SI PERINTENDENT'S RKPORT. ©ire *?np'l m. £ X V.atl ¥»Kii>. ) Atlanta, Ga., Oct. J, ISt'rJ. ) j To II ib Excellency, Joseph E. Ijkown : ment of the operations of this Iload for the fiscal year end¬ ing September 30th, 1862. Sir:—Agreeable to law, I hereby transmit to von a state- ^ t i } I i The gross income of the Road has been... .$1,379,101 79 £ Working expenses and expenditures of all -J kinds, 380,831 38 \ Nett profits, ...$998,270 41 ? Out of this there have been paid the follow- | ing large amounts: - ? Into the State Treasury, $440,000 00 | For expenses incurred by my predecessor,.... $32,304 96 -* For bonds and coupons, "7 $20,735 00 t And there is on hand now, as per Treasur- ^ er's Report, $183,233 60 For a more detailed account of expenditure#, ordinary and extraordinary, see Table of our very efficient Principal Book-keeper, Mr. Owen Lyncii, herewith transmitted. The indebtedness of the Confederate Government to this Road up to the 30th September, 1862, the end of the fiscal year, amounted to $577,864 78 ; and would have been em¬ bodied in the nett receipts of the Treasurer, had it been promptly paid. The payment, however, is expected at an early day. The Treasurer's Report, and Financial Statement of the «8S£s*»- 8 Master of Transportation, will explain themselves, and doubtless prove satisfactory ; both of which are herewith transmitted. } The past year's-business has exceeded the most sanguine | expectations of every one. } Indications at the beginning of the year did tiot fore- } shadow great success ; but seemed to portend a great dimi" | nution of the business of the Road, compared with pre- \ ceding years. ' $ Very' soon after the commencement of the year, two of • our most important bridges, across the Chickamauga river, f were burned by the incendiary enemies of our country, sub- | jecting us to heavy expenditures in having them rebuilt. 5 In consequence of this disaster, by which Rail Road^com- 5 munication with Chattanooga was cut off, we were compelled > to build a track a mile and a quarter in length, in order to • connect with the East Tennessee and Georgia RailRoad. £ For the use of six and a half miles of their Road, for seven \ or eight weeks, while our bridges were being rebuilt, we | •were charged $15,689 61; which amount is still unsettled. | If three thousand dollars, the annual amount paid by the j Atlanta and West Point Rail Road, for the use of the Macon | and Western Rail Road, from Atlanta to East Points—six ? miles, be a proper criterian by which to judge in such case, | the amount to be paid by us is, in my opinion, exhorbitant I and unjust. I The prospect became still more discouraging when the S Memphis and Charleston and the Nashville and Chattanooga j Rail Roads—two of the great feeders of this Road—were cut off. In addition to this, the corn and wheat crops for •the past year have been almost an entire failure: also, the supplies necessary to the operations of the Road, already high, were constantly advancing in price. Under these adverse circumstances, and notwithstanding the gloomy prospect at the beginning of the fiscal" year, I take great pleasure in presenting what I consider a prosper¬ ous condition of the Road and its financial affairs. Let it be remembered, that an unprecedented amount of transportation has been done for the Confederate Govern- C ment, amounting to about half of the entire business of the | Road, for the whole