ili^iiiMiiiliiiiitfiifiHiii^iEi^ikMikii^iii Florida Rescue Home and Industrial School For Colored Youth. .... Jupiter, Fla. MRS^AI NNIE E. BROWN, FOUNDER TRUSTEES Mrs. fedwin Nelson, Miami, President Mrs. E. A. Rickfirmer, Miami, Vice-President Mrs. Anna E. Brown, Jupiter, Sec. and Treas. Mr. Henry Brown, Jupiter, Superintendent Mrs. J. W. E. Bowen, Atlanta, Ga. Mrs. Maggie L». Walker, Richmond,Va. Mrs. W. F. Harp, Jupiter Mrs. S. E. Thompson, Miami Mrs. N, S. Powers, Miami A STATEMENT AND AN APPEAL. This institution was bo^n to meet a crying- need, Scores of Negro youth in the great state of Florida are thrown out upon the streets to become vagrant, and criminal and unless a definite Christian effort is put forth in fcchatf Qf thess WlfQrtunate ones, ©ur state, in every comitiunity, will be the prey of a lawless, debauched and criminal element. Two ideas, therefore, are uppermost iv; our institution. First it is a RESCUE HOME This is a Christian idea. Every effort is making to¬ day to save the fallen. This Home lelieves in preven¬ tion and rescue. The police court records show a large number of Negro boys and girls to be 1 eating- worthless, and in some cases, criminal^'liveiS upon' the streets of many large cities. Many of them were outcasts from infancy. Shall we continue to allow these children, for want of a better place, to. L.> sent to tne prisons, stock¬ ades and chaingan^s ? Are not tnese places calculated to harden and comifm them in a life'of sia arid shame? Our Florida Home and Industrial School is planning to take Negro youths from all parts of the State and save aiid train them. In the next place, we believe in industrial training for the youth. What'the Negro youtn needs is hand and heart training. There are too many idlers among the young people of the race. . We seek to have these unfortunates well grounded in an elementary public school learning, and in the domestic arts of cpoking, sew¬ ing, laundrying, house-cleaning, gardening, farming and fruit-raising and dairying. The Negro must learn that work with the hand is the first duty of man. Thus we combine heart-culture and hand-culture, book-learning with work; salvation with industry. WHAT HAS BEEN ACCOMPLISHED Through the effort of our Secretary, Airs. Annie E, Brown, Evangelist, twenty acres of ground near Jupiter were given by Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Harp, of Jupiter, Fla. Since that time, Mrs. Brown has succeeded in adding to this original gift one hundred and twenty more acres to be paid for- in five years. Friends there came to her help end a twp-story building has been erepted. This build- jug contains a chapel and thirteen rooms, including kitchen. Five acres of ground have been cleared for fiuit-raising and gardening, and the work of teaching Slid training is already begun. The Metropolis, a lead¬ ing paper of Jacksonville, says : "This work ought to have the support of all the white people, as Mrs. Brcvn is recommended by the leading white and colored citizens." OUR NEEDS We are in need of funds to finish our building and to furnish the same. Mrs. Brown is giving time, labor, her own money freely and cheerfully without salary to complete the building and carry on the work so well be¬ gun by her. We need furniture for our chapel such as seats, desks, bells, tables, and other school supplies. We need furniture for the rcoms and articles of wear in a household of girls, young women an,d boys, and we need supplies for our laundry room, sewing room, kitchen ana garden. Any article or money forwarded to us will be well used and properly acknowledged. We need you as a Friend. Will you help us to save ourselves by sav¬ ing the Negro boys and girls from becoming criminals,. ?nd so becoming a danger to the peace of the land and a heavy burden upon good men and women? COMMENDATIONS Tallahassee^March 26, 1909. Annie E. Btfown, Care Rev. P. K. Johnson, Eden, Fla. Madam:—You are doing a good work for the colored people of this State, and in helping the colored people you are also helping the white people of the State, because the lessening of crime is beneficial to all the people in the State. Yours truly, ALBERT W. GILCHRIST, Governor. Wgst Jupjter, Fla, To Whom It May Concern: We, the undersigned white citizens of West Jupiter, Florida, do command the work begun by Annie E. Brown for the rescuing and gjvjng an industrial training to colored boys and girls of Florida. The home is partially finished and already contains six dependent children, and to those who are. charitably inclined, we think it a worthy cause. The hQUS§ contains, when finished, 14 rooms with chapel, F. C, ARCHER, Justice of the Peace, C. W. CARLIN, Constable. E. F. BOWERS, County Com, E. L. WINTER, Asst. P. M. J, J. SILVA, Bridge Tender, To All Concerned: This is to certify that I have looked into the work ol Mrs, Annie Brown in trying to establish a Rescue H^me at Jupiter, Florida, £nd believe it to be a worthy enterprise,. I also have seen sufficient endorsement of Mrs. Brown's character and work to know that she is» competent ea« be trusted with this work, (Signed) REY, LUTHER S. RADER, D.D., Pastor First M. E. Church, Evangelist', Mrs. Annie E. Brown, is personally known to me as a woman of high character and thoroughly com-, petent to carrying the work of the Florida Rescue Home and Industrial School for colored youth. She has done> similar work in other states and her devotion to the work and her unselfish spirit have always commended1 her ai^f hex work to the best people wherever she has* gone^ J. W. BOWEN, President. - Gammnn ThenJfMyicat Seminary. At^jn^k Q^,