MINUTES PRESBYTERY OF F^YETTEViLLE, . . - Jul . 9 AT THEIR SEVENTY-EIGHTH SESSIONS, HELD AT CHINA GROVE CHURCH, CUMBERLAND COUNTY, N. C„ Oil the 8th, 9th, and 10th of April, 1852: WITH AN APPENDIX* FAYETTEYILLE 5 PRINTED BY EDWARD J. HALE & SON, 1852. SEVENTY-EIGHTH SESSIONS of the PRESBYTERY OF FAYETTEVILLE. China Grove Chukch, 8th April 1852. Presbytery met according to adjournment, and was opened with a sermon by the Moderator, Rev. Heill McDonald, from Ps. viii, 10. Constituted with prayer. present: Rev. Messrs. Samuel Paisley, ¥m. H. Peacock, Adam Gil¬ christ, Hector McLean, Evander McHair, Arch'd Smith, Hugh A. Munroe, Frederick K. Hash, Colin Shaw, Hector McAlister, Heill McDonald, and Vm. H. Hogshead; with Elders, Messrs. Win. Campbell, Wm. J. Cromartie, Alex'r Morrison, Robert W. Gibbs, A. B. McFadyen, Henry Elliot, Alex'r Ray, James S. Harrington, Heill McArthur, Daniel McKinnon, John Mc- Dougald, Dr. Heill Graham, Daniel Perry, Patrick Murphy, James Cromartie, Philip McRae, and Duncan Murchison. absent: Rev. Messrs. Robert Tate, John Mclntyre, Simeon Colton, D. D., Hector McHeill, John R. Mcintosh, Hugh McLaurin, James O. Stedman, Heill McKay, Duncan B. Black, Angus C. McNeill, Daniel Johnson, George McHeill, and Jas. M. Sprunt. Rev. Wm. H. Hogshead was chosen Moderator, and Rev. Heill McDonald Temporary Clerk. Rev. Daniel Deruelle, of the Presbytery of Hew Brunswick, (Agent of the American Bible Society for this State,) being present, was invited to sit as a corresponding member. Rev. James Jones Smyth presented a letter of dismission from the Presbytery of East Hanover, and having been exam¬ ined in the usual way and approved, he was received as a mem¬ ber of Presbytery, and his name was enrolled. Presbytery had a recess for half an hour. After recess, Rev. Messrs. Paisley, Gilchrist and Hash ren¬ dered satisfactory reasons for their absence from the last meet¬ ing of Presbytery. The following Committees were appointed, viz: 4 On Religious Exercises.—Rev. H. McAlister, Rev. H. Mc¬ Lean, and Mr. D. Murchison. Judicial Committee.—Rev. E. McMair, J. J. Smyth, and A. Gilchrist; with Messrs. R. W. Gibbs and I). Murchison, Ruling Elders. Patrick Murphy, Esq., Ruling Elder from Six Runs, appeared in Presbytery and took his seat. Henry Elliot, Esq. was appointed to collect the Contingent Fund. Rev. C. Shaw, and Messrs. Wm. Campbell and W. J. Cro- martie were appointed a Committee to examine the Treasurer's accounts. On motion, Resolved, That the Treasurer be required to re¬ port to Presbytery the Churches which have paid, and those which have not paid their contingent fund; and that this Report be spread upon the Minutes. Resolved, That the free conversation on the state of Religion be the order of the day for 2 o'clock to-morrow. Rev. F. IL Rash tendered his resignation as Agent of J)o- raestic Missions, which was accepted; and Rev. Colin Shaw "was appointed in his stead. Presbytery adjourned, to meet to-morrow morning at half- past nine o'clock. Closed with prayer. Friday Morning, 9th April,—91 o'clock. Presbytery met according to adjournment, and was opened with prayer: Rev. S. Colton, D. D., Rev. Messrs. II. McReill, D. Johnson, and J. R. Mcintosh, and Mr. Milton Mcintosh, appeared in Presbytery and gave satisfactory reasons for late attendance. A Committee, consisting of Rev'd II. McReill and Rev'd S. Colton, D. H., was appointed to prepare a Rarrative of the State of Religion, to be forwarded to the General Assembly. The following Committees were appointed on SessionafRe- cords, viz: Rev. S. Colton, D. D., and Mr. II. Elliot, to examine the Ses¬ sional Records of Antioch and Philadelphus: Rev. Wm. R. Peacock and Mr. W. J. Cromartie, on S. Re¬ cords of Euphronia, St. Paul's, and