MINUTES OF THE aiisc&sic&aA siiipsass ^.ss®®aasa©ar9 HELD AT LONG CREEK CHURCH, WARREN COUNTY, GA. On the 7th, 8th and 10th days of October, 1842. PENFIELD, GA. PRINTED BY BENJ. ERANTLlT, 1842. MINUTES, &c. Long Creek, Octobsr 7th, 1S42. 1. The Introductory Sermon was delivered by brother N. M. Lumpkin, from 1 Cor. 2: 2—For I determined nit to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ and him crucified. 2. Read the letters sent up by the Churches and minuted their state. 3. Re-elected B. M. Sanders,- Moderator, and W. H. Stokes, Clerk. 4. Appointed the following Committees, viz:—On Business* Thornton, Harris and Daniell; On Preaching, Gunri, Stocks, Stan¬ ford, and Moore, to act with S. Jones, W. Harris, and J. Veazey, of the Long Creek Church; On Finance, Hunter, Darden, and Mell; On Nominations, E. Callaway, Wm. Dallas, and N. M. Lumpkin. 5. Upon its being stated that no minister belonging to the body had died during the year, a short time Was spent in devotional ex¬ ercises, the brethren Thornton and E. Callaway leading in prayer. Thanks were returned to Almighty God for His blessing in this re¬ spect; fervent petitions were offered up for union of sentirAfctit, and an increase of numbers and efficiency in the ministry connected with the Association. 6. Invited ministering brethren present with us not of the body to seats. 7. Received correspondence as follows:—From the Central As¬ sociation, a letter by brother I. L. Brookes; from the, Sarepta, a letter and minutes—no delegate; from the Savannah "River, min^ utes by brother Harlee; from the Washington, a letter and minutes by brethren Thomas and Jesse Battle; from the Appalachee, a letter and minutes by brethren Langford and- Jackson; from the Tugalo, a letter and minutes by the hand cf£ brother Mormon} from the Hephzibah, a letter and minutes by brethren iPerryman, Dunevan and Stapleton; from the Flint River, & letter—no min¬ utes or delegates; from the Ebenezer, a letter and minutes no delegate. S. Read a communication from the Sunday School Union at¬ tached to this body;—referred it'to the Committee on Business. 3 Adjourned to Saturday morning, 9 o'clock—prayer by brother Stapleton. Saturday Morning.—Met according to adjournment—prayer by brother Perryman. 1. Called for the Report of the Committee on Business—report read and adopted. 2. Read a letter from the females of the Powelton Church, con¬ taining a handsome contribution in favor of brother Stevens, mis¬ sionary in Burmah. 4. Appointed correspondence as follows:—To the Central Asso¬ ciation, to commence at Friendship, Greene county, Ga., on Thurs¬ day bofore the 4 th Lord's Day in August next, Sanders, Stocks, Holmes, Thornton, and Daniell—Sanders to write the letter; to the Washington, at Bethlehem, Washington county, Friday before the 2d Lord's I)ay in Sept., John M. Hall, Irvine, Holmes, Stokes, and Daniell—Hall to write; to the Sarepta, (time and place not known,) G. W. Callaway, T. J. Beck, J. M. Jackson, W. W. Prather, and N. M. Lumpkin—Callaway to write; to the Tugalo, a place near Bachelor's Retreat, Pickens District, S. C., Friday before 3d Lord's Day in Sept., J, Mormon, I. N. Bolton, W. R. Cox, and T. R. Morgan—Morgan to write; to the Western, (place not known,) Friday before 3d Lord's Day in Sept., Thornton, Sanders, and Shackelford—Thornton to write; To the Edgefield, (place not known,) Saturday before the 3d Lord's Day in