MINUTES OF THE GEORGIA BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. HELD AT BEAVER DAM, WILKES COUNTY, GA., ON THE 8th, 9th and 11th October, 1858. AUGUSTA, GA. J. MORRIS, BOOK AND JOB PRINTER. 1858. Library of Emory University 24.6666 JUN 10 1952 MINUTES. Beaver Dam, Wilkes County, October 8th, 1858. The Introductory Sermon was preached by Elder H. H. Tucker, from Matthew xvii. 20. " If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place, and it shall re¬ move; and nothing shall be impossible unto you." After one hour's intermission, the Association was called to order by Bro. Mell, and opened with prayer by Bro. Crawford. Read the Letters from the churches. Re-elected Elder P. H. Mell, Moderator; and J. H. Stockton, Clerk. On motion of Bro. Tucker, The Association, on adjourning this evening, will meet to-morrow at 9^- o'clock. Appointed the following Committees: On Preaching—E. Callaway, Thos. Stocks, Wm. Dallas, Jas. Arnold, Sr., J. G. Holtzclaw, J. S. Williamson. On Business—R. Gimn, Juriah Harriss, L. G. Steed, N. M. Crawford, Wm. Jewell, T. D. Martin. Adjourned till to-morrow morning. Prayer by Bro. P. P. Butler. Saturday Morning, 9^ o'clock. Opened with prayer, by Bro. York. Appointed the following Committees: On Finance—T. W. Callaway, II. J. Lang, J. II. Willis. On the State of Religion—N. M. Crawford, W. R. Cox, P. F. Burgess, J. R. Young, H. C. Peek. On Nominations—Wm. Edwards, M. G. Robert, J. T. Wingfield, F. McLendon, M. Hawes. On Deceased Ministers—W. P. Steed, T. J. Beck, H. A. Tupper, J. Q. West, J. Hogan. On Form of Corresponding Letter—T. B. West, E. M. Mobley, R. E. McGinty. Adopted the report of the Committee on Business. Invited Applications for Membership into our union; and received a petition, with articles of faith, from the " Central African Baptist Church," at Augusta; which, after some discussion relative to the articles of faith, was rejected. Invited Ministers of our own denomination to seats with us. Invita¬ tion accepted by Bro. John A. White and Bro. Matthews. Called for Correspondence ;• -and received, From the Washington Association—Bro. W. I. Harley. From the Tugalo—Brethren York, Grubbs and Chandler, with letter and minutes. From the Edgefield—Bro. B. M. Talbert, with a letter. Received, Bro. Joseph Walker, as correspondent from the Bible Board and Colporteur Society, at Macon. 4 Appointed Correspondence, as follows^: To the Hephzibah Association—At Old Union, Columbia county, on Wednesday after the third Sabbath in October, 1858—R. Gunn, l.J. Beck, G. A. P. Whitfield, P. F. Burgess, L. G. Steed, R. L. McWhorter, S. D. Durham, Juriah Harriss, J. H. Stockton. • To the Washington—At Lono- Creek, (time not known)—J. Q. West, T. B. West, T.J. Beck, R. E. McGinty, F.O.Smith, Juriah Harriss, R. Gunn, T. P. Jones. To the Sarepta—At Dove's Creek, Elbert county, 011 Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in September, 1859 —E. M. Mobley, P. F. Burgess, W. R. Cox, Wm. Edwards. To the Appalachee—At Double Springs, Walton county, on Saturday before the third Sabbath in September, 1859—W. Moncrief. To the Edgefield—At Mount Tabor, 6-miles east of Edgefield C. H.r on Saturday before the second Sabbath in September, 1859—Juriah Har¬ riss, E. M. Mobley, J. H. Stockton. To the Saluda—At , on Friday before the second Sabbath in August, 1859—Juriah Harriss, J. Q. West, R. Gunn, T. B West, T. J. Beck. To the Tugalo—At Liberty Churc.l), four miles north of Jannett'a bridge, S. C., on Friday before the third Sabbath in September, 1859— J. H. Stockton, S. D. Durham, T. D. Martin. To the Central—At Providence, Jasper county, on Friday before the third Sabbath in August, 1859—S. D. Durham. To the Rock Mountain—At Stone Mountain, on Tuesday before the second Sabbath in September, 