N ' A A V N . • ' v ' ,y-■. ■ • \ JL V,,-'" Jl & ?L \ AND • v - ^ V... , ■ V. ? § ' - '* :'■ . . : .. - : •' \ V '• v ,? "> 1 ' 1-N X N ■ ^ s s S" A -■ A ■ - ■" J \ < ;A. Z \ V -rcf' «r.. -S EMORY UNIVERSITY PRINCE HALL Born September 12th 1748 Died December 7th 1807. Founder of Masonry among the people of African descent in North America, by Warrant of African Lodge No. 459. September 29th I 784, granted by Grand Lodge of England, The CONSTITUTION AND STATUTES of the MOST WORSHIPFUL GRAND LODGE of the MOST ANCIENT AND HONORABLE FRATERNITY of FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS of the STATE OF NEW YORK (Prince Hall Constitution) Adopted by the Grand Lodge, June 6th, Revised by the Grand Lodge, June 6th, Adopted by the Grand Lodge, June 5th, 1879 1917 1919 NEW YORK AUGUST VALENTINE BERNIER, Printer. 1919. NOTICE To All Whom It May Concern: By virtue of priority of establishment (1845), this Grand Lodge claims absolute jurisdiction over all Freemasons of Afri¬ can descent, to the exclusion of all other so-called Masonic or¬ ganizations said to be operating among American citizens ot color, within the territorial limits of the State of New York. First Grand Lodge: "'BOYER GRAND LODGE" formed March 14th 1845 Re-organized October 13th 1848 under the title of the "UNITED GRAND LODGE Re-organized December 26th 1877 under title as now constitutec COMMITTEE ON CONSTITUTION 1879 Louis H. Putnam Joseph H. Bowen William P. Simpson Robert H. MacDougall, P.G.M. William A. Mars - Peter T. Jewell Daniel T. Brown HONORARY MEMBERS Alfred J. Alldridge, P.G.M. Samuel Manning- J. A. Trower, Gr. Treasurer William A. Tollbert, Gr. Sec'y. John S. Chase, G. M., ex-officio COMMITTEE ON REVISION 1917 Major R. Poole James R. Mason J. Wesley Lane, D.D.G.M. George A. Gibson Harry A. Williamson, Chairman Arthur A. Schomburg, Secretary David W. Parker, Gr. Sec'y, ) f ex-officio William O. Payne, G. M. j PREAMBLE Whereas, Every Grand Lodge possesses the inherent power to form a Constitution, as the fundamental law of its Masonic action, and to enact such rules and such regulations for the ad¬ ministration of its Subordinate Lodges as will insure the pros¬ perity thereof, and promote the general good of Masonry, and of altering, repealing, and abrogating them; and Whereas, Every Grand Lodge is the true representative of all the Fraternity in communication therewith, and is in that behalf an absolute and independent body, with supreme legis¬ lative authority; provided, always, that the Ancient Landmarks of the Order be held inviolate. THEREFORE, Upon these principles which have never been disputed, the Grand Lodge of the State of New York (Prince Hall Constitution) and its jurisdiction, does hereby or¬ dain, establish, and promulgate, the following Constitution and Statutes for its future government, and does make and prescribe the following Rules and Regulations for the .government of the Lodges under its jurisdiction. CONSTITUTION" ARTICLE I. Title (1) The title of this Grand Lodge shall be THE MOST WOR¬ SHIPFUL GRAND LODGE of the MOST ANCIENT and HONORABLE FRATERNITY of FREE and ACCEPTED MASONS of the STATE of NEW YORK, (Prince Hall Con¬ stitution) and its jurisdiction thereunto belonging. ARTICLE II. Officers and Members (2) Sec. 1—This Grand Lodge shall be composed of all its Grand Officers, the Past Grand Masters, the Past Deputy Grand Masters, Past Grand Wardens, Past Grand Secretaries, Past Grand Treasurers, and the Representatives from each Lodge, who shall be the Master and Wardens, or a proxy duly elected by the Lodge according to the rules prescribed by the Consti¬ tution of this Grand Lodge; also of all Passed Masters of Lodges under this jurisdiction who shall have been elected and installed and have served one year in the chair as Master; but it may at its pleasure, and by duly altering its Constitution, enlarge or diminish the number and qualifications of its members, provided no one can be a member of this Grand Lodg'e unless he be va member of some Lodge within this jurisdiction. (3) Sec. 2—The following Grand Officers shall be elected an¬ nually at the Annual Communication of this Grand Lodge: Grand Master Deputy Grand Master Senior Grand Warden Junior Grand Warden Grand Treasurer Grand Secretary Grand Trustees: three (3) to serve for three (3) years. (4) Sec. 3—The following Grand Officers shall be appointed by the Grand Master at the Annual Communication, or within thirty days after the close thereof, or as vacancies may occur, to hold office at his pleasure, namely: 8 Constitution of the Grand Lodge A District Deputy Grand Master for each Masonic District A Grand Lecturer Two Grand Chaplains A Grand Marshal A Grand Standard Bearer A Grand Sword Bearer A Grand Pursuivant A Grand Orator A Grand Registrar A Grand Historian A Senior Grand Deacon A Junior Grand Deacon A Grand Organist Two Senior Grand Stewards Two Junior Grand Stewards A Grand Librarian A Grand Director of Ceremonies A Grand Musical Director A Grand Tyler ARTICLE III. Meetings (5) Sec. 1—This Grand Lodge shall convene annually, in the City of New York, on the first Wednesday in June. '(6) Sec. 2—Special Communications may be called by the Grand Master; but no legislation affecting the general interest of the Craft shall be made, repealed, or changed, except at the Annual Communication. (7) Sec. 3—The Grand Lodge shall not be opened, nor shall anjy ^business be transacted therein, unless there be present a representative from at least three (3) of the chartered Lodges, ^except upon occasions of ceremony, when the Grand Master, or his representative, with a sufficient number of brethren, may open the Grand Lodge and transact the business for which it is called. ARTICLE IV. Eligibility (8) No brother shall be eligible to the office of Grand Master except he has been elected and installed as a Grand Warden; nor to that or any other office except he be a member t)f a Warranted Lodge under this jurisdiction. ARTICLE V. Vacancy in Office (9) Whenever a vacancy shall occur in any Grand Office, the Constitution of the Grand Lodge 9 Grand Master may appoint any member of the Grand Lodge to discharge the duties of the office until the vacancy shall be filled at the next Annual Communication. ARTICLE VI. Franchise—To Whom Entitled. (10) Sec. 1—The elective Grand Officers shall be chosen by ballot, and by a majority of the votes, unless there be but one- candidate in nomination, when an election may be had by a show of hands. (11) Sec. 2—Each regular member of the Grand Lodge, except the Grand Tyler, shall have one vote as such; and no second vote shall be allowed to the same brother, unless as repesentative of a Lodge (proxy), except to the Grand Master or presiding officer, who, in case of a tie vote, shall always have a second vote. Pro¬ vided this section shall not operate at an election for officers when subsequent ballots shall be required that a majority vote may be obtained. (12) Sec. 3—Each Lodge shall be entitled to three votes if rep¬ resented by the Master and Wardens, or either of them, or by proxy. ARTICLE VII. Proxies to the Grand Lod^e (13) Sec. I—It is the right of every Lodge to be represented in this Grand Lodge, and to provide for such representation for Lodges, it is decreed and ordered, that any subordinate Lodge outside the limits of five miles from the place where this Grand Lodge is held shall be entitled ta her vote by proxy, viz.: three votes. (14) Sec. 2—No one can act as such' proxy unless he be a Passed Master, or an actual Master belonging to a Warranted Lodge under this jurisdiction. (15) Sec. 3—Providing further; that no brother acting as the holder of proxies, shall hold the votes of more than one Lodge. ARTICLE VIII. Jurisdiction and Powers of the Grand Lodge (16) Sec. 1—This Grand Lodge has supreme jurisdiction over all matters of Ancient Craft Mason-ry within the territorial lim¬ its of the State of New York. (17) Sec. 2—Its powers are legislative, executive and judicial; and are limited only by the Ancient Landmarks of Masonry and its own Constitution and Laws. 10 Constitution of the Grand Lodge (18) Sec. 3 (a) Its legislative powers extend to every case of legislation not expressly delegated by law to the Lodges; and its Constitution and Regulations are final and binding" upon all Lodges and Masons of its jurisdiction, until altered or repealed, (b) All general government powers, whether legislative, executive or judicial, and all powers necessary to enforce or carry into effect the provisions of this Constitution, are reposed in the Grand Lodge. (19) Sec. A—Its executive powers include the granting of charters to all Lodges within the jurisdiction, and to Lodges in other territory where n© Grand Lodge exists; the revocation or suspension thereof; and the issuing of special dispensation for all purposes permitted by any of the provisions of the Constitution. (20) Sec. 5—The judicial powers of this Grand Lodge are'of two kinds, and may be exercised by the Grand Lodge, or delegated, and are: Original (a) Embracing all matters of controversy which may arise between any of the Lodges under its jurisdiction; between a member or members thereof, or between members of diffeient Lodges; and the enforcement of discipline upon its own mem¬ bers. its Lodges; or non-affiliated Masons within its jurisdiction. Appellate (b) Embracing the revision of all matters of controversy or discipline proper for Masonic investigation, which may have arisen in any of the Lodges it has retained or has not attained original jurisdiction. (c) All the decisions o'f' this Grand Lodge when acting in its appellate capacity shall be final in all cases. (d) Provided, that a Lodge shall not have the right to appeal from its own decisions upon the trial of a brother for unmasonic conduct. ARTICLE IX. Masonic Law and Statutes (21) Sec. 1—The action of Freemasons in their Grand or Sub¬ ordinate Lodges, -or in their individual character, is regulated and controlled: (a) By Ancient Landmarks; or the unwritten law of Masonry. (b) By Written Constitutions, and General or Special Legis¬ lation ; (c) By Usages, Customs, Rules, Edicts, Resolutions, and lawful judicial actions. Constitution of the Grand Lodge 11 (22) Sec. 2—Ancient Landmarks are those principles of Ma¬ sonic government and polity which are the only part of Masonic law or rule of government that may never be altered or disturb¬ ed, and such of them as are lawful to be written are usually, but not wholly, engrafted in written constitutions and general or special legislation. (23) Sec. 3—Constitutions are those written contracts or laws adopted by Freemasons for the government of a Grand Lodge, and its subordinate Lodges and their members, including fun¬ damental provisions constitutionally adopted that are intended to be permanent in their character. (24) Sec. 4—General or Special Laws, Usages, Customs, Rules, Edicts, and Regulations, are those Masonic rules of action adopt¬ ed by competent authority for local or temporary purposes, ad¬ mitting of change at convenience, and not embraced in Ancient Landmarks or Constitutions, and are herein termed By-Laws, Regulations or Statutes. ARTICLE X. Duty of the Grand Lodge (25) It is the duty of the Grand Lodge to receive appeals, redress grievances, and remove all complaints of the several Lodges, officers, or members, of Lodges working under its juris¬ diction ; to grant Warrants; to relieve distressed brethren, their widows or orphans; to assist from time to time by such contributions for charity and other purposes as may ap¬ pear proper for the benefit of the Craft; and to do all such other acts as are required by the Grand Lodge of the State of New York, or directed in other parts of this Constitution. In fact, all such things as appertain to it by the Ancient Constitutions, and Regulations of the Craft, and are best calculated to insure the attainment of the objects of Masonry. ARTICLE XI. The Powers and Duties' of ,the Grand Master (26) Sec. 1—The Grand Master shall be installed by the last preceding Grand Master, if practicable, assisted by skillful brethren, at his discretion; and when installed, he is to be pro¬ claimed and saluted in due form as the "Grand Master of Ma¬ sons." (27) Sec. 2—He shall preside in the chair at all stated meet¬ ings, and meetings of emergency and shall have power to sum¬ mon the Craft to meet whenever he may deem it necessary or expedient. 12 Constitution of the Grand Lodge (28) Sec; 3—To convene any Lodge within the jurisdiction, preside therein, inspect its minutes and proceedings, and re¬ quire its conformity to Masonic Law. (29) Sec, A—To him belongs the general supervision and government of the Fraternity. For these purposes he is em¬ powered to appoint District Deputy Grand Masters; the sub¬ ordinate officers of the Grand Lodg"e and all standing and special committees, whose appointment is not otherwise provi¬ ded for; to send his Deputies or other Grand Officers to visit all Subordinate Lodges. (30) Sec. 5—He may make Masons at sight, at any time and any place, a Lodge being opened- by him for that purpose, and he may summon such brethren as he may deem necessary to assist him. (31) Sec. 6—To require the attendance of and information from any Grand Officer respecting his office, together with all books, papers or other documents relating to the same. (32) Sec. 7—To grant dispensation for a new Lodge, under the restrictions of the Constitution upon the proper application of at least seven Master Masons. (33)—:Sec. 8—To depose any officer of a Lodge from the func¬ tions- of his office for just cause, and to arrest the charter of any Lodge for dereliction of duty, or other unmasonic conduct, until the next annual communication of the Grand Lodge, when he shall present the reasons in writing for such deposition or arrest. (34) Sec. 9—To grant a dispensation to a Lodge to elect and install its officers, when such Lodge may have failed to elect and install its officers at the proper time. (33) Sec. 10—To grant such other dispensations as may be required and applied for in accordance with the Constitution, By-Laws and Regulations of the Grand Lodge. (36) Sec. 11—He is ex-officio chairman of any and all com¬ mittees. (37) Sec. 12—It is his duty to visit in person or "by deputy, annually, every Lodge under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge and as often in addition as may be necessary. (38) Sec. 13—To grant dispensation to appear in full regalia upon festive occasions. (39) Sec. 14—To discharge all the necessary executive func¬ tions of the Grand.Lodge when that "body is not in session. (40) Sec. 15—To present at each annual communication a Written report, setting forth therein, all his official acts during the year, exhibiting the general condition and progress of the Craft under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, and recom¬ mending such legislation and measures as his judgment and Constitution of the Grand Lodge 13 experience may suggest for the improvement and perpetuity of the institution. (41) Sec. 16—In case of a vacancy in the Grand Lodge through death or other cause, he shall fill the same-through a temporary appointment of some duly qualified brother. (42) Sec. 17—To appoint Representatives of this Grand Lodge near other Grand Lodges, and to receive and accredit Represen¬ tatives of other recognized Grand Lodges near this Grand Lodge. (43) Sec. 18—To depose any officer of the Grand Lodge from the functions of his office for just cause, and to present in writ¬ ing to the Grand Lodge, his reason for such deposition, and should it appear to a majority of the brethren present that the complaint be well founded, he may displace the Grand Officer and nominate another, provided always that no Grand Officer can be removed unless with the approbation of the Grand Lodge. (44) Sec. 19—It is his prerogative to do such other things as are inherent in and pertain to his office, in accordance with an¬ cient usage, and not in conflict with this Constitution. ARTICLE XII. Duties of Elected Grand Officers (45) Sec. 1—Deputy Grand Master.—In the absence of the Grand Master, or of his temporary inability to act, the duties of the office shall devolve upon the Deputy Grand Master for the time being, and he shall during the communications and vacations of the Grand Lodge, act under the direction of the Grand Master in all matters pertaining to his office. (46) Sec. 2—In the case of the death or permanent inability of the Grand Master to perform the duties of his office, the Deputy Grand Master shall be, or is, Grand Master until the next Grand Master shall be elected and installed. (47) Sec. 3—Grand Wardens: (a) In the case of the death or permanent inability of the Grand Master and the Deputy Grand Master to perform the duties of the office of Grand Mas¬ ter, the Senior Grand Warden shall be, or is, Grand Master until the next Grand Master shall be elected and installed, and should the Senior Grand Warden: be unable to preside, the Junior Grand \Va:acii shall succeed to the duties of Grand Master, until the next Grand Mast'.r is elected and installed. (48) (b) It shall be the duty of the Grand Wardens to as¬ sist in the affairs of the Grand Lodge, and diligently to endeavor to preserve the Ancient Landmarks throughout the jurisdiction. (49) Sec. 4—Grand Treasurer: (a) He shall have charge of all the funds, property, securities and vouchers of the Grand 14 Constitution of the Grand Lodge Lodge, depositing the same in some depository to be approved by the Grand Master, in the name of the Grand Lodge, payable on his order as Grand Treasurer, endorsed by a majority of the Grand Trustees. (50) (b) To pay all orders duly drawn under general regu¬ lations or special directions of the Grand Lodge, and certified by the Grand Secretary. (51) (c) To attend on the Grand Lodge, or its presiding officer with the books and all documents relating to his office When required; and also to attend the meeting of any commit¬ tee whose duty it may be to act in relation to the fiscal concerns of the Grand Lodge. (52) (d) He shall execute and file in the office of the Grand Master, within fifteen days after his installation, an official bond, .approved by the Grand Master in the full penal sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000), premium for which shall be paid by the Grand Lodge; conditioned that he will faithfully perform the duties of his office as prescribed in these By-Laws, and at the expiration of his term of office, he shall forthwith pay over and deliver to his successor in office, or to such other person or per¬ sons as the Grand Lodge may designate to receive the same, all moneys, securities, evidences of debt, books, writings, and prop¬ erty of the Grand Lodge in his keeping or under his control, with all prope!r assignments when the same shall be necessary. (53) (e) He shall report annually to the Grand Lodge, or otherwise when called on by the same, the amount of his re¬ ceipts, and the expenditures for the year preceding, exhibiting the various sums disbursed under separate heads, and presenting every item as passed by the. Grand Lodge, that the Grand Lodge may have a distinct statement of the disposal of their funds; he shall at the same time report the amount of the securities in his hands for funds invested by order of the Grand Lodge. (54) Sec. 5—Grand Secretary: (a) He shall record the tran¬ sactions of the Grand Lodge in writing. (55) (b) He shall have the custody of the Seal of the Grand Lodge, and shall affix or authorize to be affixed, the same to all patents, warrants, certificates, and other documents issued by the authority of the Grand Lodge, as well as to such as the Grand Master, in conformity with the established laws of the Craft may direct. (56) (c) He shall, as soon as possible, furnish the first-named person of every committee with a copy of the records and pa¬ pers which relate to the business of such committee. (57) (d) He shall receive, duly file and safely keep all pcti- Constitution of the Grand Lodge 15 tions, applications, appeals, books, papers and documents of the Grand Lodge. (58) (e) He shall sign, seal and certify all instruments in writing from the Grand Lodge; and notify all members thereof of all meetings of the same. (59) (f) He shall receive and keep a proper account of all moneys of the Grand Lodge, with the date of their receipt, and pay over the same promptly to the Grand Treasurer, taking his receipt therefor. (60) (g) He shall report annually to the Grand Lodge the amount of money received by him by items and dates, and the specific sources from which it was received; also the Lodges that have neglected to render proper returns of their elections, members and dues; and such general facts regarding the state and condition of the Lodges as may be proper for the informa¬ tion or action of the Grand Lodge. (61) (h) He is charged with the correspondence of the Grand Lodge, under its general rules, at the direction of its presiding officer, and in conformity with the established usages of Masons, and shall make annual communication to the several Grand Lodges in correspondence with this Grand Lodge, and to the respective Lodges under its jurisdiction, immediately after the election of Grand Officers, of the persons so elected, and of such matters generally as have relation to the Craft at large, or may effect the government of such Lodges in particular. (62) (i) When communicating to the respective Grand Lodges with wihom a correspondence is preserved the result of any elec¬ tion of officers of this Grand Lodge wherein a change may have been made, he shall accompany the same with the signature of the Grand Master, and duly authenticated under the seal of the Grand Lodge, together with a request to each and every Grand Lodge that they will forthwith, and as often thereafter as by any change of Grand Officers it may be rendered necessary and important, to furnish to this Grand Lodge a similar docu¬ ment. (63)—(j) He shall attend, with any books, papers or writings under his control, or in his custody, on all communications of the Grand Lodge, and whenever required by the Grand Master; also, to attend upon the Grand Master on Masonic business when required. (64) (k) He shalt^compile and assist the Committee on Print¬ ing with the printing of the Grand Lodge proceedings. (65) (1) He shall receive such compensation for his services as the Grand Lodge shall from time to time direct. (66) (m) He shall keep an alphabetical register of all suspen- 16 Constitution of the Grand Lodge •sions, reinstatements and expulsions officially reported to him from the Lo.dges, specifying the date of such action by the Lodge, with such -other information as may, be embodied in such reports, together with the name and number of the Lodge from which received, and at the proper times to allow a free -inspection oi said register to ali Master Masons in good standing. '(67) (n) He shall transmit to each Lodge within this juris¬ diction, immediately, by circular letter, a list of all suspensions, expulsions and reinstatements of which he shall have been no¬ tified by the Lodges. (68) (o) He shall provide at the expense of the Grand Lodge, -all the blank forms, necessary for the use of the Grand Lodge, and such as may be required for the use of the Lodges in trans¬ mitting their annual returns and other reports of the Grand Lodge or Grand Secretary. (69) (p) To m^ke, and retain in his office, duplicates of all Lodge Warrants hereafter issued. (70) (q) Whenever any change or amendment is made in this Constitution, -By-Laws, or the Regulations, he shall have such change .of amendment printed upon slips, giving the page, paragraph, section and clause suitable for insertion in the proper place, and distribute the same gratis to the Lodges, and to all others upon application. '(71) (r) He shall execute and file in the office of the Grand Master, within fifteen days after his installation, an official bond, approved by the Grand'Master in the full penal sum of Two Thousand Dollars,($2,000.), premium for which shall be paid by the Grand Lodge, conditioned that he will faithfully perform the duties of his office as prescribed in these By-Laws, and at the expiration of his term of office, he shall forthwith deliver over to his successor in office, or to such other person or persons as the Grand Lodge may designate to receive the same, all moneys, books, papers, documents, writings, and property of the Grand Lodge in his keeping or under his control, with all proper assignments when the same shall be necesary. ARTICLE XIII. Board of Trustees (72) Sec. 1—The Board of Trustees shall consist of nine mem¬ bers, three of whom shall be elected annually, and to serve a term of three years. (73) Sec. 2 (a)—The Trustees of the Prince Hall Temple and Home Association shall consist of nine persons who shall be members of the Lodges under the authority of the juris- Constitution of the Grand Lodge 17 diction of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons (Prince Hall), of the State of New York, and residents of said State, to be elected at the Annual Communication of said Grand Lodge as vacancies may occur, provided, however, that no elected officer of the Grand Lodge shall be eligible to the office of Trustee; and that no such elected Trustee shall be eligible to any elective office in the Grand Lodge during the term for which he was elected for Trustee. If any such Trustee shall cease to be a resident of the State of New York or shall cease to be a member of a Lodge under the juris¬ diction of the 'Grand Lodge as aforesaid, his place as Trustee shall be declared vacant by the Grand Master. At each Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge a Trustee, or Trustees, shall be nominated and elected to fill such vacancy or vacancies as may occur by expiration of term, whose term of office shall be for the period of three years from the date of such election. Should a vacancy occur in the office of Trustee, for any other cause than the expiration of the term of office of said Trustee, such vacancy shall be filled by appointment by the Grand Mas¬ ter, such Trustee to hold office until the next Annual Communi¬ cation of the Grand Lodge, when a Trustee shall be nominated and elected for the unexpired term. (b)—The said "Trustees of the Prince Hall Temple and Home Assn." shall elect one of its number as President, one as Vice- President, one as Treasurer, and one as Secretary, and shall make a full and detailed report of all its doings at each Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge. - Whenever said Grand Lodge is not in session, the said Trustees shall, upon the request of the Grand Master, render to him a full and detailed report in writing of and concerning any and all of the acts and transactions, and the books, papers and records of said Trustees shall at all times be open to examina¬ tion by the Grand Lodge, the Grand Master or any Committee of members of the Grand Lodge which he or it may appoint. Whenever the Grand Lodge is not in session, the Grand Master may, by a written order, suspend any Trustee from office, and appoint a person qualified as required by this act, to perform his duties, and such person shall possess all the powers and discharge all the the duties of said Trustee. No such suspension shall be made except for cause, nor until after an opportunity shall have been given the Trustee affected thereby to be heard wth regard thereto; such suspension shall continue in force un¬ til acted upon by the Grand Lodge at its next succeeding An¬ nual Communication and no longer. The Grand Lodge may at any Annual Communication, and for such cause as it may con- IB Constitution of the Grand Lodge sider sufficient, remove from office any Trustee elected pursuant to this act, and upon so doing, shall fill the vacancy thus created by election for the unexpired term. (c)—The "Trustees of Prince Hall Temple and Home Assoc'n" in its corporate capacity is vested with the title to the real estate of the Fraternity in this jurisdiction and empowered to build and maintain a building in the City of New York, and out of the funds derived from the rent or income thereof, or other sources, to build and maintain an Asylum or Asylums, a home or homes, a school or schools, for the free education of the children of Masons, and for the relief, support and care of wo.rthy and indigent Masons, their wives, widows and orphans. It is empowered to borrow money for the improvement and development of the real estate and to issue bonds or other evi¬ dences of indebtedness and properly to secure the same on such real estate or otherwise. (d)—The persons who shall from, time to time comprise the "Trustees of the Prince Hall Temple and Home Association" shall be, and bereby are constituted the Trustees of the Tem¬ ple Fund; and all revenue of the Grand Lodge, received by the Grand Treasuerr, except such as is otherwise appropri¬ ated by Articles XV and XVI of this Constitution, and not required for salaries, pay of Representatives, and for charitable and contingent purposes provided by this Constitution or by the Grand Lodge, shall be paid over to said "Trustees of the Prince Hall Temple and Home Association," and be placed under their management and stand in their names and shall constitute a Temple Fund. All investments, securities and title papers thereof shall remain in the custody of the "Trustees of the Prince Hall Temple and Home Association, whose duty it shall be to take the best measures for the security and increase there¬ of and to invest the same from time to time as they may decide. They shall not appropriate any part thereof without a vote of the Grand Lodge at an Annual Communication, had upon a resolution for such appropriation, which resolution shall state in detail the object and precise amount of the proposed expen¬ diture, and shall not be acted upon until at least one day after it has been introduced and read, and except that they shall place in the hands of the Grand Master on his demands such sums of money therefrom as shall be required by him for the immediate relief of Brethren in this Jurisdiction or in sister Grand Lodge Jurisdictions in times of calamity and disaster. (e)—The net revenue derived by such "Trustees of the Prince Hall Temple and Home Association." from real property of the Fraternity and not required for the payment of fixed charges and Constitution of the Grand Lodge 19 other expenses of management of the same and for the main¬ tenance of the Home, shall create a sinking- fund for the retire¬ ment of charges upon such property and to meet obligations connected therewith, and shall not be used for any other pur¬ pose without a vote of the Grand Lodge. (f)—The 'Trustees of the Prince Hall Temple and Home Assn." is' authorized and empowered to call in, collect and satisfy, sell, assign, hypothecate, pledge, redeem, re-hypothecate, and re- pledge any mortgage or mortgages or other securities now in the name or custody of the "Trustees of the Prince Hall Temple and Home Association" (not part of the Temple Fund hereafter held by the persons who shall from time to time comprise the Trustees of the Prince Hall Temple and Home Assn., as the Trustees of the Temple Fund), and to apply the proceeds of any sale thereof of loan or loans obtained and secured therewith to the improvement or maintenance, or both, of any real estate of the Fraternity, and to execute any and all necessary instru¬ ments, documents and papers by such officer or officers or members of said "Trustees of the Prince Hall Temple and Home Association" as it shall designate. In the absence or •disability of any designated officer or officers of said "Trus¬ tees of the Prince Hall Temple and Home Associa¬ tion" any other member or members thereof may be ap¬ pointed by said Trustees to act temporarily in place of and with the power of the absent or disabled officer or officers. (g)—All funds heretofore or hereafter accepted by the Grand Lodge for special purposes or special trusts shall be paid over to the "Trustees of the Prince Hall Temple and Home Assn." unless the Grand Lodge shall otherwise direct. No appropria¬ tion from any of such special or trust funds shall be made by the Trustees other than for the purpose for which such Special or Trust Fund was created, or if the purpose is not defined, without a vote of the Grand Lodge at an Annual Communica¬ tion. Separate accounts shall be kept by the Trustees of the various funds in their custody and control. (h)—The Treasurer of the "Trustees of the Prince Hall Tem¬ ple and Home Association" at the commencement of each term of office shall execute and file with the Grand Master an official bond, in an amount and in form, and with sureties to be ap- pioved by the Grand Master, conditioned that he will pay or deliver to said Trustees, on their demand or as they shall direct, ,"11 funds and property which shall come into his hands as such Treasurer, and that upon the expiration of his term of office as such Treasurer he will account for and pay, or deliver, to said Trustees, or to his successor, all funds and porperty that shall 20 Constitution of the Grand Lodge have come into his hands as such Treasurer and remain unex¬ pended. (i)—All moneys of the Grand Lodge paid to the "Trustees of the Prince Iiall Temple and Home Assn." shall be deposited in some depository or depositories approved by the Grand Master, and be drawn out only by check of the Treasurer of said Trus¬ tees, countersigned by the President or Vice-President, or dur¬ ing the absence or disability of either, or both, of such officers by the substituted officer or officers pro tem. (74) Sec. 3—The endorsement of at least two of the Trustees shall be upon all drafts issued by the Grand Treasurer for the withdrawal of any funds from the savings bank. ARTICLE XIV. Duties of Appointed Grand Officers (75) Sec. 1—District Deputy Grand Masters.—The existing Masonic Districts shall remain as now organized, subject to al¬ terations by the Grand Lodge at any annual communication. (76) Sec. 2—Every District Deputy Grand Master shall be well skilled in the standard work, and in the law, customs and usages of the Craft. He shall be a Passed Master in good stand¬ ing in some Lodge in the District for which he appointed, and shall receive a warrant of his appointment signed by the Grand Master and attested by the Grand Secretary. (77) Sec. 3—They shall have power to appoint commissioners to hear and determine matters of controversy that may arise within their Districts; to visit officially every Lodge at least once a year, and all necessary expense incurred in the discharge of this duty shall be paid by the Lodge so visited; they shall examine its books, and other records, and see that they are properly kept; to point out errors ascertained in their conduct and mode of working, and to instruct them in every particular wherein the Deputies may find they may require or desire in¬ formation ; to receive and secure the funds and property of any dormant or extinct Lodge in their Districts; to prepare a report for the year ending on the first day of May, yearly, on the general condition of Masonry in their several Districts, and of their several acts therein, with such partculars as they may deem necessary, transmitting said report to the Grand Master on or before the fifteenth day of May in each year; and to per¬ form such other service and executive duties as may be deputed or entrusted to them by the Grand Master or by the Grand Lodge. (78) Sec. A—Grand Chaplains.—It shall be their duty to attend Constitution of the Grand Lodge 21 the annual and other communications of the Grand Lodge, there to ofier up tq, the Great Architect of the Universe, the prayers •of the brethren, and to invoke his blessing's upon their labors ; they shall also attend on all funeral piocessions of the Grand Lodge, all dedications, consecrations, and the constituting of new lodges, and visit the sick members of the Grand Lodge. {79) Sec! 5—Grand Marshal.--It shall be his duty to proclaim the Grand Officers at their installation; to introduce the Repre¬ sentatives of all Grand I.odges in fellowship with this Grand Lodge, also other visitors to the Grand Lodge, and to sec that proper ceremonies on public occasions be duly observed. (80) Sec. 6—Grand Standard Bearer.—-He shall carry the standard of the Order in processions and public ceremonies. (81) Sec. 7—Grand Sword Bearer.—He shall carry the sword before the Grand Master in processions, and perform such other duties as by ancient usage pertain to his office. {82) Sec. 8—Grand Pursuivant.—He shall attend at the inside of the door of the Grand Lodge, to receive the reports of the Grand Tyler, aird announce the name and Masonic title of all who desire admission. He is to see that none enter without their proper clothing and decorations; he shall execute the or¬ ders of the Grand Master in the business of the Grand Lodge, and shall be the custodian of the regalia of the Grand Lodge. (83) Sec. 9—Grand Lecturer: (a) He shall be a Passed Master •of Masonic skill and learning, and shall have power to appoint one or more competent assistants in each District in the juris¬ diction. (84) (b) It shall be the duty of the Grand Lecturer and his Deputy Grand Lecturers to impart the standard work and lec¬ tures, approved and determined by the Grand Lodge, to the Lodges or brethren in this jurisdiction in such manner as the Grand Lodge may prescribe. (85) (c) Every Lodge shall adopt and practice the standard work and lectures as imparted by the Grand Lecturer or the Deputy Grand Lecturers and no other; any Lodge violating this provision without express authority from this Grand Lodge, shall "be subject to punishment. (86) (d) The Grand Lecturer or the Deputy Grand Lec¬ turers shall be entitled to receive from each Lodge visited their necessary and proper traveling expenses, together with their board, during the time spent with the. Lodge. The Grand Lec¬ turer shall make an annual report of the state of proficiency of the Lodges he or the Deputy Grand Lecturers may visit. (87) Sec. 10—Grand Orator.—He shall deliver the orations 22 Constitution of the Grand Lodge of the Grand Lodge upon such occasions as directed by the: Grand Master. (88) Sec. 11—Grand Registrar.—He shall assist the Grand Secretary upon all occasions, and shall keep an alphabetical register of all deaths, suspensions, expulsions, members dropped from roll for non-payment of dues, restorations, reinstatements, dimissions, affiliations, names and numbers of those initiated, passed and raised, together with the dates of the same, names of Passed Masters and dates of their service, names of honorary and life members, and all other such information and statistics as the Grand Lodge shall direct, and at all proper times to allow a free inspection of said register to all Master Masons in good standing. (89) Sec. 12—Grand Historian.—He shall be a competent and duly qualified brother who shall prepare and write a history of this Grand Lodge, and collect, classify, arrange and file from time to time, all available data, documents and other material touching upon matters of interest to the Grand Lodge, and its Subordinate Lodges, for use in the preparation of subsequent historical records. (90) Sec. 13—Grand Deacons.—It shall be their duty to bear the messages of the Grand Master and Grand Wardens through¬ out the Grand Lodge. (91) Sec. 14—Grand Stewards.—It shall be their duty to su¬ perintend the feasts of the Grand Lodge. (92) Sec. 15—Grand Librarian.—He shall be a competent and duly qualified brother who shall, by and with consent of the Grand Master, borrow, purchase, collect from time to time, books, papers, documents, medals and other matters of Masonic interest and value, for the edification of the brethren of this jurisdiction. (93) Sec. 16—Grand Director of Ceremonies.—Shall be such as the Grand Master or his representative may direct from time to time. Provided, he need not be a regular Grand Lodge mem¬ ber. (94) Sec. 17—Grand Musical Director.—Shall be such as the Grand Master or his representative may direct from time to time. Provided, he need not be a regular Grand Lodge member. (95) Sec. 18—Grand Organist.—To assist the Grand Musical Director and perform such duties as the Grand Master or his representative may direct from time to time. Provided, he need not be a regular Grand Lodge member. (96) Sec. 19—Grand Tyler.—He shall guard the' outer door of the Grand Lodge and see that none enter previous to the opening, except the officers and members, unless by special per- Constitution of the Grand Lodge 23 mission of the Grand Master, and he shall receive such compen¬ sation for his services as the Grand Lodge may from time to time direct. ARTICLE XV. Revenues and Funds \97) The revenues of this Grand Lodge shall be derived from the following: (a) Granting dispensation for a new Lodge $15.00 (b) Granting a warrant or charter, in addition to the amount paid for dispensation 25.00 (c) Granting dispensation to confer three degrees at one time 3.00 (d) Granting other dispensations, funeral occasions excepted 2.00 (e) From Lodges for Grand Lodge certificate .50 (f) Attesting a Lodge membership certificate 2.00 (g) From each person for the Entered Apprentice degree 1.10 (h) From each Master Mason on the roll of every Lodge, per year .50 (i) From every member affiliating from without this jurisdiction by dimit 1.00 (j) From Every Master Mason on the first day of May for the Temple Fund 1.00 (98) Sec. 2—The funds of the Grand Ludge shall be divided into four parts as follows: (a) Charity (b) Contingent (c) Permanent (d) Temple (99) Sec. 3—The Charity Fund shall be the revenue derived from local dispensations; attesting Lodge membership certifi¬ cates and fro.m the sale of Grand Lodge certificates and shall be for such purposes as may be defined in Article 10, Paragraph 25, and for the purposes definitely defined in Article 20; Section 7 and Paragraph 124 of this Constitution. (100) Sec. 4 The Contingent Fund shall be for the purpose of liquidating the immediate expenses of the Grand Lodge dur¬ ing the interim' between its annual communications. Withdraw¬ als from this fund must be through the system of bank checks, the same to be drawn by the Grand Secretary, countersigned by the Grand Master and endorsed by at least two (2) of the Grand Trustees. 24 Constitution of the Grand Lodge (101) Sec. 5—All other revenues not otherwise provided for, shall comprise the Permanent Funds of this Grand Lodge. (101a) Sec. 0—The withd rawal of moneys from the Charity oi Permanent Funds shall be by draft drawn by the Grand Secre¬ tary, countersigned by the Grand Master and endorsed by at least two (2) of the Grand Trustees. (1011)) Sec. 7—The TempleFund shall be for the purpose of building* and maintaining a Temple and Home for Aged Prince Hall Masons and their wives; it shall comprise such moneys a?> the Grand Lodge may from time to time direct and it shall be under the supervision and control of the Prince Hall Temple and Home Association Trustees. ARTICLE XVI Salaries (102) Sec. 1—The salary of the Grand Secretary shall be one hundred dollars per annum, together with such perquisites as are defined in this Constitution. (103) Sec.-2—In addition to his salary, the Grand Secretary shall receive for filling out a warrant or charter, the sum of two dollars; and for attesting a Lodge membership diploma or cer¬ tificate, the sum of fifty cents. (103a) Sec. 2a—The Grand Registrar shall receive the sum of ten cents ($.10) for each new member entered upon the register and in addition thereto, he shall receive such an amount as will make his annual compensation equal the sum of fifty ($50.00) dollars. (103b) Sec. 2b—The salary of the Grand Pursuivant shall be twenty-fire dollars per annum, exclusive of necessary expenses incurred in the performance of his duties. (104) Sec. 3—The salary of the Grand Tyler shall be ten dol¬ lars per annum. (105) Sec. A—All expenses incurred by any Grand Lodge of¬ ficer while on duty by order of the Grand Lodge or the Grand Master, shall be paid from the revenues of the Grand Lodge. (106) Sec. 5'—In the computation of time relative to the salaries of Grand Officers, the year shall be considered as commencing on the last day of the annual communication of the Grand Lodge, and such salaries to be paid semi-annualy accordingly. (107) Sec. 6—Each elective Grand Officer when in attendance on the annual or special communications of the Grand Lodge, and who resides outside the city of Greater New York, shall re¬ ceive his mileage to and from such sessions. Constitution of the Grand Lodge 25 ARTICLE XVII. Elections and Appointments ' Sec. 1-— The Grand Master, Grand Wardens, Grand 1 reasurer, Grand Secretary and Grand Trustees shall be elected - it each annual communication of the Grand Lodge, on the second lay thereof, at 10 o'clock, P. M., unless a different time be fixed by a vote of the Grand Lodge. (109) Sec. 2—Every officer and member of the Grand Lodge must be a mentber of a Warranted Lodge under this jurisdic¬ tion. Cessation of membership in a Lodge operates to terminate membership in this Grand Lodge. (110) Sec. 3—The elective Grand Officers shall be elected by ballot, a majority of all the votes cast being necessary to a choice, •except, in the case af a unanimous election, when the same may he had by a show of hands. (111) Sec. 4—One objection to the casting of a unanimous vote for election to office shall require the use or written ballots; pro* vided, however, should such objections be withdrawn by the objecting brother, and so recorded in the minutes, a unanimous vote will obtain. •(112 ) Sec. 5—Nominations for office are in order. (113) Sec. 6—The tenure of all officers, except that of Grand Trustee, is until the next annual communication, and whenever a vacancy shall occur in any Grand Office, the Grand Master may appoint any member of the Grand Lodge to discharge the duties v~>f said office until it shall be filled at the next annual communica¬ tion, and until his successor is installed. (114) Sec. 7—The installation of the Grand Officers shall take place "before the close of the annual communication, and, unless -otherwise directed, shall be the last order of business. ARTICLE XVIII. Grand Lodge Regalia (115) Sec. 1—The jewels worn by the Grand Officers shall be •of gold or gold metal, pendant to a purple ribbon ; the aprons shall be of white satin or lamb's skin with the appropriate jewels embroidered thereon in gold, and the apron trimmed with purple velvet and gold bullion fringe. (116) Sec. 2—Each Officer of and Representative of the Grand Lodge shall appear therein with his proper jewel and clothing. ARTICLE XIX Style of Grand Officers (117) The style of the Grand Master is "Most Warshipful"; of 26 Constitution of the Grand Lodge the remaining officers "Right Worshipful," excepting the Grand Organist, Grand Musical Director, Grand Pursuivant and Grand Tyler, whose style shall be "Worshipful." ARTICLE XX. Committees and Their Duties (118) Sec. 1—At the annual communication of the Grand Lodge, the Grand Master shall appoint the following standing commit¬ tees, each to consist of three members: (a) Committee on Credentials (b) Committee on Charters (c) Committee on By-Law (d) Committee on Charity (e) Committee on Jurisprudence (£) Committee on Grievance (g) Committee on Reports of Lodges (i) Committee on Auditing (j) Committee on Foreign Correspondence (k) Committee on Foreign Relations (1) Committee on Printing (m) Committee on Examination of Visiting Brethren (n) Committee on Work and Lectures (o) Committee on Grand Master's Address (119) Sec. 2—Special committees may also be appointed by the Grand Master whenever it shall be deemed necessary. (120) Sec. 3—Committees shall not sit while the Grand Lodge is actually in session, except by permission, but they shall all re¬ port before the close of the annual communication. All committee reports shall be in writing and upon forms furinshed by the Grand Secretary, and at the close of the annual session they shall be filed with the other records of the Grand Lodge. Committees (121) Sec. 4—Credentials.—To list properly and report to the Grand Lodge the names of all offciers and other members of the Grand Lodge; stating the names and numbers of the Lodges re¬ presented, the names and official positions of all Masters, Ward¬ ens and Grand Representatives present, and the names of the Lodges represented by proxies and those holding same. (122) Sec. 5—Charters.—To examine all applications for char¬ ters for new Lodges, applications for duplicate charters and all cases of forfeited chaiters. (123) Sec. 6—By-Laws—To examine the by-laws of all Lodges, also those presented for approval and any alterations or amend¬ ments thereto. Constitution of the Grand Lodge 27 024) Sec, 7—Charity.—To examine all applications for assist¬ ance from the Charity Fund of the Grand Lodge, and to consider and report upon the necessities of any worthy and indigent Master Mason, his widow or orphans, whose peculiar condition may claim the attention of the Grand Lodge. (125) Sec. 8—Jurisprudence.—To consider all questions, resolu¬ tions and decisions of Masonic Law and Usage, and amendments to the Constitution and By-laws. (126) Sec. 9—Grievance.—To examine and consider with such recommendations as may be proper, all documents and papers relating to any matters of complaint or grievances appertaining to Masonic discipline. (127) Sec. 10—Reports to Lodges.—To examine the returns of all Lodges. To submit a tabulated report of the number of Master Masons, Fellow Crafts, Entered Apprentices and Passed Masters enrolled; the number initiated, passed, affiliated, dim- itted, dropped, suspended, expelled, reinstated, restored, reject¬ ed and deceased; the increase and decrease of the membership in each Lodge for the year; the amount of dues paid or unpaid; the amount of funds of Lodges in bank and invested, and to report such facts and information regarding the Lodges as may be necessary for improvement. (129) Sec. 13—Auditing.—To examine and compare the books, papers, vouchers and accounts of the Grand Master, Grand Treasurer, Grand Secretary, Grand Historian, Grand Librarian, and Grand Trustees, and to note the general condition of the same. (130) Sec. 14—Foreign Correspondence.—To examine all printed proceedings or other documents emanating from other 'Grand Lodges within the United States. (131) Sec. IS—Fereign Relations.—To establish and maintain intercourse with Grand Lodges outside of the United States. (132) Sec. 16—Printing.—With the Grand Secretary who shall be a member to superintend any incidental printing ordered by tfre Grand Lodge; to cause to be printed, the proceedings and' ■other necessary reports and documents. (133) Sec. 17—Examination of Visiting Brethren.—To examine ■all brethren from other jurisdictions who may desire to visit the sessions of the Grand Lodge. (134) Sec. 18—Work and Lectures.—To examine into all mat¬ ters relative to the secret work, lectures and ceremonies, and to recommend such changes as may be deemed necessary and advisable. (135) Sec. 19—Grand- Master's Address.