year. | This business has been done at the very low rates fixed by \ a Convention of Kail Road men, and a Government Officer; | which rates were about half the usual prices; showing that I this large sum has been made by doing a vast amount of € transportation, working the Road to its utmost capacity, | both night and day, during the greater portion of the year. | It is proper to remark, that, owing to the almost fabulous | prices of rail road supplies, and the advance in the price of S labor, it was deemed advisable to increase the rates of I ' | freight and passage; other Roads having done so. This Road being the property of the State of Georgia, | and her citizens having no other State property from which f they can expect any income by which to be relieved of the c burdensome taxes which they must necessarily pay; and as I our own people contribute but a small proportion to the % income of the Road, I think they have a right to expect that I this magnificent work shall be so managed as to help them I in time of need : hence some advances in freight and pas- | sage. Every exertion has been used to make this Road the \ great lever power by which the burdens of taxation might, I in some measure, be removed, and the Road made to answer I the great ends intended by the wise statesmen who origin- | ated it. I This year's heavy business has been done in extraordinary t times, amid the excitement and confusion of war ; but I am i rejoiced to state, that it has been done promptly and safely, | and with one exception, without loss of life, limb, or prop- i erty. { The case referred to, was a collision, caused by military interference; and the loss sustained by the Road, in this instance, should, I think, be paid by the Confederate Gov¬ ernment. The entire line of Road is in excellent condition. Mr. M. II. Dooly, the efficient Supervisor, reports tome, that out of the eleven hundred tons of iron rails purchased l>y your ) Excellency, between four and five hundred tons have been ) laid down, and that the balance will be laid in six or eight / months, if we can get spikes and chairs. The most of the * heavy rails which have been, and are no"\v being, taken up, > are much worn, and before being used again, will have to \ be re-rolled. This being done, there will be enough to sup- ply the requirements of the Road for several years. •; In consequence of the great scarcity of labor, caused by I the war, we have not been able to keep an abundant supply | of either wood or cross-ties ^head; a 'great many cross-ties ? having been laid down within the past few months. I think, > however, that we will be able to obtain ample supplies of | both. I Under the present Conscription* Law, if the necessary 5 number of rail road hands cannot be detailed, our only s resource will b® to employ negroes to keep up the track, and & to do much of the mechanical work. \ The bridges on the whole line of Road are in a good and I safe condition, having recently been thoroughly overhauled, > and new tressels put up, where necessary. 5 Ample arrangements have been made to procure a sufti- > cient supply of lumber to repair all the depot platforms. \ This work would have been done earlier, had it not been for * the difficulty of obtaining lumber. These repairs are now \ being made. > Our Rolling Stock of every description has been terribly \ cut up and much abused, and in many cases almost ruined, \ in the transportation of troops. Notwithstanding these S abuses, and the great destruction of property, there are pal- \ bating circumstances, which should be stated.