1859—J. F. Geer, L. G. Steed, C. P.May- field. Received, Bro. W. T. Harley, as Agent of the Domestic and Indian Mission Boards, at Marion, who was afforded an opportunity, and ur^ed the need and claims of these missions. Appointed General Meetings, as follows: 1st District, at New Hope, Friday before the 5th Sabbath in July, 1859, 2d " " SweetWater, " " " 2nd " " August, " 3rd " " Baird's, " " " 4th " " " " 4th '' " Beulah, " " " 5th " " May, " Appointed the next meeting of this Association with the Church at Goshen, Lincoln county, 0 miles N. W. of Lincoln ton, on Friday before the second Sabbath in October, 1859. On motion of Bro. Stocks, Resolved, That the Pastors of our Churches, be earnestly requested to preach two sermons, annually, to their respective Churches, on Missions; one preceding the meeting of the Convention—the other preceding the Association meeting. t Adjourned to 1^ o'clock. 'wJt 1| o'clock, P. M. Opened with prayer, by Bro. Beck. On motion of Bro. Crawford, The contributions on Sabbath, be equally divided between the Foreign, Domestic and Indian Missions. 5 Adopted the report of the Committee on Nominations, as follows: Bro. Williams, to preach the Introductory sermon. Bro. Young, al¬ ternate. Bro. Bowen to preach the Missionary sermon. Bro. Tupper, alternate. Adopted the report of the Committee on Deceased Ministers, as fol¬ lows :— The Committee on deceased Ministers are happy to report: That, during the last associational year, no minister of this body has died. This preserving mercy of God should be recognized with a due sense of gratitude. Your Committee, therefore, would recommend, that, a short time be spent in thanksgiving and praver to our Heavenly Fa¬ ther. W. P. STEED, Chairman. Spent a short time in prayer. Bro. J. Q. West leading. On motion of Bro. Stocks, The Financial Committee were requested to pay Bro. Joseph Walker the amount sent up for the Bible Board and Colporteur Society, at Macon. On motion of Bro. Gunn, Resolved, That hereafter no brother shall be eligible for election as delegate to the " Georgia Baptist Convention," who is not a member of the Association. The Moderator decided, that those only who were sent up from the Churches, and present at the sitting of the Association, were members. From this decision an appeal was taken, and the Body unanimously sus¬ tained the decision of the Chair. Adjourned to Monday morning. Prayer by Bro. Gunn. On Saturday, brethren York and Gunn conducted Divine service at the Stand. On Sabbath, the Stand was occupied by the brethren Burgess, Martin and Mell, who preached in the order of their names. Bro Martin pl each¬ ed the Missionary sermon, from Ezekiel xxxvii. 4. When a collection, amounting to $68 50cts. was taken up. The colored ministering brethren occupied the house pulpit, and preached to a large congregation of the colored people. Monday Morning, 91 o'clock. Opened with prayer, by Bro. McGinty. Elected the following named brethren delegates to the Georgia Bap¬ tist Convention, to convene at Columbus, Ga.., on Friday before the fourth Sabbath in April, 1859, vizP. H. Mell, W. R. Cox, R. Gunn, II. II. Tucker, J. Q. West, J. H. Stockton, H. A. Tupper, W. P. Steed, Thos. Stocks, T. J. Beck, N. M. Crawford, P. F. Burgess, J. R. Young, Wm. Williams, R. L. McWhorter. Adopted the form of Corresponding Letter reported by the committee. Adopted the report of the Committee on the State of Religion, as follows:— The Committee on the State of Religion regret, that their means of information are too limited to enable them to present a thorough report 0 The number of baptisms reported indicates the presence of a revival spirit, in a good many of the churches, that is truly gratifying. Whe¬ ther the churches in general present illustrations of the power of godli¬ ness and growth in grace, we