—To examine the •Grand Master's report of the condition of the Craft, and any 28 Constitution of the Grand Lodge suggestions or recommendations he may offer for the general good and improvement of the methods of the Grand Lodge. ARTICLE XXL Commission of Appeals (136) Sec. 1—The Grand Master shall appoint six commission¬ ers to be styled the Commission of Appeals, who shall be Mas¬ ters or Passed Masters in good Masonic standing. These com¬ missioners immediately after their appointment, shall meet and divide themselves by lot into three classes and certify the same to the Grand Secretary. The term of class No. 1 shall expire at the end of the first year; Class No. 2 at the end of the second year, and Class No. 3 at the end of the third year, so that there shall be at all times, thereafter two commissioners annually se¬ lected by the Grand Master (in place of those whose terms have expired) who shall hold their office for three years. Vacancies pired) who shall hold their office for three years. Vacancies for unexpired terms may be filled in like manner. (137) Sec. 2—The Gi-and Master shall appoint an additional commissioner to preside in the said Commission of Appeals, to be styled the Chief Commissioner, and to hold office for three years. (138) Sec. 3—Vacancy in the office of Chief Commissioner for the unexpired term shall be filled by the Grand Master. (139) Sec. 4—The Commission shall hear and consider appeals in accordance with the Regulations and Constitution of the Grand Lodge; it shall meet annually at the Grand Lodge ses¬ sion or during the interim, should it be deemed necessary. ARTICLE XXII. Officers of the Grand Lodge Generally (140) The Grand Lodge Officers shall be subject in all things relating to their official duties to the direction of the Grand Master or presiding officer. ARTICLE XXIII. Charges, Trials and Appeals (141) Sec. 1—The Grand Lodge shall have original jurisdic¬ tion to hear and determine charges which may be preferred against a non-affiliated Mason; also in all matters of contro- versv which may arise between Lodges, or between a Lodge and its Master, or between a Lodge and a member, or the members of another Lodge, or members, of different Lodges; and when Constitution of the Grand Lodge 29 charges are preferred in any of the foregoing- cases it shall be. the duty of the Grand Master, or District Deputy Grand Master of the District in which the controversy shall arise, to appoint by his warrant, a commission consisting of not more than five nor less than three disinterested brethren who shall have attained the rank of Master and shall hail from at least three different Lodges, to hear and determine the same. (142) Sec. 2—A1 Subordinate Lodge shall have with the Grand Lodge, concurrent jurisdiction over any non-affili¬ ated Mason residing within its territorial jurisdiction, and original jurisdiction over any of its members, except its Master; and when charges are preferred in a Lodge, a commission shall be appointed by the Master, consisting of not less than three and not more than five memberst oi the said Lodge, to take tes ¬ timony in the case, and report the same to the Lodge for its judgment. (143) Sec. 4-—After the service of charges against a brother or Lodge, the commission shall appoint a time and place for the trial, convenient to all parties, and summon the parties and their witnesses; and any Master of a Lodge may issue a like sum¬ mons for witnesses at the request of either party. (144) Sec. 5—When the trial is concluded, the commission shall, as soon as possible, make its report of the facts found by it, and its determination upon the matter, and give notice there¬ of to each of the parties; a majority of the commissioners must concur in the judgment of the commission, a copy of which report must be filed with the Grand Secretary. (145) Sec. 6—The decision of the Lodge shall be final, unless an appeal shall be taken therefrom to the Grand Master or the Grand Lodge within six months; in which case it shall be the duty of the commissioners, upon receiving notice of such appeal, to transmit their report, together with all papers and proceed¬ ings in the case, to the Grand Secretary, unless they have al¬ ready filed a copy. (146) Sec. 7—The appellant shall also within thirty days after notice of the decision (i.e., of the commission) give notice of intention to appeal, to the opposite party. (147) Sec. 8—The decision of the Grand Master shall be final, unless a further appeal be taken within thirty days after notice thereof. (148) Sec. 9—When notice of appeal to the Grand Lodge shall have been filed with the Grand Secretary, that officer shall im¬ mediately, or as soon as received, send to the Chief Commis¬ sioner of Appeals, all papers and reports having reference to the case, to the end that the Commission of Appeals may1 have time 30 Constitution of the Grand Lodge to examine the appeal in advance of the meeting of the Grand Lodge. (149) Sec. 10—The appeal shall be heard before the Commis¬ sion of Appeals during the session of the Grand Lodge, and the decision of the Grand Lodge upon the report of said Commission shall be conclusive upon all parties. (150) Sec. 11—The expense which may be incurred by the commissioner in conducting a Masonic trial shall be borne by omo or both of the parties to the contioversy, as may be deter¬ mined by the commissioners and >et forth in their report, and payment of such expenses may be enforced in the same man¬ ner as Lodge or Grand Lodge dues, or by proper Masonic discipline. (151) Sec. 12—Charges against the Master of a Lodge for misconduct while holding the office of Master, shall be pre¬ sented to the Grand Master or Grand Lodge during the term of said Master, or within one year thereafter. (152) Sec. 13—Charges preferred which, if proven, would not constitute a Masonic offence, may be and should be dismissed by the body before which the same may have been preferred. (153) Sec. 1-4—All trials of charges preferred and appeals taken in pursuance of the provisions of the Constitution, Statutes and Regulations, shall be conducted so far as the same may be applicable, in accordance * with such rules and forms as may be adopted by the Grand Lodge. ARTICLE XXIV. Penalties and Restorations (154) Sec. 1—The penalties which may be inflicted for a vio¬ lation of Masonic La\v shall be: (a) Reprimand or censure; (b) Suspension from all the rights and privileges Mason¬ ry, which shall be for a definite or indefinite time; (c) Expulsion. (155) Sec. 2—A Lodge having expelled a member, may restore such expelled Mason to the rights of Masonry at any time by a majority vote, notice of a motion to do so having been made at a preceding stated communication; provided, however, that such restoration shall not be made when the Grand Lodge shall have affirmed the decision on appeal. (156) Sec. 3—The Grand Lodge shall have power to restore an expelled Mason to the rights of Masonry after the expiration of one year from the date of sentence. (157) Sec. A—When the Grand Lodge restores a brother to Constitution of the Grand Lodge 31 the rights of Masonry, he remains unaffiliated until restored to membership in a Lodge. ARTICLE XXV. Decisions of the Grand Master (158) Decisions rendered upon Masonic Law by the Grand Master shall not have the force or effect of fundamental law, but when approved by the Grand Lodge they shall have the effect of an approval of the act in the particular instance, and must be observed by the Lodges for guidance in similar matters, ARTICLE XVI. The Seal of the Grand Lodge (159) The seal of the Grand Lodge shall be ARTICLE XXVII. Order of Business (160) Sec. 1—The Order of Business of the Grand Lodge shall be: 1. Calling the Grand Lodge to Order. 2. Calling the roll of Officers. 3. Calling roll of Lodges. 4. The usual solemn opening ceremonies. 32 Constitution of the Grand Lodge r , last session. 5. Reading" and approval of minutes of tne 6. Committee arrangements, etc. 7. Reports upon credentials. , e^c 8. Reading of communications, charges, appea ' • ' 9. Address of Grand Master and reference to com 10. Reports of Grand Officers and reference to cornmi ees 11. Presentation of motions, resolutions, etc., and reier- ence. 12. Unfinished .business from last session. 13. Reports of Special and Standing Committees. 14. Presentation of consideration of amendments, etc. 15. Miscellaneous business. 16. Election and installation of officers. 17. Closing the Grand Lodge. (161) Sec. 2—Should the order of business not be concluded at the session at which it is first called, it shall be commenced at the succeeding- session where it was left off, and so on, throughout the communication: Provided, that the reading of the minutes shall be the first business in order at each contin¬ uing session. ARTICLE XXVIII. Style of Opening the Grand Lodge (162) When presided over by the Grand Master, the Grand Lodge shall be declared opened in "ample form"; by the Depu¬ ty Grand Master, opened in "due form," and when by either the Senior or Junior Grand Wardens opened in "form". ARTICLE XXIX. Grand Representatives (163) Sec. 1—It shall be the duty of a Grand Representative to maintain occasional fraternal intercourse with the proper au¬ thorities of the Grand Jurisdiction to wThich he shall be accredit¬ ed ; to communicate from time to time such matters as shall be of interest and benefit to both Grand Lodges and to render a report of his work at each annual session of this Grand Lod^e (164) Sec. 2—A Grand Representative accredited to this Grand Lodge shall serve for three (3) years, but no member of this Grand Lodg'e shall be the representative of more than other Grand Lodge at the same time. When a represent t* accredited to this Grand Lodge shall fail to perform the ] f C of bis office for two (2) consecutive years, the Grand M +e° shall declare such office to be vacant and nominate a succec GI~ (165) Sec. 3—Should the representative of this Grand Lod°J Constitution of the Grand Lodge 33 located at the Grand East of another Grand Lodge fail to per¬ form the duties of his office for two (2) consecutive years, the Grand Master shall request the appointment of a successor to the same. (166) Sec. A—The Representative of another grand jurisdiction near the East of this Grand Lodge shall be conferred with the rank of "Senior Grand Warden" of this Grand Lodge, which rank at this Grand Lodge shall expire with the retirement of the incumbent as Grand Representative. ARTICLE XXX. Amendments (167) Sec. 1—No amendment to this Constitution shall be made, or have any effect, until it shall have been proposed in the Grand Lodge at its annual communication in June, and have been adopted by the Grand Lodge at the same communication, and then again adopted in like manner by the Grand Lodge at the next succeeding annual communication—or in addition to the adoption thereof at one such annual communication, it shall, dur¬ ing the next year succeeding, and before the next annual com¬ munication thereafter, be adopted by the affirmative vote of a majority of the Lodges within this jurisdiction—to take effect as soon as such consent is promulgated by the Grand Master. If any such amendment be adopted it shall be appended to the published proceedings, at the end, under the caption "Proposed Amendment to the Constitution," and sent with the printed proceedings to all the Lodges in the jurisdiction; but no general regulation shall be adopted inconsistent with this Constitution; and all former written Constitutions are hereby repealed, and all general regu¬ lations, statutes and decisions heretofore made and adopted are also hereby repealed. (168) Sec. 2—The Statutes may be amended at any annual communication of the Grand Lodge by a two-thirds vote, pro¬ vided that notice of such proposed amendment shall have been given, and the amendment proposed, presented in writing at a previous annual communication. STATUTES ARTICLE I- (169) Sec. 1—A Warranted or Chartered Lodge consists of. A Master A Senior Warden A Junior Warden A Treasurer A Secretary- Three Trustees A Senior Deacon A Junior Deacon Two Stewards Two Masters of Ceremonies A Chaplain A Tyler and such other officers as may be deemed necessary, and as many members as may be convenient, congregating and working" pursuant to and by virtue of a Warrant held under authority of a Grind Lodge having lawful jurisdiction over it. (170) Sec. 2—The powers, duties and privileges of a Warrant¬ ed Lodge under this jurisdiction are such as are defined by it? Warrant, by the Constitution of this Grand Lodge, and the Ancient Landmarks. They are divided into: (a) Executive: The Master has the primary executive power of the Lodge; (b) Legislative: Over all matters relating to its internal concerns, not in derogation of the Ancient Landmarks, the Con¬ stitution of this Grand Lodge, or its own particular By-Laws. (c) Judicial: In the exercise of discipline and the hear¬ ing and determining of controversies. ARTICLE II. Dissolution of Lodges and Surrender and Forfeiture of Warrants (171) Sec. 1—A Lodge can be dissolved only bv the* enrr^n der or forfeiture of its Warrant. surren 072) Sec. 2—The Warrant of a Lodge can be surrendered only when there cannot be found among its memWc . cu brethren duly qualified and desirous of retaining the ven (173) Sec. 3—A Lodge may forfeit its Warrant byf Statutes of The Grand Lodge 35 (a) Contumacy to the authority of the Grand Master or Grand Lodge;.. (b) Departure from the original plan of Masonry and the Ancient Landmarks; (c) Disobedience to the Constitution or By-Laws; (d) Ceasing to meet for one year; (e) Neglecting to make returns and pay dues for two years. (174) Sec. 4—No Warrant of a Lodge can be declared forfeited except upon charges regularly made in the Grand Lodge at its annual communication, of which charges due notice shall be given to the Lodge and an opportunity afforded of being heard in its defense. (175) Sec. 5—A surrender of a Warrant, when approved, or the forfeiture of a Warrant when declared by the Grand Lodge, shall be conclusive upon the Lodge and its members, and all the property of the Lodge shall become the property of, and must on demand be surrendered to the Grand Lodge, or its authorized agent, by the persons or person having its custody. (176) Sec. 6—The Warrant of a Lodge may be suspended by the Grand Lodge or the Grand Master at any time, upon proper cause being shown, which suspension when made by the Grand 'Master, shall not extend beyond the next annual communication of the Grand Lodge. ARTICLE III. Dispensation for New Lodges (177) Sec. 1—When at least seven Master Masons are desirous of organizing a new Lodge, they may apply by petition to the Grand Master of the jurisdiction for the necessary authority. (178) Sec. 2—This petition must set forth that they are, or have been, members oi a legally constituted Lodge, and must assign a satisfactory reason for their application. It must also be recommended by the nearest Lodge, and must designate the place where the Lodge is intended to be held and the names of the persons whom the petitioners desire to be appointed Master and Wardens. (179) Sec. 3—An elected officer of a Lodge cannot be a peti¬ tioner for a dispensation for a New Lodge, nor can a member of a Lodge under the jurisdiction of another Grand Lodge be a petitioner for a dispensation for a new Lodge in the State of New York. (180) Sec. A—A Lodge under dispensation cannot elect nor install its officers, nor discipline its members or other Masons; 36 Statutes of The Grand Lodge + ^ the Grand Lodge; but it possesses nor can it be represented m must perform all the other all other powers and.P^^J^^cept that it need not have a seal. MSI? "sec^-AU dispensations to form new Lodges shall ex- (i&i; . , r April in each year, and another one shall pire on the a ^ lodges not continued by Warrant at the next succeeding annual communication, which new dispensation shall' be granted without fee. (182) Sec. 6—Every Lodge under dispensation shall, following the return of its dispensation to the Grand Secretary, file its returns as follows: (a) The commencement of the transactions of each meeting, the name and location of such Lodge, and the day of the week, month and year: (b) The names of the officers, members and visitors present at each meeting; (c) Whether the meeting be a stated or called one; (d) All proceedings relating to petitions for degrees, for affiliation and dimission including their reception; by whom recommended; fee paid; the report thereon; the ballot had and its result; (e) Statement of other work done; (f) Applications for waiver of jurisdiction over the E.A.'s and F.C.'s and the action thereon; (g) Names and dates of deceased members; (h) Moneys received; expended and amount in bank. (183) See. 7—A certificate of the correctness of such report shall be signed by the Master and Secretary, and when filed with the Grand Secretary, shall be by him referred to the Com¬ mittee on charters without action by the Grand Lodge, who shall report thereon ; and if the Grand Lodge approves the work, it may order a Warrant to be granted. (184) Sec. 8—No Warrant shall be granted except by the or¬ der of the Grand Lodge, and when granted, it shall issue under the; direction of the Grand Secretary, signed by the Grand Mas¬ ter, the Deputy Grand Master, the Senior Grand Warden, the Junior Grand Warden, the Grand Treasurer and the Grand Secretary, with the seal of the Grand Lodge attached, and in such manner as heretofore observed in this jurisdiction. (185) Sec. 9—The membership of the petitioners for a new Lodge, shall hold in their original Lodge, until such time as a Warrant is granted, when they may elect to remain in the same or fully dimit to the new Lodge. The Lodge and Grand I nrf dues of members holding a conditional dimit in a new L rl are payable to the Lodge of original jurisdiction, in all otlf6- Statutes of The Grand Lodge 37 respect such members are to be considered as belonging to the new Lodge. (186) Sec. 10—A Lodge under dispensation must pay Grand Lodge dues on its members. (187) Sec. 11—A Lodge under dispensation shall have a code of By-Laws, conforming to the Constitution, Statutes and other Regulations of this Grand Lodge. (188) Sec. 12—All matters of charges and discipline against a member or members of Lodges under dispensation are vested in and continue with the Grand Master, whose jurisdiction is complete, subject to appeal to the Grand Lodge. (189) Sec. 13—Brethren to whom a Warrant shall have been granted by a vote of the Grand Lodge, shall, as soon as such vote is recorded by the Grand Secretary, be forthwith entitled to all the rights and privileges of a regularly constituted Lodge. ARTICLE IV. Elective Officers of Warranted Lodges (190) Sec. 1—The Master, Senior Warden, Junior Warden, Treasurer, Secretary, and one Trustee of a Warranted Lodge must be chosen annually by ballot, and by a majority of the votes, at a Stated Conlmunication of such Lodge, next preceding the twenty-seventh day of December, summoned as required by the Warrant and be installed at or before the next stated comm'unication thereafter. (191) Sec. 2—If at the time prescribed a Lodge shall fail to elect or within the time prescribed shall fail to install its Master and Wardens or any of them ; or if, after having elected its Master and Wardens at the prescribed time, any of them shall fail or refuse to be installed within the prescribed time, the Grand Master may grant a dispensation to such Lodge to elect and install such officer or officers as the exigencies of the case may require. ARTICLE V. Qualifications for Office and Voting (192) Sec. 1—Every member of a Lodge who is in good stand¬ ing is entitled to vote, provided, however, that a Lodge may enact a by-law which will disfranchise a member at an election of officers for non-payment of dues, but not until after he has been given thirty (30) days notice in writing. Every voter is eligible .to any office in the Lodge except that of Master. (193) Sec. 2—No member can be a Master of a Warranted Statutes of The Grand Lodge Lodge unless he has previously served as an installed Master or Warden, except at the institution of a new Lodge. (194) Sec. 3—Membership in a Lodge is necessary to constitute eligibility to office there-in, except in the case of a Tyler, who must be a member of some Lodge, but need not be a member of the Lodge for which he tiles. (195) Sec. 4—The officers of a Warranted Lodge must be in¬ stalled as often as re-elected or re-appointed, and every officer of a Lodge can be installed by proxy, except the Master. (196) Sec. 5—At the installation, as Master of a Warranted Lodge, of a brother who has never received that part of the ancient installation ceremony of the Craft, which may not be given in the presence of any save actual Passed Masters, that portion of the ceremony may be temporarily deferred without in any manner affecting the brother's right to serve as Master, if the attendance of three actual Passed Masters cannot conveniently be had, and the omission shall be promptly reported to the Grand Secretary; and hereafter no brother shall be entitled to any of the peculiar rights and privileges of a Passed Master, until he shall have taken the obligation of a Passed Master in a convoca¬ tion of at least three actual Passed Masters, and in accordance with the ancient usages of the Craft. (197) Sec. 6—None but the Master of a Warranted Lodge shall be entitled to receive the secrets of the chair. (198) Sec. 7—None but the Master of a Warranted Lodge, and who has served at least twelve consecutive months in the chair, shall be entitled to the rights and privileges of an actual Passed Master. (199) Sec. 8—A Passed Master who at any time shall be re¬ elected to the Mastership of his Lodge, shall, during such term of office forfeit the status, rights and privileges of a Passed Master. (200) Sec. 9—No member present and entitled to vote shall be excused from that duty, except by permission of the Lodge, granted for good and sufficient reasons. (201) Sec. 10—Each officer, duly elected, or appointed and in¬ stalled, shall hold his office until his successor is duly elected, or appointed and installed; provided, that any officer, excepting the Master or Wardens, may resign' at his pleasure. ARTICLE VI. Proxy Representative to the Grand Lodge (202) Sec. 1—A Lodge may, at a stated communication thereof, within the restrictions of Article VII, Paragraph 13, Section 1, Statutes of The Grand Lodge 39 of this Constitution, by a majority vote, elect a proxy to repre: sent it, in the absence of its Master and Wardens, at the next succeding communication of the Grand Lodge; but no such selection shall be valid until the written or printed certificate signed by the Master, Wardens and Secretary of the Lodge mak¬ ing same, duly attested with the seal of the Lodge, shall have been filed with the Grand Secretary. (203) Sec. 2—Providing; that should the proxy of a Lodge fail to attend the annual or special session of the Grand Lodge for which he was delegated, the Grand Master, with the consent of the Grand Lodge, may appoint as substitute another brother not already the holder of a similar proxy, to act for the Lodge in question. ARTICLE-VII. By-laws of a Lodge (204) Sec. 1—A Lodge has full power and authority to enact by-laws foil its own government, in conformity to the Constitu¬ tion of this Grand Lodge and the principles of Masonry; but no such by-laws, or amendments thereto, shall be valid or of any effect until approved by the Grand Lodge, and when so approved they shall remain valid and in effect until disapproved by the Grand Lodge, repealed by the Lodge, or amended as provided in this section. (205) Sec. 2—A Lodge may at a stated communication, when summoned for that purpose and on notice, tax or assess its mem¬ bers for strictly Masonic purposes but for no other. (206) Sec. 3—No by-law shall elect to suspend or expel any member for failure to pay dues or assessments; but an assessment, as relates to the non-payment thereof, assumes the nature of dues. (207) Sec. A—Each Lodge shall at all times have on file with the Grand Secretary, not less than two copies of its by-laws and future amendments or other alterations therein. (208) Sec. 5—Where the By-Laws of a Lodge authorize the Master, at his discretion, to close the Lodge during any portion of the year, and he has closed it accordingly, any meeting called by him in the interim is a special meeting, at which it would be im¬ proper to receive or act upon petitions for initation or member¬ ship. ARTICLE VIII. Visitation of Lodges by Brethren (209) No visitor can be admitted into any Lodge without due 40 Statutes of The Grand Lodge inquiry and satisfaction as to his good and regular Masonic standing: nor can he be admitted if his admission would disturo the harmony of the Lodge or embarrass the work. It is the right of the Master to determine the validity of objections to requests to visit, he being responsible for the abuse of his discretion. ARTICLE IX. Resignations—Vacancies in Office—How and When Supplied (210) Sec. 1—Neither Master nor Warden can resign, and every installed officer shall hold his office until his successor shall have been installed, unless his office becomes vacant as provided in the next section. (211) Sec. 2—A vacancy in office in a Lodge can occur only: (a) By death; (b) By resignation of another than Master or Warden: (c) By election and installation of the holder of such of¬ fice to fill another office in the Lodge; (d) By expulsion or by suspension for a time extending beyond the next annual election, or by removal from office. (212) Sec. 3—A vacancy in an elective office, except that of Master or Warden, may be filled by ballot at any stated com¬ munication, upon full notice to the members. A vacancy in an appointed office may be filled at any time. In