Sept., Brantly, Stokes, and Collins—Brantly to write; to the Saluda, (place not known,) Saturday before the 2d Lord's Day in August next, Har¬ ris, B. Blanchard, Gunn, and West—Harris to write; to the Edisto, (place not known,) Saturday before the 1st Lord's Day in Oct., IL Neeson, Collins^ Dugnal, and Blanchard—Neeson to write; to the Hephzibah, Pine Grove, Richmond county, Saturday before 3d Lord's Day in Sept., Harris, Steed, Neeson, Collins, John Skin¬ ner, Daniell and Holmes—Neeson to write; to the Savannah River, Little Saltcatcher, Coleton District, S. C., Saturday before 4th Lord's Day in Nov., Brantly, Daniell, and Irvine—Brantly to write; to the Appalachec, Mnr's Hill, Clarke county, Saturday be¬ fore 3d Lord's Dny in Sept., Mell, N. M. Lumpkin, Gunn, T. J. Beck, J. M. Jackson, and W. Sauilers—Mell to write; to tfoe I?ock Mountain, Social Circle, Walton county, Saturday before 2d JLord's Day in S3pt., Asberry, Thornton, Sanders, T. Morgan, Mell, and 4 W. W. Prather—Asberry to write; to the Flint River^ Antioch,. Fayette county, Saturday before 3d Lord's Day in July, Irvine, G. W, Callaway, and W. Sanders—Irvine to write; to the Ebenezer, Poplar Spring, Laurens county, Saturday before 4th Lord's Day in Sept., Richards, Daniell, Holmes, and Hill—Richards to write. 4. On motion of brother Thornton, Resolved, That when a min¬ ister, or other member of this body, shall be present at the meeting of an Association in correspondence with ours, by presenting a copy of our last minutes containing his name, he is to be recognized as our messenger to such Association. 5. Appointed General Meetings as follows: 1st District at New- Providence, Warren county, Friday before 3d Lord's Day in July. 2d District, at Damascus, Columbia County, Friday before 5th- Lord's Day in April. 3d District, at Antioch, Oglethorpe county, Friday before 5th Lord's Day in July. 4th District, at Beaver- dam, Wilkes county, Friday before the 3d Lord's Day m June. 6. Appointed a Committee consisting of Sanders, Brantly and Sturgis to make out sonq.e general view of the amount of Mission¬ ary labor performed within the bounds of the body-—also of the number and state of Sunday Schools and Temperance Societies. 7. The Nominating Committee reported that B. M. Sanders was appointed to preach the Introductory Sermon next year, and that Cr M. Irvine was his alternate; C. F. Sturgis the Missionary Ser¬ mon, R. Gunn his alternate. 8. Several of the Ministers belonging to the body made interest¬ ing statements with respect to missionary labor performed by them within our bounds, also with respect to the advancement of the Churches in securing preaching every Lord's Day. 9. Requested the Moderator to assist the Clerk in arranging the tabular views to be presented in these minutes. 10. The Committee on Missions, Sunday Schools, Temperance Societies, &c., reported that this Association had no Domestic Mis¬ sionary, as this whole subject was usually referred to the State- Convention. 11. Appointed the next session of this body ta be held with the Church at Union, Warren County, Friday before the 2d Lord's Day in Oct. next. 12. Requested the Clerk to superintend the printing and distri¬ bution of the Minutes, and ordered that after $35 be paid him for his expense and trouble, out of the minute fund, the balance be expended'in procuring as many copies as possible. 