MINUTES •y-> OF THE At their eigiity-fiftii session HELD WITH THE CHURCH AT SARDIS, Cir.iiix e I.issH Coimty, iV. - ftamkr 1st, 2ir, nuii 3it; 1855* ■ EAYETTEVILLl|: HUNTED BY CAMERON & FULTON, 1855. EIGHTY-FIFTH SESSION OF THE PRESBYTERY OF FAYETTRVILLE. Sardis Church, Cumberland County, N. C., Nov. 1. The Presbytery met according to adjournment, and was opened with a sermon by Rev. Matthew B. Grier, the last Moderator, from Mark IV., 26—29, "And he 0p3alnsSermo* said, So is the kingdom of God, as if a man should cast seed into the ground : and should sleep and rise night and day, and the seed should spring and grow up, he knoweth not how. "For the earth bringeth forth fruit of herself: first the blade, then the ear, then the full corn in the ear. "But when the fruit is brought forth, immediately he putteth in the sickle, because the harvest is come." After sermon Presbytery was constituted by prayer. present. Ministers. Rev. Messrs. Adam Gilchrist, Hector Mc- Mls"iI1s^erspr#" Lean, James P. McPherson, Hugh A. Monroe, Neill Mc¬ Kay, Matthew B. Grier, Duncan B. Black,. Neill Mc¬ Donald, Hector McAlister, George M. Gibbs, Daniel T. Towles, Duncan D. McBryde, and Martin McQueen. Ruling Elders. Edward W. Barge, Fayetteville, Arch- Eiders present, ibald Smith, Philadelphus, Neill Kelly, Brown Marsh, John W. Bonev, Rockfish, Robert W. Gibbs, Wilming¬ ton, William M. Whined, Beth Car, Robert E. Troy, Lumberton, Kenneth Black, Carthage, Neill McPhail, Long Street, Peter Shaw, Bethesda, Nathan Bowdon, Mount Carmel, John Dairymple, Buffalo, Joel Williams, Bluff, James Hodges, Sardis, John L. Campbell, Sandy Grove, Alexander Little, Lumber Bridge. absent. Ministers. Rev. Messrs. Robert Tate, Simeon Col-MInistora ab4ont ton, D. D., Samuel Paisley, Hector McNeill, John R. Mcintosh, Frederick K. Nash, Coim Shaw, Daniel John¬ son, William H. Hogshead, and James M. Sprunt. On motion, Rev. Duncan B. Black was chosen Mod- M£]°!^or aIid erator, and Rev. Martin McQueen and Robert E. Tray, Ruling Elder, Temporary Clerks. 4 Presbytery had a recess for fialf an hour. After recess Presbytery resumed business. Eer.E. ajcNair. Rev> £ McNair, of the Presbytery of Brazos, Texas, being present, was invited to sit as a corresponding mem¬ ber. On motion, the reading of the Minutes of the last meeting of Presbjrtery was dispensed with. Eev.Messrs. Rev. Messrs. C. Shaw and H- McNeill appeared and Nem.and Mc" assigned satisfactory reasons for tardiness. d. b. black ex- Rev. D. B. Black was excused for absence from last cused. Spring meeting of Presbytery. Com on Beiig's Messrs, D. D. McBryde and G. M. Gibbs, and Exercises. James Hodges, R. E., were appointed a Committee on Religious Exercises. Caiifron* Buffa- A call from Buffalo Church for the ministerial services l0- of Rev. Neill McKay (for one-half of his time) was read ; and being found in order, was placed in his hands. Accepted. ^c&ay having signified his acceptance of said call, the following arrangements were made for his in¬ stallation, viz; Rev. D. I). McBryde preach the sermon and propose the constitutional questions, and Rev- H. McAljster deliver the charges to pastor and people. It was agreed that these services should take place at such time as might suit the convenience of the parties interested. com. on vacant On motion, The ministers appointed at our last spring churches. meeting to supply vacant churches were called upon to report, when it appeared that they had performed the duty assigned them- Whereupon it was resolved, That Rev. Messrs. Gil¬ christ, Grier, and McKay, with R. W. Gibbs, Ruling Elder,' be appointed a committee to attend to the interests of vacant churches, and report to Presbytery as soon as practicable. Death of w. Rev. H. McLean announced to Presbytery the death announced ^ of William H. Hogshead, a member of this body: where¬ upon Rev. Messrs. Gilchrist and McAlister, with Mr. Kenneth Black, Ruling Elder, were appointed a com¬ mittee to bring in a suitable minute on this subject. Report of Com. The committee on religious exercises reported in part, onEei. Exerc. which was accepted. On motion, Presbytery adjoured to meet in this place to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock. Closed with prayer. Friday Morning, 10 o'clock. Presbytery met according to adjournment, and was opened with prayer. Additional EI- Archibald Graham, Ruling Elder from Rockfish Facto- ' dfi"- ry Church, and Duncan Keilh, from Cypress Church,, ap¬ peared in Presbytery and their names were enrolled. 5 The Moderator announced the following committees, •viz Committees, Narrative, Minutes of Gen. Assembly, • Free Convers'n. On the Narrative : Rev. Messrs. Gibbs and Shav^with A. Graham, Ruling Elder. j On the Minutes of the General Assembly: Rev. Messrs. Munroe and Gilchrist, with R. W. Gibbs, Ruling Elder. On motion, Rev. H. McAlister was added to the com¬ mittee on the supply of vacant churches. i On motion, Free Conversation on the state of Religion was made the order of the day for 2 o'clock this After¬ noon. ] Minutes of yesterday were read, corrected, and ap¬ proved. Dr. John M alloy, Ruling Elder from Centre Chijrch, Additional mem- appeared in Presbytery and took his seat. Rev. D. Johnson appeared and rendered satisfactory reasons for tardiness. Presbytery took a recess for half an hour. After recess, Presbytery came to order. The hour of 2 o'clock having arrived, Presbytery vjent