case the offices of Master and Wardens become vacant, an election can be held only by virtue of a dispensation from the Grand Master, and must be applied for by two-thirds of the members present, to be so certified by the Secretary; and in case such election be held, the members shall be notified as for an annual election, and its result shall be immediately reported to the Grand Secretary, and the officers duly installed. Such dispensation shall be without, fee. ARTICLE X. Precedence! of Lodges (213) Lodges shall take precedence according to the order in which they stand upon the roll of the Grand Lodge. ARTICLE XI. Change of Location (214) Sec. 1—A Lodge may not change its place of meeting from the town, city, village, or portion of a city, without a con¬ current vote of two-thirds of the members present, and voting at a stated communication, to attend which they shall have been Statutes of The Grand Lodge 41 required by, summons served at least ten days previous, stating the subject to be acted upon at such communication, and no re¬ moval shall take place without the sanction of the Grand Master. (215) Sec. 2—The location of a Lodge within the town, village, city or portion of a city where it is chartered or authorized, is at the discretion of such Lodge, subject to review by the Grand' Master or the Grand Lodge, for any abuse thereof. ARTICLE XII. Seal (216) Every Warranted Lodge shall have a seal, an impression of which must be filed with the Grand Secretary, and all official documents issued from such Lodge must be attested by an im¬ pression of the seal. ARTICLE XIII Record Books, etc. (217) Sec. 1—Every Lodge shall procure, open and keep a com¬ plete set of bound books of record and finance, together with such other books as may be required by law, to wit: (a) Every Lodge is required to keep a copy of the Con¬ stitution, Statutes and Regulations of the Grand Lodge, also the By-laws of such Subordinate Lodge in, a book or other suitable form, which should contain the signature of every member of the Lodge, and when a brother is accepted to full membership therein by raising, he should at once attach his signature to such book, due opportunity having been given for the brother to have read the same, provided, however, that the act of raising a brother, constitutes him a member of the Lodge. (b) A Record Book of the proceedings of each stated or special communication of the Lodge. (c) A Register so ruled as to contain columns in which shall be entered the name of each person who shall petition for membership ; the place and date of his birth; the date of his com¬ ing to the State New York; the date of his reception, rejection, initiation, passing, raising; the name, number and location of the Lodge conferring the degrees; the names and dates of offices held; the dates of admission, demission, suspension, expulsion, dropping from roll, reinstatement, restoration, affiliation or death, together with such other information of personal history as the Lodge may desire to preserve. (d) A Register containing an alphabetical list of each suspension, expulsion, rejection, dropping from roll, reinstate¬ ment and restoration, with dates thereof. Statutes of The 6rand Lodge (e) A Record of all acts of charity; to whom given and with the dates thereof. (f) A Record of the Passed Masters ; the names of offices held in the Grand Lodge, with the dates thereof. (g) A Record of each visitor with the date thereof. (h) A Record of the financial account of each member. (i) A Record of money received and disbursed. (j) A Record of other finances of the Lodge. (k) A Record of the receipts and accounts of the Treas¬ urer, Secretary and Trustees. (1) A copy of the "Constitution, Statues and Regulations" of the Grand Lodge, to which shall be added from time to time, all amendments and alterations duly adopted by the Grand Lodge. (218) Sec. 2—It shall be the duty of each Lodge to preserve in its archives a copy of the proceedings of the Grand Lodge, as published from year to year. (218a) Sec. 3—And such other books as the Grand Lodge may prescribe for the government and instruction of the Lodges and the members thereof. ARTICLE XIV. Meetings (219) Sec. 1—The meetings of a Lodge are Stated, Special or Social, to wit: (a) The stated meetings, shall be held at such times as the Lodge may prescribe in its By-Laws. (b) Special meetings may be held at any time at the dis¬ cretion of the Master, or as may be prescribed by the Lodge By-Laws, in accordance with the' Grand Lodge Laws and the usages of the Craft. (c) Meetings for social intercourse and pleasure may be called by a vote of the Lodge at any suitable time and place, observing the teachings and welfare of the Craft. (d) A Lodge shall not advance the hour of its stated communication as specified in its by-laws, except by virtue of a dispensation for a particular occasion. (220) Sec. 2—Every Lodge shall meet at least once in each year, and the neglect of a Lodge to hold any meeting for one year, or to make returns and pay dues for two years successively, shall subject it to the forfeiture of its Warrant; and a Lodge neglecting to pay its annual dues at the time specified in this Constitution, shall not be entitled to be represented at the Grand Lodge session following same. Statutes of The Grand Lodge 43 ARTICLE XV. Charity (221) Sec. 1—The Committee of Charity shall consist of the Master, Senior and Junior Wardens, and it shall be their duty to act in behalf of the Lodge in the exercise of its benevolence toward those entitled thereto. (222) Sec. 2—All members of Lodges in good standing, their wives, widows and minor children, have a right to charitable relief from such Lodges upon presenting satisfactory evidence of their Masonic character or relations, and that they are in neces¬ sitous circumstances. (223) Sec. 3—If a claim for charitable relief be made upon the funds for the Lodge when not in session, the Charity Committee shall examine the same, and they shall be authorized to draw upon the funds to an amount not exceeding that specified in the By-Laws for present relief. ARTICLE XVI. Lodges not to Divide their Funds, nor to Work Clandestinely, nor on Sundays (224) No Lodge shall distribute nor loan its funds among its members; nor introduce intoxicating liquors within its Lodge room; nor countenance or permit lecturing; nor meet for Masonic labors on the first day of the week, commonly called Sunday. ARTICLE XVII. Insignia of Lodge Officers (225) The jewels of the officers of Lodges are to be of silver or white metal, and those of the Master and Wardens must be worn at all sessions of the Grand Lodge. The aprons shall be of white, or of white trimmed with blue, except as otherwise specially ordered or allowed by the Grand Lodge. ARTICLE XVIII. Masonic Duty When Violated Is An Offense (226) When a duty is imposed, its neglect or violation without excuse, shall be considered an offense against Masonic Law, 44 Statutes of The Grand Lodge ARTICLE XIX. The Degrees of Masonry (227) The Degrees of Ancient Craft Masonry are no more nor less than three in number, to wit: The First or Entered Apprentice; The Second or Fellow Craft; The Third or Master Mason ; and all business in the Lodges in this jurisdiction shall be trans¬ acted in the Third or Master Mason's Degree. ARTICLE XX. Of Subordinate Lodges (228) Sec. 1—Every Lodge, whether working by virtue of a Warrant or Dispensation, while the same is in effect, shall have the right to confer the degrees of Ancient Craft Masonry as out¬ lined in Article XIX, paragraph 227 of these Laws, subject to such rules and regulations in regard thereto as may be prescribed by the Grand Lodge and the ancient usages and customs of the Craft. (229) Sec. 2—Lodges working under Dispensation may exercise all the rights of Warranted Lodges not otherwise provided for, except that of electing the three principal officers of the Lodge and the sending of representatives to the sessions of the Grand Lodge. (230) Sec. 3—'No dispensation for a new Lodge shall be granted except upon the written petition of at least seven Master Masons in good standing in Lodges under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, which petition shall be accompanied by certificates of conditional dimission from the same, certified to the effect that the three principal officers named in the petition have exemplified the wcrk of the three degrees in open Lodge and that they are competent to confer the same in a creditable manner. (231) Sec. 4—Nor shall any dispensation issue for a new Lodge, until the nearest Warranted Lodge where the new one shall hold, shall have notice of the application, and be given an opportunity for a statement of reasons for or against the granting of such dis¬ pensation. (232) Sec. 5—In event that the Grand Lodge shall deem it un¬ wise to grant a Warrant to a Lodge working under a dispensa¬ tion and that a new dispensation shall not issue, it shall be the duty of the late Master, Wardens, Secretary and Treasurer there¬ of to surrender forthwith to the Grand Master or to his duly authorized agent appointed to receive the same, all books, papers, Statutes of The Grand Lodge 45 jewels, furniture, moneys and other property belonging- to the said extinct Lodge; and every member of such a Lodge who shall refuse to make such surrender or who shall, by vote or otherwise, make any disposition of said effects other than herein designated, shall be liable for Masonic discipline for violating the laws and regulations of this Grand Lodge. All moneys accruing from property, as herein prescribed, shall be paid into the Char¬ ity Fund of the treasury of the Grand Lodge. ARTICLE XXI. Master's Duties and Powers — Vacancy in his Office and how Filled (233) Sec. 1—The Master has power: (a) To open and preside over the Lodge when present, and to make all necessary arrangements for the faithful perform¬ ance of that duty when absent. (b) To congregate the members of his Lodge upon any emergency. (c) To issue summonses. (d) To see that the By-Laws of the Lodge, the Constitu¬ tion of the Grand Lodge and its Statutes and Regulations, and the ancient rules and customs of the Craft, be properly under¬ stood, respected and obeyed by his members. (e) To discharge the executive functions of the Lodge. (f) To represent his Lodge, in conjunction with his Senior and Junior Wardens, at all the sessions of this Grand Lodge. (g) To see that the proper officers collect and truly keep the moneys of the Lodge; to see that the furniture and other valuables are not damaged or lost; and in the event that the Warrant or Dispensation of the Lodge should ever be forfeited or surrendered, to preserve these things subject to the order of the Grand Lodge. (h) To sign all orders drawn upon the Treasurer, but not without the consent of the Lodge. (i) To appoint all committees not otherwise provided for. (j) To see that all unmasonic conduct that comes to his knowledge be faithfully and truly dealt with according to the laws; of this jurisdiction. (k) To guarantee to every one charged with unmasonic conduct a fair trial, and an appeal to the Grand Master and Grand Lodge if demanded. (1) To preside at the burial services of deceased Master Masons, members of his own Lodge, or those of a sojourner. (m) To appoint the appointed officers of his Lodge. 46 Statutes of The Grand Lodge (n) To remove any appointed officer for just cause, (o) To install his successor in office. _ (p) To give the casting vote at any time in case oi a le. (q) To see that worthy brethren, visitors °ther Lodges, have a courteous and hearty welcome to his Lodge. ^ (r) To read and explain to his Lodge, the Constitution, Statutes and proceedings of the Grand Lodge. (s) To see that the annual returns to the Grand Lodge are properly made out and forwarded by the Secretary, by the time required by the Grand Lodge. (t) To decide all questions of order. (234) Sec. 2—In the case of the death, absence or inability of the Master, or if a vacancy occurs in his office, the Senior and Junior Wardens will, in succession, succeed to his prerogative.; and duties for all purposes, except such as pertain to the install¬ ation of the officers. (235) Sec. 3—From the decision of the Master, or Warden presiding in the absence of the Master, there shall be no appeal except to the Grand Master or to the Grand Lodge. ARTICLE XXII. The Wardens (236) Sec. 1—The Senior Warden shall succeed to and exercise all the powers of the Master, in the event of his absence; he shall, in conjunction with the Master and Junior Warden, represent his Lodge at all sessions of this Grand Lodge, and take charge of the Craft during the hours of labor. (237) Sec. 2—The Junior Warden shall succeed to and exercise all the powers of the Master, in the event of the absence of the Master and the Senior Warden; he shall, in conjunction with the Master and the Senior Warden, represent his Lodge at all ses¬ sions of this Grand Lodge; he shall take charge of the Craft during the hours of refreshment; he shall take cognizance of all complaints made by the brethren of unmasonic conduct and irregularity in the members, and bring the same to the attention of the Lodge if necessary; provided, this shall not prohibit any member bringing his complaint directly before the Lodge. ARTICLE XXIII. Duties of the Treasurer (238) It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to : (a) Receive all moneys from the Secretary; keep a just and regular account of the same and pay them out at the direc¬ tion of the Ma$ter with the consent of the Lodge. Statutes of The Grand Lodge 47 (b) To prepare annually or at such times as directed, an official statement of his accounts with the Lodge, and deliver the same to the Lodge at the close of his term. (c) To deliver promptly to his successor in office all the funds of the Lodge, together with all the books, papers, vouchers and other documents having any reference to the affairs of his office. (d) He shall give a bond in such sum, and under such conditions as the Lodge may determine. ARTICLE XXIV. Duties of the Secretary (239) It shall be the duty of the Secretary: (a) To receive all moneys, pay the same over to the Treas¬ urer forthwith, taking his receipt therefor. (b) To record the proceedings of all communications of the Lodge, under the direction of the presiding officer. (c) To furnish copies of all evidence taken on trials where an appeal to the Grand Master or Grand Lodge is demanded. (d) To furnish diplomas, dimits, certificates, etc., duly signed and sealed, by order of the Lodge. (e) To notify the Grand Secretary promptly of all peti¬ tions for membership, rejections, suspensions, expulsions, dimis- sions, dropping from roll, reinstatements, restorations and deaths. (f) To notify the Secretaries of all Lodges within his District, of all rejections, suspensions, expulsions, dropping from roll, reinstatements and restorations. (g) To keep a register of the applicants, regular members, honorary and life members of the Lodge, with a permanent number affixed to each name, corresponding with the return for registry- as required by the Grand Lodge, giving the age, place of birth, address, date of initiation, passing, raising, dimis- sion, affiliation, with the name and locatin of the Lodge to or from, date of dropping from roll and reinstatement, date of sus¬ pension or expulsion with cause therefor and date of restoration, date of decease and all such other information as shall be' neces¬ sary for the keeping of a complete record of all persons. (h) To keep alphabetically in a suitable book, all re¬ jections, suspensions, expulsions and restorations as communi¬ cated by the Grand Lodge. (i) To make an annual return to the Grand Secretary, signed by the Master and himself, and duly attested with the seal of the Lodge, of all such matters as shall be required of him. (j) To transmit immediately after every election, a cer- 48 Statutes of The Grand Lodge tificate of the names and residences of the officers elected, to the Grand Secretary and to the District Deputy Grand Master or the District in which his Lodge is located. (k) To file all reports as required by the Grand Lodge with the Grand Secretary within the time specified by the rules adopted. (1) To forward with the annual returns to the Grand Secretary, all moneys due the Grand Lodge for dues and taxes. (m) To attest the official signature of the Master to all documents when necessary. (n) To preserve the seal of the Lodge with care, and file with the Grand Secretary an impresssion of the same, (o) To keep a visitor's register. (p) To keep an account with each member, and promptly collect all dues. (q) To keep all petitions and documents of every char¬ acter pertaining to the business of the Lodge; to be labeled, file' ?nd kept in a safe and secure place and to be delivered up only upon the order of the Lodge. (r) To notify the members of special meetings, (s) To prepare a balance sheet of all the accounts of the members and a roll of all who may be entitled to vote, likewise, annually at the close of his term, an official statement of his own accounts and deliver the same to the Lodge. (t) To deliver promptly to his successor in office all the books, papers, vouchers, and other documents in his possession, pertaining to the business of the Lodge. (u) He shall give a bond in such sum, and under such conditions as the Lodge may determine. ARTICLE XXV. The Duties of the Deacons (240) Sec. 1—The Senior Deacon, to: Act as the representative of the Master in the active duties of his office; to receive visiting brethren and to receive and con¬ duct candidates in the degrees of Masony. (241) Sec. 2—The Junior Deacon, to: Act as the representative of the Senior Warden in the rctive duties of his office, and to have special care of the security of the Lodge. ARTICLE XXVI. The Duties of the Stewards (242) The Stewards shall have charge, subject to the directions Statutes of The Grand Lodge 49 of the Master, of the furniture, jewels and other property of the Lodge; provide light, fuel, refreshments, etc., for the comfort of the brethren and to have care to cleanliness in the hall and ante¬ rooms. ARTICLE XXVII. Duties of Other Officers (243) Sec. 1—The Masters of Ceremonies shall assist the Senior Deacon in conducting- the candidates through the several degrees of Masonry. (244) Sec. 2—The Tyler shall guard the outer door of the Lodge; he shall serve notices, summonses, citations, etc., not otherwise provided for, issued under the authority of the Master and the Lodge, when required. (245) Sec. 3—The Lodge may appoint such other officers as it may deem necessary, whose duties shall be in accordance with the titles of their offices. (246) Sec. 4—The Trustees shall have power to have a general supervision over the property, funds, etc., of the Lodge, as it may direct in its By-Laws, provided, however, such rules adopted shall not conflict with the Constitution, Statutes and Regulations of the Grand Lodge. ARTICLE XXVIII. Keeping and Approval of Minutes (247) Sec. 1—The minutes of a stated or special communcation shall be read and corrected (if necessary) and approved by the Lodge before it is closed, and such proceedings shall be sub¬ mitted to the Grand Lodge whenever required, and having been approved cannot be altered or expunged. (248) Sec. 2—The minutes of a Lodge having been approved may not be altered; but a minute may be ordered and made at a subsequent comunication in the proceedings of said communica¬ tion, explaining or correcting the errors of record of the previous communication. ARTICLE XXIX. Membership Requirements (249) Sec. 1—No person a stranger in this jurisdiction shall be made a Mason until he shall have resided at least twelve con¬ secutive months in the State, and at least four months in the city, town, or place in which he desires to be made, he bringing good and satisfactory evidence of his moral character and fitness. (250) Sec. 2—Whenever a member ceases to be in good stand- 56 Statutes of The Grand Lodge ine: in his Lodge, either by suspension or expulsion therefrom, except for non payment of dues, his membership also ceases in the Grand Lodge. ARTICLE XXX. Affiliation (251) See. 1—A non-affiliated Mason within this jurisdiction shall be one whose membership has ceased in his Lodge. (252) Sec. 2—Any non-affiliated Master Mason who was former¬ ly a member of a Lodge in this jurisdiction, and who has resided six months in any locality in this jurisdiction, may, if eligible, petition for membership in any Lodge therein, as he may elect, provided however the loss of the previous membership shall not have been less than five years. He shall accompany his petition with a satisfactory statement from his former Lodge relative to his conduct therein, if such be in existence; or, if such Lodge is extinct, he shall furnish such satisfactory evidence from the records of the Grand Lodge, duly certified by the Grand Secre¬ tary, together with such fee as shall be determined by the By« Laws of the Lodge in which he shall seek membership. (253) Sec. 3—Any Master Mason from another jurisdiction whose membership ceased in a Lodge therein for non-payment of dues, who ha.^ resided in any locality within this jurisdiction for not less than six consecutive months, may, if eligible, petition for membership in any Lodge in such locality as he may elect, providing however, his petition shall be accompanied by a state¬ ment giving satisfactory evidence of his conduct in his former Lodge, under the seal thereof, together with a certified statement of the regularity of said former Lodge, issued under the seal of the Grand Lodge of said jurisdiction, together with such affilia¬ tion fee as is determined in the By-Law's of the prospective Lodge. (254) Sec. A—Any Master Mason who is a member of a Lodge in this jurisdiction, and who is in good standing in the same, shall be eligible to dimit to any other Lodge within the same, provided he shall comply with all the requirements for affiliation as may be determined in the By-Laws of the Lodge in which he shall seek membership. (255) Sec. 5—Any Master Mason residing in this jurisdiction, who is a member in good standing of a Lodge' in another grand jurisdiction, may, after residing- for at least six consecutive months within the vicinity of a Lodge in this jurisdiction, apply for membership in any Lodge therein by presenting thereto at a stated communication thereof, a written petition, giving the name, number, location of Lodge in which he holds membership Statutes of The Grand Lodge 51 with such other information as the prospective Lodge may re¬ quire, together with his dimit from his Lodge and such fee as the prospective Lodge may determine in its By-Laws. (256) Sec. 6—Any Master Mason who is a member in good standing of a Lodge in another grand jurisdiction in which a dimit is not granted until after a member shall have been elect¬ ed to membership in another Lodge, may, after residing for at least six consecutive months within the vicinity of a Lodge in this jurisdiction, apply for membership in any Lodge therein by presenting at a stated communication thereof, a written petition, giving the name, number, location of Lodge in which he holds membership, with such other information as the prospective Lodge mlay require, together with such fee as may be deter¬ mined in its By-Laws. (257) Sec. 7—If such petitioner, as provided for in paragraph 256 section 6 of this article, is elected to membership, a certifi¬ cate thereof, under the seal of the Lodge, shall be sent by the Secretary of the Lodge in which such brother holds member¬ ship, requesting that he be dismissed from membership therein, and a certificate of that fact be returned. (258) Sec. 8—Upon the receipt of a certificate, as provided for in paragraph 257, section 7, of this article, showing that such brother has been dismissed from membership in his former Lodge, the Master shall, at the first stated communication thereafter, declare him a member of the Lodge, which fact shall be duly entered upon the records, certified back to the other Lodge, and the brother informed regarding the same. (259) Sec. 9—A petition for affiliation shall not be received by a Lodge, except at a stated communication, signed by at least two members of the Lodge, one as the proposer and the other as the reference, and when received, it shall be referred to an investigating committee of not less than three members, whose report thereon must be in writing, either "favorable" or "un¬ favorable," and no report of an investigating committee shall be received until at least thirty days after the petition shall have beenl referred. No petition shall be received if it discloses that a similar petition by the same brother shall be pending before* another Lodge, in which case, the Lodge holding the petitioji of earliest date shall assume jurisdiction. (260) Sec. 10—A petitioner for affiliation who shall be rejected in a Lodge, may apply to the same Lodge or to any other local Lodge at any time thereafter as he may elect. No Lodge shall claim original jurisdiction over a rejected applicant for affi¬ liation, 52 Statutes of the Grand Lodge ARTICLE XXXI. Healing (261) This Grand Lodge does not recognize the principle of healing, in any respect whatsoever. Work done by a Lodge in an irregular manner, shall be corrected by it in accordance with the Laws of this Grand Lodge at the proper time, without prej¬ udice to the rights and privileges of the person or persons affected. ARTICLE XXXII. Burial (262) Sec. 1-—Except when requested of a Lodge by a member thereof in good standing, or by his family, a Masonic burial shall be granted only at the discretion of the Master; such