5 Adjourned to Monday morning, 9 o'clock—prayer by brother- Brookes. The Sabbath was wholly spent in devotional exercises. W. H. Stokes commenced the exercises in the morning, and was followed by Wm. T. Brantly. junr., who delivered the Missionary Sermon; V. R. Thornton preached in the afternoon. Monday Morning.—Met according to adjournment—prayer by brother Barnes, 1. Elected the brethren Sanders, Stocks, Janes, Thornton, Stokes, West, Irvine and J. Harris to represent this body in the Georgia Baptist Convention next May. 2. Resolved, That the whole subject of Sunday Schools be turn¬ ed over to the Sunday School Union within our bounds, and that the communication from said Union be appended to these min¬ utes. See No. 1. 3. Read and adopted the several letters prepared to correspond¬ ing Associations. 4. Resolved, unanimously, That the Churches composing this Association instruct their representatives to remain to the end of the session! 5. Resolved, That we recommend the "Christian Index" to the increased patronage of our brethren, and that our ministers be re¬ quested to exert themselves in procuring subscribers and making remittances. 6. Read and adopted the Report of the Committee on Finance. See No. 2. For the Report of the Committee on Sunday Schools, Temper¬ ance Societies, &c. See No. 3. After singing and prayer, and some pertinent remarks by the Moderator, the Association adjourned. B. M. SANDERS, Moderator. W. H. Stokes, Clerk. CHURCHES. STAT?JE OF THE CHUKCH1ES. Ordained Ministers in Small Capitals—Licentiates in Italics—Absentees* DELEGATES' NAMES. ¥ Baptized. j Rec. by Let. J Dismissed. M X n o Restored. | Dead. | Total. "Powelton, - - - D. G. Daniell, C, M. Irvine, E. J. Palmer, - - - - 5 9 9 o 0 2 160 Mount Zion, - - Thomas Neal, John M. Peek, - - 10 3 3 2 0 1 76 Horeb, - - - - Joseph Holmes, Tho. Whaley, .- - - - 5 5 13 1 1 1 138 White Plains, - - Samuel Johnson, I. Moore, E. Jarrell, - 3 11 10 3 2 2 196 Wairenton, - *Peter Cody, J. Ricketson, - - - 3 9 2 2 0 1 39 .New Providence, - H. Hite, Thos. J. Beck, - - - 5 2 6 1 2 0 74 Long Creek, - - Wm. Harriss, John Veazey, - 9 3 4 1 1 1 116 Williams' Creek, - R. V. Asberry, Jethro Darden, 11 1 3 0 0 1 90 Bathe], Crawfordville, *Joiin W. Wilson, John Chapman, *A. Gresham, *W. Peek, 2 7 9 3 1 2 218 JElim, - - - R. Gunn, «/. M. Hall, - - - - - 5 9 11 " 1 1 0 98 "Kiokee. - - - - J. Harriss, *C. Collins, D. Stanford, G. A. P. Whitfield, W. Yarborough, 12 4 2 2 3 2 267 Pine Grove, - - *B. B. Wilkerson, B. T. Reese, - - 8 3 4 1 0 1 53 Sharon. - - - D. L. Marshall, L. G. Steed, - - - - - 3 2 3 1 0 1 61 Damascus, - - - Jefferson Blanchard, B. Blanchard, - - - - - 3 0 1 0 0 2 38 Grove, - H. Neeson, Hillman Cliatt, - - - - - - 1 o 2 2 0 0 85 Bethlehem, Bethel, Jl. Dagnal, Tho. Harden, 5 0 2 0 2 130 Aberleen, - John Skinner, Thomas Skinner, ....... 8 1 \ 0 0 0 66 Double Branch, *R. Davy, *Eli Lockhart, 0 4 4 2 1 1 107 Sweet Water, - - Wm. P. Steed, *E. Burson, 50 3 12 1 2 1 115 ■ Union, Warren, Geo. W. Hardaway, F. Geeslm, 19 4 5 0 0 3 133 Augusta, - - - Wm. T. Brantly, jr., *1. W. Whitlock, *M. M. Dve, - 18 18 18 1 0 1 174 Springfield, African, Jacob Walker, Geo. Key, Wm. Blair, ------ 59 2 27 21 21 12 877 Spirit Creek, do. Peter Johnson, 52 1 3 12 1 7 325 JSb&nezer, ''do. John Walton, ------- - - 1 1 0 2 2 0 40 4s .2 ^<1 5J Thankful, African, New Hope, - - Aritioch, Richmond, Bethesda, - Shiloh, - - - - Smyrna, - Philips' Mills, - - Antioch, Oglethorpe, Beards', - - - - County