THE CONSTITUTION or SUBORDINATE LODGES OF THE ORDER OF KXIGEITS OF JERICHO. RKTI1K1), AMENDKD AND ATOPTED BT THE NATIONAL LOIWS C# NOUTII AMERICA, AT THE ANNUAL SESSION, HELD AT AT¬ LANTA, QUOHVIA, IN THE MONTHS OF OCTOBER 1KD D£CKMDER» A. D.» 1834. HUMANITY, TEMPERANCE MO CHARITY .A.TL.A.I^TA, GEORGIA. C. R. HANLEITER & CO., PRINTER®. 1856. CONSTITUTION of SUBORDINATE LODGES) OI8HT3 W JKRIGHO. preamble. We, 'whose names are annexed, desirous of ce¬ menting more closely the bonds of Brotherhood —advancing the cause of Humanitv, Temper¬ ance and Charity—affording additional aid in Sickness and Adversity—cultivating feelings of Mutual Respect—promoting MoT-al and Men¬ tal Improvement among ourselves, and extend¬ ing our Social Relations, do agree to associate together, and adopt the following Constitution and By-Laws: article first—title. This body shall be known as / JVb- —i of the Order of Knights of Jericho* of the State of , and shall meet for business at least once a month. [Lodges situated at or near Uni¬ versities, composed principally of Students, shall meet at lea&t once a month, save in vacation.] Five members shall constitute a quorum lor the transaction of business. 4 article second—pledge. We will not make, buy, sell or use as a bcvef age, any spirituous or malt liquors, wine o> cicler, or any other alcoholic beverage, whet-he. enumerated or not; but will 'jsg all honorable means to prevent their manufacture or use, or the traffic therein. article third—of whom composed. Sec. 1. All white male persons, of good moral character, of sound health, of the age of fifteen years and upwards, shall bo eligible to member¬ ship, and none others ; but no member shall be eligible to Office until he has attained the age ot eighteen years and received all the Degrees. Sec. 2. Females of the age of fifteen years, and upwards, shall be eligible to Honorary Mem¬ bership. They shall enjoy all the privileges and benefits of the Order, but shall not participate in the business of the Lodge, except in votingon questions, and serving on Committees, relating to their own sex. Sec. 3. No Brothdr or Sister shall be a mem¬ ber of more than one Lodge at the same time; nor shall a Brother represent any other than the Lodge of which he is a member. article fourth—officers. Sec. 1. The Officers shall be : a Worthy Chief, a Vice-Chief, a Recorder, & Treasurer, a Chap- 5 lain, a Marshal, a Herald, a Sentinel and a Guard. Sec. 2. The Officers shall be elected by ballot at the last regular meeting of each Term, and Installed, either publicly or in private, within two weeks thereafter. They shall have a major¬ ity of all the votes cast, and if three or more candidates are balloted for, the one having the lowest number of votes shall be withdrawn at each balloting. All vacancies occurring during the Term shall be filled at a regular meeting. The Brother who fills such vacancy to the end of the Term shall be entitled to the honors of a full Term. No Brother shall be entitled to vote unless lie is free from indebtedness to tbeLodge, for fines or dues. article fifth—dutik6 of officers. Sec. 1. The Worthy Chief shall preside at meetings arid enforce the laws,rules and usages; appoint all Committees and Officers not other¬ wise provided for; have control and possession of the private books and papers ; give the cast¬ ing vote in case of a tie, excepting at an election for Officers; announce the result of all votings; fill all vacancies; call Special Meetings, and draw upon the Treasurer for all appropriations made by the Lodge. He shall, w'th the Vice- Chief, constitute the Visiting Committee, whose duty it shall be to visit, weekly, or cause the same to be done, all sick and disabled jnenibers; 6 report their condition at every meeting, and no tify members to attend upon and sit up with them, when necessary. Sec. 2. The Vice-Cheif shall superintend the duties of the Sentinel and Guard, and assist the W. Chief, and in his absence, preside. Sec. 3. The Recorder shall keep a true record of the proceedings of Lodge; attend to all mat¬ ters of correspondence, under the direction of the W. Chief; notify meetings, when ordered; notify candidates of their election within one week ; make out Dismissal, Withdrawal and Traveling Cards, after the form prscribed ; re¬ cord the names, title and residence of all Visit* ing Brothers and Sisters ; fill up certificates, and attest to all appropriations made at a regular meeting. He shall make out. at the end ol each Term, the returns to the Grand Lodge, which shall embrace the number of persons proposed, accepted, rejected, initiated, forfeited, admitted by Card, dismissed, withdrawn, suspended, vio¬ lated pledge, the whole number of members in regular