Lumber Bridge: Rev. A. Gilchrist and Mr. W. Campbell, on IS. Records of Sardis, Tirzah, Beth-car, and Brown Marsh: 5 Rev. H. McLean and Mr. R. W. Gibbs, on the S. Records of China Grove, Elizabethtown, and Mount Horeb: Rev. E. McNair and Mr. Alex'r Morrison, on S. Records of Cartilage, Rockfish Factory, and Rockfish: Rev. F. K. Rash and Mr. A. B. McEadyen, on S. Records of Union (in Moore,) Bethesda, and Barbecue: Lev. II. A. Munroe and Mr. Alex'r Ray, on the S. Records of Long Street, Mount Pisgah, and Everittsville: Rev. C. Shaw and Mr. J. S. Harrington, on the S. Records of Bethlehem and the Bluff: •Rev. H. McNeill and Mr.'EL McArthur, on the S. Records of Galatia: Rev. H. McAlister and Mr. L). McKinnon, on theS. Records of Fayetteville, Wilmington, and South River: Rev. J. J. Smyth and Mr. P. Murphy, on the S. Records of White Plains." Ministers appointed at the last meeting of Presbytery to sup¬ ply vacant Churches reported, and their Reports were respec¬ tively accepted. Mr. Duncan D. McLean, a candidate for the Gospel Minis¬ try, under the care of this Presbytery, at his own request, was permitted to have his connexion transferred to the Presbytery of Indianapolis. Presbytery had a recess until after Divine Service. After recess, Presbytery met. Messrs. Duncan Patterson, John Dairymple, John Black, and David McNeill, Ruling El¬ ders from Mt. Pisgah, Buffalo, Union, and Bluff Churches, al¬ so, Rev. James M. Sprunt, appeared in Presbytery, and gave satisfactory reasons for their late attendance, and took their seats. On recommendation of the several Committees, the Sessional Records of the following Churches were approved, viz: Euphro- nia, Fayetteville, Wilmington, Bethesda, Rockfish, Antioch, Philadelphus, Carthage, China Grove, Mt. Horeb, Elizabeth- town, Laurel Hill, Everittsville, and Long Street. The Sessional Records of South River were approved to page 96, with the following exceptions: That only two of the many Sessional meetings were closed with prayer, and an entire omis¬ sion of all that was done by the Church and her Session from October 1849 to March 1852. The Sessional Records of White Plains were approved with exceptions. "The Committee on S. Records of Tirza report: That the Mi¬ nutes have not been brought to Presbytery to be reviewed since April 15th, 1848. There are footnotes at the bottom of several pages contradicting the dates and facts stated above. Moreo¬ ver, there is such an interval occurring between dates on the 6 last page, that it appears either that the Session are to blame for their nnfrequent meetings, or the Stated Clerk is culpable for not making the record. There is an omission likewise to put on record "the final history of an important judicial case in which the Pre&ibytery were concerned. The Records being in¬ correct as well as defective,—that the Session be required to supply omissions and correct errors as far as practicable." Which Report was adopted. 2 o'clock having arrived, the order of the day was taken up, viz: the free conversation on the state of Religion;—during which the Rev. D. Deruelle, the Agent, gave a very satisfacto¬ ry account of the progress of Bible distribution, and such as in¬ duced Presbytery to hope, that our whole State will soon be re- supplied with the Sacred Scriptures. In compliance with the request of the memorial of John Gil¬ christ and D. McPhatter, it was Resolved, That a Committee be appointed to organize a Church (if the way be clear) near Gilchrist's Bridge, to be named "Montpelier;" and that Rev. Messrs. H. McReill, A. Gilchrist, and II. McLean be this Committee. Adjourned till to-morrow morning at 91 o'clock. Closed with prayer. Saturday Morning, April 10th,—91 o'clock. Presbytery met, and was opened with