Line, - - Salem, Oglethorpe, Greenesboro', - - ^Penfield, ... Goshen, - - - Clark's Station, Sardis, - Newford, - - - Rehoboth, - - Greenwood, - - Lincolnton, - - - Salem, Lincoln, Hephzibah, - - Fishing Creek, Washington, - - Friendship, - - - Ehenezer, - - - * Union, ftincoln, Beaverdam, - - William Hoxey, *Thomas Tillery, *John H. Little, Thomas Wild, --------- V. R. Thornton. A. Janes, E. S. Hunter, - ^D, R. Malone, W. Sanders', E. C. Shackelford, S. P. Arnold, Joseph J. Reeves, ------ W. H. Stokes, Rabun McGinty, Wm. Lumpkin, *Wm. Jewell, *Saml. Lumpkin, - N. M. Lumpkin, *T. B. Wilson, W. O. Cheney, S. D. Durham, *D. Geer.i John Wynn, Ed. Meadows, No Representation, - B. M. Sanders, Thomas Stocks, Wm. Richards, P. H. Mell, *W. H. Norman, *A. Frazier, - *1. N. Bolton, *Tho. W. Beck, - - - - - - Enoch Callaway, *John Talbot, J. M. Jackson, Geo. W. Callaway, James Pullan, jr., *PVm. T. Lane, Wm. Prather, W. R. Cox, *Jos. W. Cooper, T. R. Morgan, G. Shank, - - - - - - - - William Dallas, Benj. Wright, John Bentley, Hogan Wadsworth, - - *Joseph A. Carter, John Mormon, *Micajah A. Lane, *Thomas Anderson, - C. F. Sturgis, W. H. Pope, *D. E. Butler, - John Banner, *William Walton, , *John Q. West, *Geo. Mc-Kinney, - - *Nfewel House, *John Harper, ------- John Hugle,.*Warren T. Hudspeth, ,12 2 S i i 4 2 5<* 1 4 6 0 Q 0 57 G 1 1 I 2 0 0 7 3 3 13 1 1 4 167 21 9 6 1 4 2 163 9 (5 11 0 9 G 73 1 4 i 6 1 9 2 142 17 5 11 3 2 160 1 7 6 27 4 3 1 251 9 o 3 1 0 1 113 48 2 1 5 0 0 o 86 0 20 32 G 0 1 58 9 0 8 1 1 0 122 12 ] 4 1 <; 1 62 18 9 9 ' 8 5 5 202 17 0 11 (i 2 0 130 17 4 5 4 1 0 148 3 2 8 2 0 5 136 0 0 2 0 1 0 41 0 g 0 0 0 1 90 1 3 4 1 0 0 59 13 4 11 1 5 1 156 35 0 5 3 0 3 182 8| 1 1 2 0 0 75 24! 4 3 2 2 1 105 o| 2 5i 1 2 0 50 151 6| i! l! 0 0 61 562!206 363!l07 73 77 6659 "3 APPENDIX. No. -1. The Sunday School Union of the Georgia Association to tUb* delegates composing the Georgia Association. Beloved Brethren!—By a resolution of this body, it becomes our duty to address this communication to you in reference to the origin of our organization, and the objects contemplated by it. It is known to you, that in August, 1841, a Convention was held with the Church at Bethesda, the object of which was to cre¬ ate a more general interest in our Churches in reference to Sabbath Schools, which meeting, we doubt not, had its influence in procur¬ ing the passage of a resolution of your body at its last meeting, calling a similar Convention to be held with the Church at Powel- ton, in April, 1842. Among other matters of interest transacted at the last mention¬ ed meeting, was the adoption of a resolution to give permanency to the organization, by recommending to the Churches to send three delegates to meet at the Long Creek Church, on Thursday before the second Sabbath in October, to assist in the organization of a permanent Society for the encouragement of Sabbath Schools. That meeting took place according to appointment, when twen¬ ty-one Churches were represented, who organized themselves by the adoption of a Constitution and the election of officers. By the second article of our Constitution, (a copy of which is herewith transmitted,) you will perceive the objects contemplated by our Union, in the accomplishment of which, we affectionately solicit the countenance and co-operation of your venerable body. Before closing this communication, we beg leave to call your at¬ tention to the evidences of an