service shall be in accordance with the usages and customs of the Craft, and none but a Master Mason shall be entitled to a Masonic burial; nor shall an Entered Apprentice or Fellow Craft be permitted to participate in such ceremony. (263) Sec. 2—A deceased non-affiliated Master Mason may receive a Masonic burial at the discretion of the Master. (264) Sec. 3—A sojourning Master Mason who at the time of his decease shall be within the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, but whose residence and Lodge are located in another grand jurisdiction, may, if he is in good standing", receive a Masonic burial by any local Lodge at the discretion of the Master. ARTICLE XXXIII. Processions (265) Sec. J—No Lodge or Mason shall appear in Masonic clothing in any public procession or at any public meeting or place, except it be on a strictly Masonic occasion or in the per¬ formance of a Masonic duty, ceremony or custom; and not then, except foi the burial of a brother, without the consent of the Grand Master or his District Deputy Grand Master for the District in which such Lodge is located. (266) Sec. 2—There shall be no processions of the Grand Lodge, except by special order thereof, except funeral procession on the death of a present or past Grand Officer and then only by the direction of the Grand Master or the officer presiding. Statutes/ of the Grand Lodge 53 ARTICLE XXXIV. Suspended and Expelled Masons (267) Sec. 1—A Mason who stands suspended for unmasonic conduct, upon due trial, is not chargeable with Lodge or Grand Lodge dues during the period of such suspension. (268) Sec. 2—A suspended Mason charged with unmasonic conduct which, if proven, would justify a greater punishment than he is undergoing, may be arranged for trial: provided, that if adjudged guilty, the punishment shall be expulsion. (269) Sec. 3—Neither a suspended nor an expelled Master Mason are eligible for affiliation in this grand jurisdiction. ARTICLE XXXV. Non-affiliation (270) Sec. 1—An expelled Mason, after the expiration of one year following the confirmation of his sentence, shall have the right of petitioning for restoration to the rights and privileges of the Craft; Provided, this section shall be deemed a prayer for forgiveness. (271) Sec. 2—A suspended or an expelled Mason shall not fre entitled to Masonic relief; nor his widow or orphan children. He shall not be permitted to visit Lodges, walk in Masonic pro¬ cessions, participate in public nor private Masonic ceremonies, nor to receive a Masonic burial. ARTICLE XXXVI. Reinstatement (272) Sec. 1—A non-affiliated Mason in this jurisdiction may be reinstated in his Lodge through the payment of not less than one year's dues and Grand Lodge taxes. (273) Sec. 2—A petition for reinstatement must be presented in writing at a stated communication and shall follow the course provided for a petition for membership, except, a vote of the majority of those present shall be necessary to consummate such reinstatement. (274) Sec. 3—If the petitioner be non-affiliated from a Lodge which shall be extinct, he may petition the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge for reinstatement, stating the name, number, lo¬ cation and date of non-affiliation. Such petition shall be referred to a committee of three appointed by the Grand Master, and thereafter the Grand Lodge may upon the report of said com- pijttee at its discretion, reinstate him a Mason in good standing, 54 Statutes of the Grand Lodge having the right to apply to a Lodge for admission, but a two- thirds vote of the members of the Grand Lodge present shall be necessary to a reinstatement. (275) Sec. A—A Lodge shall have power to enact a By-Law which shall provide a penalty for the non-payment of Lodge dues, which penalty shall be non-affiliation; but such penalty shall not be inflicted except for the non-payment of at least one year's dues and Grand Lodge taxes, nor until the brother shall have been duly summoned, at least thirty days previous, to pay such indebtedness. (276) Sec. 5—Any such non-affiliated brother does not forfeit his rights as at mentber, but can be reinstated as a member in good standing upon the payment of his liabilities up to the time of said dropping from roll, in such a manner as prescribed in these laws. (277) Sec. 6—No Lodge shall permit a member to be in ar¬ rears exceeding two years' Lodge dues and Grand Lodge taxes; nor shall it be liable for the Grand Lodge dues of a non-affili¬ ated member. (278) Sec. 7—Any brother who shall remain a non-affiliated Mason three (3) months or more, shall not be permitted to visit any Lodge within this jurisdiction. ARTICLE XXXVII. Restoration (279) Sec. 1—Definite suspension shall expire by limitation, and any Mason so suspended shall be restored tc| all the rights and privileges he previously enjoyed, at the expiration of the time defined in his sentence, without vote or other action by the Lodge. (280) Sec. 2—A suspended Mason shall be entitled to the right of appeal. (281) Sec. 3—An expelled Mason, seeking restoration, after his expulsion shall have been confirmed by the Grand Lodge, shall first petition the Lodge from which he was expelled for its recommendation to the Grand Lodge for his restoration; if such petition be concurred in by the majority vote of the members present at a stated communication, the members of the Lodge having been notified at least ten days prior to the presentation of such petition, the same shall be endorsed under the seal of the Lodge and immediately forwarded to the Grand Secretary at least ten days previous to the next annual session of the Grand Lodge; provided, that in case such Lodge be extinct, the petition shall be made direct to the Grand Lodge, and upon Statutes of the Grand Lodge favorable action thereon by the Grand Lodge, the status of the brother shall be that of a non-affiliated Mason. (282) Sec. 4—The Grand Lodge reserves to itself the right, by a majority vote, at any annual session, to restore an expelled Mason to all the rights and privileges of Masonry, but not to membership in any Lodge. (283) Sec. 5—Immediately upon such restoration by the Grand Lodge, the Grand Secretary shall furnish the brother with a certificate of restoration, which shall serve in lieu of a dimit, and must be filed by the brother with his petition for member¬ ship in a Lodge in this jurisdiction. (284) Sec. 6—Restoration being a voluntary act upon the part of the Lodge or by the Grand Lodge, cannot be claimed as a matter of right, and can, therefore never be compelled or en¬ forced. (285) Sec. 7—Any brother who shall have been expelled and afterwards restored to the rights and privileges of Masonry, may present his petition for affiliation to any local Lodge in the jurisdiction, provided he elect not to rejoin his former Lodge. ARTICLE XXXVIII. Limitation (286) Prosecution for a Masonic offence must be commenced within three years after the commission thereof. ARTICLE XXXIX. Membership—How Acquired (287) Membership in a Lodge shall only be acquired by a brother in the following manner : (a) By having been named one of the persons to whom was granted a dispensation or warrant under which the Lodge was constituted. (b) By having been accepted by the Lodge as a candi¬ date, and afterwards having received the third degree; and every brother having received that degree shall be deemfed a member of the Lodge by which he was accepted (if it shall then exist) ; and—unless he shall have~been raised to the third degree merely by courtesy for another Lodge'—it shall be his duty, immediately after receiving such degree, to sign the By-Laws of such Lodge. (c) An Entered Apprentice or Fellow Craft made by a Lodge under dispensation which shall have ceased to exist, may make application to any Lodge within the jurisdiction of which he resides for the remaining degrees or degree, and if the Lodge accepts his application, he shall become a member of such Lodge 56 Statutes of the Grand Lodge and sign its By-Laws on receiving the third degree. (d) By regular affiliation; but no Master Mason shall become a member of a Lodge other than that in which, or at the request, or upon consent of which he received the third degree, unless it shall appear that he is non-affiliated, and not indebted to any Lodge for dues or assessments, and that no charges of unmasonic conduct are pending against him. (e) The term initiation as m'entioned in these Laws, shall be.as referring to the first or Entered Apprentice Degree. (f) The signing of the By-Laws of the Lodge at the conclusion of the conferring of the Master Mason's Degree and the immediate possession of a Grand Lodge certificate, are posi¬ tively necessary prerequisites for full and complete membership therein. ARTICLE XL. Of Candidates (288) Sec. 1—No Lodge shall initiate a person except upon his petition, and no petition for initiation shall be received by a Lodge unless the petitioner shall have in such petition answered affirmatively in writing, the questions prescribed in the statutes. (289) Sec. 2—A Lodge shall not initiate a person without due inquiry into his character, nor without being satisfied, in a Masonic manner, that he has not been previously rejected. (290) Sec. 3—If it shall be ascertained that a person being a petitioner for initiation has been rejected, then no Lodge shall initiate him until the expiration of not less than six months after such rejection. (291) Sec. 4—When a rejected candidate petitions another Lodge for initiation, the Lodge petitioned shall obtain from the One in which the applicant was rejected, an attested copy of the report of the investigating committee, and such report must be read and filed with the report of its own investigating committee and become a portion of said report. (292) Sec. 5—A ballot for each degree is an undeniable right, whenever demanded, and if after a candidate has been accepted, and before he has been initiated, a new ballot be demanded, it must be taken; and if such ballot result in a rejection, it shall have the same effect as if it had occurred when the candidate was first accepted. (293) Sec. 6—No written or verbal objection shall have the effect to reject the application of a candidate. (294) Sec. 7—When a candidate has been elected to receive the degrees, of Masonry, and for any reason fails to receive the Statutes of the Grand Lodge 57 Entered Apprentice Degree within four months after the date of such election, a new ballot must be had with a favorable re¬ sult, at a stated communication, before such degree can be con¬ ferred: Provided, the, failure to receive said degree is the fault of the Lodge, then it can be conferred throug"h a dispensation. (295) Sec. 8—An unfavorable ballot received by a candidate in accordance with paragraph 294, Section 7 of this Article, shall act as an original rejection. ARTICLE XLI. Of Advancement (296) Sec. 1—Every member of a Lodge present at any bal¬ loting1 therein for initiation, affiliation or advancement, must vote. (297) Sec. 2—If objection to the advancement of any Entered Apprentice or Fellow Craft be made by a member of his Lodge or a member of any other Lodge in this jurisdiction, such ob¬ jection shall be submitted to a committee of not less than three, with power to inquire into the cause thereof, who shall be given an opportunity to be heard before the committee. After the reception of such report, if no cause for the objection has been assigned, or if the cause assigned be, in the opinion of the ma¬ jority of the members present, not a valid and Masonic one. the Lodge may confer the degree or degrees as if no objection had been made. (298) Sec. 3—If after a candidate has been initiated any mem¬ ber shall demand a ballot upon the advancement of the candi¬ date and such ballot result in a rejection, the candidate may again apply for advancement at any Subsequent stated commu¬ nication of the Lodge. (299) Sec. A—The application for advancement must lie over at least to the next stated communication, and a clear ballot must be had before the candidate can be advanced. (300) Sec. 5—An Entered Apprentice or Fellow Craft, unless under charges for unmasonic conduct, is entitled to advance¬ ment on making suitable proficiency therefor, which must be, ascertained by examination in open Lodge; the result thereof indicated by a show of hands, and no prerogative of the Grand Master shall avail to the contrary. (301) Sec. 6—If charges are preferred against an Entered Apprentice or Fellow Craft, his advancement is thereby stayed, pending the action thereon; and if upon the trial of the same he is found not guilty, he must be advanced as thcugh no charges had been preferred. 58 Statutes of the Grand Lodge (302) Sec. 7—If found guilty, and suspended or expelled, such Entered Apprentice or Fellow Craft can only be advanced after restoration, in accordance with the Laws governing the restoration of a Master Mason. A sentence of censure shall not operate as a stay for advancement. (303) Sec. 8—When an Entered Apprentice or a Fellow Craft, or any, person elected to receive the degrees, removes from the jurisdiction of the Lodge in which he was elected, and desires advancement or membership in a Lodge in the locality in which he is now residing, he shall petition such Lodge therefor, stating the facts, and after acceptance of the petition, the prospective Lodge shall immediately request the one of original jurisdiction for a waiver of the same, and such waiver, if granted, shall -release all claims held by the Lodge of original jurisdiction, and transfer the person named therein to the jurisdiction of the prospective Lodge for all purposes. (304) Sec. 9—If the Lodge of original jurisdiction refuse to grant such waiver, the Lodge petitioned or any other within the same locality shall advance such Entered Apprentice or Fellow' Craft or confer the three degrees upon such person elected to receive the same in the Lodge of original jurisdiction. (3(35) Sec. 10—When an Entered Apprentice or a Fellow Craft or any person elected to receive the degrees in a Lodge within another grand jurisdiction, removes within the jurisdiction of a Lodge in this grand jurisdiction, and desires advancement or membership in a Lodge in the locality in which such person now resides, he shall petition such Lodge as he may elect, and after the acceptance of such petition, the local Lodge shall request a waiver of jurisdiction over such person from; the Lodge of original jurisdiction, and no candidate shall be advanced nor degrees conferred until such waiver shall have been received and recorded by the Lodge in this grand jurisdiction. (306) Sec. 11—When an Entered Apprentice or Fellow Craft or any person elected to receive the degrees in a Lodge in this jurisdiction shall remove to another grand jurisdiction and de¬ sire advancement or membership in a Lodge in such other grand jurisdiction, the Lodge claiming original jurisdiction, must, upon proper application from a regular Lodge, grant and forward immediately, a waiver of jurisdiction over such person, provided, that no fee shall be refunded by the Lodge of original jurisdiction.. (307) Sec. 12—The right of an Entered Apprentice or a Fel¬ low Craft made such in another grand jurisdiction, whose Lodge is extinct, to petition for advancement in this jurisdiction, shall be in accordance with the laws of this Grand Lodge. Statutes of the Grand Lodge 59 ARTICLE XLII. Petitions For Degrees—Lodge Jurisdiction Over Candidates— Duties of Lodges, Officers and Members on Work or on Degrees. (308) Sec. 1—The following are the questions required to be answered by a petitioner for initiation: 1—What is your full name? 2—Give month, day and year of birth . 3—Where w/ere you born? • 4—Where do you reside? 5—What is your occupation? 6—Where are you employed? 7—Are you married? 8—Are you at present living with your wife? 9—If not living with your wife, state reason for separa¬ tion 10—Are you divorced? 11—If divorced, were you named as being the guilty party? 12—How many children have you? 13—What is your age? 14—Have you resided in the State of New York the twelve months last past? 15—Have you ever, to your knowledge or belief, presented a petition to any Masonic Lodge? 16—If so, when and in what Lodge? 17——Have you ever, to your knowledge or belief, been rejected in any Masonic Lodge? 18—If so, when and in what Lodge?...., 19—Do you believe in the existence of one ever living and true God ? 20^—Have you ever committed or been accused of commit¬ ting a crime ? 21—Are you now or have you ever been connected or inter¬ ested in any business of an immoral or unlawful character? 22—If so, state facts ... 23—What reasons or ideas have you in mind for desiring to become a Mason? 24—Do you know of any physical, legal or moral reason which should prevent you from becoming a Free¬ mason ? .^. 25—Signature (309) Sec. 2—The jurisdiction of a Lodge over candidates ex¬ tends over all persons residing nearer to it than to any other 60 Statutes of the Grand Lodge Lodge within this jurisdiction, except that if there be more than one Lodge in a town, village or city, those Lodges shall have concurrent jurisdiction. (310) Sec. 3—A petition for initiation or affiliation cannot be rec.eived by a Lodge except at a stated communication, and when received it shall be referred to an investigating committee of not less than three, and no report of an investigating com¬ mittee shall be received until at least one stated communication after such petition shall have been referred. (311) Sec. A—A petition for initiation, after having been right¬ fully presented and referred, cannot be withdrawn, but must be acted upon by report of committee and a ballot; and an adverse ballot cannot be reconsidered under any circumstances in less than six months thereafter and then only on a new petition of the candidate. A petition wrongfully presented and referred must be returned as soon as the error is discovered. (312) Sec. 5—A petition or fee of a candidate after rightfully presented and received by a Lodge, who removes to another grand jurisdiction, cannot be withdrawn or returned. (313) Sec. 6—No ballot or petition for initiation, passing, raising or affiliation can be taken at any other than a stated communication. Sec. 6a—Every petition for initiation presented to any Lodge within this jurisdiction must be accompanied with not less than one-third of the amount specified in the By-Laws of such Lodge. The balance of the initiation fee must be paid be¬ fore or at the time the Entered Apprentice Degree is conferred; provided, that no dispensation shall operate to the contrary. (314) Sec. 7—If at any time it shall be charged that a Mason made any misrepresentation to the Lodge in which he shall have been initiated, or to a committee of investigation appointed by the Lodge, oj- used any concealment or deceit in relation to his initiation, he may be tried therefor, and if found guilty, may be punished, by suspension or expulsion. (315) Sec. 8—No discussion upon the merits of a petition for initiation, passing or raising shall be allowed in the Lodge room. (316) Sec. 9—The balloting on a petition cannot be postponed nor adjourned^ but when commenced, must be completed and the result thereof declared. (317) Sec. 10—A Lodge shall not initiate, pass or raise more than five candidates at one communication, and shall not confer more than one degree upon a candidate in any one day; pro¬ vided, that no dispensation shall avail to the contrary. (.318) Sec. 11—A Lodge shall not confer the third degree in Statutes of the Grand Lodge 61 less time than two weeks from the time of conferring the pre¬ ceding degree. (319) Sec. 12—No officer or any other member of a Lodge shall procure the initiation or advancement of any candidate in any other Lodge: than that in which such candidate shall have been accepted. (320) Sec. 13—No Entered Apprentice or Fellow Craft initia¬ ted or passed in a Lodge in another grand jurisdiction, shall be passed or raised in any Lodge under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, other than that in which he was initiated, unless the consent of the Lodge in which he was initiated or passed shall,have been obtained, provided said Lodge continue in ex¬ istence. (321) Sec. 14—No Lodge shall make a Mason for a sum less than fifteen dollars, non upon credit. (322) Sec. 15—No person can be made a Mason in or admitted as a member of a Lodge, if on the ballot one black ball appears against him. (323) Sec. 16—In any city or town having more than one Lodge therein, it shall be the duty of each such Lodge to report to her sister Lodges, the names of all applicants, their occupa¬ tions and addresses, within forty-eight hours after their peti¬ tions are. received, and in case of rejection, such fact shall be reported within the. same time. (324) Sec. 17—No Lodge shall initiate a candidate who is a resident of the State of New York, unless he has been such resident for twelve consecutive months next preceding the ap¬ plication, and four months in the jurisdiction of the Lodge to which he applies. Provided, that persons in the United States naval or military service, shall be excepted from the provisions of this section. (325) Sec. 18—No Lodge shall initiate a candidate who is not a resident of the State of New York, without the consent of a warranted Lodge, acting in accordance with the Constitution and lawTs of the Grand Lodge under the jurisdiction of which such candidate resides; provided, however, this section shall not apply to seafaring men or persons in the United States naval or military service. (326) Sec. 19—The fee referred to in Paragraph 321 in these Laws is for initiation, the whole amount of which fee is due at the time of initiation. A brother whose advancement has been stayed by the ballot, cannot, under any law of Masonry, claim a return of the fee nor any part thereof. (327) Sec. 20—When a Lodge has accepted a petition for ini¬ tiation into the mysteries of Freemasonry, it shall be deemed to 62 Statutes of the Grahd Lodge have acquired original and exclusive jurisdiction: Provided, however, such original and exclusive jurisdiction shall termin¬ ate at the expiration of six months after a rejection shall have occurred. (328) Sec. 21—The Entered Apprentice degree shall not be conferred upon a candidate until at the next stated communica¬ tion following the one at which his petition was balloted upon. ARTICLE XLIII. Balloting. (329) Sec. 1—In balloting for a petition for initiation, the Master in his discretion may order a second ballot, and in e treme cases, he shall have power to order a third ballot, but no more. (330) Sec. 2—The fees accompanying all petitions receiving an adverse ballot, must be returned. (331) Sec. 3—Any brother who shall in any way make known the kind of a ballot cast by himself or another on an application for the degrees of Masonry, or any of them; for affiliation or for advancement, or shall in any way declare that he or an3re other brother cast a certain kind of ballot at such balloting, or shall declare that any specified or indicated number of white balls or ballots, or black balls or ballots, were cast at any bal¬ loting as aforesaid, shall be deemed guilty of a Masonic offense^ and such brother shall, on conviction thereof, be suspended or expelled. (332) Sec. A—Any Master Mason who shall in any manner indicate' his action prior to a ballot on a petition for member¬ ship, or for advancement, or who may in any manner divulge the nature of the ballot he cast upon such petition, or who shall in any manner influence a member of his own or any other Lodge to cast a negative ballot upon any petition for member¬ ship, shall be tried and upon conviction the punishment shall be expulsion; provided, however, this section shall not prevent a Mason inparting legal, religious, moral or other Masonic in¬ formation to another relative to a candidate. ARTICLE XLIV. Election of Officers. (333) Sec. 1—The election for officers of Lodges shall be by written ballot, except that a unanimous election for any office may be had by a show: of hands. Statutes of the Grand Lodge 63 Sec. 2—The majority of the votes cast at an election shall be necessary for a choice. ARTICLE XLV. Work and Lectures. (335) It shall be required that every brother chosen for election to the stations of Master or Wardens of a Lodge, must be familiar with the work and lectures of the ritual; the usages, customs and Ancient Landmarks of the Fraternity and the Constitution, Statutes and other Regulations of this Grand Lodge. ARTICLE XLVI. Duties of Members. (336) Sec. 1—It shall be the duty of every member of a Lodge to obey the Law, Edicts and other Regulations of this Grand Lodge, also the By-Laws of his Subordinate Lodge and such matters as are inculcated in the several lectures and the charges of each degree in Fremasonry. (336a) Sec. 2—Any member who indicates by his conduct, that he is willfully endeavoring- to disturb the peace and har¬ mony of or retarding the business of his Lodge, shall, if charges are proven after due trial, be subject to expulsion. ARTICLE XLVI I. A Lodge Instructing its Officers. (337) A Lodge shall have the power to instruct its representa¬ tives to the Grand Lodge, relative to the wishes of its members upon all matters pertaining to the legislation enacted by the Grand Lodge. ARTI CLE XLVI 11. 