prayer. The Minutes were then read and approved. A motion, to have the Statistical Reports of the Churches spread upon the Minutes, was laid on the table. Rev. H. McLaurin (by letter) gave satisfactory reasons for his absence from the present meeting of Presbytery. Rev. Keill McKay, and Mr. Alex'r Kelly, Ruling Elder from Carthage, appeared in Presbytery, and gave satisfactory rea¬ sons for their late attendance, and took their seats. Ministers were called upon to report whether they had taken up collections for defraying the expenses of building the Church near Rockingham. Some few had comj3lied. The resolution was continued, and Rev. J. R. Mcintosh was appointed to re¬ ceive and forward any moneys collected for said Church. Written or verbal reports were received from candidates Mc- Qiteen, Livingston, Darach and Campbell, which were accepted. The Committee on the Treasurer's Book made their Report, presenting also the Treasurer's Report, which is as follows, viz: 7 "Treasurer Fayetteville Presbytery reports the following amounts in his hands: "Page 29. Domestic Missions for colored, $25 57 30. Professorship Fund, Davidson College, 6 00 32. Commissioners'Fund, (against which there are claims,) 13 80 42. Church Extension Fund, 11 45 "There is due the Treasurer for Commissioners' Fund, 2 98 "There have been received and forwarded the following sums, for which vouchers have not been received: "Page 38. Foreign Missions $54 60, less ex. 54c., $54 06 27. Education Fund $7 10, less ex. 7c., 7 03 "As per voucher annexed. "Mr. Jas. McQueen $41 50. 39. Domestic Missions $87 02, less ex. 87c., 86 15 "JAS. MARTHSTE, Treas'r. "Fayetteville, April 8th, 1852. The Committee's Report was adopted, and is as follows: "The Committee to whom was referred the Treasurer's Book beg leave respectfully to report: That they have examined the same and believe it, together with the Treasurer's Report, to be correct; but would recommend that in future the Treasurer report a full and detailed account of the receipts and disburse¬ ments of each fund, instead of reporting the balance on hand on the amount of Debits and Credits as a sum total. And that in addition to a' detailed and minute account of each separate and distinct fund, that he be required to make out a general account with the Presbytery, in the nature of a balance sheet, which will enable us at a glance to see the actual condition of our financial affairs. "Your Committee further recommend that when the Treasu¬ rer reports that there are any claims upon any specific fund, that he be required, so far as is practicable, to report what the claim is definitely, instead of the indefinite manner in which it is done in the present report. "C. SHAW. "WM. J. CROMARTIE." The consideration of a Church at Pike Creek was deferred until the next meeting of Presbytery. A memorial from Tirzah Church was read, requesting Pres¬ bytery to "use their influence with the Rev. Heill McKay to withdraw his petition" for a dissolution of his Pastoral relation with Tirzah Church, and to "continue his charge of" them. At the request of Rev. 1ST. McKay, it was received and laid on the table until the next meeting of Presbytery. Presbytery then elected their Commissioners to the General 8 Assembly, viz: Rev. Messrs. Adam Gilclirist. and Hugli A. Munroe, Principals, and F. K. Hash and II. McLean, Alter¬ nates; with Elders Patrick Mnrpliy, Esq. and Dr. Heill Gra¬ ham, Principals, and Gen. James Owen and Dr. John Malloy, Alternates. Presbytery heard a Sermon by Rev. Daniel Johnson, on Do¬ mestic Missions. After which a collection was taken up for that cause. After a recess for half an hour, Rev. Samuel Paisley tendered his resignation of the Pastoral charge of Euphronia Church; which, with