have no means of determining. We are gratified to learn that some have adopted the scriptural plan of meeting on every Lord's day, and that those who do thus meet have enjoyed much of the presence of the Lord. We hope that the example thus set may be the means of stimulating others to come up to their duty. The idea which has appeared to prevail that a church cannot meet without a minister, is radically wrong. But if the presence of a minister is neces¬ sary, and the present supply is too small, what more obvious remedy can be thought of than that which the Saviour himself has directed—"Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest that he will send forth laborers into his harvest." Indeed, the circumstances of the times seem to force this subject itpon our minds; for never did it appear that the laborers are so few, while the harvest is so plenteous. Without making more remarks, we will suggest that we all should, with renewed and increased consecration, devote ourselves to our Lord's service. Brethren, the time is short, and there will be rest enough in the grave. We will submit the following questions to the prayerful consideration of every member of the churches represented in this body : 1st. Is it not your duty to unite with your fellow members in meeting together every Lord's day ? 2nd. Is it not your duty to contribute more liberally to the support of your pastor? 3rd. Is it not ybur duty to contribute more liberally for the spread of the gospel among all nations? 4th. Is it not your duty to aid in sustaining a Sabbath school, in con¬ nection with your church ? 5th. Is it not your duty to pay for an increase of laborers in the Lord's harvest. 6th. Is it not your duty to preach the gospel of your Lord and Saviour? May the Holy Spirit enable you rightly to answer these questions, and may God give you grace to do ycur duty. Respectfully submitted, N. M. CRAWFORD, Chairman. Adopted the report of the Committee on Finance. (See pp. 10,11,12.) The Moderator stated to the body, that a brother Green, a member of this church, had mentioned to him, that he (bro. Green) was deeply im¬ pressed that it was his duty to preach the gospel to the heathen. And on motion of Bro. Tucker, Bro. Green was invited, and stated to the As¬ sociation his impressions. On motion of Bro. Stocks, Resolved, That we pledge ourselves, to support a missionary to the Creek Indians, and also one to Central Africa; and that a committee be appointed to advertise and open correspondence Avith brethren, with a view to procure the two missionaries. Committee under the foregoing resolution—H. A. Tupper, R. Gunn, J. Q. West, E. Callaway, T. W. Callaway. 7 Otj motion of Bro. Burgess, the Moderator was added to the commit¬ tee, and the committee empowered to fill any vacancy. On motion of Bro. Stocks, the Chairman of Finance Committee was instructed to forward the funds in hand to Bro. Burney, at Madison. On motion of Bro. Lang, Resolved,, That the Clerk receive $35 for his services, and that he have minutes printed with the balance of the fund. On motion of Bro. Tucker, Resolved, That our thanks are due, and hereby tendered, to the brethren and friends of this community, for the liberality and hospitality extended to the Association. After a few remarks by the Moderator, the parting hymn was sung; and prayer offered by Bro. Juriah Harriss: when the Association ad¬ journed. P. H. MELL, Moderator. J. H. Stockton, Clerk. STANDING RESOLUTIONS. Resolved, That the churches be requested, in their annual letters to the Association, to state the amounts contributed during each associational year, in any manner, for the various objects under the care of the denomi¬ nation South ; and that the Financial Committee shall append to their re¬ port these several sums and the objects for