You know our little Nigger friends—you saw them once before; We brought them down to Rockaway then, and left them on the shore. But now their parents think it time they should at school be taught; So to instructors wondrous wise the girls and boys are brought. F* 1 -J—1—1—h I I N =f T~4—1 - / :»—1-3=3= 1 1 J I -| J _,n im—0 0,0- :t zj "# jz -—UJ d m But now their parents think it time they should at school be taught; So to instructors wondrous wise the boys and girls are brought. f—«{ , # » » t ^ t T J * 2t » t»T—2—2—S—I— a»- At separate desks each day they sit, their daily tasks to learn, While the preceptors grave walk round, and hear them each in turn. When school is o'er the boys play games, the girls they watch the fun; But all at once a window breaks—oh! what will now be done ? When school is o'er the boys playgames, the girls they watch the fun ; But all at once a window breaks—Oh, what will now be done ? » » » » » . 11 *| The holidays have come at last, and though it pours with rain, They bid farewell to books and tasks, and all arrive by train. The ho - li-days have come at last, and though it pours with rain, They bid fare-well to books'and tasks, and all ar - rive by train. 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 £ 0 0 m i i i i g k--g i 5 |.:sss g • • *-L I %-1 U-i i :(?^1 Next day, with pride, their parents dear go with them to the Park, And up and down the road they ride, till it is nearly dark. Next day with pride their parents dear i with them to the Park, And up and down the road they ride, till it S t is near-ly dark. ** '■< • & • . . • - i ' 3^ - .1 One night the young folks all went out in furbelows and frills, Attended by their faithful John, to music and quadrilles. One night the young folk all went out in fur - be-lows and frills, At-tend-ed by their faith-fnl John to mu-sic and quad-rilles. • * • —1— 0- -4*- 0—*—p— »-*-#- • • g Ff rr : 4- Ff S * * 0 # 0~ #- V j* / ~d H—f? . t= F=F=N H=i ¥=\ H H 1 | But soon they brighten up again, and just get well in time To see a rich long-promised treat—a Fairy Pantomime. n And, thinking plays at home great fun, one wintry Christmas night, They acted quite a little farce—to dear Papa's delight. | | 1 1- d—rr ■i | J- - -j i . * T ~4—|—I s- -4—1 -1=q -J —J k- -f rr *- ■j— "t 0 0 * i=J 0 -1—•—*—i- —-m~ o ' And, thinking plays at h i • * * LL##.r 3me great fun, one I "m — # # # L*—0———Sflj— win-try Christmas #—#—0— e) • night, e if They 0 0 act 4- -0 ed -0- 0 0 quite a -0- -0- 0—»— 0 0 o Lt - tie farce—to 0 0 0 r P r ear Pa - pa's de- «*• S J ight. # — 1 7 u=*=M f=t=t=t=: 0 "t— =t=4= I 1 I And now invited everywhere, they make so many friends, That, what with country rides and walks, their pleasure never ends. And now in - vi - ted ev' - ry where, they make so ma - ny friends ; That what with country rides and walks, their pleasure ne-verends. i r if i i i .^==i=fFjai