the consent of the Elder, was accepted, and Rev. ¥m. H. Hogshead was appointed to preach in that Church, and declare it vacant. The Committee on the Marrative made their Report, which •was amended, and is as follows: "There does not seem to be any very marked change in the state of religion within our bounds during the past year. There have been no revivals among us; yet, upon the whole, there have been more additions made to the different Churches than for the same period for some time previous. There is also an increasing attention to Catechetical and Sunday School instruc¬ tion, and to the study of the Confession of Faith. "The various institutions of your Boards have been supported about as usual, except that of Publication, which has been more liberally supported. "Several new Churches have been organized, and a commend¬ able disposition to provide neat and commodious houses of wor¬ ship, has been manifested by the erection of a goodly number. Did our people show as much disposition to have all the Church¬ es well supplied with the preaching of the Gospel, we should feel greatly encouraged. Many of them, however, are vacant, and others but meagerly supplied. This lamentable state of af¬ fairs is owing in some degree to the feebleness of most of them, and in a greater degree to the want of an adequate apprecia¬ tion of a preached Gospel. Indeed, but few of the Churches in our bounds do support their Pastors. It is true there has been some improvement in this respect, but it is gradual. For those vacant Churches that are really feeble, and likely, to hu¬ man, apprehension, to remain so, we deeply sympathise. May the Great Head of the Church open a way for a better supply of "the bread of life" for famishing Churches and perisliing sinners!" The Trustees of Presbytery made their Report respecting Cumberland Academy, which was accepted and adopted, and is as follows: "your Trustees, to whom the affairs of the Cumberland Acad¬ emy were referred, beg leave to report: ' 9 "That the amount of indebtedness of that Institu¬ tion is $2443 54 "That the assets to meet the same are, "Due upon the Bonds of J. & H. McKay, and Rev. E. McNair u $352 "And two judgments against H. McLean 165 51T 00 "Leaving the actual amount of indebtedness $1926 54 "On the 5th of ISTov'r 1851, your Trustees met in Fayette- ville, and endeavored to carry out the instructions of your body at its last meeting; but could not dispose of the Institution and the Scholarships at the amount of the debt. Your Trustees then, upon a proposition from the friends of the Academy that they would guarantee the debts not to be over $1600, and would allow Presbytery a credit for all the amounts paid or which might be paid into the Treasury by your Agents, and take the Institution, acceded, to it, provided it met with your concur¬ rence—which if it does, will leave the amount of your indebt¬ edness as follows: "Say, as a basis of an agreement, $1600 00 "Then Cr. by am't p'd into Treas'y by Ag't, $679 50 "By Assets, 517 00 1196 50 "Which will leave the balance due by Presbytery $403 50 "But your Trustees report that the Bondsmen claim to be absolved from paying to your body the amounts of their bonds, say $352 00 "Which, if they are absolved from paying, will leave your indebtedness $755 50 "Your Trustees further report, that the Deeds for the exchange of property and Scholarships have not been fully completed or executed, and ask the instructions of Presbytery whether they will proceed to execute and deliver the same, as the best that can be done under the circumstances. "C. SHAW, Chairman. "April 10th, 1852." Whereupon it was 1. Resolved, That the Trustees of Presbytery be authorized . and instructed to complete the contract entered into