which they were contributed. Resolved, That when a minister, or other member of this body, shall be present at the meeting of any Association in correspondence with ours, by presenting a copy of our last Minutes, containing his name, he is to be recognized as our messenger to such Association. Received, from J. H. Stockton, Clerk, $55, for printing 2300 copies of the Minutes. Printer. STATISTICS. Churches. County. Goshen Lincolnton New Hope Double Branches.... Salem Greenwood Hephzibah Damascus Kiokee Bethlehem, Bethel. Springfield, African Thankful, African.. Sharon Pine Grove Union Sweet Water Warrenton ■ Elim Williams' Creek New Providence Raytown Spirit Creek, African [ Ebenezer, African . .Lincoln., ... .do... . . . .do... ... .do... ... .do... ... .do... ... .do... .Columbia ....do..., ....do*••• .Richmond. ..do.... Pastors. Columbia. ...do,... .Warren . .. .do.... .. .do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... Richmond. M. A. Lane. . J. B. Butler.. John Iiogan. P. F. Burgess. do. ... do. ... T. B. West... Juriah Harriss do. . ' do. . Kelly Low. Henry Johnson. W. R. Cox T. J. Beck J. IJ. Stockton.. W. P. Steed W. M. Verdery. R. Gunn R. E. McGint.y. R. Gunn T. J. Beck Peter Johnson.. Names of Delegates. do.... Kelly Low C. P. Mayfield, M. ITawes Wm. Dallas, II. J. Lang J. N. ITawes P. F. Burgess, E. Lockhart J. Iiogan, C. E. Ramsay F. Shank, D. Paschal S. Harnesberger Thos. Wheat Juriah Harriss, E. Dorsey Jno. Boyd Dennis Tyler, Thos. McMurphy, Kelly Low. Henry Johnson, Thos. Clarke L. G. Steed, T. C. Lasseter. B. T. Rees, B. B. Wilkerson, W. P. Steed, A. J. Story, J. H. Stockton. F. 0. Smith, M. Jones R. E. McGinty, J. M. Elliot. R. Gunn, T. P. Jones T. J. Beck Frank Beall Kelly Low c: P iiec. by Let. c ft y. e rc 8 P' O d B_ to & p. P- 8 2 0 5 1 1 0 4 0 1 1 1 1 7 0 3 0 2 0 9 2 5 0 3 3 0 0 9 4 0 17 6 1 4 0 2 8 1 3 20 0 2 4 0 0 4 0 0 3 2 0 2 0 2 9 1 0 2 1 0 68 6 20 35 25 22 13 4 5 0 24 5 134 35 31 90 52 40 1 4 0 0 0 0 5 2 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 1 1 3 41 2 0 9 1 5 20 8 0 3 0 3 3 8 0 7 0 2 0 6 0 5 2 1 4 4 0 6 1 0 7 1 1 4 1 1 4 0 0 146 3 6 0 2 1 0 4 1 90 37 2 182 14 24 — — £ ^ f° £ c: « 5" o- - 5 ■£.) o" tri 32 45 36 24 81 20 77 35 94 28 68 25 64 19 22 9 34 177 14 78 00 1606 00 373 522 '24 39 18 39 26 26 53 23 136 38 73 30 41 18 51 19 95 26 58 28 00 218 00 74 551 539 n> 77} 60 1011 112 122 93 83 31 211] 92! Antioch County Line. Baird's Bethesda.... Penfield •c Shiloh j- White Plains Greenesboro' Smyrna Bethel, CrawfordYillc Clarke's Station Sardis . j- Beaver Dam Phillip's Mills Washington j- Fishing Creek Friendship Newford Rehoboth Ebenezer Beulah Oglethorpe ....do.... ...do... .Greene., .. .do... ....do... ....do... ... .do... ....do... Taliaferro. .Wilkes. ...do... . .do. .. . .do... . .do... ..do... . .do. . . . .do... . .do... . .do... Lincoln. P. H. Mell * E. M. Mobley. P. H. Mell IT. H. Tucker T. D. Martin J. R. Young... J. H. Kil patrick T. J. Bowen.... J. R. Young.... Wm. Williams.. E. Callaway... do. . _... do J. R. Young.... H. A. Tupper.. Wm. Jewell, L. Edwards, W. Edwards, F. C. Campbell J. A. Carter, J. C. Fluker P. II. Mell, W. 0. Cheney, S. D. Durham, R. L. McWliorter, J. G. Holtzclaw, J. F. Geer H. H. Tucker, Wm. Tuggle, jr., C. N. Daniel N. M. Crawford, T. D. Martin Y. Brown, W. G. Langston, F. McWhorter, W Moncrief, S. S. Nicholson W. W. Moore Thos. Stocks H. C. Peek S. W. Chapman, H. D. Murden, Jackson Henry Wm. Hubbard, Johnson Norman E. Callaway, E. M. Mobley, J. Arnold, sr., W. R. ) Callaway [ J. C. Williamson, Wm. Maxwell J. R. Young, Wm. J. Fluker jH. A. Tupper. T. W. Gall aw ay, J. T. Wingfield, ) M. G. Robert, II. F. Colley. W. R. Cox Wm. Sutton, Jno. L. Smith. J. Hogan |J. M. Jackson. do, W. R. Cox J. Q. West L. W. Stephens. * Supply. F. McLendon, T. A. MeLendon, G. A. Bunce. W. R. Cox, T. P. Burdett, J. II. Sybert J. Q. West, T. B. West J. II. Willis, B. Rhodes Totat.s. 1 ? 