1 Dual Membership. (338) No Mason in this jurisdiction shall be a member of more than one Lodge at the same time; provided, however, this shall not apply to honorary membership. ARTICLE XLIX. Life Membership. (339) Sec. 1—A Lodge may elect any of its members to life membership under such conditions as it may provide, and not in conflict with the Regulations of the Grand Lodge. Provided; 64 Statutes of the Grand Lodge not more than two life members shall be elected in any one year, and such members shall be exempt from payment of the Grand Lodge tax. (340) Sec. 2—A Lodge may enact a by-law providing that a member who shall pay into its treasury an amount not less than fifty dollars at one time, shall become a life member of the same. ARTICLE L. Honorary Membership. (341) Any Lodge may, at a stated communication, elect any Master Mason who has been a Mason in good standing for a period of not less than five years or who has rendered exception¬ al service to the Craft, an honorary member: provided, that election to honorary membership being a voluntary act by the Lodge cannot be demanded nor enforced. ARTICLE LI. Dimission. (342) Sec. 1—No brother shall be permitted to dimit from his Lodge until he shall present a certificate from some other Lodge, stating that he has petitioned for membership and been elected therein. On the presentation of such certificate and the written request of the brother, his Lodge shall issue a dimit, which shall not be given to the brother, but must be transmitted by the Secretary to the Lodge from which the certificate came, and said dimit shall not become operative, or the brother's mem¬ bership terminate in his Lodge, until it has been notified he has signed the By-Laws of his prospective Lodge. (343) Sec. 2—A dimit can only be applied for and granted a1" a stated communication, and the member desiring the same must not be under charges nor indebted to his Lodge. (344) Sec. 3—The Master or Wardens of a Lodge cannot dimit from the same during their term of office. (345) Sec. A—A member of a Lodge who is not under charges nor indebted to his Lodge, may withdraw from membership upon the presentation of a petition at a stated communication and stating the reasons therefor. The JLodge may grant such, request dropping the brother's name from its rolls, thereby termin¬ ating his membership and his status shall be that of a non-affilia¬ ted Mason. A brother thus dropped shall receive a certificate under the seal of the Lodge, setting forth such facts. (346) Sec. 5—A non-affiliated Mason as specified in Paragraph No. 345 of these Laws, upon resuming membership in a Lodge, Statutes of the Grand Lodge 65 must sign its By-Laws, before he is entered upon its register as a full member. (347) Sec. 6—The granting of a dimit does not divest the Lodge granting the same of authority to try and punish the brother, for offences committed prior to his dimission. A dim- it signifies the brother is not indebted to his Lodge; is neither suspended or expelled, nor under charges, but does not indicate the holder is not liable to charges under the conditions outlined. (348) Sec. 7<—A dimit shall not be granted if a brother states in open Lodge that he intends preferring charges against a bro¬ ther who makes application for the same; provided, such charges are made at the next succeeding stated communication. (349) Sec. 8—An Entered Apprentice or a Fellow Craft is not a member of a Lodge, and therefore cannot be dimitted. ARTICLE LII. Arrest of Jewel. (350) Sec. 1—The Grand Master shall have power to arrest the jewel of the Master of a Lodge at any time for such mis¬ conduct as shall be liable to bring reproach upon the Craft. (351) Sec. 2—The Master of a Lodge shall arrest the jewel of any officer of his Lodge, whose conduct is such as will bring reproach upon the Lodge or the Craft, and he must make such arrest at any time upon the order of the Grand Master or the Grand Lodge. be entitled to have his case heard before his Lodge, with the right of appeal to the Grand Master or the Grand Lodge. (352) Sec. 3—An officer whose jewel has been arrested, shall (353) Sec. 4—The arrest of his jewel shall suspend the officer from the exercise of any of the functions of his office; his res¬ toration shall fully restore him thereto, and his standing shall not be otherwise affected during such arrest. (354) Sec. 5—It shall be the duty of the authority under which a jewel is arrested, to restore, with the consent of the Lodge, the same, at such time as in their judgment, justice and the interest of the Craft justify. 66 Statutes of the Grand Lodge ARTICLE LIII. Order of Business. (355) The order of business of a Lodge shall be: 1—Opening the Lodge. 2—Calling roll of members. 3—Reading minutes of last stated communication. 4—Reading minutes of special communication. 5—Sickness and distress. 6—Reports on petitions previously referred. 7—Balloting on petitions. 8—Presenting and referring petitions. 9—Communications, bills, etc. 10—Reports of other committees. 11—Unfinished business. 12—Election of officers and installation. 13—Conferring degrees. 14—New business. 15—Reading and approval of minutes. 16—Closing the Lodge. ARTICLE LIV. Territorial Jurisdiction. (356) Sec. 1—The territorial jurisdiction of each Lodge, unless otherwise provided for, shall be over all territory lying nearer to such subordinate Lodge, than to another subordinate Lodge in each city, town or village, except where there are more than one Lodge, the jurisdiction is concurrent. (357) Sec. 2—If any Lodge shall invade the territory of an¬ other and make a Mason of a person residing therein, the Lodge invading shall pay to the one whose jurisdiction was invaded, all fees received on account thereof, and the sum of twelve dol¬ lars additional for each person so received, and the status of the person so received, shall be changed to the Lodge in the in¬ vaded territory. (358) Sec. 3—If there is more than one Lodge in the invaded territory, the fee received by the invading Lodge shall be divided equally between all the Lodges in the invaded territory, and the person so affected, shall have the right to select which of the Lodges in the invaded territory he shall desire to join. I (359) Sec. 4—The provisions of the foregoing sections shall be enforced by the Grand Master; and nothing shall be construed to prohibit other disciplinary measures against the Master or the Lodge] for the violation of the provisions of this article and its several sections. Statutes of the Grand Lodge 67 ARTICLE LV. The Warrant. (360) Sec. 1—The Warrant is the document of authority em¬ powering a Lodge to work; its location is the city, town or village designated therein and the persons named therein, are the only ones with authority to hold and make use of the same, until such time as their successors shall have been elected and installed. (361) Sec. 2—At all meetings of a Lodge, its Warrant or Dis¬ pensation must be present. (362) Sec. 3—The arrest of a Warrant is a mere temporary suspension of the functions of a Lodge till final action shall be had by the Grand Lodge. The revocation of a Warrant is the action of the Grand Lodge on final hearing declaring it forfeited, when the Lodge then becomes extinct. (363) Sec. A—The Grand Lodge shall not be liable for the debts of its subordinate Lodges, and where a Lodge becomes extinct, either by the surrender or revocation of its Warrant, the assets available therefrom shall be used for the settlement of its obligations, under the direction of the Grand Master, and for that purpose they may, if necessary, be converted into money, or otherwise applied at his direction. (364) Sec. 5—The Grand Lodge shall have power to restore the revoked Warrant of a Lodge at its next annual session, upon proper application therefor, with1 the right to every »member thereof at the date of revocation, to membership therein, and such restoration restores to membership therein, all who were members thereof at the date of revocation, ex¬ cept those 'who shall have placed their Grand Lodge certifi¬ cates in other Lodges. (365) Sec. 6—The Grand Lodge at its discretion may re¬ turn to a Lodge whose revoked Warrant has been returned, such property remaining in its possession and not expended in the liquidation of its indebtedness at the time the Warrant was revoked, except that the Grand Lodge shall return all books, papers and other documents belonging to the previously extinct Lodge. (366) Sec. 7—When the arrest of a Warrant shall be ad¬ judged by the Grand.Lodge as wrong, its restoration shall be without expense to the Lodge affected. (367) Sec. 8—Members of an extinct Lodge not under charges, shall not be prohibited from joining with other Mas¬ ter Masons in the formation of a new Lodge. 68 Statutes of The Grand Lodge article lvi. Prerequisites for Initiation. 'v368) Sec. 1—-A Candidate for initiation into any Lodge in this Grand Jurisdiction, must be over the age of twenty-one years; a free man; under the' tongue of good report; well recommended; in sound bodily health and perfect in limb that he may be able to conform to all the requirements of the forms and ceremonies of the Fraternity. (369) Sec. 2—A candidate must be possessed of all the senses of a man, particularly those of hearing, seeing and feel¬ ing; a believer in an ever living and true God, and able to read and write. (370) Sec. 3—Knowledge of the Mysteries of Ancient Craft Masonry being a voluntary act upon the part of a candidate within this grand jurisdiction, renders the recipient amenable to all the Laws, Rules and other Regulations thereof. article lvii. The Right of Visit. (371) Sec. 1—The right of visiting a Lodge in this jurisdic¬ tion, being an act of courtesy by the Lodge, the same cannot be demanded nor enforced, except as otherwise provided for. ^372) Sec. 2—The right of a Master Mason in good stand¬ ing to visit a Lodge is recognized, subject however to the following limitations: (a) He must be vouched for by some brother who has previously sat in open Lodge with him, or he must prove nimself to be a Master Mason by due trial and strict examina¬ tion by a committee of the Lodge. (b) The Master may exclude a visitor, and shall ex¬ clude him if any member objects to his admission, unless the brother comes in an official capacity, or as the advocate of a brother on trial before the Lodge. ARTICLE LVIII. Incorporation. (373) The Grand Lodge and all Subordinate Lodges are here¬ by prohibited from being incorporated under the laws of this State, Statutes of the Grand Lodge 69 ARTICLE LIX. Punishment. (374) ^ Sec. 1—No Lodge shall suspend nor expel a member for failure to pay dues or assessments. •v375) Sec. 2—When an offense shall be committed bv a Ma¬ son present while the Lodge is at Labor, the rules requiring notice of charges shall be dispensed with, and the Master shall have power to order the offending brother to show cause in- stanter, why he should not be punished. (376) Sec. 3—Any brother may prefer charges against an¬ other, but it shall be the special duty of the Junior Warden to bring all offenders against the laws to trial. ARTICLE LX. Returns of Lodges. (377) Sec. 1—Each Warranted Lodge shall forward to the Grand Secretary a complete and accurate report of all its trans¬ actions for the fiscal year ending the 30th day of April, 011 or before the 15th day of May, upon the proper forms as fur¬ nished by the Grand Secretary -J and each Lodge under Dis¬ pensation shall furnish a complete and accurate report of all transactions, dating from the issuing of such dispensation. (378) Sec. 2 : (a) Every Lodge must forward with its report, the amount of its annual dues to the Grand Lodge. (b) In the case of the failure of a Lodge to comply with the requirements of Paragraph No. 377 and Clause (a) of Paragraph No. 378, its report shall be received by the Grand Secretary when presented, due credit being entered and the Lodge subjected to the following penalties, to wit: Such Lodge shall be denied official representation at all sittings of said ensuing session; its Representatives shall be permitted to attend any and all sittings of such session, but they- shall be denied all the rights and privileges accruing to them at such session of the Grand Lodge, and such Warranted Lodge shall in addition thereto, be fined the sum of five dollars; and such Dispensated Lodge shall be punished in accordance with the decision of the Grand Lodge then in session. (379) Sec. 3—The report of each Lodge must be signed by its presiding officer, attested with the signature of its Secre¬ tary and the Seal of the Lodge must be attached. 70 Statutes of the Grand Lodge ARTICLE LXI. Signature of Officers. (380) The signature of any Lodge or Grand Lodge officer upon any and all documents requiring the same, must be in the handwriting of the officer in question: Provided, however, in the event of the decease or physical inability of such officer to attach his signature thereto, the Secretary of a Lodge or the Grand Secretary, as the case may require, shall have au¬ thority to sign the name of such officer as may be necessary, endorsed per his own in the premises. End of Statutes The Charges of a Free Mason Extracted From The Ancient Records Of Lodges Beyond Sea, And Of Those In England, Scotland And Ireland, For The Use Of The Lodges In London, To Be Read At the making of NEW BRETHREN, or when the MAS¬ TER shall order it. CHARGE L Concerning God and Religion. A Mason is obliged by his Tenure, to obey the moral Law; and if he rightly understands the Art, he will never be a stupid Atheist, nor an irreligious Libertine. But though in ancient Times Masons were charged in every 'Country to be of the Religion of that Country or Nation, whatever it was, yet 'tis now thought more expedient only to oblige them to that Re¬ ligion in which all men agree, leaving their particular opinions to themselves; that is, to be good Men and true, or men of Honour and Honesty, by whatever Denominations or Persua¬ sions they may be distinguished; whereby Masonry becomes the centre of Union, and the means of conciliating true Friend¬ ship among Persons that must have remained at a perpetual distance. CHARGE II. Of the Civil Magistrate Supreme and Subordinate. A Mason is a peaceable Subject to the Civil Powers, wher¬ ever he resides or works, and is never to be concerned in Plots and Conspiracies against the Peace and Welfare of the Nation, nor to behave himself undutifully to inferior Magistrates; for as Masonry hath been always injured by War, Bloodshed, and Confusion, so ancient Kings and Princes have been much dis¬ posed to encourage the Craftsmen, because of their Peaceable- ness and Loyalty, whereby they practically answered the cav¬ ils of their Adversaries, and promoted the Honour of the Fra¬ ternity, whoever flourished in Times of Peace. So that if a Brother should be a Rebel against the state, he is not to be countenanced in his Rebellion, however he may be pitied as J72 The Charges of a Free Masort. an unhappy man; and if convicted of no other crime, though the loyal Brotherhood must and ought to disown his Rebellion, and give no Umbrage or Ground of political Jealousy to the Government for the time being; they cannot expel him from the Lodge, and his Relation to it remains indefeasible. CHARGE III- A Lodge is a Place where Masons assemble and work. Hence that Assembly, or duly organized Society of Masons, is called a LODGE, and every Brother ought to belong to one, and to be subject to its By-Laws and the General Regulations. It is either particular or general, and will be best understood by attending it, and by the Regulations of the General or Grand Lodge hereunto annexed. In ancient Times, no Master of Fellow could be absent from it, especially when warned to appear at it, without incurring a severe censure, until it ap¬ peared to the Master and Wardens, that pure Necessity hin¬ dered him. The Persons admitted members of a Lodge, must be good and true men, free born and of mature and discreet age, no Bondmen, no Women, no immoral or scandalous Men, but of good Report CHARGE IV. Of Masters, Wardens, Fellows, and Apprentices. All preferment among Masons is grounded upon real Worth and personal Merit only; that so the Lords may be well served, the Brethren not put to Shame, nor the Royal Craft despised: Therefore no Master or Warden is chosen by Seniority, but for his Merit. It is impossible to describe these things in writing, and every Brother must attend in his Place, and learn them in a way peculiar to this Fraternity: Only Candidates may know, that no Master should take an Appren¬ tice, unless he has sufficient Imployment for him, and unless he be a perfect youth, having no Maim or Defect in his Body, that may render him uncapable of learning the Art, of serv¬ ing his Master's LORD, and of being made a Brother, and then a Fellow Craft in due time, even after he has served such a Term of years as the Custom of the Country directs; and that he should be descended of honest Parents; that so, when otherwise qualified, he may arrive to the Honour of being the Warden, and then the Master of the Lodge, the Grand Warden, and at length the GRAND MASTER of all the Lodges, according to his Merit. The Charges of a Free Mason. 73 No Brother can be a Warden until he has passed the Part of a Fellow Craft; nor a Master until he has acted as a War¬ den, nor Grand Warden until he has been Master of a Lodge, nor GRAND MASTER unless he has been a Fellow Craft before his Election, who is also to be nobly born, or a Gentle¬ man of the best Fashion, or some eminent Scholar, or some curious Architect, or other Artist, descended of honest Parents, and who is of singular great Merit in the Opinion of the Lodges. And for the better, and easier and more honourable Discharge of his Office, the Grand Master has a Power to chuse his own Deputy Grand Master, who must be then, or must have been formerly, the Master of a particular Lodge, and has the Privilege of acting whatever the Grand Master, his Principal, should act, unless the said Principal be present, or interpose his Authority by a Letter. These Rulers and Governors, supreme and subordinate of the ancient Lodge, are to be obeyed in their respective Stations by all the Brethren, according to the old charges and Regula¬ tions, with all Humility, Reverence, Love and Alacrity. CHARGE V. Of the Management of the Craft in Wprking All Masons shall work honestly on working Days, that they may live creditably on holy Days; and the time appoint¬ ed by the Law of the Land, or confirmed by Custom, shall be observed. The most expert of the Fellow Craftsmen shall be chosen or appointed the Master or Overseer of the Lord's work; who is to be called Master by those that work under him. The Craftsmen are to avoid all ill Language, and to call each other by no disobliging Name, But Brother of Fellow; and to be¬ have themselves courteously within and without the Lodge, The Master, knowing himself to be able of Cunning, shall undertake the Lord's Work as reasonably as possible, and truly dispend his Goods as if they were his own; nor to give more Wages to any brother or Apprentice than he really may deserve, Both the MASTER and the Masons receiving their Wages justly, shall be faithful to the Lord, and honestly finish their Work, whether Task or Journey, nor put the Work to Task that hath been accustomed to Journey. None shall discover Envy at the Prosperity of a Brother, nor supplant him, or put him out of his Work, if he be capable to finish the same; for no Man can finish another's Work so 74 The Charges of a Free Mason. much to the Lord's Profit, unless he be thoroughly acquainted with the Designs and Draughts of him that began it. When a Fellow Craftsman is chosen Warden of the Work under the Master, he shall be true both to Master and Fellows, shall carefully oversee the work in the Master's Absence to the Lord's Profit: and his Brethren shall obey him. All Masons employed, shall meekly receive, their Wages without Murmuring or Mutiny, Lnd not desert the Master till the Work is finished. A younger Brother shall be instructed in working, to pre¬ vent spoiling the Materials for want of Judgment, and. for increasing and continuing of Brotherly Love. All the Tools used in Working shall be approved by- the Grand Lodge. No Labourer shall be employed in the proper Work ot Masonry, nor shall FREE MASONiS work with those that are not free, without an urgent Necessity nor shall they teach Labourers and unaccepted Masons, as they should teach a Brother or Fellow. CHARGE V!I. Of Behaviour, viz: In the Lodge while Constituted. 1. You are. not to hold private Committees, - or separate Conversation, without Leave from the Master, nor talk of anything impertinent or unseemly, nor interrupt the Master or Wardens, or any Brother speaking to the Master: Nor be¬ have yourself ludicrously or jestingly while the Lodge is en¬ gaged in what is serious and solemn; nor use any unbecoming Language upon any pretence whatsoever; but to pay due Reverence to your Master, Wardens, and Fellows, and put them to worship. If any Complaint be brought, the Brother found Guilty shall stand to the award and Determination of the Lodge, who are the proper and competent Judges of all such controversies (unless you carry it by Appeal to the Grand Lodge), and to whom they ought to be referred, unless a Lord's Work be hindered the mean while, in which case the particular Reference may be made; but you must never go to Law about what concerneth Masonry, without an absolute necessity apparent to the Lodge. Behavior after the Lodge is over and the Brethren not gone. 2. You may enjoy yourselves with innocent Mirth, treat¬ ing one another according to Ability, but avoiding all Excess, or forcing any Brother to eat or drink beyond his Inclination, The Charges of a Free Mason. or hindering- him from going when his Occasions call him^ or doing or saying anything offensive, or that may forbid an easy and free Conversation, for that would blast our Harmony, and defeat our laudable Purposes. Therefore no private- Piques or Quarrels must be brought within the door of the Lodge, far less any Quarrels about Religion, or Nations, or State Policy; we being only, as Masons, of the Catholic Religion above men¬ tioned, we are also of. all Nations, Tongues, Kindreds, and Languages, and are resolved against All Politics, as what never yet conduced to the Welfare of the Lodge, nor ever will. This Charge has been always strictly enjoined and observed; but es¬ pecially ever since the Reformation in Britain, or the Dissent and Secession of these Nations from the Communion of Rome,. Behaviour when Brethren meet without Strangers, but not in a Lodged Formed. 3. You are to salute one another in a courteous manner, as. you will be instructed, calling each other Brother, freely giving mutual Instruction as shall be thought expedient, with¬ out being overseen or overheard, and without encroaching up¬ on each other, or derogating from that Respect which is due to any Brother, were he not a Mason: For though all Masons are as Brethren upon the same Level, yet Masonry takes no Honour from a Man that he had before; nay rather it adds to his Honour, especially if he has deserved well of the Brother¬ hood, who must give Honour to whom it is due, and avoid ill Manners. Behaviour in Presence of Strangers not Masons. 4. You shall be cautious in your Words and Carriage, that the most penetrating Stranger shall not be able to dis¬ cover or find out what is not proper to be intimated; and sometimes you shall divert a discourse, and manage it pru¬ dently for the Honour of the Worshipful Fraternity. Behaviour at Home and in your Neighborhood. 5. You are to act as becomes a moral and Wise Man; particularly, not to let your family, Friends, and Neighbours- lcnowr the Concerns of the Lodge, &c., but wisely consult your own Honour, and that of the ancient Brotherhood, for Rea¬ sons not to be mentioned here. You must also consult your Health, by not continuing together too late, or too long from Home, after Lodge hours are past; and by avoiding of Glut¬ tony of Drunkenness, that your 'Families be not neglected, or injured, nor you disabled from Working. 7& The Charges of a frree Masorl. Behaviour towards a Strange Brother. 6. You are cautiously to examine him, in such a Method as Prudence shall direct you, that you may not be imposed upon by an ignorant false Pretender, whom you are to reject with Contempt and Derision, and beware of giving him any hints of Knowledge. But if you discover him to be a true and genuine Brother, you are to respect him accordingly; and if he is in want, you must relieve him if you can, or else direct him how he may be relieved. Yow must employ him some days, or else recom¬ mend him to be employed. But you are not charged to do beyond your Ability, only to prefer a poor Brother, that is a good Man and true, before any other poor People in the same circumstances. FINALLY, All these Charges you are to observe, and also those that shall be communicated to you in another way; cultivating Brotherly Love, the Foundation and Cap-stone, the Cement and Glory of this Ancient Fraternity, avoiding all Wrangling and Quarrelling, all Slander and Backbiting, nor permitting others to slander any honest Brother, but defending his Character, and doing him all good Offices, as far as is con¬ sistent with your Honour and Safety, and no further. And if any of them do you Injury, you must apply to your own or his Lodge; and from thence you may appeal to the Grand Lodge at the quarterly Communication, and from thence to the An¬ nual Grand Lodge, as has been the ancient laudable Conduct of our Forefathers in every nation; never taking a legal Course but Avhen the case cannot be otherwise decided, and patiently listening to the honest and friendly advice of Master and Fel¬ lows, when they would prevent your going to Law with Stran¬ gers, or would excite you to put a speedy Period to all Law¬ suits, that so you may mind the Affair of Masonry with the more Alacrity and Success, but with respect to Brothers or Fellows at Law, the Master and Brethren should kindly offer their Mediation, which ought to be thankfully submitted to by the contending Brethren; and if that submission is impracti¬ cable, they must however carry on their Process, or Lawsuit, without Wrath and Rancor (not in the common way) saying or doing nothing which may hinder Brotherly Love, and good Offices to be renewed and continued; that all may see the benign Influence of Masonry, as all true Masons have done from the Beginning of the World, and will do to the end of Time. Amen, so mote it be. APPENDIX Forms to be made use of by the various Lodges. (Form, i.) Certificate Recommending Dispensation For New Lodge: To the Grand Master of Masons Grand Lodge of New York, (Prince Hall Constitution) Greeting:— At a stated communication of Lodge, No.