—We are re- f quired to transport our gallant soldiers in great numbers, I and in great, haste. Close box cars were used principally, and the weather being very warm, in order to get fresh air, and prevent suffering, they cut the cars to pieces. Many 1 also rode on the tops of the cars, thereby tearing loose, and wearing out the tin coverings which cannot now be replaced. Oar cars have been pressed by the military authorities, and taken on other roads. We Have lost 180 cars; many of which are on the Mobile and Ohio Rail Road, in Mississippi, and other Roads. These are lost beyond recovery, until we have connection with these Roads. Doubtless many are destroyed, and never can be recovered. I trust the Confederate Government will, at the proper time, make good these losses to the Road. Up to this time, we have been able to keep our motive power in good running order; but the difficulty of getting supplies for our Engine and Machine Shops, of the various kinds absolutely necessary, is now being seriously felt. For a more satisfactory account of the condition of our motive power, and the capacity, operations, &c., of each en. gine, I refer you to the very elaborate report of our efficient Master Machinist, Mr. John II. Flynn, herewith transmitted The Committee appointed by the House of Representa tives, at its last session, to examine into the condition of the Road, have performed that duty. Their investigation Was a very thorough one, and their labors arduous. Their Report will, doubtless, throw much light on the condition of the Road, its management, &c., such as I could not give in this Annual Report. It was gratifying to me that such an exam¬ ination mas made, and will, I trust, be also to the citizens of the State, on their seeing the Report of the Committee. The labor of the officers and hands on the Road has, diu*. ing the greater portion of the year, been unusually heavy. They have worked almost night and day for months together; and the successful management of the owing, in a great measure, to the energy and faithfulness with which they have performed their arduous duties. For the great assistance thus rendered me by both officers and laborers, I return my sincere thanks. Having been authorized by an Act of the last Legislature to issue change bills, and, as Superintendent, sign the same, I entered upon the performance of that duty, and found that it would consume the greater portion of my time,, and that by reason of such employment, I conid not attend to the j more important requirements of the Road. I stated these > facts to your Excellency ; whereupon, by your order, I em- j ployed William Gresham to sign the bills for me; which | duty he performed neatly and satisfactorily. For the proper | understanding of that branch of the business, I refer you to | the Report of Mr. William Gkisham, which is herewith \ transmitted. 1 Should the Legislafure deem it proper to continue the | issuing of change bills by the Road, I respectfully suggest ] the propriety of the passage of an Act authorizing the issue 5 of bills of the denomination of $2, $5, and $10, in addition | to the authority already given. This would save an immense / amount of labor in signing bills, answer a most excellent | purpose in making change for the payment of the employees \ of the Road, and become a good and safe circulating me- *jj dium—probably the best in the country. 