RULES of the GENERAL CONFERENCE of the A. M. E. CHURCH # * COLLECTED AND PUBLISHED BY E. W. LA MPT ON, D. D., FINANCIAL SECRETARY Rnlt$ of General Conference, i$96. RULES OF PROCEDURE. We, the General Conference of the A. M. E. Church, in session assembled, do hereby enact the following Rules of Procedure, in the place and stead of Section II, as pub¬ lished in Discipline 1892, page 397 : OPENING PROCEEDINGS AND DAILY ORDER. Rule I.—On the first day of the session the Bishops, General Officers, Delegates and Alternates shall assemble at 9 A. M., at a place to bte fixed by the Council of Bish¬ ops, in conjunction with the Local Com¬ mittee of Arrangements, and at 9.45 A. M. they shall proceed to the place of meeting in the following order: Bishops, General Officers, Delegates and Alternates, begin¬ ning with the Conference first organized and continuing in the order of seniority. Rule II.—At 10 A. M. the senior Bishop shall call the Conference to order, and it 4 Rules of General Conference, 1896. shall continue in session until the program arranged by the Council of Bishops, 111 conjunction with the Local Committee of Arrangements, shall be disposed of; pro¬ vided, however, that the morning hours shall be devoted to public worship, the Quadrennial Sermon, and the organization of the Conference, and thereafter an ad¬ journed session shall be held the same day for the addresses of welcome and the re¬ sponses thereto. Rule III.-—The Conference shall meet daily from 9 A. M. to 12 M., and from 2 P. M. to 5 P. M., unless otherwise ordered. Rule IV.—The Presiding Bishop shall take the chair precisely at the hour of meeting, and the following shall be the Order of Business : (1) Devotional exercises. (2) Reading of the Journal of the preced¬ ing day. (3) Reconsideration. (4) Matters affecting the organization of the Conference. (5) Appointment of Committees. Rules of General Conference, 1896. 5 (6) Communications from the Bishops and General Officers. (7) Fraternal Greetings from other relig¬ ious bodies and responses thereto. (8) Unfinished business. (9) Reports of Committees. (10) Resolutions, petitions, memorials and appeals. (11) Hearings upon appeals. (12) Miscellaneous business. SPECIAL ORDERS. Rule Y.—The Quadrennial Address and the reports of the General Officers shall be made on the second day of the session; and the same shall be the special order on that day, and from day to day until they are all made; and they shall be referred to the appropriate committees without debate. Rule VI. — The Presiding Bishop shall strictly require the order or orders of the day to be taken up and considered at the appointed time, unless otherwise ordered by a two-thirds vote; and the consideration of any order may be interrupted, or post¬ poned, at any stage, by a two-thirds vote. 6 Rules of General Conference, 1896. SEATS OF DELEGATES. Rule VII.—The Conference shall fix its bar. Rule VIII.—The seats "of Delegates and Alternates shall be located by Episcopal Districts ; and the Conference in each Dis¬ trict shall be entitled to choose seats ac¬ cording to seniority. Rule IX.—No member shall be recog¬ nized by the Presiding Bishop unless he addresses him from the seat of his Confer¬ ence or District; but he may leave it while addressing the Conference. Rule X.—Any member refusing to take his seat or come to order, when ordered to do so by the Presiding Bishop, may be sus¬ pended by a two-thirds vote of the Confer¬ ence, unless he makes to the Presiding Bishop an apology, satisfactory to the Con¬ ference. RESTRICTIONS AS TO SPEAKING. Rule XI.—No member shall be interrup¬ ted while speaking except by the Presiding Rules of General Conference, 1896. Bishop calling liim to order, when he de¬ parts from the question, or uses personal¬ ities, or uses discourteous language. Rule XII.—No member shall be allowed to speak upon any question more than ten minutes, unless by a majority vote of the Conference; nor shall any member be al¬ lowed to speak more than once upon the same subject, unless no other member de sires to speak upon it; nor shall any mem¬ ber be allowed to speak more than twice upon the same subject, unless by a majority vote of the Conference. Rule XIII.—AY hen any member rises to speak the Presiding Bishop shall announce his name and his Conference. ABSENCE AND VOTING. Rule XIV.—No member shall absent himself from the Conference without per¬ mission from the Presiding Bishop, unless on account of sickness, or other unavoidable circumstances: and the Conference shall be the final judge of the sufficiency of all ex¬ cuses. 8 ■ Rules of General Conference, 1896. . Rule XV.—No member shall be allowed to vote 011 a question who is not within the bar at the time when the question is stated by the Presiding Bishop, or before the com¬ pletion of a roll call, except by a majority vote of the Conference. Rule XVI.— Every member who shall be within the bar at the time a question is put shall vote, unless excused by the Confer ence. MEMORIAL SERVICES. Rule XYII.—All memorial and other re¬ ligious services or exercises shall be held at such evening sessions as the Council of Bishops, in conjunction with the Local Committee of Arrangements, may deem best. REVISION OF THE DISCIPLINE. Rule XYIII.—All proposed amendments to the Discipline shall be read before the Conference, and shall lie over until the day following its first reading, or the same shall be referred to the appropriate committee, before any action shall be taken thereon ; Rules of General Conference, 1896. 9 and before finally adopting an amendment the same shall receive three readings before the Conference. This rule shall not be suspended, except by unanimous consent, unless on the last day of the session by a two-thirds vote. Rule XIX.—The Committee on Revision of the Discipline, after the first week of the session, shall make a partial report each day, and the same shall be considered by the Conference daily at 2 P. M., or as other¬ wise ordered. QUESTIONS OF ORDER Rule XX.