7 0 5 2 1 0 130 72 202 1 29 6 4 7 1 1 2 74 44 118 4' 35 4 1 10 2 2 226 140 366; 3 '\9 4 1 9 2 2 127 64 191 j 1 0 4 1 13 5 0 77 43 120 1 3 8 0 10 7 0 58 210 j 268} 3 0 3 0 8 0 4 79 74 ! 153) 2 14 9 0 4 0 1 58 45 103} 1 15 0 0 10 3 1 104 46 150! 2 30 8 1 9 0 3 175 53 228! 140 53 8 85 22 15 1108 791 1899; 2 1 1 0 4 1 2 25 15 40! 4 28 7 2 19 4 3 136 109 245j 3 31 2 0 1 0 0 50 35 85} 2 18 4 0 1 1 2 93 25 118 1 21 5 1 7 4 3 77 201 278 3 16 3 9 7 2 2 73 49 122| 4 0 1 0 1 0 1 23 8 81 i 2 48 5 4 2 0 1 92 97 189 2 39 3 5 131 8 0 102 82 184 4 10 8 0 8| 0 1 58 46 104! 1 20 1 0 5| 3 4 67 24 911 | 232 42 14 081 18 19 i 796 691 f i 1 00 1 ^ |596 167 55 425|l06 98 2977 44601 7437! 10 REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON FINANCE. Your Committee on Finance liave received from the Churches of £he Georgia Baptist Association and individuals, the following sums: Minutes. ,—/ Antioch. $4.00 Domestic.Missions at Athens, $20.00 Baird's. 1.00 Foreign Miss. $15.00; Indian Miss. 5.00; African Miss. 5.00; i)om. Miss. 10.00; Dum. Miss, for Athens Miss. 14.00..... • Beaver Dam. 1.00 General Purposes $12.50 Bethesda. 2.50 For. Miss. $56.66; Dom. Miss. 31.38 ; State Miss. 28.37 ; Indian Miss. 55.88 ; Pub. Soc. 20.00 ; B. B. 21.87 ; Gen. Pur. 6.00.. Bethlehem, Bethel. 1.00 Home Miss. $5.00; Ind. Miss. 5.00; Afr. Miss. 5.00; Bur. Miss. 5.00: B. B. 10.00; Gen. Purposes 32.00 Beulah. 2.00 For. Miss. $10.00; Dom. Miss. 10.00; State Miss. 10.00; Indian Miss. 10.00; Pub. Soc. 10.00; Gen. Purposes 10.00 Bethel, Crawfordville. 3.00 Afr. Miss. $28.00; Indian Miss. 35.00; Gen. Pur. 26.55 ; China Miss. 4,00; Dom. Miss. 20.00 Clarke's Station. 1.00 Home Miss. $13.50; Indian Mission 2.50 County Line. 1.50 State Mission $16.80 Damascus. 1.00 IiAme Mission $22.00 Double Branches. 2.00 For. Miss. $16.00; Dom. Miss. 16.00; Bible Board 17.00; ten dollars of which is to pay 2d and 4th instalments to make Bro. P. F. Burgess life member of said Board Ebenezer. 1.50 For. Miss. $97.73; Dom. Miss. 62.76; State Miss. 54.02; Indian Miss. 75.51; B. B. 43.27 ; Pub. Soc. 5.16; Gen. Pur. 2.50.. Ebenezer (African). .50 African Mission $2.00; Gen. Purposes 7.53 eldi. 1.50 General Purposes $14.50 Fishing Creek. 2.00 Bible Board $8.50; Home Miss. 32.93; For. Miss. 11.00; Col'rd Church for Afr. Miss. 65 c.; Indian Miss. 5.25 Friendship. Home Miss. $7.75; Foreign Miss. 7.75. Gosiien. Home Miss. $10.00 ; For. Miss. 10.00; Ind. Miss. 10.00; Bible Board 7.50 Greenesboro'. For. Miss. $62.00 ; Dom. Miss. 5C.00; Ind. Miss. 50.00; Bible Board 50.00 Greenwood. For. Miss. $15.75; Dom. Miss. 28.75; Afr. Miss. 13.50; Ind. Miss. $17.25; State Miss. 40.60; B. B. 8.98 ; China Miss. 3.00 ; Publication Society 5.25 Hephzibah. Home Miss. $8.00; Ind. Miss. 8.00; Afr. Miss. 8.00 Kiokee. For. Mies. $31.00; Dom. Miss. 84.00; Ind. Miss. 20.00 1.C0 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.60 2.00 Total. $20.00 11 Minutes. —f—* LiNCOLNTOX. $1.25 Bible Board $15.00 ; Dom. Miss. 15.00; State Miss. 15.00 1 Newford. 2.00 For. Miss. $25,50 ; Home Miss. 25.50 New Hope. 1.50 For. Miss. $5.00; Ind. Miss. 5.00; Afr. Miss. 5.00; B. B. 5.50.. Njew Providence. 2.00 Gen. Pur. $50.75 ; B. B. 14.00 PENFIELD. 2.00 For. Miss. $25.00; Dom. Miss. 27.00; Ind. Miss. 25.00; Af. Miss 10.00; B. B. 6.00 ; Gen. Pur. 10.00 Phillip's Mills. 2'.00 For. Miss. $12.00; Ind. Miss. 35.00; Dom. Miss. 28.00; Genera Purposes 3.00 Pine Grove. 1.00 Afr. Miss. $25.00; Ind. Miss. 25.00; Dom. Miss. 12.00 Ray Town. 2.50 For. Miss. $9.00; Home Miss. 15.50; Ind. Miss. 8.75 Reiiobotii. 2.00 Ind. Miss. $45.82; Afr. Miss. 45.82 ; Home Miss. 45.83 ; B. B 45.83 ; for B. B. from A. L. McMekin, 5.00 ; from Col. Ch for African Mission 70 cts Salem. 