1 think, also, that j the issue of each denomination should be properly limited, i as heretofore. | During the short time I have been connected with this | Road, I am more firmly fixed in the opinion, which I have \ jong entertained, that it is the greatest State investment in | this Government, and that, under proper management, it f becomes an inestimable blessing to every citizen of our great I State, and that it will be a lasting monument to the wise j and good men who originated the great work. Respectfully submitted, JOHN S. ROWLAND, gup't. b The Gross Earnings from Sep. 30, 1861 to Sep. 30,1862, $1,379,101 79 The Working Expenses, (see table,).. $378,568 76 The Repairs of Buildings, 3,263 62— $380,831 38 Nett profits from the business of the present year, $998,270 41 Amount paid into the State Treasury,.. .$440,000 00 There has been paid since September 30, 1861, expenses in¬ curred under former Administration, $32,304 96 The above amouiit of working expenses includes the amount paid for new rail road iron, spikes, «&c., $63,420 98 E^IFUNTXlXrG-iS of t1ie WEHTEKN & ATLANTIC 11AIL HO AD, For the Yeah ending September 30, 1862. Octob., 1861, Novem., u Decem, " Jan., . 1862. Febr., " Mabcii, \ " April, * May, June, " July' u August, " Septem., m From Freight. $40,680 45,146 70,525 69,051 60,264 56,935 44,797- 39,437 30,079 37,605 37,974 39,105 23 From Pass, and Trans, of Troops and Baggage. From Mails. 25,962 45 23,509 78 21,751 39 21,584 97 30,890 99, 59,961 401 59,843 35! 53,531 11| 68,512 08 74' 138,134 64 83 168,305 25 64, 74,510 32 Totai I 571,605 41; 746,497 73 1,437 5C 1,437 50 1,437 50 1,437 50 1,437 50 1,437 50 1,437 50 1,437 50 1,437 50 1,437 50 1,437 50 1,437 50 17,250 00 From Miscellan. 281 50 164 10 1,579 30 1,677 52 104 10 1,024 64 523 05 4,355 98 3,260 94 4,303 70 715 40 25,758 42 Total. $68,361 68 70,258 35 95,294 07 93,751 38 92,676 44 119,359 02 106,601 35 98,782 58 103,290 48 181,481 58 208,432 98 140,811 88 43,748 65 1,379,101 79 I yij-'"' 10 Crrasunr's Report. TREASURER'S OFFICE, W. & A. R. R., ) Atlanta, Ga., October, 1862-. f His Excellency, .Iopeimi E. Bhown, Milk-dgeville, Georgia: Sir : —Herewith. 1 hand you a statement showing (he entire annual receipts and disbursements of the Treasury, for the fiscal year ending September 30th, 1862. RKOEIl'XH. Cask balance oil liaud September 30th, 18G1, $ 63,091 30 Received from Passengers, 301,669 46 u " Freight, other Roads and Miscellaneous,.. 729,523 43 Change Billls issued,.. 89,062 20 41 Confederate States,. 41,284 28 " Post Office Department U. S., 1,062 97 u Post Office Department €. 9. A'., 34,103 47 44 Southern Express Company, 18,743 90 $1,278,541 01 MSKUKSEMKNTS. Paid Expenses incurred prior to September 30, 1861, $ 32,062 01 " - " for year ending September 30,1862, (includ¬ ing $62,42 500 for iron rails, and freight from Savannah on same,) 378,568 76 Paid Repairs of Buildings, prior to 30th September, 1861,.. 242 95 " " " for year ending 30th Sept., 1862, 2,262 62 " Bonds of Road due 1st January, 1862, 20,00d 00 u Coupons,.... 735 00 •' Other Roads 219,974 67 " Paper, Printing, and Clerk's Hire for Change Bills,... 1,461 40 Captain John Jones, State Treasurer, 440,000 00 Ba'ance cash on hand 30th Septamber, 1862, 183,233 60 $1,278,541 01 Respectfully submitted, BEN. MAY, Treasurer. 