CONCERT n FLORENCE COLE TALBERT LYRIC SOPRANO LOUIA V. JONES VIOLINIST WM. L. KING WM. S. LAWRENCE ACCOMPANISTS AUSPICES OF THE SEDALIA CLUB BENEFIT OF PALMER MEMORIAL INSTITUTE SEDALIA, NORTH CAROLINA EBEENEZR BAPTIST CHURCH W. Springfield St., Boston Rev. C. A. Ward, Pallor THURSDAY EVE., FEBRUARY 24, 1921 STEINWAY PIANO USED Palmer Memorial Institute (INCORPORATED) Founded by Charlotte E. Hawkins, a former Cambridge girl in whose education Mrs. Palmer was interested. FOR THE TRAINING OF COLORED YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN OF THE RURAL DISTRICTS OF NORTH CAROLINA CHARLOTTE HAWKINS BROWN . A. H. ALDERMAN, Greensboro,N.C. Principal Treasurer SEDALIA, NORTH CAROLINA The Need of The Southern Negro Over 6,000,000 Negroes living on the farms of the South. Over 1,000,000 of these children can neither read nor write. Over 1.000,000 are doomed to scrape the farm lands and live in hovels because no jpportunity for agricultural or industrial training is open to them. A lar^e opportunity for well trained farmers and Mechanics is open in the South. Educating a boy or girl in one of these schools and sending him back home ready to live, educates a community. For the special training of rural workers along mental, moral and industrial lines this school was founded. An investment of $50 annually in a scholarship makes possible the education of one boy or girl too poor to pay the price. The Rural Schools of our County are open from 90 to 100 days each year. One teacher averages 70 pupils ranging from one to five grades. The children receive a smattering of reading and writing with little or no idea of how to contribute to their home lives. Give the Negro youth a chance to learn how to do some one thing in¬ telligently and you solve the problem in a community. WHAT PALMER INSTITUTE DOES Each year we have between one and two hundred youths who come from the immediate community and within a radius of 25 miles to be trained in the simplest art of living clean, industrious, thrifty lives. Each year there go out from the institution those who are trained to earn a living. They contribute to the be& citizenship of their communities. Checks or Money orders may be sent to MISS LOUISE W. BROOKS, 48 West Cedar Street, BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS souvenir program ANNOUNCEMENT THAT I have opened my new " PORO SYSTEM " * BEAUTY SHOP 667 SHAWMUT AVENUE, ROXBURY This System is thoroughly taught. Class enrolling now Hairdressing, Scalp Massaging, Manicuring and Weaving TOILET GOODS FOR SALE MRS. LAVINIA WATERS Phone Rox. 3571-W Program I. (a) The Wren (b) When Love is Kind Prelude and Allegro Mrs. Talbert II. Mr. Jones Benedict English Air Pugnani-Kreisler Compliments of Ma&t Hflralftpfrtl Alplja Gkanfc Euibge A. 3F. nnb A. Jttc scottish rite Temple: 158 West Springfield Street home for aged 528 Mass. Ave., Boston Telephone Connection SOUVENIR PROGRAM Telephone Back Bay 8374 Mm?. W. A. ilntjnsxm Scientific Scalp Specialist Culturist and Hairdresser 800 Tremont Street Boston, Mass. Compliments of Robert Gould Shaw house 6 Hammond Street Boston, Mass. WHO IS THIS Clarence H. Adams 1 Austin Street Cambridge? Compliments of Robinson Bros. Fruit Merchants Roxbury Telephone 3443-J E. J. Lashley Home Dining Room and Ice Cream Parlor 1052 Tremont St. Madame White - GOWNS - 63 Hammond St. Compliments of Biahtttmmrb ) 2020 Washington Street Compliments of BENJAMIN BROS. Tremont & Northampton Sts. SOUVENIR PROGRAM BOND DRIVE Every WEDNESDAY EVENING in interest of the proposed Douglass Square Savings Bank 800 Tremont Street Harding, Cox and Martin Syndicate Program (Continued) III. Aria—Depuis le Jour—from ''Louise " Mrs. Talbert Charpentier IV. a. Summer b. A Thousand Years Ago or More c. My Heart is a Lute d. The Night Wind Chaminade Dett Eleanor Marum Roland Farley Mrs. Talbert llhiumu* #mtuT (CUtlt 4B4 fHaaaariutaptta Aur., Hostou SOUVENIR PROGRAM SUBSCRIBE NOW TO THE Boston Chronicle New England's Leading Colored Weekly Office: 804 Tremont St. Boston, Mass. Compliments of G. H. P. Ganaway UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER Tel. Rox. 3464-Camb. 7347-R Telephone Haymarket 732 ALBERT G. WOLFF