[ Striate BILL NO. 155.] SENATE, Jail —Read "first and second times, and or- dered to be placed uporHJie Calendar add. printed. [By Mr. Simms, Select Committee.] A BILL To regulate the Pay and Allowances of certain Female Employees of the Government. 1 The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, 2 That the salary, pay and allowances of the persons herein after 3 named shall be as follows: 4 1st. Females employed as clerks in the clothing branch of 5 the Quartermaster's Department, or in any hospital established 6 for the benefit of the sick and wounded of the army, shall here- 7 after be allowed and paid the same amount of salary allowed 8 and paid to clerks in other departments of the government: 9 Provided, That such persons, when employed' as clerks in hos- 10 pitals, may accept, in lieu of the above compensation, the pay 11 and allowances herein after granted to chief matrons of hos- 12 pitals. IS 2d. All females employed as chief matrons, or assistant ma- 14 trons, or ward matrons, or nurses in hospitals, shall hereafter be 15 allowed and paid one hundred per cent, in addition to the com- 2 16 pensation now allowed by law for their services; and in all 17 cases where suitable quarters and fuel are not furnished by the 18 surgeon in charge of the hospital, they shall be allowed and 19 paid commutation for the same, at the rate of one room for 20 each matron or nurse, and one and one-half cords of wood per 21 month during winter, and three-fourths of a cord per month 22 during summer. 23 3d. All females engaged or employed in the clothing branch 24 of the Quartermaster's Department, in cutting or making cloth- 25 ing or other articles for the use of the army, shall be allowed 26 and paid one hundred and twenty-five per cent, in addition to 27 the compensation now allowed for such labor or service. 28 4th. All females engaged or employed in making or preparing 29 cartridges or other munitions of war in the Ordnance Depart- 30 merit, shall hereafter be allowed and paid seventy-five per cent. 31 in addition to the compensation now allowed for such labor or 32 service, and shall have the privilege of purchasing from the 33 supply store of the Ordnance Department, at cost price to the 34 government, one rat ion each for their own use: And provided 35 such female shall be the mother or head of a family of one or % 36 more persons dependent upon her for support, she shall also 37 have the right to purchase, upon the terms above stated, one 38 additional ration for each member of her family of the charac- 39 ter above named, and one cord of wood per month during win- 40 ter, and one-half cord per month during summer, as fuel for 3 41 each family: Provided further, That it shall be the duty of the 42 General Superintendent of the Laboratory to see that the bene- 43 fits of this act, as contained in the proviso last above named, are 44 extended only to such persons as are specially embraced within 45 its provisions. 46 5th. The Secretary of War is hereby authorized and required, 47 under such regulations as he may prescribe, in the event the 48 same can be furnished without prejudice to the public service, 49 to allow the persons embraced within the second, third and 50 fourth paragraphs of this act, to purchase, at cost price to the 51 government, such quantity of domestic cloth or cotton goods as 52 may be necessary for clothing for themselves, and those of their 53 family who may be dependent upon them for support; and in 54 the event the same can be furnished, shall also allow'the per- 55 sons named in the third paragraph of this act, to purchase for 56 the use of themselves one cord of wood per month during 57 winter, and one-half cord per month during summer, for each 58 family.