11 FINANCIAL STATEMENT, For the Fiscal Year ending September 30tii, 18(52. Cash in Treasurer's bands, September 30th, 1861,. Balance due by Confederate States, September 30tli, 1861, [ " • u Post Office Dep't U. S., Sep. 30th, 1861,.. « « " « C.aA, Sep. 30th, 1861, f w •' " former Agents, September 30th, T861,. " " " Agents, September 30th, 1861,. w " u "connecting Roads, September 30th, 1861,. Bills Receivable, (Notes,) September 30th, 1861, Due connecting Roads, September 30th, 1862,. H Agents, "... u Post Office Department 0. S. A., ._ Issue of Change Bills,, Gross Earnings for the year ending Sept. 30th, 1862,. Paid Expenses from Sep. 30,1861 to Sep. 30, 1862, •* Repairs of Buildings, * - „, * w Bonds Redeemed, and Coupons, ... •w Stata Treasurer,. Balance due other Roads, September 30th, 1861, ... « - ^ by former Agents, September 30th r 1862, u **■ w Agents,...,.., " ^ " other Roads • " * " Post Office Department U. S.,.......... Bills Receivable, (Notes on Hand,},*. ;... ...... Balance due by Confederate States, .... Paid for Note iPaper and signing Change Bills,. - "* Contingent Account of former Chattanooga Agent,. " Cash in Treasurer's Hands, 63,091 30 12,592 38 9,138 59 4,328 30 44,910 17 14,659 17 ' 72,556 23 3,654 83 ' 52,981 41 137 41 12,525 17 89,062 20 1,379,101 79 $ 1,758,739 05 $ 410,630 77 2,505 57 20,735 00 440,000 00 18,855 89 44,100 18 13,261 81 30,598 25 * 8,075 62 8,654 8^ • 577,864 78 1,461 40 8,761 35 183,283 60 Th asportation Office, W. & A. R. " R,) - Atlanta, Ga.. Sept. 80th, 1863. f- * - KB. WALKER, Iastbr,, Tbansportatiok, $1,758,739 05 Showing Earnings from Freight Received at each Station, and Delivered to Connecting Roads. 18651. 1862. STATIONS, Received at Atlanta-!,. " Marietta.!,. " Acworth " AUatoona.., " Etowah. .... ,... Carters ville " Cass " Kingston.., " Adairsville . „ ** Calhoun " Resacca. " Tilton , " Dalton 14 " Tunnel Hill t ** "Ringgold M " Johnson " " Chiokamauga " Chattanooga., ... *' " Kendrick Delivered to Rome Rail Road.. " B. T. and G. R. B. " " N. and 0. R. R..., " " M. and C. R. R...„ " " Georgia Rail Roac " " M. and W. R. R.,, " " A. and W. P. R. R a 14 C 8 A . " ** State of Georgia. Revived from South.'Expr, Co, TOTAfc ....... October. Nov. Dec. $4,196. 85 1,120 31 T3 71 172 16 643 32 245 16 40 48 78 50 49 02 124 75 23 03 23 99 871 91 48 90 226 70 5 91 7 60 446 " . 610 94 1.114 10 2,960 11 8,690 89 9,640 8ft 2,b'77 98 3,762 H 6,729 52 1,500 00 4,577 1,463 65 84 574 191 47 190 89 87 14 25 368 45 367 5 04 i 10,132 07 481 23 741 S3 670 43 1.6S2 S2 5,543 48 12,139 53 3,071 95 4,002 86 7,978 19 131 89 5l>0 00 1,678 19 84 29 158 55 785 22 326 07 225 84 217 57 211 04 276 2S 52 03 69 37 844 85 149 83 514 31 14 98 S 41 527 t'6 963 3,249 1,341 6,486 13,987 6,446 10,1 S3 9,765 1,074 2,760 Jan. 12,243 40 1,541 99 138 10 330 95 882 49 433 90 t 86 82 203 14 134 73 265 57 76 30 78 70 820 59 187 41 808 69 20 S3 8 88 5b7 47 1.151 31 2,291 64 1,763 82 2.579 72 [18.170 78 5,312 05 6,402 81 7,919 10 8.308 80 861 90 Feb. 9.508 58 1,097 92 91 22 147 S3 464 70 204 08 14 82 69 40 65 76 156 87 30 86 15 98 1,067 18 46 79 297 25 14 87 10 51 725 29 830 26 1,928 82 1,207 SI 2,873 02 11,192 19 4,857 95 2,917 39 15,743 92 812 13 3,852 00 March. ■ April. 10,823 04 1.117 24 84 97 90 27 782 94 199 13 74 41 164 42 81 13 105 87 26 68 21 94 £34 64 37 74 109 52 89 12 3 77 471 98 IS U 722 12 1,K4 97 £4 59 41 12 8,906 05 6,716 92 2,564 20 21,210 47 147 29 7E0 00 May. 6,185 21 828 28 57 80 83 80 985 62 368 88 84 59 91 50 i 27 78] 173 €9! 