increasing interest in this important work, which appear in the reports of our Churches. By reference to the report of your Sabbath School Committee appended to your minutes for last year, you will perceive that but sixteen schools were reported on that occasion. It is our satisfac¬ tion to receive information of the existence of twenty-eight schools, twenty-two of which are exclusively, and the remainder partially, under the supervision of our denomination. In the twenty-two schools exclusively under our control, there are one hundred and forty-four teachers and eight hundred and sixteen pupils—besides which, a number of schools have Bible classes connected with them. Supposing that of the remaining six, one-third are under oUr direction, we have an aggregate* 0£ one hundred and fifty-four teachers engaged in teaching eight hun¬ dred and sixty-four pupils, besides the Bible classes referred to. Concerning Libraries, (that very interesting appendage to a Sabbath School,) we have no means by which we can ascertain < 9 the exact number ol volumes, but have certain information of Ihe: existence of about one thousand volumes. V. R. THORNTON, Chairman S. S. U. G. A. C F. Sturgis, Secretary. 2d. Art. u Flic object of this Union shall be to promote the in¬ terests of Sabbath Schools and Bible Classes within the bounds of the Georgia Association." No. 2. REPORT OF THE FINANCIAL COMMITTEE. The Financial Committee have received from the Churches composing the Georgia Association, their contributions, for various objects, as follows: Min¬ utes. Churches. Purposes, 6,-c. $1 50 Aberleen—20 11 General Purposes, 1 00 Home Mission, 3 00 Antioch, Oglethorpe—22 00 General Purposes, 1 50 Antioch, Richmond, 2 00 Augusta—76 00 Foreign Mission, 5 00 Barman Mission, 47 25 Home Mission, 3 00 Bethel, Crawfordville—10 22 Foreign Missions, 1 50lBethlehem, Bethel—9 00 Burman Mission, 3 50 50 50 00 00 00 50 50 50 50 00 00 25 56 do 50 00 Baird's Meeting House—24 00 Foreign Missions, 5 00 from S. D. Durham for Stephens, Bethesda—15 00 Foreign Mission, 18 00 Home Mission, 5 00 Sabbath School Library, 20 00 American &■ Foreign Bible Society, (10 00 of which was sub¬ scribed by bro. R. Q. Dickinson and 10 00 by bro. R. Asbury, as their last instalments subscribed to Rev. I. M. Allen,) Beaverdam—6 00 General Purposes, Clark's Station—11 00 ,, ,, County Line—10 00 ,, ,, Damascus— ,, ,, Double Branches—15 75 Foreign Missions, Ebenezer—62 87 ,, Elim—7 55 » n Fishing Creek—5 35—Burman Mission, Friendship—1 15 General Purposes, • Greenesboro'—73 00 Foreign Mission, 2 00 Sunday School Depository, Goshen—38 50 Foreign Missions, Grove—27 60 General Purposes, 50c. Burman Mission, Hephzibah—14 15 Missions, Horeb—26 00 Bible Society, (10 00 by bro. Tho. Wha- | ley, 10 00 by bro. Starling Evans, and 6 00 by bro. John R. Evans, subscribed to Rev. I. M. Allen,) 88 00 General Purposes, 1 00 Home Mission, Greenwood—17 50 Foreign Missions, 10 50 50 50 00 50 50 00 1 50 3 00 2 50 1 50 1 50 3 00 2 50 75 1 75 3 00 1 05 2 50 1 75 3 00 2 00 1 50 1 50 3 00 1 00 1 09 1 00 98 11 Kiokee—7 00 Home Mission, 42 50 Burman Mission, 39 87 General Purposes, Lincolnton—20 00 General Purposes, Long Creek—3 50 Printing Bible, 3 50 Foreign Missions, 14 50 General Purposes, Mt. Zion—14 00 Burman Missions, Newford— New Providence—6 12 Foreign Missions, Penfield—5 00 Home Mission, 27 06 Foreign Missions, 5 00 from Mis. Pierce to the Home Mission, the 