*.., held at. , in , on the day of , 19..., the following resolutions were adopted : RESOLVED, That this Lodge do recommend the peti¬ tion of Brothers ,(naming all the petitioners), praying for a dispensation to establish a new Lodge at by the name of Lodge, and do avouch for said petitioners as being Master Masons in good standing; and, being the nearest Lodge thereto, do recommend that the prayer of the petitioners be granted. RESOLVED, That in the judgment of this Lodge, the brothers named in said petition as Master and Wardens of said new Lodge are competent to confer the three degrees and im¬ part the lectures thereunto appertaining. In witness whereof we have caused our Lodge seal to be affixed hereunto, and our Secretary to attest the (seal) same this day of , A.L. 59.... Attest: Secretary Master (Form 2.) Petition for a Warrant. To the M. W. Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons, State of New York. (Prince Hall Constitution) Greeting:— The undersigned respectfully represent that on the 78 Blank Forms. ... .day of , A. L. 59. ..., a dispensation was issued by the M. W. Grand Master for the formation of a new Lodge at , in the County of by the name of ; that on the day next ensuing, said Lodge was opened and organized, and has since continued successfully to work as will appear from its records and re¬ turns submitted -.herewith; that it is the desire of the members of said Lodge that its existence be perpetuated. They therefore pray that a warrant be granted to said Lodge, to be known by the name of ; and do recommend that Brother be named therein as the .Worshipful Master; Brother as the Senior Ward¬ en, and Brother as the Junior Warden; promis¬ ing a strict obedience to the commands and edicts of the Grand Master, and conformity to the Constitution, Statutes, Laws, and Regulations of the Grand Lodge. Dated this day of 59 (Personal signature of each member of said Lodge.) (Form 3,) Petition for Affiliation by a Master Mason from a foreign jurisdiction. To the Officers and Members, Lodge No. ... Free and Accepted Masons, (Prince Hall Constitution) Greeting:— The undersigned respectfully represents that he was made a Master Mason in Lodge No... ., at working under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of ; that he is now in good standing and was last a member of Lodge No. ... in the city of State of from which he regularly withdrew his membership on the day of A.L. 59. .. ., a certifi¬ cate of which, from the Secretary of said Lodge, accompanies this petition; and he now prays admission as a member of your Lodge; if found worthy, promising a strict conformity to the Blank Forms. 79 By-laws of your Lodge and the Constitution, Statutes, Laws and Regulations of the Grand Lodge. His place of residence is at ; his occu¬ pation is that of ; he was born at , on the... .day of , year of. .. . and his rank is that of obtained in Lodge No , at un¬ der the Grand Lodge of Dated this ....day of 59... . , (Full name) Recommended by (Form 4.) Petition for affiliation by an Entered Apprentice from a foreign jurisdiction. To the Officers and Members, Lodge No Free and Accepted Masons, (Prince Hall Constitution) The undersigned respectfully represents that he was initiated an Entered Apprentice in Lodge No...., at.- working under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of ; that he is now permanently residing within the jurisdiction of your Grand Lodge and prays that he may' be passed to the Degree of a Fellow Craft and raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason in your Lodge that he may become a member thereof, promising a strict conformity to the By-Laws of your Lodge and the Constitution,. Statutes, Laws and Regulations of the Grand Lodge. He was initiated 111 aforesaid Lodge on the. . . .day of A.L. 59. .. ., a certificate of which fact accompanies this petition, attested with the seal of said Lodge. His place of residence is at ; his occu¬ pation is that of and he was born at on the... .day of 19 Dated this....day of 59 (Full name) 8o Blank Forms Recommended by (Form 5.) Petition for affiliation by a Fellow Craft from a foreign jurisdiction. To the Officers and Members, Lodge No , F. & A. M. (Prince Hall Constitution) Greeting:—• The undersigned respectfully represents that he was initiated an Entered Apprentice and passed to a Fellow Craft in Lodge No...., at , working under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of ; that he is now permanently residing within the jurisdiction of your Grand Lodge and prays that he may be raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason in your Lodge that he may become a member thereof, promising a strict conformity to the By- Laws of your Lodge and the Constitution, Statutes, Laws and Regulations of the Grand Lodge. He was initiated in the aforesaid Lodge 011 the....day of , A.L. 59..., and passed a Fellow Craft on the. .. .day of , A.L. 59. ..., a certificate of which facts accompanies this petition, attested with the seal of said Lodge. His place of residence is at ; his occu¬ pation is that of and he was born at on the. .. .day of 19. ... Dated this.... day of....: , A.L. 59.... (Full name) Recommended by Blank Forms. 81 (Form 6.) Conditional dimit or change of membership. Lodge No..... , N. Y. To the .A. L. 59 Officers and Members, Lodge No...., (Prince Hall Constitution) at Greeting — Whereas, Brother desires to change his membership from this Lodge to Lodge No at This is to certify that the said Brother is a in good and regular standing in, and free from all indebtedness to this Lodge, and that if admitted into your Lodge, a full dimit will be granted upon application re¬ ceived from the same, and until such certificate issues, the said Brother.. shall remain amenable to the By-laws of this Lodge and the Constitution, Statutes, Laws and Regu¬ lations of the Grand Lodge of New York, (Prince Hall Consti¬ tution.) Given under my hand and the seal of this Lodge, (seal) Secretary. (Form 7.) Notice to G. S. of restoration: To the Grand Secretary, Grand Lodge of New York. (Prince Hall Constitution) R, W. Sir and Bro:— Lodge No A. L. 59 This is to certify that Brother formerly a member of this Lodge and who was ( )* on the....day of A. L. 59...., was restored to good standing therein by a vote of the Lodge at a stated communi¬ cation held on the.... day of A. L. 59..... Fraternally (seal) • • Secretary. * non-affiliated -j released 1 as case may be Y suspended j * expelled 82 Blank Forms. (Form 8.) Full dimit: . .Lodge No.. N. Y. A. L. 59. To the Officers and Members, Lodge No. Free and Accepted Masons. (Prince Hall Constitution) Greeting:— This certifies that Brother is, at the date of these presents, a in good and regular standing; that having paid all dues and. taxes, and being free from all charges, he is, at his own request, dismissed from membership in this Lodge, he having already been accepted to membership in;.-.......... ..-.-Lodge No,..-.., at............, working under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of..-.-..... ....... "an authenticated statement of such fact having been received. In testimony whereof, we have caused this certifi¬ cate- of full and complete dimit to issue. Given under our hand and seal of the Lodge this (seal) ....day of , A. L. 59 Attest: Secretary Master. This is to certify that Lodge No...... is a regularly constituted Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction and; with the authority of the Grand Lodge of New York, (Prince Hall Constitution.) (G. L. Seal) Attest: Grand Secretary. Dated this day of A. L. 59...... (Form 9.) Notice to pay dues: Lodge No A. L. 59 To Brother — Greeting It is my duty- to inform you that you are indebted to this Lodge in the amount of $ for the following items; and to call your attention to the provision of the Statutes' of the Grand Lodge of New York (Prince Hall Constitution) printed below. . Fraternally yours Secretary" * Blank Forms. *3 Extracts from the Grand Lodge Statutes: Article No. 36 Section No. 4 Paragraph No. 275 (Form io.) Summons for non-payment of dues: .Lodge No ...A. L. 59 To Brother :— Greeting:— Because of your failure to pay the amount of $ being your indebtedness to this Lodge, due notice of which was sent you under the date of A. L- 59...., this Lodge at a. stated communication held on the.... day of A. L. 59 , directed this summons be issued, that you appear before it at a stated communication to be held on the ... .day of A.L. 59...., to show cause why you should not be dropped from roll for the non-payment of dues. I am directed to again call your attention to the pro¬ visions of the Statutes of the Grand Lodge (Prince Hall Con¬ stitution). (seal) Attest: .Secretary, Extracts from the Grand Lodge Statutes: Article No. 36 Section No. 4 Paragraph No. 275 (Form 11.) Notice of dropping for non-payment of dues: Lodge No A. L. 59 To Brother :— Greeting:— This is to certify that you, having failed to pay the amount of $ being your indebtedness to this Lodge, which amount is greater than allowed by law, due notice of which was issued under date of A. L. 59 , and summons issued under date of A. L. 59 , 34 Blank J?i>rrti§. ceased to be a member of this Lodge dating from the day of A.L. 59 , and your name has been erased from its roll for non-payment of dues. Your attention is directed to the provisions of the Statutes of the Grand Lodge (Prince Hall Constitution) per¬ taining to non-affiliated Masons, printed below. Fraternally (seal) _ , • • • Secretary Extracts from the Grand Lodge Statutes: Article No. 36 Section No. 4 Paragraph No. 275 (Form 12.) Notice to G. S. for dropping for non-payment of dues: Lodge No A. L. 59 To the Grand Secretary, Grand Lodge of New York, (Prince Hall Constitution) R. W. Sir and Bro:— This certifies that the following named brethren, each being severally indebted to this Lodge on the....day of ....A. L. 59 for dues and taxes greater than allowed by law, and failing to pay the same, were dropped from roll for non-payment of dues and their names erased from the same accordingly. Given under my hand and seal of the Lodge. Secretary (seal) (Form 13.) Summons to attend Lodge meeting: Lodge No... To Brother. A. L. 59... Blank Fornix. 85 Greeting:— You are hereby summoned to attend a communication of this Lodge to be held on even¬ ing, the....day of A. L. 59 , at eight o'clock, at the usual place of meeting. A particular object of the meet¬ ing is By order of the Master. (seal) Secretary. (Form 14.) Notice of Suspension or Expulsion: Lodge No A. L. 59 To Whom It May Concern:— Greeting:— This certifies that at a communication of this Lodge held on the above date, that Brother after due trial in the manner prescribed by the Laws of this Lodge, was, by a vote of the Lodge declared to be from all the rights and privileges of the Lodge and Ancient Craft Masonry, for for (Time) (Cause) Given under our hand and seal, this....day (seal) of A. L: 59. Attest: Secretary. Master. (Form 15.) Petition for restoration of a suspended Mason: A. L. 59 To the Officers and Members, Lodge No...., Free and Accepted Masons, (Prince Hall Constitution) Greeting:— The undersigned, formerly a member of your Lodge, who was suspended on the....day of A. L. 59 , admits the error of his conduct; humbly craves pardon for the same, and now prays to be restored to all the rights and privil¬ eges of a member in good standing in your Lodge. Should his prayer be granted, he promises a strict observance of the By-laws of your Lodge; the Constitution, Statutes, Laws and Regulations of the Grand Lodge and of Ancient Craft Masonry. (Full name) S6 Blank Forms. (Form 16.) Petition for restoration of an expelled Mason: ..A. L. 59..... To the - Officers and Members, Most Worshipful Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons, (Prince Hall Constitution) Jurisdiction of New York. Greeting:— The undersigned, formerly a member of .Lodge No , who was expelled from said Lodge on the.... day of A. L. 59...., which sentence of expulsion Avas confirmed by the Grand Lodge at its annual communi¬ cation held on the..., day of A. L. 59...., admits the error of his conduct, and feeling that he has been sufficient¬ ly punished by being denied the right of association and as¬ semblage with his former brethren, does hereby humbly pray to-be restored to all the rights and privileges of a Freemason. Should his prayer be granted, he promises a faithful obedience and a strict conformity to the Constitution, Statutes, Laws and Regulations of the Grand Lodge; of Ancient Craft Masonry and the By-laws of the Lodge in which he may become a member. (Full name) (Form 17.) Petition to his former Lodge of an expelled member A. L. 59 To the Officers and Members, .....Lodge No...., Free and Accepted Masons, (Prince Hall Constitution) Greeting:— The undersigned, formerly a member of your Lodge, was expelled on the....day of ..A. L. 59...., which sentence of expulsion was confirmed on the....day of A.L. 59. .. ., by the Grand Lodge. At the annual com¬ munication of the Grand Lodge held on the. .. .day of........ A.L. 59. .. ., he admitted the error of hi& conduct and petition¬ ed . that he be restored to all the rights and privileges of a Freemason in good standing, which prayer the said body was Blank Forms. 87 pleased to grant. That he may enjoy the privilege of assem¬ bling with his former brethren, he respectfully- petitions for restoration to his former Lodge, promising that should his prayer be granted, that he will ever faithfully observe a strict conformity to the By-laws of your Lodge; the Constitution, Statutes, Laws and Regulations of the Grand Lodge and of Ancient Craft Masonry. (Full name) (Form 18.) Petition for restoration of a non-affiliated Mason: A. L. 59 To the Officers and Members, Lodge No...., Free and Accepted Masons, (Prince Hall Constitution) Greeting:— The undersigned,formerly a member of your Lodge, who became non-affiliated on. the. .. .day of A.L. 59 for non-payment of dues, respectfully represents that he is desirous of being restored to good standing and is willing to adjust all indebtedness standing against him, on the books of your Lodge, and in testimony of such willingness, submits herewith the sum of $ , being the amount for which he was non-affiliated. Fraternally (Full name) (Form 19,) Petition for waiver of jurisdiction over an Entered Apprentice or Fellow Craft: A. L. 59.-,... To the Officers and Members, .Lodge No...., Free and Accepted Masons, (Prince Hall Constitution) Greeting 88 Blank Forms. *(a) The undersigned respectfully represents that he is *(an) in good standing in your Lodge; that on the day of A.L. 59...he removed permanently to the city of State of ; that he desires to become a member of Lodge No , located at and does petition your Lodge to grant a waiver of jurisdiction, that he may become a member of the said Lodge. Fraternally (Full name) * Cross out one not used. (Form 20.) Waiver of jurisdiction over an Entered Apprentice or Fellow Craft: Lodge No , N. Y. A. L. 59 To the Officers and Members, Lodge No...., Free and Accepted Masons, (Prince Hall Constitution) at Greeting:— * (an) This is to certify that Brother is *(a) in good standing, and at his request, presented at a stated communication held on the. .. .day of A.L. 59...., and dating therefrom, all further jurisdiction over him by this Lodge is hereby waivered. Fraternally (seal) Attest: Secretary. This is to cetify that Lodge No , is a regularly constituted Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, working under the jurisdiction and with the authority of the Grand Lodge of New York, (Prince Hall Constitution). Dated this....day of A.L. 59 Attest: Grand Secretary. (G. L. Seal) * Cross out one not Used. Blank Forms. 89 (Form 21.) Notice to G. S. of waiver over an Entered Apprentice or Fellow Craft: To the Grand Secretary, Grand Lodge of New York, (Prince Hall Constitution) Lodge No A.L. 59.... R. W. Sir and Bro:— m.- • • *(an) This is to certify that Brother is *(a) member of this Lodge has permanently removed to the city of , State of , and that at his re¬ quest presented to this Lodge and granted on the....day of A.L. 59...., a waiver of jurisdiction was issued, permitting him to transfer his membership to the jurisdiction of Lodge No...., located at , which he expressed a desire to join, and which Lodge has consented to accept his membership. Fraternally (seal) Secretary. * Cross out one not used. (Form 22,) Request for another Lodge to confer degrees: Lodge No A. L. 59 To the Worshipful Master, Wardens and Brethren of Lodge No , Lodge No...., F. & A. M. (Prince Hall Constitution) at Greeting:— You are hereby fraternally requested to confer the degree of upon Brother , who is a (*) member of this Lodge, he having been duly elected to receive the same, (seal) Master. 90 Blank Forms. Attest: Secretary; (*) Insert "Entered Apprentice" or "Fellow Craft" as the case may be. (Form 23.) Charges for Masonic offenses: , N. Y. A. L. 59 To the Officers and Members, Lodge No..., Free and Accepted Masons, (Prince Hall Constitution) at Greeting:— I do hereby charge Brother (see * below) with unmasonic conduct as follows: Specification No 1—{That the said Brother on or about the... .day of A.L, 59...., did (Describe nature of complaint) Specification No. 2—(That said Brother on or about the... .day of.' A.L. 59...did (Describe nature of complaint) Specification No, 3—That said Brother (proceed in like manner as above) Fraternally submitted Dated this... .day of A.L. 59... . j Complainant. (-=) (*) Insert here: a member of this Lodge, or a member of Lodge No. , or an Entered Apprentice member of this Lodge, or a Fellow Craft member of this Lodge, or an Entered Apprentice member of Lodge No. , or a Fellow Craft member of Lodge No. ..., or a non-affiliated member of this Lodge, or a non-affiliated member of Lodge No residing within the jurisdiction of this Lodge, or a suspended member of this Lodge, or a suspended member of Lodge No residing. within the jurisdiction of this Lodge, f As the case ma}y be. If the accuser is the Junior Warden," rank must be added after the word "complainant". (=) Blank Forms. (Form 24.) Style A: Answer to charges preferred: A. L. 59. , N. Y. To the Officers and Members, Lodge No...., Free and Accepted Masons, (Prince Hall Constitution) Greeting:■ The undersigned denies the complaint made against him, and every matter and thing contained in the said charges and," specifications of the same as therein stated and set forth,- and thereby demands trial thereon. Fraternally OR Style B: Defendant. The undersigned answers the complaint made against him, and, without (or admitting) denying the charges or speci¬ fications therein, says, that the statements in said complaint do not present sufficient (or the true) facts to constitute a Masonic, offense, because he says, (or whatever may be the grounds of the answer). (Form 25.) Notice of charges preferred: Lodge No A. L. 59.,;./ To Brother .....:— member of Lodge No , (Prince Hall Constitution) at Greeting:— 'fake notice that at a stated communication of tins Lodge held on the day of A.L. 59 , charges or unmasonic conduct were preferred against you by Brother of Lodge No a true iand certified copy of which are herewith annexed; that Bro¬ thers ; and . were appointed a Commission to hear and try the same; that you are required to answer said complaint within days of the date of this notice, and serve your answer upon me. Fraternally (seal) ~ - Secretary, 92 Blank Forms. Note: JWhen the charges are made by the Junior Warden, his title must be added to his name. (Form 26.) Notice to chairman of trial commission: Lodge No A. L. 59 To Brother :— Greeting:— Whereas, On the day of A.L. 59...., charges were preferred against Brother , a mem¬ ber of Lodge No...., a true and certified copy of which is herewith annexed, and Whereas, The answer of the said Brother to these charges is also herewith annexed: Now, therefore, you are hereby appointed a commis¬ sioner, assisted by Brother of Lodge No and Brother of Lodge No...., to take the testimony of the said Brother and Brother and their witnesses, at such place and time as you may determine and to render such judgment as the facts may determine. You are hereby empowered to summon such other witness as may be deemed necessary. Fraternally (seal) Master. Attest: Secretary. (Form 27.) Notice of appointment as trial commissioner. Lodge No A. L. 59 To Brother :— Greeting:— You are hereby notified of your appointment as a trial commissioner in the matter of Brother vs. Bro¬ ther , a copy of which charges are now in the possession of Brother chairman of the trial com¬ mission. You will immediately communicate with him for all further proceedure in this matter. Fraternally (seal) Master. Attest: Secretary. Blank Forms. 93 (Form 28.) Certificate of service of charges: Lodge No A. L. 59 To Whom It May Concern:— I hereby certify that on the....clay of A.L. 59.. .., I served a copy of the charges and specifications made against Brother by giving the same to him in person (or *) at his last known place of residence ( = ). Fraternally (seal) Secretary. * by mailing same to him by registered mail, receipt and re¬ turn card for which is annexed herewith, state last address upon the roll book. (Form 29.) Citation to trial: Street, , N. Y. A. L. 59 To Brother :— Greeting:— The trial of the charges of Brother vs. Brother will be held on the....day of A.L. 59...., at at the hour of You are hereby summoned to be present thereat, and to give such tes¬ timony that neither the brothers named nor the fraternity may suffer an injustice, Fraternally Commissioners, (Form 30.) Citation to trial of a member of another Lodge: Street, , N. Y. A. L. 59 To Brother :— of Lodge No ; (Prince Hall Constitution) Greeting:— The trial of the charges of Brother. Qf 94 Blank Forms. Lodge No , vs Brother of .>... i ... .Lodge No , will be held on the day of '. A.L. 59...., at at the hour of You are hereby summoned to be present thereat, and to give such testimony that neither the brothers named nor the frater¬ nity may suffer an injustice. Fraternally Commissioners, The Worshipful Master of this Lodge does hereby direct that you will observe the foregoing summons and be governed accordingly. (seal) Secretary. Lodge No (Form 31.) Restoration of a suspended member and new charges preferred: Lodge No A. L. 59 To Brother :— - Greeting:— This is to certify that at a communication of: this Lodge held on the.... day of A.L. 59...., your suspension therefrom dated the ....day of... A.L. 59...., was removed and you thereby restored to good standing. That at the same communication the following charges were preferred against you by Brother (*) to wit: Specification No. 1—(That on or about the....day of A.L. 59...., you did (Describe nature of complaint) Specification No. 2—That on or about the....day of A.L. 59...., you did.. (Describe nature of complaint) Specification No. 3—That on or about (proceed in manner as above) Fraternally submitted (seal) Secretary. Dated the... .day of... A.L. 59 (*) If the complainant be the Junior Warden, his rank must1 follow his nam?, Blank Forms. 95 (Form 32.) Release from membership: Prince Hall Constitution. : Lodge No at.,.. N. Y. A. L. 59 To Whom It May Concern:— Greeting:— • This certifies that Brother , whose name ; in his own handwriting appears on the margin, is, at the ; date of these presents, a (*) in good and ; regular standing; that having paid all dues and taxes,and ; being free from all charge?, he is, at his pwn request for the ; following reasons to wit: ; released from membership in this Lodge and subject to all the present and future Regulations of this Grand Lodge I appertaining to non-affiliated Masons, as may be defined I therein. In testimony whereof, we have caused this certif- icate of release to issue, i Given under our hand and seal of the Lodge this ....day of ...,A.L. 59 • (seal) Attest: Secretary .....Master. (*) Passed Master or Master Mason. 'u Extracts from Grand Lodge Statutes: j> Article No. 51 ■ v Section No. 4 tz; Paragraph No. 345 (Form 33.) Petition for restoration of a released Mason: , N. Y. A.L. 59 To the Officers and Members, ....Lodge No...., (Prince Hall Constitution) .... at..,,, ,N. Y. Greeting:— The undersigned respectfully represents that he was formerly a member of Lodge No...., located at 96 Blank Forms. , N. Y.; that he was released from membership at his own request on the... .day of A.L. 59.... ; that he wishes to be restored to good standing- in the fraternity and does herewith petition for membership in your Lodge, promis¬ ing a strict conformity to its By-laws and the Constitution, Statutes, Laws and Regulations of the Grand Lodge. Attached hereto is the release granted by my former Lodge. Fraternally (Full name) (Form 34.) Notice to G. S. of a rejection: Lodge No A.L. 59.... To the Grand Secretary, Grand Lodge of New York, (Prince Hall Constitution) R. W. Sir and Bro:— This is to certify that the petition of Mr of No Street, whose petition for initiation in¬ to this Lodge was presented on the....day of A.L. 59...., was rejected by a vote of the same at a stated commu¬ nication held on the....day of A.L. 59 Fraternally (seal) Secretary. (Form 35.) Notice to G. S. of petition for initiation. Lodge No A.L. 59 To the Grand Secretary, Grand Lodge of New York, (Prince Hall Constitution). R. W. Sir and Bro:—• This is to certify that at a stated communication of this Lodge held on the....day of A.L. 59...., a petition for initiation from the following person was received and referred to the proper committee: Name (In full) Blank Forms. 