ATTORN EY-AT-LAW 43 Tremont St., Boston Schumann-Auer Dett Kreisler "An Old House with New Ideas" Bolt Supply Co. Groceries, Meats and Vege¬ tables of all kinds at DOLLY'S MARKET Lowest Prices Guaranteed 675 Shawmut Avenue Cor. of Windsor. Tel. Rox. 76163 Program (Continued) V. a. Bird and Prophet b. Rising Song c. Caprice Viennois Mr. Jones SOUVENIR PROGRAM Tel. Back Bay 726 Henry R. Sandridge PHOTOGRAPHER Flashlight Groups Interiors 166 W. Springfield St., Boston VI. Negro Spirituals a. I'm so glad trouble don' last alway Dett b. Sinner, please don't letdis Harves' pass Burleigh Mrs. Talbert Compliments of Compliments of Robena Somerville Mtz. !E%1 IHarfcjj Beauty Culture Parlor 34 ftermnutlj Stoaton 806 Tremont St. Boston, Mass. Available for Concerts souvenir program Phone Back Bay 726 Amity Hairdressing Shop Justin Boykin Sandridge Mary E. Fowler Viola Stokes Teacher of Pianoforte Accompanist Warwick & Greenwich Sts. 166 W. Springfield St. Boston, Mass. Boston, Mass. Telephone Roxbury 7208-W fJrngram (Continued) ViX Charmant Oiseau (Thou Brilliant Bird) David Mrs. Talbert Sunday and Residential Work by Appointment. Antiseptics always Mrs. S. A. B. West Used. Evenings Miss E. Frances Lovett Wigmaker and Practical Hair Worker REGISTERED CHIROPODIST 11 Sussex St., Roxbury, Mass. 164 W, Springfield St. (Off Hammond St.) Tel. Rox. 4692-M Boston, Mass. souvenir program The Hattie B. Cooper Community Centre of Woman's Home Missionary Society of Methodist Episcopal Church 36 WILLIAMS STREET, ROXBURY Phone Roxbury 901 Classes and Clubs for Boys and Girls every day, 4 to 6 p. m. Mrs. A. L. Scott, Supt. Miss Ellastine Lee, Asst. Compliments of Bennett's Grocery Store PH|3 wish to thank all those who have so generously favored us IS^if.h advertisements, and we desire especially to call the attention of our Guests to their valuable announcements appear¬ ing in our advertising columns. When in need of anything in the various lines represented, prospective customers will do well to call upon the concern herein listed and we cheerfully recom¬ mend them as being reliable and worthy of your patronage at all times. Groceries, Meats and Provisions 132 Camden St., Boston Tel. Roxbury 5128-R CARD OF THANKS Respectfully, The Sedalia Club flatrana and PatrnnrBBPS Mrs. Hattie Sandridge Rev. and Mrs. C. A. Ward Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Bullock Miss Bertha Bauman Mr. and Mrs. George Carter Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cassell Mr. and Mrs. David Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Carroll Mr. and Mrs. Richard Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Christmas Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Duncan Mr. and Mrs. William Dickerson Mr. and Mrs. John Ford Mrs. William Ford Mr. and Mrs. Julius Goddard Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Gaines Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Goodell Mr. and Mrs. George Glover Miss Georgine Glover Dr. and Mrs. C. N. Garland Dr. and Mrs. John B. Hall Dr. and Mrs. J. A. G. Hinton Mrs. Eva Roosa Hutchins Rev. and Mrs. David S. Klugh Mrs. J. H. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. George Lewis Miss Elizabeth Milton Mrs. Rosa Brown Mrs. Alexander Wright Mrs. Nellie Brown Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Emery T. Morris Mr. and Mrs. James H. Madison Mr. and Mrs. George Monroe Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rayner Mr. and Mrs. C. Henry Robbins Mr. and Mrs. William Reed Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Roundtree Dr. and Mrs. Charles Stewart Mrs. W. A. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Shepherd Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Talbert Mr. and Mrs. Butler R. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Clarence C. White Mr. and Mrs. William Penn Mr. and Mrs. William Bright Mr. and Mrs. George Ganaway Mrs. Bessie Simmons COMMITTEE Mrs. H. L. Sandr Mrs. John B. Hall Mrs. J. B. Goddard Mrs. Edward P. Carroll Mrs. James A. Hinton Mrs. U. A, dge, Chairman Mrs. L. Armstead Mrs. M. T. Wright"! Mrs. Harvey Maxwell Mrs. Rosa Brown Ridley Printed by Square Deal Publishing Company Boston, Mass.