standing, the number taken the second and third Degrees, the amount of receipts for fees, amount for dues, amount paid for relief of members, amount on hand, and the percentage due the Grand Lodge, together with tttfe same, occupation and residence of every person re¬ jected, suspended, dismissed or expelled from the Lodge, during the Term, with the cause of expul¬ sion, and the names of deceased members; also, the names of the W. Chief and Recorder elect, 7 names of Representatives, to the Urand Lodge, evening of meeting, and, with the W. Chiefrcer-! tify to the same. He shall perform such other duties as may be required of him, and at the expiration of bis Term deliver up to his succes¬ sor the property and books of his Office. Sec. 4. The Treasurer shall keep correct ac¬ counts between the Lodge and each member, and the Lodge and Grand Lodge; receive all monies and pay the same to orders drawn by, the W. Chief and attested by the Recorder. He* shall notify members four months in arrears for dues and fines, and on the night of each election he shall furnish the W. Chief with a list of all members in arrears and the several sums of their indebtedness. He shall keep an account of receipts and disbursements—present a full re¬ port of the same at the end of each Term, cjid give security, if required by the Lodge. Sec. 6. The Chaplain shall perform the da- ties assigned him in the Ritual Sec. 6. The Marshal shall take charge of all property not otherwise provided for, keep the same in good order, and see that it is in its pra- per place at the opening of the Lodge. He shall introduce Visitors, furnish them with suitable Regalia, and perform such other duties as may be required of him. Sec. 7. The Herald shall assist the Marshal, and perform the duties required ot him by the Ritual. Sec. 8. The Sentinel shall attend the inner 8 Sate, and perform such other duties as are laid own in the Ritual. Sec. 9. The Guard shall attend the outer gate. Sec. 10. The W. Chief of each Term, if not w-elected, shall act as Past Worthy Chief of tha succeeding Term. article sixth—terms. The Terms shall commence on the first regu¬ lar meeting in January and July, and end on the last meeting in June and December, of each year. article seventh propositions. Sec. 1. All propositions for membership must be made in writing, stating name, age, residence, Occupation and vouchers, and must be accompa¬ nied by the requisite fee; the subject shall then be referred to a Committee of three for investi¬ gation, who (except in case of emergency) shall report at the next regular meeting The can¬ didate may then be balloted for with ball bal¬ lots, and if not more than two black balls ap¬ pear against him, he shall be declared duly elected. If rejected, the W. Chief may forth¬ with order a new ballot for the purpose of cor¬ recting mistakes, when, if the ballot be against the applicant, he shall be declared rejected, and shall not again be proposed in any Lodge for six months. Sec. 3- All propositions for membership, shall 9 4e made to the Lodge moat convenient to the )andidate's permanent residence, except by re¬ commendation of said Lodge, or dispensation from the G. W. Chief, or his Deputy, when he may unite himself with the Lodge of his choice. Sec. 3. A proposition for membership cannot he withdrawn alter it has been referred to a Committee. The candidate must be balloted for, and a re-consideration of a ballot cannot be ta¬ ken without permission of the Grand Lodge, through theG. W. Chief, or his Deputy Sec. 4. Any Brother or Sister applying for membership by deposit of Card, shall be enti¬ tled to the same, if no v^lid objection be urged, by paying half the initiation fee. article eiqhth—:fees A.nd dues. Sec. 1. The Initiation fee, for Males, shall not be less than Two Dollars; for the Degree of Bethlehem, not less than One Dollar, and for the Degree of Bethany, not less than Two Dollars. Sec. 2. For Females, the Initiation fee shall not be less than Fifty Cents ; and for the sec¬ ond and third Degrees, not less than Twenty- Five Cents each. They shall be exempt from dues. t"Ec. 3. The regular Dues of each Brother shall not be less than One Dollar per Term.