14 73 6 85 432 25 89 28 S90 76 47 1 50| 418 361 51 881 678 C4i 2,926 48 58 38 25 S6' 8,011 86 4,917 80 2,906 65 14,309 58 98 04 750 00 9,076 92 1,084 11 128 97 90 03 475 70 4® 21 85 00 128 16 61 45 111 29 H 44 10 32 406 27 74 52 176 14 57 12 8 31 681 22 P5 72 471 27 1,743 €3 4,101 28 1,846 17 1,848 87 15,986 88 • 18 49 760 00 ,40,680 23' 45,146 97' 70,525 88 69,051 89 60.243 S5 66,935 48 44,797 45j 89,457 99 30,079 96! 87,605 74| 67,974 88 89,105 641571,605 41 June. 6,841 97 1,285 02 89 67 61 86 809 14 897 81 143 62 160 75 14 29 141 52 18 79 14 68: 818 44 66 10 143 88 20 65 $ 42 419 43 60 45 808 24 1,223 06 2,937 11 1,112 46 396 82 11,757 53 78 90 780 00 July. 6,935 91 1,045 85 8 91 275 64 «57 19 266 06 73 80 85 30 22 24 187 77 5 34 16 27 245 OS 18 62 61 21 • 9 58 2 95 489 16 5 61 Prs 17 1,907 68 8,019 87 1,085 70 800 g5 16,867 54 43 94 8,010 00 Te tal. 2,915 22 712 61 758 44 21,280 41 47 20 750 00 & O. ILYISrCH, Book-Keeper. 13 'EXPENSES OF WORKING AND MAINTAINING THE ROAD, From September 30, 186.1, to September 30, 18g2. On Account op Transportation : For Stationery and Printing,™ u Loss and Damage, " Stock killed,. " Wages of Train-hands, La- ■ borers, and Watehmen,.. Conductors,. Mails, Incidentals,.,. Motive Power. For Water Stations, " Wood,... " Oil and TalW „ u - Materials, " Wages, of Machinists, En¬ gineers, and Firemen, Maintenance op Wat. For Wages of Supervisor & La¬ borers, 44 Tools,.. " Repairs of Bridges & Trest. " Timber, 44 New Rails, Spikes, & Frogs, 44 Incidentals, ......... Maintenance op Cars. For Labor.. " Materials, ... " Oil and Tallowv For Prior Administrat. For Present Administrate Total. $ 91 00 205 75 r505 00 $ 2,018 84 2,110 71 6,358 55 2,682 20 23,838 22 4,313 15 63 15 49,818 23 158 09 1,153 49 $ 7,860 25 $ 85,506 13 $ 93,366 38 $ 482 37 1,660 50 338 51 1,237 05 $ 4,237 46 '31,443 71 8,072 00 8,014 67 5,304 70 66,645 59 9,023 13 $118,413 43 ! $127,436 56 $ 5,056 72 . 62 88 215 57 872 20 4,714 38 153 30 $ 53,168 70 315 99 13,847 50! 9,869 15 63,420 98 484 16 11,075 05 $141,106 48 $152,181 53 $ 1,194 55 1,077 58 562 30 $ 14,562 77 7,590 10 4,915.70 General Expenses. For Salaries of Superintendent, Treasurer, Auditor, and Law Exj ensesr . $ 2,834 43l $ 27,068 57 $ 29,903 00 \ Total,... $ 1,269 15! $ 6,474 15 $ 32.060 01) $278,568 76 $410,630 77 $ 7,743 30 OWEN LYNCH, Book keeper. f f 14 EXPENSES FOR DEPOT BUILDINGS, &C., From September 30th, 1861, to September 30th, 1862. On Account of Depot Buildings : For Ag'ts, Fr't, and Div. Houses, " Tanks, Wells & W'd Bheds, For Right of Way, For Bonds redeemed, & Coup'ns, Total, .Recapitulation of Payments ■ MADE BY TBRASURER. For Working Expenses, &c., " Depot Buildings, " Bonds redeemed & Coupons " Balance to other Roads " Expenses on Change Bills,.. To State Treasurer, Total,. For Prior Administ'n. For Present Administr'n. Total. $ 242 95 $ 2,254 62 8 60 $ 242 95 $ 2,262 62 $ 2,505 57 $20,735 00 • $ 20,735 00 $20,977 95 $2,2262 62 $ 23,240 57 $32,062 01 242 95 20,735 00 13,374 98 $378,568 76 2,262 62 206,599 69 1,461 40 440,000 00 $66,414 94 $1,028,892 47 $1,095,307 41 $ ft 6T I • 15 | Mcstern £ SWanlic XI. $anf; ^rnart. i * 5 t j To John S. Rowland, I Superintendent of tho W. & A. R. H.: £ i ' Sir :-*-Below I hand you a statement of tho number and araonnt of 5 Change Bills issued, with an account, go far as asceitained, ot their cost, \ from the beginning