97 Residence Occupation * Was .rejected in a Lodge.. Name, number and location of such Lodge Date when rejected Birthplace Date of Birth (month) (day) (year) Length of residence in city Vouched for by. .. of Lodge No. .. . (seal) Grand Lodge No. (by G. S.) Fraternally Secretary (Form 36.) Certificate of restoration by Grand Lodge: N. Y. A.L. 59.... To Whom It May Concern:— Greeting:— This is to certify that Brother formerly a member of Lodge No. ..located at and working under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, (Prince Hall Constitution), who was expelled by the said Lodge on the ....day of A.I/. 59...., has been restored to good standing in the Craft; that he is thereby entitled to all the rights and privileges of a Freemason and is recommended to favorable consideration for membership in any regularly consti¬ tuted Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons. Fraternally (G. L. seal) Grand Secretary. 98 Blank Forms. (Form 37.) Request to summon witness by trial commission: Street, To W. Brother Master of Lodge No Free and Accepted Masons, (Prince Hall Constitution). Greeting-:— Testimony in the matter of Brother of Lodge No.... vs Brother of Lodge No.... will be taken at on the....day of A.L. 59....' at the hour of before this commission. Now, therefore, that neither the accused nor the fra¬ ternity may suffer an injustice, you are hereby requested to summons Brother a memiber of your Lodge to appear before said Commission to give such testimony as will be demanded, at the time and place aforementioned. Fraternally The Commission Chairman. (Form 38.) Notice to G. S. of a foreign jurisdiction, of charges, trial and judgment against one of its members residing within the juris¬ diction of this Grand Lodge: Lodge No.. at , N. V. A.L: 59..;. To the Grand Secretary, Grand Lodge of New York, Free and Accepted Masons, (Prince Hall Constitution) Greeting: This is to certify that charges and specifications of un- masonic conduct against Brother ...claiming member- Blank Forms. 99 ship in Lodge No located at and working- under the Grand Lodg"e of , were pre¬ sented in this Lodge on the. .. .day of AX. 59 ; that the same were tried in the manner prescribed in the Con¬ stitution, Statutes, Laws and Regulations of the Grand Lodge, and the following- judgment entered and approved by this Lodge at a stated communication held on the. . . .da}*" of A.L. 59 to wit: That the said Brother has been (Here enter the result of the trial judgment) This document, together with all those hereto annexed, being true and certified copies of all the proceedings in the trial, you will kindly forward to the Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of for record. (seal) Master. Attest: Secretary. This is to certify that Lodge No lo¬ cated at , N. Y., is a regularly constituted Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, working under the jurisdiction of and with authority from the Grand Lodge of New York, (Prince Hall Constitution). Dated this....day of A.L. 59...., at N. Y. (G. L. seal) Grand Secretary. Note: Must be in duplicate; duplicate to be filed by G. S. Index for Constitution Art.—Article. Fara.—Paragraph. Cla.—Clause. Art, Para, Cla. Absence of Grand Master 12 45 to 47 of Deputy Grand Master 12 47, Amendments to Constitution 29 167 to Statutes 29 168 Ancient Landmarks 9 21 a 9 22 Appeals 8 20 d ' 23 145 to 149 23 153 , Chief of Commission of..... 21 137 and 138 , Commission of 21 136 to 139 Appellate 9 20 b Appointed Officers 2 4 " " , Duties of 14 75 to 96 Appointments 17 109 and 113 Assessment 15 97 j Auditing-, Committee 011 20 118 and 129 Ballot 17 110 6 11 Bonds—Grand Secretary 12 71 —Grand Treasurer 12 $2 Business—(Order of 27 160 and 161 By-Laws—Committee on 20 118 and 123 Chairman—-Ex-officio 10 36 Charges- 23 141 to 153 —Against a Master 23 151 Charity—Committee 011 20 118 and 124 '—Fund 15 98 and 99 11 101a —-Whom entitled to 10 25 —Whom entitled to 20 124 Charters—Committee on 20 118 and 122 102 Index for Constitution. Art. Para, Cla. Children 10 25 , 20 124 Commission of Appeals 21 136 to 139 Commission of Appeals,—Chief of 21 137 and 138 Committees and their Duties 20 118 to 135 —Chairman, ex-officio of .. 10 36 i—Special 20 119 Committee on Auditing 20 118 and 129 By-Laws 20 118 and 123 Charity 20 118 and 124 Charters 20 118 and 122 Credentials 20 118 and 121 Examination of Visiting- Brethren 20 118 and 133 Finance 20 118 and 128 Foreign Correspondence 20 118 and 130 Foreign Relations 20 118 and 131 Grand Master's Address 20 118 and 135 Grievance 20 118 and 126 Jurisprudence 20 118 and 125 Printing ■ 20 118 and 132 Reports of Lodges 20 118 and 127 Work and Lectures. ... 20 118 and 134 Concurrent Jurisdiction 23 142 Constitutions 9 23 Contingent Fund 15 98 and 100 Controversy 8 20 a Credentials—Committee on 20 118 and 121 Customs 9 21 c 9 24 Deacons—Grand 2 4 14 90 iDecisions of Grand Lodge 8 20 c of Grand Master 23 147 of Grand Master 25 158 of Trial Commission 23 141 to 144 of Trial Commission 23 150 Delegates 2 2 3 7 7 ■ 13 to 15 . Index for Constitution. Art, Para, Cla- Deputy Grand Master 2 3 Deputy Grand Master 12 45 and 46 Director of Ceremonies—Grand 2 4 Director of Ceremonies—Grand 14 90 Discipline 8 20 ... a and b District Deputy Grand Masters 14 76 and 77 .Districts—Masonic 14 75 Distressed Master Masons 10 25 20 124 Drafts 13 74 15 100 Duties of Committees 20 118 to 135 of Commission of Appeals ...... 21 139 of Deputy Grand Master 12 45 and 46 of Deputy Grand Lecturers .... 13 84 to 86 of Dis'ct Deputy Grand Masters 14 76 and 77 of the Grand Lodge 10 25 and powers of Grand Master ... 11 26 to 44 of Grand Officers 12 45 to 71 ... 13 72 to 74 of Grand Representatives 29 163 to 166 of Grand Secretary 12 54 to 71 of Grand Treasurer 12 49 to 53 of Grand Trustees 13 72 2 3 of the Grand Wardens 12 47 and 48 of Appointed Grand Officers ... 14 75 to 96 Edicts 9 21 c 9 24 Elected Officers 2 3 Election—Objection to 17 111 Elections *7 T°8 111 Eligibility to Office 4 8 Examination of Visiting Brethren— Committee on 20 118 and 133 Executive 8 17 &nd 19 Expelled Masons—^restored by a Lodge. 24 155 —restored by G. Lodge 24 156 and 157 Expenses of Grand Lodge Officers 16 105 and 107 104 Index for Constitution. Art, Para, Cla. Expulsion .... 24 i54 . . .. c Finance—Committee on . .. ! 20 118 and 128 Foreign Correspondence—Committee on 20 118 and 130 Relations—Committee on 20 118 and 131 Funds of Grand Lodge 15 98 to ioil> Franchise—'To whom entitled 6 10 to 12 General Laws Q 21 9 24 Grand Chaplain 2 4 14 78 Deacons 2 4 14 90 Director of Ceremonies 2 4 14 93 Historian 2 4 14 89 Lecturer 2 4 14 83 to 86 Librarian 2 4 14 92 Lodge—Duty of 10 25 —Jurisdiction of 8 16 —Of Whom Composed. . . 2 2 —Powers of 8 17 to 20. .a —Regalia 18 "5 to 116 Marshal 2 4 14 79 Master—Duties of 11 26 to 44 2 2 and 3 .4 8 Master's Address—Committee no 20 118 and 135 Masters—Passed 2 2 —Passed Deputy 2 2 Musical Director 2 4 14 94 Officers—Appointive 2 4 —Elective 2 2 and —'How elected 6 10 —Passed 2 2 Index for Constitution. 105 < jrand Orator Organist Pursuivant Registrar Representatives Secretary Standard Bearer Stewards Sword Bearer .. Treasurer Tyler Wardens . Grievance—Comm Historian—Grand Judicial Jurisdiction—(Appelate -Judicial ... -Legislative Art, Para, C 2 4 14 87 2 4 14 95 2 4 16 103b 2 4 14 88 16 103a 10 42 29 163 to 166 2 2 and 3 12 54 to 71 2 4 14 80 2 4 14 9i 2 4 14 81 2 2' and 3 12 49 to 53 13 72 2 3 2 4 14 96 2 2 and 3 12 47 and 48 20 118 and 126 2 4 14 89 17 114 9 17 and 20 8 20 23 142 8 17 and 19 8 17 and 20 8 17 and 18. io6 Index for Constitution. Art, Para Jurisdiction—Original 8 20 . . . . 23 141 —and Powers 8 16 —Supreme 8 16 Jurisprudence—Committee on 20 1 18 and Landmarks 9 21 .... 9 22 Laws—General 9 21 ... . 9 24 Laws—Masonic 9 21 Lawful Judicial Actions 9 21 . . Lecturer—Grand 2 4 14 83 to —'Deputy Grand 2 4 14 84 to Lectures—Committee 011 Work and.... 20 118 and Legislative 8 17 and Majority vote 17 110 Masonic Law 9 21 Marshal—Grand 2 4 H 79 Meeting's of Grand Lodge 3 5 and Members of Grand Lodge 2 2 Membership in Grand Lodge 2 2 17 T09 Musical Director—Grand 2 4 14 94 Name of Grand Lodge 1 1 Nominations for office 17 112 Objection to Unanimous Vote 17 in Officers—'How Elected 6 10 of the Grand Lodge 2 3 and —Duties of 12 45 to 13 72 of Grand Lodge Generally 22 140 Index for Constitution. Art, Para, Cla. Orator—Grand 2 4 14 87 Order of Business 27 160 and 161 Opening the Grand Lodge 28 162 of Grand Lodge 3 7 28 163 Original 8 20 a 23 141 Orphans 10 25 20 124 Organist—Grand 2 4 14 95 Passed Masters 2 2 Permanent Funds . 15 98 and 101 11 101a Penalties 24 154 Powers of Grand Lodge 8 16 of Grand Master 11 26 to 44 Prince Hall Temple and Home Trustees 2 3 , 13 72 Printing—Committee on 20 118 and 132 Proxies 6 12 7 13 to :5 Pursuivant—Grand 2 4 16 103b Quorum 3 7 Rank 19 ,^7 Regalia 18 115 and 116 Registrar—Grand 2 4 14 88 16 103a Reports of Lodges—^Committee on 20 118 and 127 Representatives—Grand 10 42 29 163 to 166 Representatives of Lodges 2 4 6 12 7 13 Index for Constitution Seal Art, Para, ( 9 21 9 24 24 155 24 156 and J 57 i5 97 9 21 9 24 16 102 to 104 16 106 25 159 20 119 9 21 9 24 3 6 2 4 14 80 9 21 2 4 14 9i Cla. Standard Bearer—-Grand Stewards—Grand Style of Grand Lodge I i of Grand Officers 19 117 of Opening the Grand Lodge 28 162 Sword Bearer—Grand 2 4 14 81 Temple Fund 15 98 15 101b 15 97 Tenure of Office 17 113 Tie vote 6 11 Trials 23 142 to 146 23 153 Trustees—Grand 13 72 Trustees—(Prince Hall Temple and Home Fund 17 m Tyler—Grand 2 a '4 96 Index for Constitution. Art, Para, Unanimous Election 17 110 —Objection to 17 111 Unfinished Business 27 161 Usages 9 21 .. .. 9 24 Vacancies on Commission of Appeals... 21 136 and in office 5 9 10 41 17 "3 Visiting; Brethren—Committee on Ex¬ amination 20 118 and Arote—Tie 6 11 —Majority 17 no A'otes of a Lodge 6 12 Widows 10 25 20 124 Withdrawals of Funds 15 100 _ 15 101a 15 101b Work and Lectures—Committee on.... 20 118 and Written Constitutions 9 21 . . .. 9 23 Index for1 Statutes Art.—Article. Para.—-Paragraph. Sec.—Section. Cla.—Clause. Art. Para. Sec. Cla. Advancement 41 Entered Apprentice or Fellow Craft tinder charges 41 300 5 ..... Application for 41 299 4 .... Removal from jurisdiction 41 303 8 Restoration of Entered Apprentice or Fellow Craft 41 302 7 .... Affiliation 30 a non-affiliated Mason is 30 251 1 certificate of dismissal 30 258 8 .... election of a petitioner for 30 257 7 .... expelled or suspended Mason not eligible 34 269 3 petition for. .. .rejected 30 260 10 .... petition for... .when not to be re¬ ceived 30 259 9 .... report of committee on petition for. 30 259 9 Amenable to Laws, Rules and Regula¬ tions 56 370 3 Annual report to the Grand Lodge 60 Appeal from decision of Master 21 235 3 ... . of officers of a Lodge 52 352 3 .... right of a suspended Mason to ... . 37 280 2 Approval of minutes 28 Aprons 17 225 Arrest of jewel 52 appeal from 52 352 3 by the Grand Master 52 350 1 by the Master of a Lodge 52 351 2 restoration by 52 354 5 suspends an officer 52 353 4 Arrest of Warrant or Dispensation .... 55 362 3 declared wrong 55 366 7 . . . . 112 Index for Statutes. Art, Para. Sec. Cla. Assess....a Lodge may 7 205 2 Ancient Craft 'Masonry—knowledge of.. 56 370 3 .... Ballot after initiation 41 298 3 for each degree 40 294 5 for membership 41 296 1 for petitions etc., 42 313 6 not to be postponed 42 316 9 one black ball rejects 42 324 15 unfavorable 40 295 8 Balloting 43 exposure of ballot 43 331 3 .... exposure of ballot 43 332 4 for officers 44 Belief in God 56 369 2 .... Bonds—of Secretary 24 239 u Bonds of Treasurer 23 238 d Burial 32 35 -71 * •••• Business of Lodges 19 227 order of 53 355 By-Laws of New Lodges 3 187 11 of Warranted Lodges 7 204 1 cannot suspend nor expel for non- pajment of dues 7 206 3 must file copy with Grand Secretary 7 207 4 .... Candidates 40 288 balloting for ..: 43 329 ] .... 43 332 4 • • •• 42 328 J] .... ballot for each degree 40 292 6 .... cannot be initiated on credit 43 321 14 .... failing to receive degree 40 294 7 .... having been rejected 40 290 3 .... inquiry into character of 40 289 2 .... jurisdiction over 42 327 20 .... " " " " 42 309 2 .... limitation of residence of 42 324 17 .... must be etc., 56 368 r .... 56 369 2 Index for Statutes. 113 Art, Para. See. Cla. must petition 40 288 1 .... must advance in original Lodge, ex¬ cept 42 320 13 .... names must be reported to other Lodges in district 42 323 16 .... names must be reported to Grand Secretary 24 239 . e new petition after rejection 40 291 4 .... non-resident not to be initiated .... 42 325 18 .... prerequisites for initiation 56 rejected and petitioning another Lodge 40 291 4 .... unfavorable ballot 40 295 8 .... written or verbal objection to ..... 42 293 6 .... .Change in location of Lodges 11 Charges .' 59 375 2 .... Charges 59 376 3 against an Entered Apprentice 41 301 6 .... against a Fellow Craft 41 301 6 .... Chartered Lodge consists of 1 169 1 .... Charity—Committee 011 15 221 1 .... who not entitled to 35 271 2 .... when Lodge is not in session 15 223 3 .... whom entitled to 15 222 2 .... Children 15 222 2 .... 35 -71 2 .... Ceasing to meet for one year 2 173 3 . . .d Clandestine Work \ 16 224 Committee on affiliation... .report of. . . 30 259 9 .... on charity" 15 221 1 .... to investigate petitions etc., 42 310 3 .... Contumacy 2 173 3 ...a Deacon—Junior 25 241 2 —Senior 25 240 1 .... Decisions of Master 21 235 3 Degree of Entered Apprentice 42 328 21 .... Degrees of Masonry 19 227 —right to confer the 20 228 1 .... Departure from plan of Masonry 2 173 3 ...b ] 14 Index for Statutes, Art. Para. Sec. Cla Dimit—conditional , 20 , .230 , 3. ... —how granted 51 342 1 —not granted 51 348 7 —when granted 51 343 2 • Dimission 50 Disobedience 2 173 3 ...c Dissolution of Lodges 2 Dual membership 48 338 Dues, non-payment of 36 275 4 ... of a suspended member 34 267 1 ... tax levied by Grand Lodge, same as 36 275 4 Duty—Masonic 18 226 Duties and powers of Master 21 233 1 of Deacons 25 240 1 " " 25 241 2 ... of Masters of Ceremonies 27 243 1 of members 46 336 1 46 336a 2 of other officers . 27 of the Junior Warden 22 237 2 of the Secretary 24 239 of the Senior Warden 22 236 . 1 ... of the Stewards 26 242 of the Treasurer 23 238 of the Trustees 27 246 4 of the Tyler 27 244 2 of the Wardens 21 234 2 of a Warranted Lodge 1 170 2 Elect—failure to 4 191 2 ... Elective Officers 4 190 1 Election of Officers 44 Illegibility to office 5 I94 3 Entered Apprentice Degree 19 227 —advanced 42 328 21 ... —-cannot dimit 51 349 8 ... —charges against an. . 41 301 6 ... —expelled 41 302 - 7 ... —removal from juris¬ diction of an.... 41 303 8 —under charges not advanced 41 301 6 ... Index for Statutes. Aft. Para. Sec. Exclusive Jurisdiction over candidates. . 42 327 20 Expelled Masons 34 269 3 37 281 3 37 282 4 37 283 5 37 284 6 35 271 2 37 285 7 35 270 1 Exposure of Ballot 43 33i 3 43 332 4 Executive i 170 2 Failure to elect 4 191 2 file reports at proper time . . . 6o 378 2 meet at least once each year.. H 220 2 pay dues 7 206 3 99 99 3<5 275 4 99 99 59 374 1 receive degrees 40 294 7 Feeling S6 369 2 Fee for initiation—not to be returned. . . 42 312 5 99 99 99 99 42 326 19 —how paid 42 326 19 —not to be less than 42 321 14 —to be returned . . . 43 33° 2 Fellow Craft Degree 19 227 cannot dimit .... 5i 349 8 ' charges against a .... 41 301 6 removal from ju¬ risdiction of a 4i 303 8 under charges can¬ not advance... 4i 3QI 6 Forfeiture of Warrant 2 i73 3 Funds not to be divided l6 224 God—belief in 56 369 2 Grand Lodge cannot incorporate 58 373 Lodsre dues 60 378 2 officers—signature of.... 61 380 >1 99 99 99 Go 379 3 Index for Statutes. Art, Para. Sec. Cla. Healing 31 261 ] [eat ing 56 369 2 Honorary membership 50 341 I lour ot' meeting; 15 219 1 . ..d Incorporation 58 373 Initiation .39 287 e a voluntary act 56 370 3 .... fee 42 313 6a Inquiry into character of candidates.... 40 289 2 .... Insignia of officers 17 225 Installation as Master 5 196 5 .... Instructing- Grand Lodge representatives 47 337 Lntoxicating- liquors 16 224 Investigating committee 42 310 3 jewel—arrest of 52 appeal from 52 352 3 by Grand Master 52 350 1 .... by Master of Lodge... 53 351 2 .... restoration 52 354 5 .... suspends officer 52 353 4 .... Jewels of officers 17 225 ........ Judicial 1 170 2 ...c Junior Deacon—duties of 25 241 2 Junior Warden 22 237 2 Jurisdiction over candidate 42 327 6 over members 51 347 6 territorial 54 Keeping of minutes 28 Knowledge of Masonry 56 370 3 Lectures—work and 45 335 Legislative I 17° 2 .. Limitation of Masonic offense 38 286 of residence of candidates... 42 324 17 .... of suspension 37 279 1 Liquor 224 Index for Statutes. 117 Art, Para. Sec. Cla. Life membership 49 ; ., . Location 11 215 2 .... change of 11 214 1 .... Lodges—about conferring three degrees 42 318 11 .... —approval of minutes 28 —business of 19 227 by-laws of 7 204 1 .... —cannot incorporate 58 373 —cannot expel or suspend for non-payment of dues 7 206 3 .... —change of location 11 —charity of 15 222 2 .... —charity when not in session... 15 223 3 .... —committee on charity 15 221 1 .... —consist of 1 169 1 .... —dissolution of 2 171 1 .... " " " 2 172 2 —election of officers 44 —funds not to be divided 16 224 —thour of meeting 14 219 1 ...d —insignia of officers 17 225 —instructing representatives to Grand Lodge 47 337 —intoxicating liquors 16 224 —jewels of officers at Grand Lodge sessions 17 225 —jurisdiction over candidates... 42 309 2 .... " " " " "... 42 327 20 .... —. ' " (territorial) 54 —keeping of minutes 28 —may forfeit its Warrant by. . . . 2 —may close any portion of year. 7 208 5 .... —membership—honorary 50 341 ....... . " " — Masonic duty- 18 226 offense—limitation of 38 286 Master—balloting- for petitions 43 329 1 .... —cannot be installed by proxy... 5 195 4 .... —cannot (limit 51 344 3 .... —decisions ot 21 235 3 .... —duties and powers of 21 233 1 .... —failure to give secrets of chair. 5 196 5 .... —ma}- exclude visitors 57 372 2 ...b —no member can be 5 193 2 .... —ot" Lodge refused a Warrant ... 20 232 5 .... —-powers and duties of 21 233 1 .... —primary executive 1 170. 2 . . .a —secrets of chair to none but. ... 5 197 6 .... —to become a Passed Master ... 5 198 7 .... —vacancy in office of 21 234 2 .... work and lectures 45 335 Masters of Ceremonies—duties of 27 243 1 .... Master Mason's Degree 19 227 Meeting at least once each year 14 220 2 .... Meetings 14 2I9 1 • • • • —social 14 219 1 ...c —special 14 2I9 1 •--h —stated 14 219 1 . . .a —hour of 14 219 1 ...d Member—non affiliated 30 251 1 . . . . —an expelled Mason after 1 year 35 270 1 .... —of an extinct Lodge 55 367 8 .... who desires to dimit 30 254 4 .... Members—duties of 46 336 excused from voting 5 200 9 .... —relief of 15 222 2 Membership—dual 4& 33& —honorary 5° 341 —how acquired 39 —life 49 —release of , 51 345 4 • • • • —requirements for 29 120 Index for Statutes. Art, Para. Sec. Cla. Minutes—approval and keeping of 28 Neglect to make returns 2 173 3 ...c New Lodges 3 —by-laws of 3 187 11 —cannot be represented in G.L. 3 180 4 .... — " discipline its members 3 180 4 .... -— " elect or install officers 3 180 4 .... —certilicate of report of work of 3 183 7 .... —charges and discipline 3 188 12 .... —dispensation for 20 230 3 .... — " " " 20 231 4 —G. L. dues of Lodge under dispensation 3 186 10 .... —dues of members holding con¬ ditional dimit 3 185 9 .... —el'ected officer not a petitioner for •; : 3 l79 3 • • • - —expiration of Dispensation for 3 181 5 .... —G. L. dues of members with conditional dimit 3 185 9 .... —member of foreign jurisdiction cannot be a petitioner for.. 3 179 3 .... —membership of petitioners for 3 185 9 .... —names of Master and Wardens 3 178 2 .... —-need not have seal 3 180 4 .... —110 warrant granted, except.. 3 184 8 .... —-petition for - 3 177 1 .... —place of meeting for 3 178 2 .... —possess all other powers 3 t8o 4 .... — " " rights of Warrant¬ ed Lodge when 3 189 13 .... -—property after refusal of War¬ rant 20 232 5 .... —reason for establishing 3 178 2 .... —recom'nded by nearest Lodge 3 179 2 .... —returns of 3 182 6 .... —rights of 20 228 1 .... — " except 20 229 2 .... Non-affiliation 35 Non-affiliated Mason, a 30 251 1 .... —petition of a 30 252 2 .... __ „ ,, » (foreign) 30 253 3 —reinstatement of.. . 36 Index for Statutes. 121 •Art, Para. Sec. Cla Non-payment or dues 36 275 4 Non-resident not to be initiated 42 325 Of advancement—'(see Advancement) candidates—(see candidates) Office—qualifications for 5 —vacancy 9 212 3 —vacancies in 9 Offenses while Lodges is at labor 59 375 2 Officers—elective 4 !9° 1 —duties of other • 27 — " " Master 21 233 1 Wardens 21 234 2 Senior Warden .... 22 236 1 Junior Warden .... 22 237 2 Treasurer 23 238 Secretary 24 239 Senior Deacon ..... 25 240 1 Junior Deacon 25 241 2 Stewards 26 242 Master of Cere'nies. 27 243 1 Tyler 27 244 Trustees 27 246 4 -signature of 60 379 3 " 61 380 of a Warranted Lodge 1 169 1 Order of Business 53 355 Original jurisdiction over candidates ... 42 327 20 Orphans 15 222 2 35 27l 2 Passed Master—re-elected Master 5 199 8 —rights and privileges of 5 198 7 —to give the secrets of the chair 5 196 5 Petition for a new Lodge 3 177 1 3 178 2 Petitions—ballot not postponed 42 316 9 —balloting; when forbidden ... 42 313 6 —for degrees 42 —misstatements in 42 314 7 —no discussion of 42 315 8 —not to be withdrawn 42 311 4 2 122 Index for Statutes. Art, Para. Sec. Cla. Petitions— questions to be answered in 42 308 1 — when, and when not received 42 310 3 •••• Physical requirements for candidates ... 56 Power of Master 21 2133 1 .... Powers of a Warranted Lodge 1 170 2 .... Precedence of Lodges * 10 213 Privileges of a Warranted Lodge 1 170 2 .... Proceedings of G. L. to be preserved ... 13 218 2 .... Processions 33 35 27I 2 Proxy—instalation by 5 195 4 • • • • —to Grand Lodge 6 202 1 .... —substitute i 6 203 2 .... Prerequisites for initiation 56 Punishment 59 60 378 2 . .. b 43 331 3 ■ • • • * 43 332 4 42 314 7 ■■■■ 34 268 2 .... Qualifications for office and voting 3 Questions to be answered by a petitioner 42 308 1 Release of membership 51 345 4 Relief of members, etc., 15 -22 2 —when Lodge is not in session .. 15 223 3 Residence—length of candidate's 42 324 17 Resignation of Master or Wardens 9 210 1 of officers 5 201 10 Requirements for membership 29 249 1 —physical 56 Re-iustatement 36 Rejected candidates 4° 29° 3 40 291 4 40 292 5 42 327 20 Removal from jurisdiction of an E. A, oraF.C 41 303 8 Index for Constitution. 123 Art. Para. Sec. Cla. Restoration 37 . —a voluntary act 37. 284 6 .... —certificate of 37 283 5 .... —of an E. A. or a F. C.. . 41 302 7 —of an expelled Mason.. 37 281 3 .... " " " " 37 282 4 .... —of a suspended Mason. . 37 279 1 .... Return of initiation fees 42 312 5 .... 42 326 19 Returns to the Grand Lodge 60 377 1 .... 60 378 2 . .. b Right of visit 57 8 209 —a courtesy 57 371 1 .... —conditions of 57 372 2 . . .a —Master may exclude .... 57 373 2 . .. b —non-affiliated Mason .... 36 278 7 Seal 12 216 Seeing 56 369 2 Secretary—duties of :.. 24 239 Secrets of the chair—by whom given ... 5 *9^ 5 • • • • —to whom entitled.. 5 I97 6 Senior Deacon—duties of . 25 240 1 .... Senior Warden 22 236 1 .... Senses 56 3^9 2 Sig-ning- of by-laws 39 287 b 39 287 c 39 5i 346 5 •••• 39 287 f Signature of officers 60 379 3 61 380 Sunday—not to ivork on 16 224 Successor in office 5 201 10 Stewards—duties of 26 242 Surrender of Warrant 2 172 2 —when approved.. 2 175 5 .... Suspension of Warrant 2 176 6 .... —limitation of member 37 279 1 .... [24 Index for Statutes. iSuspended—Entered Apprentice or Fel¬ low Craft 41 Mason 34 37 35 Tax—a Lodge may 7 Term of office 5 Territorial jurisdiction 54 Transaction of Lodges 19 Treasurer—duties of 23 Trustees 1 —duties of 27 Tyler—duties of 27 Unfavorable ballot 40 Vacancy—in appointed office 9 —in elective office 9 —in office of Master 21 Vacancies in office may occur 9 Verbal objection—none 40 Visitors must be vouched for 57 may be excluded 57 Visitation by brethren 8 —a courtesy 57 Voting—excused from 5 —qualifications for 5 Warrant, the 55 —arrest of declared wrong .... 55 —arrest of 55 —the document of authority... 55 , ■:—forfeited 2 —not declared forfeited except. 2 —restoration of 55 — " " " property 55 —surrendered 2 —surrender of, when approved. 2 —suspended 2 351 2 302 7 280 0 271 0 205 O 201 10 227 238 169 1 246 4 244 2 295 8 212 3 212 3 234 2 211 2 293 6 372 • *> . .a 272 . .b 209 371 1 200 9 192 1 366 7 362 3 360 1 173 3 .174 4 364 5 365 6 172 2 175 5 176 6 Index for Statutes. J25 Art. Para. See. Cla. Warranted Lodge consists of i l(*) 1 —G. L. not responsible for debts of k. 55 3^3 4 Wardens 1 169 1 • • • - 21 234 -2 22 45 335 -—appeal from decision of 21 235 3 . • • • —cannot dimit 51 344 3 ^Warden, Junior 22 237 2 . . . . —Senior 22 236 1 Waiver ot jurisdiction over E.A. or F. C. 41 303 8 Widows and wives ti5 222 2 35 27I 2 • • • Wrork 16 224 and lectures 45 335 Written objection—none 4° 293 "