—The Presiding Bishop shall decide all questions of order subject to an appeal to the Conference; but in case of such an appeal, only the Presiding Bishop and the appellant shall be heard. COMMITTEES. Rule XXI.—The Presiding Bishop shall appoint all committees not otherwise or¬ dered, but any member may decline to serve on more than one committee at the io Rules of General Conference, i8g6. same time, unless upon a special committee, and every committee shall choose its own chairman. Rule XXII.—Each committee shall re¬ port to the Secretary of the Bishops' Coun¬ cil and to the Secretary of the Conference the name of its Chairman and Secretary and its place of meeting. Rule XXIII.—A reasonable time shall be given for the minority to report before final action upon the majority' report. MOTIONS. Rule XXIV.—All motions and resolu¬ tions shall be reduced to Avriting upon the demand of the Presiding Bishop, Secretary or any three members. Rule XXY.—When a motion is made and seconded, or a report is read or is presented to the Secretary, or stated by the Presiding Bishop, it shall be deemed in possession of the Conference; but any motion may be withdrawn by the member making it at any time before decision or amendment, by per¬ mission of a majority vote of the Conference. Rules of General Conference, 1896. 11 Rule XXYI.—No new motion shall be made or resolution offered until the one under consideration is disposed of, except a motion to adjourn, to lay on the table, for the previous question, for indefinite post¬ ponement, to refer to committee, to post¬ pone to a definite period, to recommit, or an amendment, or a substitute. Rule XXYII.—A motion to adjourn, to lay on the table, for a previous question, shall be decided without debate of any kind, but a motion to adjourn cannot be made (1) while a member is speaking; (2) while the Conference is voting, or (3) after a vote in favor of the previous question has been taken, nor until the main question has been decided. A motion to adjourn to a definite time is debatable. Rule XXYIII.—The previous question shall not be put until two members shall have been heard, one in favor and one in opposition thereto. Rule XXIX.—No reconsideration of any of the proceedings of the Conference shall be in order on the day following unless notice of motion is given on the day such 12 Rules of General Conference, 1896. proceedings are had. or before the approval of the Journal on the following day. Rule XXX.—A motion prevailing by a two-thirds vote to lay upon the table a motion to reconsider disposes of the matter for the session, and it cannot be renewed except by unanimous consent or unless 011 the last day of the session, when the same may be brought up by a two-thirds vote. PRIVILEGED QUESTIONS. Rule XXXI.— The following are privi¬ leged questions, and shall have precedence in the order named: (1) Adjournment; (2) Matters affecting the rights of the Confer¬ ence as a body—its safety, dignity and the integrity of its proceedings ; (3) The rights, reputation and conduct of the members in¬ dividually in their respective capacity: (4) Orders of the day. Rule XXXII.—When any question of order is l'aised, all other business must be suspended until the point is settled. The Presiding Bishop must decide the point without allowing debate of any kind; but Rules of General Conference, 1896. 13 an appeal may be taken from his decision to the Conference and the same shall be debatable. Rule XXXIII.—A point of order involves a supposed breach of the Rules or the rights of the Conference as a body, or of the mem¬ bers individually in their respective capac¬ ity, or a special order; and no member shall interrupt another speaking except to make such point of order. Rule XXXIY.—The Conferences shall appear m all records according to seniority upon demand of any one Conference and a majority vote of the General Conference, and such demand may be made at any time. GENERAL MATTERS. Rule XXXY.—The Secretary shall re¬ cord the proceedings of the Conference without comments of any kind, compli¬ mentary or otherwise. Rule XXXVI.—111 the case of permanent absence, or total disability of the principal, the name of the alternate shall be placed upon the roll, and he shall take the place of 14 Rules of General Conference, 1896. his principal upon all committees, unless otherwise ordered. Rule XXXVII.—A bulletin board shall be provided by the Local Committees of Arrangements, and shall be placed in a con¬ spicuous place convenient of access, and all notices shall be posted thereon. Rule XXXVIII.—The yeas and nays shall be called upon the demand of one- third of the members present. Rule XXXIX. — No ballot shall be counted that does not contain the proper initials of a member, if two or more mem¬ bers of the same surname shall be candi¬ dates for the same office. Rule XL.—The General Officers shall be elected in the order of seniority, beginning with the Bishops. Rule XLI.—All resolutions shall appear in the minutes at the place where final ac¬ tion thereon is recorded. Rule XLII.—The duty of the Marshals shall be to protect the bar of the Confer¬ ence from persons not entitled to enter it, and to assist the Presiding Bishop in keep¬ ing order, when requested so to do. Rules of General Conference, 1896. 15 Rule XLIII.—No Rule shall be sus¬ pended or altered except by a two-thirds vote of the members present. Rule XLIY.—These rules shall govern the proceedings of each ensuing General Conference, unless otherwise ordered. Rule XLY. — Reed's Parliamentary Rules shall be the authority upon all points not covered by the foregoing Rules. Approved: H. M. Turner, W. J. Gaines, Ben.j. W. Arnett, B. T. Tanner, A. Grant, J. A. Handy, B. F. Lee, M. B. Halter. Bishops. T. McCants Stewart, J. W. Beckett, James A. Davis, A. A. Williams, J. M. Goodloe, W. M. Thomas, B. W. Roberts, D. S. Bentley, P. A. Hubbard. M. M. Moore. Committee.