of January last to tho 1st instant; of which you \ signed 26,010, of the value of $8,550 10, before I commenced signing, e which are included in the annexed table. S 14,541 Bills of One Dollar, $14,541 00 I 106,132 " Fifty Cents, 53,065 50 s. 72,126 " '* Twenty-five Cents, 18,031 50 S 25,332 " Ten Cents,.: 2,533 20 | 17,820 " Five Cents, 89100 # _ j 235,950 Bills, amounting to $89,062 20 | ExpensesPaid for Paper, Printing, and Clerk Hire, $1,461 40 i Respectfully submitted, i WM. GRI8HAM. - October 1,1862. TABLE, Showing the Principal Freight Shipped from each Station for the year ending September 30thy 1S62. Bales of Cot'n Bush's of Cora and Meal. Bush's of Wheat B 'h's i'ot's Rye P's & Oats Pounds Bacon Butter Lard & Tallow. Bush nf Lime % Pounds of Bar Iron. Pounds of Pig • Iron. Pou'ds of Cas'gs Bbls. of Flour Sacks of Flour Bales of Hay. Feet of Lu'b'r Bbls of W'y No. Cat'e Hor'a and Mul's No.' of Hogs and She'p I)ozs. of Egg3. C'ils of Il'pe Bush's i Pou'ds of 1 of Coal. Cop'er Po'ds' of L'h'r. B'es of Do¬ mes tics. Bbls. 'of Beef and Pork. Po'ds of Mar¬ ble. Pou'ds of Paper Pound of Sugar* Molasses and Sundries Marietta Acworth Allatoona Etowah Cartersvllle Cass Kingston Adalrs villa Calhoun Kesaca Tilton Dalton Tunnel Hill Ringgold Johnson Chickam'ga Chattanooga Rome k a ) B T A 8 R R J RAcrb j Vtoil J 59 130 88 840 8 309 T 419 64 26 37 2721 T55 34 6&5i 2288 6378 922 11740 380 6608 5651 80897 18755 1803 6627 11250 81010 186T 9045 11167 91578 23851 1403 5101 75 22957 15575 ?109 28269 80493 6480 2436 9061 9974 17333 790 1668 27277 62266 85764 1397 535 7ft 279 208 1613 8588 873 2345 2245 4093 T72 14591 14996 13351 501924 21387 890 5676 39995 17770 ■ 42268 97515 59658 21050 18963 1463153 52046 366828 22792 4196842 5390921 8880472 12320 37699 ■ 1781534 14711 750 60753 712000 5040000 23600 706820 1851692 5S854 5890 206102 11342 S6890 29635 1S03 11732 4658 223 791 4787 S 481 J 90 7092 5 as 2882 35823 2752 4140 469 6885 1366 744 171 6997 2429 3284 71S 31 4456 707 1392 87 ' 10 8789 25451 2000 65 90 71 35 231 253 402 1407 12934 6836 j89400 109402 170 57 45 81 12 86 1 1611 100 5235 78 12 361 264 992 7 • 2 0 258(5 7 770 2 £5129 672 477 53 11 845 26 60 1478 4 1128 5 10S60 860 1920 94 800 9255 50 2422 2021 159 3192 28690 439340 749921 104604 30S99 79' 1181 114*6 707 12588 87419 4381 289 1S11 9 52 255 2655 12461 28736 4678 i 522823 724AOU 409760 164325 83658 2T699U 37748T3 3254419» ^ , Total 2988 205058 29903t 61664 21195151 50019 1857748 7836112 361253 60375 65616 21824 748702 7898 11849 15747 12121 4872 46S080 854525 95077 4670 17248I2S409 522823 87977807 rfora. All Freight Shipped from N. & C. R. R,, is Translilppsd at Chattanooga by Chattanooga Agent, and Freight from E. T. & G. R. R., Is Transhipped at Dalton by Dalton Agent. O. LYNCH, Book-Keeper. LOCOMO ^Giving the Karnes and Character of Engines; wh Cost of Repairs ; Wo. of Miles Run ; with t Tallow and Waste / Cars han NAMES or ENGINES WHEN PUT UPON BY WHOM BUILT. THE ROAD. USE. Jan. 185:3 Mc'h 1853 Jan. 1S54 Feb. 1655 Nov. 1855 Rogers, Ketchum k Grosvenor Freight. Norris k Brothers. I " M. W. Baldwin. 'Switching. Rogers, Ketchum k Grosvenor' Lumber. M. W. Baldwin. (Switching. " " [freight. Nor lis k Brothers. " !b. a. r. r. * " " Freight. M. W. Baldwin. " Rogers, Ketchum & Grcsrenor " M. W. Baldwin. " Amoskeog Manufacturing Co. Switching. Norris & Brothers. Rogers, Ketchum k Grosvenor Pastt ngcr. Anderson k Souther. Rogers, Ketchum k Grosvenor' YONAH...... |Ap'l 1S49 TOCCOA ' Aug. mo WALDEN May 1850 KENNESAW.. CHATTAHOOCHEE. Dec. 1S51 CARRAIIEE iMc'hlh.VJ ETOWAH | Feb. 1852 LOOK OUT Mc'h 185: COOSAWATTEE.... | " NORTH CAROLINA JunelS.