2d instalment to constitute Benjamin Pierce, of Beverly, Mass., a life member, and 5 00 for the American Baptist Board of Foreign Missions. Pine Grove—30 00 Foreign Missions, Powelton—73 70 Foreign Missions, 45 50 from the females of the Powelton Church, by C. M. Irvine, for Ste¬ phens, 3 68 from the children of the Sunday School foi Burman Mission, Phillips' Mills—16 00 Foreign Missions, Rehoboth—8 87 Foreign Missions, Salem, Lincoln—5 00 Foreign Missions, Salem, Oglethorpe— Sardis—6 25 General Purposes, Shilo—3 55 General Purposes, Sharon— Smyrna— Sweet Water—6 00 Foreign Missions, Union, Lincoln— Union, Warren—6 05 Foreign Missions, Warrenton—8 35 ,, „ White Plains—19 05 Home Mission, 19 05 Foreign Miss. Williams' Creek—8 00 Foreign Mission, Washington—17 00 „ „ Newhope—3 15 ,, ,, Springfield, African Ch.—3 00 General Purposes, 6 00 Af¬ rican Mission, 5 00 Af. Tem. Society, Spirit Creek, Af. Ch.— Ebenezer, „ Thankful. Af. Ch.—1 50 Foreign Missions. Received from bro. John W. Battle, of Bethesda, through bro. V. R. Thornton, 5 00, which was subscribed to I. M. Al¬ len for tHfe American & Foreign Bible Society, Collection-tpken after Missionary Sermon at the stand, One Gold Ring, 5 00 73 68 $1261 93 The whole amount received by your Committee for Benevolent Purpo¬ ses, $1261 93*—which amount has been paid over to bro. Absalom Janes, Treasurer of the Baptist Convention, to be applied as follows: For Home Missions, - - - $103 30 Foreign Missions, - - - 583 24 General Purposes, - - - 307 18 11 For Burnian Missions, - - - 80 03 Sunday School Library, - - 7 00 Brother Stephens, - - - 50 50 American & Foreign Bible Society, - 45 50 African Missions, - - - 11 50 $1261 93 Your Committee have paid over the amount of Minute Fund ($96 61) to Rev. Win, H. Stokes, the Clerk of the Association. All of which is respectfully submitted. E. S. HUNTER, 1 J. DARDEN, \ Financial Corn1 tee. P. H. MELL, J *$17 25 Uncurrent Money. No. 3. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON SUNADY SCHOOLS, TEM¬ PERANCE SOCIETIES, &c. Churches. No. Schools. Teachers. Scholars. Temp. Societies. Powelton, - - - Mt. Zion, - - - - Horeb, ... - White Plains,* - - Warren ton, - - - New Providence, Long Creek, - - - Williams' Creek, Bethel, Crawfordville, Elim, Kiokee,* - - - - Sharon, - - - - Damascus, - - - Grove, - - - - Bethlehem, Bethel, - Aberleen, - - - - Double Branch, - - Sweet Water,! - - Union, Warren, - - Augusta, - - - - Springfield, African, Ebenezer, do. Thankful, do. Spirit Creek, do. New Hope,15? - - - Antioch, Richmond, Bethesda, - - - - Shiloh, - - - - 6 5 15 1 40 30 28 20 40 40 12 35 20 100 35 25 40 120 200 1500 in city. Churches ]No. Schools. 1 Teachers. Scholars. - 1 9 49 - 1 6 42 >e, 1 6 60 - 1 3 34 9 ~ 2 14 100 - 1 11 45 - 1 9 36 _ 1 8 25 - 1 2 20 Temp. Societies. 130 in village. 260 Pine Grove, - - Smyrna, - - - Phillips' Mills, - Antioch, Qglelhorj Beard's, - - - County Line, Salem, Oglethorpe Greenesboro',* - Penfield, - - - Goshen, - - - Clark's Station, - Sardis, - - - Newford, - - - Rehoboth, - - Greenwood, - - Lincolnton,* - - Salem, Lincoln,* Hephzibah, - - Fishing Creek, - Washington, - - Friendship, - - Ebenezer, - - Union, Lincoln, - Beaverdam, - - EcST" The above table, we are aware, is by 110 means perfect. The Churches are requested to send up in future exact accounts with respect tc these things. 35 in village. 200 in village. 32 *'Union School, tBible Class,