3.00 For. Miss. $6.75 ; Dom. Miss. 10.75; Pub. Soc. 3.25; B. B. 6.25. Sardis. 8.00 B. B. $5.50; Home Miss. 25.10; Ind. Miss. 25.10 Sharon. .50 Home Miss. $20.00; Ind. Miss. 8.00; For. Miss. 3.25; B. B. 3.00 From Colored Church for African Mission 1.15 Shiloh. 1.50 Ind. Miss. $23.50 ; Afr. Miss. 4.78; Dom. Miss. 1.25 ; B. B. 7.50 Smyrna. 2.00 For. Miss. $10.64; Ind. Miss. 11.38 ; Home Miss. 20.97 Spikit Creek (African). 1.50 Gen. Pur. 50 cts.; Afr. Miss. 3.00 Springfield (African). 1.00 Gen. Pur. $10.00; African Mission 20.00 Sweet Water. 3.50 Home Miss. $16.00; Ind. Miss. 16.0C ; For. Miss. 16.00 Thankful (African). 2.50 Afr. Miss. $2.25; Liberia Miss. 2.25; Gen. Pur. 1.50 Union. 2.00 Foreign Mission $3.50 Wakrenton. 3.00 Gen. Pur. $19.00 ; Afr. Miss. 1.00; Home Miss. 6.10. Washington. 2.50 For. Miss. $647.00; Dom. Miss. 116.50; State Miss. 57.50; Ind Miss. 521.65; Afr. Miss. 94.65 ; B. B. 28.00; Pub. Soc. 8.5U China Mission 10.00 {Included in the above is $30, for education of African Boy from White Sunday School. Same school sends $2.65 to Ind. Mission. From Colored Church for African Mission $4.65, and Colored Sunday School for same purpose $2.) White Plains. 2 00 For. Miss. $12.20; Ind. Miss. 25.00; Dom. Miss. 25.00; Pub. So. 12.50; Afr. Miss. 25.00; B. B. 12.50 Williams' Creek. 1.50 Bible B. $10.00; Dom. Miss. 10.00; Ind. Miss. 10.00; Afr. Miss. 10.00; For. Miss. 10.00 - 112.20 50.00 12 (.85 Walker Missionay Society (African). Libcrian Mission $32.50 ; African Mission 32.50 Collections on Sabbatii. For. Miss. $20.00 ; Dora. Miss. 20.00; and Indian Miss. 20.00. Colored Congreation for African Mission 8.50 EECAPITULATION. Minute Fund. 1.85 Domestic Mission $578.39 Indian Mission 1104.59 State Missions 222.29 Home Missions 274.18 Foreign Mission 1138.73 African Mission 351.50 Burmah Mission 5.00 China Mission 17.00 Liberian Mission 34.75 Bible Board at Macon 331.20 Southern Baptist Publication Society 64.66 Athens Mission 34.00 General Purposes 206.33 Total- $65.00 68.50 $4362.62 .62 Total "without Minutes $4362.62 We also submit the following Report, as directed by a standing resolution of this Body : Antioch—Sent to Convention $50.00 Baikd's—Sent to Convention 250.00 Crawfordville—Collected by Bro. Harley for Domestic Missions 19.00 Greenesboro'—Sent to Convention 285.00 Washington—Sent to Convention $120 Collected for Home Missions 45 Building Road in Yoruba 100 Domestic Mission 150 415.00 $1019.00 Cash (less Minute Fund) sent to Association 4362.62 $5381.62 All of which is respectfully submitted, THOS. W. CALLAWAY, ) HENRY J. LANG, > Committee. JAMES H. WILLIS, ) NAMES AND POST-OFFICES Of Ministers belonging to the Georgia Baptist Association. [LICENTIATES IK ITALICS.] Beck, Thos. J.. Tanville, Georgia, Burgess, P. F Leatbersville, Bowen, T. J Greenesboro'. Barrett, E. H. Penfield. Butler, J. B Lexington. Callaway, E Washington. Carter, J. A do. Cox, Wm. R do. Crawford, N. M Penfield. Callaway, B. M Washington. Ellington, J. Penfield. Gunn, R Warrenton. Harris, J. J. H do. Har riss, Juriah Appling. Hogan, John Leajhersville. Jones, W. T. H Washington. Kilpatrick, J. H White Mains, Kenedy, A. L Leathersville. Lane, M. A Danburg. Lumpkin, Geo Maxey's. Mell, P. H Athens. Martin, T. D Penfield. Morgan, T. R Philomath.. McGinty, R. E Double Wells. Mobley, E Centreville. McLendon, I. A Danburg. McCall, M.N Penfield. Neeson, Horace do. Peek, H, C Greenesboro'. Pope, W.H Washington. Roney, A Thomson. Steed, W. P do. Stockton, J. H do. Steed, L. G Clay Hill. Sutton, Wm Danburg. Smith, J. L do. Sanders, Wm Penfield. Tupper, H. A Washington. Tucker, H. H Penfield. West, John Q Columbia Mines. West, Thos. B do. Whitfield, G. A. P White Oak. Williams, Wm Penfield. Youns:, J. R Bairdstown. O' Frank Beall, (Colored.) Henry Johnson, do. Peter Johnson, do. George