by and be¬ tween them and the named friends of the Cumberland Acade¬ my; and that, as a compromise, Presbytery assume Seven Hun¬ dred and Fifty Dollars of the debt. 2. Resolved, That the $750 be apportioned among the 2 10 M) 00 J. J. Smyth $9 00 50 00 Mr. Wm. S. Cromartie 10 00 30 00 Long Street 9 00 10 00 Mr. JSTeill McArthur 5 00 30 00 Galatia Church 13 50 30 00 Dr. N. Graham 10 00 30 00 Mt. Pisgah 13 50; 10 00 Union Ch., (in Moore) 10 00 30 00 Bev. Wm. N. Peacock 11 25 5 00 Brown Marsh 15 00 20 00 Cypress-£|iurch 9 00 50 00 10 00 $ o 00 25 Churches according to the ratio of assessment furnished the col¬ lector of the Contingent Fund. A Committee was appointed to graduate the assessments ac¬ cordingly. While the Committee were making out the said apportion¬ ment, the following Brethren came forward, and (some for themselves and some for their Churches) made the following pledges, viz: ^ Bev. Adam Gilchrist Henry Elliot, Esq. Rev. H. McLean Bev. C. Shaw (pd.) China Grove Bev. J. B. Mcintosh David McNeill, Esq. Alex'r Belly, Esq. B. W. Gibbs, Esq. Six Buns (paid) Bev. S. Colton, D. D. Bev. N. McKay. Bev. II. McAlister Bev. Wm. H. Hogshead 10 00 The Committee appointed to apportion the debt of $150 made their Beport, which was accepted and adopted, and (omitting the Churches and Pastors of Churches pledged above,) is as follows: Black Biver Chapel Hopewell Bockhsh Keith Bethel Lumber Bridge St. Paul's Beth-car Buffalo Euphronia Ashpole Macedonia Mt. Carmel Harmony" Ben-salem Mineral Spring Resolved, That the Pastors and Sessions of the above-named Churches, which are not pledged to raise their respective as¬ sessments to liquidate the debt above-mentioned, be requested to bring this subject before their respective Charges, and report $27 00 Bethesda $13 50 11 25 Barbecue 9 00 18 00 Centre 31 50 9 00 Grove 22 50 18 00 Union (in Duplin) 13 50 13 50 Shiloh 13 50 13 50 McPherson's 9 00 9 00 Smyrna 13 50 22 50 Mt. Williams , 6 75 13 50 Mt. Edwards 6 75 18 00 White Plains 4 50 9 00 Bethlehem 4 50 9 00 Lebanon 6 75 13 50 11 25 $382 50 11 25 11 flie result to the Treasurer, Mr. James Martine, by the 1st of June next. Key. II. McAlister was appointed to write to those Churches on the subject of the above resolution. Presbytery resolved to hold their next Stated Sessions at Car¬ thage, on Thursday the 14th day of Oct. next, at 12 o'clock M. The Treasurer was ordered to pay Messrs. E. J. Hale & Son their account for printing the last Minutes. The Stated Clerk was ordered to have the usual number of Minutes printed for the use of Presbytery, with the Sessional Statistical Reports. The Collector of the Contingent Eund reported that he had collected $188 95, which was forwarded to the Treasurer of Presbytery. The Committee of Supplies made their Report, which was accepted and adopted, and is as follows: "Johnson and Gilchrist, one Sabbath each, at St. Paul's. McDonald and Smith, " " " Rockingham. Peacock and Paisley, " " " Macedonia. H. McNeill & McDonald," " " Mt. Carmel. McLean and Nash, " " " Harmony. Shaw and Gilchrist, " " " Beth-car. Paisley and Hogshead, " " " Bethesda. McAlister, " " Cypress. Herring and Sellers, " ". * " Six Runs. Mcintosh and McNair, " " " Lebanon. Dr. Oolton, " " ■ Mt. Pisgah. Sprunt and Gilchi^t, " " " Wilmington. Smith and Johnsori, " " " Barbecue. McNair and Johnson, " " " McPherson's. McXay and McNair, " " " Bethlehem." The Stated Clerk made a Report for the General Assembly, which was adopted, and a copy ordered to be sent to the Gene¬ ral Assembly, and which is as follows: "The Presbytery of Fayettevilie would report to the General Assembly: That at this time they consist of Twenty-six Minis¬ ters, and have under their care 53 Churches, 2 Licentiates, and 5 Candidates: That