capable of teaching us what to do than we are the white people of this country. Now I have been all among these people, all throughout those isles and they are not fit, and the 13 biggest tiling they know to teach and tell a child is to look up to the Union Jack. Or before he lies 'down at night, or before he rises at mom or be¬ fore he can pick a tune on his guitar, eat a meal at his table, he must at all hazards ask "God to save the king." And in other words those people are our creatures and are the most undesirable emigrants to the race we have. I have seen schools in this country in which ninety per cent of the patrons are children of these people and the fathers of these children do not average three in a thou¬ sand that pay a poll tax ; and with other things put together, that are too numerous to mention, makes us those people's benefactors, so you see that a creature is not supposed to lead and instruct his benefactor. Now if colored people can't and won't go to the canal zone to teach, why they ought to get white Americans to go. We don't want any of Santo Domingo ideas of legislation, com¬ merce and otherwise mockery instilled into our children. Now while the white man is wholly responsible for our being and existence, if they will continue to give us a show, we will show them whether we will make a race of ourselves or not and hold up our end in the commonwealth of this country. And we hope the accuser will come to be a bet¬ ter philosopher. BILIv SKIES, The Pen Leader. 14 I have in this pamphlet (said all that the idea contains :) the race being in its kindergarten. A further reason I wanted to keep the race subject proper separate from race problem, which is to follow. That is I will put a question to the white people of this country, and if they answer in the affirmative it is my conviction that I will outline a synopsis which will, if put into operation, solve the race problem in this country, for solving of the problem is possible. The conditions are here lying dormant out of which could be wrought one of the greatest com¬ monwealths—a commonwealth that will defy a parallel either in the past or challenge its claim in future. The sooner the race problem is solved the better it will be for all parties concerned. READ THE SIXTH RACE MAGAZINE IT TREATS ON THE NEW RACE. 15 THE SIXTH RACE DOLL See the Trade Mark, Sixth Race, on each and every doll, and buy no other AXIOM Free from amplification Free from vainglory Nothing superficial No Fiction Read the Sixth Race Magazine