Key, do. Kelly Low, - do. 11 CONSTITUTION' [As amended in 1847.] We, the Churches of Jesus Christ, who have been regularly baptized upon a profession of our faith, are convinced, from a series of experience, of the necessity of a combination of churches, and of maintaining a correspondence for the preserving of a federal union amongst all the churches of the same faith and order. And. as we are convinced that there are a number of Baptist churches who differ from us in faith and practice, and that it is impossible to have communion where there is no union, we think it our duty to set forth a concise declaration of faith and order upon which we intend to associate, which is as follows : 1st. We believe in one only true and living God ; and that there is a trinity of persons in the Godhead—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost; and yet there are not three Gods, but one God. 2nd. We believe that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament are the word of God, and the only rule of faith and practice. 3rd. We believe in the fall of Adam, and the imputation of his sin to his posterity ; in the corruption of human nature, and the iinpotency of inan to recover himself by his own free will ability. 4th. We believe in the everlasting love of God to his people,.and the eternal election of a definite number of the human race to grace and glory ; and that there was a covenant of grace or redemption made be¬ tween the Father and the Son, before the world began, in which their salvation is secure, and that they in particular are redeemed. 5th. We believe that sinners are justified in the sight of God only by the righteousness of Christ imputed to them. 6th. We believe that all those who were chosen in Christ will be effectually called, regenerated, converted, sanctified, and supported by the spirit and power of God, so that they shall persevere in grace, and not one of them be finally lost. 7th. We believe that good works are the fruits of faith, and follow after justification, and that they only justify us in the sight of men and angels, and are evidences of our gracious state. 8th. We believe that there will be a resurrection of the dead, and a general judgment; and that the happiness of the righteous, and the punishment of the wicked, will be eternal. And as for gospel order : 1st. We believe that the visible church of Christ is a congregation of faithful persons, who have gained christian fellowship with each other, and have given themselves up to the Lord, and to one another, and have agreed to keep up a godly discipline, agreeably to the rules of the gospel. 2nd. We believe that Jesus Christ is the great Head of the church, and only law-giver, and that the government is with the body and is he privilege of each individual; and that the discipline of the church is 15 intended for the reclaiming of those christians who may be disorderly either in principle or practice; and must be faithfully kept up for God's glory, and the peace and unity of the churches. 3rd. We believe that water baptism and the Lord's supper are ordin¬ ances of the Lord, and are to be continued until his second coming. 4th. We believe that true believers in Jesus Christ are the only sub¬ jects of baptism, and that dipping is the mode. 5th. We believe that none but regularly baptized church members have a right to commune at the Lord's table. 6th. We believe it is the duty of every heaven-born soul to become a member of the visible church, to make a public profession of his faith, to be legally baptized, so as to have a right to, and partake of the Lord's supper at every legal opportunity, through the whole course of his life. Having laid down a summary of the faith and order upon which we intend to associate, we, therefore, propose for the decorum of our Asso¬ ciation, the following plan or form of government: Article 1st. Those members who are regularly chosen by the churches in our union, shall compose the Association. 