—> They shall, likewise, pay an additional sum of Twenty-Five Cents per Term, as ft "Funeral 1(0 Fund," which shall be kept distinct from otUfcr\ funds of the Lodge. article ninth—degrees. Sec. 1. Any qualified Brother or Sister wish¬ ing to take a Degree, shall make application for the same, through a Brother or Sister, in the Lodge when open in the Degree applied for— when, if not more than two black balls appear against the applicant, he or she shall be declared duly elected. The necessary fee shall accom¬ pany all applications for Degrees. Sec- 2. No Brother or Sister (except in case of emergency) shall receive the Degrees who has not served one month in the preceding De¬ gree. Males under eighteen years of age shall serve three months in each preceding Degree. article tenth—suspension and expulsion. Sec. 1. Members shall be liable to suspension for non-payment of Dues after six months; for indecent, disrespectful or profane language in meetings ; for bringing eharges against a Broth¬ er or Sister without a reasonable foundation, or for failing to report a Brother or Sister whom he or she knows to have violated the Pledge. Sec. 2. Any member who shall illegally dis¬ close the private affairs of the Lodge ; follow, any criminal or disgraoeful pursuit; violate the Constitution or any Prinoiple of the Order, 11 shall be liable to expulsion, by a majarity vote of the members present at a. regular meeting. Sec. 3. When a charge of gross immorality bIiaU be preferred in writing to the W. Chief against a Brother or Sister, the W. Chief shall appoint two Brothers, who, in connection with himself, the Y. Chief and Chaplain, shall inves¬ tigate and pass upon the case—subject to an Appeal to the Grand Lodge. Sbc. 4. When a charge shall be preferred against a Brother in writing for neglecting or violating any duty, not otherwise provided for, the W. Chief shall appoint a Committee of three, who shall furnish the accused with a written copy of the charge preferred, and notify him and the accu¬ ser of the time and place of meeting—hear all testimony in proof or extenuation of the charge, and report a resolution acquitting, suspending or expelling the accused as their judgement shall dictate ; together with a concise statement of the facts and circumstances proved before them. The resolution may be considered at the same meeting when presented, provided the ac¬ cused has been notified by the Committee to be present. A majority of the members present voting in favor of the resoluntion, it shall be carried; but the Lodge shall be fully compe¬ tent, while a resolution for expulson, for the above offences, is under consideration, to vary the penalty to suspension. Sec. 5. A member who is in arrears six months 12 for Dues, and has been notified by the Treasu¬ rer, may be suspended without proceeding in accordance with the foregoing section. Sec. 6. A suspended member may be re-in¬ stated, provided his Dues have all been paid, by a majority vote of the members present at a regular meeting. Any member having been ex¬ pelled for offences above enumerated shall not be proposed for membership under six months from the date of expulsion. All votes to sus¬ pend or expel a member shall be by ball ballots. article eleventh violating pledge. The charge for violating Article Second shall be presented in writing, and signed by a mem¬ ber of the Lodge. It 6hall then be referred to a Committee of three, who shall, as soon as practicable, summon the parties and investigate the matter. If the Committee agree that the charge is sustained, the offending member shall forfeit his o;- hep membership, apd be declared expelled froni the Lodge, !>nd shall not again be proposed for membership for twelve months. article twelfth—cards. Sec. 1. A member desiring to dissolve his or her connection with the Order, shall make ap¬ plication in writing at a regular meeting— which appliaction shall lie over until the next regular meeting, and be referred to a Commit- 13 tee of three whose diUy it shall be to enquir# ■whether th# member so applying has paid up nil Dues to the Lodge, and been guilty of no conduct which shall prevent his or her honora¬ ble dismissal, and report thereon at said nexv regular meeting—when, if cause is not shown to the contrary, the same shall be granted. An} member thus dismissed, shall not again be re¬ ceived into any Lodge of the Order, except by regular application and initiation. Sec. 2. A Dismissal or Withdrawal Card may be granted to a Brother or Sister who desires to leave the Lodge. A Traveling Card may bo granted to either, on the payment of the regu¬ lar Dues for the period for which it is desired and Twenty-Five Cents for each Card. article thirteenth—dissolution. A Lodge shall not have power to dissolve it« self while there are five dissenting members. If a proposition be made to dissolve, it shall lie upon the table four weeks, and notice thereof sent to the residence of each member. The five, or more, shall retain all the property for the use of the Lodge. In case a Lodge shall surrender its Charter, or forfeit it in any way, all the property of every description shall re* vert to the Grand Lodge for the benefit of th« Order. The Grand Worthy Chief, or his Dep* uto, shall take charge of the same