on the 3d day of May 1S51, they Ordained the Rev. James M. Sprunt, and Installed him Pastor of the Grove Church: That on the 4-th day of June, they lost by death the Rev. Arch'd McQueen: That on Sept. 25th and 26th, they received Rev. Win. II. Hogshead from the Presbytery of West "Mlanover; received also Mr. James Campbell as a Candidate on Probation; dissolved the Pastoral relation between Rev. II. Mc¬ Neill and the Church of St. Paul's, and also that between Rev. II. McAlister and the Church of Rockfish Factory; and dis- 12 missed Rev. Andrew McMillan to join the Presbytery of East Alabama, and also Mr. Henry Walsh, a Candidate, to put him¬ self under the care of the Presbytery of Hew Brunswick; and received under their care the newly organized Churches Beth¬ lehem and Lebanon: That on 8th April 1852, they received Rev. James Jones Smyth from the Presbytery of East Hano¬ ver; and on the 9th, dismissed Mr. Duncan D. McLean, a Can¬ didate, to' put himself under the care of the Presbytery of Indi¬ anapolis; and that on the 10th, they dissolved the Pastoral re¬ lation between Rev. Samuel Paisley and the Church of Eu- -phronia." Rev. J. J ones Smyth was appointed to preach the Sermon on Domestic Missions at our next meeting, and Rev. H. McAlis- ter his Alternate. Resolved, That the thanks of Presbytery be returned to the Congregation of China Grove, for their kindness and hospitali¬ ty during their Sessions. The Minutes were read and approved. Presbytery then adjourned, to meet again at Carthage,, on Thursday the 14th day of October next, at 12 o'clock M. Closed with prayer. ARCH'D SMITH, S. C. 13 fFor the information of the Churches w& CD & O 3 O CD *S O Colored Commu cants. Total of Comui % cants. Adults. Infants. Domestic Mission Foreign Missions Education. Publication. TJ i-S c® & e"»- CD 2. E- Congregational. Miscellaneous. s ? c-t* 9 2. V B' CO Longstreet, 5 13 80 1 6 36 ¥ 10 00 $8 00 $151 00 $7 00 Sardis, 13 33 60 13 6 10 00 $6 85 $40 00 8 00 Blutf, 4 14 176 8 20 00 15 00 11 00 215 00 4 42 Galatia, 2 101 5 45 $4 12 4 12 6 00 173 00 Fayetteville, 4 i 14 232 1 11 75 00 110 44 16 50 24 00 168 00 China Grove, 5 16 57 1 13 00 6 76 8 00 1100 00 [ Mount Horeb, 1 1 2 23 3 5 00 6 00 Centra- 4 62 354 2 7 90 45 00 180 00 14 00 1600 00 ! 45 00 Buffalo, h 5 115 5 46 11 18 10 52 10 00 200 00 Antioch, % 1 14 121 1 12 60 7 15 10 87 3 87 139 75 10 00 123 30 29 00 Philadelphus, 3 1 16 88 12 50 2 50 5 85 75 333 92 6 00 115 50 14 00 Union (in Moore,) 7 140 1 10 9 10 Everittsville, 3 7 26 2 3 10 15 00 15 00 10 00 4 00 36 00 St. Paul's, 3 98 1 Laurel Hill, 2 1 1 8 18 75 102 00 12 00 6 00 Bethel, ♦ 8 1 120 9 54 13 15 16 75 192 90 4 05 6 40 Elizabethtown, 5 13 1 8 7 00 90 00 6 00 255 00 Tirzah, - 21 55 19 45 6 00 Rockfish Factory, 2 69 1 28 7 43 5 00 150 00 Ashpole, 2 162 2 20 00 10 00 275 00 9 00 Smyrna, 6 166 1 11 16 00 3 00 4 00 209 00 Bethesda, 111 6 36 1 10 33 75 6 00 58 50 13 1 19 i 75 001 6 00 125 00 This last Report came to hand without designating the Church. Many of the other Reports are also very defective; but the publi¬ cation of them, it is hoped, will show the Churches what is needed, and lead to more full and correct Reports hereafter. Some of them had to be so altered as to adapt them to the present system, but nothing required has been omitted. No Reports have been received from the following Churches, viz: Black River Chapel, Hopewell, Rockfish, Keith, Lumber Bridge, Barbecue, Mai'k's Creek, Grove, TJnion (in Duplin), Shiloh, Brown Marsh, South River, Beth-car, Wilmington, Euphronia, Sharon, Macedonia, Mt. Carmel, Harmony, Ben-salem, Mineral Spring, McPherson's, Cypress, Mt. Pisgah, Six Runs, Mt. Williams, Mt. Edwards, White Plains, Bethlehem, Leba¬ non, and Carthage. • ARCH'D SMITH, S. C.