2nd. The members so chosen, shall produce letters from their re¬ spective churches, certifying their appointment, together with I heir number in fellowship, those baptized, received by letter, restored, dis¬ missed, excommunicated, and dead since the last association. 3rd. The members thus chosen and convened, shall be denominated the GEORGIA BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. 4th. T^his Association shall have no power to lord it over God's her¬ itage ; nor by which they can infringe upin any of the internal rights of the churches. 5th. The Association shall have a Moderator and Clerk, who shall be chosen by the members present. 6th. If new churches desire to be admitted into this union, they shall petition by letter and messengers, and upon examination, if found ortho¬ dox and orderly, shall be received by the Association, and manifested by the Moderator's giving the messengers the right hand of fellowship. 7th. No church in the union shall have a right to more than two messengers, till it shall exceed one hundred members ; and then she shall have a right to an additional messenger for every fifty after the first hundred. 8th. Every query sent to the Association, by any church in the union, shall be read, and put to vote by the Moderator, whether it shall be de¬ bated ; and if there be a majority for it, it shall be taken up and investi¬ gated ; but if not, it shall be withdrawn. Provided, always, that those be first considered which affect the union of churches. 9th. Every motion made and seconded, shall come under the obser¬ vation of the Association; except it be withdrawn by the member wh» made it. 10th. Every person who speaks in debate, shall rise from his seat, and address the Moderator, and shall not be interrupted while speaking, except he depart from the subject. 11th. No person shall speak more than three times to the same query, without leave of the Association. 10 12th. There shall be no talking or whispering iiAhe time of a public speech, nor reflections cast upon the speaker. 13th. No member shall exempt himself from the Association without leave from the Moderator. 14th. If any member shall break the rules of the Decorum, he shall be immediately reproved by the Moderator. 15th. It is the business of this Association : First, to provide for the general union ofchurches. Second, to keep up a correspondence with those Associations, of the same faith and order, that a chain of com¬ munion may be preserved amongst the churches. Third, to give the churches the best advice they can in matters of difficulty; and if the communion should be broken between any of the sister churches in the union, to inquire into the cause ofthe breach, and use their best endea¬ vors to remove the difficulty; but if the breach cannot be healed, to withdraw from any church or churches, whom they shall look upon to be unsound in principle, or immoral in practice, till they be reclaimed. Fourth, to admit any brethren in the ministry as assistants, if they shall judge it to be necessary. Fifth, to appoint a Secretary to keep a book, and regularly record the proceedings of every Association, and to see that he is satisfied for his trouble. Sixth, to have the minutes of the Association read (and corrected if need be), and signed by the Modera¬ tor and Clerk, before the Association rises, and have them and the con¬ stitution and rules of this body printed annually. Seventh, to amend this* plan or form of government at any time when a majority of the urtion shall deem it to be necessary. Eighth, to adjourn to any tinaf or place which they may think to be most proper.