%2 JACK MORGAN.... I Dec. 1852 SOUTH CAROLINA. INDIANA NEW HAMPSHIRE. PENNSYLVANIA.. GEORCIA LOUISIANA MAZEPPA.. CORSAIR NEW YORK FLYING NSLLY JOEL CRAWFORD.. GAZELLE GOVERNOR PRESIDENT VIRGINIA iDec. 1855 GENERAL Jan. 1*56 JOE BROWN IFeb. 1856 SENATOR Ap'l 1856 CHIEFTAIN.. J. W. LEWIS. NICKA.TACK. ENTERPRISE. COMMERCE.. EXPRESS Aug. lf-56'Danforth, Cooke k Co. KENTUCKY 'Oct. lt-56 TEXAS I " " DISPATCH " *' CHOCTAW iNov. 16?6 CHICKASAW I " EXCEL 'Jan. 1S57 CATOOSA I " " 9WIFTSURE IFeb. 1857 CONOSEEN Mc'h 185" MISSOURI I " " STONEWALL Sep. 18G0. Freif 1/t. Danforth, Cooke k Co. Rogers, Ketchum & Grosvenor Rebuilt by W. k A. R. R. Rogers, Ketchum & Grosvenor " M. W. Baldwin & Co. " uanforth, Cooke k Co. May l$<*i6 Ncriis k Brothers. M. W. Baldwin & Co. Rogers' Locomotive Works. Freight. Switching. Passenger. « Freight. Passenger. Freight. Passenger. Freight. Western & Atlantic Railroad. Freight. Passenger. Freight. Repairs of Engines $16,975 08 Miles run by Engines 542,253 Cords of Wood used by Engines... 14,403 fe TABLE, t the Road; hj whom Built; Uae ; Present Condition A3 Miles run to Cord of Wood; Gals, of Oil, Lbs of c) j year ending September 30t/i, 1862. ' PRESENT CONDITIO N- c o a T|NO. or MILES ItKP'KS ECN. NO. OV M1LE8 RUN TO CORD OK GAL OFjLB. OF LB. OF WOOD. | OIL. ITAL'W, | WASTJC CARS HAULED. Loaded. I Em. Needing Repairs. In Good Order. (> Needing Repairs. ■G In Good Order. 6 " " 6 " 6 Needing Repairs. ^In Good Order. 6 Needing Repairs. 6 In Good Order. In Shop for rep'rs. i In Good Order. I > Rebuilding'. < In Good Order. In Shop for rep'rs, In Good Order. [Needing Repairs. In Good Order. 7,200 14.8SS 7,92!) 5,093 7,182 5,806 13,121 6,195 9,612 11,287 9,638 14,210 15,676 3,4h0 15,2W> y,7v4 " 4,<°82 IS,466 7,928 22,214 389 50 11,744: C 66 601 20,302 K97 10) 4,073 1007731 8,166 229 75 29,6921 1S0203 1,716 463 15 8,166 821 75 2,152! M7 82l *22 10 20,680 509 20 ft,041 483 80 10,974' ioi ool las' 462 07110,702. 137 90 14,S80 357 30 24,600 162 05 16,258 605 0b 10,780 801 37' Is,867 882 10 21,786 127 20 82,384' 2S4 43 28,342' 103355 10,556 57 1811,2081 89},' 275% 74 128% 924 470 40% 94% 128 214% Not Kept. N't k't 34 139% 59% 72% " 39>; 237 % 06 73 106% " " ti 29 189% 54 >3 130% " " u 41 238% 64,-3 122% 903 84 30 H 206% 64% 147% 447 203 33 274% 74. 145% 871 336 86% 208 104 178% 220 88 59 401% 535 459 Not Kept. N't k't 45 864% 84=3' 268 " 32% 257 71% 146% 1324 523 87^4 24-5^ 50 109 223 161 27% 263% 63% 121% 1216 851 59% 256 74% 120 476 24 76 272% 72% 81 >4 197 41 264 70% 125 1434 556 41 % 1"*4% 87 149% Not Kept. N'tk'fc 54>; 267# 80 135% 1064 111 5<»^ 279% 80% 145 . 497 12 82% 2S2 70 144 2181 916 36,1% 236 60 123% 477 147 39 220% 57% 118% 491 37% 316 84% 24% 170% 2346 547 80 107 61% 203 77 29 - 227 61 125=3 718 516 33 179% 46% 86 238 102 31 275% 50% 125% 2810 1658 28% 218 57% 129% 1463 726 27% 260 68% 132 1112 624 69 4 31 267% 71% 153 1016 694 mi 270% 68 K 144% 1319 1052 51% 319>sf 94% 104% 1230 27 451% 65% 135% 1778 838 567 27% 239% 59 134% 1249 80% 224% 59% 115 1902 1150 38 283 82 159' 1493 445 56^ 33 •!,{ 245;H 82% 157 1574 18 280% 77% 151X 2086 537 88% 251% 65 135% 879 190 37% 373% 69 133% 1011 428 <5 JOHN H. FLYNN, Master 3,fachinistr Western <& Atlantic Rail Road.