into Free Conversation on the state of Religion. A circular letter on Church extension was read c- extension was read and referred to a committee consisting of Rev. Messrs. § Pherson and Grier, and R. W. Gibbs, Ruling Elder. A circular letter from the Board of Education read and referred to the committee on Education. S On motion, Rev. Messrs. Gilchrist and McLean, aid John Dalrymple, Ruling Elder, were elected membersof the committeee on Education. On motion, Rev. M. B. Grier was .added to the co mittee on the Minutes of the General Assembly. On motion, the resolutions, in relation to the division .of this Presbytery, were called for and read, whereupon it was moved and seconded that they be indefinitely pos poned, which motion, after discussion, was lost. Verbal reports were made concerning Messrs.. Darrocl McQueen, and Livingston, candidates for the ministry. Presbytery then proceeded to fix the time and plac bytery at the next session whether it would be advisa¬ ble to occupy that place as missionary ground. Mr. William McDugald, Ruling Elder from Barbacue Church, appeared, and his name was enrolled. The committee on vacant Churches submitted their re¬ import of Com- Port:' which was accepted and adopted, and is as follows, mittee on Va- yjjr • cant Churches. ' . . . _ , . " "the committee to whom was referred the case or the vacant churches within our bounds, respectfully re¬ port, That after due consideration of the matter, they can arrive at no plan better adapted for present action than the following: "I. That a committee be appointed by Presbytery, whcse duty it shall be, to correspond with their vacant churches respecting the reasons which lie in the way of their procuring ministerial services, and shonld they be fomd unable to support a minister during the whole of lis time, to inquire, whether a union cannot be effected between thqmselves and one more of the neighboring chirches, and said committee shall be prepared to report to;his Presbytery at its next meeting. '2. That it be enjoined on those ministers who are appointed to the duty of- supplying vacant churches, that Continued. atJditi0n to preaching, they spend as much time as practicable in visiting the members of the churches and < congregations, and in ascertaining the facts to be collect¬ ed for the use of the committee of correspondence, which they shall report to said committee before the next meet¬ ing of Presbytery. "3. That it be again enjoined on all our vacant churches to appear by their representatives at the next meeting of Presbytery, and to give such information as the Pres¬ bytery may require for their guidance,—and to secure such representation, the supplies call the sessions to¬ gether for the purpose of electing delegates." On motton, the following brethren were appointed as the committee of correspondence, viz: Rev. Messrs. Gil¬ christ, Grier, and McKay. Keport of com- The following report was presented, accepted, and xnjtteeof Sap-adopted, viz : p es" "The committee of supplies recommend the following, viz: Montpelier—A sacramental season, served by Rev. (Messrs. McLean and McNeill. Laurel Hill—A sacramental season, served by the same. Lebanon—A sacramental season, served by Rev. J. B JMcPherson and any whose assistance he may invite- 7 Long Strect—A sacramental season, by Rev. Messrs; Gilchrist and McAlister. Sandy Grove,—A sacramental season, by the same. Union,, Euphronia and Carthage—Each by the Rev; Evander McNair, by request of Presbytery, he being a member of the Presbytery of Brazos, laboring in our bounds. Barbacue and Mt. Pisgah—By Rev. Messrs. Johnson and McKay. Bethlehem—Rev. D. D. McBryde; Keith—By Rev. G. M. Gibbs. Mt. Williams—By Rev. Q. Shavr; , Mt. Edwards—By Rev. D. B. Black. Each one Sab¬ bath, and sacrament to be administered in each church. Rev. M. B. Grier, as Trustee of Davidson College, Etee8ofi)^d^ made d report, which was accepted, adopted and ip as eon college, follows, viz: " The Trustees of Davidson College, representing the Fayetteville Presbytery, would respectfully represent to Presbytery— I 1. That in accordance with the requirement of Presby¬ tery, they herewith present a copy of the charter of J)a- vidson College, as printed in an appendix to the last an¬ nual Catalogue of the College. | 2. The Trustees announce to Presbytery that thereiis a vacancy in their number, occasioned by the lamented death of the Rev, Win. H. Hogshea,d—and recommend that Presbytery fill the vacancy at its present sessions 3. Presbytery will observe that according to the char¬ ter Of Davidson College, sec. 5, "one fourth of said cor¬ poration shall go out of office every year; subject, how¬ ever, to re-election. As it is important now that all bi- fringements of the charter should be carefully avoided, the Trustees would recommend that the following plin be adopted by Presbytery, to meet this provision, so f^r as it affects this body. 1. That the person now elected to fill the vacancy serve for four years. ' 2. That the Rev. F. K. Nash serve for three years froin this time. 3. That Rev. M. B. Grier serve for two years frowi this time. 4. That Mr. Alexander Martin serve for one year froiji this time, and that this election take place at the fall ses¬ sions of Presbytery. . The Trustees are glad to state, that the prospects of Davidson College seem to be brightening. The Board of Trustees, at their meeting in August last, established tw